Parish Life - St. Michael Parish the Archangel


Parish Life - St. Michael Parish the Archangel
Community, Personnel, & On-Going Information
Rev. Martin J Dobrzynski ….. [email protected]
322-4505, ext. 220
Rev. Benjamin Ross…………[email protected]
Associate Pastor
322-4505, ext. 229
Deacon Edwin Gatons………[email protected]
Permanent Deacon
322-4505, ext. 285
Deacon Jack Krol……………[email protected]
Permanent Deacon
322-4505, ext. 286
Deacon Ron Pyle ……………[email protected]
Permanent Deacon
322-4505, ext. 284
Mrs. Michaeline Gargas……[email protected]
Executive Secretary
322-4505, ext. 220
Mrs. Monica Susoreny………[email protected]
Communications Coordinator 322-4505, ext. 263
Miss Debbie Mangione……[email protected]
Director of Liturgy & Music
322-4505, ext. 227
Mrs. Janice Gatons…………[email protected]
Parish Nurse & RCIA Director 322-4505, ext. 241
Mrs. Shannon Jalocha………[email protected]
Parish Accountant
322-4505, ext. 226
Mr. Gary Krieps……………[email protected]
Operations Coordinator
322-4505, ext. 232
Mrs. Debbie Fotia…………[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
322-4505, ext. 225
Mrs. Rhonda Haddad………[email protected]
Bulletin Editor
322-4505, ext. 239
Mrs. Fran Hintz……………[email protected]
Clerical Assistant
322-4505, ext. 234
Mrs. Joan Hamnik…………..322-4505, ext. 228
Head Sacristan
Office Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday-Friday and
by appointment
Phone:……………...(219)322-4505 Fax………(219)322-4508
Email………………[email protected]
Office Hours: 8:00 AM-3:30 PM Monday-Friday
Phone……(219)322-4531 Fax……..(219)322-1710
Miss Colleen Kennedy……[email protected]
Mrs. Dyana Butcher………[email protected]
School Administrative Assistant
Office Hours: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM Monday
12:00 PM-7:30 PM Tuesday & Wednesday
By appointment on Thursday
Phone …….(219)322-3077
Mrs. Marge Swanson……[email protected]
Director of Religious Education
Mrs. Kelley Mills …………[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Traditional Classes…Tuesday or Wednesday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Good Shepherd Classes….Tuesday 6:00 PM-7:30 PM
Sunday Family Classes…..Once a month 9:30 AM-11:00 AM
Vigil: 5:00 PM
7:00 AM
8:00 AM
7:30, 9:30, & 11:30 AM
See page 15 of the bulletin for
Holy Day Mass Schedule.
To know and experience the mystery of our God by sharing with
our brothers and sisters the power of prayer, compassion and
healing as we pledge to create an environment in which we will:
Meet Jesus in our lives and know Him more intimately,
Strengthen and enrich our faith through common worship,
Acknowledge that our individual journeys contribute to this one
shared mission,
Recognize, develop and affirm individual gifts for the benefit of
the community and for the glory of God,
Provide opportunities to seek and to promote social justice and
Place our trust in God and in the working of the Holy Spirit
Sacrament of Penance...Satur day 3:30 PM-4:30 PM
Baptisms...Fir st time par ents at St. Michael must attend a
Baptism Prep session before the baptism date can be scheduled.
Please call Michaeline to schedule the prep session and/or
baptism date.
Marriage….The br ide, gr oom, their par ents or their gr andparents must be active registered members of the parish for at
least three years prior to reserving a date for the wedding. The
diocese requires that arrangements must be made at least six
months in advance of the wedding date in order for the proper
personal, spiritual and liturgical preparations of the couple to be
Sacrament of the Sick...Please call the office until 4:00 PM.
After 4:00 PM, please call 322-6623 Monday-Friday and
anytime on the weekend.
Anointing of the Sick is celebrated on the third Saturday of each
month at the 8:00 AM Mass in the chapel.
Wednesdays from 1:30-6:00 PM in the chapel.
Please call our parish office with all requests for hospital visitations, receive Holy Communion, to have the Anointing of the
Sick or to be added to our Prayer List. The Privacy Act prevents
the office from giving out information regarding people on the
Pray for the Sick list.
Monday prior to the Sunday printing 12:00 PM (Noon).
Holidays have exceptions. Please submit potential bulletin
articles by email to [email protected] or in print
form to the office or by fax to 322-4508.
St. Michael Parish
1 Wilhelm St.
Schererville, IN
Page 2
February 28, 2016
From the Pastor’s Desk
Lent = 40 Days? One of the more confusing tasks assigned to any student in religion class would be to
figure out how do we get a Lent of forty days. To answer the question one must take into account more
than mathematics.
The season we call Lent began in the early church as a six day period of preparation for the Feast of Easter.
It had special significance for all the baptized and especially for those who were going to be initiated with
baptism, confirmation and first Eucharist on the great vigil of Easter. By
the early 200’s this pattern of a six day “Paschal Fast” (Paschal meaning
the Passover of the Lord) was in place throughout most of the Church.
Remember there were not universal decrees regarding these things at this
time in history.
Meanwhile, at the same time, some of the Churches in the eastern part of
the Roman Empire commemorated a fast of forty days patterned on the
gospel story of how Jesus, after his Baptism in the Jordan, entered the
desert to fast. These Churches read the gospel as a continuous story in
their Sunday assemblies. So if they read chapter two this week, they
read chapter three next week. Thus it was that one week after
celebrating the Epiphany or the Baptism of the Lord, these communities
would then begin a forty day fast, just like the gospel related. This fast
had nothing to do with Easter, it was just doing what Jesus did.
It was not until after the Council of Nicaea in 325 which cleared up the dispute regarding the proper time
for the celebration of Easter that this post-Epiphany fast was moved and added to the already established
six day pre-Easter fast. Also, this pre-Easter period of preparation began to become more than a physical
fast from food. The idea of abstaining from various foods also developed and the call for more intense
public and private prayer along with doing more good works came into the forefront.
By the year 340 we now begin to see the Lenten Fast we are familiar with. But it was still less than forty
days. In subsequent years the pre-Easter fast expanded in some Churches to seven or even eight weeks.
By this time the catechumens so central to the whole business of preparing for Easter began to drop off.
Infant baptism grew in ascendancy.
By the 600’s we see a more final solution for the pre-Easter fast. It would be six weeks, excepting
Sundays, and in order to more closely follow the example of Jesus the addition of four days beginning with
Ash Wednesday are added. The Paschal Fast, which began as that six day fast before Easter is now
consigned to the Easter Triduum and so begins on Good Friday and continues until the Easter Vigil. It is
figured into the forty days but it is not part of Lent. Consequently, it is not Lent that is forty days because
Lent ends at sundown on Holy Thursday, but it is our pre-Easter fast that is forty days in total. So, for all
you math nuts the figuring goes like this 6x6=36 plus the four days beginning with Ash Wednesday equal
40 days.
But more importantly it is good for us to have the knowledge of how our Lent developed. It was the effort
of faithful Christians to prepare themselves for Easter and to support those catechumens who were going to
be baptized at Easter. Thus we see that God calls us not just as a person but as a people to prepare for His
gift of New Life. We have four people in this intense preparation to be initiated this Easter Vigil.
Remember you are an example and a support to them, as well as to your family and indeed the whole
community, as we journey together towards Jerusalem.
Page 3
February 28, 2016
Spirituality and Worship Commission
During the Season of Lent, Eucharistic Adoration is on Wednesdays from 1:30-6:00 PM in
the Chapel. Please come and spend time with
our Lord.
Commission Members: Director of Liturgy, Art & Environment,
Eucharistic Minister, Hospitality, Lectors, Music, Sacristan, Altar
Servers, Cross Bearers, Prayer Ministry, RCIA, Ministers of Care
Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults
Our Lenten Parish Activity
Prayer, Offering, and Sacrifice
are three words that we hear
during Lent. To help keep the
season in our lives, there will be
ribbons representing the above
three words on tables in the
gathering space. As you come to
Mass each week, please take a
ribbon corresponding to your
Lenten deed and tie it to the cross.
Here are some examples for you to consider:
Prayer-attend Stations of the Cross, Eucharistic
Adoration or daily Mass, take time to read the Bible,
pray for family or special intentions, pray the rosary,
visit church.
Offering-donate money, food or other needed items
to a charitable organization, participate in Operation
Rice Bowl, give your time and talent to someone or
group in need.
Sacrifice-give up sweets, that special cup of coffee,
television, texting, computer games or time, gossiping, etc. Sacrifices can also be that one thing you
don’t want to do but should.
The Rites of Scrutiny are meant to
uncover, and then heal, all that is weak,
defective, or sinful in the hearts of the
Elect and to bring out through repentance all that is upright, strong, and
good. Three Scrutinies are celebrated in the parish
community on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Sundays of Lent
after the homily. This week we will hear the story of
the “Samaritan Woman at the Well” reminding the
whole parish community of the need to reflect on our
own sins and the need for God’s help.
The Elect are Ryan Buff, Jacob Rose, Justin
Schuller and Kaitlyn Schuller. Please keep them in
your prayers as they prepare for the Sacraments of
Initiation at the Easter Vigil.
Foot Washing Ministry
in Need of Volunteers
Our parish is in need of volunteers to help assist at
the foot-washing stations on Holy
Thursday, March 24th at the
7:00 PM Mass. Please call
Cheryl at 662-9599 to volunteer.
No experience is necessary, just a
willingness to serve as Jesus did.
Stations of the Cross
Following in Jesus’ footsteps, each
of us is invited to “Take up your
cross and follow me.” This very
powerful and moving spiritual
pilgrimage can be experienced
every Friday during Lent at
12:00 PM and 7:30 PM in the
church. In the spirit of fellowship
and formation, all Lay Ministers are invited to
travel the Stations of the Cross together as a way to
express your devotion to God and your commitment
to your ministry. To facilitate this experience,
some suggested dates and times are listed to the
“Having loved his own who were
in the world he now showed them
the full extent of his love.” -John 14:6
March 4th, 7:30 PM
Welcoming Ministry
Hospitality Ministers
Respect Life Ministers
Good Samaritans
Comforting Chefs
Vocations Ministry
March 11th, 7:30 PM
Altar Servers
Holy Name Society
Knights of Columbus
Youth Ministry
Page 4
Extraordinary Ministers of
March 18th, 7:30 PM
Pastoral Council Members
Labor of Love Ministers
Money Counting Ministry
Gardener Ministry
Rebuilding Hope Mission
Armed Services Assistance
February 28, 2016
Education and Formation Commission
Commission Members: Director of Religious Education, School Principal, Sport/
School Advisory Board/HSA Representatives, Marriage Prep, Baptismal Prep, Adult
Faith Education, Vocations Ministry, Youth Ministry, Bible Study
Having a Blast!
On February 18th, SMS 3rd-5th graders met at Super Bowl in Crown Point for their annual “Glow In The
Dark Bowl.” The students filled the entire bowling alley and had the opportunity to spend several hours
bowling with classmates. The room was filled with laughter and cheer! During a portion of the event, the
lights were turned off and the
children were able to bowl in
the dark. As part of the event
SMS students were also given hotdogs, pop, and even
glow in the dark
necklaces. This event was
sponsored by the SMS Social
Committee. A special thank
you to the committee for
putting on such an amazing
and fun-filled event!
Page 5
February 28, 2016
Education and Formation Commission
High School Teens: RADIATE is Right for You!
RADIATE, St. Michael’s High School Youth Ministry, offers all high school teens a place to bring your
friends or make new ones with faith as a core. Any time is the perfect time to check us out. Come alone or
bring a friend to the next RADIATE events:
Feb. 28th: The Shroud of Turin—What is it? What does it mean to your faith? 6:00-8:00 PM
in St. Patrick Hall.
Mar. 5th: SATURDAY NIGHT SPECIAL, 7:00-10:00 PM, more details to come.
Mar. 11th –Mar. 13th: TAPT RETREAT WEEKEND! Contact one of us for more
information on this personal spiritual journey guaranteed to change your life!
Mar. 20th: Why go to Church? 6:00-8:00 PM in St. Patrick Hall.
Our calendar might change so if you want to get the most updated info for RADIATE
events, text “@radiate” to 81010. Questions? Contact Mike Reesman (Adult) at 670-1975,
[email protected] or Jeannine Quigley (Adult) at 775-5356, [email protected] or
Cami Wallace (teen) at 794-5146.
On Saturday, January 30th, the following students in St. Michael’s Faith Formation and
St. Michael School received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time.
May they always know the greatness of God’s love and forgiveness.
Jacob Anderson
Jackson Armstrong
Javier Ayala
Kayla Ayala
Addison Blair
Alexander Blair
Brooklyn Blomquist
Catrena Bougher
Karl Bristol
Griffin Caposey
Logan Carroll
Alexander Castrejon
Ayden Chavez
Noah Ciarrocchi
Charles Cruz
Delilah Culp
Felicity Culver
Elizabeth Cusick
Drew Doffin
Ella Doffin
Dario Dostal
Payton Down
Carson Ford
Cameron Foss
Taylor Frampton
Autumn Garcia
Katie Gelatka
Jonathan Gonzalez
Sarah Gordon
Aislinn Hayes
Vince Hoover
Beckett Hunt
Allison Huppenthal
Brendan Huppenthal
Evelyn Jablonski
Benjamin Kaminsky
Peyton Knoll
Carter Knueppel
Cooper Kroncke
Samantha Massacavollo
Jacob Miczek
Olivia Mosley
William Mulligan
McKenna Murzyn
Dylan Osika
Lia Pamedis
Christopher Petersen
Ailie Popa
Danielle Poskin
Trevor Prisby
Madison Riffle
Brooklyn Roberts
Aundrea Rossi-Powers
Gabrielle Rossi-Powers
Julian Scearce
Abigail Scheeringa
Christian Schultz
Sarah Schutz
Emily Shimala
Stella Sochacki
Emily Steffel
Patrick Sullivan
Bianca Sustaita
Jacob Tillery
Michael Wisniewski
Thomas Zarndt
Logan Zilz
If any child’s name is missing from our list, please call the Faith Formation office at 322-3077.
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February 28, 2016
Education and Formation Commission
Congratulations to the following students from our
parish who made the second quarter Honor Roll at
Marian Catholic High School:
Mar. 1st: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes
6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 2nd: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 6th: Family Session 9:30-11:00 AM
Mar. 8th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes
6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 9th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 15th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes
6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 16th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 22th/23rd: NO Classes
Mar. 29th: Traditional/Good Shepherd Classes
6:00-7:30 PM
Mar. 30th: Traditional Classes 6:00-7:30 PM
Adult Confirmation classes will take place
April 4th and 11th at 6:00 PM in St. Patrick
Hall. Please call the Faith Formation Office,
322-3077, for more information.
Angel Alzeidan
Ariana Arriaga
Krista Bozacki
Steven Bozacki
Liam Ferguson
Olivia Ferguson
Camila Flores
Jacob Fodness
Christian Gallegos
Jace Howard
Grace Jarzombek
Madison Kapers
Thomas Keslin
Sarah Lisak
Nicholas Moreno
Alison Perry
Kaitlyn Perry
Anna Rolewski
Jarred Rusin
Kyle Rusin
We Need You!
Are you interested in Adult
Education in St. Michael
Parish? This committee helps
assist the pastor in bringing educational and informational programs and talks to our parish. Please call
Janice at 322-4505, ext. 241 for more information.
Peace & Social Justice Comission
Commission Members: Ministry of Consolation and Hope, Good
Samaritans, Armed Services, Pastoral Care, Respect Life, Health &
Spirituality Committee, Parish Nursing, Rebuilding Hope Mission Team
Valerie Mager, Joan Hamnik, Tom Swanson, John Kennedy, Phil Krivickas, Sherry
Switzer, Alice Kolbus, David Sarros, Enzo Soga, Leona Novak, Jerry Kundich, Debbie
Anderson, Sue Green, Elizabeth Rainford, and all those in need of the healing touch
of God.
Life is precious; handle with prayer.
Placing the name of a loved one or yourself in the bulletin Prayer List can be
done through Michaeline or Debbie at 322-4505, ext. 220 in the parish office. The names are placed in the
bulletin for a period of 4 weeks after which time they are either removed or placed in the Book of Intentions
in the Chapel. In praying for a sick person we show our solidarity with that person and we remind ourselves
to do all that is within our power to help in the healing done through our Lord, Jesus Christ.
Please remember that the names of parishioners and non-parishioners who are still in need of our
prayers after the 4 week period of time of being in the bulletin are placed in our Book of Intentions in the
Chapel. It is updated weekly.
St. Michael’s parishioners are in bold, italic print.
Page 7
February 28, 2016
Peace & Social Justice Comission
St. Michael Parish Health Fair
Today - 8:30 AM to 11:30 AM - St. Patrick Hall
Everyone is Welcome
This event will feature many informational tables regarding various aspects
of our health. Free Health screenings will also be available.
Blood Pressure Screening Oxygen Level Screening
Glucose Screening
Pulse Oximetry
Cataract Screening
Vision Screening
Glaucoma Screening
Sponsored by Health & Spirituality Committee and Parish Nurses
Bereavement Sessions
Starting Thursday, March 31st
Following the loss of a loved one, a person may experience many different emotions. Trained Bereavement Ministers of St. Michael Ministry
of Consolation and Hope are hosting educational and support group
sessions on Grief that include sharing and prayer. The seven sessions will begin on March 31st through
May 12th from 7:00 –8:30 PM in the SW meeting room of St. Patrick Hall. Please call Janice at
322-4505, ext. 241 to register or for more information.
Blood Pressure, Glucose and Oxygen Level Screenings
The next screenings are March 19th & 20th in the east coat room after
the 5:00 PM, 7:30 AM and 9:30 AM Masses by the parish nurses.
Please call the parish nurse at 322-4505, ext. 241 for additional
We are here to assist anyone with temporary help. If you
know someone from Schererville, Dyer, or St. John who
could use help with their NIPSCO bill, rent, or groceries,
please have that person in need (due to privacy act)
call 322-4505, ext. 250 and leave a message.
Page 8
February 28, 2016
Parish Life
Commission Members: Welcoming Ministry, Holy Name
Society, Knights of Columbus, Festival Committee, Labors
of Love, Comforting Chefs, Senior GEMS, Boy Scouts of
America, Visiting Ministry
Visiting Ministry
Recently, St. Michael Parish launched a Visiting Ministry.
Last week the ministry met for the second time. Currently,
there are over 25 members in the ministry and they expect
to grow rapidly. The St. Michael Parish Visiting Ministry
is dedicated to forming true friendships with the homebound as well as nursing home residents. The ministry
hopes to enrich and improve the quality of life for the
elderly, especially those who are lonely, ill, depressed, and
have no family. The goal is to relieve stress from family
and/or caretakers that is often associated with caring for
the elderly. To volunteer for this ministry you must have
the ability to give one hour or more each week to fostering
a relationship with a homebound community member. The
ministry serves anyone in our community who would
benefit from a friendly regular visit. The ministry pairs up
every volunteer with a community member based in the
tri-town area. Materials are provided to volunteers. This
week volunteers are going to visit residents at the
Residences at Deer Creek in Schererville. The group will
be bringing homemade cards from our students and meeting individually with residents. For more information on
how you can become involved or if you know of someone
who could benefit from our visit, visit
New Parishioner Registration
There will be no parish registration in the
month of March. You may register at the
parish office Monday through Friday from
9:00 AM-4:00 PM. Please have dates for
sacraments received for all members of the
If you have any questions, please call Debbie
at the parish office, 322-4505, ext. 225.
Senior GEMS Book Club-Open to Everyone
Book: Rediscover Jesus
When: Every Tuesday through Mar. 22nd
Time: 10:00 –11:30 AM
Place: St. Patrick Hall
Page 9
February 28, 2016
Parish Life
Easter Flower Envelopes
The “Easter Flower Offering” envelopes in the March packet need to reach the parish
office by March 14th, if you wish to have your name included in the list to be printed in
our Easter bulletin.
Page 10
February 28, 2016
Parish Life
Capital Campaign Totals as of February 22, 2016
Future Pledges
Amount needed to
start repairs
Amount collected
Pledges to date
Amount pledged
Amount collected
Amount needed to
repair church
Amount needed
for church repairs/
school A/C
Page 11
February 28, 2016
Parish Life
March 13th bulletin articles are due Monday, March 7th.
March 20th (Palm Sunday) bulletin articles are due Wednesday,
March 9th.
March 27th (Easter) bulletin articles are due Wednesday, March 16th.
April 3rd bulletin articles are due Tuesday, March 22nd.
Please have articles submitted by noon of their due date.
Thank you for being attentive to these deadlines.
The Communications Corner
Recently Fr. Marty held a presentation in St. Patrick Hall on
the Year of Mercy. The presentation was recorded and to be
uploaded on our website. However, I have run into a problem
where the video is not downloading. I appreciate your
patience and we are looking to solve this issue as soon as
possible. Please continue to be on the lookout for the video.
Please keep in mind that our website has many capabilities
and is a great resource for any information that you need. I
encourage you to visit it frequently to stay up-to-date on our
Parish and events. Recently, I have added our Coffee and
Donut Sunday list, the Visiting Ministry information, and blog
updates. You can also now donate via our website, which is
an exciting new capability that our site has. Additionally, I
will be adding a video tutorial in efforts to help you learn how
to navigate through the site easily to find the information you
need. The video should be up in the next month. Please know
that I truly appreciate your patience during this transitionary
time. I realize that all of the information may not be on the
site, but I am working diligently to update the site and I hope
to have the transition complete by the end of the summer.
The communications department is currently seeking anyone
who would like to volunteer their talents once a week to help
out with graphic design, website updates, and publicity efforts.
Please contact Monica at 322-4505, ext. 263 or email
[email protected] for more information about
this great opportunity.
Page 12
February 28, 2016
Stewardship & Parish Administration Commission
Commission Members: Finance Council, Gardener
Ministry, Education Foundation, Cemetery Committee
February 21, 2016
Health Fair 8:30-11:30 AM
RCIA 9:30 AM
The Rosary is said after 7:00 AM Weekday Mass
Except Tuesday – after OLPH Devotions
Total Weekly Offering
Centering Prayer 6:00 PM
Catholic Bible Study 7:00 PM
Pastoral Council Meeting 7:00 PM
Our Lady of Perpetual Help Devotions 7:30 AM
GEMS Book Club 10:00 AM
Labors of Love 10:00 AM
Faith Formation/Good Shepherd Classes 6:00 PM
Communal Penance Service 7:00 PM
Eucharistic Adoration 1:30-6:00 PM
Faith Formation Classes 6:00 PM
Good Samaritans 6:30 PM
Catholic Bible Study 7:00 PM
Bible Timeline 10:00 AM
Choir/Cantor Practice 7:00 PM
Festival Meeting 6:30 PM
Second Discernment Session 7:00 PM
Stations of the Cross 12:00 & 7:30 PM
Confessions 4:00-5:30 PM
Fish Fry 4:00-7:00 PM
Bell Choir Practice 5:00 PM
Mass for All Night Vigil 8:30 PM
Eucharistic Adoration After 8:30 PM Mass
Confessions Following 8:30 PM Mass
Confessions 12:00-1:00 AM
4:00-5:00 AM
6:30-8:00 AM
First Saturday Devotions After 8:00 AM Mass
Confessions 3:30-4:30 PM
Blessing of Engaged Couples During Vigil Mass
Catholic Relief Services-2nd Collection
RADIATE Game Night 7:00 PM
*Electronic Funds Transfer
February 28, 2016
Stewardship: A Way of Life
How long is your to-do list? Do you feel most accomplished when you’ve checked things off the list? We’re
often relieved and happy to get things done quickly.
We’re being productive, but what are the real fruits of
our labor? Are we putting in the most important work,
the labor of love that bears fruit? Sometimes, we must
choose between getting things done fast, and getting
things done right. Speed doesn’t always bear the healthiest fruit. Sometimes, we need to slow down and be
more attentive to our tasks, sowing extra love and care
into the project. Eventually, the loving care we’ve
shown today will bear the most marvelous fruit.
Current Directors of the Foundation
Rev. Martin J. Dobrzynski
Colleen Kennedy, Principal
Dr. Ed Udani, Chairman
Kenneth Bohling
Don Doffin
Jef Jakalski
David Jarzombek
Patrick Cusick
Joseph Townsend
Donna Velez
Look for us on the website:
Page 13
February 28, 2016
*denotes new or updated article
Divine Mercy Chaplet
Every Friday
3:00 PM
Diocesan Life Information
St. Mary’s Church
525 N. Broad St.
JOYFUL AGAIN! is a two-day program for widows and
widowers who want to resolve the grief they feel inside
and begin to love again after the death of their spouse.
The weekend employs a series of video presentations, followed by facilitated small group discussion and private
reflection time. Through the process, individuals gain new
insights and receive encouragement and support. There
will be a retreat weekend on March 5th & 6th at Our Lady
of the Angels House of Prayer, 13820 Main St., Lemont,
IL. For more information or to register, please contact
Charlotte Hrubes at 708-354-7211 or check the website at
The Good Shepherd Council of the Knights of Columbus will host a Pre-St Pat's Day Corned Beef and
Cabbage Dinner on March 8th from 4:00 to 7:00 PM,
while quantities last, at Our Lady of Consolation
Vamos Hall located at 8303 Taft St., Merrillville.
The menu includes corned beef, cabbage, salad, potatoes, bread, butter, beverage, and ice cream. Carryouts
available. Tickets are $12 for Adults; $5 Preteen;
FREE Preschool at the door. Advance $10 tickets are
available from John-313-5009 or Al-765-3075.
The Share Service League is having a benefit luncheon
for Sharing Meadows, a community for other-abled
adults, on March 16th at 10:30 AM at the Halls of St.
George, 905 E. Joliet, Schererville. Tickets are $35.
The Spring Luncheon features a delicious meal, a variety of door and raffle prizes, entertainment, fellowship
and a bake sale. For more information, please contact
Eileen Schweitzer at 322-5428.
The Knights of Columbus St. Pope John Paul II - Council
16008 from Highland will be hosting a Breakfast with the
Easter Bunny at the St. James Parish Hall on March 6th,
from 7:30 AM - 1:00 PM. This is a free will
donation and we encourage you to bring
your children to meet the Easter Bunny and
get a picture taken. You can call Dan Lelito
at 218-7446 or visit us at
KOC16008 for more information.
“Oh, that You would bless me indeed
enlarge my territory
that Your hand would be with me
and You would keep me from harm.”
“And God granted his request!”
Thursday, March 17th
7:00-9:00 PM
STM Weis Center, 8635 Calumet Ave, Munster
The Diocese of Gary Catechetical & Liturgical Day
Conference has been scheduled for March 6th at St.
Patrick Catholic Church in Chesterton. All
are welcome to this day of prayer and reflection during the Year of Mercy. Hear keynote
speakers, Bishop Donald Hying and members
from Casting Nets Ministries, as they present
on witnessing to the Gospel message. To
register visit the diocesan webpage at
St. Joseph’s Workers are hosting a Taste of St. Joseph from
11:00 AM to 1:30 PM on March 13th at St. Joseph the
Worker Church, 330 E. 45th Ave., Gary. Donation: $10
There will also be a 50/50 raffle. License #135088
For more information, please call 688-6558.
Free-Open to All
For those who are unemployed, new to the job
market, changing careers or who can offer
employment opportunities through their current
professional connections.
Good Friday at The Shrine is always an incredible
experience! Once again this year on March 25th at
3:00 PM, the very hour Christ died for our sins, Fr.
Rocky of Relevant Radio will lead us
in the Stations of the Cross. Please
plan on joining us as we contemplate
the great gift of Jesus Christ’s
Passion, Death and Resurrection.
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February 28, 2016
We Remember . . . We Prepare . . .
5:00 PM
Kyle Arnold
7:00 AM
7:00 AM
All Souls
William Fayta
Antonio Rossignuolo
11:30 AM
Herb Lemon III
Gerald Kozak
Joseph Kwiecien
Marilyn Martin
St. Michael Parish
8:00 AM
5:00 PM
Irene Zimmer
Jerry Ehresman
7:00 AM
Jerry Kundich-For a Full Recovery
7:30 AM
7:00 AM
Garner Baker
Kenneth J. Jen
Jeanette Della Santina
Christina Fladeland
John Rich-9th Anniversary
St. Michael Parish
7:30 AM
9:30 AM
7:00 AM
8:55 AM
All Souls
All Souls
9:30 AM
11:30 AM
indicates deceased
(Readings for March 6th, Fourth Sunday of Lent)
I. 1Samuel 16:1b, 6-7, 10-13a
The Lord sent Samuel to Bethlehem to the house of Jesse, where
Samuel was to anoint the new king of Israel. After Jesse presented
each of his sons, the Lord instructed Samuel to anoint the youngest,
II. Ephesians 5:8-14
Live as children of light in goodness, justice, and truth. “Awake, O
sleeper, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.”
III. John 9:1-41
Jesus cured a man born blind. The Pharisees became upset because He
did this on the Sabbath. After the Pharisees rejected the man’s story,
he met Jesus again. Jesus, “Son of Man,” explained how the blind will
see, but those who hold on to sin will remain in darkness.
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February 28, 2016
The Parish Website
Visit our new website, for up-to-date information on upcoming
events, St. Michael Catholic School, St. Michael Cemetery, photo gallery, information on all of
our ministries/committees, and St. Patrick Hall and our adjacent meeting rooms.
Dear Parish Members,
Our Sunday bulletin is a primary way we use to communicate with you. The parish does not pay for the bulletin printing because of the generosity of our advertisers-many of which are our own parish members. Most
are members of our local community. Please support our advertisers with your patronage. Let the business
owner know that you appreciate their support of our parish through their advertising in the bulletin.
A strong and vibrant parish is good for our community
and a strong business community is good for our parish.
St. Michael the Archangel
1 W. Wilhelm Street
Schererville, IN 46375
Ext 220 - front office receptionist
Ext 239 - bulletin editor
Rhonda Haddad, bulletin editor
EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]
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