A FREE Holiday Challenge - WVU Extension Service


A FREE Holiday Challenge - WVU Extension Service
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families and Health News
A FREE Holiday Challenge
Join Maintain Don’t Gain during the holidays.
To get started weigh in at one of the weigh-in
sites November 16-26, 2014.
Complete the program by weighing again at the
same location after the New Year.
(January 1-10, 2015)
All Participants Receive
Coupons for free visits to local gyms
Weekly newsletters
Weigh after the New Year and receive an
invitation to the Celebration party at the Clarion
See page 3 for Weigh-In Sites
and other details
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Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
16-26: Weigh-In for Maintain
Don’t Gain
“Decades of
Dedication”...1914 Farm
Women’s Club to 2014
Community Educational
Outreach Service
17: CEOS Council meets at
10:30 a.m.
26-28: WVU Extension
Office closed for
Thanksgiving break
6: Holiday Bus Trip Allenberry Playhouse
(See page 4)
24-26: WVU Extension
Office closed for
Official Holiday
1: WVU Extension Office
closed for Official Holiday
1-10: Maintain Don’t Gain
Weigh-Out to finish
the program
To be determined: Maintain
Don’t Gain Celebration
Decades of Dedication was the
theme of the WVCEOS
Conference held at Jackson’s Mill
on October 6-9. Attending from
Jefferson County were Linda
Poston, Joann and Bill Viands,
Debbie Viands, Nancy Burke, and
Wallis Anne Magaha and her
sister from Illinois, Sue Sharp.
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 3
Maintain Don’t Gain
Weigh-In Sites
November 16-26, 2014
 Clarion Health Spa & Fitness
Center, Shepherdstown
 Curves in Charles Town
 Eastern Panhandle Care
Clinic, Ranson 304.724.6091
 Gold’s Gym, Charles Town
 Harpers Ferry Family Medicine,
Harpers Ferry 304.535.6343
 JC Community Center at Sam
Michaels Park 304.728.3207
 JC Health Department
Kearneysville 304.728.8416
 Shepherd University
Wellness Center 304.876.5300
For further information: Contact Judy Matlick at 304/728-7413 ext. 3 or
[email protected]
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families and Health News
Page 4
Holiday Bus Trip - December 6th
Allenberry Playhouse
Sponsored by Jefferson County Community Educational Outreach Service
Money is melting away at the North
Pole! As Santa crunches numbers to
keep up with kids' demands for hightech toys, the elves fear financial ruin.
So they hatch a plan to save
Christmas: Create a marketing strategy! Brand
Santa! Set up a social media blitz! But when some fancy ad men
arrive at Santa's Village, will they rescue the season or destroy it
completely? This is a heartwarming and hilarious original Christmas
Show that will fill you with the magic of the season—and remind us
all of its true meaning. Perfect for all audiences. Rated G
Your reservation of $90 covers
transportation on a late model coach
equipped with restroom, overhead storage
compartments and adjustable seating; a
bountiful buffet; and the play, The
Christmas Campaign.
Call 304-728-7413 Ext. 0 or
(leave message) for a
registration form.
Make checks payable to
JCCEOS and mail completed
Registration Form to:
CEOS Holiday Bus Trip
Deborah Viands, Treasurer
2152 Leetown Rd.
Summit Point, WV 25446
The bus will leave Food Lion Parking Lot in Charles Town on
December 6, 2014 at 9:00 a.m. and return at approximately 6 p.m.
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 5
First Annual
Family and Consumer Sciences Day
December 3rd will be the first annual Family and Consumer Sciences
Day—a national celebration that calls attention to something simple
families can do to be healthier—prepare and eat a nutritious meal
The first annual Family and Consumer Sciences Day, launched by the
American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS), has
set a goal of 200,000 families preparing and eating a healthy meal
together on December 3rd. December 3rd was chosen as Family and
Consumer Sciences Day to honor AAFCS Founder Ellen Swallow
Richards, first female graduate of MIT.
Field of Family and Consumer Sciences
Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) draws from broad and diverse
disciplines to develop and provide content and programs that help
individuals become more effective critical thinkers and problem solvers.
Through discovery and delivery of research-based knowledge, FCS
professionals help individuals and families develop essential skills to
successfully live and work in a complex world. Professionals in the field
are uniquely qualified to speak on many critical issues affecting
individuals and families, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, wisely
managing personal and family finances, and creating supportive
relationships with family members, friends, and co-workers. They are
located nationwide in a variety of practice settings, including extension
service, secondary schools, universities, government agencies, and
For more information, visit www.aafcs.org/FCSday.
I’m Dining in December 3rd
Join me and commit here!
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 6
Pink Luncheon
Purse Auction
October 26, 2014
Hollywood Ballroom at Charles Town Races
Raised $8,626.24 for the West Virginia Breast & Cervical
Cancer Diagnostic &Treatment Fund!
Sponsored by Jefferson County CEOS Clubs
“The most important thing I'd like to convey is that participation by
all the businesses and individuals truly made a difference in the
success of this year's event. We have so much community
support and it’s essential to our success. Of course donation of
purses is also key.”
Debbie Viands, Chairperson of the Pink Luncheon Committee
Special Recognition and Thank You to our auctioneer, Floyd Spates, Jr. for again
donating his time and talent for our function. Also thanks to the CEOS members and
friends who donated purses and other items. The Pink Luncheon Committee for their
enthusiastic participation in the preparation for the event. Sarah White Cotton (in loving
memory of her mother, Jeanette White) and Tracey Owens for their gift bag items, silent
auction donations, and gathering purses from family and friends, as well as, their efforts in
promoting this event and selling numerous tickets.
We thank our donors for their generous support for this most worthwhile event!
Bank of Charles Town
Angie Banks, JC Assessor
Billie’s Café and Bakery
BilMar Shorthorns, Billy & Mary Ella Cogle, Charles Town
Black Dog Coffee Company, Shenandoah Junction
Bloomery Plantation Distillery, Charles Town
Bob Evans, Ranson
Buried Treasures Thrift Shop, Ranson
Charles Town Auto Wash
Chick-Fil-A, Ranson
Childs Montadales, Dick Childs, Summit Point
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 7
Christain Caine Jewelers, Shepherdstown
City National Bank, Charles Town
D’Accord Boutique, Shepherdstown
Defluri’s Fine Chocolates, Martinsburg
Dickinson and Wait, Shepherdstown
El Pollon, Ranson
Ellsworth Music, Ranson
Feagans, Charles Town
Five Guys, Ranson
Food Lion, Kearneysville
Glory Days Grill, Ranson
Harpers Ferry Adventure Center
Harpers Ferry Wine and Gourmet
Hollywood Casino at Charles Town Races and Slots
IHOP, Charles Town
Jefferson Estate Jewelers, Charles Town
Jefferson Medical Center
Jefferson Security Bank, Shepherdstown
John’s Café and Grill, Ranson
John’s Family Restaurant, Rippon
Klip ‘n Kurl, Cheryl Wilt, Ranson
Tiffany Lawrence
Ledo Pizza, Ranson
Macy’s Distribution Center, Martinsburg
Martins, Charles Town
Mary Adams Accessories, Harpers Ferry
Mimsy Design Shop, Claire Ayres, Shepherdstown
Orgami Owl Independent Designer & Thirty-One Consultant, April Davis, Charles Town
Pizza Hut, Charles Town
Plum Jewelers, Shepherdstown
Premier Jeweler, Amy Stolipher, Rippon
Premier Jeweler, Rhonda Fields, Charles Town
Rainbow Diner, Charles Town
Sharon Rockefeller
Roy Rogers, Ranson
Scentsy Consultant, Melonie Phelps, Gerrardstown
Shear Power, Ranson, WV
Sherwin-Williams Store, Charles Town
Sleepy Hollow Golf and Country Club, Charles Town
Southern Charm, Charles Town
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
State Farm, Tammy Sirbaugh, Ranson
Stella & Dot Stylist, June Hendricks, Kearneysville
Steppin’ Out, Shepherdstown
Studio M Salon and Spa, Charles Town
Subway at Potomac Marketplace
Sugar Rush Bakery, Kearneysville
Summit Point Methodist Women, Summit Point
Sweet Frog, Charles Town
Tenfold Fair Trade Collection, Harpers Ferry
The Heavenly Garden, Shepherdstown
The Village Shop of Harpers Ferry
Thirty-one Consultant, Holly Waybright, Summit Point
Thirty-One Senior Consultant, Jennifer Caldwell, Falling Waters
Tiptoe Studios, Charles Town
Joann Tomlin, WV First Lady
United Bank, Charles Town
Village Florist and Gifts Shepherdstown
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The Fund created by the 1996 WV Legislature, helps pay for diagnostic and
treatment services for West Virginia women who do not have health
insurance and may not be able to afford breast and cervical cancer
screening. The WV Legislature allows the WV Breast and Cervical Cancer
Coalition to raise money through donations to continue to help the women of West Virginia and
Jefferson County.
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 9
Countdown to Thanksgiving
A little time spent preplanning can pay big dividends in less stress and
time saved.
Plan your menu well before the holiday. Shop early for the items you
can buy ahead of time. This will make your last minute shopping for
fresh items much quicker OR make it easier to send someone else to
shop for those last few items. If you have ever gone grocery shopping
the day before Thanksgiving you know the stores are very crowded.
Cooking a turkey? Will you buy a frozen turkey or a fresh turkey? Do
you have enough space to store a frozen turkey if purchased in
advance? If you buy a fresh turkey, be sure you purchase it only 1-2
days before cooking. Do not buy a prestuffed fresh turkey.
What size bird do you need? Of course you want to allow some for left
overs but the following chart will be a helpful guide.
Type of Turkey
What Size Turkey to Purchase
Pounds to Buy
Whole bird
1 pound per person
Boneless breast of turkey
1/2 pound per person
Breast of turkey
3/4 pound per person
Prestuffed frozen turkey
1 1/4 pounds per person - keep
frozen until ready to cook
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 10
The best way to thaw your frozen turkey is in the refrigerator. Place
frozen bird in original wrapper in the refrigerator (40 °F or below).
Allow approximately 24
Thawing Time in the refrigerator hours per 4 to 5 pounds of
turkey. A thawed turkey can
remain in the refrigerator for
Size of Turkey
Number of Days
1-2 days. Put the turkey in a
4 to 12 pounds
1 to 3 days
pan or some kind of
container and/or put it on a
12 to 16 pounds
3 to 4 days
lower shelf to be sure that it
will not drip onto other food
16 to 20 pounds
4 to 5 days
especially ready-to-eat food.
20 to 24 pounds
5 to 6 days
Thawing in cold water:
If you forget to thaw the turkey or don't have room in the refrigerator
for thawing, don't panic. You can submerge the turkey in cold water
and change the water every 30 minutes. Allow about 30 minutes
defrosting time per pound of turkey. The following times are
suggested for thawing turkey in water.
Cook immediately
Hours to Defrost Thawing after thawing.
Size of Turkey
Time in Cold Water
4 to 12 pounds
2 to 6 hours
12 to 16 pounds
6 to 8 hours
16 to 20 pounds
8 to 10 hours
20 to 24 pounds
10 to 12 hours
Thawing in the microwave
Microwave thawing is safe if the turkey is not too large. Check the
manufacturer's instructions for the size turkey that will fit into your
oven, the minutes per pound, and the power level to use for
thawing. Cook immediately after thawing.
Judy Matlick
WVU Extension Service
Families & Health News
Page 11
Use a food thermometer to check the
internal temperature of the turkey.
A whole turkey is safe cooked to a minimum internal
temperature of 165 °F throughout the bird. Check the
internal temperature in the innermost part of the thigh
and wing and the thickest part of the breast. All turkey
meat, including any that remains pink, is safe to eat as
soon as all parts reach at least 165 °F. The stuffing
should reach 165 °F, whether cooked inside the bird or
in a separate dish.
When turkey is removed from the oven, let it stand 20 minutes.
Remove stuffing and carve turkey.
Storing Leftovers
Cut the turkey into small pieces; refrigerate stuffing and turkey
separately in shallow containers within 2 hours of cooking. Use
leftover turkey and stuffing within 3-4 days or freeze these foods.
Reheat thoroughly to a temperature of 165 °F or until hot and
Source of information for thawing and cooking turkey is USDA: Food Safety
and Inspection Service.
Need HELP on Thanksgiving?
Toll-free USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline
The hotline will be staffed with food safety
specialists on Thanksgiving Day from
8 a.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern Time to answer
your turkey questions.
For food safety questions year round, you
may speak with a food safety specialist — in
English or Spanish — from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00
p.m. Eastern time on weekdays.
Call the USDA Meat & Poultry Hotline at:
1-888-MPHotline or
Or send an Email to:
[email protected]
For more in-depth information:
Food Safety: http://
Safe holiday meal: http://