NEWSspring - California College of the Arts


NEWSspring - California College of the Arts
California College of the Arts
spring 2011
Dear Friends,
I am delighted to share some exciting news with you. At the end
of February 2011 we purchased the vacant lot adjacent to the main
San Francisco campus building. Our wonderful Board of Trustees
spearheaded the effort and provided the financing for the acquisition
of this two-and-a-half-acre parcel.
We have no immediate plans for developing the
lot, but of course there are a number of ideas for
temporary uses. Development for long-term use is
several years away and will involve extensive research,
planning, and community involvement as well as
a major fundraising effort. For now, I’m looking
forward to creating a process to gather input from
the CCA community as well as from the broader
Bay Area arts and education community.
Acquiring this property has been a goal of the college
for many years, and I am excited to be at the helm
at this time. I’ve been extremely fortunate to work
with CCA’s board on the project. I extend my deep appreciation for their
excellent generosity, support, and stewardship in ensuring the future of
the college.
CCA has been a tremendous success story in the last 15 years, with
enrollment increasing by more than 75 percent and demand for our
programs continuing to grow. Acquiring this property opens up a world
of new potential for CCA to lead the way in delivering the best possible
arts education, now and in the future.
Thank you for your continued interest and support.
school News
CCA Announces the Launch of Its Newly Redesigned Website
If you haven’t already, check out CCA’s recently redesigned website! Many months of research,
negotiation, and hard work went into the redesign, the primary goal of which was to display
more prominently the wealth of talent contributed to the college by its students, faculty, alumni,
and staff. The new site offers drop-down menus from the main navigation on the homepage, an
expanded audience-based main menu, larger homepage images with added selection features,
more prominent displays of video, and built-in social media features.
visit the new
CCA Alumna and Faculty Among
Winners of $50,000 Fellowships
from United States Artists
In December 2010 United States Artists, a
national grant-making and advocacy organization, announced the recipients of 50 new USA
Fellowships, totaling $2.5 million. Winners in
the visual arts include CCA faculty member
Allison Smith and alumna Anna Von Mertens
(MFA 2000). The chair of the architecture and
design panel was faculty member Karen Fiss.
Stephen Beal
Managing Editor Lindsey Westbrook Contributors Susan Avila, Chris Bliss, Simon Hodgson, Barbara Jones, Jessica Russell, Lindsey Westbrook
Design CCA Sputnik / Jen Allender Faculty Advisor Bob Aufuldish Design & Production Manager Steve Spingola Senior Marketing Manager
Clay Walsh
CCA Communications Department 1111 Eighth Street, San Francisco CA 94107-2247; 415.703.9542; [email protected]
Change of address? Please notify the CCA Advancement Office, 5212 Broadway, Oakland CA 94618; 510.594.3779; [email protected]
Printed by Oscar Printing Company, San Francisco
Photo credits
All artworks are reproduced with the kind permission of the artists and/or their representatives, copyright the artists, unless otherwise noted.
Watercolor artwork: Jen Allender; inside front cover: Jim Norrena; p. 1 (left): Charles Villyard, artwork commissioned by the San Francisco
Museum of Modern Art in conjunction with 75 Years of Looking Forward; p. 1 (right): Don Tuttle Photography; p. 2: Jessica Russell; p. 3 (top):
James Carrière; p. 3 (bottom): photo provided by the Oakland Museum of California; p. 5 (bottom): collection of the Oakland Museum of
California, gift of the artist in memory of Edna Stoddard Siegriest; p. 6: Laura Morton for Drew Altizer Photography; p. 7 (all except bottom
right): Nikki Ritcher Photography; p. 7 (bottom right): Jim Norrena; pp. 8–9: Douglas Sandberg Photography.
Anna Von Mertens
Frida Kahlo’s Aura, with Thorn Necklace and
Hummingbird, 2009
Allison Smith
Fancy Work (Scattergood Quilt), 2010
“We did a meaningful
critique of my student’s
work and restructured
her résumé. We attended
gallery openings and had
substantive discussions
about art in general
and art as a profession.
I also shared many of my
resources, such as lists
of residencies.”
Mentor Iris Charabi-Berggren
“The student demonstrated a devotion to her
craft and a grasp of theory
that makes me want to
work with her on future
projects. Our relationship
will almost certainly
continue after the formal
mentorship program
Mentor Kevin Clarke
“It was a very valuable
learning experience. I
toured my mentor’s studio
and discussed methods
of working and material
acquisition. I showed my
own work and talked
about my current process,
and I was guided to
consider materials and
resources I hadn’t
Student Nichelle Lee
“My mentor was amazing
and so helpful! This is one
of the most fundamental
programs I have participated in during my time at
CCA. I would be more than
happy to be a mentor after
Student Kelly Puleio
New Alumni/Student Mentorship Program
Alumna Ruth Laskey Receives SECA Art Award
CCA’s new Alumni/Student Mentorship Program connects students with
alumni for a semester of one-on-one mentoring sessions. The alumni
draw on their own experiences and expertise to provide the students with
professional advice, encouragement, inspiration, and realistic critiques.
The pilot session began in spring 2010, with 10 fine arts alumni matched
with 10 third-year and fourth-year students in fine arts programs. It was
so successful that the program has doubled its numbers in spring 2011,
matching 20 alumni with 20 students.
The San Francisco Museum of Modern Art has announced the recipients
of the 2010 SECA Art Award, and CCA alumna Ruth Laskey (Painting/
Drawing 1999, MFA 2005) is among the four winners. The SECA Art
Award honors Bay Area artists who are working independently at a
high level of artistic maturity, but who have yet to receive substantial
recognition. Works by Laskey and the other recipients (Mauricio
Ancalmo, Colter Jacobsen, and Kamau Amu Patton) will be featured in
an exhibition (with accompanying catalog) that will open at SFMOMA
in fall 2011. Laskey’s artistic focus is on the relatively unexplored territory
that weaving occupies within the context of art history.
The program begins with a kickoff training session for all participants.
Mentors and students receive guidance on how to shape their future
sessions to best meet their needs and time constraints. Three one-onone meetings follow over the course of the term, consisting of studio
or business tours, job shadowing, mock interviews, portfolio reviews,
brainstorming sessions, gallery visits, résumé reviews, or anything else
the duo chooses. The semester ends with a group wrap-up session and
Alumni are invited to be mentors! Email us at [email protected].
To participate, you must have majored in the fine arts and/or work in a
fine arts field, have had a positive experience during your years at CCA,
and be currently working in an art-related career or studio practice.
Students are nominated by CCA faculty, and then invited to submit
an application to the program. Final pairings are made by the Career
Services and Alumni Relations offices.
Mentor Alicia Escott
(MFA 2009) at the spring
2011 kickoff event
Mentor Bryson Ashley Gill
(Painting/Drawing 2005)
and student Morell Cutler
(Painting/Drawing 2013)
Animation Chair Andrew Lyndon Curates
PENCIL TO PIXEL at Oakland International Airport
Andrew Lyndon is CCA’s chair of Animation,
a digital imaging and video instructor at Pixar
Animation Studios, and now also a guest curator
for the Oakland Museum of California, having organized the exhibition Pencil to Pixel for
the museum’s off-site location at Oakland
International Airport. This carefully conceived
and beautifully presented show explored the
world of contemporary animation via the artwork of four Bay Area studios: DreamWorks,
Industrial Light and Magic, Pixar Animation
Studios, and Tippett Studio. The exhibition
was part of an ongoing partnership between the
airport and the Oakland Museum; the shows are
viewed by the more than 9.5 million passengers
who visit the airport each year.
Graphic Design Alumna Lia Tjandra Designs
Rebecca Solnit’s Infinite City
UC Press designs and publishes an impressive 180 books a year. Of these,
20 or 25 receive special design attention, and of those, art director and
CCA alumna Lia Tjandra (Graphic Design 1997) gets her
pick of the plummest projects to design personally. Currently
on her 2011 docket are a book on urban farming and a cookbook drawn from 25 years of The Art of Eating magazine.
Last year it was Rebecca Solnit’s Infinite City, a spectacular
cartographic ode to San Francisco that was a joint project
between UC Press and the San Francisco Museum of
Modern Art. The creation of Infinite City involved more than
25 people, and the final product included not just the book
but also a series of limited-edition broadsides and numerous
lectures and events that ran for six months in conjunction
with SFMOMA’s 75th anniversary. Tjandra was responsible
for the overall design, liaising with 12 artists and two
cartographers to create the dazzling maps.
Before coming to UC Press, Tjandra spent nine years as an in-house
designer at SFMOMA. While at CCA she participated in Sputnik, the
college’s award-winning undergraduate design studio, and interned with
the renowned design team Aufuldish & Warinner.
Tjandra maintains strong links with CCA, notably through the UC Press
internship program. “It’s been wonderful to tap into the student talent.”
And this hard-working graphic design veteran has some solid advice
for the next generation of designers: Keep an open mind about where
you want to work, be flexible, and develop a range of skills rather than
specializing. As graphic design evolves toward creating templates and
standards, she says, “You will, ironically, be working to create methods
and systems that will eventually replace you. It’s the reality of things.
But there will always be interesting design projects out there. Keep
reinventing yourself.”
In memoriam
Dennis Oppenheim 1938–2011
Prominent CCA alumnus Dennis Oppenheim
(Painting 1965) passed away on January 22,
2011, at the age of 72. A pioneer of Land art,
conceptual art, performance art, and video in
the 1960s and 1970s, Oppenheim moved fluidly
throughout his career from the macrocosm of
the landscape to the microcosm of the body. In
the last two decades he concentrated on creating large-scale public artworks that combined
aspects of architecture and sculpture. Some of
these works proved controversial, for instance
Device to Root Out Evil, a church turned upside
down, originally presented at the 1997 Venice
Biennale. Local audiences may remember his
landmark installation Recall (1974), which appeared in Artists of Invention: A Century of CCA
at the Oakland Museum of California in 2007.
Dennis Oppenheim
Device to Root Out Evil, 1997
Nathan Oliveira 1928–2010
One of CCA’s most illustrious alumni and
former faculty members, Nathan Oliveira,
died on November 13, 2010. Oliveira received
his BFA in 1951 and his MFA in 1952, both from
CCA, and he taught at the college from 1952
to 1956. He held a tenured teaching position at
Stanford University from 1964 until he retired
in 1995. He received many awards during his
lifetime, including a Guggenheim Fellowship
and honorary doctorates from CCA (1968)
and the San Francisco Art Institute (1996). He
also served on CCA’s Board of Trustees from
2002 to 2005. Over the course of his career,
Oliveira took part in hundreds of important
exhibitions at major museums and galleries.
He was a pioneer in the return to figuration in
American painting; in the 1950s he and several
fellow artists originated the Bay Area Figurative
Movement. Their group was reacting against
nonobjective, abstract painting, in particular
Abstract Expressionism. Others in the group
included Richard Diebenkorn, David Park,
Elmer Bischoff, Joan Brown, and Manuel Neri.
Nathan Oliveira
Spring Nude, 1962
Opening reception for Huckleberry finn
Curator’s Forum Event
at the home of Yves Béhar and Sabrina Buell, December 2010
at the CCA Wattis Institute for Contemporary Arts, September 2010
• Jordan Kantor and Kara Walker
• Shirley Morales, Alka Agrawal, and Ravin Agrawal
• Jason Meadows, Hank Willis Thomas, and Stephen Beal
• Jeffrey Deitch, Sabrina Buell, Yves Béhar, and Barry McGee
• Sarah Buckley and Emma Goltz
• Trish Bransten, Alan Stein, and Paul Sack
• Matt and Katie Paige
lectures on CCA’s San Francisco campus, January 2011
Stephen Beal, Rob Epstein, and Gus Van Sant
Remarkable learning opportunities are made possible at CCA through
gifts and grants from our generous donors. We’d like to thank all the
alumni, parents, and friends who made gifts this fall and winter. Many
gifts have come in for Mirror Mirror, the fundraising gala organized in
partnership with Gump’s that was held on March 31, 2011. A story thanking all Mirror Mirror donors and sponsors will appear in the next issue
of Glance magazine. The following are highlights of other leadership gifts
made from October 2010 through January 2011.
By including CCA in your estate plan, you can create a significant legacy.
Alumna Laureen Landau (MFA 1962) did just that. Ms. Landau, who
passed away in August 2009, created a planned gift that resulted in CCA
receiving $540,000 from her estate this year. The college is grateful for
this very generous legacy, which will strengthen educational resources
available to CCA students.
F. Noel Perry, Stephen Beal, Tecoah Bruce, and Robert Bechtle
The college received important new gifts
for academic and public programs. Trustee
Emeritus Carla Emil and her husband Rich
Silverstein pledged $75,000 to support three
years of the new Visiting Filmmaker Master
Class Series. To enhance the accessibility of
CCA’s public programs, The Bernard Osher
Foundation gave $50,000 for strategic
technology upgrades to Timken Lecture
Hall. The CCA Center for Art and Public
Life received $50,000 from The Walter &
Elise Haas Fund in renewed support for the
Community Student Fellows program.
The Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation awarded CCA’s Graduate
Program in Fine Arts a two-year $40,000 grant to expand its professional development course. The National Endowment for the Arts
awarded a $22,000 grant in support of the Craft Forward symposium at
CCA. The Adobe Foundation made a grant of $16,000 to support the
ENGAGE at CCA program at the Center for Art and Public Life. The
Photography Program was able to expand its visiting artist series in 2010
and 2011 with a $10,000 grant from The Pilara Foundation. The Live
Oak Foundation made a gift of $10,000 to the Graduate Program in
Curatorial Practice graduate exhibition.
CCA received several generous gifts to student
scholarships. Faculty members Angie Wang
and Mark Fox pledged $25,000 to create
a new endowed scholarship for graphic
design students. The S. Livingston Mather
Charitable Trust made gifts totaling $23,750
to be awarded as Vincent Carrasco Memorial
Scholarships. The Richard and Jean Coyne
Family Foundation gave $20,000 to renew
its annual gift to the Richard and Jean Coyne
Family Foundation Illustration Scholarship.
Fong & Chan Architects renewed their
commitment to the Architecture Program
with a grant of $15,000 to the Fong & Chan
Architects Undergraduate Scholarship
Endowment Fund.
The Fund for CCA provides critical support
for the core operations of the college. Many
generous gifts have come in for this purpose,
including $16,700 from Mary and Harold
Zlot, $16,000 from Judy and Bill Timken,
$15,000 from the Gensler Family Foundation,
$13,000 from Nancy and Steven Oliver,
$12,000 from Anita and Ronald Wornick, and
$10,000 from each of the following donors:
Johanna and Tom Baruch, Kimberly and
Simon Blattner, Tecoah and Thomas Bruce,
C. Diane Christensen and Jean M. Pierret,
Nancy and Pat Forster, Ann Hatch and
Paul Discoe, IDEO/Tim Brown, Miranda
Leonard, Lorna Meyer and Dennis Calas,
MF Foundation/Tim Mott, F. Noel Perry,
Rotasa Foundation, Gene Savin and
Susan Enzle, Ruth and Alan Stein, Kay
Kimpton Walker and Sandy Walker, and
Carlie Wilmans.
Mark Fox and Angie Wang
Drue Gensler, Gregory Baker, and Art Gensler
New gifts and pledges from the following donors were recorded between January 1 and December 31, 2010. Alumni are identified
by actual or expected year of graduation, when the date is known.
Donors to Mirror Mirror: Gump’s 150th Anniversary Gala to Benefit California College of the Arts will be acknowledged in a
special article in the fall 2011 issue of Glance magazine.
Johanna and Tom Baruch
Kimberly and Simon Blattner
Tim Brown
Tecoah Bruce (1974, 1979) and Thomas Bruce
C. Diane Christensen and
Jean M. Pierret
Richard and Jean Coyne Family Foundation
Elvin L. Fowler* Living Trust
Nancy and Pat Forster
Gensler Family Foundation
Ann Hatch and Paul Discoe
Warren and Chris Hellman
Brenda Jewett and
George F. Jewett III (1996)
Laureen Landau* Trust
(1961, 1962)
Miranda Leonard
Helyn MacLean and
Asher Waldfogel
The S. Livingston Mather* Charitable Trust
Lorna Meyer and Dennis Calas
Mrs. Sarajane Miller-Wheeler and Dr. Calvin B. Wheeler
Ms. Ann Morhauser (1979)
Nancy and Steven Oliver
F. Noel Perry
Patty Quillin
Rotasa Foundation
Gene Savin and Susan Enzle
Dorothy Saxe and George Saxe*
Barclay and Sharon Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Alan L. Stein
Judy and Bill Timken
The Toby Fund
Jack and Susy Wadsworth
Ms. Kay Kimpton Walker and
Mr. Sandy Walker
Angie Wang (1995) and Mark Fox
Ms. Carlie Wilmans
Ronald and Anita Wornick
Mary and Harold Zlot
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Ravin Agrawal
Mr. Luiz Augusto
Susan and Bill Beech
Alexandra Bowes and
Stephen Williamson
Collection of Frances & John Bowes
Dr. Thomas and Janice Boyce
Ms. Frish R. Brandt (1979) and
Mr. Jeffrey Fraenkel
Rena Bransten
Carla Emil and Rich Silverstein
Lauren and Jamie Ford
Stanlee R. Gatti
Emma and Fred Goltz
Mrs. Charles H. Hine
Ms. Joyce Linker
Byron R. Meyer
Catherine Paige
Liebe Patterson and Bill Patterson*
Edna Reichmuth* Trust (1939)
Paul Sack and Shirley Davis
C. Ross Sappenfield and
Laura Brugger
Riyo Sato (1940)*
Ms. Lisa Spellman
Laura and Joe Sweeney
Robin Wright and Ian Reeves
Mr. and Mrs. James Acquistapace
Mr. Caesar M. Alexzander (1996) and Mr. Thomas E. Horn
Susan Avila and Stephen Gong
Ms. Una Baker
Stephen Beal and Elizabeth Hoover
Mr. Robert Bechtle (1954) and
Ms. Whitney Chadwick
Gretchen and John Berggruen
Ms. Kathleen R. Bole
Robert and Daphne Bransten
The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Fund at Brandeis University
Amanda A. Bryan (1984)
John and Florence Bryan
Lorne and Rochelle Buchman
Penny and Peter Chen
Teresa Chou
E. Patrick Creehan
Rose Anne Critchfield (2005) and Steve Cohn
Mr. Boris Dramov and
Ms. Bonnie Fisher
Gladys M. Eaton
Mr. Mitchell Forster
Mark Freund and Trice Koopman
Ms. Mikae Hara (1986)
Chris Hennessy (2013)
Tracy and Maie Herrick
Carol and Richard Hyman
Dr. Donald M. Kay and
Ms. Bonnie Levinson
Ms. Susan Landor Keegin
Sandra Greenberg Kosinski (1974)
Pamela Kramlich
Frederick Loomis (2004)
Ms. Jane Lurie
Mr. Alan Martin
Mr. Nion T. McEvoy
Sheri S. McKenzie and
Mark S. Bernstein
John McNeil, Jr. (1982)
George H. Mead III (1976, 1978)
David Meckel
The Anthony and
Celeste Meier Family
John L. Milner (1972)
Stephen and Barbara Morris
Dr. Thomas L. Nelson and
Dr. Wylda H. Nelson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Osher
James Penalacia (2007)
Mr. and Mrs. George H. Pfau, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Podell
Shepard Pollack and Paulette Long
Ms. Kira Reoutt
Helen and Charles Schwab
George Luis Sedano and Eric Fiske
Büldan Seka
Mary Jo and Arthur Shartsis
Kenneth W. Swenson and
Cherie Swenson
Steve Tolleson/Tolleson Design
Ms. Corinna Tsai and
Mr. William Chen
Mr. Jeffrey J. Wiggins and
Mr. Joe Olivo
Mr. Howard Wright and
Ms. Katherine Janeway
Mr. and Mrs. George A. Zimmer
Anonymous (4)
Deborah and Arthur Ablin
Paige and Anthony Arata
Christine Bliss and David Nitz
Linda A. Cicero (1980)
Don Crewell
Betty Watkins Denebeim (1980)
Mr. Leroy Dutro (1941)
Ms. Keara Fallon-Mulcahy (1997) and Mr. Spencer Mulcahy
Lori and Peter J. Feibelman
Mr. George A. Gonzalez (1973)
S. Holmos Family Foundation
Mr. Scott R. Heldfond
Mr. and Mrs. Jaimie Henderson
Charlotte L. Isaacs
Kurt Kiefer (1992) and
Mary L. Williamson
Mrs. Kathleen M. Kimura
Andrea Krueger (1974) and Kenneth Krueger
Ms. Gyöngy Laky and
Mr. Thomas C. Layton
Jamie L. Millican (1981)
Carmen J. Moore Charitable Trust
Mr. Alan W. Myers
Sally and Robert Nicholson (parents of Bobby Nicholson (2008))
Mr. Lawrence M. Oberto and
Ms. Lenette Worthington
Mr. Gary E. Parsons, AIA and
Ms. Rachel Rush
Bettyann Plishker (1978)
Mr. Chris Rifkin
Susan Solinsky Duryea and
Paul Duryea
Howard L. Sollins and
Barbara M. Resnick
Ms. Jennifer Stein
Robert Tong (1953) and
Helen Tong
Ms. Patricia R. Walsh
Jay Xu, Asian Art Museum,
Chong-Moon Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture
Anonymous (4)
Mia S. Alexander (1979)
Mary C. Bendix (1975)
Ms. Ashlie P. Benton (1992)
Ms. Hana Cerkez (2001)
Sally and Philip Chapman
Nina Chiappa (1976)
Mrs. Teru Chikamori Jones (1952)
Nancy Clark and Bill Broach
Andrea Cochran
Ms. Cyndi Devereaux (1992)
Mr. and Mrs. Richard B. Dilday II (1974)
Donald J. Donoughe (1990)
Mr. Burton Edwards (2003)
Charles Ferris, Common Cents
Blanche and Steven Goldenberg
John and Marcia Goldman
PJ Johnston
Jacqueline P. Little (1992)
Louisa Louie (1995)
Emily McVarish and Becky Bond
Christina Meyer (1994)
Dan and Julia Mooney
Mr. James A. Rafferty (2007)
Eric Read (1983) and
Deborah Read
Mrs. Helene Y-J Rice (1997)
Mr. and Mrs. Luc Schlumberger
Mr. and Mrs. Norman J. Stein, Sr. (1970)
Mrs. Roselyne C. Swig
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wacknov
Laurellee Westaway
Suzanne Westaway
Mr. Karl W. Wieser (1998)
Randy L. Wilson
Thomas Wojak (1992) and
Misty Leigh Youmans (1996)
Mr. Jonathan Wornick and
Ms. Cristina Breen
Erik Adigard (1987)
Ms. Diane G. Agoglia
Dr. Edward A. Aiken (1972)
William R. Alschuler
Tamlyn Akins Fine Art Studio (1980)
Cal Anderson (1946)
Mr. Peter D. Andrea (1993)
Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Appert
Ms. Megan Baldrige
Ms. Lisa Beaty
Jacob Belsky (1965)
Ms. Mary B. Bender (1984) and Mr. Charley C. Hoyt
Marcia and Craig Benham
Mr. and Mrs. Jose Bernal
Mr. and Mrs. David Bigelow
Mr. William W. Bivins, Jr. and
Ms. Lynn D. Fuller
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Bloom
Jack Bousian (1942) and
Barbara Bousian
Art and Kathy, Chrissie, and
Lauren Bradley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Braun
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brill
Mr. Stanlee Brimberg
Patricia Bruning
Kenneth L. Bryant (1976)
Mr. Mark N. Buswell (2002)
Kathleen Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cape
Dr. Richard L. Caplin and
Ms. Lorrie Baker
Ms. Sydney Carson, PhD and
Mr. Arthur R. Carson (1984)
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Colvin
Mr. Lafcadio Cortesi and
Ms. Jo Anne Welsch
Megan Croft (2000)
Scott Cuyler (1975)
Ms. Lindsay A. Daniels (2003)
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Davidson
Levi De Keyrel (2004)
Lydia Nakashima Degarrod
Mr. and Mrs. William Dehoff
Armen and Nelly Der Kiureghian
Ms. Nancy A. Derr (1957)
Ms. Rachel Detra
Mr. Steve Diller
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DuBois
Mr. Thomas Dufurrena and
Ms. Hilda S. West
Mark M. Dutka (1992)
Brian Dyck (1971) and Iwalani Dyck
Mr. Richard Elliott
Mr. Donald Escola (1958)
Karen and Glen Farr
Daniel H. Fitch (1960)
Mr. Wilmer Fong (1973)
Ms. Shannon N. Foshe
James M. Fowler (1969) and
Sui Hen Fung Fowler
Ms. Jan Freeman Long (1996) and Mr. Jeff Long
Helen Frierson
Ms. Sharon Gadberry
Margaret Mary Geis (1981)
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Greene
Mark J. Gross (1977)
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gross
Ms. Claudia Herrera Hall (1976)
Ms. Judith Hamill (1974)
Mr. William A. Hamilton
(1968, 1975)
Mr. Bruce D. Hammer
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Harding (1957)
Mr. and Mrs. Larry Hatfield
Ms. Andrea Hattersley
Ms. Mary T. Hawkins and
Mr. Jose M. Esteban
J. R. Heinzkill
Carol Henning (1990) and
Tony Henning
Mr. Jesse Henning
Sonja Hernandez
Ms. Cynthia A. Hibbard
Peggy Tong Hilton (1984)
Laurie M. Hoey (1987)
Ms. Phyllis V. Holmes (2000)
Mr. and Mrs. Jack E. Howard (1958, 1959)
Ms. Lynne M. Ingalls (1960) and Mr. Mike Wald
Ms. Carla L. Iverson
Mr. Johnny Iwan and Ms. Chandra Likke
Ms. Karen A. Jacobs Bradley (1988) and Mr. Mark S. Bradley
Janet D. Jacques (1978)
Virginia Charlton Jardim
Ms. Andrea Johnson (1979)
Ms. Barbara Jones
Christina and Andrew Kalman
Barry M. Katz and Deborah Trilling
Ms. Cassandra Kegler Kaldor (2005)
Mr. Christopher W. Kent
Mr. Randall E. Kessler
W. Hajime Kitamata (1975)
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Klingbeil
John and Susan Kluthe
Mr. Norman Kondy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kopman
Dr. and Mrs. Hal Korol
Mrs. Jean G. Krakower
Mrs. Katherine Koelsch Kriken and Mr. John L. Kriken
Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Lagreid
Ms. Katherine Lambert
Kathleen Larisch (1970, 1972)
Mr. Marc A. Le Sueur
Johnny Lee (1971)
Gregory D. Lee (1967)
Ms. Sharon Shamiko Lee (1989)
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Lemon (1979)
Leah Lenz (1981) and Rich Cahalan
Ms. Arne R. Leonard
Mr. James Leritz
Ms. Constance Lewallen and
Mr. William Berkson
Ms. Nora Lindahl
The Loewy Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph J. Long, Jr.
Dr. Janice Marcin (1984)
Karen Sophia Marley and Kerry Simester
Nancy R. Marzi (1954)
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Mason
Robert and Diane C. Master
Mrs. David Jamison McDaniel
Ms. Martha E. G. McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. McIntosh
Jen McKay and Adam Davis
Patricia McShane (1987)
Mary W. Mead (1978)
Cecily A. Merrill (1966, 1967) and Frank M. Friedlaender
Mr. Dennis Murphy
Richard T. Murray (1949) and Marjorie Krehe Murray (1949)
David B. Myers (1973)
Linda DeBruyn-Nelson (1973)
Wendy Nishizaki (1990) and
Craig Nishizaki
Nancy (Hofmann) Noloboff (1967)
Mr. and Mrs. Socimo Orozco
Miyako Overturf (1961)
Sushil C. Pal (1978)
Dmitry Panich (1991)
Pati Paolella (1978) and
Landy Paolella
Wendy J. Paull-David (1972)
Rosalie Price (1961) and
John Price
J. Przybysz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Purdie
Mr. Michael Quinn
Andrea Ramiza (1992)
George and Eloisa Ramos
Sharon O’Brien Rayner (1965)
Mr. Michael R. Reardon and
Ms. Jill Lawrence
Duane Reimer (1989) and
Jeanne Reimer (1989)
Julia H. Ritter (1992) and
John Ritter
Mr. Donald P. Roberts (1953)
Rosalie Ross and William Sennett
Ms. Elizabeth R. Ross (1972)
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruby
Ms. Eleanor Salazar
Mara Saltz (1975)
Mr. John M. Sanger
Sema Sapper
Mr. Leland Schneider
Ms. Sharyn Schneider and
Mr. Chris Meinke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Scholz
Rachel Schreiber and David Gissen
Mr. and Mrs. Toby C. Schwartzburg (1985)
Bryce and Chris Seidl
Judith Serin and Herbert Yee
Dan Shafer (2005) and
Alicia Shafer
Adrienne A. Sharp (1975)
Leonard and Judie Shaw
Ms. Susan W. Sheldon (1968)
Peter Silen, Ph.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Siler
Ms. Kristina R. Simanis-Laimins (1986)
Robert Simms (1962)
Pat and Pekka Sinervo
Mr. David E. Skinner and
Ms. Penelope S. Pahl
Mrs. T. Rachel Slonicki
Mr. Ronald Smetana
Christopher M. Smith (1997)
Ms. Tricia Smith (2000)
H. Marcia Smolens and
Richard Rubens, Beverly Consulting Partners
Jim and Lori Sottile
Ms. Susan Stevenson and
Ms. Joyce M. Norcini
Stephanie Summersgill (2005) and Chris Summersgill
Mark Takiguchi
Ms. Asako Takusagawa (1942)
Mr. Kenneth Tanzer
James Terman (1982)
Martin and Elizabeth Terplan
Joel and Patricia Tomei
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Topham
Ms. Kathryn Van Dyke (1990) and Mr. R. D. Grant
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Van Engel
Mr. Robert R. Van Horne (2007)
Ms. Rosemary Vial
Esteban Villa (1961) and
Helen Villa (1961)
Ms. Ayelet Waldman and
Mr. Michael Chabon
Mr. and Mrs. Ying Wang
Frederick Wasser (1960) and
Linda Wasser
David Weinberger and
Bettina Weinberger (1985)
Susan Sampsell Weller (1970)
Ms. Cinthia I. Wen (2007)
Ann Wettrich
Sam Wick
Katherine and David Wiener
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Wight
Dorothy Wilbanks (1961) and Robert Wilbanks
Sharon Wilcox (1965)
Leslie Wilks (1997)
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wiser
Doris Hardoon Woodward (1976)
Dr. Ruth Worthington
Jenny Wunderly (formerly Raussmueller) (1991)
Isabelle Wyatt (1984)
Lori Wynn (1978)
Setsuko Yoshimura
Neysa Young
Ms. Rhodora Zialcita
Anonymous (13)
ArtNow International Foundation
Capital Group Companies
Charitable Foundation
The Nathan Cummings Foundation
Fong & Chan Architects
FOR-SITE Foundation
The Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation
Consulate General of Germany
Grants for the Arts / San Francisco Hotel Tax Fund
Walter & Elise Haas Fund
Hedge Gallery Steven Volpe Design
Intel Corporation
George Frederick Jewett Foundation
MF Foundation/Tim Mott
National Endowment for the Arts
Nimoy Foundation
The Bernard Osher Foundation
Osterweis Capital Management
Pilara Family Foundation
RMW architecture & interiors / Architectural Foundation of
San Francisco
The San Francisco Foundation
Santa Clara University,
U.S. Department of Energy
Skirball Foundation
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Phyllis C. Wattis Foundation
Woods Bagot
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
The Clorox Company Foundation
The Ken and Judith Joy Family Foundation
Mission Economic Development Agency
Acuity Brands Lighting, Inc.
American Institute of Architects, San Francisco Chapter
Blick Art Materials
British Council
CEC ArtsLink
Haines Gallery
HDR Architecture
Hellmuth, Obata & Kassabaum, Inc.
Mondriaan Foundation, Amsterdam
Netherlands Cultural Services
Panta Rhea Foundation
Pfau Long Architecture
ROMA Design Group
Skidmore, Owings & Merrill LLP
WRNS Studio
BraytonHughes Design Studios
Cass Calder Smith
Fennie + Mehl Architects
GCI, Inc.
Jensen Architects
Leddy Maytum Stacy Architects
Levy Design Partners
San Francisco Host Committee,
San Francisco Office of the Mayor
SRG Partnership, Inc.
Zero 1: The Art & Technology Network
BIOS Design Collective
Ryan Associates
San Francisco Taipei Sister City Committee
Los Angeles Glass Alliance
Abercrombie & Fitch
ALPOLIC-Mitsubishi Plastics Composites America
ArtNow International Foundation
Bi-Rite Market
Blue Bottle Coffee
Ted Boerner Furniture Design
Dr. Thomas and Janice
Boyce Branch
Bill and Gerry Brinton
Center Hardware and Supply Company
Mr. Eric W. Cheney (1973)
The Christensen Fund
Margaret Colbert
Dick and Diane Einstein
Faye’s Video
Ms. La Shaune D. Fitch (2006)
Nancy and Pat Forster
Barry S. Friedberg and
Charlotte Moss
Gap Inc.
Goat Hill Pizza
C. J. Grossman (1996)
Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Huston
Mr. Mark Jensen, AIA
Ms. Kika Jonsson (2003)
Kelly Paper
Ms. Gyöngy Laky and
Mr. Thomas C. Layton
Little Star Pizza
Muscardini Cellars
Maryann Ohki Design (1988)
Paige Glass Company
Jasmine Rae Bakery
Semifreddi’s Bakery
Mrs. Miriam Scheffe (1970)
Susan Shawl (1963)
Elizabeth Sher
Timbuk2 Designs, Inc.
Judy and Bill Timken
Trumer Brauerei Berkeley
Urban Ore
Wellington Vineyards
Ronald and Anita Wornick
Mia S. Alexander (1979)
Cal Anderson (1946)
Carole A. Austin (1978)
Kimberly and Simon Blattner
Audrey Brown (1976)
Claudia L. Bubeck (1979)
Robert J. and Nancy R. Cole
Mrs. Mary L. Correia (1967)
Gladys M. Eaton
Mrs. Phoebe Fisher-Wolters
Elvin L. Fowler* Living Trust
Koko Fujita (1970) and
Thomas E. Flowers
Kenneth A. Goss, in Memory of Armando Rocha (1980)
Marian D. Keeler (1990)
Mr. Jim Kidder
Ms. Roxanne Kupfer
Laureen Landau* Trust
(1961, 1962)
Mr. Robert P. Levenson (1974) and Ms. Diane M. Kinnane
Michael Lopez* (1963) and Jeannette Lopez
Richard M. Lowenthal, M.D.
Dr. Thomas L. Nelson and
Dr. Wylda H. Nelson
Gerald M. Ober (1956)
Diane Oles (1984)
Nancy and Steven Oliver
Shepard Pollack and Paulette Long
Edna Reichmuth* Trust (1939)
Dorothy Saxe and George Saxe*
Margi Sullivan (1973) and
Bill Van Dyk
Kern Toy (1985)
Sheila L. Wells (1955)
Anonymous (6)
Steve Reoutt (1961)
Kellee Adams (1987)
Erik Adigard (1987)
Mr. Peter D. Andrea (1993)
Ms. Ashlie P. Benton (1992)
Mr. Bryn A. Bowman (2009)
Patricia Bruning
Mr. Mark N. Buswell (2002)
Ms. Hana Cerkez (2001)
Christin Chi (2009)
Megan Croft (2000)
Scott Cuyler (1975)
Ms. Lindsay A. Daniels (2003)
Levi De Keyrel (2004)
Betty Watkins Denebeim (1980)
Donald J. Donoughe (1990)
Ms. Keara Fallon-Mulcahy (1997) and Mr. Spencer Mulcahy
Mr. George A. Gonzalez (1973)
Mark J. Gross (1977)
Sonja Hernandez
Peggy Tong Hilton (1984)
Ms. Carla L. Iverson
Ms. Mongkolsri Janjarasskul (1988)
Ms. Cassandra Kegler Kaldor (2005)
Kristie Karkanen (2004)
Sue J. Kim (2006)
W. Hajime Kitamata (1975)
Andrea Krueger (1974) and Kenneth Krueger
Ms. Charlotte A. Lee (1975)
Johnny Lee (1971)
Leah Lenz (1981) and Rich Cahalan
Louisa Louie (1995)
Anne W. Markle (1977)
Patricia McShane (1987)
Emily McVarish and Becky Bond
David Meckel
Amelia Leclaire Nardinelli (2002)
Wendy Nishizaki (1990) and
Craig Nishizaki
Dmitry Panich (1991)
Chloe Pate
James Penalacia (2007)
Mr. James A. Rafferty (2007)
Andrea Ramiza (1992)
Eric Read (1983) and
Deborah Read
Heidi Reifenstein (2009)
Duane Reimer (1989) and
Jeanne Reimer (1989)
Ms. Kira Reoutt
Julia H. Ritter (1992) and
John Ritter
Svetlana Royzen (2002)
Ms. Tricia Smith (2000)
Allison Litrownik Stone (2003)
James Terman (1982)
Steve Tolleson/Tolleson Design
Mr. Robert R. Van Horne (2007)
Sam Wick
Leslie Wilks (1997)
Doris Hardoon Woodward (1976)
Jenny Wunderly (formerly
Raussmueller) (1991)
Lori Wynn (1978)
Setsuko Yoshimura
Anonymous (5)
Jamie Dehlin
Jens Hoffmann
Laura B. Hyman (1993)
Matthew R. Mills
Bobby Nicholson (2008)
Steve Oliver
Ellen and Gerald Saliman
Natalie Wacknov
Amy Williams
Mary Zlot
Dick Baker
Paula A. Bard (1972)
Robert C. Bingham
William Butler
Michael P. Cooley (1976)
Joseph J. Fallon
Christine L. Gross
Dr. Ruth Worthington
Dr. Donald M. Kay and
Ms. Bonnie Levinson
Carol and Richard Hyman
Jamie L. Millican (1981)
Sally and Robert Nicholson
J. Przybysz
Mr. and Mrs. Gordy Kanofsky
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wacknov
Karen and Glen Farr
Liebe Patterson and Bill Patterson*
Ms. Una Baker
Dr. Richard L. Caplin and
Ms. Lorrie Baker
Mr. Mitchell Forster
Sema Sapper
Sally and Philip Chapman
Kathleen Butler
Mrs. David Jamison McDaniel
Ms. Keara Fallon-Mulcahy (1997) and Mr. Spencer Mulcahy
Mark J. Gross (1977)
Barbara Ruxton
George Saxe
Herbert Stansbury
Catherine Colcord Stein
Larry Sultan
Gwendolyn White
Sally and Philip Chapman
Stephen Beal and Elizabeth Hoover
Rena Bransten
Mr. and Mrs. Ron Brill
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Braun
The Andrea and Charles Bronfman Fund at Brandeis University
Lorne and Rochelle Buchman
Dr. and Mrs. Ronald Cape
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Colvin
Mr. and Mrs. William Dehoff
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis DuBois
John and Marcia Goldman
Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Hal Gross
Mr. Bruce D. Hammer
Carol Henning (1990) and
Tony Henning
Mr. Jesse Henning
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Kopman
Dr. and Mrs. Hal Korol
Mrs. Jean G. Krakower
Mr. and Mrs. Ted G. Lagreid
Mr. and Ms. Paul Levine
Ms. Joyce Linker
Los Angeles Glass Alliance
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur K. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Podell
Mr. Chris Rifkin
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruby
Ellen and Gerald Saliman
Bryce and Chris Seidl
Pat and Pekka Sinervo
Mr. Ronald Smetana
Ms. Janet D. Somers
Mr. Walter E. Wilson and
Ms. Karin Klarreich
Mr. Jonathan Wornick and
Ms. Cristina Breen
Ronald and Anita Wornick
Mary and Harold Zlot
Sally and Philip Chapman
Leonard and Judie Shaw
Deborah and Arthur Ablin
Susan Avila and Stephen Gong
Ms. Kathleen R. Bole
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Davidson
Charles Ferris, Common Cents
Jane Potter Gates
Ann Hatch and Paul Discoe
Ms. Cynthia A. Hibbard
Ms. Constance Lewallen and
Mr. William Berkson
Mr. Nion T. McEvoy
John McNeil, Jr. (1982)
Jim and Lori Sottile
Ms. Rosemary Vial
Anonymous (2)
Sally and Philip Chapman
Anonymous gifts have also been made in honor of
the following: Carl Betz, Ralph Borge (1952)*,
Richard Diebenkorn*, Harry Krell*, Wolfgang Lederer*,
Luis Miljarark, Gordon Onslow-Ford*, George Post*,
Carol Purdy, James Schevill*, Mary Tift*
1111 Eighth Street
San Francisco CA 94107-2247
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