June 2016 - Burscough Parish Council
June 2016 - Burscough Parish Council
NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 / ISSUE 41 Bloomin’ Burscough Garden Competition Summer is here and we are busy planning our first ever Bloomin’ Burscough Garden Competition. The event is launched to recognise the contribution made by gardeners and to celebrate Burscough’s gardens in full flower. In this first year, there will be just two categories: • best front garden • best hanging basket(s) or planter(s) The gardens will be judged by a panel of local gardeners (nominated by local organisations and individuals) during the first two weeks of August. The judges will not enter your garden but will view from the roadway so all applications must be for gardens or hanging baskets/planters that are visible from the road. There will be several prizes for the winners. Application forms are available from any parish councillor, the parish council office or you can download a form from the parish council website at www.burscoughpc.co.uk. The idea for the competition came from Cllr Nichola Makin. Nichola said “Burscough residents have many wonderful gardens, hanging baskets and planters. This competition is a chance to celebrate them all. Please nominate your neighbour, friend or family for this auspicious award in our inaugural gardening extravaganza!” Burscough Library closure – Have your say Due to ongoing cuts by central government, Lancashire County Council is tackling a £262million budget shortfall between now and 2020/21. On Wednesday, May 18, a 12-week consultation process began to gather residents’ feedback on how money can be saved by reducing overheads & services. A final decision will be taken later in the year. One of the suggested ways by which to cut budgets is to close several libraries – Burscough Library in Mill Lane being one of them. Lancashire County Council leader Jenny Mein said: “The severity of the county council’s financial position cannot be overstated, and the ongoing cuts in central government funding combined with rising demand for our services mean the only way we can maintain the services that people rely on is to deliver them in a different way. I’m acutely aware that people have a very strong connection to their local services, particularly places like libraries that are often seen as a valuable part of the community. These proposals are very difficult ones for councillors to have to consider, but our aim is to come up with a solution that still gives everyone in Lancashire good access to good services, even though some will have to be further away than they are now.” Within the council papers there is a comment about a library satellite at The Grove – we will provide more information as we receive it. Please complete the consultation and use the formal process to demonstrate how you feel about the potential removal of this service. Please use the link below: http://www.lancashire.gov.uk/council/ge t-involved/consultations/changes-towhere-we-provide-services.aspx Burscough Parish Council Martland Mill, Mart Lane, Burscough, Lancashire L40 OSD Telephone: 01704 894914 Email: [email protected] www.burscoughpc.co.uk BURSCOUGH PARISH NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 Contents Bloomin’ Burscough garden competition Burscough Library closure – Have your say Piccadilly line – no service? Flooding & Bus meeting – Burscough residents have their say! Leeds Liverpool Canal – 200th Anniversary Celebrations! Burscough Seniors Luncheon Club Keep Our Children Safe Annual Parish Assembly May 25th Canal clean-up by Burscough scouts! How should we brand Burscough? Bee our friends… Reaching out in the community Burscough Heritage Day Exhibition Lancashire Police – Be safe, prevent burglary Which ward do you live in? Local Election Results 1 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 7 8 8 Flooding & Bus meeting – Burscough residents have their say! On March 15th a public meeting was held at the Stanley Institute. Around 100 members of the public attended and many residents were able to express their deep concerns about flooding in Burscough along with the significant reduction in bus services. The parish council are strenuously continuing to move these issues forward with all concerned - especially County & Borough councils, the Environment Agency, National Farmers Union, United Utilities, Network Rail & all other relevant bodies. Rest assured these issues are BPC's highest priorities. Flooding in Burscough by Debbie Walmsley, courtesy of Southport Visiter 2 www.burscoughpc.co.uk Piccadilly line – no service? The new rail franchise with Arriva Rail North began providing our train services from April 1st 2016 delivering a 9 year contract. The new service will provide improved benefits: • An hourly service from Ormskirk to Preston with 17 trains a day (but no Sunday service) • Refurbished diesel stock • Continued 2 trains per hour Southport to Manchester • BUT from December 2017 all trains will be routed to & from Manchester Victoria OPSTA – Ormskirk, Preston & Southport Travellers’ Association are an active, constructive & non-political lobbying group that represent & consult passengers as well as running campaigns based on research & data relating to our local travel network. They have launched the ‘Make Your Voice Heard Campaign’ to convince Arriva Rail North that removing the direct service to Piccadilly is a serious mistake. Alan Fantom, Chair OPSTA encourages us all to contact the various organisations involved to express our concern: ‘I am very pleased Burscough and all of the parish councils in West Lancashire recognise the vital importance of this rail connection for our region. The commitment to taking positive action will be very influential in getting the right outcome, the retention and subsequent improvement of this well used service. We still have a fight to get the plan reversed and the continued support and voice of the travelling public is essential. The petitioning by rail users to date has already got the transport authorities thinking. So while we press for meaningful dialogue and resolution with Rail North and the rail company it remains essential we keep explaining why the proposition to remove our Piccadilly service is wrong. Visit our website www.opsta.org or call on 07792 208203 to see how you can make your voice heard - it is very quick and easy.’ BURSCOUGH PARISH NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 Leeds Liverpool Canal - 200th Anniversary Celebrations! This significant event is now here – a weekend full of fun for everyone! There will be lots to do & see for all of the family! Please support Burscough community by celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the canal at Burscough Wharf & surrounding area on June 18th & 19th 2016. Burscough Seniors Luncheon Club The Old Folks Luncheon Club has been relaunched as ‘Burscough Seniors Luncheon Club’. Sincere thanks to everyone who offered support when the imminent closure of the Wednesday club was highlighted recently. Following a weeks 'holiday' the regulars now meet as usual at Burscough Old Folks Club in Lord Street – enjoying a lunch supplied by The Grove Community Association. David Hardisty, a Burscough parish councillor, spoke to the members about their options. A local member of the community pledged to cover running costs for premises hire and a paid member of staff for 3 hours per week, for the next 12 months. A sincere thank you to Dave & our kind anonymous donor for being so dynamic in making this happen. A small management committee has been elected, agreement on membership accepted and weekly cost to members for a new food supplier was agreed. A club constitution has been written and a new bank account is being opened. Those who have offered their services as volunteers have been contacted - the wheels are in motion… Thank you so much to everyone – Sue Lamb, on behalf of The Grove Community Association. Canal & River Trust tells us: “Our 200 year legacy of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal is to be celebrated throughout 2016. Built in 1816, this single man-made waterway has made its mark in canal history, and we want you to join in to find out more about its heritage and to celebrate this remarkable birthday”. Keep Our Children Safe Our local schools are frequently asking the Parish Council to help with improving parking around school sites throughout the village. Please take extra care when using the road network throughout our community – especially at pick-up and drop off times during the school day. Parking is the biggest issue – please show every consideration for the safety of all. Please respect school entrances and always avoid zigzags and other parking restrictions. It is vital we all respect everyone’s needs all of the time – be thoughtful and think ahead. Do you know it is virtually impossible to manoeuvre a wheelchair down a kerb around a vehicle that is straddling the pavement? If you are blind or visually impaired you cannot walk around a parked vehicle and go into the road – you must be able to walk safely along the pavement without any obstacles. Be a community champion and lead by example – drive and park safely and considerately. Thank you! • • • • • • • • • • Car share with other parents if there is no alternative way to travel Start a ‘School Walking Bus’ ‘Brake’ – the road safety charity http://www.brake.org.uk ‘Living Streets’ runs the national ‘Walk to School campaign’ www.livingstreets.org.uk Walk to school - leave early so that you can walk a little further after you have parked Cheaper – cold engines use more fuel Better for the car – short journeys/cold engines are not good for the engine Environment – short journeys/cold engines produce more air pollution Healthier – walking provides much need exercise Road safety education – children learn to use the road as a pedestrian under a parent’s supervision. www.burscoughpc.co.uk 3 BURSCOUGH PARISH NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 Annual Parish Assembly May 25th Burscough Parish Council hosted it's highly successful Annual Parish Assembly and exhibition at The Grove. This is the opportunity for residents to have their say and raise issues that matter to them. Burscough Parish Council took the opportunity to display the results of 'The Big Burscough Survey', launch the Bloomin' Burscough Garden Competition and consult over Burscough Branding. Over 30 people attended and one resident commented that it was an "Interesting meeting & great seeing people's views on Burscough." During the meeting the issues raised included traffic and speeding whilst other residents were concerned with flooding - especially where it affected their homes. It was also raised as a serious issue for farmland - where this affected crops and food production and people's livelihoods. Please use the link below to access the full results of the survey. Over 500 residents responded - giving the parish council a clear snapshot of how people feel about Burscough. This information will form the core of our new Burscough Neighbourhood Plan. Many thanks to all of you that completed the survey. It is really important that as many people as possible provide their views when asked to during consultations. http://www.burscoughpc.co.uk/uploads/2/8/4/8/284 83119/big_burscough_survey_response_in_display_ form.pdf APRIL 2016 Image courtesy of David Dunn, The View From Above. Copyrighted. The Big Burscough Survey Burscough has changed a lot over the last 50 years. And in 2016 it seems that change is happening faster. Now, for the first time ever, the people of Burscough have the chance to get some real control over some of the change that is happening! In 2011 the Government announced the Neighbourhood Plan. This allows Parish Councils to develop a Plan that must be followed by developers and planners. We are now at a critical stage in developing a Plan for Burscough, and we need your help. We are now at the point where we are asking all the people of Burscough for their views on the major issues that have been identified so far. In this newsletter we have laid out a set of questions covering all the topics that are important to managing the future development of our village. We are asking for your help because the results of this survey will become the evidence supporting our Plan. When we have collected all your input, we will publish the results and present them at the Annual Parish Meeting at The Grove on 25th May. Make a note in your diary! Please let us have your views by 6th May. There are lots of ways you can tell us what you think – see the back page for details. “Thank you in advance for taking part.” Alan Bullen Chairman, Burscough Parish Council Canal Clean-up by Burscough Scouts! Burscough Scouts, supported by the Canal & Rivers Trust (CRT), have embarked on a decidedly damp litter-pick! As part of the 'A Million Hands' project, 29th Ormskirk (Burscough St John's) Scout Group have adopted a mile of the Leeds/ Liverpool canal. Working alongside CRT they have been tidying 5 miles of the Canal Tow path and a troop night spent in canoes clearing up the litter on the water. A Million Hands is a Community Impact campaign to mobilise half a million people and make a difference in their local community by supporting four social issues chosen by young people, Dementia, Mental Well being, Disability and Clean Water & Sanitation. With further projects planned, the 29th are making an awareness of the charity Water Aid and working with the Canal & River Trust to improve our local waterways. A huge thank you to all of the scouts & leaders who participated – your local community are extremely grateful! Well done! 4 www.burscoughpc.co.uk BURSCOUGH PARISH NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 How should we brand Burscough? Burscough Parish Council has been working with local businesses to improve the way that Burscough is promoted to expand the tourism economy and attract visitors. Many businesses generate income from visitors – many Burscough residents rely on employment in those businesses. It is therefore very important that we all support investment in the tourism & visitor economy whilst promoting the many beautiful aspects of Burscough of which we are all so proud. Martin Mere has proposed that Burscough brands itself ‘Home of the Whooper Swan’. In support of this proposal Nick Brooks, General Manager, says; “Burscough has the opportunity to make a name for itself, creating a unique identity that no other town in the UK can match. Although it will never match the same scale, by piggy-backing on Martin Mere, it has the same type of opportunity that Stratford upon Avon takes with Shakespeare”. This is just one suggestion – we want to know what the residents think and then we can decide what is going to be the most effective promotion for Burscough. Martin Mere already attracts over 200,000 visitors a year and it has been shown to be worth around £6 million per year to the local economy – supporting over 30 jobs outside of those actually working at the nature reserve. It is thought that Burscough could exploit the success of Martin Mere and brand itself as an eco-destination, attracting more national and international visitors. There are several aspects to achieving this: 1 Road signs 2 Roundabout Statue 3 Logo Silhouettes as a quality kitemark 4 Town Twinning 5 Village statue 6 Other opportunities Burscough could utilise the unique selling point of Martin Mere and its wildlife to develop an identity or brand. One relatively cheap way to do this would be to install road signs on the entrances to the town. This then sets the stage for visitors to the area. If signs were erected, Burscough would be the first town in the UK to become "Home of" a species of wildlife. This alone would generate tens of thousands of pounds of publicity across the UK, a value far in excess of the costs of the signs. Several businesses have supported the proposal although there was no formal vote – the parish council needs a consensus from a good majority of businesses involved in the visitor economy to take it forward. This is only one idea – we need to know that this is right for everyone in the community and that we can all gain from it. It must be a reciprocal arrangement where everyone feels they belong and are benefiting from this branding. Burscough Parish Council now wants to ask the wider community what they think. We have to work out just how it would work in practice and who and how we can keep the marketing advantage alive in years to come. We have also received suggestions to align Burscough more closely with its military past – and suggestions have been made that the canal heritage/walks/canal-side pubs could be used as our ‘brand’. Quick questions: • Should we think seriously about branding? And if so, • What will that branding look like? • How can we maintain its impact? • Will this result in increased trade for your business? • The Parish Council offered to put a page on its website containing a list of places to stay and places to eat (and perhaps places to visit) in Burscough. The Wharf and Martin Mere agreed that they would put links to the page on their own websites. It will be a simple listing offering links and basic information, not advertising. If it proved useful, we think it would be something that could be built on in the future, perhaps leading to a stand-alone site for visitors. Is this of interest? Please contact us at the parish office – call in, telephone or email your views. Thank you for your feedback – we really need to have your thoughts and ideas! Bee our friends… In Spring, many of us will appreciate the wildlife in our gardens and parks, as well as in the countryside surrounding our town, with the gardeners’ friend, the Bee becoming a common visitor once more. However you may find yourself sharing your property with them! Often bees can find entrances to our homes through cavity walls, or will set up nests in compost heaps, piles of bricks and garden waste. Sometimes mistaken for wasps, these helpful creatures are killed by people misunderstanding them and their intentions, taking their invasive nature to be aggression. All bees are fantastic pollinators and with 70% of the top crops that end up on our dinner plates being pollinated by them, our very existence relies on them! If all bees were wiped from this Earth, humans would only continue for a further 4 years. If you’re having problems with bees this Summer and require some help or advice, please call local community conservation group; The Tree Bee Society on 01704 894018. Thank you! www.burscoughpc.co.uk 5 BURSCOUGH PARISH NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 REACHING OUT in THE COMMUNITY The Grove Community Association (reg charity 1076324) Every Wednesday between 12-2pm we are running a PoP uP Kitchen, recycling food that our local supermarket, Booths, are unable to sell. THIS IS FREE OF CHARGE - if you enjoy your scrumptious meal donations are most welcome. Home delivery is available to any housebound residents. It is vital that we also support our local Food Bank for our friends & neighbours who at times need that little extra help. Saturday 23 July – We are 21 years old and are holding a CELEBRATION DAY! Please come along and join in the fun! The GAP – activities for young people 8-13 during the summer holidays starting 25 July for 5 weeks. £5 per day for centre based activities. Trips out (additional cost) Mon – Thurs 10am-3.30pm. Please contact Sue 01704 896424 option 3 www.facebook.com/groveCA THE GROVE YOUTH COMMUNITY and CHILDREN CENTRE Station Approach, Burscough. Richmond Park Fun Day Off Juncon Lane, Burscough, L40 5SN Sunday 12th June 2016 12 noon – 5pm Musical Entertainment Competitions Burscough’s Got Talent (5-16yrs) Fun Dog Show - categories include: waggiest tail; most obedient; best trick; best dog/owner lookalike; best puppy; best adult dog Other Activities Include Football Tournament (schools) Open Bowling | Try Tennis | Archery Childrens Rides | Food & Drink | Community Stalls For more informaon please contact Urban Park Ranger – Anne Faulkner | Tel: 01695 570258 Email: [email protected] www.westlancs.gov.uk/countryside www.facebook.com/wlbc.rangers www.twier.com/wlbc_rangers *Please note, on-site parking Is not available for this event! Limited parking available at Lordsgate School 6 www.burscoughpc.co.uk BURSCOUGH PARISH NEWSLETTER JUNE 2016 Burscough Heritage Day Exhibition 5th March 2016 Burscough Heritage Day was held on Saturday 5th March 2016 at The Stanley Club to promote the launch of the new heritage website that was kindly funded by Burscough Parish Council www.images-of-burscough.co.uk. The day itself was a great success with around 500 people visiting the main hall to view the exhibition of 480 old photos of our local area and many pieces of local memorabilia. Visitors also sampled gingerbread men made from one of the original Ormskirk Gingerbread Recipes from 1850 (made by Michael and Debra). These proved to be very popular. Burscough Heritage Group and Lathom & Burscough Military Heritage Society also contributed by exhibiting local and military history. Since 2010 Michael Dawson has been running two very popular Facebook pages (Images of Burscough and Surrounding Areas & HMS Ringtail, RNAS Burscough) so that everyone can see the collection of photos/memorabilia that has been amassed over the past 20 years. In April 2015, along with Lawrence Critchley, it was thought that a dedicated website would make the Mayor Nikki Hennessy opening the exhibition with Michael Dawson, Lawrence Critchley and Debra Baldwin – the Images of Burscough team. (The photos of the day are courtesy of Alan Birch). growing archive of images / film footage / memorabilia/ stories etc. more accessible and interactive. The aim and motto of the group is "Keeping the Past Alive” and to provide the local community with a great history resource. A huge thank you to Michael & colleagues for such a special day! If anyone has any old photos / film footage of the local area that they would like to share with the group please contact Michael, either through the website or facebook groups or phone him on 01704 894097 or email: [email protected]. Lancashire Police – Be Safe, Prevent Burglary Residents are being urged to be vigilant and take extra care of their property and valuables. Lancashire Police are encouraging us all to ensure that our property is securely locked at all times. Homes with no security measures in place are five times more likely to be burgled than those with simple security measures. Good window locks and strong deadlocks can make a big difference. Taking just a few steps can make a big difference in keeping your home safe from burglary. Here are a few tips: • Lock your doors and windows every time you leave the house, even when you're just out in the garden, remembering to double-lock UPVC doors (lift handle and turn key) • Hide all keys, including car keys, out of sight and away from the letterbox (remember a device could be used to hook keys through the letterbox) • Install a visual burglar alarm • Install good outside lighting • Get a trusted neighbour to keep an eye on your property • Leave radios or lights in your house on a timer to make the property appear occupied • Make sure the fences around your garden are in good condition • Secure bikes at home by locking them to an immoveable object inside a locked shed or garage • Keep ladders and tools stored away; don't leave them outside where they could be used to break into your home • Ensure side gates are locked to prevent access to the rear of the property • Ensure rear fencing is in good repair • Improve natural surveillance at the front of your property i.e. trim high hedges • Mark your property with postcode and house number and register your property for free with Immobilise • Consider joining or forming a Neighbourhood Watch scheme • Remove valuables from view of ground floor windows Store any high value items (i.e. jewellery, passports) in a properly secured safe or bank vault Go to the Lancashire Police website below for more advice on crime prevention: https://www.lancashire.police.uk/ about-us/our-commitment/our-approach-to-crimeprevention.aspx www.burscoughpc.co.uk 7 ´ WHICH WARD DO YOU LIVE IN? For borough elections, Burscough has just two wards, which are Burscough East and Burscough West divided by the A59, and each having two borough councillors. Parish wards aren’t so straight forward: Parish wards weren’t updated in the 1974 Local Government Reorganisation and consequently don’t line up exactly with the boundaries of Borough wards. As such, a small number of homes lie in Scarisbrick ward but are nonetheless definitely part of Burscough. Burscough’s Parish wards are shown on the plan. Burscough has 14 Parish Councillors who between them cover the seven wards which are: St Johns (3 members) Stanley (3 members) Burscough Town (2 members) Ellerbrook (3 members) New Lane, Red Cat and Richmond (1 member each). That said, while members may have a particular interest in their given ward, all Councillors take an interest in the whole of Burscough and will be pleased to discuss matters from wherever they arise. New Lane Red Cat Parish Ward St John's Parish Ward Burscough Town Parish Ward Stanley Parish Ward Richmond Parish Ward Ellerbrook Parish Ward Burscough Town Parish Ward Ellerbrook Parish Ward Burscough Parish Council ward boundaries West Lancashire Borough Council Local Election Results Burscough West Candidate PRITCHARD, Andrew John GRAHAM, Leon David James Joseph Party Votes Share (%) Labour Conservative 912 542 62.7 37.3 Burscough East Candidate EVANS, David BAILEY, Robert Murrin Party Votes Labour Conservative 760 541 © Crown Copyright. All Rights Reserved. Licence No. 100024309. West Lancashire Borough Council. 2016. Share (%) 58.4 41.61:25,000 MEMBERS’ CONTACT DETAILS CHAIRMAN - Alan Bullen VICE CHAIRMAN - Brian Kennedy BURSCOUGH TOWN WARD Alan Bullen 1A Mill Dam Lane, L40 7TG Telephone: 896032 Patrick Mackrell 52 Langdale Drive, L40 5SF Telephone: 07809 098439 ELLERBROOK WARD Nichola Makin 14 Belmont Close, L40 7TR Telephone: 07979 052614 Brian Bailey 60 Hesketh Road, L40 7SQ Telephone: 07518 757059 Ronnie Sutherland 2 Lathom Close, L40 5XW Telephone: 897466 NEW LANE WARD John Crawford 201 Liverpool Road South, L40 7RE Telephone: 895297 RED CAT WARD Abigail Reade 65 Manor Avenue, L40 7TT Telephone: 07749 297999 RICHMOND PARK WARD David Hardisty 105 Rivington Drive, L40 7RW Telephone: 894781 ST JOHN'S WARD Julie Atherton Rose Cottage, 57 Moss Lane, L40 4AL Telephone: 895944 Brian Kennedy 37 Weaver Avenue, L40 4LE Telephone: 895374 STANLEY WARD John Taylor 14 Christine's Crescent, L40 7SJ Telephone: 892557 Graham Warrilow 16 Belmont Close, L40 7TR Telephone: 075967 42847 CLERK TO THE COUNCIL Tess Reddington Office 1, Martland Mill Mart Lane, L40 0SD Email: [email protected] Telephone: 01704 894914 Roger Bell Haydock Farm, School Lane, L40 4AE Telephone: 897491 Contact: [email protected], 01704 894914 Or write or call at Burscough Council Office, Martland Mill, Mart Lane, Burscough L40 0SD www.burscoughpc.co.uk