IT Service Markets
IT Service Markets
Features of IT Service Markets: A Systematic Literature Review1 (Supplementary Material) Technical Report tr-ri-16-350 Version: 0.1 Bahar Jazayeri, Marie Christin Platenius, Gregor Engels, Dennis Kundisch University of Paderborn Zukunftsmeile 1 D-33102 Paderborn, Germany [email protected] Paderborn, May 23, 2016 1 This work was supported by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the Collaborative Research Centre “On-The-Fly Computing” (CRC 901). Contents 1. Introduction 1.1. An Observation of IT Service Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2. A Basic Definition of IT Service Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. Survey Procedure 2.1. Planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1. The Need for a Systematic Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2. Define Research Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3. Develop Review Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.4. Evaluate the Review Protocol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2. Conducting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1. Search based on Search Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2. Filter using In/Exclusion Criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3. Extend Search Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4. Filter using Extend Search Strategy and Quality Assessment . . 2.2.5. Snowballing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.6. Extract Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.7. Synthesize Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3. Reporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.3.1. Primary Features of IT Service Markets and their Interrelations 2.3.2. Popularity of Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 3 5 6 6 6 6 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 16 16 19 Bibliography 19 A. Search Results based on Search Strategy List of all Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 27 B. Search Results based on In-/Exclusion Criteria List of all Sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 59 III Chapter 1. Introduction This chapter presents our observations of existing IT service markets. Based on these observations, we derive a basic definition for IT service markets. 1.1. An Observation of IT Service Markets The emergence of electronic marketplaces providing IT solutions has become very popular in recent years. Considering electronic marketplaces providing IT solutions, many existing markets can be recognized around us (see Figure 1.1). Some of them are developed for a broad range of end users like mobile App stores and browser App stores. Some others are specific to a certain domain or a group of users. Examples are Mashape1 , programmableweb2 , and Mashery3 that allow users with programming expertise to trade APIs. Salesforce AppExchange4 is designed to provide business applications. Furthermore, Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplace5 and SAP Service Marketplace6 support enterprise application developers with cloud computing services. Further examples are software repositories [LdPDA04], e.g., Binpress7 , CPAN8 , and SourceForge9 that facilitate the exchange of source codes among developers. We call such electronic marketplaces providing IT solutions IT service markets. 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 2 1 2 CHAPTER 1. INTRODUCTION Mobile App stores Apple App store Google Play Amazon Appstore Mobango Cloud service marketplaces Telecommunication carrier App store MediaTek App Store StrikeIron T-Mobile Web2go Black Berry World SalesForce AppExchange Verizon VCast Nokia Ovi Store AWS Marketplace Vodafone 360 Component repository Mashery ATT AppCentral Research Microsoft Store Third-party (Android/iOS App stores) Programmable Web 4CaaSt OTF Markets FOR 1371 API repository Vitual Fort Knox F-Droid Binpress GetJar Slideme SourceForge Java Store Eclipse Marketplace Aptoide CPAN, CTAN OpenIntents SteamPowered Cydia Envato Mashape Bowser Marketplace (Firefox, Chrome,...) Others Cytoscape Figure 1.1.: Examples of existing IT service markets 3 1.2. A BASIC DEFINITION OF IT SERVICE MARKETS 1.2. A Basic Definition of IT Service Markets Although the mentioned markets in Section 1.1 seem different in their target group of users and in the kind of deliverable software, the fundamental concept of two- (multi)-sided markets [Rys09] and provisioning IT solutions over electronic marketplaces are common in all of them. Theses marketplaces act as an operative and administrative intermediary between two main types of market participants: providers and requesters of IT solutions. We provide a two basic definitions that serve as a conceptual basis for our literature review. The definitions specify the scope of our survey during the filtering process of the literature. Definition 1 A service is an IT-solution provided by a service provider. Definition 2 An IT service market is an electronic marketplace, which exclusively allows trading of such services between providers and requesters. Figure 1.2 sketches the relation between the term IT service market and the other terms. We consider Electronic marketplaces as the superset term for the IT service markets. Electronic marketplaces [SS04] allow trading a wide range of products and/or services including software. An example of electronic marketplaces is Furthermore, we consider cloudbased markets, App Stores, software repositories as the subset terms of IT service markets, since they provide specialized IT solutions to specific groups of users. We leave the set of subset terms open, aiming at identifying further IT service markets in the future. IT service markets API marketplaces Cloud marketplaces AWS Marketplace App Stores Software repositories Google Play Figure 1.2.: The procedure of the survey Chapter 2. Survey Procedure The objective of our investigation is to extract the primary features of IT service markets, which are addressed in the literature. For this purpose, we performed a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) [KBB+ 09], aiming at capturing as many publications as possible related to our research objective. We follow Kitchenham’s guidelines [KBB+ 09] in performing the systematic literature review to assure reproducibility and minimizing biases regarding our results. The SLR consists of three main stages as shown in Figure 2.1: planning the review, conducting the review, and reporting the findings. Planning 1. Why SLR? 2. Define research questions 3. Develop review protocol and search strategy 4. Approve the review protocol Conducting 1. Search based on search strategy 329 2. Filter using in- /exclusion criteria 142 3. Filter using quality assessments and 56 extended search strategy 4. Identify more relevant studies using snowballing 60 Grounded Theory 5. Extract data: Highlighting & Concept excerption Open, Axial and Selective Codings 6. Synthesize data Reporting Figure 2.1.: Survey procedure 5 6 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE 2.1. Planning At the planning stage, we specified a review protocol and further strategies regarding the actions to be taken in the conducting phase. The planning process consists of clarifying the need for a SLR (Section 2.1.1), defining a concrete research question (Section 2.1.2), developing the review protocol (Section 2.1.3), and proving the review protocol in iterations by the authors. 2.1.1. The Need for a Systematic Literature Review The lack of a reference model or definition for IT service markets avoid the stockholders of these markets to design them systematically. A first step towards a reference model for IT service markets is to gain a comprehensive view on their building blocks. Such a comprehensive view is still missing in the literature. Related work focuses on single aspects of IT service marketsṖerforming a systematic review of the existing IT service markets is a first step towards a holistic integrated view on IT service markets covering all their outstanding business and IT building blocks (features) that are addressed in literature. 2.1.2. Define Research Question The SLR need to be initiated with a concrete research question, which is derived from the fundamental context (IT service markets) and the motivation of performing the SLR. Accordingly, our research question is: RQ What are the primary features of IT service markets and how are they related to each other? 2.1.3. Develop Review Protocol The main part of the SLR planning is the development of a review protocol. The review protocol specifies how the research are supposed proceed with the further steps of the SLR. The review protocol has been later extended during the conducting phase in order to sharpen the search results and increase the chance of capturing relevant publication as suggested by [Kee07]. Search Strategy The search strategy specifies the search terms, search phrases and further selection criteria (in-/ex-clusion and quality assessment criteria) that are used in filtering the literature. To find the initial set of sources, we first defined the search terms. The ideas of the search terms are inspired from the research question and our observation of IT service markets in real world, which is discussed in Chapter 1. Our search terms are service and market. To 2.1. PLANNING 7 detect as many of the relevant sources as possible, alternative terms are defined. We defined software, app, application, third-party, plug-in, and component as the alternatives to the term service. Furthermore, the alternatives to the term market are defined as marketplace, store, “App store”, repository, archive network, and catalog. Last, we determined our search phrase as a combination of the search terms and boolean operators. The search phrases follow the following pattern: • (service OR software OR component OR third-party OR app OR specification OR interface OR plug-in) AND (market OR store OR repository OR catalog OR marketplace OR archive network OR cloud) The literature search is performed between February 2016 and May 2016. We chose Google Scholar as the search database, as suggested by Kitchenham [Kee07]. Google Scholar is a meta-search engine that performs searches through several digital libraries. During the search, a source is selected if at least one of the terms from each set appears in the title. In-/Exclusion Criteria The initial set of sources are to be filtered using the in-/exclusion criteria. We included a source if: a) it deals with the definition of IT service markets, b) it deals with one of the functional or the non-functional aspects of IT service markets, c) it introduces a new instance of IT service markets, d) it considers architecture of IT service markets. Furthermore, the source must be available through the most prominent digital libraries, e.g., Springer Link, ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplor, Citeseer library, Science Direct, etc. We excluded a source from our survey if: a) the service discussed by the source is not an IT solution and b) the marketplace, provided by the source, provides other services/products than ITsolutions. We evaluated and filtered the initial set of sources firstly based on their abstracts and conclusions using the in-/exclusion criteria. Secondly, if we still could not decide about the relevance of a source, we read the whole source. 8 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE Quality Assessment To focus on the high quality research, we have added another exclusion criterion: a) the source should not be in the form of a preface, tutorial, book review, or presented slide. This allows us to exclude the publications, which have not been peer reviewed. Data Extraction Strategy The data extraction strategy defines the data to be extracted from the sources. RQ and the research objective specify what data need to be extracted. The challenge regarding IT service markets is that due to the lack of a reference model or reference architecture, the publications do not usually address IT service markets directly. Furthermore, the publications use inconsistent terminologies according to the underlying technologies. For instance, we encounter alternative words for “service”, e.g., “application”, “App”, “Software”, “SaaS”, “API’", etc. As a result, we cannot directly compile a set of features from the sources using keyword-based data search. But rather, an interpretation of the information presented in the sources is needed. When such interpretations are needed, [Kee07] suggests to specify processes of making such implications at the planning stage. To extract primary features of IT service markets, we developed an extraction scheme based on an adoption of Grouned Theory (GT). G LASER AND S TRAUSS [GS09] originally proposed GT to support researchers to elaborate a theory or a theoretical report of the general features of a topic by performing bottom-up conceptualizations of the data, which is collected based on empirical observations. It is particularly suggested for the emergence of new topics [Fo04]. GT is a research methodology to extract, categorize, and conceptualize ideas in a descriptive way. We follow the guidelines provided by [WFW13], which is proposed for rigorously reviewing and analyzing literature using GT. The core procedure of GT is excerpting the data relevant to the research question and them performing coding techniques [WFW13]. Excerpting the data from the final set of source is to be done during the data extraction phase of our SLR. This includes the extraction of architectural elements and building blocks of IT service markets that are discussed by the sources. Furthermore, GT proposes the coding techniques in order to analyze literature and extract the knowledge based on interpretation. We perform the coding techniques during the data synthesis stage of the SLR in Section Data Synthesis Strategy Data synthesis strategy define how the extracted content of the literature is to be analyzed. This includes clarifying whether or not a formal meta-analysis is to be used [Kee07]. As explained in Section, we follow the guidelines of GT to analyze the final set of sources. At this stage, three stages of codings (open, axial, and selective codings) need to be performed. Open coding is the process of grouping a set of excerpts into a concept and 2.2. CONDUCTING 9 building categories from a set of concepts. Each category is an abstract interpretation of its concepts. Axial coding is the process of defining sub-categories and specifying the relation between categories and sub-categories. By selective coding, main categories and the relation between them are identified [WFW13]. At each stage of coding, we identify architectural concepts found in the sources and group them into more abstract concepts. 2.1.4. Evaluate the Review Protocol The review protocol was evaluated by the PhD students (Jazayeri and Platenius) and the supervisors (Engels and Kundisch) in iterations. First, Jazayeri set a review protocol, which is later reviewed by Platenius. The modified version of the review protocol is presented to Engels. After applying further modifications, the review protocol is discussed and approved by Engels and Kundisch, which resulted in the final review protocol. 2.2. Conducting In the conducting phase, we performed the SLR based on the review protocol developed in Section 2.1. This includes the initial filtering of the literature based on the search strategy (cf. Section 2.2.1). Furthermore the initial set of results are filtered using in-exclusion criteria (cf. Section 2.2.2) and performing snowballing (cf. Section 2.2.5), which result in a final set of sources. Afterward, we extract the data from the final set of source(cf. Section 2.2.6). Finally, we synthesize the extracted data (cf. Section 2.2.7). 2.2.1. Search based on Search Strategy At this stage, we performed the initial search using the search strategy. This process resulted in the initial set of studies including 356 sources. Afterwards, we removed the duplicates from the initial set that resulted in 333 studies. 2.2.2. Filter using In/Exclusion Criteria The large number of sources are filtered based on the in/exclusion criteria. By applying in/exclusion criteria, the high number of publications in the initial set of results are reduced to 142 sources. 2.2.3. Extend Search Strategy During the conducting phase, we added an additional selection criterion: • the source should not be published earlier than 2008. The reasons for choosing this specific year are the introduction of the concept of cloud market by B UYYA ET 10 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE AL . [BYV08] and the announcement of the first mobile App stores ever, Apple App store and Google Play in 2008 [JB13]. Using this exclusion criterion, we focus on the most recent work. We expect the most prominent research achievements, which were published before 2008, to be reflected by the recent work. 2.2.4. Filter using Extend Search Strategy and Quality Assessment By applying quality assessment and the recently defined selection criteria, we identified 56 sources that objectively address the concept of IT service markets. 2.2.5. Snowballing We applied snowballing [Woh14], which is the act of inspecting the publications cited by the source. We have included snowballing in order to enrich the final set of results by identifying more relevant publications. Figure 2.1 shows the action of snowballing in dark color showing that it is not originally a part of the SLR methodology. At this stage of filtering, we reached the final set of results including 60 sources. 2.2.6. Extract Data According to the review protocol, we first inspect the sources at this stage. While reading„ we look for possible answers to our RQ. We highlighted and made notes of the data, where a building block, component, or architectural element of IT service markets is discussed. 2.2.7. Synthesize Data After extracting the important information, we synthesize the data. This include the analysis and interpretation of the sources based on the GT’s coding techniques as explained in Section Open Coding We applied the open coding on the excerpts of the sources. This process includes the extraction of concepts from the sources. The interesting concepts regarding our RQ are building blocks of IT service marketsṠpecially, we considered what the sources deal with in sense of architectural elements and components. During the code generation, the sources may share the concepts with each other. Or, they may cause to generate new concepts. The open coding resulted in generating a set of 43 shown in Tables 2.1 and 2.2. Table 2.3 summarizes the generated open codes. 11 2.2. CONDUCTING Trust X Malware detection Information' flow' analysis X Policy X X Test coverage Access'control X Authentication X Privacy X Integrity' &' confidentiality Social networking X Service' composition Resource matching X X Ontologies Service'matching X X X X X X X service'discovery Support' for'users’' diversity Service'categories /' sectors Service'space' management Product' diversification Collaboration X Monitoring functions Service'repository X SDK X X Dynamic SLA X QoS analysis X X X X X X X X X X X X X [HO11] [GCCJ11] [PRS09,@LFZD09] [PO09] [WGB11] [TSB10] [BRC10] [PO09] [VPB09] [GWB10,@BCPR09] X X X [CLH+14] [MHJ+15] [KPKL14] Sources Concepts [FLL+13,GMBV12] X Sentiment' analysis [CG12] [LB13] [HJZ12] [JBL12] [Car12] [LR11] [HHYH09] [MVG+14] [RA12] [MKM11] [TTP11] X X X X App mining X Ranking' chart X X X X Download' rank X X X X X X Sales'performance Service'rank X X X X X X X X X X X X X Rating X X Pricing Revenue'of' developers X X X X General'SLA Business'strategies Review interpretation X X X X X X Platform' integration Technology' openness Portal' centralization Service time' management' Table 2.1.: Distribution of the sources among the open codes (1) 12 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE X Trust X Malware detection X Information' flow' analysis X X X X X X X X X Support' for'users’' diversity Service'categories /' sectors Service'space' management Product' diversification X X service'discovery X X Service'matching X X X Service' composition Resource matching X X Ontologies X X Social networking X X X X [BRC10] X X X [KC09] [ZWZJ12] Monitoring functions [WB10] X Collaboration Service'repository X X X X Privacy X Integrity' &' confidentiality X X Authentication X X Access'control X X Policy X Test coverage SDK Platform' integration Technology' openness Portal' centralization Service time' management' X X X X QoS analysis X Dynamic SLA General'SLA Business'strategies Price'model Revenue'of' developers X Rating Sales'performance X Service'rank Download' rank X Ranking' chart Review interpretation App mining [IKC09] [PO09] [SK11] [DMA+10] [HAH12,] [EJM+14] [HHYH09] [KKLK13] [FHT+12] [IvJ11] [APB+14] [LFZD09] [LMD+13] [CWO+11] [DSTH12] [CJP+11]/ Sources Concepts [AHKZ08,/KW08] Sentiment' analysis Table 2.2.: Distribution of the sources among the open codes (2) 13 2.2. CONDUCTING No. Open codes No. Open codes 1 Sentiment a nalysis 22 Collaboration 2 App mining 23 Product d iversification 3 Review interpretation 24 Service space management 4 Ranking chart 25 Service categories / sectors 5 Download rank 26 Support for u sers’ d iversity 6 Service rank 27 service d iscovery 7 Sales p erformance 28 Service matching 8 Rating 29 Resource matching 9 Revenue o f d evelopers 30 Service composition 10 Price model 31 Ontologies 11 Business strategies 32 Social networking 12 General S LA 33 Privacy 13 QoS analysis 34 Integrity & confidentiality 14 Dynamic SLA 35 Authentication 15 36 Access control 37 Policy 17 Monitoring functions Service time management Portal centralization 38 Test coverage 18 Technology o penness 39 Information flow a nalysis 19 Platform integration 40 Malware detection 20 SDK 41 Trust 21 Service repository 16 Table 2.3.: Total number of generated open codes (concepts) 14 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE Axial Coding In the second step, we performed axial coding. We grouped the extracted architectural concepts (the open codes) into more abstract concepts. To ensure the validity of the conceptualization, we needed to refer to the sources or review the excerpts and then refer to the codes and group them. This process is repeated in iterations. In addition, the relations between the concepts are defined at this stage. Specially, we considered what interrelations the sources discover regarding the concepts (research results). Figure 2.2 presents the results of the axial coding procedure. The tree-like arrangement of the concepts represents their grouping. The dashed arrows represent the relations between the concepts exposed during the literature analysis. An arrow from concept A to concept B shows that A influences B in a certain way. Figure 2.2.: Results of the axial coding Trust Code Malware Policy analysis detection Test coverage Information Authentication flow analysis Access control Integrity & confidentiality Privacy Security Support for users’ d iversity Service categories Product diversification Service Service matching composition Service specification matching Resource matching Semantic Service interpretation Discovery Recommendation system Price model Download rank Ranking chart Service rank Ranking Ontologies Social networking Rating Sales performanceRevenue o f developers Revenue model Product p ortfolio QoS analysis Monitoring Collaboration functions Service repository App mining Review interpretation Sentiment analysis Reviewing Repository Portal Platform SDK integration Service space Technology management openness Portal centralization Business strategies QoS analysis Monitoring functions Dynamic SLA Service time management SLA 2.2. CONDUCTING 15 16 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE Selective Coding By performing selective coding, the previously generated categories are grouped based on the conceptual similarites in architectural elements that they address. Finally, we developed six main categories by performing selective coding: business model, reputation system, security, MEPC, Service Level Agreement (SLA), recommendation system. We terminated the process of coding, when, so called, theoretical saturation happened. This means no new category, concepts, or interesting relations could be found [SC94]. The result of our extraction scheme is shown in Figure ??. The tables demonstrate the research focus of the sources regarding the main categories. A table is dedicated to each main category. Each table represents the sub-categories of each category. A cell marked with X, denotes that a sub-category is discussed by a source. In addition, some sources studied the relation between a main category with other categories. In this case, each table demonstrate such relations by the columns with border lines at the right side of the tables. A cell marked with O denotes that such a relation exists between the main category and another category that is discussed by the source. 2.3. Reporting In this section, we report the results of our literature analysis shown in Table ??. The results are the identification of 6 main categories and their sub-categories related to our RQ. The main categories represent the most abstract architectural elements of IT service markets that we call primary features. We also call the sub-categories sub-features. The reporting phase focuses on three important aspects of the results: 1) the set of primary features and their sub-features (Section 2.3.1) and 2) the popularity of the features (Section 2.3.2). 2.3.1. Primary Features of IT Service Markets and their Interrelations Figure 2.4 gives an outline for the primary features of IT service markets and their three most important sub-features addressed in the literature, which have been synthesized from the data in Section 2.2. An important part of the synthesized data reveals the relations that exist between the primary features. Figure 2.5 illustrates the relations between the main categories (features). An arrow from feature A to feature B shows that A influences B in a certain way that is summarized as an arrow label. 17 [FLL+13] X X [GMBV12] X X X X X [CG12] O [ZWZJ12] X O [DSTH12] O [CJP+11] X [CWO+11] X [GCCJ11] [BRC10] [LFZD09] X X O O X X X [16] O X (d) Mediating Electronic Product Catalog (MEPC) [19] X X X X [23, 12, 62, 64, 14, 54] X [29] X [66] [40] Service composition Semantic interpretation Service discovery Service matching X [KKLK13] X [WB10, AHKZ08, KW08] X X [HHYH09] X X (e) Security X X [FHT+12] X X X X X X X X X [MVG+14] X X X [APB+14] O O O X X X O [TSB10] X X Sources Business strategies Reputation system Price model Product portfolio Revenue model X [10, 71] X [HO11] X X X X (b) Business Model Security QoS analysis Reputation System Business model Service repository Portal Sources (a) Reputation System X Code analysis Malware detection X X X Policy X Privacy [CLH+14] O X X (c) Recommendation system [WGB11] X [TSB10] X [BRC10, VPB09, PO09] [PRS09, LFZD09] Business model O X X QoS analysis Dynamic SLA Monitoring system O X Sources O Sources Security Review interpretation Sentiment analysis Rating X X [HJZ12] X X [JBL12, X Car12] [LR11] X [TSB10, X HHYH09] [MHJ+15] X [KPKL14] [MVG+14, MKM11] [LMD+13] [HJZ12, LR11] [JBL12] [Car12] [RA12] [TTP11] [IvJ11, HHYH09] [WB10] [GWB10, BCPR09] [PO09] Sources [LB13] App mining Open Codes Service rank Ranking chart Download rank Selective Reputation system Code Axial Ranking Reviewing Codes Business model 2.3. REPORTING O X X (f) SLA Figure 2.3.: The distribution of features and their relations among the sources Monitoring system Dynamic QoS SLA analysis SLA Revenue model Business model Reputation system MEPC Security QoS Malware Business Rating analysis detection Portal strategies Ranking Service Static Product discovery Service analysis Service Policy Reviewing portfolio matching repository Semantic Privacy Price interpretation model Service composition Recommendation system IT service market 18 CHAPTER 2. SURVEY PROCEDURE Figure 2.4.: Outline of the primary features and their sub-features 19 Reputation system «ensures the validity of rating and ranking» Security «improves rating and ranking» Business model «improves sales performance» SLA «imposes extra costs in dynamic markets» «enhances collaborative work» «attracts developers» MEPC «ensures malware-free services, privacy, and access control» Figure 2.5.: Outline of the relations between the primary features Data Analysis – Feature Popularity 2.3.2. Popularity of Features Figure 3 shows how many percentage of the contents of the sources from 2008 to May 2016 is dedicated to each feature on the basis of our literature analysis. Business Model 22% 14% © Heinz Nixdorf Institut, Universität Paderborn Recommendation System Security 21% 19% 11% Reputation System 13% SLA MEPC Figure 2.6.: Distribution of feature popularity in the period from 2008 to May 2016 1 C5 – Architectural Management of On-The-Fly Computing Markets References [AHKZ08] Witold Abramowicz, Konstanty Haniewicz, Monika Kaczmarek, and Dominik Zyskowski. E-marketplace for semantic web services. In ServiceOriented Computing–ICSOC 2008, pages 271–285. Springer, 2008. [APB+ 14] Svetlana Arifulina, Marie Christin Platenius, Steffen Becker, Christian Gerth, Gregor Engels, and Wilhelm Schäfer. Market-optimized service specification and matching. In Service-Oriented Computing, pages 543– 550. Springer, 2014. [BCPR09] David F. Bacon, Yiling Chen, David Parkes, and Malvika Rao. A marketbased approach to software evolution. 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