haryana government education department order
haryana government education department order
HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER bowl we tom Dorloboo LS* ORDER NO. 22/158-2013-HRG-l(2) DATED, PANCHKULA: 17/01/2014 The following DEO Is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transferld Name , Designation Present Place of Posting Transfer/Adjusted to 1 64543 Smt. Perim* Sharma D.E.O. Employee ID: 063448 0/0 DEO Ambala, (Ambala) (4794i 0/o DEO Yamuna Remarks Against vacancy Nagar (Yamuna Nagar) 14610] Note :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The official will be relieved immediately and In any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary action, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official If he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join In the girls schools. If there is no vacancy In the destination school for any reason the Incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Rindpals. SURINA RATAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ENDST. NO. 22/158-2013-HRG-I(2) DATED PANCIDICUIA,074 A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It Is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. 050/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) (SURE HA KATARIA) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PANCHKULA Off: PlotN IS. OM** 8114012. Wa hm ) 01101 72)250”411 Feu 91101731.25110353 Directorate°, Eitmentary Education/ a ibliT Man; Tfreter ITO ftrarm Education, Culture and Development GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ift4Fuff troPi Directorate Elementary Education itur rrqWr rotdkr•ITM From Darkness lead me to Light www.schooleducationharvana.2 ov in / e-mail: edusecondary®hry.nic.in OFFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Order No. 2/4-2013-HRM-I (2) Dated, Panchkula 17.01.2014 In partial modification of this office Order No. 2/4-2013-HRM-I (2) dated 27.12.2013 Smt. Meena Rani (97112) JBT Teacher GPS Devidasspura (Kurukshetra) who was promoted to the post of S.S. Mistress and posted at GMS Bir Bartok (Kurukshetra) (2344) is hereby adjusted in GHS Sirsama (Kurukshetra) (2344) against vacancy provided that she has not joined at her previous place of posting. Note: others terms & conditions of promotion order will be remained same. Ritu Additional Director Administration 0/o Director General Elementary Education Haryana, Panchkula Dated, Panchkula le 4-14 Endst. Even A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: District Education officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, concerned. Head of the institution, concerned. 3. Official concerned. rechnology Officer ( I.T. Cell) Superintendent HRM-I For Director General Elementary Education Haryana, Panchkula HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER ORDER NO. 2/444-2013-HRL(1) Lead me from Darkness to Light DATED, PANCHKULA: 13/01/2014 The following official(s) is/are hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting Transfer/Adjusted to GSSS Taoru, Distt. Mewat I 64528 Sh. Snail Kumar GSSS Bahadurgarh, [866] Lecturer in Political Distt. Jhajjar [3109] Science Employee ID: 060331 2 64529 Smt. Sunita Lecturer in Political Science Employee ID: 079340 3 64530 Sh. Shiv Kumar Lecturer in Sanskrit Employee ID: 06020 GGSSS Dftbaftlitaft,-; JhajJar [3155] GSSS Ti P t Remarks Against vacancy GGSSS Beni, Distt. Jhajjar [3080] Against vacancy GSSS Kot, Distt. nclikula 136981 Against vacancy 4 64531 Smt. Suman Bala Lecturer in Mat Employee ID: 0 at (Model Against vacancy Panipat 5 64532 Sh. Sabi Ramp, Lecturer in Employee ID: Against vacancy Note: The official will be rell which he/she will be liable for and in any case.with in 7 disciplinary aciton. ‘ikcsiw, No TA/DA and Joining ti shifted on his/her request after di a t0 the-offitia exercising option. No male official below the ag Is. ed If there is no vacancy In the Incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place med branch/computer cell at HQ.. If any discrepancy is noticed in this o of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch w in titree ays and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/Joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km by shortest route. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7.. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. SURINA RA/AN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 2/444-2013-HRL(1) DATED, PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for Information and necessary action :- District. Education Officer concerned. Head of the Institution concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. Official concerned. Secy. OSD/CM Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/ 7. P echnology Officer (HQ) pArnii 1/ DEPUTY DIRE OR LECTU RER Lfor DIRECTOR IRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA V Na I13; $11 91(0174-2560253 023 (,-,a6m0) 0911/0, 1 HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER /.494 ORDER NO. 22/158-2013-11RG4(2) The following DEO is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No TransferId Name, Designation Present Place of Posting 0/o DEO Ambala, 64543 Smt. Paramjit 1 (Ambala) 14794] Sharma D.E.O. Employee ID: 063448 me toes 0904)66 66 Li& DATED, PANCHKULA: 17/01/2014 Transfer/Adjusted to 0/o DEO Yamuna Nagar (Yamuna Nagar) 146101 Remarks Against vacancy Note :- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary adton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official If he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the Incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the offidals concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools Is not less than 8 km. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. SURINA RATAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH DATED PANCHKUIA,0(94 ENDST. NO. 22/158-2013-M0-R2) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 secy. oso/cm 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE 7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) (SUMEDHA KATARIA) SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PANCHKULA Off.: Plot )4(4 14.414961! 961471, 79)0106 9446(990Attl ..991140117 744 9110472925049411!193 91(0172)-2660253 14) 4 (1-- 74—Ad Directorate of Elementary Education / FOMI6 RtilTenact GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / T. uca on, u ture an a opme giuir Directorate Elementary Education ins ftur1 neig hy t4 ' . Nittm vrelfhrFeral FM,* From Darkness lead me to Light www.schooleducationharv ana. eov.in / e-mail: [email protected] OFFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA Order No. 2/4-2013-HRM-I (2) Dated, Panchkula 17.01.2014 In partial modification of this office Order No. 2/4-2013-HRM-I (2) dated 27.12.2013 Smt. Meena Rani (97112) JBT Teacher GPS Devidasspura (Kurukshetra) who was promoted to the post of S.S. Mistress and posted at GMS Bir Bartoli (Kurukshetra) (2344) is hereby adjusted in GHS Sirsama (Kurukshetra) (2344) against vacancy provided that she has not joined at her previous place of posting. Note: others terms & conditions of promotion order will be remained same. Ritu Additional Director Administration 0/o Director General Elementary Education Haryana, Panchkula Dated, Panchkulale knf Endst. Even A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action: District Education officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, concerned. Head of the institution, concerned. 3. Official concerned. k..4,----fe'chnology Officer ( I.T. Cell) Superintendent HRM-I For Director General Elementary Education Haryana, Panchkula HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT ORDER Lead me from Darkness to Light ORDER NO. 2/444-2013-HRL(1) DATED, PANCHKULA: 13/01/2014 The following official(s) is/are hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting GSSS Taoru, Distt. Mewat 1 64528 Sh. Sunil Kumar [866] Lecturer in Political Science Employee ID: 060331 Transfer/Adjusted to GSSS Bahadurgarh, Distt. Jhajjar [3109] Remarks Against vacancy 2 64529 Smt. Sunita Lecturer in Political Science Employee ID: 079340 GGSSS Du00141t Jhajjar [3155] GGSSS Beni, Distt. Jhajjar [3080] Against vacancy 3 64530 Sh. Shiv Kumar Lecturer in Sanskrit Employee ID: 06020 GSSS Ti GSSS Kot, Distt. nchkula [3698] Against vacancy at (Model Against vacancy Panipat 4 64531 Smt. Suman Bab Lecturer in Mat Employee ID: 0 tt. 934] 5 64532 Sh. Sahi Ram Lecturer in Employee ID: Against vacancy Note: 'Wig which he/she will be liable for The official will be rell disciplinary aciton. No TA/DA and joining ti exercising option. 3. No male official below the ag shifted on his/her request after the incumbent transferred shall If there is no vacancy in re-join his/her previous placemed branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this o sielpri of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three g ays and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km by shortest route. 6. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7„ The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Prindpals. SURINA RAMS PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 2/444-2013-HRL(1) DATED, PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :District Education Officer concerned. Head of the institution concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. Official concerned. Secy. OSD/CM Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/ 7. P echnology Officer (HQ) gMe),<Ciiiili DEPUTY DIRE OR LECTOR R DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION for ..__ HARYANA, PANCHKULA V Oft: Pitolao. la; TOPO6E024V11641001749.560263 to2.4 Department of School Educatiolin Haryana Appropriate Authority (as prescribed under Rule 34 (1) of Haryana School Education Rules-2003) form, Teener to Tampa &Nudes., Ciarasre and Load me from Datioaoso to Light Dated 16.01.2014 Memo No. 10/20-2013 PS(1) In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29(3) read with Rule 3 of Haryana School Rules-2003 Education Department, Haryana permission is hereby granted to establish a new proposed school on the terms and conditions mentioned below:(0 The Proposed School shall have the required infrastructure regarding land and Building i.e. number & size of class rooms with veranda and other rooms for Head of Institution/Office, Library, Laboratory, Stairs, Ramp and Toilets etc. as per Rule 30. (d) The Management of the school shall have to apply for permanent recognition within the stipulated Mine in the prescribed form-II with documeran as perruk 31. The Management shall not make admission beyond Class-III before the sanction of its recognition or in its anticipation. The letter of permission is based on the undertaking given by the applicant as per details given overleaf. Any violation of the undertaking automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 'No Objection certificate' from the 'Competent Authority' regarding the land use of the proposed site. This is only a formal permission to establish a New School or Start Classes and does not enable your school to get recognition automatically for which physical verification of infrastructure and records in this respect shall be made by District Inspection Committee. * The managing committee shall abide by the provisions of Haryana School Education Rules 2003 (amended) & R.T.B. Ruch 2011 and amendments it any thereafter. The Managing shall be liable for disciplinary action in case of violation of any provisions of the rules. PARTICULARS OF THE SCHOOL FOR WHICH THIS PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A NEW PROPOSED SCHOOL IS GRANTED Regn. N o. Name of the Individual , Association of Individual, Trust or Company establishing the School Name of the School Jan-20I4 WFTB/BOSE/ENQ & HND Bala Ji Educational Scoeity, Dhani Chhatriyan (Fatehabad) Address of the School Dhani Chhatriyan (Fatehabad) Bala Ji Public School, Dhani Chhatriyan (Fatehabad) Fatehabad District Name 1st to 8th Stage English & Hindi Medium BOSE Syllabus/Affiliation 1604,2606 to 2636 Details of Land (Khewat/Ithasra/lCila) is valid upto next two academic sessions. Thi 7 / ent P.S. S For Director General Elementary Education 11 Haryana Prhkula. Distr r lementary Education Officer, Fatehabad. T, "Appropriate Authority as precrbed under Rule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Haryana School Education Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1999), and all other powers enabling in this behalf, the Government of Huang vide No. GSA 7/H.A. 12/99. S.24(1)/2003 notified the Hamm School Education Rules-2003 to regulate education in all nonGovernment schools, to promote better organization and development of ahool education, the manner of admission to recognized schools, fee structure, uniform code of service conditions for employees, adequate infrascructural facilities to be provided to pupils and to follow approved course of studies, in the State of Haryana. " Please see the back of this document S.No Description Details a The area in which the new school is proposed to be established 4586.38 Sq. Ft. b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 300 c The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Middle d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure until its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS I-V VI-VIII IX-X XI-X11 'Admission Fee Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds i Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Designation Chet Ram President Mahavir Baljit Vice-President Satbir Jt. Secretary Ram Kumar Cashier Secretary Prithvi Singh Member Maina Kumari Member Asha Ram Member Note:- The Permission is granted that on the subject to the condition that the documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. p ce Department of School Educati Haryana Appropriate Authority (as prescribed under Rule 34 (1) of Haryana School Education Rules-2003) Ite•VOT got Illonigr Famadoo. Clamor ord Lead me from Dolmas to Light Dated 16.01.2014 Memo No. 25/24-2013 P5(1) In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29(3) read with Rule 3 of Haryana School Rules-2003 Education Department, Haryana permission is hereby granted to establish a new proposed school on the terms and conditions mentioned below:(1) The Proposed School shall have the required infrastructure regarding land and Building i.e. number & size of class rooms with varanda and other rooms for Head of Institution/Office, Library, Laboratory, Stairs, Ramp and Toilets etc. as per Rule 30. (u) The Management of the school shall have to apply for permanent recognition within the stipulated time in the prescribed form-Ewidi documents as per rule 31 (di) The Management shall not make admission beyond Class-ILI before the sanction of its recognition or in its anticipation. (iv) The letter of permission is based on the undertaking given by the applicant as per details given overleaf. Any violation of the undertaking automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 'No Objection certificate' from the 'Competent Authority' regarding the land use of the proposed site. This is only a formal permission to establish a New School or Start Classes and does not enable your school to get recognition automatically for which physical verification of infrastructure and records in this respect shall be made by District Inspection Committee. * The managing committee shall abide by the provisions of Haryana School Education Rules 2003 (amended) &R.T.E. Ruch 2011 and amendments it any thereafter. The Managing shall be liable for disciplinary action in case of violation of any provisions of the rules. PARTICULARS OF THE SCHOOL FOR WHICH THIS PERMISSION TO ESTABLISH A NEW PROPOSED SCHOOL IS GRANTEQ Regn. N o. Name of the Individual , Association of Individual, Trust or Company establishing the School Name of the School M/FTB/BOSE/ENGLISH /r) Jan-2014 Veer B.P.R. Education Society, Uklana Mandi (Fatehabad) Address of the School Dhand (Kaithal) District Name Kaithal Stage 1st to 8th Medium English Syllabus/Affiliation BOSE Details of Land (Ithewat/Khasra/Kila) 47//9/2,12,19,41I-412-357 B.P.R. Public School, Dhand (Kaithal) is valid upto next two academic sessions. 1 Di. Superintendent P.S. For Director General Elementary Education Flaryga Panchkula. t Elementary Education Officer, Kaithal. Appropriate Authority as precribed under Rule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Haryana School Education Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1999), and all other powers enabling in this behalf, the Government of Haryana vide No. GSA 7/FLA- 12/99. S24(1)/2003 notified the Haryana School Echwation Rules-2003 to regulate education in all nonGovernment schools, to promote better organization and development of school educadon, the manner of admission to recognised schools, fee structute, uniform code of service conditions for employees, adequate infesstructural facilities to be provided to pupils and to follow approved course of studies,ln the State of Haryana. * Please see the back of this document Details 21738.36 Sq. Ft. S.No a Description b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 300 The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Middle The area in which the new school is proposed to be established d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure until its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS I-V VI-Vitt IX-X XI-X11 Admission Fee Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Designation Dr. Rajender Kumar President Harish Chander Cashier Banarsi Devi Vice President Anuradha Secretary Punit Kumar Member Devi Lal Member Ram Milian Member Note:- The Permission is granted tha t on the subject to the condition that the documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. ire OFFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA. re.11)/) d2Lik To The Manager/Chairman, Naincv Shiksha Samiti. Joshi Chauhan enati Memo No. 30/34-2013PS(3) Dated Panchkula the :Subject :- Recognition Certificate for the Schgq) no ei sub-ryle_(4) of rule 12 of Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Compulsory E pcallou Rules. 2011 for the purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children ip Free apd Compuls ry Education Act 2099.' Dear Sir/Madam, With reference to your application dated .42-/o and subsequent correspondence with Naincv Shiksha the school/inspection in this regard, I convey thri grant for provisional recognition to Niketan Middle School. Joshi Chauhan (Soneoat) for Class 1st k it to with effect from 01-04-2013 run by Managing Committee, Nai The above sanction is subiect to fulfillment followin g conditions:The grant for recognition is Class not extend le and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII. The school shall by the provisions of Right f Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Comp soty Education Rules 2011. 3. The school shall admit in class I, to the extent of the Strength of that class. Children belonging to weaker. and provide free and compulsory elementary education section and disadvantaged group in the neighborho till its completion : Provided, that in case of pre primary classes also, this norm shall be followed. 4.For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the school shall be reimbursed as per sub section (2) of section 12. To receive such reimbursements school shall pr vide a separate bankk account. 5. The school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure. 6.The school shall not deny admission to any child for lack of age proof. If such admission is sought subiequent to the extended period specified for a ssion,the same shall not be denied and the shall not be denied and the child shall not be discriminated on e ground of religion, caste or race, place of birth or any of them. The school shall ensure that :(i) no child admitted shall be held back in any class or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education in a school; hment or mental harassment; (ii), no child shall be subjected to physical p ation till the completion of elementary education. no child is required to pass any board ex every child completing elementary ed cation shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under rule 22; inclusion of students with disabilities Is cial needs as per provision of the Act; the teachers are recruited with mi Urn qualifications as laid under section 23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the current to chers who,, at the commencement of this Act do not quire such minimum qualification within a period of 5 posses minimum qualifications shall years; the teacher performs its duties specified der section 24(1) of the Act; and elf for private teaching activities. the teachers shall not engage himself or um laid down by academic authority. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of cu The school shall enroll students proportionate to the fa ties available in the school as prescribed 19. 9. The school shall maintain the standards and norms of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspectiOn are as given under :Area of school campus total built up areal Area of play ground Number of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-Office-cum-Storeroom Separate toilet for boys and girls . Drinking Water Facility Kitchen for cooking Mid Day Meal Barrier free Access (ix) Availability of Teaching Learning Mate I /Play Sports Equipments/Library. 10.No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises f the school or outside in the same name of school. F 11.The school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes education and skill development. 12.The school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860(21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law for the time being in force. 13.The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statement should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the statements Of accounts should be sent to the District Elementary Education Officers every year. 14.The recognition code Number allotted to your school is 2 489/SN P/8th/BOSE/2013. This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this fice. 15.The school furnishes such reports and Ed ucation/District Elementary Education Officer formation as may be required by the Director of the State G overnment/Local Authority as ma from time to time and complies with such instructions of be issued to secure the continued fulfillment . of the condition or recognition or the deficiencies in wor of the school. 16.Renewal of Registration of Society, If any be ensured. 17.0ther Condition as per Annex-tire III. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR(ELEMENTARY) 0/o DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the 77-f - A copy is forwarded to the following information and nlecessary action: Deputy Commissioner Soneulit District Elementary Education Officer,Sonepat District Education Officer,Sonepat Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, h 5. HeadMaster,N h Niketan 'd . Technology Officer (LT.) SUPE TENDENT P ) FOR DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARCNA, PANCHKULA 111•11 mom Office of GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Director School Education Noce trim lbw, 411111 e-mail: eduaecondaryeh y.nic.in Dated, Panchkula The 10-Jan-2014 ORDER NO.24165-2012 PS(11 The Managing Commitee of Sarvodaya Public School, Shrirag Khera (Jind) is hereby approved with the following members :- President 1 Dharamveer Singh 2 Ajit Singh 3 Shalini 4 Jagdish Singh 5 Dinesh Kumar 6 Hariom 7 Urmila 8. Kamla Devi Member 9 Dharampal Member Secretary Educationist Headmaster/Ex-Officio Member Parents Representative Teacher Representative Female Member RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR (ELEMENTARY) 0/o DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMANTRY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA ENDST NO: EVEN )-0/11 Dated, Panchkula the / Bat A copy of the same is send to the following for information necessary action :District Elementary Education Officer,aLut District Education Officer,Jind 3. Manager, Shahnuriva Education Societv,1454, Urban Es te,Jind 4. -ftdmaster, Sarvodava Public School, Shrirae Khera (Jind) V. Technology Officer (I.T.) 17 '9 SUPE NTENDENT PS FOLDIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA FFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA PANCHKULA. To The Manager/Chairman, Shahouriva Education Societv ‘1454vUrbaa EstateJind Memo No. 24/65-2012PS(1) Dated Panchkula the :Subject :- Recognition Certificate fqr the School under sub-rule (4) of rule 12 of Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Cqmpulsogy Education Rules,2011 for the purpose of Section 18 of Right of Children tp Free and Compulsr ry Education Act, 2009. Dear Sir/Madam, , With reference to your applicati n dated 0-9-r.:_s and subsequent correspondence with the school/inspection in this regard, I convey the grant for provisional recognition to Sarvodava Public Sehuol. §hrirae Kktera qindl for Class la atk to with effect from 01-04-2013 run by Managing Committee, Shahouriva Education Societv.1454, Urbaji Estate.Jind The above sanction is subiect to fulfillment o followin g conditions:The grant for recognition is Class not extenda le and does not in any way imply any obligation to recognize/affiliate beyond Class VIII. The school shall by the provisions of Right df Children to. Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009 and the Haryana State Right of Children to Free and Comptilsory Education Rules 2011. 3. The school shall admit in class I, to the extent of the Strength of that class. Children belonging to weaker section and disadvantaged group in the neighborhooti and provide free and compulsory elementary education till its completion : Provided, that in case of pre primary classes alsol, this norm shall be followed. 4.For the children referred to in paragraph 3, the school shall be reimbursed as per sub section (2) of section 12. To receive such reimbursements school shall ptcvide a separate bank account 5. The school shall not collect any capitation fee and subject the child or his or her parents or guardians to any screening procedure. 6.The school shall not deny admission to any chit for lack of age proof. If such admission is ' sought sion,the same shall not be denied and the shall not be subsequent to the extended period specified for a denied and the child shall not be discriminated on th ground of religion, caste or race, place of birth or any of them. The school shall ensure that :no child admitted shall be held back in any :lass or expelled from school till the completion of elementary education in a school; no child shall be subjected to physical punis ent or mental harassment; ation till the completion of elementary education. no child is required to pass any board ex • (iv) every child completing elementary ed ation shall be awarded a certificate as laid down under rule 22; inclusion of students with disabilities /special needs as per provision of the Act; the teachers are recruited with ininitulun qualifications as laid under section 23(1) of the Act. Provided further that the current teachers who, at the commencement of this Act do not posses minimum qualifications shall aquire such minimum qualification within a period of 5 years; the teacher performs its duties specified under section 24(1) of the Act; and the teachers shall not engage himself or herself for private teaching activities. The school shall follow the syllabus on the basis of curric um laid down by academic authority. The school shall enroll students proportionate to the fa ties available in the school as prescribed 19. 9. The school shall maintain the standards and no s of the school as specified in section 19 of the Act. The facilities reported at the time of last inspectio are as given under :Area of school campus total built up area. Area of play ground Number of class rooms Room for Headmaster-cum-Office-cum-S4oreroom Separate toilet for boys and girls Drinking Water Facility Kitchen for cooking Mid Day Meal Barrier free Access (ix) Availability of Teaching Learning Material /Play Sports Equipments/Library. 10.No unrecognized classes shall run within the premises of the school or outside in the same name of school. .11.The school buildings or other structures or the grounds are used only for the purposes education and skill development 12.The school is run by a society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860(21 of 1860), or a public trust constituted under any law for the time being in force. 13.The accounts should be audited and certified by a Chartered Accountant and proper accounts statement should be prepared as per rules. A copy each of the statements of accounts should be sent to the District Elementary Education Officers every year. 14.The recognition code Number allotted to your school is 24 93/JND/8th/BOSE/201.3. This may please be noted and quoted for any correspondence with this of ce. 15.The school furnishes such reports and in rmad on as may be required by the Director of Education/District Elementary Education Officer om time to time and complies with such instructions of the State Government/Local Authority as may be issued to secure the continued fulfillment of the condition or recognition or the deficiencies in working f the school. 16.Renewal of Registration of Society, If any be ensured. 17.0ther Condition as per Annexure III. RITU ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR(ELEMENTARY) 0/o DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula, the Rat soy A copy is forwarded to the following information and necessary action: Deputy Commissionerag District Elementary Education Officer Iliad District Education Officer and Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani. 5. HeadMaster Sarvodava Public School, Shrirae Khera (J5nd) Technology Officer (LT.) • FOR D SUPERINTENDENT (PS) CTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 3o - Dire.Aorate of Cchaol Education / fearm Ohm f4irmol GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / 6R zu vir twit /z1latter tZet Education, Collars arid Davalopment Directorate School Education f4item fWur flaTkif sir 4tItt Lend me from Dauicnfls to Light www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I edusecondaryhryegmail.com In exercise of the powers School Code 2490/JJR/101h/BOSE/2013 ORDER NO. 14/19-2013PS(3) Dated,Panchkula The 14-Jan-2014 ORDER conferred upon me under rule 34 (1) of Haryana School Education, Rules, 2003, sanction is hereby accorded to grant permanent recognition to Hindu Hiah School. Sulodha (Jhailar) for class 9th to 10th . under BOSE pattern with effect 01.04.2013 run by Managing Commitee, Dada GoDal Shiksha Samiti, Sulodha from (Jhaiiar) under following terms and conditions:TERMS & CONDITIONS:1. This. auth Recognition is granted that on the subj I and not devoid of truth in any condition that the documents/information furnished by the school if any information at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the pplication for recognition and display the session. In case of any change in the fee academic year and will also issue printed 3. nds 'epts ration at the time of seeking recognition. Salary shall be paid as shall be charged from the children/parents. No capitation fee and based on religion,caste, race, place of birtho any other whimsical. School s rated by different board/council in the same premises. Managing nd exisiting class during the academic session without the prior approval of the Managing appropri officer authorized by the Director/Appropriate Authority. rthe i in II open The Recognition so granted shall be reviewed after every 10 years. No financial assistance shall be granted by the Department to the school. School premises shall not be used for commercial purppose and anti National activities. Approval of Managing Committee shall be obtained from the appropriate authority in case of any change in the committee. The Managing Committee shall follow the instructions issued by Government/Director from time to time and supply the information to the Govt./Department as required. In addition to above the Managing Committee shall abide by the provisions of Haryana School Education Rules, 2003 and amendments if any thereafter. The Managing Committee shall be liable for disciplinary action in case of violation of any provisions of the rules. School will provide ramp within six months otherwiserecognition will stands withdrav/n. If any information, at any stage found Contrary to the Fact's the recognition would be revoked forthwith. That the number of students in daseroom shall not be more than the students calculated on the 10 square feet per student for secondary and Senior Secondary Schools and 9 Square feet per student fo elementary state. The managing committee shall abide by the provisions of Haryana School Education Rules 2003(amended) & R.T.E. Rules 2011 and amnedments it any thereafter. The Managing shall be liable for diciplinary action in case of violation of any provision of the rules. Endst. No. Even SUMEDHA KATARIA ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR (ADMN-I) 0/o DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA.PANCHKULA Dated, Panchkula, the It -1 Read. A copy is forwarded to the following information and necessary action:Deputy Commissioner Jhaiiar District Education Officer,Jhaiiar Secretary, Haryana Board of School Education, Bhiwani. Manager,Dada GODS! Shikaha Samiti. Sulodha (Jhallar) 5vfleadMaster,Hindu High School. Sulodha (Jhaiiarl Technology Officer (I.T.) /t' TENDENT (PS) SUP FOR DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HAR ANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 113, Shikshe Sedan, Sector 5.,P00910190e, 4traiwo ti reso tit OW strt *era -` 4 . 01174 itSSIS 1694"11- 91(0172)-2580263 0172)4580248 aw et (0172) 29)0263 I GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Awn wow Office of Director School Education ftwiT, e-mail: [email protected] Dated, Panchkula The 14-Jan-2014 ORDER NO.14/19-2013 PS(3) The Managing Commitee of Hindu High School, Sulodha (Jhajjar) is hereby approved with the following members :- 1 Om Parkash President 2 Tara Chand Vice President 3 Rajbir Manager 4 Suman Devi Secretary 5 Rijak Ram Treasurer 6 Ravi Ram Member 7 Satya Bhagwan Educationists 8 Dharmpal Headmaster/Ex-Officio Member 9 Maheshwari Female Member 10 Bhim Singh Parents Representative 11 Suman Teacher Representative SUMEDHA KATARIA ADDITIONAL DIRECTOR 0/o DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA,PANCHKULA ENDST NO: EVEN Dated, Panchkula the j 201 ti Read. A copy of the same is send to the following for information & necessary action :l. District Education Officer, Jhaiiar 2. Manager, Dada Gonal Shiksha Samiti, Sulodha (Jhaiiar) 3.fleadmaster, Hindu High School. Sulodha (Jhaiiar) vf Technology Officer (I.T.) • TE FOR DIRECTOR SECO r ARY EDUCATION HARYANA , PANCHKULA (trZ__ Department of School Educati " Haryana Appropriate Authority as prescribed under Rule 34 (1) of Haryana School Education Rules-2003) }Wmterlfer get TIMM . • Education, Culture and Development mrie Load me from Darkness to Light Memo No. 10/3-2013 PS(1) Dated 09.01.2014 In exercise of powers conferred under Rule 29 (3) read with Rule 3 of Haryana School Education Rules-2003 Education Department, Haryana hereby permit to add new proposed classes for higher stage. However, it is made clear that such permission will not enable such school to get recognition automatically for which the applicant shall have to fulfill the required conditions. This letter of permission is based on the undertaking given by the applicant as per details given overleaf. Any violation of the undertaking automatically nullifies the permission. This permission is further subject to 'No Objection' from the 'Competent Authority' regulating the land use of the proposed site. The permission to add new proposed classes for higher stage is only 'In-principle' approval of the Education Department to allow applicant to initiate steps and provide infrastructure to the new proposed classes of higher stage. Students should not be admitted only on this permission without getting recognition. The recognition will be granted R.T.E. Rules-12 Appendix-II by the Department on fulfillment of prescribed norms as provided in Haryana School Education Rules-2003, in the interest of safety, health and welfare of students and other requirements. *The managing committee shall abide by the provisions of Haryana School Education Rules 2003 (amended) & R.T.E. Ruels 2011 and amendments it any thereafter. The Managing shall be liable for disciplinary action in case of violation of any provisions of the rules. PARTICULARS OF THE SCHOOL FOR WHICH THIS PERMISSION TO ADD NEW PROPOSED CLASSES FOR HIGHER STAGE SCHOOL IS GRANTED Regn. N SS/FTB/BOSE/ENG & HND /17 Jan-2014 Divine Mission Educational Trust, Fatehabad Name of the Individual , Association of Individual, Trust or Company establishing the School Name of the School Divine International Public School, Shahidanwali (Fatehabad) Address of the School Village/Town Panchayat/sector Fatehabad 9th to 12th English & Hindi BOSE 170,23,10,11 Shahidanwali (Fatehabad) District Name Stage Medium Syllabus/Affiliation Details of Land (Khasra/Kila) This Permission is valid upto next two academic sessions Supeilfitendent P.S. For Director Secondary Education Haryaz„Panchkula t Education Officer, Fatehabad. .0. Appropriate Authority as precilbed under Rule-34(1)of Haryana School Education Rules - 2003 In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) read with sub-section (2) of section 24 of the Haryana School Education Act, 1995 (Act 12 of 1999), and all other powers enabling in this behalf; the Government of Haryana vide No. GSR 7/H.A. 12/99. 5.24(1)/2003 notified the Haryana School Education Rules-2003 to regulate education in all nonGovernment schools, to promote better organization and development of school education, the manner of admission to recognized schools, fee structure, uniform code of service conditions for employees, adequate infrastructural facilities to be provided to pupils and to follow approved course of studies, in the State of Haryana. * Please see the back of this document S.No Description Details a The area in which the new school is proposed to be established 2384.09 Sq. mtrs. b The approximate number of students likely to be enrolled in that school 630 c The stage of education intended to be imparted in the new school Sr. Sec. d The particulars including measurements of the building or other structures in which the school is proposed to be run e The Financial resources from which the expenses for the establishment and running of the school shall to be met. f The proposed procedure until its recognition under these rules, for the selection of the head of the school and other teachers and non-teaching staff and the minimum qualification for the recruitment. The proposed salary of the staff to be notified g h Admission, tuition and other fees and funds which would be levied and collected until its recognition under these rules, from the students of the proposed new school The selection procedure will be adopted to appoint teaching and nonteaching staff as per the provisions under Rule 163 of Haryana School Education Rules,2003 by constituting a selection committee. Selection Procedure would be as provided in Rule 163 of Haryana Education Rules 2003 and other relevant provisions. The minimum qualification would also be as given in Appendix A attached with Haryana School Education Rule-2003 CLASS I-V VI-V'll IX-X XI-XII Admission Fee Tuition Fee Other Fee Total Funds Any other facility which is proposed to be provided for students of the proposed new school i The composition of managing committee of the proposed new school until the new school is recognized and a new managing committee is constituted in accordance with the scheme of managing committee made under these rules. Name (Sh./ Smt.) Designation Surender Singh President Kewal Krishan Vice-President Jag Pal Heyer Secretary Dharam Chand Jt. Secretary Savita Rani Member Suman Bala Member . a on the subject to th e condttton that the Note:- The Permission is granted documents/ Information furnished by the School authorities are factual and not devoid of truth in any way. However, if any information, at any stage, is found contrary to the facts the permission would be revoked forthwith. 1302(776-L) Dim:form o1 SnitenfEducation / at, %di GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ftztivir t1/01.1 n Rm. whiltr reet fkrwm Directorate School Education ftara-zr EduCacion, Whirs and Deniaprnent tint* VI alfel Lend me from. Darknots to Lied www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in [email protected] HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ORDER NO. 2/15-2014-HRL(5) DATED, PANCHKULA: 20/01/2014 The following Lecturer is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect Sr. No TransferId Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 64547 Suit. Sunita Lecturer in History Employee ID: 095417 GSSS Mandauthi, (Jhajjar) (30941 Transfer/Adjusted to GGSSS Chhara, (Jhajjar) 130821 Remarks Against vacancy by giving relaxation in policy. Note:1 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary adton, However if any official Is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join In the girls schools. 3 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy Is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer CelKoncerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relleving/joining the offidals concerned, It 5 may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the 6 transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer 7 submit a consent document to their respective Principals. SURINA WAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA ENDST. NO. 2/15-2014-HRL(5) DATED PANCHKULA, A copy is forwarded to the following for Information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving / joining. 3 Offidal Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. psi 6 Sr PSSE 7 /DSE Technology officer (HQ) Rk0 .-)P Vitisd.% DEPUTY DI CTOR LECTURER for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Ott Plot Na. IL *NINO* IlioftrEstif. \ tl 9/0172)-2501,41 pac 51(6172)-2400253 77111 OFFICE OF DIRECTOR GENERAL ELEMENTARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Date, Panchkula 17.01.2014 Order No 15/13-2014 HRM -I (1) The following master/Mistress are hereby deputed in the office of Director General Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula for one month with immediate effect. Sr. No. Name & Present Place of posting [293861 Kamal Garg, Math Master, GSSS Mandhna (Panchkula) [48888Nand Lal, Math Master, GMS Bal Chhappar (YNR) Endst. No. Even Ritu Additional Director Administration 0/0 Director General Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula Dated, Panchkula A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:District Elementary Education Officer, Panchkula, Yamunanagar. Head of the institutions concerned. 3. Officials Concerned. I.T Cell Technology Officer. Superintendent HR -I For Director General Elementary Education, `‘----"Fra-ryana, Panchkula GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / gititutt evto flOnfri Rttart, Ttner Ecluemion, Culture end Development Directorate School Education ftrWI ftiT wzmil ITT ..-1811.1.44 Lead me from Darkness to Light www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] ORDER NO. Transfer ID: 2/134-2013-HRL(1) 59319 HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH DATED, PANCHKULA: 20/01/2014 The transfer orders of Smt. Santosh Kumari [017709] Lecturer in Hindi from GSSS Hisar (Patel Nagar) Distt. Hisar [1466] to GSSS Behbalpur Distt. Hisar 114311 Against vacancy issued vide order No. 2/134-2013-HRL(1) dated 12/07/2013 are here by cancelled on administrative grounds. it is made clear that Smt. Santosh Kumari will remain in GSSS Hisar (Patel Nagar) Distt. Hisar [1466] Note :1 The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 7 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary action. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is violation of transfer policy/rationalization policy it should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. SURINA RA3AN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, 3 ti ENDST. NO. EVEN A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Superintendent Concerned Branch 5 Secy. OSD/C 6 Sr. PS E 7 P Technology officer (HQ) VOIA DEPUTY DIRECTOR LE RER for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot No. 1 Wilke* time si p 721484102415 Fox: 91(0172)4580253 1985: 9f (8174 moss r GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ftZfruir *1.101 Directorate School Education PAM Tt*Ere Cel OWN Education, Culture aid Development r4-ar-6-4 fk5r mil* wtfferMta Lead me from baiimess to Light www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in edusecondaryhryegmail.com HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ORDER NO. 23/5-2014-HRG-4 DATED, PANCHKULA: 08/01/2014 The following Head Master is hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No Transfer Id Name , Designation Present Place of Posting 1 64556 Smt. Manju Sharma Head Mistress Employee ID: 014799 GHS Ajronda, Distt. Faridabaid [1010] Transfer/Adjusted to GHS Badkhal, Distt. Faridabad [4295] Remarks Against vacancy on administrative ground Note :The official will be relieved immediately and in any disciplinary aciton, However if any official is working-1ft duty is accomplished. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 yea If there Is no vacancy in the d re-join his/her previous place of If any discrepancy is noticed in notice of Computer Cell/Concerned b In case of mutual transfer, it is di that the distance between both the In case of urban area stations while i has completed the rural service as per 7. The mutual transfer would be submit a consent document to their in 3 days failing which he/she will be liable for s duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census e/she has been shifted on his/her request after schools. the Incumbent transferred shall branch/computer cell at HQ. r policy, It should be brought to the not implemented. s concerned, it may be ensured be ensured that the transferee employees seeking mutual transfer SURINA RATAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH ENDST. NO. EVEN DATED PANCHKULA, 2- A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :District Education Officer Farida bad. Head of the institution concerned Official concerned. Secy. OSD/CM Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/FCSE PS/DSE Technology officer (HQ) DEPUTY DIRECTOR HRG-II for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA 2.)11)1019 A .2-49 /5 , • Dire:tome of School Eduction / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / ftzfr uir \.-HcbK rt-fi feashrfi Education. Culture and Development Directorate School Education f4-ar-6-4 ftffr www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in ar Lead me ftom Darkness to Light [email protected] DD ID: 2188 Order No. 9/1-2014 HRG-I (4) Sh. Akhtar All [002828] Dated, Panchkula, the 21/01/2014 Principal GSSS Sadhaura Distt. Yamuna Nagar [263] is hereby authorised to exercise the power of Drawing & Disbursing Officer in his own pay scale in respect of BEO Sadhaura Distt. Yamuna Nagar [5018] in addition to his own duties till regular Head of Institution joins. He will not claim seniority privileges and other pecuniary benefits by virtue of this appointment. CHANDER SHEKHAR DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Endst No. Even A copy is forwarded Dated,Panchkula the 24/01/2014 to the following for information and necessary action: - District Education Officer Yamuna Nagar w.r.t. Memo No. Steno/13/Spl dated 20/12/2013 Head of Institution, GSSS Sadhaura Distt. Yamuna Nagar Sh. Akhtar Ali Principal GSSS Sadhaura Distt. Yamuna Nagar Assistant/Treasury Officer Yamuna Nagar Accountant General A&E Haryana , Chandigarh Technology ology Officer (HQ IT-Cell) techn Head of Institution, BEO Sadhaura Distt. Yamuna Nagar .44/in SUPERINTENDENT HRG-I for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION lg-HARYANA, PANCHKULA Ott.: Plot No. 18, Shlksha Sadao, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134101),(Indla) - Tel: 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 tAT2 RO 141, ORO ffgq. 419t9 5 Wirrel , — 134199 (tM) Erg9 91 (on) 2580246 *Kg 91 (Din) 2560253 ossisiards•s•assi;mils / lismoram Mum VMS GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / Directorate School Education Mgr ittutiq Off.: Plot No. 113, Shlksha Sedan, Sector 5, Panchkula, Haryana 134109 (India) - 91(0172)-2560246 Fax: 91(0172)-2560253 wen bile 90 1t lilsr in Anus /15sHa101 (me) cgs :91(D1u) 25003111 Silt 91 (nn) 2110253 as ION (ns) legis mu 2580250 e-mail: etinsecondaryhrpggmail.com - site: www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in Order No. 22/98-2013 ERG-I (1) Dated, Chandigarh the 24.01.2014 The following Principals are transferred/adjusted as under :Sr. No. Name, Designation & Transfer to Present place of posting 1 Dahiya G8/3 Asha Smt. [37098], Principal u/t from GSSS Kalanaur Smt. Munni Devi [04485], G Principal u/t from GGSSS R Khairanti (Rohtak) Smt. Manisha [72254], Principal, GHS Singhpu (Rohtak) 2 3 Remarks Gudhan Order are cancelled. Kalanaur Order are cancelled. ti Order are cancelled and Smt. Manisha is adjusted at Jattan Kharak SSS ohtak) [2705] A/V by its relaxation fer policy. g Endst. No. Even Dated, Panchkula the .2 in h A copy is forwarded to the -following for information and necessary action District Education Officer concerned. Officers concerned. Secy./OSD CM. Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/PSSE. 5. PA/DSE \;7'.-"Technology Officer (IT Cell). (SUMEIiHA KATARIA) SPECIAL SECRETARY EDUCATION FOR PRINCIPAL SECRETARY SCHOOL EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHICULA Diroaorate of School Education / GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / fir REM ffr NEW farm, 14e9210 t a haaare{ Education, Culture and Development 1114)1,1 Directorate School Education ftErra-4 -tall 114#1 IV/ Ltmd me from Darkness to Light www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in I [email protected] ORDER NO. 2/419-2013-HRL(2) Transfer Id 64554 HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH DATED, PANCHKULA: 23/01t2014 In partial modification of this office order no. 2/419-2013-HRL(2) dated 22/11/2013 Sh. Amin Chand [048681] Lecturer in English who was transferred from DIET Panchkula Distt. Panchkula [4302] to GSSS Nanakpur Distt. Panchkula [3702] is hereby adjusted in GHS Panchkula (Sector 19), Distt. Panchkula [3780] Against vacancy provided that he has not joined his previous place of posting. Note :The official will be relieved immediately and in any case with in 7 days failing which he/she will be liable for disciplinary action. No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy Is noticed in this order or there Is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5. In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. SURINA RATAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH DATED PANCHKULA, 1 ‘-‘ ENDST. NO. EVEN A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :District Education Officer Conce med. Head of the institution concerned Official concerned. Secy. OSD/CM Sr. PS/E.M. Sr. PS/FCSE 7. PS/DSE j!'Technology Officer (HQ) il) DEPUTY DIRECTOR LECTURER for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA .111(0117)-2560246 Fax: 9101112)4560253 2ittoze life 91 (WO 2560253 Plot NO.111, MOO* a/elem. itale Page 1 of 1 HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PANCHKULA ORDER DATED PANCHKULA, THE 16.12.2013 NO. 22/10-2014 - HRG-I(1) The following HES-II officer are hereby given additional charge for the office of DPC mentioned against their name in their own pay and grade. Sr. No. Name of officer Additional charge for office of DPC [014387] Del Chand Chaudhary BEO Ballabhgarh (Faridabad) [5067] [017747] Sushila Kumari BEO Siwani (Bhiwani) [5121] [020615] Susheela Deputy DEO Jind (Jind) [4115] [042767] Dayanand BEO Bhuna (Fatehabad) [5096] [035179] Hari Pal Singh BEO Meham (Rohtak) J50501 [003725] Ram Parkaldi BEO Mustafabad (Yamuna Nagar) [5019] [038029] %render Singh BEO DPC Faridabad (Faridabad) [5527] Matsui Hail (Jhaijar)15057t 11. Dated Panchkula, the 16.12.2013 [061779] Anukp Singh BEO Bawal (Rewari) [50761 [047992] Mukesh Kumar BEO Gurgaon (Gurgaon)[5060] [0090471 Abdul Rehman. Khan BEEO Punhana (Mewat) [67711 [058129] Surender Singh BEEO Kaithal (Kaithal) 167331 DPC Bhiwani (Bhiwani) [5525] DPC Jind (Jind) [5529] DPC Fatehabad (Fatehabad) [5538] DPC Rohtak (Rohtak) 155351 DPC Yamuna Nagar (Yamuna Nagar) [5524] DPC Jhajjar (Jhajjar) [5537] DPC Rewari (Rewari) 15534], DPC Gurgaun (Gurgaon) [5526] DPC Mewat (Mewat) [5542] DPC Kaithal (Kzdthal) [5532] SURINA RAJAN SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, PANCHKULA DATED PANCHKULA, THE 4 jo ) ENDST NO. 22/10-2014-HRG-I(1) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action:Director Elementary Education, Haryana, Panchkula Accountant General (ABBE) Haryana, Chandigarh. District Education Officer Concerned District Elementary Education Officer Concerned. Officer Concerned. Secy./OSD/CM. Sr. Secy. / E.M./FC School Education. PA/DSE, Haryana, Panchkula. SUM HA KATARIA SPECIAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT, PANCHKULA Disvctorste of School EducAtion / VE4 ,7 ini GOVERNMENT OF HARYANA / i ftzTr uir xixcro Directorate School Education ftrazr fk5r Nucyli www.schooleducationharyana.gov.in Man, Tivirei 07.i Prmm Education, Culture and Development TROY unihterst Loud me from OttrIcoma to Light I [email protected] HARYANA GOVERNMENT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT PANCHKULA ORDER NO. DATED, PANCHKULA: 13/01/2014 2/425-2013-HRL(2) The following offidal(s) Ware hereby transferred/adjusted with immediate effect. Sr. No. Transfer Id Name , Designation Transfer/Adjusted to Remarks Present Place of Posting GSSS Bars Gudha, Distt. Sirsa [40241 GGSSS Rani', Distt. Sirsa [2841] Against vacancy 1 64548 Smt. Meena Rani Lecturer in English Employee ID: 063530 2 64549 Sh. Rattan Singh Lecturer in English Employee ID: 051204 GSSS Sams, Distt. Mahendergarb [38991 GSSS Hudina, Distt. Mahendergarh [39341 Against vacancy 3 64550 Sh. Rajesh Kumar Lecturer in English Employee ID: 060781 GSSS Dark ffnallat Dist/. Sirsa [29041 GSSS Rampura Dhillon, Dian. Sirsa 129301 Against vacancy 4 64551 Sb. Rishi Pal Lecturer in English Employee ID: 014284 Against vacancy 5 64552 Sh. Pardeep Kumar Lecturer in English Employee ID: 079679 MSS Tharsody,Thstt GSSS Gaisachhi, Distt. Faridalind 111731 Faiidabad [9771 GIV1SSSS ICeOrak, Diatt. GSSS ICailital P1861 Narar, 1)iatt. 'Caitlin' [22801 Against vacancy Note :1 The offidal will be relieved immediately and In any case with in 3 days falling which he/she will be liable for disciplinary adton, However if any official is working in Census duty, he/she shall not be relieved till the Census duty is accomplished. 2 No TA/DA and joining time will be admissible to the official if he/she has been shifted on his/her request after exercising option. 3 No male teacher below the age of 50 years be allowed to join in the girls schools. 4 If there is no vacancy in the destination school for any reason the incumbent transferred shall re-join his/her previous place of posting and also inform to concerned branch/computer cell at HQ. If any discrepancy is noticed in this order or there is a violation of transfer policy, It should be brought to the notice of Computer Cell/Concerned branch within three days and the order be not implemented. 5 In case of mutual transfer, it is directed that before relieving/joining the officials concerned, it may be ensured that the distance between both the schools is not less than 8 km. 6 In case of urban area stations while implementing the transfer orders, it may be ensured that the transferee has completed the rural service as per transfer policy. 7 The mutual transfer would be effective only when both the employees seeking mutual transfer submit a consent document to their respective Principals. Off.: Plot NO ilk 4,- TA-2560240 Roc 44O172)-21560253 *Kai (oir8 twozs3 2 SURINA RATAN PRINCIPAL SECRETARY TO GOVT. HARYANA SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT CHANDIGARH OFFICE OF DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION, HARYANA, PANCHKULA DATED, PANCHICULA, PLEA ENDST. NO. 2/425-2013-HRL(2) A copy is forwarded to the following for information and necessary action :1 District Education Officer/ District Elementary Education Officer, Concerned. 2 Head of the institution, Concerned. It is hereby directed to check consent of both the employees those are transferred mutually, before their relieving /joining. 3 Official Concerned. 4 Secy. OSD/CM 5 Sr. PS/E.M. 6 Sr. PS/PSSE .7 PS/DSE 8 Technology officer (HQ) DEPUTY DIRECTOR LECTURER for DIRECTOR SECONDARY EDUCATION HARYANA, PANCHKULA Off.: Plot. No. 1B, Shiksha Baden, 0.4(14. iffe to OW - 04(0172)-2560248 For 81(0172)-2560253 172) 2560246 *Et 91 (0172) mom
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