Spring Studio 2016


Spring Studio 2016
Spring Studio Art 2016
Artwork By: Nancy Jefferson
Cultivating Creativity
Artwork By: Nina Freeman
Artwork By: Deborah Van Stratum
Get Inspired
LeMoyne’s Spring Studio Art course catalog offers you a variety of exciting courses in the visual arts. Classes begin the
week of March 21, and vary in length and time depending
on the course. Limited space is available and enrollment is
on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes are small to ensure
one-on-one instruction. Register early to ensure a space!
Artwork By: Joe Roache
General Information
One of the best ways to get involved
at LeMoyne is to VOLUNTEER!
Whether you are a high school student looking to get hours for college
scholarships, a recent retiree looking for a way to get involved in the
community, or if you simply want to
further the cause for art education,
LeMoyne is your place! Please email
[email protected] for more information about volunteer opportunities within the Education Department.
If you are interested in volunteering
with other departments of LeMoyne
We invite you to become a member please contact our Volunteer Coorof LeMoyne and to participate in our dinator at [email protected].
many activities. LeMoyne is maintained in part through its membership program. As a member, you can
register early for studio art courses. In
addition, you have the opportunity to
take art courses at reduced costs, send
your children to Summer Art Camp Art for All, LeMoyne’s scholarship
or Teen Foundations for a lower fee,
program, seeks to make studio art
receive discounts in our gallery shop, and Art Camp experiences availand visit all gallery exhibitions and able to interested students who
our garden free of charge. You will
demonstrate financial need. For a
automatically receive notification of
scholarship application form or to
class catalogs, exhibition announcements, our monthly newsletter, and donate to the Art for All program,
call (850) 222-7622.
notices of openings and special events.
Classes specifically labeled for kids and
teens include the cost of all materials unless otherwise stated. Students
in adult studio art courses will be
provided with a materials list via
email prior to the first class meeting
or at the first class meeting, depending on the course. Please do not buy
materials until you have received
confirmation that you are officially
enrolled and that your class has filled.
Become a Member
Art for All
125 N. Gadsden Street
Membership dues
Senior Family
$30 Individual Senior
Phone #
LeMoyne is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit organization.
LeMoyne Center for the Visual Arts
We are delivering art activities and
demonstrations for groups of 15
children or more. That’s right, we
will bring the art to you! This is a
great idea for schools, day-cares, and
home-school groups as well as afterschool programs. We can tailor the
activity to the needs and wants of the
group. Choose from painting, drawing, collage, clay, and more. Prices
vary depending on the activity and
details. For more information contact us at 850.222.7622.
Birthday Parties!
Looking for a creative, unique way
to celebrate your child’s birthday this
year? LeMoyne is a great place for
creative, imaginative children (ages
6-12) to have their birthday parties!
Parties are designed to be fun, inspiring, and memorable for children who
love painting, drawing, and crafting.
This is a great way for your child to
share their love of art with all their
friends! Prices vary depending on the
activity and size of the party. Call
850.222.7622 or visit our website at
www.lemoyne.org for more details.
Tallahassee, FL 32301
YES! I want to BECOME A MEMBER of LeMoyne.
I want to be a LeMoyne VOLUNTEER. Contact me soon.
Please contact me about Planned Gifts (Will, Bequest, Trusts, Estate Plans).
I have already remembered LeMoyne in my Will or Trust.
Payment Information
Amount $
Spring 2016, 3/21-5/16
Drawing & Painting
Watercolors with Nina
Instructor, Nina Allen Freeman
Beginning Drawing
Instructor, Joe Roache
Mondays, 6-8 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/21-5/09, Studio D2
$125 Members, $135 Non-Members
This basic drawing class will provide
hands—on instruction in drawing, from
basic sketching through finished drawings and portrait sketches. Students will
have an opportunity to sample pencil,
charcoal, pastel, and color pencil mediums. The class will use still life, live portrait models, and photographs.
Life drawing
Instructor, Joe Roache
Thursday, 6-8 p.m.
6 weeks; 3/24-5/12, Studio D2
$145 Members, $155 Non-Members
In this class students will learn how to
draw the figure by exploring techniques
such as blocking in using basic geometry, finding proportional measurements,
shading and gesture drawing. We will
work with various drawing tools from
markers to graphite pencils; and will use
newsprint paper, basic white drawing paper, and colored charcoal or pastel paper.
This class is a preparatory class for Life
Drawing mediums. All skill levels are
Cartooning 101
Instructor, Brandon Wiggins
Thursdays, 6-8 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/24-5/12, Studio A
$125 Members, $135 Non-Members
If you have ever wanted to learn the basics of cartooning and animation, this
is the class for you! This class will break
down the techniques and tricks that are
currently being used in animation. Over
the weeks we’ll dig into our purpose for
Beginning Watercolor
Instructor, Deborah Van Stratum
Thursday, 6-8 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/24-5/12, Studio B
$125 Members, $135 Non-Members
This is a watercolor class for true beginners! From color theory to brush techniques, we’ll make sure you have fundamental tools to enjoy watercolors for years
to come. Students can work from subject
matter such as still life, landscape, florals,
abstraction, or anything else that you want
to try. No previous painting experience
required for this class.
Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 noon
8 weeks; 3/22-5/10, Studio A
$125 Members, $135 Non-Members
This is a watercolor class for beginning
and intermediate painters. You will learn
all the fun things you can do with watercolor including: color theory, texture and
brush techniques. Students will work on
their own projects from photographs,
still life, florals, or abstraction in any style
they choose.
16th Annual
LeMoyne Chain of Parks Art Festival Saturday & Sunday, April 16-17
10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Downtown Chain
of Parks in Tallahassee, Florida.
Basic Acrylics
Instructor, Joe Roache
Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/23-5/11, Studio D2
$125 Members, $135 Non-Members
Beginning students will learn the basics
of acrylic painting and more advanced
students will be encouraged to work
more independently, with feedback from
the instructor. Participants learn about
color theory, composition, glazing, and
other painting techniques. Students may
work from photographs, master paintings, or create their own abstract design
New Fluid Acrylic
Instructor, Nina Freeman
Mondays, 10:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/21-5/09, Studio A
$125 Members, $135 Non-Members
The basics of working with fluid acrylic
paint and acrylic ink on paper will be
taught through weekly demonstrations
of many techniques. All skill levels are
welcome. Students will paint their own
subjects in their own style with individual help as needed. Experimentation is
2016 Cover Artist
Tally Town by Jenny Odom
Masters in
the Making
Do you remember meeting
Jacques Le Moyne last year?
Well this year he is going to
have his own 1560s encampment! Stop by the Jacques Le
Moyne encampment to learn
more about his adventures
being the first European artist
to sketch Florida!
LeMoyne Center for the Visual Arts
Ceramics & Workshops
Exploring Ceramics
Instructor, Nancy Jefferson
The cost of course includes tools, equipment,
and firings. Clay must be purchased by students from LeMoyne. For most classes you
will only need to purchase one bag of clay at
$23 a bag (more clay is available for students
to purchase as needed). Ceramics classes (unless otherwise noted) are held in the Ceramics Studio located beneath the Gallery at 125
N. Gadsden Street.
Open Studio: Ceramics
Mondays & Wednesdays, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m.,
8 weeks; 3/21-5/09, Ceramics Studio
$75 Member; $85 Non-Member
Tuesdays & Thursdays, 12:30-4 p.m.,
8 weeks; 3/22-5/10, Ceramics Studio
$75 Member; $85 Non-Member
Need more time to work on your clay
pieces? Join us and exchange creativity.
Please note there are TWO separate offerings of this class at different times. Make
sure to note which class time you are interested in on your registration form.
Beginners Wheel Throwing
Instructor, David Wray
Mondays, 6-8 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/21-5/16, Ceramics Studio
$100 Members, $110 Non-Members
Wednesdays, 6-8 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/23-5/11, Ceramics Studio
$100 Members, $110 Non-Members
This is a ceramics course for the true beginner! Students will learn to throw basic
forms: a cylinder, bowl, mug, and plate.
Basic glazing techniques will also be
taught. All work will be high-fired and
ready for use. Please note there are TWO
separate offerings of this class at different
times. Make sure to note which class time
you are interested in on your registration
Wheel Throwing with Nancy
Instructor, Nancy Jefferson
Saturdays, 12:30-2:30 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/26-5/14, Ceramics Studio
$110 Members, $120 Non-Members
Come spend Saturdays this winter learning to throw on the wheel. Whether
left or right handed, you will learn the
basics of cylinders, vases, pitchers, mugs
and bowls. Students of all levels are welcomed, as everything from basic cylinders to advanced forms can be taught.
Tuesdays, 10 a.m. - 12 noon
8 weeks; 3/22-5/10, Ceramics Studio
Wednesdays, 1:30-3:30 p.m.
8 weeks; 3/23-5/11, Ceramics Studio
$115 Members, $125 Non-Members
In this class you will learn how to
manipulate and hand-form functional and decorative ceramic art
pieces. Projects to be explored include: lamps, casserole and pie
Spring Break Camp
Instructors: Kylie Nerney
Monday-Friday; 3/14-18
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
$ 125 Members, $140 Non-Members
Take a week to explore the wonderful world celebration of the Diwali
Festival. In conjunction with our
Summer Camp Theme “Festivals
Around the World” for a week you
Mixed Media
will learn the culture and meaning
Batik with Watercolor
behind the Diwali Festival in India.
Instructor, Deborah Van Stratum
At the end of the week, we will have
Saturday, April 23
10 a.m. - 4 p.m., Studio B
a special Diwali Festival celebration.
$40 Members, $50 Non-Members
Students will rotate through four
This workshop will focus on the process
based on the ancient art of batik. We will different classes throughout the day,
use watercolor, ginwashi paper and hot with a break between each. Perfect
wax to create a beautiful 6” x 6” work of
art. All materials provided with a material fee of $10.
Dying on Silk Scarves
Instructor, Deborah Van Stratum
Saturday, April 30
10 a.m. - 3 p.m., Studio B
$40 Members, $50 Non-Members
You will learn three silk dying methods on each of three 6” x 24” silk
scarfs. You then will choose your
favorite method to create a 8” x 70”
silk scarf. The three methods you will
learn include: low water immersion
dying, short pole winding and clamp
resist (itajime). Material fee of $20.
Digital Arts
Digital Camera Basics
Instructor, Charles Badland
Wednesdays, 7-9 p.m.
4 weeks, 3/23-4/13, Studio A
$90 Members, $100 Non-Members
I bought this fancy digital camera…
now what? This popular class will help
you make the most of your technological investment! Charles will teach fundamentals of digital picture taking: image
quality, pixel resolution, exposure settings, color balance, and editing. Explore
ways to take more inspired and beautiful
photographs. Students should have basic computer skills, access to a Win XP,
Vista or Mac and willingness to pursue
the camera’s manual. Please bring your
camera and manual to class.
Students will need to bring their
lunch, two snacks, and a water bottle.
Spring Camp
8:30-9:00 Early Drop Off
9:00-10:35 Class
10:30-10:45 Snack
10:45-12:00 Class
12:00-12:30 Lunch
12:30-1:30 Free Time
1:30-2:45 Class
2:45-3:00 Snack
3:00-4:00 Class
4:00-4:30 Pick Up
Young Artist Classes
Middle & High School
Art Explorations
Instructor, Kylie Nerney
3rd Saturday of the Month
10:30 a.m.-12 p.m.
Every third Saturday of the month,
10:30 am -12:00 noon, children ages
3-5 are welcome to come have fun
making art. Each class has new and
exciting projects. Parents are encouraged to stay and participate in the fun
too! Donations not required, but are
greatly appreciated.
Reading in the Gallery
Instructor, Kylie Nerney
3rd Monday of the Month
10:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Each class will run from 10:30-11:30
a.m. and will include a reading and an
art activity. Every month will have different readings and art activities, and
parents are encouraged to stay with
us to join in the fun. We welcome
all preschool children who love art to
come join us for a fun-filled morning!
terScho o l Ar tTuesday
Drawing to Painting
Instructor, Kylie Nerney
Thursdays, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
8 weeks, 1/12-3/1, Studio D2
$100 Members, $115 Non-Members
This class will focus on the fundamentals
of drawing and painting as well as some
mixed media/collage and a combination
of techniques to create multi-media artwork. Students will work in the 2D with
a range of materials, including watercolor, graphite, charcoal, and oil pastels.
This class is designed for students of all
Block printing
Instructor, Jade Douso
Tuesdays, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
4 weeks, 3/22-5/17, Studio D
$100 Members, $115 Non-Members
In this class students will carve their own
design into a block and learn how to apply that as a print to paper and other
substrates. Students will also learn one
other print making technique. Making
your own prints is getting very popular for young people. So come spend 4
weeks with us and try it out!
Drawing & Painting
Mixed Media
Instructor, Alexandra Ifland
Wednesdays, 4-6 p.m.
8 weeks, 1/13-3/2, Studio B
$75 Members,
$95 Non-Members
This class will explore various drawing and painting
techniques. Students will
be gradually introduced to
the fundamentals of composition. Mediums that
will be used by the students
will include, but not be
limited to: graphite pencil,
charcoal, ink, watercolor,
acrylic, and oil paint.
Students will learn to incorporate various mediums in their
work, combining traditional
methods and new techniques.
Throughout the session students will work with: watercolors, oil pastels, magazines,
inks, various papers, and so
much more!
Instructor, Danielle Henn
Thursdays, 4-6 p.m.
8 weeks,1/14-3/3, Studio B
$75 Members,
$95 Non-Members
Students ages 6-12 will receive individual guidance in making projects of their own interest
and ability level. Drop off as early as 3:30. The cost of the class includes all materials.
Summer Art Camp
This summer at LeMoyne we are taking arty parties to a whole new level! Join us as
we explore major festivals from around the globe and experience the art, culture, and
vibrancy that makes each one unique.
Reveillon (Brazil)
**Session 1: May 31 - June 3
White Nights Festival (Russia)
Session 2: June 6 - June 17
Holi Festival (India)
Albuquerque International
Balloon Festival (USA)
**Session 4: July 5 - 8
Pingxi Lantern Festival (Taiwan)
Carnevale (Italy)
Session 6: July 25 - August 5
Lunar New Year (China)
Session 7: August 8 - August 19
Session 5: July 11 - July 22
Session 3: June 20 - July 1
Each session this summer we will explore a different festival - the culture, the people, the art, and the country. We will explore the traditions of Brazil's REVEILLON (5/31-6/3), experience the culture of Russia's
White Nights Festival (6/6-6/17), discover all the colors of India's Holi Festival (6/20-7/1),
float away to the US Albuquerque International Balloon Festival (7/5-7/8), light
our way to Taiwan's Pingxi Lantern Festival (7/11-7/22), embark on a masked journey to Italy's
Carnevale (7/25-8/5), and end our summer with the good fortune of China's Lunar New Year
Camp is available for students grades K-7th, ages 6-12. Each group will rotate through four classes every
day: Decorative Arts, 2-D Arts, 3-D Arts, and Ceramics. The final day of each session, friends and family
are invited to join us for an ARTY PARTY from 12:30-1:30 p.m. to view art created by their camper. Each
session of camp is two weeks unless otherwise noted. Students can register for half-day or half-session,
please call 850.222.7622 for more information. Registration starts MARCH 1, 2016; be sure to call ahead
and reserve a space!
Summer Camp Daily Schedule
Full Session:
$350 Members, $390 Non-Members
1/2 Day (2 wks) OR 1/2 Session (1 wk):
$175 Members, $195 Non-Members
**4 Day Session (#1 & #4):
$140 Members, $160 Non-Members
7:45-8:30 a.m.
Early Drop-Off
8:45-10:15 a.m.
Period 1
10:15-10:30 a.m.
Snack & Rotate
10:30-12:00 p.m.
12:00-1:30 p.m.
1:30-1:45 p.m.
1:45-3:15 p.m.
Period 2
Lunch & Free Time
Clean Up
Period 3
Register online or contact us for more information!
417 East Call Street
Tallahassee, Fl 32301
850.224.2714 (fax)
[email protected]
Teen Foundations
This summer, immerse yourself in art!
LeMoyne’s Teen Foundations program is a great environment for teens to discover their personal style.
For years, serious teenage art students have used this
program to prepare for art school or college art programs. Students will have the opportunity to take
classes in Design & Mixed Media, Advanced Topics (each session will have a different class - Stained
Glass, Photography, Art Appreciation, etc.), Pottery
& Sculpture, and Drawing & Painting.
Teen Foundations is comprised of five two-week sessions. Courses may be taken half-day (a.m. or p.m.)
or by full session. Each course meets Monday - Friday. Classes are small, never more than 10 students
to 1 instructor. Register early to reserve your space!
Masters of Renaissance and Baroque
6/6 - 6/17 Students will study the master works, styles, and
artistic practices of: Albrecht Dürer and Johannes Vermeer.
Romantic and Neoclassical Leaders
6/20 - 7/1 Students will study the master works, styles, and
artistic practices of: J.M.W. Turner and Antonio Canova.
Visionaries of Impressionism & Post-Impressionism
7/11 - 7/22 Students will study the master works, styles,
and artistic practices of: Claude Monet and Georges Seurat.
Marvels of Art Nouveau
7/25 - 8/5 Students will study the master works, styles, and
artistic practices of: Gustav Klimt and Alphonse Mucha.
Contemporary Classics
8/8 - 8/19 Students will study the master works, styles, and
artistic practices of: Frank Stella and Takashi Murakami.
Full Session:
$350 Members, $390 Non-Members
1/2 Day (2 wks) or 1/2 Session (1 wk*):
$175 Members, $195 Non-Members
Daily Schedule
8:30 a.m.
9:00-10:30 a.m.
Design & Mixed Media
10:45-12:15 p.m. Advanced Topics
12:30-1:00 p.m.
1:15-3:15 p.m.
Pottery/ Sculpture
3:30-5:00 p.m.
Drawing & Painting
5:00-5:30 p.m.
General Information
LeMoyne's Art Education Department is staffed with a diverse
range of advanced level art education students and established
artists and teachers. Background checks ensure the safety and
security of your child.
Volunteer opportunities
Volunteer opportunities are available to high school students.
Volunteer duties include assistance with prepping activities,
classroom assistance, and administrative assistance. For more
information contact (850) 222-7622 or education@lemoyne.
There are several different ways to register. Parents can mail in Scholarship Information
the registration form to 417 East Call Street, email the form to Art for All, LeMoyne’s scholarship program, seeks to make
[email protected], fax to 850.224.2714, or registration studio art and ArtCamp experiences available to interested
can be done over the phone at 850.222.7622.
students who demonstrate financial need. For a scholarship
application form or to donate to the Art for All program, conPayment
A deposit of $100 is required for full-day camps, and $50 for tact (850) 222-7622.
half-day camps. Full fee payment is required two weeks in ad- Join LeMoyne
vance of camp. Tuition is non-refundable, except in the case of Join LeMoyne or renew your membership to receive yearprograms canceled by LeMoyne.
round discounts on classes, invitations to exhibit openings,
LeMoyne’s quarterly newsletter and a 10% discount on purDiscounts are available to LeMoyne members. A 10% sibling chases over $25 (for members at the Patron level and above).
discount is offered for the younger child (or least expensive pro- For more information about membership or sponsorship,
please contact LeMoyne at (850) 222-8800.
US Postage
Tallahassee, FL
Permit #31
Education Center
125 N. Gadsden Street
Tallahassee, Florida 32301
LeMoyne is going
In order to help save
our environment,
LeMoyne will be
switching to email
notifications only.
Please email us at
org and we will add you
to our list!
[email protected]
Gallery Dates
March 24
April 21
May 19
June 16
July 21
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Conversation in a Rose
Garden, 1876
Katsushika Hokusai
The Wave, 1829-32
Pablo Picasso
Edouard Manet
Seascape at Arachon,
Vincent Van Gogh,
A Wheatfield with Cypresses, 1889
Jacqueline with Flowers,
Ever wanted to paint like the masters? Here’s your chance! Each month at LeMoyne we will focus on a particular
artist and a selected piece from their body of work. Instructor Karen Mercer will give a brief talk about the artist
and how they approached the canvas. Then students will be led as they experience recreating these famous works in a
similar manner. Each session will meet from 6:00-8:30 p.m. giving students enough time to complete their very own
masterpiece. Each art adventure is $35 for LeMoyne Members and $45 for Non-Members. The price of the workshop
includes all materials (canvas, paint, brushes, etc.). Students are encouraged to bring any drinks and refreshments,
and LeMoyne will provide cups, napkins, and small plates. Art adventures are available for private parties and special
groups upon request. Register early as space is limited to 20 seats per month (minimum of six people required).