December 2013 - Church of the Holy Spirit
December 2013 - Church of the Holy Spirit
The E pistle CHURCH OF THE HOLY SPIRIT What’s Happening? St. Nicholas, Dec 15 St. Nicholas will visit on Sunday, Dec 15 after 10:30 am service. We hope all our Little Saints will be in attendance to receive a special gift and treat from St. Nicholas! Hanging of the Greens, Dec 22 Join us after the children’s Christmas pageant as we decorate the nave for the Christmas season. SERVICE SCHEDULE Dec 24–Jan 1 Christmas Eve, Dec 24 Family Service: 7 pm Midnight Mass: 11 pm Christmas Day, Dec 25 Holy Eucharist, Rite I: 10 am Share the Joy Celebrations: 11 am 1st Sun after Christmas Day, Dec 30 Holy Eucharist, Rite I: 8 am Holy Eucharist, Rite II: 10:30 am Feast of the Holy Name, Jan 1 Holy Eucharist: 10 am OFFICE CLOSED December 24 – January 1 Coming next month Annual Parish Meeting, Jan 12 The annual parish meeting will convene at 12:00 pm on Sunday, Jan 12. Newly elected members of the Vestry and Council delegates will be installed. Episcopal Visit, Jan 19 The Rt. Rev. Dina Harrison will visit the parish on Sun, Jan 19. She will preside at a service of Baptism, Confirmation and Reception at 10:30 am. A reception for the Bishop will be held after the service. There will be only one service on this day. WWW.HOLYSPIRITWACO.COM DECEMBER 2013 A fter repeating “November 2nd” ad nauseam for a month, we are very happy to be thinking about the confluence conf of ideas that came from a very successful, and very well done, event that morning! Breakfast was fantastic, many thanks to Karen O’Bric for the work and preparation, to Elizabeth Ann Gates our facilitator, to Shari for always keeping things in and tto o our church family for the effort put into the exercises. Very well done! The event was the final task to complete before we could put together the Parish Profile. Along with the Rector pay package, we send it to the Diocese for approval. Upon that approv approval al the Vestry will elect the search committee from the nominations (so, o, get your nominations submitted, thankfully time is running out!). Once elected, the committee will receive training from the Diocesan team, and then get the names of the candidates for Rector. The time fast approaches now! The importance of the event was made evident after the first group meetings. There is a vision of what we want this to church to be in the future that is shared by all. It was so interesting and amazing to see the same sam ideas, albeit in different words, come from each of the groups. That will serve us well as we will move forward, thankfully, in concord. In the coming months we’ll look at those things derived from the event in greater detail and determine ways to implem implement those we can. Redouble your prayers for our church, a Rector, and all those in need. “And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25 10:24 For the Vestry, Parker Lockhart phrase “Merry Christmas” to get people to buy stuff. That is to say, there is an ironically consumeristic orientation to the fight for the use of the phrase “Merry Christmas” during this time of year. And I can think of few things that do more harm to any attempt to put “Christ” back in “Christmas” than this consumerization of the penitential season of advent. So, here’s what I propose is a more Christian response: “who cares?” Who cares if Target doesn’t use “Merry Christmas” in their ads? Target is not Christianity, or the church (etc.). There is no reason that Target should use the phrase “Merry Christmas.” So why should we care if they don’t? Indeed, if anything, the fact that Target can’t or won’t use “Merry Christmas” actually points to something to the distinctive value of Christianity, and especially Christmas. For when this happens, people are (perhaps even more) able to see what Christianity and Christmas are, and what they are not. Soli Deo Gloria –NJL+ From the Pulpit It’s that time of year again. You know the one I’m talking about. The time of year when some Christians start their angry campaigns against those department stores (etc.) that now use the phrase “Happy Holidays” in their advertisements rather than the phrase “Merry Christmas.” You may even know some Christians like this☺. Of course, I’m being a little bit silly. But, if you can allow me this bit of silliness, I want to use this other phenomenon – the campaigns against the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays” – to help us recover a more Christian way of thinking about the season we’re about to enter into. Some of you know this already, but I’ve come to find these campaigns against the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays” profoundly ironic. That is to say, I’ve come to believe that these campaigns turn Christmas inside out, and so miss out the very thing they think there are trying to protect. And this for two reasons. The first reason is pretty simple. Christians don’t call the season prior to Christmas Day “Christmas.” It is, in other words, un-Christian to say “Merry Christmas” before Christmas Day. “Christmas” is at least those twelve days after Christmas Day prior to Epiphany, and in the Anglican tradition, it is the forty days from Christmas Day to Candlemas. The season before Christmas Day is called “Advent,” from the Latin “adventus” (meaning “coming”). Advent, further, is not a “merry” season. It is a penitential season. It is the season where the church “prepares the way” for the coming of the Lord by penance and sacrifice. So, the fight for the use of the phrase “Merry Christmas” prior to Christmas Day completely misses the distinctly Christian meaning of this season. This dynamic appears to be especially odd when one considers that there isn’t the same fight for the use of “Merry Christmas” after Christmas Day. Why, in other words, do the e-mails from the AFA – urging me to boycott stores like Best Buy, Target, Home Depot, Wal-Mart, Kmart/Sears, Costco, Kohl’s (etc.) – stop on December 26th? Or again, why does the fight for “Merry Christmas” focus on the days before Christmas Day? The answer has everything to do with money – specifically the purchasing of gifts – as is evidenced by the fact that the primary locus of the campaign to save “Merry Christmas” is boycotts of stores who refuse to use “Merry Christmas” in their advertising. Don’t miss the profundity of that fact. This means that, if the campaigns against the use of the phrase “Happy Holidays” succeed, the most direct result is that more major corporations will use the SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR DECEMBER DEC 1, FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT First Lesson: Isaiah 2:1-5 Psalm: 122 Second Lesson: Romans 13:11-14 Gospel: Matthew 24:36-44 DEC 8 , SECOND SUNDAY OF ADVENT First Lesson: Isaiah 11:1-10 Psalm: 72:1-7, 18-19 Second Lesson: Romans 15:4-13 Gospel: Matthew 3:1-12 DEC 15, THIRD SUNDAY OF ADVENT First Lesson: Isaiah 35:1-10 Psalm: 146:1-9 Second Lesson: James 5:7-10 Gospel: Matthew 11:2-11 DEC 22, FOURTH SUNDAY OF ADVENT First Lesson: Isaiah 7:10-16 Psalm: 80:1-7, 16-18 Second Lesson: Romans 1:1-7 Gospel: Matthew 1:18-25 DEC 29, FIFTH SUNDAY AFTER CHRISTMAS First Lesson: Isaiah 61:10-62:3 Psalm: 147 Second Lesson: Galatians 3:23-25, 4:4-7 Gospel: John 1:1-18 2 Gerry Milnor, Roz Modrall, Candace Morton, Lynda Packard, Melinda Reid, d, Ren Robertson, Char Rood, LaTrisha Spain, Nettie Starnes, Joyce Stokes, Carol Stukenbroeker, Linda Walley, Charlotte Weaver, and Mindy Wilkins. Please call Mike or Karen O’Bric to volunteer, 399-9974, 399 or e-mail [email protected]. [email protected] PARISH LIFE Karen O'Bric (399-9974) & Joyce Stokes (732-0205) SHARE THE JOY 2013 AN ACT OF CHRISTIAN SERVICE This will be the 10th annual Christmas Day lunch for the homeless. This help for homeless came about because public and private agencies are closed and no one should go hungry on Christ’s Day. Our visitors will be served a hot meal of “real” turkey, potatoes and gravy, corn, roll, cup of fruit cocktail, and beverages of ice tea, coffee, and water. A gift bag will be provided with a second meal, bag of cookies, socks, a scarf, and a banana. Mission ion Waco Meyer Homeless Center Center. Hot meals are served to the homeless, needy veterans, those from shelters and out of prison. A separate dining room is set up for families and children. Take-out out meals are distributed. Holy Spirit Church Parish Hall. Meals are served to needy seniors, delivered to home bound seniors, and distributed for pick-up up by hungry families. Serving hot meals takes place in such a short time it requires a lot of volunteers. Last year 108 volunteers from 19 cities were involved to makee the event very successful. Over 600 meals were distributed between 11:30 am and 1:00 pm. We have a 30% turn over in volunteers each year so those interested in serving are welcome. Also, we under serve the needy population and need help to “get the word out” to those who will go hungry on Christmas Day Giving of this service will change your life forever. No one should go hungry on Christ’s Day. And you will still have lots of time to be with your families. We are grateful to those who have volunteered to: • Bake Cookies:: Donna Alaniz, Karen Augeri, Nancy Banks, Judy Bauer, Loran Brown, Barbara Burr, Susi Canuteson, Doris Carter, Haley Chaudoin, Jimmie Dyer, Nelda Emmert, Lil Fadal, Mary Gresham, Misty Guy, Todd Heller, Judy Lloyd, Roz Modrall, Candace Morton, ton, Susan Moudry, Martha Peacock, Chris Rardin, Karen Reynolds, Pam Ritch, John Stokes, Norma Thronburg, Mickey Vinyard, Linda Walley, Neil Wiese, Mindy Wilkins, Nancy Williams, Sue Wolfe, and Joan Wood.. • Bag Cookies:: Nancy Banks, Susie Canuteson, Linda Clemmer, emmer, Lydia Dashner, Lil Fadal, led by Roz Modrall. • Knit Scarves:: This amazing group has worked since January 29 to knit and crochet more than 300 scarves for men, women, and children to be given as gifts on Christmas Day: Karen Augeri, Judy Bauer, Lori Brubaker, rubaker, Susi Canuteson, Linda Clemmer, Lilian Driver, Nancy Gillette, Mary Gresham, Betty Mason, GIVING ING ENVELOPES Beginning Sunday, December 8, there will be a new giving envelope. The envelope has been updated to make the process easier for everyone, and to ensure that you’re giving is properly reported. You will need to fill out your name and date, and what fund you like the money to be applied. If no fund is designated, all money will go into the General Fund. These giving envelopes will be placed in the pews for your use. The existing discretionary fund envelope will only be used on the first Sunday of o every month as all loose plate funds (unless otherwise designated) are used for outreach to those in need in our community. Mary Hearn 652-0965) UPCOMING MEETING: December 1, 1:00 pm, Holy Spirit in the Library. We will finish the Spiritual Formation guide with Chapter 12, “Passing on the Journey”. Join our church family for lunch in the Parish Hall before the meeting. CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX CAMPAIGN: CAMPAIGN We reached our goal at Holy Spirit of filling 100 shoeboxes for Samaritan’s Purse ministry! Way to go everyone. CHRISTMAS PARTY: Sunday, December 8, at Judy and Bill Bauer’s home from 6-8 8 pm. DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: is a prayer and service order for women and girls in the Episcopal, Catholic and Lutheran denominations. Here in Waco, our chapter is comprised of women from all three Episcopal churches. If you think you might be interested, you are welcome to attend any of our meetings to learn more about our group. 3 YOUTH MINISTRY Matt Moudry (412-720-9351) Upcoming Youth Events Dec. 8 – Youth Group 6:30-8:00 8:00 in the Youth Room Dec. 15 – Youth Christmas Party 6:30-8:00 8:00 Jan. 5 – Youth Group 6:30-8:00 8:00 in the Youth Room Jan. 11 – Game Night for All Generations – 5:00-8:00 in the parish hall Jan. 19 – Youth Group 6:30-8:00 8:00 in the Youth Room Feb. 2 – Souperbowl of Caring Beverly Fallon (715-1028) The joyous Christmas season is upon us as we prepare to celebrate Jesus’ birth in Bethlehem. It is typically something hing we reenact with the children of our church, but unfortunately not this year. We are sad and disappointed to relay this information, but we just couldn’t make it happen. We do look forward to a visit from dear St. Nicholas on Sunday, December 15, 2013 in the Parish Hall after the 10:30a.m. Service. We hope all the Little Saints of our Church will be in attendance to receive a special gift and treat from St. Nicholas! There will also be lots of goodies for the BIG Saints of our Church as well!!! As the New Year 2014 draws near let us renew our commitment to God, our church, and our children and make every effort to bring them to church to worship and grow in Christian love. Galatians 3:23-25; 4:4-7 – Now before faith came, we were imprisoned and guarded under the law until faith would be revealed. Therefore the law was our disciplinarian until Christ came, so that we might be justified by faith. But now that faith has come, we are no longer subject to a disciplinarian.” But when the fullness of time had come, c God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, in order to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as children. And because you are children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" her!" So you are no longer a slave but a child, and if a child then also an heir, through God. Thanks to everyone who participated in Trunk or Treat! It was a great event; we had twenty cars passing out candy to about 100 Trick-or-Treaters Treaters and their families. A special thank you goes out to Carol Stukenbroeker for helping with preparation and recruiting volunteers and Parker Lockhart for planning the food and being grill master for the evening! December 15 will be the youth Christmas Party! We will meet at the normal time, 6:30-8:00pm. 8:00pm. We will have a white elephant gift exchange, so please bring a wrapped gift. Note: These are meant to be fun, random, and silly gifts. The best gifts are often something you have lying around, but don’t actually have a use for – not junk, but something mething that someone else might use and appreciate. There will be food, games, and other Christmas activities, so don’t miss it! On Saturday, January 11, we will have a Game Night for All Generations in the Parish Hall. The Game Night will be from 5:00-8:000 pm. Dinner will be served at 5:00, and then we will break up into smaller groups to enjoy games of all kinds! We encourage those attending to bring a game, whether it’s an old favorite or one you just got for Christmas! Sunday, February 2 is Super Bowl Sunday! unday! Not only does that mean football and expensive commercials, it also means it’s time for the Souperbowl of Caring! The Souperbowl of Caring is a youth-led led movement to help hungry and hurting people around the world. On the morning of Super Bowl Sunday, y, youth volunteers will stand by the sanctuary exits holding soup pots in order to collect donations to benefit those who are hungry. 100% of the donations will be given to a local charity. We need volunteers to collect donations after both the 8:00 and 10:30 0:30 services on Sunday morning. If you are willing to participate, please see Matt Moudry for more information. MEN’S FELLOWSHIP Easton Allen (772-2026) Men of the church – join us for breakfast every Thursday at 7:00 am. We eat, we visit, we sing, we have a bible reading, and then we circle up and pray! Join us!! 4 TRUNK OR TREAT 2013 5 6 Susi Canuteson (753-8347) Norma Thronburg, Directress (876-3303) Pastoral Care dons a few hats. One of those tasks is contact with our shut-in in list, through visitation, calls and cards. Each month our team divides the list and makes contact with each person. This is an important mission as a church family. It ensures that they aren’t forgotten. We, in the past, have also contacted our parishioners who place people on our Intercessory Prayer List to see if they th continue to need prayers or prayers have been answered and they can be removed. Each person placed on our Intercessory Prayer List is left on for 90 days unless we are informed otherwise. It is understandable that there are those who will remain on our list indefinitely, but we need your help in keeping us updated. If you place someone on our list, please contact either myself or Shari in about 30 days and give us and update on them. If someone you know is ill, in the hospital, has been absent from church h for a while, or needs contacting, please call the church office and let us know. Some have asked about those on our Intercessory Prayer List. Please understand we are sensitive to privacy issues and are, therefore, unable to divulge information without their heir specific permission. I encourage any of you who can provide a listening istening ear and a little time each month to join our team and lend the joy of personal contact with our shut-in in parishioners. It provides connection with our church family, as well as joy to their soul. This is a good time of year to reflect on and remind ourselves of things of which to be thankful. Have you ever noticed how life has endless ways of giving you more of what you don’t want? The problem isn’t life, the problem lies within ourselves. selves. We often pay too much attention to what we don’t want that we actually make things worse. Whenever we focus on what’s wrong, we reinforce it and attract more of the same. By putting forth negative energy by thinking about our problems, we make our lives more problematic. It’s a natural thing to do when we are in a struggle. We tend to overlook things in our lives for which we should be grateful. It’s absolutely essential to think about bright things. We all create our own futures by the things we think th about and appreciate. I recently read a book on positive vs. negative energy by B.J. Gallagher; here are some quotes from that book: “If you want more love in your life, be grateful for the love you already have; if you want more money, appreciate the money you have now; if you want better health, love and appreciate your body; if you want more friends, take really good care of the friends you have now; if you want success, be grateful for your past and present success. Create your own future through thee amazing power of gratitude.” By thinking positively, no matter our circumstances, we gain positive things. To give more than we expect to receive, will always result in a positive outcome. Jesus teaches us this. God presents us with opportunities every day ay to express our gratitude to Him for all of our blessings [PSALM 100: 1-5] 5] While attending a German genealogy meeting recently, amateur researchers were puzzled that church records from each year during the 17th and 18th century entries began in late November or early December. The organization, however, was quite logical as most of the data had been collected from either Roman Catholic or Lutheran archives. Both denominations would follow a liturgical rather than a secul secular calendar year. An Advent symbol of Jesus is represented by the Alpha and the Omega—the the first and the last, the beginning and the end” (Rev 1:8 and 11:13). The blue letter is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Aleph, and the purple is the last le letter of the Greek alphabet, Omega. Dennis Bratcher writes that “not only does this symbolize the One who has come and will come again, it also emphasizes the continuity of God’s work in history throughout both the Old and New Testaments.” Although the Ordoo Kalendar has a secular format, the liturgical Year A will begin on December 1, 2013, with the First Sunday of Advent, which “is always the fourth Sunday before Christmas Day, whether it occurs on a Sunday or a weekday” (BCP 15). It is a penitential season. n. Holy Spirit will use blue paraments, a symbol or royalty, during Advent to distinguish it from Lent; others may use purple during this time. Rose or pink may be used for Gaudete Sunday, from the Latin word for “rejoice,” the Third Sunday of Advent, reflecting ecting the lessening emphasis on penitence as attention turns more to celebration in anticipation of the coming, the meaning of Advent. Rite I will be the form of worship during Advent. The proper preface will be Advent and bulletins will be printed on bluee paper. The Advent wreath is placed near the prie prie-dieu (pray God) on the north side of the center aisle; representing Expectation or Hope, the purple candle opposite the pink is lighted first. The Advent banner with the four candles will occupy the east wall all and all other banners will rotate one position clockwise. While Lent is characterized by fasting and a spirit of penitence, Advent’s prayers are of humble devotion and from those walking in darkness who are awaiting and anticipating a great light (Isaiah ah 9).” Our prayer of Advent is: Come, O Come, Emmanuel, And ransom captive Israel! 7 COFFEE HOUR Mary Gresham (772-3424)) or Joyce Stokes (732-0205) (732 The hostesses for the December and January coffee hour are as follows: • Dec 1 – Joan Wood • Dec 8 – Nettie & Ed Starnes • Dec 15 – Stephanie & Steven Kucera • Dec 22 – Gerry & Bill Milnor • Dec 29 – Fifth Sunday Luncheon • Jan 5 – Peggy Gidney & Karen Reynolds • Jan 12 – Nancy & Jack Gillette • Jan 19 – Bishop’s visit Gresh • Jan 26 – Joyce Stokes & Mary Gresham If you can’t serve, please be sure to find a sub. Mary Gresham (772-3424) ECW met at 10:30 on November 9 for food and fellowship. We didn’t have a program as we had lots of business to take care of. We discussed Compassion Ministries and the problem we are having with communication. Nancy Banks was going to look into it and see if we need to just send money for the apartment if they had stocked it themselves. We also decided to send money to Caritas and the Salvation Army to bring our money balance down to about $600 to start the new year. We nominated and elected officers for 2014: Rosalind Modrall, President, Susi Canuteson – Vice President, Nancy Banks – Treasurer, and Mindy Wilkins – Secretary. The ECW Christmas Party willl be held Saturday, Dec December 14 at Ridgewood Country Club. The cost is $17 which includes tax and gratuity. Please RSVP to Rosalind Modrall no later than December 7. Dale & Anita Allen will be singing Christmas carol favorites. We had a very good meeting and nd lots of fellowship with a delicious lunched served by Nancy Banks, Doris Carter, and Jackie Orsag. EASTER BREAKFAST CASSEROLE CAS from the kitchen of Karen & Mike O’Bric In a 9x13 nonstick foil pan, layer the following: Ingredients: 1 30-ounce ounce bag frozen hashed browns 1 cube butter (½ cup), melted 1 chopped sweet white onion 2 8-oz oz bags hearty sausage crumbles 2 cups mild shredded cheddar cheese ALTAR FLOWERS Given to the Glory of God … (Can be assembled the day before, wrapped and refrigerated) Perhaps some information is in order for those who have not given flowers before: A flower chart is located in the parish hall. If you would like to give flowers for a particular Sunday to commemorate an occasion or for a thanksgiving, please sign up. You will be contacted by the parish administrator early in the week prior to the date you select so you may tell herr what words you would like to be printed in the Sunday bulletin. It is customary for the church to order the flowers from a florist who is familiar with our vases and the liners that go in them. If you prefer to order the flowers yourself, you must inform the parish administrator. If another person has already signed up for a date that you would like, perhaps you can contact them and share the cost for that Sunday. Both parties would be acknowledged in the service bulletin. The cost for the altar arrangements can be $40, $50, or $60. This can be paid with a check you send to the parish office or you can put it in the collection plate plate, indicating “Altar Flowers” on the memo line. We all enjoy the flowers and hope that you will consider them as a remembrance. The 2014 flower chart will be posted in the parish hall the first week of December. 1 6 16-ounce ounce small curd cottage cheese Jumbo Eggs Preparation: On the day of breakfast, t, stir together until smooth, one 16 ounce container small curd cottage cheese and 6 jumbo eggs. Pour mixture over assembled casserole covering entire surface. Cover pan with aluminum foil, shiny side down. Bake at 375 degrees for 1 hour. Remove foil; continue to bake until egg mixture is firm (approximately 30 minutes). At Holy Spirit Church, we prepare 6 pans to serve approximately 100 people. 8 Camp Allen Corner HOLIDAY IN THE PINES December 13-15, 2013 Join us for the 16th annual Holiday in the Pines - an old fashioned country Christmas. The weekend will include 2 nights lodging, 6 meals per person, snacks, Christmas arts & crafts, playing in the blown snow, wagon rides, campfire w/s'mores, canoeing, nature walks, teen activities, Sunday worship, Ladies Christmas Tea, & more! (Horseback riding, massage, & skeet shooting are all available for an additional fee.) Please note: Our online registration only accepts payments in full. However, you may alternatively register by phone (936-825-7175 ext. 4023) and make a 25% non-refundable deposit to secure your reservation. The remaining balance will be due by December 6, 2013. Pricing for the weekend begins at $465 (2 Adults and 2 children), Couples $340, Single Adult $240, and additional children $65. The 22nd graduating class of Christian Women’s Job Corps Invites you to share in our graduation. December 10, 2013 7:00 pm Truett Seminary Chapel Reception following 9 Parish Leadership Celebrations CURATE THE REV NATHANIIEL JC J LEE ASSISTING PRIEST THE REV THOMAS M RARDIN RAR BIRTHDAYS December 1223445781214141516222424252626282828292931- SENIOR WARDEN PARKER LOCKHART Betty Dierking Paul Scott Thronburg Joan Wood Jimmy Watson Keith Bilbrey Donnie Vroman Landry Watson Emily Hammond Jimmie Dyer Eric Fuller Wayne Roberts Kelly Filgo Lydia Dashner Ann Curry Susi Canuteson Lent Hardeman Doug Guthrie Ed Starnes Delois Campbell Sean Fallon Cindy Queen Frieda Jackson Johnathan Gidney Minnie Simcik Parker Lockhart James Wood JUNIOR WARDEN KEITH BILBREY TREASURER STEVEN KUCERA PARISH ADMINISTRATOR SHARI PAULEY VESTRY CLERK JAN ATTAWAY DIRECTOR, RELIGIOUS EDUCATION CAROL STUKENBROEKER ADULT CHRISTIAN FORMATION FORM FR. NATE LEE CHILDREN’S MINISTRY BEVERLY FALLON CHOIRMASTER PAUL THRONBURG ALTAR GUILD NORMA THRONBURG LITURGICAL MINISTRY COORDINATOR DOUGLAS GUTHRIE ACOLYTE WARDEN SARAH VROMAN EPISCOPAL CHURCH WOMEN WOM MARY GRESHAM WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES December 2182727313131- YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY KELLY & ELLEN FILGO Maureen & Keith Bilbrey Elizabeth & Bob Roberts Norma & Paul Thornburg Jenna & Jacob Hartsfield Katie & Jay Beavers Lydia & Gene Dashner Pam & Wayne Roberts DAUGHTERS OF THE KING KIN LORAIN BROWN MEN’S FELLOWSHIP EASTON ALLEN YOUTH MINISTRY MATT MOUDRY PASTORAL CARE SUSI CANUTESON OUTREACH HOLLY TARVER Did we miss your birthday or anniversary? Please call the parish office so we can correct our records. NEWCOMER MINISTRY NANCY BANKS PARISH LIFE KAREN O’BRIC NEWSLETTER EDITOR Vacant WEBMASTER ELLEN FILGO 10