Racker Centers 2009 Annual Report


Racker Centers 2009 Annual Report
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Program Spotlight
Executive Director: Roger R. Sibley
Medical Director: C. Philip Meyer, M.D.
Getting Ready
for Kindergarten!
President: Mark G. Masler
Vice-President: Phyllis Joyce
Treasurer: George Schneider
Secretary: Rick Cowan
Eugene C. Erickson
Yvonne M. Everhart
Dr. Jeffrey Lewis
tough economy makes everything harder. There are more
stresses on families, businesses spend more time thinking
about survival than distributing profits, governments start
having to make choices they had not previously considered.
Individuals who thought they were financially secure learned
how quickly that can change.
Stephen Lipinski
Brian McAree
Gail Murphy
Kate O’Connell
John Rudd
Howard Schler
At the end of 2009, Franziska Racker Centers was helping
more people, employing more talented staff members, and
providing more services, than at the beginning of the year.
How did that happen?
Christine Schweitzer
Kevin Shreve
Kara Taylor
Robin Tuttle
James Willard
Dave Dunlop
Sam Forcucci
Margaret Gibson
All of our programs served a record number of people,
bringing in more revenue.
We were able to open two new homes for people with
developmental disabilities.
We managed our resources carefully, allowing us to spend
less than budget.
Big government cuts in funding did not greatly affect our
service mix this year. Which makes us lucky.
Tom Longin
Dan McNeil
Dave Palmer
Chuck Tompkins
As a not-for-profit human service organization, our posture
every year is to be cautious and seek opportunities. We are used
to not having a lot of money, and have learned to adjust and
change. Helping people through collaborations with preschools,
schools, and others has long been a cost effective way to work.
Fred A. (Ben) Williams
W. David Banfield
Bob Bantle
It is our responsibility to be a reliable support for individuals
with disabilities, for their families, and for the community.
Thanks to a talented and dedicated staff, a highly responsible
board of directors, and many wonderful friends, Franziska
Racker Centers is ready for 2010.
Carolyn Bartell
Sam Brewer
Karin Burgess
Daphne Cornell
John Crosby
Roger Sibley
Richie Moran
Sarah Rich, Ph.D.
Thomas J. Smith
Paul Steiger
Executive Director
James Turner, Ph.D.
ranziska Racker Centers’ Preschool Special
Education Services are conducted in partnerships
with day care or preschool programs. Our inclusive
classrooms are located in Ithaca, Cortland and Owego
and serve typical and special needs children in an
integrated setting. Since our preschools serve children
from age 3 to 5, kindergarten is just around the
corner and preparing all children for this next step is a
consistent focus.
Above: Kathy Zoner and
Kathleen Pasetty with their
triplets Mason, Alex, and Violet.
Left: Traci and Mike Washburn
with their daughter Hayden.
“I like that the teachers’ geared the activities towards
education,” stated Kathy Zoner regarding her triplets
experience at Franziska Racker Centers Preschool,
“everyone cared about the kids, both their well-being
and skill building.” The triplets -Mason, Alexandra
and Violet- began at the Centers day care at 18
months of age in the toddler class and moved into
the Centers’ preschool program and wrap-around
day care at age 3. Though none of the three have
a disability, their parents had concerns about their
transition into the school system since the siblings are
so close. “We took into consideration the suggestion
of the Centers’ staff to split the triplets up in Kindergarten,” Kathy
comments. “The Centers really helped with that transition by
rotating each child out of their primary class for an entire day so
they got used to being on their own.” Additionally, Kathy and
her partner Kathleen Pasetty have found their children’s skill at
identifying shapes, colors, and counting to be excellent. “We are
blessed with kids that enjoy the school experience,” says Kathy,
“but their preparation for the next step (kindergarten) is because
the staff at the Centers’ really cared!” The triplets are now finishing
their first year of kindergarten at Trumansburg Elementary school
and doing great.
occupational skills. “Mary
began walking when
she was in the special
education preschool
classroom and the staff was
so focused on her goals.”
Hayden also attended
the wrap-around day care
program at the Centers’
which is staffed by many
of the preschool teachers and aides. Traci recalls, “Hayden’s best
days were when she had the consistency of her preschool teachers
being with her in day care.”
Upon her entrance into kindergarten, Traci was pleased to find that
Hayden’s math and reading skills were advanced in comparison to
the rest of her class. Overall, “she’s doing very well in kindergarten,”
says Traci. Hayden is now using a FM system that works with her
hearing aids which helps her hear the teacher directly and she also
continues to receive occupational, physical and speech therapy.
Traci and her husband Mike recently participated in a speaker’s
panel at the Centers’ held for parents of incoming students into
the preschool program to help them know what to expect. Traci
reflects, “It brought tears to my years to see the tiny walker in the
hallway that Hayden used to need, it was a real reminder of how
far we have come. I can’t imagine where Hayden would be if she
wouldn’t have been at the Centers’ in those early years.”
Hayden, now 5 years old, began attending the Centers’ program
at 18 months of age. Hayden’s mom Traci credits both the toddler
program teacher Mary, and Hayden’s Special Education Preschool
teacher Patrick, with her progress. Traci also praises the therapists
that worked with Hayden on her speech, physical mobility, and
Success Story
Amy, Mark and his mother Jan
in Mark’s apartment
Mark with Service Coordinator
Amy Stone
should have done this ten years ago!” an
enthusiastic Mark told his Service Coordinator
Amy Stone after transitioning to his first independent
living situation at the Ellis Hollow Apartments in
Ithaca. When asked what he likes best about his new
home, the thirty-nine year olds face lights up with a
huge grin as he responds, “I love it! All of it!”
Despite his current excitement over finally living
on his own, according to Amy and his mother Jan,
originally Mark wasn’t thrilled about leaving his family
home; in fact he was downright resistant! His family
and Amy believe that he was afraid of the unknown
and of living alone after years of living with others.
Amy recalls telling him over and over, “You have to
keep an open mind,” as they considered his different housing
options, including getting a roommate. Amy recalls the day she
and Mark went to look at the Ellis Hollow Apartments. As Mark
walked in the door of the building, he met at least four people
who knew him from his work at the P&C supermarket and
everyone greeted him cheerfully. Mark decided then and there
that he wanted the apartment. He and Amy got an application,
filled it out in the car, and returned it to the office. However,
things didn’t go quite as planned. Just as Mark was about to
move into his new home, Amy found out that there may not be
enough funding remaining in the current Individual Support
Service funding stream to provide assistance to Mark. Through
Amy’s advocacy efforts, additional funds were secured to meet
Mark’s need for a rental subsidy. They were also able to provide
Mark with additional start-up funds for his new apartment to
purchase needed household items.
returns home on most weekends for his mother’s home-cooked
meals and to have his laundry done! Jake adds that when Mark
first left, “It seemed strange and the house seemed really quiet
without him,” especially in the morning when the two would
often get up early together. However, he firmly believes that,
“Even though Mark had cold feet, it was the best thing for him.”
Like most parents, the two are happy to see their son settled in
and doing well on his own.
The apartment’s location is ideal for Mark as it’s just around the
corner from the P&C where Mark has worked for twenty-three
years, bringing in carts, handling the bottles and can returns,
and helping the store’s cashiers. “Everybody loves Mark there,”
says Jan, adding, “To them I’m not Jan; I’m just ‘Mark’s mom’!”
Mark’s job is a big part of his identity and his conversation is
often sprinkled with references to things his customers have said
or done. Amy explains that he receives Supported Employment
Services through Challenge and that he usually works about
twenty-seven to thirty-three hours and has his paycheck
deposited in the Cornell Federal Credit Union down the road.
Jan adds that since Mark still has difficulty with small motor
skills, writing checks is hard for him so when he gets his bills
(rent, telephone, or Time Warner) in the mail he walks over to
the credit union, has them make out a cashier’s check for him,
and pays the bill. Mark agrees that this system has worked well
Mark’s parents, Jake and Jan, are very supportive of the move,
feeling that Mark was ready to move on. Jan says with a smile,
“We were all ready. I told him ‘You’ve got to get out of here!’”
Jan also feels that Mark’s new living situation has positively
impacted their relationship with him. Now when he visits on
the weekends they can really enjoy their time together. And
though Mark really likes his new-found independence, he still
for him, adding that he always pays on time because his mother
once told him, “Never let your bills go more than two days
without paying them!”
once a week for dinner. Mark and Jim also enjoy playing Bingo,
hiking, and playing golf together. Additionally, Mark’s family is
close-knit and he can often be found doing things like attending
motocross races with Joe, going out to breakfast with Jake, or
going on vacation to the Dominican Republic with Jan and his
aunt. The whole family frequently has dinner at Joe’s house or
goes camping together in the summer. On the rare occasions
when he doesn’t have evening plans, Mark enjoys watching
television in his apartment.
Mark isn’t limited to walking; he’s also proficient at taking the
bus. His new apartment is more accessible to the bus routes than
his parents’ home in Brooktondale, so on his days off he’ll often
hop on TCAT and visit his father, his brother Joe, or his cousin
who work at Cornell.
Amy explains that with his new living situation, Mark’s Day
Service goals will be adjusted so they include strengthening his
independent living skills. She would like to see Mark learn more
budgeting and money management skills as well as learning how
to feel increased confidence in cooking more complex meals by
himself or for others in his apartment.
…on his days off he’ll often
hop on T.C.A.T. and visit his
father, his brother Joe, or his
cousin who work at Cornell.
With Amy and Mark’s planning, a variety of resources were
put into places that have given Mark the opportunity to live
independently. Amy would like to find a way for Mark to share
his positive experience of living on his own to help other people
served by the Centers to take advantage of the opportunity to
live independently. “This is truly a great accomplishment,” Amy
comments, “Mark’s ability to rise to the challenge and transition
to his own apartment with the help of his family and the Centers
is truly remarkable!”
According to Jan, Mark has been receiving services including
physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech, from the
Centers since he was seven months old. He’s currently involved
with the Centers’ Day Services program where he’s working on
social skills. At the urging of his Community Support Staff,
Jim Culla, Mark recently joined a singles group which meets
Success Story
Success Story
that Dallas would be fine, seeing her young son’s tearful face
looking out the classroom window as made her question herself.
“I wondered if I was really doing the right thing for Dallas,” she
recalls. Now, she says laughingly, “He’s always excited to go to
school and he hates weekends!” Bill adds with certainty, “I would
tell anyone to send their child that was having any type of problem
to this program.”
Initially Dallas wouldn’t speak to the adults or children in the
classroom, instead growling at them. He wouldn’t follow classroom
routines, and seemed to dislike everything and everyone. The
Centers’ team members and his family met frequently to strategize
and to discuss how to best meet Dallas’ needs. Specifically, the
group wanted to ensure
there was consistency both
at home and school with the
terminology and routines that
Dallas was experiencing.
Allie and her
mother, Jennifer
llie is amazing, she
surprised us all,”
exclaims Denise Price, Allie’s
physical therapist. Diagnosed
with Cerebral Palsy, when she
first entered Franziska Racker
Centers’ integrated classroom
at the Spencer-VanEtten (SVE)
Elementary School, three-yearold Allie was content to crawl
around the classroom. However,
with her physical therapist’s help
and encouragement, she slowly
progressed to using a walker. Then, according to her teacher
Sally Lawrence, one day she suddenly “just made up her mind to
walk!” Though a little hesitant and shaky at times, Allie is able to
walk on level surfaces with minimal assistance from others, and
she and Denise are currently working on the next step of learning
to navigate stairs and uneven surfaces with adult help.
Through the hard work
and dedication of his team,
(pictured at left) and his
Above: Dallas with Classroom Aide
parents, Dallas has gradually
Chris Hubbell
evolved into a friendly, social
Left: Dallas with Social Worker Linda
child who is often chosen by
Kline, Occupational Therapist Renee
staff to serve as a role model
Qamar, Speech Therapist Kate Lui,
and Special Education Teacher Patrick
for other children. “Other
Schloupt Jr.
kids tend to follow him
everywhere,” says Patrick, adding “It’s because of the way he carries
himself; he’s non-threatening and every encounter with him is
friendly and pleasant.”
has found Allie’s favorite aide Pam Koski to be an invaluable
resource to their therapy. “There is a fine line of support and
independence when you work with kids and Pam is able to
balance on that,” she remarks. Johanna believes that Allie’s
determination and “spunk,” rather than being detrimental, are
attributes which have worked to her advantage in overcoming
her disability and she is often impressed with Allie’s perseverance
as she tries to do more for herself. Allie’s increasing independence
has also led to fewer meltdowns and power struggles as she’s now
able to do more age-appropriate tasks, such as dressing herself.
Sally first started with Franziska Racker Centers as the special
education teacher in the integrated classroom in Candor that
began in 1992. She eventually transitioned to support the
VanEtten/Franziska Racker Centers’ Integrated Preschool
Program, where she’s been for the past ten years. There are two
classrooms in the SVE program, each with five Franziska Racker
Centers students and sixteen other children in them. The rooms
are each staffed with a teacher’s assistant, an aide and four staff
members, as well as either Sally or her assistant who “flip-flop”
between the classes. Sally notes that one of the best things about
the SVE program is that everyone works with all of the children
in an environment of total inclusion.
Allie’s mom, Jennifer, observes that her daughter has made
incredible gains with her speech therapist, Jody Mailloux,
who’s done “a wonderful job.” Jennifer also feels that being in
an integrated classroom with “all types of children” has helped
Allie’s speech progress and improved her social skills too.
Allie will be entering kindergarten in Waverly in the fall and her
SVE team feels that she’ll transition well into the new setting.
“She’s now able to do a lot of what other kids her age are doing,”
Denise reflects, “She can successfully access the areas that she
needs and wants to be in.”
Sally’s goal for all of the special needs children in her classroom
is to help them “be the best they can be,” because “Who really
knows what kids’ true potentials are… I’ve often found that
what you expect from kids is what will happen.”
Both Sally and Denise agree, “It’s very exciting to see her
walking. We’ve all benefitted from the experience of having
Allie here.”
Occupational therapist Johanna Sparks has been working with
Allie for two years on improving her fine motor skills. Johanna
Though Dallas retreats much less these days, to keep his gains intact
the team has developed a strategy where he sits with a small group
of friends who show him that he can do things, even when he thinks
he can’t. This is good for all of the children, allowing them to be role
models and to draw on the different strengths they each have.
Dallas has evolved from being unsure of himself in new situations,
saying “I can’t do it, I need help,” to having increased confidence in
his own abilities. He has even formed some reciprocal friendships
where he’s able to negotiate games, express his own opinion, and to
feel more confident in his choices, which Regina observes has been
very exciting for him.
ive-year-old Dallas has made tremendous progress in the
Franziska Racker Centers’ Preschool program, according to his
teacher Patrick Schloupt Jr. “His success is a perfect example of
what the Centers stands for. Open communication and everyone’s
hard work have helped Dallas make some truly amazing gains!”
At the end of the school year Dallas will participate in his
graduation ceremony before he enters kindergarten in Enfield
next year. Though he’ll most likely continue to receive speech and
occupational therapy services, the transition to elementary school is
both “scary and exciting” for Regina and Bill.
When Dallas first entered Patrick’s integrated classroom, he was a
very different child than he is today. His parents, Regina and Bill,
still remember the first week they brought Dallas, who struggled
with speech and language delays as well as motor skill challenges,
to Wilkins Road. As they tried to leave he would cry and scream,
begging to go home with them. Though reassured by Patrick
When Dallas leaves the Preschool at Wilkins Road, he’ll be given
a photo of all of the teachers and staff that have worked with him
to take home. Bill likes the idea but assures Patrick that, “He won’t
forget about anyone here and neither will we!”
Success Story
Wally plays cards with Classroom
Aide Becky Armstrong
Wally and his mother, Anna
ally’s success is a perfect example of
teamwork, between his family, therapists,
educators, and Wally himself,” says Franziska Racker
Centers’ social worker Pamela Talbott. “We were
all working together, not at cross-purposes, for the
student,” adds Wally’s mom Anna.
Though he’s made incredible progress at school, Wally’s team
agrees that he still has a few things to work on. Pam would
like to see him learn to balance his individuality with staying
within social parameters or, as she puts it, “There are times
when you have to go along with the status quo. I’d like to see
him be able to do that.”
Now twelve years old and on the verge of leaving
the Turning Point program at TST BOCES,
Wally’s progress over the past two years has been
phenomenal. The program is specifically for children
with emotional disabilities, school difficulties, and
learning challenges and each student receives the necessary
support and individual attention (there is a high student-tostaff ratio) to help them become a contributing member of the
Turning Point Community.
Diagnosed with Anxiety and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder,
Wally’s behaviors included fear of older people, selective
mutism, and frequently hiding from staff in small spaces like
Noting that it was really hard for her to watch school staff and
Wally trying to figure out how to connect with each other, Anna
adds, “I think at times we all felt like giving up. Then suddenly
it was like we turned a corner and ended up in a space where
BOCES staff saw who Wally really was and we could begin to
build on his strengths from there.” Anna says that to finally
see Wally able to make eye contact, to show affection, and to
joke with others, as well as to have found a safe place where he
belongs and where he can learn to be
himself, has been invaluable to her as
a parent.
are emphasized and are believed to be essential for a student’s
success in school and in the outside world.
In Wally’s case the “perseverance
pays off” theme is predominant. Pam
recalls that she began to connect with
Wally when she was able to find the
individual, a young person who was
scared, unhappy, and angry. Through
their regular sessions with board games
or cards Pam notes, “I was able to see past his behaviors and to
discover an appealing little boy, with a wonderful sense of humor,
who was learning to handle disappointments, transitions, and
successes.” Pam praises Anna for her consistency with Wally and
his school team, saying, “She’s been amazing. She’s always here
and always in communication with us.”
Becky Armstrong, Wally’s favorite classroom aide for the past
four years, has worked with him the longest and has seen the
most improvement in “the changes he’s made in himself and
how he now has the ability to be part of a group.” Becky also
praises Wally’s creativity and his great sense of humor, which
are evident when you talk to him in his classroom. Wally, hard
at work on Sudoku math boxes, seems to take his progress for
granted, leaning back in the rolling chair he prefers, answering
in monosyllables, and making faces like any other middle
school boy when asked questions whose answers seem obvious
to him. When he’s not in school he spends his time reading his
favorite Harry Potter books and The Lightening Thief by Percy
Jackson, seeing movies like Avatar, and taking photos for the
South Hill Hoops which is the elementary school basketball
team his dad coaches.
I was able to see past his behaviors and
to discover an appealing little boy, with a
sense of humor, who was learning to handle
disappointments, transitions, and successes.
closets. Any change, transition, or perceived threat would
result in episodes of extreme defiance, anger, and aggression
including throwing things at staff, kicking, hitting, and biting.
Anna explains that Wally always had behavioral issues, but that
his behavior wasn’t as extreme at home which allowed some of
his strengths to shine through. She says, “I knew the real Wally
was in there; I just couldn’t find a way to let other people at
school know too.”
Turning Point is a Circle of Courage school where the skills of
belonging, mastery, independence, and generosity toward others
Anna hopes that Wally can continue to become more involved
in outside school activities with other kids like karate,
swimming, or a Primitive Pursuits class.
When Wally first arrived, the Circle of Courage model was
difficult for him to follow and his classroom teacher Laura Havill
admits that their start was a rocky one. However, she didn’t let
herself give up on Wally and now, in their second year together,
she says Wally is a joy to have in her class. “He’s blossomed,” says
Laura. “Every day there is some new growth!” Wally’s also doing
much better with the other students. “He’s an idol to the other
kids, the calm in the chaos,” Laura declares proudly.
Though Wally claims, “I want to stay here (his current
program) forever!” the team and Anna feel that he realizes
how much he’s grown and that it’s time for him to transition
back into the community. With lots of encouragement, Wally
has applied for admission to Lehman Alternative Community
School for the coming fall.
Saying goodbye will be bittersweet for everyone on Wally’s
team. “We’ll have a harder time with him leaving than he will,”
Pam acknowledges. “And, we’re not only losing him, we’re
losing his mom too.” Anna agrees, “I’m going to go through
withdrawal. Having someone like Pam to check in with
whenever I need to has given me the support that I need to be
there for the rest of my family (Wally has three other siblings)
along with Wally.”
He’ll leave something of himself at Turning Point though.
Pam won’t be able to look around her office without recalling
the hours that she and Wally spent playing UNO, Skipbo,
Apples to Apples, and other board games together. Laura still
remembers the Christmas card that Wally made for her where
he claimed, “You’re the best teacher ever!” and Becky cherishes
her “Apple of Thank You” that students make for special staff.
On it Wally wrote “I wish I could take you with me!”
The Racker Society are
Special Friends who,
by their thoughtful actions
and planned giving, have
helped to build and sustain
Franziska Racker Centers
for future generations.
Margaret I. Gibson
Henry C. Sibley, Jr.*
Robert B. Allan*
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haley
Roger and Carole Sibley
Mrs. Rose Beckwith*
Jeanette Hanford*
Agnes Smith*
Daniel and Eve Brown
Ms. Lillian T. Hoffman
George and Jean Smith*
Dr. and Mrs. William Chernish
Judith K. Leavitt
Kevin P. Stearns
Don and Sue Dickinson
Tom Longin
and Nancy Tillinghast
Mr. John Stephens
Mrs. Jean Dunlavey*
Mrs. Leonard Miscall*
hen you contribute to Franziska Racker Centers you
becomes a Friend of the Centers. If your contribution
is $1000 or more, you become a Racker Fellows or Business
Partner. Your generosity helps us to fill funding gaps, allows for
program enhancement, and supports new and innovative services
for people with disabilities in our community. We are thankful
for the ongoing support of all our Friends, and fondly remember
those that have left us, some in the past year.
Giving to
the Centers
Some of our friends gave Gifts in Kind. These donations are
items or services that directly enhance ongoing programs.
Mr. and Mrs. Cushing Strout
Monetary gifts may have been given to Unrestricted Annual
Support, allowing us to address areas of greatest need within
the agency, or they may have been designated to one or more of
the seven funds described below
Sidney L. Tamarin*
Dave and Peggy Dunlop
William and Helen Musto Trust
Mrs. John H. Ferger
Mr. Kust Polho*
Robert E. Fish Estate*
Franziska W. Racker*
Mr. William F. Fuerst, Jr.*
Sarah M. Rich
Ms. Olive L. Wilkinson*
Bohn Family Fund created by Donna and Tom Bohn,
provides resources and supports for families with children
having special needs.
Doris I. German*
Tom and Betsy Salm
Fred A. (Ben) Williams
Mr. Charles A Gibson*
Jody and Kent Scriber
Agnes Williams Estate
Pauline B. Treman*
Sue Schattschneider
and Jeff True
Frances G. Berko Lectureship Fund created in memory of
Dr. Berko, the Centers’ executive director from 1964 to 1974,
supports community education and professional development
for those working in the disability field.
Frances V. Wilson Memorial Fund created by Margaret
Gibson in memory of her dear friend, provides financial support
for needed items not covered by traditional funding sources.
Franziska W. Racker Memorial Fund created in memory
of our former medical director and the agency’s namesake,
supports early childhood services, an area that was dear to Dr.
Racker’s heart.
Richard M. Leavitt, M.D. Memorial Fund created by Judy
Leavitt and her sons, provides support for special experiences for
children and young adults with disabilities.
Scriber/Cash Family Fund created by Jody and Kent Scriber
and David and Lori Cash, supports community-based
experiences for preschool and elementary age children with
special needs.
Tompkins Trust Company Bridge Fund supports otherwise
unfunded clinical services for children throughout the year.
Friends of the Centers A to Z
Racker Fellows
W. David and Mary Lee Banfield
Bob and Melinda Bantle
Donna and Tom Bohn
Jeb Brooks and Cheri Wendelken
Dan and Eve Brown
Karin A. Burgess
Cecilia Campbell and Deborah Gagnon
Timothy Colbert and Mary Ann Knight
Daphne and Ezra Cornell
John and Ann Racker Costello
Rick and Jill Cowan
Don and Sue Dickinson
Chuck and Cris Donovan
Dave and Peggy Dunlop
Gene and Ann Erickson
Margaret I. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Haley
Mrs. Betty J. Helsper
Gregg Hoffmire and Leslie Raymond
Robert and Mary Hutchens
Catharine Joyce
Phyllis and Lanny Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Keilbach
W. Keith Kennedy, Sr.
Judith K. Leavitt
Jeffrey and Kristin Lewis
Stuart and Ruth Lewis
Steve and Kathy Lipinski
Perri and Mickey LoPinto
Mark Masler and Bernice Potter-Masler
Brian McAree and Kris Corda
Mr. and Mrs. Dan McNeil
Philip and Peggy Meyer
Victor and Pat Montanez
Richie and Pat Moran
Gail Murphy
Mrs. Carol Neigh
Dave and Shirley Palmer
Sarah M. Rich
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Richards
John Rudd and Beverly Chin
Tom and Betsy Salm
Howard and Lauren Schler
Mr. Fred B. Schneider
Business Partners
AXA Foundation
BorgWarner Morse TEC
Cargill, Inc.
CU Teddy Bear Toss
Elks USA
Emerson Power Transmission
J. M. McDonald Foundation, Inc.
Jeffrey J. and Mary E. Burdge Charitable Trust
Kendal @ Ithaca Residents
George and Bobbie Schneider
Christine Schweitzer
Jody and Kent Scriber
Kevin and Lynn Shreve
Roger and Carole Sibley
Tom and Elfriede Smith
Deborah Streeter and Tom Owens
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Taylor
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Todd
Ms. Robin Tuttle
Erik and Deborah Whitney
Fred A. (Ben) Williams
David Williams and Katherine Geers
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Yarussi
Mr. Meyer Abrams
Mr. and Mrs. Barry Adams
Mr. Paul Adams
Advanced Dental Technology of Ithaca
Affiliated Psychological Consult
Ms. Tammi Aiken
Connie Ged and Pete Akins
Ms. Anne Albertsman
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Alexander
Allstate Giving Campaign
Alphaba Communication & Design
Mr. Robert Aronson
Mr. David Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asay
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ashcroft
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Austen
Ms Ella Awa
Ms. Evelyn Baxevane
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Berrien
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Backer
Ms. Debbie Badman
Ms. Beverly Baker
The Baker Foundation
Baker-Miller Lumber, Inc.
Mrs. Caren Baldini
Mrs. William J. Baldini
Ms. D.G. Bancroft-Gowin
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Banfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bangs
Mr. and Mrs. George Bantuvanis
Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Barlow
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Barrett
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Bartell
Dr. Roger W. Batchelder
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Battistella
Ms. Merry J. Bauer
Legacy Foundation of Tompkins County
Park Foundation, Inc.
Philanthropy Incubator
Smith Charitable Trust
Tioga United Way
Tompkins Trust Company
Triad Foundation, Inc.
United Way of Cortland County
United Way of Tompkins County
Vector Magnetics
Hunt and Mary Bradley
Mrs. Mary Brady
Ms. Margaret Brandau
Ms. Dawn Bricen
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Brock
Mr. Chuck Brodhead
Mrs. Urie Bronfenbrenner
Daniel and Eve Brown
Mr. Paul Brown
Bethany Brown and Bradley Smith
Ms. Sarah Brown
Hannah Brown
Ms. Percy Browning
Mr. and Mrs. David Brumberg
Sue Budney
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Budney
Mr. Charles Burda
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Burkhardt
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Burkhauser
Mr. and Mrs. A. Randy Button
Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Bylebyl
Mr. and Mrs. James Byrnes
Dr. and Mrs. Walter Baurle
BE&K Building Group, LLC
Carol and Rosanne Beach
Beachtree Care Center
Ms. Joan Bechhofer
Mr. Roger Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Becker
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Beer
Ms. Vida Behn
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Beins
William and Nancy Bellamy
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bement
Mr. Fran Benedict
Ms. Nicole Benenati
Mr. Richard Bennett
Ms. Caroline Bennett
Mr. Arthur L. Berkey
Ms. Barbara Berthelsen
Ms. Kimberly Bertz
Ms. Nellie Gary Bertz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Betzler
Anne Neirynck and Kenneth Birman
Mr. Harry Calale
Ms. Joanne Camera
Anthony and Terry Camilli
Diane Campbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Carlson
Ms. Loretta Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Caruso
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Casey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cassaniti
Cayuga Landscape
Cayuga’s Helping Hand
CFCU Community Credit Union
Mr. and Mrs. James Bisogni, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Biviano
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borden
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bordoni
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo Bordoni, Jr.
BorgWarner Morse TEC
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bortz
Mr. Michael Bovi
Mr. and Mrs. David Boyes
Ms. Judith Boyes
Michelle Hunt and Douglas Boyes
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyes
Professor and Mrs. Stephen Chase
Dr. and Mrs. William Chernish
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Chiesa
Sharon Dean and Richard Chrappa
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ciccone
City Club of Ithaca
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cleland
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Coats
Helen Cogan
Linda Frank and Leonard Cohen
Collegeview N Tennants, Assoc.
Mrs. Ann Colt
Ms. Margaret S. Congdon
Mr. and Mrs. George Conneman
Mr. John Connolly
Jennifer Austin and Evan Cooch
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cooke
Mr. and Mrs. Edward B. Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Corbit
Mr. Thomas Corey
Cornell Athletic Department
Cornell University
Mr. and Mrs. David Corson
Mr. and Mrs. G. Walton Cottrell
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cox
CP Rochester
CRESP Center for Transformative Action
Mr. and Mrs. Kass Crooker
John and Gae Crosby
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Crumb
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Crumb
Ms. Eileen Cundy
Ms. Marion C. DaGrossa
Mr. Joseph Daino
Ms. Marie Anne DeRoos
Ms. Patricia DeGaray
Ms. Caitlin Delaney
Mr. David F. Delchamps
Dr. Dorothy M. Delisle and Shawn Pompe
Mr. and Mrs. Frank DeLorenzo
Ms. Rita Demarest
Ms. Susan Detzer
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Dexheimer
Ms. Sharon Dittman
Matthew Dobush
Dennis Holovach and Helen Doerr
David Kerness and Mary Pat Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dollaway
Mrs. June P. Dolph
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Doney
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Donovan
Ms. Robin Dorsty
Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Downing
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Drewry
Mrs. Mildred B. Drosdoff
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dubovi
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dunham
Mr. Curt Dunnam
Mr. and Mrs. Horton Durfee
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy E. Durnford
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dwyer
Ms. William Earl
Mr. and Mrs. David Eastman
Ms. Constance Eckel
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ehrenberg
Ms. Ruth S. Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellsworth
Anne Marie and Mary Jean Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Elsner
Ms. Arvilla Enck
Dr. Lawrence Endo and Caron Bove
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Eslinger
Ms. Virginia L. Estabrook
Ms. Michele A. Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Everhart
Ms. Doris Giles
Mr. Graham Gillespie
Mrs. Mary D. Gilligan
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ginet
Rabbi Scott and Sharon Glass
Ms. Irene Gleason
Glenwood Pines Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Glock
Mr. Jeffrey Golden
Mr. Bill Gottschalk-Fielding
Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Grainger
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Granados
Mr. Thomas Grassi
Ms. Pamela Graves
Ms. Helen Grippo
Mr. and Mrs. David Guion
Mr. John Gustafson
Mrs. Kelly Faircloth
Fall Creek Elementary School
Joyce Marsh and Jerry Feist
Mrs. John H. Ferger
Mr. John Finnegan
First National Bank of Dryden
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Fisher
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Flannery
Mr. Richard Flaville
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fleming
Mr. and Mrs. David Flinn
Dr. and Mrs. E. James Fogel
Mr. Stephen Fontana
Ms. Irene Foote
Mr. Samuel Forcucci
Mr. and Mrs. Olan D. Forker
Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, Sr.
Mr. Paul J. Fowler
Mr. Alan Fox
The Frame Shop
Mr. and Mrs. William Frank
June Franklin
Mr. Ed Freeman
Sylvia, Larry and Linda Freese
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frey
Ms. Kimberly Friedman
Dr. David Feldshuh and Martha Frommelt
Mr. John H. L. Fuchs
Ms. Susan Fuller
Ms. Margaret C. Hampson
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Hankinson
Mrs. Mary T. Harcourt
Mrs. Jessie F. Harper
Ms. Beverly Harris
Harris Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hartley
Mr. Richard Hartman
Mr. and Mrs. Juris Hartmanis
Mr. Howard Hartnett
Ms. Helen C. Hartnett
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Hartz
Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Hass
Ms. Yvonne Hathaway
Dr. and Mrs. Carl Haynes
Mr. and Mrs. David Hegelein
Ms. Sue Ann Hemsath
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Herrick
Mr. and Mrs. David Herskovits
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Hinderliter
Ms. Sherry Holcolm
Mr. and Mrs. James Gaffney
Dr. and Mrs. Charles L. Garbo
Ms. Kathleen Garner
Dr. Lowell Garner and Ms. Susan Lustick
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Gatch
Ms. Naomi Hollister
HOLT Architects, P.C.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hooks
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Horn, Jr.
Houghton Miffin Harcourt
Mr. and Mrs. David Hovencamp
Mr. Neal Howard
Mr. Thomas Howarth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hubbell
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Huckle
Ms. Elizabeth Hudson
Mr. and Mrs. James Hulbert
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hummel
Drs. Catherine Husa and Sami Husseini
IBM Corporation Matching Grant Program
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Iles
Ms. Harriet Ink
International Food Network
Ithaca Bakery
Ithaca Foreign Car Service
Ithaca Plumbing Supply
Ms. Kathleen Jacklin
Mr. and Mrs. David Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. Andre Jagendorf
Jim Ray Mobile Homes, Inc.
Ms. Geri Judd
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Kahl
Ms. Susan Kaplan
Ms. Charlotte Karpf-Fritts
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kauffman
Ms. Peggy Kehoe
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Keister
Ms. Eileen Kelly
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kemple, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kern
Dr. and Mrs. Judson Kilgore
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kimpland
Mr. and Mrs. Nicolai Klimaszawski
Nancy Emerson and Roy Luft
Ms. Barbara Lust
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Luster
Knights of Columbus Cncl. #277
Ms. Sara Komaromi
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kunsman
Ms. Jean Lambert
Dr. John Lambert and Robin Rogers
Ms. R. Carolyn Lange
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Langhans
Ms. Caroline Larrance
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Larsen
Chris and Katie Yavorka Lattimore
Dr. David M. Leavitt
Helen Kim, PhD. and Noah Samuel Leavitt,
Karen Legnini
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lenhard
Dr. G. Peter Lepage and Deborah O’Connor
Ms. Antoinette Levatich
Ms. Deborah S. Levin
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Levin
Ms. Diane H. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levine
Ruth E. Lewis
Mr. Matthew Liberty
Ms. Laverne Light
Tom and Cindy Lilly
Lockheed Martin
Raymond Gozzi and Barbara Logan
Ms. Linda Long
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Long
Ms. Roslyn LoPinto
Mr. and Mrs. William Lovelace
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lowe
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lowery
Ms. Yolanda Lucatelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lucia
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monroe
Ms. Lisa Moore
Robert Smith and Alice Moore
Moore’s Christmas Tree Farm
Moravec Construction Service
Ms. Jennifer Morey
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Moss
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen W. Mount
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Moyer
Adam and Maureen Mozeleski
Mr. and Mrs. David Bandler
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mudrak
Ms. Susan Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers
Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacDonald
Ms. Connie Mack
Mrs. Dorothy B. Makris
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Marchell
Ms. Barbara Marmora
Marvin and Annette Lee Foundation
Ms. Frannie Mason
Mr. and Mrs. James Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Masters
Ms. Debbie Matesich
Ms. Mary Beth Mathey
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Matthews
Ms. Annemarie Mattison
Ms. Lisa Maurer
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph McAfee
Mr. Roger McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McClelland
Mr. and Mrs. James McConkey
Ms. Therese McDonald
Phyllis Mazurski and Patrick McKee
Ms. Grace McMenamin
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMurray
Ms. Frances S. McNeal
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McPheeters
Ms. Marianne Mellinger
Ms. Alisa Mengel
Professor and Mrs. Joe Metz
Mrs. James Michael
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller
Ms. Nina Miller
Mr. David Miller
Ms. Marian Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Miner
Mr. and Mrs. Nari Mistry
Ms. Kathleen Monk
Mrs. Roderic Neno
Dr. Betsy and J. Andrew Noel
Ms. Susan Norris
Mrs. Esther Northrup
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Noyes
Mr. Brendan O’Brien
Kate O’Connell and Robert D’Addario
Mr. and Mrs. George Oechsle
Ms. Elissa Olevano
Mr. and Mrs. Larry O’Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Organ
Organic Valley New England
Ms. Gracia B. Ostrander
Mrs. Ruth Ostrander
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Oyer
Dr. and Mrs. John Pacanowski
Pall Corporation
Ms. Marijo Paterniti
Patterson’s Service Station
Mr. and Mrs. John Pavia
Ms. Marianne M. Pelletier
PEO Sisterhood
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Perez
Ms. Paula J. Peter
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Petersen
Renie and Marty Petrovic
Mr. Timothy Podkul
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Podkul, Jr.
Karen Powers
Project Sunshine
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Proto
Mr. and Mrs. James Prout
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Prybyl
PUSH America
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quirk
Red Hat Chapter
Mrs. Virginia Redder
Mr. and Mrs. Keith Rehbein
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reimers
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reniff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynolds
Richardson Bros. Electrical Inc.
Ms. Virginia K. Rinker
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Ripoll
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. David Robertshaw
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Robey
Ms. Elma B. Robinson
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Robinson
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rogers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James Roloson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Romanowski
Mr. Ward L. Romer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenthal
Dr. and Mrs. George Ross
Mrs. Kristen Rost
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosten
Mr. and Mrs. Stellario Ruggiero
Hon. and Mrs. Phillip Rumsey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan, Jr.
ranziska Racker Centers had a great year programmatically
serving more than 2800 people in 2009 with an annual
budget of approximately $26 million. Operating revenues
combined with public support exceeded operating expenses
resulting in a surplus. We rely upon your strong support, which
enables us to provide opportunities for our participants that
might not otherwise be possible.
Financial Report
Operating Revenues
& Public Support
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Salino
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Saltzman
Mrs. Joseph Sanford
Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Santisteban
Jason and Tom Santobianco
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Satterly
Ms. Catherine Savage
Ms. Marian Schaible
Lauren K. Schler
Jim and Sandy Schoenfeldt
Virginia J. Schottel
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Schreher
Mrs. Josie Schug
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Schwartz
Ms. Beatrice Schwoerer
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Sciarabba
Mr. and Mrs. William Scoones
Ms. Donna Scott
Mr. Tom Scott
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Seaman
Security Mutual Insurance Co.
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Seely
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Serignese
Mr. Anthony Severtson
Dr. and Mrs. Gary Sforzo
Mr. Richard Sheffield
Ms. Bonita R. Shelford
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman, Jr.
Mr. Jerry Sherrer
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Shuler
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shull
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siany
Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Sibley
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sick
Ms. Rachel Seigel
Mr. Kirk Sigel
Mr. and Mrs. John Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sinnigen
Ms. Elizabeth M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Snedeker
Mr. Lawrence Snyder
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sokol
Mrs. Daphne J. Sola
Mr. and Mrs. George Souhrada
Ms. Madeleine Speidel
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Speiser
Mr. and Mrs. James Spero
St. Catherine of Sienna Rectory
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stanley
Ms. Lara K. Stanton
Ms. Alice Steckiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Steenberg
Stellar Stereo, Inc.
Mrs. Diane Stevens
Ms. Evelyn Stevens
Mr. Donald Steward
Mr. Alexander Stewart
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Storandt
Ms. Nita Stormann
Mr. and Mrs. James Strait
Mr. and Mrs. Cushing Strout
Mr. Thomas Suarez
Ms. Susan Sullivan
Ms. Crystal Swanson
Dr. Robert Sweet
Ms. Caroline Susan Szabo
Ms. Mary Szabol
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Thayer
Dr. John M. Thomas
Thrivent Financial
Mrs. Angela Thurlow
Torrent Hose Co. #5
Ms. Anne Treichler
Trinity Lutheran Church
Mr. Eric Trotter
Sue Schattschneider and Jeff True
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Tubbs
John and Pia Tucker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tull
Dr. and Mrs. James Turner
Mr. and Mrs. David Tyler
Wagner Funeral Home
Ms. Claudia Wagner-O’Mara
Ms. Maureen Waller
Mr. Russell Wanish
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Warkentin
Ms. Elizabeth E. Watkins
Dr. and Mrs. J. Dix Wayman
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Ufford
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ulrich
United Way of the Southern Tier
Drs. Marguerite and Norman Uphoff
Marilyn Utz and Barbara Coman
Mr. and Mrs. James Vaber
Mrs. Orrin J. Van Dyk
Mrs. Raymond Van Houtte
Mr. Ari Van Tienhoven
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Wieren
Mr. David Vattimo
Ms. Jennifer Vieou
Mr. and Mrs. John Vineyard
Mr. and Mrs. Thumper Volkmer
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tallman
Mr. and Mrs. David H. Taube
Mr. Hollands Tavelli
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor
Telecompioneers Excelsior Chapter #98
Mrs. Louise Terry
Residential Living Services
WB&A Market Research
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Weber
Wegmans Food Markets, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wehe
Ms. Patricia Weidman
Children’s & Clinical Services
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Weidman
Mr. and Mrs. Len Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welch
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Westmiller
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. James White
James and Karen Willard
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Withiam
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Withiam
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wittman
Mr. and Mrs. David Wohlhueter
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodman
Ms. Shirley Wright
Ms. Nicole Wynn
Community Support Services
Counseling for School Success
Other Revenue
Operating Expenses
Residential Living Services
Children’s & Clinical Services
Brenda Kuhn and Andrew Yale
Pamela Jackson and Marion Yaxley
Mr. and Mrs. David Yeh
Community Support Services
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Zaitlin
Mr. Joseph P. Zanfordino
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Zavaski
George Zavaski and John Zavaski
Mrs. Elaine Zirbel
Mr. and Mrs. Joel Zumoff
Ms. Helen Zurick
Support Services
Counseling for School Success
Mrs. Mary Robert Porter at a United
Cerebral Palsy Telethon in the 1950’s.
In Memory
In Memory of: William Baldini
Mrs. Caren Baldini
Mrs. William J. Baldini
Mr. Neal Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kemple, Jr
In Memory of: Marilynn Bovi
Mr. Michael Bovi
In Memory of: Clinton O. Boyes
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Asay
BE&K Building Group, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Betzler
Mr. and Mrs. David Boyes
Ms. Judith Boyes
Douglas Boyes and Michelle Hunt
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Boyes
Sylvia, Larry and Linda Freese
Mr. and Mrs. William Lovelace
Ms. Debbie Matesich
Ms. Susan Norris
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reynolds
In Memory of: Warren and Barbara
Jody and Kent Scriber
In Memory of: Lorraine Chase
Professor and Mrs. Stephen Chase
In Memory of: Casey Clines
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rogers, Jr.
In Memory of: Howard Cogan
Helen Cogan
In Memory of: Phyllis Davenport
Mrs. Jessie F. Harper
In Memory of: Joline DiGiacomo
Mrs. Caren Baldini
Mr. Joseph Daino
Ms. Marie Anne De Roos
Margaret I. Gibson
Jim Ray Mobile Homes, Inc.
emembering Mrs. Mary Porter. Considered by the Centers to be a ‘founding momma’ of the
agency, Mary’s daughter Katy was in need of many supports due to a Cerebral Hemorrhage
suffered at six months of age. Mary became active with the Cerebral Palsy Association of New
York State of the Ithaca Area (CP of NYS of Ithaca) in 1948. Mrs. Porter’s advocacy and work
with the agency, enabled Katy to get itinerant therapy and eventually attend the clinic in Ithaca in
where occupational, physical and speech therapy sessions were held. Mrs. Porter stayed active with
CP of NYS of Ithaca until the mid 1950’s when Katy entered the day treatment program at the
Cayuga High School. Mrs. Porter’s dedication to procuring local services and supports for those
with special needs was a key piece in creating the current Franziska Racker Centers. She is survived
by her son Gerald, and daughter Bonnie Foote, both who reside in Cortland. She will be greatly
missed, but her contributions will always be remembered.
Adam and Maureen Mozeleski
Mr. and Mrs. William Myers
Renie and Marty Petrovic
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Reimers
Mrs. Kristen Rost
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Ryan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. George Souhrada
Mrs. Diane Stevens
Thrivent Financial
Trinity Lutheran Church
Ms. Sara Komaromi
Red Hat Chapter
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rogers, Jr.
In Memory of: Angela E. Driscoll
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bordoni
Mr. Joseph Daino
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Fisher
Ms. Naomi Hollister
Ms. Elissa Olevano
Kara and Eric Taylor
In Memory of: William Earl, Sr.
Mr. Paul Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Camillo Bordoni, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bortz
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burke
Me. Eileen Cundy
Mr. and Mrs. David Eastman
Emerson Power Transmission
Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, Sr.
Mr. Alan Fox
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kimpland
Mrs. Roderic Neno
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Salino
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Siany
Telecompioneers Excelsior Chapter #98
Ms. Patricia Wedman
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Welch
Fred A. (Ben) Williams
In Memory of: Jennifer M. Foote
Mr. and Mrs. A. Randy Button
Cecilia Campbell and Deborah Gagnon
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ellsworth
Mr. and Mrs. Olan D. Forker
Charlie and Linda Garbo
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hummel
Raymond Gozzi and Barbara Logan
Perri and Mickey LoPinto
Ms. Lisa Maurer
In Memory of: Elsa and Hildagarde
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Long
In Memory of: Angela Lucia
Mr. and Mrs. Jay Dunham
In Memory of: Donald Northrup
Mrs. Esther Northrup
In Memory of: Benjamin Light
Ms. Laverne Light
In Memory of: Louisa Massicci
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rogers, Jr.
In Memory of: Katheryn A. Porter
Ms. Irene Foote
In Memory of: Charlotte Stahl
Margaret I. Gibson
Ms. Charlotte Karpf-Fritts
Ruth E. Lewis
Mrs. Ruth Ostrander
In Memory of: David Light
Ms. Laverne Light
In Memory of: Noreen Moore
BorgWarner Morse TEC
Mr. and Mrs. Duane Keister
In Memory of: Mary R. Porter
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hartley
In Memory of: JoAnn VanOrman
Mrs. Jessie F. Harper
In Memory of: Dr. Franziska Racker
Mrs. Mary D. Gilligan
In Memory of: Frances V. Wilson
Mrs. Mary Brady
In Honor of: Meg Gillard
Nancy Emerson and Roy Luft
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Saltzman
In Honor of: Steve and Kathy Lipinski
Mr. and Mrs. David Herskovits
In Honor of: Jody Scriber
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Steenberg
In Honor of: Perri LoPinto
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McPheeters
In Honor of: Roger Sibley
Mrs. Caren Baldini
CP Rochester
Mr. and Mrs. Kass Crooker
David Kerness and Mary Pat Dolan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dubovi
Jerry Feist and Joyce Marsh
Ms. Kathleen Garner
IBM Corporation Matching Grant Program
Ms. Lisa Moore
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Robertson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ryan
In Memory of: Steven Halevy
Ms. Robin Dorsty
Perri and Mickey LoPinto
In Memory of: Adelaide Keller Heppel
Ms. Arvilla Enck
Ms. Anne Treichler
In Honor of: Peter Burgess
In Memory of: Jody Hallam Williams
Ms. Anne Albertsman
Ms. Ella Awa
W. David and Mary Lee Banfield
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Bangs
Carol and Rosanne Beach
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Carlson
Collegeview N Tennants, Assoc.
Fall Creek Elementary School
Karen Legnini
Ms. Linda Long
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Lowery
Ms. Yolanda Lucatelli
Mr. and Mrs. Nari Mistry
Mrs. Josie Schug
Jody and Kent Scriber
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tallman
Wagner Funeral Home
Mr. and Mrs. Lou Withiam
Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Wittman
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wood, Jr.
In Memory of: Susan Hartman
Mr. Richard Hartman
In Memory of: Dr. Richard M. Leavitt
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Borden
Ms. Margaret S. Congdon
Mrs. Mary D. Gilligan
Judith K. Leavitt
In Memory of: Raymond Grippo
Mrs. Helen Grippo
In Honor
In Honor of: Mary T. Beer
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Beer
In Honor of: Donna and Tom Bohn
Robert Smith and Alice Moore
In Honor of: Dan Brown
Hannah Brown
In Honor of: Mark Jacoby
Mr. and Mrs. David Jacoby
In Honor of: Debbie Makris
Margaret I. Gibson
In Honor of: Annie Joyce
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Serignese
In Honor of: Joseph Marzo
Ms. Michele A. Evans
In Honor of: Robert and Peggy Lama
In Honor of: Dan & Eve Brown
Mrs. Kelly Faircloth
Mr. Eric Trotter
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Bement
In Honor of: Larry Deutchman and Toby
Judith K. Leavitt
In Honor of: Brent W. Larsen
In Honor of: Kate Brown
In Memory of: Jack Murphy
Gail Murphy
In Honor of: Diana Mason
Judith K. Leavitt
In Honor of: Dick Matthews
Mrs. Angela Thurlow
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Larsen
Ms. Merry J. Bauer
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mudrak
Ms. Elizabeth M. Smith
In Honor of: Cecilia Campbell
In Honor of: Aryeh Kim Leavitt
In Memory of: Elsie Howarth
Mr. Thomas Howarth
Ms. Grace McMenamin
Judith K. Leavitt
In Honor of: Dick and Sharon Matthews
In Honor of: Helen Cogan
In Memory of: Lawrence Hull
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Rogers, Jr.
Donna and Tom Bohn
Ms. Diane H. Levine
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rosten
In Honor of: Helen Kim PhD. and Noah
In Memory of: Laurie Hyde-Tull
Ms. Virginia K. Rinker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Tull
In Memory of: Mrs. Edward Kammler
Ms. Virginia L. Estabrook
In Memory of: Kevin Kauffman, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kauffman, Sr.
In Memory of: Beverly King
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McMurray
In Memory of: Kaye Kleisath
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Elsner
Mr. John Gustafson
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Lenhard
Ms. Therese McDonald
Mr. and Mrs. James Vaber
Mr. and Mrs. Thumper Volkmer
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wheeler
Mr. and Mrs. Stellario Ruggiero
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sherman, Jr.
Ms. Anne Treichler
In Memory of: Ethan Lillard
Mr. and Mrs. David Guion
Mr. and Mrs. James White
In Memory of: Melvin Helsper
Ms. Nellie Gary Bertz
Ms. Margaret Brandau
Ms. Loretta Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Casey
Ms. Ruth S. Ellis
Mr. Paul J. Fowler
Mrs. Betty J. Helsper
Ms. Caroline Larrance
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Levine
Ms. Marian Schaible
Mr. and Mrs. Selwyn Schwartz
Ms. Crystal Swanson
Ms. Helen Zurick
In Memory of: Mary Gaherty
Mr. David Vattimo
Ms. Frannie Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel McPheeters
Mr. and Mrs. Hans Petersen
In Memory of: Ray Kujawski
Dennis Holovach and Helen Doerr
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dwyer
In Honor of: Community Relations &
Development Colleagues
Lauren K. Schler
In Honor of: Dr. Ann Racker Costello
Dr. and Mrs. Roy Dexheimer
Mr. Ari Van Tienhoven
Ms. Doris Giles
Ms. Elizabeth M. Smith
Samuel Leavitt, JD.
Judith K. Leavitt
In Honor of: Philip and Peggy Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Frey
In Honor of: Judith K. Leavitt
Dr. David M. Leavitt
Helen Kim PhD. and Noah Samuel Leavitt,
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Podkul, Jr.
In Honor of: Philip Meyer
Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey D. Snedeker
In Honor of: Richie Moran
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Noyes
In Honor of: Marnie Burkman and
David Leavitt
Judith K. Leavitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Podkul, Jr.
Mr. Timothy Podkul
In Honor of: Esther Northrup
Jim and Sandy Schoenfeldt
Ms. William Earl
In Honor of: Noah Samuel Leavitt
Judith K. Leavitt
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Podkul, Jr.
In Honor of: FRC Physical Therapy Dept.
In Honor of: Nancy Emerson
In Honor of: Helen Kim & Noah Leavitt
In Honor of: Allison Cowan
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Kunsman
In Honor of: Cristine Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard MacDonald
In Honor of: William Earl, Jr.
Nancy Emerson and Roy Luft
In Honor of: Margaret Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Cox
Jim and Connie Moyer
Mr. and Mrs. William Roberts
In Honor of: Dustin Pataki
Mr. and Mrs. Miles Seely
Ms. Nicole Benenati
In Honor of: Jennifer Podkul and Craig
Judith K. Leavitt
and Family
Dr. David M. Leavitt
Judith K. Leavitt
In Honor of: Tim Podkul and Deb Wojcik
Judith K. Leavitt
In Honor of: Danny Liberty
Mr. Matthew Liberty
In Honor of: Ted and Joan Podkul
Judith K. Leavitt
In Memory of: Mark Redder
Mrs. Virginia Redder
In Honor of: Robert Sikora
Mr. and Mrs. John Sikora
In Honor of: Charlotte Stahl
Margaret I. Gibson
Mrs. James Michael
Mrs. Elaine Zirbel
In Honor of: Naom Stormann
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Doney
Ms. Nita Stormann
In Honor of: Kara Taylor
Ms. Kathleen Garner
In Honor of: Members of Tompkins
County Dental Society
Jeff and Kristin Lewis
In Honor of: Logan Wescott
Ms. Frances S. McNeal
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Van Wieren
In Honor of: Kenneth J. Woodman
Ms. Alice Steckiewicz
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Woodman
Nonprofit Organization
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Permit No. 780
Ithaca, NY 14850
3226 Wilkins Rd., Ithaca, NY 14850
Tel: 607.272.5891 Fax: 607.272.0188
We are dedicated to helping people with
special needs and their families have good
lives, with opportunities to learn, to be
responsible, to feel cared for, to share, to
be connected to others. We are committed
to creating a culture of inclusion in our
community, celebrating the richness that
diversity and interdependence bring.
We are inspired by the vision of our
founding families, that all people with
disabilities will be valued members of a
welcoming and supportive community.
Published by the Office Of Community Relations
Dawn Bricen, Director of Public Relations
Julia Reich Design | juliareichdesign.com
Success Stories (pg 4-9)— Susan Henninger, Finger Lakes Writer
Program Spotlight — Dawn Bricen, Franziska Racker Centers
Success Stories (pg 4-9)—Robert Kaussner Photography
Remaining photos—friends of the Centers