Parish Life - St. Michael Parish the Archangel
Parish Life - St. Michael Parish the Archangel
WELCOME TO ST. MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CATHOLIC COMMUNITY Community, Personnel, & On-Going Information PARISH OFFICE STAFF Rev. Martin J. Dobrzynski ….. [email protected] Pastor 322-4505, ext. 220 Rev. Benjamin Ross…………[email protected] Associate Pastor 322-4505, ext. 229 Deacon Edwin Gatons………[email protected] Permanent Deacon 322-4505, ext. 285 Deacon Jack Krol……………[email protected] Permanent Deacon 322-4505, ext. 286 Deacon Ron Pyle ……………[email protected] Permanent Deacon 322-4505, ext. 284 Mrs. Michaeline Gargas……[email protected] Executive Secretary 322-4505, ext. 220 Mrs. Monica Susoreny………[email protected] Communications Coordinator 322-4505, ext. 263 Miss Debbie Mangione……[email protected] Director of Liturgy & Music 322-4505, ext. 227 Mrs. Janice Gatons…………[email protected] Parish Nurse & RCIA Director 322-4505, ext. 241 Mrs. Shannon Jalocha………[email protected] Parish Accountant 322-4505, ext. 226 Mr. Gary Krieps……………[email protected] Operations Coordinator 322-4505, ext. 232 Mrs. Debbie Fotia…………[email protected] Administrative Assistant 322-4505, ext. 225 Mrs. Rhonda Haddad………[email protected] Bulletin Editor 322-4505, ext. 239 Mrs. Fran Hintz……………[email protected] Clerical Assistant 322-4505, ext. 234 Mrs. Joan Hamnik…………...322-4505, ext. 228 Head Sacristan PARISH OFFICE HOURS Office Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday-Friday and by appointment Phone:……………...(219)322-4505 Fax………(219)322-4508 Email………………[email protected] Website…………… ST. MICHAEL SCHOOL Office Hours: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Monday-Friday Phone……(219)322-4531 Fax……..(219)322-1710 Website……………… Miss Colleen Kennedy……[email protected] Principal Mrs. Dyana Butcher………[email protected] School Administrative Assistant FAITH FORMATION Office Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday 12:00 PM-7:30 PM Tuesday & Wednesday By appointment on Thursday Phone …….(219)322-3077 Fax…….(219)322-1710 Mrs. Marge Swanson……[email protected] Director of Religious Education Mrs. Kelley Mills …………[email protected] Administrative Assistant Traditional Classes…Tuesday or Wednesday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Good Shepherd Classes….Tuesday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM Sunday Family Classes…..Once a month 9:30 AM-11:00 AM Website: SATURDAY LITURGY Vigil: 5:00 PM DAILY LITURGY Weekdays 7:00 AM Saturday 8:00 AM SUNDAY LITURGY 7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM HOLY DAY LITURGY See page 15 of the bulletin for Holy Day Mass Schedule. PARISH MISSION STATEMENT COME SHARE THE JOURNEY: To know and experience the mystery of our God by sharing with our brothers and sisters the power of prayer, compassion and healing as we pledge to create an environment in which we will: Meet Jesus in our lives and know Him more intimately, Strengthen and enrich our faith through common worship, Acknowledge that our individual journeys contribute to this one shared mission, Recognize, develop and affirm individual gifts for the benefit of the community and for the glory of God, Provide opportunities to seek and to promote social justice and peace, Place our trust in God and in the working of the Holy Spirit SACRAMENTAL INFORMATION Sacrament of Penance...Satur day 3:30 PM-4:30 PM Baptisms...Fir st time par ents at St. Michael must attend a Baptism Prep session before the baptism date can be scheduled. Please call Michaeline to schedule the prep session and/or baptism date. Marriage….The br ide, gr oom, their par ents or their gr andparents must be active registered members of the parish for at least three years prior to reserving a date for the wedding. The diocese requires that arrangements must be made at least six months in advance of the wedding date in order for the proper personal, spiritual and liturgical preparations of the couple to be completed. Sacrament of the Sick...Please call the office until 4:00 PM. After 4:00 PM, please call 322-6623 Monday-Friday and anytime on the weekend. Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the third Saturday of each month at the 8:00 AM Mass in the chapel. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Wednesdays from 1:30-6:00 PM in the chapel. HOSPITALIZED PARISHIONERS Please call our parish office with all requests for hospital visitations, receive Holy Communion, to have the Anointing of the Sick or to be added to our Prayer List. The Privacy Act prevents the office from giving out information regarding people on the Pray for the Sick list. BULLETIN DEADLINE: Monday prior to the Sunday printing 12:00 PM (Noon). Holidays have exceptions. Please submit potential bulletin articles by email to [email protected] or in print form to the office or by fax to 322-4508. St. Michael Parish 1 Wilhelm St. Schererville, IN 46375 Page 2 February 21, 2016 From the Pastor’s Desk Trust! Again? Last week I spoke of our need to grow our trust in following the way of Jesus. He is the Son of Man and so, like us, He is tempted, feels sorrow, defeat, as well as joy, and happiness. Today, He shows us His other nature which is fully His as well. He appears to Peter, James and John and to us as the Son of God. Why this contrast? Last week He demonstrates His humanity in allowing the devil to tempt Him, this week He exhibits His glory to His closest followers. Jesus realizes that the road He forges for us to follow is not always easy. We can sometimes lose hope and even despair. This transfiguration on Mt. Tabor is meant to bolster these three apostles, who in turn could strengthen the others, especially in the darkest hour—after Jesus’ passion and death. In this manifestation these disciples are being called to trust in God’s plan for them with Jesus. In seeing the two great prophets with Jesus, conversing with Him, the disciples are being strengthened for what was going to happen to Jesus in Jerusalem. So too, we are allowed to partake of this vision so that we can also be given strength to trust in this God who even dies for us. It seems so incredible that God would suffer for us. The Master over suffering – suffers for the servant, the creator – dies for His creation. This seems so far beyond reality that many dismiss it as impossible and unreasonable. Yet, this is the very beauty of the situation; that we are asked to trust in this God who suffers for us. Indeed our trust, freely given, is what justifies us before God and makes it possible for us to move beyond death to life. All because God acted first on our behalf and so His grace always precedes us, going before us, helping us to choose to respond with trust in God’s promise. This trust, as we were invited to realize last week, it is not some sort of mental attitude alone. It is an action on our part. We need to look for ways to grow our trust so we can more deeply believe this unbelievable action of God’s love. If I remain enclosed in my own personal concerns, like Peter wanting to build three tents, I am unable to experience the fullness of God’s power. If I look for ways to open myself to trust, by giving of myself, my time, my treasures, I open myself for God to work. Peter, James and John didn’t know things would end yet, and they certainly didn’t understand the meaning of the vision right away. They had to learn by giving of themselves too. They learned how God’s power carries them even to give witness with their very selves. It is that power that saves us. It is available to us as we deepen and grow our trust in God’s will for us. As you and I give more, we receive more, so much more than we can right now imagine. Grow Your Trust – an Opportunity. I am seeking dedicated parishioners who want to participate more in the parish. The Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance Committee, the Home and School Committee, the Sports Advisory Committee and the St. Michael School Advisory Committee are all looking for new members. There are no nominations and no elections. Committee members are determined through a process of DISCERNMENT. This is the same way the Apostles came to choose those who would help them. The discernment process is painless, and even a bit fun. You and other interested parishioners simply come to three evenings - February 25th, March 3rd and 10th - at 7:00 PM-8:30 PM. At these three sessions a trained discernment team will assist you in learning about these groups, their function and their work. If you are interested, please call 322-4505, ext. 210 or email: [email protected] and reserve a place for yourself at the table. Your reservation helps us to have enough materials on hand for everyone to participate. Website: Page 3 February 21, 2016 Spirituality and Worship Commission Commission Members: Director of Liturgy, Art & Environment, Eucharistic Minister, Hospitality, Lectors, Music, Sacristan, Altar Servers, Cross Bearers, Prayer Ministry, RCIA, Ministers of Care Our Lenten Parish Activity Prayer, Offering, and Sacrifice are three words that we hear during Lent. To help keep the season in our lives, there will be ribbons representing the above three words on tables in the gathering space. As you come to Mass each week, please take a ribbon corresponding to your Lenten deed and tie it to the cross. Here are some examples for you to consider: Prayer-attend Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic Adoration or daily Mass, take time to read the Bible, pray for family or special intentions, pray the rosary, visit church. Offering-donate money, food or other needed items to a charitable organization, participate in Operation Rice Bowl, give your time and talent to someone or group in need. Sacrifice-give up sweets, that special cup of coffee, television, texting, computer games or time, gossiping, etc. Sacrifices can also be that one thing you don’t want to do but should. Last Sunday four of our catechumens were sent to Bishop Hying for the Rite of Election at the Cathedral. The Elect are Ryan Buff, Jacob Rose, Justin Schuller and Kaitlyn Schuller. They have been instructed in the Catholic faith for over a year and have come to discern that the Roman Catholic Faith is their chosen faith tradition. Please keep them in your prayers as they continue their journey of faith through the period of Purification and Enlightenment, the Lenten Season. RCIA is the process for those who are over the age of 8, baptized in another faith tradition, nonbaptized, or only baptized in the Catholic faith and wish to complete their sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. During the Season of Lent, Eucharistic Adoration is on Wednesdays from 1:30-6:00 PM in the Chapel. Please come and spend time with our Lord. Stations of the Cross Following in Jesus’ footsteps, each of us is invited to “Take up your cross and follow me.” This very powerful and moving spiritual pilgrimage can be experienced every Friday during Lent at 12:00 PM and 7:30 PM in the church. In the spirit of fellowship and formation, all Lay Ministers are invited to travel the Stations of the Cross together as a way to express your devotion to God and your commitment to your ministry. To facilitate this experience, some suggested dates and times are listed below. February 26th, 7:30 PM Sacristans Faith Sharing Groups RCIA Team Members Formation Catechists/ Assistants Art & Environment Ministers March 4th, 7:30 PM Welcoming Ministry Hospitality Ministers Respect Life Ministers Good Samaritans Comforting Chefs Vocations Ministry Website: March 11th, 7:30 PM Altar Servers Holy Name Society Knights of Columbus Youth Ministry Extraordinary Ministers of Communion Page 4 March 18th, 7:30 PM Pastoral Council Members Labor of Love Ministers Money Counting Ministry Gardener Ministry Rebuilding Hope Mission Team Armed Services Assistance Program February 21, 2016 Education and Formation Commission Commission Members: Director of Religious Education, School Principal, Sport/School Advisory Board/HSA Representatives, Marriage Prep, Baptismal Prep, Adult Faith Education, Vocations Ministry, Youth Ministry, Bible Study High School Teens: RADIATE is Right for You! RADIATE, St. Michael’s High School Youth Ministry, offers all high school teens a place to bring your friends or make new ones with faith as a core. Any time is the perfect time to check us out. Come alone or bring a friend to the next RADIATE events: Feb. 28th: The Shroud of Turin—What is it? What does it mean to your faith? 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. Mar. 5th: SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL, 7:00-10:00 PM, more details to come. Mar. 11th –Mar. 13th: TAPT RETREAT WEEKEND! Contact one of us for more information on this personal spiritual journey guaranteed to change your life! Mar. 20th: Why go to Church? 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. Our calendar might change so if you want to get the most updated info for RADIATE events, text “@radiate” to 81010. Questions? Contact Mike Reesman (Adult) at 670-1975, [email protected] or Jeannine Quigley (Adult) at 775-5356, [email protected] or Cami Wallace (teen) at 794-5146. FEBRUARY CALENDAR Feb. 20th/21st: Blessing of First Communicants at All Masses Feb. 21st: Family Session 9:30-11:00 AM Feb. 23rd: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Feb. 24th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM MARCH CALENDAR Mar. 1st: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 2nd: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 6th: Family Session 9:30-11:00 AM Mar. 8th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 9th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 15th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 16th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM Mar. 22th/23rd: NO Classes Adult Confirmation classes will take place April 4th and 11th at 6:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. Please call the Faith Formation Office, 322-3077, for more information. Last Chance for Tuition Assistance with the Diocese The tuition assistance application for the 2016-17 school year is now available on the Diocese of Gary website at: Click the Tuition Assistance Application tab and you will be directed to the application. Catholic families who belong to a Diocese of Gary parish and have their children enrolled in any diocesan school, K-12, may apply. Pre-school students are not eligible. A $30 nonrefundable processing fee must accompany the application and can be paid via credit card, debit card, or checking account online. The filing deadline is tomorrow, February 22, 2016. This is the date that completed applications must be submitted online. PSAS will not accept any applications mailed directly to the company. This deadline will be strictly enforced. Parents will be notified of the results in writing by May of 2016. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact Darlene Marchina at 769-9292, ext. 234 or email [email protected]. Website: Page 5 February 21, 2016 Education and Formation Commission We Need You! Are you interested in Adult Education in St. Michael Parish? This committee helps assist the pastor in bringing educational and informational programs and talks to our parish. Please call Janice at 322-4505, ext. 241 for more information. Peace & Social Justice Comission Commission Members: Ministry of Consolation and Hope, Good Samaritans, Armed Services, Pastoral Care, Respect Life, Health & Spirituality Committee, Parish Nursing, Rebuilding Hope Mission Team PRO-LIFE CONFERENCE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 27TH 9:00 AM IN ST. PATRICK HALL Blood Pressure, Glucose and Oxygen Level Screenings This Weekend Screenings will take place this weekend, Feb. 20th and 21st in the east coat room after the 5:00 PM, 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM Masses by the parish nurses. The next screenings will take place March 19th and 20th. Please call the parish nurse at 322-4505, ext. 241 if you have any questions. s Saint Michael’s Respect Life Ministry will be holding a pro-life conference with keynote speaker, Monica Kelsey who was conceived in rape. Join our parish to see what we are doing to promote the sanctity and dignity of all life from conception to natural death. Continental breakfast and refreshments will be provided. For more information or to register, please contact Marlene at 365-5355 or Jo at 741-1709. We are here to assist anyone with temporary help. If you know someone from Schererville, Dyer, or St. John who could use help with their NIPSCO bill, rent, or groceries, please have that person in need (due to privacy act) call 322-4505, ext. 250 and leave a message. Website: Page 6 February 21, 2016 Peace & Social Justice Comission Valerie Mager, Mary Lozier, Joan Hamnik, Tom Swanson, John Kennedy, Phil Krivickas, Sherry Switzer, Alice Kolbus, David Sarros, Leona Novak, and all those in need of the healing touch of God. Life is precious; handle with prayer. Placing the name of a loved one or yourself in the bulletin Prayer List can be done through Michaeline or Debbie at 322-4505, ext. 220 in the parish office. The names are placed in the bulletin for a period of 4 weeks after which time they are either removed or placed in the Book of Intentions in the Chapel. In praying for a sick person we show our solidarity with that person and we remind ourselves to do all that is within our power to help in the healing done through our Lord, Jesus Christ. Please remember that the names of parishioners and non-parishioners who are still in need of our prayers after the 4 week period of time of being in the bulletin are placed in our Book of Intentions in the Chapel. It is updated weekly. St. Michael’s parishioners are in bold, italic print. St. Michael Parish Health Fair - Next Weekend Sunday, February 28, 2016 -8:30 AM to 11:30 AM - St. Patrick Hall Everyone is Welcome This event will feature many informational tables regarding various aspects of our health. Free Health screenings will also be available. Some of the Informational Tables Available Advanced Directives Alzheimer’s Disease Arthritis Audiology Breast Self-Exam Cardiac Rehab Cardiology Cancer Center Cardiac Rehabilitation Congestive Heart Failure CPR and First Aid Diabetes & Glucose Screenings Grief Support Home Health Care Hospice and Adult Day Care Immunizations for Adults & Children Massage Medicare Information Men’s Health Issues Mental health Nutrition Organ Donation Pharmacist/Medications Physical Fitness Physical Therapy Skin Care Sleep Apnea Smoking Cessation Sports Training Stroke Screening Vision Screening HEALTHCHEK AVAILABLE For various Blood Tests such as Lipid Panel Metabolic Panel Complete Blood Count ONLY $45.00 Many other Lab Tests are available Blood Pressure Screening Oxygen Level Screening Glucose Screening Pulse Oximetry Cataract Screening Vision Screening Glaucoma Screening Sign up with Healthchek at 219-322-7041 or use the on-line appointment Calendar at Sponsored by Health & Spirituality Committee and Parish Nurses Website: Page 7 February 21, 2016 Parish Life Commission Members: Welcoming Ministry, Holy Name Society, Knights of Columbus, Festival Committee, Labors of Love, Comforting Chefs, Senior GEMS, Boy Scouts of America Website: Page 8 February 21, 2016 Parish Life St. Michael Alumni Committee Meeting We are looking for volunteers to help contact former classmates. If interested, there will be an Alumni Committee Meeting on Feb. 24th at 7:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall. Need more information? Please call the Alumni Coordinator, Amy Townsend at 736-6999. Capital Campaign Totals as of February 15, 2016 Future Pledges Amount collected $2,201,100.00 Amount needed to start repairs Pledges to date $3,216,391.96 Amount pledged $1,161,876.78 Amount collected $3,300,000.00 Amount needed to repair church E Website: $4,000,000.00 Amount needed for church repairs/ school A/C Page 9 F February 21, 2016 Parish Life LABORS There will be a meeting on February 23rd at 10:00 AM in the southwest room of St. Patrick Hall. We are making pocket shawls as well as fleece and crocheted lap blankets. During Lent, this would be a good way to practice the LOVE corporal/spiritual works of mercy, in this Year of Mercy. If you would like more information about this ministry, please call Kathy at 322-5436. of Looking to Participate? Come and Discern Where You Can Offer Your Gifts! The Parish Pastoral Council, the Finance Committee, the Home and School Committee, the Sports Advisory Committee and the St. Michael School Advisory Committee are all looking for new members. The discernment process is for three Thursday evenings, February 25th, March 3rd and 10th, from 7:00-8:30 PM. At these three sessions a trained discernment team will assist you in learning about these groups, their function and their work. If you are interested, please call 322-4505, ext. 210 or email [email protected] and reserve a place for yourself at the table. LOOK WHAT GEMS IS PLANNING FOR 2016: April 23th April 26th May 11th May 24th June 29th August 3rd August 20th September 27th October 11th October 25th December 13th Randolph Street Market Chicago Speaker about Medicare The Music of Cole Porter Valpo A Tour of Carmelite Shrine Munster Barker Mansion and International Gardens Michigan City Women Motown Valpo European Market Chesterton Girls in Shipshewana Passion of Christ St. John White Fence Joliet Christmas Luncheon and Visiting Center Hammond Senior GEMS Book Club-Open to Everyone Book: Rediscover Jesus When: Every Tuesday, Feb. 9th-Mar. 22nd Time: 10:00 –11:30 AM Place: St. Patrick Hall Books are free. Registration for New Parishioners Parish registration is today, Feb. 21st, after the 7:30 & 9:30 AM Masses in St. Patrick Hall. You may also r egister at the par ish office Monday thr ough Friday between the hours of 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM. If you have any questions, please call Debbie at the Parish Office, 322-4505., ext. 225. Website: Page 10 A Special Invitation from Bishop Hying Feb. 27th 10:30 AM Cathedral of the Holy Angels A special Mass to mark the formal proclamation of the 2017 Diocesan Synod February 21, 2016 Parish Life DON’T CRY OVER THE PAST. IT’S GONE. DON’T STRESS ABOUT THE FUTURE. IT HASN’T ARRIVED. LIVE IN THE PRESENT AND MAKE IT BEAUTIFUL Congratulations to our Scouts Last Saturday, Feb. 13th during the Saturday Vigil Mass, our Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts received two different religious awards, the Light of Christ and Parvuli Dei Awards. The Scouts will also be recognized by the bishop at a mass at Holy Angels Cathedral. The date is yet to be determined. Altar Server Bowling Bash was a Blast On January 23rd, St. Michael Parish celebrated our altar servers with a Bowling Bash Party. The party was held at Super Bowl, Inc. in Crown Point. The servers bowled two games, one normal game and one crazy game. The crazy game required them to bowl while doing stunts like hopping on one foot, sitting on someone’s knee, or using their feet to push the ball. Pizza and soda were provided, and there were prizes as well. “Some of the kids were from St. Michael School but others go to different schools. And the party was nice because it gave them a chance to intermingle with each other. The kids all had a blast,” said Jill Hartog, who put the event together. St. Michael Parish would like to thank all of our altar servers for their time and talent that they dedicate to help our church. Website: Page 11 February 21, 2016 Parish Life This Lent, join Best Lent Ever, a free email program from Dynamic Catholic that is based on Matthew Kelly’s new bestseller, Rediscover Jesus. Each day you will get an inspirational email with a short video featuring Matthew Kelly and a member of the Dynamic Catholic Team. Throughout Lent, they will guide you through each of the 40 chapters in Rediscover Jesus and share simple ways to bring Jesus into your everyday life. The program is free! All you have to do is sign up at Dynamic Also, join St. Michael’s GEMS Book Club every Tuesday morning until March 22nd for a discussion on the book. From the Communications Department We recently rolled out 5 Ways to Give $5 or More! This effort was developed to provide our parishioners with easy options to give. We now offer text and online payment-giving options. Please visit our website at to find out how you can give your $5 or more! Scroll to the top of the website and click on the yellow button. It is your weekly contribution that allows our Parish to be able to function on a daily basis and provide the things that we do for our parishioners. Thank you for all of your contributions. The planning for this year's "Passports to our Heritage" event is now in full swing. You will begin to see banners, flyers, and even advertisements. We have been working hard to bring this event to the next level. This year's event will be like no other. This is a 21 and above event. The event is open to all parishioners and is a fun event to attend. For more information visit: We currently have two sponsorship packages available for "Our Passports to Our Heritage" event that can offer your business a large amount of exposure in return. For more information on how you can sponsor this great event, please contact Monica Jimenez Susoreny at 322-4505, ext. 263. A special thank you to our Voyage Sponsor, Caribbean Pools. The communications department is currently seeking anyone who would like to volunteer their talents once a week to help out with graphic design, website updates, and publicity efforts. Please contact Monica for more information about this great opportunity. Website: Page 12 February 21, 2016 Stewardship & Parish Administration Commission Commission Members: Finance Council, Gardener Ministry, Education Foundation, Cemetery Committee SUBSCRIBE TO NWI CATHOLIC February is National Catholic Press Month and the perfect time to consider the great value of receiving a Catholic publication into your home for an annual rate of only $26. Renew or start a new subscription to the Northwest Indiana Catholic newspaper through your parish by dropping a check or money order in the collection basket now through Mar. 6th. Credit or debit card users go online to STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE February 14, 2016 Adult EFTs Children Loose $18,636.68 $230.00 $51.70 $583.17 Total Weekly Offering $19,501.55 Central/Eastern Europe $3,719.16 SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21 Blessing of First Communicants During All Masses BP Readings After All Masses New Member Registration After 7:30 & 9:30 AM Masses RCIA 9:30 AM Ash Wednesday (for local soup kitchens) $4,359.55 The Rosary is said after 7:00 AM Weekday Mass Except Tuesday – after OLPH Devotions MONDAY FEBRUARY 22 Centering Prayer 6:00 PM Catholic Bible Study 7:00 PM TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23 Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions 7:30 AM GEMS Book Club 10:00 AM Labors of Love 10:00 AM Faith Formation/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00 PM WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 24 Eucharistic Adoration 1:30-6:00 PM Faith Formation Classes 6:00 PM Alumni Committee Meeting 7:00 PM Catholic Bible Study 7:00 PM THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 Bible Timeline 10:00 AM Choir/Cantor Practice 7:00 PM First Discernment Session 7:00 PM Grief Support Meeting 7:00 PM Knights of Columbus Meeting 7:00 PM FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 Communal Penance Service 10:30 AM A ll are invited Stations of the Cross 12:00 & 7:30 PM Bell Choir Practice 5:00 PM WOW Meeting 7:00 PM SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 Baptism Prep 8:00 AM Pro-Life Seminar 8:30 AM Confessions 3:30-4:30 PM Website: *Electronic Funds Transfer HUNGERING TO GIVE BACK During this second week of Lent, CRS Rice Bowl takes us to Laos, where Hongkham is using her love of cooking to provide for her family—and feed an entire school. How do we use our passions and gifts for the betterment of those we meet? Visit for more information. 25% of your offerings come back to our Diocese. ~EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION~ Current Directors of the Foundation Rev. Martin J. Dobrzynski Colleen KennedyDr. Ed Udani, Chairman Kenneth Bohling Don Doffin Jef Jakalski David Jarzombek Patrick Cusick Joseph Townsend Donna Velez Look for us on the website: Page 13 February 21, 2016 Diocesan Life Information *denotes new or updated article *CATECHETICAL & LITURGICAL DAY CONFERENCE Divine Mercy Chaplet Every Friday 3:00 PM St. Mary’s Church 525 N. Broad St. Griffith DISCERNMENT RETREAT If you are a young woman between the ages of 17 and 30 and are considering a vocation to the Religious Life, we invite you to attend a discernment retreat February 26th-28th at our Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration Motherhouse in Mishawaka, IN. Join the sisters for a weekend of prayer and fun, relaxation, conferences offered by priests and sisters, Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Holy Mass, and time for sharing with others. For more information regarding the retreat, or to schedule a visit, visit our website at or call our vocation director at 574-259-5427. POLKA MASS *BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY The Knights of Columbus St. Pope John Paul II - Council 16008 from Highland will be hosting a Breakfast with the Easter Bunny at St. James Parish Hall on March 6th, from 7:30 AM - noon. This is a free will donation and we encourage you to bring your children to meet the Easter Bunny and get a picture taken. You can call Dan Lelito at 218-7446 or visit us at KOC16008 for more information. A TASTE OF ST. JOSEPH & LUNCHEON St. Matthias Parish will host a Polka Mass and Polish Luncheon on February 28th with Mass at noon and the luncheon immediately after in the parish hall. Music for the Mass and dancing during the luncheon will be provided by the EZ Tones. Tickets are $25 per person for the luncheon catered by the Cavalier Inn. Cash bar available. Please send payment to St. Matthias 101 W. Burrell Dr. Crown Point, IN 46307 For more information, please call 663-2201. JOYFUL AGAIN! The Diocese of Gary Catechetical & Liturgical Day Conference has been scheduled for March 6th at St. Patrick Catholic Church in Chesterton. All are welcome to this day of prayer and reflection during the Year of Mercy. Hear keynote speakers, Bishop Donald Hying and members from Casting Nets Ministries, as they present on witnessing to the Gospel message. To register visit the diocesan webpage at A WIDOWED MINISTRY JOYFUL AGAIN! is a two-day program for widows and widowers who want to resolve the grief they feel inside and begin to love again after the death of their spouse. The weekend employs a series of video presentations, followed by facilitated small group discussion and private reflection time. Through the process, individuals gain new insights and receive encouragement and support. There will be a retreat weekend on March 5th & 6th at Our Lady of the A ngels House of Prayer, 13820 Main St., Lemont, IL. For more information or to register, please contact Charlotte Hrubes at 708-354-7211 or check the website at Website: St. Joseph’s Workers are hosting a Taste of St. Joseph from 11:00 AM to 1:30 PM on March 13th at St. Joseph the Worker Church, 330 E. 45th Ave., Gary. Donation: $10 There will also be a 50/50 raffle. License #135088 For more information, please call 688-6558. *A BENEFIT LUNCHEON The Share Service League is having a benefit luncheon for Sharing Meadows, a community for other abled adults, on March 16th at 10:30 AM at the Halls of St. George, 905 E. Joliet, Schererville. Tickets are $35. The Spring Luncheon features a delicious meal, a variety of door and raffle prizes, entertainment, fellowship and a bake sale. For more information, please contact Eileen Schweitzer at 322-5428. *POOR HANDMAIDS OF JESUS CHRIST VOLUNTEER PROGRAM seeks single, Catholic women 21+ years of age to give long-term volunteer service of 3 - 12 months sharing faith community and serving alongside Sisters in a wide variety of ministries. Please contact Sr. Connie Bach, PHJC at [email protected] or visit Page 14 February 21, 2016 We Remember . . . We Prepare . . . THURSDAY FEBRUARY 25 5:00 PM Chris Vevers-1st Anniversary FEBRUARY 20 7:00 AM All Souls SUNDAY FEBRUARY 21 FRIDAY FEBRUARY 26 7:00 AM William Mathews SATURDAY FEBRUARY 27 8:00 AM 5:00 PM All Souls Kyle Arnold SUNDAY FEBRUARY 28 7:30 AM 9:30 AM Herb Lemon III Gerald Kozak Joseph Kwiecien Marilyn Martin St. Michael Parish SATURDAY 7:30 AM 9:30 AM 11:30 AM SECOND SUNDAY OF LENT St. Michael Parish Isabel O’Connell Garth Wilson John & Marilyn Martin Patricio Carlay MONDAY FEBRUARY 22 7:00 AM Sylvester & Marjorie Schweitzer TUESDAY FEBRUARY 23 7:00 AM Robert Kleinaman WEDNESDAY 7:00 AM 8:55 AM FEBRUARY 24 11:30 AM THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT Katherine Matia Bud Baker indicates deceased THE WORD (Readings for February 28th, Third Sunday of Lent) I. Exodus 17:3-7 The Israelites grumbled against Moses for leading them out of Egypt. They were thirsty, and there was no water in the desert, so Moses struck a rock with his staff, and water flowed out for the people to drink. II. Romans 5:1-2, 5-8 “The love of God has been poured out into our hearts,” and that love is immeasurable; “While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” III. John 4:5-42 Jesus met a Samaritan woman at the well. She offered Him water from the well, and He, in turn, offered her the loving water of eternal life. As a result, she and many others came to know that Jesus is the Savior. Website: Page 15 February 21, 2016 The Parish Website Visit our new website, for up-to-date information on upcoming events, St. Michael Catholic School, St. Michael Cemetery, photo gallery, information on all of our ministries/committees, and St. Patrick Hall and our adjacent meeting rooms. Dear Parish Members, Our Sunday bulletin is a primary way we use to communicate with you. The parish does not pay for the bulletin printing because of the generosity of our advertisers-many of which are our own parish members. Most are members of our local community. Please support our advertisers with your patronage. Let the business owner know that you appreciate their support of our parish through their advertising in the bulletin. A strong and vibrant parish is good for our community and a strong business community is good for our parish. INFORMATION PAGE FOR J.S. PALUCH CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Michael the Archangel 1 W. Wilhelm Street Schererville, IN 46375 PHONE 219-322-4505 Ext 220 - front office receptionist Ext 239 - bulletin editor CONTACT PERSON Rhonda Haddad, bulletin editor EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] SOFTWARE Microsoft® Publisher 2013 Adobe® Acrobat® 7.0 Standard Windows 7 PRINTER Canon iR3225 PCL6 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 10:50 AM SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION February 21, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 17 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Website: Page 17 February 21, 2016