Filing and Storage Systems
Filing and Storage Systems
Filing and Storage Systems Index The Company, the Group History Profile – Activities and Strategies of the Group 4 6 Vertical Storage Systems 8 Rotary Filing and Storage Systems 16 Compact Mobile Filing and Storage Systems 24 Services Software After-sales services 32 34 References 36 history The 1911 Bertello was born as a printing company specialised in printing documents for the Post Offices and Administrative Bodies in 1911. The need to store the typographical documents produced, leads to the idea of creating filing systems that make it possible to optimize space and time of documents handling in an easy and automatic way. 1953 The first automatic card-file system, Rotoscar, targeted at the filing of registry cards with horizontal view, is manufactured in 1953. 1962 In 1962, the card-file systems face a new development that results in the production of special machines, vertically extended, suitable to contain different types of documents. 4 1972 Research and experience lead to the achievement, in 1972, of a standardised production of filing systems Eurot and Euromobil, with a predefined range of models. Thanks to the acquired expertise in the field of filing systems, and with the evolution of industry automation, Bertello improves its production to enter the market of automated storage systems. 1992 Bertello becomes soon leader on national and international markets also thanks to the presentation, in 1992, of the vertical storage system Vertimag, which completes the wide range of models. Bertello is now a member of Ferretto Group …. 5 We approach each challenge Profile Ferretto Group is an integrated enterprise engaged in the sector of goods handling and storage. The commitment of Ferretto Group is to grow in the research and development to bring new solutions to customer needs, with the ability to operate as a global systems integrator rather than on a single area of intervention. All members of Ferretto Group “crew” work with passion for a constant improvement and exploitation of the Group activities and strategies. 6 Activities and Strategies of the Group Logistics Metal racks and mezzanines Automated storage systems Rotating and vertical storage systems They design and manufacture storage and filing systems, offering a wide range of metal racks and mezzanines, some of which patented. Among major players in the field of storage automations, Promag analyzes, identifies, designs and manufactures high-tech logistic solutions, guaranteeing the assistance and maintenance of their own systems. It works in the field of warehouse logistics and automated systems for archiving and its products are characterized by innovative concepts together with their reliability and quality, the result of a several years experience of dedicated engineers and designers. with the strength of the Group Services Software for the logistics Worldwide Civil engineering and Mechanical technological systems designs Bangalore - India It studies and develops dedicated software for the logistics to ensure the management of conventional warehouses, ground storage areas and several types of automated systems for handling and storage. An engineering company capable to assist its customers in the design and realisation of civil works and technological systems and in carrying out the administrative practices related to the constructions. A company specialized in mechanical design related to industrial automation with a special focus on the filing and automated Beijing - China storage systems world. 7 Vertical Storage Systems An evolution with strong roots 1997 2000 2007 Vertimag® Vertimag is an automated storage system consisting of two sides of racks where metal containers, served by a lift device, are located. It is the ideal solution for handling materials of every size, weight and dimensions. Vertimag has a considerable vertical extension and is designed to have more than one workstation on the same machine. Innovative Economic Versatile The knowledge of users’ needs makes it possible to propose the right solutions. Vertimag – 250 kg Vertimag – 500 kg Vertimag – 750 kg 8 TODAY Detail of the monitor on the articulated arm Version with the second drawer in standby for an increased performance Compartmenting tray with boxes Integration with anthropomorphic robot 9 Vertical storage systems installed in temperature controlled cold rooms – hospital field Vertical storage systems for spare parts – automotive field Vertical storage system for small parts – machining field 10 Vertical storage system with single bay - paper industry Vertimag Vertical storage system for components of glass processing machines - mechanical field 11 Vertical storage system for component glass processing machines - mechanical field 12 Vertical storage system with single bay - electrical engineering field Vertical storage system detail of the drawer with dividers and clips - automotive field Vertical storage system to store clichés - paper transformation field Vertimag Vertical storage system 15 mts high – hotel field 13 Vertical insulated storage systems placed outside the warehouse – mechanics field Detail of assembling the racks of vertical storage systems for outdoors Vertical storage system for outdoor for labels - packaging industry Vertical insulated storage system for outdoors – electronics field 14 Vertical storage system with double bay power to the automatic warehouse systems - metal industry Vertimag Vertical storage systems for finished goods – fashion field Vertical storage system to store semi-finished products - mechanical field 15 Rotating Storage and Filing The evolution continues 1953 1972 Eurot® Eurot is a filing system with rotary shelves for the storage of documents; it is the ideal solution to operate, in limited spaces and in ergonomics, when a quick file consultation is required. The main feature of Eurot consists in providing the operator with the document requested, in the consultation area. The rotary shelves always follow the shortest path to reach the operator. Space optimization Ergonomics Elegance The possibility to arrange the shelves is large and complete for the most varied requirements. 16 TODAY 1990 Systems Extractable drawers for hanging folders with frontal visibility Shelves for hanging folders with side visibility Shelves with boxes for cards 17 Rotary filing system with boxes for registry data cards – public administration field 18 Rotary filing systems equipped for ministerial folders – public administration field Rotary filing systems for leaning medical records managed by software – hospital field Eurot Rotary filing system with double shelves for plastic boxes - pharmaceutical field Rotary filing systems for hanging folders equipped with fire prevention system – university field Rotary filing system for banking and and insurance records – banking field 19 Rotary storage system for textile products put in envelopes – textile field Rotary filing system for medical laboratory under controlled temperature - hospital field 20 Work islands with rotating storage systems for accessories and components – textile field Eurot Management system for laboratory and storage at controlled temperature (2 / 6 °C) - hospital field Rotary filing system for medical laboratory under controlled temperature - hospital field Rotary filing system with plans by vertical separators - hospital field 21 Rotary storage system for the choking of rolls of cloth – textile field Rotary storage system for automated hospital pharmacy – pharmaceutical field Rotary storage of chemical products – pharmaceutical field 22 Eurot Rotary storage systems for the storage and distribution of textile goods – fashion field Rotary storage system with special width of 7 mts with shelves equipped for alluminium bars – mechanics field 23 Compact Mobile Storage an Euromag Euromag is a storage system designed to exploit the space at its best. Simplicity, affordability and expandability are the features that distinguish it. Euromag is undoubtedly the best solution to achieve high density storage of materials with medium-low speed of rotation. The system consists of compact mobile trolleys, electrically driven, supporting traditional or cantilever shelving systems, with defined shape and size according to the material to be stored and to the maximum use of available space. Euromag is suitable for any environment and can be reconfigured; if necessary, it can be relocated with extreme semplicity and at low costs. Space optimization Economic Modular Modularity enables to meet every need of storage. 24 Detail of the handling system Detail of the frames of the mobile structure d Filing Systems Euromobil Euromobil is a filing system consisting of mobile trolleys that can be electrically or mechanically driven. The solution with compact mobile modules enables to double the number of documents stored compared to traditional shelving system still occupying the same area. Thanks to the movement of the trolleys, it is possible to access the required corridor. The handling system without the use of rails, differences of levels or platforms is patented and does not require making holes or damaging the existing floor on which the system is only placed. This allows a proper and completely safe access even to disabled operators. The traction is carried out by a “four driving wheels” system that guarantees a correct displacement by means of one single slide guide placed at the back of the installation (usually leaned against a wall) thus eliminating any floor obstacle. The solution also permits self-recovery of slight differences in level of the existing flooring. Detail of the hand-wheel located on the front of each moving element for the functioning of manually operated installations. Detail of the control panel located on the front of each moving element for the functioning of electrically operated installations. Patented Economic Modular The attention to details enables to meet every need. Detail of the handling system 25 Compact mobile storage system to store goods packed on pallet – building field Compact mobile storage system – paper transformation field 26 Compact mobile storage system for the storage of tires – automotive field Self-supporting compact mobile storage system for the storage of books – publishing field Euromag Self-supporting compact mobile storage system for the storage of paper material – publishing field 27 Compact mobile storage system for pallet - packaging field Compact mobile storage system – banking field Compact mbile storage system for metal boxes - mechanical field Compact mobile storage system – pharmaceutical field 28 Compact mobile storage system manually operated with hand-wheel – automotive field Euromag Temperature controlled compact mobile storage system – food field 29 Compact mobile filing system with special shelves for maps and ancient state documents at controlled temperature – public administration field Electrically driven compact mobile filing system – banking field 30 Compact mobile storage system installed on mezzanine for folders - public administration field Compact mobile storage system for registry records - public administration field Euromobil Compact mobile filing system installed in temperature controlled room, no external coverings, for the storage of ancient books belonging to the clergy – university field Compact mobile filing system with galvanised uprights and shelves and air inlets on the front – public administration field 31 Services Software The software is the intelligence applied to the processes, to the management and to the control of automated equipment; it allows the management not only of the automatic storage system, but of all the warehouse logistics, ground areas, incoming goods, packaging and shipping areas included. The software of Ferretto Group is the tool to face the warehouse issues, integrating it in the company information system. It allows the reduction of picking times, the increase of the storage capacity through space optimization, the elimination of the handling errors and the management of the storage flows in real-time simplifying the company processes. PICKFAST is the management software dedicated to all types of warehouse systems. Thanks to its graphical interface very easy to use and very immediate, the operator can perform all the procedures for managing and monitoring the entire machine. The software is optimized to be used on LCD traditional or touch screen video terminals. By means of PICKFAST both picking and refilling operations can be performed simultaneously. The standard features in the software PICKFAST are as follows: •Automatic and semiautomatic management of missions •Item list management •Users and operator form management •Orders management •Reports print-out •Drawers positioning management •Machine configuration •Pre-selection of drawers positioning 32 Global solutions of automated management Moreover, the software can be integrated with the following features: Interface with the company host to make the orders entry operations automatic and to export the information regarding carried out orders and regarding the stock in trade. Simultaneous management of several storage system by linking the different software between them, in order to share orders and to contribute to carry them out splitting the order lines. Management of external racks (ground area) as if it were part of the storage system; the operator can collect the goods either from the external racks or from Vertimag. Bar Code Management in all forms The insertion and extraction of products can be made more secure by using a barcode reader that allows the system to identify the product code without errors. Management of the loading cells in the bays By including loading cells it’s possible to check the actual weight of the drawers. The additional module EASYFILING is the software dedicated to filing systems management designed to make the documents picking operations completely automatic. EASYFILING allows to reduce the search time of documents, to make the filing system consultation easier and to keep the documents picking under control. The main features of the software EASYFILING are the management of operators who access the system, the documents list management, the information management for the quick detection of concerned documents and the management of picking lists and of historical list of operations. Thanks to its Client/Server architecture, our software allows the decentralized offices to access the central file. The software features can be integrated with specific customizations requested by the customer. 33 After-sales services The advantages that Ferretto Group offers its customers do not end with the start up of the installation but continue and develop much further. Ferretto Group provides technical assistance and operational reliability, with the presence of technical emergency 24 hours a day, together with a wide availability of spare parts. The interventions consist of technical assistance activities designed to solve functional problems of the installations. Our after sales service allows to find solutions to customer needs that may have changed. With dedicated support agreements (contracts for routine maintenance and extraordinary repairs and assistance on call) and through remote customer care Ferretto Group guarantees the control on the installation operation by reducing storage system downtime and by controlling the degree of wear of all components. An essential service to ensure the customers satisfaction is represented by the remote customer care that allows the constant monitoring of the systems in real time, a fast action on the system software with significant time savings. Using remote customer care, Promag technicians will be able to resolve most problems without having to intervene personally on the installation, drastically reducing downtime. Also remote configurations of the system, installations of software updates and online staff training can be performed. 34 Efficiency of the service, to successfully satisfy all customer requirements The high professional competence of our technicians can provide a quality service during maintenance and support. 35 Over 15.000 installations worldwide 900 TOWN HALLS, MUSEUMS AND PUBLIC BODIES 300 UNIVERSITIES AND LIBRARIES 10.500 800 OFFICES AND INDUSTRY 1.400 MINISTRIES,STATEARCHIVES,PUBLICPROSECUTOR’SOFFICES,MAGISTRATES’COURTSANDTRIBUNALS 500 HOSPITALS 36 BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES 600 ARMY AND SECURITY FORCES TOWN HALLS, HALLS,MUSEUMS MUSEUMSAND ANDPUBLIC PUBLIC BODIES BODIES A.N.A.S A.N.A.S--Potenza Potenza A.N.A.S A.N.A.S--Torino Torino A.S.P. Vercelli A.S.P. - Vercelli ACTV ACTV--Venezia Venezia Agence des Agence desImpôts Impôts--Tours Tours(Francia) (Francia) Amministrazione Provinciale Amministrazione Provinciale--Varese Varese Archivio Ebraico Terracini Torino Archivio Ebraico Terracini - Torino Archivio ArchivioNazionale NazionaleCinematografico Cinematograficodella dellaResistenza Resistenza--Torino Torino Aramon Cerler Huesca (Spagna) Aramon Cerler - Huesca (Spagna) Ayuntamiento AyuntamientoAlcobendas Alcobendas--Madrid Madrid(Spagna) (Spagna) Azienda Municipale Ambiente Roma Azienda Municipale Ambiente - Roma Azienda AziendaPo PoSangone Sangone--Torino Torino Biblioteca Reale Torino Biblioteca Reale - Torino Bolsa Bolsade deComercio Comercio--Rosario Rosario(Argentina) (Argentina) Byzantine Museum Atene (Grecia) Byzantine Museum - Atene (Grecia) C.C.I.A.A. C.C.I.A.A.--Ancona Ancona C.C.I.A.A. Ascoli C.C.I.A.A. - AscoliPiceno Piceno C.C.I.A.A. Caserta C.C.I.A.A. - Caserta C.C.I.A.A. C.C.I.A.A.--Firenze Firenze C.C.I.A.A. Genova C.C.I.A.A. - Genova C.C.I.A.A. C.C.I.A.A.--Imperia Imperia C.C.I.A.A. C.C.I.A.A.--Macerata Macerata C.C.I.A.A. Massa C.C.I.A.A. - MassaCarrara Carrara C.C.I.A.A. Milano C.C.I.A.A. - Milano C.C.I.A.A. C.C.I.A.A.--Novara Novara C.C.I.A.A. C.C.I.A.A.--Padova Padova C.C.I.A.A. Roma C.C.I.A.A. - Roma C.G.I.L. C.G.I.L.--Roma Roma Camera CameraConfederale ConfederaleSindacato SindacatoPensionati Pensionati--Roma Roma Camera del Lavoro C.G.I.L. Reggio Emilia Camera del Lavoro C.G.I.L. - Reggio Emilia Centro CentroCulturale CulturaleDiocesano DiocesanoSusa Susa--Torino Torino Centro Culturale Polivalente Cattolica Centro Culturale Polivalente Cattolica- - Rimini Rimini Colegio De Arquitectos Albacete (Spagna) Colegio De Arquitectos - Albacete (Spagna) Commissione Sinodale per la Diaconia Torino Commissione Sinodale per la Diaconia - Torino Comune Comune--Arezzo Arezzo Comune Comune--Assago Assago(MI) (MI) Comune Comune--Avellino Avellino Comune Comune--Baerum Baerum(Norvegia) (Norvegia) Comune Comune--Baldichieri Baldichieri(AT) (AT) Comune Bergen (Norvegia) Comune - Bergen (Norvegia) Comune Comune--Boves Boves(CN) (CN) Comune Comune--Caponago Caponago(MB) (MB) Comune Catanzaro Comune - Catanzaro Comune Comune--Cavezzo Cavezzo(MO) (MO) Comune Comune--Centallo Centallo(CN) (CN) Comune Comune--Cervarese CervareseS.S.Croce Croce(PD) (PD) Comune Chiavenna (SO) Comune - Chiavenna (SO) Comune Comune--Cuneo Cuneo Comune Comune--Desenzano Desenzanodel delGarda Garda(BS) (BS) Comune Faenza (RA) Comune - Faenza (RA) Comune Comune--Forlì Forlì Comune Comune--Fossano Fossano(CN) (CN) Comune Comune--Frederikssund Frederikssund(Danimarca) (Danimarca) Comune Comune--Galgou GalgouBordeaux Bordeaux(Francia) (Francia) Comune Comune--Gaglianico Gaglianico(BI) (BI) Comune Comune--Gallarate Gallarate(VA) (VA) Comune Gassino Torinese Comune - Gassino Torinese(TO) (TO) Comune Comune--Gemeinde GemeindeBoswil Boswil(Svizzera) (Svizzera) Comune Comune--Hvidovre Hvidovre(Danimarca) (Danimarca) Comune Lioni (AV) Comune - Lioni (AV) Comune Comune--Lissone Lissone(MB) (MB) Comune Comune--Milano Milano Comune Comune--Mogoro Mogoro(OR) (OR) Comune Comune--Montecchio MontecchioMaggiore Maggiore(VI) (VI) Comune Comune--Nerviano Nerviano(MI) (MI) Comune Comune--Nichelino Nichelino(TO) (TO) Comune Palermo Comune - Palermo Comune Comune--Parigi Parigi(Francia) (Francia) Comune Comune--Parma Parma Comune Pavia Comune - Pavia Comune Comune--Penango Penango(AT) (AT) Comune Comune--Perosa PerosaArgentina Argentina(TO) (TO) Comune Comune--Perugia Perugia Comune Comune--Piacenza Piacenza Comune Comune--Pollone Pollone(BI) (BI) Comune Comune--Poznan Poznan(Polonia) (Polonia) Comune Ravenna Comune - Ravenna Comune Comune--Reggio ReggioEmilia Emilia Comune Comune--Rende Rende(CS) (CS) 37 37 Comune - Rescaldina (MI) Comune - Rivalta (TO) Comune - Rivoli (TO) Comune - Rovellasca (CO) Comune - Savigliano (CN) Comune - Savona Comune - Seregno (MB) Comune - Siena Comune - Termoli (CB) Comune - Torino Comune - Venezia Comune - Vercelli Comune - Viareggio (LU) Comune - Vicenza Comune - Vigevano (PV) Comune - Viterbo DSC per Museo Nazionale della Montagna - Torino ENEA Sede Centrale - Roma F.A.O. - Roma Genio Civile - L’Aquila Guardia Urbana - Barcellona (Spagna) I.N.P.S. - Catania I.N.P.S. - Conegliano (TV) I.N.P.S. - Ferrara I.N.P.S. - Imperia I.N.P.S. - Milano I.N.P.S. - Modena I.N.P.S. - Parma I.N.P.S. - Ravenna I.N.P.S. - Reggio Emilia I.N.P.S. - Rimini I.N.P.S. - Roma I.N.P.S. - Sarzana (SP) I.N.P.S. - Savona I.N.P.S. - Sestri Levante (GE) I.N.P.S. - Torino I.N.P.S. - Trento I.N.P.S. - Treviso I.N.P.S. - Venezia I.N.P.S. - Vercelli Impresa Pouchain per Museo Storia Naturale - Venezia INPDAP - Avellino INPDAP - Bergamo IRES - Torino Istituto Piemontese per la Storia della Resistenza - Torino Istituto Archeologico Germanico - Roma Linia D’arquitectura - Barcellona (Spagna) 38 Municipio - Atene (Grecia) Municipio - Parigi (Francia) Museo Civico - Milano Museo Civico di Zoologia - Roma Museo del Cinema - Ivrea (TO) Museo della Figurina - Modena Organization of Books - Cairo (Egitto) Palazzo Carignano - Torino Provveditorato agli Studi - Milano Quadreria Palazzo Reale - Torino World Food Programme - Roma UNIVERSITIES AND LIBRARIES Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei - Roma Biblioteca Civica - Alessandria Biblioteca Comunale G. A. Battarra di Coriano - Rimini Biblioteca Comunale Lercari - Genova Biblioteca della Comunità Montana di Valle Cannobina - Verbania Biblioteca Marucelliana - Firenze Bibliothèque Nationale - Parigi (Francia) Centro Internazionale del libro parlato A. Sernagiotto di Feltre - Belluno Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales - Barcellona (Spagna) Ente per il diritto allo studio universitario - Torino Fondazione Ist. Gramsci - Torino Keble College - Oxford (Regno Unito) Nasjonalbiblioteket - Oslo (Norvegia) Politecnico Biblioteca Centrale - Milano Università degli Studi Bicocca - Milano Università degli Studi Bocconi - Milano Università degli Studi Ca’ Foscari - Venezia Università degli Studi - Bologna Università degli Studi - Firenze Università degli Studi - Macerata Università degli Studi - Parma Università degli Studi - Pavia Università degli Studi - Pisa Università degli Studi - Torino Università degli Studi - Vercelli Università degli Studi Fac. Giurisprudenza - Milano Università degli Studi Fac. Giurisprudenza - Teramo Università degli Studi Fac. Ingegneria - Pavia Università degli Studi Fac. Medicina del Lavoro - Milano Università degli Studi La Sapienza - Roma Università degli Studi P.E. Bensa - Genova Università - Patrax (Grecia) Università - Ionannina (Grecia) Università - Militini (Grecia) Università Pontificia Gregoriana - Roma OFFICES AND INDUSTRY American Embassy - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Ambasciata Islamica dell’Iran - Roma Azienda Acquedotto Municipale - Torino Bolaffi Giulio Editore - Torino C.M.T. Utensili - Valencia (Spagna) E.N.E.L. - Civitavecchia (RM) E.N.E.L. - Milano E.N.E.L. - Napoli E.N.E.L. - Roma E.N.I.M - Paimpol (Francia) E.N.P.A.I.A - Roma ENASARCO - Roma Festina Lotus - Barcellona (Spagna) G.D. - Bologna Givaudaun Ibérica - Barcellona (Spagna) Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri - Milano Indelor - Girona (Spagna) Istituto Geografico De Agostini - Novara Italferr - Firenze Italferr - Roma Juguetes Falomir - Valencia (Spagna) Kuwait Petroleum Corporation - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Le Dauphine Liberè - Grenoble (Francia) Motorizzazione Civile - Brescia Oms Y Viñas - Barcellona (Spagna) Qatar Petroleum - Doha (Qatar) Queen Anne’s Mansions - Londra (Regno Unito) Roca Sanitario - Barcellona (Spagna) S.N.C.F. - Bordeaux (Francia) Stayer Ibérica - Madrid (Spagna) Tecnogiro - Barcellona (Spagna) The Alawi Tunsi - Riad (Arabia Saudita) … and further 10,000 installations worldwide BANKS AND INSURANCE COMPANIES Assicurazioni Generali di Venezia - Treviso B.E.S.C.L. - Lisbona (Portogallo) B.N.L. - Milano B.N.L. - Roma B.N.L. - Torino B.N.U. - Lisbona (Portogallo) Banca Agricola Mantovana - Mantova Banca Commerciale Italiana - Milano Banca Commerciale Italiana - Napoli Banca Commerciale Italiana - Roma Banca Del Monte di Lombardia - Milano Banca d’Italia - Roma Banca d’Italia - Milano Banca di Credito Cooperativo Pordenonese - Pordenone Banca Nazionale dell’Agricoltura - Milano Banca Popolare dell’Etruria - Arezzo Banca Popolare di Ancona - Jesi (AN) Banca Popolare di Bergamo - Bergamo Banca Popolare di Genova e S. Giorgio - Genova Banca Popolare di Lanciano e Sulmona - Chieti Banca Provinciale Lombarda - Bergamo Banca Provinciale Lombarda - Milano 39 Banca Toscana - Firenze Bancaja - Valencia (Spagna) Banco Ambrosiano - Milano Banco de España - Valencia (Spagna) Banco di Chiavari - Genova Banco di Roma - Roma Banco di Santo Spirito - Roma Banco di Sardegna - Sassari Bank of Poland - Lodz (Polonia) Barclays Bank - Milano C.A.R.I.P.L.O. - Milano C.R.A. di Sesto San Giovanni - Milano C.R.A.M. - Dijon (Francia) C.R.A.M.A. - Bordeaux (Francia) C.R.C.A.M. - Evreux (Francia) Caisse d’Epargne - Marennes (Francia) Caisse d’Epargne - Marseille (Francia) Caja Castilla La Mancha - Albacete (Spagna) Cassa Avvocati - Roma Cassa di Credito Imprese Artigiane - Roma Cassa di Prev. Ingegneri e Architetti - Roma Cassa di Risparmio - Asti Cassa di Risparmio - Biella Cassa di Risparmio - Cuneo Cassa di Risparmio - Firenze Cassa di Risparmio - Genova Cassa di Risparmio - La Spezia Cassa di Risparmio - Lucca Cassa di Risparmio - Palermo Cassa di Risparmio - Roma Cassa di Risparmio - Torino Cassa di Risparmio di Vicenza e Venezia - Belluno Central Bank - Kuwait City (Kuwait) Comptoir Des Entrepreneurs - Parigi (Francia) CONSOB - Roma Crédit Agricole - Chamaliere (Francia) Crèdit Andorra - Andorra (Spagna) Credito Commerciale - Milano Credito Fondiario - Roma Credito Fondiario delle Venezie - Venezia EFIBANCA - Roma FATA Assicurazioni - Roma Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio - Modena Istituto Bancario Intesa San Paolo - Brescia Istituto Bancario Intesa San Paolo - Torino Istituto Centrale Banche e Banchieri - Milano Istituto Mobiliare Italiano - Roma 40 Italfondiario - Milano L.O.C.A.T. - Torino La Fondiaria Assicurazioni - Firenze MAIF - Niort (Francia) Milaninvest Real Estate - Milano Monte Dei Paschi di Siena - Siena Piccolo Credito Valtellinese - Sondrio R.A.S - Milano U.R.S.S.A.F. - Valence (Francia) Unicredit Banca - Roma MINISTRIES,STATEARCHIVES,PUBLICPROSECUTOR’SOFFICES,MAGISTRATES’COURTSANDTRIBUNALS Agenzia del Territorio - Biella Agenzia del Territorio - Caserta Agenzia del Territorio - Napoli Agenzia delle Entrate - Roma Archivio di Stato - Asti Archivio di Stato - Firenze Archivio di Stato - Genova Archivio di Stato - Lecce Archivio di Stato - Pistoia Archivio di Stato - Torino Archivio di Stato - Venezia Archivio Storico della Provincia - Firenze Biblioteca Nazionale Dir. Gen. Beni Librari, Min. Beni - Bari Camera dei Deputati - Roma Consiglio Regionale del Lazio - Roma Consiglio Regionale del Piemonte - Torino Corte Costituzionale - Roma County Governor - Vestfold (Norvegia) Istituto Centr. per il Catalogo e Documentazione, Min. Beni - Roma Ministero Beni Culturali e Ambientali - Roma Ministero Beni Culturali e Ambientali - Torino Ministero Beni Culturali Palazzo Chiablese - Torino Ministero Beni Culturali Sopr. Beni Artistici e Architettonici - Torino Ministero dei Trasporti e della Navigazione - Venezia Ministero del Tesoro - Livorno Ministero del Tesoro - Roma Ministero delle Comunicazioni - Roma Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti - Palermo Ministero delle Infrastrutture e Trasporti, Ist. Univ. Europeo - Roma Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze - Alessandria Ministero dell’Interno - Roma Ministero dell’Interno Compendio Viminale - Roma Ministero dell’Interno Dip. Pubblica Sicurezza - Roma Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia - Roma Ministero di Grazia e Giustizia - Teramo Ministero di Grazie e Giustizia - Cosenza Prefecture De Haute Garonne - Grenoble (Francia) Prefettura -Terni Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Roma Pretura Circondariale - Grosseto Pretura Circondariale - Parma Pretura di Moncalieri - Torino Procura della Repubblica - Bassano del Grappa (VI) Procura della Repubblica - Caltanissetta Procura della Repubblica - Grosseto Procura della Repubblica - Novara Procura della Repubblica - Siracusa Provincia Autonoma - Bolzano Provincia - Biella Provincia - Latina Provincia - Perugia Provincia - Savona Provincia - Torino Provv. Gen.le dello Stato - Milano Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia - Padova Regione Lombardia - Milano Regione Piemonte - Asti Regione Piemonte - Torino Senato della Repubblica - Roma Sogei Centri di Servizio per Ministero delle Finanze - Cagliari Sogei Centri di Servizio per Ministero delle Finanze - Salerno Sogei Centri di Servizio per Ministero delle Finanze - Trento Sogei Centri di Servizio per Ministero delle Finanze - Torino Sogei Centri di Servizio per Ministero delle Finanze - Roma Tribunale - Cagliari Tribunale - Catania Tribunale - Ivrea (TO) Tribunale - Livorno Tribunale - Mondovì (CN) Tribunale - Piacenza Tribunale - Ravenna Tribunale - Saluzzo (CN) Tribunale - Teramo Tribunale - Terni Tribunale - Vasto (CH) Tribunale - Vigevano (PV) ARMY AND SECURITY FORCES 1° Legione Guardia di Finanza - Genova 1° Reggimento di Sostegno AVES “IDRA” Bracciano - Roma 10° Legione Guardia di Finanza - Napoli 4° Regg. di Sostegno Aviaz. dell’Esercito “Scorpione” - Viterbo 7° Reggimento Trasmissioni - Salice (PN) Aermacchi Venegono Superiore - Varese Agusta - Brindisi Agusta - Frosinone Agusta Cascina Costa di Samarate (VA) Alenia - Foggia Alenia Aerospazio Divisione Aeronautica - Napoli Alitalia Linee Aeree Italiane - Roma Amministrazione Penitenziaria - Bari Centro Militare di Medicina Legale A. Riberi - Torino Comando Carabinieri Regione Sicilia - Palermo Comando Raggruppamento Elicotteri Carabinieri - Roma Comando Regionale Carabinieri Lazio - Roma Comando Vigili Fuoco - Brescia Comando Vigili Fuoco - Pavia Comando Vigili Fuoco - Torino Const. per Antigua Escuela de Logìstica - Madrid (Spagna) Criminalpol - Roma Kripos - Oslo (Norvegia) Pcami Ejercito De Tierra - Madrid (Spagna) Police - Besançon (Francia) Police Dept. - Derbyshire (Regno Unito) Police Dept. - Nottinghamshire (Regno Unito) Politiets Sikkerhetstjeneste - Ring (Norvegia) 41 Polizia Ferroviaria - Bologna Polizia Municipale - Collegno (TO) Polo Mantenimento Armi Leggere - Terni Questura - Cuneo Questura - Frosinone Questura - Latina Questura - Lecco Questura - Piacenza S.N.E.C.M.A. - Châtellerault (Francia) S.N.E.C.M.A. - Evry-Corbeil (Francia) S.N.E.C.M.A. - Genevilliers (Francia) S.R.P.J - Lyon (Francia) S.R.P.J - Rennes (Francia) Stato Maggiore dell’Esercito - Roma U.C.I.G.O.S (DCPP) - Roma Vitrociset - Grosseto Vitrociset - Roma Whitehead Alenia - Livorno Farmacia Centrale M. L. - Rivarolo Canavese (TO) Farmacia Gualtieri - Crotone Farmacia S. Salvario - Torino Farmacia San Chiaffredo - Saluzzo (CN) Hopital Central - Coimbra (Portogallo) Hospital de Matarò - Barcellona (Spagna) Hospital del Mar - Barcellona (Spagna) Hospital - Ploërmel (Francia) Hospital San Juan De Dios - Barcellona (Spagna) Hospital San Pedro - Logroño (Spagna) I.N.A.I.L. Centro Protesi - Vigorso di Budrio (BO) Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi - Milano Istituto di Medicina dello Sport - Firenze Istituto Neurologico Besta - Milano Ospedale della Misericordia - Udine Ospedale di Fidenza - Parma Ospedale Maggiore - Crema Ospedale Mauriziano - Torino Ospedale Monaldi - Napoli Ospedale S. Anna - Torino Ospedale S. Candido - Bolzano Ospedale S. M. della Misericordia - Udine Ospedali Civili - Brescia Ospedali Riuniti - Modena Parc Taulí - Barcellona (Spagna) Roche Diagnostics - Barcellona (Spagna) HOSPITALS A.S.L. della Provincia - Bergamo A.S.L. N. 1 - Torino A.S.L. N. 20 - Tortona (AL) A.S.L. N. 9 - Ivrea (TO) Azienda Ospedaliera - Parma Azienda Ospedaliera - Siena Azienda Ospedaliera - Verona Azienda Ospedaliera “S.G. Battista - Molinette” - Torino Azienda U.L.S.S. 12 - Venezia Azienda U.L.S.S. N. 7 - Pieve di Soligo (TV) Azienda U.S.L. - Forlì Azienda U.S.L. N. 4 - Senigallia (AN) Catharina Hospital - Eindhoven (Paesi Bassi) Centro Militare di Medicina Legale - Torino Farmacia Amedei - Carmagnola (TO) Farmacia Centrale - Alba (CN) 42 The rights of the trademarks are of their respective owners For 60 years we have been taking care of customers and their goods 43 LOGISTICS SERVICES WORLDWIDE Bagalore - India Strada Padana verso Verona, 101 - 36100 Vicenza - Italia - Tel. +39.0444.349688 - Fax +39.0444.349498 S.B96.G1.000 – Ed.-11 Beijing - China
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