

Got Me Doing Backflips
by NaomiRaven
Meeting Blaine Anderson
Kurt heard the late bell ring as he knelt on the floor picking up the things that had been knocked from
his hands by one of the passing students. He didn’t get a good look at them but he was pretty sure he’d
seen the flash of a Letterman jacket. The hall was clear now though so he didn’t have to worry about
stomping feet or wayward bags full of heavy books while he was on the floor gathering his pens and
papers. He could focus instead on going through every French curse word he could think of at the
“Here you missed one.” Kurt jumped with a surprised squeak - one that he would be embarrassed about
later as his eyes lifted from the tan hand holding the pen right in front of his face, up a nicely defined
arm, perfectly blinding white teeth, and finally settling on a breathtaking set of hazel eyes.
“Hi…” Kurt breathed dreamily, not moving to take the pen as all he could do was stare up like a love
struck kitten at the handsome boy with adorably curly black hair and beautiful smile.
The guy laughed, actually laughed, and it was the most wonderful sound Kurt had ever heard. His other
hand rubbed the back of his neck self-consciously and his eyes looked to the left of Kurt while what
seemed like a blush was creeping into his cheeks? He then cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Yes well…
hello… um, you dropped your pen.”
Kurt’s mind finally caught up to him and he scrambled to his feet before snatching his pen away in
horror. “I’m so sorry. I um… thank you.” Oh god he’d made a complete idiot out of himself.
“It’s no problem - Kurt right?” The boy asked causing Kurt’s eyes to snap up and look at him in surprise.
“You - you know my name?”
“Of course silly. We’ve only shared the same Physics class all year.”
“Oh…” Kurt trailed off trying to remember, but he couldn’t think of who this boy was, and he knew that
if he had noticed him before then he certainly wouldn’t have forgotten him. The guy was gorgeous.
“Yeah, I usually sit in the back though and keep my head down. It’s not really my favorite class, and I‘m a
senior so we don‘t share any others together… I’m Blaine.”
Blaine held out his hand and Kurt merely stared at it. Was he being serious or was this all some kind of
prank? Kurt glanced around but it didn‘t seem like anyone was waiting anywhere to jump out and slushy
him or something. “Nice - nice to meet you,” Kurt finally replied taking the warm hand in his own, and
instead of shaking Blaine merely gave his hand a gentle squeeze before letting it go.
“Maybe I’ll see you around.” Blaine gave him a warm smile before he walked around Kurt and headed
toward the gym. Kurt just stared after him, and could have sworn he caught a flash of familiar red and
white material hanging out of Blaine‘s bag, but finally shook his head and walked to his own class still in
a daze.
Kurt looked around the courtyard as he sat with his lunch. He knew he should have been listening to
whatever it was Tina and Mercedes were saying but he couldn’t’ quite bring himself to focus on the
rambling girls - that is until Mercedes decided to snap her fingers in front of his face. “Kurt… Kuuurrt…
earth to Kurt… What is with you boy? You’ve been looking over your shoulder all day.”
“Did the jocks do something again?” Tina questioned placing a concerned hand over his.
Kurt shook his head, eyes still darting around, at all the new students pouring in. Actually, some of the
jocks had decided to lock Kurt into a janitor's closet that morning, causing him to miss his first and
second period classes, including Physics, but he wasn’t about to tell them that. What could they do
about it anyway? No, It was best not to worry them if possible.
Mercedes’ eyes lit up with realization. “Oooh you’re looking for HIM aren’t you.”
“Him? Who’s him?” Tina asked looking between them in confusion.
Kurt felt his face heating up as Mercedes gave him a teasing smile. “Blaine … Kurt’s crush. Apparently,
he’s a senior, with an adorable head of dark curls, a charming smile, and a set of hazel eyes that can see
right into your soul.”
Kurt blushed even harder. Mercedes was probably the last person he should have told about his
Tina held a hand over her heart dramatically - her eyes twinkling. “Aww! When do we get to meet him?”
“I don’t even know him!” Kurt sputtered out in protest. “We just ran into each other in the hall
“He picked up Kurt’s pen for him.” Mercedes supplied helpfully.
“Ooh did your fingers touch? Was there a spark? Was it love at first sight? We have to make sure he’s
worthy of you Kurt!” Both girls burst into giggles as Kurt swatted at them trying to control his blush.
When they finally calmed down again Mercedes got a bit more serious. “So do you think he might be…
you know?” she asked glancing around incase any of the jocks were nearby.
Kurt stared down at his untouched food with a frown. “Probably not or I would have heard about him
before now.”
Tina’s hand covered his again in sympathy. “Well you never know maybe he’s just not out yet. You
should talk to him. He was nice to you wasn’t he?”
Kurt simply shrugged but then a small smile made its way onto his face as he remembered Blaine‘s
laugh. “Yeah, he was.”
Familiar laughter fill the hallway and Kurt looked up with a gasp. “It’s him!” he hissed at Mercedes while
grabbing her arm to stop her from walking any farther.
“Him who? Him him?” Mercedes questioned, eyes widening as she craned her neck to see.
Kurt quickly positioned himself in front of her though, turning his back on the direction that the sound
had come from. “Don’t look!” Mercedes huffed and rolled her eyes, but stopped trying to peer past him
and the other students to see. “Okay what… what’s he doing?”
Kurt leaned his shoulder against the lockers so that Mercedes could see around him and she let her eyes
sweep over the hall in a casual manner. “I don’t think I see… oh - oh! He’s adorable!” She squealed as
Kurt hushed her furiously. “Okay - okay he’s uhh… leaning against the snack machine talking to some
girls… Cheerios.”
“What’s he wearing?” Kurt asked hopping a bit in his excitement. He couldn’t believe he’d finally found
him, and just when he’d given up on looking too.
“Oh… well umm… Kurt, he’s umm… he‘s wearing a - ” Mercedes had a look of disappointment in her
eyes as she tried to tell him and Kurt felt his smile fading.
“What - what is it? Oh god is it flannel?” Kurt turned unable to help himself and looked. His eyes almost
instantly zeroed in on Blaine chatting and smiling with a group of cheerleaders hanging off of him, but
what made Kurt’s stomach turn to ice was the fact that Blaine was wearing a Letterman jacket. “Oh…”
“Maybe… maybe he’s in band?” Mercedes offered hopefully.
There was no way Blaine was in band though. He was just too… cool. Plus it was obvious he was popular,
even Quinn was hanging all over him. Kurt didn‘t stand a chance - if he‘d ever had one to begin with.
“Let’s just go to class…”
“Kurt maybe -”
“It was stupid anyway.”
“But he was nice to you.”
“They were all nice to me,” Kurt replied turning and walking again before Mercedes could try to placate
him further. He walked right past Blaine and his group without even looking up, and therefore missed
the moment Blaine caught sight of him and smiled brightly.
Kurt should have known not to get his hopes up. This was exactly how it always happened. First with
Finn, then with Sam, and now with Blaine. It was a never ending vicious cycle of constant
disappointment, and Kurt had no one to really blame for it but himself.
“So are you heading to Physics cause that’s where I’m heading?”
Kurt jumped with a startled yelp, his Physics binder slipping from his fingers.
“Whoa there…” With startlingly quick reflexes Blaine snatched the binder up before it could hit the floor
and glanced at the bedazzled cover with an amused smile. “Nice.“ He chuckled holding it out for Kurt to
take back.
Kurt took it hesitantly, waiting for the catch, but nothing happened except Blaine tilting his head
adorably as he looked at him.
“I’ve never seen you walk down this way before,” Blaine stated curiously as if Kurt wasn’t staring at him
like he was an axe murderer.
“Just uhh… avoiding some people,” Kurt finally managed to answer when he was able to locate his voice.
He’d been warned by Rachel that the jocks were waiting near his locker with slushies, but luckily Kurt
had decided to grab his Physics binder first thing that morning just in case, and took the long way to his
next class. Now he held his binder tightly against his chest while he continued down the hall stiffly.
Did they send Blaine to find him and slow him down? Were they getting into position now? Waiting
around a corner to surprise him at just the right moment? Kurt hadn’t thought they were that smart.
Blaine simply fell into step beside him with that charming smile and Kurt felt as if his heart was about to
beat right out of his chest. “So… I saw you in the hallway this morning. You have English first hour?
That’s cool I’m right across the hall… in math.”
Blaine continued to talk, but Kurt didn’t comment or answer. He didn’t think he could. He had no clue
what to say to this boy and his nerves were wound so tight at the moment that any sudden sound or
movement would probably send him bolting like a gazelle being chased by a lion.
Blaine’s head titled further and his smile slowly turned into a frown. “Hey, are you okay? You seem…
Terrified was the word Kurt knew Blaine wanted to use, and he was. Blaine was a jock, in a Letterman
jacket, talking to him, and he wasn‘t in Glee club… there had to be an ulterior motive. Luckily, Kurt didn’t
have to answer though as they reached the classroom without incident and he bolted inside, taking his
seat near the front and bending down to dig through his bag to look busy. He glanced at Blaine out of
the corner of his eye to see his expression and where the other boy actually sat.
Blaine sported an intensely confused and adorably thoughtful look on his face as his triangular shaped
eyebrows drew down along with his mouth into a heavy frown. He finally moved past the doorway and
really did sit all the way in the back of the classroom, almost invisible in his little corner behind a large
plant. Their teacher walked in, announcing a pop quiz, and Kurt turned to the front suppressing an
amused smile as Blaine’s head hit his desk with a groan.
No, Kurt couldn’t let this boy get to him. He’d read about pranks like this, seen them in movies, the
unsuspecting victim lured in by a charming smile and sincere eyes only to be humiliated and hurt in the
end. Well the jocks would have to find their amusement elsewhere because Kurt refused to be that kind
of victim.
Kurt felt something hit him on the back of the head and instinctively flinched away, but it was only a
piece of crumbled up notebook paper. He brushed it off his desk with a glare. It was no use trying to find
out who had thrown it so he just sighed and focused back on answering the next question on his pop
quiz. It happened again a few seconds later and this time Kurt did turn and glare behind him, but no one
was laughing or even looking up in his direction.
“Mr. Hummel, eyes on your own paper.” Their teacher warned, but there was no real threat behind it.
His teachers loved him. He was one of the best students at McKinley and they knew he wouldn’t cheat.
Kurt turned and started in on the next question. A few second later, almost directly behind him, a throat
cleared. Loudly.
“Mr. Anderson, is there a problem?” This time their teacher didn’t sound quite so lenient and Kurt
almost laughed.
Kurt looked out the corner of his eye to see Blaine shifting in his seat awkwardly with a blush coloring
the back of his neck and ears. “No - no sir… no problem.” When had he moved over there? Now he was
sitting in the opposite corner of the room with a clear view of Kurt and no giant plant to block Kurt‘s
view of him.
Well now Kurt had a last name to go with the first.
Blaine Anderson.
Before Kurt could look away Blaine caught his eye and looked pointedly down at the two wads of paper
now on the floor beside Kurt’s bag. Kurt hesitated before slowly reaching down when the teacher wasn’t
looking to snatch them up. He opened what he thought was the first one Blaine had thrown at him and
braced himself for some sort of slur, not even sure why he’d bothered to look in the first place, but
instead blinked in surprise at what he saw.
HEY!!! : )
Kurt smiled despite himself. Even the guys handwriting was adorable. Biting his lower lip Kurt set the
note aside and cautiously smoothed out the other one.
Have lunch with me? Yes or No (circle one)
Kurt really wanted to laugh at how ridiculous this was. Who passed notes anymore? But he found
himself frowning instead. Was this guy serious? Did he actually think Kurt would fall for that? Kurt
crumbled the paper back up and stuffed the notes deep into his bag before hunching back over his quiz
to finish the last question.
Just as he finished writing out his answer with a flourish another ball of paper hit him on the arm this
time. Kurt tried to ignore it as he turned his test paper over and waited for the others to finish, but
eventually curiosity got the best of him and with a huff he unfurled the ball of paper.
So is that a no? : (
Kurt rolled his eyes and made an annoyed sound in the back of his throat. Yes that’s a no. He wrote back
quickly and when the teacher passed his desk collecting the tests he threw the note back at Blaine,
aiming for his face, and only growing more annoyed when Blaine snatched it out of the air with an
amused smirk.
Thinking it was over Kurt pulled out his text book, but just as he was opening it to the designated page
written on the board another ball of paper landed right on top of his open book. Kurt shot Blaine a glare
out of the corner of his eye but the other boy merely smiled innocently back at him while propping his
head up on his desk and twirling his pen absently, not the least bit concerned about finishing his own
You have really pretty handwriting.
Kurt felt a blush heating up his cheeks as he read the words, and quickly he folded the note and shoved
it in his pocket - ignoring Blaine for the rest of the lesson.
At lunch Kurt couldn’t help but look around for Blaine. It was raining outside so everyone was forced to
eat inside, and the cafeteria was a lot smaller than the courtyard making it easier to scan the room and
find the curly headed boy. He’d never met anyone with a head of hair quite like Blaine’s, and spotted
the messy mop easily. It was a wonder Kurt had never noticed the boy before just because of his hair.
Every time Kurt saw it now he had the urge to just run his fingers though those curls.
After spotting Blaine, Kurt let his eyes pass over him quickly, not wanting to be obvious about it, but
soon he found himself practically staring unable to stop. He couldn’t understand his sudden fascination
with the other boy, but there was something that wouldn’t just let him push Blaine aside and forget
about him.
Blaine wasn’t eating or perhaps he’d already eaten, but he was once again surrounded by girls, all of
them Kurt noticed were in Cheerio’s uniforms. He was saying something that must have been hilarious
by the way the girls were laughing, and Kurt absently noticed that he used his hands a lot when he
Blaine wasn’t wearing his Letterman jacket. Instead, it was draped over the table beside him and Kurt
could see that he had on a maroon colored cardigan over a gray polo shirt and a pair of dark washed
denim jeans that fit him rather well.
Kurt approved of the outfit. Although, admittedly on anyone else he would have said that it was rather
boring, but on Blaine the darker colors just seemed to bring out his… everything. It was loads better
than what most teenage boys were wearing anyway, and besides, Blaine didn’t exactly need to wear
something loud to get noticed. Kurt was finding that it was kind of hard not to notice him.
As if sensing someone was watching him Blaine lifted his head and looked right at Kurt - as if he’d known
where Kurt was sitting the entire time. Kurt blushed at being caught looking and ducked his head while
Blaine beamed brightly and sent him a wink.
“Who you looking at?” Mercedes questioned, setting her tray down beside him and taking a seat.
“No one,” Kurt tried but it wasn’t any use as Mercedes spotted Blaine.
“Why don’t you go talk to him?”
Kurt stabbed viciously at a cucumber. “It looks like he’s got plenty of people to talk to, and why would I
want to go over there and talk to him anyway?”
Mercedes rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, because you like him maybe.”
Kurt just stared at her. “You do realize where he’s sitting right? The ’Popular Table’. Remember what
happened last time I went over there to give Sam the English paper he asked me to proofread.”
Mercedes deflated. “Oh yeah… but Karofsky, Azimio and those other guys aren’t even over there, and
Finn‘s over there. You know he wouldn’t let them do anything to you.”
Kurt simply shrugged, not looking up from the piece of lettuce he was murdering.
“How are things going with your dad and his mom anyway?” Mercedes asked, thankfully noticing his
mood and deciding to change the subject.
“Good. I think dad really likes her.”
Mercedes watched him pick at his food in concern for a moment. “Are you okay with that?”
Kurt nodded brightening up a bit. “Carole’s really great she let me give her a makeover last week and
even bought me that Michael Kors sweater I’ve been wanting.”
“Wow that’s expensive…” Mercedes trailed off and Kurt knew exactly what she was thinking.
“Yeah I’m pretty sure it was a bribe to get me to like her… and I’m pretty sure it worked.”
Mercedes laughed. “Boy you are too easily bought!”
Kurt laughed as well, but it quickly died as a familiar voice spoke beside him. “Really? Wow, wish I had
known it would be that easy then.”
Blaine sat down in the chair right next to him without so much as a “by your leave” and Kurt certainly
was not impressed by the fact that Blaine smelled amazing. He didn’t care one bit… but seriously was
that Burberry The Beat?
Kurt normally went with the smell of Jasmines or warm honey for himself. He’d even ordered Reese
Witherspoon's fragrance, In Bloom, out of Avon, and wore a bit of it on each wrist and on his neck
behind each ear. As far as men’s cologne went though, what Blaine was currently wearing, happened to
be his favorite scent for other men. The initial pop of lavender and black pepper then the additional
undertones of leather and aged whiskey had Kurt shifting in his seat as the room became a bit hotter
than it should have.
Then what Blaine had implied hit him and Kurt flushed angrily while he stood to his feet. “I’m not some some whore!” he snapped and then on impulse knocked his tray into Blaine’s lap before storming off
with Mercedes grabbing his bag and running after him. He didn’t look back or he would have seen Blaine
sitting there dumbly, mouth hanging open in shock, as he wondered what the hell had just happened.
Mercedes caught up with Kurt at his locker. “What the hell was that?”
“Oh my god what did I just do,” Kurt moaned letting his forehead fall against his locker door with a small
“Exactly, you totally overreacted,” Mercedes agreed completely missing the point.
“No, not that - he totally deserved that,” Kurt defended. “I mean the jocks are going to really have it out
for me now.”
Mercedes looked at Kurt in confusion. “Wait - what do you mean he deserved it? I don’t think he meant
what he said the way you took it Kurt. I mean he looked pretty shocked at your reaction.”
Kurt opened his locker and shoved his books in with a little more force than was probably necessary.
“He’s one of them Mercedes, of course he meant it the way it sounded.”
Mercedes sighed, looking at her jaded friend for long moment. “Kurt you don’t know that. He’s never
done anything to you has he, and I’ve certainly never seen him hanging around Karofsky or Azimio…
have you?”
Kurt paused, biting his lower lip and actually thinking about it for a moment. “No,” he finally admitted
closing his locker softly. “But I’ve never seen him hanging around Finn, Sam, Puck, or Mike either.”
“That doesn’t automatically mean he’s one of the bad guys.”
Kurt turned and leaned his back against the lockers, letting the back of his head hit them with a bang
this time. “Oh god ‘Cedes what did I do?”
“You had a diva moment and threw your food into the lap of a very attractive guy - that was a pretty
impressive storm out actually. I think Rachel should have taken notes.” She laughed, unable to hold it
back any longer, but Kurt joined her blushing as well now that he thought about what he‘d done.
“I should probably apologize right?”
“Yeah I think that would be best.”
Kurt walked into Glee Club just like he did every day. He sat in the same chair he always sat in. He pulled
out the familiar sheets of music they had been working on all week and stared down at them, waiting
for the familiar sounds of the rest of the Glee clubbers arriving.
But this day wasn’t going to be like every other day.
Because while Kurt heard footsteps arriving the familiar sounds of Rachel being bossy, Mercedes and
Tina being gossipy, Finn being clueless, Sam being a dork, Quinn being bitchy, Mike being - well Mike
never said much anyway, not even the sound of Puck saying something vulgar came, and Puck always
said something vulgar when he entered a room - it was like a ritual for him.
Kurt looked up in confusion only to see everyone else still standing near the door staring across the
room as if there was a Beware Of Dog sign hanging over there. He followed their gaze and saw the
familiar sight of Mr. Schue, and the familiar sight of his god-awful vest, but it was the person beside Mr.
Schue that really caught Kurt’s attention.
“Oh my god,” Kurt whispered in shock. Blaine’s adorable head of curly black hair, amazing set of hazel
eyes, and heart stopping smile was almost enough to distract Kurt from the fact that the boy was
wearing his Letterman jacket again.
“What‘s he doing here?” Puck finally asked as if he was already going to beat Blaine’s ass. Kurt just rolled
his eyes, but it also confirmed the fact that Blaine wasn‘t part of Finn‘s “gay friendly jocks” group.
Quinn, Brittany, and Santana pushed past the others and made their way over to Blaine, and Kurt
certainly did not care that Santana was practically climbing the other boy. “Blaine! You finally decided
to come!”
“You guys have been bugging me to join so I thought I’d check things out.” Blaine’s eyes glanced over at
him, and Kurt felt himself flushing.
It was so confusing. Could it be possible that Blaine was gay… or at least bi? But if so then why hadn’t
Kurt heard about him? Was he in the closet? Looking for an experiment? Or was this all some kind of
elaborate prank? Kurt wasn’t stupid or naïve or desperate… okay maybe a little desperate (he just really
really wanted at least one boyfriend before he graduated high school), but he wasn’t going to fall for
this - this… whatever this was.
“Blaine here transferred at the beginning of the year from Dalton Academy. He was part of the Glee club
there and now he‘s thinking about joining New Directions.” Well that certainly explained why Kurt had
never noticed Blaine in previous school years.
“Our competition?” Rachel exclaimed, interrupting Mr. Schue. “How do we know he isn’t trying to spy
for them?”
“Shove it hobbit,” Santana snapped protectively as she took Blaine’s hand and led him over to a seat.
She pushed him down into the chair, and Blaine merely smiled, eyes twinkling in amusement, when she
sat in his lap and began playing with his curls.
Kurt crossed his arms and looked away, deciding to ignore the disappointment settling heavily in his
“Go…” Mercedes nudged him and nodded toward Blaine while Rachel and Mr. Schue were arguing
about his song choices again.
“Go what?” Kurt asked feigning ignorance.
Mercedes rolled her eyes before giving him her bitch please look. “In case you hadn’t noticed he had to
change clothes.”
Kurt glanced over at Blaine sitting there happily while the three cheerleaders practically fawned over
him. He had noticed Blaine’s change of clothes actually. Blaine had stripped off his cardigan and polo
shirt, only wearing a white v neck undershirt, and his arms looked… amazing. He also now had on a pair
of light wash denim jeans that were well worn and hung low around his hips. They were also wrinkled as
if they’d been crammed into a bag or locker somewhere.
Kurt couldn’t find it in himself to turn his nose up at the outfit, even though Fin had worn something
similar just the other day and Kurt certainly hadn’t held back in telling him exactly how sloppy and lazy it
made him look. Those thoughts didn’t even enter his mind this time as he looked over Blaine. Kurt was
too busy pinching his own arm to stop himself from staring and making sure there wasn‘t drool dripping
down his chin.
“Remember you were going to apologize,” Mercedes reminded elbowing him to get his attention again.
Kurt flushed at being caught staring, but then sent a glare in Blaine’s direction when Quinn began
laughing at something the other boy had whispered into her ear. “Why should I apologize to him.” He
cross his arms over his chest stubbornly, not understanding the sudden anger he felt at Blaine.
“Kurt you said yourself he didn‘t deserve it! You‘ve been looking for him all afternoon to apologize and
here‘s your chance and now you‘re - ”
Before Mercedes could really get on a roll though Rachel’s voice broke through the air like a bull horn.
“Fine then! He should have to audition like everyone else.” She turned on her heel and stormed over to
stand in front of Blaine and the three Cheerio’s sitting around him and on him - not that Kurt cared or
anything. “If you’re going to sit in on our class then you have to audition first and we‘ll take a vote to see
if you can stay or not.”
Kurt didn‘t know why but he felt the sudden urge to slap Rachel and his mouth opened before he could
stop it. “Rachel stop being ridiculous you know that’s not fair. We‘ve never voted on anyone joining
before. If that’s how it worked then Mike wouldn’t be here. He can’t sing to save his life - no offense…”
Mike merely shrugged it off. “In fact, if we voted on who joined or not then you probably wouldn’t be
here either.”
Rachel crossed her arms and turned to glare at him, but Kurt wasn’t fazed by the look in the least.
Rachel had nothing on his own bitch face, which he was currently sporting, as he too crossed his arms
over his chest and prepared himself for a fight - he might as well see this argument through. It wasn’t
just about Blaine - at least that‘s what Kurt told himself. Rachel wasn’t being fair and besides it had been
a while since he and Rachel had really had it out and it was getting about that time.
Before Rachel could say anything though Blaine nudged Santana off his lap and stood. “No, it’s okay. If
she wants me to sing I’ll sing. I don’t mind. I mean, not to be cocky or anything, but I was the lead soloist
for the Warblers.” Blaine smirked and damn it all if Kurt didn’t find his confidence hot. Then Blaine had
to go and wink at him - fucking wink at him, and Kurt wanted to hit him in his very attractive face.
That day Teenage Dream became Kurt Hummel’s favorite song of all time, and it certainly had absolutely
nothing to do with the fact that Blaine Fucking Anderson had stood right in front of him and in front of
everyone had sung it to him. By the end of it Kurt wasn’t only shocked by the fact that Blaine actually
had a really good voice - certainly the best male vocals in their little club - but also because of the fact
that Blaine had practically just told Kurt he’d let him put his hands on him in his skin tight jeans.
Although Blaine’s jeans weren’t exactly skin tight at the moment… but that was beside the point.
“My meter is pointing toward gay,” Mercedes whispered into his ear, snapping Kurt out of his slack
jawed gaze while everyone but he and Rachel began clapping.
Quinn, Brittany, and Santana all ran excitedly toward Blaine, taking his hands and pressing in close.
“Okay let’s vote!” Quinn announced with a beaming smile. “Those who don’t want Blaine to stay…” Not
even Rachel raised her hand. “Those who want Blaine to stay.” Again Rachel didn’t’ raise her hand, but
Kurt slowly raised his own, biting his lip and not looking at the curly haired boy. Blaine had a really good
voice, that couldn’t be denied.
“So Blaine are you sticking around?” Quinn questioned, and Kurt couldn’t help but look up then, only to
find Blaine looking right at him.
“Of course.” Blaine’s answer didn’t only seem to apply to Glee Club and Kurt felt his heart beating faster.
Mr. Schue clapped his hands to get their attention. “Great then, welcome to Glee Club Blaine, but I’m
afraid class is almost over and the football players and cheerleaders need to get a move on. You guys are
leaving early for the game tonight.”
Immediately all the Cheerios and football jocks were looking at their watches or the clock and cursing.
“Oh shit the Beast is going to kill us!” Puck exclaimed grabbing his stuff quickly and rushing out of the
room as the others did the same… including Blaine.
Kurt gathered his stuff a little slower, waiting for the rest of the football team to clear the halls, before
making his way to his locker and heading home to eat the whole gallon of ice-cream that had been
calling his name ever since he‘d met Blaine Anderson.
“Hi!” Kurt jumped and pressed himself closer to his locker instinctively. “Umm… you okay?” Blaine
questioned uncertainly.
Kurt took in a deep breath to compose himself and control his complete mortification at his own
reaction. “I - I’m fine… are you lost?”
Blaine laughed. “No silly I was looking for you. I didn’t see you at the game Friday.”
“I wasn’t aware I was supposed to be there.” Kurt replied, probably a little harshly, but it didn’t seem to
faze Blaine who just kept smiling.
“Finn says you normally go watch with your dad, especially since you two are sort of brothers now, and
it being the first game of the season everyone in school went I think… I just thought you‘d be there.”
Blaine shrugged. “I was going to see if you wanted to get ice-cream after.”
If Kurt wasn’t mistaken Blaine almost seemed disappointed. “Why would you want to get ice-cream with
me.” And God did that really sound as pathetic as he thought it did.
Blaine looked at him in confusion. “Why wouldn’t I?”
Kurt just stared for a long moment. Was it possible that Blaine didn’t know he was gay? Despite what
Mercedes said Kurt just couldn’t allow himself to believe that Blaine was actually gay himself. That just that just didn’t seem possible in Kurt’s world.
Kurt took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders and holding his binder against his chest, ready to get
shoved or punched or whatever. “I’m gay,” he blurted, flushing and looking around frantically in case
someone had heard. Not that it was a secret or anything, but just saying the word tended to get Kurt
shoved into a locker or slushied.
Blaine merely continued smiling at him - head cocked to the side adorably. “Yeah I know… so is that a
yes to the ice-cream?”
Kurt narrowed his eyes. Why was this guy so insistent. There had to be something going on. “Look you
can give it up I’m not falling for it okay. So just go tell Karofsky and the other stupid Letterman jacket
wearing jocks that they can go find their amusement somewhere else. I’m not biting.”
“Wait what - I don‘t know what you‘re talking about.” Blaine looked genuinely thrown off guard, but
Kurt wasn’t falling for it, although he had to admit the guy was a really good actor.
“If you want ice-cream so bad why don’t you just go with your girlfriend.” he emphasized looking past
Blaine at the waiting group of Cheerios standing by the vending machines and glancing in their direction.
“Girlfriend?” Blaine looked over his shoulder as well, eyebrows furrowed in confusion, until he spotted
the girls then they widened in realization. “I don‘t have a girlfriend! Wait you thought I had a girlfriend?
No Kurt, I don‘t like girls. I - I mean I like girls just not like - not like that… I mean they have breasts and
stuff and I like guys! I‘m like you!” Blaine was so flustered by the end of his little declaration that Kurt
almost wanted to laugh at him.
Instead he just looked at him unimpressed. “Wow that was the worst coming out I‘ve ever heard,” Kurt
stated slamming his locker closed and turning away.
“No Kurt wait you’ve got the wrong idea -”
“Go back to your fan club Blaine,” Kurt shouted over his shoulder without looking back and then
disappeared into his classroom.
First Date Disasters
Kurt paid his five dollars at the gate to get into the game and then waited for his dad, Carole, and
Mercedes to do the same. His eyes constantly scanned the area around him looking for anyone that
might cause them trouble. It was pretty well known by the football players parents that Kurt was gay
and well, the bullying didn’t always start with the child.
“Ready sport?” His dad asked clapping him on the shoulder with a smile. “Let’s go find a good seat.”
It was a home game so most of the seats were filled already, but Mr. Schuster had at least managed to
save them a spot near the teachers section this time, where it was generally safest for Kurt to sit. They
had to sit on the very bottom two bleachers though, which Kurt’s dad didn’t particularly like since he
usually liked to stand on the very top row and shout at the referees - plus there was no one at his back
who could try anything.
Kurt remember all to well the hot coffee incident.
Kurt sighed as he sat between Mercedes and Mr. Schue with Carole and his dad settling behind him. He
didn’t understand why they still invited him along to these games or why he even came for that matter
when they had to box him in and follow him to the bathroom like some five year old. He didn’t even like
football and mostly came to watch the Cheerios, who were just coming out now, jumping and flipping,
and getting the crowd cheering.
There was one Cheerio in particular that caught Kurt’s attention almost immediately because the
uniform was different than what he was used to seeing, but one that was familiar too because he’d
briefly worn a replica of it last year. “There’s a boy on the squad this year?”
“Really?” Mercedes questioned looking more intently just as said boy did a complicated looking back
hand spring right in front of them.
The boy landed with a beaming smile and wave as the crowd cheered and Kurt’s eyes nearly bugged out
of his head. “Blaine!” he blurted before he could stop himself and the boys curly head shot around to
look right at him with that beaming smile.
“Kurt!” The other boy exclaimed happily jogging away from the other Cheerios, who were stripping off
their jackets and stretching. Kurt could feel his dad shifting tensely behind him as Blaine jogged over and
without hesitation climbed up the railing between them. “I didn’t know you were coming.”
“You - you’re a cheerleader!” Was all Kurt could managed to get out as he eyed Blaine up and down
while he straddled the metal bar. From what Kurt could see the Cheerios uniform looked… really good
on him.
Blaine cocked his head to the side and smiled adorably at him. “Yes, I am. I tried telling you but you were
kind of too busy avoiding me.”
Kurt blushed, because he had spent the last week perfecting the art of avoiding Blaine Anderson, which
had been rather difficult considering they shared two classes now. “I - I thought…”
“You thought I was a football player. Yeah, I kind of figured it out and Mercedes helped explain it to
me.” Blaine finished for him, but he still had that damned smile on his face.
Shouldn’t he be offended or angry or something?
Kurt looked at his best friend who merely shrugged her shoulders. He narrowed his eyes at her - they
would so be talking about this later, but right now he felt the urge to explain himself to Blaine. “It’s
just… I saw the jacket and I was on the squad for a while last year and you weren’t there so I assumed
you must have played another sport because they only give them to people who‘ve played all four years
of high school.”
Blaine took off his Letterman jacket then, and holy shit the cheerleading uniform looked amazing on
him. Kurt had to remember how to breathe. “Yeah, I didn’t get one at my old school. They didn’t really
have any sports, well unless you count fencing and golf, but I’ve taken gymnastics at the local gym since
middle school, and anyway Coach Sylvester special ordered it for me when I joined the squad this year.”
“Oh,” was all Kurt could think of to say as he closed his eyes feeling like a complete idiot. God he just
wanted to go crawl in a hole and never come out again. “So you weren’t just trying to play some cruel
joke on me. You really are…”
Blaine laughed. “Yes I really am… and I would really like to take you out for that ice-cream after the
Kurt blushed furiously sitting up straight now that he remembered exactly who was sitting behind him.
“I - I’ll umm - I’ll have to check with my dad first,” he answered glancing over his shoulder, but all he
could see was Carole with twinkling eyes as she covered her smile with her hand.
“Oh - oh!” Blaine’s hazel eyes widened when he caught on and his confidence seemed to waver and he
became shy all of the sudden as he glanced behind Kurt at Burt. “Um yeah - yeah do - do that and um…
get back to me.”
“Blaine come on! We’re about to start! You can flirt with him later!” Quinn shouted from where the girls
were getting into formation and both Blaine and Kurt blushed furiously.
“I’ll talk to you later?” Blaine asked throwing his leg back over the railing but not jumping down just yet.
“Yes I’ll - I’ll see if it’s alright with my dad and get back to you,” Kurt replied still a bit dazed. This had to
be a dream… it had to be.
Blaine’s confidence seemed to return a bit. “Great! And uh, here… hold onto this for me?” he asked
holding out his Letterman jacket.
Kurt could practically feel Mercedes hop in excitement beside him and knew she was barely holding
back a girly squeal.
Kurt hesitantly reached out and took the jacket, never taking his eyes off of Blaine’s hopeful ones, and
the smile he was rewarded with left him breathless. “You can wear it if you want - if you get cold or
whatever.” Blaine jumped down to the ground, stumbling a bit and blushing adorably after he managed
to catch himself, waving at Kurt one more time before turning and joining the rest of the Cheerios.
Kurt could hear Carole chuckling softly behind him, but he didn’t dare turn around to look at his dad just
yet. Deciding that that conversation could wait until at least halftime, but he could feel the man’s eyes
on the back of his head practically willing him to turn and look at him. Kurt laid the heavy jacket across
his lap, not sure exactly what to do with it just yet. It would clash horribly with his outfit if he put it on,
but he had a giddy fluttery feeling in his chest as he folded his hands over the top of it.
“Someone has a date!” Mercedes leaned in and sang in his ear, grabbing his arm excitedly, and Kurt
couldn’t help the large grin that spread across his face.
When the band walked onto the field for their halftime performance and the Cheerios all took a seat on
the bench set up for them Kurt decided that now was maybe the time to bring up his…date. If that was
what it was. “I have to go to the bathroom.”
Just as Kurt figured his dad immediately stood to escort him. Mercedes gave him a nudge while Carole
gave him a small smile, even Mr. Schue gave him a thumbs up. The whole way to the bathroom the
tension was heavy and Kurt couldn’t quite figure out how to bring the topic up. It shouldn’t have been
such a big deal. Finn went out on dates all the time, sometimes without even asking, but Finn wasn’t
Burt’s son (yet at least) Finn wasn’t as inexperienced as Kurt either, and Finn wasn‘t a gay boy in Lima
Kurt went into the bathroom, because he really did have to go, and when he stepped out his dad was
standing there just looking at him with this unreadable expression. “So um…”
“You can go,” Burt interrupted unexpectedly, causing Kurt’s head to snap up in surprise.
“I - I can?”
“If you really want to then yes you can and… it’s the weekend and you’re old enough so I’m not going to
set a curfew. I trust you to come home at a reasonable hour, but I want you to call me at ten and every
hour after that, and I want to know where you’re going and if you decide to go somewhere else then at
least text me the location, and I want you to call me when you‘re on your way home and if anything and I mean anything happens Kurt you call me. Understand?”
“I - yes… I will,” Kurt promised once he got his mouth to start working again.
Burt stared at him hard for a moment and then nodded. “Here… just in case.” he said gruffly as he
handed Kurt forty dollars. Kurt felt his eyes burning and blinked furiously but did lean in and hug his dad
tightly. His dad immediately returned the hug just as tight.
“You’re mom was a cheerleader you know.” Burt was smiling and his eyes were a little too shinny as he
kept an arm around Kurt’s shoulders while they walked back. Kurt ducked his head as a blush crept into
his cheeks. “She used to wear my Letterman jacket too, until she got her own, but she was a sophomore
and I was a senior when we first started dating. I liked seeing her wearing it - let me and everyone else
know she was mine and she was proud of me.”
“I always got the dumbest grin on my face any time I saw her with it. She would steal my class ring too when it was too hot to wear the jacket, and when I graduated she kept both. Even though I didn‘t go far,
started working at the garage right out of high school. I had so many plans to leave this place. I was
getting out of here right after I graduated, football scholarship waiting for me and all, but she was worth
sticking around for. Then you came along and it was just perfect.”
Kurt glanced down at the jacket still in his arms. He didn’t think he was ready to wear it or anything.
He’d just met Blaine, but it was a nice thought that left him feeling warm and tingly all over. “I didn’t
know that.” he whispered with a soft smile. His dad had never talked much about his mom so he didn‘t
know a whole lot about how they‘d met or really much about her at all other than his own vague
memories of her.
Burt’s arm tightened around his shoulders as they reached the stands. “Maybe we should break out the
old albums soon. I think there’s a few yearbooks in there too. I could tell you more stories.”
Kurt looked at his dad out the corner of his eye. “I’d like that.”
Kurt stood off to the side biting his lip and holding Blaine’s jacket over his arms as he waited for the
other boy. He tried to keep his nerves in check, and hoped they weren’t showing on his face. He glanced
over at where Carole, his dad, and Mercedes were standing trying to look like they weren’t just as
anxious for him. It had been about twenty minutes and doubt was starting to creep in.
Kurt jumped at the sound of his name being shouted and practically heard Carole and Mercedes sighs of
relief as Blaine came around the stands, skidding to a halt right in front of him.
“Hey,” The other boy said trying to catch his breath. “Sorry it took so long I had to explain to Coach
Sylvester why I wouldn’t be meeting them back at the school and change clothes.”
Kurt looked Blaine up and down, approving wholeheartedly of the clingy dark blue long-sleeved shirt the
boy was wearing and dark jeans - blue was definitely a good color on Blaine. He blushed though when
he realized what he’d done, but as his eyes snapped back up to Blaine’s face Blaine had his head cocked
to the side and was smiling at him.
“My - my dad said I could go,” Kurt stammered trying to push the butterflies away, but as cliché as it
sounded Blaine kind of left him breathless and dazed.
A guy like Blaine just didn’t ask someone like Kurt out - at least in Kurt’s world.
“Great um…” Blaine hesitated then, looking unsure, and this was it - what Kurt had been waiting to
happen. Blaine had changed his mind. Kurt braced himself for the let down, but Blaine‘s eyes left him to
glance over at where his dad was standing. “I should go over and introduce myself.”
“Oh.” Kurt felt something inside him melt as he stared at Blaine swallowing nervously. This was so…
cute. Blaine was nervous about meeting his dad. “You - you don’t have to. I mean he doesn’t expect you
to. I told him we just met recently and… I mean it’s not like we’re… I mean we’re not… I mean…” Oh god
he was rambling like an idiot.
Blaine stopped him though. “No, I want to. I mean I should.”
“Okay… if you want.” Kurt bit his lip again and turned to lead Blaine over to his dad, praying the whole
way that this went okay.
When they got close Blaine stepped in front of him holding out his hand, with an air of confidence and
assurance that impressed Kurt. “Hello Mr. Hummel, I’m Blaine Anderson.”
Carole was once again smiling behind her hand as Burt took Blaine’s hand in a firm grasp and shook it.
Kurt looked to make sure there was no unnecessary squeezing, but there wasn‘t. In fact, his dad seemed
kind of impressed that Blaine had come over at all. “Nice to meet you son. You take care of my boy - get
him home safe.”
“Yes sir.” Blaine promised sincerely. “We’re going to get some ice-cream and maybe catch a late movie
after or something… if Kurt wants to?” Blaine looked at Kurt to make sure that was okay and Kurt
nodded with a flush. “Mercedes has my cell phone number too in case you guys want it.”
Kurt could see his dad relaxing and a genuine smile lifting the corners of his lips. He seemed to… like
Blaine. “Good, well we need to drop Mercedes here off at her house, so you two have fun - and Kurt,
remember to call me.”
Kurt nodded, letting out the breath he had been holding. “It was lovely meeting you Blaine.” He heard
Carole saying as he gave his dad a hug goodbye. Then they left and it was just he and Blaine standing
there in silence.
After standing there for an awkward moment Blaine pointed over his shoulder toward the parking lot.
“So um… my car is this way.”
“O-okay…” Kurt wrapped his arms around Blaine’s jacket tighter, trying to calm his nerves, then realized
what he was doing. “Oh here!” He offered the jacket to Blaine who must have been cold since all he was
wearing was the one shirt.
Blaine hesitated before taking it. “You sure you don’t need it?”
Kurt shook his head biting his lip as he watched Blaine shrug on the heavy material. He had on his own
jacket, although admittedly it was more for fashion than function, but they would be in the car in a
moment. Kurt followed behind Blaine as they entered the parking lot and glanced down at Blaine’s
hand. Would Blaine try and hold his hand by the end of the night? Kurt didn’t think he would mind if it
happened. In fact, he felt his heart beating a little faster and the anticipation building at just the thought
that it could happen.
They walked to the very back of the parking lot, which had Kurt confused because Blaine had been here
at least an hour before the crowds started arriving. Surely he could have gotten a front spot, but then
Kurt’s eyes landed on the car, sitting alone under a single glowing light and he froze, mouth dropping
open in surprise. “That’s your car! I thought it was one of the teachers!”
Blaine rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Uh yeah… sweet sixteen present from my parents. Me
and my dad rebuilt her.”
“Blaine you drive around in a 1957 Chevy Bel Air - a pink one ,” Kurt breathed eyes wide as he studied
the classic car, with white leather interior, soft blush pink paint job, white convertible top, and chrome
finish. “If I didn’t know my dad already liked you then I’d say he’s going to love you once he sees this.”
“Your dad likes me?”
Kurt’s admiration of the car came to a halt as he realized what he’d said. “Uh, yeah I think so. He wasn’t
even that nice to Finn when they first met and he actually smiled at you. So… Yeah…” The awkward
embarrassment was worth is as Blaine smiled brightly and walked over to the car with a hop in his step
to open Kurt’s door for him.
Kurt stared for a long second - a boy had just opened a car door for him. He felt his heart fluttering as he
swallowed thickly. God could Blaine be any more perfect! Kurt snapped out of it and slid into the seat
before things got awkward and Blaine closed the door gently then jogged around to his side sliding in as
Blaine grinned at him while he started the car. “Okay so ice cream first then we can go from there?”
“Sure.” Kurt nodded and found himself returning the smile with one of his own. It had been a while
since he’d smiled so genuinely.
“So Quinn told me you used to be a cheerleader. Why’d you quit?” Blaine asked, making small talk, as
they pulled onto the highway.
“It wasn’t really my thing. I only joined because Sue needed something extra for her performances and it
gave me a chance to sing solo. You‘ve only been in Glee club a week, but you‘ll see that Rachel is sort of
our self proclaimed star.”
“They showed me the video of the fourteen minute Celine Dion number you did in French and the
Madonna number you and Mercedes did at that pep rally. You have an amazing voice Kurt. It’s so
unique. I’ve never heard anything like it. It’s one of the reasons I joined Glee. I wanted to hear you sing.
Mr. Schue is crazy to put you in the background all the time. If you had been at Dalton you would have
been our star for sure."
"I mean a countertenor in an all boys choir. Wes and David nearly died when I told them about you. I
was hoping we could sing together some time too.” Blaine rambled, and Kurt could hear the breathless
nervousness in the other boys voice. It thrilled him to think that he made Blaine just as giddy and
nervous as Blaine made him. Blaine blushed and snapped his mouth shut. “So yeah… it was… you’re
really good. I’m going to shut up now.”
Kurt laughed feeling a little hot under the collar himself at the thought of Blaine telling his friends about
him. “I’d like that. You have a really amazing voice too,” he replied trying to ease some of Blaine’s
They talked for a while longer about music and old movies, and Kurt realized that he and Blaine had a lot
in common, which meant that the conversation never lulled or got awkward. They both grew more and
more comfortable until Kurt was laughing and teasing like he and Blaine had been friends forever.
When they pulled up outside the ice cream parlor Kurt had to laugh as Blaine killed the engine of his car,
and before Kurt could even unbuckle his seat belt, was already making his way around to open Kurt’s
door for him.
“What is it?” Blaine asked standing there looking down at Kurt with that handsome crooked smile and
his head cocked to the side curiously.
“It’s just you’re such a gentleman, and the car, the ice cream parlor… it’s all very 1950’s ,” Kurt answered
accepting Blaine’s outstretched hand and getting out, and if their hands lingered a bit longer than
necessary neither boy mentioned it.
Blaine looked uncertain for a second. “Oh, is that a bad thing?”
“No, no - not at all.” Kurt quickly reassured as Blaine yet again held a door open for him to enter the
small 1950’s decorated shop. There was even a large print of a replica of Blaine‘s car on the wall. “It’s
actually… kind of perfect.”
“Blaine!” A large man standing behind the counter greeted with a beaming smile. He was even wearing
a powder blue and white uniform with a little hat. “Here for your usual?”
“Yes, and whatever Kurt would like too.” Blaine moved aside a little so that Kurt was more visible.
The man’s eyes lit up and if possible his smile grew even larger. He held out his hand and Kurt hesitantly
took it. “It’s nice to finally have a face to go with the name. I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“You - you have?” Kurt questioned, glancing at Blaine who was turning redder by the second and
sending the man a warning look.
“Sure have, Blaine here is one of my regulars. He has been coming here since before he could walk
properly… names Tom. What can I get for you?”
“Oh um…” Kurt looked over the large chalkboard wall with all of the different ice creams, but his mind
was still stuck on the fact that apparently Blaine talked to people about him. “I’ll - I’ll have a banana split
- no pineapples.”
“Or nuts,” Blaine added quickly from beside him then blushed even redder when Kurt looked at him in
surprise. “ It comes with nuts too and Mercedes told me you were allergic to them…” he explained
Kurt‘s eyes narrowed on Blaine but he couldn‘t stop the smile that lifted the corners of his lips. “How
long have you and Mercedes been talking about me?”
“Just a couple of days now. We ran into each other at the Lima Bean one day, and kind of hit it off. She’s
a really interesting person.” Blaine was too embarrassed to look at him and Kurt was trying hard not to
laugh. “Um… we should get a table.”
Kurt followed Blaine over to a booth in the nearly empty parlor and they sat across from each other. “So
Blaine Anderson since you seem to already know so much about me. Tell me more about you.”
“Well… there’s not much to tell really. I transferred from Dalton Academy. I was in the Glee club there a Warbler. Um… you already knew that though. I started gymnastics in the 6th grade. I knew Quinn from
there and when I transferred to McKinley she asked me to join the Cheerios.”
“Do you still go to the gym sometimes?” Kurt really wanted to ask why Blaine had transferred from an
expensive all boys private school to a place like McKinley, but that seemed too personal of a question
when they were just really getting to know each other.
Blaine nodded. “Almost every day if I can get away with it. I even help train the beginners sometimes. I it’s kind of important to me.”
“You compete?”
“Yeah… when I can. I mean, not that much because my parents want me to focus on school and stuff,
but we’ve had scouts come to the gym before and there are a few collages who are interested I think. It
could become a serious thing for me.” Blaine blushed but Kurt didn’t think it was anything to be
embarrassed about.
In fact, he was kind of more than a little impressed, but this was the first topic to come up between
them where Kurt didn‘t really know anything - he definitely knew he wanted to know more though. “I
um - I watch the Olympics and stuff with my dad, but I don’t really know much about it. It all looks so
complicated. What do you do?”
Blaine looked at him with a tiny smirk twitching at the corner of his lips. He was definitely confident in
his ability to impress Kurt then. “Why don’t you come by one day and I’ll show you? I could even give
you a few lessons free of charge.”
Kurt ducked his head shyly. Was that an offer for another date? If this even was a date. “Yeah, that
could be fun.” He looked back up to see Blaine smiling at him, eyes warm and all too alluring.
Tom arrived with their ice cream, grinning at the two who had been locked in a rather intense stare off.
“Well boys here you go! Enjoy the rest of your date!”
Kurt froze.
Was this a date?
Oh god it was that awkward moment where neither of them knew what to say.
Blaine was going to laugh it off.
He was going to correct Tom.
Any second now he was -
“Thanks! We will.”
Kurt’s head snapped up to look at Blaine, but Blaine was looking at Tom with a bright, excited sort of
smile as he took his own triple fudge ice cream then Kurt’s banana split from the man’s fingers and set
them on the table. Tom left them and Blaine turned to his ice cream digging into it happily, but Kurt
couldn’t move. He could only stare at the other boy with his mouth hanging open unattractively.
When Blaine noticed Kurt’s lack of movement he looked up with a frown. “Is something wrong? Did he
put nuts on it?”
Kurt shook himself. “No it’s fine I just…” He trailed off looking away with a blush.
Blaine seemed to realize what had just happened though because his eyes widened in horror and he
reached out a hand to grab Kurt’s but stopped midway. “Oh god was I too forward. I shouldn’t have said
that. This doesn’t have to be a date if you -”
“No!” Kurt corrected quickly and probably a little too forcefully. “No I - I’m okay with that… if - if you
Blaine‘s smile nearly knocked Kurt breathless for a moment. “I was kind of hoping it could be.”
Kurt bit his lip and ducked his head, busying himself with his ice cream for a moment to try and hide his
sheer excitement. His first date. He was on his first official date with a boy.
A utterly perfect and handsome boy named Blaine Anderson.
He couldn’t have asked for anything more.
“Oh my god Kurt I’m so sorry!”
“Blaine it’s okay,” Kurt laughed although his face felt about a hundred degrees too hot as Blaine’s frantic
hands continued to wipe at his chest with a napkin.
“No it’s not! Oh my god I ruined your shirt!”
Kurt grabbed Blaine’s wrist before he could continue because seriously?
Someone was trying to test him.
“Blaine really it’s fine. A little shout and it’ll come right out. Besides look you can barely see it.”
Any other time Kurt Hummel would certainly not have been so calm about having triple fudge chocolate
ice cream slung on his favorite plum colored button up by an over enthusiastic spoon wielder who liked
to talk with his hands, but this was Blaine. Who’s desperately sorry eyes and mortification were
seriously doing something to Kurt’s insides.
Kurt brought Blaine’s hand down, still clasping it reassuringly in his own as he looked the boy directly in
the eye. “Seriously Blaine it’s okay, but if you want you can make it up to me?”
Blaine nodded before he even knew what he was agreeing to. “Anything.”
Kurt didn‘t doubt he could have asked Blaine for anything and he would have gotten it. Briefly the image
of that Armani scarf passed before his eyes, but he shook it off, rolling his eyes at his own ridiculousness.
“Let me pick the movie?”
The worry lines on Blaine‘s face instantly vanished as relief took over that their date wasn‘t completely
ruined. “Yes.”
“Oh my god Kurt I’m so sorry!”
“Blaine would you stop apologizing!”
“This is just - this is so stupid! I should be doing this… would you let me call someone instead or just
show me how and I‘ll do it?”
Kurt raised an eyebrow at Blaine. “My dad owns a mechanic shop Blaine. I’m perfectly capable of
changing a flat tire.” Kurt actually found it kind of amusing that Blaine didn’t know how to change a flat
tire but had helped his dad rebuild a 57 Chevy - Kurt guessed Blaine’s dad had done most of the
rebuilding then.
“But you’re getting all dirty!” Blaine exclaimed in dismay as he held the flashlight for Kurt. They had
pulled over on the side of the highway and Kurt was currently kneeling on the ground as he tightened
the last of the nuts.
“There all done… see…” Kurt stood brushing off his knees and luckily his skinny jeans were black so it
was hard to tell if they’d stained or not.
Blaine sighed and walked over to him with a bottle of water and an old shirt he must have had stored in
the back somewhere. “Here…” he murmured in disappointment at himself, but Kurt’s breath caught as
Blaine took his dirty hands into his own warm calloused ones and poured the water over them,
massaging the dirt and grime out with his fingers, before wiping it away with the shirt.
Kurt couldn’t say or do anything but stare at Blaine in wonder.
“Oh my god Kurt I’m so sorry!”
“Blaine here, I’ve got money.” Kurt reached into his pocket but Blaine’s hand on his arm stopped him.
“No… no, I must have dropped it in the car. Come on, it’ll only take a second to look. I asked you out so
I‘ll pay,” Blaine stated pulling Kurt back toward the parking lot. Blaine’s wallet wasn’t in the car though.
“You had it when we left the ice cream place right?” Kurt asked looking up from the passenger side
where he‘d been looking under the seat.
“Yeah, I put it in my pocket… maybe Tom is still there, let me call and make sure.” Blaine called Tom
quickly but the man assured them that Blaine hadn’t left his wallet. He’d cleaned the table himself right
after they’d left and there had been nothing there.
“Maybe… maybe you dropped it back where we had that flat?”
Kurt could see Blaine biting his lip and glancing at the theater uncertainly. Hesitant to ask Kurt to leave
because Kurt had really wanted to see that movie, but they could see the movie another time, finding
Blaine’s wallet was a little more important.
“Are you sure this is where we were?” Kurt asked as he squinted in the dark, which was difficult since it
had become cloudy so there wasn‘t much light other than the headlights and the single flashlight Blaine
was holding.
“I remember that… tree…” Blaine trailed off not sounding as sure as he could have been. He finally
sighed and leaned his back against his car pouting adorably. “Oh my god this is turning into the worst
date ever!”
“Hey, no it’s not…” Kurt soothed walking over but an uneven piece of concrete caught his shoe and he
careened forward right into Blaine.
Blaine reacted quickly though and caught him around the waist. Kurt took a few deep breaths to calm
his racing heart, but it was no use as his eyes lifted to see Blaine’s staring back at him merely
centimeters away.
“Um hi,” Kurt whispered shakily not knowing what to do, but knowing what he wanted to do as his eyes
glanced down at Blaine’s lips before he could stop them.
“Hi…” Blaine whispered back and then he was there. His lips warm and firm against Kurt’s and Kurt took
in a sharp breath of shock before pressing back.
In his head there was a war going on. Between focusing on the sensation of Blaine’s lips against his or
giving into his utter excitement and squealing like a five year old girl.
This was his first kiss.
His very first kiss!
Blaine’s arms tightened around his waist, pressing Kurt closer to his very solid, very warm body. His head
angled for better contact and Kurt practically melted when Blaine pressed in more confidently. His hand
came up to cup the side of Kurt’s face gently, thumb brushing over Kurt’s cheekbone, while Kurt’s own
hands found themselves twisted in Blaine’s Letterman jacket pulling him closer.
As far as kisses went it was pretty simple compared to what Kurt had seen in movies or the numerous
times he’d seen Puck or Santana making out with various people in the hallways. This kiss was so perfect
and sweet and intimate that Kurt didn’t think those kisses could even hold a candle to what he was
experiencing right now.
Kurt felt a sigh escape him and Blaine pulled back slowly. Their eyes locked for a long moment before
Blaine looked away with a breathless laugh as a blush crept up his neck. “I um…”
“If you say you’re sorry I will kick you where it really hurts.” Kurt warned still a little out of breath as his
heart continued to beat like a humming bird.
Blaine laughed genuinely, Kurt could feel it vibrating through Blaine’s chest, and was really glad Blaine’s
arm was still around his waist because as cliché as it sounded his knees kind of felt weak. “No - no that
definitely wasn’t a mistake. I didn’t think it would happen so soon, but I’m definitely not complaining. I
just - I found my wallet.”
Blaine nodded to the ground where his eyes had fallen after the kiss and Kurt’s head whipped around
only to spot the black leather wallet sitting near the edge of the road innocently. Then as if on cue a loud
clap of thunder broke across the sky and rain began to pour hard and fast.
Kurt couldn’t bring himself to care that his hair was currently getting plastered to his head, or his clothes
were probably ruined, or even that it was freezing cold. He was laughing too hard and Blaine was really
warm anyway and Kurt was perfectly content to stay here pressed against him. Kurt could feel Blaine
starting to laugh as well, and Blaine’s arms tightened back around his waist bringing him into his
Kurt’s shiver had nothing to do with the cold when he felt Blaine’s cheek brush against his own. “You’re
dad is going to kill me if you get sick.” Blaine whispered against his ear. “We should probably get back in
the car.”
Kurt hummed in agreement but he didn’t want to let go of Blaine or this moment just yet. It seemed
Blaine didn’t either as they stood there for a moment longer before reluctantly breaking apart. Kurt ran
over to grab Blaine’s wallet and both laughed when he nearly slipped and Blaine steadied him again.
They slid into the car and Blaine turned the heat up full blast before pulling onto the highway. Kurt had a
hard time ripping his eyes away from the way Blaine’s curls were plastered to his head or the way his
shirt was clinging to him even more now. Blaine had a really nice upper body and the beads of water
dripping down his neck and disappearing into his collar were no help either.
After driving a little in silence, both trying to warm up, Kurt decided to call his dad like he’d promised, to
tell him he was on his way home. He was a little disappointed that the date had ended so soon, but
honestly he couldn’t have thought of a better ending to it, and he hoped they could do this again…
disasters and all.
Skipping School
It was still raining when they pulled up to Kurt’s house, and despite it being after eleven almost all of the
lights were on. Kurt rolled his eyes. It would be just like his dad to not even try to hide the fact that he
had waited up for him.
Blaine, ever the gentleman, unbuckled his seat belt preparing to open his door, but Kurt stopped him
quickly. “Blaine you’re not walking me to the door it’s still raining!”
“But I -” Blaine seemed truly lost for a second.
Kurt laughed plucking Blaine‘s phone up and quickly typing in his number. “Here… call me or text me or
whatever…” he trailed off with a blush.
Blaine took the phone back with a smile, staring down at Kurt‘s name on his screen. “I will.”
They didn’t kiss again and Kurt really hadn’t expected it. The first had been spur of the moment, and
while it had be more than great, Kurt still wanted to get to know Blaine some more before pushing
things. He’d never been in a relationship before, so he didn’t really know how things worked, but he did
know that he wanted to take things slow.
As ridiculous as it sounded, considering he was so young, Kurt didn’t want to end up like every other
high school romance. He was rather limited in Lima Ohio to begin with. Blaine was the first out gay boy
he’d ever met, other than the few he’d chatted with on Facebook who lived in places like San Francisco
or New York.
Kurt didn’t have the luxury of dating casually like his straight friends. He felt like he had to take every
chance he got seriously, and he didn‘t want to screw this up. Blaine was good looking, interesting, smart,
dorky, adorable, funny. They had so much in common. Kurt couldn’t have asked for a better first chance
than this. It was kind of amazing really, all the waiting and heartache, watching other teenagers jump
from relationship to relationship, all for a guy like Blaine to suddenly drop into his life.
Yeah it was kind of worth it.
Kurt didn’t want all of those other relationships. All he wanted was one meaningful one.
Carole tried not to spy, although she knew Burt was standing like a dark silhouette in the living room
window. She was proud of herself for only glancing up through the kitchen widow above the sink twice once when Blaine’s rather amazing car pulled into the driveway, and the second time when Kurt was
making his way onto the porch and waving Blaine off.
Blaine stayed outside, with his headlights on the front door until Carole heard it open and close. Only
then, when Kurt was safely inside, did Blaine back out and drive away.
Instead of running straight to his room with a shout of goodnight as Carole expected, Kurt surprised her
by turning the corner and entering the kitchen. “Oh my god you’re soaking wet!” Carole exclaimed
grabbing a clean dishtowel from nearby and walking over to Kurt who was soaked to the bone. He was
far wetter than he should have been, but surprisingly for the first time Kurt didn‘t seem to care about
the state of his hair or clothes.
Kurt didn’t say a word as he took the towel and wiped his face. Carole waited patiently and noticed Burt
hovering just out of sight of the doorway. Kurt certainly didn’t seem to notice his father as he chewed on
his bottom lip and folded the damp towel in his hands over and over again anxiously.
“So did you have a good time dear?” Carole broached cautiously. It filled her heart with a pleasant
warmth that Kurt had come to her to talk about whatever it was on his mind, and just looking at him she
knew. Call it a mother’s intuition but there was something about Kurt that had shifted, a twinkle in his
eyes that hadn’t been there before, a barely contained happiness that was exuding from him even when
he was just standing there.
Carole knew that look.
“I -” Kurt looked around a flush entering his cheeks but a large grin was slowly spreading across his face,
and then he looked at her, eyes so bright and happy that Carole wanted to cry with joy “He kissed me.”
Carole could admit that she squealed a little bit as she grabbed Kurt’s hands while he too suddenly
became animated and began telling her all about his perfect disaster of a date. She did quickly glance at
the doorway to check on Burt who was still there watching them, eyes studying and taking in his son’s
face intently.
“Then when we were looking for his wallet I tripped and he caught me and - and it just happened! He he kissed me! Oh my god it was so amazing! His lips were so soft, but firm you know and he was warm
and he smelled really good. It was nothing like what Brittany said and nothing like those face eating
kisses I see other couples doing at school all the time."
"Blaine was so gentle and such a gentleman. He was… sweet you know, and it was - I’ve never… my first
real kiss and it was with him! I never thought - I mean Blaine is so good looking! And he’s so… so perfect.
The kiss, the whole date, was perfect! Just like a movie…” Kurt trailed off dreamily and Carole had to
suppress a chuckle at the love struck expression on his face.
“So let me get this straight the boy threw chocolate ice cream on your favorite shirt. You had to change
a flat tire on the side of the highway. You missed the movie to go look for this boys wallet back on the
side the highway at 11:00 at night. You got caught in the rain… and it was perfect? You’re not even a
little bit mad?” Burt finally spoke up in confusion, causing Kurt to whirl around in surprise finally coming
out of his post date daze and remembering where exactly he was and that his father had been awake in
the house too.
Kurt blushed at his dad having heard the whole second by second replay of the kiss but shook his head.
“Of course not. I had an amazing time! Blaine’s great dad. A perfect gentleman and… I really should go
call him to make sure he made it home okay.”
“Sure dear, but change out of those wet clothes first will you.” Carole smiled as Kurt passed Burt who
was simply standing in the doorway watching his son as if he’d never seen him before.
“So I think Kurt really likes this boy,” Carole laughed after Kurt was out of earshot.
Burt rubbed a hand over his chin and nodded still staring up the stairs after his son. “I think I really like
him too.”
Kurt should have known that his post date bliss couldn’t last past Monday morning. He should have
gone with his first instinct getting dressed that morning too and worn his second best outfit. He should
have packed his first best outfit to change into later like he‘d considered doing, but what if it had gotten
wrinkles or what if Blaine had waited for him in the parking lot?
Was it too much to ask the jocks to wait until after Blaine got the chance to see him?
“Well look who it is! Hey Lady Boy wait up!” Kurt sped up his pace, keeping his head down, but it was no
use as a heavy hand landed on his shoulder. “Why you in such a hurry Hummel. We’ve got fifteen
minutes before first bell.”
Kurt didn’t even dignify that with an answer as he shrugged the hand off. “We saw you at the game
chatting with Anderson. He your new butt buddy.”
Kurt spun around as an irrational spike of anger shot through him. They could tease him all they wanted
but Blaine was too nice of a person to deserve that. “You and Azimio would know all about that
wouldn’t you?”
“You implying something homo?” Karofsky stepped in front of him blocking his path and as much as Kurt
hated himself for it he flinched away from the large boy cracking his knuckles.
“Oh yes I forgot. Hold on and I’ll get some crayons and blank paper so I can draw it out for you.” Kurt
replied sarcastically, but on the inside he was begging his mouth to stop talking. Next thing Kurt knew
his back was hitting the hard metal of a dumpster and his newest Marc Jacobs bag was being ripped
from his shoulder. “Hey! No!”
“Shut up!” Karofsky growled pushing Kurt back against the dumpster, causing him to hit his elbow rather
hard and tears to spring to his eyes. Azimio and the other guys ripped his bag in half and dumped his
stuff all over the parking lot as Kurt was forced to stand there an watch helplessly again.
Out of the corner of his eye Kurt saw something pink pulling up next to his Navigator and felt a lump
rising in his throat when Blaine came into view a moment later - just as Karofsky and the others had
finished trashing his stuff and decided that he and the inside of the dumpster hadn’t visited in a while.
“What’s going on here?” Blaine’s voice rang out, but his angry tone told Kurt he knew exactly what was
going on and he wasn’t going to stand by and let it happen like most others usually did.
Kurt closed his eyes tightly though, wishing for once that Blaine would just go away and ignore it. Blaine
didn‘t need to see this, it was so embarrassing, and Blaine definitely didn‘t deserve to start getting
treated like this because he tried to stand up for Kurt. To Kurt’s surprise though he felt the harsh hands
leaving him and opened his eyes to see Azimio and Karofsky backing away.
“Nothing,” Karofsky stated shoving Kurt’s torn bag into his chest. “Just helping Hummel here gather his
stuff… that was a pretty nasty fall right?” Karofsky looked at him in warning and Kurt swallowed thickly.
“Ri - right…I just… fell.” He glanced at Blaine who was looking at him with an intense frown and Kurt had
to look away again as shame flooded him.
“You should be more careful next time Hummel, wouldn’t want anything bad to happen…” Azimio
added, shoulder checking him as they walked past, and Kurt stared after them in shock.
Were they really just… leaving?
“Are you okay?” Blaine questioned suddenly right beside him and Kurt jumped, having forgotten the
other boy for a moment.
He couldn’t bring himself to look at Blaine’s wide earnest eyes so Kurt looked at all of his ruined
notebooks and binders instead. ”Umm - yeah,” he answered rolling his shoulders to work out the
soreness before falling to his knees to start gathering his stuff with one arm since the other was still
tingling from the hit it took.
Blaine just stood there for a long moment and Kurt could feel his eyes on him. “You should probably go
inside the bell will be ringing any minute now.”
To Kurt’s surprise however Blaine took a step forward and knelt down beside him to help him gather his
things. They worked in silence, even after the bell rang, until Kurt’s papers and binders were in some
sort of order and Kurt had stuffed them in his extra, although less fabulous, bag he always had stored in
the back seat of his Navigator.
“Um… thank you,” Kurt said gripping the shoulder strap of his bag tightly and biting his lower lip while
he stood there awkwardly. Blaine still hadn’t said anything and it was making him nervous.
Then suddenly Kurt felt arms around him and he froze in surprise for a moment before melting into the
hug - not realizing how badly he‘d needed one. He felt Blaine’s chin hook on his shoulder and one of
Blaine’s hands wrapping around the back of his neck while the other ran up and down his back
“You don’t have to be embarrassed around me. I don’t want you to ever feel ashamed. You have nothing
to be ashamed about. They‘re the ones who should be feeling shame. You‘re an amazing person Kurt
and you don‘t deserve to be treated as anything less.”
Kurt felt tears spring to his eyes and blinked them back quickly as they pulled apart. Only his dad had
ever said anything like that to him, and here was this boy who he‘d only gone on one date with saying
those things to him as well…
Kurt might actually start believing it.
Blaine smiled at him, eyes so full of understanding and compassion that Kurt almost cried right then, but
he managed to smile back instead - although it was a bit watery.
“I’m sorry you’re late for class.” Kurt whispered not really knowing what to say. He thought that maybe
he should thank Blaine, but he couldn’t really put into words what he was feeling towards the other boy
at the moment. Everything he thought to say just felt empty and shallow.
Blaine shrugged, looking at the school for a moment before turning back to Kurt. “You wanna skip and
go grab some coffee? I don’t have any tests today that I know of and we could be back in time for Glee
club or even before that? I mean… if you just want to talk or something.”
Kurt did have a test in French, but he could always make that up easily. He’d never skipped school
before, and Blaine didn’t really seem like the type of guy to just skip either. His heart was starting to
beat a little faster at the thought of doing something considered bad. It could get him detention or
suspended if they were caught. Puck would be so proud of him - skipping school to spend time with a
boy. Kurt felt a smile stretching across his face as the excitement at the thought grew and he looked
back at Blaine.
“I’d love to.”
“Here… how’s your arm?” Blaine questioned, concern shining brightly in his eyes as he slid Kurt’s coffee
over to him and settled down in his seat.
Kurt wiggled his fingers and stretched out his arm. “It’s fine, just a small twinge now.” he answered
honestly although he knew it would probably bruise.
There was a long silence before Blaine finally took a sip of his coffee and spoke. “I know what it’s like. I
mean, it’s why I transferred to Dalton in the first place. They have a no bullying policy that’s enforced that and my dad liked how it would look on a college application.”
“Why did you come to McKinley then?” Kurt had wanted to know this before, but hadn’t asked because
it had seemed like such a personal question for some reason. Blaine was giving him the perfect opening
now though.
Blaine fiddled with the lid of his coffee cup for a moment before looking back up at Kurt, eyes full of
regret and anger. “Because I regretted running every day. I felt like such a coward Kurt. I felt like I let
them win. I loved Dalton don’t get me wrong. I made some great friends there, but it was all a lie. It‘s
not the real world. This is…” Blaine took Kurt‘s hand across the table and Kurt gasped softly, instantly
looking around to see who was watching them. “This is the real world… us, these people staring at us,
judging us, that‘s reality, and I had to be sure I could survive in it. That‘s why I transferred.”
Kurt didn‘t pull his hand away even though every instinct told him he should in case someone saw and
got angry, but he wanted to hold Blaine‘s hand - and why shouldn‘t he be able to? He turned his hand
over and watched as Blaine smiled softly when their fingers automatically entwined on top of the table
as if they‘d been doing it for years already. “When did you come out?”
“Seventh grade,” Blaine answered still staring down at their hands as his thumb caressed Kurt’s hand in
a way that sent pleasant tingles up his arm. “I used to doodle and write songs in my notebooks and I had
a crush on Orlando Bloom at the time - I guess I always had a thing for taller guys.” Blaine glanced at
him and laughed softly as Kurt blushed. “I left one of my notebooks in class and the teacher picked it up.
I guess he looked inside to see who’s it was and…kids learn a lot from adults you know, and he wasn’t
exactly the nicest guy after that. I ended up transferring to Dalton my first year of high school.”
“Did the teacher ever…” Kurt trailed off not knowing how to ask.
“No - no… he was too scared of my dad to do anything outright. Just you know, grading my papers more
harshly, calling me out in class, there was some name-calling too, and he definitely didn’t bother
stopping the other students.” Blaine explained nonchalantly as he took a sip of coffee, but Kurt was
barely containing his growing anger.
“Did they do anything about it? Is he still teaching?”
Blaine looked at him, head cocked to the side with an adorably amused smile. He squeezed Kurt’s hand
gently in reassurance. “He was fired. My dad was pretty furious too when I explained to him why I got a
D in History when that was normally my best class.”
“So is your dad okay with…” Kurt cut himself off as he felt Blaine’s hand flex in his and saw Blaine tense.
“You don’t have to answer that.”
“No it’s okay. My dad’s not - not abusive or anything. He loves me. I know he does. It’s just that it’s a…a
sensitive subject in my house. We don‘t talk about it.”
“Oh…” Kurt trailed off not knowing what to say to that. The bullying he understood, but as far as his dad
went, sometimes Kurt took for granted how lucky he was to have Burt as a father. It made him feel
guilty sometimes that he didn‘t spend as much time with his dad as he used to. “I came out last year, but
I guess everyone already knew - my dad especially. I’m not exactly subtle.” Kurt laughed and Blaine
smiled warmly, squeezing his hand encouragingly. “I guess he had time to come to terms with it while I
was growing up. He accepted it before I did.”
“I’m really happy for you and your dad’s relationship. I think that‘s the greatest thing in the world,”
Blaine replied sincerely and Kurt felt his heart swell with warmth and happiness as their eyes remained
locked for a moment.
Then Kurt looked back down at their entwined fingers. “The bullying has sort of always been around for
me. I was always… different I guess. They were calling me those names before I even understood what it
was to be gay. They didn’t understand either in the beginning. They were just repeating what they’d
heard their parents saying. I never… had friends…” Kurt cut himself off, choking up. This conversation
was getting a little deeper than he expected it too.
“You don’t have to say more,” Blaine whispered covering Kurt’s hand with his other hand as well.
Kurt shook his head though. He wanted to. He wanted to share this with someone who could
understand even just a little bit what it was like. “I umm… I didn’t really have friends until last year when
I joined Glee club. I mean, I knew Tina and Mercedes but we never hung out outside of school, and then
they were like my best friends, and there was Finn and Puck and Artie too - guys who were actually nice
to me for once. If it wasn’t for Glee club I don’t know where I would be right now. I’d be… I don’t really
like to think about it actually.”
Blaine was studying him intently now and Kurt had to look away because those eyes were just too much
for his fragile emotions at the moment. “Kurt did you ever consider -”
“Oh god no!” Kurt protested quickly looking back up at Blaine. “My dad needs me too much. I would
never do that to him. I got depressed. I wanted to get out, but never like that. I thought about running
away, but never that. I just - I wanted to find someone who could understand. It was just… hard
sometimes dealing with it all alone.”
Blaine’s hand squeezed his tightly. “Well you’re not alone anymore. Your dad obviously cares for you,
and Mercedes loves you to death, everyone in Glee club adores you, and… there‘s me now too. I can‘t
say I understand everything you‘ve been through Kurt, but I do understand what it‘s like to be different,
and I do understand what it‘s like to feel so alone you‘d do anything to get out. I understand what it‘s
like to dream of running away, and you know maybe one day we can. One day we‘ll both get out of here
and we won‘t have to do it alone.”
Kurt felt his breath catch.
“I really like you a lot Kurt.” Blaine stated looking at him with such heartfelt eyes that Kurt couldn’t look
“I like you too.” Kurt replied a little breathless, even more so when Blaine smiled at him so brightly it lit
the room up.
Blaine then sat up straight, looking around them, before standing and tugging on Kurt’s hand for him to
get up too. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
“Where are we going?” Kurt questioned grabbing his jacket and scarf quickly. Blaine suddenly seemed
really excited about something.
“We’ve skipped a whole day of classes, and you need some cheering up - let’s go do something fun!”
Kurt laughed as Blaine took his hand again and began dragging him out of the coffee shop and toward
his car. He didn’t even care where Blaine was taking him as long as he kept holding his hand.
“Blaine are we even supposed to be here?” Kurt hissed crouching behind Blaine as he unlocked the
“Everyone’s gone for competitions, or they’re at school, it’s alright Kurt.” Blaine laughed grabbing his
hand again and pulling him inside the massive building.
“My point exactly. No one’s here, so should we be?”
“Kurt you don‘t think they‘d give me a key and then not expect me to use it…” Blaine teased swinging
the key-chain in front of Kurt’s face.
Kurt rolled his eyes and let Blaine drag him past the empty front lobby and behind two large double
doors. He flicked on a series of light switches and Kurt didn’t know what to look at first, much less what
some of the things even were. There was just so much… equipment.
Blaine let go of Kurt’s hand and bounced into the room happily throwing out his arms and twirling
around to face Kurt with a large grin. “So… what do you think?”
“It looks… I don’t know exactly what everything is…” Kurt trailed off sheepishly. It looked like a pretty
impressive set up, but then again he could have been wrong about that and this equipment could have
been the knock off versions. He didn’t want to embarrass himself by saying it was amazing when he
didn’t know if it actually was.
Blaine didn’t seem fazed however and bounced back over to him taking both of his hands and dragging
him farther into the room. “I’ll just have to show you won‘t I… well some of it. I can’t do everything.”
Kurt gasped in mock horror and put a hand over his chest. “Really now, and here I was thinking there
was nothing you couldn’t do! Have you been deceiving me Mr. Anderson!”
“I admit there’s only one or two things I can‘t do,” Blaine replied haughtily but he couldn’t contain his
Blaine it seemed almost never stopped smiling.
“Including changing a flat tire.” Kurt teased slyly.
Blaine gasped in mock offense. “Are you using my weaknesses against me Mr. Hummel.”
Kurt couldn’t help but laugh now as his eyes unconsciously raked over Blaine in his fitted jeans and tight
sweater. “Hmm… I’m sure there are plenty of strengths that more than make up for it.” Blaine blushed
furiously and Kurt looked away as well, realizing what he’d done.
Blaine cleared his throat. “Just give me a second and I’ll go change. I’m pretty sure I left one of my
uniforms in my locker.”
Kurt berated himself the entire time Blaine was gone. He really needed to get control of his leering at
the other boy. However, that was about to prove impossible when Blaine walked back out. The
Cheerio’s uniform had nothing on this one. Kurt was pretty sure that had been a whimper that escaped
him. His eyes must have been the size of dinner plates, but Blaine didn’t notice as he was too busy
wrapping his wrists with some kind of white tape.
“So what do you want me to show you first?”
It was official. Kurt’s brain had short-circuited. “I um - you - whatever you want.” He finally managed to
get out as Blaine dropped to the floor and began stretching. Kurt tried to look away, tried to get his body
under his control again, but that was hard when the only thing going through his brain was
ohmygodohmygodohmygod .
Blaine’s arms were… amazing. There was so much strength in them. Kurt ached to know what they
would feel like wrapped around him - really holding him tightly. Blaine had hugged him before but those
times had seemed so brief now. Kurt’s fingers flexed with the effort it was taking him to hold himself
back. He wanted to touch, to wrap his hands around those biceps, to smooth his palms up that firm
chest, and just feel the flexing of those hard muscles with every move Blaine made.
Kurt had never really thought about anyone sexually before. Of course, he’d thought about sex in
general and he’d read about how it worked between two guys after a failed attempt trying to watch it.
He’d wanted to be informed even if he never got the chance to experience anything until after high
school - maybe even collage.
As far as Finn and Sam though, the only other two boys he’d ever had crushes on, Kurt hadn’t allowed
his mind to picture doing more than kissing with them and really his mind had never pushed for more.
Blaine however, was making things really really hard for him. The thoughts and images were just beyond
Kurt’s control at this point, and as Blaine nearly did the splits stretching his legs, Kurt heard a gasp
escape his own lips and tore his eyes away quickly.
“So what first?” Blaine questioned jumping back to his feet with a beaming smile, having no clue what
he was doing to Kurt, but Blaine probably wore this outfit all the time so he probably really didn’t realize
the affect he was having.
Kurt’s eyes roamed the room for something to focus on besides the way those pants clung to Blaine’s
legs. But some of the equipment looked… it was just… his mind was so far in the gutter right now he’d
need a tractor to dig himself out.
“How about just some… flips and stuff?”
Blaine just continued to smile innocently at him and it made Kurt feel so dirty for his thoughts. “Sure!”
Then Blaine just did it. He turned away from Kurt, ran over to a large blue mat in the center of the room,
and just started flipping as easy as he walked. Kurt was pretty sure his mouth was hanging open when
Blaine flipped to a stop right in front of him.
“So?” he asked breathlessly but with a large grin and a light in his eyes that told Kurt exactly how much
he loved doing this. It obviously gave him a rush, if the pure restless energy vibrating from Blaine was
anything to go by.
“I think that was probably the most amazing thing I’ve ever seen. I can see why Quinn begged you to be
on the Cheerios.” Kurt answered with genuine amazement. He even impressed himself that he was able
to string that whole reply together so eloquently when all his mind and body wanted him to do was grab
Blaine and kiss him senseless.
Blaine looked bashful for a second at the praise but then grinned excitedly at Kurt again and took his
hand tugging him forward. “You were on the Cheerios too right? Can you -”
“Oh no!” Kurt cut in quickly stopping and holding up his hands. “I was just there to sing and dance
around… and it could barely be called dancing at that.”
Blaine caught his hand again though and tugged him onto the blue mat with an excited glint in his eyes.
“Well come on I’ll show you how.”
“Blaine I can’t -”
“It’ll be fun and I promise I won’t let you get hurt.” Kurt was going to continue to protest but Blaine’s
eyes were so eager he couldn’t, and the thought of Blaine‘s hands on him - showing him positions… okay
Kurt‘s brain needed to stop that.
“Here take off your coat and shoes.” Blaine helped him take off his coat and scarf, jogging over and
folding them gently over what looked like a balance beam before coming back and taking Kurt’s shoes
and setting them to the side as well.
The thought that his clothes would probably get wrinkled or that his hair was most likely going to be
messed up by the time they were done didn’t even cross Kurt’s mind as Blaine came to stand right
beside him, so close he could feel the heat from the other boys body.
“Can you do a back-bend?” Blaine questioned, breath ghosting over the side of Kurt’s face, and all Kurt
could do was swallow thickly and shake his head.
Kurt didn’t think he’d ever blushed so hard or so much in his entire life then having Blaine teach him
how to do a back-bend and literally flipping him over in an attempt at a hand spring. Kurt was laughing
though and breathless as he collapsed to the floor with Blaine kneeling down right beside him laughing
as well.
“Fun right?”
“I didn’t know I could bend like that.” Kurt replied smiling up at the other boy once his racing heart
calmed and he got his breath back, which was easier now that Blaine’s hands weren’t all over him.
“You’re probably more flexible than you think Kurt. You’re slim and you have long limbs. I mean you’re
legs go on for miles! I bet they‘re very flexible.” Kurt‘s choked on his breath and glanced over to see
Blaine‘s neck and face slowly turning from pink to full blown red, which caused Kurt to blush yet again,
as they both avoided each other’s eyes.
Kurt cleared his throat after an awkward moment and sat up. “So what do you compete in?”
“Oh,” Blaine lifted his head and looked around. “Well we try everything at least once to see where our
strengths lie, and you can compete in more than one category. My best is the floor exercise or the
pommel horse. That‘s what I usually compete in when I can during the summer after school lets out.”
Kurt remembered Blaine mentioning his parents disapproval of anything that could take time away from
Blaine’s education, and he hoped that didn’t mean a boyfriend as well… or whatever they were.
“Come on I’ll show you…” Blaine stood to his feet and offered Kurt his hand to help him up. Kurt stood
and smoothed out the wrinkles in his shirt but it was useless and for once he shrugged and left it alone.
Blaine laughed though and suddenly Kurt felt a hand raking through his hair, and he had to admit that it
was really nice to have someone else‘s hand there. “Wow I don’t think I’ve ever seen a head of hair
stand up quite like that.”
Kurt squeaked in horror and his own hand flew to his hair, which he felt was currently sticking straight
up in just about every direction. “Oh my god I must look horrible!”
“Actually I -” A blush began creeping up Blaine’s neck again as his mouth snapped shut, but he couldn’t
exactly stop now. “Actually I like it. It’s - it looks kind of… hot like that I mean.”
Again they avoided each other’s gaze.
“I um… I like the uniform. I like you in the uniform.” Kurt offered softly after a long moment, still looking
down at the floor and twisting his hands nervously.
Why should Blaine be the only one giving out compliments though, and maybe if Kurt offered his own
more freely then they could get over the embarrassment quicker. They both knew they liked each other
so it shouldn’t be so awkward to say it out loud, and Kurt kind of liked hearing it.
Blaine laughed softly and shook his head bashfully. “Come on…” He grabbed Kurt’s hand and tugged him
over to what Kurt assumed was the pommel horse . “Sit here and give me a second to get ready.”
Kurt sat on a nearby chair and waited for Blaine to finish preparing and start, and if Kurt thought Blaine’s
arms looked amazing stationary it was nothing compared to when Blaine actually started using them to
literally hold his entire body in the air and sling it around.
“Oh my god,” Kurt breathed and he was thankful that Blaine was so focused on what he was doing that
he didn’t hear him.
What Blaine was doing was amazing, something Kurt couldn’t even begin to imagine doing himself, but
Kurt was having a really hard time tearing his gaze away from Blaine’s arms to take in the rest of him. It
was just… beautiful.
Blaine finally came to a stop, sitting on the edge of the beam and panting as he looked at Kurt
expectantly. “So… what’d you think?”
Kurt’s eyes traveled up Blaine’s bulging, now slick with perspiration, arms due to the workout they’d just
received to his excited hazel eyes. “I um… I um…” He couldn’t seem to get his mouth to work properly
and Blaine was starting to frown - self doubt creeping into his expressive eyes.
Kurt couldn’t have that so he stood and walked over. He stopped right in front of Blaine and paused,
fidgeting nervously and biting his lower lip. “I really want to kiss you again if that’s okay?”
That was all Kurt could think to say because that was the only thing going through his mind at the
moment. He really wanted to kiss and touch Blaine. He just wanted to be near him, to feel those hands
on his face or in his hair again, feel those arms surrounding him, smell that masculine scent that set his
blood on fire.
God he ached he wanted it so bad.
Blaine didn’t say anything. His mouth parted slightly as his eyes darkened and darted down to Kurt’s
own lips. Then his hands reached out, one settling low on Kurt’s waist, while the other came up to cup
Kurt’s neck, thumb rubbing over his jaw, and he was pulling Kurt forward between his knees, dragging
Kurt’s lips to meet his own.
Kurt breathed in sharply when their lips connected and Blaine pressed in harder at the sound, wrapping
his arm completely around Kurt’s lower back and hauling him closer. Finally able to touch Blaine how
he‘d been wanting to all afternoon, Kurt wrapped his hands around the other boys bare biceps, sighing
dreamily into the kiss as the muscles flexed beneath his fingers.
Blaine’s fingers moved around his neck and then up to tangle in the back of his hair, pulling Kurt’s head
back slightly for a better angle since Blaine was actually sitting taller than him at the moment. Kurt
gasped softly as Blaine pressed into the kiss harder and more insistent. His fingers clung hard to the
other boys arms as he arched up slightly into the more passionate kiss.
Heat flooded Kurt while Blaine‘s lips massaged against his own, and Kurt breathed deeply through his
nose, Blaine’s heady scent making his knees go weak. Blaine‘s own knees where bracketing him. Kurt
could feel them pressing against either side of his hips helping to keep him steady.
After a moment Blaine pulled back slightly and Kurt nearly let out a whine of protest, but then he felt
Blaine nipping at his bottom lip. Then Blaine pressed back in again and what had to be his tongue darted
out to press inquisitively against the seam of his mouth. Kurt jerked back in surprise, staring with wide
eyes into Blaine‘s dark heavy lidded ones.
After a second Blaine seemed to realize something was wrong and jerked back as well, the heady look in
his eyes clearing quickly. “I - I’m sorry… was that too much?”
Blaine’s arm began to loosen around his waist but Kurt stopped him quickly. “No - no wait. You just - you
caught me by surprise is all.”
He didn‘t want to stop touching Blaine just yet and he definitely didn‘t want Blaine to stop holding him.
Kurt wasn’t big on touch but he was coming to find that being in someone else’s arms, particularly
Blaine’s, was kind of addicting. He looked away from Blaine’s face and felt the embarrassment rising in
his cheeks, but he had to say something, even if just to sooth the look of shame lingering in Blaine‘s
“I haven‘t… I mean… I’ve never kissed anyone like - like… that.”
Kurt could feel Blaine looking at him, and oh god this was so humiliating. He began to pull away, but
Blaine’s hand on his waist stopped him. Blaine’s other hand was still resting around the back of his neck,
his fingers kneading Kurt’s skin soothingly.
“So when we kissed the other night was that…” Blaine trailed off hesitantly.
“Yeah,” Kurt whispered still unable to bring himself to look and see what the other boy’s expression
was, but he heard a laugh escape Blaine’s throat and winced, starting to pull away again.
“No - no, no wait Kurt - wait…” Blaine protested grabbing him with both hands around his waist this
time and pulling him back in close. “I’m not laughing at you. I’m not I promise. I’m actually… actually
hearing that makes me really happy.”
Kurt’s head snapped to look at Blaine, who had a look of wonder. “What?”
“I love that I was your first kiss.”
“Re - really? You… you couldn‘t tell it was my first time?”
Blaine’s hands tightened on his waist, pulling him in closer, and Kurt brought his own hands up to rest
on Blaine’s very firm, very nice chest. “No, I mean it was amazing… it was amazing right?” Blaine asked
looking at him quickly.
Kurt laughed and allowed one of his hands to rub against Blaine’s chest in reassurance. “It was more
than amazing.” he replied, the embarrassment he’d felt seconds ago dissipating into nothing.
Blaine sighed in relief. “Good… even though the date went horribly wrong.”
“I thought it was actually kind of great. I’ve honestly never had so much fun before…just being with you
made it more than I‘d ever expected…” Kurt trailed off shyly. God he was never this shy around anyone,
but Blaine just made him feel so - so… fluttery inside.
“Will you let me make it up to you anyway?” Blaine questioned hopefully. “Let me take you out on a
second date?”
“I thought this already was a second date?” Kurt asked in return, earning a large grin from the other boy.
“Okay then! How about I buy you lunch?” Blaine agreed excitedly nearly bouncing where he sat and
losing his balance, causing Kurt to stumble forward a bit since Blaine‘s hands were still gripping his waist.
Kurt laughed at the other boys eagerness and nodded his head.
Kurt didn’t really know how it happened. All he knew was that one minute Blaine was helping him put
on his jacket, bouncing excitedly and babbling about this great little sandwich shop he knew as he
guided him out of the building with a hand on the small of his back. Then the next second Blaine cried
out in alarm falling into Kurt from behind and knocking them both to the ground.
Kurt felt pain blossoming in various places as Blaine scrambled off of him quickly and grabbed his
shoulders to help him sit up and turn over. “Oh my god Kurt! I’m so sorry! I tripped over a damn crack.
Are you okay … Oh my god .”
That last ‘oh my god’ had sounded shaky and Kurt looked up from the blood smeared on his hand, from
what felt like a busted lip, to Blaine who had gone deathly pale. “Are you okay?” Kurt asked reaching
out a hand as Blaine swooned on his feet but not touching him due to the blood. His clothes may be
ruined but Blaine’s looked ruffled but okay.
Blaine closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “I - I’m fine… blood just kind of makes me…faint.”
“Oh…” Kurt trailed off covering his sore lip. “Here I’ll go take care of this. You just wait in the car okay?
I‘m sure it‘ll stop bleeding any second now. I think I bit it when I landed.”
Blaine tried glancing at him again but stiffened and looked away, swallowing hard. His face told Kurt that
the older boy was currently beating himself up mentally. “I’m so sorry Kurt.”
“It’s fine Blaine it was just an accident.” Kurt reassured as he unwound his scarf and pressed it to his lip.
It was already ruined anyway. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
“No - no I’m fine. You’re a really nice landing mat actually, very soft and warm.” It was a good thing
Blaine wasn’t looking at him because Kurt was pretty sure his face was as hot and red as the blood
staining his shirt now.
Blaine was starting to blush as well and it was kind of fascinating to watch it slowly creep up the other
boys neck all the way to his ears. “Oh god that sounded…sorry… I usually have a better brain to mouth
filter than this.”
Kurt felt a giggle bubbling up his throat and couldn’t stop it from slipping past his lips. Blaine glanced at
him quickly and a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth too. Then they were both laughing so hard
Kurt’s ribs ached and he had to swipe a few tears from his eyes. Blaine stumbled over to him, still
laughing randomly, and without actually looking at Kurt he wrapped his arms around Kurt’s shoulders
and hugged him in apology.
Kurt leaned into the warm hug, still holding the scarf to his lip with one hand, while the other remained
trapped between his and Blaine’s chests. Blaine just continued to hold him for a moment as he hooked
his chin over Kurt‘s shoulder and sighed contentedly.
Kurt’s favorite scarf was ruined and probably his shirt as well, his lip ached, his palms stung from
catching himself on the gravely pavement, his hair was most likely a mess again, and he hadn’t even
gotten the chance to look at the damage done to his pants, but at the moment Kurt really couldn’t have
been more content with his situation.
They ended up going back inside the gym to get ice for Kurt’s lip, although he didn’t think he needed it,
and also so he could use the bathroom to clean up, which he desperately needed. Kurt had to laugh
though as he saw that his favorite pair of skinny jeans did indeed have small rips in the knees.
“What’s so funny?” Blaine questioned now able to look at Kurt since his lip had stopped bleeding.
Kurt was pleased to find that his bottom lip didn’t actually look that bad, just redder and plumper than
normal with a small cut near the left corner. He had a few scratches on his left cheek as well, not to
mention the scraps on his hands and knees from the small sharp rocks on the pavement.
Really, there was nothing funny about the situation when Kurt looked like he’d just fallen off his bike
and Blaine was standing nearby looking like a kicked puppy, but the thought that had just hit Kurt was
rather ironic and he couldn‘t help but laugh.
Before Kurt could think it through his mouth was already moving. “This morning I was so worried about
the jocks ruining my favorite outfit before you could see me in it and… oh my god I did not just tell you
Kurt was so mortified he couldn’t even look at Blaine‘s reflection in the mirror and had to look up at the
ceiling. At that moment all he wanted to do was see if it was possible for someone to drown themselves
in the sink, but then he felt Blaine walk right up behind him and goosebumps erupted across Kurt‘s skin
as Blaine‘s breath tickled the back of his neck.
“I guess both of us are having trouble with that brain to mouth filter…” the shorter boy whispered,
turning Kurt around with a gentle hand, and Kurt’s eyes couldn’t help but focus directly on Blaine’s lips.
Blaine didn’t kiss him though… at least, not on the mouth. Instead, Kurt felt the older boy’s lips brush
across the scratches on his cheek, and then Blaine was lifting each of his hands and gently kissing his
damaged palms as well. Only then did he lean forward and softly brush his lips against Kurt’s, so soft in
fact that Kurt wasn’t even sure if they had really touched or not.
“I really am sorry…it doesn‘t seem like this date is turning out any better than the first one. I‘m such a
loser.” Blaine scolded himself as he held Kurt’s wrists gently in his hands considering now he couldn’t
even hold Kurt’s hands because he was so stupidly nervous and clumsy around the taller boy.
Kurt swallowed heavily, eyes still a bit dazed due to Blaine’s closeness, and tried to get his brain to work
properly. “I don’t know… seems to be turning out fine to me.”
“Says the boy with the busted lip and ruined clothes,” Blaine replied with a frown and then sighed in
disappointment as he dropped Kurt‘s wrists and looked away. “I’m really not good at this. It’s just - I get
so nervous and excited all at the same time and I … I turn into a complete dork.”
Kurt laughed softly, ducking his head to try and get Blaine to look at him. “You’re not the only one trust
me, and I like you Blaine - dorky and all. I think it’s - I think you‘re adorable.”
“But I’ve ruined two of your outfits already…”
Kurt shrugged. “Gives me an excuse to buy new ones.”
“You can’t possibly want to go out with me again after this.” Blaine protested in disbelief, but there was
a glimmer of hope in his eyes.
Kurt leaned down and kissed him again swiftly, ignoring the small sting it caused his lip when he pressed
in firmer than Blaine had. “Next time I’ll just wear my coveralls so you can do all the damage you want
to them,” he teased gently.
Blaine’s eyes actually looked like they darkened a shade though as Kurt watched his Adams apple bob
for a second. “I think I might enjoy seeing you in them.”
Kurt stopped himself from blushing. He could do this. He could. “You may have to bring your car in for
an oil change then. Say Friday, five o’clock? That‘s the day I close the shop on my own.”
“Yeah… it may need a full tune up,” Blaine agreed, staring at Kurt’s lips again. He leaned in but then
stopped himself and stepped back with a small self-conscious laugh. “Umm… so are you still hungry?”
Kurt was disappointed that there wasn’t going to be another kiss, but then again his lip was kind of
throbbing at the moment so maybe it was for the best. “My nearly fatal brush with the parking lot
pavement coupled with my selfless act of heroism by cushioning your fall has actually increased my
appetite exponentially I think.”
Blaine threw his head back and laughed in amusement. Kurt just stared at the beautiful sight, inwardly
pleased with himself for making Blaine feel better. Blaine took Kurt’s… wrist to lead him out of the
bathroom. “I guess since you saved my life I do owe you a meal at the least.”
Kurt gathered up his courage and sent Blaine a flirtatious wink. “At the least.”
First Time For Everything
As Kurt walked into his house he didn’t think anything could wipe the smile off his face. Blaine had
dropped him off at his car after lunch and a really nice walk through the park to kill time until school let
out. They’d held hands and Blaine had kissed him again chastely as a goodbye. It had been so romantic
and perfect. Kurt was pretty sure they were on their way to officially being boyfriends.
Kurt stopped short when he entered the living room however and jumped in surprise at the sight of his
dad with the phone pressed to his ear. “Dad! What are you doing home? Did something happen at the
Burt Hummel did not look happy as he immediately hung up the phone, never taking his eyes off of Kurt,
and stepped forward. “Where the hell have you been!”
Kurt‘s whole body tensed in shock as he stared with wide eyes. His dad never yelled at him. Kurt
couldn‘t remember the last time he‘d even been mad at him. “I - I was - I…”
“Do you know how worried I’ve been! You’re friends have been looking everywhere for you. I’ve been
calling everyone. When you didn’t answer your phone I thought you’d gotten into a wreck on your way
to school. I thought maybe someone had done something to you on purpose - that some homophobic
dick had finally snapped. I thought you were in the hospital somewhere or dead! Have you even checked
your phone!”
“Dad your blood pressure - please calm down!” Kurt felt himself shaking. His heart was pounding and
tears were threatening to spill. He didn’t know why he was so scared. He knew his dad would never hurt
him but still - Kurt wasn’t used to seeing him like this.
Burt looked at him like he‘d lost his mind. “Calm - calm down? My blood pressure? Where the hell have
you been Kurt! Why couldn’t you answer your damn phone!”
Kurt could barely get the words out he was so upset. He didn‘t know how to handle this. He‘d seen and
heard kids get in trouble by their parents but he‘d never been one of them. He‘d never given his dad a
reason to be so upset with him before. Usually Kurt was the one acting as parent, and the first time he
did something impulsive, and stupid, and teenage like this was the result.
“I - I’m sorry. I’m sorry dad! I - I left my phone in Blaine’s car and -”
“Blaine? You were with this Blaine kid?” Burt wasn’t yelling anymore but his face was turning redder in
anger and his voice had a cutting quality to it as he said Blaine‘s name now. “You skipped school and
didn’t tell anyone to go off with a boy and do god knows what? Was it Blaine’s idea to skip school?”
“No - I mean yes - but it’s… it’s not what you think! I swear!” Kurt protested feeling his own face heating
up in embarrassment. He knew what his dad was thinking. He’d heard Puck and Santana’s stories
enough to know what normal teens skipped school to do.
“You’re not seeing him anymore!” Burt snapped in a way that Kurt was scared to argue with, but he had
to because for the first time… ever Kurt was actually happy to get up and go to school in the morning.
He felt like he could face anything there as long as he got to see Blaine.
“Dad it’s not what you think!”
“I think it’s exactly what I think! I think this boy is taking advantage of you!” Burt yelled in reply - getting
worked up again.
“No dad! Blaine wasn’t - we didn’t do anything! I promise!” Kurt was pleading now, heart pounding
harder, and eyes burning.
Burt shook his head furiously, unwilling to listen. “And I’m supposed to just take your word for it after
this? You’re not to see him again and that’s final!”
Kurt couldn’t help it, he burst into tears, covering his face with his hands, and there was a long silence
that followed.
“Kurt.” His dad’s voice was softer now, worried.
Kurt couldn’t stand there any longer though. He fled to his bedroom shutting the door behind him and
throwing himself on his bed sobbing into his pillow. His phone vibrated in his pocket and despite not
wanting to talk to anyone at the moment he glanced at the screen.
It was Blaine.
Kurt sat up quickly, running a hand through his disheveled hair and scrubbing at his face, which was
stupid considering Blaine couldn‘t see him. He took a few deep breaths and pressed talk. “Hello.”
“Kurt hey!” Blaine’s cheerful voice replied causing Kurt’s heart to break all over again as he fought back
a sob. “So I know I just dropped you off and everything but I wanted to see if you wanted to meet up
and get coffee with me before school in the morning.”
Kurt couldn’t hold back the sob.
“Kurt?” Blaine’s voice went from cheerful to worried in the blink of an eye. “Kurt are you okay?”
“My - my dad - my dad was yelling - yelling at me! He - he never yells at me! I’ve - I’ve never seen him so
angry before. I think - I think Finn called him at the - at the shop when I didn’t show up at - at school and
- and my dad yelled at me!”
“Kurt it’s okay… Hey, listen to me…It’s okay. I’m sure he was just worried. It’ll be fine. From what you
told me you and your dad have a great relationship. Just let him cool off for a minute then go talk to
him. He was just worried.” Blaine soothed gently, surprisingly able to understand Kurt‘s words through
his trembling and crying. “I’m sorry for getting you in trouble. I should have never suggested we skip
school - especially without telling anyone. That was pretty stupid.”
Kurt took a deep breath and pressed the phone closer to his ear. Blaine’s voice had a really nice calming
effect to it and he felt his trembling slowly come to a stop. “He - he thinks we skipped school to - to do
things, and I tried to tell him what really happened but he wouldn’t listen. He - he just kept yelling and
he - he said I can’t see you anymore.”
There was a long silence on the other end and Kurt felt his heart leap into his throat.
Was Blaine agreeing with his dad?
“Do you want me to come talk to him?” Blaine asked hesitantly.
“Oh god no!” Kurt protested instantly. “He’ll kill you! Especially if he thinks you were trying to - to take
advantage of me.”
“I think I should apologize at least.”
Kurt shook his head furiously even though Blaine couldn’t see it. “No - no don’t come over here. He’s he’s really protective and he really does have a flame thrower. Promise me you won’t come over right
now Blaine.”
Another long silence. “I promise I won’t come over right now.” Blaine finally answered and Kurt sighed
in relief.
“Okay… I’ve um - I’ve got to go okay. I don’t think I’m supposed to be talking to you, but I’ll text you later
to see if he’s changed his mind.” Kurt said biting his lower lip.
“Okay.” Blaine sounded sad and Kurt wanted to cry again. “Just remember your dad loves you Kurt and
sometimes parents yell when they’re really worried, but that doesn’t mean they love you any less okay.
He was just scared something had happened to you. Talk to him in a little while and I‘m sure everything
will work out okay.”
Blaine sounded like he was reading that straight out of a parenting magazine but Kurt couldn’t find it in
himself to laugh because at that moment the words meant everything to him. “Okay… thank you Blaine,
for - for listening.”
Kurt could practically see Blaine’s warm smile. “Of course, you can call me any time you need someone
to talk to. I’ll always be here for you.”
Kurt hung up the phone and laid back on his bed with a sigh, but despite everything he found a smile
slowly creeping it’s way back onto his face.
Kurt woke up to a gentle hand rubbing his back and turned his head on his pillow to see Carole sitting on
the edge of his bed with soft smile. “Your dad called me to come over. You really had Finn worried when
he noticed you hadn’t been at school all day. You had us all worried.”
“M’sorry,” Kurt mumbled rubbing his face on his pillow to try and clear his fuzzy head.
Carole gave his back a gentle pat. “I know you are dear, and your dad is sorry he yelled at you too. You
scared him.”
“I didn’t mean to I just… I wasn’t thinking I guess,” Kurt replied with a sad sigh. He really hadn’t meant to
cause everyone so much trouble. It made him feel guilty that he’d had such a good time that day with
“You want to tell me what happened? Why you skipped school. That just doesn’t seem like you.” Carole
questioned gently. She knew from experience with Finn that teenage boys responded better to the
understanding approach rather than yelling, besides it wasn’t like Kurt to just skip school, therefore
there had to be a reason.
Kurt sat up and scooted to sit against his headboard, biting his lips and fiddling with a loose thread on
his comforter. “When I got to school some of the jocks were waiting in the parking lot. I thought I’d
gotten to school early enough to avoid them but…”
“Did they hurt you?” Carole placed a hand on his arm, eyes shining with concern. The cut on Kurt’s lip
and scrap on his cheek hadn’t escaped her notice, although Burt had been too worked up to notice it
Kurt shook his head though and she sighed in relief. “They just uh… ripped my bag and stuff. They were
going to throw me in the dumpster again but Blaine showed up. He - he stood up to them and I - I don’t
really know why actually but they backed off. They just left and Blaine stayed to help me get my things
even though it made him late for class but we - we ended up skipping anyway.”
Kurt was silent for a long moment but then he looked up at Carole with desperate eyes. “I know it was
stupid. I should have at least told Finn or someone but - but I’ve never done anything like that before
and it was so spur of the moment and I just…” Kurt trailed off, eyes dropping to his comforter. “I just I
wanted to feel normal for a change. I wanted to do something impulsive and exciting and Blaine’s never
done anything like that either. I swear! He’s a really good student. He just - he wanted to cheer me up
and go somewhere we could talk. He’s been through a lot of the same stuff I have…he - he
“I know Kurt.” Carole reached out and covered his hand with her own. “It’s okay. Blaine does seem like a
really good boy and I’m glad you’ve found someone to talk to. I know your dad is too. You keep a lot of
things bottled up and to yourself. Your dad‘s been really worried.”
Kurt bit his lip and felt his eyes watering again. “Do you - do you think dad will let me see him again? I - I
really like Blaine.”
“Why don’t you go talk to him now? He was really upset when he called me.”
Kurt winced. “At me?”
Carole shook her head though and stood up and offered him a hand up as well. “No dear not at you. He
was upset that he made you cry. It breaks his heart to see you cry Kurt. Your dad loves you more than
anything. It hurts him to see you hurting, and I think that he sees that Blaine makes you happy.
Everything will be okay. You‘ll see.”
“Blaine’s a great friend. We have so much in common and he’s so smart and adorable. We talk about
everything. He listens to everything I say too, and he doesn’t judge me, or get annoyed when I ramble
about something. He’s just… he’s really great. Dad would like him. I know he would. Blaine likes
football.” Kurt gushed unable to help himself.
Carole smirked knowingly. “He’s just a friend though?”
Kurt ducked his head blushing as a small smile crept across his face. “Maybe more.”
There was a knock on the door and Burt lifted himself from his recliner with a frown. They were about to
eat dinner so who would be coming around at this time? Wasn’t this normally when most families were
sitting around eating dinner?
Carole had stayed to help Kurt cook a casserole and Finn was supposed to be on his way from Rachel‘s
house, but Finn never knocked anymore. The Hudson’s had practically moved in with them and Burt was
on the verge of asking Carole to just make it official anyway.
Burt jerked the front door open, ready to tell whoever it was on the other side off for coming around at
such an inconvenient hour, but a vaguely familiar messy mop of black curls made him pause in surprise.
Burt opened his mouth, not really knowing what to say or why the kid was here, but it seemed he didn’t
have to say anything as Blaine was already talking.
“Mr. Hummel I - I’m sorry to just show up like this but I - I just wanted to let you know that none of it
was Kurt’s fault. It was my idea to skip school and I completely understand if you never want him seeing
me again.”
The poor boy was talking so quickly that Burt had trouble keeping up. It was like he‘d rehearsed this
little speech the whole drive over and now it was all just bursting out of him in one single breath. Burt
realized that Blaine looked properly terrified too, and he had to give the kid props for summing up the
courage to come by and face him. This kid was earning some serious marks in his book.
“I just want you to know that I respect your son and I really really like him. I would never pressure Kurt
into anything he wasn’t ready for and if you will let me I would really like to continue to get to know
him. Kurt’s an amazing person sir and I - I just wanted to let you know that nothing like what happened
today will ever happen again, and I’m sorry that we worried you. It was a really stupid thing to do and I
take full responsibility for the idea and if you want to call my parents that‘s fine with me. I‘ll give you my
dad’s number right now and I will take whatever punishment he gives me.”
“You finished kid?” Burt questioned when Blaine finally paused long enough for him to get a word in.
Blaine took a deep breath and nodded, squaring his shoulders and standing a little straighter, as if
preparing himself for anything Burt was about to do. “Yes - yes sir.”
“Sorry sir?”
“Call me Burt kid.”
“O - oh… okay Burt…”
The poor boy looked properly confused and Burt almost cracked a smile, but instead he stepped back
and opened the door wider, nodding his head in invitation. “We were just about to sit down and eat
dinner. If you don’t already have plans with your parents, which I’m thinking you don’t since you’re
here, then you’re welcome to join us? I think if you’re going to be hanging around my son a lot then I
should get to know you too.”
Blaine stepped forward hesitantly. “If - if Kurt doesn’t mind.”
Burt rolled his eyes behind the boys back as he walked past him. “Oh trust me I don‘t think Kurt will
mind one bit,” he sighed fondly and shut the front door.
“Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed jumping behind Carole in mortification. Not only had he showered and changed
into a pair of drawstring sweat pants and t-shirt, his ‘comfort clothes', but he was currently barefoot and
wearing an apron covered in flour as well. “What are you doing here?”
“Uhh…” Blaine tried to look around Carole, who was trying to hold back her amusement, but all he could
see was the top of Kurt’s rather messy, but completely adorable, head of hair. “I came over to apologize
to your dad.”
“I told you not to! You promised you wouldn’t! Oh god what did he do to you! I took the bullets out of
the gun… I think…” Kurt panicked but he didn’t come out from behind Carole who stood obediently still
while holding the casserole in her mitten covered hands.
He and his dad had talked things through this time without yelling, and there had been a lot of
apologizing on both ends. Burt hadn’t really given him a firm opinion on Blaine though, but he’d seemed
pleased that Blaine had stepped up to help Kurt.
“I invited him to dinner,” Burt answered before Blaine could reassure Kurt himself. The intimidating man
walked into the room and kissed Carole on the cheek before grabbing a nearby dish towel and taking the
casserole from her.
“Really?” Kurt replied his voice perking up a bit.
“Takes a lot of guts for a man to own up to his mistakes and apologize to someone else’s father…
besides the kids gotta eat.” Burt glanced over at Blaine and Blaine ducked his head under the man’s
appraising gaze.
“Well it’s really nice to have you Blaine. I hope you don’t mind broccoli chicken and cheese casserole.”
Carole offered with a warm, welcoming smile, that made him instantly feel at ease for intruding on their
family dinner like this.
“That sounds great actually,” Blaine answered sincerely. It smelled great too. He felt his stomach
grumbling in approval. Blaine couldn’t remember the last time he’d had anything home made much less
the last time his whole family had been together for dinner - for any meal really.
“So you’re staying?” Kurt’s voice sounded hesitant.
Blaine’s smile faded a bit into uncertainty. “Only if you want me too?”
“Yes!” Kurt reassured quickly - probably a little too eager, but Blaine’s grin returned full force. “I - I mean
that’ll be great. We can even watch a movie after if you want.”
Blaine started to answer but it was awkward with Carole standing between them still. “Umm… Kurt it’s
kind of weird talking to you like this. Can you come out?”
“God no.” Kurt’s voice sounded embarrassed and Blaine chuckled warmly. He could see Kurt’s bare feet
on the tiled floor and thought he understood what had the other boy hiding from him.
Blaine’s eyes caught Carole’s sparkling ones and he stepped closer. “So… how are you supposed to eat if
you won’t come out?”
There was a long silence as Kurt seemed to consider this logic. “Can you go away for a minute?”
“No.” Blaine answered with a soft laugh.
“Blaine!” Kurt whined and Blaine could have sworn he saw Kurt stomp his foot.
“Just come out.”
“Come on Kurt it can’t be that bad.”
“It is.”
“I doubt it.” Blaine really did doubt if Kurt could look bad in anything.
“I think there’s a football game on in the living room.” Kurt tried to persuade.
Blaine could see him now though, hiding his red face in his hands on Carole’s shoulders, which were
shaking with suppressed laughter. “Kurt Hummel are you wearing sweat pants!” he teased in mock
Kurt’s head snapped up, eyes widening as he caught sight of Blaine, and a horrified squeal left his lips.
Blaine caught Kurt’s wrist when he started to bolt and Carole moved out of their way, not trying to
suppress her laughter anymore as Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt from behind to pin him in place.
“Oh my god Kurt is that a band t-shirt!” he continued to tease as Kurt struggled to get away, sputtering
in protest. “Glee clubs not going to believe this!”
“NO! You wouldn‘t!”
“Oh yes the whole school has to hear about this! Kurt Hummel owns casual clothes! Did you get these
from Target too!”
“Blaine Anderson!” Blaine laughed as Kurt tried to elbow him in the ribs but eventually Kurt stopped
struggling and sank back against Blaine’s chest with a defeated pout. Blaine reluctantly released him,
realizing that he couldn’t just keep holding him considering they were in the middle of Kurt’s kitchen
with his dad and possibly future step-mom watching in amusement from the table.
“If it’s any consolation I think the apron is adorable.” Blaine threw his hands up with a laugh as Kurt spun
around and smacked him on the shoulder.
“Ugh you’re horrible!” Kurt was grinning as he said it though.
“And you’re adorable.” Blaine countered and felt a spike of satisfaction when Kurt ducked his head
shyly, hand automatically going up to smooth his wild hair down. “Here you got some…” Before he could
stop himself Blaine swiped his thumb over Kurt’s cheek to brush some flour away.
Their eyes met and it was literally like the world melted away. “I was - I was um… baking.”
“Smells really good.”
“It’s blueberry.”
“My favorite.”
A throat cleared loudly and both Blaine and Kurt jumped, blinking rapidly and blushing furiously. “You
boys wanna join us? Finn should be here any minute and you know once he starts eating it‘s every man
for himself.”
“Ye - yes let me… get Blaine a place setting.” Kurt spun around and took a moment to calm his racing
heart while he gathered Blaine a plate and silverware and removed his apron. “Umm… here you can sit
by me.” Kurt said even though it was kind of obvious - who else would Blaine be sitting by? Blaine simply
smiled adorably at him though and walked over to the chair Kurt was setting the plate at.
Kurt stepped back when he finished to let Blaine sit, but instead Blaine automatically moved to pull out
Kurt’s chair for him. All movement at the table stopped and that slow blush began creeping up Blaine’s
neck again. “Sorry… I just - it’s habit,” he said sheepishly.
“Well I think it’s sweet,” Carole stated immediately looking to Burt who had been in the middle of
scooping food onto his plate.
“It’s a good habit to have,” Burt agreed with a nod and continued with what he was doing.
Kurt beamed at his dad and Carole as he sat down and Blaine followed, blush slowly fading while Kurt
passed him a basket of croissants. Everyone managed to fix their plates before Finn burst into the room,
which was a good thing because he immediately sat down and began digging in.
“I’m sorry I’m late guys. Rachel wouldn’t stop talking and - oh Blaine can you pass the bread dude.” This
was all said between bites of food and Kurt wanted to laugh at the amazed slack jawed expression on
Blaine’s face.
“Just give him a few minutes…” Kurt whispered into Blaine’s ear as he passed Finn the croissants
himself. They waited but Finn just continued to eat. “Seriously Finn!” Kurt finally asked in exasperation.
Finn looked up, a whole croissants shoved into his mouth. “Whaa?” he asked before his eyes fell on
Blaine and widened in surprise. “Dude! Whadda you doin ‘ere?”
Kurt sighed in a long-suffering sort of way and went back to his food, while his dad chuckled and Carole
patted her son’s hand fondly. “Finn not with your mouth full honey.”
“Door stays open!” Burt yelled at their retreating backs and Kurt thought he would die of mortification.
“So um… this is my room,” Kurt said, unable to look at Blaine as the other boy looked around curiously.
“It’s very… you.” Blaine stated after a long moment.
“Oh…” Kurt trailed off a bit disappointed. He hadn’t known what he’d expected to hear but he really
didn’t know how to take that statement either.
Blaine must have heard the uncertainty in his voice because he quickly jumped to reassure him. “No! I
didn’t mean it as a bad thing. It’s a good thing that it’s like you - a very good thing. I mean I like you.
Your room reminds me of you and it smells like you and… it‘s nice. Yeah I’m going to stop talking now.”
Kurt laughed softly and took Blaine’s hand, leading him over to the TV and small sofa. “What movie do
you want to watch?”
Blaine’s eyes widened in amazement at the wall full of DVD and box sets. “You have… everything.”
Kurt blushed. He’d accumulated a lot of movies over the years considering before he became friends
with Tina and Mercedes he spent a lot of time alone in his room watching them. Most of them were
romance too. It was kind of pathetic really the sheer amount of romance movies he had, and he‘d seen
them all at least ten times and had cried through every one of them.
He had all of the recent ones as well as the classics, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Pretty In Pink, Gone With The
Wind. He had every version of every musical ever - from Rent, to Wicked, to Mama Mia. He had
anything and everything that was Disney and Pixar - new and old. He had Will and Grace, Grey’s
Anatomy, Friends, Project Runway, America’s Next Top Model, and he blushed even redder when
Blaine’s eyes settled on the US version of Queer As Folk for a long moment before moving on.
Kurt had gained most of his sexual knowledge from watching that show.
“So any preferences?” Kurt sighed in relief when Blaine’s eyes moved back to his Disney section.
“How about this one?” Blaine pulled out The Lion King and Kurt nodded in approval. It was one of his
favorites too.
“I have to warn you though I’m probably going to cry.” Kurt tried to make it sound like a joke, but the
truth was he was about ninety nine percent positive he really was going to cry when Simba’s dad died.
“Well my shoulder is always open,” Blaine replied with a wink.
Kurt’s heart started to pound in his chest. “Always the gentleman,” he teased lightly but on the inside he
was about to explode with nervous energy. He was going to sit and watch a movie with a boy in his
room, a very gay boy who he could probably cuddle with.
Blaine sat on the small sofa while Kurt put the DVD in the player. Then Kurt joined him, sitting hesitantly
on the other side.
How did one go about initiating a cuddle?
It seemed Kurt didn’t have to worry about it since Blaine almost immediately closed the small space that
was between them. “This okay?” he asked slipping his arm behind Kurt’s back and pressing snuggly into
his side as he slipped off his shoes and curled his legs up on the sofa. It seemed Blaine was rather skilled
in the art of cuddling, which really shouldn’t have surprised Kurt as he’d come to find that Blaine was a
very tactile kind of person.
“Of - of course,” Kurt answered looking at the top of Blaine’s curls when the other boy’s head came to
rest on his shoulder with a contented sigh.
When Mufasa died Kurt felt his eyes start to burn and he berated himself. He knew this was coming and
he thought he’d mentally prepared himself this time, but still the tears came, because every time he
couldn’t help but think of his own dad and what he would do if he ever lost him.
Kurt tried to wipe his eyes without Blaine noticing but Blaine was already lifting his head to look at him.
“Aww… Kurt!” he exclaimed immediately wrapping his arms around Kurt. Instantly Kurt stopped
mentally scolding himself and sank into the embrace.
“I can’t help it!” Kurt laughed tearfully into Blaine’s shoulder.
“It’s okay I still cry when Bambi’s mom dies.” Kurt lifted his head to look at Blaine in wonder.
“You do?”
“Yeah, I mean it’s sad. I’m close to my mom. I couldn’t imagine losing her.” Kurt couldn’t help it and he
leaned in and kissed Blaine softly.
It was tentative at first, just a soft press of lips, caught in that thrilling place between innocent and
maybe turning into something more. Then Blaine’s hand was slowly lifting, cupping Kurt’s neck, thumb
stroking Kurt’s jaw. He hummed in the back of his throat and Kurt pressed in firmer - feeling a small
shiver creep up his spine at the thought that he was kissing a boy alone in his bedroom.
At first that was enough, the firm press of lips moving against each other, but then Kurt felt a longing for
something a little more. He pulled back and Blaine slowly opened his eyes to look at him. “Are you okay?
Did I -”
Kurt shook his head cutting the other boy off as he turned his upper body more toward Blaine’s. “I want
to try - I mean if you want to - You can - What you tried before at the gym - I want to do that now…”
Kurt trailed off blushing furiously, but he didn’t know how to ask and he didn’t know how to initiate it
either. He wasn’t quite that confident yet. He needed Blaine to show him.
Blaine seemed to understand though as he looked at Kurt, studying him intently for a long moment.
“You’re sure?”
Kurt nodded scooting a little closer, trembling with nerves.
“Come here ..” Blaine whispered, voice heavier than normal. He shifted so that his back was resting
against the arm of the sofa and reached out, one hand wrapping around the back of Kurt’s neck and the
other cupping his face. He gently coaxed Kurt forward and guided their mouths back together.
Kurt fisted the front of Blaine’s shirt nervously, body tense as he waited for it. He felt Blaine’s mouth
nudging his encouragingly to move with him and when he felt Blaine’s tongue swipe inquisitively Kurt
nervously let his lips follow Blaine’s open.
And Oh… oohh …
Kurt literally felt himself melt as Blaine‘s tongue dipped inside and rubbed firmly against his own for the
first time. He’d always laughed at how cheesy it sounded when he read the occasional romance novel
and the characters always melted into the kiss, but Kurt definitely wasn’t laughing now. Laughter was
the furthest thing from his mind in fact. It was almost beyond his control as his mind went blissfully
fuzzy and his body just sort of relaxed against Blaine‘s chest with a dreamy sigh.
Blaine shifted a bit to accommodate his weight, one hand moving from Kurt’s face to wrap around his
waist, and Kurt thought he even felt Blaine smile a bit into the kiss. This was just so amazing though.
Kurt could definitely see why people almost never stopped doing it. His heart pounded and his breath
caught in his throat with every swipe of Blaine’s tongue against his own. He felt jittery, terrified, excited,
and dizzy all at the same time while his hands and knees shook making Kurt glad he was already sitting
Kurt felt hot everywhere as a pleasurable hum began to buzz and grow beneath his skin. He gasped
when Blaine pressed up harder, held him tighter, until they were flush, chest to chest. Blaine fingers
moved to tangle in the back of Kurt’s hair and Kurt felt himself shiver feverishly as the kiss grew deeper.
Instead of quick, tentative, swipes they started out with Blaine’s tongue became bolder, lingering in
Kurt’s mouth, massaging against Kurt’s own as he encouraged Kurt to meet him.
Kurt was growing light headed with it. It was getting hard to breath. It was so hot… too hot.
He felt…needy.
A sound Kurt had never heard himself make before left his throat and he pulled away breathing hard.
His eyes opened to the sight of Blaine pressed back against the arm of the sofa, chest rising and falling
just as rapidly as his own, eyes half opened and dazed, lips plump and red, shirt wrinkled… and god Kurt
wanted more.
“Are - are you okay?” Blaine questioned breathlessly, and Kurt simply nodded as he pressed back in,
already reaching for Blaine.
Blaine sat up and met him just as eagerly as their lips collided. This time Kurt’s fingers went straight to
tangle in Blaine’s soft curls. Blaine made a sound in the back of his throat that both terrified and
emboldened Kurt tremendously - because he had pulled that sound from Blaine. He was the one Blaine
was currently clinging to. He was the one making Blaine’s heart race faster than a humming birds, and it
all sent Kurt‘s body into a dizzying rush of adrenaline and excitement.
Kurt tilted Blaine’s head back and dipped his tongue into Blaine’s mouth this time. Blaine opened up
easily beneath him, hand guiding and pressing Kurt in closer. He could tell it wasn’t nearly as perfect and
experienced as Blaine’s swipes and presses and massages, but Blaine met him with every experimental
caress and Kurt felt breathless and giddy with happiness.
That is, until a throat cleared and Kurt was jumping off the sofa like it had suddenly caught fire. Blaine
too rolled off, landing on all fours, before springing to his feet while his hand instantly flew to straighten
his hair and clothes. It would have been a funny sight, both boys standing there like two deer caught in
the headlights of a speeding car, but no one was laughing as Burt Hummel stood in the doorway with an
unreadable expression.
Kurt held his breath waiting for - he didn‘t know what actually.
“It’s almost nine. I think it’s time for Blaine to head home.” Burt stated and then without another word
he turned and left both boys standing in the most awkward silence ever.
Blaine was the first to move. “Yeah - okay… I should umm…“ He sat down on the sofa to put his shoes
back on.
Kurt buried his flaming face in his hands. How could he ever look his father or Blaine in the eye again,
but then he felt fingers curling around his wrists, and his hands being tugged away from his face.
Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt’s lips softly, eyes twinkling in amusement. “I’ll see you in the morning?”
“O-okay,” Kurt replied still mortified and with another soft, reassuring, kiss Blaine made his way out.
“I’m leaving!” Kurt shouted to whoever was listening as he bolted for the front door still buttoning up
his jacket and tying his scarf.
“Whoa buddy.” His dad stopped him, stepping out of the kitchen, just as Kurt had a hand on the door
handle. “You’re still grounded - no car remember. Just give me a second and I’ll bring you.”
Kurt smiled at his dad as he opened the door and slid outside, smile brightening even more when his
eyes caught sight of the pink 1957 Bel Air sitting patiently at the end of his driveway. “It’s no problem Blaine’s bringing me!” he shouted over his shoulder and bounded across the driveway before another
word could be said.
Burt was left standing there, jacket in his hand, and mouth hanging open. He had never grounded Kurt
before, but he didn’t quite think that whole thing had gone how it should have. He looked back at Carole
who was standing in the doorway to the kitchen chuckling softly.
“You did say he couldn’t drive, you didn’t say he couldn’t call a… friend to pick him up,” She offered,
eyes twinkling in mirth.
“You sure me picking you up is okay?” Blaine questioned in concern as Kurt slid into the seat as beautiful
and graceful as ever.
It caught Blaine off guard sometimes. Kurt wouldn’t have to do anything, just be sitting there, and Blaine
would glance over and immediately just be smitten all over again by how gorgeous the other boy truly
was. Blaine completely adored everything about him. His coifed hair, his flawless porcelain skin, his
breathtaking smile, his angelic voice, his graceful hands, his long legs, his very nice backside… his
amazing eyes.
As cheesy as it sounded Blaine could get lost in Kurt’s eyes. They were just so expressive and they
seemed to change colors constantly. He loved watching Kurt’s eyes sparkle when he talked about
something he was passionate about. They were always the first thing Blaine noticed about Kurt.
Kurt paused as he gingerly set his bag by his feet unaware of Blaine‘s current thought process as he
watched him. “He said I couldn’t drive. He didn’t say I couldn’t ride with anyone.”
“Yeah, but I’m pretty sure that meant he was going to be bringing you and picking you up from school
himself,” Blaine replied with a fond smile as he leaned over and pecked Kurt on the cheek in greeting
while he simultaneously reached around Kurt to buckle his seat belt for him.
Kurt‘s whole face lit up and his cheeks flushed an attractive pink that had Blaine grinning happily as he
put his car in reverse. “Then why didn’t he say that?” Kurt asked, face falling again into an adorable look
of confusion.
Blaine chuckled softly, backing out of the driveway and turning onto the main road after checking that it
was clear. “You’ve really never been grounded before have you.”
Kurt shrugged. “Well he didn’t stop me so I guess it’s okay then. Which coffee shop are we going to?”
“The Lima Bean if that’s okay?” Blaine answered checking the road before taking a left.
“Oh yeah… I’ve been there a few times. It‘s been a while though. I used to get coffee after school last
year but I kind of kicked the habit over summer break.” Kurt laughed.
“I know I saw you -” Blaine’s eyes widened when the words left his lips before he could stop them, and a
heavy silence settled between them as he felt Kurt’s eyes boring into the side of his face.
“Wh- what?” Kurt asked, the surprise in his voice clear.
“I - I mean… oh god Kurt you’re going to think I’m such a creeper.” Blaine could feel his face burning in
“Blaine… did you come here last year too?” Kurt asked slowly as they pulled into the parking lot and
Blaine killed his car.
Blaine felt like his heart was going to pound right out of his chest and he couldn’t even look at Kurt he
was so mortified. “I - I yes… a lot of the Warblers used to come here after school. I - I saw you last year a few times… but I swear Kurt I didn’t know you went to McKinley. I didn’t transfer because - because…
oh god you probably think I’m a stalker.”
“Blaine!” Kurt laughed, reaching out to take the other boys hand to calm him, but then he ducked his
own head shyly. “It’s okay. Why didn’t you come talk to me then? I certainly wouldn’t have minded.”
Blaine let out a long breath, the red finally receding from his face a bit, but he still couldn’t look at Kurt.
“I tried but - but you were well… you , and you always looked so - so perfect, and god Kurt I couldn’t
even think of anything to say to you. Then you stopped coming around and I was so disappointed I‘d
missed my chance, but then I saw you in my Physics class first day and I tried to approach you then but I
would just get so nervous any time I tried. I would talk myself out of it - tell myself I would do it
tomorrow or the next day, or maybe you would notice me and come over first. Then when we ran into
each other in the hallway I just - I knew I had to do something or I would regret it forever.”
Kurt was blushing himself by the time Blaine finished. “I - I made you nervous?”
Blaine bowed his head and laughed softly before finally looking over at Kurt and squeezing his hand. “In
case you hadn’t noticed Kurt you still do.”
Kurt couldn’t help the large grin that spread across his face. He squeezed Blaine’s hand in return and
leaned over to kiss him softly on the lips. “Come on… lets go get some coffee.”
This little coffee shop held a whole new meaning for the both of them now. It was the place Blaine
Anderson first saw Kurt Hummel.
“So can I ask you something?” Kurt questioned picking at his coffee lid.
“Of course Kurt, anything.” Blaine answered with a concerned frown as he reached across the table and
placed his hand over Kurt’s.
“It’s kind of something I’ve been wondering since yesterday and you don’t have to answer if you don’t -”
“Kurt just ask me.” Blaine cut in stopping the other boys nervous rambling.
Kurt bit his lip and took a breath before talking. “When Karofsky and the other jocks were - were
pushing me around and stuff. When you came over they just… left. They don’t even back down that
easily when Finn or Puck confronts them and I was just wondering… why I guess.”
“Oh is that all?” Blaine asked sitting back in surprise. Kurt had really had him worried there for a
moment, but then his eyes widened when he realized what Kurt might be thinking. “I - I’m not friends
with them or anything Kurt. That’s not it at all, if that was what you were thinking. I could never be
friends with idiots like that. No, Karofsky’s dad and Azimio’s mom both work for my dad. That’s why they
haven’t bothered me all year - plus Sue and the girls would murder them if they ever hurt me enough
that I couldn’t cheer.”
“Oh…” Kurt trailed off, feeling the small bit of uncertainly leave him. He hadn’t really known what he
thought about the whole situation. Kurt hadn’t thought Blaine was best friends with Karofsky or
anything, but he wasn’t going to lie and say that the thought they were friendly hadn’t crossed his mind.
It had briefly seemed like one of the only logical reasons Karofsky and the jocks wouldn’t be after Blaine.
“So… your dad? What exactly does he do?”
Blaine shifted uncomfortably, and Kurt regretted his question instantly. Perhaps Blaine’s dad was a sorer
subject than he originally thought. Blaine had talked about him some before already, but Kurt shouldn’t
have brought it up himself.
“Well you know of Anderson Pharmaceuticals right?” Blaine asked not quite meeting Kurt’s eyes.
Kurt nodded his head. Who didn’t know of them? They were one of the largest Pharmaceutical
companies in the country. Kurt used some of their products himself, but then it really sank in and his
eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he sat up even straighter. “Oh… Oh!”
Holy shit Blaine was rich.
Blaine blushed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. “Yeah… so that’s my dad.”
“Your clothes are from the Gap!” Was the first thing Kurt could think of to say after a revelation like that
and he wanted to literally shove his foot in his mouth.
“Yeah I don’t like to - to flaunt it or anything. I actually had a summer job last year singing at a theme
park. I like to buy my own things. I mean, I have money in savings and stuff but I - I don’t like to use it. I
want to… make my own way. My dad - my dad thinks differently but - so… yeah, it’s just awkward for
me. Can we maybe talk about something else?” Blaine laughed uncomfortably.
Kurt immediately reached across the table and grabbed Blaine’s hand again in his own. “Of course!
What do you think the assignment in Glee will be today?”
They fell easily into their normal conversation and the tension melted out of Blaine completely. It was so
easy being and talking with Kurt. Kurt knew when not to press an issue and he knew exactly what to say
to have Blaine smiling and laughing in no time.
They were just getting ready to leave when a shadow fell across their table and Kurt looked up in
confusion to see a man, maybe an inch or two taller than him, with a broader build too and a rather
attractive face. His shoulder length blond hair was pulled back into a messy ponytail and his blue eyes
were piercing - although not quite as remarkable as Kurt’s own. He was definitely a few years older maybe a college student.
“Jeremiah!” Blaine exclaimed, mouth falling open in shock before a large grin overtook his face and he
stood to embrace the guy.
Kurt felt his insides clench viciously, because it wasn’t just a friendly embrace. There was an intimacy in
the way Jeremiah’s arms wrapped around Blaine that made Kurt want to stand up and pull the guys
frizzy hair right out of his head.
“What are you doing here? I thought you were in New York still!” Blaine laughed pulling back but still
keeping a hand on the guys arm and standing a little too close for Kurt‘s liking.
“I came back for a little while to help my dad open his new restaurant,” Jeremiah replied grinning just as
brightly with his stupid perfect white teeth and sparkly eyes. He looked vaguely familiar now that Kurt
thought about it, and he actually took a second to remove the jealousy goggles and objectively look at
the guy.
When the realization hit Kurt gasped softly. “You’re a model!” he exclaimed before he could stop
himself - something cold settled into the pit of his stomach. He’d seen Jeremiah’s picture in Teen Vogue
just last week, and he was pretty sure Jeremiah was the guy on the poster hanging in the Gap’s display
window right now.
Blaine turned to look at him as if just remembering Kurt was there in the first place. He grabbed Kurt’s
hand and tugged him over, which kind of made Kurt feel better. “Oh yeah, Jeremiah this is my friend
Kurt, Kurt this is Jeremiah an old… friend from Dalton. He graduated last year.”
Kurt felt his mouth falling open and a breathless pain blossoming in his chest, not only at the fact that
Blaine had just introduced him as his friend, but also the way Blaine had called Jeremiah his friend had
said so much more. There was no way they had just been friends, especially with the way Jeremiah was
looking at Blaine, and the way Blaine was grinning - it was like he‘d just been given his favorite toy back.
“It’s nice to meet you Kurt.” Jeremiah nodded with a smile.
Kurt didn’t want to look like a complete asshole so he smiled as best he could and returned the gesture
wordlessly. “Blaine we’re going to be late,” he then reminded softly and it wasn’t only to get Blaine
away from this guy. If they didn’t leave in the next few minutes they really would miss their first bell.
“Oh! We have to go,” Blaine agreed looking at his watch. “It was really nice seeing you again. We should
catch up while you’re still in town. Hang on a sec and I‘ll give you my number.”
“Just give me a call when you get out of school and maybe we can meet up if you don‘t have plans
already? I’m not needed for the rest of the day.” Jeremiah offered and Kurt gritted his teeth. He really
didn’t want to be angry with Blaine, and really he had no right to be. They weren’t - they hadn’t talked
about being boyfriends yet. Nothing was official exactly.
Although, Kurt had kind of just assumed that they were considering what had happened in his room last
night. Then again, Kurt reasoned, other teens made out all the time without dating - Puck and Santana,
Finn and Quinn, Finn and Rachel, Rachel and Puck. Puck and Quinn had even had a baby together!
Kurt hadn’t thought Blaine was the type to do that though, and Kurt definitely wasn’t the type, but
maybe he had been wrong about Blaine. Maybe he had made everything up in his head, but Blaine liked
him. Blaine had said the words himself. - had just confessed to having had a crush on Kurt for a long
time. But did Blaine like Kurt more than he liked Jeremiah - older, taller, tanner, muscular… a model?
How long had Blaine and this guy dated. Why did they break up? Were there still feelings?
Kurt felt the ache in his chest growing stronger.
Kurt let Blaine hold his hand as they walked to the car. He listened politely as Blaine babbled all about
Jeremiah and how successful he was in New York while they drove to school. He let Blaine hold his hand
again and walk him to his locker. When they went to separate for class though, and he saw Blaine glance
around the hall for anyone watching, before leaning in to peck him on the lips - Kurt turned so that
Blaine‘s lips landed on his cheek.
“I’ll see you later,” he whispered softly, not daring to actually look at Blaine’s face, before hugging his
books tightly to his chest and walking away despite Blaine‘s voice saying his name.
Mercedes dabbed at Kurt’s eyes with a damp paper towel. “He introduced me as his friend - his friend!”
“Maybe he didn’t know how to introduce you? I mean, you guys haven’t talked about it yet. Maybe he
just didn‘t want to jump ahead of himself.” Mercedes offered reasonably. At least, that’s what she
hoped Blaine was thinking because if it wasn’t she was going to rip Blaine Anderson’s curls right out of
his pretty little head.
“You should have seen this guy though. He was… he was attractive! I mean his hair was rather
unfortunate, and for a model his fashion sense was way off, but he was older and you could just tell he
was more experienced. He lives in New York, where Blaine wants to go to college next year, and he went
to Dalton so he’s probably rich too and already friends with Blaine’s friends.”
Mercedes tried to interrupt but Kurt was too worked up and she knew it was best to just let him rant it
all out of his system. Kurt had a tendency to panic and over think things. Once he calmed down and got
over this initial panic attack he would be more reasonable. He’d probably been working himself up all
day over this. Mercedes knew he had been avoiding Blaine, but she hadn’t said anything about it.
“What if he was Blaine’s first boyfriend? His first everything? I mean - I mean what if Blaine still has
feelings for him! The guy still likes Blaine. I could tell. If he went after him again I wouldn’t stand a
chance! I mean look at me! I‘m standing here like a - a teenage girl! I’m crying in the girls bathroom over
a stupid boy I‘ve only been on two and a half dates with!” Kurt turned around in frustration and washed
his face in the sink.
“Kurt you’re upset. You’re allowed to cry when you’re upset.” Mercedes sighed handing him a paper
towel. “I think you really have nothing to worry about with this Jeremiah guy. Blaine likes you Kurt. He
really really likes you. His whole face lights up when he sees you. He stares at you and he gets this
adorably dopey smile, and I know I haven’t known him that long either but I really don’t think Blaine is
the type of guy to play around with someone’s feelings. He’s far too much of a gentleman for his own
good, and whatever his relationship was with this Jeremiah guy it‘s over now. They broke up and he‘ll be
leaving again soon right?”
“Yeah, but what if they only broke up because he went to New York. Blaine’s going to New York too…
maybe - maybe it’s best if we don’t start anything. This guy is Blaine‘s type. I mean, I‘m Blaine‘s type, but
this guy is like an older, much more experienced, version of me. Next year I’ll just be some embarrassing
high school kid Blaine once went on a couple of dates with. He’ll be off in New York starting his life with with Jeremiah. They‘ll probably have a good laugh at how much of a - a fumbling virgin I was.”
Mercedes frowned and fixed her best friend with a hard stare. “Kurt Hummel, stop comparing yourself
to this guy right now! There’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, or the fact that you have had enough
self respect not to throw yourself around, and if you say something like that one more time I’m going to
shave your head!”
That got a tearful laugh out of Kurt as he looked at her in the sink mirror and Mercedes softened her
stance. Kurt turned with a sigh, leaning back against the sink, and Mercedes cupped his face in her
hands. “Look Kurt, if you like Blaine and he likes you, like I know he does, then you have to go for it. All
those other things, him graduating and all of that, they can be worked out later. I know you Kurt and if
this is what you really want then I know you won’t let anything get in your way.”
Kurt cleaned himself up and walked to Glee with Mercedes. He sat in his usual seat, smoothing his palms
along his knees as he waited. It had been easy to avoid Blaine in Physics because they didn’t sit near
enough to each other and the teacher didn’t allow talking anyway. He’d skipped lunch completely and
avoided every path he knew Blaine usually walked to get to his classes.
Kurt didn’t look up from his knees but he felt the second Blaine entered the room like an electric charge.
When Blaine got close enough that Kurt could smell his intoxicating cologne he felt his heart jump into
his throat. Blaine‘s shadow fell over him when he came to stop right next to his chair, but still Kurt
couldn’t bring himself to look up at the other boy. Kurt probably looked a mess anyway, skin blotchy and
eyes red.
Blaine leaned over until his lips were right by Kurt‘s ear. “Can I sit by you?” he whispered softly and Kurt
felt a shiver race down his spine.
Kurt bit his lip and glanced at Blaine out of the corner of his eye, and god his heart broke even more, but
not for himself this time. Blaine looked so… sad. It made Kurt feel like shit to know he had put that look
in Blaine’s expressive eyes, those worry lines on Blaine face, that frown on Blaine‘s lips.
It hurt.
Kurt nodded and Blaine sat down hesitantly, as if he was scared Kurt would bolt or lash out if he
accidentally touched him. They both sat in silence, neither of them knowing what to say or how to say it,
until Mr. Schue walked in already talking about their assignment for that day.
They were supposed to pick a song that reminded them of one of the other Glee club members, but
they weren‘t allowed to say who it was, and the rest of the class had to guess. It was kind of ridiculous
considering most couples would probably pick each other to sing about.
“I have something,” Blaine immediately stated.
Mr. Schue looked at him in surprise as did Kurt and some of the others. “Already?”
Blaine blushed and rubbed the back of his neck while he stood, Quinn, Brittany, and Santana following
him. “Yeah, I kind of had something I wanted to do before class started and it actually fits the
assignment perfectly.”
“Well then alright let’s get started!” Mr. Schue smiled happily and walked over to his own seat.
Blaine whispered something to the band guys as Brittany, Santana, and Quinn stood behind him, off to
the side, by the piano. The music started and it was vaguely familiar to Kurt, but it didn’t seem like
Blaine was going to keep who he was singing about a secret anyway as he did a little step and spin until
he was standing right in front of Kurt.
“You’re better then the best… I’m lucky just to linger in your light, cooler than the flip side of my pillow,
that’s right…”
Kurt’s eyes widened and his mouth fell open. He thought he heard Mercedes squeal happily from
somewhere behind him but he couldn’t take his eyes off of Blaine - who’s own eyes still looked worried
as he continued singing.
“Completely unaware… nothing can compare to where you send me, lets me know that it’s okay. Yeah
it’s okay, and the moments where my good times start to fade.”
By the course Kurt felt a slow smile stretching across his face and watched as Blaine’s face relaxed and
his hazel eyes seemed to brighten back to life. Kurt felt the ache easing at the sight of Blaine smiling. He
never wanted to see Blaine sad like that again.
“You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like bird, dizzy in my head, spin like a record, crazy
on a Sunday night… You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a
bee. Just the thought of you can drive me wild…Oh, you make me smile.”
Kurt was smiling and so was Blaine, a grin so wide and happy he wasn’t sure how Blaine was still singing.
Blaine spun away from Kurt and started to perform enthusiastically now - like he‘d gotten his inspiration
“Don’t know how I lived without you, cause every time that I get around you, I see the best of me inside
your eyes. You make me smile…”
Toward the end of the song he came back to Kurt, taking both of his hand and tugging him forward in his
seat so that their faces were close and Kurt could see Blaine’s eyes shining with exhilaration and joy.
“You make me smile like the sun, fall out of bed, sing like bird, dizzy in my head, spin like a record, crazy
on a Sunday night… You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a
bee. Just the thought of you can drive me wild…Oh, you make me smile.”
Kurt thought he heard himself laugh a little. He felt breathless and giddy, and the ache that had been in
his chest all day was gone. Blaine was here, holding his hands, singing this song to him, while everyone
else in the room clapped and danced and smiled for him… for them - it was the most amazing feeling in
the word.
“You make me dance like a fool, forget how to breathe, shine like gold, buzz like a bee. Just the thought
of you can drive me wild… Oh, you make me smile…”
Kurt felt his eyes burning as he laughed and threw his arms around Blaine when the song ended. Blaine
caught him instantly and wrapped him up tightly. Kurt felt Blaine’s body sag in relief against him, felt
Blaine’s arms tighten around him, felt Blaine’s face pressing into the dip between his neck and shoulder,
and Blaine’s lips brushing his exposed skin there.
“We should talk,” Blaine whispered against his ear and Kurt nodded in agreement.
“Can I take you home?” Blaine questioned uncertainly as he met Kurt by his locker.
Kurt closed his locker door and smiled at him, putting Blaine at ease. “Sure… I never actually asked Finn
They walked in silence side by side down the nearly empty hall and hesitantly Kurt reached out and took
Blaine’s hand. Blaine’s instant smile lit up the hallway and Kurt felt his heart swell with happiness at the
knowledge that he had put it there.
They slid into Blaine’s car and Blaine started the engine to allow the heater to run, but he didn’t move to
shift gears and pull out of the parking lot. Instead, they sat in a heavy silence, Kurt watching Blaine as
the other boy stared thoughtfully at the steering wheel.
“I’m sorry about what happened at the coffee shop this morning,” Blaine finally started and Kurt felt like
his heart was about to pound right out of his chest with nerves. “I’m assuming that’s why you’ve been
ignoring me all day. I didn’t mean to ignore you like that. It’s just - Jeremiah took me by surprise. I
haven’t heard from him since he moved to New York. His mom sometimes keeps me up to date when
she’s visiting my mom but I didn’t know he was coming back to town.”
Kurt glanced down as he picked at a loose thread on his bag. “Did you - did you date?”
“Yeah,” Blaine winced. “I’m sorry I lied about that too. I didn’t mean to. It just seemed a little harsh to
call him my ex-boyfriend to his face.”
“How long were you together?” Kurt asked softly. He felt a lump rising in the throat but swallowed it
down harshly. He didn’t know why he was torturing himself by asking these questions, but he just had to
know what he was up against - if he should be preparing himself for a serious let down.
“We got together the summer before my junior year and broke it off after graduation.” Blaine answered
biting his lower lip.
“Because he was leaving?”
“Yeah.” Blaine sighed and Kurt felt his heart sinking. Is that what would happen if he and Blaine really
started something? Would Blaine want to break up if they were still together by graduation? “But that’s
not the only reason and it‘s not the main reason.”
Kurt looked up, feeling a small spark of hope.
“The distance didn’t really bother me so much… although I know that we never would have survived a
long distance relationship. I - I honestly don’t think I would have trusted Jeremiah not to cheat. He was
always sort of… a flirt.”
Kurt felt his heart aching for Blaine and he wanted to ring this Jeremiah guys neck. Blaine didn’t deserve
that. Blaine deserved someone who would love and want him and only him. Blaine was perfect. He
deserved to be told that and made to feel that way every day. Why would anyone even look at someone
else when they had someone like Blaine to show off.
“We were too different really. I mean, we liked each other. We had fun together, but we never really… I
don’t know - clicked I guess. Jeremiah always liked attention and money - that‘s why he became a model
I think. He was a bit of a snob sometimes.“
Blaine laughed humorlessly and shook his head.
“My dad didn’t mind me dating him either, and really that should have been a warning right there. The
only reason I didn’t break up with him sooner was because… well I was comfortable. He was my first real
boyfriend. He was older and he taught me a lot of things, and anyway I broke it off last summer before
he left.”
“Wait you broke up with him?” Kurt asked in disbelief although he’d just heard Blaine say it, but
Jeremiah had just seemed so perfect. He’d been positive the model had been the one to break up with
Blaine - although Kurt couldn‘t think of a reason why anyone would actually break up with Blaine either.
Blaine shrugged as if it wasn‘t a big deal at all, but really that changed everything. It certainly made Kurt
feel a thousand times better about the situation. He didn‘t have to worry about Blaine secretly pining
away for this guy who had broken his heart. “Yeah, I don’t think we ever actually loved each other or
anything. I mean, I thought that maybe I was in love with him at one point but really there just wasn’t
that - that spark you know.”
Kurt ducked his head with a heavy frown. “No, I don’t know actually. I’ve - I’ve never had a boyfriend.”
There was a long, heavy, silence that followed and Kurt could practically hear his heart pounding in his
“Well umm… you - you could if you wanted. I - I mean I could be… yours.” Blaine stammered and Kurt’s
head snapped up to look at the blushing boy as everything seemed to tilt for a moment and he couldn’t
“You want to be my boyfriend?” he asked breathlessly and with no small amount of disbelief. He’d
known Blaine liked him so it was stupid that it seemed so shocking, but it was. It was hard for Kurt to
really wrap his mind around the concept of him, Kurt Hummel, having a boyfriend. It was something he
hadn’t thought would happen for a really really long time - if ever.
“I - I… yes. I mean I was hoping… I don’t normally just kiss random people so I thought… I mean if you
“Yes!“ Kurt answered a little too enthusiastically, as he hopped and grabbed Blaine’s arm, but he
couldn’t care as a large grin swept over Blaine’s face as well and he finally turned to look at Kurt.
They just stared at each other for a long moment. “I really want to kiss you. I’ve been wanting to all
day.” Blaine finally spoke already leaning in and Kurt met him…and yeah, there were sparks.
Coats & Dreams
“I want to touch you… everywhere?” Blaine whispered hotly, lips pressed against his ear, and all Kurt
could do was whimper and stare up at the ceiling as teeth latched onto his earlobe and tugged gently.
His legs trembled and he leaned back harder against the wall as Blaine wrapped an arm around his back
to hold him up and pressed in even closer. “Can I touch you Kurt? I want to so bad. I need to hear you
say you want me to?”
“Oh god…” Kurt gasped, feeling his chest rising and falling rapidly while Blaine’s mouth began moving
down his neck, sucking and marking. “Oh god, oh god…”
Blaine’s fingers toyed with the button of his really really tight skinny jeans, fingers dipping just below the
waistband. Kurt felt his knees buckling, relieved when Blaine and the wall was able to support his
weight. Blaine’s lips kissed a path back up his neck, captured his lips for a long toe curling moment,
before pulling away so that his heated hazel eyes could stare into Kurt’s dazed blue ones.
“Can I touch you?”
Kurt blinked his heavy eyes, trying to find his voice, to get his throat to remember how to form actual
words and not just needy incoherent whimpering.
“Well okay then dude I’m gonna head out. Rachel wanted me to pick her up so I should probably get
there early.”
Kurt’s eyes snapped open and he sat up straight. “Wait wh - what?” he questioned blinking rapidly to
clear his fogged mind.
“I asked if Blaine was picking you up today,” Finn stated from the doorway in confusion. “Dude you
okay? You look a little… flushed. You running a fever or something?”
“N - no! No. I’m fine… yeah Blaine is picking me up,” Kurt answered quickly, making sure the blankets
were still covering him while trying to keep the mortified blush that desperately wanted to creep up
from blossoming across his face like a neon sign.
“Well okay then… I’m gonna head out.” Finn left and Kurt sighed in relief. Kurt could tell already that
they were going to need a bigger house if Finn and Carole staying over all the time was going to become
a permanent thing.
Kurt fell back on his bed with a groan and blushed furiously as the dream he’d had flashed before his
closed eyelids. Even with the presence of Finn the throbbing ache between his thighs hadn’t diminished
and he knew he would need to cool off before Blaine arrived. He got up to go take a cold shower, too
ashamed of himself to actually finish himself off thinking of Blaine like that.
He felt… dirty.
This wasn’t the first dream he‘d had about Blaine. They’d been happening more frequently in the two
weeks he and Blaine had been official boyfriends, but this was the first dream that had gone beyond
kissing or frolicking hand in hand through a meadow singing The Sound of Music.
This dream had been…intense.
The sound of Blaine’s voice whispering in his ear - so deep and heady. The way his eyes darkened as they
watched Kurt whimpering. The way Blaine’s body pressed so close, solid and strong - supporting Kurt‘s
weight when Kurt couldn‘t support himself.
Kurt’s skin prickled, that dull ache blossomed again, as he felt those phantom lips brush against his ear.
“Can I touch you…”
Kurt let his head fall against the bathroom vanity with a dull thud. How was he supposed to get through
the day like this? More importantly how was he supposed to face Blaine?
“Are you feeling okay?” Blaine questioned looking at Kurt oddly.
“What? Yeah - yes I’m fine… why would you ask that?” Kurt shifted in his seat yet again at the sound of
Blaine’s voice. He couldn’t stop hearing it whispering in his ear. Kurt’s unconscious mind it seemed liked
to pass the time by coming up with all sorts of naughty things Blaine could say with those lips and that
These dreams were getting out of hand.
Blaine studied him for a long moment and that made Kurt fidget even more. “I don’t know, it’s just you
seem… uncomfortable. Is it something I‘m doing?”
“No! I - I mean I - I’m fine really. It’s just I umm… I fell - yeah I fell and bruised…” Kurt blushed hard and
covered his face with his hands as the lie left his lips, but god what was he supposed to say. He couldn’t
let Blaine think it was because of him, although that was actually the truth.
Kurt certainly couldn’t tell Blaine that his pants were feeling a little too tight because every time the boy
opened his mouth to talk he couldn’t help thinking about other uses for that pretty mouth. He really
shouldn’t have had that Queer as Folk marathon last weekend, and he really shouldn’t have finally
broken down and read those pamphlets his dad had given him months ago with colored pictures and
They certainly hadn’t helped with his overactive and overeager imagination.
“Oh!” Blaine looked concerned now as he reached across the table and took Kurt’s hand. “Are you okay?
Did you have to go to the doctor?”
“No - no it’s fine just…sore.” Oh god Kurt didn’t think this conversation could have been any worse. The
truth might have been less embarrassing than making Blaine think he had a sore ass. They needed a
change of topic fast. “So what are you doing this weekend?”
Blaine thankfully took the bait. “Well there’s the JV game on Thursday and the Varsity game Friday, but
after that I’m free… why?”
Kurt took both of Blaine’s hand in his and Blaine sat a little straighter, giving Kurt his full attention, which
he’d had already anyway. “Well I was thinking that on Saturday… after the Burberry sale of course -”
“Of course.” Blaine echoed with an amused smirk.
Kurt sent him a look that was not amused before continuing with what he had been about to say, while
Blaine obediently tucked his lips into his mouth to suppress his grin. “I was thinking after the Burberry
sale you could meet me at the mall and we could maybe catch a movie and get something to eat.”
“Kurt Hummel are you asking me on a date?” Blaine questioned dramatically placing a hand over his
heart and fluttering his eyelashes.
Kurt fought his smile and leaned back in his seat, releasing Blaine’s hand. “Well if you don’t want to -”
Blaine merely raised an eyebrow. “Oh I definitely want.”
Kurt wanted to scream because that totally was not fair! He shook himself and brought his wondering
mind back into focus. “Okay so after the sale I’ll call you and you can meet me -”
“Why don’t I just go with you to this sale?” Blaine asked nonchalantly as he stirred his almost empty
coffee cup.
It was Kurt’s turn to raise his eyebrows. “Are you serious right now?”
Blaine looked slightly offended. “What I love shopping and you said yourself you liked my style.”
“Blaine honey this isn’t shopping at the gap on a Sunday afternoon - what?” Blaine had gotten this goofy
grin on his face that Kurt actually found completely adorable.
“You called me honey…” Blaine answered dreamily.
Kurt felt himself blushing. “Oh… well um yeah…”
“So does this mean I get to give you a pet name?” Blaine had a twinkle in his eye that Kurt did not like
one bit.
He eyed his boyfriend warily. “Blaine no…”
“Love Muffin?”
“Blaine -”
“Honey Bear?”
“Blaine stop -”
“Sweet Cheeks?”
“Oh my god -”
“Baby Cakes… no wait Kurt I was serious about that one!”
Kurt got up and walked away blushing furiously while Blaine tried to grab at him and nearly fell out of his
chair. He could hear Blaine laughing as the other boy threw down some money and then scrambled to
follow. Blaine caught up with Kurt at the door and pressed in close, wrapping his arms around Kurt’s
waist and still chuckling as he kissed his ear. Kurt felt the urge to look around and make sure no one was
watching, but after a second he allowed himself to sink into Blaine’s warmth unapologetically.
“What’s the matter? I promise I won’t really call you any of those,” Blaine stated, pulling back slightly as
he noticed that Kurt actually looked irritated.
“No it’s not that - although you better not ever call me any of those or I might have to break up with you
- it’s just… it’s raining.”
“Oh…” Blaine trailed off, brow creasing in confusion when he looked outside to see that it was in fact
raining now. “So…um what’s the matter again?” If they ran for it they shouldn’t get too wet.
Kurt huffed in annoyance. “I spent like a whole hour on my hair this morning.”
Blaine looked from his perfectly groomed boyfriend to where his car was parked almost in the back of
the parking lot and considered his options. “Well how about I go get the car and you wait here.”
“You would do that?” Kurt asked in surprise, as if he hadn’t considered it an option.
Blaine shrugged. “Of course, seems like either way I’m getting wet so why make you get wet too?” It
was so worth it when Kurt’s whole face lit up with happiness.
Blaine pecked him on the cheek before running out the door. When he reached his car however he
remembered too late that he had given Kurt his keys to hold while he paid for their coffee. Blaine turned
and ran back, stepping in a deep puddle and nearly slipping but managing to catch himself.
Kurt was already waiting for him with the coffee shop door cracked open. He was laughing, and Blaine
grinned goofily at the sound, as Kurt leaned out quick enough to kiss Blaine’s wet lips and send him back
on his way again with the keys.
Blaine was completely soaked by the time he slid into his car and was once again thankful that the seats
were leather. He turned on the heater and let the car get warm before pulling up as close as he could to
the door. There was still about a five step gap between it and the car though and he could see that Kurt
was looking between the pouring sky and the distance biting his lip hesitantly.
Blaine chuckled and rolled his eyes fondly before getting out again while he removed his jacket. He ran
over to the passenger side and opened the door before running back over to Kurt. “Come on!” he
encouraged holding the Jacket over his own head and opening it invitingly for Kurt. Kurt quickly ducked
underneath and Blaine felt the taller boy’s arm wrap around his waist for balance as he rushed him over
to the waiting car.
When Kurt was safely inside Blaine closed the door and ran over to the driver’s side soaking wet and
shivering. Blaine figured it was all worth it though when Kurt immediately grabbed his face once he’d
closed his door and proceeded to warm him up by kissing him until Blaine felt it from his tingling lips all
the way down to his frozen toes.
Kurt dabbed the cream on Blaine’s eye, studying the bruised skin carefully as he gently rubbed it in. The
black eye actually looked worse than it had yesterday. “Wow she really got you good didn’t she…”
Blaine looked at Kurt with wide earnest eyes and Kurt felt the urge to wrap him in his arms and hold him
close. “But I won right? I got you that one of a kind Burberry bird cage cover didn‘t I.”
Kurt patted Blaine’s shoulder in reassurance and nodded. “Yes you did and I love it.” He leaned in and
kissed his boyfriends forehead smiling fondly as Blaine’s whole face lit up with happiness.
“But Kurt you don’t have a bird,” Tina whispered to him when he turned around to put the tube of
cream back in his bag.
Kurt shook his head and glanced at Blaine to make sure he hadn’t heard, but Blaine seemed to be in a
pretty intense play by play reenactment of their shopping trip with a fascinated Mike and Artie. “Just let
him have it. It was the only thing he managed to hold on to.”
“So how was the rest of your date?” Mercedes questioned taking a bite of her sandwich.
They were sitting out in the court yard eating lunch, and it was still new and so surprising for Kurt when
Blaine would meet him at his locker and without question follow him to his usual spot or table.
Sometimes they would eat alone wrapped up in their own little world, and honestly Kurt like those days
the best. He just liked being with Blaine period, but today Mercedes and Tina had joined them again and
soon Mike and Artie too.
It was nice though - knowing that it didn’t bother his friends when Blaine goofily pressed a gum drop
against Kurt’s lips trying to get him to eat it. Kurt really needed to start making Blaine’s lunches himself if
he ever wanted the boy to eat anything that wasn’t ninety-five percent sugar. Blaine didn’t need any
more sugar to begin with.
“We ended up going back to my house to ice his eye. Then Blaine watched a football game with Finn and
my dad so he could lay on the couch while the pain meds kicked in. I helped Carole cook dinner.”
Mercedes winced. “Oh sorry I asked.”
Kurt shook his head though, smiling happily as he leaned in closer to the two girls to whisper. “It was
great actually. He - he gets along well with my dad and Finn and Carole thinks he‘s completely adorable which he is. They really like him, and you know I - I think my dad may be popping the question to Carole
“That’s so great Kurt!” Tina exclaimed happily.
“Hey lady boy!” Kurt looked up just in enough time for about five slushies to come crashing down on
him like a very painful full bodied slap in the face and splattering on the others sitting around him as
well. He sat breathing heavily in shock while the jocks walked away laughing and giving each other high
fives. Notably absent from the group were Azimio and Karofsky, although that could have just been
because it was guys from the hockey team this time.
“What the hell!” Blaine shouted furiously from beside him, standing to his feet along with Mike, but Kurt
grabbed his wrist quickly to keep him from going after them.
There was no way Blaine could take on five hockey players, even with Mike as back up. Blaine crouched
back down beside him, stripping off his leather Letterman’s jacket to wipe slushy off of Kurt’s face with
his own shirt sleeves. “God Kurt.“ Kurt was still sort of frozen there in shock, unable to move, or do
anything to really help himself so he just let Blaine clear his eyes enough of the slushy and dye so he
could see properly again.
Finally Kurt noticed Mercedes and Tina both shaking slushy off of their own clothes. “I - I’m so sorry…”
he apologized, shivering from the shock and cold. Mercedes had just bought that shirt last weekend and
now it was probably ruined.
“Don’t be stupid boy!” Mercedes reprimanded immediately.
“Yeah don’t apologize for those assholes.” Tina added while Mike walked over and helped wipe bits of
slushy off her back where it has splattered some.
“Come on…” Blaine coaxed gently grabbing Kurt by his arms and tugging. Kurt stood and slushy fell off of
him in chunks, splattering against the ground. He bent to try and salvage his stuff but Mercedes slapped
his hands away.
“We’ll get it. Just go get cleaned up.”
They stopped by Kurt’s locker to get his spare clothes and the fresh towel he kept there for this very
thing and when they entered the boys bathroom Blaine turned and locked the door completely. Kurt
immediately went to the sink and ducked his head under the faucet so that Blaine couldn’t see how
upset he was. Normally, it didn’t bother him that much anymore when things like this happened, but
now it was happening in front of Blaine and it was so humiliating.
Kurt felt another set of fingers running through the back of his hair and sighed and closed his eyes as
Blaine helped him make sure all of the slushy was out. When the faucet was cut off Blaine dried the back
of his neck for him before Kurt lifted and took the towel from Blaine‘s hands to rub over the rest of his
face and hair. Kurt then went into a stall to change, wetting the towel to help rub some of the left over
stickiness off of his skin once he removed his ruined clothes.
Blaine silently waited and handed him his spare clothes under the door, taking Kurt’s ruined ones and
throwing them away for him. Kurt exited the stall once he was fully dressed again, holding his white pea
coat forlornly. It had been a Christmas present he’d bought himself last year from his dad and Kurt had
always been extra careful when wearing it up until today. The jocks hadn’t slushied him or really
bothered him since he’d started dating Blaine and he had thought it would be safe.
“I really loved this jacket.” Kurt bit his lip and blinked back the burn as he threw the blue, red, green,
purple, and orange soaked sticky mess away with the rest of his things. There had been so much slushy
in fact that it had soaked through and ruined both his shirt and undershirt beneath.
It was almost too silent in the small bathroom and Kurt looked over at Blaine who was looking at him
with barley suppressed tears of his own. Blaine looked positively devastated and just heartbroken and it
both tore at Kurt and filled his heart with warmth at the same time. He walked over to his boyfriend and
wrapped his arms around Blaine’s waist, resting his forehead against Blaine’s shoulder.
“It’s okay… I’m okay,” he whispered feeling Blaine’s hands clutch him tightly for a long moment before
Kurt felt the fingers of both of Blaine’s hands weaving into his damp, messy hair and tugging softly until
he lifted his head. Then lips were on his, hot and desperate, and the intensity frightened Kurt for a
moment. But he was soon kissing Blaine back, mouth opening and a groan leaving his throat as Blaine’s
tongue wrapped around his.
Blaine’s fingers remained curled in his hair and Kurt’s own clutched at the back of Blaine’s shirt. He
didn’t realize they were moving until he felt his back hit the wall and Blaine pressed up against him. Oh…
that was new. They had made out plenty since that night in Kurt‘s bedroom where Blaine had first
introduced him to this, but they had never kissed like this - pressed fully against each other as they were
Everything about Kurt was acutely aware of everything about Blaine. From the warmth emanating from
his body, the familiar smell of his cologne, the way his muscles shifted when he did. Every single breath
Blaine took Kurt could feel it. He could feel the vibrations when Blaine hummed in the back of his throat
and it sent his blood pounding hotly through his veins until Kurt could hear nothing but their shared
breathing and the wet sound of their mouths and tongues sliding together.
They didn’t quite align perfectly until Kurt let his knees buckle a bit and then there… that was perfect.
Kurt let himself get lost in the kiss. In the taste of Blaine - sugar and candy, but something purely
masculine and all Blaine underneath. His body pressed so tightly against Kurt’s and it made Kurt feel
dizzy and light headed yet safe and warm too. Nothing could touch him here - nothing could touch
them. The jocks and the humiliation he’d just felt… it all melted away into nothing - because it was
nothing. This was all that mattered.
Blaine pressed in harder, their bodies sliding together, and Kurt felt a sound leaving his lips again as his
head was cradled against the wall by Blaine’s hand and Blaine’s lips ripped away from his own and
began moving down his neck. Images from Kurt’s latest dream flashed before his eyes, same position
but less clothing, and he could feel warmth pooling low in his abdomen as his groin tightened.
“Bl - Blaine…” Kurt tapped a hand against Blaine’s shoulder and instantly Blaine stopped and lifted his
head. He met Blaine’s intense eyes with his own as he ran his fingers through Blaine’s lose curls. “Hey…”
he whispered softly, his other hand resting on Blaine’s chest where he could feel the boys heart
pounding as furiously as his own.
Blaine smiled gently and leaned in to kiss Kurt’s lips softly a few times before separating their bodies a
few inches. Kurt immediately missed the warmth and security but he stamped down his protests,
because despite the dreams the reality was that he wasn’t ready. Blaine kissed him once more, before
moving away, but Kurt clutched at his arm not quite ready to let go just yet.
It was okay though since Blaine kept a hand wrapped around Kurt’s elbow and sent him a breathtaking
smile while he turned slightly and reached over on the nearby sink where he had draped his Letterman
jacket. He shook it out before hesitantly wrapping it around Kurt’s shoulders.
“I know it’s not really your style but…will you wear it? At least for today?” Blaine asked, eyes almost
pleading with Kurt to say that he would.
Kurt was speechless for a moment, mouth working open and closed. “What about you?”
“I’ll be fine.” Blaine reassured. “I know how cold you get and we have a pep rally this afternoon - the
gyms always a little chilly if you‘re just sitting in the stands.”
The heavy material was a comfortable weight wrapped around his body. Kurt turned his head slightly to
smell the leather. It smelled like Blaine, heady and intoxicating. It felt safe and secure and warm. It felt
like Blaine. “I’d love to wear it,” he whispered softly and glanced back at Blaine to see the other boy
positively vibrating with pride and happiness.
It filled Kurt’s heart with an emotion that he wasn’t quite ready to explain.
Blaine held both of Kurt’s hands as he guided him down the steps to his bedroom. “You know I’m going
to have to have a talk with my dad about him just letting you into my room when I’m not around.” Kurt
stated, keeping his eyes closed tightly even though the temptation to peek was nearly overwhelming.
“Besides what are you doing visiting my dad when I’m not home anyway?”
“He wanted to see the car and I needed to bring your surprise over before you got back - how was work
anyway?” Blaine question walking behind Kurt once they’d cleared the steps to move him into place.
“It was good… not much happened after dad left so I did some paperwork and locked up. Why are you
surprising me anyway - not that I’m complaining. Am I missing something though? Because I’m positive
that our two month anniversary isn‘t until next week.”
“Well maybe I should just save this surprise until next week then -”
“No!” Kurt quickly protested, grabbing Blaine’s arm when he felt the other boy about to pull away.
Blaine laughed in amusement before kissing Kurt’s cheek and pressing in close behind him again. He
wrapped his arms around Kurt’s waist and hooked his chin over the taller boys shoulder. “Now, before I
let you open your eyes you have to make me a promise.”
“Okay…” Kurt replied hesitantly, biting his lower lip, which distracted Blaine for a moment.
“You have to promise me that you won’t get mad.”
Kurt‘s brow creased in confusion. “Get mad? Why would I get mad? Oh god did you redecorate my room
or something.”
Blaine pressed his mouth against Kurt’s shoulder to muffle his chuckles at the complete look of horror
that crossed Kurt‘s face at the thought. “No… but I did peek into your wish-list journal while you weren’t
“Oh.” Kurt didn’t mind that at all. It wasn’t exactly a secret. In fact, he’d read some of it to Blaine when
the other boy had caught him writing in it once. It was just a journal he kept, outlining his plans for the
future and the things he wanted. He had two or three of them actually, full of magazine clippings, maps,
post cards… everything.
“So you can’t get mad at me for getting you this and there’s no give backs.”
Kurt sent Blaine a teasing smile. “What are you five?”
“Kurt, no give backs once you open it… promise.”
Kurt rolled his eyes, which was much less effective when they were closed. “Fine no give backs and I
promise not to get mad… although I don’t know why I would get mad. I love presents!” He bounced
excitedly and heard and felt Blaine’s low chuckle against his shoulder and back.
“Okay open your eyes.”
Kurt’s eyes flew open and he looked around for a wrapped box or bow or anything, but all he saw was a
plain looking garment bag hanging on his closet door. He glanced at Blaine before hesitantly walking
over. “Is this - is this it?” Blaine nodded silently and Kurt bit his lip again as he slowly let his fingers grab
the zipper and pull down.
Blaine shifted nervously on his feet, watching Kurt‘s reaction closely. “It was number one on your wishlist as far as clothes went for when you move to New York, but I figured with what happened to your
white coat… do you like it?”
Kurt couldn’t speak as his eyes took in the single breasted fur trench coat that would hang about mid
thigh when he put it on. He reached out shakily and let his fingers trail over the silky fur and the leather
cuffs, buckles, and buttons with the familiar Burberry London logo. It was breathtakingly beautiful.
“It’s not white like the coat that was ruined, but I thought you could wear the black one with more
outfits. It’s not mink either. It’s rabbit actually. I didn’t think you would let me buy you the mink one…
maybe for our one year anniversary.” Blaine laughed nervously as he rubbed the back of his neck
watching Kurt study the jacket in silence. His face was really hard to read. “If you don’t like it we can
bring it back and you can pick out whatever you want. If you want the mink one you can get that one
too. I just thought you might wear this one around here. You needed something warmer to wear
anyway and -”
Blaine’s rambling was cut off on a gust of air as Kurt collided with his chest. He instinctively wrapped his
arms around Kurt’s shaking shoulders and realized with horror that Kurt was crying. “Oh my god Kurt I’m
so sorry! Do you hate it? We can bring it back! I promise you won’t hurt my feelings at all!”
“Blaine shut up.” Kurt whispered against his neck on a shuddering breath and Blaine snapped his mouth
closed and waited for Kurt to regain control of himself and tell him what to do. When he did Kurt pulled
back and kissed Blaine long and hard, leaving the curly headed boy dazed and blinking. “You’re so so
stupid. I can’t believe you went out and bought me a fur coat. I want to hit you so hard for spending
what I know you paid for that - but god I love it.”
“You - you do?” Blaine asked warily.
“Yes I do. It’s beautiful and perfect and god Blaine thank you so much!” Kurt kissed him again and this
time Blaine was coherent enough to return it, but before it could get too intense Kurt pulled back
suddenly, hand flying to his forehead in panic. “I - I have to plan an outfit! I have to call Mercedes and
Tina! We need to plan a date so I can wear it!”
Blaine laughed and kissed Kurt chastely a few times. His own excitement threatening to spill over at
making Kurt so happy. “How about I go plan our date and you plan your outfit - and call Tina and
Blaine made it up the stairs just as he heard Kurt squealing over the phone and grinned in success at
Finn and Burt who were watching a game. “How’d it go kid?” Burt questioned while Blaine collapsed on
the couch beside Finn. He knew it would take Kurt a while to figure out an outfit and he kind of already
had plans for their date anyway.
“Great! He loved it.” Blaine sighed in relief.
“Did he cry?” Finn asked shoving a hand full of Cheetos into his mouth.
Blaine grinned goofily. “Yeah.”
Just as he said it Kurt came bounding up the stairs, still chattering on the phone with Tina or Mercedes
or both. He paused long enough to lean over the back of the couch and silently kiss Blaine on the
forehead before disappearing into the kitchen - reappearing seconds later dragging Carole behind him
by the wrist.
“You won’t believe what Blaine bought for me. It’s beauti -” They disappeared back into Kurt’s room Carole with a hand over her mouth and eyes twinkling in amusement.
Finn fist bumped him while Burt nodded in approval. “Good job kid.”
Kurt pulled into McKinley High’s parking lot on Monday to find the girls of New Directions waiting for
him. “Is there something I should be aware of?” Blaine questioned unbuckling his seat belt from the
passenger side.
Kurt had finally gotten his keys back from his dad and had picked Blaine up this morning. He hadn’t
actually seen Blaine’s house though, which Kurt thought was odd, but he hadn‘t pushed. Instead, Blaine
met him at what looked like the end of a pretty long driveway, where he’d left his car and slid silently
into Kurt’s without making eye contact. Kurt had merely reached over and grabbed Blaine’s hand, glad
when the boy relaxed and they fell easily into normal conversation.
“Nothing you should worry about.“ Kurt kissed Blaine and smiled brightly before bouncing out the door.
The girls all rushed over. “You’re not wearing it!”
“Of course not and let the jocks ruin it!” Blaine watched in curious amusement as the girls followed
close behind Kurt while he opened the back of the Navigator.
That’s when Blaine finally noticed the familiar garment bag hanging in the back and he felt a blush
creeping slowly up his neck. He got out of the car himself and stood in the back of the group as Kurt
unzipped the zipper to reveal what was concealed underneath.
“Oh wow Kurt it’s beautiful!” Tina exclaimed eyes wide with wonder as she reached out hesitantly and
let her fingers smooth down the soft fur.
Mercedes grabbed Kurt’s arm and hugged it, giving him a grin and a wink. “Your boy has good taste.”
“It’s quite nice… although not the best. I can tell right away that it’s rabbit and every self-respecting diva
knows mink is the way to go.” Rachel finally commented reaching out to touch, but Kurt slapped her
hand away with a glare. He figured she would be jealous so he’d expected a comment like that, but
before he could say anything in Blaine‘s defense Santana beat him to it.
“Like you would know anything about fashion Granny Panties.” Santana insulted as she walked over to
link arms with Blaine, who had been standing rather awkwardly in the background not knowing if he
should leave or stay.
“Well put it on Fancy! I know you’re dying to show it off!” Quinn teased with sparkling eyes as she
unbuttoned the coat to gently take it off its hanger and out of the garment bag.
Kurt bit his lip and glanced around to make sure there were no potential threats lurking about, but all he
saw was a few students glancing over curiously from their own vehicles - none of which were wearing
Letterman jackets. “Okay, but only for a second.” He agreed, quickly unwinding his scarf and
unbuttoning the less fabulous jacket he’d worn that day.
Quinn held open the coat for him, much like Blaine normally did, and Kurt wanted to laugh as he slipped
his arms through.z88; He couldn’t help how his face flushed with happiness or the feeling of satisfaction
he got when the beautiful coat was finally buttoned up and they were all staring at him in admiration.
“It fits you perfectly!”
“It’s so beautiful Kurt!”
“You look gorgeous!”
“You have to let me try it on.”
“Okay there’s no way you two didn’t totally get it on.”
“Can I hug you?” That last one was from Brittney and Kurt laughed as he held his arms open for the girl,
who immediately cuddled up close, rubbing her face against the silky fur. “You feel like Lord
“So Blaine… how did Kurt repay you? Spare no details. Was it a blowjob? I bet it was a blowjob.” Santana
questioned looking at the curly headed boy slyly as his face turned completely red and he began to
“Santana!” Kurt exclaimed feeling his own face growing hot.
Santana huffed and rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah I forgot, Fancy over here is still clinging tightly to his VCard. Let me guess you probably went to a romantic dinner and shared a sweet goodnight kiss under the
porch light while his dad sat on the other side of the door waiting up for him. At this rate Betty Home
Maker over here get‘s more action than you do.” Santana nodded her head at Rachel before looking
Blaine over with a leer. “Just let me know if you need any help relieving some of that built up tension.”
Kurt’s mouth worked open and closed for a long moment before he turned and slammed the back of his
Navigator shut. Then ignoring everyone frozen in shock he stormed around to the driver’s side and
climbed in, locking the doors so they couldn’t follow and pressing his forehead against the steering
Blaine pulled away from Santana and glared. “Remember when you told me to tell you if I ever thought
you were being a bitch - well I just thought it!” he snapped and Santana actually winced. Blaine didn’t
care though because he was already making his way to the passenger side of the Navigator and tapping
on the window gently. “Kurt can you let me in?”
Kurt shook his head not even looking up at him.
“Kurt I think we should talk.” Blaine tried again as he watched Mercedes usher the others away none to
gently to give them privacy.
“No you should go to class before you’re late!” Kurt called, muffled through the door.
“I’m not going to class until you do, so you’re either going to have to let me in cause it’s really cold out
here, or you’re going to have to come out… unless you want me to stand here and freeze to death.” For
a minute Blaine actually thought Kurt was going to leave him out there and he braced himself for
waiting the other boy out in the cold, but then he heard a click and quickly pulled the door handle
before Kurt could change his mind.
The silence was heavy, neither one knowing how to address this growing… tension. Blaine had noticed it
every time they touched and kissed or spent any time alone together recently, but he’d wanted to wait
for Kurt to be ready to talk about it. He knew Kurt was new to… well everything, and that both thrilled
and terrified him.
“Kurt listen you don’t -”
“Do you want to?” Kurt cut in, still staring hard at the steering wheel. “I - I mean I know you do - what
guy doesn’t. They only think about it every two freakin seconds, but am I - are we moving too slow?”
Blaine reached out but stopped - unsure if he could actually touch Kurt at that moment. “No! No Kurt
god! We’re moving just fine. We’re moving at your pace and that‘s perfectly -”
Kurt snorted derisively blinking rapidly and Blaine was horrified to see tears building in his large blue
eyes. “My pace… that’s - that’s just it! That’s what I’m talking about! We’ve been together for two
months and - and we haven’t done more than kiss and - and even Rachel and Finn moved faster! I know
because Finn brags and Puck brags and - and they all do! All of them brag about it and I‘m just - I‘m just
“Kurt -”
“And I don’t even know what my pace is! I - I mean I’ve never - never done this before. I’ve never had a
boyfriend. I don’t know what I’m doing.” Kurt continued running a hand through his hair in frustration,
and that more than anything told Blaine how upset he was. “I don’t know what pace is right. I - I don’t
know anything. I don’t know how fast is fast enough. I don’t know if you’re getting bored with me and
I’m just frustrating you because I can‘t seem to get it together and -”
Kurt couldn’t finish his rambling because Blaine grabbed him by the back of the neck, hauled his upper
body across the middle section, and kiss him long and deep. By the time he pulled back they were both
breathing heavily and Kurt was feeling dazed.
“Trust me…” Blaine gasped softly, hand still clutching the back of Kurt’s neck as he pressed their
foreheads together. “There is nothing about you that’s boring.”
Kurt still looked uncertain. “It’s just everyone else -”
“We’re not everyone else Kurt.” Blaine reprimanded gently, and maybe a bit offended that Kurt would
consider him in the same category as Puck and even Finn when it came to things like this. “What you
said earlier is true. We’ve only been dating for two months Kurt. I know to every other teenager that’s
like a lifetime, but I want to take this slow. I want to get to know everything about you, and you me. I
want you to feel comfortable -”
“But you’ve done things -”
Blaine sighed. “I’m not like most guys Kurt. I thought you knew that by now.“ Kurt blushed adverting his
eyes in shame, because yeah, he did know. “I would never pressure you into anything. I would certainly
never brag about anything we did. I would never disrespect you like that.”
“Yes I do think about it like most guys though, and if you would let me I would love teaching you
whatever you want to know and even experiencing new things with you… but not right now.” Blaine
stated gently. “I completely adore you Kurt. You‘re sexy and smart and funny, and just - I love spending
time with you. I love talking to you. I love getting to know you. Yes, I want to do things. Yes, I think about
it, but not until we’re ready okay. I don‘t want to rush this. Let’s just… let things progress naturally
Kurt nodded biting his lower lip as he fiddled with the button on Blaine‘s jacket. “O-okay… but what if what if I want to try something… more?”
Blaine hesitated, studying Kurt‘s face for a long moment. “Then… as long as you want to and you’re not
forcing yourself because you think it’s something I want. I want you to go with what feels right Kurt. I
don’t want you forcing yourself to do anything you aren’t ready for. I want you to be comfortable and I
will wait as long as I have to. It’s not like I was jumping everything in my path before I met you. I’m
perfectly content with waiting. I’m not going anywhere unless you make me. I promise. When I gave you
that coat I didn’t expect anything in return. I just wanted to see you happy.”
Kurt blushed softly as he tried to figure out how to word his next sentence. “I - I don’t know how
“What do you mean?” Blaine asked a bit confused.
Kurt ducked his head and Blaine cupped his face to lift it so their eyes could meet. “I - I mean, I don’t
know what to do. How to initiate… things. I mean could you - couldn’t you just… show me? Not right
now but… like in the future if we’re kissing or something - could you just…” Kurt trailed off shrugging
Blaine understood though. He remember what it felt like to not know what to do. What it felt like to
know that he wanted something but not exactly what that something was. He remembered feeling
helpless and just frustrated because he didn’t know how to move things along.
Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hands and brought them to his lips, kissing his knuckles, before looking him
straight in the eye. “Only if you promise me you’ll stop if you’re not ready,” he stated seriously.
“I promise,” Kurt whispered sincerely and then leaned in to kiss him.
Kiss Me Better
“Are you sure you’ll be okay?” Burt questioned as he and Carole gathered all of their things.
Kurt nodded. “Blaine will be out in a minute then we’re going to go get some ice cream.”
“Okay kid… see you later.” His dad left, still glancing over his shoulder at Kurt worriedly until they were
out of the stands and on their way to the parking lot.
Kurt bit his lip and glanced around nervously, finally deciding to make his way over to the locker rooms
where Blaine had gone to change with the football players so he could meet Kurt afterwards. Finn, Puck,
Sam, and Mike were also in there so Kurt felt a bit more at ease waiting there than in the stands despite
the fact that all the other jocks were inside as well.
That is… until Kurt felt a heavy hand land on his shoulder and spin him around before slamming him
back against the metal building. “What do you think you’re doing Lady Boy? Trying to sneak a peek at
my junk.”
“I doubt you have much to look at,” Kurt snapped back as he tried to catch his breath. He winced when
he felt Karofsky’s hand tightening on his shoulder painfully and began to prepare himself for an
inevitable hit. To Kurt‘s surprise though, Karofsky pushed him to the ground instead and pulled his leg
back, which had Kurt instinctively curling in on himself, but all Karofsky did was kick dirt on him before
walking away.
Kurt saw red as he sat up, clumps of dirt falling off of him. “What is your problem!” he shouted pushing
himself to his feet and storming after the large boy. “What did I ever do to you to make you treat me
like this!”
“The fact that you exist is enough!” Karofsky snarled over his shoulder, but he kept walking, body tense
and fist clenching - that really should have told Kurt to stay back.
Kurt didn‘t though. He didn‘t know what came over him because he certainly wasn‘t this brave or this
stupid on a regular basis, but Karofsky kicking dirt on him had… snapped something. “Are you so
insecure that you have to bully someone half your size to make yourself fell like a real man.”
Karofsky spun around in fury and Kurt froze, heart catching in his throat, but he couldn’t back down now
even though it was obvious he‘d hit a serious nerve. “Don’t push me Hummel!”
Kurt glanced down at the large boy’s balled fists then back at his red face. “Go ahead and hit me if you
think it’ll make you feel better about yourself.”
“I don’t hit girls,” Karofsky spat.
“You know you say that like it’s an insult - like being a girl is a bad thing,” Kurt replied, voice shaking as it
returned to a normal level and he watched Karofsky closely. “You ever thought that maybe it’s girls you
don’t like.”
It took Kurt a second to register what happened and then he struggled violently until Karofsky rough
hands released his face and he was able to gasp for breath. Karofsky grabbed both of his upper arms in a
steel grip and fear like nothing Kurt had ever felt before blinded him and he kicked out violently and
cried out. Karofsky grunted and Kurt felt himself hit the ground again harder this time. He tried to
scramble away but he was shaking too badly to stand.
“Stay the fuck away from me!” Karofsky shouted, angrier than Kurt had ever heard anyone sound
before, and then he was the one running away.
Kurt just sat there trying to catch his breath, heart pounding in his ears, entire body trembling, eyes
wide in shock and burning hotly. “Kurt? Kurt! Kurt what’s the matter? Kurt!” Then Finn was right there,
on his knees beside him, and Kurt was clawing his way into the other boys arms clinging and sobbing and
forcing Finn to fall back on his ass so he could hold him.
Kurt could have taken Karofsky hitting him, but the attack that had just happened he didn‘t know how
deal with - he’d never felt so scared in his entire life. Kurt had never felt so helpless - so vulnerable and
used and just degraded. In that second Kurt had been scared out of his mind. Karofsky was so much
bigger. He could have dragged him off and done anything he wanted. Kurt had never thought Karofsky
was that - that violent, but apparently something was seriously wrong with the boy if what he‘d just
done was any indication.
“Kurt - Kurt come on man tell me what happened? Are you hurt?” Finn was saying, trying to get Kurt to
lift his head, which was buried in his shoulder.
“Dude is that Karofsky? What’s he going that way for?” Puck questioned from somewhere over them as
Kurt felt someone else falling to their knees beside him, and without even looking he knew it was Blaine.
He didn’t know how he knew but he did.
“Finn give him to me,” Blaine said, voice shaking, but as much as Kurt wanted to be in Blaine’s arms he
couldn’t get his fingers to release Finn’s shirt and he felt Finn’s arms actually tighten around him. Kurt
felt fingers brushing through his hair and felt himself calming as Blaine scooted in closer until his chest
was pressing against Kurt‘s shoulder. “Kurt let me see you? Did he hurt you? Come on talk to me? Was it
Karofsky? Did he hurt you?”
Kurt nodded trying to swallow back his emotions, but they were just out of his control at the moment.
The fear was still so - so present. “I was - I was waiting on Blaine - by the locker room. I thought it would
be - be okay to wait there because you guys were there and he - he grabbed me and - and threw me
down. I - I went after him and we - we started arguing and he - he grabbed me again - my face… he he…”
“He hit you?” Finn asked, in a tone Kurt had never heard him use before as he tried to get him to lift his
head again so that he could see his face. “Let me see… did he hit you?”
Kurt lifted his head and shook it, face crumbling again as more tears fell, and it all just came out of him
in a hysterical rush. “He kissed me! He grabbed me and kissed me and he wouldn’t let go and I pushed
him off and he grabbed me again and I kicked him and he threw me to the ground and he -”
“Blaine!” Sam suddenly shouted and Kurt’s head whipped around to see Blaine’s back as he ran across
the field in the direction Karofsky had gone. Puck took off then and soon Sam and Mike were following.
Kurt struggled to stand but Finn held onto him. “Finn let me go!” he shouted and Finn released him, hot
on his heels as Kurt ran after his boyfriend. He caught up to them in the parking lot just as Blaine caught
up to Karofsky, and Kurt hated to admit it but it surprised the hell out of him when Blaine tackled and
Karofsky actually went down.
Puck, Mike, and Sam caught up with the struggling boys first, but none of them tried to separate the
fight until Karofsky finally managed to elbow Blaine in the ribs and gain the upper hand. Then Puck and
Sam jumped in, grabbing Karofsky and dragging him off, as Mike and Finn moved past Kurt to get Blaine.
“How dare you! How dare you touch him against his will! How dare you force yourself on him! Come
near him again and I’ll rip you apart!“ Blaine was shouting as he struggled against the hands holding him
until Kurt rushed between Finn and Mike and collided with Blaine’s heaving chest, wrapping his arms
around Blaine’s waist and holding on tight.
“Blaine - Blaine please - please calm down - please…” Kurt rambled feeling Blaine’s body trembling with
anger and adrenaline. He’d always thought having someone stand up and fight for him would be kind of
sexy, but seeing Blaine like this was downright terrifying.
Blaine’s arms wrapped around him, his face burying in Kurt‘s neck as he squeezed him so tight it was
almost painful, but Kurt didn‘t protest - just held Blaine back. He could feel Blaine trembling beneath his
fingers, feel his heart still pounding through his chest, as both of them breathed heavily against each
other‘s necks.
“Karofsky! Anderson! What’s going on here!” It was Coach Beiste, although Kurt didn’t let go of Blaine to
It was obvious what happened. Puck and Sam were still flanking Karofsky, while Finn and Mike still stood
cautiously on either side of Blaine and Kurt. Plus there was the fact that Blaine and Karofsky both looked
like they’d just gotten into a fight.
There was no way they were talking their way out of this one.
“Has dad calmed down yet?” Kurt questioned looking over at Carole who had brought their small
medical kit from the bathroom. Blaine reached for it but Kurt slapped his hands away, balancing the kit
on his own knees from where he sat beside Blaine on the edge of his bed and popping open the lid.
“He went outside…” Carole answered. “Blaine honey don’t be alarmed if you see the hood of your car
up. He was mumbling about changing the oil or something.”
Blaine shook his head. “It’s fine Mrs. Hudson. They keys are on the coffee table if he wants to drive
around for a while. That always helps me.”
“I’ll let him know… and it’s Carole dear.” Carole ruffled Blaine’s hair fondly before leaving them alone,
even closing Kurt‘s bedroom door softly behind her.
Blaine watched with a frown as Kurt silently sorted through the bandages and different medicines. He
thought it was a little much. He only had a few scrapes and bruises so Blaine didn’t know what all the
fuss was being made about. It wasn’t like he was about to fall over and die any second. The silence in
the air was thick though, and the tension mounting as Kurt gently grabbed his hands and began dabbing
his busted knuckles with rubbing alcohol.
Blaine winced at the sting, but Kurt leaned down and blew on the raw skin gently to help soothe the
burn. Then he moved onto Blaine’s scrapped elbow and face - luckily though it seemed Blaine wouldn’t
be gaining another black eye to match the still healing one he already had. Kurt did this all silently and
without catching Blaine’s eyes and Blaine just laid back against the pillows of Kurt’s bed and let him. He
started to speak a few times but he couldn’t read the expression on Kurt’s face enough to know what he
was thinking and he didn‘t want to say the wrong thing.
“Lift your shirt,” Kurt finally whispered biting his lower lip.
Blaine blinked in surprise before remembering that Karofsky had elbowed him rather hard and that it
did in fact hurt. He started to protest that he was okay but then thought better of it. Perhaps Kurt just
wanted to see that he was okay and Blaine had never exactly been body conscious to begin with. He
grabbed the hem and lifted his shirt completely over his head, setting the material off to the side before
settling back and waiting.
Kurt just stared at his bare torso for a long moment, eyes lingering everywhere that was certainly not
the angry red spot on his left side that would definitely bruise. Blaine simply let him look and had to
admit that it was kind of thrilling watching Kurt study him with curious but definitely admiring eyes.
Kurt’s cheeks flushed a little more pink the longer he looked and Blaine felt his own pulse racing a bit
faster. He hoped perhaps Kurt would return the favor in the near future. Blaine would be the biggest liar
in the world if he said he wasn’t curious about what was under the designer clothes Kurt loved so much,
but he wasn’t about to push.
Kurt finally slowly reached out, leaning over Blaine, and Blaine felt his muscles jump and his skin prickle
as those long pale fingers brushed around the sore spot on his rib cage. “You’re so so stupid…” Kurt
whispered, startling Blaine as he started to tremble a bit and his voice cracked. “God why did you - How
could you do something so stupid ?”
Blaine could see now that Kurt was really upset and reached for him. “Come here.” He grabbed Kurt’s
arms and tugged him more fully onto the bed. Kurt curled up into him, resting his head on Blaine’s
shoulder as Blaine wrapped his arms around him. They’d watched many movies in this very position, but
this time Blaine had to ignore the fact that he was shirtless and Kurt’s hand had just settled
unconsciously on his bare stomach as Kurt rubbed his wet cheek against Blaine‘s shoulder.
Maybe pulling Kurt onto the bed with him had been a bad idea.
Blaine swallowed thickly and pushed past it. Now was not the time to be trying anything. Kurt was upset
and Blaine needed to comfort him. “I did it because no one is ever allowed to touch you against your
will, and seeing you so upset - god Kurt it killed me. There was no way I could have just stood there
while he ran away from what he’d done.”
“What about Monday?” Kurt asked with a worried frown and Blaine rubbed his thumb over Kurt‘s
creased brow like he did when teasing Kurt about getting wrinkles.. “Now you’ll be in the office right
along with me and him. You could be expelled. You’re parents are going to be so angry. You shouldn’t
have jeopardized your future over something so stu-”
“Kurt, I’m actually really proud of myself.” Blaine interrupted kissing the top of Kurt’s head and
squeezing him a little tighter. “I - I never could stand up to my own bullies but defending you… I’ve never
felt better about myself. I’ll gladly take whatever punishment they give me. This is the reason I
transferred to McKinley in the first place - to remove the lump left in my throat from running, and it
hadn’t really worked until now. Now I feel like I can - I can do anything. I can face anything.”
They were silent for a long moment again and Kurt snuggled into him closer, wrapping his own arms
around Blaine’s waist and rubbing his now dry cheek against Blaine’s chest. “Thank you…no one has ever
stood up for me like that before,” he finally whispered into the comfortable silence.
Blaine pressed his lips again to Kurt’s head. “Anytime.” He smiled gently.
They lay there for a while longer and Blaine guessed it was just assumed that he would be staying the
night. It wouldn’t be the first time, but normally he was on the couch and the door was fully open when
they decided to sleep. This was different though, and he could feel the second Kurt began to realize it
too as he stiffened a bit in Blaine’s arms. Blaine could see him biting his lower lip in contemplation and
waited for whatever Kurt decided.
Kurt’s hand slowly slid back onto his stomach then up to his chest where his fingers tugged gently at the
hair there. “You‘re really hairy,” he whispered softly, hot breath puffing along Blaine’s skin and causing it
to prickle.
Blaine saw and felt the hot blush that crept up his chest and neck as he chuckled in embarrassment.
“Does it bother you?” He was a little hairier than the average high school guy, but not disgustingly hairy
- or so he thought. Although now that Blaine did considered it Kurt seemed like the type of guy who
wouldn’t like any body hair at all.
Blaine held his breath and waited.
“No I - I kind of like it actually.” Kurt even sounded surprised at his own realization and Blaine grinned
Then there was more silence. The buzzing tension between them mounting.
Kurt continued to lay against him stiffly while his fingers ran through Blaine’s chest hair tracing different
patterns, and finally Blaine just decided to go for it. Kurt had asked him to make the first move hadn‘t
he? So Blaine did. He cupped Kurt’s face and coaxed him to lift his head so that their lips could meet.
Kurt’s hand flattened against his chest, pressing for leverage and balance as he lifted himself up to be
able to kiss Blaine firmer.
Blaine hummed in the back of his throat as Kurt hovered over him and pressed his head back against the
pillows to take over the kiss. Kurt and Blaine both had come to find that Kurt loved kissing, and that with
a little practice he was very very good at it. Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt’s hair and pressed his
other hand to the back of his neck gently encouraging him.
Kurt’s hand flexed against his chest a few times before hesitantly beginning to roam the warm expanse
of bare skin. Blaine felt himself shiver at every curious caress. When Kurt’s thumb caught his nipple
however, Blaine gasped and pressed up into the touch before he could control himself. Kurt pulled back
from the kiss, lips plump and eyes heavy as he stared down at Blaine.
Blaine simply smiled at him softly, letting Kurt process what he’d done and move at his own pace. After
a moment Kurt leaned back in, placing his hand hot and heavy back against Blaine’s chest. He didn’t go
for Blaine’s lips though. Instead, he began kissing his neck, which was a new move for Kurt. Blaine had
managed to get at Kurt’s neck quite a few times himself during their make out sessions. Kurt had always
held back though, and usually once Kurt started squirming Blaine pulled back himself. .
Blaine could feel Kurt starting to tremble slightly with nerves and squeezed Kurt’s waist comfortingly. He
tilted his head to give Kurt better access trying to keep himself from making any kind of sound in case it
scared the other boy. Kurt’s lips continued to move down, just lingering kisses and nothing fancy, until
they reached Blaine’s shoulder then with a small hesitant nip Kurt was quickly kissing his way back up as
if he’d scared himself.
He caught Blaine’s mouth and Blaine smiled in amusement. Unable to help himself as Kurt kissed him
hard, wrapping both arms around his neck, and obviously eager and giddy with what he’d just done.
Kurt placed a few more kisses along Blaine’s jaw and then down his neck again, bolder this time with a
few sparse nips and one touch of his tongue, but always coming back to Blaine’s mouth when it got too
much for him.
Each kiss sent little jolts of pleasure through Blaine, but honestly he thought it was more adorable than
anything. He could probably just lay there for hours and let Kurt explore like this.
That is, until Kurt’s hand joined in again and moved down his chest, then down even lower, until his long
fingers reached Blaine’s belly button and his perfectly manicured nails scrapped across Blaine‘s lower
abdomen. Blaine felt his stomach muscles tighten and Kurt must have felt it too because he was quickly
bringing his hand back up, pressing it flat over Blaine’s thumping heart.
Kurt pulled back and stared Blaine in the eyes, biting his lip hesitantly as he glanced down, before slowly
letting his hand trail back down again - deliberately brushing Blaine’s lower abdomen again.
Blaine took in a sharp breath at the tightening in his groin and Kurt pulled away quickly. “Sorry!” he
squeaked face flushing a very attractive dark shade of pink. It made Blaine think of other things he could
do to get Kurt flushing like that - get his whole body flushing like that.
“Do you want to stop?” Blaine questioned running his hand through Kurt’s hair soothingly and trying to
calm his raging hormones.
Kurt shook his head eyes wide and so so innocent as a blush slowly flooded his cheeks. “No I want
umm…I - I want - to touch you some - some more and I - want - I want you to… I -”
“Kurt you don’t have to be embarrassed,” Blaine encouraged pulling Kurt’s face a little closer to his own
Kurt‘s eyes dropped to his lips as he licked his own kiss swollen ones and Blaine had to fight back a
groan. How could Kurt be so sexy without even realizing it? Sometimes Blaine had to wonder if Kurt
wasn’t doing it on purpose. Then Kurt actually open his mouth and his words had Blaine’s mind blanking.
“I want you to touch me.”
Blaine felt his mouth go dry. “Are you sure?” he asked trying to keep his body’s reaction under control.
He‘d had dreams of Kurt saying those very words, and he wasn‘t quite sure he hadn‘t just misheard.
Kurt nodded, looking up at him beneath his lashes with large shy blue eyes, and Blaine felt his heart
pounding. “I feel comfortable with you. I - I can‘t stop thinking about it honestly and I want…I just - I
want…” he trailed off with a blush.
“Okay…” Blaine whispered softly, completely transfixed. He coaxed Kurt to sit up with him then slowly
reached out and began unbuttoning Kurt‘s shirt. “Just tell me when to stop and I will I promise. If you
feel uncomfortable just say the word and I‘ll -“
“I trust you.“ Kurt kissed him quickly before ducking away again and Blaine took a deep breath to steady
himself and continue on with his task - which was rather difficult with his fingers shaking in nervous
Blaine could feel Kurt’s eyes on him, watching intently as he soaked in every inch of flawless flesh that
was revealed with each opened button. He pushed the soft aqua colored material off of Kurt’s pale
shoulders, sprinkled with a few freckles, that Blaine instantly wanted to map out with his lips.
Blaine allowed his fingers to trial over Kurt‘s smooth chest around his shoulders and down his lithely
toned back, bringing the shirt‘s material with him. He stared in fascination as a trail of goosebumps
followed his fingers wherever they went and Kurt shivered, pale chest already growing warm and
flushing an attractive shade of pink.
Kurt‘s arms moved like he wanted to cover himself, but he stopped as Blaine rested his hands gently on
Kurt‘s arms and glanced up to catch his wary eyes. He offered Kurt a soft smile before looking back
down and taking in Kurt‘s pale, lightly defined, chest, tight pink nipples, and flat stomach. He let his eyes
trail lower and as Blaine figured, Kurt had no hair leading down from his navel and any other hair on his
body was very fine and nearly invisible.
“You‘re beautiful…“ Blaine murmured and Kurt’s breath hitched.
Blaine leaned forward to place opened mouth kisses along Kurt‘s collar bone, unable to resist himself,
and loving the way Kurt‘s head tilted back automatically and his breathing picked up. His hands rested
lightly on Kurt‘s bare waist and he could feel Kurt’s body starting to tense and tremble with nerves.
Blaine pulled his mouth away before it could become too much for Kurt and he smiled gently.
Their eyes met and Blaine didn’t break the contact while he caressed Kurt‘s cheek softly in comfort and
laid his other hand flat over Kurt‘s heart. Kurt‘s heart was pounding furiously but Blaine could see the
trust in Kurt‘s eyes, among a million other emotions swirling chaotically. Kurt had the most beautifully
expressive eyes. They drew Blaine in, stole his very soul, and Blaine did nothing to fight it.
Blaine shifted them and guided Kurt until they were laying on their sides facing each other and then
leaned in and kissed Kurt lingeringly. It was soft and sweet and said everything that needed to be said
between them at that moment and he felt Kurt‘s trembling slowly stop. He trailed his fingers down the
middle of Kurt‘s chest, to his navel and then back up, loving the way Kurt‘s mouth opened in and “oh“
shape, his eyes closed and he shuddered as his hands moved to grip Blaine‘s biceps to ground himself.
Blaine ran his fingers up Kurt‘s sides and Kurt squirmed a small breathless laugh leaving his lips.
“Ticklish?“ Blaine chuckled softly with a devilish gleam in his eyes.
“Don‘t - don‘t even think about it,“ Kurt warned breathlessly opening his eyes, which were darker than
Blaine had ever seen them, and it had him swallowing thickly.
Blaine leaned in and kissed Kurt‘s cheek softly. “I‘ll file that away for later then.“
“Blai- oh,“ Kurt‘s whine was cut off on a broken moan as Blaine‘s thumb brushed over his nipple. His
pink, kiss swollen, lips parted again as his eyes grew heavy lidded and another shudder wracked his
Kurt‘s hand tightened reflexively on Blaine‘s bicep and Blaine scooted their bodies a bit closer, not quite
touching but enough to feel each other’s heat. “Have you ever touched yourself like this?“
Kurt shook his head and Blaine felt a powerful thrill rush through him at being the first to show Kurt this.
Just the knowledge that he was the first to ever touch Kurt like this, the first to make him feel this way,
had Blaine feeling a bit lightheaded. He circled Kurt‘s nipple before running the pad of his thumb over it
again, firmer this time, and Kurt‘s hips jerked involuntarily as a deep groan left his lips.
Blaine leaned in, so turned on by the guttural sound and kissed his way up and down Kurt‘s neck while
he continued to tease Kurt‘s nipple and rake his blunt nails down Kurt‘s chest and across his quivering
abdomen. “Too much?“ he questioned not knowing how far Kurt wanted to take this, but god did he
love the taste and feel of Kurt‘s skin. Blaine could worship him forever.
Kurt shook his head, breath catching on another whimper, as he arched into Blaine‘s hands and mouth.
His eyes were wide in astonishment, brow creased in pleasure, as his fingers slid up Blaine‘s arms, over
his shoulders, up his neck, to tangle into Blaine‘s curls. Blaine scooted down to kiss across Kurt‘s chest,
both hands now working Kurt‘s nipples.
“Feel‘s good… keep - keep going.“ Kurt breathed letting his head fall back as his hips shuddered, his back
arched, and his abdomen clenched.
Blaine took that as a go ahead and tentatively licked Kurt‘s hard nipple before pulling back and blowing
on it gently. Kurt whimpered brokenly, arching up hard while his fingers tightened almost painfully in
Blaine‘s hair. Blaine tangled their legs together, dragging Kurt closer and rubbing his foot up and down
Kurt‘s calf soothingly all while he continued to tease him with his mouth.
Kurt‘s whimpers got louder and longer until Blaine was forced to move up and capture Kurt‘s mouth in a
deep kiss to keep him quiet in case someone upstairs heard. Blaine glanced at the stairs and saw that
the lights were off beneath Kurt‘s bedroom door, which meant that the others had probably gone to
bed. Carole must have somehow convinced Burt to leave them alone for the night and Blaine mentally
thanked her.
The sounds Kurt made into his mouth went straight to Blaine‘s own groin, and unable to help himself
any longer he broke away from the intense kiss panting and glanced down between them to see that
Kurt was most definitely very hard in his tight jeans. In fact, Kurt‘s hips were twitching and rocking
shallowly out of his control and Blaine felt his blood pounding hotly through his veins at the sight.
Blaine kissed Kurt again hard before pulling back slightly. “Kurt do you - do you want to come?“ he
questioned softly and felt Kurt freeze in his arms. Blaine simply waited, not moving or speaking, just
letting Kurt think and after a long moment Kurt finally nodded.
Blaine let his hand trail back down Kurt‘s bare torso before hooking it behind Kurt‘s thigh and dragging
him closer. He guided Kurt‘s long leg to wrap around his hip. Then Blaine bent his knee and pressed up,
rubbing his thigh firmly between Kurt‘s legs. Kurt choked on the sound he made, something between a
gasp and a whimper, as his eyes went wide and his hands left Blaine‘s hair to cling to his shoulder‘s
Blaine rubbed with his thigh again and Kurt moaned brokenly burying his face against Blaine‘s neck and
wrapping his arms completely around Blaine shoulders and his fingers back in his hair. “Okay?“ Blaine
whispered, hands wresting on Kurt‘s hip to guide him to rock against his thigh on his own.
Kurt nodded wordlessly against his neck and soon caught on, rocking himself against Blaine‘s thigh.
Blaine just held his waist, thumb caressing back and forth over Kurt‘s exposed hip bone, as he let Kurt
find the pace he liked best. Kurt sped up, then slowed, then found a long rolling rhythm somewhere in
between that seemed to work best as his whimpers once again grew in volume.
Kurt‘s arms clutched Blaine tightly, his face never leaving Blaine‘s neck, and Blaine stroked his back and
hair, murmuring endearments and encouragements. “You‘re so beautiful Kurt - god you‘re so beautiful
and sexy. You don‘t even know how sexy you are - how much you turn me on - how much I want you…
You‘re so amazing. I‘m so lucky to have you - to get to see you like this.“
“Blaine…” Kurt whimpered against him, panting open mouthed against Blaine‘s neck, and god Blaine felt
himself throbbing in his own pants. He wanted so badly to flip Kurt over and cover him with his body, to
rock up against Kurt until they were both shaking and coming hard in their jeans. He held himself back
though. Blaine didn‘t want to scare Kurt. He wanted this to be good for Kurt. He would worry about
himself later.
Blaine buried his face in Kurt‘s neck and breathed him in deeply. “You smell so good too… you always
do…” he whispered huskily, feeling Kurt‘s pace picking up as he drew closer. “You‘re skin is so soft - so
flawless. I just want to touch and kiss you everywhere. It drives me crazy when I have to keep my hands
off you. Those lotions you use… I want to rub them in for you.”
A needy, desperate whine left the back of Kurt‘s throat and Blaine bit down softly at the curve between
Kurt‘s neck and shoulder. Kurt gasped in shock, body jerking hard against Blaine, and then he was
coming, crying out and clinging to Blaine frantically as pleasurable shocks wracked his lithe frame. Blaine
cradled Kurt‘s vulnerable body against him, rolling onto his back and pulling Kurt on top of him, stroking
his hair and kissing the side of his head soothingly as Kurt‘s hips continued to jerk against him out of his
control until he was completely spent.
The spastic friction was actually enough to send Blaine over the edge and he came with a deep groan,
but quickly tried to regain himself to help Kurt. “Shh… you‘re okay… I‘ve got you… you‘re okay.“ He ran
his hands up and down Kurt‘s back and for a second Blaine thought Kurt was hyperventilating or crying,
but after a moment Kurt seemed to be calming and then his breathing was under control and he was
just silent and trembling in Blaine‘s arms.
“Are you okay?“ Blaine whispered after a long moment while running his hands up Kurt‘s sweaty back
and staring up at the ceiling.
Kurt finally lifted his head and instead of answering leaned in and kissed him deeply. It was messy and
slow, but it was perfect and it made Blaine tremble to his very core. “Thank you,” he whispered softly
against Blaine’s lips before wrapping his arms back around Blaine and burying himself against Blaine‘s
neck again - just holding him.
Blaine was pretty damn sure he‘d never felt this way about anyone before.
Blaine woke up to the sound of Kurt’s bedroom door clicking softly closed again and was relieved he’d
managed to pull himself away from Kurt and over to the couch after Kurt had fallen asleep last night.
Kurt had been a bit… clingy afterwards, which was completely understandable. They’d cleaned up and
changed separately, but then Kurt had pulled him right back onto the bed and cuddled close.
They hadn’t spoken much then, just soft murmurs of conversation until Kurt had finally nodded off and
Blaine had forced himself to pull away. He was glad he had now. It seemed like Burt had finally given in
and come to check on them - possibly more than once throughout the rest of the night.
It didn’t annoy Blaine as it probably would have most teenagers - even Kurt who always huffed
indignantly when his father peeked in on them watching a movie. Blaine kind of thought it was sweet
the way Burt worried about his son. Blaine loved his own father, but sometimes he wished his dad was a
little more like Burt. What Kurt took as overbearing and overprotective Blaine saw as caring and
Blaine stretched and then sat up, running a hand through his messy hair and over his stubbly face. He
winced when he realized he hadn’t brought his overnight bag with him. By the end of the day he would
be working his way to a full on beard, but at least he knew Kurt always kept a spare tooth brush for
When Blaine came out of the bathroom Kurt was still in bed, which was odd because all the other times
Blaine had stayed over Kurt was usually up and already looking fresh by the time Blaine managed to
crack his eyes open. He smiled to himself and walked over to the mounds of covers and pillows and 1000
thread count sheets - or something like that. He remembered Kurt shopping for them. He’d called Blaine
while Blaine was at the gym and rambled on and on about fabrics and thread count.
Blaine found Kurt’s high maintenance personality adorable honestly. It amused him the way Kurt fussed
over things Blaine himself found insignificant, like place settings and matching his white socks perfectly.
When Blaine had told him about going on camping trips with his dad and sleeping in a tent and using the
public shower Kurt had looked at him like he’d lost his mind. That look had only made Blaine really want
to take Kurt camping one day.
Listening intently to make sure no one was walking around upstairs yet Blaine slowly crawled onto the
bed and began peeling back the layers, searching for his boyfriend beneath them. The first thing he saw
was Kurt’s hair, sticking up in every direction and completely adorable, then came Kurt’s peaceful face,
long lashes fanned out against his cheeks and mouth parted open slightly. He looked so… angelic.
Blaine lifted the covers more, pausing when Kurt’s nose scrunched up at the light and he turned his face
to bury it into the fluffy white pillow beneath his cheek. Once Kurt had settled again Blaine slid beneath
the covers and scooted in close to the lithe body. He’d barely settled before Kurt rolled into him, legs
tangling and arms going around Blaine’s waist. Their fronts were pressed flushed together as Kurt’s
cheek rubbed against the fabric of the t-shirt he had borrowed.
Kurt mumbled something sleepily that sounded a lot like “warm” before settling again and breathing
soft puffs of air that Blaine could feel through his shirt.
Blaine wrapped his own arms around Kurt and chuckled, causing his chest to rumbled and therefore Kurt
to mumble in discontent at the movement. “Kurt wake up…” he sang softly pressing his lips against the
other boys head and then shifting down so he could place them all over Kurt‘s face. “Kurt it’s time to
wake up…”
Kurt shifted again, face scrunching up in annoyance before rolling away from him. Blaine chuckled again
and scooted closer until he was pressed against Kurt’s back, arms wrapping around his waist. He then
pressed his cheek against Kurt’s surprisingly smooth one and rubbed.
Kurt mumbled a protest while rolling back into him and swatting at his chest blindly.
Blaine caught Kurt‘s hand with a grin. “Kurt it’s time to get up.”
“No!” Kurt whined pushing at his chest.
Blaine laughed and held onto him, keeping him close. “Kurt…”
“It’s the weekend Blai - BLAINE!” Kurt screeched jerking back as much as he could with Blaine’s arms still
around him. He was suddenly wide awake. “Oh my god what are you -” he started to say but his hand
covered his mouth in horror as the other one shot to smooth down his hair. He tried to scramble out of
the bed but Blaine wouldn’t let him go. “Blaine I need to brush my teeth!”
Blaine shook his head, pulling Kurt back and burying his face against Kurt’s neck. He smiled when he felt
Kurt shiver as his scruff rubbed up against his sensitive skin once again. “I want to cuddle.”
“Blaine if you don’t let me go in the next two seconds I’m going to -” Kurt didn’t get to finish though
before Blaine had captured his mouth in a firm closed mouth kiss.
“Promise if I let you go you’ll only go brush your teeth then come right back so we can cuddle before
everyone else wakes up and your dad decides to come check on us again?” Blaine questioned once he’d
pulled back - puppy eyes in full effect.
Kurt rolled his eyes with a huff. “Fine I promise… now will you let me go please?”
Kurt sprung out of the cocoon of blankets and pillows and as his bare feet hit the floor he shivered.
“Ugh! I need carpet down here or a really big rug,” he complained while he rushed to his bathroom.
“Well hurry back then! I hear from a pretty good source that I’m warm!” Blaine teased as he laid back
and waited. Surprisingly, or not so surprisingly since it was kind of chilly, Kurt kept his word and returned
rather quickly. Blaine lifted the covers and Kurt slid underneath them and right up against him, tangling
their legs and wrapping his arms around Blaine’s waist once again.
“Mmm you are really warm,” Kurt murmured rubbing his face against Blaine’s shirt. They laid in silence
for a long while and Blaine had very nearly dozed off again when Kurt spoke hesitantly. “Last night what we did… was it okay? I mean…I - I know I didn’t do much for you but was I - was I good?”
Blaine could feel Kurt stiffening against him and rubbed his back soothingly as he squeezed him tighter
for a second and kissed the top of his head. “You were perfect,” he answered honestly, because really
that had been the best thing Blaine had ever experienced. Nothing he’d done before that could even
compare, and what he and Kurt had done hadn’t been much, but there had been feelings and emotions
there - deeper than Blaine had ever experienced.
“You didn’t have to do anything really. I was - I was just happy to get to show you those things - how it
felt. I mean… there’s pleasure in giving someone pleasure too, and you were beautiful Kurt. I was umm…
I liked doing that for you.” Blaine was blushing by the time he was through, but he felt like he needed to
explain that to Kurt. He’d gotten off just getting Kurt off, and they hadn’t even been fully naked or
touched below the waist.
Blaine felt Kurt kiss the underside of his jaw quickly before ducking back down shyly. “Maybe - maybe
next time I can - I can do more… for you?”
Blaine felt his mouth go dry as a million thoughts and images rushed him, but he fought back his bodies
instant reaction. “Whenever - whenever you’re ready Kurt. Whatever you’re comfortable with. You set
the pace okay. There’s no rush. I’m perfectly fine taking things as slow as you want. I just like being with
you period. Just because we did what we did last night doesn’t mean every time we’re alone together
now it has to be about - about that. I just need you to know that okay. I don’t expect anything.”
Kurt nodded against his chest and Blaine kissed the top of his head again and then they lay in silence,
holding each other and just waiting for the sound of footsteps coming their way.
If Kurt thought his own father was intimidating it was nothing compared to Daniel Anderson. The man
was tall for one thing, around Finn’s height, which surprised Kurt more than anything considering
Blaine’s lack of height. He was fit too, broad shoulders and trim figure. Then finally there was the fact
that the man’s handsome face wasn’t smiling as he leaned over Figgins’ desk in his perfectly tailored
business suit and proceeded to rip the Principle a new one, using words even Kurt had to take a moment
and decipher the meaning of.
Mr. Anderson had stormed into the office about thirty minutes after the meeting had started and he’d
been talking down at Figgins for at least that long about the schools nonexistent no bullying policy. By
the time he was finished Blaine was only being suspended for the rest of the day and Karofsky who was
sitting in a corner staring at the floor beside his own father was being suspended for the rest of the
week with the possibility of expulsion depending on what the school board decided due to his history of
Blaine was sitting ram rod straight, wide eyed, and pale beside him and Kurt laced their fingers together
to try and comfort him. When Mr. Anderson finally turned toward them with a stern expression Kurt felt
Blaine’s grip tighten as he jerked to attention in his seat like he was facing some kind of drill sergeant.
Mr. Anderson glanced down at their linked hands with a heavy frown before looking back at his son, and
while it was disapproving Kurt did note that there wasn’t any disgust there.
“Get your stuff Blaine. I’m following you home and we‘ll talk about your punishment there.”
The tone of Mr. Anderson’s voice left no room for protest and Blaine was on his feet in an instant
grabbing his bag. “Bye.” he whispered softly kissing Kurt’s cheek while he leaned over to get his jacket
from the back of the chair. Mr. Anderson didn’t even acknowledge Kurt or Burt at all as he walked out
with Blaine rushing to keep up.
Kurt tried calling Blaine later that day during lunch but it went straight to voice mail and his text wasn’t
replied to either. Kurt reasoned that Blaine had probably had his phone taken away. He went by every
one of Blaine’s classes and gathered his make up work, which technically Blaine wasn’t supposed to be
allowed to make up with a suspension.
After pleading Blaine’s case though the teachers relented - it also helped that Kurt was a favorite among
the teachers at McKinley. It was a little harder to get their Physics teacher on board, but in the end Kurt
won and Blaine wouldn’t have to worry about getting a zero on the test they‘d had that day. Kurt made
sure to text Blaine that information even if he wasn’t sure Blaine would get it.
Maybe whoever had his phone would mention it to him though so that Blaine wouldn’t be stressing out
all day. He and Kurt had spent hours studying for that test. Kurt had literally held Blaine’s hand and
walked him through it more than once. Blaine had to get an A on this test in order to keep a B average in
the class, and he had come to Kurt practically ripping his curly hair out stressing about it.
Kurt hoped this helped ease whatever punishment Blaine might be receiving. His father certainly hadn’t
looked happy, although Kurt‘s own father had personally pulled Blaine aside and thanked him for what
he‘d done. Of course, Kurt wasn’t supposed to know about that.
Kurt ended up not seeing Blaine until the next day during Physics. “Sorry.” Blaine mouthed to him during
class looking completely miserable, and there was no way Kurt could stay even a little bit upset with him
- not that he had blamed Blaine for their lack of contact to begin with. Kurt had just grown used to
always having the other boy around. He hadn’t realized how many times a day he called or text Blaine
about something until he couldn’t anymore.
Blaine was right behind him when they left the class though, nearly pressing completely up against
Kurt‘s back as if he had to be as close as humanly possible. “What happ -” Kurt couldn’t even get the
question out before Blaine was pulling him into a nearby janitors closet and pressing him against the
Kurt breathed in sharply as their mouths connected but then melted into the kiss, leaning back heavily
against the door behind him and opening up when Blaine pressed in closer. He clutched the front of
Blaine’s Letterman jacket, tugging him in until Blaine got the idea and pressed them flush together.
“I missed you… I know it was only one day but I -” Kurt nodded in agreement and shut Blaine up by
capturing his mouth again. They kissed until the warning bell rang and they had to pull apart. Blaine
kissed him a few more chaste times before pulling back completely and taking Kurt’s hand. “Come on, I’ll
walk you to your next class.”
“But that will make you late.” Kurt protested although he didn’t pull his hand away as Blaine looked
around cautiously and then tugged him out into the nearly empty hallway.
“Mrs. Michelle loves me,” Blaine replied pulling Kurt closer to wrap his arm around his waist. Kurt
leaned into Blaine’s side, smiling happily at being able to walk down the hallway with his boyfriends arm
around him. He would never get used to this.
At lunch they were finally able to talk properly. “My dad has grounded me. I have to go straight home
after school and no phone unless it’s an emergency.”
“For how long?” Kurt asked feeling disappointment creeping in. That meant they would only get to talk
and see each other during school, and that wasn’t much at all, especially when they couldn’t be as close
as they wanted with all the people watching them.
Blaine shrugged looking just as miserable as Kurt felt. He shifted closer until their shoulders, hips, and
thighs were pressed warmly together. Then he hooked his ankle around Kurt‘s. “He didn’t say but
usually it’s a week before my mom finally steps in and talks him down.”
“What about cheerleading?” Kurt knew that was one of the most important things to Blaine - well Kurt
hoped he was a bit more important but Blaine had been a part of cheerleading and gymnastics a lot
longer than he’d been Kurt’s boyfriend so Kurt didn’t delude himself.
Blaine leaned against his shoulder a bit more and Kurt covered his hand over the table, not caring at the
moment who saw or disapproved. Blaine seemed to take it as some sort of okay because he then laid his
head on Kurt’s shoulder as well. “I won’t be able to practice for the rest of the week and I’ll probably
miss the games on Thursday and Friday, and definitely not going to the gymnasium. I’m kind of under
house arrest until further notice. I suppose I should just be thankful he didn‘t make me quit completely.”
Kurt kissed the top of Blaine’s curly head and sighed. It literally hurt him to see Blaine this way, so
unhappy and hopeless. “I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better.”
Blaine finally smiled and turned his head to kiss Kurt’s shoulder before pulling back so he could look at
Kurt. “You always make me feel better. Honestly I’m more upset that I won’t get to see or talk to you as
much and I‘ll still have Glee club too - at least during class hours… I‘ll be alright.”
“Did - did your dad say anything about - about us?” Kurt asked hesitantly, not really sure if he wanted to
know the answer to that. It would kill him if Blaine’s dad banned Blaine from seeing him. It already
seemed like Mr. Anderson didn’t approve of him all that much, and would Blaine go behind his dad’s
back just to stay with Kurt?
Blaine shook his head though and Kurt felt himself sigh in relief. “He didn’t say anything about it, which
I’m not too surprised really. My dad’s not - not cruel Kurt. He would never ban me from seeing you. My
mom wouldn‘t let him even if he tried. He’s just… just…” Blaine trailed off waving a hand helplessly.
“Anyway, my mom asked about you though. She uhh… she wants to meet you.”
Kurt felt his own face lighting up in happiness and he sat up a little straighter. “Really?”
Blaine was starting to blush as he rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah, I mean now’s not really a good
time obviously, but later… I’d like you to meet her - both of them actually. I mean, worst case scenario
my dad will ignore you and lock himself in his study, but if he actually likes you - which I don’t see why
he wouldn’t once he gets to know you, then… then yeah…I mean, if you’d like to meet them one day.”
Kurt covered Blaine’s hand again and gave it a squeeze. “Of course I would.”
“Good.” Blaine sighed eyes softening with a smile. “Now we’ve just got to get through this week. It’s
going to be miserable not getting to see or talk to you after school.”
Kurt silently agreed, but he was already coming up with a plan to at least make it a little bit better for
Blaine - or so he hoped.
“Mr. Schue!” Kurt exclaimed raising his hand as soon as class started. “I have a song prepared that I’d
like to sing if that’s okay with everyone.”
Mr. Schue looked a bit startled at Kurt’s abruptness but nodded and waved for him to go ahead. “You’ve
had a pretty rough couple of days… I think you deserve a little time to vent.”
“Oh no it’s not about that.” Kurt immediately corrected nodding to Puck who obediently got up and
grabbed his guitar. He’d gone to Puck, Sam, and Finn and surprisingly Puck was the only one who
already knew the song he wanted to sing. Although Puck had threatened pain of death if Kurt ever told
anyone. “But it is for someone else who’s had a bad couple of days as well, and I hope it makes him feel
better.” Kurt turned towards Blaine who was watching him in surprise as the song started playing and he
began singing.
“I’ve been awake for a while now. You’ve got me feelin’ like a child now. ‘Cause every time I see your
bubbly face I get the tinglies in a silly place.”
It wasn’t Kurt’s normal type of song, not vocally challenging or flashy, but he wasn’t trying to impress
Blaine. He didn’t need to. Kurt just wanted to express to Blaine how he felt when he was around him
and this song was perfect for that. It also paralleled the song Blaine had sung to him right before they’d
started dating, and Kurt hoped that those feeling Blaine had felt when he’d sung that song had only
grown stronger.
“It starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose. Wherever it goes I always know. You make me smile. Please
stay for a while now. Just take your time wherever you go.”
Blaine was smiling now, eyes shining with happiness and Kurt felt a grin spreading across his own face.
The other Glee clubbers were starting to smile as well, realizing what was happening. A few of the girls
were swaying to the music while Mercedes and Tina were clutching at each other and giving Kurt the
thumbs up behind Blaine’s back.
“The rain is falling on my window pane, but we are hiding in a safer place. Under covers stayin’ dry and
warm. You give me feelings that I adore.”
Kurt felt a shiver race up his spine as he sang that line and remembered what it had felt like to cuddle up
in his bed with Blaine under the covers. How happy and amazing and just… intimate it had felt to be that
close to someone else. He could tell Blaine was thinking along the same lines as their eyes met with an
intensity that literally sent warm tingles from Kurt‘s head to his toes.
“They start in my toes. Make me crinkle my nose. Wherever it goes I always know. That you make me
smile. Please stay for a while now. Just take your time wherever you go.”
Blaine stood to his feet, never breaking eye contact and Kurt felt his breath catch at the look that came
over Blaine’s face, soft and warm and almost like he wanted to cry but in a good way. He came over to
Kurt and held out his hand. Kurt glanced at the other Glee clubbers again who were still all watching
with soft smiles and his heart filled with happiness at their easy acceptance as he took Blaine’s hand.
“What am I gonna say? When you make me feel this way. I just mmmmm…”
Kurt continued to sing while Blaine led him in a slow dance, twirling him once and nearly causing Kurt to
laugh. Blaine pulled him close and wrapped an arm tightly around Kurt’s waist as Kurt’s free one hooked
around Blaine’s neck. He brought Kurt’s other hand, the one he had been holding, to rest on his chest
and cupped his own over it while they swayed together.
“And it start in my toes. Makes me crinkle my nose. Wherever it goes I always know. That you make me
smile. Please stay for a while now. Just take your time wherever you go.”
Kurt had never slow danced with a boy before - never danced with a boy at all actually unless he
counted their group numbers. Therefore this was kind of an important moment for him. Blaine seemed
to realize that because his arm tightened even more around Kurt’s waist, pulling him as close as
possible, and propping his chin on Kurt’s shoulder.
“I’ve been asleep for a while now. You tuck me in just like a child now. ‘Cause every time you hold me in
your arms. I’m comfortable enough to feel your warmth.”
The song was so perfect and true at that moment that Kurt wanted to cry as he sang the next line.
“And it starts in my soul, and I lose all control. When you kiss my nose the feeling shows. ‘Cause you
make me smile baby. Just take your time now. Holdin’ me tight…”
Kurt had never been in love before. He thought he had once with Finn, but that was really only
infatuation, because nothing could compare to what he was feeling right now for this boy. If this wasn’t
love then Kurt wasn’t sure he could survive the real thing. What he felt already was so much - so
intense. It was terrifying.
“Wherever wherever wherever you go. Wherever wherever wherever you go…. Wherever you go… I
always know… ‘cause you make me smile even just for a while…”
They pulled back from each other and right there in front of everyone Blaine kissed him softly. Kurt’s
breath caught but everyone merely clapped for them.
Body Shots
Blaine didn't know what to expect when he walked into Rachel Berry's Halloween decorated house with
Wes, David, Thad, Nick, and Jeff all dressed as power rangers trailing behind him, but it certainly wasn't
to see his very attractive boyfriend wearing a skin tight police uniform while taking a body shot off of
Santana of all people. It was like entering an alternate dimension.
The Kurt Hummel he knew would never willingly put his mouth that close to a girl's breast.
"So where's your boy?" Wes questioned nearly colliding with him as Blaine came to a sudden stop at the
foot of the stairs. Blaine nodded toward Kurt just as Britney licked a line of salt off his very exposed
collar bone and took her shot. "Huh… you sure he's gay?" he asked watching while Santana made Kurt
lay across the table so she could unbutton his shirt even more for her turn.
"Dudes this is awesome! Public school kids rock!" Jeff exclaimed throwing his arms around Nick and
Thad's shoulders.
Like a G6 was playing and it looked like everyone was well on their way to being wasted, except Finn
who was standing on what looked like a stage and laughing at everyone else. Blaine had only been an
hour late due to picking up the Warblers and when he'd called Kurt thirty minutes ago he'd sounded fine
over the phone.
If Blaine was being truthful though he was kind of more than a little curious to see the way Kurt acted
when he was drunk. He'd only ever gotten one drunken story out of Kurt before and that had been
about him puking on their OCD councilor's shoes.
Finn made his way over to them, dressed as the Huntsman from Snow White, and it didn't take much for
Blaine to figure out what Rachel was. "You better go get Kurt. I think Santana's trying to undress him."
Blaine introduced Finn quickly to the others and Finn offered to get them drinks while Blaine made his
way over to Kurt just as Santana was tugging at his belt. "Blaine!" Kurt exclaimed springing off the table
and directly into Blaine's arms.
Blaine caught him, stumbling back a step or two, and then Kurt's lips were on his, wet and sloppy but
hot. He let the kiss go on for a minute but then pulled back gently. "Mmm you taste like tequila."
"You like it? You should have some. Santana! Blaine wants to do a body shot too!"
"No Kurt I -" But Kurt was already tugging him over to their set up and sitting up on the table while
Britney put a line of salt on the side of his neck. Kurt then put the opposite side of a lime slice in his
mouth and beckoned Blaine forward with a finger and a heated look.
How was Blaine supposed to resist that?
Blaine moved to stand between Kurt's knees and cradled Kurt's head and neck in his hands. He kissed
Kurt's neck a few times before licking the salt up and throwing back the shot Santana handed him. He
took the lime from Kurt's lips with his own and sucked on it while Kurt watched him. Blaine quickly
discarded the lime though in favor of Kurt's lime juice covered lips, because those eyes so close and blue
and wide and slightly glazed from alcohol were doing unmentionable things to him.
"That's so hot." Blaine heard Britney saying and pulled back, kissing Kurt chastely when he tried to
follow whining in protest - and that certainly didn't do things to Blaine's insides either.
"You look so sexy," Kurt purred hotly against his ear as his hands wrapped around the suspenders of
Blaine's fireman costume and tugged him even closer. "I want to lick you everywhere. Santana! I want to
do a body shot off of Blaine."
Santana eagerly came forward with the bottle but Blaine stopped her, even though he really really
wanted Kurt to do a body shot off of him too. "How many have you had already?"
"Oh don't worry," Kurt said happily swinging his legs on either side of Blaine as Blaine's hands settled on
Kurt's thighs to help hold him steady. "Santana said Tequila's not that strong. It's totally fine. She said I
can have all I want!"
Blaine sent the Latina a stern look, but she merely shrugged before going back to dancing with Britney.
"Well maybe later then. There's some people I want you to meet first… you look hot by the way."
Blaine whispered that last part into Kurt's ear, and nipped it, while he reached down to button up Kurt's
shirt, which was nearly undone to his navel. Not that Blaine minded all that flawless pale flesh exposed
for his eyes to devour, but he did mind everyone else's eyes devouring it as well. He didn't think Kurt
would like that very much either.
Blaine found his friends chatting up some of New Directions happily with drinks of their own. "Blaine!"
Nick greeted enthusiastically. "And Kurt too!"
"Whoa you know me?" Kurt asked as if that was the most astonishing thing in the world.
"Well we feel like we do. This guy here doesn't shut up about you," David answered throwing an arm
around Blaine's shoulders and giving a playful shake as Blaine sent him a glare.
"Kurt these are my friends I told you about, Wes, David, Thad, Nick, and Jeff."
"Oh! The Warblers!" Kurt exclaimed with wide eyes, everything seemed to be overly shocking for him at
the moment and Blaine kind of found it hilarious. "That's so cool. Are you guys having fun! Who would
have thought Rachel Berry could throw a successful party but this is fun isn't it!"
"Lots," David laughed, eyes twinkling in amusement as he glanced from Kurt to Blaine. "It seems like you
are too. Don't think we didn't see that body shot action happening over there."
"Oh do you want one too?" Kurt asked starting to unbutton the first few buttons of his shirt. "Santana!"
Blaine grabbed Kurt quickly. "No Kurt, no more body shots. They've all got drinks already."
"Aww Blaine but it's fun!" Kurt whined completely oblivious to the smiling Warblers as he leaned against
Blaine's chest and pouted cutely while his hands grabbed at Blaine's waist to hold him closer. That was
another thing Blaine was noticing about drunk Kurt. He was a bit handsy… not that Blaine particularly
"Yeah Blaine it's fun," Wes teased, only grinning harder when Blaine shot him a warning look.
"Come on." Blaine tugged Kurt toward the center of the room by his waist and Kurt obediently followed,
never breaking eye contact. The hot look in Kurt's eyes sent pleasurable tingles shooting up and down
Blaine's spine. He pulled Kurt close and pressed his lips against Kurt's ear as a new song came on and
they began rocking together to the beat. "I want to dance with you."
Blaine decided about five seconds into the song that he really liked dancing with Kurt - like really liked it.
He tried to keep things innocent but Kurt was a bit more than just clingy. He was touching and grabbing
and pulling and pressing and oh god grinding. Blaine personally didn't mind all that much but he knew
that had Kurt been sober he would have been mortified by his behavior.
Currently Kurt had his back molded tightly to Blaine's front, a long pale arm looped back around Blaine's
neck, as Blaine's own hands perched just above Kurt's hips because he didn't know what else to do with
them. Kurt's fingers curled in his hair and he tugged Blaine's head around for an awkward kiss. Blaine
obliged, but pulled away a few seconds later when Kurt tried to deepen it past just lips. This position
wasn't safe and it was really about to get embarrassing if he didn't do something.
Blaine pushed on Kurt's hips to get him to turn around again, but that wasn't much better he realized
because now Kurt's eyes were right there and the look in them sent a shiver up Blaine's spine. "You look
so damn sexy as fireman. I just want to push you against a wall and - and… do things to you." Kurt
groaned against his ear and despite Kurt's lack of knowledge of what exactly he wanted to be doing to
him Blaine still swallowed thickly at the images that his own mind managed to conjure up.
"I think you're a little drunk," he replied while Kurt's hands continued to moved and grab, bunching up
his blue fireman t-shirt and rubbing at his chest and arms and shoulders. Then one of them wrapped
around the back of his neck and slowly moved up to tangle in his hair again while the other one wrapped
loosely around one of his suspenders. It slowly began sliding up and down said suspender in a very
suggestive way that Kurt probably didn't even realize he was doing.
"I had another dream about you last night."
Or maybe Kurt did realize exactly what he was doing.
Blaine pulled his head back so that he could look at Kurt properly, and licked his suddenly dry lips at the
heated look in Kurt's eyes. "You uhh… you dream about me often?"
Oh god he shouldn't have asked that!
Blaine knew he shouldn't have the second the words left his mouth. He should have changed the
conversation instead. Kurt was about to start over sharing things he had probably been keeping secret
out of embarrassment, because Blaine had been having his fair share of fantasies too and he certainly
didn't want Kurt to find out about them.
Blaine had to admit though that he had wondered if Kurt ever thought about him, and when he did what
exactly he envisioned.
"Mmm hmm… very very good dreams…" Kurt whispered pressing himself close once again until Blaine
could feel every curve of Kurt's body fitted perfectly against every curve of his own.
God they fit so perfectly together and Kurt was so so very warm.
Blaine's hands tightened reflexively on Kurt's hips, undecided if he wanted to push him back or hold him
close. "You're drunk right now…" he breathed closing his eyes and pressing his forehead against Kurt's
shoulder to try and gather enough self control to stop what was happening.
"We were naked all over and kissing and I was touching you…"
Kurt's hand released his suspender and found it way under Blaine's shirt. Then palm flat and hot and
firm against his skin it slid from Blaine's stomach up to his chest then back down again, and then up and
down again… and again - bunching up his shirt and moving lower and lower each time. Blaine felt his
body trembling and his breathing picking up as he pressed his mouth to Kurt's shoulder and it was
suddenly far too hot in the room.
"Like this… and I - I wanted to touch you more so I - I did…" Kurt trailed off licking his lips as he leaned in
again so that they were pressed against each other tightly with Kurt's hand between them under
Blaine's shirt. His fingers dipping into Blaine's pants. "I touched you everywhere."
"Come dance with us!"
Mercedes and Tina were dragging Kurt away and Blaine was left standing in the middle of the room just
blinking at the empty space.
"Here you look like you need this," Santana stated handing him a beer. She had a very self-satisfied
smirk on her face when he took it and drank heavily for a second. "I guess someone should have warned
you. Kurt's a frisky drunk."
"You have really pretty eyelashes."
"Are you about to kiss me?" Nick asked eyes wide and wary as Kurt's face hovered inches from his own.
Kurt burst into laughter and pushed Nick's chest playfully. "No silly! I can't kiss you! I'm in love with
Blaine came over at that moment, handing David the drinks he'd gone to get for them, and wrapping an
arm around Kurt's waist to tug him away from Nick and against his side. "What's going on?" he
questioned glancing from Kurt to Nick.
Nick quickly held up his hands. "Nothing! I swear!"
Blaine stared at his friend hard. He was pretty sure Nick was straight, although now that he thought
about it he'd never actually heard the boy say what he was for sure.
Kurt turned his body more into Blaine's, wrapping his own arms around Blaine's waist and cuddling up
against him while resting his head on Blaine's shoulder. "He thought I was going to kiss him. Can you
believe that? That's so silly. Only you get my kisses."
The Warblers made kissy faces and cooing sounds but Blaine couldn't care less about their teasing. He
leaned back against the edge of a table behind him and tugged Kurt between his knees, wrapping an
arm around his boyfriend's slim waist while he took a drink of his beer and watched Mercedes try to
drunkenly wrestle the microphone from Rachel.
Kurt happily leaned against him, arms going around his neck, their chests pressed warmly together.
Blaine's own head was now blissfully fuzzy after the few drinks he'd allowed himself to have throughout
the night, but he hadn't wanted to get too sloppy so he'd paced himself. As far as he knew Kurt hadn't
drank anything else except for maybe a few sips here or there. Blaine had tried to keep an eye out and
had managed to stop Santana several times from giving him another shot.
Kurt had been going nonstop, dancing and singing and bouncing around the room. Blaine had never
seen him like this before, so out there and open with his emotions. The alcohol had obviously broken
down every barrier Kurt normally kept up including the one regarding affection, because he hadn't
stopped teasing Blaine all night, and Blaine's own self control was starting to wear a bit thin.
"What are you doing?" Blaine asked when he felt Kurt's mouth, hot and open, on his neck and his fingers
inching under his shirt again. Kurt giggled softly against his skin and Blaine couldn't help the amused
smile that lifted the corners of his mouth. Kurt was a really adorable drunk.
"Teasing my boyfriend," Kurt answered pressing his mouth just below Blaine's jaw as his finger tips
dipped into the waistband of Blaine's pants.
Blaine had let his stubble grow out a bit to add to the whole rugged firefighter look, and Kurt seemed to
like it quite a bit because he kept rubbing his own face against it. "You are going to be the death of me,"
he groaned nuzzling Kurt's ear while he set his drink aside, before settling his hands on Kurt's hips and
pulling his head back to look at him.
Kurt's eyes were twinkling with mischief while he rested his forearms against Blaine's chest, cupped his
jaw, and leaned into him until their lips were brushing. "Then again it's not teasing if you plan on
following through…"
"Kurt I think -" Blaine couldn't finish though because Kurt's lips were on his and his tongue was asking
Blaine couldn't help but open up beneath him with a groan. His arm wrapped back around Kurt's waist
as his other hand braced itself on top of the table he was sitting against for better support. Kurt's fingers
tangled into his hair, his body leaning completely against Blaine's, and Blaine just allowed himself to sink
into the feel and smell of Kurt all around him.
The alcohol he'd drank seemed to only make everything so much warmer and looser as their tongues
tangled and their lips moved against one another. It was intense and Blaine felt himself react before he
could think by bringing his hand from the table and tangling it in the back of Kurt's hair. He pressed up
harder, pulled Kurt in closer around the waist, and took control.
Kurt melted completely against him with a moan and god he tasted and sounded amazing. Blaine didn't
think he would ever get enough of him. Kurt whimpered into his mouth, hand sliding down Blaine's
chest, gripping the fabric of his shirt tightly as he shifted his hips. Blaine felt it when he did too and had
to fight back his reaction to rock up when he realized Kurt was hard and so was he.
Blaine ripped his mouth away breathing heavily and Kurt's lips almost instantly found his neck. He
wrapped both arms around his drunk boyfriends waist and held him tightly. "God you're killing me…"
"Mmmm…" Kurt hummed head falling to Blaine's shoulder, nose nuzzling his neck with a sigh, as his
eyes blinked slowly.
"Are you getting sleepy?" Blaine whispered softly, wondering if Kurt was finally starting to crash. It
looked like everyone was in fact. Even the Warblers were collapsed in various places around the room
now and surprisingly no one seemed to have witnessed their little display or they were just too out of it
to care.
"Mmmhmm… tired…" Kurt mumbled against his neck and Blaine glanced around for what to do. He
couldn't drive like this. He wouldn't put Kurt in danger by even trying. In fact, it didn't look like anyone in
the room would be leaving any time soon. Blaine also didn't want Kurt sleeping on the floor though, and
the girls had already commandeered the couches.
"Come on," he finally decided standing up and guiding Kurt toward the stairs they had come down.
Blaine had to try three doors before he finally found a bedroom, but it was out of the question. There
was no way Blaine was having Kurt wake up with a hangover only to be assaulted by bright pink and
hello kitty. The next door was better. It looked like a guest bedroom anyway, all neutral tones and no
personal affects - plus there was a personal bathroom connected.
Blaine set Kurt on the edge of the bed and let him lay down while he went in search of something for
Kurt to wear because he knew that costume could not be comfortable to sleep in. In what he guessed
was Rachel's dad's room he found a pair of dark blue pajamas that would work. "Come on Kurt…" Blaine
coaxed softly, gently getting Kurt to roll onto his back so that he could unbutton his shirt.
As clinically as he could Blaine stripped Kurt down to his underwear before slipping on the pajamas, not
allowing his eyes to linger on any particular spot too long and staying firmly above Kurt's waist. When
Kurt was redressed Blaine pulled back the comforter and sheets and wrapped an arm around Kurt to
help him slide beneath them. As Blaine went to pull away though Kurt's hands remained locked around
his upper arms, holding him in place.
"Stay with me?" Kurt asked, wide blue eyes staring up at him from the pillow, and god Blaine felt himself
completely falling for this boy. It was amazing how Kurt could just look at him and Blaine would
completely lose himself.
Blaine swallowed thickly at that thought and nodded his head. "I just need to change." He found himself
a pair of pajama pants and changed into them before reentering the room to find Kurt eyes following his
every move as he barely kept them open, but refusing to close them and sleep until he knew Blaine was
there. It tugged at something deep and pleasant in Blaine's chest.
As soon as he slid beneath the covers Kurt pressed in close, wrapping an arm around Blaine's waist and
resting his head on his shoulder. He sighed contentedly and finally allowed his eyes to drift close. Blaine
smiled softly, running his fingers across Kurt's forehead and through his hair, before dropping a lingering
kiss against the top of his head.
"I love you too…" he whispered and maybe soon they would be able to say it for real.
Blaine was brought back to consciousness by the feeling of Kurt trying to pull out of his arms. In his sleep
fogged haze Blaine briefly considered tugging Kurt back into place and falling back asleep, but then
reality slowly set in and Blaine quickly opened his arms allowing Kurt to spring free. Kurt's legs got
tangled in the sheets and he hit the floor, but he was only down for a second before he was practically
crawling for the bathroom.
Blaine sat frozen for a moment while the sounds of Kurt throwing up filled the room. He waited until it
sounded like the worst of it was over and the toilet had been flushed before getting up himself and
making his way to the bathroom. Kurt was on his knees, arms bracing himself over the toilet bowl, his
muscles contracting painfully but nothing else coming up. Blaine went to the sink and wet a wash cloth,
filled a nearby paper cup with water, and dug through the medicine cabinet to thankfully find individual
packets of Tylenol.
Blaine then went to Kurt, setting the cup and medicine a few feet away so that it wouldn't accidentally
get knocked over. As he knelt behind his sick boyfriend though Kurt tried to push him away with a
miserable sound of protest. "Come on Kurt… it's okay - here let me help you." Blaine soothed gently,
placing the damp cloth against the back of Kurt's neck.
"No… I'm gross…" Kurt whined, his hand pressing back insistently against Blaine's abdomen even as he
remained braced over the toilet. Blaine backed off a little but he wasn't leaving Kurt like this, and as
Kurt's body ceased up again Blaine crowded close, rubbing his back and running his fingers through
Kurt's hair, while he murmured soothingly.
It seemed to take forever before Kurt stopped again and nearly collapsed face first against the toilet seat
gasping heavily and trembling weakly. Blaine caught him around the chest and waist and pulled his slack
body back into his lap. Kurt moaned pitifully, tears clinging to his eyelashes and sweat dampening his
skin. He melted against Blaine's chest helplessly, head lolling on Blaine's shoulder, while Blaine wiped his
face gently with the cool cloth.
"Here don't drink yet just wash your mouth out…" Blaine whispered gently, holding the cool cup of
water to Kurt's lips. Kurt listened and spat the water into the toilet after swishing it around his mouth
for a minute while Blaine opened the pack of Tylenol. "Are you allergic to this?" he asked holding out the
pills and Kurt shook his head so Blaine gave them to him and held the water up again for him to drink
this time.
When Kurt was finished Blaine set the empty cup aside and arranged Kurt sideways in his lap, resting his
chin on top of Kurt's head and just holding him until his trembling stopped. "You feeling okay now?" Kurt
nodded against his chest and Blaine pulled back to coax him to his feet. "Come on… I saw some
individual tooth brushes in the medicine cabinet."
Blaine stood close behind Kurt while he brushed his teeth, even though it was obvious in the mirror that
Kurt was trying to do it discretely. He tried to be polite about it, only watching out of the corner of his
eye, and reaching out and steadying Kurt when it seemed like he was getting a bit dizzy. "Should I bring
the trash can just in case?"
Kurt shook his head and turned to face him. "I - I feel okay now and I doubt there's anything left to come
up." he answered softly, walking back into Blaine's arms and pressing his face against Blaine's neck.
Blaine ran his hands up and down Kurt's back and kissed the side of his face gently before leading him
back to the bed and helping him lay down. He then crawled in himself and immediately reached across
the small distance between them and hauled Kurt against him, running his fingers through his hair, while
Kurt sighed into the gentle touch. "We probably have a few more hours of sleep before the others start
moving around."
"Thank you for taking care of me…" Kurt whispered, voice thick with emotion.
Blaine felt a kiss being pressed against his collar bone and squeezed Kurt's waist briefly. "Of course…
anytime." The silence stretched between them and Blaine wasn't sure if Kurt had fallen asleep or not.
"Were your friends dressed as power rangers?"
Blaine felt a startled laugh leave his throat at the incredulity in Kurt's voice. "Yes - yes they were."
"And the pink one?"
"That was Jeff… I think it was his idea in the first place."
"Your friends are insane."
"They're straight and they go to a very strict all boys school," Blaine deadpanned.
Kurt yawned and nodded against his chest as if that explained everything – which it kind of did. "Yeah…
that does explain a lot."
Blaine kissed his forehead with a smile. "Go to sleep. You'll feel better if you do."
There was a long stretch of silence again but Blaine knew Kurt wasn't sleeping because he was picking at
his shirt almost nervously. "I - I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I'm sorry for how I acted. I was way out of
line. I've never drank that much before. I wasn't planning on drinking much at all but Santana kept
saying how much more fun we could have if I wasn't so… uptight."
Blaine frowned heavily and shifted down the bed so that he and Kurt were side by side and he could see
Kurt's face properly, but Kurt wouldn't meet his eyes. "Hey… stop… look at me…" Kurt looked at him
warily and Blaine leaned forward to kiss his lips softly. "Nothing you did embarrassed me or made me
uncomfortable. If I'm being honest I loved every second of it. I thought you were completely adorable
and… sexy, and don't listen to Santana okay. I adore you Kurt – sober, drunk… whatever. I have fun with
you no matter what. You're perfect."
Kurt's cheeks pinked and his eyes dropped to where his hand was resting against Blaine's chest. "Did I
really threaten to handcuff you? Because I told Santana not to give me those -"
Blaine snorted in amusement, pressing his face against Kurt's neck, and gathering him in his arms. "I like
it when you get all authoritative like that."
Kurt poked Blaine in the ribs but couldn't help his own laughter from bubbling up. It didn't last though as
his head gave a painful throb and he winced.
Blaine's fingers caressed between his eyes and Kurt felt them drift closed. "You need more sleep."
Kurt shook his head sadly. "I can't sleep when I feel bad unless…"
"Unless what?" Blaine encouraged nudging Kurt to look at him.
"It's stupid." Kurt was biting his lip and his cheeks were turning pink in embarrassment.
Blaine frowned. "No it's not - not if it makes you feel better."
Kurt was silent for a long moment after he shifted again to rest his head on Blaine's chest - a position he
seemed to like and that Blaine loved as well. Blaine wasn't sure if he should push for Kurt to talk or not.
"It's just - it's just when I was feeling bad growing up my - my mom would always sing me this lullaby…
Baby Mine ." Blaine held his breath and listened intently. Kurt never talked about his mom. Blaine knew
of her and the fact the she had died when Kurt was young, but Kurt had never spoken openly about her
to him. "Then when she died my - my dad would come into my room every night and sing it to me. He
did that for a long time until I finally stopped asking for her. He still does though when - when I'm sick or
I've had a bad day. It's - it's kind of childish I know but -"
"No it's not Kurt," Blaine reassured gently, touched that Kurt was sharing something so intimate with
him. He couldn't imagine Burt Hummel singing anything, much less a lullaby. It just seemed so surreal an
image considering the man's rough manly exterior. Then again Blaine could see Kurt's father going to the
ends of the earth to to give his son even just the smallest bit of comfort. He suddenly found an all new
respect for the man who Blaine had already thought he couldn't possibly respect more.
Blaine began humming the somewhat familiar tune softly until he thought he had it right and
remembered the lyrics. He heard Kurt's gasp and felt his long pale fingers curling into his t-shirt against
his chest.
Baby mine, don't you cry
Baby mine, dry your eyes
Rest your head close to my heart
Never to part, baby of mine
Little one when you play
Don't you mind what you say
Let those eyes sparkle and shine
Never a tear, baby of mine
If they knew sweet little you
They'd end up loving you too
All those same people who scold you
What they'd give just for
The right to hold you
From your head to your toes
You're not much, goodness knows
But you're so precious to me
Cute as can be, baby of mine
When Blaine finished Kurt was staring up at him with wide, glassy eyes. He hoped he hadn't crossed
some line by doing that, but then Kurt was leaning up and kissing him hard, and Blaine cupped his face
as he responded by pressing back just as hard and reassuring. Kurt pulled back a moment later with a
look of horror. "Oh god I shouldn't have done that what if you get sick!"
Blaine laughed in amusement, pulling Kurt's warm and sleepy form almost completely on top of him,
holding him tightly. "I don't think hangovers are contagious."
Kurt blushed, ducking his head down onto Blaine's chest again, and Blaine started singing softly - lulling
Kurt back to sleep, warm and happy and not ever wanting to let go.
Meeting The Andersons
"Are you sure they know I'm coming?" Kurt asked nervously as they turned into Blaine's driveway - or
what he had come to think was Blaine's driveway since he picked Blaine up in front of it all the time.
They had driven Kurt's Navigator since Kurt would be going home to wake up Christmas morning with
his family, and Blaine would be staying here with his. Kurt was going to pick him up tomorrow afternoon
sometime to have Christmas dinner with them since the Anderson's always celebrated on Christmas Eve
There was a large iron gate that Blaine had to press a call button to get through and the road went from
asphalt to a beautiful cobblestone once they broke through the thick tree line that had been specifically
planted to hide the house from the main road. It was nothing like what Kurt had ever seen in Ohio and
he wondered why Blaine's family lived here of all places when it was obvious they could live anywhere in
the world.
Blaine reached across and took Kurt's fidgeting gloved hand interlacing their fingers. "I called my mother
two weeks ago to tell her about my plans of spending Christmas evening with your family and she
threatened me with bodily harm if I didn't bring you to our Christmas Eve dinner. She's really excited to
meet you. So is my grandmother and I need to warn you she's a bit…"
Kurt glanced over to see Blaine biting his lip as if he was hesitant to say what he knew he needed to tell
Kurt. "What?"
"She's a bit - a lot… traditional."
"Oh?" Kurt didn't know what else to say or what Blaine really meant. Did that mean his grandmother
had a problem with him being gay? But any time Blaine had mentioned her he'd always spoke very
highly of her.
"It's not that she's against me being gay. That's not it at all. She would be happy with whoever I decided
to fall in love with. She's just… she comes from the mindset that there is a man and a… woman in every
relationship - no matter what their gender is."
Suddenly Kurt understood. "She's going to treat me like the woman isn't she?"
Blaine winced. "I - I tried talking to her… explaining, but she's pretty stubborn."
Kurt laughed softly and covered Blaine's hand with his own, squeezing it reassuringly. "It's okay Blaine.
I'm kind of used to it actually."
"I - I just know that it bothers you sometimes, and I just want you to know that she doesn't mean it as
anything negative and that I don't think that about you at all. I am completely aware that you are one
hundred percent male - and god that just came out sounding so wrong." Blaine was blushing furiously
and Kurt couldn't help but laugh.
"It's okay Blaine… really," And it was.
Kurt didn't mind being treated like one of the girls most of the time. He was completely aware that he fit
in with them better and normally he would rather be grouped with them anyway. It was when it was
used against him in a derogatory way that it got under his skin. Kurt may have been feminine in some
aspects but like Blaine had said he was still one hundred percent male, and he didn't like that
masculinity being questioned - especially by other men.
Kurt's eyes widened and a small gasp left his lips when he felt the car stopping and he turned back to
look out the window only to be met with the sight of a massive house . It wasn't the largest mansion he
had ever seen, but it was the largest one he'd ever seen in person, especially in the state of Ohio. Kurt
had known Blaine's family was wealthy. He knew this, had let it process in his mind, but actually seeing it
on display right in front of him for really the first time brought on a whole new wave of self doubt that
he really, really did not need right now.
As they pulled to a stop in the circular driveway Blaine tugged on Kurt's hand, getting his wide eyed
stare away from the intimidating red brick, black shuttered, white columned, traditional styled mansion,
with tasteful but generic Christmas decorations, and onto his warm reassuring honey hazel eyes. Kurt's
panicky self doubting expression immediately relaxed as he lost himself in Blaine.
"This - this doesn't change anything okay. I'm still Blaine, I still buy all of my clothes from the Gap. I still
think the food at the mall is way overpriced. I still recycle to save money and I definitely still adore you,"
Blaine whispered knowing that was exactly what Kurt needed to hear at the moment.
Kurt blushed and looked away. Blaine had started saying that not long after the Halloween party. Since
then Kurt had caught Blaine numerous times just staring at him, like he wanted to say something, but
then he would smile and look away and the moment would be broken. Kurt wondered if maybe he had
said something at the party, like the fact that he was completely in love with this other boy, but he was
too embarrassed to ask.
It seemed something had… shifted though. It was as if their relationship had taken a step without him
realizing it. Things were more - just more, every touch, ever kiss, every look, and it left Kurt breathless,
terrified, and giddy with excitement all at the same time.
Kurt smoothed his free hand over his pants and the fur trench coat Blaine had bought him. "Maybe I
should have worn the other outfit. It was less -" He was cut off as Blaine leaned across the seat and
kissed him tenderly.
"You look amazing. You always look amazing," Blaine reassured sincerely and Kurt smiled brightly. "Now
come on - let me show you off. I can see my mom trying to look out the window already."
Kurt blushed and ducked his head as Blaine got out of the car and came around to his side to open the
door. He reached a gloved hand in and Kurt grasped it tightly, probably tighter than he should have, but
Blaine only gave him a comforting squeeze in return before pulling him out of the safety of the warm
Immediately, Blaine was fixing the collar of Kurt's jacket so that it covered more since for once Kurt
hadn't worn a scarf. Kurt allowed him to fuss for a second and then Blaine wrapped an arm around his
waist and held him securely against his side while they walked up the icy path. The large mahogany front
door was opened before Blaine could even reach out for the antique looking handle and a tall elegant
woman was ushering them inside.
Kurt stood back while Blaine greeted her with a hug and then greeted the other women standing around
as well. There were men hovering in the background but Blaine didn't go to them and instead moved
back beside Kurt, helping him remove his coat, and then nudging him forward with the hand he'd settled
on the small of his back.
"Mom, this is Kurt… Kurt this is my mother Melinda," Blaine introduced with a proud grin as he pushed
Kurt a little closer to the warmly smiling woman.
"Hello Mrs. Anderson, it's lovely to meet you," Kurt greeted and was horrified with how soft his voice
came out, but he was feeling uncharacteristically shy at the moment - not to mention nervous as hell.
Kurt didn't know why he'd agreed to this - actually he did - Blaine was far too good at that puppy dog
look, but now Kurt was kicking himself. He should have waited for a time when he could just meet
Blaine's parents not Blaine's whole freakin family - but when had Kurt ever done anything the easy way.
Blaine's mother was beautiful. She was around the same height as Kurt with amazing bone structure, a
willowy build, and flawless porcelain skin. In fact, in those aspects she and Kurt looked rather similar,
but this woman had dark curly hair and deep honey hazel eyes that reminded Kurt of her son. Those
were the only similarities between Blaine and his mother though, and it surprised Kurt considering he
had thought Blaine got his height, or rather lack thereof, from her.
"Oh please call me Melinda dear and it's so nice to finally meet you too!" she practically gushed while
taking both of Kurt's hands into her own. Her eyes were twinkling excitedly and she seemed like she was
barely able to contain herself as she beamed at him. "I'm so happy you decided to come. Blaine's talked
so much about you but I was beginning to think you weren't real. You are just as attractive as he said,
not that I doubted him but your eyes! Goodness what color are they?"
"Umm, they're Glasz," Kurt answered with a soft blush.
"Oh, Blaine you were right he is ador-"
"Okay mom," Blaine chuckled grabbing Kurt's wrist gently and tugging him back to his side. "Let the
others meet Kurt too."
"Oh - oh of course dear I'm so sorry," Melinda apologized looking a bit embarrassed with herself while
she stepped aside.
"You must forgive my sister," an older looking woman said when she came up next to get a good look at
Kurt. She had blonde hair, unlike Blaine's mother, but it was still curly and Kurt knew instantly that the
color was from a bottle - or rather a high dollar salon. "You're the first boy Blaine's ever brought to meet
us… well not counting that Jeremiah character with horrible horrible hair… and she's been running
around like a mad woman ever since he told her you were coming. You've been the talk of the family for
the past couple of weeks."
Kurt didn't think that the blush would ever leave his face.
"I'm Blaine's Aunt Susan, this is my husband Jeffery and my daughter Lindsey," she continued turning to
a tall baby faced man with a mustache standing a few feet away and a young girl who looked no older
than twelve.
"Nice to meet you," Kurt replied offering his hand.
She took it and her eyes widened. "My you have soft hands! What kind of moisturizer do you use?"
"Okay moving on," Blaine stated with a roll of his eyes while he grabbed Kurt's shoulders and pulled him
away from his aunt. "You can compare moisturizing routines later. Trust me you'll be talking for hours if
you get him started."
Kurt hit Blaine on the chest playfully. "Says the boy who gets up a hour early every morning just so he
can fix his hair."
"I have to get up an hour earlier because when you get up you take over the bathroom," Blaine
protested poking Kurt in the side, causing Kurt to try and squirm away but Blaine didn't allow him to get
far before pulling him back.
"Fine then I'll get up earlier," Kurt pouted, his arms pinned against Blaine's chest as Blaine's arms locked
him in place so that they were face to face. Kurt may have been a few inches taller but physically Blaine
was the stronger of the two. Kurt knew Blaine's every ticklish spot by now though so that more than
made up for it.
"Oh no, you're a horrible morning person. I'd rather lose an hour of sleep than deal with that," Blaine
"Just because I don't roll out of bed singing show tunes with a huge dopey grin on my face -"
"No I have to drag you out of bed and you're pretty violent."
"I am not violent. You're just being dramatic now."
"You threw a lamp at Finn this morning!"
"He came in while I was getting dressed!" They were grinning at each other stupidly, off in their own
little worlds, forgetting there were other people in the room. Kurt's family was kind of used to it by now,
but Blaine's family had never seen them together. "And if I remember correctly you were the one who
came barreling out of the bathroom nearly breaking the door. I'm pretty sure Finn broke his tailbone
when you threw him out - very impressive by the way."
"Well I didn't realize it was him at first!" Blaine exclaimed growing upset at Kurt teasing him about this.
"And when you yelled like that I didn't know what had happened. It… scared me."
Kurt couldn't help the quiet laugh that escaped him as he leaned forward and kissed Blaine on the tip of
his nose. "Well, I thought you looked really attractive all indignant on my behalf. I'm pretty sure Finn will
remember to knock now no matter who's door he's entering."
"You share a room when you stay over there?" A very male voice asked from behind them and Kurt spun
around in Blaine's arms, pale now as he recognized that voice. "Did you know they shared a room?"
Blaine's father asked looking at Blaine's mother.
Melinda rolled her eyes before giving the man a hard look. "Kurt dear this is Blaine's father Daniel…I
believe you've met before but you weren't properly introduced. Daniel be nice."
Kurt could feel Blaine's form tense against his back and Blaine's hands gripping his waist almost painfully
tight. "Hello Sir, it - it's nice to meet you," he stated, swallowing down his fear thickly and pulling a little
away from Blaine to offer his hand.
Daniel hesitated a second before taking Kurt's hand in a surprisingly gentle grasp. Kurt had been
expecting the firm arm jarring shake he got most of the time from men, but was overwhelmingly happy
for the respectful treatment of his appendage.
Blaine did look a lot like his father. There was the height difference of course, but they sort of had the
same build, and defiantly the same facial structure. The only thing really different about them was that
Blaine's dad had blue eyes and light brown hair combed over and gelled in a similar style that Blaine
sometimes wore. He merely gave Kurt a single nod, and a glance over, before letting go of his hand.
"Those two are my older brothers and their wives. Nathan and Regina, and Daniel Jr. and his wife
Jessica." Blaine then introduced turning Kurt by the shoulders to face them. The two men in question
gave a small wave from the back along with their wives who smiled warmly at him.
Kurt wondered briefly on the fact that it seemed like all of the Anderson men were attracted to tall,
slim, pale significant others, before Blaine was introducing him to the rest of his family. In Kurt's limited
opinion on the matter considering it had always just been him and his dad, Blaine had a large family,
something Kurt wasn't at all used to but something that he found he liked.
Then Blaine grabbed him by the shoulders once again and turned him toward an elderly woman, who
despite her obvious age and significant lack of height stood more elegant than any of the younger
women. "Kurt this is my grandmother Bella."
Kurt understood by the silent tension that swept like a blanket over the room and the way Blaine's
hands tightened on his shoulders that this was probably the most important person he would be
meeting tonight - even more important than Daniel Anderson. "Hello," Kurt greeted rather pathetically
but he had to admit that he was a little intimidated.
"Well come here… let me have a look at you," Blaine's grandmother stated beckoning him forward. Kurt
hesitated a second before pulling away from Blaine and walking over to the short woman who only
came up to his chest. It was obviously where Blaine got his own lack of height, and Kurt found that kind
of adorable.
She reached up and to Kurt's horror he flinched before she could touch him. "Sor - sorry," he apologized
quickly while she simply looked at him with an intensity that told him she could see right through him.
She reached for him again but this time Kurt was prepared for it and he stood still while she grasped his
chin in a soft wrinkled hand and turned his head from side to side.
"You are a looker that's for sure," the old woman stated assuredly and Kurt felt his eyes widen in shock
as he heard a few chuckles from the men in the back. "Of course, you can't expect anything less of
Blaine. He always did have to have the best of everything. His parents spoiled him you know."
"I second that!" Kurt heard one of Blaine's brothers murmur rather loudly.
"I suppose it was partially my fault too… he is my favorite after all," Bella stated in reply to the jab at
Blaine and Kurt covered his mouth to hide his grin as he heard protest from the other grandchildren.
They were ignored.
"Now, Blaine claims that you're not just a pretty face." She continued peering at him intently. "You have
brains too. You must if you are tutoring him. He's rather smart himself, but he says that you speak
French fluently?"
"Yes ma'am."
Blaine's grandmother nodded approvingly. "Respectful too I see… and the voice of an angel if my
grandson is to be believed?"
"I -" Kurt didn't quite know what to say to that so he just blushed while he sent a look over his shoulder
at his boyfriend who shrugged sheepishly.
"Blaine himself has a beautiful voice. He got it from his grandfather and that's how his grandfather got
me. Tell me, did he sing to you too?"
Kurt looked back at Blaine again with a raised eyebrow. "Yes, he did actually." Blaine was the one
blushing fiercely now.
Blaine's grandmother nodded approvingly - Kurt doubted she would approve of the song choice though.
"Who did you get your voice from?"
"My - my mother," Kurt answered hesitantly and saw as Bella glanced over his shoulder where he would
bet anything Blaine was giving some kind of signal for her not to push that subject. Kurt was extremely
"I see… " The old woman trailed off with a calculating look. For someone who seemed to be in her
seventies her eyes were remarkably keen. "You're father remarry?"
"He just proposed," Kurt answered. They had just found out right before Christmas break actually and
Kurt was in the process of planning the wedding. He had to take Carole the Monday after New Years to
get fitted for her dress.
"And before that you took care of him - cooked and cleaned and looked after him by yourself?"
"Ye - yes," Kurt stuttered uncomfortably. How did she know these things?
"Tell me what are your hobbies?"
"Sorry?" Kurt asked in confusion.
"Your hobbies! Besides singing and looking pretty, do you paint? Sew? Cook? Play an instrument?"
"Uh, no, yes, yes, and yes…" Kurt answered uncertainly.
This woman really was old fashioned. He wanted to turn around and look at Blaine to see what he
should do but he also didn't want to accidentally offend Bella. It wasn't that Kurt minded so much her
asking these questions. He did like most things women enjoyed, but it felt a little awkward - like maybe
he should tell her that he had a dick too, but then that would probably just make things more awkward.
Kurt cursed himself because now he was thinking of dick while facing Blaine's grandmother, and oh shit
he shouldn't have just thought of Blaine right after thinking of dick!
This was still all fairly new to him, being free to think about someone in that way whenever he wanted,
but now was certainly not the appropriate time for it. The thoughts tended to just pop in whenever they
wanted to though, because it was his now - that is Blaine was his not Blaine's dick… although technically
it was attached to Blaine so - and oh shit he needed to get off of this train of thought right now because
it was steadily going downhill and deeply into the gutter.
Kurt just focused all of his attention on answering her questions. "I - I love fashion and interior design. I
can play the piano and I love to cook."
Grandma Bella smiled up at him endearingly and linked her arm through Kurt's, pulling him away from
Blaine and further into the house. Kurt looked back at his boyfriend uncertainly but then turned back to
the old woman as she began talking again. "There are a few recipes I need to show you. They are
Blaine's absolute favorites and you will need to know them. Now do you cook from scratch or out of a
"I - I prefer from scratch," Kurt answered truthfully and felt himself starting to relax a bit. He felt…
comfortable with this woman somehow, and she was obviously important to Blaine. Therefore, he
would do his best to impress her.
"You'll do just fine then," Bella replied patting Kurt's hand with her smaller wrinkled one.
Blaine moved to follow them but his mother grabbed his arm. "She really likes him," she smiled happily
giving his arm a reassuring squeeze. "Don't worry about Kurt we'll take care of him, and I promise not to
let grandma tell him too many embarrassing stories. You go with your father and the rest of the men
into the sitting room and wait for dinner to be finished."
"But -" Blaine said hesitantly. He'd promised Kurt not to leave him alone.
"Go Blaine…" Melinda encouraged pushing her son along with the other men. "You know she does this
with all of them. Now you said he could cook. It can't turn out nearly as bad as it did with Nathan's first
girlfriend, and remember poor Regina the first time we met her? She and Nathan are happily married
now! It all worked out."
"Yeah, and grandma gives her a dirty look every time she steps near the kitchen." Daniel Jr. snorted as
he came over and threw and arm over Blaine's shoulders, dragging him towards the living room where
their father and uncles were already gathering. "Come on baby brother, I haven't seen you in forever,
and Nathan and I have a lot of teasing to make up for it seems. Don't think mom didn't tell us that you
are a cheerleader now?" Blaine felt a hot blush creeping up his neck as Junior dragged him into the living
He doubted his blush would be going away anytime soon.
"Now dear this is Blaine's favorite soup when he's sick. It always make him feel better. Oh, and these…
he still likes these cookies before bed with a warm glass of milk. It helps him sleep when he has a big test
or competition the next morning. You must learn how to bake them…" Blaine heard his grandmother
saying when he walked into the large kitchen to see that she had Kurt in an apron and it was already
spattered with flour.
They were flipping through an old recipe book. Kurt must have done a really good job with whatever
they had already baked if she was actually showing him this particular book. His mother and the other
women were sitting around the breakfast nook, flipping through an interior design book.
Blaine remembered that she had mentioned wanting to redecorate after the Holidays, although he had
been texting Kurt at the time so he hadn't been paying much attention to what she was actually saying.
He took a moment to enjoy everyone's distraction and simply leaned against the doorway, watching
Kurt soaking in his grandmothers knowledge with the same level of studious concentration he gave to
learning a new song.
Kurt must have felt his stare because after a few moments those fascinating eyes looked up and caught
his own. He gave Blaine a hundred watt smile and Blaine felt his breath catch in his chest. He honestly
didn't think he would ever get used to the way that smile made him feel. Blaine smiled back happily and
Kurt went back to listening to his grandmother who was pulling out more ingredients and instructing
Kurt on the proper way of handling each one.
The smell of Christmas baking was slowly beginning to fill every room of the house and Blaine loved it.
This was the only time of the year they were able to all be together, even just a simple meal with just his
parents was nearly nonexistent. His dad was so busy and his mom, while always available when Blaine
really needed her, had just helped his dad branch out into a new cosmetics development line. With
Blaine being old enough to take care of himself, and his brothers moved off and starting their own
families, the house was almost always empty.
"Oh Blaine! Come look at this," his mother called him over. "Kurt has some amazing ideas." She held up
various paint and cloth samples, along with some magazines bookmarked on certain pages, and Blaine
tried to pay attention to it all but his eyes kept going back to Kurt and he knew he'd answered her last
two questions wrong.
In fact, Blaine wasn't sure if she had actually asked him anything at all.
Melinda just laughed and reached up to pull her distracted son down into a hug, kissing the side of head.
She knew that look and she loved finally seeing it on her youngest boys face. "I am so happy for you. I've
been worried about you - about this. I know you were… lonely, even when you were dating Jeremiah,
and I know it's still a bit tense with your father, but he's - he's really trying Blaine."
"It's broken my heart seeing you two become so distant and I think it's starting to get to him too. He's
missed you. He loves you, and I can already see that Kurt is really good for you. Your father will see it
too. I haven't seen you smile so much in years, and your grandmother already adores him – which is
saying a lot."
Blaine soaked in his mothers words while he watched, heart filling with adoration all over again for his
boyfriend, as Kurt actually got his grandmother to laugh like she was a blushing school girl.
Melinda chuckled softly, watching the two of them as well. "I think we'll keep him around for a while…"
she whispered into Blaine's ear with a twinkle in her eyes, and Blaine could admit at least to himself that
he got a little choked up right along with her.
"Definitely," he agreed returning her smile.
Sitting in the kitchen chatting with the women Blaine noticed something - he really liked watching Kurt
cook. There was just something about Kurt dancing around, humming to himself, nice clothes wrapped
in a flour covered apron, shirt sleeves rolled up to his elbows, while he pulled Christmas cookies from
the oven that struck something deep within Blaine.
They were so young. They hadn't even said I love you yet, but god sometimes Blaine thought he would
marry Kurt someday. He'd thought that the first time he'd seen Kurt, sweeping hair off of his forehead in
the coffee shop, completely oblivious to how beautiful he was and how completely smitten Blaine was.
That was it.
Blaine was going to marry Kurt someday.
He stood to his feet so quickly he nearly knocked his chair over. "Blaine what -"
Blaine leaned over and kissed his mom on the forehead. "I think I'll show Kurt around." Then he walked
over to where Kurt was just setting the cookies on a cooling rack and tugged at the strings around Kurt's
waist to untie the apron. "Come on, I think you've seen quite enough of the kitchen. I want to give you a
tour of the rest of the house before we eat."
"But -" Kurt looked uncertainly at Blaine's grandmother even as Blaine lifted the apron over his head.
Bella patted his hand, smiling at him adoringly. "Go ahead dear. You did beautifully. We'll work on those
other recipes some other time." Then she turned to Blaine with a stern look. "He's a good boy. You take
care of him - treat him with the respect he deserves."
Blaine blinked in surprise. "Yes - yes ma'am… of course."
"Your grandmother loves me!" Kurt sang happily, spinning around to look at him once they were out of
the kitchen and alone in the foyer again.
Blaine grinned back, eyes twinkling in amusement, and he leaned forward to capture Kurt's mouth like
he had been wanting to do for the past half-hour. Kurt tasted like the cinnamon cookies he'd been
baking and sampling and Blaine hummed in delight. "Come on I want to show you my room."
Kurt pulled back, mouth opened in amusement, hitting his chest playfully. "Blaine Anderson are you
trying to get me alone in your bedroom?"
"Hmmm… maybe…" Blaine answered wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist while he began walking
them toward the staircase. "Are you complaining?"
Kurt shook his head. "I must admit that I have been a bit curious. You stay at my house so often that I
was starting to wonder if you had your own room at all."
Kurt was teasing, but it was true. Blaine did stay a lot at the Hummel's house. Burt barely even checked
in on them at night anymore and there was always a spare pillow and blanket waiting for Blaine by
Kurt's couch. His own house was just always so empty though. There was just never any point in Blaine
coming home. When the Hummel-Hudson's had started talking about looking for a new house Blaine
had blushed furiously when Burt had brought up making sure it had a spare bedroom for… guests.
"This is very… you," Kurt stated, now understanding Blaine's comment the first time Blaine had entered
his room.
The room was very Blaine though, from the dark hardwood floors and dark wood accents, to the dark
blue walls covered in tastefully black framed play bills and old movie and music posters. There were
some sheets of music scattered around, a few worn notebooks, a couple of guitars, and an electric
keyboard set up near a window seat with a large bay window overlooking the snow covered ground.
There were a few bookshelves and a desk covered in more music, and a laptop with an open word
document that looked like it had lyrics on it.
A full size bed set against one wall, the covers ruffled and the pillow still with the indentation of where
Blaine's head had rested. It smelled like Blaine too, his intoxicating cologne and something masculine
that was uniquely Blaine. Kurt knew from the candles he burned that his own room normally smelled
like vanilla, and if it had an under-layer that was uniquely him then he didn't know. He wondered briefly
if there was a way to capture this scent in a candle because he would certainly be buying it. It was very
comforting to feel so completely wrapped up in everything that was Blaine.
At that moment Blaine pressed in close behind him, wrapping his arms around Kurt's waist and kissing
his neck. Kurt realized that he didn't really need the candle when he had the source itself right there and
so willing to cuddle. "You write your own music?" he questioned glancing at all the notebooks and the
open laptop.
Kurt could practically feel Blaine's blush against his neck. "Yes… would - would you like to see?"
"If you want to show me…" Kurt answered because he could tell that this was something Blaine didn't
show a lot of people - probably no one considering he hadn't even mentioned it to Kurt.
"I - I yeah I do… I want to show you." Blaine released his waist and walked around him to grab one of the
notebooks. He handed it to Kurt and then stood behind him again, arms back around him and chin
hooked on his shoulder so he could see what Kurt was reading.
Kurt opened it with shaky fingers. This was so personal - like reading Blaine's diary, and he was so
touched that Blaine wanted to show it to him. "These are amazing," he whispered reading over the
lyrics, and it was the complete truth. In fact, it was an understatement to how amazing Kurt thought this
was. "Why don't you sing them?"
Kurt felt Blaine shrug against his back. "I - I don't know. I mean, I want to. I will. Maybe you know… when
I go to New York or something. I - I thought I might give it a try. I mean, I love gymnastics, and they've
got competitions coming up this summer with some of the biggest prizes they've ever had. It would be a
great way to get into the collage of my choice without worrying about asking my dad to pay for it. He he has different plans for me. He wants me to go to Ohio State and join the business like my brothers. If
- if I can get to New York though. Kurt I could - I could do this."
"You can. You will. I know you will," Kurt said turning in Blaine's arms so that he could look at him. It
hurt to think of Blaine leaving for New York and him having to stay behind in Ohio, but Kurt wouldn't
want anything else for Blaine. Blaine could make it. If anyone could it would be Blaine. "Have you told
your dad you want to go to New York?"
Blaine shook his head. "I never told anyone."
"You should tell him. He might surprise you." Kurt suggested gently.
He would hate to see Blaine and his father's relationship torn apart more than it already was. Just
standing in the same room as them Kurt could feel the tension and distance between them. It hurt Kurt
to think that Blaine was so scared of losing what little relationship they had left that he couldn't even tell
his own father his biggest dreams or ask him for help in making them come true.
Blaine smiled adoringly at him and kissed him softly. "I will. I just want to try it on my own first. I think if
anything he'll at least respect that."
Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine again and it was meant to be an innocent press of lips, but Blaine's hand
came up to cup the back of his neck pressing in harder. "What are you doing?" Kurt murmured pulling
back an inch.
Blaine smirked, hazel eyes twinkling with mischief as he took the notebook from Kurt's hands and threw
it on the desk. "You don't know how badly I've wanted to have you in here. I would have brought you
sooner but my parent's schedules are kind of unpredictable and they certainly wouldn't approve of us
being alone in the house."
Kurt bit his lip at the heated look on his boyfriend's face. "Blaine your whole family is down stairs…"
"Drinking eggnog and listening to Christmas music." Blaine replied walking him backwards as his eyes fell
to Kurt's lips.
"They'll be expecting us to come back down soon." Kurt continued although he felt a thrill race up his
spine like he always did when Blaine looked at him like this.
"This is a big house the tour could take a while."
Kurt felt his legs hit Blaine's bed and let himself fall back onto the pile of messy comforter and pillows.
He kept a hand around Blaine's neck and brought him down with him, pulling his face closer until their
lips were brushing. "Well then we better get started."
Baby It's Cold Outside
"So what were you two up to?" Nathan questioned with raised eyebrows and a knowing smirk. Kurt had
learned that Nathan was only twenty four and that he and Regina had only just gotten married sixth
months ago. Daniel Jr. - who preferred to be called Junior - was only two years older and had been
married to his wife Jessica since their sophomore year of college. According to Blaine they were
currently trying for a baby.
Blaine merely sent his teasing brother a smile while he pulled out Kurt's chair for him. "I was giving Kurt
a tour."
Kurt didn't even blush, having made sure that both his and Blaine's clothes and hair were perfect before
coming back down. There was no way anyone would be able to tell that just five minutes ago Kurt had
been pressed against Blaine's bed a whimpering mess, and that he was now sporting a fresh hickey a
few buttons below the collar of his shirt.
"Don't think I wasn't your age once baby brother," Nathan stated, but thankfully Regina cleared her
throat and sent him a look. This wasn't exactly proper table conversation, and it certainly didn't look like
Blaine's father approved of it either - if the stern look he was sending Nathan was anything to go by.
"So Kurt dear, what are your plans for the rest of your holiday?" Melinda asked politely while they all
began to eat the traditional holiday food that had been prepared. The formal dining room table looked
like something right out of a Christmas postcard and Kurt was hesitant to actually touch anything.
"Tomorrow evening my family is having our Christmas dinner. I was going to pick Blaine up tomorrow
afternoon if that is still okay," Kurt explained to her and the few other people who were listening. "I'm
not sure what Blaine wants to do for New Years he's not telling me…" he trailed off looking at Blaine
with a playful glare.
"That's because it's a surprise!" Blaine exclaimed with a wide grin. Kurt had been trying to get it out of
him ever since Blaine had let it slip that he had something planned for them on New Years, but for once
Blaine wasn't saying anything.
"Oh, and why haven't you told me about these plans?" Melinda questioned her son with a raised
eyebrow while a smile tugged at the corners of her lips.
"Because it's going to stay a secret and I knew that once you met Kurt you two would become gossip
buddies. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't already exchanged phone numbers and talked
about me behind my back," Blaine answered raising his own eyebrow as both Kurt and Melinda flushed.
"It wasn't anything too embarrassing just about your first day of preschool and how you wouldn't stop
crying because Jennifer stole the candy out of your lunchable," Kurt commented offhandedly, trying to
hide his smile by taking a sip from his glass of water.
Blaine made an embarrassed sound of protest and the table erupted in laughter. "Well I could tell them
about how you tackled a woman in Macy's over a pair of skinny jeans."
"It was the last pair and I saw them first!" Kurt exclaimed indignantly.
"You pulled out a chunk of her hair," Blaine deadpanned.
Kurt waved his hand dismissively. "It was fake and cheap looking. I think I did her a favor actually."
Blaine gave a snort of amusement and shook his head. "Of course you did."
"Did you win?" Blaine's aunt asked after a moment of silence.
"Oh yes," Kurt answered as if getting into cat fights at the mall over skinny jeans was a normal
occurrence for him - which it kind of was now that Blaine thought about it. He would probably need to
host an intervention at some point. "You should have seen when Burberry had its sale. Now that was
exciting. Blaine got a black eye!"
"You and I are so going shopping together," Jessica stated and Regina nodded enthusiastically from
beside her. Blaine smiled at his brothers wives, happy and grateful that they were so accepting of Kurt
already when it had only been the two of them for so long.
"Are you a vegetarian?" Daniel asked after a few moments of silence around the table while everyone
tucked into their food. He was looking curiously down at Kurt's plate full of greenery.
"Oh, dear I'm so sorry I didn't think to ask," Melinda stated eyes wide in horror. "I would have prepared
something more for you."
"Oh no, no - Kurt's not a vegetarian," Blaine reassured quickly with a laugh. "He just likes to eat salad.
He's a bit of a health nut."
"Yes, well unlike some of us who can eat a whole gallon of ice cream and not gain a pound others have
to watch what they eat," Kurt replied dryly as he stabbed at a piece of lettuce.
Blaine merely rolled his eyes and added a piece of turkey and a roll to Kurt's plate. Kurt sighed and
glared at the offending foods, but he knew better than to protest the items. One way or another Blaine
would make him eat them.
Melinda hid a smile behind her hand at the display. They were positively adorable together and she
knew by the look she shared with her sister that she was thinking the same thing. "What kind of music
do you like to sing?"
"Kurt's an amazing countertenor," Blaine gushed before Kurt could even open his mouth.
"Oh… what's that?" his aunt questioned, not quite sure what that meant.
"It's a male soprano," Blaine answered enthusiastically while Kurt ducked his head and continued eating
trying to hide his blush. He loved that Blaine admired his voice so much, but Kurt loved hearing Blaine's
voice too - surprisingly more than his own. He never thought he'd be able to say that about anyone. "He
has an amazing range. He sang Defying Gravity for us the other day and hit the high F flawlessly. Maybe
later he'll sing Baby It's Cold Outside with me?" Blaine questioned looking at him for approval.
"Oh my favorite, that's a lovely idea," Grandma Bella said with a small delighted clap of her hands making Kurt's decision for him.
How was he supposed to refuse now, not that he had been about to refuse to begin with, but now he
had to sing the song with Blaine because it was what Blaine's grandmother wanted. It was apparently
her favorite Christmas song, and he certainly didn't want to disappoint the woman. Kurt didn't think
he'd ever felt more nervous about a performance before.
"Of course I'll sing with you. You know you don't even have to ask," Kurt answered because it looked
liked Blaine was still waiting for him to.
Blaine positively beamed at him and Kurt lost all train of thought for a moment. He loved those eyes and
that smile and those lips and that face. He loved that boy - so much sometimes it scared him, but Kurt
wouldn't give it up for anything.
Before Kurt realized it he'd leaned down and pressed his lips to Blaine's. The kiss was sweet and chaste,
but as soon as he realized what he'd done Kurt flinched back enough to rattle his silverware.
Blaine's family may have been okay with them being together, but to actually see it, there weren't many
people who tolerated something like that. Holding hands was sweet, flirting was adorable, but any
indication that they were together beyond that was sometimes too much for people's delicate
While Kurt was sitting tense in his seat, staring down at his plate, and panicking in his head, he hadn't
realized that the table had fallen silent. All of the disgusted sneers and names he'd ever been called
were echoing around in his head and he didn't want to look up to see that reflected in any of these
people’s eyes.
Blaine's hand came up to cover his own on top of the table where everyone could see and Kurt's first
reaction was to pull away, but Blaine caught him before he could and laced their fingers together. A few
seconds later Kurt felt Blaine's warm breath against his ear. "I'm right here," he whispered softly and
just like that all the tension in Kurt's body left him.
"So Jessica dear tell me more about this clothing store you're thinking about investing in…"
Conversation continued on around them and Kurt glanced over at Blaine's father, to find that the man
wasn't even looking at them. Instead, he was talking to Blaine's uncle. In fact, everyone seemed to have
broken off into their own little conversations now and Kurt picked up his fork to start eating, smiling at
Blaine when his boyfriend hooked their ankles together beneath the table.
This night had been going so well - far better than Kurt could have imagined it, but as Kurt looked
through the French doors into the sitting room where all the men had re-gathered he felt his stomach
filling with dread. He'd offered to help clean up but had been shooed out of the kitchen by the women
and had been unable to find Blaine too, so now he found himself in this situation.
The men were chuckling about something and Kurt hesitated in interrupting them. He was so nervous
he actually felt sick at the thought of going in there alone, but he had met all of the women in Blaine's
family - it only made sense that he get to know the men too. Kurt didn't want it to seem like he was
avoiding them, which he kind of had been if he was being honest, but Kurt figured he should try to speak
to Blaine's dad and older brothers at some point at least.
What would he talk to them about though? With the women it was easy - fashion, interior design,
cooking, men…
Maybe he could steer the conversation to cars. Kurt knew a lot about cars and Blaine had told him that
his dad loved old cars. That's what he would do. He would go in and ask Blaine's dad about his car
collection. Kurt just had to work up the nerve to actually move out of the doorway and into the room
"I mean really Daniel are you certain that Blaine is gay?" Kurt heard one of Blaine's uncles - Raymond if
he remembered correctly, asking with a laugh.
"Yes." Daniel answered and there was no doubt or hesitation in his voice, which made Kurt extremely
happy. It told him that at least Blaine's father accepted that Blaine was gay, even if he didn't know how
to handle it. "I came to terms with the fact that it wasn't a choice he was making the day he was forced
to transfer to Dalton… besides didn't you meet his date?"
Kurt knew he should say or do something to let them know that he was there. It felt wrong to just be
standing in the doorway eavesdropping, but before he could Raymond spoke again and Kurt felt his
mouth snap shut and go dry at the words.
"Well, that is precisely why I'm asking because I would have to argue that last point. That boy, if he
could be called that, is far too pretty for his own good. I mean, are you sure Blaine doesn't think he's a
girl?" There were a few chuckles from the other men in the room, but Kurt couldn't really see Blaine's
father or brother's faces to get their reactions.
Kurt's own face was turning pink in anger and humiliation.
"Now Uncle Raymond that's enough. I'll admit Kurt's not exactly what I thought was Blaine's type,
considering Jeremiah and the others he's liked. Kurt's a bit… different for sure, but Blaine speaks very
highly of him. He says the kid can rebuild an engine blindfolded, and apparently Kurt was the kicker on
his old high school's football team," Junior said with a slight reprimanding tone that had Kurt feeling a
little bit better, but the comment about him not being Blaine's type tugged at a wound Kurt had thought
was healed in the months after meeting Jeremiah.
Raymond rolled his eye. "I'll believe that when I see it," he stated skeptically. "Honestly, I think the kid's
one surgery away from being a Miss - if he hasn't already had it done that is. I believe my daughter has
that same outfit, and did you hear his voice? I had to look and make sure he didn't have breast when
Blaine introduced him. That's not a natural pitch for a man. He's obviously lacking something if you
know what I mean…"
There were more chuckles and Kurt backed out of the room quickly before he could hear anything else,
or someone noticed him standing there. He practically ran to the hallway powder room and locked
himself inside, breathing heavily. He took a few deep breaths to calm himself. He wouldn't cry. He
couldn't cry - Blaine would know if he did, and it would only reaffirm what Blaine's uncle had been
Damn it he was not a girl!
Yes Kurt loved fashion, yes he loved musicals and romance, yes he loved interior design, planning
weddings, yes his voice was unique, yes he was slightly more feminine looking, and yes he loved guys Blaine in particular, but that didn't make him a girl! He didn't want to be a girl! He wasn't trying to be a
girl. He just… liked most of the same things as them.
Kurt felt tears of frustration stinging his eyes. He knew girls who liked football and had no fashion sense
what so ever. No one ever called them out on it. No one ever said that they were "one surgery away"
from being a boy, or laughed at them because of it. In fact, most guys thought it was sexy when a girl
could fix a car, or when she didn't mind getting down and dirty with an extra large pizza and a case of
It wasn't fair!
And this whole thing about him not being Blaine's type - well obviously they were wrong because he was
here. Kurt was Blaine's date. He meant enough to Blaine for Blaine to want to introduce him to his
family, and the way Blaine had kissed him in his bedroom - a person didn't kiss someone who wasn't
their type like that. They were wrong. They had to be… so why did it all still hurt so much that they'd
said it?
A knock on the door startled Kurt out of his angry thoughts. "Yes?" he called out hesitantly happy that
his voice sounded somewhat normal.
"Kurt honey, Blaine's looking for you. We're all moving into the main room to exchange gifts." Melinda
said through the door.
"Okay I'll be out in just a minute," Kurt answered, deciding against flushing the toilet because that would
be a little more awkward for both of them. Instead he turned on the faucet so it would seem like he
wasn't peeing while she was talking to him.
Kurt took the few moments he had left to finish composing himself. He wasn't going to say anything
about this to Blaine. Kurt didn't want to cause any kind of tension within the family. It seemed the
majority of Blaine's family was pretty accepting of his homosexuality and others at least tolerated it.
Kurt wasn't going to mess that up by whining like a little… bitch. It wasn't like he hadn't heard that type
of stuff being said about him before. He heard it all the time actually. He would just suck it up like
always, smile, be pleasant, and get through the rest of the night. Kurt didn't have to interact with the
men anyway. He would just stick to charming the ladies, which surprisingly he was good at for a gay guy.
"Are you alright?" Blaine questioned looking up at him from where he sat on the floor by Kurt's feet and
nudging Kurt's leg with his shoulder.
"Hmm…" Kurt asked distractedly. They'd exchanged gifts already. Kurt having given Blaine's parents a
lovely bottle of wine, while they'd given Kurt a really nice scarf - it was obvious Blaine had told his
mother what to get him.
"I asked if you were okay. You seem a bit… quiet." Blaine was looking up at him with a concerned crease
in his brow, his small pile of expensive looking gifts sitting forgotten beside him, while the others talked
amongst themselves and passed around their own gifts to show off.
"Oh… just - just tired I guess. It's been a long day and all that food - I think I ate too much." Kurt lied
easily, but the truth was he was having a hard time shaking off Blaine's uncle's comments, and how was
he supposed to tell Blaine that he didn't want to talk because his voice was too high pitched. He really
wanted Blaine's family to like him, the women did, but the men had been a little standoffish and Kurt
couldn't help that it hurt. It seemed like he made them a bit uncomfortable - like they didn't know how
to talk to him.
"Are you -"
"How about a song now!" Melinda suddenly exclaimed, looking excitedly in their direction, and Kurt felt
like a block of ice had been dropped into his stomach.
Blaine's face instantly lit up though as he turned from Kurt to look at his mother. "That sounds great!
Come on Kurt. I'll play it on the piano - unless you want to?" He grabbed Kurt's hand, standing to his
feet, and tugging Kurt up out of his arm chair as well.
Kurt hesitated though, eyes sweeping over the room uncertainly, insults still ringing in his head. "Why why don't you go ahead and I'll just watch…" he spoke quietly so no one but Blaine could hear – or at
least he thought.
Blaine turned back to look at him, smile fading a bit. "I can't sing Baby It's Cold Outside by myself."
"I - I really don't feel like singing." Kurt let his eyes drop to the floor so he didn't have to see the
disappointment he knew would be showing in Blaine's face.
"Are - are you not feeling well?" Blaine asked in concern, taking a step closer so that the others would
really have to strain to hear what they were saying.
"No… I just - I don't want to sing right now." Kurt whispered shifting uncomfortably as his eyes
involuntarily glanced at Blaine's Uncle Raymond and then up at Blaine.
Blaine looked confused, eyebrows drawn together, disappointment in his expressive eyes. "But Kurt,
everyone was really looking forward to hearing you. I've been telling them all how amazing you are. It's
my grandmother's favorite Christmas song, she and my grandfather used to sing it every Christmas
together, and she really wants to hear us sing it."
Kurt really felt like a selfish asshole now. This meant so much too Blaine. It meant so much for their
relationship, and Kurt really wanted to do it, but he physically couldn't bring himself to sing in front of
these men. His throat locked up at just the thought and he felt sick. "I know - I just… I don't feel like
singing it. Why don't you sing something." He encouraged, trying to offer Blaine a smile, but it came out
as more of a grimace.
"But why? You always want to sing. You've never turned down an opportunity before." Now Blaine's
voice was starting to sound a bit frustrated and Kurt winced. The last thing he wanted was for Blaine to
be angry at him, but knowing what they were thinking about him was just so humiliating.
"I - I just - I don't -"
Blaine tugged on his hand impatiently but Kurt didn't move. "Come on Kurt. Are you nervous? You're
never nervous and there's nothing to be nervous about. It's just my family."
"I'm not nervous I -"
"Then why?"
Kurt's eyes flickered to Blaine's uncle again and he felt his skin crawl. "Blaine I just don't -"
Blaine dropped his hand with a sound of annoyance. "Why do you have to be such a Drama Queen? I
mean, normally I find that particular personality trait of yours kind of adorable Kurt, but right now I'm
having a hard time understanding why you're choosing now of all times to act like - Kurt? Kurt!"
Kurt wasn't listening though as he jerked back and turned to leave the room. He was trying his best to
blink back the sudden onslaught of tears threatening to spill. It would only prove that yes he was a
Drama Queen - if his storm out hadn't already. He'd never expected to hear Blaine call him that though at least in a non-playful manner, and it hurt. It hurt more than it should have considering Blaine
probably didn't mean it as harshly as Kurt was taking it, but after everything else Kurt had heard tonight.
That was just too much.
"Kurt wait! Kurt! Kurt no wait! Please!"
Kurt didn't realize he was running, or that he'd even made it outside, until he reached his Navigator.
Luckily, the keys were still in the ignition and just as Blaine's hand was going for the passenger side door
Kurt stepped on the gas. He felt tears, hot and heavy, falling down his cold face, his hands were shaking
badly, his breathing labored, and his heart pounding in his ears.
In the back of his mind Kurt knew how ridiculous this was. How stupid he was for running, but he
couldn't help the panic that had taken over. Blaine had snapped at him. Blaine had been angry at him.
Blaine had been looking at him with anything other than complete adoration, and it scared him. Kurt
realized that he'd just had his first fight with his boyfriend, and really it wasn't even much of a fight, but
Kurt didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to handle it, so he went with his first instinct and ran.
As Kurt got farther and farther away from the Anderson's house though reality began to sink in and
Kurt's panicked mind realized what he'd just done. "Oh my god I'm so stupid! I'm so stupid!" he hissed at
himself even as he drove.
He was such an idiot. He was being a Drama Queen. He shouldn't have run away like that. What was he
even doing? He had to talk to Blaine. Blaine was probably panicking. Kurt had to explain things to him - if
he could figure out what the hell he was thinking in the first place running away from Blaine like that
over something so stupid - something that Blaine hadn't even meant in the way Kurt had taken it.
"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" he shouted angrily hitting the steering wheel. God he hoped Blaine would talk
to him. Kurt searched for his cell phone, realizing too late that he'd left it in his coat pocket, which was
still hanging in the Anderson's coat closet.
He had to turn around. He had to go back and hopefully Blaine would let him inside so they could talk.
What did Blaine's family think of him now? But Kurt couldn't worry about that. He only needed to worry
about Blaine and what Blaine thought - which was what he should have been doing all along.
The roads had been pretty empty and he was only about ten minutes from the Anderson's house, so
checking his mirrors for any traffic Kurt decided to make a u-turn right there in the middle of the road –
it was the quickest way to getting back to Blaine.
Blaine woke up to the sound of his phone going off on the pillow right beside his ear. He snatched it up
quickly hoping that it was Kurt calling him back. He'd tried to chase after him, but hadn't managed to
catch him before he took off. Blaine had immediately started calling, texting, and leaving voice mail after
voice mail, but Kurt wasn't answering him and Blaine had literally fallen asleep pressing redial.
For some reason when he'd gone back into the house his Uncle Raymond was being asked none too
politely to leave, and to Blaine's horror the whole story had come out about what his uncle had been
saying, and that Kurt might have overheard him at one point. Blaine felt like he'd been sucker punched
in the stomach, and Nathan told him that if he couldn't get Kurt on the phone then he would drive
Blaine to Kurt's house in the morning to apologize for the whole family in person.
It seemed like Kurt was finally answering him, but it wasn't his cell phone number blinking on the screen
it was the Hummel's house phone. "Kurt! Kurt I'm so sorry. I didn't know and I didn't mean what I said.
You have to believe me I would have never implied that you were -"
"Kurt's not with you?" Burt Hummel's voice cut through Blaine's rambling, and as the question sank in
Blaine felt his heart dropping into the pit of his stomach.
"What? No - no sir. He - he left… hours ago," Blaine answered looking over at his glowing alarm clock to
see that it was after one o'clock in the morning. Kurt's curfew had been midnight and it had only been
around eight thirty when Kurt had run out. Blaine had paced until around eleven before he'd thrown
himself on his bed and somewhere in between fallen asleep despite the twisted feeling he'd had in his
chest since Kurt drove off. "We - we had a fight and - and he hasn't come home?"
"No kid… listen, Finn is calling all of their friends. Carole's calling the hospitals and police station. I'm
going to drive around - head that way. You think you can get your parents to drive this way, maybe meet
me halfway or call if they find anything. I'm not sure exactly where you live."
Blaine had already been on his feet, pulling his shoes on and throwing a hoodie over his head. "Yes sir I we're going right now."
Blaine hung up the phone with Burt and stumbled out of his room - nearly colliding with Junior. "Blaine
what's with all the racket? People are trying to sleep. What's going on?"
It took Blaine a minute to unclog the panic lodged in his throat and remember how to speak. "Kurt - Kurt
he - never made it home. They can't - can't find him."
Junior's eyes widened and he grabbed Blaine's shoulder to steady him. "Have they called his friends?"
Blaine nodded jerkily.
"The Police?"
"The hospitals?"
"Did you try to call him?"
"Yes! Yes! Yes!" Blaine exclaimed in frustration, knocking Junior's hand off of him. They needed to be
doing something not standing here playing twenty questions.
Junior put his hands up as if he was dealing with a wild animal and Blaine kind of felt like one at the
moment. "Okay go get dad. I'm going to get my shoes and wake up Nathan."
Blaine moved down the hall while Junior turned back into his own room, where Blaine could see Jessica
sitting up in bed looking worried. He entered his parents room without knocking and flipped on his dad's
beside lamp. "Dad… dad wake up."
Daniel's eyes blinked open and he sat up groggily, while Melinda shifted awake as well. "Blaine? Blaine
what the hell son it's - it's nearly one thirty!"
"Kurt's dad just called me. Kurt never made it home. He's not answering his phone and they can't find
him." Blaine heard his mother gasp but kept his eyes trained on his father, who looked more awake
There was a long tense silence and Blaine was pretty sure he'd stopped breathing. He half expected his
dad to say something along the lines of Kurt just being an emotional teenager and that he was hiding
out on purpose to make everyone worry and make Blaine upset.
Daniel Anderson didn't do that though. Instead he threw off his blankets and got out of bed. "Go wake
your brothers and wait for me in the foyer." Blaine felt the air leave him in relief, but it didn't last long
before he was on his feet again and running out the door.
"Blaine I need you to calm down okay. You need to be focused right now. I need you to tell me if you see
anything." Daniel was saying from the driver’s side, as his eyes darted around the passing scenery, while
Blaine sat in the passenger seat trying to keep himself from having a panic attack.
Something was seriously wrong. He knew it. Blaine could feel every cell of his body buzzing with
desperation to find Kurt. He physically ached with the need to have Kurt in his arms right now. He
couldn't believe he'd fallen asleep with this feeling growing inside of him. He could breathe. His chest
was in knots. His stomach was dangerously unsettled, but he would throw up in the car before he asked
his dad to stop and pull over.
Blaine physically wanted to curl up into a ball against the things he was feeling right now. Everything was
so intense, and present, and just too much for one single person to be feeling all at once.
If they didn't find Kurt soon he was going to go insane.
Blaine knew he should have jumped in the first available car and drove after Kurt. When they'd found
Kurt's coat and cell phone in the coat closet, that had been like putting the final nail in the coffin. Kurt's
thin dress shirt and pants weren't warm enough for this weather, and who knew where he was or what
had happened. What if Kurt had been stranded outside all night long?
Oh god Blaine didn't even want to think of that as a possibility, but it could very well be reality.
The roads were completely deserted while Junior and Nathan followed in another car behind them as
they drove at a snail’s pace trying to peer through the dark for any sign of anything.
"I have to find him I - I have to find him…"
"I know Blaine… we will." Blaine felt his father's hand, warm and heavy, settle on the back of his neck
and massage it comfortingly. It was the first time he could remember his father touching him in a long
time, but Blaine couldn't rip his eyes off of the snow covered landscape to look at the man or bring
himself to really feel any kind of happiness because of it. "Maybe he just broke down."
"It's so cold though - it's freezing outside and he doesn't have a coat." Blaine knew his dad was just
trying to help by suggesting things that weren't as bad as what Blaine was picturing in his head - like Kurt
lying in a ditch somewhere covered in snow - but really it wasn't all that helpful. Because now all Blaine
was picturing was Kurt out in this weather for hours without any sort of protection at all trying to get his
Navigator to crank.
Frantic honking broke through Blaine's chaotic thoughts and he craned his neck around painfully to see
that Nathan had stopped his own car, and that he was turning it at an angle on the road so that his
headlights hit something in the distance. Blaine's eyes followed the two beams of light as his dad began
to slow down and reverse.
His eyes widened at the sight that met him and a strangled, desperate sort of sound that Blaine didn't
even recognize left his throat.
"Kurt!" Blaine was out of the car before his dad had fully stopped, slipping and sliding down the steep
"Blaine wait!" Blaine heard another car door slamming behind him as he fell yet again. Seconds later a
body was sliding in the snow beside him, colliding with him, and arms were wrapping around his
shoulders - not to help him up but to hold him back. "Blaine wait. Wait! Let - let them check…"
"No… no let me go. Junior let me go!" Junior didn't let him go though and Blaine watched his father and
Nathan run past - Nathan with his cell phone already in hand.
Blaine struggled against his oldest brother, dragging them both down further into the snow. "Blaine Blaine please just - just let them check -" Junior gasped, breathless from trying to hold onto him. Blaine
may have been smaller than his two brothers, but gymnastics wasn't exactly an easy sport and just as his
dad managed to get to the driver’s side and begin trying to pry open the door Blaine broke free. "Blaine
damn it!"
Kurt's panicked mind wouldn't allow him to think rationally and he stepped on the gas as soon as his
Navigator straightened back out in the direction of Blaine's house. He sped down the highway, knuckles
white on the steering wheel, and in the back of his mind he told himself that he needed to slow down,
but physically he was unable to get his body to react to the command.
Kurt couldn't wrap his mind around what he'd done, couldn't believe he'd just done that to Blaine - that
he had just ran away like that. God he felt so stupid. He wouldn't blame Blaine for breaking up with him.
Kurt felt so childish and ridiculous and just stupid. Maybe it was better if Blaine dumped him. Then
Blaine could go off and find someone more mature - someone who knew what the hell they were doing.
The roads were covered in ice and freshly fallen snow, but that didn't lessen the pressure that Kurt's
foot was putting on the gas pedal, as the only thought in Kurt's head was getting back to Blaine and
hoping Blaine would listen to him. He didn't even know what he was going to say though. Maybe he
would tell Blaine that he loved him – who was he kidding. It was way too soon to be spouting off those
kind of sentiments. He wasn't that courageous or that reckless.
Kurt felt the second the tires lost traction with the road and he began to slide.
He thought that being the son of a mechanic and knowing the inner workings of various vehicles
intimately would afford him some kind of higher power in situations like this. Kurt thought that that he
would be better than the average person in remembering what to do and what not to do, but none of
those little fun facts of "what do you do when" that they teach you in driving school were coming to
mind at the moment.
Kurt's life didn't flash before his eyes, he didn't send out a prayer to whoever would listen, he didn't
think of how much he regretted not telling Blaine he loved him - Kurt didn't even scream. He simply took
a ragged breath, closed his eyes, and everything was just… blank.
The front end of Kurt's Navigator was crushed against the large trunk of a tree and in the dark it was
nearly invisible from the road unless you were looking for it. Because of the disturbed snow Blaine could
almost see in his mind exactly what had happened from the exact point Kurt had lost control to where
the line of trees had stopped him.
"Blaine you shouldn't -" His dad's hand settled on his shoulder.
Blaine didn't let it hold him back as he practically pushed the man out of the way to pry open the
driver’s side door himself with strength he didn't know he had. It must have been the adrenaline though
– they said people could do superhuman things when they were scared out of their minds.
Blaine didn't know what he expected to see. He definitely wasn't ready for what he thought he would
see, but all he saw was a deployed airbag, broken glass, a crushed dashboard, an empty driver’s seat…
and blood.
There was blood.
Blaine felt himself go light headed, surprisingly not at the sight of the blood itself, but at the thought of
who it had come from.
It was smeared on the airbag, there were drops on the seat, on the center console…
Blaine felt a desperate sound build in his chest but he swallowed it down. His frantic eyes searching past
the smashed passenger side where most of the impact had happened, taking in with horror how the
dash crushed the passenger seat, how the door twisted inward, how the passenger seat had been
twisted and broken completely out of place.
If that had been the driver’s side… Kurt wouldn't have made it.
Blaine forced his eyes to moved past it and they widened in shock. "Blaine wait!" He felt his dad grab
him but without thinking Blaine crawled through the driver’s side.
Had his mind been a little clearer he would have felt the glass digging into his hands or he would have
considered simply going through one of the back doors. His mind wasn't clear though, and Blaine barely
registered the sting as he crawled through the cramped space that Kurt must have crawled through
himself at some point.
Blaine tumbled off of the console and to his knees beside the seat that Kurt was curled up in tightly. He
was covered in Blaine's Letterman jacket, shivering violently, and Blaine felt a sob building in his throat
at the vulnerable sight of him. If it hadn't been for Kurt's shivering though Blaine would have thought
him dead considering how pale and quiet he was - and the fact that his lips were tinted blue.
There was blood matted in his hair, covering his left ear, down the side of his neck, and soaking the
collar of his shirt. Normally a paper cut was enough to make Blaine's stomach roll, but at the moment it
seemed his heart was overpowering his stomach, and all Blaine wanted to do was grab Kurt in his arms
and never let go.
"Blaine don't move him!" His dad warned quickly, leaning in through the now opened back door.
"There's an ambulance on the way okay… just wait."
"But he's cold dad. He's –" Blaine choked, realizing from the warmth on his own face that he was crying.
"I know Blaine but we don't know what else is wrong with him. See if you can get him to wake up. It
looks like he hit his head pretty hard." Daniel encouraged gently and Blaine reached out a shaking hand
to touch Kurt's face.
A wounded sound left his throat at the feeling of Kurt's ice cold skin and he had to take a deep breath to
rein himself in before he could continue. "Kurt - Kurt come on… Kurt can you hear me?" Blaine scooted
closer, talking probably softer than he should have been if he actually wanted to wake Kurt up, but he
couldn't seem to get his voice to raise any louder than it currently was. "Kurt… please…"
Kurt stirred, leaning into his warm touch as Blaine stroked his cheek.
Blaine felt his heart leap into his throat. "Hey – hey come on… open your eyes for me?"
"Blaine…" Kurt's voice sounded cracked and broken. It was barely even a whisper, but it was the most
beautiful sound Blaine thought he'd ever heard. It resonated through his entire body as if it had been
plugged into an amplifier and cranked all the way up.
Blaine felt a sob of relief leave his throat and he pressed his forehead against the side of Kurt's cheek.
"Yeah, I'm right here Kurt – right here…"
It seemed to take a lot of effort but Kurt's eyes slowly blinked open and they immediately shifted to
settle on Blaine. "I – I'm sorry." Kurt winced as the cracked words left his throat. "I was coming – coming
"Shh… Kurt. You – you don't have to explain anything. There's nothing to apologize for. I should be
apologizing. You didn't do anything wrong." Blaine quickly hushed, caressing Kurt's cheek softly again,
since that was currently the only place he felt like he could touch Kurt without hurting him. He was
unable to stop his tears and saw Kurt's eyes building with them as well.
"Do you think we should take him from the vehicle?" Blaine heard Nathan asking, but he couldn't take
his eyes off of Kurt's face as his blue eyes blinked up at him, literally begging Blaine to hold him, and
Blaine wanted to so badly it hurt. "I mean, I know it's unlikely now but… if there's a gas leak or spark or
"Kurt can you move? Is anything broken?" Daniel questioned looking back at them.
Kurt licked his dry lips. "Nothing – nothing's broken… I can move. I - I moved here…"
"Are you hurting anywhere at all?" Daniel asked again just to make sure. He didn't feel good about
moving Kurt, but if the boy had managed to climb through the center console all by himself and wrap
himself in Blaine's jacket then he must have been telling the truth.
Kurt shook his head and seemed to grow dizzy from it for a second. "Cold - I'm just so cold."
As if to emphasis the point Kurt began shivering even harder, teeth chattering so loud Blaine knew it had
to hurt. “Dad he can’t stay in here… please.”
Daniel hesitated for a long moment, eying Kurt’s trembling form and Blaine’s desperate face. “Okay,” he
sighed still looking uncertain. “Let’s take him to the car to wait for the ambulance there.”
“Here I’ll do it –“
“No!” Blaine cut Junior off quickly, already wrapping his arms around Kurt and beneath him.
“Blaine –“
“I’ve got him.”
“But – “
“I’ve got him!” Blaine cut in again sharply and Junior backed down.
“I can - I can walk I think…” Kurt whispered against his neck, even as his head lulled dizzily on Blaine’s
shoulder and shudders wracked his lithe frame hard enough it made it harder for Blaine to hold onto
him – but Blaine wasn’t letting go.
“I’ve got you,” Blaine answered softer while he made sure Kurt and the Letterman jacket was wrapped
up tightly in his arms. He maneuvered them both out of the wrecked vehicle and Kurt whimpered,
burying his whole body even more tightly against Blaine when they were outside and the cold air hit
them fully. “It’s okay. I’ll get you warmed up okay…” Blaine soothed, pressing his lips against the top of
Kurt’s head as Junior and Nathan both practically held him up while he carried Kurt up the snow covered
His dad ran around to the driver’s side of his car to crank it and turn on the heater, while Nathan opened
the back door for them. Blaine allowed Junior to take Kurt for a second so that Blaine could slide in first
and then he handed Kurt back over to him. Blaine settled Kurt in his lap, wrapping him in his arms and
trying to will his warmth into the violently trembling body.
“S -sorry…” Kurt croaked, barely audible through his chattering teeth, but even as he said it he couldn’t
help but press his frozen face against Blaine’s much warmer neck even harder.
“No - no apologizing. It’s okay. You’re okay. You’re going to be okay. I’ve got you now. You’re okay.”
Blaine rambled, kissing Kurt’s forehead, and it was more to reassure himself than Kurt he believed. He
felt Kurt’s frozen fingers pushing between the folds of the jacket Junior had forced on him before
leaving, beneath the hoodie he was wearing, beneath his t-shirt, and pressing like ice icicles against
Blaine’s warm stomach.
Soon Kurt’s shaking wasn’t just from the cold as Blaine both heard and felt the sob that tore its way
through Kurt’s aching body. He felt Kurt’s tears, hot and heavy, dripping down his own neck from where
Kurt’s face was still buried there. Sobs of pain and fear and relief wracked Kurt’s body, sounds that
would haunt Blaine, and Blaine simply held onto him because there was nothing else he could do.
“Dad can you turn the heat up?” Blaine asked desperately. Kurt had calmed some but he was still
shaking so bad Blaine could hear his teeth clattering together and feel the exhaustion as Kurt slumped
against him.
Daniel twisted the dial but it wouldn’t go up any further so instead he made sure the vents were
pointing toward the back seat where Blaine sat cradling Kurt, murmuring and rocking him to try and
keep both of them calm. “It’s all the way up Blaine - just hold on okay the ambulance should be here any
Just as his father said that sirens could be heard and Kurt’s fingers tightened in Blaine’s shirt. “I - I don’t
want - want to go - hospital - I don’t -”
“Shh…shh Kurt. I know. I know, but you have too. You have to go so they can make you better. I promise
they‘ll make you better.” Blaine soothed, feeling like his heart was being put through a shredder. He
knew how much Kurt hated hospitals. Kurt had told him all about his mom and then his dad.
Hospitals were a bad place - a place in Kurt’s experience not many people made it out of.
Kurt’s tears fell down thicker as he choked on a breath. “I want - my dad. I want my dad,” he managed
to gasp through chattering teeth as Blaine saw the paramedics pulling up, opening the back to pull out a
stretcher, and Nathan directing them to his dad’s car.
Blaine wrapped is Letterman jacket tighter around Kurt’s trembling body. “Junior called him and he’s on
his way to the hospital right now. He’ll probably even beat us there.”
Kurt began crying harder, painful body wracking sobs again that pierced straight through Blaine’s heart
like hot led. “Please Blaine - don’t make me. I don’t want to go there. We can - stay here. I don’t - I don’t
want to leave you. ” The back door opened and Blaine curled around Kurt tighter as the first rush of cold
air hit them. Kurt seemed even more dazed than he had been before, and with all the shivering he was
doing Blaine couldn‘t imagine how sore and exhausted he must have been.
“You’re not leaving me and I’m not leaving you I promise,” Blaine managed to whispered into Kurt’s ear
as the paramedics gently tried to take Kurt from him.
Kurt clung to him though and Blaine was forced to follow them out of the backseat of the car, right next
to the stretcher, and into the back of the ambulance - not that Blaine had been planning to stay behind
in the first place. Blaine held Kurt’s hand tightly and caressed his face while the paramedics worked
around him. Kurt’s eyes stared up at him, exhausted, feverish, haunted, and so scared.
Blaine wished with everything he had in him that he could take that look away. His whole body ached
with the need to do something to help Kurt. “It’s okay. I’m right here. I’m right here and I’m not going
anywhere I promise. I’m not leaving you. I won‘t leave you there alone.”
Kurt’s eyes closed and he swallowed back his fear thickly before slowly nodding and looking back up at
Blaine. “I won’t either,” he whispered hoarsely and Blaine felt the knot in his own chest loosen slightly.
A New Year
"Here kid… your parents brought you some more clothes," Burt said while he set the duffel bag at the
foot of Kurt's bed. No one had said a word when they'd brought Kurt home from the hospital two days
after Christmas and Blaine had simply stayed. It went without saying that Blaine was staying the rest of
the holiday with them.
"Thank you," Blaine whispered from where he sat propped up on the pillows with Kurt tucked against
his side sleeping soundly.
"Has he let you up at all?" Burt questioned with a raised eyebrow, taking in the way Kurt's fingers curled
into Blaine's shirt tightly, and one of his legs tangled with Blaine's. He hadn't protested Blaine being in
Kurt's bed at all - but it wasn't like they could actually get up to anything with Kurt in the condition he
was in. Burt had finally gone back into work today, along with Carole, so having Blaine sticking around
was actually a relief.
"Uhh… I heated up some soup for lunch. He ate most of it before I gave him his medicine and I went to
the bathroom about an hour ago…" Truth was that even though Kurt was being clingy Blaine didn't
exactly mind all that much. He didn't want to leave Kurt either so it was kind of working out for both of
"Well if you want to get up and walk around for a bit just give me a holler… I'm sure between me, Finn,
Carole, and my crowbar we can pry him off." Burt joked with a chuckle, but his eyes were still haunted
with the complete fear he'd felt getting a phone call from Blaine's oldest brother. A call informing him
that his son was on his way to the emergency room in the back of an ambulance after crashing his SUV
into a tree and practically spending the night outside.
Burt was really grateful now that he'd given in to Kurt's pleading and bought him the Navigator. At the
time he'd thought it was ridiculous for Kurt to have something so big, but who knew what could have
happened if Kurt had been driving something smaller. If Burt had it his way Kurt's next vehicle would be
a tank.
"Sure you don't need anything kid?"
"I'm fine." Blaine answered and Burt looked at him for a moment before nodding and bending down to
kiss Kurt on the forehead.
"Alright well, Carole will have dinner ready in a couple of hours, and we'll have to wake Kurt, if he isn't
already, to check his bandages and give him his meds." Burt left the room, closing the door softly behind
him, and Blaine scooted down lower in the bed to get more comfortable.
Kurt stirred, hands tightening in Blaine's shirt, face scrunching up, while he mumbled what sounded like
a protest. Blaine stilled again and after a few seconds Kurt settled as well, nuzzling his face against
Blaine's chest with a happy little sigh. Blaine chuckled fondly, bringing his hand up to run gently through
Kurt's soft hair, making sure to avoid the bandages while trying to keep out the image of it matted in
Thankfully, Kurt hadn't had much in the way of nightmares – Blaine on the other hand was having a hard
time stamping out the memory. He tended to jerk awake every now and then, breathing quickly and not
remembering why until he realized he was clutching Kurt to him tightly.
"You okay?" Kurt's muffled voice spoke hoarsely. He'd been sick since leaving the hospital, but thankfully
not with pneumonia or hypothermia. The only reason they'd been allowed to bring him home was
because Carole was a nurse and his fever had broken, but if he got worse they were supposed to bring
him back in.
As soon as the words left him a coughing fit hit, and Kurt's whole body jerked with it, causing him to
gasp painfully in between each cough. When it finally stopped Kurt remained tense, eyes closed tightly
against the pain, while Blaine scooted further down the bed so that their faces were right beside each
others. He rubbed Kurt's arm soothingly, kissing his closed eyelids, which were damp with tears.
Kurt was still extremely sore. He couldn't move around very much. Blaine had helped him get dressed a
few times and the bruises from the seat belt and airbag were large and nasty looking – not to mention
the three stitches right above Kurt's ear and the large bruise on his side from the armrest. It would take
weeks for everything to heal and Blaine had come to find that Kurt didn't have a very high tolerance for
pain when he was sick.
"Are you okay?" Blaine echoed Kurt's earlier question, checking his forehead, which was warm but not
as hot as it had been.
"Is it time for medicine?" Kurt asked, voice small and laced with pain.
God it killed Blaine to hear it like that. He glanced over at the clock beside Kurt's bed. "Not for another
"But can't I just have a little bit more like last time?"
"That was all we were allowed to give you. You have to wait another hour before you can take even a
half a dose." Blaine explained gently.
Kurt began crying at being informed of this. "I don't want to be sick anymore. It hurts!"
Blaine felt himself wanting to cry too as he wrapped Kurt up gently in his arms. "I know."
"Everything hurts." Kurt's breath hitched and even that sounded painful.
"I know it does Kurt… I - I know…" Blaine felt everything in him telling him to do something - to take this
pain away from Kurt, but he just didn't know what else to do and it was killing him.
When Kurt was in pain Blaine was in pain. When Kurt was miserable Blaine was miserable. When Kurt
suffered Blaine suffered. If that wasn't love then Blaine didn't know what was.
After a few more moments Kurt managed to stop crying and Blaine reached to the bedside table beside
him for the box of Kleenex he'd sat there. He wiped Kurt's face gently as Kurt got his breathing under
control again. His forehead and face felt hotter than before, but that could have just been from the
crying, and the fact that Kurt was practically molded to Blaine's side.
"We should check your temperature again soon," Blaine whispered stroking Kurt's hair gently. "Is your
nose still stuffy?"
"It's - it's better," Kurt answered, rubbing said nose against Blaine's shirt. Blaine didn't even have to ask
how Kurt's throat must have felt. Just hearing him speak let Blaine know.
"Does your head hurt?"
"Yeah… it's bearable I guess." Kurt replied miserably.
Blaine felt his chest aching. "Are you hungry? Thirsty?"
Blaine reached behind him again and grabbed the bottle of water Kurt had been sipping on all day. He
helped Kurt sit up a little, wincing when Kurt winced at the shift. "Here…" Blaine held the bottle to Kurt's
dry lips.
Kurt drank obediently, watching Blaine out of the corner of his eye. "You know I can hold the bottle," he
stated once Blaine pulled it away and was recapping it.
Blaine felt a blush creeping up his neck, because he was kind of enjoying taking care of Kurt a little more
than he probably should have, and he might have been getting a little bit carried away with it. "Uhh…
are you sure you're not hungry?" he asked instead.
Kurt smiled and Blaine was happy he could get that smile from him even if he had to embarrass himself
doing it. "No, but I – I um… I have to go to the – to the bathroom." Kurt blushed softly.
"Oh! Okay… come on then." Blaine got himself up from the bed and pushed off the layers and layers of
blankets that had been thrown over Kurt to keep him warm. "Okay just… take it easy." He held Kurt's
hands and helped him slowly from the bed.
Kurt paled, his breathing growing sharper, and his brow creasing with pain.
"Okay?" Blaine asked not letting go of Kurt's hands as they clutched at him.
Kurt nodded shakily and Blaine followed close behind him while he made his way slowly to the
bathroom. He stood outside the door until Kurt finished and then remained there while Kurt did his
nightly moisturizing routine since he didn't want to have to get out of bed later if he didn't have to.
Blaine helped Kurt lay back down and when Kurt didn't immediately pull him down with him he
frowned. "You can – can go watch a game with dad and Finn if you want to." Kurt suggested with a
tentative smile.
Blaine could tell that Kurt really didn't want him to go though so he shook his head and crawled back
under the mounds of covers, pressing in close so that they shared the same pillow and body heat. "Now
why would I do that when I could be spending time with you instead?"
Kurt bit his lip, looking down at where his fingers were playing with one of the buttons on Blaine's shirt.
"It's just I – I know I've been really clingy and emotional and you've been really great about it and I'm
just… I'm sorry."
Blaine sighed. "Kurt –"
"I know you said to stop apologizing too but I feel really stupid about this and –"
Blaine silenced him with a quick kiss. "I love you."
"What?" Blaine wished he could take a picture of the way Kurt's face looked at that moment, eyes wide
and mouth hanging open in shock.
Blaine shrugged. "I love you – that's why I'm here. That's why I will always choose to be here with you
when you need me Kurt… because I love you."
"I –" Kurt started breathing heavily and Blaine was almost worried he would hyperventilate or start
crying again. "I - I love you too." Then Kurt did start crying again, but this time Blaine knew it was happy
tears. "I'm sorry I'm so emotional right now and that I haven't had a bath in two days."
"Oh Kurt you're perfect…" Blaine laughed softly while he cuddled his boyfriend close and tucked Kurt's
head under his chin. The situation may have not be perfect, but Kurt always would be - they always
would be. Of that Blaine was certain.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Blaine asked for the millionth time as he drove them to whatever it was he
had planned.
Kurt reached over and grabbed Blaine's hand in his own. He wanted to scoot across the middle and
cuddle up to him while he drove like he had before sometimes, but there was no middle seat belt and
with the wreck still so fresh in both of their minds Blaine wasn't allowing it. He'd literally strapped Kurt
in himself even padding the seat belt strap so that it didn't aggravate Kurt's still healing bruises.
"Blaine I'm exactly the same as I was when you asked me five minutes ago."
Blaine laughed softly and brought Kurt's hand to his lips to kiss the back of it. Kurt's heart still fluttered.
"I know… I'm sorry. I'm being overbearing again aren't I?"
Kurt shook his head with a fond smile. He had to admit that even though the past week hadn't exactly
been pleasant for him, having Blaine around constantly, even sleeping in the same bed, had kind of
made it all worth it. Kurt felt spoiled actually. Blaine waited on him hand and foot. Not a night went by
that Kurt didn't fall asleep with Blaine holding him and not a morning came where he didn't wake up
with Blaine still holding him.
It was an amazing feeling honestly. Kurt didn't think he would be able to give it up. It was almost like
getting a preview of what their future could be like once they graduated and moved off together. Late at
night, cuddled under Kurt's mounds of comforters they'd whispered plans to each other… promises, "I
love you's". Kurt had a whole wish journal dedicated to just them now.
Blaine had flipped through it with him while they sat up in bed - Kurt's back pressed against Blaine's
chest with Blaine's legs bracketing him. Blaine's chin had been hooked over his shoulder, strong arms
wrapped around Kurt's waist, while he commented or added more to what Kurt had already put down
for them.
It had been amazing.
It was like ever since they'd said I love you to one another a whole new world of possibilities had opened
up to them. Kurt was almost embarrassed with how eager and detailed he'd gotten with some things –
like summer after his freshman year of collage they were going to take a trip to Europe.
Blaine had mentioned it and Kurt had run with the idea while Blaine slept soundly beside him –
exhausted from all the time he spent fussing over Kurt. In fact, Kurt didn't know if Blaine actually slept at
all considering every time Kurt woke up Blaine was already awake and ready to do or get anything he
Kurt had spent his sudden burst of energy with his laptop, printing out brochures and maps, planning
every sight they would see, every restaurant and hotel they would visit. Half the notebook was
dedicated to the trip now with pictures, dates, price lists, and color coded graphs. It had been
embarrassing when Blaine had woken up only to find the bed covered in these print outs while Kurt sat
against the pillows with a glue stick and scissors.
Blaine had merely smiled adoringly at him and slid up to sit beside him resting his head on Kurt's
shoulder and asking for Kurt to show him what he'd planned for them so far. Kurt had done so happily,
and then Blaine helped him organize, cut, and glue things when Kurt decided they were final. At some
point Kurt had fallen asleep against Blaine and woken up a few hours later to find everything neatly
stacked on his bedside table easily within reach.
"So where are we going?" Kurt asked looking out the window. They'd been driving for well over two
hours and Kurt had never really been out this way before. It seemed like they were kind of in the middle
of nowhere, there were so many trees, and no houses as far as Kurt could see. He was secretly hoping
they got wherever they were going soon because despite telling Blaine he was fine Kurt was starting to
feel a little stiff and achy from the ride.
"We're almost there…" Blaine stated looking intently for something amongst all the trees and then
suddenly he turned down a little side road that Kurt hadn't even seen until they were right up on it, but
that looked like it had just been plowed clear of snow recently.
They drove down this road for another fifteen minutes and Kurt couldn't even guess anymore where
they were going considering there was absolutely nothing to tell him. Then just as they broke through
the trees a house came into view, perched right on the edge of a large lake covered in ice and snow.
"Blaine what…" Kurt gasped, eyes wide in shock at the beautiful sight.
"It's a family house," Blaine answered pulling to a stop beside the house that had one whole side that
was nothing but windows facing the lake. "It's actually where we lived while our current house was
being built. Now we just kind of use it for guests or small vacations - not that my parents ever really take
a break anymore to enjoy it, but I still like to come here - especially during the summer when we can
swim and really enjoy the lake."
"This was the surprise you had?" Kurt asked opening his own door as Blaine turned off the car. He got
out and the cold didn't even bother him while he took in the picturesque sight, of the snow and the lake
and the forest all around them. He didn't feel like he was in Ohio at all anymore.
"I thought it would be nice to get away for a couple of days before school starts again. You know, just
the two of us."
Kurt looked at Blaine in amazement. "My dad actually agreed to this? There's no chaperons?"
Blaine shrugged. "After a few days thinking it over, a few veiled threats, a few not so veiled threats, a
small bribe that involved bringing some of my dad’s cars into his shop, and a list of rules I had to sign in
blood… yeah, he agreed. It was surprisingly easier than I expected it would be."
Kurt chuckled at the image of Blaine asking his father, but then realization set in accompanied by horror.
"But how long are we staying? I didn't pack any clothes!"
"We can stay until the day before school starts if you want, and don't worry Carole packed you some
things. Besides, it's not like anyone is going to see you. It'll be just the two of us. You could stay in your
warm ups the entire time if you want."
Any other time Kurt would have balked at that idea immediately, but Blaine had seen him at his worst in a hospital gown no-less, and surprisingly Kurt hadn't cared. He was comfortable with Blaine and he
rather liked wearing Blaine's warm clothes around.
"I can't believe you managed to charm my dad into agreeing to this - although really considering it's you
I probably shouldn't be that surprised." Kurt looked back up at the house. "This - this is amazing Blaine."
Blaine closed the trunk of his car, four duffel bags slung over his shoulders, and as Kurt tried to take one
Blaine merely caught Kurt's hand in midair and held onto it. "Come on I'll show you around."
The house was just as beautiful on the inside as it was on the outside, and it was obvious that someone
had come in and recently cleaned it. Kurt could still smell the fresh smell of the Pinesol they'd used to
mop the hardwood floors and the rooms were all toasty warm. The cabin style home was only three
bedrooms, with an open floor plan for the living room and kitchen, which overlooked the lake and took
full advantage of the breathtaking view by having an entire wall of windows.
There was a beautiful stone fireplace, a large plush rug, and comfortable looking couches. It was a lot
less formal than the Anderson's current home and Kurt could actually see Blaine living here. In fact, it
looked so completely Blaine that Kurt felt himself feeling instantly at home. Blaine certainly seemed
more at home here himself as he knelt before the fireplace and almost absentmindedly started building
a fire in it.
"I wish our new house had a fireplace, but my dad thought it was a waste of space and required too
much maintenance. I love the feel of an open fire though. I stayed here a lot last winter just for the
fireplace." Blaine spoke while he poked and prodded at the logs slowly catching fire. Once it was going
he stood and walked back over to where Kurt had remained standing in the middle of the room.
"Here come sit. I know you must be sore from the long drive. I almost canceled this whole trip
completely but Carole thought it might be good for you to get out of your house for a while." He led Kurt
over to the sofa and eased him down against the cushions he'd fluffed.
Kurt sat and Blaine instantly knelt at his feet to help him unlace and remove his knee high boots. Kurt
could do most things by himself by now, but for some reason Blaine still did just about everything he
could without Kurt even asking. In fact, Kurt had blushingly protested earlier when Blaine had helped
him put the boots on, but Blaine had merely kissed his knee and continued lacing the boots up without a
"Are you hungry? I made sure the fridge was fully stocked with everything healthy you love. I could
make us something," Blaine asked lifting Kurt's legs onto the couch before pulling a throw off the back
of it and tucking it around him.
Kurt simply let him do it, secretly enjoying the feeling of being taken care of. He'd taken care of his dad
practically all his life and Kurt had almost forgotten what it was like to just sit back and let someone else
worry about everything. Taking care of others, particularly Kurt, actually seemed to come second nature
to Blaine. It was hard for Kurt to feel like a burden when Blaine actually seemed to enjoy it so much.
"Umm… are you hun–" Kurt's stomach growled at that moment, answering the question before he could
ask Blaine if he was hungry as well. He knew Blaine was probably tired too after driving this whole way,
but then again Blaine normally didn't sit still so long so he was probably eager to be doing something.
Blaine laughed, free and open and happy, in that way that made Kurt fall in love with him all over again.
"How does a grilled chicken salad sound?"
Kurt smiled back at his boyfriend. "Sounds perfect."
Kurt dozed comfortably warm on the couch with the blanket and open fire while Blaine, as quietly as
possible, held his own little one person private concert in kitchen. He was such a dork, but it was really
quite adorable, and in between bouts of sleepiness Kurt watched his boyfriend with a fond smile. He
honestly didn't know how he'd gotten so lucky finding someone like Blaine. It just hit him sometimes
and Kurt had to take a moment to compose himself.
They ate with Kurt's legs draped across Blaine's lap and for a moment Kurt allowed himself to dream –
to imagine that this was their house and their life. It could be one day he realized. Five, ten years from
now this could really be them. He knew they were young and they really hadn't been together all that
long, and Kurt had never even dated anyone else, but Kurt really couldn't imagine his life without Blaine.
Every plan he had now included Blaine.
"So if I tell you something you promise to let me finish before you get mad?" Blaine questioned out of
the blue, right as Kurt had been about to take a bite of his food. Blaine had set his own aside a few
moments ago and silence had fallen between them while Kurt finished and Blaine absentmindedly
massaged his feet – which Kurt was rather enjoying.
Kurt set his fork down and slowly leaned over to place his own plate on the nearby coffee table. Things
seemed way too serious all of the sudden and his stomach twisted into knots completely obliterating
any appetite he had left. Blaine was staring at the fireplace not even looking at him, a grim frown on his
face. Kurt felt his heart pounding in his chest while his mind raced with possibilities that grew more and
more ridiculous.
"Did you cheat on me?" Kurt blurted before he could stop himself and then paled. "I – I mean god no
you wouldn't do that. I'm sorry. I don't even know where that came from. I mean… are – are you sick? Is
something wrong? Blaine you can tell me anything you know that. I'm here for you no matter what."
Blaine's whole body had jerked at the mention of him cheating and then he was quickly grabbing Kurt's
shaking hands. "No – no to all of that and definitely no to the first one… well except for that last part. I
know I can tell you anything. Just – just calm down for a second. I'm sorry for scaring you but it's nothing
bad… at least I don't think it is. I just – I want you to let me finish before you interrupt okay."
Kurt took a few deep breaths, composing himself again. "O-okay…"
Blaine took a deep breath of his own before turning his upper body so that he was facing Kurt more.
"Okay so you know how we planned that after I graduate I'll be going to New York and how I'll come visit
every holiday and how you'll come visit me too and there will be Skype dates and all of that?"
"Yes," Kurt answered hesitantly wondering where this could be going. Had Blaine changed his mind
about the visits. He would be the one visiting Kurt more often considering Kurt didn't exactly have the
money to be flying back and forth from New York on a regular basis.
Blaine looked down at their entwined fingers. "Well I was thinking that instead I'd – I'd go to Ohio state
Kurt sat up a little too fast for his still healing body. "No –"
Blaine held up a hand halting Kurt's protest. "Just let me finish okay."
Kurt paused but then sat back and nodded. There was no way he was letting Blaine do this, but he
would at least hear him out.
"It would just be for a year Kurt, until you graduate and then I'll transfer and we can go to New York
together. You're first year of college is just prerequisite classes anyway right. What's the difference if I
take those here or in New York. I already did the research. They'll transfer all of the credits."
Kurt took a second to consider Blaine's argument but then shook his head. "Blaine you're not only going
to New York for college but for your music too. I won't let you put off your dreams like that for -"
"But that's just it Kurt I won't be." Blaine interrupted again with an excited smile. "I'll be preparing. I
talked to a guy who owns a studio in Westerville. He's worked with the Warblers before when they
created a CD a few years ago. He's agreed to help me record some demos and work on my
compositions. The guys from Dalton said they'd help too with back up and a few of them can play
instruments. If anything Kurt taking a year will be a way to get everything ready so I'm not just going to
New York with my hopes and dreams in a guitar case. I'll actually have something prepared to show
people and… and I'll have you with me."
Kurt bit his lip… that was actually a really good argument. Well having Blaine not leave him after
graduation for a whole year was argument enough, but the last thing Kurt wanted was Blaine putting his
life on hold for him. "You've already made up your mind haven't you?" Kurt stated knowing that for
Blaine to have even brought this possibility up to Kurt that he had. All Kurt could do was support him.
Blaine squeezed his hands. "I just – I don't want you to be disappointed in me if I stayed for a little
Kurt sighed, opening his arms and Blaine immediately fell into them, although careful so he didn't hurt
Kurt. "I could never be disappointed in you. I just don't want you sacrificing your dreams for me."
"You're part of those dreams now too Kurt, and I don't see why I can't have it all. I'm not sacrificing
anything – if anything I'm stopping myself from making a sacrifice that isn't necessary. We won't have to
be separated, and New York will still be there in a year. We'll go together. We'll chase our dreams
together. I honestly don't think I could do it without you anyway. You – you make me stronger Kurt. You
inspire me. You give me confidence. Honestly since being with you I've never felt so good about myself."
Kurt blinked rapidly as he felt the familiar burning behind his eyes, but it was too late and the tears were
falling. Blaine merely wrapped his arms around his neck and buried his face against Kurt's warm skin.
Kurt's own fingers curled in Blaine's shirt and he held him closer, breath hitching in his chest as he tried
to reply.
"I - no one's ever said anything like that to me before. I - I feel the same way. You - I love you." It seemed
pathetic after what Blaine had just confessed to him, but it was the only thing Kurt could get out
through all the emotions he was feeling.
Blaine pulled back slightly and kissed his trembling lips softly. "I never want to spend a day without you
Kurt, and I'll tell you those things every day for the rest of our lives if you'll let me," he whispered, eyes
locking on Kurt's, full of promise and honesty.
Kurt nodded shakily, fingers wrapping around Blaine's neck and tugging him down into a deep, needy
kiss while they both clung to each other tightly. It was almost too much what Blaine had just said.
Everything was happening so fast and they were so young. Kurt had never felt anything like this for
anyone before. It was so much for him to take in, but at the same time it was everything he wanted.
"Happy New Year Kurt," Blaine whispered against his ear and then coaxed Kurt to turn his head so that
their lips could meet in a sweet kiss. Kurt wanted to cry with happiness. He'd never had anyone to kiss
on New Years and this was just so perfect.
Blaine was so perfect.
They were both stretched out long ways on the couch facing the widows with Kurt's back pressed
against Blaine's front and Blaine's legs cradling him on either side. The fire was going and they were cozy
and wrapped up warmly in each other and a blanket. Kurt honestly didn't think he'd ever felt so content.
The movie they had been watching had cut off an hour ago and neither had made a move to get up and
replace it this time.
Then suddenly a loud cracking nearly startled Kurt out of his skin, and he ripped away from Blaine's lips
with a yelp of surprise. Blaine's arms held him in place though as he chuckled against Kurt's ear in
amusement. Kurt opened his mouth to reprimand his boyfriend for teasing him, but it was cut off on a
gasp of wonderment as fireworks began exploding over the lake in perfect view of the window.
"Blaine - wow…" Kurt breathed and he felt Blaine's arms tighten around him and his lips press against his
neck. Then Blaine hooked his chin over Kurt's shoulder and they watched the fireworks together in
silence. When it was over Kurt turned in Blaine's arms until their chests were pressed together. "I can't
believe you did that for me. This house - this whole thing is just amazing. You're so amazing. I'm so lucky
to have you."
Blaine had made everything perfect for him. The whole day, from waking up in Blaine's arms that
morning, staying in their warm ups all day, cuddling by the fire, having a Disney marathon, sitting in
front of the windows watching the snow fall, the breakfast, lunch, and dinner Blaine had prepared for
them, the bottle of champagne he'd managed to steal from his parents own New Year party
preparations, a perfect kiss right at midnight, and now the personal fireworks show…
Kurt really just didn't know how he had gotten so lucky.
Blaine kissed him on the nose. "Personally, I think I'm the lucky one. I wanted our New Year to be
perfect. This is how - how we could be Kurt. I will do my best to make you this happy - this next year and
every year after if you'll let me."
Kurt pressed his lips to the underside of Blaine's jaw and hugged him tightly. Blaine always seemed to
know exactly what to say to bring tears to Kurt's eyes and make him fall in love with him even more.
Kurt knew he probably should have been freaked out with the things Blaine was saying and promising how sincere Blaine was that they would spend the rest of their lives together.
Kurt felt anything but scared though.
In fact, Kurt felt the complete opposite. Maybe they were just two crazy teenagers in love - delusional
and optimistic, but god he felt it too. At the risk of sounding overly dramatic Kurt literally felt like he
would die if Blaine ever left him. He couldn't even think about it without feeling like the breath was
being ripped right out of him. Kurt literally couldn't imagine his life without Blaine in it. Blaine had
brought so much life too him that Kurt just couldn't go back to the way things had been before Blaine.
Blaine hadn't bothered shaving that morning, which Kurt secretly loved as he let his lips drag over the
rough stubble and a shiver raced down his spine. Kurt felt Blaine shiver too while his arms tightened
around him. "Kurt what are you doing?"
Blaine swallowed thickly and Kurt followed his bobbing Adams apple with his mouth and tongue. They
were in a house, all alone for the next few days, and while Kurt knew that Blaine hadn't expected
anything to actually happen Kurt didn't exactly want to waste this opportunity to experiment some
more. Plus, with the champagne he'd drank earlier making him feel warm and relaxed Kurt was feeling a
bit more than confident as he let his hands drift beneath Blaine's thin white t-shirt - it had been taunting
him all day.
"Exploring my boyfriend." Kurt answered letting his hand slide up Blaine's abdomen to his warm chest
and through the sparse hair there. He curled his fingers, letting his nails drag across Blaine's prickling
skin. Kurt could feel Blaine's heart starting to pick up speed while his skin grew hotter as he shifted
beneath Kurt with arousal.
"But - but you're hurt." Blaine protested weakly and Kurt had to bite his lip to stop himself from smiling
smugly, because he was doing this to Blaine. He was making Blaine squirm. "This was about relaxing and
healing. I didn't expect anything to -"
"I know you didn't," Kurt cut in kissing a path back up Blaine's jaw until his lips were brushing Blaine's
lips. "And the fact that you didn't is what makes me love you even more."
Kurt leaned down and captured his boyfriend's mouth then, warm and wet and wonderful. He felt Blaine
hesitate for only a brief second and then Blaine was pressing up into him harder and parting his lips.
Kurt loved kissing Blaine. In fact, it was probably his favorite use of his mouth besides singing - actually
scratch that because maybe even singing couldn't compare to the sounds he could pull out of Blaine just
by kissing him.
That contented little sigh when it was all lips, that breathy little moan when tongue was introduced, that
deep chested groan when Kurt took over completely and pressed Blaine's head back against the arm of
the sofa. It was better than any music Kurt had ever heard before and he felt every vibration thrumming
through every last cell of his body.
Blaine's hands tugged at his waist and Kurt lifted up so that his knees were on either side of Blaine's hips
and he was hovering over Blaine completely now. It was a new position for him to be completely on top
of Blaine like this. After kissing for a while Blaine usually took over things and led Kurt along, although so
far they hadn't done much more than what they'd already done that first time and nothing really below
the waist.
"Hi…" Kurt whispered, nerves creeping up on him, making him feel self conscious all over again.
Blaine smiled gently, eyes crinkling at the corners, as he ran his hand through Kurt's hair in comfort.
"Hey," he answered back and Kurt felt himself relaxing almost instantly at Blaine's soft tone. Blaine's
voice had the most soothing affect on him. He leaned back down, capturing Blaine's mouth in a slower
kiss this time - the kind he felt right down to his toes.
Blaine sat up a little when Kurt tugged at the hem of his shirt and easily lifted it over his head. Kurt felt
his mouth go dry at the sight of Blaine shirtless beneath him. He was just so beautiful, all tan skin
stretched over tight muscle. It almost made Kurt feel embarrassed about his own pale skin and thin
body. Blaine leaned back and let his hands rest on Kurt's thighs while he simply let Kurt look as much as
he wanted.
"I love you," Kurt stated before bending back down to capture Blaine's lip again, one hand curling in
Blaine's hair while the other fell to Blaine's bare chest.
As the kissing deepened again he felt Blaine's hands resting on his lower waist pushing up the back of his
shirt. "Wait - wait…" Kurt said tugging his shirt back down.
"What's the matter? Do you want to stop?" Blaine asked in concern, removing his hands completely and
almost sitting up, but Kurt placed his hand in the middle of Blaine's chest keeping him in place.
"No it's just - the bruises they're - they're really ugly…" Kurt explained, feeling a blush creeping up his
neck as he avoided looking at Blaine.
Blaine's hand cupped his face, getting Kurt to look back at him, and Kurt felt himself relaxing once again
- not sure why he felt so self-conscious in the first place when Blaine looked at him like he was his whole
Their lips met and Blaine's hands tugged at his shirt once again. Kurt allowed it this time and they broke
away for only a second to bring the material over Kurt's head. "There's absolutely nothing about you
that's ugly." Blaine whispered against his mouth and then it was back to kissing, their bare chests
pressed together, and Kurt felt his arousal burning through him so intense he was starting to feel
Blaine's hands, broad and warm, slid up and down his back, moving lower and lower each time before
stopping at the curve of Kurt's lower back and pressing gently. Kurt took the hint and settled himself
down against Blaine, feeling a whimper leave his own lips and a gasp leave Blaine's at the contact.
Kurt knew that he had to be the first to move. When things got a little intense in their previous make out
sessions Blaine guided and coaxed gently but always waited for Kurt to make the move to bring things to
that next level. If Kurt hesitated for even a second or refused completely nothing was said about it and
Blaine would start to slow things down between them until they both were able to break away and cool
The fact that Blaine didn't expect anything from him made Kurt want to give Blaine something even
Kurt rocked gently and felt Blaine's breath catch against his own lips. He did it again and Blaine
whimpered. Then again harder and Blaine's fingers tightened on his lower back, inching a bit lower to
brush just below the band of his sweat pants.
"How do you… how do you like it?" Kurt asked, blushing softly. It was embarrassing to have to ask, and
he didn't know if he was supposed to even ask or just do it, but he wanted to get this right.
Blaine licked his lips as his skin began to grow even more flushed. His hands slid a little bit lower, but
stopped and Kurt knew what Blaine wanted. He'd let his hand wonder there only once before, into the
back pocket of Kurt's skin tight jeans, and that time Kurt had froze. It hadn't happened again since, but
now Kurt felt himself wanting it - wanting to feel Blaine's hands, rough and firm, grab him there. In fact,
he felt his arousal throb through him at just the thought.
Kurt nodded his head against Blaine's chest as he continued to rock against him. "Show me how you like
Blaine made a sound in the back of his throat and slid his hands down completely beneath Kurt's
sweatpants and underwear. "Oh god…" he groaned once his hands were full of Kurt.
Kurt wanted to say something similar but he couldn't get his voice to work as Blaine's hands cupped him
firmly and massaged the soft flesh. He just pressed back into Blaine's hands before pushing his
throbbing cock against Blaine harder while capturing Blaine's mouth in a wet kiss. Blaine's hands helped
him, pressing Kurt down tighter against him, rocking him long and hard, just the way Blaine apparently
liked it. Kurt liked this pace too - liked the way it made his toes curl and his breath hitch with every
rocking motion.
"Like that?" Kurt gasped, his eyes fluttering closed at the building pleasure.
Blaine nodded jerkily. "Yeah."
Then Blaine pressed up too as he rocked Kurt down and the slow burning friction was even better.
Blaine groaned and his legs fell open wider, foot falling to the floor. The new angle was just amazing.
Kurt breathed heavily, his hands wrapped around the back Blaine's neck, fingers burying in Blaine's curls
there. "Blaine…" Kurt heard himself whimpering, mouth hot and open as he panted against Blaine's
Blaine fingers pressed into his ass in response, kneading Kurt's soft cheeks, and it felt like electricity was
shooting through Kurt's body. Their chests were pressed tightly together, Kurt's hardened nipples
rubbing along Blaine's skin with each rocking motion, sending even more little jolts through him. The
burning heat and pleasure built slowly between them, until Kurt felt far too sensitive - like every nerve
ending was exposed on his skin.
Kurt didn't know what came over him in that moment, but he just wanted more. What they were doing
was amazing but he just wanted to feel Blaine. "Kurt wait what are you doing?" Blaine questioned
breathlessly, capturing Kurt's wrists as his fingers hooked in Blaine's sweatpants.
Kurt lifted his head, catching Blaine's wide heated eyes, and blushing furiously. "I - I don't know. I just - I
want to feel you… against me." Blaine simply stared at him for a long, hard moment before releasing
Kurt's wrist and giving a small nod of his head. Kurt bit his lip and tugged Blaine's sweatpants down. "I - I
won't look I promise."
"I don't mind if you look," Blaine answered immediately, voice sounding even more wrecked than
before. Kurt froze for a second and there was a long hesitant pause, but like always Blaine seemed to
catch on. "You don't want me to look?"
A slow blush crept into Kurt's face. "I - I just… is that stupid?"
Blaine leaned up and kissed him softly. "Neither of us have to look. It's okay. Just take it slow… whatever
you want. Anything Kurt."
Kurt nodded and Blaine lifted his hips so that Kurt could finish pulling his sweats down just past his
thighs. Blaine caught Kurt's eye and slowly did the same for Kurt, neither one of them actually looking at
the newly exposed flesh. Kurt's blush had yet to recede, but as Blaine's hands slid back down his back to
his ass again, pressing him down encouragingly, the flush on Kurt's face changed from embarrassment
to something else entirely.
"Oh…" Kurt whispered breathing heavily through his nose, fingers flexing on Blaine's shoulders. He could
feel him - really feel Blaine now, hot and throbbing and slick against his own skin, and god it was
amazing. He could feel Blaine's pubic hair, the heat radiating between his legs, the exact length of
Blaine's hardness, and Kurt could picture it all clearly in his mind but he couldn't quite work up the nerve
to look down and see it.
"It's okay… just - just kiss me…" Blaine said, breathing heavily himself.
Kurt did just that, leaning down to kiss Blaine long and deep, as Blaine started them moving again. The
friction was so much better than before, the slide of slick skin on skin so much easier, the heat radiating
between them burning and throbbing. Kurt felt himself trembling from the intensity of it. If he thought
his skin was sensitive before it was nothing compared to this - to really feeling Blaine against him.
One of Blaine's hands remained on his ass while the other moved to cup his face, thumb caressing his
jaw. "Breathe Kurt… breathe…" Blaine whispered against his mouth, and Kurt hadn't realized how badly
his lungs were burning until that moment. He took a shaky breath and the needy sound that escaped
him when he released it was kind of embarrassing, but it only made Blaine cling to him tighter and press
against him faster.
Blaine bent his leg, that was resting along the back of the couch, at the knee. His foot wrapped around
Kurt's calf and slid up, coaxing Kurt to bend his own knee up pressing it against the back of Blaine's thigh
and opening them both up wider for more contact. The noise that left Blaine's throat as he threw his
head back against the arm of the sofa had Kurt pressing against him harder, rolling his hips faster, and
making a needy sound of his own.
"Kurt I - god I'm so close…" Blaine gasped and Kurt nodded, mouth latching onto Blaine's neck as he felt
Blaine's fingers digging into his ass and lower back.
Blaine's hips started moving out of rhythm, his back arching more and more off the sofa, his muscles
tightening, his jaw flexing, and his breathing erratic. Kurt put all of his weight on Blaine's hips, pressing
them firmly down into the cushions and grinding furiously now.
"Shit! Oh shit! Fuck Kurt! Fuck!" Blaine began babbling and that was possibly the hottest thing Kurt had
ever heard, because Blaine didn't curse - not even when he'd been throwing punches at Karofsky had he
lost himself so completely.
Blaine's body tightened more and more and then he was falling over the edge, convulsing beneath Kurt
while his hands gripped Kurt tightly keeping him pressed flush. Kurt felt everything, hot and sticky,
shuddering and throbbing, and then he too was falling over the edge. His vision tunneling while he
jerked against Blaine releasing a long stream of sounds that might have contained words.
They collapsed, panting and clinging to one another as tremors wracked both of their bodies. After a
while Kurt felt Blaine's hand running back down his back, caressing his ass for a moment, which caused
Kurt to whimper at the sensitivity of his skin. Blaine stopped and kept going until he reached Kurt's
sweatpants and underwear, bunched just past his knees. He tugged them wordlessly back into place
then pulled his own back up.
Kurt lifted himself off of Blaine and cuddled himself tightly in the small space between Blaine and the
sofa. They kissed leisurely for a few moments, before Kurt sighed and rested his head on Blaine's chest.
"That was… intense…"
"Yeah…" Blaine whispered in reply, voice still deep and throaty, arm wrapped around Kurt's shoulders
while his fingers caressed Kurt's arm.
"I like… seeing you like that. So undone… I - I like making you like that." Kurt could see the blush forming
on Blaine's chest and thought that he might be blushing too. He didn't know why he was saying this, but
he just felt like he needed Blaine to know. "You're beautiful."
Blaine squeezed him tighter and Kurt felt his lips press against the top of his head. "You are too. I like
making you feel that way."
Kurt rubbed his face against Blaine's chest, kissing just above his nipple. "I want to do everything with
you - not right now but… I just want you to know that I want to eventually."
Blaine didn't answer… merely kissed his head again and held him tighter.
"The cursing was hot," Kurt commented after another lengthy silence and Blaine laughed free and open.
Kurt felt the vibrations through his chest and smiled against Blaine's warm skin in happiness.
A Bump In The Road
"Good morning Sleeping Beauty…" Blaine whispered into his ear as Kurt began to stir on the king size
bed they'd been sharing. Even though the bed was massive they always seemed to gravitate toward the
middle, and this morning had found Kurt waking up with his back pressed against Blaine's front, their
legs tangled, and Blaine's arm over his waist.
Kurt rolled over with a sleepy smile and met Blaine's lips for his customary good morning kiss. He'd given
up trying to brush his teeth first thing every morning and he had to admit that he liked cuddling with
Blaine upon waking up anyway. Blaine was always so warm and Kurt loved the way Blaine chuckled in
fond amusement when he burrowed further into him.
Kurt sighed sleepily, curling up against Blaine's chest while Blaine's hands rubbed up and down his back
and his chin propped on top of Kurt's head. Blaine had started sleeping without a shirt and Kurt
positively adored waking up to the feel and sight of his boyfriends warm tan skin. The fact that he could
just freely stare or reach out and touch it anytime he wanted thrilled him. Kurt had found himself zoning
out on more than one occasion in the middle of a conversation because of it.
Blaine hummed in contentment and stretched out further on his back to give Kurt better access as Kurt's
hand began rubbing his stomach. Kurt laughed, noticing absently the way the skin of Blaine's chest
prickled when his breath fanned over it in small puffs of air. Kurt rather liked the feel of Blaine's
abdominal muscles beneath his fingers, and the fact that Blaine practically rolled over and begged at the
prospect of a tummy rub was completely adorable.
"Are you laughing at me Mr. Hummel?" Blaine questioned and Kurt tried to suppress a grin as he
pressed his mouth against Blaine's chest, but he didn't think he was all that successful since Blaine could
probably feel it now.
"You're practically a human puppy you know that right?" Kurt teased. "I mean the tummy rubs, those
cute little dreams you have that make you twitch and mumble in your sleep, the way you follow me
around constantly, the way you devourer any food in sight, those eyes you use to get what you want,
whining until I went outside and played with you, the cuddling, the begging, the nipping, the biting, the
Kurt yelped as he suddenly felt hands wrapping around his arms and the next second he was on his back
with Blaine hovering over him. Blaine leaned down and pressed his face against Kurt's neck breathing
deeply. "But you like to cuddle, and you like it when I beg." Kurt shivered when he felt Blaine's lips on his
neck. "You like it when I nip and lick and bite… I bet I could make you beg."
Kurt was pretty sure that Blaine could. He had no doubt in fact, but he wasn't quite ready for that kind
of intensity yet he thought.
"I think I'm hungry," Kurt blurted instead, and couldn't help feeling like a total ass when Blaine merely
kissed his neck one final time before rolling out of the bed.
He instantly missed the warm press of Blaine's body holding him down.
"What do you want today? I think there's some fruit still left." Blaine asked as he stretched his arms high
above his head and twisted the kinks out of his back.
Kurt didn't answer for a good two minutes, unable to get his mind to function properly at all the muscle
clearly on view, stretching and flexing. He knew Blaine had to have been doing it on purpose. "Uhh umm… how - how about I cook breakfast today. You've cooked it every day so far. Why don't I bring you
breakfast in bed."
Blaine really had brought him breakfast in bed every morning. Kurt was feeling a little more than spoiled
from it all. In fact, they'd stayed curled up in bed almost all day the day before so he'd had breakfast,
lunch and dinner there. Kurt figured it was time he did a little of the spoiling to thank Blaine for bringing
him here and sharing such an important place with him. This was where Blaine came to escape
everything. This was Blaine's sanctuary and Kurt hadn't taken a second of being here for granted.
Blaine leaned back over the bed, hands bracing him on either side of Kurt's hips. Kurt didn't have too
much time to be distracted by Blaine's straining biceps before lips were on his, heavy and warm and all
together wonderful. Blaine pulled back all too soon, leaving Kurt breathing heavily and aching deliciously
as he sat up in the middle of the messy blanket and pillows.
"I'm just gonna go take a shower then…" Blaine trailed off with a mischievous smirk before disappearing
into the connecting bathroom - oh he definitely knew exactly what he was doing.
Kurt gave a sigh of frustration falling back against the pillows. As soon as he heard the shower start and
Blaine's familiar voice echoing off the walls Kurt rolled himself out of bed and went to the kitchen to
start their breakfast. He made a simple fruit salad for himself before setting in on Blaine's food so that it
would still be hot by the time the other boy got out. Kurt was just flipping the bacon onto a plate and
putting the final decorative touches when arms wrapped around him from behind and drops of water
slid down his own neck from Blaine's wet curls.
"Blaine!" Kurt protested trying to push his damp boyfriend away, although if he was being honest with
himself he wasn't trying too hard, and Blaine merely laughed and held him tighter. He spun around in
Blaine's arms, taking the towel draped across Blaine's shoulders and rubbing it over his boyfriend's head.
"I swear you're worse than a child sometimes."
Blaine was still laughing when Kurt removed the towel from over his face, eyes shining in that way that
made it impossible to be even a little bit angry with him. "But you love me anyway."
Kurt sighed in a long-suffering sort of way. "Unfortunately."
Blaine's eyes turned mischievous as he pressed Kurt back against the counter. "Unfortunately?" he
echoed face moving closer and Kurt felt his heart speeding up while his eyes dropped to Blaine's mouth
and a thrill passed through him. Blaine smelled amazing. Kurt loved the masculine smelling soap and
shampoo Blaine used. He'd been using it himself the last couple of days after his had run out and he
planned on stealing the bottles when they left so that Blaine would have them when he slept over.
"Hmm well maybe there are a few benefits to keeping you around…" Kurt conceded arms wrapping
around Blaine's neck.
"Only a few?" Blaine asked, making Kurt shiver as he kissed a feather light path up his neck.
"You give amazing foot rubs. You make a very nice heater. You're cooking is adequate. I like when you
play chauffeur and carry my books between classes. You get me water in the middle of the night. You're
very nice to look at, and once we're married I'll practically be set for life. I'll be able to focus on my
Broadway career and you can be my trophy husband."
"Oh is that how it's going to work?" Blaine chuckled, voice deepening in a way that made Kurt's body
instantly react as he crowded closer so that there was barely an inch of space between them. Even
though Blaine was a few inches shorter he was broader and just… more. He seemed to box Kurt in
perfectly and Kurt felt a breathless shiver pass up his spine. "Anything else?"
"Let's see…" Kurt tapped his finger against his lips in thought as he glanced at Blaine who had a slow
smirk spreading across his face. "Yep, I think that about covers it."
"Does it now?" Blaine asked with a raised eyebrow.
"Yep!" Kurt chirped, proud of himself for being able to keep up the playful banter when his knees felt
like jelly.
Blaine's eyes darkened and he crowded even closer, pressing Kurt completely against the counter with
his body. Kurt felt his breath catch as the heat and intensity instantly spiked between them. "Oh I'm
pretty sure I can remind you of a few other reasons you like keeping me around."
"If you think you ca - " Kurt didn't get to finish because Blaine's lips were covering his own, and yeah
maybe there were a few other reasons he kept Blaine around.
"All packed?" Blaine asked walking up behind him and pressing his lips against the back of Kurt's neck
while his hands rubbed up and down Kurt's shoulders.
Kurt pushed the lid of his suitcase closed. He really hadn't worn anything out of it to begin with, having
spent most of the time in a pair of Blaine's sweats instead. He'd only just now gotten any clothes out of
it to wear home. "Yes, that's everything," he sighed sadly.
He could feel Blaine's frown against his neck. "What's the matter?" Blaine asked turning him around.
Kurt sighed again, shoulder's slumping. "I just… I don't want to leave." He knew he was pouting but he
couldn't help it. Everything had been so perfect the last few days with just he and Blaine and the lake
house. Kurt really wasn't ready to give that up and face the real world just yet.
Blaine laughed quietly, not in a mean way, but in a 'my boyfriend is so fucking adorable I love him so
much' kind of way and pulled Kurt against him tightly. "We can come back, weekends, holidays… this
summer - anytime you want Kurt. All you have to do is say the words and I'll pack us up. Besides, this
summer I'd planned on bringing you back here anyway."
"You just want to get me into a pair of swim trunks," Kurt replied, smiling against Blaine's shoulder.
"Can you blame me? I mean my boyfriend's pretty sexy." Blaine's hands settled in Kurt's back pockets where Kurt noticed that they tended to wonder now that that particular touch barrier had been broken.
Not that Kurt minded. In fact, he was currently categorizing all of next week’s outfits to make sure they
had back pockets.
"Hmm I am aren't I…" Kurt hummed tilting his head more so that Blaine's lips had better access at his
"So so sexy…" Blaine agreed while he backed Kurt up against the dresser.
Kurt's mind flashed to a cold breakfast forgotten on the counter due to the fact that they had found
themselves in a similar position. This time though, Blaine's hands slid down from Kurt's back pockets to
wrap around the back of his thighs lifting him up in one smooth motion to sit on top of the dresser. Kurt
felt a shiver shoot down his spine, just like he did every time Blaine did something that reminded him of
just how strong his boyfriend was.
"You only want me for my body." Kurt stated, voice loosing it's teasing quality almost completely due to
the fact that he sounded far too breathless. Blaine's fingers found their way beneath Kurt's shirt,
caressing his sensitive skin and causing his breath to catch.
Blaine chuckled against his throat, following Kurt's Adams apple with his lips when he swallowed thickly
at the sound. "I remember you saying something similar about me."
Kurt shook his head. "No you're money too - I'm using you for your body and your money." His breath
hitched as Blaine's teeth found that perfect spot to worry right between the crook of his neck and
shoulder. He would definitely be wearing scarves and concealer for the next few weeks probably.
Blaine hummed against his skin, not letting up and Kurt let his head fall to the side lazily, a slow pleasure
humming through him at Blaine's attention. "Ah yes, life as a trophy husband… although technically
shouldn't it be the other way around considering I'm the one with the money?"
Kurt shook his head, arching a bit closer to get Blaine to continue what he had been doing with his
mouth. "When we're married, what's yours will become mine, and I'll be the famous Broadway star maybe even go into movies eventually. They'll make a bio pic about me and you'll be my kept man silently supportive in the background of all my interviews."
Blaine laughed against his skin in amusement. "Well who am I to argue with that logic." Then he leaned
forward and was kissing Kurt long and hard.
Blaine pressed him back, the angle awkward and slightly painful, against the large mirror connected to
the dresser. The intensity kind of shook Kurt for a second, but he quickly caught up gasping hotly into
the kiss, arching into Blaine's possessive hands beneath his shirt, feeling his pulse quickening to a pace
that couldn't be healthy.
Blaine leaned over him, pressing into him hard and unrelenting, taking over everything completely, not
giving Kurt a second to catch up… and god that was so hot. Kurt mewled, arching up into his boyfriend
desperately, as heat and pleasure throbbed through him and coiled tightly in his groin. His fingers
scrabbling at Blaine's shoulders and chest, pulling on the collar of his shirt.
Blaine made a sound into the kiss that sounded very much like a growl and Kurt jerked against him,
bringing his legs up to wrap around Blaine's hips and pulling him in tight. Something seemed different
about Blaine right now - almost wilder, and holy shit was it making Kurt all hot and bothered. Kurt
realized that he'd basically been teasing Blaine the last few days without realizing it, riling him up only to
stop when things got a little too intense - like they were now.
Although this was actually beyond intense.
Kurt had no doubt that if he stopped them again now Blaine would pull away without hesitation or
question or anger. Blaine was simply amazing like that. Kurt had been the first to initiate this though that first time on the sofa on New Years. Blaine hadn't expected anything of him this entire stay. Kurt
had been the one to push things farther - the one who had told Blaine he wanted to explore.
Since New Year’s though Kurt had only stopped them each time something had gotten started, and each
time Blaine hadn't said a word, or even shown the first sign of disappointment. This time Kurt decided
he wasn't going to stop them. It was their final few hours of being alone together and Kurt wanted them
both to enjoy it exploring each other - that and the fact that Kurt was more turned on than he'd ever felt
Blaine's lips were back on his neck again, sucking hard enough Kurt's hips bucked and he cried out.
Blaine's hands held him back against the glass, one on his waist, the other on his collarbone…
unrelenting. Kurt whimpered helplessly, clinging to Blaine, almost overwhelmed with the intensity of
what he was feeling at the moment. "Blaine - Blaine -"
Blaine pulled back instantly, eyes blown and feverish looking, hair completely messed up, shirt stretched
where Kurt's fingers had pulled at it, and lips wet and swollen. He looked beautiful. "Do you want to
stop?" he asked, voice completely wrecked as he gasped raggedly.
Kurt couldn't have stopped even if he had wanted too - not with Blaine looking like that. "No… more - I
want more…" he answered trying to scoot forward as he reached for Blaine.
Blaine grabbed him completely, lifting him off the dresser. Kurt's legs wrapped around Blaine's hips
while he gasped in shock at the move. White hot pleasure shot through every nerve in his body and Kurt
whimpered desperately as Blaine's mouth found his own. Kurt's arms wrapped around Blaine's neck,
hand fisting in his curls, pulling Blaine's head back as they kissed in a way they hadn't before.
This kiss Kurt could only describe as dirty - all lust and need. It was teeth and tongues and lips and wet,
wet suction as Blaine sucked Kurt's tongue deep into his mouth a few times in a way that went straight
to Kurt's aching cock and had him rolling his hips against Blaine desperately. Blaine blindly walked them
over to the bed and then dropped Kurt onto it unceremoniously.
Kurt felt a moan rip from him louder than he had ever heard it before and Blaine paused as he moved to
lean down over him. His head cocked to the side and a contemplating look passed over his face while he
stared down at Kurt. Kurt who couldn't help but squirm and pant where he had fallen on his back, legs
splayed wide to accommodate Blaine, as his skin grew hotter than he'd ever felt it before.
Blaine's eyes widened a bit as he seemed to realize something, but Kurt couldn't bring himself to care all
that much because all he wanted Blaine to do was cover him and - and just devour him. He needed
Blaine to just do something - now - because the level of desire and need that Kurt was feeling at that
moment was beyond anything he had ever felt before. He was - he was so fucking turned on and he
didn't even know why - just that he was and that Blaine needed to do something about it.
Blaine seemed to know the reason why though as he leaned forward finally and to Kurt's confusion
grabbed both of Kurt's hands - kissing the underside of Kurt's wrists lovingly. "You know you're safe with
me right? You trust me don't you? You know if you want to stop all you have to do is say the word and
it's over - I'll stop?"
"Yes of course… I trust you Blaine. You know that. What -" Kurt started in confusion as Blaine knelt
between his knees, with the fingers of each hand still wrapped loosely around each of Kurt's wrists now.
"I'm going to try something and I think - I think you'll like it but…but if you want to stop just say so okay."
Blaine cut in biting his lip.
Kurt just stared up a him for a moment, arousal clearing some, and he slowly nodded - curious and
nervous about what exactly Blaine wanted to try if it took that much babbling to get to. Blaine simply
held Kurt's wrists though, rubbing his thumb back and forth over the sensitive underside. He finally
settled himself between Kurt's legs - the pressure delicious against Kurt's straining erection. Blaine's
hazel eyes were watching Kurt's face intently for any sign of hesitation, before slowly lifting Kurt's arms
above his head.
Kurt's own eyes widened in realization and a gasp left his lips while Blaine grabbed both wrists in one
hand and pinned them, pressing more and more of his weight there to hold them in place. His eyes
never left Kurt's face while Kurt's own breathing picked up and heat flooded his entire body. He
squirmed under Blaine, a whimper ripping from the back of his throat. A needy desperate sound that
shocked even Kurt and had Blaine pulling back and releasing his wrists as if he'd been physically
Blaine was breathing hard himself, chest rising and falling rapidly, while he stared down at Kurt with
wide almost scared eyes. Kurt made another desperate sound he didn't recognize, but this one had
Blaine leaning back down and kissing him deeply. Blaine wrapped a strong arm around Kurt's waist and
bodily hauled him up the rest of the bed. He wrapped Kurt's legs around him and then Blaine's hands
found Kurt's wrists again, pinning them once more above his head with one hand.
Kurt ripped his mouth away from Blaine's panting hard, arousal thrumming through him so strong his
hips were rocking into air. "Oh god - oh god that's - that's… Blaine!" he whined pitifully and Blaine's
mouth was back on his hot and hard, pressing him down firmly against the pillows. Blaine's hips rocked
down too, meeting his, and Kurt moaned into the kiss arching his back. His first instinct was to grab onto
Blaine, but as Kurt went to move his hands he tugged and realized he couldn't - another more ragged
moan ripped from him.
"Do you - do you want me to let go - to slow down?" Blaine gasped against his ear, rocking against him
harder and faster than they'd ever gone before. It was amazing and Kurt felt his toes curling and his
thighs clenching around Blaine harder.
Kurt tried to get his voice to work past the continuous stream of whimpers that seemed to have taken
over his vocal cords. "No…" he whined again, voice higher than he'd ever heard it before, his head
moving from side to side. He must have looked and sounded like a complete mess, but it had never felt
like this before. Kurt had never felt this overwhelmed before, everything was just so intense and
completely out of his control… the feeling was amazing. "Keep - keep going… more. I want more Blaine.
Give me more."
"Fuck Kurt," Blaine groaned against his ear, rocking against him hard but with longer strokes now and oh
god that was even better as Blaine hips pinned his to the bed not allowing Kurt to move on his own.
Kurt's mouth fell open, eyes wide as his fingers grasped at the air above his head, and his throat worked
to make another incoherent sound. "If you could see yourself - hear yourself right now… Fuck!"
"Blaine!" Kurt heard himself plead… beg, that seemed to be the only thing he was capable of grasping
"What do you want Kurt? What do you want?" Blaine whispered nuzzling his ear while his fingers
tightened and loosened periodically around Kurt's wrists and his other hand worked its way under Kurt's
shirt to smooth along the sweaty skin there.
"More - more…" Kurt let his legs fall from Blaine's hips, feet pressed flat against the mattress, spreading
his thighs wider as his toes curled into the fresh white cotton sheets with each hard rock of Blaine's hips.
His head arched back, eyes clenching shut tightly against the pleasure, and Blaine's lips immediately
latched onto his neck.
"Can I touch you Kurt - please can I? I - I want to. I won't look if you don't want me too I promise, but I
want to touch you… so bad." Blaine babbled against his neck - pleaded and begged and Kurt thought he
could come right then just from that.
Kurt nodded his head frantically and Blaine shifted off of him, wasting no time thrusting his free hand
between them and popping the button on the tight skinny jeans Kurt had chosen to wear home that
day. He would have to change his entire outfit now. Blaine unzipped the zipper and his hand sank inside,
wrapping around Kurt instantly.
Kurt gasped, eyes opening wide in shock at the contact, and Blaine moaned brokenly against his skin.
"God Kurt - god you feel so good - you - you have no idea how good you feel…" Blaine groaned hotly into
his ear while he began moving his hand in firm breath catching strokes.
Kurt was completely lost.
Eventually, Blaine's other hand released his wrists - that hand coming down to fist Kurt's hair. Kurt
moaned as Blaine tugged with one hand at the same time he twisted with the other. He barely even
registered the stiffness in his own arms when he brought them down, now free to clutch and cling to
Blaine as much as he wanted. Blaine's mouth started to work his neck again and Kurt's fingers tangled in
Blaine's hair - holding him there. His hips began to jerk, pushing himself up into Blaine's perfect touch.
It was - Kurt had never felt anything like it. He couldn't think of anything better than Blaine's hand on
him - although he'd read that there were things better. They seemed almost impossible to imagine at
the moment though as Blaine slid up and down the length of him with a skill that had Kurt wondering
how often Blaine had done this to himself to be so completely mind-blowing at it.
Everything seemed to tighten all at once and Kurt knew he was about to lose it - his orgasm coming
faster and harder than he'd ever felt it before. "Blaine I - I'm -"
"Just do it - just do it Kurt… please," Blaine whispered hoarsely, lips caressing Kurt's ear, and Kurt felt
himself tipping over the edge - Blaine's hand pulling him all the way through it.
When Kurt came back to himself it was to the sight of Blaine pressing his palm against his own still very
hard cock through his jeans. Kurt pulled Blaine's hand away and looked his boyfriend in his pleading
hazel eyes. "What do you need me to do?" he asked softly. Blaine was always taking care of him - always
asking Kurt this questions. It was time Kurt returned the favor, and he trusted Blaine not to ask him
something he wasn't comfortable with.
"Turn… turn over," Blaine whispered hesitantly, almost as if he was scared to ask, and Kurt didn't let his
surprise show. He merely turned over. There was a long moment where Kurt thought that maybe Blaine
just hadn't wanted him to see him masturbate, but then he felt Blaine's hand on his hip and then Blaine
was pressing against his back - his cock hot and heavy against Kurt's ass through his jeans.
Kurt gasped softly in surprise at the feel and even more so at the way it made him feel - like it was
something he really really never knew he always wanted. "Is - is this okay? Are you okay?" Blaine asked
rocking against him gently. Kurt answered by pressing back against Blaine harder, feeling Blaine groan
against the back of his neck.
Kurt set the pace for them, rubbing himself shamelessly against Blaine, feeling lingering sparks of
arousal shooting through his own body with each move. Blaine nipped and kissed the back of his neck,
making wonderful and very appreciative noises that had Kurt's stomach tightening hotly again. It was
over in a matter of moments though, Blaine having already been far too close. Kurt rolled over once he
felt Blaine stop jerking against him and kissed his boyfriend languidly.
"You're amazing," Blaine whispered, eyes closed and their foreheads pressed together, while they
practically shared the same breath.
The ride back to Lima was silent, which was the first indication that something was wrong. Kurt wasn't
even singing along with the radio and Whitney Houston was currently belting out I Will Always Love You.
Kurt was simply staring out the window, forehead pressed to the glass, and a frown on his lips.
Blaine reached over and curled his fingers around Kurt's, which had been digging into his own thigh. Kurt
instantly relaxed at the touch, flipping his hand over to interlace their fingers, warm and soft and
comforting. Blaine breathed a sigh of relief. For a second he'd been worried that it was something he
had done – that maybe he had pushed things too far a few hours ago.
"Is everything okay? Are you feeling okay?" Kurt finally looked over at him and Blaine glanced over to
see Kurt's cheeks slowly staining an attractive shade of pink.
Kurt's eyes fell to his lap almost shyly as he bit his lip, and Blaine knew that something about what had
happened was bothering him. Kurt only ever acted this shy around him when talk turned to the more
intimate aspect of their relationship. "Everything's fine," he answered instead.
Blaine made a noise of disbelief. "Kurt I need you to talk to me if something about what we did bothers
you. You promised remember. I don't know when to stop or when I do something wrong if you don't tell
Kurt's fingers tightened around his and Blaine glanced over again to see him biting his lip even harder,
face turning redder. "It's – it's not something you did. It's something I did," he finally answered, voice
small and timid and completely embarrassed.
Blaine frowned at the sound of it. Kurt had been embarrassed before, but this wasn't just
embarrassment, he seemed almost ashamed of something. "I – I don't understand. I like everything you
did. You were amazing."
Kurt looked out the window again and Blaine tugged on his hand. "No… come on. Talk to me Kurt. You
don't have to be embarrassed. You can tell me anything remember – especially about this. We have to
be able to communicate about this. I know it might be uncomfortable but I – I need to know what you're
thinking. Before we can move forward you have to talk about whatever is bothering you."
Kurt stared down at their hands, blush reaching his ears now, and fingers tight around Blaine's - almost
as if he were afraid Blaine would pull away from him. "It's not anything you did really it's – it's how I
reacted. I – I liked when you held me down. I liked when you – when you pinned my arms - when you
wouldn't let me move… I liked it a lot."
Blaine was silent for a long moment and Kurt seemed to take that as a bad sign. "Oh god I've freaked
you out haven't I? That's too weird isn't it? I'm so sorry Blaine. I won’t mention it aga –"
"No – no. No Kurt. It's fine. It's completely okay," Blaine quickly reassured, but Kurt was shaking his
head, tears springing to his eyes.
"No it's not! It's - it's not normal! You can say it. It's weird isn't it? I'm freaking you out because I like that
you're so strong and you can overpower me and pick me up and throw me around and hold me down –
and I'm not normal!" Kurt was nearly hyperventilating, eyes wide and panicked, tears falling down his
Kurt had seemed fine – happy even after they'd finished and showered and dressed. He'd been a bit
quiet of course but Blaine hadn't thought anything of it then – thinking that maybe he was still just sad
about having to leave. It seemed everything was hitting Kurt all at once though, all the insecurity,
nerves, uncertainty, and embarrassment - but Kurt had no reason to feel any of that.
What had happened had been amazing - Kurt had been amazing.
Blaine quickly pulled the car over onto the side of the road after making sure nobody was behind him.
He unbuckled his own seat belt and then unbuckled Kurt's. "Come on…" he coaxed, grabbing Kurt's arm
and tugging until Kurt met him in the middle and Blaine was able to hold him. Kurt was trembling as he
clutched at Blaine's shirt.
"It's okay Kurt – calm down…" Blaine soothed, rubbing his hands up and down Kurt's back, until finally
Kurt seemed to regain control of himself and took a shuddering breath, burying his face against Blaine's
"Oh god this is so embarrassing." Kurt whispered and Blaine could literally hear the humiliation in his
voice. He massaged the back of Kurt's neck with his fingers while Kurt rubbed his face against Blaine's
shirt to dry his lingering tears. "I feel so stupid. I don't know why I'm crying."
Blaine tugged on the back of Kurt's head until he lifted it. "Kurt you have nothing to feel stupid about.
It's perfectly normal. You're perfectly normal."
"But I – but I liked it! Who likes to be held down and – and helpless?"
"Lots of people," Blaine answered before he could really think about it.
"You – you know personally?" Kurt asked hesitantly.
It's was Blaine's turn to blush furiously. "No! No, you and – and Jeremiah are the only two I've – I've
been with like that. I just meant… well, don't you – haven't you ever watched - you know… those
Kurt's cheeks pinked again and he avoided looking at Blaine. "I um… I tried once but – but it didn't look
very – I didn't like it."
"What were they doing?" Blaine asked curiously, knowing from experience that just logging onto a
website could be intimidating, and for someone like Kurt who was a romantic and already timid around
the subject of sex it had probably been terrifying.
"It was umm…" Kurt trailed off, almost shrinking away, but Blaine tightened his arm around his waist
and didn't let him. Kurt needed to know he could talk to him about this kind of stuff. That nothing he
said or did would scared Blaine off or make him think any less of him. "One of the guys he had his – his
hand – his whole hand in – in there… I didn't like it."
Blaine blinked in shock for a second. That had been Kurt's first experience with porn – no wonder it was
his only experience with it too. "Well that's – that's pretty extreme Kurt. That's – not many people
actually do that I don't think. I mean… I'm not even one hundred percent certain if it can really be
done… It's not something I want to try either."
Kurt slumped in relief and Blaine's mouth opened and closed in disbelief. Was that really something Kurt
had thought he would eventually have to do? It was really obvious in that moment that no one had ever
explained things to Kurt, and Blaine was just… horrified at the thought.
"Kurt you know that some gay couples never even have penetrative sex right? Some men don't like
anything stuck in… there." Blaine knew that this was going to be possibly the most awkward
conversation he'd ever had, but it was worth it because Kurt needed to hear it.
"Really?" Kurt's voice was soft and timid, but Blaine could tell it was curious too. "Then… how do they
know when they've had sex?"
"Well everyone sort of sees it differently. Some people would think that what you and I have already
done is sex, but then others don't think it's sex unless penetration happens. It's just how you want to see
Kurt blinked in surprise. "So I'm not a virgin anymore?"
Blaine shrugged. "If that's how you want to see it."
The blush was back on Kurt's face. "How do you see it?"
Blaine bit his lip and thought, because he never had actually thought about that. "I think… I think you'll
just know when it happens. You'll feel it. I mean, like with Jeremiah – when I – when I considered myself
not a virgin anymore… we were both naked completely for the first time in front of each other and we –
we spent time exploring and getting to know each other’s bodies."
"Oh…" Kurt whispered softly, and Blaine knew Kurt most likely didn't want to hear about him and
Jeremiah but it was the only source of personal reference Blaine had. "Did you two… was there
"Fingers for me," Blaine answered truthfully. "But never anything else. I don't think Jeremiah ever liked
anything touching him there at all."
"But you liked it?" Kurt asked again and Blaine was glad that Kurt was showing curiosity now rather than
embarrassment or timid-ness. He wanted Kurt to be comfortable talking to him about this stuff. Blaine
wasn't exactly an expert himself, but he could at least share his knowledge with Kurt and then they
could learn the rest together.
"I did – I do," Blaine replied wishing Kurt would look at him but Kurt's eyes remained down. "Some
people like certain things. They have certain preferences – things that turn them on. That's what
experimenting is all about Kurt. You find out what those things are. For you… one of those things is
being held down. You like the fact that I'm stronger than you, and that's completely okay."
"That's completely normal, maybe not for everyone, but for a lot of people it is I promise. You're not the
only one with that particular… preference, and it shows a lot of trust in the person you're with. I'm
actually really touched that you trust me that much. I love you Kurt and - and that's just one more thing
that proves to me that you love me too."
Kurt chewed on his bottom lip and nodded slowly and Blaine sighed in relief – happy that Kurt seemed
to understand that he wasn't some kind of freak of nature. "What are some things you like?"
It was Blaine's turn to blush again but he pushed passed it because it was only fair that he share
something that embarrassed him a little. "Well I – I have a thing for - for yours in particular…" Blaine
eyes traveled down of their own accord and that happened to be the moment Kurt look at him again.
"Oh," Kurt stated blushing furiously to match Blaine's, but then a smile was spreading across his face,
and his eyes were twinkling. "I kind of figured that one out on my own the past couple of days. I'll have
to wear my jeans extra tight then."
Blaine groaned. "They're already tight enough. I could barely keep my hands off before – now it's going
to be torture."
Kurt laughed happily, and it was the most wonderful sound in the world to Blaine's ears. "Put your hands
on me in my skin tight jeans…" he sang softly, eyes dancing in amusement, as he crawled forward until
he was in Blaine 's lap, straddling him.
Blaine's hands instantly went to Kurt's back pockets and he squeezed. "You're going to be the death of
me," he whispered against Kurt's lips as Kurt's fingers found their way into Blaine's curls.
"But you're going to love every minute of it," Kurt replied swooping down and kissing him, and yeah
Blaine was pretty sure he would.
Blaine's Boyfriend
Going from seeing each other every second of every day to nothing at all was complete torture, but
Blaine's Dalton friends had requested a bit of his time before school started again. They'd invited Kurt
along but Kurt had respectfully declined. He still wasn't as good of friends with them yet, and he'd read
that it was actually healthy for couples to spend time apart with their own set of friends, plus mini golf
wasn't exactly his thing.
Blaine's parents also wanted him to actually stay home a couple of nights out of the week so Blaine
wouldn't be coming back over that night. Kurt tried to keep his texting to a minimum – not wanting to
seem like the controlling, clingy, boyfriend. Blaine, however didn't seem to care about what his friends
thought because he was the one blowing up Kurt's phone with a running commentary of the train wreck
that was a night out with his boys. Apparently, they'd already been thrown out of mini golf and were
about to hit up the bowling alley not far away.
Kurt had considered inviting Tina and Mercedes over for a girls night himself, but then decided to just
spend the time with his own family. He figured he wouldn't be very good company anyways moping
around as he was. Plus his dad and Carole would be getting married soon and he probably needed to
talk to them about his plans for their wedding. They'd pretty much found the perfect house too, with a
guest bedroom – although Kurt didn't think Blaine would be staying in there when he came over.
Being apart from Blaine was just something Kurt would have to get used to again too. School was
starting up, Blaine would start training for the summer gymnastics competitions, and Blaine had also
mentioned calling that studio guy about starting on his first demo.
All those things added up to Blaine being very very busy – but Kurt completely understood. This was
Blaine's senior year and he had to start preparing for his future. Kurt would just have to find things to
occupy his own time with again. He'd done it before Blaine came along - although he couldn't remember
how or what he'd done with all that free time now.
Kurt was actually looking forward to it though – being there and supporting Blaine. Everything Blaine
was doing was working toward his future and their future together. The winner of the competition
would win fifty thousand dollars, that plus the money Blaine already had saved, the money he would be
able to save by staying in Ohio for an extra year, and the scholarships he was sure to get for having
excellent grades – it all added up to the both of them going to New York together and living relatively
comfortably for two collage students.
Kurt sort of felt bad when Blaine talked about the money being for both of them. He didn't want their
relationship to be that way. He wanted things to be fifty/fifty, but Kurt didn't delude himself either. It
was just an offer Kurt couldn't pass up. Honestly, before Blaine came along Kurt had already figured that
he would have to stay in Ohio for at least a year himself after graduation - working and saving the
money to go to New York.
New York was an expensive place to live and Kurt's dad, while not hurting, wasn't exactly made of
money. Plus he had a wife now and another son he had to support and Finn would be graduating at the
same time. There was no way Kurt would put that financial burden on his father just because he wanted
to get out of Ohio.
He was going to make it in New York supporting himself or he wasn't going to make it at all, but now
there was Blaine. Blaine who was offering to support Kurt, offering to bring Kurt with him, to share his
dream of living in New York and making it happen. As bad as it made Kurt feel like he was using Blaine
he couldn't pass this opportunity up and he doubted Blaine would let him anyway.
As much as Blaine liked to protest though Kurt would be getting a job once they got there. It would cut
into his audition time, which was one of Blaine's main arguments against the idea, but Kurt wouldn't let
Blaine support him completely. Kurt was too independent for that.
He would pay his own way as much as he could and Blaine would just have to get over his hurt pride.
This wasn't the 1950's and Kurt certainly wasn't anyone's housewife. Not that Kurt thought Blaine saw
him that way, far from it in fact, but Blaine was really old fashioned sometimes – which was actually one
of the reasons Kurt loved him.
Kurt dug under his mattress and pulled out his super secret dream journal. He hadn't openly shown
Blaine this one, mostly due to embarrassment, mostly due to not wanting to terrify Blaine. They'd joked
about it in passing, teased each other about when they get married, and about being husbands, but they
hadn't actually had a serious conversation about it. They were young so Kurt didn't expect a
conversation to happen like that for a while – maybe even years down the road.
Kurt flipped through his journal though, tweaking things here and there and just letting himself get lost
for a while imagining every detail of it. He'd only started this journal while planning his dad and Carole's
wedding. It had been impossible not to when he'd come across the perfect bridesmaids dress for
Mercedes, and then it had grown into looking for one for Tina, then color schemes, then just…
Everything was classic and elegant – nothing too extravagant or over the top. Despite his plans of having
an unlimited budget by the time they were actually married Kurt didn't want his wedding to be tacky. He
wanted it to be tasteful. It would happen on a beach – the exact location unknown as of yet, but Kurt
figured Blaine would like that and Kurt himself didn't want to have it in a church.
Everyone would dress casual elegance, nothing too extravagant or fancy, but definitely not beach wear
either. Kurt figured it would be fun to ask the women to wear hats – nothing too distracting though. He
did want to be the main focus of the event after all. His father would walk him down the aisle of course.
Kurt would need to ask Blaine if that was okay, but he didn't see Mr. Anderson volunteering to give
Blaine away at their wedding and he didn't think Blaine would have a problem with it.
A woman would marry them. Kurt didn't know why but that's just the way he pictured it – unless of
course Blaine had someone in mind - a family minister or something. Finn would be Kurt's best man and
he was sure either Junior or Nathan would be Blaine's. The two men would both have to get over
themselves and walk each other down the aisle – unless of course, Finn didn't want to be Kurt's best
man, in which case Mercedes was second in line as maid of honor.
Puck and the other guys from Glee would probably be there too, along with Blaine's friends from Dalton,
and depending on their roles in the ceremony they would also have to get over themselves and walk
each other. In fact, Kurt made another note. Perhaps that could be a theme – girls walking girls, boys
walking boys. He kind of liked that idea.
Blaine would be wearing black slacks and a white button up, the collar unbuttoned, the sleeves rolled up
to his elbows, and no tie or jacket - something very simple to balance out Kurt's own outfit which he had
already started designing.
In fact, Kurt was just pulling out his color pencils to add more detail to the design when his phone rang.
He dropped everything immediately to answer it with a broad smile when he saw what name was
flashing across the screen. "Hey you."
"Hey yourself," Blaine's cheery voice echoed and Kurt sighed as he laid his head against his mattress. "I
just took a shower and I was about to go to bed, but I wanted to call and tell you goodnight first and that
I love you."
Kurt glanced over at his clock to see that it was indeed after ten. He hadn't even realized so much time
had passed. "Oh yeah… I love you too. Did you have fun with the guys?
"Yeah it was great hanging out with them all again. I forget how suppressed they can be going to a strict
all boys school. It was crazy but fun. I missed you though." Blaine answered.
Kurt felt his heart skip a beat. "I don't know how I'll sleep though without you here."
Blaine chuckled, obviously able to hear the pout in Kurt's voice, but Kurt was smiling as well. "I know
how you feel. You want me to stay on the phone with you until you fall asleep?"
"Will you sing?" Kurt asked hopefully. He'd gotten used to hearing Blaine sing or hum while they both
tried to fall asleep - sometimes Blaine fell asleep first but most of the time it was Kurt who was lulled to
sleep by the soothing sound of Blaine's voice. Blaine began humming a tune, then singing the lyrics
softly, and Kurt instantly felt himself relaxing - not having realized how tense or tired he'd really been
until that moment.
"Dude? Do you have that Math homework that's due today?" Kurt heard Finn call from inside his room.
"Finn for the last time you've had all break to do it you're not copying my –" Kurt cut himself off as he
walked out of his closet, face paling at the sight of the notebook Finn was currently holding open in his
hands. Finn had frozen too, mouth hanging open and eyes wide with shock. "FINN!"
Finn jumped dropping the notebook back to the bed as if it had burned him. "I'm sorry! I thought it was
one of your school books I didn't know – Dude that's not the color scheme for mom and Burt's wedding
you told me about! Are you and Blaine running off to get married? Does Burt know about this?"
"No Finn we're not!" Kurt snapped snatching the notebook up and holding it tightly against his chest. He
couldn't believe he'd forgotten to put it up, but he'd kind of fallen asleep with it still in his hand and
Blaine on the phone. "Don't you dare tell anyone about this or I swear I'll – I'll show your mom how to
check your browsing history."
Finn threw his hands up in surrender. "Okay I won't! I just – you're not running off though are you,
because I'd have to tell Burt then. I'm like obligated as your soon to be big brother."
Kurt felt himself soften despite his mortification at Finn seeing something so secret. "No we're not going
to run off and get married, Blaine doesn't know I have this either okay. It's just – just something I like to
do you know… plan things. It might never happen. I just – I like to think about it though. Please don't' tell
anyone Finn – especially Blaine."
"Hey it's okay dude. I won't… I promise okay," Finn stated obviously seeing how much this meant to
Kurt, and Kurt felt himself breathing a sigh of relief. "Uh… okay well I should get going. I don't want to be
late picking Rachel up and I guess Blaine will be here soon to get you?"
Kurt shook his head. "No I'm driving today. Blaine's going to the gym right after Glee practice. His
training starts today."
"Oh yeah that's right. I remember you mentioning that at dinner last night… well cool. I guess I'll see you
later then," Finn gave him a semi-awkward pat on the shoulder and then left. Kurt put the notebook
back in its hiding spot under his mattress. It took him a moment but Kurt paused with a fond smile as he
realized that his soon to be brother hadn't even tried to use it as a way to blackmail his homework out
of him.
"Hey Kurt wait up!" Mercedes shouted as Kurt opened the door to his Navigator. Kurt was anxious to get
going though so he left his door open but climbed inside. Mercedes and Tina both finally reached him,
breathing hard from running. "Damn it boy, why are you in such a hurry?"
"I'm going to surprise Blaine at his practice today. Why? Did you guys need something?" Kurt asked
cranking his car. He didn't want to seem rude but he really did want to get going.
Kurt had barely gotten to see Blaine all week, only in Physics where they hadn't been able to do more
than glance at each other and pass a few notes, and Glee where they were preparing for Regionals. The
rest of the day Blaine was off doing his own thing – even during lunch he'd had to go to Cheerio's
practice since they had Nationals coming up.
After school was no better, Blaine now had to prepare for the summer competitions and he started
meeting with that studio guy in Westerville this weekend. Blaine was excited about everything going on
though; bouncing around with so much energy that it made Kurt exhausted just watching him. Kurt was
happy for him too, and excited about all the things Blaine had going for him. With Blaine's schedule
being so busy now though Kurt had to fit himself in wherever he could.
"Me and Tina were about to go to the mall and we were going to see if you wanted to go, but if you've
already got plans with your boy toy then don't worry about it. We'll schedule something this weekend
when Blaine's gone. I'm guessing you'll need a distraction anyway." Mercedes replied with a smile, and
this was why Kurt loved her so much.
"Yeah definitely this weekend… you guys can help me pack. I'll call you later to finalize everything," Kurt
answered rolling down his window and closing the door. His dad had signed the final papers for their
new house just the other day and the movers would be coming in a week to get their stuff.
"Alright lover boy we'll let you go," Mercedes laughed, obviously seeing his impatience to leave.
"Tell Blaine we said hi!" Tina called as they turned to walk away and Kurt quickly put his Navigator in
Kurt walked into the familiar building and stood in the lobby nervously. He'd never been here when
there were other people around and the parking lot had seemed packed today. He wasn't even sure if
he was actually allowed to just show up and visit like this in the first place. One of the girls at the front
desk noticed him though and smiled sweetly. She looked like she could be one of the instructors, maybe
a college student, possibly a relative of Quinn's with her bouncy blond hair pulled back in a high pony.
"Can I help you with something?"
Kurt swallowed his nerves down and stepped up to the desk. "Yes, I'm here to see Blaine Anderson."
She looked confused for a second, then looked down at what looked like an appointment book. "Oh,
Blaine's not instructing right now. He's preparing for competitions… did you have an appointment with
him? He normally only teaches the younger kids. I'm sure we can schedule you with someone else
though –"
"Uhh… no actually I don't have an appointment or anything. He's not really expecting me but I thought…
I mean, I'm just here to see him if that's okay?" Kurt cut in biting his lower lip.
She paused for a second, looking him over, before her confusion cleared and her eyes widened. "Oh oh! Okay… you just - just hold on a second okay. Wait right here… don't move one inch." She held out
her hands as she walked away, not taking her eyes off of him until the last second as if she thought he
would bolt.
Kurt nodded hoping he didn't look as weirded out as he felt, and watched as she rushed over to the
other two girls who had been chatting at the front desk not paying them the least bit of attention. They
were dressed in the same uniform as her, so they might have been instructors too. She grabbed one of
their arms to get their attention then leaned in close to whisper something to both of them, and
whatever it was caused both of their heads to shoot up.
They looked over at him and Kurt quickly looked away, feeling a blush staining his cheeks. He glanced
back over at them out the corner of his eye just in time to see them duck back together, all three smiling
widely, and talking a hundred miles an hour it seemed. Finally, the blonde who had first talked to him
came back over, a skip in her step and her pony tail bouncing behind her, as she grinned at him widely –
it was kind of creepy actually.
"Okay come on, I'll show you where Blaine is," she offered, while one of the other brunette girls slid off
her stool and disappeared into the doorway before them.
Kurt followed the bouncy blonde through the doors soon after and spotted the other girl skipping over
to a group of guys and girls who seemed to be lounging in the stands and taking a break from whatever
it was they had been doing before. Then as if on cue all their heads turned his way and Kurt looked away
again feeling his stomach erupt in nervous butterflies.
Why were they suddenly all interested in him? Did he really look that out of place? Actually, he probably
did with his designer cranberry red pea-coat and fabulous Marc Jacobs scarf, paired with white riding
pants and black knee high boots. He'd bought those pants specifically with Blaine in mind. They showed
off his best… assets very well.
"So what's your name? Mine's Jess. I help teach cheer here - mostly the twelve and under classes so I'm
not busy right now."
"Kurt," he replied trying not to look at all the people sending him curious glances as he walked by.
"Oh that's a neat name. How do you know Blaine? Do you perform?"
"Thank you, we go to the same school, and no – at least not any of this stuff. I sing." Kurt answered
simply, deciding to leave out the fact that he had been on the Cheerios. He didn't want to encourage her
more, she seemed rather chatty, but she obviously didn't need any encouragement to keep a
conversation going.
"Oh Blaine sings too! Did you know that? He sounds so dreamy," she practically swooned beside him
and Kurt had to stop himself from laughing.
Kurt had noticed on more than one outing that ladies seemed attracted to Blaine. It didn't bother Kurt
one bit though considering he knew they didn't have a chance, but it embarrassed the hell out of Blaine
when a waitress would slip him her number, or a girl would approach him at the mall. Kurt had teased
him mercilessly the first time it had happened and Blaine had retaliated with a tickle attack. Therefore,
Kurt had kept his amusement to himself since then.
"He sometimes sings to himself and stuff. It took us forever to get him to sing for us for real though, but
he finally did and it was just amazing. Like literally the best thing I've ever heard. When he's famous I'm
going to buy all of his music."
Kurt couldn't help but smile in pride. It was always great to hear that people saw just how amazing
Blaine was.
"Has anyone ever told you that you're like really pretty." Kurt paused in his step and Jess turned on him,
eyes wide and hands raised in supplication. "Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean that to offend you or anything!"
"Oh no it's okay. I know you didn't," Kurt reassured quickly, feeling another blush heating up his face. "I
just – umm thank you."
"No problem – oh here's Blaine! Blaine over here!" she exclaimed grabbing Kurt's arm and pulling him
behind her while she waved her other hand enthusiastically. Blaine was talking to a taller, older looking,
guy, who seemed to be demonstrating something with his hands, but at the sound of his name being
shouted Blaine turned with a confused frown, but then his eyes widened at the sight of Kurt who gave a
shy wave from behind Jess' bouncing form.
Blaine turned back to the guy and said something quickly before grabbing a nearby towel and making his
way over. He was wearing his… very tight, very clingy, very very revealing uniform again. His hands were
wrapped in white tape, skin glistening with sweat, muscles looking more pronounced than usual due to
the extensive workout he must have gotten, and his hair was messy.
Kurt could barely take his eyes away – until Jess pulled his arm again and led him forward. "So Kurt
here's Blaine – Blaine, Kurt came by to see you so I brought him over." Then she just stood there, smiling
and looking between them as if she expected something to happen.
Blaine looked from Kurt to her. "Uhh… thank you Jess for bringing Kurt over. I think I can take it from
here though."
"Oh! Oh right - well I'm just gonna… gonna go," she said pointing behind her, but her eyes never left
them while she backed away. "Just call if you guys need anything. Bye Blaine!"
"Bye Jess," Blaine replied smiling in fond amusement when the girl finally turned and bounced away.
Kurt could still feel eyes on them though while Blaine's attention turned back to him. "Hi,' he said with
that crooked smile and head tilt Kurt found so adorable.
"Hey," Kurt replied taking a step closer, but still not nearly as close as he wanted to be.
He wasn't exactly sure how everyone would react around here to Blaine's boyfriend showing up.
Actually, Kurt realized with panic that he probably should have thought of that before coming. What if
he'd just made things harder for Blaine? But it wasn't like they had to admit to being boyfriends or
anything. Kurt would be okay with that – although he was kind of desperate to touch Blaine at the
"Um… I'm sorry for just showing up like this but I wanted to see you. I – I probably should have thought
things through better or called you first. I hope I didn't interrupt or… cause trouble…" Kurt trailed off
glancing at the big guy Blaine had been talking to, who was packing a bag up, but was also glancing in
their direction curiously.
Blaine reached out and grabbed his hand, tugging him closer, and Kurt looked around them quickly but
those who were watching turned back to whatever it was they were supposed to be doing. "Don't be
silly. I'm always glad to see you, and I needed a break anyway. I was just thinking about you actually, so
you showing up is perfect."
Kurt bit his lip to stop the stupid grin from stretching across his face. "Well good because I brought
you…" Kurt took his hand from Blaine's for a second to pull out the cookies he had baked that morning.
Blaine gasped, eyes lighting up as Kurt opened the container for him to see. "Are those…"
"Yep! You're grandmother gave me the recipe." Kurt answered, chuckling at the way Blaine practically
bounced like a child. He took the container from Kurt and grabbed one. Kurt watched closely as Blaine
bit into it, a little – a lot nervous, but as Blaine's face lit up and his eyes widened in wonder Kurt smiled
in relief.
"Wow these are amazing Kurt! Not even mom can get that recipe exactly right." Blaine gushed taking
another bite and sighing happily.
Kurt laughed at his adorable boyfriend. "It may have taken a few tries," he admitted.
Blaine smiled at him adoringly, eyes soft and loving - the look kind of took Kurt's breath away and left
him all fluttery inside. "I would hug you right now if I wasn't all sweaty."
Kurt let his eyes rake over his boyfriend's form appreciatively. "Maybe I like you all sweaty."
Blaine's eyebrows rose and a slow smirk slid into place as he took a step closer. "Oh really?"
Kurt nodded, trying to keep the smile off of his own face. "Yes… and maybe I find that uniform
extremely attractive – after all I'm not the only one in this relationship with a nice ass."
"I was thinking about your nice ass all night last night. I haven't seen it nearly enough the last couple of
days." Blaine replied, voice a few octaves deeper, and Kurt felt his cheeks flushing – only about thirty
five percent with embarrassment.
"I picked these pants out especially for you. I thought you would appreciate that they're extra tight.
They're riding pants." Kurt confessed a little breathless.
Blaine literally groaned while his eyes swept over Kurt and Kurt felt his heart rate increasing as it
became suddenly hotter in the room. "If we were alone right now…" Blaine trailed off, but he didn't
have to finish because Kurt could see it clearly in his darkened hazel eyes.
Something clattered nearby, startling them both out of their trance. Kurt could feel the stares still on
them and looked around uncertainly. "Uh… so I guess I should let you get back to whatever it was you
were doing…"
Blaine's head snapped up from his perusal of the next cookie he wanted to eat. "What? No, you can
stay. I – I mean if you want – unless you have other plans?"
Kurt shook his head. "No – no other plans."
"Great… come on let's sit down. I got about half an hour before I have to get back to work." Blaine
grabbed his hand again and Kurt glanced around, but he didn't see any hostile looks, just curiosity. "Here
let me take your jacket," Blaine offered, ever the gentleman, as he moved behind Kurt once they were
on the bleachers, but Kurt knew he had less than gentlemanly motives.
Kurt raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow at his boyfriend. "You sure are eager to get the jacket off of
"It's obstructing my view." Blaine pouted, and Kurt rolled his eyes as he unwound his scarf.
Kurt looked down at the metal seating though and frowned heavily as he thought of his white pants. He
heard Blaine chuckle softly behind him before moving away quickly and returning with his Letterman
jacket. Blaine laid his own jacket over the bench then slid Kurt's pea coat off his shoulders once Kurt had
unbuttoned it. He folded the coat and scarf neatly before laying them over the bench behind them.
Kurt made a show of turning and bending to fix the Letterman jacket in place, smirking as he felt Blaine's
eyes on him, hot and heavy, before sitting primly on top of Blaine's jacket and crossing his legs. "Are you
going to join me?" he asked innocently looking up at Blaine's slack jawed appearance.
Blaine dropped down beside him heavily, before leaning over and whispering against Kurt's ear. "I really
like those pants." Kurt's eyes immediately glanced down between them at the familiar throaty quality of
Blaine's voice and he felt himself flushing. Blaine's pants weren't exactly forgiving either, and currently
Kurt could see exactly how much Blaine liked his pants.
Kurt turned his head a little so that Blaine's lips brushed his ear and he shivered. "What time does your
training end today?"
"A few hours," Blaine answered, pulling back slightly. He was still sitting way too close for 'just friends'
though, but it didn't seem like Blaine was worried if everybody knew, so Kurt let his hand rest lightly on
Blaine's thigh.
"Well I'm sure I can stick around until then." Kurt smiled, and to his surprise Blaine smiled back and then
leaned in to kiss him softly.
Shouts erupted around the room, and Kurt tensed, but it was nothing like what he'd expected. Instead,
they were all words of encouragement coupled with whistling and clapping. Kurt felt himself blushing
hotly when Blaine pulled back laughing - shouting something back at a few of them.
"Well that's embarrassing," Kurt stated once everyone had settled down and his own blush had receded.
Blaine laughed, shaking his head, and grabbing the cookies to eat another one. "Don't listen to them
they're just teasing me. They've been giving me a hard time ever since I told them about you."
"You told them about me?" Kurt asked still amazed every time he heard that. Blaine was just so open
and free… about everything, and that was something that Kurt really admired about him.
Blaine paused before taking another bite. "Uh, yeah… I mean, you know how guys are, we talk about
stuff like that and the girls are impossible to keep relationship secrets from. It's like they can smell it or
something. The guys here are cool though. A few of them are gay and bi - it's not a big deal."
"Oh that's amazing…" Kurt replied feeling any lingering tension leave his body. Blaine really seemed
relaxed here with all these people and Kurt felt himself relaxing too.
After that conversation and flirting flowed as easily as it always had between them. Kurt watched in
fascination as some of the other gymnast did their thing. Blaine explained what it was they were doing
and pointed them out by name for him. He'd also explained that the guy he'd been talking to earlier was
Rick, one of the trainers here who was helping Blaine prepare.
When Rick came back and it was time for Blaine to go back to his own exercises he kissed Kurt on the
cheek before leaving him with his jacket, bottle of water, and what was left of the cookies. Kurt settled
himself in for an hour or so of simply getting to admire his boyfriend's beautiful body while it worked
and he definitely wasn't complaining. After a few moments of watching Blaine stretch again though,
someone cleared their throat beside him and Kurt jumped, not having noticed anyone approaching.
"Sorry to startle you," the boy said as Kurt sat up straighter in his seat. "I saw you sitting over here so I
thought I would come introduce myself. Are you a dancer?"
"Um, no…" Kurt answered hesitantly while he finally took in the tall boy's appearance. He didn't
recognize him as someone Blaine had pointed out earlier, but he was wearing track pants and a
windbreaker. He had a duffel bag over his shoulder, an unopened bottle of Evian water in his hand, and
if his perfectly styled hair was anything to go by then it looked like he was just getting there.
"Oh, I thought maybe you were here to sign up or something. I'm in the ballet class just through that
door, and no offense but you've got the perfect body for it." Kurt's mouth fell open as the guy's blue
eyes raked over him in an unmistakable way. He glanced in Blaine's direction but Blaine was still deep in
conversation with Rick. "What's your name?"
Kurt blinked in shock, momentarily speechless. "I um… Kurt - my name is Kurt."
Without invitation the guy sank down on the bench right beside him, letting his bag drop from his
shoulder, as he turned toward Kurt so that their legs knocked together and held out his hand. "Well Kurt
I'm Sebastian and I'm very glad to have met you."
Jealous Ways
"So I haven't see you around before. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered if I had. What brings you
here?" Sebastian asked leaning back on his elbows on the bench behind him, while his legs stretched out
in front of him, knees parted wider than Kurt thought they needed to be.
In fact, they were definitely wider than they needed to be because Kurt looked, how could he not when
the guy was practically shoving it in his face. Track pants weren't exactly forgiving and from Kurt's
prospective what they were revealing wasn't all that impressive.
Blaine was bigger.
At that thought Kurt turned back to his very sexy boyfriend, who was either too caught up in what he
and Rick were doing and hadn't noticed the guy coming onto Kurt rather strongly, or Blaine had noticed
and simply wasn't worried about it because he trusted Kurt that much. "I'm here for Blaine," he finally
answered hoping the guy would take the hint.
"Oh Anderson…"
The way he said it certainly regained Kurt's attention. "You know Blaine?"
Sebastian shrugged, head cocked to the side and eyes sliding lazily over Kurt's pants again - at least Kurt
hoped it was his pants the boy was admiring. The way Sebastian looked at him though made Kurt feel…
violated. It was like Sebastian could see right through his clothes. Kurt's clothes, particularly what he was
wearing today, he knew didn't leave much to the imagination but that was only for Blaine to enjoy so
"Who doesn't know Blaine Anderson."
Something sharp and vicious spiked in Kurt's chest. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"Exactly what it means… Blaine gets around obviously." Sebastian said it nonchalantly, but Kurt wasn't
naïve - he knew exactly what the other boy was trying to imply.
Kurt felt his face turn red while his body twisted more toward Sebastian now and his mouth opened
with something sharp and acidic on the tip of his tongue. Before he could say anything though Sebastian
glanced past him, at something or rather someone, and then he was right there. His chest pressed
against Kurt's shoulder, hand on his thigh, leaning in close like he was about to whisper something to
him - just completely in Kurt's personal space.
Kurt felt himself freeze in shock at the shear boldness of the move. His breath caught and his hand came
up of its own accord - to slap or push he wasn't sure. Kurt was pulled away before he could do either
though by the sound of his boyfriend's name being shouted in alarm. He looked around just in time to
see Blaine falling backwards off the Pommel Horse and hitting the ground with a gasp of pain.
Immediately Kurt ripped himself away from Sebastian and jumped down the bleachers. "Are you okay?"
he asked frantically as he fell to his knees at Blaine's side, hand going to cradle the back of Blaine's head
while he sat up.
Blaine didn't answer though. Instead, his eyes were shooting fire at someone over Kurt's shoulder.
"What the hell does he think he's doing? He can't touch you - how dare he even come near you. He
knows I'll kill him!"
"Whoa… easy there Rambo," Rick stated kneeling on Blaine's other side with an ice pack and placing a
restraining hand on Blaine's shoulder to keep him sitting.
"Still as graceful as always I see…" Sebastian's drawling voice stated from above them.
Blaine pushed Rick's hand off and stood and Sebastian may have been taller, but at the moment Blaine
was far more intimidating. "Still don't know when to keep your hands off other people's boyfriends I
see," he shot back and Kurt could only stare. He'd never seen Blaine like this and it was really… turning
him on.
Sebastian held up his hands. "Hey, he approached me."
Blaine's eyes raked over the taller boy and Kurt had never seen Blaine look at anyone with so much
disgust before. It was startling. "You're a liar. You wanted him from the moment you saw that he was
with me. You've never exactly been subtle with your jealousy."
Sebastian merely smirked calmly back, although Kurt could see his blue eyes flash with something nasty.
"I can't help it if you don't want to believe what was happening for months right under your nose, and
it's not my fault that apparently you couldn't keep him satisfied."
Kurt's eyes widened as he realized they weren't talking about him - they were talking about Jeremiah.
They had to be. That was the only other boyfriend, the only other boy, Blaine had ever been with. "I've
learned to simply go after the things I want. I find that tactic tends to work best, and in the end… I
always get what I want." Sebastian replied looking at Kurt again and Kurt felt himself physically cringe.
Blaine literally growled and Kurt put a cautious hand on his chest to stop him from doing anything he
would regret. They were already gaining far too much attention, but Blaine wrapped an arm around his
waist and pushed Kurt behind him.
Okay so that was kind of hot.
"You're a spoiled bitch who throws a tantrum when he doesn't get what he wants and can't take no for
an answer," Blaine snapped keeping a hand on Kurt's hip to make sure Kurt stayed behind him. Kurt
jumped at the sound of Blaine's angry voice, his heart leaping into his throat, while a rush of adrenaline
zinged through his veins hotly.
"I didn't hear him say no," Sebastian goaded, eyes glancing at Kurt again, but they quickly went back to
Blaine - obviously wary of what Blaine might do. In fact, Sebastian's entire body screamed caution. It
was obvious he would run before things got physical. Kurt couldn't blame him, Blaine was short but he
had muscle. He'd taken down Karofsky. He could probably do a lot of damage to this boy if angered
"Well the answer is no," Kurt said calmly looking directly at Sebastian. If the guy didn't leave Blaine
alone in the next few seconds Kurt was going to have to get in the middle of this. There was no way he
was letting Blaine embarrass himself in front of his trainer and the rest of the people now watching
Sebastian merely sent him a smile though and looked him over again. "Playing hard to get… that's okay. I
like a challenge and it looks like it'll be worth it."
Blaine jerked and Kurt eyed the boy with as much distaste as he could muster as he held onto the back
of Blaine's uniform tightly. "Oh, I'm definitely worth it, but I can promise you won't be getting it - I don't
shop off the cheap rack." he spoke and wrapped a hand around Blaine's bicep, not even paying attention
to Sebastian anymore. "Come on. I think you've had enough practice for one day and I'm hungry."
Kurt tugged and for one tense moment Blaine didn't budge, still as tense as a bow string, but then he
turned and wrapped an arm around Kurt's waist, pulling him in tight while leaning in to kiss him softly.
"Okay I think I'm done too - is it alright if I take off early?" he asked looking over Kurt's shoulder at his
trainer, while Kurt rubbed a hand up and down his back soothingly, feeling Blaine positively trembling
with intensity.
"Yeah," Rick waved off, already walking over to retrieve his own bag. "You're concentration is shot. I
think we've done all we can today - go shower and get changed."
Blaine kissed the side of Kurt's head and pulled him along toward what Kurt guessed was the changing
rooms. "But my stuff -" Kurt started to protest.
Blaine's arm around his back and his hand on his hip tightened. "We'll get it on the way out, just come
with me," he cut in, voice low and still laced with tension.
Kurt simply followed without another word, wrapping his own arm around Blaine's waist.
"I'll be seeing you later Kurt… nice pants," Sebastian called out, getting in one last dig. Blaine's step
faltered, but Kurt kept walking, arm squeezing Blaine's waist to keep him moving as well. Blaine kept
going, his jaw clenched tight to keep from replying, but Kurt felt Blaine's hand slide down to rest
possessively just on top of the swell of his ass.
"Blaine are you sure I'm supposed to -" Kurt didn't have time to finish his question before he was pulled
into one of the shower stalls and pressed against the wall. His mouth was immediately captured by
Blaine's and Kurt felt his legs give out. It didn't matter though because Blaine's hands were on his waist,
his hips, his thighs, and he was picking Kurt up - hoisting him against the hard tiles and holding him
Kurt moaned raggedly into the kiss, wrapping his legs around Blaine, his arms around Blaine's neck,
tangling his fingers in Blaine's curls, and pulling Blaine's head back so that he could take over the kissing.
Blaine pressed in harder, pushing Kurt up the wall even more, and Kurt could feel him already
completely hard through his thin uniform.
"God Blaine," Kurt gasped, head falling to the side as Blaine's mouth attacked his neck.
Blaine wasn't even attempting to hide the fact that he was trying to leave a mark, and for once Kurt
didn't even halfheartedly complain about having to cover it - he wouldn't be covering this one. Blaine's
hand worked its way between their bodies to palm Kurt through his tight pants until he was just as hard
and Kurt felt like every nerve ending on his entire body was exposed and raw.
Kurt's fingers curled in Blaine's hair tighter, tugging to get Blaine to pull back so that he could kiss him
again. Their mouths connected, rough and hot, tongues sliding and teeth clashing. Blaine pulled his hand
away and Kurt arched up into Blaine's body rubbing both of their erections together to get more
delicious contact again. Blaine's hand hit the wall beside his head with a loud smack to help brace them
while his other hand found Kurt's ass and he squeezed, lifting and pressing Kurt against him even harder
while he rocked his own hips forward.
"Shit!" Kurt hissed ripping their mouths away and smacking his head back against the hard tile behind
him. Stars danced behind his eyes for a moment but Kurt couldn't care because Blaine felt so fucking
good against him. He didn't really want to come in his pants, but holy hell he certainly didn't want to
Blaine was just… intense, as he rutted against him completely out of control - no thought in mind but to
get them both over the edge. Kurt was quickly spiraling into a mess of clutching fingers and needy
whimpers. He pulled at Blaine's top, and Blaine paused for only a second to peel the stretchy material
off of his sweaty body. Kurt made a noise in the back of his throat as all that wonderful tight skin and
muscle was revealed to him. He ran his hands over Blaine's flexing abdomen, up over his chest, and
down his back, clutching him tightly and pulling him closer.
God Blaine was beautiful.
Kurt captured Blaine's mouth again, lifting himself off the wall and leaning into Blaine, causing Blaine to
stagger back a step as he was now forced to hold all of Kurt's weight. It stopped Blaine's hips from
rocking, as he wrapped his arms around Kurt completely to hold him up, but that was okay because Kurt
was dropping his legs from Blaine's waist anyway and pressing Blaine back.
Blaine's back hit the opposite wall and Kurt felt Blaine's breath catch in the kiss, most likely from the
shock of the cold tile against his overheated skin. Then before Kurt could think too much on it he pushed
his hand past the waistband of Blaine's pants and underwear. Blaine arched into his touch, gasping in
shock as Kurt's fingers curled around him, but then he made no other move. Things froze between them
for a long second, their heavy breathing the only sound, and then Kurt slowly began to move his hand.
"Kurt…" Blaine groaned pulling away from the kiss, eyes fluttering, and chest moving rapidly as he tried
to breath. Kurt looked down between their bodies, unable to see anything other than the motion of his
hand through Blaine's pants and Blaine's stomach muscles contracting and shuddering with each move.
It was enough to have Kurt throbbing in his own pants though.
Blaine felt… odd but familiar in his hand all at the same time. It wasn't like touching himself, the angle
was different for one and Blaine was thicker than him, heavier, but from what Kurt could tell they were
about the same length. Kurt knew that he should have been more nervous than he was, considering this
was the first time he'd ever touched another cock, but really he was just extremely turned on.
Kurt looked up to find Blaine's heavy lidded eyes looking at him. Blaine's lips were parted, plump and
wet from their kissing, and his face flushed with arousal. Kurt swallowed thickly, heat flooding him,
causing his entire body to ache and his own groin to tighten deliciously. He kept his strokes firm and
even, adjusting and alternating his hold experimentally, seeing what made Blaine gasp or shudder the
Kurt leaned his elbow against the tile beside Blaine, resting his own weight there and bringing his hand
up to caress Blaine's cheek and run through his hair. He kissed Blaine softly on the side of the mouth,
avoiding Blaine's lips when he tried to turn and deepen the kiss. "I just - I want you to know that I would
never do anything like that to you. I would never hurt you Blaine. I'm yours… completely - just as
completely as you are mine." Kurt whispered, brushing his lips against Blaine's ear.
Blaine whimpered in the back of his throat. "I love you," he choked, as his hips began jerking up into
Kurt's hand. "I love you so much." Then he was spilling over, hot and sticky, against Kurt's fingers and
Kurt pulled him through it just as he remembered Blaine had done for him before.
They kissed lazily for a long while before Blaine lifted himself off the wall and reached for the buckle of
Kurt's pants. Kurt tugged his hands away though and brought them up to his lips to kiss Blaine's
knuckles. "No, that was just for you."
"But -"
Kurt kissed him again hard on the lips before taking a step away. "Take a hot shower, get cleaned up,
clear your head, and relax for a second. I'll wait for you just outside the curtain I promise."
Kurt walked out of the shower stall and waited for the water to cut on before ducking into the one right
across from it and opening up his pants. It didn't take but a few strokes to finish himself off and then
Kurt walked over to the sink to wash his hands. A few guys came in and out to use the bathroom or grab
something from their lockers while he waited for Blaine, but surprisingly none of them gave Kurt a
second glance.
It was an odd experience for him considering that had this been the McKinley locker room Kurt would
have probably found himself locked in one of the lockers by this point, so that the other guys could
"change without being molested". These guys didn't seem to care at all about his presence at all as they
laughed and joked, popping each other with towels and rough housing - some of them even changing
right in front of him without a single second of hesitation.
Of course, Kurt look away anyway, a light blush staining his cheeks despite himself.
"Oh sorry dude am I making you uncomfortable?" One particular guy asked after he'd already removed
his uniform top and was untying his pants not two feet from where Kurt stood. "I can change in the
Kurt was almost too choked up to say anything at all, normally he was the one forced to change in the
shower, but he finally managed to shake his head. "Uh no it's okay. I'll just - turn this way… I'm waiting
on Blaine." He turned his back to the guy and heard the rustle of clothes while he finished changing.
"Okay dude it's safe to look I promise. I'm not a flasher or anything." Kurt turned back around cautiously
but the guy was fully clothed now. "Uh, tell Blaine Trent said hi will you, and that if that Sebastian prick
tries anything else I'll kick his ass for him."
That startled a laugh out of Kurt. "Okay I will."
Trent clapped him on the shoulder much like Finn did sometimes, sort of like his way of hugging, and
then slung his bag over his shoulder. "Alright then I guess I'll be seeing you around…"
"Kurt… cool, well if Blaine likes you then you must be alright, so you're welcome back anytime and if
anyone give you any shit then just send them my way… well unless Blaine decides to handle it, but we
can't have him hurting himself so close to competition - he's one of our best."
"Thank you," Kurt ducked his head smiling softly. It felt really good to be accepted by these guys so
easily and to hear them speak so highly of Blaine.
Trent left with a final wave and the locker room was empty once again. It seemed just in time too
because the water cut off and the towel Kurt had draped over the shower rod disappeared. Kurt backed
away and busied himself with setting Blaine's clothes out for him, blushing as he pulled out a fresh pair
of boxer briefs.
"Oh… thanks," Blaine said just as Kurt laid the briefs over the pants beside the long sleeved, dark blue,
shirt Blaine had packed himself.
Kurt tried not to look up but found that the fact that he wasn't looking made things even more awkward
so he just looked - and then stared. In fact, Kurt was pretty sure his mouth had fallen open, maybe even
a little drool, as his eyes followed a bead of water that dripped from Blaine's hair, down his neck, down
his chest, down his abdomen, soaking into the towel slung low around his waist.
In fact, there was a lot of water that Kurt wanted to follow… with his tongue.
Blaine stood still for a moment, letting Kurt look as much as he wanted, before walking toward his
clothes. Kurt stood straighter as he came closer, even took a step back, and looked away with a faint
blush. "You know you're allowed to look - if you want. I mean, I don't mind." Blaine stated as Kurt saw
the towel being removed out of the corner of his eye so that Blaine could dry himself off a bit more
before getting dressed.
Kurt thought about it, even tried to get his eyes to move back, but he just couldn't - the timing wasn't
right. Anyone could walk in on them and that wasn't how Kurt wanted it to be. He wanted time to really
look at Blaine - to study the way his body moved and reacted beneath Kurt's finger tips, to map every
freckle, hear the story behind every scar, to learn every dip and curve and line… just everything.
"I um… not yet," Kurt finally said lamely, but Blaine didn't comment, merely grabbed his underwear and
pulled them on, and god that's why Kurt loved him. He didn't push. He didn't pressure. He wasn't
disappointed one bit.
Blaine pulled his pants on, leaving them unbuttoned, as he sat down on the bench right in front of Kurt
sill completely barefoot and shirtless. He didn't move to finish dressing, merely sat and sighed heavily,
body slumped wearily and rubbing a hand over his face. Kurt frowned and moved closer, but hesitated
just within arm’s reach, not really knowing what to do yet because he didn't know exactly what was
Blaine reached out though, hands resting on Kurt hips, and tugging him forward to stand between his
knees. He then pressed his face against Kurt's stomach, eyes closing tiredly. Kurt couldn't even find it in
himself to protest about the water soaking into his shirt. He merely weaved his fingers through Blaine's
wet curls, pushing them off his forehead. Blaine sighed again and leaned into the touch as if it had
magical healing powers.
"Blaine what's wrong?" Kurt finally asked softly.
Blaine opened his eyes, arms wrapping completely around Kurt's waist, holding him closer while his
forehead stayed pressed against Kurt's stomach. "I don't know when it started really…" he began and
Kurt merely listened, rubbing and kneading Blaine's back and shoulders comfortingly. "It's all kind of
cliché too. I mean, our fathers were competing before we were even born - school rivals and everything.
They both went to Dalton, competed to be top of their class, in fencing, to get into the best college, who
got married first, who made more money, the best cars, the biggest house… the best son. It just so
happens Sebastian is an only child and we're the same age - therefore that burden fell to me."
"I didn't want to be like that though - I didn't care about any of it. I still don't." Blaine stated in
frustration and Kurt massaged his tense neck and shoulders more firmly, trying to get him to relax.
Blaine's own fingers worked their way under the hem of his shirt, caressing Kurt's warm skin at the small
of his back, and that small contact seemed to sooth Blaine more than anything. "When we ran into each
other at Dalton I tried to be friends with him. I tried to tell him how stupid I thought it all was, but he
just… I think it made him angrier that I wouldn't compete - that I didn't even try."
"He's always been so jealous of everything I did or had - always had to be better, or if not better, then
he had to have exactly what I had. I got into the Warblers right away. It took him three auditions to get
in. We competed for solos every single time and I got all of them. It wasn't something I asked for. I tried
to let others have a chance too, even him, but… but I was the best. The council saw that I won
competitions, so they made me lead soloist, and I'm not apologizing for that."
"You don't have too," Kurt reassured running his fingers through Blaine's hair again. "You're talented,
you're naturally charismatic, you know how to put on a show, and people love you. That most certainly
isn't something to apologize for and if you did I would kick your ass - or have someone else do it."
Blaine laughed softly, lips pressing against Kurt's clothed stomach for a moment, before a frown took
over his beautiful face again. "Then Jeremiah approached me. I'd known Sebastian had a crush on him,
but… he was the first guy to really ever show an interest in me like that and I - I couldn't turn him down.
We started hanging out and well… I guess you know what happened now."
"The few months before graduation I noticed - I noticed something going on between them. Sebastian
wasn't exactly subtle about it. He wanted me to know, wanted to rub the fact that he'd finally taken
something from me in my face, but when I confronted Jeremiah about it he told me that I was just being
paranoid. He told me to stop acting so childish - that if he'd known I would turn out to be such a child he
never would have talked to me in the first place."
Kurt had never wanted to hurt anyone more than he did Jeremiah at that moment and god forbid if he
ever saw the guy again.
Blaine shrugged against him though as if it didn't matter. "So I let it go and I stayed with him for a while
longer. I mean, he was my first, and even though I knew I didn't love him I just - I didn't want to be alone
again just yet. I liked being with someone, but every time I was with him it got worse. I felt so - so used
and just dirty. That's why I broke things off, not because he was going to New York. I lied to you about
that and I'm so sorry Kurt. I just - I couldn't tell you that I had stayed with him even after knowing. I was
just so ashamed of what you would think of me."
"Shh… hey it's okay," Kurt pulled back from Blaine slightly and then climbed into Blaine's lap, straddling
him on the bench. He cradled Blaine's face in his hands so that Blaine was looking at him. "You can tell
me anything. You don't have to hold anything back. I don't think any less of you. In fact, if anything I
want to go rip out Jeremiah and Sebastian's hair." That got a laugh out of Blaine and Kurt leaned in
closer, pressing their foreheads together. "I love you and I would never - never do that to you. I meant
that earlier. I would hurt myself before I did something like that to you."
Blaine's arms wrapped around him tightly again, holding him close and breathing him in for a long
moment. "I trust you. I trust you more than I trust myself and that's scary. I would never hurt you either.
I love you too."
"I know," Kurt whispered as he took both of Blaine's hands and wrapped them around each of his own
wrists before locking them together in front of him. "I trust you too remember."
Blaine shivered as what Kurt was trying to remind him of registered. He let out a shaky breath, thumbs
stroking over the sensitive underside of Kurt's wrists, before leaning in and capturing Kurt's mouth in an
intense kiss that held so much passion and meaning it had Kurt's head spinning. They pulled apart
panting and simply leaned against each other breathing the same air for a long moment.
Finally Kurt pulled away and climbed off of Blaine's lap as sounds echoed from somewhere outside,
reminding them of where they were, but no one came into the locker room just yet. "Your friend Trent
said to tell you hello, and also that he would beat Sebastian up for you if you wanted." Blaine really
laughed this time, as he pulled his shirt over his head, and Kurt's heart filled with joy again at the sound.
“Kurt I need you to focus!” Mr. Schue shouted, snapping Kurt out of his thoughts.
That drew Blaine’s attention and he scooted even closer, nudging Kurt‘s shoulder. “Hey… everything
okay? I was going to wait until after school to bring it up but you have been distracted all day. I know
something‘s bothering you.”
Kurt had thought about not telling Blaine what he’d overheard that morning, but realized that would
only be putting Blaine in even more danger. He’d been holding this in all day and honestly it was eating
away at him in the worst possible way. Kurt felt like he was going to explode if he didn’t say something
to someone. Plus he could never really keep anything from Blaine when his boyfriend was looking at him
with those large hazel eyes, wide and earnest and just wanting to help.
“I umm…” Kurt licked his lips nervously, grabbing Blaine‘s hand and holding it tightly to keep Blaine from
doing anything rash. “I overheard some of the jocks talking this morning while I was waiting on you in
the parking lot.”
“They didn’t do anything did they?” Blaine asked already rising to his feet.
Kurt tugged him back down in his seat while he shook his head. “No, they didn’t know I was nearby or I
don’t think they would have been saying the things they were - or maybe they would have just to scare
Blaine’s other hand came to cover Kurt’s. “What were they saying.”
Kurt took a deep breath and felt himself starting to shake as his throat tightened. “They um - they were
just really mad about losing their last game because I got Karofsky expelled.” It was only for the year
though. Karofsky would be able to come back next year if he wanted to, but the last thing Kurt had
heard Karofsky had transferred and wasn’t planning on coming back.
“Kurt you didn’t get him expelled he attacked you -”
“I know, I know,” Kurt cut in with a shake of his head. “But they still blame me, and you for that matter.
They were just…running their mouths off I guess - just saying things… I don’t think they would actually
do any of it though.”
“What were they saying?” Blaine asked softly, arm going around Kurt’s waist as he scooted closer.
Kurt tried to get his voice to work again and say the words but when he opened his mouth all that came
out was a choked sound, which surprised even him, but he couldn’t stop it and the shaking grew worse.
Blaine’s arms were around him immediately, pulling him against his chest and too his feet.
Everyone else in the room stopped talking. “Everything okay guys?” Mr. Schue asked in concern.
Kurt could feel Blaine shake his head. “No, we need to go to the office.”
“Okay come on…” Kurt felt Mr. Schue’s hand on his shoulder guiding him and Blaine out of the room.
“Finn what are you doing! We have to prepare for our duet!” Kurt heard Rachel hiss as they walked out
the door.
Finn’s heavy footsteps paused. “I’m going to make sure my brother is okay.”
“Finn can you call your dad and tell him to come up here?” Blaine asked as Kurt felt Finn walk up beside
them and he felt himself calming a little more. Finn was just a big guy. His presence alone could make
someone feel safer.
“Yeah dude,” Finn answered taking out his phone. “Hey Burt… yeah it’s Kurt. I don’t know exactly what
happened. He’s not hurt, just shaken up I think…okay see you in a few.”
Kurt felt one of Blaine’s arms leave him and then Blaine was also pulling out his cell phone. “Hey dad I - I
know you’re busy. I’m sorry to bother you… yes sir it is an emergency… something happened can you
come up to the school. I - I don’t know exactly what happened but - just please dad.”
“Okay I need you to tell us exactly what they were saying Kurt,” Figgins stated leaning over his desk with
a serious frown.
Kurt looked around the room at his dad who sat beside him, Blaine who sat on his other side, Mr. Schue,
Coach Sylvester, Coach Beiste, Finn, and finally Mr. Anderson who stood beside where Blaine sat. He
gathered his thoughts, holding Blaine’s hand tightly for support and feeling a little better when Blaine
leaned more into him and squeezed his hand.
“It was some of the football players. They were… they were angry about losing their last game - that
Karofsky got expelled. I think they were just venting their frustrations, but they said - they said that it
was my fault. That I was the one who attacked Karofsky. That I had blackmailed him or something and
they were surprised I hadn‘t tried to rape one of them sooner. They were blaming Blaine too - calling
both of us names… really nasty ones and then -” Kurt cut himself off throat closing up as he blinked
rapidly against the burn behind his eyes.
Blaine’s arm slid around his waist, lips brushing his ear. “It’s okay Kurt. You’re safe. I’m right here and
your dad and Finn are too. You know we won’t let anything happen to you.”
Kurt turned his face against Blaine’s neck and took a deep breath, gathering his chaotic emotions. “They
were laughing and joking about how they could… get rid of us. How they could make it look like an
accident. They said they would be doing everyone a favor. That everyone would be better off with us
gone. That no one would even miss the two… the two…” Kurt couldn’t bring himself to repeat the word
but he thought everyone got it anyway.
“What exactly did they say Kurt?” Mr. Schue asked gently.
Kurt didn’t look at his dad or anyone for that matter, but he could feel the tension and anger seeping off
of Burt and he really wished he would calm down. His blood pressure was probably through the roof.
“They just um… they just said what if - what if in the parking lot after school we were walking by and one
of them just happened to back out, or - or like what if - what if they just threw us in the back of their
trunk and drove to the middle of nowhere and left us there. Then they were talking about running us
out of town, our whole families, burning our house down and just - just… they just kept saying things.”
“Can you give us names?”
Kurt nodded slowly and shakily grabbed the sheet of paper and pen that was given to him.
Blaine stood with Kurt outside the office as the adults talked - or more like Blaine’s dad talked while
everyone else was forced to listen. It didn’t look like the others were getting very much say in except for
maybe Burt who seemed like he was agreeing with Blaine‘s father. It was kind of impressive watching
their two dads working together. They were two very intimidating men, and Blaine would have lied if
he‘d said he wasn‘t filled with pride to see his dad standing next to Burt defending him and Kurt.
“Are you okay?” Blaine asked turning his attention from the glass windows back to Kurt, who was
leaning against the wall, arms wrapped around himself and frowning heavily.
Kurt sighed tiredly and leaned forward against Blaine’s chest, his forehead resting on Blaine’s shoulder.
“I always - I always knew that they hated me, but I never thought they hated me that much. I mean, I
don’t think any of them would actually do it, they were just angry, but… but just the fact that they can
joke about doing it. I’ve gone to school with these people most of my life. I shouldn’t really care though
but… it still hurts.”
Blaine wrapped his arms around Kurt’s back tightly, hooking his chin over Kurt’s slumped shoulder, and
just holding him for a long moment before speaking. “I know it does, but they don’t matter Kurt,
because I love you.” He pulled back and pressed their foreheads together, cupping Kurt’s face in his
hands. “I love you and your dad loves you and Finn and Carole and all of your friends. We all love you
Kurt and we won’t let anything happen to you… I promise.”
Kurt smiled and leaned in and kissed him softly. “You either… nothing‘s going to happen to you either.”
But then Kurt’s eyes dropped again, like he couldn’t look at Blaine - like he felt guilty about something.
Blaine nudged his forehead with his own to get him to look back up at him. “Talk to me.”
Kurt bit his bottom lip and paused for a long moment. “I don’t want to stay here,” he finally answered
Blaine felt his heart clench at the vulnerability in Kurt‘s voice. “We can go anywhere you want.”
“That’s not what I meant.“ Kurt shook his head, eyes falling again as if he was afraid to see the
expression on Blaine‘s face. “I mean, after you graduate this year - for my senior year I - I don’t want to
come back here. I’ve umm, talked about it with my dad already and he said he‘d start saving the money
if it‘s what I really wanted.”
“Where?” Blaine asked, although he thought he already knew the answer.
Kurt’s reply was so low though that Blaine almost thought he hadn’t said anything at all. “Dalton.” A
tense silence followed but Blaine didn’t know what to say so he just stood there and blinked for a
moment. “Please, please don’t think I’m a coward.”
Blaine choked on a noise and pulled Kurt back against him, holding him tightly and kissing the side of his
neck. “God no Kurt. I could never think that about you. You’re the bravest person I know. Is that why
you didn‘t tell me?”
“I just - I don’t want to have to deal with this alone next year. Without you I don’t think I could have
handled it this year. I just - I didn’t want you to think I was running… I - I mean I am but… I’m just tired of
it all Blaine, but I don’t want you to be disappointed in me either.”
“No Kurt I’m not - I’m not I swear,” Blaine answered pulling back so that Kurt could see his face and see
how honest he was being. He could never be disappointed in Kurt about this - about anything really.
Kurt was the bravest, strongest person he knew. He’d already dealt with this for so long - longer than
Blaine had. If anyone deserved to finally feel safe it was Kurt. “Do you - do you want to go now. I could
pay for it -”
Kurt shook his head, grabbing Blaine’s hands. “No, you’re not doing that, the year’s almost over anyway.
It would be pointless to go now and far too much like I‘m running away. It’s most of those assholes
senior year and I’m at least sticking around until they leave first.”
Blaine chuckled softly and leaned Kurt back against the wall, pressing his own body close, and nuzzling
Kurt‘s neck. “Well, I’m not going to argue if it’s what you really want. You will be closer to me after all.”
“Less than half an hour away. We can see each other every day, especially if I get to board at Dalton,”
Kurt replied with a quick kiss. “It’s not the reason I’m going, but it’s certainly a perk. I was dreading only
getting to see you on the weekends - now you won’t be able to get rid of me. That is… if you‘re not
embarrassed with having your private school boyfriend coming around. I won‘t embarrass you around
your older college buddies I promise.” Kurt was teasing, but there was still that small bit of fear in his
words, and it killed Blaine to hear it.
“You could never embarrass me. If anything I’ll be worried about them trying to steal you away from me.
You can come around anytime you want. I‘ll be sad if you don‘t. In fact, you should just move in with
me.” It was out before Blaine realized it, and when Kurt looked up at him, mouth open and eyes wide,
Blaine was pretty sure his own expression was a mirror image.
“Did you just… ask me to move in with you?” Kurt asked breathlessly. His heart felt like it was about to
pound right out of his chest as a rush of excitement hit him hard. “Cause you know the answer is yes of
course. I mean… I’ll have to ask my dad, but I don’t think he will mind really. I mean we’re practically
living together now in my bedroom, and it would save him money if I didn’t have to board at Dalton. I
could get a part time job even to help pay for things. I was going to do that anyway to help dad out, and
we can go apartment hunting, and I’ll need to get my decorating board out, and -”
Blaine’s mouth was opening and closing as he stared at him like a deer caught in the headlights. “Kurt
wait, slow down, I didn’t -”
Kurt’s eyes widened as reality set back in and his heart sank. He pulled away completely mortified with
himself. “Oh god it was a joke wasn’t it. You didn‘t mean it like that did you? I’ll just - we can just forget
it ever happened. It’s okay,” he babbled quickly, trying to calm the panic he could see building in Blaine’s
Of course Blaine hadn’t meant it. Why would he want his high school boyfriend moving in with him
when he’s finally free. Blaine probably wanted to know what it felt like to live on his own for a while. He
didn’t need Kurt taking over his space as soon as he got it. They would share an apartment in New York
if Blaine still wanted to, but then again Blaine had never gotten the chance to taste what living on his
own felt like. Maybe he would even change his mind about that once he finally did.
Kurt had practically lived on his own his entire life. Of course, his dad was around but at the same time
Kurt normally acted more the parent and Burt pretty much stayed to himself unless Kurt specifically
needed him for something. Blaine on the other hand had grown up with brothers and both parents and
relatives always coming around. He’d gone to school at Dalton and boarded with a bunch of boys. Blaine
was just now starting to get a taste of what independence was really like and he didn’t need Kurt
dragging him down.
It wasn’t like they were actually married, there was no real commitment other than they loved each
other. Despite all the plans and pictures and dreams in his wish journals Blaine wasn’t tied to him or
anything. Kurt needed to remember that before he hurt himself really bad. In the end it wasn’t going to
be Blaine breaking Kurt’s heart it was going to be Kurt breaking Kurt’s heart because of his unreasonable
Blaine captured Kurt’s hand as he went to pull away. “Kurt wait I didn’t mean to say that but -”
“It’s fine Blaine,” Kurt reassured shaking his head and offering the best smile he could muster.
“No Kurt it’s not, listen I don’t want you thinking that I -”
“It’s okay Blaine I don’t. I know, I’m sorry I reacted like that. I wasn’t thinking. It’s completely illogical for
us to move in together so soon. I mean, we’re only seventeen, well you’re eighteen and I‘ll be eighteen
too, but that‘s beside the point. You deserve a year on your own. I won’t - I won’t mess that up okay,
and if you still want me to live with you in New York then we’ll talk about it then. You were joking I get
it. Just - just forget I ever said anything.” Kurt tried to amend, completely embarrassed by his overeager
reaction to Blaine’s slip of the tongue.
Blaine made a frustrated sound in the back of his throat. “But Kurt I wasn‘t -”
Their names were shouted at the exact same time and both looked over to see their dads walking
toward them. “Come on we’ve checked you both out for the rest of the day. I don’t think you two need
to be here when it happens.”
“When what happens?” Blaine asked warily as he kept glancing back at Kurt, keeping a tight grip on his
Mr. Anderson placed a hand on Blaine’s shoulder and started to guide him away. “I’ll explain when we
get home… come on I’m following you there.”
“But Kurt -” Blaine protested stopping in his tracks.
Mr. Anderson sighed and even rolled his eyes. “Kurt is going home with his dad. You two will live
spending a couple of days apart. There are some things we need to talk about that you’ve been putting
off… now come on Blaine.” Blaine barely had time to say goodbye before he was pulled away with the
promise of calling Kurt later.
“Hey bud you feeling okay?” Burt asked once they were home and Kurt had changed into some sweats
and stretched out on the couch with Little Mermaid playing - that more than anything told Burt
something more was up than just the bullying. It had looked like Kurt and Blaine were having an intense
conversation before they’d been interrupted, and Blaine had looked extremely reluctant to leave - more
so than usual.
“Yeah…” Kurt answered, but he didn’t sound all that okay. Burt didn’t push though. Carole had told him
to give these things time, not to push right away and see if it worked itself out first or Kurt finally came
to him. She had told him that this was how teenagers in relationships acted and they tended to work
their problems out on their own more often than not. Burt just had to be patient and open in case Kurt
needed advice.
“You wanna hear what they decided?” Burt asked instead staring at the screen. Kurt had watched these
movies so much growing up that Burt knew just about every word.
Kurt nodded and sat up.
“Well next year they’ve decided that it’s going to be mandatory that everyone playing a sport, even
cheerleading, take an anger management course. The guys you wrote down, since most of them are
graduating this year, are going to be required to finish a course before getting their diploma. They’re
looking for a teacher now. I think your Coach Sylvester said she knew a few anger management
instructors qualified for the job.”
“What about the bullying? Taking a class isn’t going to stop that completely.” Kurt asked, even if the
school did something though he was still going to Dalton. It would take more than a year for everything
to start taking full affect and he didn’t want to stick around while they figured everything out. At least
he could be leaving with the peace of mind that thing would eventually get better.
“Mr. Figgins said he’ll talk to the school board and Blaine’s dad gave him the number of some people he
could call - including the Dean at Dalton for information on how they make it work. I also called them…
you’re still wanting to go next year right?”
Burt had honestly been relieved when Kurt had brought it up to him. He wasn’t so thrilled about Kurt
being so far away just yet, but that was something Burt guessed he would have to get used to anyway,
and Blaine would be close by. They were supposed to be faxing him all the information and paperwork
he would need to transfer Kurt over next year, and they were even working with him on a payment plan
so he wouldn’t have to pay it all up front if Kurt got to board - which he should considering the distance.
Kurt nodded. “I told Blaine about it today.”
“And what’d he have to say?” Burt asked wondering if this was what had Kurt so sad. Surely the kid
would have been happy at the prospect of having Kurt so close though. They were nearly inseparable as
it was.
Kurt‘s answer still surprised him though. “He was all for it - even asked me if I wanted to go now, that he
would pay, but of course I told him no. I can finish this year at McKinley with him and next year he’ll be
at Ohio State and I’ll be in Westerville.”
“Kurt you’re not -”
“I’m not going because of Blaine dad.” Kurt cut in before Burt could even finish asking him.
Burt put up his hands in surrender to that argument, because he knew that was the truth. Kurt wouldn’t
make a decision like this just to shorten the two hour drive between him and his boyfriend. He‘d already
been hesitant to even ask Burt because of the money and then there was the fact that he was leaving his
Burt knew Kurt hadn‘t done this one whim. “I know, but I just had to ask because I know why Blaine is
Kurt blushed because he‘d had to explain it to his dad after letting slip that Blaine was staying behind a
year instead of going to New York right after graduation. “I tried to get him to go but… he had some
really good points for staying here, and I - I would have been lying if I‘d said I wasn’t happy that he
decided to stay.”
Burt nodded it was a pretty smart move on Blaine’s part. Burt had expected that Kurt would stick around
too, at least a year after graduation to get everything in order. New York was a big move, an expensive
move, and it would be dumb to run straight there and not to be as prepared as possible. As much as
Burt agreed though he still had his reservations like he imagined any father would.
“I know you two love each other, and I’d be the biggest hypocrite to question that considering your
mom and me. You and Blaine… you’re good together. You’re really good together.“ Burt admitted with a
smile. In fact, he’d never seen a young couple so solid. He and Kurt’s mom hadn’t really been that solid
until after graduation. “You both have good heads on your shoulders. I can see you lasting for the long
haul, that’s why I let the kid stick around so much. I like him and I trust him with you.”
Kurt looked like he was about to cry and Burt almost didn’t finish because he didn’t really know what to
do if Kurt started crying. “I’ll support you - the both of you until whatever happens, happens, but I just
want you two to be careful. Everything right now is good and easy, it’s all puppy love, but when you two
go out into the real world on your own - that’s when things get real. That’s when you’ll be tested the
most. You’re going to have your rough patches just like any other relationship, and I want you to know
Kurt that it all works out okay… if you want it too that is. You guys just gotta stick together.”
Burt guessed he’d said the right thing when Kurt sat up smiling and then stood and hugged him before
pulling back to kiss him on top of the head. “Carole’s working the late shift right? What do you want for
“Are you hungry?” Kurt asked in Blaine’s ear as he stood behind him with his arms wrapped around
Blaine’s shoulders and chest.
“Yeah are you making something?” Blaine asked hopefully turning his head slightly but not taking his
eyes off of the video game he was beating both Puck and Finn at.
“Well I’m not hungry but I figured you might be after helping us move all morning. I got all the stuff
unpacked to make a sandwich.”
“That sounds great,” Blaine sighed, turning to kiss whatever part of Kurt‘s face his lips met first, which
happened to be the corner of his eye. Blaine’s eyes remained on the game though and Kurt chuckled
fondly as he kissed the top of his boyfriends messy curls and stood back up straight.
“Hey dude what about the rest of us! We helped you guys move too!”
Kurt rolled his eyes at Puck, but then glanced at Sam, Mike, Finn, and Artie who were all looking at him
with hope. “Fine…” he sighed. “But you’re all getting ham whether you like it or not! There’s only
enough turkey left for Blaine’s sandwich - and yes Finn I’ll cut the crust off of yours.”
“Awesome bro thanks!” Finn replied beaming, but his smile quickly fell as Blaine made another
touchdown. “Dude! You don’t even play football! How are you so good at this?”
Blaine whooped in victory and Kurt ruffled his boyfriends hair before turning and walking back toward
the kitchen. Finn had just recently started calling him bro and Kurt had to admit, even if just to himself,
that he kind of liked it. He was still getting used to their new house so it took him a moment to
remember where he’d unpacked some things, but soon enough he had the sandwiches and drinks made
on paper plates and cups for everyone.
Kurt grabbed Blaine’s to bring it to him. The other guys could get up and get their own, besides it would
give him and Blaine a few minutes alone, which it seemed like they hadn’t had much of recently with
both of their lives being so crazy and Blaine‘s dad pushing him to major in business and marketing at
Ohio State. They hadn’t even talked about the whole “moving in” comment that was made. Kurt didn’t
want to bring it up though and Blaine it seemed didn’t either. That was fine. Kurt didn’t need to relive
that humiliation again.
“Dude you already asked Rachel to prom?” Kurt heard Puck saying and he didn’t know why but he
paused outside of the door.
“Well yeah, I mean it’s a little over a month away, girls are crazy about this stuff, and she’s been
dropping hints so obvious that I couldn’t even miss them since before Valentine’s Day. I think she
wanted me to ask her then.” Finn answered.
“That’s when I asked Tina… or really she asked herself for me - it was weird,” Mike admitted from his
seat. “Who are you going with?”
Kurt could see Puck shrug. “Thought I’d ask Santana, seems the obvious choice, and I know there‘s no
strings attached with that one. I guess you’re going with Brittany right?”
“Well I’m not going with you if you‘re planning on asking,” Artie shot back in amusement.
Puck threw a pillow at him. “Dude! Totally not what I was getting at… but uhh, not that there’s anything
wrong with two dudes going together,” he added glancing at Blaine, who Kurt really couldn’t see
properly, but so wished he could at that moment.
Kurt and the girls had been talking about this for months though, since before Christmas even. Quinn
was going with Sam and Mercedes had been asked by one of the nicer guys on the football team. It
seemed the only one still waiting to be asked by their guy was him and he’d been dropping hints like
crazy. Even more so since Rachel called to tell him that Finn had asked her, but it didn’t seem like Blaine
was picking up on any of them. Blaine was pretty oblivious sometimes though, so really Kurt found it
kind of adorable.
“So how exactly does that work between two guys? How do you know who’s supposed to ask?” Mike
questioned curiously.
“Well obviously Blaine‘s supposed to ask,” Artie answered before Blaine could and Kurt braced himself
for a girl comment, but Artie surprised him. “He’s a senior, technically it’s his prom. He’s supposed to
ask Kurt…right?”
“Uhh… yeah…” The way Blaine said it though had Kurt frowning and obviously the others caught on too
because a weird tension filled the room.
“You are going to ask him right?” Finn question slowly. “Cause I don’t know if Kurt’s been dropping hints
like Rachel or not, but I’ve heard him talking to Rachel and I know he really wants to go. I mean I think
he‘s even started making his outfit already.” There was a long silence. “Dude! You’re not breaking up
with my brother are you! I mean you could have at least told him before he started making you a
“I‘m not breaking up with him Finn!” Blaine protested immediately and that put Kurt at ease somewhat.
“Good because you know I’d be obligated to beat you up then and that’d be weird. I mean you’re small
and I like you.” Kurt wanted to laugh, but he was kind of too upset for that. “Are you going to ask him?”
“I mean… he has been dropping hints and stuff but I wasn’t actually planning on going to prom.” Blaine
admitted and Kurt felt his heart sinking in disappointment, but he didn‘t let himself get too upset yet. He
knew there had to be a good reason for Blaine not wanting to go.
“Well were you going to tell him that?” Finn asked and Kurt’s heart warmed a bit at the fact that Finn
sounded upset on his behalf.
“Of course I was. I was just… waiting for the right moment to bring it up. I know Kurt‘s going to be really
upset,” Blaine answered with a heavy sigh and he sounded so tired that Kurt‘s heart ached. Was Blaine
really that worried about how he would react? What exactly did he expect Kurt to do?
“Dude I totally get that,” Puck suddenly spoke up. “I mean, I’ve always imagined Hummel to be like one
of those obsessive chicks you go on two dates with and she‘s already talking babies and marriage and
shit. Then you know when you break up with her she like stalks you and chases off every other girl that
might be interested.”
“Kurt’s not like that,” Blaine defended although it didn’t sound like he was putting all that much effort
into the argument. “I - I mean yeah… he can be a little intense sometimes but that’s something that I -”
Kurt flinched, nearly dropping Blaine’s food. He suddenly felt like he’d been slapped.
“Oh my god Hummel is totally a psycho chick isn’t he? I bet he has your whole future planned out for
you in little heart notebooks doesn‘t he?” Puck goaded and Kurt flushed in embarrassment because he
knew it was true and Blaine knew it was true, well except for the notebooks being shaped like hearts,
but at least Blaine didn‘t know about his wedding notebook.
“Oh dude he totally does have their wedding planned out in a notebook under his mattress… oh shit I
wasn‘t supposed to tell anyone about that…” All respect and affection Kurt had built up for Finn died in
that moment as the guys burst into laughter.
“He has our wedding planned out?” Blaine asked quickly, and Kurt couldn’t see Blaine’s expression but
he sounded embarrassed.
Kurt couldn’t stand there any longer and slowly walked back to the kitchen to set Blaine’s food and drink
by the others. He held onto the edge of the counter for a long moment with white knuckles, trying to
get his breathing under control and hold back the emotions pressing down on him. Kurt didn’t think he
was doing a very good job of it though.
“Uhh Kurt?”
Kurt wiped his eyes quickly before turning around to face Sam. “Yeah?” he asked after clearing his
throat, but his voice still sounded off.
Sam hesitated in the doorway, looking uncertain, it was obvious he could tell that something was wrong.
“The uhh - the guys wanted me to come check on the food… are you okay.”
“Oh…yeah I‘m fine,” Kurt moved so that Sam could see all the plates. “It’s all here just tell them they can
come get it.”
Sam didn‘t leave right away. “It’s just… you look like you’ve been crying and I can go get Bla -”
“I’m fine,” Kurt cut in quickly, probably too quickly, but he didn’t care. He just needed to get out of there
- away from them. “You guys enjoy your food okay. I’m just going to go up to my room and listen to
some music.” Then without a second glance he left, going straight for the box he’d hidden in the back of
his closet and ripping through it.
“Dude finally I’m starving - wait where’s the food?” Puck asked pressing pause on the controller.
“Uhh… in the kitchen. Kurt said we’d have to get it ourselves,” Sam answered still standing awkwardly in
the doorway empty handed. He didn’t even have his own food and he was frowning heavily.
Blaine felt his heart grow a little heavier as he sat up, a bitter taste in his mouth at the thought of what
the guys had just been teasing him about. “Where’s Kurt at?”
Sam shrugged. “He said to tell you he was going up to his room to listen to some music but it kinda
looked like he was crying.”
Finn sat up straighter too. “Crying? Why?”
“I didn’t ask exactly. He said he was fine but… I mean, he just looked upset - like really upset… like I think
he might have overheard us talking.” Sam replied shifting uncomfortably on his feet like he didn’t know
exactly what to do with himself.
Blaine felt his insides freeze.
“Shit Burt’s going to kill me,” Finn hissed getting to his own feet, but Blaine was already jumping over
the back of the couch and making his way out the door. He ran up the stairs two at a time, thankfully not
hearing any footsteps following behind him, and paused outside of Kurt’s closed door.
It was odd that the door was closed in the first place because unless Blaine was in there with him or Kurt
was taking a shower Kurt’s door normally stayed open. Blaine thought briefly about knocking but if Kurt
was upset he probably wouldn’t answer, or he’d just tell Blaine to leave. He twisted the handle, relieved
that it wasn’t locked, and slipped inside before closing the door softly behind him so no one interrupted.
Burt and Carole weren’t home and they wouldn’t be back until later that night, so there was no chance
of Kurt getting in trouble because of a closed door and his boyfriend inside his bedroom. Blaine glanced
around the immaculate room but didn’t spot Kurt anywhere. He was about to walk toward the
bathroom when the sound of something ripping grabbed his attention.
Blaine turned toward Kurt’s walk in closet and made his way over with a heavy frown as the sound came
again and again, accompanied by the sounds of sniffling and shaky breathing. “Kurt?” he asked
cautiously stepping into the doorway.
Kurt jumped, startled at the sudden sound of Blaine‘s voice, but he was kneeling on the floor over a box
in the middle of his closet. Blaine couldn’t see exactly what was in it but there were pieces of what had
been in it all over the floor around him. Kurt didn’t answer verbally, there was simply more ripping
sounds. Blaine knelt down, picking up a piece of shredded paper to get a better look, and feeling his
heart drop like a stone and the breath leave him in a rush.
“Kurt what are you doing?” Blaine rushed forward and grabbed the mangled notebook out of Kurt’s
hands before he could rip anymore pages out. It seemed like he’d already gotten through a few of the
notebooks, even the ones that didn’t pertain to just he and Blaine. Kurt let go of the notebook he had
but just grabbed another. “Kurt no stop! Stop it!” Blaine snatched that one away too before grabbing
Kurt by his upper arms and lifting him.
Kurt turned and pushed him hard in the chest though causing Blaine to stumble back a few steps. He
then turned without a word and bent over to grab another notebook, ripping it viciously. “Kurt please…
stop. Just talk to me.”
“Talk to you! Talk to you!” Kurt voice was practically seething and Blaine felt himself wince at the harsh
shaky sound of it. Kurt’s voice was one of Blaine’s favorite things about him and it wasn’t meant to
sound this way. “Why would I want to talk to you when everything you say is a lie!”
Blaine felt like he‘d been punched in the stomach and it took him a second to get his breath back. “Kurt
I’ve never -”
Kurt turned around and threw the shredded notebook at Blaine and Blaine didn’t even try to dodge it as
the paper hit and fluttered all around him. He recognized this one as the one they’d planned their tour
of Europe in. “When were you going to tell me how ridiculous you thought all of this was! When were
you going to tell me how stupid and naive I was being! Where you going to tell me at all?” Kurt snarled
at him, tears falling down his face.
Blaine took a calm step forward. “Kurt I never thought any of that about you or this… I helped you with
this remember,” he stated holding up the one piece of paper he’d managed to catch.
Kurt wiped at his face furiously, arms crossing over his chest tightly, face red with both embarrassment
and anger, as he refused to look at Blaine. “Yeah because you wanted to - to fuck me. I‘ve heard that
guys say and do a lot of things to get someone to sleep with them.”
Blaine froze in shock, just blinking for a moment, and staring at Kurt unable to fully process what he‘d
just heard leave his mouth. Kurt never spoke so crudely and yes he was hurt and embarrassed and he
was bound to say things to try to upset Blaine just as much, Blaine knew he just needed to let it roll off
of him and keep calm, but that had really hurt.
“I - I really can’t believe you just said that to me,” he spoke softly, not even trying to disguise the fact
that his own voice was shaking. Kurt flinched and a look of regret flashed over his features but he was
too angry and stubborn to take it back.
“Well I can’t believe you didn’t say anything to me!” Kurt snapped back, arms tightening around himself
defensively. “You should have told me I was coming on too strong! You should have told me I
embarrassed you! I’ve never - I’ve never done this before, and I’m sorry I was so excited about being
with you, but you should have just told me it’s not what you had planned - it’s not what you wanted!”
Blaine took a calming breath to rein in his own chaotic emotions. He knew eventually they would have a
fight, a big one that couldn’t just be swept under the rug with a kiss and an “I love you”. He knew that
things couldn’t always be sunshine and rainbows for them. They were young and they were going to
make stupid mistakes. Blaine never ever wanted to hurt Kurt, just like he knew Kurt really didn’t want
to hurt him no matter what he was saying, but it was going to happen.
It was happening now.
Blaine realized he had unintentionally hurt Kurt really badly in an area that Kurt was already very
sensitive about. In fact, it was all a misunderstanding, most likely starting with and building from the
whole moving in slip, which Blaine knew now he should have talked to Kurt about. He hadn’t yet though
because he’d seriously been thinking about it since then, and Blaine had come to the conclusion that he
actually really did want Kurt to move in with him.
Blaine just hadn’t found the right moment, or simply a moment alone at all with Kurt, to seriously ask
again and talk about it. Kurt had completely taken that the wrong way, and now it was obvious that Kurt
hadn’t stuck around to hear exactly what Blaine had said to the other guys either.
Otherwise this argument wouldn’t have been happening - right now at least. Eventually something
might have triggered these insecurities in Kurt, but it was happening now, and Blaine was at a loss as to
what to do. He’d never seen Kurt this upset or angry at anyone, and he just didn‘t know how to handle
Kurt like this.
Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He’d missed the last few things Kurt had said to him trying
to figure out what he should say back, and when Kurt finally stopped talking at him long enough to take
a breath Blaine jumped into the currently one sided argument. “Kurt I really don’t know what you want
from me here. If you don’t want me to explain things to you then do you want me to apologize? Because
I’ll get on my knees right now and do it if it’ll help you calm down. Just tell me what you want me to do.”
Kurt made a noise in the back of his throat that was sort of like a muffled scream before looking back at
Blaine with a glare. It was obvious to Blaine then that he’d said the wrong thing. “Calm down? What isn’t
this crazy enough for you Blaine? Isn’t this intense enough for you Blaine? Why don’t you just go back
downstairs and talk some more with your buddies about how much of a clingy psychotic bitch I am
“Go ahead and tell them how I have every detail of our fucking lives together planned out in my stupid
little notebooks. Go laugh some more about it. Go ahead Blaine, it’s just guy talk right? I wouldn’t know
anything about that. I’m never invited to join in and when I try it’s only to fix their fucking food like some
little housewife because apparently I’m such a fucking girl. Go ahead and go back down there so they
can talk and laugh about me behind my back some more while my boyfriend just sits there embarrassed
because of me.”
Blaine sighed and reached for Kurt, but Kurt slapped his hands away, moving past him and out of the
closet. “Kurt I wasn’t embarrassed about -”
“Don’t lie to me! I heard everything!” Kurt walked over to his wall of DVD’s and started pulling down all
of the sappy romance ones - the ones that even Blaine had jokingly teased him about before. He threw
them carelessly into a nearby chair and Blaine winced as he heard more than one case crack as it hit
“Kurt please stop. You didn’t hear every -”
“If I was embarrassing you then you should have just told me! I could have - I could have stopped or
something.” Kurt’s voice choked and Blaine tried to grab him again to get him to stop ruining his stuff stuff that Kurt really loved and that Blaine really loved about Kurt.
“Kurt I didn’t tell you that because I don’t thi -”
“You should have said something before now if I was moving things too fast or if I was acting weird! You
shouldn’t have let me think that you wanted to be with me this entire time!”
“But I do Kurt!” Blaine exclaimed in frustration because Kurt just wasn’t listening to him. He just kept
throwing things and taking things down and putting words into Blaine’s mouth, and it was just so so
“Is that why you don’t invite your friends around?” Kurt asked, pausing as he seemed to come to a
sudden realization. Then he was just ripping things down more viciously, moving onto his cork board
where postcards of New York, maps, and pictures of Broadway were pinned. “God I’m such an idiot for
not seeing it. You are embarrassed by me. You let me meet them once and you never invited them again
because I embarrassed you didn’t I? They probably tease you just as bad as Puck and the other guys do.
I’m the obsessive, clingy boyfriend that everybody laughs and talks about.”
Blaine sat heavily on the edge of Kurt‘s bed, rubbing a hand over his face and not trying to stop Kurt
anymore. Maybe if he got it all out of his system he‘d stop for a moment and listen. “Kurt no you’re
Kurt made another sound of disbelief. “Whatever. I’m over it. I don’t even know why you’re still here.
Why you’re even staying here after you graduate. You know maybe you should go to New York so I can‘t
embarrass you around your college buddies - oh but I forgot you’re too afraid to tell your dad right?”
Anger flashed hot through Blaine’s veins, more intense than he’d ever felt before and he was on his feet
in an instant. “You know what fine Kurt you win!” he shouted, shocking Kurt into turning around and
looking at him with wide eyes, because Blaine rarely shouted about anything, and never at Kurt.
“Wh - what?” Kurt asked, voice no longer dripping with hurt and venom, but Blaine didn’t care.
“You win. If you’re so ready to believe the worst in me and you want me to go then I’ll go.” Blaine
snapped making his way towards the bedroom door.
“Blaine wait! What do you mean by that?” Kurt’s voice was shaking now but Blaine didn’t turn around.
“Exactly what it means Kurt. If you don’t know by now the fucking reason why I’m staying in Ohio after
graduation then maybe I shouldn’t.” Blaine heard a gasp behind him but he clenched his jaw tightly and
wrenched the door open.
“Are - are you breaking up with me?”
Blaine felt his own heart breaking at the sound of Kurt’s voice - so small and vulnerable, and he sighed
feeling his own shoulders slump heavily. “I - no Kurt, but I don’t know how to deal with this right now
and you’re saying things that I know you don’t mean so… when you calm down and you’re ready to
listen then I’m willing to talk to you… but I’m not going to stand here and watch you do this. I love you
okay. You need to learn to love you as much as I do.”
There was a long silence that followed and Blaine couldn’t bring himself to turn around and look at Kurt,
but he could hear Kurt’s hitching breaths, and steeling himself against every instinct he had he walked
out the door and silently drove home.
Written In Lyrics
“Dude! You said you weren’t going to break up with him!” Was the first thing Blaine heard when he
walked into the doors of McKinley High School that next Monday.
“Wh-what?” Blaine asked blinking up at Finn as the other boy towered over him
Finn sighed and let his bag drop from his shoulder before rolling up the sleeves of his shirt. “Man I really
didn’t want to do this. Just – just hold still and it’ll be over in a second okay.”
Blaine dropped his own bag and held up his hands to stop the bigger boy. “I didn’t break up with Kurt!”
he exclaimed taking a step back just in case Finn still decided to swing.
Finn sagged in relief. “Oh dude I was totally about to punch you in the face… wait but if you didn’t break
up with him then why does Kurt think you did?”
Blaine paused in picking up his bag and looked back up at Finn. “Kurt thinks I broke up with him?”
“Yeah dude… I mean he won’t tell anyone what happened. Well he wouldn’t tell me anyway since he’s
not exactly talking to me right now…” Finn admitted shifting guiltily. “But he’s been crying all weekend –
like full on girl crying. He won’t leave his room or eat or sing or watch movies or anything. He just lays
around in sweat pants and one of your cheerleading hoodies and like doesn’t even brush his hair
anymore. Burt is getting really worried, and you’re lucky I told him I’d take care of it or he’d be the one
looking for you right now.”
Blaine stared at Finn for a moment not knowing what to say to the fact that Finn’s way of handling it had
apparently been to beat him up. Then again Blaine thought he’d rather get beat up by Finn than have
Burt Hummel tell him exactly how disappointed he was in him. In fact, Blaine kind of felt like he’d just
been beaten up anyway after hearing Finn describe how badly Kurt was hurting.
“I didn’t break up with him okay,” Blaine reassured once he’d swallowed past the lump building in his
throat. “We just – we just had a fight and we needed a few days apart to calm down and think.”
“Well dude can you tell him that because right now he hates me, and mom kind of needs help with the
wedding. It’s only a week away and when she tried to mention one of their appointments to him over
the weekend he totally burst into tears and locked himself in his room again.”
“I was going to talk to him today,” Blaine reassured. In fact, he’d taken care of a few things over the
weekend and had planned exactly what he wanted to say to Kurt.
“Good just… make him better okay. He’s practically my brother now and I really don’t want to have to
beat you up for breaking his heart. I mean, you‘re a cool guy and you’re kind of tiny - I‘d feel really
guilty.” Finn patted him on the shoulder, which kind of hurt, before walking away and leaving Blaine to
wonder if that had really just happened.
In Physics Blaine finally got his first good look at Kurt and he felt his heart break all over again. Blaine
hadn’t slept much over the weekend himself, but it was so much more noticeable on Kurt who was
usually the picture of perfection. Today his hair was flat though, his outfit completely uninspired, and his
skin too pale to be healthy. He just looked completely devastated, like his whole world had been
crushed. Kurt looked fragile as he sat ramrod straight, shoulders so tense it looked painful, and eyes raw
looking from crying so much.
The sight tore at Blaine, but Kurt refused to look at him although Blaine tried to catch his eye, and was
positive Kurt could feel him staring if the way Kurt kept rubbing a hand over the back of his neck
uncomfortably was any indication. Blaine tried to catch him when the bell rang but Kurt was out of the
room before Blaine could even stand up from his desk. It was hard to concentrate in his other classes
too, and Blaine thought about simply skipping and going to find Kurt with some excuse that he was
needed in the office. Blaine eventually decided against it though and waited until lunch.
Kurt was nowhere in sight when he entered the cafeteria and as Blaine turned to go to the court yard
and see if maybe Kurt was there he nearly ran right into Mercedes. “Boy I don’t know what you did to
him but you better fix it right now or I’ll –“
Blaine held up his hand to stop her. “I’m looking for him. Do you know where he’s at?”
Mercedes backed down a little, giving him a hard look as she crossed her arms over her chest. “No, he
just said he wasn’t hungry and walked off. He won’t tell me what happened exactly, but it’s like he’s had
his heart shattered into a million little pieces and the only person I know with the power to do that to
him is you.”
“I know,” Blaine sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He literally felt like there was a two ton weight
covering him. “We had a fight. It was just a misunderstanding really but he wouldn’t let me explain, and
he – he said some things so I left… I needed him to calm down so he would listen and I didn’t want to get
upset and say things that would hurt him either. I never meant for him to think I was breaking up with
him. I told him I wasn’t. He’s just – he’s so hard on himself you know… I just – I want him to see how
amazing he is. How lucky I think I am just to have him. I don’t understand why he doesn’t see what I
Mercedes sighed and softened completely, taking both of his hands in her own. “Because no one’s ever
shown him that he is. You’re the first boy – first person really who’s ever paid any attention to Kurt like
this. Kurt’s had to fight his whole life to be who he is, to be in someone’s spot light, to be really
appreciated. I know you understand more than any of us what he’s been through with coming out and
being gay and all, but even you don’t understand everything. You still fit in more easily than he does.
Kurt’s – Kurt’s unique, and sometimes that’s hard for other people to understand, and they’ve made it
hard for Kurt to accept.”
“Those are the reasons why I love him so much though… he‘s beautiful.” Blaine sighed, feeling his eyes
prickle hotly. He thought he‘d been doing a pretty good job telling and showing Kurt exactly how
amazing he thought he was, but apparently it hadn‘t been enough. That just meant that Blaine would
have to try harder.
“Exactly,” Mercedes smiled. “Kurt’s opened up more than I’ve ever seen him because of you. He’s
happier than I’ve ever seen him. You’ve made him feel good about himself. The fact that you love him
makes him not care so much what other people think of him anymore. I don’t exactly know what the
fight was about, but Kurt’s self esteem has taken a hit harder than I’ve ever seen it before. He’s been
really hurt.”
“I’m going to fix it I promise,” Blaine whispered, hoping she could see exactly how much he meant it,
because he would. He would do anything and everything to fix this.
“I know you will… but it’s not just you. I know for a fact that the other guys played a major part in it.
Mike told Tina everything. In fact, I blame them more than I blame you… and I guess Kurt has some of
the blame too. I know how sharp his tongue can be. It’s a defense mechanism he has – the only thing
he’s ever really had to defend himself with. Whatever he said… don’t take his words to heart okay?”
Blaine nodded. He’d already realized that. He knew Kurt hadn’t meant to say the things he had. It was
simply Kurt’s way of defending himself. “I’m going to go try to find him.”
Mercedes nodded seriously. “You do that and make my boy happy again.”
Blaine couldn’t find Kurt anywhere and when he walked into Glee Kurt was sitting tensely between
Mercedes and Tina – who both looked at Blaine and shrugged helplessly. Blaine understood though,
their loyalty was to Kurt first, and Kurt could be pretty stubborn. In fact, Rachel and the other girls were
sitting on that side of the room too, even Santana, Brittany, and Quinn.
“Well if it means anything I thought your prom outfit was totally fabulous.” Blaine winced as he
overheard what Brittany was saying. God he felt like such a jerk for not talking to Kurt about that
sooner. He hadn’t known anything about Kurt getting an outfit already though. Prom was still over a
month away and he’d been working his way up to disappointing Kurt by mentioning that he didn’t want
to go.
Kurt shrugged. “It’s Blaine’s prom, not mine, and I’m sure Blaine has a good reason for not wanting to
go. I’ll just… maybe next year.” he replied softly, almost too soft to hear, as he stared down at his hands
twisting in his lap. If Blaine didn’t feel like shit before then he certainly did now. Kurt was actually
defending him.
“Well my offer still stands. You can go with me. We’ll be the two hottest bitches in the joint,” Santana
stated tossing her hair over her shoulder, and in her own Santana way Blaine knew she was trying to
make Kurt feel better, and it reminded him why he was friends with the girl.
Kurt shook his head though. “No… wouldn’t be the same. I just… really wanted my first slow dance with
a boy you know.” He sounded so heartbroken and it was breaking Blaine’s heart too. Blaine felt so
selfish and stupid now. His reason for not going to prom didn’t seem good enough to make up for how it
was making Kurt feel right now.
“Something up?” Mr. Schue asked looking between them in confusion as Blaine moved and took a seat
with the rest of the guys on the opposite side of the room. “I didn’t assign boys verses girls this week.”
“Right because I’m automatically a girl,” Kurt snapped bitterly, causing the other guys in the room to
Mr. Schue looked at Kurt in surprise. “Are you okay Kurt?”
Kurt sat for a moment, arms now crossed over his chest tightly, jaw clenching to hold back something
sharp and nasty while he blinked in a way that told Blaine he was close to tears. “You know what - no
I’m not okay actually. I’m not okay and I’m not going to stay in a room with people who obviously don’t
want me here.”
“Dude wait, no one said they didn’t want you here!” Finn’s voice was one among many as Kurt grabbed
his bag and stormed out of the room. Blaine jumped up to follow but tripped over his own bag and
landed hard on the floor.
“Are you okay?” Mr. Schue rushed over and crouched down beside him as Blaine picked himself up. He
took a moment to assess his body but it seemed nothing was seriously damaged.
Mr. Schue looked up at the rest of the class. “Anyone want to tell me what that was all about?”
The girls immediately turned to glare at the guys who shrank down guiltily in their seats.
Blaine sighed dejectedly while he stood in line and waited for his turn to order. He’d hoped Kurt would
still come here after school like they did every afternoon, but apparently that wasn’t happening today
for obvious reasons. It looked like Blaine would be braving Burt’s wrath to ask permission to speak with
his son. It wasn’t something he was looking forward too, but he would do it nonetheless.
As Blaine paid for his coffee the regular barista at the counter, who he could never remember the name
of, reached across and gave his hand a sympathetic pat. “If it helps I think you’re way hotter than that
other guy he’s with I mean your curls are to die for.”
Blaine stared at her for a long second. “What other guy?” He finally heard himself asking past the
sudden pounding in his ears.
“Oh…” she looked startled, as if she realized she’d said something she shouldn’t have, and her eyes
shifted to look at something to Blaine’s right. “I mean the Dalton blazer is familiar but this is the first
time I’ve seen him in here before and – wait you forgot your change!”
Blaine didn’t care though as he turned and pushed his way through the line behind him. The small coffee
shop was a little crowded, which was normal right after school, but his eyes immediately zeroed in on
the familiar blue blazer with red piping. Sebastian had pulled out the opposite chair at the small table
and pulled it around closer to Kurt. He was sitting on it backwards, straddling it with his arms propped
up on the back, as he practically undressed Kurt with his eyes.
Blaine felt his head ringing as he moved between people and table to get to them.
“So… I‘ll pick you up at six, you’ll wow me in your drop dead gorgeous outfit I‘m sure you‘ve already got
picked out. I’ll treat you to an amazing dinner then we‘ll head to the prom… or you know, we could just
skip that last part all together and get to the fun stuff. I mean, I’m pretty talented if you know what I
mean, and I saw the way you looked at me the other day. I could satisfy you better than Anderson ever
could - at least, that‘s what his last boyfriend told me.” Sebastian was saying and then his hand moved,
boldly resting on Kurt’s thigh and sliding up and in.
Blaine froze with indecision on exactly what he wanted to do to Sebastian first, there were a million
scenarios racing through his mind - each not quite as satisfying as the next. It seemed Kurt had no such
hesitation since a rather loud smack rang throughout the coffee shop. The noise level quieted around
their area and heads turned as Kurt stood to his feet, a gorgeous picture of righteous fury while
Sebastian leaned back, holding his rapidly reddening cheek in shock. It even looked like his lip was
bleeding and Blaine felt a thrill of satisfaction and admiration for the strength Kurt must have put behind
a slap like that.
“Don’t come near me again!” Kurt leaned in and warned before grabbing his bag and walking shakily out
the door.
Blaine turned immediately and followed.
Kurt got to the rental car he’d been driving since the accident during Christmas and fumbled for his keys.
It seemed like the anger was leaving him and the shock of what he’d just done was setting in. Blaine
reached out and took the keys from his trembling fingers and Kurt spun around to look at him, mouth
falling open and eyes widening in panic. “Blaine! I – I wasn’t – he just sat down and started talking – I
swear I wasn’t –“
“I know, I saw,” Blaine replied and then he was pushing forward, pressing Kurt back against the car. For
a brief second Blaine thought Kurt was going to push him away, but then Kurt’s fingers were wrapping
around the front of his Letterman jacket and tugging hard. Kurt arched into him as their mouths
connected, opening up immediately to him, and Blaine pressed in harder.
Kurt made a sound in the back of his throat that was both desperate and relieved. His hands moved
from Blaine’s jacket to his hair, fingers curling into it tightly, and then the next second Blaine felt Kurt
stand a little straighter and his own back hitting the car as Kurt switched their positions. Blaine could
only cling to Kurt now while Kurt tugged his head back and kissed him harder than Blaine had ever been
kissed before.
It was making Blaine dizzy in fact. Kurt covered him, every inch of their bodies that could touch was
touching. Blaine legs felt like jelly as he leaned back heavily against the car. His arms wrapped around
Kurt’s waist to pull him in tighter and Kurt let his weight settle against Blaine completely, pressing him
down against the car firmly. The heat of their bodies contrasting with the cold around them was
amazing. It felt amazing just to hold Kurt again. It was all the warmth and security Blaine thought he
would ever need and he heard himself groan against Kurt’s lips.
Kurt pulled away abruptly and it took Blaine a moment to come back to himself and realize that Kurt was
speaking. “You were right – you were right and I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry Blaine. I was taking everything I
was feeling out on you and I shouldn’t have. You’re the last person that deserved that. I should have let
you explain. I just – I keep things bottled up and I let them get to me. I should have told you how I was
feeling before, and I’m just so so sorry for what I said. I just say things when I’m angry and I didn’t mean
it I swear. I’m sorry for ruining everything. Please don’t break up with me. I love you. Please I promise I’ll
work on –“
Blaine hushed Kurt by kissing him softly this time, glad that Kurt’s drivers side was parked facing away
from the large windows of the Lima Bean and they hadn’t just given everyone inside a show – although
Blaine wouldn’t have minded Sebastian seeing. “Shh… it’s okay Kurt. I’m not breaking up with you. I
never was. I’m sorry if I did something to make you think that and you didn‘t ruin anything okay? We
just - we should talk. We need to talk. I’ll follow you to your house?”
“Okay,” Kurt replied softly, taking a small step back so that Blaine could straighten himself out. He
opened Kurt’s car door for him before leaning in to give him another soft kiss once Kurt was seated
“I’ll be right behind you I promise,” Blaine reassured when Kurt hesitated in cranking his car. He nodded
though and Blaine backed away, closing Kurt’s door, before jogging over to his own vehicle and sliding
Blaine followed Kurt all the way back to the Hummel-Hudson house, going over everything that needed
to be said between them. By the time he killed the engine, grabbed his backpack, and opened his door
Kurt was there, taking his hand and silently pulling him up the driveway. There were no other vehicles
there, which Blaine was silently thankful for. He wanted to fix things with Kurt before smoothing things
over with the rest of the family.
“Do you um…want something to drink?” Kurt asked softly as he helped Blaine remove his jacket and
hung it on the hook in the foyer.
The timid way Kurt was acting around him clenched at Blaine’s heart like a steel vice. It was like Kurt was
walking on eggshells, just waiting for Blaine to snap and end things. He grabbed both of Kurt’s hands in
his own and tugged him forward, pulling him into a hug. Kurt sank against him with a sigh, fingers curling
into the back of Blaine’s shirt, face burying into Blaine’s neck as he took in a deep breath.
“Come on lets go to your room.” Blaine suggested and they went upstairs, Kurt clinging to his hand like
he was scared Blaine would disappear. They left the door cracked incase Burt came home, and then
moved to sit on Kurt’s sofa. “I’ll start…”
“No I should -”
Blaine held up his hand though, silencing Kurt again. “No let me okay.”
Kurt slowly nodded, fear and reluctance reflected at Blaine in his eyes. It was obvious he still thought
Blaine was mad at him, but that was the farthest thing from the truth.
“I love you,” Blaine stated firmly while looking Kurt directly in the eyes. “I love you so much Kurt and I
promise you that certainly has not and will not change ever.”
“I love you too,” Kurt choked, emotions getting the better of him for moment.
Blaine rubbed his thumbs over the back of Kurt’s hands soothingly. “I - I want to show you something…”
he confessed, licking his suddenly dry lips and feeling his heart speeding up as he released one of Kurt’s
hands to reach into his school bag. Blaine pulled out a specific notebook, worn with use, but in reality
the newest notebook he owned - one he’d been too embarrassed to show Kurt before now. He set it on
his lap and turned to the very first page before slowly handing it over to Kurt. “I started this notebook
the day I saw you. Every song in it is about you… about us.”
Kurt looked at Blaine for a long moment, biting his bottom lip, before looking down at the page. His eyes
scanned the lyrics and his breath caught at what Blaine was sharing with him - what Blaine was revealing
to him.
Marry Me
Today and every day
Marry Me
If I ever get the nerve to say
Hello in this cafe
Say you will
“You’re not the only one who keeps a wish journal Kurt.” Blaine said softly feeling like he‘d just laid
himself bare. He‘d never felt so vulnerable in his entire life, as he took in Kurt‘s face while he read the
words Blaine had rushed home to write after seeing Kurt for the first time sitting in the Lima Bean. “Your
notebooks are just filled with pictures… mine are filled with words.”
“I talked to my dad about New York.” Kurt inhaled sharply but before he could say anything Blaine held
up a hand, giving him a soft, sad sort of smile. “I told him I wasn’t planning on taking business at Ohio
State either. He - he didn‘t take it well. I figured he wouldn‘t, but you were right Kurt. I should have told
him a long time ago, before I told him I planned to actually go to Ohio State - I think I just got his hopes
up with that.”
“I’m still sorry,” Kurt replied looking down at their clasped hands. His heart broke for Blaine. Blaine’s dad
was a good man. Kurt didn’t doubt that Mr. Anderson loved his son, but he just didn’t understand. He
didn’t understand how important music and performing was to Blaine - how much Blaine opened up and
expressed himself through his music. Kurt wished Mr. Anderson could just see that. “What did he do?”
“He didn’t do anything actually - just walked off. That’s normally how he reacts when he doesn’t want to
slip up and say what he’s really thinking. Mom told me to give him time to think things over - come to
terms with me disappointing him yet again. It’ll probably take him a few weeks. That’s about how long it
took last time before he could look at me again,” Blaine answered bitterly and Kurt felt tears burn his
own eyes. He wanted to go knock some sense into Mr. Anderson or send his own dad to do it, but at
least the man had refrained from saying or doing anything unforgivable.
Kurt could at least give him credit for that. “Do… do you want to stay here for a couple of days? We have
the spare room now and I know my dad won’t mind,” he offered gently.
“Mike actually offered to let me stay at his place.”
“Oh…” Kurt trailed off trying not to sound too disappointed. He’d even decorated their guest bedroom
with Blaine in mind, all dark tones and masculine furniture. Kurt should have known not to push though.
They’d just sort of made up and already he was clinging to Blaine again.
Blaine sighed at seeing the way Kurt retreated both emotionally and physically as he retracted his hands
from where they had been resting over Blaine’s and folded them in his own lap. “Come here…” Blaine
coaxed, grabbing Kurt by the upper arms and pulling him into his lap. Kurt sat sideways and Blaine
wrapped his arms loosely around Kurt’s waist.
“Kurt I love you and I need you to believe that.” Kurt opened his mouth to protest that he did believe
that but Blaine pushed on. “I need you to believe that you deserve it. I need you to understand that
there is absolutely nothing you have to do to prove yourself to me. There’s nothing you have to do to
keep me. You already have me Kurt. I need you to trust me when I say that I want to be with you. I want
you exactly how you are. There’s absolutely nothing about you that I don’t completely adore. There’s
nothing that embarrasses me - nothing that you should be ashamed of. You’re beautiful Kurt…you
believe me when I tell you that don’t you?”
“I – I… yes I do,” Kurt choked, because he really did.
Blaine would never lie to him. When Blaine said those things, called him beautiful or told him he loved
him, it always made Kurt feel so happy and loved and wanted. In that moment Kurt did believe what
Blaine was telling him. It was just later. When he was alone or when he overheard others whispering
about him. The negativity tended to creep back in and overwhelm him sometimes.
“I just – I know I can be a little overbearing sometimes, and I – I need to work on that. I do it to my dad
too. I - I‘m just so scared of losing either of you. I‘m scared all the time. I just don’t want to wake up and
one or both of you not be there,” Kurt admitted shakily.
It both thrilled Blaine and broke his heart to think of what Kurt was telling him. Kurt’s mom had died
when he was eight and since then Kurt had only had his dad. His dad had been the only person Kurt had
loved who had been able to return that love one hundred percent. The only person to really get Kurt
and accept everything about him - the only person Kurt felt truly safe with.
But now there was Blaine too.
Blaine who was siphoning more and more of that love away from Kurt while simultaneously filling that
vulnerable, bare, raw space within Kurt back up with his own. When Blaine thought of it like that it was
terrifying. Once he had Kurt - he truly had Kurt - for better or worse, richer or poorer, in sickness and
health, til death do they part. Kurt would love him no matter what, even if Blaine left, even if Blaine did
something unforgivable…Kurt would love him because Blaine had a piece of Kurt now and forever.
There were no givebacks.
Not that Blaine wanted too. It was a piece that he would cherish and protect at all costs - no matter how
much it might scare him to hold something so fragile and precious.
“It’s just this is the first time I’ve felt this deeply about someone other than my dad and I never thought I
would – at least not in high school or even college - not ever really. I love you Blaine. I love you so much
it scares me and I don’t - I don’t know how to handle it really so I’m sorry if I come on a little strong.”
Blaine was shaking his head, shaking all over really as his arms tightened around Kurt’s waist as he
buried his face against Kurt’s neck and shoulder for a moment. “God Kurt don’t apologize for that.
Please don’t ever apologize for that. I love that about you. You doing those things, talking about our
future, making those notebooks… you don’t know what that does to me. How happy that makes me.
How much that makes me feel wanted and loved. Please don’t stop doing those things Kurt. Please don’t
stop being excited about us, because I am. I love you too… so much. I want to be with you forever.”
Kurt felts tears prickle hotly behind his eyes and turned into Blaine, burying his face against Blaine’s
shoulder and wrapping his arms around his neck. Blaine held him back just as tightly, kissing the side of
Kurt’s head. “I applied for Ohio State this weekend. I’m going there after I graduate – until you graduate.
I’ve decided not to stay in the dorms. I want to stay off campus, closer to Dalton. My class schedule
won’t be as strict as yours. My commute will be more flexible, and when I go apartment hunting I want
you to come with me. I want us to pick out furniture and wall colors and curtains… I want everything
Kurt pulled back slowly and looked at him with wide, glassy eyes – finally registering what Blaine was
saying. “You want me to live with you?”
Blaine shrugged, but his eyes held a hint of nervous fear. “We can try. It’ll be good to see if we can… you
know before moving to New York. Plus if it doesn’t work out – which I don’t see any reason why it
shouldn’t – but if it doesn’t Dalton’s still right there. You can always stay there if you want to leave.”
Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine slow and deep for a moment, sighing contentedly before pulling away
again. “I’m still sorry for yelling at you and for how I said what I said. I should have never used
something so personal against you.”
“You were hurt. It’s understandable Kurt,” Blaine soothed, running his fingers along Kurt’s cheek.
Kurt shook his head. “That’s no excuse. You’re the last person I should ever yell at. You didn’t deserve
that, and especially what I said. You trusted me and I threw it right back in your face and I just – I feel so
so horrible. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you had broken up with me.”
“Well that’s not going to happen any time soon - ever actually. It would take more than a little fight for
me to even consider that an option.” Blaine leaned up and kissed him softly. “But if you need me to say
that I forgive you then I forgive you Kurt. You were right, I was being a coward about it and I needed to
talk to my dad.”
“Yes the way it was pointed out to me wasn’t… pleasant. I think it would have hurt no matter how you
or anyone else had said it to me because it was the truth, and deep down I’d known I was just hiding
from the inevitable. I just didn’t want to think about it until I absolutely had to. Now that it’s done
though and out of the way I feel better – like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It’s something I
should have done a long time ago – something I should have never kept a secret in the first place.”
Kurt sighed and leaned more heavily against Blaine’s chest. “I don’t like fighting with you… can we never
do that again?”
Blaine chuckled softly and kissed the side of Kurt’s head again. “That sounds nice, although at some
point down the line it will probably happen again, but… just promise me you will talk to me Kurt and I
promise to always do the same. I know I can be pretty oblivious sometimes, and I’ll work on that, but
you can’t keep things bottled up. I can’t help you, soothe your fears, if you don’t tell me what’s
bothering you.”
“I know, I promise I will…” Kurt answered, twisting his upper body more into Blaine and snuggling closer
as Blaine’s hands rubbed up and down his back. “I just – I’m used to dealing with everything alone. My
dad already worries too much and I’m just getting used to having Carole around to take care of him
now. I’ve always sort of had to take care of myself and him, and now I don’t have to take care of him
anymore… it’s just me.”
Blaine tugged Kurt’s head back and kissed him. Kurt turned the rest of his body until he was straddling
Blaine and pressed closer with a sigh while he opened his mouth and the kissed deepened. Kurt pushed
in harder, breathing deeply through his nose, massaging his tongue along Blaine’s and feeling his toes
curl in his boots as heat began to coil low in his abdomen.
Blaine began to pull back though, eyes dark and heavy as he looked at Kurt full of so much love that Kurt
felt like he couldn’t breathe. “I’ll take care of you,” he stated so sure of that fact that Kurt could only
stare back and nod.
Blaine leaned up and kissed him again, this time pressing up into Kurt while pulling Kurt down with the
arm he had wrapped around his back. Kurt arched into Blaine, clinging to him and gasping into the kiss
as his body went from zero to a hundred in only a few seconds.
“Blaine wait – wait… stop…” Kurt pulled back panting, pushing Blaine back with a hand on his chest.
Blaine blinked up at him dazedly. “Yeah… yeah we should take things slower for now and –“
No,” Kurt protested instantly. “That’s not what I meant. Not what I meant at all. I meant that – that I’m…
ready.” He cleared his throat and took a steadying breath before looking at Blaine and trying again trying to convey what he meant with his eyes. “I’m ready Blaine.”
“Oh…” It seemed like it took Blaine’s brain a moment to catch up with the conversation and when it did
his hands held Kurt tighter. “Oh… okay… yeah?”
“Yeah,” Kurt answered with a firm nod and a soft smile, because Blaine was adorable when he was
Kurt blushed furiously as a sour looking old lady stared at him from across the aisle. He could feel her
judging him while he held a box of condoms and read the back. Finally his embarrassment turned into
annoyance and he stared right back. “If you’re worried about me knocking someone up then don’t – last
I checked two men couldn’t get each other pregnant.” She looked like she was about to faint and Kurt
felt a smug smile stretch across his face. “That’s right I’m gay and so is my gay boyfriend and we’re going
to be having very gay sex soon, so you can take your judgmental look somewhere else because I don’t
The lady huffed and turned her cart with a glare. “God will judge you,” she muttered but Kurt still heard
it and he felt his cheeks flush with anger.
“Yeah well I would care if I wasn’t an atheist!” he shouted at her back and he’d never seen an older
person move quite so fast.
There was a chuckle behind him and then the sound of slow clapping and Kurt spun around feeling his
face flood with color at the sight of Sebastian watching him with amusement. “Well that was
entertaining,” he commented stepping close enough Kurt could smell his cologne as he reached a hand
past Kurt’s head to pull something off the shelf. “I’d recommend this brand… although if they’re for
Anderson you might want to go for a smaller size.”
Kurt pulled away from the other boy, who apparently didn’t know the meaning of personal space and
held up the box he’d already been holding. “No, I think I have the right size.”
This was so embarrassing, but Kurt wasn’t going to let Sebastian run him off. He was doing this and he
was proud to be doing this with Blaine. It wasn’t about sex with them. It was about love, about giving
himself completely to someone – giving Blaine something that no one else would ever get. This was
about showing Blaine how much he trusted him, how much he loved him – there was nothing for Kurt to
be ashamed of and he wouldn’t let anyone make him feel that way.
In fact, Kurt actually pitied Sebastian for obviously never having had this.
Sebastian‘s smirk fell a little as he glanced at the box again. “You’re lying.”
Kurt shrugged and turned back to the shelf to look at the different varieties of lube now - which there
wasn‘t many choices considering he was in a grocery store in the middle of Lima Ohio. He hadn‘t quite
been able to sum up the nerve to go into the sex shop down the street though so the normal stuff would
have to do. “I’ve held it in my hand. I’m pretty sure my measurement is accurate.”
Sebastian’s eyes lit up and a slow smirk spread across his lips. “Well then maybe I should reconsider
Anderson as an option then. I gotta admit his whole gentleman routine is rather appealing.”
Kurt whirled around to face Sebastian and felt a small bit of satisfaction as the boy took a step back. “Go
near Blaine and I swear your mother won’t even recognize you after I’m finished with your face,” he
warned completely serious.
Sebastian threw his hands up in surrender but he was chuckling and Kurt’s irritation grew. “You are
frisky… don’t worry you can keep him. I’m more interested in you - even more so now that I assume all
of this fumbling around in the grocery store’s pharmacy aisle means you’re still a virgin… that’s so hot. I
could teach you things Anderson’s too much of a gentleman to try.”
“No thank you. Blaine’s doing a pretty good job already.” Kurt turned to walk away but Sebastian
stepped in front of him. “Didn’t you get the hint in the coffee shop or do you need a reminder because
next time my hand won’t be open when it connects with your face.”
“It’s okay I like things a little rough… I bet Anderson is a complete push over. I heard he just lays there.”
Kurt felt his fingers curl into a fist, but he didn’t swing. He wasn’t going to let Sebastian get under his
Kurt smiled coldly instead. “Quite the opposite actually… in fact I should be thanking you considering the
last two times we ran into you Blaine pinned me to a shower wall and then to my car - jealousy tends to
get him riled up.”
Sebastian snorted in disbelief. “Anderson? Yeah right he’s too much of a -”
“Gentleman?” Kurt finished for him. “Yes, Blaine is, and that is exactly why he’ll be a better man than
you will ever be, and also why he’ll have something you will never have.”
“You’re virginity?” Sebastian stated with a roll of his eyes, showing Kurt exactly how insignificant he
thought it was to save yourself for the right person.
“That too…” Kurt nodded, walking past Sebastian before turning to look back at him over his shoulder,
letting his eyes rake over the other boy from head to toe in distaste. “But I was going to say dignity.”
Blaine lazily ran his fingers around Kurt’s left ankle as they lounged on Kurt’s bed working on their
respective school assignments. Kurt was sitting up against the headboard reading his French book, while
Blaine lay opposite on his stomach with his math homework spread out before him. After a few more
silent moments Kurt sighed and shifted restlessly. Blaine let his hand wrap around Kurt’s ankle before
rubbing his palm up the back of Kurt’s calf firmly, pushing up the loose fitting lounge pants Kurt was
wearing to just under his crooked knee.
On the second pass up though Blaine paused and looked at Kurt’s leg in surprise. “You shave your legs?”
he asked, wondering why he had never noticed that before - then again now that Blaine thought about
it he rarely got to see or touch Kurt’s bare legs considering Kurt never wore anything but pants.
Kurt sat up quickly, pulling his leg back, as a light blush warmed his cheeks. “I - sometimes…” he finally
trailed off realizing there was no point in denying it. “Just when it starts bothering me. I - I don’t like a lot
of body hair - I mean on you it’s perfect! I like yours. It‘s very sexy actually…” Kurt corrected, blushing
deeper and Blaine tried not to laugh.
Blaine push himself up to his knees and turned to face Kurt. He then grabbed Kurt’s leg again and lifted
it up, pushing the material of Kurt’s lounge pants up and over his knee. “You just shaved them a while
ago in the shower?” he questioned gazing in fascination at the pale, hairless, silky looking skin. Really
Blaine wasn’t surprised. He’d known Kurt kept his body hair to a minimum… everywhere.
“Ye - yeah… yes.” Kurt answered, swallowing thickly as Blaine brought his leg closer and rubbed his
stubbly cheek over the sensitive skin and breathing in deeply.
“Your skin always smells so amazing…and I like it smooth…” Blaine murmured, pressing his lips to the
side of Kurt’s calf. Kurt felt himself shiver and Blaine smiled against his skin, kissing a path up to Kurt’s
knee. “I think it’s very sexy actually.”
Blaine grabbed Kurt by his thighs and tugged him over and down the bed some until both of Kurt’s legs
were bent on either side of him. He then pushed Kurt’s other pant leg up and over his knee, so that he
could run both hands up and down Kurt’s smooth legs while he leaned forward to capture his lips.
Kurt gasped and arched into the kiss, hands immediately going to Blaine’s hair to tug while he opened
his mouth and Blaine pressed in deeper. Blaine’s hands ran, warm and dry and rough, up Kurt’s legs as
far as they could go before holding him there just under his thighs right above the knee.
Blaine pressed his body closer while kissing him hard and Kurt heard himself whimper, but then Blaine
was pulling back and resting their foreheads together as they both caught their breath. “I want you so
bad…” he breathed hands still moving up and down Kurt’s legs, grabbing and kneading and scrapping.
Kurt let his head fall back against his pillows with a groan of frustration. They hadn’t been able to come
up with a time to… do it. In fact, they hadn’t been able to do much of anything recently with the
wedding approaching fast and both of them just being so busy. Kurt had yet to even tell Blaine that he’d
gone out and bought some supplies or about his run in with Sebastian.
“Maybe we should just… get a hotel for a night? Mercedes will cover for me and -”
Blaine was shaking his head though. “I don’t want you lying to your dad.”
“Well I’m certainly not going to tell him! It‘s bad enough he walked in on us making out the other day.
He hasn‘t been able to look me in the eye since.”
“I know, that’s not what I meant.” Blaine laughed at Kurt’s horrified expression and at the remembrance
of Burt walking in on them at the garage after they’d thought Burt had gone home for the day. Of
course, it hadn‘t been very funny at the time but Kurt had been irresistible in his coveralls, bent over the
engine of a classic Mustang while covered in grease and sweat. How did the universe expect Blaine to
not push him down over the hood and ravish him. “I only meant that… well I kind of had a plan…” he
trailed off with a light blush of his own.
Kurt cocked his head curiously, feeling his heart fluttering wildly in his chest. “Really?”
Blaine shrugged. “Yeah, I want to make it special for both of us and… I thought maybe the lake house
would be nice. You liked it there right? The place is sort of… special and we can make a weekend of it. I -
I mean not a weekend of - of sex.” He quickly corrected blushing harder. “I don’t expect - I mean. I just
meant well… that we could you know… relax and not rush things. We could enjoy each other.”
Kurt leaned up and kissed Blaine lingeringly, wondering again how he’d gotten so lucky to find someone
so perfect. “I think that sounds perfect.”
Grand Gestures
“Blaine!” Kurt shouted from downstairs where he and Finn were getting ready to head to the church to
get dressed with the other guys for their parent’s wedding.
“Yeah?” Blaine yelled back down the stairs while he checked his hair in Kurt’s bathroom mirror one
more time.
“I forgot my cummerbund. It should be in a box in my closet. Can you get it for me and bring it down?”
“Sure, just give me a minute and I’ll meet you guys at the car.” Blaine turned and walked back over to
Kurt’s walk in closet. He looked for a fancy box, similar to the ones Kurt’s other things for the wedding
had come in, and thought he spotted it on the top shelf of a clothes wrack. Blaine grabbed it and took it
down but froze as he recognized the name. He’d read enough vogue to know what this box meant and
his mind blanked at the same time his mouth went dry and his blood pressure skyrocketed.
Why would Kurt have…
Maybe it wasn’t even Kurt’s? Maybe it was just a box of… stuff and not even what Blaine was thinking.
Blaine blinked down at the box though for a good five minutes not knowing what to do. He’d been in
Kurt’s closet many times before and had never seen any sign of it. Therefore, for it to be out meant that
Kurt must have used something from it… and oh god Blaine couldn’t be thinking about that right now.
Blaine tried to mentally talk himself into putting the box back but… he was so fucking curious. It was
eating away at him and if he didn’t look there was absolutely no way he would be able to concentrate
on anything else… he probably wouldn’t be able to anyway though - if this box meant what Blaine
thought it did.
Admittedly, he had wondered about this - what with some of the pants Kurt wore Blaine knew that
there couldn’t be much underneath. Maybe it was a robe though or socks… did they even sale socks?
Blaine bit his lip and glanced around the silent room feeling a bit guilty and anxious as he slowly lifted
the lid of the Agent Provocateur box.
His breath caught in his throat and Blaine slammed the lid closed again, blinking rapidly at the clothes
hanging in front of him and shifting on his feet as a wave of arousal hit him hard. After a long moment,
gathering his thoughts and controlling the images threatening to take over, Blaine reopened the lid fully prepared this time for what he would see.
The condoms and lube obviously didn’t belong with the underwear in the box, and both of those items
looked new and unopened. It was the underwear that really captured Blaine’s imagination though - thin
and lace and satin. There were only about five or six pairs, each a different type Blaine supposed,
although he was no expert on women’s underwear himself, but god could he imagine each of them on
Kurt’s pale and perfect body - maybe Kurt was even wearing a pair right this second .
Blaine jumped about a foot in the air, snapping the lid close and practically throwing the box back on top
of the shelf.
“Did you find it?” Kurt called from the bottom of the stairs.
Blaine looked around quickly for another box, finally spotting it and snatching it up. “Yeah - yes I got it.”
he answered, thankful that his voice didn’t sound as shaky as he felt. His heart was practically pounding
out of his chest.
“Well come one we’re going to be late!” Kurt shouted back up to him and Blaine took a deep breath,
trying to gather himself and his thoughts as he prayed to whoever would listen for the strength to make
it through this.
“Get it together!” Blaine hissed at himself as he caught his eyes wondering over to Kurt, who had been
rushing around and ordering people around since they’d arrived at the church.
Despite the reprimand though Blaine found his eyes lingering again in a place that was totally
inappropriate for a church. He couldn’t help it though, ever since finding the lingerie box in Kurt’s closet
Blaine’s mind seemed to love throwing random images at him of Kurt wearing the things he had seen.
What if Kurt was wearing something silky or lacey or both right now?
What if it turned Kurt on to feel the delicate material pulling and rubbing against him every time he
Was he getting turned on right now just like Blaine was thinking about it?
“Man…” Finn was suddenly standing beside him, shifting on his feet with an uncomfortable look on his
“Are you okay?” Blaine asked, thankful for the distraction. His thoughts about Kurt had been getting
more and more inappropriate the longer he just stood there.
“Yeah it’s just…” Finn’s face scrunched up and he shifted again. “It’s just normally I’m a boxers kind of
guy. I mean, I like my stuff loose you know, but Kurt said I couldn‘t wear boxers with dress pants
because they bunch up or something like that. He bought me these new kind but they‘re like restricting
and itchy and I think I‘m starting to sweat. There‘s just no room for air circulation man.”
Blaine just blinked up at the taller boy unable to think of anything to say. That was way more
information than he had ever wanted to know about Kurt’s soon to be stepbrother. He was sort of used
to it since conversations tended to get a little raunchy and personal in the locker rooms after football or
even gym, but this was more than a little uncomfortable considering the circumstances and their current
Thankfully, Blaine wasn’t required to come up with anything to say in reply because Rachel came up to
them and snatched Finn away to go talk to Carole before the ceremony started. “You okay you look like
someone just slapped you?”
“Have you seen Kurt?” Blaine asked Santana, needing something to wipe the image Finn had put in his
head away.
“Yeah, I just saw him go into the men’s bathroom around the corner.” Santana pointed over her
shoulder and Blaine took off before she had the chance to say anything else. He opened the bathroom
door and saw Kurt drying his hands at the sink. Quickly bending down to check for feet under the stalls
Blaine grabbed Kurt around the waist and spun him.
Hey wha -” Kurt was cut off as a pair of warm lips captured his own. The taste and feel and smell
instantly honed him in on the fact that it was Blaine and he pulled Blaine in close for a moment before
pushing him back. “Wrinkles - Blaine wrinkles!”
Blaine didn’t care though and pushed back in, molding his body to Kurt’s and kissing him enthusiastically
until he felt Kurt stop caring too.
Kurt arched up into him, breathing deeply through his nose as his fingers curled around the back of
Blaine’s neck, thumbs caressing his jaw. Blaine felt his own fingers twitch longingly against Kurt’s lower
back, brushing the edge of Kurt’s pants, but the black leather belt Kurt was wearing prevented them
from moving any lower.
This would be the prime opportunity to sate his burning curiosity and see what Kurt was really wearing
underneath, but then again it wouldn’t be because Blaine didn’t want to embarrass or make Kurt
uncomfortable by bringing it up when it was obvious Kurt felt like he needed to keep it a secret.
Finally, they pulled apart - Kurt’s lips plumper and redder, his face flushed, and his eyes bright. “Not that
I’m not really enjoying this - in fact it’s kind of number three on my list of places I want to… have
relations… but what brought this on?”
Blaine pulled back and looked at Kurt, lips twitching up in amusement at the use of relations and the
confession. “You have a list of places you want to have sex? When were you going to show me this?”
Kurt blushed and rolled his eyes. “Not the appropriate time Blaine and you didn’t answer my question.”
Blaine stepped back and Kurt straightened his shirt before grabbing his jacket, which had been hanging
over one of the stalls. Without even thinking about it Blaine took the jacket from Kurt’s fingers and held
it out for him to slip his arms into. Kurt sent him an adoring smile and Blaine felt his ears turn pink. He
couldn’t help it, these sort of actions were just ingrained in him, but even though Kurt teased him from
time to time about it Kurt also told Blaine how much he loved it and how special it made him feel.
“I just uhh… had a disturbing conversation with Finn about his underwear.”
“Is he still complaining about that! It’s only boxer briefs he’s lucky I didn’t make him wear something
smaller and tighter.” Kurt huffed in annoyance.
“It was more information than I ever needed to know about what goes on in your brother’s pants,”
Blaine replied, causing Kurt to laugh in amusement, and taking the chance Blaine grabbed Kurt’s hips
and tugged him in close. “Now what goes on in your pants… I’m insanely curious about.”
Kurt’s cheeks flushed red and his eyes fell away from Blaine’s face. “I uhh… not the appropriate time
Blaine laughed and kissed the tip of Kurt’s nose to show that he was teasing and not going to push. He’d
try to find another time to bring it up when Kurt didn’t have a million things on his mind and a million
things he was supposed to be doing. Also he would preferably bring it up somewhere else that didn’t
hold the chance of them being walked in on or interrupted at any second, because Blaine didn’t just
want to know he wanted to see .
“We should probably go back out there huh?”
Kurt nodded kissing Blaine in apology before pulling completely away. “I need to make sure Finn and the
other guys don’t mess things up too badly. Maybe I can keep the collateral damage to a minimum.”
“Everything’s going to be perfect. You’re perfect.” Blaine soothed knowing how nervous Kurt had been
about this the last few days. Everything was so beautiful though and so far running smoother than
Blaine thought it should be; which was a testament to just how talented Kurt was.
Kurt rolled his eyes and sent Blaine a smile over his shoulder as he grabbed his hand and pulled him
from the bathroom. “You’re delusional.”
Blaine followed but crowded Kurt from behind as they walked, unable to keep his distance, but Kurt
certainly didn‘t seem to mind. “Maybe but that doesn’t mean I’m any less right about this.”
Kurt snorted and shook his head, but Blaine could see that his words meant a lot to Kurt. He walked a
little taller, smiled more confidently, and ordered everyone around like he knew he was better than
them. Blaine just watched Kurt in his element with an adoring gaze and felt his heart beat a little faster
every time Kurt happened to pause and glance his way.
The ceremony itself went off without a hitch and Finn’s best man speech was humorous but endearing
while Kurt’s was flawless and heartfelt as Blaine had expected. Then Mercedes got up to sing the first
dance and after watching Mr. and Mrs. Hudson dance for a moment Blaine made his way over to where
Kurt had walked off to the side with Finn.
“Excuse me?” Kurt jumped and spun around when Blaine spoke right next to his ear and Blaine smiled in
amusement while he held out his hand. “May I have this dance?”
Kurt’s eyes positively lit up and Blaine felt a thrill of accomplishment at the look of happiness he had put
there. “Well I don’t know… you see my boyfriend is the jealous type.”
“Oh is he now?” Blaine took Kurt’s hand and tugged him in close, slipping an arm around his waist. “I
guess I’ll just have to take my chances then.”
Kurt nodded with a barely contained grin as he wrapped one hand around Blaine‘s bicep. “Yes, but I
must warn you he’s pretty strong. He‘s got all this muscle. It‘s rather nice when he holds me close or
takes his shirt off.”
“So you’re only using him for his body then?” Blaine asked, trying not to show exactly how much Kurt’s
words had just boosted his ego. He started moving them around other couples on the dance floor. Kurt
easily fell into step with him, completely trusting Blaine to lead him. They’d always moved together so
seamlessly though, and each step was almost an afterthought as they remained wrapped up in each
Kurt shook his head, eyes sparkling with happiness and humor. “Oh no, you see he comes from money
too. I‘m just waiting for him to inherit his trust fund when he turns twenty-five.”
Blaine tilted his head back and laughed. “You’re going to be high maintenance aren’t you?“ Kurt merely
nodded and Blaine’s arm around his waist squeezed him tight for a second while he spun them. “So he’s
got a body and money. I guess you won‘t be leaving this boyfriend any time soon then?”
“Oh he’s definitely a keeper. I’d be an idiot to let him get away. In fact, he‘s kind of perfect.”
“Oh?” Blaine questioned raising a disbelieving eyebrow.
Kurt nodded though, arm curling around Blaine‘s neck as he moved in even closer. Their eyes locked
intensely and their faces were so close they were breathing the same breath. “Yes, he’s got the body
and money going for him, but he’s so much more than that. He’s talented and passionate. He’s going to
have the world on its feet cheering for him. He’s got this charming smile too and the most beautiful eyes
I’ve ever seen.”
“He’s the perfect gentleman - always treats me like I’m something special and makes me feel like the
most beautiful person in the world when I‘m with him. He makes me very happy. I‘m completely in love
with him. I think I fall more in love with him every day and I’m so lucky he’s mine - so proud to be with
him. He takes my breath away.”
Blaine just stared at Kurt breathless and moved as Kurt looked back at him steadily with a soft smile.
Then Blaine leaned forward and buried his face against Kurt’s neck and wrapped both arms around his
waist tightly, feeling himself shaking with the power Kurt’s words had over him. Kurt‘s arms slid around
his shoulders and Blaine had never felt safer or more wanted in his entire life.
No one had ever said anything like that to him.
No one had ever loved him as much as Kurt did.
“How are you doing?” Blaine whispered against Kurt’s ear as he handed him a drink.
Kurt sighed and leaned into Blaine’s side while they stood by the dance floor and watched other couples
dance. “Great… everything went great, better than I expected, and I loved every minute of it but I’m so
glad it’s over.”
“It was a beautiful wedding. I heard a few people asking Carole and your dad who their planner was.
They think they must have paid a fortune for it. If Broadway doesn’t turn out to be everything you
dreamed of then I guess you always have this to fall back on.” Blaine teased but there was no doubt in
Blaine’s mind that Kurt would make it on Broadway. “Or houses… mom called me this morning to wish
your dad and Carole well. She’s distracting herself by redecorating the house and she’s following all of
your suggestions. She says her friends have been begging her for your number.”
Kurt blushed and smiled in pleasure. “I just gave her some color suggestions and emailed her a few
things… she also might have called me a few times while she was out shopping and I might have ran into
her at the mall a few weeks ago.”
Blaine chuckled softly and wrapped an arm around Kurt’s waist. “Should I be worried about you two
spending time together. I mean, I might start feeling left out.” Kurt laughed and pushed Blaine playfully.
Blaine simply caught his hand and tugged him closer to give him a light kiss. “I love that you two get
along so well. It makes me very happy.”
“Yes well your mother as it turns out is quite the fashionista. She likes to shop as much as I do and she
has very good taste.”
“My mother has very expensive taste,” Blaine corrected flatly. “It’s hilarious to watch dad’s face every
time he gets his credit card bill at the end of the month, but of course he can never really say no to her.
It’s apparently a weakness we Anderson men have.”
Kurt set his glass of punch on a nearby table and turned in Blaine’s arms, wrapping both of his around
Blaine’s neck as another slow song started. “Well that’s a good thing to know… not that I would ever
exploit that weakness to my benefit or anything.”
Blaine laughed again, pressing his forehead to Kurt’s shoulder and wrapping his arms around his waist
while they danced. “Of course you wouldn’t… but I would. I will give you everything you want Kurt I
Kurt turned his head and pressed his lips against Blaine’s temple and down to his ear. “But I already
have everything I want right here,” he whispered and Blaine’s arms tightened around his waist, holding
Kurt as close as possible - as if just an inch between them was too much for him to take. “Everything else
is just… everything else.”
“If I didn’t know any better I would think they were the ones who had just gotten married,” Carole said
to Burt, nodding for him to look at where Kurt and Blaine stood, cuddled close and whispering to one
another. They weren’t slow dancing as much as they were simply holding each other as close as
Burt looked at his new wife then back at Kurt who he knew shared the same look in his eyes as he
looked at Blaine. “All we’ve got that they don’t is a piece of paper - and a mortgage.”
Carole nudged her new husband affectionately. “You don’t seem too upset about that?”
“I figure as long as Kurt’s happy it’s not my business - the moment he’s not though…” Burt trailed off,
leaving the threat hanging in the air, and Carole laughed softly.
“Well I don’t think you have anything to worry about,” she replied confidently, watching Kurt watching
Blaine. There was such a soft look on Kurt’s face as he looked at Blaine that Carole felt like her own
heart would shatter if those two ever parted.
They were soul mates. There was no doubt in her mind that Kurt and Blaine had always been meant to
find each other. Carole was even more sure of it than she was of Finn and Rachel or even she and Burt.
They were so together and in tune with each other they seemed to speak a language all their own
through touch and glance. It was amazing to watch them. She had never seen two people so in love.
The music came to a halt and Carole was pulled away from her thoughts on Kurt and Blaine as Finn
walked over and grabbed the mike off the stage while the other boys from his glee club got into a
formation behind him. Carole looked at Kurt in confusion, but Kurt looked just as confused as she felt.
This hadn’t been in the plans, and as much as Carole loved her son she prayed that Finn wasn’t about to
do something stupid.
“Finn what are you doing?” Kurt hissed walking forward as the dance floor cleared of everyone but the
Finn held up his hands to stop him. “Just uhh… hang on a sec dude. I promise it’s nothing bad. The guys
and I rehearsed this.”
“But you didn’t tell me anything about -”
“That was the point. It’s a surprise so just uhh… stay there okay? You‘ll like it.” Finn smiled that dopey
smile that always had Kurt backing down because Finn was just so damn lovable.
Kurt nodded and took a step back, clenching his jaw tightly against the protest that wanted to come out
as Blaine put an arm around his waist and kissed his ear. “Just wait and see what they‘ve done. It can‘t
be too bad.”
Finn shuffled nervously before turning to face the curious crowd. “So In Glee Club, uh, whenever two of
us got together, we got a nickname. Rachel and I are Finnchel. Rachel and Puck were Puckleberry, and
today, a new union was formed…” Finn turned to look at Kurt and smiled. Kurt stood a little straighter,
eyes widening and heart pounding while Blaine‘s hand squeezed his waist in support and comfort. “Furt.
You and me, man. We’re brothers from another mother, and quite frankly, no one else has shown me as
much as you about what it means to be a man.”
Kurt felt his eyes burning and blinked rapidly, because red and splotchy was not a good look for him.
“And over the past few weeks, uh, some stuff’s gone down and some things were said, and I haven’t
manned up like I should’ve - none of us have.” Finn waved his hand at the other guys. “We want to
apologize and tell you that from now on, no matter what it costs, we got your back. Okay?”
All the guys behind Finn nodded earnestly and Kurt had to duck his head for a second to hold back the
onslaught of emotions, but Blaine‘s presence warm and soothing against his side kept him grounded.
“You’re braver than anyone I know. You’re better than all of us Kurt. You’ve got more talent in your little
finger than anyone else in this room and if anyone is going to make it out of here then it‘s going to be
you. I mean, you put this entire wedding together by yourself, Kurt and you do so much for us in Glee.”
“We take you for granted… so as a thank you, and as a way to show you that we wouldn‘t want to
change a single thing about you, I had the Glee Club put together a little number in your honor.” Kurt
was already having a hard time wrapping his mind around what was going on but then Finn walked
forward and held out his hand with an even bigger grin. “You’re going to dance it with me, dude.”
Blaine chuckled beside him and gave Kurt a gentle push in Finn’s direction since Kurt couldn’t do much
more than blink as the familiar song started up. Finn caught him easily, and right off the bat Kurt noticed
how different it was from dancing with Blaine. For one Finn was much taller than Blaine and even Kurt,
and two Finn was a lot less coordinated, which had Kurt practically leading in order to save his feet too
much damage.
It was amazing though that Finn was doing this not only in front of friends but in front of family too. Kurt
and his dad didn’t have much family at all, but Carole had a rather large family, and while they’d all been
very nice it hadn’t escaped Kurt’s notice that they had kept their distance from him - especially the men.
This was a huge deal for Finn to be so openly accepting of him, in front of cousins and uncles and
everyone, and Kurt couldn’t stop the large smile that overtook his face and the burst of pride he felt in
how far Finn had come since the first time he‘d thrown Kurt into a dumpster.
As the song continued though Kurt felt Finn grow a bit more confident and take the lead. He spun Kurt
around and suddenly Kurt found himself in Puck’s arms. “Dude you’re totally badass - all the shit you
have to put up with on a daily basis. I totally admire you… and you know for a guy you‘re kind of hot. I
mean, you’ve got a bangin bod. If I wasn‘t such a breast guy I‘d totally try to get into your really tight
pants. I admit I look, and I can see why Anderson over there can‘t keep his hands out of your back
pockets.” Puck spoke into his ear and before Kurt could find his voice to respond he was passed off to
someone else.
Mike, Sam, and even Artie danced with him, each with words of apology or admiration, and by the time
the song was finished Kurt found himself in Burt’s arms with his face buried against his dad’s shoulder to
hide fact that he was maybe crying a little bit. “I’m proud of you kid,” Burt spoke, kissing the side of
Kurt’s head, and it took Kurt a few minutes to be able to pull away.
By the time he did it was to see Blaine walking by Finn, who gave him an encouraging pat on the back.
“There’s one more thing,” Blaine said nervously as took both of Kurt’s hands and led him back into the
center of the room.
Kurt looked around at everyone watching, at Carole who was crying and his dad who was chuckling. He
couldn’t see one single hostile face in the people surrounding them and felt a rush of happiness hit him
so hard he wanted to throw himself at Blaine and kiss him senseless right there in front of everyone.
Blaine held both of his hands tightly, as if he was trying to draw strength from Kurt, and Kurt gave him a
gentle squeeze of encouragement while also wondering what the hell was going on now. Was Blaine
about to apologize again, because he really didn’t need to. Kurt thought they had already worked out
everything between them.
“Kurt…“ Blaine started and took a deep breath. Kurt just smiled at him lovingly. “You mean the world to
me. You are everything to me.” Kurt’s eyes widened because that didn’t sound like the start of an
apology. “I’m just - I’m so glad I found you… every day. I want you to know that. I want everyone to
know that. I was - was scared before I met you, and being with you and watching you has made me
stronger - more confident in who I am. I want to be that man for you. I want to be someone you can
look at and be proud of all the time. Someone you can be proud to be with. I’m not scared anymore Kurt
and I want everyone to see and to know exactly how much I love you. That’s why I want to ask you
something…” Blaine trailed off and dropped down to one knee.
Kurt gasped and his eyes widened in shock as he tugged frantically on Blaine’s hands to get him to stand
again, but Blaine merely smiled and wouldn‘t budge. “Oh my god Blaine what are you - are you - oh my
god stand back up! My dad!” Kurt looked up at Burt in a panic but his dad was just standing there
watching with an amused smile.
“Don’t worry I already asked his permission,” Blaine stated with a look that said he was barely
containing his laughter.
“But what -” Kurt felt light headed and one of Blaine’s hands moved to his waist to hold him steady.
“Hey… hey look at me…” Blaine soothed, giving Kurt a little shake to pull him out of his panicked haze.
“Breathe…you okay?
Kurt took a second to catch his breath and nodded. “What are you doing?” he whispered, leaning in
closer to Blaine while looking around at all the people still watching them.
Blaine laughed softly, tugging Kurt even closer with the hand now resting on his hip. “I promise it’s
nothing bad.”
“Blaine you’re on one knee in front of my family…”
“Yes, because I have a very important question.”
Kurt closed his eyes and swallowed as he tried to think of what he was going to say. “Blaine can we
maybe talk about this in private? I mean I know I have all those plans and stuff but they were for the
future. I know weddings can be inspiring and dad and Carole’s vows were moving but -”
Blaine brought Kurt’s hand to his lips and kissed his palm and then his wrist. “Will you go to prom with
Kurt cut himself off abruptly, blinking dumbly at Blaine for a moment, while his mind processed what he
thought he’d just heard. “Wh - what?”
Blaine was smiling, lips still ghosting over Kurt’s wrist, and then he looked up at Kurt - eyes alight with
amusement. “Kurt Hummel will you do me the honor of being my date to my senior prom?”
“Oh my god Blaine!” Kurt exclaimed and then he pushed Blaine’s shoulders nearly sending him
sprawling back on the floor. “I was freaking out! I thought you were about to propose!”
Others were laughing now, and Blaine was too. He stood back to his feet and tried to gather Kurt in his
arms but Kurt was pushing him away. “I nearly had a heart attack! I thought my dad was going to kill
Kurt was blushing furiously now, completely mortified at himself as Blaine finally caught him and pulled
him close still chuckling as Kurt buried his burning face against his neck. “So… is that a yes to prom?”
“God you’re such a dork!” Kurt hissed but then pressed his lips against Blaine’s warm skin.
“He said yes!” Blaine shouted and there was cheering and clapping and laughing before a slow song
started playing again, and everyone’s attention turned back to the newly wedded couple. “So was that
the romantic grand gesture you were hoping for?”
Kurt moved with Blaine as Blaine began leading him in a dance, letting his arms slid around Blaine’s
neck. “It was certainly a grand gesture.”
Blaine laughed and kissed his cheek, arms tightening around Kurt’s waist as they just held each other
and swayed together. “If - if I had asked…” he trailed off hesitantly.
Kurt stiffened knowing exactly what Blaine was getting at, then he relaxed, but Blaine remained stiff. He
moved his hand up to curl around the back of Blaine’s neck while Kurt rubbed their noses together and
stared into Blaine‘s guarded hazel eyes. “I love you,” he answered simply and Blaine smiled beautifully
before sinking into his arms and kissing him gently.
Getting Ready
“Okay I’m gonna let you go now…”
“No! No Blaine don’t you dare let me go!”
“Letting go!” Blaine laughed as his hands left Kurt’s hips, but only a few inches in case he actually had to
catch Kurt.
“Blaine! Blaine! No come back!” Kurt stopped and wobbled violently as he tried to twist around to look
for Blaine. “Blaine!”
“I’m right here don’t worry,” Blaine answered moving around in front of Kurt but still not reaching out to
hold him again. “Just put one foot in front of the other.”
“Just walk to me Kurt I promise I won’t let you fall.” Blaine held out his arms to Kurt, still not close
enough to touch him, but close enough to grab him quickly if he needed to.
Kurt huffed but slowly began to put one foot in front of the other. “You had better not.”
“Ooh balance beam… tricky.” Trent commented walking over to them and standing beside Blaine. Kurt
wobbled more violently, his concentration broken, and Blaine quickly reached up to steady him. “I
remember the first time I tried it, you know just playing around because clearly I’m not built for that, but
lucky for me I fell off sideways. Josh wasn’t so lucky though, caught him right between his legs. The poor
guy couldn’t walk right for a week.”
“Oh my god Blaine get me down now!” All the blood drained from Kurt’s face as he reached out his arms
to Blaine. Blaine reached up to grab him around the waist but Kurt was already coming down and Blaine
stumbled back as Kurt’s full weight hit him. He managed to steady them both but just barely and
glanced over at Trent who was laughing silently with a hand over his mouth.
“Sorry dude I didn’t mean to scare him.”
Blaine sent his friend a glare but really he couldn’t be all that mad when he had Kurt in his arms clinging
to him like this.
Kurt‘s body pressing up against his, Kurt‘s nose nuzzling his jaw, Kurt‘s fingers tangling in the back of his
hair, Kurt‘s tongue flicking out against his neck, Kurt‘s hand sliding down his chest… “I want you so bad
right now?”
“Trent go do something productive!” Blaine shouted desperately and with a mock salute and a wink
Trent was jogging back over to his side of the nearly empty gym.
“The only reason I got on that damn balance beam was so I could have an excuse for your hands being
on me.” Kurt continued as his hand reached its destination and he squeezed Blaine briefly through his
thin training uniform.
Blaine grunted, hips twitching into the touch. “Kurt we said we would wait until this weekend
Kurt groaned both arms wrapping back around Blaine’s neck while he let his forehead rest against
Blaine‘s. “I know and it’s all I can think about. Do you know how hard it was for me to stop myself from
jerking off in the shower this morning. I sat through classes all day half hard thinking about you.” He said
without even blushing which was a testament to exactly how frustrated Kurt was.
Blaine rubbed his hands up and down Kurt’s back, kissing his neck soothingly, which actually probably
wasn’t helping either of their situations. All Blaine could think about now was Kurt shifting
uncomfortably at his desk all hot and bothered with the thought of the two of them writhing together
completely naked, flushed, sweaty, and out of breath on Blaine‘s sheets. Blaine had been having the
same problem himself since they‘d officially set the date.
“I know, but only three more days and your dad and Carole will be gone on their honeymoon and we’ll
be all packed and ready to spend the weekend at the lake house. If we can just wait until then to… do
anything else I think it’ll make the experience so much better.”
“I know it will,” Kurt pouted adorably. “But I haven’t got to touch you or hold you in five days! You’ve
been spending every night at your own house since the wedding and - and I just miss falling asleep and
waking up with you.”
Blaine chuckled and hugged Kurt to him tightly, kissing up and down the side of his face. “I’m only doing
that because I can’t control myself around you. God Kurt you have no idea what you do to me. Just
watching you get ready for bed is such a huge turn on. You’re gorgeous - every time you move, or touch
me, or smile at me, or look at me with those eyes I just… I melt.”
Kurt kissed his jaw in return. “You have that same affect on me you know. I want to do things with you
and to you - I want you to do things to me that I’ve never allowed myself to think about before. It’s
terrifying and thrilling and I’m so nervous, but I love you and I trust you and there’s no one else in the
world I would rather do this with. I just… I just hope I don’t disappoint.”
Blaine pulled Kurt to him and kissed him hard, regardless of who was watching. If they didn‘t like it
then… well he knew a couple of guys who could put them in their place. “Don’t ever think that. You
could never disappoint me. Even if we get there and you can’t go through with it I won’t be disappointed
because I’ll still be able to spend the weekend with you. We’ll take it slow okay. We have the whole
weekend to work things out, to build things up… no pressure. We’ll just let things happen and if nothing
happens well… we have the rest of our lives to figure it out okay? But you could never ever disappoint
me. You’re amazing Kurt. Just standing here in a headband and a pair of my old training clothes you’re
still the most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen.”
Kurt blushed and kissed Blaine softly, but then slowly smirked. “You’re pretty amazing yourself… but I
don’t think you have to worry about something not happening. Something’s definitely happening - lots
of times in lots of ways.”
“Kurt we still have three more days to go…” Blaine reminded with a groan.
Kurt laughed. “I know and I plan on making them worth the wait.”
“Do you have the music sheets from Glee I must have left mine in my locker and I wanted to look over
them before tomorrow?” Kurt asked Blaine who was currently engrossed in a video game with Finn. He
didn’t mind so much. In fact, Kurt was happy that Blaine and Finn had a few things they could bond over
and he kind of like watching the less violent games. Plus Blaine always got the dopiest grin when Kurt
was cheering him on or even helping him win the few times he’d really paid attention.
“Yeah, they’re in my bag… uhh up in your room. Want me to get it?” Blaine was already pausing the
game, much to Finn’s protest, and getting up but Kurt just waved him back down.
“No I got it… want anything while I’m up?” Kurt asked, kissing behind Blaine’s ear as he passed him and
making sure to press his fingers in the spot on the back of Blaine‘s neck that made him turn to jelly.
“Uh, yeah just a coke if you don’t mind.” Blaine answered, fingers flying over the controller keys even as
he melted back into Kurt‘s hand.
“Oh can you bring me some orange juice, and a bag of chips, and the rest of the Oreos too, and maybe a
sandwich you know… if you feel like it?” Finn requested never taking his eyes off of the screen.
Kurt rolled his eyes but nodded and kissed Blaine one more time. “Of course, I’ll be back in a minute.”
He jogged upstairs and located Blaine’s bag where they’d left it on the edge of the bed after a heated
make out session that Blaine had once again stopped.
Kurt pulled Blaine’s music folder out easily and flipped through it but didn’t find the music sheets from
that day. Blaine had a tendency of shoving things in his bag when he was in a rush though so Kurt set the
folder aside and opened Blaine’s leather shoulder bag fully. There wasn’t much in there just another
notebook and a few scraps of paper from that day, one of which looked like the physics homework Kurt
had helped Blaine with last night.
He pushed all that aside and saw the papers he was looking for at the bottom, scooping them all up Kurt
then laid them out on the bed to make sure they were all there and still in order. They were but there
was also something else, a thicker folded glossy piece of paper that had seemingly gotten mixed up with
the others. Curiosity getting the better of him Kurt unfolded it and scanned over the bold colorful
It was a flyer… a contest flyer.
A contest for a record label looking for young new talent fresh out of high school.
A very big record label that Kurt knew was located in New York.
Why hadn’t Blaine shown him this?
The flyer said that the deadline for entries was next week, therefore Blaine must have known about it
for a while now. In fact, looking back Kurt remembered the day Blaine had gotten the flyer. Kurt had
gone with him to the recording studio in Westerville after school one day and he remembered Caleb,
the guy helping Blaine with his music, handing the flyer to Blaine. Blaine had read it over and shaken his
head though and at the time Kurt had thought it was just song stuff they were talking about.
Why wouldn’t Blaine want to do this?
Blaine was counting on winning the gymnastics competition to help pay his way - their way to New York,
but this was everything Blaine wanted right here. If he won this, and Kurt knew he could, then Blaine
was set. This was what Blaine was going to New York for in the first place, to make it big with his music,
and Kurt recognized the label. They signed artist just like Blaine and made them stars without trying to
stifle Blaine‘s personal style. Blaine had talked about this being his dream label to sign with.
This would be perfect.
Kurt bit his lip while glancing at his closed bedroom door before snatching up Blaine‘s phone, which had
been charging on Kurt‘s dresser. He scrolled through the contacts and took a deep breath before
pressing talk.
“Hey Blaine man I’ve been waiting on this call! Did you finally change your mind about entering?”
Well that answered at least one of Kurt‘s questions. “Uhh… hey Caleb this is Kurt…”
“Oh… Blaine’s Kurt?” Caleb’s voice sounded confused so Kurt decided to just jump right in and explain
the reason why he was calling the guy he‘d only met once from his boyfriend’s phone.
“Yeah, I um… this is going to sound crazy but Blaine doesn’t know I’m calling you so please don’t tell
him… I just - I wanted to talk to you about this contest thing -”
Caleb cut him off before he could finished, voice rushing through what he wanted to say as if he
expected Kurt to cut him off at any second in rage. “Look man I’m not like… trying to come between you
guys or anything, but I really think this could be Blaine‘s ticket out of here. I mean, I know you both have
plans or whatever after he graduates, for him to stick around Ohio, but I really think he should enter. I
know he would win. He’s amazingly talented… I mean just - just come back by the studio any day this
week - tomorrow - and I‘ll show you the stuff he‘s been recording. He‘s really got what it takes Kurt and I
know he says it‘s only a year, but shit I can‘t stand to see talent like that just sitting around. In a year he
could be performing in front of thousands of people - in like Europe man.”
There was a long silence as Kurt tried to find his voice, because he already knew all of that. He knew
how amazing Blaine was, and everything Caleb had said was exactly right. Blaine was too talented to be
sitting around Ohio waiting on him. This time next year Blaine could be out there with his music
entertaining thousands of fans. “What does he need to enter?”
Kurt heard the sigh on the other end of the phone. “I’ve got all the entry forms here waiting and all he
needs is to pick which demo to send in.”
“Can you fax the papers to me at Hummel Tires and Lube? I’ll fill them out and I think I know the perfect
“Yeah dude I’m on it… they’re already on their way.” Kurt could hear the sound of a machine being
turned on and what sounded like papers being rustled as he rattled off his dad’s fax number. The shop
was closed right now but Kurt had a key. It was better if his dad didn’t know about this anyway - less of a
chance of Blaine finding out.
“If… if he wins when would he have to leave?” Kurt asked hesitantly, heart already aching, but really
Kurt didn’t know what was hurting him more. The fact that Blaine might be leaving right after
graduation if he won this, or the fact that Blaine was going to let himself miss out on this chance
because he had made a promise to Kurt. It killed Kurt to think that he was holding Blaine back from this.
“They’ll contact the winner June 1st and I imagine after that it’s straight to New York. Their website has
more information if you want to check it out… are we telling Blaine about this?” Caleb answered then
asked hesitantly, obviously picking up on Kurt‘s train of thinking.
Kurt shook his head even though the other man couldn’t see him. “No… he doesn’t need to know unless
he wins.”
“Gottcha… you’re doing the right thing Kurt. This is the best thing for Blaine.“ Caleb encouraged, but
really Kurt didn’t need it because he knew this was the best thing for Blaine. He just hoped Blaine
realized that too if - when the time came. “Okay everything’s sent. When do you think you can get them
back to me? We’ll be cutting it close but I think we can get it all in before the deadline. I can meet you
halfway even so you don‘t have to drive so far.”
“Okay then I’ll meet you tomorrow. Blaine has practice at the gym after school and he’s going to be
there all evening with his trainer. I’ll get your number off his phone and call you from mine when I’m on
my way.” They ironed out a few more details before hanging up and Kurt quickly deleted Blaine’s call
history, hoping that if Blaine noticed he didn’t think anything of it.
Kurt put the flyer and everything back exactly how he’d found it and took a deep breath to stop his
shaking hands before making his way back downstairs to make sandwiches.
Blaine’s eyes once again trailed down Kurt’s back and over his ass and he literally couldn’t take it
anymore. He had to know. Kurt was once again wearing a pair of skin tight skinny jeans and either he
was going commando or he was wearing a pair of the panties Blaine had accidentally found, because
there was absolutely no way he was wearing a pair of men’s underwear under those.
“Kurt I have a confession to make.”
Kurt looked over his shoulder from his English homework curiously. “Does it have to do with why you’re
still on problem number one?”
“No - yes - I mean…” Blaine trailed off and then rolled off the bed. “Okay so… first promise me you won’t
freak out at me?”
Kurt narrowed his eyes as Blaine inched toward his closet. “That depends on what you’re doing in my
“I wasn’t - I wasn’t snooping around or anything I promise. I just sort of found them, and I want you to
know that I’m not judging you at all - far from it in fact. It’s just the curiosity is killing me and…” Blaine
came back out of Kurt’s closet holding the lingerie box and instantly Kurt’s face turned redder than
Blaine had ever seen it before.
Kurt covered his face with his hands in mortification. “Oh my god - they’re not mine! I mean they are
but… I mean -”
Blaine set the box aside and dropped to his knees in front of where Kurt had sat up on the edge of the
bed. He peeled Kurt’s hands away from his face and leaned up to kiss him softly and quickly. “It’s okay
Kurt. I’m not asking you about it to embarrass you… actually the reason I’m asking you is kind of
embarrassing for me. I can’t stop thinking about you in them. I can’t stop wondering if you’re wearing
them right now. I can‘t stop picturing how great you would look… that‘s why I was stuck on problem
number one.”
Kurt finally let out a strained laughed and his face faded from red to a soft attractive pink. “I can’t
believe you found those. In my defense I didn’t buy them for myself. Santana got a pair for me for
Christmas the year before last. I think it was supposed to be a joke but I - I kept them just to play with
her and I know how expensive they were. Then I guess Brittany saw them and decided that they were a
good gift idea because she bought me a pair for my birthday that next year and I pretended to really like
them for her sake. Then Mercedes and Rachel and Quinn and… it‘s sort of become a thing and it‘s just
added up into a collection.”
“Oh…” Blaine said feeling a small swell of disappointment. “So you don’t actually wear them?”
Kurt look away from Blaine, another darker blush creeping into his cheeks. “I - I may have tried them on
a few times just to see how they looked and maybe I sometimes sleep in them. They‘re really expensive
after all and I‘d hate to just throw them out. You know I’m a sucker for high fashion and the material
feels… nice I guess.”
Blaine felt a rush of heat and crawled up into Kurt’s lap to straddle him on the bed, kissing up and down
his jaw. “Oh really… and how did they look? I bet they looked amazing. Your ass is perfect.”
Kurt turned his head and captured Blaine’s lips in a heated kiss that completely overshadowed the way
he was still blushing. Blaine wasn’t sure if he had ever been so turned on before. It did something to him
when Kurt acted so shy and embarrassed one second and then completely in control when he kissed
him the next. He couldn’t wait to see Kurt naked. He just knew that Kurt was going to be gorgeous.
Blaine didn’t worry for one second that he was setting his expectations too high - Kurt was perfect. The
thought of the way Kurt’s ass would look in those underwear - or simply bare at all, had Blaine wanting
to throw him back on the bed and strip him down.
Blaine was just about to do that in fact when he found himself flat on his own ass on the floor blinking
up at Kurt, who‘s hair and shirt was mussed and who‘s lips were red and swollen as he breathed deeply.
Kurt laughed after a moment then scooped up the box and leaned down to whisper against Blaine’s ear.
“You can find out for yourself this weekend. I was only going to take a few things out of the box to bring
with us, but I guess I’ll just bring the whole thing if it gets you that riled up.”
Kurt sat back up and flipped the box open before pulling out a black lacy complicated looking pair and
untangling them for Blaine to see. “These were the first ones I got from Santana… complicated to get
into but so far my favorite ones. These were from Brittany,” he continued holding up a silky looking pair
with monkeys on them, they were adorable but somehow still sexy looking at the same time.
Kurt reached in again and pulled out another black lacy pair with purple accents. “These were from
Tina… she thinks black is the best for my skin coloring and personally I’d have to agree. My ass did look
pretty good in them.” The next pair were a pair of ruffled white ones and Blaine thought he could guess
who they had come from. “These were of course from Rachel. I’ve only tried them on once… not really
my favorite but they felt nice.”
“Mercedes got me a really nice pair…” Mercedes’ ‘nice pair’ happened to be a soft pink and black silk
thong that had Blaine’s mind short-circuiting. “Oh and these were from Quinn.” The last pair didn’t look
so much like panties as it did a red skirt, almost reminiscent of the Cheerios uniform, but as Kurt held
them up they actually were shorts and Blaine could just imagine how they‘d look with Kurt‘s ass peeking
out the back when he bent over or walked.
“You are so evil!“ Blaine fell back onto the floor with his hands over his face and a groan of frustration
leaving his lips.
Kurt laughed and put the lid back on the box before standing up and walking past him to hide it back in
his closet until it was time it pack everything. Blaine supposed he deserved this torture after putting a
stop to all of Kurt‘s previous attempts to see how far he could push him into losing control. It figured
Blaine would be the one to push himself to his limits by bringing up this topic of conversation.
Kurt’s musical laughter made Blaine smile though, so he guessed it was worth it, and he was glad to
have brought this up with Kurt and not have it be this huge embarrassing thing for his boyfriend.
Although, Blaine could admit he was a bit disappointed hearing that Kurt didn’t wear them on a regular
basis. God knew Blaine’s mind had been going crazy supplying images for him since he‘d found the
damn box.
As Kurt walked back by him and climbed back onto the bed Blaine got up himself and crawled on,
grabbing at Kurt’s hips and tugging on his belt loops only to have Kurt smack his hands away playfully.
“So if you aren’t wearing those… then what do you wear underneath these skin tight jeans?”
“Oh…” Kurt looked down at his skinny jeans before looking back up at Blaine with a raised eyebrow and
a sly smirk. “Who says I wear anything.”
Blaine wasn’t sure he would be able to make it until tomorrow.
“Okay is that everything?” Blaine asked closing the trunk of his car after putting the last of Kurt’s bags
into it. He’d thrown his own two bags into the back seat before setting in on Kurt’s stuff, and finally it
seemed that Kurt’s pile had dwindled down to one ‘travel bag’ that would be riding up front with them
for the trip.
Kurt bit his lip and looked around uncertainly. He wondered if things would look different to him when
he came back. Would he look different? This was a monumental step in any young person’s life… or at
least his life. Would others be able to tell that he was changed somehow?
Kurt shook his head at the ridiculous thoughts. “Yes I think that’s everything. I called dad and Carole and
they’ve made it to the airport, and Finn’s staying the night with Mike and Sam tonight but he knows
we’re going to be gone for the rest of the weekend. I left him a list of contact numbers on the counter in
case something happens, and some precooked meals that he just needs to heat up. I asked the neighbor
to keep an eye out and I locked the shop up… everything should be fine.”
Blaine walked over and took Kurt’s fidgeting hands in his own. He could see how nervous and insecure
Kurt was even though Kurt was trying his best to put up a brave front. Blaine certainly remembered how
nervous he had been his first time and he hoped that he could relax Kurt. He didn’t want Kurt being
afraid of this - afraid that Blaine would push or get angry at him for not doing something. Blaine didn’t
want Kurt to ever be afraid of being with him.
“Remember there's no pressure to do anything okay. We’re just going to have a nice, relaxing weekend
to ourselves before all this prom madness and graduation stuff really takes hold. This weekend is all
about us, and whatever you want or don't want to do is completely okay with me.”
Kurt took a deep breath and nodded a little more assuredly as he smiled at Blaine. “Right… just the two
of us. I like when it’s just us - makes me think of how things could be... in the future you know?”
Blaine stared at him for a long moment and then leaned in to give him a gentle kiss before pulling back
and digging through his pocket. “So before we officially leave and I have to turn on the sexy charm… can
I do something completely cheesy and cliché?”
Kurt laughed in delight and nodded. “Sure if you feel like you need to get it out of your system.” His
breath caught in his throat however when Blaine pulled out a small box and presented it to him. Kurt
reached for it hesitantly, fingers barely touching it, as he looked up at Blaine uncertainly. “Blaine…”
Blaine simply cocked his head to the side and smiled at him adorably. “I know you said promise rings
were cheesy and cliché when I asked you if you wanted one for Christmas. I didn’t get you one then
because you could wear my Letterman jacket and that was enough. Just seeing you with it on and
knowing that others saw you wearing it too it just… it made me proud of myself - ‘like wow look at the
guy I‘m with. He‘s so out of my league but for some reason he wants to be with me’.”
Kurt blushed and ducked his head in embarrassment because more often than not he felt that way
about Blaine. Blaine was someone so far out of Kurt’s league that when he actually sat down and
thought about it he had to pinch himself to make sure he wasn’t dreaming.
“It’s getting warmer now though and you’ll be going to Dalton next year, where you can't wear it and I
know you’ll be beating the guys off with a stick. I know it’s stupid and possibly very caveman of me, but I
feel better knowing you’re wearing something that says you’re mine. So I figured that if I was going to
do this whole ring thing I might as well top a promise ring and go even more cheesy and cliché so
here…” Blaine opened the box for Kurt when all it seemed Kurt was going to be able to do was stare
with his mouth hanging open.
“Blaine…you’re right this is the cheesiest thing you’ve ever done.” Kurt finally deadpanned.
Blaine felt laughter bubbling up from his chest as he took the ring from the box. “I didn’t think you’d
wear it on your finger so I got a chain for it.”
Kurt scrunched his nose with distaste as Blaine unclasped the thin chain the ring was dangling from to
put around his neck. “You are correct… it’s gaudy and hideous and it would clash horribly with any of my
other accessories.” Kurt’s eyes were twinkling and the corner of his mouth was twitching though, which
let Blaine know he was only joking… kind of.
“Well it is a Dalton class ring . It’ll match your uniform at least and it's got to make a statement.” Blaine
answered reaching behind Kurt to hook the clasp. “I got it Junior year before I transferred to McKinley,
but as they say… once a Dalton boy always a Dalton boy.” He pulled back, letting his fingers trail along
the chain against Kurt’s skin, while Kurt picked the ring up to study it.
The metal looked like platinum and Kurt wouldn’t have been surprised if the stones in the ring were real
too. There was a sapphire and ruby each making half of a circle, and a full circle together on top of the
ring. Then there were smaller square diamonds surrounding the circle while cutting across the center of
the ring where the ruby and sapphire met was the school’s name DALTON.
Kurt looked at the two sides of the ring. On one side was a picture representing the arts with Blaine
written above it. Then on the other Kurt was surprised to see the rather generic symbolism for
education with Anderson above it. It wasn’t that Blaine wasn’t smart, far from it in fact. The only class
Blaine had trouble with was Physics and even then he caught on pretty quick when he applied himself.
Kurt had just expected to see something else - something more personal.
“What no gymnastics?” Kurt questioned looking up at Blaine with a teasing smile. As corny as this all was
it was also extremely romantic and Kurt almost felt like he wanted to cry. He never thought he’d have
this - have a boyfriend who’s high school ring he could wear, and at Dalton he wouldn‘t have to worry
about hiding it under his clothes either.
Blaine shook his head. “Dalton didn’t have gymnastics, and I mean I could have gotten it put on there
anyway but… class rings are kind of a big deal in my family. They’re like a statement, a status symbol,
something for the parents to show off to all their friends after their kid graduates and moves on to
college. My dad said that I needed a respectable looking ring. He definitely didn’t want me to change it
to a McKinley class ring, and since he was paying for it anyway it was either arts or gymnastics, but I
couldn’t put both so…” Blaine shrugged and Kurt got it.
Music would always be Blaine’s first love and it made the knot that had been in Kurt’s chest ever since
he’d handed the entry forms over to Caleb loosen. He'd done the right thing with that. Blaine loved
music more than he loved anything. It was part of him, his soul, his blood and Kurt would never ask him
to choose between that or anything else. “So does your dad know you’re giving this to me?”
“No and he’ll probably freak when he finds out I took it from his case, but then again he's still avoiding
me so I doubt he actually says anything directly.”
Kurt's heart clenched a little at the reminder that Blaine and his dad were still in the middle of a rocky
patch. They were both very stubborn about it too, but Kurt completely agreed with the fact that it was
Mr. Anderson's move. Kurt just had to keep encouraging and reminding Blaine that he needed to be
receptive and open when his dad did finally come around to apologizing.
“It’s uhh… platinum and the diamonds and stuff are all real if that makes it more appealing to you.”
Blaine replied uncertainly while he watched Kurt still staring down at the ring with an unreadable look.
Kurt shook himself out of his thoughts, wrapped his hand around the ring and held it to his chest, before
leaning forward and kissing Blaine hard on the lips. “I would still wear it proudly even if it was lustrium
and rhinestones.”
Blaine beamed at him and kissed him again a few more quick times before pulling away and looking at
his loaded car. “Okay so... we should get going.”
Kurt nodded in agreement and laughed as Blaine ran around and opened the passenger side door for
him. “Such a gentleman.” He teased, running his hand along Blaine's stubble as he slid onto the long
white leather seat.
“Of course.” Blaine smiled closing the door and running around the car to get in. Once they were about
half an hour into the drive, and off the main road headed out of town, Kurt scooted over to the middle
and pressed himself against Blaine's side.
“Kurt there's no seat belt,” Blaine reprimanded but his arm still crept around Kurt's shoulders while Kurt
opened a bag of fruit snacks.
Kurt held one up to Blaine's lips, laughing as Blaine playfully tried to bite at his fingers when he went to
pull them away. “You're such a child sometimes.”
“Well I can't help it if you're just too delicious to resist.”
Kurt's laugh was probably a little high pitched when it came out, but his nerves were kind of creeping up
on him the closer they got to the lake house. It wasn't like he expected Blaine to just jump him the
instant they were through the door. In fact, Kurt knew that Blaine would most likely wait for him to
make the first move.
The fact was that Kurt didn't know how to go about making that first move. He'd initiated things before
with Blaine, heated make out sessions, even getting them off a few times through their clothes, but
never anything on this scale. All of his knowledge was theoretical really and Kurt didn't know how to
lead this. He was counting on Blaine to show him and Kurt just hoped he was good enough.
Blaine was too much of a gentleman to say if he was disappointed or not. He would never admit to Kurt
that something was wrong or wasn't what he had expected. Kurt would have to watch Blaine closely to
figure out what he was really thinking or feeling. Blaine would never outright lie to him, but Kurt knew
Blaine would act happy and smile before hurting Kurt's feelings. Kurt would need to know if he was
doing something wrong though, and he would watch closely to make sure Blaine was really happy this
Blaine kept reassuring him that they would move at Kurt's pace, that he wanted Kurt to be relaxed and
comfortable and happy. Well Kurt wanted those same things for Blaine too. He wanted to give Blaine
everything. That was what this weekend was all about. It was about them being completely open and
vulnerable in front of each other. Kurt wasn't sure exactly what he was really ready for. He'd read the
pamphlets and done some research online, and he had an idea of what he would like to do, but he
needed to know the things that Blaine wanted too.
Kurt didn't know what Blaine was planning, what Blaine had in mind, what Blaine fantasized about when
he was alone, but this weekend wasn't going to be all take and no give. There was one thing in particular
that Kurt remembered Blaine mentioning he wanted, and it was possibly the thing Kurt was most afraid
of trying, but he would try. After everything Blaine had already given him the least Kurt could do was try
for him.
“Why so quiet all of the sudden? What are you thinking about so deeply?” Blaine asked squeezing his
shoulder to regain his attention. “Are you sleepy? We still have about an hour to drive. You could take a
Kurt tilted his head up from where it had been resting against Blaine's shoulder and kissed the underside
of his stubbly jaw. “I'm fine... just thinking about this weekend.”
“Oh? Anything in particular.” Blaine was starting to worry again, wondering if Kurt was having second
thoughts, which was the last thing Kurt was having. It was just nerves. He would get over them.
Kurt snuggled closer. “Just how much I love you.”
“Hmm...” Blaine hummed and Kurt could see his lips twitching up into a smile. “That's a lot I hope.”
“As wide as the sky and deep as the sea...” Kurt singsonged and Blaine laughed softly. His eyes crinkling
at the corners in that way that made Kurt feel giddy with happiness too because he was the one to put
that look there.
Blaine's arm slipped from his shoulders as he was forced to finally make a turn, but it returned to rest on
Kurt's lap where Kurt interlaced their fingers, gripping Blaine's hand with both of his own. “Now who's
the one being cheesy?” Blaine teased nudging him with his shoulder. “Although I do think I love you
Kurt raised an eyebrow. Where they really about to play this game? “Oh is that so?”
Blaine nodded seriously, barely containing the grin that wanted to break out across his face, and Kurt
knew what was coming. “Yep, bigger than the whole universe and more than all the stars it holds.”
Kurt snorted and rolled his eyes. “Huh... well you do have me beat there. I don't know how I'll be able to
top that. I guess I'll just have to tell you how much I love you every day for forever and ever and ever.”
“And all of eternity?”
“And all of eternity.” Kurt agreed and then after a few seconds they both started laughing and Kurt felt
his nerves melting away. This was Blaine and there was absolutely nothing he needed to be afraid of.
Blaine laid a kiss to the top of his head. “I like the sound of that.”
The Lake House Weekend
They arrived around noon and while Blaine unpacked the car Kurt whipped them up something to eat
from the fully stocked fridge. There were a few items in there that caught Kurt's attention and made him
pause, namely the whipped cream and strawberries, but he blushingly pushed them aside to get to the
sandwich stuff.
While he put the food on plates Kurt watched Blaine out of the floor to ceiling windows doing what
could only be described as playing outside on the deck. He laughed softly to himself while Blaine did a
hand stand, but then swallowed thickly as the move caused Blaine's sweater to fall up revealing a
smooth tan strip of skin and a trail of dark hair.
“Blaine the food is ready!” Kurt called through the cracked front door and Blaine dropped to his feet
before jogging inside with a wide grin, cheeks flushed from the cold and eyes sparkling with happiness.
“God I love it here! It's just so – so freeing.”
Kurt laughed, loving how alive and radiant Blaine looked right now.
Blaine had really been stressed lately, although he never once complained to Kurt about it, but Kurt
could see it. He would have been the worst boyfriend in the world to have not noticed how hard Blaine
was working toward his future – their future. Between the gym, the studio, school, and Kurt it seemed
like Blaine never stopped moving. If he wasn't at one place he was at the other and Kurt was glad he
could finally take a break from it all – well except from him of course.
Kurt walked into the living room carrying both of their sandwiches while Blaine walked over and
grabbed their drinks. They settled down in the center of the couch, from their shoulders to their toes
pressed tightly together, elbows bumping when they reached for their drinks. Blaine simply winked at
him adorably when that happened and Kurt smiled back, trading glances as they ate silently like they
were two middle school boys with a crush.
“You're ridiculous,” Kurt laughed when Blaine wiggled his eyebrows in an attempt at humor. He pushed
Blaine's shoulder playfully only to have Blaine catch his wrist when he went to pull back with a wicked
gleam in his eyes. “Blaine no!” Kurt shrieked but it was too late. Blaine had him on his back, fingers
digging into Kurt's sides as he straddled him on the couch.
The tickle attack lasted until Kurt started screaming that he couldn't breathe and then Blaine sat up,
breathless as well and laughing, until Kurt twisted beneath him and threw him completely off the couch.
He fell to the floor with a startled cry and Kurt was on his feet immediately, laughing in delight when he
heard Blaine scrambling to his feet and chasing after him. Kurt got the dining room table between them,
but then realized that he was stuck as Blaine waited on the other side to see which direction Kurt would
attempt to run since there was a wall behind him.
“What are you going to do to me if I let you catch me?” Kurt asked ready to move if Blaine did.
Blaine raised an amused eyebrow. “If you let me? It looks to me like you're already caught.”
“Cornered but not caught,” Kurt corrected. “You're answer determines how long this standoff occurs
and how hard I fight.”
Blaine smirked. “Oh I'm looking forward to a fight.”
Kurt felt a little thrill rush through him at those words. He'd already been excited but now he was...
aroused. “You think you will win?” He knew he couldn't win in a physical fight against Blaine, but that
didn't mean he wasn't going to try.
“Oh I know I'll win.” Blaine's cockiness was sort of a really big turn on, but as fate would have it, Kurt
actually ended up winning, mostly by default, but Kurt would take it any way he could get it. He had
finally resigned himself to being caught, possibly pinned in Blaine's strong arms and kissed senseless –
he figured there were worse fates than that, but as it turned out things ended in a far more amusing
“Are you sure you're okay?” Kurt asked for the tenth time as he hovered, and Blaine simply continued to
lay on the floor where he'd fallen after getting tangled up in the dining room chair trying to take off after
Blaine waved a hand in his direction. “Just give me another minute or two – wounded pride is a hard
bruise to soothe.”
Kurt chuckled unable to contain it any longer and he covered his mouth quickly trying to muffle it, but it
was impossible. When he looked down at Blaine again though it was to see Blaine's lips curling up at the
corners while he peeked at Kurt through one opened eye. “I'm glad to see that I can amuse you at
Kurt rolled his eyes but let himself laugh while he reached out a hand to help pull Blaine to his feet.
Blaine took it and hopped up, ending up standing chest to chest with Kurt, their hands still clasped
between them. “Want me to kiss it better?” Kurt asked, sliding his arm around Blaine's waist with a
smirk because there was no way to miss the way Blaine's eyes darted down to his mouth.
“Hmm... that might make it feel a little better,” Blaine replied with an adorable pout and Kurt continued
to laugh softly as he placed butterfly kisses all over Blaine's face and neck before finally catching his lips.
“What?” Kurt finally asked as he looked up from his magazine to catch Blaine staring at him again. He'd
been doing it on and off the rest of the afternoon, which didn't really bother Kurt. He rather liked the
attention, but he was starting to get curious about what exactly was going on in Blaine's head to cause
that look.
Their kissing earlier had been moved to the couch, where it had turned a little heated. Kurt had thought
for a moment that maybe it was going to happen then, right there in the middle of the day on the sofa.
He surprisingly hadn't really minded the thought. He kind of wanted it to happen spontaneously, to
maybe take some of the edge off of the nervous anticipation that was coiled tightly in his stomach, but
then Blaine had pulled away stating randomly that he should build a fire.
Kurt realized then that it would be up to him to decide when and where and if they actually did anything
at all. It both frustrated him and made him adore Blaine all at the same time. A part of Kurt liked being
in control of this, but then again another part of him wish Blaine would simply pin him to a wall and take
what it was he obviously wanted from Kurt.
Blaine let out a little laughed and a light blush stained his cheeks. “It's nothing I'm just...”
“Just what?” Kurt encouraged now extremely curious.
“I'm just thinking about you – us...” Blaine looked away and then suddenly got to his feet. He walked
over to an armchair near the fireplace and reached behind it to pull out a guitar, not the one Kurt had
seen in Blaine's room or occasionally in Blaine's car, but a different one. Really Kurt wasn't surprised
though. Blaine probably had guitars stashed everywhere he stayed. He'd even left his in Kurt's room a
few times and Kurt wouldn't be surprised if one took permanent residence eventually as much as Blaine
stayed at his house.
Blaine walked back over with it and Kurt curled his legs up to give Blaine room to sit closer. “Umm... I've
been working on this song and I could never get the melody right but I think... I think I just got it. Can I
play it for you?”
“Of course,” Kurt answered automatically. Other than Marry Me he'd only heard a few of Blaine's
original songs in bits and pieces and Kurt was definitely eager to hear more. Blaine hummed the words
under his breath as he played so that Kurt couldn't really make them out, pausing and reworking
something every now and then while Kurt leaned his head against the back of the couch and just
watched him.
Blaine was such an intensely passionate person about the things he loved. It was amazing how he could
switch his focus from music, to gymnastics, to Kurt and be one hundred percent focused on whichever
one had his attention. Between just gymnastics and music right now Blaine was so busy, but at the same
time Kurt never felt left out. He never felt like Blaine was ignoring him, because when Blaine was with
him it was always all about Kurt. It was like Blaine made it his mission to make sure Kurt didn't feel like
he was being ignored.
“That sounds beautiful. What's it called?” Kurt whispered not wanting to break the moment, because it
really did sound like the start of a beautiful song that he was hoping might be about him if Blaine's
previous staring was anything to go by, but he didn't want to sound presumptuous by asking outright.
Blaine shrugged and set his guitar aside, moving in until he was hovering over Kurt. Kurt stretched his
legs back out underneath Blaine and laid back against the arm of the sofa. “I don't know yet. It's not
finished. I haven't... found all the right words.” Blaine answered laying down flat, his head resting on
Kurt's shoulder, face pressed into the crook of his neck, while his body pressed Kurt snugly into the
cushions and his arms wrapped around his waist.
Kurt brought his hand up to card through Blaine's curls and felt Blaine sigh in contentment. He loved
this, being surrounded by Blaine, pressed down safe and warm beneath him. It left Kurt feeling almost
drugged with happiness. He could literally purr right now and already felt himself wanting to drift off
and doze.
Kurt sighed letting his eyes close. “I love this.”
“I love you,” Blaine replied kissing the side of his neck and nuzzling along his jaw.
“I wish we could stay like this forever.”
“We can. I'll never stop loving you.” It was as simple as that.
They ended up cooking dinner together, which was fun if not a little counterproductive since half of the
food ended up over cooked or being playfully fed to each other directly from the pots and pans. Either
way they got to eat in between making out and it was possibly the best meal Kurt had ever had. As they
attempted to clean up the mess they had made though Kurt felt a little of his nerves returning.
It was getting late in the evening and as the sun slowly sank below the horizon Kurt's thoughts on what
would possibly – most definitely be happening later became more insistent. He wanted it to be tonight.
He wanted the whole weekend to be spent exploring this. Kurt didn't want to wait until the last minute
to try anything, and then the next day be them going home where who knew when they would get any
real privacy again. He wanted as much time as possible learning Blaine – being with Blaine.
“I think I'm going to go take a shower,” Kurt stated as Blaine finished putting away the plates they hadn't
bothered using.
Blaine froze for a second but then continued with what he was doing. “Okay... umm just hold on a
second... let me finish...” he trailed off quickly putting the rest of the things away.
Kurt paused uncertainly. What did Blaine mean by that? He said he wasn't expecting anything from Kurt
this weekend, but did he expect to join Kurt taking a bath now. Kurt didn't think he would really mind
too much, but he had hoped for the time to himself before... before they started.
When Blaine turned he wouldn't meet Kurt's eyes and a slow blush was starting to creep up his neck.
Kurt felt his own heart beating a little faster. “I uhh, I have something for you...” Blaine trailed off in
explanation while he led Kurt into the master bedroom.
The nervous knot in Kurt's stomach tightened, but he was extremely curious as well. Blaine walked over
to his own bags and slowly pulled out a familiar looking box. Kurt felt his own face heating up rapidly in
something similar to mortification and it must have shown because Blaine was quick to reassure.
“It's not what you think I promise.” Kurt let out a small sigh of relief. “It's something else, but umm...
you don't have to wear it tonight or any night for that matter. I just – I just thought that if we... if you
felt comfortable you could. I – I read that some girls – not saying that you're a girl!” Blaine quickly
corrected, eyes widening with panic as he held out a hand as if to stop what he thought Kurt's reaction
would be to that statement.
Kurt wasn't offended though. Why would he be? He knew Blaine didn't see him as a girl, far from it in
fact, and the fact was that Kurt did like most things considered strictly female. He wore women clothes
all the time, used their products, participated in what was considered by narrow-minded society as
strictly female activities. Kurt almost wanted to laugh that Blaine thought he would offend Kurt by
saying something like that, but he was wound a little too tight at the moment and couldn't do much
more than lick his dry lips and stare at the box in Blaine's hands.
“I'm not saying that at all. I just - I mean... some people like to wear something sexy to bed right? It
makes them feel good and... I thought you might like this.” Blaine was blushing even harder now that he
had finished his little speech or explanation or whatever it was supposed to be to reassure Kurt that he
wasn't pressuring him into anything. Kurt kind of wish Blaine would put a little pressure on though. A
little push in the right direction might help with the nervousness uncertainty that was still lingering.
“Oh...” Kurt trailed off, not sure what to say at the thought of Blaine buying him something to wear –
something Blaine would like to see Kurt wearing. “Okay, what is it?”
Blaine held out the box to him. “I don't want you to feel pressured though. You don't have to wear any
of it ever – at all if you don't want to. I just thought – I don't know what I thought actually. When I saw
the picture I could see you wearing it and... I probably just completely embarrassed myself. It was stupid
of me to assume you would like something like this. I can send it back – maybe you shouldn't even open
Kurt took the box before Blaine could pull it back and placed a hand on Blaine's forearm to calm him. It
was really endearing, if not a bit embarrassing for the both of them apparently, but Kurt tried to laugh
and lighten the mood. “Well as long as you didn't get me one of their leather play-suits, or that gold
collar and chain set then I'm sure I'll love it... well unless you got me a waspie, or a corset... or panties,
because as flattering as it is that you imagine I look good in them it would be kind of weird.”
Blaine laughed softly, eyes crinkling at the corners. “No it's none of that... although those play-suits
looked – “
“Okay opening the gift now!” Kurt cut in feeling his face growing even hotter. He took off the lid and set
it aside before unfolding the tissue paper and gasping in surprise.
Kurt hadn't really known what to expect but an insanely expensive pair of pajamas hadn't been it. These
pajamas were unique though, and Kurt swallowed thickly, feeling his pulse race hotly while he fingered
the sheer material. It wasn't completely sheer though, instead alternating between solid black silk strips
and a sheer mesh material that gave it a shadowy look.
There was a sleek robe that went about knee length and tied with a black silk satin belt along with the
matching pajama pants. They were high waisted and also had the alternating sheer and black patterned
strips along with a silk tie in the front.
Although the pajama set was created for women Kurt could tell that they were styled after gentleman's
fashion, and Kurt actually really loved it. He'd never owned something so sexy and provocative before,
and it kind of made him feel emboldened. He felt more sure of himself with the knowledge that he could
turn Blaine on so much that Blaine pictured him wearing this and decided to buy it for him.
Blaine wanted to see him in this. Blaine wanted him.
It also helped the appeal factor that Kurt knew how much this particular pajama set cost, and as much
as he wanted to protest Blaine spending that kind of money Kurt knew it wouldn't matter, and really he
was a sucker for expensive clothes. Blaine would only wave him off if he tried to give it back, and really
Kurt reasoned the gift was kind of for Blaine as well. Kurt blushed again at that thought. Blaine had
bought this as much for his own pleasure as for Kurt's.
“Umm... Kurt? Could you say something?” Blaine whispered softly, twisting his hand nervously while he
watched him with guarded eyes.
Kurt hadn't realized he'd been silent for so long and stepped forward to kiss Blaine deeply in
reassurance. “Thank you, they're really beautiful,” he breathed against Blaine's lips, running his fingers
through the back of Blaine's hair to relieve some of the left over nervous tension he could feel still
lingering in Blaine's body.
“You're beautiful. I want you to feel beautiful.” Blaine replied and Kurt felt his eyes burn as he kissed
him again. Sometimes Kurt wondered what he had done to deserve someone as good as to him as
Blaine was, but then he stopped wondering, scared he might not find an answer.
Kurt stared at himself in the mirror. He'd showered, groomed, finished his facial routine, spent extra
time rubbing in his lotions to make his skin extra smooth and soft, and now he was wearing the pajamas
Blaine had bought him.
They felt great against his freshly washed skin and he had to admit, as conceited as it was, that they
looked amazing on his body too. They showed off just enough skin while still leaving some for the
imagination, and the paleness of Kurt's skin alternately peeking through the sheer and solid black stripes
only seemed to enhance the mystique.
Kurt took a deep breath. It was only their first night at the lake house and he knew Blaine didn't expect
anything to really happen, but Kurt was ready. He felt ready. If there was any hesitation or nervousness
left in him at all it was simply because of his inexperience and his need to make sure everything was
perfect for Blaine – that he was perfect for Blaine.
“He loves you. He thinks you're beautiful. He thinks you're perfect.” Kurt told his reflection in the mirror,
smile watery and eyes getting a little misty as he thought about how much Blaine loved him and all of
the sweet nothings he whispered into Kurt's ear on a regular basis.
Kurt knew better than anyone how after a while, if said enough, words started to stick with a person.
How after a while you started to believe them whether they were true or not. Looking at himself now
even Kurt noticed that there was noticeably something different. He looked... healthy... happy. “You're
glowing...” he whispered, before giving himself one last smile and walking out of the bathroom.
“Hey Kurt, I brought some new movies along this time if you want to cuddle on the couch for a while
and –” Blaine froze mid stride as he finally looked up at him, mouth hanging open and eyes growing
distant as if his mind had just gone completely blank.
“I umm... I thought we might do the cuddling after.” Kurt felt himself flush, while Blaine's eyes ran the
length of his body and his Adams apple bobbed as he swallowed thickly.
“You look... you look amazing,” Blaine breathed and Kurt ducked his head, feeling extremely shy all of
the sudden.
He'd only tied the thin silk robe loosely so that it fell open at the top, showing skin all the way down to
his navel since there hadn't been a shirt with the pajama set, and even though Blaine had seen him
shirtless many times already Kurt felt more exposed than he ever had before – that could also have
something to do with the sheer pin stripes in the fabric though and the fact that he had forgone wearing
“Are you – are you sure?” Blaine asked hesitant to make a move, as if Kurt would suddenly bolt back to
the bathroom, giving Kurt the option to bolt back to the bathroom.
Kurt bit his lip though and nodded.
Blaine set the movies aside and then sat on the edge of the bed, running his hand through his curls as if
trying to figure out how to begin. Kurt took a few cautious steps forward and when he was close enough
touched Blaine's shoulder in question. That contact seemed to pull Blaine from whatever place he had
gone because he snapped back into focus and grabbed Kurt's hips in both hands, tugging Kurt to stand
between his knees.
“I had this whole romantic thing planned out. I would run you a bubble bath and while you were in there
I would be in here lighting candles.” Blaine's fingers tugged at the tie on the robe until it fell away, and
then his hands were smoothing up Kurt's rib cage and his eyes down from Kurt's chest to his navel.
Kurt shivered as he looped his own arms over Blaine's shoulders, fingers disappearing in his dark curls.
“We would have a romantic dinner and I bought strawberries and chocolate cake and whipped cream. I
even managed to sneak a bottle of wine from my parents house. I was going to give you a massage first
too and maybe sing you a song.”
“That all sounds amazing,” Kurt breathed as Blaine’s lips met his skin, brushing feather light over Kurt's
chest and causing him to shiver and his heart to skip a beat. “But I don't want a show, or staging. I don't
need any of that. I just need you.”
Blaine made a sound in the back of his throat while his hands moved down Kurt's waist, sliding over his
bottom, to wrapped around the backs of his thighs and tug lightly. Kurt took the hint and moved in to
straddle Blaine on the edge of the bed, already feeling himself shaking with nervous energy.
This was it.
They were really going to do this. He was really about to give Blaine everything. He was about to
willingly make himself more vulnerable than he'd ever been with another person – with himself even.
There wasn't a single doubt trying to enter Kurt's mind right now though, because there wasn't a single
person Kurt trusted more than Blaine. He trusted Blaine more than he trusted himself, and that both
thrilled and terrified him.
Blaine fingers slid up Kurt's chest, following the opening of the robe up to his neck where he let his
calloused fingers slide back and forth lightly for a moment over Kurt's racing pulse. He leaned in and his
soft, dry lips touched where his fingers had just been, causing Kurt to shiver and his pulse to skip
erratically while his head fell to the side of its own accord to give Blaine more access.
Blaine kissed him again and again lightly up and down his exposed neck while he pushed the robe away
and over Kurt's shoulders and down his back. His fingers caused goosebumps along Kurt's skin as they
followed the silky material all the way down to the small of his back where Blaine's hands then rested,
fingers stroking lightly.
“Are you okay?” Blaine whispered, voice thick with emotion and desire, and Kurt felt something hot and
aching tighten within him.
“Yeah,” he answered trying to remember to breathe.
Kurt reached between them and pulled the bottom of Blaine's Buckeyes t-shirt up, which Blaine had
changed into to lounge around in. Blaine pulled back and lifted his arms obediently and Kurt pulled the
shirt over his head and tossed it somewhere on the floor behind him.
Blaine raised an amused eyebrow at the action. “Kurt Hummel throwing clothes around so carelessly?”
“Only yours,” Kurt replied with a smirk, feeling some of the tension that had started to build up easing
as they smiled at each other like they always had. Blaine's eyes were glowing in that way that always
had warmth spreading across Kurt's chest. It was that look that said Kurt was the most amazingly
beautiful thing he'd ever seen and he could spend the rest of his life loving him. Kurt hoped he would
spend the rest o f his life loving him.
After a moment their smiles faded though leaving behind something electric between them as they
simply stared at each other, eyes turning darker, more intense, bodies starting to thrum with energy.
Kurt's hands rubbed Blaine's bare shoulders nervously for a second before he haltingly bent his head
Blaine tilted his up, meeting him full force, his hands going straight for Kurt's face, tongue already
pressing at Kurt's lips. Kurt parted them, feeling himself trembling once again at the sudden intensity of
it – the intensity of Blaine.
Blaine's arm wrapped around his waist, his other hand moving to cup the back of Kurt's neck, fingers
tangling in his hair while he pulled him impossibly closer. Until Kurt could feel and smell and taste and
see nothing but Blaine. Kurt's own fingers dug into Blaine's shoulders, holding on tightly as his head spun
out of control.
Blaine devoured his mouth with a desperation he had never shown Kurt before, a desperation that
would have scared Kurt had this happened before now. His tongue and mouth were coaxing and needy
as they pushed and swiped along Kurt's, tasting and wanting every inch of him.
A desperate sounding whimper ripped from Kurt's throat before he could stop it and he felt himself
arching more into Blaine, feeling himself growing hotter and needier by the second, but then Blaine was
ripping himself away, panting heavily. “Sorry – I just... sorry...”
Kurt shook his head, blinking rapidly, while trying to get his own breathing under control. He wrapped
his arms around Blaine’s shoulders and hooked his chin there, pressing them chest to chest and he could
feel Blaine’s heart racing just as fast as his own.
“It's okay...” he replied pressing his lips along Blaine's shoulder to soothe the tension he felt building
there, and after a moment they relaxed again as he felt Blaine's hands wide and warm rubbing up and
down his own back.
Blaine pulled back, cupping Kurt's face and kissing him softly. “Thank you for this Kurt.”
Kurt didn't have to ask what Blaine meant by that, because he could clearly see it in his expressive hazel
eyes. “You're the only one I want to be with. You'll always be the only one.”
When their lips met again it was slow and gentle, but the intensity was still there, and Kurt guided Blaine
to lie back on the bed – following him as Blaine scooted up further to rest against the pillows. He felt
himself shaking again, but it was good – these nerves. They made Kurt feel alive, and he could also feel
Blaine trembling against his fingers as well. Blaine's hands continued rubbing up and down his back as
they kissed slowly, while Kurt's hands rubbed through the coarse hair on Blaine's chest before starting to
make their way lower across his taunt abdomen.
“You're beautiful you know that...” Kurt whispered against Blaine's lips, their eyes connecting with a
look so intensely wrought with emotion that Kurt felt his toes curling.
His fingers hesitantly curled around the waistband of Blaine's loose sweats and boxers and Blaine
silently gave him a nod of permission. Kurt pulled them both down and off at the same time, not
breaking eye contact with Blaine, and crawling back over him for another deep kiss before allowing his
eyes free reign for the first time.
Kurt both felt and heard his breath catch in his throat as he took Blaine in from head to toe, every inch
of skin a glowing honey color with a light dusting of dark hair that grew thicker and curlier in certain
parts. That was one thing that Kurt never thought he would like, because he was a bit of a fanatic about
grooming himself.
Kurt personally preferred almost no hair at all but what was on his head, as his eyes ran over the thick
patch of curly black hair that made up Blaine's “happy trail” however, and then followed it down down
down to where it spread out even thicker Kurt felt his own arousal spiking hotly. His breathing grew a
little more labored, sounding loud in his own ears along with the sound of his pounding heart.
Blaine was already half hard, and as Kurt had thought when he'd held him in his hand what felt like
forever ago now, Blaine was around the same length but thicker than Kurt and darker in color too.
Everything was the same, but different, and if Kurt hadn't already been one hundred percent sure of the
fact that he was gay then this moment proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
The concept of giving a blow job had never really appealed to Kurt before, but at that moment he felt
his mouth watering and his mind wondering what Blaine would taste like, what he would feel like
against his tongue, what sounds he would make if Kurt took him deep and pressed his tongue right there
just like that . He wondered if Blaine would curl his fingers in Kurt's hair and thrust into his mouth.
Kurt also wondered briefly if it was something that Blaine had done before – if someone had done it to
Blaine before, then Kurt licked his lips and wondered if Blaine would do it for him.
The fingers of Kurt's right hand twitched where they rested just above Blaine's navel and he glanced up
at Blaine to see Blaine staring at him from the pillows, eyes heavy and dark and relaxed, obviously not
the least bit body conscious, as he just let Kurt look as much as he wanted. Kurt licked his lips again and
let his fingers travel down lightly stroking against Blaine's skin, and the curly black hair leading down,
down, down .
Blaine's breath caught and Kurt felt a jolt of excitement.
Kurt had touched Blaine here before, but he'd never watched himself touch Blaine, had never seen the
contrast of his pale slim fingers wrapping around Blaine's thick leaking cock, never seen Blaine growing
harder and bigger and start leaking with his own eyes, and Kurt felt a bit overwhelmed by it. He rested
his forehead against Blaine's rib cage, releasing a shuddering breath that had Blaine's skin prickling.
Blaine's fingers weaved through his hair, stroking soothingly. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah,” Kurt answered softly after a moment, kissing Blaine’s warm skin. He continued to trail kisses
along Blaine's torso and abdomen, loving the way Blaine's muscles jumped beneath his lips. The thumb
of his hand stroked back and forth over Blaine's hip bone until Kurt finally just decided to go for it, and in
what he hoped was a confident, smooth move, wrapped his fingers around Blaine.
Blaine's breath hitched again, and his fingers tightened in Kurt's hair for a second. “Kurt...”
Kurt nuzzled Blaine's stomach before laying his head there and watching himself stroke Blaine slowly,
loving the weight and feel of Blaine in his hand. It was.... he couldn't really describe what he was feeling
at the moment. Everything was amplified though, the feel of Blaine sliding through his fist, the breathy
sounds Blaine was making, the thickening smell of sex, the way Blaine's stomach muscles quivered and
clenched under Kurt's cheek, the hard beating of Blaine's heart, the way his fingers continued to cared
through Kurt's hair faster and more insistent with every stroke.
Blaine's thighs spread opened wider, his toes flexing and curling against the sheets, as Kurt got a firmer,
more confident, grip. “God Kurt... please don't stop,” he gasped, and Kurt swiped his thumb over
Blaine's leaking head, earning himself a broken moan and a jerky thrust. He had no intentions of
stopping and reached down to palm his own hardness for a second through his pajama pants for some
relief. He was leaking as well, a wet spot growing on the front of the silky material.
“Kurt I – I'm...”
Kurt knew though because he could feel it, growing heavier and hotter and pulsing in his hand. He could
see it as well this time and god was it arousing and thrilling and mouthwatering. Blaine tugged on his
hair and Kurt took the hint and lifted his head. He wanted to be able to stare down at all of Blaine
anyway as he tightened his grip and began to move faster, adding in a twist here and swipe of his thumb
“God – oh god...” Blaine's head fell back, his hips began jerking erratically, his back arching into it, his
fingers and toes curling against the bed, and his muscles – god his muscles ...
Then he was coming. All over his own chest and Kurt's hand, and for once Kurt couldn't care less about
the mess because Blaine was gorgeous like this, and he had been the one to make Blaine feel this good.
He had been the one to make Blaine fall apart into a babbling, wrecked, mess of a man.
While Blaine caught his breath and calmed down Kurt got up, ignoring Blaine's sound of protest and
retrieved a warm wet washcloth from the bathroom. He cleaned Blaine gently while Blaine watched him
through half closed eyes. “You're amazing,” Blaine whispered and Kurt felt himself flush with pleasure.
“It was good then?”
Blaine didn't answer, merely grabbed Kurt by his arms and pulled him down into a deep kiss, the kind
that turned Kurt to jelly. Kurt threw the washcloth aside, focusing on the way Blaine's tongue wrapped
around his own and the way he sucked on Kurt's bottom lip and then licked his way back into Kurt's
mouth. Kurt felt something very much like a whine bubble up in his throat and Blaine rolled them over
so that Kurt was now the one on his back lying against the bed.
“I'm going to make you feel so good too Kurt.” Blaine's hands rubbed up and down his torso, palms
catching over Kurt's nipples causing him to arch into the touch like a cat.
“You already do,” he panted softly. Blaine already made Kurt feel so good about himself – about
everything really.
Blaine's fingers pulled at the silk tie on the front of Kurt's pajama pants while his eyes never left Kurt's,
looking for any sign of hesitation. He wouldn't see any though as Kurt lifted his hips to help while Blaine
tugged them down, sliding them off of his long, smooth legs, and pausing to kiss one of Kurt's ankles and
up his calf before looking at him – really looking at him.
Kurt felt a nervous twist in his stomach and resisted the urge to close his legs and cover himself as he
laid back and let Blaine's eyes roam. Blaine's hands slid up his legs to his hips and he leaned over Kurt to
kiss him gently on the mouth. Kurt pressed up into the kiss, needing the comfort and reassurance it gave
“You are so beautiful,” Blaine whispered, pulling back and tracing Kurt’s face, and neck, and chest… and
entire bare body with his eyes, before moving back up to his face. He looked completely sincere, turned
on, and genuinely amazed by what he was seeing and Kurt felt a pleasurable thrum move through him.
“I know,” Kurt replied just as softly, as if any sound above a whisper would shatter them and everything
around them.
Blaine cocked his head to the side, unsure if Kurt was trying to be funny about this, as was Kurt’s
reaction sometimes when Blaine complimented him, because Kurt still didn’t know how to take a
Kurt’s eyes and face were serious though and there was absolutely no teasing in this moment as his
fingertips came up to trace lightly around Blaine’s eyes. “When you look at me like this – like I'm the
most beautiful thing you've ever seen, I know that it’s true. You make me believe it.”
Blaine smiled at him, that exact look still in his eyes. “Tell me to stop if it's too much but I – I want -”
Kurt shushed him by stroking his thumb over Blaine's lips. “Whatever you want. I trust you.”
Blaine ducked his head then, kissing Kurt's neck then shoulder before moving along his collar bone and
down the center of his chest. His hands were still on Kurt's hips, thumbs stroking back and forth over his
hip bones. Kurt sucked in a sharp breath as Blaine's tongue came out, licking over one of his nipples, wet
and rough and hot, and “so so good” . Blaine did it again and again and added suction and a hint of
teeth. Kurt's fingers found their way into his curls, holding his head close and arching into his mouth.
He felt Blaine's hand moving, sliding across his abdomen, stroking lightly back and forth, before moving
lower, down down down until – “Oh – oh!” Kurt choked on a breath, his hips jerking of their own
accord, pressing up against Blaine's palm because yes that was Blaine's hand – warm and wide and
calloused pressed against him, touching him and palming him.
Kurt's legs, which had been bent on either side of Blaine, tried to clamp shut, to close and protect
himself against the intensity of the moment – the vulnerability. Blaine continued massaging him though,
his other hand also rubbing against Kurt's stomach soothingly, while his mouth still worked Kurt's
nipples. Kurt felt his body slowly unwinding and groaned, legs falling back open even wider than before,
spreading himself open against the sheets, completely boneless with pleasure.
This was so different than anything he had ever felt before, so much more intimate and intense. It was a
bit overwhelming in fact and Kurt almost felt the need to cry, but he didn't want to embarrass himself or
freak Blaine out. Heat spread throughout his whole body, until every muscle felt relaxed, and his hips
mindlessly rocked up against Blaine's hand. The pleasure from it was the only thing he could feel – all he
knew. Everything else was muffled and out of focus except for what Blaine was giving to him and making
him feel.
Blaine's mouth moved away from his abused nipples and Kurt felt a whine leave his throat, but then
Blaine was moving lower, kissing along his abdomen, dipping his tongue into Kurt's belly button, nibbling
along his inner thigh, and before Kurt could wrap his mind around what was really about to happen
Blaine was already there , a forearm sliding across Kurt's abdomen as his mouth slid slowly down, then
back up, then down once again.
“Oh god – oh god... Blaine! ” Kurt's legs once again tried to lock, thighs pressing against either side of
Blaine's head, fingers digging into Blaine's wild hair pressing him down. Blaine stopped moving and kept
perfectly still allowing Kurt a moment to adjust to the sudden heat and wet suction enveloping him. Kurt
panted heavily, his eye clenched tightly shut, and his head falling back with a groan. He was going to lose
it. He was going to lose it way too soon and embarrass himself.
Blaine's free hand moved to tug one of Kurt's hands from his hair and he tangled their fingers together
against the bed holding on tightly while he began bobbing and sucking once again. Kurt could feel
himself squirming and hear himself babbling, but he couldn't control any of it. Blaine's arm across his
hips kept him from thrusting up, while Kurt's legs somehow found themselves wrapping around Blaine's
Kurt couldn't tell if Blaine was actually experienced at this or not. He had no frame of reference after all,
but as far as he was concerned Blaine's mouth and tongue were very very skilled. He tried to watch, but
then had to look away before he lost it completely at the sight of Blaine's head bobbing between his
thighs, his plump lips wrapped around him, his length disappearing into that mouth he loved so much.
Kurt felt himself starting to shake and tugged on Blaine's hair to get his attention. He should warn him.
That's what people did right and Blaine had given him that courtesy, but Kurt couldn't really get his
words to work around the other sounds wanting to work their way up his throat. “Blaine I'm – I...”
Blaine stayed a few seconds longer before pulling off, only to grab Kurt in his hand again and start
stroking him fast and firm. He slid up the bed until he was pressed against Kurt's side, mouth latching
onto Kurt's neck, while Kurt writhed and arched, hips finally free to jerk erratically into Blaine's fist.
“Come on Kurt... come on...” Blaine panted hotly against his skin and Kurt cried out, fingers grappling
for something to hold onto and finding Blaine's hip as he lost the ability to breathe and felt like he was
starting to fall apart. It was terrifying but he wanted it so bad at the same time, was begging for it he
realized. His orgasm seemed to go on forever when it finally hit. His body shuddering and convulsing
harder than it ever had before, while Blaine continued to stroke him through it whispering words of
encouragement into his ear.
With a groan Kurt finally sagged back against the bed and Blaine was on him immediately, mouth
covering Kurt's in a hungry kiss. Kurt could only lay there and take it as he tried to pull himself back
together again. Blaine pulled back after only a few seconds, peppering Kurt's face and neck with kisses,
while his hands stroked against Kurt's damp skin, petting him everywhere. “You're so gorgeous. I love
you so much. I'm so lucky to have you. You were so beautiful Kurt. So perfect.”
Kurt tried to reply but his voice still wasn't working yet so he just looked at Blaine, trying to convey
everything he was feeling at that moment through his eyes. Blaine's lips were swollen and red, his hair a
complete mess, his face flushed, his eyes a dark amber color and he'd never looked more attractive. Kurt
felt a whine leave his throat as Blaine moved away, but he was back in seconds with the damp cloth Kurt
had gotten earlier.
It was cold now, but Blaine kissed Kurt's lips gently and cleaned him off as quick and carefully as
possible. The coolness of the wash cloth actually felt kind of good against his overheated skin and Kurt
finally felt himself settling into something normal and human again. When he was done Blaine pressed
in close, wrapping his arms around Kurt and stroking a hand up and down his arm.
Kurt startled a bit and looked down when he felt Blaine's hard length press against his hip, but Blaine
shook his head, nuzzling Kurt's neck. “Not right now... rest for a bit.”
Kurt nodded and turned in Blaine's arms, wrapping his own around Blaine's waist, and just staring at him
while he tried to find the words he wanted to say. He needed to say something. “Thank you, that was
amazing. I've never – I've never felt so... so out of control before and – and I liked it. I like that I can be
that way – be vulnerable with you. I've always had to – protect everyone, take care of them. I never
thought I would be able to let go with anyone like I just did. I never thought anyone could make me feel
so... safe. I feel safe with you.”
“That's because you are safe with me. You always will be,” Blaine promised cupping Kurt's face and
leaning in. They kissed slow and lazy for a while, just basking in each other and the afterglow, until Kurt
felt himself stirring again and pressed in closer, deepening the kiss. He rolled them, until Blaine was on
his back and settled himself between Blaine's legs rolling his hips down lazily.
“I – I want to do something for you...” Kurt trailed off feeling the blush already creeping into his cheeks,
but he'd thought about this, researched it, and he wanted to give this to Blaine... if Blaine wanted it.
“You said you liked... that you liked fingering and I want – I want to do that for you.” Blaine just stared at
him with wide eyes. It didn't even look like he was breathing and Kurt's blush deepened. “You can say no
if... you mentioned it before and I just thought it was something you wanted.”
Blaine whimpered and sat up to capture Kurt's mouth in a needy kiss. “Yes, yes please... please.”
Kurt felt heat flood him at the sound of Blaine's begging, the way his breath caught, and the small needy
whine that was now in Blaine's voice. He scrambled over to the bedside drawer where he had unpacked
their supplies. “Okay... okay I'm going to – I'm going to take care of you okay...” Blaine was nodding,
complete trust in his eyes, as Kurt leaned down and kissed him chastely before pulling back and popping
open the bottle of lube.
Blaine scrambled to sit up against the pillows, bending his knees and spreading his legs open wide while
he stroked himself a few times. Kurt's brain short circuited at the sight, but he was able to pull himself
out of it and move closer. Blaine was all his and he could touch and explore instead of just looking. His
hands were shaking as he covered them with the lube, and perhaps he used to much, but he'd rather
there be too much than too little. “Ready?”
Blaine nodded frantically, whimpering as he spoke. “Yes – I've wanted - I've wanted this and –“
Kurt leaned in and captured Blaine's lips while he reached down and probably slower than Blaine would
have liked, circled his entrance experimentally. Blaine whimpered into the kiss, pressing himself against
Kurt's finger and Kurt let the tip of it slip inside and slowly slide in.
Blaine gasped against his mouth and Kurt felt himself panting too as a shiver of heat ran through his
body. He didn't realize how turned on he'd be by this. He'd never even done this to himself before, but
as Kurt began moving that single finger in and out, feeling Blaine clenching around him tightly he felt his
own cock throb.
Kurt stroked Blaine's walls, making sure the lube was spread really good before dribbling a little more on
his second finger and slipping that one slowly in as well. Blaine moaned brokenly, shaking as he grabbed
his leg to pull it up and spread himself even wider. Kurt pulled back a little, looking at the completely
wrecked sight Blaine made, and then down at his own fingers disappearing into Blaine’s body. He felt
himself throb again and let out a breathy moan of his own.
“Does it – does it feel good?” he asked massaging Blaine's clamping walls and wondering what they
would feel like wrapped around another part of his body.
“God yes...” Blaine whimpered, eyes close and head resting back against the pillows. He licked his plump
red lips and Kurt wanted to lean forward and lick them and capture them between his teeth. “Curl – curl
your fingers up and – and press in deeper.... to the left I think. You should feel a – there! Oh god there!
Kurt pulled back and out at the sudden exclamation from Blaine, but was back quickly and pressing into
Blaine deeper again the second the desperate sounding protest left Blaine’s lips. He kissed Blaine
deeply, pressing and searching for that spot again while Blaine's hands came up to grab him a little
roughly perhaps and pull him closer. Kurt found it and Blaine cried out again, grinding himself down on
Kurt's fingers harder.
“Add another one – another one please – please Kurt.” Blaine's fingers were digging into the skin on the
back of Kurt's neck and shoulders desperately pulling him and holding him, as if Blaine couldn't get Kurt
close enough. Kurt felt like he couldn't be close enough either.
Kurt nodded shakily, grabbing the lube once again and adding some more before working in a third
finger. It was so tight now and Kurt heard himself moan as cock throbbed and his forehead fell to
Blaine's shoulders. “Blaine...”
Blaine's chest was moving up and down rapidly, his abdominal muscles and hips working Kurt's fingers in
and out of him, and Kurt wondered if he could reach orgasm just from the sight alone.
Blaine tugged at the back of his neck and Kurt raised his head to meet desperate eyes. “Kurt please...“
“What do you want Blaine? Anything you want – it's yours,” Kurt encouraged feeling just as wrecked as
Blaine looked. He'd never seen Blaine anywhere near like this, even when he'd been giving Blaine that
hand job a little while ago it felt like nothing compared to this. Kurt could see that Blaine felt it too –
that Blaine had never felt anything close to this either with anyone. In some aspects Blaine was just as
much of a virgin as Kurt was.
Blaine pulled Kurt close, until their foreheads were pressed together, and their breaths intermingling. “I
want you. I want you inside me. I want you so bad. Please .”
Kurt felt himself shudder and his heart pick up wildly. There had been a part of him that expected things
to attempt to advance this far – if not tonight then another night, but he hadn't expected it quite so
soon, and he actually hadn't expected it to be Blaine on the receiving end the first time. “Okay... okay I
need...” he started to pull away but Blaine held him firm.
“No right now – do it now.”
“Blaine a condom I – “
“Don't need one – we don't need one,” Blaine replied in between kissing him desperately.
“But the mess...” Kurt trailed off, not really thinking with all of his brainpower at the moment, and
Blaine actually laughed, although it was strained and breathless.
“Please Kurt I need you.” Kurt felt any lingering fear and hesitation leave him at those words. Blaine
wanted him. Blaine needed him, and what was a little mess or fear compared to that.
Kurt moved down the bed a little and Blaine scooted down with him, groaning when Kurt pulled his
fingers out of him. He grabbed the lube before Kurt could reach it and squirted it onto his own hand
before reaching for Kurt. It was Kurt's turn to moan brokenly, Blaine's hand sliding over him slick and
warm. When Blaine was done he laid back, looking at Kurt with those eyes, spreading himself and
Trembling once again Kurt scooted closer and fumblingly positioned himself. He was bigger than his
three fingers and he was extremely scared about doing it wrong and hurting Blaine. “Blaine I don't... you
– you have to relax okay. It's going to hurt at first but – but I'll try to make it better. I – I promise.” Blaine
nodded, his hands finding Kurt's waist to help hold him steady, and Kurt imagined Blaine already knew
all of that but he'd felt the need to say it anyway – more to reassure himself than anything.
Kurt pushed in, and saw Blaine wince as soon as the head of his cock pushed past that first tight ring of
muscles. He paused before slowly trying to slide in deeper, but Blaine's face was changing from one of
pleasure to one of pain, and Kurt felt far too light headed and on the edge of losing control to go any
further. He pulled back out quickly breathing harshly. “I'm not – I can't – I can't. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.”
Blaine was sitting up quickly, hands cupping Kurt's face, forcing Kurt to look at him, eyes surprisingly
clear and worried. “It's okay – it's okay. What happened? What's the matter?”
“I was – I was hurting you and – and I felt like I was – I was losing control.” Kurt gasped feeling like an
idiot while he tried to pull away.
“No – no hey. It's okay Kurt – don't get upset. It's okay.” Blaine tried to reassure him but Kurt felt
ridiculous and he pushed Blaine's hands off trying to will himself not to cry and embarrass himself
“I ruined everything.”
Blaine sighed and wrapped his arms around Kurt, despite Kurt's attempts to pull away. “No you didn't.”
Blaine turned them until Kurt was the one lying on his back again, with Blaine settled on top of him, a
warm heavy weight holding him in place and making him feel safe. He rocked their hips together slowly
and Kurt was surprised to find that they were both still hard and that he was still very much turned on.
“You could never ruin anything. You only make everything better.”
Kurt wanted to protest, but Blaine's lips were on his and he could do nothing but groan as Blaine
reached between them and grabbed his cock in his hand. He stroked Kurt a few times before he spread
his own legs and positioned Kurt between them.
Kurt's eyes snapped open to look up at Blaine. “Trust me?” Blaine whispered, staring back down at him
calmly and Kurt nodded, letting Blaine take control. He grabbed Blaine's hips as Blaine sat up and then
slowly began to work himself onto Kurt's cock. Kurt tried to keep his eyes open, but he ended up
clenching them shut, while reciting every curse work he knew in French to try and take the edge off.
Blaine was impossibly tight, and warm, and Kurt knew he wasn't going to be able to last long. “I love you
so much,” Blaine panted once he was fully seated. He took a moment to adjust and then he began to
move, slowly at first, but then a little faster and a little deeper, and Kurt bit his lip hard as a choked
sound managed to escape him. His fingers slid down and dug into Blaine's thighs where he could feel
Blaine's muscles working to lift himself up and down, up and down, up and down.
“Kurt open your eyes?” Blaine requested, voice completely wrecked, and Kurt did.
Blaine was beautiful and Kurt loved him more than he'd ever loved anyone or anything – more than he
loved himself, and that was saying a lot. He'd never felt closer to another human being, never felt more
connected, physically, emotionally, mentally. It was like they were becoming the same person. Blaine
was his everything – his heart, and Kurt wouldn't be able to live without him.
“You feel so amazing in me. I can feel everything. I can feel you're heart beating.”
“I love you,” Kurt whimpered brokenly in reply, grabbing Blaine behind the neck to pull him down into a
kiss. He began to move, pushing up into Blaine as Blaine rocked down, and their sounds grew louder,
their skin slicker, their movements more desperate. Kurt shifted a little and slammed up a little harder
than he'd meant to. He must have found that spot again though because Blaine's back arched and he
began to grind down into Kurt hard at that angle.
Kurt's cry was just as loud as Blaine's while Blaine's muscles clamped down around him, squeezing
tightly. “Right there – right there Kurt!” Kurt aimed for that spot again and again, not hitting it every
time, he wasn't that skilled just yet, but the times he did had Blaine writhing on top of him and coming
completely undone. “Yes fuck – oh fuck – fuck yes. Right there. Fuck just like that Kurt.”
With each curse word that left Blaine's lips Kurt felt his own cock pulsing. He didn't think he'd ever get
used to hearing Blaine talk like that. The intensity of everything building almost scared him, but he didn't
stop. He couldn't stop. He wanted it desperately in fact, and Kurt reached out a hand to grab Blaine's
cock, which was swollen and leaking a steady stream of pre-cum. It barely took a single stroke before
Blaine's back was arching and his whole body shaking.
Kurt only got to watch for a second though before his own orgasm was practically ripped from him by
Blaine clamping down around him so tight it took the breath right out of him. As cliché as it was Kurt
might have lost consciousness for a few seconds because when he opened his eyes again Blaine was
slumped over him, face buried against Kurt's neck, clutching him tightly, and breathing like he'd just run
a marathon. Kurt felt himself slipping out of Blaine and heard Blaine groan in what he thought was
protest but he couldn't be sure.
Blaine shifted to the side and Kurt rolled with him, their legs tangling, as they pressed close to each
other, not wanting to be separated even an inch after the closeness they'd just experienced. Kurt felt
Blaine peppering kisses along his neck and sighed happily while he ran his hands up and down Blaine’s
back. He was still trying to wrap his mind around what they had just done, what he had just felt and was
feeling now.
It was hard to put into words. Kurt couldn't think of a single word to describe this. They were just all so
insignificant, so he didn't try. He just let himself feel it and breathe it and be with Blaine – Blaine who
was looking at him now with a look that Kurt would always remember for as long as he lived.
“Thank you...” Blaine whispered and Kurt just smiled and held him tighter.
They shared a shower later, soapy hands exploring and touching places they hadn't gotten the chance to
explore before. “You're ass is perfect,” Blaine stated, eyes and hands running over it and Kurt felt
himself blushing.
“Have you seen yours? I could say the same,” he asked turning to rub shampoo in Blaine's hair. Kurt
could definitely get used to this – the sex and the taking showers together.
Blaine shook his head though. “No mine is different. Yours is so soft and round and it fits perfectly in my
hands... I could just touch it all day.”
“No you couldn't.” Kurt rolled his eyes and hit Blaine's wondering hands away. Blaine whined, biting his
shoulder playfully and Kurt laughed. It was amazing how comfortable he felt now, being naked with
Blaine, and Kurt really didn't know what he'd been so scared of before. Blaine literally worshiped him
with his eyes and hands, he couldn’t seem to keep them off of Kurt, and Kurt would be lying if he said he
wasn't preening a bit with all of the positive attention. “Speaking of asses are you...”
Blaine shifted, his face scrunching up adorably as he concentrated on exactly how he was feeling. “Not
really... I think you prepared me really well and I’ve fingered myself before so I was used to that. I mean,
it is a little... odd feeling now – kind of achy, but in a good way actually.”
Kurt let out a relieved breath. “Good. I didn't want to hurt you.”
Blaine ran his hands through Kurt's soapy hair and pressed in close to kiss him. “You were amazing, and
I'm still trying to wrap my mind around the fact that this is reality and that what happened actually
happened. I wasn't expecting... that, but you've given me so much more than I ever expected Kurt and
you're just... everything. You're everything. Does that make sense?”
“Perfect sense,” Kurt whispered pressing his lips to Blaine's forehead. “Because I feel the same way.”
“That tickles...” Kurt laughed softly while he lay naked and sated and drowsy on the bed the next night.
Blaine was equally as naked, on his knees behind Kurt with a pen as he wrote on Kurt's skin. Kurt hadn't
even protested when Blaine started, the ink wasn't the permanent kind, and the thought of getting
Blaine to scrub it away later in a nice warm bath appealed to him greatly. “What are you writing?”
“A song...” Blaine answered, brow creased in concentration.
Kurt tried to follow the swipe of the pen to figure out what word Blaine was writing now, but he couldn't
quite catch it. “Something beautiful I hope?”
“As if I would allow anything else to touch your flawless skin.” Blaine teased back, kissing him between
his shoulder blades.
Kurt relaxed into the bed some more, letting himself drift. This was kind of relaxing actually, and he
certainly didn't mind the way Blaine’s fingers caressed over his ass every now and then admiringly. “Not
so flawless anymore,” he murmured thinking of all the marks currently covering his body and Blaine's for
that matter.
“No,” Blaine agreed finishing another line. “But somehow even more beautiful.”
“Hmm...” Kurt hummed in agreement because yeah, it kind of was. His fingerprints imprinted on Blaine's
thighs or Blaine's mouth on Kurt's chest was a very very appealing sight indeed and Kurt wanted to keep
those marks there permanently.
Blaine moved away after a few more minutes and Kurt grumbled in protest, but then Blaine was back,
carrying his guitar with him. They had been naked most of the day, only putting something on when
they ate, and Blaine only because Kurt made him. So Kurt didn't even bat an eyelash at the sight of
Blaine sitting in front of him with his guitar covering his lap and nothing else.
Blaine began playing a familiar tune. Kurt realized that it was the one he'd played the day that they had
arrived. Blaine must have found the words he was looking for then. “You're my world, the shelter from
the rain. You're the pills, that take away my pain. You're the light that helps me find my way. You're the
words, when I have nothing to say.”
Kurt felt himself choking up, just like he did every time Blaine sang to him, but this time was different.
After everything they'd done and shared over the last few days it meant so much more. Everything was
different. Plus this was something Blaine had written – written while thinking about Kurt. “And in this
world where nothing else is true. Here I am, still tangled up in you. I'm still tangled up in you. Still
tangled up in you.”
Kurt laid his head on his arms and watched Blaine. Blaine's eyes roamed over his body for a moment,
caressing his legs and back and everything, before connecting with Kurt’s again and Kurt smiled softly at
the look of adoration in them. “You're the fire, that warms me when I'm cold. You're the hand I have to
hold as I grow old. You're the shore when I am lost at sea. You're the only thing that I like about me. And
in this world where nothing else is true. Here I am, still tangled up in you. I'm still tangled up in you. Still
tangled up in you.”
Blaine didn't look away from him once and Kurt closed his eyes, letting the words and Blaine's voice
wash over him and seep into his skin. Maybe he would keep the lyrics for a while – if these were indeed
the words Blaine had written on his skin then Kurt didn't want them to ever fade. “How long has it been
since this storyline began, and I hope it never ends and goes like this forever. In this world, where
nothing else is true. Here I am, still tangled up in you. Tangled up in you. I'm still tangled up in you... still
tangled up in you.”
Blaine stroked him slowly beneath the surface of the bathwater, his other hand dancing along Kurt's
inner thigh, while his lips kissed up and down Kurt's neck, sucking and licking and nibbling. Kurt let his
weight rest back on Blaine's chest, his head falling back on Blaine’s shoulder. He could feel Blaine hard
and rutting lazily against the small of his back and whimpered softly.
“Kurt?” Blaine whispered and Kurt turned his head a bit, heavy eyes opening to look at Blaine. “Can I
touch you?” Before Kurt's muddled brain could let himself get confused by what Blaine meant Blaine
emphasized what he was asking by letting his fingers slide down Kurt's thigh and dip lower.
Kurt's breath caught as Blaine's finger rubbed against his entrance only briefly before pulling away, but it
was enough to have him trembling again like he had that first night.
Blaine kissed his jaw before nuzzling his way up to his ear. “Can I show you how good it feels? If you
don't like it I'll stop but... please? I just want to make you feel good.”
Kurt nodded, suddenly feeling his body turn feverish, because yes now that Blaine was actually asking
Kurt realized that he really did want this. He wanted Blaine to make him beg – make him writhe like Kurt
had Blaine that first night. “Yes – yes make me feel good...”
Blaine turned Kurt's head so that their lips could meet and kissed him hot and dirty while he grabbed
one of Kurt's legs and draped it over the edge of the bathtub. He then went back to stroking Kurt's cock,
while his other hand dipped lower again. His fingers began circling and massaging Kurt there and Kurt
felt something deep inside of him throb as he fell open wider with a moan.
“That's it Kurt... just relax. I'm going to take care of you.” Blaine whispered against his ear, teeth teasing
that spot that always got Kurt hot and bothered. Kurt tensed when Blaine's finger breached him, but
Blaine paused and the hand still lazily stroking Kurt's cock had Kurt's mind shifting focus from Blaine's
finger sliding in further.
Blaine pulled out and pushed back in a few times and Kurt tried to feel something more than what it
was. It wasn't particularly pleasurable but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling either. It was just... odd.
“Blaine?” he asked breathlessly, wondering if maybe something was wrong with him. Blaine had looked
so much more wrecked the other night.
“Hold on... I'm going to add another one.” A second finger worked its way in beside the first, and okay
that's where the burn came in, as Kurt winced a little. Kurt had read that there was some pain, but that
this could also be extremely pleasurable, which he had witnessed firsthand with Blaine's reaction, but so
far Kurt wasn't too sure that he was going to like this.
But then Kurt felt himself loosening a bit and Blaine sliding in easier with each slow thrust, pushing and
scissoring, and massaging and oh ... okay it was kind of nice. A warm tingly feeling spread up from Kurt's
toes, a dull hot ache spread across his thighs, a deep throbbing in his abdomen, and Kurt heard himself
moan softly as his muscles convulsed around Blaine’s fingers, trying to pull Blaine in deeper.
“Feel good?”
“Yeah...” Kurt answered licking his lips and curling his toes as his hands curled around Blaine's thighs.
“Feels really good.” His hips began rocking, small circular movements that had the added benefit of
giving Blaine some much needed friction too.
“You feel good,” Blaine groaned, burying his face against Kurt's neck and rocking up against Kurt while
he buried his fingers in him deeper.
Kurt's back arched and he gasped, legs spreading wider. “Again... deeper... like that...” Blaine listened to
him, shifting his angle around a bit on each thrust and suddenly Kurt was crying out, fingers digging into
Blaine's thighs as he pressed down hard on Blaine's fingers feeling his insides tremble. “There – there –
please there – oh god.” Kurt completely lost it as Blaine began pressing against that spot, massaging
him there relentlessly while he stroked his cock.
Kurt was pretty sure he was hyperventilating by the time his orgasm rushed up on him. He'd never felt
pleasure so deep before and Blaine was panting against his neck as well, rocking up into Kurt's squirming
body, as Kurt pressed down on his fingers greedily. “Fuck Kurt you're so hot. You have no idea what you
do to me. God you're so tight.”
Kurt came, bearing down on Blaine's fingers as deeply as he could get them, feeling himself convulsing
around them. Blaine whimpered brokenly against his skin, massaging and stroking Kurt through it. When
Kurt was finally able to catch his breath he reached behind himself for Blaine, only to find Blaine's cock
soft and pulsing with aftershocks.
Kurt paused in surprise, but Blaine was grabbing his face and turning Kurt's head for a deep, toe curling
kind of kiss. They collapsed on the bed a little while later, dry but still naked, and fell asleep tangled up
with each other. Kurt would worry about packing tomorrow, but right now he just wanted to spend one
more night as close to Blaine as possible.
Tossed Around
“Hey Blaine good to have you back! Finally took some much needed time off. I think Jake was planning
on forcing you to if you wouldn’t have asked him first. You work too hard man. How was your
weekend?” Trent asked fist bumping Blaine as he sat on the bench to start wrapping his wrists.
Blaine cleared his throat and answered. “Good. It was good.”
Apparently, he didn’t sound as nonchalant as he’d hoped because Trent paused in wrapping his own
ankles and turned to Blaine with a raised eyebrow. “Why do I get the feeling that you are drastically
understating here.”
“Uhh… it was great. I spent it at the Lake House…” Blaine felt the blush creeping up his neck but he
could do nothing about it.
“Try again.”
“…with Kurt.”
Blaine paused for a long moment while Trent whooped and patted him on the back in congratulations. It
was very tacky to brag about this to your friends, but Blaine wasn’t exactly bragging if he just mentioned
it, and it wasn’t like he was going to go into every hot and sweaty detail of their weekend. Blaine didn’t
think Trent would want to hear all of that anyway.
“So tell me all about it man.”
Okay so maybe Blaine was wrong. “Wh-what?”
“Come on dude it’s about time you got laid. Share time!” Trent exclaimed grinning at him like he’d been
the one who’d spent a hot weekend with his boyfriend, or rather girlfriend, not doing much else but
eating, sleeping, and figuring out what got the loudest, neediest, most primitive sounds.
“Wait share time? Who got laid? Blaine!” A few of the guys passing by called out, Blaine couldn’t pin
point which ones exactly, but suddenly he found himself surrounded.
“Oh my god,” Blaine breathed, covering his face, while Trent just chuckled and patted him on the
shoulder again in sympathy.
Blaine had heard the guys in the locker rooms talking about this stuff so often it didn’t faze him
anymore. Really it only made him happier that he was gay, but Blaine had never been the focus of the
conversation before. He’d never had anything to share with them. Blaine wasn’t even sure he wanted to
know that he did… but then again he also couldn’t deny that there was a part of him that felt a little bit
smug about an entire weekend spent wrapped around his boyfriend, panting and groaning and… okay
he needed to stop thinking about that.
“So Kurt’s finally putting out huh?” Blaine glared and Zachary, one of the guys who worked the parallel
bars, and he threw up his hands in defense. “Dude you’ve been wound so tight lately we were all afraid
you’d snap any day now. It’s good that Kurt’s… you know… helping out… with that…” Blaine’s glare only
intensified and Zachary realized he needed to shut up – like right now.
“Yeah man this is cool. We’re happy for you, and Kurt’s totally awesome. He brings us cookies and other
shit that I can’t even pronounce but it’s delicious.”
“I bet he’s wild in bed. I dated this chick once. Just like Kurt. Always so put together and proper, nothing
ever out of place you know, but when the clothes came off – she was a wild cat. Tied me to the bed and
rode me like I was a fucking bull. I was so sore the next day.”
“You still have her number?”
“Guys we were talking about Blaine and Kurt’s hot weekend here,” Trent interrupted and Blaine really
wished he wouldn’t have because all of their eyes turned back on him expectantly and he had no clue
what to say or if he should say anything.
If he didn’t give them something though they would probably tease the hell out of him about being
whipped, and maybe Blaine was, but he really didn’t want to be seen as one of those guys. He sort of
had a reputation around here. Was his pride really worth Kurt’s possible anger and embarrassment
though if he ever found out Blaine had bragged.
The obvious answer was no.
“Look guys Kurt’s really priva –“
“What about Blaine and Kurt’s hot weekend?” Blaine’s eyes widened and he sat up straight as the guys
quickly parted and Kurt came into view, carrying a picnic basket most likely full of baked sweets. One of
the guys instantly took it off of Kurt’s hands for him and Kurt smiled at him. “Hey guys… Blaine?”
“We – we were just uh – I was just uh…” Blaine stuttered not knowing what to say to get himself out of
this situation. He looked around but the guys were either looking on in amusement or caution that a
significant other had infiltrated ‘share time’ . The last time this had happened it had been one of
Keegan’s girlfriends and the shrieking still haunted them. “I didn’t tell them anything!”
“He didn’t tell us anything!” Someone else agreed quickly – it sounded a lot like Keegan.
Kurt walked forward with a smirk and to Blaine’s surprise crawled into his lap, straddling him on the
bench, and looping his arms around his neck, while Blaine’s hands instantly went to Kurt’s waist to hold
him steady. “Well that’s a shame because I think it was kind of hot the way you pinned me to the
counter while I was trying to bake. The cake batter never made it into the oven but it was still delicious.”
“You had kitchen sex! Dude I haven’t made it outside of my bedroom or the back seat of my car yet.”
“I was nearing third with a girl on the living room couch once when my parents came home and caught
us… man she had some awesome tits.”
“You have her number?”
Kurt, wrinkled his nose adorably in distaste at the mention of boobs, before he arched a little closer,
running his lips up Blaine’s neck to his ear, causing Blaine to shiver. “Mmm… kitchen sex, living room
sex, dining room sex, bathroom sex, hot tub sex, hallway sex… I think we missed the fourth bedroom
though and the mud room. I guess we’ll have to remember that on our next trip if you haven’t worn me
out so much I can’t think straight again.” He could feel Blaine’s suppressed grin against his shoulder as
Blaine’s hands tightened on his waist.
Kurt squeezed Blaine’s neck a little tighter before crawling off of his lap and leaning down with a hand
behind Blaine’s neck to kiss him hard and firm amongst the cat calls from the other guys. “Anyway, sorry
to interrupt your little ‘share time’ . I was just stopping by to drop those off – don’t eat what’s in the
brown bag!” he warned one of the guys already digging through the basket. “That’s Blaine’s dinner.
Everything else you can divide amongst yourselves.” Kurt leaned in and kissed Blaine once more
chastely. “I’m going to head home and get some much needed rest. I still haven’t quite recovered fully
and sitting in classes all day today was brutal. Call me later?”
“Of course,” Blaine replied a little breathless, still staring up at Kurt like he was the most amazing thing
in the world. He actually kind of was.
Kurt felt a tingling of satisfaction, at the admiration on the guys faces as they looked at Blaine now. He
stood back straight and took a step back, letting Blaine’s hand drop from his own. “You boys have fun.”
“Blaine you stud!”
“So you wore him out good then?”
“Who knew you had it in you!”
“Oh my god you have the coolest boyfriend.”
“These brownies are fucking amazing!”
Kurt forced himself not to look back and managed to suppress his laughter until he was out of the
building and in his car.
“I can’t believe you did that,” Blaine said later over the phone while Kurt was sitting at his vanity doing
his skin care routine. “I wasn’t going to tell them anything you know. I wouldn’t do that to you.”
Kurt smiled gently, because he did know that. Blaine was far too much of a gentleman to go running his
mouth off to his friends about their weekend. “I know you wouldn’t, but I also know how it is Blaine. I’ve
heard how the guys talk in the locker rooms and how they tease each other. I was on the football team
remember? I know it’s like a badge of honor to them.”
Blaine was quick and earnest to try and reassure. “It’s more than that Kurt. You mean so much more
than that to me. What we did meant so much more than just bragging rights. The thought hadn’t even
crossed my mind until Trent was there and he was asking about my weekend and the other guys were
joining in and –”
Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled fondly even though Blaine couldn’t see him. “Blaine you don’t have to
convince me of that fact okay. Girls talk too you know. I haven’t exactly kept this a secret from Tina and
Mercedes either. I don’t mind if you have a little guy chat with your buddies okay. I’m a guy too
remember. I know how it feels to be able to brag about stuff like this. I mean, you don’t know how good
it felt to rub it in Finn’s face –”
“Wait what?” Blaine cut in and Kurt felt a blush heating up his cheeks. He was extremely happy at the
moment that Blaine couldn’t see him.
“Well I mean… I didn’t go into detail and – you have two older brothers right? I just – Finn’s always
whining about how slow he and Rachel are moving or he’s boosting that she let him touch her boob…
I’m sorry if you didn’t want him to know, but he kind of already knew considering we were spending the
weekend alone. He’s not that dumb.”
“No – no Kurt it’s fine. I was just shocked is all. I thought if you were going to rub it in anyone’s face it
would be Santana’s actually.”
Kurt laughed because the thought had crossed his mind. “No, it would be all over the school tomorrow if
she knew about it. I mean, I’m not ashamed. I love you and you’re my boyfriend and I’m proud to be
with you. I’m so proud to be with you.”
“I love you,” Blaine sighed through the phone.
“I love you too…” Kurt smiled softly and there was short silence before Kurt shook himself out of it
before he got too emotional. “So what are your plans for tomorrow after school? Are you going to the
gym again?”
“I can take the afternoon off if – “
“No,” Kurt cut in quickly, already hearing the hesitation in Blaine’s voice. “No, it’s fine. Dad asked me to
help out closing the shop tomorrow anyway, and I was hoping to hit the mall before it closed. I think I
found the perfect shirt for you for prom in the Macy’s window display and – oh god I didn’t even ask you
if you wanted to rent or buy your outfit or even how much you wanted to spend! I’m sorry I just –”
“Not an issue,” Blaine cut in before Kurt could really get himself worked up.
Kurt groaned putting his face in his free hand, completely embarrassed at his behavior. He hadn’t even
thought to ask Blaine what he actually wanted. He’d just completely taken over everything while Blaine
sat back and let him, probably terrified by how intense Kurt was being about this whole thing. It was
important though. It was Blaine’s senior year. His prom, and Kurt wanted it to be perfect for him.
“Blaine I – “
“Kurt it’s not an issue. Seriously my mom just made my dad transfer some money into my account for
this. She even threatened me that if I didn’t use it to have the best night of my life, and make sure it was
the best night of yours too, then she’d tell the maid to stop cleaning my room and doing my laundry for
me. Trust me when I say money is not an issue here. Spend whatever you want. In fact I’ll give you my
card tomorrow at school.”
“Blaine – “
Kurt sighed, knowing that tone, and knowing he’d lost this one. Blaine wouldn’t budge. He never would
when money was concerned, but sometimes Kurt forgot who Blaine was, where he came from. “Okay
fine. I promise you’ll look really great.”
“I know I will. You wouldn’t dress me in anything but something completely amazing.” Blaine replied
without a single doubt in his voice and Kurt felt himself flush in pleasure. “Oh and Kurt…”
“I want you to buy you something nice. That’s not prom related.”
Kurt opened his mouth to protest, only to hear his phone beep to tell him the call had been
Kurt fingered the plum colored velvet tuxedo jacket with black silk lapels as he bit his lip. It would be
perfect for Blaine, the perfect shade of color for his skin tone, the perfect piece to make him stand out
(although not too much) from the generic high school prom tuxedos that would be worn, and the
perfect contrast to the material that made up half of Kurt’s own outfit. It was on sale too, but only
twenty percent off, which still made it expensive, and even though Blaine said he could – had practically
told him to, Kurt was still reluctant to spend that kind of money.
Kurt reasoned though that the jacket could be worn again. It would look great with a pair of casual dark
wash jeans for even something as simple as a date night. Blaine didn’t only have to wear it for prom.
Kurt had done the same reasoning when buying Blaine’s shirt, which was an Armani black and silver
stripped dress shirt that he’d gotten on sale for fifty percent off. He’d also bought Blaine a plum bow tie
to match the jacket, although Kurt wasn’t sure yet if he wanted Blaine to wear it or not. He would just
have to see it on first.
“Can I help you with anything?”
Kurt jumped and turned around, only to come face to face with an attractive blond man, a little taller
than him, and with the most perfect set of teeth Kurt had ever seen. “Um yes actually. I need this jacket
but in a smaller size if you have it.”
“Of course… Ramona!” he called to a young girl folding some shirts nearby. “Get a small Dolce and
Gabbana, aubergine velvet, split lapel, tuxedo blazer from the back! Why are we out of them on the
floor anyway!
“Yes sir – sorry I’ll just – go grab that…” the girl, Ramona, scurried off quickly and was back in seconds
with two of the jackets in a small size, one for Kurt and one for the rack.
The guy took the jacket from her and turned back to Kurt with that smile and Kurt could only blink at
how large it was. “Now Mr….”
“Kurt.” The smile widened to something that kind of made Kurt feel uncomfortable. “We have a fitting
room this way, with a three sixty mirror, if you would like to try it on, and some fabulous trousers that I
think would look spectacular on you.”
Kurt just stared as the guy’s eyes moved down his body. He knew that look, Blaine gave him that look,
although it never made Kurt uneasy like this. At least it wasn’t as bad as the times Sebastian had
checked him out, but although flattering, Kurt felt very uncomfortable. He just wanted to buy the jacket
and get out of there.
“My name is Saul by the way.”
“Well thank you for your help, Saul, but the jacket isn’t for me,” Kurt explained trying to edge past the
guy toward the check out. “But if we need any adjustments made I’ll be sure to send them back.” Kurt
was pretty confident they wouldn’t though. The jacket looked perfect for Blaine and if on the off chance
it did need some adjusting Kurt could do it himself easily.
Saul stuck close until Kurt was laying the jacket on the counter and pulling out Blaine’s credit card. Then
he just hovered until Kurt had jacket safely wrapped and bagged. “Oh a gift then – a very nice gift. Is it
for a brother or friend?”
“Boyfriend.” Kurt corrected quickly as he turned around, hoping the guy would get the hint, and finally
Saul’s smile faded to a more manageable level.
“Ah, yes I see. He’s a lucky guy then.” Kurt felt a light blush heating up his cheeks, actually flattered by
those words. He liked to think he was pretty lucky too.
“Th – thank you, and thank you for your help.” Saul nodded and started to open his mouth again but
Kurt turned and fled, already pulling out his phone to call Blaine. “I just got hit on!” he blurted, sounding
completely scandalized, before Blaine could get out more than a hello.
There was a long silence before Kurt realized that it was because Blaine was laughing and trying to
muffle it. “I – I’m sorry. Wh – what?”
Kurt started to crack up too. “I just – I was buying part of your prom outfit and this guy walked over to
help. He gave me that look.”
“What look?” Blaine asked amusement clear in his voice.
“You know… the look you give me sometimes when I wear an outfit you really like… something even
tighter than ordinary.” Kurt explained, wondering if Blaine even realized he did it.
“I do not give you a look!” Blaine denied and Kurt could practically feel the heat of Blaine’s blush
through the phone.
“Yes you do too! It’s like you’re going to pounce on me or something.”
Blaine huffed. “Well can you blame me. Besides you give me a look too… when I’m all sweaty and in my
uniform at practice. You could set fires with the look you give.”
It was Kurt’s turn to blush and he cleared his throat looking around him uncomfortably because now
was not the time to start getting all hot and bothered with his boyfriend over the phone. “Yes well, can
you blame me?” he shot back. “Anyway he was giving me that look just now.”
“Should I be jealous?” Blaine teased, and it made Kurt extremely happy that Blaine was comfortable and
confident enough with their relationship that he would tease about something like this.
“Oh I don’t know, Saul had an amazing smile. It was very… white…” Blaine snorted into the phone and
Kurt heard himself cracking up again. “It was hard to resist, but don’t worry I told him I had a boyfriend.
I’ve spent way too much money on your prom outfit anyway.”
“Did you buy you something too?”
Kurt bit his bottom lip.
“I – not yet but… I really shouldn’t though Blaine. You could use this money for something else. You
should save it,” he protested.
“Kurt I’m saving plenty of money, besides this isn’t even my money. It’s my dad’s and as long as he’s
giving it I’m going to use it until he cuts me off.”
Kurt sighed. “He’s not going to cut you off Blaine. He’s you’re dad. You’ll work this out.”
“I’m surprised he hasn’t yet just to show me how it’ll be without his help. I figured he would by now. I
think my mom is the only thing holding him back from going through with it. Don’t worry Kurt. Spend it
please. I want you too.”
“You aren’t doing this just to get back at your dad are you? You know… giving your boyfriend your credit
card to spend his money?”
Blaine laughed, loud and long, and Kurt felt that tingly warmth spread through his bones. “Kurt you
could use that card all day long and he probably wouldn’t even notice. In fact, he’ll probably think it’s my
mom spending the money anyway. Please buy whatever it is you want. I know you. There’s something
you’ve probably had your eye on for a while. I’m telling you to get it.”
Kurt sighed and felt himself giving in, not that it would have taken much convincing from Blaine really,
because yeah he’d had his eye on something for a while now. Kurt had really wanted it for his prom
outfit, but he knew he would never be able to afford it so he’d been looking into knock off versions.
“Fine, but I am wearing it for prom.”
“As long as it’s not just for prom.” Blaine countered.
“It’s not… and I think you’ll really like it too. It’s as much for you as it is for me really.” Kurt teased,
getting that giddy feeling he normally got when he managed to beat someone on eBay or get something
designer he’d been wanting on sale at an extremely low price.
“Oh really now?” Kurt could practically see the raised eyebrows. “You won’t give me a hint at all will
“Nope! You can’t see my outfit until the day of,” Kurt answered happily and then hesitated. “Umm,
you’re probably going to have to call the store though. I don’t know if they’ll let me buy this with your
card without getting your permission.”
“Not a problem, we have accounts set up at most of the stores due to my mom,” Blaine replied easily, as
if Kurt hadn’t just insinuated that the price was going to be something ridiculous. “Just give them my
number if they need to talk to me…. I gotta go though. Mom’s calling me. I think my brother’s and their
wives just arrived for dinner.”
“Okay. I’m just going to stop here and then try to hit up Macy’s before they close.” Kurt’s hands were
shaking as he walked toward the store, unable to believe that he was really about to walk in and buy
something at full price from there. “I love you.” He was embarrassed to hear that his voice sounded a
little breathless with excitement.
“I love you too,” Blaine answered, and Kurt could hear the knowing smile in his voice. “Have fun
shopping and call me when you get home so I know you made it back okay.”
Kurt hung up the phone and walked into the store with a giddy smile. Blaine didn’t know it yet but he
was so getting laid at the next available opportunity.
Blaine’s phone vibrated and he looked down at his caller I.D. smiling widely. “Hey Kurt! You’re already
home? You didn’t make it to Macy’s before they closed?”
“Blaine…” Kurt’s voice came over the speaker breathless, low, and a little bit frantic.
Blaine frowned. “Kurt why are you whispering?”
“Blaine honey it’s not polite to answer your phone at the dinner table. Tell Kurt you’ll call him back after
we –“
Blaine held up a hand to hush his mother, which earned him a startled look from everyone around the
table, that was quickly falling into anger on his father’s part. The only reason Blaine was having family
dinner tonight at all was because his brothers were over. Otherwise he would have still been avoiding
his father and probably would have gone with Kurt to help pick out his prom outfit.
Before Daniel could say anything though Blaine was standing to his feet, his heart caught somewhere in
his throat as he listened to Kurt’s heavy breathing and waited for Kurt to answer him. Kurt was taking
too long though and a million horrible thoughts were starting to creep up on Blaine. “Kurt tell me what’s
Kurt’s voice came over the line again, low and shaky, and yeah that was definitely fear Blaine was
hearing. “They – they’re waiting by my car…”
“Who Kurt?” Blaine asked, patting down his pockets and trying to find where he’d left his keys.
“The jocks… they’re just standing there, leaning against it. They punctured my tires and keyed it.” Kurt’s
voice was killing him and Blaine felt his fists clench in anger and frustration at his helplessness. He
couldn’t seem to find his damn keys and he knew he’d put them in his pocket.
“Kurt is there anyone around? Do you see a mall cop anywhere? Where are you?” Blaine asked and that
really got his parents attention as they stood and his mother walked over to him to place her hands on
his shoulders with a look of concern. “Where are my damn keys!” he shouted at no one in particular.
Kurt sobbed and Blaine nearly lost it. “There’s no one around and if I move they’ll see me. Please come
get me. Please .”
“I’m on my way. I’m leaving right now Kurt. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay.” Nathan’s wife handed
him his keys from where he must have left them on a table somewhere, and Blaine quickly made his way
to the front door. “Just stay where you are. Have you tried to call your dad or Finn?” They were even
closer. They would be able to get to Kurt faster than he could.
“I can’t,” Kurt answered with a choked sound that he was trying to muffle. “Dad and Carole went to a
movie so their phones are probably off and Finn is on a date with Rachel and he never answers when
he’s with her. She doesn’t let him unless it’s his mom.”
Blaine paused, biting his lip. “Kurt I think you should call the police.” If they’d actually gone as far as to
damage Kurt’s car then this was serious.
“No!” Kurt instantly protested. “The police won’t do anything. They can’t. The jock’s will just say they
didn’t do anything and the police will make them leave, but what good will that do? It’ll only make them
angrier at me that I got them in trouble again, and oh god what if the police don’t even care because I’m
gay. Azimio’s uncle is on the force. I met him once at a football game. He tried to spill hot coffee on me. I
can’t put my dad through that. Just come get me Blaine. Please . I can’t – I’m so scared. Please I need
you to come get me.”
“I’m coming baby. I’m coming.” Blaine couldn’t take the sound of Kurt’s voice. His hands were shaking as
he tried to unlock his car door only to have the keys snatched from his numb fingers. “Nathan what –”
“I’m driving. Get in my car it’s faster. Dad and Junior are going to follow us. Where’s Kurt?”
“Kurt where exactly are you?” Blaine asked quickly into the phone while he slid onto the black leather
seats of Nathan’s sports car.
“I’m…” Kurt was breathing raggedly as he took a moment to seemingly figure out where exactly he was
at. “You – you know that giant cement flower pot sitting in the middle of the parking lot outside of
Macy’s that never has any flowers in it anyway? I’m sitting behind it. I had to parked my car in the back.
Last time I was here this late I parked close and my Navigator got scratched by some idiot getting off of
work and I didn’t want that to happen with my new car. I shouldn’t have parked so far away. I’m so
“Kurt – Kurt it’s okay, just take a deep breath and calm down. Soon – I’ll be there soon.” Normally it
would take them about twenty minutes, and that was without traffic, but with the way Nathan was
driving Blaine didn’t doubt they would get there in half that time. “Kurt what are they doing now? Can
you see them?”
“I – I think they’re arguing about leaving…” Kurt whispered hesitantly. “They’re – they’re leaving Blaine!
They’re walking away!”
Kurt sounded so relieved, but Blaine wasn’t so sure. “Okay Kurt that’s good but I don’t want you to
move yet. Just stay where you are until I get there.”
“But Blaine they’re leaving. I can make it to my car and lock the door until you get here. This ground is
filthy and wet and it’s soaking into my pants. These are my favorite jeans. You know the white ones that
you said –”
There was suddenly the sound of shattering glass and Kurt’s startled shout, followed by the clattering of
his phone. “Kurt! Kurt! Nathan hurry! Nathan - “
“I’m calling the police.” Nathan already had his phone pressed to his ear even as he turn off the next exit
at a dangerously fast speed.
“Kurt please pick up the phone! Kurt! Kurt please!” There was no answer though, just the distant sound
of shouting. Blaine’s hands were shaking so bad he could barely dial as he pulled the phone away from
his ear and typed in Burt’s number, surprised he even remembered it by heart. Hopefully the man would
answer if he saw that it was Blaine who was calling. The movie theater wasn’t that far from the mall, not
even five minutes in fact.
Burt answered on the third ring. “Blaine?” he asked hesitantly because Blaine had never called him
before, which was probably the reason he’d answered at all.
“Burt,” Blaine choked out and for a second that was all he was able to say. He couldn’t seem to get his
brain to work with his mouth and it all came out a mess. “Kurt went to the mall – for prom outfits. They
were there and Kurt was hiding. He called me. Kurt was shouting and there was glass breaking. Then he
wouldn’t answer me. Oh god he wouldn’t answer me! Nathan called the police. They saw him. Oh god
they saw him. They saw him.”
It seemed Burt was able to draw some sense from what Blaine was rambling because he was frantically
asking Blaine where exactly Kurt was at, and somehow Blaine heard himself answering. A few minutes
later Nathan made the final turn and the nearly deserted mall parking lot came into view. Then all Blaine
could see were lights from police cars everywhere, three vaguely familiar boys in red leather and white
jackets sitting on concrete off to the side in handcuffs.
Kurt’s car sat in the middle of it all with busted windows, punctured tires, and deep key marks that
Blaine vaguely registered read something vulgar. There was a tire iron laying in the glass and Blaine felt
bile rise in his throat, because there was no Kurt anywhere that he could see. There was only what must
have been Kurt or Blaine’s prom outfit, laying in their bags scattered all over the wet ground.
Everything was sort of a muffled blur.
All of it was happening so fast that Blaine had no sense of time, or at least of how long he had been
standing there staring at that tire iron, completely frozen in the midst of the chaos happening around
him. There were voices, someone asking his father who they were, and Daniel was answering but Blaine
couldn’t tell what he was saying – if he was introducing Blaine as the boyfriend or just a friend.
Nathan’s hand remained firm on Blaine’s shoulder. The only thing keeping him in this reality and not
falling completely into the one where Blaine was curled up on the concrete in the school parking lot
trying to protect his head. Because the cute band boy he’d finally chanced asking to Sadie Hawkins
wasn’t the nice guy Blaine had thought he was – the one that had smiled at him sometimes and said
hello in the hallway.
Blaine blinked his eyes away from the glittering glass, like diamonds on the dark pavement, as Burt
pulled up with Carole, charging out of their car and toward where the three boys sat with their heads in
their hands. Burt’s face was dangerously red. Blaine saw his own father step in the way, grabbing Burt by
the shoulders and saying something to him as two police officers followed asking him who he was.
Carole stood a little further back, a hand over her mouth and eyes darting around, obviously searching
for Kurt.
Where was Kurt? Echoed like a mantra in Blaine’s head too, in his whole body. It was the only thing that
was really registering for him right now, but even so it was muffled, distant. Blaine felt… numb.
There were more tires screeching loudly, doors slamming, causing Blaine to jump at the sudden sharp
noise that broke through the low buzzing in his ears. “What did you do! What the fuck did you do to my
brother you assholes!”
Blaine had never seen Finn like this. Finn was normally a dopey, clueless, and completely harmless
gentle giant, who sometimes tried to act tough but really couldn’t hurt a fly. Right now Finn was scary
though. Intense and shaking, eyes panicked but face screwed up in fury as he advanced on the three
boys he had once called his team mates – his friends even.
A large black man in a police uniform who was standing over Azimio, probably the uncle Kurt had
mentioned ironically enough, stood up straight and stepped in front of his nephew holding out a hand to
halt Finn, who paced like a caged lion just waiting for the opportunity to present itself. Waiting for one
of the jocks to make a move or say something that would give him an excuse – just one fucking excuse.
Blaine saw Junior walk over, standing next to Rachel’s trembling form, and close behind Finn – to hold
Finn back or help him if something happened Blaine didn’t really know. Junior would get in more trouble
though, those boys were minors… well except for Azimio. He was eighteen, and since Azimio’s father
worked under Junior in their father’s company then Blaine supposed Junior was probably aware of that
More vehicles, more lights, more tires screeching, more doors slamming and suddenly it seemed like
every guy from new Directions was there. Wearing bowling shoes of all things, from the alley not one
block away from the mall. Kurt could have called one of them Blaine realized.
They could have been here in seconds. They had been so close – literally down the road in just about
every direction. Finn and Rachel on a date at a restaurant nearby, Burt and Carole at the movie theater
down the road, Puck, Mike, Sam, and even Artie at the bowling alley right around the corner it seemed.
Yet Kurt had called Blaine first of all these people, knowing Blaine was the farthest away from him, and
Blaine hadn’t made it in time. He’d been too late.
The police were standing between the New Directions boys and the jocks who looked properly terrified
now as they cringed away at the threats being shouted at them. Good. Blaine wanted them to be so
fucking scared they had nightmares about this night for months – just like Kurt probably would. Just like
Blaine had.
The sound of more sirens, and flashing lights were enough to finally snap Blaine out of his own mind. It
was an ambulance. The officers had called for an ambulance at some point. Blaine felt his stomach
plummet and something cold enter his blood stream.
Blaine moved.
He was running – running where he didn’t know, but he dodged around vehicles, Nathan shouting his
name as Blaine vaguely registered that he was shouting Kurt’s. Blaine saw an officer crouching beside
one of the police cars and stumbled over an uneven bit of pavement.
Then finally, there was Kurt, sitting on the concrete and leaning back against a police car. His face was
wet and blotchy from tears, his body shaking so bad it looked painful, and the officer’s hands were on
his shoulders trying to calm him as Kurt breathed rapidly into a brown paper bag.
Two paramedics got there just as Blaine did, coaxing Kurt into removing the bag and sliding a mask over
his face. They grabbed one of Kurt’s wrists to check his pulse rate, shinned a light in his eyes that made
Kurt flinch, but Blaine couldn’t do anything because the officer stood and was now blocking his path.
“Move!” Blaine shouted at the young man, who had to have been around the same age as Nathan,
which probably wasn’t the best idea in the world but the officer remained calm.
“He’s okay kid. Let them do their job. You’re friend is going to be fine. He’s just having a panic attack.”
Blaine could hear what the officer was saying but all he could see was Kurt with paramedics all around
him and a mask over his face while he gasped for breath. “Kurt!”
Kurt’s head jerked up at Blaine’s frantic shout and he was trying to pull the mask away. He managed to
gasp something to one of the protesting paramedics who looked up in their direction and shouted for
the officer to let Blaine past. Blaine was beside Kurt and on his knees before he even realized himself
that he had moved. His hands fluttered helplessly over Kurt, not knowing where to touch first, or if he
even could touch him.
Kurt had no problem helping him with this question though as he crawled his way into Blaine’s lap, the
mask pressed tightly over his face while he sobbed helplessly into Blaine’s shoulder and tried to breathe.
“Kurt are your hands numb? Do they feel like they’ve fallen asleep? What about your lips – your face?”
the paramedic still kneeling beside them was asking as he shuffled closer now that Kurt was practically
in Blaine’s lap.
Blaine felt Kurt nod frantically against his chest to both questions and his heart skipped a few frantic
beats while he clutched Kurt to him tighter, unconsciously rocking them both. “What – what does that
“He’s hyperventilating and the more panicked and scared he gets the harder it’s going to be for him to
breathe. Try to get him to calm down for us or we’re going to have to sedate him,” the paramedic
answered while he grabbed Kurt’s wrist again between his two fingers. “We’re going to hook oxygen up
to the face mask and we need him to try taking deep, even breaths for us.”
Blaine nodded and cupped the back of Kurt’s head, leaning it back so that he could look at him and also
so the other paramedic who had come back could hook up the small oxygen tank he’d brought with him.
Kurt was weak and far too pale. His lips were bloodless, eyes wild and unfocused, his body was heaving
with the effort it was taking for him to try and breathe, and it only seemed to be getting harder for Kurt
the more he tried.
Blaine leaned forward and pressed their foreheads together. “Kurt you’re safe now. I’ve got you. You’re
safe. I need you to try and calm down for me baby.” Blaine heard his own voice break as Kurt simply
stared up at him with those wide frightened eyes, the mask over his face and nose fogging with each
frantic puff of air that came out sometimes accompanied by a broken cry of fear. “I know – I know
you’re scared. I know you are, but you’re going to be okay now. You’re going to be fine. I’m right here.
You’re safe now Kurt. You know I won’t let anything hurt you.”
Blaine curled himself over Kurt even more and Kurt’s hand curled in Blaine’s sweater tightly, probably
stretching and ruining the fabric, as his other one remained around the face mask with white knuckles.
Blaine untwisted Kurt’s fingers from his sweater and pressed Kurt’s hand flat against his chest, entwining
their fingers. “Follow me okay? Breathe with me. Breathe for me Kurt.”
Blaine breathed deeply and felt Kurt try to match him, but the breath stuttered and stopped in Kurt’s
throat and he released it as a desperate sob. “It’s okay. It’s okay. Shh baby… try again… just try again for
They repeated the pattern, Kurt trying to follow Blaine’s breathing and Blaine soothing him when he
couldn’t, but slowly Kurt’s tears stopped, his tense body began to loosen, and Blaine had to catch Kurt
and cradle him as he suddenly sagged like everything had been drained from him all at once.
“He’s okay,” the parametric reassured quickly when Blaine looked up at him in panic. “He’s just weak,
but he is breathing better. He hasn’t passed out and it seems the oxygen is starting to circulate in his
bloodstream again. You did good kid. He’ll be okay.”
Kurt blinked his heavy eyes open slowly, tiredly, but he was starting to regain some color now and Blaine
felt a rush of air leave him in relief as he curled over Kurt and rocked him in his arms for a moment. A
heavy hand landed on Blaine’s shoulder and Blaine looked up to see Burt standing behind him, tears on
his face, while he smiled down at him gratefully. Blaine sent him a trembling smile of his own before
turning back to Kurt, unable to keep his eyes off of him for too long.
Blaine continued to hold him while the parametric worked around him, flashing a small light into Kurt’s
eyes and checking his blood pressure. “Were there any injuries?”
“Only the big guy over there, but your partner is taking care of him,” the officer from before answered
and Blaine looked over his shoulder again curiously to see that the other parametric had moved over to
one of the jocks and was cleaning up what looked like some pretty deep scratch marks on his face.
Blaine felt a burn of satisfaction at the sight. “This guy seems fine other than the fright they gave him.”
“Other than the fright they gave him!” Burt repeated the officers careless words furiously advancing
toward the cop, but Daniel put a hand on his shoulder and he backed down. Blaine looked at his father
in confusion and then at Burt, but didn’t ask questions, instead he turned back to Kurt who seemed to
be having trouble keeping his eyes open.
Burt also switched his focus back to his son as he crouched down and cradled the back of Kurt’s head in
one large hand. “Does he need to go to the hospital?”
“Not unless you want him to. Physically he’s fine though. He’ll probably be falling asleep soon actually…”
the parametric trailed off, looking down at Kurt who by the looks of it was already fast asleep in Blaine’s
Blaine held him a little bit tighter.
“We do need his statement…” another police officer mentioned, but with a look from Burt he
backtracked quickly. “But we can get it in the morning I suppose, along with any pictures of any injuries
that might surface over night such as bruising. We should call these other boys parents though. They are
all underage, except for the one, but he’s still in high school.”
“Let’s give them a ride to the station… shake them up a bit more,” another cop suggested and Blaine
instantly liked him. He was the oldest out of the group and looked like the type who wouldn’t take any
nonsense from anyone. “We’ll take some pictures of the damage to the vehicle then get someone out
here to tow it. You’ve got a auto shop don’t you Mr. Hummel?”
“Yeah, I could have one of my boys come out and tow it over there tonight when you’re finished,” Burt
answered, looking over at the man, but keeping his hand on Kurt’s head protectively. Blaine knew the
feeling – understood how much Burt needed even that small contact right now. It was reassurance that
Kurt was there… still with them.
“Henley get over here and start taking pictures. I want to be able to put that vehicle together like a 3D
puzzle by the time you’re finished. Marcus you start loading up those boys. In fact, tell Jess to get some
nice mugshots of them when you get back. Bobby you can head back to the station too and get the
paperwork ready.” the older police officer started ordering and the others jumped into action
immediately, all except for Bobby, who Blaine realized was Azimio’s uncle.
“But sir, my nephew is – ”
“Is going with the others. We’ll contact his father at the station.” Bobby hesitated a second longer
before walking back to his vehicle. The older officer shook his head at the man then turned back to Burt.
“Mr. Hummel you can take your boy home. I’ll be in touch in the morning for a time to come get his
statement. We want to get it as soon as possible. Also by the time we got here he’d already been
pushed around a bit so if any bruising starts to show take a picture of it, although I think it’s safe to say
your boy did more physical damage to them than they did to him. If you’re wanting to press charges
though then we’ve got to document everything.”
Burt nodded and glanced at Daniel.
Blaine knew then what his dad must have been telling Burt to keep the man calm and he felt his own
bubbling furry calming too. Finn walked over and helped him lift Kurt, and Blaine reluctantly released
Kurt into Finn’s arms. Blaine then followed close behind them over to Burt’s car. His father stopped him
though before he could climb into the back with Kurt and to Blaine’s surprise hugged him tightly.
“I’ll take care of this,” Daniel whispered, squeezing the back of Blaine’s neck.
Blaine nodded his head against his dad’s strong shoulder, hoping he could be even half as strong as the
man in front of him because Kurt would need him to be. Daniel released him, taking a step back, and
letting Blaine slide into the back seat where he instantly gathered Kurt into his arms again.
Blaine watched Kurt sleep fitfully. It wasn’t that Kurt was tossing and turning, it was the tension in Kurt’s
body, the way his face was tight with anxiety, and the way his fingers remained curled into Blaine’s shirt.
He had tried to sleep himself, but it wouldn’t come.
In fact, it didn’t seem to be coming for Burt either as the man’s shadow passed beneath the small crack
at the bottom of the door again, and his heavy footsteps paused to listen in for any sounds of distress
but giving them their privacy by not actually coming inside the room.
Blaine ran his fingers through Kurt’s hair as he sat up against the headboard with Kurt’s head resting in
the curve of his abdomen. He wondered what would happen tomorrow. If he, or Burt, or Finn, for that
matter, would be able to control themselves once Kurt started talking.
Blaine remembered the police coming to talk to him. He remembered his dad most of all, standing there
in the corner of his hospital room so stiffly while Blaine cried in his mother’s arms and recounted what
had happened, not understanding why someone he thought was so nice would have done that to him.
How it had only been the one boy at first, then someone else, and someone else. How other students
had just stood there and watched it happen. How Blaine thought even a teacher had walked by, and
when it was over how he’d had to call for help on his cell phone himself.
The first number Blaine had dialed had been Junior’s. Mostly because Blaine had just gotten off the
phone with him and it was the first name when he pressed talk. When Blaine had told Junior what
happened he hadn’t even recognized his own voice. So calm and detached.
It hadn’t sounded like someone who had just been attacked and at first Junior had told him to stop
playing around, that it wasn’t funny, but when Blaine didn’t respond for a good two or three… or
possibly even thirty minutes Junior had damn near lost it.
At the hospital though Daniel had walked out of the room with the police, to where Blaine’s brothers
and grandmother were sitting in the waiting room down the hall, and the next day Blaine signed his
transfer papers to Dalton.
After that, other than overheard phone calls coming from his dad’s office, Blaine never did know what
happened to the boys who had attacked him. He only knew that he never had to see them again, that at
Dalton it never had to happen again.
Blaine had transferred to McKinley so he could remove the lump in his throat left behind from running,
so that he could face this kind of stuff head on and prove to himself exactly how strong he was, and he
didn’t regret that decision. It had brought him to Kurt, but now more than anything Blaine wished he
could take Kurt away from it all. He wished more than anything that Kurt had never had to feel what this
was like.
“You were right. I should have listened to you.”
Blaine jerked, startled out of his thoughts, as Kurt’s hoarse voice suddenly filled the heavy silence. He
shifted them and slide down the bed until their faces were resting on the same pillow inches apart.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” he asked rubbing up and down Kurt’s back and placing a small kiss on his
“I should have listened to you.” Kurt whispered again, the soft, sad look in his eyes tearing right through
Blaine easier than a paper through a shredder.
“About what?”
“About prom.” Kurt’s voice was softer and more vulnerable than Blaine had ever heard it before, and he
remembered that tone, remembered how even a month after his attack he had sounded exactly the
same. “They heard we were going. It’s going around school apparently. They saw me buying our outfits
in the mall. That’s why they were waiting by my car. They were trying to scare me from going.”
Blaine had to let go of Kurt for a moment so he didn’t hurt him as his fingers curled into fists and he
stared up at the ceiling for a long second, blinking rapidly to try and clear away the sudden fury he felt
washing through him like a cleansing fire. He felt gentle fingers touching his clenched jaw soothingly
before Kurt’s face was nuzzling against his neck, lips warm and wet brushing against Blaine’s skin.
“It’s okay Blaine. I’m okay. I just should have listened to you about prom. We don’t have to –“
“No Kurt! Just no.” Blaine cut in firmly. “You’ve been so excited about this. You should be able to go to
prom just like everyone else without those fucking – without being hurt or scared, and if I have to throw
a tantrum and get the whole damn Lima police force to be our escort, Azimio’s uncle included, then I
will. We’re going Kurt. I don’t care what anyone says. I won’t let them do this to you. I won’t! They have
no right –”
Blaine cut himself off, blinked and breathed deeply a few times, until he could see clearly again. When
he could focus past his anger, it was only to be met with the sight of Kurt sitting up in front of him,
mouth quivering and silent tears streaming down his face.
“I’m sorry – I’m sorry come here,” he whispered reaching out for Kurt and instantly Kurt collapsed
against him body wracked with sobs. “I’m not mad at you. I’m not. I’m mad at them. I’m mad that they
hurt you and I just – I don’t want you giving up. Ever.”
Blaine glanced up as the door creaked open to see Burt looking in, obviously having heard the sound of
Kurt crying and probably Blaine’s raised voice too. He watched Kurt for a long moment, who remained
oblivious to his father hovering outside of his bedroom. Burt’s face was lined with worry though, his
eyes tired and frown heavy, but he only nodded to Blaine before backing out again slowly.
Kurt’s hands tugged on him and Blaine looked back down, getting the message loud and clear. He
turned, rolling them over until Kurt was resting back against the pillows, then Blaine covered him. Their
legs tangled, thighs, hips, and chests pressed flush, arms wrapped tightly around each other. Blaine
pressed their foreheads together, sharing the same breath, and then they simply stared at each other
golden honey and dark stormy gray.
After a while Kurt’s shaking finally stopped. He sank down into the mattress, held there secure and safe
and warm by Blaine’s heavy weight on top of him. Kurt’s hands smoothed down Blaine’s back, pushing
up under his shirt to spread wide across his warm skin. He sighed, closing his eyes and just breathing,
while Blaine watched him and peppered his face with kisses softly.
“Okay?” Blaine asked after a few minutes, kissing each of Kurt’s closed eyelids.
Kurt nodded, keeping his eyes closed, fingers starting to caress Blaine’s lower back. “Yeah… just hold
Blaine wrapped Kurt in his arms a little bit tighter, pressing his face down into the crook of Kurt’s neck
and shoulder. “Always.”
The next morning the police arrived early. They hadn’t even finished breakfast before there was a knock
on the door. Burt walked back into the kitchen with three men coming in behind him. Including the
older cop from the night before, followed by two young looking police officers, who kept a hand
perched on their gun holsters, probably out of habit.
“Sorry for the early call, but it’s best to get these things done as quickly as possible and while it’s still
fresh in his mind. I don’t think I introduced myself last night but my name’s Harold Gilliot. These two
boys behind me are Kelly Travoy and Alberto Gonzales. They’ll be helping out with your son’s case from
this point forward, and trust me you’ll be getting no grief from them due to the… sensitive subject
matter of this case.” His eyes flickered between Blaine and Kurt and it was clear what sensitive subject
matter he was talking about. “Have you looked for any physical markings yet that resulted from last
“Kurt was going to have a shower first.” Burt answered, looking over at his son, who was leaning a little
closer to Finn sitting beside him, since Blaine was standing at the stove watching a few pieces of bacon
that were probably burning with all the attention Blaine was paying them at the moment. Luckily Carole
walked over, taking the spatula from Blaine’s motionless hands, and removing the pan.
“We’ll need to get pictures of any bruising there may be.” Harold stated motioning to Travoy who was
holding a digital camera.
Kurt paled, glancing at Blaine.
“Kurt?” Burt questioned his son.
“There – there are a few that – that… can Blaine take them?” Kurt asked, looking over his shoulder at
Blaine who instantly walked over and took Kurt’s hand in comfort.
Blaine glanced at Burt, who slowly gave Blaine a nod of his head, obviously realizing that if Kurt was
comfortable with Blaine seeing him without clothes then they’d already seen each other without them
before. It also showed how much trust Kurt had in Blaine, to ask Blaine to do this instead of Burt himself,
and really how could Burt say no to that.
Harold studied them for a long moment in thought. “I see no problem with that, but there will need to
be an officer present in the room. He can keep his back to you if that will make you more comfortable.”
Kurt glanced between the two younger officers standing there, before looking at Harold again. “Can
“Of course,” Harold answered without hesitation. “How about we get this out of the way then.
Kurt led Harold up to his room after Blaine had been handed the camera and shown how it worked. He
waited for the door to close, and Harold making a show of turning his back to them, before starting to
unbutton his pajama top with shaky fingers.
Blaine’s fingers replaced Kurt’s own only after he’d managed to only get the second button open. “It’s
okay. I’m right here,” he whispered softly but Harold could probably hear them anyway. If he did though
the officer had enough tact not to give any indication that he could.
“I – I don’t like this,” Kurt replied, covering his chest self consciously, as Blaine helped him slip his pants
off but left his underwear on.
Blaine took the pictures as quickly as possible so that Kurt wouldn’t have to stand there too long, nearly
naked with a strange man in his room, although Blaine did make sure to take at least three shots at
different angles just in case. His fingers brushed over each darkened bruise after he snapped the
pictures, wishing he could do more to soothe each hurt, but deciding to wait until later when they had
more privacy.
There was a dark ring of them on Kurt’s left wrist and upper arm in the shape of a large hand, a larger
more purple colored one was on his right hip where he’d fallen on it after being pushed to the ground,
and Blaine artfully kept as much of Kurt as he could covered while pulling down part of Kurt’s underwear
to snap that one. That bruise was accompanied also by angry red scratches on Kurt’s palms and his
elbow from trying to catch himself on the gravelly concrete.
There was a line of bruises along his lower back, one on his right shoulder blade, and then a few in
various spots on his knees and shins. The ones that gave Blaine pause though were the finger marks
making a faint ring around Kurt’s delicate neck. He took the pictures of those and then just stared for a
long moment, fingers numb as they traced over them, resting longer on Kurt’s steadily beating pulse.
Kurt caught Blaine’s fingers in his own and brought them to his lips, kissing each digit soothingly. “I’m
okay Blaine. Everything happened so fast after they grabbed me. It looks worse than it is really. My skin
is pale and it doesn’t take much to bruise me.”
Harold cleared his throat, reminding them that he was still there, and causing Kurt to jump and reach for
his shirt to pull back on. “I’m going to pretend I didn’t just hear that. As far as you’re concerned Kurt, it is
exactly as bad as it looks. When we start the interview I don’t want you to say anything that could give
these guys any leeway to talk their way out of this.”
Blaine helped Kurt back into his clothes, and then they made their way back down stairs where Carole
had coerced the other two officers into the living room with cups of coffee and muffins. They stood
when Harold walked back in, brushing crumbs off of their uniforms, but he just chuckled and waved
them back down taking the steaming mug Carole offered with a smile of thanks.
They all got comfortable, and Blaine knew that it was mostly for Kurt’s benefit to make him more at
ease. “Okay Kurt I know it’s going to be hard but we need to know everything that happened from the
moment you stepped out of your car. Every little detail counts.”
Kurt leaned his full weight against Blaine as he took a deep breath and started talking, and Blaine let
him, supporting Kurt’s weight and holding Kurt’s shaking hands in his own. “I – I don’t know when they
noticed me but I remember seeing them while walking through the food court. I just kept my head down
and kept walking, but I’m sure that must have been when they seen me…”
Kurt went on to explain everything, not missing a single detail, and if there was one thing Kurt was good
at it was noticing the fine details. When Kurt started describing how scared he had been, how they had
grabbed him and he’d thought they were going to kill him, Burt stood up and started pacing behind the
couch, while Finn sat with his head in his hands, and Kurt had to squeeze Blaine’s hands to remind
Blaine that it was Kurt’s hands that he was currently squeezing the life out of.
“How long had the bullying been going on before that? I want you to tell me about the verbal too, but
has it ever been physical before last night? Have you ever felt like they would possibly go that far?”
Kurt swallowed, thinking about what he had overheard the jocks saying in the parking lot at school,
thinking about all the times he had been shoved into lockers, or thrown into dumpsters, tripped or
knocked to the ground. All the times his fingers had been stepped on, once even broken, while he’d
gathered his books and papers off the floor.
The times they had locked him in a port-a-potty and rolled him down a hill, thrown pee balloons at him
while they drove by in their cars, locked him in a janitor’s closet after school and stolen his bag so he
couldn’t call anyone to tell them where he was. The time he’d been on the Cheerio’s and some of the
football players had “accidentally” tackled him, causing the ambulance to have to be called and Kurt to
spend the night in the hospital with a concussion and bruised ribs.
Then there was also the time they’d nearly thrown him down the stairwell at school, and would have,
had Coach Sylvester of all people not intervened. The time Karofsky had kissed him, had grabbed him
again and wouldn’t let go – not until Kurt had made him.
“I – yes… yes…” Kurt stared blankly down at his and Blaine’s hands. He felt a hand on his shoulder and
looked up into Harold’s sympathetic eyes.
“Why don’t you tell me about it. Take your time and start from the beginning.”
Kurt nodded, swallowing thickly, feeling Blaine’s solid and steady strength beside him and letting it fill
him. He could do this. For the first time in his life he felt like he could share this with someone. If not
with these people then with Blaine. Blaine would help him carry the weight and keep him from falling
“When I was in third grade I looked up queer for the first time online in the school library. It was what
everyone seemed to be calling me. I actually thought it was something fun… like a nickname they were
giving me. Then when I actually knew what it meant I didn’t… understand. I didn’t understand why it
was a bad thing, but I decided to keep it a secret anyway. Not that it mattered. I never had to say
anything. Everyone took one look at me and it’s like they just knew…”
Always Be My Baby
“Kurt are you almost ready everyone is waiting downstairs to take pictures?” Blaine questioned with a
mischievous smile.
“Didn't I tell you to go wait with them!” Kurt's frustrated voice yelled back, muffled by the door and
whatever it was he was still doing behind it.
Blaine knew he was teasing Kurt but it was really adorable how Kurt had been adamant that they not
see each other for the entire day and night before. “Do you need help? I could come in and –”
“Blaine Anderson! If you open that door I swear this night will not be ending how you're hoping it will!”
Blaine considered those words with an amused smile. “So... does that mean you're hoping it will end a
certain way too?”
“Well I...” Blaine could picture Kurt's blush slowly flushing his cheeks and making its way down his pale
neck and chest. “That is to say... we haven't really done anything more since – since the lake house and I
just thought... I mean, I know it's cliché and all on prom night but I... If you don't want – “
“Oh I definitely want,” Blaine cut in quickly before Kurt could think otherwise. He didn't want to give
Kurt the wrong idea after all, because fuck did he ever want . He always wanted Kurt. It was an ache that
never went away but was more than welcomed. Other than a few gropes, some heavy rutting, one
blowjob in Blaine's car on the side of the road, and a few heated make outs they hadn't had the time or
the privacy to do much else.
Blaine definitely wanted... badly .
“Then you'll be a good boy and go wait downstairs with everyone else and maybe I'll reward you later.”
Kurt's voice sounded like it was just on the other side of the door now and Blaine smiled pressing his
hand flat against it and cheesily picturing Kurt doing the same on the other side.
“Oooh sounds kinda kinky,” he teased and jumped back with a laugh as something hit the door with a
smack. “Okay okay calm down I'm going. I'm going... love you.”
Blaine could practically feel Kurt roll his eyes through the door and see the smile he was probably
fighting to hold back as well. “Love you too... now go away!”
Blaine turned with a grin and made his way back down the stairs where his parents, the Hummel’s, and
the Berry's were all waiting to take pictures of the two sets of couples. They'd all decided to meet at the
Hummel-Hudson household considering the Berry’s and Andersons had never met each other before
this. Blaine could already see dinner dates happening in their future though.
When he made it down the last step alone Blaine shrugged helplessly at their questioning looks. “He's
getting ready still...”
“Dude!” Finn groaned as if he was literally in pain. “If we don't get a move on there won't be any tables
left. We'll have to wait forever and I'm starving !”
“There will be tables Finn. I had my dad call and make sure we were saved one. I figured we'd be
running late.” Blaine reassured, having anticipated Kurt's fashionably late entrance.
With Kurt they were usually fifteen to thirty minutes late for any reservations Blaine made. If they were
going to a show or something with a set time Blaine simply told Kurt he'd pick him up thirty minutes
before they actually had to leave. Other times like right now with their dinner reservations Blaine had to
pull a few strings to work around Kurt's last minute fashion panic attacks.
Blaine loved it though. He found it both adorable and amusing. A ruffled and riled up Kurt was one of his
favorites to play with.
Carol put a hand on Finn's arm. “Finn, relax honey. This is important to Kurt. Don't rush him. If you need
a snack then there's some grapes in the refrigerator.”
Finn grumbled but made his way into the kitchen with Rachel following behind to make sure he didn't
get anything on his suit, which was already bad enough as it was powder blue and a rental, meaning it
wasn't tailored to Finn's already awkwardly proportioned body. Rachel's dress was a little better at least.
A simple white gown, with a full bottom skirt, and sparkly beading at the top.
Thanks to Carole, Kurt's shopping bags from that night in the mall parking lot when he was attacked had
been saved and Blaine's own outfit had been both tailored and chosen by Kurt to fit him perfectly. He
adored the plum colored velvet jacket, silver and black striped dress shirt, and matching plum colored
bow tie Kurt had picked out. It was unique, but not so outlandish that Blaine would stand out too much
– especially if what Finn was wearing was popular with the other teenage boys.
On bottom Blaine wore fitted black slacks and a pair of dress shoes he'd already had, having spent two
days convincing Kurt that the ones he had were perfectly fine. His hair was done to Kurt's exact
specifications, only a touch of gel to tame the curls but not “drown them” . They'd even practiced styling
it a few times together so that Kurt could show him.
“Oh wow...” Blaine heard Carole say beside him and turned to see her looking up the stairs with her
hand over her mouth and tears in her eyes.
Blaine looked too and heard his breath catch.
“Dude! You look... normal,” Finn stated in shock from somewhere beside him and a resounding smack
followed as Kurt ducked his head and bit his lip with a faint blush.
Blaine couldn't take his eyes off of Kurt though, and knew he must look like some sort of idiot, but god
did Kurt look... “Beautiful...” he didn't realize the words had left his lips until Kurt's eyes shot up to
finally look at him and it was like everything around them became a low hum in the background. Blaine
reached out a hand and Kurt took it, walking down the last few steps to stand in front of him.
“So... how do I look?” Kurt asked with a nervous little smile. “I – I know it's sort of simple. Not really my
usual style at all but I thought I should tone it down and –“
“No. No nothings toned down at all. You look... wow ,” Blaine couldn't seem to get out what he was
trying to say. There were just no adequate words to describe Kurt or what he was seeing. Yes the suit
was a simple black tux , cut beautifully to fit Kurt's body, with a white collared shirt and skinny black tie,
but Kurt had honestly never looked more beautiful to Blaine.
Kurt's normal attire was usually loud, flamboyant, distracting, and although it fit Kurt's personality and
body it sometimes took the focus away from his natural beauty. This however... this was all Kurt. The
suit was exquisite and fit him in all the right ways, but it didn't distract from what was there naturally –
Kurt’s natural glow.
“You look good too. The color is amazing on you,” Kurt complimented, cheeks still flushed pink and eyes
shining. He took his hand from Blaine and fumbled with something, which Blaine recognized was a
boutonniere – his boutonniere, a white and purple calla lily that would stand out against Blaine's plum
colored jacket and match Kurt's own lily already pinned to his lapel.
“I hope you don't mind calla lilies... they're kind of my favorite.” Kurt's fingers were shaking while he
tried to pin it on Blaine's lapel and when he was done he smoothed his hands over Blaine's jacket
Blaine fell in love with him a little bit more. “I know...” he answered softly, unable to take his eyes off of
Kurt, and registering absently the sound of multiple cameras snapping away. He took both of Kurt's
hands in his, leaned in to kiss him softly, and felt Kurt sigh and relax into it. “Ready?”
Kurt looked at him shyly through his long blond eyelashes and Blaine felt his breath catch again. “Yeah.”
“Okay pictures! Come one guys get together, the limo has already been parked outside for half an hour
waiting.” Carole instructed trying to push Finn into position behind Rachel.
“Limo?” Kurt asked in surprise, therefore missing the moment Blaine slipped in behind him with his arms
around his waist, but whether Kurt was conscious of the move or not he leaned back easily into the
embrace as if it was second nature.
“Yeah mom insisted,” Blaine answered, lips brushing his ear as a picture was snapped.
“And he'll wait outside as long as is needed.” Mr. Anderson added sternly. “Blaine you tell me if Frank
gives you any grief. I pay him enough. The limo is yours for the night and he knows not to rush you kids.”
“Blaine... your dad owns the limo?” Kurt whispered, feeling Blaine's chest rumbling against his back as
he chuckled softly.
“Several of them actually.” Blaine turned Kurt in his arms easily so that they were facing each other for
the next few pictures.
Kurt huffed and rolled his eyes. “I really shouldn't be surprised by this anymore.”
“Okay that should be enough – but don't forget to take your pictures there too!” Carole ordered, looking
hard at Finn.
Blaine's mother walked over to Kurt, looking a little teary eyed, and hugged him hard. “You look
beautiful,” she whispered softly in his ear and Kurt had to blink hard to stop his own eyes from watering.
“I want you and Blaine to have fun okay. Don't worry about a thing. Daniel's taken care of everything
with the school board and if you feel the least bit threatened just say the word and it'll be taken care of
“Okay,” Kurt replied, feeling a little more relaxed as she pulled back and smiled adoringly at him before
moving on to Blaine and hugging him hard and fussing over his bow tie.
Kurt breathed in deeply and just let everything go. Blaine had told him something similar a few days ago.
The three boys that had attacked Kurt definitely weren't going to be there and the rest of the school had
been given a stern warning as well. Kurt hadn't wanted to know the details though. He just wanted to
put it all behind. He wanted the constant fear and the bullying to be over with. He just wanted to be free
of it.
Next year at Dalton would be so much better – like a breath of fresh air... even if Blaine wouldn't be
there with him.
“Ready?” Blaine whispered against his ear and Kurt nodded, letting Blaine's steady hand on the small of
his back guide him.
“This is a great song.”
“Yeah... it's got a nice... melody...” Kurt trailed off helplessly. He knew that Blaine wanted to dance.
Kurt could see it in the way Blaine looked longingly at all the other couples standing close with their
arms around each other. Kurt wanted to be able to do that too, but he couldn’t seem to make it outside
of his own head, make himself move past his own fear. He needed Blaine to do it – he needed Blaine to
take his hand and lead him.
But Blaine wouldn't. He wouldn't because he knew Kurt was scared. These were the people that had
tormented Kurt nearly his whole life, and it would be up to Kurt when, where, and how he wanted to
take a stand against them. It was up to Kurt to take that first step and until then Blaine would stand
beside him, no matter how badly he wanted to join the girls in the middle of the dance floor and actually
have fun.
Kurt felt his eyes burning. This was Blaine's senior prom, the only prom he would ever get, and Blaine
wasn't having any fun because he was stuck babysitting his boyfriend. “I'm sorry.” Kurt choked and
turned, walking quickly out of the gymnasium and into the empty hallway feeling Blaine hot on his heels.
Kurt rubbed at his eyes harshly as Blaine's hands found his shoulders and turned him. “Wait. What's
wrong Kurt? Did someone look at you funny? Who? I'll get Coach Sylv –”
“You're not having fun.” The words left his mouth before he could stop them and Kurt took a step away
from Blaine to wipe at his face and gather himself back together again.
“Yes – yes I am. I'm having fun. Lots of fun.”
Kurt laughed in genuine amusement at Blaine's attempt. “You're a horrible liar. You want to dance... in
front of everyone. You want to face them. You want to show them that they can't touch us or what we
have. You're ready to stop running and stand up to them and I – I thought I was too. But now I'm – I'm
holding you back.”
“No you're not Kurt,” Blaine tried again desperately, reaching out for him again and wrapping a gentle
hand around his wrist. “Kurt I love you. I love you and –”
“Blaine! Blaine oh my god there you are!” Rachel was making her way swiftly toward them, long dress
hiked up around her knees. “Come on you're up after this song!” She grabbed Blaine, but Blaine resisted
until Kurt pulled away from him.
“Go ahead. I'll be right behind you.”
“But Kurt –” Blaine protested obviously very reluctant to leave him in the state he was in, but Rachel
was relentless and Kurt knew from experience that she was as stubborn as a bull when she wanted
someone to do something.
“I'm fine. I promise. I'll be right there...” Kurt reassured, watching Blaine deflate and give in to Rachel's
tugging, but he didn't stop looking back at Kurt until they'd disappeared around the corner into the
Blaine had wanted to say more obviously, more to encourage Kurt, more to soothe his hurt and fear, but
what Blaine didn't realize was that he'd already said everything he needed to. In three little words. Kurt
felt suddenly fortified. He felt... strong again. He felt more himself. Blaine loved him and there was
absolutely nothing a single person in that gym could do to take that away from him.
With that thought Kurt stood a little straighter, held his head a little higher, and made his way back
inside. Blaine was already on stage, eyes watching the entrance worriedly, and his face relaxed into
relief when he spotted Kurt. Kurt smiled brightly back at him and Blaine's whole face lit up like the sun
peeking through the clouds right after a storm, warm and bright and a very welcomed sight.
Kurt pushed his way through all of the bodies to the very front as Blaine seemed to regain some of his
enthusiastic energy and was bouncing around the stage while the band set up. He didn't even know
what song Blaine was planning on singing, having been left out of the Glee clubs prom preparations due
to the fact that Kurt hadn't planned on even going to prom until he'd heard that Azimio and the other
two boys weren't allowed back at the school... or within a hundred yards of him or Blaine in fact.
When the song started Kurt smirked because of how perfect it was for Blaine to be singing it, and also
how perfect it was for Kurt himself to dance to. Kurt wasn't as skilled as Mike or Brittany or even Blaine
when it came to dancing, but the one thing he knew he could do, and do very well, was move his hips
and this song was practically begging for it.
“Man it's a hot one...”
Kurt looked up at Blaine who was standing directly above him, watching him with intense eyes as Kurt
let his jacket slide from his shoulders and down his arms. “Like seven inches from the midday sun.” He
tossed it on the edge of the stage and then loosened his tie a little as well before running his fingers
through his hair and starting to move his hips to the Latin beat. “I hear you whisper and the words melt
everyone but you stay so cool...”
Kurt smirked up at Blaine and Blaine smirked back, eyes alight with a mixture of mirth and desire, as he
silently accepted Kurt's challenge. “My munequita, my Spanish Harlem Mona Lisa. Your my reason for
reason. The step in my groove...” Blaine did a little step and spin move of his own with the microphone
stand, that was all class and suave and brought him that much closer to where Kurt stood.
Everyone else in the room just faded.
“And if you say this life ain't good enough I would give my world to lift you up. I could change my life to
better suit your mood cause you're so smooth...” Blaine stroking his hand down the microphone stand
was a low blow that had Kurt's stomach tightening hotly, but Blaine merely smirked and continued his
own performance while Kurt doubled his efforts by rubbing his hand over his own body in retaliation.
Kurt almost cracked and laughed when Blaine nearly stepped off the stage toward him before he caught
himself, but then Blaine's eyes flashed with something and he was making his way off the stage. “And
just like the ocean under the moon. Well that's the same emotion that I get from you. You got the kind
of lovin that can be so smooth Gimme your heart, make it real or else forget about it.”
Kurt backed away playfully beckoning Blaine to follow, not caring if there were actually people behind
him. It didn't seem that there were or they were being smart and moving out of his way. Blaine circled
him with a heated gaze that set Kurt's body on fire. “I'll tell you one thing. If you would leave it would be
a crying shame. In every breath and every word I hear your name calling me out. Out...”
Blaine came up behind him, close enough Kurt could feel his breath on the back of his neck as a hand
touched his hips lightly and Blaine followed his movements for a second. “From the barrio, you hear my
rhythm from your radio. You feel the turning of the world so soft and slow turning you round and
round...” Kurt gasped in surprise as Blaine caught his hand and spun him around a few times. He went
with the move easily until Blaine released him and started dancing on his own again – or rather dancing
for Blaine who stuck close, watching and circling around him.
Kurt wasn't that familiar with Latin dance, but he knew some moves, and besides what the fuck did any
of these uncultured idiot around him know anyway. For all they knew Kurt was a pro at this. “And if you
say this life ain't good enough I would give my world to lift you up. I could change my life to better suit
your mood cause you're so smooth...” Blaine slid up behind him again matching his steps, they weren't
touching completely, but they were still close enough Kurt could feel the heat coming from Blaine and
the brush of his clothes.
“And just like the ocean under the moon. Well that's the same emotion that I get from you. You got the
kind of lovin that can be so smooth. Gimme your heart, make it real. Or else forget about it...” The
instrumental part of the song came on and Blaine turned Kurt with one hand, still holding the mike with
the other, but now they were able to dance facing each other in a sort of cha cha thing and Kurt laughed
Blaine was smiling too, face bright and open, and eyes dancing with happiness. Kurt felt the thrill of the
moment, the movement, the energy, the song, Blaine, and just everything down to his bones. He let
Blaine lead as it seemed that Blaine actually kind of knew what he was doing and Blaine finished the rest
of the song still holding onto Kurt tightly.
When it was finished there were actually cheers and Kurt had a brief moment of panic where he thought
that Blaine was about to kiss him in his excitement. Kurt really really wanted him to but he didn't think
now was the appropriate time for that because Kurt was sure that once they got started they wouldn't
be able to stop if the energy buzzing between them was anything to go by.
Blaine didn't kiss him though, merely pulled Kurt in tightly and hugged him hard, burying his face in
Kurt's neck so that Kurt could literally feel his face splitting grin. “I'm so proud of you,” he whispered
sincerely and Kurt didn't think anything could have possibly lifted him higher.
Surprisingly he was wrong.
“Nice dancing Kurt! I was waiting for you to get out there and move those hips. They're about to play
Always Be My Baby!” Tina shouted from somewhere beside them before disappearing again as Mike
pulled her away.
Blaine turned back to Kurt, hands tightening in his own, eyes suddenly wide and earnest. “Dance this
one with me?” he asked quickly, as if Kurt could say no to that look anyway.
Kurt smiled fondly. “For Mariah of course...this song's one of my favorites,” he replied teasingly.
Blaine simply pulled him close though as the song started . “I know.”
Kurt's brow furrowed in confusion at the unfamiliar song that began playing... until the lyrics kicked in.
“Blaine,” he gasped jerking in Blaine's hold only to have Blaine's arms tighten around him, sliding around
his waist and encircling him completely.
Kurt relaxed against the sway of Blaine's body, letting Blaine move them while he simply took in what he
was hearing. The lights in the room had been dimmed and Kurt couldn't tell if anyone was even paying
them any attention, not that he would have cared as he buried his face against Blaine’s neck, letting his
lips brush lightly against Blaine's warm skin.
“I can't believe you... for me?” Blaine had taken up precious studio time to do this for Kurt. To remake
one of Kurt's favorite songs, by one of his favorite artists, into something even more breathtaking. He
would never be able to listen to the original version again.
“For you.” Blaine confirmed, his own lips brushing against the side of Kurt's temple when Kurt pulled
back. “New Directions helped out too. You know Rachel wasn't going to let me touch a Mariah song
without her approval.”
Kurt just looked at Blaine for a long second before giving his head a shake and then letting their
foreheads rest together as he closed his eyes. “I love you... I love you so much...” he breathed and felt
himself shaking with the gravity of the moment and what was happening. Blaine squeezed his waist
tight in silent understanding, hand's broad and warm and secure on Kurt's back, pressing them close
Kurt was slow dancing at prom with a boy he was completely in love with, to one of his favorite songs
that said boy had remade just for him – for this exact moment, because he loved Kurt, because he knew
how much this moment would always mean to Kurt, because he thought Kurt was special enough...
Now Kurt didn't think he could get any higher.
Kurt couldn't pinpoint a single moment the entire night where he actually noticed a jock paying
attention to him or Blaine. In fact, everyone except for New Directions seemed to keep to themselves
and allowed Kurt and Blaine their space. It wasn't until Kurt was standing by the door waiting for Blaine
to get back from telling Finn that they were leaving, and that another limo was picking them up, that
someone approached him.
A few very big someone’s actually.
Kurt jerked back, startled as they seemed to come out of nowhere suddenly surrounding him, and his
back hit the large metal door of the gymnasium. “Whoa dude! Whoa... we – we're not going to hurt you
or anything.”
Kurt blinked a few times to clear his eyes of the blinding panic that had overtaken him suddenly, but he
still didn't let his guard down for a second. The guy directly in the front of him, a football player named
Louis who was in Kurt's math class and had tossed him into plenty of dumpsters, was holding up his
hands in peace while the few others behind him were hanging back, looking like they were trying not to
crowd Kurt too much.
Kurt's eyes darted past them immediately locking on the back of Blaine's head, and as if sensing his fear
Blaine turned to look at where he'd left him. His eyes widened and he immediately grabbed Finn, saying
something, and then they were both on their way along with Rachel who looked just as dangerous – if
not more-so than the two boys as she hiked up her skirt and nearly lost a shoe.
From somewhere else Puck and the others must have seen too because they were suddenly there as
well, and while the jocks still outnumbered them Kurt could breathe a little easier with Blaine standing
half in front of him. Before anything more could be said or done than Puck's “what the hell dude's”,
Coach Sylvester was there too, pushing though them all to get in the center of the two sides that had
somehow formed to Kurt in what felt like the blink of an eye.
“What is the meaning of this!” She shouted and the room seemed eerily quiet.
Kurt realized that it was quiet because the music had been stopped and practically the whole school was
focusing in. “They were ganging up on Kurt again!” Finn exclaimed standing in front of both him and
Blaine – managing to pretty much cover them both.
Louis huffed in annoyance and Kurt hated to admit it but he might have winced a little – an annoyed
jock wasn't a good thing in his experience. “Look we're not trying to hurt him or anything okay. We – we
actually wanted to like... apologize.”
“What?” Kurt breathed, feeling the painful grip he hadn't noticed he'd had on Blaine’s arm loosen. He
moved to walk around Blaine but Blaine's hand reached out, grabbing him by the waist and stopping
Louis tried to look around Finn, who only moved back in the way, blocking Kurt from sight again. “Look
dude what Azimio and those other guys did that was – that was some messed up shit okay and we
know.... you know, that we've been assholes to you but what they did just wasn't cool at all. So me and
the other guys just wanted to let you know that you won't have any more problems from us.”
“Re – really?” Kurt asked in disbelief, stepping out from behind Blaine despite his protests so that he
could actually see Louis and the other guys who were nodding.
They really did look sincere and Kurt... believed them. Somewhat. Their apology wasn't exactly perfect,
and Kurt didn't believe for a second that they were suddenly going to be nice guys to him, but he did
believe them when they said that they would leave him alone. That they thought Azimio had taken it too
Kurt could tell it had shaken them. Obviously it had if they felt the need to even attempt to apologize to
him. They were bullying assholes and they didn't like Kurt, but as twisted as it was their bullying had a
limit. It had a line that wasn't crossed – a line that had been crossed in the mall parking lot.
Most of these boys would be graduating this year and Kurt figured it was about time they learned how
school yard bullying translated into the real world, and what happened with Azimio and those other
boys was an example that hit pretty close to home for them.
“Yeah man, I mean we may not understand... certain things,” Louis continued glancing between him and
Blaine. “But at the end of the day it's none of our business what you do. You never bothered us. We
were always the ones who bothered you. So we figured that if we stop bothering you then maybe it'll
stop bothering us.”
In a weird way that actually made sense and Kurt worried for a second that he kind of understood their
weird logic.
“So yeah... that's what we wanted to say... that we'll leave you alone.” Louis finished nodding to him
then to Coach Sylvester who actually looked kind of impressed. “Oh and Bradley wanted to say thanks.
The anger management classes the school made us take actually helped him focus. He'll be able to
graduate with his class this year.”
A burly looking boy toward the back waved but didn't speak. Kurt was still feeling a little shell shocked
and couldn't seem to remember how his voice worked anyway so he just stood there and the group
dispersed. Blaine's hands on his shoulders turned him into Blaine’s body and then wrapped around him.
“I've got him. I'm going to take him home.” Blaine said to whoever was still hovering behind him, most
likely Finn.
Kurt didn't know how he reached the limo but once inside he curled in Blaine's lap and cried like a five
year old child who's puppy had run away. There were simply too many emotions inside of him that
needed to be expressed. Sadness, relief, confusion, shock, happiness, anger... it was simply too much for
one person to handle all at once. So Kurt simply cried and Blaine simply held him.
“Shh or we'll have to stop...” Blaine whispered in warning as a whimper made its way past Kurt's kiss
swollen lips. Kurt took his own bottom lip into his mouth, gnawing on it while his head fell to the side.
His long graceful neck bared perfectly for Blaine's open mouth to map out.
Blaine nuzzled along Kurt's clenching jaw until he found Kurt's mouth again, coaxing Kurt to release his
swollen lip from between his teeth so that Blaine could capture and worry it between his own. Kurt
made another noise in the back of his throat, muffled now by Blaine’s tongue licking it way into his
mouth as Kurt's lithe body writhed in pleasure beneath Blaine's.
It was a needy little sound that vibrated through Blaine and made his groin ache heavily as he continued
to grind down against Kurt slow and even. “Blaine... Blaine,” Kurt groaned, arching and twisting his torso
desperately, while Blaine pressed his hips down immobile against the mattress and his wrists down
harder on either side of his head. The small bit of restraint seemed to be driving Kurt incoherent.
“Blaine please...” Blaine attacked his neck again, sucking at the salty moisture that had gathered in the
dip of Kurt's collarbone, while he continued to drive them both insane with the slow roll of his hips. Both
of their cocks were pressed tightly together, aligned perfectly, hot and throbbing between their flushed
bodies, the slide made easier and even more toe curling by the precum and perspiration building on
their skin.
“Blaaiiine more. Please more.” Kurt whined again and Blaine felt his balls throb at the needy sound
spilling from Kurt's lips. He shot up and captured Kurt's mouth to keep him quiet and also to give himself
a small reprieve from what the sounds were doing to him.
Kurt leaned up as far as Blaine would allow and kissed him back desperately, sucking Blaine's tongue in
and out of his mouth in a way that had Blaine's skin erupting and every hair on his body standing on end
as if he'd just been brushed by a wave of static electricity. He felt Kurt's legs parting wider, his knees
inching up on either side of Blaine's waist, the heels of his feet pressing into the small of Blaine’s back to
urge him on.
Then something changed. Kurt suddenly resisted Blaine's hold on his wrists and Blaine let up
immediately, thinking Kurt was having a flashback or panic attack from being restrained in the mall
parking lot. After the events of tonight he wouldn't have been surprised, but before Blaine could back
off completely though he felt himself rolling and then suddenly there Kurt was, sitting on top of him,
shifting to straddle his hips.
Blaine's eyes widened in surprise and his hands moved to Kurt's hips instinctively. After a brief second
though Blaine's surprise turned into a breathless groan as Kurt began to grind down against him in a
slow circular motion that had Blaine's toes curling against the mattress and his head falling back.
Kurt had an impish smirk on his face, eyes dancing playfully while his fingers ran through his own hair,
tugging at the ends and his hips continued their slow motions. “That song you sang tonight... I felt like I
was on fire I wanted you so bad... the way it made me want to move... with you... ”
Kurt leaned down, fingers tangling in Blaine's curls for a moment as he licked the shell of his ear. “Here
let me show you...” He sat back up and then arched and rolled his torso gracefully into the movement of
his hips, hands smoothing over his own chest and through his own hair. Dancing, was the only way
Blaine could think to describe it. Kurt was dancing for him – on him, and it felt amazing. Kurt looked
All Blaine could do was stare up at him open mouthed and in awe while he tried to remember to
breathe, which was an easy thing to forget when he had Kurt like this. He had dreamed about this.
About Kurt on top of him – riding him. In control, confident, and looking exactly like he was right this
second. It was one of Blaine's most frequent fantasies, and now it had come to life better than anything
he could have imagined.
The feverish pleasure built to an almost unbearable level and Kurt closed his eyes, took his bottom lip
into his own mouth again, and let his head roll back with soft moan as his fingers tugged on his own hair.
Kurt's pale skin was flushed a soft pink, stretched over rippling and flexing muscle, glowing in the dim
lamp light, slick with perspiration, and absolutely the most beautiful sight Blaine had ever seen.
Kurt's whimpering picked up in frequency and volume and Blaine felt his own wrecked groans bubbling
up out of his throat. One of his hands made its way up Kurt's flat stomach, thumb flicking over a taunt
pink nipple, before hooking around the back of Kurt's neck and tugging him down so that they could
pant and groan against each other mouths.
The sounds vibrating from Kurt and into Blaine set his blood on fire. Kurt whimpering his name was the
sexiest thing he'd ever heard and he could feel his cock pulsing with each needy sound. “Want you.
Need you.” Kurt was mumbling against his lips. “Want to be close. Closer. Inside you again. Want you
around me. Every inch of me covered. Need you. Baby I need you.” The last words were nearly a sob and
it had Blaine jumping into action to give Kurt what he wanted. What he needed .
Kurt clung to him, fingers digging into Blaine's shoulders, mouthing at Blaine's neck desperately as he
shifted to sit beside him so that Blaine could sit up and prepare himself. Blaine's fingers were more
experienced at this as he pressed two inside and began scissoring them and slicking himself with lube,
but right now they were shaking also – like they hadn't since the first few fumbling attempts Blaine had
made at this on those lonely nights of self exploration when he was fourteen.
They'd only done this once, at the Lake House, and it felt like a lifetime since he'd had Kurt buried inside
of him so deep it felt like they shared the same heartbeat. They had been connected and vulnerable in a
way that Blaine had never been with another person before, would never be with anyone else besides
Kurt if he had it his way.
Blaine realized that he needed this just as badly as Kurt did right now.
“So beautiful. So hot. Love you so much.” Kurt panted heavily, chest heaving against Blaine’s shoulder,
mouth dragging and hot against his neck, eyes feverish with desire, nails scratching against Blaine's over
sensitive skin. “Need you so bad.”
Blaine worked fast preparing himself and once he felt ready he moved to switch their positions again
and take control for Kurt like he had the first time, but Kurt stopped him with a hand on his shoulder.
Their eyes locked, and remained locked, while Kurt pushed him onto his back and then slid his hands
down Blaine's body reverently before settling them on Blaine's thighs.
Kurt guided them open, causing Blaine's breath to catch in his throat, while Kurt settled himself between
them rocking against him slowly again. Kurt leaned over Blaine, hand curling around the back of his
neck. “Like this. I want to try again like this,” he whispered against Blaine's lips and Blaine could do
nothing but nod, brain too fogged with want and need for anything more coherent.
Kurt slicked himself up with a trembling hand and then guided himself into position. Before pressing in
though he hesitated and looked up at Blaine. Their eyes connected and Blaine spread his legs wider,
arching his head back with a moan and clutching the pillow above his head. “Please Kurt. Please,” he
whispered encouragingly and was rewarded when Kurt began slowly filling him.
“Oh god... oh fuck – fuck – so tight... so good... fuck you feel so good...” Kurt gasped, face scrunching up
as he tried to control himself. Blaine kept one steadying hand on Kurt's hip, putting a light pressure to
encourage Kurt to keep going. It felt amazing, being filled by Kurt again, feeling so connected, seeing
Kurt's face so open with pleasure.
“So very good.” Kurt finally bottomed out, stretching and filling Blaine completely. He paused and
leaned forward until his forehead was pressed against Blaine's chest, just breathing deeply, and giving
himself a moment to regain a little control.
Blaine tangled his fingers in Kurt's hair, tugging until Kurt lifted his head and pushed up so that their
mouths could connect. The move pushed Kurt in just that much deeper and Blaine groaned into Kurt's
welcoming mouth. Kurt pressed closer, unable to hold himself back anymore, and whimpered as he
began moving, pulling out only a few inches before rocking back in.
“More.” Blaine whispered, chest rising and falling rapidly, while he bent his knees up further on either
side of Kurt's waist. Kurt began pulling back more, thrusting in harder, gaining more and more
confidence. Blaine felt his toes curling.
Blaine's hands slid down to settle on the dip of Kurt's back, where moisture was gathering. He pulled
him down harder into each thrust, encouraging him to go further, as Blaine began to roll his own hips up
to meet Kurt's. Kurt cried out softly, burying his face against Blaine's neck, mouth open and hot and
panting against his skin trying to muffle the sounds he couldn't stop from escaping.
“That's it... god Kurt... good... fuck me good...” Kurt whimpered and his hips stuttered at the sound of
the curse falling from Blaine's lips. Fuck he loved it when Blaine lost himself enough to give up the
gentlemanly appearance and talk like that.
Blaine felt a hot sharp spike of pleasure shooting up his spine and spreading across his body, making his
back arch off the bed while incoherent mumbles left his lips. He didn't know what he was saying
anymore, all he knew was that he never wanted Kurt to stop what he was doing to him.
Kurt's lips mouthed along his neck and jaw in search of his own. He covered Blaine's mouth, muffling the
sounds, as his hips snapped up again and again and again, hitting and dragging at that perfect angle.
Blaine lost himself, wrapping his legs completely around Kurt's back and locking his ankles.
Kurt's arms were shaking on either side of him with the effort it was taking him to hold himself up, and
Blaine brought his own hands up to tangle in Kurt's hair, kissing him hard and dirty, before moving down
to Kurt's shoulders and tugging him down.
Kurt landed on his chest, their bodies now pressed flush together, hot and slick. Kurt's hips stuttered for
only a second before finding a deeper, slower rhythm to roll into Blaine without having to pull as far out.
It meant that Kurt was always inside of him now, always filling him to his fullest, always dragging and
pressing into that way that had Blaine's eyes rolling up in mind numbing pleasure.
Blaine locked his arms around Kurt's shoulders, holding him as close as possible, while Kurt rested
against him fucking into him hard and deep. Kurt's arm wrapped around Blaine’s own waist, the other
hand moving to tangle into Blaine's curls as he brought their mouths back together.
“You're so perfect... we fit so perfect.” Kurt breathed against his lips, and Blaine couldn't agree more.
He knew he would never find anyone that fit him as perfectly as Kurt did, not just physically but in every
way possible.
“I love you.”
Kurt pulled back a bit and they stared at each other, both completely wrecked and emotions raw and
exposed, and Blaine wondered if as much love and desire was reflected back at Kurt a he was seeing in
Kurt's eyes. “Love you too.” Kurt mumbled burying his face back into Blaine's neck, even as he lifted
himself back up on his elbows for more leverage.
They were both too close and too sensitive and too raw. Kurt's face was furrowed in concentration now,
each thrust chasing that edge to bring them over. Blaine helped him along, renewing his own efforts by
rolling his hips to meet each thrust and clamping down around Kurt with each delicious drag.
“Close... close...” Kurt whimpered desperately, hips stuttering in an effort to hold himself back while his
perfectly manicured nails dug into Blaine's shoulders and his bottom lip found its way between his teeth
Blaine reached down and took himself into his own hand, knowing Kurt didn't want to come until he
had. He was hot, heavy, and throbbing in a way he had never felt before and almost too sensitive to
even touch. It was too much and with only one loose fisted upwards stroke and twist Blaine felt himself
clamping down hard around Kurt as his body arched off the bed and out of his control.
Blaine barely had the presence of mind to grab Kurt quickly behind the neck to bring their mouths
together, cutting himself off mid cry and feeling the vibrations of Kurt's own echoing again his lips. Then
everything was too bright and too much and his fingers scrambled for something to hold onto.
Kurt was the only thing there, hot against him and inside of him, and Blaine clung to him. He could feel
each pulse of Kurt's cock buried so deep inside of him, every twitch of Kurt's hips, and each spurt of hot
liquid filling him. When his own orgasm finally stopped. Everything felt too raw, too sensitive, and Blaine
wanted to push Kurt away and hold him tighter all at the same time.
Blaine laid back and held him and when Kurt finally stopped convulsing and collapsed against him they
were both a shivering, sweaty, exhausted heap. “I – I think I blacked out...” Kurt murmured in awe after
a few long moments of silence.
Blaine felt a rumble of a laugh bubbling up through his chest and pushed Kurt's sweaty hair off his
forehead before leaning down and kissing it softly. “That was amazing. You were amazing.”
“Hmmm...” Kurt nuzzled his face against Blaine's shoulder, kissing it a few times before shifting a bit and
wincing at the mess they were. “We should get cleaned up.” Even as Kurt said the words though he
settled even more against Blaine's side, warm and solid, face nuzzling into the space between Blaine's
neck and shoulder.
Blaine wrapped an arm around his waist, smoothing a broad hand up and down his back. “Ten more
minutes. I just want to hold you for a little while longer.”
“You can hold me forever if you want,” Kurt whispered almost too soft to hear, lips brushing against his
skin, and Blaine shivered. He just might have to take Kurt up on that offer.
Burt Hummel considered himself an observant man, and also a damn good father, so on Saturday
afternoon when he knocked on Kurt's bedroom door he'd already spent the hour before that fortifying
himself on whatever talk they were about to have.
Although, Burt hoped that it wasn't another one about sex. He figured he'd gone above and beyond his
fatherly duty looking into the guy on guy stuff, and by now Kurt probably had that pretty much figured
out on his own. Burt wasn't naïve enough to think that Blaine and Kurt weren't... participating in it.
It wasn't something he liked to think about in regards to his son... at all, but Burt had been a teenager
once upon a time, and it wasn't like he had to worry about little surprises popping up in nine months. So
as long as the two were taking it slow and being safe and were as in love as they undeniably were... well
Burt didn't really have a valid argument against it that didn't simply end in “because I said so ” and
“because I said so” had never really worked on Kurt before.
“Come in.” Kurt was sitting on his bed all of his attention focused on the button he was sewing onto a
jacket that looked like it already had far too many buttons in places that Burt had never thought would
need buttons.
“You alright kid? I haven't heard much from you all day. Something up?” Burt figured there was no
reason to be subtle about why he was there. He never bothered Kurt in his room unless there was
indeed something up.
Kurt continued sewing his button and Burt simply stood there and waited him out. Slow had always
seemed to best route to take with Kurt. Finally, Kurt set the jacket and button aside and the look on his
face when his hands and mind were free was so utterly lost that Burt felt his heart aching as he
immediately walked over to sit beside is son.
As soon as he was settled Kurt leaned against him, dropping his head sideways onto Burt's shoulder. In
that way Kurt had always done when he was simply tired and couldn't hold the weight of what was
happening on his own shoulders anymore. Burt had always been there to shoulder as much of it as Kurt
would allow him.
“Is it possible to love someone too much?”
Burt paused, his fingers halfway through Kurt's hair, the only time Kurt ever let him touch it. This was
dangerous territory. He would have to tread lightly. “I think... for the person you love. No. For you...
“What do you mean?” Kurt asked and damn it all if that wasn't the hardest question Burt had ever had
to answer.
“I think... that you can love a person more than you love yourself. The kind of love where you'd do
anything for them, anything at all to insure their happiness. Even if it hurts you in the process. It can be
dangerous – loving someone that much... especially if it's not returned,” Burt answered wondering what
had brought this on, but not wanting to push Kurt for details. He hoped like always that whatever he
was saying helped.
“What if you think they do love you that much? Enough that they would forfeit their own happiness, or
at least put that happiness on hold, to make you happy. What if they already have and that's not what
you want... because all you want is for them to be happy and you found a way that they could be happy
now – have everything they ever wanted right now, but you're not sure they'll take it because it'll make
you unhappy if they do.”
As vague as Kurt was being Burt still thought he was getting a picture of what was going on in his son's
head. “Kurt, I'm not sure I understand everything that's going on but the one thing I do know is that you
gotta find a way that you can both be happy.”
“But what if you can't find one?”
Burt wrapped an arm around Kurt's shoulders and hugged him tightly while he kissed the top of his son's
head. “Kurt if you both can't find a way then you'll make one, because that's what loving someone too
much means. It means, no matter what.”