Michael Solway J A Sellwood and Ralph Schönrich Michael Solway
Michael Solway J A Sellwood and Ralph Schönrich Michael Solway
T ti R Testing Radial di l Mi Migration ti iin Thi Thickk Disks Di k Michael Solway1, JJ. A A. Sellwood1, and Ralph Schönrich2 1Rutgers, R Th The SState U University i i off N New Jersey J 2Max-Planck-Institut M Pl k I i fü für A Astrophysik h ik R di l Migration Radial Mi ti S Summary • Stars that corotate* with a steadily rotating spiral undergo large changes h i angular in l momentum t and d move to t new radii dii while hil remaining on nearly circular orbits by riding the spiral spiral’ss potential. potential •We W have h extended d d Sellwood S ll d & Binney’s Bi ’ (2002) workk on radial di l migration i i in i 2D razor-thin hi disks di k to 3D thickened disks using two-component (thin and thick disks) N-body simulations. simulations •We We have shown that the mechanism persists in thickened disks: • Its extent decreases with increasing disk thickness • But remains strong for disks as thick as that of the Milky Way • It is weaker for disks with greater radial velocity dispersion • Multiple l i l spirals i l accumulate l the h effect ff to a stronger net radial di l migration i i • The presence of a bar strengthens it slightly further •This This reinforces the key assumption made by Schönrich & Binney (2009) that radial migration occurs in the thick disk of their Galaxy y chemical evolution model,, which reproduces p various observed properties of the metallicity gradients in both stars and gas. •We found that vertical action is conserved, not vertical energy as assumed by Schönrich & Bi Binney (2009) when (2009), h stars t gain i or lose l angular l momentum t d i radial during di l migration. i ti ∗ Move M with ith the th wave. • Multiple spiral activity, over time, causes radial diffusion of stars. • Stars can migrate g far from their birth radii. • A single g stellar age g bin ends upp containing g a wide range g of angular momenta and formation environments that are not correlated together. • This explains why the metallicity gradient is shallower for older ld stars. t Si l T Single Two-Armed A dS Spiral i l Simulation Setup p • Controlled simulation with a single seeded spiral in order to measure angular momentum changes d to due t one spiral i l only. l • Two T o active acti e 3D components: thin & thick disks Evolution of the thin and thick disks, disks showing the growth and decay of a spiral, spiral which makes a full rotation every 45.5 45 5 time units. units rms Changes in Angular Momentum Varying Disk Thickness and Radial Velocity Dispersion of the Thick Disk The filled symbols show rms ΔLz as a function of scale height g z0 ((bottom axis)) of different thick disk particle populations that only vary in z0. The black squares are for all the particles in the angular momentum range 2.5 < Lz(t = 0) < 10.0, while the red triangles are for only those particles having vertical extents greater than z0. Th green plus The l symbols b l show h th variation the i ti off rms ΔLz with initial radial velocityy dispersion p σR ((top p axis) of all the particles in the same Lz(t = 0) range from thick disks that vary only in σR. The blue crosses are for only those with vertical extents greater than z0, which is fixed at 1.2. 12 Thin: 〈(ΔLz)2〉1/2 = 1.59 Thick: 〈(ΔLz)2〉1/2 = 0.97 ΔLz is measured by subtracting the specific angular momentum t off a particle ti l att the th initial i iti l time ti t = 0.0 0 0 from f that at the final time t = 387.2. Radial migration occurs in thick disks, disks is weaker than in the thin, b t its but it extent t t is i only l slightly li htl smaller. ll Radial R di l migration i ti weakens k with ith increasing i i disk thickness, because the potential of the spiral decreases about exponentially vertically ti ll away from f th midplane. the id l S more So vertically-energetic y g pparticles gget affected less. Conserved Quantity of Vertical Motion Schönrich & Binneyy ((2009), ), in their chemical model of Galaxy evolution, assumed that the vertical energy is conserved as stars undergo radial migration, migration making their vertical and radial motions decoupled. It iss aalso so wea weaker e for o increasing c eas g radial ad a ve velocity oc y dispersion, because more eccentric stars cannot hold station with the steadily rotating spiral p as well,, since their angular g velocities vary more as they oscillate radially. We tested this assumption by measuring changes of various estimates of vertical energy and vertical action in the single two-armed spiral simulation. We found that vertical action, action not vertical energy, energy is conserved: For all the estimates of the action, the mean and median ΔJz are zero no matter what ΔLz is. is Whereas the mean and median ΔEz correlate with Whereas, ΔLz for all the estimates of the energy: Negative for outwards migrating particles and positive iti for f inwards i d migrating i ti particles. ti l Multiple p Transient Spirals p with and without a Bar Choice of Units Our simplified units can be scaled to physical units b making by ki • 0.75 kpc p the unit of distance • 3.0 Myr the unit of time 〈(ΔLz)2〉1/2 = 2.65 2 65 〈(ΔLz)2〉1/2 = 3.15 3 15 This choice makes • 244 km⋅s-1 the unit of velocity • 183 kpc⋅km⋅s-1 the unit of specific angular momentum • 1.04×1010 MŸ the unit of mass to Multiple p spirals p yyield a net radial migration that is stronger than in the single spiral case. case Kregel g M.,, van der Kruit P. C.,, de Grijs j R.,, 2002,, MNRAS,, 334,, 646 Sellwood J. A., Binney J., 2002, MNRAS, 336, 785 ΔLz versus initial i iti l Lz for f the th particles ti l off the th thin thi (top) and thick (bottom) disks of a simulation with multiple transient spirals without (left) and with ((right) g ) a bar. The horizontal red line denotes zero change. The vertical blue line marks the approximate corotation resonance of the bar. And the dashed red line has a slope of -11 and shows the the ΔLz = -Lz(t = 0) locus below which particles end up on retrograde t d orbits. bit Root mean square q changes g are noted in the bottom left corners. E h simulation Each i l ti contains t i about b t 20 transient t i t spirals, which significantly scatter the particles during ~ 7 Gyr. The bar contributes during the last ~ 4.5 Gyr. y The slanted features correspond scattering g due to the latest spirals. p References Schönrich R., Binney J., 2009, MNRAS, 396, 203 • Half the mass is active. active The other half resides in a rigid g spherical p halo. • Both disks have the same radial scale length. • The thick disk contains 10% as much mass as the thin, and is 3 times as thick. • The Th scale l height h i h off the h thin hi disk di k is i 1/10th its i radial scale length. length This ratio agrees with the average ratio found by Kregel, van der Kruit & de Grijs (2002) for 34 nearby galaxies. • The thick disk’s radial and vertical velocity dispersions are twice as great as those of the thin. thin 〈(ΔLz)2〉1/2 = 1.95 〈(ΔLz)2〉1/2 = 2.34 The presence of a bar yields slightly stronger g radial migration, g but the transient spirals still dominate its extent.