online guide: march 2007
online guide: march 2007
ONLINE GUIDE: MARCH 2007 A 14-PAR T SERIES PROGRAM SCHEDULE 26 MONDAY 4:15a MAX Legal Eagles 4:30 HBO The Making of King Kong 4:45 HBO Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: 6:15 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:40 MAX 2:15 HBO 2:30 HBO 4:00 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 10:15 HBO MAX 10:45 MAX 11:15 MAX 11:40 HBO 1:15a MAX 1:45 HBO 2:30 HBO 3:00 MAX The Turtles Are Back...In Time She’s the Man A Dangerous Affair Fantastic Four The Siege Simply Irresistible Striptease In Good Company Kicking & Screaming Something New The Rock HBO First Look Norbit Antz Fantastic Four Home Alone 2: Lost in NY HBO First Look Starter For Ten Real Time With Bill Maher She’s the Man Rome MAX on Set Batman Begins Something New The Rock Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Ghosts of Abu Ghraib Hotel Erotica Passion Cove Harlem Nights Jarhead The Skeleton Key Katt Williams: The Pimp Chronicles Pt. 1 Tape Oh, What a Lovely War! SHE’S THE MAN 6:00P 27 4:00a HBO 5:30 HBO MAX 6:30 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 8:45 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:40 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 2:00 MAX 2:45 HBO 4:30 HBO 4:45 6:15 6:45 7:00 8:00 MAX MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX 9:15 HBO 9:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:20 MAX 11:50 MAX 12:55a HBO 1:35 MAX 2:45 HBO 3:40 MAX TUESDAY 28 Robots Children of Beslan Strictly Business Aquamarine The Return of the Musketeers Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back House of Wax Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel The Dukes of Hazzard King Kong On the Edge Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire The Ringer Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back Rebound ATL HBO First Look Breach The Sopranos George Lopez: America’s Mexican House of Wax Cathouse Season Two King Kong Kinky Sex Club The Erotic Traveler The Dukes of Hazzard Flashback The X-Files George Lopez: America’s Mexican One Crazy Summer 4:00a HBO Fever Pitch 5:15 MAX I Still Know What WEDNESDAY You Did Last Summer 5:45 HBO HBO First Look Music and Lyrics 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:35 10:15 10:30 12:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 12:10p MAX 2:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:00 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 11:00 HBO 11:45 MAX 12:35a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:10 HBO 2:40 HBO 2:50 MAX GEORGE LOPEZ: 8:00P AMERICA’S MEXICAN 6:00P Serenity Grandma’s Boy Tristan & Isolde Animal House Bee Season Caddyshack Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones Scarface Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope War of the Worlds HBO First Look Norbit Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Black Sun Bastards of the Party Grandma’s Boy HBO First Look Music/Lyrics... Real Time With Bill Maher She’s the Man Rome The Erotic Traveler Rome Naked and Betrayed Longford HBO Original Movie Just Friends Final Destination 3 Stephen King’s Thinner Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Die Hard The Naked Jungle BASTARDS OF THE PARTY FEBR UARY/ MARCH 2007 1 4:30a MAX 5:00 HBO 6:10 MAX 6:30 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:15p MAX 12:30 MAX 1:45 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:15 MAX 4:00 HBO MAX 5:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:30 11:10 11:40 11:55 HBO MAX MAX HBO 1:00a HBO 1:10 MAX 2:40 HBO 2:50 MAX THURSDAY 2 City Heat Dr. Dolittle Eve’s Bayou Off and Running Big Momma’s House 2 Constantine Duma The Producers: Movie Musical Million Dollar Baby MAX on Set Son of the Mask The Last Boy Scout The Making of Poseidon Walkout A Sound of Thunder Red Eye Hope Floats Dr. Dolittle Mr. & Mrs. Smith Big Momma’s House 2 Clueless HBO First Look 300 Real Sex 25 Sexual Boundaries Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Passenger 57 The Best Sex Ever Out for Justice An Actual Autopsy With Dr. Michael Baden and a Re-Examination of Autopsy’s Most Complex Cases Skeeter Cadence Slums of Beverly Hills Sink the Bismarck! 4:15a HBO The Indian in the Cupboard 4:30 MAX Untamed 6:00 HBO Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous 6:30 MAX The Goonies 8:00 HBO The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 8:30 MAX Running Scared 10:00 HBO French Kiss 10:30 MAX City Slickers II: 12:00 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:15 MAX 4:00 HBO 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO 10:15 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:45 MAX 11:40 MAX 11:45 HBO 1:10a MAX 1:45 HBO 3:10 MAX 3:30 HBO MR. & MRS. SMITH 6:00P FRIDAY 8:00P The Legend of Curly’s Gold Millions The Perfect Man Evita Hard Target Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Battlefield Earth Rome Running Scared Rome Rome The Matrix Revolutions Real Time With Bill Maher Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry The Erotic Traveler George Lopez: America’s Mexican The Best of Amy Lynn Baxter Billy Madison Full Metal Jacket Extreme Measures The Jacket The Matrix Revolutions Legendary Nights: The Tale of Holmes-Cooney THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS 3 SATURDAY 4:00a HBO 5:20 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:30 HBO 7:45 HBO 8:05 MAX 9:30 HBO 9:40 MAX 11:30 HBO MAX 1:45p MAX 2:00 HBO 4:00 HBO MAX 4:15 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 HBO MAX 8:00 MAX 10:15 HBO MAX 10:45 HBO MAX 11:50 HBO 12:05a MAX 1:40 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:15 HBO Mom and Dad Save the World Black Sun Little Giants The Golden Child HBO First Look 300 Monster-In-Law Cheaper by the Dozen 2 You’ve Got Mail House Party 2 The New World The Rock The Ring Two Forces of Nature HBO First Look 300 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Monster-In-Law Poseidon Major Payne HBO World Championship Boxing Live! Cotto vs. Urkal; Miranda vs. Green MAX on Set Jarhead V for Vendetta Cathouse Season Two: Eager Beavers The Erotic Traveler Rome Kinky Sex Club Sliver Shocker She’s the One V for Vendetta Poseidon HBO SATURDAY NIGHT 4 SUNDAY 4:10a MAX That Thing You Do! 5:00 HBO Little Manhattan 6:00 MAX Harry Potter and 6:30 8:15 8:40 10:00 10:30 11:45 HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 12:15p MAX 12:45 HBO 2:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:15 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:40 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:45 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30a MAX 1:40 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:30 HBO HBO DRAMA SERIES POSEIDON 6:00P the Goblet of Fire Just Like Heaven Duma Mobsters Field of Dreams She’s the Man Real Time With Bill Maher The Dukes of Hazzard Something New Heartbreak Ridge Prime Just Like Heaven Twister Rome She’s the Man Rome Entourage Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Entourage Something New Bikini Cavegirl Real Time/Bill Maher Sprung The Erotic Traveler The Dukes of Hazzard The Chumscrubber Romeo and Juliet Boffo! Tinseltown’s Bombs and Blockbusters ROME SM 7:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 5 MONDAY 4:35a MAX 4:50 HBO 6:30 HBO 6:35 MAX 8:45 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 12:00 HBO 12:20p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:20 MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO 8:15 9:00 10:20 10:45 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:15 HBO MAX 12:45a HBO 1:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 2:40 MAX 8:00P Seven Days in May Flipper The Island V for Vendetta Just Friends A Cool, Dry Place The Love Letter Blue Chips Kicking & Screaming In Her Shoes Poseidon The Last Boy Scout The Island The Wash Real Time With Bill Maher V for Vendetta Rome Real Sports With Br yant Gumbel Jarhead Poseidon The Best Sex Ever Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry The Best Sex Ever Angel Rodriguez Uncommon Valor Ricochet Gus Van Sant’s Last Days Who’s the Man? Murder, Inc. REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBELSM 6 4:00a HBO 4:15 HBO 4:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 MAX 11:15 HBO MAX 11:30 HBO 1:00p MAX 1:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 HBO 4:30 HBO MAX 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:20 MAX 11:55 HBO 12:10a HBO 12:40 HBO 12:50 MAX 1:20 MAX 2:25 HBO 2:50 MAX 3:30 HBO TUESDAY 7 Making of Monster-In-Law Don’t Tell/Babysitter’s Dead Last Married Couple/America Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Because of Winn-Dixie Walkout Billy Madison Star Wars: Episode VI Another Day in Paradise HBO First Look 300 King’s Ransom Forces of Nature Animal House Monster-In-Law Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare Making of Monster-In-Law Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Star Wars: Episode VI Renegades Elektra The Sopranos Ghosts of Abu Ghraib Billy Madison HBO First Look 300 Sex Games Cancun Syriana Witches of Breastwick Alien Nation: Body and Soul The Making of Syriana Cathouse Season Two The Girl Gets Moe The Erotic Traveler Cry Wolf Taxicab Confessions: NY A Little Romance HBO Transmission Test 4:50a MAX The Matrix Revolutions 5:00 HBO Mom and Dad 6:30 7:00 8:20 9:00 10:00 HBO MAX MAX HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 11:45 HBO MAX 2:00p HBO MAX 3:45 HBO 4:15 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:15 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 10:00 10:15 10:45 11:10 11:40 11:45 MAX HBO HBO MAX MAX MAX MAX HBO 12:15a HBO 1:20 MAX 2:05 HBO 3:00 MAX BILLY MADISON 8:00P WEDNESDAY Save the World Batman Begins Supercross Cold Around the Heart Red Eye Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Boffo! Tinseltown’s Bombs and Blockbusters Walk the Line The Matrix Revolutions Something New V for Vendetta Just Like Heaven Extreme Measures Batman Begins A History of Violence Real Time With Bill Maher V for Vendetta Rome Something New The Erotic Traveler Bedtime Stories Bedtime Stories Stay Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Elizabeth I, Part 1 Un Dia Sin Mexicanos Elizabeth I, Part 2 Songcatcher MARCH 2007 8 4:00a HBO 4:45 HBO 4:50 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:20 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:30 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:05 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:15 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:30 HBO 4:00 MAX 5:45 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 8:00 8:45 9:00 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:30 10:40 MAX 11:10 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:40a MAX 12:45 HBO 2:45 MAX 3:15 HBO 3:45 HBO V FOR VENDETTA 8:00P HBO MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO 7:00P THURSDAY 9 FRIDAY 10 SATURDAY 11 Chernobyl Heart Millions The Diary of Anne Frank Evita The Ring Two Kicking & Screaming Weird Science Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Before Sunset Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous ATL Prime Big Trouble in Little China The Making of Batman Begins The New World Cadillac Man Two for the Money Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Longford ATL HBO First Look Last Mimzy Cathouse Season Two A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia... The Best of Amy Lynn Baxter Russell Simmons/Def Poetry George Lopez: America’s Mexican The Best Sex Ever Alien Nation Rome Dancing at the Blue Iguana Kingdom of Heaven Camelot The Chris Rock Show HBO First Look Last Mimzy 4:00a HBO 5:30 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:00 MAX 7:15 HBO 7:30 HBO 7:40 MAX 9:00 HBO Stay Tuned Uncle Buck MAX on Set Son of the Mask Son of the Mask HBO First Look 300 Exiled The Cowboy Way Do You Believe in Miracles? The Story of the 1980 U.S. Hockey Team Out for Justice Poseidon The X-Files The Island Madagascar The Making of The Island Just Friends Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives You’ve Got Mail The Rock Poseidon MAX on Set Mr. & Mrs. Smith Out for Justice HBO First Look 300 Rome Mr. & Mrs. Smith Real Time With Bill Maher Russell Simmons/Def Poetry The Erotic Traveler Final Destination 3 Naked Encounters The Second Arrival John Carpenter’s Vampires Crash Bully Bullitt 4:00a HBO 4:45 HBO 5:30 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:30 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:15 HBO 2:30 MAX 2:45 HBO Chernobyl Heart Rover Dangerfield The Goonies Curious George Red Eye The Wedding Date Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel War of the Worlds Something New The Big Bounce Dr. Dolittle Hope Floats Transporter 2 Uncommon Valor HBO World Championship Boxing Live! 5:00a HBO Airplane II: The Sequel 6:30 HBO Star Wars: Episode VI - LONGFORD HBO ORIGINAL MOVIE 9:30 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:45 HBO 1:00p MAX 2:00 HBO 2:15 HBO 2:30 MAX 4:00 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 6:30 MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:30 HBO 10:35 MAX 12:00 MAX 12:05a HBO 1:45 MAX 1:55 HBO 3:30 MAX Klitschko vs. Austin 4:00 4:15 4:30 6:00 6:15 7:40 8:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:15 HBO 9:50 HBO MAX 10:20 MAX 10:50 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:45a HBO 1:45 MAX 1:50 HBO 2:25 HBO 3:35 MAX HBO SATURDAY NIGHT OUT FOR JUSTICE 6:30P Countdown to Barrera-Marquez Running Scared Red Eye Life Support Hard Target The Sopranos 1-6a Recap Klitschko vs. Austin Replay The Sentinel Countdown to Barrera-Marquez Rome The Erotic Traveler The Wash Live from Baghdad Aces: Iron Eagle III Taxicab Confessions: NY, NY The Rules of Attraction The Chris Rock Show Life Support The Sentinel 6:00P LIFE SUPPORT HBO ORIGINAL MOVIE SUNDAY MAX 8:00 MAX 8:45 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:30 HBO 11:45 HBO 11:50 MAX 1:30p HBO 2:00 MAX 3:15 HBO Return of the Jedi Antz A Sound of Thunder Just Friends Jarhead Real Time With Bill Maher HBO First Look 300 Poseidon Batman Monster-In-Law In Her Shoes The Making of Monster-In-Law 3:30 HBO Star Wars: Episode VI 4:15 5:50 6:00 7:00 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:40 10:45 11:10 MAX MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 11:45 HBO 12:40a MAX 1:10 MAX 1:25 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:25 HBO Return of the Jedi A History of Violence Jarhead Rome Rome Entourage Major Payne Entourage Poseidon Sexual Boundaries Real Time With Bill Maher Martin Lawrence: You So Crazy Imagine Me & You The Erotic Traveler Brick Alien 3 A History of Violence Mother’s Boys HBO DRAMA SERIES ROMESM 7:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 12 MONDAY 4:40a MAX Memphis Belle 5:00 HBO Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves 6:30 MAX Charlie and the 7:30 8:30 10:00 10:05 12:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 1:30p HBO 2:15 MAX 4:00 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:35 HBO MAX 10:05 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO MAX 1:30a MAX 1:45 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:40 HBO Chocolate Factory Walk the Line House Party 2 Walkout The Sentinel Life Support Heartbreak Ridge Batman Begins Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Elizabeth I, Part 1 Constantine Real Time With Bill Maher The Sentinel Rome Life Support House Party 2 Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Witches of Breastwick Ghosts of Abu Ghraib The Best Sex Ever The Constant Gardener Constantine Panic The Long Run Four Sons The Making of 16 Blocks 13 Curious George Everything Is Illuminated Prime Funny Farm Something New The Matrix Revolutions Million Dollar Baby Alien Nation Red Eye City Slickers II: The Legend of Curly’s Gold 1:00p HBO Making Elizabeth I 1:15 HBO Longford HBO Original Movie 1:45 3:00 4:00 5:00 5:45 6:45 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO V for Vendetta Elizabeth I, Part 2 The Perfect Man Something New The Matrix Revolutions HBO First Look 14 WEDNESDAY 4:00a HBO 5:30 HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 7:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:30 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 MAX 1:00p HBO 1:15 HBO 2:10 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:00 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO Stay Tuned Making of The New World Chicken Run The Love Letter Hope Floats Miss Congeniality 2 Cry Wolf Dr. Dolittle The Money Pit Sisterhood of Traveling Pants Two for the Money HBO First Look 300 Duma ATL Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Monster-In-Law The Dukes of Hazzard Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi The Producers: The Mo vie Musical Real Time With Bill Maher The Sentinel Rome The Erotic Traveler George Lopez: America’s Mexican The Best Sex Ever Mr. & Mrs. Smith Sunset Grill Friday the 13th, Part VI: Jason Lives Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Waking Life The Joker Is Wild All Over the Guy MAX The Last Mimzy 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:10 MAX 10:40 MAX 11:15 MAX 11:35 HBO 1:00a MAX 1:35 MAX 1:40 HBO 3:30 MAX THE SENTINEL 6:00P TUESDAY 4:00a HBO 4:30 MAX 5:30 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:15 HBO 10:15 MAX 11:30 HBO 11:45 MAX The Sopranos Costas NOW V for Vendetta Cathouse Season Two: Eager Beavers Countdown to Barrera-Marquez Longford Bedtime Stories Bedtime Stories Mobsters The Ballad of Little Jo The Erotic Traveler Talk Radio Conspiracy Theory The Concorde...Airport ’79 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 10:45 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:50a MAX 1:05 HBO 1:35 HBO 2:20 MAX 3:20 HBO COSTAS NOWSM 8:00P 5:45P THE PRODUCERS: THE MOVIE MUSICAL MARCH 2007 15 THURSDAY 4:30a MAX We’re Back! Dinosaur’s Story 5:00 HBO The Indian in the Cupboard 5:45 MAX MAX on Set A History of Violence 6:00 6:45 7:30 8:15 8:30 9:30 9:35 11:15 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO HBO MAX HBO 11:30 HBO MAX 1:00p HBO 1:30 MAX 3:00 HBO 3:15 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:05 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:35 MAX 11:50 MAX 12:50a HBO 1:30 MAX 1:50 HBO 3:45 HBO Billy Madison Little Manhattan Running Scared The Making of Batman Begins Costas NOW Melinda and Melinda The Secret of My Success The Sopranos Season 1-6a Recap Pretty Things Nuts You’ve Got Mail White Palace Red Eye Clueless Batman Begins Alien Nation: Body and Soul Billy Madison Addiction Running Scared Countdown to Barrera-Marquez Taxicab Confessions: New York, New York Russell Simmons/Def Poetry Sex Games Cancun The Island Kinky Kong Storm Catcher Rome The Wild Bunch The Paper The Making of Syriana 16 FRIDAY 4:00a HBO MAX 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:45 MAX Walkout Little Big League Walk the Line Mermaids The Ring Two The New World Cry Baby The Skeleton Key Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Transporter 2 Curious George Matchstick Men The Making of 12:30p HBO 2:00 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:30 HBO 5:00a HBO 5:30 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 8:35 MAX 10:30 HBO MAX 12:30p MAX 12:45 HBO 2:10 MAX 2:30 HBO Take the Lead 3:45 4:30 5:30 6:15 8:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO 10:30 10:40 11:10 12:00 HBO MAX MAX HBO 12:40a MAX 1:00 HBO 2:50 MAX 3:30 HBO Kicking & Screaming Dirty Harry Walk the Line The Wash Rome Harr y Potter and the Goblet of Fire Real Time With Bill Maher Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Transporter 2 The Erotic Traveler Behind Bedroom Doors Cedric the Entertainer: Taking You Higher The Ring Two Kingdom of Heaven Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Angel Rodriguez SATURDAY 18 SUNDAY Millions The Avengers Poseidon Son of the Mask Miss Congeniality 2: Armed and Fabulous Twister Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi The Object of My Affection Elektra Just Like Heaven Animal House HBO First Look 4:30a HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:00 HBO Dr. Dolittle Ragtime Batman Begins V for Vendetta Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Curious George War of the Worlds Real Time With Bill Maher 8:00P HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE MAX 12:15p HBO 1:45 HBO 2:00 MAX The Last Mimzy 2:45 4:00 4:30 5:45 HBO MAX HBO MAX Poseidon She’s the Man Addiction MAX on Set Mr. & Mrs. Smith 6:00 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:15 MAX 11:10 MAX 11:20 HBO 1:00a MAX 1:30 HBO 2:30 HBO 3:15 MAX Take the Lead Twister Rome The Family Stone Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi The Erotic Traveler The Best of Amy Lynn Baxter The Last Boy Scout Syriana Heartbreak Ridge Wanda Sykes: Sick & Tired Take the Lead The Family Stone HBO SATURDAY NIGHT ADDICTION 7:00P 17 3:30 4:00 6:00 6:15 7:00 8:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:35 HBO 10:45 11:20 11:35 11:50 1:10a HBO 2:00 MAX 2:40 HBO 3:30 MAX Season 1-6a Recap Constantine Life Support Something New Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Batman Begins The Matrix Revolutions Rome Cheaper by the Dozen 2 Rome Entourage V for Vendetta Life Support The Erotic Traveler Real Time With Bill Maher The Erotic Traveler The Erotic Traveler Who’s the Man? Dancing at the Blue Iguana Passenger 57 Commandments The Constant Gardener The Matrix Revolutions HBO DRAMA SERIES TAKE THE LEAD 6:00P MAX MAX HBO MAX The Sopranos ROMESM 7:00P PROGRAM SCHEDULE 19 MONDAY 5:00a HBO Airplane II: The Sequel 5:45 MAX A Sound of Thunder 6:30 HBO What Is Addiction?: Addiction: The Supplementary Series 7:00 7:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 11:00 HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 1:00p HBO MAX 2:00 HBO 2:30 3:45 4:30 6:00 7:00 7:45 8:00 9:05 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 9:35 HBO MAX 10:50 MAX 11:20 MAX 11:35 HBO 1:00a MAX 1:55 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:05 HBO Monster-In-Law The Family Stone HBO First Look 300 You’ve Got Mail The Dukes of Hazzard Take the Lead Hope Floats Costas NOW Duplicates Don’t Tell Mom the Babysitter’s Dead The X-Files Million Dollar Baby The Wedding Date Real Time With Bill Maher The Family Stone Rome MAX on Set Elektra Costas NOW Out for Justice Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Take the Lead The Best Sex Ever Feature Sex Games Cancun King’s Ransom Conspiracy Theory Cadillac Man George Lopez: America’s Mexican Wait Until Dark Cracked Not Broken 20 4:00a HBO 4:30 MAX 5:45 HBO 7:15 MAX 7:30 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:30 HBO 11:10 MAX 11:40 MAX 12:15a HBO 12:45 HBO 1:30 MAX 2:35 HBO 3:30 MAX THE FAMILY STONE 6:00P TUESDAY 21 WEDNESDAY 22 THURSDAY Little Giants Harry Potter & Goblet of Fire Just Friends The Wash Understanding Relapse: 4:30a HBO The Search for Treatment: 4:00a HBO 4:30 MAX 5:15 HBO 5:30 HBO 6:00 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 HBO 12:10p MAX 12:30 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:00 MAX Rover Dangerfield Pee-wee’s Big Adventure The Making of 16 Blocks Transporter 2 Norma Rae Elizabeth I, Part 1 War of the Worlds Elizabeth I, Part 2 The Matrix Revolutions Life Support The Sentinel Costas NOW Curious George War of the Worlds Just Like Heaven MAX on Set Charlie and the Addiction: The Supplementary Series 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 HBO 10:00 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:30 HBO 12:30p MAX 1:00 HBO 1:30 HBO 2:15 MAX 2:30 HBO 5:00 HBO MAX 6:35 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:30 HBO 8:00P MARCH 2007 Poseidon Mr. & Mrs. Smith The Making of Poseidon Addiction Operation Delta Force Dr. Dolittle Major Payne The Tale of Holmes-Cooney Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel Harry Potter & Goblet of Fire Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Poseidon Iraq in Fragments Madagascar HBO First Look Blades of Glory The Sopranos Addiction A Histor y of Violence Real Sports With Bryant Gumbel Behind Bedroom Doors Ricochet The Erotic Traveler The Hamburg Cell A Real Sex Xtra: Pornucopia... Broken Flowers Matchstick Men Fire Down Below MAX Transmission Test A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE A Challenging Journey: Addiction: The Supplementary Series 5:00 HBO MAX 7:00 MAX 7:30 HBO 7:45 HBO 8:35 MAX 9:30 HBO 11:00 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:00p MAX 1:45 HBO 2:00 HBO 2:45 MAX 4:20 MAX 4:30 HBO 6:15 HBO 6:30 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:05 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:20 HBO 12:20a MAX 12:30 HBO 1:00 HBO 1:15 MAX 2:05 HBO 2:35 HBO 2:50 MAX The Island Battlefield Earth House Party 2 HBO First Look Last Mimzy Prime Cinderella Man Walk the Line The Rules of Attraction Kicking & Screaming The Family Stone HBO First Look Last Mimzy The Island Billy Madison Running Scared The Skeleton Key The Sopranos Season 1-6a Recap Addiction Alien Nation Real Time With Bill Maher The Family Stone Rome The Erotic Traveler HBO First Look Last Mimzy Running Scared Syriana The Best of Amy Lynn Baxter Cathouse Season Two Taxicab Confessions: NY, NY Friday the 13th, Part V Russell Simmons/Def Poetry Ghosts of Abu Ghraib Swimming Pool Chocolate Factory 4:15 4:45 5:00 6:15 6:30 8:00 MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 HBO 9:50 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 10:30 HBO 10:50 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:00a HBO MAX 2:35 HBO MAX RUNNING SCARED 4:20P 6:30P Twister The Making of 16 Blocks Transporter 2 Dirty Harry Life Support Big Love The Sentinel Shock Video 2004: Too Hot for the Box HBO First Look Blades of Glory Sex Games Cancun Russell Simmons/Def Poetry The Best Sex Ever TV Junkie The Matrix Revolutions Rome Imagine Me & You Dancing With Danger Trial by Jury Twister LIFE SUPPORT HBO ORIGINAL MOVIE 23 FRIDAY 4:25a HBO 4:30 MAX 5:50 MAX 6:00 HBO Small Time Crooks House on Haunted Hill Jarhead An Interview With Mark Willenbring, MD: Addiction: Supplementary... 6:30 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:30 HBO 10:15 MAX 10:30 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 HBO 12:30p HBO MAX 2:15 2:20 4:00 4:30 6:00 6:15 8:00 9:00 10:00 10:05 10:35 HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO MAX MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX 10:50 HBO 11:20 HBO 12:20a HBO 12:45 MAX 1:15 MAX 1:50 HBO 3:00 MAX 3:05 HBO Forces of Nature Heartbreak Ridge Million Dollar Baby MAX on Set Jarhead Frankie and Johnny HBO First Look Last Mimzy The Love Letter Field of Dreams Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Star Wars: Episode VI The Golden Child V for Vendetta Dr. Dolittle Rome Three Episodes! ATL Jarhead Real Time With Bill Maher Russell Simmons/Def Poetry The Erotic Traveler The Sopranos Recap V for Vendetta Cathouse Season Two Wanda Sykes: Sick & Tired The Blood of Heroes The Best Sex Ever Renegades Dealing Dogs Jarhead The Long Run 24 SATURDAY Stay Tuned Chicken Run Life Support Batman Costas NOW The Producers: The Movie Musical 9:00 HBO A Mother’s Desperation: 5:00a HBO MAX 6:30 HBO MAX 8:00 HBO 8:40 MAX Addiction: The Supplementary Series 12:55p MAX 2:00 HBO 2:30 MAX 3:30 HBO 4:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:45 HBO Kicking & Screaming City Slickers II HBO First Look Blades of Glory Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves Cry Wolf Life Support Out for Justice The Island Two for the Money 16 Blocks Clueless HBO Boxing After Dark 8:00 MAX 9:45 MAX 10:00 HBO 10:20 MAX 11:05 HBO 11:40 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:15a MAX 2:20 HBO 2:55 HBO 3:00 MAX Just My Luck The Erotic Traveler Rome Bikini Cavegirl The Best Sex: A Retrospective The Road Warrior Conspiracy Theory A Sound of Thunder The Chris Rock Show 16 Blocks Just My Luck 9:30 11:00 11:15 11:30 HBO MAX HBO HBO Kessler vs. Andrade HBO SATURDAY NIGHT JARHEAD 8:00P 25 6:00 6:15 7:30 8:00 9:15 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO Villanova-Georgetown NCAA Championship Transporter 2 Drop Dead Fred Uncle Buck Alien Nation HBO First Look The Last Mimzy 9:30 HBO MAX 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:00 HBO 1:20p MAX 2:00 HBO 3:10 MAX 4:30 HBO 5:00 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 8:15 HBO 9:15 HBO 10:00 MAX 11:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:15a HBO 1:35 MAX 2:00 HBO 3:20 MAX Addiction Mr. & Mrs. Smith Real Time With Bill Maher The Family Stone Take the Lead The Sentinel Walk the Line The Last Boy Scout Transporter 2 Billy Madison Rome The Wedding Date Rome Mr. & Mrs. Smith Entourage Two Episodes! Take the Lead The Best of Amy Lynn Baxter The Erotic Traveler Real Time With Bill Maher Running Scared Ricochet The Loss of Sexual Innocence Sliver Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry HBO DRAMA SERIES 16 BLOCKS 6:00P SUNDAY 4:45a HBO The Making of 16 Blocks MAX Madagascar 5:00 HBO Perfect Upset: The 1985 ROME SM 7:00P SEASON FINALE! PROGRAM SCHEDULE 26 MONDAY 4:00a HBO Real Sports/Bryant Gumbel 5:00 HBO An Interview With Michael 5:30 6:15 7:15 8:00 9:00 9:30 10:30 MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 11:00 HBO 11:05 MAX 1:00p MAX 1:15 HBO 2:40 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:15 MAX 4:45 HBO 5:45 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:45 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:45 HBO 11:00 MAX 11:15 HBO 12:15a HBO 12:40 MAX 12:45 HBO 2:10 MAX 2:40 HBO Dennis, Ph.D.: Addiction... We’re Back! Dinosaur’s Story Field of Dreams Just My Luck The Skeleton Key The Avengers Curious George Alien Nation: Body and Soul Getting an Addict Into Treatment: The Craft: Addiction... The New World The Object of My Affection The Thing About My Folks 16 Blocks Weird Science Field of Dreams Elektra Costas NOW Real Time With Bill Maher Just My Luck Rome MAX on Set Cinderella Man The UCLA Dynasty The Wash 16 Blocks Kinky Kong Russell Simmons/Def Poetry Elektra Wanda Sykes: Sick & Tired Cathouse Season Two Crash The Paper Lolita Live From Baghdad 27 4:30a HBO 4:45 MAX 6:00 HBO 6:30 MAX 7:45 HBO 28 WEDNESDAY Addiction Atlantic City Just Like Heaven The Rock HBO First Look 4:00a HBO Forces of Nature 4:30 MAX Sesame Street Presents: Blades of Glory 8:00 8:50 9:30 11:00 12:00 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 12:30p MAX 2:00 HBO 2:05 MAX 3:30 HBO 3:50 5:30 6:00 7:00 8:00 MAX HBO MAX HBO HBO MAX 9:40 HBO 10:00 MAX 10:30 MAX 11:00 MAX 11:10 HBO 12:40a HBO MAX 1:10 MAX 2:20 HBO 3:00 MAX THE UCLA DYNASTY 8:00P TUESDAY Life Support Jarhead Batman Begins Dawg Elizabeth I, Part 1 The Golden Child Little Manhattan Aces: Iron Eagle III The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants Jarhead Life Support Battlefield Earth The Sopranos Just Like Heaven Hope Floats Addiction Sex Games Cancun Bedtime Stories Hard Target TV Junkie Black and White The Erotic Traveler Chelsea Walls Rude Awakening Videodrome 6:00 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 7:30 MAX 8:30 HBO 8:45 HBO 10:10 MAX 10:30 HBO 12:00 MAX 12:30p HBO Addiction: The Supplementary Series 1:00 1:45 3:00 3:30 5:00 5:15 HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO MAX 6:00 HBO 7:45 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:10 HBO 10:15 MAX 11:10 HBO 11:35 MAX 1:00a HBO 1:05 MAX 1:30 HBO 2:50 MAX 3:25 HBO HOPE FLOATS 8:00P Follow That Bird The UCLA Dynasty Going Ape! Transporter 2 Harry Potter & Goblet of Fire HBO First Look Blades of Glory Just Friends She’s the Man Duma The Second Arrival South Boston Drug Court: Elizabeth I, Part 2 Just My Luck Miss Congeniality 2 Major Payne Costas NOW Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Just Friends HBO First Look Blades of Glory Real Time With Bill Maher Just My Luck Rome The Erotic Traveler Costas NOW Witches of Breastwick The Chumscrubber Murder in Mind Russell Simmons/Def Poetry Route 9 Bully The Omega Man She’s the One MARCH/APRIL 2007 29 Once Around Exiled Poseidon Airborne The X-Files The Making of Take the Lead 8:30 HBO Take the Lead 10:00 MAX V for Vendetta 10:30 HBO Star Wars: Episode VI 12:15p MAX 12:45 HBO 1:50 MAX 2:30 HBO 4:00 HBO MAX 5:45 HBO Return of the Jedi Cheaper by the Dozen 2 The Skeleton Key In Her Shoes Life Support Poseidon Mobsters HBO First Look The Last Mimzy 6:00 8:00 9:00 9:35 10:00 MAX HBO HBO MAX HBO MAX HBO 10:30 HBO 10:50 MAX 12:05a HBO 1:00 MAX 1:15 HBO 2:30 MAX 2:55 HBO V for Vendetta Take the Lead Big Love Cheaper by the Dozen 2 The Best Sex: A Retrospective The Best Sex Ever Feature Russell Simmons Presents Def Poetry Life Support The X-Files Rome Freddy’s Dead: The Final Nightmare All Over the Guy Iraq in Fragments Cedric the Entertainer: Taking You Higher 30 4:00a HBO 4:05 MAX 5:30 HBO MAX 7:00 HBO 7:10 MAX 8:00 HBO 9:00 MAX 9:45 HBO FRIDAY 31 SATURDAY Mom and Dad Save the World Second Sight Little Manhattan Clueless The UCLA Dynasty The Sentinel Just Like Heaven The Big Bounce 4:35a MAX 5:00 HBO 6:00 MAX 6:30 HBO 7:45 MAX 8:30 HBO 9:30 HBO MAX 11:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 1:30p MAX 2:15 HBO 3:10 MAX Chicken Run Curious George The In Crowd Take the Lead ATL The UCLA Dynasty Walk the Line Little Big League Extreme Measures Batman Begins King’s Ransom Just Friends Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Take the Lead The Matrix Revolutions Rumor Has It... Rome Slither Batman Begins The Erotic Traveler Naked Encounters Fire Down Below A History of Violence Full Metal Jacket Shattered Image Slither Rumor Has It... The Sopranos Season 1-6a Recap 16 Blocks Son of the Mask Monster-In-Law The Dukes of Hazzard Angel Rodriguez Constantine Prime The Sentinel The UCLA Dynasty 16 Blocks Charlie/Chocolate Factory Rome Twister Real Time With Bill Maher The Sopranos 1-6a/Recap The Erotic Traveler Alien 3 Sexual Boundaries House Party 2 The Ballad of Little Jo Stephen King’s Graveyard Shift 2:15 HBO An Actual Autopsy With Dr. Michael Baden... 3:00 MAX Operation Delta Force 3:15 HBO Switch 10:00 HBO 10:30 MAX 11:45 HBO 12:15p MAX 1:30 HBO 2:00 MAX 3:00 HBO 4:05 MAX 5:00 HBO 6:00 HBO MAX 7:45 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 10:00 HBO MAX 10:15 HBO 10:30 MAX 12:00 MAX 12:10a HBO 1:35 MAX 4:00 HBO 5:45 MAX 6:00 HBO 7:45 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:40 MAX 10:15 MAX 11:25 HBO 11:35 MAX 1:15a HBO MAX 3:00 MAX 3:15 HBO 8:00P CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 SUNDAY 5:00 HBO 6:15 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 MAX 9:00 HBO 9:35 MAX 10:00 HBO 11:00 HBO 11:30 MAX 12:30p HBO 1:00 MAX 2:30 HBO 3:00 MAX 5:00 HBO MAX 6:20 MAX 7:00 HBO 8:00 HBO MAX 8:30 HBO 9:00 HBO 9:45 MAX 10:20 MAX 10:45 HBO 10:50 MAX 11:45 HBO 3:00 HBO TWISTER 8:00P 1 4:40a MAX Return of Maxwell Smart 12:45a MAX 1:20 HBO 2:35 MAX HBO SATURDAY NIGHT JUST MY LUCK 8:00P THURSDAY 4:30a MAX 5:00 HBO 6:30 HBO MAX 8:00 MAX 8:15 HBO HBO SUNDAY NIGHT RUMOR HAS IT... 6:00P (The Nude Bomb) Without Limits Spies Like Us War of the Worlds Cheech & Chong’s Next Movie Costas NOW The 40-Year-Old Virgin Real Time With Bill Maher Life Support Rebound 16 Blocks My Cousin Vinny Cinderella Man Wedding Crashers War of the Worlds Date Movie Tommy Boy Jerr y Seinfeld: The Comedian Award Entourage Stripes Entourage 16 Blocks The Erotic Traveler The Erotic Traveler Real Time With Bill Maher The 40-Year-Old Virgin George A. Romero’s Land of the Dead Next of Kin Quicksand The Bingo Long Traveling All-Stars & Motor Kings Picking Up the Pieces JERRY SEINFELD: 7:00P THE COMEDIAN AWARD PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX A ACES: IRON EAGLE III Louis Gossett Jr. returns to the skies for another mission as a famed fighter pilot in this exciting sequel. Starring Rachel McLish and Paul Freeman. (AL,V) R-1:39. MAX Mar.10,27 CDH AN ACTUAL AUTOPSY WITH DR. MICHAEL BADEN AND A RE-EXAMINATION OF AUTOPSY’S MOST COMPLEX CASES America Undercover Dr. Michael Baden performs an autopsy in this special that will present the graphic, step-by-step procedure. (AC,BN,V) TVMA/V-1:00. HBO Mar.1,30 CSE ADDICTION This film in HBO’s Addiction campaign features insights from experts on trends and treatments in the battle against drug and alcohol abuse. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D1:26. HBO Mar.15,17,20,21,25,27 CE AIRBORNE A Los Angeles surfer dude’s like a fish out of water when he’s sent to live with his aunt and uncle in Ohio. Shane McDermott, Seth Green, Brittney Powell. (MV) PG-1:30. MAX Mar.29 CDEH AIRPLANE II: THE SEQUEL Buckle up for a wild ride to the moon as the first commercial lunar shuttle bumbles its way across the sky in this hilarious comedy sequel. (AC,AL, BN) PG-1:24. HBO Mar.11,19 CEH ALIEN 3 Sigourney Weaver battles another alien predator after her spacecraft crashlands on a remote prison planet. (AC,AL,V) R-1:55. HBO Mar.11,30 CDEH ALIEN NATION An embittered detective is teamed with an extraterrestrial partner in a future Los Angeles. James Caan. (AL,GV) R1:30. MAX Mar.8,13,21,25 CDEH ALIEN NATION: BODY AND SOUL Detectives investigate a girl who may be the result of a devious medical experiment. (AC,AL,V) TVPG/V,L,D-1:30. MAX Mar.6,15,26 SE ALL OVER THE GUY Two men find love with one another, but struggle to overcome their vast differences. Dan Bucatinsky. (AC,AL,BN) R-1:35. HBO Mar.14,29 CDEH ANGEL RODRIGUEZ HBO Original Movie A 30-something social worker tries to help a bright but troubled teenager. Rachel Griffiths, Jonan Everett. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/ V,L-1:26. HBO Mar.5,16,30 CDEH ANOTHER DAY IN PARADISE Four criminal drifters form a makeshift family...until tragedy and strife intervene. James Woods, Melanie Griffith, Vincent Kartheiser. (AC,GL, N,V) R-1:41. MAX Mar.6 CSEH ANTZ An unhappy ant finds the inspiration he’s been searching for in this animated tale. Voices: Dan Aykroyd, Anne Bancroft, Jane Curtin, Danny Glover, Gene Hackman. (MV) PG-1:23. MAX Mar.11 CDEH ATL A street-smart Atlanta youth and his friends face tough decisions and disillusionment as they come of age. Tip Harris, Lauren London. (AC,AL,V) PG131:47. MAX Mar.8,14,23,31 CDEH ATLANTIC CITY The romance between an aging gangster and a young casino dealer plays out against a world of gamblers and mobsters. Burt Lancaster, Susan Sarandon. (AL,N,V) R-1:44. MAX Mar.27 CH THE AVENGERS Snappy adaptation of the British TV show. Ralph Fiennes, Uma Thurman, Sean Connery. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-1:30. MAX Mar.17,26 CDEH B THE BALLAD OF LITTLE JO Wild West rancher Little Jo Monaghan hides her true female identity from the local cowboys in this drama based on a true story. (AC,AL,V) R-2:01. HBO Mar.13,30 CDH BATMAN Michael Keaton is the mysterious crime-fighter of Gotham City who takes on the devious Joker (Jack Nicholson) in this imaginative Tim Burton film. (AL,V) PG132:06. MAX Mar.11,24 CDEH BATMAN BEGINS Christian Bale portrays the crime-fighting Caped Crusader in director Christopher Nolan’s dark re-imagining of the Batman saga. Michael Caine. (V) PG13-2:20. HBO Mar.7,12,15,18,27,31 CDEH BATTLEFIELD EARTH Sci-fi saga based on L. Ron Hubbard’s futuristic novel. John Travolta, Barry Pepper. (AC,AL,V) PG131:59. MAX Mar.2,21,27 CDEH BECAUSE OF WINN-DIXIE A lonely little girl bonds with a friendly stray dog. Jeff Daniels, Cicely Tyson, Dave Matthews, Eva Marie Saint and AnnaSophia Robb star. (MV) PG-1:46. MAX Mar.6 CDEH BEDTIME STORIES Erotic series. 01: Strangers (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:28. MAX Mar.7 CS; 02: Blindfold (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:26. MAX Mar.7,27 CS; 03: First Love (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:28. MAX Mar.13 CS; 04: Another Woman (AC,AL) R-1:20. MAX Mar.8 CS BEFORE SUNSET An American man and a French woman who shared a romantic night are reunited for a day in this sequel to Before Sunrise. Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy. (AC,AL) R-1:20. MAX Mar.8 CDEH BEHIND BEDROOM DOORS A sexy extortionist puts the moves on her wealthy neighbors in this erotic tale. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:28. MAX Mar.16,20 CSE THE BEST OF AMY LYNN BAXTER Gorgeous starlet Amy Lynn Baxter bares it all in this sizzling compilation of scenes. (AC,N,SC) TVMA/S-:55. MAX Mar.2,8,17,21,25 CS THE BEST SEX EVER Erotic series. 03: Seeing Double (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:25. MAX Mar.5 CS; 04: Peeping Thompsons (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:25. MAX Mar.14 CS; 18: Bad Boys (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L:25. MAX Mar.1 CS; 20: Touch Me (AC,N, SC) TVMA/S-:28. MAX Mar.12,22 CS; 21: Lights, Camera, Action (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA:29. MAX Mar.8 CS; 22: Boy Toy (AC,AL, N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:27. MAX Mar.5,23 CS THE BEST SEX EVER FEATURE 08: FANTASY NIGHTS A compilation of scenes from the steamy erotic series. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:14. MAX Mar.19,29 CS THE BIG BOUNCE Owen Wilson is a troubleprone surfer who attracts the attention of a thrill-seeking vixen. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG131:28. MAX Mar.10,30 CDEH BIG LOVE HBO series about a polygamist and his three wives and seven kids. 01: Pilot (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L-:57. HBO Mar.22 C5EH; 02: Viagra Blue (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L-:52. HBO Mar.29 C5EH BIG MOMMA’S HOUSE 2 Big Momma’s back...and she’s bringing down the house in this sequel. Martin Lawrence. (MV) PG13-1:39. HBO Mar.1 C5EH BIG TROUBLE IN LITTLE CHINA Kurt Russell tangles with baddies and beauties in this tale. (AL,V) PG13-1:40. MAX Mar.8 CDH BIKINI CAVEGIRL A prehistoric cavegirl finds pleasure after she is accidentally transported to the future in this erotic tale. Jezebelle Bond, Kennedy Johnston star. (AC,MV,N, SC) TVMA/S-1:15. MAX Mar.4,24 CS BILLY MADISON Lazy 27-year-old Adam Sandler goes back to school with six months to graduate or risk losing the family business. Bridgette Wilson. (AL,MV) PG131:30. MAX Mar.2,6,15,21,25 CSEH BLACK AND WHITE A rookie cop is thrown into the fire right away when he’s partnered with sexy rule-breaker Gina Gershon. (AC, AL,N,V) R-1:37. HBO Mar.27 CSEH BLACK SUN Cinemax Reel Life This film tells the story of French artist Hugues de Montalembert’s difficult yet determined adaptation to living without sight. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-1:10. MAX Mar.3 CS THE BLOOD OF HEROES Rutger Hauer leads a ragtag team that takes on all comers in a brutal sport of the future. (AC,AL,V) R-1:31. HBO Mar.23 CDH BLUE CHIPS A college hoops coach considers resorting to illegal recruiting practices in order to land top players for his school’s team. Nick Nolte stars. (AC,AL) PG13-1:48. MAX Mar.5 CDEH BOFFO! TINSELTOWN’S BOMBS AND BLOCKBUSTERS HBO Documentary Films presents this celebration of the movies— both successes and flops. (AC,AL,BN,V) TVMA/V,L-1:16. HBO Mar.4,7 CSE BOXING Welterweight title fight between champion Miguel Cotto and Oktay Urkal. Plus, see Edison Miranda vs. Allan Green. (AL) TVPG/L-2:27. HBO Mar.3 Ch BOXING Reigning heavyweight champion Wladimir Klitschko defends his title against top-rated contender Ray Austin. (AL) TVPG/L-1:15. HBO Mar.10 CSEh BOXING AFTER DARK Super Middleweight title fight between champion Mikkel Kessler and challenger Librado Andrade. (AL) TVPG/L-2:12. HBO Mar.24 CSE BRICK Hard-boiled 1930s-style detective story set in a contemporary high school. Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Nora Zehetner, Noah Fleiss. (AC,V) R-1:50. MAX Mar.11 CDE BROKEN FLOWERS Bill Murray plays a man trying to find out which of his former lovers sent him an anonymous letter telling him that he has an 18-year-old son. (AC,AL,N) R-1:45. HBO Mar.20 C5EH BULLITT Steve McQueen stars as a San Francisco officer who must unravel the mafia ties behind the shooting of a key witness he was hired to protect in this drama. (AC,V) PG-1:54. MAX Mar.9 CSH BULLY A group of tormented teens take a stand against their evil nemesis in this film. Nick Stahl, Brad Renfro. (GL,GV,N,RP,SC) TVMA-1:53. HBO Mar.9,28 c5eh C CADENCE A rebellious soldier is sent to the stockade, where he locks horns with the sergeant in charge. Martin and Charlie Sheen star. (AL,V) PG13-1:37. MAX Mar.1 CD CADILLAC MAN Robin Williams stars as a car salesman forced to negotiate with a gun-wielding man in this comedy. (AC,AL) R-1:37. MAX Mar.8,19 CDEH CAMELOT King Arthur competes with Sir Lancelot for the heart of the beautiful Guenevere in this musical. Richard Harris stars. G-2:55. MAX Mar.8 CSEH CATHOUSE SEASON TWO 12: “HOT TO TROT” In the Season Two premiere, the girls of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch reminisce as a new wave of girls arrives. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:28. HBO Mar.6 CSE CATHOUSE SEASON TWO 13: “EAGER BEAVERS” Ranch proprietor Dennis Hof provides his newest girls with some tenets of sex salesmanship. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/ S,L-:26. HBO Mar.3,8,13,21,23,26 CSE CEDRIC THE ENTERTAINER: TAKING YOU HIGHER Cedric the Entertainer seizes the spotlight in this comedy show. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:56. HBO Mar.16,29 CDH CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FACTORY Johnny Depp is quirky candyman Willy Wonka in this eye-popping film. (MV) PG1:55. MAX Mar.3,12,18,30 CDEH CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN 2 The Baker clan is back for more family fun in this sequel. Steve Martin, Bonnie Hunt star. (MV) PG1:34. MAX Mar.3,12,18,29 CDEH CHELSEA WALLS Ethan Hawke directed this tale of the quirky artistic characters who inhabit New York City’s Chelsea Hotel. Kris Kristofferson, Robert Sean Leonard. (AC,AL,V) R-1:49. MAX Mar.27 CDE CHERNOBYL HEART America Undercover This documentary looks at the still-lingering impact of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. (AC) TV14/D-:39. HBO Mar.8,10 CSE CHICKEN RUN A chicken goads a cocky rooster into helping her cohorts to fly the coop in this family hit. Voice: Mel Gibson. G-1:24. MAX Mar.14,24,31 CDEH THE CHRIS ROCK SHOW Emmy®-winning comedy/music/talk series. 43: Bernie Mac/ Jill Scott (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:31. HBO Mar.10 CD; 44: Morgan Freeman/Lucy Pearl (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:30. HBO Mar.8,24 CD THE CHUMSCRUBBER A town’s self-involved residents are entangled in each other’s peculiar lives. Glenn Close, Ralph Fiennes. (AC, AL,V) R-1:47. HBO Mar.4,28 C5EH CINDERELLA MAN Russell Crowe soars as Depression-era boxer James J. Braddock. Renee Zellweger, Paul Giamatti. (AL,V) PG13-2:24. MAX Mar.21 CDEH CITY HEAT Clint Eastwood and Burt Reynolds team up in this crime comedy set in the ’30s as cops and private eyes tangle with Prohibition-era mobsters. (AC,AL,V) PG-1:38. MAX Mar.1 CDEH CITY SLICKERS II: THE LEGEND OF CURLY’S GOLD Billy Crystal is back in this sequel as a city dweller who treks across the American West on a gold expedition. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:56. MAX Mar.2,13,24 CDEH CLUELESS Alicia Silverstone stars as a popular high-school teen who turns a new girl into a bombshell. (AC,AL) PG13-1:37. MAX Mar.1,15,24,30 CDEH COLD AROUND THE HEART Betrayal is the name of the game in this riveting film noir. With David Caruso, Kelly Lynch. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:36. MAX Mar.7 CDEH COMMANDMENTS A man challenges God by breaking all ten commandments in this irreverent comedy. Aidan Quinn, Courteney Cox and Anthony LaPaglia star. (AC,AL,V) R-1:28. MAX Mar.18 CSEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX THE CONCORDE–AIRPORT ’79 The fourth Airport movie is an explosive adventure set aboard a Moscow-bound jetliner. George Kennedy, Robert Wagner head up the cast. (AL,MV) PG-1:53. MAX Mar.13 CEH CONSPIRACY THEORY Mel Gibson is a paranoid cabbie who leads skeptical lawyer Julia Roberts on a wild adventure. (AL,V) R2:15. HBO Mar.13,19,24 CDEH THE CONSTANT GARDENER A British diplomat digs for clues into the mysterious murder of the wife he barely knew. Ralph Fiennes and Rachel Weisz star. (AC,AL,N,V) R-2:09. HBO Mar.12,18 C5EH CONSTANTINE Keanu Reeves stars as a chain-smoking anti-hero whose ability to see angels and demons prompts him to fight for his salvation. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-2:01. MAX Mar.1,12,18,30 CDEH A COOL, DRY PLACE A young lawyer on his way up the corporate ladder faces a dilemma. Vince Vaughn, Monica Potter. (AC, AL) PG13-1:39. MAX Mar.5 CDEH COSTAS NOW HBO Sports presents an allnew edition of this acclaimed sports show hosted by Bob Costas. (AL) TVPG/L-:57. HBO Mar.13,15,19,22,24,26,28 C COUNTDOWN TO BARRERA-MARQUEZ A special preview of the March 17, 2007, HBO PPV fight between Marco Antonio Barrera and Juan Manuel Marquez. (AL) TVPG/L-:27. HBO Mar.10,13,15 CSE THE COWBOY WAY Two cowboys head to New York City to find a missing friend. Woody Harrelson, Kiefer Sutherland. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:47. MAX Mar.9 CSEH CRACKED NOT BROKEN A woman making her first faltering steps toward recovery from crack addiction speaks frankly about her life. :52. HBO Mar.19 CSE CRASH The lives of several people with a deadly sexual fetish collide. James Spader, Deborah Kara Unger, Holly Hunter. (AC,AL, N,SC,V) NC17-1:40. MAX Mar.9 CD; (AC,AL,N,SC,V) R-1:30. MAX Mar.26 CD CRY-BABY Baltimore at the dawn of rock’n’-roll is the setting for John Waters’s slick musical satire. Johnny Depp. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:25. MAX Mar.16 CDEH CRY WOLF A twisted game sets into motion a series of brutal murders at a rural prep school. Lindy Booth, Julian Morris and Jared Padalecki star. (AC,AL,SC,V) PG131:30. MAX Mar.6,14,24 CDEH CURIOUS GEORGE Curious George monkeys around New York City in this animated film. Voice: Will Ferrell. G-1:27. HBO Mar.10,13,16,18,22,26,31 C5EH D DANCING AT THE BLUE IGUANA Exotic dancers at a strip club come to terms with their lives and ambitions. (AC,AL,N,V) R2:04. MAX Mar.8,18 CDEH DANCING WITH DANGER A private detective gets involved with a woman who may be connected to several murders. Cheryl Ladd. (AC,V) PG13-1:31. MAX Mar.22 CSE DAWG A heartless womanizer must make amends with a dozen of his past conquests in order to inherit one million dollars. Denis Leary and Elizabeth Hurley star. (AC,AL) R-1:23. MAX Mar.27 CDEH DEALING DOGS An expose of the tainted business of buying and selling dogs to be used for medical research. (AC,AL,V) TVMA/V,L-1:10. HBO Mar.23 CSE THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK This moving drama was nominated for eight 1959 Oscars®, including Best Picture. Millie Perkins stars. TVG-2:30. MAX Mar.8 E DIRTY HARRY Clint Eastwood stars as “Dirty Harry” Callahan, a renegade San Francisco detective who uses any means necessary to catch a crazy killer. (AL,N,V) R-1:43. MAX Mar.16,22 CSEH DIRTY MARY, CRAZY LARRY Peter Fonda and Susan George are fugitives leading a high-speed cross-country chase in a hot rod. (AL,V) PG-1:33. MAX Mar.25 C DO YOU BELIEVE IN MIRACLES? THE STORY OF THE 1980 U.S. HOCKEY TEAM A look at the stunning U.S. victory over the Soviets in hockey during the 1980 Olympics. (AL) TVPG/L-:59. HBO Mar.9 CSE DON’T TELL MOM THE BABYSITTER’S DEAD A teen and her four siblings go wild after their babysitter dies. Christina Applegate. (AL) PG13-1:45. HBO Mar.6,19 CDEH DR. DOLITTLE Animal logic makes a mess out of nutty pet doctor Eddie Murphy in this riotous remake. (AC,AL,BN,MV) PG13-1:26. HBO Mar.1,10,14,18,20,23 CDEH DROP DEAD FRED Phoebe Cates stars as a young divorcee who accidentally reunites with an outrageous imaginary friend! (AC, AL) PG13-1:39. MAX Mar.25 CDH THE DUKES OF HAZZARD Bo and Luke Duke run hog-wild in this adaptation of the hit TV series. Seann William Scott, Johnny Knoxville, Jessica Simpson. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:44. MAX Mar.4,14,19,30 CDEH DUMA A boy and his pet cheetah wind up on an amazing adventure after they get lost in the desert. Alex Michaletos. (MV) PG1:41. HBO Mar.1,4,14,28 C5EH DUPLICATES A couple in mourning over the deaths of their son and the wife’s brother are shocked to find that the pair may still be alive. Gregory Harrison, Kim Greist star. (AC,V) PG13-1:31. MAX Mar.19 CSE E ELEKTRA Jennifer Garner electrifies as a blade-wielding assassin in this thrilling follow-up to Daredevil. (AC,AL,V) PG131:37. MAX Mar.6,17,26 CDEH ELIZABETH I HBO Original Movie Helen Mirren and Jeremy Irons star in this twopart HBO Films miniseries event about Queen Elizabeth I. Widescreen. Part 1: (AC, AL,GV) TVMA/V,L-1:49. HBO Mar.7,12,22,27 CSEH; Part 2: (AC,AL,GV) TVMA/V, L-1:52. HBO Mar.7,13,22,28 CSEH ENTOURAGE HBO’s hit series. Widescreen. 25: Dominated (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:25. HBO Mar.4 CDEH; 26: Guys and Doll (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar. 4 CDEH; 27: Crash and Burn (AC, AL) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar.11 CDEH; 28: Three’s Company (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L:26. HBO Mar.11 CDEH; 29: Strange Days (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:26. HBO Mar.18 CDEH; 30: The Release (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:24. HBO Mar.18 CDEH; 31: Vegas Baby, Vegas! (AC,AL,MV) TVMA/L-:25. HBO Mar.25 CDEH; 32: I Wanna Be Sedated (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-:28. HBO Mar.25 CDEH THE EROTIC TRAVELER Erotic series. 04: Naked Pearls (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L:30. MAX Mar.3 CdH; 05: The Girl From Jimena (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.2,4,6,7,10,18 CdH; 06: Stripped (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.9,11,13,14,17,18 CdH; 07: Carnal Cabaret (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L:30. MAX Mar.16,18,20,21,24 CDh; 08: Baring It in Bali (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S, L-:30. MAX Mar.23,25,27,28,31 CDh; 09: Object of Desire (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.30 CdH ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet star in this acclaimed comedy-drama about a radical memory-erasing procedure. (AC,AL, MV) R-1:48. MAX Mar.7,23 CDEH EVERYTHING IS ILLUMINATED A Jewish youth embarks on an eye-opening trip through the Ukraine. Elijah Wood. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:45. MAX Mar.13 CDEH EVE’S BAYOU Samuel L. Jackson is the head of an affluent family with dark secrets. Jurnee Smollett co-stars. (AC,AL, V) R-1:48. MAX Mar.1 CDEH EVITA Madonna stars as Eva Peron, the Argentinean woman who rose from poverty to power. Antonio Banderas. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-2:15. HBO Mar.2,8 C5H EXILED A disgraced N.Y. cop reassigned to Staten Island takes on a murder case that may help him get back to Manhattan. (AC,V) TV14/V,D-1:28. HBO Mar.9,29 CSEH EXTREME MEASURES Hugh Grant stars as an emergency-room doctor who uncovers illegal experimentation in this thriller. Gene Hackman, Sarah Jessica Parker. (AL,V) R1:58. MAX Mar.2,7,31 CDEH F THE FAMILY STONE A New York City career woman spends Christmas with her boyfriend’s wacky family. Sarah Jessica Parker and Luke Wilson star. (AC,AL) PG131:43. MAX Mar.17,19,21,25 CDEH FIELD OF DREAMS Kevin Costner stars as an Iowa farmer who creates baseball magic in his cornfield in this classic. (AC,AL) PG-1:45. HBO Mar.4,23,26 CDEH FINAL DESTINATION 3 Death makes a bloody date with a group of unlucky teens who escape a fatal roller-coaster crash. (AC, GV,N) R-1:33. HBO Mar.9 C5EH FIRE DOWN BELOW Steven Seagal stars as a soft-spoken marshal with hard-hitting fists in this martial-arts drama. (AC,AL,V) R-1:45. HBO Mar.20,31 CDEH FLIPPER A disgruntled teen is befriended by a lovable dolphin in this splash-happy 1996 film. Elijah Wood and Paul Hogan star. (MV) PG-1:35. HBO Mar.5 C5EH FORCES OF NATURE Fate leads a man on an adventure with a wild young woman. Sandra Bullock, Ben Affleck. (AC,AL,MV) PG131:46. HBO Mar.3,6,23,28 C5EH FOUR SONS A Czech family is torn apart by violence and political conflicts during the rise of Nazi Germany in this hard-hitting drama. (MV) TVPG/V-1:29. MAX Mar.12 FRANKIE AND JOHNNY A greasy New York diner is the setting for romance between a short-order cook and a drab waitress. Al Pacino and Michelle Pfeiffer star. (AC,AL) R-1:58. MAX Mar.23 CDEH FREDDY’S DEAD: THE FINAL NIGHTMARE Freddy Krueger brings murder and mayhem to small towns everywhere in this sixth Nightmare on Elm Street film. (AC, AL,V) R-1:29. MAX Mar.6,29 CDH FRENCH KISS A neurotic American girl hits it off with a suave, handsome French jewel thief. Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline star. (AC, AL) PG13-1:51. HBO Mar.2 C5EH FRIDAY THE 13TH PART V: A NEW BEGINNING A killer in a hockey mask stalks victims in a camp for troubled teens. (AC, AL,GV,N) R-1:32. MAX Mar.21 CEH FRIDAY THE 13TH PART VI: JASON LIVES Long-dead mass murderer Jason Voorhees is jolted back to life in this sequel. (AC,AL, GV) R-1:27. MAX Mar.9,14 CSEH FULL METAL JACKET Stanley Kubrick’s blistering look into the ferocious soul of the Vietnam War. Matthew Modine stars. (AC, AL,GV) R-1:56. HBO Mar.2,31 CEH FUNNY FARM City slicker Chevy Chase moves his family to the country in this comedy. (AL) PG-1:41. MAX Mar.13 CDEH G GEORGE LOPEZ: AMERICA’S MEXICAN Comic George Lopez hits the stage in his first HBO solo stand-up special. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:05. HBO Mar.2,8,14,19 CSh GETTING AN ADDICT INTO TREATMENT: THE CRAFT APPROACH Addiction Supplementary Series The CRAFT method for helping families guide their addicted loved ones into treatment. :20. HBO Mar.26 CSE GHOSTS OF ABU GHRAIB HBO Documentary Films Rory Kennedy takes a disturbing look at the abuses that occurred at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. (AC,AL,N) TVMA/S,L1:18. HBO Mar.6,12,21 CSE THE GIRL GETS MOE Aging mobster Tony Danza falls for a brunette beauty who turns out to be a pistol-packin’ mama. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:42. HBO Mar.6 CDE GOING APE! Tony Danza stands to inherit $5 million–if he can take care of three orangutans for five years. Danny DeVito. (AC,AL) PG-1:27. MAX Mar.28 CE THE GOLDEN CHILD It’s Eddie Murphy to the rescue when Satan kidnaps a Tibetan child destined to save the world. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:33. MAX Mar.3,23,27 CDEH THE GOONIES A gang of imaginative kids discovers an ancient treasure map that leads them on a thrilling adventure. (AL,V) PG-1:54. MAX Mar.2,10 CDEH GUS VAN SANT’S LAST DAYS An insecure rock star’s final moments before suicide are documented. Michael Pitt stars. (AC, AL,BN) R-1:37. MAX Mar.5 CDEH H THE HAMBURG CELL HBO Original Movie Young Islamic men are transformed into Al Qaeda killers. Widescreen. (AC,AL,V) TV14/ V,L,D-1:46. MAX Mar.20 CSEH HARD TARGET Jean-Claude Van Damme goes to war in the Louisiana bayou against a sinister group of hunters. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:36. MAX Mar.2,10,27 CDEH HARRY POTTER AND THE GOBLET OF FIRE The fourth installment in the Harry Potter series. Daniel Radcliffe. (AC,V) PG13-2:37. MAX Mar.4,16,20,28,31 CDEH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX HBO FIRST LOOK Preview. Blades of Glory :13. HBO Mar.20,22,24,27,28 C; The Last Mimzy :13. HBO Mar.8,13,17,21,23,25,29 CS; 300 :13. HBO Mar.1,3,6,9,11,14,19 C HEARTBREAK RIDGE Clint Eastwood is a Marine sergeant whose final tour of duty is to whip a sorry platoon of green recruits into battleworthy shape. (AL,BN,V) R-2:10. MAX Mar.4,12,17,23 CDEH A HISTORY OF VIOLENCE A small-town diner-owner’s dark past is re-awakened in this thriller. Viggo Mortensen, Maria Bello, William Hurt, Ed Harris. (AC,AL,BN,GV) R1:36. MAX Mar.7,11,20,31 CDEH HOPE FLOATS A young woman moves back to her mother’s home with her daughter after being humiliated on national TV. Sandra Bullock. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:54. MAX Mar.1,10,14,19,27 CDEH HOUSE ON HAUNTED HILL Cult 1958 horror film with Vincent Price offering money to any guest who lasts the night in a haunted house. TVG-1:15. MAX Mar.23 C HOUSE PARTY 2 Rap buddies Kid ’N’ Play are back to throw a wild college party. (AC, AL) R-1:34. MAX Mar.3,12,21,30 CDE I IMAGINE ME & YOU A starry-eyed bride finds herself interested in her beautiful female wedding florist. With Piper Perabo, Lena Headey, Matthew Goode. (AC,AL) R1:34. HBO Mar.11,22 C5EH THE IN CROWD A young woman just out of an asylum winds up in the company of a siren with sinister secrets. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-1:45. MAX Mar.31 CDEH IN HER SHOES Two estranged sisters head off in surprising new directions. Cameron Diaz, Toni Collette, Shirley MacLaine. (AC,AL) PG13-2:10. MAX Mar.5,11,29 CDEH THE INDIAN IN THE CUPBOARD A boy discovers his new cupboard has magical powers when a toy Indian comes to life. Hal Scardino, Lindsay Crouse, Litefoot. (AL,MV) PG-1:36. HBO Mar.2,15 CDEH AN INTERVIEW WITH MARK WILLENBRING, M.D. Addiction Supplementary Series A look at the various factors that can lead to alcoholism. :24. HBO Mar.23 CSE AN INTERVIEW WITH MICHAEL DENNIS, PH.D. Addiction Supplementary Series The vulnerability of an adolescent’s brain and the prevalence of co-occurring disorders in teen addiction. :24. HBO Mar.26 CSE IRAQ IN FRAGMENTS Cinemax Reel Life This 2006 Sundance Film Festival winner takes a stunning look at some of the faces of people living in war-torn Iraq. (AC,V) TV14/V,D-1:34. MAX Mar.20,29 CS THE ISLAND Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson star as two clones who escape their doomed existence. (AC,AL,V) PG132:16. HBO Mar.5,9,15,21,24 CDEH J THE JACKET A Gulf War vet finds himself in a terrifying predicament between his past and his future. Adrien Brody stars. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:43. HBO Mar.2 C5EH JARHEAD Boredom drives a Marine sniper to the brink of madness during the Gulf War. Jake Gyllenhaal stars. (AC,GL,SC,V) R2:03. MAX Mar.5,11,23,27 CDEH JOHN CARPENTER’S VAMPIRES A vampire hunter (James Woods) takes on the most powerful bloodsucker in the West! (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:48. HBO Mar.9 CDEH THE JOKER IS WILD This true-life drama of Prohibition-era comedian and entertainer Joe E. Lewis is one of Frank Sinatra’s best roles. (AC) TVPG/D-2:06. MAX Mar.14 CE JUST FRIENDS A handsome music exec relives high-school humiliation. Ryan Reynolds, Amy Smart. (AL,MV) PG13-1:34. HBO Mar.5,9,11,20,28,31 C5EH JUST LIKE HEAVEN Reese Witherspoon and Mark Ruffalo star in this “boy-meetsghost” romantic drama. (AC) PG13-1:35. HBO Mar.4,7,17,22,27,30 C5EH JUST MY LUCK A luck-blessed girl and a luck-deprived guy fall in love–and switch fortunes. Lindsay Lohan stars. (MV) PG131:43. MAX Mar.24,26,28 CDEH K KICKING & SCREAMING A salesman and his father take their rivalry to the soccer field. Will Ferrell, Robert Duvall. (MV) PG-1:35. HBO Mar.5,8,16,21,24 C5EH KINGDOM OF HEAVEN A young knight must lead the Christian army into battle in Ridley Scott’s Crusades epic. Orlando Bloom stars. (GV) R-2:25. HBO Mar.8,16 C5EH KING’S RANSOM A wealthy businessman plots a phony kidnapping scheme. Anthony Anderson and Jay Mohr star. (AC,AL) PG131:38. MAX Mar.6,19,31 CDEH KINKY KONG A producer shoots a sexy film on a fabled island. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/ V,S,L-1:16. MAX Mar.15,26 CSH KINKY SEX CLUB A reservation mix-up at a romantic mansion results in the fulfillment of erotic fantasies for several couples. (AC, AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-1:21. MAX Mar.3 CS L THE LAST BOY SCOUT Gumshoe Bruce Willis teams up with ex-football hero Damon Wayans to find a stripper’s killer. (AL,BN,V) R-1:45. MAX Mar.1,5,17,25 CDE THE LAST MARRIED COUPLE IN AMERICA Divorce among friends leads a happy couple into trouble. Natalie Wood, George Segal. (AL,N) R-1:42. MAX Mar.6 CEH LEGENDARY NIGHTS: THE TALE OF HOLMES - COONEY The 1982 heavyweight fight that pitted Larry Holmes against Gerry Cooney. (AL) TVPG/L-:26. HBO Mar.2,20 CSE LIFE SUPPORT HBO Original Movie Queen Latifah is an HIV-positive woman whose work at an AIDS group helps her atone for the past. Widescreen. (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:28. HBO Mar.10,12,18,22,24,27,29 C5Eh LITTLE BIG LEAGUE A 12-year-old boy gets a grand-slam opportunity to manage the Minnesota Twins when he inherits the team. (AC) PG-1:59. MAX Mar.16,31 CDEH LITTLE GIANTS Pop Warner football rejects led by a girl battle their inept way to gridiron glory. Rick Moranis, Ed O’Neill. (AL, MV) PG-1:46. HBO Mar.3,20 CDEH LITTLE MANHATTAN The Upper West Side is the setting for first love between two fifthgraders. Josh Hutcherson stars. (MV) PG1:30. HBO Mar.4,15,27,30 C5EH A LITTLE ROMANCE Parental disapproval sends two young lovers across Europe in this charming comedy. Laurence Olivier. (AC,AL) PG-1:50. MAX Mar.6 CEH LIVE FROM BAGHDAD HBO Original Movie Michael Keaton and Helena Bonham Carter star in this drama. Widescreen. (AC,GL) TVMA-1:49. HBO Mar.10,26 C5EH LOLITA Stanley Kubrick’s classic about a middle-aged man with a taste for young girls. James Mason, Peter Sellers, Sue Lyon. (AC,AL) TV14/L,D-2:34. MAX Mar.26 C THE LONG RUN A running coach trains a young African woman to run an arduous race. Armin Mueller-Stahl stars. (AC,AL, MV) R-1:52. HBO Mar.12,23 CSEH LONGFORD HBO Original Movie The Earl of Longford and his controversial friendship with a notorious child-killer. Jim Broadbent, Samantha Morton. Widescreen. (AC,AL,BN) TVMA/L-1:33. HBO Mar.8,13 CSEH THE LOSS OF SEXUAL INNOCENCE A man’s erotic history is linked to the primal drama of the Garden of Eden. Julian Sands. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:46. MAX Mar.25 CDE THE LOVE LETTER A passionate letter leads to comic and erotic consequences. Kate Capshaw, Tom Selleck star. (AC,AL) PG131:27. HBO Mar.5,14,23 C5EH M MADAGASCAR The call of the wild gets a quartet of spoiled zoo animals crated off to the jungle in this animated comedy. (MV) PG-1:26. MAX Mar.9,20,25 CDEH MAJOR PAYNE Career military man Damon Wayans takes a civilian job turning clumsy prep-school kids into soldiers. (AL) PG131:37. MAX Mar.3,11,20,28 CSEH MAKING ELIZABETH I Behind the scenes of HBO Films' miniseries Elizabeth I. (AC,AL, MV) TVPG/V,L,D-:14. HBO Mar.13 CSE THE MAKING OF... Previews. Batman Begins Widescreen. (MV) TVPG/V-:13. HBO Mar.8,15 CS; The Island (V) TVPG/V-:13. HBO Mar.9 CSE; Monster-in-Law Widescreen. (AC,AL) TVPG/L,D-:13. HBO Mar.6,11 CSE; The New World Widescreen. (AC,MV) TVPG/V,D-:24. HBO Mar.14 CSE; Poseidon Widescreen. (V) TVPG:13. HBO Mar.1,20 CS; 16 Blocks (AC,V) TVPG-:13. Mar.12,22,25 CS; Syriana (MV) TVPG/V-:13. HBO Mar.6,15 CS; Take the Lead TVG-:13. HBO Mar.16,29 CSE MARTIN LAWRENCE: YOU SO CRAZY An outrageous stand-up show featuring Martin Lawrence. Warning: Adults-only humor! (AC,GL) TVMA/L-1:25. MAX Mar.11 CD MATCHSTICK MEN Nicolas Cage stars as a con artist who meets his 14-year-old daughter for the first time. (AC,AL,V) PG131:56. MAX Mar.16,20 CDEH THE MATRIX REVOLUTIONS Keanu Reeves, Laurence Fishburne and Carrie-Anne Moss star in the third and final chapter of the groundbreaking trilogy. (AC,AL,GV) R-2:09. MAX Mar.2,7,13,18,22,31 CDEH MAX ON SET Previews. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Widescreen. (AC) TVPG/D-:13. MAX Mar.22 CS; Cinderella Man (AC,V) TVPG/V,D-:13. MAX Mar.26 CS; Elektra Widescreen. (V) TVPG/V-:12. MAX Mar.3,19 CS; A History of Violence (V) TVPG/V-:12. MAX Mar.15 CS; Jarhead (AC,AL,V) TVPG/V,L,D-:13. MAX Mar.3,23 CS; Mr. & Mrs. Smith Widescreen. (V) TV14/V-:12. MAX Mar.9,17 CSE; Son of the Mask Widescreen. (AC,MV) TV14/V,D-:14. MAX Mar.1,9 CS MELINDA AND MELINDA Two playwrights create comic and tragic versions of the same story in this Woody Allen film. (AC,AL,SC) PG13-1:39. HBO Mar.15 CEH MEMPHIS BELLE Ten heroic Americans take off in a B-17 “flying fortress” on their final WWII raid over Nazi Germany. Matthew Modine, Eric Stoltz. (AL,MV) PG13-1:47. MAX Mar.12 CDEH MERMAIDS A lovelorn mother moves her two daughters cross-country every time she ends a relationship. Winona Ryder, Cher. (AC) PG13-1:50. MAX Mar.16 CDEH MILLION DOLLAR BABY Clint Eastwood’s 2004 Best Picture Oscar®-winner about a boxing instructor and his trainee. Hilary Swank, Morgan Freeman. (AC,AL,V) PG132:13. HBO Mar.1,13,19,23 C5EH MILLIONS Two hard-luck boys find a bag full of stolen money in this whimsical fantasy. James Nesbitt, Daisy Donovan. (MV) PG-1:39. HBO Mar.2,8,17 C5EH MISS CONGENIALITY 2: ARMED AND FABULOUS Sandra Bullock is back as quirky FBI agent Gracie Hart. (MV) PG131:55. HBO Mar.2,8,14,17,28 C5EH MOBSTERS The early days of Prohibitionera gangsters Lucky Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Bugsy Siegel and Frank Costello. Christian Slater, Patrick Dempsey. (AC,AL, V) R-1:43. MAX Mar.4,13,29 CDEH MOM AND DAD SAVE THE WORLD Comedy about a couple who are kidnapped by a lovestruck intergalactic despot. Jon Lovitz, Dwier Brown, Kathy Ireland star. (AC,AL) PG-1:28. HBO Mar.3,7,30 CDH THE MONEY PIT Tom Hanks and Shelley Long buy a crumbling mansion for a song only to find that repair problems turn their lives into a slapstick nightmare. (AC,AL) PG-1:31. MAX Mar.14 CDEH MONSTER-IN-LAW A girl meets the man of her dreams–and the mother-in-law of her nightmares–in this romantic comedy. Jennifer Lopez, Jane Fonda. (AC,AL,MV) PG13-1:41. HBO Mar.3,6,11,14,19,30 C5EH MOTHER’S BOYS A psychotic mother pops back into her sons’ lives after a long absence. Jamie Lee Curtis stars. (AC,AL, MV,N) R-1:35. HBO Mar.11 CDEH A MOTHER’S DESPERATION Addiction Supplementary Series A woman resorts to desperate measures to save her heroinaddicted daughter. :26. HBO Mar.24 CSE MR. & MRS. SMITH Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie are married assassins who have no clue about each other’s profession—until each is assigned to whack the other! (AC,V) PG132:00. MAX Mar.1,9,14,20,25 CDEH MURDER IN MIND A woman tries to prove that she is not a killer in this gripping suspense-thriller. Nigel Hawthorne, MaryLouise Parker, Jimmy Smits star. (AC,AL, BN,V) R-1:28. MAX Mar.28 CSEH MURDER, INC. Underworld boss Louis Lepke holds 1930s New York in the grip of terror in this 1960 crime classic. Peter Falk, Henry Morgan, May Britt, Simon Oakland. (MV) TVPG/V-1:43. MAX Mar.5 N NAKED ENCOUNTERS A couple’s sexy spy business comes under fire when a client who hired them turns up dead in this salacious suspense film. (AC,AL,N,SC,V) TVMA/V,S,L-1:20. MAX Mar.9,31 CS PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX NATIONAL LAMPOON’S ANIMAL HOUSE Toga! Toga! Toga! John Belushi leads the madcap charge in this comedy classic about the wild antics of a college frat house. (AL,N) R-1:49. MAX Mar.6,17 CEH THE NEW WORLD The tale of Jamestown colonists and the Native American princess Pocahontas. Colin Farrell. (AC,V) PG132:15. HBO Mar.3,8,16,26 C5EH NORMA RAE A young Southern mill worker inspires her co-workers to unionize in this acclaimed film starring Sally Field. (AC,AL, MV) PG-1:55. MAX Mar.22 CEH NUTS Barbra Streisand plays a call girl who refuses to cop an insanity plea after murdering a client. Richard Dreyfuss. (AC, AL,V) R-1:56. MAX Mar.15 CDEH O THE OBJECT OF MY AFFECTION She’s pregnant and straight; he’s single, but gay! Can they be falling in love? Jennifer Aniston and Paul Rudd star. (AC,AL) R1:52. MAX Mar.17,26 CDEH OFF AND RUNNING A Miami Beach “mermaid,” a friendly golf pro and a streetwise kid run for their lives in this comedy/mystery. Cyndi Lauper stars. (AC, AL,MV) PG13-1:31. HBO Mar.1 CDE THE OMEGA MAN Charlton Heston stars as mankind’s last hope after germ warfare spawns a race of man-eating mutants. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG-1:38. MAX Mar.28 C ONCE AROUND A woman must deal with her family after falling for a boorish salesman. Richard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter. (AC,AL) R-1:55. MAX Mar.29 CDEH OPERATION DELTA FORCE Fearless military men face ruthless terrorists in this thriller. With Hal Holbrook and Joe Lara. (AC,AL,V) R-1:33. MAX Mar.20,30 CDEH OUT FOR JUSTICE Steven Seagal is a cop out to avenge his partner’s murder at the hands of a crack-smoking psycho. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:31. MAX Mar.1,9,19,24 CDEH P PANIC A hit man experiences a mid-life crisis. William H. Macy, Neve Campbell. (AC, AL,V) R-1:28. MAX Mar.12 CDEH THE PAPER Michael Keaton stars in this look at a jam-packed day at a city newspaper from director Ron Howard. (AC,AL, MV) R-1:51. HBO Mar.15,26 CDEH PASSENGER 57 A psychotic terrorist hijacks a jumbo jet at 35,000 feet in this action-thriller. Wesley Snipes stars. (AL,V) R-1:24. HBO Mar.1,18 CDEH PEE-WEE’S BIG ADVENTURE Pee-wee Herman searches for his lost bike. Elizabeth Daily, Mark Holton, Diane Salinger, James Brolin. (MV) PG-1:31. MAX Mar.22 CDE THE PERFECT MAN High-school student Hilary Duff concocts the ideal suitor for her perennially lovelorn single mom. Heather Locklear and Chris Noth co-star. (AC) PG-1:41. MAX Mar.2,13 CDEH PERFECT UPSET: THE 1985 VILLANOVA VS. GEORGETOWN NCAA CHAMPIONSHIP A look back at Villanova’s win over Georgetown in the 1985 NCAA college hoops title game. (AL) TVPG/L-:59. HBO Mar.25 CSE POSEIDON A rogue wave turns a luxury ship upside-down in this thrilling remake of The Poseidon Adventure. Kurt Russell, Josh Lucas, Richard Dreyfuss. (MV) PG13-1:38. HBO Mar.3,5,9,11,17,20,29 C5EH PRETTY THINGS This documentary turns the spotlight on long-forgotten queens of burlesque entertainment. (AC,AL,BN) TV14/S,L,D-1:28. HBO Mar.15 CDE PRIME Meryl Streep plays a therapist who discovers that patient Uma Thurman is dating her son. Bryan Greenberg. (AC,AL) PG131:45. HBO Mar.4,8,13,21,30 C5EH THE PRODUCERS: THE MOVIE MUSICAL Mel Brooks’s musical comedy with Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick. (AL,MV) PG13-2:14. MAX Mar.1,14,24 CDEH R RAGTIME James Cagney plays a wily New York City police commissioner in this film based on E.L. Doctorow’s best-seller. With Howard Rollins and Elizabeth McGovern. (AL,N,V) PG-2:35. MAX Mar.18 CE REAL SEX 25 HBO’s got all your sexual bases covered in this sizzling special that includes a visit to an exotic cabaret. (AC, GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:44. HBO Mar.1 CSE REAL SEX PRESENTS THE BEST SEX: A RETROSPECTIVE This collection relives the most erotic, unusual and humorous segments from Real Sex. (AC,GL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:54. HBO Mar.24,29 CSE A REAL SEX XTRA: PORNUCOPIA: GOING DOWN IN THE VALLEY Everything you could ever want to know about same-sex porn is examined in this edition. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. HBO Mar.8,20 CSE REAL SPORTS WITH BRYANT GUMBEL HBO’s sports magazine. 119: (AL) TVPG/L:58. MAX CSE; 120: (AL) TVPG/L-:58. HBO Mar.5,6,8,10,14,18,20,26 CE REAL TIME WITH BILL MAHER HBO’s politically incorrect muse, Bill Maher, hosts this live, cutting-edge talk show. 93: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.2,4,5,7 CS; 94: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.9, 11,12,14 CS; 95: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.16,18,19,21 CS; 96: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.23,25,26,28 C; 97: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.30 CS RED EYE Wes Craven’s high-altitude thriller with Rachel McAdams battling a coldblooded assassin on a red-eye flight. Cillian Murphy co-stars. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:25. HBO Mar.1,7,10,13,15 C5EH RENEGADES An undercover cop and a Native American man partner for revenge. Kiefer Sutherland, Lou Diamond Phillips. (AC, AL,V) R-1:45. MAX Mar.6,23 CDEH RICOCHET Two old enemies battle to the death in this electrifying crime drama starring Denzel Washington. (AC,AL,GV,N) R-1:42. HBO Mar.5,20,25 CDEH THE RING TWO The vengeful ghost of a murdered girl continues to haunt a young reporter and her son in this sequel. Naomi Watts and Simon Baker star. (AL,V) PG131:49. MAX Mar.3,8,16 CDEH THE ROAD WARRIOR Mel Gibson stars in this Mad Max sequel as a loner who stalks Australia’s Outback for fuel after World War III has destroyed most of civilization. (GV, N,RP) R-1:35. MAX Mar.24 CDEH ROBIN HOOD: PRINCE OF THIEVES Kevin Costner plays the legendary outlaw. Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio. (AC,AL,V) PG132:23. HBO Mar.12,20,24 CDEH THE ROCK Sean Connery and Nicolas Cage team up to stop a chemical attack on San Francisco in this action-thriller. (AC,AL,V) R-2:16. MAX Mar.3,9,27 CDEH ROME All-new episodes of HBO’s hit drama series set amidst the Roman Empire. Widescreen. 16: Testudo et Lepus (The Tortoise and the Hare) (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/ V,S,L-:52. HBO Mar.2 C5EH; 17: Heroes of the Republic (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/ V,S,L-:59. HBO Mar.2 C5EH; 18: Philippi (AC,AL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,L-:56. HBO Mar.2,3,4 C5EH; 19: Death Mask (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.4,5,7,8, 9,10,11,23 C5Eh; 20: A Necessary Fiction (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:57. HBO Mar.11, 12,14,15,16,17,18,23 C5Eh; 21: Deus Impeditio Esuritori Nullus (No God Can Stop a Hungry Man) (AC,AL) TVMA/L1:00. HBO Mar.18,19,21,22,23,24,25 C5Eh; 22: De Patre Vostro (About Your Father) (AC,AL) TVMA/L-1:05. HBO Mar.25,26,28,29,30,31 C5Eh ROMEO AND JULIET Franco Zeffirelli’s version of Shakespeare’s immortal love story. Leonard Whiting and Olivia Hussey star. (AC,BN) PG-2:18. MAX Mar.4 C ROUTE 9 A dusty highway detours to danger, double-cross and death in this thriller. (AC,AL,V) R-1:45. MAX Mar.28 CDE ROVER DANGERFIELD Animated comedy featuring the voice of Rodney Dangerfield. G-1:14. HBO Mar.10,22 CDE RUDE AWAKENING Hippie dropouts Eric Roberts and Cheech Marin return to New York to expose a CIA plot in this comedy. (AL,BN,V) R-1:40. HBO Mar.27 S THE RULES OF ATTRACTION A group of students find mutual attraction at a New England college. James Van Der Beek. (AC, AL,N,V) R-1:50. MAX Mar.10,21 CDEH RUMOR HAS IT A journalist unearths an amazing family skeleton: her mother and grandmother may have inspired The Graduate. Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner. (AC, AL) PG13-1:37. HBO Mar.31 C5EH RUNNING SCARED A gangster’s task of ditching guns from a botched drug deal goes awry. Paul Walker. (AC,AL,GV) R-2:02. MAX Mar.2,10,15,21,25 CDEH RUSSELL SIMMONS PRESENTS DEF POETRY Mos Def hosts this hit series that showcases today’s top poets. 40: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:29. HBO Mar.1 CD; 41: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:29. HBO Mar.2,5,7,8 CDH; 42: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:27. HBO Mar.9,12,14, 15 CS; 43: (AC,AL) TVMA/L-:28. HBO Mar.16,19,21,22 CSh; 44: (AC, AL) TVMA/L-:28. HBO Mar.23,26,28,29 CSh S THE SEARCH FOR TREATMENT: A CHALLENGING JOURNEY Addiction Supplementary Series Experts offer advice on treatments for addiction. :21. HBO Mar.21 CSE THE SECOND ARRIVAL A man tries to save Earth from an alien conspiracy in this riveting sequel to The Arrival. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:45. MAX Mar.9,28 CDEH SECOND SIGHT An ex-cop hires a psychic to help run his P.I. agency in this madcap comedy. John Larroquette, Bronson Pinchot. (AL) PG-1:24. MAX Mar.30 CDEH THE SECRET OF MY SUCCESS Michael J. Fox plays an ambitious youth who comes to New York determined to climb to the top of the corporate ladder–any way he can. (AC,AL,BN) PG13-1:50. MAX Mar.15 CDEH THE SENTINEL A secret service agent is framed in a plot to assassinate the president. Michael Douglas, Kiefer Sutherland and Eva Longoria star. (AC,AL,V) PG13-1:48. MAX Mar.10,12,14,22,25,30 CDEH SESAME STREET PRESENTS: FOLLOW THAT BIRD Beloved Big Bird runs away from his foster bird family to go home to his friends on Sesame Street in this classic. G-1:28. MAX Mar.28 CDE SEVEN DAYS IN MAY Air Force General Burt Lancaster plots to overthrow the President and seize control of the U.S. Government. (AC) TVPG/D-1:58. MAX Mar.5 C SEX GAMES CANCUN Erotic series. 10: Wireless (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.22 CSH; 11: Palm Job (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.15 CSH; 12: Phone Tag (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.27 CSH; 13: When Cal Met Mona (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:30. MAX Mar.6,19 CSH SEXUAL BOUNDARIES Two detectives must try to contain their passion for each other while investigating a murder. (AC,AL,MV,N, SC) TVMA/S,L-1:30. MAX Mar.1,11,30 CS SHATTERED IMAGE A woman discovers she has two separate identities in this innovative drama. Anne Parillaud stars. (AC,AL, N,V) R-1:42. MAX Mar.31 CDEH SHE’S THE MAN Teen star Amanda Bynes turns Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night on its ear in this “spunky” (Variety) variation on the gender-bending comedy. (AC,AL) PG131:45. MAX Mar.4,17,28 CDEH SHE’S THE ONE Two very different brothers have one thing in common: their problems with women. Edward Burns, Jennifer Aniston and Cameron Diaz star. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:36. HBO Mar.3,28 CDE SHOCK VIDEO 2004: TOO HOT FOR THE BOX America Undercover This tenth Shock Video uncovers more of the most notorious and naughty television. (AC,AL,N,SC) TVMA/S,L-:44. HBO Mar.22 CSE SHOCKER A serial killer continues his murderous ways from beyond the grave in director Wes Craven’s electrifying horror film. Mitch Pileggi, Michael Murphy, Peter Berg. (AC,AL,GV) R-1:50. MAX Mar.3 CSEH SINK THE BISMARCK! Kenneth More is an Admiralty mastermind who directs the Royal Navy’s desperate attempts to destroy a deadly Nazi battleship in this 1960 sea epic. TVG-1:38. MAX Mar.1 S THE SISTERHOOD OF THE TRAVELING PANTS Four friends circulate a special pair of jeans during a summer apart. Amber Tamblyn. (AC) PG-1:59. HBO Mar.2,14,27 C5EH 16 BLOCKS A burned-out cop’s job of transporting an inmate takes a shocking turn. Bruce Willis, Mos Def. (AC,AL,V) PG131:42. HBO Mar.24,26,30 C5EH SKEETER Giant killer mosquitos plague a small California town in this horror/sci-fi thriller. With Tracy Griffith, Jim Youngs. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:35. HBO Mar.1 CSH THE SKELETON KEY Hoodoo magic haunts a nurse caring for a man in his creepy bayou house. Kate Hudson. (BN,MV) PG131:44. HBO Mar.16,21,26,29 C5EH PROGRAM GUIDE: A-Z THIS MONTH ON HBO AND CINEMAX SLITHER Flesh-eating slugs from outer space lay siege to a small redneck town, turning locals into acid-spewing zombies in this horror-comedy. Nathan Fillion. (AC, AL,V) R-1:36. MAX Mar.31 CDEH SLIVER Career girl Sharon Stone finds that her perfect apartment is home to a hightech peeping tom. William Baldwin. (AC,AL, SC,V) R-1:46. HBO Mar.3,25 CDEH SLUMS OF BEVERLY HILLS A teenage girl deals with her eccentric family’s nomadic lifestyle in 1976 Beverly Hills. Natasha Lyonne, Alan Arkin, Marisa Tomei star. (AC, AL,N) R-1:31. HBO Mar.1 CDEH SMALL TIME CROOKS Woody Allen’s hilarious sendup of new money and old criminal mores. With Tracey Ullman, Hugh Grant. (AC,AL) PG-1:34. HBO Mar.23 CEH SOMETHING NEW A smart, successful black woman struggles with her feelings for a charming, blue-collar white guy. Sanaa Lathan, Simon Baker. (AC,AL) PG13-1:40. HBO Mar.4,7,10,13,18 C5EH SON OF THE MASK A magical mask wreaks havoc on a young man’s life in this sequel to The Mask. Jamie Kennedy. (MV) PG-1:35. MAX Mar.9,17,30 CDEH SONGCATCHER A musicologist fights to preserve the timeless music sung by locals of Appalachia. Janet McTeer, Aidan Quinn. (AC,V) PG13-1:49. MAX Mar.7 CDEH THE SOPRANOS Encore plays of HBO’s hit series that stars James Gandolfini as a stressed-out New Jersey mob boss. 73: Johnny Cakes (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:54. HBO Mar.6 C5EH; 74: The Ride (AC,AL,N,V) TVMA/V,S,L-:54. HBO Mar.13 C5EH; 75: Moe N’ Joe (AC,AL,BN, V) TVMA/V,L-:54. HBO Mar.20 C5EH; 76: Cold Stones (AC,GL,GV,N) TVMA/V,S,LHBO Mar.27 CSEH :56. THE SOPRANOS SEASON 1-6A This retrospective chronicles the events from the previous seasons of HBO’s The Sopranos. :12. HBO Mar.10,15,18,21,23,30 CS A SOUND OF THUNDER Time-travelers accidentally create a rift in the past that results in prehistoric life running amok in the present. Edward Burns. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG131:42. MAX Mar.1,11,19,24 CDEH SOUTH BOSTON DRUG COURT Addiction Supplementary Series A profile of a drug court where repeat, non-violent felons are mandated to receive treatment as an alternative to jail. :25. HBO Mar.28 CSE SPRUNG Hilarious look at dating, mating and the funny games that singles play. Rusty Cundieff directed and stars. (AC,AL) R-1:49. HBO Mar.4 CDH STAR WARS: EPISODE VI–RETURN OF THE JEDI Luke Skywalker leads a last-ditch effort to rid the galaxy of The Empire’s evil domination. Mark Hamill. (AC,V) PG-2:15. HBO Mar.6,11,14,17,23,29 C5EH STAY A psychiatrist begins to experience strange alterations in reality when he takes on a suicidal patient in this mind-bending tale. Ewan McGregor and Naomi Watts star. (AC,AL) R-1:39. MAX Mar.7 CDEH STAY TUNED John Ritter and Pam Dawber star in this comedy about a couple of couch potatoes who get zapped into TV land by a devilish salesman. Jeffrey Jones. (AL) PG1:28. HBO Mar.9,14,24 C5EH STEPHEN KING’S GRAVEYARD SHIFT A bloodthirsty monster lurks beneath the cavernous, rat-infested basement of a textile mill. David Andrews, Kelly Wolf. (AL,GV) R-1:26. MAX Mar.30 CDEH STORM CATCHER Ace pilot Dolph Lundgren finds himself wrongfully accused of a plot to overthrow the U.S. government. (AL,V) R-1:35. MAX Mar.15 CSEH SUNSET GRILL Peter Weller stars in this crime thriller as an alcoholic private eye trying to solve his girlfriend’s murder. (AC, AL,N,V) R-1:44. HBO Mar.14 CDH SUPERCROSS: THE MOVIE Two brothers ride a death-defying road to stardom on the motorbike circuit. Steve Howey. (AC,AL) PG13-1:20. MAX Mar.7 CDEH SWIMMING POOL A blocked female mystery writer finds inspiration–and big trouble–from a sexy young girl. (AC,AL,N,V) R-1:42. MAX Mar.21 CDEH SWITCH A man is barred from Heaven unless he goes back as a female and finds a woman who likes him. Ellen Barkin, Jimmy Smits. (AC,AL) R-1:43. HBO Mar.30 CDEH SYRIANA A searing tale of danger and double-cross set against the explosive backdrop of the international oil industry. George Clooney, Matt Damon. (AC,AL,V) R2:08. HBO Mar.6,17,21 C5EH T TAKE THE LEAD A ballroom-dance instructor takes over detention class in an inner-city high school in this fact-based tale. Antonio Banderas. (MV) PG13-1:57. HBO Mar.17,19,25,29,31 C5EH TALK RADIO The brash host of a radio talk show gives voice to the city’s most crazy, pathetic and violent denizens. Eric Bogosian. (AL,V) R-1:49. MAX Mar.13 CDEH TAXICAB CONFESSIONS: NEW YORK, NEW YORK America Undercover The 11th edition of Taxicab Confessions returns to the Big Apple in this special. (AC,GL,N) TVMA/S,L1:02. HBO Mar.6,10,15,21 CSE THAT THING YOU DO! Tom Hanks directed this story of a small Pennsylvania rock band’s climb to fame. Tom Everett Scott. (AL) PG-1:48. MAX Mar.4 CDEH THE THING ABOUT MY FOLKS A father and son embark upon an emotional road trip in this drama. Paul Reiser, Peter Falk. (AC,AL) PG13-1:38. MAX Mar.26 CDEH TRANSPORTER 2 Driver-for-hire Frank Martin tackles a new job and a new set of villains in this action sequel. Jason Statham stars. (AC,AL,BN,V) PG13-1:28. HBO Mar.10,16,22,25,28 C5EH TRIAL BY JURY An idealistic single mom faces a deadly threat when she agrees to serve as a juror in a powerful gangster’s trial. Joanne Whalley-Kilmer stars. (AC,AL, RP,V) R-1:47. HBO Mar.22 C5EH TV JUNKIE This documentary follows TV journalist Rick Kirkham’s downfall into addiction. 1:27. HBO Mar.22,27 CSE TWISTER Storm-chasing scientists head into the heart of the most lethal tornadoes. Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton star. (V) PG131:53. MAX Mar.4,17,22,30 CDEH TWO FOR THE MONEY Drama set in the big-bucks world of sports gambling. Al Pacino, Matthew McConaughey star. (AC,AL) R-2:03. MAX Mar.8,14,24 CDEH U THE UCLA DYNASTY A look at the UCLA Bruins and their remarkable reign as NCAA basketball champions in the ’60s and ’70s. (AL) :57. HBO Mar.26,28,30,31 CSE UN DIA SIN MEXICANOS (A DAY WITHOUT A MEXICAN) Californians are left to their own devices after all the state’s Latino residents Subtitled. mysteriously disappear. (AC,AL,MV) R-1:36. MAX Mar.7 CD UNCLE BUCK A family emergency leaves lumbering lazybones John Candy to look after three precocious kids. (AC,AL,V) PG1:40. HBO Mar.9,25 CDEH UNCOMMON VALOR Gene Hackman leads a do-or-die rescue mission into Southeast Asia to find his M.I.A. son in this action film. (AL,V) R-1:45. MAX Mar.5,10 CSEH UNDERSTANDING RELAPSE Addiction Supplementary Series Experts explain why relapses into drug addiction are part of the disorder. :27. HBO Mar.20 CSE UNTAMED Susan Hayward and Tyrone Power team up in this sweeping 1955 epic. (MV) TVPG/V-1:51. MAX Mar.2 SE V V FOR VENDETTA A masked avenger plots an explosive revolution in a sadistic future Britain. Natalie Portman. (AC,V) R-2:11. MAX Mar.3,5,7,13,18,23,29 CDEh VIDEODROME A TV executive stumbles upon a strange and violent program of unknown origin. James Woods. (AL,GV,N, RP,SC) R-1:27. MAX Mar.27 CEH W WAIT UNTIL DARK A man is lured away from his apartment so thugs can terrorize his blind wife. Audrey Hepburn, Alan Arkin. (AC,MV) TV14/V,D-1:48. MAX Mar.19 CE WAKING LIFE Animated film about a man who has a series of dreams in which he discusses great philosophical mysteries. (AC, AL) R-1:41. HBO Mar.14 C5EH WALK THE LINE The life of music legend Johnny Cash and his wife. Joaquin Phoenix, Reese Witherspoon star. (AC,AL) PG13-2:16. HBO Mar.7,12,16,21,25,31 C5EH WALKOUT HBO Original Movie True story of a compelling 1968 protest against the injustices of the East L.A. public high-school system. Widescreen. (AC,AL,V) TV14/V,L,D1:51. HBO Mar.1,6,12,16 C5EH WANDA SYKES: SICK & TIRED Wanda Sykes makes her solo HBO debut in this comedy special taped live at the Moore Theatre in Seattle, WA. (AC,AL) TVMA/L:58. HBO Mar.17,23,26 CSH WAR OF THE WORLDS Tom Cruise stars in Steven Spielberg’s thrilling adaptation of H.G. Wells’s tale about an alien civilization’s hostile attack on planet Earth. (AC,V) PG131:57. MAX Mar.10,18,22 CDEH THE WASH Rappers Dr. Dre and Snoop Dogg play roommates who find themselves at odds after they begin working together in this raucous comedy. (AC,AL,BN,V) R-1:37. MAX Mar.5,10,16,20,26 CDEH THE WEDDING DATE A young woman hires a debonair male escort to attend a wedding in this romantic comedy. Debra Messing, Dermot Mulroney. (BN) PG131:29. MAX Mar.10,19,25 CDEH WEIRD SCIENCE Two teens use computer wizardry to create a goddess. Anthony Michael Hall, Kelly LeBrock star. (AC,AL) PG13-1:33. MAX Mar.8,26 CDEH WE’RE BACK! A DINOSAUR’S STORY Four friendly dinosaurs go from the Prehistoric Age to modern Manhattan in this animated film. G-1:11. MAX Mar.15,26 CDEH WHAT IS ADDICTION? Addiction Supplementary Series Dr. Nora Volkow discusses addiction as a brain disease with addicts and their families. :22. HBO Mar.19 CSE WHITE PALACE The relationship between a young man and a middle-aged waitress is put to the test. Susan Sarandon, James Spader. (AC,AL) R-1:43. MAX Mar.15 CDEH WHO’S THE MAN? Doctor Dre and Ed Lover star as barbers-turned-cops in a drugladen Harlem hood in this comedy. (AC, AL,V) R-1:29. HBO Mar.5,18 CDH THE WILD BUNCH Uncut version of Sam Peckinpah’s controversial western about a band of aging outlaws. William Holden. (AL,GV,N) R-2:25. MAX Mar.15 CSH THE WITCHES OF BREASTWICK An ancient curse leads a happily married guy into a deadly house of seduction occupied by a trio of lusty witches. (AC,MV,N,SC) TVMA/S1:18. MAX Mar.6,12,28 CSH X THE X-FILES Mulder and Scully find themselves on a crash course with alien conspiracies. David Duchovny. (AC,AL,V) PG132:02. MAX Mar.9,19,29 CDEH Y YOU’VE GOT MAIL Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan are rival bookstore owners who fall in love via their anonymous cyberchat! Parker Posey and Jean Stapleton co-star. (AC) PG2:00. HBO Mar.3,9,15,19 CDEH PLEASE NOTE: We now use the following new TV Parental Guidelines. We hope that, used in conjunction with our usual content advisories, they will help you make more informed viewing decisions. Appropriate for all children TVY TVY7 Directed to older children For General audiences TVG TVPG Parental guidance suggested TV14 Parental guidance strongly suggested TVMA Mature audiences only Below is a detailed list of content advisories for our programs to help you make more informed viewing decisions for you and your family. They also appear on HBO at the start of each program. AC Adult content BN Brief nudity AL Adult language N Nudity GL Graphic language SC Strong sexual content MV Mild violence V Violence RP Rape GV Graphic Violence C indicates closed-captioned programs. Special decoder needed. s indicates programs in stereo, where available. d indicates programs with Dolby Surround Encoding, where available. Registered TM of Dolby Laboratories. Used with permission. E indica programas en español, donde fuesen disponibles. h indicates high definition (HD) version will air on HD feed, where available. In homes using HD feed, E function is not accessible. 5 indicates programs in Dolby Digital 5.1, where available. © 2007 Home Box Office, Inc. All rights reserved. HBO®, Cinemax®, MAX®, America Undercover®, World Championship Boxing®, Boxing After Dark®, The Sopranos®, Real Sports With Bryant GumbelSM, Real Time with Bill MaherSM, RomeSM, HBO FilmsSM, Costas NOWSM, Big LoveSM, EntourageSM and HBO Documentary FilmsSM are service marks of Home Box Office, Inc. Oscar and the Academy Award are registered trademarks and service marks of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Exclusive titles are exclusive on national pay cable to HBO during the term of their license. HBO reserves the right to make a schedule change or program substitution without notice. Batman Begins™ & ©2005 DC COMICS INC. All Rights Reserved. Harry Potter © 2005 Warner Bros. 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