Beleidsontwikkelingen in tabaksontmoediging
Beleidsontwikkelingen in tabaksontmoediging
Beleidsontwikkelingen in tabaksontmoediging Marc Willemsen Nascholingsavond Kwaliteitsregister Stoppen met Roken Trimbos-instituut 17 September 2015 1. Inleiding: Tabaksontmoediging in Nederland 2. Symposium op SRNT-E over ondermijnen van tabaksbeleid door de industrie 3. Symposium of SRNT-E over de nieuwste resultaten uit het ITC Nederland project 4. Symposium of SRNT-E over kankerpreventie: vergoeding van stoppen met roken Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) • Wat: WHO-Kaderverdrag inzake tabaksontmoediging • Doel: Wereldbevolking beschermen tegen de schadelijke effecten van tabak • Middel: samenhangend pakket van effectieve maatregelen • Start: geratificeerd door Nederland op 27 januari 2005 Schaduwrapport 2011 Schaduwrapport 2011 Niet in overeenstemming met FCTC verplichtingen Niet in overeenstemming met FCTC aanbevelingen, maar wel met (eventuele) verplichtingen Niet in overeenstemming met FCTC suggesties, maar wel met (eventuele) verplichtingen en/of aanbevelingen In overeenstemming met FCTC verplichtingen, aanbevelingen en/of suggesties Samenvattend: Alomvattende strategie en centrale coördinatie (Art. 5.1 & 5.2) Bescherming tegen belangen tabaksindustrie (Art. 5.3) Prijs- en belastingmaatregelen (Art. 6) Bescherming tegen blootstelling aan tabaksrook (Art. 8) Inhoud tabaksproducten en informatieverschaffing (Art. 9 & 10) Verpakking en etikettering (Art. 11) Educatie, communicatie en training (Art. 12) Reclame, promotie en sponsoring (Art. 13) Tabaksverslaving en stoppen met roken (Art. 14) Illegale handel (Art. 15) Verkoop aan en door minderjarigen (Art. 16) Onderzoek en monitoring (Art. 20) Financiële middelen (Art. 26) Nog weinig vooruitgang in termen van voldoen aan FCTC Positieve ontwikkelingen sinds 2011 • Leeftijdsgrens verkoop tabak van 16 naar 18 jaar • Herintroductie van de rookvrije (kleine) horeca • Terugkeer van vergoeding van stopondersteuning in het basispakket • Weer aandacht voor campagnes • Publieke informatievoorziening t.a.v. tabaksingrediënten • Grote accijnsverhoging in 2013 • Steun voor de Europese Tabaksproductenrichtlijn (grafische gezondheidswaarschuwingen en maatregelen t.a.v. additieven) Zorgpunten • Tabaksontmoediging onvoldoende prioriteit • Gebrek aan een alomvattend tabaksbeleid • Onvoldoende maatregelen tegen de invloed van de tabaksindustrie • Nog geen volledige bescherming tegen meeroken • Gebrek aan voorlichting (en kennis) over de schadelijkheid van (mee)roken • Geen algeheel reclameverbod op verkooppunten • Accijnsinstrument niet vanwege de volksgezondheid • Verslechteringen: minder budget, minder monitoring Aanbevelingen • Ontwikkel een omvattend tabaksontmoedigingsbeleid met substantieel budget, ondersteund met structurele inzet van het accijnsinstrument • Start bewustwordingscampagne over de schadelijkheid van roken • Elimineer alle tabaksreclame en promotie: ‘display ban’ en ‘plain packaging’ Symposium 1 “Preventing tobacco industry interference in health policymaking: challenges, successess, and missed opportunities” Implementing WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Article 5.3 in the EU: Challenges and Opportunities Heide Weishaar MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow FCTC Article 5.3 “In setting and implementing their public health policies with respect to tobacco control, Parties shall act to protect these policies from commercial and other vested interests of the tobacco industry in accordance with national law.” Nederland • September 2014: Stichting Rookpreventie Jeugd dagvaardt Overheid om artikel 5.3 na te komen • Mei 2015: Advies van ANR aan de Overheid over implementatie van artikel 5.3 • Kamerbrief van Rijn over artikel 5.3 verwacht BAT interests for impact assessment and stakeholder consultation hidden behind credible third parties Group 1 included*: Business groups (British Chambers of Commerce, CBI & Federation of Small Businesses) and companies (BAT, Enron, KPMG, NTL, Rolls Royce, Telewest, Zurich financial services). British American Tobacco Lobbying groups Public Policy Unit Fair Regulation Campaign Member States EU Policymaking institutions UK government German government European Council Irish government Trade & economic organisations (including OECD, CBI, UNICE & IBEC) Dutch government European Parliament and MEPs Group 2 included**: Baxter, Bayer, Bouygues, British Petroleum, Coca Cola, Dow, Du Pont de Nemours, Edelman, Elf Aquitaine, GCPF (Crop Protection Association), HSBC, ICI, Johnson & Johnson, Marks & Spencer, Mars, NatWest, Pirelli, Shell, Siemens, SmithKline Beecham, Solvay, Tesco, Zeneca European Policy Centre Risk Assessment Forum Weinbergs European Commission •Smith KE, Fooks G, Collin J, Weishaar H, Mandal S, Gilmore AB. “Working the System”—British American Tobacco's Influence on the European Union Treaty and Its Implications for Policy: An Analysis of Internal Tobacco Industry Documents. PLoS Medicine 2010; 7(1): e1000202 Corporations Tobacco industry’s assault on democratic policy making: the case of the EU Tobacco Products Directive Co-researchers: H. Costa, D. Stuckler, M. McKee, & A.B. Gilmore Silvy Peeters R01CA160695 SRNT Europe 16th Annual Conference Maastricht, 10 September 2015 Belangrijkste TPD maatregelen per mei 2016 • Verbod op tabaksproducten met kenmerkend aroma • Gezondheidswaarschuwingen (tekst + plaatje) 65% op voor – en achterzijde verpakking + stoppen met roken informatie • Nadere eisen misleidende eisen etikettering (geen additief vrij, geen nicotine, teer en CO gehaltes) • Verbod promotie elektronische sigaretten • Maximaal nicotinegehalte en volume, verschillende veiligheidseisen • Keuze ‘plain packaging’ wordt aan de lidstaten overgelaten • Overgangstermijn 1 jaar (mei 2016 – mei 2017). • Nederland: E-sig onderdeel tabakswet (wat betreft leeftijdsgrens en reclameverbod) Context 2001: Tobacco Products Directive (TPD)1 adopted1 2009: Revision TPD1 started 2014: TPD2 adopted WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) 1 Better Regulation2 Impact Assessment, Stakeholder Consultation Mandal S, Gilmore A, Collin J, Weishaar H, Smith K, McKee M, Block, amend, delay: tobacco industry efforts to influence the European Union’s Tobacco Products Directive (2001/37/EC). Other. Brussels: Smokefree Partnership/CRUK, 2009 2 Smith KE, Fooks G, Collin J, Weishaar H, Mandal S, Gilmore A. "Working the system": PLOS Medicine 2010 Overall TI strategy • AMEND, DELAY, & BLOCK “extreme” policy options • Shift debate away from health to economic consequences Commission Block DG SANCO’s “extreme” policy options Parliament Break Health Committee’s control over TPD2 EU Council Create blocking minority to “extreme” measures Significant delays TPD1 2.5 years TPD2 5.5 years 1 1.5 4 Commission █ 1.5 Parliament & Council █ Impact Assessment: Additional studies Public consultation flooded: 85,000+ submissions Inter-Service Consultation (ISC): Postponed 3 times (25 Jul, 23 Sept, 22 Oct 2012) •ITC Netherlands Wave 1 to 8 National Report (2008-2014) •Summary of Findings •Marc C. Willemsen •Maastricht University Department of Health Promotion ITC Netherlands Team ITC Netherlands Investigators — Dr. Marc Willemsen*— Maastricht University (CAPHRI) — Dr. Gera Nagelhout — Maastricht University (CAPHRI) — Dr. Hein de Vries — Maastricht University (CAPHRI) — Karin Hummel — PhD Student, Maastricht University (CAPHRI) — Dr. Ciska Hoving — Maastricht University (CAPHRI) — Dr. Bas van den Putte — University of Amsterdam (ASCoR) ITC International Team — Dr. Geoffrey T. Fong* — Dr. Mary E. Thompson — Dr. Christian Boudreau ITC Netherlands Project Management — Thomas Agar — Project Manager, University of Waterloo, Canada — Ruth Loewen — Survey Manager, University of Waterloo, Canada — Dr. Gera Nagelhout — Maastricht University (CAPHRI) — Karin Hummel — PhD Student, Maastricht University (CAPHRI) • *Principal Investigators Department of Health Promotion •28 Department of Health Promotion •29 Methods Longitudinal study: survey waves over 6 years (2008-14) — Telephone (Waves 1 & 3) and web (Waves 1-8) surveys Representative random sample — Cohort of about 2,000 youth (15-17) and adult (18+) smokers — Replenishment of respondents lost to attrition at Waves 4-8 Survey questions — Adapted from ITC Project surveys across 22 countries — Measures relevant to each FCTC policy domain — New questions adapted for Netherlands tobacco control policy environment — e.g. E-cigarettes, mass media campaigns, insurance reimbursement for SSMs Department of Health Promotion •30 Kennis gezondheidsschade Department of Health Promotion •31 Kennis: roken en hartziekten Department of Health Promotion •32 Kennis: hartaanval Department of Health Promotion •33 Denken over gevolgen van het roken Department of Health Promotion •34 Denken over schade van roken aan anderen Department of Health Promotion •35 Beeldvorming Department of Health Promotion •36 Gebrekkige blootstelling aan voorlichting Department of Health Promotion •37 Prijs als reden om te stoppen Department of Health Promotion •38 Opmerken van de waarschuwingslabels Department of Health Promotion •39 Aanbevelingen 1) Promoot meer bewustzijn van de schade van het roken en voordelen van stoppen middels goedgefinancierde voorlichtingscampagnes 2) Verminder blootstelling aan tabaksmarketing in winkels 3) Verhoog tabaksaccijns tot minimal 70% van de verkoopprijs 4) Verminder prijsverschil tussen shag en sigaretten. Department of Health Promotion •40 Symposium 7 • “Preventing cancer through smoking cessation: A symposium supported by the Dutch Cancer society (KWF) and Cancer Research UK” • -> Mijn presentatie: “Should governments pay for smoking cessation?” Department of Health Promotion FCTC Article 14 “Tobacco users who need cessation support should be offered intensive specialised support, delivered by specially trained practitioners. Such services should offer behavioural support, and where appropriate, medications (…). Where possible they should be provided free or at an affordable cost.” Department of Health Promotion Vergoeding • 2011: vergoeding voor stoppen met roken behandeling ingevoerd + campagne • 2012: geen vergoeding • 2013 – 2015: vergoeding opnieuw mogelijk. Department of Health Promotion Methode • Literature search PubMed: “reimbursement” and “Netherlands” • Inclusion: – Before – after comparison data available (covering 2010 - 2012) – National level data – All outcome measures Department of Health Promotion Bevindingen: 6 studies 1. Willemsen MC, et al. Population impact of reimbursement for smoking cessation: a natural experiment in The Netherlands. Addict 2012;108(3):602-4. 2. Troelstra, S., et al. Effect of tobacco control policies on information seeking for smoking cessation in the Netherlands: A Google Trends study. Eur J Public Health 2014;24(Suppl 2): 214 3. Verbiest, ME. et al. An increase in primary care prescriptions of stop-smoking medication as a result of health insurance coverage in the Netherlands: population based study." Addiction 2013;108:2183-192 4. Van Boven JFM, Vemer P. Higher Adherence during Reimbursement of Pharmacological Smoking Cessation Treatments. Nicotine Tob Res. First published online: March 16, 2015 5. Nagelhout, G. E., et al. Effectiveness of a national reimbursement policy and accompanying media attention on use of cessation treatment and on smoking cessation: a real-world study in the Netherlands. Tobacco Control 2014;24:455-61 6. Nagelhout, G., et al. Are there income differences in the impact of a national reimbursement policy for smoking cessation treatment and accompanying media attention? Findings from the International Tobacco Control (ITC) Netherlands Survey. Drug Alcohol Dependency 2014;140:183–90. Department of Health Promotion 1. Willemsen et al (2012) Increases in calls to the national telephone quit line 2011 Department of Health Promotion 2. Troelstra Increase Google “Quit smoking” searches in 2011 and 2013 in the Netherlands 2004 - 2010 Department of Health Promotion 2011 2012 2013 2. Troelstra (cont’d) No increase Google “Quit smoking” searches in 2011 and 2013 in Belgium 2006 - 2010 Department of Health Promotion 2011 2012 2013 3. Verbiest et al More prescriptions and less smokers Department of Health Promotion Proportion smokers in adult population (TNS-NIPO) 28 27,5 27 26,5 26 25,5 25 24,5 24 23,5 23 2007 2008 2007 2009 2008 Department of Health Promotion 2009 2010 2010 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 4. Van Boven & Vemer • Number of prescriptions by pharmacies • 2011 - 2014 • Adherence = at least 80% of the recommended number of tablets prescribed Recommended: Varenicline: 143 pills, 12 weeks Bupropion: 83 pills, 7 weeks. Department of Health Promotion 4 . Van Boven & Vemer(cont’d) 15.4% 20.1% Department of Health Promotion 13.9% 18.9% 5. Nagelhout (2014a) 20 Reimbursement 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 wave 1 wave 2 % Quit Attempt Department of Health Promotion wave 3 % Quit Success wave 4 5. Nagelhout (2014a) (cont’d) • Attention to media about reimbursement significantly associated with more quit attempts (Or=1.18) and more quit success (OR = 1.20). • Awareness of reimbursement policy not a significant predictor, when controlling for media attention. Department of Health Promotion 6. Nagelhout et al (2014b) ITC survey data Department of Health Promotion 4. Nagelhout et al (2014b) • Main findings of Nagelhout et al (2014a) were confirmed: – Effect of reimbursement on quit attempts and quit success. – Awareness of media campaign associated with more quit attempts. • No differences according to income level Department of Health Promotion Conclusions • More use of behavioural support • More use of pharmaco-therapy • Greater adherence to treatment regime more successful quitting • more quitting activity in the population -> Impact on national smoking rate • Impact is very much dependent on promotion of reimbursement through media campaign • National reimbursement for smoking cessation will help governments in reaching national tobacco control targets, if properly executed Department of Health Promotion Bedankt! [email protected] Department of Health Promotion
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