November 18, 2014 - Hauppauge School District
November 18, 2014 - Hauppauge School District
BUSINESS MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT TOWNS OF SMITHTOWN AND ISLIP, SUFFOLK COUNTY, NEW YORK, HELD NOVEMBER 18, 2014 AT 7:15 P.M. Members Present: Mr. David Barshay, President; Mr. Gary Fortmeyer, Vice President; Dr. Lawrence Crafa, Mr. James Kiley, Mrs. Eileen Mass, Mr. Rob Scarito Members Absent: Ms. Ann Macaluso Others Present: Mrs. Patricia Sullivan-Kriss, Superintendent of Schools; Mr. James Stucchio, Assistant Superintendent for Business and Operations; Mr. Glen Eschbach, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum, Instruction and Technology; Mr. Warren Richmond, Attorney; and Mrs. Celeste Kerimian, District Clerk CALLING OF THE MEETING: At 7:17 p.m. the meeting was called to order by President Barshay. EXECUTIVE SESSION: Motion (Mr. Fortmeyer, second Mr. Barshay) at 7: 17 p.m. to go into executive session to discuss specific personnel and legal issues. Public session reconvened at 8:00 p.m. PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: After the Pledge of Allegiance Mr. Barshay requested a moment of silence for Joseph Macaluso, husband of Trustee Ann Macaluso, and former student Matthew Schank. ADOPTION OF MINUTES A. Regular Meeting of 10/7/14 Motion (Mr. Fortmeyer, second Dr. Crafa) to accept minutes as written. Motion carries 5-1 (Mrs. Mass votes no) B. Meeting of 10/21/14 Motion (Mr. Fortmeyer, second Dr. Crafa) to accept minutes as written. Motion carries 5-1(Mrs. Mass votes no) C. Special Meeting of 10/22/14 Motion (Dr. Crafa, second Mr. Barshay) to accept minutes as written. Motion carries 5-1(Mrs. Mass votes no) SUPERINTENDENT’S UPDATE / COMMENTS Mrs. Kriss extended sincere condolences to the Macaluso family. Ms. Macaluso asked her to express appreciation to the community and the Board for their outpouring of support by sending fruit and cookies for the community. Mrs. Kriss also announced that Mr. Joseph Tasman’s brother had unexpectedly passed away. She extended condolences to Joe and his family. Mrs. Kriss explained that the Smart Bonds Act was passed on Election Day. She explained that the money can be used for technology, infrastructure, purchase of technology equipment, capital work and Pre-K education. At this time there is no specific plan for the 1.2 million dollars to which the district is entitled to. The superintendent thanked all who were involved in the Community University presentation, “Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction” and the Health and Wellness Fair held on 11/6/14. The University events were well attended and the district received strong positive feedback. November 18, 2014 Page 1 of 7 Mrs. Kriss interviewed Ruthie Pincus, Hauppauge High School Theater teacher as well as Daniel Smith and Billy Recce for the “Superintendent’s Showcase”. The upcoming “Stage the Change” conference was discussed. Congratulations to Luka Iallonardi who was selected to participate in the Lang Lang 101 Pianists Program at Tilles Center for the Performing Arts on October 26, 2014. Mrs. Kriss the Board of Regents in will vote in January on a change in high school graduation requirements. Currently, students have to pass English, Math, Science, and two social studies regents (Global History and U.S. History). The proposed change will allow students to substitute a CDOS (Career Development and Occupational Studies) assessment for a social studies regents. Mrs. Kriss stated that there was an addition to the agenda, Item 11E in the policy section, to delete policy 2120 from the policy manual as it was made redundant by the policies that are on tonight’s agenda 5. QUESTION AND COMMENTS REGARDING TONIGHT’S AGENDA ONLY Members of the public who desire to address the board on any topic which is on tonight’s agenda are welcome to do so at this time. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three minutes, to appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern, and to supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired. Twenty minutes are being scheduled for this portion of tonight’s agenda. Question regarding the definition of recess Clarification as to agenda item 7.1B Clarification as to agenda item 7.1E CONSENT AGENDA 7.4B, C, D, and E removed by Mr. Scarito 7.1B removed by Mr. Barshay 7.1 ADMINISTRATIVE MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Certification of lead evaluator, as per attached. B. Removed C. 2014/15 School District Goals D. IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED that the Board of Education authorizes its attorney, Warren H. Richmond, Esq., to appear before the Islip Town Board on November 20, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. to speak in opposition to the application of Windwatch Tower, LLC and to present the report prepared for the district by HR&A Advisors, Inc. E. Exchange Student, Yu-Hsuan Tsai from Taiwan, 2014/15 School Year 7.2 PERSONNEL MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following personnel action report be accepted as per attached. A. Personnel Action Report - Certified Staff 1) Appointment 2) Temporary Employment 3) Resignation/Termination/Leave of Absence/Retirement/Excessed 4) Appointment of Substitutes 5) Removal of Substitutes November 18, 2014 Page 2 of 7 B. Personnel Action Report - Civil Service Staff 1) Temporary Employment 2) Appointment of Substitutes 3) Removal of Substitutes C. Curriculum & Instruction Appointments 1) Rescind Curriculum Writer 2) Appointment of Curriculum Writer 3) Appointment of Regents Review Teachers 4) Chaperone/Proctor Appointments 5) Home Bound Instructor Appointments 6) Middle School Coaches effective 11/10/14 7) High School Coaches effective 11/19/14 and Middle School Coaches 1/20/15 (one schedule) 8) High School Club Advisor Appointment 7.3 BUSINESS MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Special Education Contracts 1) IDEA flow-through SEDCAR Contracts a. Building Blocks Developmental Preschool (revised) b. Kids in Action (revised) c. Eden II (revised) d. Cleary School e. NYSARC (revised) f. Heartshare School (revised) 2) Three Village CSD (District of Location) B. Other Contracts 1) Cullen & Danowski, LLP (Risk Assessment) 2) North Fork Express Bus Company 3) Change Order No. 1 SED No. 58-05-06-03-0-007-022 Bretton Woods 4) Recyclables Collection Agreement 5) SCOPE – Saturday Enrichment Program C. Disposal of Obsolete Equipment (as per attached) BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be received: D. Financial Reports 1) Treasurer’s Report – September 2014 2) Collateralization – September 2014 3) Trial Balance – September 2014 4) Revenue Status Report – September 2014 5) Appropriation Status Report – September 2014 6) Warrants – September 2014 7) Claims Audit Report – August 2014, September 2014 8) Management Response – September 2014 9) ECAF – September 2014 10) Budget Transfers – September 2014 November 18, 2014 Page 3 of 7 7.4 CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTIONAL MATTERS BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: A. Committee on Special Education Recommendations: 1) CSE Recommendations 2) CPSE Recommendations 3) 504 Recommendations B. Removed C. Removed D. Removed E. Removed F. Disposal of Obsolete Materials, as per attached Motion (Mr. Fortmeyer, second Mr. Scarito) to accept the consent agenda excluding those items removed. Motion carries 6-0 Items Removed 7.1B – Morris Duffy Alonso & Faley, consent to change attorney Motion (Mr. Fortmeyer, second Dr. Crafa) Motion carries 5-0-1 (Mr. Barshay abstains) 7.4B, C, D, E B. Overnight Field Trip, Track and Field, Dartmouth College, January 8-10, 2015 C. Overnight Field Trip, New York State Theatre Educator’s Student Conference, January 9-11, 2015 D. Overnight Field Trip, Kickline National Competition, March 6-8, 2015 E. Overnight Field Trip, Philadelphia Music Festival, April 24-26, 2015 Motion (Mr. Fortmeyer, second Mr. Barshay) Motion carries 6-0 BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the audit committee, the following be received. Ms. Marianne Van Duyne, CPA with R.S. Abrams & Co., reported on the District’s financial statements. Independent Auditor’s Reports A. Independent Audit Report and District Financial Statements for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014 B. Management Letter for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014 C. Independent Audit Report and Financial Statements for the Extra Classroom Activity Fund for Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2014 Motion (Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Kiley) Motion carries 6-0 BE IT RESOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the audit committee, the following be approved. Audit Committee November 18, 2014 Page 4 of 7 Corrective Action Plan – Employee Benefits Motion (Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Kiley) Motion carries 6-0 Mrs. Kriss welcomed Jessica Gumbus as a new teacher in the district. COMMITTEE REPORTS A. Policy Committee: The Policy Committee met on 11/2/14 and is recommending four policies for adoption tonight. The next meeting is 12/3/14 at 7:00 p.m. B. Audit Committee: The Audit Committee met on 11/4/14 and discussed the financial reports that were presented tonight. Another meeting will be scheduled in January. C. District Steering Committee: The District Steering Committee met on 10/30/14. Each building was represented. The next meeting is 1/8/15 at 3:00 p.m. D. HIV/Aids Committee: A meeting is scheduled on 2/26/15 E. Code of Conduct Committee: A meeting is scheduled on 4/21/15 F. Distinguished Alumni Committee: A meeting will take place in either December or January. G. Safety Committee: The Safety Committee met on 10/10/14 for the purpose of reviewing any issues that could affect the health and safety of students and staff. Emergency planning was also held that day. The state has passed new legislation that could impact plans. The next meeting is in December. The Long Island School Safety Conference will be held in Brentwood in January. Mr. Fortmeyer will make every effort to attend H. Facilities Committee: The Facilities Committee presented its recommendations on 10/21/14. The committee has completed its charge. I. Advocacy Committee: Mr. Kiley spoke with Islip Town Supervisor Croci, Legislator Monica Martinez, and Legislator John Kennedy’s staff regarding the Islip landfill issue. They clarified that only clean debris will be going into the town landfill. Toxic material will be shipped out of state. The DEC will assure that proper steps are in place. 11. POLICIES BE IT RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, the following be approved: D. Policy 5405 Student Wellness Motion (Mr. Barshay, second Mr. Scarito) to delay vote until the next meeting on 12/9/14. Motion carries 6-0 A. Policy 1050 Annual District Election and Budget Vote Motion (Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Kiley) Motion carries 5-0-1 (Mrs. Mass abstains) B. Policy 2120.1 Candidates for Board of Education Motion(Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Kiley) 5-0-1 (Mrs. Mass abstains) C. Policy 2121 Board Member Qualifications Motion (Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Kiley) Motion carries 5-0-1 (Mrs. Mass abstains) E. Deletion of Policy 2120 Motion (Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Kiley) November 18, 2014 Page 5 of 7 Motion carries 5-0-1 (Mrs. Mass abstains) CORRESPONDENCE: Two emails from Constance Sandbichler regarding the student wellness policy, district goals, class size, security, and website; email from Stuart Rachlin regarding Hauppauge landfill; email from Valerie Fasanello regarding Relay for Life; email from Paul Borowski regarding Hauppauge landfill; Two emails from Kimberly Palahnuk regarding a transportation issue; email from Kalina Ehrig regarding educational testing; Two emails from Maureen Arasmo regarding 10/21/14 Board of Education meeting and a late bus safety concern; email from the Hauppauge Parent Advocacy Group regarding a proposed NYSSBA resolution; several emails from Steve Greenfield, Board member of New Paltz School District, regarding NYSSBA resolution recommendations; two emails from Lisa Farren regarding a teacher and 9/11; email from Tamara Larosa regarding class size; email from Mrs. Kelley regarding class size; email from Meredith Juliano regarding class size; email from Christine & Michael Genovese regarding class size; email from Tracy Sweeney regarding class size; email from Robert & Beatriz Kunkel regarding class size; email from Anne-Marie Romito regarding class size; email from Tamara Larosa regarding class size; email from Peter M. Gibralter regarding the Hauppauge landfill; letter from Rose Lingvall regarding the Hauppauge landfill DISCUSSION MATTERS Questions and Comments from the Community: This item was added back onto tonight’s agenda due to a gap between the next community meeting. School Security: Mr. Spear gave a tour of the security facility at high school to the Board of Education and answered any questions they had. There is discussion getting companies that were introduced to the Board at the NYSSBA Conference to meet with Mr. Spear for possible security improvements and updates. Mr. Barshay called a Special Board of Education Meeting on January 10, 2015 to review the company recommendations. NEW BUSINESS Mr. Fortmeyer inquired where the Board was regarding the paperless Board process. Mr. Barshay also would like to see system paperless if the Board packet could be scanned and emailed. He asked Mr. Richmond to look at policy to see if this would have to be amended. Mr. Barshay requested that administration set up another meeting with Electronic School Board to have another demonstration. Mrs. Mass asked that Mr. Richmond check into the legality of emailing the packet with regard to confidentiality and FOIL. Mr. Scarito thanked Mr. Spear for the tour. He raised concern that the benches in front of the high school were still covered with cardboard and asked when that would be removed. Mr. Barshay asked administration the status of the report as to the costs of running Whiporwil School Dr. Crafa requested a date for a presentation from the Suffolk Police K-9 unit. Mrs. Mass brought up concerns regarding vandalism occurring when outside groups use District buildings. She would like more information, i.e. is Hauppauge named on insurance, what equipment is allowed to be used and if they are billed for any additional work needed i.e. custodial work or security. She requested a study of this. Mr. Barshay felt this was worthy of discussion at the next business meeting. Mr. Kiley questioned whether or not the vandalism had been documented and if there was a pattern. QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS FROM THE COMMUNITY November 18, 2014 Page 6 of 7 Members of the public who desire to address or question the board on any topic related to board work are welcome to do so at this time. Speakers are requested to limit their remarks to not more than three minutes; to appoint a spokesperson if the concern is a group concern, and to supplement verbal presentations with written reports, if necessary or desired. Twenty minutes are being scheduled for this portion of tonight’s agenda. Will the school attorney be asked to attend any meetings regarding Sweetwater estates, as he will be attending Windwatch meetings? Can excess from lunch fund be given back to the people? Inquiry as to whether the district received any new information about the Veterans’ Tax Exemption Request that the Board look into possibly updating the placement of policies on the website. Question regarding policy 5405, whether that is replacing a current policy and District’s definition of recess. Question as to how the money received from Smart bonds will obtain community approval. Concern regarding report card distribution being online rather than paper. Comment regarding correspondence that had been sent to the Board many years ago and not acknowledged. Comment regarding the terrific job the Board is doing. ADJOURNMENT: Motion (Mr. Scarito, second Mr. Fortmeyer) at 9:43 p.m. to adjourn. Motion carries 6-0 NEXT MEETING: December 9, 2014 Respectfully submitted, Celeste Kerimian /s/ District Clerk November 18, 2014 Page 7 of 7 til ,.l ~.,"!II 00 ~.)S ~.....~~ -' S-IO· FE , \; ,~. i~"ii'l 12 I. ' ~ ~J';l~ ~ 11 ; _'J .-.! . ' . ~ ! :'~\.,;\ t . ! - • .. . ..' : \ ' _-'- i . ):\! ,,; ~ !- SCHEDULE -A SCHEDULE - B SCHEDULE - C ~ \ C"- Ir 1 ] !:- IL:-, I ; \ j ') i ~ •• '1 \ I ,; _ J ; I 1 1 ! : : .. I \ ~ ;' • j 'l ;.00 ,t • 1 " ' - (Certified Staff) (Civil Service) (Curriculum & Instruction Appointments) November 18, 2014 7.2 7.2.A CERTIFIED STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 3013 OF THE EDUCATION LAW, THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Appointment Name Jessica Gumbus (Rep. M. Lane, resigned) Tenure Area Elementary Certification Childhood Education Gr. 1-6 Professional Name Position Leanna Manfredi (new position due to enrollment) T eachinQ Assistant Based on 2013114 salaries; 2014/15 salaries to be determined End of Probationary Appointment MN1 $59,685' 12111/14 12110/16 Salary Effective Date 6 $24,339' 10/14/14 Position Teaching Assistant - ABA Home Services Effective Oates 11/19/14 - 6130/15 ReslgnatlonlTerminatlon/Leave of Absence/Retirement/Excessed Name Elizabeth Bender Tanva Bellia Alyson TreQlia 4. Date of Appointment Temporary Employment Name Rosanna Canicatti 3. Salary Hours per Day . 2. Level/Step Teaching Area Readil1!! Special Education Art Effective Date 11/10/14 -1215114 12115/14 - 3/20/15 .- 12116/14 - 3/27/15 Reason FMLA FMLA FMLA Appointment of Substitutes 4.1. The following are appointed, conditioned upon fingerprint clearance, as Substitute Teachers or Substitute Nurses (') for the 2014·2015 school year at the rate approved by the Board of Education at Its Organizational Meeting: Kern Albers Rachel Appledorf ' Nora Cody lIana Diener Ma~orie Etienne Melissa Fantaci Date Submitted to Board of Education: Jennifer Fettig Jeanne Heinsman John Hummel' Joanna Nigro Paul O'Neal Elena Pellarin November 18, 2014 Melissa Rodman Sheilah Lavelle Schumann Kimberly Sherman Jordan Tsunis Stephanie Vyskocil Ariella Weiner CaileyWood 7.2A 1 4.2. Approval of Regular Substitutes: Please note: This section has been added to the Personnel Action Report for approval of regular substitutes as per the Ancillary Rate Schedule. • Margery Fey is approved as a regular substitute teacher effective October 17, 2014 through TBD for Christine O'Shaughnessy . • Taylor Kelly is approved as a regular substitute teacher effective October 17, 2014 through November 24, 2014 for Jennifer Casale . • Erin Tauby is approved as a regular substitute teacher effective October 17,2014 through October 20, 2014 for Dana Driscoll . • Alanna Nilsson is approved as a regular substitute teacher effective October 23, 2014 through November 5, 2014 for Danielle Cardi. .Deborah Gaynor is approved as a regular substitute teacher effective October 31, 2014 through TBD for lena Deluca . • Gina Romuno is approved as a regular substitute teacher effective November 7, 2014 through December 8, 2014 for Elizabeth Bender. 5. Removal of Substitutes 5.1. The following are removed as Substitute Teachers and/or Substitute Nurses: Kris Delgalvis-Burchill Cara Hallahan leanna Manfredi Ryan Meade 5.2. The following are removed as Substitute Teacher Assistants: leanna Manfredi Marguerite Marinaro ~i-' Date Submitted to Board of Education: November 18,2014 7.2A 2 7.2.B CIVIL SERVICE STAFF IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF THE CIVIL SERVICE LAW. THE SUPERINTENDENT RECOMMENDS ACCEPTANCE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1. Temporary Employment Name CamilieCono Status of Appointment Temporary Employment (Replaces R. Caunter) Position School Salary Effective Date Special Education Aide Pines $13.51/hr· 11/19/14-TBD 2. Appointment of Substitutes 2.1. The following are appointed, conditioned upon fingerprint clearance, as substitute clericals and monitors for the 2014-15 school year at the hourly rate approved by the Board of Education at Its Organizational Meeting: Georgopoulos, Vasiliki 2.2. The following are appointed, conditioned upon fingerprint clearance, as substitute driver messengers/substitute grounds for the 2014-15 school year at the hourly rate approved by the Board of Education at its Organizational Meeting: Sanders, Jason 2.3. The following are appointed, conditioned upon fingerprint clearance, as substitute special education aides for the 2014-15 school year at the hourly rate approved by the Board of Education at Its Organizational Meeting: Giarraputo, Shari 3. Weiner, Ariella Removal of Substitutes 3.1. The following are removed as substitute clericals and monitors: Roell, Elizabeth 3.2. The following are removed as substitute special education aides. Cono, Camille • 2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary to be determined Date Submitted to Board of Education: November 1B, 2014 ~~" 7.2B 1 BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS THE RESCINDING OF THE FOLLOWING CURRICULUM WRITER FOR THE 201412015 SCHOOL YEAR: PROJECT HOURS ELA, Grade 12 Revision 12 APPLICANT Dawn Lvnch RATE PER HOUR $47.36 Date Submitted to Board of Education: November 18,2014 /. 7.~(!1 BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING CURRICULUM WRITER FOR THE 201412015 SCHOOL YEAR: PROJECT ELA, Grade 12 Revision TOTAL PROJECT HOURS 12 APPLICANT Leann Barone RATE PER HOUR $47.36 Date Submitted to Board of Education: November 18, 2014 BOARD OF EDUCATION, HAUPPAUGE UNION FREE SCHOOL DISTRICT THE SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS RECOMMENDS THE APPOINTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING REGENTS REVIEW TEACHERS FOR THE 201412015 SCHOOL YEAR: PROJECT HOURS APPLICANT RATE PER HOUR Chemistry Regents Review Teacher 10 Carolyn Heck $50.73 Living Environment Regents Review Teacher 10 Richard Plouffe $50.73 Earth Science Regents Review Teacher 10 Andrew Becher $50.73 Algebra 2ffrigonometry Regents Review Teacher 10 Elizabeth Badini $50.73 Geometry Regents Review Teacher 10 Meghan Giunta $50.73 Integrated Algebra Regents Review Teacher 10 Allyson Beardslee $50.73 U.S. History Regents Review Teacher 10 Ellen Robbins $50.73 Global History Regents Review Teacher 10 Lindsay Conaghan $50.73 English Regents Review Teacher 10 Joanne Seale $50.73 Date Submitted to Board of Education: November 18,2014 I /. '2> Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 District-Wide Chaperones and Proctors Name Jessica Gumbus Position Activitv Hours Rate of Pav· Chaperone/Proctor TBD TBD $38.54/Hr. '2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation ~~~~~~~____________W1~ Date submitted to the Board of Education: November 18, 2014 (j . '7. J.t.'l Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 District-Wide Home Bound Instructors Name Susan Cappellini Jessica Gumbus Activitv Hours Rate of Pav' Home Bound Instruction Home Bound Instruction TBD TBD $44.64/Hr. $44.64/Hr. *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation ........ Date Submitted to the Board of Education: --'-! N"' 0-" ve"'m = b!:. er'-!: 18"','-'2"'O ,..,1""4'--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 1.J..C5 Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014·2015 Coaching Staff Name Eric Ericksen Robert Vitulano ------------ School MS MS --- Sport MS Girls Vollevball MS Boys Basketball ------ ~- *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation Date Submitted to the Board of Education: November 18. 2014 Salary" Effective Date 11/10/14 11110/14 $4735.00 $4735.00 - ------~- )Ul;t;J 817..JC, (, Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Coaching Staff Name Laura Candela Diana Bosak Jamie Edson Jessica Sheehan Brad Hughes Josh Gutes Heather Tisman Rich Lionetti Brandon Modrov Cailey Wood Jennifer Milleisen Bill Maida Jonathan Hernandez Chris Messina Michael Messina Christopher Coward Christopher Varthalamis Robert Vitulano Chris Coward Matt Lichter School HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS HS MS MS MS MS Sport CheerleadinQ- Varsity CheerleadinQ- Junior Varsity Girls Basketball- Varsity Girls Basketball- Junior Varsity Boys Basketball- Varsity Boys Basketball- Junior Varsity Boys Bowling- Varsity Head Boys Swimming- Varsity Assistant Boys SwimminQ- Varsity Head Girls Winter Track- Varsity Assistant Girls Winter Track - Varsity Head Boys Winter Track- Varsity Assistant Boys Winter Track- Varsity Head WrestlinQ- Varsity Assistant WrestlinQ- Varsity WrestlinQ- Junior Varsity Boys Volleyball- Middle School Girls Basketball- Middle School Wrestling- Middle School Wrestling- Middle School ( *2013-2014 salary; 2014-2015 salary under negotiation Date Submitted to the Board of Education: *11 November Effective Date 11/19/14 11/19/14 11119/14 11/19/14 11119/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 11/19/14 1/20/15 1/20/15 1/20/15 1/20/15 Salary' $6,387 $5,768 $8,579 $6,792 $8,579 $6,792 $6,153 $7,529 $6,153 $7,529 $6,153 $7,529 $6,153 $8,579 $6,153 $6,792 $4,735 $4,735 $4,735 $4,735 /" ~J 18 . 2014 'J. J. C!. 7 Board of Education, Hauppauge Union Free School District The Superintendent of Schools Recommends Appointment of the Following 2014-2015 Co-Curricular Staff School HS Name Brian Milleisen I~ Dale Submitted I Activi Club Hours Rate ofPa * 25 $38.54 under negotiation oucalion: 7.dC1
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