June 26, 2016 13th Sunday in ordinary time
June 26, 2016 13th Sunday in ordinary time
St. Patrick Church 1807 Poplar St. Terre Haute, IN 47803 (812) 232-8518 www.saintpat.org St. Margaret Mary Church 2405 So. 7th St. Terre Haute, IN 47802 Phone: (812)232-3512 www.smmth.org Mass Schedule: Sunday 9:00am Mass Schedules at St. Margaret Mary: Tuesday 8:15am Wednesday 8:15am Saturday 4:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.—Spanish Mass Saturday 6:00 Reconciliation: Thursday & Friday 9:00 a.m., except third Thursday, Mass at 11:00am Saturday 7:15-7:45pm Sunday 8-8:30am or by Reconciliation Saturday at 2:30 p.m. or by appointment appointment Communion Service: Monday-Friday, 7:15 am June 26, 2016 13th Sunday in ordinary time Staff information: St. Margaret Mary and St. Patrick Fr. Rick Ginther, Pastor, [email protected] (or) [email protected] Deacon Mike Stratman, [email protected] Brittany Detamore, Business Manager, [email protected] Donna McDaniel, Director of Liturgical Music, [email protected] (or) [email protected] Donna Wenstrup, Director of Religious Education, [email protected] (or) [email protected] Tom Gattuso, High School Youth Ministry, [email protected] (and) Augusta McMonigal, [email protected] St. Margaret Mary Jerry Moorman, Pastoral Associate, [email protected] Melissa Coad, Parish Secretary, [email protected] St. Patrick Malia Mohan, Parish Secretary, [email protected] Linnea Friesen: St. Patrick Soup Kitchen Director, [email protected] Betty Kapellush: Sick/Shut-In Minister, [email protected] Amy McClain: St. Patrick School Principal, [email protected] Mass Intentions and Readings Saturday, June 25th 4:00pm-SMM Chris Frye † (His loving family) 6:00 pm - SP Gayle Ann Findley † (St. Patrick Altar Society) 9:00 am - SP Pro-Populo Mass for the People of Our Parish 11:00 am - SMM Nelly Siu † (Her loving family) 2:00 pm–SMM Special Intentions for Our Hispanic Community Misa en Español (SMM Parish) 8:15am-SP Bernadette Munson † (Adam & Suzanne Nolte) Wednesday, June 29th 8:15 am-SP John Haley, Jr. † (Bill & Beth Haley) Thursday, June 30th 9:00am-SMM Charles Jarrett † (Mary Alice McCrisaken) Friday, July 1st 9:00 am-SMM Charles Jarrett † (Elizabeth Grimes) Saturday, July 2nd 4:00 pm—SMM Pro-Populo Mass for the People of Our Parish 6:00 pm - SP Kevin Donohue † (His Family) Sunday, July 3rd 9:00 am—SP Tom Griffin † (Adam & Suzanne Nolte) Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:00 am—SMM Carl Holler † (Margaret Holler) 2:00 pm-SMM- Special Intentions for Our Hispanic Community Misa en Español (SMM Parish) Sunday, June 26th Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Tuesday, June 28th Day, Date Sunday, June 26th 1st Reading Responsorial Psalm/ 2nd Reading Gospel Reading 1 KGS 19:16B, 19-21 PS 16:1-2, 5, 7-8, 9-10, 11 LK 9:51-62 Monday, June 27th AM 2:6-10, 13-16 PS 50:16BC-17, 18-19, 20-21, 22-23 MT 8:18-22 Tuesday, June 28th AM 3:1-8; 4:11-12 PS 5:4B-6A, 6B-7, 8 MT 8:23-27 ACTS 3:1-10 PS 19:2-3, 4-5 JN 21:15-19 AM 7:10-17 PS 19:8, 9, 10, 11 MT 9:1-8 AM 8:4-6, 9-12 PS 119:2, 10, 20, 30, 40, 131 MT 9:9-13 AM 9:11-15 PS 85:9AB AND 10, 11-12, 13-14 MT 9:14-17 IS 66:10-14C PS 66:1-3, 4-5, 6-7, 16, 20 LK 10:1-12, 17- Wed. , June 29th Thursday, June 30th Friday, July 1st Saturday, July 2nd Sunday, July 3rd 20 Deanery wide Fourth of July Mass will be celebrated at St. Joseph University Parish, 9 am. St. Patrick Parish “In the Roman Catholic tradition, the people of Saint Patrick Parish are called to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ by our words and actions through the celebration of the Sacraments, acts of justice and charity and life-long faith formation; the fruits of which are a welcoming faith-filled community bringing ourselves and others, through God’s grace, to salvation.” Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Novena St. Patrick School of the The Carmelite nuns are hosting a novena (nine days of prayer) in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, at the Carmelite Monastery at 59 Allendale. The novena will take place from July 8-16, the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel. Each evening beginning at 7, the Rosary and the novena prayer will be recited, followed by Holy Mass. The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available from 6-7 pm. Our novena preacher this year is Fr. Don Miniscalco, a Redemptionist priest who received special recognition for his preaching from Pope John Paul II, and who is respected and loved by all who have encountered him. Terre Haute Deanery St. Patrick School is hiring! Looking for a classroom aide and fourth grade teacher. Interested parties may apply in the School Office. Call 812-232-2157 for more information. Tuesday, July 12 is the special night reserved for St. Patrick Parish at the monastery. Applications for the classroom aide can be found in the School Office. Military Outreach Bake Sale You can apply online for the Fourth Grade Teacher Military Outreach will be hosting a bake sale following Masses on Saturday evening and Sunday morning, June 25-26. We will have tables at the Poplar/19th Street entrance, and on the west side of church. Your patronage will be greatly appreciated! If anyone is willing to help supply baked goods, please contact Linda Hudson at 841-4513 or [email protected], or Bette and Larry Lindley at 201-3050. Baked goods need to be brought to the rectory between 4-6 pm on the 25th, and between 8-9 am on the 26th. Please cut and plate items, and have them priced before dropping off. Stephen Ministry We all experience challenges in life– a loved one’s death, divorce, job loss, cancer, accident– times when we could benefit from care and support. Stephen Ministers can provide the emotional and spiritual care we need when faced with a crisis or difficulty. A Stephen Minister is a well-trained caregiver, guided by compassion, grace, skill, and confidentiality. Please join us June 30th at 6 pm in St. Patrick rectory to learn more about becoming a Stephen Minister. In Stephen Minister training you will learn pastoral skills such as compassionate listening, encouraging others to talk, knowing when referrals are necessary, establishing and maintaining boundaries, and patience with the process. We recommend it to those who take communion to the sick, do home visits, or those who want to become Stephen Ministers in St. Patrick and St. Margaret Mary parishes. Saturday, July 2, 6 pm Lectors: Mark Bryant, Peggy Grabowski Servers: Nick Doll, Kate Grabowski, Emma Shober Eucharistic Ministers: Yolanda Isbell, Maria Elliot, Deacon Mike, Liz Bryant, Jerry Wagner, Linda Hudson, Chris Shober Ushers: Adam Nolte, Joe Hudson, Richard Collins, Bill Siebenmorgen, Thierry Ponsot Sunday, July 3, 9 am 60th Anniversary Celebration Photos Reminder that photos from the Archbishop’s visit for our 60th Anniversary are available for viewing or purchasing online until July 22, 2016. Go to www.pro-album.com and type in StPatrick (event name) and 1/17/16 (event date). The password is 60years. Connie Dawson took some wonderful pictures of this very special milestone! Check it out! St. Patrick Prayer Requests: Emma Carbal- lo, Jose Carballo, Rogelio Chavez, Jim Davis, W. Fred Decker, Tina Dominic, Paul Dunham, Stephanie Boatman Fields, Renee Fisher, Tracy Hoffman, Mary Hanes, Paula Harvey, Louise Hrabak, Mary Holechko, Servers: Avery Higgins, Dominic Eldred, B or B or B Cain Marie Hurst, Patricia Kelly, Willa Knecht, Bonnie Layman, Carl R. Long, Eucharistic Ministers: Cheryl Burgess, Kim Ralph Long, Sandy McBroom, Leslie McCoy, Sandy Mershon, Carol Freeman, Deacon Mike, Jim Jones, Cheryl Norris, Paulina O’Brien, Christopher Parker, Virginia Price, Janet RobKuchinskas, Laura Lakstins, Matt Wayt inson, Audrey Sams, Chad Smith, Kim Siebenmorgen, Bill Scott, Noah Ushers: Ken Nordmeyer, Vince Pfister, Brian Snoderly, Dorothy Trembley, Susan Wagner, Mitchell Weust, Mick Cain, Hans Pfister, Sheila & Tina Barnhart Newport, Gil Fecteau, Nadine Schwab, David Melvin, Sheila Barnhart, Madeleine Manson, Marian Bacon, Harry Davidson, Ralph Hagedorn Lectors: Margaret Boyer, Kevin Sutterer Finance Reports St. Patrick St. Margaret Mary JUNE YTD OFFERINGS Fiscal Year of July 1, 2015 thru June 30, 2016 (Preliminary Report–Two Weekends) Budgeted Amount - $5,696 Total Envelope Collection Loose Collection $ $ 15,897 607 Received—Year to date— $285,649 Total Automated Giving $ 13,127 Total Monthly Collection: Year to date - $293,520 $ 29,631 YTD Fiscal Year 2015-16 (7/1/15-6/30/16) Over (Under) to date — ($7,871) Thank you for your support. We rely heavily on the generosity of our parishioners. July 2015-June 2016 Collections Goal: $711,740 May 29, 2016 Week 1: $3,885 June 5, 2016 Week 2: $5,291 ST. PATRICK SOUP KITCHEN NEWS June 17, 2016 Week 3: $3,546 Proverbs 14:20-21 June 19, 2016 Week 4 $3,487 Year-to-Date Actual Sunday Collections: $690,889 “The poor are shunned even by their neighbors, but the rich have many friends. He who despises his neighbor sins, but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.” Summer is upon us with the increased demands of the Soup Kitchen. Please pray for all of the volunteers and people who are helping in the Soup Kitchen this summer. Pray for this ministry of St. Patrick Church that we will be blessed as we help those in need. As the fiscal year ends, this is also a time of financial challenges for the Soup Kitchen. Please consider an additional donation for the summer to c ver our increased needs at this time. Needs for June: Sandwich bags Canned vegetables of any type Tomato sauce or juice St. Margaret Mary Food Pantry Requests Monthly Requests: 1st Sunday: Spaghetti, Sauce and Pasta 2nd Sunday: Canned Fruit 3rd Sunday: Cold Cereals 4th Sunday: Peanut Butter and Jelly 5th Sunday (when calendared) Tuna Fish & Canned Meats Seeking help with transportation: Wilma Luellen whom lives at Anthony Square is looking for a ride to church on Sundays. If anyone would be interested in helping her out please give her a call at (812)236-9887. Thank you! Time to clean out those closets, basements & garages. We are currently accepting items for our annual Labor Day Garage Sale. All items should be placed in the hallway on the first floor of the Parish Center. St. Margaret Mary News Page Jerry’s information corner SMM Events For This Week This Sunday, June 26, parishioners are invited to say good-by to Fr. Rick. The celebration will be at the Moran Family Life Center from 2–5 pm. Sunday June 26th-Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:00am-Mass 2:00pm-Misa en Español 2:00pm-Fr. Rick’s Farewell Open House @ Moran Family Life Center Fr. Dan Bedel arrives on Wednesday, July 6. His first weekend will be July 9 -10. We are considering having a light brunch after the 11:00 Sunday Mass so that parishioners will have a chance to welcome our new pastor. We are looking for people who would be willing to donate a breakfast casserole, muffins, coffee cakes and fresh fruit for this reception. Please see Jerry if you are willing to donate an item for the brunch. Let us all show Fr. Dan our St. Margaret Mary Hospitality! Jerry Moorman (Reminder that these are all parish functions and everyone is asked to help!) Liturgical Ministers for next weekend are: Saturday, July 2nd, 4:00pm Mass Readers: Zach Menzie & Nadine Garvin Communion Ministers: Zach Menzie, Jane Long, Linda Paulin, Linda Tanoos, Delores Snow & Linda O’Connell Servers: Daniel Chua Greeters: Greg Patterson, Mary Hilton, Jack Meany & Mike Brown Gift Presenters: Klapko Family Sunday, July 3rd, 11:00am Mass Readers: Ken Knoblock & Kim Knoblock Communion Ministers: Deacon Mike, Candi Snyder, Gloria Mahor, Bob Flott, Mary Jean Meadows & Robbie Meadows Servers: Paul Hegna & Nathan Hernandez Greeters: Ted Brentlinger, Melita Brentlinger, Janice Hegna & Rachel Abalos Gift Presenters: Rowe Family Monday June 27th Happy Monday! Tuesday June 28st Happy Tuesday! Wednesday June 29th 6:00pm-YUM Thursday June 30th 9:00am-Mass 11:00am-Bethesda Gardens Friday July 1st 9:00am Mass 7:00pm Hispanic Rosary Saturday July 2nd 10:00am-Legion of Mary 4:00pm-Mass 6:00pm—AA Meeting/Legacy Room Sunday July 3rd–Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time 11:00am-Mass 2:00pm-Misa en Español 3:00pm-Hispanic Business Meeting ST. MARGARET MARY PRAYER REQUESTS : Kathleen Padget, Alfega Martin, Andy Thul, Dennis Knowles, Brenda Exline, Kaitlynn Wakefield, Hannah Sterling, Jan Branham, Larry Bauer, Eloise Smith, John Gross, Steve & Terri Klapko, Janice Morris, Donna Springman, Kay Bose, Marie Brown, Gilbert Fecteau, Leona Green, Juanita Luken, Scott & Diane Powell, Leonard Remsey, Racine O’Connell and Rick Monroe, Larue Berens, Linda Alonge, Helen Mancuso, Tony Mancuso, Jack McGill, all nursing home residents, those serving in the military and all those who are homebound with chronic illness and pain and their caregivers. Reflections from Deacon Mike Stratman Unwelcome Directions Life is full of surprises! Some of which take life in unwelcome directions. I still remember the shock of losing my job. With kids at home it was a jarring blow. Looking back, as dark as that time was for my family, God took care of me and my family which sent me in a new direction. As Christians, we must recognize that there are things in life that are unwelcome directions. To help get through those unexpected circumstances, I found the words of James 4:13-15 reassuring in my situation. "Come now, you who say, Today or tomorrow we shall go into such and such a town, spend a year there doing business, and make a profit. You have no idea what your life will be like tomorrow. Instead you should say, If the Lord wills it, we shall live to do this or that." In other words, when unexpected situations come our way, we should pray to God to help us direct our lives according to His will. Is it wrong to plan for the future? Of course not. It is unwise, however, to forget that God may allow some unwelcome events in our lives. Ultimately, with God things don't just happen, everything is planned by Him, even when it's hard for us to see. We may not know what our future holds, but we must trust Him and His plans for our future. together through prayer and service, Deacon Mike YOUTH INFO St. Benedict Parish Festival July 8-9 Friday July 8 & Saturday July 9, St. Benedict will hold its 19th annual Community Festival at the corner of 9th & Ohio. Both days, the Festival will open from 5 pm-midnight. Admission Friday is $2 until 9 pm, then jumps $10. Admission Saturday is $2 all night. Activities of the festival include live musical entertainment, family games, casino games, food booths, a beer garden, a handmade quilt raffle, 50/50 raffle, and a silent auction. The church is also giving away more than $18,000 in prize money to lucky ticketholders! Each entry is $50. The drawing for Grand Prizes will be held on Saturday, July 9. Grand Prize-$10,000 2nd Place- $5,000 3rd Place - $2,000 4th Place - $1,000 5th Place - $750 Friday night’s entertainment includes Clayton Anderson, winner of 2008’s “Next Big Star” competition, and Abbi Scott, Clinton, IN Native and Terre Haute north graduate. Saturday night’s entertainment will be Pfreak show, premiere party band of the Midwest. Fleschner, Stark, Tanoos and Newlin Law Firm also offering FREE cab rides home both nights from 8 pm– 1 am. They will be taking attendees home or to a local hotel, not to other drinking locations. For a FREE ride, call E-2 taxi at 812-961-8294 and tell them the law firm is picking up the tab as part of the safe & sober program. For more information, call St. Benedict Church at 232-8421 or visit www.stbenedictth.org. YUM! This week we will be continuing The Hunger Games. Yes, you can find good in a world that is as seemingly bad as Panem is. Find out how at 6 pm Wednesday, the 29th! Wednesday nights during the summer we will be having a cultural discussion beginning at 6 pm in the youth space at the Deanery Center. We provide dinner and the topic, you bring yourself. This year we will be focusing on Catholic themes in Dystopian universes. Yup, you read that right! How can The Hunger Games be Catholic? How does the Giver uphold the sanctity of life? Where is true freedom in the Maze Runner? What virtues are missing in Divergent that allow us to live life to the fullest? There are so many more questions and we will find out the answers. Red River Gorge The trip to Red River Gorge has been cancelled due to a lack of interest. We will try again next year! Melbourne Florida Mission Trip Please pray for the teens who will be ministering to others in Melbourne this summer. The community is not far from Orlando and is hurting in many ways, and we will try to bring some relief and comfort! We will be gone July 9-17. Mark Your Calendars for Summer Programming! All summer programming is open to students who have completed 8th through 12th grade. July 9th-17th Melbourne Florida Mission Trip July 22nd-26th Indiana Nazareth Farm Mission Trip Wednesday Nights YUM! Sponsors of the St. Margaret Mary Church Weekly Bulletin are: Andrew Pickering, D.V.M. Gayland D. Jones, D.V.M. Lori Weaver, D.V.M. Lori E. Jones, D.V.M. Put your Advertisement here! Call the parish office for more information at 812-232-3512 Gary Gottardi, LUTCF, Premier Agent 4803 S. 7th Street Bus: (812) 298-0685, ext. 2311 Cell: (812) 249-6453 Toll-Free: (800)743-2880 Fax: (866)327-8468 E-mail:[email protected] www.infarmbureau.com Wabash Valley OPENED OUR DOOR IN ‘34 GARVIN AND LIDSTER Animal Hospital 1624 East Springhill Dr. AUTO SERVICE 7th and Voorhees 232-9124/234-7433 Funeral Home 605 So. 25th St. , Terre Haute, IN (812) 232-1365 David Callahan, proprietor Lunch: Mon-Sat 11am-3pm Sun Noon-3pm Dinner: Mon-Thur 3pm-9pm www.greinerfuneralhome.com Friday & Saturday 3-10pm, Sunday 3-8pm Tromp & Tread Work Boot & Safety Shoe Headquarters 1442 S. 3rd, Terre Haute 812-232-3820 Self Service Mini Storage Joseph Tanoos (Owner) Individual Units Your Lock & Key YOU – STORE – IT 3655 S. 14 ½ St. 235-0066 South off Davis Ave., East of Rea Park debaunfuneralhomes.com SQUARE DONUTS 935 WABASH MADE FRESH EVERY DAY! Sponsors of the St. Patrick Bulletin: FUNERAL HOME 605 S. 25th David R. Callahan Terre Haute, IN (812) 232-1365 www.callahanandhughes.com 2711 So. Third 232-1495 Remember Those Who Serve Our Country Terre Haute Deanery Pastoral Center 1801 Poplar Street 232-8400 St. Patrick’s Perpetual Adoration Support Catholic Chapel is always open Charities of Terre Haute Call 812-877-4365 to volunteer 1801 Poplar Street Lunch = M-Sat—11am—3pm Sun = 12-3 pm Dinner = M-Th 3-9pm Fri-Sat 3—10pm Catholic Radio Serving Terre Haute REGISTER NOW St. Patrick School 232-2157 WHOJ—FM 91.9 SMOCK & ETLING Attorneys At Law 77 Cherry Street