65. Annual Report 2010 20 februari 2016 — PDF bestand Page 1
65. Annual Report 2010 20 februari 2016 — PDF bestand Page 1
VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam / VUmc Institute for Cancer & Immunology CCA/V-ICI Annual Report 2010 Address VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam / VUmc Institute for Cancer & Immunology (CCA/V-ICI) VU University Medical Center CCA 3.36 De Boelelaan 1117 1081 HV Amsterdam The Netherlands phone: e-mail: website : (31)20 4443113 [email protected] www.vumc.nl/afdelingen/CCA-V-ICI 1 2 List of contents List of contents 1. Preface 5 2. Description of CCA/V-ICI 7 3. Structure of CCA/V-ICI 9 4. SWOT analysis 11 5. International collaboration 13 6. Input CCA/V-ICI 17 7. Output CCA/V-ICI 19 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 21 9. Scientific Research Committee 37 10. Training and education 47 Appendices 53 3 4 1. Preface 1. Preface It is a great pleasure to present the 2010 annual report of CCA/V-ICI. The institute is really flourishing with an even rising production in scientific output, both quantitatively and qualitatively. In 2010, some important steps were made: the foci in patient care of VUmc: "zwaartepunten", were further defined. For CCA/V-ICI cancer and immunology in patient care go side by side with the researchprograms and further integration of care and research are very rapidly progressing. I wish you much pleasure in reading this report! Peter Huijgens, director 5 6 2. Description of CCA/V-ICI 2. Description of CCA/V-ICI CCA/V-ICI is one of the five research institutes of the VU University Medical Center. CCA/V-ICI was created to integrate all research efforts in oncology and immunology in such a way that they strengthen themselves to reach well-defined, interconnected goals. Furthermore, CCA/V-ICI aims to create new facilities for fundamental and clinical research, both in terms of laboratory facilities, and technical equipment, and will stimulate cooperation. CCA/V-ICI is positioned horizontally in the structure of the VUMC, thus interfacing with the different divisions of clinical and pre-clinical departments. The CCA/V-ICI organization is built around the top researchers in oncology and immunology in the VUMC. They are the members of the executive board, advising the management board that heads the institute. A detailed description of the organization of CCA/V-ICI, together with the organization scheme is given in appendix 1. About 75% of all VUmc medical departments are involved in research focussed on oncology and/or immunology. Research is conducted within five well defined research themes. Furthermore, five tumour types and two immunological disorders have been selected to form the focus for ongoing research efforts during virtually every stage of the disease. These include colorectal cancer, lung cancer, head and neck cancer, haematological cancers, neuro-oncology, rheumatoid disease, coeliakie, contact dermatitis and inflammatory bowel disease. In these patient groups, comprehensive clinical and research programmes will be established in which clinical care and research are fully integrated. These range from early detection and diagnosis to treatment and palliative care. Furthermore, CCA/V-ICI has excellent research expertise on HPV-related tumors, esophagus cancer, prostate cancer, retinoblastomas,breast cancer, psoriasis, insulin allergy and autoimmune hepatitis. To ensure that all the clinicians and researchers within CCA/V-ICI remain highly qualified, a lifelong learning programme has been set up, starting with undergraduate (bio)medical students and continuing through Master’s and PhD level to postgraduate/specialist training and beyond. Mission The mission of CCA/V-ICI is to coordinate, stimulate and facilitate: - top level fundamental, translational and patient related research in immunology and cancer, within the framework of a defined number of research themes - top level multidisciplinary patient care - creation of excellent facilities for research and patient care - training of (young) investigators to ensure excellent fundamental and clinical researchers - optimal training of health care workers - fundraising To this end the tasks of CCA/V-ICI are: - Development of long-term policy - Attuning the institutional policy and the policies of the participating (heads of) departments - Facilitation and coordination of oncology and immunology research - Quality control and stimulation of research by stimulating cross interfaces between departments, research groups and clusters - Training, supervision and assessment of graduate students in research - Organization of courses, national and international seminars, entrance examinations, publications, conferences and all that is necessary in this frame work - Facilitation of multidisciplinary patient care and early diagnosis - Facilitation of providing information to patients and their relatives - Facilitation of the development of cure/care pathways for oncological and immunological patients groups - Facilitation of research facilities - Quality control and stimulation of support systems for clinical research - Training of health care workers; a.o. in the medical curriculum, and post-academic education - Coordination of the funding of programs 7 2. Description of CCA/V-ICI CCA/V-ICI future plans CCA/V-ICI aims to take and hold a leading position in fundamental and patient related research in cancer and immunology and to improve curative and palliative patient care and to be an attractive partner for external partners. In particular CCA/V-ICI will focus on: • Virus-induced oncogenesis and the role of cancer genes in frequently occurring sporadic and inherited tumors • Development of cell based immunotherapy against cancer and new immunosuppressive methods in immunological diseases • Classification of diseases and disease monitoring by molecular imaging, genomics and proteomics • Introduction and evaluation of new therapeutic modalities, combining immunotherapeutical approaches, DNA technology and improving existing therapy methods • Translational research: what benefit will the aforementioned focus points bring for the patients. • Generation of improved knowledge about quality of life of childhood and adult patients with oncological and immune-mediated diseases and their families and conduction of high quality innovative translational research into developments and readily available new supportive care strategies. 8 3. Structure of CCA/V-ICI 3. Structure of CCA/V-ICI The research projects in CCA/V-ICI are grouped in programs headed by three to five program leaders who are responsible for the organization, the coordination and the quality of the program. The program leaders constitute the Executive Board of CCA/V-ICI that reports to the Management Board of CCA/V-ICI. Program 1: Oncogenesis Program 1 covers both basic and translational research and is divided into two subthemes: 1. Viral oncogenesis, progression and early diagnostics 2. Genetic predisposition and cancer genes Program 2: Immunopathogenesis The CCA/V-ICI program 2 covers both fundamental and pre-clinical research in which immunological processes underlying homeostasis control, in relation with inflammatory diseases and cancer form major topics of research. Program 2 is subdivided into three research lines: 1. Homeostasis control and Inflammation 2. Host-pathogen interaction 3. Tumor immunology and pre-clinical immune therapy Program 3: Disease profiling The CCA/V-ICI program 3 covers fundamental and translational research to identify new determinants for diagnosis, prognosis and tailored treatment for immunological and oncological diseases. Program 3 is subdivided in three disease oriented research lines: 1. Solid tumors 2. Hematological malignancies 3. Chronic inflammatory diseases Program 4: Innovative therapy The CCA/V-ICI program 4 encompasses translational research within the field of oncological and immune-mediated, non-oncological diseases. The program has been organized along four research lines: 1. Chemotherapy 2. Immunotherapy 3. Radiotherapy and surgery 4. Gene therapy Program 5: Quality of life The CCA/V-ICI program 5 encompasses research within the field of quality of life of childhood and adult patients with oncological and immune-mediated, non-oncological diseases. The program “Quality of life” addresses four main topics: 1. Patient and proxy reported outcome 2. Allied health services and lifestyle 3. Psycho-oncology 4. Palliative Care 9 10 4. SWOT analysis 4. SWOT analysis Strengths: • Strong clinical and fundamental research units in one institute with excellent translational research lines • Excellent facilities • Excellent teaching program, including strong masterprograms • Flat organization, theme meetings and general meetings • Coordinated project applications • Outpatient facility • Strong departments represented in all crucial committees • A number of exceptional strong clinical departments nationwide and worldwide (Pathology, Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, Hematology, Medical Oncology) Weakness: • Dispersion in “therapy program” • Limited equipment budget • Strong dependence of translational research on patient mix Opportunities: • Development of more bench to bedside research lines • Integration of immunological and cancer research to develop new immunotherapeutical approaches • New imaging facility • Cooperation with other research institutes in Amsterdam and the western part of the Netherlands Threats: • Financial situation of university medical centers in the Netherlands • Increasing focusing of VUMC towards patient care because of financial reasons 11 12 5. International collaboration 5. International collaboration Investigator Prominent associates Ang CW • K.A. Krogfelt, Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark Appelmelk BJ • J. Nigou, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Département, Mécanismes Moléculaires des Infections Mycobacteriennes, Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, and Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Université deToulouse, Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse III), Toulouse, France G. Besra, School of Biosciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston , United Kingdom D. Umetsu, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA • • Beelen RHJ • • J. Loreiro/M. Lopez Cabrera, Insituto de Biologica, Moleculas Eladio Vinuela, Madrid, Spain M. Bohm/C. Aufricht, Medizinische Universitaet, Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, Vienna, Austria P. Fabbrini, Instito Renal Medicine, Milan, Italy Bitter W • Richard Losick, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA Boers M • • • • • • • • Prof P. Tugwell, Prof G. Wells, University of Ottawa, Ca Prof D. Felson, University of Boston, USA Prof P. Brooks, University of Brisbane, Australia Prof V. Strand, University of Stanford, USA Prof. J. Kirwan, University of Bristol, UK Prof, W. Maksymovich, University of Edmonton, Canada Prof. J. Blazenby, University of Bristol, UK Dr. R. Christensen, University of Copenhagen, Denmark Braakhuis BJM • Dr P. Golusinsky, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland Brakenhoff RH • • • Prof A Ferlito, Dept Surgical Sciences, University of Udine, Italy Prof F McCormick, Director Cancer Centre UCSF, USA Dr N Korokhov, Vector Logics Inc, Birmignham AL, USA Castelijns JA • P. Galluzzi, A.Cerasi, Department of Neurosciences, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Senese, Interdepartmental Center of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, University of Siena, Siena, Italy. Gizewski ER, Forsting M, Department of Diagnostic and Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital, Essen, Germany. Brisse HJ, Department of Radiology, Institute Curie, Paris, France Maeder P, Pediatric Hematology Oncology Unit and Radiology Department Service de radiodiagnostic et de radiologie interventionnelle CHUV Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Vaudois University Hospital CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland • • • • Cloos J • A.D. Schimmer, Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada de Gruijl TD • Dr C.H. June, Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Philadelphia, USA Dr D.T. Curiel, Division of human gene therapy, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham Alabama, USA • de Winter JP • • Krystyna H. Chrzanowska, Department of Medical Genetics, The Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Warsaw, Poland Weidong Wang, National Institute on Aging, Baltimore, USA Dorsman JC • Antoine M. Snijders, Cancer Research Institute, Comprehensive Cancer, University of California, San Francisco, CA, USA Gibbs S • Sens-it-iv consortium (30 international partners – multiple publications), Multiple in Europe (www.sensitiv.eu), Europe Giovannetti E • • • Prof. Prof. Prof. Italy Prof. Italy • F. De Braud, European Institute of Oncology, Milano, Italy U. Boggi, University of Pisa, Italy Daniela Campani, Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Federico Cappuzzo, head dept. Oncology, Livorno Civil Hospital, Carrara, 13 5. International collaboration Investigator Prominent associates • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Heideman DAM • • • • Prof. Armando Santoro, head dept. Oncology and Hematology, Humanitas Hospital, Milan, Italy Prof. A. Falcone, Dept. Oncology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. R. Rosell, Dept. Oncology, Barcelona, Spain Dr. F. Crea, Scuola di Studi Superiori S.Anna, Pisa, Italy Dr. M. Cantore, Dept. Oncology, Civic Hospital Carrara, Carrara, Italy Dr. Marco del Chiaro, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Dr. Leticia G Leon, Instituto Universitario de Bio-Organica Antonio Gonzalez (IUBO-AG), C/Astrofísico Francisco Sanchez Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain R. Danesi, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Giuseppe Giaccone, Chief Medicine Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA. Dr. P.A. Zucali & Prof. Dr. A Santoro, Humanitas Hospital, Milan, Italy Prof Filippo Minutolo, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Dr. Carmelo Tibaldi, University of Livorno, Livorno, Italy Dr. N Funel, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Dr. Y. Assaraf, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Israel Dr. S. Franceschi, International Agency Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France Dr. G. Clifford, International Agency Research on Cancer (IARC), Lyon, France Dr. R. Thomas and colleagues, Max Planck Institute for Neurological Research, Klaus-Joachim-Zülch Laboratories of the Max Planck Society and the Medical Faculty of the University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany European Early Lung cancer (EUELC) Consortium: John K. Field, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Research Programme, Cancer Research Centre, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom; Christian Brambilla, Institut Albert Bonniot, Université Joseph Fourier, INSERM U823; Grenoble, France Jansen G • Prof dr. Y.G. Assaraf, The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Jiménez C, Schaaij-Visser TB, Pham TV, Piersma SR, Wurdinger T, Peerdeman SM, Saydam O, and Stemmer-Rachamimov AO • O. Senol, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA Kirtschig G • • Prof. Dr. H Williams, Nottingham University, Nottingham, UK EADV task force “Skin disease in pregnancy”, EADV, last meeting at the EADV event in Gotheburg, Sweden Mebius R • Ronen Alon, the Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel • Steven Pals, AMC, dept Pathology, Amsterdam • A.J. Habenicht, Institute for Vascular Medicine, Friedrich Schiller University of Jena, Germany Meijer GA • Prof. E. Schröck, Institut für Klinische Genetik, Medizinische Fakultät Carl Gustav Carus der TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany • Prof. J.G. Herman and Prof. S. Bayling, The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, Maryland, USA • Prof. F Pontén, Department of Genetics and Pathology, Rudbeck Laboratory, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden • Prof. P. Quirke and H. Grabsch, PhD, Academic Unit of Pathology, University of Leeds, United Kingdom • Prof. D. Sidransky,The Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, Maryland, United States of America • Prof. W. van Criekinge, OncoMethylome Sciences S.A, Liege, Belgium • R.T. Cormier, University of Minnesota Medical School, Duluth, MN, USA • Prof. G.Giaccone, Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA • K.H. Buetow PhD, Center for Biomedical Informatics and Information Technology National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, USA Mooi WJ • • • • • • • 14 Prof. R.L. Barnhill, Université Paris VII, France Prof. M. Cook, Nuffield Health Guildhford Hospital, England Prof. L. Cerroni, University of Graz, Austria Prof. D.E. Elder, University of Pennsylvania, USA Prof. H. Kerl, University of Graz, Austria Prof. P.E. LeBoit, University of San Francisco, USA Prof M. Mihm, Harvard University, USA 5. International collaboration Investigator Peters GJ Prominent associates • • • Prof. R. Scolyer, University of Sydney, Australia Prof. L. Cerroni, University of Sydney, Australia Prof. L. Cerroni, University of Graz, Austria • • • • • • • • • Dr. R.A. Schwendener, University of Zürich, Zürich, Switserland Prof. Dr. H Schott, University of Tubingen, Tubingen, Germany prof. Dr. J Balzarini, Rega Instituut, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium Prof. Dr. O Fodstadt, Radium Hospital, Oslo, Norway Prof. Dr. S. Eriksson, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Dr. M. Sandvold, Clavis Pharma ASA, Oslo, Norway C. Calhau, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal I. Fichtner, Max-Delbrück-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany. Dr. J.M. Padron, Instituto Canario de Investigación del Cáncer (ICIC), Tenerife, Spain Dr. M Fukushima, Taiho Pharmacenticals, Tokushima, Japan Prof.dr. H. Schott, University of Tubingen, Germany Dr. C.M. Galmarini, PharmaMar, Madrid, Spain Prof. Alfredo Falcone, Head Department of Oncology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Ugo Boggi, Full Professor of Surgery, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Daniela Campani, Associate Professor of Pathology, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Federico Cappuzzo, Head Department of Oncology, Livorno Civil Hospital, Livorno, Italy Dr. Maurizio Cantore, Head Department of Oncology, Carrara Civic Hospital, Carrara, Italy Prof. Filippo De Braud, Head Unit Oncology and New Drugs, European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy Dr. Marco Del Chiaro, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Dr. Leticia G Leon, Instituto Universitario de Bio-Organica Antonio Gonzalez (IUBO-AG), C/Astrofísico Francisco Sanchez Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain R. Danesi, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Giuseppe Giaccone, Chief Medicine Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, USA. Dr. P.A. Zucali & Prof. Dr. A Santoro, Humanitas Hospital, Milan, Italy Prof Filippo Minutolo, Associate Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Dr. Carmelo Tibaldi, University of Livorno, Livorno, Italy Dr. N Funel, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy Prof. Dr. Y. Assaraf, Technion-Israel, Institute of Technology University, Haifa, Israel • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rustemeyer T • Sens-it-iv consortium (30 international partners – 1 publication), Multiple in Europe (www.sensitiv.eu), Europe Savelkoul PHM • Nuno Pais, Roche Molecular Systems, Plesangton, USA Senan S • • • • • • • • • D. Palma, London Regional Cancer Program, Ontario, Canada Kong (Spring) FM, University of Michigan Medical School; Ann Arbor, Michigan W.D. D’Souza, University of Maryland School of Medicine, Baltimore, USA C. le Péchoux, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris, France J.P. van Meerbeeck, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium G. Scagliotti, University of Turin, San Luigi Hospital, Turin, Italy U Nestle, Freiburg University Medical Center, Freiburg, Germany C. Faivre-Finn, The Christie, Manchester, United Kingdom S. Ishikura, National Cancer Center Hospital East, Kashiwa, Japan Slotman BJ • D. Palma, London Regional Cancer Program, Ontario, Canada Sminia P • Fedrigo C.A. Catholic University Rio Grande do Sul, Porte Alegro, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil van Beusechem VW • • Prof. F. McCormick, UCSF Cancer Center, San Francisco, California, USA Dr. Z.B. Zhu, Gene Therapy Center, UAB, Birmingham, Alabama, USA van de Loosdrecht AA • • • • Dr. S.M. van Ham, Sanquin Research at CLB, Amsterdam Dr. T. van den Berg, Sanquin Research at CLB, Amsterdam Prof. Dr S. Ostrand-Rosenberg; Baltimore, USA Dr. M. Loken and D. Wells. HematoLogics Inc. Seattle USA 15 5. International collaboration Investigator Prominent associates • • • van den Elsen PJ • • • European LeukemiaNet MDS working package 8 (implemanatation of flowcytometry in MDS) Dr. J. Janssen, Prof.dr. T. de Witte. UMCN, Nijmegen Dr. M. Raaijmakers, ErasmusMC, Rotterdam K Kobayashi, Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA M Villalba, Institut de Génétique Moléculaire de Montpellier, Unité Mixte de Recherche 5535, Centre National de Recherche Scientifique, Montpellier, France J. McClusky, Department of Microbiology & Immunology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia van der Horst-Bruinsma IE • ASAS- Society: internationaal samenwerkingsverband van reumatologen mbt spondylitis ankylopoetica van der Sar AM • Dr. S. Bird, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK van der Waal I • • • Meleti M, Unit of Oral Pathology and Medicine, Section of Odontostomatology, Department of ENT/Dental/Ophthalmological and Cervico-Facial Sciences, University of Parma, Italy R.A. Mendes, Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal J.F.C. Carvalho, Department of Oral Surgery, Faculty of Dental Medicine, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal R.A. Mendes, Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde, Norte, Porto, Portugal. G. Warfvinge, Department of Pathology, Malmö, Sweden van Die I • • R. Geyer, Giessen University, Germany R.D. Cummings, Emory University Medical School, Atlanta, USA van Dongen GAMS • Kiefer GE, Jurek P, Macrocyclics Inc, Dallas, Texas, USA van Egmond M • • Prof.dr. P. Kubes, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada Prof.dr. J. Ivanyi, Kings College, London, UK van Furth AM • Prof . dr. J. Schoeman, Tijgerberg Hospital, Cape Town, South-Africa van Furth AM and van der Kuip M • Prof. D. Kirschner, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Uiversity of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA van Kooyk Y • Collaboration with the group of Dr. Eduardo Arranz (Mucosal Immunology Lab, Dept. of Paediatrics & Immunology-IBGM, University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain) on immunomodulation of gliadin-specific immune responses through C-type lectin receptor targeting. Resulted in the visit of a PhD student (Enrique Montalvillo) for two months (October-November, 2010) Verweij CL • • • • Prof. dr. P.h. De Jager, Harvard University, Boston, USA Prof. Dr. D.A. Hafler, Yale University, Rochester, USA Prof. dr. M. Holers/ Dr. K. Dean, University of Colorado, Denver, USA Prof. dr. M. Comabella/Prof. dr. X. Montalban, , University of Vall d’Hebron, , Barcelona, Spain Wurdinger T • Dr. Bakhos Tannous, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston/USA Ylstra B • • Prof. dr. Nick Gilbert, Univeristy of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK Prof. dr. Patricia Maciel, University Minho, Portugal Zweegman S • M.Huizing, Medical Genetics Branch, National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA • • 16 6. Input CCA/V-ICI 6. Input CCA/V-ICI a. Acquisition per type of funding in euros Funding 2010 2009 2008 2007 Direct funding 8.109.439 6.927.240 6.605.989 6.665.874 Research funding 2.116.673 1.744.730 1.651.343 1.278.026 Contracts 5.596.577 4.830.820 4.865.624 3.177.712 15.822689 13.502.790 13.122.956 11.121.613 Funding 2010 2009 2008 2007 Direct funding 51,3% 51,3% 50,3% 59,9% Research funding 13,3% 12,9% 12,6% 11,5% Contracts 35,4% 35,8% 37,1% 28,6% Total 100% 100,0% 100,0% 100,0% Total As percentage: b. Fte per type of funding For a full list of all scientific input, see appendix 2. Total fte (including PhD students) WP1 Fte WP2 fte WP3 fte WP4 fte Total fte 1. Oncogenesis 13,97 5,13 22,62 3,17 44,89 2. Immunopathogenesis 21,61 24,55 16,33 3,67 66,16 3. Disease profiling 15,78 5,50 14,85 5,50 41,63 4. Innovative therapy 23,89 2,89 27,84 13,40 68,02 2,2 1,51 3,24 2,42 9,37 Total 2010 77,45 39,58 84,88 28,16 230,07 Total staff 2009 70,63 37,32 80,53 24,22 212,70 Total staff 2008 68,31 34,90 65,21 19,58 188,00 Total staff 2007 75,24 28,60 55,78 18,91 178,53 Program 5. Quality of life 17 6. Input CCA/V-ICI Total fte PhD students Program WP1 Fte WP2 fte WP3 fte WP4 fte Total fte 1. Oncogenesis 3,42 2,10 11,30 1,50 18,32 2. Immunopathogenesis 7,85 7,71 6,80 2,25 24,61 3. Disease profiling 6,38 2,30 9,15 3,90 21,73 4. Innovative therapy 4,40 1,81 18,10 7,61 31,92 5. Quality of life 0,95 0,61 2,24 1,42 5,22 Total 2010 23,00 14,53 47,59 16,68 101,80 Total 2009 20,24 14,40 44,41 15,79 94,84 Total 2008 10,69 23,87 16,16 29,25 79,97 Total 2007 13,55 21,45 16,79 29,25 81,04 Total fte (including PhD students) 30 25 20 program 1 program 2 15 program 3 program 4 program 5 10 5 0 WP1 WP2 WP3 WP4 c. Number of all newly started PhD projects in 2010 In 2010, 19 new PhD projects were started. For a full list of all newly started projects and PhD students, see appendix 3. 18 7. Output CCA/V-ICI 7. Output CCA/V-ICI a. Scientific output A full list of the scientific output can be found in appendix 4. Program WpR WpNR WP VP PP OCT DI 49 5 - - - - 6 128 9 2 1 5 1 14 83 5 1 5 - - 5 332 24 6 15 1 4 20 33 4 - - - - 2 Total 2010 625* 47 9 21 6 5 47 Total 2009 522 59 31 15 1 2 43 Total 2008 502 32 27 12 - - 32 Total 2007 473 34 33 16 - - 26 1. Oncogenesis 2. Immunopathogenesis 3. Disease profiling 4. Therapy 5. Quality of life WpR: WpNR: WP: VP: PP: OCT: DI: Scientific papers refereed (former WI, WN + LE) Scientific papers non refereed (former WI*) Scientific publications (book, book chapters, proceedings) (former WB, WBC, RA) Professional publications Popular publications Patents Dissertations *Due to an intense search on the internet, the amount of scientific papers are significantly higher than the years before. b. Scientific quality Evaluation of peer-reviewed publications (Science Citation Index (SCI) journals) Program 5 4 3 2 1 A B C D 1. Oncogenesis 17 19 8 3 2 49 193 3,9 73,5 2. Immunopathogenesis 46 47 26 4 5 128 509 4,0 72,7 3. Disease profiling 39 21 12 6 5 83 332 4,0 72,3 134 98 50 28 22 332 1290 3,9 69,9 6 14 11 2 - 33 123 3,7 60,6 Total 2010 242 199 107 43 34 625 2447 3,9 70,6 Total 2009 201 166 94 44 17 522 2056 3,9 70,3 Total 2008 145 157 68 58 19 447 1692 3,8 67,6 Total 2007 153 108 100 37 22 420 1592 3,8 62,1 4. Therapy 5. Quality of life Relation between scores and journal 5: SCI journal belonging to > 90th percentile (5 points) 4: SCI journal belonging to 75th – 90th percentile (4 points) 3: SCI journal belonging to 50th - 75th percentile (3 points) 2: SCI journal belonging to 25th – 50th percentile (2 points) 1: SCI journal from lowest quarter, publications in peer-reviewed journals without an Impact Factor (1 point) 19 7. Output CCA/V-ICI A: B: C: D: WI total Total points Average points Percentage of WI SCI journals in upper quartile (4 + 5) c. Indicators of esteem An overview of editorships, memberships, invited lectures, awards, grants obtained, organisation of congresses and news are outlined in appendix 5. d. Societal impact An overview of the Societal Impact of CCA/V-ICI is shown in appendix 6. e. Input/Output correlation Program Total fte Total WpR Average WpR/fte 2010 Average WpR/fte 2009 Average WpR/fte 2008 Average WpR/fte 2007 1. Oncogenesis 44,89 49 1,1 1,0 1,3 1,6 2. Immunopathogenesis 66,16 128 1,9 2,7 2,2 2,3 3. Disease profiling 41,63 83 2,0 2,6 4,1 2,3 4. Innovative therapy 68,02 332 4,9 2,6 2,2 2,7 9,37 33 3,5 6,4 - - 230,07 625 2,7 2,5 2,5 2,4 5. Quality of life Total 20 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI A long-term policy is developed for the programs, covering their focus, the need for personnel and materials, their budgets and their development. These long-term plans constitute the basis of the long-term policy of CCA/V-ICI. Research projects are evaluated on their (intrinsic) qualities and on their potential to strengthen the program as a whole. The program leaders present such projects in the EB for advice upon which the Management Board decides to allow or not to allow the project into CCA/V-ICI. A list of all ongoing projects per program is shown in appendix 7. a. Description Program 1: Oncogenesis Program leaders: - Prof. R.H. Brakenhoff, PhD (Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery) - Prof. H. Joenje, PhD (Clinical Genetics) - Prof. P.J.F. Snijders, PhD (Pathology) Program 1 covers both basic and translational research and is divided into three subthemes: 1. Viral oncogenesis 2. Cancer genomics 3. Genetic predisposition A major common objective of the research brought together in this program is to identify and characterize viral and non-viral cancer genes as well as genes responsible for inherited cancer predisposition. Their roles in oncogenic pathways are evaluated in models and clinical material. In addition, molecular markers are sought that may be utilized for a) screening for cancer and precancerous lesions, b) risk assessment of precancerous lesions, and c) cancer prevention. To this end an integrated bench to bedside approach is followed encompassing: 1) marker identification and clinical validation, 2) test development, validation and up-scaling by robotics, 3) risk group identification, 4) cost-effectiveness modelling, and 5) public acceptance studies. Screening studies are running for oral precancer, colorectal cancer and cervical cancer, in various risk groups, and often in the context of population-based screening trials. 1. Viral oncogenesis This subtheme focuses on the role of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) and Epstein Barr virus (EBV) in the development of human cancers, such as anogenital cancers, head and neck cancers, and lymphomas. Virus-induced oncogenic progression is investigated using both in vitro models and clinically well-defined patient material, and the genes involved in this process are identified and characterized. Viral and host markers are already being tested in screening and clinical trials for their capability to assess the risk of premalignant disease with an increased sensitivity and specificity compared to currently existing methods, and newly identified markers will be investigated likewise. 2. Cancer genomics Aimed at testing progression models for several human cancers, such as head and neck, lung, gastrointestinal, cervical and ovarian cancers, this subtheme uses wellcharacterized cohorts of patients and state-of-the art high-throughput methods for genetic, epigenetic, transcriptome and proteome analyses. Candidate cancer genes are identified, placed in their respective cancer pathways, and tested for their oncogenic capacity with the aid of in vitro models. Promising progression markers are evaluated in clinical studies. 3. Genetic predisposition In this subtheme understanding the molecular mechanisms of genome destabilization, as related to the occurrence of cancer, both familial and sporadic is studied. Attention is currently focusing on Fanconi anemia (FA), for which the pathway is being unravelled (13 FA genes known to date) and mouse models are being developed. It is recognized 21 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI that a subset of sporadic cancers may possess a cellular FA phenotype, which might be exploited through targeted therapeutic intervention. The possibility to sensitize (resistant) tumor cells by inhibition of the FA/BRCA pathway will also be explored. Recently the genetic predisposition to breast/ovarian and colorectal cancer has come into focus and will be developed during the years to come. A strong aspect of the research brought together in this program is that patient-oriented research is complemented by unique model systems allowing to dissect the carcinogenic process in the laboratory. These model systems include: HPV-transformed cultured keratinocytes mimicking cervical carcinogenesis (Pathology), conditionally immortalized oral keratinocytes allowing unraveling of the carcinogenic cascade mimicking head and neck carcinogenesis (ORL/HNS), and transgenic animals to study the role of genomic instability in the origin of cancer (Clinical Genetics). Research highlights Program 1 within period 2004-2009 1. Establishment that implementation of HPV testing in regular cervical screening leads to earlier detection of cervical (pre)cancerous lesions, permitting extension of the screening interval. 2. Demonstration that offering self-sampling of cervico-vaginal specimens for HPV testing to non-attendees of regular cervical screening is an effective instrument to increase the coverage of the screening program. 3. Collection of evidence that high-grade cervical premalignant lesions can be subdivided into potentially early and advanced lesions on the basis of their chromosomal profiles and that HPV positive women with clinically relevant cervical lesions can be recognised by hypermethylation of certain tumor suppressor genes. 4. Development of a novel test algorithm for archival formalin fixed paraffin-embedded specimens to assess HPV involvement and establishment of the role of HPV in penile and head and neck cancer, the latter both in sporadic patient groups as in genetically predisposed Fanconi anemia patients. 5. Development of a non-invasive high-througput molecular screening test for oral precancer. 6. Classification of head and neck cancers into in least three prognostically relevant groups: those with transcriptionally active HPV, those with many genetic changes, and those without apparent changes and a normal DNA index. 7. Generation of a unique in vitro model for head and neck cancer using conditionally immortalized oral keratinocytes that will pay off the coming years. 8. Identification of five novel Fanconi anemia genes: FANCB (responsible for an X-linked form of FA), BRIP1/FANCJ (encoding a BRCA1-interacting helicase), FANCM/Hef (encoding a DNA gyrase), PALB2/FANCN (a stabilizer of BRCA2), and FANCI (encoding a binding partner of FANCD2). 9. Identification of ESCO2 as the gene defective in Roberts syndrome, a neighboring syndrome characterized by a specific type of chromosomal instability. The latter two discoveries have yielded valuable pieces to the puzzle of the FA/BRCA pathway of genomic maintenance. 10. Identification of biomarkers for stool based and serum based colorectal cancer screening The activities of program 1 can further be inferred from the extra impuls by a large Center for Translational Molecular Medicine grant with the acronym DECODE to the research line on early detection of colorectal cancer, coordinated by VUmc (prof GA Meijer). A main focus of this 18.5 million euro program will be large scale validation of molecular markers for early detection of colorectal cancer. In addition, within this program large, unique biobanks have been established. These include 200,000 cervical scrape samples from regular screening and triage cohorts, 15,000 brush samples of the oral cavity of various controls groups, Fanconi anemia patients, leukoplakia patients and treated oral cancer patients. We also have collected clinical information as well as tumor biopsies, mucosa biopsies, serum and plasma of over 350 head and neck and 200 lung cancer patients. In addition, 1,000 AFB-guided bronchial biopties of patients at risk of lung cancer, 600 sputum samples of lung cancer and COPD patients as 22 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI well as 750 faeces samples of colorectal cancer cases and controls have been collected and stored. The total number of genetic subtypes in Fanconi anemia has now grown to 13. However, a unique collection of cell lines and materials from Fanconi anemia families has been accumulated containing a sizable number of unclassifiable cell lines that still wait for their gene defects to be identified. This includes patients with ‘overlapping’ syndromes such as Seckel syndrome. Perspectives Within the next five years several research aims are defined. These include the establishment of a novel, cost-effective algorithm for primary HPV testing in cervical screening with additional biomarkers added for optimal triage of HPV positive women. We will also have developed (epi)genetic screening assays for colorectal and oral cancer and precancer detection, and gained insight in the cost–effectiveness of population-based screening programs in the various risk groups. In addition, we expect that the function of several existing candidate-cancer genes in head and neck, gastrointestinal, lung and cervical cancer will have been elucidated and their impact on human cancer will have been evaluated. We further expect to have detailed progression models worked out for head and neck cancer, cervical cancer as well as gastrointestinal cancers, and to have identified novel candidate-cancer genes that play a role in the development of these tumors using a combined approach of functional genetic screens, validation of putative targets by genetic analysis of tumor DNA and testing in models. Novel genes involved in the FA pathway and other chromosome fragility syndromes will have been mapped and/or identified. Mouse models for genome destabilization syndromes will have been generated and the role of FA genes in sporadic human cancers ascertained. Finally, we will have established whether loss of the FA pathway makes cells hypersensitive to inhibition of other biochemical pathways in so called synthetic lethality screens. This information may be applicable to develop new non-genotoxic therapies for sporadic cancers with the FA phenotype. In addition, targeted interference with the FA/BRCA pathway will be explored as a means to sensitize (resistant) tumor cells for chemotherapy. Together, it will be clear that the knowledge of the molecular alterations leading to cancer, as to be gained from this CCA/V-ICI program, will be of vital importance for the development of new measures to successfully prevent and/or treat cancer in the human population. Summary of the research aims for the coming 5 years: 1. Elucidation of specific genomic stabilisation mechanisms and the role of deficiencies in these mechanisms in the occurrence of cancer, both familial and sporadic. Interference with recognized targets will be explored as a means to sensitize tumor cells. This approach includes in vitro model systems as well as animal models. 2. Determination of the role of specific cancer genes in the origin of sporadic tumors. 3. Establishing the exact role of oncogenic viruses in the origin of cancer, in particular HPV and EBV. This includes the identification of viral cancer genes and additional genetic and epigenetic alterations essential for the tumors they induce. The roles of these genetic alterations in oncogenesis will be assessed, both in in vitro models and in the cancer patient. 4. Unraveling the carcinogenic process in squamous cell carcinoma of the upper aerodigestive tract and colorectal cancer, both in in vitro models, and in the cancer patient. This includes the recognition of the cancer genes and miRNAs that are most relevant in these tumors, and can be exploited for development of treatment strategies. 5. Detection of new markers to monitor progressive precursor lesions of the cervix, head and neck, colon, lung and ovarium that may develop into carcinoma. 6. Development and improvement of high-throughput molecular diagnostic methods for secondary prevention of cervical (i.e. scrapings), head and neck (i.e. scrapings), colorectal (i.e. faeces), and lung (i.e. sputum) cancer. 23 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI Collaboration This program is build around the three major departments that participate: Pathology, Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, and Clinical Genetics. The collaboration not only involves common research interests, but also extends to the organization of the annual master course Oncogenesis. The program leaders meet at least monthly, to make optimal use of opportunities for collaboration, and this has led to a number of important papers. The recent development of an institution for early diagnosis and prevention of cancer (Cancer Center Amsterdam, in collaboration with V-ICI) has added new perspectives on a fruitful collaboration within and amongst the various programs. Especially the establishment of a Familial Cancer Clinic with a separate Laboratory for Clinical Oncogenetics, will stimulate further collaboration within the program. Collaboration has been established with many outstanding groups, including those of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Prof. R. Bernards, Prof. D. Peeper, Dr. R. Agami, Prof. S. Horenblas, Prof. A. Berns and Prof. H. Te Riele) and the Hubrecht laboratory is expected to pay off in the years to come. Both Profs. Peeper and Te Riele have been appointed to VUmc, and are active participants within CCA/V-ICI. There are also intensive contacts with HPV, EBV and Fanconi anemia support groups all over the worlds. Means Modern technology such as proteomics technology, microarray platforms and functional genetic screens are needed to identify new biomarkers and candidate-cancer genes that may be exploited as reliable risk-predictors for the progression of premalignant lesions, especially in cervix, colon, the head & neck region, and the lung. In addition, biostatistical support is warranted, as well as investment in high-throughput robotics. Mouse models are accessible through Prof Te Riele. Key publications 1. Gok M, Heideman DAM, van Kemenade FJ, Berkhof J, Rozendaal L, Spruyt JWM, Voorhorst F, Belien JAM, Babovic M, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. HPV testing on self collected cervicovaginal lavage specimens as screening method for women who do not attend cervical screening: cohort study. Brit Med J 2010; 340: art.nr. c1040 2. Veldhuijzen MJ, Snijders PJF, Reiss P, Meijer CJLM, van de Wijgert JH. Factors affecting transmission of mucosal human papillomavirus; 2010, pp 862-874.. Lancet Infect Dis 2010; 10(12): 862-874 3. van der Lelij P, Chrzanowska KH, Godthelp BC, Rooimans MA, Ostra AB, Stumm M, Zdzienicka MZ, Joenje H, de Winter JP. Warsaw Breakage Syndrome, a Cohesinopathy Associated with Mutations in the XPD Helicase Family Member DDX11/ChIR1. Am J Hum Genet 2010; 86: 262-266 4. van Harn T, Foijer F, van Vugt M, Banerjee R, Yang FT, Oostra AB, Joenje H, te Riele H. Loss of Rb proteins causes genomic instability in the absence of mitogenic signaling. Genes Dev 2010; 24: 1377-1388 5. Van Zeeburg HJT, Huizenga A, Van den Doel PB, Zhu Z, McCormick F, Brakenhoff RH, Van Beusechem VW. Comparison of oncolytic adenoviruses for selective eradication of oral cancer and precancerous lesions. Gene Therapy 17: 1517-1524, 2010 Program 2: Immunopathogenesis Program leaders: - Prof. R.H.J. Beelen, PhD (Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology) - E. Hooijberg, PhD (Pathology) - Prof. Y. van Kooyk, PhD (Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology) - Prof. R. Mebius, PhD (Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology) The CCA/V-ICI program 2 covers both fundamental and pre-clinical research in which immunological processes underlying homeostasis control, in relation with inflammatory diseases and cancer form major topics of research. Program 2 is subdivided into three research lines: 1. Homeostasis control and Inflammation 2. Host-pathogen interaction 3. Tumor immunology and pre-clinical immune therapy Program 2 studies the immune system both during its natural homeostatic control as well as its response towards micro-organisms and tumors. We have identified the following key 24 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI elements of which regard as the major themes within the next five years and we like to focus and strengthen our program into that direction. 1. Homeostasis control and Inflammation. Main topics are: understanding the homeostatic control of the immune system and its dysregulation in inflammatory conditions. The ontogeny of lymph node structures and the central role of stroma cells in dictating the micro-environment during lymph node development, as well as in established lymphoid organs for the induction of regulatory T cells and the induction of homing receptors on T cells. Study of immune cell subsets and post-translational modifications, in particular glycosylation are major components of study in cellular communication of immune cells, such as DC neutrophil interaction, migration of DC. In relation to the induction of inflammatory processes (bacterial, tumor related, colitis related, arthritis related, or neurology related, wound related, or allergic contact dermatitis related) we study dendritic cell and macrophage activation, receptor function and their heterogeneity, as well as interaction with matrix and endothelial cells, as well as human skin tissue models. We aim to define at the molecular level anti-inflammatory and protective actions of neutrophils, macrophages and dendritic cells that interfere with their function. Also genetic and epigenetic processes that play a critical role in the regulation of the immune response in health and disease with a specific focus on antigen presentation, T cell activation and differentiation is studied. 2. Host-pathogen interaction. Main topic is to understand immune modulatory processes of pathogens and to make a link with immune modulation in cancer. Central theme is the immune modulation of antigen presenting cells (APC), such as dendritic cells (DC) and Langerhans cells. Research will focus on how pathogens interact with different DC subsets such as myeloid DC and Langerhans cells, and how these interactions modulate DC signaling pathways resulting in immune activation or immune escape. Key innate signalling routes are investigated in DC upon pathogen contact. Identification of molecular mechanisms governing these processes will help developing novel strategies to combat not only infectious diseases but also immunological diseases and can help developing better cancer therapies. As pathogens we will study viruses (HIV-EBV, HSV, measles, HPV), bacteria’s (Mycobacterium), and helminths (schistosomes). Research on mycobacterial virulence, helminths and various viruses focuses, on understanding the immuno suppression they establish. Mycobacterial protein secretion, virulence and factors involved in granuloma formation are studied using a zebrafish infection model. 3. Tumor immunology and pre-clinical immune therapy. Central aim is to understand micro-environmental induced modulation of the immune system (function of APC) by tumors through modifications of molecular and posttranslational signatures of stromal cells and or tumor antigens. Also epigenetic processes that account for silencing of antigen presentation functions of tumor cells will be studied. For pre-clinical immune therapy, our main line of research for the next years will remain the in vivo modulation of DC phenotype and function for tumor immunotherapeutic purposes, through adenovirus-mediated genetic targeting and or liposomal technology of skin resident APC. By in-vivo modulation of DC by local cytokine administration, or the use of small molecule inhibitors, tumor-induced immunosuppressive conditions are enhanced in vivo in order to optimize DC and antitumor T cell activation. Aim is to develop widely applicable “off-the-shelf” therapeutics to boost anti-tumor immunity in adjuvant settings, combined with other treatment modalities. As separate strategies we are evaluating the potency of adoptive transfer of tumor reacting T cells, as anti-tumor therapy. The major goals of Program 2 are to progressively acquire knowledge of the normal control mechanisms of the immune system and subsequently of the subversion and modifications in pathological situations that can be accomplished by tumor development and invading pathogens or inflammatory processes such as colitis or rheumatoid arthritis. These insights should enable the identification of immunological parameters crucial for disease development and severity. The main objective is to lay the grounds for translational research programs into therapy of chronic inflammatory diseases, infections and cancer. This program combines the study of infectious diseases as well as cancers, as common 25 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI denominators in the immune system that may be altered or suppressed. Importantly, several cancers are due to viral infections such as EBV and HPV, linking pathogens to cancer development. The program aims to molecularly define how pathogens as well as developing tumors mitigate the immune system for their own benefit. We aim to develop strategies to overcome immune suppression and design vaccination to strengthen immune responses to eliminate tumor development and infectious diseases. Strong focus within the 3 research lines is on the study of antigen presenting cells such as dendritic cells (DC) and macrophages (MF), i.e. how they are suppressed by the tumor microenvironment (e.g.stromal cells, chemokines, secretion of inhibitory factors, genetic factors) and pathogens, to silence their immune stimulating immune responses, and induce regulatory T cells. Tumor antigens, such as CEA, MUC1 and virally derived antigens, as well as posttranslational modifications of tumors and pathogens form major focus elements employing proteomics and glycomics. To come towards pre-clinical immune strategies in-vitro and invivo targeting of tumor antigens to DC and MF is fully explored as well as adoptive transfer of tumor-specific T cells. Both innate and adaptive components of the immune system in relation with their microenvironment such as stromal cells, that may steer immune responses during infectious diseases as well as tumor development, are therefore studied. Perspectives For the next five years we aim to identify immunological parameters on molecular and cellular basis that have immune suppressive activity due to modifications in pathological situations, such as chronic inflammation, tumor development and invading pathogens. These immune regulatory parameters may lie in the field of inflammatory or tumor microenvironment, altered glycosylation, altered DC/MF function, understanding the induction of regulatory T cells preceding and during tumor development and infectious diseases. We envisage that a good combination with basic research that forms the basis of understanding escape mechanisms for immune activation will help to create innovative pre-clinical strategies to come to a better treatment of chronic inflammation, cancer and infectious diseases. The following keys were identified in program 2: 1. Strong DC and stromal cell biology and preclinical knowledge and experimental setting 2. Strong expertise in glycobiology and related tools for research 3. Excellent setting for performing human immunology based research 4. Certified laboratory available for developing immune diagnostic and monitoring strategies (Medical Immunology) 5. Unique human skin model systems for pathogen infection, DC targeting and skin inflammation and wound healing 6. Presence of unique murine tumor-models, tolerance induction models, as well as models of auto-immunity leading to chronic inflammation 7. Strong expertise in lymph node development 8. Well developed adoptive transfer technology and tetramer technology 9. Unique setting of various pathogen related research and technology 10. Very strong expertise for developing pre-clinical DC related therapies Summary of the research aims for the coming 5 years: 1. Within the next five years we envisage setting out strategic ways to target DC in-vivo with tumor antigens (receptor-targeting, adeno-viral targeting, altered-glycantargeting) with a special focus on improving treatment of colon carcinoma, breast cancer, melanoma and virally induced malignancies. Focus will lie in targeting DC invivo in such a way that both tumor specific CTL and T-helper cells are induced. For adoptive transfer purposes, we aim at generating and redirecting high avidity cytotoxic and helper T cells against virally induced malignancies such as ano-genital cancers, head and neck cancers and lymphomas, as well as against non-virally induced malignancies. 2. In the field of infection/inflammation due to invading pathogens we will especially focus on the role of stroma cells in regulating the defence mechanisms by innate cells and how this influx may be suppressed. 26 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 3. In the field of inflammation, we will focus on mechanisms of allergic contact dermatis and skin wound healing in order to develop novel preventative as well as diagnostic strategies in order to prevent and treat skin related inflammation. 4. Detailed determination of molecular and genetic regulators that play a key role in tumor suppression and pathogen evasion. Knowledge on these regulatory pathways may be further developed and incorporated into clinical applications, in particular into combination with current treatments for cancer, inflammatory and infectious diseases Collaboration In VUMC: Projectleaders with projects in program 2 are based at the departments of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology (MCBI), Medical Microbiology and Infection (MMI), Dermatology (Derma), Hematology (HEMA), Medical Oncology (Onco) and Pathology (PA) and are therefore hosted at various locations at the VUmc/CCA. Because of this lack of natural encounter for all CCA/V-ICI program 2 participants monthly seminars are organised in which projectleaders as well as scientist present their current research and future directions to stimulate collaboration. This will make projectleaders and their members more aware of the importance of conducting research within one of the CCA/V-ICI programs, and facilitate collaborations to further define and strengthen the different sub-themes within our program. The leaders of program 2 will regularly invite all projectleaders to attend to discus CCA/V-ICI related matters and ongoing research and project calls. We aim at achieving synergy by combining know-how and technical skills. This might lead to better projects that can be financed externally by for instance KWF, NWO, the EU or other sources. Outside VUMC: We have set up monthly immunology seminars in which we invite top-researchers within the field of immunology and tumor immunology to give a seminar, and to visit senior scientists within program 2 to discuss their work. This will give the scientists within program 2 an opportunity to present their work to leaders in the field which may improve their quality as well as their international exposure. We aim at promoting the PhD students to actively participate in the (after-) seminar discussions, in order to improve their skills in questioning and answering. Furthermore, for the PhD students a masterclass with the invited speakers will allow them to learn more about the research area that the seminar speaker is an expert on. We think this will be an excellent opportunity and learning process for the junior and senior scientists. Key publications 1. van de Pavert SA, Mebius RE. New insights into the development of lymphoid tissues. Nat Rev Immunol 2010; 10: 664-U24 2. Pegtel DM, Cosmopoulos K, Thorley-Lawson DA, van Eijndhoven MAJ, Hopmans ES, Lindenberg JL, de Gruijl TD, Wurdinger T, Middeldorp JM. Functional delivery of viral miRNAs via exosomes. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2010; 107: 6328-6333 3. Backer R, Schwandt T, Greuter M, Oosting M, Jungerkes F, Tuting T, Boon L, O'Toole T, Kraal G, Limmer A, den Haan JMM. Effective collaboration between marginal metallophilic macrophages and CD8(+) dendritic cells in the generation of cytotoxic T cells. P Natl Acad Sci USA 2010; 107: 216-221 4. Christerson L, de Vries HJC, de Barbeyrac B, Gaydos CA, Henrich B, Hoffmann S, Schachter J, Thorvaldsen J, Vall-Mayans M, Klint M, Herrmann B, Morre SA. Typing of Lymphogranuloma Venereum Chlamydia trachomatis Strains. Emerg Infect Dis 2010; 16: 1777-1779 5. Budding AE, Grasman ME, Lin F, Bogaards JA, Soeltan-Kaersenhout DJ, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Van Bodegraven AA, Savelkoul PHM. IS-pro: high-throughput molecular fingerprinting of the intestinal microbiota. Faseb J 2010; 24: 4556-4564 Program 3: Disease profiling Program leaders: - Prof. G.A.M.S. van Dongen, PhD (Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery + Nuclear Medicine & PET research) - Prof. O.S. Hoekstra, MD, PhD (Nuclear Medicine & PET research) - C.R. Jimenez, PhD (OncoProteomics Laboratory, Medical Oncology) - Prof. C.L. Verweij, PhD (Pathology) 27 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI The CCA/V-ICI program 3 covers fundamental and translational research to identify new determinants for diagnosis, prognosis and tailored treatment for immunological and oncological diseases. Program 3 is subdivided in three disease oriented research lines: 1. Solid tumors 2. Hematological malignancies 3. Chronic inflammatory diseases The emerging and rapidly growing fields of molecular imaging and genomics provide new opportunities to unravel the unique biology of a specific disease in a specific patient. Integrating imaging and global molecular information with clinical data will allow for a model that may yield tremendously valuable indicators for the individual patient to personalize diagnosis and predictions. This program is a key connection in the line: target discovery - ligand development - molecular imaging – molecular diagnostics- molecular targeted therapy Solid tumors, hematological malignancies and chromic inflammatory diseases - In all 3 research lines, modern state-of-art CT and MRI-machines enable imaging of anatomical details with high precision. In addition, imaging techniques like SPECT, PET, PET-CT and MRI provide, non-invasively, unique molecular and biological in vivo information at the tissue level (“molecular imaging”). For this purpose novel reporter probes will be developed and evaluated in (pre)clinical studies making use of the unique facilities (cyclotrons, GMP facilities, animal and clinical PET- and MRI-machines) and expertise available at the campus. - Genomics and proteomics have emerged as global tools to measure genetic variation and gene expression at several levels ie., from a gene‘s primary structure to its protein products and their role in the biology of the organism. The VUmc Microarray-facility offers high resolution oligonucleotide arrays and CGH arrays for human and mouse studies. These arrays are increasingly being applied in studies to improve criteria for disease classification, such as for colorectal, lung and head and neck cancer, lymphoma and other malignancies, and in chronic inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. - The OncoProteomics Laboratory provides expertise in biomarker discovery in body fluids and tissue (sub-cellular) samples along with state-of-the art facilities for liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry on two complementary platforms (one for global discovery and one for targeted analyses). In-depth discovery analyses typically yield datasets of > 1000 identified proteins per sample along with quantitative information on relative abundancy, while the targeted analyses allow for multiplexed semi-high-throughput, antibody-free quantitative analyses of tenth of biomarker candidates in larger cohorts. In addition, a high throughput method has been developed for automated biofluid peptide profiling for pattern-based approaches where a combination of mass spectral peak intensities constitutes a classifier. The glycoimmunology group at the Dept. of MCBI provides expertise in glycan profiling (glycomics) using mass spectrometry. - It is the promise of high-throughput analyses that patterns of transcripts, proteins, post-translational modifications and/or metabolites can be used to define “molecular signatures” of different forms of the disease, as well as different stages in the clinical progression. The patterns that are generated with this integral approach, termed systems biology, provide insight into the processes that take place in a cell. Research highlights Program 3 within period 2006-2010 1. Identification of peripheral blood biomarkers to predict responsiveness to TNF-blockade in rheumatoid arthritis 2. Identification of peripheral blood biomarkers to predict responsiveness to IFN-beta therapy in multiple sclerosis 3. Gene signatures implicated with a 4-fold increased risk to develop arthritis in autoantibody positive arthralgia patients 4. Identification DNA copy number profiles associated with response to drug therapy in advanced colorectal cancer 28 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 5. Development of immuno-PET with long-lived positron emitters 124I and 89Zr for navigation of antibody development and clinical applications: European distribution of technology. 6. Development of TKI-PET (PET with Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors radiolabed with 11C or 18F) for navigation of TKI development and clinical applications. 7. Development of PET and optical tracers for SN and tumor detection. 8. Development of nanobody technology for targeting critical growth factors and their receptors: perspectives for imaging and therapy 9. Identification of novel protein biomarkers for non-invasive early detection of colorectal cancer 10. Serum peptide mass spectral signature with prognostic value in NSCLC 11. Protein signature for identification of homology repair deficient breast tumors with prognostic value 12. Implementation and standardization of PET: clinical practice and trials 13. Monitoring response using FDG, H2O PET scanning and DCE-MRI during treatment with EGFR and VEGF inhibitors in NSCLC Perspectives Within the next five years we foresee the discovery of targets for, and development and (pre)clinical evaluation of several new SPECT and PET tracers for diagnosis, staging, treatment planning and response evaluation as well as the exploitation of PET, PET-CT,MRI and PET-MRI imaging in the development of novel therapeutics. The innovative technologies described above should contribute to further individualization of treatment, e.g. by more accurate staging, prognostication and therapy response monitoring. In recent years, we and others have introduced and validated the sentinel node biopsy (a combined procedure of imaging, taking biopsies and morphological evaluation) which proved to be an important improvement within TNM staging. The multidisciplinary infrastructure developed for breast cancer and melanoma has now been extended to head and neck cancer, gastrointestinal and gynecological tumors, using the local expertise in ultrasound guided aspiration cytology and laparoscopic surgery. The novel molecular imaging techniques have promise to step beyond the classical TNMparadigm. To this end, we aim to optimize the use of genomics and proteomics technology to reach a molecular signature of disease subtypes e.g. in colon, head and neck and lung cancer, lymphoma, and other malignancies, and in chronic inflammatory disease such as rheumatoid arthritis. In addition, we aim to translate protein candidate biomarkers into non-invasive routine antibody-based assays. The available expertise will allow for integrated application and assessment of imaging, sampling and profiling. Promising applications will be evaluated with respect to their clinical relevance and (cost) effectiveness. Efforts will be put on forming a link between molecular profiling and molecular imaging. Molecular profiling by genomics and proteomics will contribute to identification of relevant disease markers and targets. These markers will yield new molecular tests and the targets can be exploited in the development of disease specific contrast agents (e.g. using monoclonal antibodies, peptides or small molecules) for imaging as well as for therapy. Combined molecular profiling – molecular imaging approaches will be applied in several tumor types, e.g. colorectal, head and neck, lung, lymphoma and other malignancies, and in chronic inflammatory disease. Imaging will contribute to increased insight in tumor biology and pathophysiology, e.g. by pharmacokinetic and dynamic PET analysis. Also molecular interactions can be confirmed and elucidated, which might be of particular value in the development of new cutting-edge therapeutic agents like monoclonal antibodies, peptides and small molecules that target the root courses of the disease. Emerging imaging innovations that are candidates for largescale clinical application will be further evaluated with respect to their (cost) effectiveness in clinical practice, as is presently done with several PET applications. Summary of the research aims for the coming 5 years: Information on disease biology must be enhanced to facilitate the development of disease specific diagnostic and therapeutic approaches. Opportunities can be found (but are not restricted) in the following areas: 1. Development of methods to reproducibly measure DNA (e.g. maCGH,and deep sequencing) and expression profiles (e.g. expression arrays and proteomics) in 29 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. pathological and healthy tissue, or surrogate tissues like blood, urine and faeces. This approach aims to identify disease signatures, markers and targets. These markers and targets will be exploited for the development of molecular tests and tracers for imaging. Alternatively the cell type can be identified. For the aforementioned aim, SOPs have to be developed for banking of tissues, blood, saliva, and feces. Characterization of molecular signatures of tumors (precurser lesions, established tumors, metastases) or immunological diseases, which are of value for selection of the proper therapeutic intervention. Definition and integration of molecular profiles at various stages of development and progression, to provide a comprehensive view of the pathways involved in pathogenesis. Definition of tumor/pathogen and host interaction. Validation of the predictive value of various biomarkers using either tissues (see above), body fluids or images of well defined patient groups who had well-defined therapy with accurate follow-up. Development of novel in vivo imaging tools enabling non-invasive biological and molecular disease characterization for individual patients. For example for early response monitoring or for prediction of poor response upon therapy (e.g. hypoxia and angiogenesis in case of cancer therapy) or for evaluation of the specificity of targeted drugs. Disease-specific contrast agents and software tools for quantification will be developed. Initiation of clinical studies with molecular targeting agents to validate molecular targets, by taking tissue samples and or imaging, and to predict the efficacy of a given therapy. Initiation of clinical studies with targeted mass spectrometry and antibody-based methods to assess the biomarker potential in body fluids of disease-related proteins and to establish values for sensitivity and specificity. Collaboration In and outside VUmc: Projectleaders with projects in program 3 are based at several departments in the VUMC: Pathology, Otolaryngology/Head & Neck Surgery, Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, Molecular Cell Biology, Rheumatology, Hematology, Medical Oncology, Pulmonology, Gastroenterology, Radiology, Gynecology. Bilateral collaborations with leading national and international research groups have been established in the fields of genomics, proteomics, and molecular imaging. In these fields VUmc also participates in many strategic consortia (STW, TIPharma, CTMM, EU and NCI programs). In addition, many collaborations and preferred partnerships exist with leading innovative industries in the fields of molecular diagnosis, molecular imaging, and molecular targeted therapy. Means Research within CCA/V-ICI program 3 requires availability of various technology platforms, i.e. presence of state-of-the-art facilities and know-how. The following technology platforms are available, or planned to be available and in active operation within the coming year: 1. Microarray-facility that includes massive parallel sequencing 2. OncoProteomics Laboratory 3. Functional genomics unit 4. (molecular)Imaging facilities 5. Tissue microarray facility 6. Human monoclonal antibody phage display facility 7. Bio-informatics support The technology platforms are organized as user-groups. For each facility a business plan has been made and currently a business plan is being made for a VUmc Genome Center. For optimal use of capacity, an inventory is made of projects planned for each facility. Program 3 of CCA/V-ICI takes care for optimal use of these facilities, and if required the particular user-group will be contacted. In addition, projects making use of the facilities will be reviewed at a regular basis. 30 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI Key publications 1. Albrethsen J, Knol JC, Piersma SR, Pham TV, de Wit M, Mongera S, Carvalho B, Verheul HMW, Fijneman RJA, Meijer GA, Jimenez CR. Subnuclear Proteomics in Colorectal Cancer: Identification of proteins enriched in the nuclear matrix fraction and regulation in adenoma to carcinoma progression. Mol Cell Proteomics 2010; 9: 988-1005 2. Martin-Trujillo A, van Rietschoten JGI, Timmer TCG, Rodriguez FM, Huizinga TWJ, Tak PP, Marsal S, Ibrahim SM, Dijkmans BAC, Kraan TCTM, Verweij CL. Loss of imprinting of IGF2 characterises high IGF2 mRNAexpressing type of fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 1239-1242 3. Diosdado B, Buffart TE, Watkins R, Carvalho B, Ylstra B, Tijssen M, Bolijn AS, Lewis F, Maude K, Verbeke C, Nagtegaal ID, Grabsch H, Mulder CJJ, Quirke P, Howdle P, Meijer GA. High-Resolution Array Comparative Genomic Hybridization in Sporadic and Celiac Disease-Related Small Bowel Adenocarcinomas. Clin Cancer Res 2010; 16: 1391-1401 4. Brosens RPM, Haan JC, Carvalho B, Rustenburg F, Grabsch H, Quirke P, Engel AF, Cuesta MA, Maughan N, Flens M, Meijer GA, Ylstra B. Candidate driver genes in focal chromosomal aberrations of stage II colon cancer. J Pathol 2010; 221: 411-424 5. Frings V, de Langen AJ, Smit EF, van Velden FHP, Hoekstra OS, van Tinteren H, Boellaard R. Repeatability of Metabolically Active Volume Measurements with F-18-FDG and F-18-FLT PET in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Nucl Med 2010; 51: 1870-1877 Program 4: Innovative therapy Program leaders: - Prof. B.A.C. Dijkmans, MD, PhD (Rheumatology) - Prof. G.J. Ossenkoppele, MD, PhD (Hematology) - Prof. G.J. Peters, PhD (Medical Oncology) - Prof. S. Senan, MB, BS, PhD (Radiotherapy) - Prof. H.M.W. Verheul, MD, PhD (Oncology) The CCA/V-ICI program 4 encompasses translational research within the field of oncological and immune-mediated, non-oncological diseases and focuses on the following two research lines: 1. Targeted therapy, including radiotherapy, surgery and systemic therapy 2. Immunotherapy The major aim of the program is to explore potential synergies when innovative and targeted therapies are combined with classical radiotherapy and chemotherapy for both oncological and immunological diseases. This includes pre-clinical evaluation and clinical application of the new generation of the so-called molecular targeted therapies against novel cellular targets, anti-angiogenesis agents and the pharmacological optimalization of conventional cytotoxic and antirheumatic drugs. Identifying novel targets and in-house drug discovery for which (pharmaco)genomics and proteomics, as well as investigating mechanisms of drug resistance are a key focus. Imaging and disease profiling will be performed in close collaboration with CCA/V-ICI program 3. Preclinical and early studies in radiotherapy currently focus on combining radiotherapy with radiosensitizing molecular targeted therapies, with the aim of developing experimental arms for future clinical trials. Another active area of research is the optimisation of 4-dimensional image-guided approaches that aim to improve local control and reduce normal tissue toxicity. The program encompasses the work many Clinical Departments involved in clinical cancer research. It remains a fact that a significant number of them do not actively focus on clinical translational research, but are instead major referral centers for distinct immunological and oncological diseases. In the case of the latter, the clinical activities of such Departments have led to recognition as national referral centers for some disease types, stimulated patient accrual to novel clinical trials, access to new drugs, facilitated strong contacts with pharmaceutical companies, and resulted in key clinical publications. It is expected that the contributions of such clinically-orientated departments will continue to add to high-quality output of program 4 The research line Immunotherapy investigates new immunotherapeutic approaches for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and other immunological disorders as well as oncological disorders. For example a major focus of immuno-therapy of malignant disorders is evaluating the role of vaccination in the adjuvant and primary settings. Improved survival 31 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI rates are now achievable for a number of common malignancies by using combined modalities. Collaboration with program 2 has been initiated and will be broadened in next years. Perspectives In the next five years, specific patient-tailored therapies will be developed in a range of oncological and immunological diseases. These therapies will be directed to defined cellular- and tumor environment targets and characterization of genetic polymorphisms in order to prevent toxicity and increase anti-tumor or anti-inflammatory activity. The new techniques will be used in concert with image-guided controlled radiotherapy and surgery to further refine the concept of personalized tailored therapy. The existing expertise of both the VUMC micro-array facility and the VUMC OncoProteomics Laboratory will form a solid extension to faciclitate these aims. Furthermore, effective dendritic vaccines will be developed and evaluated in clinical studies of various malignancies. By exploiting the existing expertise within the V-ICI in immune effector-targeted approaches in cancer therapies, novel immune-therapies willl also be explored in treating auto-immune disorders Research aims for the coming 5 years: 1. Increase translational research with a focus on the early clinical application of relevant discoveries. The process of clinical evaluation can range from early studies of feasibility and toxicity to the validation of efficacy of new techniques, drugs or vaccines. 2. Focus on targeted therapy in all its forms, including pharmaceuticals, radiation, immunotherapy and surgery, directed towards the deregulated cell (arising from either malignant or immunological dysfunction) so as to improve efficacy and minimise collateral damage to normal tissues. 3. In the clinical departments that are more heavily involved in clinical cancer research in Phase I,II and III trials, every effort will be made to ensure that such trials are better integrated into existing lines of translational and immunological research. 4. Exploit the existing expertise in both immunology, oncology and imaging in order to develop novel therapeutic approaches. Collaboration In VUMC A large number of departments are involved in program 4. Translational researchers in program 4 are now working in close contact with more fundamental/pre-clinical researchers from program 1-3 in order to allow the transition of bench-to-bedside research. Information about the research meetings of all the departments in program 4 are now disseminated on the V-ICI website to stimulate cooperation among the different departments. It is anticipated that this will increase the merging of oncological and immunological research. Outside VUMC Researchers in program 4 have partnerships with industry and with other academic centers in and outside the Netherlands. This will be further exploited in the coming years. Key publications 1. Mir SE, Hamer PCD, Krawczyk PM, Balaj L, Claes A, Niers JM, Van Tilborg AAG, Zwinderman AH, Geerts D, Kaspers GJL, Vandertop WP, Cloos J, Tannous BA, Wesseling P, Aten JA, Noske DP, Van Noorden CJF, Wurdinger T. In Silico Analysis of Kinase Expression Identifies WEE1 as a Gatekeeper against Mitotic Catastrophe in Glioblastoma. Cancer Cell 2010; 18: 244-257 2. Palma DA, Visser O, Lagerwaard FJ, Belderbos J, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Impact of Introducing Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy for Elderly Patients With Stage I Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer: A Population-Based TimeTrend Analysis. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 5153-5159 3. Paulis YWJ, Soetekouw PMMB, Verheul HMW, Tjan-Heijnen VCG, Griffioen AW. Signalling pathways in vasculogenic mimicry. BBA-Rev Cancer 2010; 1806: 18-28 4. Westers TM, Alhan C, Chamuleau MED, van der Vorst MJDL, Eeltink C, Ossenkoppele GJ, van de Loosdrecht AA. Aberrant immunophenotype of blasts in myelodysplastic syndromes is a clinically relevant biomarker in predicting response to growth factor treatment. Blood 2010; 115: 1779-1784 5. Klarenbeek NB, Kerstens PJSM, Huizinga TWJ, Dijkmans BAC, Allaart CF. Recent advances in the management of rheumatoid arthritis. Brit Med J 2010; 341: art.nr. c6942 32 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI Program 5: Quality of Life Program leaders: - Prof. J. Dekker, PhD (Dept Rehabilitation / Dept Psychiatry) - Prof. G.J.L. Kaspers, MD, PhD (Dept Pediatrics / Oncology-Hematology) - Prof. I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, PhD (Dept Otolaryngology–Head & Neck Surgery / VU Dept Clinical Psychology) - Drs. O. Visser, MD (Dept Hematology) The CCA/V-ICI program 5 encompasses research within the field of quality of life of childhood and adult patients with oncological and immune-mediated, non-oncological diseases. The program “Quality of life” addresses four main topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Patient and proxy reported outcome Allied health services and lifestyle Psycho-oncology Palliative Care In addition to traditional outcome measures like disease control and overall survival, quality of life has grown to become a standard outcome parameter in clinical studies. The general purpose of health-related quality of life assessment is to evaluate both the shortand long-term well-being of individuals or groups of patients/survivors and their proxies (in case of pediatric patients). It is known that self-reported health is related to mortality and morbidity and that it can be used to screen for high-risk groups. Quality of life evaluation can also be used to improve clinical management of patients by obtaining real-time feedback from individuals on quality of life issues. In addition, data from individual patient and proxy quality of life assessments can facilitate improved communication between patients and their clinicians. In general, tools to assess quality of life are questionnaires also called patient/proxy reported outcomes. Patients with oncological and immunemediated diseases and their families have to deal with adverse side-effects of disease and treatment which may be both physical and psychological. These adverse side-effects may affect quality of life substantially both in the short and the long run. Supportive care is the prevention and management of these adverse effects from diagnosis through anticancer treatment to post-treatment and palliative care in both patients and their relatives. Information technology has the potential to improve the efficiency of supportive care (ehealth). 1. The research line Patient and Proxy Reported Outcome comprises methodological and implementation aspects of patient and proxy reported outcomes (PRO’s) and the use of PRO’s to assess the impact of the disease and treatment and their short- and long term adverse side-effects on quality of life. This research line also addresses the prognostic value of quality of life for overall survival in relation to a broad perspective of possible confounders or mediators such as sociodemography, general health status (comorbidity), lifestyle, coping style, comorbid depression and anxiety, biomarkers, and tumour and treatment related aspects. PRO’s refer to questionnaires completed by patients and/or their proxies or interviewer-administered questionnaires. Questionnaires may be generic or condition-specific: developed specifically to assess outcome of patients with a specific condition like cancer. International collaboration within the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) is ongoing regarding further development of patient reported outcome including computerized adaptive testing (CAT). In our hospital, a touch screen computer system (OncoQuest) was developed including the general EORTC-QLQ-C30 and the various EORTC tumour specific modules, and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and appears to be feasible for scientific and clinical documentation of quality of life. A similar system is being developed for childhood cancer patients and (adult) survivors including quality of life questionnaires as recommended by the Dutch DCOG-LATER Guidelines (Dutch Childhood Oncology Group-Late Effects following childhood cancer). OncoQuest will be adapted for patients treated for retinoblastoma and their proxies (RetinoQuest) and for patients with multiple sclerosis (MSQuest). 33 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 2. The research line Allied Health Services and Lifestyle focuses on improving symptoms and function such as physical condition, pain, nausea, constipation, sexual functioning and fertility, speech and swallowing, oral function, cognitive function, and return to work, and also on lifestyle issues as smoking, alcohol use, and nutrition and weight. Some of these symptoms and functions also apply for children but in the pediatric population focus is also directed at improving neuro-cognitive and social-emotional development, school performance, return-to school, family functioning, both shortly and long after treatment has been completed. Medical and technical innovations such as microvascular reconstruction surgery, organ preservation strategies as chemoradiation and new radiation delivery techniques as IMRT, as well as new rehabilitation strategies and allied health services may lead to improved outcome but evidence is scarce. Currently, several cost-effectiveness studies are ongoing. Also, research is focusing on improving disease management by implementing structured monitoring of quality of life as a tool for supportive care navigators to set up individualized care plans. 3. The research line Psycho-Oncology encompasses the psychological aspects for both patients and their proxies of living with oncological and immune-mediated diseases. Patients often have to deal with side-effects of initial treatment, and the considerable threat to self-image, confidence, and identity may be difficult to cope with and can be a cause of psychosocial problems also for patient-proxies. Specific stressors as fear of death, interruption of life plans, and changes in quality of life often lead to comorbid anxiety and depression. This may occur during or shortly after treatment but also years after completion in therapy in the so-called long-term survivors, particularly in those who experience long-term adverse sided effects. Current research is focussing on efficacy of psychosocial care. There is close cooperation with the departments of Medical Psychology, Clinical Psychology, and Psychiatry. Within the scope of a stepped care approach, a tool is under development regarding several self-help programmes targeting insomnia, fatigue, anxiety, and depression in cancer patients. Randomised trials have started investigating cost-effectiveness of (on-line) self-help programs and face to face interventions, and stepped care strategies to improve disease management and patient empowerment. 4. The research line Palliative Care includes projects on palliative care and end of life studies. Approximately half of all adult cancer patients are treated without curative intent. Incurable ill patients often experience feelings of sadness, depression, hopelessness and spiritual distress, such as an evaluation of one’s past and problems with finding a new meaning in life. It is estimated that in 30%-50% of patients in the palliative phase, comorbid symptoms of depression are present. In the daily practice of psychosocial care there is an urgent need for evidence-based psychosocial intervention methods enhancing the quality of life and dying and relieving the emotional distress in patients. A randomised controlled trial is ongoing investigating the effectiveness of narrative therapy (a structured life review protocol) on decreasing depressive symptoms and enhancing quality of life of patients in the palliative phase of the disease. The research projects of CCA/V-ICI are tuned into the VUmc Expertise Center for Palliative Care. Perspectives In the Netherlands, government policy statements and the recent guidelines “Cancer Rehabilitation” and “Screening for the need for psychosocial care” reflect broad scientific and social support for a structured, integrated approach to supportive care. Supportive care providers may improve the operational and organizational means to deliver care in a structured, comprehensive, and cost-effective manner. Care can be organized according to stepped care principles in which several evidence-based interventions are offered in a structured way while a care navigator carefully monitors the recovery of the patients. IT applications based on persuasive or motivational designs can be used as helpful tools and have the potential to improve the efficiency of care. At present, interventions are often practice-based and scientific evidence is lacking regarding cost-effectiveness. In the next five years, various specific patient-tailored interventions and care strategies will be developed in a range of oncological and immunological diseases and cost-effectiveness studies will be carried out. Besides improving and innovating care programmes, more 34 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI insight will be obtained about quality of life by conducting large-scale prospective cohort studies. These ambitions require funding of specific issues as IT analists and consultancy, data storage and management, and care navigators to implement innovative supportive care solutions into clinical practice. Investing in the research lines of CCA / V-ICI programme 5 “Quality of life” has the potential to utilise market opportunities and to make concepts, knowledge, and supportive care innovations available to society. Research aims for the coming 5 years The common research aims of the four research lines in programme 5 are to generate improved knowledge about quality of life of childhood and adult patients with oncological and immune-mediated diseases and their families and to conduct high quality innovative translational research into developments and readily available new supportive care strategies. Highlights of our priorities in the coming 5 years are as follows: 1. Further implementation and evaluation of IT applications for structured assessment of quality of life for clinical and research purposes. 2. Development and cost-effectiveness of a web-based knowledge and decision support system to improve disease management. 3. Development and cost-effectiveness of innovative care programmes and e-health to improve quality of life. 4. Collaboration in clinical trials regarding quality of life outcomes. 5. Large-scale prospective cohort studies to generate improved knowledge about quality of life of patients. Collaboration In VUmc The existing expertise of the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI Research Institute, the VU University Institute for Health and Care Research (EMGO+), the mental health institute GGZ InGeest, and the VUmc Expertise Center for Palliative Care will form a solid basis to facilitate the aims of programme 5. Quality of life researchers in program 5 are working in close contact with medical staff and allied health services to enable rapid implementation of research results into clinical practice and with biomedical researchers from programmes 1-4 in order to allow large-scaled cohort studies. Also, the large-scale patient cohort studies will be tuned into running longitudinal cohort studies at EMGO+. Seminars will be organised at least twice a year in which senior scientists within the field of quality of life will be challenged to discuss their work. Furthermore, we aim at 6-12 meetings per year in which PhD students actively participate in discussions under supervision of at least one senior researcher. Information about the research of all the departments cooperating in program 5 has been collected and this will be made public on the V-ICI website to stimulate cooperation among the researchers working at the different departments. Outside VUmc Researchers in program 5 collaborate with researchers in other university and oncological expertise centers in and outside the Netherlands. There are also collaborations with the Integral Cancer Center Amsterdam, the Ingeborg Douwes Center for psychosocial care in Amsterdam, Trimbos Institute on Mental Health, Stivoro, NDDO Institute on Prevention and Early Diagnostics (NIPED), and the Alpe d’HuZes Foundation. Also, members of the various patient societies are involved in our research projects. This will be further exploited in the coming years. Key publications 1. Oskam IM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Aaronson NK, Kuik DJ, de Bree R, Doornaert P, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR. Quality of life as predictor of survival: A prospective study on patients treated with combined surgery and radiotherapy for advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Radiother Oncol 2010; 97: 258-262 2. Sizoo EM, Braam L, Postma TJ, Pasman HRW, Heimans JJ, Klein M, Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJB. Symptoms and problems in the end-of-life phase of high-grade glioma patients. Neuro-Oncology 2010; 12: 1162-1166 3. van der Meij BS, Langius JAE, Smit EF, Spreeuwenberg MD, von Blomberg BME, Aarden L, Heijboer AC, Paul MA, van Leeuwen PAM. Oral nutritional supplements containing (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the 35 8. The research programs of CCA/V-ICI 4. 5. 36 nutritional status of patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer during multimodality treatment. J Nutr 2010; 140: 1774-1780 Dommering CJ, van den Heuvel MR, Moll AC, Imhof SM, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Henneman L. Reproductive decision-making: a qualitative study among couples at increased risk of having a child with retinoblastoma. Clin Genet 2010; 78: 334-341 de Vries MC, Wit JM, Engberts DP, Kaspers GJL, van Leeuwen E. Pediatric Oncologists' Attitudes Towards Involving Adolescents in Decision-Making Concerning Research Participation. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 55: 123-128 9. Scientific Research Committee 9. Scientific Research Committee Clinical protocols that need approval of the medical ethical committee (METC) of the VUmc are first evaluated by the scientific research committee (CWO), see appendix 1 for the participating members. In 2010 a total of 95 clinical protocols were evaluated, with specific attention to the quality and feasibility of the proposed protocol, and all of them were approved. In addition, the CWO evaluated a total of 71 research projects/grant proposals in 2010. These included the following grant applications: NWO (VENI: 6, Mozaïek: 2, middelgroot: 3), ZonMw (AGIKO: 1, translationeel: 1), KWF: 6, CCA: 28, other: 17, and 7 research project proposals . All were approved by the CWO. New research projects were firstly checked by the executive board for embedding in one of the five CCA/V-ICI research programs. Animal related protocols that need approval of the animal ethical committee (DEC) of the VUmc were evaluated first by the CWO-DEC committee, see chapter 2 for the participating members. In 2010, a total of 56 animal-related protocols were evaluated and approved. An overview of the approved protocols and projects is given in the next paragraphs. CWO: Clinical protocols Principal investigator Title S. Zweegman A phase II, multi-center, non-randomized, open-label study of TKI258 in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma, who are with or without t(4;14) translocation J.J. van der Vliet Invloed van aminobisfosfonaten en statinen op circulerende Vγ9Vδ2-T cellen J.M. Zijlstra OMB 110928 / HOVON 98 NHL: Ofatumumab versus Rituximab Salvage Chemoimmunotherapy followed by ASCT in Relapsed of Refractory DLBCL V. de Haas Comparative effect and safety of recombinant asparaginase in infants (<1 year) with previously untreated acute lymphoblastic leukaemia, a phase II clinical trial S. Peerdeman A randomized, controlled study to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of EVICEL* as an adjunct to sutured dural repair E.G. Haarman Confirmed wheezing in infancy as basis for molecular fingerprinting in the prediction of asthma. J. Dekker Risk factors for impairments of quality of life after colorectal cancer: a feasibility study E.F. Smit A prospective double-blind randomized phase III study of 300 mg versus 150 mg erlotinib in current smokers with locally advanced of metastatic NSCLC in secondline setting after failure of chemotherapy E.F. Smit Determination of the predictive value of early FDG-PET-CT scans for the prognosis of patients with stage III non-small-cell lung cancer receiving concurrent chemoradiation J. van der Laken PET-CT of biodistribution of rituximab in relation to therapeutic outcome and histological response of lymphoid tissue in rheumatoid arthritis patients E.F. Smit Phase 1b open-label clinical trial of continuous once daily oral treatment using BIBW 2992 plus cetuximab (Erbitux®) in patients with non-small cell lung cancer with progression following prior ertlotinib (Tarceva®) of gefintinib (Iressa®) G.J. Ossenkoppele HOVON 102 AML/SAKK 30/09: Randomized study with a run-in feasibility phase to assess the added value of Clofarabine in combination with standard remissioninduction chemotherapy in patients aged 18-65 years with previously untreated acute myeloid leukemia (AML) or myelodysplasia (MDS) (RAEB with IPSS ≥ 1.5) A.A. van der Loosdrecht Dentric cell Vaccination in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia A.J.M. van den Eertwegh Adjuvant immunotherapy with anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody (ipilimumab) versus placebo after complete resection of high-risk Stage III melanoma: A randomized, double-blind Phase III trial of the EORTC Melanoma Group. C.M.J. van Nieuwkerk High-dose versus standard-dose weight-based ribavirin in combination with peginterferon alfa-2a for patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 1 or 4. M.J. Wondergem Zevalin (90Yttrium-ibritumomab tiuxetan)-BEAM and atulogous stem cell 37 9. Scientific Research Committee Principal investigator Title transplantation or single dose 90Yttrium ibritumomab tiuxetan as consolidation of induction chemotherapy in patients with transformed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (Phase II, clinical trial). S. Meijer Ultrasound-guided breast-sparing surgery to improve cosmetic outcomes and quality of life. M. Dijkstra High risk human papilloma virus detection in semen. J. Buter Randomized phase II study of Bevacizumab versus Bevacizumab plus Lomustine in patients with recurrent Glioblastoma: the BELOB trial. G.J. Ossenkoppele Pro no. CAMN107EIC01 – A phase IIIb, multicentre, open-label study of nilotinib in adult patients with newly diagnosed Philadelphia chromosome and/or BCR-ABL positive CML in chronic phase. M. Labots Targeted therapy selection based on tumor tissue kinase activity profiles for patients with advanced solit malignancies, an exploratory study. J.J.W.M. Janssen HOVON 106 double UCBT: a phase II study to assess engraftment and engraftment kinetics after double cord blood transplantation with a reduced-intensity conditioning regimen in patients eligible for allogeneic stem cell transplantation lacking a matched urelated donor. H.M.W. Verheul A randomized, souble-blind, placebo-controlled phase III study of regorafeib plus BSC versus placebo plus BSC in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) who have progressed after standard therapy. A.J.M. van den Eertwegh BRIM3: A Randomized, Open-label, Controlled, Multicenter, Phase III Study in Previously Untreated Patients with Unresectable Stage IIIC of Stage IV Melanoma. T.M. van der Sluis Intraprostatic Androgen level Assessment: Clinical Implications and Potential for Optimising Medical Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia and Prostate Cancer V. de Haas Bortezomib (Velcade®): A feasibility and phase II study in childhood relapsed acute lymphoblastic leukemia, study ITCC021 J.M. Zijlstra A Phase III randomized, double blind, placebo controlled multi-center study of panobinostat for maintenance of response in patients with Hodgkin’s lymphoma who are at risk for relapse after high dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplant. W.R. Gerritsen CA184-095 – Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Trial to Compare the Efficacy of Ipilimumab vs Placebo in Asymptomatic of Minimally Symptomatic Patients with Metastatic Chemotherapy Naive Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer W.H.M. Verbeek Clinical Staging and Survival in Refractory Celiac Disease: Validation and Refinement of a New Staging Model using a Multinational Cohort W.R. Gerritsen A multinational phase 3, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled efficacy and safety study or oral MDV3100 in patients with progressive castration-resistant prostate cancer previously treated with Docetaxel based chemotherapy. J.M. Zijlstra HD 16: Treatment optimization trial in the first-line treatment of early stage Hodgkin lymohoma; treatment stratification by means of FDG-PET J.J.W.M. Janssen HOVON 96 GVHD: Prevention and treatment of severe GVHD after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, applied as consolidation immunotherapy in patients with hematological malignancies; a prospective randomized phase III trial. E.F. Smit Open label study of bevacizumab maintenance therapy (Avastin) with or without pemetrexed after a first line treatment chemotherapy with bevacizumab-cisplatinpemetrexed in patients with advanced, metastatic or recurrent non-squamous cell lung cancer (NSCLC) G.J.L. Kaspers Glucocorticoid induced HPA axis suppression in childhood acute lymphoblastc leukemia and lymphoma E. Boven Effectiveness of physical exercise during chemotherapy to improve physical fitness and reduce fatigue: a randomized trial J. Swart Inzet en effectiviteit TNF-alfa blokkerende geneesmiddelen bij Juveniele Idiopatische Artritis O.S. Hoekstra Induction of hypoxia following radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors H. Swank / D. van der Peet Laparoscopic peritoneal lavage or resection for generalised peritonitis for perforated diverticulitis: a nationwide mulitcenter randomised trial [NTR 2037] M.E.D. Chamuleau Protocol: GAO4753g- An Open Label, Multicenter, Randomized, Phase III Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Bendamustine compared with Bendamustine + RO5072759 (GA101) in Patients with Rituximab-Refractory Indolent non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma 38 9. Scientific Research Committee Principal investigator Title (NHL) G.J. Ossenkoppele HOVON 103 AML (Lenalidomide): A randomized phase II multicenter study with a safety run-in to assess the tolerability and efficacy of the addition of oral lenalidomide to standard induction therapy in AML and RAEB ≥ 66 years and very poor risk AML ≥ 18 years T.M. van der Sluis Castration levels of testosterone in men who receive LHRH agonist therapy for prostate cancer measured by conventional radio-immuno assay and tandem mass spectrometry G.J. L. Kaspers ICC APL Study 01. International consortium Childhood Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Study 01 J. Frantzen Randomized phase III trial comparing immediate versus deferred nephrectomy in patients with synchronous metatstatic renal cell carcinoma W. Menke- van der Houven van Oordt Treatment of optimization of cetuximab in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer based on tumour uptake of 89Zr-labeled cetuximab assessed by PET J.J. van der Vliet Chemoradiation combined with panitumumab followed by surgery for patients with operable esophageal cancer W.R. Gerritsen A phase 3 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Docetaxel and Prednisone with or without Lenalidomide in subjects with castrate-resistant Prostate Cancer J.M. Zijlstra HOVON 105 PCNSL / ALLG NHL 24: Rituximab in Primary Central nervous System Lymphoma. A randomized HOVON / ALLG intergroup study V. de Haas A Study Evaluating Limited Target Volume Boost Irradiation and Reduced Dose Craniospinal Radiotherapy (18.00 Gy) and Chemotherapy in Children with Newly Diagnosed Standard Risk Medulloblastom: A Phase III Double Randomized Trial W.A. Kors Whole-body MR imaging for staging malignant lymphomas in children (dos. NL16860.041.07) S. Zweegman Carfilzomib in combination with Thalidomide and Dexamethasone for remission induction and consolidation op Multiple Myeloma at first presentation (Protocol no: IST-CAR-503) E.M. de Boer A double blind, comparative, superiority, multi center investigation evaluating the efficacy of an absorbent foam dressing containing silver (Mepilex AG) versus the same dressing without dressing used on subjects with venous leg ulcers or mixed ulcers – PUMA 416 V. de Haas Is early revaccination after ALL therapy feasible? (EVA Study ) V. de Haas Caphosol, a therapeutic option in case of cancer therapy induced mucositis in children? C.C.L.M. Boons Adherence and patients’ experiences with oral anticancer agents S. Grewal The role of surgery-induced inflammatory mediators in macrophage activation A.A. van Bodegraven A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the safety, tolerability , and efficacy of AMG 827 in subjects with moderate to severe Crohn’s disease M. Wondergem A phase III, Double-Blind, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled, Multicenter Clinical Trial to Study the Safety, Tolerability, Efficacy and Immunogenicity of V212 in Recipients of Autologous Hematopoietic Cell Transplants (HCTs) R. de Bree The clinical value of combined FDG-PET/CT imaging in response evaluation after radiochemotherapy in patients with potentially operable locally advanced patients cell carcinoma R. de Bree Standardized early detection of primary and recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) using (anti-)EBV based tumor markers the Netherlands UI-Jakarta, UGMYogyakarta and Airlangga-Surabaya R. de Bree Multicenter studie naar de waarde van ‘whole body’ MRI bij screening op afstandsmetastasen bij hoofd-halskankerpatiënten K.P.M. van Galen Pharmacokinetics of the addition of an acidic beverage to posaconazole coadministered with a proton pump inhibitor in GVHD patients P. Lips Jodium 131 remnant ablation in defferentiated thyroid cancer J. van der Laken A phase 0 single microdose study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics/-dynamics and specific targeting properties of 124-I-F8IL10 in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis 39 9. Scientific Research Committee Principal investigator Title G.J. Ossenkoppele HOVON 103 AML/SAKK 30/10 Tosedostat: A randomized phase II multicenter study with a safety run-in to assess the toletability and efficacy of the addition of oral tosedostat to standard induction therapy in AML and RAEB ≥66 years and very poor risk AML ≥18 years S. Zweegman A phase 3, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, ParallelGroup Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Pomalidomide in Subjects with Myeloproliferative Neoplasm-Associated Myelofibrosis and Red Blood CellTransfusion-Dependence G.J. Ossenkoppele A Pivotal phase 2 trial of ponatinib (AP24534) in patients with Refractory Chronic Myeloid leukemia and ph+ Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia R. de Bree Electrochemotherapy in head and neck cancer patients E. Boven Nature and mechanism of cognitive deficits following chemotherapy: an (f)MRI study A.J.M. van den Eertwegh Ónderzoek naar de aanwezigheid en functionaliteit van immuncellen in het bloed van onbehandelde gezonde mannen en prostaatkankerpatiënten die behandeld zijn met GM-CSF-getransduceerde allogene vaccins en anti-CTLA-4 antistoffen I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma NA 22823B: A Ph II/III seamless, multi-center, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled study of the reduction in signs and symptoms and inhibition of structural damage during treatment with tocilizumab versus placebo in patients with ankylosing spondylitis who have failed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and are naïve to TNF antagonist therapy I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma WA 22908B: A randomized, double-blind, parallel-group placebo-controlled study of the safety and reduction of signs and symptoms during treatment with tocilizumab (TCZ) versus placebo in patients with ankylosing spondylitis who have had an inadequate response to previous TNF antagonist therapy V. de Haas Development of chronic disease in newly diagnosed Idiopathic Thrombocytompenic Purpura of Childhood. A randomized controlled study on the influence of treatment with intravenous gammaglobulin on the course of the disease (korte titel: De TIKI studie: therapie met of zonder IVIG voor kinderen met acute ITP) S.H.S Hashemi A randomized trial comparing longstanding indwelling pleural catheters with pleurodesis as a frontline treatment for malignant pleural effusion R.J.F. Felt A 12-week, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trail to evaluate the efficacy, quality of life, safety and tolerability of prucalopride in male subjects with chronic constipation E. Boven Randomized double-blind trial of Bepanthen cream versus Cetomacrogel cream in the prevention of papulopustular eruption in patients receiving epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitors (EGFRI) BeCet I.M. Verdonck – de Leeuw Preventive Swallowing Exercises to prevent persistent swallowing dysfunction after curative (chemo)-radiation in head and neck cancer I.M. Verdonck – de Leeuw Preventive Swallowing Exercises to prevent persistent swallowing dysfunction after curative (chemo)-radiation in head and neck cancer ( kleine wijziging t.o.v. eerder protecoll) O. Visser Risk factors for alloimmunization after erythrocyte transfusion: a transfusion case control study. A.A. van de Loosdrecht Role of flow cytometry in the assessment of restoration of hematopoiesis during standard exjade® treatment in patients with low-intermediate-I risk myelodysplastisc syndromes R.J.B.J Gemke Dutch version of the Adolescent Sleep Habits Questionnaire; assessment of a Dutch norm-reference and evaluation of reliability and validity P.E. Postmus De prevalentie van het Birt-Hogg-Dubé syndroom bij spontane pneumothorax patiënten A.J.M. van den Eertwegh The TEAM trial (tasigna efficacy in advanced melanoma): A randomized, phase III, open label, multi-center, two arm study to compare the efficacy of Tasigna® versus decarbazine (DTIC) in the treatment of patients with metastatic and/or inoperable melanoma harbouring a c-Kit mutation V. de Haas SIOP LGG 2004: Cooperative multicenter study for children and adolescents with low grade glioma A.A. van Bodegraven Prospective, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial Comparing REMICADE (infliximab) and placebo in het Prevention of recurrence in Crohn’s disease patients undergoing surgical resection who are at an increased risk of recurrence (PREVENT-study) 40 9. Scientific Research Committee Principal investigator Title A.A. van Bodegraven A phase II, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the clinical efficacy, safety and immunogenicity of Neovacs’ TNF-alpha Kinoid in adults subjects with Crohn’s disease E.F. Smit A Randomised phase III trial of Gemcitabine / Carboplatin with or without BSI-201 (a PARP 1 Inhibitor) in patients with previously untreated advanced squamous cell lung cancer E.F. Smit A phase II, multi-center, open-label study of AUY922 administered IV on a once weekly schedule in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer that have progressed after at least two line of prior chemotherapy (CAUY922A2206) E.F. Smit LUME-Lung 3: A phase I/II study of continuous oral treatment with BIBF 1120 added to standard gemcitabine/cisplatin therapy in first line NSCLC patients with squamous cell histology A.A. van de Loosdrecht A multicenter, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trail of deferasirox in patients with myelodysplastic syndromes (low/int-1 risk) and transfusional iron overload (TELESTO)” (‘ICL670A2302’) J.A. Castelijns Comparison of ADC-values in head and neck region of normal volunteers regarding different DW-MR-scanners acquired at different time points A.J.M van den Eertwegh Releasing the brakes on CD8+ T cells in the melanoma sentinel lymph node by preoperative local administration of low-dose anti CTLA-4 (tremelimumab) R.H.M. Verheijen A Fase IIIb, open, multi-centre gynaecological extension study for the follow-up of a subset of HPV-015 study subjects (protocol HPV-062 EXT:015) E.F. Smit A randomized phase II study of paclitaxel-carboplatin-bevacizumab with or without nitroglycerin patches in patients with stage IV non-squamous-non-small cell lung cancer: NVALT12 J.J. van der Vliet Phase 1-2 study of everolimus and low dose oral cyclophoshamide in patients with metaststic renal cell cancer E.F. Smit Chloroquine as anti-autophagy drug in small cell lung cancer (SCLC) patients: A phase I trial to be followed by a phase II trial CWO: Research projects / grant proposals Grant Principal investigator Title KWF P. Sminia Targeting resistance to radio-chemotherapy by inhibition of the PI3KinaseAkt signalling pathway Reumaresearch C.L. Verweij Cross-talk between TNF and IFN in rheumatoid arthritis Top-Go J.P. de Winter The role of DDX11, ESCO1 and ESCO2 in sister chromatid cohesion, DNA damage response and carcinogenesis ERC R.H. Brakenhoff Selection of drugable gene targets for squamous cancer therapy by functional genetic screens ZonMW Transl N.H. Hendrikse Imaging of [11C]erlotinib pharmacokinetics in non small cell lung cancer patients; an in vivo study with positron emission tomography Instituutspromovendus B. Carvalho Identification of novel oncogenes/oncomirs located at 13q involved in the progression of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma KWF M. van Egmond Identify inflammatory mediators responsible for induction of liver metastases development after surgery Instituutspromovendus E. Bloemena The possible diagnostic role of mucin expression in tissue and sliva in patients with a salivary gland tumor KWF J.P. de Winter/ J.C. Dorsman Novel players in the Fanconi anemia pathway KWF C.J.A. Haasbeek Stereotactic radiotherapy of oligometastic disease Instituuspromovendus S. Gibbs The development of immuno-competent human skil and oral mucosa equivalents and their use in determining factors involved in T cell skewing and imprinting Promovendus S. Gibbs Use of Skin Tissue Engineering to Study Keloid Formation Instituutspromovendus Q. Waisfisz Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer 41 9. Scientific Research Committee Grant Principal investigator Title VONK H. Blufpand Renal (dys)function in pediatric oncology BioRange II R.X. Menezes / N. Chaturvedi Statistical integration of multiple-source high-throughput genomics and phenotypic data HLW bv Helmond C. Mulder / M. Seinen Improving Thiopurine and Methotrexaat therapies in inflammatory bowel diseases ZonMW R. Beelen Innovative Cryo-Electronmicroscopy on living cells Promovendus J. Berkhof Modelling HPV infection dynamics VONK M.H.A. Jansen Pontine gliomas AGIKO A. Vis / T. van der Sluis Measuring Intraprostatic Androgen Concentrations Using Lc-Ms/Ms: From Bench To Bedside ZonMW Doelmatigheid L. van Tuyl Pay less and achieve more with monitoring and intensive combination therapy in early rheumatoid arthritis ZonMW Doelmatigheid R. de Bree Response evaluation after chemoradiation for advanced oropharyngeal cance (REACTION study) ZonMW Doelmatigheid M. van Egmond ‘Perioperative selective decontamination of the digestive tract (SDD) in elective colorectal cancer patients (SELECT trial)’ Instituutspromovendus B. Appelmelk Live Mycobacterium bovis BCG bacteria as a platform for the induction of enhanced tumor antigen-specific immunity. ERC starting grant L. Smit The specific eradication of AML leukemic stem cells. Speradileuk Industry E. Boven Phase II randomized trial of combination therapy of paclitaxel and bevacizumab versus paclitaxel, capecitabine and bevacizumab as first-line treatment for locally recurrent or metastatic breast cancer patients with HER2/neu negative tumor. Industry S. Zweegman/ J. Regelink Bone disease in multiple myeloma Kika J. Cloos The role of impaired FPGS splicing in methotrexate response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Maag-Lever-Darm Stichting S.A.G.M. Cillessen / Marijn Radersma Is c-Abl a potential target for therapy in Enteropathy Associated T-cell Lymphomas? KWF M. van Egmond Surgical removal of primary colorectal cancer: a double-edged sword? CCA Victor van Beusechem Monitoring of cancer progression and therapy response by analysis of viral microRNAs CCA Nicole van Grieken (vi-miRNAs) in circulating exosomes. CCA Sandra van Vliet Identification of predictive markers in esophageal carcinoma in patients receiving neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy CCA Thom Würdinger Exploring the sweet spot in colon cancer mutations CCA Gerd Bouma Blood platelets: a potential RNA source for companion diagnostics of cancer CCA Dries Budding The role of tight junctions in the development of gastrointestinal neoplasia CCA Tanja de Gruijl Non-invasive screening for colonic carcinoma by profiling of the intestinal microbiota CCA Joke den Haan Locoregional immunopotentiation and vaccination with anti-CD40 in early and advanced stage melanoma. CCA Ab Geldof Development of anti-melanoma immunotherapy by targeting to Siglec-1: Translation into the human setting CCA Elisa Giovannetti Choline-PET scanning for chemotherapy response monitoring in prostate cancer CCA Astrid Greijer Novel predictive parameters for pemetrexed-based therapy of lung cancer and mesothelioma CCA Astrid Greijer Cytolytic virus activation (CLVA) therapy for EBV-driven gastric carcinoma CCA John Jacobs Targeted therapy and PET-imaging of virus reactivation as new approach for EBV driven cancers CCA Annette Moll Systemic immunomodulation local Interleukine 2 (IL-2) treatment in 42 9. Scientific Research Committee Grant Principal investigator Title recurrent bladder carcinoma after complete and incomplete surgery. CCA Gemma Kenter Diagnosis of vital tumor tissue by OCT and MRI in retinoblastoma patients CCA Jacqueline Langius The role of the immune status of tumour draining lymph nodes in cervical cancer. CCA Saskia Mostert Predictive factors for severe weight loss in head and neck cancer patients during radiotherapy and the consequences on quality of life and survival. CCA Daniel Peeper Compliance with childhood cancer treatment in the low-income country Kenya CCA Michiel Pegtel Development of diagnostic and therapeutic tools from a metastatic breast cancer signalling network CCA Frits Peters Development of autologous RNAi nanoparticles for cancer treatment CCA Thang Pham Principal Investigator : Michiel Pegtel CCA Alex Poot Regulation of subcellular localization of BCRP (ABCG2) and MRP1 (ABCC1) by AKT-signalling: implications for EGFR-targeted therapies. CCA Saskia Santegoets Database construction to enable integrative analysis of proteomics experiments for cancer specific markers and pathways CCA Suresh Senan The development of radiolabeled tyrosine kinase inhibitors for PET imaging: a predictive tool for cancer therapy. CCA Linda Smit Tumor antigen-specific autoantibody responses before, during and after cancer immunotherapy: identification of candidate biomarkers for patient selection and (early) clinical response prediction. CCA Victor Thijssen Designing information for patient participation in treatment decisions for stage I non-small cell lung cancer CCA Wendy Unger Target identification specific for leukemic stem cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. CCA S. Wilting Cancer development modelling by integrated multilevel molecular characterisation of a longitudinal model system for HPV-induced carcinogenesis Van Walree Fonds E.J.M. Stoop Keystone symposium on Tubercolosis, Vancouver, Canada; posterpresentatie abstract: ‘Zebrafish embryo screen for identification of mycobacterial genes involved in granuloma formation’ Van Walree Fonds E.M. Weerdenburg Keystone symposium on Tubercolosis, Vancouver, Canada; posterpresentatie abstract: ‘Less is more: ESX-5 deficient mycobacteria are hypervirulent in zebrafish’ KWF M. van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren Is cancer cachexia preventable or delayable? (tbv KWF Voeding en Kanker, zie ook PV10/60) VENI P. Papadopoulos Transcriptional control during maturation of dendritic vells VENI L.H.D. van Tuyl The patient perspective on remission in chronic diseases. VENI M. Irandoust Protein tyrosine phosphatises as novel treatment targets in acute myeloid leukemia VENI C. Vermeulen Determinants of oncolytic adenovirus therapy in human tumor cells: elucidating the mechanism of telomere maintenance VENI J.M. Ilarregui Cross-talk between MGL and galectin-1 in the regulation of tolerogenic responses in autoimmune inflammation VENI I.V. Bijnsdorp Identifying high risk prostate cancer KWF J.J. van der Vliet Specific tumor-targeting of iNKT cells and Vy9Vδ2 T cells using nanobody technology Vumc/MCA J.A.J. Rood Information needs of patients with heamatological malignancies Mozaiek S. Grewal Colorectal cancer surgery: a Trojan horse for liver metastases? Mozaiek E. Boven/S.W. Lam Towards a tumor-specific protein fingerprint for early detection of breast cancer 43 9. Scientific Research Committee 9.3. CWO-DEC: Animal related protocols Principal investigator Title W. Unger Development of EAE in human DC-SIGN transgenic mice W. Unger Development of EAE in MGL deficient mice R. Roozendaal Regulatie van antigeen specifieke T-cellen door lymfeklier stroma J. Koning Recrutering van mesenchymale stamcellen naar lymfeklieren uit omliggend vetweefsel na immuunactivatie L. Smit Vast stellen van het effect van CLL-1 antilichaam (CR2357), CLL-1 antilichaam-drug-conjugaat (CR2357-ADC) en bispecifieke CLL-1xCD3 BiTE antilichaam op de leukemie initiërende capaciteit van CLL-1 positieve stamcellen in AML G. van Dongen Targeted optical imaging of subcutaneous tumors with anti-EGFR nanobodies coupled to near-infrared fluorophores J. den Haan Practicum FACS and CFSE Proliferatie Assay (april 2010) J. den Haan Vergelijking effectiviteit van antilichaam-antigeen complexen in de activatie van cytotoxische T cellen. J. den Haan Deletie van specifieke macrofaag en dendritische cel types door middel van cytochroom C-antilichaam complexen T. Lagerweij Selectie van geschikte primaire cellijnen voor 3 vormen van kinderhersentumoren (hoog-gradig glioom, medulloblastoom en ependymoom). D.A. Heuveling Tumor targeting performance of the 89Zr-labeled anti-CD44 antibody RO5429083 I. Ouwehand De inductie van anti-tumor responsen via C-type lectine targeting G. van Dongen Hersenopname van liposomale systemen die de “blood brain barrier” (BBB) kunnen passeren R. Molenaar Effect van vitamine A op DC en T cel migratie M. van Hout Het beschermend effect van IgA en/of FcαRI tegen Salmonella enterica infectie N. Gul Effecten van LPS op het ontstaan van trauma geïnduceerde lever metastases Nathalie Koning Ontwikkeling van EAE in MGL-deficiënte muizen Marieke Beijer Effect van vitamine A op de ontwikkeling en homeostase van dendritische cellen in de milt Marjolein van Egmond Mechanisme van tumor celdood inductie na incubatie met bispecifieke antistoffen gericht tegen FcαRI op neutrofielen B. Mahdavian Delavary Kan het veranderen van macrofaag fenotype de genezing van diepe brandwonden verbeteren? E.D.Keuning Oefenprotocol voor Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity (DTH) Response bij muizen. G. van Dongen Inert coupling of near-infrared fluorophore IRDye800CW to monoclonal antibodies for clinical photoimmunodetection N. Gül Effecten van LPS en operatie op het ontstaan van lever metastases A. Stavenuiter Potentieel gunstige effecten van de selectieve Vitamine D analogen op peritoneale veranderingen in een preklinisch dier model voor peritoneale dialyse J. Glim Verschil in herstel tussen mucosale en cutane wonden G. van Dongen Dosis-respons-, biodistributie- en combinatie therapie studies met anti-HGF nanobodies D.A. Heuveling Evalueren van de waarde van tumor- en schildwachtklierdetectie met behulp van optische detectie in een lymfogeen metastase model in het konijn T. Lagerweij Toediening van geneesmiddelen via convection enhanced delivery in de hersenstam R. Fijneman Identification and validation of colon tumor biomarkers for early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) 44 9. Scientific Research Committee Principal investigator Title N. Koning Development of EAE in human DC-SIGN transgenic mice K. Gotink/H. Verheul Resistentie tegen anti-angiogene tyrosine kinase remmers M. van der Pas Darm perfusiestudie E. Stoop Virulentie en vaccin potentie van Mycobacterium marinum mutanten in volwassen zebravissen R. Fijneman Molecular imaging of colon tumors for early detection of colorectal cancer (CRC) I. Bijnsdorp Het vergelijken van de eiwit expressie in de verschillende stadia van prostaatkanker in het Dunning model L. Smit De invloed van microRNA expressie op tumor initiërende capaciteit, chemotherapie resistentie en tumorigeniteit van acute myeloide leukemie (AML) B. Braakhuis Identificatie van stamcellen in hoofd-halskanker E. Weerdenburg Opgroeien van zebravis embryo’s geïnfecteerd met ESX-5 deficiënte Mycobacterium marinum M. Bögels Effecten van darm chirurgie op de aanhechting van levermetastasen I. Hiemstra Invloed van Toll-like receptor signalering op de aanwezigheid van DC subsets in de darm H. Veninga Het effect van antigen targeting naar verschillende types dendritische cellen en macrofagen op CD4 T cel en B cel responsen M. van Hout Het effect van FcαRI gemedieerde neutrofiel activatie op macrofaag functie M. Bögels Geeft een IgG3 antilichaam variant met verhoogde halfwaardetijd een betere antilichaamtherapie tegen ontwikkeling van carcinoma levermetastases in muizen B. Braakhuis Behandeling van hoofd-halskanker door selectieve targeting van Wee1 kinase G. van Dongen Therapeutic efficacy of the human-like camelid-derived anti-IL6 antibody “ARGX109ARGX-109” in xenograft bearing nude mice J. den Haan Opname van verschillende serotypes Neisseria meningitidis bacteriën door macrofagen in de milt T. Lagerweij Toediening van IFN-beta producerend virus via ‘convection enhanced delivery’ voor de behandeling van hersenstamtumoren. T. van der Sluis Serumconcentratie van testosteron ten gevolge van prostaatkanker en stabiliteit van androgenen in prostaatkanker na loskoppelen van de circulatie S. van Rijn In vivo en ex vivo detectie of epitope getagged Gaussia luciferase uit bloed M. van Egmond De rol van van immunoglobulin A (IgA) en de IgA Fc receptor (Fc RI) in allergische luchtweg ontstekingen M. Ulrich Effect van foetale cellen gezaaid in collageen scaffolds op de littekenvorming (varkensmodel, vervolg) M. Ulrich Vergelijking tussen lokale en systemische toediening van een ACE-remmer bij de genezing van halfdiepe brandwonden bij de rat T. Lagerweij Therapeutische toepassingen voor de behandeling van hersentumoren G. van Dongen Preclinical optical molecular imaging with a near-infrared fluorescent anti-EGFR nanobody V. van Beusechem Evaluatie van een nieuw conditioneel replicerend adenovirus dat een shRNA gericht tegen synoviolin tot expressie brengt in een humaan subcutaan longtumor model in de naakte muis J. Posthuma de Boer Evaluatie van therapeutisch effect van Doxorubicine in combinatie met kinase knockdown in een subcutaan model voor humaan osteosarcoom 45 46 10. Training and education 10. Training and education Training and education Performing high quality research and patient care is an important goal of CCA/V-ICI. To this end, it is essential to train and to pass on knowledge to students, (young) researchers, technicians as well as to clinicians and care professionals. This educational path includes lectures, workshops, tutorials, practical training and clinical demonstrations. To ensure highly qualified professionals in the future, it is essential to provide a well defined educational program starting already at medical and biomedical undergraduate students. CCA/V-ICI is involved in a high number of theoretical and practical courses during the bachelor as well as master phase. Furthermore, a high number of training positions are available at our laboratories. For medical students CCA/V-ICI organizes both an Oncology and an Immunology graduation profile. Furthermore, for the top medical students CCA/V-ICI is providing a Honours Program in Oncology and Immunology. In the General Master Biomedical Sciences CCA/V-ICI organizes the differentiation Immunology. For biomedical students a specific TOP-Master Oncology is available, which is aimed at the training of students for a research function in an oncological research institute. PhD students attend various theoretical and practical courses, most of them organized by the graduate schools in which CCA/V-ICI participate, such as the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (Oncologie onderzoeksschool Amsterdam -OOA) and Amsterdam Leiden Institute for Immunology (ALIFI). Monthly CCA/V-ICI lectures are organized in which the program/project leaders of the 5 research programs of CCA/V-ICI are actively involved. These lectures are aimed at achieving more integration of the research performed in the 5 different research programs and for education purposes for researchers in CCA/V-ICI. Postgraduate Education for (care) professionals is organized by the individual departments involved in CCA/V-ICI. In the future these and new activities will be organized together within CCA/V-ICI. 1. Training and education To ensure highly qualified clinicians and researchers within CCA/V-ICI, it is essential to train and pass on knowledge in a long-life learning program. Therefore, training and education is a major focus of CCA/V-ICI. Aim is to stimulate and facilitate education in the field of oncology and immunology at various levels, starting already with undergraduate (bio)medical students, through Master-students, PhD-students, postgraduate (specialist) training and beyond to education of (care) professionals. This educational path includes lectures, workshops, tutorials, practical training and clinical demonstrations. Committee for Education & Training This committee supervises and advices about all training and education activities within CCA/V-ICI. The graduate training is organized within the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) and the Leiden Amsterdam Institute for Immunology (ALIFI). Committee for Education & Training: - Prof. dr. C.R Leemans (chair) - Prof. dr. R.H.J. Beelen - Prof. dr. G.A. Meijer - Dr. M.M. van Duist - Dr. E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (secretary) Perspective At present, CCA/V-ICI is already highly involved in Training and Education at various levels, including: - Compulsory semester courses during Bachelor and Master phase of (bio)medicine study. - 6 week optional course ‘Immunology and infection’ and ‘Oncology’ during Bachelor phase of Medicine study - Scientific traineeship during Master phase of (bio)medicine study - TopMaster Oncology Programme for biomedicine students (about 30/year) 47 10. Training and education - Differentiation Immunology in the Master Programme Biomedical Sciences (about 30/year) - Honoursprogramme - Oncology graduate school Amsterdam - Amsterdam-Leiden institute for Immunology - Development of a post-graduate centre - Organization Keynote lectures, workshops and Symposia To guarantee high quality training programs, in which numerous CCA/V-ICI members are involved, the main perspective of our educational program is to survey and coordinate these, and initiate new training activities (within the scope of development of a graduate school). Collaboration CCA/V-ICI stimulates international collaborations and exchanges with top-leading scientist all over the world. For the PhD students in the oncology field CCA/V-ICI participates in the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA). OOA is a joint graduate school of the Netherlands Cancer Institute (Nederlands Kanker Instituut - NKI) and the medical faculties VUmc and AM) of the VU and the UvA, respectively. These organizations strive for excellence in research and education in oncology, the realization of which is promoted by their participation in OOA. The mission of the OOA is to offer education in oncology research in the widest sense at an excellent level, and ensure proper supervision to graduate students in the Amsterdam region. OOA’s graduate students are scientist-in-training who receive additional theoretical and practical education on various subjects related to cancer research. In addition, collaboration is stimulated between the research groups of the 3 institutes as well as (inter)nationally. In this way, the PhD students have the opportunity to conduct high level research and attend courses that are organized by a faculty of outstanding researchers with evident scientific output in international literature and excellent track records. For the education of PhD students specifically in the immunology field, there is a collaboration with the University of Leiden, Sanquin Amsterdam and the Amsterdam Medical Center. AmsterdamLeiden Institute for Immunology (ALIFI) provides special courses for PhD students. A specific program for PhD students has been set up providing a training programme according to the criteria of the “Stichting voor opleiding tot Medisch-Biologisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoeker” (SMBWO). For graduate and postgraduate training cooperation with the VUmc Education Institute (Instituut voor Onderwijs en Opleiding) exists. In addition, regular keynote lectures, symposia and workshops with renowned international speakers are organized. 2. Graduate profile for medical students Medical students graduate in one of the ten elective profiles/ specialization programmes. This includes a theoretical course of 6 weeks (3rd bachelor year) and a research internship of minimal 18 weeks (during the master phase). CCA/V-ICI coordinates the profiles ‘Oncology’ and ‘Immunology and Infection’. About 20% of students chose for one of those profiles. Oncology course In 2010 a 6-week course on Oncology was given, 53 students participated: 50 medical students and 3 Master Oncology students. The course consisted of lectures, literature discussions, practical work and laboratory/clinical visits. These weeks were organized around four specific themes: 1. hematological malignancies, 2. colorectal cancer, 3. head and neck cancer, 4. breast cancer and 5. lung cancer. During the course students worked in small groups on a specific research question, guided by a senior researcher. A research proposal was written which was presented and discussed at the final day of the course. Immunology course In 2010 a six-week course on Immunology and infection was given in which 20 medical students participated. The course consisted of lectures, practical work and laboratory and clinical visits. The weeks were organized around three specific themes: 1. rheumatoid diseases, 2. tuberculosis and 3. celiac diseases and inflammatory bowel diseases. During the course students worked in small groups 48 10. Training and education on a scientific review, guided by a senior researcher. This review was presented and discussed at the final day of the course. Honours Programme The Honours Programme (HP) has started in 2000 (called Masterclass). This program is focused on the top 10% medical students. These students start in their 2nd bachelor year, with a research training program. The selected students first follow introduction courses in 4 of the 10 different research profiles. CCA/V-ICI coordinates the profiles ‘Oncology’ and ‘Immunology and Infection’. Afterwards they choose their specialization profile and write a research proposal on that subject. This research project is carried out for 1-2 years next to their regular medicine study. The goal is to write a scientific paper as first author at the end of this training programme. In 2010, 4 of the 13 selected students started their HP research program at CCA/V-ICI. In addition, 6 students were already enrolled and 5 students finished their HP research program in 2010. 3. Masters for biomedical students Master Oncology The Master’s Programme in Oncology (a VU topmaster’s programme) aims to train students with a bachelor degree in Biomedical Sciences or other relevant Life Sciences in the field of cancer research and therapy. Approximately 30 students with different background start each year. The program consists of compulsory and optional courses, two practical training periods and a literature surveys. Courses (co)-organized by CCA/V-ICI researchers in 2010 were: “Oncogenesis”, “Tumour biology and clinical behaviour”, “Immunity” and “Innovative tumour therapy”. Master Oncology students followed in addition, specific optional courses organized by CCA/V-ICI or OOA such as: “In the footsteps of Antoni van Leeuwenhoek”, “Epigenetics”, “Radiation Oncology”, “Gene Regulation Networks”, “Anatomy of the mouse” and the “Oncology” course organized by CCA/V-ICI for 3rd year medical students. After completion of the master’s programme, most graduates in oncology continue their careers as PhD student (75%); either at our research institute or other national or international research institutions. 16% of the graduates continued with a medical training and 9% went for various other job positions (e.g. research technician, Clinical Research Associate). Master differentiation Immunology Since 2003, biomedical students can follow a general Master offered by the Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences (FALW). In this master a differentiation Immunology is offered, coordinated by Prof. Y. van Kooyk, PhD. About 30-40 students enter each year. De course ‘Advanced Molecular Immunology and Cell Biology’ organized by dr. M. van Egmond is obligatory for all students. Furthermore, optional courses are organized, like “Clinical Immunology” (prof. dr. Y. van Kooyk), “Molecular Infection Biology” (W. Bitter) and “Glycoimmunology” (I.M. van Die). 4. PhD student program CCA/V-ICI is involved in the graduate schools Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) and Amsterdam Leiden Institute for Immunology (ALIFI). PhD students can follow various theoretical and practical courses in addition to their research training such as general courses on biostatistics and epidemiology, on laboratory animal technology, writing and presenting in scientific English which are organized by the VUmc. In addition, several specialized courses on oncology or Immunology were organized in 2010 by the graduate schools. PhD students are encouraged to participate in laboratory meetings to actively discuss their findings and those of others, which are organized at their own department but also at other departments in the same institute or at the collaborating institutes: the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI), Academic Medical Center (AMC) and Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). In this way PhD students are actively prepared to present their results to a critical audience and are able to present their data at (inter)national meetings. International collaborations and active participation of young researchers is strongly encouraged. To this end, PhD students are able to visit international meetings and are urged to actively participate. Furthermore, several of our PhD students perform part of their research project in the research institute of a collaborating group abroad. 49 10. Training and education CCA/V-ICI organizes monthly CCA/V-ICI evening lectures in which experienced researchers and PhD students present their ongoing research, this allows the PhD students to meet other researchers working at different departments and stimulates cooperation. Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) PhD students in CCA/V-ICI with an oncology profile are trained within the framework of the OOA, a joint venture of the VUmc (CCA/V-ICI), NKI and AMC. The OOA strives for excellence in their research and teaching in basic and clinical oncology and provides every year a high standard training program. PhD students follow two OOA courses a year and participate twice in the annual graduate student retreat. In 2010, 7 courses and 2 Meet-the-Expert session were organized. - Techniques in Cancer Genomics - The Microscopic, Macroscopic and Pathologic Anatomy of the Mouse - Radiation Oncologie - Gene Regulation Networks - Epigenetics and non-coding RNA - Basic medical statistics for clinical and experimental research - In the footsteps of Anomi van Leeuwenhoek Basic Microscopy - Novel cancer vaccine strategies: putting it into practice: B.A. Fox (meet-the expert session) - How to Write High Impact Papers and What to Do When One Gets Rejected?: J.C. Coyne (meet the expert) The yearly three-day OOA retreat at Texel allowed PhD students to meet other students working at the participating institutes or at different divisions within the same institute both at scientific and social level. See for more information about OOA: www.ooa-graduateschool.org Amsterdam Leiden Institute for Immunology (ALIFI) ALIFI is a joint venture of the VUMC (CCA/V-ICI), AMC, NKI, Sanquin, and LUMC. PhD students with an immunology profile are trained within this framework. The highly recommended advanced course in Immunology was held at the VUMC and Sanquin. The course aimed to further extend the knowledge on recent developments in immunology and to contribute to insight in scientific questions and approaches in immunological research. PhD students could participate in meet-the-expert sessions, and on several courses and meetings, organized mostly by the Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI). In the Immunology Seminar Series, organised by the MCBI department, (inter)national researchers are regularly invited to present their exiting findings, PhD students are encouraged to actively participate. 5. CCA/V-ICI evening lectures The CCA/V-ICI evening lectures were organized by the CCA/V-ICI evening lecture committee. These evenings are meant to provide information about the ongoing projects and future perspectives in the five CCA/V-ICI programs and moreover to increase cooperation between the different research programs and departments. The speakers consisted of a mix of experienced researchers and PhD students and both laboratory oriented researchers and clinicians. January 19, 2010 Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 3 (Disease profiling) Host: Otto Hoekstra Meike de Wit: Identification of prion protein as a cell surface candidate biomarker for colorectal adenoma-to-carcinoma progression Otto Hoekstra: Development of prognostically relevant PET tracers for colorectal liver metastases: a pragmatic approach February 16, 2010 Highlights program 2 (Immunopathogenesis) and program 4 (Innovative therapy) Host: Tanja de Gruijl Jeroen Geurtsen: Cyanovirin: a novel way to prevent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infections? Fons van den Eertwegh: Vaccination strategies in prostate cancer March 16, 2010 Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 4 (Innovative therapy) Host: Gert Ossenkoppele 50 10. Training and education - David Palma: The ABCs of Stage I NSCLC: Population-based studies from Amsterdam and British Columbia Petra van der Lelij: Warsaw breakage syndrome: a novel cohesinopathy associated with mutations in the DNA helicase DDX11 April 20, 2010 Highlights program 2 (Immunopathogenesis) and program 3 (Disease profiling) Host: Guus van Dongen Johannes de Boer: Optical Coherence Tomography in clinical medicine Gijs Wuite: See me, Feel me: New tools for optical manipulation and visualization of biomolecules May 18, 2010 Highlights program 1 (Oncogenesis) and program 2 (Immunopathogenesis) Host: E. Hooijberg Beatriz Carvalho: 20q amplicon driven colorectal cancer progression: who is at the driver seat? Michiel Pegtel: Functional transfer of viral miRNAs via exosomes June 15, 2010 Highlights program 3 (Disease Profiling) and program 4 (Therapy) Host: F. Peters Nafees Rivzi: PET to predict biodistribution in radio-immunotherapy: the case of Zevalin Niels Franke: Bortezomib resistance in hematological malignancies September 21, 2010 Highlights program 3 (Disease Profiling) and program 4 (Therapy) Host: F. Peters Nafees Rivzi: PET to predict biodistribution in radio-immunotherapy: the case of Zevalin Niels Franke: Bortezomib resistance in hematological malignancies October 19, 2010 Highlights program 5 (Quality of life) and program 1 (Oncogenesis) Host: Ruud Brakenhoff Irma Verdonck: Living with cancer: building a winning team by managing knowledge Marlon van der Plas: Prognostic significance of TP53 mutations in head and neck cancer November 16, 2010 Highlights program 2 (Immunopathogenesis) and program 3 (Disease Profiling) Host: Connie Jimenez Marjolein van Egmond : IgA and its receptor FcalphaRI in chronic inflammation Marc Warmoes: Proteomics of murine BRCA1 deficient breast tumors identifies DNA repair proteins with prognostic value in human breast cancer December 14, 2010 Highlights program 4 (Innovative therapy) and program 5 (Quality of life) Host: Irma Verdonck Bregje Philipsen : Regulation of euthanasia in the Netherlands: empirical evidence against the slippery slope Canan Alhan: The application of flow cytometry for the evaluation of azacitidine treatment in intermediate-2 and high risk myelodysplastic syndrome patients 51 52 List of contents Appendices 1. Organization of CCA/V-ICI 55 2. Scientific input 59 3. Newly started PhD projects 71 4. Scientific output 73 5. Indicators of esteem 103 6. Societal impact 145 7. Ongoing projects 149 53 54 Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI Structure of CCA / V-ICI Stichting CCA VUmc Board VUmc Supportive Staff 1. Oncogenesis Program Group CCA Executive Board Management Board CCA / V-ICI 2. Immunopathogenesis Internal Advisory Board 3. Disease profiling External Advisory Board 4. Therapy Scientific Research Committee 5. Quality of life Committee for Education & Training Management Board Management Board (MB) members: - P.C. Huijgens, director of CCA/V-ICI - G. Kraal, deputy director of CCA/V-ICI - W.R. Gerritsen, program director CCA - H.M.W.Verheul, member - C.R. Leemans, chairman of internal advisory board - G.C.P.M. Hoskens, manager finances division I Supportive staff - Y.M. Duiker (board assistant) - M.A.J. Koelink (secretary) - G.K. Kuipers, PhD (senior board assistant) - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst, PhD (senior board assistant) Executive Board The Executive Board (EB) of CCA/V-ICI consists of the program leaders. The EB meets every 2 months together with the MB, chaired by one of the MB directors. The EB advises the MB about: - research projects - long-term policy with respect to personnel and materials - first money stream graduate students - allocation of equipment for research of > € 12.000 - patient care projects - clinical and translational research - education - fundraising for cancer research, care and education 55 Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI - early diagnostics all matters concerning CCA/V-ICI whether on request or not. The complete EB convenes regularly to discuss the long term policy of CCA/V-ICI. Executive Board members: Program 1: Oncogenesis: - R.H. Brakenhoff - H. Joenje - P.J.F. Snijders Program 2: Immunopathogenesis: - R.H.J. Beelen - E. Hooijberg - Y. van Kooyk - R. Mebius Program 3: Disease profiling: - G.A.M.S. van Dongen - O.S. Hoekstra - C. Jimenez - C.L. Verweij Program 4: Therapy: - B.A.C. Dijkmans - G.J. Ossenkoppele - G.J. Peters - S. Senan - H.M.W. Verheul Program 5: Quality of Life - J. Dekker - G.J.L. Kaspers - I.M. Verdonck - O. Visser Internal Advisory Board The members of the internal advisory board consist of 5 to 10 heads of departments involved in cancer and immunology within the VUMC. The chairman is member of the MB. The board meets 4 times a year. Internal Advisory Board members: - C.R. Leemans (Chair) - M.A. Blankenstein - H.J. Bonjer - C.J.H. Buren - B.A.C. Dijkmans - C.D. Dijkstra - J.J. Heimans - K.K. Kenter - G.A. Meijer - H. Meijers - C.J.J. Mulder - B.J. Slotman - E.F. Smit - H.M.W. Verheul Scientific Research Committee (CWO) The CWO is divided into a section that advises merely animal related protocols and a section that advises patient related protocols and other project proposals. 56 Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI The CWO advises about the research policy and about the feasibility of new research projects upon request of the MB. The CWO advises the MB specifically about the quality and the feasibility of all research proposals that need permission of the ethical committees for patient related or animal related research before they can be realized. Research proposals made on behalf of (inter)nationally recognized joint ventures (EORTC, HOVON, SIOP, SKION) and multi-center studies in which the VUMC is not the main judging committee, are judged only marginally on local feasibility. The CWO also advises on other research proposals for which judgment by the CWO is desired. The CWO gives asked and unasked advice to the MB about the quality of research within CCA/V-ICI. The CWO section for patient related protocols meets twice a month, the CWO section for animal related protocols meets once a month. The VUMC Management Regulations stipulate that the CCA/V-ICI CWO section for patients related protocols is composed of 5 to 9 members. In view of the institute’s size and in order to have sufficient expertise in the different research fields, the CWO has been extended to a maximum of 15 members. Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for patient related protocols: - A.A. van der Loosdrecht (chair) - A.A. van Bodegraven - B.J.M. Braakhuis - A.J.M. van den Eertwegh - M. van Egmond - T.D. de Gruijl - N.H. Hendrikse - M. Klein (advisor) - G.K. Kuipers (secretary) - F.B.J.M. Thunnissen - A.E. Voskuyl - Q. Waisfisz Scientific Research Committee (CWO) members - Section for animal related protocols: - R. Scheper (chair) - B.J. Appelmelk - V. van Beusechem - G. Kraal - G.K. Kuipers (secretary) Committee for Education & Training This committee supervises and advices about all training and education activities within CCA/V-ICI. The graduate training is organized within the Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam (OOA) and the Leiden Amsterdam Institute for Immunology (ALIFI). More in detail, by means of subgroups, this committee organizes and advises about training in the framework of the: - oncology profile - immunology profile - masters education in oncology - masters education in immunology - graduate students education - postgraduate education - SMBWO (Foundation for the Training of Biomedical Scientists) - NVVI (Dutch Society for Immunology) - all other types of education within CCA/V-ICI. 57 Appendix 1: Organization of CCA/V-ICI Each of these subgroups is composed of the main teachers within the education involved. The committee gives asked and unasked advice about the quality and quality maintenance of education within CCA/V-ICI. The committee meets at least six times a year. Members of the Committee for Education & Training: - C.R Leemans (chair) - R.H.J. Beelen - M.M. van Duist - G.A. Meijer - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (secretary) Subgroups: Oncology profile committee members: - B.J.M. Braakhuis - E. Boven - A.A. van de Loosdrecht - N.C.T. van Grieken - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst (profile coordinator) Immunology and Infection committee members: - B.J. Appelmelk - I.E.M. Bultink - I. van Hoogstraten - M. Schreurs - M.B.E. von Blomberg - G.K. Kuipers (profile coordinator) Directorate OOA (Oncology Graduate School Amsterdam) - G.A. Meijer, chairman (VUmc) - J.P. Medema (AMC) - E.M. Ruhé-Hoogervorst, secretary (VUmc) - T. Sixma (NKI) ALIFI PhD committee (Amsterdam Leiden Institute For Immunology) - R.A.W. van Lier (AMC) - R.E. Mebius (VUmc-CCA/V-ICI) - H. Schuitemaker (Sanquin) Funding by Stichting VUmc CCA The Stichting VUmc CCA supports VUmc and CCA/V-ICI in their cancer research and care for patients with cancer. Program group CCA The program group CCA - functions as liaison between CCA/V-ICI and the foundations supporting CCA/V-ICI, i.e. ‘Stichting VUmc CCA’ and VUmc foundations as to their ambitions and goals; - advices the Board VUmc as to the allocation of finances raised by the foundations supporting CCA/V-ICI and as to fundraising and long term strategy of VUmc towards the foundations; contributes to effective governance and responsibility over the finances involved in fundraising and support of the ‘Stichting VUmc CCA’. Members of the program group CCA: - W.R. Gerritsen, program director CCA (chairman) - G.C.P.M. Hoskens, manager finances divisie I - C.J.H. Buren, director finances - Open chair for dean/member Board VUmc 58 Appendix 2: Scientific input Appendix 2. Scientific input Program 1: Oncogenesis Department WP fte Joenje H Clinical Genetics 1 1,00 Meijers-Heijboer HE Clinical Genetics 1 0,10 Bloemena E Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology 1 0,20 van der Waal I Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology 1 0,15 Brakenhoff RH Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,85 Leemans CR Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,06 Meijer CJLM Pathology 1 0,10 Middeldorp JM Pathology 1 0,50 Mooi WJ Pathology 1 0,10 Snijders PJF Pathology 1 0,20 Oudejans CBM Clinical Chemistry 1 0,05 Berkhof J Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 1,00 van de Wiel MA Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2 0,50 de Winter JP Clinical Genetics 1 1,00 van Egmond M Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,90 Full professor Associated professor Braakhuis BJM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,85 Steenbergen RDM Pathology 1 0,10 Kuik DJ Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 0,16 Dorsman JC Clinical Genetics 1 1,00 Gille JJP Clinical Genetics 1 0,10 Menko FH Clinical Genetics 1 0,10 Waisfisz Q Clinical Genetics 1 0,80 Bleeker MCG Pathology 1 0,20 Rozendaal L Pathology 1 0,10 Thunnissen FBJM Pathology 1 0,20 Assistant professor van Baars R Pathology 3 1,00 van Hattum AH Pathology 1 0,10 van Kemenade F Pathology 1 0,10 Pathology 3 1,00 Other tenured staff Cillessen SAGM Gok M Pathology 1 0,10 Heideman DAM Pathology 1 0,50 Hesselink AT Pathology 3 1,00 Hubers J Pathology 3 1,00 Kocken M Pathology 4 0,92 Louwers JA Pathology 4 0,25 Pegtel M Pathology 2 1,00 van Boerdonk R Pathology 3 0,75 van der Meide W Pathology 3 0,92 Zaal A Pathology 3 0,25 Krekel NMA Surgery 3 0,40 Total tenured staff 19,61 Non tenured staff Agarwal S Clinical Genetics 2 Pham TV Medical Oncology 3 1,00 1,00 van Beynum JR Medical Oncology 3 1,00 59 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP fte Vermeulen C Medical Oncology 3 1,00 Nagel R Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 1,00 Wilting SM Pathology 3 1,00 Giannakopoulos GF Surgery 3 1,00 Adank M Clinical Genetics 1 0,60 Bakker JL Clinical Genetics 1 0,08 Corbin M Clinical Genetics 2 0,60 Dommering CJ Clinical Genetics 1 0,10 Haitjema A Clinical Genetics 3 0,75 Massink M Clinical Genetics 2 0,75 PhD students Mol BM Clinical Genetics 3 0,75 Stoepker C Clinical Genetics 1 0,75 van der Lelij P Clinical Genetics 1 0,44 de Leeuw DC Hematology 3 0,36 Heusschen R Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Nowee ME Obstetrics and Gynaecology - 0,00 Dekker H Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology 3 0,05 Dekker H Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology 1 0,05 Matse JH Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology 1 0,40 Graveland APJ Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,10 Martens-de Kemp SR Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,75 Rietbergen MM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,75 van der Plas M Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 3 0,75 Bierkens M Pathology 1 0,75 de Strooper LMA Pathology 3 0,75 Dijkstra M Pathology 3 0,75 Henken FE Pathology 3 0,75 Mollers M Pathology 3 0,75 Reinen E Pathology 3 0,75 Rijkaart D Pathology 4 0,75 Scherpenisse M Pathology 3 0,75 Schütze DM Pathology 3 0,75 Snellenberg S Pathology 3 0,75 Uijterwaal MH Pathology 3 0,75 van der Marel J Pathology 4 0,75 Verhoef VMJ Pathology 3 0,75 Verweij FJ Pathology 3 0,75 Total non tenured staff 26,28 Total research staff 45,89 Program 2: Immunopathogenesis Department WP fte Full professor Mulder CJJ Gastroenterology 1 0,07 Bitter W Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,50 Savelkoul PHM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,15 Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,13 Beelen RHJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,50 Dijkstra CD Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,05 Kraal G Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,60 60 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP fte Mebius RE Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,80 van Kooyk Y Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,60 Scheper RJ Pathology 1 0,30 van den Elsen PJ Pathology 1 0,10 Verweij CL Pathology 1 0,10 Dijkmans BAC Reumatology 1 0,07 Gibbs S Dermatology 1 0,80 Stoof TJ Dermatology 1 0,10 Appelmelk BJ Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,70 Bitter W Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,17 van Die IM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,60 von Blomberg BME Pathology 1 0,10 de Boer EM Dermatology 1 0,10 Gibbs S Dermatology 2 0,20 Kirtschig G Dermatology 1 0,05 Rustemeyer T Dermatology 1 0,30 van Montfrans C Dermatology 1 0,20 Bersma RJF Gastroenterology 1 0,20 Felt-Bersma RJF Gastroenterology 1 0,20 van Bodegraven AA Gastroenterology 1 0,20 van Nieuwkerk CMJ Gastroenterology 1 0,20 van den Eertwegh AJM Medical Oncology 1 0,25 Ang W Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,05 van der Sar AM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,55 den Haan JMM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,60 Roozendaal R Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,54 Douma CE Nefrology 3 0,20 Farhat K Nefrology 1 0,20 Nurmohamed SA Nefrology 1 0,15 Rüger JW Nefrology 1 0,20 Associated professor Assistant professor Hooijberg E Pathology 3 0,50 Morré SA Pathology 1 0,10 Schreurs MWJ Pathology 1 0,07 Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Other tenured staff Menckeberg C van Es T Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 4 0,42 van Vliet SJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Crusius JBA Pathology 1 0,10 Greijer AE Pathology 2 0,83 Gross S Pathology 3 1,00 Ouburg S Pathology 3 1,00 Scheffer GL Pathology 3 0,50 Scholten KBJ Pathology 3 0,50 van Hoogstraten IMW Pathology 1 0,00 van den Tol MP Surgery 1 0,20 Total tenured staff 18,05 Non tenured staff Reijnders CMA Dermatology 2 1,00 Reinders J Dermatology 2 1,00 Abdallah AM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,75 Bestebroer J Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,75 61 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP fte Geurtsen J Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 2 0,75 Houben E Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 2 0,75 Llamas MA Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 2 0,75 Ambrosini M Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 1,00 Bakema JE Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Garcia-Vallejo JJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Ilarregui JM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 1,00 Koning N Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 4 1,00 Kuijk LM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 1,00 Molenaar R Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Papadopoulos P Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Saeland E Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 0,83 Tefsen B Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Unger WWJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 van Beelen AJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,42 van de Pavert SA Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Veninga H Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 1,00 Vos JB Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 1,00 Vroling AB Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,42 Broers CJM Paediatrics 1 0,10 van der Kuip M Paediatrics 1 0,20 Gelderman KA Pathology 1 0,00 0,75 PhD students dos Santos G Dermatology 2 Kosten IJ Dermatology 1 0,75 Limandjaja GC Dermatology 2 0,75 Ouwehand K Dermatology 1 0,06 Pentinga SE Dermatology 3 0,75 van den Broek L Dermatology 3 0,75 Lam TJ Gastroenterology 4 0,75 Tack GJ Gastroenterology 4 0,08 Ates LS Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,75 Daleke M Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,70 Driessen NN Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,50 Stoop EJM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,35 Stoop EJM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 2 0,40 van de Weerd R Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 2 0,75 Weerdenburg EM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,75 Lindenberg JJ Medical Oncology 2 0,44 Beijer MR Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,75 Bloem K Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 4 0,75 Bogels M Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,75 da Silva Aresta Belo van Wijk AI Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 4 0,75 de Jong MAWP Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,25 Fehres CM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 0,75 Galama SM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,75 Goverse G Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,75 Gul N Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,75 Hiemstra IH Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,75 Klaver EJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,75 Koning JJ Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,62 Ouwehand I Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,75 Perdicchio M Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,75 62 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP fte Schilte MN Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 0,50 Stavenuiter AWD Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 3 0,75 van der Steen L Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,75 van Hout MWM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 2 0,75 Bloemers BL Paediatrics 1 0,14 Sanders M Paediatrics 1 0,20 van Dungen F Paediatrics 1 0,20 de Jong T Pathology 3 0,75 Hoebe EK Pathology 3 0,75 Turksma A Pathology 3 0,75 Total non tenured staff 45,41 Total research staff 63,46 Program 3: Disease profiling Department WP fte Clinical Chemistry 1 0,05 Full professor Blankenstein MA Mulder CJJ Gastroenterology 1 0,07 Huijgens PC Hematology 1 0,10 Kluytmans J Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,10 Savelkoul PHM Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,15 Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,12 Dijkstra CD Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,05 Heimans JJ Neurology 1 0,06 Taphoorn MJB Neurology 1 0,00 Comans EFI Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,20 Hoekstra OS Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,30 Lammertsma AA Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,15 van Dongen GAMS Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,10 de Bree R Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,10 Leemans CR Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,06 van Dongen GAMS Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,70 Meijer CJLM Pathology 1 0,10 Meijer GA Pathology 1 0,20 Snijders PJF Pathology 1 0,20 Verweij CL Pathology 1 0,10 Postmus PE Pulmonology 1 0,20 Smit EF Pulmonology 1 0,20 Castelijns JA Radiology 1 0,20 Dijkmans BAC Reumatology 1 0,07 Lems WF Reumatology 1 0,10 Meijer S Surgery 1 0,20 Associated professor van de Wiel MA Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2 0,50 Boellaard R Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,15 Herscheid JDM Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,20 Molthoff CFM Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,30 Windhorst AD Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,15 Ylstra B Pathology 1 0,40 van der Horst-Bruinsma IE Reumatology 1 0,40 Assistant professor 63 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP fte Kuik DJ Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 0,17 Xavier de Menezes R Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 1,00 Zijlstra JM Hematology 1 0,30 al Naiemi N Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,02 van der Pouw-Kraan CTM Molecular Celbiology and Immunology 1 0,90 Klein M Neurology 1 0,20 Postma TJ Neurology 1 0,10 Reijneveld JC Neurology 1 0,10 Hendrikse NH Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,30 Lubberink M Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,20 Oprea D Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 4 0,40 Raijmakers PG Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,10 van Schie A Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 3 0,10 Visser GWM Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,10 Beliën JAM Pathology 1 0,20 Diosdado Calvo MB Pathology 1 0,10 Morré SA Pathology 1 0,10 van Grieken NCT Pathology 1 0,20 Bahce I Pulmonology 1 0,20 Becker A Pulmonology 1 0,20 Daniels JMA Pulmonology 1 0,20 Hashemi SMS Pulmonology 1 0,20 Sutedja TG Pulmonology 1 0,20 van Schaardenburg D Reumatology 1 0,05 Voskuyl AE Reumatology 1 0,10 Reuland EA Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,75 Jimenez CR Medical Oncology 3 0,50 Adema AD Pathology 3 0,83 Carvalho B Pathology 3 1,00 Crusius JBA Pathology 1 0,10 de Ridder A Pathology 2 1,00 Fijneman RJA Pathology 3 1,00 Other tenured staff Parlayan Pathology 3 1,00 Sie DLS Pathology 1 0,40 Smeets SJ Pathology 1 0,10 Bultink IEM Reumatology 1 0,10 van der Laken CJ Reumatology 4 0,20 te Velde EA Surgery 1 0,20 Total tenured staff 18,90 Non tenured staff van Velden FHP Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 3 Poot AJ Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 1,00 1,00 van Denderen A Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,20 Vugts D Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 4 1,00 Bosch LJW Pathology 1 1,00 Díaz-López R Pathology 2 1,00 Taghipour Bazargani Y Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3 0,75 Wubulikasimu A Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 2 0,38 Wubulikasimu A Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 0,38 de Baaij LR Gastroenterology 3 0,25 Tack GJ Gastroenterology 4 0,08 PhD students 64 Appendix 2: Scientific input van de Water JMW Department WP fte Gastroenterology 1 0,75 van Turenhout ST Gastroenterology 3 0,75 Budding A Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,10 Rood IGH Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 1 0,75 Soeltan-Kaersenhout D Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,10 van Cleef BAGL Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 3 0,75 Bosma I Neurology 4 0,00 de Groot M Neurology 4 0,28 Douw L Neurology 3 0,40 Froklage F Neurology 2 0,36 Sizoo E Neurology 3 0,25 van Dellen E Neurology 3 0,25 van Nieuwenhuizen D Neurology 1 0,00 Cheebsumon P Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 3 0,75 Makris N Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 4 0,75 Rizvi SN Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 4 0,40 van der Veldt AAM Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 3 0,75 Börjesson PKE Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 4 0,00 Flach GB Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,42 Flach GB Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,20 Heuveling D Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 4 0,75 van der Putten L Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,10 Vosjan MJWD Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,36 Blits M Pathology 3 0,75 Bosch LJW Pathology 4 0,50 de Groen FLM Pathology 1 0,75 de Wit M Pathology 4 0,75 Goos JACM Pathology 2 0,75 Groen FLM Pathology 1 0,75 Haan JC Pathology 3 0,75 Krijgsman O Pathology 1 0,75 Timmer LM Pathology 3 0,75 van Thuijl HF Pathology 3 0,75 Voorham QJM Pathology 3 0,75 Vosslamber S Pathology 3 0,75 de Langen AJ Pulmonology 3 0,10 Lind J Pulmonology 4 0,75 Phernambucq E Pulmonology 3 0,25 Schook R Pulmonology 1 0,10 Siebring-van Olst E Pulmonology 1 0,90 de Graaf P Radiology 1 0,10 Ljumanovic R Radiology 3 0,20 Rodjan F Radiology 3 0,75 de Cuba E Surgery 1 0,75 van der Pas MHGM Surgery 2 0,75 Total non tenured staff 29,65 Total research staff 48,55 65 Appendix 2: Scientific input Program 4: Innovative therapy Department WP Fte Zuurmond WWA Anesthesiology 1 0,20 Boers M Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 0,30 Mulder CJJ Gastroenterology 1 0,06 Huijgens PC Hematology 1 0,10 Ossenkoppele GJ Hematology 1 0,30 Boven E Medical Oncology 1 0,50 Gerritsen WR Medical Oncology 1 0,30 Griffioen AW Medical Oncology 1 0,80 Peters GJ Medical Oncology 1 Verheul H Medical Oncology Heimans JJ Neurology Taphoorn MJB Neurology 1 0,00 Vandertop WP Neurosurgery 1 0,20 van der Waal I Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Pathology 1 0,15 de Bree R Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,10 Festen JM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,05 Leemans CR Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,06 Kaspers GJL Paediatrics 1 0,20 van Furth AM Paediatrics 1 0,30 Bloemena E Pathology 1 0,10 Scheper RJ Pathology 1 0,30 Senan S Radiation Oncology 1 0,20 Slotman BJ Radiation Oncology 1 0,20 Dijkmans BAC Reumatology 1 0,06 Full professor 0,80 0,00 1 0,07 Lems WF Reumatology 1 0,10 Cuesta MA Surgery 1 0,05 van Moorselaar RJA Urology 1 0,10 Associate professor Perez RSGM Anesthesiology 1 0,10 Schuurhuis GJ Hematology 1 0,75 van Agtmael MA Internal Medicine 1 0,20 de Gruijl TD Medical Oncology 1 1,00 van Beusechem VW Medical Oncology 2 1,00 Wurdinger T Neurosurgery 1 0,10 von Mensdorff-Pouilly S Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1 0,50 Assistant professor Coupe VMH Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 0,89 Kuik DJ Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 1 0,17 Chamuleau MED Hematology 1 0,30 Dräger AM Hematology 1 0,20 Janssen JJWM Hematology 1 0,30 Thielen N Hematology 4 0,40 van de Loosdrecht AA Hematology 1 0,30 Visser O Hematology 1 0,30 Zweegman S Hematology 1 0,30 Broxterman HJ Medical Oncology 1 1,00 Buter J Medical Oncology 1 1,00 den Broeder E Medical Oncology 5 0,80 66 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP Fte van den Eertwegh AJM Medical Oncology 1 0,25 van der Vliet JJ Medical Oncology 1 0,26 Klein M Medical Psychology 1 0,40 Klein M Neurology 1 0,20 Postma TJ Neurology 1 0,10 Reijneveld JC Neurology 1 0,10 Noske DP Neurosurgery 1 0,30 Geldof AA Nuclear Medicine and PET Research 1 0,30 Moll AC Opthalmonology 1 0,05 Erenstein-Kraay SJ Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,02 van Weert S Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,02 Cloos J Paediatrics 1 0,75 Dahele MR Radiation Oncology 1 0,05 Doornaert P Radiation Oncology 1 0,05 Lafleur MVM Radiation Oncology 1 0,05 Sminia P Radiation Oncology 1 0,40 van Schaardenburg D Reumatology 1 0,05 Voskuyl AE Reumatology 1 0,10 Geldof AA Urology 1 0,30 Vis A Urology 1 Total tenured staff 0,10 28,96 Other tenured staff Bongers ML Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3 1,00 Chaturvedi N Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3 0,65 Demirel E Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics 3 0,50 van Oostveen JW Hematology 1 0,05 Dong W Medical Oncology 4 1,00 Jimenez CR Medical Oncology 3 0,50 Meulenberg JJ Medical Oncology 4 0,50 Langius JAE Nutricion and dietics 1 1,00 Chiarino Tabacco S Obstetrics and Gynaecology 1 0,50 Abbink F Paediatrics 1 0,10 Scheffer GL Pathology 3 0,50 Haasbeek CJ Radiation Oncology 1 0,05 Lagerwaard FJ Radiation Oncology 1 0,05 Thijssen VLJL Radiation Oncology 3 0,60 van Sörnsen de Koste JR Radiation Oncology 1 0,20 Bultink IEM Reumatology 1 0,10 Jansen G Reumatology 1 1,00 ter Wee MM Reumatology 4 1,00 van Dam DA Surgery 3 0,60 van der Sluis TM Urology 1 0,00 Non tenured staff Bontkes HJ Hematology 4 0,69 Irandoust M Hematology 3 0,13 Noordhuis P Hematology 4 0,60 Smit L Hematology 1 0,75 Hangalapura BN Medical Oncology 3 0,25 Honeywell R Medical Oncology 1 1,00 Oosterhoff D Medical Oncology 2 0,08 67 Appendix 2: Scientific input Piersma S Department WP Fte Medical Oncology 3 0,25 Schaaij-Visser BM Medical Oncology 3 1,00 van de Ven R Medical Oncology 3 0,33 Hulleman E Neurosurgery 3 0,80 van der Stoop PM Neurosurgery 3 0,80 Tijink BM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,10 van Dulmen-den Broeder E Paediatrics 4 0,80 van Tuyl L Reumatology 3 0,66 Bijnsdorp IV Urology 3 1,00 Jacobs JJL Urology 3 1,00 Lemos ACFA Urology 3 0,17 Radersma M Gastroenterology 3 0,75 Tack GJ Gastroenterology 4 0,09 PhD student van Asseldonk DP Gastroenterology 1 0,25 van Gerven NMF Gastroenterology 3 0,75 Alhan C Hematology 4 0,75 de Leeuw DC Hematology 3 0,37 Issa DE Hematology 4 0,40 Niewerth D Hematology 3 0,75 Regelink JC Hematology 4 0,40 Ruben JM Hematology 3 0,75 Terwijn M Hematology 3 0,69 van den Ancker W Hematology 1 0,75 van Luijn M Hematology 3 0,50 Wondergem MJ Hematology 1 0,30 Azijli K Medical Oncology 2 0,75 Bijnsdorp IV Medical Oncology 3 0,19 de Bruin R Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Giovannetti E Medical Oncology 3 0,50 Gotink KJ Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Hodzic J Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Kuipers L Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Labots M Medical Oncology 3 0,37 Lam SW Medical Oncology 4 0,75 Neerincx M Medical Oncology 4 0,75 Schulkens I Medical Oncology 3 0,75 van der Mijn JC Medical Oncology 4 0,75 Vroling L Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Walraven M Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Warmoes M Medical Oncology 3 0,75 Bosma I Neurology 4 0,00 de Groot M Neurology 4 0,28 Douw L Neurology 3 0,40 Froklage F Neurology 2 0,37 Sizoo E Neurology 3 0,25 van Dellen E Neurology 3 0,25 van Nieuwenhuizen D Neurology 1 0,00 Badr C Neurosurgery 1 0,25 Caretti V Neurosurgery 3 0,75 68 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP Fte Hiddingh L Neurosurgery 1 0,40 Idema S Neurosurgery 1 0,20 Smits M Neurosurgery 3 0,75 van Rijn S Neurosurgery 3 0,75 Posthuma de Boer J Orthopaedics 4 0,75 Cohen R Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,75 Vosjan MJWD Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,37 Bachas C Paediatrics 3 0,75 Blufpand HN Paediatrics 4 0,75 Franke N Paediatrics 3 1,00 Jansen MHA Paediatrics 4 1,00 Kors WA Paediatrics 1 0,20 Mir SE Paediatrics 2 0,31 van Vuurden DG Paediatrics 1 0,60 Visser D Paediatrics 1 0,10 Wilhelm AJ Pharmacy 1 0,20 Ong CL Radiation Oncology 3 0,60 Phernambucq E Radiation Oncology 1 0,40 den Uyl D Reumatology 3 0,75 Gent YYJ Reumatology 3 0,75 Raterman HG Reumatology 4 0,75 van der Weijden MAC Reumatology 4 0,56 Verbrugge CSE Reumatology 1 0,75 Weijers K Reumatology 3 0,75 Total non tenured staff 44,71 Total research staff 73,67 Program 5: Quality of life Department WP fte Full professor Heimans JJ Neurology 1 0,07 Taphoorn MJB Neurology 1 0,00 Leemans CR Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,07 Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,60 Kaspers GJL Paediatrics 1 0,20 Veerman AJP Paediatrics 1 0,40 Dekker J Rehabilitation Medicine 1 0,10 Medical Psychology 1 0,00 van Dijk EM Medical Psychology 3 0,20 Reijneveld JC Neurology 1 0,10 Rinkel RNPM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,05 Uden-Kraan Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,90 Veening MA Paediatrics 1 0,10 Associated professor Huisman J Assistant professor Other tenured staff Total tenured staff 2,79 Non tenured staff 69 Appendix 2: Scientific input Department WP fte Mostert SM Paediatrics 5 1,00 van der Berg MH Paediatrics 3 0,80 Neurology 3 0,25 PhD students Sizoo E van Nieuwenhuizen D Neurology 1 0,00 Brueckers-Schipper RG Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,05 Cnossen IC Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 4 0,67 de Bruijn M Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 3 0,60 Krebber AMH Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 3 0,14 Krebber AMH Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 2 0,61 Oskam IM Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,05 van Gogh CDL Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery 1 0,10 Braam KI Paediatrics 3 0,75 Gordijn MS Paediatrics 4 0,75 Overbeek A Paediatrics 3 0,75 van Litsenburg R Paediatrics 1 0,75 Total non tenured staff 7,27 Total research staff 10,06 70 Appendix 3: Newly started PhD projects Appendix 3: Newly started PhD projects PhD student Project leader Department Project Program Bakker J Waisfisz Q Clinical Genetics Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer 1 Blufpand HN Bökenkamp A Paediatrics Carboplatin study: assessment and optimization of carboplatin exposure in pediatric oncology using different markers of kidney function 4 Boink M Gibbs S Dermatology Novel saliva-derived peptides for state-of-the-art clinical wound-healing applications 2 de Cuba E Bonjer HJ Surgery Peritoneal metastases from colorectal carcinoma; Diagnostic markers to identify patients that will benefit from radical surgical resection 3 de Groen FLM Meijer GA Pathology Identification of novel oncogenes/oncomirs located at 13q involved in the progression of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma 1 de Jong TD Verweij CL Pathology TNF and IFN cross-regulation in rheumatoid arthritis 2 de Strooper LMA Meijer CJLM Pathology Stratifying high-risk HPV positive women for risk of CIN 3 and cervical carcinoma by methylation analysis 1 Dekker H Bloemena E Pathology Peri-implantitis, implant loss and radioosteomyelitis in head and necktumor patients 4 Fehres CM van Kooyk Y Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Development of a skin APC targeting glyco-vaccin for potentiation of anti-melanoma immunity 2 Gent YYJ van der Laken CJ Reumatology Development of imaging markers, using PET(-CT), for early detection of RA and therapy monitoring 3 Goverse G Mebius RE Molecular Celbiology and Immunology Retinoic acid mediates macrophage differentiation towards a separate lineage 2 Jimenez CR Steenbergen RDM Medical Oncology Cervix cancer proteomics. Unraveling protein expression changes during HPV-induced transformation using a label-free proteomics approach 1 Kosten I.J. Starink T Dermatology The development of immuno-competent human skin and oral mucosa equivalents and their use in determining factors involved in T cell skewing and imprinting 2 Krekel NMA Van den Tol MP Surgery Ultrasound-guided breast-sparing surgery to improve cosmetic outcomes and quality of life A prospective multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial comparing ultrasound-guided surgery to traditional palpation-guided surgery (COBALT trial) 4 Lam SW Boven E Medical Oncology A multicenter, randomized phase II trial of paclitaxel plus bevacizumab versus paclitaxel, bevacizumab plus capecitabine in HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastastic breast cancer 4 Radersma M Cillessen SAGM Gastroenterology Is c-Abl a potentail target for therapy in Enteropathy Associated T-cell Lymphomas? 4 van de Weerd R Geurtsen JJG Medical Microbiology and Infection Control Mysteries beyond the mycomembrane:biogenesis of the mycobacterial capsule and its role in the host-pathogen interaction 2 van Thuijl H Heimans JJ Pathology Chromosomal aberrations associated with progression characteristics of low-grade glioma 1 71 Appendix 3: Newly started PhD projects patients Weijers K 72 Van der Laken CJ Reumatology Imaging and targeting of macrophage folate receptor-beta in rheumatoid arthritis 4 Appendix 4: Scientific output Appendix 4: Scientific output Abbreviations: (Cat.A): Dissertations prepared and defended at VUmc (Cat.B): Dissertations prepared elsewhere and defended at VUmc (Cat.C): Dissertations prepared at VUmc and defended elsewhere (Cat.D): Dissertations prepared and defended elsewhere (x /y): After publications, x: quartile score (1-5), y: Impact Factor of journal -: Publications in non peer-reviewed journals without an Impact Factor 1: Quartile score: SCI journal from lowest quarter, publications in peer-reviewed journals without an Impact Factor 2: Quartile score: SCI journal from the second quarter (>25th and < 50th percentile) 3: Quartile score: SCI journal from the third quarter (>50th and < 75th percentile) 4: Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to the highest quarter 75th-90th percentile 5: Quartile score: SCI journal belonging to > 90th percentile Program 1: Oncogenesis Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Adank MA, Segers H, van Mil SE, van Helsdingen YM, Ameziane N, van den Ouweland AMW, Wagner A, MeijersHeijboer EJ, Kool M, de Kraker J, Waisfisz Q, van den Heuvel-Eibrink M. Fanconi Anemia Gene Mutations Are Not Involved in Sporadic Wilms Tumor. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 55: 742-744 (3 / 2.134) Antoniou AC, Beesley J, McGuffog L, Sinilnikova OM, Healey S, Neuhausen SL, Ding YC, Rebbeck TR, Weitzel JN, Lynch HT, Isaacs C, Ganz PA, Tomlinson G, Olopade OI, Couch FJ, Wang XS, Lindor NM, Pankratz VS, Radice P, … MeijersHeijboer EJ, et al. Common Breast Cancer Susceptibility Alleles and the Risk of Breast Cancer for BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: Implications for Risk Prediction. Cancer Res 2010; 70: 9742-9754 (5 / 7.543) Antoniou AC, Wang XS, Fredericksen ZS, McGuffog L, Tarrell R, Sinilnikova OM, Healey S, Morrison J, Kartsonaki C, Lesnick T, Ghoussaini M, Barrowdale D, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver C, Frost D, Eccles D, Evans DG, … Meijers-Heijboer H, et al. A locus on 19p13 modifies risk of breast cancer in BRCA1 mutation carriers and is associated with hormone receptor-negative breast cancer in the general population. Nature Genet 2010; 42: 885-+ (5 / 32.284) Arbyn M, Simoens C, Van Damme P, Scharpantgen A, Meijer CJLM, Beutels P. Introduction of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. Gynecol Obstet Inves 2010; 70: 224-232 (2 / 1.045) Berkhof J, Coupe VMH, Bogaards JA, van Kemenade FJ, Helmerhorst TJ, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. The health and economic effects of HPV DNA screening in the Netherlands. Int J Cancer 2010; 127: 2147-2158 (4 / 4.722) Bogaards JA, Xiridou M, Coupe VMH, Meijer CJLM, Wallinga J, Berkhof J. Model-Based Estimation of Viral Transmissibility and Infection-Induced Resistance From the Age-Dependent Prevalence of Infection for 14 High-Risk Types of Human Papillomavirus. Am J Epidemiol 2010; 171: 817-825 (5 / 5.589) Bossers K, Ylstra B, Brakenhoff RH, Smeets SJ, Verhaagen J, van de Wiel MA. Intensity-based analysis of dual-color gene expression data as an alternative to ratio-based analysis to enhance reproducibility. BMC Genomics 2010; 11: art.nr. 112 (4 / 3.759) Braakhuis BJM, Bloemena E, Leemans CR, Brakenhoff RH. Molecular analysis of surgical margins in head and neck cancer: More than a marginal issue. Oral Oncol 2010; 46: 485-491 (5 / 3.123) Blokhuis MM, Pietersen GE, Goldberg PA, Algar U, Van der Merwe L, Mbatani N, Vorster AA, Ramesar RS. Lynch syndrome: the influence of environmental factors on extracolonic cancer risk in hMLH1 c.C1528T mutation carriers and their mutation-negative sisters. Familial Cancer 2010; 9: 357-363 (2 / 2.189) Holstege H, van Beers E, Velds A, Liu XL, Joosse SA, Klarenbeek S, Schut E, Kerkhoven R, Klijn CN, Wessels LFA, Nederlof PM, Jonkers J. Cross-species comparison of aCGH data from mouse and human BRCA1- and BRCA2-mutated breast cancers. BMC Cancer 2010; 10: 455 (3 / 2.736) Seeber LMS, Zweemer RP, Marchionni L, Massuger LFAG, Smit VTHB, van Baal WM, Verheijen RHM, van Diest PJ. Methylation profiles of endometrioid and serous endometrial cancers. Endocrine-Related Cancer 2010; 17: 663-673 (4 / 4.282) Wilson JB, Blom E, Cunningham R, Xiao YX, Kupfer GM, Jones NJ. Several tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) motifs of FANCG are required for assembly of the BRCA2/D1-D2-G-X3 complex, FANCD2 monoubiquitylation and phleomycin resistance. Mutation Research-Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis 2010; 689: 12-20 (4 / 3.556) Martinelli S, De Luca A, Stellacci E, Rossi C, Checquolo S, Lepri F, Caputo V, Silvano M, Buscherini F, Consoli F, Ferrara G, Digilio MC, Cavaliere ML, van Hagen JM, Zampino G, van der Burgt I, Ferrero GB, Mazzanti L, Screpanti I, Yntema HG, Nillesen WM,. Heterozygous Germline Mutations in the CBL Tumor-Suppressor Gene Cause a Noonan Syndrome-like Phenotype. Am J Hum Genet 2010; 87: 250-257 (5 / 12.303) van der Klift HM, Tops CMJ, Bik EC, Boogaard MW, Borgstein AM, Hansson KBM, Ausems MGEM, Garcia EG, Green A, Hes FJ, Izatt L, van Hest LP, Alonso AM, Vriends AHJT, Wagner A, van Zelst-Stams WAG, Vasen HFA, Morreau H, Devilee P, Wijnen JT. Quantification of Sequence Exchange Events between PMS2 and PMS2CL Provides a Basis for Improved Mutation Scanning of Lynch Syndrome Patients. HUM MUTAT 2010; 31: 578-587 (4 / 6.887) Coupe VMH, Meijer CJLM, Berkhof J. Re: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Human Papillomavirus Vaccination in the Netherlands. J Natl Cancer Inst 2010; 102(5): 358 (5 / 14.069) de Sanjose S, Quint WGV, Alemany L, Geraets DT, Klaustermeier JE, Lloveras B, Tous S, Felix A, Bravo LE, Shin HR, Vallejos CS, de Ruiz PA, Lima MA, Guimera N, Clavero O, Alejo M, Llombart-Bosch A, Cheng-Yang C, Tatti SA, .. Meijer CJLM, ... et al.. Human papillomavirus genotype attribution in invasive cervical cancer: a retrospective crosssectional worldwide study. Lancet Oncol 2010; 11: 1048-1056 (5 / 14.47) de Wilde J, Kooter JM, Overmeer RM, Claassen-Kramer D, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Steenbergen RDM. hTERT promoter activity and CpG methylation in HPV-induced carcinogenesis. BMC Cancer 2010; 10: art.nr. 271 (3 / 2.736) Deganello A, Franchi A, Sardi I, Pignataro L, Leemans CR, Gallo O. Genetic Alterations Between Primary Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Recurrence After Radiotherapy Recurrence, Genetically Related Cancer, or Second Primary?. Cancer 2010; 116: 1291-1297 (4 / 5.418) 73 Appendix 4: Scientific output 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 74 Dijkstra MG, Heideman DAM, de Roy SC, Rozendaal L, Berkhof J, van Krimpen K, van Groningen K, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, van Kemenade FJ. p16(INK4a) immunostaining as an alternative to histology review for reliable grading of cervical intraepithelial lesions. J Clin Pathol 2010; 63: 972-977 (3 / 2.333) Gok M, Heideman DAM, van Kemenade FJ, Berkhof J, Rozendaal L, Spruyt JWM, Voorhorst F, Belien JAM, Babovic M, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. HPV testing on self collected cervicovaginal lavage specimens as screening method for women who do not attend cervical screening: cohort study. Brit Med J 2010; 340: art.nr. c1040 (5 / 13.66) Hesselink AT, Heideman DAM, Berkhof J, Topal F, Pol RP, Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF. Comparison of the Clinical Performance of PapilloCheck Human Papillomavirus Detection with That of the GP5+/6+-PCR-Enzyme Immunoassay in Population-Based Cervical Screening. J Clin Microbiol 2010; 48: 797-801 (4 / 4.162) Hovland S, Arbyn M, Lie AK, Ryd W, Borge B, Berle EJ, Skomedal H, Kadima TM, Kyembwa L, Billay EM, Mukwege D, Chirimwami RB, Mvula TM, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Karlsen F. A comprehensive evaluation of the accuracy of cervical pre-cancer detection methods in a high-risk area in East Congo. Brit J Cancer 2010; 102: 957-965 (4 / 4.346) Koppen IJN, Hermans FJR, Kaspers GJL. Folate related gene polymorphisms and susceptibility to develop childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Brit J Haematol 2010; 148: 3-14 (4 / 4.597) Lim DHK, Rehal PK, Nahorski MS, Macdonald F, Claessens T, Van Geel M, Gijezen L, Gille JJP, Giraud S, Richard S, van Steensel M, Menko FH, Maher ER. A New Locus-Specific Database (LSDB) for Mutations in the Folliculin (FLCN) Gene. Hum Mutat 2010; 31: E1043-E1051 (4 / 6.887) Mahfouz ME, Rodrigo JP, Takes RP, Elsheikh MN, Rinaldo A, Brakenhoff RH, Ferlito A. Current potential and limitations of molecular diagnostic methods in head and neck cancer. Eur Arch Oto-Rhino-L 2010; 267: 851-860 (3 / 1.167) Meleti M, Mooi WJ, van der Waal I. Melanotic Pigmentation of Palatal Salivary Glands as a Possible Precursor to Malignant Melanoma: Report of an Unusual Case. J Oral Maxil Surg 2010; 68: 867-869 (3 / 1.58) Raza SA, Franceschi S, Pallardy S, Malik FR, Avan BI, Zafar A, Ali SH, Pervez S, Serajuddaula S, Snijders PJF, van Kemenade FJ, Meijer CJLM, Shershah S, Clifford GM. Human papillomavirus infection in women with and without cervical cancer in Karachi, Pakistan. Brit J Cancer 2010; 102: 1657-1660 (4 / 4.346) Rijkaart DC, Berkhof J, van Kemenade FJ, Rozendaal L, Verheijen RHM, Bulk S, Herreilers ME, Verweij WM, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM. Comparison of HPV and cytology triage algorithms for women with borderline or mild dyskaryosis in population-based cervical screening (VUSA-screen study). Int J Cancer 2010; 126: 2175-2181 (4 / 4.722) Ruijs MWG, Verhoef S, Rookus MA, Pruntel R, van der Hout AH, Hogervorst FBL, Kluijt I, Sijmons RH, Aalfs CM, Wagner A, Ausems MGEM, Hoogerbrugge N, van Asperen CJ, Garcia EBG, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, ten Kate LP, Menko FH, van't Veer LJ. TP53 germline mutation testing in 180 families suspected of Li-Fraumeni syndrome: mutation detection rate and relative frequency of cancers in different familial phenotypes. J Med Genet 2010; 47: 421-428 (4 / 5.751) Schaaij-Visser TBM, Bremmer JF, Braakhuis BJM, Heck AJR, Slijper M, van der Waal I, Brakenhoff RH. Evaluation of cornulin, keratin 4, keratin 13 expression and grade of dysplasia for predicting malignant progression of oral leukoplakia. Oral Oncol 2010; 46: 123-127 (5 / 3.123) Schaaij-Visser TBM, Brakenhoff RH, Leemans CR, Heck AJR, Slijper M. Protein biomarker discovery for head and neck cancer. J Proteomics 2010; 73: 1790-1803 (1 / 3.851) Schook RM, Postmus BBM, Van den Berg RM, Sutedja TG, de Man FS, Smit EF, Postmus PE. The Finding of Premalignant Lesions is Not Associated with Smoking Cessation in Chemoprevention Study Volunteers. J Thorac Oncol 2010; 5: 12401245 (4 / 4.547) Sherpa ATL, Clifford GM, Vaccarella S, Shrestha S, Nygard M, Karki BS, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Franceschi S. Human papillomavirus infection in women with and without cervical cancer in Nepal. Cancer Causes Control 2010; 21: 323-330 (4 / 3.199) Smith JS, Moses S, Hudgens MG, Parker CB, Agot K, Maclean I, Ndinya-Achola JO, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Bailey RC. Increased Risk of HIV Acquisition among Kenyan Men with Human Papillomavirus Infection. J Infect Dis 2010; 201: 1677-1685 (5 / 5.865) Smith JS, Backes DM, Hudgens MG, Bailey RC, Veronesi G, Bogaarts M, Agot K, Ndinya-Achola JO, Maclean I, Agingu W, Meijer CJLM, Moses S, Snijders PJF. Prevalence and risk factors of human papillomavirus infection by penile site in uncircumcised Kenyan men. Int J Cancer 2010; 126: 572-577 (4 / 4.722) Snijders PJF, Heideman DAM, Meijer CJLM. Methods for HPV detection in exfoliated cell and tissue specimens. Apmis 2010; 118: 520-528 (2 / 1.745) Vaccarella S, Franceschi S, Clifford GM, Touze A, Hsu CC, de Sanjose S, Pham THA, Nguyen TH, Matos E, Shin HR, Sukvirach S, Thomas JO, Boursaghin L, Gaitan J, Snijders PJF, Meijer CJLM, Munoz N, Herrero R, Coursaget P. Seroprevalence of Antibodies against Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Types 16 and 18 in Four Continents: the International Agency for Research on Cancer HPV Prevalence Surveys. Cancer Epidem Biomar 2010; 19: 2379-2388 (5 / 4.31) Vaccarella S, Franceschi S, Snijders PJF, Herrero R, Meijer CJLM, Plummer M. Concurrent Infection with Multiple Human Papillomavirus Types: Pooled Analysis of the IARC HPV Prevalence Surveys. 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SIRP alpha controls phagocyte NADPH oxidase function by limiting the expression of gp91(phox). Eur J Clin Invest 2010; 40: 34 van Rooijen N, Hendrikx E. Liposomes for specific depletion of macrophages from organs tissues. Methods Mol Biol 2010; 605: 189-203 Zomer SF, Vendrig T, Hopmans ES, van Eijndhoven MAJ, Middeldorp JM, Pegtel DM. Exosomes: Fit to deliver small RNA. Communicative & Integative Biology 2010; 3: 447-450 Scientific publications (books, book chapters, proceedings) 1. 2. 80 Ammerlaan H, Kluytmans JAJWl. Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) colonization. Infectious Diseases 2010; : 769-771 van den Elsen PJ, van Eggermond MCJA, Wierda RJl. Epigenetic control in immune function; in Ballestar E, (ed): Epigenetic contributions in autoimmune disease. Austin, Tx, USA, Landes Bioscience. 2010; : 1-14 Appendix 4: Scientific output Professional publications 1. Schmaderer C, Eissler R, Seibel S, van Rooijen N, Baumann Ml. Blood Pressure Control: A Facelift for Macrophages?. Hypertension 2010; 56: E23 Popular publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Gibbs Sl. Gibbs Sl. Gibbs Sl. Gibbs Sl. Gibbs Sl. DC migration assay. Sens-it-iv Newsletter 2010 Two tiered assay. Sens-it-iv Newsletter 2010 Epidermal equivalent assay to determine the potency of a sensitizer. Sens-it-iv Newsletter 2010 The Sens-it-iv toolbox and scientific spin-offs. Sens-it-iv Newsletter 2010; 42 Ready for pre-validation: a two-tiered in vitro test to assess sinsitization. Sens-it-iv Newsletter 2010; 36 Patents 1. Scheper RJl. Bioengineered skin regeneration; USA and Australia. 2010; : Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Abdi K - IL-12: The role of p40 versus p75. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/11/2010. (Co-)promotores: CD Dijkstra, HL Ploegh (cat B) Bax M - Functional consequences of glycosylation on dendritic cell biology. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/27/2010. (Co-)promotores: Y van Kooyk, SJ van Vliet, JJ Garcia-Vallejo (cat A) Bloemers B - Severe RSV infections in children with down syndrome. Universiteit van Utrecht, 9/9/2010. (Co)promotores: JLL Kimpen, AM van Furth (cat C) Cazander G - How do maggots operate? The underlying mechanisms of action of maggot debridement therapy. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/7/2010. (Co-)promotores: HJ Bonjer, MWJ Schreurs (cat A) de Jong MAWP - The role of dendritic cells in innate defense against pathogens. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/29/2010. (Co-)promotores: Y van Kooyk, TBH Geijtenbeek (cat A) Michaloglou C - The role and mechanism of BRAFE600-induced senescence-like proliferative arrest of melanocytic naevi in preventing melanoma-genesis.. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/21/2010. (Co-)promotores: WJ Mooi, DS Peeper (cat B) Molenaar R - Control of the mucosal immune system by vitamin A. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/12/2010. (Co)promotores: RE Mebius, G Kraal (cat A) Olivier BJ - Formation and function of organized gut associated lymphoid tissue in health and disease. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/14/2010. (Co-)promotores: RE Mebius, G Bouma (cat A) Paramita D - Humoral immune responses to Epstein-Barr Virus early antigen and tumor associated antigen in nasopharyngeal carcinoma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/9/2010. (Co-)promotores: JM Middeldorp, SM Haryana, B Tan (cat A) Schilte MN - Anti-inflammatory therapy and biomarker analysis during peritoneal dialysis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/24/2010. (Co-)promotores: RHJ Beelen, RM ter Wee, J van den Born (cat A) Scholten KBJ - Adoptive transfer of tumor specific T-cells for the treatment of cervical cancer: Generation of HPV specific T-cells. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/2/2010. (Co-)promotores: CJLM Meijer, MWJ Schreurs, E Hooijberg (cat A) Singh SK - Glycan-lectin duet. A novel strategy for DC targeting. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 12/8/2010. (Co)promotores: Y van Kooyk, E Saeland (cat A) Steen KSS - Decline of NSAID gastropathy in rheumatoid arthritis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 3/26/2010. (Co)promotores: BAC Dijkmans, WF Lems, M Boers, MT Nurmohamed (cat A) van den Berg H - The balancing mucosal immune system. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 3/30/2010. (Co-)promotores: G Kraal, J den Haan (cat A) Program 3: Disease profiling Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Chen C, Skog J, Hsu CH, Lessard RT, Balaj L, Wurdinger T, Carter BS, Breakefield XO, Toner M, Irimia D. Microfluidic isolation and transcriptome analysis of serum microvesicles. Lab Chip 2010; 10: 505-511 (5 / 6.342) Saydam O, Senol O, Schaaij-Visser TBM, Pham TV, Piersma SR, Stemmer-Rachamimov AO, Wurdinger T, Peerdeman SM, Jimenez CR. Comparative Protein Profiling Reveals Minichromosome Maintenance (MCM) Proteins As Novel Potential Tumor Markers for Meningiomas. 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Accurate classification of RCD requires flow cytometry. Gut 2010; 59: 1732 (5 / 9.357) Van Weyenberg SJB, Meijerink MR, Jacobs MAJM, van der Peet DL, van Kuijk C, Mulder CJJ, van Waesberghe JHTM. MR Enteroclysis in the Diagnosis of Small-Bowel Neoplasms. Radiology 2010; 254: 765-773 (5 / 6.341) Vosjan MJWD, Perk LR, Visser GWM, Budde M, Jurek P, Kiefer GE, van Dongen GAMS. Conjugation and radiolabeling of monoclonal antibodies with zirconium-89 for PET imaging using the bifunctional chelate p-isothiocyanatobenzyldesferrioxamine. Nat Protoc 2010; 5: 739-743 (5 / 6.335) Wu T, Boezen HM, Postma DS, Los H, Postmus PE, Snieder H, Boomsma DI. Genetic and environmental influences on objective intermediate asthma phenotypes in Dutch twins. Eur Respir J 2010; 36: 261-268 (5 / 5.527) Appendix 4: Scientific output Scientific papers non-refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Brosens RPM, Belt EJTH, Haan JC, Buffart TE, Carvalho B, Grabsch H, Quirke P, Cuesta MA, Engel AF, Ylstra B, Meijer GA. Deletion of chromosome 4q predicts outcome in stage II colon cancer patients. Anal Cell Pathol 2010; 33: 95-104 Flach GB, de Bree R, van Schie A, Hoekstra OS, Bloemena E, Castelijns JA, van der Waal I, Leemans Cr. Sentinel node procedure in oral carcinoma. First experience with this method. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd 2010; 154: A1254 Mulder WJM, Griffioen AW. Imaging of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis 2010; 13: 71-74 Mulder WJM, Strijkers GJ, Nicolay K, Griffioen AW. Quantum dots for multimodal molecular imaging of angiogenesis. Angiogenesis 2010; 13: 131-134 Schuurhuis GJ, Ossenkoppele GJ. Minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia: already predicting a safe haven?. Expert Rev Hematol 2010; 3: 1-5 Scientific publications 1. Boven E, Meijerink MR, Vroling L, van der Veldt AAMl. Surrogate markers of anti-angiogenic therapies. In Chatterjee M (ed): Angiogenesis & Therapeutic Targets of Cancer. Bentham Science Publication. 2010; : 330-353 Professional publications 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. de Bree R, Leemans CRl. Veranderingen in de TNM-classificatie van hoofd-halstumoren: een nieuwe editie. Hoofd-hals Journaal 2010; 22: 22-23 de Bree R, Leemans CRl. Improvements in de TNM-classification for head and neck tumours. Ned Tijdschr KNO-Heelk 2010; 16: 7-13 Meijer GAl. Op weg naar een nationaal weefselarchief voor translationeel onderzoek. NPPV Bulletin 2010; 19: 5-7 Struys EA, Heijboer AC, van Moorselaar J, Jakobs C, Blankenstein MAl. Serum sarcosine is not a marker for prostate cancer. Ann Clin Biochem 2010; 47: 282 van der Laken CJ, de Greeuw I, Voskuyl AE, Jansen G, Dijkmans BAC, Lammertsma AA, Kularatne S, Low PS, Windhorst AD, Molthoff CFMl. Beeldvorming van experimentele artritis met Positron Emissie Tomografie en een nieuwe macrofagen tracer [18F]PEG-folaat. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Reumatologie 2010; 4: 75-76 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Borjesson PKE - Radioimmunodetection and radioimmunotherapy of head and neck cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/15/2010. (Co-)promotores: GAMS van Dongen, CR Leemans, R de Bree (cat A) Bosma I - Cognitive dysfunction in glioma. Underlying mechanisms and consequences. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/7/2010. (Co-)promotores: JJ Heimans, CJ Stam, M Klein, JC Reijneveld (cat A) Douw L - Neural networks and brain tumors: the interplay between tumor, epilepsy and cognition. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/8/2010. (Co-)promotores: CJ Stam, JJ Heimans, JC Reijneveld, M Klein (cat A) Ljumanovic - Prognostic value of MRI in head and neck oncology. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/23/2010. (Co-) promotores: JA Castelijns, CR Leemans, JA Langendijk, OS Hoekstra (cat A) Postma C - Chromosomal instability in Colorectal Cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/12/2010. (Co-) promotores: GA Meijer, B Carvalho, B Ylstra (cat A) Program 4: Innovative therapy Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Axwijk PH, Kluijt I, de Jong D, Gille JJP, Teertstra J, Horenblas S. Hereditary causes of kidney tumours. European Journal of Clinical Investigation 2010; 40: 433-439 (4 / 2.643) Baselga J, Cervantes A, Martinelli E, Chirivella I, Hoekman K, Hurwitz HI, Jodrell DI, Hamberg P, Casado E, Elvin P, Swaisland A, Iacona R, Tabernero J. Phase I Safety, Pharmacokinetics, and Inhibition of Src Activity Study of Saracatinib in Patients with Solid Tumors. Clinical Cancer Research 2010; 16: 4876-4883 (5 / 6.747) Biere SSAY, van der Peet DL, Cuesta MA. Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy. Annals of Surgery 2010; 251: 178-179 (5 / 7.9) Mir SE, Hamer PCD, Krawczyk PM, Balaj L, Claes A, Niers JM, Van Tilborg AAG, Zwinderman AH, Geerts D, Kaspers GJL, Vandertop WP, Cloos J, Tannous BA, Wesseling P, Aten JA, Noske DP, Van Noorden CJF, Wurdinger T. In Silico Analysis of Kinase Expression Identifies WEE1 as a Gatekeeper against Mitotic Catastrophe in Glioblastoma. Cancer Cell 2010; 18: 244-257 (5 / 25.288) Adema AD, Losekoot N, Smid K, Kathmann I, Myhren F, Sandvold ML, Peters GJ. Induction of Resistance to the Lipophilic Cytarabine Prodrug Elacytarabine (CP-4055) in CEM Leukemic Cells. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2010; 29: 394-399 (1 / 0.768) Adema AD, Laan AC, Myhren F, Fichtner I, Verheul HMW, Sandvold ML, Peters GJ. Cell cycle effects of fatty acid derivatives of cytarabine, CP-4055, and of gemcitabine, CP-4126, as basis for the interaction with oxaliplatin and docetaxel. Int J Oncol 2010; 36: 285-294 (3 / 2.447) Bachas C, Schuurhuis GJ, Hollink IHIM, Kwidama ZJ, Goemans BF, Zwaan CM, van den Heuvel-Eibrink M, De Bont ESJM, Reinhardt D, Creutzig U, de Haas V, Assaraf YG, Kaspers GJL, Cloos J. High-frequency type I/II mutational shifts between diagnosis and relapse are associated with outcome in pediatric AML: implications for personalized medicine. Blood 2010; 116: 2752-2758 (5 / 10.555) Banerji U, Camidge DR, Verheul HMW, Agarwal R, Sarker D, Kaye SB, Desar IME, Timmer-Bonte JNH, Eckhardt SG, Lewis KD, Brown KH, Cantarini MV, Morris C, George SMA, Smith PD, van Herpen CML. The First-in-Human Study of the 85 Appendix 4: Scientific output 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 86 Hydrogen Sulfate (Hyd-Sulfate) Capsule of the MEK1/2 Inhibitor AZD6244 (ARRY-142886): A Phase I Open-Label Multicenter Trial in Patients with Advanced Cancer. Clin Cancer Res 2010; 16: 1613-1623 (5 / 6.747) Barnhill RL, Cerroni L, Cook M, Elder DE, Kerl H, Leboit PE, McCarthy SW, Mihm MC, Mooi WJ, Piepkorn MW, Prieto VG, Scolyer RA. State of the Art, Nomenclature, and Points of Consensus and Controversy Concerning Benign Melanocytic Lesions: Outcome of an International Workshop. Adv Anat Pathol 2010; 17: 73-90 (4 / 3.221) Bartelds GM, Wijbrandts CA, Nurmohamed MT, Stapel S, Lems WF, Aarden L, Dijkmans BAC, Tak PP, Wolbink GJJ. Anti-infliximab and anti-adalimumab antibodies in relation to response to adalimumab in infliximab switchers and anti-tumour necrosis factor naive patients: a cohort study. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 817-821 (5 / 8.111) Basu N, Watts R, Bajema I, Baslund B, Bley T, Boers M, Brogan P, Calabrese L, Cid MC, Cohen-Tervaert JW, FloresSuarez LF, Fujimoto S, de Groot K, Guillevin L, Hatemi G, Hauser T, Jayne D, Jennette C, Kallenberg CGM, Kobayashi S, Little MA, Mahr A, et al.. EULAR points to consider in the development of classification and diagnostic criteria in systemic vasculitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 1744-1750 (5 / 8.111) Becker A, van Wijk A, Smit EF, Postmus PE. Side-Effects of Long-Term Administration of Erlotinib in Patients with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol 2010; 5: 1477-1480 (4 / 4.547) Belt EJT, van Stijn MFM, Bril H, de Lange-de Klerk E, Meijer GA, Meijer S, Stockmann HBAC. Lymph Node Negative Colorectal Cancers with Isolated Tumor Deposits Should Be Classified and Treated As Stage III. Ann Surg Oncol 2010; 17: 3203-3211 (5 / 4.13) Bergman GJD, Hochberg MC, Boers M, Wintfeld N, Kielhorn A, Jansen JP. Indirect Comparison of Tocilizumab and Other Biologic Agents in Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Inadequate Response to Disease-Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs. Semin Arthritis Rheu 2010; 39: 425-441 (4 / 4.724) Bex A, van der Veldt AAM, Blank C, Meijerink MR, Boven E, Haanen JBAG. Progression of a caval vein thrombus in two patients with primary renal cell carcinoma on pretreatment with sunitinib. Acta Oncol 2010; 49: 520-U124 (2 / 2.265) Bex A, van der Veldt AAM, Boven E, Haanen JBAG. Re: Surgical Resection of Renal Cell Carcinoma After Targeted Therapy. J Urology 2010; 183: 1646-1647 (4 / 4.016) Bierman WFW, Scheffer GL, Schoonderwoerd A, Jansen G, van Agtmael MA, Danner SA, Scheper RJ. Protease inhibitors atazanavir, lopinavir and ritonavir are potent blockers, but poor substrates, of ABC transporters in a broad panel of ABC transporter-overexpressing cell lines. J Antimicrob Chemoth 2010; 65: 1672-1680 (4 / 4.352) Bijnsdorp IV, Azijli K, Jansen EE, Wamelink MM, Jakobs C, Struys EA, Fukushima M, Kruyt FAE, Peters GJ. Accumulation of thymidine-derived sugars in thymidine phosphorylase overexpressing cells. Biochem Pharmacol 2010; 80: 786-792 (4 / 4.254) Bijnsdorp IV, Vrijland K, Vroling L, Fukushima M, Peters GJ. Increased Migration by Stimulation of Thymidine Phosphorylase in Endothelial Cells of Different Origin. Nucleos Nucleot Nucl 2010; 29: 482-487 (1 / 0.768) Bijnsdorp IV, Peters GJ, Temmink OH, Fukushima M, Kruyt FA. Differential activation of cell death and autophagy results in an increased cytotoxic potential for trifluorothymidine compared to 5-fluorouracil in colon cancer cells. Int J Cancer 2010; 126: 2457-2468 (4 / 4.722) Bijnsdorp IV, Kruyt FAE, Fukushima M, Smid K, Gokoel S, Peters GJ. Molecular mechanism underlying the synergistic interaction between trifluorothymidine and the epidermal growth factor receptor inhibitor erlotinib in human colorectal cancer cell lines. Cancer Sci 2010; 101: 440-447 (3 / 3.771) Bloemers BLP, Broers CJM, Bont L, Weijerman ME, Gemke RJBJ, van Furth AM. Increased risk of respiratory tract infections in children with Down syndrome: the consequence of an altered immune system. Microbes Infect 2010; 12: 799-808 (3 / 2.757) Bloemers BLP, van Furth AM, Weijerman ME, Gemke RJBJ, Broers CJM, Kimpen JLL, Bont L. High Incidence of Recurrent Wheeze in Children With Down Syndrome With and Without Previous Respiratory Syncytial Virus Lower Respiratory Tract Infection. Pediatr Infect Dis J 2010; 29: 39-42 (5 / 2.854) Bode LGM, Kluytmans JAJW, Wertheim HFL, Bogaers D, Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE, Roosendaal R, Troelstra A, Box ATA, Voss A, van der Tweel I, van Belkum A, Verbrugh HA, Vos MC. Preventing Surgical-Site Infections in Nasal Carriers of Staphylococcus aureus. N Engl J Med 2010; 362: 9-17 (5 / 47.05) Boers M. Standing on the promises: First wave validation reports of the Patient-Reported Outcome Measurement Information System. J Clin Epidemiol 2010; 63: 1167-1168 (4 / 2.956) Boers M. Updated Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT): it just gets better. J Clin Epidemiol 2010; 63: 813-814 (4 / 2.956) Boers M, Brooks P, Fries JF, Simon LS, Strand V, Tugwell P. A first step to assess harm and benefit in clinical trials in one scale. J Clin Epidemiol 2010; 63: 627-632 (4 / 2.956) Boers M, Berkhof J, Twisk JWR, Ader HJ, Bezemer D, Knol DL, Kostense PJ, Kuik DJ, Uitdehaag BMJ. A new graph and scoring system simplified analysis of changing states: disease remissions in a rheumatoid arthritis clinical trial. J Clin Epidemiol 2010; 63: 633-637 (4 / 2.956) Boers M. A new design for registration trials in rheumatoid arthritis allowing secondary head-to-head comparisons with standard of care treatment including biologicals. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 4-6 (5 / 8.111) Boers M. The time has come to limit the placebo period in rheumatoid arthritis trials to 3 months: a systematic comparison of 3-and 6-month response rates in trials of biological agents. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 186-192 (5 / 8.111) Boers M, Kostense PJ. Non-Overlapping American College of Rheumatology Response Rates: A Better Way to Report Response in Rheumatoid Arthritis Clinical Trials COMMENTARY. Arthrit Rheum-Arthr 2010; 62: 3524-3527 (3 / 4.152) Boers M. Cost-Effectiveness of Biologics in Early Rheumatoid Arthritis RESPONSE. Ann Intern Med 2010; 152: 334 (5 / 16.225) Boomsma MF, Garssen B, Slot E, Berbee M, Berkhof J, Meezenbroek ED, Slieker W, Visser A, Meijer S, Beelen RHJ. Breast Cancer Surgery-Induced Immunomodulation. J Surg Oncol 2010; 102: 640-648 (4 / 2.502) Bos WH, Wolbink GJJ, Boers M, Tijhuis GJ, de Vries N, van der Horst-Bruinsma I, Tak PP, van de Stadt RJ, van der Laken CJ, Dijkmans BAC, van Schaardenburg D. Arthritis development in patients with arthralgia is strongly associated with anti-citrullinated protein antibody status: a prospective cohort study. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 490-494 (5 / 8.111) Bos WH, Dijkmans BAC, Boers M, van de Stadt RJ, van Schaardenburg D. Effect of dexamethasone on autoantibody levels and arthritis development in patients with arthralgia: a randomised trial. Ann Rheum Dis 2010; 69: 571-574 (5 / 8.111) Appendix 4: Scientific output 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. Boven E, Massard C, Armand JP, Tillier C, Hartog V, Brega NM, Countouriotis AM, Ruiz-Garcia A, Soria JC. A phase I, dose-finding study of sunitinib in combination with irinotecan in patients with advanced solid tumours. Brit J Cancer 2010; 103: 993-1000 (4 / 4.346) Pillay J, Ramakers BP, Kamp VM, Loi ALT, Lam SW, Hietbrink F, Leenen LP, Tool AT, Pickkers P, Koenderman L. Functional heterogeneity and differential priming of circulating neutrophils in human experimental endotoxemia. J Leukocyte Biology 2010; 88: 211-220 (4 / 4.403) Lam SW, Teraa M, Leenen LPH, van der Heijden GJMG. Systematic review shows lowered risk of nonunion after reamed nailing in patients with closed tibial shaft fractures. Injury - Int J Care Injured 2010; 41(7): 703-707 (4 / 2.383) Ong CL, Palma D, Verbakel WFAR, Slotman BJ, Senan S. Treatment of large stage I-II lung tumors using stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT): Planning considerations and early toxicity. Radiother Oncol 2010; 97(3): 431-436 (5 / 4.343) van Leeuwen RWF, Swart EL, Boom FA, Schuitenmaker MS, Hugtenburg JG. Potential drug interactions and duplicate prescriptions among ambulatory cancer patients: a prevalence study using an advanced screening method. BMC Cancer 2010; 13(10): 679 (3 / 2.736) Adema AY, Schilder AM, Schreuder TCMA, Grunberg K, Bultink IEM, Mulder CJJ. Ascites as the Presenting Symptom in a Patient with Churg-Strauss Syndrome. J Gastrointest Liver Dis 2010; 19: 199-201 (1 / 1.265) Barreiro-de Acosta M, Ouburg S, Morre SA, Crusius JBA, Lorenzo A, Potel J, Salvador-Pena A, Dominguez-Munoz JE. NOD2, CD14 and TLR4 mutations do not influence response to adalimumab in patients with Crohn's disease: a preliminary report. Revista Espanola de Enfermedades Digestivas 2010; 102: 591-595 (1 / 0.994) Boparai KS, Mathus-Vliegen EMH, Koornstra JJ, Nagengast FM, van Leerdam M, van Noesel CJM, Houben M, Cats A, van Hest LP, Fockens P, Dekker E. Increased colorectal cancer risk during follow-up in patients with hyperplastic polyposis syndrome: a multicentre cohort study. Gut 2010; 59: 1094-1100 (5 / 9.357) Boparai KS, Reitsma JB, Lemmens V, Van Os TAM, Mathus-Vliegen EMH, Koornstra JJ, Nagengast FM, van Hest LP, Keller JJ, Dekker E. Increased colorectal cancer risk in first-degree relatives of patients with hyperplastic polyposis syndrome. Gut 2010; 59: 1222-1225 (5 / 9.357) Cauberg ECC, Salomons MA, Kummerlin IPED, de Reijke TM, Zwinderman AH, de la Rosette JJMC, Kate FJW, Pes MPL. Trends in epidemiology and treatment of upper urinary tract tumours in the Netherlands 1995-2005: an analysis of PALGA, the Dutch national histopathology registry. BJU International 2010; 105: 922-927 (4 / 2.865) De Bie CI, Hummel TZ, Kinderman A, Kokke FTM, Damen GM, Kneepkens CMF, Van Rheenen PF, Schweizer JJ, Hoekstra JH, Norbruis OF, Tjon AT, Vreugdenhil AC, ckers-Kocken JM, Gijsbers CFM, Escher JC, de Ridder L. 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Ann Hematol 2010; 89: 919-926 (3 / 2.919) 87 Appendix 4: Scientific output 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88 Klarenbeek BR, Samuels M, van der Wal MA, van der Peet DL, Meijerink WJ, Cuesta MA. Indications for Elective Sigmoid Resection in Diverticular Disease. Annals of Surgery 2010; 251: 670-674 (5 / 7.9) Kneppers E, Lokhorst HM, Eeltink CM, Huls G, Kersten MJ, Koedam J, Minnema MC, van Oers MHJ, Raymakers RAP, Schaafsma MR, Vellenga E, Wijermans PW, Wittebol S, Sonneveld P, Zweegman S. Analysis of Efficacy and Prognostic Factors of Lenalidomide Treatment as Part of a Dutch Compassionate Use Program. Clinical Lymphoma Myeloma & Leukemia 2010; 10: 138-143 (1 / 1.13) Lecluse LLA, Driessen RJB, Spuls PI, De Jong EMGJ, Stapel SO, van Doorn MBA, Bos JD, Wolbink GJ. Extent and Clinical Consequences of Antibody Formation Against Adalimumab in Patients With Plaque Psoriasis. 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Tandartspraktijk 2010; 31: 32-33 van der Waal Il. Hoe ziet een normal tong eruit en wat zijn de meest voorkomende afwijkingen?. Mondhygienisten Vademecum 2010; 8(2): Van Weyenberg SJ, Mulder CJ, van Waesberghe JHl. Small intestinal diverticulitis. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010; 8: e123 99 Appendix 4: Scientific output Popular publication 1. Belien JAM, Verheul HMW, Meijer GAl. De ICT-standaard voor klinisch onderzoek. Oncologie up-to-date 2010; augustus Patents 1. 2. 3. 4. van Beusechem VW, Carette JE, Vermeulen Cl. Replication competent viruses capable of silencing virus inhibitory factor expression. 2010 van Beusechem VW, van Ginkel JWHl. MicroRNA and miRNA inhibitors that modulate adenovirus replication and/or adenovirus induced cell death. 2010 Vermeulen C, Tol N, van Beusechem VWl. Replication-competent adenoviruses. 2010 Wurdinger Tl. Holder of thrombocyte RNA analysis provisional patent. 2010 Dissertations 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Badr C - Biolumenescence imaging in glioblastoma: monitoring of biological processes and novel therapeutics. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 9/23/2010. (Co-)promotores: WP Vandertop, T Wurdinger, BA Tannous (cat A) Bierman WFW - Strengths and weaknesses of HIV-1 protease inhibitor therapy. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/26/2010. (Co-)promotores: SA Danner, RJ Scheper, MA van Agtmael (cat A) Bijnsdorp IV - Mechanism of trifluorothymidine cytotoxicity and thymidine phosphorylase induced angiogenesis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/9/2010. (Co-)promotores: GJ Peters, FAE Kruyt (cat A) Buis DR - Stereotactic radiosurgery for brain arteriovenous malformations.. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 11/11/2010. (Co-)promotores: WP Vandertop, BJ Slotman, CMF Dirven, F Barkhof (cat A) Haasbeek CJA - Image-guided stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage lung cancer: techniques and clinical outcomes. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdan, 3/3/2010. (Co-)promotores: S Senan, BJ Slotman, FJ Lagerwaard (cat A) Jansen EPM - Chemoradiotherapy in gastric cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/14/2010. (Co-)promotores: M Verheij, GMM Bartelink, A Cats (cat B) Klarenbeek B - Surgical challenges in diverticular disease. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 5/12/2010. (Co-)promotores: MA Cuesta, CL van der Peet (cat A) Kuijk AWR - Clinical and synovial tissue studies in psoriatic arthritis. Universiteit van Amsterdam, 9/17/2010. (Co)promotores: P Tak, BAC Dijkmans (cat C) Marees T - Second primary malignancies and excess mortality after retinoblastoma. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/29/2010. (Co-)promotores: FE van Leeuwen, PJ Ringens, AC Moll, SM Imhof (cat A) Meijerink M - Novel dynamic imaging methods and image-guided ablative therapies of liver tumors. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/18/2010. (Co-)promotores: C van Kuijk, JHTM van Waesberghe, MP van Tol (cat A) Nieuwenhuijzen JA - Surgical treatment of bladder cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 4/28/2010. (Co)promotores: S Horenblas (cat A) Noordhuis P - Molecular aspects of 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin activity. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/21/2010. (Co-)promotores: GJ Peters, CJ van Groeningen (cat A) Oerlemans R - Molecular mechanisms of resistance to classical and experimental antirheumatic drugs. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 6/25/2010. (Co-)promotores: BAC Dijkmans, RJ Scheper, G Jansen, WF Lems, (cat A) Overbeek MJ - Pulmonary arterial hypertension in systemic sclerosis. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 9/9/2010. (Co)promotores: EF Smit, BAC Dijkmans, A Boonstra, AE Voskuyl (cat A) Schaaij-Visser TB - Biomarker discovery for head and neck cancer. A proteomics approach. Universiteit van Utrecht, 1/20/2010. (Co-)promotores: AJR Heck, RH Brakenhoff, Slijpers M (cat C) Spoelstra FOB - Optimization of image-guidede radiotherapy (IGRT) for lung cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 1/15/2010. (Co-)promotores: S Senan, BJ Slotman, JR Sörnsen de Koste (cat A) Steegerda MJ - I-125 seed implants for prostate brachy therapy. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/21/2010. (Co)promotores: M Verheij, LMF Moonen (cat B) Tijink BM - Targeted therapies in head and neck cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2/19/2010. (Co-)promotores: GAMS van Dongen, CR Leemans, R de Bree (cat A) van Riel JMGH - Hepatic arterial chemotherapy for liver metastases of colorectal cancer. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdaqm, 9/17/2010. (Co-)promotores: E Boven, GJ Peters, CJ van Groeningen (cat A) Willemsen LE - Improving antimicrobial use in hospitals. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 9/22/2010. (Co-)promotores: JAJW Kluytmans, PHM Savelkoul (cat A) Program 5: Quality of life Scientific papers refereed 1. 2. 3. 100 Albers G, Echteld MA, De Vet HCW, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, van der Linden MHM, Deliens L. Content and Spiritual Items of Quality-of-Life Instruments Appropriate for Use in Palliative Care: A Review. J Pain Sympt Manag 2010; 40: 290-300 (4 / 2.423) Albers G, Echteld MA, De Vet HCW, Onwuteaka-Philipsen BD, van der Linden MHM, Deliens L. Evaluation of quality-oflife measures for use in palliative care: a systematic review. Palliative Med 2010; 24: 17-37 (3 / 2.031) Braam KI, Van Dijk EM, Veening MA, Bierings MB, Merks JHM, Grootenhuis MA, Chinapaw MJM, Sinnema G, Takken T, Huisman J, Kaspers GJL, Van Dulmen-den Broeder E. Design of the Quality of Life in Motion (QLIM) study: a randomized controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a combined physical exercise and psychosocial training program to improve physical fitness in children with cancer. BMC Cancer 2010; 10: art.nr. 624 (3 / 2.736) Appendix 4: Scientific output 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. Braamse AMJ, van Meijel B, Visser O, van Oppen P, Boenink AD, Eeltink C, Cuijpers P, Huijgens PC, Beekman ATF, Dekker J. Distress and quality of life after autologous stem cell transplantation: a randomized clinical trial to evaluate the outcome of a web-based stepped care intervention. BMC Cancer 2010; 10: art.nr. 361 (3 / 2.736) Lammens CRM, Aaronson NK, Wagner A, Sijmons RH, Ausems MGEM, Vriends AHJT, Ruijs MWG, Van Os TAM, Spruijt L, Garcia EBG, Kluijt I, Nagtegaal T, Verhoef S, Bleiker EMA. Genetic Testing in Li-Fraumeni Syndrome: Uptake and Psychosocial Consequences. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 3008-3014 (5 / 17.793) de Vries J, van der Steeg AFW, Roukema JA. Psychometric properties of the Fatique Assessment Scale (FAS) in women with breast problems. Int J Clin Hlth Psyc 2010; 10: 125-139 (3 / 1.792) de Vries MC, Wit JM, Engberts DP, Kaspers GJL, van Leeuwen E. Pediatric Oncologists' Attitudes Towards Involving Adolescents in Decision-Making Concerning Research Participation. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 55: 123-128 (3 / 2.134) Den Oudsten BL, Van Heck GL, van der Steeg AFW, Roukema JA, de Vries J. Clinical factors are not the best predictors of quality of sexual life and sexual functioning in women with early stage breast cancer. Psycho-Oncoly 2010; 19: 646-656 (4 / 2.684) Den Oudsten BL, Van Heck GL, van der Steeg AFW, Roukema JA, de Vries J. Personality predicts perceived availability of social support and satisfaction with social support in women with early stage breast cancer. Support Care Cancer 2010; 18: 499-508 (4 / 2.089) Den Oudsten BL, Van Heck GL, van der Steeg AFW, Roukema JA, de Vries J. Second operation is not related to psychological outcome in breast cancer patients. Int J Cancer 2010; 126: 1487-1493 (4 / 4.722) Dommering CJ, van den Heuvel MR, Acmoll AC, Imhof SM, Meijers-Heijboer EJ, Henneman L. Reproductive decisionmaking: a qualitative study among couples at increased risk of having a child with retinoblastoma. Clin Genet 2010; 78: 334-341 (3 / 3.304) Engelen V, Haverman L, Koopman H, Schouten-van Meeteren N, Meijer-van den Bergh E, Vrijmoet-Wiersma J, Van Dijk EM, Last B, Detmar S, Grootenhuis M. Development and implementation of a patient reported outcome intervention (QLIC-ON PROfile) in clinical paediatric oncology practice. Patient Educ Couns 2010; 81: 235-244 (5 / 1.975) Garssen B, Boomsma MF, Beelen RHJ. Psychological factors in immunomodulation induced by cancer surgery: A review. Biol Psychol 2010; 85: 1-13 (5 / 4.363) Gehring K, Aaronson NK, Taphoorn MJB, Sitskoorn MM. Interventions for cognitive deficits in patients with a brain tumor: an update. Exp Rev Anticanc 2010; 10: 1779-1795 (3 / 2.493) Giesbers J, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, van Zuuren FJ, Kleverlaan N, van der Linden MHM. Coping with parental cancer: web-based peer support in children. Psycho-Oncoly 2010; 19: 887-892 (4 / 2.684) Herenius MMJ, Hoving JL, Sluiter JK, Raterman HG, Lems WF, Dijkmans BAC, Tak PP, Nurmohamed MT, Voskuyl AE, Frings-Dresen MHW. Improvement of Work Ability, Quality of Life, and Fatigue in Patients With Rheumatoid Arthritis Treated With Adalimumab. J Occup Environ Med 2010; 52: 618-621 (3 / 1.882) Hurkmans EJ, van den Berg MH, Ronday HK, Peeters AJ, le Cessie S, Vlieland TPMV. Maintenance of physical activity after Internet-based physical activity interventions in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Rheumatology 2010; 49: 167-172 (4 / 4.236) Knijnenburg SL, Kremer LC, van den Bos C, Braam KI, Jaspers MWM. Health Information Needs of Childhood Cancer Survivors and Their Family. Pediatr Blood Cancer 2010; 54: 123-127 (3 / 2.134) Langius JAE, Doornaert P, Spreeuwenberg MD, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR, van Bokhorst-de van der Schueren M. Radiotherapy on the neck nodes predicts severe weight loss in patients with early stage laryngeal cancer. Radiother Oncol 2010; 97: 80-85 (5 / 4.343) Mostert S, Sitaresmi MN, Gundy CM, Janes V, Sutaryo, Veerman AJP. Comparing childhood leukaemia treatment before and after the introduction of a parental education programme in Indonesia. Arch Dis Child 2010; 95: 20-25 (4 / 2.657) Oskam IM, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Aaronson NK, Kuik DJ, de Bree R, Doornaert P, Langendijk JA, Leemans CR. Quality of life as predictor of survival: A prospective study on patients treated with combined surgery and radiotherapy for advanced oral and oropharyngeal cancer. Radiother Oncol 2010; 97: 258-262 (5 / 4.343) Raterman HG, Hoving JL, Nurmohamed MT, Herenius MMJ, Sluiter JK, Lems WF, Tak PP, Dijkmans BAC, Twisk JWR, Frings-Dresen MHW, Voskuyl AE. Work ability: a new outcome measure in rheumatoid arthritis?. Scand J Rheumatol 2010; 39: 127-131 (2 / 2.507) Sitaresmi MN, Mostert S, Schook RM, Sutaryo, Veerman AJP. Treatment refusal and abandonment in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia in Indonesia: an analysis of causes and consequences. Psycho-Oncoly 2010; 19: 361-367 (4 / 2.684) Sizoo EM, Braam L, Postma TJ, Pasman HRW, Heimans JJ, Klein M, Reijneveld JC, Taphoorn MJB. Symptoms and problems in the end-of-life phase of high-grade glioma patients. Neuro-Oncology 2010; 12: 1162-1166 (4 / 4.984) Stol YH, Menko FH, Westerman MJ, Janssens RMJP. Informing family members about a hereditary predisposition to cancer: attitudes and practices among clinical geneticists. J Med Ethics 2010; 36: 391-395 (4 / 1.206) Taphoorn MJB, Sizoo EM, Bottomley A. Review on Quality of Life Issues in Patients with Primary Brain Tumors. Oncologist 2010; 15: 618-626 (4 / 6.701) Taphoorn MJB, Claassens L, Aaronson NK, Coens C, Mauer M, Osoba D, Stupp R, Mirimanoff RO, van den Bent MJ, Bottomley A. An international validation study of the EORTC brain cancer module (EORTC QLQ-BN20) for assessing health-related quality of life and symptoms in brain cancer patients. Eur J Cancer 2010; 46: 1033-1040 (3 / 4.121) Uhlig T, Lems WF, Dijkmans BAC, Kvien TK, Woolf AD. Differences in utility and other disease severity levels in patients with rheumatoid arthritis from three European countries. Scand J Rheumatol 2010; 39: 433-434 (2 / 2.507) van der Meij BS, Langius JAE, Smit EF, Spreeuwenberg MD, von Blomberg BME, Aarden L, Heijboer AC, Paul MA, van Leeuwen PAM. Oral nutritional supplements containing (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids affect the nutritional status of patients with stage III non-small cell lung cancer during multimodality treatment. J Nutr 2010; 140: 1774-1780 (4 / 4.091) van der Steeg AFW, de Vries J, Roukema JA. Anxious personality and breast cancer: possible negative impact on quality of life after breast-conservind therapy. World J Surg 2010; 34: 1453-1460 (4 / 2.696) van Nieuwenhuizen AJ, Rinkel RNPM, de Bree R, Leemans CR, Leeuw IMVD. Patient Reported Voice Outcome in Recurrent Respiratory Papillomatosis. Laryngoscope 2010; 120: 188-192 (4 / 2.018) van Straten A, Geraedts A, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Andersson G, Cuijpers P. Psychological treatment of depressive symptoms in patients with medical disorders: A meta-analysis. J Psychosomatic Res 2010; 69: 23-32 (3 / 2.908) 101 Appendix 4: Scientific output 33. Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, van Bleek WJ, Leemans CR, de Bree R. Employment and return to work in head and neck cancer survivors. Oral Oncol 2010; 46: 56-60 (5 / 3.123) Scientific papers non-refereed 1. 2. 3. 4. Braamse AMJ, Meijel Bv, Marwijk Kooij Mv, Visser O, Dekker J. Distress en kwaliteit van leven bij hematologiepatiÙnten na autologe stamceltransplantatie: de effectiviteit van een internet en stepped-care interventie. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Hematologie 2010; 7: 31-37 Heij HA, Wijnen MHWA. Cancer care in the pediatric surgical patient: A paradigm to abolish volume-outcome disparities in surgery. Surgery 2010; 147: 467-468 Kruizenga HM, Evers AM, Schilp J, de Bont M. Ondervoeding, we moeten sneller ingrijpen. Oncologica 2010; : Sizoo EM, Taphoorn MJB. Symptom control and quality of life in the end-of-life phase of brain tumour patients. Magazine of European Medical Oncology 2010; : 18-20 Dissertations 1. 2. 102 Pijpe A - Modifiers of breast cancer risk in BRCA1/2 mutation carriers; physical activity, body weight, and diagnostic radiation. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 7/2/2010. (Co-)promotores: FE van Leeuwen, MA Rookus (cat B) Pisters MF - Exercise Therapy in Patients with Osteoarthritis: Long-term effectiveness and the role of exercise adherence. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 10/15/2010. (Co-)promotores: J Dekker, DH Bakker, C Veenhof (cat A) Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Appendix 5. Indicators of esteem In this appendix an overview is given of the memberships of editorial boards, (inter)national functions, lectures given and obtained awards. In addition, newly obtained grants are listed to show the recruitment capacity of CCA/V-ICI, and news items are shown. Memberships of editorial boards Associate Journal Ang CW • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Medische Microbiologie (editor-in-chief) Appelmelk BJ • Innate Immunity Beelen RHJ • Perit Dial Int Beliën JAM • Analytical Cellualr Pathology Bitter W • SGM Microbiology Blankenstein MA • Annals of Clinical Biochemistry Boers M • • • • • • Braakhuis BJM • Oral Oncology • The Open Pathology Journal Brakenhoff RH • Clinical Cancer Research • Current Cancer Therapy Reviews • Oral Oncology Broxterman HJ • Drug Resistance Updates • Molecular Cancer Therapeutics • World Journal of Pharmacology Castelijns JA • European Radiology • American Journal of Neuroradiology de Bree R • • • • de Winter JP • The Open Genetics Journal Dekker J • Editor in Chief International Journal of Behavioral Medicine Dijkmans BAC • Arthritis Research and Therapy Griffioen AW • • • • Jansen G • The Open Arthritis Journal Jimenez CD • Journal of Proteomics • Molecular and Cellular Proteomics • Journal of Proteomics, special issue, aug. 2010, ‘Cancer Proteomics’ Joenje H • • • • • Kluytmans JAJM • Journal of Infectious Disease Leemans CR • Hoofd-hals Journaal (Head and Neck Journal of the NWHHT) Arthritis and Rheumatism Letter to the Editor in Rheumatology Annals of Internal Medicine Journal for Clinical Epidemiology (Policy Advisory Board) Annals of Rheumatic Diseases Journal of Rheumatology European Archives of Otorhinolaryngology The Open Otorhinolaryngology Journal Oral Oncology Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie Angiogenesis Journal of Biology Vascular Cell Biochemical Journal The Open Genomics Journal Cellular Oncology Anemia Familial Cancer Open Genetics Reviews 103 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Journal • • • • • • • • • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Keel-Neus-Oorheelkunde (Netherlands Journal of Otorhinolaryngology) European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology Head and Neck Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Oncologie (Netherlands Journal of Oncology) Oral Oncology Head & Neck Oral Diseases Surgical Oncology Italian Journal of Maxillofacial Surgery Acta Otorrinolaringología Española Lems WF • Therapeutic Advances in Musculoskeletal Disease • Nederlands Tijdschrift Reumatologie • Osteoporose Journal Meijer GA • • • • Menko FH • Familial Cancer Mooi WJ • Advanced in Anatomic Pathology • Pathology research international Nurmohamed MT • Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases Peters GJ • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Rustemeyer T • Contact Dermatitis • Dermatologie in Beruf und Umwelt (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat) • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Allergologie Scheper RJ • Contact Dermatitis Schuurhui s GJ • Open Hematology Journal • International Scholarly Research Network (ISRN) Hematology • World Journal of Stem Cells (WJSC): upcoming Senan S • The Oncologist • Radiation Oncology Slotman BJ • Journal of Radiosurgery and Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Stoof TJ • Allergie Actueel • Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Dermatologie en Venereologie Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE • Farmacotherapeutisch Kompas van Beusechem VW • Human Gene Therapy • Genetics Research International van de Loosdrecht AA • Ned Tijdschrift voor Hematologie van den Elsen P • Immunogenetics 104 Cellular Oncology Oncology News International Oncology Up-to-date World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology (WJGO) American Journal of Cancer research Annals of Oncology Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology Cancer Therapy Chemotherapy Research and Practice Chinese Journal of Clinicians Clinical Colorectal Cancer European Journal of Cancer Gastrointestinal Cancer Reviews International Journal of Oncology Journal of Chemotherapy Journal of Chinese Clinical Medicine Journal of Pharmacology and Toxicology Journal of Epithelial Biology and Pharmacology World Journal of Clinical Oncology World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics The Open Lung Cancer Journal Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Journal • • • • The Open Immunology Journal Section Editor ''Current Opinion in Immunology'' on Antigen processing 23/1 Frontiers in Molecular Innate Immunity Contact Dermatitis van der Waal I • • • • • • • • • • • • • ACTA Stomatologica Croatica European Journal of Cancer Padjadjaran Journal of Dentistry Medicina Oral Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry Oral Oncology Revista de Odontologia da Universidade de São Paolo (Journal of Dentistry, University of São Paolo) STOMA Nederlands Tandartsenblad Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde Journal of Stomatological Investigation Minerva Stomatologica van Die I • Glycoconjugate Journal • Open Glycoscience Journal van Dongen GAMS • Journal of Oncology van Schaardenburg D • Advisory editor, Arthritis & Rheumatism 2010-2012 Veerman AJP • Pediatric Blood and Cancer Verdonck-de Leeuw IM • Voice-, Speech- en Language Pathology (Dutch) • World Journal of Clinical Oncology (WJCO Verweij CL • • • • • Ylstra, B • International Journal of Cellular Oncology The Open Rheumatology Journal Genes and Immunity Arthritis Research & Therapy Arthritis Frontiers in Immunology 105 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem (Inter)national functions Associate Function Organisation Ang W Member • Consensusberaad Borrelia Appelmelk BJ Scientific councilor Microbiology • The International endotoxin and innate immunity society Beelen RHJ Scientific Board • European Macrophage Dendritic Cell Society Beliën JAM MemBer • Dutch Society of Pattern Recognition and Image Processing (NVPHBV) Dutch Society of Microscopy (NVVM) Bitter W Member Scientific Committee • Nederlandse vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie (NvMM) Boers M Co-chair • OMERACT Executive Committee. (see www.omeract.org) • American College of Rheumatology subcommittee on the definition of remission in rheumatoid arthritis Chair • Trial Steering Committee: ZIPP (zoledronate in prevetion of Paget) trial. P.I. S Ralston, Edinburgh, UK Member • EULAR Committee on disease activity measurement in rheumatoid arthritis. • EULAR Committee on monitoring of glucocorticoid therapy in rheumatoid arthritis. • OMERACT Task Force on imaging in rheumatoid arthritis. • ASAS, international consensus group on guidelines for outcome measures in ankylosing spondylitis • COMET Steering Group. International initiative to create measurement core sets for trials across diseases Braakhuis BJM Founding Member and member of Research Commitee • International Academy of Oral Oncology Brakenhoff RH Member • Fanconi anemia workshop on head and neck cancer Castelijns JA Member • Concilium Radiologicum • MSRC • Radiological Society of Northern America • American Society of Neuroradiology • American Society of Head and Neck Radiology • Executive Com. European Society of Head and Neck Radiology • European Society of Neuroradiology • Neuro Section, NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology) Chair • Head and Neck Section, NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology) Member of Immuno-dermatology Advisory Board • Sanofi-Pasteur MSD member of Advisory Board • DCPrime BV member of Grant Review Committee • Melanoma Research Alliance Member • Open Programma beoordelingscommissie 22, de Gruijl TD de Winter JP 106 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation NWO/ALW Dekker J Associate Professor • Physiotherapy – Psychological aspects of rehabilitation; Faculty of Sports and Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä, Finland President Elect and member of the Member of Governing Council • International Society of Behavioral Medicine Board member • Netherlands Behavioral Medicine Federation Member • Committee on Medical Technology Assessment, Health Council of the Netherlands (Gezondheidsraad) • International Advisory Board, Behaviour Change Technique Taxonomy Project Dijkmans BAC Chair • Dutch Society for Rheumatology • Continuous Medical Education Rheumatology Boerhaave • STRO-FARR • Scientific board Arthron Eeltink C Member • research sub committee, Late Effects Working Party, EBMT Garcia-Vallejo JJ Participating Investigator • Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG) Gibbs S Program committee • Nederlandse vereniging voor Experimentele Dermatologie Member • Dutch Program for Tissue Engineering Consortium Work Package Leader • EU integrated FP6 project: Sens-it-iv Member • American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) • American Pancreas Club • European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) PAMM group • European Pancreatic Club (EPC) • Italian Society of Chemotherapy (SIC) • Italian Society of Pharmacology (SIF) • Italian Society for the Study of the Pancreas (AISP) Principal investigator • International project “GEM Profile. Expression of gemcitabine and cisplatin-related genes in NSCLC”. www.pharmgkb.org/views/project Auditor • Austrian Science Foundation (FWF) to advice on a large-scale angiogenesis consortium (NFN) Advisor • Canadian Foundation for Innovation, since 2001 Jury member • Finish Academy of Sciences Member • Quality Control advisary panel of the Werkgroep Moleculaire Diagnostiek in de Pathologie - Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Pathologie (QC committee WMDP NVVP) • IASLC • AACR Giovannetti E Griffioen AW Heideman DAM 107 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation • NVGE • VMDG Chair • Scientific Session SS21: Molecular testing methods: new trends, EUROGIN 2010 meeting, February 20th, 2010, Monte Carlo, Monaco Janssen JJWM Member • American Society of Hematology • HOVON Stem cell Transplantation Working Party • Dutch Society of Hematology • European Blood and Marrow Transplantation group (EBMT) • Nederlandse Internisten Vereniging (Dutch Internist Society) • European Hematology Association Jiménez CR Coördinator • Netherlands Proteomics Platform • Colon proteomics team, International Cancer Biomarker Consortium General Council Member • European Proteomics Association (EuPA) Secretary • Proteomics werkgroep, Ned. Ver. Klin. Chemie WP-co-leader • EU kp7 project MEFOPA Member • • • • • EU kp7 project AngioTOX WP1 CTMM-Airforce consortium WPB CTMM-DeCoDe consortium Human Proteome Organisation American Society for Mass Spectrometry • American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology • Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology • Dutch Society for Mass spectrometry Member Scientific Advisory Board • Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc., Eugene, Oregon, USA Session chair • 22nd Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Scientific Symposium, October 21-24, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Inc., Eugene, Oregon, USA Chair • VUmc Onderzoek Naar Kinderkanker (VONK) • Scientific Committee Department of Pediatrics, Vumc • Disease Committee Myeloid Malignancies, DCOG • Protocol committees Relapsed AML 1999/2001 and 2005 and APL, DCOG Program co-leader • “Quality of Life” of CCA/V-ICI, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam • Working Group “shared care”, DCOG • AML Relapse Working Group, International BFM Study Group Co-chair • IKA – Werkgroep indertumoren Member • Supervisory Board SKION = Dutch Childhood Oncology Group (DCOG) Joenje H Kaspers GJL 108 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation • Protocol committee ALL-10 and AML2007 (DB-AML01), DCOG • Scientific Committee, DCOG • LAD, NVK, NVvO, KNMG; AACR, ASH, EHA, SIOP • Scientific Committee “Lymphoid Neoplasia” of the American Society ofHematology, 2008-2012 (2010 vicechairman, 2011 chairman) Kirtschig G Kluytmans JAJW Lagerwaard FJ International coordinator • I-BFM-SG Phase III studies “Relapsed AML 2001/01” and “Relapsed AML 2010/01” • Phase III study on Pediatric APL (ICC APL 01) Member • UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network • EADV / EDF task force • Werkgroep lichen sclerosus en lichen planus • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vulva Pathologie European co-ordinator • International trial on bullous pemphigoid; HTA grant UK Scientific Expert • Medische adviesraad lichen planus vereniging Chair • bestuur Stichting Werkgroep Infectiepreventie (WIP) Infectiecommissie Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda • NVMM commissie laboratorium detectie van MRSA en van BRMO Board member • Stichting Amphia Academy infectious Disease Foundation Member • Infectiecommissie Verpleeghuis Elisabeth, Breda • Raad van Qualiteit, Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda • Commissie wetenschap bevordering Amphia Ziekenhuis, Breda • Adviescommissie PREZIES • Commissie herstructurering opleiding medische microbiologie • Concilium Microbiologicum Medische Microbiologie • Organisatie Boerhaave nascholing infectieziekten • Outbreak Management Team MRSA in de veehouderij • Werkgroep MRSA in de openbare gezondheidszorg LCI • Publications Committee van de SHEA • Scientific Advisory Commmittee van ESCMID • European Advisory Board 3M International Advisory Board Wyeth European expert group on MRSA van het ECDC • European course on hospital epidemiology and infection control Oprichter en lid • ZIEN Member • Landelijke werkgroep Richtlijn 109 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation hersenmetastasen, VIKC • TBM college (beoordelaar projectvoorstellen), Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie (IWT), Vlaanderen Leemans CR Lems WF Mebius RE 110 (Vice-)chair • IKA euro-Oncology Chair • Dutch Head and Neck Oncology Cooperative Group (NWHHT) • Head and Neck Cancer Cooperative Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Member • Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryngology and CervicoFacial Surgery • American Head and Neck Society (Fellow-at-large) • Netherlands Society of Oncology • American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery • Concilium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum in the Netherlands • British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists • European Rhinological Society • Collegium Oto-rhino-laryngologicum Amicitiae Sacrum (CORLAS) • European Salivary Gland Society (ESGS) • Spanish Society of Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery (Sociedad Española y Pathología Cérvico-Facial; SEORLPCF). Secretary • Working Party Head and Neck Surgery of the Netherlands Society for Otorhinolaryngology and CervicoFacial Surgery Board member • European Head and Neck Society (General Secretary) Founding fellow • International Academy of Oral Oncology Member • OSTRA-group, a collaboration between OSLO (Prof Kvien), Truro (Prof Woolf) and Amsterdam (Prof Dijkmans and Prof) Lems which is now existing and succesfull for more than 10 years • ASBMR-working group on Rheumatic Disesases • EULAR working group: recommendations on osteoporosis in rheumatic diseases Chair • EULAR-EFORT working group on prevention of subsequent fractures, after an initial fracture • The new multidiciplinairy Osteoporosis Guideline (for general practitioners, traumatologists, endorcrinologists, reumatologists, fracture nurses, etc, www.cbo.nl) Presedent program committee • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation Immunologie Meijer GA Member executive committee • Management Board OOA Member • Committee of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland • Research Sub Committee of the Pathological Society of Great Britain and Ireland • Scientific Board of the Dutch Cancer Society (KWF) Advisor • Health Council of the Netherlands, committee National colorectal cancer screening programme President • Nederlandse Vereniging Endoscopische Chirugie (NVEC) • Opleidingscollege Endoscopische Heelkunde (OCEH) • Advanced Suturing Course (ASC) Member reseach committee • European Association of Endoscopic Surgery (EAES) Board member • Scientific committee Dutch Surgical Colorectal Audit Member • Advisory board Olympus Medical Tokyo • Scientific committee European Single Port Registration Geneva Chair • Nederlandse Melanoompanel Member • Nederlandse Mesothelioompanel • Commissie herziening richtlijn melanoom Oudgenoeg G Member • Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology • Dutch Society for Mass spectrometry • Netherlands Proteomics Platform Peters GJ Member of the scientific advisory board • “Cancéropôle Lyon-Auvergne-RhôneAlpes”, Lyon, France • Heidelberg Pharma GmbH, Ladenburg, Germany • Kucera Pharmaceuticals, WinstonSalem, NC, USA Member review committee for TCRF and ACS grants • UICC, Geneva, Zwitzerland Member • European Organization for Research and treatment of Cancer • EORTC General Assembly • EORTC-Translational Research Advisory Committee (TRAC) • American Association for Cancer Research • International Society on Nucleosides, Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids (IS3NA) Chair • EORTC Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group • EORTC Drug Discovery Committee NCI compounds task force Scientific committee member • Winter EORTC-PAMMmeeting, Toulouse, France • Puridine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, Tokyo, Japan Meijerink WJHJ Mooi WJ 111 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation Member of the council and publication secretary • Purine and Pyrimidine Society (PPS) Pham TV Member • Human Proteome Organisation • The International Society for Computational Biology • The International Association for Pattern Recognition • Dutch Society for Pattern Recognition and Image Processing • Netherlands Proteomics Platform Piersma S Member • American Society for Mass Spectrometry • Dutch Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology • Dutch Society for Mass spectrometry • Netherlands Proteomics Platform Pieters-van den Bos IC Member • ESR (European Society of Radiology) • NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology) • Section of Abdominal Imaging, NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology) • KNMG (Royal Netherlands Medical Association) • RNSA (Radiological Society of Northern America) Rustemeyer T Board Member • Member European Environmental and Contact Dermatitis Research Group (EECDRG) • Bestuur en Raad van Toezicht van de Stichting Nationaal Huidfonds • Bij- en Nascholingscommissie van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie • European Prevention of Occupational Skin Diseases (EPOS) • Stichting Milieu- en Arbeidsdermatologie Member • Domeingroep Allergologie en Contactdermatosen van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie • European Surveillance System on Contact Allergens (ESSCA) • Richtlijn “Lichen sclerosus” van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie • Werkgroep Allergische Beroepsziekten Amsterdam & Omgeving Scientific Expert • EU commission group on “Risk assessment of consumer products’’ • Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS), • Voedsel en Waren Autoriteit (VWA), • Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Chair • Richtlijn “Contacteczeem” van de Nederlandse vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie • PMS cosmetica - Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venereologie • CESES program van het Ministerie voor Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport (VWS), Voedsel en Waren 112 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation Autoriteit (VWA) en Rijksinstituut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieu (RIVM) Savelkoul PHM Chair • European Study Group on Molecular Diagnostics, European Society of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases (ESCMID) • Microbial typing Section, Dutch Society of Microbiology (NvvM) Board member Scientific committee • Dutch Society of Microbiology (NvvM) Board member post-education & registration committee • Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM) Tutor Medical microbiological Scientist specialization (MMO) • Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM) & SMBWO Tutor Medical Molecular Microbiologist training (MMM) • Dutch Society of Medical Microbiology (NVMM) Schaaij-Visser T Member • WP1 CTMM-Airforce consortium • American Association for Cancer Research Scheper RJ Member • European Environmental and Industrial Contact Dermatitis Group • Tumor Vaccine and Cell Therapy Working Group (Washington / Portland) • Board European Experimental Contact Dermatitis Research Group • Wetenschappelijke Adviesraad Brandwonden Stichting, Beverwijk • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Immunologie • American Association for Cancer Research Board member • A-Skin BV, Amsterdam • DC-Prime, Amsterdam • Stichting Milieu- en Arbeidsdermatologie Schuurhuis GJ Chair • The international working party flowcytometric assessment of minimal residual disease in acute myeloid leukemia Senan S Faculty member • Chest Tumors, European Society for Medical Oncology Foundation Council member • European Thoracic Oncology Platform Honorary member • Belgische Vereniging voor Radiotherapie en Oncologie Member Board of key opinion leaders • Italian Association of Thoracic Oncology Member • accreditation committee, American Radium Society Program director • Novalis Circle Meetings Secretary-treasurer • Dutch Society for Radiobiology (NVRB) Board member • Dutch Commission on Radiation Dosimetry (NCS) Slotman BJ Sminia P 113 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation Starink TM Board Member • International Society of Dermatopathology • Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Dermatopathologie Member • Concilium Dermatologicum et Venereologicum • Medische Specialisten Registratie Commissie Member • Werkgroep Vulvapathologie van de Stichting Onderwijs Oncologische Gynaecologie • Nederlandse Vereniging voor Vulva Pathologie • Nederlandse Werkgroep voor Dermatopathologie • Medical advisory board PVN Medical advisor • Psoriasis Vereniging Nederland (PVN) Treasurer, member of the Board, member of the Science committee • Netherlands Society of Gene Therapy Member • Expert group on Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products, Medicine Evaluation Board (CBG) Member • Medisch advies college LCH vereniging Nederland • Internationale commissie LCH-adults (LCH-A1 klinisch protocol) • Medical advisory board Roche BV, Woerden • Medical advisory board Novartis BV, Arnhem • Medical advisory board Celgene BV, Utrecht Lunteren Commissie Immunologie van NVvI • Werkgroep Leukemie/MDS HOVONSAKK (Nordics) • SIHON/Nederlanse Vereniging Cytometry (NvC) • Continuüm Oncologicum: na/bij scholing oncologie en hematologie in Nederland • Scientific committee on IPSS revison in MDS (MDS foundation Inc.) Chair • Werkgroep NvC sectie MDS en flowcytometrie • Werkgroep MDS en flowyctometrie European LeukemiaNet (WP8) Member Scientific Board • MDS flowyctometrie European LeukemiaNet (WP8) Member visitatie commissie • King’s College London (research program van prof. G. Mufti) van den Elsen P Member • External advisory board the Biomedical Research Institute Dr.L.Willems-Instituut, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Diepenbeek, Belgium van der Horst-Bruinsma IE Member • Commissie wetenschappelijke stages VICI • NIAZ accreditatiecommissie • HASVU: overleg huisartsen-medisch specialisten Stoof TJ van Beusechem VW van de Loosdrecht AA 114 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation • werkgroep patiëntenzorg samenwerking VU-JBI reumatologie Chair • commissie “Rode Loper” VUmc, coördinatiegroep verwijzers • werkgroep “Beweegdag Reumapatiënten Amsterdam “ • Landelijke werkgroep Patient Partners • Bestuur Netherlands Rheumatoid Arthritis Surgical Society (NERASS) • GENetica Research (GENRA) Amsterdam Vice-chair • Dagelijks Bestuur Stafconvent VUmc van der Sar AM External Examiner • Vivi voce (PhD defence), University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK van der Waal I Board member • Centraal College van de Nederlandse Maatschappij tot bevordering der Tandheelkunde • Consilium Chirurgicum Oris Expert • UICC Telepathology Consultation Center for odontogenic tissue Register • External Evaluation Experts Hellenic Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (HQAA), Athene, Griekenland van Die Member • Jenner Scientific Committee of the Royal Society of Medicine • Research Networking Programme “Euroglycoscience” • Consortium for Functional Glycomics (NIH, USA) van Dongen GAMS Task Force leader and national coordinator • EATRIS: The European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure in Medicine. Member Supervisory Board • Spinoza center for neuro-imaging Member Advisory Board • Macrocyclics Inc, Dallas, USA van Dulmen-den Broeder E Board member • DCOG-LATER van Egmond M Evaluator FP7 grants • EU van Furth AM Member • European Society of Pediatric Infectious Diseases • Infectious Diseases Society of America • Merck Sharp & Dome Faculty club • Medical Ethical Commitee VUmc Advisor • Nederlandse Meningitis Stichting Member • European Society for Pathology Representative • Netherlands Society for Pathology Scientific committe member • European Immunology meeting ECI2012 • International Immunology meeting Kobe 2010 • International Immunology meeting Rome 2013 Scientific Board member • KWF • Dutch Aids Foundation van Kemenade FJ van Kooyk Y 115 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation Committee member • ALW Open “Molecuul tot Organisme” Board member • Dutch Society of Immunology (NVVI) Subgroup leader Immune recognition of glycans • Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG) Participating Investigator • Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG) van Schaardenburg Co-organizer • first international workshop on preclinical RA, Reade, Amsterdam 26.1.2011 van Vliet SJ Participating Investigator • Consortium for Functional Glycomics (CFG) Vandenbroucke-Grauls CJME Chair • Adviescommissie Centrum Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM • Bestuur Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde • Registratiecommissie ISIS, Centrum Infectieziektenbestrijding van het RIVM. Member • Programmacommissie Infectieziektenbestrijding van ZonMw • Programmacommissie Antimicrobiele resistentie van ZonMw • European course on hospital epidemiology and infection control • Concilium Microbiologicum Medische Microbiologie • KNAW-ECOS Erkenningscommissie onderzoeksscholen • Subcommissie medische Wetenschappen • Bestuur Nederlandse Vereniging voor Medische Microbiologie • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek Stichting • Commissie Wetenschap Sint Lucas Andreas Ziekenhuis Evaluator • European Commission, FP7-Health2011-single-stage Verbeke JIML Member • NVvR (Dutch Society of Radiology) met lidmaatschap sectie kinderradiologie • KBVR (Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging Radiologie) • ESPR (European Society of Paediatric Radiology) Verdonk IM Member • European Org. of Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) Quality of Life Group. • Dutch Working Group on Psychosocial Screening in Oncology. • European COST 2103 project. • Multinational Association for Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) • Dutch Psychology Society (NIP). • Dutch Psychosocial Oncology Society (NVPO). • American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS). • International Psychosocial Oncology Society (IPOS). • International Society of Internet Research (ISRI). 116 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Function Organisation • Dutch ENT Society (KNO). • Dutch Society of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (NVLF). • Dutch Society of Voice, Speech, and Language Pathology (NVSST). • Dutch Phonetic Sciences Society (NVFW) Verweij CL Member • Steering committee, EU integrated program AUTOCURE • Organising Committee International organisation of drug targeting, Dubai • International Society for Translational Medicine (ISTM) • European Association for Predictive and Personalised Medicine (EPMA) • Biomarker Qualification Working Group of the FDA Waisfisz Q Member • Scientific Research Committee CWO, CCA/V-ICI Vumc Wintzen M Member • Commissie patienteninformatie (Nederlandse Vereniging voor Dermatologie en Venerologie Clinical Assessor Dermatology • Dutch medicines evaluation board CBG-MEB and EMEA Research Fellow • Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School Member • LSH (Ambassador http://www.lifescienceshealth.com) • Scientific consultant Thomson Reuters • Advisory board member Genomic Enterprise • Advisory board member of Stichting Liefde in de stad • Board member Stichting Tractor • Member of cultural science group Great Apes • Member RNAi Global Initiative Ylstra B President elect • International Society of Cellular Oncology Zweegman S Chair • Hematology Working Group, Cancer Center Amsterdam • The subcommittee on Patient Logistics, VU University medical center, Amsterdam • Subcommissie myeloproliferatieve aandoeningen Member • HOVON Multiple Myeloma Working group • Committee for “Rapid Diagnosis in Oncology patients” • Organizing committee of the Dutch Hematology Conference • Werkgroep Niet-Oncologische Hematologie van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Hematologie • Commissie Klinische Studies • European Multiple Network biobanking committee • “Biobank lichaamsmaterialen Vumc”, VU University medical center, Amsterdam Wurdinger T 117 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate 118 Function Organisation Executive Board member • European Myeloma Net Trialist Group Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Lectures Associate Title Organisation Appelmelk BJ The many DC-SIGN ligands of Mycobacterium tuberculosis : An enigma in host-parasite research Consortium of Functional Glycomics Meeting, 20-22 May 2010, Bethesda, MD, USA Why do all the fishes die? Frontiers in Tuberculosis Research –The Granuloma: where Pathology meets Microbiology, June 23-25 2010, Borstel, Germany Analysis of mycobacteria with altered lipoglycan cell wall composition New TBVAC meeting, 15 -16 Sep 2010, Paris, France Mycobacterium tuberculosis DC-SIGN ligands galore 11 oct 2010, University of Victoria, Canada The multiple DC-SIGN ligands of Mycobacterium tuberculosis 15 oct 2010, Berkeley UNiversity, CA, USA Beelen RHJ EuTRiPD EuroPD-meeting, 6-8 oktober, Strasbourg, France Boers M Do we need new points to consider in trials of RA? EULAR annual meeting Rome, Italy. Hard words in diagnostic research: utility, predictive value, likelihood ratios...... EULAR annual meeting Rome, Italy. Burden of morning stiffness in RA Merck Serono Rheumatologie Experten Forum; Berlin, Germany Are glucocorticoids disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs? Mundipharma symposium on optimization of glucocorticoids for rheumatoid arthritis, Copenhagen, Denmark Why do we need new remission criteria for RA? American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting Atlanta, GA, USA A simple system to measure benefit and harm simultaneously: the OMERACT 3 x 3 table IsoQoL Symposium, Amsterdam Pitfalls in clinical trials. Roche International PEARL meeting Amsterdam Uveitis in Spondylarthopathy ASAS international Educational Courses, 13 January 2010 Berlin and 30 June 2010 Amsterdam Gastro-enterologie en reumatische aandoeningen 8 March 2010, Dutch Surinam clinic of Rheumatology and Infectious Diseases, Paramaribo, Suriname Chair and speaker workshop Diagnosis and Treatment of (axial) Spondyloarthritis Charite Hospital, 25 March 2010 Berlin Molecular margin analysis of head and neck cancer Polish study group of head & neck cancer. February 19, 2010, Poznan, Poland HPV and oral cancer: where, when and why? 3rd International Symposium “Advances in oral cancer”, November 18, Bilbao, Spain HPV in head and neck cancer: time to solve the problems Polish Head and Neck Oncology Workgroup, Poznan, February 19 Genomics of HPV-mediated HNSCC Mersey Head and Neck Oncology Research Group, Liverpool, November 19 Braakhuis BJM Brakenhoff RH 119 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Progression of HNSCC Meeting on head and neck cancer, Fanconi Anemia Research Fund, Chicago, USA , oct. 21 Summary on the meeting of head and neck cancer 22nd Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Scientific Symposium , oct 21 Prediction of local relapse in head and neck cancer by immunostaining of the surgical margins using biomarkers identified in a proteomics screen AHNS, Washington DC, USA, October 28 AML stem cells 3rd AML-BFM Research Symposium, 2728 October 2010, Hannover, Germany Relevance of stem cell detection at MRD 3rd AML-BFM Research Symposium, 2728 October 2010, Hannover, Germany Cuijpers J Analysis of Intra-Fractional Variability of the Internal Target Volume during Stereotactic Radiotherapy in Peripheral Lung Tumors 52nd Annual Meeting ASTRO, October 31 – November 4, 2010 San Diego, USA de Boer EM Autologous cultured skin for hard to heal leg ulcers: a revolutionary approach? Arterial and Venous ulcers of the lower legs, 27 / 3 / 2010, Affligem-Essene, Belgium Autologous cultured skin for hard to heal leg ulcers Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Phlebologie, 10-13 November, 2010, Aken, Deutsland Screening for distant metastases in head and neck cancer patients by FDGPET(-CT) to avoid futile treatments Molecular Imaging in Radiation Oncology. 19 maart 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium PET to avoid futile laryngoscopies in patients with suspicion of recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy Molecular Imaging in Radiation Oncology.19 maart 2010, Bruxelles, Belgium Combining FNA and SNB in the treatment of oral SCC Fourth international conference on sentinel node biopsy and radioguided head & neck surgery. 28 mei 2010. Copenhagen, Denmark Screening for distant metastases in head and neck cancer patients by FDGPET(-CT) to avoid futile treatments 4th World Congress of the International federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies. 16 juni 2010 Seoul Korea PET to avoid futile laryngoscopies in patients with suspicion of recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy 4th World Congress of the International federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies. 16 juni 2010 Seoul Korea Positron emission tomography (PET) in head and neck cancer: What are the indications? 4th World Congress of the International federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies. 17 juni 2010 Seoul Korea Response evaluation after chemoradiation for oropharyngeal carcinoma Panel oropharynx. 4th World Congress of the International federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies. 18 juni 2010 Seoul Korea Electrochemotherapy in head and neck cancer The Amsterdam experiece. Electrochemotherapy 1st International Users’ Meeting. 19 november 2010, Bologna Italy Sentinel node procedure in head and neck cancer November 20, 2010, Barretos, Brazil Enterovirus remains an important cause of central nervous system infection in dutch children ESPID, May 2010, Nice, France Real-time PCR is the most reliable method in dectecting enterovirus ESPID, May 2010, Nice, France Cloos J de Bree R de Crom S 120 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation infection de Gruijl TD de Winter JP Eeltink C Fijneman RJA Garcia-Vallejo JJ Gibbs S Effects on DC subsets of the melanoma Sentinel Lymph Node of combined local GM-CSF and CpG-B administration 5th DC-THERA Annual Meeting, 7 May 2010, Athens, Greece Immune and clinical response monitoring in patients with metastatic Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer receiving combined Prostate GVAX and anti-CTLA4 immunotherapy 8th Annual Cancer Immunotherapy Meeting CIMT 2010, 26-28 May 2010, Mainz, Germany Novel genomic maintenance pathways identified by studies on Fanconi anemia and related syndromes Research visit Cancer Research UK (host Helen Walden), January 15, Lincolns Inn Fields Laboratories, London, UK Diagnostic overlap between Fanconi anemia and related syndromes: Beyond chromosomal breakage Symposium 80th birthday Traute Schroeder-Kurth, May 14-16, Wuerzburg, Germany Warsaw Breakage Syndrome, a Fanconi anemia-like disorder associated with mutations in the FANCJ-like helicase DDX11 22nd Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Scientific Symposium, October 21-24, Minneapolis, USA Genome maintenance pathways identified by studies on Fanconi anemia and related syndromes Research visit University of St Andrews (host Joanna Parish), November 25, St Andrews, Scotland, UK 80 Questions and Answers about Cancer and Sexuality European Society of Oncology Pharmacy (ESOP), 29 jan 2010, Hamburg Train the trainer: Cancer and sexuality European Bone Marrow Transplantation Nurse group, 21 – 24 March 2010, Wenen How to administer azacitidine MDS colloquium, 7-8 may 2010, Warschau 80 Questions and Answers about Cancer and Sexuality 2nd Rotterdam Symposium on Cancer and Sexuality, 4 June 2010, Rotterdam Identification of prion protein as a cell surface candidate biomarker for colorectal adenoma-to-carcinoma progression International Society for Cellular Oncology, 17-19 March 2010, Dresden, Germany Cell Surface Proteomics Identifies Prion Protein as a Candidate Biomarker for Colorectal Adenoma-to-Carcinoma Pathological Society, 29 June - 1 July, 2010, St. Andrews, Scotland DC-SIGN controls immune homeostasis in the brain Workshop on Recognition of host and pathogen glycans by mammalian GBPs and Mammalian GBPs in immune cell communication, 20-21 May 2010, Bethesda, Maryland (USA) Dendrimers and liposomes as multivalent systems Regular network meeting and workshop “Structural glycoscience: Methods and instrumentation”, 29 June – 3 July, 2010, Grenoble, France Quantitative and dynamic analysis of DC-SIGN-mediated internalization and intracellular routing using imaging flow cytometry NVVI Annual Meeting 2010, 16-17 December, 2010, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands Homeostatic interaction of CNS myelin with DC-SIGN-expressing microglia prevents neuroinflammation NVVI Annual Meeting 2010, 16-17 December, 2010, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands Biological Requirements of In Vitro Models Workshop: Biophysical stimuli and mass transport for tissue development, 18- 121 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation 19 Nov 2010, Lattrop, The Netherlands Giovannetti E Griffioen AW 122 Progress on the development of skin equivalent based assays to distinguish sensitizers from non- sensitizers and to determine sensitizer potency Skin In Vitro, 8-9 June 2010, Frankfurt, Germany Allergen mediated Langerhans Cell maturation and migration in an immuno-competent skin-equivalent ITCASS, 21-22 June 2010, Den Bosch A potential Epidermal equivalent assay to determine sensitizer potency ITCASS, 21-22 June 2010, Den Bosch Use of a collagen / elastin matrix as transport carrier system to transfer proliferating epidermal cells to human dermis in vitro ETRS, 16 - 17 Sept 2010, Gent, Belgium Development of an in vitro full thickness hypertrophic scar model 3rd International Scar-Club meeting, 25-27 march 2010, Montpellier, France MicroRNA-21: an oncomir under the spotlight as a potential biomarker of clinical outcome and determinant of chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer XXXIV National congress of the Italian Society for Pancreas Study (AISP), October 7-10 2010, Verona – Italy Identification of MicroRNA-21 as a potential biomarker of clinical outcome and a target to overcome chemoresistance in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) European Pancreatic Club Congress (EPC), June 16-19th, 2010, Stockholm – Sweden MicroRNA-21 from bench to bedside and back: a potential marker of clinical outcome and a target to overcome resistance to gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer Pancreas Club 2010, May 1-2, 2010, New Orleans, USA MicroRNA-21 (miR-21) in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC): correlation with clinical outcome and pharmacological aspects underlying its role in the modulation of gemcitabine activity 101st Annual Meeting American Association Cancer Research (AACR), 17-21 April, 2011, Washington, USA MicroRNA-21 (MIR-21) in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC): correlation with clinical outcome and pharmacological aspects underlying its role in the modulation of gemcitabine activity 31th Annual Meeting EORTCPharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group, 27-30 January 2010, Toulouse, France Pharmacogenetics and new determinants of chemoresistance in pancreatic cancer Karolinska Institute Gatroenterology Department Lectures, 27 November 2010, Stockholm, Sweden Angiogenesis inhibitors for the treatment of angiogenic diseases Spinoza lecture at the dept of Ophtalmology, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, November 30, 2010, Amsterdam Pros and cons of angiostatic therapy Spinoza lecture, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, November 30, 2010, Amsterdam How to convert anti-angiogenesis into effective cancer therapy? Spinoza Grand Lecture, Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, November 30, 2010, Amsterdam Mechanisms of angiogenesis Invited lecture at the Course on Mathematical modeling of angiogenesis, Lorentz Institute, Leiden, The Netherlands, October 4-8, 2010, Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Leiden Novel angiogenesis inhibitors for treatment of cancer Invited seminar at Sanquin Institute Amsterdam, September 20, 2010, Amsterdam Novel ways tot target angiogenesis as treatment for cancer Invited lecture at the EANO Educational Day, September 16, Maastricht Novel pathways of angiogenesis inhibition for the treatment of cancer Invited lecture at the DONAMO symposium, Netherlands Cancer Institute, March 12, Amsterdam Comparison of the clinical performance of cobas® 4800 HPV detection assay with Hybrid Capture 2 (hc2) in population-based cervical screening Rotkreuz Symposium 2010, November 2010, Luzern/Rotkreuz, Swiss Symposium Optimal and Optical Genomics, August 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Micro-array CGH and microRNA Comparison of the clinical performance of cobas® 4800 HPV detection assay with Hybrid Capture 2 (hc2) in population-based cervical screening Meeting Human Papilloma Virus testing and cervical cancer, May 2010, Vilvoorde, Belgium Comparison of the clinical performance of cobas® 4800 HPV detection assay with Hybrid Capture 2 (hc2) in population-based cervical screening. Session: cervical cancer screening: Evolution from cytology to HPV testing Eurogin, February 2010, Monte Carlo, Monaco Triage of HPV-positive women by non morphological methods. Session SS 8 : Performance and clinical value of HPV DNA testing and genotyping February 2010, Monte Carlo, Monaco Ilarregui JM Role of galectin-1 in dendritic cell physiology French Society for Dendritic Cells, December 16th and 17th, 2010, Pasteur Institute. Paris, France Jansen G Bortezomib resistance associated with mutations in the PSMB5 gene is overcome by the novel proteasome inhibitor 5-amino-8-hydroxyquinole (5AHQ) EORTC-Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanism group, January 27, 2010 – January 30, 2010, - place meeting: Toulouse, France Peptide epoxyketone-based proteasome inhibitors are substrates for P-glycoprotein (ABCB1) but not for multidrug resistance-associated protein 1-5 (ABCC1-5) and breast cancer resistance protein (ABCG2) 3rd FEBS Special Meeting “ATP-Binding Cassette (ABC) Proteins: From Multidrug Resistance to Genetic Diseases”, February 28, 2010 – March 5, 2010, Innsbruck, Austria The role of multidrug resistance efflux transporters in cancer and inflammation June 16, 2010, University De La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain Mechanisms of proteasome inhibitor resistance (invited lecture) IV International Workshop On Myeloma Genetics, Pharmacogenomics & Novel Therapeutics, September 26-28, 2010, Cape Cod, Boston, U.S.A. Resistance to antifolates 3rd International Symposium on Folate Receptors and Transporters, October 12-15, 2010, Zion National Park, UT, U.S.A. Label-free mass spectrometry-based proteomics for biomarker discovery and validation in tissues and biofluids Annual meeting Nederlandse Vereniging voor Massaspectrometrie: ‘’Mass spectrometry in aMSterdam, 28 Heideman DAM Jiménez CR 123 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Oct, 2010, Amsterdam Kaspers GJL 124 Mass spectrometry in aMSterdam Annual meeting Nederlandse Vereniging voor Massaspectrometrie: ‘’Mass spectrometry in aMSterdam, 28 Oct, 2010, Amsterdam Label-free proteomics targeted to subcellular compartments for candidate biomarker discovery and early detection of colorectal cancer 1st International Proteomics Conference on Crete – IPCC01, 8 Oct, 2010, Heraklion, Greece CSF proteomics for biomarker discovery in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease Workshop on Biomarkers in the early diagnosis of neurodegenerative disorders, 4 june, 2010, Assisi, Italy Targeted mass spectrometry-based proteomics strategies for biomarker discovery and validation in colorectal cancer Advanced Proteomic Applications in Clinical and Life Sciences Symposium, 13 april, 2010, Aberdeen, Schotland Targeted Mass Spectrometry-based Proteomics Strategies for Biomarkers Discovery and Validation in Colorectal Cancer International Cancer Biomarker Consortium Conference, 23 march, 2010, Seatlle, USA Pediatric AML Amsterdam School of Pediatric Oncology, 12 January 2010, Amsterdam Pitfalls in pediatric oncology First Course on Pediatric Oncology, 18 January 2010, Eldoret, Kenya Febrile neutropenia and infections in pediatric oncology First Course of Pediatric Oncology, 18 January 2010, Eldoret, Kenya Pediatric relapsed AML Annual pediatric oncology/hematology meeting EPHO, 25 March 2010, Cairo, Egypt Pediatric APL Annual pediatric oncology/hematology meeting EPHO, 26 March 2010, Cairo, Egypt Clinical Management of Problems in AML EHA course on Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 8 April 2010, Sorrento, Italy Pediatric APL: ICC APL Study 01 Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 2 October 2010, Antalya, Turkey Indication for SCT in AML in CR1 Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 2 October 2010, Antalya, Turkey Relapsed AML Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 2 October 2010, Antalya, Turkye Bortezomib in relapsed ALL Annual I-BFM-SG meeting, 3 October 2010, Antalya, Turkey Round Table: old drugs for AML Childhood Leukemia Symposium, 5 October 2010, Antalya, Turkey Cytogenetics in relapsed AML Annual SIOP meeting, 23 October 2010, Boston, USA Pediatric AML Research Course on Pediatric Hematology, 10 November 2010, Billund, Denmark ICC APL International Consortium APL of ASH, 2 December 2010, Orlando, USA CNS involvement in pediatric relapsed AML Annual meeting of ASH, 6 December 2010, Orlando, USA Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Kirtschig G Klinik, Diagnostik und Therapie des mucosalen Lichen planus Vorarlberger interdisziplinärerVulvaWorkshop 2010, 23 04 – 24 04, 2010, Feldkirch, Österreich The pregnancy dermatoses – patient education EADV congress Gothenburg, October 2010, Gothenburg, Sweden Lichen sclerosus bij Lichen sclerosus in families, bij kinderen en vulvaire kanker Lichen sclerosus informatiedag (Nederlands patientenvereniging), 30.10.2010, De Bilt Consequences of antimicrobial class restriction Hot Topic Symposium – Healthcare Associated Infection, 2 februari 2010, Edinburgh New strategies to prevent surgical site infections Aseptic Surgery Forum, 26-27 maart 2010, Parijs Decolonisation of carriers 3rd Joint Conference German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology (DGHM) and Association for General and Applied Microbiology (VAAM), 28-31 maart 2010, Hannover New horizons in the diagnosis of baceterial sepsis 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 10-13 april 2010, Wenen MRSA bacteraemia and endocarditis – treatment considerations 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 10-13 april 2010, Wenen In the surgical unit: improving patient safety by ignoring resistance 20th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 10-13 april 2010, Wenen From theory to clinical practice ESCMID-SHEA-ASID Comprehensive Course in Hospital Epidemiology Course, 21-25 juni 2010, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia Surgical site infections: new perspectives for diagnosis and prevention 50th ICAAC, 12-15 september 2010, Boston Prevention of surgical site infections using antimicrobial strategies: aiming at zero 50th ICAAC, 12-15 september 2010, Boston Kuipers-de Wilt L Mechanisms of acquired bortezomib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells: Potential role of autophagy Pharmacology and Molecular Mechanisms Group (PAMM), January 2830 2010, Toulouse, France Ladenius-Lischer L An improved hybrid IMRT technique for delivery of high dose radiation to patients with large St III lung tumours ESTRO, September 2010, Barcelona Lagerwaard FJ Synchronous Brain Metastases From NSCLC: Time for Reappraisal of Extracranial Treatment Options? 2nd European Lung Cancer Conference, 30th April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland New trials in early stage non-small cell lung cancer comparing surgery and radiotherapy 2nd European Lung Cancer Conference, 29th April 2010, Geneva, Switzerland Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) after Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy (SBRT) for Stage I Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) ESTRO, September 15th 2010, Barcelona, Spain Initial experience with HybridArc™ radiosurgery planning for intracranial targets 5th International Conference of the Novalis Circle, June 18th 2010, Feldkirchen, Germany Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung European Respiratory Society, 22nd Kluytmans JAJW 125 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Leemans CR Lems WF 126 Title Organisation cancer September, 2010, Barcelona, Spain Positron emission tomography (PET) in head and neck cancer patients: what are the indications? 4th World Congress of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, June 15-19, 2010, Seoul, Korea Recent Progress in Management of the Neck 4th World Congress of International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, 15-19, 2010, Seoul, Korea Oral Cancer, Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” nternational Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 3-5, 2010, Frankfurt, Germany Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” nternational Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 7-9, 2010, Antalya, Turkey Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” nternational Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October October 10-11, 2010, St. Petersberg, Russia Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” nternational Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 13-15, 2010, Bangalore, India Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 54th Annual Convention of the Phillippine Society of OtolaryngologyHead and Neck Surgery/2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 1720, 2010, Manila, Phillippines Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 21-23, 2010, Shanghai, China Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 25-27, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Oral Cancer. Parapharyngeal Tumors 2010 Global CME program “Current Concepts in Head and Neck Surgery and Oncology” International Federation of Head and Neck Oncologic Societies, October 28-30, 2010, Mexico-City, Mexico Treatment of Head and Neck Cancer Name meeting: Innovative Tumor Therapies, Master Course Oncology Vumc, December 3, 2010, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Vertebral Fractures EULAR (Rome), Juni 2010 Imaging of the spine Biomarker meeting Oslo, October 2010 Denosumab, state of the art Rumania, 25th of September Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Mebius RE Title Organisation Teriparatide and quality of life Hungary, 1th of October How immune cells talk with stromal cells in immune-mediated inflammatory diseases May 25, 2010, symposium, AMC, Amsterdam, invited lecture June 18, SFB 571 "autoimmune reactions" symposium, Munich, invited lecture October 1, 2010, Amsterdam, EMIG conference, invited lecture Meijer GA Meijerink WJHJ Mooi WJ Ouwehand I Peters GJ Biology and clinic of colorectal cancer ISCO 2010 Congress, ISCO, Dresden, March 17 – 19, 2010 Translating colorectal cancer biology into clinical applications European Multidisciplinary Colorectal Cancer Congress, Nice, France, 28-30 March 2010 No polyp, no cancer. Is it that simple? OMED CRC SC meeting, DDW, New Orleans, May 1, 2010 CTMM DeCoDe: translational research on colorectal cancer in the Netherlands NCI-NRCI joint meeting, Bethesda, June 21-22, 2010 Peroperative management of leakage of low colorectal anastomosis EAES congress, Geneva June 16-19, 2010 Sentinel node in colorectal cancer. Surgery on the cutting edge Barcelona December 10, 2010 Salvage of low GI anastomosis NVEC congress Curacao October 9-12, 2010 Single Port Surgery NVEC congress Curacao October 9-12, 2010 Melanocytic lesions of the conjunctiva and upper aerodigestive tract British Dermatopathology Course, 11 maart 2010, Liverpool, Engeland Oncogene-induced senescence Third Science Conclave of nobel Laurates, 8-14 december, 2010, Allahabad, India Oncogene-induced cellular senescence Indian National Congress of Clinical Chemistry, 14 december 2010, Mumbai, India Pathology of Pulmonary Hypertension PY Patil medical University Sepcial International Seminar, 15 december, 2010, Mumbai, India Glycan modification of OVA alters interaction with dendritic dells, enhancing cross-presentation and Th1skewing Dutch tumor immunology meeting, June 2010, Breukelen Glycan modification of OVA alters interaction with dendritic dells, enhancing cross-presentation and Th1skewing NVVI annual meeting, December 2010, Noordwijkerhout Introduction to the Lloyd Kelland Lecture: Herbie Newel: personalized treatment in oncology EORTC PAMM Group meeting, January 27-30, 2010, Toulouse, France What can the PAMM group bring to EORTC NOCI? EORTC Group - Annual meeting, March 18-19, 2010, La Hulpe, Belgium Pharmacogenomics in pancreaskanker Universiteit van Antwerpen, June 23, 2010, Antwerp, Belgium MiR-21 in pancreatic adenocarcinoma: prognostic or predictive? EORTC PathoBiology Group, September 9-10, 2010, Marseille, France 127 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Pharmacogenetics and genomics to guide personalized treatment of gastrointestinal cancer Universidad Catolica de Chili, October 27, 2010, Santiago, Chili Multidrug resistant efflux pumps in tumor resistance; role of localization and signaling Chilean Society for Cell Biology, November 5, 2010, Pucon, Chili Innovative anti-cancer drugs National Cancer Center “Giovanni Paolo II’, 25 years of life of the National Cancer center of Bari: what’s new?, December 10, 2010, Bari, Italy Progress in CSF biomarker discovery for mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease by label-free quantitive proteomics Human Proteome Organisation (HUPO) 9th Annual World Congress, 20 September, 2010, Sydney, Australia Strategies for analyzing spectral count data in label-free tandem mass spectrometry-based proteomics Fall Meeting Netherlands Proteomics Platform 2010, 15 October, 2010, Utrecht Allergy to insulines Contact Allergy meeting, 16.01. – 20.01 2010, Lisabon, Portugal Clinical implications of new insights in contact allergy Contact Allergy meeting, 16.01. – 20.01 2010, Lisabon, Portugal Allergic contact dermatitis Immunology meeting, 22.01. – 24.01.2010, Gotheburg, Zweden Pathomechanisms of allergic contact dermatitis Hispano-Latin Dermatology course, 22.04. – 25.04.2010, Barcelona, Spain Sensitivity of the skin: genetics in allergic skin diseases ESCD –GERDA, 15. – 18.09.2010, Strasburg, France Cross-reactivity: immunological background ESCD –GERDA, 15. – 18.09.2010, Strasburg, France Immunogenetics in Contact Dermatitis ESCD –GERDA, 15. – 18.09.2010, Strasburg, France Immunologcal mechanisms of insulin allergy and treatment EECDRG, 24. – 26. September 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark European Patch test data 2005-2009 EECDRG, 24. – 26. September 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark Contact allergy to metals EECDRG, 24. – 26. September 2010, Copenhagen, Denmark Modern Techniques in the diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis EADV, 06. – 10.10.2010, Copenhagen, Denmark Schuurhuis GJ Stem Cells in acute myeloid leukemia 7th SICICS National Congress, Sept 24th 2010, Rimini (Italy) Senan S Oligometastatic disease: The role of stereotactic radiotherapy Treatment of oligometastatic disease 21st January 2010, Institut Gustave Roussy, Paris New insights in the treatment of stage I NSCLC Western Canadian Lung Cancer Conference, 29th January 2010, Vancouver Novel horizons in radiotherapy of lung cancer Symposium on ‘Critical issues in lung cancer research – the Swedish Approach and the International Standards’. Feb 18-19, 2010, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm Treatment of lung cancer using advanced imaging and RapidArc British Institute of Radiology Presidents Conference 2010. Managing Respiratory Motion in Radiotherapy. 13 - 14 May Pham TV Rustemeijer T 128 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation 2010, London Slotman BJ Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT) versus Surgical Resection in operable stage I NSCLC International China-US SBRT trial meeting. June 8, 2010. University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan RapidArc for conventional and stereotactic radiotherapy: Experience with the first 750 patients Eröffnungssymposium Univ. Klinik für Strahlentherapie-Radioonkologie June 23rd 2010. Graz, Austria Volumetric modulated radiotherapy: Applications to Stereotactic Radiosurgery Annual meeting of the American Association of Physicists in Medicine, Educational Course. 19th July 2010. Philadelphia Stereotactic radiosurgery for lung tumours 24th Annual Meeting of the European Association For Cardio-Thoracic Surgery . 11 September 2010, Geneva Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer: results, toxicities and implementation Autumn meeting of the Belgian Society of Radiation Oncology. 24-25th September, Limelette, Belgium Do we need histology before stereotactic radiotherapy for lung cancer? Pro and contra. Autumn meeting of the Belgian Society of Radiation Oncology, 24-25th September, Limelette, Belgium Locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: Reasons for failure of two key (EORTC, Intergroup) to show differences Autumn meeting of the Belgian Society of Radiation Oncology. 24-25th September, Limelette, Belgium Early stage NSCLC: Role of stereotactic radiotherapy International Symposium on Thoracic Surgery. 8 Oct 2010, University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven, Belgium RapidArc for Stereotactic radiotherapy and novel indications. Rapid Arc Symposium. 14th October 2010, University College Hospital, London Discussant - Stereotactic radiotherapy for lung tumors I 52nd Annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology. October 31 - November 4, 2010, San Diego Density Changes on Computed Tomography after Stereotactic Lung Radiotherapy: An Analysis of the Relationship between Dose and Lung Injury in 50 Patients 52nd Annual meeting of the American Society for Radiation Oncology. October 31, November 4, 2010, San Diego Concurrent chemo-radiotherapy for stage III NSCLC: A single center approach outside clinical trials Symposium on Recent Advance in the Radiotherapy of Lung Cancer December 2, 2010, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, Korea Stereotactic body radiotherapy: A new standard in stage I NSCLC? 4th AsiaPacific Lung Cancer Conference. December 3-4th, 2010, Seoul, Korea Stereotactic radiotherapy for early stage NSCLC MD Anderson Cancer Center, Orlando, USA, 4-1-2010 Guidelines for radiotherapy staffing and infrastructure in Europe Scottish Radiotherapy Group, Stirling, UK, 11-2-2010 Radiotherapy planning and organization in the Netherlands Ministry of Health, Glasgow, Scotland, 11-2-2010 SBRT for Stage I lung tumors Moores Cancer Center, UCSD, San Diego, USA, 22-2-2010 Whole brain radiotherapy with simultaneous integrated boost for EORTC ROG, Barcelona, Spain, 10-032010 129 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation patients with multiple brain metastases Sminia P Stoepker C van Beusechem VW 130 New technologies for stereotactic radiotherapy. Radiocirurgia basada en la evidencia XII Congress of the Spanish Radiosurgery Society, Barcelona, Spain, 22-04-2010 Stereotactic radiotherapy: The new standard 2nd European Lung Cancer Conference (Int Ass Study of Lung Cancer and Eur Soc Medical Oncology). Geneva, Switzerland, 29-04-2010 SBRT for early stage NSCLC American Radium Society, Cancun, Mexico, 3-05-2010 Treatment of lung and liver tumors using BSRT European Novalis Symposium. Frankfurt an der Oder, Germany, 18-05-2010 Radiochirurgie spinaler Prozesse Symposium Neuromedizin, Erfurt, Germany, 28-05-2010 Role of SRT in Stage I non-small cell lung cancer Novalis Circle, Munich, Germany, 1706-2010 Use of Novalis Tx with RapidArc for treatment of 3 or more brain metastases Novalis Circle, Munich, Germany, 1806-2010 RapidArc for stereotactic radiotherapy Varian Symposium, ESTRO, Barcelona, Spain, 14-09-2010 Stereotactic radiotherapy of stage I NSCLCL AnnMeeting Soc Bras Radioterapia, Campinas, Brazil, 22-10-2010 SBRT of spinal tumors AnnMeeting Soc Bras Radioterapia, Campinas, Brazil, 23-10-2010 First clinical experience with TrueBeam technology Varian Users meeting, San Diego, USA, 30-10-2010 Optimal use of radiation in small cell lung cancer Excellence in Oncology: Cutting edge findings into clinical practice, Athens, Greece, 19-11-2010 Studies on glioma cells: MGMT status and response to temozolomide, radiation and nelfinavir 25th Conference on Clinical and Experimental Research in Radiation Oncology (CERRO), Les Menuires, France, January 22, 2010 MGMT status of human glioma cells and response to temozolomide, irradiation and Nelfinavir 6th Annual Conference of the Organisation for Oncology and Translational Research; “Oncological Biomarkers and Clinical Applications”; 26-27 February 2010, Kyoto, Japan Re-Irradiation 29th conference of the European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, 12-16 September 2010, Barcelona, Spain SLX4, a coordinator of structurespecific endonucleases, is mutated in a new Fanconi anemia subtype DNA repair group, September 10, Leiden SLX4, a coordinator of structurespecific endonucleases, is mutated in a new Fanconi anemia subtype DNA 22nd Annual Fanconi Anemia Research Fund Scientific Symposium, October 21-24, Minneapolis, USA SLX4, a coordinator of structurespecific endonucleases, is mutated in a new Fanconi anemia subtype and possibly associated with hereditary breast cancer najaarssymposium NVHG, November 19, Amsterdam Exploiting RNAi to enhance the cancer RNAi Global meeting, October 11-13, Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation cell killing potency of oncolytic adenoviruses 2010, London, UK Identification of miRNAs that modulate adenovirus replication in cancer cells RNAi Global Host-Pathogen Working Group meeting, October 11, 2010, London, UK van de Loosdrecht AA NVvB, NVvH, Expert meeting Leukemia and Lymphoma, European Dendritic Cell Society (EMDS), Antibody targeting Conferences, MDS WP ELNet, European Clinical Cytometry, MDS foundation Inc, en seminars in Oxford, London, Barcelona van den Elsen P Regulation of MHC class I and class II expression August 25, 2010, 14th International Congress of Immunology, August 22-27, 2010, Kobe, Japan van der Lelij P Warsaw breakage syndrome: a novel cohesinopathy associated with mutations in the XPD helicase family member DDX11/ChlR1 DNA repair group, January 8, Leiden Warsaw breakage syndrome: a novel cohesinopathy associated with mutations in the DNA helicase DDX11 Genetica Retraite Rolduc, March 18-19, Kerkrade van der Pas MHGM Infrared detection of the sentinel node in colorectal cancer ISNS Yokohama, November 17-20, 2010 van der Sar AM Vicious in fish: T7SS deficient mycobacteria gain virulence Disease modelling III, Cancer, Blood Development & Immune Responses, June 21-24, Boston, USA van der Waal I Oral leukoplakia 2nd International Course on Oral Mucositis, 26 February 2010, Vicenza, Italy Premalignant oral disorders 2nd International Course on Oral Mucositis, 26 February 2010, Vicenza, Italy Management of premalignant lesions of the oral mucosa Voorjaarsvergadering Koninklijke Belgische Vereniging voor Stomatologie en Maxillo-Faciale Heelkunde, 20 March 2010, Brussels, Belgium Oral cancer; diagnosis and treatment European Master Degree on Oral Laser Application (EMDOLA), 5 June 2010, Parma, Italy Oral leukoplakia; diagnosis and management 2nd International Course on Oral Mucositis, 26 February 2010, Vicenza, Italy Potentially malignant disorders Oral Healthcare for People Living with Cancer, 11 June 2010, London, United Kingdom Second primary tumors Oral Healthcare for People Living with Cancer, 11 June 2010, London, United Kingdom Milestones and history (BSOM / EAOM) 10th Biennial Conference of the European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM), 21-25 September 2010, London, United Kingdom Surgical pathology of the salivary gland Annual Meeting of the Royal Belgian Society of ENT, Head and Neck Surgery, 22-23 October 2010, Genk, Belgium Early diagnosis in oral cancer: is it III International symposium Advances in 131 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate van Die I van Dongen GAMS van Egmond M van Furth AM 132 Title Organisation possible? Oral Cancer. Spanish Society of Oral Medicine, 18-19 November 2010, Bilbao, Spain Parasite glycans as targets for serodiagnosis and vaccination strategies 3rd Annual Meeting of Glycoscience Ireland, 2010, August 31st and September 1st, University College Dublin, Ireland Immune regulation by glycoconjugates of parasitic helminths 2010 Annual Conference of the American Society for Glycobiology, 710, 2010, St. Pete Beach, Florida, USA Brussels, How can imaging technology contribute to more efficiënt drug development? Advancing Biologics from the lab to the clinic, 11-12/1/2010 The EGFR story from a molecular imaging point of view MIRO, international conference on Imaging in Molecular Radiation Oncology, Brussels, 18-20/3/2010 ImmunoPET: shedding light on clinical antibody therapy IRIST, 20th Meeting of the International Research group in Immuno-Scintigraphy and Therapy, 7-10/4/2010, Groningen The use of PET in drug development University of Oxford, 9/8/2010, Oxford Monoclonal and multiclonal targeting: immunohistochemistry in vivo Optimal and optical genomics, 13/8/2010, Amsterdam Open innovation: bridging the gap MipTec, 23/9/2010, Basel Immuno-PET: potential applications Symposium: The Future of Immuno-PET in Drug Development, 10/10/2010, Basel Improved tumor targeting of anti-EGFR Nanobodies through albumin binding 1th symposium on: Single Domain Antibodies Come of Age, 1415/10/2010, Ghent, Belgium IgA and it’s receptor FcαRI in immunity and autoimmunity University of Freiburg, January 21st, 2010, Freiburg, Germany Immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (FcαRI): a blessing or burden? University of Dundee, April, 6th, 2010, Dundee, UK Targeting the immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (FcαRI) on neutrophils for tumour therapy. Recombinant Antibodies, June 14th17th, 2010, Berlin, Germany IgA and its receptor FcαRI in chronic inflammation University of Limoges, May 20th, 2010, Limoges, France IgA and its receptor FcαRI in chronic inflammation FASEB ‘Immunoreceptors’, July 5th-9th, 2010, Snowmass, USA IgA and neutrophil FcaRI in chronic inflammation University of Calgary, October 28th , 2010, Calgary, Canada Targeting the immunoglobulin A Fc receptor (FcαRI) on neutrophils for tumour therapy f Star Biotech company, November 26th , 2010, Cambridge, UK Central nervous system infections in children International Dutch Society of Neuroradiology, april 2010, Groningen, The Netherlands Bacterial meningitis Research meeting Pediatric Neurology, March 2010, Cape Town, SA Central nervous system infections in children ESCMID bacterial meningitis meeting, September 2010, Izmir, Turkey Kinderen en infecties; balanceren op het slappe koord Behandeling van lage luchtweginfecties. Brugge-dagen, Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Vaalsbroek, Alumini lezing TBM township project van Kooyk Y Innate recognition receptors Sao Paulo Immunology, Graduate Course, 8-11 February, 2010, Sao Paolo, Brazil Dendritic cells and C-type lectin receptors:coupling innate to adaptive immune responses Symposium on Research and Recent Progress in Immunology, 12 February 2010, Sao Paolo, Brazil DC targeting using glycan modification of antigen Seminars West Scotland Immunology Group, 23 February, 2010, Glasgow, Schotland Glycan modification and the induction of immune responses Invited seminar, GSK, Shanghai, China, 24 March 2010, Shanghai, China DC targeting using anti-DC-SIGN antibodies ICA-2010, 26 March, 2010, Beijing, China DC targeting to improve anti cancer therapy World Vaccine Conference, 28 March, 2010, Beijing, China Dendritic cell targeting using glycolliposomes NIH-CFG, US, 20-22 May 2010, 20-22 May 2010, Bethesda, US Glycosylated tumor antigens and DC function Glycomarkers for Disease, 13-15 September 2010, Wierzba, Polen Dendritic cells in the control of homeostasis and inflammation in MS MS-Immunology-Meeting, 31 October and 1 November 2010, Nottingham, Great Britain Glycodendrimers to inhibit pathogen interaction to DC Carmusys mid term meeting, 12-14 December 2010, Milaan, Italy van Schaardenburg ACPA in very early rheumatoid arthritis 4th biomarker meeting, Oslo 29.10.2010 van Vliet S Glycosylation-dependent regulation of T cell function by the C-type lectin MGL Workgroup 2 & 3 meeting of the American Consortium for Functional Glycomics, 20th and 21st of May 2010, Bethesda, Maryland (USA) Glycodendrimers to inhibit pathogen interaction to DC Carmusys Milaan, Italy, 12-14 December 2010 Detection of pathogens in sepsis: molecular detection versus culture 20th ECCMID, April 10-13, 2010, Vienna, Austria Surgical site infections ESCMID-SHEA-ASID Comprehensive Course in Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control, June 18-24, 2010, Port Douglas, Queensland, Australia Clinical Experience with RapidArc ESTRO September 2010, Barcelona Clinical experience of using RapidArc (RA) for Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy Varian Users Meeting, ESTRO 2010. September 2010, Barcelona Disease management, stepped care and e-health Symposium Kwaliteit van leven, overleven en regie bij de patient met hoofd-halskanker. Erasmus Universiteit, Rotterdam, December 10, 2010 Disease management and e-health to facilitate and innovate supportive care in cancer patients Symposium Trends and developments in cancer survivorship care. Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, November 12, 2010 Aan het werk met het OncoKompas Congres Kanker en Arbeid 2, CAGA, Amsterdam, October 8, 2010 Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Verbakel WFAR Verdonck I 133 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Title Organisation Psychological distress in cancer Alpe d’HuZes Cancer Rehabilitation Research A-CaRe Meeting 2. Amsterdam, October 4, 2010 Patient reported outcome in clincal practice: OncoQuest and OncoCompass EORTC Quality of Life Group. Leipzig, Germany, September 23, 2010 Cancer survivorship: research and clinical practice in the Netherlands Workshop Cancer Survivorship. MASCC, Vancouver, Canada, June 23, 2010 Computerized monitoring of quality of life in cancer patients University Hospital Antwerpen, Belgium, April 26, 2010 Patient reported outcome and supportive care 4th European Conference on Head and Neck Oncology. Athens, 4-6 March, 2010 Disease management in cancer patients: the development of a stepped care strategy Medicine2.0, Maastricht, The Netherlands, November 29-30, 2010 Patient reported speech and swallowing outcome after chemoradiation for head and neck cancer IALP, Athens, Greece, August 25, 2010 Neural network analysis to assess hypernasality in patients treated for oral or oropharyngeal cancer IALP, Athens, Greece, August 26, 2010 Objective assessment of speech quality in patients treated for a tumour in the oral cavity or oropharynx IALP, Athens, Greece, August 26, 2010 Vermeulen C Identification of adenovirus modulator genes in human cancer cells by genome-wide RNAi library screening 13th Annual meeting of the American Society of Gene and Cell Therapy, May 19-22, 2010, Washington, DC, USA Verweij CL Chairman: Symposium “Drug discovery and therapy in Immunology and Infection” International organisation of drug targeting, 1-5 Feb., 2010, Dubai, UAE Chairman: plenary session Annual Congress of Rheumatology, 1013 June, 2009, Papendal, NL Chairman: Session “Genomics, proteomics and biomarkers” MS-Research symposium, 14-15 Dec, 2010, Alphen a.d. Rijn Genomics in preclinical rheumatoid arthritis EU-AUTOCURE, 25-26 Jan. 2010, Berlin, Germany Drug discovery and therapy in Immunology and Infection International organisation of drug targeting, 1-5 Feb., 2010, Dubai, UAE Genomic biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis GREES symposium on Rheumatoid Arthritis, 19-21 March, 2010, Paris, France Type I interferon system in rheumatoid arthritis EULAR congress, 16-19 June, 2010, Rome, Italy Relevance of type I interferons in rheumatoid arthritis Seminar program “MedImmune”, 4 Nov., 2010, Washington, USA Transcriptomics and proteomics in immunology EFIS-EJI symposium, 1-4 Dec., 2010, Paris, France Genomics, proteomics and biomarkers in multiple sclerosis MS-research symposium, 14-15 Dec., 2010, Alphen a.d. Rijn Pharmacodynamics of B-cell depletion in Rheumatoid Arthritis” EU-AUTOCURE, 25-26 Jan, 2010, Berlin, Germany Genetic Variation within IRF5 is Associated with Responsiveness to IFNβ Symposium Neuroscience Center Amsterdam (NCA), 1 April, 2010, Vosslamber S 134 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Associate Wondergem MJ Ylstra B Zweegman S Title Organisation in Multiple Sclerosis Amsterdam Responsiveness to IFNβ treatment in Multiple Sclerosis: role of IFN signature and IFN genetics in health and disease Symposium Netherlands Inflammation Network (NIN), 7 April, 2010, Lunteren Pharmacodynamics of B cell depletion in Rheumatoid Arthritis Symposium Dutch Society for Rheumatology, 23 Sept., 2010, Papendal IRF5 gene variant as biomarker to predict the IFNβ response in Multiple Sclerosis ECTRIMS congress, 13-16 Oct., 2010, Götenburg, Sweden Inhibition of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway in follicular lymphoma is caused by dysregulation of the mitochondria Dutch Hematology Conference January 2010 Different transplantation strategies in transformed non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; a single center experience Dutch Hematology Congres January 2010 Molecular Cytogenetics in Oncology: From Technique to Therapeutic Target Golden Helix Symposium® on Genetic Analysis in Translational Medicine, dec 2010, Athens (GR) Array CGH from FFPE tissues ESHG European Society of Human Genetics, June 12 – 15, Gothenburg (SE) Molecular Cytogenetics in Oncology: From Technique to Therapeutic Target 3rd Course in the Integration of Cytogenetics, Microarrays and Massive Sequencing in Biomedical and Clinical Research, 16-20 okt 2010, Bologna (I) Molecular Cytogenetics in Oncology: From Technique to Therapeutic Target Methods of DNA analysis: state of the art, June 2010, Braga (Pt) A randomized phase III study in MM comparing MPR versus MPT Investigator Research meeting Celgene, June 2010, Frankfurt 135 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Awards Name Award Place and date Assaraf Y KNAW visiting award KNAW, Amsterdam Beelen RHJ, M. Schilte Best poster at EuRoPD EuRoPD, 8 oktober, Strasbourg Giovannetti E Travel grant 14th International Symposium on Purine and Pyrimidine Metabolism in Man, Tokio, Japan, 2011 EORTC-PAMM Best Poster Grant (Coauthor of the poster: The regulation of BCRP expression and localization by EGFR pathway in NSCLC cells: role of erlotinib) 31st Winter Meeting of the EORTCPAMM group, Toulose, 31 January – 2 February 2010 AISP Young Investigator Grant (Coauthor of the abstract “Loss of Heterozygosity (LOH) status of D9S105 marker is associated with down-regulation of Kruppel-Like Factor 4 (KLF4) expression in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma) XXXIV National congress of the Italian Society for Pancreas Study (AISP), Verona, October 7-10, Italy, 2010 Griffioen AW Spinoza Chair of the Faculty of Medicine, University of Amsterdam Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, November 30, 2010 Kirtschig G Asia-Pacific Foundation: Clinical paper publication prize 2010; awarded by La Roche-Posay for the paper “Safety of topical corticosteroids in pregnancy” September 2010 Medical Microbiology and Infection Control 100,000 euro grant of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (Portugal) The project is a collaboration between the Institute for Molecular and Cell Biology (IBMC) at the University of Porto (Portugal), the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control at the Vrije Universiteit Medical Center (the Netherlands) and the Netherlands Vaccine Institute van de Broek L NVED poster prize Lunteren, January 2010 ETRS poster prize Lunteren, January 2010 van der Kuip M ESPID/Wyeth Fellowship Award Nice, France, May 4-8 van der Waal I Honorary Membership (2008) of the European Association of Oral Medicine (EAOM) 10th Biennial Conference of EAOM. London, UK. 25 September 2010 Honorary Fellow of the British Society for Oral Medicine (BSOM) 10th Biennial Conference of EAOM. London, UK. 25 September 2010 Honorary Member (2009) of the Greek Association of Oral Medicine Announced by George Laskaris on 16 March 2010 136 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Grants obtained in 2010 Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget Appelmelk BJ Analysis of mycobacteria with altered lipoglycan cell wall composition Gulbenkian Foundation/TBVI, 100.000 Euro Beelen RHJ Role of macrophages in excessive scarring of the burned skin NWO Mozaiek no 017.006.012, AIO + benc fee € 200.000, PhD student: B. Mahdavian Delawary The role of chemokines, macrophages and fibroblasts in skin and mucosal scar formation MOVE, PhD student; € 200.000 Preservatie van de peritoneale membraan door verveterde macrofaagfunctie onder invloed vitDreceptor activatie Nierstichting C09.2331, PhD student + bench fee, PhD student: A. Stavenuiter Fibrose en ontstekingsremmende middelen voor de verbetering van wondgenezing bij brandwonden Nederlandse Brandwonden stichting no 10.109, PhDstudent + bench fee; € 360.000 Bitter W Regulation of virulence factors in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: the surface connection NWO CW ECHO, 253 kEuro, PhD student: Karlijn Bastiaansen Boers M Translation of PROMIS item bank into Universal Dutch: project registered in EMGO+ research Institute Reumafonds, € 80.000 Byrne, Verheul, Scherer, Griffioen Angiotox, 2010 – 2014 EU 7th framework, € 3.000.000 Castelijns JA Wetenschappelijk onderzoek MRI contrastmiddelen € 55.000 Cillessen SAGM, Meijer CJLM, Ossenkoppele GJ Identification of targeted therapies for anaplastic large cell lymphoma based on apoptosis expression profiles KWF grant, 517.000 euro, NWP en WP Cloos J, Kaspers GJL Protein tyrosine phosphatome sequencing in childhood acute myeloid leukemia KiKa/Children Cancer-free, 66.000,-, M. Irandoust (postdoc) de Gruijl TD, van de Loosdrecht AA A safety and feasibility study of a novel type of dendritic cell vaccine (DCOne) in patients with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) ZonMW Translational Research Grant 4041200-98-9106, € 500,000.- de Vries, 12 partner consortium CTMM MAMMOTH - Imaging of breast cancer, 2010 – 2014 Dutch government 03O-201, CTMM, € 15.000.000 de Winter JP, Dorsman JC, den Dunnen JT Identification of novel players in the Fanconi anemia pathway KWF VU2010-4767, € 351.000 (Post-doc + benchfee) de Winter JP, Van Attikum H, Te Riele H Sister chromatid cohesion: lessons from yeast, mice and men TOP-GO 854.10.013, € 750.000 (PhD student + two post-docs + benchfee) Dekker J Future Functional Status in Osteoarthritis of the Knee: Impact of Neuromuscular, Psychological and Clinical Factors Move-Age Grant Garcia-Vallejo JJ Productie en analyse van glyco-varianten van Derp1 die de immuunrespons onderdrukken in Astma Astma Fonds (, € 240.841, PostDoc: Juan Martín Ilarregui (from 1 January, 2010) Gibbs S A Human, In Vitro, Full-Thickness TissueEngineered Skin Model To Investigate Hypertrophic Scar Formation Ned. Brandwonden Stichting; (project number: WO/P08.103), 2nd half of project granted: € 294.000 Gibbs S (VUMC), Ulrich M (ADBC Beverwijk) Application of cultured autologous keratinocytes in combination with a meshed split skin autograft for burn wound healing Ned. Brandwonden Stichting; (project number: WO/P07.116); (2010-1011) Gibbs S, Niessen F, Scheper RJ (CEO A-Skin) AgentschapNL IS (planned start 2011) € 750,000 Gibbs S, Scheper RJ (CEO ASkin) Development of a novel wound healing formulation for advanced wound management EuroTransBio (2010-2013), € 700,000 / PostDoc/ arts onderzoeker / analist + benchfee) 137 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget Gibbs S, Scheper RJ (CEO ASkin), Veerman E (ACTA) Novel saliva-derived peptides for state-of-the-art clinical wound-healing applications STW (2010-2014), € 600,000 / OIO + 2 technicians + benchfee) Gibbs S, Teunis M, Casati S, Corsini E Pre-validation of a two tiered approach to determine the skin sensitizing capacity and potential of chemicals Zon Mw PAD(2010-2012), € 432,000 Gibbs S, van Bree JWM, Pemen AJM Commercialization of Enhanced Cell Proliferation Reactor (ECPR) for the culture of Skin Substitutes Zon Mw PreSeed grant (2010-2012), € 250,000 / analist + benchfee Gibbs S, Vriens BP Mucosa Zon Mw Preseed grant (2010-2012), € 250,000 / PostDoc + benchfee) Giovanetti E Targeting key microRNA & signaling pathways to fight pancreas cancer aggressive behaviour and chemoresistance AIRC-Marie Curie, € 85.000,- Targeting c-Met and related signalling networks in distinct cell subpopulations to fight pancreatic cancer invasion and chemoresistance NWO – VENI (number 91611046), obtained July 20th 2010, project starts on January 1st 2011, 200.000 for salary, 50.000 bench fee Giovannetti E, Peters GJ, in collaboration with Minutolo and Leon Synthesis and Biological Evaluation of Inhibitors of Human Lactate Dehydrogenase-5 as Cancer Starvation Agents EORTC-PAMM Mini grant, 5000 euro for bench fee Jansen G The visiting professorship of prof.dr Y.G. Assaraf Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (23.000 Euro), Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research/NWO (22.300 Euro), Dutch Arthritis Association (19.000 Euro), and KiKa (21.000 Euro) Janssen JJWM Immunophenotypic stem cell identification and quantification in chronic myeloid leukemia and its role in predicting response to tyrosine kinase inhibitor treatment Novartis, 1 NWP Jimenez CR Diagnose en prognose van Alzheimer door massaspectrometrische detectie van specifieke amyloid-bèta peptide fragmenten in liquor combinatie met patroon analyse Hersenstichting Nederland, 35K, NWP Validation of a panel of novel candidate biomarkers for the non-invasive early detection of colorectal cancer: Innovative multiplex MRM mass spectrometry essay development and evaluation of diagnostic performance in faeces and blood Life Science Validation Fund, 55K, WP Kaspers GJ, Assaraf YG, Cloos J, Peters GJ, Jansen G The role of impaired FPGS splicing in methotrexate response in childhood ALL KiKa, 156.000 Euro, PhD student: Drs. A. Wojtuszkiewicz Kaspers GJL Translational research in low-income countries on treatment compliance in pediatric oncology VONK, 60.000,-, S. Mostert (postdoc) Translational research in diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas Stichting Semmy, 100.000,-, E.H. Hulleman Kaspers GJL, Gemke RJ Glucocorticoid induced HPA axis suppression in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia and lymphoma KWF Kankerbestrijding/Dutch Cancer, Society (VU 2010-4859), 260.900,-, Suzanne Gordijn (PhD student) Klein M, Reijneveld J, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Internet-based treatment of low-grade glioma patients with depression and fatigue: randomized controlled trial VU 2010-480 KWF Dutch Cancer Society:, € 288.300. Kluytmans J Assessing the need for isolation in a single room of patients colonized with highly resistant Enterobacteriaceae: a cluster-randomized trial ZON MW, € 498.270 Kruyt FAE, Peters GJ, Jansen G Mechanisms of acquired bortezomib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer cells: Potential role of autophagy EORTC-PAMM fellowship (travel grant), € 800,-, PhD student:Leonie Kuipers-de Wilt Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Heideman DAM, Self-Screen: biomarker-based companion diagnostic of HPV positive women to detect cervical cancer ZON-MW Life Sciences Pre-seed Grant. 235 k€ 138 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget Meijer CJLM, Snijders PJF, Heideman DAM, van Kemenade FJ Schadelastreductie baarmoederhalskanker (BMHK) door vernieuwend beleid t.a.v. niet-deelneemsters BVO BMHK Zorgproject Stichting Achmea Gezondheidszorg.. 323.1 k€ Meijer GA Translation research IT infrastruture CTMM-TraITT, initially 8M€ max 20M€ (total budget will be established in 2011) Meijer GA, Heideman DAM, Smit EF, Verheul H Doelmatige medicatiebehandeling van oncologische patiënten door moleculaire tumor-fijndiagnostiek voor pre-therapeutische stratificatie LPT grant. 150 k€ Meijerink WJHJ Near Infrared Fluorescent Imaging of the Sentinel Node CCA/V-ICI (toekenningsnummer CCA2010401) € 250.000, PhD students: MHGM van der Pas, M Ankersmit Peters GJ Mechanism of action of RX3117 Rexahn, NWP Peters GJ, Giovannetti E Development of LDH inhibitors EORTC PAMM group Savelkoul PHM IS-pro: A molecular tool for clinical diagnostics of inflammatory bowel disease (NGI Life Sciences Pre-seed Grant (93610005), total € 237.500,00 (24 mdn) Bacterial DNA Load (BDL) ZonMw 205100007, total € 391.966,00 (36 mdn), PhD student: Marre v.d. Brand Sminia P (Radiotherapy VUmc), Stalpers LJA (Radiotherapy AMC), Baumert BG (Radiotherapy MUMC) Targeting resistance to radio-chemotherapy by inhibition of the PI3Kinase-Akt signaling pathway Dutch Cancer Society # VU2010-4874, 1 WP 4, 1 NWP 4, 459,400 euro Unger WJ Antigen-specific inhibition of encephalitogenic Tcells by selective targeting of corticosteroid/ antigen-loaded liposomes to cervical lymph node dendritic cells MS Research Stichting (10 – 725 MS), € 50.000 van den Elsen PJ Monocyte dysregulation in MS € 49.473,- van der Horst I Kwaliteitsonderzoek verbetering patiëntenzorg M. Bechterew Educational Grant Wyeth 25.000 euro, PhD student S van Weelij Fundraising for the organisation of the Reumabeweegdag Amsterdam 40.000 euro Prevention of the progression of very early symptoms into Ankylosing Spondylitis: a placebo controlled trial with etanercept (PREVAS) Investigator initiated study: 350.000 euro, Phd Student S Weismann A phase 0 single microdose study to evaluate the pharmacokinetics/-dynamics and specific targeting properties of 124-I-F*IL10 in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis Philogen, Zwitserland € 50.000, Promovendus: Y.Y.J. Gent PET-CT of biodistribution of rituximab in relation to therapeutic outcome and histological response of lymphoid tissue in rheumatoid arthritis patients Roche Nederland, € 255.850 (plus € 60.000 voor samenwerkende groep Reumatologie in AMC), H.G. Raterman, S.T. Bruijnen (PhD students) van Dulmen-den Broeder E (VUmc), van den Berg MH (VUmc), Hilders C (NNF), ter Kuile M (LUmc) Knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding fertility preservation in young females with cancer KiKa and VONK, 68.862,- euro, A.Overbeek (PhD student) van Egmond M Novel Antibody-Based Therapy for Ulcerative Colitis AgentschapNL: ‘anti-UC’, € 500.000 van Egmond M, Vidarsson G (Sanquin) Increasing Therapeutic Efficacy of IgG’s in Melanoma LSCA Validatiefonds, € 50.000 van Furth AM, Smulders Y, Van Agtmael M HIV research grant Nuffic, € 85.000, PhD: Titus Msoka (KCMC, Tanzania) Steenbergen RDM van der Laken J 139 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Project leader(s) Title project Funding / budget van Kemenade FJ Prohtect -3 in collab with CJLM Meijer, DAM Heideman & PFJ Snijders VWS, PhD student V. Verhoef van Kooyk Y / Kruisbeek A Novel DC-based vaccine for breast cancer Eurotransbio, € 625.200, Post-Doc and technician van Vliet S Spatial dynamics of lectin-carbohydrate interactions NWO VENI (ALW nr. 863.10.017), € 250.000 (WP) Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Eerenstein S, Leemans CR, de Bree R LARiNX: a web-based self-help programme for laryngectomized patients during and after treatment Michel Keijzer Foundation:, € 199.600. PhD student: Ingrid Cnossen Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Ganzevoort R Spiritual Autobiographic writing for cancer patients Addessium Foundation / RCOAK:, € 175.500. PhD student: Jannette Delver Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Gerritsen WR, Leemans CR, de Bree R, van Kalken C, Kraaijenhagen RA, Cuijpers P OncoCompass: Development and pilot testing of an e-health management platform to optimise disease management in cancer patients NDDO Foundation:, € 375.000. Postdoc: dr N van Uden-Kraan Verdonck-de Leeuw IM, Steunenberg B Structured life review using autobiographical retrieval practice in depressed palliative head and neck cancer patients ZonMw: 1151.0003, € 228.642, PhD student: Irene Riepma Vos J, Tollenaar R (LUMC), Verdonck-de Leeuw IM The development, implementation and evaluation of the meaning-centered group psychotherapy 'Living Meaningfully with Cancer' in the Netherlands KWF Dutch Cancer Society:, € 596.500 Waisfisz Q, Meijers H, de Winter JP, Verheul H Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer CCA/V-ICI PV10/13, 4 years salary for a PhD student + € 22,000 bench fee, PhD student: Janine L Bakker Windhorst AD, Ussi A, van Dongen GAMS Financing Laboratory for Good Manufacturing Practice (GPM2) for tracer productions 6.4 M€. Subsidy: EFRO, “Kansen voor West”: 2.6 M€, Roche research grant: 150.000 k€ Wurdinger T Cross-talk in the brain tumor micro-environment NWO-VIDI, WP 600k€/benchfee 200k€, 2xPhD, Dr. Petra van der Stoop and Dr. Jordi Berenguer Wurdinger T, Jeuken J Elucidation of Temozolomide resistance in glioblastoma Stophersentumoren.nl2010, Benchfee 98k€ Wurdinger T, van der Stoop P RNAi screening to inhibit glioblastoma migrationinduced radiation resistance Stophersentumoren.nl2010, Benchfee 90k€, Ylstra B Identification of Chromosomal Aberrations Driving Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Development Stichting Sacha Swarttouw-Heijmans, euro 25K, Leonie Mekenkamp (UMC St Radboud)(PhD student) Ylstra B, Reijneveld JC, vd Valk P Prediction of early progression in low-grade glioma patients KWF (VU-2009-4470), euro 246K, Hinke Thuijl (PhD student) 140 Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem Meeting organization Project leader(s) Meeting Place / date Ang W Course Serologisch Diagnostiek van Infectieziekten June 2010, Amsterdam Bitter W NvMM, NvvM voorjaarsvergadering 19-21 april, Papendal Dekker J Member of the program committee of the Eleventh International Congress of Behavioral Medicine Augustus 2010, Washington Jansen G 3rd International Symposium on Folate Receptors and Transporters October 12/15, 2010, Zion National Part, US, U.S.A. Jimenez CR Fall meeting Netherlands Proteomics Platform Oct 15, 2010, Utrecht Kaspers GJL First Workshop on Pediatric Oncology 18-19 January 2010, Eldoret, Kenya Meeting of the International Pediatric AML Steering Committee 2 October 2010, Antalya, Turkye Annual meeting of the International Pediatric AML Group 5 December 2010, Orlando, USA Biomarker meeting Oslo. 28th October 2010 ASBMR Working Group”Osteoporosis in Rheumatic Diseases” 17th October 2010, Toronto The osteoporosis lesson (de osteoporose les) 10 december, Leiden, Symposium IWO meetings, 2 scientific evenings Utrecht (7 april and 6 october) scientific meeting weekend 27th of November Meijer GA ISCO Congress March 17-19, 2010, Dresden Meijerink WJHJ NVEC Congress: Voorsprong door techniek Amersfoort, March 15-16 NVEC Congress October 9-12, Curacao Peters GJ EORTC PAMM meeting Januari, Toulouse Rustemeyer T Themadag NVDV 18.1.2010, Utrecht, Nederland Dermatologendag NVDV 16.-18.03.2010, Arnhem Voorjaarsvergadering NVvA 2009 19.3.2010, Amersfoort Huidveroudering 21.4.2010, Utrecht EECDRG 04/06.05.2010, Heidelberg, Duitsland ESCD 15/18.09/2010, Strasburg, Nederland Bijscholing NVDV 04/10/2010, Noordwijkerhout Dermatologendag 15/10/2010, Amsterdam EECDRG 23-25.10.2010, Barcelona, Spain Themadag NVDV 26-10-2010, Utrecht Najaarsvergadering NvvA 20-11-2010, Amersfoort Compendium Dermatologie 14-12-2010, Utrecht Symposium Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy 27-29 January 2010, Amsterdam Novalis Circle Meeting Munich, Germany Unger WWJ Advanced Immunology Symposium 22-9-2010, Amsterdam van Furth AM ESPID Juni 2011, Den Haag van Kooyk Y Workshop host and pathogen glycans by mammalian Glycan binding proteins, CFG, NIH 20-21 May, 2010, Bethesda, USA Keystone Carbohydrates and the Immune system , 6-11 March, 2011 Lems WF Slotman BJ 141 Apendix 5: Indicators of esteem Lake Louis, Canada Verdonk I Ylstra B 142 Living with cancer: mobility of knowledge 21-4-2010, Amsterdam Fatigue in cancer patients 9-6-2010, Amsterdam Sexuality and fertility in cancer patients 1-12-2010, Amsterdam ISCO 2010 March 17-19, 2010, Dresden Appendix 5: Indicators of esteem News G.A.M.S. van Dongen had several press-releases: Announcement strategic partnership VUmc-Philips, Announcement strategic partnership VUmc-Roche-Genentech, Announcement EATRIS Coordination and Support office at Vumc. Publication: EATRIS, a Vision for Translational Research in Europe (R Becker, GAMS van Dongen) S.A.G.M. Cillessen: VIVA 44, page 37, 2010, one of the 400 young talented women of 2010, category: smart ☺, Amsterdam, 28 October 2010. June 2010. Nomination for Amsterdam Invention Award. Invention title: ‘Novel panel of candidate biomarkers for early detection of colon cancer’. Inventors: Dr. CR. Jimenez (Dept. Med. Onc.), Dr. R.J.A. Fijneman (Dept. PA), Prof. G.A. Meijer (Dept. PA). H. Joenje: Synaps 16 April: Zeldzame ziekte geeft inzicht in ontstaan van kanker: Chaotische chromosomen C.R. Jimenez: Jan 2010. Installation of new state-of-the-art tandem mass spectrometer (ABI-QTrap 5500) for multiplexed targeted detection of panels of protein biomarker candidates 143 144 Appendix 6: Societal impact Appendix 6: Societal Impact Social-cultural relevance Professional publications and products Bosch L Stool DNA test voor de vroege detectie van dikkedarmkanker, KWF journaal/tracer/VUmc website artikel Carvalho B Key players op chromosome 20 in dikkedarmkankerprogressie, Nieuwsbrief van Stichting VUmc CCA Kaspers GJL Participation in Doctor2Doctor, a collaboration between VU University Medical Center and KLM Aircares on the one hand, and Moi Teaching & Referral Hospital, Eldoret, Kenya on the other hand Kemenade FJ Bevolkingsonderzoek baarmoederhalskanker: oude problemen en nieuwe kansen. Oncology update 2010. vol 1 nr 3. Advisory board publicity HPV vaccination RIVM Guideline 3.1 cervical cytology for NVVP BVO BMHK: oude problemen en nieuwe kansen, overzichtsstuk op verzoek, Oncologie up to date 2010, vol 3, nr 1, pag 5-7 Meijer GA Veelbelovende resultaten dikkedarmkanker screening programma, OncoMethylome Sciences Ylstra B Array CGH using DNA from Formalin-Fixed Paraffin-Embedded (FFPE) Tissue Samples, protocol Roche-Nimblegen, Technical Note MegaPool reference DNA Cat. Numbers EA-100M and EA-100F, product datasheet Kreatech Memberships of an advice council in the public field Ang W Consensusberaad Diagnostiek Borrelia Bultink IEM Membership of the medical advice council of the “Nationale vereniging voor lupus, sclerodermie en MCTD patiënten (NVLE)” Membership of the scientific committee of the network for “Patient research partners” from the “Reuma Patiëntenbond” Meijer GA Health Council of the Netherlands, committee National colorectal cancer screening programme RIVM: adviescommissie uitvoeringstoets bevolkingsonderzoek darmkanker Rustemeyer T EU commission on Comsumers´Health VWS en VWA Slotman BJ Commissie Radiotherapie Gezondheidsraad Voorzitter Taskforce Radiotherapie CvB, Nederlandse Vereniging Radiotherapie en Oncologie van Beusechem VW Netherlands Committee on Genetic Modification (COGEM) review committee of study report on “non-human viruses as oncolytic agents” User committee ZonMw Translational Gene Therapeutic Research project on “oncolytic adenovirus therapy as a neoadjuvant treatment for localized prostate cancer” at Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam User committee Technology Foundation STW project on “Directed evolution of artificial viruses” at University of Utrecht, Utrecht van der Horst IE Reumafonds Organisator Beweegdag voor reumapatiënten regio 30 oktober 2010 Amsterdam Sporthal Zuid opkomst ruim 300 patienten van Dongen GAMS Member Advisory Board: Macrocyclics Inc, Dallas, USA 145 Appendix 6: Societal impact van Kooyk Y Member of the scientific Advisory Board Twincore, Center for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research GmbH, Hannover Member of the Scientific Advisory Board Infection Institute, Taiwan PR representative of Dutch Society of Immunology and Developper of Immunologisch a bi-annual Newspaper Immunologisch to promote Immunology in the within the general public in the Netherlands Indications in a directive, protocol or policy note Rustemeyer T Richtlijnen `Lichen sclerosus` en `Contacteczeem` Contributions, based on research, to post initial education Ang W Teaching courses on Molecular Diagnostics in Pathology, Training pathology residents and clinical pathologists in molecular diagnostics in pathology Smetsers S, Joenje H Two lectures, by, to educate the Dutch Fanconi anemia patient support organization (VOKK working group on FA), 6 November, Driebergen van der Horst IE ASAS-course: nascholing internationale reumatologen op gebied van M.Bechterew, 2-3 maal per jaar Onderwijs patient Partners Nieuwe ontwikkelingen bij de ziekte van Bechterew. Nationale Patienten dagen, 8 oktober 2010, RAI Amsterdam van Kemenade FJ Publication Br Med Journal, Volkskrant, trouw van Kooyk Y Patent filed: Inventors Y. van Kooyk and W. Unger title “’Methods to suppress an immune response”’ Media attention Ang W Interview/article Heideman DAM. Voorlopers van longkanker te zien in DNA. Eigen-wijs, 2010, 1:8-9 Beliën JAM/Meijer GA caBIG: de ICT standaard voor translationeel onderzoek, interview Oncologie up to date 2010, vol. 1, nr 4 Braakhuis BJM Interview: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/730979 Cillessen SAGM Viva 400, jonge talentvolle vrouwen 2010, artikel Viva Geurts J Groeiende hang naar mystiek vs feitelijke kennis, interview EOS Psyche en Brein Heideman DAM Voorlopers van longkanker te zien in DNA, artikel/interview in the Lancer Oncology Jimenez CR Parool, feb. 2010. Interview met CRJ. Publication title: ‘’Sneller speuren naar kankereiwit’’ Tracer, feb. 2010. Interview met CRJ. Publication title: ‘’Nieuwe massaspectrometer gaat jaren tijdswinst opleveren’’ Ziekenhuiskrant, feb. 2010, Pag. 3. Interview met CRJ. Title: ‘’Tijdswinst van jaren in kankeronderzoek’’ DeCoDe-project, nieuwe massaspectrometer, artikel in Het Parool Meijer CJLM Wetenschap zweert bij thuistest, artikel in Telegraaf HPV thuistest, interview in TROS Nieuwsshow Aantal kankergevallen daalt door thuistest, artikel in De Volkskrant Minder sterfte door baarmoederhalskanker door HPV-vaccinatie en beter bevolkingsonderzoek, artikel/interview in het NRC Handelsblad HPV vaccinatie, interview/artikel in het NCR Handelsblad 146 Appendix 6: Societal impact Thuistest vertrouwder dan uitstrijkje, artikel in De Telegraaf Niet één vrouw in Nederland hoeft baarmoederhalskanker te krijgen, interview Margriet Meijer GA Translating biology into medicine: That’s a challenge, interview caBIG Middeldorp JM Kanker in Indonesië, interview in Kracht (kanker magazine) Nieuwe test voor vroegtijdige detectie van nasopharyngeal carcinoma, press release/interview Savelkoul PHM Nominated for Amsterdam inventor award 2009 (winner in 2008) Snijders PJF HPV en keelkanker, interview Radio Amsterdam FM Steenbergen RDM Verbeterde controle patienten met baarmoederhalsafwijkingen, interview in KWF jourmaal van Beusechem VW Parool, feb. 2010. Interview met CRJ. Publication title: ‘’Sneller speuren naar kankereiwit’’ Tracer, feb. 2010. Interview met CRJ. Publication title: ‘’Nieuwe massaspectrometer gaat jaren tijdswinst opleveren’’ Ziekenhuiskrant, feb. 2010, Pag. 3. Interview met CRJ. Title: ‘’Tijdswinst van jaren in kankeronderzoek’’ van der Horst IE TV-presentaties over Reuma: video M.Bechterew 2010 van der Valk P Pathologen werken amper met doden, interview in Arts in Spe Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Was interviewed extensively by NOS because of her expertise on antimicrobial resistance. This resulted in the dedication of an item of NOS TV- news, of NOS –radio news, and of the NOS website to antimicrobial resistance. A few months later a second interview followed, wich again led to an item on NOS TV journaal. In the same period, prof. dr. P. Savelkoul and prof. dr. J.A.J.M. Kluytmans were interviewed for Uitgresproken EO and prof. dr. C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls for RTV-Noord Holland News. Finally, prof. C.M.J.E. Vandenbroucke-Grauls participated in a programme of Teleac (Helder) on antimicrobial resistance Verdonck IM Oba Live. TV uitzending IKON, 18 oktober 2010 Leven met kanker. Radio-uitzending BNR Gezond, 11 oktober 2010. Kanker overleefd, maar vu.onlinetouch.nl/18 doodmoe. Interview VU Magazine, 2010#3. Het gesprek van de dag. Radio uitzending Radio West, 6 september 2010 De terreur van het positief denken. TV uitzending EenVandaag, 3 augustus 2010. www.eenvandaag.nl/gezondheid/36215/de_terreur_van_het_positief_denken De geest beïnvloedt kanker. Maar hoe dan? De Volkskrant, Opinie, 20 juli 2010 Fictieve scheiding tussen lichaam en geest. Interview Tijdschrift Synaps, juni 2010 Wat te doen bij kanker en depressie. Interview Tijdschrift Ode, juni 2010 Leven met kanker. Presentatie tijdens avondprogramma Geldbesteding Alpe d’HuZes, 2 juni 2010, Alpe d’Huez, Frankrijk. Een doel maakt gelukkig. Interview Trouw, 2 juni 2010 Alpe d’HuZes professor fietst voor haar geld. NoordHollands Dagblad Bijna half miljoen Nederlanders leeft met kanker. Radio Uitzending AVRO Radio 1, 28 april 2010. Psychosocialeorg. Presentatie Patienteninformatiedag Amsterdam, 19 april 2010, VUmc, Amsterdam Cancer Center Leven met kanker. Presentatie Vrijwilligersdag KWF Kankerbestrijding, 17 april 2010, Beatrixtheater, Utrecht. 147 Appendix 6: Societal impact Bergen verzetten. Interview Psychosociale Oncologie 2010, jaargang 18, nummer 1. Kanker kan ook een nieuw begin zijn. Interview Parool, 28 april 2010 Leven met kanker. Radio-uitzending NCRV Knoopppunt Kranenbarg, 21 april 2010. von Blomberg M Coeliakie wordt vaak over ’t hoofd gezien, artikel in de Synaps Wurdinger T Cancer Cell publication media attention: Most Dutch newspapers, and NOS (Radio and TV), RTL Nieuws (TV), Hart van Nederland (TV) Perceptible impact on public informing and/or authoritative websites Ang W Humaan Papillomavirus - cervixkanker. LCI-richtlijnen Infectieziektebestrijding, 2008, revised 2010, http://www.rivm.nl/cib/infectieziekten-A-Z/infectieziekten/ humaan_ papillomavirus _cervixkanker/index.jsp Rustemeyer T www.sens-it-iv.eu www.A-skin.nl www.mucosa.nl www.NECOD.nl Technical or economic impact Memberships of an advice council in the commercial field Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE DiagNed Patent applications Fijneman RJA, de Wit M, Jimenez CR, Meijer GA Patent 2010: PROTEIN-BASED METHODS AND COMPOSITION FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF COLORECTAL CANCER. Subject of the invention: The present invention relates to contrast agents, diagnostic markers and methods for detecting colorectal adenocarcinomas. Griffioen AW Start of Somantix BV. – a dutch biotech company Jimenez CR Patent 2010: PROTEIN-BASED METHODS AND COMPOSITION FOR THE DIAGNOSIS OF COLORECTAL CANCER. Subject of the invention: The present invention relates to contrast agents, diagnostic markers and methods for detecting colorectal adenocarcinomas. Inventors:Dr. Remond JA. Fijneman, Drs. Meike de Wit, Dr. CR Jimenez, Prof. Gerrit A. Meijer van Beusechem VW Patent applications: 6 active patent families in 2010, 2 of which were filed in 2010. Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Microbial profiling of bacteria Spin off” start-ups Ang W Company Self-screen BV Gibbs S CSO of A-Skin BV (see www.A-skin.nl) Gibbs S CSO of Mucosa BV (see www.mucosa.nl) Vandenbroucke-Grauls CMJE Microbiome Ltd 148 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Program 1 Characterization of DNA stability genes and proteins and their role in cancer predisposition 1. Breast cancer predisposition M. Adank, M.P.G. Massink, Q. Waisfisz, H. Meijers-Heijboer Dept. of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO -VIDI 2. Regulation of replication-coupled DNA maintenance S. Agarwal, J.P. de Winter Dept. of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam NWO/A.L.W. 3. Significance of the Fanconi anemia caretaker pathway in development and treatment of cancer S.T. Bakker, J.P. de Winter, H. Joenje, H.P.J. te Riele Dept. of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 4. The Fanconi anemial/BRCA pathway in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas C.Stoepker1, N. Ameziane1, A.B. Oostra1, M.A. Rooimans1, J.Steltenpool1, S. Martens-de Kemp2, R.H. Brakenhoff2, H. Joenje1, J.P. de Winter1 1Department of Clinical genetics and 2Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center 5. The role of sister chromatid cohesion in the maintenance of genetic stability P. van der Lelij, C. Fehres, J. Steltenpool, M.A. Rooimans, A.B. Oostra, H. Joenje, J.P. de Winter Dept. of Clinical Genetics and Human Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI PV05/05 Prom Detection and treatment of oral preneoplasia 6. Clinical validation of a non-invasive screening method to detect oral precursor lesions R.H. Brakenhoff Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 7. Development of virotherapy using retargeted adenoviruses to eradicate preneoplastic lesions of the oral cavity and oropharynx H.J.T. van Zeeburg1, A. Brink1, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, I. van der Waal2, V.W. van Beusechem4, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 1Section Tumor Biology, Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 3Dept. of Pathology, 4Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amster¬dam KWF 2004-3045, Fanconi hilfe and CCA 2004-3045 8. Diagnosis and therapy of genetically altered mucosal lesions in the oral cavity and oropharynx J.F. Bremmer2, A. Brink1,2, J.A.M. Belien3, E. Bloemena3, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, I. van der Waal2, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Depts of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center ACTA 9. Fanconi anemia: course of disease in the Dutch patient cohort and early recognition of cancer S. Smetsers1,3, Brakenhoff RH1, H. Joenje1, J.C. Dorsman1, C.M. Zwaan2, M. Bierings3 3University Medical Centre Utrecht, Erasmus MC/2Sophia Children’s Hospital Rotterdam; 1Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Kika EBV oncogenesis 10. Physiological role of EBV-LMP exosomes for tumor immune escape across the immunological synaps F. Verweij, M. van Eijndhoven, D.M. Pegtel, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF 2007-3775 Head and neck cancer predisposition 11. Genetic characterization of HNSCC of young adults B.J.M. Braakhuis1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 1Sect. Tumor Biol, Dept. Otolaryngol/Head-Neck Surg Intramural support 12. High sensitivity to DNA damage in the aetiology of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma in young adults and individuals not exposed to tobacco smoke and excessive alcohol (SenseDNA) B.J.M. Braakhuis1, H. Joenje2, A. Nieuwint2, P. Graveland1, G. Flach1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 1Section Tumor Biol, Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surg, 2Dept of Clin Gen, VU University Medical Center, Amster¬dam, and 4Dept. Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, University Utrecht Intramural support Head and neck carcinogenesis and cancer genes 13. Clinical significance of human papillomavirus infection in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma M. Rietbergen, C.R. Leemans, P.J.F. Snijders, B.J.M. Braakhuis, E. Bloemena, R.H. Brakenhoff 1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF grant VU 2009-4531 14. Functional characterization of TP53 mutations in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, and association with clinical outcome Technician, R.H. Brakenhoff, C.R. Leemans, M. Buize, B.J.M. Braakhuis Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI, Avanti STR Foundation 149 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 15. Identification of oncogenic microRNAs and classical cancer genes involved in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma by a functional genomics approach M. van der Plas, M. de Maaker, S.J. Smeets, M. Buijze, B.J.M. Braakhuis, C.R. Leemans, R.H. Brakenhoff 1Section Tumor Biology, Dept. of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI, InteRNA,, KWF grant VU 2009-4531 2009-4531 16. MicroRNA in head and neck cancer R.H. Brakenhoff Dept. Otolaryngol/Head-Neck Surg, VU Univ Med Center, Amsterdam HPV-induced tumors 17. A retrospective longitudinal clinical cohort study to investigate HPV testing post-treatment and the risk of recurrence of (cervical) disease M. Kocken1, J.A. Louwers1, A. Zaal1, J. Berkhof1 P.J.F. Snijders1, R.H.M. Verheijen2, W.A. ter Harmsel3 ,Th.J.M Helmerhorst4 ,C.J.L.M. Meijer1 1) VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2) University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, 3) Reinier de Graaf groep, Delft/Voorburg, 4) Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam HumaVac 18. Comprehensive analysis of the long-term oncogenic capacity and in vitro transforming property of the 15 high-risk human papillomavirus types (hrHPVs) D.M. Schütze, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam HUMAVAC 19. Defining the essential molecular pathways involved in cervical carcinogenesis F.E. Henken, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, R.D.M. Steenbergen Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI 20. Genetic profiling of CIN 3 lesions diagnosed in the subsequent screening round following screening by HPV testing and cytology M. Bierkens, R.D.M. Steenbergen, D.A.M. Heideman, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI 21. HPV self-sampling offered to screening non-attendees V. Verhoef , M. Gök , D.A.M. Heideman, F.J. van Kemenade A.T. Hesselink, R.D.M. Steenbergen L. Rozendaal , H. Berkhof, P.J.F. Snijders C.J.L.M. Meijer Dept. of Pathology Biostatistiek&Epidemiologie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam SAG / RIVM / IKA / SO 22. Human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer: epidemiology and screening D. Rijkaard, D.A.M. Heideman, F.J. van Kemenade, B. Hesselink, L. Rozendaal, H. Berkhof, PJF Snijders, CJLM Meijer Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZON-MW 22000147 and 6200.0013; RIVM 22000147 / 6200.0013 23. Identification of miRNAs and other ncRNAs as biomarkers for cervical cancer and assessment of their potential functional relevance in HPV-mediated transformation S.Wilting , C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI 20085-04 24. Immunogenicity and efficacy of HPV 16/18 l1/AS04 vaccine J.A. Louwers1, M. Kocken1, A. Zaal1, J. Berkhof1 P.J.F. Snijders1, R.H.M. Verheijen2, W.A. ter Harmsel3 ,Th.J.M Helmerhorst4 ,C.J.L.M. Meijer1, GSK-Biologicals 1) VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2) University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, 3) Reinier de Graaf groep, Delft/Voorburg, 4) Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam GSK Biologicals, Rixensart 104820 25. ix cancer proteomics. Unraveling protein expression changes during HPV-induced transformation using a label-free proteomics approach C.R. Jimenez1, C. van Alphen1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, P.J.F. Snijders2, R.D.M. Steenbergen2 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, and 2Dept. Pathology, VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA 26. PREHDICT: Health-economic modelling of prevention strategies for HPV-related diseases in European countries H. Berkhof, A.T. Hesselink, D.A.M. Heideman, P.J.F. Snijders, C.J.L.M. Meijer Dept. of Pathology and Biostatistiek&Epidemiologie, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam EU 27. Simplified monitoring post-treatment CIN 2/3 women by molecular testing for hrHPV and methylationmarkers (SiMoNaTh) M. Uijterwaal1, M. Kocken1, R.D.M. Steenbergen1, J. Berkhof1 P.J.F. Snijders1, R.H.M. Verheijen2, P. Graziosi3, C.J.L.M. Meijer1,Th.J.M Helmerhorst4 1) VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2) University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, 3) St. Antonius Hospital,Nieuwegein, 4) Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam KWF 2009-4413 28. Stratifying high-risk HPV positive women for risk of CIN 3 and cervical carcinoma by HPV transcript analysis M. Dijkstra, D.A.M. Heideman, R.H.M. Verheijen, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2006-3570 29. Stratifying high-risk HPV positive women for risk of CIN 3 and cervical carcinoma by methylation analysis L. de Strooper, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, D.A.M. Heideman Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF 2009-4522 150 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 30. The role of human papilloma virus in non-cervical cancer R.D.M. Steenbergen, D.A.M. Heideman, M.C.G. Bleeker, S. Wilting, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NIH R01 CA 114773-01 Lung cancer 31. Evaluation of molecular sputum test diagnostic for lung cancer A.J. Hubers, D.A.M. Heideman, E.F. Smit, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen Dept. of Pathology1 and Pulmonology2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2008-4220 32. Genetic profiling for risk assessment of preneoplastic endobronchial lesions R. van Boerdonk1, T.G. Sutedja2, P.J.F. Snijders1, S. Wilting1, M. vd Wiel, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen1, S. Duin1, B. Ylstra1, CJLM Meijer1, GA Meijer1, K Grünberg1, JMA Daniels2, P.E. Postmus2, E.F. Smit2, D.A.M. Heideman1. Dept. of 1Pathology and 2Pulmonary Diseases, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF VU 2007 3898 33. Lung cancer: guiding treatment response with biomarkers M Doeleman1, M van Moorsel1, S. Duin1, P.E. Postmus2, E.F. Smit2, G.A. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders1, F.B.J.M. Thunnissen1, D.A.M. Heideman1 Dept. of Pathology1 and Pulmonary Diseases2, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam LPT grant / SRP Molecular diagnosis and genomics-based staging of head and neck cancer 34. Improving molecular staging of surgically treated head and neck cancer patients: towards rationalized adjuvant treatment A.P. Graveland1, M. de Maaker1, E. Bloemena2, B.J.M. Braakhuis1, C.R. Leemans1, R.H. Brakenhoff1 Depts. 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amster¬dam, 3Dept. Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry, University Utrecht NKB/KWF 2005-3285 35. Molecular diagnosis of lymph node metastasis in primary head and neck squamous cell carcinoma S.J. Smeets, C.R. Leemans, B. Ylstra, R.H. Brakenhoff, B.J.M. Braakhuis Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NKB/KWF 2006-3694 Personalizing therapy of head and neck cancer 36. Determinants of chemotherapy sensitivity S.R. de Kemp, C.R. Leemans, B.J.M. Braakhuis, R.H. Brakenhoff Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center CCA/V-ICI grant 37. Determinants of radio and EGFR-mediated therapy sensitivity C.R. Nagel, C.R. Leemans, B.J.M.Braakhuis, R.H. Brakenhoff Department of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Airforce Other projects: 38. Cervix cancer proteomics. Unraveling protein expression changes during HPV-induced transformation using a labelfree proteomics approach C.R. Jimenez1, C. van Alphen1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, P.J.F. Snijders2, R.D.M. Steenbergen2 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, and 2Dept. Pathology, VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CCA 39. Characterization and prognostication of salivary gland tumours H Matse1, GA Meijer2, B Ylstra3, I van der Waal1, E Bloemena1,2 Depts of 1Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery/Oral Pathology, Academic Centre for Dentistry (ACTA), 2Pathology and 3Microarray Unit, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Interuniversitaire Onderzoeksschool Tandheelkunde (IOT) 40. Chromosomal aberrations associated with progression characteristics of low-grade glioma patients H.F. van Thuijl, J.C. Reijneveld, B. Ylstra, S.J. Smeets, P. van der Valk, J.J. Heimans Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF 41. Clinical and biological relevance of focal aberrations in colorectal cancer O. Krijgsman1, G.A. Meijer1, B. Carvalho1, R.D. Steenbergen1, B. Ylstra1 Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 42. Deep-sequencing non-coding RNAs in cancer exosomes D. Koppers-Lalic, J.M. Middeldorp and D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KNAW Beijerinck premium 43. Diagnostic markers for screening and early detection of Nasopharyngeal carcinoma S. Hutajulu, D.K. Paramita, A.E..Greijer, J.M. Middeldorp Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center and Faculty of Medicine, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia KNAW-Nuffic, KWF-IN 2004-17 44. EBV non-coding RNAs hijack components of the miRNA machinery promoting viral oncogenesis D. Koppers-Lalic, J.M. Middeldorp and D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center AICR 11-0157 45. EBV-LMP trafficking into exosomes controls oncogenic signaling F.J. Verweij, C. Jimenez, D.M. Pegtel. J.M. Middeldorp Dept. Of Pathology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam 151 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects KWF-VU 2007-3775 46. EBV-RNA biomarkers in the serum of systemic lupus erythematosus M. van Eijndhoven, A.E. Voskuyl, I.E.M. Bultink, B.M.E. van Blomberg, J.M. Middeldorp and D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center 47. Epstein Barr Virus Activation and cytolytic antiviral therapy in nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients AE.Greijer, SAMW.Verkuijlen, H.Juwana, M.Wildeman1, J.Kurnianda2, IB Tan1 and JM.Middeldorp Dept. ENT, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Dept. Medical Oncology, Dr.Sardjito hospital, Gadjah Mada university, Yogyakarta, Indonesia and Dept. Pathology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam ZonMW2010, KWF VU 2010-4809 48. Epstein Barr virus elimination by small molecules as treatment for EBV-driven lymphomas and carcinomas AE Greijer1, I de Esch2, R Leurs2, JM Middeldorp1 1Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Centre 2Division of Medical Chemistry FEW, Chemistry, VU, Amsterdam, The Netherlands STW submitted 2010-4557 49. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) gene expression in African Burkitt Lymphoma JM Middeldorp1, SA Verkuijlen1, H Juwana1, AE Greijer1, CJLM Meijer1, J Orem2, M.Allday3, E.Piriou4 and E.Weiderpass5. 1Dept. Pathology, VU University medical center, 2Dept. Oncology, Makarere University Hospital, Kampala, Uganda, 3 Dept. Tumor virology, Imperial College of London, UK, 4Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kisumu, Kenya and 5Dept. Epidemiology Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden project EBV-Burkitt KI-Nordic Cancer Registry 50. Epstein-Barr virus and multiple sclerosis S.Amor, R.Q.Hintzen, .I.Huitinga, P.van der Valk, J.M.Middeldorp Dept. Pathology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, Netherlands Institute for Neurosciences and Nederlandse Hersenbank, Amsterdam and Dept. Neurology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam Erasmus MS Stichting 51. Epstein-Barr virus encoded miRNA in exosomes and their contribution to oncogenesis D.M. Pegtel, D.A. Thorley-Lawson, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center and Tufts University, Boston, USA NWO-Veni, ZonMW2008 52. Epstein-Barr virus markers and epigenetic modulation in carcinogenesis S.H. Hutajulu, E.K.Hoebe, E. Hopmans, T. Le Large, A.E. Greijer, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University medical center KNAW-Nuffic, KWF travelfund 53. Human genes essential for the defence against oxygen toxicity M. Corbin, D.A. Rockx, A.B. Oostra, A. Avan, K. Roohollahi, H. van Beek, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam N.W.O.-Mozaïek; FARF 54. Identification and clinical validation of methylation markers for cervical adenocarcinomas and their precursor lesions S. Snellenberg, C.J.L.M. Meijer, P.J.F. Snijders, R.D.M. Steenbergen Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 2007-3771 55. Identification of novel oncogenes/oncomirs located at 13q involved in the progression of colorectal adenoma to carcinoma F.L.M. de Groen, B. Carvalho, R.D.M. Steenbergen, G.A. Meijer Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 56. IFN-responses by EBV-RNAs in DCs of systemic lupus erythematosus M. van Eijndhoven, T. de Gruijl, C.L.Verweij, J.M. Middeldorp and D.M. Pegtel Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center 57. IVF and retinoblastoma C.J. Dommering1, A.H. van der Hout2, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, T. Marees3, A.C. Moll41 1Department of Clinical Genetics,VUmc; 2Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen; 3Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and HTA, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen; 4Department of Ophthalmology,Vumc 58. Mutations in the RB1 gene in Dutch retinoblastoma patients, a nation-wide cohort C.J. Dommering1, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, A.C. Moll2, A.H. van der Hout3 Departments of 1Clinical Genetics, 2Ophthalmology, VUmc;3Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen 59. Pathway(s) compensating for FA gene defects: an in-vitro evolution approach K. Roohollahi, M. Rooimans, A.B. Oostra, D.A. Rockx, J.P. de Winter, H. Joenje, J.C. Dorsman Department of Clinical Genetics, section Oncogenetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 60. Proteins interacting with FANCI and FANCN/PALB2 A. Haitjema1, D.A. Rockx1, B. Brand2, J. de Winter1, H. Joenje1, J.C. Dorsman1 1Department of Clinical Genetics, section Oncogenetics, VU University Medical Center, 2IB-VU, Amsterdam Internal funds; EU-ENFIN 61. Reproductive decisions of parents with an increased risk of having a child with retinoblastoma. A cross sectional survey C.J. Dommering1, M. Garvelink1, A.C. Moll,2, J. van Dijk3, S. M. Imhof4, Hanne Meijers-Heijboer1, L. Henneman1,5 1Department of Clinical Genetics, VUmc;2Department of Ophthalmology, VUmc;3Department of Medical Psychology, VUmc;4Department of Ophthalmology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht;5Department of Public and Occupational Health, EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research, VUmc 62. Risk of second primary malignancies after hereditary retinoblastoma according to type of RB1 mutation C.J. Dommering1, T. Marees2,3, A.H. van der Hout4, S.M. Imhof2,5, H. Meijers-Heijboer1, Peter J. Ringens2, F.E. van Leeuwen6,7, A.C. Moll2 152 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 1Department of Clinical Genetics, VUmc; 2Department of Ophthalmology, VUmc; 3Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and HTA, Radboud University Medical Center, Nijmegen; 4Department of Genetics, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, Groningen; 5Department of Ophthalmology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht; 6Department of Epidemiology, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands; 7EMGO Institute, VUmc Secondary prevention of gastrointestinal cancer L. Bosch1, M. de Wit1, Q.J.M. Voorham1, Lisette Timmer1, Florence de Groen1, S.T. van Turenhout2, F. Oort2, J.S. Terhaar2, S. Mongera1, J.S. Bolijn1, Marianne Tijssen1, R. Diaz-Lopez1,5, R. Lamerichs5, L.Knols4, Connie Jimenez3, Fijneman R.J.A.1 , B. Diosdado1, B. Carvalho1, M. van Engeland4 and G.A. Meijer1 1Dept of Pathology, 2Dept of Gastroenterology, 3Dept of Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Dept of Pathology, Maastricht University and University Hospital, Maastricht, 5Philips Research, Eindhoven The molecular carcinogenesis of retinoblastoma B.M. Mol1, A.C. Moll2, D.A. Rockx1, W.A Kors3, M.I. Bosscha2, H. Joenje1, H. te Riele4, J. Cloos3, J.C. Dorsman1 Departments of 1Clinical Genetics, 2Ophthalmology, 3Pediatric Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam CCA/V-ICI (round 2008) The role of viral BARF1 oncogene in Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) driven carcinogenesis and its inhibition by antibodies E.K. Hoebe, H. Juwana, AE. Greijer, J.M. Middeldorp Department of Pathology, VU University Medical Center KWF-VU 2007-3776 Towards improved melanoma treatment: gene identification, in vivo modeling and drug target discovery W.J. Mooi Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Towards targeted treatment of (familial) breast cancer J. Bakker1, H. Verheul2, H. Meijers1, J.P. de Winter1, Q. Waisfisz1 Department of Clinical Genetics, Division Oncogenetics, and 2Department of Medical Oncology, VUmc Program 2 Expanded clinical pharmacological monitoring of thiopurine therapy in patients with inflammatory bowel disease 1. Influence of 5-aminosalicylic acid on 6-thioguanosine phosphate metabolite levels: a prospective study in patients under steady thiopurine therapy P. de Graaf (1), N.K.H. de Boer (2), D.R. Wong (3), S. Karner (4), B. Jharap (2), P.M. Hooymans (3), A.I. Veldkamp (1), C.J.J. Mulder (2), A.A. van Bodegraven (2) and M. Schwab (4,5) (1) Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacy; VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, (2) Gastroenterology and Hepatology; VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, (3) Clinical Pharmacy; Orbis Medical Center, Sittard-Geleen, (4) Dr Margarete Fischer-Bosch Institute of Clinical Pharmacology (Stuttgart) and University of Tuebingen, Germany, (5) Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, University Hospital Tuebingen, Tuebingen; Germany. 2. Limited stability of thiopurine metabolites in blood samples: relevant in research and clinical practice P. de Graaf [1], R.M. Vos [1], N.H.K. de Boer [2], A. Sinjewel [1], B. Jharap [2], C.J.J. Mulder [2], A.I. Veldkamp [1] and A.A. van Bodegraven [2] [1] Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Centre, The Netherlands, [2] Gastroenterology and Hepatology, VU University Medical Centre, The Netherlands Immunopathogenesis of EBV-associated cancers 3. Immune responses to EBV tumour-associated proteins in nasopharyngeal carcinoma D. Paramita, J.M. Middeldorp Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF-IN 2004-17 In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for tumor 4. In situ targeting and modulation of dendritic cells for immunotherapy: reversal of suppression D. Oosterhoff1, J.J. Lindenberg1, R. van de Ven1, H. van Cruijsen1, S.M. Lougheed1, V.W. van Beusechem1, P. van den Tol3, D.T. Curiel4, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper2, T.D. de Gruijl1 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Surgical Oncology,VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Division of Human Gene Therapy, UAB, Birmingham, Alabama NWO VIDI 917.56.321 Mycobacterial host-pathogen interaction 5. Immunomodulation by Mycobacteria N.N. Driessen, B.J. Appelmelk, W. Bitter Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam V-ICI PV05/18 Prom 6. Unraveling a novel bacterial protein transport system: characterization of mycobacterial secretion system ESX-5 E.N.G. Houben, W. Bitter Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VENI Other projects 7. A human, in vitro, full-thickness tissue-engineered skin model to investigate hypertrophic scar L. van den Broek1, T. Waaijman, M. Breetveld1, R.J. Scheper2, F. Niessen3, S.Gibbs1 Depts. 1Dermatology / 2Pathology / Plastic Surgery3, VU University Medical Centre Nederlandse Brandwondenstichting WO/P08.103 8. A prediction model for the development of rheumatoid arthritis in anti-CCP and/or IgM rheumatoid factor positive arthralgia patients D. van Schaardenburg1,2, L. v.d. Stadt, W.H. Bos 1, C.L. Verweij1, D. Hamann4, M. Boers5, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, 2 153 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 154 Depts. of rheumatology1, Jan van Breemen Institute, rheumatology2, VUMC, rheumatology3, AMC, Sanquin Research4 and clinical epidemiology5, VUMC Reumafonds DAA 0801034 Antigen presentation in Leprosy skin tissues A.M. Abdallah, Maaike van Zon, Wilbert Bitter, Nicole N. van der Wel, and Peter J. Peters Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University medical centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital Leprafoundation Antigen presenting stromal cells within lymph nodes R. Molenaar, R.E. Mebius Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO VICI 918.56.612 Application of cultured autologous keratinocytes in combination with a meshed split skin autograft for burn wound healing S. Gibbs, M. Ulrich Dept. Of Dermatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Burns Centre ADBC Beverwijk Ned. Brandwonden Stichting WO/P07.116, 2010-1012 Biomarkers in systemic lupus erythematosus J. Jacobs, L-A. Korswagen, I.E.M. Bultink, B.A.C. Dijkmans, A.E. Voskuyl Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center Dendritic cell-targeted in vivo tumor vaccination: towards optimised prime-boost protocols B.N. Hangalapura1, D. Oosterhoff1, R. van de Ven1, J. van Moorselaar2, E. Hooijberg3, V.W. van Beusechem1, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper3, Y. van Kooyk4, T.D. de Gruijl1 B.N. Hangalapura1, D. Oosterhoff1, R. van de Ven1, J. van Moorselaar2, E. Hooijberg3, V.W. van Beusechem1, W.R. Gerritsen1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, R.J. Scheper3, Y. van Kooyk4, T.D. de Gruijl1 KWF-VU / Stichting Avanti/STR 2005-3284 Determination of the contribution of neuronal vs. mesenchymal expression of Raldh2 to lymph node development S.A. van de Pavert, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center ALW-TOP 854.10.005 Development of a 'chemokine/angiogenic cocktail' for facilitating closure of burns and improving scar quality K. Kroeze1, S.C. Sampat1, M. Breetveld1, R.J. Scheper2, S.Gibbs1 Depts. 1Dermatology / 2Pathology, VU University Medical Centre Nederlandse Brandwonden Stichting WO/P05.101 Development of a skin APC targeting glyco-vaccin for potentiation of anti-melanoma immunity C.M. Fehres, T.D. de Gruijl, W.W.J. Unger, A.J. van Beelen, Y. van Kooyk Dept. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Development of tissue engineered, autologous human skin for studying sensitization and Immuno-Vaccination Approaches K. Ouwehand1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, T. Rustemeyer1, R.J. Scheper2, T.J. De Gruijl2, S. Gibbs1 Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center V-ICI Development of tissue-engineered full-skin substitutes for use in wound healing and industrial screening T. Waaijman1, M. Breetveld1, E. Middelkoop3, R.J. Scheper2, S. Gibbs1 Depts. 1Dermatology / 2Pathology, VU Medical Centre, 3Association of Dutch Burns centres DPTE, ZON-MW grant no: 13657 Diagnosis and prognosis in early arthritis D. van Schaardenburg1, 2, J. Ursum2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, 2 Depts. of rheumatology1, Jan van Breemen Institute, rheumatology2, VUMC Jan van Breemen Research Institute Enteroviral infections in children S. de Crom 1, Dr. Ch. Obihara 1, M. Peeters 2, S.A. Morré 3 , A. M. van Furth 4 1Dept. of Pediatrics, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 2 Dept. of Medical Microbiology , St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; 3Dept. of Immunogenetica, VUmc, Amsterdam; 4Dept of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam Galactofuranose in cell wall integrity of Aspergillus spp B. Tefsen1, A.F.J. Ram2, I. van Die1 1Depts. Of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2Leiden University, Institute of Biologie, Leiden STW Galectins in tumor progression and tumor immunology A.I. da Silva Aresta Belo van Wijk, B. Tefsen, I. van Die Department of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam eigen geld via FCT (Portugal) Genetic profiling in bacterial meningitis M. Sanders1, S. Ouburg1 , S.A. Morré1 , A.M. van Furth2 1Dept. of Immunogenetica, VUmc, Amsterdam; 2Dept of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam Helminth glycoproteins: a new therapeutic option to prevent or ameliorate MS? L.M. Kuijk, H.E. de Vries, C.D. Dijkstra, I. van Die Dept. Of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam MS Stichting How helminth glycans protect againt Inflammatory Bowel Disease E.J. Klaver1, L.M. Kuijk1, G. Kraal1, G. Bouma2, I. van Die1 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 1Depts. of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, and 2 Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam V-ICI Human post mortem immuno-histopathology of cerebral granuloma caused by M. tuberculosis M. van der Kuip1, D. Zaharie2, R.H. Hewlett2, A.M. van Furth1 Depts. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 2Anatomical pathology; neuropathology unit, Stellenbosch University, Tijgerberg hospital, Cape Town, South Africa European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Wyeth Immune modulating properties of mycobacterial protein secretion system ESX-5 J. Bestebroer, W. Bitter Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NovSecTB/EU Framework 7 Immune modulation by ESX-5 secreted proteins of mycobacteria E.M. Weerdenburg, W. Bitter, B.J. Appelmelk Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam V-ICI Immunogenetic, pharmacological and neurodevelopmental aspects of nosocomial sepsis and meningitis in preterm AGA and SGA infants F. van den Dungen1 , S.A. Morré2, P. Savelkoul3, M. M. van Weissenbruch1, A.M. van Furth4 1Dept of Neonatology, VUmc, Amsterdam 2Dept. of Immunogenetica, VUmc, Amsterdam; 3Dept of Medical Microbiology, VUmc, Amsterdam, 4Dept of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Immunology, and Rheumatology, VUmc, Amsterdam Immunoprofiling in chronic inflammatory disease: coeliac disease M.W.J. Schreurs1, I.M.W. van Hoogstraten1, S.Gross1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen1, B.M.E. von Blomberg1 R.L.J. van Wanrooij , S.F. Bakker2, G. Bouma2, C.J.J. Mulder2 Depts. of 1Pathology, 2Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center Immunoprofiling in chronic inflammatory disease: contact allergy I.M.W. van Hoogstraten1, D. Rachmawati1, M.W.J. Schreurs1, R.J. Scheper1, B.M.E. von Blomberg1, J. Muris2, C.J. Cleverlaan2, A.J. Feilzer2, T. Rustemeyer3 Depts. of 1Pathology and 3Dermatology, VU University Medical Center , Dept. of 2Dental Materials Science, ACTA, Amsterdam Inflammatory host defense in children with Down syndrome C.J.M. Broers1, M.E.Wijerman1,2 ; R.J.B.J. Gemke1 , A.M. van Furth3,4 1Dept. of Pediatrics, VU medical center, 2Dept. of Pediatrics, Diaconesseziekenhuis, Leiden; 3 Dept. of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 4Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam Inhibition of the apoptosis pathways in Enteropathy associated T-cell lymphomas L.R. de Baaij1, J.M.W. van de Water1, N.J.Hijmering2, W. Vos2, O.J. Visser3, J.J. Oudejans2,4, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, M.W.J. Schreurs2, C.J.L.M. Meijer2, C.J.J. Mulder1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2 Depts. of 1Gastro-enterology and Hepatology,2Clinical Pathology, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 4Dept of Pathology, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht V-ICI grant 2007 iNKT and Vγ9Vδ2-T cell based immunotherapies for solid tumors F.L. Schneiders1, R.C. de Bruijn1, R.J. Scheper2, H.J. Bontkes2, B.M.E. von Blomberg-van der Flier2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen3, R.C. Roovers4, H.M. Verheul1, T.D. de Gruijl,1 H.J. van der Vliet1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 2Pathology, and 3Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 4 Department of Pharmaceutics, Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht ZonMw Clinical Fellowship, KWF Clinical Cancer Research Fellowship Innate immunity in bacterial meningitis G. Th.J. van Well1,2 ,D. Visser1, T. van der Poll3, J.J. Roord1, A.M. van Furth1,3 1 Dept. of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, 2 Dept. of Pediatrics, Maastricht University Medical Center; and 2Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Academical Medical Center, Amsterdam Interactions between siglec-1+ macrophages and dendritic cells: opportunities for anti-melanoma immunotherapy H.. Veninga, E. Borg, G. Kraal, T.D. de Gruijl, Y. van Kooyk, J.M.M. den Haan Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Lymphoid stroma in control of immunity A. Baptista and R.E. Mebius Dept. of Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam GABBA PhD Program (University of Porto, Portugal) Mathematical modeling of tuberculous meningitis: granuloma formation in the brain. A murine model to study cerebral granuloma formation using beads coated with purified protein derivate of M. tuberculosis M. van der Kuip1, M. El-Kebir1, D. Kirschner2, A.M. van Furth1 Depts. of 1Pediatric Infectiology, Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands and 2Microbiology and Immunology, The University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI, USA European Society for Paediatric Infectious Diseases / Wyeth (to MvdK) and the National Institutes of Health HL092853-01 (to DK)] Mechanisms of mesenchymal cell differentiation towards stromal lymph node cells J.J. Koning, G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO VICI grant 918.56.612 Mocosa: an alternative test method for risk assessment of potentially harmful substances in the oral cavity 155 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 156 J. Reijnders1, S.W. Spiekstra,1 , B.P. Vriens2,3, S. Gibbs1 1Dermatology, VU University Medical Centre, 2 ACTA, 3 Mucosa BV, Amsterdam ZON-MW Pre-Seed grant no: 40-41300-98-9044 Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer KBJ Scholten1, TD de Gruijl2, GA Meijer1, GAMS van Dongen2 and E Hooijberg1 Departments of 1Pathology and 2Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center CCA 26V080 Mycobacterial factors involved in granuloma formation Esther Stoop, Gunny van den Brink- van Stempvoort, Theo Verboom, Wilbert Bitter, Christina Vanderbroucke-Grauls, Astrid van der Sar Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Smart Mix Mysteries beyond the mycomembrane:biogenesis of the mycobacterial capsule and its role in the host-pathogen interaction R. van de Weert, B. Appelmelk, C. Vandenbroucke-Grauls, J.J.G. Geurtsen Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO/ALW VENI Novel in vitro assays for detection of sensitizers: Sens-it-iv J. Reinders1, G. dos Santos1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, R.J. Scheper2, T. Rustemeyer1, S. Gibbs1. Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Centre EU framework 6 project Sens-it-iv Novel saliva-derived peptides for state-of-the-art clinical wound-healing applications M. Boink1,3, S. Roffel1,3, T. Waaijman1, R.J. Scheper2, E. Veerman3, S. Gibbs1 Depts. 1Dermatology / 2Pathology, VU University Medical Centre, 3ACTA STW 10695 PamGene kinase arrays to investigate kinase activities in blood from patients with rheumatoid arthritis J.G. Wesseling1, S.A. Vosslamber1, T.D. de Jong1, M. Blits1, S. De Ridder1, M.Dankers2, R.Ruijtenbeek2, E.A. Voskuyl3, W. Lems3, I. van der Horst3, L. Van der Stadt4, D. Van Schaardenbrug4, M.T. Nurmohamed4, B.A.C. Dijkmans3, C.L. Verweij1,3 1Dept. Pathology, Immune Disease Profiling, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, 2PamGene International BV, Den Bosch, 3Dept. of Rheumatology, VU University medical center, 4Reade/Jan van Breemen Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands CTMM TRACER Preclinical rheumatoid arthritis M.M.J. Nielen1, D. van Schaardenburg1, 2, R.J. van de Stadt1, I.E. van der Horst-Bruinsma2, J. W.R. Twisk3, H.W. Reesink4, J.P. Vandenbroucke5, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, 2 Depts. of rheumatology1, Jan van Breemen Institute, rheumatology2, medical statistics3, VUMC, Sanquin Blood Bank4 and clinical epidemiology5, LUMC. Predicting T-cell development in refractory coeliac disease patients J.M.W. van de Water1, L.R. de Baaij1, N.J.Hijmering2, W. Vos2, O.J. Visser3, J.J. Oudejans2,4, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, M.W.J. Schreurs2, C.J.L.M. Meijer2, C.J.J. Mulder1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2 Depts. of 1Gastro-enterology and Hepatology,2Clinical Pathology, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 4Dept of Pathology, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht CCA PV06/18MDL Pre-validation of a two tiered approach to determine the skin sensitizing capacity and potential of chemicals S. Gibbs, M Teunis, S. Casati, E Corsini Dept. Of Dermatology, VU University Medical Center, ECVAM, Hogeschool Utrecht, University of Milan ZonMw PAD 2010-2012 Prevalidation of a two-tiered approach to determine the skin sensitising capacity and potency of chemicals J. Reijnders1, S.W. Spiekstra,1 , E. Corsini2 , R. Roggen3 , R. Pieters4, S. Casati5. C. Krul6, S. Gibbs1. 1Dermatology, VU University Medical Centre, 2 University of Milan, Milan, 3 Novozymes, Denmark, 4 Hoge School, Utrecht, 5 ECVAM, Ispra, 6 TNO, Utrecht ZON-MW PAD grant no: 40-40100-94-09015 Regulation of expression of retinaldehyde dehydrogenase enzymes in musocal dendritic cells R. Molenaar, G. Goverse, R.E. Mebius Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO VICI 918.56.612 Retinoic acid mediates macrophage differentiation towards a separate lineage G. Goverse, T. Konijn, R.E. Mebius Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center ALW-TOP 854.10.005 Role of epithelial barrier disruption in Inflammatory Bowel Disease I. Hiemstra, G. Bouma, J.M.M. den Haan, G. Kraal Depts of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology and Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam RSV and children with Down syndrome B. Bloemers1, L. Bont1, M.E. Weijerman2,3 , C.J.M. Broers2, R.J.B.J. Gemke2, A.M. van Furth4. 1 Dept. of Pediatrics, WKZ, Utrecht, 2Dept. of Pediatrics, VU medical center, 3Dept. of Pediatrics, Diaconesseziekenhuis, Leiden; 4 Dept. of Pediatric Infectious Diseases-Immunology and Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Signaling pathways in homeostasis and function of dendritic cells M. Beijer, G. Kraal and J.M.M. den Haan Dept of Molecular Cellular Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO-meervoud SkinCare Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. L. Vink3, K. Kroeze1, G. Limandjaja1, E.M. de Boer1,3, C. van Montfrans1, CS. Blok1,3, T. Rutgers4, H. Fuchs5, R.J. Scheper2,3, S.Gibbs1,3. Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Centre, 3A-SKIN Amsterdam, 4 Drug Discovery factory Bussum, Cell Systems, Germany International Innovation Programme by Agentschap NL SII082031 Targeting of proteins to the mycobacterial type VII secretion system ESX-5 M.H. Daleke, W. Bitter Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NWO/ALW The contribution of epigenetic processes in the pathology of vascular disease and of multiple sclerosis P.J. van den Elsen Department of Pathology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands and Department of Immunohematology and Blood Transfusion, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands MS Research Foundation and the SMART mix: Translational excellence in Regenerative Medicine The development of a novel Wound Healing Formulation for advanced wound management C. Reijnders1, R. Van der Pijl1 , T. Rutgers2, J. Bertram3, S. Scheper4,5, S. Gibbs1,5. 1Dermatology and 4Pathology, VU University Medical Centre, 2 Drug Discovery Factory, Bussum, 3IBA, Germany, 5 ASkin, Amsterdam Agentschap NL - EuroTransBio grant no: ETB-2009-98 The development of immuno-competent human skin and oral mucosa equivalents and their use in determining factors involved in T cell skewing and imprinting I. Kosten1, S.W. Spiekstra1, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, T. Rustemeyer1, R.J. Scheper2, T.J. De Gruijl2, S. Gibbs1 Departments of 1Dermatology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center The role of retinoic acid in regulation of gene expression during lymph node formation D. Schooneman, R.E. Mebius, S.A. van de Pavert Dept. Mol. Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center NWO ZonMW Horizon TNF and IFN cross-regulation in rheumatoid arthritis T.D. de Jong1, M. Blits1, J.G. Wesseling1, S. Vosslamber1, A. De Ridder1, T.C. Van der Pouw Kraan2, I. van der Horst3, A.E. Voskuyl3, M.T. Nurmohamed4, M. Fero5, M. Schreurs1, M. Blomberg1, B. Crusius1, M. van der Wiel1,6,R. Thurlings7, M. Bouwman7, P.-P. Tak7 , B.A.C. Dijkmans3 and C.L. Verweij1,3 1Dept. of Pathology, 2Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, 3Dept. of Rheumatology and 6Dept. of Epidemiology, VU University medical center, 4Reade/Jan van Breemen Institute, Amsterdam, 5Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, and 7Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands V-ICI, Dutch Arthritis Foundation 05-I-402, AUTOCURE (EU), CTMM “TRACER” and CMSB Towards adjuvant immunotherapy for squamous cell carcinoma AW Turksma, JJ Ruizendaal, H van den Heuvel, CJLM Meijer, CR Leemans and E Hooijberg Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF VU2007-3814 Towards preventive medicine in Rheumatoid Arthritis: Alterations in innate immunity in the preclinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis J.G. Wesseling1, S. Van der Tuin1, S. Vosslamber1, L. Van der Stadt2, A. Grutzkau3, A. Radbruch3,T.C.T.M. van der Pouw Kraan4, G. Wolbink2,5, I. van der Horst6, M. Schreurs1, M. Blomberg1, B. Crusius1, M. van der Wiel1,7,B.A.C. Dijkmans2,6, D. van Schaardenburg2,6, C.L. Verweij1,6 1Dept. of Pathology and 4Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, 6Dept. of Rheumatology, and 7Dept. of Epidemiology, VU University Medical Center, 3DFRZ, Charité, Berlin, Germany, 2Reade/Jan van Breemen Institute, 5Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, The Netherlands AUTOCURE (EU), CTMM “TRACER”, CMSB Program 3 Alternative proteomics strategies for discovery of blood-based biomarkers 1. Label-free quantitative secretome proteomics for discovery of serum-based cancer biomarkers S.R. Piersma1#, U. Fiedler2#, S. Span1, A. Lingnau2, T.V. Pham1, S. Hoffmann2, M.H.G. Kubbutat2, C.R. Jiménez1* 1Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Dept of Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2ProQinase GmbH, Freiburg, Germany CCA 2. Platelet proteomics for cancer biomarker discovery M. Walraven1, S.R. Piersma2, H.J. Broxterman1, H.M.W. Verheul1*, C.R. Jiménez2* 1Angiogenesis Laboratory and 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA, Aegon 3. Proteomics of exosomes secreted by cancer cell lines M. Lavaei1, R.J.A. Fijneman2, D.M. Fluitsma3, J.C. Knol1, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R. Steenbergen2, G.A. Meijer2, M. Pegtel2, H.M.W. Verheul1, C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, 2Dept. Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CCA Antibody-based therapy with emphasis on head and neck cancer 4. Antibody derivatives as molecular agents for neoplastic targeting D. Vugts1, A. Vervoort1, I de Roos, G.W.M. Visser2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Dept. of 1Otolyryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, and 2Nuclear Medicine & PET research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 157 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Philips and other industries FP7LSHC-CT-2007-201342 Development of dual-specific nanobodies for cancer diagnosis and treatment M. Vosjan1, M. Stigter–van Walsum1, G.W.M. Visser2, R. Roovers3, P.M P. van Bergen en Henegouwen3, C.R. Leemans1, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Dept. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery VU University Medical Center, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research VU University Medical Center, 3Dept. Cellular Architecture & Dynamics, Utrecht University the European Union FP6 and 7, STROMA and ADAMANT, STW, and Ablynx 6. The selective targeting of angiogenesis and of tumour stroma R. Cohen1, R. de Bree1, M. Stigter-van Walsum1, G.W.M. Visser2, D. Neri3, C.R. Leemans1,G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Dept. 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research VU University Medical Center, 3Swiss Federal Institute of Technology,Zürich, Switzerland European commision FP6-LSHC-CT-2003-503233 Brain proteomics 7. In-depth analysis of the cerebrospinal fluid proteome for biomarker discovery: abundant protein depletion sample pretreatment method S.A. Fratantoni, S.R. Piersma, C.R. Jimenez OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands EU cNeuPRO project 8. Proteomics of meningiomas in correlation with growth rate S. Peerdeman1, TMB. Schaaij-Visser2, R. Ariana1, JC. Knol2, S. Piersma2, CR. Jimenez2 1Dept. Neurosurgery, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CCA 9. Proteomics reveals minichromosome maintenance proteins as novel tumor markers for meningiomas O. Saydam1, O. Senol1, T. Schaaij-Visser2, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, S. Peerdeman3, C. Jimenez2 1Department of Neurology, Neurogenetic Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, 3OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, 3Department of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center CCA Breast cancer proteomics 10. Exploring differences in short-term response to cisplatin in sensitive and non-sensitive mouse mammary tumors M. Warmoes1*, J. Jaspers2*, S. Rottenberg2, S. Piersma1, C.R. Jimenez1*, J. Jonkers2* 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CenE/Van Lanschot and the VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam 11. Proteomics of murine BRCA1 deficient breast tumors identifies DNA repair proteins with prognostic value in human breast cancer Marc.O. Warmoes¹, Janneke Jaspers2, Thang V. Pham1, Sander Piersma1, Maarten P.G. Massink3, Hanne MeijersHeijboer3, Quinten Waisfisz3, S. Rottenberg2, Epie Boven1, Jos Jonkers2, Connie R. Jimenez1 1Oncoproteomics Laboratory, Dept. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 2Division of Molecular Biology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 3Dept. Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CenE/Van Lanschot and the VUmc CCA Colorectal cancer proteomics 12. Enrichment of tumorigenic stem-like cells in biopsy spheroids from colorectal cancer U. Rajcevic1, J.C. Knol2, S. Piersma2, S. Bougnaud1, T.V. Pham2, E. Sundlisaeter3, P. Enger3, R. Bjerkvig1,3, S.P. Niclou1, C.R. Jimenez2 1NorLux Neuro-Oncology, CRP-Santé, Luxembourg, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Department of Biomedicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway CCA 13. Identification of new Biomarkers for Colon Cancer using integration of Genomics and Cell Surface Proteomics M. de Wit1, C.R. Jimenez2, B. Carvalho1, J.A.M. Belien1, P.M. Delis-van Diemen1, S. Mongera1, S.R. Piersma2, G.A. Meijer1, R.J.A. Fijneman1 1Dept. Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit), 2Dept. Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), VU University Medical Center Phillips research and VUmc CCA 14. Label-free LC-MS/MS profiling of chromatin-associated proteins in colorectal adenoma and carcinoma tissues J. Albrethsen1, J.C. Knol1, T.V. Pham1, S.R. Piersma1, S. Mongera?2, B. Carvalho2, M. de Wit2, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A. Meijer2, C.R. Jimenez1* 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, 2Dept. Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. The Netherlands CCA 15. Protein biomarker discovery in stool for the early detection of colorectal cancer Linda JW Bosch1, Meike de Wit1,2, Gideon Oudgenoeg2, Sandra Mongera1, Sander Piersma2, Thang Pham2, Jochim S Terhaar Sive Droste3, Chris JJ Mulder3, Beatriz Carvalho1, Remond JA Fijneman1, Connie R Jimenez2, Gerrit A Meijer1 1Dept. Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit), 2Dept. Medical Oncology (OncoProteomics Laboratory), 3Dept. Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc CCA 16. Proteome profiling of mouse colon tumor proximal fluids reveals candidate biomarkers for colorectal cancer screening R.J.A. Fijneman1,2, M. de Wit1, M. Pourghiasian1,2, S. Piersma2, M. Warmoes2, P.M. van Diemen1, C. Piso1, E.C. Robanus-Maandag3, R. Smits4, R. Fodde4, V.W.M. van Hinsbergh2,5, G.A. Meijer1, C.R. Jimenez2 1Dept. of Pathology, 2Dept. of Medical Oncology, 5Dept of Physiology, VU University Medical Center, 3Dept. of Human Genetics, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, The Netherlands 4 Dept. of Pathology, Josephine Nefkens Institute, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, the Netherlands 5. 158 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Aegon International Scholarship in Oncology, and by the VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam. 17. Proteomics of cancer stem cell-enriched colon cancer spheroids - Secretome analysis of colon cancer stem cells (CSC) and their isogenic differentiated progeny B. Emmink1, W. van Houdt1, T.V. Pham2, S. Piersma2, I. Borel Rinkes1, C. Jimenez2^, O. Kranenburg1^ 1Dept. Surgical Oncology, University Medical Center Utrecht and 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center 18. Proximal Fluid Proteome Profiling of Human Colorectal Cancer Tissue Reveals Candidate Biomarkers for CRC screening R.J.A. Fijneman1, H. Kant2, M. de Wit1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, M. O. Warmoes2, S. Mongera1, H.M.W. Verheul2, G.A. Meijer1, C.R. Jimenez2. Dept. of 1Pathology, 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Aegon International Scholarship in Oncology, and by the VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam. 19. Sub-nuclear proteomics in human colorectal cancer: Identification of proteins enriched in the nuclear matrix fraction and regulation in adenoma to carcinoma progression J. Albrethsen1, J.C. Knol1, S. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, M. de Wit2, S. Mongera2, B. Carvalho2, H.M.W. Verheul1, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A. Meijer2, C.R. Jimenez1* 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, 2Dept. Pathology (Tumor Profiling Unit), VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. The Netherlands CCA 20. Targeted mass spectrometry-based candidate biomarker validation in biological matrices G. Oudgenoeg1, L. Bosch2, M. de Wit1, R.J.A. Fijneman2, G.A. Meijer2 , C.R. Jimenez1 *OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, and **Tumor Profiling Unit , Dept. Pathology, VUmc Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands CTMM DeCoDe Diagnosis and treatment of EBV-associated cancers 21. Diagnosis and prognostic monitoring following radiochemotherapy treatment of nasopharyngeal carcinoma based on EBV-markers M. Adham, A.E. Greijer, S.A.Verkuijlen, H.Juwana, J.M.Middeldorp Dept. ENT-Surgery, Fac. Medicine, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia and Dept. pathology, VU University medical center, Amsterdam KWF-IN 2006-21 High-throughput body fluid peptide profiling by MALDI mass spectrometry for patient stratification by pattern diagnosis 22. Mass spectrometric serum peptide profiling for drug response prediction: signature validation T.V. Pham1, J.C. Knol1, J.S.W. Lind2, H.M.W. Verheul1, E.F. Smit2, C.R. Jimenez1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Department of Pulmonary Diseases, VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA 23. Serum peptide profiling in non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with sorafenib and erlotinib T.V. Pham1, J.S.W. Lind2, J.C. Knol1, A.-M.C. Dingemans3, H.J.M. Groen4, P.E. Postmus1, C.R. Jimenez1*, E.F. Smit 2* Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pulmonary Diseases VU University Medical Center Amsterdam, 3Maastricht University Medical Center and 4University Medical Center Groningen VUmc CCA Immuno-PET for diagnosis and therapy planning of head and neck cancer 24. PET tracers for (chemo)radiation of lung and head and neck cancer A. Poot1, H. Hendriks, G.A.M.S. van Dongen1,2 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, and 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, NWO/STW: VBC6120 and 10074, CTMM Air Force, and Roche-Genentech Improvement of the diagnosis of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) 25. Evaluation and prediction of response L. van der Putten1, O.S. Hoekstra3, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine / PET Research, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4Radiology and 5Pathology, VU University Medical Center ZonMw and CCA 945-04-311, 80-82305-98-08106 26. FDG-PET for avoidance of futile direct laryngoscopies under general anasthesia with taking op biopsies in patiens with suspicion on recurrent laryngeal carcinoma after radiotherapy L. van der Putten1, I. van der Waal2, O.S. Hoekstra3, E. Bloemena5, C.R. Leemans1, R. de Bree1 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Nuclear Medicine / PET Research, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4Radiology and 5Pathology, VU University Medical Center ZonMw and CCA 945-04-311, 80-82305-98-08106 27. Improvement of the sentinel node procedure in head and neck cancer by PET-CT lymfoscintigraphy, optical techniques and minimal invasive surgery. Molecular targeting of intracellular proteins in cancer Heuveling D, G.A.M.S. van Dongen, R. de Bree Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 28. Screening for distant metastases and second primary tumors with FDG-PET (The school study) A. Senft1, J.A. Castelijns2, R. de Bree1, O.S. Hoekstra3, C.R. Leemans1 Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, 2Clinical PET Center, 3Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw Doelmatigheidsonderzoek 945-11-014 29. Ultrasound guided fine needle aspiration cytology and sentinel node biopsy in the detection of occult lymph node metastases of early oral and oropharyngeal cancer G.B. Flach, J Castelijns, OS Hoekstra, E Bloemena, R. de Bree Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw 80-82305-98-08106 Lung cancer proteomics 159 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 30. Exploration of sputum to develop protein-based assays for early detection, prognosis and drug response of lung cancer T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, B. Colak1, J. Hubers2, E.F. Smit3, (Erik) F.B.J.M. Thunnissen2, C.R. Jimenez1 1 OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology; 2 Department of Pathology, 3Dept. Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands VUmc CCA 31. Secretome proteomics to identify indicators for lung cancer treatment response prediction and monitoring T.B.M. Schaaij-Visser1, N. Proost2, R. Nagel3, S.R. Piersma1, T.V. Pham1, R.H. Brakenhoff3, A. Berns2, C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, 2Division of Molecular Genetics and Centre for Biomedical Genetics, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Otolaryngology/Head and Neck surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam CTMM Airforce Mining high dimensional proteomics data 32. Network-based data analysis for marker prioritization for targeted mass spectrometry validation T.V. Pham1, L.G. Leon1, M.O. Warmoes1, S.R. Piersma1, C.R. Jimenez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VUmc CCA 33. Strategies for analyzing spectral count data in label-free tandem mass spectrometry-based proteomics T.V. Pham, M. Warmoes, S.R. Piersma, C.R. Jimenez OncoProteomics Laboratory, Department Medical Oncology, VUmc-Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA Signaling pathway proteomics for insight into cancer signaling, identification of drug targets and biomarkers for patient stratification 34. Development of kinobeads for comprehensive capture of the kinome prior to analysis by proteomics S.R. Piersma1, I. de Reus1, J. Weterings2, I. de Esch2, H. Verheul1, C.R. Jiménez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center; 2FEW-VU, Amsterdam CCA 35. Global profiling of endogenous tyrosine phosphorylation events for identifying aberrant signaling in cancer S.R. Piersma1, K.J. Gotink2, M. Labots2, R. de Haas2, H. Broxterman2, H. Verheul2, C.R. Jiménez1 1OncoProteomics Laboratory and 2Angiogenesis Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center VUmc CCA Other projects 36. [11C]-(R)-PK11195 PET imaging of subclinical synovitis in rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission Y.Y.J. Gent, A.E. Voskuyl1, R.W. Kloet 2, E.F.I. Comans2, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C.J. van der Lakenl1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, VU University Medical Center 37. [11C]-(R)-PK11195 PET imaging of subclinical synovitis in the pre-clinical phase of rheumatoid arthritis Y.Y.J. Gent1, A.E. Voskuyl1, R.W. Kloet 2, E.F.I. Comans2, D. van Schaardenburg3, O.S. Hoekstra2, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C. J. Van der Laken1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, VU University Medical Center,3Jan van Breemen Institute, Amsterdam 38. Analysis of bacterial contamination of blood transfusion projects I. Rood, A. Petterson, P.H.M. Savelkoul Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Sanquin Bloodbank 39. Anca-PR-3 vasculitis studie; preventie van recidieven A.E. Voskuyl Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 40. Assessment of blood-brain barrier function in pharmacoresistant patients with tumor-related epilepsy F. Froklage1, R.A. Voskuyl6, J.J. Heimans1, N.H.M. Hendrikse3, J.C. Baayen2, R.M.C. Debets5, D. Velis4, A.A. Lammertsma3, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery and 3Nuclear Medicine and PET-research, VU University Medical Center, Department of 4Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Departments of 4Neurology and 5Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede, and 6Department of Pharmacology, Leiden/Amsterdam Center for Human Drug Research (L/A CHDR), Leiden. Europese Unie Framework Program 7 (FP7 EURIPIDES project) 41. Bone disease in Multiple Myeloma J.C. Regelink1, P. Sonneveld2, I.C. Pieters-van den Bos3, O.S. Hoekstra4, J.M. Zijlstra1, P.C. Huijgens1, S. Zweegman1 Department of hematology1, VU University Medical Center, department of Hematology2, Erasmus Medical Center Rotterdam, Department of Radiology3 and Nuclear medicine and PET research4 VU University Medical Center Stichting Vu Steunfonds Hematologie, Industry 42. Characterization of epileptogenic brain networks in primary brain tumor patients L. Douw1, J.J. Heimans1, F. Bartolomei2,6, J.C. Baayen4, W.P. Vandertop 4, B.W. van Dijk2, D.N. Velis7, M. Klein3, C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,5 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, 3Medical Psychology, and 4Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, 5Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 6Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Hospital de la Timone, Marseille, France, 7Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede Nationaal Epilepsie Fonds (NEF), Project NEF 08-08 08-08 43. Clinical and experimental high resolution ocular MR imaging: towards improved detection of retinoblastoma tumor extent P. de Graaf1, P. van der Valk2, A.C. Moll3, S.M. Imhof7, A.Y.N. Schouten-van Meeteren4, D.L. Knol5, P.W.J. Pouwels6, J.A. Castelijns1 160 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Departments of Radiology1, Pathology2, Ophthalmology 3 and Epidemiology and Biostatistics5, Physics and Medical Technology6, VU University Medical Center, Department of Pediatric Oncology4, Emma Children’s Hospital, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, and Department of Ophthalmology, University Medical Center Utrecht Grant ZonMw-AGIKO 2006, ODAS Foundation, National Foundation for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Blindenhulp Foundation, Dutch Eye Fund (Grant 2004-23) CTMM: ontwikkeling nieuwe tracers van lab tot kliniek C. van der Laken, B.A.C. Dijkmans Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Development of imaging markers, using PET(-CT), for early detection of RA and therapy monitoring Y.Y.J. Gent1, K. weijers1, I. de Greeuw2, M. Verlaan2, B. Windhorst2, C. J. Van der Laken1, A.A. Lammertsma2, O.S. Hoekstra2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, C.J. van der Laken1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Discontinuation of imatinib in CML patients in continuous complete molecular remission J.J.W.M. Janssen, B. van Kuijk, G.J. Schuurhuis, J.J. Cornelissen, G.J. Ossenkoppele Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center KWF Early detection and photodynamic therapy in local recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma. M. Wildeman, A.E. Greijer, S.A. Verkuijlen, H, Juwana, I.B. Tan, J.M. Middeldorp Dept. of Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Dept. ENT surgery, Netherlands Cancer Insitute, Amsterdam KWF-NKI 2008-4233 Experimental and clinical studies using positron emission tomography (PET) for monitoring response to chemotherapy in (locally) advanced breast cancer W.G.E. Direcks1, M. Lubberink1, S. Berndsen1, N. Proost1, M. van Gelder1, O.S. Hoekstra1, A.A. Lammertsma1, C.F.M. Molthoff1 Dept. of 1Nuclear Medicine&PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF 2003-2822 Explorative biomarker studies towards patient centric therapy in rheumatoid arthritis S. Vosslamber1, T.D. de Jong1, M. Blits1, T.C. A. De Ridder1, J.G. Wesseling1, Van der Pouw Kraan2, I. van der Horst3, A.E. Voskuyl3, M.T. Nurmohamed4, M. Fero5, M. Schreurs1, M. Blomberg1, B. Crusius1, M. van der Wiel1,6,R. Thurlings7, M. Bouwman7, P.-P. Tak7 , G. Wolbink8, B.A.C. Dijkmans3 and C.L. Verweij1,3 1Dept. of Pathology, 2Dept. of Molecular cell Biology, 3Dept. of Rheumatology and 6Dept. of Epidemiology, VU University medical center, 4Jan van Breemen Institute, Amsterdam, 5Stanford University, Palo Alto, USA, and 7Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 8Sanquin Research Dutch Arthritis Foundation 05-I-402, AUTOCURE (EU), CTMM “TRACER” and CMSB Identification of differentially expressed genes in CML stem cells J.J.W.M. Janssen, W. Pouwels, B. van Kuijk, A. Zevenbergen, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Stichting Vanderes Imaging of ankylosing spondylitis by PET-CT M.A.C. van der Weijden1, S.T. Bruijnen1, N.Hoetjes2, A.E. Voskuyl1, O.S. Hoekstra2, R. Boellaard2, J.P. Klein3, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, I. E. van der Horst-Bruinsma1, C. J. Van der Laken1 Depts of 1Rheumatology, 2Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, 3Radiology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Incidence of retinoblastoma in the Netherlands 1950 - 2010: A shift in the proportion of hereditary retinoblastoma M.I. Bosscha1, L. Razzaq2, C.J. Dommering3, F. E. van Leeuwen4, A.C. Moll1 1 Department of Ophthalmology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2 Department of Ophthalmology Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, the Netherlands. 3 Department of Clinical Genetics, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 4 Department of Epidemiology, the Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, the Netherlands Lesional epilepsy: the interplay between ictal onset and permissive networks E. van Dellen1, L. Douw1, J.J. Heimans1, J.C. Baayen4, W.P. Vandertop 4, B.W. van Dijk2, D.N. Velis6, M. Klein3, C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,5 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, 3Medical Psychology, and 4Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, 5Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 6Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Stichting Epilepsie Instellingen Nederland (SEIN), Heemstede Nationaal Epilepsie Fonds (NEF), project NEF 09-09 Methylation status of glioma cell lines and Akt inhibition C A Fedrigo1,2,3, P Sminia2, G. J. Peters3, B Garicochea1 1Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; Departments of 2Radiotherapy and 3Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) Optimization of MR imaging studies in retinoblastoma patients F. Rodjan 1, P. de Graaf 1, A.C. Moll 1, S.M. Imhof 2, P. van der Valk 1, J.A. Castelijns 1 1) VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 2) University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht ODAS Stichting, LSBS, Stichting Blindenhulp Peritoneal metastases from colorectal carcinoma; Diagnostic markers to identify patients that will benefit from radical surgical resection E. de Cuba, E.A. te Velde, G.A. Meijer, H.J. Bonjer Dept. Of Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam PET imaging in giant cell vasculitis KJ Lensen, I Smulders, E Coomans, C vd Laken, A Voskuyl Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam PET methodology: new methods and tools for advanced and optimized tumour response assessment 1FHP van Velden, 2H Verheul, 3EF Smit, 1R Boellaard,1OS Hoekstra, 1AA Lammertsma 1Depts of Nucl Med & PET research, 2Medical Oncology, 3Pulmonology 161 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects CTMM 59. Pharmacogenomics of Interferon-ß therapy in multiple sclerosis S.Vosslamber1, M. Schreurs1, M. Blomberg1, B. Crusius1, M. van der Wiel1,4, B. Uitdehaag4, L. van de Voort3, J. Killestein3, T.C.T.M. van der Pouw Kraan2, M. Comabella5, X. Montalban5, C. Aubin6, D. Hafler7, Ph. De Jager6, C.H. Polman3, C.L. Verweij1 1Dept. of Pathology, 2Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology & Immunology, 3Dept. of Neurology and 4Epidemiology, VUMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5Unitat de Neuroimmunologia Clínica. Hospital Universitari Vall d´Hebron, Barcelona, Spain, 6Dept. Of Neurology, Harvard University, Boston, 7Departments of Neurology and Immunobiology, Yale School of Medicine, USA MS Research #04-549 MS and MS Research #08-660 MS 60. Positron Emission Tomography (PET) for detection of histologic transformation of indolent non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma M.J. Wondergem1, J.M. Zijlstra1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2, J.J. Oudejans2, O.S. Hoekstra3, S. Zweegman1, P.C. Huijgens1 Department of Hematology1, Pathology2, Nuclear medicine and PET research3 VU University Medical Center de Vilder Stichting 61. Prediction of progression in low-grade glioma using chromosomal copy number alterations H.F. van Thuijl1,2, J.J. Heimans1, P. van der Valk2, S.J. Smeets2, B. Ylstra2, P. Wesseling2, J.C. Reijneveld1,3 Departments of 1Neurology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 3 Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Kankerbestrijding VU 2009-4470 62. Predictive value of stem cell enumeration for the response to nilotinib in newly diagnosed CML patients J.J.W.M. Janssen, A. Zevenbergen, B. van Kuijk, W. Pouwels, G.J. Schuurhuis, G.J. Ossenkoppele Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center Novartis 63. Prognostic parameters in laryngeal cancer and lymphatic metastases Drs. R. Ljumanovic1, Dr. O.S. Hoekstra4,5, Dr. J.A. Langendijk3, Prof. dr. C.R. Leemans2, Prof. dr. J.A. Castelijns1 1 Afdeling Radiologie, 2 Afdeling Keel-, Neus- en Oorheelkunde en Hoofd-hals chirurgie, 3 Afdeling Radiatie-Oncologie, 4 Afdeling Nucleaire Geneeskunde en PET research, 5 Afdeling Klinische Epidemiologie & Biostatistiek 64. Qualifying imaging biomarkers for response evaluation in cancer SN Rizvi 1, J Zijlstra2, 3H v Tinteren, 3A Vincent, 1R Boellaard, 1OS Hoekstra 1Dept of Nuclear Medicine & PET research, 2Haematology and 3Netherlands Cancer Institute 65. Quantification and tumor delineation in PET P. Cheebsumon, F.H.P. van Velden, R. Boellaard, A.A. Lammertsma Dept. Of Nuclear Medicine & PET Research CTMM, Thai Government 66. Quantitative PET-CT imaging with 11C-labeled docetaxel in lung cancer A.A van der Veldt1, M. Lubberink1, E.F. Smit2, A.D. Windhorst1, A.A. Lammertsma1, N.H. Hendrikse1,3 Departments of Nuclear Medicine & PET Research1 and Pulmonology2, Clinical Pharmacology & Pharmacy3, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands 67. Tailoring of (immune-)therapy in R-CHOP refractory diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients S.A.G.M. Cillessen1, L.M.M. Moesbergen1, W. Vos1, G.J. Ossenkoppele2, J.J. Oudejans1,3, C.J.L.M. Meijer1 Depts. of 1Clinical Pathology, 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Dept of Pathology, Diakonessenhuis, Utrecht Dutch Cancer Society 2007-3858 68. The inhibition of EGFR signalling network in NSCLC cells affects MRP-1 and P-GP expression L. Porcelli (1,2), A. Asghar (2), E. Giovannetti (2), G. Jansen (3), Y. Assaraf (2,5), G.L. Scheffer (4), A. Azzariti (1), A. Paradiso (1), G.J. Peters (2) (1) Clinical Experimental Oncology Laboratory, National Cancer Institute, Bari, Italy, (2) Department of Medical Oncology, (3) Rheumatology and (4) Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (5) Technion Institute, Haifa, Israel. 69. Tumor profiling of gastrointestinal (i.e. gastric & colorectal) cancer C. Postma1, A.H. Hardebol1, J.C. Haan1, O. Krijgsman1, J.A.C.M. Goos1,4, A.A. Geldof4, O.S. Hoekstra4, R.P.A. Brosens1,2, E. Belt1,2, M.A. Cuesta2, E.M.L.V. de Cuba1,2, E. te Velde2, M.Labots3, T. Buffart1,3, H. Verheul3, M. Tijssen1, S. Mongera1, P.M. Delis-van Diemen1, A. Bolijn1, D. Israeli1, B. Ylstra1, R.J.A. Fijneman1, B. Diosdado1, B. Carvalho1, N.C.T. van Grieken1, and G.A. Meijer1 1Dept of Pathology, 2Dept of Surgery, 3Dept of Oncology, 4Dept of Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF, CTMM DeCoDe WorkPackage 5 and 6 2002-2618 / 2004-3051 / 2007-3832 / 2007-3 Program 4 AML and CML 1. Characterization of relapsed acute myeloid leukemia C. Bachas1,2, Z.J. Kwidama1,2, T.L. Nguyen1,2, G.J. Schuurhuis2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 J. Cloos1,2 Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF KWF 2005-3666 2. Detection of residual leukemic stem cells during minimal residual disease in AML M. Terwijn, G.J. Ossenkoppele, GJ. Schuurhuis Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center KWF 2006-3695 3. Discovery by proteomics of factors that regulate therapy resistance in acute myeloid leukemia S. Zweegman1, F.L. Kessler1, S.R. Piersma2, T.V. Pham2, P. Noordhuis1, C. Jimenez, G.J. Schuurhuis1 Dept of 1Hematology and 2OncoProteomics Laboratory, Dept. Medical Oncology 162 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects CCA-V-ICI grant Protein tyrosine phosphatases as new targets in childhood myeloid leukemia M. Irandoust1, M. Akyuz1, E.M. van Beek2, A.J.F. Broekhuizen1,3, I. Hubeek1, K. Schornagel2, A.A. van de Loosdrecht3, C.M. Zwaan4, G.J.L. Kaspers1, T.K. van den Berg2, J. Cloos1,3. Depts. of 1Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, 2Sanquin Research and Landsteiner Laboratory, Academic Medical Center and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 4Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, Erasmus MC/Sophia Children’s Hospital, Rotterdam Stichting KiKa 90.000,00 5. Targeting of CLEC12A positive AML stem cells with CR2357 and antibody-drug conjugates P. Noordhuis, M. Terwijn, A.R. Rutten, G.J.Ossenkoppele, G.J.Schuurhuis Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Crucell Nederland 6. The function of EVI-1 in Acute Myeloid Leukemia; Leukemic stem cells and chemotherapy resistance B. Venniker-Punt, G. Brasser, D. de Leeuw, A. Rutte, P. Merle, G.J. Ossenkoppele, G.-J Schuurhuis, L. Smit. Department of Hematology University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Interna and St. Vu Steunfonds Hematologie 7. The identification of biomarkers/drugtargets specific for leukemic stem cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemia L. Smit1, M. Terwijn1, A. Rutte1, S. Smeets2, B. Ylstra2, R. Menezes3, V. van Beusechem4, G. Ossenkoppele1, G.J. Schuurhuis1 Department of Hematology1, Microarray Facility, department of Pathology2, Department of Biostatistics3, Department of Medical Oncology4. VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands St VU steunfonds Hematologie 8. The identification of microRNA(s) (signatures) for leukemic stem cells of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and Chronic Myeloid Leukemia D. de Leeuw1, F. Cerisoli2, F. Denkers1, G.-J. Schuurhuis1, P. van Noort2, G.J. Ossenkoppele1 and L. Smit1 Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.* InteRNA Technologies B.V., Bilthoven, The Netherlands AICR and Interna Brain 9. Targeted therapy in pediatric brain tumors D.G. van Vuurden1,4, E. Hulleman2,4, P. van der Stoop2,4, T. Wurdinger2,4, 5, M. Irandoust1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,3 Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Hematology and 4Neuro-Oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 5Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam VONK / CCA/STR 2005-2009 Combined radiotherapy with conventional chemotherapy and molecular targeted agents 10. Optimization of image-guided radiotherapy (IGRT) for lung cancer S. Senan, F.J. Lagerwaard, F. Spoelstra, J.S.W. Lind, E.C.J. Phernambucq, E.F. Smit, V.L.J.L. Thijssen, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncolog, Pulmonology and Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Co-morbidity RA 11. Cardiovascular disease and Rheumatoid Arthritis A. van Sijl1,2, M. Peters1,2, M.T. Nurmohamed1,2,4, A.E. Voskuyl2, C.D.A. Stehouwer4, M. Visser5, W.F. Lems3, R.J. van de Stadt2, M.H.M.T. de Koning2, M. Boers6, B.A.C. Dijkmans1,2,3 Depts of 1Rheumatology, VUMC, 2Jan van Breemen Institute, 3Slotervaart Hospital, 4Dept of Internal Medicine VU University Medical Center, 5Institute for Research in Extramural Medicine, 6Dept of Clinical Epidemiology, VUMC Drug resistance 12. Drug resistance in childhood leukemia N.E. Franke1, J. van Meerloo1, K. Votjekova1,3, S.E. Verbrugge2, A. Schimmer4, B.A.C. Dijkmans2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, G. Jansen2, J. Cloos1,3 Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Rheumatology and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Princess Margaret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, ON Stichting Translation Research and the Netherlands Organization for Health Research and Development (ZonMw) PV06/08 CCA Early RA 13. BeSt strategies in Rheumatoid Arthritis (BeSt) B.A.C. Dijkmans, F.C. Breedveld Dept. of Reumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 14. Het parelsnoer initiatief: Parel rheumatoide artritis/artrose L van Tuyl1, MT Nurmohamed12, WF Lems12, BAC Dijkmans12 1 Dept Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, 2 Reade, Amsterdam Immuuntherapie 15. Optimizing strategies in dendritic cell vaccination in acute leukemia W. van den Ancker1, T.M. Westers1, M.M.van Luijn1, M.E.D. Chamuleau 1, J.M. Ruben1, S. Santegoets2, A.G.M. Stam3, H.J. Bontkes1, T.D. de Gruijl2, G.J. Ossenkoppele1, A.A. van de Loosdrecht1 Depts of 1Hematology, 2Medical Oncology and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center V-ICI Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer 16. Hypothyroidism after treatment for laryngeal cancer A.M. Lo Galbo, R. de Bree, C.R. Leemans Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NDDO/Biolitec 17. Improvement of treatment of head and neck cancer. General aspects. R. de Bree1, L. van der Putten1, P. Doornaert2, I. van der Waal3, J. Buter4 , O.S. Hoekstra5, C.R. Leemans1 4. 163 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Depts. of 1Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Radiation Oncology, 3Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 4 Medical Oncology, 5 Nuclear Medicine / PET research, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Genetronics 80-82305-98-08106 Oncolytic adenovirus 18. Enhancement of the oncolytic potency of conditionally replicative adenoviruses W. Dong1, H. van Wijngaarden1, M. Cascallo2, W.R. Gerritsen3, R. Alemany2, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van Beusechem1,3 1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Translational Research Laboratory, IDIBELL-Institut Català d’Oncologia, Barcelona, Spain; and 3Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam SenterNovem SI2 EUREKA E! 4582 19. Exploiting miRNA to enhance oncolytic adenovirus potency J.W.H. van Ginkel1, C. Vermeulen2, J. Hodzic2, A. Vermeulen3, J. Karpilow3, J.J.M. Meulenberg1, V.W. van Beusechem1,2,4 1ORCA Therapeutics, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Medical Oncology and 4RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Thermo Fisher Scientific, Dharmacon RNAi Technologies, Lafayette, CO, USA 20. Identification of virus inhibitors in cancer cells by RNA interference screening C. Vermeulen1, N. Tol1, I.H. van der Meulen-Muileman1,2, W.R. Gerritsen1, V.W. van Beusechem1,2 Department of 1Medical Oncology and 2RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Technology foundation STW 7710 21. Virotherapy of glioblastoma multiforme using an infectivity-enhanced selectively replication-competent adenovirus V.W. van Beusechem1, M.L.M. Lamfers2, J.M. Amado de Azevedo1, S. Idema3, C.M.F. Dirven2, W.R. Gerritsen1, W.P. Vandertop3, D.P. Noske3 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology and 3Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Dept. Neurosurgery, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam ZonMw Translationeel Gentherapeutisch Onderzoek 43200003 Regulation of MHC class-II in acute myeloid leukemia and its impact on immunoserveillance 22. Low CLIP expression on leukemic blasts of AML patients is essential for generating an effective CD4+ T cell response M.M. van Luijn1,2, M.E.D. Chamuleau1, W. van den Ancker1, A. Zevenbergen1, T.M. Westers1, Y. Souwer2, G.J. Ossenkoppele1, S.M. van Ham2, A.A. van de Loosdrecht1 1Department of Hematology, VU Institute for Cancer and Immunology, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Immunopathology, Sanquin Research and Landsteiner Laboratory, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, USA VanderEs / Stichting VU fonds Hematologie PV06/04 Prom RNai 23. Identification of genes involved in resistance of lung cancer cells to cisplatin E. Siebring-van Olst1, I. Kotov2, R.X. de Menezes3, T. Marti2, R. Stahel2, E.F. Smit1, V.W. van Beusechem4,5 Depts. of 1Pulmonary Diseases, 3Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and 4Medical Oncology, and 5RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Laboratory of Molecular Oncology, University Hospital Zurich, Switzerland Foundation Avanti STR / Walter Bruckerhoff Stiftung 24. Identification of genes involved in resistance of prostate cancer cells to irradiation J. Hodzic1, B. van Triest2, A. Geldof3, R.X. de Menezes4, I.H. van der Meulen-Muilemans1,5, W.R. Gerritsen1, M. Verheij2, V.W. van Beusechem1,5 Departments of 1Medical Oncology, 3Urology, and 4Epidemiology and Biostatistics, and 5RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 2Department of Radiotherapy, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam CCA, Avanti STR 25. Identifying new regulators of migration in human glioblastoma P.M. van der Stoop1,2, L.E. Wedekind1,2, I.H van der Meulen3,4, V.W. van Beusechem3,4, W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P. Noske1,2 , T.Wurdinger1,2,5. Depts. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, 3Medical Oncology, and 4RNA Interference Functional Oncogenomics Laboratory, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam.5Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. CCA/STR and www.stophersentumoren.nl Symptoms and symptomatic treatment of cerebral glioma 26. Correlation between SV2A expression in tumour tissue and efficacy of levetiracetam in glioma patients with epilepsy M. de Groot1, J.J. Heimans1, E. Aronica5, C.J. Vecht6, M. Klein3, C.J. Stam2, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Clinical Neurophysiology, and 3Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Departments of 4 Neurology and 5 Pathology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, and 6Department of Neurology, Medical Center ‘Haaglanden’, The Hague UCB Pharma Nederland BV Systemische sclerose 27. Capillair microscopie bij sclerodermie H.M.A. Hofstee, E.H. Serne, I. Smulders, A.E. Voskuyl Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 28. Systemische sclerose A. Voskuyl, C. Verweij, A. Boonstra Department of Rheumatology, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam 2Department of Nuclear Medicine and PET Research, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Treatment early RA 164 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 29. Cohorts of biologicals in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (COBRA) D den Uyl, AE Voskuyl, WF Lems, BAC Dijkmans Dept. of Reumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam TIPharma Other projects 30. A multicenter, randomized phase II trial of paclitaxel plus bevacizumab versus paclitaxel, bevacizumab plus capecitabine in HER2-negative locally recurrent or metastastic breast cancer S.W. Lam, A.H. Honkoop, S. de Groot, S v.d. Wildt, H. van Tinteren, E. Boven Depts. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center and BOOG Study Center Amsterdam Industry 31. A new definition for remission in rheumatoid arthritis M. Boers (co-PI),1,2 D. Felson (co-PI),3 J. Smolen,4 G. Wells5, L. Van Tuyl.1,2 1. Dept of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; 2. Dept of Rheumatology; VUmc; 3 Boston University, USA; University of Vienna, Austria; University of Ottawa, Canada 32. Adherence and patients’ experiences with the use of erlotinib in NSCLC and capecitabine in colon cancer treatment; the influence on plasma concentration and the exploration of factors affecting the use in daily practice L. Timmers1, E. Boven2, C. Boons1, EL. Swart1, D. Mangnus1, J. Moes1, J.G. Hugtenburg 1,3 1Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center; 2Department of Medical Oncology; 3EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center 33. Alternative antigen processing and loading is involved in HLA class I and II antigen presentation on leukemic blasts M.M. van Luijn1,2, M.E.D. Chamuleau1, M.E. Ressing3, E.J. Wiertz3, A. Zevenbergen1, Y. Souwer2, S. OstrandRosenberg4, G.J. Ossenkoppele1, A.A. van de Loosdrecht1, S.M. van Ham2 1Department of Hematology, VU Institute for Cancer and Immunology, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Department of Immunopathology, Sanquin Research and Landsteiner Laboratory, Academic Medical Centre, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Department of Medical Microbiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands. 4Department of Biological Sciences, University of Maryland, Baltimore County, Baltimore, USA Stichting Vanderes 34. Antiproliferative effects of novel aliphatic acetogenin analogs against aggressive solid tumor cell lines Leticia G Leon 1,2, Elisa Giovannetti,2,3 Claudia Alecci,2 Fiorella Giancola,2 Niccola Funel,3 Paolo Zucali,4 Godefridus J. Peters,2 José M. Padrón1 Universidad de La Laguna, La Laguna, Spain; 2 Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3 University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy; 4 Istituto Clinico Humanitas, Milan, Italy 35. Application of bortezomib in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia D. Niewerth1, J. van Meerloo1, N.E. Franke, G. Jansen2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, J. Cloos1,3 Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, 2Rheumatology and 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting KIKA 36. Bacteriele Artritis Corticosteroid Interventie (BACI) R. van Vugt, B.A.C. Dijkmans Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 37. Biological cohorten bij Spondylartopathieen - infliximab, adalimumab, etanercept IE van der Horst-Bruinsma, BAC Dijkmans Dep Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 38. Brain tumor miRNA in the development of 'genetic' chemotherapeutics R. J. A Nilsson1,2, M. Smits1,2, S. van Rijn1,2 , W.P. Vandertop1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T Wurdinger1,2,3 Depts. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Neuro-oncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 3Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Van Reekum/van Moorselaar stichting, CCA/STR, Swedish Research Council 39. Brainstem tumors: development of anti-tumor drugs for convection enhanced delivery V. Caretti1,2,3,P.van der Stoop1,3 , J. Cloos2,3, WP. Vandertop1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers2,3, D.P. Noske1,3, T. Wurdinger1,3,4 Depts. of 1Neurosurgery, 2Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 3Neuro-oncology Research Group ,VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam. 4Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA VONK/Semmy/Stichting Egbers 40. Carboplatin study: assessment and optimization of carboplatin exposure in pediatric oncology using different markers of kidney function H.N. Blufpand1, F.C.H. Abbink1, G.J. Peters3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, B. Stoffel-Wagner4, A. Bökenkamp2 Department of Pediatrics, subdivisions 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology, and 2Pediatric Nephrology, 3Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 4Clinical Chemistry and Clinical Pharmacology, Bonn University Medical Center VUMC Childhood Cancer Research Foundation VONK 41. Chronological or random reading of radiographs in long term follow-up studies of Rheumatoid Arthritis? L. Van Tuyl,1,2 D.M.F.M van der Heijde, 3 M. Boers (PI)1,2 1.Dept of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics; 2. Dept of Rheumatology; VUmc; 3. Dept of Rheumatology, Leiden UMC Reumafonds 42. Circulating endothelial cells as markers for anti-angiogenic therapy L.Vroling, K.Hoekman, Y.Yuana, R. de Haas, V.W.M. van Hinsbergh1, E. Boven, G.J. Schuurhuis2, H.J.Broxterman Depts. of Medical Oncology, 1Physiology and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center EU (FP6): Integrated Project: Angiotargeting 504743 43. Comparative effectiveness research on stereotactic radiotherapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer S. Senan1, W.F.A.R. Verbakel1, J.P. Cuijpers1, F.J. Lagerwaard1, C.J. Haasbeek1, B.J. Slotman1, D.A. Palma2, A.V. Louie2, G. Rodrigues2 , O. Visser3 165 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 166 Departments of Radiation Oncology, 1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and 2Department of Radiation Oncology, London Regional Cancer Program, Canada, 3 Comprehensive Cancer Center Amsterdam Development of anti-angiogenic miRNA-based therapeutics J. van Beijnum1, M. van Berkel1, S. van der Velden1, V.L. Thijssen, A.W. Griffioen1, Depts. of 1Medical Oncology TI Pharma Development of DCOne/MUTZ-3 and novel AML-derived cell lines for DC-based allogeneic tumor vaccination S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, D. Oosterhoff2, R. van de Ven1, W. van den Ancker3, P.J.G.T.B. Wijnands2, A. Reurs2, M. Meerendonk2, J. Kaspers2, S. van Wetering2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, Rik J. Scheper1,4, H.J. Bontkes3,4, A.A. van de Loosdrecht3, A.M. Kruisbeek2, T.D. de Gruijl1 Department of 1Medical Oncology, 2DC Prime BV, and the Departments of 3Hematology and 4Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam DC Prime, Biopartner FSG & Senter Grant, ZonMW Translationeel Research Grant 40-41200-98-9106 Development of preclinical pediatric brain tumor imaging models L. Hiddingh1,2,3, V. Caretti1,2,3, T. Lagerweij1,2,3, E. Hulleman1,2,3, G.J. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2, C. Molthoff4, B.A. Tannous4, D. Noske2,3, T. Wurdinger2,3,5 Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, 4VU University RNC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Stichting Kika Differential metabolism and accumulation of the lipophilic deoxynucleoside analogs elacytarabine and CP-4126 A.D. Adema1, N. Losekoot1, K. Smid1, H.M. Verheul1, F. Myhren2, M.L. Sandvold2, G.J. Peters1* 1Dept Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands. 2Clavis Pharma, Oslo, Norway Clavis Pharmaceutical, Oslo, Norway Discrepancies between plasma, serum, whole blood and cellular concentrations of various tyrosine kinase inhibitors R. Honeywell 1, E. Giovannetti1, I. Kathman1, C. Tibaldi2, F. Cappuzzo2, J.S. Lind4, E.F. Smit4, H.M. Verheul1, G.J. Peters1 R. Honeywell 1, E. Giovannetti1, I. Kathman1, C. Tibaldi2, F. Cappuzzo2, J.S. Lind4, E.F. Smit4, H.M. Verheul1, G.J. Peters1 1Department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Division of Oncology, Department of Oncology, Azienda USL-6 of Livorno, Italy; 3Division of Oncology, Department of Oncology, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria of Parma, Italy, 4 Department of Pulmonology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam the Netherlands Elucidating TMZ resistance in glioma L. Hiddingh1,2,3, G.J. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2, P. Wesseling4, B.A. Tannous5, D. Noske2,3, J. Jeuken4, T. Wurdinger2,3,5 Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, 4Pathology, RUNMC, 5Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA Stichting www.stophersentumoren.nl Evaluation of (neuro)toxicity of systemic anti-cancer therapy and neuroprotection T.J. Postma1, A.A. Geldof2, P.C. Huijgens3, N.K. Aaronson6, G.J. Peters4, B.J. Slotman5, J.J. Heimans1 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Endocrinology, 3Hematology, 4Medical Oncology, 5Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Department of 6Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam Experimental therapy rationale for prostatic cancer A.A. Geldof1,2, JJL Jacobs1, I.V. Bijnsdorp1, P. J. Frantzen1 , A. Vis1 and R.J.A. van Moorselaar1 Depts. of 1Urology and 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, ¬VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Exploring the role of endothelial galectins in tumor angiogenesis I. Schulkens1, R. Heusschen1, A.M. Dingemans2, V. Van den Boogaart2, H.M. Verheul1, A.W. Griffioen, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,3 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, 2Pulmonology, Maastricht University Medical Cencer, Maastricht, and 3Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center KWF 2009-4358 High Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Activity (ALDH) Is a Marker for Normal Hematopoietic Stem Cells but Not Leukemic Stem Cells in Acute Myeloid Leukemia G.J. Schuurhuis, L.A. Min, H. Meel, R. Wouters, M. Terwijn, A. Kelder, A.N. Snel, G.J. Ossenkoppele, L. Smit Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. VU steunfonds Hematologie Hypoxia measured with PET: 18FAZA technical validation 1I Bahce, 2P Raijmakers, 2R Boellaard, 1EF Smit, 2J Eriksson, 2RC Schuit, 2OS Hoekstra, 2AA Lammertsma 1Depts of Pulmonology, 2Nucl Med & PET research CTMM Image-guided and adaptive radiotherapy S. Senan, W.F.A.R. Verbakel, M. Dahele, J.R. van Sörnsen de Koste, J.P. Cuijpers, F.J. Lagerwaard, M. Dahele, CL Ong, C.J. Haasbeek, P. Doornaert, F.O.B. Spoelstra, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Image-guided and adaptive radiotherapy for oligometastases S. Senan, W. Verbakel, M. Dahele, B.J. Slotman Departments of Radiation Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Imaging and targeting of macrophage folate receptor-beta in rheumatoid arthritis K. Weijers1, G. Jansen1, C.F.M. Molthoff2, B. Windhorst2, J.W. van der Heijden1, A. Voskuyl1, P.S. Low3, M. Ratnam4, Y.G. Assaraf 5, A.A. Lammertsma2, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, and C.J van der Laken1 Depts. of 1Rheumatology and 2PET-Center/Nuclear Medicine, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3Endocyte, West Lafayette, IN, USA, 4Dept of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Medical University of Toledo, Toledo, OH. U.S.A., 5Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Nationaal Reumafonds NRF-09-404 58. Immune correlates of clinical response and survival in castration resistant prostate cancer patients treated with Prostate GVAX and anti-CTLA4 immunotherapy S.J.A.M. Santegoets2, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, A.G.M. Stam2, S.M. Lougheed1, H. Gall1, P.E.T. Scholten2, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, E. Hooijberg2, K. Jooss4, N. Sacks4, K. Hege4, I. Lowy5, R.J. Scheper2, W.R. Gerritsen1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Departments of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pathology of the VU University medical center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 3Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA; 4Cell Genesys Inc.,South San Francisco, CA; 5Medarex, Bloomsbury, NJ Prostate Cancer Foundation Research Award, Dutch Cancer Society KWF-VU 2006-3697 59. Immunemodulation in myelodysplastic syndromes H.J. Bontkes, C. Alhan, J.M. Ruben, C. Eeltink, T.M. Westers, G.J. Ossenkoppele, A.A van de Loosdrecht Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam St. VU Steunfonds Hematologie, CCA/V-ICI 60. Immunological studies supporting phase 1-3 active specific vaccination and chemo-immunotherapy trials in clinical cancer S.J.A.M. Santegoets1, A.G. Stam2, H. van Cruijsen1, S.M. Lougheed1, P.E.T. Scholten2, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, P.Pohlmann1, J. Buter1, H.M. Pinedo1, M. Suhoski3, C.H. June3, W.R. Gerritsen1, R.J. Scheper2, H. Verheul1, J.J. van der Vliet1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, T.D. de Gruijl1 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology and 2Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam; 3Abramson Family Cancer Research Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. KWF-VU 2006-3697 61. Immunomodulation in melanoma sentinel lymph node M.F.C.M. van den Hout1, B.J.R. Sluijter1, S.J.A.M. Santegoets, P.A.M. van Leeuwen1, S. Meijer1, P. van den Tol3, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh2, R.J. Scheper3, T.D. de Gruijl2 Departments of 1Surgical Oncology, 2Medical Oncology, and 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Heelkundefonds 62. Immuno-PET in non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma J.M. Zijlstra1, S.N.F. Rizvi2, J.M. Lubberink2, O.S. Hoekstra2, G.A.M.S. van Dongen2,3, H. v. Tinteren4, P.C. Huijgens1 Depts. of 1Hematology, 2Nuclear Medicine & PET Research, 3Otolaryngology, VU University Medical Center 4e geldstroom 63. Innovative techniques for intracranial stereotactic radiotherapy Lagerwaard FJ, Meijer OWM, Haasbeek CJA, Vandertop WP, Baaijen JC, van den Berg R, Postma TJ, Leemans CR, Slotman BJ Depts. of Radiation Oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery and Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Varian - RapidArc 64. Is c-Abl a potentail target for therapy in Enteropathy Associated T-cell Lymphomas? M. Radersma1, C.J.L.M. Meijer2, O.J. Visser3, B.M.E. von Blomberg2, G. Bouma1, C.J.J. Mulder1, S.A.G.M. Cillessen2 Depts. of 1Gastro-enterology and Hepatology,2Clinical Pathology, 3Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam MLDS grant WO-9-28 65. Leukemia associated antigen loading of dendritic cells for vaccination of acute myeloid leukemia patients J.M. Ruben1, W.A. van den Ancker1, T,D de Gruijl2, T.M. Westers1, G.J. Ossenkoppele1, H.J. Bontkes1, A.A. van de Loosdrecht1 Departments of Hematology1 and medical oncology2, Cancer Center Amsterdam, VU University Medical Center 66. MAMMOTH; Molecular breast cancer imaging for diagnosis and therapeutics decision making T. J. Wong1, Y. Paulis1, R.R. de Haas1, R. Heusschen1, H.M. Verheul1, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,3, A.W. Griffioen1 Dept. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center 67. Measuring intraprostatic androgen concentrations using LC-MS/MS: from bench to bedside T. van der Sluis, JJL Jacobs, AA Geldof, RJA van Moorselaar and A Vis Dept. of Urology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 68. Metabolic volume measures as indicators of response to therapy in cancer 1V Frings,1R Boellaard, 1P Cheebsumon, 3H van Tinteren, 1FHP van Velden, 2EF Smit, 1OS Hoekstra 1Dept of Nuclear Medicine & PET research, 2Pulmonology, 3Netherlands Cancer Institute 69. Methodological aspects of perfusion measurements with CT and PET 1G Kramer, 1R Boellaard, 2MR Meijerink, 3EF Smit, 1OS Hoekstra 1Dept of Nuclear Medicine & PET research, 2Radiology, 3Pulmonology 70. MicroRNA-21 from bench to bedside and back: a potential marker of clinical outcome and a target to overcome resistance to gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer Giovannetti E,1,2 Funel N,3 Erozenci LA,1 Del Chiaro M,3 Leon GL,1 Vasile E,4 Pollina LE,3 Groen A,2 Falcone A,4 Boggi U,3 Campani D,3 Verheul HM,1 Danesi R2, Peters GJ1 1VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Dept. Internal Medicine University of Pisa, 3Divisione di Chirurgia Generale e dei Trapianti dell'Uremico e del Diabetico, Hospital of Pisa, 4Unit of Medical Oncology-2, Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Pisana, Pisa, Italy 71. Modulation of miRNAs in glioma stem-like cells S. van Rijn1,2, M. Smits1,2, J. Nilsson1,2, D.P. Noske1,2, T. Würdinger1,2,3 1Neuro-oncology Research Group, 2Department of Neurosurgery, VU University Medical Center, 3Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA CCA/STR funding 72. Molecular basis of intrinsic and acquired bortezomib resistance in non-small cell lung cancer L.H.A.M. de Wilt 1, G. Jansen2, Y.G. Assaraf 3, J. van Meerloo4, J. Cloos4, A.D. Schimmer5, C.J. Kirk6, G.J. Peters1¬¬, F.A.E. Kruyt7 1Dept Med Oncol, 2Dept Rheumatol, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3 The Fred Wyszkowski Cancer Research Lab, Dept Biol, Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 4Dept Pediatr Oncol/Hematol, VU University 167 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 168 Medical Center, Amsterdam, 5Princess Margeret Hospital, Ontario Cancer Institute, Toronto, Canada, 6Onyx Pharmaceuticals, San Franscisco, U.S.A., 7Dept Med Oncol, Univ Medical Center Groningen KWF 2006-3567 Molecular basis of sensitivity/resistance for folate antagonist and other targeted drugs G. Jansen1, J.W. van der Heijden1, R. Oerlemans1, W.F. Lems1, R.J. Scheper2, J. Cloos3, N.E. Franke3, S.E. Verbrugge1, C.L. Verweij1,2, R. de Jonge5, G.J. Peters4, Y.G. Assaraf 6 and B.A.C. Dijkmans1 Depts. of 1Rheumatology, 2Pathology, 3Pediatric Oncology and 4Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 5 Dept. of Clinical Chemistry, Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 6Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Near Infrared Fluorescent imaging of the Sentinel Node MHGM van der Pas1, M. Ankersmit1, DA van Dam1, GAMS van Dongen2, O. Hoekstra2, WJHJ Meijerink1 Depts of 1Gastro-intestinal Surgery, 2Nucleaire Geneeskunde en PET research, VU University Medical Center Optimalisation of ciclosporine exposure in HSCT A.J. Wilhelm1, J.J.W.M. Janssen2, P.C. Huijgens2, E.L. Swart1 Depts. of 1Clinical Pfarmacology and Pharmacy and 2Hematology, VU University Medical Center Peri-implantitis, implant loss and radio-osteomyelitis in head and necktumor patients H. Dekker, Chr. ten Bruggencate, B. Schulten, N. Braveboer, E. Bloemena Dept. Of Pathology, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam IOT/ACTA PET methodology: quantification of long-lived PET tracers in oncology and immunology 1N Makris, 2GAMS van Dongen, 3J Zijlstra, 4EF Smit, 2R de Bree, 5H Verheul, 5CW Menke-van der Houven van Oordt, 6J van der Laken, 1OS Hoekstra, 1R Boellaard 1Depts of Nucl Med & PET research, 2 Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery 3 Haematology, 4Pulmonology, 5Medical Oncology, 6Rheumatology CTMM PET methodology: the impact of partial volume corrections in oncology 1N Hoetjes, 1P Cheebsumon, 1FHP van Velden, 2EF Smit, 2AJ de Langen, 1AA Lammertsma, 1OS Hoekstra, 1R Boellaard 1Dept of Nucl Med & PET research, 2Pulmonology Photoimmunodetection of colorectal cancer M. Ankersmit1, DA van Dam1, MHGM van der Pas1, EA te Velde, E. De Cuba, GAMS van Dongen2, WJHJ Meijerink1 Depts of 1Gastro-intestinal Surgery, 2Nucleaire Geneeskunde en PET research, VU University Medical Center Proteasome inhibitor targeting of the (immuno)proteasome: effects on immune effector cells and therapeutic consequences for cancer and chronic inflammatory diseases S.E. Verbrugge1, T.D. de Gruijl2, R.J. Scheper3, M. Aujay4, C.J. Kirk4, J. Cloos5, Y.G. Assaraf 6, B.A.C. Dijkmans1, and G. Jansen1 Depts. of 1Rheumatology, 2Medical Oncology, 3Pathology, 5 Pediatric Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4Onyx Pharmaceuticals, South San Francisco, USA. 6Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. V-ICI Pro07/36 Radiation and targeted therapy of brain tumours Sminia P, van Nifterik KA, van den Berg J, Ameziane N, Stalpers LJH, Hulsebos TJM, Leenstra S, Peters GJ, van der Valk P, Lafleur MVM, Baumert BG, Steenbergen RDM, Slotman BJ Depts. Radiation Oncology, Oncogenetics, Molecular Pathology, Pathology, Dept Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Depts. Radiation Oncology, Neurogenetics, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam; Dept. Neurosurgery, St. Elisabeth Ziekenhuis, Tilburg; Dept. Radiation Oncology Maastricht Universitair Medisch Centrum KWF VU2000-2149 Resistance to Disease Modifying Anti-Rheumatic Drugs and other experimental anti-rheumatic drugs R. Oerlemans1, J.W. van der Heijden1, W.F. Lems1, J. Cloos2, R.J. Scheper3, G.L. Scheffer3, Y.G. Assaraf 4, B.A.C. Dijkmans1 and G. Jansen1 Depts. of 1Rheumatology, 2Pediatric Oncology, 3Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4Dept. of Biology, The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Nationaal Reumafonds/V-ICI grant NRF-03-40I Review of ovarian cancer, bladder cancer, mesothelioma, Kaposi sarcoma; focus on paclitaxel, gemcitabine, pegylated doxorubicin J.G. Hugtenburg1,2, C. Boons1, E. Boven3 1Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacy, VU University Medical Center; 2EMGO+ Institute for Health and Care Research, VU University Medical Center; 3Department of Medical Oncology ZonMW Role of flow cytometry in the diagnosis and prognostication of myelodysplastic syndromes C. Alhan, T.M. Westers, C. Cali, G.J. Ossenkoppele, A.A. van de Loosdrecht Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Hematologie Fonds, Cellgene/Roche as part of HOVON89 Sensitivity and resistance of tumor cells to the antiangiogenic tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib K.J. Gotink1, H.J. Broxterman1, R.R. de Haas1, H. Dekker1, R.J. Honeywell1, M. Labots1, Y.G. Assaraf1, R. Pili2, G.J. Peters1, H.M.W. Verheul1 1 Dept. of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2 Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA Single Port Surgery DA van Dam1, MHGM van der Pas1, M. Ankersmit1, WJHJ Meijerink1 Depts of 1Gastro-intestinal Surgery, VU University Medical Center Small molecule bioluminescent screening for novel therapeutics for pediatric brain tumors E. Hulleman1,2,4, J. Cloos1,3, G.J.L. Kaspers1, W.P. Vandertop2,4, B.A. Tannous5, D.P. Noske2,4, T.Wurdinger2,4,5 Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery and 3Hematology and 4Neuro-oncology Research Group, 5Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Stichting KIKA en NIH-R21 88. Study on the interaction between angiogenesis inhibition and radiotherapy Thijssen VLJL, Castricum K, Senan S, Griffioen AW, Verheul HM, Slotman B Depts. of 1Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, and 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center 89. Sunitinib for advanced renal cell cancer: pharmacodynamic aspects A.A.M. van der Veldt1, A.J.M. van den Eertwegh1, J.B.A.G. Haanen2, E. Boven1 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Medical Oncology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute – Antoni van Leeuwenhoek Hospital, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Industry 90. Targeted therapy in hematological malignancies: Antibody-targeting, erythropoietin and granulocyte-colony stimulating factor, farnesyl protein transferase and tyrosine kinase inhibitors G.J. Ossenkoppele1, P.C. Huijgens1, J.J.W.M. Janssen1, J.M. Zijlstra1, O. Visser1, M.J. Wondergem 1, A.A. van de Loosdrecht1 Department of 1Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 91. Targeted therapy of osteosarcoma, with a focus on lung metastases drs. J. Posthuma de Boer1, dr. M. N. Helder1, dr. V.W. van Beusechem2, prof. dr. G.J.L. Kaspers3. prof. dr. B.J. van Royen1 1Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2department of Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center and 3department of Pediatric Oncology/Haematology, VU University Medical Center. Supported by Aarhus University Hospital, Denmark, Stichting VUmc fonds VONK and the department of Orthopaedic Surgery, VU University Medical Centre, Amsterdam Danish grant and VONK 92. Targeting galectin-1 for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer R. Heusschen1, I. Schulkens1, A.W. Griffioen1, H.M. Verheul1, V.L.J.L. Thijssen1,2 Depts. of 1Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center KWF UM 2008-4101 93. The role of CD34 in the nature of leukemia stem cells in acute myeloid leukemia P. Noordhuis, L. Smit, G.J. Ossenkoppele, GJ. Schuurhuis Dept. of Hematology, VU University Medical Center St. VU-fonds Hematologie 94. The role of epigenetics in the treatment of pediatric brain tumors S.E. Mir1,5, E. Hulleman1,2,5, T. Wurdinger2,5, D. Noske2,5, G.J.L. Kaspers1, B. Drukarch3, J. Cloos1,4 Depts of 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Anatomy and Neusosciences and 4Hematology, 5Neurooncology Research Group, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Mozaiek, KWF fellowship 95. The role of impaired FPGS splicing in methotrexate response in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia Wojtuszkiewicz1,2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, Y.G. Assaraf3 J. Cloos1,2, M. Stark3, G.J. Peters4, G. Jansen5 1Dept. of Pediatric Oncology / Hematology, 3Dept. of haematology, 4Medical Oncology and 5Rheumatology, VU University Medical Center; 2Dept. of Dept. of Biology, The Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel Stichting KIKA “kinderen kankervrij” 96. Thymidine protection of rapamycin cytotoxicity is mediated by increased p70/S6k phosphorylation and autophagy I.V. Bijnsdorp, F.A.E. Kruyt, M. Fukushima, G.J. Peters Department of Medical Oncology, VUmc, Amsterdam, Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Tokushima, Japan, Department of Medical Oncology, UMCG, Groningen Taiho Pharmaceuticals, Japan 97. Towards comprehensive therapy for diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas in children M.H.A. Jansen, D.G. van Vuurden, D.P. Noske, M.W.J. Brok, F.C.H. Abbink, P.H. Spruijt, A.H.M. Piet, E. Sanchez Aliaga, R.J. Vermeulen, P. van de Ven, F. Barkhof, O.S. Hoekstra, P. van der Valk, P. Wesseling, W.P. Vandertop, G.J.L. Kaspers Depts of Pediatric Oncology, Neurosurgery, Radiotherapy, radiology, Nuclear Medicineand Pathology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Stichting Semmy, SKF 98. Towards personalized therapy using PET-labelled drugs: the case of 11C-erlotinib 1I Bahce, 2AA Lammertsma, 1EF Smit, 2AD Windhorst, 2RC Schuit, 2,3NH Hendrikse 1depts of Pulmonology, 2Nucl Med & PET research, 3Pharmacology 99. TRAIL activates kinases involved in cell migration and invasion in resistant NSCLC cells K Azijli1, S Yuvaraaj4, MP Peppelenbosch3, H Dekker1, J Joore2, GJ Peters1, S de Jong3 and FAE Kruyt4 1Dept. Medical Oncology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, The Netherlands; 2Pepscan Systems B.V., Lelystad, The Netherlands; 3Dept. of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Erasmus MC-University Medical Center Rotterdam; 4Dept. Medical Oncology, University Medical Center Groningen, University of Groningen, The Netherlands Top Institute Pharma T3-112 100. Treatment and survival of indolent and aggressive NHL patients; population based studies in the Netherlands D.E. Issa, O. Visser, J.M. Zijlstra, S. Zweegman, P.C. Huijgens Department of Hematology, VU University Medical Center 101. Ultrasound-guided breast-sparing surgery to improve cosmetic outcomes and quality of life A prospective multicentre randomised controlled clinical trial comparing ultrasound-guided surgery to traditional palpationguided surgery (COBALT trial) N.M.A. Krekel, B.M. Zonderhuis, S. Muller, A.M.F. Lopes Cardozo, H. van der Veen, P Poortman, L. de Widt, W.K. de Roos, A.M. Bosch, A.H.M. Taets van Amerongen, E. Bergers, H.W.H. Schreurs, E.S.M. de Lange de Klerk, M.H.M. van der Linden, H.A.H. Winters, M.P. van den Tol, S. Meijer Dept. Of Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam Borstkanker stichting Pink Ribbon; Osing Kluis Foundation 102. Validation of the one-step nucleic acid amplification assay as Intra-operative diagnostic method for the detection of lymph node metastases in colon cancer 169 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects Validation of the one-step nucleic acid amplification assay as Intra-operative diagnostic method for the detection of lymph node metastases in colon cancer Depts of 1Gastro-intestinal Surgery, 2Dept. of pathology , VU University Medical Center Program 5 Late effects of brain tumor therapy 1. Efficacy and toxicity of cerebral glioma treatment I. Bosma1, M.J. Vos1, E. Sizoo1, M. de Groot1, T.J. Postma1, J.C. Reijneveld1,11, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,13, W.P. Vandertop2,12, J.C. Baayen2, B.J. Slotman¬3, F. Lagerwaard3, J.Buter4 , M. Klein5, O.S. Hoekstra6, F. Barkhof7, E. Sanchez7, P. van der Valk8, A.A.T.P. Brink8, M.A. Blankenstein9, J. Berkhof10, J.J. Heimans1 Department of 1Neurology, 2Neurosurgery, 3Radiotherapy, 4Medical Oncology, 5Medical Psychology, 6 Nuclear medicine, 7Radiology, 8Pathology, 9Clinical Chemistry, and 10Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, VU University Medical Center, Department of 11Neurology and 12Neurosurgery, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 12Department of Neurology, MC ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag Late effects of tumor treatment 2. ALL treatment in acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children: a study into adjustment, quality of life, and costs R.R.L. van Litsenburg¹, E.M.M. Meijer-van den Bergh², J. Huisman³, P.M. Hoogerbrugge4, C. Verhaak², G.J.L. Kaspers¹, R.J.B.J. Gemke¹ Department of ¹Pediatrics VU University Medical Center, ²medical psychology UMC Nijmegen, ³Medical Psychology, VU University Medical Center and 4Pediatrics UMC Nijmegen. AGIKO Patient reported outcome in head and neck cancer 3. Health related quality of life in head and neck cancer patients: survival, response shift, and care I.M. Oskam1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, R. de Bree1, D.H.F. Rietveld2, J.A. Langendijk3, N.K. Aaronson4, C.R. Leemans1 1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, 3Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 4Division of Psychosocial Research & Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam 4. OncoCompass Development and pilot testing of a e-health monogement platform to optimise disease management in cancer patients C.R. van Uden-Kraan, C.R. Leemans, R. de Bree, W.R. Gerritsen, C. van Kalken, R.A. Kraaijenhagen, P. Cuijpers, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam NDDO Foundation 5. OncoQuest: touch screen computer based screening of health related quality of life and distress I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, A. Houffelaar, R. de Bree1, C.R. Leemans Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center 6. Patient and proxy reported outcome in HNSCC I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, C.F. van Uden-Kraan1, I.M. Oskam1, R.N.P.M. Rinkel1, R. de Bree1, P. Doornaert2, J.A. Langendijk3, N.K. Aaronson4, C.R. Leemans1 1Departments of Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, 3Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 4Division of Psychosocial Research & Epidemiology, The Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam Fonds NutsOhra 0702-118, 0901-072, KWF/Alpe d'Huzes 2504467 Psycho-Oncology / Palliative Care 7. Psychosocial aspects in head and neck cancer patients I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1, A.M.H. Krebber1, P. Cuijpers2, I.C. Riepma2, B. Steunenberg2, A. van Straten2, R. de Bree1, C.R. Leemans1 1,Depts. Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center and 12Clinical Psychology, VU University ZonMw DO 80-82305-98-09001, ZonMw DM (600-82600-98-8043/300020012); ZonMw PZ 1151.0003, Fonds NutsOhra 080T045 Psychosocial aspects in head and neck cancer 8. Internet-based treatment of low-grade glioma patients with depression and fatigue; randomized controlled trial M.Klein1, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, I. Verdonck4,5, J.J. Heimans2, P. Cuijpers5 Departments of 1Medical Psychology, 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 3Neurology, Academic Medical Center, 4Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 5Clinical Psychology, VU University, Amsterdam KWF (Alpe d'Huzes) 4615-4804 Psychosocial aspects in head and neck cancer patients 9. Costeffectiveness of psychological intervention via the internet in head and neck cancer patients Krebber AMH, Cuijpers P, Steunenberg B, van Straten A, de Bree R, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw DC 10. Stepped care to improve symptoms of anxiety and depression in cancer patients Krebber AMH, Cuijpers P, Steunenberg B, van Straten A, de Bree R, Leemans CR, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMW 11. Structured life review using autobiographical retrieval practice in depressed palliative head and neck cancer patients Riepma I, Krebber AMH, Cuijpers P, Steunenberg B, van Straten A, de Bree R, Verdonck-de Leeuw IM Dept. Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam ZonMw Voice, speech and swallowing in head and neck cancer 12. Prediction of radiation-induced swallowing dysfunction after curative (chemo) radiation for head and neck cancer 170 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects M.C.E.M. Christianen, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw, M. de Bruijn, R.N. Rinkel, C.R. Leemans, P. Doornaert, J.A. Langendijk Dept. Otolarynogology'/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center Amsterdam KWF RUG 2008-3938 13. Objective speech assessment in head and neck cancer: acoustic-phonetic and feature analyses by a neural network M. de Bruijn1, L. ten Bosch 2, J.A. Langendijk3, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2 Language and Speech, Radboud University, Nijmegen, 3Dept Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143 2008-3983 14. Prevention of speech, swallowing, and shoulder impairment after treatment for head and neck cancer I.C. Cnossen1, R.N. Rinkel, Y Aalders1, C de Goede2, R. de Bree1, D.H.F. Rietveld3, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, 2Dept of Physiotherapy, , 3Dept Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143 080T-043 15. Efficacy of voice therapy in patients with voice problems after treatment for early glottic cancer C.D.L. van Gogh1, H.F. Mahieu1, R.N. Rinkel1, R. de Bree1, J.A. Langendijk2, P. Doornaert3, C.R. Leemans1, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw1 1Dept Otolaryngology/Head-Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, 2Dept Radiotherapy, University Medical Center Groningen, 3Dept Radiotherapy, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam KWF Dutch Cancer Society RUG2008-3983, Fonds NutsOhra 080T-043, Eureka 2614 GGN371, VAZ/CVZ Doelmatigheid 00143 00143 Other projects 16. A combined physical exercise and psychosocial training program to improve physical fitness in children with cancer K.I. Braam1, E.M. van Dijk2, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1, M.A. Veening1, M. Bierings3, J. van der Net3, P.J.M. Helders3, G. Sinnema3, M. Chinapaw4, T. Takken3, J. Huisman2, G.J.L. Kaspers1 1Pediatric Oncology/ Hematology, VU University Medical Center, and 2Dept of medical Psychology VU university medical center; 3Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht; 4EMGO institute, VU University Medical Center Alpe d’HuZes/KWF 2009-4305 17. Distress and quality of life of patients treated with autologous stem cell transplantation following high-dose chemotherapy: Outcome of stepped care A. Braamse1, B. van Meijel2, O. Visser3, P.C. Huijgens3, A. Boenink1, P. Cuijpers4, P. van Oppen1 , A.T.F. Beekman1, J. Dekker1 1 Dept. of Psychiatry VU Univ Medical Center, 2 Research Group Mental Health Nursing, Inholland Univ3 Dept. of Hematology VU Univ Medical Center, 4 Dept. of Clinical Psychology, FPP, VU Univ VU University Medical Center and Inholland University 18. Early-detection of quality of life problems in children with Retinoblastoma and their parents A.G. La Rivière1, J. van Dijk2, J. Huisman2, A. Frankfoorder1, G. Buurmans-Kool1, M. Bosscha1, P. Ringens1, M.A. Grootenhuis4, I.M. Verdonck-de Leeuw3 and A.C. Moll1 Depts. of 1Ophthalmology, 2Pedriatic Psychology, 3ENT/Head and Neck, VU University Medical Center, and 3Clinical Psychology, Free University, and Psychosocial Department, Pediatrics, University Hospital of Amsterdam NutsOhra, grant 0901-072 19. Enhancing quality of life in low-grade glioma patients by attacking fatigue through modafinil: a randomized magnetoencephalography study K. Hilverda1, L. Douw2, M. de Groot2, M.J.B. Taphoorn2,4, J.J. Heimans2, J.C. Reijneveld2,3, M. Klein1 Departments of 1Medical Psychology and 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, MC ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag Fonds NutsOhra Zorgsubsidies 20. Glucocorticoid induced HPA axis suppression in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia and lymphoma M.S. Gordijn, R.J.B.J. Gemke, J. Rotteveel, M.B. Bierings, G.J.L. Kaspers Dept. Of Peadiatric Oncology/Hematology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam and Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Wilhelmina Children’s Hospital, University Medical Center Utrecht Dutch Cancer Society, grant VU 2010-4859 21. Health-related quality of life in high-grade glioma patients and their partners in the end-of-life phase E. Sizoo1, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein2, T.J. Postma1, R. Grant6, W. Grisold7, C. Marosi 8,G. Stockhammer9, H.R.W. Pasman3, L. Deliens3 J.C. Reijneveld1,4, M.J.B. Taphoorn1,5 Departments of 1Neurology, 2Medical Psychology, and 3EMGO+, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, 5Department of Neurology, Medical Centre ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag, 6Department of Neurology, Western General Hospital, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 7Ludwig Bolzman Institute for Neuro-Oncology, Kaiser Franz Josef Hospital, Vienna, 8Department of Internal Medicine, Medical Univeristy, Vienna, and 9Department of Neurology, Neuro-Oncology Group, Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria. Jacobus Stichting 22. Maintaining health-related quality of life of caregivers of glioblastoma patients: a randomized, two-group, controlled trial J. Lenting1, J.J. Heimans2, T.J. Postma2, M.J.B. Taphoorn2,3 J.C. Reijneveld2,4, M. Klein1 Departments of 1Medical Psychology and 2Neurology, VU University Medical Center, 4Department of Neurology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, 3Department of Neurology, Medical Center ‘Haaglanden’, Den Haag Tug McGraw Foundation / National Brain Tumor Foundation 23. Quality of life and neurocognitive functioning in meningioma patients D. van Nieuwenhuizen1, S.M. Peerdeman2, L.J.A. Stalpers5, W.P. Vandertop2,6, , M. Waagemans1,3, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein3, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 171 Appendix 7: Ongoing projects D. van Nieuwenhuizen1, S.M. Peerdeman2, L.J.A. Stalpers5, W.P. Vandertop2,6, , M. Waagemans1,3, J.J. Heimans1, M. Klein3, J.C. Reijneveld1,4 24. Quality of life in patients treated with radiotherapy for head and neck cancers P. Doornaert, M.R. Vergeer, C.R. Leemans, B.J. Slotman Dept of Radiation Oncology, Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam 25. Reproductive function, ovarian reserve, and risk of premature menopause in female childhood cancer survivors: a nationwide study A. Overbeek1, M.H. van den Berg1, C.B. Lambalk2, G.J.L. Kaspers1, F.E. van Leeuwen3, E. van Dulmen-den Broeder1 Depts. of 1Pediatric Oncology/Hematology and 2Obstetrics & Gynaecology, VU University Medical Center, 3Epidemiology, Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam KWF / Kika Foundation 2006-3622 26. Risk factors for impairments of quality of life after colorectal cancer: a feasibility study A.M.J. Braamse1, C.J.J. Mulder 2, B Penninx1, J.H. Smit1, S.T. van Turenhout2 , J. Dekker1,3 Depts. Of 1Psychiatry, 2 Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 3 Rehabilitation Medicine, VU University Medical Center VU University Medical Center 172
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