The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, Nigeria Issue 030
The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, Nigeria Issue 030
The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly, Nigeria Issue 030 | Sunday 20 December 2015 JOYFUL NOISE Editor-In-Chief Rev. Biodun Fatoyinbo Editor Pastor Modele Fatoyinbo The WriteCrew Published by The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly Guzape Hills, Asokoro Ext., Abuja, FCT, Nigeria Testimonies [email protected] Enquiries [email protected] New Life in Christ I urge you to receive the new life that God has for you in Christ Jesus. Just say this simple prayer in faith: “Dear Heavenly Father, I believe that Jesus Christ is your Son. I believe that He came to the earth in the flesh, was crucified, died on the cross and was buried. I believe that on the third day, He rose up from the dead and has since ascended into heaven. I receive into my human spirit everything that Jesus purchased for me by His death, burial and resurrection. I confess Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. I am now a new creation. Old things have passed away and everything is new. In Jesus’ name, I hereby renounce every covenant I might have entered into with the devil, wittingly or unwittingly. I am free indeed. Thank you, Jesus, for saving me. I am born again! Amen 2 REV. BIODUN & PASTOR MODELE FATOYINBO Senior Pastors, COZA Be Prepared! “But the path of the just is like the shining sun, That shines ever brighter unto the perfect day” – Proverbs 4: 18 I am excited! God is progressive and I am convinced that 2016 will the most amazing year you have ever witnessed. No, I am not trying to motivate you or get you to be positive about your life or the coming year. I am simply showing you God’s thoughts for your life. The path of the just only gets better. The level of success you have enjoyed this year is nothing to hold a candle near what God has in store for you next year. Many times, people do not enter into the fullness of God’s plans for their lives because they do not make themselves ready. They do not go all out for what God has provided. Sometimes, they do not have any idea what God’s plan for their life is. That is why every new year seems to be exactly like the old, if not worse. It becomes like a vicious cycle of sameness. It is with this in mind that God has instructed us to wait on Him for the first twelve days of every year, from the 2nd to the 13th of January. God has positioned some of His finest Generals to unveil His mind and purposes for us as we embark on a brand New Year. Pray, plan and prepare. Your life will experience a dramatic change for the better. Prepare yourself for a prophetic push. There will be a powerful release of the prophetic like never before. God will route you out of the cycle that that has kept you on a spot and catapult you into a whole new realm of living. You will be positioned to do exploits for the Kingdom as you find your purpose and enter it effectively. This is the least you will ever be. You will go from glory to glory. Get your family ready, tell your friends and colleagues. 12 Days of Glory 2016 is going to be totally life changing. Blessings! A s shepherds stayed up all night to watch their flock on the Middle Eastern hills, flashes of glory burst through the skies in the most splendiferous show ever witnessed by humans. No, they were not fireworks. No, they were not air force jets in some giddy aerial display. Angels filled the skies with the most awe inspiring show that no fireworks could rival. The reason? God had physically come to be with man on earth. Their message echoed the secret meeting the angel Gabriel had earlier with Joseph: “But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. And she will bring forth a Son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins. So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying: “Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel,” which is translated, “God with us”. - Matthew 1:20-23 You may not grasp the full weight of the last statement until you ask yourself a few questions. What makes a man take three hundred poorly armed, barely trained soldiers to fight against an array of well armed and well trained solders? What makes a man walk up to the king of the most civilized nation on earth with nothing but a shepherd’s staff and demand for the release of millions of captive slaves? What makes a man make his weapon of choice the jawbone of an ass in a battle against a thousand warriors? What makes a lone prophet confident to the point of arrogance even though he is surrounded by a hostile army? In an age where everyone is talking about the latent power of man and the diverse abilities of a natural man, there is something to learn about walking and operating in the supernatural. Nations have always gone to war. Nations have always won victories. There has always been a lot of emphasis on being battle ready, properly armed and fully trained. In Bible days, you knew you were going to have victory once you had the numbers, the right chariots, forged the spears and swords from the right blacksmiths and employed the latest bows and arrows. With that in mind, look at God talking to Gideon, an untrained Jew, about fighting the enemies of God’s people. The timid fellow managed to raise an army of thirtytwo thousand people, but even at that, his army was nothing to compare with the army of the enemy. The Bible describes them as being as many as the sands of the sea – they were simply too numerous. Then God whittled Gideon’s team down from thirtytwo thousand people to just three hundred. He then proceeded to give Israel the most astonishing victory they had ever seen. Gideon’s confidence was in the words, “Surely I will be with you”. When God is with you, your mountains become but pebbles. When God is with you, your challenges are a stroll in the park - not because they are not tough, but because the One with you can turn everything around in a moment. Moses was so dependent on God that He prayed the profound prayer, “If your presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here.” Exodus 33:15. Moses knew what it was like to fight in his own strength and he knew what it meant if God fought his battle for him. The list goes on. Samson fought as one man but his enemies did not know that the God of heaven was the secret of his strength. Everything changes when you hand over your life to God. Is God your business partner? Is He allowed in your marriage? Does He have a say in the life decisions you make? Joseph was a slave in the land of Egypt but his heathen captors noted that God was with him. “The Lord was with Joseph, and he was a successful man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian. And his master saw that the Lord was with him and that the Lord made all he did to prosper in his hand.” Genesis 39:2-3 From Potiphar’s house to the prison and then Pharaoh’s palace, Joseph excelled because God was with him. You have a better covenant than Joseph had. He did well because God was with him. You are privileged to have God IN you! He is not just with you, He is resident in you. “To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ IN you, the hope of glory.” Colossians 1:27 Christ resides in you! The power that created the universe dwells in you! The One who conquered death dwells in you! That is the purpose of Christmas! The Son of God was made the son of man so that the sons of men can become the sons of God. You stand on the very precipice of endless possibilities. Christ in you is the hope of glory! Say your goodbyes to a life of disease and shame. Christ in you is the hope of glory! You are confident your life will experience glory because Christ is in you. I declare that from today, it becomes apparent that God is WITH you and IN you! The last time anything failed in your hands is the last time anything will ever fail in your hands. Begin to do well. Begin to prosper in your endeavors. Let your gifts rise. People will see you and see the difference God’s presence has made in your life. Your life will preach the gospel. Nothing is impossible to you anymore because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. You will do well! Blessings! 3 Dr. MIKE MURDOCK Dr. Mike Murdock is in tremendous demand as one of the most dynamic speakers in America today... He preached his first public sermon at the age of 8 and his first evangelistic crusade at the age of 15. He Began full-time evangelism at the age of 19, which has continued since 1966. Has traveled and spoken to more than 14,000 audiences in 38 countries, including Asia, East Africa, the Orient, and Europe. Noted author of 200 books, including the best sellers, "Wisdom for Winning", "Dream-Seeds", "The Double Diamond Principle", "Secrets of the Richest Man Who Ever Lived", "The Law of Recognition", and "The Leadership Secrets of Jesus." Dr. Mike Created the popular "Topical Bible" series for Businessmen, Mothers, Fathers, Teenagers, the "One-Minute Pocket Bible" and "The Master 7 Mentorship System" Has composed more than 5,700 of songs such as "I Am Blessed", "You Can Make It", and "Jesus, Just The Mention of Your Name", recorded by many gospel artists He has appeared often on TBN, CBN, BET and other television network programs and has a weekly television program called "Wisdom Keys with Mike Murdock". He Is a Founding Trustee on the Board of International Charismatic Bible Ministries with Dr. Oral Roberts and he has had more than 3,500 accept the call into full-time ministry under his ministry and has embraced his assignment to Pursue...Proclaim...and Publish the Wisdom of God to heal the broken in his generation. Dr. Mike Is Founder and Senior Pastor Of The Wisdom Center, A Church with International Ministry around the world. Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo Pastor Matthew is the President and Senior Pastor of Kingsway International Christian Centre, the largest church in Western Europe. An inspiring visionary, Pastor Matthew launched the UK’s first church-owned television channel, KICC TV, and his television and radio ministry Winning Ways is received by a potential audience of several hundred million people in Europe, Africa, Asia, the USA and the Caribbean. An award-winning and prolific author, Pastor Matthew has published more than 70 books, including “The Power of Positive Prayer Bible” and the classic ‘What’s Wrong With Being Black?’ – a book hailed for ‘reaching the parts community campaigners cannot reach’. Pastor JT Kalejaiye Pastor J T Kalejaiye is a Regional Evangelist of The Redeemed Christian Church of God. A father of fathers and a leading voice in ministry circles, across the world, Pastor J T Kalejaiye has risen to be that sure voice of the supernatural and the risen Christ. A firm believer in the power of the Living God, Pastor J T Kalejaiye is convinced that, “there is nothing any man of God can do without the God of man.” This is evident in his deep reliance on the ministry of the Holy Spirit as his ministry trademark includes transformed lives, saved souls, signs, wonders and diverse kinds of miracles. “This night, Iyanu must sele!” That will be the voice of the calm but authoritative veteran of faith, Pastor J T Kalejaiye. Recently honoured as the most influential black person in the public sector/religion category by one of Britain ’s leading black newspapers, his influence on church growth and evangelism has been noted by local and international news media. Matthew Ashimolowo sits on the Board of Reference for many leading organizations. With numerous requests for his comments from the media, Pastor Matthew is one of the most exciting and inspiring Christian voices on the world scene today." Over the past 16 years, God has instructed us to wait on Him on the first 12 days of every In these 12 days we experience God’s power in such year. These 12 days have been called “12 Days of Glory!” and they have been glorious! divine dimensions; the testimonies are mind boggling. From supernatural healings to restored marriages, In these 12 days we get direction for the year, we are strengthened by God’s financial provision, testimonies of transformed lives, Spirit for the Journey ahead, and God speaks very powerful words that give miraculous encounters and supernatural interventions, us clarity and propel us as a Church into the depths of God’s plans for us. God visits us in diverse unforgettable ways. 4 dr. jasmin sculark Pastor Chris HILL Pastor Sheryl BRADY Dr. Jasmin is a native of the Island of Trinidad and Tobago. Dr. Jasmin Sculark is the Senior Pastor-Select of Jericho City of Praise in Landover, MD and the Founder and President of Dr. Jazz Ministries. She is nationally and internationally known as Pastor, Teacher, Author and Evangelist. God is using Pastor Chris Hill to help to redefine the scope and influence of the post-modern Christian pulpit. Over the past 7 years of his ministry, literally millions and millions of people have heard his unique message of Hope. He became a Christian and began to preach the Gospel before he was five years of age. Born the product of a broken family, he was raised in the rough inner city ghettos of Roxbury, Massachusetts. A pastor, lecturer and recording artist, Pastor Sheryl Brady has traveled extensively around the globe for more than 30 years. Born and raised in Detroit, Pastor Brady has a distinctive message delivery, which people from all walks of life can relate to. This has allowed her to be a featured speaker on the Women of Faith tours as well as frequent guest on television networks such as the Christian Broadcasting Network, Trinity Broadcasting Network and Daystar Television. Known for her practical and relevant use of scriptures, Pastor Brady has also been featured as a columnist for The Washington Post, Fox News and other nationally recognized publications. Dr. Jasmin’s life goal and mission is to encourage, equip and empower the world through the written and spoken Word. True to her name sake, “Daughter of Thunder,” Dr. Jazz’s preaching and teaching ministry makes a thunderous sound in the earth and in the mind and hearts of those who come in contact with her ministry. God has chosen to use this humble vessel to do a mighty work in this 21st Century. In the summer of 2013 she was invited to be a speaker for Bishop T.D. Jakes world renowned Mega Fest Conference. On March 31, 2014 her new broadcast, “This is your best day yet” was launched on The Word Network and as God saw fit on April 1st, 2014 Dr. Jasmin was appointed the Senior Pastor-Select of Jericho City of Praise in Landover, MD. Dr. Jasmin has published her first book, Dancing with Broken Bones and is looking forward to all that God has in store for the ministry that lies within her. Only Dr. Jasmin can tell the story of her journey from the Tree House to Potter’s House! Having served as an urban youth pastor, an author, a professor, an activist, and an international evangelist, Pastor Chris comes armed him with a fresh and global perspective. His insights into the Word of God are both reverent and relevant enabling his messages to touch the lives of people from all cultures, denominations, ages and socioeconomic backgrounds. His animated and articulate approach produces a gripping delivery that simultaneously captures both Saint and Seeker. With a heart for people, God is using Pastor Hill to help reignite the historic revival fire of Denver. As the leader of the 5,000-member church, The Potter's House of Denver, Pastor Hill serves the community through feeding programs, homeless outreach, prison ministry and crisis counseling services. In these 12 days we are taught God’s counsel, His word leads us in the way we should go, and we commit ourselves to a fresh and powerful walk with Him. These are perhaps, the most important 12 days of every year. They have changed our lives! She is the author of the book entitled You Have It In You! Empowered To Do The Impossible, published by Howard Books, a division of Simon and Schuster. Due to the wide success of her debut book an accompanying workbook was released as well. As a featured conference speaker Pastor Brady has also had the privilege of speaking at some of the nations largest conferences including the internationally acclaimed MegaFest, Woman Thou Art Loosed as well as the first and only female speaker ever at ManPower 2010, the men’s only conference hosted by Bishop T. D. Jakes. Pastor Brady serves as the pastor of The Potter’s House of North Dallas. Founded by Bishop T.D. and Mrs. Serita Jakes, the campus launched its worship services just prior to Easter 2010 and focuses on familycentric outreach programs highlighted by her passionate approach to worship and adherence to solid Biblical principles. Her international travel schedule includes Australia, New Zealand, the Caribbean, West Indies, Bermuda, France, the United Kingdom, South Africa and Nigeria but home and family are her number one destination. Pastor Brady and her husband, Bishop Joby Brady, have three daughters Lana, Tina and Nina, and seven grandchildren. Ministry is a family affair for the Brady family, as all of their daughters and their spouses are active leaders in their ministry. 5 DAILY STUDY GUIDE Monday: Matthew 25:14-30, 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 Tuesday: John 1:1-18, Psalm 123:1-4 Wednesday: John 10:1-21, I John 5:1-13 Thursday: Luke 12:35-48, 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Friday: Hebrews 3:1-15, Joshua 6:12-27 Saturday: Genesis 39:1-9, Luke 19:12-27 Sunday: 2 Corinthians 5:9-21, Galatians 1:1-10 Isaiah 9:6-7 - For a child has been born—for us! the gift of a son—for us! He’ll take over the running of the world. His names will be: Amazing Counselor, Strong God, Eternal Father, Prince of Wholeness. His ruling authority will grow, and there’ll be no limits to the wholeness he brings. He’ll rule from the historic David throne over that promised kingdom. He’ll put that kingdom on a firm footing and keep it going With fair dealing and right living, beginning now and lasting always. The zeal of GOD-of-the-AngelArmies will do all this. (MSG) Therefore I can boldly say: I am the reason Jesus came! Jesus was born for my sake He was made manifest as God’s supreme Gift to me He came that I might have life Because He came, I have both eternal and abundant life Because of Him I live a life without stealing, killing or destruction Because He came, the works of the devil in my life are destroyed I am totally submitted to Him and He takes me over He runs my world and rules everything about me Because He is the Amazing Counselor, I never lack wisdom or direction As the Strong God, He fights my battles and I claim the victories As my Eternal Father, He loves me with an everlasting love As the Prince of Wholeness, He enables me live a whole life Nothing missing, nothing lacking , nothing broken There is no limit to the wholeness Jesus brings to my life I receive the fullness of the peace and the joy He brought to the world I am the evidence of God’s mercy I am a proof of God’s eternal love Jesus’ coming is not in vain in my life His reason for coming is apparent in my life I experience the fullness of His salvation in my life! 6 HUMOUR A woman had just returned to her home from an evening of church services, when she was startled by an intruder. She caught the man in the act of robbing her home of its valuables and yelled: ‘Stop! Acts 2:38! (Acts 2:38 (ESV) says “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ, for the forgiveness of your sins.”) The burglar stopped in his tracks. The woman calmly called the police and explained what she had done. As the officer cuffed the man to take him in, he asked the burglar: ‘Why did you just stand there? All the old lady did was yell a scripture to you.’ ‘Scripture?’ replied the burglar. ‘She said she had an Ax and Two 38s!’ ~~~ A minister told his congregation, “Next week I plan to preach about the sin of lying. To help you understand my sermon, I want you all to read Mark 17.” The following Sunday, as he prepared to deliver his sermon, the minister asked for a show of hands. He wanted to know how many had read Mark 17. Several went up. The minister smiled and said, “Mark has only sixteen chapters. I will now proceed with my sermon on the sin of lying.” ~~~ There was a very gracious lady who was mailing an old family Bible to her brother in another part of the country. “Is there anything breakable in here?” asked the postal clerk. “Only the Ten Commandments”, answered the lady. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 9 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 DOWN 23 24 25 1. Angel who told Mary that she’d have a Son 3. “The holy one to be born will be called the __ __ __.” 5. Old Testament prophet who said a ruler over Israel would be born in Bethlehem. 6. Where Joseph and Mary went to register for census 7. “Glory to God in the ___” 8. Governor of Syria when census was taken 12 10. Occupation of Elizabeth’s husband 15. Wise men from the east 16. The angel told Mary she had found ___ with God. 19. Town in which Mary was living before the birth 23. The king of Judea at the time of Christ’s birth 24. Name of the Caesar who called for a census 25. What Mary and Joseph 21 offered at the Temple 27. The Wise Men brought gold, incense and ___ to Jesus. 28. Elizabeth’s husband THE BIRTH OF JESUS 11 13 ACROSS 26 27 28 The Commonwealth of Zion Assembly appreciates your donations and support. ZENITH BANK Account Name: THE COMMONWEALTH OF ZION ASSEMBLY N: 1013275906 | USD: 5070249641 | GBP: 5060054994 | EUR: 5080051856 Account Name: COZA PROJECT ACCOUNT Account Number: 1014228136 GTBank Account Name: THE COMMONWEALTH OF ZION ASSEMBLY N: 0024234596 | USD: 0024234606 | GBP: 0024234613 | EUR: 0024234620 2. An angel told Joseph to flee to this country to keep the Baby safe 3. Devout man who waited at the Temple to see the Christ 4. God warned the Wise Men in a __ to take a different route home. 5. Where Mary laid Jesus after wrapping him in cloths 9. What led the Wise Men from the east to Jesus 11. They were tending flocks when an angel told them of Christ’s birth 12. Number of days after his birth when Jesus was presented at the Temple 13. “He will be great...and he will reign over the house of __ forever...” 14. Name of Elizabeth’s baby 17. Name for Jesus that means, “God with us.” 18. Jesus would be given the throne of this father 20. Mary’s relative who was also expecting a child 21. Elizabeth was filled with the __ __ when Mary visited her. 22. Name that was to be given to Mary’s son 26. Prophetess at the Temple who gave thanks for the Child LAST WEEK'S CROSSWORD; ACROSS 2 Gentlemen 5 Child 7 Angels 8 Maria 9 King 11 World 12 Mountain 13 Night 14 Bethlehem 15 Holy DOWN 1 Kings 3 Noel 4 Midnight 6 Heard 10 Faithful 12 Manger 7