Inside - Kansas City Barbeque Society
Inside - Kansas City Barbeque Society
Kansas City Barbeque Society – America’s Barbeque Experts!® March 2011 Postmaster: Dated Material. Please deliver by March 10, 2011 The Monthly Publication of the Kansas City Barbeque Society ? ? ? Q o t hen not w o d o t What itis By Dawn Endrija KCBS recently posed the question “What do you do in the off season” to our Facebook friends. The first thing we learned…THERE IS NO OFF SEASON. This rang loud and clear in the first few responses we received. It is true, most of you spend the few weekends in December, January and February that are comp free practicing new recipes, setting up the schedule for the next year, and doing the necessary maintenance on all your equipment. With so little info to expand this article, I decided to instead give all my fellow ‘quers some ideas of what you can do during those few weekends you don’t have to rush out to contests. *Take a real vacation. I hate to tell you, but stopping off at Graceland on your way to Memphis in May is NOT A VACATION. This is a pit stop. A real vacation includes cameras, large floppy hats, and a vehicle that does not have a smoker attached. *Sleep on a Friday night. Yes…there are people out there who actually sleep 8+ hours every Friday night. In fact, rumor has it; there are whole households who even sleep past turn in time on Saturdays. Just try it…I promise it won’t hurt. *See a movie. If Risky Business was the last movie you saw in the theater, you are in for a treat. There were actually some pretty good movies made since Tom Cruise danced in his underwear. May I recommend a few? The Dark Knight, Forrest Gump and Despicable Me are a few of my favorites. But I have to worn you, the cost of seeing a show in the theater has doubled since your last visit. *Dress up and go to dinner. I know the bbq t-shirt and Crocs work for you. And I have to admit, the one you’re wearing right now, with the stain on the left side is pretty sexy. But…a good pair of Levis and a button down can be very appealing. Come on…live a little! *And finally, if you must do something that is bbq related, try posting something nice on one of the barbeque forums. You could start with complimenting another team on how well they did the previous year, and if you’re really feeling generous, you could thank someone for sharing their opinion, even though it’s different from your own….now that’s crazy talk! Fortunately, by the time you read this there will be very few of those weekends left this year. Fear not my fellow barbeque fanatics; we plan to have a record number of contests this year. There will be little time for vacations, movies and fancy dinners. Look at the bright side…you can wear your comfy clothes. Inside Retail List 4 Books, Seasonings & More Welcome! 32-37 KCBS New Members Class Schedules 20-21 Cooking, Judging & Table Captain Classes Upcoming Events 2011 Events 41-46 Volume 26, Issue 3 11514 Hickman Mills Drive KCMO 64134 Phone: 800.963.5227 Phone: 800.963.5227 page 2bullsheet – March 2011 KCBS MEMBER BANNERS NOW AVAILABLE! President’s Corner 2011 is turning into a very exciting year! Sam's BBQ Series is a true nation-wide, members-only barbeque tournament, generating excitement with teams and judges and folks who want to volunteer to be a part of it. The Great American Barbeque Tour hits the road soon with Mike and Chris Peters in the command seat. If the GABT is ever at a location near you, watching Mike Peters working a crowd is loads of fun. Best of all, March is here and that means that the fires at barbeque contests are heating up all around the nation. KCBS is on the edge of even more exciting developments! I can't even put into words how thrilled and humbled I am to be at the wheel of KCBS. Please know that I will do my very best to serve you and every KCBS member. Just don't all 14,000 call me at once! Candy Sue Weaver President, KCBS Board of Directors KCBS Member Banners Measure 2’w x 3’h $20 Each + Shipping Call KCBS @ 800.963.5227 to place your order! Charter Members Recognized In honor of our 25th anniversary, we the KCBS board, would like to honor 26 members of KCBS. These members of KCBS that we want to recognize are all charter members and have maintained their membership in KCBS to this day. Because of their willingness to become a member of KCBS at the beginning and their continued dedication to KCBS for the past 25 years, each of these charter members will receive a lifetime membership to KCBS: Carolyn Wells Paul Kirk Ed Roith Donna McClure Guy Simpson Alan Uhl Donald Pugh Mark Schroeger Verl Boes Ted McClure Ardie Davis Bob Schaffer Roger L. Wagner Rich Tuttle Bunny Tuttle Eugene Aldridge Smoky Hale Stephen Yates Mark Koechner Tom Blackburn Gary Buck Charles L. Jones Dee Miller Edward Wilson Alton Coffelt Patty Aldridge The Bullsheet is Available Electronically! KCBS wants to make sure you receive the latest barbeque news, even if you aren’t home to get your Bullsheet. Beginning with the August 2010 issue, members will be able to view The Bullsheet online. This will be a members-only feature that is located under the ‘Downloads’ section on the KCBS website. Each month, we will upload the latest issue so you can read it no matter where you are on the barbeque trail. Visit Us On Facebook!! bullsheet – March 2011Page 3 Smokin’ the Competition since 1987 5 time world champions at Memphis in May The old fashion taste with a modern design. The Backwoods Smoker is a one piece unit with a double wall design. (an inner wall and a completely insulated outer wall). The smokers provide an internal chimney which allows smoke to flow by patented down draft. They are available in 13 sizes, price ranging from $845.00 TO $8030.00 from the CHUBBY to the WHOLE HOG Backwoods Smoker, Inc. 318 220 0380 office 318 220 9022 fax 8245 Dixie Shreveport Road • Shreveport, LA 71107 [email protected] C H A R C OA L O V E N S S I N C E 1 9 4 8 Unique Features & Benefits 6 ADJUSTABLE FIRE BOX & COOKING STYLE INDICATOR (1) 7 GREASE DRAIN SYSTEM (2) FULL-WIDTH FIRE DOOR (3) COOKING GRILLS (4) 4 HEAT DEFLECTOR (5) THERMOMETER (6) 8 2 VENTLESS HOOD (7) DUAL DRAFT VENTS (8) 3 5 ASH PAN (9) 1 9 · · For more information call: 800-4AN-OVEN · We recommend using Hasty-Bake Hardwood Charcoal page 4bullsheet – March 2011 kcbs retail list BBQ Books The first price is for members only! 500 Barbecue Dishes Paul Kirk..................................................... $15.95 America’s Best BBQ Ardie Davis & Paul Kirk............................ $20.00 Barbecuing & Sausage Making Secrets Knote............................................................ $14.95 Great American Barbecue & Grilling Manual Smoky Hale................................................ $19.95 Great BBQ Sauce Book Ardie Davis..................................... $14.95/$15.95 Grilling America Rick Browne................................................ $25.95 The Kansas City Barbeque Society Cookbook...................................Members $20.95/ ..............................................Non-Members $22.95 The Kansas City Barbeque Society Cookbook- 25th Anniversary Edition ..................Members $22.99/ Non-Members$24.99 Mastering the BBQ (Michael Stines)........ $19.95 Paul Kirk's Championship Barbecue Sauces Paul Kirk..................................................... $11.95 On the Grill Backyard Bunglers Steve Tyler................................................... $19.95 Real Barbecue by Vince Staten/Greg Johnson.....$16.95 Startin’ The Fire George Hensler............................................$12.99 Whatcha Need to Know to BBQ like a Pro Ron Lutz...................................................... $14.95 They Were Smokin’ Billy Bob Billy............................................. $24.95 Shipping and Handling per cookbook is $5.00 Pins & Accessories 2011 KCBS Member Pin................................$3.00 2010 KCBS 25th Anniversary Pin.................$3.00 KCBS Member Banner..................................$20.00 Specialty Pins Missouri Pin................................................... $3.00 Pig, Cow, or Chicken Pin............................... $3.00 Past Years KCBS Pins Limited Quantities 2005, 2003, 2008, 2009.........................Each $2.00 Chop Chop, Jr.................................................. $2.00 BBQ Seasonings & Sauce Bad Byron’s Butt Rub (4.5 oz/2 lb)..... $4.00/$12.00 Butch's Smack Your Lips BBQ Seasoning (8 oz.) regular or cajun............................... .$5.00 Fire Bug Grillin Sauce (18 oz)mild or hot......$6.00 Don’s BBQ Seasoning (6.1 oz).........................$5.00 Happy "Holla" BBQ Seasoning (6.4 oz.)......... $5.00 Happy "Holla" Steak Seasoning (3 oz.).......... $2.50 Head Country Rub (6 oz/2 lb)............. $4.50/$13.00 Howton Farms All Purpose Rub. (13.5 oz.) ..... 7.00 KC Backyard Rubs (7 oz.) (KC Style or Bold & Spicy).......................... $5.00 KC Rib Dr. (3.2 oz.)......................................... $3.00 KC Rib Dr. (6.0 oz.)......................................... $5.00 Lotta BS Poultry Spice (7 oz.)........................ $5.00 Lotta BS Beef & Pork Spice (7 oz.)................. $5.00 Paradise Ridge Dry Rub/Seasoning (12.7 oz.).$7.00 Paul Kirk Seasoning (1 1/2 lb).......................$13.00 Pig Pen’s Seasoning (5.5 oz.).......................... $5.00 Pig Pen’s Hot & Spicy Seasoning (5.5 oz.).....$5.00 Rock River Stampede Steak Seasoning (6.5 oz)...................................... $5.00 Rock River Rub (7 3/4 oz.)............................... $5.00 Smacker’s Sweet & Spicy Rub (5.5 oz)....................$6.00 Smokin' Guns BBQ Rub (8 oz) mild or hot............. $6.00 Trim Tabb's Pig Powder (12 oz)..................... $7.00 BBQ DVD’s Shipping and Handling per video is $5.00 Real BBQ Know How- Troy Black...........$29.99 ea Happy "Holla"- Ed Roith- ................... $38.00 ea VHS.................$36.00 set How-To Barbecue- Chicken-VHS Only..$10.00 ea Looking for a product everyone will enjoy? Check out the KCBS Retail List! (Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery). KCBS Order Form kcbs, 11514 hickman mills dr., kcmo 64134 Item Qty Price Ea Total ____________ _ _____ ________________ ________ ____________ _ _____ ________________ ________ ____________ _ _____ ________________ ________ MO. sales tax ________ Missouri Residents add 7.725% (Tax) $5.00 Shiipping/ ________ International Add $11.00 for S/H Handling TOTAL _____________ name: _ ___________________________________________________________ Please Print address:__________________________________________________________ no p.o. box deliveries! city/state/zip:_ ___________________________________________________ phone (day):_ _____________________________________________________ Are you a KCBS member? Yes No Charge: MasterCard _____ Visa_____ AmerX_____ Card#_ __________________________________ Exp Date ___________ CVC Code:__________ Name as it appears on Card_ ____________________________________________ Please Print! Signature____________________________________________________________ Please allow 4-6 weeks for delivery bullsheet – March 2011Page 5 Kansas City Barbeque Society’s Side Dish our mission Recognizing barbecue as America’s Cuisine, the Mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society is to celebrate, teach, preserve and promote barbeque as a culinary technique, sport and art form. Kansas City BullSheet (USPS - 015592, Periodical Postage) is published monthly by The Kansas City Barbeque Society at 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City, MO 64134. $18 of the $35.00 dues is allocated to subscription. For editorial, display, and classified advertising information call 816/765-5891. Periodical postage is paid at Kansas City, Missouri 64108. Postmaster: Send address changes to Kansas City BullSheet, 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City MO 64134. KCBS GRANTS TO NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS The board of the Kansas City Barbeque Society offers grants each year to non-profit organizations whose mission supports the mission of the Kansas City Barbeque Society or whose members have a significant connection to KCBS. If you are directly involved with such an organization and wish to apply for a grant, please contact Kelly Cain in the Kansas City Barbeque office for an application and the criteria necessary to receive consideration. Applications for 2012 must be received in the KCBS office by April 30, 2012. 2011 Pin Is here!!! The 2011 pin is now available! Get yours today by calling the KCBS office @ 800.963.5227 or by e-mailing [email protected] Kansas City BullSheet is the official members-only publication of the Kansas City Barbeque Society©. Join KCBS today to get your subscription started. See Page 8 for our membership application. Kansas City Barbeque Society 11514 Hickman Mills Drive Kansas City, MO 64134 Phone: 816.765.5891 Toll Free: 1.800.963.KCBS (5227) Fax: 816.765.5860 Visit us on the web: We reserve the right to edit any article, ad or comment. Special Projects Manager [email protected] Contest sanctioning & Team of the year Inquiries Dawn Endrijaitis Team of the Year Coordinator & Contest Manager [email protected] Photos By: Larry King Debby Gage Ed Roith Columnists: Mike & Chris Peters- The Great American BBQ Tour Recap Bob Lyon- Pacific Northwest Remus Powers PhB- Remus Says Paul Kirk CWC, PhB, B.S.A.S.- Education Corner; The Readers Recipe Exchange George Hensler- Startin’ The Fire Dawn Endrijaitis- Staff Writer/TOY Coordinator; Contest Sanctioning Mike Garrison- The Adventures of the Flying BBQ Judges Articles By: Larry King Sonny Ashford Chris Marks Gordon Hubbell Visit KCBS.US!!! the kansas city Bullsheet and Banquet Inquiries Kelly Cain Editor, Kansas City Bullsheet [email protected] OFFICE MANAGER/ accounts receivable & Payable Sybilla Hawkins Manager, Accounts Payable & Recieveable [email protected] Membership inquiries Kaye Wade Manager, Membership Services [email protected] KCBS Officers Carolyn Wells - Executive Director/Co-Founder Candy Weaver - President Don Harwell - Vice President Mike Budai - Treasurer Tana Shupe - Secretary All rights reserved, Kansas City Barbeque Society© 2011. Going Green? Enjoy reading the Bullsheet online? Want to save trees? If you would like to stop receiving a paper copy of the Bullsheet each month, please e-mail your name and member number to [email protected] and tell us you want to go green! Searchin’ For Smoke Are you searching for someone in your area to start a barbeque team with? Let us know and we’ll post your name, location, and e-mail address until you find someone! Send us an e-mail at [email protected] to have your name added to the list any personal information provided is at your own discretion. KCBS is not, under any circumstances, responsible for contacts received by the requestor Alabama Norman Dasinger - [email protected] KCBS Content Disclaimer The content of this newsletter is published on behalf of KCBS members and is offered for informational and entertainment purposes only. We strive to be as accurate as possible, but can not guarantee accuracy in all matters due to deadlines, multiple sources and the complexity of publishing a product of this magnitude. We encourage and welcome our members to bring inaccuracies to our attention so that they can be corrected as soon as possible in subsequent editions. From time to time, KCBS will invite and include commentary from members, independent authors, contributors and various other entities who want to share BBQ tips, techniques, info and secrets with our membership. In such cases, we will endeavor to mark such contributions as “Commentary”. As a result, it is important for our members to realize that any and all opinions expressed by contributors are solely that person’s opinion and do not reflect the opinions of KCBS, the KCBS Board of Directors, our membership at large or the National Partners of KCBS. You should not treat any opinion expressed by individual contributors as an inducement to change or suspend any specific KCBS rules and/or regulations. Any such change or suspension will be clearly communicated by an official KCBS alert from the Board of Directors. In general, KCBS welcomes original contributions of all kinds that have anything to do with BBQ or competitive BBQ in general. However, for the betterment of our society, KCBS reserves the right to moderate, edit or deny any contributions that are factually incorrect, grammatically incorrect, counter productive to our mission, or inflammatory and/or confusing to our by-laws or membership in general. deadline for April issue is March 15 @ Noon CST Any ad, comment or article received after this date may appear in the next issue. Connecticut Michael Kyek - [email protected] Illinois Terry Hartl - [email protected] Andrew Piskorz - [email protected] Indiana Brian Herbert - [email protected] Rick Barton - [email protected] Maryland Skip Schlesinger - [email protected] Missouri Lee Jeffers - [email protected] Oklahoma Don Jones - [email protected] Pennsylvania Timothy McMaster - [email protected] New Jersey Dave Torpey - [email protected] page 6bullsheet – March 2011 Minutes from the Board MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF KANSAS CITY BARBEQUE SOCIETY BOARD OF DIRECTOR’S MEETING Friday, January 15, 2011 Kansas City, MO At 7:00 p.m. Mike Lake, President of KCBS called the meeting to order. Present at the meeting were the following members of the Board in person or by phone: Mike Budai, Gene Goycochea, Don Harwell, Paul Kirk, Mike Lake, Wayne Lohman, Ed Roith, Tana Shupe, Candy Weaver, Carol Whitebook, Merl Whitebook, and Carolyn Wells, Executive Director. 7:05 Merl Whitebook stated that a quorum was present Public Address (if any) Mike and Chris Peters addressed the Board and membership, to express their thanks for the opportunity to represent KCBS Great American BBQ Tour. They presented Carolyn Wells a stained glass window light catcher celebrating KCBS’ 25 years of BBQ Excellence. Minutes: Merl Whitebook Merl Whitebook made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Directors, of December 8, 2010 and the special meeting of December 20, 2010, meetings of the Board of Directors. Tana Shupe seconded the motion. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion to approve the Minutes of the Board of Directors meeting of December 8, 2010 and December 20, 2010, passes. Accounting and Financial Committee: Mike Budai Mike Budai made a motion to accept the financial statements for December, 2010. The motion was seconded by Ed Roith. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion to accept the financial statements for December 2010 passes. 2010 - 25th Banquet and Annual Meeting Committee: Paul Kirk No Report Education Committee: Paul KirkNo Report Membership Committee: Gene Goycochea The following information on membership for KCBS was compiled by Dawn Endrijaitis. Dawn will be working on a new project for membership retention this new year, members are often not renewing after a first year membership as a result of becoming a CBJ, she will be calling members to remind them to pay their dues and remain a current judge. You can see that membership rises each year however; we lose a large percentage of past membership. We increase with new members by approximately 480 members per month and have a loss of existing members in the average amount of 250 members a month, this is an average increase of approximately 250 members per month overall with loss and gain combined. Renewals 2009 2010 Difference % Jan 517 604 87 17% Feb 829 804 -25 -3% Mar 1030 1005 -25 -2% Apr 755 944 189 25% May 681 696 15 2% Jun 670 696 26 4% Jul 542 615 73 13% Aug 462 567 105 23% Sep 394 553 159 40% Oct 415 528 113 27% Nov 509 490 -19 -4% Dec 510 572 62 12% TOTAL 7314 8074 760 10% New Members 2009 2010 Jan * 486 Feb * 892 Mar * 796 Apr * 652 May * 553 Jun * 470 Jul * 405 Aug * 509 Sep * 296 Oct * 243 Nov * 311 Dec * 179 TOTAL * 5792 The board accepted the report as presented. Technology CommitteeDon Harwell Technology: Web: Created MP3 of December board meeting for posting on our web site. A member’s profile view option is now in place. Next step is to add an edit feature, so members can edit their profiles Contest Program Have received three responses for RFP after it was reopened RFP is now closed and all proposals have been review. Data Access Worldwide has been approved to proceed with the creation of a new computer contest scoring program. Members call-in No updates how members call into the meetings have been made. Elections: Election started January 3rd and all is working as planned The results will provided at the banquet MMA Contract: The Special Contract Committee has met several times both internal and with MMA. Proposed contract is with KCBS legal. Special Committee to review Board Member’s actions: Committee is in review of documents to see if a motion to censure concerning the actions of a member of the Board should take place. The Board accepted the report as presented. Philanthropy Committee: Tana Shupe The KCBS Grant-in-Aid application and accompanying announcement are in the January issue of The Bullsheet and will be confirmed at the Annual Meeting Banquet. I have also received an email from Lynne Lupinetti, widow of Butch Lupinetti of Butch’s Smack Your Lips BBQ team, informing us that that, in 2011, they will be offering a grant of $1,000 to a child of a member of KCBS. Most of the requirements for this grant are the same as what KCBS is offering, but the Lupinetti family will be selecting this recipient. I would like the board’s approval to mention this grant when we confirm the KCBS grants during the banquet. An announcement about this grant that is attached, and I request that the board allow the application to be placed in February’s issue of The Bullsheet without charge to the Lupinetti family. Tana Shupe made a motion to approve the announcement and application of the Lupinetti grant in the Bullsheet. The motion was seconded Continued on next page Request to Speak at KCBS Board Meeting Member Name:_______________________________ Member #:___________________________________ Date of Board Meeting:_____________________________________ I want to monitor the meeting only: _________yes __________no I want to speak to the Board: ___________ yes ____________no If yes to speak, what agenda item or what topic do you wish to address? _ __________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________ I understand I will have 3 minutes to speak if marked above and will follow the KCBS Board guidelines for Communication with the Board and Public Decorum at Board meetings attached here to. If I have not asked to speak, I understand I will only be granted the ability to listen to the meeting. _______________________________________________ ___________________ Signature Date Deadline for submissions is as follows: Meeting Attendance, 24 hours; Speak at meeting, 72 hours ; Limited to the first 25 to register per month bullsheet – March 2011Page 7 Minutes from the Board… Continued from Page 6 by Gene Goycochea. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion to approve the request by the Lupinetti family passes. The board accepted the report as submitted. Strategic Funds Committee: Candy Weaver Several weeks ago, I posted a request for KCBS members to suggest ideas for the use of Strategic Funds. Below is a list of the ideas received, sorted by the board committee to which it relates. Technology: Develop an online forum for KCBS members Fund development of new scoring software, tracking software for judges Hire an IT person or company to handle database and web issues in house as needed Contests: Drop KCBS sanctioning fees, continue paying rep expenses Provide co-op funds to organizers to underwrite public marketing events at contest GABT should pay organizers for the space they occupy at the event Purchase the free entries for the banquet drawing to help organizers cover cost Develop way to waive/reduce sanctioning costs for new or small contests Philanthropy: Start a sponsor-funded National Senior Q program Partner with a nationwide charity to distribute food to the needy Judges: Start a Judge’s Award program, beyond the Master CBJ Develop judge continuing education program online Marketing: Redesign the BullSheet, upgrade the content Hire an in-house marketing person Membership: Figure out methods for member retention Start a program for teams to mentor new BBQ cooks. Miscellaneous: Build a building to house KCBS offices and the BBQ Hall of Fame Resist temptation to spend money on buildings or vehicles, use it to make the core business of KCBS better and help all members. Spend money on things that will grow KCBS in the future Candy Weaver made a motion that the ideas on the list above be forwarded to the chairs of the specific committees for 2011 for further development. The motion was seconded by Ed Roith. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion passes. The board accepted the report as submitted. Contests Past The Board reviews past contests. Tom’s Farm Wild West BBQ (1) Wi l d o m a r, C A 1 2 / 3 0 / 2 0 1 0 12/31/2010 Tom’s Farm Wild West BBQ (2) Wi l d o m a r, C A 1 2 / 3 1 / 2 0 1 0 01/01/2011 Merl Whitebook made a motion to require the Buckeye, Az contest produce a contract for security as a condition precedent for sanctioning. Second by Carol Whitebook. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions. The motion passes. Sanctioning Committee: Wayne Lohman NEW CONTEST REQUESTS 1. Contest Name: Belleville Rotary Dadfest at Eckerts (received 12/1/10) Date Requested: 6/17-18/2011 Location: Belleville, IL 2. Contest Name: TBD (received 12/1/10) Date Requested: 9/23-24/11 Location: Dana Point, CA 3. Contest Name: Rock-n-Ribfest (received 12/2/10) Date Requested: 10/8-9/2011 Location: Palmerton, PA 4. Contest Name: 30th Annual Show-Me State Championship (received 12/6/10) Date Requested: 4/22-23/2011 Location: Kennett, MO 5. Contest Name: Oktoberfest Bar-B-Q Challenge (received 12/7/10) Date Requested: 10/7-8/2011 Location: Cullman, AL 6. Contest Name: The Lexington BBQ Battle (received 12/7/10) Date Requested: 4/16-17/2011 Location: Lexington, MA 7. Contest Name: Canterbury Park State BBQ Contest (received 12/9/10) Date Requested: 6/10-11/2011 Location: Shakopee, MN 8. Contest Name: Pala’s Buffalo Ranch BBQ (received 12/13/10) Date Requested: 4/1-2/2011 Location: Pala, CA 9. Contest Name: Brentwood PAL Presents “Blues, Brews & BBQ” at The Streets (received 12/13/10) Date Requested: 5/27-28/2011, Location: Brentwood, CA 10. Contest Name: TBD (received 12/15/10) Date Requested: 10/28-29/11 Location: Gastonia, NC 11. Contest Name: Heart of Kentucky Bourbon & BBQ Musicfest (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 5/20-21/2011 Location: Lebanon, KY 12. Contest Name: U.S. Open BBQ Championship (received 12/23/10) Date Requested: 9/9-10/2011 Location: Sparta, IL 13. Contest Name: Cars, Blues & BBQ (received 12/29/10) Date Requested: 6/24-25/2011 Location: Alton, IL 15. Contest Name: All American (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 7/2-3/2011 Location: Rancho Cordova, CA EXISTING/DATE CHANGE REQUESTS 1. Contest Name: Cattleman’s Ozark BBQ Challenge (received 12/1/10) Date Requested: 9/16-17/11 Original Date: 4/30-5/1/10 Location: Springfield, MO 2. Contest Name: Richmond Mushroom Festival BBQ Contest (received 12/1//10) Date Requested: 5/6-7/11 Original Date: 4/30-5/1/11 Location: Richmond, MO 3. Contest Name: Belton Heritage BBQ Contest (received 12/1/10) Date Requested: 5/6-7/11 Original Date: 4/30-5/1/10 Location: Belton, MO 4. TABLED: Way Out West BBQ Championship TABLED Date Requested: 5/20-21/11 Original Date: 7/3-4/10 5. Contest Name: Bloomin’ BBQ & Bluegrass (received 12/13/10) Date Requested: 5/20-21/11 Original Date: 5/14-15/10 Location: Sevierville, TN 6. Contest Name: Minnesota in May (received 12/13/10) Date Requested: 5/20-21/11 Original Date: 5/13-14/10 7. Contest Name: Pigs & Peaches BBQ Festival (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 8/26-27/2011 Original Date: 8/20-21/10 8. Contest Name: Best Buckin BBQ Cookoff (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 4/29-30/2011 Original Date: 4/23-24/10 9. Contest Name: Kick-Off Cookoff (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 4/29-30/11 Original Date: 4/23-24/10 10. Contest Name: Bricks, Broncs & BBQ (received 12/28/10) Date Requested: 8/26-27/11 Original Date: 10/8-9/10 Location: Russell, KS 11. Contest Name: Sikeston Area Chamber of Commerce Redneck Barbeque (received 12/28/10) Date Requested: 4/15-16/11 Original Date: 4/9-10/10 Location: Sikeston, MO 12. Contest Name: Apple Blossom BBQ Contest (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 5/6-7/11 Original Date: 4/30-5/1/10 Location: St. Joseph, MO 13. Contest Name: Midwest BBQ Throwdown (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 6/17-18/11 Original Date: 8/20-21/11 14. Contest Name: Stagecoach Music Festival BBQ Challenge (received 1/4/11) Date Requested: 4/30-5/1/11 Original Date: 4/23-25/11 Location: Indio, CA TABLED 1. Contest Name: Stand by Your Grill (received 11/23/10) Date Requested: 3/11-12/2011 Location: Fulton, MS MISSED DEC. 1 DEADLINE (EXISTING) 1. Contest Name: Golden City Rockn’ Blues & BBQ State Championship (received 12/17/10) Date Requested: 10/7-8/2011 Location: Golden City, MO 2. Contest Name: North Platte Honky Tonk Barbecue Festival (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 5/6-7/11 Location: North Platte, NE 3. Contest Name: Riverside BBQ Classic (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 7/29-30/11 Location: Iola, KS 4. Contest Name: Capital City Cookoff (received 12/20/10) Date Requested: 4/15-16/11 Location: Jefferson City, MO 5. Contest Name: SC Festival of Discovery (received 12/23/10) Date Requested: 7/8-9/11 Location: Greenwood, SC 6. Contest Name: Papa Joe’s Banjo-B-Que (received 12/23/10) Date Requested: 5/27-28/11 Location: North Augusta, SC 7. Contest Name: Great Lenexa BBQ Battle/KS State Championship (received 12/23/10) Date Requested: 6/24-25/11 Location: Lenexa, KS 8. Contest Name: Battle of the Brisket (received 12/23/10) Date Requested: 9/16-17/11 Location: Mission, KS 9. Contest Name: The Original SD BBQ Championships (received 12/23/10) Date Requested: 6/3-4/11 Location: Huron, SD 10. Contest Name: Smokin in the Oaks BBQ Championship (received 12/28/10) Date Requested: 6/3-4/11 Location: Penn Valley, CA 11. Contest Name: Brockport BBQ & Music Fest (received 12/28/10) page 8bullsheet – March 2011 Minutes from the Board… Continued from Page 7 Date Requested: 7/29-30/11 Location: Brockport, NY 12. Contest Name: Smokin in Mesquite BBQ Championship (received 12/29/10) Date Requested: 9/2-4/11 Location: Mesquite, NV 13. Contest Name: Best Dam BBQ Cookoff (received 12/29/10) Date Requested: 7/1-2/11 Location: Benton/West City, IL 14. Contest Name: Windsor September Cookoff (received 12/30/10) Date Requested: 9/2-3/11 Location: Windsor, MO 15. Contest Name: Troy Pig Out (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 7/16-17/11 Sat/Sun Location: Troy, NY 16. Contest Name: Smoketoberfest BBQ Challenge (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 10/14-15/11 Location: Chambersburg, PA 17. Contest Name: Desoto Shrine Club 3rd Annual 2011 BBQ Cookoff (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 6/10-11/11 Location: Hernando, MS 18. Contest Name: Wabash Ribber Fest (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 9/9-10/11 Location: Mt. Carmel, IL 19. Contest Name: Ribapalooza (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 6/17-18/11 Location: Sauk Rapids, MN 20. Contest Name: State Center Rose Festival BBQ Championship (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 6/17-18/11 Location: State Center, IA 21. Contest Name: Hog Wild in Corinth BBQ Contest (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 9/30-10/1/11 Location: Corinth, MS 22. Contest Name: 19th Annual Cape Girardeau Jaycee BBQ Fest (received 1/3/11) Date Requested: 8/26-27/11 Location: Cape Girardeau, MO 23. Contest Name: Smokin’ on Oak (received 1/4/11) Date Requested: 8/26-27/11 Location: Bonner Springs, KS 24. Contest Name: International Goat Days Barbecue Bash (received 1/4/11) Date Requested: 9/9-10/11 Location: Millington, TN Executive session to discuss a Sam’s Club series of contest. Wayne Lohman made a motion to approve for sanctioning all of listed contests in the January New/Change Requests report with the exception of the Palmerton, PA contest, which could be in conflict with the Harrisburg, PA and Stocton, CA, with other contests on the same weekend. We recommend that these contests be tabled for an alternate date. That the Scottsdale, AZ has met all requirements for sanction and be approved. The motion was seconded by Tana Shupe. Vote 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions, The motion to approve sanctioning passes. CBJ Committee: Ed RoithNo Report New Ideas Committee: Merl WhitebookNo Report Marketing Committee: Candy Weaver & Tana Shupe GABT Tour 2010 Tour successful and proceeds sent to KCBS 2011 Tour stops and sponsors to be announced at Jan board meeting and then banquet dinner Still pursuing sponsors for a 2nd Tour; but right now focused on all final negotiations/details of Tour 1 Need to have Board dialogue about Tour truck options; will need to make decision by end of Feb Merchandise Record sales in December: $6,588 Adding and offering a 25th anniversary tee-shirt, which will be available at the Banquet first and then online Web Advertising sold for December: $1,665 Uploaded January Bullsheet Uploaded MP3 of December’s BOD meeting Finalizing online Rep, Contestant, and Organizer Critique forms Added Tour recaps and other news blurbs as needed Added the credit card design contest and web banner; almost 50 entries TOY CMS prepared for 2011 2011 Rules and Regulations added to website Updated KCBS membership numbers in all instances (from 10,000 to 14,000) PR Social Media: Facebook page created for the GABT. Also using MMA, KCBS, and GABT Facebook and Twitter pages to promote KCBS-related events/promotion. Sent KCBS Credit Card Design Contest E-blast Sponsorship Activities Continue to engage and work with possible sponsors on numerous fronts Several partners of KCBS will be launching programs in 2011 that will be offered (and beneficial) to individual event directors. Will discuss a few at the board meeting and then in the marketing session at the banquet. Banquet Activities Continuing coordination and support of KCBS staff to facilitate Banquet activities The Banquet sponsorship opportunities are sold-out. Created Banquet banners, directional signage, large checks for TOY presentation, and program with Trade Show information Misc. Sam’s Club’s private CBJ class in Bentonville went well; KCBS gave Sam’s execs and employees a truly special experience Should have more info about the Sam’s BBQ Series for 2011 by the January board meeting; will update at that time KCBS received a proclamation celebrating the 25th anniversary of the organization. January national goody bag program to be sent to organizers. Tana Shupe made a motion to accept the report as stated. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The report was accepted as presented. Contest Rep Committee: Carol Whitebook a. The following list of questions was submitted to the KCBS attorneys for the 2011 Rep Session to be held on January 15, 2011 from 1:30 – 3 p.m. in the Empire Room at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center. Questions/Concerns: 1. Should reps receive an annual evaluation? 2. Can a rep be dropped without cause? 3. Can a rep’s heirs be held liable for any monetary issues the rep can’t handle? 4. Can a rep now solicit contests from an organizer? (FYI: there is a current advisory that states a rep cannot do this or they will receive discipline from the board) 5. Do the attorneys recommend all reps sign a contract and if so, what content do they recommend is included? 6. Will reps be held accountable for righting wrong results when human error occurs? 7. Are contest reps insured from injury should they get hurt while on duty? 8. Is probation and retraining appropriate or is termination the only option for independent contractors? 9. Can a terminated rep appeal? 10. If retraining is allowed, who covers the cost? 11. How restrictive can the Board be in setting rules for an independent contractor if the end user, the organizer, is completely satisfies with the outcome of the BBQ event? 12. Would the answer for #11 make any difference if cooks weren’t satisfied due to inconsistencies compared to other contests across the nation, as they are customers as well. 13. As Independent Contractors are we responsible for our own taxes and will that continue? 14. Does the Rep Committee control firing a rep? Will they be given a chance to share their side of the issue with the board prior to removal? (Currently, information from all sides is gathered and the board discusses in executive session. Currently a rep would receive 30 days to appeal; however, above, another question asks if that is how we should be conducting business w/ contract laborers) 15. How often will advisories be altered? Would attorneys suggest they be unchanged until an advisory meeting similar to a rule’s meeting. 16. Will the rep committee still have the authority to call an organizer without the knowledge of the rep that is assigned to a contest? b. All critiques, the rep and contest invoices have been updated and added to the Yahoo site. The online rep critique (KCBS website) will soon have a print function and automatically be submitted to KCBS along with giving the rep a hardcopy for records. c. The two 2010 advisories will be updated and posted in the rep manual for the next rep chair to obtain and proceed as desired. d. Discussion and vote to implement independent contract agreement submitted by legal to apply to all reps beginning January 2011. Carol Whitebook made a motion to accept the recommendation from legal concerning the independent contractor agreement, which required an executed agreement between any independent contactor providing Contest Rep services at a contest and KCBS. The motion was seconded by Don Harwell. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion passes to implement the independent contractor agreement. Report accepted by the board as presented Rules Committee: Candy Weaver The following changes to the rules for Team of the Year for the 2011 calendar year, are proposed. These will go into effect immediately. Candy Weaver made a motion in order to prevent a tie in the top 20 positions, the following procedures be applied. Look at the 11th. place scores of the contests of each tied team. The team with the most 1st place scores is the winner. If this does not break the tie, look to the eleventh contest cooked by the tied teams. This contest score will be bullsheet – March 2011Page 9 factored in with the other ten contest scores. Should this not break the tie, continue with contest 12. Should a team not have cooked more than 10 contests, a zero will be input for the tiebreaking contest. Of Jan 1, 2011. The motion was seconded by Merl Whitebook. Vote:10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion to amend the team of the year program passes. Motion candy, second gene Table for further thought. Second don to February. Candy Weaver made a motion that For Team of the Year purposes, a team shall be identified in the records of KCBS by name and head cook KCBS member number(s). Should a registered head cook not be present at a contest, that contest will not count towards team of the year points for that team. In the case of teams with multiple head cooks, those membership numbers will be associated with that particular team name and the above will not apply. The motion was seconded by Gene Goycochea. After discussion, Merl Whitebook made a motion to table for further consideration. The motion to table was seconded by Don Harwell. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion was tabled to the February meeting of the Board. Candy Weaver made a motion to amend the Team of the Year purposes, the last contest of any year to qualify for points for that year will be held on the third weekend of December. The fourth weekend will be in next year, except for 2011. Point challenges must be in the office by December 31st. The motion was seconded by Merl Whitebook. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no. 0 abstentions The motion to amend the team of the year program passes. Old/New Business Tabled from July: Mike Lake – Discussion of response to Cease and Desist letter for infringement of KCBS proprietary property. Discussion of license options with NEBS. Carolyn advised that the she did not believe our Legal Representatives had sent the appropriate letters. The matter was tabled until February 2011 for a conference all with legal over intellectual property issues. Tabled from October: Gene Goycochea – Motion to purchase new truck. A Committee is to be formed and appointed by Mike Lake to research the cost and projections of purchasing a replacement truck for the KCBS Great American BBQ Tour. Report by committee to be presented to the Board at the February 2011 meeting with consideration of motion. Tabled from January 11, 2011 special meeting of the board: Candy Weaver -. Motion to approve KCBS official soda program for Big Red. Candy Weaver renewed the motion which was seconded by Don Harwell. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no. 0 abstentions Big Red program is the official soda program of KCBS. New Business: Motion by Candy Weaver I move that the Board of Directors of KCBS opens each meeting with a recital of the mission statement. Motion by candy weaver second by plus add I accept my duties as a KCBS director to further the mission above so that truth, justice and excellence in bbq and the American way of live my be strengthen and preserved forever. The motion was seconded by Merl Whitebook. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion passes. Mike Budai made a motion to award the top credit card designs. The motion was seconded by Ed Roith. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion passes. Merl Whitebook made a motion to move into executive session. The motion was seconded by Paul Kirk. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions. The motion passes. Mike Budai made a motion to come out of executive session. The motion was seconded by Paul Kirk. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions The motion passes. Candy Weaver made a motion to sanction the Sam’s Club series of contest. The motion was seconded by Tana Shupe. Vote: 10 yes, 0 no, 0 abstentions. The motion to sanction the Sam’s Club Series of contest passes. No action was taken on the appeal from by a Contest Representative. Paul Kirk motion to adjourn the meeting at 10:05 p.m. The motion was seconded by Carol Whitebook page 10bullsheet – March 2011 bullsheet – March 2011Page 11 X the reader’s recipe change by Paul Kirk CEC, Ph.B., B.S.A.S. Kansas City Baron of Barbecue – Barbecue Guru Order of the Magic Mop – Ambassador of Barbecue Certified Master Barbecue Judge • Master of the Grill Order of the “Ole Has Been” “A Barbecue Fantasy” [email protected] It’s March and time to celebrate St Patrick’s Day or a Mardi Gras Feast along with Fat Tuesday or all of the above. I am a lover of corned beef but I would rather have Pastrami, so here is a recipe that works great on your smoker or you can do it in the oven. Claim Jumper Pastrami with Irish Whisky Sauce 1 4-pound corned beef brisket flat Pastrami Rub 1/3 cup coarse ground coriander 1/4cup coarse ground black pepper 2 tablespoons dark brown sugar 1 tablespoon granulated garlic Irish Whiskey Sauce 1 cup Irish whiskey 1 1/2 cups dark brown cane sugar, packed 3 tablespoons Dijon style mustard 3/4 cup apple juice 1 teaspoon sea salt 1 tablespoon arrowroot 2 tablespoons cold water Soak the corned beef in cold water over night in the refrigerator; this takes some of the saltiness out of the brisket. Rinse again with cold water and pat dry with paper towels. Preheat smoker to 250º degrees F. Combine all of the rub ingredients and blend well. Rub all over the brisket and place in the smoker and cook until the internal temperature reaches 185º to 195º degrees F or until done. In a saucepan combine the whiskey, brown sugar, apple juice and salt, over medium heat, simmer, stirring with a wire whisk. In a small bowl combine the arrowroot and cold water and blend into a paste. Stir in the sauce, stirring until thicken. Yield about 2 1/2 cups. Serves 6 to 8 Now what to serve with it Grilled cabbage or any vegetable grilled would be good, but I guess I’m a little old fashioned and prefer boiled cabbage, potatoes and corn on the cob. Cabbage 2 tablespoons pickling spices, in a cheese cloth bag 2 teaspoons sea salt 1 teaspoon coarse ground black pepper 1 large carrot cut up 1 large yellow onion, peeled and quartered 1 large head of cabbage, cut into 6 to 8 wedges, leave part of the core attached 6 to 8 small corn on the cob New potatoes (quartered) In a large pot with a tight fitting lid add the corn, carrots, onions, potatoes seasonings and cabbage. Cover with water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, covered. Simmer until the cabbage and any other vegetables are cooked through, 15-30 minutes. Place vegetables in a serving bowl, add a little of the cooking liquid to the bowl. And serve with the smoked pastrami and corn bread. Buttermilk Southern Cornbread 2 cups cornmeal - yellow 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 2 large eggs - beaten 2 cups buttermilk 1/4 cup bacon drippings Combine cornmeal, soda, and salt; stir in eggs and buttermilk. Heat bacon drippings in a 10 inch cast iron skillet on top of stove until very hot; add drippings to batter, mixing well. Pour batter into hot skillet, and bake at 450º degrees F about 25 minutes or until bread is golden brown. Yield: 1 Pan Enjoy being Irish and be careful!! A St. Patty’s day joke: How do you handcuff an Irishman. Answer: Put a beer in each hand! Competition BBQ Cooking Classes Old SchOOl VS. HigH TecH A world class barbecue school! FEATURING: Johnny Trigg & Rod Gray Yorktown, Virginia March 18th & 19th, 2011 To enroll or for more information please visit 816-225-1155 page 12bullsheet – March 2011 KCBS Celebrates 25 Years bullsheet – March 2011Page 13 KCBS Celebrates 25 Years Photos By: Ed Roith; Debby Gage; and Larry King page 14bullsheet – March 2011 By Chef Paul Kirk CWC, PhB, B.S.A.S. [email protected] This column is set up for any KCBS Member to contribute information about food safety or barbecue, grilling or cooking tips. 404 Shoulder, Skinned The shoulder is as described in Item No. 403, except the skin and fat on the outside of the shoulder shall be trimmed. The skin, dorsal to a straight line parallel to the dorsal side which starts at a point that does not exceed 25 percent of the distance from the elbow joint to the dorsal side, shall be excluded. The fat exposed by the elimination of the skin shall be trimmed to not exceed 0.5 inch (13 mm) in depth at any point 1.5 inches (3.8 cm) or more from the edge of the skin collar. Traces of the false lean shall be visible. This information comes to KCBS as a collaboration of Board of Directors Mike Lake and Gene Goycochea. There has been quite a bit of controversy about BBQ Teams using what is called a Pork Collar which is a European cut of pork. The help clarify what is legal the KCBS uses the National Meat Processing Guide for it’s definition of a Pork Butt or Pork Shoulder and here they are. The numbers 403, 403B, 403C, 404, 406, 406B, 406C, and 407 are the numbers that your meat supplier orders from the producers, so that everybody can order the same product all over the country. Shoulder Butt 403 Shoulder The shoulder is separated from the side by a straight cut that is approximately perpendicular to the length of the side. The cut shall be made posterior to (so as not to expose) the elbow, but not more than 1.0 inch (2.5 cm) from the tip of the elbow. The outer tip of the subscapularis muscle shall not extend past the dorsal edge of the base of the medial ridge of the blade bone. The foot shall be excluded at or slightly above the upper knee joint by a straight cut approximately perpendicular to the shank bones. The jowl shall be excluded by a straight cut approximately parallel with the loin side which is anterior to, but not more than 1.0 inch (2.5 cm) from the innermost curvature of the ear dip. The neck bones, ribs, breast bones, associated cartilage and breast flap (through the major crease) shall also be excluded. The fat and skin shall be beveled to meet the lean on the dorsal edge. The exterior fat thickness at the dorsal skin edge, measured at the center of the cut, shall not exceed that indicated in the schedule shown. 403B Shoulder, Outside This item shall consist of the shank, humerus, and blade bone and associated outside muscles of the shoulder as described in Item No. 403. It may be prepared directly from the carcass prior to the separation of the loin and belly by cutting through the breast flap and pectoralis superficialis and following the natural seam to a point immediately medial to the blade carilage. The shank shall be excluded at or above the knee joint. The thick or arm end shall include the shank and humerus bones and over-lying lean (latissimus dorsi, triceps brachii group [cushion]), and minor muscles associated with the humerus. The thin or blade end shall consist of the blade bone and muscles overlying the blade bone (supraspinatus, infraspinatus, latissimus dorsi, and may contain the subscapularis and teres major). All sides shall be trimmed following the natural curvature of the major muscles and the scapula. The purcahser may specify all skin to be excluded. 403C Shoulder, Inside This item is prepared from the remaining portion of the shoulder after the removal of the outside shoulder as descrbed in Item No. 403B. The loin shall have been removed so that the longissimus is equal to or larger than the spinalis dorsi. All false lean (trapezius) shall be excluded. The ventral edge shall have been made by a straight cut perpendicular to the loin end that does not exceed 2.0 inches (5.0 cm) from the longissimus. The anterior end is trimmed so that there is no evidence of the ear dip. All bones and cartilage shall be excluded. 406 Pork Shoulder, Boston Butt, Bone In This item is as described in Item No. 403, except that the picnic is excluded as described in Item No. 405. Skin, neck bones and related cartilage shall also be excluded. Traces of false lean shall be visible. 406A Pork Shoulder, Boston Butt, Boneless This item is prepared from Item No. 406. All bones, cartilages and skin shall be removed. The loin side of the butt shall expose the longissimus equal to or larger than the combined areas of the splenius and semispinalis capitis. The picnic side shall expose a cross-section of the supraspinatus with no more than a slight enlargement of tendons. The jowl shall be removed by a straight cut, approximately parallel with the loin side, which is not more than 1.0 inch (2.5 cm) anterior to the half moon muscle (pectorales profundi), measured on the picnic side. Traces of false lean shall be visible. The lean and fat overlying the blade shall remain firmly attached. Purchaser may specify the boneless butt be netted or tied. 406B Pork Shoulder, Boston Butt, Boneless, Special This item is as described in Item No. 406A, except the false lean (trapezius) and underlying fat shall be excluded. The remaining roast shall be trimmed practically free of surface fat. 407 Shoulder Butt, Cellar Trimmed, Boneless The butt is as described in Item No. 406A, except the lean and fat overlying the blade shall be excluded. Visit KCBS.US!! bullsheet – March 2011Page 15 page 16bullsheet – March 2011 COOKING WITH CRAZY CHARLEY IV Cajun and Creole Cuisine Review By: Sonny Ashford I had the unique pleasure to meet Suzanne Pfefferle, Promotion Assistant from Pelican Publishing when I called to inquire about barbeque cookbooks and to my surprise that was very fortuitous. She went through a whole discussion about the books that are available on Cajun barbeque and that took about, uh one minute. It seems that they have a plethora of the best authentic Cajun and Creole recipe books [I have seven] but Suzanne said I had to read the book from Crazy Charley. Charley and Ruth Addison have captured the essence of Southwest Louisiana in a very interesting introduction to the culture. There is a tour on page 17 that starts with the declaration that Charley went to LSU and he describes a couple of places in Baton Rouge and then heads to Thibodeaux [Tib-uh-doh] but on the way he highlights some of the greatest authentic Cajun restaurants known to man or woman. The page that talks about Mulate’s, Pat’s in Henderson, and Poor Boy’s Riverside Inn are places that were my places to go when I went to the University of Southwestern Louisiana (USL) Ragin Cajuns. There is some talk about Breaux Bridge and the Crawfish Festival and other features before they skillfully bring you back to New Orleans. It is just a wonderful read that will make you want to go visit and eat your way across the southern part of the great State of Louisiana. You may wonder why I wanted to do a review of COOKING WITH CRAZY CHARLEY IV Cajun and Creole Cuisine well it was to give you a source for some wonderful recipes for your Friday Night setups with friends. I’ve seen Jambalaya time and again, Red Beans and Rice and gumbo’s of various styles and mixtures in barbeque contest after contest, in fact Phil Marrow does a gumbo that will water your eyes. In this book you might want to try some of these recipes: Louisiana Lima Beans and Ham Hocks Supreme Louisiana Po Boy Dirty Rice Pan Blackened Medallions of Pork Tenderloin Wild Rice and Louisiana Sausage I have to add that there are a huge number of Cajun jokes that are all through the entire book. The phone call A Cajun couple was asleep when the phone rang at 2 AM. The wife picked up the phone, listened for a moment, and said, “How am I to know? Dat’s 200 miles from here!” The husband asked, “Who dat?” The wife said, “I don’t know. Some woman wants to know if the coast is clear.” You might be Cajun if… Watching “Wild Kingdom” inspires you to write a cookbook You won’t eat a lobster because you think it’s on crawfish steroids You take a bite of five-alarm Texas chili and reach for the Tabasco This is the type of book that you will want to put in your trailer, kitchen, and or barbeque equipment box and COOKING WITH CRAZY CHARLEY IV Cajun and Creole Cuisine will make you laugh and also make you want to try some of the recipes for things that you may not have thought to try before. My hats off to Charley and Ruth Addison for their collaboration in providing us with a really terrific book. Now, I know you would like to get your own copy of and that can be done with a toll free call 800-8431724. To see the whole list of books from Pelican Publishing go to www. THE LOADED WICHITA 877.409.6337 WWW.YODERSMOKERS.COM Counterweight Eases door opening & closing. Exhaust Control Damper The Damper on the chimney provides the pitmaster fine heat control. Second Shelf The slide in shelf provides an additional 518 sq. in. or nearly 70% of cooking surface. Spring Handles Cool to the touch. No need to wear gloves when handling your doors. Firebox Grilling Surface In the mood for some burgers over the fire? Get it done right over the fire in your firebox! Intake Damper Wood Storage Rack Store up to 3 cu. ft. of your favorite flavors within arms reach of your fire. The butterfly shaped damper provides the primary heat control to the pit. Elevated Wood Grate Get your fire started without any headaches. Throw your charcoal on top and watch it blaze. bullsheet – March 2011Page 17 Beyond a Decade of Caring By Larry King Kookers Kare started as an idea conceived by two Kansas City Barbeque Society cook teams in the fall of 1996. Larry Marks, of BBQ team Three Little Pigs (Raytown, Mo), and Craig Kidwell, of team Boys of BBQ and Patty (Odessa, MO), learned that local food pantries frequently suffered shortages of food during the spring and summer of each year. They felt a need to help the underprivileged and homeless families served by the community out-reach programs. With this desire in mind, the first committee was formed. It consisted of Craig and Patty Kidwell, Larry and Joan Marks, and Bob (Armadillo Bob) and Margaret Nolop . Eventually the budding committee went to several more teams asking if they would participate by cooking for the food pantries. Many of the barbecue cooking teams of the Kansas City Barbecue Society were excited to be getting out the smoker early in the year to do some cooking for the needy. Next, the committee started soliciting help from local businesses and friends to provide meat and other necessary items to get a Kookers Kare Event started. The positive response from everyone was quite overwhelming. The committee chose the month of March of each year to conduct this charitable event; this being the time of year when the pantries suffered their greatest shortage. The first Kookers Kare event was set for March of 1997. Their location was Wyandotte County’s Fairgrounds in Kansas City, KS The committee worked hard all winter soliciting businesses and individuals. Everything from meat to plastic ware was needed. They gathered donations and commitments, not really knowing where to send or store the food. They contacted the City Union Mission to receive both the donations and the cooked meats for the first event, which was a major success. Meat, spices, marinades, BBQ sauces, charcoal and money were all being donated by many of the volunteers. Committee members even decided to feed dinner to the cooks and volunteers. Chili and hot dogs (with the fixings) rounded out the menu, with donuts and coffee being served for breakfast. The first year was frightfully cold and windy. Nevertheless the numerous and generous volunteers who prepared, cooked, and wrapped meat assured that the results would be amazingly successful. A combined 3000 lbs. of briskets, pork shoulders and turkey were all cooked by 26 cold, dedicated cookers, with the help of 75 volunteers. It was such a success that the committee decided to plan and organize an event for the following year with the thought in mind to out-do the first year’s event. They wanted it to be bigger and better in 1998. The committee had also decided through the learning process to make Harvesters Network the recipient for the finished product. Harvesters Network is a part of the nationwide “Second Harvest Food Pantry”. Harvesters handles more than 1.2 million meals each month in the Kansas City metropolitan area for programs such as; Restart, the Salvation Army, Kansas City Community Kitchen, and others. When Harvesters’ founders organized more than 20 years ago their efforts were in response to a disturbing social concern - hunger in our community. Their hope was to alleviate human suffering by providing emergency food assistance to people in need. With hope as their calling card, they were able to secure support from local businesses, churches, and individuals who realized they, too, could make a difference for people in need. Those early efforts were the seeds from which a mighty organization has grown. And while the need for food assistance continues to grow, so does the hope that one day solutions will be found (and implemented) which fully address the root causes of hunger in our community. In the meantime, the desire to help and the hope that we may make a difference is manifested in Kansas City’s community, young and old. Through countless ways the metro’s population has responded to the presence of hunger in our midst. With all this in mind, the 1998 Kookers Kare event was as planned. The day of this event a local TV station presented the morning show from the cook-site, featuring interviews with cooks and committee members. The day after the event, Harvesters received calls from most of the area’s food kitchens requesting the barbeque. There was a generous spirit, many fabled BBQ stories told, and lots of laughs to be had. The event’s reputation for fun and camaraderie spread, and became quite inviting to many new cookers and volunteers. After the second year event’s great turn-out the committee decided dinner-for-all would become part of this event. All agreed the second year’s event was, indeed, bigger and better then the first. As the years have passed, committee members have found special ways to make this event a “happening” in the barbeque society. Today’s Kookers Kare Inc. committee consists of many Kansas City Barbecue Society members. The committee members, cookers and volunteers continue to outdo themselves every year making the event (“Charity Smokefest”) an enormous success!! With lots of great sponsors, record amounts of cooked meat and dry goods are loaded into the Harvesters truck each year. SMOKEFEST: March 25 & 26, 2011 at the Mike Onka Hall; 11520 Putnam, Sugar Creek, MO 64054 We are pre selling ribs to be ready for pickup on Friday evening, also all the volunteer cooks will have their smokers fill with pork to be donated to Harvesters, please volunteer to help this yearly event to continue to grow. Also on Friday evening is a dinner for the volunteers and cooks with prizes, also a Texas Hold tournament, winnings split between the winner and Kookers Kare . So please feel free to come out and be a part of this event. The sign up form is on the website; If you have any interest in supporting or donating to Kookers Kare – or need additional information please contact: Craig Kidwell @ 816-230-7522 or e-mail at: [email protected]. Thank you for all that support and donate so much, your time and products all help to make this a success every year. The Orleans Casino USA Barbecue Championship is World’s Richest Contest with $125,000 in Guaranteed Prize Money Las Vegas- Making its first appearance at The Orleans Hotel & Casino in Las Vegas, Nevada is the Third Annual USA Barbecue Championship May 20-22, 2011 brought to you by Smoke on the Water Productions. Considered the world’s richest contest with a guaranteed purse of $125,000, the KCBS sanctioned USA Barbecue Champion’s purse of $25,000 is one of the largest on the competition circuit. First place in each category is $5,000 with pay outs to top fifteen overall and through fifty places in all four categories. “Smoke on the Water was created to ring the best barbecuers in the world to our competitions,” organizer Ron Cates said. “To be the best, you have to beat the best. It’s that simple. The 2010 USA Barbecue Championship attracted over 300 professional and amateur teams representing over thirty states including six from Canada and one from Tokyo. The field was a virtual who’s who of barbecue teams. It was truly the best of the best.” From humble beginnings in 2001 with a $5,000 purse, to the richest contest in the world today, Smoke on the Water Productions currently offers over $400,000 in prize money with events scheduled in Arkansas, Florida, Atlantic City, Mississippi, plus major NASCAR speedways at Talladega, Daytona and Michigan. “Americans love to eat, and there is nothing they like better than great barbecue. So you know when you invite the best barbecue cooks in the country to compete for record prize money, you’re going to draw the best,” said Tony Taeubel, Vice President & General Manager of the Orleans Hotel & Casino. “We look forward to welcoming competitors from all over the country to Las Vegas for the Orleans Hotel & Casino USA Barbecue Championship.” The $500 entry fee includes electricity and water, a $150 value pack with $50 in free slot play, two show ticket, four free buffets, free drink coupons and a pull on the million dollar slot machine. To also add value to the Vegas experience, hotel rooms at the Orleans begin at $36 per night. The casino will also cash the winners’ checks. “We’re creating a great environment for the teams/judges and making this a special vacation experience,” said Cates. “Teams can arrive early Thursday with official registration on Friday. The competition will be Saturday with judging on Sunday.” There will be an extravagant welcome party at the Orleans Arena on Friday with shuttles to the famous Vegas strip. Also, Jamie Geer from Jambo Pits will be offering a package deal to rent pits complete with wood set up when you arrive. Besides the world’s richest barbecue competition, the best rib vendors on the planet will be selling their famous creations to an estimated crowd of over 100,000 for the weekend. For more information, please visit or page 18bullsheet – March 2011 remus says: St. Patrick’s Day SmokeD Corned BEef By Remus Powers, Ph.B. When I’m anywhere near Llano, Texas, my nose leads me to Cooper’s Old Time Pit Bar-B-Que. After enjoying a hearty meal of mesquite-smoked beef and pork ribs, brisket, cabrito, sirloin steak, and pork chop—with pinto beans and jalapenos on the side—my next stop, especially when my wife is along, is the nearest flea market. It was on just such an adventure a few years ago that we purchased a large collection of clear glass bowls, saucers and plates. The flea market proprietor told us a bit about the previous owner of our newly purchased glassware. Ever since then I can’t use the glassware or celebrate St. Patrick’s Day without thinking about that dear lady. We didn’t get the St. Patrick’s Day Llano Lady’s name. We were told that she was of Irish descent and enjoyed celebrating her heritage every St. Patrick’s Day by serving homemade Irish stew for drop-in friends and church members, from lunch until her large stew pot was empty. How I wish we could have been her friend—especially on St. Patrick’s Day. I’d have made it an annual tradition to eat a bbq breakfast at Cooper’s and line up for a bowl of Irish stew at lunchtime. Although we haven’t initiated a similar tradition in our home, we have served many stews and other foods in the glassware, and have told the story of its origin. That’s enough of the story. It deserves embellishment in a work of fiction. I hope you’re inspired to write such a story. Otherwise, here’s some culinary inspiration: if you plan to serve corned beef at your St. Patrick’s Day feast, try smoking it this year. It’s delicious, on St. Patrick’s Day or any other day! Some say it resembles pastrami. Straight from the pit, however, with a fresh kiss of smoke, it stands alone as a culinary pleasure. Here are a few tips to assure a positive outcome: *For less saltiness & more tenderness, boil the meat for at least 45 minutes & drain it before smoking it. *Smoke it without rubs, mops or slathers at 180 to 185 degrees F. for 45 minutes to 1 hour per pound until tender. You can experiment with added seasonings on the next one, but first it’s important to know the deliciousness of unembellished smoked corned beef flavor. I serve it with condiments such as mustard, bbq sauces and horseradish sauce on the side. *Use your favorite smoke. I like equal parts apple & pecan wood. *Sourdough bread is ideal for sandwiches. Save your Irish soda bread for dessert. *A tasty variation on traditional Irish stew is to use chunks of smoked corned beef instead of lamb or mutton in your favorite recipe. Wherever you celebrate St. Patrick’s Day, have fun and remember the advice of Pythagoras: value friendship; eat and drink in moderation. Ribs & smoked corned beef to ya, Remus ;o) P.S. Thus far my friends Guido Meindl in Pasadena and the KC Rib Doctor Guy Simpson have encouraged me to add more chapters to Cat: A Love Story (working title). Using the rule of thumb practiced by some politicians—i.e. one letter from a constituent represents the opinion of at least a hundred other constituents—I’ll take it that at least 400 readers agree with Guido & Guy. That’s enough encouragement to keep the Cat story going. You may see other installments in future editions of the KC Bullsheet. That is, unless other readers say, “Please, no more!” bullsheet – March 2011Page 19 Remembering Donna Holcomb Myers Donna Holcomb Myers, 72, died peacefully Friday, January 7, 2011 of Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease at her home in Holmdel, New Jersey. A force of nature with a bold and dynamic personality, Donna was arguably one of the world’s leading experts on the barbecue industry. Born in Minot, North Dakota, Donna lived in Ohio and Queens, New York before moving to Holmdel. She graduated from North Dakota State University with a degree in home economics. Donna was a pioneer for women in the field of food, wine and spirits public relations and marketing communications. Donna worked at Theodore L. Sills, Inc., later acquired by Burson-Marsteller, the nation’s largest public relations agency, where she was tapped to handle the company’s biggest account, Burger King. She opened her own agency, Myers CommuniCounsel (later called DHM Group) in 1979, serving such clients as Quaker, AT&T, Gerber, Tropicana, P&G, Hershey, Chiquita Brands, Bigelow Tea and Pommery Champagne, as well as many trade associations including National Dairy Board, Pork Producers Council, and Pickle Packers International. One of her longest client relationships was with the Barbecue Industry Association, which later became part of the Hearth Patio & Barbecue Association. She also provided marketing communications services for numerous individual manufacturers of barbecue grills and accessories. With a vast wealth of knowledge and experience, Donna was widely recognized as an authority on barbecuing and grilling, at one time having over 30 grills in her backyard. She advised countless manufacturers, contributed to numerous cookbooks, judged cookoffs worldwide, and was frequently quoted by the national media as an expert on the subject. She truly loved and was passionate about the barbecue industry and was generous in sharing her expertise. Her final project, and one of her proudest achievements, was helping to develop and shepherd the “Big Green Egg Cookbook” from inception through production. “Donna’s magnificent media skills helped bring our company to the attention of the barbecue world,” expressed Ed Fisher, chairman of the Big Green Egg. “She was a master of her craft. We were fortunate to partner with Donna in our early days, and her marketing expertise was a very important factor in the growth of our company. We remember and miss her, not only for her abilities, but for her dedication to her work and her devotion to those of us who knew her.” Many in the industry, from retailers, to manufacturers large and small, to inventors hoping to break into the industry with a brand new product, praised Donna for her willingness to share her time, expertise and advice. “I will always be grateful to Donna for her dedication to the barbecue industry,” notes Mike Kempster, executive vice president and CMO, Weber-Stephen Products. “Her energy and commitment were instrumental in forming an association that has benefited all manufacturers. Over the years Donna dedicated much of her time helping consumers become better outdoor grillers. The rich barbecue culture that exists today in the USA is her living legacy. I am blessed to have known her and I am thankful for the legacy she has left us.” In addition to her impact on the barbecue industry, Donna left a rich legacy in the public relations field, as well. She generously mentored and nurtured countless young professionals, tirelessly teaching, guiding, counseling and helping to further the careers of many. She was awarded a Silver Anvil Award from the Public Relations Society of America. She was named NJ Woman Business Owner of the Year in 2000, and National Woman Business Owner of the Year in 2001 from the National Association of Women Business Owners. A memorial service was held at 12 noon, Tuesday, January 18, 2011 at Lutheran Church of the Good Shepard. Donations for the advancement of Creuzfeldt-Jakob Disease research may be made in memory of Donna Holcomb Myers to NPDPSC, 2085 Adelbert Road, Room 419, Cleveland, OH 44106-4907. Messages of condolence may be sent to the Myers family at [email protected]. Donna’s passion, determination, work ethic, dynamic personality, and caring heart touched all who knew her. She will be deeply missed. Reflects Heat it really works!!! • Low pitch for better stability in the wind • • Systems include a storage container • • Straight-forward Quick and Easy set-up • Canopy System Kits - Sold Factory Direct 10x10 - $89.95 12x10 - $89.95 10x20 - $129.95 16X20 - $159.95 12x20 - $139.95 20x20 - $179.95 Shipped UPS - Prepaid or COD Heavy-duty, free-standing, silver-top canopy c a l l f o r o u r l a t e s t c a t a l o g system kits. Uses 1 inch ‘thin-wall’ electrical conduit. S H E LT E R S Y S T E M S 800-650-7004 page 20bullsheet – March 2011 UPCOMING BBQ COOKING CLASSES “Cooking good bbq is a matter of high honor and ingenious preparation. Although all cooking class instructors are KCBS members, each cooker brings his and her own special talents and ingredients to the fire. Please note the KCBS is proud to offer cooking class listings in our publication but do not take these listings as an endorsement of any or all of these classes. Class attendee discretion is advised and encouraged.” 03/04/2011 Overland Park, KS Instructor(s): Rod Gray Contact: Rod Gray 816-225-1155 [email protected] 03/27/2011 Monroe, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 03/05/2011 West Des Moines, IA Instructor(s): Brian Sweeney Contact: Mike Schmitt 515-229-9713 [email protected] 03/30/2011 Shawnee, KS Instructor(s): Rod Gray Contact: Eric Ely 913-742-6403 [email protected] 03/12/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Robert Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 [email protected] 03/12/2011 Tempe, AZ Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Shelton BBQ Island 602-814-0103 03/13/2011 Monroe, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 03/18/2011 Unadilla, GA Instructor(s): Jack’s Old South Contact: Myron Mixon 229-886-5225 [email protected] 03/18/2011 Yorktown, VA Instructor(s): Old School versus High Tech Contact: Rod Gray 816-225-1155 [email protected] 03/19/2011 Great Bend, KS Instructor(s): Kelly Wertz Contact: Kelly Wertz 620-792-7892 [email protected] 03/19/2011 Parkville, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Beth Back Yard Bash 816-587-9990 03/20/2011 Monroe, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 04/01/2011 Houston, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 04/02/2011 Houston, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 04/02/2011 Little Rock, AR Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Cody . 501-375-0060 04/02/2011 Monmouth County, NJ Instructor(s): Steve Zeravica & Matt Ragusa Contact: Matt Ragusa [email protected] 04/03/2011 Seaford, NY Instructor(s): James Liquori Contact: James Liquori [email protected] 04/04/2011 Dallas, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 04/09/2011 Brenham, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 04/09/2011 Ballwin, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Frank Schmer 636-256-6564 03/26/2011 Sellersburg, IN Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Hal Wagner 812-786-9802 04/10/2011 Sumner, WA Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: Charlie Branks 253-891-1789 03/26/2011 Great Bend, KS Instructor(s): Kelly Wertz Contact: Kelly Wertz 620-792-7892 [email protected] 04/15/2011 Grove, OK Instructor(s): Larry Koch (Cimarron Doc) Contact: Bob Brogdon 888-443-4265 [email protected] 03/27/2011 Sellersburg, IN Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Hal Wagner 812-786-9802 04/16/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 [email protected] 04/16/2011 River Falls, WI Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Tonette May 715-781-1009 04/17/2011 Whistler, BC Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: Dusty’s BAR & BBQ -Creekside 604-905-2171 04/23/2011 Franktown, CO Instructor(s): Bob Oldfield Contact: Bob Oldfield 303-503-8665 [email protected] 04/23/2011 Hernando, MS Instructor(s): Melissa Cookston Contact: Melissa Cookston 901-233-9898 [email protected] 04/29/2011 Cleveland, OH Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Dan Malto 440-327-6242 04/30/2011 Cleveland, OH Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Dan Malto 440-327-6242 05/07/2011 Grand Rapids, MI Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Todd . 616-896-9321 05/14/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 [email protected] 05/14/2011 Quad Cities Area, IL Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: TBA . 05/14/2011 Dallas, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 05/14/2011 Lafayette, LA Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Keith Guidry 800-822-4766 05/14/2011 West Des Moines, IA Instructor(s): David Hintz Contact: Mike Schmitt 515-229-9713 [email protected] 05/15/2011 Dallas, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 05/21/2011 Houston, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 05/21/2011 Parkville, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Beth . 816-587-9990 05/22/2011 Houston, TX Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 06/04/2011 Mission, KS Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: Billy Rodgers 913-549-4958 [email protected] 06/04/2011 Boston, MA Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Peter Fiore 781-871-2220 06/11/2011 Kansas City, KS Instructor(s): Bob Snelson Contact: Bob Snelson 913-471-4669 or 816-507-3728 [email protected] 06/11/2011 Kennewick, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 06/11/2011 Ballwin, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Frank Schmer 636-256-6564 06/12/2011 Kennewick, WA Instructor(s): Konrad Haskins Contact: Konrad Haskins 512-692-6855 [email protected] 06/18/2011 Midway, KY Instructor(s): Paul Kirk Contact: John Dance 859-873-9520 [email protected] 06/18/2011 Parkville, MO Instructor(s): Chris Marks Contact: Beth . 816-587-9990 For a complete listing of classes, visit: Midwest BBQ Institute at The Culinary Center of Kansas City Serious Education Curriculum Dedicated to the Art of Science of Grilling and Smoking 913-341-4455 Committed to Cooking, Competition & Professional Development please call the contact person as indicated for fees, applications, etc. bullsheet – March 2011Page 21 UPCOMING KCBS BBQ judgING CLASSES 03/05/2011 McPherson, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Jennifer Burch 620-241-3303 [email protected] 03/05/2011 Des Moines, IA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Anne Rehnstrom 515-223-2622 [email protected] 03/05/2011 Anderson, CA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: David Duarte 530-365-1305 [email protected] 03/12/2011 Enid, OK Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Lynne Benkendorf 580-548-8194 [email protected] 03/12/2011 Grand Rapids, MI Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Roger Gren 616-263-6063 [email protected] 03/19/2011 Munfordville, KY Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Coni Sheppard 270-524-4752 04/16/2011 Yates Center, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Becky Boice 620-625-2233 [email protected] 03/19/2011 Kennett, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Jason Rhew 573-717-3002 [email protected] 04/27/2011 Sugar Creek, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Sue Mikula 816-252-4413 x302 [email protected] 03/26/2011 LaVista, NE Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Nena Cooney 402-658-9948 [email protected] 04/30/2011 Lincoln, IL Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Tub Baker /Steve Montgomery 217-737-0671 or 217-871-7766 [email protected] 03/26/2011 Greenville, SC Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Jeff Allen 888-909-2121 [email protected] 03/26/2011 Bakersfield, CA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Mike George 661-324-2427 [email protected] 05/01/2011 Overland Park, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: DIANA COOPER 913-341-4455 05/01/2011 Maynard, MA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Ken Dakai [email protected] 03/19/2011 Ft. Smith, AR Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Ralph Williams 479-651-0816 [email protected] 04/02/2011 Anoka, MN Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Kirby Olson 651-210-9471 [email protected] 05/07/2011 Millington, TN Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Marge Plummer, Ph.B millingtonjudgingclass@gmail. com 03/19/2011 Arthur, IL Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: George Fritz 217-543-2766 [email protected] 04/02/2011 Coeur d’Alne , ID Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Use Website 05/12/2011 Laughlin, NV Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Todd Youngblood 970-749-4083 [email protected] 03/19/2011 Lansing, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Sundae Holler 913-727-5488 [email protected] 04/08/2011 New Holland, PA Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Melvin Stolzfus 717-354-7533 04/09/2011 Stillwater, OK Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Chuck Willoughby 405-744-6071 [email protected] 05/14/2011 Norwalk, CT Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Bill Sweeney 203-354-0254 [email protected] 05/27/2011 Rochester, NY Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Brian Wemett 888-ROC-BBQ8 [email protected] 06/09/2011 Pueblo, CO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Kevin Ortiz 719-595-0242 [email protected] 06/30/2011 Rio Rancho, NM Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Art Perez 505-891-7258 [email protected] 07/09/2011 St. Peters, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Bryin Butts 314-952-7804 [email protected] 08/06/2011 Shawnee, KS Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Eric Ely 913-742-6403 [email protected] 08/13/2011 Butler, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Brandon Plunkett 660-424-0891 09/02/2011 Mesquite, NV Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Arlie Bragg [email protected] 05/03/2012 Columbia, MO Certified BBQ Judging Class Contact: Mike McMillen 573-443-0743 [email protected] please call the contact person as indicated for fees, applications, etc. UPCOMING KCBS table captain CLASSES 04/15/2011 Kings Mountain, NC Certified Table Captain Class Contact: Frank Burns 704-734-0555 [email protected] 04/28/2011 Sugar Creek, MO Certified Table Captain Class Contact: Sue Mikula 816-252-4413 [email protected] 5/7/2011 Millington, TN Certified Table Captain Class Contact: Marge Plummer, Ph. B [email protected] please call the contact person as indicated for fees, applications, etc. page 22bullsheet – March 2011 bullsheet – March 2011Page 23 page 24bullsheet – March 2011 bullsheet – March 2011Page 25 page 26bullsheet – March 2011 PRIZE MONEY $ 50 Total Pr6 i z e Mon Payout to ey the top 2 highest to teams with the tal points! Red Dirt BBQ, Enid April 15th-16th Cherokee Strip Cookoff Ponca City Sept. 16th-17th Eagle Marketing and Enid Noon Ambucs present... $12,00 0 200 W. CHEROKEE, ENID OK- CORNER OF CHEROKEE & INDEPENDENCE - COOK SITES: 20’ X 30’ OFFICIAL ENTRY FORM REGISTRATION DEADLINE MONDAY APRIL 11, 2011 TEAM NAME____________________________TEAM CONTACT_______________________ # OF TEAM MEMBERS______CHIEFCOOK________________________________________ ADDRESS__________________________________CITY_________STATE___ZIP_________ PHONE#____________________Cell Phone________________email___________________ # Attending Breakfast________# of Shower Passes Needed _____ T-shirt Sizes/Quantities (2 FREE for each team, additional shirts $10 ea.) S___ M__ L__ XL__ 2XL__ 3XL (please check all that apply) Electricity __yes __no Extra Cook Space (LIMITED) $50.00__yes __no __ RV LENGTH of RV ___FT __TRAILER LENGTH of TRAILER ___FT __Pickup & TENT Only CATEGORIES IN WHICH YOU CAN ENTER AND COMPETE: $60 for 1st category. $30 for each additional. $210 for all six categories. (To be eligible for Grand Champion and Reserve Champion, you must enter all four meat categories: Chicken, Pork Ribs, Pork & Brisket) __Chicken __Pork Ribs __Pork __Brisket __Anything Goes Dessert __People’s Choice (please check all that apply) Mail or bring entries to Eagle Marketing, 227 W. Broadway, Enid ,OK 73701, no later than 5pm Monday, April 11, 2011 “We treat teams like royalty” APRIL 15th - 16th, 2011 ENID, OKLAHOMA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP COOKOFF & JAZZ STROLL REDDIRTBBQ.COM ENID NOON WAIVER OF LIABILITY: In consideration of your accepting this entry, I the undersigned, intending to be legally bound, hereby, for myself, my heirs, executers and administrators, waive and release any and all rights and claims for damages I may have against Eagle Marketing, Enid News & Eagle, Cnhi, Cherokee Strip Conference Center, Enid Noon Ambucs, Roberts Ranch, their agents, successors and assigns for any reason and all injuries suffered by me in this event. Further, I hereby grant full permission to Eagle Marketing and/or agents authorized by them, to use any photographs, videotapes, motion pictures, recordings or other record of this event for any legitimate purpose. I understand that soliciting for other non-KCBS sanctioned barbeque contests is not permitted at the Smokin’ Red Dirt Cookoff. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations of Eagle Marketing and KCBS. Must be 18yrs or older. Void where prohibited. For full contest rules call 580-548-8194 or send written request to Roberts Ranch Smokin’ Red Dirt Cookoff, 227 W. Broadway, Enid OK 73701. Email:[email protected] Website: Signature of Chief Cook________________________________________Date________Amount Paid $_______________ The Cookshack-Maria Rae’s PEOPLE’S CHOICE 2011 1st Place $650.00, 2nd Place $250.00, 3rd Place $100.00 People’s Choice will be held Friday Night 6pm-8pm. Pre-registered teams participating in the People’s Choice category will receive equal number of pork ribs, FREE! Just cook and serve with 3 sided items of your choice. Detailed information in Cooks Packet! FRI. NIGHT VIP TENT! FREE HOT BREAKFAST SATURDAY MORNING! INDOOR SHOWERS & RESTROOMS! FREE ICE & ELECTRICITY! bullsheet – March 2011Page 27 Tips From A Pro By: Chris Marks Three lLittle Pigs Competition BBQ Team Interested in lessons learned by 9-time World Champion BBQ award winner? My name is Chris Marks, head chef of the Three Little Pigs Competition BBQ Team from Kansas City, MO and I am here to share my experience with everyone interested in competition BBQ. I was introduced into the wonderful world of BBQ at a young age by my Dad, Larry Marks, also lovingly known as “Boss Hawg”. Our team of consisted of my parents, Larry and Joan Marks, Dave Ritter and I. My Dad was the creator of the Three Little Pigs Competition BBQ team, and sadly passed away in 1997, one month before we won the American Royal’s Invitational Grand Championship for the first time. Shortly after, I took over the role as head chef to continue the legacy that my father first started. My Mom, Joan, who passed away in 2009, was instrumental in the development of the “Three Little Pigs” BBQ sauces and rubs/ seasonings. Our competition team has won over 40 national championships and have won more than 600 category victories throughout our 15 years of competition BBQ. The victories include nine World Champion BBQ Awards - the Prestigious American Royal BBQ Contest Grand Championship eight times between 1995-2004 and the Jack Daniels World Sauce Award (“The Jack”) in 2000 My parent’s vision and passion is still with me today and will be forever. I live the passion daily by ‘living the dream’ and teaching others methods and techniques taught to me diligently by my parents. That is the backbone of our success in the championship BBQ arena. , To believe in something that you have a deep inner passion for and not giving up or giving in until you have reached your desired goal or dream, makes the success all the sweeter. So in winning all of these awards, what did I learn that can help you become a more successful BBQ competition participant? Here are my Top Ten recommendations: 1. Don’t cook Extra Meat for Friends during a Contest. Cooking extra product during a contest takes its toll on you and the smoker, takes up space on the smoker and requires more fuel. 2. Cook for the Judges. Competition BBQ is different than what you would cook in your own backyard. Even if you like hot, spicy, and fall off the bone ribs, which does not go well at most competitions, remember, you are cooking to please the judges to win and be the best. 3. Stay Flexible. Sometimes things go wrong, and if you are flexible, then you can adjust and go with it. 4. Relax! Try not to get worked up. Sit down when you can, do your best and have fun. 5. Sleep. Make sure you work some sleep time into your schedule. Either sleep in shifts so someone is always watching your smoker, have a temperature alarm that will wake you or really, really trust your smoker. I prefer The Good-One® Smoker/Grill. 6. Don’t Drink (too much). BBQ Competitions have been described as “tailgating without the game.” Friday night is for socializing. Have fun, meet the other teams picking up some tips, and if desired have a few adult beverages. But remember, there is a lot to be done in the morning which comes very early at these competitions. 7. Stay Hydrated. It sounds like a no brainer, but if it’s a hot day, be sure to drink plenty of water. So much is going on and it is easy to forget to stay hydrated, so drink up. 8. Raise your Tables. Your work tables should be counter height –unless you crave back pain. Most teams use sections of PVC pipe cut to extend the table legs so the top is around 36” tall. 9. Trim your meat at home. KCBS rules allow you to trim your meat at home. (Do not season or marinate!). Trimming before you arrive will save you a lot of time. 10. Ask Questions. Don’t be shy. If you have a question, just ask it. The organizer, contest reps, and other BBQ teams will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Judges Juggernaut We Want to Hear Your Stories, Judges! Judges, we want to give you a dedicated corner of the Bullsheet. Please give us your stories. Tell us about your best contest, or your worst. We want to hear why you became a judge and why you keep judging. To submit stories or ideas, contact [email protected] or call the KCBS office at 800-963-5227. If Ribs Were Wine By: Gordon Hubbell KCBS CBJ 30439 I think the recent addition of Comment Cards to our judging process is a big step forward in helping the teams understand what a judge thinks and why, particularly when something has to be scored relatively low. I also agree with the contest reps who always warn us to make our comments meaningful. Whatever goes on that little card should help the team, not just chastise it or praise it without depth. This isn’t always easy to do, though. What should we say? What if we made our comments about the meat sound like wine reviews? Ever read reviews of wine? I think they’re a hoot! Wine critics and reviewers go to great lengths to describe the subtle characteristics that make up the flavor of grape squeezings. These reviews crop up everywhere nowadays since wine has skyrocketed in popularity – newspaper ads, television shows, radio reports, food magazines. So, I wondered, what words could be used to praise some super-fine brisket or warn others away from an overdone butt? Here’s a tongue-incheek stab at some of the stuff I judged at a recent contest (written like I’d just sampled the vino): Chicken Box 124 When the table captain lifted the lid, I sensed the subtle aroma of cloves and ginger mixed with perhaps a shake of cayenne and a dab of cumin. And, upon the tasting, I was confirmed, adding just the slightest touch of kosher salt (Morton’s, no doubt) to my list. Aha! That bright red coloration gave away that this team was yet another with a big stock of Yumm-O Yardbird and Lamb Chop Rub. So pedestrian! Alas, a good basic cook spoilt by sophomoric seasonings. An adequate beginning for chicken salad, perha Rib Entry 115 To say that this rib was overcooked would be like confirming Abe Lincoln wore a stovepipe hat – everyone already knows that. The poor pig definitely died in vain for this effort. Bones stuck out like limbs on a January elm. Meat, if you could still call it that, sagged in sad confirmation that ruination had occurred. I could not bring myself to taste it so, fighting nausea, I let my olfactory nerves roam the mistreated meat. Yes, a faint aroma of cheap liquid smoke lingered to pollute the atmosphere, too. This team should consider moving to a baby food competition since no teeth are necessary to consume the output from their labors. Pork Box 132 Can nirvana be contained in Styrofoam? I should have noticed that this entry had a small halo hovering above it when the table captain brought it through the door! I gasped nearly to the point of hyperventilation when I saw the porcine perfection surrounded by just the perfect, fluffy garland of parsley, not a sprig awry to spoil the attendant glow. My table mates also sensed the presence of perfection and bowed their heads in awed respect. A taste . . . A TEN! Yes, I wrote “10” across my card, incurring the wrath of the rep, but knowing that my soul would be satisfied! Brisket Entry 144 It shone like the sun on a summer day! Clearly a spritz of something wet (Swanson’s broth?) had been applied to tempt my tastebuds. All show and no go, though. A disturbance in the force quickly ensued. About as much flavor as a Zweiback cracker and something of the texture, too. The ubiquitous “pull test” resulted in confirmation that this thing could replace the spring on the back porch door. An otherwise fine enough brisket transformed into a doorstop yet again. Next contest, this team should drink less and cook more. Okay, enough wine review mimicking. Aren’t you glad we don’t have to do write-ups like those? Give me our good ol’ scorecard and turn me loose with my stubby little golf course pencil! Now where are those comment cards? page 28bullsheet – March 2011 THE 2010 GREAT AMERICAN BBQ TOUR IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING NATIONAL PARTNERS: BBQ Tour Stop #20: Pine Bluff, AR September 24, 2010 The drive home from Grand Junction took us across I-70 and the Rocky Mountains. After all the other mountains that we have traveled over, how hard could it be? Nobody told us about the tunnel… Luckily we were warned about wayward wiener dogs, so we kept a sharp eye out and had a beautiful drive! We were home for a couple of nights before we headed out the Smoke on the Water Arkansas State BBQ Championship in Pine Bluff. Pine Bluff is where the Smoke on the Water competitions started ten years ago and is held in Regional Park right on the Arkansas River and Lake Langhofer. The view was fantastic, despite the heat and bugs. But hey, what is a BBQ without warm weather and ants? Teams started loading in on Friday morning and had wonderful amenities like water and electrical outlets throughout the park. We parked the trailer close to the local Chamber of Commerce tent and right across the street from the carnival. Friday night the Chamber had a VIP event for members and teams, so Chris and I scheduled our demonstration right afterward to maximize the attendance. As we walked around on Saturday morning checking in on the Kingsford teams and pellet cookers alike, we ran into Andy and his wife with Burn One BBQ. We met them briefly Friday night as they were helping Troy with Learn2Q. Both teams have special pet relationships; Troy with his Boxer Rocco and Andy with his Dachshund Teenie… you guessed it, Andy’s Teenie Weenie! You can catch Teenie “rolling” around contests with her two-wheel custom carriage, as her back legs are disabled. She really loved the asphalt parking lot as she was rolling all over the place! Again, despite the heat, Ronnie handled the awards ceremony well. Quite a few teams got calls, even 2 Fat Drunks Cookin’ (one of the best team names I had seen in a while). A couple of teams that we ran into in Springfield, Hog Tide Bar-b-Que and Hardway Barbeque, placed fourth and third overall, while Caveman Cuisine was crowned Reserve Grand Champion with KC Can Crew winning Grand Championship honor in addition to the big $1,000 Kingsford check. All-in-all, another great weekend on the tour. -Mike (and Chris) Peters bullsheet – March 2011Page 29 THE 2010 GREAT AMERICAN BBQ TOUR IS MADE POSSIBLE BY THE FOLLOWING NATIONAL PARTNERS: BBQ Tour Stop #21: Murphysboro, IL October 14, 2010 Our next stop was the “Praise the Lard” Barbecue Cook-Off, which is an old-fashion tent revival celebrating the Almighty Pig in Murphysboro, IL. Amy Mills told us about a great place to stay when we came to town called the Green Retreat. Guests at the retreat stay in quaint cabins around a pond and are able to view the working farm and beautiful scenery. Like all remote places, our first evening brought us an encounter with a couple of critters. Certain that one of them had to be a bear or at least a raccoon, we headed into town for a radio interview with Mike Mills in the morning. We were sure to tell everyone about our run-in with the large animal – only to find out that when we made it back to the cabin, it was just a little field mouse that was stuck to a glue pad… Once our mystery was solved, we moved onto the barbecue! This was the festival’s 23rd year, and there were 12 MBN teams and 44 KCBS teams competing. The community wraps itself around the contest, as throngs of folks attended the Thursday night fish fry and then the Friday night Championship BBQ dinner. Mike Mills, his daughter Amy and the WHOLE 17th Street Bar and Grill crew put on a wonderful event for the teams, judges and Murphysboro community. As the teams loaded in on Thursday, the cook sites were large and there was a walkway through the center of the teams. As Chris and I walked around, it was great to visit old friends and new ones alike. Melissa and Pete of Yazoo’s Delta Q, who we met in Sparks, NV, were in Murphysboro competing in the MBN division. On Thursday night, they even joined a crowd of us watching the outdoor TV at 17th Street for the season finale of BBQ Pitmasters. Backdraft BBQ was set up right across from our stage and had a front row seat for our demonstrations and even shared some of their fantastic BBQ with us! We went out on Saturday morning to check the use of Kingsford Charcoal and were pleasantly surprised when we visited the Que’s Your Daddy site. Doc had improvised a contraption to burn Kingsford Charcoal in his FEC to add more smoke flavor to his cooking. It did get him a top 10 finish with top 5’s in both Pork and Brisket! There are some great aspects of the Murphysboro contest; one being the location. The cook site is cattycorner to the 17th Street Bar and Grill, which is a great place to visit. Walking through the doors framed by Memphis in May trophies is a wonderful feeling, and it has some of the best BBQ in the country. It is also right down the street from Dairy Queen! I think in the four days we were in Murphysboro, we visited DQ about nine times! Another benefit is the goodie bag given to the teams for participating. In the Cooks meeting, they announce to send not one but two team members to retrieve the overflowing bushel basket of stuff! On Saturday afternoon at the awards ceremony, the stage was filled with all the MBN and KCBS trophies. Each trophy had a Budweiser can incorporated, which really differentiated them from the “standard” trophy. Twyford BBQ and Catering, Quau, and many others were among the winners. Quau was also crowned Grand Champion, picking up the over-sized Kingsford Check. After packing up at the end of the day, Chris and I were invited to the Big House at Green Retreat to unwind and celebrate another successful event with Carolyn and Bill, the KCBS contest representatives along with Debby, Bob, and Dave and his wife, who are in training for being contest rep’s themselves. Pizza and a Big Bucket were on the menu, as Chris finally let me add tequila! While we were pulling out on Sunday morning, we had a nice visit with Mike Mills who thanked us again for attending their event. It was our pleasure, and we were so grateful to bring the BBQ Tour to such a beloved event for teams, judges and Barbeque lovers alike! - Mike (and Chris) Peters page 30bullsheet – March 2011 By: T. Michael Garrison, Master Certified Judge The 2011 Barbeque season has begun for the Flying BBQ Judges. Bryan Beier’s beautiful Blue and Gold Bonanza winged us across the Kansas plains to the Winter Q in Great Bend, Kansas. Kent Romine and his team of volunteers does a great job pulling this one together. Dennis and Linda Polson were joined by Bunny and Rich Tuttle to provide a top notch group of Reps. 59 teams competed this year and presented some very tough competition. Mother Nature cooperated with one of the warmest days so far this Winter, the skies were clear and the air smooth. What a great day for a BBQ. Unfortunately Jerry Bressel and I were not able to sit together during the judging, thus limiting our photo ops. The team list for this event reads like a Who’s Who in BBQ, attracting some of the top contenders in the country. A good friend of the Flying Judges is fellow Leawood resident Rod Gray and his team, Pellet Envy. Rod is sporting some new equipment this year. Rod was the KCBS Team of the Year in 2009 and he is always a top contender. (see photo). We had a great treat to meet the famous Johnny Trigg, who brought his expertise up from Texas to compete in the Winter Q. Johnny has been referred to as the “Godfather of BBQ” and he is a regular on the TV show Pitmasters. He has two Grand Champion awards from the World Championship at the Jack Daniels competition and numerous credits to his name across the country. We had the opportunity to visit with Johnny at length and to share some of our judging experiences with him. He is an extremely interesting guy and I certainly hope that our paths cross again, soon. (see photo) Another notable regular at this event is the 4 Legs Up team under the leadership of Kelly Wertz. This is home to the Wertz family. Kelly won the 2008 Grand Champion at the Jack as well as many other outstanding wins. A great competitor and long time friend of the Flying BBQ Judges. . My good neighbor, Jim Rose, and the Reservoir Hogs were here to defend their last year’s Grand Champion win. (see photo) Unfortunately for them, Munchin Hogs @ the Hilton earned that coveted award for 2011. Considering the competition, this has to be considered a very tough contest. We also found a new fun team and hope to see them at some future contests. Three Drunks and a Smoker, out of Manhattan, Kansas are a great bunch of fun guys and we really enjoyed getting to know them. (see photo) Roberta and I were able to cruise the Caribbean again this January and spend several weeks in warm sunshine. The Kansas Winter is even worse this year than last and we have already exceeded last year’s snowfall. Everything was great until our return to Kansas. We had two flights canceled, met with a blizzard, and spent the night in the Baltimore airport. We made it home just in time for the worst blizzard Kansas has seen in 50 years. Hopefully some southern BBQ contests in warmer climates will make up for this. Jerry Bressel and I are preparing for our next exciting adventure. We will be winging our way Southward, hopefully to a warmer climate, to the Hog Wild BBQ in Mobile, Alabama. These folks roll out the red carpet for us and there really is Southern Hospitality. Plus the Gulf Coast has some great seafood. bullsheet – March 2011Page 31 Pacific Northwest P N W by Bob Lyon In Memory of Merle Ellis During 2010 I suddenly came across a notice of the death of Merle Ellis on, January, 20 in the National Barbecue News. The photo in the center came from the cover of his Cutting Up in the Kitchen, his best known and most popular book, first published in 1977 and reprinted in 1991. The notice seemed to be an official obituary from a local newspaper, possibly from his home are of Tiburon, CA. There was no mention of his popularity as a regular on the Dinah Shore show giving the same sort of tips about meat. I first came across Merle as a regular at the National Barbecue Association Trade Show, where he lectured about various aspects of meat and preparation. One especially was the use of domestically raised quail as an entrée, which we were all given samples of to eat. I asked him if he would come to the greater Seattle area for a program. He agreed to, also refusing any payment except expenses. He came three times during the mid 90’s, the first being his specialty, butchering half a lamb into its component parts, comparing them in size to pork and beef parts. His special conclusion was showing a tri-tip the size of his thumb from a lamb. On his next trip he combined with Smokey Hale in grilling lamb, beef and seafood. The chops and steaks from lamb gave everybody a few bites. Smokey proved that he could grill not only salt water white fish but boneless chicken breasts as well. The third time Merle showed how to stuff pork chops with a Maytag blue cheese dressing from his recipe in The great American Meat Book, Knopf, 1996. Merle showed how to cut open a pork rib chop with a small cut, yet leave a lot of space inside for stuffing. He then cut and stuffed 50 or so pork chops for a fund-raising supper. Merle’s and Smokey’s expenses were paid by local cooks’ contributions for the class setting and demonstrations, something they could continue to use. He also brought along copies of his first book’s reprinting, most of which he now owned, charging only $10 each including an autograph. Merle and his wife Neva also wrote Cut Up and Cook in 2000, with new recipes and demonstrations from both of them, also featured on National Public Television. His final job was a return to his roots, a regular shift as a butcher in a meat market in Tiburon. eva Ellis Merle and N Cut Up & Cook) on (As pictured page 32bullsheet – March 2011 BEVERLY MOON SMOKE-N-MY-I’S COMPETITION BBQ HILLSBOROUGH, NC March STEVE MOORE SCOTT CITY, MO JOHN MAY VALHALLA BARBECUE WAUKOMIS, OK New Members KEITH HAMMOND SWEET BOURBON SMOKERS IRON MOUNTAIN, MI STEVE O’NEAL OVERLAND PARK, KS KEVIN ELBERT BERGER, MO MELISSA TAYLOR SMOKLAHOMA TULSA, OK MARLENE MCGREGOR GIBBS MURPHEESBORO, IL ADAM KEAL PROSPECT, KY RONALD MAIN TULSA, OK CHRIS PAUL DERBY CITY SMOKERS LOUISVILLE, KY ROBERT BRYCE YADKINVILLE, NC SAM WHIPPLE EVANSVILLE, IN JEFF FEUQUAY CALOR Y AIRE NEVADA, MO ROBERT BEAMER BILLY BOB BEAMER’S BBQ WAXHAW, NC BILL WALSH EASLEY, SC DANNY CHAMBERS TEAM CHAMBERS’ HOLY SMOKED BBQ MANITO, IL MATT KENNINGTON PITMASTER IQ.COM O’FALLON, MO MATTHEW HENDRIX GETTING SAUCED INDEPENDENCE, MO DANIEL FEENEY HANK & HOSS COUNTRYSIDE, IL JEFF BURKETT SMOKIS PORKIS BBQ SOUTH RIDING, VA LARRY BABBITT AUGUSTA, GA DON FRY OVERLAND PARK, KS BRENDA FRY OVERLAND PARK, KS NIKKI PRICE EUDORA, KS EDWARD MCKEOWN WEST LAFAYETTE, IN SHIRLEY WHITE ULSTER COUNTY SMOKERS ULSTER PARK, NY CHARLES REED LEAVENWORTH, KS WILLIAM ATKINS THREE DOGS BBQ RENFREW, PA RANDY TUMMERS DOLF’S BBQ MITCHELL, IN TIMOTHY MCGUIRE LITITZ, PA JASON JELINEK PIT 9 BBQ COTTAGE GROVE, MN DAVID GOLDMANN EGG HARBOR TWNSP, NJ DIANA FARTHING TOPEKA, KS SHAWN DAUGHTERY NAVARRE, FL JEFF NIFONG BIG ON THE PIG HIGH POINT, NC JULIE DAUGHERTY NAVARRE, FL LARRY HARRIS TRUE PIT BBQ DARNESTOWN, MD DANIEL HITCHCOCK RANCHO CUCAMONGA, CA JOHN KENNINGTON PITMASTERIQ.COM O’FALLON, MO RUSS NEWCOMER BURNT ENDS II PARKVILLE, MO JUDY FEUQUAY CALOR Y AIRE NEVADA, MO NANCY CASE HARTSELLE, AL DAVID COOPER COOP DE GRILLE OLATHE, KS MARK CROWNOVER SATSUMA, AL PHILIP KIPPEN DAMN STRAIGHT BBQ TEAM FALL CITY, WA JULY KIPPEN FALL CITY, WA JOSHUA BARR SPAGNANAMOUS BBQ EDEN PRAIRIE, MN JOHN NEWELL PROSPECT, KY JAMES CHERAY OVERLAND PARK, KS MICHELLE CHERAY OVERLAND PARK, KS BYRON MARTIN NO BUTTS ABOUT IT PLEASANT HILL, IA DEBORAH MAY VALHALLA BARBECUE WAUKOMIS, OK DAVID GROVERMAN BLUE BELL, PA ERIC RUBIN BALA CYMWYD, PA DR, JERRY BERTIGER SPRING HOUSE, PA SCOTTIE CHUNN PHILADELPHIA, MS GREG FARLEY HUNTSVILLE, UT AMBER MARTIN TOPEKA, KS CHANTZ MARTIN TOPEKA, KS CHARLES CROUSE LAZY HAZY CRAZY TAMPA, FL RAYMOND PORTER WHO’S SMOKIN’ NOW BANNING, CA DICK FOPEANO NORTHFIELD, NJ DANNY S COLE CHAPIN, IL CHRIS KENNINGTON O’FALLON, MO JUDY MARTIN NO BUTTS ABOUT IT PLEASANT HILL, IA ROBERT ONEAL OFALLON, MO BRENT FOGLE OLATHE, KS TAYLOR SIMPSON ANTIOCH, CA MARK HOLOBACH CANTON, GA JEREMY WRIGLEY ST. LOUIS BLACK IRON BBQ GODFREY, IL DARCY HOLOBACH CANTON, GA BOB BEYER WIS BACKDRAFT BBQ TEAM REEDSVILLE, WI RON WHITE FORT SMITH, AR ANDY MADDEN MADD - EATS TRENTON, MO JOE HENDRICKS HARTSELLE, AL NATHAN BEYER WIS BACKDRAFT BBQ TEAM REEDSVILLE, WI BARB KENNINGTON O’FALLON, MO DARRELL NOVOTNY NORFOLK, NE HAROLD MAASS TRYON, NC WES SPANGLER ARVADA, CO ADAM BURNETT Q’TANG CLAN DENVER, CO MIKE SMOOTS HEATWAVE BBQ SHAWNEE, KS RANDAL HARVEY CENTENNIAL, CO DUNCAN MILLER CHERRY RED ROASTERS OSWEGO, IL LANCE ROSEN CAULFIELD 5TH, VIC MIKE GRIFFIN HOSCHTON, GA TIM REEDER CENTENNIAL, CO JOHN MCBRIDE FORT COLLINS, CO RED MILLER AURORA, CO MICHAEL G HALE PARKER, CO SCOTT NOWLIN FRANKTOWN, CO TAMARA LONG GRANBY, CO BEN BRYAN DENVER, CO JIM NORWOOD HIGHLANDS RANCH, CO REED NORWOOD LITTLETON, CO TIM SMITH AURORA, CO RICK SPENCER STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO TOM HOLLINSHEAD LITTLETON, CO RICK GERLOFF PARKER, CO JOANN JJ” DEDMON” PARKER, CO TEX LONG GRANBY, CO MATTHEW SPRONZ STRONGSVILLE, OH JOEL MARTINEZ LYONS, KS JOHN BALSTAD JKB ‘S RING OF FIRE BBQ EL DORADO, AR LARRY CLARK BUTTS - A - SMOKIN PACIFIC, MO DONALD COOK CHARLOTTE, NC JOSH FAY DIRTY B’S BBQ BROOKFIELD, MO CHRIS FREDERICK ALVIN, TX KIM GRAHAM FULTON, MS PATRICK PIPITONE BRANDON, MS PAUL ROGERS BROOKFIELD, MO DAVID STIENS KANSAS CITY, MO SANDY WALLACE LIFE IS GOOD, BUT BBQ IS BETTER! PURCELLVILLE, VA JOE WEISS JBJ’S RIBS AND WHISKEY MONEE, IL SALLY CHOPONIS HART, MI bullsheet – March 2011Page 33 New Members… JESSE HOPKINS HEAVEN BOUND BBQ PORTLAND, OR JANET RAPP NO BUTTS ABOUT IT PAWNEE ROCK, KS DAVE TOUSSEAU LEAVENWORTH, KS CHRIS AUSTIN COWBOY Q HOT SPRINGS, AR ADAM SCHMIDT NO BUTTS ABOUT IT INDIANAPOLIS, IN JANA FINNEGAN CLIVE, IA RAY MCINTIRE RAY’S PITFIRE BBQ BEAVERCREEK, OH TIMOTHY BROGDON HOUSTON, TX RENAE SCHMIDT NO BUTTS ABOUT IT INDIANAPOLIS, IN BETSY MCATEE BIRMINGHAM, AL KURT SCHADE CLIVE, IA RICK WILLIAMS STOVES N STUFF BBQ POLLOCK PINES, CA DOUG ORMAN SYCAMORE SMOKERS DANA, IN THOMAS FOTOVICH KANSAS CITY, MO Continued from JEFF PESTINGER SMOKE N POKES BIXBY, OK JOHN NEWTON TERRE HAUTE, IN NATHAN LABARGE RIVER CITY BBQ CONCORDIA, KS JEFF BROWNE PHOENIX, AZ DUANE BETTEEN EAST GRAND FORKS, MN BRIAN BOOTH OLD MOON PORK DORKS MAROA, IL RANDY SHAW OLD MOON PORK DORKS MAROA, IL JAY BULTZ MYRTLE BEACH, SC FRANK CARATACHEA ESCONDIDO, CA LEONARD COLLINS CLIFTON PARK, NY ORIN EBERSOLD CLEARWATER, FL JAMES FRAWLEY WESTPORT, CT DONNA FRAWLEY WESTPORT, CT DAVID GARRISON TEAM RVQ MADISON, IL SCOTT GLIDDEN SWEET SMOKE BBQ GAINESVILLE, GA GARY LOMBARD WHITE HOUSE, TN CHRIS MUELLER SMOKIN’ HICKS IMPERIAL, MO STAN PARKS KANSAS CITY, MO JACK SCHMITT SCOTT CITY, KS TINA SCHMITT SCOTT CITY, KS AJ SPARKES OAKVILLE, ON SHAWN THOMAS MULBERRY, FL Previous Page M. TERRY CALDWELL WOODSTOCK, GA KYLE STENSETH FRESNO, CA HOWARD WARD HOWDY’S SMOKEHOUSE SEASONINGS CONROE, TX GLEN SILER ST GEORGE ISLAND, FL MANLEY SILER ST GEORGE ISLAND, FL HUNTER STEPHENS CEDARTOWN, GA MARK SWAIN FORT MILL, SC GREGORY WELCH WE’RE SMOKIN’ SOMETHIN’ ATLANTA, GA SUMIN YI ATLANTA, GA SHANE HOLZ SMOKE ANOTHER ONE EAST CHINA, MI ED CURRAN GLENVIEW, IL DAVID BYERS BLOOMINGTON, IN JEFF CURRAN GLENVIEW, IL MATTHEW STRANATHAN GARDNER, KS JOHN FLETCHER HUNTSVILLE, AL MARK BARLOW DETROIT, MI ROCK BECKER GREAT BEND, KS PAUL SCHAFER CATONSVILLE, MD IVY BECKER GREAT BEND, KS LIAM MCCARTHY PATRIOT PIT MASTERS BURLINGTON, KY STEPHEN SPACEK BREW-TAL BBQ LAWRENCE, KS TOM MOUA MISSOULA, MT MATT OUVERSON THE WICKED PIG NORWALK, IA LOIS ANN SHEHAN GAINESVILLE, GA ROB WATSON BURNIN TREE BBQ CONSHOHOCKEN, PA DEBBIE MILLER DEPTFORD, NJ BILL REESE DALLAS, GA JASON HABERMAN GREAT BEND, KS SHAWN O’DELL FORT CALHOUN, NE KEVIN SHRODES WE’RE SMOKIN’ SOMETHIN’ WOODSTOCK, GA DENNIS PUTNAM LOGANVILLE, GA KARISA HABERMAN GREAT BEND, KS CRAIG UYEDA SUNNYVALE, CA WILLIAM H SMITH ENKA, GA P. BLAKE LALLI ROSEWELL, GA CLINT AKERS DRIVE-BY SMOKERS MOBILE, AL RIKK FORINGER SHORTSVILLE SMOKERS SHORTSVILLE, NY J.P. PETE” WIEDEMANN” PLEASANT HILL, TN RAY MOODY ST GEORGE ISLAND, FL ALEX COVRLJAN PHILLY UNDERHOGS PHILADELPHIA, PA GARY RAPP NO BUTTS ABOUT IT PAWNEE ROCK, KS PAUL RIEGELMAYER ST GEORGE ISLAND, FL JOE MUSTACHIO SANTA ROSA BEACH, FL GAIL M RIEGELMAYER ST GEORGE ISLAND, FL ROBB OWENS GAINESVILLE, GA DARIUS WHITE KENNESAW, GA BRYAN LOONEY THE LOONEY PIT MADISON, AL TIM ZUBER CUMMINGS, GA MATTHEW J ST. THOMAS WATERVLIET, NY DANIEL RICH WHITE, GA ADAM HOLLMAN HUMINIE’S HOGALICIOUS BBQ GILROY, CA GREGG A. RONCZKOWSKI MARIETTA, GA SHERRY HOLLMAN GILROY, CA JEFF MASSEY FOUR FAT GUYS AND A SMOKER CARTERSVILLE, GA CORAD ST THOMAS ASHBURNHAM, MA NICK PRESTBY KENNESAW, GA ERIC MOORE DURHAM, NC ERIC PUTNAM LOGANVILLE, GA page 34bullsheet – March 2011 bullsheet – March 2011Page 35 New Members… Continued from Previous Page CHRIS LARSEN IRMO, SC ROY SPRAY HAYS, KS WARREN MORLEY IRMO, SC NICOLE SPRAY HAYS, KS MIKE GRAHAM BIG MAC COOKERS CARTERSVILE, GA TODD JOHNSON KENNESAW, GA SELINA F. HADLEY KENNESAW, GA DAVE GREENSPAN WE’RE SMOKIN’ SOMETHIN’ DULUTH, GA JASON HERRINGTON THE MACGYVERS DALLA, GA STEVE KENNEDY CARTERSVILLE, GA OWEN E. JOHNSON MARIETTA, GA ANTHONY JOHNSON STONE MOUNTAIN, GA CRAIG HINTON LOGANVILLE, GA REBECCA HINTON LOGANVILLE, GA TYLER KEMPKER GAINESVILLE, GA DENNY HAMILTON WOODSTOCK, GA ERIC EQAN ATLANTA, GA ANDY EQAN ATLANTA, GA VICKI CALLAHAN ALPHARETTA, GA SCOTT DAVIS AUSTELL, GA KEN BROWN GAINESVILLE, GA DAVID E. BAUM ROSWELL, GA STACEY BAUM ROSWELL, GA LESLIE CHANDLER COLBERT, GA DAVID H. CONNOLLY, JR MACON, GA PHILIP LAMBORNE ANNAPOLIS CATERING ANNAPOLIS, MD SHAWN FACKLAM SMOKIN A FATTY LAKE WAUKOMIS, MO JEFFREY SWAN CYGNETURE BARBEQUE EUDORA, KS KELLY SWAN CYGNETURE BARBEQUE EUDORA, KS MICHAEL GREENTREE PARTY PIGS BBQ ARNOLD, MD CRAIG PIPPIN OLD MAN AND THE PIG VISTA, CA BRAD STOREY BLACKEYE BBQ WICHITA, KS MAX STOREY BLACKEYE BBQ WICHITA, KS KEVIN WILL SOCIAL SMOKERS OVERLAND PARK, KS GLENDON PARKE BIG DAY BARBECUE CHEASPEAKE, VA JIM ELLENBURG SWINE TIME CARTERSVILLE, GA ROBERT MOORE REDNECK GRILLERS KENNETT, MO BOB CHRISTENSNEN HOUND DOG BARBECUE SACRAMENTO, CA RUSTIN PEARCE SAND SPRINGS, OK DARIN EVANS BROCKVILLE, ON COURTNEY SEARSON BROCKVILLE, ON COURTNEY SANDERS CSBARBQUESHOP SPRINGFIELD, MO BRIAN CARTWRIGHT ATHENS, GA DALTON SPURGEON PDQ BBQ LEE’S SUMMIT, MO JERRY BUCHLEITNER IRMO, SC JOHN ARRAMBIDE HACKETTSTOWN, NJ ERICA HILDINGER BARRY AND ERICA NASH, OK DERREK ROBINSON PILE-O-PORK SUTTON’S BAY, MI BENNY PARSON BENNY’S BBQ NICEVILLE, FL CHERYL FREEMAN SQUIRREL GIRL BBQ WAYNESBORO, GA ANTHONY ROBINSON HOPKINSVILLE, KY MIKE SOUZA SOUZAS SLAMMIN SLAUGHTER BBQ PACIFICA, CA JOE LIMON TEXAS JOKERS-N-SMOKERS COOKING TEAM CYPRESS, TX CHRIS GRIFFITH LIL EARL’S BUTT NAKED BBQ MINEOLA, TX JOY EARL TIKI TIME BBQ SAINT CLOUD, FL JAY CHASTAIN LAKELAND, FL BOB LUKOTCH BELLA VISTA, AR KRISTINE STROUD CORDOVA, TN BRIAN JONES ROADMASTER BBQ ELKHART, IN JOHN R COX CRYSTAL RIVER, FL KELLI JONES ROADMASTER BBQ ELKHART, IN HOWARD MOBLEY SHAWNEE, KS STEVE COX OLATHE, KS BOB GENDRON BOBBY G’S PENTWATER, MI CHAD AMIS KC SMOKE DAWGS ROELAND PARK, KS JOHN BAUCOM HUMBLE RISKY BRISKET HUMBLE, TX DAVID SANCHEZ DOUBLE R COOKERS HOUSTON, TX BLAKE GRIFFITH FIRETOWER BBQ GRAND CANE, LA BILL CANNON TEXAS BBQ RUB COOKING TEAM RICHMOND, TX JEFF WYATT REDNECK COOKERS GLEN ROSE, TX TAMI L ASHLEY LAKELAND, FL CRAIG SMITH HOT ASH SMOKERS MAUREPAS, LA JOHN EARL TIKI TIME BBQ ST CLOUD, FL MICHELLE WADE NOTHIN’ FANCY HILLSBORO, TX CHERYLE WYSOCKI TIKI TIME BBQ SATELLITE BEACH, FL TRAVIS LEMOS HONEYS BAR-B-Q STAFFORD, TX BRUCE MILLER BABSON PARK, FL EDWARD HALL BARBED WIRE BARBEQUE AUSTIN, TX WENDY WEST WINTER HAVEN, FL ROBERT E. WILSON LAKELAND, FL MARK SHOOK PEACE PIT BBQ GREELEY, CO KEVIN T BARLOW LAKELAND, FL HAYDEN TRUE CHESTERFIELD, MO ALYSON DORT LAKE WALES, FL JONATHAN BOHANNEN JAMES DORT THREE PORKS AND A SMOKER LAKE WALES, FL CHAMPAIGN, IL FRED MURPHY RANDY ROBINETT LAKELAND, FL R BUTTS R SMOKIN GRAIN VALLEY, MO DAVID MURPHY LAKELAND, FL MICHAEL TIGUE SIDE OF THE TRACKS STEVE MCCONN COLUMBIA FALLS, MT LAKELAND, FL RICK HINES WHISKEY HILL BBQ PROVIDENCE FORGE, VA TAMMY MITCHELL PROVIDENCE FORGE, VA JAMES HINES PROVIDENCE FORGE, VA JASON SHAW ROLLIN’ SMOKE TEXAS TOO HOUSTON, TX DENNIS BUTTERWORTH HOUSTON, TX VICTOR HOWARD PITMAKER - BBQ ADDICTION HUMBLE, TX DAVID E BETTS MOBILE, AL JAMES SAPP SOUTHERN SOUL BBQ ST SIMONS ISLAND, GA JUSTIN BOLDING LOW RENT LAKELAND, FL WILLIAM FINLAY SMOKY DOG PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL HARRIS WOODSBY TEAM LOW RENT LAKELAND, FL MAURICE LOMBARD MOBILE, AL TARA FINLAY SMOKY DOG PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL PAUL W. ROBERTS LAKELAND, FL JAMES (JIM) CRONE SEMMES, AL KEN KRAUSE BIG BOLA Q LAKELAND, FL BARBARA TUCKER LUCEDALE, MS MATT BARBER HOT WACHULA’S LAKELAND, FL DALE GROETSEMA LUKEMIA SUCKS TOO VANCOUVER, WA DAN PREUSS CRAZY PIG BBQ TUCSON, AZ SHAWN RADCLIFF LOS CABEZA DE HUEVOS AZTEC, NM LAURIE REMUS A BOY NAMED QUE SUSSEX, WI LAMAR GODWIN BUTT NAKED BBQ MCDAVID, FL DAVID A. WILHELM MOBILE, AL ROBERT BALLANTYNE THE COWBOY AND THE ROSE CATERING CLIFTON, CO ANDREW PRESCOTT KAREN CLARK RIB RAIDERS CLARK KENT SUPER SMOKERS DAPHNE, AL SPRINGFIELD, MO page 36bullsheet – March 2011 New Members… Continued from Previous Page LONNIE MIXON MOBILE, AL RICHARD PRESCOTT RIB RAIDERS MERIDIAN, MS MARY BETH ALLISON MOBILE, AL NELL STUART EVERGREEN, AL JUNE STINSON EVERGREEN, AL WILLIAM BRUCE FAIRHOPE, AL REBECCA LATTA MOBILE, AL JAMES SCHLUMPF FAIRHOPE, AL CHRIS B. ESTES MOBILE, AL BILL ALLEN KRAZY KOOKERS MOBILE, AL CHALICE BEAM DOUBLE D SWEETMEATS MOBILE, AL TIM FRANKLIN BIRMINGHAM, AL MARK FALKENHAGEN THEODORE, AL ANNE FALKENHAGEN THEODORE, AL IRA F (LYNN) WALTON III FOLEY, AL CARL (BLEU) BUTLER MOBILE, AL ROY SMITH MOBILE, AL RANDALL NIX RUBBIN’ BUTTZ’ BBQ JOHNSTOWN, CO SHERRY MORRIS MOBILE, AL MARTY PETERSON SEAR-IOUS BBQ CREOLA, AL MICHELLE PETERSON SEAR-IOUS BBQ CREOLA, AL MITCH MISHOE MILTON, FL DENNIS BARKOW LOUNGER COOKING CO. MILWAUKEE, WI GERALD A SHELTON MILTON, FL ANDREW JR BURCH MOBILE, AL BILL NAPPER CHUNCHULA, AL LISA BURCH MOBILE, AL SCOTT MARTIN HENDERSON, NV JOSHUA LANCE JOHNSON JACKSON, AL ABIGAIL EHLKE ELYRIA, OH CHEF MIKE BYEARS MOBILE, AL RUSSELL PLACE KLASSY KREW BBQ NORWALK, IA DAN LEAPHART MARY ESTHER, FL H. GENE EASTON MOBILE, AL JAMES M ALEXANDER, JR MOBILE, AL EDWIN MANOTAS SMOKIN’ COONASSES BATON ROUGE, LA DAVID PARKER LAKE CHARLES, LA CHEF ELLEN M. JONES CC MOBILE, AL MICHAEL S DAWSON MOBILE, AL E.T. , JR ROLISON MOBILE, AL GEORGE SIMPSON NOTHING BUTT TROUBLE MOBILE, AL KRISTA PLACE KLASSY KREW BBQ NORWALK, IA ANN HAWLEY DENVER, CO JARROD THACKER BUB-BA-Q TOO JASPER, GA GEORGE SHORE COOKED ON A PITMAKER HOUSTON, TX KRIS ALMQUIST KARNIVOROUS CHANDLER, AZ JOHN ATKINS PIGS ON THE RUN SCOTTSVILLE, VA MARK BENSON RAW TALENT CORAOPOLIS, PA JAMES BROD SMOKIN’ CRACKER BBQ TEAM SEBRING, FL MACK GRAHAM MOBILE, AL CHRISTY DAY SUGARCAIN’S WILMER, AL LOIS SMITH MOBILE, AL SANDRA TAKARO-MILLER MILTON, FL DALLAS BRYANT SMOKIN MULE BBQ RAYMORE, MO DON FAGGARD CREOLA, AL MATT STONER SMOKE ME 1 BBQ CALERA, AL BILL BROWN BILLS BEST BBQ BAKERSFIELD, CA JAY ROWELL RED EYED SMOKERS CITRONELLE, AL JOHN CARPENTER CINCINNATI, OH JAY LEHENBAUER 2 MEN SMOKIN’ BABYBACKS RAYMORE, MO TONY LEHENBAUER RAYMORE, MO JAMES COOPER HAMMOND, LA FRED E BOUCHARD HAMMOND, LA BARRY WYATT IRVINGTON, AL VICKIE WYATT IRVINGTON, AL RANDY REID RANDY’S RIB SHACK TIBBIE, AL EULA DOOLEY” MCDUFFIE” TEAM SOUTULLO/TEAM BALLINGER MOBILE, AL RICHARD SCOTT MOBILE, AL BRENT NELSON MOBILE, AL JOHN CLAYTON LEAWOOD, KS MIKE COBLE DOUBLE W BBQ ROCKPORT, TX RANDALL DICKSON SMOK’ SOMETHING OR OTHER LAWRENCE, KS SCOTT ELDRIDGE EMERALD CITY SMOKERS BONNEY LAKE, WA JOHN DUNN BOURBON COWBOY COOKERS HUFFMAN, TX TONY FAOUR BBQ GODFATHER CONROE, TX JONATHAN FOX FOX BROS BAR-B-Q ATLANTA, GA MICHAEL GALLAGHER TN SAUCED TO PORK GERMANTOWN, TN DAVID GOERKE SOUTH TEXAS BREW CREW MARION, TX JACK GOODSELL GIRDWOOD, AK DAVID SANTIAGO CABANA ROASTERS AND CATERING ORLANDO, FL ROBERT SIERRA S & S PIT CREW SAN MARCOS, TX CHARLES SIMPSON BLUE AND GOLD SMOKERS COLE CAMP, MO HEATHER SINYARD THE MEAT SWEATS CLEVELAND, GA RICHARD SINYARD THE MEAT SWEATS CLEVELAND, GA SCOTT SIROIS LENEXA, KS JASON GUADAGNO CROWN POINT, IN KENNETH SWART BLACK GOLD BBQ KENNESAW, GA JEFFREY HACKER BIG NAME IN SMOKING VERSAILLES, IN MICHAEL STURM SMOKEBACK MOUNTAIN CALGARY, AL BOB HARRIS GREAT BEND, KS DON TEEPE SMOKIN THE BONE ROCKFORD, IA KAYCI HARRIS GREAT BEND, KS LARRY HELTEBRIDLE TANEYTOWN, MD JEFF HILE RAXXX PLANT CITY, FL JEFF HOLLOWAY CRANBERRY TOWNSHIP, PA LAYNE JONES TEAM AMERICA CARRIER, OK RANDY KLEIN BIG R BQ ROCHESTER, MI BEN LANG LANG BBQ SMOKERS NAHUNTA, GA CAROLYN S LEIGAN GREAT BEND, KS BRYAN LOONEY THE LOONEY PIT MADISON, AL THOMAS MCCOLLOUGH MAKIN SMOKE SULPHUR, LA LISA MUELLER BUFFALO GROVE, IL WILLIAM NILSSON PAIN IN THE BUTT BBQ TUSCALOOSA, AL ANNAPOLIS CATERING PHONE ANNAPOLIS CATERING ANNAPOLIS, MD JOSEPH REECE SMOKE ON THE WATER PRAIRIE VILLAGE, KS ERIC THOMAS THE ROLLING GRILL BBQ ELLENWOOD, GA JEFF THOMAS CRAVING Q BELMONT, NC WALLY THOMAS FORT MYERS, FL JAMES TREVETHAN UP IN $MOKE BBQ TEAM DURHAM, NC CRAIG UYEDA SUNNYVALE, CA STEPHEN WALKER STEVE & HIS DIXIE CHICK BBQ VAIL, CO STEPHEN WEILER LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, PA SERGIO YEBRA WHAT-EVER HOUSTON, TX MITCH EDGEWORTH BRENTWOOD, TN PAUL O’BRIEN MINNESOTA MEAT MAFIA ST CLOUD, MN ANDREW J AGNEW AMOS & ANDY KNOXVILLE, TN CARLA RATCHFORD SPRINGDALE, AR MATT BURGESS SHELBYVILLE, TN MADELINE ELLIS PAROWAN, UT bullsheet – March 2011Page 37 New Members… Continued from CAROL KEYSE GREAT BEND, KS KELCI KEYSE GREAT BEND, KS KELLY LANDRY GIMLI MANITOBA, ANDREA CODY ASHEVILLE, NC ROXANNE URFER MIDDLEBURG, FL STEVEN HICKS SHELBY’S OUTLAWS BBQ LAWRENCEVILLE, GA WILL HENDERSON RIBS AND CRIBZ ATLANTA, GA JOHN GAREEB ATLANTA, GA Previous Page CHARLES HAMRICK SHELBY, NC JASON K. HOWZE PACK-A-SMOKES ERWIN, TN ANDREW FEILER ATLANTA, GA CREG SMITH OAK HILL, VA BRIAN ROBINSON 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE MILLEDGEVILLE, GA TREY OWEN 5 O’CLOCK SOMEWHERE MILLEDGEVILLE, GA MIKE NIXON THE LIMP BRISKETS VILLA RICA, GA DAVID AYERS CABIN CREEK BBQ CO. NICHDSON, GA GARY DUKE THE LIMP BRISKETS VILLA RICA, GA CHRISTINA LENYK BLUE SKY BBQ FLOWERY BRANCH, GA A.J. ABALO BLAIRSVILLE, GA GENE BLACKBURN RIGHT ON Q GAINESVILLE, GA BRAD SCOTT CUMMING, GA JAKOB WETMORE WOODSTOCK, GA DAVID BOWKER CANTONE, GA SHAN MIZE POP-N-CHUBBY’S BBQ CUMMING, GA LISA MASSEY CARTERSVILLE, GA IRA ELBERT NEW, III WATKINSVILLE, GA SCOTT R KINDRED BLAIRSVILLE, GA MARK SWEENIE BLAIRSVILLE, GA BRENT OTWELL POP-N-CHUBBYS BBQ CUMMING, GA DOUGLAS SCANLAN SAUCED AGAIN PEACHTREE CITY, GA MARK SCANLAN SHARPSBURG, GA TED HOWARD FLOWERY BRANCH, GA GINA WESTFALL-PEEHLER BOAT’N BBQ ATLANTA, GA RYAN HALE DALLAS, GA TRIP BELLINGER WOODSTOCK, GA TROY RUSJHING NORCROSS, GA GERALD RUSHING BRUNSWICK, GA JEFF ANDERSON DAHLONEGA, GA CHERIE ANDERSON DAHLONGEGA, GA DAVID THOMASON LIMP BRISKETTS GAINESVILLE, GA NEAL ANDERSON GOLD RUSH SMOKERS DAHLONEGA, GA DALE M. WILSON AD HAMHOCK MURPHY, NC LEWIS GEBHARDT MEN AT PORK BLAIRSVILLE, GA MATTHEW DAVID LEMON KENNESAW, GA KEN MARQUARDT CANTON, GA TIM MOSS OLDE HICKRY B.B.Q. DAHLONEGA, GA TOM MROCZKO CARTERSVILLE, GA JERRY CLINTON HANEY CARTERSVILLE, GA DANIEL P LOCHRIDGE CARTERSVILLE, GA JIM FINAN DUNMORE, PA SHERRY OGG NONE-THE-WEISER BBQ WINTERVILLE, GA JERRY BECKER JERRY’S SLICE OFF THE GRILL THOUSAND OAKS, CA JAMES MUNDY CUMMING, GA RONNIE EDENS JR. PONCA CITY, OK BRIAN MURPHY MOBILE, AL JAMES NICOLAZZI BABYLON GRILLBILIES WEST BABYLON, NY MELVIN BOESE ARCADIA, WI ROBERT WILLIAMS ELLINWOOD, KS GWEN LEFLER MOUNT AIRY, MD CHAD ROMINE GREAT BEND, KS ERIC VANDER VELDE ALTADENA, CA STEVE BURHANN GREAT BEND, KS DENNIS TEASLEY ABILENE, KS KEVIN ARNBERGER GREAT BEND, KS DON POWERS GREAT BEND, KS GREG COOK NEW CAMBRIA, KS JOHN L. HABERMAN GREAT BEND, KS JOYCE HABERMAN GREAT BEND, KS REGGIE OGG NONE-THE-WEISER BBQ WINTERVILLE, GA SUSAN BECKER JERRY’S SLICE OFF THE GRILL THOUSAND OAKS, CA DON CONNELLY MOUNT AIRY, MD GARY L. OSTEEN F&A BBQ SMYRNA, GA GIG WILKOWSKY HIAWASSEE, GA JOE LEMANEK PASADENA, MD KELSI WERTZ GREAT BEND, KS MIKE WARBURTON GREAT BEND, KS TRACEY TRUMBULL TEAM TRUMBULL CHATTANOOGA, TN DAVID MCLAREN HERRIN, IL ED MADEJ HELENA, MT TERRY W BRADLEY FRANKLIN, NC RHONDA RUNKLE MILLERSVILLE, MD ROBERT BIEKER HAYS, KS KURT V WEBER JR KINGMAN, KS RICK JOHNSON ABILENE, KS DAVID MCLAIN ORANGE BEACH, AL DAN HANER GREAT BEND, KS CHRIS GODDARD COHUTTA, GA GREG ALBRIGHT HOISINGTON, KS KURT ZEHNDER LEXINGTON, KY MICHAEL CLANCEY ZOMBIE BARBECUE NORTHAMPTON, PA JENNIFER LEWIS SAVANNAH, TN POLLY BRADLEY FRANKLIN, NC CATHY TRUMBULL TEAM TRUMBULL CHATTANOOGA, TN BRADY ROBINSON BIG HAIRY PEACHES BBQ CREW LARNED, KS PHYLLIS GRAUE LINCOLN, IL BRETT FOSTER GREAT BEND, KS FRED WESTON LAKEHEAD FRED LOUISVILLE, TN DARRELL ZIGLER HOISINGTON, KS REBECCA ENGSTROM DES PLAINES, IL NIKI REEVE DACULA, GA DENNIS ALMOND KINGSTON, TN EUGENE OUTLAND SALINA, KS JOANN BOESE ARCADIA, WI BRUCE AGARD ARGYLE, NY SCOTT DODDS CARNESVILLE, GA JAMES SCARBERRY SR, LIMA, OH J.R. SCHAFFER PARKVILLE, MO page 38bullsheet – March 2011 Grants-In-Aid Now Available! The Education and Philanthropy Committees of the Kansas City Barbeque Society Board of Directors are pleased to announce that your Board of Directors has approved a minimum of $15,000 be allocated annually in a grant program for children of KCBS members, with awards ranging from $1,000 - $5,000. Grants will be awarded to children of current KCBS members, with the requirement that parents must have been a member/s in good standing for a minimum of three years. A special committee of members from both the Philanthropy and Education Committees will accept applications beginning February 1, 2011, and ending on April 1, 2011, with the first grants being effective in September 2011. Consideration will be given for admission to both college and post-secondary technical schools. Applications should be addressed to Grant-In-Aid Committee, Kansas City Barbeque Society, 11514 Hickman Mills Drive, Kansas City, MO 64134. Applications and other required documents must be received in the KCBS office no later than April 1, 2011. Applicants may use the application included in this issue of The Bullsheet or may obtain an application by calling the KCBS office at 1-800-963-5227. The Grant-In-Aid Committee will review the applications to determine the recipients, report its recommendations to the KCBS Board of Directors for final decisions at its May meeting, and will notify recipients no later than May 31, 2011. Startin’ the Fire by George Hensler Who Are Those Guys? BBQ Team What do I need to do to my cooker to get ready for the upcoming competition season? It goes without saying that your cooker should be kept somewhat clean at all times. By this I mean you should keep the unit serviceable and safe at all times. The beginning of the upcoming cooking season is a good excuse to give your faithful companion a good all-over cleaning for the year. The first thing to do would be to break the unit down as far as you can. Remove cooking grates, ash-pans, dampers, anything at all that will come out. Give the unit and all of its parts a good scrubbing. A power washer is very useful for this step but not necessary. If you use one, be careful, as too much pressure can cause damage to your cooker as well as your driveway, deck finish or fingers. A good degreaser and your garden hose will do a good job with much less damage. If you find that you have a real grease and grime build up you will find power washing units available for rent at many of the local home centers. Another option would be hauling your unit, in pieces, to your local car wash. These locations typically have pressure washers that include soap, degreaser and hot water. What ever method you decide to use, the important thing is to get the unit as clean as possible. Once you are good and clean, get everything as dry as possible before you reassemble. Before you put the cooker back together, examine all of your parts for wear. Pay particular attention to areas around the firebox or fuel source. Look for thinning or cracking near the areas where heat collects. Make sure your parts still fit and function as they were designed to do. Inspect handles and latches to be sure they will not fail during use, especially while at a contest. If your unit has wheels to move it to and from its place of storage, check to be sure they are tightly attached and well lubed. If they are pneumatic, make sure they are properly inflated. If the cooker is a tow behind unit, check wheel bearings for grease. Inspect your lights if so equipped paying special attention to the connector between the trailer and your tow vehicle. While you are there, check the safety chains to make sure they function as designed and are not worn. Look over the tires for wear and or dry rot and make sure they are properly inflated. Also, make sure you have a usable spare tire for your tow behind cooking unit and that it is inflated as well. Oh, and take it from me, make sure you have a jack and lug wrench that will fit the lug nuts on the trailer, I learned the hard way. As you reassemble your unit, look for areas of rust. Sometimes, small areas can be sanded and painted with heat resistant paint before they become bigger areas. Make sure you tighten screws, nuts and fasteners snugly; some manufactures even suggest using Lock-tite. Moving a cooker down the road in the back of a truck or trailer is sure to give it a good shaking. Fasteners that are not tightened properly have a tendency to come loose in transit. Fasteners that come off during transportation have a further tendency to hide from you as you franticly try and locate them upon arriving at the cook-off, again, I must report, I speak from experience. Once the unit is completely and tightly reassembled, it is a good idea to oil your grates with a light coating of vegetable oil. I would also suggest making a fire inside the unit to give it a test burn before loading it up to head to a contest. While this last step might be considered overkill by some, I find that preparation is the best and most reliable way to prevent an invasion of the most dreaded foe, the BBQ Gremlin. Believe me when I tell you, I speak from experience. Visit KCBS.US!!! bullsheet – March 2011Page 39 page 40bullsheet – March 2011 bullsheet – March 2011Page 41 March 03/04/2011-03/05/2011: Pensacola, FL. Smokin’ in the Square. Ivan Delabruere. 4285 Spindlewick Drive, Pace, FL 32571. Phone: 850-995-0060 or 850-516-2622. Fax: 850995-0040. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. KCBS Upcoming Events 04/08/2011-04/09/2011: Osage City, KS. Smoke in the Spring. Corey Linton. 201 South 5th Street, Osage City, KS 66523. Phone: 785528-4610. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/08/2011-04/09/2011: Gilbert, AZ. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 03/11/2011-03/12/2011: North Kansas City, MO. NKC MO BBQ State Championship. Jay McClintick. 6701 N Woodland, Gladstone, MO 64118. Phone: 816-268-5656. Email: 04/08/2011-04/09/2011: Columbus, MS. [email protected]. Website: http://www.nk- ing on the River 2011. Harvey Myrick. PO Box St. Champ. 215, Columbus, MS 39703. Phone: 662-3286850. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 03/11/2011-03/12/2011: Mobile, AL. 10th Annual BBQ Championship & Hog Wild Festival. Marty Wheeler. 3058 Dauphin Square Connec- 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Kings Mountain, NC. tor, Mobile, AL 36607. Phone: 251-479-4900. 15th Annual Firehouse BBQ Cook-Off. Frank Fax: 251-479-4998. Email: events@ucpmo- Burns. PO Box 429, Kings Mountain, NC Website: 28086. Phone: 704-734-0555. Fax: 704-734St. Champ. 4468. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 03/18/2011-03/19/2011: Wildomar, CA. The Ultimate BBQ Showdown: East vs West. Henry Silvestre. 21847 Grove Road, Wildomar, CA 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Sacramento (N), CA. 92595. Phone: 951-445-1903. Email: hsilves- Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: [email protected]. St. Champ. 03/25/2011-03/26/2011: Scottsdale, AZ. Arizona Barbecue Festival. Rick Phillips. 4419 N. Scottsdale Rd, Suite 218, Scottsdale, AZ 85251. Phone: 480-347-0304. Fax: 480-2729400. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Covington, LA. Bayou Barbecue Festival . Philip Jeanfrean. PO Box 541, Covington, LA 70434. Phone: 985-8719929. Fax: 985-871-9928. Email: pjean710@ Website: http://www.covrotary. org. St. Champ. 03/25/2011-03/26/2011: Hammond, LA. 2011 It’s a Smokin’ Blues & BBQ Challenge. Cindy Watts. PO Box 85, Hammond, LA 70404. Phone: 985-507-9175. Fax: 985-419-9863. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.hammondbluesandbbq. com. St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Winchester, TN. High on the Hog Fesival. (Teams) Linda Gould & (Judges) Dianne Zimmerman. Phone: Teams:931-308-7660 or Judges:931-6076030Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. April 04/01/2011-04/02/2011: Buffalo Ranch at Pala Casino, Pala, CA. Pala’s Buffalo Ranch BBQ. Henry Silvestre. 21847 Grove Rd, Wildomar, CA 92595. Phone: 951-445-1903. Fax: 951245-1116. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/01/2011-04/02/2011: Benton, KY. Benton KY Kiwanis Barbeque Kookoff. Ed Jones. PO Box 78, Benton, KY 42025. Phone: 270-5271877. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/01/2011-04/02/2011: Pleasant Hill, MO. Smokin’ on Big Creek. Jeff Stith. 1404 Redbud Ave, Pleasant Hill, MO 64080. Phone: 816590-5057. Email: bigcreekbbq@embarqmail. com. Website: St. Champ. 04/01/2011-04/02/2011: Slidell, LA. Slidell BBQ Challenge. Arnold Skinny” King”. 339 Landon Drive, Slidell, LA 70458. Phone: 985643-6863. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/01/2011-04/02/2011: Pelahatchie, MS. Pelahatchie BBQ Festival. Gary C. Ferguson. . Phone: 920-256-9154. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.jellystonems. com. St. Champ. 04/08/2011-04/09/2011: Sikeston, MO. Sikeston Area Chamber of Commerce Redneck Barbeque. Garth Fuchs. #1 Industrial Drive, Sikeston, MO 63801. Phone: 573-471-2498. Fax: 573-471-2499. Email: garth@sikeston. net. Website: St. Champ. 04/08/2011-04/09/2011: Gadsden, AL. Smoke on th Falls Noccalula BBQ Fest. Janet Tarrance. PO Box 267, Gadsden, AL 35902. Phone: 256-549-4663. Fax: 256-546-5843. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/08/2011-04/09/2011: Stillwater, OK. Stillwater Elks 23rd Annual Blazathon. Dwight Stoddard. 202 E McElroy, Stillwater, OK 74075. Phone: 580-669-2538. Email: dlstodd1941@ St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Enid, OK. 6th Annual Smokin Red Dirt BBQ. Lynne Benkendorf. 227 W Broadway, Enid, OK 73701. Phone: 580548-8194. Fax: 580-233-1263. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Washington, MO. 3rd Annual Main Street BBQ & Bluesfest. Aimee Frey. 124 Jefferson St., PO Box 144, Washington, MO 63090. Phone: 636-239-1743. Fax: 636-239-4832. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Jefferson City, MO. Capital City Cookoff. Bruce Ring. 3604 Schott Rd, Jefferson City, MO 65101. Phone: 573694-6081. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Salisbury, MD. Pork in the Park. Sandy Fulton. PO Box 2333, Salisbury, MD 21802. Phone: 410-548-4914. Fax: 410-341-4996. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/15/2011-04/16/2011: Springfield, MO. Rock’n Ribs BBQ Festival. Kristin McDaniel. . Phone: 417-840-7463. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 04/16/2011-04/17/2011: Lexington, MA. The Lexington BBQ Battle. Stephen Eastridge. 6 Laurence Rd, Woburn, MA 01801. Phone: 781-405-4825. Email: meatatslims@gmail. com. Website: http://www.lexingtonbbqbattle. com. St. Champ. 04/22/2011-04/23/2011: Lexington, NC. BBQ Capital Cook Off. Chad Hodges. East 1st Ave, Lexington, NC 27292. Phone: 336-249-0383. Fax: 336-224-1198. Email: chadhodges@mac. com. Website: http://www.uptownlexington. com. 04/22/2011-04/23/2011: Sante Fe , NM. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . 04/22/2011-04/23/2011: Overland Park, KS. VFW Post 846 BBQ Challenge. Jim Lilleston. 8804 Grant, Overland Park, KS 66212. Phone: 913-206-7860. Email: james.lilleston@ St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Morgan Hill, CA. Morgan Hill No Bull BBQ Cookoff. Chris 04/22/2011-04/23/2011: Kennett, MO. 30th Bryant. PO Box 786, Morgan Hill, CA 95038. Annual Show-Me State Championship. Allen Phone: 408-779-9444. Fax: 408-779-5405. Williams. 1114 Pruitt St, Kennett, MO 63857. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// Phone: 573-717-6875. St. Champ. 04/29/2011-04/30/2011: Edenton, NC. Hog Fest in Historic Edenton. Roy Murray. PO Box 390, Edenton, NC 27932. Phone: 252-4261426. Email: tarheelfireplace@embarqmail. com. Website: . St. Champ. 04/29/2011-04/30/2011: Loveland, CO. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Huntsville, AL. The Whistle Stop Festival & Rocket City BBQ. Drew Grega. 404 Madison Street, Huntsville, AL 35801. Phone: 256-564-8125. Fax: 256564-8151. Email: kcbscookers@huntsvilleal. gov. Website: St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Platte City, MO. Platte City BBQ Cook-Off. Gary Ferguson. . Phone: 920-256-9154. Email: gary@legacycupbbq. com. Website: St. Champ. 04/29/2011-04/30/2011: Sugar Creek, MO. Smokin’ in the Creek. Sue Mikula. 103 S Sterling, Sugar Creek, MO 64054. Phone: 816252-4413. Fax: 816-252-8843. Email: smiku05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Las Vegas (N), NV. [email protected]. St. Champ. Sam’s Club BBQ Compeittion (Regional). . . Website: php. 04/29/2011-04/30/2011: Springdale, AR. Smokin’ in the Ozarks. Tim Gray. 2914 N Cassius Lane, Fayetteville, AR 72704. Phone: 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Lansing, KS. Brew, 479-721-3584. Fax: 479-419-9453. Email: Blues & Bar-B-Q Cook-Off. Sundae Holler. [email protected]. Website: http:// 730 1st Terrace, Suite 2, Lansing, KS 66043. St. Champ. Phone: 913-727-5488. Fax: 913-351-3618. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 04/29/2011-04/30/2011: Arkansas City, KS. R’ Kansas City State Championship BBQ. Ronnie Dornhoffer. . Phone: 620-441-7693. Email: 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Ashland, MS. [email protected]. sippi Springfest. Tony Tidwell. PO Box 507, Ashland, MS 38603. Phone: 662-224-3220. Fax: 662-224-8588. Email: wbiitv@yahoo. 04/29/2011-04/30/2011: Hazelwood, MO. Kickcom. St. Champ. Off Cook-Off. Greg Wilkinson. 2680 Narraganset, Florissant, MO 63033. Phone: 314629-4734. Email: [email protected]. Website: 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Bixby, OK. Bixby St. BBQ’n Music Festival. Mike Gately. PO Box Champ. 511, Bixby, OK 74133. Phone: 918-481-3277. Fax: 918-481-3389. Email: gatelymike@aol. com. Website: 04/30/2011-05/01/2011: Liberty, IN. Smokin’ St. Champ. on the Water. Carl Sharp. 27 W Union St, Liberty, IN 47353. Phone: 765-458-5574. Fax: 765-458-7403. Email: 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Annapolis, MD. Website: http://www.libertyintown Bar BAY Q. Don Chomas. PO Box 6327, St. Champ. Annapolis, MD 21401. Phone: 240-432-3903. Fax: 301-656-1510. Email: donchomas@ Website: 04/30/2011-05/01/2011: Indio, CA. Stagecoach St. Champ. Music Festival BBQ Championship. (Judge/ Teams full) Thom Emery. PO Box 7, Thousand Palms, CA 92276. Website: http://www. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Claremore, OK. Boots St. Champ. & BBQ Festival. Roger Fleming. PO Box 673, Claremore, OK 74017. Phone: 918-343-2527. Email: [email protected]. May Website: 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Columbus, GA. Char- St. Champ. broil Pig Bowl State Championship. Matt Hilliker. . Phone: 706-221-1900. Email: matt@ St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Laughlin, NV. Laughlin’s Riverside BrewBQ. Todd Youngblood. PO Box 1527, Durango, CO 81302. Phone: 97005/06/2011-05/07/2011: Richmond, MO. Rich- 749-4083. Email: tyoungblood@cookmanfood. mond Mushroom Festival BBQ Contest. Chris com. Website: http://www.riversidebrewbq. Brown. 804 Wollard Blvd, Richmond, MO com. 64085. Phone: 816-776-5403. Fax: 816-7763591. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Steeleville, IL. Randolph County Pig Party. Curtis Jeffers. 110 N 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: North Platte, NE. Sparta St, Steeleville, IL 62288. Phone: 618North Platte Honky Tonk Barbecue Festival. 965-9615. Fax: 618-965-9613. Email: curtisRob Mandeville. PO Box 1085, North Platte, [email protected]. St. Champ. NE 69103. Phone: 308-532-3344. Fax: 308534-6651. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Brandon, MS. Battle Champ. of Brandon BBQ Challenge. Greg Owen. . Phone: 601-278-7108. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: St. Joseph, MO. Apple St. Champ. Blossom BBQ Contest. Tom Supple. 6204 Greenway Court, St. Joseph, MO 64504. Phone: 816-238-7144. Email: [email protected]. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Rome, GA. Roman Website: St. Roast on the River. Lisa Nash. 300 West Third Champ. St, Rome, GA 30165. Phone: 706-291-0766. Fax: 706-235-3936. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Belton, MO. Belton Heritage BBQ Contest. Connie Hubbard. 611 Main St, Belton, MO 64012. Phone: 816- 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Waynesboro, GA. 322-2831. Fax: 816-322-3560. Email: cshub- Boss Hog Cook-Off. Nan Lynch & Amy Lively [email protected]. St. Champ. & Tim LivelyPO Box 647, Waynesboro, GA 30830. Phone: 706-554-8100 or 706-554-3552 or 706-551-2045Email: bosshogcookoff@ 05/06/2011-05/07/2011: Louisville, KY. In- or [email protected]. Website: augural Run for the Ribs BBQ Competition. St. Champ. Kevin Gros. 401 Trinity Hills Lane, Louisville, KY 40207. Phone: 502-286-9797. Fax: 425699-4350. Email: [email protected]. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Green Lane, PA. Website: Green Lane Fire Co Smoke in the Valley BBQ Contest””. Shawn Tucker. 214 Main St, Green Lane, PA 18054. Phone: 215-740-7593. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. page 42bullsheet – March 2011 KCBS Upcoming Events 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Lyons, KS. Celebration Cook-off. Cheryl Miller. PO Box 444, Lyons, KS 67554. Phone: 620-257-5390. Fax: 620257-5630. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Austin, TX. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Prescott, AZ. 33rd Annual YCCA Home & Garden BBQ Cook-off. Tom Duncan. . Phone: 480-209-9685. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 05/13/2011-05/14/2011: Lamar, CO. Wild West BBQ Cook-Off. Toni McPherson. 801 S 10th , Lamar, CO 81052. Phone: 719-688-3899. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Fairbault, MN. Minnesota in May. Randy Applegren. 2286 130th Lane NW, Coon Rapids, MN 55448. Phone: 612-790-6364. Email: randyhomeloan@gmail. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: McLouth, KS. McLouth BBQ Blowout 20th Anniversary. Cliff Weeks. PO Box 116, McLouth, KS 66054. Phone: 913-796-6122. Fax: 913-796-6124. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Monroe City, MO. Smokin’ on the Lake. Gary Ferguson. . Phone: 920-256-9154. Email: gary@legacycupbbq. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Marysville, KS. Big com. Website: http://www.marktwainlanding. Blue Barbeque Championship. Pam Dankencom. St. Champ. bring. PO Box 523, Marysville, KS 66508. Phone: 785-562-8374. Fax: 785-629-8019. Email: [email protected]. Web05/21/2011-05/22/2011: Overland Park, KS. site: St. Great American Barbecue Festival. Tracy Sat- Champ. terfield. . Phone: 847-232-9680. Email: tracy@ Website: http://www.thinkbbq. com. St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Lewisburg, TN. Lewisburg Rotary Club BBQ Cookoff. Jeff Jordan. 1250 Ellington Pkwy, Lewisburg, TN 37091. 05/21/2011-05/22/2011: Las Vegas, NV. Or- Phone: 931-359-4373. Fax: 931-359-5772. leans Casino USA Barbecue Championship. Email: [email protected]. Ron Cates. . Phone: 870-536-8175. Email: ron- Website: St. [email protected]. Website: http:// Champ. St. Champ. 05/14/2011-05/15/2011: Council Bluffs, IA. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Baton Rouge, LA. Barbeque in the Bluffs. Tamera Brunow. . Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: Phone: 402-515-6671. Website: http://www.cel- 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Middletown, DE. Middletown BBQ Cook-off. Mose Zook. 701 N Broad St, Middletown, DE 19709. Phone: 717278-9992. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. June 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Edmond, OK. Rhythm, Qs & Blues. Rob Holloway. 1100 Kingston Blvd, Edmond, OK 73034. Phone: 405-8302171. Fax: 405-340-0362. Email: [email protected]. Website: 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Lee’s Summit, MO. Smokin’ on the Summit BBQ. Lane Constant. . Phone: 913-972-6689. Fax: 816-434-6002. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Memphis, TN. Variety Children’s Charity BBQ Bash. Tanna Wolfe. PO Box 1523, Memphis, TN 38101. Phone: 901-373-5369. Fax: 901-373-5370. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Amarillo, TX. National BBQ Championship Series. Arlie Bragg. . 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Huron, SD. The OrigiPhone: 615-758-8749. Email: arlieque@com- nal SD BBQ Championships. Candi Hettinger. 890 3rd St SW, Huron, SD 57350. Phone: 605353-7354. Fax: 605-353-7348. Email: candi. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Hartselle, AL. Cot- 05/27/2011-05/29/2011: Westmont, IL. Red, [email protected]. Website: http://www.sdton Pickin’ BBQ Cookoff. Susan Hines. PO White & Bar-B-Q. Jim Addington. 337 E St. Champ. Box 817, Hartselle, AL 35640. Phone: 256- Traube, Westmont, IL 60559. Phone: 630-654773-4370. Fax: 256-773-4379. Email: susan@ 2894. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. site: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Evergreen Park, IL. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Conroe, TX. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Boulder City, NV. 7th 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Abilene, KS. Wheat- Annual Best Dam Barbecue. Christine Carstock Grill-Off: Peace, Love & BBQ. Paula roll. PO Box 60924, Boulder City, NV 89006. Dinkel. 511 NE 10th St, Abilene, KS 67410. Phone: 702-524-3314. Email: carroll.chris9@ Phone: 785-263-6688. Fax: 785-263-6622. Website: http://www.bestdambarbeEmail: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. St. Champ. 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Young Harris , GA. 4th Annual Horsin’ Around BBQ Showdown. Bob05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Langley, OK. Grand by Brumley. 6321 US Hwy 76, Young Harris, Lake BBQ Festival. Darrel Hicks. 6601 N. GA 30582. Phone: 706-379-4612. Fax: 706115th E. Ave, Owasso, OK 74055. Phone: 918- 379-4643. Email: bobby.brumley@brasstown261-5422. Fax: 918-591-6096. Email: dar- Website: http://[email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Charleston, SC. Publix Prestigious Palmetto Pig Pick’n. Tommy Brush. PO Box 31459, Charleston, SC 29417. Phone: 843-766-5576. Fax: 843-766-9152. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Lebanon, KY. Heart of Kentucky Bourbon & BBQ Musicfest. Mary Lou Brock & Kenny Marrett684 Northland Drive, Lebanon, KY 40033. Phone: 270-6926002. Fax: 270-692-0510. Email: mlbrock@ or [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Sevierville, TN. Bloomin’ BBQ & Bluegrass. Carroll McMahan. 110 Gary Wade Blvd, Sevierville, TN 37862. Phone: 865-453-6411. Fax: 865-453-9649. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Chesapeake, VA. Chesapeake Jubilee BBQ Cook-Off. Dorothy Kowalsky. 1500 Mt. Pleasant Rd, Chesapeake, VA 23322. Phone: 757-482-4848. Fax: 757482-9668. Email: director@chesapeakejubilee. org. Website: http://www.chesapeakejubilee. org. St. Champ. 05/20/2011-05/21/2011: Bakersfield, CA. Bakersfield Biggest Baddest BBQ. Mike George. PO Box 407, Bakersfield, CA 93302. Phone: 661-331-3900. Fax: 661-716-2428. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Euharlee, GA. Covered Bridge ‘Que. Trish Sullivan. . Phone: 770386-1542 x2005. Email: tsullivan@euharlee. com. Website: 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Owatonna, MN. Smokin’ in Steele. Joe Elbert. PO Box 945, Owatonna, MN 55060. Phone: 507-455-1428. Fax: 507-214-2734. Email: jelbert56@gmail. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Penn Valley, CA. Smokin in the Oaks BBQ Championship. Scott 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: Topeka, KS. Red White Gomes. 12770 Long Valley Rd, Penn Valley, Blue & BBQ. Shaun Miller/ Paul Clarkson. CA 95946. Phone: 530-559-5274. Email: scott1305 Kansas Ave, Topeka, KS 66612. Phone: [email protected]. Website: http://www. 785-554-6572. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. Website: http://arabswinersbbq.web.officelive. com. St. Champ. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Canon City, CO. Royal Gorge Holy Smoke BBQ Showdown. Autumn 05/27/2011: 01/17/2011. Brews & BBQ’s” at Dever. 901 Main Street, Canon City, CO 81212. The Streets”-Brentwood PAL Presents Blues. Phone: 719-429-7016. Email: adever@uaacog. & gpabwood@gmail. com. Website: http://www.holy-smoke-bbq. comJeff Schults. Phone: 1595 Dawnview, com. St. Champ. Brentwood, CA 94513 or 925-890-8296. Website: Brentwood, CA. 06/03/2011-06/04/2011: Sallisaw, OK. That BBQ Thang in the Sprang. Judy Martens. PO 05/27/2011-05/28/2011: North Augusta, SC. Box 251, Sallisaw, OK 74955. Phone: 918-775Papa Joe’s Banjo-B-Que. Christy Beck- 2558. Fax: 918-775-4021. Email: sallisawham & Doug VarnadorePO Box 3087, Ev- [email protected]. Website: http://www. ans, GA 30809. Phone: 706-855-8555 or St. Champ. 706-855-8555Email: christy_beckham2@ or kdvarnadore@abbeverage. com. Website: St. 06/04/2011-06/05/2011: Willowbrook, IL. GrilChamp. lin’ for our Girls. Steven Marney. . Phone: 630532-8352. Email: steve@jdbreastcancerfund. org. Website: http://www.jdbreastcancerfund. 05/28/2011-05/29/2011: West Des Moines, IA. org. St. Champ. Smokin’ in the Junction. Brian Sweeney. 217 Fifth St, West Des Moines, IA 50265. Phone: 515-221-1716. Fax: 484-303-6562. Email: 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Haleyville, AL. [email protected]. Website: Haleyville Rotary Club 9-1-1 BBQ Cookoff. St. Champ. Bruce Eddy. PO Box 381, Haleyville, AL 35565. Phone: 205-486-9561. Fax: 205-486-9567. Email: [email protected]. Website: 05/28/2011-05/29/2011: Rochester, NY. Roc St. Champ. City Rib Fest. Brian Wemett. 44 San Gabriel Drive, Rochester, NY 14610. Phone: 1-888-ROC-BBQ8. Email: info@roccityribfest. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Wynne, AR. Delta com. Website: Smoke BBQ Contest. Chad House. 1816 Karen St. Champ. Street, Wynne, AR 72396. Phone: 870-9450880. Fax: 870-238-3531. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Tryon, NC. Blue Ridge BBQ & Music Festival. W. Carl Wharton. . Phone: 828-817-3691. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Heber City, UT. TBD. Arlie Bragg. . Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: [email protected]. Website: 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Fredonia, KS. 2nd Annual Ole’ Glory BBQ Challenge. Dale Fritz. PO Box 449, Fredonia, KS 66736. Phone: 620-378-3221. Fax: 620-378-4833. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Costa Mesa, CA. OCBBQ Festival - Quen for Kids. Kelleigh Strobel. 1747 S Claudina Way, Anaheim, CA 92805. Phone: 714-408-9781. Fax: 714-956-1475. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Hernando, MS. The Desoto Shrine Club 3rd Annual 2011 BBQ Cook Off. Doug Francis. 6727 Sandbourne Dr W, Olive Branch, MS 38654. Phone: 901-4876785. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Tonganoxie, KS. Tonganoxie Days BBQ Blowout. James Gambrill. . Phone: 913-523-4556. Email: jgtoyman@aol. com. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Raytown, MO. Raytown State Championship BBQ Cookoff. Vicki Turnbow. 5909 Raytown Trafficway, Raytown, MO 64133. Phone: 816-353-8500. Fax: 816353-8525. Email: president@raytownchamber. com. Website: http://www.raytownchamber. com. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Marietta, OH. Brick Street BBQ. Hunt Brawley. 222 1/2 Putnam St, Marietta, OH 45750. Phone: 740-373-0894. Fax: 740-373-0895. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Pueblo, CO. Boats, Bands and BBQ. Kevin Ortiz. 200 W 1st St, Suite 303, Pueblo, CO 81005. Phone: 719595-0242. Fax: 719-583-4696. Email: kevin@ Website: St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Tecumseh, OK. It’s a Smokin’ Good Thang. Linda Praytor. 201 S Rangeline, Tecumseh, OK 74873. Phone: 405598-5613. Fax: 405-598-2683. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Traverse City, MI. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Montello, WI. Poor Que. Anita Moore. W5811 Bend Road, Princeton, WI 54968. Phone: 920-295-3647. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/10/2011-06/11/2011: Shakopee, MN. Canterbury Park State BBQ Contest. Perry Vining. 2580 Bridge Ave, Albert Lea, MN 56007. Phone: 800-658-2526. Fax: 507-373-0344. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// 06/11/2011-06/12/2011: Sandwich, MA. Cape Cod BBQ Championship. Ted Lorson. . Phone: 203-530-3506. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 06/11/2011-06/12/2011: San Jose, CA. Winchester Business Association Barbecue Cookoff. Shuzo Kagoshima. . Phone: 408-247-2000. Email: winchester-business-association@ Website: St. Champ. bullsheet – March 2011Page 43 KCBS Upcoming Events 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Frisco, CO. Colorado Barbecue Challenge. Jaime Harmon. . Phone: 970-668-9132. Email: jaimeh@townoffrisco. com. Website: St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Seymour, MO. Rock’n Freedom. April Hepko. PO Box 700, Seymour, MO 65746. Phone: 417-224-7671. Fax: 417935-4560. Email: april@seymourmochamber. com. Website: St. Champ. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Castle Rock, CO. Rocky Mountain Freedom Festival. JJ Dedmon. 17011 Lincoln Ave #378, Parker, CO 80134. Phone: 303-960-9586. Email: info@ Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Mayetta, KS. Prairie Band Casino Open Barbecue Contest. Tracy 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Woodbury, MN. Sam’s Satterfield. . Phone: 847-232-9680. Email: Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Rio Rancho, NM. 8th [email protected]. Website: http://www.pb- Annual NM 2011 Pork & Brew State BBQ Championship. Art Perez. 3200 Civic Center Circle NE, Rio Rancho, NM 87144. Phone: 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Ada, OK. Pigs Can 505-891-7258. Fax: 505-892-8328. Email: 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Chandler, OK. Hog Fly BBQ Contest. Mary Gallup. 430 N Monte [email protected]. Website: http:// Wild BBQ & Chrome Festival. Kim Evans. 400 Vista, Ada, OK 74820. Phone: 580-421-1412. St. Champ. East Rt 66, Chandler, OK 74864. Phone: 405- Fax: 580-421-6060. Email: mgallup@vvrh. 258-0593. Email: [email protected]. com. Website: St. St. Champ. 07/02/2011-07/04/2011: Lake Placid, NY. I Champ. Love Barbecue & Music Festival. Dmitry Feld. 8 Cummins Road, [email protected], NY 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Mt. Morris, MI. Mid- 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Old Orchard Beach, 12946. Phone: 518-523-2071. Fax: 518-523west BBQ Throwdown. Christian Miller. 2188 ME. Smokin’ at the Ballpark. DennyMike 4106. Email: [email protected]. Website: W Mt. Morris, Mt. Morris, MI 48458. Phone: Sherman. . Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 810-687-0953. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. St. Champ. 07/02/2011-07/03/2011: Lake Placid, NY. I 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Lawrenceburg, TN. Love Barbecue Junior World Championship. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Sauk Rapids, MN. Prichard’s Sweet Lucy Tennessee State Cham- Dmitry Feld. 8 Cummins Road, Lake Placid, Ribapalooza. Melissa Medford. 619 West Saint pionship BBQ Cook-Off. Carl Counce. 102 NY 12946. Phone: 518-523-2071. Fax: 518Germain St, St. Cloud, MN 56301. Phone: 320- Weakley Creek Rd, Lawrenceburg, TN 38464. 523-4106. Email: [email protected]. Web203-4846. Fax: 320-251-8952. Email: promo- Phone: 931-762-3399. Fax: 931-903-1202. site: St. Champ. [email protected]. Website: http:// Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. St. Champ. 07/02/2011-07/03/2011: Girard, KS. Smokin’ Hot BBQ and Fireworks. Christy Vulgamore. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Pender, NE. Pender 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Auburn Hills, MI. Au- PO Box 41, Girard, KS 66743. Phone: 620Bender Q and Brew. Mark Lorensen. 109 Main burn Hills Barbecue Cook-off. Shawn Keen- 724-8223. Fax: 620-724-8113. Email: chrisSt, PO Box 220, Pender, NE 68047. Phone: an. 1827 N Squirrel Road, Auburn Hills, MI [email protected]. Website: http://www.smok402-385-3166. Fax: 402-385-3710. Email: lo- 48326. Phone: 248-364-6926. Fax: 248-364- St. Champ. [email protected]. Website: 6939. Email: [email protected]. Web St. Champ. site: St. Champ. 07/02/2011-07/03/2011: Rancho Cordova, CA. All American. Ric Gilbert/ Ben Lobenstein. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Memphis, TN. Ten- 06/24/2011-06/26/2011: Sisters, OR. Brews, 750 La Playa #912, San Francisco, CA 94121. nessee Funfest. Melissa Cookston. . Phone: Views & Bar-B-Ques. Jeri Buckmann. . Phone: Phone: 408-219-1041. Email: info@fireitupe901-233-9898. Email: yazoosdeltaq@yahoo. 541-549-0251. Email: jeri@sisterscoutnry. com. Website: St. com. Website: Champ. 07/03/2011-07/04/2011: Whiting, IA. Whiting 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Boston, NY. Boston 4th of July BBQ Competition. Kurt Neldeberg. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Belleville, IL. Bel- Hills BBQ Fest. (Teams) Mike Cartechine & 15345 HWY K-64, Whiting, IA 51063. Phone: leville Rotary Dadfest at Eckert’s. Doug (Judges) David & Eileen Bunn9172 Boston 712-455-2095. Fax: 712-458-2023. Email: Wilks. 3814 North Belt West, Belleville, IL State Rd, Boston, NY 14025. Phone: 716-646- [email protected]. St. Champ. 62226. Phone: 618-779-1041. Fax: 618-355- 9199 or 716-941-6561Email: mcartechine@ 7899. Email: [email protected]. Web- or [email protected]. Website: site: St. 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Loveland, CO. LoveEvent.cfm?EventID=77158935. St. Champ. land Loves Barbecue. Linda Larsen. 200 E 7th Champ. St, Loveland, CO 80537. Phone: 970-635-3647. Email: [email protected]. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: State Center, IA. State 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Lenexa, KS. Great Website: Center Rose Festival BBQ Championship. Lenexa BBQ Battle. Jim Finlen. 13420 Oak Trish Taft. 2439 Binford Ave, State Center, IA St, Lenexa, KS 66215. Phone: 913-477-7130. 50247. Phone: 641-751-0907. Email: rtaft@ Fax: 913-477-7150. Email: [email protected]. 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Holbrook, AZ. Website: http://www.bbqstate- Website: St. brook Ace In The Hole. Tom Duncan. . Phone: St. Champ. 480-209-9685. Email: [email protected]. Champ. Website: St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Frederick, MD. Cen- 06/25/2011-06/26/2011: Washington, DC. tral Marylands Swinetastic BBQ Festival. Safeway National Capital Barbecue Battle. AlChris Carter. 1310 S Main St, Mount Airy, MD len Tubis. 4335 Northview Drive, Bowie, MD 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Wellsville, MO. 4th 21771. Phone: 301-829-2222. Fax: 301-829- 20716. Phone: 301-860-0630. Fax: 301-860- Annual Wellsville BBQ Cookoff. Pat Pursifull. 2717. Email: [email protected]. Web- 0639. Email: [email protected]. Website: 109 W Hudson , Wellsville, MO 63384. Phone: site: 573-684-3131. Fax: 573-684-2900. Email: St. Champ. [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Sedalia, MO. Seda- 06/25/2011-06/26/2011: Alton, IL. Carsblueslia Lions MO Blues Cruise & BBQ Fest. Don bbq. Keith Davis. PO Box 252, West Alton, MO Buller. PO Box 1085, Sedalia, MO 65301. 63386. Phone: 314-276-0073. Email: info@ 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Bessemer, AL. Blues, Phone: 660-826-3069. Email: rbuller@charter. Website: Brews and Barbecue. Alicia Vincent Rohan. net. St. Champ. 5051 Prince Street, Bessemer, AL 35022. St. Champ. Phone: 205-432-2602. Fax: 205-481-4758. Email: [email protected]. July Website: 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Jeffersonville, IN. Smokin’ on the River. Daniel Skaggs. 4115 An- 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Benton, IL. Best Dam pages/events.html. drew Drive, Floyds Knobs, IN 47119. Phone: BBQ Cookoff. Chuck Cockrum. 211 N Main 812-280-4711. Email: skaggs_daniel@yahoo. St, Benton, IL 62812. Phone: 618-927-6157. com. Website: http://www.smokinontheriverb- Email: [email protected]. Web- 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Greenwood, SC. SC St. Champ. site: St. Festival of Discovery. Angie Jones. PO Box 202, Greenwood, SC 29648. Phone: 864-942Champ. 8448. Fax: 864-953-2469. Email: uptown@ Website: http://www. 06/17/2011-06/18/2011: Madison, WI. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Cameron, MO. Cross- St. Champ. roads BBQ Cookoff. Michelle Fagerston. . Phone: 816-632-2005. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Kettering, OH. 5th Annual Ohio Veteran Barbecue Cook-Off. Jim 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Marshalltown, IA. St. Champ. Ferguson. 2908 Valley View Drive, Fairborn, Iowa State BBQ Championship. Bob Wenner. OH 45324. Phone: 937-416-7924. Email: jlfer1109 Prairie Lane, Marshalltown, IA 50158. Phone: 641-752-3302. Email: bob50158@ 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Lenexa, KS. Sam’s [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. St. Champ. 06/24/2011-06/25/2011: Franklin, IN. Smoke on the Square BBQ Competition. Brian Her- 07/01/2011-07/02/2011: Williams, AZ. Northbert. . Phone: 317-902-2407. Email: brian@ ern Arizona Barbeque Festival. Arlie Bragg. St. Champ. PO Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/08/2011-07/10/2011: Blue Mountains, ON. Clarksberg/Thornbury National Barbeque Championship. Stephen Perrin. 30 Confederation Drive, Uxbridge, ON L9P125. Phone: 416-898-3159. Fax: 905-731-8509. Email: [email protected]. 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Yates Center, KS. 3rd Annual Hay Capital BBQ Cookoff. Ron Venus. 705 S Prairie St, Yates Center, KS 66783. Phone: 620-228-4556. Email: rev48@yahoo. com. Website: St. Champ. 07/08/2011-07/09/2011: Midwest City, OK. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: 07/09/2011-07/10/2011: Weston, MO. Weston Sizzlers Smoke Along the Rails””. Dena Minor & Mike Kalny407 Main, Weston, MO 64098. Phone: 816-640-2224. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Hays, KS. Blues, BBQ & Bargains. Pam Joy. . Phone: 785-621-4171. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Laramie, WY. Griller’s Cup. Dee Bott. 255 N 30th St, Laramie, WY 82072. Phone: 307-742-2142 x5662. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Fort Worth (SW) , TX. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). . . Website: php. 07/15/2011-07/15/2011: South Bend, IN. Enshrinement Ribs Cook-Off & Downtown Block Party (Competitor Series). Becky Beckman. 111 S St, South Bend, IN 46601. Phone: 574235-5520. Fax: 574-235-5720. Email: becky. [email protected]. Website: http:// www.collegefootball.or. St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/15/2011: Anthony, KS. Anthony Downs BBQ. Allen Thomas. . Phone: 6202434324. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Fort Smith, AR. 10th Annual Bordertown Bash. Daniel Moore. PO Box 10242, Fort Smith, AR 72917. Phone: 479650-9135. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Louisa, VA. Que & Cruz Summer Festival. Bill Small. 4400 Byrd Mill Rd, Louisa, VA 23093. Phone: 540-2236329. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Kingsford, MI. 7th Annual U.P. Hog Wild. John Bertoldi. . Phone: 906-774-1707. Email: bosshogwild@hotmail. cm. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Waterloo, IA. BBQ’Loo & Blues Too. Cindy Wells or Mitch Biersner. 329 W 4th St, Waterloo, IA 50701. Phone: 319-291-2038. Fax: 319-291-4298. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Bellevue, NE. RiverFest:Red, White & Que Nebraska State BBQ Championship. Megan Lucas. . Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Gaffney, SC. Carolina Foothills BBQ Cook-off. Dennis Stroupe. PO Box 549, Gaffney, SC 29342. Phone: 864-8392628. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Burlington, KS. 7th Annual Wildblue BBQ. Kristy Reeves. . Phone: 620-364-5121. Email: info@wildbluebbq. org. Website: St. Champ. 07/15/2011-07/16/2011: Glasgow, MO. Smokin’ on the River. Steve Jones. PO Box 235, Glasgow, MO 65254. Phone: 660-338-2277. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. page 44bullsheet – March 2011 KCBS Upcoming Events 07/30/2011-07/31/2011: Brockport, NY. Brockport BBQ & Music Festival. Rob Blair. PO Box 07/16/2011-07/17/2011: Troy, NY. Troy Pig 150, Brockport, NY 14420. Phone: 585-472Out. Elizabeth Young. 268 River St, Troy, NY 5093. Email: [email protected]. 12180. Phone: 518-727-9786. Fax: 518-308Website: St. 0297. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// Champ. St. Champ. August 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Buffalo, NY. National BBQ Championship Series. Arlie Bragg. . 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Olathe, KS. Wheels ‘N’ Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: arlieque@com- Squeels BBQ Challenge. Scott Sirois. . Phone: 913-220-7365. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Memphis, TN. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition . . . Website: http:// 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Kearns, UT. Fire, ter, & Ice. Carla Hughes. 892 N Buffalo Dr, Kearns, UT 84045. Phone: 801-400-5159. 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Raymond, IL. Ameri- Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// can Legion Triple STAR Post 299 Pulling for St. Champ. the Post””. Phil Hampton. 18191 Held Rd, Raymond, IL 62560. Phone: 217-820-6693. Email: [email protected]. Web- 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Laurie, MO. Laurie site: St. Hillbilly BBQ. Susann Huff. PO Box 1515, Laurie, MO 65038. Phone: 573-374-8776. Champ. Fax: 573-374-5093. Email: [email protected]. Website: 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Terre Haute, IN. St. Champ. Clabber Girl Brickyard BBQ. April Osburn/ Joe Burch. 900 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute, IN 47808. Phone: 812-478-7113. Fax: 812- 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Birmingham, AL. 478-7181. Email: [email protected]. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: Website: St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Vista, CA. Smokin’ Q 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Mason City, IA. Up in Classic BBQ. Janet Puckett. . Phone: 760-414Smoke BBQ Bash. Ruth Miller. . Phone: 641- 9391. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// 421-0500. Email: [email protected]. Web- St. Champ. site: St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: El Dorado, KS. Smoke on the Prairie BBQ Contest. Kelli Scott. PO 07/22/2011-07/23/2011: Easton, MD. Holy Box 1281, El Dorado, KS 67042. Phone: 316Smoke BBQ. Lisa Hayes. 1009 N Washing- 323-7876. Email: [email protected]. ton St, Easton, MD 21601. Phone: 410-443- Website: http://www.frontierwesterncelebra4532. Fax: 410-819-6974. Email: lisa@ St. Champ. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Dillard, GA. Dillard Bluegrass & Barbeque Festival. (Teams) Jane 07/22/2011-07/24/2011: Fryeburg, ME. West- Tomlin & (Judges) Vickie OwnbyPO Box 53, ern Maine BBQ Festival. Nancy Sanborn. PO Dillard, GA 30537. Phone: 706-746-2690 or bbqjane@windstream. Box 868, Denmark, ME 04022. Phone: 207- 865-397-1414Email: 452-2110. Fax: 207-452-2110. Email: nsan- net or [email protected]. Website: http:// [email protected]. Website: http://www.west- St. Champ. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Council Bluffs, IA. I Got Smoked at Westfair””. Ann Vorthmann. WESTFAIR PO Box 698, Council Bluffs, IA 51502. Phone: 402-981-1093. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 08/05/2011-08/06/2011: Jasper, IN. Jasper Strassenfest Barbeque Contest. Ottie Voegerl. . Phone: 812-827-3389. Email: jasperbbq@ Website: St. Champ. 08/06/2011-08/07/2011: Holtsville, NY. Battle of the BBQ Brethren-Ribs for Kids. Phil Riz07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Taylorville, IL. Tay- zardi. . Phone: 631-905-9906. Email: scspelorville Main Street BBQ Blues & Cruise. Steve [email protected]. Website: http://www. Craggs/ Paul Mizeur. 1275 N 1600 East Rd, St. Champ. Taylorville, IL 62568. Phone: 217-824-3555. Fax: 217-287-1848. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.downtowntay- 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Weeping Water, NE. Cass County Cookin’ at the Fair””. Jim St. Champ. terson. . Phone: 402-781-9669. Email: jimp@ 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Iola, KS. Riverside BBQ Classic. Katy O’Donovan. PO Box 300, Iola, KS 66749. Phone: 620-365-6000. Fax: 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Franklin, NC. Moun620-365-5534. Email: riversidebbqclassic@ tain High BBQ & Music Festival. Linda Website: http://www.riversidebbqclas- buck/ Cindy Cavender. 425 Porter St, Franklin, NC 28734. Phone: 828-524-3161. Fax: St. Champ. 369-7516. Email: lindah@franklin-chamber. com. Website: http://www.cookinginthemoun07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Mount Holly, NJ. BBQ St. Champ. & Blues in the Park. Kim Burkus. . Phone: 609-784-0591. Email: bbqandbluesinthepark@ Website: http://www.bbqandbluesin 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: McMinnville, TN. Smokin in McMinnville. Arlie Bragg. 1214 St. Champ. Woodvale Drive, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615-758-8749. Email: [email protected]. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Albany, NY. National Website: St. BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. . Phone: Champ. 615-758-8749. Email: [email protected]. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Indianapolis, IN. 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: Bluemont, VA. 1st An- Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). . . nual Bluemont BBQ Bash. Jaclyn Jenkins. . Website: Phone: 540-554-2073. Email: jaclyn@great- php. Website: St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Dillon, CO. Krystal 93 BBQ at the Summit. Betty Naftz. PO Box 1195, 07/29/2011-07/30/2011: New Palestine, IN. Frisco, CO 80443. Phone: 888-499-4499. Fax: Wine, Brew & Bar-B-Que Too!. Mark Ken- 866-594-9735. Email: [email protected]. nedy. PO Box 492, New Palestine, IN 46163. Website: St. Phone: 317-417-3050. Email: mkennedy57@ Champ. Website: St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Rochester, MN. The Med City BBQ. Jamie Lea Wellik. . Phone: 507-328-2542. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.medcitybbq. com. St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Pacific, MO. The Great Pacific BBQ. Tom Butcher. . Phone: 636-6921966. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/12/2011-08/13/2011: Campo, CA. The Golden Acorn BBQ Fest 2011. Henry Silvestre. 21847 Grove Rd, Wildomar, CA 92595. Phone: 951-445-1903. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/13/2011-08/14/2011: Eliot, ME. Mainely Grillin’ & Chillin’ State BBQ Competition. Lisa Raitt. 2077 State Rd, Eliot, ME 03903. Phone: 207-748-3303. Fax: 207-748-3303. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Madison, IN. Madison Ribberfest Barbeque and Blues. Ken Schneider. 601 West First St, Madison, IN 47250. Phone: 812-866-4723. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Worland, WY. 7th Annual Pepsi Wyoming State BBQ Championship & Bluegrass Festival. John McMartin. PO Box 203, Worland, WY 82401. Phone: 307-4310894. Fax: 307-347-5515. Email: wyobbq@ Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Monroe, MI. Monroe County Jam & River Raisin’ Rib Off. Hunter Brucks. 881 Stewart Rd, Monroe, MI 48162. Phone: 586-899-0789. Email: hunterbrucks@ Website: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: New Holland, PA. New Holland Summerfest. Chuck Sheffield. PO Box 463, New Holland, PA 17557. Phone: 717-6691400. Fax: 717-354-0091. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: McPherson, KS. When Pigs Fly BBQ Contest & Fly In. Jennifer Burch. . Phone: 620-241-3303. Email: [email protected]. Website: http//: www. St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Arkansas City, KS. Arkansas City Smoke-Off. Marilyn Alberding. 402 Millington St, Winfield, KS 67156. Phone: 620-222-2154. Email: [email protected]. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Paola, KS. East Central State BBQ Cook-off. Stephen McCullin. . Phone: 913-731-0087. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.rootsfestival. org. St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Lakeport, CA. Smokin on the Water. Dave Majestic. 2755 Mission Rancheria Rd, Lakeport, CA 95453. Phone: 707-262-1900. Fax: 707-262-0315. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Bonner Springs, KS. Smokin’ on Oak. Tony Corporon. 13100 Kan08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Marietta, GA. Sam’s sas Ave, Ste C, Bonner Springs, KS 66012. Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. Phone: 913-441-3411. Fax: 913-441-3656. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Fulton, MS. Stand by Your Grill. Kim Graham. PO Box 577, Fulton, MS 38843. Phone: 662-862-4571. Fax: 662-862-5637. Email: kgraham@itawamba. com. Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Nashville, TN. Music City BBQ Festival. Frank Platt. 111 Colony Court, Nashville, TN 37204. Phone: 615-4737032. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Emporia, KS. Flint Hills Beef Fest BBQ. Joe Michaels. . Phone: 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Craig, CO. Colorado 620-343-0538. Email: [email protected]. State BBQ Championship at Craig. George Website: http;// St. Champ. Rohrich. 750 Hospital Loop, Craig, CO 81625. Phone: 970-826-3100. Fax: 970-824-2235. Email: [email protected]. Web08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Salt Lake City, UT. site: St. Champ. Rock N’ Ribs. Cynthia Stringham. 239 S Tlain Street, Salt Lake City, UT 84111. Phone: 801535-6167. Fax: 801-535-6522. Email: cynthia. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Nevada, IA. Nevada [email protected]. Website: http://www. Kiwanis Club BBQ Contest. Robert Mittman. PO Box 21, Nevada, IA 50201. Phone: 382-5343. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: La Platte, NE. 20th Annual GOBS” State Barbeque Championship of NE”. Nena Cooney. 4343 Mayberry St, 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Amelia Island, FL. Omaha, NE 68105. Phone: 402-658-9948. Fax: The Great Southern Tailgate Cook-Off. Bretta 42-493-3168. Email: [email protected]. Walker. 402 B Centre St, Amelia Island, FL 32034. Phone: 904-277-4369. Fax: 904-432Website: St. Champ. 8417. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Cumberland, MD. Champ. Mountain Maryland BBQ Competition and Festival. Jeff Grabenstein. 12100 N Branch Rd SE, Cumberland, MD 21502. Phone: 301-722- 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Ocoee, FL. Sam’s Club 4444. Email: [email protected]. Web- BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www.kcbs. site: St. Champ. us/sams-club-series.php. 08/19/2011-08/20/2011: Marshall, MN. SMSU Smokefest. Tim Steinbach. . Phone: 507537-7204. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/20/2011-08/21/2011: New Paltz, NY. Hudson Valley Ribfest. Stephanie King. PO Box 723, Highland, NY 12528. Phone: 845-3064381. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Kennesaw, GA. Pigs & Peaches BBQ Festival. Laurel Fleming. 2753 Watts Drive, Kennesaw, GA 30144. Phone: 770-422-9714. Fax: 678-460-3373. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Lincoln, IL. Up in Smoke on the Square. Chris RJ” Graue”. 9 Oakwood Dr Lincoln, IL 62656, Lincoln, IL 62656. Phone: 217-732-7997. Fax: 217-7351921. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Cape Girardeau, MO. 19th Annual Cape Girardeau Jaycees. Robbie Guard. PO Box 4, Cape Girardeau, MO 63701. Phone: 573-450-3396. Email: robert.guard@ Website: http://www.capejaycees. com. St. Champ. 08/26/2011-08/27/2011: Albert Lea, MN. Big Island Barbeque. Perry Vining. 2580 Bridge Avenue, Albert Lea, MN 56007. Phone: 800658-2526. Fax: 507-373-0344. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. bullsheet – March 2011Page 45 KCBS Upcoming Events September 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Windsor, MO. Windsor Septemberfest Cookoff. Dennis Bowers. PO Box 252, Windsor, MO 65360. Phone: 660-6473478. Email: windsorseptemberfest@hotmail. com. Website: St. Champ. 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Myrtle Beach, SC. Smoke on the Beach. Kenny Craven. 176 Patriots Point, Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464. Phone: 843-851-2470. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Quapaw, OK. Four State BBQ Championship Presented by Downstream Casino Resort. Katherine Herman. 69300 E Nee Rd, Quapaw, OK 74363. Phone: 918-919-6287. Fax: 918-919-6104. Email: [email protected]. Website: 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Warrens, WI. Smokin’ in the Bogs. Gary Ferguson. . Phone: 920256-9154. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 09/02/2011-09/03/2011: Mesquite, NV. Smokin in Mesquite BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. PO Box 846, Mt Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615758-8749. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www.mesquitebbqchampionship. com. St. Champ. 09/02/2011-09/04/2011: Parker, CO. Smokin Brew BBQ. Courtney Havey. . Phone: 303596-6756. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 09/03/2011-09/04/2011: Bedford, TX. City of Bedford Blues & BBQ Festival. Wendy Hartnett. 2000 Forest Ridge Dr, Bedford, TX 76021. Phone: 817-952-2128. Fax: 817-9522392. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Hedgesville, WV. Pickin in the Panhandle: The WV State BBQ and Bluegrass Festival. Andrea Ball. 115 N Queen St, Martinsburg, WV 25401. Phone: 304-2648801. Fax: 304-264-8802. Email: andrea@ Website: St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Quincy, IL. Smoke on the River. Mel Dilman. 523 S 8th, Quincy, IL 62301. Phone: 217-228-1208. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Santa Rosa, CA. Wine Country Big Q. Judy Groverman-McIntosh. . Phone: 707-523-3728. Email: jgwtoo@sonic. net. Website: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Mt. Carmel , IL. Wabash Ribber Fest. Colette Grigsby. 406 N Market, Mt. Carmel, IL 62863. Phone: 618-2626822. Fax: 618-262-4339. Email: grigsbycol@ Website: St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Ashland, MS. Benton County Fair BBQ Contest. Cathy McMullen. PO Box 158, Ashland, MS 38603. Phone: 662-224-6330. Fax: 662-224-6317. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/11/2011: Norwalk, CT. Bar-BQue Pit at The Oyster Festival. Tim Oman/ Ray Cooke. 150 Connecticut Ave, Nowalk, CT 06854. Phone: 203-866-0841. Fax: 203-8382227. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Dana Point, CA. Dana Point BBQ Championship. Arlie Bragg. PO Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615758-8749. Email: [email protected]. Website: 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Hermann, MO. Her09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Edwardsville, KS. mann BarBQ and Brats Festival. Olan Stemme. Smokin ‘n’ the Ville. Mark Bishop. . Phone: . Phone: 573-486-3139. Email: hermanncham09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Grand Junction, CO. 913-909-6918. Email: [email protected]. [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. Colorado Pork & Hops Challenge. Arlie Bragg. PO Box 846, Mt. Juliet, TN 37122. Phone: 615758-8749. Email: [email protected]. Web- 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Mission, KS. Battle of site: St. Champ. the Brisket. Christy Humerickhouse. 6200 Mar- 09/23/2011-09/25/2011: Clarence, NY. Oinktway, Mission, KS 66202. Phone: 913-722-8210. toberfest. Katy Toth. . Phone: 716-759-8483. Fax: 913-722-8208. Email: chumerickhouse@ Email: [email protected]. Website: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Sparta, IL. U.S. Open Website: http://www.missioncvb. St. Champ. BBQ Championship. Curt Jeffers. 110 North org. St. Champ. Sparta St, Steeleville, IL 62288. Phone: 61809/23/2011-09/24/2011: Tulsa, OK. Art of BBQ. 965-9615. Fax: 618-965-9613. Email: curtis09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Springfield, MO. Cat- Andrea Croasdale. 2210 S Main, Tulsa, OK [email protected]. St. Champ. tlemen’s Ozark BBQ Challenge. Jim Altic & 74114. Phone: 918-584-3333, ext 11. Fax: 918Chris Schulze318 S Campbell, Springfield, MO 582-2787. Email: [email protected]. Web09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Winder, GA. Jug Tav- 65806. Phone: 417-863-1231. Fax: 417-863- site: St. Champ. ern Festival & Bar-B-Q. Sabrina Wall. PO Box 0602. Email: [email protected] or chris@ 09/24/2011-09/25/2011: Seaside Heights, NJ. 561, Winder, GA 30680. Phone: 678-425-6803. Website: http://www.sum- Que by the Sea. Maria Maruca. PO Box 43, Fax: 770-307-0424. Email: sabrina.wall@ St. Champ. Seaside Heights, NJ 08751. Phone: St. Champ. 8000. Fax: 732-854-8002. Email: sshbid@op09/17/2011-09/18/2011: Harvard, MA. Har- Website: http://www.quebythesea. com. St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Silver Lake, MI. Silver vard Fall Festival BBQ Cookoff. Chris Ryan. Lake Apple & BBQ Festival. Jeff Clark. 9642 28 Myrick Lane, Harvard, MA 1451. Phone: W Silver Lake Rd, Mears, MI 49436. Phone: 978-618-6442. Email: [email protected]. St. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Laurens, SC. Squealin’ 231-873-5980. Email: jeff_chef_50@yahoo. Champ. on the Square. Jonathan Irick. . Phone: 864com. Website: St. 984-2119. Email: [email protected]. Champ. 09/17/2011-09/18/2011: Hesston, PA. Barbeque Website: St. at the Beach, Raystown Lake. Ed Stoddard. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Scott City, KS. Show- 6993 Seven Points Road, Suite 2, Hesston, PA down on the Plains BBQ Challenge. Katie 16647. Phone: 888-729-7869. Fax: 814-658- 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Springfield, KY. Jim Eisenhour. 113 E 5th St, Scott City, KS 67871. 0068. Email: [email protected]. Web- Beam Barbeque Classic. Lisa Goodlett. 124 W Phone: 620-872-3525. Fax: 620-872-2242. site: St. Main St, Ste 3, Springfield, KY 40069. Phone: Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. Champ. 859-336-3810, ext. 1. Fax: 859-336-9410. St. Champ. Email: [email protected]. WebSt. 09/22/2011-09/24/2011: Murphysboro, IL. site: Champ. Murphysboro Barbecue Cook-off. Becky 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Vermillion, SD. Ribs, Rods & Rock ‘n Roll. Jenny French. PO Box Streuter. PO Box 382, Murphysboro, IL 62966. 82, Vermillion, SD 57069. Phone: 605-670- Phone: 618-684-8902. Fax: 618-687-4311. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Fayetteville, AR. Bikes, 9688. Fax: 605-624-0094. Email: jen@sdbbq. Email: [email protected]. Web- Blues & BBQ. Ron Avtry. 109 W. Poplar, Fayus. Website: St. Champ. site: St. etteville, AR 72703. Phone: 479-287-9582 or Champ. 479-287-9582. Fax: 479-856-6603. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Millington, TN. In09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Russell, KS. Russell ternational Goat Days Barbecue Bash. Denise Sigler & Marge Plummer, Ph.B5099 Easley St, Main Street’s Bricks, Broncs & BBQ. Stepha- 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Medford (Long IsMillington, TN 38053. Phone: 901-494-6141. nie Cross. 507 N Main, Russell, KS 67665. land), NY. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (ReFax: 901-872-3019. Email: [email protected] Phone: 785-483-2897. Fax: 785-483-4535. gional). . . Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. or [email protected]. St. Champ. 09/03/2011-09/04/2011: Omaha, NE. Septemberfest BBQ & Ribeye Steak Cookoff Challenge. Linda Morin. 6910 Pacific St, Ste 450, Omaha, NE 68106. Phone: 402-346-4800. Fax: 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Carrollton, KY. Bands 402-346-0375. Email: [email protected]. & BBQ at the Point. Chuck McAfee. . Email: Website: Website: [email protected]. 09/09/2011-09/10/2011: Greensboro, NC. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Saint Peters, MO. Lakeside Que-topia. Brian Butts. 1 Timberbrook Dr, Saint Peters, MO 63376. Phone: 636-970-9700. Fax: 636-970-9715. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Greensboro, GA. Lake Oconee BBQ Classic. (TEAMS) Jay Weems & (JUDGES) Danny AgeePO BOX 4085, Eatonton, GA 31024. Phone: 706-485-2648 or 770-318-5291Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Website: St. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Ponca City, OK. Cher- okee Strip Cookoff. Echo Blanton. 522 N 14th Champ. Street #101, Ponca City, OK 74601. Phone: 580-765-2482. Fax: 580-765-4852. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Salisbury, NC. Tilley Harley-Davidson Biker Blues & BBQ Rally. St. Champ. Gary Moss. PO Box 155, Landis, NC 28088. Phone: 704-857-6874. Fax: 704-638-6049. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Decatur, AL. Decatur Email: [email protected]. Website: Jaycee’s 17th Annual Riverfest. Ken Hess. PO Box 1026, Decatur, AL 35602. Phone: 813-4319928. Email: [email protected]. Website: 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Pittsburgh, PA. Sam’s St. Champ. Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Chesapeake, VA. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition. . . Website: http://www. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Omaha, NE. Aksarben River City Rodeo & Stock Show BBQ Contest. Tom Manhart. 7645 Cass St, Omaha, NE 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Cameron Park, CA. 68114. Phone: 402-709-0152. Fax: 402-955RibStock 2011. Ed Anhorn. 2533 Merrychase 0444. Email: tommanhart@intlminutepress. Drive, Ste 400, Cameron Park, CA 95682. com. Website: Phone: 530-672-7477. Fax: 530-672-9042. St. Champ. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Garden City, KS. Sky’s Champ. the Limit BBQ Classic. Robert Hahn. 375 E 6 Mile Rd, Garden City, KS 67846. Phone: 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Glen Allen, VA. Re- 620-271-8365. Email: [email protected]. covery Fest. Honesty Liller. . Phone: 804-564- Website: St. 0132. Email: [email protected]. Website: Champ. St. Champ. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Corinth, MS. Hog Wild in Corinth BBQ Contest. Kelly Rinehart. PO Box 393, Corinth, MS 38835. Phone: 662.287.1550. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 09/30/2011-10/01/2011: Placerville, CA. Smokin’ for Gold. Marta Viola/ Kathy Jurgens. PO Box 1537, Placerville, CA 95667. Phone: 530-621-5860. Fax: 530-295-2566. Email: [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. October 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Jenks, OK. Rock ‘n BBQ on the Water. Gena Hurst. 15400 Knoll Tr, Ste 350, Dallas, TX 75248. Phone: 972-9602003. Fax: 972-960-0627. Email: ordacorp_ [email protected]. St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Lyons, GA. The Real Squeal: Lyons Barbecue & Bluegrass Festival. Alexa Carter Britton & Tim Lively134 NW Broad St, Lyons, GA 30436. Phone: 912-5266445 or 706-554-3552 or 706-551-2045Fax: 912-526-4372. Email: [email protected] or [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Golden City, MO. Golden City Rockn’ Blues & BBQ State Championship. Michelle Higgins. PO Box 234, Golden City, MO 64748. Phone: 417-682-1568. Fax: 417-681-0176. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. 09/23/2011-09/24/2011: Owensboro, KY. Gril- Champ. 09/16/2011-09/17/2011: Edwardsville, KS. lin & Chillin BBQ. Terry Stinnett. PO Box 201, Smokin ‘n’ the Ville. Mark Bishop. . Phone: Utica, KY 42376. Phone: 270-929-4177. Fax: 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Rocky Mount, NC. 913-909-6918. Email: [email protected]. 270-683-8080. Email: terry@grillinandchillin- Eastern Carolina BBQ Throw Down. Debbie Website: http://www.grillinandchillinSt. Champ. Julio. PO Box 1180, Rocky Mount, NC 27802. St. Champ. Phone: 252-972-1159. Fax: 252-972-1232. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. page 46bullsheet – March 2011 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Cullman, AL. Oktoberfest Bar-B-Q Challenge. Steve Cooke. 304 Graham St, SW, Cullman, AL 35055. Phone: 256-734-4617. Fax: 256-734-4458. Email: [email protected]. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Arthur , IL. Central Illinois Bragging Rights. George Fritz. . Phone: 217-649-7703. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. KCBS Upcoming Events 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Chambersburg, PA. Smoketoberfest BBQ Challenge. Eric Forrester. PO Box 153, Shady Grove, PA 17256. Phone: 717-816-7252. Fax: 866-314-9123. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 11/18/2011-11/19/2011: Cumming, GA. The National BBQ Cup. Randall Bowman. 465 Tolbert St, Cumming, GA 30040. Phone: 770886-6290. Fax: 770-886-6291. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. December 12/02/2011-12/03/2011: Demopolis, AL. Christmas on the River. Paul Willingham. 102 East Washington St, Demopolis, AL 36732. Phone: 334-289-2856. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 11/18/2011-11/19/2011: Plant City, FL. Plant City Pig Jam. Amy Nizamoff. 106 North Evers 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Nelsonville, OH. Ohio Street, Plant City, FL 33563. Phone: 813-754- 12/02/2011-12/03/2011: Scottsdale/Fountain Smoked Meat & BBQ Festival. Kevin Dotson. 3707. Fax: 813-752-8793. Email: amy@plantc- Hills, AZ. Get Your Pig On Barbecue. Mea Abraham/ April Copeland. 2310 E Magnolia, PO Box 276, Nelsonville, OH 45764. Phone: 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Centralia, MO. An- 740-753-4346. Fax: 740-753-1019. Email: Website: http://www.plantcitypigjam. Phoenix, AZ 85034. Phone: 602-296-1561. com. St. Champ. chor City Cook Off. Ginny Zoelless. PO Box [email protected]. Website: http:// Fax: 602-296-1574. Email: info@getyourpi235, Centralia, MO 65240. Phone: 573-682- St. Champ. Website: http://www.getyourpigon. 2272. Email: [email protected]. Webcom. St. Champ. site: St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Canton, GA. Cherokee Pignic. Pamela Carnes. . Phone: 770-3450400. Email: [email protected]. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Jackson, MS. Wahabi Website: St. 1st Annual BBQ Cookoff. William Sistrunk. Champ. 140 Holmar Drive, Brandon, MS 39047. Phone: 601-937-1052. Email: [email protected]. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Parsons, KS. Balloons Bikes Blues & BBQ. Dave Winchell. 1405 Belmont, Parsons, KS 67357. Phone: 620-42310/07/2011-10/08/2011: Metropolis, IL. Super 1193 or 620-421-2365. Email: dwinchell@ City Blues & Ques. Priseilla Abell. . Phone: St. Champ. 618-524-1696. Email: [email protected]. St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Independence, MO. The Fountains Blaze Off & Senior Q. Jona10/07/2011-10/08/2011: De Soto, KS. Cookin’ than Williams. 2100 S Swope Dr, Indepenon the Kaw BBQ Contest. Sara Ritter. PO Box dence, MO 64057. Phone: 816-257-5100. 70, De Soto, KS 66018. Phone: 913-583-1585. Email: [email protected]. Website: Fax: 913-585-1821. Email: sritter@desotoks. St. Champ. org. Website: St. Champ. KCBS now has a referral program that really pays. If you are a current 10/21/2011-10/22/2011: White County (Cleve- member of KCBS and you refer a friend and they become a member, land/Sautee), GA. 2nd Annual Hillbilly Hog 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: St. Louis, MO. St. BBQ Throwdown & Musicfest. Heather Sin- you earn $5 towards your membership or any merchandise sold through Louis River Rub. Kurt Schwab. PO Box 69024, yard. 68 Barker Trail Rd, Cleveland, GA the KCBS office. All you have to do is have your friend put your name St. Louis, MO 63169. Phone: 314-421-3480. 30528. Phone: 706-809-0139. Email: hja33@ Fax: 314-421-1263. Email: kschwab@voief. Website: http://www.hillbilly- into the referral box of any KCBS application. Once their membership org. Website: is activated, you have a $5 credit you can use towards your next renewal St. Champ. Visit Us On Facebook!!! Friends with Benefits 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Lawrenceville, GA. TBD. Jim Stancil & Amy Stancil. Phone: 404386-2531 or 770-786-7241Email: [email protected] or jimamystancil@yahoo. com. 10/22/2011-10/23/2011: Dalton, GA. Liberty Tree BBQ Festival. Kasey Carpenter. 201 West Cuyler St, Dalton, GA 30720. Phone: 706-2188065. Fax: 706-529-9664. Email: buckblue@ Website: St. Champ. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Jackson, TN. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (Regional). . . Website: 10/28/2011-10/29/2011: Gastonia, NC. Name TBD. Denise Propst. 4514 Lisa Drive, Gastonia, NC 28056. Phone: 704-898-5497. Email: [email protected]. 10/07/2011-10/08/2011: Harrisburg, PA. Keystone Classic Barbeque. James Sharp. 2300 N Cameron St., Harrisburg, PA 17110-9443. 10/28/2011-10/29/2011: Butler, MO. Bates Phone: 717-787-2905. Fax: 717-705-9900. County BBQ State Championship. BranEmail: [email protected]. Website: http://www. don Plunkett. . Phone: 660-424-0891. Email: St. Champ. [email protected]. Website: http:// St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Bentonville, AR. Sam’s Club BBQ Competition (National). . . Website: 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Garnett, KS. Autumn Blaze BBQ Smokeoff. Ted Uhler. . Phone: 785448-5357. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 10/28/2011-10/29/2011: Fort Gibson, OK. Smokin’ the Fort - BBQ & Bluegrass Festival. Gary Perkins. PO Box 730, Fort Gibson, OK 74434. Phone: 918-478-4780. Fax: 918-4784780. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. November 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Florence, CO. Florence Eureka Days - Kick in the Butt BBQ Competition. Cindy Cox. 805 E Main, Florence, CO 81226. Phone: 719-546-4343. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 11/04/2011-11/05/2011: Shelby, NC. Hog Happnin’. Jerry Gardner. PO Box 2343, Shelby, NC 28150. Phone: 704-482-4202. Email: [email protected]. Website: http://www. St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Munfordville, KY. Big Buffalo Crossing BBQ Cook-Off. Coni Shepperd. PO Box 304, Munfordville, KY 42765. Phone: 270-524-4752. Fax: 270-524-4852. Email: [email protected]. Website: St. Champ. 11/04/2011-11/05/2011: Harrison, AR. Cookin’ on the Creek. Anna Marie Sullivan. 621 E Rush, Harrison, AR 72601. Phone: 870-7412659. Fax: 870-741-9059. Email: asullivan@ Website: http://www. St. Champ. 10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Springfield, TN. United Way BBQ Cook-Off Fest. Michelle Powell. . Phone: 615-384-8160. Email: [email protected]. 11/11/2011-11/12/2011: Buckeye, AZ. Dell Webb BBQ Throwdown. Tom Duncan. . Phone: 480-209-9685. Email: wrbbq7@gmail. com. St. Champ. 11/04/2011-11/05/2011: Livingston, AL. Su10/14/2011-10/15/2011: Libertyville, IL. Barn carnochee BBQ & Blues Cook-off. Stephen Burner Bar-B-Q. Claudia Stevens. 14245 W Livingston. Station 45, UWA, Livingston, Rockland Rd, Libertyville, IL 60048. Phone: AL 35470. Phone: 205-652-5405. Fax: 205847-990-3750. Fax: 847-362-5032. Email: 652-3827. Email: [email protected]. [email protected]. Website: http://www. site: St. Champ. St. Champ. or one of the many cookbooks, pins, or rubs we sell in the KCBS office. For more information, or to see if you have already earned a credit, contact the KCBS office at 800-963-5227. KCBS staff, Instructors and Organizers are not eligible for the referral program. $5 credit not available for online merchandise. branded emblem Trading/collector’s pins for your team of event. • free art • free quotes • low pricing/top quality • 100-pc minimum bullsheet – March 2011Page 47 OLDE TOWNE SLIDELL, LA April 1st-2nd, 2011 Grand Champion $2,500 Reserve Champion $1,500 Third Overall $800 Fourth Overall $400 Fifth Overall $200 FIVE PLACES IN FOUR MEATS First $500 Second $300 Third $200 Fourth $100 Fifth $50 DEADLINE TO REGISTER - FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 2011 *Pre-registration required. For complete details see Competitor’s Registration available at Contact: Skinny King at 985.643.6863 or [email protected] State Championship page 48bullsheet – March 2011