The Messenger - The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd


The Messenger - The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
The Messenger
The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Olney, Maryland
On Ash Wednesday, February 17, we will join Christians around the
world in observing the season of Lent. Lent is a deeply spiritual
time as we reflect on the tremendous love and sacrifice of Jesus for
us so that we might have forgiveness of sins, life and salvation. The
price of our redemption was overwhelming. As Dr. Martin Luther
said in explaining the second article of the Apostles’ Creed “Jesus, my Lord, has redeemed me
a lost and condemned person, purchased and won me from all sins, from death, and from the
power of the devil; not with gold or silver, but with his holy precious blood and with his innocent suffering
and death.” As Jesus himself said, “Greater love has no one than this; that he lay down his life for his
friends.” John 15:13
Luther went on with his explanation to state that Jesus made this supreme sacrifice, “so that I may be his
own and live under him in his kingdom and serve him in everlasting righteousness, innocence, and
blessedness, just as he is risen from the dead, lives and reigns to all eternity. This is most certainly true!”
In Jesus we have been redeemed from all sins, including the sin of selfishly wanting to use all of God’s
blessings for our own needs and wants, rather than using them to his glory and the welfare of our neighbor.
Selfishness is not part of good stewardship. Lent provides us with an excellent opportunity to reflect on
what is really important and worth spending our lives and resources on. During this 2010 season of Lent
may God’s Holy Spirit help us to understand that God wants to use us as instruments in his hands to touch
the lives of others in ways that make an eternal difference.
What a time of spiritual growth the season of Lent can be for us as we strive to spend our lives on things that
really matter for the Kingdom of God and the work of the church. May the love and sacrifice of Jesus so
impress us that we will want to reach out in loving and helpful ways.
Good Shepherd’s Ash Wednesday 7 p.m. Eucharist worship will include the Imposition of Ashes.
Pastor Ken Carlson will preach and assist in the service. Our five Wednesday midweek
Wednesday services will include a theme of the last words of Christ upon the Cross. May God
bless your Lenten journey.
In His Service,
About People . . .
We continue to pray for:
. . .
God’s care for our Good
Shepherd family: Carol Simonsen
(home and recuperating from hip
surgery); Bob Wolters (healing
from knee replacement surgery).
. . . God’s care for our relatives and friends:
Carolyn Dale (critical care, DeEtte Gabriel’s
sister-in-law); Julie Armstrong (autoimmune
issues, Kathy Nicholson’s sister); John (critical
illness, Janet Hyler’s brother); Marion Sandras
. . . those rejoicing and giving thanks: Birth of
Grace Olivia Carlson (daughter of Jon and
Suzanna Carlson, granddaughter of Pastor Ken
and Carolyn Carlson), born on Pastor Ken’s
birthday, January 6; Joan Baxter (successful
elbow surgery); Jan Kohler (oral surgery,
January 11), Kaitlyn Krueger (safe trip to the
. . . military serving our country: Brendan
Fossum (stationed at Fort Belvoir, VA); James
Kleager (Pentagon, Kathy Randall’s nephew);
Tom Witt (Iraq, friend of Erica Bauch); Mark and
David (serving in the Armed Forces); Jacob
Seguin (returned from Iraq - now stationed &
training at Marine Corps Air Station, New River,
in Jacksonville, NC - John’s nephew); Todd
Stefan (National Guard Unit in Afghanistan –
Pastor Pat and Elise); Patrick Gore (serving in
Afghanistan - Orv Cullen’s son-in-law); Matt
Kruspe (deployed to Iraq – brother of Pastor &
Elise Carlson’s son-in-law); Mark Keller
(deployed to Iraq – Dorothy Hughes nephew);
Stephan Buhl (deployed to Afghanistan), John
Berle (deployed to Iraq – Ruth Blackburn’s
grandson); Alberto (relative of Martin Predoehl –
deployed to Afghanistan); Daniel Stankus
(deployed southwest of Baghdad – friend of
Marianne & John Seguin), Andy Boltz, deployed
to Iraq.
. . . those who mourn: Family of Audrey Wilson
(sister of Robie Hillhouse, January 8); family of
Ben Larson (who perished in the Haiti
earthquake on January 8, Dawn Jones request);
family of William Schmotzer, (grandfather of
Dawn McCann, January 17); family of Jackie
Swift (Greg and Carol Swift request).
Sunday School News
As a mission project, the Sunday
School helped supply food and money
in January for the Chase Shelter.
December and February’s mission is
the LCGS Food Pantry.
The Sunday School participated in the delayed
Lessons and Carols Service on January 3. We
will also be singing and participating in the Palm
Sunday Service, Sunday, March 28 at 10 a.m.
On Tuesday, February 16,
the Educational Spiritual
Growth Team, along with
teachers, will be sponsoring the Shrove
Tuesday Pancake Supper, 5:30 to 7 p.m. The
proceeds from the supper will go to the Lutheran
Mission Society. We need servers, cooks, extra
electric skillets (to cook all those pancakes),
clean-up people, and lots of muscle after the
supper to put the preschool back together so
school can be held the next morning. Ern
Sheppard can also use help on Tuesday
afternoon around 2:30. Please call him if you
can help and he will tell you when to be there
when he breaks down the preschool classrooms
in order to set up the tables for all the people
coming to eat that evening. We are looking
forward to seeing everyone for pancakes on
Tuesday, February 16.
Mark your calendars – Vacation Bible
School will be held June 28 through July 2, with
the evening program on July 1.
Remember to Say……. I LOVE YOU ☺
Ash Wednesday
Worship Services - February 17
You Can Help a
Lonely Senior Citizen!
5:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Good Shepherd will have two
worship services, a children’s
service at 5:30 p.m. and a
family Eucharist service at
includes Imposition of Ashes.
All children in our Shepherd’s
Care preschool and within our church family
are cordially invited to attend the 5:30 p.m.
Thank you for your family’s
participation as we begin the holy season of
Shepherd’s Care
Children’s Center
Julie Eaton, Director
Mark your calendars!
Come on out and
support Shepherd’s Care Children’s Center
on Thursday, February 25 at Mama Lucia’s
in Olney. No need to bring a flyer or mention
the preschool. They will give the preschool a
percentage of everything they sold that night!
We need new books, new materials for the
classroom and much, much more. Tell your
friends and neighbors. Take-out and delivery
orders will go towards the total sales as well. It
is a great fun way to make money for our
school so please come anywhere between 5 –
10 p.m. I will look forward to seeing you, and if
I don’t know you, please come and introduce
yourself to me so I can thank you in person!
Julie Eaton
Over 280 senior citizens reside in the
National Lutheran Home in Rockville. Some of
them have no friends anymore, rarely see their
families, or were moved into this community
from their homes many miles away to be near
sons and daughters. This latter group has
forever left behind everyone and everything
they knew and loved.
To deal with this loneliness the National
Lutheran Home created the Senior Beacon
program. Participants in the Senior Beacon
program send cards, letters, and notes
periodically to residents assigned to them.
Currently 91 residents have Senior Beacons
contacting them.
Recently a resident of the NLH died and her
daughter sent to the facility a letter
complimenting the Senior Beacon program.
She wrote that her mother loved to receive
letters from the participant. The daughter
wrote that when cleaning out her mother's
room she found over 200 letters from the
Senior Beacon, which had been saved and
had been continually reread.
Some members of Good Shepherd are already
Senior Beacons. You too can join these LCGS
members and become Senior Beacons. It
would mean so much to the remaining 189
residents whose mailboxes are usually empty!
To become a participant, contact:
Ms. Felicia Brown
Volunteer Coordinator
National Lutheran Home
9701 Veirs Drive
Rockville, MD 20850-3462
301-424-9560, ext. 221
Super Bowl
Sunday, February 7
6:00 p.m.
at the Harman’s
Bring a dish to share
For all Youth
and their families
At Both Services
1 - Katelyn Dean
3 - Brett Fossum
4 - Brad Fitzenreiter
5 - Lynn Dean
6 - Dan Stillwell
9 - Bill Dent, Katie Kohler
10 - Ann Sprague
13 - John Maisel
14 - Orv Cullen
16 - Melissa North, Jason Seils, Tyler Seils
17 - David Flagg
19 - Karen Bulgarelli
20 - Caitlin Stelben, Ann Wolters
21 - Carolyn Carlson, Sierra Hoffman
23 - Joan Baxter
24 - Gina Fitzenreiter
25 - Ian McKay, Katie Stix
27 - Don Nortrup, Maria Strachan
28 - Bella Lourenco, Jamie Lourenco
29 - Jarrett Harman, Kathleen Marsden
27821 23 -
Youth Sunday
On Sunday, February 14
Bill & Dorothy Eger
Skip & Kelly Groff
Bill & Risa Agresti
Bill & Carolyn Dent
Frank & Barbara Corn
Marc & Melissa Gregory
(Caring and
(Saturday Morning
LCGS Men’s Group)
Feb. 6, 2010 – 7:30 a.m. Regular Group
Meeting to discuss future events, with a
nice breakfast and some fellowship in
the Family Life Wing.
Upcoming: Annual Servant Event in late April
or early May.
For more information, please call Jim
Ruspi at 301-963-7994.
(See Men’s Group article on next page.)
Day Trippers
We have only TWO tickets left for “Church
Basement Ladies” a comedy in Frederick,
Maryland on Sunday February 21, at 2:00 p.m.
The cost will be about $35.00. If we have
sufficient demand we may be able to purchase
more, but since this is only a one-time
performance, it may be difficult. Contact us as
soon as possible.
For March we are planning a trip to the
Lutheran Church of the Cross to view their
stain glass windows designed by Carolyn
Carlson. This will be followed by lunch and
Normandy Farms. Time and date will be
Please contact Bob Wolters (301-774-6169) or
[email protected] or Dorothy Hughes
Join other seniors for a brown bag lunch the
second Tuesday of each month in Room 104 at
11:30 a.m.
The next lunch will be Tuesday,
February 9. Bring your lunch and a friend.
Good Shepherd Book Club
Sunday, February 28, 2010
at 6:00 p.m. sharp
in the Family Life Wing
Come with or without food as there is always
plenty for everyone.
The Guernsey Literary
And Potato Peel Pie Society
By Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Burrows
It doesn’t matter whether you like yellow, red,
russet, white, fingerling or blue potatoes, you
will love the next meeting of the Book Club
where we will actually savor a piece of potato
peel pie. Return with us to January 1946 and
travel across the cold waters of the English
Channel to the tiny island of Guernsey,
occupied by the Germans and located but a
few miles off the coast of France. It is both an
unlikely love story (for the women) and a
portrayal of heroism and survival (for the men).
This book will bond you forever to these
charming, eccentric and rustic people and their
magical island. So rustle up a friend and join
us in the secret room on Sunday the 28th of
February at 6 p.m.
Game Night
Friday, February 19 - 7:15 p.m.
Lynn and Mary Kay Dean’s
The Game Night CARE Groups meets monthly
on the third Friday. We gather for fellowship,
food and fun – and play a couple of games
each time. Newcomers are always welcome!
If you are interested in joining us, call Andy
Carpenter (301-774-8298).
Dear Brothers:
Our Music Ministry
New Beginnings —
or Are They?
In reviewing some of the new choral music
coming out, it is interesting to note that more
composers are using free-form in setting
text/poetry to music. The text may be placed in
a musical form more akin to plainsong, which
had almost totally disappeared from church
music. And we are seeing a resurgence of
Early American tunes as well.
That which sounds so sacred to us now often
had its roots in the not-so-sacred. O Sacred
Head Now Wounded is an ancient Latin text
that was set to a German love song of the
time. Our most recent example of the folk tune
tradition is What Child is This? We here in the
USA love this Christmas carol, but I don't think
it is equally popular in England where it is
known as Greensleeves, a ballad of lost love
that, as I recall, is still being sung in the pubs.
The practice of composing something original
for a sacred text is a fairly recent phenomenon,
although even Bach took some cues from the
opera of his time.
So what music of today will become the folk
tunes of tomorrow? The Beatles transformed
much of our popular culture in the late 20th
century. Although their music is still under
copyright, one can't help but wonder if
someone someday will write a sacred text for
one of their melodies — the song Yesterday
comes to mind....
Here I stand....
There is nothing I can further do —
Except to totally rely on you...
My God and King,
My Everything.
Well, not poetically rich, but you get the idea!
May the Spirit call forth in all of us the
abundance of the talent that God has so richly
given us that we may move forward as a body
to be His Light during this Epiphany season in
our Olney community.
- Lynn
On Saturday, January 9, we
held our first meeting of the New Year. We
had 10 men attend and as usual, the food was
delicious. At least the food that Kim Wald. and
I cooked was delicious. Actually, Dave
Reinhold and Marc Gregory brought the
necessary “carbs” and we didn't have to eat
day old bread.
Vic Bernet ran the meeting and used a
sermon/writing of his Chaplain friend who is in
the Army. The theme was how we look at life
as we go into the New Year. We had several
good discussions on various points that were
made in the writing.
After the meeting was over, seven of us stayed
to “undecorated” the large Christmas tree at
the back of the church. This year we had a
contest to see who broke the first and most
ornaments. The winners are to be treated to a
STEAK Dinner at BJ Pumpernickels at Pastor
Pat's expense. Funny thing about the contest,
Pastor Pat broke the first - and most. I guess
that means he will have to treat himself to the
dinner! Another funny thing about the prize, BJ
Pumpernickels closed its doors on January 3.
We also prayed for several of our Men’s Prayer
Group (MPG) members, such as Carlos. We
hope that he and others will recover rapidly
from surgery or illness.
Our next meeting will be at LCGS at 7:30 a.m.
in the Family Life Wing. This is our usual time
and place for a meeting. At that meeting, we
will discuss some of the future events that will
be coming up for the MPG. Of course, the first
of these will be the Annual Servant Event in
late April or early May. Sister Robie has given
us some choices for this year's event. We will
discuss these in more detail at the February
meeting. If anyone has other suggestions,
PLEASE bring them to the meeting. We will
also be looking for a person to be in charge of
this event. So, show up to protect yourself
from being chosen as the leader! ☺
Blessings to all.
Jim Ruspi
Latest News from the
Food Pantry
We have an opportunity, through
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, to
participate in a program to benefit
our outreach to the community
through our Food Pantry.
the month. The days and hours for donation
drop-off are Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and
Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
ICC is open year round, except for Federal
Snow policy follows the Federal
If there are any questions, please email Bill Plitt
at: [email protected]) or call Bill at (301774-9502). Thanks to all of you who have
donated clothes and transported clothes to ICC
during 2009.
“Souper Bowl of Caring” is the program.
Thrivent will supplement $1 for every $3 raised
(or $1 for every three cans of soup or other
staple food items) received between NOW and
the two Sundays after Super Bowl Sunday on
February 7.
So bring in your contributions for the Food Pantry
and leave them in the narthex, where they can be
counted, OR send in a check to LCGS, marked
for Souper Bowl. We’ll re-stock the Pantry and
receive additional funds from Thrivent for this
ministry. Our needs continue to be for cereal,
peanut butter and jelly, pasta and pasta sauce.
Thank you for your continuing support for our
ministry to the community.
Ken Carlson
Donations: If you are donating clothes,
please leave them in the designated
area in the Family Life Wing. PLEASE,
PLEASE make sure the clothes are
placed in BAGS or BOXES that are
STRONG ENOUGH to withstand movement
from place to place.
Thank you for your
VOLUNTEERS are needed to transport the
clothes to the Interfaith Clothing Center for May
and June. The sign up sheet for 2010 is on the
Social Ministry bulletin board in the hallway
across from the administrative offices.
The center is located at the former Broome
Middle School, 751 Twinbrook Parkway,
Rockville, MD. Clothing should be picked up at
the church during the second and third weeks of
Olney HELP asks for your support on
Montgomery County will dine out that day at
one of the many restaurants participating in
the Thanksgiving in February Project. Each
restaurant pledges 10%, 15% or 20% of their
proceeds on February 23 to help provide food
for those in need. The money is distributed to
non-profit organization including Olney HELP,
Shepherd’s Table and Manna Food Center.
These agencies give food to families that are
having difficulty making ends meet.
Pamphlets listing the participating restaurants
are available in the Narthex – on the list are:
BJ Pumpernickel’s, Jerry’s Subs & Pizza,
Mamma Lucia of Olney, Olney Grille, Dave’s
American Bistro. Ricciuti’s and many, many
more in other areas. Join the excitement!
Take a friend to lunch or dinner on February 23.
Thank you for your support – you DO make a
In just a few short months, June will be upon
us with its warm weather and summer breezes.
Doesn’t that sound wonderful? And once
again, Good Shepherd will sponsor its
Vacation Bible School (VBS). This year’s
theme is PLANET ZOOM, where bold beelievers zip, zap and zoom for Jesus. The logo
is a beehive, and just as each bee in the hive
has a specific role, we too have a role to play
in God’s kingdom by bringing the life saving
message of Jesus to others.
Even though we still have February’s cold
weather to deal with, now is the time to start
thinking about this exciting program. Please
consider being a co-director, an adult leader or
a youth helper. Let’s get this publicized early,
not only with Good Shepherd’s families, but
also with our Olney community.
encourage our Sunday School kids to invite
their friends to this Christ-centered VBS which
will allow kids to grow in faith while having fun
at the same time.
Most importantly, the
Gospel message is included in every lesson,
every day.
Dates have been set for June 28-July 2, 2010.
Yes, VBS is coming.
The deadline for the March
newsletter is Sunday, February
With February
being a short month and the
normal third Sunday deadline falling
so late in the month (21st), I have moved the
date up by one week in order to have
enough time to prepare the articles. Please
place any articles in the newsletter mailbox or
email them to:
[email protected].
by Sunday, February 14.
Thank you!
Nancy Wald
Help for Haiti
for you to respond to the
throughout the month of
February and then sent
to Lutheran World Relief
for aid to Haiti. Please make checks payable to
LCGS with "Haiti Relief" noted in the memo
line and place the checks in the offering plate.
You can give directly to an agency of your
choice that supports the relief effort.
If you are a Thrivent member and want to
partner with Thrivent Financial for Lutherans in
responding to this disaster, you are to make
donations at or by
calling 800-236-3736 between 7 a.m. and 6
p.m., Monday through Friday. When prompted,
say "directory" and enter ext. 83003. Thrivent
will contribute $1, up to $1 million, for every $2
in donations members make by March 31 to
the following:
Lutheran World Relief
ELCA Disaster Response
LCMS World Relief/Human Care
WELS Committee on Relief
Whether you give to Thrivent
member, to LCGS, or to some
please give generously. The
Haitians are enduring is
as a Thrivent
other agency,
suffering the
beyond our
FEEDBACK Regarding
Your Emailed Newsletter
For those of you receiving an emailed
newsletter, please give me your comments on
this new delivery system, and whether you
read it on the computer or pulled off a copy.
Did it come through on the email address you
want me to use? I am looking for any input
you may have since it will help the church to
evaluate its success. Send your thoughts to
me at [email protected].
Thanks! Nancy Wald
The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Minutes – Board of Trustees – January 20, 2010
President-Elect Mark King opened the meeting with a prayer at 6:58 p.m. Also in attendance were Carolyn Carlson, Marc Gregory,
Lu Otto, Mike Hillhouse, Pr. Pat Carlson, Darlene Maxfield, Ern Sheppard, Jim Ruspi, Kim Wald and Mark Hardcastle.
Jim Ruspi made a lengthy presentation about the Board of Directors of Shepherd’s Care Children’s Center. Kim Wald also commented
on this topic. The Trustees listened and asked many questions. These issues about the relationship between Shepherd’s Care will
require further discussion and deliberation
Lu Otto presented the report of the Financial Secretary as of December 31, 2009.
For the month of December, Pledged and Non-Pledged Envelope contributions totaled $47,548.52, resulting in a budget surplus of
$18,136.02 for the month. Envelope contributions for the year totaled $363,317.76, resulting in a budget surplus of $10,367.76. Pledged
envelope contributions for the year were ahead by $17,803.27, and non-pledged envelope contributions were behind by $7,435.51.
Capital Fund contributions were $2,858.50 less than the budget requirement for December, and ran behind for the year by $25,962.00.
The combined income total for December was $58,493.79, resulting in a budget surplus of $16,619.79 for the month. For the year,
combined income receipts total $486,741.07, resulting in a budget deficit for the year of $15,746.93.
In December, weekly income averaged $14,623.45. Year to date average weekly income is $9,360.41. The expected average weekly
income for 2009 was $9,663.23; therefore, the average weekly Combined Income budget shortfall was $302.82. As shown in the
previous paragraph, Good Shepherd’s annualized Combined Income budget shortfall was $15,747.00.
Mike Hillhouse presented the Treasurer’s Report as of December 31, 2009.
Good Shepherd’s cash position for the month of December increased $ 14.4 K. As of December 31, 2009, our cash position stood
at $ 259.8 K.
The “Mortgage Fund” contributions in December totaled $ 6.6 K. Since May of 1998, the total contributions to these funds stand at $
1,328.5 K.
As shown on the Statement of Income and Expense, the current receipts and expenses are running at 96.9% and 95.8 %, respectively
(Expected –100.0%). This reflects that income is running ahead of expenses a total of $ 5.5 K for the year (see pg 6).
Our Non-Dedicated Cash position increased $ 16.2 K for the month of December. As of December 31, 2009 our Non-Dedicated Cash
position stood at $ 52.1 K (see page 3).
In December, 2009 we had an average weekly income including building of $14,623. Year-to-date average weekly income for the
year 2009 is $9,360. The expected weekly income should be $9,663.
The church mortgage balance stands at $1,477,918.17
Pr. Pat reviewed the January 2010 Calendar. Several modifications were made.
Pr. Pat reported no recent official acts. He and the office staff are looking at ways to control our Sunday bulletin costs; more
information will be obtained.
Old Business
Carolyn Carlson will obtain three bids to pave the parking lot. We will consider and discuss this further after the bids are obtained.
We will ask Martin Predoehl to obtain catalogs or brochures featuring electronic outdoor signs. We would like to obtain a sign
when we pave the parking lot.
February will be deemed Haiti Relief Month. We will solicit a free will offering and send the funds to Lutheran World Relief.
Howard Harman plowed the parking lot on three recent occasions. Adam Hillhouse assisted with clearing the sidewalks. The
Board appreciates their timely good work.
The Board will present the following motion to the Voters Assembly on March 7th:
RESOLVED: The Board of Trustees will recommend that the Voters Assembly adopt a policy that on Church boards and
ministry teams that are involved in financial matters (e.g. Trustees, Elders & Shepherd's Care), no two members of the same
family may serve on one such board or team at the same time.
New Business
The Board approved a resolution establishing Pastor Pat’s tax free housing allowance as part of his overall compensation
package. This is required each year by the IRS.
The outside lights over the main rear door at the Family Life Wing need to be replaced. We also need two, new programmable
thermostats in the Family Life Wing; Pastor Pat is working with a contractor on this.
Personnel & Staff
The Board has obtained from each of the non-pastoral staff a list of duties which they perform and their ranking of the importance of
those duties. We will develop job descriptions for each position consistent with the budgetary restrictions recently adopted by the
Voters. The issue of restoring the wage reductions that we made in December was discussed and tabled for the moment.
Team Reports:
Education/Spiritual Growth
Pancake Supper is Tuesday, February 16th. Will put notices in mailboxes, a paragraph in The Messenger and the Sunday
Bulletin asking for help and giving information about Pancake Supper and give SCCC notices also.
Lisa Carpenter suggested that the confirmation children rotate through as Nursery aides along with their parents.
Vacation Bible School: Pastor suggested we have VBS the week of June 28th because Howard County’s last day of school is
June 21. Closing would be on Thursday, July 1st to avoid absenteeism because of the holiday weekend.
Pastor Ken Carlson will assist Pastor Pat and preach on Ash Wednesday (Feb 17th) and Maundy Thursday (April 1st).
Due to yearly declining attendance Pastor Pat recommended the cancellation of the Children’s Good Friday and Sunrise
Easter services for 2010. A motion was introduced and passed by the Elders to accept Pastor’s recommendation.
Pastor Pat requested to hold a special summer confirmation class for two eighth graders, first year confirmands so they
can complete their studies and be confirmed in August prior to entering 9th grade. The Elders agreed.
OGSLY youth will begin serving as communion assistants in February.
Discussion was held regarding the redesign of the worship bulletin in response to the BoT decision to save on paper
usage wherever possible. Technical issues remain to be resolved to print and fold the larger format (ledger) on our
current copier. Pastor is working with the staff and will report back at a later date.
The Elders discussed the feasibility of holding Lessons & Carols on Dec 26th or Jan 2nd this year.
Vision Task Force 2010: The Elders continued planning for their community project in 2010. No decision was reached on
a date to hold either a Christmas party or Easter Egg hunt for disadvantaged youth (food, gifts, clothing, and other
activities). Christmas in July is also a possibility. Safeguarding the youth’s privacy is an area of concern that needs to
be addressed.
Pastor Pat verbally accepted his performance evaluation, without modification, as presented by the Board of Elders.
Lighting in the Sanctuary is generally holding stable.
Glenn Murphy has resealed the gutter over the entrance just referred to. It also is awaiting a new door.
Outside wreathes have been taken down and stored away.
Howard Harman has had at least three occasions to plow snow from the parking lot in December.
Mark King has with some of my input made a list of potential providers of knowledge and skill towards facilities needs or
repairs. I have not yet asked most of them if they approve being on such a list.
Shepherd’s Care Children’s Center is planning an Open House January 20 and is anticipating a large crowd since we
have been receiving a lot of inquiries via word of mouth.
We are thankful for the support from Mark Hardcastle regarding our outstanding debts letter.
Julie and the staff are required to spend many mornings cleaning up the floor and kitchen area prior to the children
arriving at school which takes away from the work and planning they need to do prior to starting their day as
A letter will be put in the monthly newsletter thanking LCGS members and staff for their continued support of SCCC.
SCCC children will participate with LCGS children in making Valentine Cards for the National Lutheran Home.
Social Ministry
Christmas families were served with visits and gifts. Approximately 40 church members were involved.
Chase Shelter (Coalition for the Homeless) scheduled for January 30.
Helping Hands: Home visits and food deliveries conducted on three occasions during December.
Banners: Carolyn is stepping down from her involvement with banners. She will supply us with a list of banners but we
need to find a person who would be in charge of getting them put up.
Harpsichord: Connie will e-mail Robie with a question about the missing instrument.
Advent Candles for Advent Wreath: Nancy will look into purchasing oil candles.
Thanks to Jen Leydig, and Janet and Pete Stadler for their contributions to our worship during the Christmas season.
All youth are invited to participate in any activity unless an age restriction is specifically noted. There was a pool party
attended by kids from third grade through high school and their families. In October, 14 youth attended Field of
Screams (along with one Spanish Exchange student). In December the youth made gingerbread houses that were
donated to a veterans homeless shelter, a Bethesda dialysis center, and Good Shepherd. We also had a progressive
dinner, went to Brookside Gardens for the light display, and ended up at the Harman’s for gift exchange and dessert.
The first Wednesday of every month the FINK class participates in a community service project. Since September we
have assembled Breast Cancer notebooks, attached address labels to patient literature, assembled Care
Coordinator Packets, and Radiation Oncology Discharge/Survivor packets, all for the cancer program at Suburban
Hospital. We also made Christmas cards that Pastor Pat distributed to shut-ins. Many of our youth helped with
Bethlehem Marketplace, including making shops, unpacking the shed, assembling other areas of the marketplace,
playing parts in the show, as well as disassembling the whole production.
The entire FINK class attended the Baltimore Youthquake, and OGSLY is preparing to attend the Zone in Virginia
Beach. All the youth are now getting ready for Youth Sunday on February 14th.
At 9:23 p.m., the meeting was adjourned with a prayer for Faith, Hope and Love, and with the Lord’s Prayer.
In His Service,
Mark J. Hardcastle (Recording Secretary)
February 2010 Schedule of Church Helpers
February 7
8:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
February 14
8:15 a.m.
Worship - Eucharist
11:00 a.m.
Jim Taylor
Janet Mullen
Sarah Mullen
Colette Corbin
Steve Gordon
Janet Mullen
Marc Gregory
Alex Predoehl
Matt Quinn
Alicia Bernet
Mike Hillhouse
Earl Hyler
Gary North
Steve Gordon
Bob Buran
Carmen Fossum
_Randall Fossum_
Bill Hinds
Gail Hinds
Christine Rogers
Worship - Eucharist
February 21
8:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Praise Worship
February 28
8:15 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Don Nortrup
Carl Schulten
Kim Wald___
Andy Carpenter
Doug Dye
Charlie Loehr
Gaetan Brunetto
Pat Colacicco
Ann Sprague__
Paul Fowler
Howard Harman
Anthony Hoffman
Kim Wald
Worship - Eucharist
Ash Wednesday
February 17
7:00 p.m.
Colette Corbin
SeDell Harman
Paul Fowler
Kathy Nicholson
Janet Mullen
Ern Sheppard
Connie Strachan
Jim Taylor
__Jim Strachan__
Kristen Maxfield
Mark Hardcastle
Steve Gordon
Andrew Ricagno
Karin Wuertz-Schaefer
Bob Walker
Pat Colacicco
Karin Wuertz-Schaefer
Patrick Gregory
Sandy Langer
G/Elise Carlson
Marla Brundies
(S/Connie Strachan)
G/Linda Dye
Patrick Gregory
O give thanks
Kathy Nicholson
Unto the Lord…
Becci Cosca
Susan Otto
Ern Sheppard
Connie Strachan
Kelly Groff
Karen Ricagno
G/Marion Ivkovich
Ann Sprague
(S/Paula Hardcastle
G/Earl Hyler
Karen Ricagno
G/Glenn Murphy
Kim Wald
(S/Bob Wolters)
G/Orv Cullen
Lidia Cullen
Sasha Miezis
Jeannie Carrasco
Bianca Ruspi
G/Debbie Harman
Christopher Minor
Nancy Wald
(S/Kim Wald
G/Dorothy Hughes Andrew Venezia
Lois Kubu
Mary Kay Dean
Dave Krueger
Ann Sprague
Justin Moodie
Becci Cosca
Carolyn Perez
Kathy Randall
Jarrett Harman
Bianca Ruspi
Marion Ivkovich
Josh Fowler
If you cannot make it on your scheduled Sunday, please trade with someone or find a substitute (adults and teens alike) and
notify the church office at 301-774-9125 of any changes.
The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
4200 Olney-Laytonsville Road
P.O. Box 280
Olney, Maryland 20830-0280
Return Service Requested
The Messenger
Is published monthly by
The Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Olney, Maryland 20830-0280
Telephone: 301-774-9125
FAX: 301-774-9649
Pastor: Patrick K. Carlson
Office Secretary: Evelyn Dunn
Newsletter Editor: Nancy Wald
The deadline for the March issue is
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Sunday Worship Services
8:15 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.
Sunday School
All Ages – 9:30 a.m. – 10:45 a.m.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 14
Suburban, MD