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General copyright and disclaimer In addition to the above conditions, authors give their consent for the digital copy of their work to be used subject to the conditions specified on the Library Thesis Consent Form. il qry' d tb f.'h- hrlrl'hrtr Blf,fr nAfy lld3nf t(1il{ffirnr lhrdr *{ffr ff tI D{trr f D*r'*ffIrr* Gt tC|, .ilr tb +#iiltil, hHt.d,Fd&sd, Ir lrdd E e, & rlh, r;r.(ffi$(hr), r.t, Auruv tt$ Cl FmlF. lbll sf an srtftloal trrrrtlgptle of thr oh*aatclctls fcetrrrf otr tb trsnddt r?E)6, d l\rUt $rfdF tqg Ntnrcb.r to e slsdo oitlag tEroc. ntr rhdy nr w*rd tlth u cstlnatts of, tlr rdrl poilfbft 1lrrf-to.ecek qllttrd. of rlqplc ldcalbod nodcl.r a$Jrctd tc 1nfrr of r rl,aurd.lal tratul. lttc rhrly tas rralrrrtr omtrcd ar.d tlht rd-'t tra{mra o,f th. dagfo dtrroc of firrib clartqlil,artl,c tfntl .qr tb d!-st rpf lt of r{lolr iryfl5t an0 e trall.lttc lqds botno fi d,rtle d glartto rOet r, lhe ctorlo of thr q4noad to tt ta Ar3lr of f,rcodlo cl.eatoglantlo rprtr nr dlre lilFrrttgrtoA. tb sftdy rae lnil*tolm *r&b rtr utd of tb cclhquS cglacrlng flr[.A. lhc larrrtlga'hle fuf,! rfr cc*ala bad.o dlrrot*:tltle €f tt trudat !lapq!. of frllt ylrlrafag ltruo0rlr dSA qrycar to bl acn lbr r|ac8 r*:yflg tpr of fdtllg fincttao It alro &va tbat thc rctpoas. of tlitfy yftil.ffaj rtnrctlrra to cuthmr*r rtlnr f! 1ln*at[t a lbotlcr of tbr &caft*l.rtlor of tzb lcgprt pul,u of a crrthf,rahr. A blCIf rarfr d tb eludy of, ft farf"arfrilo roryorr of ltnnfiircc tD th. cstheualr qEfnrctl8 €o0ct b aln lmrltri. tbcril,r prcoatr a Fcport stag, gt$ob ap dtdld fu.o tby fUrt sppcaE lr tb tG}. ldcr 1r a tl,rt of fli g.r! !!ttr1y ossrfry qt$olr, I blrf drgiftll of tbdr Drtrarc, rlri tb Dagc m$o1. foor!|qg tb poaltla l|r tb. tct $m thry fltrt ll[ns. F.E. Ia rc oascs lrb alr aprbol,s er! ut0 to Aostlo b glceaAF d ltsrqb ctlt3 d th. tD Lgr13 of fladlc ryltr olthdh tba ptdlr it*ltdtlc +rqcr eff&tfy. Sn Daep ldora ap gtt6 tn t&oc l1;tnocr, t.[r &trcrlrtl6 fOl railoatlng thc looatlfi of, thc AoCfdttC wltld.B tbc ootct of, tb clngto ilGgrce of &crim qntn andl t8t lltloattas tbp hgtnil of l,ht dfflaltla ttth F.tlGot to tb trrr {lgnoc otr f|ndb sft-. lng t?F1't{r$f.! |a tD. daglp Mlrits En&nL Ea of rbour dql|l! retrt! ocfiflodnt illrtrltn$la tbot*s L2 grar:ltatlaal epclqtatle clertto *tflftrar ltlf,llnaaa o'f tdtvt&ul grfag clantr o t' g T kl, &rr 9 10t e6 n (o) 5s latt I a, a ta 19 narr of ldlvllu.l nn d'mtl t8 rlrour aaryfng rafilr F (a) ficgry P natrral E6 nafural daqltA fiq.qrfiry qn A.!il.SF vtlnr lciisctls fectc tln rurt$La lralrcdl fnl bret'rnfag cf lalatl tts nr.l.&lc reatld t:nr tred'tila fln t tr n n .la t5 rlertt€ to glartls rtetr ftrqry ef lbrohg finebln 18 fidsrrtal. froqpry n tz lrdil 6, : illaif.cout tilS[. an4femt wllhbs r tt \, -z rrhccrl tXqumry rdcotfn qlllhdr 15 ,& tr tt A besa q barl !b.rr oefrtlod,at 99 drm orfttlctat 17 t qn A8 t t b tn, !t2 bem lbd,gn rnaarg.A berc lba ordtftd.rt c6r t[l$t Oltlretc t'ltli drogth 1A 96 (sE, !fl (o) tt Jddn rafrt ,6 putial $cLd raf,u yloli chr of fDiftilnrl' Olrttl* d'*3r ,, 5r (rD) tB P t b Y fu.6rylldr latral Detoa rt puls 8l DclloA Vclocltl et traarltloa fis elarti.o to plsJtio ttE$t sl 18 (2D) rc qlttsr d t lartrn rlad|o Acffotln r& llttuilr d grlDn eC+tlnrot In' ta t t tn, Ia IU o( tl t{ lranA rclorfltf clartlc trtbctltl ,, ,r reqpollc qllffd! et srryctrc qrtldt ,a rartar bril,ct qrflfif. ftr.oa ret|l lr T7 (EI n@, {3 ftlrgmr ratlr r? (|D) r rtlllfhrer rttlo T r'tUtlmr rrtio # n P lbotllltt tlott r}9 ,h ft, /z trddcat ryLttuilr p of udrqtri ryft l P not tG stor5r ryltr F tf DhlF eo!l. IF rtros$ llctr n A reot rqito 59 t trnlttto flttc ffdn0af fic$rn{y tta'tr na|, aatral efgufrry faftc *, g 9z r (o) errod,rtr{ ttth rrdn frrrfEr E n n 6, gf,@' br ttDqtd. fobt&n Ootqtt Oh.Dtc I Ia|grcArrgt|o fr4ttc A e 8lril ffctof d tbl ttr{t ol tlr trlrrtic bqlcr of Eflwhrtr b fsthstb 2.1 latlu&tctla 2,2 fhr f9t0 Oc.ald.t 2., !b E try l9!0tr e.[ htsflt r9t6 Zog Obrntc Chslrtc 5 llLJ7-1999 2.6 rr& 2.? l96l-riff 2.8 &r*f Ib ErPEnd b tbr trant llrrbf|pffic ,.1 lbr &&r Fodiblr Ssdlt '*ffHl 5.2 Drlcrrpo to lctbqu If Agfneaat l.t llr l*d'tirg nnltfr I Ibn*foail fad,frlr &f ttrtd of Du*[r $2 t'b Eedr f", lhr lqtbl, ef lailnnr I E I to te rt f6 t, t6 lo to +r lr tt tt rl tt t* tb Sfagtrc Dogroa d lnorb gt'r0' 4.&.1 ltt sr+Ir xllrtodart|r qnOr |.he t5 15 $ra ttaourfY DAGI le actefrrtlc 8;trtr l.l.! lbr h Phnr lluteil.er6l ttm 4,5 b h Drelle. of elelr ttdr 0hnragtctltis t'.5re lquatlar of lotila ,.'5.t ftc 8oilnttn cf, tb DUfUlSfef' lquetid $.5.T lrnLnatta cf EnStr f.6 sl+uv n te n 58 6 62 68 69 T' ! t'b Donil'tr D V,l b Btrslc hgFG' of !lf'&n S'rtc 7; 5.{.1. !b gqPf. nartqlartlc ry*r 7.1.2 S. Ifsstnlt Dsryea ffartcpf.rrfifo E Eygta 5.1,3 Grr !b P'bilf SLegtcpfsttl 35ntr 76 75 5r2 l*ra fb Dcgrcc ef Dlrrao tJrrtr sl chagta 6 DLrsuaetm af blrll,tr gl 6.f !h, 8rnd.c Dcgru ef lledil S"tr 8l 6.f .1. ![h. 8tqil. I[e|t€l"u!tf.o qtd9E 611.2 Elp InfLrra d r|!,ntlr ua{ll* 6,1.t lhe Inflnosc otr a SnlltLo nrClnfof r0t 6.? lhc lro Degnac of lbrr'to Errrta Chrytc e{E 7 Dcd$ frUcrUnr 7.f h trnClr ltilt ffi 7,2 ih ![ sEt ftUtr 6{ltc I EeUoatfo fU nrhr.r nrrcf Gbntc9 Urr$ffi HIucc lgonffidr fit fft fat ,fft f4t it0 .ssgJ. .@g, tawrtlptl'n rqctca bl|l !r Dgt of, a currL rlr{r rG del!8 lohanll tn dtil aglils|l8 rtruot*rr rd tbdt dltct o tbr lc1trrctt of, nsb dtrutb1l to rctbmabr. ly dryll3 1r mut "tryt$1j rft[o! abra_ir n3lgr fil r vlsl1}]ag gl1lr rd dfrdDdtr lt n thrt tbr 5ntr oapt rn1lunl lt. DAd *trlfiff 191tfr at dap3ts'f,rit ty tryctglcd; loqp fi tb t['cr rlctt'll 6 a gartioglar cl6t 1t Dilottca a3alut !b Arflcf,|n of that clrrt t[. r qlctc qob of vllFrtb. ta aa$r Drt lQlS uohatlr cr EcS$f5l goltnaS hrt gr! rt| aoll1rll r5nilu aro dleT,cil - lill fl.Slrl '1.1. lh. aotul delal rrohantn cffba 1l r|t.U&lrr ant r0ctdr arcunal\yqultlqflcoAmteEprtibtl1lEErtrlth" In dlllg| to aaalyaa tib raqrom of tA rtnrotrsr.| to {Vur'do dt' {it tt[| atla lt 1r nsreartr to rrfuoo tbr to A[rfffra liltrl $r rl fdceltr tbc rag rmil rtltllbg 3|Cact*Adlmf D rf rlt !.ioa$r thr ilr1lt,lg dareot rlttLof. tb tro rt*lcrt dolr of ilnryla3 Ddnlor et| tfir *Iaa rtqrcr od {b tl{stic 4'l!nr. lotb 6r't e lbfor tt|.ol trDorrr rcletfio nHn bottem tll{r cdr, tbr rl|mr dleDca lctll3 a frroo r8|oDortroal to tb r.olatLrr rrlocl.f Dttmo tbt dt d tb t16.o6a llpfa: etilrg a ortslt tbot rhn rril'a0lr rlrlEt lht rry(r}talt ilslcwl tdrco tb It ooq!|r bcficru tb dr. thst rlrout aonrns lr firqrrooy oaarat nil llrerr ffiel lba -2lltutl H.stla ar*lag l,r llldqrdct of firqttnolt d nLlarr. 1.2 - l.t rbot lbur of tb rl+lcrt qllasde .lntrr thal oo Dr fturi b1r fnoc1lcatbg tbr rohmll b dr1|t dr1reo of Sreb ;r|r1r narr qntcr, nll th. ohrraotcbtl, hyrtard. lor1l. rtr tlr rrr$lr3 qntrr. Ey nd,trbtr odllrttan rs{r oqtla uf lffif rrr rrallrtto ncblr oar bo rrt u!. It L SCCrffy r.ccfafrd1 fF inatmor, tbet nrt drryhg nobrtn fntrbly oddt Dctr r fleqrcory a4ofct qqtqt d a flr4lry f*qlafnt qDCt d hoc totl tt|.otln ad rLrour aqtct arrr Gtrl.o fftrpUetcA bto tb nthLa - lrgr rc f,ter. 1.6. tbc allnlaA tg a rhdgr cf, Aql$e oea ftilitor u cf ta Dado pa$rr (l) - qclntaf .d throlrtbst 1l;rtlSetil6 fib thr b.hsyfda of nrtcllalr ui rtnmtrral d,mtr le c'la. to nr|ldlt tbt! rcal dqrfag oharartclrt!.og 6if h J..r.ft ttry r||Frdrett thoeo of lcallltlo d,cl,r. (a) ttravtloef brrrtl,srtto cf tb n+or of fdca&|,rA " rcalrlr of, rtruohrrl. rgnta to dlctc{n tHl &.rtttcr*lrl dil to psrftlr e brdl c tld to fqrcnflt Sr pclbrrno of, rrturl Itrrntrglt. tb qfific lmttgrtlc nrG lccm*tly |rtrD.E$. t*f alEnlrdm. luurat trrrdfgptlm 1r uttmi to thr Fui snord. lhc barl,s Dilrl rH.& bar bco lr t!. darftpfrrtns drd,a ilrgnco of frodl tJlrtG r rr!r! flgnnr l.!" Icc oqrtc ryltrl hr b6@ rtrdtdr o.d tbrgs harr bccc lbtei by llocfcetLlg a ilrcr lhc -llnslnratlrg r'ntrbC Ar*Cnfartfo clnnt ad Srlag ar ll fl,gl8o l.?, rail ddll3 c aEttF drrtelartto ryrtl to tb1 a tn OcSrcc of fiordn ry6t- rr t8 tlSu;lf lr8. lhr Lnprtfsgttp hal be@ offilrfl dth tla ig'1jdcfi 1lrftrlpLt rathc tho tb d.aalt rtrto Fr?6rr., Gf rnd ltillr to o lirdLcA A Orr.ltG'lrtilo of rfrtan nd u tbr| mrl,|Gll gtlrd ltlol. t11 thi6 lnvcrtlgatt6j t! thrt tb nrat of ncrrotl'c ||Dela IISf ft'rr t$r tt trhrt oaa br rt6al t! tb. g3{!S ryrta 1r trldt t' 1r ildbcil tbt t&Go r{rt lt I tgDc rldt tc tb rrcnlt* of qr of tb ryrtr b e prrtfnrfal S;anrl rrtlnr tt slagf.t odltrttl res thr nt! cbt'st of, thl ppaot tlrrtrr$atlm t! I'rr*rertr tbro rd1g Doodbf.c !!tpon..r b rfrroillb,f grrotd nHcr, od to lll3L th, lf prrlblr, to tDt rlrailp6ec of r5sh rtrtry b ccth6rbr dtatla. @rrytt bard ga tb pnfltr otr ttt lnrrtl|atl'n grr prrotr[ f,6, tho d.dgn of algg[c ilcgsce of firrdg fiflft J'l,Glltl8 ttsuo&a'l|!. cl6t ar ln ffgu5. I 16, I 'ir. F4- I Linror Undompd' Syrtcm ._:l Nonlinror Undonpcd SYrtrm .l ) ill Llnror Donpcd SYrtrm FIGURE l.t - TYPICAL Nonlinror Dompcd Syltcm HYSTERESIS IOOPS a ' _ al ,'f l ,l lr krra \ -5' I / la Choroctcrlstic Hyrtcrccir Loop FIGURE 1.2 - VIS@ . ELASTIC SIIGLE DEGREE Chorqctcrictic Modcl FTGURE 1.3 . COULOMB OF DAMPED SII.IGLE DEGREE FREEDOM Hyrtrclic OF SYSTEJt4 LooP FREEDOM SYSTEM I . a I 1. ..f a . ' t' . ir .'.1' t' l. -6I I l I l Chorqctcrbilc H!6t r€b LooP I FEURE T4 . Mottcl FlgURl 1.3 DEGREE ELASTOPIASTIC SII{GLE - llllllEAt ' OF FREEDOM SYSTEM Choroctcristic HYrtcrcrir DEOiEE OF LooP FREEDOM 3Y3TEM I Lr. .l -7 - FIGURE I.6 . VISCO.ETASTOPLASTIC SIN6LE DEGREE OF ,TNEEDOM SYST EM lrlctlon domp* FIGURE .1,? . TWO. PHASE ELASTOPL^STIC SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM FIGURE SYSTEM I.8 - ETTSTOPLASTIC TWO.DEGREE OF FREEOOM SYSTEM -8- .!&EgJ. lo nAEt[trrE. 2.1 If,IIFIICII tb. rHt of tb llerP6r of lncLrrt|' ryt'tF b tndo raril| SaolaprrcnofmgblrtbbtEfllrlirrr.tlbrrdb|'||rftrr DGa rlDy 6a rE[{.d aDa lt lr rrriet iufinoilt to ryrtrrtll. tbr. tb FcEt rltcr bl, trhar*utr drdin ta r.tlr hlr*|lo{lv thr s.* er a trlc1 rat{ril| thn lllt'ct glt nt tb irrfilr!'ct wlr eo! iracr thr lnfq:nt of c.A ldcDdmtft' 2,2 im,JlP (&rst[8r !bbrglmlngoftbc!tu(Toftbtlrlrrt|.oruDilrofryrtn 61.ob a.a of tSo.lrt to r5glthgalo r#!ls. oaa br ftinf ir tn Da lctl3 ntl,loatfmr ;Hoh rylcdt ls ltt0 - lloabra (tgp) d (rrp). Da lolto3, slnr DcEE ru tlr 1i1nrt t bo rdr.trrr, odf,cci tb 1loecg. of a ril4f,r d6'rrN cf tlrcrlr ord'ltl'dc dfh thrmrrrclFrtDdlbyacat"dt4catr|p*s.|r3ade*Ia lp* la p*allrl, rd.t a ty a drr*|irr firdas rb3tln d63 c thr lg1rt. Da Eartg3 'rqa lr t$ ll{digi|lliltlil Of qlrceoh rer b arar thrt tilil| rlal a rtr{;r tbo Dsr$L. 'te atato r.ilrrilF of csrtd qlllHt rd tcltd rqd b St otr t[' tbudm twlla, 'ld to flna tbt rf,rtrn otr th. rentlil cG Itla rEd ildn rattrff tb onrreaas uonaiary dltltf' -9 Bcgoro cuFnl. of gtcaity rtrto qlltudr tarall ficgucry rr to f,lfty 9c olt olrlalnoil fbr rfrcur dta*lng ratlor f;na aap tp to tht ord tts varllll|l ratlor of t&l ryllhir of rEolng frllctlG yfcfil valuc of, tL flrlotlo dgqtc. thll pqrc har or to b' nlt'aadl rcgccsd a. ool of tlbe darelocl sfiuAtcr tD tL Flrpom of lystcctto elntan. In tbr Bar. lnler utbc DeDGr lud n'e to bccr a d'erdo ls tH.s flcld dco ryped"ca - that of Jaodrra (tgrO). Jrsobr.|[ta of mllnr4) study nar aLro ooerapil wlth tbt rtfiily rtrtc reqp6t. tb bgTrtcretlo clratanl brrt rboar Dsr !8|tog ibtcdncn 'aot qFndntr rclutla of, a prtlolar 6rrta, JaoD|.n raeorrit S stbodl of olutlo fu Et|.nter hyrtcctl'o rlaglc dtgrcc cf fi!'b a rsaspoblo ry*an ta gmal. b rrrilrroe tbr nll3rar dqflag b ta.l, b lltroahrorat tb orqlt otr cedrslot vim|| itililsgf a tm rtdl.| vtrtch lraa a&lail a Sncat Fgt c.G rls, De,ltxqrlstlt b of tb dry|lg obarasta{r0tor of udna!' 6nrtcr. Jrobra mdnIlr thet th. nrt rl,gnlf,loant frots tr alctadaLng tb rtcoatt statr rctr)@saofae5rrtar1!tlhaorglrebrcboilpcogdo.Erthc.ftls. qrrFl tb a drourly d4ca ltncer lurqprrdl tbst, er tbc rrrq,arG tb r'a!Peg3 of a nllncar tV*cetlo rUrtl a5nto r6q ffi, €,[il bc obtaLacd by fiaiulrs tb crat of vtrmr drytlg rbtd Etlrn !OOU!3!r $fto oan a tb gareo 6c|gf absorytLar ar tlp gantlanlar trhtg cqElval'ot unikc |trdJr, sDd thm ibtctd,nrrg rlb r"oolc of drorsxydlpPcaryrtr.llJurttf|.dtb.amooretlcbycrr|ng thr r?sEil!. olffil! ottataoit c*wlrutarry fio rdantoar' Dddl l't tl[to fCocil t.ltratlmr rlth,reqDofc ou!ltt!8 ob'tutui! ty ilrtarldlg -lOtb eqrr[ruLot 1tl6l! daryt4 fbr tht dcl S6talr tldlrS F a agFtqt. !r afuo ebnd tbut foE tbr Ocd'al. ae/rr of, dgD Aqilng sdl11pif tlth ttc€tlt ir^Tlagr thlr ntbal gnrt lilltdltr f!q/ cloro to tb tmot rteiltt oltstDpdt W DG Estog. lb .qtfielqt t|rfGur ileqElg, as Dsllroodr br Jembror tIXl r! Snl|al bc a llnstln of, elLtrds .r'a llrcquooy al ill' at ItDdlrg 6 thr $ntnrr a!trd€ FraDrctlrr of sttrf,fb..! rna r.t1 lD ddltlc lt cly ha! rocl c€atrS lrith rofcnrcnoc to rtot{t .tat fUfO $t tliltf. Uaftrtruatd'y tbt tpiltr harr Et alrqf ba ftffy efsraat'A tu ol,1 rto bana r.iL urs cf tb tcr dffi tb pt&llntta of thlr lqtc. 2., G l4FI lcm!8r I! tb tnty tter! lbll'*f,lg tb tbo]' tF D{xFr tbg.. qltlrcar. to hrru Dea Ufttueffy n 6rthc tft br a thl orJ.yr,lr of dlacgr $lutottl'c rg6tcmr affuu$ r 61fDr1ac'tDlo rEst |D! Fq|ort.a il trb r!|rrttsatti cf e|!t of qlclxld AnryCng tl nrtclak art S/Etor, D|alt l[ tall of tbr r$nftlct ntroqrr 6gry1ng oorpt - lrc ff6dL[ (t*f )' It| th. carly 1$$rr rrhc ansrrtr e8ala bloo |s ut hyetgotto Srrtan. OP tc thlr ttr' Csraecfo t6qt6s. Of, ullrg' tb 11ID qfisr1r ta carthOralc aellcclrg har toG mari dth tto clrstilo 5reqltff;rl of rtrrroffi6r 8d, tb d4t5g ed aCAf &t6?tl6 tbat l,nprtLglt6r haA bcaa qo*lnoi dlrh rartttatcsac$l$ tl't[il! th. ilrrftt,a 5leagt. Is tb carlf rlllrr brp.npr tt b{5a to bo qrcodatcdl irlrrt dnstrg1r ray ytdil frg{rg d't lB|A tgr i fclthp qaalcr oA er a lcsult l[lf,ttr.gttss bqn to Elt lltc.ltaa b thr tbe fretlloat]a otr -l.fD6rlittstl6 of tb $rgorc f! tbo 6lyr6t of yfcfdfrg ttlllg Dl"s. t6.tncgr lrdl*tnn .oA galvldo'l (tgl) ibrc1bri a rtQ'ao4!1' roil11tlo ffil tt tlqPo16 of, cl.ertlo f|6achgror to orthmolrr ad rcrtllf rctdril to t{r rrn rht tb stnffil 16l a|1roarcd bqnn ttr clartls lldt. lha lD 1952 et trhr snorll- * rstreurht oa sr|t ltlbst o $tnrtrro!, tta;r4.A by thr E4"DhEtFba lFgtlll*rtg $1;aaf Ircrttffio, Oalltbdar trne DeDar! rec pcrrtat c tb nffnct 1cspcfc of rtq1rgtrl,cr - Saobtcn (r9ta) sd lcntt (lSa). lott |tth tha rcqmcr o|l en fdrrtlo dadl. d.gil Irella! nrc offi of t!c35 sgntG to fnrd,o fordag thnr|h tDo *bilr trc dllflbd. Jaoobra Foforcd I grrap[oal 3.t$lr rtrtlo trnat fqtoml I uleloaf Ectbat Jaobro rgrl3 poaroca I Palqi rli,6f, lui a s!gn|1[]teot d:lbot o nnltnca, stullol ln tlrll Dipgr b lgu'l'bd thr phr1ctilodlclta rcthoil of otntlo, *d.oh ir o ctad.a of tb tFqfol.of nhra; d rritu d nlgtt6 rf Facly olslllrttlj lonUnc jrtt-" rnt|.liu'gttarq'utceboqrcacrlyecaglhl.c,ltlxoucltobrr nrt qocfirl tool. Oa tb otfur hrdr ll6u*rr pqDF1| url1l e nr*{.cal tntrgrattil sFrtld FEtUld to Dt I fc'crGl of, rctblr sd.dl rcc ilrwtqndr andl urct urc rdrndrrly al ilisltrf oqltrt'rt tdloabd thrt tb rctb{, oula bc brcm rrc r.4{ly atullabilc. tblto (t*ff) itru1Dot B rtlDd of ilrtaddrg tb rcquc of dtl-*tryy ebc* turratlp adstallg orrrtqil'rrtlo cla6tr by a 1otboaf of, 15ard ndlcr' lha mthot lrrult A fru tb $lqlloLt tb rtt'b cartcnrfon of uk ilde |.a mstin 'lortfu Ooha, t;;ry aail -7Q,; r t&r lt*t burl.rlfig but, ar far ar t$r pnrrnt ;r!.tl' l,c arulp lt hil Et sthrr str$.A th.t tb Ftbaf bal bosa apllca to thiln rroh aooqgtrmr Eo far sft I*to8n ro* ha! bGar dfrnunir Drrtly bron thla glh rar trbr nat rcaltl,y a6gceelDlo to tb F|tr|c-t Eltc]r tb JsDanr, b:rtr, rrrt alu latcrlt.f ln tb rorponr Of rlnnttllr Ar carty u 19JI t fel$reE rtrcsscil b.FA thr cl,aetb lb[t. ry3rerat\y r..eth.if th;t tb eoct-rlertlo bffaal 3f rt1lrfrsul uar tupctut b tblt Stttty to rccld c*thmnl6 ad rfroorte{ qt6611r6 lttNdy b lrtatdr fDr clrrtt;lfrrBa bcharlar of ;t$ilttrdf rstcl.slr - rxfo tatrrbarhl (tpt6). UHr Br ldLmcc an LrrrsrtlptLn uae bttLatrrl at SD0o Unftwd.qy mtrodl gurraA tb ro4or of tit.el|;d rUrtOfrrtfo ryrtan tO fdrafbrd rlorlcatLo nilgr IoaiberH., trcb6{, ild Inrtc (lg*) ibrryl.bcil tb lattli of Wtr&n ln wtd.ob ;q1151 rnrr roc!4;a|{"o pulr. d Cr qlda ilrrSll q:r b tht ban cf tbr rtructrge ft[A ru.a a cl te DC f1ftfl$,t at rgtt anA |a c+rfilffinr tlrr cqrrtl'Ol Cf DtLO [l raf,d ty srqtHslt t.,tut'qtlf aSgedcc tt lctrnr (rgrr-ta) U Jreba (t*rZl, !b sr$fuir alao atrxrlDral tht 6}6da of tb rpthoilr of lclrw ed tagobeca to plrr tho publr of tb. Ef|lrc !.rpilso of t|n-rt*v ltruoiltta|r qnn$ra 2.4 ffiErELrri(r rs-t tb flftfcth rralvcraaqt .f, tbr dlrartrour 196 8o t!.uo[ro carthspb! tb Berth4glj nCggll4 bnalob la$ltutr ryo;6lca a krl.ll Coftlr6oc o Bertbnr& qg|a.altlg at thr Eo -1rualmeLty of oqll'fEala, an tb us0,,yds of, Bclolcy. tbt trc pqrcr m lrcrctcit bdsstl'o qYrtan' o tb tmrtffatror orlai mt at ftoto Uatrwal,sl er ilsrslbct abo'trrr tn c{c to oDteb E! rdg'standfrg of thr sLertelartlo ril'Etr hr illtcdard tbr ldn !sqBG!. Of tb aletl, ar a flnstlo of tb ratlo of tFud nd56 pc1gif b rlaltl,G pcfoal of tb rhrortrng ttr illtl(M dror oG fedag fu+f,o oqrrril to tb yldA elnngth of tht rlrtrohaft fq thr illfifFrrt d.tuatlart(1) arstdng tb qtLtdr of tlb gruaa ea!.crtilareled Iarabsrht (tfg6) lrcaaatcll a IEIXr m;teotg (ff) arsd4 tb nsa rrbaty of, tb ga1sl r"rafnaf mdantl (fU) arr*rng thr +}ltdr of tb. EIud ntla ne|len artst' la6abed. fbd thst b5r lr1rtas tb rmlcattn o|tcrt tir 1rrspusc !retaem tlth o lncrarr of tha DG{Oa Of tb eolcil"clr$m prrlt.r, ftr oortrat raea ralodtl t'b r*or lr e ldn |l tb rcglm calrasgodng to tb clsotlo peladl of trb rtruottlrl d frG o@Saat dllqitaffirt qflthdr of tb tFud lftln' tb rr|F aln qpcara to b. a rednn tD tht rcglo dsc tbc jrlait of thr lnrl4 |1 about tb sf+ a,r ttp cla.tilo Pqrt5n otr tbc atrnnQslt aLtbru! tbc rarposoc *br nallc pclot grrhm arc atr ro dgnif,lont. tsabarhf tbnfib.c mohrilps tbet rH pclo0 ctar[ftlot rhfn bc itrrlgncit fo 6nrtad aocla:atiollr' tfig DCXoa rtstf@lr rhild' bc ilml8n e fc coatut arr$emrtrr d ntitot lsgp rlnrtcrr &uf,A bc ilcrlenoA ltr aantaat vlfoof$ee. Oa tH! bad.t hr fqrOrrf a letcrat tbc rtloh lll a lbstlo of fclOl. I -lslhc otdrr tltlpr pcaartait at 8a*crtryqg lrrlqrtlo rr?illtt tar by Eotranc (fpgg). llrle p4rc prcratoil a q1{ttc ill'f,fc1jt tcahlgr fi@ tb1j lrcrartcr| pvfaaaty. Eou6r mrllj1l that I po'f ldloatroo of tb carthnra&o 11!4tost of r farlartfr qtltr SufA bc obtalnodl 1tl6 th. .1,8!tto r6rt onrrr ?coktt flrrt ,mpor|, bt Btg.t (r9jt), sil,oh htd b.a {fIIl4Gd nt 1galnatcal fal rny 14;ttrflufm ail lila ollcagror at tb CalltLdl llrtlffi. d lbchdoftr toum Ft fcvca t'b rororrr thrt tb cs/ tilat tl rlnffig o,f eiilsr tdo8 611LA bG tba c{l ll! ry fu.ttnufct calth$*f D rattc hcr tb ltftoEr ebroEibcd tfirt nrg7, lh.tb tlr cfastlo C Llolrctls acttmr nrrr b mrlilcraf thrt tb Gltdt.Jr ttoollr tlr aa cl"a*to h1tl!|ng, rtdcb ls a aclgo of tb Gjt6/ lryt l$b clarGlc atgtratrsr| llno a partcrlar cu.tb4rahrr odli b. Ul|A b alctadan tb rcqm6 of futl,tttlo rilg1re*u alrg to fi rr1 calrtlqrslrl by arcrdsg that oresr *tgh 1r nt atorait rr tntltlal il;tsr 1r illelprtril Ef fid'*rtto f'fcldnfr h thir ted'r, it'l'tB bcror a lrttc of ai$rrtfrg tb t'l'dif Dobt of r rtilgffi 16tll tb tlcrilrg dtaiad le qntlbla ttrtb th. ultlr3tc rtra$.h ePDL|dt tb ntH to errsctcc{,ct!,c Of thl #ndurr. hn thr ilcti.Se of o ctnrtcil ratce taok. IbLe pqlc rrqroaatr u ryqma1h tC troj|.ct 1t*rru ur|nf a rirtrLar DE3pDD6' b tbat urod by Jadro (lfp) fg, 13r133.g1ffrS DG,bdro rc!po[l., n|n lt bil tbil.a tb bed! of thr n cllrd' rargtrl EtH.r. tlhr Dg4, 1r al6 dbttfcut tb ltr Gfsrds of 'tl! loflt of dcr tDat tb t$W of reftff fgnlnrt rctfmaL'r |bilfn bc bN|.al @ thc dttlnrt oryrdu| cf r ltanstrtr)r oil rt n tbt by Eounc -ltcla$la llldt. d Eersr rai, r afuDffi.odt uf,rllctlc tc thr pHlor3p[r of lcltb6rehr AtdgD tg pilrt|qe 6rrt thit 11 e rrur fiEthqupLltmgrtrllrtrelobaoo;trqstallrutcfr{f$fnf thrg dre.idng t&l rfto|,l oqc1trlt rf rrrthgr&r nddcf la e rffir, ibrflgn *d5| g to tbat ttr. hrA b.a b rqpr| fi rtrqfiaa er Soth lanrDelH, e&n!n 2.9 raafdlg cl,sltio, lg8Cer noenre fr inlertlc rcqrcaec b.ttcc ,# d 1960 rar r.ltj ty tb oocadcrt 9.DG o tb droct. tt nl*bg pt*fe l8lltflt U ,r ln dl"o*-to aafoS cLrord.t trrrtd sllpotf of btttstf lVrt6tta rydnr trr aggpJtaa tt Eturren ltlltl,_ H, Iilsglo (tf5g) ngf,patdl a ntbil fi. cbtrbflg tb fyado rorD6g. of fisE rlth dgd{flr.ttro cls-r*cfrtns tll udrg a trr otr u'nl ndlo q4nuaA. tn tb !t ytg., E[n (tgS) rlr I r3t rrtngN,r onEltluSln h th ralrrtadtng of, o*thqpaLc rrrilrtat ndgn tJf frlisrg lr tsh bto aoqst. lht DE c !.. rabf,t dlclrrlf*ir, tb eS b.lsg to pcnt ar ffirt cf tbr bodo fUfolery cf .lst4qrbr 6gflrg'trS ratb thu a ldgn rrtHr !o llldltc Er c.glpt hr ljrillri tb rarthq1rlr 1ra|rtnor of h tUfloal' rr r rtnrctrilo !| &oril thl nrcsalty !F ardgil'rs r rffi fro!3 mil ilrortritc[ botr tb'gq& tdaltlo e3tlilr Dgltfnrl'rf|l rtnrohlcrr tnirfrd|Fol by d'artilr lnblr of n rtcrrtrcrl rldr, rur stlll or9$l'r of rod.rtbg cffidm. -16Zcetd oa5 lato thc ploturc rbclr Egcotrtl rttr?F cn ll!!n (lflf) ibec:fDcd trbc mrtn1gtfo of m d,aortrlpal aalogur to dnl'etl a vilo-alrrtsplartlo ellgfc dsgrtG of ftrcb rtrnchn r$trt'dl to o oc.th4rrahc. !h. yf.ln ;Dcotra lc1ltlry fi.r tb f*O A Ort1r f,.S arcalcratlc rceil rug glccdcA tbr ltlushrcr Cf vsfnr I6ar rtrqgtbfr. ar lcll ar Grrl' gtprlns totat rc8lr oidprtro !ti.r p4+ prcsatll a lt.ceh sfgraaOt to tl anil gcnnut rt. y1.!.4 patblo of ladastto roryoer, eftloutb a 1rrtbc loCmf 6a, t! tb c.tcnrlm of tb roq,Cttr qpctfi[ afnaoagh te larl.artls ro4cr' It d.;q rqrrceof,ol!, tb f;l1'rt nroocrylbl *;gtloeti.a of t'hr urfefp o#[tc t| tb lnubll, ertbilgh of g!'r.r tby hgi D|a u..a d'th banflt ta cl.ertto "titirl. In both rcqnotl tb lqrc nr tb. ftnt of rr4r. Thc artfio1'g lbtd that tbc fuitvlfitrl' tldi ralur *fd tdai to om at lerlr ralor p.oilFa lhf,oA a rdtr of frr13if ar thc !ilragth of th. Biauotr! ra.a dlrtrreacdl. lftr GfEf Ittarlpatla org"n! ad thc p€ilsunt ent cunrsr Plottai a! fustloal of hrtlil,as 1ntod, lF lltf,?cot $crn str'Ggtb of tb rtuttr" lhonfl thr ror gccrlal. doraetclrtloc aLtbrS! to i||ilUut tcds. groat 2.6 lrg0, of thr yns'lt O6lcmoc c 1*'tlqn"lr ru.g!-cc'tqg ral rgllfA by r grut qtrrlt ll tb GDt d lUfdr| nct o tto nlfnoer no1polo of stanohltl' lanabar$ (tfe) il36a'lbc{f thr um of o rfroffinat eodogr 196, ttrr yrcar oqnrtc, onstnrstcd at (yoto Unfrud,tf, to ootlnr thc I'nr**g*tor tb odogtrt e d d/oralbrd crrllc - lanrbarhi, (lfe). c1l - !h. cnd't'r!8 tus rar glcrtar nsa. of srcl rG|. andlrdL kqrt thr ra[ r om $41' of a rcoteagnff lFornd roorfcrtln tril'lc of $|rt tb rllltotblttt Gr. bd!8 mdilrrtat tb ol,ndte fcrr ortr.rrbrdl r thit sry btullos egrtc nn u. clrlili! to tho orrtoerarBo oa|. ONlri bo t[|r}t*ngEt l. l' et8tlcil ilnrl'tr rhfoh Bbraf oharactctstLoa rlrll"ar to tbs h hif sbtetd lnrvLaldt' altblgb fb tbl oaar of msts8t ryIltdt sf aoOrleatln of tb br$ r|rd.dl FnrlnDt|Fbfudthatartbgwrrbtl|lrcry$fbf,'Cl ol.crr to t;b ltastls rurta thsa tb dart'IPl"Bltfs ryrtlt tb radnr lrrpoorc plottri ar a !'unotf'o lf, flr'scry lhardl a tdory to hrrl a ladnn, ratb tbDn to f,tcrltsa fnarnaftt[V t[tb rnccari* Dd'toa of tbr cd.t|!g pil|cr furoa|H' ds Fltttd qflttloatfo i]atra lbovfng tb ;"rlatlo of tb ratla of 6; rd'E !aT$m cf, th. 4nta b th3 eutd. d li. all*leerut of rD! grqnAntlaraaeftrutlcofpctoilrftrilltlt5rntryllh|imd Fo frrlA tbat b slcal' tb aoril,ceu.o of ths 8rlcrns rtln qllfloatlo dglcaro{ ar tb rrtla of tb! DdoA of tb 1gl1r b |b gcrloa ef tb rtnrttrrc r*rcasd. !3 e[p fbi tbrt tu r'r'l nlrrre of thr 1ct6A ratlo ttra rylflcatta bac relllc 1g tb 411hd. of tb Snllll aooclcatla 'ta. tlslcloa, rbcrcel fE| lcrgp tld'r tA'ry va!.lrae of th. rat{o rf put4 ldoi to rtnrchrrrdl Dalfo{ rar rolcrcl. tn tba tgD DIDG t6abtd, dr ill'rarereA s frlld'r*ff tawrtlgetla tato tb nllrar t6dildf vllrrtfn of rlulnnr ust4 lrilrsnrf r repbloal rthoirr El! rta md.urta ta tEf lcstls app.rrs to be th,at tbrlc trlltr, bc r polrilbttlty of rnd$llnttl lf tb tccfcaf llG.torl{n8 lulos har a |dFtalae EdDg ohllettttrfrtls' -18+ lbilr pelt of, s. Dcgar, brlqt, tr re odoilld tlth .;tu!g Et a rltthod retb tha tl'th t A063 ed, Iarpta (f gfi) afro itelc15c1 ra tmrtilgjtl116 ud1g ut. (y'sto erlrloen3 qrutc,r t'blf tatclott tr| ll tb vlF;rtln cf bGlAEt ptg.t ;t$€h trhoy lt G}[SGA a.s 1{4ie bb6ll 11[ to til Spqd' Itr bctrrvLorr cf thlt eylkr rar mdiard to b. arfolpnl tc tlhrt d e lrrflr o B btllsrt lvttctlo qlntagl d tE! t"r th' fotlr U'f ut 1p O th. aelcgUr. It b thr ror rglgtr al fa! tr'at''t tt !affb6!h1 (rE6O). qoto ad garto 5arfalril both rrtogSf5' ni o pcfon ihrr$ol to rot C. tb A'|tc. fbry t!|ui that tb rceultr frr dtfrlEut abr|rl of, aIlfer$n pqf53 gaf! 3!tpo6!. ryestgr|n er8|lt?t !41ry fn rpg-u3| tril d'ffilllag oriilc;[|g f11 11egnntudar lfhl rclIdlt firc t]rt 1aotrqgqfg llul1ql '153 gpat6 th6 tb. t!![,fr1. tu dnrroddaf grd'gt cb *botcr tdrg h4t oortogil - SFstar t! fact tlan thet brtrra tb. 1l'lulttrs garyf tllqflaode. Ara artba eLn prrcntti aurler to fu thr ocfnf tora ihsllg tb rd,tetl@ hrt tb drctetlr Elrn a!}. aot acrldlt to rrbr tHr DsLltg cl,cu. IDth; (FCo fnoJcd rar dbrcrlbrl tt !db*t d n!6f (ft&). thp pcaentcit o s$ytlcal 113'tbn tc cuablc tb dtrtadrattr d thr rcrnroer of qr al^afttr d.ul trdrfil8 cf, C't{tllct !l!fr rtitllsr dA dq)frg i|t.trlhrttal, rutcil O I d;rtrylr*|o dstr{ltrffi lw,ccatoa ar a Lranll cptor !b nrtlrr 8cru a qryrf' otr lt' r|l., alo udag a! tdralr.r.i erut|na dtrtto r8 tb tbl of r Alt ;jl$ r*tgDf,i rt f|E, re66sngrflar t\rll.il11! aooaf,caff.o p|la. rt & dr.uoficel eilrta lE! @34!.4 ree mdicri to D' tb rrtic d,nrrefdr.f rmcl,6a'tle Pultcs of rl!o of tb grbg 611taat otr tb g1stt111Efrtgrc b tb rqllraLGrt rylrg rrc fht letth snctalrt of tht Dela ttnstlr.. 'hiradt*tttios rilcfltad w th. ratto otr tbr bs|| lbgt lbo. t8 tb nlr dllufrrl| gua ,rndc, a ltatlo sedaEttfr tsr41 to b ql,tt[d. of tb Gtr tb arblt-rsttrrr llb Dclld of tb p,ulrc to thr yrcrn ffi €d.g11g lnrlrj ral trh.a sl bdq7, cgd b th. DGIgC of tb ftr'tr" h antbr t5d that ft lrfupa13tlo d I rhrt3fla1f,|3 rrbgilg'uofiil rdx,"d {nr ron-orc of tbe !.trr rtnrEl; ad fr'E ut lEltf t1*, reo etr,3 to ;ugrlt rttdour latcrat lbrc illstr|ffio, t|Ddn0 @ tb ori,all pqctlr! d, tbt rltrt-r fu' il.lrdqg th. rr|fl lt,frxfirlo lrs{h Flgrrrc r,,Bqp@ro Ln tb oEa/ ntlcl oC rtulytng tb lrlartto rar nar*rdl by tbc nfrffeatilo 5l Ehr (f tO) of e drtdba effiil0 of H.. bra'.rt haEr lb&ril'gr, leru?crtlng rry 'f tb tdacr pwora l.a tdr catlrr Ea|tcr ' Elllr (tgtS). lr thr otb poLltro glc, tb rproalb rae aot ilgruur hrt ||! dta ticfilHo ths cLerfifo rtbdl th - d tt'lll - lE ulcr |l! rtH lrgffir thr ort*uotto of thr oqficto ltatls fbrecdrflrdl6 Ctafrar {!l a ltruohso c dlgt of e slsuc,hil. tfu! oaa trh ta ur.a to EnEr t|1 g|1r;ta o3lgr 3[r wrt osDedr of tho rtcuotult el nill ar tF cr;tlratl,l8 p6toa, PGsrl[|Gt |ot eil clr!.. utr d^r ut.a tho dti"agra to E1!! Hl a cryldo8|l Erfi|m cf tto uhrt dlatarlc,aflo rnih| lTeeba lsailbS. b 8thl alStr tbrt tf,' qrooil od) roariag ei Frs h!,dry rur lnfinor trb fr-trt ht or|1ljlr tbt;l dflst to b. rj6|g;fr qrofrUy Itt tl5ll 'C fi tdnry ltt th, ilp 6|fccte to oarrl ch otbr. ta ilrstlr -&qlr]rlr ad rrrffrl* rltb trhr onrb.uonilo of tlrc @ (xEq)|rtlM.dgedrnltcrtoiMngthfbtblnrtdrrtt,g rfftg, EhD aalrcr thc ra.y frygltsgt Dolgt tbet r1glj;l {&r Fl;pox &.'3ga'f;3lor of gr bu|tifig e! ffi, ot ooo tr crtLrtrdl $lomr sb& rtlrr !D b fatt$. r rrthod, otr dLd8 c nelvrLl rc 1fitc' br g.lggqr, nathetLoal 111, tltiliil oa mrlrtctt'y 5r. tnrydlt ps3ill& ffl cmfoaf d poafotOfr crthnnlr 3tldrtr6a, r Blrrr llrrc'lDo{ tb. qpfloetl.o cf Hl trei$r tc a gml' gntcr, to tht ;ldal oarr of rtre&flrrtio s1agtc ibgtro? of firg; bahavl$a rtn b n8tl-aar rlrtr, tlrOdag qtlot of ttl uf. to als fqorcA a ryrtt of Frtlrg dr||rg rtrno@l1; brteit o tb tcolulgr. ILrco oharaotcrrtloc lrg Ggrdlrl to dlrtldr a rrdrfrro GGEr bnrllilagrr oqnol,ty to |trfflF - oagaod.ty 'U) abroqrtln, lnrdblr itdrT,rdrar aaa nroqft$ilutv to ilr|8p - d gLlr f6*ord qrtrtoal ld!,oa to narrl cloh of ttrc qlctltlcrr. fftbugb lt bat ltt thst odagp, of rH'& tb a$b ql?'c! to bc ftqt sl5rle tt It thr ctlt adrarpcd nfiba ilob h|f t G by $r Frotrdli !o fia ll a tur rbLoh crrli bc ut.a agl*. Lt tb aqr mfcw Emm (r9e) prcntoil a lltrthc tlDG ou rtlrtrs,u rb|,ch f,B|lGA plufl,elly b fbllil qr H.r crlilr Et &m (1955). tElu stb rtall u.'l tbt ctrr5r ruanrr ' l'cr th.t tb G3lgl fm$ to r rtrqotrc dll b. I ftr;|lr d ldc| Cly ad |an4Gitat of tht rq;lgr dtrdgrtla oh6rrstqrt3tloE. I! trh|r pafc, Eu3c. ararri that oll4n tltl b. &to to fgrtrbllltf aurrd by tb Glgbt d tbr rtnrotrsr, d tbfr rTllrmtrd a ftrr& ]x riru$rg* t'lr agttg oril"|grcd a s61|6r of, rtrpotrg frC a rrrr nfngtri by a tttrgl,c olrn to a nltltta? fifl, anddas tb rrqtdlta !.Arilo occnfod,ata tul cadh Oeas |l t-!n! Cf cs}tbgrab rolE@t fif 19.gtnr6 tEifq6g. lqnrr afu ooril$rrn tgr$Oaf Cllgra ttp oarc of a rare qFcyt i on tbrlt €drrrr alla &!ilr th3t tb Dtbi u..i p8|drdotl tlda |l thl Dst lllalt ftm Otr Ol14lr. !b autbr rlr llfucurrn tb naalrg of tht tlr'trdtr8 tlotrt a! eppll.e to ccthgqntc agflcdrg ilrrLtFr Srral FPC. re ntblflbril tr l19€o .l tb alotccdldfo of id,argo r.rlrcrp qcatra. Ecdo (f 960 A, t) D6ff*.l tr PqPc!otats,lgtbrcrl.tccfqrohrfficr-&of'$t|bre utr tb aEl ru, ctagl,c dcgroc of tlcsilo rlastonrsstlo ffir!| a nrltl.d8F . sf frdlo clartqlartla rMtrcf t! toilb orrc d15 oA rlthrt rfmllilqrl,rngr ll,c 44tnrefr 1lG.3t urt nr thrt of tll r*o E Oatm lr orycst. ntt|rltr G. .btalr3 rrt{nlr c W lst 8ratt.lg thr ceuetlor of ntio tE rtql+'r'*q9 ndrl a dtlgital, qFtC' ui rrcntrl tu c*tlnr tbr rrttc of t'b {t!d,o Latcrta,f iffnfaomt oaureil by t;f, :dh$1g!r b tb ltrtlt tnterncZ dlsfaost po&rca tV qptVdng e t I mf,catlr to tb rtrus6c argtrfag tbat lt var pc{botly .ladilor rs o llunotln of tb l\dntaf darilo Da|lli of tb dsBctEltt *ul tE tlf,ltr ai;7gil t! tb 16i!l1!dgg of oablnatlot t'ho C&fOr Of d rrrotnr aryrsg ad trru rtrlgtb' ED'otrr r't lts cb rtngtc .ts.l/ oarc ad fE csob ttfit of, th nf,tlrtoyqyltfi"6.lyoopertf,onrlsrnrltlltclrtrtrtrrrrElodlGdl. str,rtoly lts'uotrllo, dfi .qral rt*? H.g!tr1 rfi!f,tdr dEri peemtott -22e n8 S;gtcf, !b.a1r ttt cf alaf,urratla, and, rltb r;b alndo otarsott'trtlor !o iU.rtrlhilcf, tbat tb fidmtaf Id. &lc rrr t,tugflg,. lthr qrtbc oeaglnalrd tbt hdfiltngr aedSnd tc g!l||at €iLr ad.A tr emcctoil to yllcf,A rb.a tdbrcetcal to 8tuDA acd'crtlor of tb. Dggnfhd. ujcA |3 gp "o't!tif. lc sLto fld thrt tb qrcotFa, b prottcd tba, .bld a tdnry to lrcr.r|. |! 'l Eae1131it lg th. rtrGgth otr tbc rtrtotur rus ltocrca[il utll c c!.ttoa! tatrp ru rcachodl bqfA dd,oh a clccrcro ln rifnClh rud't.l la sfgfAo* t1orca11c !a rerper. !!H.r gl{ilccl rrlu tdd to lr a f,lnctto of Dc.f.A bc|lg rullc lbei tell' ttdD'b tuf&illgl tbor ff tgr rtttf bujlilnga. tbs' f;fi partfcrlar t|l!)c rf rf,lil'rtCl r,!,uorlng'it mdalgrce Pcri.o fh1aA tbat t[ !|g!6r Da.r octrllutd enrcototly tr tb. d81|l,o rFldron13 uil ry alo bo .l,gd,f,rogt ft b rrrclc a udlfr ttd,t al pladla dlrtbauttna er mdicli" rrrtrllnrtl,c otr plartto ibebr,tfa |r rrlltfrtqT rtrufiCl tb slsr ocrldscrl that lt be dlcrt;l3[lc to nrovtdr ctgua$rl rcttetooe 6[d $ocan nltlr plutlo dlrdtsla,tLm fiF rO l!d't t !.erg3 at aqll a! a t6rstp6l letcal aftgtr{fullc of dsasth. Iftb r|8€d to th3 lrttG b fqd tbt ll1 th rIluoen rrr ilailnd I that ert ltg'C.r J'ldid rfnrltueo,raltr uEdc a trl'agLr ltrilF{tntln of loail, tha thg toD ttosy tdtit to br tb 188t3st ltttca!6't alcftcod"ou tnt tdrcrr boour al.nct tb roilrrt lf tb ail'trElr ras rtrogtbd aoorillng to tho 8trfF troda,tfOr otr mp tpstfgg tm nenmt of thr latcel ncds! lbnor rt tbr tqt' ts63g aaA lbaJ.ilor (tg{O) afu rportc{ o. lqdJr d I'r.farfno rrqp6sc !p.otra. lh.t lhdl.a e vbandy aa.! d,n3lo dlJagFc oill _2rtlFtdb rbbDlarti'o tFtG rn$t'd€'l td tho r$O E Oatro t'S by emrtrcatil.o tcstt *bfd lr tfi. cac lurdil'ra af lar rtr*llrd (tf$) o !o ,..ohg$t' Edlt|cl Ecfg d Ehcrl'dar aarryac tb pr|oblr E' urr'oel ncthiloOa.lctdoqrrtcradthd'qbrfrlarur*atalffEd. IastGeA of bctrg l$*rrtcit ta tb rtgl$teht6lrt roqt€!|sr llstflE, thqr;Glc ulc lstattttr rn finiu4 ilt tht vatidtty of tals.rr acryun o,f tb 6lE, rdetlorhip. h.llnr tstlt mr td ntbc D8r!l.a at nl^l ar ihr !tdton-. tra th rceuli r t*re eurtbe aal.rdc0 that, attbutfr tb cnrgr fqnrt rnpoarcif to bc Uaceafat of tb m!3 of rlcou! aqtligr tlsr; rra. a tdmgr tlt !t to itccrcalc rlth a loGrtag of tbo fl€la vailur, GoGDt at tb cttlr' Ior d of thr lnrloil loalt, tbc autibls Aloldtca that tbl aclgf ntb(trr E|rfn glrt pt|rltr o thl refb riir. llb!/ {D Etdl thr ec cftfcot er dtd Fcrrlo (196O, A) |tth rcgarrt to tht dlrtUg of e etttoal vatuo d ylrfA lE.aaggh g!i'S gErE tb d'rln ilLr Bycroftr nrpby ann E'm pfaorut tllrq)@la tbr a pertlorl"c pclodl' Y.l.rtol d r|Est (1960) rrerclca firilrhc rooiltr of rtnfl.r of lnrlestts rqoElroBtc qrcctra4 lbtt rtrlo mtlil|ldr thr ltngtc it8ll of ftcdla rtrartqlartlo 6ntca ad a&Jtctca it to trr r'lo II ffii t].S ad tb. rgrt Ycru aertbeualc ffils,atto trooc|ib. lhdl| lli|! lst61t;t trsy ts |gp{sg to 3olatr ttro frfrrtlo 4rctra to {fu drrtlo *co|l}a. Ttrc roqnnsc ra. GIItr\ cltal l8 tCrn of tbr ratlo of tlll. ertrerp b tb lrEin tbis bcflg that tnflsoGt rhlcf, $rt oorcr ltartnr rylda drarlamt claatlo iltftsat, oauaai by tlhr irlroctfirotuDotrg5Acllr!h|'grat|owaedrfltncilaltbgdttlgtlllty 't _2bf,rgtco lbc ortlnw, by lgtctnil,at"La brtma tH8 Garflbtrl rcnrltr, prtlsnttA tbr|r roalltr ar plalr Of tb rerlnrn dart'tO ctrmgtb vermf pctoil, ilti.h tparld br rqdrcit to d.rc vartsl| dtudflrty frstoEr tn rceom to tb cErlltbqllilc aottatlco Ey €oryarlag thds rrrtrltr tlt'tt tbt! of a1r ctgtlo {1rjtar Valrtmc qif fgnct C"rc to tb dduelo that tb. rrrgnore qlco{g|e fbc o rlaebplaricuo rUrtr m! bt rdatcil di.rrFleoeaqts aoi ths yd,elf, to thc cpcotra ttoc a oaa|cspGillsg clsrtlo ltrtt! rltlr a mamaDil.e rbgFsc of emnodutrl6a. fh saLy a tdl scat of rlasur ifqt{ng ts lpr!ilt t56y mrtdrcil lt Erti be a rcaaoabih'6 to cqnatc trb 3:fa6 afa|.amt d o cIarBC ryrtr to ttrc adn rtlrylamt of a clrrtqflaetlo qt!0Gr rBls tbf br6nt rr{'cr of dryrtg tbrr msf1r6cil tbp eocgr nthodl to bc tbc rrt rcasoablo !.tboar In t rlr of a ibalgn coft!'o'lot tlr er$tu! rhrril tbt thc latcaf fr3oo ocfflct5qt fbr o flartqlaetb sFta m br obtataedl fiu that obtalaril ial o clattto e5nta by ll'rltrag ffir tattc tm (f) t53 ano611ty ftst4. tu ttf". !r lrr thu flr p6pt vlrall dryfag Errtat $i -f-+tq rh.r P t th. &Ftlt!,tt ftcEr rh thrt lr 6,c thea ft1g pcoat vlrour aryllg IF.ttEt. lhl fltr&stfa of tlr oco+t of e|ctfi!,ty fastct at .|il l'Dd,t|8t cttrrn ln ibrt'O 1r oo of thr lE8n{f'oaff ooncfbu$.cr of tfitr !Et. lhc il4uct| alp Drliboca re Est otr tEr !ahE'|r b a pqlq| c (lpe) hafiA b17 f,. luih. !}c!r by thr no*mrc rdrfF6 httt wt rrer nrc alni,.lar to ttrc rct of, Eycotrtr Ilr?F ++ Ensa (lgtf) _29flr tfrry al19 6bta$ca thdr. ranrltr G aE aaategar - la ||ll'r cal !tD' ar dGctco-nocbadel oalegUr. b tH,. tEDcr tb d'ttl ln rnnr afcfutl tfir rarnol tn tftr .anhgnr lsHlr ttfi"r r6s fOllomil by a loectptto of tt tpptloa$n d t'h. $sillgt'f b tt5 ifutcdaattc of tbc rcqor D.otre lb a rlnglr e;g;lc d A.IoAol bf,llncal ffimr,tl,o ltruofirr. i$tGd to vslour cstfryfr *rb aooa!.eattg rcornr taefd|ag tht flf [l, CGtrO I.E rcg{' regqlts rrc p.reatcdl ls th lbu of alnfaomt |Dmt[|f rr a ftnotia o hrrlldtag g*{on fll rtrlor1; lst6la1 rtrmgth 6t{ieldftbf. lhry al6 pfo$cil qrrrrg rfor|ag trs!6Gat errt ar a hotln of pcCoil. tril.6 thct! r.cnrlt! tho utbe omfrdail tbt th. trillrl oFell Af*borrnatr ifcnd u3rr o th Dcfod of tb DuJfnbg t$en c tlhr lateed rtrogth, thra agletrng to !@ at€ot thc msfudor of, f,cnarL ail Velrtaa (tg6O). brangfu of, a arrrtet alllrl aat13! rar rqr*t:ll by Eyctft (tg6 a, Ef C)f la tlrr of tb, loc'dtt cf,Gteotnt|G roctr Bta"oft lg1t*l.gatrl izl13 us. of rhl,ta El13 to rtnlltr rc'thqml6. Aftc epffd,lg lt b o melogna ryrcrutqrg a rtlglr rt*' ol8Jtoplartila ltnru,ro d tbc renCltt tAth tbt ottalurd utlng b dftold.A that rfo[ta !oil!. og||li Dt aa agtra[ s+hmafr lrgl, b thn utrat to d11fato csthmrl;1 - t11! Bt/t$ofr (lg$ a, !). f-nrutlgptrXl ttt yftln dlglaoumts tn a nlttttg:t rlrrfie,fartflt rtrrrtrco udlf s rlrstr|.oel ualogrc to drirtr thr rtnshlt d *Ltr Etlc b rlnlatr t{r c*itrqppts o lti lFoft (rt& €). tr tEa pq,tr Eforloft onrl.C3lcd a llrr rt*ff rhrul UUnf4 ilttr rqn.f flos trltllr ft yfOa vals of caA fi.os nr orldrrt to br . -fiFleortlrd, t th. rtij:fbcce *!ah E; Fn3tiEla a. Et?lst! t$ I Usar trE|g} nu tO to totta. t!h. .Dt ot of th, l$nrtfgatlo rro to flnil tb. Drrt rrartatnm of tb ttilflfhmr. tLral lq]&f A'cl rnas trtr&od. brtrrcn aAjrrat f&*l al alr3 bcffio 'td saf thc be13 tr eld Fpartidr al to lalt t3f, dryilg trtlil cf tlp rarlnl! Elllr annmaratlty cqnd. tb atbr fud tbEt fb} a qfgQc[f rdfin r!11rotrp nrt .f t'b yfGil'i[rg trb plaoa at tb baD, rrillt ftr e rtrrnhru b rHd trb *r.ilbt|l d rtrqdl tryc otrf rath qrrrdd,t, r rhllDl!8 stLs oodrr, tla o8ul.r tb rajgl Jrlda to bt lt tib turr Ey tqfll8 et latdl'a*l oalcrt Bygoft fhd thst tTttb a ltl,tllbro lrtilo of rb3rrt | | I Drtm tb t51r d Dottg ltorlct, d, a ltaxr Ya1llrtln bdrrj, ttt tlrli afrebaratt la tb rarlcr flffir ilrrr togt .di oEtr lt ;er fb|ot, lsrsrc, that th. t |t tryG rar il;rdnt u tbcqnry d nryfrgh Iln st;fur als iltor;d tbrtr lll th. crc e6dri;'dt r.olatlrr dtalamtr b€t;too ftc,l'.r rEt r;b arrrp ry eprodrr!3[t tb ec tft tt afartlo ad ;flrrtffr1|lo orlrr, e tcllnry fud by c|bc rmrttgrtcr |a {$ illcc 1!*? Glor By6|oft ra! Dt tb Gly Ol to tsFor$b tb retnilr url* o td.altlci rraulo d.tailoo to dnrlrtr tb .6'thglabt l!. f,. gn{Fry (fg60, g) ooardmcal tha rcqtoc| of a rtEelc dogrc d Annn ryUtr rtthDlumclyrtaectatoertat|.ctyrd[ourrrancdte|iln h.vlag a ffe pop fcstsrn' Ea rhrrrir fion an lrallttotl €ltF !|oil!t, that lorlns th| ttcld laln E|dn eurr r drerar ta ||ryCr uufif a tldtr-g Efur nr nadd eft |F tttd.d fb-th, attqur|. Efla o*ut' a8 tsr er' r! tb !!*loor" -tltrdin thc wt oC ftaaDrdf d ltlr ollrs8nar at Stc &lwltSl, rttb larratiCpttc of, tb a octsla fitrt of otbc ru.L mril barl,o ohcactelrtl,oc t' nmUrs brtlrtfo !yrt@ ma lqrcrtdl. ldo (1t60) omrlilccaf tb rcryor of dd,r btltl.c d quailr.fno Srrtrnctfo ryrtar to herulo Gsd.tfuS llnatfcr, m! b fr DqDc lrF.rctcl tba reolts of a nde of ltflfffi faratlertln . ltr Slrrt frvcrtl{ptfm sar qncrlral dth a rtuily of tb rtrlt rtatc r€qpaJt.f lfngb dotf: of tlrrib rfarOpl,artlo '"te qlffio tVatantlo ryrtcor b e hdo otttal tUrrr StrilJt rtrtr $tsEorl! crtr uc prrotcil tb totb tb rar $6 tb llr lr rbln by n @d,ttrg tbtil ad atD itb car fu tb ba.. lr dt l by o tFsrd rlFrtlm' Ia enard. b annrr d{bttd tb dlfs Fh;l-ilsr cf rlmam rlth a qnril badbar tgplel d rcftcdg lryrllrg eFta. h rrtboit uroil nr atrllc to tbt u!.4 bt Ek fstrg (tfF) lo a ddlar firrrrtfgat|s a I cue$ Cqld +rtr. l*b aln ttrcrtfsrtd thr rtablltty of t'b rohtlfrr rd fhd thrt tb' rll oero. stlior{ th lt.cty rtetr vlhratla s rtebilc. fdb tha frntltlgrt A tbr tnrytat bcbcvfrs of tb Ullnre ry$r by al,ttag trb ryrto rlth ar bduto tFtrui rrtdFoilGt, rtartfug fic lcrt tD tbqrdtlb{rn pd,tla, ui obr*rlng tb ralllt|ag h{li up ef rlFrtlnr. lllr antb pcro'tr t;pl,cal rwrfhl of th rcsltfag rt|'a Ofa rde h. ibur rs tatrtilr colltlill. lU thr rl,artqflartfo q$rtr frib frrni thrt tb traudat ;errr hd a tdmy to ccre8p mtafoelly to s hado tgpc of rtrtincy vlbat{.a rtEy rryld{y, allfd d,th tt bGfrg e talory tc cc* b op dlrcotle rlrtob bGoan grcate ar tb ftoqrnrry d eqtllhdr of, -?8- Dtb nl b4.|rriL fb blttnr* rytc $touniltr$r br6po tb rlrr6r oil .[.rtopfart1l atrCr tb rluc|tffi ffi cf ctc#rf rar rt r rr!d' ron f,tuoturt!.s ad trb jM fdb Oa 6!drn tb rlt to lrnsttgato tb tsanrl.cnt YlEtstfo;r of lLtlrrr lyrtartlo ry*ct rltb trr dcgF€e of tbcrilro !b. etnrtraal arta ccdfll;ui hsrl rtdtor of ceual lar.f rtl,flfn ad rtnufth, ad a dluroldnl glilnd illrplurout pgs agala wd tr mlte Lt. rilb fUd that tb taltftsnl of th lrefltfng Etfcr of tb t;n rtil'Lr rhoril e|rfhl &mrtelrHoe te t'bnr afrnfrnl lb rtlln gf {rb tettl rtoqt nr uA by tb s rtclf .:nt-. gncrtc thu that cf, tb, Wpc .tort thtdr lr e &cartclrtlo fmn !t Dtr.cft (!9S, 0) fc Gildtrtlil rf r ln$at dj'far rilrtr{ cn$ry (1960 rr B) rrp rqcha a tb rrrlpd rf tillln lvrt srtL ryrto b dulilllal tbed1g tbotlanr Ir {fi tltut IlaDG b |trslci tb rtt{t rtatr rotgolrr d e rl'rulr Lgr.. of ftrcln Tntrr *trfdnf tb slrrtfa bt tb rtbf oO .f.ily TaltlsS Dgrrtt6rl, thcmrr lado (tt&) 1pqlUmC tb fcfoifo shtfl d tr rlrrt'rtutlo ryrtr rltr OruSry frrro0cA rnBdrr orrlr. fc th trcol tilllrs oirl ll tb .Hf pryc lrE!ry ilrrctbrt tb lnffrlr of a attn5rp ryctr rdilf|;f rrf Hllnul $6tcrrlr, ta th! c.rr r ad-lnf,bl,tc iltd rdttf rt r d !y r ;flrlloldal fon" b rSnl,a E O tb rttLl of dtilt refytf Scrrtrr, ui praotdl tb r..anltr to rhil tb amt d gllfidr rttb lllr]ct oqarlrg tb nafltt rltb tbo Of, tht tfrc'-ofrd{e ctlG. Erra rd Da Dqno (tf6O) nrcechif r mlnal rctrtli ftr r|n||l* thr t11lg|rd -29_ $r rc|Pcr d $rrflae rtrugtlll.. b r G}tugarr tt"' cf tlU||rl ntls. rmurtil'c t!60 nr $rl a Ft! rtr Flrt r.'tltlty b fr tfriy d? ryrtan $tF tHt lts1filc to ofrhqu*l' 2.7 ro{l:'JlF' ht 11E to b. n lbult tbat tf,3 lFlf Cantblg1 rt lolUu fo f g60 tb rttnll|. tu. tb. bl8 d1gt |g rt$r turt o tb rbr|tElle t|Hra tu,la Gotual o ril'$mltr hgfsllag to te bti !a lcr Zrslrd lr mly 1*, Ls rrwtr|lr a rtlr8.rn at tb poaat tbrr lbr flt*rur!3 pc|!e, horc, tar p'lrni a mrfdrablr fft orf rlfi. l odiasta ffit of tli'! hrr DcG lltlatoll at lnoal ooa aotlna;l oodu$r ltlt cutnrtdyr ttr n65t G.[t6 h6 rt bca a}[o to lay btr bdt I noh rf litlr E*f rrthnan rfi'l.t*ffrr rar occl.i*rbly .lvrloa w tll rulattl d th. rllos r{{Dmrlr nr*or radfrU Onf'ttc (m|o) b Jqn, dth tb tnllcn d nl6tlrg rreoosaf, lsto tfip mf|3ag1r ;l;1por ralilr d rilrucffi:f sd tb. rrta$.lshat cf a qtldo rt'h| rf cffirtr lF{Fr qD' As u eli tmrrlr roH..vbg tEr fnllOrc thcy fcletr.d oA gDSt c*aUlr sc druotri o odagnr oqntel #d Ghry Esr bilfagt nag[,|5g ryata of uP b llt; ilrgr1;e of tlrcib rtth bErur rctgfng fbu dorsotcbti'or' lhr lqnt; It dd ilatF by csthonrlr roorrrrttn rcos{g red ttr r 1ffi'rlrdrrc mailr. trril gn5 ttu fbllslas f!ftD'tlr ou bc obtehrft fu rlndy of tzhr 1aqpca.. of rtnn31lrr ts -F(D tfr ml,atf,rr df+fs'ct |r rd tt*tl (U) tf rhrc tee i! rad ttg ll (Ul) tb rclt-tli clooil'tv tn cad rtry1 (fr) tfr dralutr aorcette of re dilti (r) tn Yfcltr mrrto of, cedr rt*t; tb outtvnr'ng ffta' !b rcnltt of thtlt l.urreltgatlo herr Drl Feff^di !l a rclc of rqctr - El8 (Sttor (rr6a, 'l9fih rt6b)' &.'l8rtryftiDrc|Dcrrthpocerstrs@ier*u*tcca 8&lO. ttr rrot of tb tteltcts ilrplbdf thl mtlctla of tb q'FtGtoilrucnr.dlgtlbroqloroofurrcrrudrgar,rlnlr catrgr}r tel fldag rtatp nil c arraEv h|,:|,t' to rg|'|r cdtatic. lbrno rfltf.tocy Uilllul8r x]! uelf7'| tbr ryrtO b lrt' (t$b) 161 l.bct re&rodl to 4rrlrr.ct tbe rerr rryt'tr{ &r frutlfrtlar of tUrtcc trrrbslr' rnglag lll a '|l*r !ilcviotwtffil.||lEst'baGbcr+rtr"x!r|t8.|i tbr'|f'tgtotiU!|fmt6.d,"o'aaulardls*rlttd:t el t|ll rr tb aa iurtrlffiln of, fre! !ulc, DI|r !|c morearcn ter dnrocrn* tthr cfifto0 of {ll.filFa0 c*tbgrstsat lb dtt tou c lat ul|il ltru3 ntJm .{ltbqF*l rroufi Stafld t! (r1) JegadtbE;$l.,tbd$mspftuldb0l!8firtot!oaEuI.t rcosd.rlltbaooa[ctgrur:rr.tloisotl'at'|cr rrentlobr.Iltb'DCsesdlagtil,lrucf.a&aoatedratrfl" Or!! g all OrF 8 F* XoEt of tbr prnrltr brrr blm obtalad fF tletrlstb |le aoocLrrat!ilrr lt b wth rt5l8 thrt tbt trr a $dr raf,'otofiEtbrcrffbGtcg+bgllb|rtgdnr{i,ro|btfif,rtilIi' -!ltdfortfag tbat thr D.a'ts afplltrdr tr Dt qff,bf.qt 6 ltr m to dt flm th. ttrtcdtr of, rttJa. Hr rcntrtr el^o fdjcrtr tlhet dllntctl.or of tb tql ttsy osn b. rrlEf ft .dltlcrl rFc;tfn|lg cf thr ttctr, nl,attr to th. ottell, i.dgn of th. tdlilfi8r 1r nfr pmvl,ilrl" It 1r |ltndtag to ntr, lultrrr thrtr ff, fit GGS7 abmptla of tb tql ttc1f fr nrwtarn ty ctrr rtrofth:dry' ft dtocr rut to ids cfgnilloqfrL" 8rrrtc clF/ Orrl|,tfn t! tbl oiftrr rt&t r. lqg (tg6t) rtdlrdt trhr rcrgcar d lltlfbot t'Itt d yld'illf rtnstr.slr to cathmr&c d.tatlfr al]|lUae tf fLcr to ArE lTrr bard.o aiructrsr E3 a IUE rtdt ltr!. ftd atl.rrsEt lqpstlarf fu latcal rld f.oir oqy, hrt frigl iilf,fbrat ddl lFl ocnrillhtilr (f) - r'nr.rtril olartlo tlcS (U) . *ranrly dryod dartlo F*3 (fff) u w{qrcn c!.artlo lbo rtth dlrt1fartlo rhr nllr; (fv) u urnryca rfedod"irtlo Grr. Bcg prectril thr p*on! al a tWla cf tilr ff S partlcnrler rsth4tlglr rcol{r - l*O L Cretro t g ed f9!! fflr E{n Otr tbt baglr of trlr rcrnrltr, tb aut}ur ne um&[r to iElr ary gooi,ffo ocolnd.or about thc lnrlsrtll brhevlm Glag lo tb ana mrtilccd" brldrr (lf6b) pruahd thr rarlts of r tl*& tnurtlnillr oc tb! reqp6lf T.otrr of blllFr' hr*G|.tl3 rt|ul. iltrr cE tl|Cb Srgtas b crrthnralsa rsoalcattil!. &,e lr a mtlrusNg d & tld.tal, nubc of, rh{y rsectca W Ecg and fha||rr (lgft). ltl asoela'oer;a urt rcc trha f SO n OGt$o f-g !d| tb rt52 lrft il6t rcotl. bGlnf -t2u6r lFolct a fE arob a re&r et tc D6tt tb qtartln d ril.artonilartfo lotla r[th pei.cp lbsrj6t d bll|3.6l rotln - L"r of !ilrat11 bd.of3g - tbr afft$ng Jdtfi drqstb ad rutr yls6113 OryLrO ln eranral. lhcrrafir lhd that iha 6|trarrtt ryast1a td.a to bg rc&ln| Au tb1r 6}ts|ad ff: th1r rlut4lfer'srr ty ratl |;crcaa |1 t|. 1qil. d b lftffibrs rffl' tfdi to t&. rtlftlbmr bd!l. J{.U. til! tr frefoUfy rrlrt i to ttr firtg. fUrfng tht rra rrll crtr of rEa|l btdl8 rf|Flf|n*f rrihood tfu pcrannt ltt - ffdr tLcr la dth thr 15cl'te d $|, (IgS) ttr rtrutld. dtrtlil' Qnclrrl nil,otr d rAr illtt d3l1 F.art16fft p illflflrnoo bdr;G trb c6r lry$t tO ggrf bllluer glrr0lr ed tb dartopXadilo ryutr Ln frrtfaibr, l$hc ralllbd,ns tb cg7 amaraoh to aLd,gEr Ebtr of tb totuf tnLutlo dlqpb.rut; of 1flg! Ctild tH lj SErf tHl rar lcalt ftr tb .1altqt1s8tf6 ryft-. thil'l tl p*Off rllatril to tlhr sEBr rdrt|n*nO frrvtsdy tlhrnll. A rtiy of lndrls,o *)osEla E{Fr tl|[ to th il* of, "$lrft (lf6) ras pratril 5l Jolagt (tg6!)" In; of' .rr&U afr13i, csthsr& rcc{r, tmfngt ud m udl, ef, fndo-eclfiglhr ao1!.3latfc rrc{r fmane tgl rtatLrttgal Doe. ni 6grli3pi tO harr rldlc ohn'eotcf.rtlor to tbrc of rrcrtri etttng oartbgnabt roo e6 bnry' d Jsrilag; (lf6b). !r al.E uroil o El 3naf tyDc of, 6.l|rler dclastc|rtilc, drt$ fl CrctaL lr rrra, d of itddt tb claet|3 sil btllrc ryct1ilqtf. rycto cll pltllnfn' ollr r pr sLo tqdqr (f$tr). Jcrr*r g*t tb rcf,flt of dtlag e t56[oal, drg[c dry,g. of lbottb ryta iltth tb l.lbfr of Dtfirb oarc -3!orthmr*c, lnorntlag tb rrwagn arrylmacqt lpfiar tb ag'1gp ac.Sr ry.atra, tb ecagp rc!.atirr orrt! sf omr df,rr$rtd -tf ylOnbg aoA o3rg/ dfdpatcil W vfrour d41E d rr5rapr of th lrcmamt aetr lb atb al,r tdls$d U IDllaA d tb tlnlt" hlr roru.ltr trnrdngi qoil'r$dt tfirfil (f) ftr a mJtilt rqfilo of th. rwt a6u !{$cr 1all;t cf tb roorl.catia nosd b th! lrtcal yidA ardndat of tb rtnnttrtl Urpfrrot to tb! tb qno1;f rbr d i$c ratlo otr tb dlr yloti tll,plaoanat ls{rruct dth a tbcrrn la ncloil (!t) ff 6f,tbct otr vlrqu dqbg |1 !3 ibcug tb. Ie|tffil of tb AtqFtroailt ar rlll ar lo ilocglrera t$r tllstlr ltl*ClrlC of &rsn rlmr dryra8 ib Et qpD.s b rt:?.ttt tb qualrtatlrr laturu of th. illqllamt qp.6t*Et (ttt) tb cupaae of ea;gl frpr* to tb rgrtl 1lllglbroc ttr rc arrl4ltf6u thet tlr totrl rnlrgr lrgnlt to r ytctdilrf rfrruotu6 lr cppsa661ratcLy tDr re!. ar fbr a lfu.q. rtnnofrn dth th. |Nn uinnrL dla$ac ftsngpa |s pclo8l airaffh ef tb oatlh65lj ls63a13r tb pq*{ilo "r t5c of a6rgT dll,erilfntod bt yl'olilsg ltcuf,tr tht ls r[bot bd;; Iftftru{ Dy e ilc6g.ealt ll ttro frnt str dranr dAf,!g. fu} e O|tut amrlerat{m to yld,n rtrugtU rtttol r8 lglr|| t[ t'b perloit of th. d111ghllr nnrltr fn $.ilrtililly D8l QE|Ef tdl3 dltsrilpatcl bY dmur d4tfng; (v) aftcraAn8 tho slCtatln to t':1.I4 duogth retlo raltrtrly ro&rocs th gcctcA ralur 3f pcruot rrte !h. rt$, fcgt tbt ttr Oootra of pj1agct rat rurl,rif 1aln ft ftr t[r fdtilfuf Drrtdo(fv) -![aatbqunbri d 3h*"c (rt6l) rln *tr*ri fr*l,o h a rtaffrttal Ddnt of td;, Sry aGdrFti ter fr$fn to h too orllGr to b. tsrrtcll aaffi.laaffy d Urt & b.rt r*lr* fr to gnca,tr rootcognan rtatt*tcally ad elnly tbt b druetc;, d tlu rcr$re th. Jtatlltlcsl 1wfctfcr of tb. !4nil.. - rU'* la b ftrst rhnt tmlret (t96!) af& St srtbwr ratu 6dt! rr b th o;lrcttn of, fh. So! otr tb fryt Anstlnr th.f tcld i$ tbat th. rgfn c rlll br btcstrl ll tb. strr xlil dllrtrffia, mt reasirlty thr awagc rulna, d that tbm al,rHhtlc dtl trrbrhilJ br wrlr Acnalnt o thr paOOAfftV flultfd. blrnalnd, a|{Ftlrtty tc prihrr tlr stlftchl etbsnrlr. lbo u* br alr DG 1rOffOra a tb fnrltigEUc d tb brslo chcst*trtl'cr of nl.:lnro 4rrtcr lbrDarH, d lrytr (tg6a) hm epamtly c*tdra tbd! Et b rlrO Srel nl|rc ryttal la a ppre dob tb pormt r{trr h.r rt !.d D 6ailt mtG. tru (rt6r) ffd tb ffi or oqrlry (1960, e) u nt (lg0) c thr rctfiln d btLlmar br0:uofc rylh of, prfrero dtlnl Aru$or, oDtaldng tb ctaity rtatc lrocpouf c6r!. tb'hth iltrot mave d trrgnrbro dtatia ftr au:ftrd snrtr d ilrou dlsqrlagr EIocMo {rfognr ftdtoa d tb llntr rttht vlrar daqltag rmalril thr drtso of, uf|rahsdos ruar ilFtrb alr illttor - rlG .Ls lria (tf6f). lo atp LrrrrfiCatdt tbr Fodnt aaq[nrur of thr bfffnrs rultrt tlu lhr d d dtrtl^c utff tha rtraily rtdr otl'tncr rc r*ff, ffy|lg la furtlrul"c e Golftcg, fog6amCf thr -15tdnry tc ccqr. lraa tlgl thrt, e4+ tlc tb ?drl drrtoplaltts oart, tb ffit of c.rq c pecrpqt rct nr banlri, tb na#qF ptdll,o c.ql Arlag tld'r lld d lrnnrfat Dttn f,rqrdts fral trbr dffihr as tibt ryrt- ry!6eadd tlc rtartpgfsril|; c!f. bqpnA JtuLA rar grrrtc thm blf tb rledfc rtilfhmrr b. tlnd that n r;lxD at .?r ;1dn ooorg ful ttt.r t4o of trutlt ntla" tHE sbn tb aa pettca ar Statlll tt Ado (t9&) d brLr (f g6[) ftr {Ufirsu0 tslldct r,Horo lm tDl nt r to |rrrrltilerfr tb rt alt d$r Fqp6r. of t;p dagpr of Frcab H$,nc f.rtltt|r ryrtan to almrrlila.l citrtln udgg t;f, ryldrrt rc[!| cE ;;ryllg lrjrrn]t6f. ir obtallt FI1pO; OglFI rtdf^c b r1gy rt.Ipotr to tb;; of tb ltncc tlp lagrro of ftrin ;1nlt-t gbta|afry tr roloul trna[eo k" .rgh otr tfilr. Dt*t b t|0l tbut thlt nr a cltf€el dtatila absrr ild ttol nr rdourfil r'lnnmol" b glrtb dD t d. F lltrttil8it|Ir n tb rfuD|ulf of tb afutnlr. b antlur rcr&lotrl H.a oa$dr tc t$r cr tln totb ltoricr bDal tb sil. charaot;ltdtor, flob 1r tb lil ar trb oarr trcatrd bt rdc (lggO) tr tdlg tElcss, of ittr t*udrtfi tqrqpdt otr atoh a qntr. tdngr (lf6r) alp proutca th r.og|tltr of o Lm|ff!8tfIr ttto tb. dary rtatc astp6r. of rtadr drgcc .f ltmh ryilI| hevfng rerfour ml|nlrg' hVltGGCfc'trpqct*lJllot Drtblutth od, htra (tgdd EluBomi a Drrtla{.rrr ttDo cf Ld' ilrfbmatlc r.6!.etf661[fr tu efa!.n frb Dobrrts ctr dl8ffft nf|[|a tryeterrftlo ryrta, tsr ftl€U tb cgr1trrrlof vlrqorr i4|aS Dr6. ty oorll;|ng qrllGarrr to bc fdryonrlrt of ftsr$mry ad qlllfiSr. rf.ilAy -!$rtmly !ilrt rlffil-r o'f tb strta at lta retstl lgl||itr tb autbt nF. rbl. to ilrtrr rya16ilil Frfrdil th dfilf 1}dutr'r f.stllt to th!ffiQHlr 1; DsDGr d rdfi tltl.ul tc rc"t[g*r rdwllS tr| n$rgba tv tbaca (il6) rd nas d tertn (tffal r b ffi 1rc1tr)e1j of rhrtgro b rl5a1 Suf56r nllrc .lEf$l 2r0 fogrfrg lr a ld.t nro1z d ttt Glbu$[| drctel tl tb Dsrcallg !.otfu!., 8!q)ra .6sslt b ffit ffil G |lrFcr* I@ (r)sd,.rnln gfidt dtF.f d D.n GFccdb tn'tlg (ft rgrta ' lcrltlia P{lrt o) (a)@ a.!rr lf firdb (l) rcrfro ltrcr. - ls (a) grndt (1960) cdr$E (r#0, e) (Af) lrurlnt DrQlrlfo r lrallafi,, Id*1, d futr (tggtl - rctqilc t rc*arH, lt**l ' !d taa (ftt$ heln (rt6, e! tagbr#, (rSO) Bc'S d tbr0ar (r9e) tyugrlp b.p6r Doblr t - lfp ff. ffi !16 r rl0 tf OGFI !il ' !.drnadf tnln r flo lf, odrr I-3 {tS lrfl IFt 'Jl ' - Itto [' ffis r'3 '19)5 !;* D;4lorolrt'vrccd,tt.'{l#o}-rsn01til|0t-t Ytilrtla d rrerr (116o) ed rfif*rr A!o(196}.dgs.e&[rdt$|; (r) nrurtcr trrtt llrd, (f t6O) - n!-ar6.o tdfglg n rilld;ifadil nbsGr$l rr - rlrth$ic fnSra lurla (rf6O) ' 6 rkracj - ffiO !0' Gltro !{ - 5 rH' * d'tt dlr ttndt (lfgO) r.r&! (rt0) - 2 - rilnpldal Emf r$n - $ l0*!rs - fSo ![ OrtlU I'f rFg (rfei) f 9)! Erl'n l't f,ahd, ilA gErg ($6ar l]65t 196lr) r !al$p ct builff,agr ' dllillaut rtadartilLed rqtlf,nrlrr (r)@ (r) dlgL .lcrP C Ordb (l) rcraarq rcepcnlo ' oflgb3t (rt6t A) rrrn (196t) (fr) ttcl,clt - rrldqlrrlar Ptlrrr Iurbarhr (lg6o) I 't cota sd fEFb (tf6o) - tadoo cd'tetrn a{Sry (lgfo' t) - d'nrntlld' Gdto0la rdo (196) - fitc vtFottn lwqr (1961) - ll0 B oab I'E trd-r (rf6l) &osilqgt rglH tatr3 li6r] -ft(t) rurtlrtcr ttntr r*rdfr tmrr - tru (tfgl) r i rtrl'l (ff) *srrt 1;aru. - 1;do (rf$l - 2 rt*ln dmUar (r) dtatls (c) ortlmr ryrn Cu!!ry (196, G) - rdplafldtr t* o dulr|lrl dttil|n (r! (r) rql*ro ilncr. o snribrilr r*o (tgo) DrreULwth ,@ t'drr6r rytf d &6grr (ff$) r l1lr gg-tl fultt'oil' (t?&2, trs) (!|.) ranart lc$flrr tdlgr (f6t) ryrtO . ro Frqrr nurc fv*ccfr ry*r gmet nt$-r dr dtrtlc tt@ Io|toftbrDu'|F'Glrbctrtbtridnr|vdrg dl ra tbr brhslrc. ta .flltils $r fttlr|f rntb drdDllg rtrblr of urflrlrr wr! (a) rUgr Ntgtx rf, tlndlr tyrtr (r) rclouo llr G' cr ddt ddln sedro (rgt) (u) naart laqlo. redn (lfa) lrnst (tf*) r !!le!. rdlnc b|nclHt uar - ;lqrHod rtbf - nlinl lrtbf all- bun (t#r rt60t + rrFlf rttrt tttln (tf!7) - ndlnln r&f r rtrrtlv rfrl llm (f ts) (t) ntrrtry rutr - trud,Gt rllPilfl h$uilr ttDt'|. d IEb (tl*) e t filrr frftlrd' Qh, ttt, d Hln ltf0l - +r!'traill U racb (tgtS) - nlfinl r crritr rtirlr nn (rS8r tfe) Ecg d ue 51 (lg$) - rlrlill rrbi -{O r sGrJ F+F@!nGW!{trsm#4 Ia tfttf G[O|;l thr rd5 Do;;filf |1lrd5t A[!t1|. 1r dlrf|5d ad a itrnnnlo Dsl;rn$c! 6a Sr rrd.frul;tr to erlttbOlF cafrFla& !.f aF,lt|p m$frlsfiItrt! dTfilfq' ,.t .[rr a gploal Af+fmt Un rmf #d fili Dr cbtaf!.il fr a lgrtctfo ryttr l| @[t|l ||b rtbattn. hr sr rcred. frrhrcr d rA rccrlr d'A an of btct0o 0F of tbr !r tb qll'lH. of annd'r drgrl IH6 rytltrab m tr iffrA u lb riikrramt bcfno Erft a$nfrmt D.rfi 5l fnrltlcr of 3r;lc !t[.d,tt, d l|ll b3 rdtlrrl to ar tb trndd rylttdr, t, e tll #ab ?trcr t ber tc Clrat u*l la t$r oneda lf lndrd, (ri&). DF dltlnmt rroost Ir tb !.ilr tp .f niltdt dr8r d will3 l!h, grartcel of thr ib!'|lt ry n*tlnl',tf treorLat qlLldil. crdtril,a trlll b. lldld ar tb rd5 trtgrfnt qfllhdr of tb 11g1r.o DrSn' &r.e d llrrlr ryrtr |l;dd* ad thl FtF brlrrrcr lt r:tbalLv blib trr f'F lrt dlln tgrt sd|n ryrta - a.fitl, Wa Ut a pctle0r tlil cf {Ed{l finctl-, t'bt d.ll bc e narln fcrglr drlc tF tb tFrn trautfn; aqillHo, daoo thalt ir o l$t b tb dc'Cf ld.$.f tb fhUv y{rUfie rlnglc 'lf + ttl n;ltrn torrnDlr |llurftt qlltuAo !b tbr f5.'tilslal f,|; 1| 6g[t!g tlffil. qdltilflr lH. lr &ftr8 r,2 FqrrFE fo sffin ra EFriltrryr h5rc ,rl, tildr rrill Dr nCn|ri rr r Ultld r.olrlotr thr"&ail|rucf enftrc ffihrr nctalrlag a!al! to @ al'|Bglctlplr'!h!egr$cl'uh|tdbtb.}rurof E rt'taftErr to Ctbtd tHt Et of r|brttor trc lr tESUr fntccrtoal 11 tb farUOar tlohret d tflr nct lbt sr UHt tc hrt a ing|ag .etfct I {fu rtnrhsr' fr1 g;t (r) th| rdn ff.Ethrrt frn fr ldt{rl qtdlfb'|lil nd€c F n' 11gfd eil1d. h - Sr d1tr rt ancllf bt rgodrtrf lfth trb r.s Drts at gm! r|rr to Lt lr riurc.a bcJd b (f) tn dc rf ttn tb effii Jifdn ro&t sa ltt l1trt - t$t dll' Crr ltrr tr fbtlguo 0raj;t (f) ttr afrnfeocrut of it tlrd oqdlSibtr Drl$fa frn tb rO. trft&l rdule'|ga lcd.ilc, rb,oh tr M er tb lcnt !b. aldff6r b crni,Btt tb rdn Darrefc trufct Affd itns bcdcr denlftoot ttql !t dLl glrt r E4;r lldt b n d tbj3 quq}ltn.o d ntr glrr r fld\rl gtill. tonrtr rm d U (a) tfr lr!ilrrr" otba' enoutttilgr 5,lW Feriltt tb !.!ulta of a orfftr d tb rffr psriblr trndnn qll,lU. fra a rsrctd grq) .f tbfft fflffrf lbLr tsrdg ttp,) rtilsfrltt dt d.t h rnnrrofiaf dtatfn. Il a; old,ia n rct;hqntf,c rood'r'afrie rl€sir dfr rrgruatr b D.d. ilr of, th. dtll3 tbr tctrns I I dltcsl b &rdlr &rltl3 n olltuq[l&r, tt Slt br Dr tbf lt i| tD t* ar a r{rlt rluoildar, Dtlo !', flD{ G|.onry d allttflf aqlr, tfthildr thG. bF ba til*at trlt|0t|ltdfr d & ttlf rtetr rn1ail cf dlgu' {rrrt:lctl,o ryatr - rr fr;trr 8 ' tt b dllfltlfrll,t to g d Gfr |1 |f,r lll n ru'$g1|;l rillF C'ng FIS Of rlt tb'trc, lt dto.t rt roa too tilcdtrttc t| lidllo a Ggtbmrb rro{ 1 e rclr of dnr*hl, Flrrr d recd* ttdd tb r&pl|nr lEgEl6trl11 ol1ler{rifr. Iit o M AUt1|. ilfr 611l{ l; fnrnsrf t5r 111|.t tb11 p1[rar tta tb 6lrt of th.I ao te urd t ttttrt fs W;l f|lrilt of, t[ E dn tru.fct Aflh1|. l[; to thc octbgub. lt d|l c!r1 bc6 gp4;3t t&rt lt ou De u..a to otOsln a rsfdr ltbtr otr tb !aEr. d clur d rcbr aL+flclct ?.otrr' 6 tH.r badr tb Gtta bd,llrr bt tb &rfrrtln d tr n3ffi FrrlDl. trdcl quado T.otra ftr dm|irr dtdil crd!ilr r. cf to tb @rb "ctut ,l - 4r'- FIOURE 3.1 - DISPLACEMENT.TIME RECORD gF TYPICAL NOI{LINEAR HYSTERETIC EYSTEM I t "'t -llc g!S'-fp @ r.r@ !h.*,.otdth.|,!!*&|t|F.|#|r.r|rt.B,rec|nrt' r ddcdrr tD rdn t)orltsc rllndcr arrs rdrr {F rt#lrrlrsrnrart|cryrtrltorfrd'thrGlfrc|drtnrl|til!3 rolltrudttar.s|strtmntbrlr*|.rdrrrrt|'lrtatrrtl lt 1&r to tbror remltr; d to |lnrfg$tf tnJ drrrr d rat$rrr of fi|.b anilr l"a .s.I5nt turt '|dlF frn rt nd {Dr af fcrtulr ll| rtrSr llhr d*r.t*{rtb h tb| cr | l.Fn r il'tdn prtttc tlr rr*n r o trc.rn !r rdrtlg fFc rua r tF.rr 1r lt'crr dlrlr -ilf Lt. tHr rtril. elr rt drnlpo &s r rtetr t' uil 'r tt' rret |a tb lbUy tbfry ttrlld ileto l rturtrsr fdtni'lt rt |tfb rd.a tlr bt e p,*rdr dEdaar $Gr dlL bt '{.lnd tlr rc !rrlp1r., rqrlqpgtlrr cf t'lr rol d tl''[!lrf fl1f t13 talm iltrr fF s to ltr bGbt et rlrt' rur srrct*artl!, thre lt lllnrilrrfrn r! rulll l'lt d *l& b.. rt hdn IE rtrafr b{nlrf ryrtr' t6f tb hd' of th rtbi d nalldr unl f! tht' ffi' !b prcnt tffitrsrqa tr asrsl nrdJ, dtb -49- 1.5W ffinc a rllClc ilrgrc of tlocdo rtda havtrg tlb tbilitdl*tts obr$tcn$tuo &ora f11 flgrlr. |1.r rna dth r dltddrl tfrang fbortfo P o3t (tt * /) -tt"s o trhr trjr, tuo P Ei. t rna tb aqlltudc rd filqrnry of tbc ttrotng nutfar t nrlrrr tl "Bd I L. a gerc -4o. lUr rtf.:l br cqr.ilrd,cat to a d^EdArl, ad'catl.l of tb barr of a dl ("t * fl tt P ' - ia ilFo r 1r tb nan of tb qntn d A tDs aqrU,hdr of tb baE aoodertla. Asm {.hat at tlr t : O tbr ryrtro !r tD tbl lblll J'fGfi.A rtatc grA at rt1lt. Udrg 11t1 663{d],Gotle sb1q|rctr'frtd,t| rhil b frgglr br(b) iltb a at thr dartlag Dolnt lt k fodblr to Ib lrsqret lb. b tb qll:lHr Actcdo. trhr a$rrqunt rt!s. of a rtaglr erlllattm. lh! objcct lt thr to oaldletr fu t| ry;ta rmt cr to roet, aflil tb alloi.etdl itlqtlapnt lltn ttt poeltl6 et tS t ' O. By pfottfag fffr df+laout frr dff,llbaG rulrrca 8 l I ta ileure f.e(a); or q f,bd ltt ultnl d.rn lb p*-tlcelc ttl.wr of ? aril r, anil thl^r rlll br ttr redu poslbl'c trerlrtrct rylth{c fLt tho araootatce rlffnldsl d,tllg IIUIo. It lr Etb notlrgr et tbl.s rtagcr that, lf ifir tlr talto to c to rcrt agst! lt atn plottrat aedrit y' u b f1$. ta(t)' tha lt 1r lnrslll,c to da ilrtcdr trb rtrdy rtatt qlolo fil tHr c56nvedr. fh! tbUy yloldtng ryrtar twuOleptil rr rcltrtotci tc tbla rttb lbot-ddtccttar oharaotoryl,rtlor aadr ql cf rtral'g!3 llnr. lbr radt nglar tb ill,f,lorctlol, rstntla nr rdril aDafttloqltJr, d tht rlntt6! q{'ttG bto oqnte Drlgl.ear. .f5*dd filrnrr tb rtlc rd rrrlnrtral fu til ryrtr or tc rril sd tfrc uldrtri llqll*to PlloeF*f rIf Gl,tto b t0Elf td rftrl t u llr{la frntG. fu nlrrlr c,f cr.h rurtr rrnr*rgirr dI* rr Dr 'rruif' re)sttdlJr. l* rF strFTF DF qArilF twrtft !!r'r |tfrltu3 drflr dr!!.. d frdl (tl trr dnlc rlrrtonurtb r9r0-l (z) Sdr tlir trrrrUf*|lt tf @rYrtrl (f) U 6ryhrlr Oertoffutle ryrtrr l*A'r nfrr ht 1!7r nf; Drdc lrrtcrr .f tb dfilt 'lrr|;fr;fif ryrtr that rrr !,il;*ffrtd+ I E lrl,ag rilGDrn l1 r flrl,i tus rf ft|lllr artr rb t '+ r tbr -rlF4 dr.tls ffrrfrmt t: ceulll,Hll fodtln lrtbarrnrmtdry|trtrtb.|dt|d,rqdl.lErn llrdtloa a ultt|l dttln s! thdbfr t' !r r r b d I I O *r lrtbltratYdtbqiltr' '17 - !b ||,ll!utlrl rrpritg3 gnr,nrlr5 tb rtln rfi11qp;t to t r O oent *atilr el (t) rf t > o 1.+ rtrlg Drth & fl'Por(rt*il-5 (r) rl 4o (r)-1 fl+Er!,crt*r/l (u) r € rl 1'j. rlilStrlbD lfr?s(*t*il.t rr fr rft |rtclrt lrt lD th. rtrr rlttl lt rrrdrl O rc D lt nr E3 Dilrrr!/ b adar rtb forOfffftlrl b tbrl rq5ceatcA by tbnr GprrtLr. rf tbrr cmatLcr rr obtelgfl lr nrlbinrr ftrr. tb n'.eurnad rrrtShr urd rrr tb t 16lrti1al toruuf |t.rlilrmtl * 't r to rarcl tb. c?[td. f tb tudrs tEtln lrl$lp to th. t{rli freu. otr fi A6h. b r rytt- .dtrA bY r dmnlfaf brr rrlr*fn .f a;fh{. t lt cen b. fic ttrt "_"* t . * r tbl ultlrrt bn &.! F*lllcllltr F ' IP b rrrtrt tb tbrery .f tb ilS'rf hillr rddl'rr to tb lrEd, .l.rt|e firW d fr rydfil I r ,tA rfEr b rlslrl*td$rrlr (rll>e r|+$ L*/ -rt rltro rr (rr'f) -qS] (a)?<t (r)-1 (t) rz+r r t #"f, B rlof rrr*- rtl *.$ + In (*t * /'!' of, (t) F.1 dr (t . ll -rc/ dt*] + o 't t* t t, (rr) r < -t drtacf (rtr * Jl +S] .t r - | + i.L-/-t t ftcf Y. rt til frrilffr tgS fi r' - t f, trr Jr;g'dl tu tb tilr .f D rltndttc tr tb rfertll b tb Dfrdfa rOrfi.. A t@f p1IFD nr 1'lttra to r.il1f fil ttr !ll1[tlr t$rl, !t I < Or lt tb frrftilr ilrl tb ryr0- rd n to lrtt tr orn fdt1'l r1u ef a, F d,l, ttr n&. rf rc$lg rrr to rvrfndr tb *fryldr grdtlrr l.t, a, tctb fiir rrr*tr fr rnnrlar nrnr .f t. *, a-E + 6 O.1 F, Ct i] Fu l, * rrr Irlnrrrl !r ln$r ;. - ,-1!s r, 2t re -t il nr |.lnrenll Ey llcntl dO.l. E tb rsldt' . q -f9ilinrdl Dt tFl Fsd![t f . O rrr rct5llrhd, t;5 f5utr off ttrr. $n, n tfid tb flall rowlr ru *trtnr{ tth c a.otrary af * d g .oGlp lf ts < 1r nl g 'Fof !t Fv lt !b |trrrrmt fr I ' o rt trb ot cf tb flll|t r;l{ du lflld er ! rrr lr &cntr d br aA the o.l tlr o t r !"' " lbt tclllml tr fU nrdffrf rrlun d: o( J F' !b rrrnr v8r cf lll -, .**rr by r,.d[3 thtirfi flr rrf r eaurUffo fbgtl[ of tlE ter fpdn .f tb dfr' nlg nr 5tlrl I /u tb ifud$ttt fblt;l lrslllrrf rf, thf rttrstcf to rltbtrd th rdn frrllIl tGndd qlllH.. toc.f =lt 'l I *r. I f,FrFt{*S+la{ F rPr . O, a lldtilng malltJs dlf b. obtrl:rd' &t rdll cmcryod tr r urtst fuo. Pr Cl e nrtrlt Lur rcrlcrtlce[8rtbryItr.If'>trhntb|rtrdllc$nb lhr r fistr rf;1[ll yldlA ril s tb rcmrp rfll b ldlrltrr rlff onlt bc rbtelrrd 1br t t t. fh 13 !b. rdstlr- cf, tb rlfflfrcctfrf oqrtiln (r)-1 d)ll '(l? t (u) I . -t t.(so(+i)S Pt t '|nl|l o( f* Pq .I -F34 r [+o(ftnlect&8rr|llrdiild+Gt I tr I [*a *n P tatilll fr dffrratil f $t !ftilG crr bc |otna Errtt .ant tc tlri tbr rfrn rrtxFlo. It tt fixd to b. Crn tt tr p. r+** |'|.e rF vrouqlil 4rfi qf$lErrtu Flitrt tr lEr ryrtr r rinor drl|tc? tl ftlrl'l lr nsdl'd' itl tb {.| |l tir d.rrtar,rartl. trrls - lF t&ilu'r Ll' tb nd.rffi rr tr bt nr.a fU fi .|rpf. dertqltrrtfr crh rttb til 'fl|'Uil dr t r llffllclsl rf tlrmr dAlnf rvtrtm{At!grSL. tr -o C ^lb fb ofir{$r6 dtrfileattrl rqnrt3'an (r) rtl-> 0 'f ' +d rls(tt*l)*Ut I, l,zi rf " arrr I (r) <o 'a a, +c& +brPcr(rt+lJ (u) ! <'t * +o& rPor(rt+t)"4 tr tb fdud, odltln t r O1 r'lp l. Um ilttfcdrf. ogstlr crt On b HlEtNcl ||i -71 (r) rt : t -tt (0r - *Xl - r €tt) . nodue dr (rr *fl' Bqil (z) ar - ('t * il] - 'B l *f *oe *.tt'] tft* r fo,,rlre,t t (r) (u) r t.-,r St ^Frre(rt+l) + lt'pzlor(rt.n] (.1 -%- (g* ce rfi P4 r plf,F or ! % 5}3 oe- *Xt -.€1 [l lr (rt, + fl + (l r nzl alf 5f ffi t r Faafaanl -Fclil o3 I R'ee[*/ ffi*, c73 + o (rt' . ril t* %fu [a F ill'(t r r -t[ea llu ] e,. + + *, drt] -fal c'r] ojZc o* ef,.t, b ilrrr rnfrrrtrt b dtlf. Ar*cfa*tl rt$r' e dd,l^cl lu;l to tbrr tr tb ft. nr-rLz3-r-0f rr hlEr lb fr. Itdtla3 a; 6 p . o 11r rsdr tfil;.G srd}r ift b; rolr tF I < \rt- ldlr I < 0' lb rtrtll af tb dfllSrtfaf' rgetlnr ildirt (r) '+ (rv"(X ff,;f a" pat r t (u) r < -t t r * r .* ( t-ld$ Xf +ilpat).# -.'Qtr ) .f' t,o<, (r s o( ) bf atc *t rfo.s tr t ry clfdr rffArO ;arlt tr slmrr th. Q.rrtt|f .f fi redno lrcltor" sd h4oo tb roU+ an rdtat lr e ddlatr lauast' to th gafal ittoblar l"l.'t. +. frD ftarr El||S't4t3+ F'qlnf ret tul,lt J,n l||at ryrtrl @[t r tfrd.tlJr ildtrl;;eo tb drrtle d ffrlrtfu ilC[ r & fuc Crf,;til ffr*ur 15 Srphr1r Arrn*fprUr ryltar .rtaldat ta d'r104lartil' dmtr ia frraffrf at 1[n i! flsf 59(r)' tr ttl tlnf.rt gnt' &radsfrt|r. It u tbrdSr ud u U t hsrr tll,r ffitt* la frrtn .lltb 1fifbst .C tb t'sdtb of e !$,\Y filrlllry tt$r" r|1f !6 &t6!]r rtdr n t'b t;qpn;; $sHdr$e' th.r ao.f nt tf,Ecar to blrt bca rlh r{ttr i* tf,' til' ila|| rfrfitfa|t{| ryrt-, il lt la fc'obrD& n|tmffr b |lranr a {'!r rf ltr d.unct**rtlnf (t) rnrurr tecl*t npf 4.{t) 1tu tL ldtlsL tcrafrg c;,rll fa, e tr phar drrtffarrur |t|rrbf. Il'F A to t fr $rtc rltl t3t tn a' rfrrEr lnc tttD I rtlllllrru Ir\+t, tlht \ d Ie il| tb eilttfrrnr of, ttl tf, |!a'|[s |lrrl& lqpo!. tr !t Doililt 8 rttl trb ooilrt*d to fi fodrt et fitdla dnt.r rurh tb ftret rrrrtq.rra,*Ir |tnt Dtt|!. tt rid'|. D rtlSfilr of tb ryrtt |l }sr r ilu tbr.rfur Dr t2. lt 6 rtr drr' Orrtffr3tfl efnf yl,rlib d ryrtr hl ra;brf |tt dttfiff r.drtln3 So. t rHA rlll D. dru tY ru 'ttr +lo lh. fts$ rt diA J'l.n brtlr !6r crrrnnUru te pf$ tt d'll tr ctra Df b.,t.?t 1 (a) Sarro blurtl8 lrailnl FG tb, arut tf.U.r Podtntr rgF r to tlsscr h!F), tf tb. ryrter fr rnlrr&a rf D' 'tb d blld t! tb. ffircdt dfrotfm, lt dll tbll"t tb fattr ilq Ilr!r!'s!Bth.r'*rrilrlbrbrrd.rrtrli|,r''ttbrsJtllrltll[rdnEt[rr'.tadrrd!'it'gtl.lfldr6thdlll|hrrr ryrtm riltt t rlrt*llg IFF of - hl d |l lGdn tr tb ilft vfrtArf hlrl!3 rordcC t' ft tts'c tn $ da tfir ryr0c Ddr b trda edrg {gdl3 bdlr8 fri cnr c dtbrtl ltrlft yfndfrg ltrt to tb nt? rlll Fn r lE -til (t + z{) bc tb tdttul rorill3 dl|| d*lr lt lr td ttrt oc|E,ll8 glilo ttfib Dtr tb qtSrt bdl3 !'i3 '* r ('.?' qfo tb |5ftftfl fj1flng gulGr fAO d E *r |lo*l{rUg ddils. lrfor tbo qtd'fe dcrffrl s]ll I! tb. p!lr.8t lllGdt8ptlgl tht tilFhrs. or*arr*u rysr f,|r urrl b rttdt tb ofi?ce]tr of r trurittn !|ds brlrna tsr drtln d Dfsrtno rusllr; rt ftr a filw l$[tl|Dtlc cf tb t*rl.|r, Ar r rllilt thr r*adlil urrl rr tbor iltl of, ddh ryrtat nli rril,rt tb tm.?brr Frta b a drt+*trg rllllt rlrtr plrrtle 4/rtr, nt nrtabtr cfld|r8 tb dlctr ctr tfi tErDhr|. r'rtc lt*lt. lte ctrrpllng oadarrcftit ryrtI rlsr &n to br tl'il rltb r ?r|!s rillrn||r I ui e rtrlt rtrurtr t d tr lbG lr -fi|l flglllr Lt(D), 'lb ttrfilcr 18 tb lrndrna regtil ree l:lbrl rrlrtlt'C to itrat ln u |lstto llcG ty tf l,n *U. .f. !b r[* of, tb tr'a11ftla l.16r nr iH,lri tg' r dbadnrrrl grdrf t vtd.d !'r Cr: tY thl ibtbi l.ll8a. ",qP tbt v r O rlltr src*d tc r Fd.ffn DG'ltlt X t 1;fff clr*on tc n mrrrt rfrrilo rdc, aftln$ tr fa.t lt dll r.qr ln r O lrt hoo tb ryrrtr orlt*dr to a dt{tr rrrt*rerilo ryrtr of rtlftrl 12 d rilltih b Ia talr of tb fuUlctlil ctr tb .tlntr qtrtc t csn bt qrsra bY-tb td'.tts L. t e,f - (.r .q) '. t. tb yf.rfd ihf1cctta of, th. tl+bar. - L dlf br dbGLnca aa belqg o$nl' t + tb srr rmla8 es prcvl,mal"y dtlr gts9ogt to tlt oclafgrffr3 riaplc dartqpL$tlo ryCl, eril tr tU tF Phr.. rU'ttl sll*cfr b thr alstio rrrturn to cqrlllHrn ftrcn tb !\l\t tftfarA 'tet. arrdlg eastial yl.ld iScr mt tsL lild. Ehts ltnc tnrFtti! 6f DSat qr;l;t ;1$11.c t flo) ildbra tb as mif furc-Adlodn omtroltlag tlr ntla dbdnS 6j lrfng fril tb fUUy vlcilfa a!fi.tie. Dccqllo of ttrr g63tE1o lld:laEtty Dctrrl tb quff' baiUng llgc anA tb &tttal lo"ilrtg llgc tbt lbu at tffi'd tg.tful' '*J6ddtsg oocgrf - (,f - 2r) rlll Cru uy thlr rlrara dlt L. rtrcc D. - (l - 2t) tr ooarr at a r.t a ildtrottr cf, ibnoodc of - ({ * rrfi3y= tt '? illff|latfd cqra$ar utrreffiag trhr rtilO a[3 b n mo8Hsg fUc of P or (.t * /) *o th tt rttta ert l[re r* (r) r! ftr tb. d*lc darbilartfs c;pb (e) rrt < o rar! (r)r-(l-et)t< !.t f, +EsPoorftt*/) (ul r- (r + rr5fl 1 Il + tf .P oe (rt tO * (r -rzxf - elr) t (ur)rrrclln* r"+, t ii rPor(rt+il*t\ tEl th. tdtilel, oddltffir t r 01 t . t, I - 01 tb sluttc of thc aget|6r Elrr tbo ttU3wf1g ronraatol fu t}1l; U*frnm at qr paltlf, tfi. (r) r rfl tt frr d+fl dortofttgattc sarr (al r (r) ru - (t * tt+ Jh*.:r < t 8u an fU a*fc rfsst4fsttlo 6trta tlf - f< r't (u)u-(t+t"I#fl r,<r <-(l'aY) + G) Ft r ('rG! n = r{l *"u*tott -51 aF rs*[* tt- p' or fttg - (t)P' r - r-i[* o( Y'- 13' -* "'' ' r] drf,tiz-H-#-.r]' or (*a +/)+('l '"t] - z,ir*ffi .r?EE dr ile ,r s rtt + (ur) tEr< - (t . ,"# ) t *,.(f*ar$).+.t, + -!rE *. I -t, tallr €or (n5 * fl +g] f # t, rrarrcr tlr fir lutau! fu ! r e (l - zf ) t q E i at t, r O l.t d tltlt trenrltlo Dollt tO rcanro ttn rru brtut *-: r - (r + rtf +#1 tran$|5 Do&t ?a . * at t5 r 0 Lfo at mod tb nrtrltr lltifu$ci dfrlt rfertonfortf rYrtr. lhr gnollal an &pt t ls e rlntils ranC to tbr| ttf tl O rar Et E iarr0. tr,.S !h.Cl'|nod.5rc.offrr0lry|t|6Dd'ilnt.ruthrt|dr -!8!D of tno dlDlr denofferilo ryrts tl *.atr t| rEG f! f'|pf t"6 (o). 1.5.1. StclEll$Ilr idElt urrrnrlg tb. fr ib8F.t otr &ldb ryilr lt 1! n illrol? to edrdn tht sdGrut rartsl'r. tf U ryrtr |r d't'a lgr a rnarcliuf Dato tdlnrtfLn, A ds (tt + l), tm tb regpo|r sf U rtnrcEc tllt D. g|u tUr tr . f, (lj, \, a, tta, b' tr t, V ll It! . la (tl, kt, 1, tn, rha! te - ddrgkilat of urr ra, t, L, t, fl to tb glnd Affd'arr:t et trbt d of tb lltrt rrfry IAn . dLqfl,eoHt sd) la't 1 rr8rmr to tb {d'rfrl !il. rl et t'hr d rf tb. fiilt rlIS' lr ( ), fe ( ) "r. tm, al Yd 't'-t., iastl-.' ttf r tte an t&r ylcll fbr:c €f, thr rl^ctdr*fo dltu cC u dtn |'a flsgl l"7l tt, h sl tb 4rfry sfitlflrrrrl er riln ln tlfrc T16l qf , t sr tb Dlfil ar aFa b ilea' fo6l rqrCl,r{n Ar ! rn tb affgb uA &rqnry oC tfrr lnd dn I Lc c phr sglr. tht tht sr lro ACrdat vsfrlt; d 116 fUaaf;} lsttril,11, tt1pr oo br nf,,mrtodllt ar d- tdll rG fr rr tlr pabr tb dC' of frlDrid wLrtl.| to dt I -91)- lbr i516d.d,su lct'&tes ur.d $r e antlu' r! rt iol'llllt ,u* t-'+r '+ (ule t-.b .B (ur) t1 . ? 1r) r (v) tr .? ' e nt 02'* t' (*) t3 'f , rhr v, (dr) o( r (vur) i 11 I . t*[' rrtdns b6Hri tH.r dsCpo d dllnrtcLsrr rrrfSil.rr cr b.rt bo qta|nril }' rrfcmm to th. nsr.crr f'rrl'lrr firr ldfffg rltb clrrtq$rtto ofinr fl,fnatrrtcil !s llggr t'6(b). tb ndlr prrAnifr clrdfc &.8 Aillrdffl ln arl fn, rgrecct trb od trrt, .d th#ltt{ ad F dlt glr !a trrltstil of b lha 72 efrftty reed$rcte tD th. calrlr of tb fltrt d rmif *clil r.atncttmlt -6- A t },E (1 +xl rr od bo r,.riuy rtm t "., ei rlll A.flar tb t|.sLt AfrFllattrr > dll ildlDo tb rtlllbs illritrllrrtln q ilf b. fr utrtlDtr Da't dtc o2drtbOtburulut.*t|'ocrflddrbtb.lua|t*' i|rtrllrrtla ef, it d*rrEr q ahfln tho ttll!-tal tlrergl of rlE|atls d trln ettuEr tc fi rs rafetc trb ficqgry d tb G€iilrg 8ll c! rtln tWntaf ftcqniltY oE tb rt*uoEr r ttll$rlr o( titEotoe tb qilttuito of tb. tFud acr'crtlJa to tbt ulttrrt' bilc lbras Qcillf:lsld. l'.1.2@ tb llfScrnttrl. rqrttag atuorllrg tb ttkatl- oil} tn ilcfirF of lrrdr d.rlt*rortio ryrtar rdttal D5r r ediar elc ot'llrpt Ddtt' SfornA Dtlm &aln| or tillng tb t€sr. tr d8Dl d4ra o tb osrclll o'f tb wbdtg' tb follrllf, srGtfo bar b'Go urAl !'l r l+tr trrnorrtrr :-- tf t lt ry$ilvr I 3 -(1) ? . ^+ I t--11| 2 -+ "-(1) iZ lr Prrlttr i trargnttrr T -6fdg.r t D8lril thr elCil.m0 d rrr 1 nlatl; to tb lal et ot tbl t Daaslr tb ol.eilamt orf nr rt rdetilw to rrl rlt at ry tin. 1 oA I orr rarcrA fin th. tdtLL qrtl:lHr Dfln$il '-t,c m lod. lhgr dll b. lbrr &llllrd rtctce of tb Qlrta, lhn @ fn flgut l.?, aail lbr md ttstc thrrr dItr b. tr dlcltmur illf:lbrotil.el cqurttca to bt (t) rc ltl < Lr t rofd" IRI fiIlt ol.artils L"*. re lr fttlrl * \1 - t"\z -11 era (* + /! + dJz t 3r7,r t - 1r ar (rr + f) 1.c, thr tt lii. (a) m ltl 'tf L7(a) I ttl < b l.c. trhc !ffi. rtclr Sfartfo dth qlltr rt*y O.*lo ar !l flgar f"ilt) i{-t* r -rf Arla(rt.n* tfil fi++L *LCb.-1^dr(*rll (r) rcr 1.c. ttt f6rr ltctT c[artlo rtth rEDc rt*t Dlrttb .\rr --r1 r&(tt"O 3, \t', 2 .-tads(*.O +*t, t ,& lfl rrrr fa ar b ff8sr f'ilo) o5e(r) lu ttl lr flgrf +.2(a) \Lr g bIra tbu.t Df8rtfo gtatc ar 1.c. tb 1t =-1 a lrs (!t + t) i fi+{tr'-Aatu(rt*fl ? {F 4.9.1 dtf tl* "laglt EO*y aefyrfr tb Stpot t' tb tarr*ffl*ll fi redDD podllr qtttuilr of uy sl4fc dl' qf, dtb} ra^r ta 'lld lltoca of t&c tm ilagror of {!cr'tl 'tsuffi nDJ'ot te I rilretiCl' Ar adtrtlo. Intbgaroftbcarlgt,cd|rgrccoffiribry|tr,t.tras mc{dclA tbat tlr nrlsn swla8 Eufn Do dbtalmA |n a crtnB tr$? ttqu$t to tb $nte odlg to rcrt ls tb thut ylru.a €!a!!,ttG l.c. t,a trb aadro atecit otrllr ltetG' lbt sil aasrytLa rae 6ril fgr tlD ire rtclr oetol Is tlll fra tb oa66 hcrtc, tb6 ElIl bc tnO poraiblr egf!!|l'glnttfir nadrn sffi eorcrgJr etetc aa ghorn fs ff8ltr' &'8t ad t]'ll ilff rtd'd bc ref*rnrr tc er the flrot ed rooa rdr ahlllnt frr rff Grltg/r It |'tll br ollcGd th8t tby trer n raEbl'd! to tb f,lret aa| ncoa noa. sb4.s of ea ttli*t3 dnE'afibg rylt-r c!!}c+dng as a t anl,t tbFG l9,lll b. fio lnudll.o lttltrlg dltlnr lhc lol,rrtt6r of, tzb dfffar*tfsl rqq*til66r Dar to ttr trc d.8' t}ardbrc bca obtatld tr tb fofi'orllg ftl$'al oittlalt gllotDA -61 - t'of t.ol h'01 1"lt t't rht lI.,\ !b datlclf tbt tDoil tQn$lne to ailt t'b!' fdtil'rl cdttfill rlbillor' (r) r1l (")rt*t6tt2 lbt',.'.Jtlslqnn4rofdrl$t|'rot'of,leruo rb ff. # 3.= il {*[.'. ++)'. ') d!(tttl) E Alt er.'t +Dtt ryrrt+C'tl rlTtf "Dtt Grat+[rt *'1H t,r - g,z)trn., dr trt + l* * r,t) - f"z)to* dn ;rt * Drt or r2t) + lt - p2 tnt) trr dr (rt + tl + ('t + ffi \r . - (t trl ' olr' * h *a(r+.r] * Ft,* os /) -h -!* a,.l or{ 9f1r -p21 + :tl Ft u) -4Drr' - f fl - y,z(r - t) !,rr rt$ t llr ' v2n2- l- - x G arz (t) ff rrtt . \a * eLr rnt * DIZ or rrt * , Ll.rt r'3). oor frt X\z L ,t - - + (t + (t - Yr\F fr3)tot e , 1' ,h. SGc Ltz Bta a|l rrt * Dtz or rtt (tt * O t4,2 OIA ar.a & rrt + Dn, or ;rt) \a rt cr (tt * f) - 2t3" ! r" lre) e (* 2) ._(fi Gra + Fltzenfl t tt -D Dle rrt * llt or rrr) + |)l r6!- orz I y2( re 'fr Dtz "lrp'orrlr' - #) I 1}re-r) rrl }' btz I (a) rl it'll Y.2p'- ( + -),) i !r=Ptf aYr'F -(l + 1.r[ ltl = tr ; lql <U r c( W.o(ta*rl -# Yrr* *0Artr+DO (ttJl c{te-&a drJtr+!o lro a;r r|lr)ta*lar ca$tu*lol tur \) 3 Lx a Dat ( +nt4 "h Lfl *- .,)r T O66- o2l' *t'k !irrffi tn rL ffi #.'*l o( rt 3f $ +nl +# Daf (* -ra) -sf^ t, rarrrae tb src Gtrt lstc 8l rtr'f tln Iaa'r" at tln tt s 0 Yte-irattlrtrrO lz.. t .t ttr t, r 0 b) ltl<ra' I ltl >L (")r'*F * 'tr ""|+tr.Brr *"F r, t^t da (rtr 2 + ^* t.*io; + fl .o'r*'d _61 tu!f "*orr' rt L=|4' Ar trrotr-ffi - ffi1 yrV'*1 1 ?^* ot rl1sl ++fr Tr,fu*f frk t Drr.3*+*-ffi or', (r)".fr drrrrrrr.or s, ?, -^ri * ^* + t r* ffirtru(t*n { - n, rra rt, -!ra or rte - ffir[+ cn 3,.* f x=-. d ,-l r- t l,L = 5z'7 L'1rn, ,ffi ) Dra'* I xff .g I (tl' fi ".,o (tl' n] , %a*l ."oJ rrF| , '68 - frt# ++fr 'ffiJ bze 3, *+* 'ffi, anE anat fut t, maauor tln fior 6tr1r leto lrhi's cdftlm 1t'11"ttlnttrO Ttrot"tttrotrr'0 lero t .t tlrl t, . O (t) ltl >t3r I l"al >!a tr 83ffi o( do("fL t e*t *n,ffilt^* i 1 '|,. t{ "* {#t li )* '}' 1l (1 'tr rffi . o*n ] r,rhft-rrffi] '*.(l,,-tn) -09- trr tt rffi tf '.t'a h 'h+ t %rr t fnrlro 'Err tb fFc ilfilt llb tfifr ood'tt|n .t ".tbf rO ?rf.t&ttlrttrO Y,rf l"5.r@ thl +11td3 d tb tllst dlg of Gi& ltat a'c tb rdn tbr .tarlal {[cEl Do.ftnd rlllr crafuntri b e dnfr rrtlc ta tDrl tb dacr !t*t qntr, tfia d ciltnEr d o ttlt brdr tb tdniel udftrnr of tt nct. ffil8 b tb Lstd qd'tr d tb oqnta, tb d,a1[attnr bei to tr n*rfU1nt b rtelrl, a tltd' str ttrr Flgrurr rx6 lglgt borrs rcqsroa to ocr let ctlapd... t! tU! d[tc thr ryprced to b ln$lr' d S rntldr of Dtgtfr har Doo i$rrnrrcde Ib ldlrlfrrf qntr d''f il! d mrrnca il. trb 8rn tb |t!]lo nrl|lilrr ibf,ld trb mlnollfa3 rqnetldr Gtttc lb'coh rir : -70lr.l c vou t I 9 oo 3 o o I I YA .I if jz o g6 |'lJ 9urU ooc ?tg 1, g 'it, =lL 3 ,, oO 3j rtL JE = SO FX lrl = E at trG 3|I. go cu .ul o bE .g ao Yoa Zl! 9o F tr Eur lo 6 I 0o z lrj F. u .E xF I u lrl o D|l. EO J UJ EO .e, U +z eeF .tl! g u EZ 1a .e '=e r= o(E J ?o .=F lu, ii 3 o 'El .1, .ur o o i, z. to .El )t cF Al Eg o Yul E, D Ib..'' i E, F I cl I t! E 3 IIL l .J ti.l ',, -il - fgodwtoll (ol *xE I i<o *rO --- (bt FIoURE .4.3 - THE EIMPLE ELASTOPTASTIC SYSTEM ?cco(rto ll /' ot FI6URE 1.1 - rTHE VISCOUSLY DAIvIPED ELASTOPLAETIC sYSTEM t ;.-'-a' -ll- "l Fcor(wto I I (b) a E -(l - ctt Fu -Fg ico ito --- (cl FIGURE 4.5 -. THE TWO.PHASE ELASIOPLASTIC SYSTEM I -7' I I i I i I I Arln(wt o f I I I I I (ol thc two dcArcc ol hccdom ' clostoploctic modcl wdgfrt Wr' htffrtoql rtlttncr llt.mtory rtrfigch . mzg re Cart . fte q $fi.uhl t Fvl rt 'qe ?lgld tbom fl.xlllo coltrnnr (bt onologoul rtructurql modcl FIGURE 4.6 . TWO DEGREE OF FREEDOM SYSTEM -74Ite xer;lxdexea Jt-+h-M l-' L FTGURE > xer; Itzle r.ea Irrl e xer (bt I *, Z ',, I It rrT lrrl) ilxd >x.. xer; l*al>xer (d) 1.7 . DIFFERENT :TATES THE TWO STORY SYST EM OF t l3t 2nd modc. modc FrcunE 4.s - MAXIMUM STORED ENER6Y MODES STORY SYSTEM FOR THE TWO -T!TEfrTnJ g-JEtln qt3' thc rcaufte of thr auallril itm]lDra |s Ett| Iarcnrraotca'!n'iurarrr|oadrsarltrt|cotrt[rrnl*r tD tH.r vtlt Dc tbrd la Qugltc 6r j,7 4srqtrFwnBprFtFt th.d*rcahrtqil.a$loryrtrmrtalaar{scbed'cl'rfiG sith|rcru8troftborlvrrrortbrlrccnlraq.ddr|lt4fuetlo qTrtrsilthobDbelorrg'tslnrc|rrlrtllilofi.ltlt. 5.,1.t. nasrorc@ lh.rrln!poaeflb|,riraudm}qlltrdrurdrtcdada|e td thl dr {\noffia d tbr ur+tnrn rlaeilo ddfcctlnt tb pr&i, tfgul|t hf fI taf of, th @ttllg forc. baultr rl! frorltri l'! o( I rb r rotp of oc f ea a frractril of F tv drafffir tlu s to 2r anA e ruec d o( fir O te f' b rdw of I P ar acrceodns to iilr. rrdlr !.?cila! Ll rmtra |l Grstrl 9t8 r finstla 6 F F iltftlUot o( ' q?tct V,1.2 t'h $foclrl.r Dsril rn'qibF[t414 tllns.r t.2 to !.! prmt P ta rtu rn mgpr of d' d rrlnm cf rfml a^r la tlhr rlril'o .lartd)bstlo rUrtrt lb fS eg6'. ntlcr t, of o.oir o.ogr or1o d or20. ID fl'gs6 516 tblo or r4lottca tn tb fer of, fr: t' a firotila I /3 t +16 - o( sif n I rtr. p^t*ut b tb rrllD I P Fetlrfilgt ilaqnil ryrta a'', /u. tf tD! srrrgdla ulnr or tb rbl| rlaltqlf.artfc ryrtao !|911; t.9 rbilr tt d!$t of rl;3rs lelrf r b ;1lnr oE f, fV *foh tb ral6 tb. ragt$ rftEs O to 0'F. 'H& !.!04!36 ;16. *tttgf tb valm of t rstttr b btdr fil1;rlf r| r tl tl|'lti frr t.l.t U mfharqf+rtflFrarc Pflilrt lb tllJutt8attm oc' tbr8 ryrta rE| trd.t l te r ryltr dlh t = .61!6. ffir *lrrpc6r to cr fU 16Or lf tb fod tdtrtlc flFr! 1r Dtett f r ttat tb lllr s;r*nr|rl b fr fifft drdilr rtrto le af f, tm tio rlfl |n tb trrectra rglmr rh tb tft' fr parg.of$ pbdto ad F*fd11" tlrrl[o, [ ?4t' U ngll! ncrc$[. trurlst 4,$tui. tra d.t6|a.A fir rrlru of t otr olt, 0n2, o5! rd O*r !h' ltailtr I| rrredd |r '|8s! '.? tn tcr! of + fiir Pt b r,5 rrfr ot / fU tb ffi Db;1 .ft 1B ad ryrila, /. , ar br{boc' lr tht ccrrrDnul3 vafu I /u tb d4llc drdfilartla ryrtar ttgrr t lo .bil. tb cf,frot d tb Fsrr$m l€c o tb a;l$. dt fa' *Lh tb rdn pr615lr trruld AUh;; 11 obtalml. 1.2 qlpm6tlrDqsEill olrlr to tb ur[taar tiar aratbbibr tb. uat.i rrr oqn$6r ad tilrr sd,C of rarlebLol !ill1f, cE tb lt rrrr rt prr$fr .TI - brDrr.trg$.ftrr'|.ofnrrrborrtelerurr'ftrcr|d fD ctd cf, ftr rrslrDil'cr tlstrd r brtlo ryrtan rrr tala d hri o tlr lrrDGlt' hg.l b {Elcdr tb 'ilfio! tftv o( r loor /l t dth tN rar od'dlrca qttt' !t tado > r 110 all' r"/-a 110' l1O1 VrluraofP,dPercrlrrelndr|t5r*u'.1813so.s, tht rdrr 6 /u t|t tb lilr tr ffi |}.Or d ft 2rO, t.o, o.5or trb E?G rtdiTt rtlct il, fatr tb of f f r.or /u, I (*)-, f,- (a) c u a tbotln rf fa rutr. ,.1't .W Pt d /ueC'tt€{ Eci)w,4 r .} It tr fillf tr8 nlrnl o( of 0.!r tro, 8A 2oo| to lo0. a fultilr of fZ ngsr ,.12 'W f' d' Pe plo$ra er tsc?l'lg o( t *1 ' furwfnrlof tr r l.or ot?Etf,,.@5 roi'ortt .d ). lqlrf to lr0' a ltDd'n I fZ tffqr !r'lr! 'ffi P' af, Tttt nf'cttld il I 0.!r lr0t sl 2'o lc@lnf 4 t h uil ff tdlu d ^ f aqpal ig lsO. rr r Gmtln at /3 ffsf l,41\ tfri ,Pt d /uePbr't'A o( A'd 'f ' f6'r4um IA'Q")t{fo6a&otht.Dtr3 cqnaf b lr0. \ I I 'l -78- t o 9 o. t! o ld lrl no T E, lrj o lrl J o z 96 l.t-oft .F G. t-n U Ho vtF o ur1 eilg \.= ^; -o o. E fro =o vt au,Eut -1 tr\ l T I a d lrJ Er D I l! : .t .b,i, -79 l2 to c 6 1 ? o o 1-7', B FIGURE 5. A . MAXIMUM TRANSIE.NT AM;'LITUDE SPECTRA V ISCO US - 2.1. DAMPING 12 to t o 1 2 o F Frouae 5.3 MAXIMUM TRANSIE NT AMPLITUDE l' .) VISCOUS DAMPING SPECTRA - 5'lo -80l2 \ o \ \ \.r \ a \ aa.. \ \..o (''o \ \ t \ \ \ O n r.lO I r rO \ 1 2 o .24 .50 ,76 1.6 1.O 1.74 1.60 p FI6URE 3.4. MAXIMUM TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE VISCO U S SPECTRA - lO'/r DAMPING c o I 2 0 FTGURE o .2! c.3 - MAXIMUM -to .70 r.o *2a AMPLITUDE SPECTRA TRANSIENT \ VISCOUS DAMPING 1'7|' t'60 - 2O'/o 2'O I l:" ol o F.I6URE , I t'lo 't3 3.G - EFFECT 1.7C t€ tt OF VISCOUS DAMPIN6 TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE ON THE SPECT RA MAXIMUM -82o GI o +o llr i o a h fcr o-l \I z ul GI io tt K lc' F |o a tl a z s, l al a3 6 a a t 11 o \ F o o 3i : ul I F o n G, F 1u oll| o- z o o o a6.O .irGl:o o .-i .a t??? ilf {lf !o r OE & tr dro I ll !r tcb -{ f zo. o o oa A tc} .-i n lrj EQ e,f fiF?? o z E o F + i 6 a I l o !l I o 6 ? h I fl{ o lrt n |o |! |r- lrl I F \ ; rrO 1-la lr o F () \ a. aa '|d a I o 0 (} .l! e, ? {{ t 9 |!. dl lll "" =t 6 !'I r" t, 43 =2 iF .o lrr I LLu F l'l o Ff, cloA z 9ur PF a Hb 8f ,s oo F JO- z r.rt 3 2q F'd 're n T@ d lrl q. f 9' IL -81+tr .t? \'3n \ . rr I \ ' 9R S{ \{ .20 / '1r t.o h- \ \ o al: l=.1 n :o , ' n:O-'2O ? \rr_ \|$;$ t\ .all 4.O s 2.O E-# '2Q, o -'ltt ln;-.2c- .TJ r'o .!o A t'es t'eo t'7o 2'o tt FIGURE 5.9. EFFECT OF VISCOUS OAMPING PHASE ANGLE ON THE ff \ 'olf , . .Clt .an ' \\ \\ \1 \i \ lg .&t ? LI cr: '4 r'o k CRITICAL nro l ro -'4o rr 4;o \\r-;,.\ -\ .itl s. \ 2.O RN o -'ztl !26 t.6O 7,76 S'O B FIGURE C.IO iANIITION NS(D|oN EH cRlTlcAL FHASE ANGLE . EFFECT' OF A T TH3 ' ..' -85t2 1: l| .: l'o r.:10 t-:lO to t o 1 2 F I F]GURE TRA'NSIENT AMPLITUDE 5.II . DEGREE OF 12 \\ a 6 1 \ \ .75 \N :6f5 E\ s.-) 2 o THE TWO ELASTOPLASTIC SYSTEM rr1 \ \ \\ FIGURE 6.12 FREEDOM \ to o SPECTRA FOR tt2 --- - I l:l.s 'g:1'O s \*- -E .6 e.o TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE DEGREE OF FREEDOM e5 3.6 SPECTRA FOR THE TTVO ELASTOPLASTTC SYSTEM -oo- $ 12 I to t P \\ 6 \ 1 tt, \r \r \ I 6:1'O }|: ex1,o /:l.O |r1 \\ \r v \ *\{ l: 1.O 2,O ,\.'i t.o 6o.5 F-. -\: \ 2 o o .6 r.o t.5 3.O 2,o 3.6 B THE TWO 5.t3 - TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE SPECTRA FOR DE6REE OF FREEDOM ELASTOPLASTIC SYSTEM l2 ?I to I ? arl.O }': Az f: t.O I c a 2 o o 3'O 9'5 B SPECTRA FOR' THE TWO FIGURE 5.14 - TRANSIENT AMPL]TUDE . DE6R EE OF FR EEDOM ELASTOPLASTIC SYSTEM a'o -87- Ec[q$d 8, g!ffi'F' tn &tr d{ltc tb rcaStr FttGotcA b drytc t 6' diraolai o ttLat'it fs*13' aai qapi tlth tb tct of otbs[| I'!|rrtlgFt*a 6.1 ttblg tt!^l bc illanraotl ls tb lbffoufng Fnl:t (r) tr rt+l.c crsltqplaltio q'rtrl vlrour Aillfrst (f) tft cttlbct of e trmsltlm rcdm bcffia tb rlcttlo (e) tnc otrfcct of, aoa plsrttro ttatle. 6.1.1 tb Stnlc xlnrta't'4lo 8r4rt 6.1.i.1 SFnfffoant Srnraotcfr$Clt }lgur.o'.t8tl!rtnrrlsrtgnpororbbtruelctory',l'tui|rrrotre ofaetrylcclartetrrt|.orgrrta,nsJactc0todnrm&erdtrto' tarr o,f tbr dlustl,l.lty frstil rcqullll Dy tb ;tEustrfr to nrtrb Lt. fln thrl dtusrao tt dlr bc rca thrt tt rrqt{rta 'udllltt p nil al fanlts laoarll.r rlttr a dtcrccro r! tha ilrqua3,y ,'il{o Ln trcaatr f,t; atr t'h DgFltuitG of dtatil[ dr A oo8 ad {3:; d. r t r thi nehral d,astlo parfodl of th' drwtttc t = & Pctofl of, thr oftlag nlfrrr' -88!t!! !,f e frartlmlar ltnlotsc 1r nrbtcot to a tcll! of llnnotid, cd,tetld! of Allttrfa rylt.tulfi ad Dsl€ttr tlr rltatla ll^kctt to pruilru t.bc uednr b'aartrnt qllltrd. tlll bc a tlaetlo of tfulr ryllHr en ncrfod, ar tb radnn lurdDl.c trautol ryIlttda l.aeearr lvlth bcth qqntltltr. Ir tt oaa bc aranril tiltat an lc'tbqtrat. rpoaLaatle rrosl aa bc | a. a r*acr of elrmmiliol gulrr of reqy!4 rasd,dtf qd Fcqraolca, th Lt oan br lnfcrod *ltor tbel r.$ltrr thrtt lf a lntLqrlc rlarto4llaetlo ltrrrstrsr b rr$t otcA to a ndc of calthqtnho, tha rlrr-n ttortot rrl.porl cf tb atartur. to mS r4'thquslt rrlll bc e n1otla otr tf3 qflttultr oA pcloA of tLr lu'gr* 1nrlaaa. It ruLil .la bc qrrctca tbt tht ldnr afqlbout wldl ltpt thlr oh*act*{.rt!,o abo. 0o thr othc hd, lf a partffrflE orrtlgunl. lced ra! @.tianl, ar{ thc llqpilrc to ft elaffra ftr a rsagr d dnsturrr tb. pceat rcrnrltr ldtcatc tbat lsm pcrtod atrustrns cufd Dc qrotai tc ytel,l qoh Ec 15"n hfghc DGIgA etrrrtrrrec of tb. rc latcail. gtrroglhe ftrc t.grc tilr trtcal rtaogth, s tbc lar$c ttbl tgthgu.b, tbc uc erum Grl'o D. ihlr cfilbotr bc potat tbat rbufi bc !rtf.c.A h that thar 1r r rfgE of thr renons clllcot errof^atd rlth ttr rtoftr ltat rrsrftgr of rtrrnhrca. ltrrr, Lf thc dafnot pulc.s of u eartfmaf han e Dcrlod of thc aan cilc as tbe aatraf .lrrG|o Dcryloi of a t*ttolg cl"crt4larilo riruotcc, lt uuLd HO qprc to her r gnrt db.l- of ergrulrroeryrt rr far ar tb nrrllr t*rdrt rclpolt lr mrrl. It 1r lqlctant to nadc, lworrr, thrt tho fu th. ndrn -q'.*lttdb lo atP.oi o tL. .tn|stlat bvllS errl.|t) rrrr boc Gd.t il llto tb trGuFa ttrt ' aaa bnc 1u| rrtatlrty &arn8 fr crrth{u8lcr trh trroarc Dffiatt aay tr r*ortct hrila q la thr dattis-rcglo lt flafi lr to JtE tal flo' tlr tnrrre rhorrr tn fi8rno 5.8 rlurrbg ttr rralu of / dd et ylddr trb rda; poarlblc 411hff ar a tloctiln of, u Or cd, p &r E! aPPrar to hot a grcat |raf of, dgdffts o ldcatln ar errthnreb Fg{FrctFg 1l omacat It ibt tntdd' |a of thr regls |n *tS cr rbulA lod tE ttr radn 'il?crr th. ftdt!'!g vaf;nt of f n F tf eqy t$|3r fffer o tihr !t*c" DolBlD[. tr.rD.lrst fre€rri tb a( grcetcr h,=qt'1 * 6.t.t.en#@ b I sPPGcrr (o to b' $rrn tY F) It !.r of, t!lc..t to oryarc tiho rrnltr tltb tbro orf atb'' llcrtlgptlmr of tr.l^utcf Inotilo' ncobdft tb. ryfrcadt to tb Dt'!6t tllrrtlgltto (ltt6' f96O)' nosdrtt tnttr,,l.ltcatrro 1r tht rI of, laaabadi lsflDtd rler eil,l tatalrtcil fa rrrarfng trb rdn trgd'al rrr!Do..ofitiqil,sOe*ofa$fcdndtilcrcccfOcdlatrtl fffi' a$Jcct,Ga to an ldsal'laoA dtl$t tlfsrct 6.1 lhil th. bad,o tcahri.. rf, lorbarhff r *Flr& qlnf trr if$tb'r filr thl p.|lt uLtcre rynstd 1n tb ftoillafrg (r) lenauarlt @tdlGr*t a rcctugrlg ftrorn8 nil.ltLc d allsrrl fu] ur o'Ul. illJrr lhl.. h tb prolar th. Gdtarlfirr to 6tl'' lldtr o tb anutaoh a rlnr'olial tFdag frD.'tl0 ru urrit dth rn tllc tbr rffi'oh lt egtocl. -pryrta to br trftlef$ $ rr* tlr tb oqrLllbrtn Dodtlogr thc nrcrct GIIGG orlArclt tb {ntu to b€ LaitlEtly at rao ln thc ftfft yrrlidl ltetr, (r) lerOe*f 0!l tut vuqy ttr ghan of tbr dt|ss lbaur, (a) loatarH. anndcre thr f'rrat E'ltG af,bne I U rlafy srtc th riolc lugp ttr O to ar. (l) toatarH. plcatsit hlr rrsrIir lD tqrr ef, tb ebaolsl vr[rr of tha nr#r.+ ttuglat Alldt , ilhrrrxa ter Itrrltt rltr. prcrntcif htu reafltr la taor of tb rcqdlril ih$,ty fLdE. (l) fryrOrdf fmreotdl li.r rrurilte ar thr !orE6r. of a ps{fnlc etrustur.c to v..,ryllg coil,tatilar, rbarla! tb lrcmt GltF pmratd brr. hLs srrdtr ta qlctafy nrflnrfcal thr iltffircnoor la prarmtatioa oaa cee{lr bc oracr hrt tb lc$rdl ibpt th.G. rU.f;fbcrre l4re the fmbka Sdto dff,fqt. p.racota lb ndlr qll|.tui. of a rllrl,c cllrbltleftno er'rgfc dagp. of olrdb rtrucllr. a$Jcot to e tl**tnrtrc cdtatto llu parttarlc tlttlrf sditr.rtl, rtmar tb nrcgat r.ttG prntr thr rar|la lroagibLr teaortot €qrllhlb atr rrh r Srtl r&t ct to alnrrolfuf ocltatlo. Enrvc lt lg rHl! to qrcr tb drrtslrtlo. d ".t."at"e tb ta rrtr of ralir, tb Drt C8nff,bot tt tbat la$ed ftd tbat tb. rsnn tranril,cat ArUd. ef e p*thld ilry faecani rlth s Llorrtalc of trbr aoodcrtla Allda d tb pqlcA of th. guh, tb rc *.rastctrtle el rtri by tha Flrrt gltra. lbrr tdbaUorl l.A loabalbt to fril thrt lllhryr fr 41fd. -9'lof thr trl.dF of tb 8tlNd rtl6 rc@rta to potor tb ilcdm(l Sp6d eooEratln rar a E! Dc'ttlnt rust$fr tc l|rnm tb trtc.relty of tt6 g!@n lctilc thao t;b rrplStdr of aaodratla. At thcoftrl pforilln cnlqrr ab*n8 tll rlllnc er a lbattrn f b pcrbn ratlo ftr e:ffccfi rytltuiba of closlttr Ec tlrji that raol,tr rcr al"o a ltnstto of thl DdoA o,f tb tnilrrr dthgL tb bchr7|a5' raf qdtG i$fft3sat tlril tbg fbr onrtot sinrlClGljg rylltulc, re tbry dtonl, e tdry to her a rd,E nlur h tb rcgln o, P aqugf to I t tr5. It osn bo lhon tbrtr b & lreat tstrrtfSptlst ?e q l- d rs lie prrlt crltc har tffi'Fo r.qlottoil hlr rlnltr to rW P rr a tWra- at F lb Y.' Aic(bat nlrrr of trf,. lbrr qr.vllr iba ln flaro 6.2r ala rh tb pollr3 rc.r'H Wo ty lEArtU, rltb tb. D.aI rill[ vh6 V6 . rplLtrrdr of grud rtlcdtt Y- 1rtnrrr|. lusqrbt sfro Dfott A Er rrcnltr & iftftrt AElhlrl of grr.nd ifrylennt qd fhud thrt tbrl drf,f rlt gablr hil rt rbrte pclodr tbar lr tb ralc of tb arSo! Elvtd lfad.ty ClFrt& It oan b. sbn tbt i,n tb trrrlt Lnnrtl|latla tolffvalucslf Fu ;f dll!ill.eord. tltli. I0 rylltda ZZ t3 Iter. 5.t rbr! lrcmt nl.tcf r rorrltr plottrll tb iftltrat d, 1! tho t of tF . a of, tbc trto|nd thc ldoatc thet fnEfag pmtaily oanrr la tHr oan et lcgp relufl I f3 r rtdd clrqloa to rffi pcdofr ralwc lhrJr -/2thnt tb r*t tb. .d$a3 ftrttlmo It lr llpoltaot to ldl to th vafilF f{gr rrnor ot F t / Md tr . !lr11, Diltbtadf4 thr illfiaraoc b enmaoh d d.tatlst thcr l^a e gncat ilral of, Allarttr Sqrl trbr oharststltlo otr tb. ilrpdt |! th tr c'to thil| stn trr b nsrert srt tln aro drastlr{,stlrr llatscr rf thr tradat artDail of rl'rrt*fltlo rtnrottlol tltb tir rcanl,tr mdlcoO aber tt nr rt lDltlbL tc rrtsc Eolrru turDafH' 6!A rqrtot Et e il$cot qnrstltefln qr*t,m. rrat'tacfilnotr1l d a( r ltsnbr rrrlltsl,Etort*+ oC dtrn thrt, lb th. pcrat ELt}rr rcefltrt *' # (,p* f) qr*r gntlteifrrlf tb t'glltt of tarsilhfr" rnetlrtr dth tbt of tb F.ilnt fnrrtfg[ttr. l'B. le lhon |r flerrl. 6*. It rtl,l br ra tbtf rr llr rl tb. rdn paelblr traorlmt tlXltr{r dhro to r rcotugdar llcrfl ast,catln Itnotto fr mlril, trnrDraErr rolrltf mfi 8lr r rrry lcr ertbatr. If tb E'L of Soto ad Inrta (lg€O) tr ry ld.on{!ioa, p*U,r trbl,r nuli bo aryUrg r1t ta ilfi grrtr thm tb tdn traarlrut qlltnile ihrr b dnnofdal. grmn aoocl,aatln of tfir ra qrUM. uil ta!.d. tb alt ct&a nt il6l o tb htlnt rqtu. cf drill d,artqllqtilo ril8l,r ae.GG of tbcedc rgrtru b &ft{|.A tbodrs frnatfos rar tbt ef ldo (t960) ail ttr 1r nt rypfro*fr to tb It rar tb. 1rerat rtr$r. Dcrtlbf. to -95lho ro* o'f thc lltcatrnr msaod rlth thr trudnt rypo of clertspledlc eptu tr oclrfl rttb tlr ilrtcdlrtto of t*thnrfr rilspcr€ qro8a. thr itdradnatt.o of e'thqub tD.otrr iilllbr Ata tb. 1r.!ct ql1ntoaO b tb ftD.wtag rlltrr (t) f*tfrnralr ql.fia rclrolat thr rrlltrt of an orffrtr of tb traaalct rlEqstla of e rangr ol rhrstrsu d r*:llry darrd*'lrtl,r to e pel{torlr od.tatln - t&c mr4rlrtr ethmabr r.rd" (Z) nc ca'thqrst ?.oira rl9namt tb rsrlrr illt{tamtr of riruchs.r dEtrg lld,tatla by o rc-ttflnhr fir th. fdt|.rl o$ilIlHlr Friltla, rt t'b rdu lrod,ct *l:lh'filr lr ruoh tbgr otrtm rqrrrot t|r ctetfrr r!'!lbot of rrrrrl mrrlmr brJ,un t}r Jtdfil tdrt. fcctt:lcaa cc prfld qlrot so rr-rlrrlty tlth thr frat rroiltr. lbf flrut ol,artqtrartlo anctra to b. 1ntlf.Oa il. tbr Df Fnll, rb frurtef qlatn ft tb tt0 EC. Catil.o I-8 rcqt'. tt rpstra m pnratril tl tlrr of, tlr rartn ytdd af*fnr* tu thr td,tfuf redffHll lnlrt at r finotfo otr tb Dd.A of tfic rtrrrtrrrc, vbmr dr+fat ad l$cd rtrolth d tb dauoturaf !h. rUryca qri. rer rt ectneljly ocrlilacil, tnt fts th.n! llr*rlte tbG antbs.t aL'tr th. oefndo that thc yleli 4mcrfira-bwardl t! rrgnlhdt rlt$ &cca.ra fD latcrf, rtrugth of tb rtmttrc, ru,a du;A . DssI raln. thet ooqrcl at Eyrcoft, natF eod Erun lorrl nluce of, etnratstl, FrLd frc grcc0c rahnr cf lgtrrref, ttncatb. -*,- ilot oC tb prceat u.Ltcrr rtmltr. lhts ba! bcl dctrod by udlg tb rcl,etlm La2 IlFDo 6.5 rbsra a fldlar r :o( + lC (y-t) fu.. b r tb t'ldd il!,ryfaorat eaod,atrll rlth tb. rcb lnedbl,c tEanrlot qflltrfr. E!.nil trC ant $ cc aeo€datril rlth thr 1lp*tt r of th. dtlag fttrrstln tbr arrrr ea bc oryclrO rlth trb erra d Dyeof!, nEp$r !d llur, lhr qrrrr rh thrt thr tlda rrlod.etd lrlth tba ndnn lpEdhb trad.qt qll,lhdr afuo fn'rrg rlth a ilooraru la latcal etrqgtf - rld,oh 1r flllrrCy naqstfcd to o( qad lbil a rsrlD! trlno norra trH.r 1na! ul,ur tdf to oar rt lruterrng vaf,uc of rtnotr.ral pariodl dth teoraec & frlardf rtroglh s65r?rrlrprltc te tb d:tbst Dt t ty Et{roft, nEpDy eri lltoa., b Ft rrt r"!.tc tr ruable to qlkfl tHl Afnqlanryr but lt lhoufi bc pol.atcil at tbrt tho trdary f. ut rGT rcLrt ll clthcr oatfr Panna (tf6), rlbo dbtld.d ll.rrpcr. qlcdrs A. thc rSO E!, O.atco S!f rcs{, ad BeS anil lhostdil (,tl&), r|n alctodnril ttr thr rSO U.. O€lt! f-8 Eodl tb lSlZ laft !6fi raUrda, toth raib nt^lO of, ttc tla€t tbit tfrsn tb laflm rt!,rIr!,++at llqlosc q?.ctaa qlcotra ras plottril, lba cuy partLaflar gtl.uqtusL Di.toil, tbtta agpoasca to bc u qltl,ln taluc of ldcrl rtrqcryth rEoh gart a dnfnn cdrr.r i[,t)lamS. oalghrgr (196O, O) dold anfttfcafft tDat thtr ier a dctadcdrtlo fcahsc of tl,lLaser $lrtcrtlo rydd d.t il by a *etlasqy rrcala gauldc coi,tattm hchg r r&itr EoG qpcotnar PanLm ab ntal thrt tb cLfcrl ratflr ef trb -95br a l\lrstl5o of tbr 1u'lef of lfic rtlnpha., lrorlrertng rfth lascarlg petoile ll'gpr 6'6 Blur6 thc prceat q{tcrtr rcafltr plottd |3 ta.1 of th. C,Uefearut Oror tho fdtbf o$dllbl'La Dorltlo af a r:rtL of th. Elcod d!,glfamt q1tffiS., ;pe13 p {t5 a|ff.sct c( . tl1l r prdldsr ufltlratc roflil,a ocfitlslat apoarca to $urni rtlo $r t eDA !F d,ll bc fftcst rd to tb c*nr 6n Do troatd ar sltrllrrg th. ifi+leonlrfi tb ldtld cg$$rln r! fpeltla srcapcill8 to tb ndrrn porgf[r tlurfi0 qllilt a ftnctlo cf ncloAr fU rrcf.oul raluor of taterl' drcetb - tb to o( . It dll br .|||r that t"attcgl bGtrg lnG!.r.ilJr fe*tfoal phm of r cttfsl rail'ur lt!trrct. of ultlrato rd,st€ orftldot Sfilrg ddg l& ft d,lJ, ol,^r bc rctd that tb irtd le tb tar af ffu$ rtrf ty PanLa - th 6{tt6at cordtlclant accrcorlrrt Tnth lreadr!! 1c&C, It 6tiln appoB! that th|ir lc a6tther otrclestcllGlo frafrrs of thl tronrlat rrnpoEra of d,artqlartlo aSntc ta partlotlr'rr d Frtcl'tlo rrrubob\y, b rtrl of 9qleh.t.|a fldlagrr * nllnc ryrtar !,a grcal,. lb erarw lnafyrs Omlttr (lfCO), rrb Caultqlra rfactoplaetlc arlDoc t)cotra fb rotra.l c$thsrebe lm&dtrl8 tb f$O !0, O6ir.o l-A nnrd,, ad Ll.trf aa! I;*'L (f 9&), tb rfr Crnl.Cca rclpolr lDcstra tb' tbo f tl0 11 Octrro t 3 rea{ rcl ntl. ar th. rtt Ym nsrdl, rtai tbt tb rdrn efinfernt of, a rtluohuc cf a parfl.sul,* pcnlod illi ct rra gro$Ly ilcfoa6t m thr latcd. dragt?hr b.lr8 re d4a|rEt m tb 9d.A of, tht hdldagr If c oddrr tb artru l,a tlsrrl 6.5, tb' {ilrso otFrrr al,ro ilmrtretc t.hfr -!6r ilta ilff c# to tr frFrf ffqltb d $toul, trt rlll Dr rl thrt tF .f6 U. dU. r r$dfrdl o( r OrB to l, silru, Dd. f frnollf tbt h.. De Cnrtll fd t*nrt lr ltrt h rff rnt' emffaf tc I rlnrEr dttr r lcild* Da.ld ir frllrad o'f tfr fiWth {rlde.lltlnr tr rF |r frrd4grb U rrlft of tEr fqloref !.rt d ltrn ldm (rte) Cltrdd fr6r rt tb rrdn c5i rmil,fd b drdnfrfi|r dr*srr lf n' qurEi, ltr' fid lf,.O fr clr llril t r ttsr d trtl tr.loC d trEif figtb, d thrtr cft rt fr It d f U DG{.d rcbl r hrooc lr ylda l.i[, tr rud,rildl rlll r Efrc ln cgr l4tr3r At tho fr tr'lra d S rlrGt tUtry l1pc.i to m. t:tfurr 617 &r tb ra!,tr.C tb Flld l,nrenflt|r Dl.ffi.f fr th. rb'r .t r*Er ltnt. tr tEf orr tb Cl' ltnt dll fr cpf b ttr rt lh. dlrl* yldf|af u b ffr||r hry Ir m a0 thr brElntr| d d cf tt rtlrf ad fr to0rtfrl Dry f. ttr rn r0 tb ltlrdaf U ib GA, lhr cgr lr lldmr $ fr csrrdrrr tb fir -+ l.vo- Al r iltE/ l{ld I r Dr et tL. ryrtr Yc | 3l ' Tl1B4firUoaff.Ctbtrd dla *laqlollry tc ttr amdtrHr fUBr url. -97 It oea Dosif}y bo - thsr tbt AE t''f It tlll bc aoo ifirt tb. !Gr1ttf4 calr ef $ot tb ru chgleatal trttoc a! thor d Dcg ad tbcrtira. In alilltlil t&P clr rha a taarihry to brrr I rnrlrrr talrrl. !bl'r taary oo a[r b. rcG pold, hrt t;1 tilT ed, 11rafigr qg6g f6g, tlr 19te lrft f6tb trbc gtncs fbr th. f *O rl OtntEo lq8 rucd ap not !o @ll'Dcll8. Ihry dgr a ihtblte hbff fcatlry tgqd6{'|o tur xy b. Or|' to the ob*actarlrttos of tb. !L Oa!trtc I-S rrou{ tbr lt Crdi c{ra Au tD ts-rrqtrt 16tr of n[rcr otr"Gfoc$y lllfltrd lrlotr. tt tht agp.ells thst tb Elr!?tlqn gosdDlr lraDd,Gt allttd. of s1ailc Asatqrfarmo slngtr 4.8pc. of, fird ryrtg d$Gt to rtmraolial cdtetlru .lwr th ranr dnrstrrlrtl,e fratrros B! tt rclEoto e.6l11ra of thc er ryrto eDJcotci to t$tbaf .afthtfahra. Ead$g oqarrrf th. t6ultt Splltatf;[t lt rrdg to qtcr lllrn q111;tltstfif5r' ftb har bc! it6. ln t!.gtlt'f S.! rE,t qtalu thr reculig of Eadaf e (f 9&, A) eo+rJlrlr of tb. f lO t|' Orctlp !'tr |h nqlt! gl gln la ruaogrn dth tb fcrcrt *atrllre rcultrr trr!! oC P ptottcl ar a Grn*tlc of tlrtlfitlng pcld oll Eltlna0t tho Fcscat rltcrrr rmltr an buo8 oa *rt rcfdo odlidCtr ltlr hae al|Fcar! to bc ttp wrut prl'r la t"h r*"thmrlc tG{? tlrr foil.fodng Fqrcttmr | ' O.eal lF * 0.65 lfor It dll br 196 that {bE trbfr p*"}1311lar o&13 aqtny, tb qt6eonlmec 1r lqy ol.ora. -9Gtb rq[rld! ths Gilatlrt offr'ct gf trnselDlf t twdl J'!dd, cosstms fifl5 tb loa11'ta gfrr 6n qDcr ltrlt to qrlltdc of argr rtugb |[b tlilraHil. oloracer of tb rcanltr ls pobaD[y ihp trr (l) trr trwraqy tb elmoc!.w yldd drnframtr to oerill oadr otb ety (e) tU fast tbat n dlgl. oooil.lLatln tllf F$rDll b u ca.ihqnefo qllo&E rdnr pertrblr ryllHr. It t! nt rotldtrtdoi that rd gmf glc!,ettc mll D. dtalrrn vftb arr rcthqnaborr tb I,cnSS s olthnu*r lrrtr dthmt a drcrar |l lltod,tt tbr lccr ll!.lJr ll tbt. to b. r tnl eqralattO bctnea tb lndn podDb traarld qrllHr tr tt tht B.6t lnillr .rS tb na6t! afrpfamt of tt rtsnsbl t[ tha f.ltti,al qdl.lHrn Dodttn rblsS t& fgaCp rf ar crfthenb. f,crcethrlcrs tln up*{,6r lb tdtatr thit tb rrtrratlo d tfu ;trr' parntlo iasod.ct rrttpcrc dXf girr o Fce[$!,a ca$stc of ladnn lU.qFlgot ihrrl$g an crthOrahor lr fb ar ltfisr cslbqnalil sG omrd tbr orna rlll f$*0,y Dc ar 48llrql-rt ae tbso obtctloil bt oy othc !nu. largo ar t&l 6,112 lha fr:Lrlpac. oC U.+H|qa hlqFt tfelrs )r2, 5.5, 5.t 8A tr5 Cct l!3 r+{rn porriltb trunds ryttlQdc of r atnglc d*y rl,ao.rlaltr1llartls stnrtrn Strdd to rl^mm$af dtatla, qtrl!!!.d &! t€. of th. ndn0 ibtll&f factc, al a lllnstla of o< d F , tb. nrlru rmtr of rtrmr dqtrng. lbr srr lbil that qgaUtadrrty, tb. rcnl,tr r$r rc1r -9ttlrllar to tlnr. cbta|lcd fe thlnirFc alnrtc. tlgrc 5.6 rbE bow tlsc arc quant!.t8trrly rcslat al to tb r*a+ca ralset. lr oo rurlil qroot, bcrarras tb mrt of rfucur lelrg orEtrtl a ilccrcera |'a tb fcqgcrt. tfggc 4.6 sbra tbet tb reilstfna ln roqrorc tt als a lbptln of o( d p . tl. tomry |r lb trhr ratto d dqrd to dqra nlncr of tbr lrqponro to tutam |. F lr tnorarrat - lrrr thr rl,muu dqllag bs tbt encetd d?ost tt ler at o lb "afffi /3 cllcot of o( lsLlro lla rfi yd.ucr d ra , nmrrrs tt "( aroal'ateil rlth e rarbd lreclo l.a rrH,o of 0ry.4 to tnitryri rdnmr rhlla tb lrga rducr I (3 thr rrrr tdr to ooc. rrgrro 5.9 droill tbat tb vdur d / el.rtleg trhr ldrr prrilDr,r trmdrt rrqmlr 1r nt ercatlJr a*lhotcdl tt Vtrolrr lqrll& tlo otb s* rypoaa tc harr E€a dbr o thr dflct of rrsan Aryiag a thc tttpotc of cfaJtqilfettl,s rtruotrrr to tiaailld grbrd ntlnt Ecrcru nlt of ttr rmrlrgatlg d cetrnuFc tpcgtEqa tare oortlccal tb cflbot of rlrour arylra brt ef thom fmttfsatloaa barr Etcif thetl (t) 1l tb ratto oeusr a drcaagr lrr rqorl (e) a reU fiEt of ilatp,S har a fryctfanto\y grrlrtr. ofillot !a rdudlg tb !'lqDcsc thrn a lrrar and of &*ragl aa laorGaao a',r?lag , (r) drryrlg tdr to mth oat tlr D.eIr !,n tb lreolf rDoctrr. lst flrrt tm aberasccol,rftl,oe oaa bc rtll b flgr nr61 r/drilr {lhc tbsil dtocs rtt qDF.B b har qy rrrrwaro to th. porat rsl,r" lor of thc faprtfgatcr ilo ber itetadd !llp[!a tp.cFr barc astual$r pccretcat tb itryd ri.spfr!. tn tanr cf ttr raarr -100srtrrilrr h|t frF ltb rnl,te Drclctd !f tada (tf$ f) fr 1g.c|.!1t rr{.tc bar attqrt il b 0uflni tU. tbrtlFc. It nr fd thrt ttr rranltr rr reiibc tBttcca |t|A lt f,r dllflstlt tO prroclr sry trd er trc er nrtrtloo ilth 1n$if nr omsrlnd. noltur uli t.It$ atilt p plltr effrg t&. tc|ta d. d cnlrdll thr lahm cf tb rctto ef lb. da.A trlcb. to dAcA rpcolrr tb rsultr ta tb trbil.r bcl,t ml &tolnd. avtrrsr vrril.f ffi t fc tada 1r,10 .!g t! = O3! (r9€o l) lrrfS l.O *9 .J0 .7L ,jS |l9 .15 .7L .* .fi .5f tn qlourlf rfth tb rcrltr d tb 1rf'rut tailrUfdr . lrl thrr tDf talllg elfu'drraf. flglgcr AE tb !€8fa of lhmc oan !.abtlc |r rrlrtlttlt fdrpolnt oE r lhrt lqr rbt t$ fi elfod13 trblr| rtDcc. Yalurd 1- O1O2 .9! a . 0r0i .4 ffi a l OllO ar O120 ti} .72 Iftbqgb it rr lcrflt! err .Il rcrfat TDstillrat th.Y td to djlr that vbOur drylag alifbstr thr p*ror qnadt!'a m! tbo lhr lt ef?cctr tht narlqE fpgl'.btr trend,rot qifftd.' of Pnrra a|,ro ladroate tb0 fi"o t ia r""ect - "oiJ&&a;;t - lo'l to traU ralree d 01 - lirofit drytlg rrdug tb p*oct ty a qroh grcsts! arcr[t tb.a |l tbr sat of valucr of $ ctcryoa[lg to rrE ups of o( grcatc thrlr o.Z tE tou oar tb !.&Etta llrp.sf fliblldllrt of t. tH.e qrld bc bcoaur tb r6on of rlarrsbcr rtth laegp ultlrat -ldo crffrclatr b crthqlrlor tr pactloally oll ls thl Cf;rd16 rongO eaA a'rdr C r n*nrrut cfifrst to btdli tp to thr ;nal qftlfidca1 !ld.r rrnm cfllgt Erfif br acut]y ltd,tol by thr lltniludlla otr rm rall rretr of r,lean dlqlll8. ttrfu nlgbebly rb snta ftr tb ttdnry of tb ca.tDqpato tl.ltra ranlta to bc rlrlr taf,lrnod by r|,rau dqlrg tfan thorl tb th. rdrtrn lnrdbLr trod,lt qillHr er a mdiceblc mt of oerthqraro lqFanc dll b. iltED tb drdro r.clati.rrly rcgl&. scf,urln f! tbat tb ur otr thr cta th b fl.grr 5.5 to crtlratc thr cffcofu of vlrcur dstpla8 an l|Icfy b bc s tfu raft el.ilo rr tb re ou.thquako cgtslrlas 1r, tF ty rrllg th fa m$motlo vlth ttc tdryci re6p@c, lt mL, d)poar tbt 3n Dulil bo ul rtbty to orrrcrtbst tb ropora thn b drertl,natr lt. rho 6.1.5 lbrJaf},mc of a baldtla bcrar llsrr. 5.7 rhr tbat tbr rGflot ef hrtlrg I[ rofr bctitar tb rLartto erlaitil,artto rtatte tnilr to h*rr &r qlpod,te Gffo€t m tb dnr Dorclb|.c fraarfmt !'t81ulrr ffin vl.rcnr lqlngl tha rcrpoet td! to b. er.Btcr fu ttg. lr e lrurltls rqgls tfist ttr a rl4iLc Gfa.telartto r3ratcr lr rlth vl,roqr itepta3 tha - 'lO2 r dlltst tdt to b. r ltrnorlla I o( d t3 | aa rrll, arr lr l$r rr, th. nrtrbto :f rcrrag th. ffit s't b llmd,€a. ttr c*tr trlllrtr thrt r!,tra tb Slqrsry lrnlp oalilllai, thr cflt'oot cf a trurt|ilo lrmare ri,tb ae |lcrar cf c< , El tE talur I o( llllttc tb6 A, ad :r lru thar 0.f tb lftlbril ir rrqllFrGlaeaf. It gpcal ttr rrtN,l cf nfpmer rtttr a trrUlttf r'{t'o to tb. ltrpcrl d r *rrcdar dlDt orrtru*rl ryrtr laslarr tlth |loanc of f, sa td. to &r rrtFr.rrn relu fu plottdl 'g{r.rt F , tb porlr rhttrHal b gntc rdnl d/s ilth frcorrlf a d&anrarcof r. lha rard,tr harr brl etalaeal fbr th. S.cfrf cr of r lln. taodtl"o !.gla rltb thr ecaotrtgtto tbt, lf ga fi. tUrrD ifrllcotto dlatlsrr fbr tb anta tb lla. grrqlcilaf to {b dnrttr etatc b drn rt tf, thG tb tcaanltrar tJil dll br drn $ a*', ar tn tlleur 6.8 (e). lrl lnar, fi{lJr #'dgtas ryrtrr dll h.r a qcrdl trsfittls rcdr, tut tt r.rrr nanebil.c to art thrt thc rccrorc of rroh r qnta cild. ep1lndDst to th. rrrparr d r ry;to rlth a lllcry tradtta lcgto rmdlatf^lI tb alil] Ur ea In fl'88r 6.S (b) - rl)cdrl.lJr |l rfrr of tb red^rtlrr tar+rl,Brltlr of tb !q!!pcr tO r trorl,tln rqlac trgrr lhorr that th. cdlbot of llcaerrr tn thr .nr lf thr trssl.ttm mglm o lfir vnluc of I crrrpoffns b tb t& lnsdhlr traaenqt roqror I,r rrletlrdy tall, n*tlrilsllU tt largf velnr of o( . _lo5_ Io rdatcA ut qTerrs to harc bro D$tlrra o arsh a eyrOc, o lt !r rpt SnrdbLe to r&o oryerleot lt rouli qtrfxlirr bnrcr that lf, orthquab qnotra ra alrtccd,loil tb tldf elaar of rtuofil.r, lt rouldl br f,dDA that tb. rlqronsc nr llttl,r dlltrfccril fiF that of tb cqrdraLGt alqflc .Ee.teradlo rtruofirrc. Err d th. lclrlta fa flSurt 5.7 to crtlrato trb rcqnre tla tbt of r dqflt alertrplartto !g!ta oau bc spcotod to glt aa ouretlretf, bcoanr, el tD tb. tlcql aryfng ca.c, lt wllt bo re ifffielqrlt to ble tb f\dry yrd,iba rtat , wltrg to tb lbot thrt a octeln mt cf oGFr $ulttlm vlll om fn tb tr.Edtt.a rcgl.c. lUl rt'ifost oan bc qtcotal to bc grcetcrt fbs. the fdf valnor of o( , tL. *tailr th. afl-ot otr a trrodtfo rcsto egD.cra to b. grrratrrt. Bar thc cflcot of r hdtfm noglm c tb !!69mrr ql Ctra rbq!.A br acgl$[bb. 6.2 zEttoE@oFlt@sMr rh rdy otr tb. tr C$roo of firlr rlartafrr0lo ryrtr qll,cr*rlr lsgrl, ratb tbn o a qflctr funrrtgettn h tH,r brartfgttls th. rrdru trsnrlst 411dc otr sarh ttosy la tb. illrg of .r&,rrbccqucnt to th- belng dliftnanrfy at lort tn Gt.$rr rN, of tb lully ytctdcn rtatc, *m tb rtruotrra lr n$Jcotri to a elnrrllrl, alorlcatLo of, tb. baer, hat bca afotcn{llil. lhthc tH.r g1rr tlr rsdrr prlbb tranrlat qillh,rilr of oaa rtct dar r dp uroldal barc amclcrtlm rr ;a quortlo, edrg b th. cryfaty ef thr Dtf'c of a h dryFoc of Occalc rtEugtrll.. lt dff brrr rboul,il bc rcgn{oA ar brfag of en -l0fbd to thc radll lnerl!&c ryllht!., eln bc to lbf, thc lsna othrasca{rtlo!, d rrrn lf rct csAl to th nrrlrl ralnr, lbul,| ba otr trb tu ctr otr reFtd.. ttr rndc of oerc d,ifrraal rar I|rltell, d rar elrcil at artstdag E'dar rattc tban ilrtcsrrdl8 tb orylctt dnrstr. 81tr a fora. !h, ryata orrcgoaoa to e rtnrtrpc ha?rag aqnl floc. rerra., tnllfbm trtrstcy rttflfbrar, ol,rna itcd.gnd to J'trf,A rdc a uaf.&m {*rHhrtl"G of mftla osdltlolat, d th. utttrat brrc &.r oorf,fid.ot cqrrrl to th. qllituib cf tSe taer -oa*rrtfn lo tclr, of gt. &f rr"oltl€aHn ret lrrtrldd to auorlng cd of, tbr grratltl,or tb. nare iu.sHhtta, th. |atcrtcy rfl.f:thcr drrtrrhlilr th. drogth itlrtrtlgtlo, Ed tb r+gdu. otr tb d.t8ttc, to rarlr, fcc?tlg thc otrb qnntiltLca ortut, ad to obr*rp tbc df.ot oa tb. lrqpdrdo a.a e ftnotLo of tJrc lbrglry bad.o ratlo. r18[g. 5.11 shorr tte cf,fbst otr vsdatlil d th. retnlhdr of thc ctdtlng fualltfo rrrccd, by o\ o lthrlt rtilsablc tHru ft thtt tbr crrot aEc quu.tati"cly afullc to tb. srrqaffnf rrt of qrtt ftr th. s!;il,c clart4legt|,o qlrrtaf In ctl. to larcatlCrte tEr ld,atr€r-rrdn fr olordy, llgtrc 6.fO fr bo6 pbttsa efsdlg tlu rcalte plottcd tl tlggc i.ll el a ftrnslln of thr ..rfql prdblo iraad,nt ryufinb cf e dDlr crartoDbrtlo ryrta bar|rg occrreofUg ralrrm of c( d F . It dlil bc raa trbat tbt rrlrtr6rHp tc pt rlqila Et t€o|r to b. a ttrnoil,o of c( d, P , cqnriagr d,th rqga{ to tb !!tt oon of th. ED.f rtc1r. Ibc owrrrr alm rbr that tb tbr ger*forl.c cer, rlib -to'tb tql rtryt f! lggpr thn tb GlrrgDdL[8 dlt[. $*Ir trcfran, ttlr t$r tlcgpcac otr tb6 tdr rt*trr lr lr:r t[a trlat of trb omccpclllng rtryln rtclt nc*Urlng q8e{q to fl.Enrr !.ft lt t1U b. ebemt tbat ihat Lc a erlla oilgr l.a tb rUDe cf th. cn*u! iU' th. rrod rtlrt ruqpor lD tb rqln of F . !, ftls nar.b thr pLnt rhl tb crrttLoal t ltt^l roL !h.D. @pr t'la tb {!tlt b th, !.Gi Dd.. lltt c.titnrf. f,tur d tz ir r fiffitfe otr o( , rld lr rypodfy grrr*rt b o( fr qlfrdntcfy ml,t.5rr It tr nS Etfrg thrt tb. ima nd. of rlrrli,o rlbatlna of th. syrta odAcri oropmifr to tS . )t72, negr 5il2 rbr! thc rffftrot of rur'l,rtla rf thr dragth ltarrdr f . !b. Esmtc rf 1r tht retir of tb. ultlrat barc tE cor{:ilafct to tb ultlnt .har orfllrl,at of th. qllrc rtc.t/, ilf tb ulp tlr.t &.ar cofffdat 1r irGlarll ar thr rrtlo of t!. yi.fA r|rro$h of, a rtaqy to tb ryc-tngocA rlfgm of tlb itrttr abor. thi,l lt Lt lr rt tte umail, Ftbt ftr adldag rtnngtth ffrffi*fnc unrffy ecoinca ar e O.rtrllutln of rritft s.enf{f;t ry tb eilr.notrn. A rtrrrtrsrc lr dlcdgnr{ to rlilhrtd r rtatilo t t of tlosc! obtaLt A by gmlgfrg to cad slr a t-b.s. cqrnl to lts Efsil tlner tzhl qlnnufrtrtc roladc odlfrlstG. !h oaa bc ddlld ea c1 au| ca { lbm b fl4nr 6"tg (r). It cs bc rlnr ttat !.s6rf oC ,-- A f . r orl rffit1*V, Ej tb valum of r ureal ta tb prcrod selrdr *. obrn to ef,rr fr rclds orflllcllt dlLrtrtNfs cbm b flgrrf. 6.fe (t) rH.d -106OlrtTnA to a ulfEl dtrtrlDutLol tutra3nl,c rl.dlnitor eal$olfo iU.rHh$ta eri th. dfbn rtrlgtf arr. t&j4 t 1, rH.dr 1r the oar ln flgrro t.lz thr roerrttr leluoe of .-r EFf lr0p Q,7F, 0.62, Eri, .!P0. fr fltln ,.12 .fui tbit tb. antporc of thr r.d rt*:r lg Dartrqrtc qgpca!! to b. E:r aeortt a thr {rrtrthrtlca of Ddrto od':nlalct. lbmoar rlth a ui.lEl dllrHlg$o, tb loqrolt of tb uD!)cr rtcy la cdirsty grcatcn tban th. lqrqrorr of tbr lor atc]tr ta t6. of tb mqutrd Gotrutt fafrr, th. rnlttc 1r tnrr et tb tgre d of i,b f3 eclc lb r U^qfnfer ilbffilnrtloo', lalgaly iluc to a tag rdhntlc t! th. rrcol rtcT rosposit dthsF t'brc te a rtgrrlf,tcaat l,ncoara ll thl f|l.t rblt rclpsllc ar lcillp tt aggoara to bo dut to r olrengo lD tb darrota|rtlcr of tb trf olrrr ar fwhlr rihrclrs of ,r Dc.loil . o.E harr oalSr a ralr cfifcot uy qerrro, slvlng rtro to a ftrthr itoccaro rD tb rcd doqy $t$,orl a'i t*tc .qpcar of a dtglt tsr.rp b th. tlrat ltoory rrolpor. A rl,gnlffcaot faatrrc of tb lorpsrc b thst ftr .f rqnaf to rd, lcas +Jl6 O.?5r trhr ra*or of tb E?c dct 1l eamoiateil rfth trtr rd EiL frr ihr ffLc raa3. d orrtird. It aPlrca8l -lo thrt, rfrtra +."ho rcoci Di|r dar6t trrrttt tb lc;cjj, thr lospmrc !r aLEd rareaarrt of P . hrcqlntlgr rt t&r EFpc ctd of 3b 1l roalc t&r rd Jrft' trrlgur! rtlLf t+da to b. grcatc ttm th. flrat rtcT rraq)olrro sl.thdr tlsrrrfagYFlruf tlp olor togpthc, f'br lf trn drd,gn ct srilcr trht u rbuln rti.Lve for equal. requlrecl thratillty factong tr both utories, lhc crrlcr -lO7th tt ru$ qE .1l tbet lt lrdrf t|,r!1l|hrtln of rflrln crtlldot dll bo e ftnatilo of th. pc'o| of thr uraugr rlrrar b ld I rrqy tht rt ll1graaa6 dth tlgrrare b Dlg'IJa of tb tdulaS. It lr alro ldsrt FrbrD[r that tt r{u bt r frrsc of }1 sl 1 . Itir ftGa..rtLag to ebrcrr tllr r0lld lr tcrr of rrrtllr abroft.A by tlr ry*cr. !b c1;:pr t;1 fftg. 6.rr |adtoetr tb cqrdral,ot 631Er eDtupttn cf a rtnstgl b.r4 ib(Iroi to st rrarfu rd,rr b tbo fLrrt aoif roopai ltoalcr dnLtrlnrrfn h practlc tht trc rrd6r offi11, at {tilr3lat ralum d , a 5lflA fb arlrr cl ltlottoil te rlar b rot ooarr rlnltoccrly. tG! fu rh'. Ar r z!2 p Y ra tr frn- t) + t*r' ^ LPr- r\ r .qdmlct orrEr aDruPtiln. I r r.l + lz . tltail rau d [lrtr' !h. tli!}|t t!l{ to rott3| t| th3t tzb dll]fglaor botno tb carc of rf . lr0 qd thf tbrc othc tafs. cf f rbrl U O tHl c6,rl et5. Dr cr oqrrrl torA[nlthrhO.?] t|r .sdtflt c8r 6 .f Dut n F lclr tfin lb.dtvtlc 1r vf*haft.y t*lrat ' r'l- r f r Hlg'frg tb gruater {Aet 1g' thoa rferd.flfiottJr Lt 1r !'O orllrlt rlth tb ome4dlag rnm tbr tb dndtr &jrrl of ffi lptc rbn !r fl.g111lr 5.? lt dlt bc reG trhrt |b ohsglt*{rttcl t[a asc g1fto |tffrcut, prtlalecLy at jpratc rrl,ml 11!p fr rroil r.d. D!*qErr e ddnt Pert. Ifgrr. 9.15 tdteatcr thc oflcot of, vrrlrtl,o d l m tb rGlpol1. lhr olrrr Lnllcatt tbet th! rtltlbn llrtrlbrrtln bar - 'fO8 - afy a red os{c. ff,fbqt il ttr{roturu Itd,tE l rtth r r&ilfUr allrtdbrrtlo ef, rddc srl]notd, At lor rntHr at F tb lffi rtory a5ryrcan to bc atlbotral thr nrt, dth fncced4 ihtotllltt testcr bclng ngullril rtth bcGarfag vsluc! of tr , dllt at tttgF val,ur of fs thc ra f$dl lr &on |l thr rfqroo!. of tb l54xs rt*;y dth tb rcapoe. of thr fffi rFy b.fng pastl,oaf\y U4oatt of I r tfgr. Srrl rh! tb nrte Staf,aci fu o( , f d* rrr hrpt ogal to url,tt" lbr r!.rs frE drdl3 } ar tb mrtut nrlatilc rae that lt rar f'l!trt thBt # t$n Dr a deqlftalut rrs!.&t bcoarno tt dll bc thr ut rlgarfioeat tlr lD tb ruletlclHpt b*pan trhc natulql af,sdlo frelod of tb tC rtolf rltfng dn ad the natral poiloifr of thr ltrustur. Ia lbot, |'f ffglgr !.,1! tr tnloal d 1*r o!.an, ttn i tr pt rry dcdtloant for tt oc bo rcger{lod as a rrl.atlc of + hqlflg pi oodatt. It dl.l bc rea tfu flSs.. t.ltl, that vaqrtaf, }. d, t'l tt nrch a EG ar to b; + urtant bsr a fnlG dttlcS s tt, trrporc of &. top et*y than that otAfr0 ty vutdag + , rftho{b tb. verlatlm !.s rtllt rnsll opelcC rltht8isftObtelarit by r*ftl; D( ate tr. llgtrr 5,tf strffi tb qrwrs tE X r .4 - O.5r aoil 1.0 arr lraotloa,Llf 1r!6ttosl ttq. tha rcqmre af loth rtc|ll, trut vttb l o ll E 2.O, rd, /3 Larn t&arr at, th. *ql rtrt rr.Glo tr onddcaDly iLc$ *ttdr e harc m rtf:U rl5d.nnut Infrr fa b rolponac otr th. lG rtclrr b rrlms of /3 g:r8t6 ttrD 2.5 tha.o 1r mt nrch ififtbrrnoc totrcq tbr rcnil,tr tlr m& rtorlr, rlth thr rmod raL taitl3 to rhfutr tb lgrDc rrtc7 loglanr adf tb rrrtpo.c of both rtclor tacrer|l8 Of8Etflr d,th tlcerill3 -109> od',t4, llnrr n thr be.cLr cf thl rradtr ottdnl frr tf fro &F.r tblt tldtrtlnr of tlcdlc dotqlfa,dlc arrta - d dcfal i,t appo*.l trhatl (l) rru*rtla of o( haf a nJc dffd s tb rrrpcrr of b.t[ tb trG ad u5pc dorlrrl (a) rarfcr.@ of f ber r ntor dfid a tbr t rElarr of tbr Uppc rbqyl (l) tb d:trt of x d, -e1 qlrcal.l to b. of, ffis:f f*ctuF o;gccil dth tb rllbct 3f cr oil d, j (l) trm lbcr pt lDr)fr b br ry rESo rrrfrtncrhln Dclna tb radlr 8!!DOsr d tD dryFc. cf Crrcilr ad r|lflr aejr.. od) ficrib cLartqlastto r5zrto t! tarr of, nqulnd ilnotlllbr fi|'ict c thr 6cgy abrctrl. (l) room| rcir dllbotr tci to itdsate tb rrrpcn ef tb qD.E rtcy ftr laqp ralrre of p . Srveal. rrrcsch EsUr br farrliltltcd tb bulat lqDar. of qrltfirgrcr of flr& ellrbDfartlc ryrtcrr Drt of th hsta3 relrn thnrlrrr rtth c*thnralc Arotrr. ra& (r9e) fr tU olr o rb bg sr|lmn I h rlat artr, sd br mrfarral tb ro4cro of a g*tllnllsr olrrr ef rtnnfircr fdtlall5r at rrot ll tb cqulllHrn norttto, te a rtuusldal 5rnf !b g*-ti.olar rtnrorhrsr b ocddrril bad u$Ua lilt' rtfo. tdg rtitlhcr d rurltbl rFngtb - l,ror tfry e*rrrponfoa b : .4 r t,Or tf - 0rl |n tb fllrnt rtfdr tqrrn E tlrd ^ th. rleqpor d tl, tor rtdtrr ne nd E t ulnr tb tb that -lletb upp@ ftclr. ttrr lrmcot E{.tG. fhd tbr er tdmy for lfi nilrrr of fZ . Ibc rcst of thc wk Lr orcclod rlth tilrpoaaG ryootra fbr lyrtcer rltb rrrrml &grecr of flrdlc. It tr mt lnrelblr to rrlr iU.rcot cqar!.ror, hrt rO of tDr gmcelilal fcattrcr ona !i 6parcil. 0a. of tbc iltfltqrltLca etrdLs of uiltLdcgroc of fboolla rifrtrl'r la thst tba nrdc of rarl"$ dof{$qg fu qtft: aloa lr rty lergcr ad cedr antbr ber rrH.stcal ldnroEf to m rlBlpelo of!. Fcrfm (t960, g) &tcrufnra $r rorpoor lD.otra of a ctau of dl rtcy olartollfaetlo rEuotrrcr &$trotcil to tb fSO Et Offiu l{ efthqnr'kr noct tb rtarctrl"m bad, r rnllba rarr irlr$hrti.a .ni rtttllbcm tqrerlng t-"ar tb. totl t! rnb a rantr u to glrr r trleryuLar f,lrrt Dib lbr vlbratlo dthla tbt clar0i,o trogt. tb otbor ooefilccif a El,angular vaar,etlm of rild.o d als cs tltb catra atsctrs$aflg of, th. tql rtory ar poffrf ln tb e$C eat. E tbri tbat tb lG![Doarr ;ratre rr qnal.;ttetltd't lbdrp to ryGa obtalE il fb d.Etl.c rtctrr drrrhlrr ar{, thrt & rcalra!. of, tbc taD rtd? rel eoril.til,n to thr rtocelh illreilu3ln" thalc dprla &nurabb rfth tb luooat rttef r I'lndlagl, Btgoft (lge O) artdani thr n+oasr of o flva atclr c8usfiDc *{th a rnf&rr dllrHh$fm of lrac to a bara aocl*atlo hrtfag tb aoo oharaotcrl,stle ar ! Dlrc. f,c agand thBt tb. strqgth to atlf:hua rnil oaatdcdl tha rospom of strushrqe ;ftn rrrl'qrr itl,rtultutlmr of, t:br cnntltlcr, f. SrsA th, t rlth a atnroturc of unilol rlrogth md rtLtrlbrr - ttar Dropoltlordl -lll- tO X r !1Op tJ- . 0.5 - rl* ctr tfdilr8 nr rt tb bottr rhrru riltrb r .ttuotll.. a rltuodt trnclag dtrlrlltt|n oc.zr.rrD€dfilS of rtlllfbou ed rkrfth I rH*llag rdfn oclnMlri rHlg ttl ibfioctf.c of th. t4 abcy EFCatd. E ds tbd bt tb lfirl Itretlnrtic thr lct ra itlrslrilh d f{dilnf ffilffi tb rtu.tta. frl r nradf6 cf ttr rtrrdrad Dc:tal. t;th thue rraflta eE! 66tf,rtct trbor fUd ty th. Fltd F 'tG. f|rc rqr*tr of tb gnro @0,ttr (r93ar 1955t r96b) mtrto mnt of ldbatl* llr| SffrHf I b rrycn rf nrltt-rtc7 alartilllartlo dlrrchr.r to t*tDCrrlr rtlcr, fnf agd! tt fi rtr ttr jgrt|ollf !h$ & .!fr, buir, th. [dttrltf of tb lctposo d th. tqt rt*l to tb |lrlrlhrtlr rf rd5o sd!ildGt. of U OD tb Dari.r otr th.t fl.dl,aet tt qfner tbt tb fft tdrn porrlbLc trrnrilnt lcqnrr oq br ctlihf to nlt$rltl of tl& ryrtr arll that nroh rtnillrr rill tadl ldUlttl of eilgnlflcm ll t*tbetrbr aCtrctl3. tbc gpatrrt l-' -112- (o) cccclcrotion opplied to thc ( bose b) initiql conditionr (c) displqccmcnt-time rcc6rd iraune c.l OF TANABASHI'S - CHARACTERISTICS APPROACH I 12 to ),""1 ft=; \ l I ll I /, '4- 2 o L / -29 o \ \ -- |2? 1 ? n:o I r:o / ,/ \ .y .60 o.5 .73. t.a6 .t.O 1.50 t.7a B FIGURE C.2 . MAXIMUM TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE .SPECTRA I FUNCTION -OF THE GROUND VELOCITY AS -11r12 ? n=o I t: o to f t / i,= It / /7 6 -4, o ' ''y' z / az- v / r.o ,/ O.6 ,/ .75 .50 .2s 2'o' ,/ t.o f .25 r.50 1.75 2.O B FIGURE 6.3 - MAXIMUM TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE SPECTRA AS FUNCTION OF THE GROUND DISPLACEMENT ? n:o I r'o Tqnobqshl Author , 10 I t f o(: o.2l I Xru o'1r , t o O ,/' ,a' .4 // / ,. , ,.? ./ >G t a / ,O.8 ,(.o.' -t t o-2 a' / -_44 _os /a' / V -g:g -to tJ, -4 /4 J .26 , t I t f / EC , A .5O 4 ,76 1.26 t. O 1. gO 7'76 2.O E sHt,s nE sulis 'I - 114 -. c n:o t:o ? I 6 { o(:4.O ? ,y a xP xg3 o.a, 2 t o z o .50 .26 .7A 1'26 l.O l'50 1',7|' 2'O B FIGURE 6.5 . MAXIMUM TRANSIENT AMPLITUDE. SPECTRA OF THE YIELD l2 ( --rt*r. / I / 6 o'(t x =O.2r/ x^c \t 1 + 4 7 *o/: 2 1.4./ o TERMS DISPLACEMENT or o ? r: o -[- lo !N 4 o .21t oy' 'v -+ '\- w/ ./ .50 ,73 l.O 1.25 1.50 1'76 2'O IB FIGURE 6.6 . MAXIMUM TRANSIEN T AMPLITUDE SPEC TRA IN OF DISPLACEMENT FROM'INITIAL EOUILIBRIUM TERMS t -115l2 to n:o I? t:o / * ='r".y' I t I t.o I AE I l / i;tr /- I 1 I I I I o I z I r' 2.O 4.O .75 .29 I r'25 1.O t.:o 2.O t I MAXIMUM TRANSIENT FIGURE 6.7 AMPLITUDE IN SPECTRA TERMS I OF THE ENERGY INPUT ' (o) system onolyscd (b) octuol system t. FIGURE 6. E - CHARACTERISTICS OF TYPICAL TRANSITION REGION S I rf -116o 3I oo at ll UJ o E ctr F .-J t' li J UJ o. $ Ot GI ars E9 UJ x F {,' I F,i ,t \h ]:_ / o / |l J tJl / ./ a t =a a? o/ elt / / IE ri / < -4 -- ,i ( ( -'t;)-, u / I / o lYl t o r 5e $I 2 trJ N zIrJ oG = z !tO . (,. a o- o o sl .,oo UJ E 3 9r 7 G LUlar ol t L f I / -9 o E F ,/ ? a|'l ou oO 9H o / LJ E 8, 7> -f , a / / $ u ,h, ll -: zlrl i OE GI 12 - 1't7 - 3,O tog ier - 2.5 =1- 1.O_ 2,O I \ lt2,--- t\,2 tro . i'6 2'o - 2.O t.o 1.O # I o.5 ? ? J- I o 1: I o .50 ,25 .75 t. A=i.o f:l.O A=1.O 1.25 1.50 1.75 o 2.O B FIGURE 6.|c}. TWO STORY RESPONSE AS A FUNCTION OF SINGLE STORY THE RESPONSE 24 ,4 20 *"tt z 4 t-:1.O AE 12 ,/ .a lt 1 o r' O r I v \ .tt .X.oas \---:E[ -<= / ? cr:1'o + =1.O l.O l'5 2'5. 2'O Lt=l.O 3'O 3'5 a'O B FIGURE 6.II . TWO STORY RESPONSE IN 'TEFN,IS ENERGY ..OF EOUIVALENT INPUT 'a -'1 18ls!.Fsl oollcpre loadl <- ciwe t <- w1 ctut (ol dclinition E uartorm dlrtrFutlon q'o porobofh dEtributbn (b) FIGURE C.I2 I ur{fonn rtrufth digtribuuons uscd In gnorysrs DFTRIBUTION OF SEISMIC COEFFTCIENT -llg- .gEg_I pllrol ry.IcA4E I! {rilr ohgttc |rrLgD *t-, pcoat rh$r, uc lmntrt. 7.1 IE 8llftF4.,l$f Datd o t&l r.rliltr of b 8llG[il1 I! tb frwlsr d4ltc lt nr h thrt tb r& fcrOlr tranalat qrlllt 'r ca bc rrld tc glrr e nruab!,r rd-tr of tb rad,rl dfrflnmt o,f r dqglr rt*t rfdqlfarff.r rtr.rErr dhrfrg m o*thgnelr tlr tedlg lt a th. tlt.ld3 rd F.tol tuDrrr tL! oC tb Urt gulpr Of a cr*l$rfr enrlcatil'n nC{r Eorrrr, a aglnc tr ut rc uoh tr0esfill tD tb $aqloil of a glm Euililhg of bu rtra3th, rr |l l!il|l3 Crt rbof$b b ib.fgn r hrflfing ro t&at lt nl,:U ha; a xroCrtarlnrl !.trt to a glwn Et otr ddll q.l,e. In ilrrlfdas rtruoElr tt rttb atad largt rrrtfegrhil tH.r c{ta{.a rtl.] b. bili c na,rnlr !frrd!.0 to grtut rote dlne3r. It rdll thl br D{.al o tb &saotclrttca d th. largcrt crthquatc to b. qlstd nr tb ulttaato loai daractclrtlot d th. rfuohr!. Ar r perlt of t&i.s ctr$r, titr prmt rltcr Drll.rrr tlat thr ilcrtgn d rrmrcfirlr ou br Drr.n o thr ryltffi d lc|lr doactet^rtLor of trho wrt pulrcl of o crrth8nfe, .Fr tr ctr to qgalaat Lw qch tlrtJ.glrr ilngr, tht &llrtf6 of tfr carthqgnh.. Iartng tb. tasth cf trh ccthnrlr tc lc Crr$ra -1ZJtt rhoul,A bc Doilfbb to lletllry cltcte |a tclr of e ilcrL8B irrtlllty taotc rt{d tlll D. e fluotlc of thr dtlrrt rtileth olraractcrtrtlor of thr rtrrstrso '#lttr Fql.e0.i bdr, ar{bnetlo td.s oaa br dl'cnf aDA *il6 rlU rprdfr rrhr rdn +gotlrlt, to trb. Dl.aorr rhrr tbr clrrtqiLartlo c*ihgrakc lrrtg a ntl,dtacG*V rt of erltr:l.r rurlA b A, thr qlllhdr of wtt Dufn to De frr{fpri qtrrrrrt; tD, tb. Frl.f, of tH.r prllrS td P tht lhrgtlfff thrtil. tbr rhfd tbr risuohcr rut br rbd,g!.io ffti' r$frrtlq3 r, tht DcfoA of thr rlrrrturr tb an8frp &uff br abil'c to drtadr a rotlrfectey Yaht of $, tbt ultt!8t lcl,rilo ocllffoid tb. trhloh tbr rlructraa rrrt tc Acrdgml. rcplotttlg tb rcrulte !h ta llesr t.t to &tt + at I fi.wtto of F tu lll,fllFro0 / t ttr nlwt rclta' hs! Duuam.A a iledgn &att r !ts ff8rn 7.1 - Tlrlch €qU b. nraA |a oo5urtlA Dy rlth tb eltctra autprtcil sbotr. IE ailc to qrgr tlbrro qlFpr tdth lsrody u.d drtl, tb vafurcr d A sd !O gl.orpoiltns to ltr rrt lnlra cf l,ha f$O El ecafirro ll{ - as umlt by Fcnd.u (tg6 A) -ffi(darclrt tc fauen thc cnru elpn ln f,lgrc 7.2. Alo rba t.a ff5tgr 7.2 err cnrFnl ad, thr Fopqtri llrl orrc*odllg to ter S|6 rcocdltbr Zcaled, edl - afilllc lGall - ttr l.oan frot*r & 1rl| aA ,.O trrlf,otttqt"tr. rt la rtocr*t tc qtpllr loeA frotem to tb olr raltrr bcqausc thoy rc!,otc to tlerlgn loedr liyr Et ulttnatr er OO dtoG& ltetrr 7.2 thilt tbt tbt crrot dc{rdl {lto fr radrr poostblo traaalot qtltuifc enorJlrlr a'c of tb rc osd6 ar tb. -l?lf€cgd,y Alryl,od elr ral,um sA dor thr tc tldr, ll8rr. 7', fulr br rLccdr drylEg cillllotr thr ldtn ilff bil.C a tb dqld crr lhn aH q^u a ttn:trn A ,P d n fi.r 9^ . qlr lb t lb E rlmdy thr iat'.|' T|lir ulryrl rgrtl fb rdqtr d q- &m Gt rr{rgrr tU tb rtngl of mdilgrt. loF llrc vd.ucr 6rf n d,p , X,. qpp.arr to ta !.Iattu'rlt ldl*oib ot P tlt iU h||!r rtn ! d n d,P fi Egpoarra tb&t tbr nlurl of 9n Cn ngt to c b frr al!. ro dth eA of trb roet I p mlar*L rd o & Eth dlr |l trbr atl.r oi tb F !r[gp - looo qunf 7A : ,1. h rnriltt rrrr Ht obtalnrat ta dllelot datdl to Grhfr tb rr!,etind1 bdrc f rd ?^ to bt dlrm srmh*t. Arrrltf fb th. rffbd cf e |rod,tf6 n8f6 wr rt d'tr0pl ln aulitblrat dlrt+rl to a&[o oczsqldll FFrl b Dr iLs t aasiat fon thfu G?c€t. Eorww, tbr tb |l,nralm fn fr nrrrtnn ebaptc, lt qrpese thrt tbE tbr lnftonr of 6rd8n *b oa br tgcl|. Ilth tt .. dlrtr tb ltEll|l3 Ld,!r pctnr ailUf b. n .l ttr tb. of elnglr aaltcr of tlrrb frrchrrr - ll+8r lnrH' pdrlrn rttruotrror. (l) frtluto pcloil, rlma &q{.t3 s.oio, trur[tln tbctc, ed iMflltu ftttr rf rllrtcfrr to br frdg* (a) oranr c qlllbib all tc'iol rf & lrllsn c*tfgf tdr. ql22: (f) nc ffsn 7.1 pelteatlLy rlartqlLertl,o *td! to lbr U qurfnllag rn|qlrf .truttrrt. ffssr 7+I lrlrruln thr ul,tSlUlf tbCotr alsut ftr vfroctl dryfrt (l) O'fUr thr rrfur .f t to br uri b t .{gR Air (+) rnn (t) (O Dld8E rragr " 1".' Cuo thr dnltrn rltb tE,. rilf,. otr n .to Eltlrt ra.da odlLLrt. (Z) UrtuUr pdoil, ilnqu. ilr*ttl8, frodttil flrtc, futfllf tadc, d tb rotqrl d,tfrst attd,o odleisfrlt fU ftrrptrE!r (8) ktf {l.8rr r hl r ).6 rd t.? lbladrr trhr rrqpfnf illtllff fstc eud d.C rttb tbr actual, &nttllty lbatc cf th. rtsu&Drr tf tha s8fc-Gt lr rcamd,,e, thr a6d,gl tt rltllthat*? er fu u !. docilq tf nt t&r llnlshrf ltrt ba rlrdgC' (f) *r lQc DGfod rtructcu, la prrtlorlc, lt lr rrl$ Beo.rrsry to oalnrld. tb rtrmgth ta elru ty Itt*c l!3!r a !- I ,P\ o#2 l-tr' tt th. grrat ttr, nS a lmfgn neto*ll fr lagd,y f&dtrtlo rr rrry of tb tsl^obfm $rqufsd [! rt brn lo;rt tlr prrru0 c4tc qrilca tbct ad 6 rtncn A lr nc.dfil. rd urf,A F vti. a ratlrral ryporO to orrthgrfr rrfrtot im{D{ _12r_ 7,2 1,f,!,!10 sDE tldtilr th. rrrilt Stdnl tU tb tD rtcy ryrtl trr bt grtorft ou& to llrtu g |arrgl *r.-t6. Eorrrwl tblt ilo rdrarb that lt mld' bc lnrlblc to &{w lrsh &ar*g tlrl . Et chdrr rlnly aail th*r rcmf tD $raa frr tb Drorat agnuuh alfn nt be ctdail to ryrto cf nrr ilqlrocr of thalr. Sr lrrs0ta do fdfaatc tbat tt rcletlr Aodfftf rqulrctr of tho tn atorlcr itqorlr a glcert iloal c rrb urtr|lstln d rctrlc orf,Bl'ctat, +al[ tbat tt b bcttc to b,r e rt*rrotrm rtth ttla qaj: Itelf owr.ahdsF.a riltb r|rrot b $F bEl bal? tbnn rlra{lrla. _ ,l?)+ 9 6l lrl o ) F o 7 ll- N .: Ag@ 6a ,z .f 1F =8, u,l e u Etr FO $ i; ?x lrl : a trl AFO YF FV, :E 03 z o ut J oo tuz F 'r0 271 Q lrl AP o) $u ZF ura I -t\. '| E ou 6H lrt o GI o G, ' trl o9 L E -127t ,l lii lrl il g o I (, rE I Eo G o €g I it al Ir J it t ;l sEs ! ll !lE 9; !t ,' la, 5i ifil /'i a /i a a a a a a a / !/ n o a i o u, rt (, obo z(, u .E I f I o o t ll ll /r o o.9 :T :T u) ,r'/ Irl (, (, :/ :t c| / o UI ./ o I /i 'il o j Ir I a a tl N t! J I t| o o o 3 o tt o z o o ir ir E G| 0 0- o U I t: t: G' 6 E 1l (r 6 UJ o 9 I i/ / a l ol o o o r\ lrj G, o L -126- t.o :.O2 .05 ot r 9't cuo tl ol ? I .o o24G810 FIGURET.g.EFFECToFvtscousDAMP|NGoNTHE . : beslGN -cuRvEs n! t: o -127€f,AFln uilqgKp, lF I tq!ilE. lalrrryl tb 1nt!.d rtt{y nt srltrr brr brn oaildf that lf tbl ceproroh fuclbrit hrdl lr tr lm trtr Drrir cf r natlaal ryproroh to 1gEthqrsb prt|td d.dar ftn nrthc rrrc|.h 1r rrqdrcif ta tb tUDrrt.tl8 tqlil!.t (t) e d$rtlcil rprqetlon of tho radlr DarrlDl. lDud.d rcqrcle of tb tD dtrof of eub ryd.! rot r*tmdn .tr tb efmoee t6l dartqlarttc rtrusttr.r havlal sl lry.r d nrabr (e) A. &tudnrtils of tb .f?cct of terlm o tb l& ;naalbLc trsrd,ot rctps- * t-T"-trLeL rtnottrr. (f) e $at!.rtlool ctdy d 8rtuD! rotln to rc lt lt tt gorrliblr to pdlrt dtb ay oc'tat3ty trhr &rrrtatt;tt,fl af t'L| urt Inrl'm ln u rsthfiusb. (A) f ah{y of tb ult1rrtc rtrrgth dradrr{rtlor of $tnd, rtartrrpa rdr I ttr ryube of aftclatlat la.iflgb Uattl tEr ll dtoc, a retLorf rtbl' of rad,astL Ld.SD tt ct of th' grrflol Ar a r.aflt of ' -128i gEg,J @ I! Ht tltpc'tclf f rrEllt/ o llhr tI, bl.ydl cf llnrhrd e*rorc to th, ffill hili Godctoc c efi$Srhr rlgl-+clngn Bolnc (lf6!) rebm thr rtetcatt r0ar d thr r|r1 of ltfrp !fiuf iboufd b to irtcrdnc htr df,Dtr r rqpcar1a|e'tlc d tb rilanftrr twltr. oaa br lsaa "it etlll han trhr oqn$atlnr Jdttn rd!|l|rf lta frcarnil llilJtfg$to rcfrcrot! e tm$ al5ag tbrr ll'rln. I In tH.r tarurtlgatta th. al'ta' br rftdlcd I pl*|.ctlr rattrattoal.'fec$r of etartqlartl,o rtagb &gn of $'rqh ryutor r$Jto! to dnudial adtainn, *Ld bf Dc! id]ud t'l| rltd hrt attqttol' al tbr rarlrrr porrlbil.o tffidat qiltdr. lo tbl tbt tldr gelttcrlr rueffty ra rsdnrftr b as'th{narr odmqllag r$trd - tutt Er 1r16fllr oilttt ap nrdAsntl tc lb rLtc bl c8ltro;! b Jt rdy rtatc vlbrtlc fc*l'rq ltlFttL8$.a tbr dlfbot qt6 tEr pvpcty of vlrmr dl?l[3 4f e trurttto rcgla bctrcra trhc clsdi's si $artdn ftrtoi' !h! ;littr hag a&o lbrn that tb mcuacft m br aDFt|tA to tD Atrrr. of Srrilc clgtelrrtlr ryrtrr rtth rrulnffbl nnrltr' ftr Ettc brlllna lt sy 8p ill rqy tnacfu udrll8 U fnslrr rctrc !y (tf6!) tn b ltrf,i ls tb l,$s'oibct"ln to bLa roportrrrc annctrr of tb DtDqr. C c**hg1al rcrlrtd aLd.t1t cnrtnlgt|onauitregulatlartoth!Hr{r*lnoonftrorclr'thp qrah. t[t il€f,tlS th.,tl flr a&L, thr pqor of t!'nly ffi|rl ryrtc -l29o dl|tf lr|r.f of errlc hrr D.a Ur*tatrlf crrrl to ih0r, hrt thru lr r rct&d rynqrtatr to th. |errg of ryrto rftb rrrwel lrgrocr oC tlrcibl lt t nt prd$r, b rrt m1 b lrdl€t ft0b r rgr Dctls cf tb. rnnr of lr.trrtnn rfbrrsr hrv|.n8 a dll br aDrsrDql fa cly o rE tn defic of Orcb cf r rtl#l c rlll be dftelly AlrHluilc0 l,n itr lffitrra. I hww, tb orfpir drslbd ln tEr rrtDc't glrn n l$pa$r of trbr ilstllff fttto. tc b. urrA b ilrl|1b tb ryil of vlror a4ilgr tb lraurltio fllts, c *rt atctln {lrltlnr ffif rrh t llil. to old,rratr tbg qgr$tLtto, th. parltr of tblr rct ril rhat d a Srcat Dry lthr. fntrUgrtcr la tb. fLlA of fnfrrnill loErolrr, rlll Dc of llttb tastioaf ur tt r*,srte cd*r. -llD- IE@, lnilo, tr. ifc,ffre |Ibrtlct of &.rfl|ll3' Foordfasr ef ih. gcd letd Oodtn n bthgnrhr lW Udnrcfng, te6na, 1t60. 1p. l$!-10€0. Ec.t, e. Y. t96f 'nrfforr niltlrt*f timeEu to E&n!n.r nooatagr of trb blrcl 8oCr6r d 6lll hCrc+tr bX. 87r l|o. rc, fprff 196r e tD. ld6o otr Ecg, O. Y. ad Dr Dq6n, D. A, 19f!- iDyano Anfydl o6f flertrpfrtfo gffi1.r Aucrffl8t of tL laerlou Scdrty d AfdI &g|rcr, frl. 86, b. J2, rF{l l*} E, T}J',L. EGS; O. V. '|fi d lDrrrrl'l, S. 8. llncgt ooqlt{o ty Stnrturu fa fillaC Dttm lrt&p qnhr.i arorCtltr of tb hdlrrtlg, Elot, Sroqn ktf hfbla a Dr$nrlr ilugan, t960, I. l. l9r, "lhryt d llart|o 8y*re V]lb.rtfug rlibr lrnrl,ct f*ufn rlth all rgpllcatto to lctheab hroof hdl!![9r.f, nnoc€tar d th. flttnal rorlrf cf 8otaa, bl. ft, W, 2&-268' -'l ,{ - gful J. A. 1*jB i8lnntrrat , , . 'r1 1fi la tcthqgrb lcrlrtd Hgn r Poocltngr of th. ^0lrcdoo Soolrty d Otdf bdrctr , 4, to. S, tr{y 1*}4 Pqrr i6g5, tF a 'A Becm l,cgr t.& lb tb la*hqo*r Drrljl nrtbS of 8tnrfurr lr tb l!illsr0lo bn!t.' Etocdllag! ' r Dgnodor d tb t d lutt Hbm d I lrthnubr hglnrclag, tqrat, 19&, tp. l05l-l08r. Btlntt, e. tr. f96 (A) nilt lofrr f4n.rrntettl d httqur}lr.i tb rs!.u .f qtrll h3lacl, Yol. 86, Ifo. 12, AFlf 1*, lEl. td6. (I, '|rnrognl cqutc lcro,qrr fn rrd,rio DrdSl.i EtcrUrgr of, thl tcsil Hf Auf!,cl I f**bqprll eCnrclEg, JEru, 1fi, IE . 65t 6?1. (O) rnoli, Ofebor-.att tl lultLd*y trrtdt Drd.g!,i Euflst|n of thl gO.rbefoaf ftddy of rrloq Yol. !0r Io. $r Oct9bc tt$, W. ,n-r&,. BJrcmtrt, O. I, &r1il{r, I. J. o.f km, & t. 1rtt, rBlstrloel roalgua b EeethEr.f. E l,i glnctre." hlooanas! of tb &clcaa Aod.ily cf gft[ DgHe, Tol. Stit Io. E, Os0obc 1l5l9t Dg. &t-61. eroocittagr of - Itll !. lL 1960 (A) "Stnrrtildl hg|,trtlo o Ong[ryr of, a tyrtr rtth Hltarc lyrtffill.i Jq*ul of ffpff.e Hador, fr:I. /1, Io* T, Drodr It&, 1;D. 4O'6f). (e) turi Ord,ffetrar of, a Sd,rtntldtr IlA Ut{t&g tral ttllner [grtandr.r tard. of rpfkallroholore To1. ll,bo f, Dccdc 19ff, pD. 5154;13. (e) rhb Edtrttm of a grrGr dth D[fllro Sr$G,lrb,r tcld of $pff.A leohuls, Vol. Ilt lor- f, DrSc tt$' Y9. 6\J.8i2, frha, 4r la'qr, L. t., rr.lrfrrrrqr tr. l. lr-tj "fmOrh lotil.c oC 8brr. fd,fffag. rndl|tu "frdldtt ad E"mr Dqil1go' ero*logr cf $. r:cl,oc d qrv$ &glpr, Ef. Bl, thgeatr Pa lrrhg, J. rtp trc. 626, ff'ff 19EE,. P. t|ioei YrFuttI. rtrtb osfrf ll'9qr ed gcdd DqilDg.r ftJ'€lffof lrg16r, tcf.a 7, Vol'. 9r lo. n, W l9Fr t. &{'s'17. D[ fag$o, f !. tr. t58 Etldo nrdqlfrrt|.s bq nr of nl|fA ]bc..r hocrffq3r of tf,r .bl,cre hdrty oE 0ivll $fnlr, Yol. 8f, Iol I!, tuft f9t4 - tlll c \ tbgr B 0. ed 3artfr, l. Y. 1fi2 "8hcd nsDr!. ef a trrlLnra Syrtqr Joraul of ffBffd; H. 29, &. tr 8cx*dc 1962, gP. 115ffi'. J. !', lolAEfi?' J. !. ad S€cr D. I' rr5b "ltrr 8;lgpcro of grqllc hll"nac Eptu to r lafi Dtrhrtoos of, tho Bgl"tbqur&t ly]t.t &rtlcttn of tb SGinfedcel Sodc'E rf frfmt lof,. !l' Io. f , hbrn*7 l$l" Darc z65476. Gloldbcg, Goto, E. oi Islta, I. 1fr ilnalgrdr dth a APPll,eetll to ft trlo DodS |il) Erllp Plcl." lg}tr &utlrcoa I lrrsnnrDl hefrclas, Eqnn ifi, ra. ltlgrrl5!. fuunc, O. f. 19# '!fdt Dtd.g1 of, Strrrtlrrl tc fflrt tstrtfqqlbri frroccNfner d tb fc'tf Outtnuc I lrth|ne tut.ra{nS, Eutotrt0l'r CrfUUaia t 19-55, tqrr 5. 1fi il1hr Elotiln lattrrc of, lrur DudnS lrtthqnnb.r rlllccilner otr tLr FaooccA|lg!oftbSomAH,tOofFaootrr!trglllr fu|lc*{rtg, il4na, 1fi, Do 9filrl072'1g6j irca*tc! &naryr ih IIr rnr$rrr cd) ttrushnl Bcqll|t." Prqrtrt frr rH$a Hd Sdcw trcl ZagLad, 196!' ol larthereb &tllilt!8 -ltbr Ennc, G. [. ed ilontgrr P. O. f 96L {Cccrtlm of lrtl|lldaf larthgntrll.r of tb. Anertcan 8od'rty cf gtill hglrclt Toi[. 90, tro. f'f , ltrElarlr lgSr !ry. l't!'l$. Drrocedlags Irm, f. D. rt6r D|,Ug ffiortto gtrntr.f !h.D,'l!h.fifr, Oaf $M.a tutltftr cG Er&rhtf , 1*1. l94 nAn ' 'mr ornrlo nr*rnr of, ll,cotrrfal Aoalsen rU Stda hta|afg buld Dqflagrrl l[rclrenf Ec*ntor, fr10. Vof. ib.r Io. 8, frgurt f t6fb 2J2-2i$. Seobra, L. 8. '1910 rgtcefrr fb*roai Yltsrtta ar laillcnil ty Dqtla8.' Iranastlsr o? tb. Ftos toddt cf hohmfod Udmcru, lH.'fr-I|, 19]1!. lfrz q$nilfo Sohaylfilv d Sfrptflci Etnsturrr {l t tb Fofnt of OrflrSrr.i koooffryr of thc quryodtr I farafignbr ad lf.rt |llllailr c Etarstrure, trot r'.gnlcrl Oaflltrdao 1fr2, 19'. ffit1, fofigl, P. €. ,?6, "Bcqrogc of $ryf. llct lr8 Stmrturrl te lrr$ger qpltrelsa.n <thta of Sa'duCl4grr lt6!. f 96b ilEcfritso &*am of a Ocall tlnlfi-g Sffitsl.i frocedragr d tb leloo So€d.ty d Ofvll lnFrlfr Yd. 9Or !o. tr2, rylf l96tlr ED, 111-165. th,'Do !hod,r, Ed.!,rbral,a -1fif,l$all, A, !. r9b't rlH,slln edl Dqrllg ll vt}:etln.r lrrnrdlot of tb .Gfaa barty ef lrdd,ol Dalrcl' Vol. 6r, gD. A5ldlr, t*1. fotcl, ?. ad llarl, & 1160 ngtrdt otr Enrtatlosry l|lEatln of Drdtilf ltru$h!..r frooeaUf etr'tb Erood lt€c,!.a 6bre o es&ql& \fErehg, Japn, lfit tE. lOSj-1iO+. Iclrrnrc, E. 1951-19lP,, rQ'qthLrdr rnafgrnr vsltt llt ibr ldriabilli &*t{o.n l*rdrcfr& rlrrrrntugs 1t!l-1)t2r Act& fcu*t, F. I. 1%2 "OqEtatta of Uyad,o Slrr,rotrnrl nr+omr b fr h[!l GInrl A14uoad[g tal.lrtrt.i froooAl4r of thr Syqnelu I rctUqnrlr oA Ufrrt efihctr o Etrutrurc , Ia lngptm, Oslltbd.a, 1992, DP' l14-129' Peod,ct, tr. 1960 (A) Onrfo bqorc of trlrrtcplartb hm.' procsillnet d tb rnslm Sod,Gtt cf Olrtl Lglrcr, Yol. 85, f,o. 8ll,7r JuLy r9S t t?. 61-ffr (f) |!0.artqrlaltto Scqlorc of tlrdllcif Erftbt*? ltrucesr fubJoct d b e $trog Xotlo l$tbgu*r.' nrooc nagr cf thr Ssif llrf'il 0dbu a Ftbryrlr rnsflGaflg, Jryu 1fi, W. 7yrl7&. -l!6nqanr firffc Od.ttm. ilcllrcs Scrioro rrd,yct cf fgpUortla tc Xcithp qnnk lrrl.ltnt Dllilgl.r !u.ti Cdblc I lrrtbqnrb nneOrcall8e cf tbt ld Uffacctnf, 8qlal 1fr. DD. 6bt#8., l. 1g6t i0mnl Etrls"t - tt- lY. fcthgnt hrta$ Drdgr, 1960 Arn$uoHa rai bgulrtlmr.t tUil h1l^o Onfbla r erthurb fnCnctf f,; lrelrd, 1#. I. bro$Luetbr I. ad lcrq t96b '0n r xtd of $*crttc Datrbg.r kocffngr d tb hcrLoan Sedott of 0[rll D5lnl, biL. 90, loi S., frgurt lt5|, *. 9fi8. PrrEnfrt rU mAO Olmrtt o 1962 rt|fitlaccr Rorporo lrarfyrU cf ![lf &dlltl8r tr 3tru 196t fcrtl+rafar mi Ltr lplilloeti'o to Dndo Dfilg.r r9$ Uagtmtl3 furedr ladlffir, Htsd.ttr cf t!hl. Xq*tr lc. I rd Io. 2, 1fi2, Epct ilo. l, Bspct !a!^oba*t, fo. &r rg6!l r4 B. 19fi a tbr lonlloaar of SeugEU e$ffird to Drrtrrrgttrr Eartlrgnaba.r Ertoocoafaet of tht hsffi Oodmn c frr|tss lnelnlaS, Dr.lrky, OsU*blltr) 1916r larc 6. -lr7r f9€0 lilallnar lrrdd BDratiln oe llnrtlrr.r flllflnsr cf fr tcod rdf Hlnrr o tctbgn&r d't ctrlg, fqna, tt&, gry, 1t214218. ltaorbedL, l. ad f,mrfa, f. f 162 'tb tb ncfrttm Dc'tn tb E .trl.a8 lbc Obrotltr3lr of ltarchru .nr thr DrttilD d frrthnertc eild ldEr.r fnoolffaer of tf,r ilqtnrcn letilnil hllgrr r lcultmrbr Udmta8, Iloh/o, ilaSpg, ft6e. lbaebuhi., L, Eob*{., !. ed l&ta, f,, f 9tl rOD tb ;nffru llbrttc of rdlilllr tf lllo|nil l*tbgnft.r ttlccA$fr ct tb llh itqnn lattrnal hgrrr *b rgn!,|rf Ir$mfar' ltt[, ttroefam, 9. 8" t95b "Ilathqu*r Ecqlour of gfrtry dth DfUccc {yrtrtillrr' etoociltngr of tb fn|o6 lrdrtt d 6rft rndru, Yo[. lor tror 8BL, rlrgnrt tr65, tDr tt!415. lXtlnl l. t!. rhqklqr Orytc ttr flUrc ffi- r$h gltGdf.r tameil, of tlDllci fr*qri,.ts tlo q,, 1#i, lpr Ll-[% r9O rtbod SP.Elsa cf e latlm. !;ltr.r Jfiilrt of A1lpUtt lr&srdsr, frr tl2 ht !, tqrt-a 1#o D?. 9P.|d-fl*. lffl -ltO?t[ll;lr l. t. d lil*tl Ir I. rtO ,tlftd cf l,il,rdfr lrbila n tb ,Drr d frtlf !'rtr. to btinrrb lotlrrrr ' *or*rr ff b ftd hl|tGdH *fFtfnt D[rrcrl3, &trn, ItOr t]. dplfi?'. F.Elilry, G. S., rt5r trtrlrgl, l. A. rd tdtED -l _l .t I I. + I _l br.lsd, &U l* gr rgffir f fs.thf,nlr trd$rd !ffibrrrr ifsrel .tr fr .*rffr ffirfr fflHrr tl,.4tt Ir, f , tqfidr; l9!l t DD. !i.l& ; 1 I : I I I , : l @ rstc dsaclbodl ln tlrls tlrrd,e ras ocrrtccl qrt at {tp g€bool otr F.ngtncc{rg undcr ths g{la.nfclqr of hrollasg l[. A. IotbsJrt Thc Dcputlat of clvll Eagt$c**a8, to ;bo I olr grrtaf[l tha*s fs ldr brtrp ad uarca8oat. Hcaa of, thc nrsnke arc alao dhro to the fblto*lng pcdplc rho thrut& itlaorrrtocr ard orrospoaitaoc, ootrlbrrtcll urch to ry r6iLrftry'r|.rtg of both tho partLoular toplc rds ',it gcacal ft ld of ethhofcssoll 0. l[. Scgcdtnr Hcan of thl ahr(y Edl oglacclnsr- Arod.ato Dqra*nont of fbm.cttorl aad Appllcit |lechades; lfr P. T. fqillet scnis Leatrse ln crvll Enefagclngl rr R. r. Thqlem, 9ole tn Stnstrrcs at tb Sohool of Arohltcotuct Ir B. ShCtH, Scnlc l,eoturc tn Clyll fvreheclns at thc thlvrclF of errtsatsyl Prpfcsscg D. E. ftdpn of thc Ca[fu.11fa Instltrrtc of, fcohtologr; anal lE O. R. Iarttn aftA Xr B. A. $pmoc, eraihnto etullate, sd. othc nabers of thr EarthqraXc &rglrctng Bceoarclr Eu1l. I thsnk qy rlfc fu tgllag tH.s tharlsr ud oilo Prortrcurd omectc (F.2.) Lta. fe thc urc of thc|l off;lc oqullnmt. Dslne the oursG of th6 'rork thl Ettcc tla! qgpatcil by a qualcc Jrmtor Resardl Feltovatdp fsntod, by tho Unlrord'ty of lu'il'rad.