Examples of U.S. Dollars rejected by Cuba
Examples of U.S. Dollars rejected by Cuba
Examples of U.S. currency refused in 2015 by Cuban banks and money change "CADECA" booths: ink stain torn bill ink stamp markings Bills will also be rejected for ANY handwriting, or markings from a pen, that is visible Not exactly sure why this bill was rejected - but it shows it is wise to go to Cuba with bills in the best condition you can get them (they do not need to be brand new - although new will always be accepted). In Cuba you can change bills of any denomination, although we usually change only bills that are $20 or larger - but regardless of bill size you get around .88 "CUC" for every U.S. dollar. The rule of thumb is take $200 cash per day (although if you have pre-paid in the U.S. with CubaToDo.com for your hotels, transfers, excursions, etc. this is probably much more money than you would ever need). REMEMBER: even as U.S. credit cards are starting to be accepted in 2015 - expect the very few places that accept them, will often be experiencing a "broken machine" the moment you want to use your credit card.