newsletter-issue-7 - Peak Crossing State School
newsletter-issue-7 - Peak Crossing State School
26/04/2016 UPCOMING EVENTS th 6 May th th 10 -12 May th 13 May th 20 May nd 22 Jun th 24 Jun Interhouse Cross Country Carnival NAPLAN Fassifern 9s Rugby League Carnival @ Harrisville Fassifern District Cross Country Trials Semester 1 Report Cards emailed home Last day of Term 2 FROM THE PRINCIPAL ANZAC Day I wish to thank all the students, staff and parents who attended the ANZAC Day March yesterday. We had a great representation. Also congratulations to the Choir and Mrs Voight. You did a wonderful job. I also wish to thank Mr Scott Buchholz and the John’s family who donated books to our school library for ANZAC day. Farmcraft Easter Colour In Competition I would like to say thank you to all the students who participated in the Farmcraft Easter Colouring In Competition. They had 10 Primary Schools that engaged in the competition & received just over 400 entries. rd Congratulations to Harsimrat Kaur, who won the 5-7 year old division. Well done! Also our school came 3 and won $500. Interhouse Cross Country Carnival Our school’s Cross Country Carnival will be held on Friday 6 May from 9:00am at School. All students will participate. We will begin with students born 2004, followed by 2005 and so on. Here are the distances for each age group: • 2004 3km • 2005 3km • 2006 2km • 2007 2km • 2008 1km • 2009 1km • 2010 500m • Kindy 500m Each student who competes wins points for their house. There will be Age Champions for 2004, 2005 & 2006. Students, who place in the top four and beat the Fassifern selection time, will represent the school at the Fassifern Cross Country Trails on the 20 May at Boonah Golf Course. Until next time Judd Mackie SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS: CONGRATULATIONS AWARDS: Congratulations to the following students who received awards on parade: Classroom Awards: Riley P, Ricki-Lea A, Alyssa C, Emily M, Emily Mc, Tyler C, Simrat K, Matarna A, Conner H, Millie Mc, Zac P, Mackenzie B, Nicholas M, Kacie W, Mason T, Alexander M, Casey P Success Awards: Tyler S, Cohen D, Kohan S, Talitha G, Mackenzie B th FUN RUN – FRIDAY 6 MAY We’re two weeks out from our Fun-Run event and we hope that students are working hard towards their fundraising goals! Did you know that you can WIN a Samsung Galaxy Tablet just for setting up your student profile online? Just head over to If you’re having any trouble setting up your student profile or online fundraising, feel free to get in touch with the adidas School Fun-Run team on 1300 733 788. Thanks, Student Council P&C ANNOUNCEMENTS: Welcome back from holidays everybody, we hope you enjoyed your Easter break! We are still chasing a few families Fundraising Chocolates…..if you still have them please return them or your money to the school as soon as possible. Thank you to the family that very kindly donated $500 towards our fans for the Hall. It is very much appreciated. Thank you to the following parents who have volunteered as our Parent Liaison’s for their year level. Prep – Emma Dillon, Year 2 – Bec Hines, Year 3 – Heidi Windolf, Year 6 – Samantha Armatage Your Year Level Parent Liaison will be a point of contact for you as parents and will act as a spokesperson between you, the P&C and the School Management team. If you have any questions please feel free to talk to them. We would some more parents to volunteer for Year 1, Year 4 and Year 5. If you are interested please inform a P&C member. Mother’s Day Stall th On Wednesday 4 May the P&C will be having a Mother’s Day stall. We would really appreciate some donations towards the stall such as candles, soaps, fragrances, creams, plants jewellery etc. Also if anyone would like to donate any cellophane or ribbon that would be a great help. Please leave your donations in the box provided at the office where they will be collected. If you are able to help at the stall on Wednesday or help with wrapping on Tuesday please contact Kathy on 0417 716 032. Uniform Shop th The Uniform shop will be opened on the 27 April from 3.00-3.30pm. Any question please contact Trish on 0411 253 891 or email [email protected] Cross Country th Cross Country is being held on the 6 of May. This will be a Red Day and the P&C will be selling sausages, drinks, cakes, iceTH blocks and lollies. Therefore TUCKSHOP WILL BE CLOSED ON THE 6 MAY. Children may order a sausage on Wednesday th the 4 May or purchase one on the day. We would appreciate any donations for our cake stall and any parent helpers to sell sausages etc. Tuckshop PLEASE NOTE NUGGETS PRICE CHANGE: 3 FOR $1.50 or 6 FOR $2.50 Hopefully by now you all have a copy of the Tuckshop menu which was sent home with the eldest child of each family. Please note the price of nuggets has increased due to supply costs, sorry for the inconvenience. As you know the Tuckshop runs with the help of volunteers and we need 2 for every Friday. If you are able to help out to ensure that the Tuckshop stays open please contact me on number below. Thank you to those who have volunteered so far, here is the roster starting at the beginning of Term: 15th April - Katrina D and Megan G 22nd April - Lynelle R and Alana R 29th April 6th May - Tuckshop Closed/Cross Country 13th May 20th May 27th May - Melissa N and (1 volunteer needed) 3rd June 10th June - Lynelle R and Melissa N 17th June 24th June - Melissa N and (1 volunteer needed) END OF TERM If you wish to volunteer please contact Bel on 0405 199 453. Thanks COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS: