092605 Nativity Prep Annual - Nativity Preparatory School


092605 Nativity Prep Annual - Nativity Preparatory School
Executive Director
Claudio deBarros
Rick and Nancy Kelleher
Ms. Andrea Pena
Daniela Maffeo &
Chantal Bourel
Twenty Year Timeline
2008-2009 Annual
Report of Giving
Inside back cover
Annual Fund Drive ‘09-‘10
back cover
What’s Ahead Calendar
“I ask God for interior knowledge of all the
good I have received, in order that, stirred to
profound gratitude, I may become able to love
and serve the Divine Majesty in all things.”
– Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius Loyola #233
from the executive director
Dear Friends,
For twenty years the daily whirlwind of activity at Nativity Prep has challenged our boys to become men
for others in the Jesuit tradition of academic rigor, education of the whole person, and service to the
common good. Our front door opens early in the morning and closes late at night following a long day
of teaching, coaching, fundraising, counseling, cooking, cleaning, and a million other duties that keep
our school humming. The days, months and years fly by. It is important to occasionally stop and savor
the beauty of it all. Each day at morning assembly we sharpen this skill of savoring when we pray in
gratitude for all the gifts we have received and prepare with generous hearts to serve God and each
other in the day that lies ahead.
Our 20th anniversary invites us to savor our past and plan our future. I imagine that God takes delight
in our recognition of the many ways that the Spirit has been working at Nativity Prep. Laboring through
the hands and hearts of generous teachers, trustees, volunteers, benefactors, families and friends, God
has made Nativity Prep the success story it is today. I imagine God smiling upon us when our gratitude
for the graces of the past 20 years spills forth into a deepened desire to share in God’s work. Stirred to
profound gratitude, we long to be generous. We find the strength to give and not to count the cost, to
fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for reward.
I hope you receive the gift of stillness amidst the whirlwind of this holiday season so that you can savor
the graces you have received through your generous support of our mission during these past 20 years.
I am deeply grateful for your faithful friendship and look forward to your support in the years to come.
In the words of Dag Hammarskjold, “For all that has been, thanks. For all that will be, yes.”
Rev. John C. Wronski, S.J.
“I missed Nativity, I missed
what was going on here, I missed the
tight knit community.”
– Claudio deBarros, Nativity Prep Alum ‘98
Claudio deBarros
Pictured above: Alum Claudio deBarros spends time
with students during a recent visit
Nativity Prep ‘98, Roxbury Latin ‘02, Duke University ‘06, former Nativity Prep volunteer teacher, third-year medical
student at UMass Medical School
“When I came to Nativity from public schools, I knew there were high
expectations, and I knew there were consequences for not fulfilling
those expectations. The school is small enough that you get to know
the whole student body and the whole staff, and you see everyone
enough that you feel personally accountable to them. Success at
Nativity is not just earning good grades.
I had always done well in math and science at Nativity, especially in
an accelerated Algebra 2 class taught by Father Hicks, and that put
me on pace to succeed at Roxbury Latin, where I went to high school.
At Roxbury Latin there wasn’t the same structure as far as people
watching you do your homework, making sure you completed
assignments and were prepared for upcoming tests. It’s high school,
there’s less supervision. So for my first year and a half there I came
back to Nativity and got my evening study in a few nights a week, sat
in the Nativity library and did my homework.
Later on, the graduate support office provided a SAT prep class where
I learned test-taking skills: process of elimination, when to guess,
when not to guess, how to read the questions, analogy skills.
My parents and I met with Nativity’s graduate support every year –
from when I was a freshman at Roxbury Latin to when I was an
upperclassman at Duke University – to get help filling out financial
aid forms, the FAFSAs, the CSSs.
People always ask kids, ‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’
So I had to have an answer. And once you have an answer you have
to work towards it. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to be
a doctor.
After my junior year at Duke, I was asked to speak at Nativity’s
graduation, and by that time I had tossed around the idea of coming
back to teach at Nativity before medical school a little bit. And I guess
the administrators had heard about that and they kind of held me to
it, so I said ‘Sure.’
I missed Nativity. I missed what was going on here. I missed the tight
knit community. Some part of me remembered being a young student
and thinking, ‘When I grow up I’ll be the one giving out demerits and
laying all this homework on kids.’ It was interesting to be on the other
side of the classroom, to see how much work teachers put into it.
I feel like middle school is such a moldable period in a person’s life.
Nativity does so much time-wise and support-wise and really creates
the opportunities to steer people towards being kind and being
successful and away from whatever stuff they might be exposed to if
they weren’t putting in so many hours here.
There’s the saying, ‘You are what you repeatedly do.’ Nativity gave the
structure and taught what we should do repeatedly, and put some
gentle supports in to massage us into doing the right thing repeatedly.
Hard work, being accountable, fulfilling responsibilities when people
are counting on you: it’s all simple enough stuff, but it’s what being a
Nativity man is all about.”
“With Nativity there is
no degree of separation, you can
feel it and you can see it.”
– Rick Kelleher
Rick and Nancy Kelleher
Pictured above: Eighth grader Adonis, sponsored by the Kelleher's
for four years, with a classmate
Nativity Prep Benefactors
For the past ten years Nativity
has been blessed by the
dedication, hard work, passion
and talent of benefactors Rick
and Nancy Kelleher. Rick grew
up in a diverse Cambridge
neighborhood and attended
Mass daily at St. Mary’s.
Nancy, who was brought up in
Wellesley, was raised in a family that put a strong emphasize on faith
and values. They met as students at the University of Massachusetts
and today have been married for 38 years. From the time that they
started their professional lives the Kellehers have always felt a strong
desire to give back to those less fortunate.
When their children were young the Kellehers wanted to impress upon
them the same values and knowledge of giving back that they had
grown up with. They decided one way to do this was to annually
anonymously “adopt” a needy family. Rick and Nancy took their
children to purchase clothing and holiday gifts for that family. When
they got home from the shopping excursion they all sat together and
wrapped and packaged the gifts as a family. All four children also
accompanied their parents to their church where the dropped off the
presents for their priest to deliver. This is just one example of the many
ways that the Kellehers serve and teach by example.
In 1999, after four years in Arizona, the Kelleher family moved back home
to the Boston area. Their good friend, Fr. Peter Pabst told them that there
was a school in Boston that was doing great things with underserved boys
and that they should check it out. Nancy called former Nativity director
Fr. Bill Campbell and arranged a visit. Both Rick and Nancy vividly recall
that first visit to Nativity Prep and what an instant impact it had on them.
They pulled up to the school on a cold and blustery January morning. As
they walked up the front steps they were immediately met by two students
shoveling snow. The boys quickly stopped shoveling, leaned their
equipment on the side of the building, took off their gloves, put out their
hands, looked the Kellehers in the eye and welcomed them to Nativity
Prep. That was it - they were sold. Nancy became a volunteer tutor, a
board member and the family proudly began sponsoring students.
To the Kellehers giving to Nativity isn’t an obligation, it is a privilege. “I
feel like being around the boys and the faculty and being in the school
does so much more for me than I could ever do for them,” Nancy said.
“The students are our little heroes. They come from difficult homes and
difficult circumstances and they work so hard to better themselves and
to learn.” Rick added that to him the Jesuit Community and their
commitment to being men for others really anchors the school, “You
see it everyday at Nativity and we have seen it in each of the leaders
that we have been associated with at the school. The Jesuit Community
as a whole really motivates and inspires us to ask the question, how can
we help.” “With Nativity there is no degree of separation, you can feel
it and you can see it”, they added.
Looking to the future, the Kelleher family plans to be connected to Nativity
for generations to come. Their vision of a "fully endowed, financially
sound Nativity" is a school sustained not only by benefactors, but also
alumni and their own children and grandchildren. "There are great things
happening inside this little school in Jamaica Plain," Nancy said. "The
kindness, support and dedication one feels from the faculty and staff is
infectious. The determination you see in the eyes of our students is strong
and clear. It can't help but affect how you live the rest of your life."
“I appreciate the rigorous coursework,
the strict dress code, the discipline
inside and out of the classroom...”
– Andrea Pena
Ms. Andrea Pena
Pictured above: 8th Grader Darwin Pena with his mother
Andrea at the Secondary School Open House
Mother of Nativity student Darwin Pena
Ms. Andrea Pena, mother to current 8th grade student Darwin had
nothing but great things to say about Nativity when she recently
chatted with Orlando Emiliano, Nativity’s Spanish teacher. In addition
to her son Darwin, Ms. Pena also has a son Juan who graduated from
Nativity in 2002. She first learned of the school from its founder, Mr.
Barry Hynes when they met at the Paraclete Center in South Boston.
There Mr. Hynes was a volunteer who tutored Juan and helped him
with his homework. When it came time for Juan to go to middle
school he enthusiastically encouraged the family to consider Nativity,
and the rest is history.
Some of the things that Ms. Pena appreciates about Nativity are the
rigorous coursework, the strict dress code, the discipline inside and
out of the classroom and the demanding schedule the boys follow.
She noted that she saw a great change in the attitudes of both of her
sons after they started attending the school. She credits Nativity for
teaching them to be respectful and humble young men. She also
enjoys the fact that the boys are social and shake hands unprompted
when meeting new people.
While Nativity “senior” Darwin is exploring different high schools and
choosing his next path after Nativity, his brother Juan is a senior at
Tufts University. In addition to studying hard Juan is part of a group
at school that promotes values and also has a part time job. Because
of the dedication of our benefactors, volunteers and staff he is
another Nativity success story.
When asked if there was anything that she would like to say to the
donors who make Nativity possible, Ms. Pena expressed a deep level
of gratitude. She commented about how thankful she is and that it is
her hope that God blesses the donors for their generosity. She
discussed that without our benefactors’ generous support people like
herself and her sons would not be able to take advantage of a good,
private school education. Her final comment was that she hopes God
graces all of the donors for the blessings they have given her family.
“I always joke that I wish
I could stay until they throw me out.
It’s hard work, but I love it.”
– Chantal Bourel
Daniela Maffeo & Chantal Bourel
Pictured above: Nativity Prep's School Building in Jamaica Plain
Nativity Prep Volunteer Teaching Fellows
Ms. Maffeo:
“I am originally from the North Shore – Danvers, Massachusetts. I did my undergraduate degree in psychology at
College of the Holy Cross in Worcester.
The former executive director of Nativity, Fr. Bill Campbell, was working in the chaplaincy office at Holy Cross and
I had gotten to know him very well. He introduced me to the Nativity model of schools, and I began volunteering at
the Nativity school in Worcester when I was still an undergrad. Fr. Campbell also introduced me to Will Potter, the
business manager here at Nativity in Boston, and Will encouraged me to come in, visit and apply for a position. I
came for a day, taught a sample lesson, and started as a volunteer teacher after graduating from college. I love
working with middle school aged boys, more than I thought I would. It’s such a fun age, I’m constantly learning,
learning about the students, learning about how they view themselves and how they view the world.
The most rewarding thing about Nativity for me is at the end of every year, seeing the graduating eighth grade boys.
They’re so proud of themselves, and their families are so proud of them, because they’ve given up so much to bring
them here every day for the past years. They’re so proud of their boys because they have these bright futures ahead
of them, they’re all going to great high schools. All these great opportunities are open to them because of Nativity.
To see so much joy in so many faces as we celebrate graduation: that’s the best time of the year.”
Ms. Bourel:
“I started off as a nursing major at Boston College, and I had always wanted to work with kids, but I later figured
out that I wanted to be a teacher. I planned to volunteer after graduation, and I was looking into programs like the
Jesuit Volunteer Corps, but I was at an informational fair at BC and I was asked, ‘Have you ever heard about
Nativity?’ I came and had a tour of the school and I was blown away by the boys. I remember every single one of
the boys that I met shook my hand and looked me in the eye. They were very respectful.
The kids make all the long hours worthwhile. They cause a lot of stress and frustration, but, at the end of it, you go
home and you’re with your friends and the only thing you want to talk about is the kids. Seeing when things click,
seeing when they start to understand something, seeing the excitement that brings, it’s so rewarding. I always joke
that I wish I could stay until they throw me out. It’s hard work, but I love it.”
August 17th - The keys are obtained
and preparations begin to welcome the
first students to the brand new Nativity
Preparatory School.
We are grateful for the many generous donors who – even in these
most challenging economic times – help Nativity Prep School continue
to provide our students with a values-based program that is committed
to academic excellence and service to the community.
Thank you.
board of trustees
Joan Brassil
Paul Burton
Monica Connolly
Maria Curtis
Hudson C. Evei
James Fleming, S.J.
Margaret Florentine
Timothy W. Fulham
financial highlights
Sharon Hanson
Joseph D. Harney
Nativity Prep reported more than $1.13 million in
revenue in 2008-2009. 42% of this income came from
contributions and pledges; 34% came from fundraising
events; 23% came from grants; and .01% came from
investments and from other sources including activity
fees collected from families.
Nativity Prep spent $1.48 million on 20082009 operations, making the following possible
for our students, graduates and their families.
$1.13 million in revenue
.01% Investments & Fees
23% Grants
42% Contributions
& Pledges
34% Fundraising Events
45 hours of schooling each week
(compared to an average of 30 hours
per week at other schools).
Significant financial assistance and
programming support for Nativity Prep
School Graduates in high school and
Individual and group counseling for
students and family support services
and programs.
Kevin T. Hines
Richard Hutchinson
Nancy Kelleher
Alison King
Kevin W. Leary
Thomas MacKinnon
Richard Miller
Elisabeth Niedermeyer
James O’Leary
Catherine L. O’Neil
Ronald Perry, S.J.
Elizabeth R. Segers
Carmel Shields
Susan M. Cadieux Smith
A minimum of 12 hours of community
service activities for each student/family.
Robert VerEecke, S.J.
Over 100 hours of summer academic,
enrichment and athletic programming
for each student.
James Walsh, S.J.
Matthew L. Vittiglio
Matthew J. Whitcomb
John C. Wronski, S.J.
September 7th - 29 students walk
through the doors at 30 Raynor
Circle in Roxbury for their first day
of class. School begins at 7:30 am
and ends after evening study at
9:00 pm.
April 4th - A ceremony
is held to dedicate the
new school.
$75,000 and Above
$50,000 to $74,999
Jesuit Community at Boston College*
Rodman Ride for Kids
Thomas & Mary Shields*
$25,000 to $49,999
BostonGives Inc.
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
Kevin Youkilis Hits for Kids, Inc
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelleher*
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McNeice, Jr.*
Mr. Rick Miller*
The Yawkey Foundation
$15,000 to $24,999
Anonymous (2)
Spencer Glendon & Lisa Tung*
Mr. Michael Goldstein
Desmond & Ann Heathwood
Kevin W. Leary, Valet Park of
New England, Inc.*
Liberty Mutual Foundation
David & Joan Melville
The Sheehan Family Foundation
in honor of Maureen Sheehan*
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J. Niedermeyer*
Pyramid Advisors LLC
Brendan & Kerry Swords*
Catholic Schools Foundation of the
Inner City Scholarship Fund
Wellington Management
Charitable Fund
$10,000 to $14,999
Mr. and Mrs. David Abrams
Mrs. Paul Barry*
Jack Connors, Jr., Hill, Holliday
John and Maria Curtis*
Mr. & Mrs. Walter L. Downey
Downey Family Charitable
Mr. Timothy Fulham and
Ms. Lise Olney*
Daniel & RoseMary Fuss,
in Memory of Thomas R. Fuss*
Mrs. Patricia Gavel
James W. O'Brien Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Ricci*
Dick & Jackie Keshian*
Eileen & Buddy Roche*
The Sean McDonough
Charitable Foundation
Elizabeth R. Segers*
Carmel Shields / Shields MRI*
$5,000 to $9,999
Ms. Leonora Abrams*
Dr. R. J. Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. C. Brad Bissell*
Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, L.P.
Ms. Melinda Donovan
Cambridge Trust Company
Church of St. Theresa,
North Reading
Outreach Committee of Church
of the Redeemer
Joseph E. Corcoran*
Pat & Paul Daoust*
John and Anne Digiovanni*
Peter & Louise Donovan*
Tom & Beth Eckert*
Frey Associates, LLC
John J. & Carole A. Garand*
Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Gaut*
Mr. Bernard E. Greene and
Ms. Tracy Campion
Mr. James W. Jakobek*
Jesuit Conference, Inc.
Willis Kurtz & Caroline Lupfer Kurtz*
Mr. John McKey*
David Duehren and Anne
M. Murphy*
Robert & Jean Mulroy*
Meredith & Peter Murphy*
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Leary*
Sean & Cathy O'Neil
Ms. Allison Popeo*
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Reed*
Shaughnessy & Ahern Co.
Anne & Mark Shields*
St. Ignatius of Loyola Church,
Chestnut Hill
The TJX Companies, Inc. and
The TJX Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Eli T. Ullum and
Mrs. Rosa Maria Olortegui*
Walsh Brothers, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Whitcomb*
Richard & Carol Ann Wronski
$2,500 to $4,999
Mr. Joseph Duffey
Susan Okie Bush
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Connolly
Thomas J. Corra & Dara Concagh
Goulston & Storrs
Law Offices of Robert
W. Harrington
John C. Hart
HighRoads, Inc.
Velda Hines
Rosemary and Jack MacKinnon
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
C. Mansfield
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Melville, Jr.
Mintz, Levin, Cohn, Ferris, Glovsky
and Popeo, P.C.
John V. & Kathleen R. Murphy
John J. Norton, Esq.
Pinnacle Financial Group
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Pino
R. Robert Popeo, Jr.
John & Maureen Riley
Frederick & Kathleen Schultz
Michael & Carol Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Tim Wemple
Mr. Frederic E. Wittmann
$1,500 to $2,499
Anonymous (2)
Aon Consulting, Inc.
Bank Of America Matching
Gifts Program
Deborah Riedle Blicharz
Mr. Bob Boudreau
Phuong Bui
College of the Holy Cross
Jesuit Community
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Curtis
M. Patricia & Stephen Dowling
Fidelity Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Matching Gift Program Goldman,
Sachs & Co.
Ana and Jeffrey Groves
Ellen & Bryan Gulachenski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kinlin
Dan McElaney
Ron & Leslie Miller
National Development
Mr. Eric Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Peterson
Kevin & Beth Hines
Ms. Liz and Mr. Aaron Sells
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stott
The Bank of New York Mellon
Thomas P. McNeil
Verizon Foundation
Maureen & Paul Wiencek
$1,000 to $1,499
Mr. Ryan Baker
Claire & John Bertucci
Mr. George Blair
Mr. and Mrs. James Bold
Roxane Reardon & Brian Bolster
Jesuit Community of B.C. High
Ms. Joan Brassil
Mr. Robert C. Campion
Mr. Chris Canavan
Changing Our World, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory F. Comella
Dick & Ann Marie Connolly
*Member of the Student Sponsorship Program
June 12th - The first class,
comprised of 13 graduates,
receives their diplomas in a
graduation ceremony held at
St. Frances de Sales Church.
August 17, 1990 - The keys are obtained and
preparations begin to welcome the first students
to the brand new Nativity Prep.
A Graduate Support office
is formed to help graduates
with the transition to high
school and college.
Gene & Maura Connors
Mr. and Mrs. David Costa
John & Christina Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dailey
David & Katherine Davis
Mr. & Mrs. James Derba
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry DeRoche
Kevin B. Dole, M.D.
Ms. Diana Fai and
Mr. Michael Taylor
Fidelity Foundation
Fran & Harry Foden
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Glynn
Mr. David Hamilton
Ms. Elizabeth G. Hayden
Sheila & Robert Hulseman
Murphy & Carty Insurance Agency
Ms. Caroline Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. William Kemeza
John & Polly Knowles
Mr. Joseph R. Lafontaine
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Landers
Robert C. Liuzzi
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald T. Maheu
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marasco
Jean & Bill McCall
Eileen & Jack McCarthy
Mr. William McConnell
Francis P. McDermott
Kevin D. McElaney &
Nancy M. Kirk
Mrs. Judith and
Mr.Edward McHugh, Jr.
Kieran McTague
Tom & Stephanie Morrissey
Mr. Alan B. Curtis and
Ms. Gail Eagan
Nativity Prep of New Bedford
New England Province of Jesuits
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. O'Connor
Mr. John W. O'Donoghue
Wendy & John Orlando
George W. Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Quinn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Reilly
Mr. and Mrs. James Rice
Robert, Finnegan & Lynch, PC
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Rosse
Kevin T. Loftus (in memoriam),
Benjamin W. Schuler and Cynthia
D. Russell
Natascha & Ulrik Schulze
Mr. Matthew J. Sliwa, III
Mr. James Sloman and
Mrs. Nora Devlin
St. Eulalia Parish
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stahler
The Crowley Family Charitable Trust
Rev. Walter J. Conlan, S.J
The Jesuits of Maine
The Murray Family Charitable Trust
The Nativity Miguel Network
of Schools
Wellington Management Co, LLP
Matching Gift Program
$500 to $999
Mr. Richard and
Ms. Mary Jo Murnane
Silvia and Silvia Associates, Inc.
Mr. Martin and Ms. Nancy Benchoff
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Blauer
Rev. Michael J. Bova Conti
Catherine V. Brigham
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byers
Philip M. Byrne
Richard & Barbara Campbell
Stephen L. Carbone III
Ms. Mary A. Carey
Mrs. Joseph Cavanaugh
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Cerulle
Paul J. Cifrino
R. Todd Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T Colman
Mr. Anthony Compagnone
Patricia & Jack Conway
Mr. Sean Crump
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Cullinan
Rev. Paul Curran
Mark R. Daoust
Mr. Richard Davey
Committee to Elect
Salvatore Dimasi
Mr. James and Mrs. Val Dina
Mr. Paul Doyle
Eaglemere Foundation, Inc.
Janet & James Fitzgibbons
Mr. Ryan Fitzsimons
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flaherty
Joseph Flannery
Margaret & George Florentine
Richard J. & Susan M. Fougere
Goldman Sachs Matching
Gift Program
Sean & Maureen Harrigan
Mr. & Mrs. John U. Harris
Mr. Richard M. Hutchinson
Lucy & Jack Kapples
Edward P. Kelleher, Jr.
John and Sonia Lingos
Family Foundation, Inc.
The Mendel Melzer and Rosemary
Maher Charitable Fund
Mrs. John Mahoney
Cydney & Dave Martel
Mr. & Mrs. George R. Mathey
Mr. Fergus McCann
Mr. Kevin and
Ms. Jacqueline McCarthy
Ms. Marina McCoy
Ms. Hope and
Mr. Shaw McDermott
Mr. & Mrs. Paul F. McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Moore
Mr. Steven W. Schubert
Mr. Thomas K. Mullen
Tom & Edy O'Brien
Patricia Ann O'Donnell
Mr. William Orourke
James M. O'Toole
Ms. Emilia Pappas
Paul A. & Orlyn J. Reese
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Reilly
Rockland Trust Company
H. Jay, Marilyn D. Sarles, M.D.,
& Family
Mr. John Sawtell
Wilma & Jerome Spellman
Ms. Theresa M. Tanner
The Boston Family Office
The Howard S. Bunn Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. W. Nicholas Thorndike
Mr. Peter Viviano
Mr. Frank Wisneski
$250 to $499
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Adams
Nancie and Miceal Chamberlain
Mr. Scot Bateman
Mr. Stephen Bates
Boston Brace International, Inc.
Jack & Dodie Boyle
Jeremiah J. Bresnahan
Jane & Tim Buckley
Michael Burgo
Mr. Victor E. Calcaterra
Darragh Callahan
Angela Asi Carcia
Mr. & Mrs. Edward B. Carroll
Norman & Kathleen Clairmont
Marge & Jack Coleman
Daniel F. Coughlin
Ms. Jane Crosby
Fr. Richard P. Crowley
Paul & Susan Deeley
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Demirjian
Mr. and Mrs. John Desmond
Paul & Mary Elizabeth DeWinter
Sandra & Harry Dine
Mr. Daniel and Ms. Torrey DiPietro
Mr. Peter Dominski
Ed Donahue
John F. Donohue
Melinda & Alfred L. Donovan
Mr. Paul Doyle
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Durbin
Paul Fay & Julie Curtis
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Finley, III
Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Fleming
Ms. Carolyn Fontaine
The first Nativity graduates
begin their college careers.
The school receives
accreditation from the
prestigious New England
Association of Schools
and Colleges.
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew P. George
Hon. & Mrs. John J. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Gillis
Ms. Kathleen Guillard
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harmeling, Jr.
Mr. Joseph D. Harney
Mr. James B. Harris
Mr. and Mrs. David F. Hawkins
Mr. Frank Haydu
Mr. Dan Healey
Lee A. Heiler
HighRoads, Inc.
Mr. Jamie Huggins
Kay & Bill Hurley
Dr. Gabrielle A. Jacquet
James & Marylou Greene
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Jay
Robert J. Kern
Mr. Lawrence J. Kessler
Elizabeth A. Klinger
Bob LaRocca
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Letourneau
Mr. James E. Mahoney
Mr. Peter Manning
Mr. John Manning and
Ms. Lydia Graves
Sean McCabe
Ginny & Tom McCabe
Susan & David McLean
Mr. William McQuillan &
Ms. Linda Criniti
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. James Moore
John & Kathleen Moriarty
Mr. Robert H. Kjellman and
Ms. Jean Spaulding
Thomas J. Murphy, Jr.
Bob Muse
Agnes and John O'Brien
Dr. & Mrs. John J. O'Connell
Dr. & Mrs. James E. O'Neil
Ms. Debra Packard
Robert & Elaine Quinan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Quinn
Eugene F. Reardon
Ms. Mary Beth Reynolds
Rodman Ford Sales, Inc.
Stephen & Patricia Rogers
Mr. Michael and
Mrs. Mary-Ellen Rogers
Mr. Paul F. Ryan
Catherine A. Saunders
Fidelity Brokerage Services, LLC
The Shaughnessy Family
Mr. & Mrs. Ross B. Sherbrooke
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sidman
Tom Stilp & Marguerite Gallagher
Ms. Lynn Tennant
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Mr. & Mrs. Sven Vaule
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. Watts
Mr. Adam Weiner
William Blair and Company
Ms. Patricia Williams
$100 to $249
Anonymous (6)
Ms. Julie Alvin
Mr. James Roy and Mrs. Mary Lyons
Mr. David T. Wilkens and
Mrs. Molly A. Pindell
Marianne Andreach
Ms. Danielle J. Antalffy
Harry & Jan Attridge
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Bacon
Mr. Ryan Baker
Mr. Jack and Ms. Lily Baker
Jane & Robert Bent
Mr. Scott Billings
Mr. and Mrs. Cushman B. Bissell, Jr.
Paula & Larry Blake
Ms. Annie Blatz
Ms. Kristin Blount
Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks
Marie Hailer Brown
Ms. Lee B. Brown
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buckley
M. Marylin Buckley
Bill & Patty Burke
Dan & Holly Burnes
Mr. John E. Butterworth
Philip H. R. Cahill
Carroll Jane Callahan
Sr. Patricia Callahan, S.S.A.
Kevin B. Callanan
Cynthia M. Campbell
Ms. Ann Capoccia
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson
Mr. Roderick Carmody
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sr. Carras
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Carrigan
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Carroll
Robert Carter
Ms. Amy Chapman
Steve & Maureen Ciampa
Thomas M. Cleary, DMD
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Cleary
Mr. and Mrs. Gael Coakley
Alan & Elisabeth Cody
Mr. Benjamin Coffin
Gregory M. Collins
Compass Securities Corporation
Robert M. Connolly
Ms. Gail L. Connolly
Rev. Richard Conway and
Mr. Michael G. Conway
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Quigley
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Corey
Mr. & Mrs. William G. Coughlin
Ms. Paula Crane
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cronin
Dr. & Mrs. David J. Crowley
Mr. and Mrs. Philip S. Cunningham
Claire & Joe Curran
Janet & Paul Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Dacey
Ms. Cindy L. Dacey
Tim & Ginger Daly
Joseph F. Deck
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Dee
Mr. Paul Dee
Ms. Josephine DiGiustini
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. DiNardo
Ms. Kerryn Doherty
Mr. Bryan Dominguez
Mary Ellen & Philip Dooher
Ms. Phyllis J. Dorricott
Thomas P. Dougherty
Christopher Ducar
Bob & Mary Dunn
Ms. Meghan Dunne
Ms. Marilyn E. Dunphy
Margaret A. Dwyer
Joan & James Engler
Aleta Mustone & Matt Engler
Ms. Trudy Ernst and
Mr. Maurice D. Weinrobe
Mr. & Mrs. Richard D. Fahey
Peter & Ellen Fallon
Donna M. Farrell
Lois & Warren Farrell
Richard Hawkins & Marian Ferguson
Ms. Lauren Ferrone
Ms. Meghan Fitzgerald
Dr. & Mrs. Richard C. Flaherty
Martha Flinter
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Foster
Rev. Paul Francis
Mr. John Fulham III
Mr. Jeffrey Gaines
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Garmey
Michael C. Giardiello
Edward W. Gillespie
Gold Associates
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goldstone
Capt. & Mrs. J.L. Gorman, USN Ret.
Claire Grimes
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Gushee
Mr. James Hannon and
Ms. Jessica Ronalds
David Hartigan
Mr. D. Michael Herlihy
Ms. Debbie Hilbert
Mr. Ben Hinchey
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoffman
Jo Ann H. & Mark W. Holland
Holy Family Parish
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Horan
September 14 Nativity takes ownership of
an abandoned warehouse at
39 Lamartine St. in Jamaica
Plain. A campaign is kicked
off to renovate the building
and turn it in to the new
home of Nativity Prep.
August 17, 1990 - The keys are obtained and
preparations begin to welcome the first students
to the brand new Nativity Prep.
December - Renovations
start and the old warehouse
begins to look like a school.
Dolph & Sylvia Murray Hutter
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hux
Vincent & Joan Iacono
Mr. J.F. Indelicato
Ms. Barbara C. Jay
The Jenssen Agency
Mr. Ryan Jones
Ms. Carole R. Jorgenson
Jack Joyce
Mr. Lawrence E. Kaplan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Kasprzak
Mr. Glenn Scott Kehlmann and
Ms. Beverly Biller
John F. Kellaher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kelley
Angie & William E. Kelley
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. King
Ms. Betsy Kinlin
Ms. Mollie B. Kinlin
Mr. Rob Kinlin
Mary & Anne Knasas
Joseph J. & Judyann Kowalski
Andrea Kunst
Ms. Sarah Lagosh
Patrick J. Landers
Joseph & Diane Lane
Mr. and Mrs. William LaPoint
Mr. Christopher Lawrence
Francis M. Lee
Ms. Anna Maria Licameli
Ms. Julie Lima
Mr. Daniel and Ms. Theresa
Bennett Luby
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ludwigson
Biegel Macaraeg
Mr. Robert Madden
Mr. and Mrs. Armando Maffeo
Mr. J.P. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Major
H. Jackson Marvel
Mr. & Mrs. William O. Matthews
Philip L. McCarthy, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCraken
Mr. and Mrs. William McDermott
Mr. and Mrs. Don Mcinnes
William E. McKenna
Ann E. McKenzie
Mr and Mrs. Francis McLoughlin
Ms. Christine E. McMahom
Mr. and Mrs. Tom McNeil
Mr. & Mrs. Denis M. McNulty
Francis & Jackie Meaney
Ashok & Abhilasha Mehta
MHN Construction, Inc.
Dr. & Mrs. Lyle J. Micheli
Peter & Barbara Middleton
Catherine & Christopher Milton
Herbert P. Minkel, MD
Rudy & Moira Minnucci
Hicks B. & Vicki C. Morgan
Phyllis Anina Moriarty
Ms. Karen A. Morison
Terry & Cheryl Morris
Mr. Richard V. Moynihan
Ms. Jessica Ronalds and
Mr. James Hannon
Mr. Matthew T. Mulkern
Mr. David P. Munsell, Jr.
Glenn & Kathryn Murphy
Mr. Bernard Niedermeyer and
Ms. Joanne M. Hidaka
Ms. H. Elizabeth Noonan
Edward J. O'Brien Jr., M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connell
Mr. & Mrs. John J. O'Day, Jr.
Ms. Lorraine O'Donnell
Ms. Catherine O'Donnell
O'Donnell & Tessitore, LLP
Smithfield Market Of Osterville, LLC
Mr. Conor O'Neil
Mr. Kyle O'Neill
Ms. Mary Papastavros
Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Payne
Mr. Charles Peck
Pepsico Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. and Mrs. David Pergola
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Perino, Sr.
Ms. Elizabeth Perkins Wilder
William Picotte
Ms. Sarah M. Pieksen
Jennifer Pieszak
Mr. Richard T. Plaster
Mr. Michael Plaster
Ms. Alice M. Poltorick
Will & Anne Potter
Ms. Kennedy Anne Prentiss
Mr. Richard Presti
Steven Previte, M.D.
Robert L. Quinan, Jr.
Ms. Susan Reed
Ms. Amanda Rich
Mr. John Rich
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Richmond, Jr.
George M. Riley
Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Robb
Anne Robinson
Frank & Barbara Rowbotham
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Roy
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Ryan
Jon & Nancy Schneider
Joseph Schotland & Nicole Stata
John & Gretchen Schuler
Eastern Scientific, Inc
Robert E. Scully, MD
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett C. Sharpless
Mr. Marshall Sikowitz
Rev. Simon Smith, S.J.
Ms. Carol J. Sofia
Mr. & Mrs. Jeffrey M. Spilman
Helen M. Stanton (Mrs. James F.)
Ms. Margaret Stapleton
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan
Ms. Carole B. Swartz
Cyrus Taraporevala
The Christopher Foundation, Inc.
Church of St. Paul, South Hamilton
The Onstott Group, Inc.
Mr. Cabral Thomas
Mr. Michael G. Thompson, Ph.D.
Mr. Richard B. Tibbetts
Mr. Taylor Tibbetts
Ms. Mary F. Townsend
Taylor Uhlman
Carl & JoAnne Vercollone
Ms. Alyssa Viano
Barbara & Dennis Viechnicki
Wachovia Foundation Matching
Gifts Program
James Walsh, S.J.
Virginia Waterman-Casey
Mrs. Kathleen W. Weld
Mr. and Mrs. Mark D. Werner
Ms. Barbara B. Whitesides
Mr. and Mrs.Richard Whitney
Edward L. Widronak, D.D.S.
Mr. Darnell Williams
Dr. Paula T. Willis
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Wilson
Jeanne & John Wissler
Norine Wong
John Wronski, S.J.
Ms. Carol J. Xenides
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Younger
$99 and under
Anonymous (4)
Ms. Lisa Akin
Ms. Sabrina Albano
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Allen
Mr. Alvin and Ms. Madeline Almeida
Mr. Domenic Ardolino
Mr. Francis B.J. Badger
Ms. Katie Barry
Rev. Gerard D. Barry
William A. Barry, S.J.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Beaudry
J.P. Berkery
Ms. Suzanna Birmingham
Ms. Dory Boland
Peter M. Boniface
Mr. Jake Borden
Ms. Chantal Bourel
Mr. Matthew Bozzone
Mrs. Deborah Bradley
Mr. William Brady
Mr. and Mrs. David Braithwaite
Sandra Branker
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Bridge
Fall - Ramon Gomez and
Aidan Byrne, from the class
of Faber, give back to Nativity
as the first alumni volunteer
January 7 - Students return
from Winter break, not to their
old school, but to their new
home in Jamaica Plain.
Mr. Adam Brinch
Ms. Trinity Broderick
M. Clare Brown
Mark S. Brown & Kraig V. Kissinger
Mr. Patrick Buckley
Jane C. Burke
Hallie Burkhart
Mrs. Theresa Cadieux
Rev. William R. Campbell, S.J.
Robert F. Capalbo
Mr. & Mrs. Francis J. Carr, Jr.
Mr. Donald Chapman
Ms. Sally Chisholm
Ms. Daphne Churbuck
Mr. Davis Clark
Mr. and Mrs. William Cleary
Ms. Chelsea Colombo
Mr.and Mrs. John C. Conley
Mr. Jeffrey Connolly
Ms. Linda Corcoran
Mrs. Sabina Correnti
Ms. Anna Coward
Mr. John P. Crane D. M. D.
Ms. Kathleen A. Creedon
John C. Creney, P.C. Attorney at Law
Mr. John Crisafulli
Mr. & Mrs. Robert V. Crowley
Paige Crowther
Rich & Erin Cummings
John R. D'Aprile
Ms. Elizabeth Davis
Mr. Rex Dean
Mr. Christopher Decembrele
Mrs. Eleanor H. Dee
Mr. Andrew Demakes
Mr. Elias Demakes
Ms. Kristen Devine
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Dorn
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Driscoll
Ms. Nicole Duffy
Ms. Sandra Duke
Carol Dunbar
Mr. Mark Duthe
Eli Lilly Company and Foundation
Ms. Catherine Ellinwood
Ms. Emilie Evans
Ms. Florence A. Farrell
Lynn D. & Joseph F. Finn, Jr.
Fr. Gerald F. Finnegan, S.J.
Judy and Jeff Fishman
Five Star Productions, Inc.
Jeffrey F. Folan
Mr. and Mrs. John Fracasso
Mr. Mathew Franco-Diaz
Ms. Libby Fulham
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gatto
Mr. Seth Gaudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Genetti
Ms. Gretchen Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Giordani
Ms. Casey Girardi
Mr. Eugene X., Esq. Giroux
Mr. Emily Glasfeld
Glynn Law Offices
Mr. Ramon Gomez
Mr. David Goodhue
Ms. Linda Goselin
Ms. Caroline Gould
Jeff & Sheryl Grace
Ms. Winifred Hagan
Mr. Owen Hall
Ms. Dorothy Harrison
Ms. Sarah Hawes
Ms. Maryanne O’Callaghan Healey
Ms. Marguerite Hefferman
Ms. Kathleen Heffernan
Genevieve Hemenway
Ms. Cynthia Hennessy
Ms. Mary Ann Hicks
Ms. Frances Holland
Ms. Helene Horan
Roy L. Hughes
Ms. Ann Marie Incutto
Barry and Farrell Insurance Agency
Sr. Anna James
Kathleen Kaiman & Michael Peterson
Ms. Jane Kalista
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaminski
Ms. Elizabeth Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Keating
Ms. Tara Keeney
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Keith
Ms. Mary Kelly
Mrs. Kathleen Kenney
Tim & Mary Ann Kiely
Ms. Christine Langill
Mr. Robert LaPorte
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Lawrence
Ms. Marisa Lawrence
Ms. Megan Leavy
Mr. Robert LeClair
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Ledwick
Mr. Theodore Lee
Mr. Edward A. Lennon
Ms. Alexandra Leonard
Mr. Mark H. Lippolt
Ms. Sally L. Lowell
Joyce & Frank Luz
Mr. William Lynch
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph B. Lyons
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lyons
Ms. Anne F. Macburney
RT. Rev. Edward H. Macburney
Mr. and Mrs. David A. MacQueen
Mrs. K. Phyllis Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland E. Manning
Ms. Deborah Marson and
Mr. John Faldetta
Richard & Elena Martel
Hon. Gordon Martin
Rev. John Mattimore
Ms. Charlotte F. Maynard
Alix McArette
Richard & Sarah McBride
William F. & Nicole M. McCarthy
Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCartin
Tom & Margaret McCauley
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCracken
Ms. Marian McDermott
Elizabeth R. McDonald
Mr. Kevin McFarlane
Mr. and Mrs. Paul McGinn
Mr. & Mrs. William McGurk
Ms. Shannon McLeod
Ms. Christina Mellinger
Ms. Laura Melsheimer
Ms. Cathryn Minshall
Ms. Laura Minshall
Rev. James J. Miracky, S.J.
Rick Miranda
Mr. Robert M. Mitchell
Ms. Megan E. Morytko
Mr. James Flahive and
Mrs. Beverly P. Grace
Ms. Shirley Grange and
Ms. Alexandra Watson
Ms. Mary M. Muldoon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Mulligan
Ms. Shawna A. Murphy
Ms. Wendy Murphy
John & Barbara Murray
Charissa Murray & Brian Cronin
Robert F. Murray
Ms. Rebecca Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ogden
Ms. Catherine M. O'Neil
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ostiguy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Owens
Mr. Abidemi Oyedele
Kenneth & Jane Padgett
Ms. Jacqueline Parker
Mr. Ryan Patenaude
Ms. Melissa Paz
Ms. Kathleen Perkins Kubicki
Mr. and Mrs. John Pinzone, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen Plath
Erich K. Plaut
Ms. Sharon Quinan
Ms. Rachel Quinn
Ms. Diane R. Broadbent
Ms. Chelsea Ray
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Renaud
Mr. Daniel Richards
Mr. and Mrs. Will Ritter
Ms. Tabitha Rivera
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Russell
Mr. Kate Russell
Mr. Edwin Ryan, Jr.
April 2003- A home is acquired
in Jamaica Plain for the purpose
of housing volunteer faculty. The
house is named in memory of
Ron Burton.
August 17, 1990 - The keys are obtained and
preparations begin to welcome the first students
to the brand new Nativity Prep.
2006 - Manny Martinez, class
of Gonzaga, is welcomed to
Nativity’s Board of Trustees as
the first alumnus member.
David Rey Salinas
Ms. Barbara Saltzstein
Ms. Anne Scott
John W. Sears
Mr. Andrew Segar and
Susan Mahoney Segar
Ms. Stephanie Segers
Ms. Laura Shaughnessy
Mr. and Mrs. John F. Sheehan
Ms. Barbara Sheridan
Mr. Richard and Ms. Nancy
Mr. Matthew Shultz
Mr. Matthew Siciliano
Mr. Gerard Sloan
Ms. Geraldine Smith
Ms. Megan Sontum
Mr. John P. Spencer
Donald E. Sprague
Saint Mary's Parish, East Walpole
Mr. Robert Stanley
Mr. Mark Stempel
Michael & Trisha Stravin
The Framingham Heart Study
Mr. Robert E. Svensk
Ms. Becca Synhorts
Joseph F. Szymanski
Ms. Judy Taylor
Mr. Roger L. Berman
The Berman Company
Mrs. Anne Tierney
Ms. Valerie Tirman
Mr. Brian Tisbert
Peter & Gerry Toland
Ms. Maris Tomb
Mr. & Mrs. Stanley Trecker
Mr. Brian Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Urciuolo
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Vaccarino
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Varsa
Ms. Catherine Vergara
Mr. and Mrs. L. Blair Villa
Mr. Daniel Walsh
Ms. Alexandra Watson
Langeland Weleigh
Sarah Graham & Dan Willis
Ms. Nicole Xenides
Ms. Elaine Zahn
Mr. Michael Zieja
Mr. Joe Zizza
Ms. Elizabeth Zorski
Memorial and Honorary Gifts
Memorial gifts to Nativity Prep School
provide a way to carry on the values
of a loved one’s life. Gifts made in
honor commemorate and celebrate
an event or achievement in family
members and friends’ lives.
In Memoriam
Dr. Anne H. Addington
Lieutenant Andrew Bacevich
Larry Benzie
Frances Carroll
Joseph K. Dee
Thomas R. Fuss
Ernest Gavel
Ralph Lennon
Eleanor Crocker McKey
Arthur Power
John Watson
In Honor
The Callahan Family
Dave Melville, Sr.
John Murray, S.J.
Tom and Liz Niedermeyer
Jen Costa Roy
Olivia and Gabrielle Roy
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sheehan
Carmel Shields and John Mannix
The Staff of Nativity Prep
Ted Stafford
John Wronski, S.J.
The John H. Mahoney
Memorial Fund
Bissell Family
Mr. and Mrs. James Daley
Mr. Paul and Mrs. May Donovan
Goldman Sachs
Ms. Helen Mahoney
Mr. James E. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mahoney
Mrs. John H. Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mahoney
Ms. Nancy Mahoney
Pereira Ogan Family
Trosset Family
Gregory T. A. Quinan
Memorial Fund
Ms. Ann Capoccia
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Conley
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Garmey
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Gatto
Mrs. Patricia Gavel
Ms. Marguerite Hefferman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne T. Keith
Mr. and Mrs. Philip McCartin
Mr and Mrs. Francis McLoughlin
Robert & Elaine Quinan
Robert L. Quinan, Jr.
Ms. Sharon Quinan
George M. Riley
Mrs. Anne Tierney
The Siobhan Leigh
Kinlin Fund
The following individuals,
corporations and organizations
made gifts in memory of
Siobhan Leigh Kinlin.
Anonymous (2)
McElaney Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Adams
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald R. Curtis
Dan McElaney
Kevin D. McElaney & Nancy M. Kirk
Ms. Lisa Akin
Ms. Sabrina Albano
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Allen
Ms. Julie Alvin
Mr. David T. Wilkens and
Mrs. Molly A. Pindell
Ms. Danielle J. Antalffy
Mr. Domenic Ardolino
Silvia and Silvia Associates, Inc.
Mr. Francis B.J. Badger
Mr. Ryan Baker
Mr. Jack and Ms. Lily Baker
Mr. Ryan Baker
Ms. Katie Barry
J.P. Berkery
Mr. Scott Billings
Ms. Suzanna Birmingham
Mr. George Blair
Ms. Annie Blatz
Ms. Kristin Blount
Mr. Jake Borden
Mr. Matthew Bozzone
Mr. Adam Brinch
Ms. Trinity Broderick
Mr. and Mrs. David Brooks
Ms. Lee B. Brown
M. Marylin Buckley
Mr. Patrick Buckley
Ms. Hallie Burkhart
Mr. John E. Butterworth
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Carlson
Mr. Donald Chapman
Ms. Sally Chisholm
Ms. Daphne Churbuck
Mr. Davis Clark
Mr. and Mrs. Gael Coakley
Mr. Benjamin Coffin
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T Colman
Ms. Chelsea Colombo
Mr. and Mrs. John D. Corey
Ms. Anna Coward
Ms. Paula Crane
Mr. John C. Creney, Attorney at Law
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Cronin
Ms. Paige Crowther
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Curtis
Ms. Cindy L. Dacey
2008 - Nativity forms
charitable partnerships with
two well-known Boston nonprofits, The Rodman Ride for
Kids and Kevin Youkilis Hits for
Kids Charitable Organization.
The school also receives
reaccredidation from NEASC.
2009-2010 School Year Nativity celebrates 20 years
of providing achievement,
opportunity, and success
to boys in Boston.
Each year the Nativity Spirit Service Award Dinner commemorates the
legacy of our former Executive Director, Raymond J. Callahan, S.J., by
bestowing and award bearing his name on an individual who exemplifies
the commitment to service and social justice that animated Fr. Callahan’s
life. This year, the Rev. Liz Walker received the award.
The following donors generously sponsored our 2009 Spirit Dinner with gifts of more than $1,000.
Law Offices of Robert W. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. John A. McNeice, Jr.
Thomas & Mary Shields
Mr. and Mrs. David Abrams
Ms. Elizabeth G. Hayden
David & Joan Melville
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Smith
Mrs. Paul Barry
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Healey
Mr. Rick Miller
St. Eulalia Parish
Deborah Riedle Blicharz
Kevin Youkilis Hits for Kids
Mintz Levin
Changing Our World, Inc.
Jesuit Community at Boston College
Tom & Stephanie Morrissey
St. Ignatius of Loyola Church,
Chestnut Hill
College of the Holy Cross
Jesuit Community
Jesuit Community of B.C. High
National Development
Brendan & Kerry Swords
Jesuits of Maine
Nativity Prep New Bedford
Rev. Walter J. Conlan, S.J
Rev. Walter J. Conlan, S.J
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelleher
New England Province of Jesuits
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. William Kemeza
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer
Mr. Eli T. Ullum and
Mrs. Rosa Maria Olortegui
Dick & Ann Marie Connolly
Dick & Jackie Keshian
Mr. John W. O'Donoghue
Jack Connors, Jr., Hill, Holliday
Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Kinlin
Mr. and Mrs, James O’Leary
The Crowley Family Charitable Trust
Mr. Joseph R. Lafontaine
Sean & Cathy O'Neil
John and Maria Curtis
Pinnacle Financial Group
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Dailey
Kevin W. Leary, Valet Park of
New England, Inc.
Dalio Family Foundation, Inc.
Rosemary and Jack MacKinnon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Quinn
Pat & Paul Daoust
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher
C. Mansfield
Pyramid Advisors LLC
John & Maureen Riley
Walsh Brothers, Inc.
Richard & Carol Ann Wronski
Don’t miss our
❖ 20th Anniversary ❖
Spirit Dinner!
Mr. Timothy Fulham and
Ms. Lise Olney
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Marasco
Mr. Bernard Greene and
Ms. Tracy Campion
Mrs. Judith and Mr. Edward
McHugh, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark P. Dacey
Mr. Mark Duthe
Glynn Law Offices
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Hoffman
Ms. Elizabeth Davis
Ms. Catherine Ellinwood
Gold Associates
Ms. Helene Horan
Mr. Christopher Decembrele
Ms. Emilie Evans
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Goldstone
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Horan
Mr. Andrew Demakes
Ms. Lauren Ferrone
Mr. David Goodhue
Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Hux
Mr. Elias Demakes
Fr. Gerald F. Finnegan, SJ
Ms. Caroline Gould
Mr. J.F. Indelicato
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Demirjian
Ms. Meghan Fitzgerald
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H. Gushee
Ms. Barbara C. Jay
Ms. Kristen Devine
Five Star Productions, Inc.
Mr. Owen Hall
Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Jay
Committee to Elect Salvatore Dimasi
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Flaherty
Ms. Dorothy Harrison
Mr. Ryan Jones
Ms. Kerryn Doherty
Ms. Libby Fulham
Ms. Sarah Hawes
Ms. Jane Kalista
Mr. Bryan Dominguez
Mr. Seth Gaudreau
Ms. Maryanne O'Callaghan Healey
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph E. Kaminski
Mr. Peter Dominski
Ms. Gretchen Gilman
Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Heathwood
Ms. Elizabeth Kearney
Mr. and Mrs. David E. Dorn
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Giordani
Ms. Kathleen Heffernan
Mr. and Mrs. Paul M. Keating
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin F. Driscoll
Ms. Casey Girardi
Ms. Genevieve Hemenway
Ms. Tara Keeney
Ms. Sandra Duke
Mr. Emily Glasfeld
Ms. Cynthia Hennessy
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel M. Kelley
Robert, Finnegan & Lynch, PC
Elizabeth R. Segers
Details on back cover
Shaughnessy & Ahern Co.
Kevin & Beth Hines
Ms. Mary Kelly
Mr. John Rich
Holliday Fenoglio Fowler, L.P.
Mrs. Kathleen Kenney
Mr. Kate Russell
Mr. Chris Canavan
John & Maureen Riley
Ms. Mollie B. Kinlin
Eastern Scientific, Inc
R. Todd Clark
Rodman Ford Sales, INC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kinlin
Mr. and Mrs. Garrett C. Sharpless
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Connolly
Elizabeth R. Segers
Mr. Rob Kinlin
Ms. Laura Shaughnessy
John and Maria Curtis
Ms. Liz and Mr. Aaron Sells
Ms. Betsy Kinlin
Mr. Matthew Shultz
Pat & Paul Daoust
Shaughnessy Family
Michael & Carol Shaughnessy
Ms. Sarah Lagosh
Mr. Matthew Siciliano
Mr. Richard Davey
Ms. Christine Langill
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Sidman
Mr. & Mrs. Gerry DeRoche
Shaughnessy & Ahern Co.
Mr. Robert LaPorte
Ms. Geraldine Smith
Mr. James and Mrs. Val Dina
Carmel Shields / Shields MRI
Mr. Christopher Lawrence
Ms. Megan Sontum
Mr. Daniel and Ms. Torrey DiPietro
Thomas & Mary Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Spilman
Mr. Paul Doyle
Mr. Matthew J. Sliwa, III
Ms. Meghan Dunne
Mr. and Mrs. Edward T. Smith
Frey Associates, LLC
St. Ignatius of Loyola Church,
Chestnut Hill
Ms. Marisa Lawrence
Mr. and Mrs. David N. Lawrence
Ms. Megan Leavy
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Sullivan
Ms. Carole B. Swartz
Mr. John Fulham, III
Mr. Robert LeClair
Ms. Katherine Sweeney
Ms. Becca Synhorts
Mr. Timothy Fulham and
Ms. Lise Olney
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Stahler
Mr. Theodore Lee
Ms. Alexandra Leonard
Ms. Judy Taylor
Goulston & Storrs
Mr. and Mrs. Brendan J. Swords
John and Sonia Lingos
Family Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Roger L. Berman
The Berman Company
Ms. Sally L. Lowell
The Crowley Family Charitable Trust
Mr. William Lynch
The Onstott Group, Inc.
Mr. Robert Madden
Mr. Richard B. Tibbetts
The Mendel Melzer and
Rosemary Maher Charitable Fund
Ms. Valerie Tirman
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Major
Ms. Maris Tomb
Mr. Richard M. Hutchinson
Mr. Peter Viviano
Mr. and Mrs. Rowland E. Manning
Mr. Brian Tyson
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew J. Whitcomb
Mr. Dave and Ms. Cydney Martel
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelleher
Taylor Uhlman
Ms. Caroline Kelleher
Mr. Darnell Williams
Mr. William Matthews
Ms. Catherine Vergara
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCracken
Ms. Tina Lang
Mr. Frank Wisneski
Ms. Alyssa Viano
Mr. Frederic E. Wittmann
Mr. Kevin Mcfarlane
Mr. Daniel Walsh
Kevin W. Leary, Valet Park of
New England, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Don McInnes
Ms. Alexandra Watson
Mr. Peter Manning
Gifts In Kind
Ms. Shannon McLeod
Mr. Adam Weiner
Cydney & Dave Martel
Ms. Christina Mellinger
Langeland Weleigh
Mr. Fergus McCann
Mr. Kevin and
Ms. Jacqueline McCarthy
During 2008-2009, the following
individuals, corporations or
organizations donated items that
included textbooks, school supplies,
athletic uniforms, grocery store gift
cards, sports equipment and items
for the silent and live auctions at our
Golf Classic.
Mr. Brian Tisbert
Ms. Kathleen Guillard
Ms. Lynn Tennant
Mr. David Hamilton
The Bank of New York Mellon
Law Offices of Robert W. Harrington
Mr. Taylor Tibbetts
Mr. James B. Harris
Thomas P. McNeil
Mr. Frank Haydu
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trosset
HighRoads, Inc.
Mr. Eli T. Ullum and
Mrs. Rosa Maria Olortegui
Mr. Jamie Huggins
Ms. Laura Melsheimer
Mr. and Mrs.Richard Whitney
Ms. Laura Minshall
Ms. Nicole Xenides
Ms. Cathryn Minshall
Ms. Carol J. Xenides
Mr. Robert M. Mitchell
Ms. Elaine Zahn
Ms. Karen A. Morison
Mr. Michael Zieja
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Morris
Mr. William McQuillan &
Ms. Linda Criniti
Ms. Elizabeth Zorski
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Melville, Jr.
Ms. Shirley Grange and
Ms. Alexandra Watson
Mr. David P. Munsell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. John V. Murphy
Ms. Wendy Murphy
Ms. H. Elizabeth Noonan
Ms. Rebecca Norton
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. O'Connor
Ms. Lorraine O'Donnell
Mr. and Mrs. Sean P. O'Neil
Smithfield Market Of Osterville, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Owens
Ms. Emilia Pappas
Ms. Jacqueline Parker
Mr. Ryan Patenaude
Mr. and Mrs. David Pergola
Mr. William McConnell
Ms. Hope and Mr. Shaw McDermott
David and Joan Melville
Nativity Golf & Tennis Classic
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Stott
Our Golf Classic is a summer tradition
for Nativity Prep. We are grateful to
our Presenting Sponsors, Holliday
Fenoglio Fowler, L.P. and Pyramid
Advisors LLC and the following
individuals, corporations and
organizations for their generous
financial support and/or donation of
trips, tickets, sports memorabilia, gift
certificates and art for our silent and
live auctions.
Sean & Cathy O'Neil
Mr. Warren and Ms. Kim Fields
Mr. Conor O'Neil
Aon Consulting, Inc.
Mr. Charles Peck
Bank of America Matching
Gifts Program
Mr. Eric Peters
Mr. Rick Miller
Mr. Steven W. Schubert
Mr. Thomas K. Mullen
National Development
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Niedermeyer
Mr. Timothy Nugent
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Leary
Pinnacle Financial Group
Mr. Stephen Bates
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Ms. Kathleen Perkins Kubicki
Mr. Scot Bateman
Pyramid Advisors LLC
Ms. Elizabeth Perkins Wilder
Deborah Riedle Blicharz
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory M. Quinn
Ms. Kathleen Plath
Mr. Bob Boudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Reed
Ms. Kennedy Anne Prentiss
Ms. Joan Brassil
Mr. and Mrs. James Rice
Ms. Rachel Quinn
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byers
Ms. Amanda Rich
Bain Capital, LLC
Bingham McCutchen
Deborah Riedle Blicharz
Boston College/AHANA
Leadership Council
Boston College/ Carroll School
of Management
Boston College High School
Boston Liturgical Dance Ensemble
Ms. Joan Brassil
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Byers
Comella's Restaurant
Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Connolly
Daniel J. Connolly
John and Maria Curtis
D’Angelo’s Subs
Pat & Paul Daoust
David & Katherine Davis
Sophia Dean
Rex Dean / Heartbeat Media
Bob Deduca
The Durbin Family
Edwards Scholarship Fund
Ms. Joan Engler
First Jensen Group
Daniel J. Flynn & Company
Mr. Timothy Fulham and
Ms. Lise Olney
Tom Gilmour
Good Sports
Group One Partners, Inc.
Jeff Groves / Thinktree Design
Mr. Joseph D. Harney
Liz Hayden
Marilyn Humphries Photography
Mr. Richard Hutchinson
Nexus Print Group
Church of St. Ignatius Loyola,
Chestnut Hill
Inspirica Tutoring & Test Prep
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelleher
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Kilcullen
James Lafontaine, S.J.
Ms. Tina Lang
Kevin W. Leary, Valet Park of
New England, Inc.
The Lyons Company
Mr. Brian Marsh
Mrs. Judith and Mr.Edward
McHugh, Jr.
David & Joan Melville
Mr. Rick Miller / Regiment Capital
Basil and Gloria Moskos
Mr. John Moynihan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
J. Niedermeyer
Northeastern University
Mr. Timothy Nugent
Mr. Kevin and Mrs. Eileen O'Boy
Mr. and Mrs. Michael O'Connell
Mr. and Mrs. James O'Leary
Mr. and Mrs. Gene O'Malley
Ms. Debra Packard
Papa Gino’s Pizzeria
Pyramid Advisors LLC
Mr. Jack Recco
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Regan
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Reynolds
Dick & Jackie Keshian
Elizabeth R. Segers
Mark Shields
Carmel Shields / Shields MRI
Ms. Wendy Soneson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul St. Amour
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Trosset
Mr. Eli Ullum
Mr. and Mrs. George Walsh
Tim Wemple
Matt Whitcomb
Kevin Youkilis Hits For Kids
Graduate Support
Endowment Fund
Our students continue to gain
acceptance into prestigious
secondary schools. This Fund is
being built to provide funds to help
bridge secondary school tuition gaps
for our alumni.
John and Maria Curtis
Mr. Timothy Fulham and
Ms. Lise Olney
Daniel & RoseMary Fuss,
in Memory of Thomas R. Fuss
Spencer Glendon & Lisa Tung
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Kelleher
Meredith & Peter Murphy
Elizabeth R. Segers
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen J. Ricci
Gifts of Time and Talent
Each year we are graced by the gifts
and time of many friends who serve as
Tutors, and School Nurses, or work in
special events building maintenance,
financial aid assistance, student
testing,, Summer Academic and
Leadership Program, secondary school
placement, administrative support, our
annual Student Holiday Party, student
field trips, the breakfast/dinner
program and the library.
Leonora Abrams
Joel Alcon
Norma Alekna
Selassie Alleyne
Chris Benson
Diane Berk
Mel Bissell
Mary Blackburn
Allison Boris
Joan Brassil
Phuong Bui
Paula Callanan
Amy Chapman
Justin Chien
Quinn Coleman
Greg Comella
Gene Connors
The Cullinan Family
Maria Curtis
Maryann Daidone
Paul Daoust
Susan Daoust
Katherine Davis
Rex Dean
Tom Dermody
The DeRoche Family
Tom Devoe
Ben Doffin
Marilyn Dunphy
Maureen Eldridge
Hudson Evei
John Farranto
Rose Felzani
Kerry Flynn
Chandler Frost
Victoria Galasso
Mark Gallivan
Jessica Gregory
Ann Marie Grillo
Lynn Hamlin
Carolyn Hardy
Liz Hayden
Meghan Horan
Lauren Huff
Chris Ianella
Renee Jolley
Daniel Kennedy
Jackie Keshian
Jeannie Kjellman
Charles Lano
John Lawler
Kathleen Lawler
Chris Lawrence
Becky Lingard
Emily Lund
Michael Maddaleni
Claire Markarian
Judith McHugh
Chrissie McMahon
Paul McNamara
Sean McVicker
Paul Melley
Wayne Merritt
Meredith Millen
Richard Miller
Ann Mitchell
Leslie Moore
Tom Morrissey
Patrick Mulkern
Sarah Munfakh
Liz Niedermeyer
Bayode Olawaseun
Cathy O'Neil
Debra Packard
Kristen Padulsky
Maggie Pang
Elizabeth Paquette
Paul Pettas
Talal Rojas
Elizabeth Ryan
Shawn Savage
David Schouten
Beth Segers
Carmel Shields
Shawn Simmons
Susan Cadieux Smith
Lorraine Smith
Kathy Sullivan
Frank Sweeney
Wanderley Timas
Matt Vittiglio
Scott Wahle
Susan Kelly Weeder
Patti Williams
Designated Gifts
The following donors made gifts and
designated them to the areas noted
Good Sports
Kevin Youkilis Hits For Kids
Charitable Organization
Bain Capital, LLC
Kevin Youkilis Hits For Kids
Charitable Organization
Graduate Support
Liberty Mutual Foundation
High School Tuition Assistance
Catholic Schools Foundation of the
Inner City Scholarship Fund
The Yawkey Foundation
Master Teacher Program
Edward A. Taft Trust
School Vans
Ipswich Ford
Science Program
The Nord Family Foundation
Summer Academic and
Leadership Program
The Sean McDonough Charitable
Dick and Jackie Keshian
NOTE: Note: Included here are
donations received from July 1, 2008
through June 20, 2009. If you made
a donation/s to Nativity Prep in this
time period and it is not listed or
listed incorrectly, please forgive our
error and call the Development Office
at 857.728.0031 x21, so that we
may properly acknowledge your gift.
Annual Fund Drive 2009-2010
Become part of the Nativity family and help our students reach their potential and
fulfill their dreams. As the December 31st tax deadline draws near, make a
difference by sending your gift today!
$15,000 and above
$10,000 to $14,999
$5,000 to $9,999
$2,500 to $4,999
$1,500 to $2,499
$1,000 to $1,499
$500 to $999
$250 to $499
$100 to $249
$50 to $99
Gifts up to $50
Circle of Excellence
Circle of Faith
Circle of Compassion
Circle of Conviction
Circle of Courage
Circle of Hope
Abidemi Bisi Oyedele
Business Manager
William A. Potter
Service to Others
Art & Music
Director of Graduate Support
Ramon Gomez
Director of Development
Aimee McGuire
Development Associate
Rikki Bohorquez
Our Need
Executive Director
Rev. John C. Wronski, S.J.
Nativity Prep operates only through the generosity of our donors. All undesignated gifts to
our Annual Fund support everything from buying text books to paying electric and water bills.
When you designate a gift of $5,000 to our Student Sponsorship Program, you will be paired
with one or more students and keep in touch with them throughout the school year. With an
additional gift of $1,000, you can help us build a new Graduate Support Endowment Fund
for their future. Sponsoring a teacher pays the stipend for our volunteer teachers.
A designated gift to this program pays our experienced teachers a modest salary and
supports our investment in a balance of experienced teachers and mentors for our younger,
volunteer teaching staff.
Development Assistant
Gerard Sloan
39 Lamartine Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
P 857.728.0031
F 857.728.0037
Once our students graduate, we make it a priority to Support them throughout high school
and college. Gifts designated to Graduate Support are used for tuition assistance.
Every summer our students attend a month long, mandatory summer program which costs
over $50,000. Your $2,500 summer sponsorship ensures that the student you support will
remain focused on his academics and will continue to grow as a valuable member of the
Nativity community.
To Give
A gift of cash is the simplest way to support our mission. Please make checks payable to Nativity
Preparatory School.
Gifts of stock can provide great tax benefits to the donor. Matching Gifts: Many companies offer
programs matching the gifts their employees make to charitable organizations. Please check with your
employer to see it they offer a matching gift program.
Gifts given “in memory of” or “in honor of” a family member or friend are a beautiful way to
acknowledge someone special in your life.
Gifts of furniture, supplies, computers, and materials are most welcome. Donations may also be made
to our silent and live auctions at our annual “Golf Classic” event.
By remembering Nativity Prep in your long term planning, you are assured that the values to which you
are devoted are carried on in the lives of our students and mission of
our school.
To learn more about how you can support our school, our students, and our mission, please
contact the Development Office at (857) 728-0031, ext. 21.
All gifts to Nativity Preparatory School are tax deductible. Donations may be made using the enclosed
envelope. Donations may also be made by credit card on our website, www.nativityboston.org.
Development Staff
Deborah Blicharz
Rikki Bohorquez
Jerry Sloan
Marilyn Humphries
Rikki Bohorquez
Rex and Sophia Dean
Former Faculty and Staff
Jacquie McCarthy
John Wronski, S.J.
Jeff Groves
Rich Hutchinson
7th Grader Isaiah intently making
calculations in his math class.
PERMIT NO. 59055
39 Lamartine Street
Jamaica Plain, MA 02130
Kick off Nativity Preparatory School’s
20th Anniversary year by joining us at our
13th Annual Nativity Spirit Service Award
Dinner, Wednesday, February 10th, 2010.
Mark your calendars now for next year’s
summer event to be held on Monday, June
14th, 2010, once again at beautiful Black
Rock Country Club in Hingham, MA.
For details on either of these events please
visit www.nativityboston.org, or contact the
Development Office at 857.728.0031 x21
Student art mural in our school cafeteria