Camper Handbook


Camper Handbook
 Camper Handbook
Camper Handbook 1 Dear Parents & Campers,
Welcome to the Camp Sternberg Family! We are confident that you will
have an enjoyable and fun-filled summer. As we expect our campers to
act in a manner that is consistent with that of a ​
Bas Yisroel​
, the
following guidelines must be adhered to while you are attending Camp
1. Respect towards both staff and peers.
2. Respect for both camp and individual property as reflected
in not writing on walls or defacing camp’s or campers’
belongings in any way, etc.
3. Camp Sternberg, Pioneers and Camp Anna Heller are focused
on nurturing a ​
and Torah filled environment for our
campers. As fashion dictated by the secular culture around
us has become the antithesis of our Jewish values,
guidelines for the required manner of dress are listed in this
4. Campers agree not to post pictures of other campers or staff
members anywhere on the Internet, both during and after
the summer.
We look forward to spending the summer together, ​
Once you are accepted as a camper to Camp Sternberg, you are
agreeing to abide by the rules listed in this camper handbook.
Camper Handbook 2 The Dates of Camp are:
First Session:
Wednesday, June 24 - Tuesday, July 21
Second Session: Wednesday, July 22 - Tuesday, August 18
Visiting Day: Sunday, July 12
Visiting Day: Sunday, August 2
Six Week Session: Wednesday, June 24 - Tuesday, August 4
Our History:
Named for Dr. H. Melmuth Sternberg of Williamsburg, Camp Sternberg has defined and made
breakthrough innovations in camping for frum girls since its founding by Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald in 1965.
Over 50 years, close to 55,000 girls have attended Camp Sternberg.
Mission Statement:
The SHMA camping experience, consisting of Camp Sternberg, Pioneers, Camp Anna Heller, Camp
Avraham Chaim Heller, and Camp Mogen Avraham, nurtures a Torah environment where we offer our
campers exciting, fun-filled summer activities. Every program is designed to challenge each camper to
grow to the next level of who he or she can become. Campers have the time of their lives, and forge
amazing relationships with friends and staff from all over the world.
Overview of Camp Program:
Camp Sternberg’s ​
Campus ​
program is especially designed for girls currently in 3-6th grades. Each division
is tailor- made to meet the needs of the specific age group. Our ​
Freshies ​
are girls completing grades 3
and 4. ​
Sophies ​
are completing 5​
grade, and ​
Juniors ​
are completing 6​
. Girls meet new friends from all
over America and the globe while enjoying a huge variety of activities designed to give them a fun-filled
time and instill self-confidence. Your daughter will have the chance to experience camp activities ranging
from sports, water park, boating, arts-n-crafts, night activities and much more!
Our ​
Pioneer ​
program takes the Sternberg experience to the next level with life-changing programs for 7th
and 8th grade girls, founded by our own camping “pioneer,” Rabbi Ronnie Greenwald over 30 years ago.
Together with girls from all over America and the world, our girls enjoy tons of exciting and challenging
pioneering activities which show them that they can accomplish anything they set their minds to do. Your
daughter will enjoy activities such as caving with a licensed, trained guide, overnight hikes, canoe trips,
fire making, rock wall climbing, and much more!
Anna Heller​
is a program committed to providing a unique summer experience for teenagers in a
wholesome atmosphere of ​
. From professionally run leagues to ever-changing workshops and
lectures by guest ​
, Anna Heller gives girls a chance to design their own summer complete
with multiple trips, camper-only bunkhouses, and late-night programming. Camp Anna Heller gives its
campers that special once-in-a-lifetime teen summer together with girls their own age from all over the
Camper Handbook 3 Airport Travel
Group Flights to Camp
We are aware that many campers are coming from out of town. In order to make this more convenient,
we will send a Camp Sternberg representative to meet ​
groups of 10 or more campers on the same
Group flights should be booked to either ​
JFK or Laguardia Airport and should arrive between
9:00 AM and 10:00 AM.​​
Please call Mrs. Rivkie Eichenstein at 773-338-6850 so that she can assist you in
booking a group flight. ​
Keep in mind that flights should only be booked after acceptance into the camp
We DO NOT provide transportation from the airport if you are not on a pre-arranged group flight of 10
or more campers to JFK or Laguardia Airport.
Return Flights Home from Camp
We will have transportation going to both JFK and Laguardia Airport on the last day of camp. ​
Please note,
we will NOT have transportation to Newark Airport.​Please make sure that the ​
return flight is not
booked before 3:30 PM​
on the day of departure from camp to ensure that we will have enough time to
get the campers safely to the airport. If you would like a chaperone to escort your daughter to the gate
and remain with her until she departs, there will be a $100 service fee. The fee may be split between 2
campers. You may choose to waive this service by sending an email to ​
[email protected]​
a week
before departure.
Bunk Placement
Bunk assignments are made by the Program Directors after careful consideration of appropriate
placement. The Directors must consider the balance of new and returning campers in each bunk, how
many bunk beds fit in each bunkhouse, and camper requests. Juggling all this information and making
everybody happy is quite a challenge! As part of your online application forms, you have already
completed a bunk request form. We will do everything we can to honor a minimum of one request from
among your child’s friends. Bunk assignments are given out on the first day of camp when your child
Busing & Luggage
Bus Transportation to and from Camp
Buses will depart from the following five locations to bring campers up to camp: ​
Brooklyn, Five Towns,
Monsey, Queens, and Passaic​
. You will be sent a​
bus pass ​
and the exact bus locations and times in the
mail once we have received all of your required forms and your camp balance has been paid. ​
bring the bus pass to your bus location​
, as this will allow your camper to board the bus quickly. The
information will also be posted on our website at ​​
by clicking on Sternberg and then
Camper Handbook 4 “Luggage & Busing.”
Luggage Luggage will be handled by ESF Trucking. They will send you an email detailing how to sign up for luggage
service in the beginning of February. The luggage fee, which will be $95., includes two pieces of
luggage, whether one way or round trip. All fees will be paid directly to the company. ESF Trucking can
also help you ship your luggage directly to camp if you are coming from out of town. For pricing and
specific information, contact Eric at ​
[email protected]​
IMPORTANT NOTE:​Please do not pack any food in luggage, even if it is in sealed containers. ​
will make every effort to protect the personal belongings of every camper. However, the camp is
not responsible or liable for equipment or personal property (including money) of camper, while in
transit or at camp, whether the equipment or personal property is lost, stolen, or damaged by fire,
laundry, or any other cause.
Canteen/Water Bottles/Birthday Cakes
Canteen is an exciting part of camp. Each camper has an account where parents can add money to enable
the camper to buy items. In addition, through this method and form you can order water and birthday
cakes. To add money to your account:
a. Send a check made out to Camp Sternberg to PO Box 415 Woodmere, N.Y. 11598. ​
We do
not accept credit cards.
i. The suggested amount is $60/trip which can be used for canteen. ​
money can not be withdrawn and used for trips. ​
Trip money should be kept in
the camp safe.
ii. Extra money left in canteen will be forwarded as a credit towards next summer.
If you wish to receive a refund, please email a request to [email protected]
and we will issue a refund check.
b. You can find a canteen form on the website by selecting your daughter’s
program, then click on “forms.” ​
Please fill out a separate form for each camper.
c. Cases of bottled water are available for purchase through the canteen. Water that is
pre-ordered will be given out on the first day of camp. Cases of water are ​
not allowed on
buses or luggage trucks​
in order to avoid breakage and potential water damage to luggage
and their contents.
d. Birthday cakes may be ordered for your child’s birthday. Cakes are large enough to serve
your child’s entire bunk.
Communication with Camp
The Camp Sternberg & Pioneers policy is that campers are not allowed to call home unless there are
special circumstances. This enables young children to develop a sense of independence and the ability to
Camper Handbook 5 work out problems on their own, with the help of the staff if needed. If for some reason you need to get
in touch with your daughter, call the camp office at 516-992-6131 and a message will be given to the
appropriate person. Please indicate​
if it is an emergency. Camp Anna Heller supervisory staff will discuss
their policies regarding calling home​
on the first day of camp.
Homesickness Prevention Before Camp:
Before Camp begins....
1. Assure your daughter of your confidence in her ability to get along “on her own.” Share your
optimism about her camp experience- not your anxiety.
2. Talk with her about the interesting things she can do, the fun times she will have, and things
you can’t wait to hear about that she will experience.
3. Give her self-addressed envelopes and stamps so that she can write letters to you.
4. Send lots of mail!! Focus on her experience at camp. Write about cheerful things --and how
glad you are that she can have a camping experience. If she reads how much you miss her and
how lonesome it is without her, her mind will immediately center on home, which may cause
5. Let her know that it’s okay if she should happen to feel homesick, and that counselors are great
people to talk to about those feelings.
6. When packing for camp, please encourage your camper to help you decide what to include.
(Make sure to use the proper packing lists.)
7. Never make a pick up or call home deal with your camper. If you tell the camper that she can
call home or you will come pick her up if she gets homesick, she will jump right to that solution
without trying anything else. Instead, encourage your camper to talk to her counselors about it.
The camp staff has a whole bag of tricks to help campers deal with this condition.
Every camper must have a physical examination and completed medical form on file before ​
coming to
camp. All forms can be found on the camp website ​​
by clicking on your camp
program and then on “forms.” They are also available by logging into your camp minder account and
going to forms and documents.
1. Physician’s Form - to be completed by your pediatrician
2. Health History Form - to be completed by a parent or legal guardian
a. Remember to email the camp office in regard to any health issue that you need to discuss
with the camp nurse at ​
[email protected]​
. All information is confidential.
3. Consent to Treat & Insurance Form - to be completed by a parent or legal guardian
4. J Drugs Form for campers that take daily medication or vitamins
5. New Camper Reference Form
a. This form is for campers that did not attend Camp Sternberg last summer. ​
Even if
your daughter has been in camp in years prior, if she was not in camp last summer,
please make sure to have this form filled out. This form should be filled out by either a
teacher or principal and faxed back to 516-368-3715.
Camper Handbook 6 Laundry Policy
Laundry is sent out three times a trip. Each bunk puts its laundry into a laundry bag that is assigned by
the camp. Please make sure to pack enough clothing to last 10 days. Do not send expensive clothes.
Camp is not responsible for any stains that do not come out in the wash. Be sure that all articles of
clothing are clearly tagged with your child’s name and phone number.
Important:​Make sure that your suitcase is also clearly labeled with your child’s complete name, address
and telephone number. Do NOT place any kind of clothes in black or opaque garbage bags. They will most
likely be thrown out. Animals are attracted to food inside luggage. We cannot assume responsibility for
torn or damaged luggage or its contents if food was packed within it.
Lice Check
Upon arrival to camp all campers will be checked, even if they have been checked prior to camp. Please
send up $10 with your child for this service. In the event that you forget to send payment, the $10 charge
will be billed to your account. If a camper has lice or nits (even if you were certain that they were dead),
and requires cleaning, there will be an additional charge of $250 paid directly to the professionals that
handle the process. They will come back a week later to recheck the camper.
Lost and Found
It is crucial to have name tapes sewn or ironed onto all personal belongings, including eyeglasses,
cameras, and luggage. Name stamps and permanent ink should not be used, since they are usually
unclear, especially after laundering. While we make every effort to return misplaced items, camp is not
responsible for any personal belongings. The camp does not assume responsibility for loss, theft, or
damage caused to any items. Any articles left in camp by the end of the summer will be discarded or
We have selected J Drug pharmacy to supply prepackaged medications for our campers. All prescription
medications, over the counter medications, vitamins, and supplements that are taken on a daily basis
must be ordered through J Drugs. This company packages all pills individually in a dose packet for each
day of camp. Your name, the type of pill(s) you have taken, and the dosage are printed on each individual
packet. Do NOT send any over the counter medication with your daughter. Everything needs to go through
J Drugs. OTC medication, which is not allowed in the bunks, will not be returned at the end of the
summer, due to Board of Health regulations.
In order to sort and package the medicine in this way, J Drugs charges a service fee of $10. This system
allows for an extremely safe, sanitary, and organized way to distribute pharmaceuticals to campers and is
endorsed by the American Camp Association.
Camper Handbook 7 Allergies/Epipens/Asthma/Diabetes:
For campers with allergic reactions, epipens, asthma, or diabetes, make sure to provide the camp Health
Center with your action plan and prescriptions from your physician. Please contact us prior to camp by
sending an email to [email protected] so that the nurse can be informed of any food or drug allergies
and the treatment recommended by your pediatrician or allergist.
Special Medical Needs:
If your child has any specific medical/physical needs, please notify the camp office so that we can
appropriately address her needs. This information is crucial to ensure her safety​
. All information will be
kept strictly confidential.
The camp administration must be informed of any communicable diseases to which the camper may have
been exposed in the three weeks prior to camp attendance.
We expect you to inform us of any situation that may affect your child’s stay in camp. These situations
include, but are not limited to, conditions requiring year-round medication, physical, psychological,
medical or social matters.
Packing Lists
The packing lists provided at the end of the pamphlet are suggestions for what you child will need for her
stay in camp. Each program has a few added items that are needed during the summer. Please make sure
to review the proper programs packing/clothing list. For Pioneers the items are ​
optional . They are
required for the full participation in the program. Although each camper has an adequate amount of
space for her belongings, space is limited.
Receiving Packages/Mail
Campers love getting mail and packages. Our office aides make sure to properly sort mail and packages
so that the campers are able to get their mail daily. While we take special care to make sure that all
packages get to the campers, we do not assume responsibility for theft, damage, or loss of any packages
sent to our office. Inasmuch as the office aides leave the office at 6:00 PM, and neither FED-EX nor UPS
drivers will bring deliveries into the building, any packages that are delivered after this time will not
definitely be brought inside.
Your children’s safety and security are top priorities here in Camp Sternberg. The front gate in camp
remains locked at all times. Our nightly security staff also makes periodic checks throughout the entire
camp grounds. We have a security fence around our Visitor’s Parking Lot as well. If, with the Director’s
permission, you will be coming to camp during either session, please park your car in the Visitor’s Lot.
Camper Handbook 8 Upon entering camp, come to the office to check in.​
Please do not seek to enter camp, or arrange for
your child to be picked up, after dark.
Staff Tips
We have a mature, dedicated, and fun loving group of division heads, counselors, and junior counselors.
Their priority is to genuinely care for each camper and to be a role model of good ​
. They take their
responsibilities seriously while reaping the joys of generating excitement and positivity each day. A tip is
a wonderful way to show ​
hakoras hatov​
to the staff members who care for your camper on a daily basis.
A tipping schedule will be emailed to you prior to visiting day as well given out on visiting day itself.
Technology Policy:
We are all aware that the issue of technology was recently discussed by the leaders of ​
Klal Yisroe​
l so that
every individual should be aware of the problem. Camp is therefore establishing the following guidelines.
★ No secular music may be brought to camp. We reserve the right to occasionally ‘borrow’ ipods
and mp3 players for a short time to check for unacceptable music. If such is found, the
instrument will be held by us until the end of the session.
★ Cellular Phones, Ipads, laptops, or any device with internet accessibility are ​
Please make sure that your daughter does not bring any of them to camp.
★ Campers who need cell phones, for travel to and from camp must put them in the camp safe upon
Any of these items brought to camp will be held in our safe and returned at the end of the trip. We do not
accept responsibility for them.
Trip Money-Spending Money
If you would like to send your camper with spending money for trips, please place it in a separate
envelope with her first and last name. Your child should give it to her supervisor upon arrival in camp so
that it can be placed in the camp safe.
Tznius Policy:
Camp is a time when we have the ability to teach our children the importance of dressing modestly while
having fun and engaged in various fulfilled activities. Please be sure to pack durable and comfortable
clothing appropriate for camp. The ​
policy for each division is as follows:
All of Campus:
★ Robes/cover-ups worn to the pool or lake must offer proper coverage.
Campus Freshies & Sophies:
★ Skirts must cover the knee.
★ All shirts must have sleeves.
Camper Handbook 9 ★ Socks must be worn at all times.
Campus Juniors:
★ Skirts must cover the knees.
★ Shirts must cover elbows and neckline, i.e. no scoop neck or v-neck shirts
★ Socks above the ankle must be worn at all times.
Pioneers & Anna Heller:
★ Clothing must cover the knees, elbows, collarbones, stomachs, and ankles.
★ Shirts must cover collarbones. Low necklines are not permitted
★ Socks that cover the ankles must be worn at all times.
★ No bare feet, peds, or tennis socks are allowed.
★ Neither tee shirts with loose sleeves to the elbow nor men's sleeveless ribbed undershirts worn as
shells are permitted.
★ Slits must be machine sewn to below both the front and back of the knee.
★ Only 1-piece bathing suits or full length tankinis may be worn. Two piece bathing suits may only
be worn underneath a t-shirt.
Visitation Policy:
To ensure the safety of our campers, no camper is permitted to leave camp grounds for any reason
without prior notice. If there are extenuating circumstances, please make sure that you call the Program
Director to get special permission for your camper.
There is a safe in the camp office wherein it is recommended that campers keep extra spending money,
passports, etc… Upon arriving in camp, the counselors will be given the proper protocol to ensure that any
valuables that should be kept in a safe are put there.
Camper Handbook 10 Campus Clothing/Accessory Packing List
At camp we strive to foster a Shabbos environment filled with ​
ruchnius.​Please note that
Shabbos at camp is not a fashion show. Please send suitable, but not overly dressy clothing
with your daughter.
***Please be sure that her clothing corresponds with the guidelines of the camp’s dress code.***
___ 12 shirts or blouses
___ 10 skirts
___ 4 Shabbos dresses
___ 2 sweaters or sweatshirts
___ 1 jacket
___ 2 light pajamas
___ leggings
___ 2 pairs flannel pajamas
___ 18 pairs underwear
___ 18 pairs crew/knee socks
___ 3 pair tights
___ Bathrobe
___ 2 One piece​
bathing suits
___ 1 bathrobe - must have
sleeves and cover knees
nd ​
walking shoes or 2​
pair of sneakers
Shabbos shoes
pool/lake slippers
pair indoor slippers
warm quilt or 2 blankets
2 pillow cases
2 sheets
2 quilt covers
4 bath towels/face towels
raincoat & boots
soap and soap dish or body wash
sanitary materials
nail clippers
metal or plastic washing cup
___ toothbrush
___ toothpaste
___ laundry bag
___ hairbrush
___ cup
___ sunscreen
___ deodorant
___ bathing cap
___ postcards, pen
___ sewing kit
___ box tissues
___ siddur
___ hangers
___Tisha B’Av shoes if
Misc. Optional Items:
___ games
___ books
___ stationery
___ stamps
___ pencils
___ ballpoint pens
___ safety pins
___ flashlight and batteries
___ hairdressing accessories
While we make every effort to return lost items, SHMA Camps is not responsible for any personal
belongings. Please make certain that everything is clearly tagged with the camper’s name. At the end of
the summer all unclaimed items will be donated or discarded.
Camper Handbook 11 Pioneers Clothing/Accessory Packing List
At camp we strive to foster a Shabbos environment filled with ​
. Please note that Shabbos at camp is not a fashion
show. Please send suitable, but not overly dressy clothing with your daughter.
***Please be sure that her clothing corresponds with the guidelines of the camp’s dress code.***
__18 pairs underwear
__24 pairs crew, knee, or bobby socks
short ankle soc​
__11 shirts or blouses
__8 skirts that ​
cover knees
set of expendable clothing for
caving (8th Grade Only)
__3 Shabbos outfits
__Shabbos shoes
__3 ​
one piece​
bathing suits
__bathing cap
__bathrobe that​
covers knees
__swimming slippers
__2 pair light pajamas
__2 pair warm pajamas
__3 hooded sweatshirts
__2 pairs leggings ​
that meet socks- for
hikes ​
NO capris
__water shoes -​
that won’t fall off ​
Delaware trip]
__Tisha B’Av shoes if needed
__rain boots
__poncho or raincoat
__cover-up for Delaware Trip
must have ¾ sleeves and cover knees
__white shirt for tie-dyeing
__sturdy hiking sneakers
__sturdy walking shoes
__sneakers [may be ruined]
__Tisha B’Av shoes if needed
__cap or hat
__sleeping bag
__warm quilt/blanket
__2 sheets
__2 pillow cases
__3 bath towels
__3 hand towels
__laundry bag
__backpack ​
(must have double strap)
__2 small overnight bags​
one for hiking and
for overnights
__hiking canteen for water
__bug repellent
__waterproof watch
__box of tissues
__liquid soap
__bar soap
__body wash
__shampoo, conditioner
__toiletry bag or basket
__hair accessories
__sanitary supplies
__comb, brush
__toothbrush, toothpaste
__plastic or metal cup
__flashlight, extra batteries
__sewing kit, safety pins
__nail clipper
ALL food must be stored in a ​
plastic container with a lock and the camper’s name clearly visible.
Food ​
may not​
be left in bags!
***DO NOT send food in luggage!***
Misc. Optional Items:
___ games
___ books
___ stationery, pen
___ money
___ stamps
___ pencils
___ safety pins
___ camera / chargers
___ flashlight and batteries
___ hairdressing accessories
While we make every effort to return misplaced items, camp is not responsible for any personal
belongings. Please make certain that everything is clearly marked with the camper’s name. At the end
of the summer all unclaimed items will be donated or discarded.
Camper Handbook 12 Anna Heller Clothing/Accessory Packing List
At camp we strive to foster a Shabbos environment filled with ​
. Please note that Shabbos at camp is not a fashion
show. Please send suitable, but not overly dressy clothing with your daughter. Please be sure that her clothing corresponds
with the guidelines of the camp’s dress code.
***Please be sure that her clothing corresponds with the guidelines of the camp’s dress code.***
__18 pairs underwear
__24 pairs socks
__11 shirts or blouses
__8 skirts that ​
cover knees
__3 Shabbos outfits
__Shabbos shoes
__3 bathing suits
__bathing cap
__bathrobe that​
covers knees
__swimming slippers
__2 pair light pajamas
__2 pair warm pajamas
__3 hooded sweatshirts
__2 pairs leggings ​
that meet socksfor hikes ​
NO capris
__water shoe -​
that won’t fall off ​
for TMR
__Tisha B’Av shoes if needed
__rain boots
__poncho or raincoat
__cover-up for TMR Trip
must have ¾ sleeves and cover knees
__white shirt for tie-dyeing
__sturdy walking shoes
__sneakers [may be ruined]
__cap or hat
__sleeping bag
__warm quilt/blanket
__2 sheets
__2 pillow cases
__3 bath towels
__3 hand towels
__laundry bag
__box of tissues
__liquid soap
__bar soap
__body wash
__shampoo, conditioner
__toiletry bag or basket
__hair accessories
__sanitary supplies
__comb, brush
__toothbrush, toothpaste
__plastic or metal cup
__flashlight, extra batteries
__sewing kit, safety pins
__nail clipper
Misc. Optional Items:
___ games
___ books
___ stationery, pen
___ money
__waterproof watch
___ stamps
___ pencils
___ safety pins
___ camera /
__bug repellent
___ flashlight and batteries
___ hairdressing accessories
__backpack ​
[must have double
While we make every effort to return misplaced items, camp is not responsible for any personal
belongings. Please make certain that everything is clearly marked with the camper’s name. At the end
of the summer all unclaimed items will be donated or discarded.
Camper Handbook 13