June 25, 2014 - The Westend Weekly
June 25, 2014 - The Westend Weekly
The Westend Weekly Bringing Communities Together ZBox 66, 303 Fifth St., Rainy River, ON P0W 1L0 Ph. 807-852-3815, Fax. 807-852-1863, Email. [email protected] Vol. 22, No. 13 Wednesday, June 25, 2014 Serving the Rainy River District for over 23 years! Read us on line at www.westendweekly.ca. Check out the pictures on line. They are so good! The Rising River Following a recent field trip to Our Lady of Lourdes Church to hear about residential schools, students from Jody Bonner-Vickers’ grade 8 class at J. W. Walker School were inspired to stop and help out with the sandbagging efforts taking place at Rusty Myers. Pictured here is Colton Brown hoisting a sand bag. Brayden Clink helped load a half ton with sand bags. Lillie Mackinnon and Jacob Gustafson work together to fill sand bags at Rusty Myers. A lot of strange things have floated down the river in the last two weeks but a freezer? That was a surprise! By: Teresa Hazel The rain may have stopped but that didn’t stop the river from continuing to rise last week, prompting an urgent call for volunteers to help with sandbagging efforts along the waterway across the Rainy River district and International Falls. Volunteers answered the call and enough sandbags have now been put in place to protect the priority areas identified. Couchiching First Nation received additional help to sandbag and protect homes as crews from the Ministry of Natural Resources were also sent in to assist. More extensive construction work is being done to protect the cemetery located on Couchiching First Nation. Meanwhile, in International Falls, volunteers were assisted by the National Guard who came in to lend a hand. In the most recent emergency update from the Town of Fort Frances, Patrick Briere, Public Information Officer was appreciative of the community efforts. “We would like to thank everyone who came out and volunteered their time to assist in ensuring our community is protected. Because of the unbelievable turnout of volunteers all of the priority areas that needed to be sandbagged have been completed. We have also been able to create a stockpile of sandbags, which will be available to us should the need arise”. The press release went on to update about closures in the area, which now includes the 5 Mile Dock located on Couch- No Westend Weekly for 2 weeks. We’re on summer holiday. Next paper is July 16. Happy Summer Everyone! This spillway is designed to safely pass additional flow at high lake levels. iching First Nation. “The 5 Mile Dock is submerged underwater and appears to have sustained some damage, because of these observations we have been advised to tell the public that the 5 Mile Dock has been closed until further notice”, reported Briere. Although the water levels of the Rainy Lake and Upper River are continuing to rise, the update noted that the increase is at a much slower rate than anticipated. The weather has played an important role in this slowdown. The International Rainy Lake – Lake of the Woods Watershed Board also updated conditions in a press release dated June 23, 2014: “Rainy Lake water level is forecast to rise roughly 10-15 centimetres over the next 7 days. Meteorological forecasts suggest the possibility of more rainfall in 6 – 7 days, which could have the lake rising again given the saturated conditions”.The Board asks wa- terfront property owners and uses of the system to keep themselves updated on basin conditions. Up-to-date information can be found on www.ijc.org or by calling 1800-661-5922 Ext. 3. Residents are also encouraged to be mindful of the Town’s Operations and Facilities crews that are continuing to work to A broad view of the spillway shows the lay of the land in Fort Frances where the Rainy River begins. repair all of the damages that “There is still a large amount have occurred on the roadways of debris in the lake and the and infrastructure. water level at the CN train “We would like to continue to bridge is very high”, cautioned remind the public to use cau- Briere. tion when approaching any Fort Frances and area resiwork areas. This will ensure dents can monitor the emereveryone’s safety”, said Briere. gency by following 93.1 The The public is also urged to use Border for updates or can call caution when out enjoying the the Emergency Information water. Line at 807.274-1818. It’s a real gas… at last! Photographers’ showcase Northern Ontario version of Abbey Road Photo by DJ MacKintosh We have gas! Paul Caruso at the pumps of Busy Beaver Fuels at 612 Atwood Ave in Rainy River. Paul and his wife Riitta recently purchased the former Cardinal Blue Wave Station from the Marmus family. As well as a full service fuel station Busy Beaver Fuels will offer a carwash, general store with convenience items, tackle, hunting & fishing licences, a coffee bar, animal and pet care products, plus local crafts and products. The station will be open Mon Fri- 7 to 7, Sat. 8-5, and perhaps a Sunday shift will be added. This is the second business the couple has opened in Rainy River- the first A 1 Sewing & Upholstery Service. Photo by Jack Elliott By Jack Elliott diesel to the public. The former After more than a year, Rainy Blue Wave outlet officially River once again has a service changed hands when the Marstation to provide gasoline and mus Family turned the owner- ship of the station at 612 Atwood Ave over to Paul and Riitta (nee Johnson) Caruso. Caruso was a millwright for 39 years in the mines of Elliot Lake and Sudbury. As a student in high school he managed a service station in his home town of North Bay for a year and a half. Paul moved with his wife Riitta to Rainy River where they built their retirement home on River Ave E. This is the second business they have opened in the Rainy River, the first A 1 Sewing & Upholstery Service The service station will be known as Busy Beaver Fuels and as well as a full service gas station will include reopening of the Car Wash, both services sadly missed in the community. Other goods and services to be offered at Busy Beaver Fuels initially will be bait and tackle, hunting and fishing licences and a general store that will offer convenience items, confections, animal and pet supplies, local crafts and products, and perhaps a coffee bar. Future items and services will be added as needs and markets are identified. Initially Busy Beaver Fuels will be open Monday thru Friday, 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Saturdays 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and possibly a Sunday shift as well. Congratulations to Paul and Riitta for their initiative and entrepreneurial spirit. We wish them well! Are you paying too much for your insurance? Martin Dufresne 275-8916 852-4237 Call Martin, Melissa or Robin for a free no obligation quote. Proudly Serving the Entire Rainy River District Melissa Wiebe Robin Payeur 274-6688 274-6688 229 Scott Street, Fort Frances 1-800-289-9917 Page 2, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 From the house submitted by John Rafferty M.P. Moos by Kim Jo Bliss I was hoping that I didn’t have to write about the weather this week but it is difficult not to. Emo was hit with a horrible hail storm. I heard about it Saturday night and was crossing my fingers it missed the Research Station. It didn’t. All our crops are showing damage. Some soybeans have had their leaves stripped off completely along with alfalfa. We just finished planting our vegetable plots last week and the cucumbers are just stems as well. Many have asked “what will happen?” I have no idea – other than even if there is recovery – it will affect yield. I am also not sure how wide-spread the hail was – but I am certain it will have affected some farms. Our weather station was completely destroyed. We have experienced hail in the past but have never seen damage like this. I certainly was wishing for a better year . We have projects that have income attached and as well it would be nice to have some great data to pass along in hopes we will remain open! I realize we have no control over our situation but it is certainly hard not to let it bother you! Relay for Life on Friday night in Fort Frances was unfortunately affected by the weather as well and everyone was forced inside. Walking inside the school isn’t nearly as fun as walking outside. I haven’t heard yet how much was raised but there was a lot of great team spirit and fundraising activities. Our team “The Foundation Fighters” had a great time – though I left for home before midnight and I am sure there was more fun to be had. I left because I was scheduled to sell the Foundation Canada Cash Day Lottery Tickets at the Farmers Market on Saturday. If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet – be sure to get one! Time is running out. $10 000 is the First Prize, followed by $2000, $1000 and 4 chances at $500. All the proceeds stay local and are put towards projects at all our Health Care Facilities across the District. And if you haven’t made it to Clover Valley Farmer’s Market this year – you are really missing out! They have all kinds of great things going on. The $5.00 all you can eat Waffle Bar – is worth a visit. They have some great new products – most are products grown / made in Ontario. The baking, produce and meat are mouth-watering. If you are a Face Book user – be sure to check for their updates and products that are posted regularly. Mark it on your list - it’s worth it. I always joke that Maddie and Marlee can go anywhere and find stuff to buy – but I came home with quite a truck load myself this time! Maddie and Marlee came home with me after the morning at the Farmers Market. We rushed around to attend the Rainy River Stewardship Committee Summer Wind-Up at the home of Rick and Linda Neilson’s. We started our celebration with a trail walk that we had to cut short because both girls ended up with terrible blisters on their feet. It might have been a good thing since the rest of the crew ended up getting caught in a terrible downpour. Once again the rain just had to make an appearance. We ended out party with a great potluck meal and a nice visit with a great group of people. Sunday we just took the time to play all day. We caught minnows, tad-poles, frogs and picked wild flowers. What else can you do with the conditions we have been dealt? We checked electric fences and of course – got caught in a rain shower. First thing Maddie asked when she woke up Sunday morning – “Can we stay another night?” She said “when is your summer break Auntie Kimmie?” They have busy schedules for the next while so they had to make their way back to town but not without frogs, tad poles, wild flowers and a lot of dirt! Rainy River Hospital Auxiliary Highlights Sixteen members of the Rainy River Hospital Auxiliary met at the Roadside Restaurant for a luncheon meeting on June 3, 2014. Vice President Gill Stamler opened the meeting by saying Grace before our delicious meal of soup and fancy sandwiches was served. Congratulations to the new management, cook and server who did an outstanding job for us. With our lunch consumed, President Joyce opened our meeting by presenting Jeanette Armstrong with her Twentyfive year Certificate of Appreciation and Pin. Congratulations Jeanette from all of us. As our Treasurer was away, Joyce read her report and Nancy Schaak gave the Helpp report. Beaty Nault and Ida Maryniuk reported for the Sick and Visiting Committee that they sent a card and basket to our Past President, Myrna Armstrong and family for their recent loss of her sister, Audrey Meunier. If anyone knows of any Auxiliary Member who is sick please phone Beaty Nault or Ida Maryniuk. Irene Hanson reported that the Auxiliary now has fifty paid up members. President Joyce announced that the flowers would be planted at the hospital on June 10th and that the bench we ordered should be set up soon in front of the hospital. She also announced that the appreciation barbeque would be held on June 11th. The slate of officers and committee chairpersons will remain the same for the upcoming year. That will be: Northern Echo Bible Camp This year’s theme: Son Treasure Island (Where kids discover God’s love) For Grades 2 to 8, Cost $175, Sunny Cove Camp July 6 to 11 To register or get more info contact Lori @ 482-1002 For financial assistance contact Pastor Ken @ 274-1873 Check us out on Facebook (Or just put the facebook symbol) Registration deadline: July 2 President - Joyce Penner Vice President - Gill Stamler Past President - Myrna Armstrong Treasurer- Donna McDonald Secretary - Carolee Hogue Press Reporter -Carolee Hogue Helpp Tickets - Nancy Schaak Sick & Visiting - Beaty Nault and Ida Maryniuk Membership - Irene Hanson Tuck Shop - Elsie Gerula Foundation Rep - Bev Langner Social Convener - Jeanette Armstrong Phoning Committee: Pat Acree - A-C Darlene Armstrong - D-H Gill Stamler - I-M Irene Hanson - N-Z Your right to personal privacy is under direct attack by your democratically elected government. The attack is coming on many fronts, very quickly, and may prove irreversible if we aren’t able to stop it before it fully takes hold. Section 8 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees that; “Everyone has the right to be secure against unreasonable search or seizure.” In other words, we have a right to privacy and that right is protected under the Charter. This doesn’t seem to bother the current government though. We’ve been debating a raft of new Conservative bills in Ottawa that aim to do many things, but one thing they all seem intent upon doing is violate your right to privacy. Bill C-13, the anti-cyberbullying bill is the most obvious example and one that I’ve written about in this space before. While New Democrats and all parties in parliament support many measures in C-13 we reject the provisions that allow the federal government to access your internet viewing habits without a warrant. You read that correctly. The Conservative government wants to the ability to sift through the internet history of Canadians without a warrant or cause, and they are pursuing this power under the guise of protecting our children. But it gets worse. C-13 would also allow “public officers” as well as “peace offi- Legion Chat cers” to access your data. What that means is that the Conservatives not only want police officers to be able to search through your browser history, but also Canada Revenue tax agents, local reeves, justices of the peace, CSIS agents and even mayors. I’m sure they are all fine upstanding citizens, but I don’t think anyone holding the above offices should be able to search your browser history, chat room conversations, and social media profiles without a warrant or cause. Could you imagine Rob Ford being able to call up someone’s internet history and emails from his mayor’s chair at 2 a.m. after a party? If you think your internet service provider could help protect you from this, then you are wrong again. Another Conservative bill, S-4 the Digital Privacy Act (incredibly named since it seeks to eliminate your privacy) which was introduced in the Senate (hence the S instead of the C at the start), was meant to crack down on internet piracy of content; the downloading of music, movies, computer programs, and other content without the permission of the owner of that content. Unfortunately, as was with C13, the devil is in the details. Somewhere in the middle of S-4 is text will allow companies to trade your personal information and service history and allow authorities to, again, sift through your personal information without a warrant. So private companies like Bell, Shaw, and Rogers will be allowed to trade your personal information with other companies like HBO, Time Warner, or Sony if they think you’ve violated your service agreement or suspect fraud. Police will also be able to call up your internet provider and access your data without a warrant and without your knowledge. Ironically, if C-13 passes, those companies will also receive immunity from prosecution for leaking your personal information to whomever they want and whenever they want. Whether they are striking agreements with the US government to share our border travel information and tax information with the IRS, or bringing forth a cyberbullying bill that is a Trojan horse for warrantless tapping of our internet activity, or an anti-piracy bill that let’s corporation own our information and give it away to the police and other companies, the Harper Conservatives have become a democratic government run amok. They are trampling on our basic Charter rights and doing everything they can to end personal privacy in our country. This will be a long and tough battle to defend, protect, and enhance your personal privacy but you can be sure that Canada’s New Democrats will fight for your rights and against this out of control Conservative government every step of the way. by Walter Wagner, Major Hughes Br. 54 president Today it is with sadness we drape our charter with black bunting to mark the passing of Manny Nordin. Manny was a staunch supporter of Branch #54 with attendance almost every day. He took part in our parades, he was also a former president, a ballplayer and a member for almost sixty years. We already miss you Manny. Speaking of long term history we found a Canadian Ensign signed by the Rainy River boys of the 52nd Battalion overseas force and was sent to Miss Blanche Easton. It also has printed on it For Our King and Canada We Will Do Our Best. How is that for a seventy year piece of history? It is hanging in our memory corner. If anyone is interested in putting a float in the Railroad Daze parade please let Walter know. Let’s get out and make Rainy Rivers’ 110th birthday special. Lest We Forget Alcoholics Anonymous Please call for meeting time and location Ph. 852-1560, 852-1986, 852-3788 24 hour access number 274-1944 Last Tuesday of month open to public Morson AA Group - meets every Monday at 8:00 at the Morson Bible Fellowship, last meeting of the month is open to the public A well established turn key business is now for sale!! Looking for a Great Business Opportunity in Fort Frances? This company has a 35 year track record of success and has served both residential and commercial customers from Rainy River to Atikokan. If you’re looking for a change of career, and would like to be your own boss, this is an excellent opportunity. Asking $150,000. If you’re interested, please email your contact information to: [email protected] and I will contact you. AUCTION SALE Saturday, June 28th Doug & Sandra Judson Residence 10:00 am sharp Hwy 11, Crozier, 1/4 mile S. on Oakwood Rd. to #35, S. of Apple Auto Glass - “Watch for Auction Signs” Riverbend Auction Services Antiques, Music, Household, Horse Equip. Items include: Parlor stove, Pedestal oak round table, Garden tools, P.A. horns, stereo, LPs, Bentwood rocker, dog crates, 4-seater Democrat buggy, Hay rake, mower, tedder, horse sleigh and many more items too numerous to mention. Lunch Available Auctioneer: Telford Advent, member of the Auctioneering Assoc. of Ontario Cash or good cheques accepted, All Sales Final, Not Responsible for Accidents Professional Service with a Country Touch For further information contact Doug Judson 274-9189 Need to cut your grass? Cub Cadet Zero Turn Mowers on sale $3,29995 Cub Cadet Riders starting at $1,79995 Cub Cadet Push Mowers from $18995 Badiuk’s West of Fort Frances www.badiuk.com 274-6311 Page 3, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 TD Canada Trust set to celebrate 100-year Anniversary The Dominion Bank opened its doors June 20, 1914 at 232 Scott Street. passing The Dominion Bank erects a new building at its current location on the corner of Scott and Mowat on February 8, 1922. By: Teresa Hazel A paper mill opened, the Salvation Army came to Town and the Dominion Bank opened its doors all in the year 1914. the Queen’s Jubilee medal. Now, 100 years later, the mill He was very proud of his is closed down, the Salvation Swedish heritage. His parents Army is still here and so is the were born in Sweden and TD Canada Trust. came to Canada as children “I think it’s a pretty big deal with their families. He was to be around that long supporthappiest at the cabin at the ing the community”, said Eric lake he built in the 1950s and Blondin, who is the current spent as much time there as he Bank Manager. He succeeds a could–a few miles from where long line of bank managers he was born. Manny passed from C.M. Denison who away on June 21, 2014 at the opened the first branch back in Rainy River Hospital and will 1914. be interred alongside his wife, “We’ve been through the ups Aileen in the Bergland Ceme- and downs of the community. tery. We’ve supported the commuA Celebration of Manny’s nity and the community has life will be held on Thursday, supported us”, said an appreJune 26, 2014 at 11 a.m. from ciative Blondin. the Rainy River Knox United An anniversary celebration is Church, with Rev. Frances set for this Friday, June 27 Flook officiating. Honourary Pall Bearers will be Tim Nordin, Larry Nordin, Rene Norberg and Cam Hanson. Honour Guard provided by the Rainy River Royal Canadian Legion and Masonic Lodge. If desired memorial donations may be made to the Rainy River Knox United Church or the Rainy River Royal Canadian Legion Branch # 54, c/o Northridge Funeral Home, Box 89, Emo, Ontario, P0W 1E0. Online condolences may be offered at www.northridgefuneralhome.com Emanuel (Manny) Nels Nordin charged. They moved to Rainy River where he worked for the CNR and then in 1954 for the LCBO until 1980 when he r e t i r e d . Manny and Aileen had four children and will be missed by: Rick (Carolyn), David (Laurence), Patricia (Michael Potter) and Lori (Larry Caul), nine grandchildren and six great Born 1 February 1925 in Tovell Township (Bergland) to Knute and Emma (Fredrickson) Nordin. He attended McCrossen-Tovell school in Bergland and worked for Dalseg’s in the late 1930s and early 1940s. In 1943 he enlisted in the Royal Canadian Air Force and served at several bases in Manitoba. While in the Air Force he met Aileen Marjory Drader and they were married in August 1946 in Winnipeg after they were dis- grandchildren. Manny was very involved in the community as a long time member of the Masonic Lodge and the Canadian Legion where he was a past president. He was involved in many other organizations and activities such as Knox United Church, Cubs and Scouts and firearms training. In 1967 he was one of two Rainy River citizens to receive the Centennial Medal for community service and in 2002 received Celebrating 100 years in your community Eric Blondin, TD Canada Trust Bank Manager invites everyone to come and celebrate their 100th Anniversary this Friday, June 27th from 12:00 – 3:00. from 12:00 – 3:00 p.m. and the past, current and future clients public is invited to the corner to join us”, said Blondin who of Scott and Mowat where the was pleased to be in the manbank has stood since 1922. ager position to mark this ocThe original building that was casion. opened in 1914 was located “It’s pretty special”, he further down the street at 232 smiled. Scott Street. “We will have some retired In 1977, a new building was employees coming to help erected on the current site and out”, enthused Blondin about a grand re-opening was held the day’s events adding that where over 200 guests at- past managers have also been tended. The bank manager was invited to attend. J.J. Donovan and the Mayor of The activities will include a Fort Frances was Allan Avis. BBQ lunch with hot dogs and The opening of the new build- hamburgers, refreshments and ing was seen as a symbol of a cake. There will also be prizes growing community by the and giveaways. speakers who participated in District Vice-President, the ribbon cutting ceremony at Stephen Inskip from Ottawa the time. The first Green Ma- will be in attendance to celechine was installed in August brate and assist with a couple 1988. Then in 2000, Torontoof planned donations to local Dominion bank merged with charities. Canada Trust and has since “We welcome everyone been recognized as TD down on Friday to help celeCanada Trust. brate this significant mile“We’re inviting all of our stone”, said Blondin. Serving the Rainy River District We offer complete dental care and full orthodontic services to people across the district New Patients Welcome Call 274-7131 for your appointment 241 B Second Street, East, Fort Frances Visit our website at: rlfamilydental.ca K B S F P S B P B P P J 29:11 F I I ,' LORD. 'I , . I . J 11 11--13, 2014 S: Z’ R A C R J Join us on Friday, June 27 from noon – 3 p.m. for our Anniversary Party. F R O F R E L T A N . I , , . D S TD Canada Trust 200 Scott St. Fort Frances (807)274-3241 Monday to Wednesday Thursday & Friday R , K , A T E L T A N C. A A , R . H B E K . R D R C T C - S G . D Z’ R A C R R , O. S D A M N O. A . H G G- K . S G, . 9 am – 5 pm 9 am – 6 pm Z’ R A C R R , ON R R R A F 7 , S. 9:30, 1 , 7, S 10 R : $30/I $50/C D A J 5 $40/I $70/C S ZRAC, B 388 R R O, P0W1L0, I 807 852 1306 [email protected] L M : W W I R R 807 852 4222 A I, B , M 218 634 3200 ® The TD logo and other trade-marks are the property of The Toronto-Dominion Bank. Page 4, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 The UPS Store® Classified Ads Classified Advertising Rules: Personal classified ads are a free service. They run for 2 weeks and must be resubmitted if you wish them to run again. We charge for business classifieds at $8.75 per inch per week. Please do not phone in free classifieds. We accept them only by fax, email, mail, or drop off. We have a mail box next to the office door if we’re closed. We ask that you try to make ads no longer than 25 words. We do not accept clothing unless it is an expensive item. Please don’t use this free service for lists of items. We will not accept items repeated every two weeks over long periods of time. Please print or type submissions. Real Estate ads are not free. $10.00 included with the ad of 25 words or less pays for a 4 week run. Over 25 words will be billed at our regular classified advertising rate of $8.75 per inch per week. Billing address must be included with the ad or it will not run. General Newspaper submissions and letters to the editor: This is an independant publication solely owned and edited by Jacquie Dufresne. I will not accept any submissions which are slanderous or intended to malign any person, business or organization. I won’t print any letters to the editor which are written to anyone other than the editor of this paper unless the editor is addressed. Submission of articles originating in other publications will be accepted providing proof of authorization is provided. FARM AND OTHER HEAVY EQUIPMENT New Holland 782 Forage Harvester. Excellent Condition. Field Ready. $7900.00 807-274-2111. 14 2003 JD 567 Baler with Bale kicker, mega wide p/u, newer tires, $15,000 obo ph. 483-5410. 15 1999 PJ 5th Wheel 24’ flat deck trailer with removable stakes, 8’ ramps, good hay hauler $3,300 obo ph. 483-5410. 15 International 240 Utility Tractor, in excellent condition. Ph 487-1684 or 487-2548. 15 1 Kodiak 6 ft., heavyduty, 3 pt hitch, brush cutter. $1,950.00 Ph. 4871684 or 487-2548. 15 1 MC rotary, 9 ft. rotary scythe $400.00; 1 3 pt hitch 2 row potato cultivator $750.00; 1 314 3 pth Case plow $750.00 Ph. 487-1684 or 4872548. 15 1956 Massey Ferguson tractor in running condition. $1500 OBO. Call Willie 275-7780. 15 1 Kodiak 6 ft., heavyduty, 3 pt hitch, brush cutter. $1,950.00 Ph. 4871684 or 487-2548. 14 International 240 Utility Tractor, in excellent condition. Ph 487-1684 or 487-2548. 14 Maverick 24’ tandem axle 5th wheel trailer $850; New Holland 650 round baler $6,000; John Deere 3150, 4 wheel drive tractor, 4,370 hrs., $9,500; call 274-2374. 14 1 MC rotary, 9 ft. rotary scythe $400.00; 1 3 pt hitch 2 row potato cultivator $750.00; 1 314 3 pth Case plow $750.00 Ph. 487-1684 or 4872548. 14 John Deere 1830 tractor in very good cond. 60 hp diesel, 2 remotes, stored inside. Asking $11,000 obo; New Holland 790 forage harvester in excellent cond. 2 row 824 corn head and 890W p/u head. Always oiled and stored inside; Dion forage wagon in good cond. Left hand unload. Stored inside. Phone 483 1443. 14 HORSE ACCESSORIES AND HAY, FEED LIVESTOCK/PETS FOR SALE Does your pet have a tender tummy or indigestion? Goat milk might be the answer. 483-1322. 14 Standing at stud for the month of July, “ Little Doc Frisco “. Registered black and white paint, APHA, double homozygous, Tobiano. guaranteed painted foal. For info Ph. Jim at 852-1149. 15 Bunnies for sale. $10.00 each. Ph. 487-1684. 14 WANTED I am looking to reserve/buy my 2014 horse hay. Specifically, clean timothy/grass. Would like 2014 first cut, but need it cut before it gets too coarse. Am willing to pay up front. Need minimum 300 small brand new 1/2 oz. issued squares. Call Mona at in 2014 ph. 483-1322. 488-5705. 14 15 TO GIVE AWAY Free 50-60 pressuretreated 2x6 decking 70” long, removed from our dock. Phone Richard or Helen at 274-3180 for more details. 14 GARAGE/YARD SALES Garage Sale! Friday, June 27 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM, 616 Mowat Ave. (UNFC Circle of Life building), Please use First Street entrance. No reasonable offers refused. Everything must go! 14 4 good tread Discovery H.T. Cooper tires mounted on chrome rims 235-75-R15 off of 4 wheel drive S-10 Chev, $150.00 each obo, ph. 852-1733 or 275-5670. 15 Hotpoint fridge- 65 high x 30 wide x 28 deep-almond in color-$95--Call 807-852-4608. 15 Top-load FRIGIDAIRE clothes washer, white, large tub capacity, $200, good condition, ready for laundry duties, call 8523655 RR. 13 RCA LED 39inch TV.$100.00.Call 276Yard Sale Friday, June 1487 after 6pm. 15 27th 8-5 and Saturday, June 28th 8-1pm at 204 Four P195/65R15 MoFifth St., Rainy River, tomaster all season radials Wiersema residence: new condition. Mounted fridge, hot water tank, on Toyota corolla Rims, Honda elite 80 moped, rim size is 5x15. Also 1 antiques, men’s stuff, full size spare on a new household, lots for every- rim. New price on 4 tires one. 14 and rims is $760.00 selling all 5 for $500.00 Multi family garage sale OBO. phone 807-274on June 28 & 29, 9am to 7066. 14 4pm, #81 Worthington Rd. #5, just behind Pet cage 24"x24"x24" Lowes. 1947 Ford 8 End $25.00, cat carrying cage Tractor, tools, sm. appli- $15.00, animal cage-trap ances, glass ware & $10.00 Phone 487-2675. household items, TVs, 14 Stereos, antiques, collectables, childrens books & Electic wood splitter Call puzzles, saddles & Horse 482-2560. 15 tack (Dressage, English & Western), wood crafts 2 china cabinets $400 (new). 14 each or best offer ph. 852E S T AT E / G A R A G E SALE Thursday July 3,-3pm-7pm, Friday, July 4-3pm-7pm Saturday, July 5--9am-Noon. 309 Crowe Ave. Fort Frances Estate crystal, glassware, serving pieces. Many quality household items. Large asst. of shop tools. 14 LOOKING FOR COMPANIONSHIP SERVICES WANTED OR SERVICES AVAILABLE Child Care Spaces Now Open! For Infants to School Age Children, Competitive Rates, Experienced Provider, References Available, For more information contact Debbie at 274-4615. 15 1644. 15 Quart jars $2/doz. Pint jars $1/doz. phone 4835531. 15 four P195/65R15 Motomaster all season radials new condition. Mounted on Toyota corolla Rims, rim size is 5x15. Also 1 full size spare on a new rim. New price on 4 tires and rims is $760.00 selling all 5 for $500.00 OBO. phone 807-2747066. 15 Handcrafted wooden couch and chair set - Call 482-2560 for details. 15 For sale home made ATV trailer $140.00 110cc Loncin atv motor for parts $35.00 5hp Briggs & stratton motor not running came off a tiller $20.00 small drill press $30.00 vintage tin trunk $40.00 call 274-7499. 14 Looking for someone to paint windows, trim on 2 i have a bout 2 truck storey house, 615 Atwood loads of honda and some Ave., Rainy River, ph. yamaha 3wheeler parts . 275-7153. 15 Parts for honda 125m 185s 200e 200 big red . Some parts for yamaha MISC. FOR SALE 175cc & 200cc asking $650.00 call 274-7499. Jigs! Glow jigs & spin- 14 ners, Disco jigs, other coloured jigs, red/green WANTED spinners, custom orders, ph. 852-3669. s Firearms in any condition. Need not be complete or working. Also interested in parts, scopes, ammunition and related items. Fair prices paid. 274-0472 Columbia tent 10x10; . 13 Coleman propane hot pot slow cooker; Coleman TV tower, ph. 852-3669. stove; hanging rope chair; 15 Zodi propane camping shower ph. 486-3624. 15 Wanted unwanted broken Aluminum truck cab topper, 6.5’ silver with black windows $100 ph. 2745083. 14 Travel trailer hitch parts; tank gage for heating oil tank; 12 pkace setting bronzewear table ware with case ph. 486-3624. 15 Double/queen deep peach satin top quilt in perfect condition ph. 852-4356 Silver coins from North American mints, 1 oz. and down lawn mowers and 3wheelers call 274-7499. 15 2600 square foot river front home. 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 545 feet of river shore line on 3.5 acres. Wrap around covered deck, dock, boat launch, 4 stall garage, horse barn and paddock. 86 Hammond Drive, Rainy River. 807 852 1940. 15 2 story home in Rainy River, 2 bdrm plus garage. Updated throughout. Very close to park and hospital. Fridge, Stove, dishwasher, washer and dryer. $500 plus utilities. Also willing to sell and will consider rent to own. Call or text 1-218-434-1254 or 1807-275-9959. 16 2 BR house in Rainy River, 206 Second St., ph. 852-3135. 15 Land for Sale: 5 acres on Bone Rd, Alberton, cleared field, 8x10 shed with power and phone lines, double driveway, natural gas at road, $40,000 firm. Ph. 2746676. 15 Place for sale, 62 acres, 3 bedroom house, 1 1/2 baths, family room in basement, nice shop, good well, nice location 6 mi. from town on Hwy 611 South Fire #1108, must be seen, asking $300,000.00. Call or text 275-6166 or call 4823936 evenings. 14 2 bedroom cottage with attached sunroom. Water, electricity, indoor plumbing, road access.Detached sleeping cabin/sunroom. South exposure. Decking around cottage and 2 lower decks. Two sheds. Fully furnished. Rocky Islet Bay, Fort Frances. Call 807-274-3309 or 807-274-2026. 16 Beautiful 2 bedroom cabin for sale in Mine Center. Built in 2008. $90,000 for more info/pictures call Willie 275-7780. 14 For sale 2 BR/2 bath + loft. 477 Hill Rd (Crozier). 10 acres, huge garage. $208,000 Willie 2757780. 14 Approximatly 3.45 acres with 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, kitchen, large screenroom and wraparound deck with large barn for sale 10 minutes north of Devlin. Has a 243 ft diamond drilled well with great water..Needs work.. Make an offer.807-2760312. 14 Beautiful River Ave. lot for sale in Rainy River, serviced, double lot 120’x120’ 509 River Ave. E. ph. 852-3218. s LOST $100 REWARD for info leading to recovery of drive motor guard off 690B J.D. excavator stolen from J.D. dealer yard in Emo, ON. Contact Earl at 486-3437. 14 Lost a small drill motor, Black & Decker, with a pink No. 8 Robertson screw driver on it. Ph. Mike Meunier 852-3201. 15 broken down 1986 honda 350 4track 4x4 4wheeler call 274-7499. 15 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE OR RENT & MOBILE HOMES NOTICES Are you a business owner with a heart to further God’s Kingdom? If so, here’s a conference you shouldn’t miss! Ray Jelinski, Sask, will be Curtis Denture Clinic Denture Specialist Shannon Curtis DD Losing TAKE THIS TEST: your grip? Are your dentures... • Loose? • Cracked or worn? • Over 5 years old? • In your pocket? • Missing teeth? • Sore gums? Call today for an appointment 807-274-6519 241A Second Street, East Fort Frances, ON P9A 1M7 teaching biblical principles on profitably managing your business for the purposes of God. Join host: Zion’s Reign Apostolic Centre for the Kingdom Business Summit in Rainy River on July 11-13 at the Rainy River Rec Centre. Details call: 8521306. 14 Amos 3:7-God reveals the future. Watch Bible Study Keys Sunday CHCH 7:30am, Vision 4:30pm etc., Free Bible Study course 888-318-8080, www.tomorrowsworld.or g 14 RECREATIONAL ITEMS 1965 18ft Starcraft boat. 110 Mercruiser. Needs prop seal and tilt hose. New tops,side curtains, and back cover. On trailer. Phone 274-7066. 14 Boat Package: 2010, 16’ WC Lund boat, 2010, 25 hsp Merc., 2010, Shorelandr trailer, asking $5,500 ph. 274-7896, Bill. 15 1995 polaris 425 magnum 4x4 4wheeler hi and low gear. Has winch. Runs and drives good $2650.00 1998 yamaha 350 big bear 4x4 4wheeler comes with plow and winch runs and drives good $2750.00 call dan 274-7499. 15 2004 23’ Komfort 5th Wheel, fibreglass exterior, dual pane windows, heated tanks, a/c, slide out, rear hitch, sleeps 6, 1/2 ton towable, many more features, 5th Wheel hitch available, alum. frame, $11,500 ph. 2745083. 15 2006 17 foot G3 170C. 90 4-stroke, trolling motor, trailer and cover. In excellent condition $16,000 OBO. Call Willie 2757780. 15 1965 18ft Starcraft boat. 110 Mercruiser. Needs prop seal and tilt hose. New tops,side curtains, and back cover. On trailer. Phone 274-7066. 15 Honda 200 Big Red 3 wheel. Runs well, good tires, manual start ph. 486-3624. 15 16’ Lund aluminum fishing boat 15” transom; 16’ Starcraft Mariner V fishing boat 20” transom, ph. 275-5715. 15 Boat trailer for 16’ boat $375 ph. 852-1644. 15 VEHICLES 2009 Pontiac Montana, 7 passenger Mini Van. In good condition with safety. Ph. 807-487-1684 or 487-2548. 14 PARTS only. 2001 sunfire 2dr green in color. 2.2 liter engine with a 5 speed manual transmission. Had a some wires melt under dash, so now it wouldn`t start. Give me a offer. Ph. 487-1616. 14 1988 GMC vanura 1500 van runs good has some rust $750.00 call 2747499. 15 2009 Pontiac Montana, 7 passenger Mini Van. In good condition with safety. Ph. 807-487-1684 or 487-2548. 15 Wide Format Printing • Banners & Posters • Blue Prints & Maps • Photographs theupsstore.ca/369 274-5444 is pleased to announce that they have a 12,000 lb. overhead hoist to service your vehicles. Phone 487-2548 or see our website at: www.carrsrepairvintageparts.com TNT CONTRACTING 482-2676 Roofing, Siding, Decks, Dock Repair, Tree Removal, Raising Cabins, Scrapsteel/Derelict Vehicle Removal, Landscaping & Excavating, Bobcat Rental Available. FRIDAY & SATURDAY DINNER FEATURE Walleye Oscar A broiled walleye fillet served over wild rice, a layer of asparagus spears and crab meat, with hollandaise sauce drizzled over the top. Served with tossed or Caesar salad. Bauman’s Construction All types of cement work: floors, walls, driveways, sidewalks, basement repairs. Call Bruce 807-483-1423 LIDKEA Optometry Services Dr. Robert E. Lidkea Dr. Bruce A. Lidkea 221 Scott Street Fort Frances, Ontario (807) 274-6655 10 miles east of Int'l Falls on Hwy. 11 218-286-3151 Dine Daily ~ 7 a.m. - 9:30 p.m. www.thunderbirdrainylake.com Rainy River District Women’s Shelter of Hope If you are a woman who has experienced violence or abuse, staff at the Atikokan Crisis Centre are available 24 hours a day to listen and provide support to you. Call Romyn Pumping Waste Water Service Computer, iPad, iPhone REPAIR Reliable, trustworthy Ken Hawrylak 274-1628 - 275-6252 www.digitaldr.ca 1-800-465-3348 Noble Monument Sales Jason Lilley Quality & Service Printout supplied for approval Cleaning & Restoration of older monuments On Site Inscriptions Serving the District for over 30 years If your water doesn’t drain... Ease the strain! Call 482-3788 Mavis (Brown) St. Hilaire www.noblemonuments.ca 482-1195 276-3648 In home consultation - Call for a no obligation quote. 483-5339 Real debt solutions Ellie’s Playhouse & Boarding Kennel &RQÀGHQWLDOIUHHFRQVXOWDWLRQV: 37534 - 580th Ave. Warroad, MN just 5 minutes off the hwy. on your way to Winnipeg 218-386-1155 or 218-689-8516 QRWMXVWEDQNUXSWF\ www.GTDebtHelp.com Toll free: 310-8888 Thunder Bay (Resident office) · Dryden · Fort Frances Proposal Administrator · Trustee in Bankruptcy Your outdoor furnace dealer! Guaranteed Dog & Cat fun while you’re away Your local H&L Motors rep See us for your farm equipment needs! Comfortably heated and air conditioned for their comfort Alcoholics Anonymous Please call for meeting time and location Ph. 852-1560, 852-1986, 852-3788 24 hour access number 274-1944 Last Tuesday of month open to public Morson AA Group - meets every Monday at 8:00 at the Morson Bible Fellowship, last meeting of the month is open to the public •Stoves •Parts •Accessories •Installation McCormick, Landini, Hesston, Valtra, Kuhn, MacDon and Farm King Check out the website: www.hlmotors.ca Mallard Creek Mechanical [email protected] - Daryl Meck 691 Barwick Road, Phone 487-1395 or 1-807-271-2201 DR. THOMAS COUSINEAU - OPTOMETRIST 808 Scott St., Fort Frances 274-8551 Free consultations, hassle free insurance paperwork, handicap accessible. Call Today! Shannon Curtis, DD Your only local Denture Specialist 241A Second Street East, Fort Frances 807-274-6519 Randy Orton • 651 Cty Rd 1 SW, Baudette 3/4 mile S. of Baudette Motel Polaris ATVs may not be ridden by anyone under 16 and all riders should take a safety course. For safety and training information see your dealer or call Polaris at 1-800-342-2764. ATVs can be hazardous to operate. For your safety always wear a helmet, eye protection, protective clothing and never carry passengers. ©1998 Polaris Industries Inc. Now open for Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner daily Tired of that Leaky Roof? NORTHERN SPORTS & MACHINE (218) 634-1089 Mon.-Fri. 9-6, Sat. by appt. 345 3rd St. Int’l Falls 218-283-6121 Carr’s Repair 2002 Buick LeSabre low mileage 92,000mi, new windshield, newer tires, new front brakes, leather, 35 mpg, best offer 4835410. 14 ATVs & Snowmobiles • We service & repair all makes & models • Complete Automotive & Diesel Machine Shop • Complete line of Sled Bed Trailers GET MOVING. NORTH AUTO for used parts! North Auto is your local recycler for used parts. We can also find new after market parts at reasonable prices. We are now scrapping for parts the following vehicles: Lorelei Locker OPTOMETRIST 314 Scott Street, Fort Frances 274-0510 2000 Ford 250 SD 2005 Amanti 2007 Ford F150 2009 Impala 2005 Grand Cherokee 2006 Ford Fusion 2007 Compass 2011 Chevy Silverado 2005 Optra 2006 Allure 2008 Caravan 2013 Caravan Need used parts? Call or stop at NORTH AUTO on the highway, west of Fort Frances 274-7243 Page 5, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 Curvy Chick is on the move Mackenzie Booth and Jennifer Horton carry some of the Curvy Chick inventory to their new location down the street. By: Teresa Hazel Curvy Chick is moving from its current location at 334 Scott Street down the street to 306 Scott Street (former Fort Dance Studio) in the same building as Shear Serenity across from the post office. The store that specializes in lingerie and sleepwear for all shapes and sizes has been open for about a year. They will officially be in their new location on July 2nd. Jennifer Horton who owns the boutique is excited about the move. “It’s a bigger space so we will have room for more in- ventory”, she said. Store hours are Monday to Friday from 9:30 to 5:30 and Saturdays from 10:00 to 5:00. Call 274-6849 for more information or check out Curvy Chick Fort Frances on Facebook. Star Car of the week at Waschke Family GM Center 2013 CHRYSLER 200 4DR SDN LX $ STAND ALONE TRIM IN A SEDAN BODY STYLE! INTERIOR HAS A LUXURIOUS FEEL AND THE OUTSIDE HAS A SLEEK LOOK! Showroom Hours: Mon. - Fri. 8-6 • Sat. 8-1 Parts & Service Hours: Waschke Mon. - Fri. 8-5 SALE 14,957 W 2300 Highway 53 Int’l Falls, MN 56649 218-283-3471 FAMILY DRIVEN www.waschkegm.com Air Cadets hold Annual Ceremonial Review Congratulations to the Fort Frances 908 Rainy Lake Air Cadet Squadron. Various awards were presented as follows: Perfect Attendance Certificates to FSgt N. Piotrowski; Sgt M. Grant; Sgt S. Selman; FCpl A. Roth; LAC C. Sinclair, Cdt J. Danielson. Most Active Participation Award to Sgt S. Selman (female) and Sgt M. Grant (male). Fort Frances Legion Community Service Award to FSgt N. Piotrowski. Range Team Award to FSgt T. Gerhard; Sgt S. Selman; Cpl H. Ottoson; Cpl J. Presenger; and LAC D. Onichuk. Top Marksman Award to FSgt T. Gerhard. Recruit of the Year Award to LAC C. Sinclair. Top Level 2 Cadet Award to Cpl H. Ottoson. Top Level 3 Cadet Award to FCpl D. Roth. Top Awards were presented at the Fort Frances 908 Rainy Lake Level 4 Cadet Award to Sgt S. Air Cadet Squadron 11th Annual Ceremonial Review. Selman. Top Overall Cadet Air Cadets also participated The Fort Frances 908 Rainy Award to Sgt S. Selman. in several community events Lake Air Cadet Squadron held The Air Cadet Program also including Legion Poppy sales, their 11th Annual Ceremonial gives cadets the opportunity to Remembrance Day cereReview (ACR) at the Memoattend various free summer monies at the High School and rial Sports Centre auditorium camps. Several cadets will be Cenotaph, Salvation Army on June 4, 2014. attending camps in Southern Kettle Drive, July 1st Parade, The ACR is an opportunity Ontario this year that will and the Fly-in BBQ at the Fort to give cadets the recognition focus on general training, fitFrances Airport. they have earned for the year. ness and sports instruction, The squadron was honoured Celebrating the completion of basic drill and ceremonial, this year to have Major C. a very busy and successful basic survival, survival inStanley as Reviewing Officer. year were 24 cadets who not structor, advanced musician Along with proud parents, only participated in weekly and glider pilot. relatives and guardians were training exercises but also had Congratulations to the Fort representatives of the the opportunity to take part in Frances 908 Rainy Lake Air squadron sponsors including Biathlon competitions, ground Cadet Squadron for your many the Fort Frances Lions Club, school, marksmanship compeaccomplishments this year. the Fort Frances Legion titions, Survive Air competiFor young people between the Branch #29, the Kiwanis Club tions and several survival ages of 12 and 19, consider beof Fort Frances and the Legion camping exercises and fall and coming an Air Cadet this SepLadies, as well as several spring gliding at Kakabeka tember. award sponsors. Falls. Thank You The Rainy River High School Chem Free Grad 2014 was a great success! The RRHS Chem Free Grad Parent Committee would like to thank everyone who generously supported us in providing the Graduating Class of 2014 with a fun and safe night of celebration with their classmates, families and friends. We could not have made this happen without the support of the graduates, their families, Rainy River High School Staff and the countless numbers of individuals in our community who supported our fundraising efforts. We sincerely appreciate the following Rainy River and District businesses, organizations and individuals who supported this event through their generous donations: Rainy River Clinic, CN Sharpe Group, Loewen's Green House. Ainsworth Engineered Canada LP, Canadian Tire Fort Frances, C.Sharp Construction, The Haire & Body Shoppe, Métis Nation Of Ontario Healing and Wellness, Moose Lodge, Safe Communities Rainy River District, The Rainy River Record, Seven Generations Education Institute, Tagg's Source For Sports. The hottest phones. The coolest prices. 6GB PLAN .00 $75 /MTH Unlimited L Calling 1GB FLEX PLAN $59.99 /MTH Unlimited ed Local L & Canadian Calling B&K Repair & Tire Inc, Baudette Dental, Beaver Mills Market, Confederation College, Dr. Tom Cousineau, Dawson Township, Gillon's Insurance, Healty Communities Coalition, Lake of the Woods Township, Lidkea Optometry, Legion Ladies Auxiliary(Rainy River), Mylie's Place, Northern Lights Credit Union, Riverside Health Care, Royal Canadian Legion Branch 54 (Rainy River), Sunset Country Ford, Town of Rainy River, The Westend Weekly, Wilson's Business Solutions, Janet Wolanicki, Zion's Reign Apostolic Center. Betty's of Fort Frances, Fort Floral, John Sinninghe, Kaemingh Fuels, La Place Rendez-Vous, Marilyn Hanson(Mary Kay), Melanie's Foodcare & Reflexology, Morgan Associates, Spruce Creek Golf Course, Starbuck's, Stewart & Sande, Stratton Service, Tompkin's Hardware, Township of Morley, Walmart, West End Motors. Boston Pizza, Buena Vista Resort, The Beauty Chalet, Ed Kaun & Sons Ltd, Emo Feed Service Ltd., Forest Women's Institute, Holmlund Financial Services, M & M Meat Shops, New Moon Lodge, Pat's Parlor, Sight and Sound AVU, Tolen's Pelican Landing, Rainy River Hardware, Spruce Creek Golf Course, Valerie Lauzon (Steeped Tea), The Walla Walla Inn, Woods Quality Bakery. We sincerely apologize if we have omitted anyone from our list. We truly do appreciate your support. DON’T NEED DATA? 100 Free sent SMS messages while in the U.S Visit an Authorized Tbaytel Dealer Call Customer Care 807-623-4400 or 1-800-264-9501 tbaytel.net/mobilitypromo Device not included. New activations and upgrades must sign a 2 year commitment on applicable voice and data plans and keep both voice and data plans for the duration of the commitment. Plan changes are not permitted for customers under a previous commitment. For calls to qualify for the Unlimited Calling (2014 6GB - $75.00) they must originate in Canada and terminate in either Canada or the U.S. For calls to qualify for the Unlimited Calling (2014 1GB Flex - $59.99) they must originate in Canada and terminate in Canada. If making long distance calls to the U.S. from Canada (2014 1GB) the e long distance rate would be $0.50/per minute. Text e messaging messag must originate in Canada. Data overage rate it $0.05/MB. 100 free sent text messages per bill cycle while roaming in the U.S., $0.30 per each additional sent text message. Limited time offffer that ends July 31, 2014. Please visit tbaytel.net/mobilitypr tbaytel.net/mo omo TM for full disclaimer. Rogers and the Mobius Design are trademarks of or used under license from Rogers Communications Inc. or an affiliate. Page 6, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 Residents Enjoy Dinner at the Vous Frances Sheflantook and Annie Anderson visit at La Place Rendez-Vous. Jessica Robinson is completing a work placement at Rainycrest and joined Elsie Taylor for dinner. Lil Pihulak and Eleanor Turewich both agreed that Rainycrest is “a nice place to be”. Jack McCuaig enjoyed dinner with Auxiliary volunteer, Larry Angus and Rob Barnard who has been a PSW at Rainycrest for about six years. Dorothy Tkachuk enjoyed her walleye dinner. Merle Ogden gets a surprise visit fro her great-granddaughter, Karrah Ogden. Laurel Halvorsen, Auxiliary volunteer chatted with Arlene Steinke. Annie Anderson and Frances with hauling wheelchairs and walkers. A school bus was used Shelfantook were enjoying the for those who did not require night out. “I’ve been at Rainycrest for the handi-van, which also made about a year”, reported Andertwo trips to transfer residents. “It’s quite an undertaking”, son. “I came in when they had the dinner last year. It was a nice noted Hudson Auxiliary members also come welcome”, she smiled. Does she enjoy coming out? “I along to sit and visit with the certainly do. It’s wonderful”, she residents during dinner. tor. “It’s a time to get out and the residents really look forward to it”. There was music playing and a special menu was provided where walleye was a popular choice. The evening out relies on volunteers with trucks who help By: Teresa Hazel About fifty residents from Rainycrest Long Term Care were treated to dinner out at La Place Rendez-Vous courtesy of the Rainycrest Auxiliary last week. “The Auxiliary pays for everything”, noted Heather Hudson, Activation Coordina- GET MORE IN A FORD THE STANDARD FEATURES YOU EXPECT AND SOME YOU DON’T COMPANY Ƒ 2010–2013 2014 FOCUS S STANDARD FEATURES WORLD’S BEST-SELLING CAR NAMEPLATE± PURCHASE FINANCE FOR ONLY OWN FOR ONLY • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • ADVANCETRAC® WITH ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL • INDEPENDENT REAR SUSPENSION • AUDIO INPUT JACK • POWER WINDOWS/LOCKS • AM/FM/CD/MP3 • 160-HP ENGINE • TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM • ANTI-THEFT ENGINE IMMOBILIZER $85**@ 0.99% FINANCE BI-WEEKLY FOR 84 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN APR INCLUDES FREIGHT OR OWN FOR ONLY $14,948 OFFERS INCLUDE $2,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. DOWN $0 $750 $1,500 Focus Titanium model shown UNEXPECTED FEATURES BI-WEEKLY $85** $81** $77** • AIR CONDITIONING • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS • EASY FUEL® CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • INTEGRATED BLIND SPOT MIRRORS • TORQUE VECTORING CONTROL 2014 ESCAPE S STANDARD FEATURES PURCHASE FINANCE FOR ONLY CANADA’S BEST SELLING ¥ SUV OWN FOR ONLY • ADVANCETRAC® WITH ROLL STABILITY CONTROL • AIR CONDITIONING • 6-SPEED SELECTSHIFT® TRANSMISSION • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • 7 AIRBAGS • TRACTION CONTROL • 6-SPEAKER AUDIO • TIRE PRESSURE MONITORING SYSTEM • FLAT LOAD FLOOR $149** @ 1.99% APR FINANCE BI-WEEKLY FOR 84 MONTHS WITH $0 DOWN INCLUDES FREIGHT OR OWN FOR ONLY $25,178 OFFERS INCLUDE $750 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. DOWN $0 $750 $1,500 Escape Titanium model shown UNEXPECTED FEATURES BI-WEEKLY $149** $144** $140** • INTEGRATED BLIND SPOT MIRRORS • EASY FUEL® CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • ACTIVE GRILLE SHUTTERS • CURVE CONTROL • TORQUE VECTORING CONTROL 2014 F-150 XLT SUPERCREW 4X4 EXPECTED FEATURES • 5.0L V8 • 360 HP • 380 LB-FT TORQUE • FLAT LOAD FLOOR • ALL-TERRAIN TIRES • EASY FUEL® CAPLESS FUEL FILLER • MACHINED ALUMINUM WHEEL • POWER REMOTE MIRRORS LEASE FOR ONLY 48 S † *** $299 @ 1.49% APR PER MONTH FOR 24 MONTHS WITH $1,950 DOWN INCLUDES FREIGHT UNEXPECTED FEATURES OFFERS INCLUDE $8,500 IN MANUFACTURER REBATES. OFFERS EXCLUDE TAXES. DOWN $1,950 $3,450 $4,350 BI-WEEKLY $299*** $236*** $198*** ELIGIBLE COSTCO MEMBERS RECEIVE UP TO AN ADDITIONAL $ • REMOTE KEYLESS ENTRY • POWER MIRRORS • VOICE-ACTIVATED SYNC® • ENGINE BLOCK HEATER • HILL START ASSIST 1,000 ◊ $ ON MOST NEW VEHICLES 500 ON MOST NEW FOCUS AND FIESTA MODELS Our advertised prices include Freight, Air Tax, and PPSA (if financed or leased). Add dealer administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and applicable taxes, then drive away. Unlock More. Only at your Ontario Ford store. ontarioford.ca Leonard Haver enjoyed the bright sun with his shades on while waiting for his ride home Staff members were also there enthused. Frances Shelfantook, who just to assist the residents. celebrated her one hundred and Jessica Robinson, a first year first birthday enjoyed the dinner RN student is completing an too. The local author reminisced eight-week placement at Rainyabout spending all her summers crest through a grant from the on Rainy Lake at the cabin and Northern Ontario School of commented on the brightness of Medicine (NOSM). She was sitthe new moon that had recently ting with Elsie Taylor and Lil Pibeen on display. hulak, who recently moved to Rainycrest. “It’s been a couple of months”, reported Pihulak. “I love it. I don’t have to worry about my next meal or washing clothes. It’s all done for you”, she smiled. “It’s a nice place to be”, agreed Pihulak and her friend Eleanor Turewich. Pihulak who was known locally as the “walleye queen” and participated in the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship over the years was eager to get out on Rainy Lake. “I’m waiting to go out fishing”, she smiled. Jack McCuaig who is ninety years old has been at Rainycrest for about a year. “I’d rather be at home”, he admitted about his adjustment to Rainycrest so far, adding that his wife who is ninety as well comes often to see him. He recalled working at the Food Basket Grocery Store, which was located next to Stedman’s on Scott Street (now Leon’s Furniture Store). “The fishing was good on Rainy Lake”, he remembered fondly. Dorothy Tkachuk was enjoying her dinner out as well. “It’s good”, she said about the walleye dinner. She has been in Rainycrest for about a year and is “adjusting to life at Rainycrest”. Also at her table was Merle Ogden who got a surprise visit from her great-granddaughter Karrah. The 7-year resident enjoys Rainycrest. “I like it there”, she said. “They take very good care of us. I’m quite happy there”. How was she enjoying the dinner? “I don’t have to pay for it tonight, that’s the great part of it”, she said with appreciation as her granddaughter laughed, “I knew she was going to say something like that”. Mabel Plymate was there as well and enjoyed watching the water. “I could look at it for hours”, she said. “I would like to take some of it home but I don’t think I can do that”, she quipped. Another new resident out for dinner was Arlene Steinke who has been there about four months now. “Sometimes I wish I was home although I can still go home once in a while”, she said about her transition. “Jack (my husband) comes to see me almost every day”. Leonard Haver also enjoyed his dinner out. “Don’t often do it”, he said as he waited in the beautiful sunshine for his ride home. Thanks to the Rainycrest Auxiliary and to everyone who supports them. Your generosity makes a difference in the lives of others! Vehicle(s) may be shown with optional equipment. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offers. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). * Until June 30, 2014, Purchase a new 2014 [Focus S/ Focus Titanium/Escape S FWD/ Escape Titanium] for [14,94 8/$26,164/$25,178/$32,998] (after Total Manufacturer Rebate of [$2,500/$500/$750/$1,500] deducted). Taxes payable on full amount of purchase price after total manufacturer rebate has been deducted. Offers include freight and air tax but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. ** Until June 30 2014, receive 0.99%/1.99% APR purchase financing on new 2014 [Focus S / Escape S] models for up to 84 months to qualified retail customers, on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest interest rate. Example: 2014 Ford [Focus S/ Escape S] for $14,948/$25,178 (after $0,$750,$1,500/$0,$750,$1,500 down payment or equivalent trade-in, and $2,500/$750 Manufacturer Rebate deducted) purchase financed at 0.99%/1.99% APR for 84 months, monthly payment is $185, $176,$166/$322,$312,$303 (the sum of twelve (12) monthly payments divided by 26 periods gives payee a bi-weekly payment of $85,$81,$77/$149,$144,$140), interest cost of borrowing is $532,$505,$479/$1,819,$1,765,$1,711 or APR of 0.99%/1.99% and total to be repaid is $15,470, $15,492,$15,514/$27,118,$26,958,$26,980. Down payment may be required based on approved credit from Ford Credit. All purchase finance offers include freight and air tax and PPSA but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. *** Until June 30, 2014 lease a new 2014 Ford [F-150 XLT Supercrew 4x4] for up to 24 months and get 1.49% APR on approved credit (OAC) from Ford Credit. Not all buyers will qualify for the lowest APR payment. Lease [F-150 XLT Supercrew 4x4] with a value of $29,858 after [$1,950/$3,450/$4,350] down payment or equivalent trade in, [$8,500] manufacturer rebates, and $[1,200] Ford Credit Cash deducted and including freight and air tax of [$1,800]) at 1.49% APR for up to 24 months with an optional buyout of $22,363, monthly payment is [$299/$236/$198], total lease obligation is [$9,126/$9,114/$9,102]. Offers include freight, air tax, and PPSA but exclude administration and registration fees of up to $799, fuel fill charge of up to $120 and all applicable taxes. Additional payments required for optional features, license, and insurance. All prices are based on Manufacturer’s Suggested Retail Price. Some conditions and mileage restriction of 40,000km for 24 months applies. Excess kilometrage charges are 16¢per km for F-Series, plus applicable taxes. Excess kilometrage charges subject to change, see your local dealer for details. 9 Offer only valid from May 1, 2014 to June 30, 2014 (the “Offer Period”) to resident Canadians with an eligible Costco membership on or before April 30, 2014. Receive $500 towards the purchase or lease of a new 2014/2015 Ford Fiesta (excluding S), Focus (excluding S and BEV), C-MAX, and $1,000 towards all other Ford models (excluding Raptor, GT500, Mustang Boss 302, and Medium Truck) (each an “Eligible Vehicle”). Limit one (1) offer per each Eligible Vehicle purchase or lease, up to a maximum of two (2) separate Eligible Vehicle sales per Costco Membership Number. Offer is transferable to persons domiciled with an eligible Costco member. Applicable taxes calculated before offer is deducted. Dealer may sell or lease for less. Limited time offer. Offers only valid at participating dealers. Retail offers may be cancelled or changed at any time without notice. See your Ford Dealer for complete details or call the Ford Customer Relationship Centre at 1-800-565-3673. For factory orders, a customer may either take advantage of eligible Ford retail customer promotional incentives/offers available at the time of vehicle factory order or time of vehicle delivery, but not both or combinations thereof. Retail offers not combinable with any CPA/GPC or Daily Rental incentives, the Commercial Upfit Program or the Commercial Fleet Incentive Program (CFIP). Ƒ Based on year-end 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 total sales figures for light vehicles in Canada from DesRosiers Automotive Consultants Inc. (and Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association data exchanged by OEMs). ¥ Based on 2007 - 2013 R. L. Polk vehicle registrations data for Canada in the Large Premium Utility, Large Traditional Utility, Large Utility, Medium Premium Utility, Medium Utility, Small Premium Utility, and Small Utility segments. ‡ Based on highway driving in a 2014 Fiesta 1.0L GTDI - I3 6-Speed Automatic and estimated fuel consumption ratings of 6.2L/100km City and 4.3L/100km Hwy using Government of Canada approved test methods. Actual fuel consumption will vary based on road conditions, vehicle loading and driving habits. ± Claim based on analysis by Ford of Polk global new registration for CY2012 for a single nameplate which excludes rebadged vehicles, platform derivatives or other vehicle nameplate versions. † F-Series is the best-selling pickup truck in Canada for 48 years in a row based on Canadian Vehicle Manufacturers’ Association statistical sales reports, up to December 2013. ©2014 Sirius Canada Inc. “SiriusXM”, the SiriusXM logo, channel names and logos are trademarks of SiriusXM Radio Inc. and are used under licence. ©2014 Ford Motor Company of Canada, Limited. All rights reserved. Mabel Plymate joined Heather Hudson and Viola Domanski for dinner. Available in most new Ford vehicles with 6-month pre-paid subscription Page 7, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 The Bookworm Sez by Terri Schlichenmeyer “Over Our Dead Bodies: Undertakers Lift the Lid” The End. It comes after the walkinginto-the-sunset shot in old movies, usually in florid script. You see it in books for children, more than for adults. It’s at the tail of short stories, tongue-incheek advertisements, sarcastic social media postings… and life. And then what? What happens to your mortal remains when that’s all that remains? Take a peek at “Over Our Dead Bodies” by Kenneth McKenzie and Todd Harra, and you’ll get a general idea. In your job, you basically know what to expect from day to day. Not so, if you’re an undertaker. When you care for the dead and their families, anything can happen – and McKenzie and Harra prove that well. But first – a little history. Take the label “undertaker,” for example. It initially had to do with the undertaking of proper burial but some 130 years ago, the National Funeral Directors Association officially changed the title to “funeral director.” Back then, funeral directors and cabinet makers went handin-hand; someone had to make the coffins, so why not someone with woodworking skills? The business was then passed down through the family, with many an undertaker getting his (or her) start as a child, sweeping the parking lot, pulling weeds, or helping out inside. But getting back to the main point: “no day is the same” for a funeral director. You can’t ever prepare yourself for a “Goat” to appear on someone’s last wishes. You can’t fail to be impressed at the timing of a husband and wife who die within hours of one another. You can’t remain unfazed by any coincidence, really, and you’ll never get over the death of your own mother, no matter how many mothers you’ve buried. Still, funerals aren’t “doom and gloom and death and dying and tears and crying every day, all day.” Funny things happen – like a hearse caught in a snowstorm and a funeral rescued by a beat-up pickup. Like a jazz funeral that ended with a second chorus. Like supersti- tions, accidental love-matches, funeral crashers, and life stories that start with a piece of furniture and go full circle. And speaking of life, the authors say, enjoy yours to the fullest “because you too will one day be pushing daisies.” No pun intended, but my first impression of “Over Our Dead Bodies” was that it was a little stiff. There’s quite a bit off-topic in the first few pages here – extraneous info that felt like a commercial – and because of that, it seems to take awhile for authors Kenneth McKenzie and Todd Harra to get to the body of their book. Once they do, however, we’re treated to the kinds of tales we’d normally From working off the grid to staying warm on the job, Case IH has all the equipment to get the job done right. With genuine Case IH pressure washers, generators, air compressors and many other products that are as tough as the large machinery Case IH is known for, you’ll be ready for anything your day has in store. SEE US TODAY FOR MORE INFORMATION ON G GENUINE ENUINE C CASE ASE IH IH POWER POWER EQUIPMENT. EQUIPMENT. LEO’S SALES & SERVICE LLTD. TTD. HW Y. 101 & STURGEON ROAD BOX 16, GROUP 220, R.R.2. WINNIPEG, MB R3C 2E6 866-69 4- 4978 w w w.leoscaseih.com Case IH is a trademark registered in the United States and many other countries, owned by or licensed to CNH Industrial N.V N.V., ., its subsidiaries or affiliates. www www.caseih.com .caseih.com MRC beg to hear when we’d meet an undertaker at a cocktail party, as well as personal stories and a rambling (and quite fascinating) social history of death and funerals. But fear not: this isn’t macabre stuff; it’s funny and poignant and, as you dig in, it’s very, very addicting. Once you’ve started “Over our Dead Bodies,” in fact, you’ll like it to The End. c.2014, Citadel Press $15.95 / $17.95 Canada 256 pages by Kenneth McKenzie and Todd Harra Page 8, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 A second look “I have a lot of stress at work. How can I tell if I’m suffering from burnout? While some workplace stress is normal, excessive stress can interfere with productivity and can impact physical and emotional health. There is a difference between stress and burnout. Stress, by and large, involves too much: too many pressures that demand too much of you. Those with stress usually still believe that if they can just get everything under control they’ll feel better. Burnout, on the other hand, is about not enough. Being burned out means; feeling empty, having no motivation, and being beyond caring. People experiencing burnout often don’t see any hope of positive change in their situations. Excessive stress is like drowning in responsibilities, while burnout is being all dried up. If you are dealing with excessive work related stress, it’s important to recognize warning signs; physical and emotional health problems, anxiety, irritability, depression, sleep difficulties, physical symptoms and relationship difficulties are some examples. To improve stress it is very important to exercise, eat healthy, watch substance use, get enough sleep and reach for support. Remember you are the only person you have control over, don’t try to control the uncontrollable. Try to be emotionally and socially aware of yourself and your re- Riverside Community Counselling Services, Fort Frances Emo, Rainy River. A Caring Group of Professionals. actions and what impact they are having on the situation. Recognize time management issues, bad habits, perfectionistic tendencies or negative thinking and make a plan by setting realistic goals to reduce these stressors. Trying to hide how you feel and plough through can make things worse. Burnout; just like stress, can spill into other areas of your life and have crucial consequences. Warning signs may include: feeling tired and drained, experiencing physical symptoms like illness, headaches, changes in appetite or sleep, experiencing a sense of failure and self-doubt, feeling defeated, losing motivation, feeling increasingly cynical and negative, withdrawing from others and responsibilities, and increasing use of food, drugs, or alcohol to cope. Burnout will get worse if you leave it alone. Many things can contribute to burnout including: lack of control or ability to influence decisions affecting your job, unclear job expectations, dysfunctional workplace dynamics, mismatch in values, poor job fit, lack of social support, worklife imbalance, etc. People at risk of burnout are those who try to be everything to everyone and those who work in helping professions. It’s important to note that there is a difference between burnout and compassion fatigue. Burnout is mostly related to conflict within the workplace, whereas compassion fatigue is mostly related to emotional and physical costs connected to caring for others. Compassion fatigue may have a more acute onset, while burnout generally occurs over time. The symptoms are similar, but it may be important to distinguish which you are dealing with in order to have some direction for addressing your issues. If you are past the breaking point, take your situation very seriously. Slow down. Prioritize your commitments. Set boundaries and avoid putting any more on your plate. Rest, reflect and heal. Take time to re-evaluate your goals and priorities. Burnout is an undeniable sign that something important in your life isn’t working. You may need to take time to think about or reevaluate your hopes, dreams, and goals. Most of all you need to get support. Rather than turning away from your supports, you need to turn toward them. Be honest about what’s going on for you. Sometimes people feel shame as though there is something wrong with them for not being able to “handle” things. Although, you may feel all alone and trapped, it’s crucial that you don’t make this worse by isolating yourself. Riverside Health Care Facilities does not necessarily agree with the views expressed in this article. Watch out for the Eye Van The CNIB Eye Van is coming to Rainy River supported by the Royal Canadian Legion, Major Hughes Branch 54, the Rainy River Medical Clinic and the Town of Rainy River. Are you experiencing problems with your vision? Do you have diabetes, glaucoma, macular degeneration or a family history of eye disease? If you answered yes, please contact your optometrist, family doctor, nurse practitioner or diabetes educator to determine if you may benefit from a referral to the CNIB Eye Van. You may also be screened for diabetes or have your blood sugar checked if you are diabetic. The Valley Diabetes Education Centre is offering diabetes education and screening services at the Eye Van location as part of the Ministry of Health and Long Term Care's Ontario Diabetes Strategy. Letter to the editor Dear Editor: This past Wednesday, Thursday and Friday I helped with the sandbagging at Rusty Myers Flying Service, putting in 8 hour days. During Thursday a group of students came to help, some were getting their volunteer hours in. I took the time to show some of them how to turn with a full shovel and how to lift the 40# bags of sand, without hurting themselves. I was very impressed at how they listened and did the work safely. carcasses nearby. Parrino admitted to shooting, partially harvesting and abandoning an antlerless white-tailed deer and shooting at a second deer, both near Longbow Lake. Parrino told officers he also shot and consumed a black bear in August of 2013 near Savant Lake. His void licences and deer parts were seized and forfeited to the Crown. Officers also discovered that Parrino purchased Ontario resident black bear, antlered deer and moose hunting licences on August 13, September 22 and October 27, 2013, respectively, without having met the minimum residency requirement of six months. Parrino moved from Quebec to Savant Lake in May 2013, then to Kenora in September. He falsified information about his residency on the applications. Justice of the Peace Robert McNally heard the case in the Ontario Court of Justice, Kenora, on June 3, 2014. For the purposes of obtaining an Ontario resident hunting and fishing licence, a resident is a person whose primary residence is Ontario, and who has resided in Ontario for a period of six months during the previous 12 months. The use of false or misleading information to obtain licences is illegal and voids the licence. To report a natural resources violation, call 1-877-TIPSMNR (847-7667) toll-free any time or contact your local ministry office during regular business hours. You can also call Crime Stoppers anonymously at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477). LOW Apparel Sale!! These students are a credit to our district. I thank them for their help. Volunteering is lifelong and makes you feel good about yourself. Lyle Hyatt Alberton Assisted Living Emo meeting tomorrow The Rainy River District Assisted Living Emo Team was organized in April 2014. The purpose of the team is to survey local communities regarding the future housing needs of seniors in the Rainy River District. Our goal is to build a nonprofit assisted facility in Emo, based on commitment from potential tenants. Emo Municipality is very supportive of the Rainy River District Assisted Living Team and has become the collection agency for memberships. The contribution of $100.00 per person membership is a vote of confidence in the R.R.D.A.L. Team and entitles each person to vote on issues and be eligible for nomination to future Board of Directors. Cheques can be made Man caught illegally hunting and abandoning big game A Kenora man has pleaded guilty to charges related to illegal big game hunts and has been fined a total of $4,500. Jonathon Parrino was fined $1,000 for hunting black bear without a licence, $1,500 for hunting white-tailed deer without a licence, $1,000 for possessing illegally-killed wildlife and $1,000 for abandoning wildlife so its flesh became unsuitable for human consumption. Parrino is not allowed to hunt big game in Ontario for one year and must successfully complete the Ontario Hunter Education Program before he may hunt again. The court heard that Ministry of Natural Resources conservation officers contacted Parrino at his Kenora home on November 5, 2013, while investigating complaints of abandoned deer Appointments on the Eye Van are limited. The CNIB Eye Van does not issue prescriptions for eye glasses. Please see your optometrist. The Eye Van will visit Rainy River from July 21·24, 2014 and will be parked at the Town of Rainy River Garage, 319 Sixth St. Contact your health care provider for a referral now! Appointments fill up quickly. Visit cnib.ca for more information. payable to the Township of Emo and income tax receipts will be issued. Public meetings are scheduled for June 26, 2014 to provide an update from the committee regarding land options. June 26 @ 2:00 p.m. Golden Age Manor June 26 @ 6:30 p.m. Emo Legion Brother MFC7460DN Laser Multifunction Center Save $100 now only $159.99 Basics QuickSetup Recycled Heavy duty Storage Boxes pkg. of 4 $14.99 Kingston USB Drives 8, 16, 32 GB on sale starting from 9.99 each Bring in your tower or notebook and our service staff will have it working perfectly in no time. www.lowerys.com 398 Scott Street , Fort Frances Phone (807) 274-2743 2014 GMC Sierra SLT Crew Cab 4x4 2012 Ram 1500 SLT Quad Cab 4x4 2011 Ram 1500 Laramie Longhorn Loaded, leather heated seats, power sunroof, gps navigation, remote start, great shape, stk#141951 Loaded, bucket seats, power drivers seat, remote start, tow pkg, low kms, stk#132621 Crew Cab 4x4, Loaded, leather heated ventilated seats, heated steering wheel, power sunroof, gps navigation, remote start, total luxury, stk#141521 ONLY $38,995* ONLY $29,995* ONLY $33,995* Wednesday to Sunday, June 25-29 20% Off If it says “Lake of the Woods” on it it’s on Sale! Check out our “SALE” Racks & Tables 2011 Ram 1500 Out2011 Ram 1500 2010 Ram 1500 SLT doorsman Sport Quad Cab 4x4 Quad Cab 4x4 * Regular Price Items Only Serving our customers since 1964 Canadian Money at Par!!! No Sales Tax on Clothing! Crew Cab 4x4, Loaded, power drivers seat, skid plates, tow hooks, boxliner, tow pkg, tonneau cover, fog lights, remote start, low kms, stk#141831 Loaded, power bucket seats, tow pkg, remote start, fog lights, leather & cloth interior, Uconnect touchscreen stereo, stk#140081 Loaded, power drivers seat, remote start, roll top tonneau cover, tow pkg, dual exhaust, stk#141681 ONLY $27,995* ONLY $24,995* ONLY $22,995* 2010 Ram 1500 SLT Quad Cab 4x4 2010 Ram 1500 Outdoorsman 2009 Chevy Silverado LT Timber Pins Loaded, power drivers seat, remote start, tow pkg, fog lights, lo-rider fiberglass tonneau cover, great shape, stk#141161 Quad Cab 4x4, Loaded, bucket seats, remote start, skid plates, tow hooks, fog lights, tow pkg, stk#141611 Ext Cab 4x4, Loaded, 5.3L V8, bucket seats, tow pkg, gfx edition pkg, side steps, box rails, great shape, stk#142091 ONLY $21,995* ONLY $21,995* ONLY $19,995* Bowling Lanes 2009 GMC Sierra SLE Ext Cab 4x4 2009 Ford F150 XLT Supercab 4x4 2002 Dodge Ram 1500 SLT Quad Cab Loaded, tow pkg, Z71 4x4 pkg, 8’ box, stk#140612 Loaded, tow pkg, stk#141714 4x4, Loaded, tow pkg, trip computer, 8’ box, stk#130792 ONLY $17,995* ONLY $17,995* www.ronnings.com Falls (218) 283-8877 Baudette (218) 634-2088 Store Hours: Baudette: 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday International Falls: 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday Both Locations: Sunday 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. (Formerly International House of Bowling) Under new management! Come be entertained by all that Timber Pins has to offer! Bowling and Sports bar Arcade • Bowling with music and lights • Food • Pool • Darts Private Parties Canadian Money at Par ONLY $6,995* *Taxes and licence Extra West End Motors Phone 218-373-2695 Fort Frances 274-7751 1-800-465-7763 www.westendmotors.ca e-mail: [email protected] Serving the Rainy River District Since 1946 12 Shorewood Drive View this ad on line at www.westendweekly.ca to see pictures in colour. Open 3PM-Close Tues – Sat. Page 9, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 Splash and Dash Set to Go Set your calendars for August 17, 2014 to participate in the 2nd Annual Splash and Dash this summer. The Rainy Lake Triathlon Club is again hosting the Splash and Dash Aquathlon which consists of a 750 meter swim and 5 km run for adults 16 and over. This year, a youth distance will be introduced for ages 12 to 15 with a 300 meter swim and 3 km run. The event will start and finish at the Point Park. Pre-registration will be set up soon at the Memorial Sports Centre, and participants are en- couraged to pre-register to ensure that they get t-shirts as there will be a limited quantity to give out. Entry forms will also soon be available on the club’s website at www.rainylaketriclub.com . For those who are new to triathlon or for athletes who want to get out with others and train, the club is also offering some group training activities such as group bike rides and swims. Bike rides will start and end at the Memorial Sports Centre, swimming will be at Point Park where a transition area will be set up for those who want to practice that part of triathlon. Details for the group activities such as dates and times will be posted on our Facebook page - Rainy Lake Triathlon Club. Everyone is also welcome and encouraged to come out to Club meeting. Upcoming dates and locations are listed on the Facebook page. Set a goal, start training and see you at the 2nd Annual Splash and Dash!!! For more information contact Allyson Albanese at 807.274.2368. "Proper public consultation needed” Study on Impact of Canada Post Delivery Cuts on Vulnerable Groups An independent researcher has studied the impact of ending door-to-door postal delivery on vulnerable populations across the country, including seniors, low-income and persons with disabilities, concluding that Canada Post should "take a step back" and look at alternatives to ending door-todoor delivery. "What many of these groups are proposing is that any changes should be done with transparency, active participation and proper public consultation where the lines of communication are open to all parties" said Caryl-Anne Stordy, author of the study, which was commissioned by the Canadian Union of Postal Workers. Stordy interviewed groups from the 11 communities first on the list to lose their door-todoor delivery this fall. She focused specifically on organizations representing individuals with disability and mobility issues, seniors and low-income earners. Security, safety and accessibility were the most prominent concerns raised by members of these groups, a majority of whom disagreed with the decision to eliminate door-to-door service. Stordy noted that 64% of those she interviewed said that they had not been contacted by Canada Post for input on how to make community mailbox conversions more accessible. Only 18% had been contacted. When Stordy approached Canada Post for more information on its policies on making the mailboxes more accessible, the Crown corporation told her it needed 635 days (1 year, 8 months, 27 days) to provide the requested information. Asked about its consultations with vulnerable populations, Canada Post provided what Stordy described as a "generic statement" - its standard response to the many concerns being raised about Auction Sale Tim & Yvonne Gouliquer Saturday, July 12 10:00 a.m. Sharp Bergland, ON, Hwy. #11, Pinewood, ON, N. on Hwy 619 - 26 km to Hwy 600, turn R. (east) to Fire 9761 Watch for “Auction Signs” Riverbend Auction Services Household items including furniture & appliances, outdoor equipment & building supplies, farm machinery, antiques and collectibles. A very large variety of items too numerous to mention. Lunch Available Auctioneer: Telford Advent, member of the Auctioneering Assoc. of Ontario Cash or good cheques accepted, All Sales Final, Not Responsible for Accidents the impact of the cuts. "In light of the lack of information Canada Post has presented to defend its decision on the conversion, it appears that these groups will be left with no other choice than to conquer these issues on their own," noted Stordy. The Canadian Union of Postal Workers continues to work with groups, municipal organizations and allies to stop the cuts to postal service and find better solutions. Wishing everyone a safe and happy Canada Day Holiday. Great Beaver 12th Annual Cardboard & Tuck Tape Boat Races, Sunday, July 20, Hannam Park, Rainy River High water and cardboard shortages jeopardize Great Beaver Boat Races The current high water levels on the Rainy River along with a shortage of cardboard may jeopardize The Great Beaver Cardboard and Tuck Tape Boat Races on the Rainy River this year. This would be the 12th Year for this annual event held during RailRoad Daze in Rainy River, ON. This popular event that draws hundreds of spectators is tentatively scheduled for Sunday afternoon July 20, 2014. “Our first concern as always is safety, and water levels, debris and current must drop dramatically between now and the event to make the river Irvin N. Anderson Amphitheater ly y, Ju Saturda Lost your dock to the high water? no personal coolers FOOTCARE: Reduction of corns, calluses and nails (Veteran’s Affairs Provider) Rainy River Waterfront, Highway 11 East International Falls, MN $30.00 Gate Tickets: $40.00 VIP Tickets: $75.00 VIPs receive: 5 beer tickets and/or complimentary pop, complimentary snacks, private beer garden & porta potty, private parking in the west lot with shuttle to gate service. Only 100 VIP-Sold at Backus or online TICKET OUTLETS: 7:00 pm Lamont Cranston 5pm Mike Ure Band 3:30 Riverfest is brought to you by: Footcare Clinics in Emo, Stratton, Rainy River, Morson and Fort Frances Call for appointment: Melanie Murray 852-3308 or cell 1-218-434-0174 INTERNATIONAL FALLS: KGHS-KSDM Radio I City Drug I Backus Community Center FORT FRANCES: Betty’s of Fort Frances I Northwoods Gallery & Gifts Buy tickets online at www.riverfestifalls.com or www.backusab.org Questions? Call Backus (218) 285-7225 Check out our BUNDLES! Bundle tickets & beer & save! Only available online or at the Backus Office www.riverfestifalls.com AUCTION SALE Saturday, July 5th Chattels of the Late Ted Lundgren at 10:00 am Sharp Bergland, ON: Hwy #621, N. of Sleeman (Hwy #11) to Fire #6141, Watch for “Auction Signs” Riverbend Auction Services Collectibles including Old McCormack Deering (parts) and cow bells. Variety of tools including a light plant, 225 Lincoln welder, Equipment and Misc. including piles of scrap iron and 10-15 old cars. Lunch Available Auctioneer: Telford Advent, member of the Auctioneering Assoc. of Ontario Cash or good cheques accepted, All Sales Final, Not Responsible for Accidents Professional Service with a Country Touch For further information contact Telford Advent 483-5403 uates! tions, Grad Congratula ew exciting n inning an fullest! e th You are beg to it r life. Live part of you pbell, MPP Sarah Cam ny River ai -R ra no Ke 01 1-800-465-85 Request for Tender * 2,500 small square bales * preferably grass hay * price quote on a per ton basis * If you cannot supply the complete 2,500 bales we will accept tenders for a lower quantity as well. * Lowest tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders accepted until July 7, 2014 Hay must be delivered and stacked in the hay shed at the Stratton Sales Barn by August 15, 2014. 861 Kings Hwy. Fort Frances 274-3853 Sorry, Saturday, July 5 Time to book your new dock! Hours - Monday to Friday 7-5:30pm, Saturday 9-1pm 5, 4 201 Advance Tickets: REFLEXOLOGY: Touch Therapy... A natural Healing Art ipant skill level has increased over the years and too many of the craft have become nearly unsinkable and the grand trophy has always been for the most spectacular sinking,” Elliott stated smiling. We have been soliciting various merchants for supplies of used cardboard- shipping containers from appliances and furniture, etc. And we are urging all potential boaters to find their own cardboard and prebuild their boats. We will open the rules to give everyone a free hand to enter any craft they can imagine as long as it is primarily cardboard and tape, said Elliott. It is expected River conditions for July 20 should be predictable by early July and a final announcement can be made the week of July 6. Stay tuned. Gates open at 2:30 pm ins now! apter beg h c w e n r You Sarah Campbell, MPP Kenora-Rainy River safe for this fun family event,” stated Jack Elliott, event organizer and past chair. “The other problem is cardboard supplies. In the past Norampac a division of Cascades, has donated to us the 4x8 sheets we used in the event. They have informed us they can no longer supply them at no cost and we simply do not have the $3000 plus they would need to provide us with a minimum shipment. The event has always run on basically a zero budget with all materials pretty much donated with volunteers picking up the deficit, if any,” he added. “We still have a few sheets left from last year which we will reserve for the youth class and may have to restrict to only one sheet per entry instead of the usual two. But that’s okay, because the partic- Melanie’s Footcare & Reflexology Professional Service with a Country Touch For further information contact Telford Advent 483-5403 Rainy River's biggest race of the year at risk? For further information / tenders can be sent to: James Gibson, Stratton Sales Barn Manager R.R #2, Emo ON P0W 1E0 Home: 807-487-2731 Cell: 807-271-2005 [email protected] July 4 & 5 Live Band Obtaining Euphoria 9 p.m. to closing American Legion Main Ave., Baudette Page 10, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 Strawberry Social a delightful afternoon By: Teresa Hazel Members of the La Verendrye Hospital Auxiliary once again hosted their annual Strawberry Social on the grounds of La Verendrye Hospital. Volunteers were busy serving shortcake with ice cream and strawberries to the many guests who stopped by. Staff members also came out to check out the festivities. Fun activities included “Pick-a-Strawberry” where surprise gifts were awarded. There was a white elephant table as well as a beautiful plant table where potted flowers and plants were available for sale thanks to donations from Lowey’s and Hammond’s. The penny table also had a great assortment of prizes and the popular pull-tab tickets were also available. The Auxiliary partnered with the Fort Frances Canadian Bass Championship this year to coordinate a raffle that features a 14’ Lund Boat & Trailer Package. “The draw will be made at the Bass Championship on July 28th after the final weighin”, noted Davetta Sheppard who is assisting in organizing the raffle. Tickets are ten dollars each and include a second and third cash prize for one thousand dollars and five hundred dollars. Tickets are available at the gift shop located in the front entrance of La Verendrye Hospital. “We will be every- where”, chuckled Sheppard as to ticket sale locations on the weekends. For more information on tickets, call Sheppard at 274-4997. Thanks to all the volunteers of the La Verendrye Hospital Auxiliary for the work you do to improve the quality of health care for all those who need it. As you carry on the tradition of long-standing fundraisers you have always remained open to new fundraising challenges and partnerships. Great work!!! Sandy Pruys was selling beautiful potted flowers donated by Lowey’s and Hammond’s. Chris Lowey and Jeannine Cornell enjoy the strawberry shortcake. Evelyn Metke was putting her tickets in for the penny table raffle. Andrea Bruyere picks up a book from Lois Medhurst who was manning the used book sale. Medhurst has been a member of the Auxiliary for over thirty years. Citizens of the Year still smiling and serving! Jane McLeod and Florence Hill don their aprons and caps to serve shortcake to the many guests who stopped by. Mary Brown serves strawberry shortcake to Rachel Carter and her niece Maddie Alchin who was visiting from Hamilton. Donna Handberg tried her luck at the “Pick-a-Strawberry” game hosted by Dianne Taggart. Davetta Sheppard showcases the 14’ Lund Boat and Trailer package that is featured in the Auxiliary’s new raffle. Charleen Mallory got a ticket on the boat raffle from Ann Wood and Janet Lambert. Notice of Comment Period – Supplemental Assessment of Transmission Line Routing Alternatives Teagan McKinnon was enjoying her first strawberry social with her mom Aynsley. “Four generations” Audrey Thomson who has been an Auxiliary member for over 40 years was joined by her daughter, Sheryl Laverdure, granddaughter Sara Kawulia and greatgranddaughter Makayla who is eight weeks old. Install today and you can stop paying high heating bills tomorrow. With energy prices skyrocketing, how much could you save if you were able to heat your entire home, water and more with an E-Classic outdoor wood furnace? It’s not too late to find out! Call us today to see how much you can start saving tomorrow. Emo Feed Service Ltd. Dealership Name City, State Phone Number Canning Lane, Emo 482-2017 E-Classic Outdoor Wood Furnace Save up to $1000 For a limited time only* *Instant rebate savings up to $1000 on select in-stock Central Boiler outdoor furnace models. Savings shown is on an E-Classic 3200 model. See dealer for details. 2012-ECL01c 14-0103 CentralBoiler.com Diane Wood took a break from the payroll department to get in on the plant table draw. Lill Morrison was selling tickets. Rainy River Resources Ltd. is planning to construct, operate and eventually reclaim a gold mine at the Rainy River Project site located in the Township of Chapple approximately 65 km northwest of Fort Frances, Ontario. As part of the environmental approvals process and before construction can start, an environmental assessment (EA) is required. As the Rainy River Project requires a transmission line connection to the Provincial power grid, possible alternative transmission line routing alignments and the preferred transmission OLQHURXWHZHUHLGHQWLÀHGDQGDVVHVVHGLQWKH)LQDO EA Report which completed public review on March 6, 2014. A northern routing was preferred with other alternative routings rated as unacceptable. As part of its EA review process, the Ministry of Natural Resources requested that a supplemental assessment of the transmission line routing alternatives be made available publicly, to further ensure that local residents, Aboriginal groups and other stakeholders, were informed and consulted on the transmission line routing alternatives and the selection of the preferred (northern) route. The Supplemental Assessment of Transmission Line Routing Alternatives, Rainy River Project will be DYDLODEOHIRUYLHZLQJDWWKH555RIÀFHORFDWHGDW 5971 Highway 11-71 in Emo, Ontario; and at the 015)RUW)UDQFHV'LVWULFW2IÀFHORFDWHGDW Scott Street, for a 30-day period commencing on June 23, 2014 and ending on July 23, 2014. Copies have also been provided to local First Nation DQG0pWLVFRPPXQLWLHVLGHQWLÀHGWKURXJKWKH($ process. All comments regarding review of the supplementary assessment should be addressed to the following individuals. For further information please contact: .\OH/6WDQÀHOG3(QJ Director, Environment & Sustainability Rainy River Resources Ltd./New Gold Inc. 1111 Victoria Avenue East Thunder Bay, Ontario P7C 1B7 [email protected] Telephone: (807) 622-8111 Facsimile: (807) 482-2834 Linda Chepil Lands & Waters Technical Specialist Ministry of Natural Resources, Fort Frances District 922 Scott Street Fort Frances, ON P9A 1J4 Telephone: (807) 274-8616 Fax: (807) 274-4438 [email protected] Page 11, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 Your only Locally-owned Supermarket for over 50 years. 4 serve Open 7 Days A Week 5:00 a.m. - Midnight Use our In-store ATM Hwy. 11-71 West, I. Falls, MN 283-8440 • www.s1foods.com We reserve the right to limit quantities! 1010 Gelatin Sun., June 22 - Sat., June 28 St NO CLIPPING NECESSARY VALUABLE COUPON Essential Everyday PRICES IN EFFECT NOON ’s t r a w e NO CLIPPING NECESSARY 1020 ¢ Keebler each 9.2-13.8 oz. box 22 Townhouse Crackers NO CLIPPING NECESSARY 1030 $ 99 Northland each 4 quart pail 1 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY $ 99 3 Vanilla Ice Cream 1040 Post Honey Bunches of Oats Cereal each $ 66 1 each 12.5-14.5 oz. box Limit 4 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 MANUFACTURER’S COUPON VALID: 6/22/14-6/28/14 Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 RV0100 1050 MANUFACTURER’S COUPON Hershey’s Baking Chips VALID: 6/22/14-6/28/14 2/$ 3 Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 RV0100 1060 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY Essential Everyday Chunk Light Tuna 5 oz. can 1090 Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 ¢ Essential Everyday each 18 oz. jar 66 Peanut Butter 1100 1 1110 Essential Everyday Clear Cutlery each 24 count pkg. ¢ 66 Ketchup 24 oz. bottle Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY $ 36 1080 Hunt’s 36 14 oz. squeeze bottle NO CLIPPING NECESSARY NO CLIPPING NECESSARY ¢ Yellow Mustard Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY 1070 Shoppers Value Must Buy 2 8-12 oz. pkg. Limit x per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY ¢ Bush’s each Bush’s 66 1120 Baked Beans 28 oz. $ 44 1 Grillin Beans each 22 oz. Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 Pepsi & Pepsi Products 24 oz. bottles/6 packs ....................... Pepsi & Pepsi Products 12 packs ................................................. Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 3/$ 11 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY Mr. Dee’s Hashbrowns 3/$ 24 oz. pkg. 11 Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 Limit 2 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 1130 $ 49 1 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY 1015 Shoppers Value 79 Tilapia, Pollock, Salmon or Scallops 4 oz. ¢ NO VALUABLE CLIPPING COUPON NECESSARY Shoppers Value Original, Pepperoni or Breakfast Pizza 1025 1045 ¢ 79 4.5-5.25 oz. Pepsi & Pepsi Products 2 liters...................................................... Lipton Tea 12 pack......................................... Aquafina Water 24 pack.................................. Aquafina Flavor Splash 6 pack................. Cascade Ice 17.2 oz. bottle............................. 4/$ 5 $ 499 $ 2/$ 5 77¢ ................................10-11 oz. Old Dutch Triple Pack Box Chips ........15 oz. Dutch 3 2 2 4 1 4 4 7 $ 775 Gevalia Coffee $ K Cups 12 pack box .............. McIlhenny Tabasco $ Sauce 5 oz. bottle.................. 649 2 McCormick Grill Mates Marinades .71-1.25 oz. envelope.... Geisha Tiny Shrimp 4.25 oz. can... Geisha Crab Meat 6 oz. can........... Mott’s Applesauce 23-24 oz. jar... Creamette Ring Macaroni 7 oz. box Creamette Shell Macaroni 7 oz. box ............ Creamette Elbow Macaroni 7 oz. box ............ Hormel Chili with Beans 15 oz. can ................... Doritos Dutch 77 Old Popcorn ....................................... 6 oz. $ 4 (excludes decaf) ......................... Frito Lay Crunch Potato Chips ........ 9 oz. 6 6 6 MJB Coffee 27.8-33.9 oz. can Frito Lay Canned Dip .........................8.5-9 oz. Frito Lay 2/$ Cheetos 8-9.5 oz. ................ 2/$ Fritos 9.75-10.25 oz. ............ 2/$ Funyuns 6-6.5 oz. ............... $ 99 Matador Jerky 3 oz. ....... Old Dutch Restaurante Style $ 79 Tortilla Chips 10-13 oz. ... Old Dutch Ripples Potato $ 79 Chips 8-8.5 oz. ...................... Old Dutch Arriba Tortilla 2/$ 44 Chips 12 oz. .......................... Essential Everyday Ready To Spread $ 39 Frosting 16 oz. tub .............. Hershey’s Twizzlers 2/$ Licorice 14-16 oz. pkg. ........ La Banderita Flour Burrito 2/$ Shells 10 count pkg............... Hills Brothers Coffee 27.8-33.9 oz. can $ 75 (excludes decaf) ......................... Cantina’s ............................9-12 oz. 99 88¢ 2/$ 5 2/$ 5 $ 75 1 45¢ 45 ¢ 45¢ 2/$ 3 2/$ 6 2/$ 6 2/$ 5 2/$ 5 $ 88 3 $ 79 2 $ 89 1 Essential Everyday Chunk White $ 75 Chicken 10 oz. can............... Gedney State Fair 2/$ Pickles 24 oz. jar ................. Buon Giorno Spaghetti $ 75 Sauce 24 oz. jar..................... Essential Everyday Deluxe Shells and 2/$ Cheese 24 oz. pkg. .............. Pace 2/$ Salsa 16 oz. jar ...................... Pace 2/$ Picante 16 oz. jar ................. New York Texas Toast ¢ Croutons 4.5-5 oz. pouch.... Crisco Vegetable $ 79 Oil 48 oz. bottle....................... Crisco $ 79 Canola Oil 48 oz. bottle ..... Crisco $ 79 Corn Oil 48 oz. bottle........... Crisco Natural Blend $ 79 Oil 48 oz. bottle....................... Betty Crocker Specialty ¢ Potatoes 3.7-6.6 oz. box..... Essential Everyday Sugar Free Drink ¢ Mixes 10 pack sticks ............ Essential Everyday Iced Tea $ 79 Mix 53 oz. canister ................. Butter Kernal Vegetables (Whole Kernal Corn, 1 5 1 5 4 4 99 2 2 2 2 99 79 4 Cream Corn, Cut Green Beans, French Style Green Beans) 14.5-15.25 oz. can ..................... Glad Tall Kitchen Bags 34-80 ct. ....................... Glad Trash Bags 15-40 ct. .......... 9 Lives Cat Food 4pk. 5.5 oz. cans .. Dial Bar Soap 8 bar pkg. ............ Essential Everyday Liquid Laundry Detergent 10 oz. ............... 65¢ 1035 Shoppers Value 99 Breaded Chicken, Sausage Biscuit, Cheese Burger or BBQ Rib Sandwich 4.2-5.5 oz. 699 $ 99 6 4/$ 5 $ 99 3 99 4 NO CLIPPING NECESSARY Antioch Farms Chicken Kiev, Cordon Bleu or Broccoli & Cheese 5 oz. Meat Department Freschetta Pies ............................................23.5-36 oz. Red Baron 2/$ Edward’s Singles...................................5.34-11.6 oz Stone Ridge Premium Ice Cream ...................................... 48 oz. Essential Everyday Grape Jelly ................ 18 oz. jar Gatorade ......8 pack/20 oz. bottles $ 5 $ 248 88¢ $ 50 4 Cranberry Juice Cocktail ......................64 oz. bottle Coffee .............. 12 count k cup box Maxwell House K Cup Coffee ........... 12 count box REDEEMABLE COUPON 99 Meat Department 2/$ 5 $ 599 $ 99 5 VALID: 6/22/14-6/28/14 General Mills Cheerios ..........................8.9 oz. Trix ....................................10.7 oz. Cocoa Puffs .................11.8 oz. Golden Grahams ........12 oz. Cinnamon Toast Crunch ............................12.2 oz. Nature Valley Granola Bars ............6-9 oz. box Krispy Rice $ Treats ............................6.2 oz. box 188 RV0200 Special K Crackers .......................4-8 oz. box Keebler Toasteds Crackers ..... 8 oz. box Keebler Wheatables ................ 8.5 oz. box Nabisco Nabisco Ritz Crackers ......8.8-13.7 oz. box Nabisco Crackerfuls ............. 6-6.25 oz. box Redeem via SV Accounting Take An Additional $2 OFF Of These Prices With Coupon Above Duncan Hines Gulden’s Keebler Hunt’s Snack Pack Pudding ................... 4 pack Hunt’s Manwich Sloppy Joe Sauce (original only) ........................15 oz. can Hunt’s Spaghetti Sauce.......................24 oz. can 95¢ 95¢ 95¢ 95¢ Chef Boyardee Canned Pasta with Meat ..................................... 14.75-15 oz. can Act II Microwave Popcorn ................... 3 pack Hunt’s Whole Tomatoes ...................14.5 oz. can Hunt’s Stewed Tomatoes ................14.5 oz. can Hunt’s Diced Tomatoes.....................14.5 oz. can Hunt’s Tomato Sauce ............................15 oz. can Rotel Tomatoes ......................................10 oz. can Hunt’s BBQ Sauce ................................ 18 oz. bottle Sparkle Mardi Gras Napkins .....................250 count pkg. $ Sugar .................................4 lb. bag C&H Brown Sugar ................... 2 lb. bag 3 175 $ 69 1 C&H $ 69 1 Nabisco Honey Maid Grahams ............7.04-14.4 oz. box 2/$ 5 Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bars ........................................ 6 pack Mayonnaise .................... 30 oz. jar 299 $ 18 1 88¢ $ 88 2 Heinz $ Kraft Marshmallows .......... 10 oz. bag Essential Everyday Hellmann’s 5/$ Ketchup ......................38 oz. bottle $ 188 Essential Everyday $ 5 99 Essential Everyday Bathroom Tissue...................4 double roll pkg. 95¢ C&H Ice Cream Cones .. 12 count box Angel Soft Bathroom Tissue.................12 double roll pkg. 5 2/$ 5 2/$ 5 2/$ 4 2/$ 4 2/$ 4 2/$ 78¢ 5 95¢ 2/$ Grahams Pie Crusts ........................... 4-6 oz. pkg. Powdered Sugar...................................... 2 lb. bag FROZEN Banquet Brownie Mixes ..18-18.3 oz. box 95 95¢ 95¢ 95¢ 95¢ 88¢ 95¢ ¢ DAIRY Blue Bonnet.................... 1 lb. quarters pkg. 8 2/$ 5 Essential Everyday Snack Crackers ... 3.5-9.1 oz. box Spicy Brown Mustard................. 12 oz. 4/$ Keebler Ocean Spray Hills Brothers ¢ CEREAL 444 $ 99 4 Pizza.....................................16.08-30.7 oz. 1045 Limit 10 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 FROZEN Paper Towels ........6 big roll pkg. $ ¢ Limit 10 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 Value Meals .................. 4.73-10.25 oz. pkg. $ Meat Department Limit 10 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 NO VALUABLE CLIPPING COUPON NECESSARY Frito Lay 99 Frito Lay 3 Limit 10 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 Limit 1 per family with coupon at Super One thru June 28, 2014 Ruffles..............................7.5-10 oz. Ice Mountain Spring Water 24 pack/.5 liter bottles .... Meat Department $ 199 $ 99 5 $ 99 1 Stuffed Green Olives.............................5.75 oz. jar Essential Everyday Pitted Black Olives ..........6 oz. Gedney Baby Dill Pickles ......... 32 oz. jar 98¢ 98¢ 2/$ 5 Gedney Mini Munchers Pickles .................................. 32 oz. jar 2/$ 5 Page 12, The Westend Weekly, June 25, 2014 Open 7 Days A Week 5:00 a.m. - Midnight Hwy. 11-71 West, International Falls, MN 283-8440 www.s1foods.com Use our In-store ATM PRICES IN EFFECT ® Noon Sunday, June 22 Saturday, June 28 We reserve the right to limit quantities! Your only locally-owned Supermarket for over 50 years. Meat Department - Fresh Meats Cut Daily Gold-N-Plump ’s Stewartne SuperO Extra Tender Breast Fillets or Breast Tenders .............14-16 oz. hoice U.S.D.A. C BlackAngus Fresh Cut Steaks $ 98 7 Steakhouse Seasoned, Mushroom & Swiss or Cheddar & Bacon Steakburgers.............................. 27 oz. $ 78 1 lb. t’s Stewarne SuperO lb. Chicken & Beef Patties or Steak & Beef Patties Combo Pack ........................... 18.20 oz. Tyson Bottom Round Roast Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts $ 48 3 $ Fresh Cut lb. Pork Sirloin Roasts 38 2 Oscar Mayer Jumbo Pack Wieners ..................................................... W.H.M. Stewart’s Smoked Andouille Sausage Links ....................................... lb. Fresh Fresh Sweet Peaches or Juicy Ripe Nectarines Red-on-the-Vine Tomatoes Iceberg Lettuce Salad Blend $ 79 $ 1 Green Grapes $ 79 Green-Top Red Radishes or Pencil Thin 1 lb. Minnesota lb. Fresh 2/ ¢ Fresh Bratwurst, Beer Bratwurst or Italian Sausage Links.................16 oz. Oscar Mayer 599 $499 $399 $ 12 oz. bag 2 lb. lb. Deli Fresh or Selects Lunch Meat Tubs .....................7.9 oz. Oscar Mayer Deli Fresh Chicken Breast Cuts ........................................................6 oz. Bluewave Pacific Salmon or Cod Fillets .....................................16 oz. 6 2/$ 8 49 1 ¢ 99 lb. Fresh 99 99 2 Fresh Produce 5/$ 99 Fresh 1 ¢ 99 lb. ea. lb. Super Sweet Corn ea. ¢ $ 99 2/ 3 $349 $499 $ 49 $ 99 Fresh California Tender Green Slender Green Onions Grown Celery Asparagus Cucumbers Bunches 6 2/$ Sheboygan Frozen Canadian Snow Crab Legs lb. California Sweet Seedless Polish, Bratwurst, Smoked Sausage, Turkey or Chicken Sausage Links ......................12-14 oz. Fresh $ 68 1 6 $ 49 Johnsonville No Name hoice U.S.D.A. C BlackAngus $ No Name Pork Sirloin Chops T-Bone 4 49 ears DELI June 22 - June 28 MEATS Sandwich Special CHEESES Wilson Baby Pit Ham 3 lb. Virginia Ham $425 lb. Honey Turkey $485 lb. Wilson Hard Salami $425 lb. $ Pork Roast w/ Side $5.99 Check out our specials on facebook! Deli Hours: Provolone $455 lb. Muenster $445 lb. 75 7am-7pm All Week Fresh Bakery All Made From $ 69 CRUSHED WHEAT BREAD .............................. 1lb. loaf 1 Scratch By Our Bakery WHITE DINNER ROLLS...................................................... doz. APPLE CRISP ..................................................... 8x8 DESSERT SHELLS ..............................................4 cnt. $ 179 $ 69 3 99¢ Frozen Dairy Land O Lakes Cottage Cheese ..............................22 oz. Land O Lakes Buttermilk ................................................ qt. Tru Moo Chocolate Milk................................... gal. Crystal Farms Chunk Cheese .......................... 8 oz. block Crystal Farms Shredded Cheese ....................8 oz. pkg. Crystal Farms Deli Sliced Cheese................. 8 oz. pkg. Crystal Farms American Singles .................12 oz. pkg. Dannon Light n’ Fit Yogurt ..................... 4 pack Dannon Activia Yogurt ............................... 4 pack Imperial Spread ............................................ 45 oz. tub $ 248 $ 18 1 $ 29 2 $ 25 2 $ 25 2 2/$ 5 $ 88 1 2/$ 4 2/$ 4 $ 19 2 Old Home Peanut Butter .......................... 24 oz. tub Essential Everyday Crescent Rolls .......................... 8 oz. tube Essential Everyday Cinnamon Rolls ................. 12.4 oz. tube $ 449 2/$ 3 2/$ 3 Red Baron Pizza.......................................... 14.76-23.45 oz. Oikos Greek Frozen Yogurt ....................pint Popsicles .............................. 18-24 count box Klondike Essential Everyday Bagels .......................................14.25 oz. pkg. Florida’s Natural Orange Juice ... 59 oz. carton Gold Peak Tea ................................................. 59 oz. bottle Simply Ades ............................................. 59 oz. bottle Cruz Flour Tortillas ..........10 count/16 oz. pkg. 99¢ $ 19 3 2/$ 3 $ 88 1 $ 99 1 Bars .......................................................... 6 pack New York Texas Toast Garlic Toast ..............13.5 oz. pkg. Essential Everyday Frozen Pasta ........................19-25 oz. pkg. Essential Everyday Blueberries .................................12 oz. pkg. Essential Everyday Frozen Smoothie Mix ......7.6 oz. pkg. 3/$ 9 $ 99 2 $ 99 2 $ 49 3 2/$ 5 2/$ 5 2/$ 4 2/$ 4 Banquet Family Size Entree’s.....................................25-27 oz. pkg. Jose Ole Taquitos ...............................20-22.5 oz. pkg. Jose Ole Chimichangas .........................18 oz. pkg. Essential Everyday Frozen Sliders ...........................8 oz. pkg. 2/$ 5 $ 599 $ 99 5 2/$ 5 Mr. Dee’s Twice Baked Potatoes ......................................10 oz. pkg. 2/$ 4 Westpac Vegetables (Mixed Vegetables, Sweet Green Peas, Cut Green Beans, Chopped Broccoli, Whole Kernel Corn) ................................16 oz. bag Essential Everyday Toaster Strudel ....................11.5 oz. pkg. 5/$ 5 2/$ 3
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