19-03-2015 - St Flannan`s School


19-03-2015 - St Flannan`s School
420 Beams Road
Zillmere QLD 4034
Website: http://www.stflannans.qld.edu.au
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 07 3265 3666
Fax: 07 3265 3722
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19 March 2015
Principal’s News
Dear St Flannan’s Families
It is that time of the year again when we ask
that if you have a child that is eligible for
Prep in 2016, please submit an application
form to start the enrolment process. If you
know of friends or family that would like to
enrol please ask them to do so ASAP as numbers have filled
quickly in the past two years.
A child starting Prep in 2016 must turn 5 before the 30th June
2016 to be eligible. We also require a copy of your child’s Birth
Certificate. Interviews will begin early in Term 2.
Last week our Year 3-7 students participated in our annual
swimming carnival. The event was magnificent and I would like
to RECOGNISE the work of Maria McArdle, Yr 3 teacher, and
the Tuckshop helpers for their wonderful efforts to ensure that
all enjoyed the day and that it ran smoothly. We are grateful and
appreciative that Jetts Fitness Taigum again provided drinks
and prizes for the event. Congratulations to our Age
Champions. It is important to celebrate and RECOGNISE the
gifts and talents of our students.
On Monday I attended a Leadership Forum with all principals
in Brisbane Catholic Education. The day was presented by Lyn
Sharratt a world renowned researcher and leader in education
who is currently in Australia working with BCE. She hails from
Canada and has had much success supporting schools to
provide the highest quality education possible. This year
teachers will be working toward improving our Literacy
teaching, with a special focus on reading. Mrs Sharratt places
great importance on the development of literacy skills across
all subjects and reading is the foundation of this skill. While St
Flannan’s has many excellent systems and processes we are
always looking to review and improve the quality of our teaching
and the learning of students.
Next week I will join 25 other principals for four days attending
a Leading Learning conference. Every principal on the
Archdiocese has participated in this project over the past 5
years. This is a chance to continue my development as a leader
of learning in our school. I hope to return with a renewed sense
of our mission for education. While I am away Mrs Bernadette
Wright APRE will fill the role of acting Principal.
If you are interested in having your child learn an instrument
(e.g. keyboard, guitar, drums, violin etc.) please consider one of
the two instrumental providers, DDJ and PMI, that we have at
St Flannan’s. DDJ also provide private Drama lessons.
This year PMI offered a Principal's Scholarship which
included free PMI keyboard lessons for 2015. It is my pleasure
to announce that Rohan Chadwick Yr 2 is the lucky recipient of
this award. We look forward to seeing Rohan’s progress as he
learns the valuable skill of playing an instrument.
This Friday 20 March we will participate in the Say No To
Bullying and Harmony Day. Students are ENCOURAGED to
wear an ORANGE item of clothing to highlight the need for
communities to UNITE and live in harmony. There is no cost
to participate. This event supports the work we do through our
Social Emotional Program to create a culture of respect in our
community. Click on the below link to view 3 short videos.
The school Board met last week for the first time this year
and we officially welcomed two new members, Wendy Poore
and Jason Perry. Unfortunately one of our members is unable
to continue in this position. If you are interested in becoming
a board member please contact the school office. I
ENCOURAGE all parents to seriously consider becoming a part
of this valuable parent group. The Board should be composed
of people who appreciate, value and share the educational
mission and ethos of our wonderful school.
While we have not had any accidents it is imperative that we
remind ourselves of the need to show caution and patience
at pick-up and drop-off time. I would like to remind parents
that the staff carpark is not to be used by parents, especially
the loading zone outside the school office. This is for disabled
access and deliveries only.
Paul Mitchell | Principal
We have had another busy couple of
weeks. I hope that you have found some
time to continue to reflect during this time of
Lent. We are into our 4th Week of Lent and
have been reminded in this Sunday’s
Gospel that ‘God loved the world so much
that he gave his only Son, so that everyone
who believed in him may not be lost but
may have eternal life.’ (John 3:16) May we always be
strengthened by the knowledge that we are loved by God so
5th Week of Lent: Cristian from Peru – Sharing
food for life
Cristian’s community in rural Peru has
always lived a traditional life, with simple
diets and crops dependent on rainfall. Until
recently, 33-year-old Cristian had to travel
one kilometre to access running water.
With the help of Caritas Huacho, Cristian and 14 other young
farmers have introduced running water and irrigation to their
remote Andean village. They now grow and harvest a wide
variety of high-value, sustainable crops, which provide them all
with a secure income and a wide variety of food.
Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps farmers in
Peru secure a food source and income that benefits their
families and communities for life.
Thank you to everyone for your contributions to the Project
Compassion Appeal to support those in our global community
to have 'Food to Live'. To date we have received $522.60.
$400 = provide access to ‘Farmer Field School’, so a farmer
can learn new techniques and organic farming practices in
$100 = provide a group of 15 female farmers with vegetable
seeds, so they can grow sustainable food in NEPAL.
4th Week of Lent: Sarita from Nepal – Harvesting
food for life
$20 = provide a 105-litre water storage container, so a family of
seven can have improved access to drinking in NIGER.
Thank you so much for your commitment to supporting those
in need.
Mother of three, Sarita, could barely grow
enough food for her family on her tiny farm
plot. In 2007, she joined a program, run by
Caritas Nepal, that gave a community
group the training and support they needed
to start a fish-raising business. Thanks to their hard work, Sarita
and the group now have a thriving enterprise and a life-long
source of food and income.
Your donation to Project Compassion 2015 helps people in
rural Nepal create a life-long source of food and income to
benefit entire communities.
Liturgical Calendar
The school community will be celebrating
Holy Week over two days in Week 10. Each
celebration will mark the events of Jesus’
passage from death to new life. We will
begin with Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday then
celebrate the Easter Triduum – the events of the Last Supper,
Good Friday and Easter Sunday, the Resurrection.
We will gather as a school community on Monday, 30th March
at 2pm in the Undercover Area. This celebration will focus on
the events of Palm Sunday and the Last Supper. The second
celebration will be held on Tuesday, 31st March at 2pm and
will begin in the area outside the Senior Primary classes, in front
of the ‘old’ stage. This celebration will focus on the events of
Good Friday and the Resurrection. Fr John will be with us to
celebrate and lead us on this significant journey of Jesus’ death
to Resurrection. I do hope that you have the time to join us, too.
THE FEAST OF ST PATRICK – Tuesday 17th March
(Source: http://www.prayerguide.org.uk/stfrancis.htm )
Have a wonderful next couple of weeks. I look forward to seeing
you at our Holy Week celebrations.
St Patrick (385 – 461) was a Bishop who preached the love of
Christ in Ireland. Let us remember all missionaries who spread
the gospel to the ends of the earth. We ask for God’s strength
to help us to bring peace and joy to others, just as St Patrick
THE FEAST OF ST JOSEPH – Thursday 19th March
St Joseph is the person who was closest to Jesus and Mary.
We know little about Joseph but on this Feast day we
remember that he was the husband of Mary and was faithful to
the call of God. Through his prayers, we are encouraged to see
the presence of God in the lives of the ordinary people.
As we recognise the significance of Friday
as the official ‘Say NO to Bullying – Take a
stand together’ we are encouraged to seek
peace in our own lives as well as in the lives
of others around the world. We can do this
through prayer. The St Francis of Assisi
prayer helps us to focus on the needs of others. The prayer has
many of the biblical truths of what it means to be a Christian - to
seek to give, and in so doing, receive blessings; that the Lord's
Prayer asks God to forgive us as we forgive, and that the goal of
eternal life can only result from us putting to death our old sinful
Sometimes Christians are called to turn the world upside down.
To bring the exact opposite of what we find in our world. St.
Francis' prayer is a bold one, asking for strength to give of
ourselves to meet the needs of others. He recognises that it
"is in giving that we receive", that as we give of ourselves, we
receive the peace and blessing of our risen Lord Jesus. We
cannot earn eternal life, but that we are pardoned from the sins
that block our claim on it.
Think about the situations that you are involved in that require
peace, consolation, hope, light and joy. Then, if you're bold
enough, pray the prayer!
The Prayer of St. Francis
Lord, make me an instrument of your
Where there is hatred, let me sow
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy;
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be
consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
Mrs Bernadette Wright
Assistant Principal Religious Education
St Flannan’s Parish Details: Fr. John Kilinko 194
Handford Road Zillmere Qld 4034 (w) 07 3265 3977 (07)
3265 3903 (F) 07 3265 7074 Parish Office Hours: 9.00am
-3.00pm Tue – Fri. Email: [email protected]
Mass Times: Saturday 6.00pm, Sunday 7.00am, 9.00am
& 5.00pm
The Pizza Party winners have almost been
decided. This is our last week for Bring
Weeks and I am overwhelmed once again at the generosity of
our community. The recent Gold Coin Donation Day brought in
$625! Everyone involved in the Fair, whether as a helper or
visitor, will benefit from what our community has shared. Thank
you so much.
The Pizza Party for one class each from Prep-Year 2 and
Year 3-Year 6 will occur on Wednesday of Week 10. More
information will follow after the totals have been collated.
The Bring Weeks are only one component of the preparation for
the Fair. There are still other ways to help:
1. Become a volunteer to help stall organisation – be a
stall convenor or assist an existing convenor.
2. Drop-off items to the Fete Shed on Sunday, 22nd
March, 10am-11am including toys, books and
3. Donate some of your time to cook, sort, make
items for the Fair. See the Volunteer Sheet for some
ART UNION TICKETS are on sale NOW. $2 per ticket. Book
Sellers prizes available so please see the School or Parish Office
if you need more books to sell.
Zone 6 Swimming Carnival
Please remember to return Sports Singlets to the School Office.
Names will be checked off as singlets are returned. Thank you
for your cooperation. Also, there are a number of goggles and
caps in Lost Property left over from the Carnival. Please come
and check if your child is missing any belongings.
Around the Classrooms
Prep A
Prep E
This week in Prep E we have been busy learning
about Rhyming words. We have been enjoying
role playing a fun pirate poem
"I'm a pirate brave and free, I ran away for life at
Now me leg's cut off at the knee!"
The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy
(NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for students in Year
3, 5, 7 and 9 across Australia. This assessment will occur on
Tuesday, 12th May, Wednesday, 13th May, and Thursday, 14th
May this year. For information about this assessment please
take a look at the following PDF.
This week in Prep A we are reading the Hungry
Caterpillar. We are looking at the life cycle of a
caterpillar and the changes it goes through before
it becomes a butterfly. We are watching a live
cacoon in a bug catcher at the moment. In
religion we are learning about the Easter Story
and the different events that occurred before
Jesus' resurrection. We made paper mache
Easter baskets with different symbols that
represent Palm Sunday and Holy Week.
We have also been looking for numbers buried in
kinetic sand and continuing to discover the
properties of 2D shapes.
Year 1
Year 1
& Mrs
Year 1/
Year 2
In 1A this week we had fun doing our assembly.
We have been practising our writing and doing
lots of reading. We all love doing Reading Eggs.
In Maths, we have been counting in twos and
looking at teen numbers.
In maths we have been counting in two's, looking
at teen numbers, collating data and creating
graphs to show our favourite movies. In English
we have been looking at the structure of different
stories and sequencing the events. In religion we
have been playing blind folded follow the leader.
This has helped us to understand what is needed
to be a good leader like Jesus is to the people.
Year 1/2E have been reading some narrative
stories like The Scarecow's hat and The mixed
up Chameleon. We have been doing art and craft
activities as well as some writing and
comprehension tasks about them. We have also
been introduced to an online maths program
called Studyladder which the children are
enjoying. In Religion we are trying to be more like
Jesus in this period of Lent leading up to Easter.
In 2A we have been working hard to write our
very own narrative stories with an orientation,
Cassidy problem and solution. In Maths we have begun to
look at understanding and reading graphs and
collecting information to make our own graph.
We have also been learning about what houses,
food, clothes and jobs were like in the time of
Year 3
This week we learnt about St Patrick’s Day on
March 17th. He is the patron saint of Ireland.
McArdle Some children went to Zone 6 swimming carnival
to compete against other schools. In Maths, we
have been doing experiments with chance and
data using dice. In English, we have been
learning about conjunctions and writing
persuasive texts.
Year 3/4 In year 3/4 Enuba we now believe that we could
Mr Bell
work for a museum classifying animals as
Blissner throughout this term we have become skilled
taxonomists. We are enhancing our ability to
solve difficult mathematical problems and have
also been preparing for our class mass on Friday.
We have been working very hard to become the
best we can be in year 3/4 E.
Year 4
Year 5
We celebrated Reconciliation and talked about
the life of Jesus. Why was he crucified? We had
a Geography test on mapping and coordinates.
We finished our book ‘ Babe’ and are now
reading ‘The Twits’. We are improving our writing
by using noun and verb groups. We always enjoy
doing Study Ladder and Raz Kids on the
computers during Literacy Groups. We are
mastering multiplication and fractions. We are
becoming great skippers!
The past fortnight has seen lots of activity and
success. Since camp, we have been stepping
into the unknown in our learning and making the
extra effort to do things differently and not give
up. As we near the end of our multiplication unit,
many students are enjoying the maths games
and activities – demonstrating their confidence
and knowledge. As a challenge, students were
required to design a board game, using
Mathematical tasks to earn points or progress in
the game. 5A families will have a lot to look
forward to once these are laminated and sent
We have been enjoying the great outdoors and
completing History challenges on the oval. It has
been really exciting to see students making
connections with the lives of the early European
settlers. Science has also been hands on this
week as we completed a ‘fair test’. Who would
have thought that food colouring and white
flowers would raise so many wonderful
questions? With only a few weeks to go, we are
working hard to complete our novel (Deltora
Quest) and master our narrative-writing skills. A
busy fortnight and lots more to squeeze into the
next few weeks.
Year 5/6
We have been busy bees in 5/6 Enuba. Year
5's have been busy writing prayers of
Humphrys Thanksgiving and Praise in Religion and Year
6's have been learning about the Lord's
Prayer. They have pulled the Lord's Prayer
apart and analysed each line with the
interpretation for each. They are now going to
move on and start to write their own mass.
For homework the class had to keep a food
diary where they wrote down everything they
ate and drank for 5 days. They then needed to
present it in any way they liked. We will use
these results to compare how easily we access
food and the amount of healthy food we
eat compared to the families in our Caritas
In Maths the children have been working hard
on their division sums and revising
multiplication. We have also been continuing
our work with narrative writing.
Researching reasons For and Against
Federation has been the Yr 6's research
project and the Year 5's have been learning
about the reasons for the colonisation of
A reminder that the combined 5/6E and 6A
mass is on next Friday.
Year 6
Last week in Maths we worked very hard on our
division skills. We learnt how to write remainders
Cheyne as decimals and found out how to represent
reoccurring numbers. This week we are working
on our mental strategies and working
collaboratively to solve problems. We have begun
looking at evaporation as a way to reverse
dissolving and are completing our 'for and against
federation' displays in History. In Religion, we are
focusing on The Lord's prayer. Check out the
video below where we were given a section of
The Lord's prayer and had less than 2 minutes to
sort ourselves out in the correct order. We looked
up two references in the Bible where Jesus taught
his followers the prayer. We also examined and
discussed each part of the prayer in detail to
better understand the meaning behind each
petition. Below are images of the Wordles we
created when reflecting on the significance and
meaning of individual words and phrases of The
Lord's Prayer.
Tuckshop Roster 2015
23rd March Marta Kelly,
Ella Perry,
Gina Reitano
in a spirit of blessing,
Jasper Alipayo, Declan McIlroy,
Vandita Rawat, Sophie Rose
Simpson, Mia Nicholson, Aaron
in a spirit of the sacred, Enders, Benedict Nmanii, Callun
McIlroy, Maya Carkeek, Mijie
Michael, Ishan Rao, Rowan
in a spirit of holiness
O’Connor, Anika Stubbs,
Jennifer Ngoc, Porscha Taka,
in a spirit of inspiration, Mackenzie Sanker, Toby
Maniaty, Chris Anei, Mariabella
in a spirit of gentleness, Reitano, Bella Montenegro,
Gabby Walters, Frank Partsch,
Jacob Mirriliees, Eden Partsch,
Tallison Hayes, Jordyn Fidler,
Xenia Ocampo, Elizabeth Shaw,
Aching Arop, Samuel Caruana,
Flynn Simpson, Jessica Knight,
Sienna Nisbet, Jacob
Christophers, Sanjay Gurung,
Grace Pal Kaur, Mitchell Toner
Ella Perry
& Items
Ella Perry –
Chocolate Plastic
Cups &
Chamberlain Slice
Nisbet –
Tuckshop News
Friday Tuckshop
Tuckshop on Fridays has commenced – only lunch is available
which is first break. No afternoon tea supplied on Fridays.
Usual order system applies.
Congratulations to all our fantastic swimmers who competed
in the 2015 St Flannan`s Swimming Carnival at Zillmere State
School pool on Friday 6th March.
Our Age Swimming Champions for 2015 are:
Coming Events:
Year 3/4 (Mr Bell-Blissner) Class Mass 9.00am in
the Church
Wear Orange for National Day against Bullying
and Violence
Boys Jarrett
Harmony Day
Assembly Prayer Leader 3 Ariba at 8.45am in the
Year 6A (Miss Cheyne) & Year 5/6 (Mrs
Humphrys) Class Mass 9.00am in the Church
P&F School Disco – 5.00pm – 7.30pm $5.00
entry. Sausage Sizzle, Drinks, Popcorn and
treats for sale.
Palm Sunday & Anniversary of opening of St
Flannans School (1954)
Packham Doolan
The final scores for house colours were:
Special thanks to all staff and family members of St Flannan`s
who volunteered their time to assist with the carnival.
I would also like to thank our tuck shop conveners for the
wonderful culinary delights they prepared for our very hungry
swimmers and also to the band of helpers who assisted on the
Maria McArdle
Sports Co-ordinator
P&F Disco – Friday 27th March
Please join us for our first social event of the year.
$5 entry fee includes;
• Entry to disco
• Games with prizes
• LED Novelty
• Zooper Doopers
Sausage sizzle, drinks, popcorn, lollies and more treats on sale.
Free tea and coffee for parents.
Easter Egg Guessing Competition
Have a go at guessing how many Easter eggs are in the jar
and you could win them all! Winner will be announced at
disco night.
The jar will be placed in the office and you can make your one
prediction at first breaks only next week MONDAY – FRIDAY.
Flarana Fair -Cake Stall
Tennis News
Term 1 Tennis Coaching will finish on Wednesday 1st April.
Term 2 Tennis Coaching will commence on Wednesday 29th
All Term 1 students will be enrolled into Term 2 Coaching.
I hope you have enjoyed this terms tennis.
The new Tennis enrolment forms will be handed out at school
during the first week after the holidays.
All tennis enquiries to Wayne
[email protected]
School Banking News
This year the cake stall will be running a competition. The class
that brings in the most cakes and baked goods to the tuckshop
on Friday 8th May (the day before the fair) will win a prize.
The Easter break is a great time to bake a few cakes and freeze
them. Last year we sold out, so every cake makes a difference
and raises funds for the St Flannan’s community. The cake stall
is also looking for volunteers on the day of the fair. Volunteer
forms, baker forms and packaging are available from School
office. If you have any questions you can email Tania Vico (stall
convenor) at [email protected] Happy baking!
Sports News
Congratulations to Chloe Mirrielees and Angelina Talau-Brown
for trialling in Netball for Bramble Bay District. Both girls have
been selected to represent Bramble Bay in the Met North
Tournament . We wish the girls all the best as they pursue their
personal best in a sport that they are passionate about. Well
done Girls from St Flannan`s School community.
Zone 6 Swimming Carnival
Congratulations to the 38 children who competed at the Zone
6 swimming carnival on Tuesday at Somerset pool. All children
pursued their personal best and showed great perseverance
while swimming. Their behaviour and sportsmanship were
excellent and they represented our school very well. I was very
proud of their enthusiasm and spirit of having a go as lots of fun
was had by all. Well done St Flannan's!
Mrs O'Hara
St Patrick’s College Bursary Opportunity
– Apply Now
St Patrick’s College is currently seeking bursary applications
for Catholic students entering Year 7 in 2016. Bursaries are
based on financial need and family circumstance rather than
academic or sporting ability. The bursary will be maintained
for the duration of the student’s education at the College and
reviewed annually.
The purpose of the Bursary is to offer new students whose
families face financial hardship the opportunity to experience
the holistic education that St Patrick’s College can offer.
In order to consider your application, we ask you to complete
the necessary application documentation which includes an
Enrolment Application Form, Financial Summary and at least
two letters of support by Thursday 2nd April 2015.
Bursaries are awarded at the Principal’s discretion and his
decision is final.
To enquire about an enrolment package, please contact Mrs
Stacey Bishop, Foundation Development Manager on 3631
9052 or [email protected]
Mt Maria College Petrie
Last year our small cohort of Year 12 students achieved great
results. Through our successful and varied vocational pathways
offered here at the College all bar two of our students have
gone on to employment or further studies. Being a student at
Mt Maria College Petrie offers many great opportunities and
does not preclude you from going to university, as evidence
shows. All 11 students who applied for university commence
in the next few weeks. Congratulations to our Class of 2014.
Results were as follows:
• Apprenticeships – 6
• Employment – 11
• Further Study /University – 11
• Further Study /Other – 12
• Australian Defence Forces – 2
If you would like to learn more about our College, you are
welcome to join one of our Tours – 18th March, 22nd April,
20th May or come along to our Open Day on May 24th to find
out what we have to offer your student. Telephone the College
office for more information on 3285 5500 – or check out our
website at