a year of celebrations


a year of celebrations
a year
of celebrations
“It is the experience of being a part
and inspiration for volunteering.”
– Leah Read, volunteer.
James Mabey
Sarah Hayward
Ian Quigley
Jared Tabler
Frank Calder
Ray Chorney
Ryan Cooper
Keltie Lambert
Judy Mill
Jessica Saunders
Tsion Demeke Abate
Dolan Badger
Keith CallihoO
John Gee
Rochelle Houle
Debra Jakubec
Sandra Johnson
Joyce LaBriola
Jody Lewis
Knox Makumbe
Brenna Meade-Clift
Robert Poole
Amanda Sobierajski
Lynn Sutankayo
Letter from
The 2010–2011 year was one of the most eventful and productive
yet for HIV Edmonton, marking our 25th anniversary and the many
events and initiatives of our associated Legacy Project. It was a year
of celebrations, which brought together our founders, community
members, and partners.
It was also an important year for defining our direction as we move
forward. Our board and staff implemented a new three-year strategic
plan, reducing the number of our strategic directions from eight
to four. Based on feedback from our service users and stakeholders
and a formal people with HIV (PHA) assessment, we determined that
we will focus on support, community education and prevention,
community engagement and advocacy, and sustainability until March
2013. The following outlines our major achievements in each area of
our strategic plan, and details of the work are provided throughout
this report:
Analysis of our programs and services suggested that people
living with HIV required more intensive one-on-one support, with
programming specifically directed at positive people. We therefore
created a positive-only space, which we have called the Ross
Armstrong Centre to honour the brave work of our founders and Ross
in the mid-1980s. With this shift in the focus of our work, our Support
and Outreach Team now provides in-house support to positive people
and outreach to people who are at risk and who are living with HIV,
expanding the reach of this team.
Community Education and Prevention
Our Community Education Team concentrated on providing prevention
services to those most at risk of HIV. We increased our rural work by
expanding our partnership with the Students’ International Health
Association to include a rural tour with our Positive Speakers group.
Community Engagement and Advocacy
This year, HIV Edmonton placed renewed emphasis on building
partnerships, and we created strong links to community organizations
such as the Sinkunia Community Development Organization, the
Alberta Native Friendship Centre Association of Alberta, and Boyle
McCauley Health Centre’s HAART House. The Legacy Project also
increased our community engagement as we brought together our
founders, current supporters, and new communities to increase
awareness, raise funds, and celebrate our successes.
In the past year, we made major strides toward improving our overall
sustainability. To ensure objective, consistent, and constructive
evaluation of our work, we invested in the Social Solutions ETO
database. It is an amazing tool that will measure the effort we put
into our work and the outcomes we achieve, allowing us to analyze
our successes and areas that require improvement. As HIV Edmonton
has continued to grow, our need for more functional space has
also increased. Upon termination of our previous lease, the board
of directors found an ideal space for our relocation. Through firm
negotiation, we secured an excellent space at a reduced rental
rate while managing our leasehold improvements to ensure the
space would meet our needs. Our new home will offer a street-level
presence and provide focused service areas for our clients.
The work of HIV Edmonton could not be accomplished without
the brilliant guidance of our board of directors and the dedicated
commitment of our staff. Through the concerted effort of both these
teams, HIV Edmonton makes a difference in the lives of people living
with HIV and those who are at risk. The work of our tireless volunteers
also has a huge impact on our operations; during this busy year, our
front reception was entirely volunteer-powered, and their flawless
management of our phone system and caring approach to our
community members made all the difference.
This report highlights some of the past year’s celebrations and
successes. As you read on, you will be amazed how much a tiny team
of 10 can accomplish!
James Mabey
Debra Jakubec
ChairExecutive Director
New Space!
At the end of 2010, HIV Edmonton moved into a new space. Interior
designer Wendi Freudenreich volunteered to create a functional and
beautiful office for us on a budget! She did a marvellous job, and
HIV Edmonton now has a space that can be enjoyed by community
members, staff, and volunteers. Our new location will allow us to
provide street-level service, a positive-only space, and better access to
the community.
“The Ross Armstrong space is amazing!
– HIV positive client
The Legacy Project was created to celebrate 25 years of success and hard work by all those
who were involved with the agency over the years. This 15-month campaign saw a series of
events raise our profile within Edmonton, honour our founders and early heroes, and raise
funds for much-needed services.
Distinguished Speaker Series
This series was sponsored by CBC Edmonton and ran over the course
of the past year. Five renowned leaders in the field of HIV/AIDS shared
current trends and issues related to HIV and AIDS with Edmontonians.
More than 400 people attended these events.
Around the Kitchen Table: 25 Years of AIDS in Edmonton, written by
Leslie Goldstone, is a book that celebrates our founders and leaders in
the field of HIV. The book tells the stories of eight people who played
key roles in the 25-year history of HIV and AIDS work in Edmonton,
and it contains additional photos of 25 people who were part of this
journey. Copies of the book are available online through the HIV
Edmonton Red Ribbon Shoppe.
HIV Edmonton 25th Anniversary Gala
On February 20, 2011, HIV Edmonton celebrated its 25th Anniversary
at the Fairmont Hotel Macdonald. More than 200 people attended
the event, which was hosted by former councillor Michael Phair, with
regards offered by mayor Stephen Mandel. A highlight of the event
was presenting Leah Read with the HIV Edmonton Legacy Volunteer
of the Year award for all of her hard work and commitment during the
Legacy Campaign. The gala was sponsored by TD Bank Group, ViiV
Healthcare in partnership with Shire Canada, and the Edmonton Pride
Festival Society.
Concert Series
Chloe Albert, Simon-Marc de Freitas, and Jeffery Straker donated their
time to raise funds for HIV Edmonton through the Legacy Concert
clients contacts
Chronically homeless
clients that we housed
Smudge offerings
by client request
In-House Support Services
In line with our strategic plan, the Support and Outreach Team
managed to shift in-house support services to focus on people living
with HIV. We made this transition upon becoming aware, through
client and stakeholder interviews, that our mandate was too broad:
we were providing almost equal services and resources to people
who were not at high risk of HIV transmission. The changes allowed us
to focus on improving the mental, physical, spiritual, and emotional
outcomes of people living with HIV (PHAs), and work intensively with
each person to create individual service plans, including goal setting.
We made a total of 3,437 contacts with PHA clients. Though this
figure is lower than the previous year’s 8,845 contacts (including
hepatitis C clients), we are pleased that it represents intensive work
with PHAs or people at considerable risk of HIV infection. This work
included processing 35 new intakes, helping clients struggling with
addictions to manage personal funds, helping clients to get part-time
employment, and housing 59 chronically homeless clients (most of
whom have managed to keep their housing to date), among other
Talking Circle client contacts
new intakes
Our outreach has two components: supporting clients away from
the office and visiting other agencies to connect with current and
potential clients. Focusing most of our work on PHA clients allowed
us to visit clients in hospital, support clients in prison, home-deliver
food hampers from the food bank, and help clients keep their doctor’s
appointments. Agencies we visited include Kindred House (122
contacts), Kairos House (17 contacts), and HAART House (87 contacts).
We also completed van shifts with Streetworks’ mobile needle
exchange program.
Talking Circle
Our Talking Circle continues to attract clients of diverse backgrounds.
Clients value the calmness and serenity the Aboriginal ceremony
brings them. Many clients want to connect or reconnect with their
culture and teachings but do not have opportunities to do so. The
weekly Talking Circle fills that gap for our clients. Despite not having
a staff member to run the Talking Circle for close to four months, we
still made 118 client contacts. We also offered smudge 68 times at the
request of clients.
clients who attended a
three-day peer training course
backpacks given
to client
clients who attended our office
fried chicken dinner
As a result of construction, for six months we held drop-in at a
temporary location close to our new location. Many clients loved the
“drop-in house” because it was such a home-like environment. The
comfortable house was open at all times during working hours. This
allowed clients to connect, share stories, play games, and interact
with support staff and volunteers.
Ross Armstrong Program
In line with our objective to make services more accessible, we
extended the Ross Armstrong Program from just three hours during
the second Tuesday of every month, to every day of the second week
of the month. The program provides monthly hygiene products,
multivitamins, and a gift card to registered clients.
We also hold two annual events: a summer barbecue and a Christmas
dinner. Due to extreme weather conditions on the scheduled day of
the barbecue, we made a last-minute decision to have a Kentucky
Fried Chicken dinner at the office rather than in the park. Fifty-five
clients attended this dinner. We held the barbecue at a later date,
and it was attended by 30 clients, 3 volunteers, and 8 staff members.
The Christmas dinner was catered, and attended by 44 clients, 9
volunteers, 7 staff members, and 1 student intern. Including clients
who attended the dinner, 73 clients each received a backpack with
an assortment of Christmas gifts donated by corporations, church
groups, and individual community members.
Notably, we witnessed an increase in the demand for Ross Armstrong
supplies; as a result, all gift cards were used up before the end of the
fiscal year. Excluding the summer barbecue and Christmas dinner
mentioned above, we made 559 client contacts in this program alone.
It is apparent that many clients depend on these monthly supplies,
which are paid for entirely by private donations and fundraising.
Peer Support
We received additional funding from the MAC AIDS Fund to expand
the scope of our peer support program. The funding allowed peers
to provide leadership in preparing and facilitating support group
meetings, choose topics or issues for discussion, engage in quality-oflife activities, attend life skills courses, and write a newsletter, among
other activities.
Seven clients attended a three-day peer training course. Two
experienced facilitators from the Toronto People With Aids
Foundation facilitated training covering the following key topics:
what peer support is, structured feedback, community building,
the importance of trust and credibility, assertive versus aggressive
behaviour, and effectively maintaining boundaries.
Following the three-day training, the group held six peer-led
support meetings with the support of staff. Clients appreciated
the opportunity to be leaders and choose topics that are pertinent
to them. Key topics covered during support sessions so far have
included accessing housing and challenges to expect once one
is housed, adhering to HIV medication, and dealing with difficult
experiences at doctors’ offices.
There was a lot of fear surrounding the disease for me.
but now I feel confidence to do so after attending the session.
This session helped me understand
I used to think that if you had it you would die soon
and that you were sick.
HIGHLIGHTS of our work with the community.
This year, HIV Edmonton was pleased to partner with the Native
Friendship Centre Association to introduce HIV education to
Friendship Centre youth programs in Bonnyville, Slave Lake, and
Athabasca. Friendship Centre youth coordinators were offered
training and support to help them incorporate sexual health into their
programming. We also provided HIV workshops in the communities
of Driftpile, Goodfish Lake, Buffalo Lake, and Kikino.
Over the past year, the Community Education Team got involved with
youth from all walks of life. We kicked off September by providing
information and condoms at our display booth at the annual Sonic
Boom concert in Edmonton. Thousands of people enjoyed the
day’s music and entertainment. This huge community event let HIV
Edmonton engage with the concert crowd and give young people
the message that they should have all the fun they can handle while
taking care not to put themselves or others in harm’s way.
World AIDS Day was December 1. With the help of our MacEwan
nursing students, we sent an HIV/AIDS resource package of lesson
plans and activities to CALM teachers at 40 high schools across
Edmonton. Providing current, accurate information about HIV/AIDS
to Edmonton’s youth continues to be a formidable and rewarding
endeavour for our team.
Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM)
Outreach to the MSM community in 2010–2011 was tailored to the
needs of the community members. In response to member requests,
HIV Edmonton created the MSM Positive Support Group. On average,
the group has about four to five participants each week. Some
members attend regularly while others attend when they feel the
need. The group addresses any and all topics raised by participants.
Medications, relationships, maintaining health, and the latest medical
news on HIV are common topics for discussion. When asked what
they find most useful about the group, participants offered these
“Other guys experiencing the same things. Getting support but giving
it too and sharing with others.”
“That there is a support group out there. That I’m not alone. Provides
“Lots of information on the internet terrified me. Coming here has
helped me get true and up-to-date information from others who have
been living with HIV for years.”
We also engaged Edmonton’s MSM community by providing
education outreach to the bathhouses over the past year. Rapid
testing for HIV and syphilis was introduced to Edmonton (the only
location in the province) as a research project led by the Edmonton
STI Clinic. Coordinating the rapid testing in one of Edmonton’s two
bathhouses has been a rewarding challenge for us at HIV Edmonton.
The Phenix course was offered again this year to a group from the
MSM community. The course encouraged men to engage with one
another and share ideas about healthy sexuality and safer sexual
activities. This year’s Phenix workshops differed from the previous
year’s in that the intent this time was not only to attract MSM to
become involved as participants, but also to provide the groundwork
for these men to become Phenix trainers.
To harness the tremendous communication power of the Internet
in our outreach efforts, HIV Edmonton relies on the kindness of
gayedmonton.com. For an average of five to six hours per week, we
enter the gayedmonton.com MSM chat room to offer opportunities
for men to ask questions of any nature in a safe, anonymous venue,
whether in an open forum or in a private chat. The topics covered are
wide and varied, from coming out to one’s family, to where and how
to get an STI test. One man’s comment after a lengthy chat expresses
the attitude of most of the men we chat with: “Well thanks, I think
that talking to someone about this helped me realize a few things.”
We thank gayedmonton.com for giving us the opportunity to make
positive contributions to Edmonton’s MSM community.
Members of the African Students Association (AFSA) at the University
of Alberta continue to volunteer with HIV Edmonton. A total of 40
members received an expanded version of HIV 101 training in three
separate sessions. They also held AIDS Awareness Week and World
AIDS Day events. HIV Edmonton continues to support AFSA and be
recognized and promoted at all AFSA fundraising events.
African Girls’ Group
HIV Edmonton has succeeded in identifying interested members and
establishing an African Girls’ Group. After a long period of strategic
planning and team building, the group is now up and running.
The focus is on building community, dealing with girls’ immediate
sexual health concerns, and addressing the broader inequalities and
vulnerabilities associated with the social determinants of health.
Presentations in Amharic and Tigrigna
Amharic and Tigrigna are the official languages of Ethiopia and
Eritrea, respectively. We gave three presentations in these languages
to a moms and tots group at the Edmonton Multicultural Coalition.
Language Instruction for Newcomers Classes (LINC)
at Norquest College
LINC is a program that provides free basic French and English
language courses to adult permanent residents in Canada. We
modified our HIV 101 presentation to meet the language ability
and knowledge of LINC students. Lack of social support appears to
be the number one factor that increases HIV vulnerability among
marginalized groups, so our culturally sensitive LINC presentations
highlighted community engagement and addressed underlying
factors that fuel stigma and discrimination.
Collaboration with Sinkunia – A Community
Development Organization
Sinkunia serves the Liberian and Sierra Leonean communities
in Edmonton, and builds water wells in Sinkunia, Sierra Leone.
We helped plan a fundraiser that was held in February 2011. HIV
Edmonton staff and board members attended the fundraiser and
networked with members of the Sinkunia executive committee. We
look forward to an ongoing collaboration and alliance.
Body Mapping – A Teaching Tool for Nursing Students
HIV Edmonton partnered with the University of Alberta’s Faculty
of Nursing this year to give first-year nursing students a hands-on
learning experience through body mapping. HIV Edmonton body
mapping is a creative approach to sharing life experiences through
art. It is a treatment information and support tool, a process of selfdiscovery, and a means of building community. Our body mapping
program received one of the prestigious Laurel Awards, presented
annually by Duncan & Craig LLP for innovative non-profit programs
with measurable results.
After witnessing a body mapping exhibit, U of A professor Vera
Caine wanted her students to become involved with the process.
HIV Edmonton and the body mapping artists delivered a shortened
version of their standard body mapping workshop to her students.
In the workshop, nursing students create a full-sized body map in
groups of four or five. In between drawing exercises, they stop to
listen to the stories of the body mapping artists’ journey of living with
HIV. The purpose of the workshop is to give nursing students the
opportunity to interact and engage with a body mapping artist, a
person living with HIV who has volunteered his time to help mentor
the students for the course of the workshop. The workshop is designed
to allow for experiential learning. Students are put “in the shoes” of
a patient, and asked to reflect on what this feels like. The workshop’s
objectives are to give students a better understanding of HIV and to
reduce inaccurate preconceptions of people living with HIV.
From this successful experience, the broader partnership between
HIV Edmonton and the Faculty of Nursing was born. HIV Edmonton
trained body mapping artists as facilitators to help community
education coordinator Lynn Sutankayo teach the three-hour
workshop. The workshop was offered six times to over 150 students.
I believe this opportunity was AMAZING.
Educating us as healthcare providers and as the general public is super important.
SIHA Rural Tours
HIV Edmonton and the University of Alberta Students’ International
Health Association (SIHA) hosted two “rural tours” this year. Through
this successful project, launched in 2009, HIV Edmonton trains
SIHA members to facilitate HIV workshops in rural communities.
This hands-on opportunity allows SIHA members to develop their
facilitation skills while experiencing the cultures of the communities
they visit. Host communities are invited to encourage young audience
members to provide some “teaching” in exchange for the HIV
education provided by SIHA. Whether it be a short lesson in jigging, a
song, or a meal prepared by the youth in the community centre, each
lesson is a positive learning experience for everyone involved. This
year, SIHA facilitated workshops for over 200 children and youths in
rural communities.
The rural projects as a whole was an incredible experience
and definitely worth the trip. One of the highlights was
presenting at the Lac La Biche Native Friendship Centre
because of the kindness and consideration they shared. In
addition they gave us an insight to their culture which was
an unforgettable experience.
–Kristyn Berry, SIHA educator
Guy Quiz
Men who have sex with men (MSM) still represent the highest risk
category for new HIV infections in Alberta and Canada. Although
MSM have historically been the most highly impacted population in
the HIV/AIDS epidemic, little to no research literature exists on their
sexual practices in Edmonton. Thus, HIV Edmonton is undertaking
a research project to examine the sexual behaviours, attitudes, and
knowledge of MSM in Edmonton based on a convenience sample
from bars, bathhouses, and online cruising environments (chat rooms,
websites, and online forums used by men to meet other men).
Two key factors motivated us to initiate this project. Firstly,
incidence rates among MSM in Alberta and Canada are stable and
slightly increasing, and MSM still account for the majority of new
HIV infections in Alberta and Canada. Secondly, in community
consultations held in the spring of 2009, Edmonton’s gay community
members indicated that HIV Edmonton needed to provide more
programming for gay men.
HIV Edmonton gained ethics approval to conduct this research
through the Community Research Ethics Board of Alberta.
World Aids Day starbucks &
Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life
World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day is celebrated worldwide each December 1. This
year, HIV Edmonton partnered with Starbucks to make red ribbons
available at every Starbucks location so Edmontonians could donate
and show support by wearing the ribbons. The red ribbon purchases
made a major contribution to this year’s World AIDS Day campaign,
raising awareness and vital funds for HIV Edmonton. Various media
personalities also participated in our “Starbucks Celebrity Baristas”
promotion, and red ribbons were distributed to City Hall and local
media outlets.
Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life
The Scotiabank AIDS Walk for Life celebrated its 19th year in 2010!
More than 400 people joined us on our 5 km walk through downtown
Edmonton, raising over $90,000. Our wonderful sponsors provided
over $17,000 in cash sponsorship and $83,000 through in-kind
donations. More than 100 volunteers helped to make the day
successful and fun.
total number of volunteer hours in
our 2010/2011 fiscal year
“The counseling and mental health resources that HIV Edmonton provides for clients
are consistent with my beliefs and this makes the time I spend at HIV Edmonton
very meaningful to me.” – Ana Mladenovic, volunteer.
HIV Edmonton volunteers helped with cooking meals, collecting
donations, running information booths, providing HIV and
AIDS education, setting up and tearing down events, providing
support, sitting on our board, taking photographs, putting in
numerous hours creating our new office, creating graphic arts,
reception, creating red ribbons and monumental other tasks.
Leah Read received the 2010 Legacy Volunteer of the Year. This one
time only award was based on positive interaction with our clients
and staff, as well as, hours of volunteer service during HIV Edmonton’s
25th legacy year.
Pizza 73 generously agreed to sponsor the Legacy Volunteer Program.
Pizza 73 provided pizza for multiple volunteer events throughout the
year. Alberto Pacheco received the 2010 Trude McLaren Volunteer Award
of Excellence. The purpose of the Trude McLaren Volunteer Award
of Excellence is to recognize individuals, groups of individuals or
organizations that have individually or collectively made a difference
through volunteering in the fight against HIV and AIDS in the greater
Edmonton area.
Names of volunteers during 2010/2011 fiscal year:
Sherry Abrams
Lydia Alemu
Bethel Alemu
Mursi Ahmad
Pam Angeles
Steve Atamaniuk
Donald Atkinson
Dolan Badger
Justin Bateman
Rowan Bayne
Pascal Belzile
Marc Belland
David Berg
Julie Berube
Janelle Bickford
Greg Binder
Wesley Blackbird
Megan Bonnah
Stephan Bots
Steve Bourget
Bobbie Briggs
Robert Brown
Olga Buki
Frank Calder
Rhonda Cardinal
Anthony Carter
Teddy Carter
Curtis Champagne
Anna Chintowa
Dwayne Chipman
Penny Choponis
Raymond Chorney
Ben Chu
Brian Cole
Ryan Cooper
Richard Crochu
Sara Croxford
Brian Curry
Katherine Dach
Prince Dagher
Jeff Daly
Tina Davies
Tsion Demeke Abate
Jenevieve Desjarlais
Romeo Desmarais
Stella Domnich
Youth from Edmonton Youth Attendance
Heidi Eger
Erin Evashevski
Daltyn Evans
Katie Fagan-Garcia
Neil Flewwelling
Brian Fleet
Wendi Freudenreich
Ty Friesen
Yasmin Garad
Janice Gauvin
John Gee
Consuela Georgescu
Scott Gillespie
Amika Gupta
Yesuf Hagos Abdela
Dale Hardin
Alicia Hayes
Sarah Hayward
Curtis Heinrick
Scott Hess
Emily Hickman
Erik Hochheimer
Lina Hoffbauer
John Holman
Marie Hontaryk
Jenny Hoogewoonink
Rochelle Houle
Dan Hunke
Debra Jakubec
Terah Jans
Colin Johnson
Sandra Johnson
Jim Kane
Walter Kehl
Kathleen Kelly
Gloria Kinabo
Kayla Kordeyban
Karolina Korzeniewski
Frederick Kroetsch
Karolina Korzeniewski
Joyce LaBriola
Keltie Lambert
Alyssa Larson
Kyren Larson
Lynda Lau
Jody Lewis
Renee Looy
Anthony Lott
Dave Lucas
Jorden Lyall
Lucas Macmillan
Scott Mair
Robert MacDonald
Knox Makumbe
Amelia Martin
Hector Martinez
James Mabey
Trudie McLaren
Brenna Meade-Clift
Scott Meadows
Cyndie Melville
Judy Mill
Ana Mladenovic
Paul Moffat
Dolly Moholitny
Marilyn Morin
Mary Mumert
Darrell Muth
Marc-Julien Objois
Duana Ogden
Alice Oscar
Alberto Pacheco
Pamela Parker
Marg Papin
Graham Pond
Makela Poole
Rob Poole
Ian Quigley
Subadhra Rai
Neil Rachynski
Lisa Radzanowski
Leah Read
Amanda Robbilard
Donna Robbilard
Dianne Rogers
Amanda Rosenstock
Nicole Roy
Alyssa Sader
Leibel Samson
Clarence Samual
Shawn Sandhu
Magnus Saramago
Jessica Saunders
Theresa Schnieder
Erica Schoen
Ashley Schwanke
Carl Scott
Hubert Silaa
Lindsay Simonson
Jonathan Skinner
Kyle Sobey
Amanda Sobierajski
Students’ International
Health Association
Samantha Stupak
Lynn Sutankayo
Malcolm Swan
Lynn Sytabjati
Jared Tabler
Jason Tchir
Phillip Thomarat
Kutis Thornton
Nathan Treloar
Ashley Urban
David Ushko
Sarah Van Tassel
Emily Vespi
Lyle Watling
Angela Watt
Krista Westly
David Williamson
Kate Woodman
Jennifer Yee
926032 Alberta Ltd.
Tsion Abate
Berhan Abay
Abbott Laboratories Limited
Barbara Acton
Marie Pia Acuna
Patti Adam
Gib Adams
Peggy Adams
Kassu Ageze
Sony Ahluwalia
Ghalib Ahmed
AJS Advisory Partners Inc
Kyle Aker
Matt Aker
Mel Aker
Sami Al-Shaheri
Jennifer Alabiso
Linda Albert
Alberta Cycle Motorsports
Alberta Dental
Diane Albrecht
Stephanie Albrecht
Linda Alexander
Nela Alfonsu
Donald Allen
James Allen
Laurie Allen
Morgan Allen
Marlene Almost
Nicole Almost
Cynthia Alvarez
Dara Amaratunge
Mazina Ammar
Rob Amos
Barbara Anderson
Brian Anderson
Larry Anderson
Pearl Anderson
Stephen Anderson
Theresa Anderson
Edythe Andison
Nola Andison
Richard Andison
Keith Andony
Gordon Andreiuk
Beverly Andrews
Lloyd Andrews
Hal Anker
Anne & David Cramton
Laura Aplin
Richard Arbeau
Jim Argue
Brett Armitage
Heather Armstrong
Ian Armstrong
Tyra Armstrong
Marc Arnal
Janice Arndt
Sandy Arndt
Lucy Arnold
Jessica Arsenault
Kim Ashley
Jerry Atamaniuk
Steve G. Atamaniuk
Laurie Atchison
ATCO I-Tek Inc.
ATCO Pipelines Edmonton
Geoffrey Atkins
Bradley Atkinson
Nikki Atwal
Lana Aubichon
Vivian Aubin
Charity Austin
Kirsten Austin
Reegan Avery
Susan Avery
Wendy Babichuk
Debra Bachman Smith
Carol Baclig
Dolan Badger
Youssra Badr
Tammy Baglole
Derek Bailey
Natasha Baker
Peggy Baker
Lynn Balaski
Maria Luisa Balboa
Canio Baldassarre
Marie Balding
Danielle Balonag
Brian Bandura
Jennifer Banks
Mona Bannis
Sandra Barata
Kayla Baretta
Melissa Barkman
Michelle Barkway
Christine Barnhart
Karla Barron
Matthew Barry
Marc Barylo
Tsilila Barzel
Dwayne Bateman
Ashley Baylis
Lisa Baylis
Chris Bayly
Heather Beatch
Nicole Beaton
Don Beavis
Hillary & Denis Beck
Matt Beck
Michael Beck
Rob Beck
Heather Bedford-Clooney
Mala Beharry
Solomon Bekele
Ronald Belanger
Robert Beliaeff
Belmead Pharmacy
Tom Berekoff
Donna Berg
Elizabeth Berg
Stephen Berg
David Berger
Joshua Bergman
Brian Bernhardt
Gisele Berube
Lance Beswick
Gerry Beudev
Mousum Bhaumich
Kal Bhogal
Kyle Bills
Steven Bilodeau
Amy Binder
Mel Binder
Sara Binder
Karen Birss
Bradley Bishop
Sonia Bitar
Nicole Black
Joan Blaine
Laurie Blakeman
Kristine Blanchard
Cecilia Blasetti
Greg Blender
John Blimke
Patricia Bliss
Karen Blunt
Darcy Bly
Chereda Bodner
Judith Boettcher
Nicole Boettcher
Matt Bohn
Chris Bolton
Bill Booth
Tammy Borowiecki
Christine Bourchier
Wendy Bouwman Oake
Michelle Boyd
Fred Braakman
Dellee Bradbrooke
Shelley Braiden
David Brander
Warren Brander
Devanne Brandys
Lindsay Breidenbach
Stacy Bremner
Travis Bremont
Michael Brintnell
Jennifer Brockman
Marie Broda Lakhram
Justine Bromley
Evelyn Brown
George Brown
Jeff Brown
Joanne Brown
Kaysi Brown
Keely Brown
Lindsay Brown
Nick Brown
Rob Brown
Taryn Brown
Christine Browne
Wesley Bruce
Todd Brummet
Garth Brunt
Joseph Bryson
Dave Buck
Trevor Buckle
Carmen Bucyk
Wayne & Roseanna
Cindy Burgess
Claire Burke
Tricia Burke
Lisa Burnham
Jan Butler
Robert Butler
Alana Bykowski
Darren Bykowski
Dennis Bykowski
W.M. Cackett
Frank Calder
Doreen Calliou
Aileen Campbell
Catherine Campbell
Lloyd Campbell
Pat Campbell
Terry Campbell
Priscilla Campeau
Hector L. Campos
Joanne Cannon
Erin Carter
Pat Carter
Stephen Carter
Brenda Caspar
CAW Local 4050
Brett Cedergren
Andrew Cerrato-Yeomans
Adele Challis
Dianne Chalmers
Andrea Champagne
Bernice Champagne
Curtis Champagne
Jennifer Chan
Rina Chan
Kurtis Chapman
Anna Marie Chemi
Tasha Cherniwchan
Katie Cheung
Chevalier Design
Peter Childs
Laura Chittick
Janet Chiu
Maureen Chorneyko
Desmond Chow
Wayne Chow
LeAnne Christiansen
Peggy Christiansen
Michelle Christie
Karen Chung
Teresa Chung
Beverly Clarke
Cindy Clarke
Kevin Clarke
Koos Clarke
Marjolyn Clarke
Sarah Clarke
Amanda ClementsHarvey
Kelle Cloutier
Lynn Clyde
Coabis Consulting
Barbara Coleman
Amanda Coley
Lillian Collins
Coney Island Candy
Carman Conrad
Meaghan Conroy
Context & Contacts Inc.
Patrick Conway
Vicki Cook
Lance Cooper
Marjorie Cooper
Ryan Cooper
Lance Corbett
Jim Cornett
Andre Corriveau
Angela Cosgrove
Josh Coss
Rebecca Cottrill
Sandy Coull
Donna Cowan
Paul Cowley
Patrick Coyne
Leanne Craig
Robertson Craig
David Crawford
Marjorie Crawford
Mark Crawford
Credo Coffee Ltd.
Jordan Crerar
Nancy Critchley
Cori Crittall
Len Cross
Linda Crossman
Lisa Crothers
Margaret Crowe
Brenda Cryer
Scott Culbertson
Hannah Cully
John Curtis
Mary Curtis
Brenda Cust
Kevin Cutting
Roger Cyr
Ted Czarniewski
Shannon D’Agnone
Natasha Da Estrela
Patty Dabbs
Jennifer Dahlen
Julian Daly
Diane Danks
Patricia Darbasie
Joseph Darbison
Howard Darby
Sarah Dargatz
MIchael Dark
Harylanto Darmawan
Sean Darville
Claudette Dau
Geoff Davidge
Dru Davids
Dena Davis
Marlene Dawson
Marivic de Jesus
Tony De Jong
Nicole de Varennes
Kelly Deis
Nicholas Deis
Laura Demchuk
Berhanu Demeke
Frederick Demers
Diane Denham
Diane Dentinger
Susan DeQuetteville
Raymond Der
Gordon Derk
Kimberlee Derk
Michelle Desnoyers
Laurie Deveau
Megan Deveau
Al Dewan
Christie Dewar
Tania Dickson
Margot Diehl
Tyler Dixon
Victoria Dixon
Jennifer Dodd
Steven Dollansky
Nola Dolman
Kathryn Dong
Monique DoolittleRomas
Heather Doppler
Alex Doucet
Karen Doucette
Peter Dreaver
Ken Dropko
Shannon Drysdale
Lucie Drysdelle
Stuart du Kamp
Mona Duckett
Nicole Duffy
Anna Duguay
Duncan & Craig LLP
Dan Dunlop
Mark Dunlop
Alanna Dunn
David Duquette
Arlene Eaton-Erickson
EBC Holdings Ltd.
Ellen and Larry Eberlein
Rae Edmondson
Edmonton Pride
Week Society
Doug Elkow
John Elliott
Wayne Elliott
Mike Ellsworth
Ruthanna Elson
Christine Ens
Entrepreneurial CA’s of
Jodi Eurchuk
Debbie Evanochko
Bryan Evans
Kevin Evans
Lois Evans
Kylie Evenson
Anna Fabbroni
Karli Fahlman
Trevor Fairweather
Anne Fanning Binder
Fast Trax Run & Ski Shop
Marie-Helene Fecteau
Kay Feehan
Matthew Ferguson
Rebecca Ferguson
Trevor Ferguson
Michelle Fernandes
Dianne Feron
David Ferro
Leslie Ferron
Matthew Fessenden
Robert Fessenden
Lore Fetting
Mark Fetting
Jamie Fewings
Rob Fewings
Mary Lynn Filipchuk
Sabrina Filiplic
John Findlay
Kristen Finlay
Joanna Fitzgerald
Pamela Fitzmaurice
Steve Fix
Gordon Flasha
Angela Flatekval
Stephanie Fleming
Michelle Foisy
Victoria Foley
Diane Folkins
Jason Fong
Jenna Fong
Janette Former
Laurie Fowler
Tita Francisco
Kelly Fraser
Rob Fraser
Karin Frederiksen
Frank Friesacher
Quinten Friesen
Shaughnessy Fulawka
Jeff Fullerton
Marian Fullerton
Elizabeth Furber
Kathy Gaboury
Paul Gabrielson
Joe Gagliardi
Patricia Gall
Tiffany Gallant
Cindy Gange-Harris
Shelley Gangl
GAP Foundation
Judy Garber
Carlos Garcia-Batres
Garneau United Church
Ingham Garth & Joanne
Rhonda Gartner
Gail Gates
Patricia Gay
Erica Gayler
John Gee
Maddalena Genovese
Natasha Gerbrandt
Linda Gervais
Lori Gibb
Gilead Alberta ULC
Silke Gilgen
Sunny Gill
Cheryl Gillan
Don Gillet
Jewell Gillingwater
Neil Gillingwater
Erika Giourmetakis
Claire Gironella
Ted Glade
Cathy Gladwin
Olivera Gligoirc-Trkulja
Dale Gocuan
Kevin Godin
Leslie Goldstone
Dexter Gomez
Guy Goodwin
Erika Gordon
Neil Gordon
Rosalino Gorrie
Margherita Gosselin
Kelsey Gouveia
Maria Gouveia
Melissa Gouveia
Andre Grace
Scott Graham
Tracey Graham
Craig Grant
Timothy Grant
Jennifer Gratrix
Carrie Gray
Dorothy Gray
Joan Gray
Niki Gray
Lorraine Green
Liz Greenaway
Penny Greenough
Howard Greenway
Ted Greer
Debbie Grenier
Thomas & Abby Griener
Carol Groat
Grow Mercy
Gloria Guiboche
Marilyn Guillaume
Sahil Gupta
Sandhu Gurpal
Guru Digital Arts Collete
Melisa Guy
H & S Jones Construction
Cheryl Haapalo
Maureen Habington
Assimj Halabi
Deanna Hall
John Hallum
Deborah Ham
James & Debby Hambling
Oz Hamdon
Janis Hamilton
Ken Hample
Ken Hancheruk
Dave Hancock
Ian & Deanne Hancock
Janine Hancock
Peter Hanlan
Randy Hansen
Ben Hanson
Christine Hanson
Jason Harcus
Jodi Hardeman
John Hardeman
Shelley Hardeman
Tyler Hardeman
Victoria Hardeman
Shelley Hardie
Sherry Hardin
Lowell Harke
Lowell Harke
Terry Harris
Elissa Harrison
Linda Harrison
Kerry Hart
Micheline Harvey
Jeff Haslam
Alex Hatch
Shawna Hathaway
Marilyn Hawirko
Judy Hawn
Laurie Hawn
Robb Hawn
Umar Hayat
Gerard Hayduk
Kim Hayduk
Louise Hayes
Jamie Heal
Barbara Heather
Bruce Heaton
Mum & Dad Heaton
Frank Hecker
Sabrina Heffner
Sara Heinrich
John Helps
Hemisphere Engineering
Karen Hemrick
Ben Henderson
Grace Henderson
Kim Henke
Jeane Hennig
Vera Her
Marina Herba
Lisa Heslip
Diane Hessels
Jim Hew
Colleen Hickey
Angela Hilgendorf
Dave Hill
Debbie Hill
Jason Hill
Lewis Hill
Troy Hilliker
Johanna Hinkley
HiQSoft Inc.
Adelbert Ho
Chantal Ho
May Ho
Norman Ho
Kanh Hoang
Deborah Hoekstra
John Hoekstra
Donloree Hoffman
Donna Hoffman
Ed Holder
Blair Holgate
Geoff Holmlund
Tanya Hook
Alf Hoppe
Christel Hoppe
Hannah Hoppe
Melvina Hoppe
Monika Hoppe
Rebecca Hoppe
Mirella Horner
Deborah Horowitz
Rick Horvath
Giselle Houle
Geraldine Howard
Jeffrey Huang
Mike Hucul
Carlos Huezo
Chris Hung
Don Hunt
Hope Hunter
Irene Hunter
Jennifer Hunter
Janis Huntington
Justine Huot
Natasha Hurley
Paul Hurley
Barry Husband
Tom Hutchinson
Toan Huynh
Debbie Huyser-Wierenga
Mark Huyser-Wierenga
Erin Iampen
InfoCare Health
Consultants Inc
Whitney Irwin
Laryssa Izio
Shannon Jacobs
Janelle Jaksitz
Debra Jakubec
Gail James
Jean Jamieson
Julie Jamieson
Michelle Jamieson
N.J. Jamieson
Susan Jamieson
Sarahlee Jamieson
Gordon Janke
Janssen-Ortho Inc.
Amy Janvier
Ewa Jastrzebski
Yegor Jbanov
Angela Jenkins
Anita Jennings
Karim Jetha
Sandra Jockims
Mark Joffe
Mark Joffe
Wendy Johns
Alain Johnson
Chad Johnson
Jessica Johnson
Johanne Johnson
Joyce Johnson
Karen Johnson
Ron Johnson
Maria Joines
Joan Jolley
Christina Jones
Michelle Jones
Shannon Jones
Joslin’s Investigative
Accounting Inc.
Wolfgang Juchem
Ken Jurina
Venta Kabzems
Doug Kachur
Robert Kallir
Chris Kambeitz
Jim Kane
Brandon Karashowski
Allison E. Karch
Lacey Kaskamin
Connie Kastelan
Jennifer Katz
Lois Kavanagh
Keefe Consultants
David Keegan
Laura Keegan
Jeffrey Keller
Terry Keller
Nimarta Kelloway
Laura Kelly
Wade Kelly
Cheryl Kendall
Brenda Kerber
H.D. Kerber
Yvonne Kerber
Evan Kerychuk
Rosetta Khalideen
Subrina Khalideen
Nadira KhalideenKomishke
Francis Kiasisua
Madison Kine-Donahue
Mindy King
Winnie King
Aime Kingston
Angela Kinney
Massie Kitagawa
Brenda Kitchingman
B.J. Kitt
Greg Klak
Anita Klassen
Claire Klassen
Jim Knutsen
Tamar Koleba
Anna Kopec
Alishia Koperski
Margaret Korte
Brett Kosinski
Jessica Kostka
George Koufogiannakis
Peter Kouremenos
Nick Kozak
Harvey Krahn
Rebecca Krauskopf
Jo-Ann Kucher
Laura Kugler
Dilys Kulchitsky
Eugene Kulmatycki
Shannon Kulmatycki
Beena Kuriakose
Valerie Kutney
Paul Kwan
Bernard Kwong
Melissa L’Hirondelle
Martin Labossiere
Bernadette LaBrie
Francine Laflamme
Zara Lafleur
John Laidler
Kara Lamoureux
Paula Lamoureux
Reia Lance
Lorine & Mal Landry
Rebecca Landry
Amy Langille
Patrick Laporte
Matthew Larsen
Kirsten Larson
Rebecca Lasby
Shawn Lassu
Deveau Laurie & Andy
Monique Lavallee
Charles Lavoie
Corey Lawrence
Shauna Leaney
Lorene Lecavalier
Christine Ledig
Jackie Lee
Shimelis Legesse
Cristian Leiva
Kalina Lemay
Tara Leong
Randall Leopold
Denis Lepage
Archie Leung
Gary Levac
David Lewis
Jim Lewis
Jody Lewis
Liberty Tax Service
Brian Liddell
Stephanie Liew
Gordon Light
Kathryn Light
David Lightner
Jonathan Limoges
Karen Lindgren
Frank Liu
Betty Lloyd
Donna Lloyd
Kaitlin Lloyd
Rick Lloyd
Jackson Lo
Shelagh Lobay
Local Union 488
Debra Lockett
Sandra Lockhart
Dan Lof
Connie Logan
Alysia Lok
Tracy Longworth
Barb Lopeter
Heather Lorenz
Deborah Loughran
Levi Loyer
Laureen Lozinsky
Ina Lucila
LuckyCel Inc.
Ada Nha Tay Luong
Ben Luong
Jamie Lupanko
Maria Lutz
Brian Luxmore
Marius Ly
Dustin Lygo
Lypkie Henderson
Lyve on Whyte
James Mabey
Louise Mabey
Stacey Mabey
David MacDonald
Ken Macdonald
Mary MacDonald
Terry MacDonald
Vanessa MacDonald
John MacDonell
Stephen MacEachern
Denise Mack
Bauni Mackay
Michelle Mackay
Heather MacKenzie
Zachary MacKenzie
Jim Mackey
Donna Mackie
Blair MacKinnon
Maren MacKinnon
Sandy MacKinnon
Patricia MacLeod
Paul MacMahon
Neil MacPherson
Barbara Mah
Tony Mah
Bill Mahon
Colleen Mahon
Perri Mahon
Debora Mainville
Marisa Maiorana
Mark Mann
Rhonda Marano
Kate Marchessault
Carmen Margetts
Wade Marke
Steven Maron
Catherine Marquis
Freddie Marsh
Charlene Marshall
Nicole Martel
Debby Martin
Eleanor Martin
Mike Martin
Jeff Marvin
Kristina Marvin
Pam Mason
Vernon Mason
Gail Matheson
Colette Matthews
Susan Matthews
Thomas Matthiesen
Monique May
Jason Mayer
Adam Mazerolle-Kuss
Michael McAlduff
Laura McCabe
Martin McCabe
John McCafferty
Margie McCaffery
Jennifer McCallum
Karen McCallum
Melanie McCallum
Jamie McCannel
Brenda McCarthy
Dorothy McCaughan
Maureen McCaughan
Paula McCormick
Tara McCormick
Katelyn McCreedy
Alice McCrimmon
Deborah McElrath
Amanda McEvoy
Pamela McEvoy
Bruce McFadden
Lorne McFadyen
James McGinnis
Deborah McGuire
Debra McIlwraith
Charlotte McKay
Evelyn McKay
Tyler McKay
Carolyn McKenzie
Sherry McKibben
Linda McKort
Douglas McLachlan
Lori McLachlan
Trudy McLaren
Gene McLean
Keri McLeod
Barbara McLintock
Lindsay McLintock
Tony McLintock
Chris McNeill
Karen McNeill
Chantelle McNichol
Terry McNutt
Candi McPhee
Dave McQueen
David McRae
Sarah Meachen
Jesse Meade-Clift
Sheryll Meade-Clift
Annette Meagher
Medicine 2013 Class
John Melbourne
Meloche Monnex
Edmonton Social Club
Tom Menczel
Shawn Meron
Robert Metcalf
Ahmed Metwally
Janet Mews-Karasek
Grazia Miccolis
Adriel Michaud
Mark Michaud
Sylvie Michaud
Judy Mill
Carol Miller
Cathy Miller
Charlene Miller
Ken Miller
Kim Miller
Marla Miller
Michele Miller
Simone Miller
Zack Miller
David Milne
Ralph Milton
Colleen Mitchell
Eli Mithrush
Bernadette Modrovsky
Ian Moore
Catherine Moorey
Elizabeth Moorey
Cathy Morgan
Cijay Morgan
Douglas Morgan
Laura Morin
Hal Morris
Jack Morris
Ingrid Morrison
Peter Morrison
Tam-Lynn Morton
Cam Moser
Kevin Moser
Nick & Patti Moskalyk
Kevin Mott
Kris Mousseau
Gene Mudry
Peter Mueller
Henry Mui
Carol Mukanik
Kay Mulcaster
Mary Jayne Mumford
Chad Murphy
Kristine Murphy
Graham Murray
Mandy Murray
Avideh Musgrave
Darrell Muth
Mary Myck
Erin Nagy
Lil Nagy
Todd Nahirnik
Colter Nahrebesko
Tovi Nalder
Beverly Nally
Sue Narayan
Jason Negreiff
Bruce Neill
Rodney Nelson
Jackie Nero
Milton Ness
Ryan Neufeld
Karen Newman
Sydia Newman-Henry
Nexen Inc.
Robert Ng
Kim Nguyen
James Nichol
Cindy Nicholls
Keith Nicholls
Robin Nicol
Darrell Nieberding
Brent Nimhalovitch
Shareen Nimmo
Kimberly Nishikaze
Norman M.R. Thie
Professional Corporation
Northeast Pharmacy
Bobbi Northrop
Kathy O’Leary
Edward Oaks
Off Whyte Floral
Denise Ogonoski
Scott Ogonoski
Ohlmann Dairy Ltd.
Alen Okanovic
Julie Oldfield
Pamela Olfert
James Oliva
Marty Oliver-McBride
Steven Olsen
Marilyn Olson
Yasmin Olstad
Penny Omell
Oodle Noodle Jasper
Jerry Ortlib
Terry Osborne
Larry Oshust
Kirsten Otto
Sheldon Otto
Armande Ouellette
Greg Ouimet
Carol Owen
Ivana Pa
Jon Paul Pagett
Meaghan Palmer
Erin Palynchuk
Michelle PapineauCouture
Val Paquette
Brandon Parenteau
Robin Paris Swierenga
Jeff Park
Jennifer Park
Anita Parker
Adam Parrish
Julia Parrish
Dinesh Patel
Prakash Patel
Pam Patten
David Patterson
Brenna Paul
Robert Paul
Christine Pearce
Rick Pearson
Mark Pedden
Cole Pederson
Francis Penton
Dawn Perkins
Darwin Perrier
Ryan Persad
Fran Peshev
Mike Peshev
Esther Peters
Dale Peterson
Peterson Walker LLP
Anita Petrinjak
George Petrolekas
Wendy Peverett
Andrea Pheasey
Deborah Phillips
Gregory Phillips
Gary Phoenix
Susanne Picardal
Jennifer Pierce
Lise Pingitore-Whalen
Lynne Pipella
Adam Pisani
Lacey Pitre
Melissa Plante
Mary Poburan
Thomas Pollock
Rob Poole
Judy Poon
Leah Portelance
Dawn Poskocil
Leanne Pott
Rita Poulette
Bruce Pounder
Sarah Pratt
Michelle Priest
Debbie Prince
Lisa Prince
Rene Prince
Sharon Procter
Christopher Proctor
Tracy Propp
Michelle Protsch
Tricia Proude
Heidi Pruden
Pryme Restoration Inc.
Chris Puls
Marj Pylypow
Kyla Pynten
Barry Quinn
Joann Quinn
Kristina Quinn
Pearl Quinn
Andrea Rabinovitch
Nicole Racine
Boris Radetic
Lisa Radetic
Natalie Radetic
Noris Radetic
Mary Ramshaw
Eileen Rayner
Gerry Raypold
Donna Read
Realtors Association of
Redford Property Mgnt
Redman Technologies
Lorraine Reed
Fraser Regan
Dory Reich
Julia Renouf
Denise Requier-Monfette
Karen Reynolds
Jesse Richard
Yves Richard
Darren Richards
Mildred Richardson
Zach Richler
Sena Richmond
Eve Riedlinger
Margaret Riedlinger
Sarah Riedlinger
Tasha Righetti
Clyde Rigsby
Sonam Ringpa
Robert Robbenhaar
Leah Roberge
Lindsay Robertson
Alan Robinson
Drew Robinson
Jonathan Robinson
Lisa Robinson
Lana Robinton
Linda Roccia
Jodie Rodd
Angie Rody
Lane Roga
Sheila Rolfe
Gina Roline
Linda Romaniuk
Candice Rookes
Mat Rose
Natalie Rosen
Amanda Rosenstock
David Ross
Ross Sheppard High
Britta Rowe
Keith Rowe
Peter Royal
Royal Alex ICU
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Anne Russell
Kevin Rutkowski
Andrew Ryall
Gerry Ryall
Marilyn Ryall
Catherine Ryan
Kate Ryan
Marlene Rybie
Olga Saley
Neil Salsbury
Liezel Salvador
Brian Salway
Alllison Salzl
Mohib Samnani
Zaher Samnani
Angela Samol
Ottilie Sanderson
Harjinder (Shawn)
Carmen Santiestevan
Duncan Saunders
Irene Savage
Pat Savoie
Pam Sawchuk
Tom Sawyer
Jackie Sayers
Laurel Scheideman
Gregory Scherf
Stacie Scheuerman
Lori Schill
Jen Schimanke
Karen Schlegl
Edgar Schmidt
Karen Schmidt
Karen Schneider
Erica Schoen
Monica Schoen
Willi Schoen
Julia Schole
Sandra Schole
Mark Scholz
Neil Schulte
Devon Schwanke
Katherine Schwanke
David Scorgie
Barbara Ann Scott
Sandra Scott
Beverley See
Bradley Seewalt-Boman
Leah Seidl
Sheelagh Semper
Robert Sera
Lixmila Serrano
Pablo Seto
Pablo Seto
Bill Sevcik
Allison Shannon
Levi Sharko
Verla Sharp
Sandra Shaw
Janyu Shen
Terry Shepard
Chris Sherback
Warren Shockey
Breanna Shubert
Caley Shukalek
Gloria Shukalek
Ellie Shuster
Alyzee Sibtain
Balbir Sihota
Sharon Sihota
Sonia Sihota
Trapper Simcoe
Bruce Simms
Marnie Simpson
Sean Simpson
Julie Sinclair
“I loved having the chance to sit down
with clients and hear their stories
and I was also beyond impressed at how respectful,
kind and caring staff members
were with clients.” – Amelia Martin, volunteer
Sinclair Supply Ltd
Ameeta Singh
Ashwani Singh
Catherine Skelly
Ian Skinner
Nadia Skoczylas
Anna Skwaruk
Robyn Slack
Aaron Slawsky
Kaileigh Slowinski
Billy Smale
Margaret Small
Michelle Small
Andrea Smeets
Greg Smid
Chris Smith
Elizabeth Smith
Gary Smith
Graham Smith
Jessamyn Smith
Jill Smith
Karen Smith
Marjorie Smith
Rashida Smith
Scott Smith
Terry Smith
Todd Smith
Marjorie Smolcic
Florence Smyth
Debra Snow
Jim Snowdon
Tara Sobey
Robert Sokil
Chris Song
Marilyn Song
Janice Sorensen
Colin Soskolne
Anne Spence
Ken Spence
Jody Spencer
Ivy Spero
Norma Spicer
Keisha St. Arnaud
Kelsi St. Arnaud
Val St. Arnaud
Mustapha St. Jules
Geralynn St. Louis
Krista Stacpoole-Tucker
Maria Stadnyk
Rick Stahl
Stephanie Stahl
Jacqui Stanford
Cathryn Staring-Parrish
Janis Stauffer
Maggie Stayner
Don Stefiuk
Vanessa Stefiuk
Joan Stevens
Michelle Stevenson
Chuck Stewart
Jean Stewart
Tova Stewart
Barb Stirling
Jennifer Stirling
Debbie Stockdale
Chris Stogowski
Douglas Stollery
Alison Stone
Shannon Straathof
Cathy Strand
Nancy Strand
Cherie Strangward
Lloyd Strangward
Marnie Stretch
Caroline Stuart
Carol Suggitt
Dorothy Sunde
Nick Supina
Kristofer Sutton
Sutton Group Realty
Services Ltd
Sutton Nor-Vista Realty
Annet Swart
Annet Swart
Christine Swiatecki
Joseph Szjermal
Aaron Tabler
Chelsea Tabler
Diane Tabler
Jared Tabler
Kevin Taft
Salwa Takca
Sandra Talarico
Melissa Talbott
Jessica Tan
Connie Tang
Penny Tappenden
Samra Tarandeep
Garry Tarapaski
Assia Tarrabin
Cherlyn Taylor
Doug Taylor
Geoff Taylor
Ron & Deb Taylor
Lisa Tchir
Telus Corporation
Stan Tensen
Kent Teske
Katherine Thai
Tony Thai
The Hilarious Comedian
Carrot Top
The Traveling Tickle Trunk
Stephanie Thero
Jill Thibeau
Roland Thiering
Phillip Thomarat
Frankie Thomas
Jocelyn Thomey
Chris Thompson
Ryan Thorsen
Abebe Tiruneh
Faye Tkachuk
Charlie Todd
Lisa Toews
Michael Tokunaga
Craig Toms
Glen Toms
Hantelmaish Toni & Dolf
John Toogood
Brooks Topp
Dorothy Tovell
Don Toy
Laurie Trahan
Sandy Tran
Trung Tran
Sharon Trelenberg
Nathan Tremblay
Mathieu Trepanier
Triggerman Design
Linda Trimble
Angela Trombley
Susan Trotter
Evan Truong
Terry Tucker
Kirby Tunski
Shelley Tunski
Tom Tunski
Katherine Turley
Peter Turner
Two One Way Tickets to
Broadway Productions
Lucie Tyler
Natalie Tymchuk
Wes Tyson
Elaine Ungeran
Union No. 52
Benevolent Society
Urban Bridge Christian
Church of Edmonton
Frances Urtasun
Judy Ustina
Caterina Vaduva
Jennifer Valkenburg
Kristi Van Binsbergen
Monique Van Damme
Lawrence Van Dyke
Gladys Van Horne
Gabriel Van Rensburg
Daniel VandeBrake
Christine Vandenberghe
Shirley Vandenberghe
Jim Vavra
Don Verbeke
Eddie Verburg
Lori Vermette
Rita Vescio
Kirstin Veugelers
Rhonda Vickers
Mike Vigfanson
ViiV Healthcare ULC
Dragos Vizitiu
Christine Vogan
Grant Vogel
Matthew Vokey
Craig Volkerink
Nghia Vu
Darinka Vukelic
Kris Wagner
Lindsay Wagner
Ross Waldron
Kristie Wallace
Laureen Walstow
Darleen Walter
Zhi Xian Wang
Sarah Waning
Sherrie Waning
Kimberley Warawa
Gerald Warrenchuk
Leanne Warrenchuk
Michelle Warrenchuk
Kathy Waterhouse
Andrea Watson
John Watson
Mike Wawryko
Brian Webb
Darcy Webb
Esther Webb
Sindy Weber
Lyndsay Webster
Heather Weidenhamer
Lorelei Welcher
John Wells
Clarence Weppler
Florence Werner
West End Tire
Bill Wheeler
Nancy Whistance-Smith
Brittney White
Joe White
Kier White
Rosemary White
Shannon White
Wendy White
Andreas Wiel
Diane Wiel
Scott Wierenga
Joanne Wierzba
Cam Wild
Tamara Willcox
Ken Williams
Raylene Williams
Terry Willock
Aaron Wilson
Sylvia Wilson
Tom Wilson
Billie Winfield
Sandra Woitas-Menczel
Kip Wolfenden
Allan Wong
Edith Wong
Ken Wong
Paula Wong
Peter Wong
Teresa Wong
Victor Wong
Jeanne Wood
Doug Woodward
Cecilia Wower
Annabelle Wright
Barbara Wright
Bill Wright
Graeme Wright
John Wright
Margaret Wright
Patricia Wright
Ryan Wright
Bill Wu
Grant Wudel
Jim Wylie
Keith Wylie
Corey Wyness
Lauren Yadach
Sarah Yahn
Brenda Yamkowy
Julie Yantha
Denise Yasinsky
Roy Yee
Yonas Yemenu
Darryl Yeo
Lishi Ying
Alexander Yiu
Bonita Young
Diana Young
Jody Young
Ralph Young
Stefan Young
Hayley Yuzwenko
Lisa Zarowny
Michael Zhang
Zhongxin Zhou
Ben Zielke
Pamela Zottl
Susan Zwaenepoel
Heather Zwicker
Grazyna Zygadlo
Shirley Zygun
a year
of celebrations
April 1, 2009–March 31, 2010
Decreased over
Last year
Increase over
Last year
Number of youth outreach visits
Client contacts
2,688 (up from 1,391)
4,744 (down from 8,845)
Increase over
Last year
62 51
Number of online msm chat
157 (up from 95)
Offered 62 times, 51 contacts made
it is gratifyiung to reflect on past accomplishments
– Michael PhaiR
NOTE: Full auditor’s report is available upon request