Saint Luke Church
Saint Luke Church
Office Hours Monday through Friday 9AM-5PM (closed Noon - 1PM) Saturday 9AM-3PM There are no office hours from Saturday 3PM until Monday morning 9AM. Saint Luke Church 16-34 Clintonville Street, Whitestone, New York 11357 TEL: (718) 746-8102 FAX: (718) 746-3589 WWW: STLUKEWHITESTONE.ORG Rev. Msgr. John C. Tosi, Pastor The Parish Staff Rev. Peter. J. Penton Rev. Lukasz Lech Parochial Vicars Sister Katherine Burke, C.S.J. Director of Religious Education Sister Theresa Agliardi, R.S.M. Pastoral Associate Mrs. Barbara Reiter Principal Jessica Tranzillo-Smith Director of Music Holy Mass is offered Saturday 5PM Sunday 7:30AM; 9AM (Italian); 10:30AM; 11:45AM; 1:00PM; 5:00PM Daily Masses Mon.-Wed.-Fri. 7AM & 12 Noon Tues.-Thurs. 8:30AM & 12 Noon First Friday 7:00AM, 8:30AM & 12 Noon Sat. 8:30AM (no Noon Mass) Confessions Saturday 3:30PM - 4:30PM; and by appointment or when requested. The Rectory is the home of our Priests as well as the site of the parish offices. Please call ahead before coming with parish business in order that your inquiry will be assisted by a knowledgeable staff person. Devotions First Friday: Continuous Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9AM-9PM. (except July & August) The holy Rosary follows the 7AM and precedes the 8:30AM and the Noon Mass each day. The Miraculous Medal Novena follows Noon Mass every Monday. The Charismatic Prayer Group meets Tuesdays at 7:30PM. The Italian Charismatic Prayer Group meets Thursdays at 7:30PM. The Padre Pio Prayer Group meets the last Tuesday of the month at 7:30PM. The Sacraments Baptism of Infants - Please call Sister Theresa at 718-746-8531 or 718-746-8102 to schedule a baptism interview. Weddings - Please contact one of the priests PRIOR TO MAKING PLANS WITH A WEDDING HALL. The Bishop requires in all cases that weddings be set no later than six months prior to the date. Rite of Christian Initiation (R.C.I.A.)- Interested in becoming a Catholic? Need to receive Communion and Confirmation? Call Sister Katherine Burke, C.S.J. at (718) 746-3409. Ministry to the Sick If anyone is confined to home and unable to come to Mass, please call the Rectory to arrange to have the sacraments brought. If you foresee hospitalization, please call the Rectory and arrange to be anointed. Saint Luke School WWW.SLSWHITESTONE.ORG 16-01 Msgr. Dillon Place, (150 Place) Whitestone, NY 718-746-3833 Mrs. Barbara Reiter, Principal Our school serves the community with classes from Tiny Tots through Eighth Grade Mommy & Me Class 718-344-7620. School of Religion offering Religious Education classes to our young people attending public school. Our Director of Religious Education, Sister Katherine Burke, C.S.J., can be reached in her rectory office at 718-746-3409. Volunteers are always welcome. Music Office Jessica Tranzillo-Smith is our parish Director of Music. She can be reached at the Music Office at 718-746-3862 The Baptism of the Lord 10 January 2016 Saint Luke Church, Whitestone, New York From the Pastor -“After all the people had been baptized and Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended upon him in bodily form like a dove. and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:15-16,21-22) Today the church celebrates the feast of the Baptism of the Lord and with it comes the close of the Christmas Season. Once again the Gospel reveals Jesus as the beloved Son; the promised one, the light of the world. The Christmas Season has come full circle - from the first revelation of Christ to shepherds and then Kings, God the Father today reveals Christ as His divine Son with whom He is well pleased. Christmas at Saint Luke was again a special time of grace and blessing. Allow me to express my thanks and deep appreciation to all who shared time, talent and treasure in helping to make our Christmas a true celebration of the GOOD NEWS proclaimed by Angels that first Christmas night: …”I proclaim to you good news of great joy...for today...a savior has been born for you who is Christ and Lord” (Luke 2:1-14). Not only was there a spirit of joy but a real sense of hope rooted in the love of God our Father. Many parishioners commented on the beauty of the church, the prayerfulness and care taken in the celebration of the Christmas Masses and how grateful they were for celebrating Christmas at Saint Luke. It was such a blessing to see the church so crowded for Mass - and so many young children, infants and families! Thank you dear parishioners. Such a celebration required the hard work and cooperation of so many people. To each and every one I say thank you; together we did something beautiful for God - in gratitude for the beauty of His gift to us - Jesus the Lord. God bless. Let us pray for one another, A Holy Year of Mercy - Under the Name of Mary “May the sweetness of Mary’s countenance watch over us in this Holy Year, so that all of us may rediscover the joy of God’s tenderness.” Pope Francis Page 1 BISHOP DIMARZIO TO VISIT SAINT LUKE All parishioners are invited To join Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio for the celebration of Mass on Sunday, February 7, 2016 At 10:30am We are pleased and honored to welcome Bishop DiMarzio on his Pastoral visit to Saint Luke. In addition to celebrating Mass, Bishop DiMarzio has indicated his desire to meet with the members of the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council and Parish Trustees. Page 2 Thank You -To those who responded so generously to the various appeals for financial support during the Christmas Season. Your goodness and ongoing devotion to the parish - and diocese is greatly appreciated. My Christmas Gift to the Church Christmas Offering Catholic Charities Christmas Flowers Mary, Mother of God $45,867 $20,551 $ 3,793 $ 2,854 $ 4,301 This is in addition to the Sunday Collections of Dec. 27 and Jan. 3 which totaled $25,445. Christmas Decoration light up the night with the Joy of Christmas The Christmas Season began once again this year with the lighting of the parish Christmas tree and memorial trees on the Great Lawn. Thank you to those who prepared the Nativity set and trees, especially Sal Colak, John Dierks, Sabato Daniele and their crew. Also thanks to those who gave a tree in memory of or in honor of a loved one. Thank you to Louie Zuccarello of Queens Garden Nursery for his annual donation of the trees, hay and pine branches. This year also saw the lighting of the exterior of both the church and rectory. Many commented the decorations added to the joy of the season. Page 3 AVAILABLE MEMORIALS Please call or visit the rectory if you wish to arrange for a memorial in memory of or in honor of a loved one. The following memorials are available weekly: ALTAR BREAD ALTAR WINE SANCTUARY LAMP ALTAR CANDLES The offering is $50 for the week for the above listed Memorials. The name of the person remembered will be printed in the bulletin. ********************************* ALTAR FLOWERS The offering is $100 for the week for a fresh arrangement of flowers at the altar. The name of the person remembered will be printed in the bulletin. ********************************* The George T. Breen Tuition Assistance Fund Donations in memory of or in honor of a loved one may be made to this fund at any time, in any amount and will be used exclusively for St. Luke School tuition assistance. Gift acknowledgement cards are available. CAMPAIGN FOR SAINT LUKE We are grateful for those who have faithfully made their pledge payments, however it is so critical that every pledge when possible - be honored. We still have over a million dollars of pledges outstanding as the close of the Campaign draws near. As always, I am most grateful for your goodness and support of the parish. CAMPAIGN FOR SAINT LUKE AS OF 1/4/16 Update on Campaign status since 12/21/15. SHARE THE JOY OF THE GOSPEL The Annual Catholic Appeal Office has announced the extension of the 2015 Appeal past the December 31, 2015 closing date. Please take advantage of this extension to complete your pledge. I am pleased to report that we not only achieved the goal of $100,500, but went over our goal! As of December 30th a total of $115,999.34 has been pledged by 438 donors with $108,066.34 already received. A most sincere thank you to all our generous and loyal parishioners who supported the Annual Catholic Appeal 2015 God bless you. Baptism of the Lord - January 10, 2016 “This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased.” Are you considering making known the love of our Heavenly Father as a priest, deacon, sister or brother? Contact the Vocation Office at (718) 827-2454 or email: [email protected]. Page 4 MISSION STATEMENT As a community of believers in Jesus Christ and in Communion with the universal church, we strive to follow the Lord’s command to love God and one another. Rooted in word and sacrament, we grow together as a Eucharistic community inviting all to the Good News of Jesus. ****************************************************************************************************** Page 5 ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN PRO VITA MASS Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus **************************************************************************** Ministry to the Sick and Homebound The care of parishioners who are sick and homebound is very important to the life of any parish and the ministers who participate in their care are clear signs that the community remembers those who no longer can attend church services because of age or illness. Saint Luke Parish is very fortunate to have Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion who are devoted to the sick and homebound, some in their own homes and some in The Grand Rehabilitation and Nursing Home in Whitestone. The ministers are very generous with their time as they visit the sick and homebound praying with them and bringing them holy communion. If you know someone who is in need of a minister’s visit with holy communion, please contact Sister Theresa at (718) 746-8531 or (718)-8102. Page 6 FUEL COLLECTION Next weekend, January 16 & 17 there will be two collections. The first collection is for the support of the parish. The second collection is a fuel collection to help defray the cost of heating the parish buildings. Your generosity to both collections is greatly appreciated. Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 SCRIPTURE READINGS Mon. - 1Sm 1:1-8; Mk 1:14-20 Tues. - 1Sm 1:9-20; Mk 1:21-28 Wed. - 1Sm 3:1-10,19-20; Mk 1:29-39 Thurs. - 1Sm 4:1-11; Mk 1:40-45 Fri. – 1Sm 8:4-7,10-22a; Mk 2:1-12 Sat. - 1Sm 9:1-4,17-19,10:1a; Mk 2:13-17 WE PRAY FOR THE SICK EILEEN McCARTHY JULIUS & FRANCES JACOBSON KAREN KNIGHT GERARDINA D’ANGELO CATERINA INGUAGGIATO SUSANNA WINSHIP JOHN SURACI FRAN ROCCO MICHAEL LEWIS AND FOR THE DECEASED: CHARLES MANGIARACINA, SR. TERRENCE J. O’CONNOR GIUSEPPE MUSSO MEMORIALS The Altar Bread is given in memory of JOHN SCIFO requested by Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferone ANNOUNCED MASSES FOR THE WEEK OF January 11, 2016 Monday, January 11 7:00 Fiamma, DeMarco, Tamborello & Costanzo Families 12:00 Fr. Philip Fabiano, OFM,Cap. Tuesday, January 12 8:30 Benedetta Nicolosi & Family 12:00 Anthony DePasquale Wednesday, January 13 7:00 Rose Salemi 12:00 Luis L. Pasion (Birthday) Thursday, January 14 8:30 Ruth Elizabeth Forier 12:00 Catherine, Anna & Hugh Heaney Friday, January 15 8:30 Silvio Jelovcic 12:00 Carmine, Michael & John Colalillo Saturday, January 16 8:30 Vincent Keegan (Anniversary) COLLECTIVE INTENTIONS MASS The next Collective Intentions Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, February 13 at 12 noon. At this Mass we pray for MARIA D’ONOFRIO Page 12 BAPTISM PROGRAM When preparing for the Baptism of your child, parents must attend a Pre-Baptism Class. Godparents are welcome and encouraged to attend. The class is held once a month usually on the third Monday night of the month at 7:30pm. The Baptismal Liturgy is usually celebrated on the second and fourth Sunday of the month at 3pm. No Baptism can take place until the church receives a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate as required by the diocese. If you are planning a Baptism, please note the following dates: Baptism Sunday January 24 February 14 & 28 March 13 April 10 & 24 May 15 & 22 June 12 & 26 Baptism Class January 11 February 8 March 14 April 18 May 9 June 20 When considering godparents, please understand that a Godparent should: 1. be a firm and enthusiastic believer, ready, willing, and able to help his or her godchild live a Christian life. 2. be at least sixteen years old. 3. lead a life in harmony with the faith and the role to be undertaken. 4. have received all three of the Sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation. 5. not be the child’s parent. For more information and to schedule a baptism appointment, please call Sister Theresa at (718) 746-8531. Page 13 A Giving Tree Thank You -- Page 14 TeleMATER The Italian Catholic Television is now in Queens Public Television Time Warner Cable 56 & 1996, RCN 84 and Verizon FIOS 36. Every Monday at 10am and Tuesday at 11:30am. Info: Nicola Signorello: (646) 708-4760 - [email protected] - click “TM Queens”. La Televisone Cattolica Italiana del Queens Nicola Signorello, Direttore TeleMater Queens, invita tutti gli Italiani del Queens a seguire I nuovi programmi religiosi sul: canale 56 della Time Warner Cable, canale 84 di RCH, canale 36 di Verizon Fios. Che andranno in ondo ogni: Lunedi dale 10:00 fino alle 11:00. Ripetuti poi il Martedi alle 11:30 fino alle 12:30. Per alter informazione consultate il Direttore Nicola Signorello cell 646-708-4760 or Email: [email protected] HARVEST HOUSE Directed by Sisters of St. Dominic, Harvest House is a positive option for independent seniors 65+ who want the fullness of living in a family atmosphere, in a secure environment minus the burden of managing a home or apartment. Harvest House offers the fullness of living in companionship, with nutritional meals, private bedroom, common living space to be with friends, share ideas, stories and good times. Harvest House is affordable, conveniently located to shopping, places of worship, library, restaurants, public transportation and more. Locations in Syosset, NY and Floral Park, NY. For information call Sr. Jeanne A Brendel, O.P.,CSW at 516-496-9796 or OPEN HOUSE HIGH SCHOOL INFORMATION NIGHT St. Agnes Academic High School, 13-20 124th Street, College Point, N.Y. For 8th grade girls and transfer students. Thursday, January 21, 2016 from 5 to 7pm. For more information, please call 718-353-6276, ext. 12 or Msgr. Francis J. Dillon Council Knights of Columbus Kyle’s Heart Helpers - An event to support “Congenital Heart Defect” awareness. Tuesday, February 2, 2016 from 6:30pm-10:30pm in Fr. O’Malley Hall at St. Mel’s 26-15 154th St., Flushing, N.Y. Food - Music - Dancing - 50/50 Raffle and Raffle for the cause. Admission tickets: $25 - Adults (wine included); $7 - children ages 4 - 12; FREE - children under age 4. For reservations call: Antonio Belviso (917) 378-3663; Ralph Cefalo (917) 743-8592; Sam Neglia (646) 515-7890 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 New York 2 x 5 Grid (3.875 x 2.00) Queens Garden Florist & Landscape Design 718-746-4846 Toll Free 888-684-4747 154-10 Cross Island Pkwy., Whitestone New York Single Catholics Single Catholic WHITESTONE CAR WASH AUTO DETAILING HAND WASH AUTO DETAILING 150-55 CROSS ISLAND PKWY WHITESTONE, NY 718-767-3400 Fax: 718-767-1440 $2.00 OFF ANY FULL SERVICE CAR WASH PREFERRED FLOORS Of Whitestone Inc. NE W C A R PE T W A R E H O U S E 12-68 150Th Street Whitestone, NY 11357 (718) 746-8666 TRUSTS and ELDER LAW HARPELL PHARMACIES WILL, 12-65 150 St. Whitestone • 4 Full Time Pharmacists ANN-MARGARET CARROZZA, ESQ. Surgicals & Home Medical Equip. George & Joseph Isaakidis, RPh, CF Angelo Manniello, Director Sophia Stamboulis, RPh. PharmD FREE DELIVERY • Qui si parla Italiano • (718) 767-7868 B rendans Automotive Services Established in 1975 High quality service from a name you can trust! 4 x 3 & 4 x 7 Grid 718-224-4746 213-38 40th Avenue, Bayside Brendan’s Service Station 76-36 164th Street Flushing, NY 11366 (718) 380-0944 164th Street Auto 84-12 164th Street Jamaica, NY 11432 (718) 523-9081 Brendan’s Utopia Mobil 181-05 Horace Harding Expressway Fresh Meadow, NY 11365 (718) 357-9710 (1.9375 x 1.375) Please Patronize Our Advertisers Margaret Single Rubin Auto • Home • Life Catholics INSURANCE 24-Hour Service (718) 762-5500 New York FREE PARKING IN REAR Service The Way You Remember It! PHARMACY Whitestone 150-43B 14th Ave. (718) 767-0618 Free Pick Up & Delivery Surgicals • Notary Public ~Si Parla Italiano Roberto & Nella Viola Your Mom & Pop Store Is Back! Parishioner of St. Luke New York Single Catholics 4 x 8 Grid (1.875 x 1.25) New York New York Single Single Catholic Please Patronize Our Advertisers Catholics And Let Them Know You Appreciate Their Support of the Parish Bulletin That’s the Best Way to Thank Them for Your Bulletin Caring for families for over 100 years 10-25 150th Street Whitestone, N.Y. 11357 718-359-1122 Joseph G. Regan Attorney at Law The last family owned funeral firm in this bulletin Visit our website: Family & Implant Dentistry Real Estate • Wills • Estate 8-07 149th St., Whitestone 718-767-9224 14-19 150th St.,Whitestone 767-1746 Caring in Three Centuries Chapin Home for the Aging (718) 739-2523 Skilled Nursing Facility, Short-Term Rehab, Hospice Care, Adult Day Health Care Salvatore Valenza Contractors, Inc. Dr. Paul Addeo Visit us online at Cement Bricks Driveways Stoops Patios Porches Sidewalks Retainer Walls Pavers Waterprooing Stone Stucco Garages Violations Removed Reasonable Prices FREE Estimates - Fully Insured 12-40A Clintonville St., Whitestone (718) 445-0848 (718) 463-9674 (718) 939-5307 Family Dentistry With A Gentle Touch Days - Eves - Sat. 539-6655 142-04 Bayside Ave., Flushing PT SOLUTIONS THAT HELP YOU REACH HIGHER 149-65 24th Avenue, Whitestone, NY 718-359-1006 and 718-445-1006 Performing Arts Centre 208-42 Cross Island Parkway Bayside, NY 11360 (718) 746-4800 Painting • Re-Finishing Sheet Rock Drywall Repair Plastering Plumbing HARPELL CHEMISTS Minor Power Washing & SURGICALS Gutter Cleaning Only Use Benjamin Moore Compound Specialists WeCall Jeff - The Odd Jobz Man 12-65 150th St. (718) 767-7868 718-225-4171 P: 718.279.3980 F: 718.279.3981 Nadiaʼs Performing Arts Centre Fairway Realty •Residental • Commercial • Rentals • Sales 718.357.9040 149-41 14th Avenue Your Neighborhood Lawyer Brian Miller, P.C. Certified Public Accountant Corporate & Individual Tax Returns 25-59 Francis Lewis Blvd. Flushing (718) 747-9100 (Next to Queens Library-Auburndale Branch) The Refrigeration Institute Monday through Saturday and late Evenings Email: [email protected] “Parliamo Italiano” Brooklyn • 172 Gravesend Neck Road Queens •6977 Myrtle Avenue 7 DAYS A WEEK 9-17 Clintonville Street Whitestone, NY 11357 Fast Service - Resonable Pricing! Walk in or call for a free Market Analysis! ALL ACCIDENTS - INJURIES 160-05 Horace Harding Expressway Caroline Konnoth Physical Therapy, P.C. FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION CALL 718-928-3355 GEORGE A. KOSNIK, ESQ. 718-445-3445 Attorney At Law “The Best Foot Care Real Estate • Business Law in Your Home” Homemade Italian Cuisine 12-55 150th St., Whitestone Since 1994 718-746-9777 Susan E. Lewin, D.P.M., Podiatrist LUNCH • DINNER “The Home Care Specialist” TAKE-OUT • CATERING Gregory J. DelliCarpini Foxʼs Gift Shop II Elder Law & Estate Planning Living Trusts, Powers of Attorney, Wills, Medicaid Home Care & Nursing Home Applications & Probate Real Estate THE CLINTON RESTAURANT Funeral Home L.L.C. Auto • Sidewalk • Construction • Free Consultation No Recovery, No Fee Specializing in Favors for All Occasions Invitations • Save the Date Cake Toppers • Gifts • Accessories Unique Gifts for Every Budget! 159-02 Northern Blvd., Flushing Protect Your Home & Assets From Nursing Home Bills! Family owned and operated by John Aloysius Golden & Thomas A. Golden III Also located in Flushing & Bayside Warren Kaggen, D.D.S. 165-01 Chapin Parkway, Jamaica, NY Martin A. 545 8th Ave. 2nd Floor New York City 212-244-2588 Licensed Celebrating 30 years serving Northern Italian Cuisine Available for all catering events: • Christenings • Showers • Graduations Birthdays • Funeral Luncheons Open 7 days for Lunch & Dinner Northern Italian Cuisine 718-746-8456 YÜxwxÜ|v~ YâÇxÜtÄ [ÉÅx 154-03 Cross Island Parkway, Whitestone, NY 192-15 NORTHERN BOULEVARD, FLUSHING, NY (718) 357-6100 • FUNERALS • CREMATION ADVANCE FUNERAL PLANNING This Firm is Owned by a Subsidiary of Service Corporation International, 1929 Allen Parkway, Houston, TX 77019 • (713) 522-5141 718-591-2030 Fresh Meadows, NY 11365 Lavish Hair Studio 149-23 14th Ave., Whitestone Open Tues - Sat. 718-767-8805 20% off any single service w/ad A Ful l Service Pharmacy 38-01 Bell Blvd. Bayside, NY 11361 Ph: 718-224-7300 Fax: 718-224-7306 TOWING & EXPERT REPAIRING STATE-OF-THE-ART COLLISION REPAIR EQUIPMENT Larry’s Auto Collision CHASSIS WORK AND TOWING • CUSTOM PAINT JOBS EUROPEAN & DOMESTIC 718-767-5378 FREE INSURANCE ESTIMATES FAX NUMBER 718-767-2104 150-54 12TH AVENUE, WHITESTONE, NY 11357 TOWING & EXPERT REPAIRING DEM PROFESSIONAL INTERIOR / EXTERIOR PAINTING & HOME IMPROVEMENT PRIMARY CARE SERVING WHITESTONE & VICINITY FOR OVER 50 YEARS 15 Yrs Experience ~ Registered NY State • Free Estimate • 10% off for Seniors Ask for Dominick 917-756-0254 Domenick Acquista, MD NYU Langone Internal Medicine 44-01 Bayside, NY 11361 To schedule an appointment: T: (718) 717-0280 ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES GROUP • Asbestos Abatement / Removal • Lead Abatement / Removal • Mold Remediation 11-01 154th St., Whitestone 718-728-0369 email: [email protected] #236 FOR ADVERTISING: THE CHURCH BULLETIN INC., 200 DALE ST., W. BABYLON, NY 11704-1104 (631) 249-4994 •
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