August 5, 2014 - Hauppauge School District
August 5, 2014 - Hauppauge School District
REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT TOWNS OF SMITHTOWN AND ISLIP, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, HELD August 5, 2014 AT 7:00 PM Members Present: Mr. David Barshay, President; Mr. Gary Fortmeyer, Vice President; Dr. Lawrence Crafa; Mr. James Kiley; Ms. Ann Macaluso; Mrs. Eileen Mass and Mr. Rob Scarito Others present: Mrs. Patricia Sullivan-Kriss, Superintendent of Schools; Mr. James Stucchio, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations; Mrs. Michele Rothfeld, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Administration; Mr. Joseph Tasman, Assistant Superintendent for Personnel and Administration; Mr. Glen Eschbach, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology; Mr. Warren Richmond, School Attorney; Mrs. JoAnn Lawler, acting for District Clerk. CALLING OF THE MEETING: At 7:05 pm, the meeting was called to order by Vice President Fortmeyer. EXECUTIVE SESSION: At 7:06 pm a motion was made by Mrs. Mass, second by Ms. Macaluso to go into Executive Session to discuss legal issues and certain agenda items. Motion carried 6-0. (Mr. Barshay at arrived at 7:10 p.m.) Public Session reconvened at 8:06 pm. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG ADOPTION OF MINUTES: Organizational Meeting of July 8, 2014. Motion to table by Mr. Barshay, seconded by Mrs. Mass. This item will be on the next agenda, August 26, 2014. Motion to table carried 7-0. SUPERINTENDENT’S UPDATE / COMMENTS REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA Mrs. Kriss extended condolences on behalf of the District to the family of Matt Cassagio. He was a wonderful young man and a proud graduate of our schools. We mourn such an early passing for a young man. Mrs. Kriss informed the public and Board that she would keep the public apprised of class size changes as we register students and account for those leaving the district. The district is closely monitoring three sections for possible breaks. We are sending out an “automated phone message” to all parents with students K-12 asking for parents to inform the district if they or someone they know are planning to move in or out of the school district boundaries prior to the opening of school. Mrs. Kriss toured our schools with James Stucchio. At Forest Brook the paving out front was being done. We are currently installing security doors at all elementary buildings. The Board will be impressed with amount of work being done in the District. It is all moving along nicely. Mrs. Kriss is proud to inform the public that the IB student enrollment has more than doubled in enrollment since it began two years ago. Nineteen percent of students participated in the original cohort; more than 40% of our junior class is enrolled for the 2014/2015 school year. August 5, 2014 Page 1 of 7 Keeping fiscal measures in mind, the Controller has offered a tax rebate for abiding with the tax cap. To be eligible we must be able to demonstrate consolidation of services. We must save 1 % of the tax levy, which amounts to approximately $812,000 next year. Mrs. Kriss is keeping the Board of Education informed of negotiations with teachers’ union. The next negotiation session is scheduled for August 25. QUESTION AND COMMENTS REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA ONLY Members of the public who desire to address the board on any topic which is on tonight’s agenda are welcome to do so at this time. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three minutes, to appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern, and to supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired. Twenty minutes are being scheduled for this portion of tonight’s agenda. Questions and Comments from the Community: Question regarding the website and no agenda backup on the web. Question regarding contract with CJ2 Communications. Question regarding Agenda Items 9.1.A and 9.1.B. CONSENT AGENDA 9.1A, 9.2C.3, C.6, C.7, 9.3B.1, 3 & 4 and 9.3D.1 and 4 removed by Mr. Scarito 9.1.E and 9.3.B.5 removed by Mrs. Mass 9.1 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Agreement with Employee #2817 - REMOVED B. The Board of Education of the Hauppauge Union Free School District, having received a request for Impartial Hearing, authorizes the appointment of Impartial Hearing Officer Craig Tessler pursuant to the Amended Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, for request involving student #58966 and that compensation for his services will be $100 per hour plus mileage at the IRS approved rate as per Board Policy 4321.3. C. APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF REGISTRY In accord with the State Education Law the following resolution is offered: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Hauppauge Union Free School District of the Towns of Islip and Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York, must appoint a Board of Registry for said School District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following duly qualified voters of said School District are hereby appointed as members of the Board of Registry at an hourly rate of $15.00 for Chief of Registry and $14.50 for Registry Staff: Gail McDonald, Chief Janet Kohilakis Theresa Gibson Alternates Susan Schoepe August 5, 2014 Linda Ryczak Elizabeth Kane Page 2 of 7 D. APPOINTMENT OF BOARD OF INSPECTORS In accord with the State Education Law, the following resolution is offered: WHEREAS, the Board of Education of Hauppauge Union Free School District of the Towns of Islip and Smithtown, Suffolk County, New York, must appoint a Board of Inspectors for said School District; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following duly qualified voters of said School District are hereby appointed as members of the Board of Inspectors at an hourly rate of $15.00 for Chief Inspector, Permanent Chairperson and Assistant Clerk, and $14.50 for Inspectors: Judy Sussman, Chief Inspector Dolly Ward, Permanent Chairperson Dorothy Migan, Assistant Clerk Ed Bergman Deborah Duprez Rosemarie Gorton Yvonne Ujvari Helen Bergman Elizabeth Kane Theresa Gibson Ysa Catanese Allan Hiltunen Alfred Mortensen Janet Kohilakis Linda Ryczak Margi Bodkin Frank Murdock Sharon Kalina John Catanese Patricia Surico Mary M. Thompson Alternates Siobhan Atkinson Carolyn Circo Mary Ellen Beggins Gloria Homfeld E. DESIGNATION OF SIGNATURE ON CHECKS - REMOVED In accord with State Education Law, in the absence of the Treasurer, Board Member, Eileen Mass is a designated signator. 9.2 PERSONNEL MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following personnel action report be accepted as per attached. A. Personnel Action Report - Certified Staff 1) Change in Employment Status 2) Temporary Employment 3) Resignation/Termination/Leave of Absence/Retirement/Excessed B. Personnel Action Report - Civil Service Staff 1) Appointment 2) Temporary Employment 3) Retirement/Resignation/Termination/Leave of Absence 4) Appointment of Substitutes 5) Removal of Substitutes C. Curriculum & Instruction Appointments 1) New York State Regents Exam Proctors 2) New York State Regents Exam Scorers 3) Rescinding Appointment – Middle School Coach - REMOVED August 5, 2014 Page 3 of 7 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) Appointment – High School Coach Appointment of Athletic Trainers Fine and Performing Arts – Rescinding Appointment, Flag Advisor - REMOVED Fine and Performing Arts – Appointment, Flag Advisor - REMOVED Curriculum Writing for ELA – Grade 7 9.3 BUSINESS MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Special Education Contracts 1) UCP 2) Marie Danie Marseille B. Other Contracts 1) Fanning Investigative Services, Inc. - REMOVED 2) ECAF Charter a. Girls Varsity Golf 3) CJ2 Communication Strategies LLC - REMOVED 4) Smithtown C.S.D. - REMOVED 5) Discovery Education - REMOVED C. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment 1) Two Riso HC5500 Printers 2) Two Riso HCS2000 Scanners 3) Two Riso Scanner Stands 4) Two Monitors 5) Two CPUs BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be received: D. Financial Reports 1) ECAF – June 2014 - REMOVED 2) Treasurer’s Report – June 2014 3) Collateralization – June 2014 4) Warrants – June 2014 - REMOVED 9.4 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Committee on Special Education Recommendations: 1) CSE Recommendations Motion by Mr. Fortmeyer, second by Mr. Scarito to accept the consent agenda excluding those items removed. Motion carried 7-0 Mrs. Kriss introduced Stacey Louis, special education teacher. Ms. Louis was a leave replacement teacher last year and is now replacing Sandy Boynton, who retired. Kathryn Villecco, a reading teacher, is replacing Diane Chandler. Laura Stiegelmeyer is the new director of Fine and Performing Arts. August 5, 2014 Page 4 of 7 Items Removed from Consent Agenda: 9.3.B.2 ECAF Charter - Girls Varsity Golf, 9.3.2 Treasurer’s Report , 9.3.D.4 D. Warrants. Angela’s House. Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Mr. Fortmeyer to approve. Motion carried 7-0 9.1.A Agreement with Employee #2817. Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Mr. Fortmeyer to approve. Motion carried 4-3. (Mr. Scarito, Mr. Kiley and Dr. Crafa voted no) 9.3.C.3 and 4 – Middle School and High School Girls Soccer Coaches Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Mr. Barshay to approve. Motion carried 7-0 9.2.C.6 & 7 – Fine & Performing Arts Flag Advisor Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Mr. Barshay to approve. Motion carried 7-0 9.3.B.1. - Fanning Investigative Services Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Mr. Fortmeyer to approve. Motion carried 7-0. 9.3B3 – CJ2 Communication Strategies LLC Motion by Mr. Barshay, second by Mr. Fortmeyer to approve. Motion carried 5-2 (Mr. Kiley and Mr. Scarito voting no) 9.3.B.4. – Smithtown C.S.D. Motion by Mr Barshay, second by Mr. Fortmeyer to approve. Motion carried 7-0. 9.3.D.1 - ECAF Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Ms. Macaluso to approve. Motion carried 7-0 9.3.D.4 Warrants. Motion by Mr. Scarito, second by Mr. Fortmeyer to approve. Motion carried 7-0. 9.1.E – Designation of Signature on Checks. Motion by Mrs. Macaluso, second by Mrs. Mass to approve. Motion carried 6-0-1. (Mrs. Mass abstained) 9.3.B.5 Discovery Education. Motion by Mr. Scarito, seconded by Mr. Barshay to approve. Motion carried 5-2. (Mrs. Mass & Mr. Kiley voted no) 10. COMMITTEE REPORTS August 5, 2014 Page 5 of 7 A. Board of Education Election of Committee Chairs Policy Committee: Mr. Barshay asked Mr. Scarito to serve as temporary chair. Mr. Scarito was asked to hold election and report back to Board with results. Audit Committee: Mr. Barshay asked Mr. Kiley to act as temporary chair. Mr. Kiley was asked to hold election and to report back to the Board with results B. Board Representation on District Committees: District Steering Committee: Mr. Barshay volunteered. HIV/Aids: Dr. Crafa volunteered. Code of Conduct: Mr. Scarito volunteered Distinguished Alumni: Ms. Macaluso volunteered Safety: Mr. Fortmeyer volunteered. Facilities Committee: Ms. Macaluso, Mr. Kiley, and Dr. Crafa volunteered. Committee Membership Kiley: Audit, Facilities & Advocacy Scarito: Audit, Policy, Code of Conduct Fortmeyer: Safety, Islip Town Board, alternate on Advocacy Committee. Barshay: On all committees, Steering, Policy. Crafa: Advocacy, HIV/Aids, Facilities Macaluso: Audit, Policy, Alumni, Facility Mass: None this year. 11. CORRESPONDENCE Email from C. Sandbichler regarding documentation on class size. Email from S. Abruzzo regarding employment agreements. Email from G. Batista regarding Islip Town Board meeting adjournment for Sweetwater Estates until August 21, 2014. Email from J. Gardner regarding class size. DISCUSSION MATTERS A. Board of Education Meeting Format The meeting format was discussed with Consultant. The suggestion was that we break up meetings and have 1 business meeting and 1 committee meeting, with slightly adjusted agendas. Business: regular business. Discussions would be moved to community meeting, as well as presentations and awards. We could begin community meetings earlier to make them more accessible. The outcome would be greater productivity and more accessibility to the community. Questions and comments from the Board: August 5, 2014 Concerns regarding policy and laws with the new format. Concerns regarding community meetings and being able to address concerns “on the spot.” Concerns regarding time of Executive Session. Discussion regarding benefits of this format. Discussion regarding public notification of new format. Page 6 of 7 NEW BUSINESS Mr. Scarito asked if the Middle School and High School have support systems for drugs/suicide, a reachout program for at risk. Ms. Macaluso is concerned with students taking AP exams and being forced to pay for AP exams. Dr. Crafa asked about consolidation of services to get tax break. Mr. Barshay thanked Mrs. Lawler for filling in for Mrs. Kerimian. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM THE COMMUNITY Members of the public who desire to address or question the board on any topic related to board work are welcome to do so at this time. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three minutes; to appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern, and to supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired. Twenty minutes are being scheduled for this portion of tonight’s agenda. Questions and comments regarding the proposed community meeting and business meeting formats for the Board of Education meetings. Question regarding status of email sent to the Board of Education. Question regarding the status of the tree at Forest Brook that should be removed and the condition of the Forest Brook athletic fields. Comments regarding elementary class sizes. Question regarding a class size and teaching assistant in the classroom. ADJOURNMENT: At 9:40 pm, motion by Mr. Fortmeyer, second by Mr. Barshay to go into Executive Session to discuss negotiations. Motion carried 7-0. NEXT REGULAR MEETING: August 26, 2014 Respectfully submitted, JoAnn Lawler Acting District Clerk August 5, 2014 Page 7 of 7 • .' ~ !i ! ~ O ;r~r- ~;~.L~ A ~ l\ . -'T ~ ~ I~ I ~ '~~; '~~,.~I; r', .· ··.·~'. ~\'~~ I.~~1I~ rE "" .''~~ 1p'~O R '"r'I ~...~ C l :'-r~·I i " '.·o .r \N\ II ~\ R r~~- ;-'" ~ ~' T .-.-!I i ' : .~ ~",;N" J. ._ . . . .Ji ' J t '.(/ J.. . ' J _ ~ ....~....J_I ~ J- ~ . 1 JJ SCHEDULE -A SCHEDULE - B SCHEDULE - C r i I . t !I (Certified Staff) (Civil Service) (Curriculum & Instruction Appointments) August 5, 2014 REVISED 9.2 9.2.A CERTIFIED STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 3013 OF THE EDUCATION LAW, THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Appointment Name Laura Stiegelmaier (rep. J. Velasquez, resigned) Tenure Area Director of Fine & Performing Arts Kathryn Villecco Reading (rep. D. Chandler, retired) Stacey Louis (rep. S. Boynton, retired) Special Education *Based on 2013-14 salaries; 2014-15 salaries to be determined 2. Certification Perm. SDA Perm. Music Perm. Reading Perm. Pre-K, K, Gr. 1-6 Perm. Special Education LevellStep Salary NIA $139,774 8/11/14 8/10/17 MAl1 $59,685* 9/1/14 8/31/17 MAl1 $59,685* 9/1/14 8/31/17 Change in Employment Status 2.1. Reinstatement Teaching Area Name Cyna Buckley (rep. J. Almonaitis, resigned) Teaching Assistant Genevieve Carpenter (rep. J. Brienza, retired) Teaching Assistant Denise Murphy (rep. S. Gill, retired) Teaching Assistant *Based on 2013/14 salaries; 2014/15 salaries to be determined 3. End of Probationary Appointment Date of Appointment Effective Date Reason 9/1/14 Recall from Preferred Eligible List 9/1/14 Recall from Preferred Eligible List 9/1/14 Recall from Preferred Eligible List Temporary Employment Name Samuel Plotkin (rep. K. Harrison, LOA) Tenure Area ______EngJL~b _____ Name Beth Figari Dana Driscoll Elizabeth Lutz Antoinette Sposato Louise Audus Eileen Doda Angela Lamorgese-McDonald Certification Initial English Language Arts 7-12_ Position Literacy Collaborative Literacy Collaborative Literacy Collaborative Literacy Collaborative Literacy Collaborative Literacy Collaborative Literacy Collaborative LevellStep MAl1 ---------- Salary Date of Appointment 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 $59,685* _ Salary $3,605* $3,605* $3,605* $3,605* $3,605* $3,605* $3,605* Effective Dates 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 9/1/14 - 6/30/15 i I I I I I I ! ..Q I N Date Submitted to Board of Education: August 5, 2014 REVISED 9.2A 1 . 50 .:D \.)J 4. 11200*' Isabellnkeles I Soecial Education Teacher - Summer CSE/CPSE meetinos as needed 11200*' Lori Graebe Soeech Teacher - Summer CSE/CPSE meetinos as needed *Based on 2013/14 salaries; 2014/15 salaries to be determined 'Prorated for time worked ResignatlonlTermination/Leave of AbsencelRetirement/Excessed Name Teaching Area Effective Date Kristin Harrison English 9/1/14 - 8/31/15 Jeffrey Almonaitis Teaching Assistant 8/29/14 Date Submitted to Board of Education: August 5,2014 REVISED !Jf 8/6/14 - 8/29/14 8/6/14 - 8/29/14 Reason Childcare Leave of Absence Resignation 9.2A 2 : 9.2.B CIVIL SERVICE STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE LAW, THE SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Appointment Name Status of Appointment Appointment (Replaces M. McGrory, who retired1 Appointment (New Position) Lisa Mazzie Amanda Akbar 2. 3. Salary Effective Date Clerk Typist OW $34,674* 9/01/14 Special Education Aide Brookville $13.51/hr* 9/02/14 Name Status of Appointment Position Clerk Typist - Athletic Office School Salary Annual Salary Prorated Effective Date Not to exceed 10 days Lisa Mazzie Temporary Employment HS RetirementlResignationlTermination/Leave of Absence (LOA) Years of Service 24 years 15 years Position Account Clerk Typist Maintenance Mechanic III School DO OW Reason Retirement Retirement Effective Date 9/26/14 10/10/14 ----- - - Appointment of Substitutes 4.1. The following are appointed, conditioned upon fingerprint clearance, as substitute clericals and monitors for the 2014-15 school year at the hourly rate approved by the Board of Education at its Organizational Meeting: Aiello, Jacqueline 5. School Temporary Employment Name Dorothy Baebler Milo Every 4. Position McGrory, Mary Removal of Substitutes 5.1. The following are removed as substitute clericals and monitors: Biesiadecki, Eve Cordiner, Donna Meringolo, Josephine , ~ I Date Submitted to Board of Education: August 5,2014 REVISED 9.2B ~ )\..l v.> (J:> I -.s= ~ 1 5.2. The following are removed as substitute custodians: Nocco, Michael * 2013-2014 salary. 2014-2015 salary under negotiation. ** Pending reference checks. ~(.JDate Submitted to Board of Education: August 5,2014 REVISED 9.2B 2 BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING 2013-2014 NYS REGENTS EXAM PROCTORS: NAME SCHOOLIDEPT ACTIVITY Lauren Kurrass Harry Shehigian Felicia Cono Allyson Beardslee Christine Butalewicz Briana Jarvis Michael Foley Jesseca Kulesa Angela McElroy-Braun Donna Iannucci Jonathan Hernandez Andrew Monsen Andrea Olivero Richard Lionetti Jessica Sheehan Deborah Cohen Mary Lou Thursland Linda Feld Ana Goodfellow Eileen Tochterman High School/Social Studies High School/Social Studies High School/Social Studies High SchoollMathematics High School/Science High School/Science High School/Science High SchoollHealth High School/Special Education High School/Special Education High School/LOTE High SchoollMusic Middle School/Guidance High SchoollPhysical Education High SchoollPhysical Education Bretton Woods/Speech Middle School/Teaching Assistant High School/Teaching Assistant High School/Teaching Assistant High School/Teaching Assistant Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor Proctor HOURS TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD TBD HOURLY RATE $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $38.54 $34.69 $34.69 $34.69 $34.69 .-a pj p To Be Submitted to Board of Education: August 5, 2014 () N\tl'\'-\ REVISED BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING 2013-2014 NYS REGENTS EXAM SCORERS: NAME SCHOOLIDEPT ACTIVITY Lauren Kurrass Harry Shehigian Allyson Beardslee Paul Montgomery High School/Social Studies High School/Social Studies High School/Mathematics High School/Science Scorer Scorer Scorer Scorer HOURS TBD TBD TBD TBD HOURLY RATE $36.49 $36.49 $36.49 $36.49 To Be Submitted to Board of Education: August 5, 2014 ...Q ~ r-> ~ Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Rescinding the Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Coaching Staff Name Diana Lopez School MS Sport 71n and 8tn Grade Girls' Soccer Effective Date 8/06/14 Salary* $4,735.00 -D ~ *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation Date Submitted to the Board of Education: e. -.:A.....:.u=>g;;z.:u::..::s~t.=. 5,!. . .:2=.. :0:. . .;1-.:4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .-Jc..- n \.)J Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Coaching Staff Name Diana Lopez - -- Effective Date 8/25/14 Sport Varsity Girls' Soccer Assistant School HS - - - - - ------ - *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation Date Submitted to the Board of Education: August 5,2014 . ..r....-J 1\ Salary* $6,153.00 Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Athletic Staff School MS/HS MS/HS Name David Smith Rachel Jersky ------------ Position Athletic Trainer Athletic Trainer Hours 850 shared hours 850 shared hours Rate of Pay* $30.60/hr $30.60/hr ---- ~ ~ () *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation Date Submitted to the Board of Education: ~( 'do-- --.:A:. . :.U=.i9z.:U:.:=S.:. . t5:: .J,-=2:. : 0:. . :.1.-:. 4_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Rescinding the Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Fine and Performing Arts Co-Curricular Staff Name Catherine Goldenbaum School HS Position Advisor Hours 65 hrs Effective Date 8/05/14 Rate of Pa * $38.54/hr ....Q ~ n *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation )We :i- Date Submitted to the Board of Education: -=A.. :;U=..;9z.:U:.=S:.:. . t.: .:5,!. . :2=..:0:. .:1-=4_ _ _ _ _'-" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~ Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Fine and Performing Arts Co-Curricular Staff Name Megan Lawrence School HS ~ ------- - ---~ Position Hours 65 hrs Flag Advisor - - - - - - --- Rate of Pay* $38. 54/hr - - - - - SJ ,. p n *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation ~ e, :~~ Date Submitted to the Board of Education: v _ _ _ _ _ _ __ --.:A:. . :.u:=.;9:z. :u:.: s:.:. .t.:::.5'L.:2::..::0::...:1~4_ _ _ _ _ _ -\oJ BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CURRICULUM WRITERS FOR THE 2014/2015 SCHOOL YEAR: PROJECT ELA, Grade 7 Revision TOTAL PROJECT HOURS 24 Date Submitted to Board of Education: August 5,2014 APPLICANT Robert Kinnear RATE PER HOUR $47.36 ---- :-D h "\)
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