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PDF bestand Page 1. VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA
VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA Annual Report 2012 Appendices Address VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam (VUmc CCA) VU University Medical Center PK 7 Z 182 De Boelelaan 1117 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands phone: (31)20 4443113 e-mail: [email protected] website : www.vumc.nl/afdelingen/CCA-V-ICI Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA - 1 List of contents Appendices 1. Organization 3 2. Scientific input 7 3. Newly started PhD projects 18 4. Scientific output 20 5. Indicators of esteem 62 6. Societal impact 108 7. Ongoing projects 113 8. International collaboration 145 9. Scientific Research Committee 153 10. Evening lectures 164 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – List of contents - 2 Appendix 1. Organization Management Board Management Board (MB) members: - P.C. Huijgens, oncology research, director of VUmc CCA - G. Kraal, immunology research, deputy director of VUmc CCA - H.J. Bonjer, regionalisation - G.C.P.M. Hoskens, manager finances division I - C.R. Leemans, education, chairman of internal advisory board - G.A. Meijer, infrastructure - B.J. Slotman, regionalisation - H.M.W.Verheul, patient care/fundraising, member Supportive staff J. van Diemen (board assistant) - Y.M. Duiker (board assistant) - E. van Kessel (project manager) - M.A.J. Koelink (senior secretary) - G.K. Kuipers (senior board assistant) - H. Loeffen (communication advisor) - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (senior board assistant) - E. Takkenberg (fundraiser) - B. Volman (project controller) - J. Zweers (project controller) Executive Board The Executive Board (EB) of VUmc CCA consists of the program leaders. The EB meets every 2 months together with the MB, chaired by one of the MB directors. The EB advises the MB about: - research projects - long-term policy with respect to personnel and materials - first money stream graduate students Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Organization - 3 - allocation of equipment for research of > € 12.000 patient care projects clinical and translational research education fundraising for cancer research, care and education early diagnostics all matters concerning VUMC CCA whether on request or not. The complete EB convenes regularly to discuss the long term policy of VUmc CCA. Executive Board members: Program 1: Oncogenesis: - R.H. Brakenhoff - P.J.F. Snijders - J. de Winter Program 2: Immunopathogenesis: - R.H.J. Beelen - T.D. de Gruijl - E. Hooijberg - Y. van Kooyk - R. Mebius Program 3: Disease profiling: - G.A.M.S. van Dongen - O.S. Hoekstra - C. Jimenez - C.L. Verweij - T. Würdinger Program 4: Innovative therapy: - R. de Bree - J. Janssen - G.J. Peters - S. Senan - H. van der Vliet Program 5: Quality of Life - J. Dekker - G.J.L. Kaspers - B.D. Onwuteaka-Philipsen - I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw - O. Visser Internal Advisory Board The members of the internal advisory board consist of 5 to 10 heads of departments involved in cancer and immunology within the VUmc. The chairman is member of the MB. The board meets twice a year. Internal Advisory Board members: - C.R. Leemans (Chair) - M.A. Blankenstein - J. Bonjer - C.D. Dijkstra - J.J. Heimans - O.S. Hoekstra - G.C.P.M. Hoskens - P.C. Huijgens - G.G. Kenter Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Organization - 4 - G. Kraal D. de Kruif G.A. Meijer H. Meijers-Heijboer C.J.J. Mulder B. Slotman E.F. Smit H.M.W. Verheul A. Voskuyl Scientific Research Committee (CWO) The CWO is divided into a section that advises merely animal related protocols and a section that advises patient related protocols and other project proposals. The CWO advises about the research policy and about the feasibility of new research projects upon request of the MB. The CWO advises the MB specifically about the quality and the feasibility of all research proposals that need permission of the ethical committees for patient related or animal related research before they can be realized. Research proposals made on behalf of (inter)nationally recognized joint ventures (EORTC, HOVON, SIOP, SKION) and multi-center studies in which the VUMC is not the main judging committee, are judged only marginally on local feasibility. The CWO also advises on other research proposals for which judgment by the CWO is desired. The CWO gives asked and unasked advice to the MB about the quality of research within VUMC CCA. The CWO section for patient related protocols meets twice a month, the CWO section for animal related protocols meets once a month. The VUMC Management Regulations stipulate that the VUmc CCA CWO section for patients related protocols is composed of 5 to 9 members. In view of the institute’s size and in order to have sufficient expertise in the different research fields, the CWO has been extended to a maximum of 15 members. Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for patient related protocols: - A.A. van der Loosdrecht (chair) - A.A. van Bodegraven - B.J.M. Braakhuis - A.J.M. van den Eertwegh - M. van Egmond - T.D. de Gruijl (till July 2012) - N. Haasbeek (from August 2012) - N.H. Hendrikse - D. de Jong (from August 2012) - M. Klein (from February 2012) - G.K. Kuipers (secretary) - R.D.M. Steenbergen (from August 2012) - F.B.J.M. Thunnissen (till April 2012) - W.J.J. Unger (from August 2012) - Q. Waisfisz Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for animal related protocols: - R. Scheper (chair) - B.J. Appelmelk - V. van Beusechem - G. Kraal - G.K. Kuipers (secretary till September 2012) - Y.M. Duiker (secretary from September 2012) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Organization - 5 Committee for Education & Training This committee supervises and advices about all training and education activities within VUmc CCA. The graduate training is organized within the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) and the Leiden Amsterdam Institute for Immunology (ALIFI). More in detail, by means of subgroups, this committee organizes and advises about training in the framework of the: - oncology profile - immunology profile - masters education in oncology - masters education in immunology - graduate students education - postgraduate education - SMBWO (Foundation for the Training of Biomedical Scientists) - NVVI (Dutch Society for Immunology) - all other types of education within VUmc CCA. Each of these subgroups is composed of the main teachers within the education involved. The committee gives asked and unasked advice about the quality and quality maintenance of education within VUmc CCA. The committee meets at least six times a year. Members of the Committee for Education & Training: - C.R Leemans (chair) - R.H.J. Beelen - M.M. van Duist - G.A. Meijer - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (secretary) Subgroups: Oncology profile committee members: - B.J.M. Braakhuis - E. Boven - A.A. van de Loosdrecht - N.C.T. van Grieken - F.B.J.M Thunnissen - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (profile coordinator) Immunology and Infection committee members: - B.J. Appelmelk - I.E.M. Bultink - K.A. Gelderman - I.M.W. van Hoogstraten - M.B.E. von Blomberg - G.K. Kuipers (profile coordinator) Directorate OOA (Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam) - A.W. Griffioen from September - G.A. Meijer till September - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst, secretary (VUmc) - T. Sixma (NKI) - M. Spaargaren (AMC) Funding by Stichting VUmc CCA The Stichting VUmc CCA supports VUmc and VUmc CCA in their cancer research and care for patients with cancer. Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Organization - 6 Appendix 2. Scientific input Program 1: Oncogenesis Department Full professor Oudejans CBM Meijers-Heijboer HE te Riele H Kenter GG Bloemena E Schulten EAJM van der Waal I Brakenhoff RH Leemans CR Meijer CJLM Meijer GA Middeldorp JM Mooi WJ Peeper DS Snijders PJF Associate professor Berkhof J van de Wiel MA de Winter JP Dorsman JC Braakhuis BJM Heideman DAM Steenbergen RDM van Kemenade F Assistent professor Menko FH van Hest LP Waisfisz Q Karagozoglu KH Bleeker MCG Carvalho B Cillessen SAGM de Jong D Hooijberg E Pegtel M Rozendaal L van Criekinge WMR van Hattum AH Other tenured staff Gille JJP Heins YM Holstege H Poddighe J Oudgenoeg G Bremmer JF Rekers N Scheffer GL Thunnissen FBJM Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Ameziane N de Lange J de Wit M Funding FTE Clinical Chemistry Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 0,05 0,20 0,00 0,33 0,20 0,10 0,20 0,85 0,05 0,17 0,10 0,50 0,10 0,00 0,60 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,00 0,50 1,00 1,00 0,85 0,50 0,50 0,10 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 0,20 0,10 0,80 0,10 0,20 0,61 0,90 0,15 0,50 0,83 0,10 0,11 0,04 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Laboratory Medical Oncology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 3 1 0,10 0,10 0,50 0,10 1,00 0,23 0,38 0,25 0,10 16,30 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Laboratory Medical Oncology 1 3 1 1,00 1,00 0,75 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 7 Pham TV van Beynum JR Schaaij-Visser BM Jordanova ES Nagel R Stoepker C Hesselink AT Lalic D Wilting SM PhD students Adank M Bakker JL Corbin M Dommering CJ Faramarz A Haitjema A Kooi EI Massink M Mol BM Roohollahi K Stoepker C de Leeuw DC Neerincx M Paulis YWJ Heusschen R Ferns D Dekker H Dekker H Matse JH Ramawadh RS de Boer DV Graveland APJ Martens-de Kemp SR Rietbergen MM van der Plas M Bierkens M Bosch LJW Cordes M de Strooper LMA Hiemstra AC Hubers J Luttmer R Miok V Mollers M Novalic Z Ramayanti O Scherpenisse M Schütze DM Snellenberg S van Boerdonk R Verweij FJ Haloua JP Total non tenured staff Total research staff Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Obstetrics and Gynaecology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology 3 3 1 1 2 1 3 3 3 1,00 1,00 0,33 0,70 1,00 0,50 1,00 0,24 1,00 Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Clinical Genetics Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Obstetrics and Gynaecology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Surgery 1 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 3 1 1 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 1 1 3 1 3 3 4 3 2 3 3 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0,20 0,75 0,75 0,10 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,69 0,00 0,53 0,37 0,75 0,75 0,38 0,75 0,20 0,25 0,40 0,30 0,50 0,05 0,19 0,75 0,75 0,00 0,50 0,34 0,75 0,75 1,00 1,00 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 33,77 50,07 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 8 Program 2: Immunopathogenesis Department Full professor de Rie MA Gibbs S Starink TM Mulder CJJ Bitter W Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Beelen RHJ Dijkstra CD Kraal G Mebius RE van Kooyk Y Scheper RJ van den Elsen PJ Verweij CL Verweij CL Associate professor Stoof TJ de Gruijl TD Appelmelk BJ van Die IM van Egmond M von Blomberg BME van Egmond M Assistent professor Franken SM Kirtschig G Rustemeyer T van Montfrans C Felt-Bersma RJF van Bodegraven AA van Nieuwkerk CMJ Ang W van der Sar AM van den Eertwegh AJM den Haan JMM Unger WWJ Douma CE Farhat K Nurmohamed SA Mulder MF van der Plas RN Other tenured staff Boks MA van Rooijen N van Vliet SJ Ouburg S Scheffer GL van Hoogstraten IMW Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Reinders J Santegoets SJAM Geurtsen J Houben E Ambrosini M Bakema JE Funding FTE Dermatology Dermatology Dermatology Gastroenterology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 0,20 0,25 0,10 0,06 0,35 0,12 0,50 0,05 0,60 0,80 0,60 0,01 0,10 0,20 0,30 Dermatology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Pathology Surgery 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,08 1,00 0,70 0,60 0,10 0,09 0,90 Dermatology Dermatology Dermatology Dermatology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Oncology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Nefrology Nefrology Nefrology Paediatrics Paediatrics 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 0,30 0,05 0,30 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,05 0,55 0,05 0,60 0,69 0,20 0,15 0,15 0,10 0,00 Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Pathology Pathology Pathology 2 1 2 3 3 1 0,58 0,00 1,00 0,17 0,25 0,10 13,80 Dermatology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 3 2 1 3 2 0,50 1,00 0,63 0,70 1,00 0,89 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 9 da Silva Aresta Belo van Wijk AI Garcia-Vallejo JJ Gul N Ilarregui JM Koning JJ Koning N Kuijk LM Lenos KJ Papadopoulos P Tefsen B Unger WWJ van de Pavert SA Veninga H Broers CJM van der Kuip M Bontkes HJ Gelderman KA Greijer AE Oostlander AE PhD students Kosten IJ Ates LS Boot H Stoop EJM van de Weerd R van der Woude AD Weerdenburg EM Lam SW Bar-Ephraim J Beijer MR Bloem K Braster R da Silva Aresta Belo van Wijk AI Fehres CM Ferrantelli E Foster TL Galama SM Goverse G Grewal SK Hiemstra IH Klaver EJ Perdicchio M Pires da Silva Baptista A Stavenuiter AWD van der Steen LPE van Hout MWM Walraven M van den Dungen FAM de Jong T Gross S Lubbers J Ozturk S Turksma A Vosslamber S Total non tenured staff Total research staff Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Paediatrics Paediatrics Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 4 2 3 3 2 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 2 0,83 1,00 0,73 1,00 1,00 0,75 1,00 1,00 0,33 0,67 0,03 1,00 1,00 0,20 0,02 0,10 0,10 0,41 0,21 Dermatology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Oncology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Neonatology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology 1 1 3 3 2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 0,75 0,75 0,19 0,25 0,75 0,31 0,75 0,75 0,37 0,75 0,53 0,75 0,63 0,75 0,44 0,44 0,25 0,75 0,75 0,63 0,75 0,50 0,75 0,75 0,56 0,13 0,75 0,20 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,44 0,31 0,75 35,78 49,58 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 10 Program 3: Disease profiling Department Funding FTE Clinical Chemistry Gastroenterology Hematology 1 1 1 0,05 0,06 0,10 Kluytmans J Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,10 Savelkoul PHM Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Dijkstra CD Heimans JJ Boellaard R Comans EFI Hoekstra OS Lammertsma AA de Bree R Leemans CR van Dongen GAMS Bloemena E Meijer CJLM Meijer GA Pena AS Verweij CL Wesseling P Postmus PE Smit EF Castelijns JA Lems WF Bonjer HJ Kazemier G Associate professor van de Wiel MA Jimenez CR van Beusechem VW Herscheid JDM Molthoff CFM Windhorst AD Ylstra B van der Horst-Bruinsma IE Assistent professor Zijlstra JM Hekker TAM Ossenkopp YJ Smit AM van der Pouw-Kraan CTM le Poole CY Postma TJ Reijneveld JC Raijmakers PG van Schie A Visser GWM Wang S Beliën JAM Carvalho B Fijneman RJA van Criekinge WMR van Grieken NCT Becker A Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Neurology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pulmonology Pulmonology Radiology Rheumatology Surgery Surgery 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,15 0,13 0,05 0,06 0,30 0,20 0,30 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,85 0,20 0,18 0,10 0,00 0,10 0,15 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,10 0,20 0,30 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Pathology Rheumatology 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,50 1,00 0,50 0,17 0,30 0,15 0,40 0,40 Hematology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Nefrology Neurology Neurology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pulmonology 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 0,30 0,01 0,01 0,01 0,90 0,10 0,10 0,10 0,05 0,10 0,10 1,00 0,80 0,31 0,90 0,11 0,20 0,20 Full professor Blankenstein MA Mulder CJJ Huijgens PC Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 11 Daniels JMA Hashemi SMS Sutedja TG Bultink IEM van der Laken CJ van Schaardenburg D Voskuyl AE Paul MA te Velde EA Other tenured staff Kaiser AM Pettersson Fernholm AM van de Laar TJW Huisman MC Verbeek J Yaqub MM Waalboer DCJ Parlayan Scheffer GL Sie DLS Hendrikse NH Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Terhaar sive Droste JS Verwer E Vugts D Poot AJ Vugts D van der Velde AG PhD students van der Meijde E Vink A Wubulikasimu A Wubulikasimu A Bakker SF Ben Larbi I Nijeboer P Radersma M Seinen ML van Wanrooij RLJ Budding A Schepens MLM Roemer MGM Koekkoek J Sizoo E van Dellen E Cheebsumon P Frings V Hoyng LL Makris N Nissen IA Oprea D Rizvi SN Flach GB Heuveling D van der Putten L Vosjan MJWD van Elsland S Blits M Bosch LJW Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Surgery Surgery 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 0,20 0,20 0,20 0,10 0,20 0,05 0,10 0,10 0,20 Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology Pathology Pathology Pharmacy 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 2 3 1 1 0,05 0,01 0,10 0,20 0,03 0,30 0,67 1,00 0,50 0,60 0,30 18,41 Gastroenterology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Pathology 3 3 4 2 4 3 0,40 1,00 0,92 1,00 0,08 0,58 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Gastroenterology Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Medical Oncology Neurology Neurology Neurology Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Nuclear Medicine and PET Research Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatrics Pathology Pathology 1 3 2 1 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 3 4 3 4 2 2 2 4 3 4 4 1 3 1 2 4 2 2 0,19 0,75 0,38 0,37 0,75 0,38 0,44 0,50 0,50 0,75 0,40 0,69 0,50 0,10 0,12 0,32 0,13 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,40 0,40 0,02 0,75 0,10 0,12 0,75 0,63 0,25 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 12 de Groen FLM de Ridder A Goos JACM Krijgsman O Scheinin AI Sillars-Hardebol AH Timmer LM van den Broek E van Thuijl HF Voorham QJM de Langen AJ Johannesma PC Kuiper JL Mellema WW Paff T Schook R Siebring-van Olst E Rodjan F Abis GSA Abis GSA de Cuba E Total non tenured staff Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pathology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Pulmonology Radiology Surgery Surgery Surgery 1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 Total research staff 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,12 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,02 0,44 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,15 0,75 0,25 0,37 0,38 0,75 29,90 48,31 Program 4: Innovative therapy Department Full professor Zuurmond WWA Boers M Uyl-de Groot CA Mulder CJJ Huijgens PC Ossenkoppele GJ van de Loosdrecht AA Griffioen AW Peters GJ Boven E Gerritsen WR Verheul H Heimans JJ Vandertop WP Smit TH de Bree R Leemans CR Kaspers GJL van Furth AM Scheper RJ Senan S Slotman BJ Lems WF Cuesta MA Rauwerda JA van Leeuwen PAM Wisselink W Anesthesiology Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gastroenterology Hematology Hematology Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurology Neurosurgery Orthopaedics Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatrics Pathology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Rheumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Funding FTE 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,20 0,30 0,00 0,06 0,10 0,30 0,30 0,80 0,80 0,25 0,25 0,20 0,06 0,10 0,15 0,10 0,05 0,20 0,30 0,02 0,20 0,20 0,10 0,09 0,05 0,10 0,15 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 13 van Moorselaar RJA Associate professor Perez RSGM van Agtmael MA Schuurhuis GJ van Beusechem VW Wurdinger T Assistent professor Coupe VMH Xavier de Menezes R Chamuleau MED Issa DE Janssen JJWM Thielen N Visser O Zweegman S Cloos J Broxterman HJ Giovannetti E Buter J van den Eertwegh AJM van der Houven van Oordt CW van der Vliet JJ van der Vorst MJDL van Linde ME Voortman J Postma TJ Reijneveld JC Baayen JC de Witt Hamer PC Feller RE Noske DP Peerdeman SM Moll AC Eerenstein SEJ van Weert S de Haas V Oeij NA Dahele MR Doornaert P Griffioen GHMJ Haasbeek CJ Lafleur MVM Lagerwaard FJ Sminia P Bultink IEM van Schaardenburg D Voskuyl AE Hartemink KJ Meijerink WJ Oosterhuis JW van den Tol MP van der Peet DL Geldof AA ter Haar R Vis A Other tenured staff Bogaards JA Irandoust M Urology 1 0,10 Anesthesiology Internal Medicine Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Neurosurgery 1 1 1 1 1 0,10 0,20 0,75 0,50 0,30 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurology Neurology Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Opthalmonology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Urology Urology Urology 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1,00 0,58 0,30 0,40 0,30 0,40 0,30 0,30 0,69 1,00 1,00 0,10 0,05 0,09 0,20 0,17 0,20 0,20 0,10 0,10 0,05 0,30 0,00 0,30 0,10 0,05 0,02 0,02 0,00 0,00 0,05 0,05 0,10 0,05 0,00 0,05 0,40 0,10 0,05 0,10 0,40 0,20 0,10 0,20 0,30 0,30 0,10 0,10 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Laboratory Hematology 3 3 0,50 0,08 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 14 van Oostveen JW Dong W Labots M Piersma SR van der Veer MS Rovithi MN Froklage F Berenguer de Felipe J Langius JAE Wierdsma NJ Abbink F Senthi S Thijssen VLJL van Sörnsen de Koste JR Al MCM Jansen G ter Wee MM Bundel EM van Ginkel TC Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Demirel E Peeters CFW Veldhuijzen IK Noordhuis P Honeywell R van der Stoop PM Hulleman E Mahdavian Delawary B van Tuyl L Bijnsdorp IV PhD students Bongers ML Chaturvedi N Greuter MJ de Boer YS Regelink JC van Luijn M Wondergem MJ Sikkens JJ Alhan C Bachas C de Leeuw DC Kerkhoff N Niewerth D Ruben JM van Alphen C Verhagen HJMP Wojtuszkiewicz A Wouters R Zeijlemaker W Avan A Azijli K de Bruin R El-Naggar M Galvani E Gotink KJ Hodzic J Koster BD Kuipers-de Wilt LHAM Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Neurology Neurosurgery Nutricion and dietics Nutricion and dietics Paediatric Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Urology Urology 1 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 4 4 3 0,05 0,33 0,10 1,00 0,92 1,00 0,75 1,00 1,00 0,22 0,00 0,20 0,60 0,20 1,00 1,00 1,00 0,50 0,80 30,60 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Neurosurgery Paediatric Oncology Plastic, reconstructive and handsurgery Rheumatology Urology 3 3 3 4 1 2 3 2 3 3 1,00 0,69 0,79 0,60 1,00 0,80 0,80 0,50 0,66 1,00 Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics Gastroenterology Hematology Hematology Hematology Internal Medicine Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Hematology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology 3 3 3 2 4 3 1 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 0,75 0,75 0,50 0,25 0,40 0,50 0,30 0,20 0,38 0,69 0,38 0,63 0,75 0,75 0,50 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,12 0,00 0,75 0,13 0,44 0,62 0,75 0,56 0,06 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 15 Schulkens I van der Mijn JC Huijts L Neefjes ECW Offringa R Schneiders FL Versteeg KS Wentink MQ van Dijk J Koekkoek J Sizoo E van Dellen E Caretti V Hiddingh L van Rijn S Buskermolen S Mourits DL Klumpers DD Posthuma de Boer J Schmitz MS Cohen R Schouten CS Slobbe P Vosjan MJWD Blufpand HN Gordijn MS Jansen MHA Kors WA Sewing ACP van Vuurden DG Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM Wilhelm AJ Kleibeuker EA Narayan RS Ong CL Ong CL Tol J de Jong MC Scheffer HJ Bruijnen STG den Uyl D Gent YYJ Konijn NPC Rasch LA Verbrugge CSE Weijers K Ankersmit M Buijs N Nielsen K van Dam DA van der Sluis TM Total non tenured staff Total research staff Laboratory Medical Oncology Laboratory Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Medical Psychology Neurology Neurology Neurology Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Neurosurgery Nutricion and dietics Opthalmonology Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Orthopaedics Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology Pharmacy Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiation Oncology Radiology Radiology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Rheumatology Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Urology 3 4 4 3 4 1 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 3 3 1 3 2 3 1 4 3 3 1 4 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,19 0,75 0,50 0,50 0,40 0,10 0,13 0,33 0,44 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,19 0,62 0,25 0,75 0,69 0,40 0,75 0,13 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,00 0,45 0,40 0,50 0,10 0,60 0,30 0,30 0,30 0,19 0,50 0,31 0,75 0,12 0,75 0,30 0,19 0,25 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 0,75 1,00 47,68 78,28 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 16 Program 5: Quality of life Department Full professor Heimans JJ Festen JM Leemans CR Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Kaspers GJL Dekker J Assistent professor Reijneveld JC Rinkel RNPM Israels T Other tenured staff van Dijk EM Lubberding S van Uden-Kraan CF van den Berg MH van Litsenburg R Total tenured staff Non tenured staff Mostert SM van Dulmen-den Broeder E PhD students Boele F Sizoo E Cnossen IC de Bruijn M Krebber AMH van Gogh CDL van Nieuwenhuizen AJ Braam KI Overbeek A van Litsenburg R Total non tenured staff Total research staff Funding FTE Neurology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology Rehabilitation Medicine 1 1 1 1 1 1 0,06 0,05 0,05 0,60 0,20 0,10 Neurology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatric Oncology 1 1 4 0,10 0,05 0,20 Medical Psychology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatrics Paediatrics 3 2 3 3 1 0,30 0,57 0,44 0,60 0,83 4,15 Paediatric Oncology Paediatric Oncology 4 4 0,60 0,80 Medical Psychology Neurology Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Paediatrics Paediatrics Paediatrics 3 3 4 3 2 1 3 3 3 1 0,75 0,13 0,67 0,12 0,75 0,05 0,75 0,50 0,25 0,13 5,50 9,65 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific input - 17 Appendix 3. Newly started PhD projects PhD student Project leader Department Project Program Avan A Peters GJ Medical Oncology Genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma aggressive behaviour and chemoresistance 4 Bar-Ephraim J Mebius R Molecular Celbiology and Immunology The influence of vitamin A metabolism on immune cell differentiation in the gut 2 Cordes M Meijer GA Pathology Molecular biomarkers for the stratification of metastatic colorectal cancer patients 1 de Boer DV Brakenhoff RH Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Targeted therapy of precancerous fields in head and neck mucosa 1 de Jong MC de Graaf P Radiology Radiogenomics in retinoblastoma patients 3 de Jong MC Moll A Radiology Trilateral retinoblastoma: meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness of brain screening 3 de Jong MC Castelijns JA Radiology Multicenter implementation of MR imaging studies in children with retinoblastoma for assessment of response to chemotherapy and early detection of pineoblastoma and craniofacial second primary malignancies 3 Ferrantelli E Beelen RHJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology European training and research in peritoneal dialyses 2 Foster TL Beelen RHJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology European training and research in peritoneal dialyses 2 Kerkhoff N Ossenkoppele GJ Hemotology Role of immune responses focussing on DC in the pathogenesis of low risk and high risk myelodysplastic syndromes: implications for immunotherapy 2 Konijn NPC Lens WF Rheumatology COBRA-light vier jaar extensieonderzoek 4 Koster BD de Gruijl TD Surgery Immunomodulation of the sentinel lymph node 4 Miok V Snijders PJF Pathology Comprehensive molecular characterisation of a longitudinal in vitro model of high-risk HPVmediated transformation 1 Mourits DL Moll AC Opthalmology Complications, functional, and cosmetic results in patients treated for retinoblastoma in the Netherlands 5 Offringa T Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Chemotherapy and maximal tumor debulking of multi-organ colorectal cancer metastases 4 Ozturk S Verweij CL Pathology B cells in the preclinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis 3 Roemer MGM de Jong D Medical Oncology Characterizing genetic alterations in diffuse lage B-cell lymphomas occuring in immune provileged sites 3 Scheffer HJ van Kuijk C Radiology Evidence based interventional oncology: from last resort to potent alternative or additional treatment 4 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Newly started PhD projects - 18 Schouten CS de Bree R Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery Response evaluation after chemoradiation for advanced oropharyngeal cancer using PET-CT and MRI 3 van Alphen C Jimenez CR Medical Oncology Unravelling protein expression changes during HPV-induced transformation using a label-free proteomics approach 3 Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM Kaspers GJL Paediatrics Drug distribution and local drug delivery in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma 4 Versteeg KS Verheul HMW Medical Oncology Optimalization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with advanced solid malignancies 5 Wouters R Cloos J Paediatric Oncology Improvement of prognosis of pediatric AML by identification and characterization of (stem) cells responsible for development of relapse 4 Wouters R Cloos J Paediatric Oncology Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells 4 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Newly started PhD projects - 19 Appendix 4. Scientific output Abbreviations: (x /y): 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: (Cat.A): (Cat.B): (Cat.C): (Cat.D): After publications, x: quartile score (1-5), y: Impact Factor of journal Quartile score: SCI journal from lowest quarter, publications in peer-reviewed journals without an Impact Factor Quartile score: SCI journal from the second quarter (>25th and < 50th percentile) Quartile score: SCI journal from the third quarter (>50th and < 75th percentile) Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to the highest quarter 75th-90th percentile Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to > 90th percentile Dissertations prepared and defended at VUmc Dissertations prepared elsewhere and defended at VUmc Dissertations prepared at VUmc and defended elsewhere Dissertations prepared and defended elsewhere Program 1: Oncogenesis Scientific papers refereed 1. Adham M, Kurniawan AN, Muhtadi AI, Roezin A, Hermani B, Gondhowiardjo S, Tan IB, Middeldorp JM. Nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Indonesia: epidemiology, incidence,signs, and symptoms at presentation. Chinese Journal of Cancer 2012; 31: 185-196 (1 / 0.182) 2. Ameziane N, Sie DLS, Dentro S, Ariyurek Y, Kerkhoven L, Joenje H, Dorsman JC, Ylstra B, Gille JJP, Sistermans EA, de Winter JP. Diagnosis of fanconi anemia: mutation analysis by next-generation sequencing. Anemia 2012; 2012: 132856 (0 / 0) 3. Antoniou AC, Kuchenbaecker KB, Soucy P, Beesley J, Chen XQ, McGuffog L, Lee A, Barrowdale D, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Caligo MA, Loman N, Harbst K, Lindblom A, Arver B, Rosenquist R, Karlsson P, Nathanson K, Domchek S, Rebbeck T, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K, Zlowowcka-Perlowska E, Osorio A, Duran M, Andres R, Benitez J, Hamann U, Hogervorst FB, van Os TA, Verhoef S, Meijers-Heijboer HEJ, Wijnen J, Garcia EBG, Ligtenberg MJ, Kriege M, Collee M, Ausems MGEM, Oosterwijk JC, Peock S, Frost D, Ellis SD, Platte R, Fineberg E, Evans DG, Lalloo F, Jacobs C, Eeles R, Adlard J, Davidson R, Cole T, Cook J, Paterson J, Douglas F, Brewer C, Hodgson S, Morrison PJ, Walker L, Rogers MT, Donaldson A, Dorkins H, Godwin AK, Bove B, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Houdayer C, Buecher B, de Pauw A, Mazoyer S, Calender A, Leone M, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Caron O, Sobol H, Frenay M, Prieur F, Ferrer SF, Mortemousque I, Buys S, Daly M, Miron A, Terry MB, Hopper JL, John EM, Southey M, Goldgar D, Singer CF, Fink-Retter A, Tea MK, Kaulich DG, Hansen TVO, Nielsen FC, Barkardottir RB, Gaudet M, Kirchhoff T, Joseph V, Dutra-Clarke A, Offit K, Piedmonte M, Kirk J, Cohn D, Hurteau J, Byron J, Fiorica J, Toland AE, Montagna M, Oliani C, Imyanitov E, Isaacs C, Tihomirova L, Blanco I, Lazaro C, Teule A, Del Valle J, Gayther SA, Odunsi K, Gross J, Karlan BY, Olah E, Teo SH, Ganz PA, Beattie MS, Dorfling CM, van Rensburg EJ, Diez O, Kwong A, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Engel C, Meindl A, Ditsch N, Arnold N, Heidemann S, Niederacher D, Preisler-Adams S, Gadzicki D, Varon-Mateeva R, Deissler H, Gehrig A, Sutter C, Kast K, Fiebig B, Schafer D, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Nevanlinna H, Muranen TA, Lesperance B, Spurdle AB, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Wang XS, Fredericksen Z, Pankratz VS, Lindor NM, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Bonanni B, Bernard L, Dolcetti R, Papi L, Ottini L, Radice P, Greene MH, Loud JT, Andrulis IL, Ozcelik H, Mulligan AM, Glendon G, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Jensen UB, Skytte AB, Kruse TA, Chenevix-Trench G, Couch FJ, Simard J, Easton DF. Common variants at 12p11, 12q24, 9p21, 9q31.2 and in ZNF365 are associated with breast cancer risk for BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutation carriers. Breast Cancer Research 2012; 14: (4 / 5.245) 4. Arbyn M, Ronco G, Anttila A, Meijer CJLM, Poljak M, Ogilvie G, Koliopoulos G, Naucler P, Sankaranarayanan R, Peto J. Evidence regarding human papillomavirus testing in secondary prevention of cervical cancer. Vaccine 2012; 30: F88-F99 (4 / 3.766) 5. Aruhuri B, Tarivonda L, Tenet V, Sinha R, Snijders PJF, Clifford G, Pang J, McAdam M, Meijer CJLM, Frazer IH, Franceschi S. Prevalence of Cervical Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infection in Vanuatu. Cancer Prevention Research 2012; 5: 746-753 (4 / 4.908) 6. Backes DM, Bleeker MCG, Meijer CJLM, Hudgens MG, Agot K, Bailey RC, Ndinya-Achola JO, Hayombe J, Hogewoning CJA, Moses S, Snijders PJF, Smith JS. Male circumcision is associated with a lower prevalence of human papillomavirusassociated penile lesions among Kenyan men. International Journal of Cancer 2012; 130: 1888-1897 (4 / 5.444) 7. Bakker JL, de Winter JP. A Role for ATM in Hereditary Pancreatic Cancer. Cancer Discovery 2012; 2: 14-15 (0 / 0) 8. Bakker ST, van de Vrugt HJ, Visser JA, zenne-Goette E, van der Wal A, Berns MAD, van de Ven M, Oostra AB, de Vries S, Kramer P, Arwert F, van der Valk M, de Winter JP, Riele HT. Fancf-deficient mice are prone to develop ovarian tumours. Journal of Pathology 2012; 226: 28-39 (5 / 6.318) 9. Bierkens M, Wilting SM, van Wieringen WN, van de Wiel MA, Ylstra B, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. HPV type-related chromosomal profiles in high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: 36 (4 / 3.011) 10. Bierkens M, Wilting SM, van Wieringen WN, van Kemenade FJ, Bleeker MCG, Jordanova ES, Bekker-Lettink M, van de Wiel MA, Ylstra B, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. Chromosomal profiles of high-grade cervical intraepithelial neoplasia relate to duration of preceding high-risk human papillomavirus infection. International Journal of Cancer 2012; 131: E579-E585 (4 / 5.444) 11. Braakhuis BJM, Brakenhoff RH, Leemans CR. Treatment choice for locally advanced head and neck cancers on the basis of risk factors: biological risk factors. Annals of Oncology 2012; 23: 173-177 (5 / 6.425) 12. Canfell K, Chesson H, Kulasingam SL, Berkhof J, Diaz M, Kim JJ. Modeling preventative strategies against human papillomavirus-related disease in developed countries. Vaccine 2012; 30: F157-F167 (4 / 3.766) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 20 13. Capelle LG, den Hoed CM, de Vries AC, Biermann K, Casparie MK, Meijer GA, Kuipers EJ. Premalignant gastric lesions in patients with gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue lymphoma and metachronous gastric adenocarcinoma: a casecontrol study. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2012; 24: 42-47 (2 / 1.757) 14. Carvalho B, Sillars-Hardebol AH, Postma C, Mongera S, Droste JTS, Obulkasim A, van de Wiel M, van Criekinge W, Ylstra B, Fijneman RJA, Meijer GA. Colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression is accompanied by changes in gene expression associated with ageing, chromosomal instability, and fatty acid metabolism. Cell Oncol 2012; 35: 53-63 (4 / 3.105) 15. Carvalho J, van Grieken NC, Pereira PM, Sousa S, Tijssen M, Buffart TE, Diosdado B, Grabsch H, Santos MAS, Meijer GA, Seruca R, Carvalho B, Oliveira C. Lack of microRNA-101 causes E-cadherin functional deregulation through EZH2 upregulation in intestinal gastric cancer. Journal of Pathology 2012; 228: 31-44 (5 / 6.318) 16. Castellsague X, Diaz M, Vaccarella S, de Sanjose S, Munoz N, Herrero R, Franeschi S, Meijer CJLM, Bosch FX. Intrauterine Device Use, Cervical Infection With Human Papillomavirus, and Risk of Cervical Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of 26 Epidemiological Studies. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 2012; 67: 353-355 (4 / 2.514) 17. Cong SY, Pepers BA, Zhou TT, Kerkdijk H, Roos RA, van Ommen GJ, Dorsman JC. Huntingtin with an expanded polyglutamine repeat affects the Jab1-p27(Kip1) pathway. Neurobiology of Disease 2012; 46: 673-681 (4 / 5.403) 18. Cornet I, Gheit T, Franceschi S, Vignat J, Burk RD, Sylla BS, Tommasino M, Clifford GM, Snijders PJF. Human Papillomavirus Type 16 Genetic Variants: Phylogeny and Classification Based on E6 and LCR. Journal of Virology 2012; 86: 6855-6861 (4 / 5.402) 19. Corver WE, Ruano D, Weijers K, den Hartog WCE, van Nieuwenhuizen MP, de Miranda N, van Eijk R, Middeldorp A, Jordanova ES, Oosting J, Kapiteijn E, Hovens G, Smit J, van Wezel T, Morreau H. Genome Haploidisation with Chromosome 7 Retention in Oncocytic Follicular Thyroid Carcinoma. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 20. Couch FJ, Gaudet MM, Antoniou AC, Ramus SJ, Kuchenbaecker KB, Soucy P, Beesley J, Chen XQ, Wang XS, Kirchhoff T, McGuffog L, Barrowdale D, Lee A, Healey S, Sinilnikova OM, Andrulis IL, Ozcelik H, Mulligan AM, Thomassen M, Gerdes AM, Jensen UB, Skytte AB, Kruse TA, Caligo MA, Von Wachenfeldt A, Barbany-Bustinza G, Loman N, Soller M, Ehrencrona H, Karlsson P, Nathanson KL, Rebbeck TR, Domchek SM, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Jaworska K, Durda K, Zlowocka E, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Gronwald J, Cybulski C, Gorski B, Osorio A, Duran M, Tejada MI, Benitez J, Hamann U, Hogervorst FBL, van Os TA, van Leeuwen FE, Meijers-Heijboer HEJ, Wijnen J, Blok MJ, Kets M, Hooning MJ, Oldenburg RA, Ausems MGEM, Peock S, Frost D, Ellis SD, Platte R, Fineberg E, Evans DG, Jacobs C, Eeles RA, Adlard J, Davidson R, Eccles DM, Cole T, Cook J, Paterson J, Brewer C, Douglas F, Hodgson SV, Morrison PJ, Walker L, Porteous ME, Kennedy MJ, Side LE, Bove B, Godwin AK, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Fassy-Colcombet M, Castera L, Cornelis F, Mazoyer S, Leone M, Boutry-Kryza N, Bressac-de Paillerets B, Caron O, Pujol P, Coupier I, Delnatte C, Akloul L, Lynch HT, Snyder CL, Buys SS, Daly MB, Terry M, Chung WK, John EM, Miron A, Southey MC, Hopper JL, Goldgar DE, Singer CF, Rappaport C, Tea MKM, Fink-Retter A, Hansen TVO, Nielsen FC, Arason A, Vijai J, Shah S, Sarrel K, Robson ME, Piedmonte M, Phillips K, Basil J, Rubinstein WS, Boggess J, Wakeley K, Ewart-Toland A, Montagna M, Agata S, Imyanitov EN, Isaacs C, Janavicius R, Lazaro C, Blanco I, Feliubadalo L, Brunet J, Gayther SA, Pharoah PPD, Odunsi KO, Karlan BY, Walsh CS, Olah E, Teo SH, Ganz PA, Beattie MS, van Rensburg EJ, Dorfling CM, Diez O, Kwong A, Schmutzler RK, Wappenschmidt B, Engel C, Meindl A, Ditsch N, Arnold N, Heidemann S, Niederacher D, Preisler-Adams S, Gadzicki D, Varon-Mateeva R, Deissler H, Gehrig A, Sutter C, Kast K, Fiebig B, Heinritz W, Caldes T, de la Hoya M, Muranen TA, Nevanlinna H, Tischkowitz M, Spurdle AB, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Lindor NM, Fredericksen Z, Pankratz VS, Peterlongo P, Manoukian S, Peissel B, Zaffaroni D, Barile M, Bernard L, Viel A, Giannini G, Varesco L, Radice P, Greene MH, Mai PL, Easton DF, Chenevix-Trench G, Offit K, Simard J. Common Variants at the 19p13.1 and ZNF365 Loci Are Associated with ER Subtypes of Breast Cancer and Ovarian Cancer Risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2012; 21: 645-657 (5 / 4.123) 21. Coupe VM, Gonzalez-Barreiro L, Gutierrez-Berzal J, Melian-Boveda AL, Lopez-Rodriguez O, Alba-Dominguez J, Alba-Losada J. Transcriptional analysis of human papillomavirus type 16 in histological sections of cervical dysplasia by in situ hybridisation. Journal of Clinical Pathology 2012; 65: 164-170 (3 / 2.306) 22. Coupe VMH, Bogaards JA, Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J. Impact of vaccine protection against multiple HPV types on the costeffectiveness of cervical screening. Vaccine 2012; 30: 1813-1822 (4 / 3.766) 23. de Vries Y, Lwiwski N, Levitus M, Kuyt B, Israels SJ, Arwert F, Zwaan M, Greenberg CR, Alter BP, Joenje H, Meijers-Heijboer H. A Dutch Fanconi Anemia FANCC Founder Mutation in Canadian Manitoba Mennonites. Anemia 2012; 2012: 865170 (0 / 0) 24. De Vuyst H, Mugo NR, Chung MH, McKenzie KP, Nyongesa-Malava E, Tenet V, Njoroge JW, Sakr SR, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Rana FS, Franceschi S. Prevalence and determinants of human papillomavirus infection and cervical lesions in HIVpositive women in Kenya. Br J Cancer 2012; 107: 1624-1630 (4 / 5.042) 25. De Vuyst H, Ndirangu G, Moodley M, Tenet V, Estambale B, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Clifford G, Franceschi S. Prevalence of human papillomavirus in women with invasive cervical carcinoma by HIV status in Kenya and South Africa. International Journal of Cancer 2012; 131: 949-955 (4 / 5.444) 26. de Wijkerslooth TR, Stoop EM, Bossuyt PM, Meijer GA, van Ballegooijen M, van Roon AHC, Stegeman I, Kraaijenhagen RA, Fockens P, van Leerdam ME, Dekker E, Kuipers EJ. Immunochemical Fecal Occult Blood Testing Is Equally Sensitive for Proximal and Distal Advanced Neoplasia. 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Lancet Oncology 2012; 13: 78-88 (5 / 22.589) 73. Rijkaart DC, Berkhof J, van Kemenade FJ, Coupe VMH, Hesselink AT, Rozendaal L, Heideman DAM, Verheijen RH, Bulk S, Verweij WM, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. Evaluation of 14 triage strategies for HPV DNA-positive women in populationbased cervical screening. International Journal of Cancer 2012; 130: 602-610 (4 / 5.444) 74. Rijkaart DC, Berkhof J, van Kemenade FJ, Coupe VMH, Rozendaal L, Heideman DAM, Verheijen RHM, Bulk S, Verweij W, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. HPV DNA testing in population-based cervical screening (VUSA-Screen study): results and implications. Br J Cancer 2012; 106: 975-981 (4 / 5.042) 75. Rijkaart DC, Heideman DAM, Coupe VMH, Brink AATP, Verheijen RHM, Skomedal H, Karlsen F, Morland E, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. High-Risk Human Papillomavirus (hrHPV) E6/E7 mRNA Testing by PreTect HPV-Proofer for Detection of Cervical High-Grade Intraepithelial Neoplasia and Cancer among hrHPV DNA-Positive Women with Normal Cytology. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2012; 50: 2390-2396 (4 / 4.153) 76. Rodrigo JP, Garcia-Pedrero JM, Suarez C, Takes RP, Thompson LDR, Slootweg PJ, Woolgar JA, Westra WH, Brakenhoff RH, Rinaldo A, Devaney KO, Williams MD, Gnepp DR, Ferlito A. Biomarkers predicting malignant progression of laryngeal epithelial precursor lesions: a systematic review. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2012; 269: 1073-1083 (3 / 1.287) 77. Ronco G, Biggeri A, Confortini M, Naldoni C, Segnan N, Sideri M, Zappa M, Zorzi M, Calvia M, Accetta G, Giordano L, Cogo C, Carozzi F, Gillio Tos A, Arbyn M, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Cuzick J, Giorgi Rossi P. Health Technology assessment Report: Ricerca del dna di papillomavirus umano (HPV) come test primario per lo screening dei precursori del cancro del collo dell'utero.. Epidemiologia e Prevenzione 2012; 36: 1-72 (1 / 0,651) 78. Ronco G, Meijer CJ, Cuzick J, Giorgi-Rossi P, Peto J, Segnan N, Dillner J. Screening for Cervical Cancer. Annals of Internal Medicine 2012; 156: 604-605 (5 / 16.733) 79. Rositch AF, Hudgens MG, Backes DM, Moses S, Agot K, Nyagaya E, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Bailey RC, Smith JS. VaccineRelevant Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Infections and Future Acquisition of High-Risk HPV Types in Men. Journal of Infectious Diseases 2012; 206: 669-677 (5 / 6.41) 80. Rositch AF, Poole C, Hudgens MG, Agot K, Nyagaya E, Moses S, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Bailey RC, Smith JS. Multiple Human Papillomavirus Infections and Type Competition in Men. J Infect Dis 2012; 205: 72-81 (5 / 6.41) 81. Saeland E, Belo AI, Mongera S, van Die I, Meijer GA, van Kooyk Y. Differential glycosylation of MUC1 and CEACAM5 between normal mucosa and tumour tissue of colon cancer patients. International Journal of Cancer 2012; 131: 117-128 (4 / 5.444) 82. Sanduleanu S, Masclee AM, Meijer GA. Interval cancers after colonoscopy-insights and recommendations. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology & Hepatology 2012; 9: 550-554 (5 / 8.102) 83. Scherpenisse M, Mollers M, Schepp RM, Boot HJ, de Melker HE, Meijer CJLM, Berbers GAM, van der Klis FRM. Seroprevalence of seven high-risk HPV types in The Netherlands. Vaccine 2012; 30: 6686-6693 (4 / 3.766) 84. Scherpenisse M, Mollers M, Schepp RM, Boot HJ, Meijer CJLM, Berbers GAM, van der Klis FRM, de Melker HE. Changes in Antibody Seroprevalence of Seven High-Risk HPV Types between Nationwide Surveillance Studies from 1995-96 and 2006-07 in The Netherlands. PloS one 2012; 7: e48807 (4 / 4.092) 85. Siddiq A, Couch FJ, Chen GK, Lindstrom S, Eccles D, Millikan RC, Michailidou K, Stram DO, Beckmann L, Rhie SK, Ambrosone CB, Aittomaki K, Amiano P, Apicella C, Baglietto L, Bandera EV, Beckmann MW, Berg CD, Bernstein L, Blomqvist C, Brauch H, Brinton L, Bui QM, Buring JE, Buys SS, Campa D, Carpenter JE, Chasman DI, Chang-Claude J, Chen C, Clavel-Chapelon F, Cox A, Cross SS, Czene K, Deming SL, Diasio RB, Diver WR, Dunning AM, Durcan L, Ekici AB, Fasching PA, Feigelson HS, Fejerman L, Figueroa JD, Fletcher O, Flesch-Janys D, Gaudet MM, Gerty SM, Rodriguez-Gil JL, Giles GG, van Gils CH, Godwin AK, Graham N, Greco D, Hall P, Hankinson SE, Hartmann A, Hein R, Heinz J, Hoover RN, Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 24 Hopper JL, Hu JJ, Huntsman S, Ingles SA, Irwanto A, Isaacs C, Jacobs KB, John EM, Justenhoven C, Kaaks R, Kolonel LN, Coetzee GA, Lathrop M, Marchand L, Lee AM, Lee IM, Lesnick T, Lichtner P, Liu JJ, Lund E, Makalic E, Martin NG, Mclean CA, Meijers-Heijboer H, Meindl A, Miron P, Monroe KR, Montgomery GW, Muller-Myhsok B, Nickels S, Nyante SJ, Olswold C, Overvad K, Palli D, Park DJ, Palmer JR, Pathak H, Peto J, Pharoah P, Rahman N, Rivadeneira F, Schmidt DF, Schmutzler RK, Slager S, Southey MC, Stevens KN, Sinn HP, Press MF, Ross E, Riboli E, Ridker PM, Schumacher FR, Severi G, Silva ID, Stone J, Sund M, Tapper WJ, Thun MJ, Travis RC, Turnbull C, Uitterlinden AG, Waisfisz Q, Wang XS, Wang ZM, Weaver J, Schulz-Wendtland R, Wilkens LR, Van Den Berg D, Zheng W, Ziegler RG, Ziv E, Nevanlinna H, Easton DF, Hunter DJ, Henderson BE, Chanock SJ, Garcia-Closas M, Kraft P, Haiman CA, Vachon CM. A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies of breast cancer identifies two novel susceptibility loci at 6q14 and 20q11. Human Molecular Genetics 2012; 21: 5373-5384 (5 / 7.636) 86. Sillars-Hardebol AH, Carvalho B, Belien JA, de Wit M, is-van Diemen PM, Tijssen M, van de Wiel MA, Ponten F, Fijneman RJA, Meijer GA. BCL2L1 has a functional role in colorectal cancer and its protein expression is associated with chromosome 20q gain. Journal of Pathology 2012; 226: 442-450 (5 / 6.318) 87. Sillars-Hardebol AH, Carvalho B, Belien JAM, de Wit M, Delis-van Diemen PM, Tijssen M, van de Wiel MA, Ponten F, Meijer GA, Fijneman RJA. CSE1L, DIDO1 and RBM39 in colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression. Cell Oncol 2012; 35: 293300 (4 / 3.105) 88. Sillars-Hardebol AH, Carvalho B, Tijssen M, Belien JAM, de Wit M, is-van Diemen PM, Ponten F, van de Wiel MA, Fijneman RJA, Meijer GA. TPX2 and AURKA promote 20q amplicon-driven colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression. Gut 2012; 61: 1568-1575 (5 / 10.111) 89. Sillars-Hardebol AH, Carvalho B, van Engeland M, Fijneman RJA, Meijer GA. The adenoma hunt in colorectal cancer screening: defining the target. Journal of Pathology 2012; 226: 1-6 (5 / 6.318) 90. Sivachandran N, Dawson CW, Young LS, Liu FF, Middeldorp J, Frappier L. Contributions of the Epstein-Barr Virus EBNA1 Protein to Gastric Carcinoma. Journal of Virology 2012; 86: 60-68 (4 / 5.402) 91. Smetsers S, Muter J, Bristow C, Patel L, Chandler K, Bonney D, Wynn RF, Whetton AD, Will AM, Rockx D, Joenje H, Strathdee G, Shanks J, Klopocki E, Gille JJP, Dorsman J, Meyer S. Heterozygote FANCD2 mutations associated with childhood T Cell ALL and testicular seminoma. Familial Cancer 2012; 11: 661-665 (1 / 1.302) 92. Smits AJJ, Kummer JA, Hinrichs JWJ, Herder GJM, Scheidel-Jacobse KC, Jiwa NM, Ruijter TEG, Nooijen PTGA, LooijenSalamon MG, Ligtenberg MJL, Thunnissen FB, Heideman DAM, de Weger RA, Vink A. EGFR and KRAS mutations in lung carcinomas in the Dutch population: increased EGFR mutation frequency in malignant pleural effusion of lung adenocarcinoma. Cell Oncol 2012; 35: 189-196 (4 / 3.105) 93. Smits M, Wurdinger T, van het Hof B, Drexhage JAR, Geerts D, Wesseling P, Noske DP, Vandertop WP, de Vries HE, Reijerkerk A. Myc-associated zinc finger protein (MAZ) is regulated by miR-125b and mediates VEGF-induced angiogenesis in glioblastoma. Faseb Journal 2012; 26: 2639-2647 (5 / 5.712) 94. Snellenberg S, De Strooper LMA, Hesselink AT, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Heideman DAM, Steenbergen RDM. Development of a multiplex methylation-specific PCR as candidate triage test for women with an HPV-positive cervical scrape. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: (4 / 3.011) 95. Snellenberg S, Schutze DM, Claassen-Kramer D, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. Methylation status of the E2 binding sites of HPV16 in cervical lesions determined with the Luminex (R) xMAP (TM) system. Virology 2012; 422: 357365 (3 / 3.351) 96. Starink TM, Houweling AC, van Doom MB, Leter EM, Jaspars EH, van Moorselaar R, Postmus PE, Johannesma PC, van Waesberghe JH, Ploeger MH, Kramer MT, Gille JJ, Waisfisz Q, Menko FH. Familial multiple discoid fibromas: A look-alike of Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome not linked to the FLCN locus. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2012; 66: 259263 (5 / 3.991) 97. Terhaar sive Droste JS, van Turenhout ST, Oort FA, van der Hulst RWM, Steeman VA, Coblijn U, van der Eem L, Duijkers R, Bouman AA, Meijer GA, Depla ACTM, Scholten P, Loffeld RJLF, Coupe VMH, Mulder CJJ. Faecal immunochemical test accuracy in patients referred for surveillance colonoscopy: a multi-centre cohort study. BMC Gastroenterology 2012; 12: 94 (3 / 2.422) 98. Thas O, Clement L, Rayner JCW, Carvalho B, van Criekinge W. An Omnibus Consistent Adaptive Percentile Modified Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test with Applications in Gene Expression Studies. Biometrics 2012; 68: 446-454 (3 / 2.215) 99. Thuijs NB, Uitdehaag BMJ, Van Ouwerkerk WJR, van der Valk P, Vandertop WP, Peerdeman SM. Pediatric meningiomas in The Netherlands 1974-2010: a descriptive epidemiological case study. Childs Nervous System 2012; 28: 1009-1015 (3 / 1.542) 100. Thunnissen E, Beasley MB, Borczuk AC, Brambilla E, Chirieac LR, Dacic S, Flieder D, Gazdar A, Geisinger K, Hasleton P, Ishikawa Y, Kerr KM, Lantejoul S, Matsuno Y, Minami Y, Moreira AL, Motoi N, Nicholson AG, Noguchi M, Nonaka D, Pelosi G, Petersen I, Rekhtman N, Roggli V, Travis WD, Tsao MS, Wistuba I, Xu HD, Yatabe Y, Zakowski M, Witte B, Kuik DJ. Reproducibility of histopathological subtypes and invasion in pulmonary adenocarcinoma. An international interobserver study. Modern Pathology 2012; 25: 1574-1583 (4 / 4.792) 101. Thunnissen E, Boers E, Heideman DAM, Grunberg K, Kuik DJ, Noorduin A, van Oosterhout M, Pronk D, Seldenrijk C, Sietsma H, Smit EF, van Suylen R, von der Thusen J, Vrugt B, Wiersma A, Witte BI, den Bakker M. Correlation of immunohistochemical staining p63 and TTF-1 with EGFR and K-ras mutational spectrum and diagnostic reproducibility in non small cell lung carcinoma. Virchows Archiv 2012; 461: 629-638 (3 / 2.491) 102. Thunnissen E, Bubendorf L, Dietel M, Elmberger G, Kerr K, Lopez-Rios F, Moch H, Olszewski W, Pauwels P, Penault-Llorca F, Rossi G. EML4-ALK testing in non-small cell carcinomas of the lung: a review with recommendations. Virchows Archiv 2012; 461: 245-257 (3 / 2.491) 103. Thunnissen E, Kerr KM, Herth FJF, Lantuejoul S, Papotti M, Rintoul RC, Rossi G, Skov BG, Weynand B, Bubendorf L, Katrien G, Johansson L, Lopez-Rios F, Ninane V, Olszewski W, Popper H, Jaume S, Schnabel P, Thiberville L, Laenger F. The challenge of NSCLC diagnosis and predictive analysis on small samples. Practical approach of a working group. Lung Cancer 2012; 76: 1-18 (4 / 3.434) 104. Thunnissen F, Prinsen C, Hol B, Van der Drift M, Vesin A, Brambilla C, Montuenga L, Field J. Smoking history and lung carcinoma: KRAS mutation is an early hit in lung adenocarcinoma development. Lung Cancer 2012; 75: 156-160 (4 / 3.434) 105. Tracy SI, Kakalacheva K, Luenemann JD, Luzuriaga K, Middeldorp JM, Thorley-Lawson DA. Persistence of Epstein-Barr Virus in Self-Reactive Memory B Cells. Journal of Virology 2012; 86: 12330-12340 (4 / 5.402) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 25 106. Tsang CM, Yip YL, Lo KW, Deng W, To KF, Hau PM, Lau VMY, Takada K, Lui VWY, Lung ML, Chen H, Zeng M, Middeldorp JM, Cheung ALM, Tsao SW. Cyclin D1 overexpression supports stable EBV infection in nasopharyngeal epithelial cells. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012; 109: E3473-E3482 (5 / 9.681) 107. van der Drift MA, Prinsen CFM, Knuiman GJ, Janssen JP, Dekhuijzen PNR, Thunnissen FBJM. Diagnosing Peripheral Lung Cancer: The Additional Value of the Ras-Association Domain Family 1A Gene Methylation and Kirsten Rat Sarcoma 2 Viral Oncogene Homolog Mutation Analyses in Washings in Nondiagnostic Bronchoscopy. Chest 2012; 141: 169-175 (5 / 5.25) 108. van Essen HF, Ylstra B. High-resolution copy number profiling by array CGH using DNA isolated from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. Methods in Molecular Biology 2012; 838: 329-341 (0 / 0) 109. van Liempt SWJD, van Rheenen-Flach LE, van Waesberghe JHTM, Bleeker MCG, Piek JMJ, Lambalk CB. Solely inhibin B producing ovarian tumour as a cause of secondary amenorrhoea with hot flushes: case report and review of literature. Human Reproduction 2012; 27: 1144-1148 (5 / 4.475) 110. van Monsjou H, van Velthuysen M, van den Brekel M, Jordanova E, Melief C, Balm A. Human papillomavirus status in young patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. International Journal of Cancer 2012; 130: 1806-1812 (4 / 5.444) 111. van Riel S, Thunnissen E, Heideman D, Smit EF, Biesma B. A patient with simultaneously appearing adenocarcinoma and small-cell lung carcinoma harbouring an identical EGFR exon 19 mutation. Annals of Oncology 2012; 23: 3188-3189 (5 / 6.425) 112. van Steenwijk PJD, Ramwadhdoebe TH, Lowik MJG, van der Minne CE, Berends-van der Meer D, Fathers LM, Valentijn ARPM, Oostendorp J, Fleuren GJ, Hellebrekers BWJ, Welters MJP, van Poelgeest MI, Melief CJM, Kenter GG, van der Burg SH. A placebo-controlled randomized HPV16 synthetic long-peptide vaccination study in women with high-grade cervical squamous intraepithelial lesions. Cancer Immunology Immunotherapy 2012; 61: 1485-1492 (3 / 3.701) 113. van Turenhout ST, Oort FA, Droste JSTS, Coupe VMH, van der Hulst RW, Loffeld RJ, Scholten P, Depla ACTM, Bouman AA, Meijer GA, Mulder CJJ, van Rossum LGM. Hemorrhoids detected at colonoscopy: an infrequent cause of false-positive fecal immunochemical test results. Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 2012; 76: 136-143 (4 / 4.878) 114. van Turenhout ST, Terhaar Sive Droste JS, Meijer GA, Masclee AA, Mulder CJJ. Anticipating implementation of colorectal cancer screening in The Netherlands: a nation wide survey on endoscopic supply and demand. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: 46 (4 / 3.011) 115. van Turenhout ST, van Rossum LGM, Oort FA, Laheij RJF, van Rijn AF, Droste JSTS, Fockens P, van der Hulst RWM, Bouman AA, Jansen JBMJ, Meijer GA, Dekker E, Mulder CJJ. Similar fecal immunochemical test results in screening and referral colorectal cancer. 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Comprehensive Mutation Analysis in Colorectal Flat Adenomas. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 120. Voorham QJM, Carvalho B, Spiertz AJ, van Grieken NCT, Mongera S, Rondagh EJA, van de Wiel MA, Jordanova ES, Ylstra B, Kliment M, Grabsch H, Rembacken BJ, Arai T, de Bruine AP, Sanduleanu S, Quirke P, Mulder CJJ, van Engeland M, Meijer GA. Chromosome 5q Loss in Colorectal Flat Adenomas. Clin Cancer Res 2012; 18: 4560-4569 (5 / 7.742) 121. Vredeveld LCW, Possik PA, Smit MA, Meissl K, Michaloglou C, Horlings HM, Ajouaou A, Kortman PC, Dankort D, McMahon M, Mooi WJ, Peeper DS. Abrogation of BRAF(V600E)-induced senescence by PI3K pathway activation contributes to melanomagenesis. Genes & Development 2012; 26: 1055-1069 (5 / 11.659) 122. Warmoes M, Jaspers JE, Pham TV, Piersma SR, Oudgenoeg G, Massink MPG, Waisfisz Q, Rottenberg S, Boven E, Jonkers J, Jimenez CR. Proteomics of Mouse BRCA1-deficient Mammary Tumors Identifies DNA Repair Proteins with Potential Diagnostic and Prognostic Value in Human Breast Cancer. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 2012; 11: (5 / 7.398) 123. White RE, Raemer PC, Naresh KN, Meixlsperger S, Pinaud L, Rooney C, Savoldo B, Coutinho R, Boedoer C, ribben J, brahim HA, ower M, ourse JP, andhi MK, iddeldorp J, ader FZ, urray P, uenz C, llday MJ. EBNA3B-deficient EBV promotes B cell lymphomagenesis in humanized mice and is found in human tumors. Journal of Clinical Investigation 2012; 122: 14871502 (5 / 13.069) 124. Wu YL, Sommers JA, Khan I, de Winter JP, Brosh RM. Biochemical Characterization of Warsaw Breakage Syndrome Helicase. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012; 287: 1007-1021 (4 / 4.773) 125. Yan ZJ, Guo R, Paramasivam M, Shen WP, Ling C, Fox D, Wang YC, Oostra AB, Kuehl J, Lee DY, Takata M, Hoatlin ME, Schindler D, Joenje H, de Winter JP, Li L, Seidman MM, Wang WD. A Ubiquitin-Binding Protein, FAAP20, Links RNF8Mediated Ubiquitination to the Fanconi Anemia DNA Repair Network. Molecular Cell 2012; 47: 61-75 (5 / 14.178) 126. Zaal A, Louwers JA, Berkhof J, Kocken M, ter Harmsel WA, Graziosi GCM, Spruijt JWM, Balas C, Papagiannakis E, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, van Kemenade FJ, Verheijen RHM. Agreement between colposcopic impression and histological diagnosis among human papillomavirus type 16-positive women: a clinical trial using dynamic spectral imaging colposcopy. BJOG-An International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 2012; 119: 537-544 (4 / 3.407) 127. Zaal A, Peyrot WJ, Berns PMJJ, van der Burg MEL, Veerbeek JHW, Trimbos JB, Cadron I, van Diest PJ, van Wieringen WN, Krijgsman O, Meijer GA, Piek JMJ, Timmers PJ, Vergote I, Verheijen RHM, Ylstra B, Zweemer RP. Genomic aberrations relate early and advanced stage ovarian cancer. Cell Oncol 2012; 35: 181-188 (4 / 3.105) 128. Zhang Z, Sun D, Hutajulu SH, Nawaz I, Nguyen Van D, Huang G, Haryana SM, Middeldorp JM, Ernberg I, Hu LF. Development of a Non-Invasive Method, Multiplex Methylation Specific PCR (MMSP), for Early Diagnosis of Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma. PloS one 2012; 7: e45908 (4 / 4.092) 129. Zijlmans HJMA, Punt S, Fleuren GJ, Trimbos JB, Kenter GG, Gorter A. Role of IL-12p40 in cervical carcinoma. Br J Cancer 2012; 107: 1956-1962 (4 / 5.042) 130. Zurolo E, de Groot M, Iyer A, Anink J, van Vliet EA, Heimans JJ, Reijneveld JC, Gorter JA, Aronica E. Regulation of Kir4.1 expression in astrocytes and astrocytic tumors: a role for interleukin-1 beta. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2012; 9: 280 (3 / 3.827) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 26 Scientific papers non-refereed 1. Allison J, Meijer GA. Colonic Polyps: The Harm of Overdiagnosis. Practical Gastroenterology 2012; 36: 25-38 Scientific publications (Books, book chapters, proceedings) 1. 2. Bleeker MCG, Heideman DAM, Snijders PJF, Horenblas S, Meijer CJLM. Epidemiology and Etiology of Penile Cancer; in Muneer A, Arya M, Horenblas S, (eds): Textbook of Penile Cancer. Springer. 2012; : 1-11 Heideman DAM, Bleeker MCG, Ahmed HU, Horenblas S, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. Molecular biology of penile cancer; in Muneer A, Arya M, Horenblas S, (eds): Textbook of penile cancer. Springer. 2012 Professional publications 1. 2. 3. 4. Iskender SY, Eekhoff EMW, van der Waal I. Bisfosfonaatgerelateerde osteonecrose van de kaak. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012119: 206-211 Nolte JW, Baart JA, van der Waal I. Een gingivahyperplasie op basis van neurofibromatose. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012119: 173-174 van de Vijfeijken SECM, Karagozoglu KH, Rietveld DHF, Meester MMC, van der Waal I. Osteoradionecrose van de mandibula, vermoedelijk veroorzaakt door een frameprothese. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012119: 413-414 Wijs RW, Meleti M, Bloemena E, van der Waal I. Een niet-gepigmenteerde naevus als ongewone gingivazwelling. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012119: 283-284 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gok M. HPV Testing on self-collected cervico-vaginal material: a new way of woman friendly cervical screening.. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/15/2012. (Co-)promotores: C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman, F.J. van Kemenade (cat A) Louwers JA. The role of digitaal colposcopy, the human papillomavirus and biomarkers. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/12/2012. (Co-)promotores: R.H.M. Verheijen, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, W.A. ter Harmsel (cat A) Sillars-Hardebol AH. Chromosome 20q genes in the pathogenesis of colorectal cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 3/12/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.A. Meijer, B. Carvalho, R.J.A. Fijneman (cat A) van der Drift MA. Epidemiologic and molecular aspects of lung cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amstedam, 5/12/2012. (Co-) promotores: P.N.R. Dekhuijzen, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen (cat D) Weijers M. Oral squamous cell carcinoma; some epidemiological and clinicopathological aspects. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/29/2012. (Co-)promotores: I. van der Waal (cat A) Program 2: Immunopathogenesis Scientific papers refereed 1. Abdallah AM, Rashid M, Adroub SA, Arnoux M, Ali S, van Soolingen D, Bitter W, Pain A. Complete Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium phlei Type Strain RIVM601174. Journal of Bacteriology 2012; 194: 3284-3285 (3 / 3.825) 2. Abdallah AM, Rashid M, Adroub SA, Elabdalaoui H, Ali S, van Soolingen D, Bitter W, Pain A. Complete Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium xenopi Type Strain RIVM700367. Journal of Bacteriology 2012; 194: 3282-3283 (3 / 3.825) 3. Anderson AL, Zheng Y, Song DC, LaRosa D, Van Rooijen N, Kierstein G, Kierstein S, Haczku A, Levinson AI. The B-cell superantigen Finegoldia magna protein L causes pulmonary inflammation by a mechanism dependent on MyD88 but not B cells or immunoglobulins. Inflammation Research 2012; 61: 161-169 (2 / 2.109) 4. Arnes JB, Stefansson IM, Straume O, Baak JPA, Lonning PE, Foulkes WD, Akslen LA. Vascular proliferation is a prognostic factor in breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2012; 133: 501-510 (4 / 4.431) 5. Barral P, Sanchez-Nino MD, Van Rooijen N, Cerundolo V, Batista FD. The location of splenic NKT cells favours their rapid activation by blood-borne antigen. EMBO Journal 2012; 31: 2378-2390 (5 / 9.205) 6. Benard EL, van der Sar AM, Ellett F, Lieschke GJ, Spaink HP, Meijer AH. Infection of zebrafish embryos with intracellular bacterial pathogens. Journal of Visualized Experiments 2012; 15: 61 (0 / 0) 7. Bode LGM, van Wunnik P, Vaessen N, Savelkoul PHM, Smeets LC. Rapid detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in screening samples by relative quantification between the mecA gene and the SA442 gene. Journal of Microbiological Methods 2012; 89: 129-132 (2 / 2.086) 8. Boettcher S, Ziegler P, Schmid MA, Takizawa H, Van Rooijen N, Kopf M, Heikenwalder M, Manz MG. Cutting Edge: LPSInduced Emergency Myelopoiesis Depends on TLR4-Expressing Nonhematopoietic Cells. J Immunol 2012; 188: 58245828 (4 / 5.788) 9. Bogels M, Braster R, Nijland PG, Gul N, van de Luijtgaarden W, Fijneman RJ, Meijer GA, Jimenez CR, Beelen RH, van Egmond M. Carcinoma origin dictates differential skewing of monocyte function. Oncoimmunology 2012; 1: 798-809 (0 / 0) 10. Bontkes HJ, Ruben JM, Alhan C, Westers TM, Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA. Azacitidine differentially affects CD4(pos) T-cell polarization in vitro and in vivo in high risk myelodysplastic syndromes. Leukemia Research 2012; 36: 921-930 (3 / 2.923) 11. Boonstra K, van Erpecum KJ, van Nieuwkerk KMJ, Drenth JPH, Poen AC, Witteman BJM, Tuynman HARE, Beuers U, Ponsioen CY. Primary sclerosing cholangitis is associated with a distinct phenotype of inflammatory bowel disease. Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 2012; 18: 2270-2276 (4 / 4.855) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 27 12. Bossini-Castillo L, Martin JE, Broen J, Gorlova O, Simeon CP, Beretta L, Vonk MC, Callejas JL, Castellvi I, Carreira P, GarciaHernandez FJ, Castro MF, Coenen MJH, Riemekasten G, Witte T, Hunzelmann N, Kreuter A, Distler JHW, Koeleman BP, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Palm O, Hesselstrand R, Nordin A, Airo P, Lunardi C, Scorza R, Shiels P, van Laar JM, Herrick A, Worthington J, Denton C, Tan FK, Arnett FC, Agarwal SK, Assassi S, Fonseca C, Mayes MD, Radstake TRDJ, Martin J. A GWAS follow-up study reveals the association of the IL12RB2 gene with systemic sclerosis in Caucasian populations. Human Molecular Genetics 2012; 21: 926-933 (5 / 7.636) 13. Bottai D, Di Luca M, Majlessi L, Frigui W, Simeone R, Sayes F, Bitter W, Brennan MJ, Leclerc C, Batoni G, Campa M, Brosch R, Esin S. Disruption of the ESX-5 system of Mycobacterium tuberculosis causes loss of PPE protein secretion, reduction of cell wall integrity and strong attenuation. Molecular Microbiology 2012; 83: 1195-1209 (4 / 5.01) 14. Boulter L, Govaere O, Bird TG, Radulescu S, Ramachandran P, Pellicoro A, Ridgway RA, Seo SS, Spee B, Van Rooijen N, Sansom OJ, Iredale JP, Lowell S, Roskams T, Forbes SJ. Macrophage-derived Wnt opposes Notch signaling to specify hepatic progenitor cell fate in chronic liver disease. Nature Medicine 2012; 18: 572-579 (5 / 22.462) 15. Bradshaw AC, Coughlan L, Miller AM, Alba R, Van Rooijen N, Nicklin SA, Baker AH. Biodistribution and inflammatory profiles of novel penton and hexon double-mutant serotype 5 adenoviruses. Journal of Controlled Release 2012; 164: 394-402 (5 / 5.732) 16. Bratton DJ, Nunn AJ, Wojnarowska F, Kirtschig G, Sandell A, Williams HC. The value of the pragmatic-explanatory continuum indicator summary wheel in an ongoing study: the bullous pemphigoid steroids and tetracyclines study. Trials 2012; 13: (3 / 2.496) 17. Broers CJM, Gemke RJBJ, Weijerman ME, Kuik DJ, van Hoogstraten IMW, van Furth AM. Frequency of lower respiratory tract infections in relation to adaptive immunity in children with Down syndrome compared to their healthy siblings. Acta Paediatrica 2012; 101: 862-867 (3 / 2.073) 18. Broers CJM, Gemke RJBJ, Weijerman ME, van der Sluijs KF, van Furth AM. Increased Pro-inflammatory Cytokine Production in Down syndrome Children Upon Stimulation with Live Influenza A Virus. Journal of Clinical Immunology 2012; 32: 323329 (3 / 3.077) 19. Bronkhorst IHG, Vu THK, Jordanova ES, Luyten GPM, van der Burg SH, Jager MJ. Different Subsets of Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes Correlate with Macrophage Influx and Monosomy 3 in Uveal Melanoma. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science 2012; 53: 5370-5378 (4 / 3.597) 20. Canet MJ, Hardwick RN, Lake AD, Kopplin MJ, Scheffer GL, Klimecki WT, Gandolfi AJ, Cherrington NJ. Altered arsenic disposition in experimental nonalcoholic Fatty liver disease. Drug Metabolism and Disposition 2012; 40: 1817-1824 (4 / 3.733) 21. Celie JWAM, Katta KK, Adepu S, Melenhorst WBWH, Reijmers RM, Slot EM, Beelen RHJ, Spaargaren M, Ploeg RJ, Navis G, van der Heide JJH, van Dijk MCRF, van Goor H, van den Born J. Tubular epithelial syndecan-1 maintains renal function in murine ischemia/reperfusion and human transplantation. Kidney International 2012; 81: 651-661 (5 / 6.606) 22. Chen F, Liu ZG, Wu WH, Rozo C, Bowdridge S, Millman A, Van Rooijen N, Urban JF, Wynn TA, Gause WC. An essential role for T(H)2-type responses in limiting acute tissue damage during experimental helminth infection. Nature Medicine 2012; 18: 260-266 (5 / 22.462) 23. Choundry N, Petry F, Van Rooijen N, McDonald VK. A Protective Role for Interleukin 18 in Interferon gamma-Mediated Innate Immunity to Cryptosporidium parvum That Is Independent of Natural Killer Cells. J Infect Dis 2012; 206: 117-124 (5 / 6.41) 24. Christerson L, Bom RJM, Bruisten SM, Yass R, Hardick J, Bratt G, Gaydos CA, Morre SA, Herrmann B. Chlamydia trachomatis Strains Show Specific Clustering for Men Who Have Sex with Men Compared to Heterosexual Populations in Sweden, the Netherlands, and the United States. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2012; 50: 3548-3555 (4 / 4.153) 25. Coombes JL, Han SJ, Van Rooijen N, Raulet DH, Robey EA. Infection-Induced Regulation of Natural Killer Cells by Macrophages and Collagen at the Lymph Node Subcapsular Sinus. Cell Reports 2012; 2: 124-135 (0 / 0) 26. Coughlan L, Bradshaw AC, Parker AL, Robinson H, White K, Custers J, Goudsmit J, Van Rooijen N, Barouch DH, Nicklin SA, Baker AH. Ad5:Ad48 Hexon Hypervariable Region Substitutions Lead to Toxicity and Increased Inflammatory Responses Following Intravenous Delivery. Molecular Therapy 2012; 20: 2268-2281 (5 / 6.873) 27. Coughlan L, Vallath S, Gros A, Gimenez-Alejandre M, Van Rooijen N, Thomas GJ, Baker AH, Cascallo M, Alemany R, Hart IR. Combined Fiber Modifications Both to Target alpha(v)beta(6) and Detarget the Coxsackievirus-Adenovirus Receptor Improve Virus Toxicity Profiles In Vivo but Fail to Improve Antitumoral Efficacy Relative to Adenovirus Serotype 5. Human Gene Therapy 2012; 23: 960-979 (4 / 4.218) 28. Daleke MH, Ummels R, Bawono P, Heringa J, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Luirink J, Bitter W. General secretion signal for the mycobacterial type VII secretion pathway. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2012; 109: 11342-11347 (5 / 9.681) 29. Daleke MH, van der Woude AD, Parret AHA, Ummels R, Groot AM, Watson D, Piersma SR, Jimenez CR, Luirink J, Bitter W, Houben ENG. Specific Chaperones for the Type VII Protein Secretion Pathway. Journal of Biological Chemistry 2012; 287: 31939-31947 (4 / 4.773) 30. Dashty M, Akbarkhanzadeh V, Zeebregts CJ, Spek CA, Sijbrands EJ, Peppelenbosch MP, Rezaee F. Characterization of coagulation factor synthesis in nine human primary cell types. Scientific Reports 2012; 2: (0 / 0) 31. de Bruin RC, Schneiders FL, Santegoets SJ, Verheul HM, de Gruijl TD, van der Vliet HJ. Bulldozing Beta-linked glycolipids for recognition by invariant NKT cells. Immunotherapy 2012; 4: 20 (1 / 1.854) 32. de Bruin RCG, Schneiders FL, Santegoets SJAM, Verheul HMW, de Gruijl TD, van der Vliet HJ. Gram-positive bacteria: a major microbial 'turn-on' for invariant NKT cells. Immunotherapy 2012; 4: 19 (1 / 1.854) 33. de Bruin RCG, Schneiders FL, Santegoets SJAM, Verheul HMW, De Gruijl TD, Van der Vliet HJ. An alpha-galactosylceramide nose job shapes up iNKT cells. Immunotherapy 2012; 4: 20-21 (1 / 1.854) 34. de Crom SCM, Obihara CC, van Loon AM, rgilagos-Alvarez AA, Peeters MF, van Furth AM, Rossen JWA. Detection of enterovirus RNA in cerebrospinal fluid: Comparison of two molecular assays. Journal of Virological Methods 2012; 179: 104-107 (2 / 2.011) 35. de Gruijl TD. Dendritic Cell Subsets In Human Skin and Their Role In T-Cell Activation. Experimental Dermatology 2012; 21: 802-804 (4 / 3.543) 36. de Kivit S, Saeland E, Kraneveld AD, van de Kant HJG, Schouten B, van Esch BCAM, Knol J, Sprikkelman AB, van der Aa LB, Knippels LMJ, Garssen J, van Kooyk Y, Willemsen LEM. Galectin-9 induced by dietary synbiotics is involved in suppression of allergic symptoms in mice and humans. Allergy 2012; 67: 343-352 (5 / 6.271) 37. den Haan JM, Mebius RE, Kraal G. Stromal cells of the mouse spleen. Frontiers in Immunology 2012; 3: 201 (0 / 0) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 28 38. den Haan JMM, Kraal G. Innate Immune Functions of Macrophage Subpopulations in the Spleen. Journal of Innate Immunity 2012; 4: 437-445 (4 / 4.209) 39. Dhaliwal K, Scholefield E, Ferenbach D, Gibbons M, Duffin R, Dorward DA, Morris AC, Humphries D, MacKinnon A, Wilkinson TS, Wallace WAH, Van Rooijen N, Mack M, Rossi AG, Davidson DJ, Hirani N, Hughes J, Haslett C, Simpson AJ. Monocytes Control Second-Phase Neutrophil Emigration in Established Lipopolysaccharide-induced Murine Lung Injury. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2012; 186: 514-524 (5 / 11.08) 40. Drabek T, Janata A, Jackson EK, End B, Stezoski J, Vagni VA, Janesko-Feldman K, Wilson CD, Van Rooijen N, Tisherman SA, Kochanek PM. Microglial depletion using intrahippocampal injection of liposome-encapsulated clodronate in prolonged hypothermic cardiac arrest in rats. Resuscitation 2012; 83: 517-526 (5 / 3.601) 41. Driessen NN, Boshoff HIM, Maaskant JJ, Gilissen SAC, Vink S, van der Sar AM, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Bewley CA, Appelmelk BJ, Geurtsen J. Cyanovirin-N Inhibits Mannose-Dependent Mycobacterium-C-Type Lectin Interactions but Does Not Protect against Murine Tuberculosis. J Immunol 2012; 189: 3585-3592 (4 / 5.788) 42. Duffy D, Perrin H, Abadie V, Benhabiles N, Boissonnas A, Liard C, Descours B, Reboulleau D, Bonduelle O, Verrier B, Van Rooijen N, Combadiere C, Combadiere B. Neutrophils Transport Antigen from the Dermis to the Bone Marrow, Initiating a Source of Memory CD8(+) T Cells. Immunity 2012; 37: 917-929 (5 / 21.637) 43. Elvington M, Huang YX, Morgan BP, Qiao F, Van Rooijen N, Atkinson C, Tomlinson S. Atargeted complement-dependent strategy to improve the outcome of mAb therapy, and characterization in a murine model of metastatic cancer. Blood 2012; 119: 6043-6051 (5 / 9.898) 44. Etzrodt M, Cortez-Retamozo V, Newton A, Zhao J, Ng A, Wildgruber M, Romero P, Wurdinger T, Xavier R, Geissmann F, Meylan E, Nahrendorf M, Swirski FK, Baltimore D, Weissleder R, Pittet MJ. Regulation of Monocyte Functional Heterogeneity by miR-146a and Relb. Cell Reports 2012; 1: 317-324 (0 / 0) 45. Feingold BJ, Silbergeld EK, Curriero FC, van Cleef BA, Heck ME, Kluytmans JA. Livestock density as risk factor for livestock-associated methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, the Netherlands. Emerg Infect Dis 2012; 18: 1841-1849 (5 / 6.169) 46. Frank S, van Die I, Geyer R. Structural characterization of Schistosoma mansoni adult worm glycosphingolipids reveals pronounced differences with those of cercariae. Glycobiology 2012; 22: 676-695 (3 / 3.58) 47. Franzke CW, Cobzaru C, Triantafyllopoulou A, Loffek S, Horiuchi K, Threadgill DW, Kurz T, Van Rooijen N, BrucknerTuderman L, Blobel CP. Epidermal ADAM17 maintains the skin barrier by regulating EGFR ligand-dependent terminal keratinocyte differentiation. Journal of Experimental Medicine 2012; 209: 1105-1119 (5 / 13.853) 48. Garaude J, Kent A, Van Rooijen N, Blander JM. Simultaneous Targeting of Toll- and Nod-Like Receptors Induces Effective Tumor-Specific Immune Responses. Science Translational Medicine 2012; 4: (5 / 7.804) 49. Garcia Z, Lemaitre F, Van Rooijen N, Albert ML, Levy Y, Schwartz O, Bousso P. Subcapsular sinus macrophages promote NK cell accumulation and activation in response to lymph-borne viral particles. Blood 2012; 120: 4744-4750 (5 / 9.898) 50. Gautier EL, Chow A, Spanbroek R, Marcelin G, Greter M, Jakubzick C, Bogunovic M, Leboeuf M, Van Rooijen N, Habenicht AJ, Merad M, Randolph GJ. Systemic Analysis of PPAR gamma in Mouse Macrophage Populations Reveals Marked Diversity in Expression with Critical Roles in Resolution of Inflammation and Airway Immunity. J Immunol 2012; 189: 2614-2624 (4 / 5.788) 51. Gliem M, Hermsen D, Van Rooijen N, Hartung HP, Jander S. Secondary Intracerebral Hemorrhage Due to Early Initiation of Oral Anticoagulation After Ischemic Stroke An Experimental Study in Mice. Stroke 2012; 43: 3352-3357 (5 / 5.729) 52. Gliem M, Mausberg AK, Lee JI, Simiantonakis I, Van Rooijen N, Hartung HP, Jander S. Macrophages prevent hemorrhagic infarct transformation in murine stroke models. Ann Neurol 2012; 71: 743-752 (5 / 11.089) 53. Gonzalez IT, Barrientos G, Freitag N, Otto T, Thijssen VLJL, Moschansky P, von Kwiatkowski P, Klapp BF, Winterhager E, Bauersachs S, Blois SM. Uterine NK Cells Are Critical in Shaping DC Immunogenic Functions Compatible with Pregnancy Progression. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 54. Green NK, Hale A, Cawood R, Illingworth S, Herbert C, Hermiston T, Subr V, Ulbrich K, Van Rooijen N, Seymour LW, Fisher KD. Tropism ablation and stealthing of oncolytic adenovirus enhances systemic delivery to tumors and improves virotherapy of cancer. Nanomedicine 2012; 7: 1683-1695 (4 / 5.055) 55. Greijer AE, Stevens SJ, Verkuijlen SA, Juwana H, Fleig SC, Verschuuren EA, Hepkema BG, Cornelissen JJ, Brooimans RA, Verdonck LF, Middeldorp JM. Variable EBV DNA Load Distributions and Heterogeneous EBV mRNA Expression Patterns in the Circulation of Solid Organ versus Stem Cell Transplant Recipients. Clinical & Developmental Immunology 2012; : (2 / 1.838) 56. Grugan KD, Mccabe FL, Kinder M, Greenplate AR, Harman BC, Ekert JE, Van Rooijen N, Anderson GM, Nemeth JA, Strohl WR, Jordan RE, Brezski RJ. Tumor-Associated Macrophages Promote Invasion while Retaining Fc-Dependent Anti-Tumor Function. J Immunol 2012; 189: 5457-5466 (4 / 5.788) 57. Gul N, Grewal S, Bogels M, van der Bij GJ, Koppes MM, Oosterling SJ, Fluitsma DM, Hoeben KA, Beelen RH, van Egmond M. Macrophages mediate colon carcinoma cell adhesion in the rat liver after exposure to lipopolysaccharide. Oncoimmunology 2012; 1: 1517-1526 (0 / 0) 58. Halaby T, Reuland AE, al Naiemi N, Potron A, Savelkoul PHM, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Nordmann P. A Case of New Delhi Metallo-beta-Lactamase 1 (NDM-1)-Producing Klebsiella pneumoniae with Putative Secondary Transmission from the Balkan Region in the Netherlands. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2012; 56: 2790-2791 (5 / 4.841) 59. Harris SR, Clarke IN, Seth-Smith HMB, Solomon AW, Cutcliffe LT, Marsh P, Skilton RJ, Holland MJ, Mabey D, Peeling RW, Lewis DA, Spratt BG, Unemo M, Persson K, Bjartling C, Brunham R, de Vries HJC, Morre SA, Speksnijder A, Bebear CM, Clerc M, de Barbeyrac B, Parkhill J, Thomson NR. Whole-genome analysis of diverse Chlamydia trachomatis strains identifies phylogenetic relationships masked by current clinical typing. Nature Genetics 2012; 44: 413-U221 (5 / 35.532) 60. Hess DLJ, Pettersson Fernholm AM, Rijnsburger MC, Herbrink P, van den Berg HP, Ang CW. Gastroenteritis caused by Campylobacter concisus. Journal of Medical Microbiology 2012; 61: 746-749 (3 / 2.502) 61. Hiemstra IH, Bouma G, Geerts D, Kraal G, den Haan JMM. Nod2 improves barrier function of intestinal epithelial cells via enhancement of TLR responses. Molecular Immunology 2012; 52: 264-272 (3 / 2.897) 62. Ho YS, Adroub SA, Abadi M, Al Alwan B, Alkhateeb R, Gao G, Ragab A, Ali S, van Soolingen D, Bitter W, Pain A, Abdallah AM. Complete Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium vaccae Type Strain ATCC 25954. Journal of Bacteriology 2012; 194: 6339-6340 (3 / 3.825) 63. Ho YS, Adroub SA, Aleisa F, Mahmood H, Othoum G, Rashid F, Zaher M, Ali S, Bitter W, Pain A, Abdallah AM. Complete Genome Sequence of Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp fortuitum Type Strain DSM46621. Journal of Bacteriology 2012; 194: 6337-6338 (3 / 3.825) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 29 64. Hoefsloot W, Boeree MJ, van Nieuwkoop C, Bernards AT, Savelkoul PHM, van Ingen J, van Soolingen D. No human transmission of Mycobacterium malmoense in a perfect storm setting. European Respiratory Journal 2012; 40: 15761578 (5 / 5.895) 65. Hoentjen F, Hanauer SB, de Boer NK, Rubin DT. Two Brothers with Skewed Thiopurine Metabolism in Ulcerative Colitis Treated Successfully with Allopurinol and Mercaptopurine Dose Reduction. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2012; 57: 250-253 (2 / 2.117) 66. Hoentjen F, Rubin DT. Infectious Proctitis: When to Suspect It Is Not Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 2012; 57: 269-273 (2 / 2.117) 67. Holz LE, Benseler V, Vo M, McGuffog C, Van Rooijen N, McCaughan GW, Bowen DG, Bertolino P. Naive CD8 T cell activation by liver bone marrow-derived cells leads to a "neglected" IL-2(low) Bim(high) phenotype, poor CTL function and cell death. Journal of Hepatology 2012; 57: 830-836 (5 / 9.264) 68. Houben D, Demangel C, van Ingen J, Perez J, Baldeon L, Abdallah AM, Caleechurn L, Bottai D, van Zon M, de Punder K, van der Laan T, Kant A, Bossers-de Vries R, Willemsen P, Bitter W, van Soolingen D, Brosch R, van der Wel N, Peters PJ. ESX-1-mediated translocation to the cytosol controls virulence of mycobacteria. Cellular Microbiology 2012; 14: 12871298 (4 / 5.458) 69. Houben ENG, Bestebroer J, Ummels R, Wilson L, Piersma SR, Jimenez CR, Ottenhoff THM, Luirink J, Bitter W. Composition of the type VII secretion system membrane complex. Molecular Microbiology 2012; 86: 472-484 (4 / 5.01) 70. Huizinga R, van der Star BJ, Kipp M, Jong R, Gerritsen W, Clarner T, Puentes F, Dijkstra CD, van der Valk P, Amor S. Phagocytosis of neuronal debris by microglia is associated with neuronal damage in multiple sclerosis. Glia 2012; 60: 422-431 (4 / 4.82) 71. Hutajulu SH, Ng N, Jati BR, Fachiroh J, Herdini C, Hariwiyanto B, Haryana SM, Middeldorp JM. Seroreactivity against Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) among first-degree relatives of sporadic EBV-associated nasopharyngeal carcinoma in Indonesia. Journal of Medical Virology 2012; 84: 768-776 (2 / 2.82) 72. Ingersoll MA, Potteaux S, Alvarez D, Hutchison SB, Van Rooijen N, Randolph GJ. Niacin inhibits skin dendritic cell mobilization in a GPR109A independent manner but has no impact on monocyte trafficking in atherosclerosis. Immunobiology 2012; 217: 548-557 (3 / 3.205) 73. Jharap B, Koudstaal LG, Neefjes-Borst EA, Van Weyenberg SJB. Colonic telangiectasias in progressive systemic sclerosis. Endoscopy 2012; 44: E42-E43 (5 / 5.21) 74. Jiang J, Karimi O, Ouburg S, Champion CI, Khurana A, Liu GC, Freed A, Pleijster J, Rozengurt N, Land JA, Surcel HM, Tiitinen A, Paavonen J, Kronenberg M, Morre SA, Kelly KA. Interruption of CXCL13-CXCR5 Axis Increases Upper Genital Tract Pathology and Activation of NKT Cells following Chlamydial Genital Infection. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 75. Jonsdottir K, Janssen SR, Da Rosa FC, Gudlaugsson E, Skaland I, Baak JPA, Janssen EAM. Validation of Expression Patterns for Nine miRNAs in 204 Lymph-Node Negative Breast Cancers. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 76. Jonsdottir K, Zhang H, Jhagroe D, Skaland I, Slewa A, Bjorkblom B, Coffey ET, Gudlaugsson E, Smaaland R, Janssen EAM, Baak JPA. The prognostic value of MARCKS-like 1 in lymph node-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2012; 135: 381-390 (4 / 4.431) 77. Jonsson F, Mancardi DA, Zhao W, Kita Y, Iannascoli B, Khun H, Van Rooijen N, Shimizu T, Schwartz LB, Daeron M, Bruhns P. Human Fc gamma RIIA induces anaphylactic and allergic reactions. Blood 2012; 119: 2533-2544 (5 / 9.898) 78. Joseph SJ, Didelot X, Rothschild J, de Vries HJC, Morre SA, Read TD, Dean D. Population Genomics of Chlamydia trachomatis: Insights on Drift, Selection, Recombination, and Population Structure. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2012; 29: 3933-3946 (5 / 5.55) 79. 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Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012156: A4843 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Bögels M. Macrophages as therapeutic target in colon carcinoma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/9/2012. (Co-) promotores: R.H.J. Beelen, H.J. Bonjer, M. van Egmond (cat A) Daleke MH. Tail(or)-made protein secretion in pathogenic mycabacteria. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/22/2012. (Co-) promotores: W. Bitter, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J. Luirink (cat A) Gül N. Surgery-induced liver metastasis: how it begins and how to end it. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 9/27/2012. (Co-) promotores: R.H.J. Beelen, M. van Egmond (cat A) Kroeze K. Towards Therapeutic control in cutaneous wound healing. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 31/05/2012. (Co-) promotores: S. Gibbs, R.J. Scheper (cat. A) Streng-Ouwehand I. Sweet modulation of the immune respons. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/3/2012. (Co-)promotores: Y. Kooyk, W.W.J. Unger (cat A) van Geenen EJM. Clinical and Pathological aspects of Pancreatitis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/4/2012. (Co-) promotores: C.J.J. Mulder, M.J. Bruno, D.L. van der Peet (cat B) van Well GThJ. Innate immune responses in (myco)bacterial meningitis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/18/2012. (Co-) promotores: A.M. van Furth, J.J. Roord, S.A. Morré (cat A) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 34 Program 3: Disease profiling Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Al Hussainy R, Verbeek J, van der Born D, Molthoff C, Booij J, Herscheid JDM. Synthesis, biodistribution and PET studies in rats of F-18-Labeled bridgehead fluoromethyl analogues of WAY-100635. Nuclear Medicine and Biology 2012; 39: 10681076 (4 / 3.023) Alexiusdottir KK, Moller PH, Snaebjornsson P, Jonasson L, Olafsdottir EJ, Bjornsson ES, Tryggvadottir L, Jonasson JG. Association of symptoms of colon cancer patients with tumor location and TNM tumor stage. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2012; 47: 795-801 (2 / 2.019) Asselin MC, O'Connor JPB, Boellaard R, Thacker NA, Jackson A. Quantifying heterogeneity in human tumours using MRI and PET. European Journal of Cancer 2012; 48: 447-455 (4 / 5.536) Atak ZK, De Keersmaecker K, Gianfelici V, Geerdens E, Vandepoel R, Pauwels D, Porcu M, Lahortiga I, Brys V, Dirks WG, Quentmeier H, Cloos J, Cuppens H, Uyttebroeck A, Vandenberghe P, Cools J, Aerts S. High Accuracy Mutation Detection in Leukemia on a Selected Panel of Cancer Genes. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) Baan B, Dihal AA, Hoff E, Bos CL, Voorneveld PW, Koelink PJ, Wildenberg ME, Muncan V, Heijmans J, Verspaget HW, Richel DJ, Hardwick JCH, Hommes DW, Peppelenbosch MP, van den Brink GR. 5-aminosalicylic acid inhibits cell cycle progression in a phospholipase D dependent manner in colorectal cancer. Gut 2012; 61: 1708-1715 (5 / 10.111) Beekman R, Valkhof MG, Sanders MA, van Strien PMH, Haanstra JR, Broeders L, Geertsma-Kleinekoort WM, Veerman AJP, Valk PJM, Verhaak RG, Lowenberg B, Touw IP. Sequential gain of mutations in severe congenital neutropenia progressing to acute myeloid leukemia. Blood 2012; 119: 5071-5077 (5 / 9.898) Belt EJT, Brosens RPM, Delis-van Diemen PM, Bril H, Tijssen M, van Essen DF, Heymans MW, Belien JAM, Stockmann HBAC, Meijer S, Meijer GA. Cell Cycle Proteins Predict Recurrence in Stage II and III Colon Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2012; : 682-692 (5 / 4.166) Belt EJT, Stockmann HBAC, Abis GSA, de Boer JM, de Lange-de Klerk ESM, van Egmond M, Meijer GA, Oosterling SJ. PeriOperative Bowel Perforation in Early Stage Colon Cancer is Associated with an Adverse Oncological Outcome. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2012; 16: 2260-2266 (4 / 2.826) Belt EJT, Velde EAT, Krijgsman O, Brosens RPM, Tijssen M, van Essen HF, Stockmann HBAC, Bril H, Carvalho B, Ylstra B, Bonjer HJ, Meijer GA. High Lymph Node Yield is Related to Microsatellite Instability in Colon Cancer. Annals of Surgical Oncology 2012; 19: 1222-1230 (5 / 4.166) Bernet L, Benaclocha MM, Castera C, Munoz RC, Sevilla F, Alba J, Barranco JD, Cordoba A, Garcia-Caballero T, Hardisson D, Hernandez JMD, Lazaro JM, Polo L, Riu F, Rezola R, Rojo F, Ruiz I, Hernandiz A, de las Heras JMD, Coupe VM. mRNA In Situ Hybridization (HistoSonda): A New Diagnostic Tool for HER2-Status in Breast Cancer-A Multicentric Spanish Study. Diagnostic Molecular Pathology 2012; 21: 84-92 (3 / 2.257) Bijnsdorp IV, Rozendaal L, van Moorselaar RJA, Geldof AA. A predictive role for noncancerous prostate cells: low connexin-26 expression in radical prostatectomy tissues predicts metastasis. Br J Cancer 2012; 107: 1963-1968 (4 / 5.042) Bipat S, Niekel MC, Comans EFI, Nio CY, Bemelman WA, Verhoef C, Stoker J. Imaging modalities for the staging of patients with colorectal cancer. Netherlands Journal of Medicine 2012; 70: 26-34 (4 / 2.072) Boellaard R. Mutatis Mutandis: Harmonize the Standard!. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2012; 53: 1-3 (5 / 6.381) Bosch LJW, Mongera S, Terhaar Sive Droste JS, Oort FA, van Turenhout ST, Penning MT, Louwagie J, Mulder CJJ, van Engeland M, Carvalho B, Meijer GA. Analytical sensitivity and stability of DNA methylation testing in stool samples for colorectal cancer detection. Cell Oncol 2012; 35: 309-315 (4 / 3.105) Bosch LJW, Oort FA, Neerincx M, Khalid-de Bakker CAJ, Droste JSTS, Melotte V, Jonkers DMAE, Masclee AAM, Mongera S, Grooteclaes M, Louwagie J, van Criekinge W, Coupe VMH, Mulder CJ, van Engeland M, Carvalho B, Meijer GA. DNA Methylation of Phosphatase and Actin Regulator 3 Detects Colorectal Cancer in Stool and Complements FIT. Cancer Prevention Research 2012; 5: 464-472 (4 / 4.908) Brouns EREA, Bloemena E, Belien JAM, Broeckaert MAM, Aartman IHA, van der Waal I. DNA ploidy measurement in oral leukoplakia: Different results between flow and image cytometry. Oral Oncology 2012; 48: 636-640 (5 / 2.857) Bruijnen STG, van der Weijden MAC, Klein JP, Hoekstra OS, Boellaard R, van Denderen JC, Dijkmans BAC, Voskuyl AE, van der Horst-Bruinsma I, van der Laken CJ. Bone formation rather than inflammation reflects Ankylosing Spondylitis activity on PET-CT: a pilot study. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012; 14: (4 / 4.445) Buffart TE, Carvalho B, van Grieken NCT, van Wieringen AN, Tijssen M, Kranenbarg EMK, Verheul HMW, Grabsch HI, Ylstra B, van de Velde CJH, Meijer GA. Losses of Chromosome 5q and 14q Are Associated with Favorable Clinical Outcome of Patients with Gastric Cancer. Oncologist 2012; 17: 653-662 (3 / 3.91) Buis DR, van der Valk P, de Witt Hamer PC. Subcutaneous tumor seeding after biopsy in gliomatosis cerebri. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2012; 106: 431-435 (3 / 3.214) Bultink IEM. Osteoporosis and fractures in systemic lupus erythematosus. Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64: 2-8 (4 / 4.851) Busard MPH, Mijatovic V, L³chinger AM, Bleeker MCG, van den Pieters-van den Bos, Schats R, Van Kuijk C, Hompes PGA, van Waesberghe JHTM. MR imaging of bladder endometriosis and its relationship with the anterior uterine wall: Experience in a tertiary referral centre. European Journal of Radiology 2012; 81: 2106-2111 (3 / 2.606) Busard MPH, Pieters-van den Bos I, Mijatovic V, Van Kuijk C, Bleeker MCG, van Waesberghe JHTM. Evaluation of MR diffusion-weighted imaging in differentiating endometriosis infiltrating the bowel from colorectal carcinoma. European Journal of Radiology 2012; 81: 1376-1380 (3 / 2.606) Busard MPH, van der Houwen LEE, Bleeker MCG, van den Bos ICP, Cuesta MA, Van Kuijk C, Mijatovic V, Hompes PGA, van Waesberghe JHTM. Deep infiltrating endometriosis of the bowel: MR imaging as a method to predict muscular invasion. Abdominal Imaging 2012; 37: 549-557 (3 / 1.725) Cardillo G, Rea F, Lucchi M, Paul MA, Margaritora S, Carleo F, Marulli G, Mussi A, Granone P, Graziano P. Primary Neuroendocrine Tumors of the Thymus: A Multicenter Experience of 35 Patients. Annals of Thoracic Surgery 2012; 94: 241-246 (5 / 3.741) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 35 25. Cheebsumon P, Boellaard R, de Ruysscher D, van Elmpt W, van Baardwijk A, Yaqub M, Hoekstra OS, Comans EF, Lammertsma AA, van Velden FH. Assessment of tumour size in PET/CT lung cancer studies: PET- and CT-based methods compared to pathology. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging 2012; 2: 56 (5 / 4.991) 26. Cibula D, bu-Rustum NR, Dusek L, Slama J, Zikan M, Zaal A, Sevcik L, Kenter G, Querleu D, Jach R, Bats AS, Dyduch G, Graf P, Klat J, Meijer CJLM, Mery E, Verheijen RHM, Zweemer RP. Bilateral ultrastaging of sentinel lymph node in cervical cancer: Lowering the false-negative rate and improving the detection of micrometastasis. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 127: 462466 (5 / 3.888) 27. Cibula D, bu-Rustum NR, Dusek L, Zikan M, Zaal A, Sevcik L, Kenter GG, Querleu D, Jach R, Bats AS, Dyduch G, Graf P, Klat J, Lacheta J, Meijer CJLM, Mery E, Verheijen R, Zweemer RP. Prognostic significance of low volume sentinel lymph node disease in early-stage cervical cancer. Gynecol Oncol 2012; 124: 496-501 (5 / 3.888) 28. Coenen EA, Driessen EMC, Zwaan CM, Stary J, Baruchel A, de Haas V, De Bont ESJM, Reinhardt D, Kaspers GJL, rentsenPeters STCJ, Meyer C, Marschalek R, Pieters R, Stam RW, van den Heuvel-Eibrink M. CBL mutations do not frequently occur in paediatric acute myeloid leukaemia. British Journal of Haematology 2012; 159: 577-584 (4 / 4.941) 29. Collin P, Rondonotti E, Lundin KEA, Spada C, Keuchel M, Kaukinen K, Franchis RDE, Jacobs MAJM, Villa F, Mulder CJJ. Video capsule endoscopy in celiac disease: Current clinical practice. Journal of Digestive Diseases 2012; 13: 94-99 (2 / 1.589) 30. Cornel MC, Gille JJP, Loeber JG, Langen AMMV, nkert-Roelse J, Bolhuis PA. Improving test properties for neonatal cystic fibrosis screening in the Netherlands before the nationwide start by May 1st 2011. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease 2012; 35: 635-640 (3 / 3.577) 31. Cornelissen JJ, Breems D, van Putten WL, Gratwohl AA, Passweg JR, Pabst T, Maertens J, Beverloo H, Kooy MvM, Wijermans PW, Biemond BJ, Vellenga E, Verdonck LF, Ossenkoppele GJ, Lowenberg B. Comparative Analysis of the Value of Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem-Cell Transplantation in Acute Myeloid Leukemia With Monosomal Karyotype Versus Other Cytogenetic Risk Categories. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30: 2140-2146 (5 / 18.372) 32. de Cuba EMV, Kwakman R, van Egmond M, Bosch LJW, Bonjer HJ, Meijer GA, te Velde EA. Understanding molecular mechanisms in peritoneal dissemination of colorectal cancer. Virchows Archiv 2012; 461: 231-243 (3 / 2.491) 33. de Goede B, Klitsie PJ, Lange JF, Metselaar HJ, Kazemier G. Morbidity and mortality related to non-hepatic surgery in patients with liver cirrhosis; A systematic review. Best Pract Res Clin Gastroenterol 2012; 26: 47-59 (3 / 2.456) 34. de Graaf P, Goricke S, Rodjan F, Galluzzi P, Maeder P, Castelijns JA, Brisse HJ. Guidelines for imaging retinoblastoma: imaging principles and MRI standardization. Pediatric Radiology 2012; 42: 2-14 (3 / 1.674) 35. de Graaf P, Pouwels PJW, Rodjan F, Moll AC, Imhof SM, Knol DL, Sanchez E, van der Valk P, Castelijns JA. Single-Shot Turbo Spin-Echo Diffusion-Weighted Imaging for Retinoblastoma: Initial Experience. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2012; 33: 110-118 (4 / 2.928) 36. de Langen AJ, Vincent A, Velasquez LM, van Tinteren H, Boellaard R, Shankar LK, Boers M, Smit EF, Stroobants S, Weber WA, Hoekstra OS. Repeatability of F-18-FDG Uptake Measurements in Tumors: A Metaanalysis. Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2012; 53: 701-708 (5 / 6.381) 37. den Burger JCG, Wilhelm AJ, Chahbouni A, Vos RM, Sinjewel A, Swart EL. Analysis of cyclosporin A, tacrolimus, sirolimus, and everolimus in dried blood spot samples using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2012; 404: 1803-1811 (4 / 3.778) 38. Dikken JL, Coit DG, Klimstra DS, Rizk NP, van Grieken N, Ilson D, Tang LH. Prospective impact of tumor grade assessment in biopsies on tumor stage and prognostic grouping in gastroesophageal adenocarcinoma Relevance of the Seventh Edition American Joint Committee on Cancer Staging Manual Revision. Cancer 2012; 118: 349-357 (4 / 4.771) 39. Dikken JL, van Grieken NCT, Krijnen P, Gonen M, Tang LH, Cats A, Verheij M, Brennan MF, van de Velde CJH, Coit DG. Preoperative chemotherapy does not influence the number of evaluable lymph nodes in resected gastric cancer. European Journal of Surgical Oncology 2012; 38: 319-325 (0 / 0) 40. Flach GB, Broglie MA, van Schie A, Bloemena E, Leemans CR, de Bree R, Stoeckli SJ. Sentinel node biopsy for oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma in the previously treated neck. Oral Oncology 2012; 48: 85-89 (5 / 2.857) 41. Frampton AE, Krell J, Giovannetti E, Krell D, Stebbing J, Castellano L, Jiao LR. Defining a prognostic molecular profile for ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas highlights known key signaling pathways. Expert Rev Anticancer Ther 2012; 12: 1275-1278 (3 / 2.652) 42. Gent YYJ, Voskuyl AE, Kloet RW, van Schaardenburg D, Hoekstra OS, Dijkmans BAC, Lammertsma AA, van der Laken CJ. Macrophage positron emission tomography imaging as a biomarker for preclinical rheumatoid arthritis: Findings of a prospective pilot study. Arthritis and Rheumatism 2012; 64: 62-66 (4 / 7.866) 43. Groenendijk MR, Thunnissen E, Ylstra B, van de Wiel MA, Eijk PP, Paul MA, Smit EF, Postmus PE. An 82-Year-Old Woman With Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Relapse After 9 Years or a New Primary?. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2012; 7: E3-E5 (4 / 3.661) 44. Haan JC, Buffart TE, Eijk PP, van de Wiel MA, van Wieringen WN, Howdle PD, Mulder CJJ, van de Velde CJ, Quirke P, Nagtegaal ID, van Grieken NCT, Grabsch H, Meijer GA, Ylstra B. Small bowel adenocarcinoma copy number profiles are more closely related to colorectal than to gastric cancers. Annals of Oncology 2012; 23: 367-U344 (5 / 6.425) 45. Hegi ME, Janzer RC, Lambiv WL, Gorlia T, Kouwenhoven MCM, Hartmann C, von Deimling A, Martinet D, Schmutz NB, Diserens AC, Hamou MF, Bady P, Weller M, van den Bent MJ, Mason WP, Mirimanoff RO, Stupp R, Mokhtari K, Wesseling P. Presence of an oligodendroglioma-like component in newly diagnosed glioblastoma identifies a pathogenetically heterogeneous subgroup and lacks prognostic value: central pathology review of the EORTC_26981/NCIC_CE.3 trial. Acta Neuropathologica 2012; 123: 841-852 (5 / 9.32) 46. Heijnsdijk EAM, Warner E, Gilbert FJ, Tilanus-Linthorst MMA, Evans G, Causer PA, Eeles RA, Kaas R, Draisma G, Ramsay EA, Warren RML, Hill KA, Hoogerbrugge N, Wasser MNJM, Bergers E, Oosterwijk JC, Hooning MJ, Rutgers EJT, Klijn JGM, Plewes DB, Leach MO, de Koning HJ. Differences in Natural History between Breast Cancers in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers and Effects of MRI Screening-MRISC, MARIBS, and Canadian Studies Combined. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2012; 21: 1458-1468 (5 / 4.123) 47. Hertog D, Bloemena E, Aartman IHA, van der Waal I. Histopathology of ameloblastoma of the jaws; some critical observations based on a 40 years single institution experience. Medicina Oral, Patologia Oral y Cirugia Bucal 2012; 17: e76-e82 (2 / 1.13) 48. Heuveling DA, Flach GB, van Schie A, van Weert S, Karagozoglu KH, Bloemena E, Leemans CR, de Bree R. Visualization of the sentinel node in early-stage oral cancer: limited value of late static lymphoscintigraphy. Nuclear Medicine Communications 2012; 33: 1065-1069 (2 / 1.404) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 36 49. Heuveling DA, Karagozoglu KH, van Schie A, van Weert S, van Lingen A, de Bree R. Sentinel node biopsy using 3D lymphatic mapping by freehand SPECT in early stage oral cancer: a new technique. Clinical Otolaryngology 2012; 37: 8990 (4 / 2.393) 50. Heuveling DA, Visser GWM, de Groot M, de Boer JF, Baclayon M, Roos WH, Wuite GJL, Leemans CR, de Bree R, van Dongen GAMS. Nanocolloidal albumin-IRDye 800CW: a near-infrared fluorescent tracer with optimal retention in the sentinel lymph node. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2012; 39: 1161-1168 (5 / 4.991) 51. Hew MN, Zonneveld R, Kummerlin IP, Opondo D, de la Rosette JJ, Laguna M. Age and Gender Related Differences in Renal Cell Carcinoma in a European Cohort. Journal of Urology 2012; 188: 33-38 (4 / 3.746) 52. Hoefnagel LDC, Moelans CB, Meijer SL, van Slooten HJ, Wesseling P, Wesseling J, Westenend PJ, Bart J, Seldenrijk CA, Nagtegaal ID, Oudejans J, van der Valk P, van Gils CH, van der Wall E, van Diest PJ. Prognostic value of estrogen receptor alpha and progesterone receptor conversion in distant breast cancer metastases. Cancer 2012; 118: 4929-4935 (4 / 4.771) 53. Huang K, Dahele M, Senan S, Guckenberger M, Rodrigues GB, Ward A, Boldt RG, Palma DA. Radiographic changes after lung stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR) - Can we distinguish recurrence from fibrosis? A systematic review of the literature. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 102: 335-342 (1 / 0.912) 54. Huijsmans CJJ, Poodt J, Damen J, van der Linden JC, Savelkoul PHM, Pruijt JFM, Hilbink M, Hermans MHA. Single Nucleotide Polymorphism (SNP)-Based Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) Testing by Real Time PCR in Patients Suspect of Myeloproliferative Disease. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 55. 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Standardization of flow cytometry in myelodysplastic syndromes: a report from an international consortium and the European LeukemiaNet Working Group. Leukemia 2012; 26: 1730-1741 (5 / 9.561) 123. Westers TM, van der Velden VHJ, Alhan C, Bekkema R, Bijkerk A, Brooimans RA, Cali C, Drager AM, de Haas V, Homburg C, de Jong A, Kuiper-Kramer PA, Leenders M, Lommerse I, Marvelde JGT, van der Molen-Sinke J, Moshaver B, Mulder AB, Preijers FWMB, Schindhelm RK, van der Sluijs A, van Wering ER, Westra AH, van de Loosdrecht AA. Implementation of flow cytometry in the diagnostic work-up of myelodysplastic syndromes in a multicenter approach: Report from the Dutch Working Party on Flow Cytometry in MDS. Leukemia Research 2012; 36: 422-430 (3 / 2.923) 124. Wikman H, Lamszus K, Detels N, Uslar L, Wrage M, Benner C, Hohensee I, Ylstra B, Eylmann K, Zapatka M, Sauter G, Kemming D, Glatzel M, Muller V, Westphal M, Pantel K. Relevance of PTEN loss in brain metastasis formation in breast cancer patients. Breast Cancer Research 2012; 14: R49 (4 / 5.245) 125. Wildeman MA, Fles R, Adham M, Mayangsari ID, Luirink I, Sandberg M, Vincent AD, Fardizza F, Musa Z, Armiyanto, Middeldorp JM, Gerritsen G, Suwanto R, Tan IB. Short-term effect of different teaching methods on nasopharyngeal carcinoma for general practitioners in Jakarta, Indonesia. PloS one 2012; 7: e32756 (4 / 4.092) 126. Wurdinger T, Gatson NN, Balaj L, Kaur B, Breakefield XO, Pegtel DM. Extracellular vesicles and their convergence with viral pathways. Advances in Virology 2012; 2012: 767694 (0 / 0) 127. Yaqub M, van Berckel BNM, Schuitemaker A, Hinz R, Turkheimer FE, Tomasi G, Lammertsma AA, Boellaard R. Optimization of supervised cluster analysis for extracting reference tissue input curves in (R)-[C-11]PK11195 brain PET studies. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 2012; 32: 1600-1608 (4 / 5.008) Scientific papers non-refereed 1. «auteurs». «titel». «tijdschrift» «jaartal»; «volume»: «paginas». Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings) 1. 2. 3. Verweij CL, Vosslamber S. Gene Expression Profiling in Rheumatoid Arthritis. Insights and Perspectives in Rheumatology. Intech. 2012: 39-62 Verweij CL, Vosslamber S. The interferon system in rheumatoid arthritis. Type I Interferons, Mechanism of Action, Implications in Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases and Clinical Applications. New York, NOVA Science publishers, Inc. 2012 Verweij CL, Vosslamber S. The interferon system in multiple sclerosis: Towards a personalized medicine approach for IFN? Therapy. Type I Interferons, Mechanism of Action, Implications in Inflammatory and Autoimmune Diseases and Clinical Applications. New York, NOVA Science publishers, Inc. 2012 Professional publications 1. Ang C, Brandenburg AH, van Burgel ND, Bijlmer HA, Herremans T, Stelma FF, Verduyn Lunel F, van Dam AP, namens het Consensusberaad Lyme. Nationale vergelijking van serologische assays voor het aantonen van Borrelia-antistoffen.. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20: 110-119 2. Ang C, van Burgel ND. Borrelia-serologie in de Nederlandse situatie: interpretatie van testuitslagen en ontwikkelingen. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20: 120-125 3. Bernards AT, Bonten MJM, Cohen Stuart J, Diederen B, Goessens WHF, Grundmann H, Kluijtmans JAJW, Kluytmans-van den Bergh MFQ, Leverstein-van Hall MA, Mouton JW, al Naiemi N, Troelstra A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Vos MC, Voss A. Recommendations of the NVMM Guideline Laboratory detection of highly resistant microorganisms. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie 2012; 20: 13-15 4. Bleeker FE, Bot JCJ, Ronner HE, Postma TJ. Reversibele neurologische uitval jaren na hooggradig glioom: het SMARTsyndroom. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A4704 5. Herremans T, van Burgel ND, Brandenburg AH, Meijer B, Verduyn Lunel F, Nabuurs-Franssen M, Stelma F, Ang C, van Dam AP, Bijlmer HA, namens het Consensusberaad Lyme. Interlaboratoriumvariatie van de serologie voor de ziekte van Lyme in Nederland. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20: 105-110 6. Kluijtmans JAJW, Bonten MJM. Interview: Antibiotica 'op de bon'. Tijdschrift voor Infectieziekten 2012; 7: 1-3 7. Rebers S, van der Valk T, Meijer GA, van Leeuwen FE, Schmidt MK. Zeggenschap over nader gebruik van lichaamsmateriaal. Patient is het best gediend met 'geen bezwaar'-procedure. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A4485 8. Savelkoul PHM, van Doorn J, Duim B, Figge M, Heck M, Melles D, Molenkamp R, Schouls L, Top J. Microbiële typering, een kwestie van onderscheid maken. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie 2012; 20: 16-20 9. Thio HB, Balak DM, Meilof JF, Stegeman CA, Voskuyl AE. Consensus diagnostic small-vessel vasculitis Workgroup [Guideline 'Diagnostic of small-vessel vasculitis]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A4317 10. Vosslamber S, Verweij CL. Individueel maatwerk in de behandeling van reumatoide artritis: De toekomst is nu. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Reumatologie 2012; 2012: 8-15 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 40 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Hutajulu SH. Clinical, virological and host epigenetic markers for early identification of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in high risk populations in Indonesia.. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/16/2012. (Co-)promotores: J.M. Middeldorp, S.M. Haryana, I.B. Tan, A.E. Greijer (cat B) de Graaf P. Diagnostic Imaging in retinoblastoma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/5/2012. (Co-)promotores: J.A. Castelijns, P. van der Valk, A.C. Moll, S. Imhof (cat A) Cheebsumon P. Quantification and Tumor Delineation in PET. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/15/2012. (Co-)promotores: A.A. Lammertsma, R. Boellaard, F.H.P. van Velden (cat A) Busard MPH. Advances of MR Imaging in Endometriosis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/1/2012. (Co-)promotores: C. van Kuijk, J.H.T.M. Waesberghe (cat A) Balaj L. Exosomes: The biological messengers. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/29/2012. (Co-)promotores: W.P. Vandertop, X. Breakefield, T. Wurdinger, D.P. Noske (cat B) Program 4: Innovative therapy Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Adams H, Raijmakers P, Smulders Y. Polymyalgia Rheumatica and Interspinous FDG Uptake on PET/CT. Clinical Nuclear Medicine 2012; 37: 502-505 (4 / 3.674) Adar Y, Stark M, Bram EE, Nowak-Sliwinska P, van den Bergh H, Szewczyk G, Sarna T, Skladanowski A, Griffioen AW, Assaraf YG. Imidazoacridinone-dependent lysosomal photodestruction: a pharmacological Trojan horse approach to eradicate multidrug-resistant cancers. Cell Death & Disease 2012; 3: (3 / 5.333) Adema AD, Smid K, Losekoot N, Honeywell RJ, Verheul HM, Myhren F, Sandvold ML, Peters GJ. Metabolism and accumulation of the lipophilic deoxynucleoside analogs elacytarabine and CP-4126. Investigational New Drugs 2012; 30: 1908-1916 (4 / 3.357) Aman J, Thunnissen E, Paul MA, Amerongen GPV, Vonk-Noordegraaf A. Successful Treatment of Diffuse Pulmonary Lymphangiomatosis With Bevacizumab. Annals of Internal Medicine 2012; 156: 839-840 (5 / 16.733) Ardizzoni A, Tiseo M, Boni L, Vincent AD, Passalacqua R, Buti S, Amoroso D, Camerini A, Labianca R, Genestreti G, Boni C, Ciuffreda L, Di Costanzo F, de Marinis F, Crino.L., Santo A, Pazzola A, Barbieri F, Zilembo N, Colantonio I, Tibaldi C, Mattioli R, Cafferata MA, Smit EF. Pemetrexed Versus Pemetrexed and Carboplatin As Second-Line Chemotherapy in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: Results of the GOIRC 02-2006 Randomized Phase II Study and Pooled Analysis With the NVALT7 Trial.. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30: 4501-4507 (5 / 18.372) Arends S, Grootscholten C, Derksen RHWM, Berger SP, de Sevaux RGL, Voskuyl AE, Bijl M, Berden JHM. Long-term followup of a randomised controlled trial of azathioprine/methylprednisolone versus cyclophosphamide in patients with proliferative lupus nephritis. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2012; 71: 966-973 (5 / 8.727) Avan A, Crea F, Paolicchi E, Funel N, Galvani E, Marquez VE, Honeywell RJ, Danesi R, Peters GJ, Giovannetti E. Molecular Mechanisms Involved in the Synergistic Interaction of the EZH2 Inhibitor 3-Deazaneplanocin A with Gemcitabine in Pancreatic Cancer Cells. Molecular Cancer Therapeutics 2012; 11: 1735-1746 (4 / 5.226) Azijli K, Yuvaraj S, Peppelenbosch MP, Wurdinger T, Dekker H, Joore J, van Dijk E, Quax WJ, Peters GJ, de Jong S, Kruyt FAE. Kinome profiling of non-canonical TRAIL signaling reveals RIP1-Src-STAT3-dependent invasion in resistant non-small cell lung cancer cells. Journal of Cell Science 2012; 125: 4651-4661 (4 / 6.111) Bachas C, Schuurhuis GJ, Assaraf YG, Kwidama ZJ, Kelder A, Wouters F, Snel AN, Kaspers GJL, Cloos J. The role of minor subpopulations within the leukemic blast compartment of AML patients at initial diagnosis in the development of relapse. Leukemia 2012; 26: 1313-1320 (5 / 9.561) Baglio SR, Pegtel DM, Baldini N. Mesenchymal stem cell secreted vesicles provide novel opportunities in (stem) cell-free therapy. Frontiers in Physiology 2012; 3: 359 (0 / 0) Baron F, Labopin M, Niederwieser D, Vigouroux S, Cornelissen JJ, Malm C, Vindelov LL, Blaise D, Janssen JJWM, Petersen E, Socie G, Nagler A, Rocha V, Mohty M. Impact of graft-versus-host disease after reduced-intensity conditioning allogeneic stem cell transplantation for acute myeloid leukemia: a report from the Acute Leukemia Working Party of the European group for blood and marrow transplantation. Leukemia 2012; 26: 2462-2468 (5 / 9.561) Baron F, Suciu S, Amadori S, Muus P, Zwierzina H, Denzlinger C, Delforge M, Thyss A, Selleslag D, Indrak K, Ossenkoppele G, de Witte T. Value of infliximab (Remicade (R)) in patients with low-risk myelodysplastic syndrome: final results of a randomized phase II trial (EORTC trial 06023) of the EORTC Leukemia Group. Haematologica-The Hematology Journal 2012; 97: 529-533 (5 / 6.424) Bastiaannet E, Hoekstra OS, de Jong JR, Brouwers AH, Suurmeijer AJH, Hoekstra HJ. Prognostic value of the standardized uptake value for F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose in patients with stage IIIB melanoma. European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging 2012; 39: 1592-1598 (5 / 4.991) Bastiaannet E, Uyl-de Groot CA, Brouwers AH, van der Jagt EJ, Hoekstra OS, Oyen W, Verzijlbergen F, van Ooijen B, Thompson JF, Hoekstra HJ. Cost-effectiveness of Adding FDG-PET or CT to the Diagnostic Work-up of Patients With Stage III Melanoma. Annals of Surgery 2012; 255: 771-776 (5 / 7.492) Beetz I, Schilstra C, Burlage FR, Koken PW, Doornaert P, Bijl HP, Chouvalova O, Leemans CR, de Bock GH, Christianen MEMC, van der Laan BFAM, Vissink A, Steenbakkers RJHM, Langendijk JA. Development of NTCP models for head and neck cancer patients treated with three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for xerostomia and sticky saliva: The role of dosimetric and clinical factors. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 105: 86-93 (1 / 0.912) Beetz I, Schilstra C, van der Schaaf A, van den Heuvel ER, Doornaert P, van Luijk P, Vissink A, van der Laan BFAM, Leemans CR, Bijl HP, Christianen MEMC, Steenbakkers RJHM, Langendijk JA. NTCP models for patient-rated xerostomia and sticky saliva after treatment with intensity modulated radiotherapy for head and neck cancer: The role of dosimetric and clinical factors. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 105: 101-106 (1 / 0.912) Beetz I, Schilstra C, van Luijk P, Christianen MEMC, Doornaert P, Bijl HP, Chouvalova O, van den Heuvel ER, Steenbakkers RJHM, Langendijk JA. External validation of three dimensional conformal radiotherapy based NTCP models for patientrated xerostomia and sticky saliva among patients treated with intensity modulated radiotherapy. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 105: 94-100 (1 / 0.912) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 41 18. Betting DJ, Hurvitz SA, Steward KK, Yamada RE, Kafi K, Van Rooijen N, Timmerman JM. Combination of Cyclophosphamide, Rituximab, and Intratumoral CpG Oligodeoxynucleotide Successfully Eradicates Established B cell Lymphoma. Journal of Immunotherapy 2012; 35: 534-543 (3 / 3.267) 19. Bex A, Etto T, Vyth-Dreese F, Blank C, Griffioen AW. Immunological Heterogeneity of the RCC Microenvironment: Do Targeted Therapies Influence Immune Response?. Current Oncology Reports 2012; 14: 230-239 (2 / 2.545) 20. Biere SSAY, Henegouwen MIV, Maas KW, Bonavina L, Rosman C, Garcia JR, Gisbertz SS, Klinkenbijl JHG, Hollmann MW, de Lange ESM, Bonjer HJ, van der Peet DL, Cuesta MA. Minimally invasive versus open oesophagectomy for patients with oesophageal cancer: a multicentre, open-label, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2012; 379: 1887-1892 (5 / 38.278) 21. Bingham CO, Alten R, de Wit MPT. The importance of patient participation in measuring rheumatoid arthritis flares. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2012; 71: 1107-1109 (5 / 8.727) 22. Bleeker MCG, Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J. Follow-up after treatment for cervical intraepithelial neoplasia. British Medical Journal 2012; 345: (5 / 14.093) 23. Blom RL, Klinkenbijl JHG, Hollmann MW, Bergman JJ, Cuesta M, Bemelman WA, Busch OR, Henegouwen MIV. Results of the introduction of a minimally invasive esophagectomy program in a tertiary referral center.. Journal of Thoracic Diseases 2012; 12: 467-473 (0 / 0) 24. Blommestein HM, Verelst SGR, Huijgens PC, Blijlevens NMA, Cornelissen JJ, Uyl-de Groot CA. Real-world costs of autologous and allogeneic stem cell transplantations for haematological diseases: a multicentre study. Annals of Hematology 2012; 91: 1945-1952 (3 / 2.615) 25. Boers M, Kirwan JR, Bijlsma JWJ. American College of Rheumatology treatment guidelines continue to omit guidance on glucocorticoids: Comment on the article by Singh et al. Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64: 1622 (4 / 4.851) 26. Bomers MK, van Agtmael MA, Luik H, van Veen MC, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Smulders YM. Using a dog's superior olfactory sensitivity to identify Clostridium difficile in stools and patients: proof of principle study. British Medical Journal 2012; 345: (5 / 14.093) 27. Bongers EM, Dahele MR, Slotman BJ, Senan S, Bot JC. Proton Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Clinically Challenging Cases of Centrally and Superiorly Located Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: in Regards to Register et Al. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2011;89:1015-1022. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics 2012; 82: 492 (4 / 4.105) 28. Bongers ML, Coupe VMH, Jansma EP, Smit EF, Uyl-de Groot CA. Cost Effectiveness of Treatment With New Agents in Advanced Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer A Systematic Review. Pharmacoeconomics 2012; 30: 17-34 (4 / 3.974) 29. Borel F, Han R, Visser A, Petry H, van Deventer SJH, Jansen PLM, Konstantinova P. Adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette transporter genes up-regulation in untreated hepatocellular carcinoma is mediated by cellular microRNAs. Hepatology 2012; 55: 821-832 (5 / 11.665) 30. Boudestein K, Kamps WA, Veerman AJP, Pieters R. Different Outcome in Older Children With Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia With Different Treatment Protocols in the Netherlands. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 58: 17-22 (3 / 1.891) 31. Buis DR, Bot JCJ, Barkhof F, Knol DL, Lagerwaard FJ, Slotman BJ, Vandertop WP, van den Berg R. The Predictive Value of 3D Time-of-Flight MR Angiography in Assessment of Brain Arteriovenous Malformation Obliteration after Radiosurgery. American Journal of Neuroradiology 2012; 33: 232-238 (4 / 2.928) 32. Bultink IEM, Vis M, van der Horst-Bruinsma I, Lems WF. Inflammatory rheumatic disorders and bone. Current Rheumatology Reports 2012; 14: 224-230 (0 / 0) 33. Bundred NJ, Kenemans P, Yip CH, Beckmann MW, Foidart JM, Sismondi P, von Schoultz B, Vassilopoulou-Sellin R, El Galta R, Van Lieshout E, Mol-Arts M, Planellas J, Kubista E. Tibolone increases bone mineral density but also relapse in breast cancer survivors: LIBERATE trial bone substudy. Breast Cancer Research 2012; 14: (4 / 5.245) 34. Cazander G, Schreurs MWJ, Renwarin L, Dorresteijn C, Hamann D, Jukema GN. Maggot excretions affect the human complement system. Wound Repair and Regeneration 2012; 20: 879-886 (4 / 2.911) 35. Cenit MC, Simeon CP, Vonk MC, Callejas-Rubio JL, Espinosa G, Carreira P, Blanco FJ, Narvaez J, Tolosa C, Roman-Ivorra JA, Gomez-Garcia I, Garcia-Hernandez FJ, Gallego M, Garcia-Portales R, Egurbide MV, Fonollosa V, de la Pena PG, LopezLongo FJ, Gonzalez-Gay MA, Hesselstrand R, Riemekasten G, Witte T, Voskuyl AE, Schuerwegh AJ, Madhok R, Fonseca C, Denton C, Nordin A, Palm O, van Laar JM, Hunzelmann N, Distler JHW, Kreuter A, Herrick A, Worthington J, Koeleman BP, Radstake TRDJ, Martin J. Influence of the IL6 Gene in Susceptibility to Systemic Sclerosis. Journal of Rheumatology 2012; 39: 2294-2302 (3 / 3.695) 36. Cheng S, Kirtschig G, Cooper S, Thornhill M, Leonardi-Bee J, Murphy R. Interventions for erosive lichen planus affecting mucosal sites. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; 2: (5 / 5.715) 37. Chi CC, Kirtschig G, Baldo M, Lewis F, Wang SH, Wojnarowska F. Systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on topical interventions for genital lichen sclerosus. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 2012; 67: 305-312 (5 / 3.991) 38. Christianen MEMC, Schilstra C, Beetz I, Muijs CT, Chouvalova O, Burlage FR, Doornaert P, Koken PW, Leemans CR, Rinkel RNPM, de Bruijn MJ, de Bock GH, Roodenburg JLN, van der Laan BFAM, Slotman BJ, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Bijl HP, Langendijk JA. Predictive modelling for swallowing dysfunction after primary (chemo)radiation: Results of a prospective observational study. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 105: 107-114 (1 / 0.912) 39. Clarke K, Taremi M, Dahele M, Freeman M, Fung SR, Franks K, Bezjak A, Brade A, Cho J, Hope A, Sun A. Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): Is FDG-PET a predictor of outcome?. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 104: 62-66 (1 / 0.912) 40. Cornelissen JJ, Gratwohl A, Schlenk RF, Sierra J, Bornhaeuser M, Juliusson G, Racil Z, Rowe JM, Russell N, Mohty M, Lowenberg B, Socie G, Niederwieser D, Ossenkoppele GJ. The European LeukemiaNet AML Working Party consensus statement on allogeneic HSCT for patients with AML in remission: an integrated-risk adapted approach. Nature Reviews Clinical Oncology 2012; 9: 579-590 (5 / 11.963) 41. Creutzig U, van den Heuvel-Eibrink M, Gibson B, Dworzak MN, Adachi S, de Bont E, Harbott J, Hasle H, Johnston D, Kinoshita A, Lehrnbecher T, Leverger G, Mejstrikova E, Meshinchi S, Pession A, Raimondi SC, Sung LL, Stary J, Zwaan CM, Kaspers GJL, Reinhardt D. Diagnosis and management of acute myeloid leukemia in children and adolescents: recommendations from an international expert panel. Blood 2012; 120: 3187-3205 (5 / 9.898) 42. Crolla RMPH, van der Laan L, Veen EJ, Hendriks Y, van Schendel C, Kluytmans J. Reduction of Surgical Site Infections after Implementation of a Bundle of Care. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) 43. Cuesta MA, Biere SS, Henegouwen MI, van der Peet DL. Randomised trial, minimally invasive oesophagectomy versus oopen oesophagectomy for patients with resectable oesophageal cancer. J Thorac Dis 2012; 4: 462-464 (0 / 0) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 42 44. Cuesta MA, Biere SSAY, Henegouwen MIV, Hollmann MW, van der Peet DL. Minimally invasive versus open oesophagectomy for oesophageal cancer reply. Lancet 2012; 380: 885-886 (5 / 38.278) 45. da Silveira JC, Veeramachaneni DNR, Winger QA, Carnevale EM, Bouma GJ. Cell-Secreted Vesicles in Equine Ovarian Follicular Fluid Contain miRNAs and Proteins: A Possible New Form of Cell Communication Within the Ovarian Follicle. Biology of Reproduction 2012; 86: (4 / 4.009) 46. Daenen S, van der Holt B, Dekker AW, Willemze R, Rijneveld AW, Biemond BJ, Muus P, van de Loosdrecht AA, Schouten HC, Kooy MV, Breems DA, Demuynck H, Maertens J, Wijermans PW, Wittebol S, de Klerk EW, Cornelissen JJ. Intensive chemotherapy to improve outcome in patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia over the age of 40: a phase II study for efficacy and feasibility by HOVON. Leukemia 2012; 26: 1726-1729 (5 / 9.561) 47. Dahele M, Verbakel W, Cuijpers J, Slotman B, Senan S. An analysis of patient positioning during stereotactic lung radiotherapy performed without rigid external immobilization. Radiotherapy and Oncology 2012; 104: 28-32 (1 / 0.912) 48. De Boer NKH, Jharap B, Seinen ML, van Bodegraven AA. Letter: thiopurines during pregnancy and intrauterine exposure to metabolites. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 2012; 35: 964-965 (4 / 3.769) 49. de Boer YS, Bouma G, Wattjes MP, Lips P, Mulder CJJ, van Nieuwkerk CMJ. 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Bartelsman JFWM, Depla A, Brand HS. Ziekten van het maagdarmkanaal; in Brand HS, van Diermen DE, Makkes PC, (eds): Algemene ziekteleer voor tandartsen. Houten/Diegem, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 2012; 177-195 Brand HS, Vissink A. General pathology; in Noble SL, (ed): Clinical textbook of dental hygiene and therapy. Chicester, Wiley-Blackwell. 2012; 32-52 Chang JY, Shirvani SM, Loo BW, Lamond JP, lotman BJ, agata Y. Primary lung cancer; in Lo SS, The BS, Lu JL, Schefter TE, (eds): Stereotactic body radiation therapy. Heidelberg, Springer Verlag. 2012; 137-162 Cornelissen JJ, Brand HS. Kwaadaardige aandoeningen van het immuunsysteem; in Brand HS, van Diermen DE, Makkes PC, (eds): Houten/Diegem, Bohn Stafleu van Loghum. 2012; 63-70 de Boer EMJ. Chronic venous insufficiency and occupation; in Rustemeijer T, Elsner P, John SM, (eds): Kanerva's occupational dermatology. 2012; 363-370 De Boer NKH, van Bodegraven AA. Ulcerative colitis: clinical course and complications; in I.E.Koutroubakis, D.H.Le, (eds): Inflammatory Bowel Disease (E-book). Future Science Medicine. 2012; : de Bree R. How to reconstruct small tongue and floor of mouth defects; Pearls and pitfalls in head and neck surgery. Basel, Karger. 2012; 56-57 de Gruijl TD, van de Ven R. Adenovirus-Based Immunotherapy of Cancer: Promises to Keep. In: Applications of Viruses for Cancer Therapy. 2012; 147-220 Gibbs S, Martin SF, Corsini E, Thierse HJ. Identification of Contact Allergens by In Vitro Cell Culture-Based Methods; Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology. 2012; 106 Jackman AL, Jansen.G., Ng M. Folate receptor targeted thymidylate synthase inhibitors; in A.L.Jackman, C.P.Leamon, (eds): Targeted drug strategies for cancer and inflammation. New York, Springer Science. 2012; 93-118 Kaspers GJ. Een kind met een opgezette buik; in Draaisma JMTh, Bot.P., Swart JF, (eds): Probleemgeoriënteerd denken in de kindergeneeskunde. De Tijdstroom. 2012 Kaspers GJ, Reinhardt D. Acute myeloid leukemia; in Stevens M, Caron HN, Biondi A, (eds): Cancer in Children - clinical management. Oxford University Press. 2012 Kenter GG. Premaligne aandoeningen; in Heineman MJ, (ed): De voortplanting van de mens. Amsterdam, Reed Business. 2012 Lo SL, Sahgal A, Ma L, Slotman BJ, Huang Z, Mayr NA, Kunos CA, The BS, Machtay M, Chang EL. Normal tissue constraints; in Lo SS, The BS, Schefter TE, (eds): Stereotactic body radiation. Heidelberg, Springer Verlag. 2012; 393-410 Moll AC, Bosscha MI, Dommering CJ. Second primary malignancy; in Ramasubramanian A, Shields CL, (eds): Retinoblastoma. Jaypee Highlights. 2012; 195-199 Moll AC, Marees T, Bosscha K, van Leeuwen FE. Long-term survivors of retinoblastoma: risk of second primary; Tumors of the central nervous system. Springer Compagny. 2012; 147-154 Oosterhoff D, Curiel DT, de Gruijl TD. Antigen targeting to dendritic cells for cancer immunotherapy; in Curiel TJ, (ed): Cancer Immunotherapy: Paradigms, Practice and Potential. Springer. 2012 Peerdeman SM, Okay Saydam, Jimenez CR. Meningiomas: clinical needs and molecular insights. 2012 Postma TJ, Heimans JJ. Neurological complications of chemotherapy to the peripheral nervous system. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology / edited by P J Vinken and G W Bruyn. 2012; 105: 917-936 Rustemeyer T, Elsner P, John SM, Maibach HI. Kanerva's occupational dermatology. New York, Springer. 2012 Rustemeyer T, Fartasch M. Immunology and Barrier Function of the Skin; Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology. 2012; 1 Rustemeyer T, Frosch PJ. Occupational Contact Dermatitis in Dental Personnel; Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology. 2012; 143 Rustemeyer T, van Hoogstraten IMW, von Blomberg BME, Scheper RJ. Mechanisms of Allergic Contact Dermatitis; Kanerva's Occupational Dermatology. 2012; 14 Schneiders FL, Scheper RJ, Bontkes HJ, von Blomberg B, van den Eertwegh AJ, de Gruijl TD, van der Vliet HJ. Clinical trials with a-Galactosylceramide (KRN7000) in advanced cancer; in Terabe M, Berzofsky J.A., (eds): Natural killer T cells: Balancing the regulation of tumor immunity, cancer drug discovery and development. Springer Science & Business Media, LLC, 2012, pp 169-183. 2012; 169-183 Sminia P. Modelsystemen in de radiotherapie; in de Ru VJ, van Diest PJ, Looijenga LHJ, van de Velde CJH, Wagenaar DJT, (eds): Canon van de Oncollogie. 2012; 98-99 van Bodegraven AA, Van Weyenberg SJ, Wierdsma.N.J., de Wit NJ, Brouwers JRBJ. Gastroenterology [Maag-, darm- en leverziekten]; in van Everdingen JJJ, Glerum JH, Schobber AFAM, Wiersma T, Berzofsky JA, (eds): Diagnose en Therapie 2013-2014. Houten, BohnStafleu VanLoghum. 2012: 169-183 van der Meij B. Lung cancer / Hemato-oncology; in Vogel J, Beijer S, Doornink N, Wipkink A, (eds): Manual nutrition in cancer. Utrecht, De Tijdstroom. 2012 van Laar JM, Michels-Amelsfort JMR, Brand HS. Reumatische ziekten; in Brand HS, van Diermen DE, Makkes PC, (eds): Algemene ziekteleer voor tandartsen. 2012 van Moorselaar RJA. Advanced and metastatic prostate cancer, new results of clinical trials; Course book ESU Course: What's new in prostate cancer and female urology. 2012; 64-81 van Moorselaar RJA. Localised prostate cancer, there is more than robotic surgery; Course book ESU Course: What's new in prostate cancer and female urology. 2012; 64-81 van Moorselaar RJA, Piet AHM, Gerritsen WR. Prostaatkanker; in Wymenga ANW, Coebergh JWW, Maas HAAM, Schouten HC, (eds): Handboek kanker bij ouderen. De Tijdstroom. 2012; 241-248 Zeijlemaker W, Schuurhuis GJ. Minimal residual disease and leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia; Acute Leukemia. 2012 Professional publications 1. 2. 3. 4. Ang C. Diagnostische (on)mogelijkheden bij Borrelia-infecties. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20: 126-129 Ang C, Vainio S. Hoe (on-)schuldig is een knuffeltje?. Ned Tijdschr Med Microbiol 2012; 20: 81-82 Baart JA, Bretschneider JH, De Visscher JGAM, van der Waal I. Afwijkingen van de sinus maxillaris: een overzicht.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012; 119: 199-204 Boers M. [Prednisone for rheumatoid arthritis: the detriment of the doubt]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 155: A5069 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 55 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. Brand HS. Hoofd- en halszaken in de huisarts- en tandartspraktijk. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012; 119: 525 Buis DR. Mortaliteit na intracraniale tumorchirurgie bij kinderen en volwassenen. 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Tijdschrift voor Neurologie en Neurochirurgie 2012; 113: 60-65 Huijgens PC. Karakterisering van ziekte en zieke in de hemato-oncologie. Tijdschr Psychiatr 2012; 54: 921-925 Karagozoglu KH, Eerenstein SEJ, van der Waal I. Een Afrikaanse man met een zwelling in de hals.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012; 119: 18-20 Karssemakers LHE, Nolte JW, Saridin CP, Raijmakers PGHM, Becking AG. [Unilateral condylar hyperactivity]. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012; 119: 500-504 Kenter G, Wijma S. NVOG celebrates 125 years. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 155: A5178 Krekel NMA, Haloua MH, Muller S, Bergers E, Rietveld DHF, Meijers S, van den Tol MP. Breast conserving surgery for breast cancer: still much to be gained. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A3573 Krekel NMA, Meijer S, van den Tol MP. Echogeleide borstsparende chirurgie voor palpabele mammacarcinomen. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: 439-442 Krekel NMA, van Amerongen AHMT, Bergers E, Meijer S, van den Tol MP. Ultrasonically guided breast-conserving surgery for palpable mammary tumours. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A4173 Lynch MG, van den Berg-van Erp S, Tan ACIT, Pettersson Fernholm AM. Submucosale presentatie van de ziekte van Whipple: een variant die gemakkelijk wordt gemist.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: Neve S, Jacobs H, Stoof TJ, Simoons-Smit AM, Meenken C, Hoebe EK, van Agtmael MA. Oculair myositis als uiting van een vroeg gedissemineerde Borrelia burgdoferi-infectie. Tijdschrift voor Infectieziekten 2012; 7: 175-179 Nieuwland AC, Vierhout L, Eekhoff EMW, van der Waal I. Een adolescente jongen met fibreuze dysplasie van het kaakbot.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Tandheelkunde 2012; 119: 541-545 Nievelstein RJ, Schaefer-Prokop C, Heggelman BGF, Boellaard R, Lugtenburg PJ, Zijlstra-Baalbergen JM. Aanbevelingen: Standaardisatie van aanvraag, uitvoering en verslaglegging van CT beeldvorming in het kader van FDG-PET/CT onderzoeken bij patiÙnten met een maligne lymfoom. Tijdschr Nucl Geneeskd 2012; 34: 724-732 Schimmer JA, van der Steeg AF, Zuidema WP. Immunologische functie van de milt na embolisatie bij traumapatienten.. Ned Tijdschr Traum 2012; 20: 74-80 Schout BMA, Meuleman EJH. Erectiestoornis en incontinentie na prostatectomie. Behandeling van complicaties van chirurgie bij prostaatkanker.. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A4667 Schouten CS, Castelijns JA, Hoekstra OS, Leemans CR, de Bree R. Responseevaluatie na chemoradiatie voor uitgebreide orofarynxcarcinomen met gebruik van PET-CT en MRI: de REACTION-studie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie 2012; 8: 368-372 Sikkens JJ, van Agtmael MA. Verslag Europese antibioticadag 2011: Antibiotica op het humaanveterinaire grensvlak. Tijdschrift voor Infectieziekten 2012; 7: 187-188 Spijkerman I, Ruijs G, Kluijtmans JAJW. De toekomst van infectiepreventie (1) Richtlijnen en implementatie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie 2012; 20: 70-72 Spijkerman I, Ruijs G, Kluijtmans JAJW. De toekomst van infectiepreventie (2) - Norm, samenwerking, opleiding en financiering. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie 2012; 20: 149-151 Stoker SD, Greijer AE, Wildeman MA, Novalic C, de Boer JP, Huitema ADR, Fles R, Karakullukcu B, Middeldorp JM, Tan IB. Nieuwe diagnostische middelen en behandeltechnieken voor het nasofarynxcarcinoom. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie 2012; 9: 262-268 Vainio S, Murk JL, Ossenkopp YJ. Ertapenem: achtergronden en klinische toepassing. Tijdschrift voor Infectieziekten 2012; 7: 57-65 van Breemen MS, van der Kuip M, Ang C, van Furth AM, Wolf NI. Torticollis and seizures due to neuroborreliosis in a child. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A5157 van Dalen EC, Galimont-Collen A, Koldenhof JJ, Kardaun SH, Bousema MT, van der Linden MMD, van Montfrans C. Behandeling van huidafwijkingen bij doelgerichte medicijnen in de oncologie. Ned Tijdschr Dermatol Venereol 2012; 22: 286-297 van der Putten L, Vergeer MR, de Bree R. Een hypofarynxcarcinoom na bestraling voor tuberculose. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie 2012; 9: 307-310 van der Waal I. Een opaciteit in de onderkaak. Tandartspraktijk 2012; 33: 13-15 van der Waal I. Kaakbotkanker; een valkuil. Tandartspraktijk 2012; 33: 30-31 van der Waal I. Algemene ziekteleer voor tandartsen. Inhoudelijk en waardevol [Bespreking van het boek Algemene ziekteleer voor tandartsen. Derde, geheel herziene druk]. Nederlands Tandartsenblad 2012; 67: 33 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 56 42. van Gils RF, Boot CR, Knol DL, Rustemeyer T, van der Valk PGM, Anema JR. Integrated care for patients with hand eczema: results of a randomized, controlled trial. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A5181 43. van Moorselaar RJA. Nieuwe hormonale manipulaties bij castratieresistent prostaatcarcinoom (CRPC). Tijdschrift voor Urologie 2012; 2: 38-41 44. van Schaardenburg D. Gauging rheumatoid arthritis. Tijdschrift voor Urologie 2012; 2: 22-28 45. van Uhm JIM, Beckers GMA, van der Laarse WJ, Meuleman EJ, Geldof AA, !Lost Data. Ontwikkeling van een rattenblaasstripmodel om de bioactiviteit van botulinetoxine type A te meten. Tijdschrift voor Urologie 2012; 2: 164-165 46. Vis AN. De theoretische achtergrond van de behandelingen bij castratieresistent prostaatcarcinoom (CRPC). Tijdschrift voor Urologie 2012; 2: 22-28 47. Vos CG, Dickhoff C, Paul MA, Dahele M, Smit EF, Hartemink KJ. Treatment and prognosis of superior sulcus tumours. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde 2012; 156: A5419 Popular publications 1. 2. Mostert S. VUmc actief in Kenia. Attent 2012; 1: 23-24 van der Waal I. Mondbranden. Alles over het gebit. NMT patiëntenplatform 2012; 5 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Caretti V. Pioneering Preclinical Research in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma: Towards New Treatment Strategies. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 7/3/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.J.L. Kaspers, W.P. Vandertop, T. Wurdinger, D.P. Noske (cat A) Codacci Pisanelli G. Biochemical Modulation of 5-fluorouracil by uridine and leucovorin. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/23/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.J. Peters, C.J. van Groeningen, C.L. van der Wilt (cat B) Dahele MR. The implementation of advanced technologies in high-precision radiotherapy. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/21/2012. (Co-)promotores: S. Senan, B.J. Slotman (cat A) de Langen AJ. Response evaluation during targeted therapy: early incorporation of imaging biomarkers. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/27/2012. (Co-)promotores: E.F. Smit, O.S. Hoekstra, M. Lubberink (cat A) de Vries RR. The surgical treatment of bladder cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/22/2012. (Co-)promotores: S. Horenblas (cat B) Dirven L. Benefits and risks of targeted treatment in rheumatoid arthritis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 9/14/2012. (Co)promotores: W.F. Lems, T.W.J. Huizinga, C.F. Allaart, P.J.S.M. Kerstens (cat B) Giannakopoulos GF. Triage and assessment of injuries in early Trauma Care. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/1/2012. (Co-)promotores: H.J. Bonjer, F.C. Bakker (cat A) Lind JSW. Management of advanced non-small cell lung cancer: moving towards a more personalized approach. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 3/26/2012. (Co-)promotores: E.F. Smit, S. Senan (cat A) Ong CL. Volumetric modulated arc therapy for stereotactic body radiotherapy: planning considerations, delivery accuracy and efficiency. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 9/19/2012. (Co-)promotores: S. Senan, B.J. Slotman, W.F. Verbakel (cat A) Rostami Nejad M. Celiac disease: epidemiology, genetic and clinical behaviour in Iran. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/5/2012. (Co-)promotores: C.J.J. Mulder, M.R. Zali (cat B) Schreuder TCMA. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD): from epidemiology to diagnosis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/13/2012. (Co-)promotores: C.J.J. Mulder, P.L.M. Jansen, C.M.J. van Nieuwkerk (cat A) Supriyadi E. Diagnostic Advances for Improved Treatment of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Indonesia. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/10/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.J.L. Kaspers, A. Sutaryo, J. Cloos (cat B) Tack GJ. On the workup of (refractory) coeliac disease. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/15/2012. (Co-)promotores: C.J.J. Mulder, M.W.J. Schreurs, B.M.E. von Blomberg-van der Flier (cat A) van der Veldt AAM. Sunitinib for advanced renal cell cancer: pharmacodynamic aspects. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 7/4/2012. (Co-)promotores: E. Boven, J.B.A.G. Haanen, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh (cat A) van der Veldt AAM. Towards personalized treatment planning of chemotherapy:[11C] docetaxel studies in lung cancer patients. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 7/4/2012. (Co-)promotores: A.A. Lammertsma, E.F. Smit, M. Lubberink, N.H. Hendrikse (cat A) van Luijn MM. Impaired antigen expression as immune escape mechanism in Acute Myeloid Leukemia. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/15/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.J. Ossenkoppele, A.A. van de Loosdrecht, S.M. van Ham (cat A) Vosjan MWJD. Nanobodies, a novel class of antibodies to improve imaging and blockage of growth factors and their receptors in cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/29/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.A.M.S. van Dongen, G.W.M. Visser, P.M.P. van Bergen en Henegouwen (cat A) Widjajanto PH. Treatment of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia in Low-income Country: the Indonesia's Experience. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/10/2012. (Co-)promotores: G.J.L. Kaspers, A. Sutaryo, J. Cloos (cat B) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 57 Program 5: Quality of life Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Bernardo D, Pena AS. Developing strategies to improve the quality of life of patients with gluten intolerance in patients with and without coeliac disease. European Journal of Internal Medicine 2012; 23: 6-8 (3 / 2.000) Bongers ML, Hogervorst JGF, Schouten LJ, Goldbohm RA, Schouten HC, van den Brandt PA. Dietary Acrylamide Intake and the Risk of Lymphatic Malignancies: The Netherlands Cohort Study on Diet and Cancer. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) Braam KI, Overbeek A, Kaspers GJL, Ronckers CM, Schouten-van Meeteren AYN, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Veening MA. Malignant melanoma as second malignant neoplasm in long-term childhood cancer survivors: A systematic review. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 58: 665-674 (3 / 1.891) Braamse AMJ, Gerrits MMJG, van Meijel B, Visser O, van Oppen P, Boenink AD, Cuijpers P, Huijgens PC, Beekman ATF, Dekker J. Predictors of health-related quality of life in patients treated with auto- and allo-SCT for hematological malignancies. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2012; 47: 757-769 (4 / 3.746) Buffart LM, Thong MSY, Schep G, Chinapaw MJM, Brug J, van de Poll-Franse L. Self-Reported Physical Activity: Its Correlates and Relationship with Health-Related Quality of Life in a Large Cohort of Colorectal Cancer Survivors. PloS one 2012; 7: (4 / 4.092) Buffart LM, van Uffelen JG, Riphagen I, Brug J, van Mechelen W, Brown WJ, Chinapaw MJ. Physical and psychosocial benefits of yoga in cancer patients and survivors, a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: 559 (4 / 3.011) Buskermolen S, Langius JAE, Kruizenga HM, Ligthart-Melis GC, Heymans MW, Verheul HMW. Weight Loss of 5% or More Predicts Loss of Fat-Free Mass During Palliative Chemotherapy in Patients With Advanced Cancer: A Pilot Study. Nutrition and Cancer-an International Journal 2012; 64: 826-832 (3 / 2.783) Castien RF, van der Windt DAWM, Blankenstein AH, Heymans MW, Dekker J. Clinical variables associated with recovery in patients with chronic tension-type headache after treatment with manual therapy. Pain 2012; 153: 893-899 (5 / 5.777) Chinapaw MJM, Buffart LM, van Mechelen W, Schep G, Aaronson NK, van Harten WH, Stuiver MM, Kersten MJ, Nollet F, Kaspers GJL, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Huisman J, Takken T, van Tulder M, Brug J. Alpe d'HuZes Cancer Rehabilitation (A-CaRe) Research: Four Randomized Controlled Exercise Trials and Economic Evaluations in Cancer Patients and Survivors. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 2012; 19: 143-156 (4 / 2.625) Cnossen IC, de Bree R, Rinkel RNPM, Eerenstein SEJ, Rietveld DHF, Doornaert P, Buter J, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Computerized monitoring of patient-reported speech and swallowing problems in head and neck cancer patients in clinical practice. Supportive Care in Cancer 2012; 20: 2925-2931 (4 / 2.597) Daams M, Schuitema I, van Dijk BW, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Veerman AJP, van den Bos C, de Sonneville LMJ. Longterm effects of cranial irradiation and intrathecal chemotherapy in treatment of childhood leukemia: a MEG study of power spectrum and correlated cognitive dysfunction. BMC Neurology 2012; 12: (3 / 2.167) de Bruijn MJ, ten Bosch L, Kuik DJ, Witte BI, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Acoustic-phonetic and artificial neural network feature analysis to assess speech quality of stop consonants produced by patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer. Speech Communication 2012; 54: 632-640 (3 / 1.267) de Vos J, Gomez-Garcia E, Oosterwijk JC, Menko FH, Stoel RD, van Asperen CJ, Jansen AM, Stiggelbout AM, Tibben A. Opening the psychological black box in genetic counseling. The psychological impact of DNA testing is predicted by the counselees' perception, the medical impact by the pathogenic or uninformative BRCA1/2-result. Psycho-Oncology 2012; 21: 29-42 (5 / 3.339) de Vos J, Oosterwijk JC, Gomez-Garcia E, Menko FH, Collee MJ, van Asperen CJ, Jansen AM, Stiggelbout AM, Tibben A. Exploring the short-term impact of DNA-testing in breast cancer patients: The counselees' perception matters, but the actual BRCA1/2 result does not. Patient Education and Counseling 2012; 86: 239-251 (5 / 2.305) Dekker CMG, Van Esch L, De Vries J, Ernst MF, Nieuwenhuijzen GAP, Roukema JA, van der Steeg AFW. An abnormal screening mammogram causes more anxiety than a palpable lump in benign breast disease. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment 2012; 134: 253-258 (4 / 4.431) Dekker CMG, Van Esch L, Schreurs WH, van Berlo CLH, Roukema JA, De Vries J, van der Steeg AFW. Health care utilization one year following the diagnosis benign breast disease or breast cancer. Breast 2012; 21: 746-750 (4 / 2.491) Dekker J. Osteoarthritis Promoting exercise for OA in ambivalent older adults. Nature Reviews Rheumatology 2012; 8: 442-444 (5 / 8.388) DeSouza N, Hoekstra OS, Nestle U, Stroobants S, Boellaard R, Schaefer-Prokop C, Shankar LK, Pylkkanen L, Hristova I, Bean JF. EORTC Imaging Group. European Journal of Cancer 2012; 10: 82-87 (4 / 5.536) Dommering CJ, Garvelink MM, Moll AC, van Dijk J, Imhof SM, Meijers-Heijboer H, Henneman L. Reproductive behavior of individuals with increased risk of having a child with retinoblastoma. Clinical Genetics 2012; 81: 216-223 (3 / 3.128) Dommering CJ, van der Hout AH, Meijers-Heijboer H, Marees T, Moll AC. IVF and retinoblastoma revisited. Fertility and Sterility 2012; 97: 79-81 (4 / 3.564) Duijts SFA, van Beurden M, Oldenburg HSA, Hunter MS, Kieffer JM, Stuiver MM, Gerritsma MA, Menke-Pluymers MBE, Plaisier PW, Rijna H, Cardozo AMFL, Timmers G, van der Meij S, van der Veen H, Bijker N, de Widt-Levert LM, Geenen MM, Heuff G, van Dulken EJ, Boven E, Aaronson NK. Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Physical Exercise in Alleviating Treatment-Induced Menopausal Symptoms in Patients With Breast Cancer: Results of a Randomized, Controlled, Multicenter Trial. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30: 4124-4133 (5 / 18.372) Efficace F, Taphoorn M. Methodological issues in designing and reporting health-related quality of life in cancer clinical trials: the challenge of brain cancer studies. Journal of Neuro-Oncology 2012; 108: 221-226 (3 / 3.214) Emanuel RM, Dueck AC, Geyer HL, Kiladjian JJ, Slot S, Zweegman S, te Boekhorst PAW, Commandeur S, Schouten HC, Sackmann F, Fuentes AK, Hernandez-Maraver D, Pahl HL, Griesshammer M, Stegelmann F, Doehner K, Lehmann T, Bonatz K, Reiter A, Boyer F, Etienne G, Ianotto JC, Ranta D, Roy L, Cahn JY, Harrison CN, Radia D, Muxi P, Maldonado N, Besses C, Cervantes F, Johansson PL, Barbui T, Barosi G, Vannucchi AM, Passamonti F, Andreasson B, Ferarri ML, Rambaldi A, Samuelsson J, Birgegard G, Tefferi A, Mesa RA. Myeloproliferative Neoplasm (MPN) Symptom Assessment Form Total Symptom Score: Prospective International Assessment of an Abbreviated Symptom Burden Scoring System Among Patients With MPNs. J Clin Oncol 2012; 30: 4098-4103 (5 / 18.372) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 58 24. Engelen V, Detmar S, Koopman H, Maurice-Stam H, Caron H, Hoogerbrugge P, Egeler RM, Kaspers G, Grootenhuis M. Reporting health-related quality of life scores to physicians during routine follow-up visits of pediatric oncology patients: Is it effective?. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 58: 766-774 (3 / 1.891) 25. Engelen V, van Zwieten M, Koopman H, Detmar S, Caron H, Brons P, Egeler M, Kaspers GJ, Grootenhuis M. The influence of patient reported outcomes on the discussion of psychosocial issues in children with cancer. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 59: 161-166 (3 / 1.891) 26. Englbrecht M, Gossec L, DeLongis A, Scholte-Voshaar M, Sokka T, Kvien TK, Schett G. The Impact of Coping Strategies on Mental and Physical Well-Being in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism 2012; 41: 545-555 (4 / 4.969) 27. Ferriolli E, Skipworth RJE, Hendry P, Scott A, Stensteth J, Dahele M, Wall L, Greig C, Fallon M, Strasser F, Preston T, Fearon KCH. Physical Activity Monitoring: A Responsive and Meaningful Patient-Centered Outcome for Surgery, Chemotherapy, or Radiotherapy?. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management 2012; 43: 1025-1035 (4 / 2.503) 28. Gordijn MS, Gemke RJBJ, van Dalen EC, Rotteveel J, Kaspers GJL. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis suppression after treatment with glucocorticoid therapy for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; : (5 / 5.715) 29. Gordijn MS, van Litsenburg RR, Gemke RJBJ, Bierings MB, Hoogerbrugge PM, van de Ven PM, Heijnen CJ, Kaspers GJL. Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis function in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and healthy controls. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2012; 37: 1448-1456 (5 / 5.809) 30. Harinck F, Kluijt I, van Mil SE, Waisfisz Q, Van Os TAM, Aalfs CM, Wagner A, Olderode-Berends M, Sijmons RH, Kuipers EJ, Poley JW, Fockens P, Bruno MJ. Routine testing for PALB2 mutations in familial pancreatic cancer families and breast cancer families with pancreatic cancer is not indicated. European Journal of Human Genetics 2012; 20: 577-579 (4 / 4.4) 31. Haverman L, Grootenhuis MA, van den Berg JM, van Veenendaal M, Dolman KM, Swart JF, Kuijpers TW, van Rossum MAJ. Predictors of Health-Related Quality of Life in Children and Adolescents With Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis: Results From a Web-Based Survey. Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64: 694-703 (4 / 4.851) 32. Hjermstad MJ, Bergenmar M, Fisher SE, Montel S, Nicolatou-Galitis O, Raber-Durlacher J, Singer S, Verdonck-de Leeuw I, Weis J, Yarom N, Herlofson BB. The EORTC QLQ-OH17: A supplementary module to the EORTC QLQ-C30 for assessment of oral health and quality of life in cancer patients. European Journal of Cancer 2012; 48: 2203-2211 (4 / 5.536) 33. Holla JFM, van der Leeden M, Knol DL, Peter WFH, Roorda LD, Lems WF, Wesseling J, Steultjens MPM, Dekker J. Avoidance of Activities in Early Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: Results from the CHECK Cohort. Annals of Behavioral Medicine 2012; 44: 33-42 (5 / 4.2) 34. Holla JFM, van der Leeden M, Peter WFH, Roorda LD, van der Esch M, Lems WF, Gerritsen M, Voorneman RE, Steultjens MPM, Dekker J. Proprioception, Laxity, Muscle Strength and Activity Limitations in Early Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis: Results from the Check Cohort. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 2012; 44: 862-868 (4 / 2.049) 35. Holla JFM, van der Leeden M, Roorda LD, Bierma-Zeinstra SMA, Damen J, Dekker J, Steultjens MPM. Diagnostic accuracy of range of motion measurements in early symptomatic hip and/or knee osteoarthritis. Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64: 59-65 (4 / 4.851) 36. Jansen MHA, Veringa SJ, van Vuurden DG, van Dalen EJ, Kaspers GJL. Temozolomide for children and adolescents with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2012; : (5 / 5.715) 37. Kirsch M, Crombez P, Calza S, Eeltink C, Johansson E. Patient information in stem cell transplantation from the perspective of health care professionals: A survey from the Nurses Group of the European Group for Blood and Marrow Transplantation. Bone Marrow Transplantation 2012; 47: 1131-1133 (4 / 3.746) 38. Klein M. Neurocognitive functioning in adult WHO grade II gliomas: impact of old and new treatment modalities. Neurooncology 2012; 14: 17-24 (5 / 5.723) 39. Knoop J, van der Leeden M, van der Esch M, Thorstensson CA, Gerritsen M, Voorneman RE, Lems WF, Roorda LD, Dekker J, Steultjens MPM. Association of lower muscle strength with self-reported knee instability in osteoarthritis of the knee: Results from the Amsterdam Osteoarthritis Cohort. Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64: 38-45 (4 / 4.851) 40. Krebber AMH, Leemans CR, de Bree R, van Straten A, Smit F, Smit EF, Becker A, Eeckhout GM, Beekman ATF, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM. Stepped care targeting psychological distress in head and neck and lung cancer patients: a randomized clinical trial. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: (4 / 3.011) 41. Lagerwaard FJ, Aaronson NK, Gundy CM, Haasbeek CJA, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Patient-Reported Quality of Life After Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Early-Stage Lung Cancer. Journal of Thoracic Oncology 2012; 7: 1148-1154 (4 / 3.661) 42. Langius JAE, Kruizenga HM, Uitdehaag BMJ, Langendijk JA, Doornaert P, Leemans CR, Weijs PJM. Resting energy expenditure in head and neck cancer patients before and during radiotherapy. Clinical Nutrition 2012; 31: 549-554 (4 / 3.731) 43. Linn AJ, van Weert JCM, Schouten BC, Smit EG, van Bodegraven AA, van Dijk L. Words that make pills easier to swallow: a communication typology to address practical and perceptual barriers to medication intake behavior. Patient Preference and Adherence 2012; 6: (3 / 1.143) 44. Magasi S, Ryan G, Revicki D, Lenderking W, Hays RD, Brod M, Snyder C, Boers M, Cella D. Content validity of patientreported outcome measures: perspectives from a PROMIS meeting. Quality of Life Research 2012; 21: 739-746 (3 / 2.3) 45. Meesters JJL, de Boer IG, van den Berg MH, Fiocco M, Vlieland TPMV. Evaluation of a website providing information on regional health care services for patients with rheumatoid arthritis: an observational study. Clinical Rheumatology 2012; 31: 637-645 (2 / 1.996) 46. Meunier F, Lawler M, Pinedo HM. Commentary: Fifty Years of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) - Making the Difference for the European Oncology Community. Oncologist 2012; 17: e6-e7 (3 / 3.91) 47. Mostert S, Sitaresmi MN, Njuguna F, van Beers EJ, Kaspers GJL. Effect of corruption on medical care in low-income countries. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 58: 325-326 (3 / 1.891) 48. Nachtegaal J, Festen JM, Kramer SE. Hearing Ability in Working Life and Its Relationship With Sick Leave and Self-Reported Work Productivity. Ear and Hearing 2012; 33: 94-103 (5 / 2.578) 49. Overbeek A, Broekmans FJ, Hehenkamp WJ, Wijdeveld ME, van Disseldorp J, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Lambalk CB. Intra-cycle fluctuations of anti-Mullerian hormone in normal women with a regular cycle: a re-analysis. Reproductive Biomedicine Online 2012; 24: 664-669 (3 / 2.042) 50. Overbeek A, van den Berg M, Hukkelhoven C, Kaspers GJ, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Lambalk C, van Leeuwen F. Validity of Self-Reported Data on Pregnancy Outcomes - Comparing Self-Reported Data of Childhood Cancer Survivors with Data from A Nationwide Population-Based Registry. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 59: 974 (3 / 1.891) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 59 51. Overbeek A, van den Berg MH, Kremer LC, van den Heuvel-Eibrink MM, Tissing WJ, Loonen JJ, Versluys B, Bresters D, Kaspers GJ, Lambalk CB, van Leeuwen FE, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, on behalf of the DCOG LATER-VEVO study group. A nationwide study on reproductive function, ovarian reserve, and risk of premature menopause in female servivors of childhood cancer: design and methodological challenges. BMC Cancer 2012; 12: 363 (4 / 3.011) 52. Peters GJ, Chatelut E, Larsen AK, Zaffaroni N. EORTC-related new drug discovery and development activities: role of the Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group. European Journal of Cancer 2012; 10: 128-140 (4 / 5.536) 53. Pisters MF, Veenhof C, van Dijk GM, Heymans MW, Twisk JWR, Dekker J. The course of limitations in activities over 5 years in patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis with moderate functional limitations: risk factors for future functional decline. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage 2012; 20: 503-510 (5 / 3.904) 54. Raber-Durlacher JE, Brennan MT, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Gibson RJ, Eilers JG, Waltimo T, Bots CP, Michelet M, Sollecito TP, Rouleau TS, Sewnaik A, Bensadoun RJ, Fliedner MC, Silverman SJ, Spijkervet FKL. Swallowing dysfunction in cancer patients. Supportive Care in Cancer 2012; 20: 433-443 (4 / 2.597) 55. Reck M, Thatcher N, Smit EF, Lorigan P, Szutowicz-Zielinska E, Liepa AM, Winfree KB, Peterson P, Guba SC, Socinski MA. Baseline quality of life and performance status as prognostic factors in patients with extensive-stage disease small cell lung cancer treated with pemetrexed plus carboplatin vs. etoposide plus carboplatin. Lung Cancer 2012; 78: 276-281 (4 / 3.434) 56. Sizoo EM, Pasman HRW, Buttolo J, Heimans JJ, Klein M, Deliens L, Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJB. Decision-making in the end-of-life phase of high-grade glioma patients. European Journal of Cancer 2012; 48: 226-232 (4 / 5.536) 57. Talacchi A, Taphoorn M, Miceli G. Reconsidering outcomes that matter to patients INTRODUCTION. Journal of NeuroOncology 2012; 108: 219-220 (3 / 3.214) 58. Taphoorn MJ. Patient-oriented outcome measures in brain tumor patients: catching up after a slow start. Expert Review of Pharmacoeconomics & Outcomes Research 2012; 12: 1-3 (0 / 0) 59. ter Wee MM, Lems WF, Usan H, Gulpen A, Boonen A. The effect of biological agents on work participation in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a systematic review. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases 2012; 71: 161-171 (5 / 8.727) 60. Tomasson G, Boers M, Walsh M, LaValley M, Cuthbertson D, Carette S, Davis JC, Hoffman GS, Khalidi NA, Langford CA, McAlear CA, Mccune WJ, Monach PA, Seo P, Specks U, Spiera R, St Clair EW, Stone JH, Ytterberg SR, Merkel PA. Assessment of health-related quality of life as an outcome measure in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's). Arthritis Care & Research 2012; 64: 273-279 (4 / 4.851) 61. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren M, Konijn NPC, Bultink IEM, Lems WF, Earthman CP, van Tuyl LHD. Relevance of the new pre-cachexia and cachexia definitions for patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Clinical Nutrition 2012; 31: 1008-1010 (4 / 3.731) 62. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren M, Roosemalen MM, Weijs PJ, Langius JA. High Waste Contributes to Low Food Intake in Hospitalized Patients. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2012; 27: 274-280 (2 / 1.594) 63. van den Berg MH, Overbeek A, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Lambalk CB. Comment on: Li HW, Wong CY, Yeung WS, Ho PC, Ng EH. Serum anti-Mullerian hormone level is not altered in women using hormonal contraceptives. Contraception 2011;83:582-5. Contraception 2012; 85: 519-520 (4 / 2.724) 64. van den Berg T, Engelhardt EG, Haanstra TM, Langius JA, van Tulder MW. Comment on van den Berg et al: "Methodology of Clinical Nutrition Guidelines for Adult Cancer Patients: How Good Are They According to AGREE Criteria?" Comment. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2012; 36: 504-505 (4 / 3.285) 65. van den Berg T, Engelhardt EG, Haanstra TM, Langius JA, van Tulder MW. Methodology of Clinical Nutrition Guidelines for Adult Cancer Patients: How Good Are They According to AGREE Criteria?. Journal of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition 2012; 36: 316-322 (4 / 3.285) 66. van der Esch M, Knoop J, van der Leeden M, Voorneman R, Gerritsen M, Reiding D, Romviel S, Knol DL, Lems WF, Dekker J, Roorda LD. Self-reported knee instability and activity limitations in patients with knee osteoarthritis: results of the Amsterdam osteoarthritis cohort. Clinical Rheumatology 2012; 31: 1505-1510 (2 / 1.996) 67. van der Meij B, Langius J, Spreeuwenberg M, Slootmaker S, Paul M, Smit E, van Leeuwen P. Oral nutritional supplements containing n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids affect quality of life and functional status in lung cancer patients during multimodality treatment: an RCT. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2012; 66: 399-404 (3 / 2.462) 68. van Elsland SL, Springer P, Steenhuis IHM, van Toorn R, Schoeman JF, van Furth AM. Tuberculous Meningitis: Barriers to Adherence in Home Treatment of Children and Caretaker Perceptions. Journal of Tropical Pediatrics 2012; 58: 275-279 (3 / 1.388) 69. van Gogh CDL, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Langendijk JA, Kuik DJ, Mahieu HF. Long-Term Efficacy of Voice Therapy in Patients With Voice Problems After Treatment of Early Glottic Cancer. Journal of Voice 2012; 26: 398-401 (3 / 1.39) 70. van Gogh CDL, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Wedler-Peeters J, Langendijk JA, Mahieu HF. Prospective evaluation of voice outcome during the first two years in male patients treated by radiotherapy or laser surgery for T1a glottic carcinoma. European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 2012; 269: 1647-1652 (3 / 1.287) 71. Van Vilsteren M, Boot CR, Steenbeek R, Schaardenburg Dv, Voskuyl AE, Anema JR. An intervention program with the aim to improve and maintain work productivity for workers with rheumatoid arthritis: design of a randomized controlled trial and cost-effectiveness study. BMC Public Health 2012; 12: 496 (3 / 1.997) 72. van Weely SFE, van Denderen JC, Steultjens MPM, van der Leeden M, Nurmohamed MT, Dekker J, Dijkmans BAC, van der Horst-Bruinsma I. Moving instead of asking? performance-based tests and BASFI-questionnaire measure different aspects of physical function in ankylosing spondylitis. Arthritis Research & Therapy 2012; 14: (4 / 4.445) 73. Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, van Nieuwenhuizen A, Leemans CR. The value of quality-of-life questionnaires in head and neck cancer. Current Opinion in Otolaryngology & Head and Neck Surgery 2012; 20: 142-147 (4 / 1.826) 74. Veringa SJE, van Dulmen-den Broeder E, Kaspers GJL, Veening MA. Blood pressure and body composition in long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Pediatric Blood & Cancer 2012; 58: 278-282 (3 / 1.891) 75. Vincenten J, Smit EF, Ylstra B, Thunnissen FBJM. Applying biomarker testing to clinical practice in lung cancer. Lung Cancer Management 2012; 1: 145-154 (0 / 0) 76. Vos J, Oosterwijk JC, Gomez-Garcia E, Menko FH, Collee MJ, van Asperen CJ, Jansen AM, Stiggelbout AM, Tibben A. Exploring the short-term impact of DNA-testing in breast cancer patients: The counselees' perception matters, but the actual BRCA1/2 result does not. Patient Education and Counseling 2012; 86: 239-251 (5 / 2.305) 77. Wassenberg M, Kluytmans J, Erdkamp S, Bosboom R, Buiting A, van Elzakker E, Melchers W, Thijsen S, Troelstra A, Vandenbroucke-Grauls C, Visser C, Voss A, Wolffs P, Wulf M, van Zwet T, de Wit A, Bonten M. Costs and benefits of rapid screening of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus carriage in intensive care units: a prospective multicenter study. Critical Care 2012; 16: (4 / 4.607) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 60 Scientific papers non-refereed 1. Supriyadi E, Veerman AJP, Sutaryo S, van de Ven PM, Cloos J. Detection of CD10, CD34 and their combined expression on Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia and the association with clinical outcome in Indonesia. Journal of Cancer Therapeutics & Research 2012; 1: 1-10. Scientific publications (book, book chapters, proceedings) 1. 2. Den Oudsten BL, van der Steeg AFW, Roukema JA, De Vries J. Changes in Body Image in Womenwith Early Stage Breast Cancer; in Mohan R, (ed): Topics in Cancer Survivorship. 2012; 3: Taphoorn MJB, Klein M. Evaluation of cognitive functions and quality of life. In: Handbook of Clinical Neurology / edited by P J Vinken and G W Bruyn. 2012; 104: 173-183 Professional publications 1. 2. 3. 4. Buskermolen S, van der Meij B, van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren M, Langius JAE. Precachexie en cachexie bij patienten met kanker: actuele inzichten en handvatten voor de diÙtist. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Voeding en Diëtetiek 2012; 67: S1-S8 Langius JAE, van den Berg M. Meer duidelijkheid over combinatie voeding en beweging. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Voeding en Diëtetiek 2012; 67: 30-31 Vos MC, Jansma A, Mascini E, Troelstra A, de Ruiter GJ, van Dijk Y, Meester HHM. Kwaliteitsrichtlijn voor Infectiepreventie in Ziekenhuizen (KRIZ) û Tijd voor versie 2.0. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie 2012; 20: 78-79 Zuurmond WWA, Perez RSGM. Pijn bij kanker. Deel 3: Enkele aandachtspunten bij de oncologische pijnbehandeling met analagetica. Oncollectie 2012; 1: 2-8 Dissertations 1. Van Litsenburg, RRL. Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: quality of life and cost-effectiveness of treatment. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 08/05/2012. (Co-)promotores: R.J.B.J. Gemke, G.J.L. Kaspers, J. Huisman (cat. A) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Output - 61 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem In this appendix an overview is given of the memberships of editorial boards, (inter)national functions, lectures given and obtained awards. In addition, newly obtained grants are listed to show the recruitment capacity of VUmc-CCA, and news items are shown. Memberships of editorial boards Associate Journal Ang CW • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie (editor-in-chief) Appelmelk BJ • Innate Immunity Bitter W • FEMS Microbiology Reviews Blankenstein MA • • • Annals of Clinical Biochemistry (associate editor) Clinica Chimica Acta (member editorial board) International Journal of Biological Markers (associate editor) Bloemena E • • • World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology ISRN Gastroenterology Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology Boers M Associate Editor: • Arthritis and Rheumatism • Letter to the Editor in Rheumatology Board member: • Journal for Clinical Epidemiology (Policy Advisory Board) • Annals of Rheumatic Diseases • Journal of Rheumatology Braakhuis BJM • • Oral Oncology The Open Pathology Journal Brakenhoff RH • Clinical Cancer Research, Oral Oncology Broxterman HJ • • Molecular Cancer Therapeutics Drug Resistance Updates Chamuleau M • NTVH de Bree R • • • • European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology The Open Otorhinolaryngology Journal Oral Oncology Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie de Rie MA • • Dermatology Case reports in Dermatology Dekker J • International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Giovannetti E • • World Journal of Pharmacology Guest Editor for Current Pharmacological Design Jansen G • Open Arthritis Journal Janssen JJWM • • • • • • • American Society of Hematology HOVON Stem cell Transplantation Working Party HOVON Acute Leukemia Working Party Dutch Society of Hematology European Blood and Marrow Transplantation group (EBMT) Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (Dutch Internist Society) European Hematology Association Jimenez CR • • • Journal of Proteomics Molecular and Cellular Proteomics Proteomics Joenje H • • Anemia Cellular Oncology Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 62 Associate Journal • • • Familial Cancer The Open Genomics Journal Open Genetics Reviews Kaspers GJL • Journal of Oncology” and “Expert Reviews of Anticancer Therapy Kluytmans JAJW • • Journal of Infectious Disease Antimicrobial Resistance and Infection Control (deputy editor) Leemans CR • • • • • • • • • • Hoofd-hals Journaal (Head and Neck Journal of the NWHHT) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde (Netherlands Journal of Otorhinolaryngology) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Oral Oncology Head Neck Oral Diseases Surgical Oncology Italian Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Acta Otorrinolaringología Española Acta Otorhinolaryngoiatrica Italica Meijer CJLM • • • • • • • American Journal of Dermatopathology APMIS Histopathology Journal of Clinical Pathology/Clinical Molecular Pathology International Journal of Cancer Journal of Pathology Cancer Cytopathology (corresponding member) Meijer GA • • • World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology (WJGO) Member Advisory Board Oncology-up-to-date Member Advisory Board Oncology news International Menko FH • Familial Cancer Middeldorp JM • • Journal of Clinical Virology Virological Methods Morré SA • • World Journal of Gastroenterology Public Health Genomics Ossenkoppele GJ • Dutch Journal of Hematology Pegtel M • Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (JEV) Perez RSGM • Nederlandstalig Tijdschrift voor Pijn en Pijnbestrijding Peters GJ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • European Journal of Cancer (1995-) Clinical Colorectal Cancer (1999-) Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology (2000-) International Journal of Oncology (2001-) Cancer Therapy (2003-) Journal of Chemotherapy (2004-) Annals of Oncology (2005-) Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology (2006-) Journal of Epithelial Biology and Pharmacology (2008-) Gastrointestinal Cancer Reviews (2009-) The Open Lung Cancer Journal (2009-2012), Editor-in Chief Chemotherapy Research and Practice (2009-) World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology (2009-) World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics (2009-) Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine (2009-) World Journal of Clinical Oncology (2010-), Strategy Associate Editor-in-Chief American Journal of Cancer research (2010-), senior editor Chinese Journal of Clinicians (2010-) World Journal of Pharmacology (2011-) Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (2011-) Journal of Cancer Research and Treatment (2012-), Editor-in-Chief Experimental Hematology and Oncology (2012-) Pteridines (2012-) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 63 Associate Journal • Oncology Discovery (2013-), Editor-in-Chief Rustemeyer T • • • • Contact Dermatitis Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Allergologie Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt Savelkoul PHM • Clinical Microbiology and Infection Scheper RJ • Contact Dermatitis (Editor Section Immunology) Schuurhuis GJ • • • Open Hematology Journal International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Dataset Papers in Medicine August 2012 Senan S • • • The Oncologist Radiation Oncology Journal of Thoracic Disease Slotman BJ • • • Cureus Associate editor, Journal of Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy J Radiation Oncology Snijders PJF • International Journal of Oncology Steenbergen RDM • BCM Cancer Stoof TJ • • Allergie Actueel Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie Taphoorn MJB • • Expert Review Pharmacoeconomics Outcomes Neuro-Oncology Thijssen VL • American Medical Journal van Beusechem VW • • Human Gene Therapy Genetics Research International van Bodegraven AA • Journal of Crohn’s and Colitis van den Elsen PJ • • • Immunogenetics, The Open Immunology Journal Associate Editor: Frontiers in Molecular Innate Immunity The Open Immunology Journal van der Waal I • • • • • • • • • • • ACTA Stomatologica Croatica, Member International Editorial Board European Journal of Cancer, Consulting Editor Medicina Oral, Member Editorial Board Minerva Stomatologica (Italy, per mei 2008), Member Editorial Board Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMS), Member Advisory Board Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry, Member Editorial Board Oral Oncology, Member of the Board of Senior Advisors Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry, International Editor Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paolo (Journal of Dentistry, University of São Paolo), Member Editorial Board STOMA, Member of Scientific Committee van Furth AM • • European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Member Infectious Diseases Society of America van Schaardenburg D • • Arthritis & Rheumatism Netherlands Journal of Medicine Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE • Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas Verdonck-de Leeuw IM • • World Journal of Clinical Oncology (WJCO) Voice-, Speech- en Language Pathology (Dutch) Verweij CL • • • • The Open Rheumatology Journal (editor in chief) Gene and Immunity Frontiers in immunology Frontiers in innate Immunology Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 64 Associate Journal • • • Arthritis Recent Patents Arthritis Research & Therapy Voskuyl AE • Clinical rheumatology Wesseling P • • • Acta Neuropathologica Brain Pathology Neuro-Oncology Ylstra B • Cellullar Oncology Zuurmond WWA • Nederlands-Vlaams Tijdschrift voor Palliatieve Zorg Zweegman S • Editor in Chief Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 65 International functions Associate Function Organisation Ang CW Committee member “Sharing of knowledge” (Kennisdelingscommissie), Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology (NVMM) Appelmelk BJ Councillor Microbiology The International endotoxin and innate immunity society Bitter W Member scientific committee NVMM (Dutch society of medical microbiology) Boellaard R Member Scientific advisory board of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) Research Ltd. (EARL) Imaging group, European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer UPICT working group, Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance (QIBA) of the RSNA QIBA profile working group, Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Alliance (QIBA) of the RSNA educational board (Medical Imaging), Netherlands Society of Medical Physics Chair Physics Committee, European Association of Nuclear Medicine Board Member PET Center of Excellence, Society of Nuclear Medicine Co-chair / coordinator Working Group Adapted Treatment Regimens, SIOP PODC (Pediatric Oncology in developing countries) Member Project Committee, Medical Trustee, World Child Cancer Co-chairman EULAR Committee on conduct and reporting of long-term extension studies in rheumatology Member EULAR Committee on disease activity measurement in rheumatoid arthritis EULAR Committee on monitoring of glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatoid arthritis OMERACT Task Force on imaging in rheumatoid arthritis ASAS, international consensus group on guidelines for outcome measures in ankylosing spondylitis COMET Steering Group. International initiative to create measurement core sets for trials across diseases Chair Trial Steering Committee: ZIPP (zoledronate in prevetion of Paget) trial. P.I. S Ralston, Edinburgh, UK Braakhuis BJM (Founding) Member Research Committee, International Academy of Oral Oncology Chamuleau M Secretary HOVON LLPC working Party Treasurer HOVON LLPC working Party Member Grant Review committee, Melanoma Research Alliance Chair Nederlandse Werkgroep Tumor Immunologie Chair NascholingsCie NVDV Member Rene Touraine Foundation (Paris, France) Associate Professor Physiotherapy – Psychological aspects of rehabilitation, Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland Honorary Professor Jining Medical University, Jining, China President / Member The Member of Governing Council, International Society of Behavioral Medicine Board Member Netherlands Behavioral Medicine Federation Member Committee on Medical Technology Assessment, Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad) International Advisory Board, Behaviour Change Technique Boers M De Gruijl TD De Rie MA Dekker J Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 66 Associate Function Organisation Taxonomy Project Franken S Member Domeingroep Allergologie en Contactdermatosen van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie Gibbs S Member Dutch institute for regenerative medicine Contact person VUmc Topsector Life Sciences and Health - Roadmap Regenerative Medicine Board Member (young researcher) of the Steering Committee of the EORTCPAMM (Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms group of the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer) since January 2012 Abstract Selection Committee of the European Pancreatic Club (EPC) since June 2012 http://www.e-p-c.org/abstractselection-committee Member American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) American Pancreas Club European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) PAMM group European Pancreatic Club (EPC) Italian Society of Chemotherapy (SIC) Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) Italian Society for the Study of the Pancreas (AISP) Heimans Member European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) neurooncology group European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO) Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) National Health Council The Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad) Hulleman E Member Discipline Group Molecular Research, DCOG High-grade glioma research group, International Society of Pediatric Oncology Co-founder / member European DIPG network Coördinator/ president Netherlands Proteomics Platform General Council Member European Proteomics Association (EuPA) Board of Directors Human Proteome Organisation Chair VUmc Onderzoek Naar Kinderkanker (VONK) Disease Committee Myeloid Malignancies, DCOG Protocol committees Relapsed AML 1999/2001 and 2005 and APL and initial AML, DCOG Working Group “shared care”, DCOGAML Relapse Working Group, International BFM Study Group Member “Stichting VUmc Kinderstad”, 2011 onwards Protocol committee ALL-10 and AML2007 (DB-AML01), DCOG Scientific Committee, DCOG Supervisory Board SKION = Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG) LAD, NVK, NVvO, KNMG; AACR, ASH, EHA, SIOP Vice-chair Ronald McDonald Huis VUmc, 2011 onwards Program Co-leader “Quality of Life” of CCA/V-ICI, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Ambassador Stichting Semmy Co-chair IKNL – Werkgroep Kindertumoren Amsterdam International P.I. I-BFM-SG Phase III studies “Relapsed AML 2001/01” and “Relapsed AML 2010/01” International coordinator Phase III study on Pediatric APL (ICC APL 01) Giovannetti E Jimenez CR Kaspers GJL Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 67 Associate Function Organisation Principal investigator I-BFM-SG and ITCC study 021 “Bortezomib in childhood relapsed and refractory ALL” Klein M Member Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) Writing committee, Brain Tumour Group EORTC Steering committee, Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma Collaborative Group Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee on study “Temozolomide as adjuvant treatment in anaplastic astrocytoma”, Cancer Research United Kingdom Clinical Trials Awards & Advisory Committee, French National Cancer Institute Nederlandse Vereniging voor Neuropsychologie Nederlands-Belgische Vereniging voor Experimentele en Klinische Neurowetenschappen Landelijke Werkgroep Neuropsychologie bij Epilepsie Landelijke Werkgroep Functionele Neurochirurgie National Brain Tumor Society's Clinical Trial Endpoints Steering Committee Kluytmans JAJW Chairman National Working Party on Infection Control (WIP) SWAB guideline committee: eradication of MRSA carrier NVMM guideline committee: detection of Highly Resistant Micro-organisms Member Advisory Committee PREZIES Concilium Microbiologicum Medical Microbiology Health Council use of antibiotics in livestock Boerhaave Infectious Diseases Education Course Publications Committee SHEA Scientific Advisory Committee ESCMID European Advisory Board 3M International Advisory Board Pfizer European Expert Group on MRSA of the ECDC Founder (and member) ZIEN Chairman and faculty member European Course on Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control CO-organizer ASM conference Emerging Technologies of Medical Importance for the Diagnosis of Infectious Diseases and the Detection of Pathogenic Microbes Fellow Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America (SHEA) The Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (RCPE) Member Dutch working committee on Hemoglobinopathy treatment Advisory committee on Neonatal Screening (ANS SIKK) NVK Working committee on sikkelcellanemia -Netwerk Kindergeneeskunde regio Amsterdam Dutch association for treatment of hemophilia Protocol Committee Aplastic Anemia of DCOG IKA stem cell working committee Pediatric working committee trombosisandn stroke BenigneHematology section of NVK European Workgroup of the Thalassemia International Federation European Hematology Association Chair Protocol committee Retinoblastoma DCOG Member TBM expertcommissie Vlaanderen, 20 Januari, IWT, Brussel, Belgie TBM expertcommissie Vlaanderen, IWT, Brussel, Belgie Chairman Regional Neuro-Oncology meeting, IKNL, Amsterdam Member European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism (ESPEN) Dutch Dietetic Association (NVD) Netherlands Society for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (NESPEN) Kluytmans JAJW Kors WA Lagerwaard FJL Langius JAE Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 68 Associate Function Organisation Leemans CR President Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group (NWHHT) Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryngology and CervicoFacial Surgery Member Netherlands Society of Oncology American Head and Neck Society American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery Concilium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum in the Netherlands British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists European Rhinological Society Collegium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS) European Salivary Gland Society (ESGS) Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Pathología Cérvico-Facial; SEORL-PCF) Chair Subcommittee Surgery, Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Secretary Working Party Head and Neck Surgery of the Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryngology and Cervico-Facial Surgery Founding Board Member European Head and Neck Society Founding Fellow International Academy of Oral Oncology Mebius RE President Program Committee Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie Meijer GA Member Advisory Board Oncology-up-to-date Oncology news International Middeldorp JM Editiorial board member Journal of Clinical Virology Journal of Virological Methods Molthoff CFM Member The Netherlands Society of Immunology The Netherlands Institute of Biology Dutch working group on “Advanced Drug Delivery/Drug Targeting” Coordinator HRRT (animal) PET scanner Director European Society for Chlamydia Research Representative RIVM and European CDC Coordinator Chamydia trachomatis Referentie Laboratorium, RIVM ICTI en EpiGenChlamydia Consortium Mostert S Member SIOP PODC Abandonment of Treatment Working Group Ossenkoppele G Member editorial board Dutch Journal of Hematology Pegtel M Editorial board member Journal of Extracellular Vesicles (JEV) Peters GJ Member European Organization for Research and treatment of Cancer EORTC General Assembly EORTC-Translational Research Advisory Committee (TRAC) Scientific committee, American Association for Cancer Research Winter EORTC-PAMMmeeting, Toulouse, France Chair EORTC Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group Secretary Purine and Pyrimidine Society (PPS) Vice chair EORTC Drug Discovery Committee NCI compounds task force Member scientific committee Puridine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, Tokyo, Japan Member European Federation of Neurological Societies (EFNS) neurooncology group Morré SA Postma TJ Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 69 Associate Function Organisation European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO) Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) Steering committee, Ci-Perinoms study (European collaboration project on the assessment of chemotherapyinduced peripheral neuropathy Reijneveld JC Rustemeyer T Savelkoul PHM Member European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO) Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) Steering committee, Brain Tumour Group European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Executive committee, Quality of Life Group European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Chairman Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO) Board Member European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research Group (EECDRG) Bestuur en Raad van Toezicht van de Stichting Nationaal Huidfonds Bij- en Nascholingscommissie van het Concilium Dermatologica Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie European Prevention of Occupational Skin Diseases (EPOS) Stichting Milieu- en Arbeidsdermatologie Member Domeingroep Allergologie en Contactdermatosen van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie European Surveillance System on Contact Allergens (ESSCA) Richtlijn “Lichen sclerosus” van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie en Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie Werkgroep Allergische Beroepsziekten Amsterdam & Omgeving Werkgroep Beroepsgebonden Huid- en Longklachten van het VUmc, AMC, OLVG Ontwikkeling van elektronisch patiënten dossier “EVA”van VUmc en AMC Scientific Expert EU commission group on “Risk assessment of consumer products’’ Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS), Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA), Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Dutch representative EU commissions on “Consumer safety” and “Occupational Health” Participant EU integrated FP6 project: Sens-it-iv Chairperson Richtlijn “Contacteczeem” van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie, voor Huisartsgneeskunde, voor Klinische Arbeidsgeneeskunde en Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie Zorgpaden insulineallergie (operationeel sinds 2010) en contactdermatosen (sinds 2012) PMS cosmetica - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie CESES program van het Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS), Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA) en Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Member Scientific Affairs Subcommittee (SAS), European Study Group on Molecular Diagnostics (ESCMID) Commissie Wetenschap van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie, Dutch Society of Microbiology (NvvM) European Study Group on Epidemiological Markers (ESGEM) Concilium opleiding Medisch Microbiologisch Onderzoeker (MMO) Concilium opleiding MMM, Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM) Nederlandse Werkgroep Klinische Virologie, Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 70 Associate Function Organisation Werkgroep Moleculaire Diagnostiek Infectieziekten, Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM) Chairman Vereniging voor Moleculair Diagnostici in de Gezondheidszorg Chairman The international working party flowcytometric assessment of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia Member European LeukemiaNet Senan S Member Faculty member for Chest Tumors, European Society for Medical Oncology International Advisory Panel, Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Awards and Advisory Committee Foundation Council Member, European Thoracic Oncology Platform Advanced Radiation Technology Committee, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Career Development Committee, International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Faculty member, Course on Clinical Practice & Implementation of Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology Scientific Committee, 37th European Society of Medical Oncology Congress 2012, European Society of Medical Oncology Scientific Committee for European Multidisciplinary Congress in Thoracic Oncology 2013, European Society of Medical Oncology Slotman BJ Member Accreditation committee, American Radium Society ISRS Congress Meeting & Scientific Committee Toronto 2013 Scientific committee, American Society Radiation Oncology ESTRO HERO task force Program Director Novalis Circle Meetings Chairman Novalis Best ractice Committee Lung Cancer Board member Dutch Commission on Radiation Dosimetry (NCS) Organizing committee member The International meeting of the Dutch Society for Radiobiology (NVRB), Noordwijkerhout, April 19-20, 2012 Member Evaluation committee of the Ph. D. dissertation of L. Sleire, University of Bergen, Norway European Radiation Research Society (ERRS) Neuro-Oncology group Integral Cancer Center Netherlands (IKNL) European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) Advisory Board Stichting Hersentumor.nl European Association of Neuro Oncology (EANO) First opponent Thesis defense dr. L. Sleire, University of Bergen, Norway, June 1, 2012. Board member Dutch Commission on Radiation Dosimetry (NCS) Organizing committee member The International meeting of the Dutch Society for Radiobiology (NVRB), Noordwijkerhout, April 19-20, 2012 Schuurhuis GJ Sminia P Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 71 Associate Function Organisation Member Evaluation committee of the Ph. D. dissertation of L. Sleire, University of Bergen, Norway European Radiation Research Society (ERRS) Neuro-Oncology group Integral Cancer Center Netherlands (IKNL) European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology (ESTRO) Advisory Board Stichting Hersentumor.nl European Association of Neuro Oncology (EANO) First opponent Thesis defense dr. L. Sleire, University of Bergen, Norway, June 1, 2012. Board Member International Society of Dermatopathology Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Dermatopathologie Member Concilium Dermatologicum et Venereologicum Medische Specialisten Registratie Commissie Member Werkgroep Vulvapathologie van de Stichting Onderwijs Oncologische Gynaecologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vulva Pathologie Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Dermatopathologie Medical advisory board PVN Medical Advisor Nationale Vereiniging L.E. Patiënten (NVLE) Psoriasis Vereniging Nederland (PVN) Taphoorn MJB Member Dutch Neuro-Oncology Group (LWNO) Society for Neuro-Oncology (SNO) European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO) European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) Educational committee for Neuro-Oncology of the European Society for Medical Oncology (ESMO) International Society for Quality of Life Research (ISOQOL) EORTC Brain Tumour Group EORTC Quality of Life Group Samantha Dickson Brain Tumour Trust Grant Review and Monitoring Committee UK Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Awards and Advisory Committee American Academy of Neurology (AAN) American Neurological Association (ANA) Van Moorselaar RJA Member Ethics of Live Surgery Committee, European Association of Urology Medical Innovation Board, TNO Steering Committee Guidelines on Prostate Cancer, Dutch Urological Association Werkgroep Oncologische Urologie, Nederlandse Vereniging voor Urologie Board member European School of Urology (ESU) Dutch Urological Oncological Study Group (DUOS) Chairman Subgroup Minimal Invasive Oncology SWEN (workingParty Endourology), Dutch Urological Association Urology committee, comprehensive cancer center Amsterdam Editor in chief Website prostaat.nl Van Asseldonk DP Secretary Young Initiativ on Crohns and Colitis Van Beusechem VW Treasurer / Board Member Netherlands Society of Gene and Cell Therapy President Science committee, Netherlands Society of Gene and Cell Therapy Member Expert group on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, Medicine Evaluation Board (CBG) Member Committee on Pharmacotherapy, with specific topic Biologicals, Dutch Association of Gastroenterologists (NVMDL) Starink TM Stoof TJ Van Bodegraven AA Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 72 Associate Function Organisation Board Member Netherlands Society for Enteral and Parenteral Nutrition (NESPEN) President Initiative on Crohn and Colitis (ICC) Associate editor Frontiers in Molecular Innate Immunity Member Editorial Board The Open Immunology Journal Associate Professor Rheumatology Vice Chair Dagelijks Bestuur Stafconvent VUmc Acting Head of Department Reumatologie Chair NVR-werkgroep landelijke richtlijn Spondyloartrtritis Member Bestuur GENetica Research (GENRA) Amsterdam Stuurgroep ziekenhuisverplaatste zorg VUmc Stuurgroep verwijzers VUmc Commissie wetenschappelijke stages VICI Werkgroepen zorgpad ontwikkeling ziekte van Bechterew en artritis psoriatica VUmc-Reade/JBI Van der Laken J Committee Member National working group imaging in Rheumatology (IRON) (Rheumatology Ultrasound) Van der Sar AM Member Scientific Advisory Board, Vertebrate Antibodies, UK, http://vertebrateantibodies.com/ Scientific Advisory Board, FishForPharma (2012-2015), a Marie Curie Initial Training Network on zebrafish infection models for Phamaceutical screens Van der Waal I Member American Academy for Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology British Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons British Society for Oral Pathology British Society for Oral Medicine European Association for Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery European Association of Oral Medicine International Association of Oral Pathologists International Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Nederlands Tandheelkundig Genootschap Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Pathologen Nederlandse Vereniging van Tandartsen Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren Scandinavian Society for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine Van Dulmen-den Broeder E Board Member DCOG LATER-Research Group Member DCOG-LATER taskforce Work Group Leader One of the work packages of the “Female gonadal dysfunction in childhood cancer survivors international guidelines harmonization group” Advisor Nederlandse Meningitis Stichting Board member BMC Infectious Diseases Boardmember “Purple Pages” Pediatric Infectious Diseases Journal Reviewer Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Pediatric Research European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Pediatric Infectious Disease Journal BMC Infectious Diseases Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry Journal of Pediatric Infectious Diseases Experimental Neurology Van den Elsen P Van der Horst-Bruinsma IE Van Furth AM Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 73 Associate Function Organisation Acta Neuropathologica Van Montfrans C Board Member Dutch Society of Dermatology and Venereology EADV Member European society of Dermatology and Venereology Member EULAR study group for risk factors for RA Co-organizer The first international workshop on preclinical RA, Reade, Amsterdam 26.1.2011; second workshop was held prior to ACR Annual Meeting, November 2011 Chicago and the next one will be held in January 2013 in Stockholm (member of the international organizational committee) Van Vuurden D Chair European Society of Pediatric Oncology (SIOPE) Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG) Network DIPG Protocol Committee (PC) of the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG) Supratentorial Primitive Neuro-Ectodermal Tumors (sPNET) PC of the DCOG Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Chairman Adviescommissie Centrum Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM Registratiecommissie ISIS, Centrum Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Stichting Member Programmacommissie Infectieziektenbestrijding van ZonMw Programmacommissie Antimicrobiële Resistentie van ZonMw NWO, TOP Commissie Bestuur Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie Commissie Wetenschap Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis Concilium Microbiologicum Medical Microbiology Founder (and member) ZIEN Evaluator European Comission, FP7-HEALTH-2011-single-stage Fellow The Royal College of Physicians UK (RCP) Committee member ALL-11 prococol committee, DCOG Member taskforce DCOG LATER Member Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde Adviescommissie Neonatale Screening (ANS SIKK) NVK Landelijke Werkgroep Hemoglobinopathie Behandelaren `Werkgroep Benigne Hematologie van de sectie kinderoncologie-hematologie van de NVK Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hemofilie Behandelaren Landelijke pediatrische werkgroep trombose en stroke Member local organizing committee of the 15th World Congress of Psyhco-Oncology and Psychosocial Academy, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 4-8 November 2013 European Org. of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group Advisory board Patient panel Living with Cancer (NIVEL) Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) Dutch Psychology Society (NIP) Dutch Psychosocial Oncology Society (NVPO) Dutch ENT Society (KNO) Dutch Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (NVLF) Dutch Society of Voice, Speech, and Language Pathology (NVSST) Dutch Phonetic Sciences Society (NVFW) American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS) International Psychosocial Oncology Society (IPOS) International Society of Internet Research (ISRI) Chair VUmc CCA Research Institute program 5 Quality of life VUmc CCA and EMGO+ Research Institutes Quality of life in Cancer Patients Van Schaardenburg D Veening MA Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 74 Associate Function Organisation Co-chair MASCC Study Group on Cancer Survivorship and Rehabilitation Board Member `Borstkanker Vereniging Nederland` (breast cancer patient society) Advisory Board Member “Stichting Klankbord” (patient society, head and neck cancer) “Stichting Olijf” (patient society, cancer of the female productive organs) Program Leader V-ICI program 3: Disease Profiling Member Advisory committee BioScience Biomarker summit symposia Netherlands Society for Rheumatology (NVR) Netherlands Organization for Immunology (NVvI) Netherlands Inflammation Network (NIN) International Society for Translational Medicine (ISTM) European Association for Predictive and Personalised Medicine (EPMA) Biomarker Qualification Working Group of the FDA President Dutch working party of systemic sclerosis Sichting Registratie Systeemziekten Nederland Educational board of concilium rheumatologicum for AIOS education Member Treat to target in systemic lupus erythematosus Secretary and president elect Dutch working party on systemic lupus erythematosus Waisfisz Q Member Scientific Research Committee (CWO), VUmc CCA, VU University Medical Center Wintzen M Member Domeingroep Allergologie en Contactdermatosen van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie Wondergem MJ Member EHA ASH NVVH NIV Ylstra B Editorial board member Cellullar Oncology Zijlstra JM Member Nederlandsche Internisten Vereeniging (NIV) Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie (NVvH) European Haematology Association (EHA) Steering Committee German Hodgkin Study Group Chairman HOVON Imaging Werkgroep HOVON Imaging working party Reviewer Haematologica, Journal of Nuckear Medicine Chairman Center of expertise for palliative car,e VUMC Member Programm committee palliative CareL Medical director Hospice Kuria Principal investigator Joint HOVON/NMSG international study on multiple myeloma Dutch Local Liaison Physician The Severe Neutropenia International Registry (SNIR) Chairman Hematology Working Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam Board member HOVON Multiple Myeloma Working group Executive board member The European Myeloma Net Trialist Group, European Myeloma Network Reviewer International peer reviewed journals; Haematologica, Experimental Journal of Hematology, Annals of Hematology Annual Meeting 2012 European Hematology Association Verweij CL Voskuyl AE Zuurmond WWA Zweegman S Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 75 Associate Function Organisation Member Werkgroep Niet-Oncologische Hematologievan de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie, voorzitter subcommissie myeloproliferatieve aandoeningen Commissie Klinische Studies, Koningin Wilhelmina Fonds (KWF) The European Multiple Network biobanking committee, European Myeloma Network Werkgroep Zorgpaden, zwaartepunt Kanker, VUMC Selectiecommissie Klinische Fellowships KWF The Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Quality of Life (MPN-QOL) International Study Group The international Myeloproliferative Disorders Research Consortium MPD-RC Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 76 Lectures Associate Title Organisation Ameziane N The first real FA-M patient identified through next generation sequencing 24th Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Scientific Symposium, September 27-30, Denver, USA Ang CW Serologic tests for Lyme disease – how reliable are they? 13th Lyme & other tick-Borne Disease, New Scientific & Clinical Directions, Sept 29 & 30, Philadelphia, PA, USA (invited lecture) Ankersmit M Laparoscopische schildwachtklierprocedure met een near-infrared dye bij colon carcinoom patienten; eerste klinische resultaten Chirurgendagen 2012 Appelmelk BJ The mycobacterial cell surface in host pathogen interaction .....and as a potential vaccine target? Invited Seminar January 13, Novartis Siena, Italy The role of glycolipids and protein secretion systems in immunomodulation by pathogenic mycobacteria COST bm_1003 “ Cystic Fibrosis” Joint meeting, June 4, Naples, Italy Anthony P. Moran memorial lecture: From H. pylori to M. tuberculosis …..and back… 10th International Workshop on Pathogenesis and Host Response in Helicobacter infections, June, Helsingør, Denmark Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Helicobacter pylori .Role of glycolipids in host-pathogen interaction Invited seminar 19 July, National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia What I learned from Helmut..and what I did with it….. Symposium, 12-13 Oct, Research Centre Borstel, Germany Mycobacterium tuberculosis Glycolipids and host-pathogen interaction Invited seminar, Dec. 12, University of Umeå, Sweden Bitter W Type VII secretion in pathogenic mycobacteria: from substrate recognition to virulence Infection biology seminars, May 9, 2012, Basel, Switserland Bloemena E Pathological examination of the sentinel node 5th International Symposium on Sentinel Node Biopsy in Head and Neck Cancer, Amsterdam, May 24 2012 Boellaard R Educational presentation on quantitative parametric analysis of neuroreceptor PET studies TOPIM meeting of the European Society of Molecular Imaging, Les Houches, 2012 Presenter and session chair/organiser on amyloid PET imaging Society of Nuclear Medicine conference, Miami 2012 Presentation on standardisation of FDG PET/CT for quantitative multi-centre studies at the technologist’s session EANM conference, Milan, 2012 Presenter and member of discussion panel at the PET/MR workshop Tuebingen in March 2012 Presentation on standardisation, quantification and quality control of PET/CT studies MIRO conference, Vienna, 2012 Presentation on standardisation of FDG PET/CT for quantitative multi-centre studies 30thsymposium “Radioactive Isotopes in Clinical Medicine & Research” in Bad Hofgastein, Austria, 2012 Improving outcome in rheumatoid arthritis. Burns Festival of Bone and Joint Disease Scientific Symposium. Kelso, UK. Boers M Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 77 Associate Title Organisation • General conference introduction: Outcome Measures in Rheumatology: The OMERACT Filter. • A conceptual framework to select outcome measures: OMERACT Filter 2.0. • Introduction for fellows. • Final presentation of Filter 2.0. • Drug Information Association (DIA) Annual conference, Philadelphia, USA Combining harm and benefit in clinical trials in one scale: review + suggestion from OMERACT OMERACT 11 consensus conference, Pinehurst, NC USA. • How do we combine modern imaging in the RA remission criteria? • EULAR points to consider when conducting long-term extension studies of trials. 90 minute workshop on scientific graphs. EULAR annual conference Berlin. Braakhuis BJM Treatment choice for locally advanced head and neck cancers on the basis of risk factors: biological risk factors ESMO (European Society of Medical Oncology) congress, September 29, Vienna, Austria Braamse A A web-based stepped care intervention for psychological distress after auto-SCT: randomized controlled trial EACLPP/ECPR [The European Association for Consultation Liaison Psychiatry and Psychosomatics / The European Conference on Psychosomatic Research], June 29th, 2012, Aarhus, Denmark A web-based stepped care intervention for psychological distress after auto-SCT International Congress of Behavioral Medicine August 30th, 2012, Budapest, Hungary Which factors predict health-related quality of life in patients treated with HSCT for hematological malignancies? Ïnternational Congress of Behavioral Medicine September 1st, 2012, Budapest, Hungary Identification of novel therapeutic targets for head and neck cancer by functional genetic screens Annual meeting AACR 2012 The molecular biology of head and neck cancer PER/IADR, Helsinki • Identification of synthetic lethal micrornas by a functional genetic screen in head and neck squamous carcinoma cells. • CD98 marks a subpopulation of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma cells with stem cell properties AHNS, Toronto De rol van het humaan papillomavirus in hoofd-hals tumoren: toename in incidentie en klinische consequenties DONAMO, Amsterdam • Molecular carcinogenesis of HPV+ve and HPV-ve head and neck cancer • Differences between HPV+ve and HPV-ve head and neck cancers at the molecular level Eurogin, Praag The molecular biology of head and neck cancer EHNS Poznan Buffart L How does exercise improve cancer survivors’ quality of life? Oct 31 – Nov 3 2012, International Conference on Physical Activity and Public Health (ICPAPH): “Be Active 2012”- Sydney, Australia. Cloos J Definition of the leukemic stem cell 8th Biennial Childhood Leukemia Symposium April 22 to 24, 2012, Santiago, Chile Relevance of small immature subpopulations in pediatric AML 23rd Annual Meeting of the I-BFM Study Group April 20 to 22, 2012, Santiago, Chile Brakenhoff RH Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 78 Associate Title Organisation Relevance of small immature subpopulations at diagnosis for the development of relapse in pediatric AML 4th Open AML-BFM Research Symposium May 23 to 25, 2012, Hannover, Germany Accurate definition of the stem cell burden in diagnosis and follow-up pediatric AML for improved risk group stratification Int. Pediatric AML Working Group Dec 9 , 2012, Atlanta, USA Management of Oral Cancer European Meeting on Oral Disease: diagnosis and management. 11 mei 2011, Amsterdam Controversies in management of clinically negative neck SSHNO Annual Meeting. 27April 2012, Copenhagen The detection of occult cervical lymph node metastases 5th International symposium on sentinel node biopsy in head and neck cancer, 24 May 2012, Amsterdam Sentinel node biopsy in T1-T2 oral and oropharyngeal cancer reduces the risk of occult lymph node metastases Collegium Oto-Rhinolaryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum. 28 August 2012, Rome, Italy Quality of life in advanced head and neck cancer Electrochemotherapy inhead and neck cancer. 23 November 2012, Pavia, Italy de Crom S Een prospective analyse van het klinisch spectrum van verschillende subtypen humaan Enterovirus en Parechovirus NVK, November 2012, Veldhoven, The Netherlands de Cuba E. M et al VEGF expressie in peritoneaal metastasen correleert met overleving na HIPEC Presentatie Stafwetenschapsdag Afdeling Heelkunde VUmc, Amsterdam oktober 20 De rol van de Fanconipathway in Mitomycine C gevoeligheid bij HIPEC patiënten. Integraal Kankercentrum Nederland February 2012 Lymphoid and myeloid biomarkers for clinical outcome of ipilimumab and Prostate GVAX treatment Tumor Vaccine & Cell Therapy Working Group Meeting, 30 March 2012, Chicago IL Virus-based immunotherapy of cancer Progress in combination therapy of cancer using novel immunomodulators, 1-3 November 2012, Athens, Greece Virus Dendritic cell subsets in human skin and their role in T-cell activation 20th scientific meeting Fondation René Touraine pour la dermatologie, 30 November 2012, Paris, France de Jonge R Bacteriële meningitis: van fundament naar patiënt RAAK, December 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands de Rie MA Methotrexate from a global perspective International Federation Psoriasis Assocations, 30 Juni 2012, Stockholm, Sweden de Winter JP A novel Fanconi anemia gene identified by exome sequencing DNA repair group, 20-01-2012, Rotterdam Generation of head and neck cancer cell lines from Fanconi anemia patients Second Düsseldorfer Fanconi-Anamie symposium 21-05-2012, Dusseldorf, Germany Replication coupled genome maintenance and human disease Working visit the Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, 28-05-2012, Oxford, UK Dekker J Screening for psychological distress in somatic disease May 2012, Jining, China Eeltink C Discussing sexuality Turkse hematologie vereniging, maart 2012 Antalya Turkije Fertility issues in haemato-oncological survivors EBMT nurses group, april 2012 Geneve Zorg voor oudere patient met MDS ESH masterclass, 14 juni Amsterdam Tumours of the salivary glands. Voice rehabilitation after total laryngecomy 5th European Head and Neck Course, Birmingham October 2012 de Bree R de Gruijl T Eerenstein SEJ Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 79 Associate Title Organisation Gibbs S 3D allergenicity models (invited speaker) Workshop – animal alternatives: Sao Paulo University, Brazil, 16 November, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil Tissue engineered skin and mucosa for wound healing and in vitro assays (invited speaker) Workshop – animal alternatives: Sao Paulo University, Brazil, 17 November, 2012, Sao Paulo, Brazil Retrospective analysis of patients with (arterio-)venous, post-traumatic or pressure ulcers treated with autologous skin substitute (invited speaker) EPUAP (European Presuure ulcer) Focus Meeting, 17 April, 2012, Tel Aviv, Israel Skin-on-a-chip (invited speaker KNAW organ on a chip workshop, 20April, 2012, Trippenhuis, Amsterdam Retrospective analysis of patients with (arterio-)venous, post-traumatic or pressure ulcers treated with autologous skin substitute (invited speaker) FEDERA Medisch Wetenschappelijke Dag 2012, 8 June, 2012, UMCU, Utrecht Tissue engineered skin for hard-to-heal wounds - Optimal vascularization is essential for graft take (invited keynote speaker) NIRM, 26 June, 2012, Meeting Plaza, Utrecht A potential epidermal equivalent assay to determine sensitizer potency (invited speaker) Cosmetics Europe Workshop for integrated testing strategy, 3-4 December, 2012, Brussels, Belgium Skin Equivalent made from TERT immortalized keratinocytes and fibroblasts for in vitro assays ERGECD, 10-12 October, 2012, Trier, Germany A potential epidermal equivalent assay to identify sensitizers and determine sensitizer potency ERGECD, 10-12 October, 2012, Trier, Germany Gibbs S (Christianne Reinders PostDoc) Retrospective analysis of patients with ulcers of (arterio-)venous, traumatic or decubitus origin treated with an autologous skin substitute (invited lecture) Landelijk Decubitus congres 2012, November 2012, Kerkrade, the Netherlands Gibbs S (Grace Limandjaja OIO) Abnormal terminal differentiation and increased thickness of the epidermis in keloid scars 4th international scar-club meeting, 4-5 october 2012, Montpellier, France Gibbs S (Ilona Kosten) Comparison of inflammatory mediators secreted by skin and gingival ERGECD, 10-12 October, 2012, Trier, Germany Gibbs S (Sander Spiekstra) Skin Equivalent made from TERT immortalized keratinocytes and fibroblasts for in vitro assays ITCASS, 31 August, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark Gibbs S (Christianne Reinders) Retrospective analysis of patients with (arterio-)venous, post-traumatic or pressure ulcers treated with autologous skin substitute TERMIS world meeting, 5-7 September, 2012, Vienna, Austria Gibbs S (Lenie van den Broek) Development and validation of an in vitro hypertrophic scar model TERMIS world meeting, 5-7 September, 2012, Vienna, Austria Giovannetti E Molecular mechanisms underlying the role of microRNAs (microRNAs) in anticancer drug resistance: Implications for clinical practice XXXIII Winter Meeting of the EORTC-PAMM, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, 27-29 January New studies in pancreatic cancer: analysis of copy number and miRNA XXXVI AISP Congress, Bologna, 4-6 October 2012 Molecular determinants of pancreatic cancer chemoresistance Marburg University Gastroenterology Department Meetings (Host: Dr. K. Quint), Marburg, Germany, 7 March 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 80 Associate Title Organisation Gorter R. R et al Armfunctie en kwaliteit van leven na inductie chemoradiatie gevolgd door resectie van sulcus superior tumoren Presentatie Chirurgendagen 2012, Veldhoven Influence of T1 nerve root resection on the arm and shoulder function and quality of life after trimodality treatment for superior sulcus tumours ESTS 2012 Essen June 10-13 2012 Houben E Composition of the Type VII secretion system membrane complex Tuberculosis 2012, EMBO Conference, September 11-15, 2012, Paris, France Huibers MHW Vitamin D deficiency among non-Western immigrant children in Amsterdam Amsterdam Kindersymposium 17 February 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Vitamin D deficiency among non-Western immigrant children in Amsterdam Sint Lucas Andres Ziekenhuis, 16 mei 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Vitamin D deficiency among non-Western immigrant children in Amsterdam NVK, 1 November 2012, Veldhoven, The Netherlands Hulleman E Drug response and drug resistance in highgrade glioma and DIPG SIOPe, 23-06-2012, Toronto, Canada Israels T Management of children with a Wilms tumour in Malawi, sub-Saharan Africa Annual meeting SIOP (International Society of Pediatric Oncology), October 5 – 8, 2012, London Toxicity and efficacy of preoperative chemotherapy for children with Wilms tumour in Malawi SIOP Africa continental meeting, March 2012, Cape Town , South Africa Molecular mechanisms of resistance to an esterase-sensitive aminopeptidase inhibitor prodrug 33rd EORTC-PAMM Winter Meeting, January 25-28, 2012, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, ESP Folate and antifolates in chronic inflammatory diseases 15th International Symposium on Pteridines and Folates, May 9-13, 2012, Antalya, Turkey Gene expression profiling of folate/MTX transporters and metabolizing genes in rheumatoid arthritis patients 4th International Symposium on Folate Receptors and Transporters, October 7-11, 2012, Cozumel. Mexico Label-free mass spectrometry-based proteomics for cancer biomarker discovery, Protein quantitation by spectral counting: A pragmatic perspective 5 March. 2012, Utrecht. NBIC, Hot topics day: Peptide and protein quantification using Mass Spectrometry New CSF biomarkers for AD: report from the cNEUPRO discovery phase 8 juni 2012, Assisi, Italy. 2nd workshop Biomarkers in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders New CSF biomarkers for AD: report from the cNEUPRO discovery phase 15 juni 2012, NUBIN2012 symposium, Amsterdam Cancer biomarker discovery and validation: Label-free mass spectrometry-based proteomics 26 June, 2012. The 19th Arbeitstagung Micromethods in Protein Chemistry, Bochum Oncologic emergencies 3rd Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 17 January 2012, Eldoret, Kenya Signs Symptoms and approach to a patient with suspected haematological malignancy 3rd Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 17 January 2012, Eldoret, Kenya Shared care kinderoncologie Dutch Hematology Congres (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie/HOVON), 25 January 2012 Rapportage ziektecommissie myeloide maligniteiten SKION dagen, 2 February 2012, Utrecht, NL Voortgang taak- en werkgroep shared care SKION dagen, 3 February 2012, Utrecht, NL Translational research in diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG) Eerste Amsterdams Symposium Kindergeneeskunde, 16 February 2012, Amsterdam, NL Jansen G Jimenez CR Kaspers GJL Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 81 Associate Klein M Kluytmans JAJW Title Organisation Report on behalf of DCOG Meeting of NOPHO AML committee, 20 March 2012, Oslo, Norway panellid Masterclass Amsterdamse Kindergeneeskunde, 17 February 2012, Amsterdam, NL Bortezomib Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 20 April 2012, Santiago, Chile Pediatric APL: current standards/perspectives Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 20 April 2012, Santiago, Chile AML: perspectives (Round Table) Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 20 April 2012, Santiago, Chile New drugs – what is their relevance? Introduction Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 20 April 2012, Santiago, Chile FLT3-ITD inhibition, meta-analysis Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 21 April 2012, Santiago, Chile Dasatinib in KIT-mutated patients? Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 21 April 2012, Santiago, Chile iBFM Relapse trial Bi-annual symposium on Childhood Leukemia, 24 April 2012, Chile Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia 4th AML-BFM Research Symposium, 23 May 2012, Hannover, Germany Behandeling van leukemie bij kinderen: nu en in de toekomst Bij- en nascholing Esperanz oncologie, 19 June 2012, Midbeemster Report on behalf of DCOG Pediatric AML-BFM Meeting, 31 October 2012, Hannover, Germany Kinderoncologie Jaarlijkse cursus Oncologie IKNL, 2 November 2012, Amsterdam, NL Shared care in het “NKOC” tijdperk 2e landelijke SKION dag shared care, 16 November 2012, Amsterdam, NL Down syndroom en de hemato-oncologie Bij- en nascholing klinisch chemici, 28 November 2012, Amsterdam, NL International Projects in Pediatric AML International Pediatric AML Group, 9 December 2012, Atlanta, USA International Efforts in Pediatric AML Seminars Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, 11 December 2012, Philadelphia, USA Measuring quality of life and recognizing impairment in neuro-oncology patients – an introduction 17th Annual Scientific Meeting and Educational Day of the Society for Neuro-Oncology, November 15-18, Washington, DC. How to integrate QOL and cognition in phase III studies 10th Congress of the European Association of Neuro-Oncology (EANO X), September 6-9, Marseille, France Neurocognition in patients with brain metastases 2nd Annual Brain Metastases Research and Emerging Therapies Conference, September 5, Marseille, France Importance of cognitive outcome for glioma resections Spring Meeting of the Dutch Society of Neurosurgery, May 11; Garderen, The Netherlands Neurocognitive function EORTC Brain Metastases BTG-ROG Strategic Meeting, February 9th, February 9th; Vienna, Austria The human problem of MRSA and ESBL and the question of zoonotic aspect Conference Combating Antimicrobial Resistance – Time for Joint Action, 14–15 maart 2012, Kopenhagen Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 82 Associate Title Organisation LA-MRSA Third ISC MRSA Consensus Conference, 17–18 maart 2012, Napels Prevention and theraphy of MRSA infection 22nd ECCMID, 31 maart–3 april 2012, Londen The year in infection control 22nd ECCMID, 31 maart–3 april 2012, Londen Voordracht tijdens Medische Contactdagen “Kruistocht in witte jas” Medische Contactdagen, 11-14 april 2012, Malta Humans, animals, bacteria and antibiotics: a recipe for trouble Annual Danish Infectious Diseases Society Meeting, 13–14 april 2012, Middelfahrt Screening and topical prophylaxis in surgery Mosar Final Meeting, 22 mei 2012, Parijs A Multifaceted Approach to Preventing Surgical Site Infections 52nd ICAAC, 9–12 september 2012, San Francisco Implementing a Bundle Strategy to Prevent Surgical Site Infections 52nd ICAAC, 9–12 september 2012, San Francisco Surgical site infections ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology, 1–4 oktober 2012, Potsdam Antimicrobial use ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology, 1–4 oktober 2012, Potsdam MRSA ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology, 1–4 oktober, Potsdam Bundels and infection control ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology, 1–4 oktober 2012, Potsdam Mission ans strategy planning in infection control ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology, 1–4 oktober 2012, Potsdam Eradication of carriage. Workshop on development of new antibacterial EMA Science Medicines Health, 25–26 oktober 2012 A widespread outbreak of Klebsieli p. with Oxa 48 in The Netherlands 2. Workshop Antibiotikaresistenz am RKI, 8–9 november 2012, Berlijn Wondinfecties: de ultieme uitdaging van de infectiepreventie 22e Dag van de Ziekenhuishygiëne: Zorgbundels in het vizier, 6 december 2012, Gent Kors WA Diagnosis and treatment of retinoblastoma Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 25 April 2012 Kwakman R et al Mitomycine C gevoeligheid van colorectaalcarcinoomcellijnencorreleert met BLM expressive Oral presentation SEOHS, Amsterdam November 2012 Lagerwaard FJ Recente innovaties in intracraniële radiochirurgie NvMBR wetenschappelijke vergadering, Breda, The Netherlands, 16 April, 2012 Epidurale metastasen en hoge dosis radiotherapie Raakvlakken symposium: Neurologie en Oncologie, Garderen, The Netherlands, 22 - 23 Juni, 2012 Stereotactic Radiotherapy for operable lung cancer 10eme Biennale Monégasque de Cancérologie, Monte-Carlo, Monaco, 25 - 28 January 2012 Stereotactic body radiotherapy using RapidArc technology Russian Oncology and Radiology Meeting, Moskow, Russia, 14 - 15 March 2012 Color intensity projection for AVM delineation 4th European Brainlab RT User Meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, 16 - 17 March, 2012 Results of modern radiotherapy alone from stage I to stage III European Respiratory Society 2012, Vienna, Austria, 1 - 5 September, 2012 Stereotactic Radiotherapy Application in Modern Clinical Practice Oncology and Radiology Congress of CIS States, Astana, Kazakhstan, 5 - 7 September, 2012 The role of WBRT with radiosurgery for multiple brain metastases Gammaknife symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 23 November, 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 83 Associate Leemans CR Title Organisation Stereotactic body radiotherapy for lung cancer Multidisciplinary Approaches in Oncology congress, Moscow, Russia, 5 - 7 April, 2012 RapidArc Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer Radiation Oncologist scientific exchange meeting, London, UK, 16 May, 2012 Clinical Application of Modern Technology for Stereotactic Radiotherapy Polish Oncology Congress, Wroclaw, Poland, 10 - 12 October, 2012 Role of stereotactic body radiation therapy 13th Central European Lung Cancer Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 24 - 27 June 2012 Biological rationale & role of radiation doseescalation for brain metastases ESMO 2012, Vienna, Austria, 28 September - 2 October, 2012 Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer using RapidArc International conference on modern Radiotherapy, Palanga, Lithuania, September 14 - 15, 2012 SABR for peripheral early stage NSCLC SBRT symposium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 5 December, 2012 Simultane geïntegreerde stereotactische boost bij hersenbestraling Themadag Implementatie van geavanceerde boosttechnieken, Eindhoven, The Netherlands, 29 March, 2012 Where are we now in head and neck cancer? Make Sense Think Tank January 19-20, 2012, London, UK. (Invited Speaker and Co-organiser). Organ Preservation for Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: For All? M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Houston, TX, USA, February 14, 2012 Surgical Salvage for Head and Neck Tumors after Chemoradiation Failure M. D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Houston, TX, USA, February 15, 2012 Salvage Surgery for Head and Neck Tumors after Primary Organ-preservation Treatment 7th Leipzig International Course in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology Larynx and Hypopharynx. Leipzig, Germany. February 29 - March 3, 2012 (Invited Speaker). Surgical Salvage for Head and Neck Tumors after Organ Preservation Strategies 6th European Conference on Head and Neck Cancer. Poznań, Poland. April 18 – 21, 2012 (Invited Speaker). Advanced Oropharyngeal Cancer: What’s New? 2nd International Meeting of the Italian Head and Neck Society (Associazione Italiana di Oncologia Cervico-Cefalica) - Head and Neck Oncology: Where Can We Improve? Modena, Italy. May 7-9, 2012 (Invited Speaker). Elective Treatment of the Neck 5th International Sentinel Node Biopsy Symposium in Head and Neck Cancer. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. May 24-25, 2012 (invited speaker). Surgical Management of Squamous Cell Cancer of the Oral Cavity EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology. Cordoba, Spain. July 1-4, 2012. Surgical Management of Squamous Cell Cancer of the Oropharynx EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology. Cordoba, Spain. July 1-4, 2012. Morbidity after Surgery EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinray Management of Head and Neck Oncology. Cordoba, Spain. July 1-4, 2012. Management of Recurrent Tumours EHNS-ESMO-ESTRO Teaching Course on Multidisciplinary Management of Head and Neck Oncology. Cordoba, Spain. July 1-4, 2012. Increasing prevalence rates of HPV-infected oropharyngeal SCC in the Netherlands as assessed by a validated test algorithm Collegium Oto-Rhino-Laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum Rome, Italy. August 26-29, 2012. Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 84 Associate Lems WF Lübbers J Title Organisation Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Head and Neck The Amsterdam Experience. 45th Congress of the Polish Society of Otolaryngologists/Head and Neck Surgeons. Gdańsk, Poland. September 5-8, 2012 Head and Neck Surgery in the EORTC: Quality Assurance Meeting Portuguese Head and Neck Group. Instituto Português de Oncologia Francisco Gentil, Porto, Portugal. September 13, 2012 Key Challenges in Head and Neck Cancer. Make Sense C ampaign September 20-21, 2012, London, UK Head and Neck Cancer Environment. Make Sense Campaign September 20-21, 2012, London, UK Oral Cancer. Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies. Ocober 4-6, 2012. Amsterdam. The Netherlands (Panellist). General Concepts of the Management of Head and Neck Cancer 5th European Head and Neck Course. Birmingham, UK. October 15-17, 2012. Moderator: Case Discussions Neck Management. 5th European Head and Neck Course Birmingham, UK. October 15-17, 2012 Parapharyngeal Tumours 5th European Head and Neck Course. Birmingham, UK. October 15-17, 2012 Panellist: Case Discussions Salivary Gland 5th European Head and Neck Course. Birmingham, UK. October 15-17, 2012. (Course Director). Salvage Following Chemoradiation 5th European Head and Neck Course. Birmingham, UK. October 15-17, 2012 Panellist: Post-Treatment Complications International Masterclass in Head and Neck Reconstruction and Rehabilitation. Birmingham, UK. October 18, 2012. Panel Chair: Controversies in the Neck International Masterclass in Head and Neck Reconstruction and Rehabilitation. Birmingham, UK. October 18, 2012 Prednison-geìnduceerde Osteoporose en moderne behandeling RA. Paramaribo, 9 en 10 maart 2012 Is rheumatoid arthritis a bone disease? ECCEO, Bordeaux, 22 maart 2012 What is New (in osteoporosis)? EULAR, Berlijn, 8 Juni 2012 Physical disability, cartilage and bone damage in RA. Osteoimmunology meeting, Genua, 29 September 2012 What is New (in osteoporosis)? EULAR, Praag, 23 November 2012: Glucocorticoid Induced Osteoporosis. Brussel (voor Belgische Vereniging voor Reumatologie), 1 december 2012 Clinical Relevance of Gene Signatures in the Development of Rheumatoid Arthritis Dutch society for immunology meeting, 20 December 2012, Noordwijkerhout, NL Interferon and B-cell gene signatures contribute to diagnosis of for the pre-clinical phase of Rheumatoid Arthritis American College of Rheumatology, 14 November 2012, Washington DC, USA Validation of Gene Signatures to Predict Rheumatoid Arthritis Development Dutch Society for Rheumatology meeting, 27 September 2012, Papendal, NL Validation of Gene signatures to predict Rheumatoid Arthritis development European Congress Of Rheumatology (EULAR), 7 June 2012, Berlin, Germany Gene signatures to predict Rheumatoid Arthritis development European workshop of Rheumatology Research, 23 February 2012, Stockholm, Sweden Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 85 Associate Title Organisation Mebius RE Control of mucosal immune responses by vitamin A Keystone symposia “Chemokines and leukocyte trafficking in homeostasis and inflammation, Jan 813, 2012, Breckenridge, Colorado, USA Lymph node stromal cells Stromal Immunology Group Inaugural Meeting, March 15, 2012, York, England Organogenesis of the immune system 7th ENII EFIS/EJI Spring school on advanced immunology, April 15-22, 2012, Porte Conte, Sardinia, Italy The stromal cells of the immune system Chemotactic chemokines, May 27 - June 1, 2012, Lucca (Barga), Italy Lymph node stromal cells 41st Annual Scientific Meeting of the ISEH, Society of haematology and stem cells, August 23-26, 2012, Okura, Amsterdam Development of the gut associated lymphoid tissue European Charcot Foundation Symposium 2012, Nov 29- Dec 1, 2012, Marbella, Spain Colorectal Cancer- Molecular pathways and pathology German Society for Pathology, Annual meeting, Berlin, June 2, 2012 Molecular Testing and clinical implications EPGS Update on colorectal cancer, Amsterdam, June 25, 2012 Monitoring anti-CD44 (RO5429083) efficacy in an experimental breast cancer model using [18F]FLT and [18F]FDG PET IMAGINGin2020, Imaging in complex biology, Jackson, Wyoming, USA, September 30 - October 4, 2012 Preclinical development of folate receptor targeting PET tracers The 4th International Symposium on Folate Receptors and Transporters, Cozumel, Mexico, October 7 - 11, 2012 A genomics approach to mitigating tubal infertility due to Chlamydia infection: A working example of how genomics could benefit public health Translational Genomics Pipeline: From Populations to Individuals, 18-21 June 2012, Wellcome Trust Conference Centre, Wellcome Trust Genome Public Health Genomics of Chlamydia trachomatis From Populatiooin Helath to Personal Health, 17th April 2012, GRaPH-Int Symposium, Rome, Italy Mostert S Adherence of health-care providers with childhood cancer treatment in Manado, Indonesia SIOP congress, 7 October 2012, London, United Kingdom Nielsen K et al Behandeling van patiënten met irresectabele colorectale levermetastasen met RFA; resultaten van langdurige follow-up en behandeling van randrecidieven Chirurgendagen 2012 Ossenkoppele GJ Review in AML treatment Hematology Society of Norway, Oslo, februari 2012 • New developments in AML/MDS • T reatment in second line for resistant CML • Immune modulation in AMl At EHA June 2012 Amsterdam • The imortance of MRD in AML • AML: Cytotoxic treatment, is more really better? • AML: Focus on immune control and targeted therapy At ELN Frontiers Oct 2012 Istanbul Label-free Selected Reaction Monitoring for Biomarker verification 29 March 2012, Rolduc, NVMS-BSMS International conference on mass spectrometry Label-free Selected Reaction Monitoring for Biomarker verification June 2012, Applied Biosystems, User meeting, Eindhoven The role of SalvageSurgery World Congres on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, 3 - 7 Juli 2012 Meijer GA Molthofff CFM Morré SA Oudgenoeg G Paul MA Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 86 Associate Pegtel M Peters GJ Reijneveld JC Rustemeyer T Title Organisation Stereotactic Ablatative Radiotherapy versus Surgery World Congres on Lung Cancer, Amsterdam, 3 - 7 Juli 2012 Stereotactic Radiotherapy versus Surgery in Stage I NSCLC STS 48th Annual Meeting Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, 28 Febr - 1 Maart 2012 Salvage surgery for complications of chemoradiotherapy 6th Amsterdam Longsurgical Symposium, Amsterdam 14 December 2012 A Virus-model to study intercellular communication through exosomes American Society of Cell Biology (UCSF) San Francisco, USA , December 15th 2012 How functional is the functional RNA in exosomes? ISEV RNA research seminar New York City, USA (session chair) October 2nd 2012 Tracking Exosomes In Vivo Small RNA distribution in tumor exosomes for diagnostics Select Biosciences Title: London, UK, May 10th 2012 Intercellular communication via exosomes; lessons from human tumor virus Stem Cell ESF Symposium “Around Mesenchymal Stem Cells: Dissection and Exploitation of Secretory Activity of MSC for Regenerative Medicine and Anticancer Therapies” Bologna, Italy, April 12th 2012 The role of PAMM in personalized treatment How to use pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics? EORTC-PAMM group, January 27, 2012, Tenerife, Spain Gemcitabine pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics and pharmacogenetics: role of deamination Advances in anti-neoplatic drug dose management 10 April 2012, Prague, Czech Republic Thymidylate synthase inhibitors for Thoracic Cancer 15th International symposium on Pteridines and Folates, 12 May 2012, Antalya, Turkey Polymorphisms correlated with the Clinical Outcome of Locally Advanced or Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated with ALIRI vs FOLFIRI 15th International symposium on Pteridines and Folates, 12 May 2012, Antalya, Turkey Folate homeostasis of cancer cells affects sensitivity to not only antifolates but also other non-folate drugs: effect on and of MRP expression 15th International symposium on Pteridines and Folates, 12 May 2012, Antalya, Turkey Role of transport and accumulatiom in the efficacy of targeted drugs Society for Medicin and Natural Science of Parma, Departments of Oncology and Experimental Medicine, 30 May 2012, Parma, Italy Reevaluation of the role of reduced folate transporters in antifolate rescue and 5FU modulation The Fourth International Symnposium on Folate Receptors and Transporters, 8 May 2012, Cozumel, Mexico Predictive role of repair enzymes in the efficacy of cisplatin combinations in lung and pancreatic ca 11th International Symposium on Platinum Coordination compounds in Cancer Chemotherapy. Stem cells, DNA repair mechanisms, DNA damaging agents, 13 October 2012, Verona, Italy Quality of life of patients with brain metastases EORTC brain metastases Brain Tumour Group – Radiation Oncology Group strategic meeting, February 9th, 2012, Vienna, Austria Health-related quality of life and patient proxy assessment in clinical trials; is it valuable? 3rd European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) & European Union conference on Quality of Life, October 19th, 2012, Brussels, Belgium Immunological mechanisms to implants (invited speaker) Swiss Society of Allergy, 20-01-2012, Mittenwald, Zwitserland Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 87 Associate Title Organisation Contact allergy and drug exanthema to drugs (invited speaker) EACCI, 13-04-2012, Munich, Germany Contact allergy to palladium (invited speaker / chairperson) EECDRG, 21-04-2012, Bari, Italy European Baseline Series Allergens (invited speaker / chairperson) EECDRG, 22-04-2012, Bari, Italy Proposal for new members of the society (invited speaker / chairperson) EECDRG, 22-04-2012, Bari, Italy Impact of contact allergy to hair dyes inEurope (invited speaker / chairperson) EU commission on consumers’safety, 14-05-2012, Brussels, Belgium Immunological mechanisms and irreversibility of contact allergy (invited speaker) Hearing of the EU commission on consumers’safety, 15-05- 2012, Brussels, Belgium Allergy to metals (invited speaker / chairperson) European Society of Contact Allergy, 13-06-2012, Malmo, Sweden Immunology of contact allergy (invited speaker) European Society of Contact Allergy, 13-06-2012, Malmo, Sweden T cell subsets in contact allergy (invited speaker / chairperson) European Society of Contact Allergy, 13-06-2012, Malmo, Sweden State of the art in allergy to insulins (invited speaker / chairperson) NovoNordisk, 23-08-2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands European Baseline Series Allergens (invited speaker) EECDRG, 20-10-2012 Lisabon, Portugal Palladium contact allergy (invited speaker) EECDRG, 20-10-2012, Lisabon, Portugal Allergologie (invited speaker) 5e Jaarsymposium Dermatologie , 13-12-2012, Utrecht, The Netherlands Titanium contact allergy: proposal of a new European study (invited speaker) EECDRG, 20-10-2012, Lisabon, Portugal Atopic Dermatitis: New insights in pathomechanisms and therapeutic approaches (invited speaker) Post Academic Training, 23-11-2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Savelkoul PHM Analysis of Multi-Bacterial Specimen by ISPRO ASM Conference on Regulating with RNA in Bacteria, 4/5/6 March, San Juan, Puerto Rico Schuurhuis GJ The role of flowcytometry in rest disease in AML (invited) European Haematology Association, June 14th 2012, Amsterdam Leukemic stem cells in AML (invited) European Haematology Association, June 14th 2012, Amsterdam High prognostic impact of flowcytometric minimal residual disease detection in acute myeloid leukemia: prospective data from the HOVON/SAKK 42A study (invited) European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA) (invited), Sept 14th 2012, Budapest The role of flowcytometry in rest disease in AML (invited) European Haematology Association, June 14th 2012, Amsterdam Leukemic stem cells in AML (invited) European Haematology Association, June 14th 2012, Amsterdam High prognostic impact of flowcytometric minimal residual disease detection in acute myeloid leukemia: prospective data from the HOVON/SAKK 42A study (invited) European Society for Clinical Cell Analysis (ESCCA) (invited), Sept 14th 2012, Budapest Treatment of choice in Stage IIIA-N2 NSCLC: Neo-adjuvant before surgery versus radical radio-chemotherapy 5th Symposium on radio-chemotherapy in Lung Cancer, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, February 17, 2012 Senan S Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 88 Associate Title Organisation Radio-chemotherapy in lung cancer and new therapeutic targets 5th Symposium on radio-chemotherapy in Lung Cancer, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, February 17, 2012 Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for lung cancer Annual scientific meeting of the Singapore Radiological Society, Singapore, February 11 - 12, 2012 Population Based Survivals in Early Stage NSCLC for European Populations Annual scientific meeting of the Singapore Radiological Society, Singapore, February 11 - 12, 2012 4-Dimensional CT imaging for stereotactic radiotherapy for lung tumors Annual scientific meeting of the Singapore Radiological Society, Singapore, February 11 - 12, 2012 Treating High-Risk Operable Early-Stage NSCLC: What’s New in 2012 Symposium held at the Annual meeting of the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, January 30, 2012 Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer Thoracic Oncology in Munich, Munich, Germany, March 2 – 3, 2012 Debate: Which treatment for screening detected tumors? The radiotherapeutic approach Perspectives in Lung Cancer: 13th European Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 - 10 March, 2012 Debate: Stereotactic radiotherapy in early NSCLC and metastases Perspectives in Lung Cancer: 13th European Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 - 10 March, 2012 Debate: Clinical approach to combined modality and toxicity Perspectives in Lung Cancer: 13th European Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 9 - 10 March, 2012 Localised therapy of metastatic disease to the lung: The role of stereotactic radiotherapy 3rd European Lung Cancer Conference, Geneva, Switzerland, 18 - 21 April, 2012 Stereotactic radiotherapy for Lung Cancer International Conference On Multidisciplinary Management Of Common Cancers, Kovalam, India, May 4 – 6, 2012 Management Strategies for Stage III Lung Cancer International Conference On Multidisciplinary Management Of Common Cancers, Kovalam, India, May 4 – 6, 2012 Contouring target volumes for lung cancer International Conference On Multidisciplinary Management Of Common Cancers, Kovalam, India, May 4 – 6, 2012 Clinical achievements in extracranial stereotactic: Facts or promises Annual meeting of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, Barcelona, Spain, May 9 - 13, 2012 IMRT and stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer ESTRO course on IMRT and Other Conformal Techniques, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 - 7 June 2012 Image guidance in IMRT and stereotactic radiotherapy ESTRO course on IMRT and Other Conformal Techniques, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 - 7 June 2012 Treatment of early-stage NSCLC in unfit patients: Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy. Pro-con debate. 3rd International Conference on Thoracic Oncology, Naples, Italy, 28 - 30th June, 2012 State of the Art: Modern radiotherapy 4th Australian Lung Cancer Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23 - 25 August, 2012 Radiotherapy for Mesothelioma: Time to call it a day? 4th Australian Lung Cancer Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23 - 25 August, 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 89 Associate Senan S et al Slotman BJ Title Organisation PRO-CON debate on Localised disease in the borderline patient - radiotherapy vs surgery 4th Australian Lung Cancer Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 23 - 25 August, 2012 Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer ESTRO Course on Clinical Practice & Implementation of Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, Würzburg, Germany, September 2 - 6, 2012 Starting a stereotactic radiotherapy program: Clinicians perspective ESTRO Course on Clinical Practice & Implementation of Image-Guided Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy, Würzburg, Germany, September 2 - 6, 2012 Stereotactic ablative radiation therapy for NSCLC: Patient selection and fractionation regimes 3rd International Thoracic Oncology Congress, Dresden, Germany, September 13 – 15, 2012 Developments in early stage non-small cell lung cancer - Advances in radiotherapy 37th European Society of Medical Oncology Congress, Vienna, Austria, 28 Sept. - 2 Oct., 2012 N2 positive non-small cell lung cancer Multidisciplinary interactive session 37th European Society of Medical Oncology Congress, Vienna, Austria, 28 Sept. - 2 Oct., 2012 Patterns Of Disease Recurrence Following Either Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy (sabr) Or Lobectomy By Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery (vats) In Stage I-ii Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: Outcomes Of A Propensity Score-matched Analysis ASTRO 2012 Boston October 28-31 2012 Stages I-II non-small cell lung cancer treated using either lobectomy by videoassistedthoracoscopic surgery (VATS) or stereotactic ablative radiotherapy (SABR): Outcomes of a propensity score-matched analysis ASCO 2012 Chicago June 1-5 2012 Dutch experience of SABR in Stage I NSCLC Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, January 31, 2012 ©REST trial: Design and Accrual Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, January 31, 2012 SBRT for NSCLC University California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA, February 1, 2012 Role of radiotherapy in SCLC University California San Francisco, San Francisco, USA, February 1, 2012 SBRT lung: selection criteria, treatmenttechniques and outcome Singapore Radiol Society, Singapore, February 9, 2012 Lung SABR: Case discussion with evidence from the literature Singapore Radiol Soc, Singapore, February 9, 2012 Lung stereotactic radiotherapy: The Dutch experience Cleveland Clinic 5th SBRT Symposium, Orlando, USA, February 26, 2012 Stereotactic ablative body radiosurgery for non-small cell lung cancer Eur. BrainLAB meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, March 3, 2012 SBRT for early stage NSCLC. Lung Cancer Management: Personalize or Punt? MD Anderson Cancer Center Postgraduate Course, Las Vegas, USA, April 28, 2012 Current status of SABR for Lung Cancer. Var. Meeting American Radium Soc, Las Vegas, USA, April 29, 2012 Are there fewer fractions in your future The European perspective. American Radium Society, Las Vegas, USA, April 30, 2012 ©REST: update on thoracic radiotherapy in ES-SCLC RTOG, Philadelphia, USA, June 16, 2012 SABR. Latin American Conference on Lung Cancer IASLC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 25, 2012 Role of stereotactic ablative radiotherapy in Stage I NSCLC Latin American Conference on Lung Cancer. IASLC, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 26, 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 90 Associate Sminia P Steenbergen R Taphoorn MJB Title Organisation Implementing SBRT. Opening lecture at III Congresso Brasileiro de Radiocirurgia Florianopolis, Brazil, October 18, 2012 Overview of randomized trilas on radiosurgery with our without whole brain radiotherapy for cerebral metastases III Congresso Brasileiro de Radiocirurgia. Florianopolis, Brazil, October 19, 2012 SABR for vertebral metstases III Congresso Brasileiro de Radiocirurgia. Florianopolis, Brazil, October 19, 2012 Current status and future prospects of SBRT in lung cancer III Congresso Brasileiro de Radiocirurgia. Florianopolis, Brazil, October 19, 2012 Innovations in SBRT for lung cancer: Experience from Europa Panel at Annual meeting Am Soc Radiation Oncology ASTRO, Boston, USA, October 30, 2012 Developments in modern radiotherapy Annual meeting Japanese Soc Radiat Oncol, Tokio, Japan, November 24, 2012 Developments in SBRT. 2nd Int Symposium on SBRT, Amsterdam , The Netherlands, December 6, 2012 Hypofractionation. 2nd Int Symposium on SBRT, Amsterdam , The Netherlands, December 6, 2012 In vitro studies on Radiation, Temozolomide and PI3Kinase-Akt inhibition in human glioma “Radiotherapy in Clinical Practice III” meeting. Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Debrecen, Hongarije, February 3 - 7, 2012 In vitro studies on human glioma: effects of irradiation, temozolomide and PI3Kinase-Akt inhibitors Oncomatrix Research Laboratory, Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Norway, May 31, 2012 Interaction between irradiation, temozolomide and valproic acid on MGMT promoter methylated and unmethylated human glioma cells 10th congress of the European Association of NeuroOncology, Marseille, France, September 6-9, 2012 Re-irradiation tolerance of the Human Brain and Possible Role of Ion Beam Therapy. Symposium uber Neuro-Onkologie und nichtklinische Forschung bei MedAustron. Wiener Neustadt, Austria, November 29-30, 2012 Radiobiologische aspecten van VMAT bestraling Cursus VMAT en RapidArc – Fysische en klinische implementatie. NKI-AvL, September 21, 2012 Cell survival following high dose rate flattening filter free and conventional dose rate irradiation Proceedings Sixth NCS Lustrum Symposium,”Radiation dosimetry: balance between safety and cure”. Leiden, The Netherlands, October 5, 2012 ‘Tumorcelrepopulation and Overall Treatment Time’ Training hour for residents Radiation Oncology, Department of Radiation Oncology VUmc, April 25, 2012 Radiation and chemical carcinogenesis Batchelar Oncology course, May 7, 2012 Clinical Radiobiology OOA Radiation Oncology course, June 6, 2012 Tumorbiologie: LET, RBE, tumormodellen, in vivo eindpunten, 5 R’s NVRO/NVRB Landelijke basiscursus Radiobiologie, Utrecht, 21 mei 2012 The 5 Rs of Radiobiology Lecture Innovative Tumor Therapies Master Course Oncology, December 5, 9.30 – 10.15 h, 2012. Methylation markers for triage of high-risk HPV-positive women (keynote). International Society of Cellular Oncology (ISCO) meeting, March 7, 2012, Palma de Mallorca, Spain Methylation markers for triage of HPVpositive women Eurogin 2012 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 10, 2012 Altered miRNA expression and chromosomal changes in cervical cancer Eurogin 2012 Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, July 11, 2012 Meet the experts session: Symptoms and Problems in the End of Life Phase. European Association for Neuro-Oncology (EANO), September 7, 2012, Marseille, France Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 91 Associate Title Organisation Does it make sense to assess Health-Related Quality of Life in Brain Cancer? 3rd European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) & European Union conference on Quality of Life, October 18, 2012, Brussels, Belgium Quality of Life and other “soft” measures 3rd Swiss Neuro-Oncology Winter (SNOW) Meeting, December 7, 2012, Luzern, Switzerland Thielen N et al Imatinib Versus Imatinib in Combination with Cytarabine in Patients with First Chronic Phase Myeloid Leukemia: a Phase III trial Dutch Hematology Congress Papendal January 2012 Thijssen VL Galectins in endothelial cell biology and angiogenesis Galectin related therapeutics, Boston, USA, 17 - 18 September, 2012 Thunnissen E Recent Progress in the Management of Non Small Cell Lung Cancer Perspectives in lung cancer, Amsterdam March 9, 2012 Reproducibility of squamous cell carcinoma diagnosis in the lung IASLC pathology panel meeting Chicago September 6, 2012 ALK other detection methods European Society of Pathology meeting, Prague, 11 september 2012 van Beusechem VW Options for treatment in the FA patient: oncolytic adenovirus FARF Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Fanconi Anemia Patients conference, April 16-17, 2012, Chicago, IL, USA van Bodegraven AA Update in IBD Symposium ‘Gastroenterology and the Brain’. Dutch Society of Psychiatry (Consultation and Hospital Psychiatry), Nieuwegein, November 2012 Proctitis: ins and outs Regional Meeting Gastroenterology, Wenckebach Institute, University Medical Centre Grongingen, Groningen, November 2012 Diagnosis of bone mineral disease; methods and pitfalls Presented orally at UEGW, Amsterdam, October 2012 A multicenter retrospective head-to-head comparison of adalimumab and infliximab for Crohn’s disease Presented orally at UEGW, Amsterdam, October 2012 Faecal microbiota in pediatric functional constipation: a role for proteobacteria? Presented as poster at UEGW, Amsterdam, October 2012 Data integration framework for IBD genotypes, phenotypes and molecular profiles Presented as poster at UEGW, Amsterdam, October 2012 Induction therapy in IBD GE-course Dutch Society of Gastroenterology (NVGE). Utrecht, Oct 2012. Developments in IBD medication ICC-CCUVN-Vumc Patient Day for IBD. Amsterdam, Sept 2012. AntiTNF, an investment in the future 4th ICC-IBD day Utrecht, Sept 2012 RAC1 modulation by thiopurine therapy in IBD patients Presented as a poster at AGA Digestive Disease Week (1230), San Diego, CA, May 2012. Gastroenterology 2012;142:Suppl 1:S780 Results of a phase II, randomized, double blind, controlled trial of the efficacy of active therapeutic immunization with TNF-Kinoid in patients with moderate to severe Crohn's disease with secondary resistance to TNFαantagonist Presented as a poster at AGA Digestive Disease Week (1230), San Diego, CA, May 2012. Gastroenterology 2012;142: Suppl 1:S567-8. Osteoporosis in IBD ECCO Congress, Barcelona, Spain, February 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 92 Associate Title Organisation Anti TNF-α therapy is a major cost driver in inflammatory bowel disease: results from the COIN study Presented orally at ECCO Congress, Barcelona, Spain, February 2012. J Crohn Colitis 2012:6:OP09,S5 , and presented as a poster at AGA Digestive Disease Week (1284), San Diego, CA, May 2012. Gastroenterology 2012;142: Suppl 1:S263 Intrauterine exposure and pharmacology of conventional thiopurine therapy in pregnant inflammatory bowel disease patients Presented at ECCO Congress, Barcelona, Spain, February 2012. J Crohn Colitis 2012:6:P385, S163 Adding ciprofloxacin to adalimumab results in a higher fistula closure rate in perianal fistulizing Crohn's disease Presented orally at ECCO Congress, Barcelona, Spain, February 2012. J Crohn Colitis 2012:6:OP16, S8, and presented orally at AGA Digestive Disease Week (1160), San Diego, CA, May 2012. Gastroenterology 2012;142: Suppl 1:S212 Adenomas in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: increased risk of advanced neoplasia Presented orally at ECCO Congress, Barcelona, Spain, February 2012. J Crohn Colitis 2012:6:OP14, S7, and presented as a poster at AGA Digestive Disease Week (1598), San Diego, CA, May 2012. Gastroenterology 2012;142: Suppl 1:S638 Is there a difference in quality of life or costs between ulcerative colitis patients with a pouch or an ileostomy? Presented orally at ECCO Congress, Barcelona, Spain, February 2012. J Crohn Colitis 2012:6:S87, and presented as a poster at AGA Digestive Disease Week (1285), San Diego, CA, May 2012. Gastroenterology 2012;142: Suppl 1:S263 Diagnosis of bone mineral disease; methods and pitfalls. UEGW, October 2012, Amsterdam Osteoporosis in IBD ECCO, February 2012, Barcelona van den Broek E Structural Variant Detection in Colorectal Cancer • The Cancer Genome Atlas 2nd Annual Scientific Symposium: Enabling Cancer Research Through TCGA (28 Nov 2012, Washington DC). @ YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHgi2VQ74Q4 • Benelux Bioinformatics Conference 2012, 10 Dec 2012, Nijmegen van den Tol MP Intra-operative ultrasound in breastconserving surgery for palpable breast cancer: an undeniably effective technique resulting in cost savings. 16th Congress of the European Society of Surgical Oncology (ESSO), Valencia, Spanje sept. 2012 (proffered paper session) Opmerkelijke verbetering van radicaliteit en excisievolume door peroperatieve echografie bij mammasparende chirurgie: resultaten van een multicentrische prospectief gerandomiseerde studie Voorjaarsvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde, Veldhoven mei 2012 Behandeling van patiënten met irresectabele colorectale levermatastasen met RFA: resultaten van langdurige follow-up en behandeling van randrecidieven Voorjaarsvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Heelkunde, Veldhoven mei 2012 A comparison of three methods for nonpalpable breast cancer Radiologendagen2012, 's-Hertogenbosch sept.2012 Nieuwe techniek in lokale behandeling van tumoren: Irreversibele Electroporatie Wetenschapsdag Heelkunde VUMC, Amsterdam okt. 2012 Local site recurrences after RFA treated CRLM; long term results after re-treatment. A good prognosis 98th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting Radiological Society of North America ((RSNA), Chicago, Verenigde Staten nov. 2012 Intra-operative ultrasound in breastconserving surgery for palpable breast cancer significantly improves both surgical accuracy and cosmetic outcome while saving costs Wetenschapsdag Heelkunde VUMC, Amsterdam okt. 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 93 Associate Title Organisation COBALT studie; hoe nu verder? Regionale multidsciplinaire mammabijeenkomst, Ede april 2012 (invited speaker) Opmerkelijke verbetering van radicaliteit en excisievolume door peroperatieve echografie bij mammasparende chirurgie: resultaten van een multicentrische prospectief gerandomiseerde studie Radiologendagen2012, 's-Hertogenbosch sept.2012 Intra-operative ultrasound in breastconserving surgery for palpable breast cancer significantly improves both surgical accuracy and cosmetic outcome while saving costs Yearly Meeting Danish Society for Breast Surgery 2012, Aabenraa, Denmark nov. 2012 (invited speaker) Echo op de ok als voorbereiding op een ingreep Congres Mammacarcinoom: van wetenschap naar werkvloer, Ermelo jan. 2012 (invited speaker) Intra-operative ultrasound in breastconserving surgery for palpable breast cancer: an undeniably effective technique resulting in cost savings Radiologendagen2012, 's-Hertogenbosch sept.2012 Intra-operative ultrasound is imparitive to obtain adequate tumour margins and excision volume in breast conserving surgery for palpable breast cancer: results of a randomised controlled trial European Breast Cancer Conference (EBCC) 2012, Wenen, Oostenrijk maart 2012 (best paper session, late breaking abstracts) Echogeleide borstsparende chirurgie voor palpabel mammacarcinoom Regionale mammawerkgroep IKA regio Leiden; Leiden,nov. 2012 (invited speaker) Intra-operative ultrasound in breastconserving surgery for palpable breast cancer significantly improves both surgical accuracy and cosmetic outcome while saving costs 34th Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium, San Antonio, Verenigde Staten dec. 2012 lecture on treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis Madrid, Spain 26 January: Congress Excellence in Rheumatology lectures on Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy, Treatment of SpA with biologicals, Interactive cases 25-17 April : ASAS international Educational Courses, Amsterdam lectures on Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy, psoriasis in SpA Treatment of SpA 23 mei Confererence on SpA, Brussel, Belgium lectures on Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy and Genetics 2-4 October ASAS international Educational Courses in SpA, Gent, Belgium lectures on Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy, psoriasis 25 and 25 October ASAS international Educational Courses in SpA Treatment of SpA, Madrid, Spain van der Kuip M Bacteriële meningitis: van fundament naar patiënt RAAK, December 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands van der Laken J State of the art lecture on Nuclear Imaging of Inflammatory Rheumatic diseases at the annual meeting of the European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR conference), June 2012, Berlin van der Sar AM The zebrafish embryo early granuloma infection model: Target finding and antitubercular compound screens in vivo Cold Spring Harbour Asia, the 5th Annual Zebrafish Disease Models Meeting: “Fishing for Answers: Zebrafish Models of Human Development and Disease”, April 16-20, 2012, Suzhou, China Zebrafish as model for mycobacterial infection, studies on pathogenesis Summer Mastercourse: Animal models II, 2012 part of Infection and Immunity research master, September 5, Erasmus University, Rotterdam Zebrafish a much used model organism for biomedical molecular systems biology Biomedical Systems Biology, October 11, VA, Amsterdam van der HorstBruinsma IE Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 94 Associate Title Organisation van der Waal I The non-squamous cell oral cancers Spanish Society of Oral Medicine, Granada, Spain, 17 February 2012 Mondpathologie bij kinderen Minisymposium aan de vooravond van de Voorjaarsvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie, Amsterdam, 15 maart 2012 Mondaandoeningen: een diaquiz Praktijkgerichte lezing tijdens "Medische aspecten in de tandartspraktijk", Amsterdam, 11 mei 2012 Clinicopathologic case presentations (2 cases) 41st Annual Meeting of the SFOPOM (Scandinavian Fellowship for Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine) Oslo, Norway, 15-17 August 2012 Introduction: terminology and classification 11th Biennial congress of the European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM), entitled "Potentially malignant disorders: new concepts and future prospects in diagnosis and management" Athens, Greece, 13-15 September 2012 Orale leukoplakie; ontwikkelingen in de afgelopen dertig jaar Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse Vereniging voor Mondziekten, Kaak- en Aangezichtschirurgie Noordwijk, 1-2 november 2012 Are we able to reduce the mortality and morbidity of oral cancer IV International Symposium "Advances in Oral Cancer", Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain, 15-16 November 2012 New insights in the pathology of Dermatitis Herpetiformis Dutch Celiac Disease Day, Vianen, The Netherlands, April 2012 IgA as novel therapeutic drugs F-Star Biotech company, London, UK, May 2012 IgA and neutrophil Fc RI for better or worse? FASEB Summer Research Conference ‘Immunoreceptors’ (Snowmass Village, Colorado), July 2012 Immunoglobulin A and Fc RI in mucosal immunity revisited University of California Davis, CA Seminar Series: Emerging Challenges in Microbiology and Immunology, November 2012 IgA as novel therapeutic drugs Invited seminar May 2012 F-Star Biotech company, London, UK. Host Dr. K. Moulder New insights in the pathology of Dermatitis Herpetiformis'. Invited seminar April 2012. Dutch Celiac Disease Day, Vianen, The Netherlands. 'Immunoreceptors' (Snowmass Village, Colorado). IgA and neutrophil Fc?RI for better or worse? Invited seminar July 2012. FASEB Summer Research Conference Emerging Challenges in Microbiology and Immunology. Immunoglobulin A and Fc?RI in mucosal immunity revisited. Invited seminar November 2012 University of California Davis, CA Seminar Series: Pediatric adherence in children with HIV/AIDS in rural and urban districts in South Africa Sustainable rural health research summit 2012 , 2601-2012 tot en met 27-01-2012, Robertson, South Africa Selected participant for youth in motion (emerging voices) Global forum for health research 2012 (Forum 2012 - COHRED), 24-04-2012 tot en met 26-04-2012, Cape Town, South Africa Managing change at multiple levels to make the transition from in-hospital treatment to home based care Second Global Symposium, 31-10-2012 tot en met 03-11-2012, Beijing, China The Netherlands MenC vaccination schedule. MenACWY-TT candidate vaccine in childhood/adolescent vaccination April 2012, Novara, Italy van Egmond M van Elsland SL van Furth AM Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 95 Associate Title Organisation Meningitis en de gevolgen voor het jonge kind 7e jaarssymposium, Kindergeneeskunde, February 2012, Utrecht, The Netherlands Behandeling van voorschools astma en virus induced wheeze VAALZ, February 2012, Vaalsbroek, The Netherlands Systems biology of cerebral granuloma formation caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis Amsterdam Kindersymposium, February 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Upper airway infections in Down syndrome congress: 11th International Congress of the European Society of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology (ESPO 2012), 20-23 May 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Paediatrics: The Year in Review”, Infectieziekten en vaccinaties Meeting: Academische Avond Kindergeneeskunde Nascholingscursus, October 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Bacteriële meningitis: van fundament naar patiënt RAAK, December 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands van Leeuwen L Bacteriële meningitis: van fundament naar patiënt RAAK, December 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands van Moorselaar RJA Ethics of Live Surgery Board Meeting ESU. 02 juni 2012, Mallorca, Spain CRPC and Bladder Cancer Oncoforum Summer School. 26 juni 2012, Amsterdam Testis cancer: Diagnosis and treatment of stage I disease The European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP), 10th EUREP Course, 31 August – 5 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic Renal Cancer. Management of locally advanced and metastatic disease The European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP), 10th EUREP Course, 31 August – 5 September 2012, Prague, Czech Republic European School of Urology: Unique education opportunity for urologists ESU Course: What’s new in Prostate cancer and Female urology. 28 September 2012, Yerevan, Armenia Localised prostate cancer, there is more than robotic surgery ESU Course: What’s new in Prostate cancer and Female urology. 28 September 2012, Yerevan, Armenia Advanced and metastatic prostate cancer, new results of clinical trials ESU Course: What’s new in Prostate cancer and Female urology. 28 September 2012, Yerevan, Armenia Prostaatcarcinoom: worden de nieuwe middelen gegeven door de uroloog of de oncoloog? Oncologiedagen voor Nederland en Vlaanderen. 8 november 2012, Arnhem Locally advanced and metastatic prostate cancer Oncoforum summary meeting. 16 december 2012, Brussel, Belgie The patient perspective on remission in rheumatoid arthritis EULAR, 08-06-2012, Berlin, Germany van Tuyl L van Vuurden D VandenbrouckeGrauls CMJE Invited speaker at the National Congress of the Portuguese Neuro-Oncology Association (27-102012; Porto; Portugal) ESBL in animals 16th Workshop for hospital epidemiology, January 2012, Berlin, Germany Basic principles of epidemiology ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology, 1–4 oktober 2012, Potsdam, Germany Infectiepreventie bij VRE uitbraken VRE, wat moet je ermee, October 4, 2012, Nijmegen, Nederland ESBL te land, te water en in de mens Mythen, Missers en Meesterwerken, September 5, 2012, Ede, Nederland Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 96 Associate Title Organisation Veening MA Vincristine; peripheral polyneuropathy Workshop on Pediatric Oncology, 25 April 2012, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Integrating e-Health in psychosocial care in cancer patients: shared decision making, screening, self-help, and stepped care 12th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine, Budapest, Hungary, August 29, 2012. Leven met kanker. Referaat Klinische Psychologie Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, June 18, 2012 Leven met kanker: innovatieve zorgprogamma's en e-health Colloquium Universiteit Twente, Enschede, Februari 23, 2012 Stepped care, zelfmanagement en e-health om de nazorg bij patiënten met hoofdhalskanker te faciliteren, innoveren en optimaliseren Paramedische Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren, Utrecht, Februari 3, 2012 Mindfulness: wat hebben patienten met kanker eraan? Symposium Mindfulness van dummie tot expert. Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, Januari 20, 2012 Building an e-health portal for patients after total laryngectomy for laryngeal cancer CPLOL Congress, The Hague, May 24-26, 2012 Self-management to prevent speech, swallowing and shoulder problems in head and neck cancer patients CPLOL Congress, The Hague, May 24-26, 2012 Associations between swallowing and voice quality in patients treated for head and neck cancer CPLOL Congress, The Hague, May 24-26, 2012 Personalising therapy: An introduction to prognostic factors Rheumatology Europe Forum, 29 Nov.- 1 Dec.,2012, Vienna, Austria Prediction of the response to rituximab Biomarker Summit Europe 2012, 7-8 September, 2012, Zurich, Switzerland Personalized Medicine in Rheumatoid Arthritis: The Future is Now!" Seminar program Karolinska Institute, 25 May 2012, Stockholm, Sweden Prediction of the response to rituximab Genomics Summit, 19-21 April. 2012, Boston USA Personalized medicine in rheumatoid arthritis: The Future is now! IQ Science symposium, 29-30 March 2012, London, UK Prediction of development and therapy response in rheumatoid arthritis Seminar program, Genentech, 20 March, 2012, South San Francisco, USA Prediction of the response to rituximab World Biomarker Summit, 14-17 March 2012, San Diego, USA Visser D Bacteriële meningitis: van fundament naar patiënt RAAK, December 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Vos C. G et al Voorspellende waarde volumetrische response na inductie chemoradiatie bij Pancoast tumoren Presentatie Chirurgendagen 2012, Veldhoven. Voskuyl AE Treat to target Treat to target, april 2012, Amsterdam Vosslamber S Personalized Medicine in Rheumatoid Arthritis: the Future is Now! Annual CMSB symposium, 5 October 2012, Rotterdam, NL Windhorst AD New PET radiopharmaceuticals in Oncology SSPT-USGEB, January 27-28, 2011, Zurich, Switzerland Rational design of new tracers XII Turku PET Symposium, May 28-31, Turku, Finland Preclinical evaluation of new PET tracers EANM, October 15-19, 2011, Birmingham, England New PET radiopharmaceuticals in onclogy EANM, October 15-19, 2011, Birmingham, England Verweij CL Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 97 Associate Zuurmond WWA Zweegman S Title Organisation New Tyrosine Kinase inhibitor PET radiopharmaceuticals Seminar November 21, 2011, University of Helsinki, Finland Radiopharmaceutical chemistry’ CHAINS2011, November 28, 2011, Maarssen , The Netherlands Pijnstilling bij kanker. Gebruik nieuwe toedieningsvormen morfinomimetica Oncologiedagen Nederland en Vlaanderen NVMO Papendal 9-11-2012 Palliatieve zorg Basiscursus Oncologie NvVO. Ellecom 16-3-2012 State of the art Palliatieve zorg en pijnbestriding Specialisten Ouderengeneeskunde Koudum 19-3-2012 Onvermijdelijk voor kwalitatief goede zorg in een high tech omgeving Moderator Workshop Palliatieve zorg in het ziekenhuis Papendal Arnhem 12-4-2012 Invasieve pijnbestrijding Oncologische pijn en palliatieve zorg voor artsassistenten. Maastricht 16-4-2012. Oncologische pijn Nascholing Oncologie, de rol van de huisarts. Amsterdam 8-5-2012. Palliatieve zorg en anesthesiologie NVAM Amsterdam 15-9-2012 Invasieve pijnbestrijding Oncologische pijn en palliatieve zorg voor artsassistenten. Maastricht 29-10-2012. Doorbraakpijn bij kanker Pijndagen 2012 Van samen werken naar samenwerken. Sectie Pijnbestrijding NVA Papendal 2311-2012 Revlimid in relapsed refractory Myeloma Czech Myeloma Group meeting, Slowakia, 15-1-11 EMNTG; HOVON NMSG what are the current asked questions? 13th International Myeloma Workingshop 2011, Paris, France, 5-5-2011 The added value of cooperation in Myeloma Trials in Europe European Hematology Association London, England, 9-6-2011 Translating the clinical heterogeneity of elderly patients into tailored treatment approaches: tools and therapeutic strategies 6th European Multiple Myeloma Academy, Madrid, Spain, 8-10-11 Management of symptoms, emergencies, and treatment-related adverse events in multiple myeloma 7th European Multiple Myeloma Academy, Stockholm, Sweden, 09-03-12/10-03-12 State of the art of the current treatment of Multiple Myeloma; where are we now and where are we going to? Future of Blood, Utrecht, the Netherlands, 16-03-12 Introduction to MM elderly protocols; Clinical aspects 5th Trialist Forum European Myeloma Network, Baveno, Italy, 13-05-12/14-05-12 Are we improving survival outcomes for elderly patients with myeloma?”, Satellite symposium “Optimizing outcomes in multiple myeloma: what do the data tell us?” European Hematology Association, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 14-06-12 Scientific Workshop “Treatment strategies for the elderly” Multiple Myeloma Experience Exchange Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 05-10-12/06-10-12 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 98 Awards Name Award Place and date Afdeling kinderoncologiehematologie Jacie accreditatie het verrichten van autologe stamceltransplantaties Amsterdam, Februari 11th 2012 Avan A CCA/V-ICI Scholarship for PhD education Amsterdam, 15 April 2012 Bretschneider JH One of six most innovative educators of the world Apple Education Conference 2012 Dekker J honorary professor aan de Jining Medical University, Jining, China Fedrigo CA travel Award from the European Association of Neuro Oncology Marseille, France, September 6-9, 2012 Gibbs S Fenna Diemer Lindeboom Chair: Skin and mucosa regenerative medicine July 2012, The Netherlands IGZ ‘GMP’’ certificate for cleanroom ATMP production of Tissue engineered Skin” VUmc, 2012 Gibbs S (Grace Limandjaja OIO) poster prize (300 euro) at the European Tissue Repair Society meeting Athens, Greece, 4-5 October 2012 Gibbs S, de Boer EM, van Montfrans C NFU topreferente functies 2012, The Netherlands Giovannetti E Berlucchi Award for Young Italian Researchers 2012; Brescia, Italy, 11 June 2012 young Researcher Travel grant 2012 European Pancreatic Club 2012 Congress, Prague 20-23 June 2012 Invitation to the Early Career Investigators platform kick-off meeting “EORTC ECI platform” 50th European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Anniversary Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 16th March 2012 Hartong DT Dondersprijs Groningen, 29 march 2012 Kamphorst W Officier in de Orde van Oranje-Nassau Amsterdam 31 april 2012 Langius JAE NESPEN abstract award Voorjaarscongres NVGE, Veldhoven 2223 maart 2012 Leemans CR Helmuth Goepfert Distinguished Visiting Professor M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, Department of Head and Neck Surgery, Houston, TX, USA, February 14, 201 Maftouh M VU Fellowship VU University Amsterdam, 2012-2013 Morré SA FD Gazellen Award 2012 Amsterdam 29 November 2012 Mulder C honorary and distinguished fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Muris J, Feilzer A, Kleverlaan CJ, Rustemeyer T European Society of Contact Dermatitis Research Award on Palladium contact allergy 2012, Malmo, Sweden Peters GJ Toekenning Basis Kwalificatie Onderwijs (BKO) 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Pinedo B K. Dornbush Award 2012 11 mei in Arlington, Virginia Rekers NH, Sminia P, Peters G Piero Periti Review Article Award Rustemeyer T NFU topreferentefuncties 2012, Den Hague, The Netherlands BKO 2012, Amsterdam, The Netherlands FD Gazellen Award 2012 Amsterdam 29 November 2012 Savelkoul PHM Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 99 Name Award Place and date Scheper R Ridder in de Orde van de Nederlandse Leeuw Amsterdam 31 april 2012 van der Waal I Honorary Member of the Scandinavian Society of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine Oslo, 17 augustus 2012 van Furth AM Associate professor extraordinary: paediatrics and child health Stellenbosch University, Tygerberg, South Africa van Kooyk Y Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie (nvvi) een Europese prijs voor het vergroten van de kennis over haar vakgebied bij het publiek Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM Best presentation Nederlandse Vereniging voor Kindergeneeskunde (NVK) Congres, Veldhoven, October 31, 2012 Veringa S Nijbakker Morra prijs 08-02-2012, Amsterdam 2e prijs, Beste wetenschappelijke stage Kindergeneeskunde, VUmc Amsterdam, 10 februari 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 100 Grants obtained in 2012 Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget Beelen RHJ, Vervloet M Effect of paricalcitol on klotho in vit D deficient and uremic rats Abott, 60.000 euro Bijnsdorp I, Geldof A, van Moorselaar R, Pegtel M, Ylstra B, Rozendaal L, Jimenez C, Gerritsen W, van den Eertwegh A, Würdinger T To treat or not to treat; prostasome prostate cancer diagnostics VUmc CCA, 150.000 euro Bitter W and van der Sar A PreDiCT TB EU-IMI grant, 680.000 euro Boers M EU-FP7, 100.000 euro Boers M and van Tuyl L The patient perspective on remission in rheumatoid arthritis EULAR, 74.000 euro Brakenhoff R and de Winter J Targeted Treatment of Oral Cancer and Precancer in FA Fanconi Anemia Research fund, Eugene, Oregon, 324.000 euro, postdocs C. Stoepker and S. Martensde Kemp Brakenhoff R, Braakhuis B, Leemans C and van Beusechem V Targeted therapy of precancerous fields in head and neck mucosa VUmc CCA, 300.000 euro, PhD student D. de Boer Buffart L, Altenburg T, Verheul H, de Ruiter J, Gelelijn E, Huijsmans R, Chin A Paw M and Buffart T How may exercise reduce fatigue in patients with cancer? A pilot study examining the role of the muscle Zuidasrun: Fit ondanks kanker, 17.000 euro Cloos J and Jansen G Antimicrobial peptide (AMP) activity in Velcade-resistant hematological and solid tumor cell lines N8 Medical USA, 54.000 euro de Gruijl T and Stockmann H Targeting tumor-induced immune suppression: a promising strategy in the battle against breast cancer Research grant from “A Sister’s Hope”, 123.000 euro, PhD student K. van Pul De Vries HE Understanding blood-brain barrier alterations underlying capillary amyloid angiopathy: a route to novel diagnostics € 121.000 Valid Tech To-BBB, € 42.324 Dekker J and van Meijel B Distress and quality of life of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose chemotherapy: outcome of stepped care EMGO+ travel grant 2012, 3.000 euro, PhD student A. Braamse Dekker J and van Meijel B Distress and quality of life of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose chemotherapy: outcome of stepped care KWF stagebeurs, 1.840 euro, PhD student A. Braamse Giovanetti E, Würdinger T, Schuurhuis G and Peters G Unravelling and targeting key molecular determinants and pathways in the biology of cancer stem cells using bioluminescent orthotropic tumours from primary pancreatic cancer cells characterised for their genetic signature in comparison with the originator tumours VUmc CCA, 270.000 euro, PhD student A. Avan (2012-2016) Giovannetti E Unraveling key microRNA & signalling pathways in differential pancreatic neoplatic lesions to fight pancreas cancer aggressive behaviour and chemoresistance Grant of the Istituto Toscano Tumori Giovannetti E and Peters G Predictive parameters for the activity of pemetrexed in mesothelioma Eli Lilly & Co, 50.000 euro (2012-2013) Hartong D and Moll A Complicaties, functionele, en cosmetische uitkomsten bij behandelde retinoblastoom patiënten in Nederland ODAS foundation, 332.755 euro, PhD student D. Mourits Horrevoets AJC, van Royen N Regenerative therapies in coronary disease NIRM: Netherlands Institute for Regenerative Medicine Hulleman E Rapid preclinical development of a targeted The Lyla Nsouli Foundation for Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 101 Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget therapy combination for DIPG Children’s Brain Cancer Research, 14.000 euro Israels T Childhood Cancer in Malawi St Baldricks Foundation, 6.500 euro Jansen G, Peters G and Ossenkoppele G Exploration of anti-leukemic and antiinflammatory effects elicited by myelomonocytic cell-targeted aminopeptidase inhibitors with an esterasesensitive motif VUmc CCA, 149.059 euro (20122014) Janssen J Phosphoproteomics for personalized treatment of acute myeloid leukemia with kinase inhibitors VUmc CCA, 250.464 euro A phase II, single arm, multicenter study of nilotinib in combination with pegylated interferon-α2b in patients with suboptimal molecular response or stable detectable molecular residual disease after at least two years of imatinib treatment (NordDutchCML009) plus side studies. Novartis Pharma AG Whole transcriptome sequencing in CM Stichting Leukemie.nl Jimenez C Funding for proteomic equipment VUmc CCA, 200.000 euro Kaspers G and Hulleman E State of the art in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma KNAW academy colloquium, 14.500 euro Kaspers G, van Vuurden D and Hulleman E Chemosensitivity and drug efflux transporters in pediatric high grade glioma KNAW Van Walree Fonds, PhD S. Veringa Lems W, Boers M and van Tuyl L COBRA cohort study and patient reported remission outcomes Pfizer, 204.650 euro Moll A, de Graaf P and de Boer J Diagnosis of vital tumor tissue by OCT and MRI in retinoblastoma patients KIKA, 266.605 euro Morré S Identifying Biomarkers and Genetic Risk Factor NIH grant, 140.000 euro Tuba-scan: companion diagnostic for Chlamydia associated subfertility and tubal pathology NGI grant, 250.000 euro Peters G Mechanism of action of RX-3117 Rexahn, USA/Teva, Israel, 145.000 euro (2012-2013) Peters G and Jansen G Role of stereoisomers of leucovorin in 5FU modulation Spectrum Pharmaceuticals USA, 56.000 euro Regulation of uptake and metabolism of lLeucovorin (Fusilev®); interaction with other drugs Spectrum Pharmaceutical, San Francisco, CA, USA , 70.000 euro (2012-213) Zilver nanoparticles 3rd party sponsored, 30.000 euro, PhD student M. Visser Low dosis UVB therapy in psoriasis patients 3rd party sponsored, 60.000 euro, PhD student S. Franken Arbeidsdermatologische problematieken 3rd party sponsored, 100.000 euro Skin irritation and prevention 3rd party sponsored, 250.000 euro, PhD student M. Visser MODAPEP study Eurostar, 500.000 euro Translational grant ZONMW, 500.000 euro ResFood FP7, 200.000 euro Schuurhuis G and Ossenkoppele G Activity of novel antibody-drug-conjugates in primary AML Industry grant, WP benchfee Taphoorn M, Reijneveld J Epilepsy in the end of life phase in glioma Zoleon IKNL / Chanrone Stichting / Rustemeyer T Savelkoul P Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 102 Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget patients Jacobusstichting, 150.000 euro, PhD student J. Koekkoek Objectifying improvement of function by measuring movement in Ankylosing Spondylitis patients Reumafonds, 24.000 euro, PhD student S. van Weelij Open-label, phase 4 study, investigating the Incidence of Extra-Articular Manifestations in Subjects with Ankylosing Spondylitis treated with Golimumab (GO-EASY study): national investigator initiated study 80.000 euro, PhD students C. van der Bijl and S. Heslinga Assessment of disease activity of ankylosing spondylitis with [18F]fluoride PET-CT Reumafonds, 80.000 euro Aanvullende financiering op Reumafonds project: Imaging and therapeutic targeting of macrophage folate receptor-β in rheumatoid arthritis 65.000 euro van der Laken J and van Dongen G PRIAT: Profiling responders in antibody therapies 7th Framework programme of the EU, 493.333 euro (2012-2014) van der Sar A Granuloma in Zebrafish Mr Willem Backhuys Roozeboom Stichting, 20.000 euro van Dongen GAMS IMPACT: imaging patients for cancer drug selection. Towards patient tailored cancer treatment supported by moleculer imaging KWF/Alpe d’HuZes, 5.500.000 euro (01-11-12 till 01-11-17) STRADA, being “SelecTive aRmed Antibodies as Drugs Against cancer Collaborative project (SME focused research project) under the 7th Framework Programme of the EU, 930.000 euro (2013-2017) van Dongen G and Boellaard R ZonMw: Multimodality preclinical imaging facility for fundamental research and efficient drug development ZonMW grant for equipment, 900.000 euro (2013) Van Kooyk Y TLR ligands and oligosaccharides TIPharma, 200 K van Vuurden D, Vandertop W and Kaspers G Drug distribution and local drug delivery in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma Stichting Semmy, 240.000 euro, PhD student S. Veldhuijzen van Zanten Vandenbroucke-Grauls, C and Bitter W a genome-based generalized strategy to activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters in Actinomycetales CRYPTON II, STW, 82.000 euro Verdonck-de Leeuw I Psychological distress in partners of cancer patients: efficacy of an online self help intervention KWF, 252.1000 euro, PhD student N. Kohle (2012-2016) Voskuyl A Development and manitenance of a longterm national patient outcomes registry for systemic lupus erythmatosus in the Netherlands- The PORSLEN registry sponsor GlaxoSmithKline, 60.000 euro Würdinger T Diagnosing cancer from platelets for personalised applications NGI Pre-Seed Grant; NWO, 250.000 euro thromboDx: Diagnosing cancer from platelets NWO, 75.000 euro Würdinger T, Cloos J Development of preclinical pediatric brain tumor imaging models KiKa, 230.000 euro Würdinger T, Noske D Drug screening for glioma Stophersentumoren.nl, 142.000 euro Zijlstra J, Zweegman S and van Dongen G Personalised therapy for lymphoma patients using immuno-PET and tissue-analysis VUmc CCA, 104.916 euro, PhD student Y. Jauw van der Horst-Bruinsma I van der Laken J Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 103 Meeting organization Project leader(s) Meeting Place / date Bloemena E SENT Pathology review Amsterdam, February 28-29, 2012 SENT Pathology review Amsterdam, October 1, 2012 Molecular Imaging and Radiation Oncology (MIRO) Vienna, Austria, March 2012 session chair/organiser on amyloid PET imaging at the Society of Nuclear Medicine conference Miami, USA, June 2012 Organisation of precongres symposium on PET imaging Milan, Italy, October 2012 Organisation and presenter of Dutch PET course Groningen, April 2012 Boers M Organization of congresses. 11th OMERACT International consensus conference Pinehurst, USA, May 2012 de Bree R organization of congresses 5th International symposium on sentinel node biopsy in head and neck cancer Amsterdam, May 24-25, 2012 Electrochemotherapy in head and neck oncology Amsterdam, January 13, 2012 Dekker J Member of the program committee of the 12th International Congress of Behavioral Medicine Budapest, Hungary, August 2012 Gibss S FEDERA Medisch Wetenschappelijke Dag Utrecht, June 8, 2012 Israels T PODC programme SIOP Annual meeting London, UK, October 5 and 8, 2012 Boellaard R Jansen G th 15 International Symposium on Pteridines and Folates Antalya, Turkey, May 9-13, 2012 4th International Symposium on Folate Receptors and Transporters Cozumel, Mexico, October 7-11, 2012 Jansen W 4e Nationaal Congres Palliatieve Zorg Lunteren, November 13-16, 2012 Jimenez C Organisor, Fall meeting Netherlands Proteomics Platform Amsterdam, November 30, 2012 Kaspers G Third Workshop on Pediatric Oncology Eldoret, Kenya, January 2012 Kluytmans J ESCMID-SHEA Course in Hospital Epidemiology Potsdam, October 1-4, 2012 Leemans C Make Sense Campaign London, UK, September 20-21, 2012 Course director: 5th European Head and Neck Course Birmingham, UK, October 15-17, 2012 Morré S 8th European Chlamydia Meeting Amsterdam, July 1-6, 2012 Ossenkoppele G ELN Frontiers Istanbul, October 9-11, 2012 Peters G Winter EORTC-PAMM meeting Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, January 2012 th Rustemeyer T 15 International Symposium on Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines and Folates Antalya, Turkey, May 2012 24th EORTC-NCI-AACR congress on new drug development Dublin, Ireland, November 2012 Voorjaarsvergadering van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie Leusden, March 16, 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 104 Project leader(s) Meeting Place / date PMS cosmetica Amersfoort, April 4, 2012 AAD review congres Utrecht, April 17, 2012 EECDRG Bari, Italy, April 20-22, 2012 State of the art in allergy to insulins Amsterdam, August 23, 2012 Contact irritation: update on immunological mechanisms Amsterdam, October 1, 2012 Post EADV congres Utrecht, October 11,2012 EECDRG Lisboa, Portugal, October 19-21, 2012 Najaarsvergadering van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Allergologie Leusden, November 16, 2012 5e Jaarsymposium Dermatologie Utrecht, December 13, 2012 Savelkoul P Cursus Typeren Utrecht, January 24-26, 2012 Slotman B Workshop SBRT, Singapore Radiological Society Singapore, 2012 International symposium on SBRT Amsterdam 2012 ISRS Congress Meeting Committee Toronto 2013 Sminia P & Scientifi Toronto 2013 Co-organizer of the OOA Seminar with guest speaker dr. A. Haimovitz-Friedman and “Meet the Expert” session on the topic “Angiogenesis inhibition in combination with radiotherapy and chemotherapy” Amsterdam, April 18, 2012 Member of the Organizing Committee of the International meeting of the Dutch Society for Radiobiology (NVRB) Noordwijkerhout, April 19-20, 2012 van der Horst-Bruinsma I Eighth International Congress on Spondyloarthropathies, chair of session Early Diagnosis: Improved outcomes van der Laken J Organisation of regional MRI education for rheumatologists van der Waal I Mondpathologie. Een nascholingscursus voor de KNO-artsen en dermatologen Amsterdam, February 3, 2012 Een nascholingscursus voor mondhygiënisten Breukelen, March 23, 2012 Oncologie en de mondhygiënist". Een nascholingscursus voor mondhygiënisten Almere, October 5, 2012 Van Furth A ESCMID Siena, Italy, May 14-17, 2012 Veening M Herfstpalet 2012 Amsterdam, November 21, 2012 Verdonck-de Leeuw I Living with cancer Amsterdam, December 19, 2012 Paving the future of supportive cancer care: is e-health the way forwards? Workshop at the International symposium on supportive care in cancer (MASCC ISOO) New York, USA, June 26, 2012 Heel de mens: kennismaking met de psychologische interventies Life Review, Zingevingstherapie en Spirituele Autobiografie. Workshop at the Congress of the Netherlands Society for Psychosocial Oncology Utrecht, March 16, 2012 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 105 Project leader(s) Meeting Place / date Verweij C Chairman session “preclinical RA” and member of the abstract selection committee of the European Workshop for Rheumatology Research Stockholm, Sweden, February 23-24, 2012 Chairman session “Biomarkers in inflammation” of the Genomics summit 2012 Boston, USA, April 20, 2012 Member organizing committee, Rheumatology Fall Symposium Papendal Chair bi-annual congress of the International Society of Cellular Oncology Palma de Mallorca, Spain Ylstra B Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Indicators of esteem - 106 Appendix 6. Societal impact Social-cultural relevance Professional publications and products Bultink IEM • Permanent columnist for the Dutch Arthritis Foundation: Writing professional publications four times yearly in the magazine of the Dutch Arthritis Foundation Ossenkoppele GJ • Development of European Passport for hematologists in H-Net important for harmonization of training of hematologists Peters GJ • • Interview in Seniorenmagazine (Voorschoten) Boekbespreking in NRC betreffende “Ontspoorde Wetenschap Sminia P • Contribution to the ‘Canon van de Oncologie’ Chapter 45: “Modelsystemen in de radiotherapie” pp 98-99, 2012. Edited by VJ de Ru, PJ van Diest, LHJ Looijenga, CJH van de Velde and DJT Wagenaar. dchg medische communicatie, ISBN/EAN 978-94-90826-21-5 van der Horst-Bruinsma IE • Contribution for the continuous education of Rheumatologists worldwide on Ankylosing Spondylitis Development Dutch Rheumatology guideline for the diagnosis and treatment of Spondyloarthritis • Voskuyl AE • Quaterly colum as president of Medisch Advies Raad in”” NVLE venster”” (National patient league for Lupus Erythemtosus, Scleroderma, antphospholipid syndrome and Mixed Connective Tissue Disease) Memberships of an advice council in the public field Bultink IEM • • • Membership of the medical advice council of the “Nationale vereniging voor lupus, sclerodermie en MCTD patiënten (NVLE)” Membership of the steering committee of the Dutch network for “Patient research partners in Rheumatology”. Medical advisor of the local patient department of the Dutch Arthritis Foundation (“Reuma patiëntenvereniging Amstelland en omstreken”) Chamuleau M • Advisor EMA/CBG Dekker J • Member of Committee Social Oncology, Dutch Cancer Society- KWF Mebius RE • LSBR Scientific Advisory Council Meijer GA • • • Member advisory board Genalice BV Member Scientific Advisory Board mCRC Merck Serono Member scientific advisory board MDXHealth Ossenkoppele GJ Advisor of patient organizations: • NFK/ Stichting Leukemie • CML advocacy group Rustemeyer T • • • EU commission on Consumers´ Health, VWS en VWA, EU commission Arbo Expert Groep Nederland, VWS Cosmetica en consumentenveiligheid, VWS, RIVM Slotman BJ • • • Voorzitter Taskforce Radiotherapie Lid CvB, Nederlandse Vereniging Radiotherapie en Oncologie Lid Concilium Radiotherapie Sminia P • Member of the “Denktank” of the Stichting Hersentumor.nl, impact on public informing website (www.hersentumor.nl) Van Beusechem VW • Member, user committee Technology Foundation STW project on “Directed evolution of artificial viruses” at University of Utrecht, Utrecht Van Bodegraven A • • ADVISOR CCUVN ADVISOR / Representative NVMDL at CFU concerning Infliximab in Ulcerative Colitis Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Societal Impact - 108 Voskuyl AE • • Het Reumafonds : advisory board/ scientific committee NVLE (patient league) : president Medisch Advies Raad Zuurmond WWA • Lid Comité van Aanbeveling Ingeborg Douwes Centrum, multidisciplinair centrum voor psycho-sociale zorg. • • Lid Comité van Aanbeveling Stichting Joods Hospice te Amsterdam Contributions based on research Indications in a directive, protocol or policy note Rustemeyer T • • Richtlijnencommissien `Lichen sclerosus` (member on behalf of the NVDV and the NVVA) Richtlijnencommissie `Contacteczeem` (chairperson on behalf of the NVDV and the NVVA) Richtlijnencommissie `Koemelkallergie` (member on behalf of the NVVA) • National consensus on the diagnosis and treatment of lupus nephritis • Live on television during the program of KWF Kankerbestrijding: “Sta Op Tegen Kanker” - 28 november Pegtel M • Interview as one of the ‘thought-leaders’ in exosomal RNA for a televised (documentary) concerning the 2012 International RNA-exosomes workgroup New York City, USA – documentaire - Michiel Pegtel - oktober Rustemeyer T • VARA interview and TV presentation on skin irritation and allergy due to cosmetic tissues - Rustemeyer, T – 16 april Buffart L • Referral in the New York Times on May – Laurien Buffart - 16th 2012. Kluytmans J • ‘Resistentie is van alle tijden. De invloed van de mens is vooral het grootschalige gebruik van antibiotica die dan vervolgens in de natuur terechtkomen en daar de al aanwezige resistentiemechanismen selecteren en mobiliseren.’ Microbioloog Jan Kluytmans over resistente bacteriën. Volkskrant, 13 april Meijer GA • ‘Vanuit mijn vak haal ik uit weefsel relevante informatie om bijvoorbeeld het onderscheid tussen goed- en kwaadaardig te maken. Maar dit zegt nog niets over of de patiënt baat heeft bij een specifieke behandeling. Er is naar mijn mening te weinig aandacht voor diagnostiek, een eerste vereiste voor meer persoonlijke medicatie.’ Patholoog Gerrit Meijer over nieuwe ontwikkelingen in de medicatie tegen kanker. nrc (bijlage), maart Sneldiagnostiek – Gerrit Meijer, P Scholten W de Jong - De Volkskrant – 11 maart • Voskuyl AE Media attention National television Kaspers GJL Local television National newspaper • Meijerink M • ‘Door de elektrische stroomstootjes worden minuscule gaatjes in de celmembraan van de kankercellen geschoten, waardoor ze dood gaan en het lichaam ze opruimt. Het omringende weefsel heeft daar geen last van.’ Martijn Meijerink, interventieradioloog, over de nieuwe nanoknifetechniek. Volkskrant 20 oktober Plukker F • ‘Dit is overweldigend. Hierdoor kunnen wij nog meer onderzoek doen naar kanker, een ziekte die iedereen in onze maatschappij treft. Het bedrag wordt besteed aan vroegere opsporing van kanker, therapie op maat en verbeteren van de kwaliteit van leven van patiënten.’ Fred Plukker, voorzitter van de rvb, over de opbrengst van de Amsterdam Marathon. Volksrant.nl, woensdag 24 oktober Van Bodegraven AA • “Door Herceptin hebben vrouwen met deze agressieve tumor een aanzienlijk grotere kans om in leven te blijven.” Epie Boven, medisch oncoloog. Elsevier, 24 november ‘Het darmstelsel is doorgaans een heel vriendelijke plek waar allerlei bacteriën rustig kunnen leven. En hoe gevarieerder de darmbacteriën, hoe gezonder de darm.’ Ad van Bodegraven, mdlarts, Vrij Nederland, 15 december Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Societal Impact - 109 Verdonck-de Leeuw IM • • Verheul H • • ‘Je zet onmacht om in kracht, de Alpe d’HuZes. Om kanker te overwinnen, of om een geliefde bij te staan in de strijd, is kracht nodig. Vroeger vonden mensen die wellicht in God. Of in rituelen. Die tocht is de ultieme krachtmeting. Mensen staan er zelf verbaasd van.’ Irma Verdonck-de Leeuw, hoogleraar leven met kanker, over het wielerevenement Alpe d’HuZes in Frankrijk. NRC, 5 juni Kwaliteit van leven, interview met Irma Verdonck. In: Financieel Dagblad, Media Planet themanummer 3: Aandacht voor kanker. Maart 2012. ‘Groot voordeel is dat in het VUmc Cancer Center de verschillende artsen en onderzoekers samenwerken, zowel in onderzoek als in de zorg. Op die manier proberen we behandelingen te verbeteren. Daarbij is er een grote interactie tussen laboratorium en kliniek.’ Oncoloog Henk Verheul over multidisciplinaire aanpak van VUmc Cancer Center. nrc (bijlage), maart “Onderzoekers en dokters kunnen optimaal samenwerken door de faciliteiten die gerealiseerd zijn, zoals het researchgebouw waardoor er in onderzoek en in patiëntenzorg veel vooruitgang is geboekt.’ Oncoloog Henk Verheul bij wervingsbijeenkomst onder donateurs. Telegraaf, 4 april Radio Huijgens PC • ‘Ik denk dat het goed voor de afdeling is, dat ze zien dat iemand met een geheel andere invalshoek interesse heeft voor hun ziekte en hoe onze medewerkers daarmee omgaan. En dat helpt.’ Hematoloog Peter Huijgens over ‘schrijver op locatie’ Kristien Hemmerechts, die meeliep op zijn afdeling. Tros Nieuwsshow, Radio 1, 21 januari Hulleman E & Wurdinger T • Nu zijn wij onderzoekers vaak aan het fietsen, steppen en hardlopen om geld op te halen voor onderzoek, terwijl we beter meer tijd in het lab zouden kunnen doorbrengen.’ Esther Hulleman en Tom Würdinger, onderzoekers. BNR radio, 15 december Van der Veldt A • ‘Ik ben in 2006 begonnen met het onderzoek naar de werking van vaatremmers bij uitgezaaide nierkanker, omdat het vanaf dat moment werd toegepast in de kliniek. Ik heb ook onderzoek gedaan naar het effect van chemotherapie: hoeveel van het therapeuticum komt daadwerkelijk bij de tumor terecht?’ Promovenda Astrid van der Veldt over haar dubbelpromotie. NOS Radio 1 journaal, 4 juli Van Dongen GAMS • ‘Voor Nederland is dit de eerste gecombineerde PET/MRI scanner. Je kan daarmee zowel naar de anatomie als naar de functie van het lichaam kijken.’ Guus van Dongen, projectleider van het VUmc Imaging Center Amsterdam, over de nieuwe scanner. bnr Radio, 16 oktober Verdonck-de Leeuw IM • De zondag van Hans van Willigenburg. Interview met Irma Verdonck over leven met kanker. Radio-uitzending Radio 5. 9 september 2012. Bloemena E • Hepatopathologie - Lever, nieuwsblad van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Hepatologie – E. Bloemena interview Cillessen S • Apoptoseonderzoek in EATL – Saskia Cilllessen - Vitalia - interview/artikel Kluytmans J • ‘We hebben mogelijk te maken met nieuwe transmissieroutes van de vMRSA. Maar we hebben nog geen idee welke dat zijn. Ziekenhuizen willen het zekere voor het onzekere nemen en zijn zeer alert op eventuele mutaties van de bacterie.’ Microbioloog Jan Kluytmans over de mrsaproblemen in de veehouderij. Boerderij Vandaag, 13 januari Rustemeyer T • Consumentenbond: interviewhuidirritaties en allergische reacties door cosmentica – Rustemeyer T - najaar Consumentenbond: interview eczeem, achtergrond en aanpak op de afdeling dermato-allergologie van het VUmc - T. Rustemeyer, november Trade journals & magazines • • Kanker laat je nooit meer los. Interview met Irma Verdonck. Psychologie Magazine, oktober 2012. Hooijberg E • Artikel: Clin Cancer Res. 2012;18(3):882-9: Clinical effects of adjuvant active specific immunotherapy etc. - Vermelding op Website Global Medical Discovery – Erik Hooijberg, september abstract artikel Huijgens PC • ‘Als je allemaal aparte registraties hebt voor darmkanker en borstkanker et Verdonck-de Leeuw IM News on website Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Societal Impact - 110 cetera, dan heb je geen organisatie van de kankerzorg.’ Hematoloog Peter Huijgens over het patiëntvolgsysteem Pharos voor patiënten met bloed- en beenmergkanker. iknl nieuws, april • ‘Ik ben er trots op dat TCS het VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam wil ondersteunen. We kunnen als VUmc CCA nu beter invulling geven aan onze missie om de levensverwachting van mensen met kanker te verbeteren.’ Oncoloog Henk Verheul over CCA als goede doel bij marathon. Amsterdam Oost Dichtbij, 23 mei Meijer GA • Unravelling the mystery of how a disease works - brochure Pamgene – interview Gerrit Meijer, juni Verdonck-de Leeuw IM • Impression CPLOL_congress_25_may_2012. Interview met o.a. Irma Verdonck. YouTube, 5 juni 2012. Viore, een huis om te ont-moeten. Presentatie Irma Verdonck bij de opening van Viore, inloophuis voor patienten met kanker en hun naasten. Hilversum, 29 februari 2012. Zelfmanagement na laryngectomie ter preventie van spraak- , slik en schouderklachten. Presentatie Irma Verdonck op de landelijke ontmoetingsdag NSvG (patiënten vereniging voor stembandlozen), Arnhem, September 29, 2012. Uw patiënt beter in beeld - Irma Verdonck Oncologische Revalidatie. Medilex, Amersfoort, September 25, 2012. Verheul H Other • • • Perceptible impact on public informing and/or authoritative websites Jimenez CR • Kankerbreed (2012, maart issue) ‘OncoProteomics voor ontdekken van biomarkers en drug targets’ Rustemeyer T • • • • • • • • www.sens-it-iv.eu www.A-skin.nl www.nirm.nl www.NECOD.nl http://www.vumc.nl/ www.beroepsziekten.nl www.escd.org orgs.dermis.net/eecdrg Verdonck-de Leeuw IM • Release public website www.verderzonderstembanden.nl November 2012 Zuurmond WWA • • • Palliatieve zorg. VUconnected Enschede 28-3-2012 Palliatieve zorg. Hospice De Schelp, Krommenie 17-4-2012 Palliatieve Zorg VUconnected Apeldoorn 20-11-2012 Perceptible impact on public opinion and/or political decision-making Bitter W • • Article in BioNieuws (June 23, 2012) on results of PNAS paper (Daleke MH et al., 2012) VPRO Labyrint, 17 Oktober, Uitgewerkte antibiotica Bitter Wilbert , Astrid van der Sar and Christina Vandenbroucke-Grauls • VPRO Labyrint, 12 April 2012, Antibiotica en resistentie Rustemeyer T • EU commission on Consumers´ Health (scientific expert), VWS, RIFM en VWA (scientific expert) Interactieve beoordelingssessie arbeidsgerelateerde zorg, op uitnodiging van KPMG/Plexus, Ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Ministerie van VWS, 1912-2012 • Technical or economic impact Memberships of an advice council in the commercial field Van der Sar AM • Scientific Advisory Board, Vertebrate Antibodies, UK, http://vertebrateantibodies.com/ Voskuyl AE • Roche, Actelion Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Societal Impact - 111 Patent applications Jimenez CR, Warmoes MO, Pham TV, Rottenberg S, Jonkers J • Protein markers and BRCAness signature for identification of patients with homology repair deficiencies and stratification for DNA damaging therapy Meijer GA, Carvalho B and Bosch LJW • Patent filed: Methylation Markers Predictive for Drug Response Pegtel M • EBV and Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Schuurhuis GJ • initiated in Nov 2011: Stem cell kit for acute myeloid leukemia. Product development with company Becton Dickinson: diagnostic kit for leukemia stem cells and residual disease Van Beusechem VW • • 6 active patent families in 2012 1 US patent granted in 2012 Wurdinger T • Incorporation of thromboDx BV Gibbs S • CSO of A-Skin BV (see www.A-skin.nl) Meijer GA • Preseed grant on clinical development stool proteins marker into a noninvasive test Van Beusechem VW • CSO van ORCA Therapeutics Verweij CL • Preselect Diagnostics BV Spin off” start-ups Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Societal Impact - 112 Appendix 7. Ongoing projects Program 1 Characterization of DNA stability genes and other cancer predisposition genes 1. Fanconi anemia: a genomics approach A. Haitjema, D.A. Rockx, B. Brand, N. Ameziane, J.P. de Winter, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Eugene, Oregon, USA 2. Genomic profiles for inherited breast cancer M. Massink, S. van Mil, J.P. de Winter, Q. Waisfisz, H. Meijers-Heijboer Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO VIDI Meijers-Heijboer 3. Human genes essential for the defence against oxygen toxicity M. Corbin, D.A. Rockx, A.B. Oostra, H. van Beek, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO Mozaïek and Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Eugene, Oregon, USA 4. Identification of novel players in the Fanconi anemia pathway N. Ameziane1, J.A. Balk, J.C. Dorsman1, J.T. den Dunnen2, J.P. de Winter1 1Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department Human and Clinical Genetics, LUMC Leiden KWF VU2010-4767 5. Identification of pathway(s) compensating for Fanconi anemia gene defects K. Roohollahi, D.A. Rockx, B. Rooimans, N, Ameziane, J.P. de Winter, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Eugene, Oregon, USA 6. Sister chromatid cohesion as a novel foothold for cancer therapy J. de Lange1, RH Brakenhoff2, VW Van Beusechem3, J de Winter1 Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 3Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center NKB VU 2011-4983 7. Sister chromatid cohesion: lessons from yeast, mice and men A. Faramarz1, H. van Attikum2, H.te Riele3, J.P. de Winter1 1Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department Toxicogenetics, LUMC Leiden, 3Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam NWO TOP-GO 854.10.013 8. The Fanconi anemial/BRCA pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas C. Stoepker1, N. Ameziane1, P. van de Lelij1, J.A. Balk1, A.B. Oostra1, M.A. Rooimans1, J. Steltenpool1, S. Martens-de Kemp2, R.H. Brakenhoff2, H. Joenje1, J.P. de Winter1 1Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center (CCA/V-ICI), 3Department of Oncology, University of Oxford CCA/V-ICI 9. Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer J. Bakker1, S. van Mil1, A.B. Oostra1, J.A. Balk1, H. Verheul2, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, J.P. de Winter1, Q. Waisfisz1 1Department of Clinical Genetics and 2Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center CCA/V-ICI Colorectal cancer 10. Clinical and biological relevance of focal deletions in colorectal cancer O. Krijgsman1, G.A. Meijer1, B. Carvalho1, R.D. Steenbergen1, B. Ylstra1 Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Avanti STR 11. Datamanagement voor moleculaire vroegdiagnostiek en therapieselectie bij darmkanker J. Beliën, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Avanti STR 12. Development of an improved molecular test for population-wide colorectal cancer screening A.C. Hiemstra, B. Carvalho, R.J.A. Fijneman, C.R. Jimenez, C.J. Mulder, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, Medical Oncology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Vrienden van het CCA 13. Development of screening tests for early detection of CRC L. Bosch1, B. Carvalho1, M. van der Wiel1, V. Coupé1, M. van Engeland4 Y. van der Burgt5, W. van Criekinge6, C.R. Jimenez2, R. Fijneman1, C.J. Mulder3, G.A. Meijer1 1Department Of Pathology, 2Department Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), 3Department Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, 4MUMC, 5LUMC, MdXHEalth, 6Univ Gent CTMM 14. Early detection of colorectal cancer by faeces derived microRNA testing L. Timmer1, B. Diosdado1, E. Cuppen2, G.A. Meijer1 Department Of Pathology1, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Hubrecht Laboratorium Utrecht2 KWF VU 2009-4276 15. Improving FOBT based colorectal cancer screening by faeces DNA testing G.A. Meijer1, M. van Engeland2 Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam1, MUMC Maastricht2 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 113 ZonMw 16. Structural chromosomal rearrangements in colorectal cancer E. van den Broek, R.J.A. Fijneman, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA Detection and treatment of oral preneoplasia 17. Fanconi anemia: course of disease in the Dutch patient cohort and early recognition of cancer S. Smetsers3, D.A. Rockx1, J.C. Dorsman1, J.P. de Winter1, R.H. Brakenhoff2, M. Bierings3 1Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 3Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital University Medical Center Utrecht Kika 18. Targeted therapy of precancerous fields in head and neck mucosa D.V. de Boer1, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, V.W. van Beusechem2, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Department 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA grant 19. Targeted treatment of oral cancer and precancer in FA C. Stoepker1, R.H. Brakenhoff2, J.P. de Winter1 Department 1Clinical Genetics and 2Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Fanconi Anemia Research Fund EBV oncogenesis 20. Early detection of primary and recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) using (anti-) EBV based tumor markers and options for using photodynamic therapy (PDT) in the treatment of local disease I.B. Tan, S.M. Haryana, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, AKI-AvL, Amsterdam, UGM, Yoguakarta, Indonesia KWF 21. EBV non-coding RNAs hijack components of the miRNA machinery promoting viral oncogenesis D. Koppers-Lalic, J.M. Middeldorp, G. Scheffer, R.J. Scheper, C.R. Jimenez, D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center AICR 11-0157 22. Physiological role of EBV-LMP1 in MHC-II+exosomes for tumor immune escape across the immunological synaps: Implications for prognosis and immunotherapy F. Verweij, E. Hooijberg, J.J.C. Neefjes, J.M. Middeldorp, D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF 2007-3775 Exosomes 23. Exosome-mediated communication in the pathogenesis of human sarcomas S.R. Baglio, M. Pegtel Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 27.250,00 24. Genomic biomarkers in tumor vesicles for minimally-invasive cancer diagnosis M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF 2012-5510 25. Prostate cancer M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam eerste geldstroom Head and neck cancer predisposition 26. Genetic characterization of HNSCC of young adults B.J.M. Braakhuis1, A. Nieuwint2, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 1Section Tumor Biology, Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Department of Clinical Genetics and Human Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Intramural support 27. High sensitivity to DNA damage in the aetiology of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young adults and individuals not exposed to tobacco smoke and excessive alcohol (SenseDNA) B.J.M. Braakhuis1, A. Nieuwint2, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 1Section Tumor Biology, Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Department of Clinical Genetics and Human Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Intramural support Head and neck carcinogenesis and cancer genes 28. Clinical significance of human papillomavirus infection in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma M. Rietbergen, C.R. Leemans, P.J.F. Snijders, B.J.M. Braakhuis, E. Bloemena, R.H. Brakenhoff 1Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF grant VU 2009-4531 29. Functional characterization of TP53 mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and association with clinical outcome M. Buijze, R.H. Brakenhoff, C.R. Leemans, B.J.M. Braakhuis Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI 2009, Avanti STR-Foundation 30. Identification of oncogenic microRNAs and cancer genes involved in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by a functional genomics approach M. van der Plas, B.J.M. Braakhuis, C.R. Leemans, R.H. Brakenhoff Section Tumor Biology, Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 114 31. MicroRNAs in head and neck cancer vacature, M. de Maaker, R.H. Brakenhoff Departments. Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center InteRNA HPV-induced tumors 32. Clinical evaluation of methyulation markers for risk assessment of high-risk HPV-positive women for cervical cancer and its high grade precursors L. de Strooper, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF 2009-4522 33. Comprehensive analysis of the long-term oncogenic capacity and in vitro transforming property of the 15 high-risk human papillomavirus types D.M. Schütze, R. van Baars, J. van der Marel, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen, W. Quint, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam HUMAVAC 34. Comprehensive molecular characterisation of a longitudinal in vitro model of high-risk HPV-mediated transformation V. Miok1, S.M. Wilting1, R.D.M. Steenbergen1, W.N. van Wieringen2, P.J.F. Snijders1 Department Pathology1 and Epidemiology & Biostatistics2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam St. VUmc CCA 35. Health-economic modelling of prevention strategies for HPV-related diseases in European countries H. Berkhof, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology and Biostatistiek&Epidemiologie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EU en ZonMw 36. HPV vaccination M. Mollers, M. Scherpenisse, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam RIVM 37. Identification and clinical validation of methylation markers for cervical adenocarcinomas and their precursor lesions S. Snellenberg, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 2007-3771 38. Identification of miRNAs and other ncRNAs as biomarkers for cervical cancer and assessment of their potential functional relevance in HPV-mediated transformation S.Wilting , P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Avanti STR 39. Improving detection-efficiency of CIN2+ in non responder-women that test positive for hrHPV in a self-collected sample: design of PROTHECT 3 trial V. Verhoef, F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5 Department Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol. Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5 St. Bevolkingsonderzoek midden-west 40. Improving detection-efficiency of CIN3+ in non responder-women that test positive for hrHPV in a self-collected sample: design of PROTHECT 3 trial F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5 Department Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol. Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5 St. Bevolkingsonderzoek midden-west 41. Profiling of aberrant microRNA methylation events that are functionally relevant during cervical carcinogenesis S.M. Wilting, R.D.M. Steenbergen, P.J.F. Snijders Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF 2010-4668 42. Self screen: biomarker-based companion diagnostic of HPV positive woman to detect cervical cancer D.A.M. Heideman, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen, C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Hospital Amsterdam NGI-Preseed 43. Simplified monitoring post-treatment CIN 2/3 women by molecular testing for hrHPV and methylation markers M. Uijterwaal1, C.J.L.M. Meijer1, Th.J.M Helmerhorst2, R.D.M. Steenbergen1 1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam KWF 2009-4413 Lung cancer 44. Evaluation of molecular sputum test diagnostic for lung cancer A.J. Hubers, D.A.M. Heideman, E.F. Smit, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen Department of Pathology1 and Pulmonology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2008-4220 Molecular diagnosis and genomics-based staging and personalized therapy of head and neck cancer 45. Improving molecular staging of surgically treated head and neck cancer patients: towards rationalized adjuvant treatment A.P. Graveland1, M. de Maaker1, E. Bloemena2, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Departments. 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, University Utrecht NKB/KWF 2005-3285 en 2006-3694 46. Molecular diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Q. Voorham, C.R. Leemans, B. Ylstra, R.H. Brakenhoff, B.J.M. Braakhuis Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 115 Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NKB/KWF 2006-3694 Personalized chemo-radiation of lung and head and neck cancer: airforce 47. Determinants of chemotherapy sensitivity S.R. Maartens-de Kemp1, C.R. Nagel1, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, A. Brink1, C.R. Leemans1, V.W. van Beusechem2, J.P. de Winter3, R.H. Brakenhoff1 1Section Tumor Biology, Department. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI grant 48. Determinants of radio and EGFR-mediated therapy sensitivity C.R. Nagel, C.R. Leemans, B.J.M.Braakhuis, R.H. Brakenhoff Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Airforce Retinoblastoma: genetics 49. Genomics to improve diagnostics and care of retinoblastoma patients E.I. Kooi1,5, B.M. Mol1, T. van Harn2, A.C. Moll3, J. Cloos4,5, G.J.L. Kaspers5, H. te Riele1,2, J.C. Dorsman1 Departments of 1Clinical Genetics, 3Opthalmology, 4Hematology, 5Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Stichting KIKA Kinderen Kankervrij 50. Retinoblastoma, molecular genetics and clinical consequences C.J. Dommering1, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, L. Henneman1, A.C. Moll2 1Department of Clinical Genetics, 2Department of Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center 51. The molecular carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma B.M. Mol1, E.I. Kooi1, A.C. Moll2, D.A.P. Rockx1, W.A Kors3, M.I. Bosscha2, C. Dommering1, H. Joenje1, H. te Riele1,5, J. Cloos3,4, J.C. Dorsman1 Departments. of 1Clinical Genetics, 2Ophthalmology, 3Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 4Hematology VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 5Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI Stichting Avantie STR (round 2008) Other projects 52. A quantitative proteome progression model for squamous cell cancer M. Rietbergen, E. Bloemena Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Nat Prot. Center 53. HAVANA-studie: HPV amongst vaccinated and non-vaccinnated adolescents R. Donken, H. de Melker, C.J.L.M. Meijer Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu, Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 54. Identification of novel oncogenes/oncomirs located at 13q involved in the progression of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma F.L.M. de Groen, R.D.M. Steenbergen, G.A. Meijer, B. Carvalho Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA 55. Molecular biomarkers for the stratification of metastatic colorectal cancer patients M. Cordes, D. Sie, B. Ylstra, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 56. Optimizing fecal immunochemical tests for early detection of colorectal cancer and adenomas 1I. Ben Larbi, 1S.T. van Turenhout, 1F.A. Oort, 1J.S. Terhaar sive Droste, 2V.M.H. Coupé, 3R.W.M. van der Hulst, 4A.A. Bouman, 7R.A. Kraaijenhagen, 5G.A. Meijer, 1C.J.J. Mulder Departments. of 1Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, 4Clinical Chemistry, 5Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 3Gastroenterlogy and Hepatology Kennemer Gasthuis Haarlem, 6Epidemiology, and 7NDDO Institute for Prevention and Early Diagnostics (NIPED), Amsterdam 57. Schadelastreductie baarmoederhalskanker door vernieuwend beleid ten aanzien van niet-deelnemers BVO-BMHKBHMK F. van Kemenade1, D.A.M. Heideman1, P.J.F. Snijders1, M. van Baal2, L. Masuger3, R. Bekkers3, W. Melchers4, R. Hol5 Department Of Pathology1 and Gynaecology2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department Gynaecology, UMCN3, Mol. Diagnostics, UMCN4, Delphi Biosciences5 Achmea Gezondheidszorg 58. Towards improved melanoma treatment: gene identification, in vivo modeling and drug target discovery D. Peeper, W.J. Mooi Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Program 2 Exosomes 1. EBV-MicroRNA containing exosomes: Trojan vesicles carrying hostile message D.M. Pegtel, D.A. Thorley-Lawson, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center and Tufts University, Boston, USA NWO-Veni, ZonMW2008 OZ05PAT110038 In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for tumor 2. In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for immunotherapy: reversal of suppression D. Oosterhoff1, J.J. Lindenberg1, R. van de Ven1, H. van Cruijsen1, S.M. Lougheed1, V.W. van Beusechem1, P. van den Tol3, D.T. Curiel4, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper2, T.D. de Gruijl1 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 116 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Surgical Oncology,VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Division of Human Gene Therapy, UAB, Birmingham, Alabama. NWO VIDI 917.56.321 Mycobacterial host-pathogen interaction 3. Immune modulation by ESX-5 secreted proteins of mycobacteria E.M. Weerdenburg, W. Bitter, B.J. Appelmelk Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam V-ICI 4. Live mycobacterium bovis BCG bacteria as a platform for the induction of enhanced tumor-antigen-specific immunity L.S. Ates, B. Appelmelk, J. Geurtsen, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 5. Mycobacterial factors involved in granuloma formation Esther Stoop, Gunny van den Brink- van Stempvoort, Theo Verboom, Wilbert Bitter, Christina Vanderbroucke-Grauls, Astrid van der Sar Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Smart Mix 6. Mysteries beyond the mycomembrane:biogenesis of the mycobacterial capsule and its role in the host-pathogen interaction R. van de Weert, B. Appelmelk, C. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.J.G. Geurtsen Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO/ALW VENI 7. Targeting of proteins to the mycobacterial type VII secretion system ESX-5 M.H. Daleke, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO/ALW 8. Unraveling a novel bacterial protein transport system: characterization of mycobacterial secretion system ESX-5 E.N.G. Houben, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Type 1 diabetes and coeliac disease 9. Type 1 diabetes and celiac disease in adults: Glycemic control and diabetic complications S.F. Bakker1, M.E. Tushuizen1, T.N. Wijmenga4, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, C.J. Mulder1, S. Simsek3 1. Departments of Gastroenterology and Hepatology; 2. Medical Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Department of 3Internal Medicine, Medical Center Alkmaar, Alkmaar and Department of Medical Genetics4 of the University Medical Center Groningen Coeliac Disease Consortium Other projects 10. A prediction model for the development of rheumatoid arthritis in anti-CCP and/or IgM rheumatoid factor positive arthralgia patients D. van Schaardenburg1,2, L. v.d. Stadt2, W.H. Bos1, C.L. Verweij1, K.A.G. Gelderman6, D. Hamann4, M. Boers5, B.A.C. Dijkmans1,2 1 Jan van Breemen Research Institute / Reade, 2 Department of rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Sanquin Research4, Clinical Epidemiology5 and Pathology6 VUMC Reumafonds DAA 0801034 11. Anti-inflammatory therapy and biomarker analysis during peritoneal dialysis A. Stavenuiter, E. Ferrantelli, T. Foster, K. Farhat, N. Paauw, D. Schooneman, P.M. ter Wee1, R.H.J. Beelen Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and 1Dept. Nephrology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Abbott, Dutch Kidney Foundation, Marie Curie ITN 12. Biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus J. Jacobs, M.W.P. Tsang-A-Sjoe, L-A. Korswagen, B.A.C. Dijkmans, I.E.M. Bultink, A.E. Voskuyl Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center 13. Ceramic microneedle arrays for skin vaccination R.J. Scheper, R. Luttge, T.D. de Gruijl Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Technical University Tweente seeding grant 14. Contribution of molecular epidemiology and host-pathogen genomics to understand Chlamydia trachomatis and Bacterial meningitis S.A. Morré1, EpiGenChlamydia Consortium2 1. Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control, 2. EpiGenChlamyda Consortium, (www.EpiGenChlamydia.eu): 20 European, African and US Universities and Institutes EU FP6 funded (Contract N°: 037637) and new funding NIH (2011-2014), NGI (2012-2014) and ETB grants (2011-2014 15. Cross-talk between MGL and galectin-1 in the regulation of tolerogenic responses in multiple sclerosis J.M. Ilarregui, G.A.Rabinovich1 and Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1IBYME;CONICET, Buenos Aires, Argentina Dutch Foundation MS Research 16. Dendritic cell targeting using nanovesicles to improve anti-cancer therapy W.W.J. Unger, M. Litjens, M. Verstege, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam SENTERNOVEM 17. Dendritic cell-targeted in vivo tumor vaccination: towards optimised prime-boost protocols B.N. Hangalapura1, D. Oosterhoff1, van de Ven1, J. van Moorselaar2, A.G.M. Stam3, R. E. Hooijberg3, V.W. van Beusechem1, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper3, Y. van Kooyk4, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Urology, 3Pathology, and 4Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 117 KWF-VU / Stichting CCA 2005-3284 18. Determination of the contribution of neuronal vs. mesenchymal expression of Raldh2 to lymph node development S.A. van de Pavert, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO 854.10.005 19. Development of a dermal substitute from human donor skin C.D. Richters1,2, N.J. Paauw1, R.H.J. Beelen, M.M. Ulrich3 1Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Euro Skin Bank, Beverwijk, 3Vereniging van Samenwerkende Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk Dutch Burn Foundation 20. Diagnosis and prognosis in early arthritis D. van Schaardenburg1, 2, K. Britsemmer1, L. van Tuyl, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, 2 1. Jan van Breemen Research Institute / Reade, 2. Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center Jan van Breemen Research Institute 21. Effect evaluation of home treatment program TBM, Cape Town, South Africa S. van Elsland1; P. Springer2; J. Schoeman2; A.M. van Furth1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA 22. Enteroviral infections in children S. de Crom 1, Dr. Ch. Obihara 1, M. Peeters 2, S.A. Morré 3 , A. M. van Furth 4 1Department of Pediatrics, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 2 Department of Medical Microbiology , St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 3Laboratory of Immunogenetica, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,VUmc, Amsterdam; 4Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 23. Evaluation of a new anti inflammatory treatments to improve healing of burns J Akershoek, C.D. Richters12, N.J. Paauw1, E. Middelkoop2, R.W. Kreis2, R.H.J. Beelen1, M. Ulrich2 1Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Vereniging van Samenwerkende Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk Dutch Burn Foundation 24. Exploration of novel therapeutic options for refactory CD (RCD) and EATL S. Cillessen, M. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, G. Bouma, C. Mulder Department Of Pathology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Celiac Disease Consortium (CDC/NGI) 25. Exploring the sweet spot in colon cancer mutations K. Lenos 1, R.J. Fijneman 2, Y. van Kooyk 1, S.J. van Vliet 2 Department of Molecular Cell Biology1 and Pathology 2 VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA 26. Galactofuranose containing glycoconjugates in the cell wall of Aspergillus: aspects of their biosynthesis and immunological function B. Tefsen1, J.H. Park2, A. Ram2, I. van Die1 1Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam and 2Institute of Biology, Leiden University, Leiden STW 27. Generation of tolerogenic dendritic cells P. Papadopoulos, G. Kraal Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Eurostar 28. Genetic profiling in bacterial meningitis M. Sanders1, S. Ouburg1 , S.A. Morré1 , A.M. van Furth2 1Laboratory of Immunogenetica, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 29. Glycan specificity of C-type lectins K. Bloem, S. van Vliet, N. Koning, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam TIPharma 30. Glycosylation changes in colon carcinoma E. Saeland, G. Meijer1, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology and 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam AICR 31. Glycosylation controls immune homeostasis J. J. Garcia-Vallejo, H. Kalay, I. Vuist, B. ‘t Hart2, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Immunobiology, Biomedical Primate Research Center, Rijswijk NWO-ALW VENI 32. Glycosylation of the Prostate Antigen PSA as predictive marker for prostate cancer M. van den Berk, S.J. van Vliet, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Eurostars 33. Helminth glycoproteins: a new therapeutic option to prevent or ameliorate MS? G. Kooij, L. Laan, C.D. Dijkstra, I. van Die Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam the Dutch Foundation MS Research 34. HLA-DQ genotype distribution in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus patients with concomitant Celiac Disease S.F. Bakker1, M.E. Tushuizen1, J.B.A. Crusius 2, S Simsek3 , C.J.J. Mulder1, B.M.E. von Blomberg4 1 Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands, 2 Laboratory of Immunogenetics,Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 118 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. The Netherlands, 3 Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Center Alkmaar, The Netherlands, 4 Department of Medical Immunology, VU University Medical Center, The Netherlands Coeliac Disease Consortium Identification of differentialy glycosylated glycoproteins in human milk and their effects on DCs N. Koning, E. Saeland, K. Bloem, S.J. van Vliet, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam TIPharma Immunogenetic, pharmacological and neurodevelopmental aspects of nosocomial sepsis and meningitis in preterm AGA and SGA infants F. van den Dungen1 , S.A. Morré2, P. Savelkoul3, M. M. van Weissenbruch1, A.M. van Furth4 1Department of Neonatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 2 Laboratory of Immunogenetica, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,VUmc, Amsterdam; 3Department of Medical Microbiology, VUmc, Amsterdam, 4Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam Immunogenetics and environmental factors in infectious diseases S. Ouburg1, Y. Pannekoek3, J. Lyons1, S. Verweij, M. Sanders, G. van Well, V. Smelov, J. Land5, C. Bruggeman6, C. Hoebe6, A. Catsburg8, P.H. Savelkoul8, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls8, M. van Agtmael9, M. van Furth 10, J.B.A. Crusius1, A.S. Peña1, S.A. Morré1 1Laboratory Immunogenetics, Department of Medical Mirobiology and Infection Control,, 2GGD Amsterdam, 3AMC Med Microbiol, 5AZM, Department Gynecol, 6AZM, Department Med Microbiol, 7Department Basic Dental Sci, 8Med Microbiol Infect Prev, 9Int Med, 10 Pediatrics, VUmc, NL Immunoglobulin A and neutrophil immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI) in mucosal infections M.W.M. van Hout1, L. van der Steen1, J.E. Bakema1,2, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center NWO Immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (Fc-alpha-RI)-induced inflammatory diseases L. van der Steen1, M.W.M. van Hout1, R. Korthouwer1, S. Pouw1, J.E. Bakema1, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and Surgery, VU University Medical Center NWO, Agentschap NL, MaagLeverDarmStichting Immunoprofiling in chronic inflammatory disease: (refractory) coeliac disease S.Gross1, R.L. van Wanrooij2, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten1, H.J. Bontkes1, K.A. Gelderman1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen1, B.M.E. von Blom¬berg1, R.L.J. van Wanrooij, G. Bouma2, C.J.J. Mulder2 Departments. of Pathology1 and Gastroenterology2, VU University Medical Center Celiac Disease Consortium (CDC/NGI) Immunoprofiling in chronic inflammatory disease: contact allergy D. Rachmawati1, J. Muris2, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten1, R.J. Scheper1, B.M.E. von Blom¬berg1, C.J. Cleverlaan2, A.J. Feilzer2, T. Rustemeyer3 Departments of 1Pathology1 and 3Dermatology3, VU University Medical Center; Department of Dental Materials Science2, ACTA, Amsterdam Immunoprofiling in malignant disease H.J. Bontkes1, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten1, K.A. Gelderman1, B.M.E. von Blom¬berg1, A.G.M. Stam2, TD de Gruijl2 Departments. of Pathology1 and Oncology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Importance of glycosylation on the function of dendritic cells M. Bax, J.J. García Vallejo, Y. van Kooyk Department of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA and Bridging grant from the Consortium for Functional Glycomics Improving early diagnosis of tuberculous meningitis in children R. Solomons1, J. Schoeman1, A.M. van Furth2 Departments. of 1Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA; 2Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Inflammatory host defense in children with Down syndrome C.J.M. Broers1, M.E.Wijerman1,2 ; R.J.B.J. Gemke1 , A.M. van Furth3,4 1Department of Pediatrics, VU medical center, 2Department of Pediatrics, Diaconesseziekenhuis, Leiden; 3 Department of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 4Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam iNKT and Vγ9Vδ2-T cell based immunotherapies for solid tumors F.L. Schneiders1, R.C. de Bruijn1, R.J. Scheper2, B.M.E. von Blomberg-van der Flier2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3, R.C. Roovers4, H.M. Verheul1, T.D. de Gruijl,1 H.J. van der Vliet1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4 Department of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands ZonMw Clinical Fellowship, KWF Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship Innovaties in beeldvorming en lokale behandeling van colorectale levermetastasen K. Nielsen1, M.P. van den Tol1, E.F.I. Comans2, M.R. Meijerink2, S. Meijer1 Departments of 1Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Interactions between CD169+ macrophages and dendritic cells H. Veninga, E. Borg, H. Kalay, Y. van Kooyk, G. Kraal, J.M.M. den Haan Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU2009-4504 Large scale generation and analysis of glycovariants of Derp1 that down modulate the immune response in allergic asthma J.J. Garcia Vallejo1, J.M. Ilarregui1, H. Kalay1, I. Heijink2, Y. van Kooyk1 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Laboratory of Allergology and Pulmonary Diseases, Department of Pathology and Medical Biology, University Medical Center Groningen, , Groningen Astma Fonds Macrophages and tumour development Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 119 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. R. Braster1, M. Bögels1,2, R.H.J. Beelen2, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Surgery and, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Eerste geldstroom via MCBI Macrophages as effector cells for monoclonal antibody therapy of cancer M. Bögels1,2, N. Gül2, R.H.J. Beelen2, J. Bonjer1, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Surgery and, 2Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Heelkunde Mechanisms of mesenchymal cell differentiation towards stromal lymph node cells J.J. Koning, G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO VICI grant 918.56.612 Metabolomics Study of Tuberculous Meningitis in Children S. Mason1, R.Solomons2, J.Schoeman2,R.Wevers3, C.Reinecke1, A.M. van Furth4 Departments. of 1Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SA; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA; 3 Clinical Chemistry, UMC, Nijmegen; 4Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Microbial control of the mucosal barrier function I. Hiemstra, K. Vrijland, G. Bouma, G. Kraal, J.M.M. den Haan Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Mocosa: an alternative test method for risk assessment of potentially harmful substances in the oral cavity J. Reijnders1, S.W. Spiekstra,1 , B.P. Vriens2,3, S. Gibbs1 1Dermatology, VU University Medical Centre, 2 ACTA, 3 Mucosa BV, Amsterdam ZON-MW Pre-Seed 40-41300-98-9044 MOG glycosylation and the induction of anti-inflammatory responses in Multiple Sclerosis I. Vuist, J.J. Garcia-Vallejo, B. ‘t Hart1, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 1Department Immunobiology, BPRC, Rijswijk Dutch Foundation MS Research Nerve regeneration in porcine wound models C.S. van den Brand 1,2, L. van der Steen1, N.J. Paauw1, R.H.J. Beelen1, M.M.W. Ulrich2, E. Middelkoop2, C.D. Richters,2,3 1Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Vereniging van Samenwerkende Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk, 3Euro Skin Bank, Beverwijk Dutch Burn Foundation Notch-signaling in tumor-specific T cells to improve anti-tumor immunity L.Kuijk, MI Verstege, T.de Gruijl, E. Hooijberg, Y. van Kooyk, WWJ Unger Department Mol Cell biol and Immunol , Pathology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA Novel in vitro assays for detection of sensitizers J. Reinders1, G. dos Santos1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, R.J. Scheper2, T. Rustemeyer1, S. Gibbs1 Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Centre Preclinical rheumatoid arthritis M.M.J. Nielen1, W.H. Bos1, L.A van de Stadt1, R.J. van de Stadt1, I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma2, J.W.R. Twisk3, H.W. Reesink4, D. Hamann4, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, 2 D. van Schaardenburg1, 2 1 Jan van Breemen Research Institute / Reade, 2 Department of rheumatology, medical statistics3, VUMC, Sanquin Blood Bank4. Predicting T-cell lymphoma development in refractory celiac disease patients by profiling of apoptosis pathways in intestinal T-lymphocytes J.M.W. van de Water1, L.R. de Baaij1, N.J.Hijmering2, W. Vos2, O.J. Visser3, J.J. Oudejans2,4, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, M.W.J. Schreurs2, C.J.L.M. Meijer2, C.J.J. Mulder1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2 Departments. of 1Gastro-enterology and Hepatology,2Clinical Pathology, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 4Department of Pathology, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht VUmc CCA PV06/18MDL Prevalidation of a two-tiered approach to determine the skin sensitising capacity and potency of chemicals J. Reijnders1, S.W. Spiekstra,1 , E. Corsini2 , R. Roggen3 , R. Pieters4, S. Casati5. C. Krul6, S. Gibbs1 1Dermatology, VU University Medical Centre, 2 University of Milan, Milan, 3 Novozymes, Denmark, 4 Hoge School, Utrecht, 5 ECVAM, Ispra, 6 TNO, Utrecht ZON-MW PAD grant 40-40100-94-09015 Prognostic and diagnostic marker analysis in (refractory) celiac disease S. Gross, B. M.E. von Blomberg, H.J. Bontkes, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten, K.A.G. Gelderman, G. Bouma, S. Cillessen, C.J. Mulder, F. Koning Department Of Pathology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, LU University Medical Center Leiden Celiac Disease Consortium (NGI) Proteasome inhibitors and effects on immune effector cells in autoimmunity and cancer G. Jansen, T.D. de Gruijl, R.J. Scheper, B. Dijkmans Department of Reumatology, Medical Oncology and Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Protection against inflammatory bowel diseases by glycan antigens E.J. Klaver1, L.M. Kuijk1, G. Kraal1, G. Bouma2, I. van Die1 1Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Department Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam the Broad Medical Research Program of the Broad Foundation (USA) Psoriasis and daily low emission phototherapy; effects on disease and vitamin D level S. Franken1, B. Witte2, S. Pavel3, T. Rustemeyer1 1Department of Dermatology, VUmc, 2Department of Statistics, VUmc, 3Department of Dermatology, LUMC Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 120 1Department of Dermatology, VUmc, 2Department of Statistics, VUmc, 3Department of Dermatology, LUMC 67. Regulation of functional differences between cord blood versus adult periperhal blood innate cells Y. Bar-Ephraïm, K. Lakeman, A. Baptista, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center LSBR (Landsteiner Foundation for Blood Transfusion Research) 68. Regulation of immune reactivity in inflammatory bowel disease A. Zwiers, M. Bajek, G. Bouma*, G. Kraal Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 69. Retinoic acid mediates macrophage differentiation towards a separate lineage G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO 70. Role of fibroblasts and subpopulations macrophages and other cell types in wound healing J.E. Glim, M. van Walraven, L. Butzelaar, N.J. Paauw1, F.J. Niessen, M. van Egmond, M.M. Ulrich, R.H.J. Beelen1 1Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, 2Vereniging van Samenwerkende Brandwondencentra Nederland, Beverwijk Dutch Burn Foundation. MOVE, NIRM 71. Role of immune responses focussing on DC in the pathogenesis of low risk and high risk myelodysplastic syndromes: implications for immunotherapy N. Kerkhoff, S. Kordasti, G. Mufti, T.D. de Gruijl, T.M. Westers, H. Bontkes, R. Mebius, A.A. van de Loosdrecht, G.J. Ossenkoppele Department Of Hematology, Medical Oncology, Pathology and Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU Universtity Medical Center, Amsterdam 72. Screening of new carbohydrate components that prevent pathogen binding to DC-SIGN M. Perdicchio, M. Ambrosini, W. Unger, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Carmusys FP7 EU Marie Curie Network 73. Signaling pathways in homeostasis and function of dendritic cells M. Beijer, G. Kraal and J.M.M. den Haan Department of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO-ALW Meervoud to J.M.M. den Haan 74. Skin and mucosal allergies to dental metals D Rachmawati, J. Muris1) von Blomberg BME, R.J. Scheper, .M.W. van Hoogstraten Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 1) Department dental materials Science, ACTA, Amsterdam, Department Nat. Educ. Indon., Directorat General of Higher Degree education Dept. Nat. Educ. Indon., Directorat General of Higher Degree education 75. Spatial dynamics of lectin-carbohydrate interactions S.J. van Vliet and Y. van Kooyk Department of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VENI NWO 76. Surgery induced development of liver metastases S. Grewal1,2, N. Gül1, R.H.J. Beelen1, J. Bonjer2, M. van Egmond1,2 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center NWO, Mozaiek 77. Synergistic effects of TLR ligands and oligosaccharides M.Boks and Y. van Kooyk Department Mol Cell biol and Immunol, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Tipharma 78. Targeting dendritic cells with glycosylated liposomes in defense against prostate cancer A.J. van Beelen1, B. Hangalapura2, T.D. de Gruijl2, Y. van Kooyk1 Departments. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center CCA/V-ICI 79. Targeting mMGL-1 and mMGL-2 on murine DCs to modulate immune responses I. Ouwehand, E. Saeland, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Research Institute: CCA/V-ICI 80. The design of glyco-peptide dendrimers to improve DC targeted antigen presentation M. Ambrosini, M. Perdicchio, H. Kalay, J.J. Garcia Vallejo, Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Carmusys FP7 EU Marie Curie Network 81. The development of immuno-competent human skin and oral mucosa equivalents and their use in determining factors involved in T cell skewing and imprinting I. Kosten1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, T. Rustemeyer1, R.J. Scheper2, T.J. De Gruijl2, S. Gibbs1 Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA OIO 82. The effect of HIV infection and AZT-3TC-NVP/EVF therapy on vascular and metabolic changes in patienst with HIV T.Msoka1, Y.Smulders2, M.van Agtmael2, J.Bartlett3, A.M. van Furth4 Departments. of 1Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SA; 2 VUmc, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3 John Hopkins, Baltimore, USA; 4Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 83. The generation of tolerance inducing vaccines J.B. Vos, K. Vrijland, G. Kraal Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 121 Eurostar 84. The host immune response to tuberculous meningitis D. Visser 1 , R.Solomons2, J.Schoeman2, A.M. van Furth1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, SA 85. The influence of vitamin A metabolism on immune cell differentiation in the gut Y. Bar-Ephraïm, G. Goverse, K. Lakeman, R.E. Mebius Department Of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA 86. The potential of Fc-alpha-RI as trigger molecule for antibody therapy of cancer J.E.Bakema1, S. Ganzevles , C. Tuk1, M. van Egmond1,2 Depts. of 1Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center eerste geldstroom 87. The rich focus in tuberculous meningitis: from pathology to mathematics M. van der Kuip1, M. El-Kebir1, D. Kirschner2, A.M. van Furth1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 2Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Wyeth (to MvdK) and the National Institutes of Health HL092853-01 (to DK) 88. The role of galectins in interaction of tumour cells with the immune system A. Belo, B. Tefsen, I. van Die Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VUmc, Amsterdam the Portuguese FCT to A. Belo and STW 89. The role of retinoic acid in regulation of gene expression during lymph node formation D. Schooneman, R.E. Mebius, S.A. van de Pavert Department Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NGI-Horizon 90. To develop a certified diagnostic test for monitoring disease activity in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (Eurostar project) A. Budding1, Applied Math2, P. Savelkoul1 Department of 1Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2St. MartensLatem-Belgie 91. Translating immune escape and genetic make-up of metastatic tumor cells into therapeutic targets for cervical cancer E.S. Jordanova 1,2, D. Ferns1, T. De Gruil 3, G.G. Kenter1 Departmenth Gynaecology1 , pathology 2 and immunology 3 VU University Medical Center 92. Vaccine delivery: alternatives for conventional multiple injection vaccines T. van Es, A.J. van Beelen, W.W.J. Unger, S.C.M. Bruijns and Y. van Kooyk Department of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam TIPharma 93. Variations in T cell glycosylation direct the interaction with dendritic cells S.J. van Vliet and Y. van Kooyk Departments of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Mizutani Foundation for Glycosciences Program 3 AML proteomics 1. Identification of protein profiles of the bone marrow microenvironment associated with apoptosis-resistance of acute myeloid leukemia S. Zweegman*, F.L. Kessler*, S.R. Piersma^, T. Pham^, J. Cloos*, G.J. Schuurhuis*, C.R. Jimenez^ * Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, the Netherlands, ^Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, the Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Antibody-based therapy with emphasis on head and neck cancer 2. Antibody derivatives as molecular agents for neoplastic targeting D. Vugts1, G.W.M. Visser2, A. Vervoort, I. de Roos, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, and 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Roche 3. Development of dual-specific nanobodies for cancer diagnosis and treatment M.J.W.D. Vosjan1, M. Stigter–van Walsum1, G.W.M. Visser2, R. Roovers3, P.M P. van Bergen en Henegouwen3, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3Department Cellular Architecture & Dynamics, Utrecht University, and 4Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich, Switzerland NWO/STW 10074 4. Imaging of cell surface antigen with radiolabeled antibodies D. Vugts, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center Roche 5. The selective targeting of angiogenesis and of tumour stroma R. Cohen1, R. de Bree1, M. Stigter-van Walsum1, G.W.M. Visser2, D. Neri3, C.R. Leemans1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 122 Department 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zürich, Switzerland European commision FP6-LSHC-CT-2003-503233 Brain cancer proteomics 6. Marker identification on brain tumor stem cells from malignant glioma U. Rajcevic1, S. Bougnaud2, J.C. Knol3, S. Piersma3, M. Sanzay2, T.V. Pham3, P. Nazarov4, N. Podergajs5, TT Lah5, M. Popović6, T. Strojnik7, R. Kavalar7, C.R. Jimenez3 and S.P. Niclou2 1 Blood Transfusion Center of Slovenia, R&D, Slajmerjeva 6, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 2 Norlux Neuro-oncology, Department of Oncology, CRP-Santé, Luxembourg; 3 OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 4 Microarray Center, CRP-Santé, Luxembourg; 5 National Institute of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 6 University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Medicine, Inst. of Pathology, Ljubljana, Slovenia; 7 University Medical Center, Departments. of Neurosurgery and Pathology, Maribor, Slovenia FNR Luxembourg (grant PDR-08-007 to UR) and CRP-Santé Luxembourg. 7. Immunohistochemical validation in human breast cancer of selected protein members of the mouse 45 protein BRCA1 deficiency signature P. van der Groep1,2, M. Warmoes3, J. Lam3, Y. Smolders2, E. Boven3, S. Rottenburg4, J. Jonkers4, P. van Diest2, E. van der Wall1, C. Jimenez3 1Division of Internal Medicine and Dermatology and 2Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, 3Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 8. Proteomics of mouse BRCA1-deficient and proficient mammary cell line secretomes reveals candidate biomarkers for non-invasive testing M. Warmoes¹*, S.W. Lam1*, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, S. Rottenberg2, E. Boven1, P. van der Groep3, P.J. van Diest3, P. Nederlof2, J. Jonkers2, C.R. Jimenez1 1 Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2 Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Pathology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. *Equal contribution. 9. Proteomics of mouse BRCA1-deficient mammary tumors identifies DNA repair proteins with diagnostic and prognostic value in human breast cancer M.O. Warmoes¹, J. Jaspers2, T.V. Pham1, S. Piersma1, G. Oudgenoeg1, M.P.G. Massink3, H. Meijers-Heijboer3, Q. Waisfisz3, S. Rottenberg2, E. Boven1, J. Jonkers2, C.R. Jimenez1 1Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3Department Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CenE/Van Lanschot and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 10. Proteomics of mouse breast cancer models identifies fatty acid metabolism proteins as predictive markers for cisplatin resistance M. Warmoes1*, J. Jaspers2*, S. Rottenberg2, B. Kumar2, S. Piersma1, J. Jonkers2*, C.R. Jimenez1* 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CenE/Van Lanschot and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Cervix cancer proteomics 11. Unravelling protein expression changes during HPV-induced transformation using a label-free proteomics approach C. van Alphen1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, P.J.F. Snijders2, R.D.M. Steenbergen2*, C.R. Jimenez1* 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, and 2Department Pathology, VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. *Shared corresponding authors VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 12. Colorectal cancer tissue spheroids: an in-depth proteomics analysis U. Rajcevic1, J.C. Knol2, S. Piersma2, S. Bougnaud1, T.V. Pham2, E. Sundlisaeter3, P. Enger3, R. Bjerkvig1,3, S.P. Niclou1 and C.R. Jimenez2 1NorLux Neuro-Oncology, CRP-Santé, Luxembourg, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Fonds National de la Recherche (FNR) of Luxembourg and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 13. Comparative proteomics of colon cancer stem cells and differentiated tumor cells identifies BIRC6 as a potential therapeutic target Van Houdt WJ1, Emmink BL1, Pham TV2, Piersma SR2, Verheem A1, Vries RG3, Fratantoni SA2, Pronk A4, Clevers H3, Borel Rinkes IH1, Jimenez CR2*, Kranenburg O1* *Shared corresponding authors 1University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Surgery, Utrecht; 2 OncoProteomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Hubrecht institute KNAW and University Medical Center Utrecht; 4Diakonessenhuis, Department of Surgery, Utrecht, The Netherlands 14. Proteomics of colorectal metastase tissue: high expression of serpinB5 (Maspin) is associated with poor survival in stage III and IV colorectal cancer Snoeren N1*, Emmink BL1*, Goos JA3, Piersma SR2, de Wit M3, Pham TV2, Belt EJ4, Bril H5, Stockmann HB6, Fijneman RJ3, Meijer GA3, Jimenez CR2, Kranenburg O1, Borel Rinkes IHM1 1 Department of Surgery, University Medical Center Utrecht, PO Box 85500, 3508 GA, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2 Department of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV, The Netherlands, 3 Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4 Department of Surgery, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 Department of Pathology, Kennemer Gasthuis, Boerhaavelaan 22, 2035 RC Haarlem, The Netherlands, 6 Department of Surgery, Kennemer Gasthuis, Boerhaavelaan 22, 2035 RC Haarlem, The Netherlands 15. The Secretome of Colon Cancer Stem Cells Contains Drug-metabolizing Enzymes Emmink BL1, Van Houdt WJ1, Pham TV2, Piersma SR2, Verheem A1, Fratantoni SA2, Borel Rinkes IH1, Jimenez CR2, Kranenburg O1 1 University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Surgery, Utrecht; 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 123 16. Building data bridges and services between biological and medical infrastructures in Europe R. Voorham, J. van Denderen, J. Beliën, J.W. Boiten, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam EU-KP7 Colorectal cancer proteomics 17. Cell surface proteomics identifies glucose transporter type 1 and prion protein as candidate biomarkers for colorectal adenoma-to-carcinoma progression M. de Wit1,2, C.R. Jimenez2, B. Carvalho1, J.A.M. Belien1, P.M. Delis-van Diemen1, S. Mongera1, S.R. Piersma2, M. Vikas4, S. Navani4 , F. Pontén3, G.A. Meijer1, R.J.A. Fijneman1 VU University Medical Center, Department of 1Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit) and 2Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), De Boelelaan 1117, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3Uppsala University, The Rudbeck Laboratory, Department of Genetics and Pathology, SE-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden. 4Lab Surg Path, Mumbai, India. Phillips research and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 18. Chromatin-associated proteins in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissues J.C. Knol1, J. Albrethsen1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, S. Mongera2, B. Carvalho2, M. de Wit2, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A. Meijer2, and C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, 2Department Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. The Netherlands VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam 19. Proximal fluid proteome profiling of mouse colon tumors reveals biomarkers for early diagnosis of human colorectal cancer R.J.A. Fijneman1, M. de Wit2, M. Pourghiasian1,2, S. Piersma2, M.O. Warmoes2, M. Lavaei2, P.M. van Diemen1, C. Piso1, E.C. Robanus-Maandag3, R. Smits4, R. Fodde4, V.W.M. van Hinsbergh2,5, G.A. Meijer1 and C.R. Jimenez2 1Department of Pathology, 2Department of Medical Oncology, 5Department of Physiology, VU University Medical Center, 3Department of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands 4 Department of Pathology, Josephine Nefkens Institute, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands Aegon International Scholarship in Oncology, and by the VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam 20. Stool proteomics reveals novel candidate biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening L.J.W. Bosch1*, M. de Wit2*, G. Oudgenoeg2, A.C. Hiemstra1, S. Mongera1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, J.S. Terhaar sive Droste3, F.A. Oort3, S.T. van Turenhout3, I. Ben Larbi3, C.J.J. Mulder3, B. Carvalho1, C.R. Jimenez2, R.J.A. Fijneman1, G.A. Meijer1 *These authors have contributed equally to this work. 1Department of Pathology, 2Medical Oncology and 3Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam and CTMM-DeCoDe Data mining 21. Computational analysis of phosphoproteomics data T.V. Pham, S.R. Piersma, J. Knol and C.R. Jimenez OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands Avanti Highthroughput serum peptide mass profiling for pattern diagnostics 22. Mass spectrometric serum peptide profiling for drug response prediction: signature validation T.V. Pham1, J.C. Knol1, J.S.W. Lind2, H.M.W. Verheul1, E.F. Smit2, C.R. Jimenez1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department of Pulmonary Diseases, VU University Medical Center VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam and Avanti 23. Serum peptide profiling in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with sorafenib and erlotinib: signature discovery T.V. Pham1, J.S.W. Lind2, J.C. Knol1, A.-M.C. Dingemans3, H.J.M. Groen4, P.E. Postmus1, E.F. Smit2*, C.R. Jimenez1* Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pulmonary Diseases VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 3Maastricht University Medical Center and 4University Medical Center Groningen VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Imaging: Brain tumours 24. Assessment of blood-brain barrier function in pharmacoresistant patients with tumor-related epilepsy F. Froklage1, R.A. Voskuyl7, J.J. Heimans1, N.H.M. Hendrikse3,4, J.C. Baayen2, R.M.C. Debets6, D. Velis5, A.A. Lammertsma3, J.C. Reijneveld1,5, Departments of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery and 3Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 4. Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center, Department of 5Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Departments of 5Neurology and 6Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede, and 7Department of Pharmacology, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Human Drug Research (L/A CHDR), Leiden Europese Unie Framework Program 7 (FP7 EURIPIDES project) Imaging: Colorectal tumours 25. Molecular imaging of early stage disease M. de Wit, R. Fijneman, M. van der Wiel, R. Lamerichs, C. Jimenez, J. Stoker, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM Imaging: Generic 26. Effect of anti-CD44 (RO5429083) and the bispecific antibody (A2V) treatment on tumor uptake of 11C-docetaxel in preclinical xenograft studies C.F.M. Molthoff1, I. de Greeuw1, M.Verlaan1, R. Bergstra1, A.A. Lammertsma1 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Roche Diagnostics, Germany 27. FLT- and FDG-PET imaging to support dose-finding for the CD-44 (RO5429083) program in pre- clinical xenograft studies C.F.M. Molthoff1, I. de Greeuw1, M.Verlaan1, R. Bergstra1, A.A. Lammertsma1 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Roche Diagnostics, Germany Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 124 28. In vivo imaging of Epstein Barr Virus Activation by cytolytic antiviral therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cell lines and xenograft models A.E. Greijer1, Z. Novalic1, M. Verlaan2, J. Eersels2, C.F.M. Molthoff2, J.M. Middeldorp1 Departments. of 1Pathology and 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMW2010, KWF VU 2010-4809 29. Quantitative imaging in cancer: connecting cellular processes with therapy: Data and Image Analysis (WP4) L.L. Hoyng, M. Yaqub, F. van Velden, R. Boellaard Department Of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Vu University Medical Center, Amsterdam IMI EU project QuicConcept (EORTC, CR-UK, EFPIA) 30. Technical validation of DW-MRI, FLT and ICMT-PET as read-outs of proliferation and apoptosis in drug development V. Frings1, L. Hoyng1, JPA Kuijer2, IC Pieters1, R Boellaard1, EF Smit3, W Menke-van den Houven v Oordt4, OS Hoekstra1 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Physics & Medical Technology, 3Pulmonary Oncology, 4Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam IMI EU project QuicConcept (EORTC, CR-UK, EFPIA) 31. Towards personalized treatment planning of chemotherapy: 11C-docetaxel PET studies in lung cancer patients A.A.M. van der Veldt1, M. Lubberink1, N.H. Hendrikse1,2, E.F. Smit3, A.A. Lammertsma1 Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, 3Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA 32. Towards targeted therapy: quantitative imaging with PET and long lived isotopes N. Makris, R. Boellaard, M.C. Huisman, A.A. Lammertsma Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Philips Healthcare 33. Validation of imaging response criteria in oncology: focus on FDG PET-CT S.N.F. Rizvi, A. Vincent, R. Boellaard, H. van Tinteren, O.S. Hoekstra Department Nucl Med & PET research, VU University Medical Center, and Department of Biostatistics, Neth Cancer Institute, Amsterdam 2 NIBIB projects funded by Rad Soc North America (RSNA) Imaging: Haematological malignancies 34. Immuno PET to personalize therapy in malignant lymphoma Y Jauw1, JM Zijlstra1, GAMS van Dongen2, MC Huisman2, R Boellaard2, D Vugts2, D de Jong3, OS Hoekstra2, S Zweegman1. Departments of 1Haematology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Pathology, VUmc KWF fellowship 35. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for detection of histologic transformation of indolent non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma M.J. Wondergem1, J.M. Zijlstra1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2, J.J. Oudejans2, O.S. Hoekstra3, M.E.D. Chamuleau1, S. Zweegman1, P.C. Huijgens1 Department of Hematology1, Pathology2, Radiology & Nuclear medicine, VU University Medical Center de Vilder Stichting Imaging: Lung Cancer 36. Quantification and tumor delineation with PET I. Nissen1, FH van Velden1, M Yaqub1, OS Hoekstra1, EF Smit2, R Boellaard1 Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine & 2Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center CTMM AirForce Imaging: Paediatric tumours 37. Development of pediatric brain tumor. Diffuse intrinxic pontine glioma (DIPG) models for improvement of imaging and therapy P. Wesseling1, T. Würdinger2, E. Hulleman3, G.J. Kaspers3 Departments of 1pathology, 2Neurooncology Research Group, 3Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, 4VU University RNC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Stichting Kika Imaging: Prostate cancer 38. Towards personalized therapy in prostate cancer: the role of imaging (preclinical and clinical studies) D. Oprea-Lager, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh, R.J.A. van Moorselaar, W.R. Gerritsen, A.A. Geldof, R. Boellaard, O.S. Hoekstra Departments Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, Medical Oncology, Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Imaging: Rheumatoid diseases 39. Detection of subclinical synovitis with (R)-11C-PK11195 positron emission tomography in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients in DAS clinical remission Y.Y.J. Gent, A.E. Voskuyl1, N. Ahmadi2, R.W. Kloet 2, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C. van Kuijk2, C.J. van der Lakenl1 Departments of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center 40. Development of imaging markers, using PET(-CT), for early detection of RA and therapy monitoring Y.Y.J. Gent1, K. Weijers1, I. de Greeuw2, M. Verlaan2, B. Windhorst2, A.A. Lammertsma2, O.S. Hoekstra2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, G. Jansen1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, C.J. van der Laken1 Departments. of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 41. Imaging of ankylosing spondylitis by PET-CT S.T. Bruijnen1 ,M.A.C. van der Weijden1, N.Hoetjes2, A.E. Voskuyl1, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. Boellaard2, J.P. Klein2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, I. E. van der Horst-Bruinsma1, C. J. Van der Laken1 Departments of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Immuno-PET, TKI-PET and optical imaging for diagnosis and therapy planning 42. Design and production of anti-body drug conjugates (ADC), anti-body tracer conjugates (ATC) and other disease-targeted devices D. Waalboer, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 125 LinXis 43. FLT PET and DW MRI as markers of proliferation: technical validation 1V Frings, 1IC Pieters-van den Bos, 2JPA Kuijer, 1OS Hoekstra, 2EF Smit, 3CW Menke-van den Houven v Oordt, 1R Boellaard Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Physics & Medical Technology, 3Pulmonology, 4Medical Oncology, VUmc EU IMI project Quic-Concept 44. PET tracers for (chemo)radiation of lung and head and neck cancer A. Poot1, N.H. Hendrikse2,3, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Departments. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine and 3Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center, CTMM Air Force 45. Pharmacokinetic modelling of PET tracers in oncology E Verwer, AA Lammertsma, EF Smit, OS Hoekstra, R Boellaard Departments of Pulmonology, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VUmc CTMM AiRForce 46. Phenotyping thyroid cancer using PET imaging 1J Kist, 2B de Keizer, 3OS Hoekstra, 3M van der Vlies, 3A van Lingen, 3MC Huisman, 4W Vogel Department of 1Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine UMCU, 3Radiology & Nuclear Medicine VUmc, 4Nuclear Medicine AvL/NKI KWF 47. Profiling responders in antibody therapies vacature, L. van der Laken, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center European Community 7th Framework Project 48. SelecTive aRmed Antibodies as Drugs Against cancer vacature, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center European Communitu Collaborative project 49. The development of radiolabeled tyrosine kinase inhibitors for PET imaging P. Slobbe, G.A.M.S. van Dongen Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medinie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 50. Validation of 11C-Erlotinib PETto personalize NSCLC therapy I Bahce1, EF Smit1, Yaqub M2, AA Lammertsma2, NH Hendrikse2,3 Departments of 1Pulmonology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VUmc KWF 51. Validation of 11C-sorafenib PET to stratify NSCLC patients for therapy W Mellema1, E Verwer2, R Boellaard2, AA Lammertsma2, OS Hoekstra2, EF Smit1 Departments of 1Pulmonology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VUmc Improvement of the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) 52. Detection of residual neck disease after chemoradiation by PET-CT S. Faraj-Hakim1, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. de Bree3 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 53. Development and validation of DW-MRI in head&neck oncology DP Noij1, R de Bree2, OS Hoekstra1, IC Pieters-van den Bos1, EFI Comans1, JA Castelijns2 Departments of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VUmc 54. Evaluation and prediction of response L. van der Putten1, O.S. Hoekstra2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Departments. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center ZonMw and CCA 945-04-311, 80-82305-98-08106 55. Improvement of the sentinel node procedure in head and neck cancer by PET-CT lymfoscintigraphy, optical techniques and minimal invasive surgery. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer Heuveling D1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2, A. van Schie2, O.S. Hoekstra2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Department 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 56. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer D. Heuveling1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 57. Response evaluation after chemoradiation for advanced oropharyngeal cancer using PET-CT and MRI C.S. Schouten1, J.A. Castelijns2, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. de Bree1 Department of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 171201005 58. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology and sentinel node biopsy in the detection of occult lymph node metastases of early oral and oropharyngeal cancer G.B. Flach, J. Castelijns, O.S. Hoekstra, A. van Schie, E. Bloemena, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, I. van der Waal, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 80-82305-98-08106 Lung cancer proteomics Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 126 59. Exploration of sputum to develop protein-based assays for early detection, prognosis and drug response of lung cancer T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, B. Colak1, J. Hubers2, E.F. Smit3, (Erik) F.B.J.M. Thunnissen2, C.R. Jimenez1 1 OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology; 2 Department of Pathology, 3Department Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 60. Novel candidate biomarkers for cisplatin response prediction and monitoring in NSCLC T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, N. Proost2, R. Nagel3, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R.H. Brakenhoff3, F.B.J.M. Thunissen4, E.F. Smit5, A. Berns2, C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, 2Division of Molecular Genetics and Centre for Biomedical Genetics, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck surgery, 4Department Pathology, 5Department Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CTMM Airforce Mining high dimensional proteomics data 61. Strategies for analyzing spectral count data in label-free tandem mass spectrometry-based proteomics T.V. Pham, J.C. Knol, S.R. Piersma, C.R. Jimenez OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, De Boelelaan 1117, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam and Avanti MKZ 62. Leukoplakie, histopathological, epidemiological and clinical analysis E. Brouns, E. Bloemena Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center MKZ Retinoblastoma: imaging 63. Clinical and experimental high resolution ocular MR imaging: towards improved detection of retinoblastoma tumor extent P. de Graaf1, P. van der Valk2, A.C. Moll3, S.M. Imhof7, A.Y.N. Schouten-van Meeteren4, D.L. Knol5, P.W.J. Pouwels6, J.A. Castelijns1 Departments of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine1, Pathology2, Ophthalmology 3 and Epidemiology and Biostatistics5, Physics and Medical Technology6, VU University Medical Center, Department of Pediatric Oncology4, Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, and Department of Ophthalmology, University Medical Center Utrecht Grant ZonMw-AGIKO 2006, ODAS Foundation, National Foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Blindenhulp Foundation, Dutch Eye Fund (Grant 2004-23) 64. Diagnosis of vital tumor tissue by OCT and MRI in retinoblastoma patients De Boer1, J.F., De Graaf P 2. Moll A.C.3 1Institute LaserLaB Amsterdam, Department of Physics, 2 Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3 Department of Ophthalmology KIKA 65. Imaging of retinoblastoma: advanced MRI techniques and associated abnormalities F. Rodjan1, P. de Graaf1, A.C. Moll2, P.J.W. Pouwels3, J.A. Castelijns1 1Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, 3 Physics & Medical Technology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ODAS Foundation 66. Multicenter implementation of MR imaging studies in children with retinoblastoma for assessment of response to chemotherapy and early detection of pineoblastoma and cranio-facial second primary malignancies M.C. de Jong1, P. de Graaf1, P. van der Valk2, W.A. Kors 3, P.W.J. Pouwels4, A.C. Moll5, J.A. Castelijns1 Departments of 1 Radiology & Nuclear Medicine,, 2 Pathology, 3 Pediatric Oncology, 4 Physics & Medical Technology, 5 Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ODAS Foundation 67. Radiogenomics in retinoblastoma patients M.C. de Jong1, B.M. Mol2, A.C. Moll3, J.C. Dorsman1, J.A. Castelijns1, P. de Graaf1 Departments of 1 Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Clinical Genetics, 3Opthalmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ODAS Foundation 68. Trilateral retinoblastoma: meta-analysis and cost-effectiveness of brain screening M.C. de Jong1, P. de Graaf1, J.A. Castelijns1, A. Moll2 1Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2 Department of Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands ODAS Foundation Signaling pathway proteomics 69. Global profiling of endogenous phosphorylation events by titanium dioxide based phosphoproteomics for signaling pathway and drug perturbation studies in cancer S.R. Piersma1, B.K. Sampadi1, T.V. Pham1, J.C. Knol1 and C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam. 70. Phosphoproteomics of glioblastoma cells: ΔEGFR targets and erlotinib effects J.C. van der Mijn1*, R. Piersma2*, Thang V. Pham3, Tom Wurdinger3, Henk Verheul1*, and Connie R. Jimenez2* 1Angiogenisis Laboratory, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, 3Department Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. *Equal contribution. VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam and VHS 71. Phosphotyrosine immunoprecipitation for phosphotyrosine-based phosphoproteomics S.R. Piersma1, R. de Haas2, K. van der Mijn2, J.C.. Knol1, T.V. Pham1, H. Broxterman2, H.M.W. Verheul2 and C.R. Jimenez1 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 127 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, 2Angiogenesis Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Targeted proteomics strategies for biomarker discovery 72. Novel identified proteins in cancer cell derived exosomes can change the behavior of healthy prostate cells I.V. Bijnsdorp1, M. Lavaei2, S.R. Piersma2, A.A. Geldof1, C. Jimenez2 1. Department of Urology;2. OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 73. Proteomics of exosomes secreted by cancer cell lines and primary cells reveals oncogenic signaling and biomarker potential M. de Wit1, R.J.A. Fijneman2 , M. Lavaei1, D.M. Fluitsma3, J.C. Knol1, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R. Steenbergen2, G.A. Meijer2, H.M.W. Verheul1, M. Pegtel2, C.R. Jimenez1 1Department Pathology, 2Department Medical Oncology, 3Department Mol. Cell. Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam 74. Secretome proteomics of breast and colon cancer cell lines: Carcinoma origin dictates differential functional macrophage phenotype Collaboration OncoProteomics lab (C. Jimenez), Pathology (R. Fijneman) and MCBI/Surgery (M. van Egmond) Collaboration OncoProteomics lab, Pathology and MCBI/Surgery, VU Univeristy Medical Center, Amsterdam 75. Protein Composition of exosomes yields new insights into the endosomal-exosomal pathway of B cells during infection and malignant transformation Koppers-Lalic D1,Knol J2, Pham TV2, Verweij F1, Piersma S2, Middeldorp J1, Jimenez CR2, Pegtel M1 1Department of Pathology, VUmc, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Other projects 76. A predictive role for noncancerous prostate cells; low connexin-26 expression in radical prostatectomy tissues predicts metastasis IV Bijnsdorp1, L Rozendaal2, RJA van Moorselaar1, AA Geldof1 1. Department of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2. Department of Pathology Stichting W. Pon 77. Advanced glioma and correlation with histological and molecular characteristics P. de Witt Hamer1, O. Hoekstra2, R. Boellaard2, F. Barkhof2, P. Wesseling3, J.C. Reijneveld4 Department of 1Neurosurgery, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Pathology, 4Neurology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA 78. Advanced medical imaging with PET and MRI to personalize therapy in prostate cancer patients D. Oprea-Lager1, R. Reinhard1, R.J.A. van Moorselaar2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh3, I. Bijnsdorp2, A.A. Geldof1,2, W.R. Gerritsen4, R. Boellaard, O.S. Hoekstra Departments of 1Radiology& Nuclear Medicine, 2Urology, 3Medical Oncology Vumc; Department of 4Medical Oncology UMCN 79. Allergenicity of palladium, development of new diagnostic techniques J. Muris1, C. van Kleverlaan1, M. von Blomberg2, I. van Hoogstraten2, R. Scheper2, T. Rustemeyer3, A. Feilzer1 1Department of Dental Materials Science, ACTA, 2Department of Pathology, VUMC, 3Department of Dermatology, VUmc 80. Assessing the need for isolation in a single room of patients colonized with highly resistant microorganisms C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.A.J.W. Kluytmans Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center ZonMw 81. B cells in the preclinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis S. Ozturk, C.L. Verweij Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 82. Blood platelet-based diagnostics P. Schellen1,2, M. Grabowska1,2, J. Nilsson2, Noske1,2, T. Wurdinger1,2 Departments of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI, NWO Pre-Seed, NWO PoC, NWO VIDI 83. Bone disease in Multiple Myeloma J.C. Regelink1, P. Sonneveld2, I.C. Pieters-van den Bos3, P.G. Raijmakers3, M. van Duin2, O.S. Hoekstra3, J.M. Zijlstra1, P.C. Huijgens1, S. Zweegman1 Department of hematology1, VU University Medical Center, Department of Hematology2, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine3 VU University Medical Center 84. Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacteriaceae in The Netherlands: development of phenotypical and molecular assays for detection and evaluation of the prevalence, risk factors and molecular epidemiology J.A.J.W. Kluytmans, C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center ZonMw 85. Cervix-care: biomarkers-based triage diagnosics for HPV positive women to detect cervical cancer C.J.L.M. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Eurostrats 86. Characterization of salivary gland tumors H. Matse, E. Bloemena Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam ACTA IOT 87. Characterizing genetic alterations in diffuse lage B-cell lymphomas occuring in immune provileged sites M.G.M. Roemer, B. Chapuy, M. Shipp, D. de Jong Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 128 Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School 88. Cross-regulation between TNF and IFN in rheumatidc arthritis T.D. de Jong1, S. de Ridder1, J. Beliën1, P. Welsing2, J. Luime3. C. Verweij1 1Department of Pathology, 2UMCU, 3Emc CTMM Reumafonds 89. Crypton: A genome-based generalized strategy to activate cryptic antibiotic biosynthesis gene clusters in Actinomycetales C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, W. Bitter Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center (samenwerking met RUG) STW Genbiotics grant 90. Development and validation of PET image analyis methodology L. Hoyng, O.S. Hoekstra, R. Boellaard Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine VUmc, Department of Biostatistics AvL/NKI 91. Development validation of predictive PET tracers in patients with colorectal cancer liver metastases J.A.C.M. Goos1,2, R. Fijneman2, J. Verbeek1, M.P. van den Tol3, H. Verheul4, A.D. Windhorst1, A.A. Geldof1, O.S. Hoekstra1, G.A. Meijer2 Departments of 1Radiology & Nuclear medicine, 2Pathology, 3Surgery, 4Medical Oncology, Vumc CTMM DeCoDe 92. Diagnostic monitoring of NPC and building a second center of expertise in Indonesia Gondowiyardjo S1, L. Adham1, A.N. Kurniawan1, J.M. Middeldorp2 1Univ Indonesia, Jakarta, 2Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 93. Dutch National Tissue Portal C. Steegers, F. van Kemenade, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam BBMRI-NL 94. EBV markers in CLL cases from Spain De Sanjose, J.M. Middeldorp Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 95. ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in The Netherlands and Egypt: a molecular comparison of human and poultry isolates C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, N. al Naiemi, P.H.M. Savelkoul Department Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Egyptische Ministerie van Volksgezondheid 96. EU IMI project Quic-ConceptDevelopment and validation of perfusion measurement imaging methodology G. Kramer1, M. Yaqub1, A.J. de Langen2, E.F. Smit2, O.S. Hoekstra1, R. Boellaard1 Department of 1Radiology & Nuclear medicine, and 2Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 97. Genomic biomarkers to predict development of RA (VERA, ERA) and therapy responsiveness (ESRA) J. Lübbers1, E. Mantel, A.E. Voskuyl, R. Out, C. Verweij 1Department Of Pathology, 2Department Of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Flexgen CTMM 98. ICT and data analysis J. Beliën, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM 99. Identification of clinically relevant genetic aberrations in pediatric glioneuronal tumors B. Ylstra1, P. Wesseling1, E. Aronica2, Schouten2 Department Of Pathology, 1VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2Amsterdam Medical Center Edli Foundation 100. Identification of differentially expressed genes in CML stem cells J.J.W.M. Janssen, W. Pouwels, B. van Kuijk, A. Zevenbergen, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Stichting Vanderes 101. Immunogenetics and disease profiling of Chronic inflammatory, autoimmune and Infectious diseases J.B.A. Crusius1, I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma2, S. Verweij, M. Sanders, G. van Well, V. Smelov, N. de Vries3, G.J. Wolbink4,5, A.A. van Bodegraven6, B.M.J. Uitdehaag7, C.H. Polman8, M. van Furth9, C. Verweij, A.S. Peña1, S.A. Morré1 1Laboratory of Immunogenetics, Department Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Rheumatology VU University Medical Center, 3Department Rheumatology, Academic Medical Center, 4Reade/Jan van Breemen Institute, 5Sanquin Research, 6Department Gastroenterology VU University Medical Center, 7Department Epidemiology & Biostatistics, 8Department Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 9Pediatrics, VUmc. 10Department Pathology, VUmc amongst others NGI (2011), and 2x NIH (2011). EU FPs: IBD-CHIP and EpiGenChlamydia ended in 2011 102. Improvement of the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) R. de Bree1, L. van der Putten1, A. Senft1, G. Flach1 , D.A. Heuveling1, S. Faraj-Hakim1, C.S. Schouten, 1 I. van der Waal2,, H. Karakazoglu2, E.F.I. Comans3, A. Van Schie3, O.S. Hoekstra3, I. Pieters-Van den Bos3, J.A. Castelijns3, E. Bloemena4, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, C.R. Leemans1 Departments. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, and 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 103. Involvement of miRNAs in gastric cancer G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam FCT 104. Laboratory tests in primary colorectal cancer B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland2, W. Corver3, B. Janssen4, W. van Criekinge5, G.A. Meijer1 Department Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2MUMC, 3LUMC, 4ServiceXS, MDXHEalth, Univ. Gent Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 129 CTMM 105. Measuring intraprostatic androgen concentrations using LC-MS/MS: from bench to bedside T. van der Sluis1, H.N. Bui2, IV Bijnsdorp1, J.J.L. Jacobs1, A.A. Geldof1, M.A. Meuleman1, M.A. Blankenstein, L2. Rozendaal3, A. Heijboer2, R.J.A. van Moorselaar1 and A. Vis1 Department of Urology1, Clinical Chemistry2 and Pathology3 VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 106. Medical technology assessment C. Uyl, V. Coupé, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM 107. Metastatic colorectal molecular laboratory tests B. Ylstra1, B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland2, W. Corver3, B. Janssen4, W. van Criekinge5, G.A. Meijer1 Department Of 1Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2MUMC, 3LUMC, 4ServiceXS, MDXHEalth, Univ. Gent CTMM 108. miR-200a inhibits meningioma cell migration and tumor growth by directly targeting non-muscle heavy chain Iib O. Senol1, T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser2, T.V. Pham2, S.R. Piersma2, S.M. Peerdeman3, T. Ströbel4, C.R. Jimenez2 and O. Saydam,1,5 1Department of Neurology and Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 2 OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 3Department of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, 5Molecular Neuro-Oncology Research Unit, Department of Pediatrics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria 109. Multimodal imaging of orthotopic tumors: validation study C.F.M. Molthoff1, A. Avan2, E. Giovanetti2, T. Lagerweij3, R. Bergstra1, I. de Greeuw1, G.J. Peters2, T. Würdinger3, D. Fuchs4, P. Trochet4, J. Jose4 Departments. of 1Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 2Medical Oncology, 3Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4VisualSonics Europe, Amsterdam 110. Multiplex NPC families in Taiwan A. Hildesheim2, J.M. Middeldorp1 1Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2 NCI-NIH, USA RTI, USA 111. Nucleotide variations in the human genome. Suitable markers for tissue identification and allelic instability testing M. Hermans2, H. van der Linden2, P. Savelkoul1 Department of 1Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Jeroen Bosch Ziekenhuis, Den Bosch JBZ 112. Overcoming Temozolomide (TMZ) resistance in glioma T. Würdinger1, P. Wesseling2 Department Of Neurosurgery1 and Pathology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. Stop Hersentumoren 113. Peri-implantitis, implant loss and radio-osteonecrosis in head and neck tumor patients H. Dekker, R. Ramawadh, E. Bloemena Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam ACTA IOT, Straumann, MKA 114. Peritoneal metastases from colorectal carcinoma; Diagnostic markers to identify patients that will benefit from radical surgical resection E. de Cuba1, H.J. Bonjer1, G.A. Meijer2, E.A. te Velde1 Department Of 1Surgery and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 115. Personalized Medicine in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis C.L. Verweij Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA 116. Personalized therapy in recurrent colorectal cancer J. Goos1, R. Fijneman1, A.A. Geldof2, O.S. Hoekstra2, L. Perk3, G.A. Meijer1 Department of 1Pathology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET reserach, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3BV Cyclotron CTMM 117. Phosphoproteomics for personalized treatment of acute myeloid leukemia with kinase inhibitors J.J.W.M. Janssen*, C. van Alphen, J. Cloos, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele, H.M.W. Verheul, C.R. Jimenez* Department of Hematology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Stichting VUmc CCA 118. Prediction of progression in low-grade glioma using chromosomal copy number alterations H.F. van Thuijl1,2, J.J. Heimans1, P. van der Valk2, B. Ylstra2, P. Wesseling2, J.C. Reijneveld1,3 Departments of 1Neurology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 3 Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Kankerbestrijding VU 2009-4470 119. Prediction of response in cervical cancer by genetic and proteomic profiling E.S. Jordanova1, 2 , I. Van Luijk 3, H. Zijlmans 4, P. Ottevanger 5, G.G. Kenter 1, 4 Departmenth Gynaecology1 and pathology2 VU University Medical Center, Departmenth Gynaecology Medical Centre Haaglanden 3, Departmenth of gynaecology of the NKI-AVL 4 , Departmenth of Medical Oncology University Medical Center Nijmegen5 120. Prediction of response to drug therapy in advanced colorectal cancer based on DNA copy number profiles of primary tumors J. Haan, J.H.J.M. van Krieken, C.J.A. Punt, G.A. Meijer Department Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 2007-3832 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 130 121. Predictive genomic biomarker methods for combination Bevacizumab (Avastin) therapy in metastatic colorectal cancer B. Ylstra Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam EU 122. Projectmanagement M. van Engeland1, C.J.H. van de Velde2, G.A. Meijer2 Department of Pathology, MUMC1, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam2 CTMM 123. Protein arrays and metabolite biomarkers to predict development of RA and response to therapy M. Blits, J. Lubbers, J. Wesseling, A.E. Voskuyl, P. van der Putte, C. Verweij Department Of Pathology and Rheumatology, VU Universtiy Medical Center Amsterdam, Flexgen CTMM 124. Reducing CRC death in stage II carcinomas by identifying high/risk stage II cancer patients who could benefit from adjuvant chemotherapy B. Diosdado, R.Q.J. Schaapveld1, G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 1InteRNA Technologies BV inteRNA 125. Tailoring of (immune-)therapy in R-CHOP refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) patients N. Rekers1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen1, G.J. Ossenkoppele2, J.C. Kluin-Nelemans3, C.J.L.M. Meijer1 Departments. of 1Pathology, 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Department of Hematology, UMCG KWF 2007-3858 126. The role of focal adhesion kinas (FAK) in response to anti-EGFR therapy in KRAS wild-type colorectal cancers G.A. Meijer Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam PathSoc 127. To treat or not to treat: prostasome prostate cancer diagnostics I.V. Bijnsdorp, A.A. Geldof, M. Pegtel, B. Ylstra, L. Rozendaal, C. Jimenez, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh, T. Wurdinger, R.J.A. van Moorselaar Department of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA 128. Towards a molecular understanding of the preclinical phase and therapy responsiveness in rheumatoid arthritis C.L. Verweij Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA 129. TRACER ICT J. Lubbers, M. Blits, S. de Ridder, J. Beliën, C. Verweij Department of Pathology and Reumatology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 130. Translational Research IT R. Fijneman1, C. Jimenez2, B. Ylstra1, J.W. Boiten1, J. Beliën1, G.A. Meijer1 Department of 1Pathology, 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM 131. Understanding the molecular basis of the differential INFB response in relapsing remitting MS C. Verweij1, Ch. Polman2, J. Killestein2 Department of 1Pathology, 2 Neurology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam MS stichting 132. Validating FDG PET as a biomarker of response S.N.F. Rizvi, A. Vincent, H. van Tinteren, R. Boellaard, O.S. Hoekstra Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine VUmc, Department of Biostatistics AvL/NKI NIBIB (USA) 133. Validation of citrulline as a marker of small intestine absorption capacity: a pilot study J.H.C. Peters1, N.J. Wierdsma2, C.J.J. Mulder1, P.A.M. van Leeuwen3 and A.A. van Bodegraven1 1Department of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel Disease Unit, 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, 3Department of Experimental Surgery, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 134. Validation of quantitative procedures for immunoPET N. Makris, R. Boellaard, M.C. Huisman Department Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Philips Health Care Program 4 AML and CML 1. Application of bortezomib in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia D. Niewerth1,2, J. van Meerloo1, S. Zweegman2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, G. Jansen3, J. Cloos1,2 Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology and 3Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting KIKA 2. Characterization of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 J. Cloos1,2. Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF KWF 2005-3666 3. Drug resistance in childhood leukemia Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 131 N.E. Franke1, J. van Meerloo1,2, D Niewerth1,2, S.E. Verbrugge3, R.X. de Menezes4, W.J. Chng6, B.A.C. Dijkmans3, Y.G. Assaraf7, G.J.L. Kaspers1, G. Jansen3, J. Cloos1,2 Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology, 3Rheumatology and 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics , VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Medicine, National University of Singapore, 7Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Stichting Translation Research and ZonMw PV06/08 CCA 4. Improvement of diagnosis of childhood leukemia in the Yogyakarta special region in Indonesia E. Supriyadi1, A.J.P. Veerman2, Purwanto1, P.H. Widjajanto1, S. Mostert2, M.N. Sitaresmi1, Sutaryo1, J. Cloos2,3. 1Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2Departments of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF IN-2006-22 5. Improvement of prognosis of pediatric AML by identification and characterization of (stem) cells responsible for development of relapse R. Wouters1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 J. Cloos1,2. Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA 6. Protein tyrosine phosphatases as novel treatment targets in acute myeloid leukemia M. Irandoust1,2, M. Akyuz1,2, E. de Bruijn3, A.J.F. Broekhuizen1,2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. Cuppen3, J. Cloos1,2 Departments. of 1Pediatric Hematology/Oncology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Genomic Biology Department, Hubrecht institute, Utrecht Stichting KiKa 7. Targeting of CLEC12A positive AML stem cells with antibody-drug conjugates and bispecific CLL-1xCD3 BiTE antibody P. Noordhuis, M. Terwijn, A.R. Rutten, S. Piersma, C. Jimenez., G.J.Ossenkoppele, G.J.Schuurhuis Department of Hematology and Onco Proteomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Crucell Nederland 8. The function of EVI-1 in leukemic stem cells of acute myeloid leukemia B. Venniker-Punt, G. Brasser, H. Verhagen, D. de Leeuw, A. Rutten, P. Merle, G. Ossenkoppele, G.J. Schuurhuis, L. Smit Department of Hematology University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Interna and St. Vu Steunfonds Hematologie 9. The role of impaired FPGS splicing in methotrexate response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia A.M. Wojtuszkiewicz1,2, G.J. Peters3, G. Jansen4, Y.G. Assaraf5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,2 Oncology/Hematology, 2Hematology, 3Medical Oncology and 4Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 5Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Stichting KIKA (kinderen kankervrij) 10. The role of minimal residual disease, and leukemic stem cells herein, in clinical decision making W. Zeijlemaker, G.J. Ossenkoppele, GJ. Schuurhuis Department Of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. VU Steunfonds Hematologie Brain 11. Drug distribution and local drug delivery in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma S.E.M. Veldhuijzen van Zanten, D.G. van Vuurden, M.H.A. Jansen, W.P. Vandertop, G.J.L. Kaspers Department Of Paediatric Oncology and Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 12. Targeted therapy in pediatric brain tumors D.G. van Vuurden1,4, E. Hulleman2,4, P. van der Stoop2,4, T. Wurdinger2,4, M. Irandoust1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,3 Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Hematology and 4Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VONK 13. Testing novel treatment modalities for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) in in vivo animal models A.C.P. Sewing2,3, M.H. Jansen2, D.P. Noske1,3, R.K. Puri, E. Hulleman2,3, G.J.L. Kaspers2 Departments of 1Neurosurgery and 2Pediatric oncology / 3Neuro-oncology Research Group Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 4Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, Food and Drug Administration, NIH KiKa 14. Towards novel therapeutics for the treatment of pediatric high-grade glioma S.J.E. Veringa,1,2, D.G. van Vuurden1,2, M.H.A. Jansen1, D. Biesmans1,2, L.E. Wedekind1,2, I. Horsman3, P. Wesseling2,4, W.P. Vandertop5, D.P. Noske2,5, T. Wurdinger2,5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, E. Hulleman1,2,# Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Neuro-oncology research group, 3Clinical Genetics, 4Pathology and, 5Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EDLI foundation/ VUmc CCA Combination radiotherapy, chemotherapy and molecular markers 15. Study on the interaction between angiogenesis inhibition and radiotherapy E.A. Kleibeuker1, K. Castricum1, S. Senan1, A.W. Griffioen2, H.M. Verheul2, B. Slotman1, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,2 Departments. of 1Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center (Stichting VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam Stichting VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam CCA2011-1-03 Combined radiotherapy with conventional chemotherapy and molecular targeted agents 16. Combined radiotherapy with conventional chemotherapy and molecular targeted agents Senan S, Lagerwaard FJ, Spoelstra F, Lind JSW, Phernambucq ECJ, Smit EF, Thijssen VLJL, Slotman BJ Departments of Radiation Oncolog, Pulmonology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Imaging: Colorectal tumours 17. Treatment optimization of cetuximab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer based on tumor uptake of 89Zrlabeled cetuximab assessed by PET C.W. Menke-van der Houven van Oordt, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, O.S. Hoekstra, J.J. van der Vliet, M. Labots, C. van Montfrans, A. Beeker, H.M.W. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 132 Imaging: Paediatric tumours 18. Development of preclinical pediatric brain tumor imaging models L. Hiddingh1,2,3, V. Caretti1,2,3, T. Lagerweij1,2,3, E. Hulleman1,2,3, G.J. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2, C. Molthoff4, B.A. Tannous4, D. Noske2,3, T. Wurdinger2,3,5 Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, 4VU University RNC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Stichting KiKa 19. Treatment strategies and new diagnostic tools for malignant pontine gliomas M.H.A. Jansen1, D.G. van Vuurden1, W.P. Vandertop2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3,4, O.S. Hoekstra4, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Department Pediatrics, Pediatric Oncology/-Hematology, 2Department Neurosurgery, 3Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and 4Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 4Department Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VONK, Semmy Foundation Imaging: Rheumatoid diseases 20. Imaging and targeting of macrophage folate receptor-beta in rheumatoid arthritis K. Weijers1, Y.Y.J. Gent1, G. Jansen1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, A.D. Windhorst2, J.W. van der Heijden1, A. Voskuyl1, P.S. Low3, M. Ratnam4, Y.G. Assaraf 5, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, and C.J van der Laken1 Departments. of 1Rheumatology and 2PET-Center/Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Endocyte, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. U.S.A., 5Department of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Nationaal Reumafonds NRF-09-404 Immunotherapy 21. A phase I open-label clinical trial, evaluating the therapeutic vaccine hVEGF-trunc/PEP-A10 in patients with advanced solid tumors M. Wentink, T. de Gruijl, J. van der Vliet, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 22. Development of DCOne and novel AML-derived cell lines for DC-based allogeneic tumor vaccination R. van de Ven1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, D. Oosterhoff2, M. Koppes3, P.J.G.T.B. Wijnands2, A. Reurs2, M. Meerendonk2, J. Kaspers2, S. van Wetering2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, Rik J. Scheper1,4, G.J. Ossenkoppele3, A.A. van de Loosdrecht3, A.M. Kruisbeek2, T.D. de Gruijl1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2DC Prime BV, and the Departments of 3Hematology and 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. DC Prime, Biopartner FSG & Senter Grant, ZonMW Translationeel Research Grant 40-41200-98-9106 23. Immune correlates of clinical response and survival in castration resistant prostate cancer patients treated with Prostate GVAX and anti-CTLA4 immunotherapy S.J.A.M. Santegoets2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, A.G.M. Stam2, S.M. Lougheed1, H. Gall1, P.E.T. Scholten2, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, E. Hooijberg2, K. Jooss4, N. Sacks4, K. Hege4, I. Lowy5, R.J. Scheper2, W.R. Gerritsen1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pathology of the VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 4Cell Genesys Inc.,South San Francisco, CA; 5Medarex, Bloomsbury, NJ Prostate Cancer Foundation Research Award, Dutch Cancer Society KWF-VU 2006-3697 24. Immunomodulation of the sentinel lymph node B.D. Koster1, M.F.C.M. van den Hout2, R. van de Ven1, B.J.R. Sluijter3, K.M. van Pul4, S.M. Lougheed1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, R.J.C.L.M. Vuylsteke4, H.B.A.C. Stockmann4, P.A.M. van Leeuwen3, S. Meijer3, R.J. Scheper2, P. van den Tol3, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments of 1Surgical Oncology, 2Medical Oncology, and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 4Department of Surgery, Kennemergasthuis, Haarlem, The Netherlands. Harry J. Lloyd Charitable Trust, Heelkundefonds 25. Optimalisation of immunomodulating therapies in IBD treatment D.P. van Asseldonk1, M.L. Seinen1, K.H.N. de Boer1, C.J, Mulder1, A.A. van Bodegraven1 Department of 1Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center Gastrostart 26. Phase I-II study of everolimus and low-dose oral cyclophosphamide in patients with metastatic renal cell cancer C.M. Huijts1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, L.S. Pijpers1, J.B. Haanen2, T.D. de Gruijl1, H.M. Verheul1, H.J. van der Vliet1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2 Division of Immunology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer 27. Electrochemotherapy D.H. Heuveling, R. de Bree Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam IGEA 28. Hypothyroidism after treatment for laryngeal cancer A.M. Lo Galbo, R. de Bree, C.R. Leemans Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 29. Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer. General aspects. R. de Bree1, L. van der Putten1, A. Lo Galbo1, D.A. Heuveling1, S. Faraj-Hakim1, P. Doornaert2, I. van der Waal3, J. Buter4 , O.S. Hoekstra5, J.A. Castelijns5, C.R. Leemans1 Departments. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiation Oncology, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4 Medical Oncology, 5 Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 30. Salvage treatment after (chemo)radiation L. van der Putten, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Late effects of brain tumor therapy 31. Efficacy and toxicity of cerebral glioma treatment Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 133 I. Bosma1, M.J. Vos1,13, E. Sizoo1, M. de Groot1, F. Foklage1, T.J. Postma1, J.C. Reijneveld1,11, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,13, W.P. Vandertop2,12, J.C. Baayen2, D. Noske2, B.J. Slotman¬3, F.J. Lagerwaard3, J. Buter4 , M. Klein5, O.S. Hoekstra6, F. Barkhof7, E. Sanchez7, P. van der Valk8, A.A.T.P. Brink8, M.A. Blankenstein9, J. Berkhof10, J.J. Heimans1 Department of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Radiotherapy, 4Medical Oncology, 5Medical Psychology, 6 Nuclear medicine, 7Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 8Pathology, 9Clinical Chemistry, and 10Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Department of 11Neurology and 12Neurosurgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 13Department of Neurology, MC ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag Oncolytic adenovirus 32. Enhancement of the oncolytic potency of conditionally replicative adenoviruses W. Dong1, K.Y. Au1, A. Gros2, J.W.G. van Ginkel1, M. Cascallo2, W.R. Gerritsen3, R. Alemany2, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van Beusechem1,3 1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Translational Research Laboratory, IDIBELL-Institut Català d’Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain; and 3Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 33. Exploiting miRNA to enhance oncolytic adenovirus potency J.W.H. van Ginkel1, C. Vermeulen2, J. Hodzic2, R.W.D. Kleinendorst2, A. Vermeulen3, J. Karpilow3, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van Beusechem1,2 1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dharmacon RNAi Technologies, Lafayette, CO, USA 34. Virotherapy of glioblastoma multiforme using an infectivity-enhanced selectively replication-competent adenovirus V.W. van Beusechem1, M.L.M. Lamfers2, J.M. Amado de Azevedo1, I.H. van der Meulen-Muileman1, S. Idema3, W.R. Gerritsen1, W.P. Vandertop3, D.P. Noske3, C.M.F. Dirven2 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology and 3Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department Neurosurgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam ZonMw Translationeel Gentherapeutisch Onderzoek 43200003 Personalized medicine 35. A randomized multicenter clinical trial for patients with multi-ORgan, Colorectal cancer metastases comparing the combination of cHEmotherapy and maximal tumor debulking versuS chemoTheRapy Alone: ORCHESTRA. T. Offringa, E. Gootjes, M. Neerincx, T. Buffart, D. Van der Peet, K. Verhoef, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 36. Image guided treatment optimalization with cetuximab for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer: COLOCETUX TRIAL II. C. Menke-van den Houven v Oordt, O.S. Hoekstra, D. Vugts, M.C. Huisman, GAMS van Dongen, H. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 37. Measurement of tumor kinase inhibitor concentrations using PET imaging in patients with advanced solid malignancies 1C. Menke-van den Houven v Oordt, 2OS. Hoekstra, 2M. Yaqub, 2A.A. Lammertsma, 1H. Verheul Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 38. Pilot study on the determination of intratumoral concentrations of kinase inhibitors in patients with advanced solid malignancies M. Labots, M. Neerincx, J. van der Mijn, G. Peters, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 39. Prediction of response to kinase inhibitors based on protein phosphorylation profiles in tumor tissue from advanced renal cell cancer patients J. van der Mijn, M. Labots, C. Jimenez, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 40. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for lung cancer and comparative effectivess research S. Senan, D.A. Palma2, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, F.J. Lagerwaard, C.J. Haasbeek, C.L. Ong, A.V. Louie, D. Rodrigues, N.E. Verstegen, J.P. Cuijpers, A.V. Louie2, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada 41. Stereotactic ablative ratiotherapy (SABR) for oligometastases M. Dahele, C.J.A. Haasbeek, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, D.A. Palma2, B.J. Slotman, S. Senan Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 1Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada 42. Target identification specific for leukemic stem cells of acute myeloid leukemia H. Verhagen1, F. Denkers1, R. Kerkhoven4, M. Terwijn1, A. Rutten1, W. Pouwels1, B. Ylstra2, R. Menezes3, G. Ossenkoppele1, G.J. Schuurhuis1 and L. Smit1. Department of Hematology1, Microarray Facility, Department of Pathology2, Department of Biostatistics3, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Prostate Cancer 43. A phase I/II trial of Cabazitaxel +/- Rhenium-188 HEDP in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer who progressed on or after a docetaxel containing treatment. The ReCab trial. J. van Dodewaard-de Jong, H. Bloemendal, J. De Klerk, A. van den Eertwegh, A. ten Tije, O. Hoekstra, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 44. A Randomised, Phase II, Study of Repeated Rhenium-188 HEDP combined with Docetaxel versus Docetaxel alone in Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer (CRPC) Metastatic to Bone J. van Dodewaard-de Jong, H. Bloemendal, J. De Klerk, A. van den Eertwegh, A. ten Tije, O. Hoekstra, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 45. Experimental therapy rationale for prostatic cancer A.A. Geldof1,2, I.V. Bijnsdorp1, J.J.L. Jacobs1, W. Den Otter1, D. Oprea2, A. Vis1, O.S. Hoekstra2 and R.J.A. van Moorselaar1 Departments. of 1Urology and 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Radiotherapy 46. Image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 134 S. Senan, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, M. Dahele, J.R. van Sörnsen de Koste, P. Doornaert, J.P. Cuijpers, F.J. Lagerwaard, C.L. Ong, C.J. Haasbeek, F.O.B. Spoelstra, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 47. Innovative techniques for intracranial stereotactic radiotherapy Lagerwaard FJ, Meijer OWM, Haasbeek CJA, Vandertop WP, Baaijen JC, van den Berg R, Postma TJ, Leemans CR, Slotman BJ Departments. of Radiation Oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Varian - RapidArc Resistance to therapy 48. A phase I study of high dose, intermittent sunitinib in patients with solid tumors M. Rovithi, J. Voortman, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 49. Elucidating TMZ resistance in glioma L. Hiddingh1,2,3, G.J. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2, P. Wesseling4, B.A. Tannous5, D. Noske2,3, J. Jeuken4, T. Wurdinger2,3,5 Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, 4Pathology, RUNMC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Stichting www.stophersentumoren.nl 50. Molecular basis of sensitivity/resistance for folate antagonist and experimental targeted drugs G. Jansen1, J.W. van der Heijden1, M.C. Al1, R.J. Scheper2, J. Cloos3, N.E. Franke3, S.E. Verbrugge1, M. Blits2, R. de Jonge5, G.L. Scheffer2, G.J. Peters4, C.L. Verweij1,2, Y.G. Assaraf 6 and W.F. Lems1 Departments. of 1Rheumatology, 2Pathology, 3Pediatric Oncology and 4Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 Department of Clinical Chemistry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6Department of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel 51. Phase II study of sunitinib rechallenge in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma C. Huijts, M. Labots, T. de Gruijl, J. van der Vliet, G. Peters, A. van den Eertwegh, H. Verheul et al Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 52. Targeted therapy of osteosarcoma J. Posthuma de Boer1, M. N. Helder1, V.W. van Beusechem2, G.J.L. Kaspers3,B.J. van Royen1 1 Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2 Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center and 3 Department of Pediatric Oncology/Haematology, VU University Medical Center The Strategic Regeneration Network, Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark; VONK and the department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 53. Targeting resistance to radio-chemotherapy by inhibition of the PI3Kinase-Akt signaling pathway R.S. Narayan1, C.A. Fedrigo2, L.J.A. Stalpers3, B. G. Baumert4, M.E. van Linde5, N.A.P. Franken3, J. van den Berg1, J. Theys4, G.J. Peters5, B.J. Slotman1, T. Wurdinger6, P. Sminia1 Departments. 1Radiation Oncology, 5Medical Oncology,6 Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center; 2Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio Grande do Sul; Department 3Radiation Oncology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; 4Department Radiation Oncology Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum KWF 2010-4874 RNAi 54. Identification of genes involved in resistance of lung cancer cells to cisplatin E. Siebring-van Olst1, R.X. de Menezes2, E.F. Smit1, V.W. van Beusechem3 Departments. of 1Pulmonary Diseases, 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and 3Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting CCA / Walter Bruckerhoff Stiftung 55. Identification of genes involved in resistance of prostate cancer cells to irradiation J. Hodzic1, B. van Triest2, A. Geldof3, R.X. de Menezes4, W.R. Gerritsen1, M. Verheij2, V.W. van Beusechem1,5 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 3Urology, 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics and 5RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Stichting CCA Symptoms and symptomatic treatment of cerebral glioma 56. Correlation between SV2A expression in tumour tissue and efficacy of levetiracetam in glioma patients with epilepsy M. de Groot1, J.J. Heimans1, E. Aronica5, C.J. Vecht6, M. Klein3, C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, and 3Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Departments of 4 Neurology and 5 Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, and 6Department of Neurology, Medical Center ‘Haaglanden’, The Hague UCB Pharma Nederland BV Other projects 57. A multicenter, randomized phase II trial of paclitaxel plus bevacizumab versus paclitaxel, bevacizumab plus capecitabine in HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastastic breast cancer S.W. Lam, A.H. Honkoop, S. de Groot, S v.d. Wildt, H. van Tinteren, E. Boven Departments. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center and BOOG Study Center Amsterdam Industry 58. Absorptiometry in ICU patients R.J.M. Strack van Schijndel1, N.J. Wierdsma2, A.A. van Bodegraven3 1Department of Intensive Care, 2Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and 3Department of Gastroenterology, Small Bowel Disease Unit VU University medical centre, Amsterdam 59. Activity of Novel Irreversible Inhibitors of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor in Non Small Cell Lung Cancer E. Galvani,a,b C. Carmi,c F. Vacondio,c A. Cavazzoni,a R.R. Alfieri,a E. Giovannetti,b M. Mor,c P.G. Petronini,a G.J. Peters.b a University of Parma, Department of Experimental Medicine, Italy; bVU University Medical Center, Department of Medical Oncology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; c University of Parma, Pharmaceutical Department, Italy Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 135 60. An miRNA-based angiostatic drug for treatment of cancer A.W. Griffioen1, J.R. Van Beijnum1, R. Schiffelers2, R. Schaapveld3 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Pharmacology, UU Utrecht. 3InteRNA BV, Utrecht TI Pharma 2010 61. Assessment and optimization of carboplatin exposure in pediatric oncology using different markers of kidney function H.N. Blufpand1, F.C.H. Abbink1, G.J. Peters2, B. Stoffel-Wagner4, A. Bökenkamp3, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Pediatric Oncology, 2Medical Oncology, 3Pediatric Nephrology VU University Medical Center and 4Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology, Bonn University Medical Center VUmc Research on Childhood Cancer – VONK 62. Brainstem tumors: development of anti-tumor drugs for convection enhanced delivery V. Caretti1,2,3, E. Hulleman2,3, J. Cloos2,3, W.P. Vandertop1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers2,3, D.P. Noske1,3, T. Wurdinger1,3,4 Departments. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 3Neuro-oncology Research Group ,VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 4Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA VONK/Semmy/Stichting Egbers 63. Chemotherapy and maximal tumor debulking of multi-organ colorectal cancer metastases T. Offringa, T. Buffart, H.M.W. Verheul Department Of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 64. Chronological or random reading of radiographs in long term follow-up studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis? L. Van Tuyl,1,2 D.M.F.M van der Heijde, 3 M. Boers (PI)1,2 1. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; 2. Department of Rheumatology; VUmc; 3. Department of Rheumatology, Leiden UMC Reumafonds 65. Clinical evaluation of the underlying mechanisms of targeted therapy related toxicities M. Rovithi1, H. Berkhof2, T.D. de Gruijl1, C.R. Jimenez1, M.Labots1, G.A. Meijer3, G.J. Peters1, S.Santegoets1, A.A. van Bodegraven4, N.C.T van Grieken3, C. van Montfrans5, A.J.M van den Eertwegh1, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 2Biostatistics, 3 Pathology, 4 Gastroenterology and 5 Dermatology of the VU University Medical Center 66. Clonal evolution of acute myeloid leukemia stem cells R. Wouters1,2, C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, E. Sonneveld3, L. Smit2, G.J. Ossenkoppele2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 G.J. Schuurhuis2, J. Cloos1,2. Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Dutch Childhood Oncology Group, The Hague VONK 67. COBRA cohort study and patient reported remission outcomes L. Van Tuyl,1 M. Boers 1,2,3, AE Voskuyl1, D van Schaardenburg1,3, P Kerstens 3,4, M Nurmohamed1,3 , WF Lems1 1. Department of Rheumatology; 2. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; VUmc; 3. Reade/Jan van Breemen Research Institute Amsterdam; 4. WestFries Gasthuis in Hoorn. Pfizer 68. COBRA-light vier jaar extensieonderzoek N.P.C. Konijn, L.H.D. van Tuyl, W.F. Lems Department Of Reumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 69. Combination therapy of cabazitaxel with rhenium-188-HEDP for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer metastatic to bone who progressed on or after docetaxel, the ReCab study J.M. van Dodewaard-de Jong1, J.M.H. de Klerk2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, H.M.W. Verheul1, D.E. Oprea-Lager3, O.S. Hoekstra3, H.J. Bloemendal4 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Nuclear Medicine, Meander Medical Center, 3Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, and 4Medical Oncology, Meander Medical Center Sanofi Aventis 70. Combination therapy of docetaxel with rhenium-188-HEDP for treatment of castration-resistant prostate cancer metastatic to bone, the Taxium II study J.M. van Dodewaard-de Jong1, J.M.H. de Klerk2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, H.M.W. Verheul1, D.E. Oprea-Lager3, O.S. Hoekstra3, H.J. Bloemendal4 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Nuclear Medicine, Meander Medical Center, 3Nuclear Medicine & PET research, VU University Medical Center, and 4Medical Oncology, Meander Medical Center KWF 71. Cross-talk in the brain tumor micro-environment: microRNAs and microvesicles M. Smits1,2, S. van Rijn1,2 , P. van der Stoop1,2, J. Berenguer1,2, W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T Wurdinger1,2,3 Departments. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA NWO-VIDI, Van Reekum/van Moorselaar stichting, CCA/STR, Swedish Research Council 72. Development of immuinocompetent skin-equivalents for studies on skin inflammatory processes and novel vaccination approaches I. Kosten1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, T. Rustemeyer1 , R.J. Scheper2, T.J. de Gruijl2, S. Gibbs1 Departments 1Dermatology and 2 Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc CCA 73. Diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas: towards new treatment strategies V. Caretti1,2,3, D.P. Noske2,3, W.P. Vandertop2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, T. Wurdinger2,3,4 Departments of Pediatric Oncology1 and Neurosurgery2, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Neuro-oncology Research Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam3, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA4. Stichting Semmy 74. Elucidation and interference of resistance to temozolomide in pediatric and adult gliomas L. Hiddingh1,2,3, D.P. Noske1,3, W.P. Vandertop1, P. Wesseling4,5 G.J.L. Kaspers2, T. Wurdinger1,3,6 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 136 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. Departments of 1Neurosurgery and 2Pediatric oncology / 3Neuro-oncology Research Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam, Department of 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, Department of 5Pathology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA6 KiKa, Children-Cancer-free and Stichting Stophersentumoren.nl Epstein barr virus activation and cytolytic antivirual therapy in nasopharyngeal patients O. Ramayanti1, A.E. Greijer1, I.B. Tan2, J. Kurnianda3, J.M. Middeldorp1 1Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Of Head and Neck Surgery & Medical Oncology, NKI, Amsterdam, 3Department Medicine, Gadjah Mada University KWF VU 2010-4809 EUROPA studie: Early Unbiased Risk-assessment Of Pediatric Asthma M.P.C. van der Schee1, P.J. Sterk1, W.M.C. van Aalderen2, A.B Sprikkelman2 en E.G. Haarman2,3 1Department of Respiratory Medicine, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of Pediatric Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam astmafonds EUTOS project: (European Treatment and Outcome Study) N. Thielen, J.J.W.M. Janssen, G.J. Ossenkoppele Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Evidence based interventional oncology: from last resort to potent alternative or additional treatment H.J. Scheffer, M.P. van der Tol, M.R. Meijerink, C. van Kuijk Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine and Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EVIDENCE: European observational study on the burden of disease associated with the use of NSAIDs in rheumatology 1A. Lanas, 2M. Boers Department of Reumatology, 1Zaragoza, Spain, 2VU University Medical Center Amsterdam AstraZeneca international Exploration of anti-leukemic and anti-inflammatory effects elicited by myelomonocytic cell-targeted aminopeptidase inhibitors with an esterase-sensitive motif M.C. Al1, K. Smid2, R. Honeywell2, S.E. Verbrugge1, E. Giovannetti2, Y.G. Assaraf 3, W.F. Lems1, G. Ossenkoppele4. G.J. Peters2 and G. Jansen1 Departments. of 1Rheumatology, 2Medical Oncology, 4Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Department of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel VUmc CCA Exploring the role of endothelial galectins in tumor angiogenesis I. Schulkens1, R. Heusschen1, A.M. Dingemans2, V. Van den Boogaart2, H.M. Verheul1, A.W. Griffioen, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,3 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Pulmonology, Maastricht University Medical Cencer, Maastricht, and 3Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center KWF 2009-4358 Gemcitabine and PI3Kinase-Akt pathway inhibition to enhance radiotherapy in human glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) M El-Naggar, C Fedrigo, P. Sminia, GJ Peters Department Of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma aggressive behaviour and chemoresistance A. Amir1, T. Wurdinger2, G.J. Schuurhuis3, G.J. Peters1, E. Giovannetti1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam HOVON 51 amendment. Imatinib discontinuation in chronic phase myeloid leukemia patients in sustained complete molecular response: a randomized trial of the Dutch HOVON study group N. Thielen, B. van der Holt, J.J. Cornelissen, G.E.G. Verhoef, T. Gussinklo, B. Biemond, S. Daenen, R. van Marwijk Kooy, E. Petersen, W.M. Smit, P.J.M. Valk, G.J. Ossenkoppele, J.J.W.M. Janssen Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center HOVON 78 High dose imatinib versus high dose imatinib in combination with intermediate-dose cytarabine in patients with first chronic phase myeloid leukaemia: a randomized phase III trial of the Dutch-Belgian HOVON study group N. Thielen, B. van der Holt, G.E.G. Verhoef, R.A.H.M. Ammerlaan, P. Sonneveld, J.J.W.M. Janssen, M.J. Kersten, J.H. F. Falkenburg, H.A.M. Sinnige, M. Schipperus, A. Schattenberg, R. van Marwijk Kooy, W.M. Smit, I.W.T. Chu, P.J.M. Valk, Gert J.Ossenkoppele, and Jan J. Cornelissen Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Human pharmacokinetics (PK) of selected tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) in relation to transport characteristics in a polarized gut epithelium model system R. Honeywell; C. Fatmawati; M. Boeddha; I. Kathmann; N. Losekoot; E. Giovannetti; H.M. Verheul, E.F. Smit; G.J. Peters Department Of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Immuno-PET in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma Y.W.S. Jauw 1 J.M. Zijlstra1, M.C. Huisman2, O.S. Hoekstra2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2,3, S. Zweegman1 Departments. of 1Hematology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, 3Otolaryngology, VU University Medical Center Improvement of diagnosis and treatment of childhood leukemia in Indonesia P.H. Widjajanto1, E. Supriyadi1, J. Cloos2,3, Y. Nency4, S. Gunawan5, S. Mostert2, M.N. Sitaresmi1, G.J.L. Kaspers2, Sutaryo1, A.J.P. Veerman2 1Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia; 2Departments of Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department Pediatrics, dr Kariadi Hospital, Un. Diponegoro, Semarang, 5Department of Pediatrics dr Kandou Hospital, Un Sam Ratulangi, Manado Dutch Cancer Society grant IN 2006-22 Improving conventional immunomodulating thiopurine and methotrexate therapy in inflammatory bowel disease M.L. Seinen, A.A. van Bodegraven, G.J. Peters, C.J.J. Mulder Department of Gastroenterology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Industry: HLW bv, Helmond Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 137 90. Individualized treatment of patients with advanced colorectal cancer based on miRNA expression profiling M. Neerincx1, T.E. Buffart1, B. Diosdado2, T. Pham1, H. Dekker1, D. Sie2, C. Verhoef3, G.A. Meijer2, H.M.W. Verheul1 1 Department of Medical Oncology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 2 Department of Pathology VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 3 Department of Surgical Oncology Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam 91. Kinase activity of tumor-derived exosomes as a potential biomarker for response to treatment J.C. van der Mijn1, C.R. Jimenez1, S.R. Piersma1, H. Dekker1, M. Labots1, L.M. Schutte1, E.F. Smit2, H.J. Broxterman1, B.A. Tannous1, T. Wurdinger3, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pulmonology 3Neurosurgery of the VU University Medical Center and 4Neurogenetics unit, Harvard Medical School, Charlestown (USA) 92. MAMMOTH; imaging of breast cancer E. de Vries1, P. van Diest2, A.W. Griffioen3, E. Boven3 Departments. of 2. Medical Oncololgy, UMCG Groningen, 2Pathology, UMCU Utrecht, 3Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center. CTMM 2010 93. Molecular mechanisms involved in the synergistic interaction of the EZH2 inhibitor 3-deazaneplanocin A (DZNeP) with gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer cells A. Avan1,* F. Crea2,* E. Paolicchi2,* N. Funel3, E. Galvani1, V.E. Marquez4, R. Honeywell1, R. Danesi2, G.J. Peters1,# E. Giovannetti1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy; 3Department of Surgery, University of Pisa, Italy; 4NIH, Frederick, MD, US 94. New Molecular and pharmacological approaches against pancreatic cancer M. Maftouh, E. Giovannetti, G.J. Peters Department Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 95. New therapy for Epstein-Barr virus driven tumours by targeting the virus itself Z. Novalic1, A.E. Greijer1, I.B. Tan2, J.P. de Boer2, J.M. Middeldorp1 1Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Of Head and Neck Surgery & Medical Oncology, NKI, Amsterdam ZonMw 96. Normal hematopoietic stem cells within the AML bone marrow have a distinct and higher ALDH activity level than coexisting leukemic stem cells G.J. Schuurhuis, L.A. Min, H. Meel, R. Wouters, L.A. Min, N. de Jonge, M. Terwijn, A. Kelder, A.N. Snel, G.J. Ossenkoppele, and L. Smit Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands 97. Parents’ and Health-Care Providers’ Perspectives on Side-Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment in Manado, Indonesia S. Gunawan1, E.E. Wolters2, J.A.P. van Dongen2, P.M. van de Ven3, M.N. Sitaresmi4, A.J.P. Veerman2, M.F.J. Mantik1, G.J.L. Kaspers2, S. Mostert2 1Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, Prof Dr RD Kandou Hospital, Manado, Indonesia, 2Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 98. PET-CT of biodistribution of rituximab in relation to therapeutic outcome and histological response of lymphoid tissue in rheumatoid arthritis patients S.T. Bruijnen1, A.E. Voskuyl1, G. Jansen1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2, M.C. Huisman2, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2, P.P. Tak3, Boumans J.H.M., C.J. van der Laken1. Departments of 1Rheumatology, 2Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Department of Rheumatology & Immunology3, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam 99. PHAROS project: Nationwide registration of clinical and outcome data of CML in the Netherlands N Thielen, JJWM Janssen, GJ Ossenkoppele, P.Huijgens Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center 100. Preclinical screening to identify broad-range anti-glioma therapeutics S. van Rijn1,2, J. Nilsson1,2, C. Badr3, B.A. Tannous3, W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T. Wurdinger1,2,3 Departments. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.3Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA STOPhersentumoren.nl 101. Preclinical, translational and clinical research in pediatric oncology G.J.L. Kaspers, F. Abbink, V. De Haas, E.G. Hulleman, W.A. Kors, R.R.L. van Litsenburg, N.A. Oeij, D.G. van Vuurden, M.A. Veening, J. Cloos Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, and Hematology#, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and *Dutch Childhood Oncology Group, The Hague, The Netherlands 102. Prediction of achievement of deep molecular responses to combination treatment with nilotinib and pegylated interferonalpha in chronic myeloid leukemia J.J.W.M. Janssen, M. Koppes, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Novartis Netherlands 103. Prediction of response to radiotherapy with concomitant and adjuvant Temozolomide in glioblastoma patients with serum proteomics M.E. Van Linde1#, J.C. van der Mijn1#, J.C. Knol1, L.E. Wedekind3, T. Pham1, J.C. Reijneveld2, C.R. Jimenez1, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Neurology and 3Neurosurgery of the VU University Medical Center, # contributed equally 104. Predictive value of stem cell enumeration for the response to nilotinib in newly diagnosed CML patients N. Thielen, A. Zevenbergen, B. van Kuijk, W. Pouwels, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele, J.J.W.M. Janssen Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Novartis 105. Prognostic value of CIP2A level for response to nilotinib in CML patients after failure or intolerance of imatinib Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 138 N.Thielen, K.Smolders, G.J.Ossenkoppele, J.J.W.M. Janssen Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center 106. Promoting antitumor immunity by specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells J.J. van der Vliet1, T.D. de Gruijl1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2 1Department Of Medical Oncology and 2Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 107. Prospective Validation of Soluble Biomarkers as Predictors of Structural Damage in Rheumatoid Arthritis (BIODAM) G. Wells (Canada), J. Bathon (USA), C. Bingham (USA), V. Bykerk (Canada), M. Ostergaard (Denmark), T. Kvien (Norway), M. Boers (Netherlands), D. Aletaha (Austria), P.P. Tak (Netherlands), O. Fitzgerald (Ireland), C. Ritchlin (USA), P. Mease (USA), H. El-Gabalawy (Canada), W. Lems (Netherlands), D.J. van Schaardenburg (Netherlands), H. Berner Hammer (Norway), M. Backhaus (Germany), B. Combe (France), G. Ferraccioli (Italy). OMERACT Biomarker working group Abbott 108. Resistance to proteasome inhibitors in cancer and reumatoid arthritis B. Dijkmans1, T.D. de Gruijl2, R.J. Scheper3, G. Jansen1 1Department Of Reumatology, 2Medical Oncology and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA 109. Resistance to receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors H.J. Broxterman, K.J. Gotink, M. Labots, R.R. de Haas, H. Dekker, V. van Beusechem, R.J. Honeywell, G.J. Peters, H.M. Verheul Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center 110. Risk and Benefit of Glucocorticoid Therapy in Rheumatoid Arthritis: A systematic review and GRADE approach to the body of evidence from prospective studies S. Tarp Jensen1,2, E.M. Bartels1, H. Bliddal1,3,4, M. Boers5, D.E. Furst6, J.R. Kirwan7, B. Danneskiold-Samsøe1,3,4, M. Rasmussen2, R. Christensen1,8 1.Parker Institute (MSU), Copenhagen Univ Hosp Frederiksberg Denmark, 2. Fac Pharmaceutical Sciences, Univ Copenhagen, Denmark, 3. Center for Sensory-Motor Interaction, Aalborg University, Denmark, 4. Fac Health & Science, Univ of Copenhagen, Denmark, 5. Department Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 6. Univ California, Los Angeles, USA, 7. Univ Bristol, Bristol, UK, 8. Inst Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Univ of Southern Denmark, Odense M, Denmark. Mundipharma International 111. Sensitivity and resistance of tumor cells to the antiangiogenic tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib K.J. Gotink1,2, H.J. Broxterman1, R. Pili2, R.R. de Haas1, H. Dekker1, R.J. Honeywell1, A.W. Griffioen1, G.J. Peters1, H.M.W. Verheul1 1 Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2 Genitourinary Program, Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA Pfizer Global Pharmaceuticals (research grant), AEGON (Research Fellowship Program) and KWF Dutch Cancer Foundation (scholar internship grant) 112. Sensitization towards TRAIL-induced apoptosis in acquired bortezomib resistant A549 cells is not mediated by downstream apoptotic signalling L.H.A.M. de Wilt1, G.J. Peters1, S. de Jong3, G. Jansen2, F.A.E. Kruyt3 1Department of medical oncology and 2Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of medical oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands 113. Specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells and VγVδ2 T cells using nanobody technology T.D. de Gruijl1, H. Verheul1, R.J. Scheper2, J.J. van der Vliet1 1Department Of Medical Oncology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF fellowship 114. Stereotactic ablative radiotherapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer Senan S, Palma DA2, Verbakel WFAR, Lagerwaard FJ, Haasbeek CJ, Ong CL, Louie AV, Rodrigues D, Verstegen NE, Cuijpers JP, Louie AV2 SlotmanBJ. Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2 1Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Ontario, Canada 115. Systematic review of longitudinal studies of bone loss in RA M. Baak, L. van Tuyl, M. Voskuyl-Lodder, W. Lems, M. Boers Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics 116. Targeting galectin-1 for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer A.W. Griffioen1, R. Hartmann2, L. van der Flier3 Department of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2University Saarbruecken Germany, 3Somantix BV. Amsterdam EU - EuroTransBio 2011 117. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: a Tale of MiR-101, MiR-21 and MiR-155 in Pancreatic Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasms Giovannetti E1, Caponi S,2 Funel N,3 Frampton AE,4 Santarpia L,6 Van der Velde A,7 L.R. Jiao,4 Falcone A,2 Kazemier G,8 Meijer GA,9 Vasile E,2 Boggi U,5 Verheul HM,1 Peters GJ1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Unit Medical Oncology-2, Pisa, Italy; 3Department of Surgical Pathology, Pisa University, Pisa, Italy; 4HPB Surgical Unit, Department of Surgery, Imperial College, London, UK; 5Department of Oncology, Division of Surgery, Pisa University Pisa, Italy; 6Department of Oncology, Translational Research Unit, Hospital of Prato, Prato, Italy; 7Centre for Integrative Bioinformatics, VU University; 8Department of Surgery, VU University Medical Center; 9Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center 118. The role of epigenetics in the treatment of pediatric brain tumors S.E. Mir1, E. Hulleman1,2, D. Biesman1, M. Smits2, S. Pons4, T. Wurdinger2, D. Noske2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,3 Departments of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Cell Death and Proliferation, Institute for Biomedical Research of Barcelona Mozaiek, KWF fellowship Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 139 119. The therapeutic potential of IGF1R inhibition and IGFBP7 in the specific eradication of leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia H. Verhagen, D. de Leeuw, A. Rutten, W. Pouwels, G. Ossenkoppele, G.J. Schuurhuis and L. Smit Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 120. TRAIL-induced pro- and anti-apoptotic kinase activation in Non small cell lung cancer cells K. Azijli1,2, S. Yuvaraj2, M.P. Peppelenbosch3, T. Würdinger4,5, H. Dekker1, J. Joore3, E. van Dijk6, W.J. Quax7, G.J. Peters1, S. de Jong2, F.A.E. Kruyt2 1. Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2. Department of Medical Oncology , University of Groningen, University Medical Center Groningen, 3. Department of Gastroenterology & Hepatology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam 4. Neuro-oncology Research Group, Departments of Neurosurgery and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 5. Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Department of Neurology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Charlestown, MA 02113, USA 6. Pepscan Presto BV, Lelystad 7. Department of Pharmaceutical Biology, University of Groningen Top Institute Pharma T3-112 121. Treatment and survival of indolent and aggressive NHL patients; population based studies in the Netherlands D.E. Issa, M. Wondergem, O. Visser, J.M. Zijlstra, P.C. Huijgens, S. Zweegman Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center 122. TRILHAAR project: Towards Reliable Investigation of ciLiary beHaviour And Adequate Remedies in primary ciliary dyskinesia T. Paff, J. Daniels, E.G. Haarman, G. Pals, P.E. Postmus Department of Pulmonology, Paediatrics and Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam 123. Uptake and biodistribution of 89Zirconium-labeled ipilimumab in patients with metastatic melanoma or castrationresistant prostate cancer J.M. van Dodewaard-de Jong1, H.M.W. Verheul1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2, O.S. Hoekstra3, D.Vugts2, D.E. Oprea-Lager3, M.C. Huisman3, S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, T.D. de Gruijl1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Otolaryngology/Head and Neck surgery, 3Radiology & Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center Program 5 Late effects of tumor treatment 1. Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: quality of life and cost-effectiveness of treatment R.R.L. van Litsenburg¹, J. Huisman², C. Verhaak³, G.J.L. Kaspers4, R.J.B.J. Gemke¹ Department of ¹Pediatrics VU University Medical Center, ²medical psychology UMC Utrecht, ³medical psychology, UMC Nijmegen, 4Pediatric oncology-hematology VU University Medical Center AGIKO Patient reported outcome in head and neck cancer 2. Health related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients: survival, response shift, and care I.M. Oskam1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, P. Doornaert2, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R. de Bree1, J.A. Langendijk3, N.K. Aaronson4, C.R. Leemans1 1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, 3Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 4Division of Psychosocial Research & Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam 3. Living with cancer: innovative care programs and e-health C.F. van Uden-Kraan, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF / Alpe d'Huzes 4. OncoCompass: Development and pilot testing of a e-health management platform to optimise disease management in cancer patients Lubberding S, van Uden-Kraan CF, Leemans CR. de Bree R, Gerritsen WR, van Kalken C, Kraaijenhagen RA, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NDDO Foundation and KWF 5. OncoQuest: touch screen computer based screening of health related quality of life and distress I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, C.R. Leemans1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, P. Doornaert2, R. de Bree1, C.R. Leemans1 1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center Fonds NutsOhra 0702-118 6. Patient reported speech and swallowing outcome in head and neck cancer R.N. Rinkel1, R. de Bree1, J.A. Langendijk2, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Psychosocial aspects in head and neck cancer 7. Costeffectiveness of psychological intervention via the internet in head and neck cancer patients Krebber AMH, Leemans CR, Cuijpers P, van Straten A, Smit F, de Bree R, Becker A, Smit E, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw DC 80-82305-98-09001 8. Internet-based treatment of low-grade glioma patients with depression and fatigue; randomized controlled trial F. Boele1, M. Klein1, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, I. Verdonck4,5, J.J. Heimans2, P. Cuijpers5, Departments of 1Medical Psychology, 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 3Neurology, Academic Medical Center, 4Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 5Clinical Psychology, VU University, Amsterdam KWF (Alpe d'Huzes) 4615-4804 9. Stepped care to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression in cancer patients Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 140 Krebber AMH, Leemans CR, Cuijpers P, van Straten A, Smit F, de Bree R, Becker A, Smit E, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMW 600-82600-98-8043/300 10. Structured life review using autobiographical retrieval practice in depressed palliative head and neck cancer patients Kleijn G. de Bree R. Leemans CR, Bohlmeijer E, Steunenberg B, Eeltink C, Slotman B, Becker A, Smit E, Cuijpers P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Department Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw PZ 1151.0003 Retinoblastoma: Late-effects 11. Complications, functional, and cosmetic results in patients treated for retinoblastoma in the Netherlands D.L. Mourits, D.T. Hartong, M. Bosscha, J.S. Remmers, F. Bak, H.S. Tan, A.C. Moll Department of Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center ODAS 12. Early-detection of quality of life problems in children with Retinoblastoma M.I. Bosscha1J. van Dijk2, J. A. Frankfoorder1, G. Buurmans-Kool1, , A. Kors3, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder5, M.A. Grootenhuis4, A. Houffelaar5, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw5 and A.C. Moll1 Departments. of 1Ophthalmology, 2Pedriatic Psychology, 3Pediatric Oncology, 5ENT/Head and Neck, VU University Medical Center, and 4Clinical Psychology, Free University, and Psychosocial Department, Pediatrics, University Hospital of Amsterdam NutsOhra 0901-072 Voice, speech, and swallowing in head and neck cancer 13. Efficacy of voice therapy in patients with voice problems after treatment for early glottic cancer C.D.L. van Gogh1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R.N. Rinkel1, J.A. Langendijk2, P. Doornaert3, H.F. Mahieu1 1Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 3Department Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143 00143 14. LARINX: a web-based self-help programme for laryngectomized patients during and after treatment Cnossen IC, Leemans CR, Rinkel RN, de Bree R, Eeerensten SE, Langendijk JA, Doornaert P Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Department Otolarynogology'/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Michel Keijzer Foundation 15. Objective speech assessment in head and neck cancer: acoustic-phonetic and feature analyses by a neural network M. de Bruijn1, J.A. Langendijk2, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143 2008-3983 16. Prevention of speech, swallowing, and shoulder impairment after treatment for head and neck cancer Cnossen IC, Leemans CR, Rinkel, RN, de Bree R, Eerenstein SE, Langendijk JA, Doornaert P, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Department Otolarynogology'/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043 080T-043 Other projects 17. A combined physical exercise and psychosocial training program to improve physical fitness in children with cancer K.I. Braam1, E.M. van Dijk2, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, M.A. Veening1, M. Bierings3, J. van der Net3, J.H.M. Merks4, M.A. Grootenhuis4 G. Sinnema3, M. Chinapaw5, T. Takken3, J. Huisman2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Department of medical Psychology VU university medical center; 3Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht; 4Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam; 5EMGO institute, VU University Medical Center Alpe d’HuZes/KWF 2009-4305 18. Abandonment of childhood cancer treatment in Kenya: an analysis of causes and consequences F Njuguna1, S Mostert2, A Slot2, S Langat1, J Skiles3, MN Sitaresmi4, PM van de Ven5, J Baliddawa1, H Jepngetich1, RC Vreeman3 ,GJL Kaspers1 1 Department of Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 2 Department of Pediatric OncologyHematology and Doctor 2 Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Department of Hematology-Oncology and USAID-Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America, 4 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 5 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands 19. Adherence of Health-Care Providers with Childhood Cancer Treatment in Western Kenya F Njuguna1 S Mostert2, R van der Burgt2, MN Sitaresmi3, J Skiles4, GJL Kaspers2 1 Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 2 Pediatric Oncology-Hematology and Doctor2Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4 Pediatrics and USAID-Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America 20. After completion of chemotherapy: Resistance and Endurance exercise After ChemoTherapy (REACT) study C.S. Kampshoff, L.M. Buffart, J. Brug, W. van Mechelen Department Public and Occupational health and Department Epidemiology and Biostatistics/EMGO+ Institute Amsterdam Alpe d’HuZes / KWF foundation 21. After Stemcell transplantation: EXercise Intervention after Stemcell Transplantation (EXIST) S. Persoon1, M.J.M. Chin A Paw4, M.J. Kersten2, J. Brug3, F. Nollet1 Department of 1Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of 2Hematology, Academic Medical Center, Department 3Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Department 4Public and Occupational Health, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Alpe d’HuZes / KWF foundation 22. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of methylnaltrexone in resolving constipation induced by different opioid subtypes combined with laboratory analysis of immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic effects of methylnaltrexone Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 141 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. E.C.W. Neefjes1, J.J. van der Vliet1, M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, W.W.A. Zuurmond2, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology and 2Anesthesiology of the VU University Medical Center Fonds NutsOhra 1201-038 Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in Yogyakarta, Indonesia D Susilawati1 , MN Sitaresmi2 , S Mostert3, E Supriyadi4, IL Gamayanti1, PH Widjajanto4, GJL Kaspers3 1 Psychology, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 2 Social Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 3Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Oncology-Hematology, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Distress and quality of life of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose chemotherapy: Outcome of stepped care A. Braamse1, B. van Meijel2, O. Visser3, P.C. Huijgens3, A. Boenink1, P. Cuijpers4, P. van Oppen1 , A.T.F. Beekman1, J. Dekker1 1 Department of Psychiatry VU University Medical Center, 2 Research Group Mental Health Nursing, Inholland University, 3 Department of Hematology VU University VU University Medical Center and Inholland University During chemotherapy: Physical Activity during Chemotherapy Effectiveness Study (PACES) H. van Waart, L.M. Buffart, J. Brug, N.K. Aaronson Dutch Center Institute Alpe d’HuZes / KWF foundation Early recognition and optimal treatment of delirium in patients with advanced cancer E.C.W. Neefjes1, M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, A.T.F. Beekman2, H. Berkhof3, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Psychiatry and 3Biostatistics of the VU University Medical Center ZonMw 1151.0011 Enhancing quality of life in low-grade glioma patients by attacking fatigue through modafinil: a randomized magnetoencephalography study F.Boele1, S. Driessen1, K. Hilverda1, L. Douw2, M. de Groot2, M.J.B. Taphoorn2,4, J.J. Heimans2, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, M. Klein1 Departments of 1Medical Psychology and 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, MC ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag Fonds NutsOhra Zorgsubsidies Epidemiology of Diagnosed Childhood Cancer in Western Kenya S Mostert1*, F Njuguna2*, LJPA Kemps1, RM Strother3, LM Aluoch2, NG Buziba4, GJL Kaspers1 1 Department of Paediatric Oncology-Haematology and Doctor 2 Doctor program, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 2 Department of Paediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 3 Department of Haematology-Oncology and USAID-Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America, 4 Department of Pathology, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya European survey of oncology patients A. Davies1, Y. Barbachano1, A. Buchanan1, M. Waghorn1, C. Griffin1, S. Andersen2, A. Damkier3, T. Vejlgaard4, F. Nauck5, L. Radbruch6, P. Lawlor7, T. O’Brien8, K.-F. Sjolund9, M. Stenberg10, J. Zeppetella11, W. Zuurmond12 1Royal Marsden Hospital, Sutton, United Kingdom, 2Roskilde Syegus, Roskilde, Denmark, 3Odense Universitetshospital, Nyborg, Denmark, 4Sankt Maria Hospice, Velje, Denmark, 5Georg-August-Universitat Gottingen, Germany, 6University of Aachen, Aachen, Germany, 7St James’ Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 8Marymount Hospice, Cork, Ireland, 9Karolinska Universitetsjukhuset, Sweden, 10Univeristy Hosptial of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 11St. Clare Hospice, Hastingwood, United Kingdom, 12VU university medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Evaluation of (neuro)toxicity of systemic anti-cancer therapy and neuroprotection T.J. Postma1, A.A. Geldof2, P.C. Huijgens3, N.K. Aaronson6, G.J. Peters4, B.J. Slotman5, J.J. Heimans1 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Endocrinology, 3Hematology, 4Medical Oncology, 5Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 6Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Glucocorticoid induced HPA axis suppression in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphoma M.S. Gordijn1, R.J.B.J. Gemke1, J. Rotteveel1, M.B. Bierings2, C. van den Bos3, G.J.L. Kaspers1 Departments. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, 2Pediatric Hematology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, Emma’s Children Hospital / Academic Medical Center Dutch Cancer Society, grant VU 2010-4859 Health-Care Providers’ Perspectives on Childhood Cancer Treatment in Manado, Indonesia S Mostert1, S Gunawan2, JAP van Dongen1, PM van de Ven3 , MN Sitaresmi4 , EE Wolters1 ,AJP Veerman1, M Mantik2, GJL Kaspers1 1 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, Prof Dr RD Kandou Hospital, Manado, Indonesia, 3 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Health-related quality of life in high-grade glioma patients and their partners in the end-of-life phase E. Sizoo1, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein2, T.J. Postma1, R. Grant6, W. Grisold7, C. Marosi 8,G. Stockhammer9, H.R.W. Pasman3, L. Deliens3 J.C. Reijneveld1,4, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,5 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Medical Psychology, and 3EMGO+, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, 5Department of Neurology, Medical Centre ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag, 6Department of Neurology, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7Ludwig Bolzman Institute for Neuro-Oncology, Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital, Vienna, 8Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Univeristy, Vienna, and 9Department of Neurology, Neuro-Oncology Group, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria Jacobus Stichting Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal axis function in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and healthy controls Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 142 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. M.S. Gordijn1, R.R.L. van Litsenburg1, RJ.B.J. Gemke1, M.B. Bierings2, C.J. Heijnen3, P.M. Hoogerbrugge4, P.M. van de Ven5, G.J.L. Kaspers1 Departments. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht 3Laboratory Psychoneuroimmunology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht, 4Pediatric HematoOncology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center, 5Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2010-4859 In children with cancer: Quality of Life in Motion (QLIM) K. Braam, E.M. van Dijk-Lokkart, G.J. Kaspers Department Pediatrics and Department Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Alpe d’HuZes / KWF foundation Influence of Health Insurance Status at Diagnosis on Childhood Cancer Treatment Outcome in Kenya S Mostert1*, F Njuguna2*, PM van de Ven3, G Obara2, LJPA Kemps1, J Baliddawa2, RM Strother4, LM Aluoch2, J Skiles4, NG Buziba5, RC Vreeman4 ,GJL Kaspers1 1 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology and Doctor 2 Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 Department of Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 3 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Department of Hematology-Oncology and USAID-Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America, 5 Department of Pathology, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya Late effects of illness and treatment and quality of life in pediatric oncology patients E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, M.A. Veening1, Kooter AJ2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VONK Maintaining health-related quality of life of caregivers of glioblastoma patients: a randomized, two-group, controlled trial F.Boele1, W. Hoeben1, J.J. Heimans2, T.J. Postma2, M.J.B. Taphoorn2,3 J.C. Reijneveld2,4, M. Klein1 Departments of 1Medical Psychology and 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of Neurology, Medical Center ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag Tug McGraw Foundation / National Brain Tumor Foundation Malnutrition in patients with head and neck cancer during (chemo)radiotherapy; concepts and clinical implications J.A.E. Langius1, C.R. Leemans2, P. Doornaert3, M.H.H. Kramer4, H.M. Kruizenga1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw2, J.A. Langendijk5, P.J.M. Weijs1 Departments. of 1Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Medicine; 2Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery; 3Radiation Oncology, 4Internal Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 5Radiation Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands CCA 2011-1-02 Metoclopramide, Dexamethasone or Aloxi for the prevention of delayed chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in moderately emetogenic non-AC-based chemotherapy: the MEDEA trial M.J.D.L. van der Vorst1, J. Dekker2, H.M.W. Verheul1 Departments. of 1Medical Oncology, 2 Psychiatry/Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center Neurotoxicity of cancer treatment: Neurocognitive dysfunction and underlying mechanisms I. Schuitema1,2, A.J.P. Veerman1, C. van den Bos3, L.M.J. de Sonneville2 1Pediatrics Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department of Child and Adolescent Studies, University of Leiden, Leiden; 3Department of Pediatrics, Division of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, Amsterdam Medical Center, Amsterdam Optimalization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with advanced solid malignancies K.S. Versteeg, I.R.H.M. Konings, A.A. van der Loosdrecht, H.M.W. Verheul Department Of Medical Oncology and Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Outreach pediatric oncology T. Israels, S. Mostert, V. de Haas, W.A. Kors, M.A. Veening, F.C.H. Abbink, G.J.L. Kaspers Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands several organisations, including St. Baldrick’s foundation Parental experiences of childhood cancer treatment in Western Kenya F Njuguna1 S Mostert2, A Seijffert2, MN Sitaresmi3, J Skiles4, RC Vreeman4, GJL Kaspers2 1 Pediatrics, Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya, 2 Pediatric Oncology-Hematology and Doctor2Doctor program, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 3 Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 4 Pediatrics and USAID-Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH) program, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, United States of America Patient reported outcome in head and neck cancer patients I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, C.F. van Uden-Kraan1, I.M. Oskam1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, Lubberding S1, van Nieuwenhuizen A1, R. de Bree1, P. Doornaert2, J.A. Langendijk3, N.K. Aaronson4, C.R. Leemans1 1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, 3Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 4Division of Psychosocial Research & Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam Fonds NutsOhra 0702-118; Fonds NutsOhra 0901-072; KWF/Alpe d'HuZes 2504467 Predicting OptimaL Cancer Rehabilitation and Supportive Care (POLARIS) J. Kalter, J. Brug, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, L.M. Buffart Department Epidemiology and Biostatistics and Department Otolaryngology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam Bas Mulder Award, granted to L.M. Buffart by the Alpe d’HuZes/KWF Fund (VU 2011-5045). Prevalence and biomarkers of pre-cachexia and cachexia in advanced cancer patients scheduled for treatment with chemotherapy S. Blauwhoff-Buskermolen1, J.A.E. Langius1, M.A.E. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren1, A. Becker2, H.M.W. Verheul3 1Nutrition and Dietetics, Internal Medicine, 2Pulmonology and 3Medical Oncology VUMC: VU University Medical Center Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 143 Nuts Ohra Zorgsubsidies 48. Quality of life and neurocognitive functioning in meningioma patients D. van Nieuwenhuizen1, S.M. Peerdeman2, L.J.A. Stalpers5, W.P. Vandertop2,6, , M. Waagemans1,3, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein3, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 Department of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery, and 3Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 4Neurology, 5Radiotherapy, and 6Neurosurgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam 49. Quality of life in patients treated with radiotherapy for head and neck cancers P. Doornaert, M.R. Vergeer, C.R. Leemans, B.J. Slotman Department of Radiation Oncology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 50. Reproductive function, ovarian reserve, and risk of premature menopause in female childhood cancer survivors: a nationwide study A. Overbeek1, M.H. van den Berg1, C.B. Lambalk2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, F.E. van Leeuwen3, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1 Departments. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 2Obstetrics & Gynaecology, VU University Medical Center, 3Epidemiology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam KWF / Kika Foundation 2006-3622 51. Risk factors for impairments of quality of life after colorectal cancer: a feasibility study A.M.J. Braamse1, C.J.J. Mulder 2, B Penninx1, J.H. Smit1, S.T. van Turenhout2 , J. Dekker1,3 Departments. Of 1Psychiatry, 2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3 Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center VU University Medical Center 52. Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease: the TES-trial H. Bomhof- Roordink1, A. Beekman MD1, A. Honig1, A. Hoogendoorn1, M. van der Linden2,3, B. van Meijel4 , C.J.J. Mulder MD5, M. van Tulder6, M. van der Vorst, 3, H. Verheul3, J. Dekker1 1. Department Psychiatry 2 Department Medical Psychology, 3 Department Medical Oncology , 4 Mental Health Nursing, Inholland University of Applied Sciences, 5 Department Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 6 Health Sciences/HTA, VU/VUmc Alpe d’Huzes, Dutch Cancer Society 53. Sleep, fatigue and quality of life in survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia M.S. Gordijn1, R.R.L. van Litsenburg1, RJ.B.J. Gemke1, J. Huisman2, M.B. Bierings3, P.M. Hoogerbrugge5, G.J.L. Kaspers1 Departments. of 1Pediatrics and Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2 Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam / Pediatric Psychology & Social Work, University Medical Center Utrecht, 3Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht, 4Pediatric Hemato-Oncology, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Center KWF VU 2010-4859 54. Socio-economic status plays important role in childhood cancer treatment outcome in Manado, Indonesia S Mostert1, S Gunawan2, EE Wolters1, PM van de Ven3 , MN Sitaresmi4 , JAP van Dongen1 ,AJP Veerman1, M Mantik2, GJL Kaspers1 1 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 2 Department of Pediatric Oncology-Hematology, Prof Dr RD Kandou Hospital, Manado, Indonesia, 3 Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 4 Department of Pediatrics, Dr Sardjito Hospital, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia 55. Supportive care needs in patients treated with autologous or allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation A.M.J. Braamse1, O. Visser 2, B. van Meijel3, P.C. Huijgens2, A.T.F. Beekman1, J. Dekker1,4 Departments. Of 1Psychiatry, 2 Hematology, 4 Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center, 3 Inholland University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam VU University Medical Center and Inholland University of Applied Sciences 56. The development, implementation and evaluation of the meaning-centered group psychotherapy 'Living Meaningfully with Cancer' in the Netherlands N. van der Spek, J. Vos, R. Tollenaar, P. Cuijpers, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw Departments. Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center and 12Clinical Psychology, VU University KWF 57. The effects of enteral and parenteral fish oil on outcome in lung cancer and Graft-vs-Host Disease patients B.S. van der Meij1, J.A.E. Langius1, M. van der Bokhorst – de van der schueren1, P.A.M. van Leeuwen2 Departments. of 1Nutrition and Dietetics and 2Surgery, VU University Medical Center Abbott Nutrition 58. The patient perspective on remission in rheumatoid arthritis L. Van Tuyl1, M. Boers 1,2,3, D van Schaardenburg1,3, M Scholte-Voshaar4, Wijnanda Hoogland4, Josef Smolen5, George Wells6, John Kirwan7, Sarah Hewlett7 1. Department of Rheumatology; 2. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; VUmc; 3. Reade/Jan van Breemen Research Institute Amsterdam; 4. Patient partners, VUmc, The Netherlands; 5. Medical University of Vienna, Austria; 6. University of Ottawa, Canada; 7. University of Bristol, United Kingdom EULAR 59. Voice, speech, and swallowing outcome in head and neck cancer patients I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, M. de Bruijn1, I.M. Cnossen1, C.D.L. van Gogh1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, R. de Bree1, S.E. Eerenstein1, J.A. Langendijk2, M. Christianen2, A. Gawryszuk2, P. Doornaert3, C.R. Leemans1 1Department Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Department Radiotherapy, Univeristy Medical Center Groningen, 3Department Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143, Michel Keizer Foundation Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Ongoing projects - 144 Appendix 8. International collaboration Investigator Prominent associates Ang CW • • J. Simonsen, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark P.F. Teunis, Emory University, Atlanta, USA Appelmelk BJ • • • C.A Bewley, NIH, Bethesda, USA J. Nigou, CNRS, IPBS Toulouse, France R. Appelberg, IBMC, Porto, Portugal Avan A • Pancreas 2000 program, Karolinska University Hospital and European Pancreatic Club (EPC), Malmö, Sweden Bitter W • • • • • Abdallah Abdallah, Arnab Pain, KAUST, Saudi Arabia Roland Brosch, Institut Pasteur, Paris, France Daria Bottai, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Gurdyal Besra, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom Annabel Parret, EMBL, Hamburg, Germany Boellaard R & Yaqub MM • Dr. Turkheimer & Dr. Tomasi, Hammersmith Hospital, London, UK Boers M • • • • • • • • • • • • Prof. P. Tugwell, Prof G. Wells, University of Ottawa, Canada Prof. J. Blazeby, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Prof. P. Brooks, University of Melbourne, Australia Prof. D. Cella, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA Dr. R. Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Prof. D. Clarke, Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom Prof. J. Kirwan, University of Bristol, United Kingdom Prof. A. Lanas, University of Zaragoza, Spain Prof. W. Maksymovich, University of Edmonton, Canada Prof. J. Smolen, University of Vienna, Austria Prof. V. Strand, University of Stanford, USA. Prof. P. Williamson, University of Liverpool, United Kingdom Braakhuis BJM • • Dr. P. Golusinsky, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland Dr. X. Marichalar, Universidad del País Vasco, Bilbao, Spain Buffart L • Prof. Rob Newton and associate prof. Daniel Galvão, Edith Cowan University, Joondalup, West Australia Carvalho B • • Carla Oliveira, Ph.D., Associate Professor, IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal - Visit of 2 months of Joana Carvalho (shared PhD student). Heike Grabsch, Phil Quirke. Leeds University, Leeds, UK Cillessen SAGM • • Dr. A. Lennard, New Castle University, New Castle, UK Drs. M. Sieniawski, University of Cologna, Cologna, Germany Cloos J • • • • J. Cools, Center for the Biology of Disease, VIB, Leuven, Belgium Y.G. Assaraf, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel C.J. Kirk, Onyx pharmaceuticals, Inc., San Francisco, USA A.D. Schimmer, Ontario Cancer Institute, Princess Margaret Hospital Toronto, Toronto, Canada P. Kearns, School of Cancer Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK D. Reinhardt, Medical School Hannover, Hannover, Germany J. Cools, Center for Human Genetics, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium A.D. Schimmer, Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Ontario, Canada • • • • De Bree R • • Prof.dr. SJ. Stoeckli Department of Otolaryngology / Head and Neck Surgery, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland SENT group (coordinator prof. dr. M. McGurk Department of Maxillofacial Surgery, Guy’s Hospital, London, UK; European multicenter study on sentinel node in early oral cancer. De Rie MA • Dr. S.C. Chen and Dr. J.S. Fine, Merck Research USA, Kenilworth NJ, USA De Winter JP • D. Schindler, University of Wuerzburg, Department of Human Genetics, Wuerzburg, Germany R.M. Brosh Jr., National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, USA • Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 145 Investigator Dorsman JC Prominent associates • W. Wang, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, USA • S-Y Cong, Shengjing Hospital of China Medical University, Department of Neurology, Shenyang, China S. Meyer, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital, Young Oncology Unit, Manchester, UK • Fijneman R • Robert Cormier, Ph.D., Associate Professor, University of Minnesota Medical School Duluth, Duluth, MN (USA) Gibbs S • • • • Dr. Emanuela Corsini, Università degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy Prof. Dr. J. McLoed, University of West England, Bristol, UK Dr. E. Roggen, Novozymes BV, Bagsvaerd, Denmark Dr. C.B. Madsen, National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Denmark Dr. T Eitze, BASF, Berlin, Germany • Giovannetti E • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Gruijl, de TD • • Prof. Giuseppe Giaccone, Head Medicine Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA Prof. Yehuda Assaraf, Head Pharmacology Lab, Department of Biology, The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Dr. Jih-Hsiang Lee, Department of Oncology, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan Dr. Heelo Sudo, Toray Industries, Inc., New Frontiers Research Laboratories, Kanagawa, Japan Prof. Mathias Lohr, Head Dept. Gastroenterology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Dr. Leticia G Leon, Instituto Universitario de Bio-Organica Antonio Gonzalez (IUBO-AG), Universidad de La Laguna, C/Astrofísico Francisco Sanchez, La Laguna, Spain Dr. Karl Quint, Marburg University, Marburg, Germany Dr. Adam Frampton, Imperial College, London, UK Dr. Hatem A Azim, Cancer Translational Research Laboratory - J.C Heuson, Université Libre de Bruxelles Institut Jules Bordet, Brussels, Belgium Prof. Ugo Boggi Head Division of Surgery, Pisa University, Pisa Prof. Romano Danesi, Head Division of Pharmacology, Pisa University Prof. Alfredo Falcone, Head Division of Oncology, Pisa University Prof. Daniela Campani, Associate Professor of Pathology, Pisa University Prof Filippo Minutolo, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, Pisa University Dr. Federico Cappuzzo, Head Department of Oncology, Livorno Civil Hospital, Livorno Dr. Maurizio Cantore, Head Department of Oncology, Carrara Civic Hospital, Carrara Prof. Andrea Ardizzoni, Head Department of Oncology, Parma University Hospital, Parma Dr. Armando Santoro, Head Department of Oncology and Hematology, Humanitas Hospital, Milano Dr. Tommaso De Pas, Unit Oncology and New Drugs, European Institute of Oncology, Milano Dr. Fedro Peccatori, Director, Fertility & Procreation in Oncology Unit, Department of Medicine, European Institute of Oncology, Milano Dr. Michele Reni, Department of Oncology, San Raffaele Hospital, Milano Dr. Michele Milella, Regina Elena National Cancer Institute, Roma Dr. Giovanni Codacci-Pisanelli, Roma University “La Sapienza”, Roma Karin Jooss, Kristen Hege, Natalie Sacks, Cell Genesys Inc, South San Francisco, CA, USA David T. Curiel, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, USA Haarman EG • ERS PCD taskforce on Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia in children Heideman DAM • Dr. S. Franceschi and Dr. G. Clifford, International Agency Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France. Dr. R. Thomas, Cologne, Germany Prof. FX Bosch, Barcelona, Spain Prof. J. Cuzick, Centre for Epidemiology, mathematics and statistics, Wolfson Institute, London, UK • • • Israels T • L. Molyneux, University of Malawi, Blantyre, Malawi Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 146 Investigator Prominent associates • • P. Hesseling, University of Stellenbosch, Cape Town, South Africa S. Bailey, Northem Institute for Cancer Research, Newcastle, United Kingdom • Prof. Dr. E.M. Molyneux, College of Medicine, Blantyre, Malawi • SIOP PODC, Working Group on Adapted Treatment regimens Jansen G • Prof. Dr. Y.G. Assaraf, The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Kaspers GJL • K. London, L. Dalla-Pozza and R. Howman-Giles, The Children’s Hospital at Westmead, Sydney, Australia Kaspers GJL & Bokenkamp A • B. Stoffel-Wagner, Bonn University Medical Center, Bonn, Germany Kaspers GJL & Cloos J • • U. Creutzig and D. Reinhardt, AML-BFM group, Hannover, Germany Y. Assaraf, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Kaspers GJL & Mostert S • Sutaryo, P.H. Widjayanto, E. Supriyadi and M.N. Sitaresmi, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia F. Njuguna, MTRH, Eldoret, Kenya R.M. Strother, J. Skiles, Indiana University, Indianapolis, USA • • Klein M • Dr. M. Preusser, Department of Medicine & Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria Kluytmans JAJW • Brian D. Johnston, James R. Johnson, Veterans Affair Medical Center, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA David Gordon, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia Beth J. Feingold, Ellen K. Silbergeld, Frank C. Curriero, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA • • Kors WA & Veening MA • E. Supriyadi and P.H. Widjayanto, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Lagerwaard FJ • G. Rodrigues, Dept. of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Western Ontario, London, Canada D. Palma, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Canada • Meijer CJLM • • • • • • • • • • Meijer GA • • • Prof. J.G. Herman and Prof. S. Bayling, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Prof. F Pontén, Department of Genetics and Pathology, Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Prof. P. Quirke and H. Grabsch, PhD, Academic Unit of Pathology, University of Leeds, United Kingdom Prof. D. Sidransky,The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America R.T. Cormier, University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth, MN, USA Prof. G.Giaccone, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA K.H. Buetow PhD, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA Carla Oliveira, PhD, IPATIMUP, Porto, Portugal Prof. dr. S. Tejpar, KU Leuven, Belgium • Prof.dr. David Thorley-Lawson, Dept. Pathology, Tufts University, Boston, • • • • • • Middeldorp JM Dr.G. Clifford, IARC, Lyon, France Dr.S. Franceschi, IARC, Lyon France Dr.J. Smith, Faculty Research, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Department of Epidemiology, USA Dr.D. Kordzaia, Organisation HPV Screening, CTMA, Tbilisi, Georgia Dr. X. Castellsagué and dr FX Bosch, dr S.de Sanjose, Servei d'Epidemiologia i Registre del Càncer - Epidemiology and Cancer Registration Unit - Institut Català d'Oncologia - Catalan Institute of Oncology – Barcelona -Spain Dr.G. Ronco, Centro per la Prevezione Oncol. Piemonte, Turin, Italy Dr. M. Arbyn, Scientific Institute of Public Health, 1050 Brussel, België Prof dr J Cuzick, and prof dr A.Lorincz Wolffon Insitute London Prof dr J.Dillner, Karolinska institute , Stockholm, Sweden Dr M.Schiffman, division of of epidemiology and cancer genetics National Cancer Institute Rockville, MD, USA Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 147 Investigator Prominent associates • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Morré SA • • • Ossenkoppele GJ • USA Prof.dr. Martin Allday, Dept. Medicine, Imperial College of London, London, UK Prof.dr. Gavin Giovannoni, Dept. Neuroscience, Barts School of Medicine, London, UK Prof. dr. George Tsao, Dept Microbiology and Clinical Oncology, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Prof.dr. Alan Chiang, Dept. Paediatrics at Queen Mary Hospital, Hong Kong University, Hong Kong, China Prof.dr. Sofia Haryana, Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Prof.dr. Allan Hildesheim, Dept. Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, National Cancer Institute, Rockville, USA Prof.dr. Ingemar Ernberg, Microbiology and Tumorbiology Center, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Prof.dr. Elisabete Weiderpass, Dept. Cancer Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Prof.dr. Shannon Kenney, Dept. Medicine and Public Health, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA Prof.Dr. Rosalyn Rochford, Dept. Medicine, SUNY University, Syracuse, USA. Prof.dr. Lori Frappier, Dept. Molecular Genetics, University of Toronto, Toronto,Canada Prof.dr. Elliot Kieff. Dept. Infectious Diseases, Harvard University, Boston, USA Dr. Jackson Orem, School of Medicine, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda. Prof.dr. Alan Rickinson, Dept. Cancer Studies, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK. Nunos Pais en Oliver Liesenfeld, Roche Molecular Systems, Pleasanton, CA, USA Deborah Dean, Chori and UCSF and Berkeley, SF, CA, USA David Ojcius, UC Merced, Merced, CA, USA • • W.Walter, University of Washington Medical Center, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA 98109, USA Consortium, European Leukemianet, Mannheim Germany R.Schlenk, Universitätsklinikum Ulm, Ulm, German Pegtel DM • • • • • Prof.dr. David Thorley-Lawson, Tufts University Boston MA, USA Prof.dr. Elliot Kieff, Harvard University, Boston MA, USA Prof. dr. Xandra Breakefield, Harvard University Boston MA, USA Prof. dr. Nicola Baldini, University of Bologna, Italy Prof dr Todd Golub, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, Boston USA Peters GJ • I. Fichtner, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany Dr. J.M. Padron, Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (ICIC), Tenerife, Spain Prof. Dr. Y. Assaraf, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Israel Dr. P.A. Zucali & Prof. Dr. A Santoro, Humanitas Hospital, Milan, Italy Dr. M Fukushima, Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Tokushima, Japan Dr. Carmelo Tibaldi Dr. G. Giaconne, NCI, Bethesda, Maryland, USA Dr. N. Funel, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Dr. R.A. Schwendener Prof. Dr. H Schott Prof. Dr. J Balzarini, Rega Institute, Leuven, Belgium Prof. Dr. O Fodstadt, Oslo, Norway Prof. Dr. S. Eriksson, Uppsala, Sweden Dr. C.M. Galmarini, Pharmamar, Madrid, Spain Dr. M. Sandvold, Clavis Pharma, Oslo, Norway Dr. F. Minutolo, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Dr. K. Ichida, Jikei University, Tokyo, Japan Prof. Dr. Y. Mayur, Center for Drug Design and Discovery, SVERI’s College of Pharmacy, Pandharpur, India Dr. J Hall, EORTC Tranlational research Division, Brussels, Belgium Dr. A Hanauske, Eli Lilly &CO, European Head Quarters, Germany Prof. Dr. A. Paradiso, National Cancer Institute, Bari, Italy • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 148 Investigator Prominent associates • • • • • Franco Muggia MD, New York University, New York, USA Roger Phillips Ph.D., University of Bradford, Bradford, UK Victor Marquez Ph.D., National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, Maryland, USA A. Ardizzoni M.D., University of Parma, Parma, Italy P.G. Petronini Ph.D., University of Parma, Parma, Italy Peters GJ & Giovannetti E • R. Danesi, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Postma TJ • Prof dr G Cavaletti, Universita di Milano, Bicocca, Monza, Italy Reijneveld JC • Prof. Dr S.M. Chang, Brain Tumor Center University of California San Francisco (UCSF), San Francisco, CA, USA Dr. M. Preusser, Department of Medicine I & Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria • Rustemeyer T • • • • • • European consortium (30 international partners – multiple publications), Multiple in Europe (www.sensitiv.eu), Europe EU commission on Consumers’ Health, Multiple in Europe, EU commission in Brussels, Belgium, Europe, organized in Brussels, Belgium EECDRG, Multiple in Europe, EU commission in Brussels, Belgium, Europe, several sites EPOS, Multiple in Europe, EU commission in Brussels, Belgium, Europe, organized in Brussels, Belgium An Goossens, Leuven University, Leuven, Belgium Jacob Thyssen, Danish Institute of Dermatology and Allergology Copenhagen, Denmark Savelkoul PHM • Roche Molecular Systems, Plesangton, USA Schuurhuis GJ • P. Valent, Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematology & Hemostaseology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria S Gröschel, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany P. Valent, Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematology & Hemostaseology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria S. Gröschel, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany • • • Senan S • • • • • • • Slotman BJ • • • • • • Sminia P • • • • Dr D. Palma, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer, Ontario, Canada Dr K. Huang, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, Ontario, Canada Prof. G. Baumann, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, Ontario, Canada Dr G. Rodrigues, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada Dr M. Guckenberger, Department of Radiation Oncology, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany Dr G. Hanna, Centre for Cancer Research and Cell Biology, Queen's University of Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland Dr A. Botticella, Department of Oncology, Radiation Oncology Unit, University of Turin, Turin, Italy D. Palma, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Canada G. Rodrigues, Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, London, Canada J. Chang, Department of Radiation Oncology, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, USA B. Loo Jr, Department of Radiation Oncology, Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA A. Sahgal, Department of Radiation Oncology, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Center, Toronto, Canada S. Lo, Department of Radiation Oncology, Ohio State Univ, Columbus, OH, USA C. A. Fedrigo, Catholic University Rio Grande do Sul, Porte Alegro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil R. Mayer, M.D., Ph.D., EBG MedAustron GmbH Ion Beam Therapy Center, Wiener Neustadt, Austria M. Elnaggar, M.D., Department Clinical Oncology, Assuit University Hospital, Assuit, Egypt B. Clavo, M.D., Ph.D. , Department of Radiation Oncology & Research Unit, Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 149 Investigator Prominent associates • • • • Snijders PJF • • • • • • • Steenbergen RDM • • • Taphoorn MJB • • Dr. Negrin University Hospital, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain A. Chalmers. M.D., Ph.D. Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Center, Glasgow, UK S. Short, M.D., Ph. D. UCL Cancer Institute, University College London, UK P. Enger, M.D. Ph. D. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway R. Bjerkvig, Ph. D. University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway Dr.G. Clifford, Dr.S. Franceschi, Dr. H de Vuijst, Dr. M. Tommasino, IARC, Lyon, France Dr.J. Smith, Faculty Research, UNC Gillings School of Global Public Health, University of North Carolina, Department of Epidemiology, USA Dr. X. Castellsagué and dr FX Bosch, dr S.de Sanjose, Servei d'Epidemiologia i Registre del Càncer - Epidemiology and Cancer Registration Unit - Institut Català d'Oncologia - Catalan Institute of Oncology – Barcelona -Spain Dr.G. Ronco, Centro per la Prevezione Oncol. Piemonte, Turin, Italy Dr. M. Arbyn, Scientific Institute of Public Health, 1050 Brussel, België Prof dr J Cuzick, and prof dr A.Lorincz Wolffon Insitute London Dr. M. L. Gillison, Viral Oncology, The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center, Columbus, OH, USA Prof.dr. F. Rösl, Dept. Tumorvirology, DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany Prof.dr. T. Broker, Prof.dr. L. Chow, Biochemistry, University of Alabama, Birmingham, USA Prof.dr. B. Deplancke, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland Prof. dr. M.J. van den Bent, on behalf of the EORTC Brain Tumour Group, EORTC Data Center, Brussels, Belgium Dr. A. Bottomley, on behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Department and PROBE project, EORTC Data Center, Brussels, Belgium Thijssen VL • SM Blois, Medicine University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Van Beusechem VW • Victoria A. Meliopoulos, Lauren E. Andersen, S. Mark Tompkins, Ralph A. Tripp, Department of Infectious Diseases, University of Georgia, Athens, USA Katherine F. Birrer, John Stambas, John W. Lowenthal, Andrew G. D. Bean, Cameron R. Stewart, CSIRO Australian Animal Health Laboratory and School of Medicine, Deakin University, Geelong, Victoria, Australia Kaylene J. Simpson, Victorian Centre for Functional Genomics, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Iain Fraser, Laboratory of Systems Biology, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland, USA Musa Mhlanga, Samantha Barichievy, Gene Expression & Biophysics Group, Synthetic Biology - ERA, CSIR, Pretoria, South Africa Queta Smith, Devin Leake, Jon Karpilow, Thermo Fisher Scientific, 2650 Crescent Drive, Lafayette, Colorado, USA Amy Buck, Centre for Immunity, Infection & Evolution, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, Scotland Ghil Jona, Department of Biological Services, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot 76100, Israel • • • • • • • Van Bodegraven AA • • S.B. Hanauer, University of Chicago, USA Several/CERTIFI Study Group, USA/Canada/UK/Australia/France/ Sweden/Greece Van den Elsen PJ • Victor E. Marquez, Center for Cancer Research, NCI-Frederick, Frederick, MD, USA Koichi S. Kobayashi, Department of Microbial and Molecular Pathogenesis, College of Medicine, Texas A&M Health Science Center, 415A Reynolds Medical Building, College Station, Texas 77843, USA Ismail Reisli, Department of Pediatric Allergy and Immunology, Konya University Meram Medical Faculty, Konya, Turkey • • Van der Horst-Bruinsma IE • • • • Van der Sar AM • Robert Plenge (VS) Progenika (Madrid) Executive board ASAS (Assessment of SpondyloArthritis International Society, worldwide organisation of researchers in Ankylosing Spondylitis) Steering committee of IGAS, International Genome wide Association Studies (chair: Mathew Brown, Australia, Canada, US, China) Prof. Dr. C.W. Michiels, Dr. L. Vanderkelen, Arenberg Doctoraatsschool Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 150 Investigator Prominent associates Wetenschap & Technologie, Faculteit Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen, Departement Microbiële en Moleculaire systemen, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, 3001 Heverlee, België Van Furth AM • • • • • Prof. dr. J. Schoeman, Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South-Africa Prof. C.J. Reinecke, Centre for Human Metabolomics, Potchefstroom, SouthAfrica Dr. R. Peters, ANOVA Health Institute, Limpopo, South-Africa Prof. J. Bartlett, John Hopkins, Baltimore, USA T. Msoka, Kilamanjaro Christian Medical Centre, Moshi, South-Africa Van Furth AM & Kuip, van der M • Prof. D. Kirschner, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Uiversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Van Grieken NCT • • • Heike Grabsch, Phil Quirke. Leeds University, Leeds, UK. Pehr Lind. Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Laura Tang, Daniel Coit. Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, USA Van Schaardenburg D • • • • SERA consortium in the USA (Kevin Deane, Mike Holers, Jill Norris) Karim Raza, Birmingham, UK Lars Klareskog, Johan Rönnelid, Sweden, Walter Maksymowych; Anthony Marotta from Augurex, Canada Veening MA & Kors WA • E. Supriyadi and P.H. Widjavanto, Dr. Sardjito General Hospital, UGM, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Verdonck- de Leeuw IM • European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Quality of life Group / Head and Neck Cancer Module European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Quality of life Group / Oral Health Module European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC), Quality of life Group / Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) project • • Verweij CL • • Prof. dr. T.M. Aune, Div. Rheumatology, Vanderbilt University, Denver, USA Prof. dr. Thomas Aune, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Division of Rheumatology, Department of Medicine, Nashville, TN 37232, USA. Voskuyl AE • • Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium (SCTC), USA DUO Registry investigators, Actelion, Switserland Vuurden, van DG • M. Kool, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany Waisfisz Q & Meijers-Heijboer H • Multiple, the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA), broad international collaboration Multiple, the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC), broad international collaboration • Wesseling P • • • • Ylstra B • • • • • • EORTC Brain Tumor Study Group (Hegi/Stupp, Lausanne, Switzerland; Van den Bent/Kros/French, Rotterdam, The Netherlands) German Neuro-Oncology/Neuropathology Network (Von Deimling, Heidelberg; Reifenberger, Dusseldorf) eTUMOUR; European project for development of a Web accessible MR decision support system for brain tumour diagnosis and prognosis, incorporating in vivo and ex vivo genomic and metabolomic data (Celda, Valencia, Spain; Arus/Julia Sape, Barcelona, Spain). Prof. Ken Aldape, MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX, USA Prof. dr. W. Deppert Department of Clinical Chemistry/Central Laboratories, Center for Diagnostic, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany Dr. C. H. M. Mellink Department of Clinical Genetics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Pro. Dr. P Tan Cancer and Stem Cell Biology, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School Singapore, National Cancer Centre, Singapore Dr. H. Grabsch & Prof. dr. P. Quirke Pathology and Tumour Biology, Leeds Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Leeds, UK Prof dr Schmitt IPATIMUP - Institute of Molecular Pathology and Immunology of the University of Porto, Rua Dr Roberto Frias, s/n, 4200-465, Porto, Portugal. Prof. Dr. K Pantel. Institute of Tumor Biology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Martinistreet 52, 20246 Hamburg, Germany Prof. Dr. CJ Punt CJ & dr. I Nagtegaal, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 151 Investigator Prominent associates • • • • • Centre, PO Box 9101, 6500 HB Nijmegen & Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Dr. K. Kok. Departmentof Genetics,UniversityMedical Center Groningen,University Groningen Dr. S. Tejpar, Digestive Oncology Unit,University Hospital Gasthuisberg,Leuven,Belgium Prof. dr. Nick Gilbert, MRC Human Genetics unit, University of Edinburg, Edinburgh UK Dr. Annette Byrne, Royal College of Surgeaons in Ireland, Dublin Ireland Prof. dr. C Caldas. MRC Cancer Cell Unit, Hutchison-MRC Research Centre, Cambridge, UK Zijlman JM • Prof. dr. A. Engert / Prof. dr M. Meignan, German Hodgkin Study Group, LYSA, Cologne, Germany / Paris Zweegman S • YG Assaraf, The Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel R Mesa, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, USA European Myeloma Network Prof. dr. Y.G. Assaraf, The Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research Laboratory, Department of Biology, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel R. Mesa, Division of Hematology and Oncology, Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, USA • • • • Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – International collaboration - 152 Appendix 9. Scientific Research Committee CWO: Clinical protocols Indiener Titel Bahce I Can tumor uptake of [18F]afatinib in NSCLC patients be quantified, and does [18F]afatinib uptake identify patients who will benefit from afatinib therapy? Bakker SF Concomitant presence of Celiac Disease in adult patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus; investigation of the microvascular function Bonjer HJ De transrectale totale mesorectale excisie (TME) een hybride NOTES procedure Boven E Open-label multicenter expanded access onderzoek naar de behandeling van everolimus (RAD001) in combinatie met exemestaan bij postmenopauzale vrouwen met oestrogeenreceptor positieve lokaal gevorderde of uitgezaaide borstkanker en ziekteprogressie na voorafgaande endocriene behandeling Boven E The BEACON Study (BrEAst Cancer Outcomes with NKTR-102): A phase 3 openlabel, randomized, multicenter study of NKTR-102 versus treatment of physicians choice (TPC) in patients with locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer previously treated with an anthracycline, a taxane, and capecitabine Bruynzeel AME Extreme hypofractionated intensity modulated radiotherapy in stereotactic conditions for cT1c-cT3a prostate cancerwith a low risk of nodal metastases (20%, Roach index): a Novalis Circle Phase I-II prospective randomized Trial Buter J De-ESCALaTE HPV: Determination of Epidermal growth factor receptor-inhibitor (cetuximab) versus Standard Chemotherapy (cisplatin) early And Late Toxicity Events in Human Papillomavirus-positive oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma Buter J A phase 2 study of LY2157299 monotherapy or LY2157299 and lomustine combination therapy compared to lomustine monotherapy in patients with recurrent malignant glioma Buter J A randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase III study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of afatinib (BIBW 2992) as adjuvant therapy after chemoradiotherapy in primary unresected patients with stage III, Iva, of IVb locoregionally advanced head and neck squamous cell carcinoma Chamuleau MED DA-EPOCH-R study: Efficacy and feasibility of first-line treatment with riskadapted dose-adjusted EPOCH-R (DA-EPOCH-R) in patients (18 years) with Burkitt lymphoma; a phase II clinical trial. Chamuleau MED Open label, multi-centre, phase 2 Study of Anti-CCR4 Monoclonal Antibody KW0761 (mogamulizumab) in Subjects with Previously Treated Peripheral T-cell Lymphoma (PTCL) Chamuleau MED A randomized, controlled, double-blind Phase III trial to compare the efficacy, safety and parmacokinetics of GP2013 plus cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone vs. Mab Thera® plus cyclophosphamide, vincristine, prednisone, followed by GP2013 or Mab Thera® maintenance therapy in patients with previously untreated, advanced stage follicular lymphoma Daniels JMA Effect of carbon dioxide enriched ambient air on pharmacokinetics and deposition in bronchiectasis patients using tobramycin inhalation: a proof of concept study Daniels JMA Een fase 3, dubbelblind, multicenter, gerandomiseerd, placebogecontroleerd onderzoek waarin het gebruik van meerdere kuren Aztreonam oplossing voor inhalatie/Aztreonam 75 mg poeder en oplosmiddel voor oplossing voor verstuiving wordt geëvalueerd bij proefpersonen met non-CF-bronchiëctasieën en gram negatieve endobronchiale infectie de Bree R Near-infrared fluorescence guided sentinel node detection in head and neck cancer using Nonocoll-IRDye800CW: a feasibility study de Meij TGJ Microbiota profiling in pediatric infammatory bowel disease by means of IS-pro Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 153 de Meij TGJ Microbiota profiling in Hirschsprungs disease by means of IS-pro: identification of risk factors for enterocolitis Dekker J Screening and treatment of psychological distress in colorectal cancer with metastasized disease: the TES-trial Eekhoff EMW In vitro Characterization of STemcells Osteogenic Potency in patients with fibrodysplasia ossificans progressive (STOP-FOP) Frings V Test-retest reproducibility of whole body [18F]FDG PET-CT in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer Frings V Validation of simplified quantitative methods for 3deoxy-3[18F]fluorothymidine ([18F]FLT) PET in patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with gefitinib Gent Y PET imaging of arthritis by specific macrophage targeting in Rheumatoid Arthritis patients – clinical proof of concept studies Gerritsen WG A Randomized, Double-blind, Phase 3 Efficacy Trial of PROSTVAC-V/F ±GM-CSF in Men with Asymtomatic of Minimally Aymptomatic Metastatic, CastrateResistant Prostate Cancer Gibbs S Development of an in vitro keloid scar model for identifying and testing new anti-scar therapies Haasbeek CJA Stereotactic Ablative Radiotherapy for Comprehensive Treatment of Oligometastatic Tumors (SABR-COMET): A Randomized Phase II Trial Hendrikse NH [11C]Erlotinib pharmacokinetics: an in vivo study using positron emission tomography in non-small cll lung cancer patients with and without erlotinib therapy Hoekstra OS Diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW – MRI) as an imaging biomarker: reproducibility of measurements in liver and lung Hugtenburg JG Factors influencing the outcome of first-line nilotinib treatment in patients with chronic phase chronic myeloid leukaemia in daily practice Huijts CM Phase II study of sunitinib rechallenge in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma Janssen JJWM HOVON 107: The feasibility and efficacy of subcutaneous and intravenous Plexifor for mobilization of peripheral blood stem cells in allogeneic HLAidentical sibling donors: a randomized phase II study Janssen JJWM Prevalence of ESBL-producing Enterobacteriaceae in haematology patients (versie 6-1-2012) Janssen JJWM EURO-SKI Trial: multicenter trial estimating the persistance of molecular remission in chronis myeloid leukaemia after stopping TKI Janssen JJWM HOVON 115: Double umbilical cord blood transplantation in high-risk haematological patients. A phase II study focussing on the mechanism of graft predominance Janssen JJWM NordDutchCML009: A phase II, single arm, multicentre study of nilotinib in combination with pegylated interferon-a2b in patients with suboptimal molecular response or stable detectable molecular residual disease after at least two years of imatinib treatment Kaspers GJL An international collaborative study to discontinue Imatinib/Glivec in pediatric CML patients with sustained complete molecular response (STOPIMAPED) Kaspers GJL ALL-11, Treatment study protocol of the Dutch Childhood Oncology Group for childeren and adolescents (1-19 year) with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia Kaspers GJL A multi-center, open-label, pharmacokinetic study of oral nilotinib in pediatric patients with Gleevec® (imatinib)-resistant/intolerant Ph+ CML chronic phase (CP) or accelerated phase (AP) or with refractory/relapsed Ph+ ALL Konijn NPC Langetermijneffectiviteit van de COBRA-light en COBRA-behandeling bij vroege reumatoïde artritis Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 154 Meijer E Treatment guided by detection of Minimal Residual Disease after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in Acute Myeloid Leukaemia Menke-van der Houwen van Oordt CW A phase II prospective imaging study evaluating the utility of pre-treatment zirconium-89 labelled trastuzumab PET/CT and an early FDG-PET/CT response to identify patients with advanced HER-2 positive breast cancer unlikely to benefit from a novel anti-HER2 therapy: T-DM1 Menko FH Informing relatives about their cancer risk and preventive measures. A trial to assess the effectiveness of additional counseling Oprea-Lager DE A study on the pharmacokinetics and repeatability of [18F]Fluoromethylcholine in patients with Prostate Cancer Ossenkoppele GJ A Phase 3 Randomized, Open Label Studiy of Ponatinib versus Imatinib in Adult Patients with Newly Diagnosed Chronic Myeloid Leukemia in Chronic Phase Ossenkoppele GJ A Phase III Randomized, double-blind, parallel Group study of the combination of intravenous volasertib + subcutaneous LDAC vs. intravenous volasertib placebo + subcutaneous LDAC in adult patients > 65 years with previously untreated AML and considered ineligible for / not to benefit from intensive remission induction Paff T Gene expression during cilia genesis: towards a complete candidate gene list for Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia Peters EJG Micorbiological etiology of community acquired pneumonia in immunocompromised adults (CAP extra) Rustemeyer T Clinical relevance of a contact allergy for cocamidopropyl betaine: clinical studies in a group of sensitized patients Scheffer HJ, Nielsen K Pilot study: Non-thermal ablation using Irreversible Electroporation (IRE) to treat colorectal liver metastases Sie SD Sepsis bij Neonaten: Identificatie van bacterieel DNA door middel van Real Time – PCR (SNIP-studie) als lokaal amendement op het eerder goedgekeurde protocol, getiteld: Effect of procalcitonim-guided decision making on duration of antibiotic therapy in suspected early-onset neonatal sepsis: multicenter prospective randomized intervention study (Pro 11/01) Slotman B ACOSOG Z4099/RTOG 1021: A randomized phase III study of sublobular resection versus Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy in high risk patients with Stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) Smit EF Hydroxychloroquine as an anti-autophagy and chromatin modulating drug in combination with erlotinib in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients: a single-center single arm open-label phase II trial Smit EF A phase II study of gefitinib and fulvestrant in patients with advanced EGFR mutated non-small cell lung cancer pretreated with reversible EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors Smit EF Een fase 1-2 studie naar de veiligheid, verdraagbaarheid, farmacolkinetiek en inleidende anti-tumowerking van de orale ALK/EGFR remmer AP 26113 Smit EF High-dose, pulsatile erlotinib after progression on standard dose erlotinib in EGFR-mutated NSCLC patien Smit EF Iressa RE-challenge in advanced NSCLC EGFR M+ pts who responded to an EGFR-TKI used as 1st line or previous treatment – NVALT 16 IRENE trial Smit EF EMPHASIS-lung ETOP 3-12; A randomized phase III trial of erlotinib versus docetaxel in patients with advanced squamous cell non-small cell lung cancer who failed first line platinum based doublet chemotherapy stratified by VeriStrat Good vs VeriStrat Poor van Bodegraven AA A Phase II Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial to Study the Safety and Immunogenicity of V212 in Adult Patients with Autoimmune Disease van Bodegraven AA A phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-group, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab induction therapy in subjects with moderately to severly active Crohns disease who failed of are intolerant to TNF Antagonist therapy CNTO1275CRD3001 Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 155 van Bodegraven AA A phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-group, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab induction therapy in subjects with moderately to severly active Crohns disease CNTO1275CRD3002 van Bodegraven AA A phase 3, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter study to evaluate the safety and efficacy of Ustekinumab maintenance therapy in subjects with moderately to severly active Crohns disease CNT)1275CRD3003 van Bodegraven AA Randomized, single-blind, placebo controlled, multicenter, phase 3 study, to assess the efficacy and safety of expanded autologous adipose-derived stem cells (eASCs) CX-401, for treatment of complex perianal Crohns disease van Bodegraven AA A Multicentre, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel group study of oral CP-690,550 as an induction therapy in subjects with moderate to severe ulcerative colitis van Bodegraven AA A Multicentre, Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Parallel group study of oral CP-690,550 as a maintenance therapy in subjects with ulcerative colitis van Bodegraven AA A multi-center, open-label study of CP-690,550 in subjects with moderate te severe ulcerative colitis van Bodegraven AA A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel Group, Multi-centre study to investigate the safety and efficacy of CP-690,550 for induction therapy in subjects with moderate to severe Crohns disease (A3921083) van Bodegraven AA A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel Group, Multi-centre study to investigate the safety and afficacy of CP-690,550 for maintenance therapy in subjects with moderate to severe Crohns disease (A3921084) van Brunschot S Transluminal Endoscopic step-up approach versus minimally invasive SurgIcal step-up approach in patients with infected pancreatic Necrosis (TENSION): a randomized controlled parallel-group superiority multicenter trial van de Loosdrecht AA A non-interventional post-autorisation study to evaluate safety and efficacy in patients receiving azacitidine in daily clinical practice in the Netherlands (OCEAN) van den Eertwegh AJM The TEAM trial (Tesigna efficacy in advanced melanoma): A phase II, open label, multi-center, single-arm study to assess the efficacy of Tasigna in the treatment of patients with metastatic and/or inoperable melanoma herboring a c-Kit mutation van der Horst- Bruinsma IE Open label phase 4 study, investigating the incidence of extra-articulair manifestations in subjects with ankylosing spondylitis treated with golimumab van der Horst IE Social Participation in Ankylosing Spondylitis (SPASS) van der Laken J Assessment of disease activity of ankylosing spondylitis with [18F] Fluoride PETCT van der Peet DL Pancreatitis of biliary origin, optimal timing of CHOlecystectomy (PONCHO): a rondomized controlled parallel-group superiority multicenter trial van der Vliet JJ / Derks S Predictive markers for individualized biology-driven treatment for esophageal cancer van Dodewaard - de Jong JM Uptake and biodistribution of 89*Zirconium-labeled ipilimumab in ipilimumab treated patiens with metastatic melanoma or castration-resistant prostate carcinoma van Dodewaard – de Jong JM A phase I/II trial of Cabazitaxel +/- Rhenium-188 HEDP in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer who progressed o nor after a decetaxel containing treatment. The ReCab trial van Dodewaard- de Jong JM A randomised phase II study of repeated Rhenium-188-HEDP combined with Docetaxel versus Docetaxel alone in castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) metastatic to bone van Furth AM The genetic basis of meningococcal and other life threatening bacterial infections of childhood Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 156 van LindeME Phase II study of 18F fluorothymidine Positron Emission Tomography (FLT-PET) in the follow up of glioblastoma multiforme patients treated with combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy van Nieuwkerk CJM A multi-center randomized controlled study of primary prevention of esophageal variceal bleeding in cirrhotic patients treated with HVPG-guided therapy of standard heart rate-guided therapy: the PORTHOS trial van Nieuwkerk CMJ A Multi-center, Randomized, Open-label study for Induction of HbsAg decline using an add-on treatment of peginterferon alfa-2a in HbeAg-negative chronic hepatitis B patients treated with nucleaos(t)ide analogues van Nieuwkerk CMJ A Phase 3, Double Blind, Placebo Contolled Trial and Long Term Safety Extension of Obeticholic Acid in Patients with Primary Biliary Cirrhosis (747301) van Tuyl L Evaluatie van het stoppen van TNF-blokkerende geneesmiddelen bij patiënten met reumatoïde artritis met lage ziekteactiviteit: de POEET studie Vandertop WP Ultra-early tranexamic acid after subarachnoid hemorrhage (ultra) Veldhuijzen van Zanten SEM Administration of therapeutic BiCNU via Convection Enhanced Delivery in Diffuse Intrinsic Pontine Glioma (DIPG-ABC Study Verdonck IM Netherlands Quality of Life and Biomedical Cohort Studies In Cancer_Head and Neck Cancer (NET-QUBIC_HNC) Verheul HMW Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of methylnaltrexone in resolving constipation induced by different opiod subtypes, combined with laboratory analysis of immunomodulatory and antiangiogenic effects of methylnaltrexone Verheul HMW Therapeutic drug monitoring to individualize the dosing of pazopanib: a randomized pharmacokinetic feasibility study Verheul HMW An open-label phase IIIb study of regorafenib in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) who have progressed after standard therapy Verheul HMW Measurement of tumor kinase inhibitor concentrations using PET imaging in patients with advanced solid malignancies Verheul HMW A phase I study of high-dose, intermittent sunitinib in patients with solid tumors Verheul HWM A Phase I, Open-Label Study of the Safety and Pharmacokinetics of Escalating Doses of DMOT4039A in Patients with Unresectable Pancreatic or PlatinumResistant Ovarium Cancer Voskuyl AE Effects of bosentan in a HOMogenEous population of SSc subjects with a predefined restriction of blood flow in the hands (HOME) Voskuyl AE Prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter, parallel group study to assess the efficacy, safety and tolerability of macitentan in patients with ischemic digital ulcers associated with systemic sclerosis (DUAL2) Zijlstra JM Tumor uptake of 89Zirconium-ofatumumab and 89Zirconium-rituximab in diffuse large B cell lymphoma patients Zijlstra JM HD 17: Treatment optimization trial in the first-line treatment of intermediate stage Hodgkin lymphoma; treatment stratification by means of FDG-PET Zijlstra JM PCI 32765-MCL-3001 (RAY); A Randomized, Controlled, Open-Label, Multicenter Phase 3 Study of the Brutons Tyrosine Kinase (Btk) Inhibitor Ibrutinib versus Temsirolimus in Subjects with Relapsed or Refractory Mantle Cell Lymphoma Who Have Received at Least One Prior Therapy Zijlstra JM A phase II study of obinutuzumab monotherapy in rituximab-fefractory follicular lymphoma Zweegman S HOVON 104 Amyloidosis: A multicenter, randomized phase III study of bortezomib and dexamethasone compared with dexamethasone alone as induction treatment followed by high dose mephalan (HDM) and autologous stem cell transplantation (SCT) in patients with de novo amyloid light chain (AL) amyloidosis Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 157 Zweegman S A phase II, Multicenter, Open Label, Single Arm Study of SAR302503 in Subjects Previously Treated with Ruxolitinib and with a Current Diagnosis of Intermediate-2 of High-Risk Primary Myelofibrosis, Post-Polycythemia Vera Myelofibrosis, or Post-Essential Thrombocythemia Myelofibrosis N.B. positieve oordeel METc UMC Nijmegen volgt zodra ondertekende contract vervangen is. Zweegman S A phase 3, Randomized, Controlled, Open Label, Multicenter, Safety and Efficacy Study of Dexamethasone Plus MLN9708 or Physicians Choice of Treatment Administered to Patients With Relapsed or Refractory Systemic Light Chain (AL) Amyloidosis Zweegman S A randomized controlled phase 3 study of oral Pacritinib versus best available therapy in patients with Primary Myelofibrosis, Post-Polycythemia Vera Myelofibrosis, or Post- Essential Thrombocythemia Myelofibrosis CWO Research project / grant proposals Grant Principal investigator Title CCA Cloos J Identification and characterization of AML (stem) cells responsible for development of relapse Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Roemer MGM Characterizing genetic alterations in diffuse large B-cell lymphomas occurring in immune privileged sites GSK Coupé VMH A melanoma disease model to assess effects and costs of individualized treatment strategies KWF Greijer A Cytolytic virus activation (CLVA) therapy for EBV-driven gastric carcinoma KWF Steenbergen R Construction of a discriminatory, biologically relevant miRNA marker panel for triage in hrHPV-based cervical cancer screening KWF Smit L The identification of microRNAs specific for leukemic stem cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia KWF van Beijnum J Targeting endothelial surface vimentin for angiostatic therapy and imaging of cancer KWF Castelijns JA Detection of local recurrences by PET-MRI in patients with laryngeal carcinoma treated with chemoradiation: correlation between PET-MRI and histopathological findings KWF Greijer A New therapy for Epstein-Barr virus driven tumours by targeting the virus itself KWF de Gruijl TD Angiostasis as a means to simultaneously increase tumor immune infiltration and eliminate cancer-associated myeloid suppression KWF Braakhuis B Mechanisms of local cancer relapse in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma KWF de Winter J Compensatory survival mechanisms in cancer cells: novel targets for therapy? KWF Carvalho B The role of AURKA and TPX2 in colorectal adenoma-tocarcinoma progression KWF Steenbergen R Comprehensive analysis of the in vitro transforming properties of the 15 high-risk human papillomavirus types (hrHPVs) KWF Peters GJ Optimization of gastrointestinal and tumor uptake of tyrosine kinase inhibitors KWF van Dijk M What the placenta can teach us about cancer KWF den Haan J Development of a rapid and effective prime-boost vaccination strategy for melanoma KWF Dorsman JC Molecular carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 158 Grant Principal investigator Title KWF Veldhuijzen N A case-control study to identify risk factors associated with cervical cancer in young women KWF Wurdinger T Monitoring tumour behaviour and response to treatment in glioblastoma patients through platelet and microvesicle RNA profiles KWF Voortman J Clinical outcome prediction by next generation microRNA sequencing of patients with locally advanced laryngeal carcinoma treated with concurrent chemoradiation KWF van Egmond M / Vidarsson G Therapeutic potential of engineered IgG3 monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy KWF van Die IM How galectin-4 interferes with metastasis of pancreatic cancer cells KWF van Vliet SJ Cracking carbohydrate cues in cancer KWF de Jong D Clinicopathological criteria for diagnosis of nodal marginal zone lymphoma: an emerging entity KWF Jordanova ES Translating immune characteristics and genetics make-up of metastatic tumor cells into therapeutic targets for cervical cancer KWF Bleeker MCG Vulvar carcinogenesis: a risk assessment of precursor lesions by molecular analysis KWF van Egmond M Therapeutic potential of engineered IgG3 monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy KWF Klein M Internet-based treatment of fatigue in low-grade glioma patients: an evidence-based randomized controlled trial KWF rakenhoff RH Identification of the target genes regulated by microRNAs that show tumor-welective lethality in head and neck cancer cells KWF Klein M Evidence-based internet treatment of fatigue in low-grade glioma patients: a randomized controlled trial KWF Hoekstra OS How imaging AR expression in castrate resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) patients may help to personalize therapy with antiandrogens KWF Gordijn MS & Kaspers GJL Sleep, fatigue and quality of life in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia KWF Meijerink WJHJ Immunophotodetection in colorectal cancer KWF Smit L The therapeutic potential of IGF1R inhibition and IGFBP7 in the specific eradication of leukemic stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia KWF van Egmond M / Vidarsson G Therapeutic potential of engineered IgG3 monoclonal antibodies in cancer therapy KWF van Kooyk Y Improving therapeutic cancer vaccines using a novel glycanpeptide-based approach KWF E. Giovannetti Clinical outcome prediction in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients treated with novel irreversible epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKI) KWF Thijssen VLJL From bones to vessels: Targeting endothelial progenitor cell recruitment to inhibit tumor angiogenesis KWF Fijneman RJA Validation of candidate protein biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer KWF Snellenberg S PRDM14, a novel apoptosis modulator in cervical cancer KWF de Gruijl TD A Phase-I/II trial of local low-dose anti-CTLA4 administration Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 159 Grant Principal investigator Title combined with an NY-ESO peptide vaccine in Stage 2-3 melanoma patients KWF Heideman DAM Identification of sequence alterations underlying chromosomal instability in lung squamous carcinogenesis KWF van den Tol MPl & Nielsen K The use of PET-MRI in the follow-up of RFA treated colorectal liver metastases KWF Dorsman JC Molecular carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma KWF Braakhuis BJM Molecular pathology of squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity in young adults KWF Noordhuis P CLEC12A antibody-drug conjugated targeted therapy of leukemic stem cells in AML KWF Schuurhuis GJ Identification of therapy surviving leukemia initiating cells in acute myeloid leukemia in dependence of the type of leukemia KWF de Winter JP Compensatory pathways in BRCA1-deficient breast tumors as possible novel footholds for cancer therapy KWF de Bree R PET–CT and near-infrared fluorescence guided sentinel node identification in early oral cancer using 89Zr-Nanocoll-IRDye800CW KWF Griffioen AW Design of an effective anti-cancer combination therapy for breast cancer making use of a stochastic algorithm KWF van den Tol MP / Haloua M Ultrasound-Guided Breast Conserving Surgery for Palpable Breast Cancer Improves Cosmetic Outcome and Quality of Life KWF Jimenez CR Multi-cellular compartment proteomics to explore aberrant nuclear protein localization and secretion in colorectal adenoma to carcinoma progression KWF Jimenez CR Discovery and clinical evaluation of novel protein markers for homology repair deficient breast cancer KWF Brakenhoff RH Assessment of increasing incidence rates of HPV-induced oropharyngeal cancer in the Netherlands KWF Brakenhoff RH Development of novel selective inhibitors targeting WEE1 kinase KWF Bas Mulder Award van Litsenburg R The effect of sleep disorders, economic burden and physical activity on quality of life in pediatric cancer KWF- fellowship Nagel R Identification of methylation markers for prediction of treatment outcome op patients with head and neck squamous cell carcinoma KWF-fellowship Bosch LJW Decoy Receptor 1 (DCR1), apoptosis and drug response NWO middelgroot Mebius R High resolution 3D imaging of fluorescently stained large tissues NWO middelgroot Boellaard R Establishing a facility for multi-modality preclinical imaging in drug development NWO Veni van der Stoop PM Tackle the untouchables: drug target discovery for invasive glioblastoma NWO Veni Poot AJ Native radiolabeling of peptides to speed up the translational path towards clinical peptide imaging NWO VICI de Gruijl TD Therapeutic interference in myeloid suppression in the microenvironment of human tumours and draining lymph nodes Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 160 Grant Principal investigator Title NWO VIDI García Vallejo JJ Towards functional glycomics of antigen recognition NWO VIDI Unger WWJ Notch controls human CD8 tumor-specific T-cells NWO VIDI Pegtel DM Lockn load for discharge of tumor exosomes ODAS stichting Moll AC / Hartong DT Complications, functional and cosmetic results in patients treated for retinoblastoma in the Netherlands ODAS stichting de Jong MC Multicenter implementation of MR imaging studies in childres with retinoblastoma for assessment of response to chemotherapy and early detection of pineoblastoma and craniofacial second primary malignancies Semmy Foundation Kaspers GJ Drug distribution and local drug delivery in diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma VONK Cloos J Improvement of prognosis of pediatric AML by identification and characterization of (stem) cells responsible for development of relapse Vriendenloterij Vis AN De invloed van cholesterol op het biologisch gedrag van prostaatkanker Vriendenloterij Dekker J Kwaliteit van leven en zorgbehoefte na colorectale kanker: een studie tot 5 jaar na de diagnose Vriendenloterij van Dongen GAMS Moleculaire PET imaging: therapie op maat met dure geneesmiddelen Vriendenloterij Heideman DAM Verbeterde moleculaire diagnostiek die bijdraagt aan een zorg waar therapie op maat centraal staat Vriendenloterij Dekker J Zorgbehoeften van patiënten met een hematologische kanker: een kwalitatieve studie Vriendenloterij Haloua M Echogeleide borst-sparende chirurgie voor palpabel borstkanker ter verbetering van het cosmetisch resultaat en de kwaliteit van leven Vriendenloterij Huijsmans RJ Fit ondanks Kanker: fitness voor hematologie patiënten in de kliniek Vriendenloterij Smit L De ontwikkeling van innovatieve therapie specifiek gericht tegen leukemie cellen die terugkeer van de ziekte veroorzaken Vriendenloterij Verheul HMW Optimalization of systemic treatment strategies in elderly patients with advanced solid malignancies Vriendenloterij Hopmans W De patiënt centraal: de ontwikkeling van een innovatieve keuzehulp voor patiënten met stadium I longkanker Vriendenloterij Moll AC Complicaties, functionele, en cosmetische uitkomsten bij behandelde retinoblastoom patiënten in Nederland Vriendenloterij Molthoff CFM Verbetering van de behandeling van blaaskanker Vriendenloterij van Kessel ECJ Aanvraag eenmalige financiering Informatiecentrum polikliniek VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam VUmc Coupé VMH A colorectal cancer model including molecular features: prediction of health benefits and economic outcomes of new generation screening test and assessment of a molecular-based intermediate endpoint VUmc van Kuijk C Evidence based interventional oncology: from last resort to potent alternative or additional treatment VUmc CCA PhD position van de Loosdrecht A Role of immune responses focussing on DC in the pathogenesis of low risk and high risk Myelodysplastic syndromes: Implications for immunotherapy VUmc CCA PhD position Brakenhoff RH Development of personalized targeted treatments for head and neck cancer Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 161 Grant Principal investigator Title VUmc CCA PhD position van Egmond M The neutrophil immunoglobulin A (IgA) Fc receptor (FcaRI) perpetuates inflammation and tissue damage in autoimmune diseases VUmc Hematology Schuurhuis GJ The role of minimal residual disease, and leukemia stem cells herein, in clinical decision making CWO-DEC: Animal related protocols Indiener Titel Bögels M Geeft een IgG3 antilichaam variant met verhoogde halfwaardetijd een betere antilichaamtherapie tegen ontwikkeling van carcinoma metastases in muizen Braakhuis B Verbetering van radiotherapeutische behandeling van longkanker door middel van specifieke gen inhibitie Brakenhoff R Behandeling van hoofd-halskanker met behulp van tumor-specifieke microRNAs Cohen R Evaluation of novel antibody-drug conjugates containing the highly toxic drug tubulysin for targeted tumor treatment den Haan J Opzetten van depletie van CFS-1 receptor (CFS-1R) positieve macrofagen door middel van een CFS-1R blokkerend antilichaam den Haan J B cel tolerantie inductie door middel van antigen gekoppeld aan antilichamen den Haan J Prime-boost vaccinatie door middel van antigen gekoppeld aan antilichamen die targeten naar macrofagen of dendritische cellen Dong W Evaluatie van de oncolytische potentie van een nieuw conditioneel replicerend adenovirus, ORCA-010 (AdOT-091), in een humaan prostaat kanker model in naakte muizen. Ferrantelli E Migration and angiogenesis in rodent peritoneal dialysis model by means intra-vital video microscopy Glim J Optimalisatie operatietechnieken transplantatie humane huid op NSG-muis Grewal S Effecten van selectieve darm decontaminatie (SDD) op de uitgroei van tumorcellen in de lever Gül N Opzetten van in vivo imaging mbv 2Photon microscoop Gül N Effecten van antilichaam behandeling op het uitgroei van lever metastases Keuning E Practicum Celbiologie cursus voor bachelor biomedische wetenschappen en bewegingswetenschappen Keuning E Training protocol for intra-vital videomicroscopy in a rat and mouse model of end-stage renal disease Lagerweij T Toediening van carmustine via convection enhanced delivery in de hersenstam Lagerweij T Het gebruik van 'intravital' microscopie in pre-klinische neuro-oncologische studies Perdicchio M Modification of antigens with sialic acids to dampen autoreactive immune responses Perdicchio M Tumor-expressed sialic acids dampen anti-tumor immune responses via dendritic cell modulation Reijmers RM Identificatie van heparan sulfaat modificaties in het ontstaan van secondaire en tertiaire lymfoïde structuren Smit L De invloed van microRNA expressie op leukemie initiërende capaciteit en chemotherapie resistentie van primaire acute myeloide leukemie: identificatie van een potentiële therapie tegen leukemie Smit L De identificatie van AML patiënten monsters waarbij de leukemiecellen normale en/of maligne engraftment potentie hebben in het NOD/SCID/IL2 gamma chain (NSG) muizen Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 162 Indiener Titel model. Smit L Het bepalen van de overleving van de NOD/SCID IL2 receptor gamma chain knockout muizen na bestraling of busulfan behandeling en injectie van acute myeloide leukemie cellen Ulrich M Behandeling van wonden met Curdlan om de genezing te versnellen Unger W Remmen van EAE via specifieke modulatie van dendritische cellen van der Steen L Het blokkeren van in vivo migratie van humane Fc(RI transgene neutrofielen naar humaan IgA antilichamen gericht tegen muis collageen type XVII van der Stoop P Therapeutische toepassing voor behandeling van invasieve glioma van der Veer M Evaluation of efficacy of whole antibody and small molecules to inhibit tumor angiogenic vasculator formation in a syngenic and xenograft mouse model van Dongen GAMS Preclinical evaluation of near-infrared fluorescent nanobodies obtained through site-directed conjugation van Dongen GAMS PET-imaging en biodistributie studie met 11C- en 18F-gelabeld afatinib, een HER2 en EGFR selectieve tyrosine kinase remmer van Dongen GAMS Tumor targeting performance of a 89Zr-labeled anti-CEA-IL2 fusion antibody van Dongen GAMS Tumor targeting performance of a 89Zr-labeled anti-CD27 antibody van Dongen GAMS Evaluation of a novel antibody-drug conjugate (ADC) containing the antibody trastuzumab and the highly toxic drug tubulysin for targeted tumor treatment van Rijn S Een in vivo screen voor tumor supressor-genen die zijn ontregeld in GBM Veninga H Het effect van antigen targeting naar verschillende types macrofagen op B en T cel responsen in de afwezigheid van CD8+ dendritische cellen Veninga H De rol van Siglec-1 in het induceren van adaptieve immuunresponsen door metallofiele macrofagen Veninga H Het effect van antigen targeting naar macrofagen op B cellen Vos JB Onderzoek naar de therapeutische toepassing van bi-specifieke antistoftherapie voor de herintroductie van immunologische tolerantie tegen allergenen en auto-antigenen Weerdenburg E Onderzoek naar de rol van LipY in de verhoogde virulentie van ESX-5 deficiënte Mycobacterium marinum in zebravissen Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Scientific Research Committee - 163 Appendix 10. Evening Lectures January 17, 2012 Highlights program 1 & 3 Host: Johan de Winter - Chantal Stoepker: A novel Fanconi anemia gene identified by exome sequencing - Tieneke Schaaij-Visser: Novel candidate biomarkers for cisplatin response prediction and monitoring in NSCLC February 21, 2012 Highlights program 2 & 4 Host: Frits Peters - Victor Thijssen: Galectins in tumor angiogenesis: 1 for all, and all 4 one - Jasper Koning: The origin of lymph node stromal cells March 20, 2012 Highlights program 1& 5 Host: Irma Verdonck - Joël Vos: How to continue living a meaningful life after a cancer diagnosis: psychological concerns and interventions for cancer-patients - Linda Bosch: Waste matters: molecular stool screening for colorectal cancer April 17, 2012 Highlights program 2 & 3 Host: Connie Jimenez - Sandra van Vliet: Exploring the sweet spot in colon cancer mutations - Lotte Hiddingh: Identifying biomarkers of temozolomide resistance in glioma May 15, 2012 Highlights program 4 & 5 Host: Irma Verdonck - Katja Braam: Quality of Life in Motion: A combined physical exercise and psychosocial training program to improve physical fitness in children with cancer - Ben Slotman: Time trends in survival for elderly Dutch patients with stage I lung cancer in the past decade June 19, 2012 Highlights program 1& 2 Host: Johan de Winter - Berber Mol: The retinoblastoma paradigm revisited: a new subtype of retinoblastoma with normal RB1 - Nuray Gül: Surgery-induced liver metastases: how it begins and how to end it September 18, 2012 Highlights program 3 & 4 Host: Guus van Dongen - Derrek Heuveling: Improvement of the sentinel node procedure in head and neck cancer - Jurjen Ruben: Expanding the Applicability of the Clinical Dendritic Cell Vaccine DCOne October 16, 2012 Highlights program 2 & 5 - Kristiaan Lenos: Exploring the sweet spot in colon cancer mutations. - Jacqueline Langius: Critical weight loss in patients with head and neck cancer during (chemo)radiotherapy: concepts and implications November 20, 2012 Highlights program 1 & 4 Host: Peter Snijders - Denise Schütze: Human papillomavirus types on the road to (keratinocyte) eternity - Jasmina Hodzic: Identification of candidate targets to enhance radiotherapy in prostate cancer December 18, 2012 Highlights program 5 & 3 Host: Cor Verweij - Kees Ruys: Unbearable suffering as measured in end-stage cancer patients in primary care - Joyce Lubbers: Interferon and B-cell gene signatures contribute to diagnosis of pre-clinical Rheumatoid Arthritis Appendix Annual Report 2012 VUmc CCA – Evening Lectures - 164
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