RISS Brochure
RISS Brochure
En fo rc Regional Information Sharing Systems® (RISS) Program M EN •N ES P IN t AP ro v ce for Law en IN M •R WSIN • ur so Re em en OC L OC GL IC • ROCIC • MA Providing Trusted Service for More Than 40 Years Helps solve crimes, prosecute offenders, save lives, and safeguard law enforcement officers and citizens Serves hundreds of thousands of law enforcement, criminal justice, and public safety professionals through a proven, trusted, innovative, and evidence-based program Consists of six regional centers that tailor their services to meet the unique needs of their regions while working together on nationwide initiatives Supports efforts against crime and terrorism in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, U.S. territories, Australia, Canada, England, and New Zealand RISS Supports Three Major Areas Information and Intelligence Sharing yy Facilitates and fosters communication and information sharing among law enforcement yy Operates RISSNET and serves as the secure infrastructure for hundreds of state, tribal, regional, and federal systems and resources yy Operates the RISS Criminal Intelligence Database (RISSIntelTM), provides access to intelligence databases, and connects disparate systems yy Provides for real-time, online federated search of more than 40 state, regional, and federal systems containing millions of records yy Provides federated search of partner gang intelligence systems, such as CalGang®, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives’ (ATF) GangNet®, and the Arizona GangNet. Provides access to other gang-related resources yy Offers secure communications and information sharing to public safety and critical infrastructure personnel through the RISS Automated Trusted Information ExchangeTM (ATIX) yy Operates the RISSLeads Investigative WebsiteTM to generate investigative leads and to facilitate multijurisdictional information sharing yy Provides access to investigative databases, such as the RISS Property and Recovery Tracking System (RISSProp) and the RISS Master Telephone Index (MTI) yy Supports multiple federal agencies to meet secure information sharing mandates Officer Safety and Deconfliction yy Operates the nationwide RISS Officer Safety Event Deconfliction System (RISSafe) yy Utilizes RISSafe Watch Centers to monitor events and notify officers of potential conflicts and responds to other law enforcement officer requests yy Enables officers to access RISSafe from their mobile devices via RISSafe MobileTM Maintains the RISS Secure Cloud (RISSNET TM)—a sensitive but unclassified (SBU) system built and governed by law enforcement for law enforcement yy Provides subject (target) deconfliction through RISSIntel Operates RISSafeTM—a comprehensive and nationwide deconfliction system that is accessible and monitored on a 24/7/365 basis and available at no cost to all law enforcement agencies yy Provides officer safety-related training and develops and distributes educational materials yy Integrated with the HIDTA SAFETNet and Case Explorer event deconfliction systems yy Operates the RISS Officer Safety Website yy Offers access to the RISS Officer Safety Website to registered users of the VALOR Web Portal who are sworn law enforcement yy Collaborates with other programs to enhance officer safety Investigative and Case Support yy Develops analytical products, such as specialized charts and crime scene diagrams yy Provides digital forensics and audio/video enhancement services Offers law enforcement agencies and officers a full range of services, from the beginning of an investigation to the ultimate prosecution and conviction of criminals yy Researches intelligence and investigative resources Strengthens the nation’s information sharing environment and public safety mission yy Provides financial support for investigations yy Loans specialized surveillance and investigative equipment yy Provides one-on-one technical support to law enforcement agencies yy Provides timely and valuable investigative information upon request yy Trains thousands of law enforcement professionals yy Develops publications and law enforcement-sensitive briefings on topics such as sovereign citizens, gun violence, narcotics, and human trafficking yy Distributes current intelligence information via secure e-mail and RISSNET www.riss.net Several state Medicaid Fraud Control Units are using RISSNET to securely share information to help in their detection and prosecution efforts. RISS continues to connect fusion centers to RISSNET and integrate RISS services and tools into fusion center operations. RISS initiated the Northeast Fusion Center Intelligence Project, which connects 17 existing fusion centers’ intelligence systems to RISSIntel via RISSNET. The N-DEx and RISS Information Sharing Partnership aims to expand the availability of case management, investigative, and intelligence data, as well as critical analytical tools. RISS was mentioned in the National Strategy for Information Sharing and Safeguarding, released by the White House. RISS is poised to use its resources and structure to support and further the National Strategy’s goals and objectives. RISS also has strong partnerships and is involved with supporting a number of federal and nationwide initiatives, such as the following: yy U.S. Department of Justice’s Project Safe Neighborhoods yy U.S. Department of State, Diplomatic Security Offices yy United States Secret Service’s Targeted Violence Information Sharing System (TAVISS) yy Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives yy High Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas (HIDTA) yy National Motor Vehicle Title Information System (NMVTIS) MOCIC NESPIN MAGLOCLEN RMIN MAGLOCLEN MOCIC ROCIC RMIN ROCIC NESPIN WSIN [email protected] (800) 846-6242 [email protected] (800) 343-5682 IN ES P •N EN OC L OC GL IC • ROCIC • MA AP ro v RISS Equals Results “RISS is like an extra officer in our department.” “RISS—The most important working tool for law enforcement to combat criminal activity and terrorism.” More than 70 million transactions occur via RISSNET each year. Over the last ten years, officers leveraging RISS’s services arrested almost 47,000 offenders and seized more than $600 million in narcotics, property, and currency. RISS is a cost-effective program and an excellent return on investment for our country. The RISS Impact Website (www.riss.net/Impact) provides additional information on how RISS equals results through success stories from agencies and officers. The site also provides statistics, usage information, quotes, and information for each state and includes examples of how RISS supports federal initiatives. Visit www.riss.net RISS’s public website provides information about the RISS Centers and RISS’s resources, programs, and technology initiatives. yy View videos and access documents and reports yy Learn about RISS’s information sharing programs and investigative support services yy Obtain information about RISSIntel, RISSGang , RISS ATIX , and other RISSNET resources [email protected] (800) 821-0640 [email protected] (800) 238-7985 [email protected] (800) 952-5258 Updated October 2015 Bureau of Justice Assistance U.S. Department of Justice M RISS is governed and managed locally through its policy boards. RISS is also supported by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the National Sheriffs’ Association, the National Narcotic Officers’ Associations’ Coalition, and the National Alliance of Gang Investigators Associations. The RISS Centers [email protected] (800) 345-1322 WSIN t For example, RISS is the only nonfederal entity serving on the Assured SBU Interoperability Initiative—under the auspices of the White House and the Office of the Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE)— that seeks to expand federated access to resources and to provide single sign-on capabilities for officers to access more information and increase productivity while saving time and resources. ce for Law En fo rc en The voice of local, state, and tribal law enforcement is critical to ensuring that the gains made since 9/11 to improve information sharing continue. RISS represents local, state, and tribal law enforcement and public safety partners in many federal and nationwide initiatives. RISS also supports numerous federal agencies in meeting their information sharing needs. IN M •R WSIN RISS Supports Nationwide Initiatives • ur so Re em Regional Information Sharing Systems® (RISS) Program en TM TM yy Learn how your agency can enhance officer safety through RISSafe and the RISS Officer Safety Website yy Request additional information from your in-region RISS Center Like Us on Facebook at www.facebook.com/TheRISSProgram www.riss.net This project was supported by Grant No. 2009-RS-CX-K002 awarded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs. The opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Department of Justice.
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beginning of an investigation to the ultimate prosecution and conviction of criminals.
yy Facilitates and fosters communication and information sharing among thousands of local,
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