September 2011 - White Plains Public Schools
September 2011 - White Plains Public Schools
The Official Publication Of The White Plains High School PTA Volume 31, Number 1 September 2011 Co-Presidents’ Letter Special points of interest: September 22, PTA Meet & Greet in the Media Don’t forget the Center! 4 WPHS Students selected for NYSSMA All-State Conference!, Page 5 Volunteer for Snack Bar—information on Page 7 SpotLight On: WPHS PTA proudly presents Vicki Abeles’s documentary Race To Nowhere, Page 2 Inside this issue: A Message From The Principal 3 Updates from the Superintendent 4 2011 PTA Senior Recognition Award Recipients 9 PTA Calendar Events for 2011- 2012 10 Become a Member! PTA 11 Membership Form Fall SpiritWear is here! 13 Don’t delay, Deadline is 30th PTA Executive Board 15 Another summer ends, another school year begins! As we flipped our calendars from August to September, the WPHS PTA hit the ground running with our first two events on Sept. 1st. The day started with our Staff Welcome Back Breakfast and ended with our first Freshman Welcome Barbeque on the lawn by the student parking lot as we helped transition our freshman into our high school family. Thank you to Ms. Knight for suggesting the barbeque and for co-sponsoring it with the PTA. Next up, our first HOME FOOTBALL GAME on Friday, September 16 at 7pm. Come to the home football games to support our tigers, listen to our marching band, watch our cheerleaders, eat dinner at our PTA Snack Bar, volunteer to help with food sales & have a GREAT TIME! Spiritwear will be on sale too! Look for our PTA Snack Bar & spiritwear at ALL the home football games and be part of our team as we raise funds to support student and parent programs. The PTA Snack Bar will be in full force on November 24, Thanksgiving Day at 10:30am for Turkey Bowl; White Plains Annual Rivalry football game: White Plains Tigers vs. Stepinac Crusaders! Our first PTA meeting will be on Thursday, September 22 at 7:30pm in the Library Media Center. We will have our traditional Meet & Greet for you to put faces to names of our administrators and key personnel resources at the high school. We will hold our membership vote on our PTA budget, and share information of what events are upcoming for the 2011-12 school year. Purchase a PTA Membership and Spiritwear. The deadline to place spiritwear orders is Sept. 30! On November 10 we will hold a special PTA meeting at 7pm, with a viewing of the documentary film Race to Nowhere. This film looks at the high-stakes, highpressures children face every day to perform and the impact on students, educators, parents and families. After the film we will engage in a dis- cussion on the topic as it relates to the White Plains community. We hope to have parents, students, administrators, School Board members, faculty and staff in attendance to make this a well -rounded discussion. The PTA is here for you as an advocate and communication liaison. We keep parents informed about happenings at WPHS so that you can be an active participant in your child’s high school experience. This is accomplished through email blasts, website postings, newsletters and PTA meetings. We share your questions and concerns with the administration and advocate on behalf of students and parents. So make sure you participate in some (if not all) that the PTA has to offer. How does the PTA know how to contact you? Through your Membership, Spiritwear purchases, signing-in at PTA meetings, and K12 Alerts when you provide us with your email and other contact information. How do you contact us? Through our PTA email (cont’d page 2) PAGE 2 V O LU M E 3 1 , [email protected], phone contact and participation at meetings and events. You can find all our contact information in the school district calendar. The PTA Senior Recognition Fund raises money to provide scholarships to graduating seniors who actively participate in community service work. Looking ahead mark your calendar for the annual Loucks Track & Field Games, May 10-12, 2012. 2,600 athletes over 3 days from across the US and world come to our WPHS Loucks Stadium to compete. The PTA Snack Bar run at the Saturday games raises funds dedicated to senior scholarships. We hope you will consider coming out to help at the snack bar. These are some of the highlights of NU MB E R 1 PTA offerings for the first quarter of the 2011-12 school year and a bit beyond. Please look for more information inside this issue of TigerTales. We hope you will join us in the fun while we strive to provide enriching The winners of this year’s Staff memprograms for stubership raffle were Marlene Gillings dents and parents Gayle, Pat Hogan and Charles Jones. and advocate for Congratulations! our high school children’s educations. With WPHS Tiger Pride, Donna Louis & Catherine Muphy 914-806-5074 914-720-1010 Co-Presidents [email protected] Staff Welcome Back Breakfast Sept. 1, 2011 WPHS PTA Presents a Special Documentary November 10th, 7pm in WPHS Auditorium On November 10, 2011, at 7pm in the Auditorium, the WPHS PTA will present the critically acclaimed documentary, RACE TO NOWHERE. All members of the White Plains community are invited to attend. A concerned mother turned filmmaker aims her camera at the culture of hollow achievement and pressure to perform that has invaded America’s schools. It is destroying our children’s love of learning and feeding an epidemic of unprepared, disengaged, and unhealthy students. This remarkable new film shines a light on the price our kids pay for this ―race to nowhere.‖ Cheating is commonplace, stress-related illness, depression and burnout are rampant, and ironically, young people arrive at college and the workplace unprepared and uninspired. Featuring the heartbreaking stories of young people who have been pushed to the brink and educators who are burned out and worried that students arenʼt developing the skills needed for the global economy, RACE TO NOWHERE points to the silent epidemic running rampant in our schools. RACE TO NOWHERE is a call to families, educators, experts and policy makers to examine current assumptions on how to best prepare the youth of America to become the healthy, bright, contributing and leading citizens in the 21st century. Among many others, RACE TO NOWHERE features Dr. Madeline Levine, author of the bestseller,The Price of Privilege, Dr. Deborah Stipek, Dean of the Stanford School of Education, Dr.Kenneth Ginsburg, an adolescent medicine specialist at The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, Dr. Wendy Mogel, author of The Blessing of a Skinned Knee, Denise Pope, author of Doing School, and Sara Bennett, author of The Case Against Homework. Don’t miss this special presentation! Watch for details about how to sign up for the screening. For more information, go to V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 PAGE 3 Message From The Principal, Diana Knight Dear Parents/Guardians, As we approach the start of a new school year, the end-of-year pressures that plagued us in June seem quite remote and inconsequential. Summer can be a great healer! I hope that you found time to relax and that you share with me the challenge and anticipation of another school year. Many thanks to our staff members who used some of their vacation time to teach in our Summer School program. Knowing the amount of ‘summer learning loss’ that can occur when students languish or repeat the course during the year, I am pleased that our district continues to offer opportunities for our students. Kudos to you all! Each year we take great pride in adding new personnel to our highly qualified and dedicated faculty. This year we are happy to welcome some new staff members to our high school. All are qualified in their discipline and I am sure they will enhance our fine faculty. They are as follows: James Fiddes, Science; Laura Frauenberg, Business Education; Aldwin Martinez, Industrial Arts; Fredrick Rickles, Social Studies; and Jessica On September 1st all incoming 9th grade students had an opportunity to meet their Rappaport, English. Changes in staff also include Jessica Floridia, Earth Science, transferring from Highlands; Janet Rivera, Psychology, transferring from Eastview; and Brittany Coslett (Nudge- recently married) LOTE, returns to the high school. Christine Hertel, Seren Cepler, and Alexis Mahood are all returning from maternity leave. Also, Antonio Moronta returns as the evening head custodian. Jennifer McElrath leaves the high school to work closer to home and Melissa Rosenblatt, psychologist, has taken a position in an elementary school. Interviewing for open positions is currently under way. Finally, Grace Giuffre has assumed the position of Senior Clerk in the main office and will work closely with David Cabrera. In addition, I would like to welcome two new house administrators. John Orcutt, our new North House Administrator, joins us from New Paltz Central School District where he taught social studies and worked as an elementary school Assistant Principal. Reagan Figueroa transitioned to administration in 2009 taking on the role of Dean of Students K-12 and then Assistant Principal K-12 in 2010 in the state of Vermont. teachers before the start of school, tour the building, and interact with their counselors, Denise Velasquez and Maria Csikortos. After a meeting with Paula Dalto, the Student Activities Advisor, and the GO officers, 9th grade students signed up for co-curricular activities. We ended the day with a barbecue provided by the PTA. On the first day of school, our freshmen were so comfortable with the building that you would have thought they were upperclassmen. The Senior class trip to Williamsburg, Virginia has been rescheduled for Friday, September 23 through Sunday, September 25. The advisors apologize to any student unable to attend these new dates. Unfortunately, due to the affects of Hurricane Irene these date changes could not be helped. Arrangements for refunds will be made for any student unable to attend. Best wishes to you and your family Sincerely, Diana Knight Principal Un Mensaje de la Principal Estimados padres y representantes: Nuestro reconocimiento a todos!. Al acercarnos al comienzo de un nuevo año escolar, las presiones de fin del año escolar que nos plagaron en junio nos parecen bastante remotas e inconsequentes. El verano puede ser de gran cura! Espero que hayan conseguido tiempo para relajarse y que compartan conmigo el reto y la anticipación de otro año escolar. Cada año nos enorgullecemos al añadir personal altamente calificado y dedicado a nuestra facultad. Este año les damos la bienvenida al WPHS a algunos nuevos profesores. Todos son calificados en sus disciplinas y yo estoy segura de que serán una gran adición a nuestra gran facultad. Ellos son los siguientes: James Fiddes, Ciencia; Laura Frauenberg, Educación de Negocios; Aldwin Martinez, Artes Industriales; Fredrick Rickles, Estudios Sociales; and Jessica Rappaport, Inglés. Muchas gracias a los miembros de nuestro personal quienes utilizaron parte de su vacación para enseñar en la escuela de verano. Conociendo la cantidad de ―pérdida de conocimiento en el verano‖ la cual puede ocurrir cuando los estudiantes no se esfuerzan suficiente durante el año o cuando tienen que repetir el curso en el verano, estoy muy contenta de que nuestro distrito continua ofreciendo oportunidades para nuestros estudiantes! Cambios en el personal tambié incluyen Jessica Floridia, Ciencias de la Tierra, transferida de Highlands; Janet Rivera, Psicología, transferida de Eastview; y Brittany Coslett (Nudgecasada recientemente) LOTE, vuelve al WHS. Christine Hertel, Seren Cepler, and Alexis Mahood todas volviendo de sus ausencias por maternidad. También, Antonio Moronta vuelve en las tardes como supervisor de mantenimiento. Jennifer McElrath se va de la escuela para trabajar más cerca de su casa y Melissa Rosenblatt, psicóloga, está ahora en una escuela primaria. Estamos en el proceso de entrevistar para otras posiciones. Finalmente, Grace Giuffre tiene la posición de Senior Clerk en la oficina principal y va a trabajar con David Cabrera. Además, quiero darle la bienvenida a dos nuevos Administradores. John Orcutt, nuestro nuevo Administrador de la Casa Norte, quien viene del distrito escolar de New Paltz donde enseñaba Estudios Sociales y trabajó como Assistant Principal en una escuela primaria. Reagan Figueroa comenzó en 2009 en la Administración como Decano de los estudiantes K-12 y después como Assistant Principal K-12 en 2010 en el estado de Vermont. (continua en la pagina 9) PAGE 4 V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 Message From President Board Of Education Member Rosemarie Eller On behalf of the members of the Board of Education I want to welcome you to a new school year. We hope it will be a year of wonderful experiences and challenges for your children. We’d like to welcome Diana Knight back as Acting Principal and we know you appreciate her leadership as much as we do! She has overseen some effective initiatives to ensure that the school retains its reputation for excellence within the academic community. We also welcome the two new House Administrators, Raegan Figueroa and John Orcutt to our staff and wish them well in their new assignments. We hope you will participate in your children’s education and look forward to seeing you at school and districtwide events. Please do not hesitate to contact us if we can help you in any way. Board members’ contact information is listed in the District Calendar and Directory. Updates From White Plains Superintendent of Schools Dr. Chris Clouet Among the various options being discussed by the MS ReDesign Steering Committee is a 6th Grade Academy. The committee will conduct a series of public meetings to discuss the academy as well as other options. We will review pertinent research and set up criteria for making a final recommendation to the Board in January 2012, for the following September. There are several reasons why we are consider- ing this: Due to the recent revision of the New York State Assessments, we are required to make changes to address the issue of increased rigor. This past year, as in many districts throughout the state, a significant percentage of our students scored below proficiency on the state assessment. This is not in line with our academic expectations and the school district's strategic plan. “White Plains Myth” that one campus is better than the other. We have heard arguments for “both sides”. Another reason is that we want to dispel the There are many reasonable questions and concerns! What about transitions? What about traditions? What about effective use of staff? Setting up a nurturing, soft-landing for all 6thgraders who will all meet and work together followed by a move to Highlands for 7th and 8th grades could help us to prepare our students better. All of these issues and concerns are among the many which will be discussed and debated before the Board of Education makes any final decision about the future of our middle school programs. The status quo is not delivering the results we need. What changes should we make? That will be the subject of meetings that will be scheduled this Fall. More ways to learn about our great schools: the web, Facebook, Twitter, text message and email! Sign up to receive messages and announcements from your school via text message and email: Middle School Re-Design Community Forum · September 22nd -WPHS Rm. B1 · October 19th—Location TBA · November 1st or 3rd – TBA Superintendent’s Evening Hours (7-9pm Ed House/Assembly Rm.) · October 26th · December 8th · February 2nd · April 17th Check Distrct Website for updates on location V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 PAGE 5 A Message From Coordinator of Fine Arts, Gary West The following students were selected from thousands across New York to participate in one of the ensembles at the New York School Music Association's All-State Conference in Rochester from December 1-4. They qualified by participating in the NYSSMA solo/ ensemble festival last spring. They each performed a solo at the highest level of difficulty (level VI All-State), and scored at the highest possible level within their The Foundation for the Advancement for International Studies is very excited about the coming school year. Our mission is to help students to become engaged members of the global community. We would like to invite all interested students and parents to join us for our monthly meeting on September 14,2011 in Room A 109 ( North House) at 7:30PM. All of our monthly meetings will be held on the 2nd Wednesday of the month. Our 2nd annual FAISfest fundraiser will be on Monday, November 7, 2011. Mr. Lalan Mubiala, a retired consultant for the United Nations will be our guest speaker. On December 8, 2011 we will be holding our first Zumbathon to raise money to support all students who want to get involved in international activities. instrument group or voice part. This is the most prestigious honor a school music student can receive in the state of New York! Shaina Brady Violin String Orchestra Lauren Gamiel Double Bass Symphony Orchestra Klara Gribetz Alto Women's Chorus Jens Sannerud French Horn Symphonic Band Congratulations to our students and good luck in Rochester! V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 PAGE 6 Un Mensaje de los Presidentes Otro verano que termina, otro año escolar que comienza! Al cambiar nuestros almanaques de agosto para septiembre, el PTA de WPHS comienza a trabajar con dos eventos el primero de septiembre. El día comenzó con el Desayuno de Bienvenida al Personal de la escuela y terminó con una Parrillada que de Bienvenida a los estudiantes del noveno grado (Freshmen) en el estacionamiento de estudiantes para ayudarlos en el proceso de transición a la familia del WPHS. Gracias a la Sra. Knight por sugerir el Parrillada y por co-patrocinarla con el PTA. hijos en el WPHS. Esto lo logramos a través de correo electrónico, mensajes en el website, periódicos y reuniones del PTA. Nosotros compartimos sus preguntas y preocupaciones con la administración y apoyamos en beneficio de los estudiantes y padres. De manera que tienen que participar en algunas (si no todas) las actividades que el PTA ofrece. ¿Cómo hace el PTA para comunicarse directamente con ustedes? A través de su participación como miembro del PTA, de sus compras del Spiritwear, de sus firmas en las reuniones del PTA, y de los alertas K12 cuando usted nos proporciona y nos informa de su email y de sus celulares o Próximamente nuestro primer JUEGO DE FUTBOL teléfonos. ¿Cómo hace usted para contactarnos al PTA? A través del email del PTA AMERICANO en la escuela el viernes 16 de [email protected], con una llamada telefónica y septiembre a las 7 p.m. Vengan a la escuela a apoyar a nuestros tigres, a disfrutar de la Banda y participando en reuniones y eventos. Toda esta de nuestras porristas, a cenar en el Snack Bar, sea informacióa puede conseguir en el calendario del voluntario para ayudarnos a vender comida y sobre distrito escolar de White Plains. todo DISFRUTE!. Estará a la venta Spirit wear lo El PTA Senior Recognition Fund recauda fondos cual quiere decir piezas de vestir con el logo de para proveer becas a estudiantes del grado 12 WPHS. Busque el Snack Bar y el Spiritwear en (seniors) quienes han participado activamente en TODOS los juegos de futbol americano en el WPHS y sea parte de nuestro equipo para recaudar trabajos comunitarios. Por favor marque su calenfondos para apoyar los programas para estudiantes y padres. El Snack Bar del PTA estará en funcionamiento el 24 de noviembre a las 10:30 am el Día de Acción de Gracias para el Turkey Bowl, en el juego de White Plains Rivalry, y en el juego de White Plains Tigers vs. Stepinac Crusaders. Nuestra primera reunión del PTA es el jueves 22 de septiembre a las 7:30 pm en la Biblioteca de la Escuela. Nosotros tendremos nuestro tradicional Meet & Greet para que ustedes puedan conocer a nuestros administradores y personal de recursos clave en el WPHS. Nosotros tendremos la votación de nuestros miembros para el presupuesto del PTA, y compartiremos información de loes eventos venideros en el año escolar 2011-12. Conviértase en miem- bro del PTA y compre Spiritwear. La fecha límite para ordenar Spiritwear es el 30 de septiembre. El 10 de noviembre nosotros tendremos una reunión especial del PTA a las 7 pm., en la cual veremos el documental / película Race to Nowhere. Este documental nos muestra los grandes riesgos y las grandes presiones que nuestros estudiantes tienen que manejar diariamente y el impacto que tienen esos riesgos y presiones en los estudiantes, educadores, padres y familias. Después del documental/película habrá una discusión sobre esos tópicos en relación con la comunidad de White Plains. Esperamos contar con la asistencia de padres, estudiantes, facultad y personal para lograr una conversación con todas las partes interesadas. El PTA está aquí para ustedes como un intermediario de ayuda y comunicación. Nosotros mantenemos informados a los padres y representantes acerca de todo lo que sucede en el WPHS de manera que ustedes puedan ser participantes activos en la vida de sus dario para los Juegos anuales Loucks Track & Field, Mayo 10-12, 2012. 2,600 atletas por 3 días de todos los Estados Unidos y del mundo vienen a competir en el WPHS Loucks Stadium. El PTA Snack Bar funciona en los juegos del sábado para recaudar fondos dedicados a las becas de los estudiantes que se gradúan. Nosotros deseamos que ustedes consideren ayudarnos a vender en el Snack Bar. Estos son algunos delo eventos importantes del PTA en la primera parte del año escolar 2011-12. Por favor manténgase informado con nuestra publicación TigerTales. Esperamos se nos una en las diversiones mientras tratamos de proveer programas de enriquecimiento para estudiantes y padres y apoyamos la educación de nuestros hijos en el WPHS. Con el orgullo de Tigres! Donna Louis & Catherine Murphy 914-806-5074 914-720-1010 Co-Presidents [email protected] V O LU M E 3 1 , PAGE 7 NU MB E R 1 PTA Happenings 2011 VARSITY FOOTBALL & FALL SNACKBAR GRILL SCHEDULE Friday, September 16 5:30—8pm Home vs. North Rockland High School @ 7pm Loucks Stadium (Note: Game location/time may change due to rain damage at Loucks) Saturday, October 1 *12-11pm City Of White Plains Columbus Day Festival *SnackBar hours TBA— North Street Entrance Thursday, October 6 4-7pm Home vs. Suffern High School @ 5pm Loucks Stadium Friday, October 14 5:30-8pm Home vs. Mt. Vernon High School @ 7pm Loucks Stadium Thursday, November 24 9am– 12noon 41st Annual Turkey Bowl @ Home vs. Stepinac @ 10:30am Loucks Stadium Playoffs run between October 24th— November 5th. If there are any home games, the WPHS PTA SnackBar will operate. We need volunteers for setup, cooking, sales, and clean-up, or shopping. Please let us know if you can help out in any way! Thanks again and let's hope for a winning season! Wednesday, November 23 7-8:30pm WPHS Homecoming (non WPHS PTA) Mike Bambace 914-424-4302 Phil Viola 914-428-4875 Parent On-Line Portals K12 Alerts This is our automated telephone call system that we use to send out announcements and attendance calls (grades 6-12). This system has the ability to send announcements to your email/cell phone as a text message and to update your phone numbers and emergency contacts. Parent/Guardian Portal in Infinite Campus Through the Parent Portal, you will now have access to the following information about your children: Attendance, Student Schedule, Immunizations, State Exams, Progress Reports and Report Cards (Grades 6-12 only). Your account information has been sent in the mail for both of these online access systems. Access can be found by selecting the district website Information task bar, [K12 Alerts/ Parent Portal]. If you experience any problems, please complete the HELP form available on the webpage. PAGE 8 V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 WEPR SELECTS JUNIOR WINNER FOR THE YOUTH HUMANITARIAN AWARD IN MEMORY OF STANLEY MARCUS Last May as a WPHS JunIn her application essay ior, Brittany Sutton was Brittany wrote: selected by the Westchester "... I like school and am a East Putnam Region PTA Diana Knight, Guy Matthews, Brittany Sutton, good student and I like as their regional winner of Donna Louis, Rose Lovitch sports and am a decent the Youth Humanitarian athlete. Community service Award in Memory of Stanley is different. When I get involved in a project such as Marcus. The WPHS PTA nominated Brittany the Relay for Life or the Light the Night, I feel a fire for this award because she possesses those in my gut that I don’t feel when I study or when I get values of exemplary passion for community on a soccer field or basketball court. It’s different service. and it’s powerful. I feel like I am part of something much bigger than myself. ... what fires me is helping others, especially those less fortunate than myself." The PTA expects to see more good work from Brittany this year as a Senior! The PTA seeks current junior and senior nominees annually for The Youth Humanitarian Award in Memory of Stanley Marcus. One WPHS student applicant is selected and is submitted to our regional PTA. Look for more information and an application in the months to come via PTA emails and the Guidance Bulletins. Applications will be due sometime during the first week of January. THE WOMENS’ CLUB OF WHITE PLAINS FASHION SHOW A SUCCESS! For over 20 years the Woman’s Club of White Plains has donated funds for college scholarships to WPHS students. This past April, we hosted our annual Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon which raised $10,000 in scholarship funds. Our 2011 models for this past Spring’s Fashion Show fundraiser. Our models were WPHS staff, students, and members of our Junior Teen Section. Do you recognize our models? The Antonio Meucci Lodge #213, Order of the Sons of Italy in America We look forward to next year’s event which will be held on Saturday, April 28, 2012. There were ten recipients, who each received $1,000. Congratulations to Jenny Arpi, Katherine Bonnet, Rosemica Ceus, Annie Dunning, Noelle Roeper, Deyadyra Gonzales, Jennifer Gonzales, Daniel Petralia, Jessica Gonzales, and Katherine Quiroz. Anyone who would like to donate auction items, or help in any way can contact Laura Mastoloni at [email protected]. The event is open to anyone who would like to attend. Please join us for a fun afternoon, while supporting the students of WPHS. Thank you, Laura Mastoloni Co-Chair Philanthropy The Woman’s Club of White Plains awarded three WPHS seniors last June. The recipients were Angel Rose Tinnirello, Nicholas Mannarino, and Michael Lovitch. Each received a $500 scholarship. Honoring them are President Tereso Riverso, and Scholarship Committee Co-Chairs Frank Tarone and Sandi Farducchi. V O LU M E 3 1 , PAGE 9 NU MB E R 1 2012 PTA Senior Recognition Award Now is the time to start working toward this goal. The awards are presented to all students who: Complete 30 hours of service to the school or community between July 1, 2011 & March 31, 2012 Prepare a written statement about their plans and goals after graduation Mail the completed application packet; must be postmarked by April 6, 2012 Complete all requirements for graduation by June 2012. Forms to keep track of service hours will be available on our PTA website, accessed thru the High School main page under Site Shortcuts (click on PTA). The application packets will also be available in the guidance offices in January. The PTA congratulates the following 64 seniors from the Class of 2011 who received the Recognition Award! Evan Amadio Jordyn Eisenpress Grace Jefferson Daniel Petralia Edoni Andre Linnea Fargo Natalie Krzemienski Katherine Quiroz Monica Arismendez Donya Feizbakhsh Louis Lacarbonara Erik Reiblein Andrew Baritz Douglas Geller Michael Lovitch Melissa Restrepo Jessica Bedoya Michael Gonzalez Bridget Maguire Marisa Rosario Jordan Berger Jennifer Gonzalez Kelly Maguire Denise Santizo Molly Bernhard Rachel Grafman Kyana Mangol Samantha Schanzer Katherine Bonnet Gabrielle Greto Nicholas Mannarino Devon Smith Tynisha Brice Velisha Guillaume Alix Marks Sean-Patrick Sosa-lles Alison Brotman Emily Hendry Julia Martino Preeth Srinivasaraghavan Dane Brown Stefanie Hodapp Meaghan McLeod Ryan Stagg Craig Bruno Margaret Honig Michael Messina Jason Timberg Rebecca Carnevalla Rosalyn Idowu Rebecca Milian Angel Rose Tinnirello Julianne Clampet Kathryn Irmler Cormac Nataro Brian Warager Gustavo De Andrade Shawn Jackson Brendan Oates Kate Weiner Annie Dunning Joseph Jacob Juliana Palmieri Catherine Wisell Un Mensaje de la Principal (viene de la pagina 3) El primero de septiembre todos los estudiantes del noveno grado tuvieron la oportunidad de conocer y reunirse con sus maestros antes del comienzo de clases, se les dio un tour de la escuela y se reunieron con sus consejeros, Denise Velasquez y Maria Csikortos. Después de una reunión con Paula Dalto, la Consejera de las Actividades Estudiantiles, y los oficiales del GO, los estudiantes del noveno grado se inscribieron en actividades co-curriculares. Nosotros terminamos el día con un barbecue ofrecido por el PTA. El primer día de clases los estudiantes nuevos del noveno grado se sentían tan cómodos en el edificio que cualquiera hubiese podido pensar que estaban en otros grados. El viaje de los estudiantes del grado doce (Seniors) a Williamsburg, Virginia fue pospuesto para el viernes 23 de septiembre hasta el domingo 25 de septiembre. Los asesores (Advisors) piden disculpas a los estudiantes que no pueden viajar en estas nuevas fechas. Desafortunadamente, debido al huracán Irene nos vimos obligados a decidir estos cambios. Se harán arreglos para devolver el dinero a los estudiantes que no puedan asistir al viaje. Nuestros mejores deseos para usted y su familia. Atentamente, Diana Knight Principal V O LU M E 3 1 , PAGE 10 NU MB E R 1 WPHS PTA Calendar Of Events 2011-2012 AUGUST 29 PTA website FALL SPIRITWEAR Sales BEGINS SEPT. 1 7:30 - 11AM, C Corridor 16 7pm, Loucks Stadium Staff Welcome Back Breakfast Freshman Orientation w/ PTA BBQ Lunch 12—1:30pm PTA Snack Bar - Football Game @ WPHS vs. North Rockland 22 7:30pm, Media Center PTA: Meet & Greet; SPIRITWEAR 30 SPIRITWEAR DEADLINE 1 12—11pm North St. Entrance White Plains Parks & Recreation Columbus Day Festival PTA Snack Bar 6 6 13 5pm, Loucks Stadium 7:30pm, Auditorium 7:30pm, Media Center PTA Snack Bar - Football Game @ WPHS vs. Suffern WPHS Open House, Class Schedule Tour 7:45-9:30pm PTA: Guidance Night 14 7pm, Loucks Stadium PTA Snack Bar - Football Game @ WPHS vs. Yorktown OCT. NOV. DEC. 28-5 TBA Football Playoffs – PTA Snack Bar? 10 7pm, Auditorium PTA: Race To Nowhere Movie/Discussion 24 10:30am Loucks Stadium Turkey Bowl PTA Snack Bar Football Game WPHS vs. Stepinac SpiritWear Sale 10 10 am-4 pm, H Bldng PTA Craft Fair 14 7:30pm, Media Center WPHS Guidance: Financial Aid with Heather McDonnell WPHS Music & Theatre Calendar Oct/Dec 2011 Area All State Practices / Performance Wed., Oct. 19 3 — 9pm Area All State Rehearsal @WPHS Wed., Nov. 2 3 - 9pm Area All State Rehearsal @WPHS Thurs., Nov. 3 8am - 8pm Area All State @ SUNY- PURCHASE NYSSMA ALL STATE Conference in Rochester ThursSun, Dec. 1 –4 JAN. 12 7:30pm, Media Center SNOW DATE, JAN. 26 PTA: PEACE OUTside Campus With Kathleen Bonistall FEB. 9 7:30pm, Media Center PTA: Topic TBA WPHS FALL PLAY: MARCH 8 7:30pm, Media Center PTA: Curriculum Update November 17-19, 2011 14 7pm, Auditorium 8th Grade WPHS Orientation 25 11am—5pm, GYM Engineering Expo @ WPHS PTA Snack Bar 19 6 –7:30pm, Media Center WPHS Guidance: College Planning Night 10am, B Atrium Staff Appreciation Lunch Thursday, November 17 at 3:30pm Friday, November 18 at 7pm Saturday, November 19 at 2:30pm & 7pm APRIL 20 MAY JUNE 25 7:30pm, Media Center Joint PTA Council, HS & MS School Budget & Vote 10 7:30pm, Media Center PTA Meeting TBA 12 7am-4pm Loucks Stadium PTA Snack Bar for Loucks Track & Field Meet 1 Senior Breakfast 10am, GYM Winter Holiday Concert I Chamber Orch, Concert Orch, Mixed Chorus, Concert Band Tues., Dec. 13 7:30PM AUD Winter Holiday Concert II - Symphony Orchestra, Treble Choir, Choir Thurs. Dec. 15 7:30PM AUD PAGE 11 V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 Help the White Plains PTA support our students through teacher developed grants, assemblies, programs and scholarships Help the PTAs in New York work toward policies for the safety of our students – such as graduated driver’s licenses A chance to be involved in your child’s education – PRICELESS Make your voice count – Become a member! JOIN THE WPHS PTA! Dual Membership - $15 Single Membership - $10 s to ber free m Me n a PTA ered i ng ! 0 wi e nt t 10 Firs ill be ar dra e w s) join piritW item S d e Make ect (sel your check payable to: WPHS PTA Mail to: White Plains High School PTA 550 North Street, White Plains, New York 10605 (or drop in the PTA mailbox in the Main Office) For more information, please email us at [email protected] or call: Sue Golden 682-9329 OR Traci Jackson 328-0345 ♦The first 100 PTA members to join will be entered into a SPECIAL PRIZE drawing♦ □ Dual Membership -$15 (2 PTA Votes) □ Single Membership - $10 ....................... $ _______________ (1 PTA Vote) □ Additional donation to the WPHS PTA general fund .................................. + $ _______________ Total amount enclosed ...................................................................................... $ _______________ Additional Information to help us provide information to you: Family Last Name: _________________________________________________ Adult First Names: (1) : _______________________ (2): ______________________ Address_______________________________________Phone #_______________________ Student Name/Grad Yr: 2012: _____________________________ 2013:_____________________________ 2014: _____________________________ 2015:_____________________________ Please provide us with your most recent email address (All e-mail addresses are kept confidential and will be used for PTA/School news only) * E-Mail Address: ______________________________________________________ (addt’l email): ______________________________________________________ Our children thank you for your support! PAGE 12 V O LU M E 3 1 , NU MB E R 1 ¡Ayude a nuestra asociación de padres y profesores (PTA) apoyar a nuestros estudiantes a través de los subsidios, las asambleas, los programas y las becas ¡Ayude a las otras asociaciones de Nueva York iniciar las políticas para la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes – como las licensias graduadas de conducir La oportunidad de participar en la educación de su niño – es INVALORABLE! ¡Haga que cuente su voz! – ¡Afíliase hoy! ¡ÚNESE A LA ASOCIACION DE PADRES Y PROFESORES (PTA)! Cuota de Afiliación Para Dos Miembros - $15 Cuota de Afiliación Individual - $10 Haga un cheque pagadero a: WPHS PTA Envíe esta forma a: White Plains High School PTA 550 North Street, White Plains, New York 10605 (o deje esta forma el el correo de la PTA en la oficina princial) Para más información, por favor mandar un correo electrónico a [email protected] o llamar: Lisa Sanchez 914-325-8843 ♦Los primeros 100 miembros de PTA para unirse a entrarán en un sorteo PREMIO ESPECIAL♦ □ Cuota de Afiliación para Dos Miembros -$15 (2 Votos para la PTA) ...... $ _________________ □ Cuota de Afiliación Individual - $10 (1 Voto para la PTA) ....... $ _________________ □ Donación adicional al fondo general de WPHS ................................ + $ _________________ La Suma Total Incluido .............................................................................. $ _________________ Información adicional para ayudarnos proveerle información: Apellido de la Familia: _________________________________________________ Nombres de los Adultos: (1) : _______________________ (2): ______________________ Dirección______________________________ Número de Teléfono_______________________ Nombre del Estudiante/Año de Graduación: 2012: _____________________________ 2013:_____________________________ 2014: _____________________________ 2015:_____________________________ Favor de proveernos con su correo electrónico más reciente (Todas las direcciones de correo electrónico son confidenciales y serán utilizadas solamente para informarles de eventos y noticias de la escuela superior y de la PTA) * Dirección de Correo Electrónico: _______________________________________ (otra dirección de correo electrónico): _______________________________________ ¡Nuestros estudiantes agradecen su apoyo! PAGE 13 VV OOLU MME E3 13 ,1 , NU MB LU NU MBE R E R1 1 PAGE PAGE 1414 VV OOLU MME E3 13 ,1 , NU MB LU NU MBE R E R1 1 LU NU MBE E R1 VV OOLU LU MME E E3 31 13 ,,1 , NU MB ER R 11 V O M NU MB PAGE 15 WPHS PTA EXECUTIVE BOARD & COMMITTEES FOR 2011-2012 [email protected] Donna Louis 806-5074 Christine Cavalucci………….1st VP,Programs 682-0936 Karen Reynolds.………….…. Programs Chair 684-0616 Sue Golden…..…………..2nd VP, Membership 682-9329 Traci Jackson.………….…..Membership Chair 328-0345 Vicki Cignarella.…………....3rd VP, Newsletter 761-7186 Patti Indelicato…Newsletter Production Chair 761-4697 Sarah Medelius...Newsletter Production Chair 525-2004 Alayna Shalom…Newsletter Production Chair 358-1397 Heidi Sobo…...…Newsletter Production Chair 422-3111 Michael Bambace……….…..4th VP, SnackBar 424-4302 Phil Viola………………..……....SnackBar Chair 428-4875 Cherelle Vasudevan…...….....5th VP, Publicity 686-5560 Donna Spitz….…..….…....6th VP, Recognition 761-8442 Claire Strati..….…….……....Recognition Chair 673-1283 Catherine Murphy 720-1010 Gina Cipriani LaPlaca……...7th VP,Hospitality Nella Carosi…………..……….Senior Breakfast 288-8458 948-1846 Dianne Guiliano.………...…..Hospitality Chair 686-9622 Joretta Crabbe….……..….…..….…....Craft Fair 948-4258 Robin McDonough……Corresponding Secretary Melissa Cardon………....….…….…....Craft Fair 948-2790 831-9223 Marcie Strauss….……..….…..….…....Craft Fair Kathy Marks…………………….……..Treasurer 428-2822 949-7811 Rose Lovitch…………..……...……..…....Craft Fair 428-3963 Sue Brumer.…………..Faculty Representative 422-2182 (WPHS) Brenda Velez…………………….Staff Breakfast Evelyn Alicea-Santiago….Special Needs Liaison 946-1160 422-2092 (WPMS) Mily Halpern….………………….Staff Breakfast TBA………………....…..STARS Representative 949-8038 Lori Nicholson……..Staff Appreciation Lunch 946-6840 Christine O’Brien………….Department Grants Heidi Sobo…...……..Staff Appreciation Lunch 993-9785 422-3111 Vicki Cignarella….…….……………....WebPage 761-7186 OPEN………………..………...Loucks SnackBar OPEN…………….….………...Loucks SnackBar Colette Collins…..……..…….PTA Council Rep 948-8541 Michael Bambace……..Loucks SnackBar Grill Laurie Dunning…….…..…….PTA Council Rep 424-4302 997-8020 OPEN….………………...….School Budget Rep Carolina Burnett.………………..…...SpiritWear 686-2603 Felicia Lotito…..……..…8th Grade Orientation Nella Carosi…….………………..…...SpiritWear 761-5493 948-1846 Contact [email protected] for more information about your business sponsoring future publications of TigerTales. Professional One on One Tutoring Mathematics/Science More than 30 years experience as a Math and Science teacher offering excellent exam and Regent preparation in Algebra, Geometry, Earth Science and Living Environment. Proven results! New York State Licensed Call Steven R. LaPlaca, 914-462-1679 An engaged member of the White Plains Public Schools Community, Gina brings the same qualities to Real Estate. Together with Bill Ford-Sussman, they have sold more than $79,000,000 in the last three years earning them the #1 team award in Weschester/ Putnam. Gina's expertise, attention to detail, tenacity, and diligence will enrich and secure the experience of purchasing and or selling your home with the Ford-Sussman Group. For a private, confidential discussion, please do not hesitate to call on us. Confidence is the Companion of Success T I G E RTA L E S NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID WHITE PLAINS, NY PERMIT 432 The Newsletter of the WPHS PTA White Plains Board of Education 550 North Street White Plains, NY 10605 Address Service Requested Is your child taking an SAT or Subject Test? Log onto College Board for information and registration: Come one, come all, to the opening PTA meeting of the new school year: Date: September 22, 2011 Place: WPHS Media Center Time: 7:30 PM