August 2014 - FishHawk Creek PTA
August 2014 - FishHawk Creek PTA
Fishhawk Creek Elementary A Hillsborough County Public School Volume 11 Issue No. 02 The WINGSPAN s rd wa o ! t g oal 22% rin r g a so ou P TA N e w s l e t t e r AUGUST 2014 A Message from our President P TA D o n a t i o n C a m p a i g n Home of the Falcons By Kathi Hayes, PTA President By Alisa Adams, PTA 1st Vice President Hello FishHawk Families! What a great start to our One-Time Donation Campaign!! What an awesome start to the 2014-2015 school year! We will have a big push for our Donation Campaign for the next several weeks! 100% of the money goes directly to the PTA programs we have planned for the upcoming year. We have two programs your PTA donations have paid for already... Health & Bike Safety Fair! Friday, August 22nd was an exciting beginning to our school year by making sure our students are safe. Bike and helmet checks, free helmets, reflective t-shirts and other safety awareness items were handed out to students. A huge "Thank you!" to our sponsors who generously donated their time and money to make this night a huge success. Art Monkey donated the ice cream, bike helmets donated by Hess Orthodontics, reflective safety t-shirts were handed out by Abdoney Orthodontics, Cardel donated safety whistles, Carr Pediatic Dentistry gave out bottled waters and Just Ride and N Zone Sports donated a bicycle to raffle. We had Florida Masonic Child ID program making sure our children have their information in the system in case of an emergency and TNT Smoothies/Snap Fitness supplied a basket to raffle. Big cheers for Colleen Horan-Green who coordinated this wonderful event! Awesome job! 9/11 Remembrance Pocket Flags Project Students will participate during class. They will fold mini American Flags into pocket size triangles and send to our American Service men and women to carry with them as they are have a little piece of "Home" with them. This program will teach them how to properly fold the flag, remind them of those serving for our freedom while remembering those who lost their lives on 9/11. Included with the flag will be a card that says "A flag for your pocket so you can always carry a little piece of home. We are praying for you and we are proud of you. Thank you for defending our country and our freedom." Our PTA is hard at work planning and implementing great programs like these for our families to enjoy. We thank you for everyone's continued support through donations and volunteering! We have an outstanding group of parents, teachers, and administration that are all working together to make this school SUPER HEROES of FishHawk! Kathi Hayes 0.00 $ 6,54 Thank you to all of you who have already made your very generous donations. We are well on our way to reaching our $30,000.00 goal by October 17th. Remember, there will not be a PTA fundraiser this year. That means that the approx. $30,000 raised in past years fundraising must be donated by YOU - the parents, grandparents, and friends of FishHawk Creek Elementary. This $30,000.00 breaks down to a donation of $30/child or $60/family. Each child that participates in the one-time donation will receive a spirit stick to add to their ring for the year; these have already started to go home. In addition, each class that reaches 95% participation by the halfway mark (Sept. 19th) will be able to participate in our "Superhero Silly Sock Day." You may make your donation online at our PTA website ( or by sending in a check/cash (with the donation form) to the school front office. Don't delay. We need your donation! See you in the halls! Alisa Adams FHC CALENDAR SEPTEMBER 01 Labor Day Holiday 05 Volunteer Orientation - 8:15 a.m. Homeroom Parent Meeting - 9:15 a.m. 08 K-2nd Grade Open House - 6 - 7 p.m. Grandparents’ Breakfast (K-2nd Gr) 7 - 8 a.m. 09 Grandparents’ Breakfast (3rd-5th Gr) 7 - 8 a.m. PTA Board Meeting - 9 a.m. 11 9/11 Remembrance Pocket Flags Project 18 3rd-5th Grade Open House - 6 - 7 p.m. Note: 5th Grade Only: Parent Overview of 5th Gr Events - 5:30 - 6 p.m. Spirit Shirt Throwback Thursday 19 All Pro Dads Breakfast 95% Classroom Donation Deadline for Superhero Silly Sock Day OCTOBER 02 Spirit Night 14 PTA Board Meeting 9 a.m. Skate Night - Skateland, Brandon 6 - 8 p.m. (Benefits 5th Gr Events) 15 Batty-Gram Sales Begin 16 Conference Night 3:30 - 8:30 p.m. Spirit Shirt Throwback Thursday 17 PTA Donation Campaign FINAL Day 20 Non-Student Day 23 Read-O-Ween 5:30 - 7:30 p.m. 24 School Pictures FishHawk Creek Elementary | 16815 Dorman Road | Lithia, FL 33547 | or our parent group on Facebook P TA O F F I C E R S 2014-2015 President Kathi Hayes [email protected] st 1 Vice President (Ways and Means) Alisa Adams [email protected] nd 2 Vice President (Membership) Emily Carson Tre a s u re r ’s R e p o r t by Kim Giliberti [email protected] Welcome back from summer break. We had a few interim summer expenses in July to help get us prepared for the new year. We had $1,644.50 in Admin Expenses (we ordered new checks so bank fees were higher than usual at $64.75, $751.50 was for PTA leadership training, $443 for Insurance and the bulk of the remaining expenses were for the summer news letter at $343 in postage & $41.91 in PTA Operating expenses). For PTA projects, we purchased the bulk of the materials needed for our 9/11 Remembrance/Services Appreciation project for $1,160. We used $640.43 for recognition ( $550 for to our PTA faculty membership drive/ welcome back lunch for our teachers & the remaining funds were for community support & refreshments for volunteers. We had some income in July too. $6100.71 came in from fundraisers: $5283.84 was from yearbooks, $756.87 was from Uniform sales, & $60 was from our 1st family donation of the year. We also raised $247 in membership income and paid $357 in dues for 102 PTA memberships. [email protected] Secretary Anne Corl [email protected] Treasurer Kimberly Giliberti [email protected] Principal Pam Bush [email protected] Assistant Principal Amy Zulkoski [email protected] Newsletter Editor Jen Abrenica B o x To p s a n d L a b e l s [email protected] by Kim Giliberti [email protected] 16815 Dorman Road Lithia, FL 33547 (813) 651-2150 ext. 530 The Wingspan is a publication of the FHC PTA. It is published the last week of each month of the school year, plus a summer edition. It is designed to keep our families informed of all of the activities of the FHC PTA. Submissions are due the third Wednesday of the month and should be emailed to the newsletter editor. Want to get a Box Tops Spirit Stick? How about a Labels for Educations Spirit Stick? Starting in August, when you bring in exactly 50 trimmed Box Tops, you will earn 1 of 5 new Box Tops Spirit Sticks. If you hand in any 50 Labels (a mixture of Tyson Project A+ and Labels for Education) you can earn the new Labels for Education Spirit Stick. Be sure to put your full name and teacher on you bag to get credit for monthly incentives. Also write 50 on your bag if you turn in a bag of 50 Box Tops or 50 Labels so you can get your Spirit Stick the following month. Each month, 1 class will win an ice pop party & 10 winners will be guests on the morning show. Winners will be determined by using the following point system: 1 Box Top = 10 pts, 1 Tyson Project A+ Label = 24 pts, Labels for Education UPCs = face value pts. I'd also like to welcome our new Box Tops & Labels Chair, Shona Husbands, who will be taking over in September. Thank you Shona and to all our Falcon Families for your continued support of our school and PTA. I M P O RTA N T R E M I N D E R S Sign up for FishHawk Creek PTA Updates at to receive the latest updates! We have a new system so you need to register for 2014-2015. Sign up to receive text alerts! REMIND is a free, safe and easy way to receive important information from the PTA! Your information is kept private. Sign up today at using the class code: FishHa NEW STUDENT SPONSOR PROGRAM pair new FHC students with a buddy and introduce them to the school. Complete information at the PTA Website. UNIFORM ORDERS are done through 3FF Custom Embroidery at 16633 Fishhawk Blvd (office complex behind Taco Bell) or visit them on Facebook at 3FF Custom Embroidery. FishHawk Creek Elementary | 16815 Dorman Road | Lithia, FL 33547 | or our parent group on Facebook 2 P TA S H O U T O U T ! A big thank you to Colleen Horan-Green for her hard work and dedication in making the health and bike safety fair a success! It's parents like her who make our school great! Thanks from the executive committee. P TA M E M B E R S H I P P E R K S By Emily Carson, 2nd VP Please consider joining TODAY! It is only $6 to join. You can order yourmembership online at or pick up a form at the front office. When you validate your card at, you get discounts to the following places: • PTA Days at Legoland! Special $30.00 price year round for PTA members! • Hertz – 20% off using this code CDP# 1929580 every time you rent a car AND a free car seat during the rental! • Staples – 10% off supplies and furniture, 25% off copy and print and FREE shipping on • Sylvan Learning Assessment – 50% off an Sylvan Insight Assessment AND they donate $10 to our PTA for every assessment done by a FHC student. Don’t forget that you receive a 5% discount at our uniform vendor 3FF Custom Embroidery when you present your PTA Card. M e m b e r s h i p M y t h b u s t e r s ! B u s t i n g m y t h s a b o u t t h e P TA By joining the PTA, I have to volunteer. just supporting your local and state PTA! MYTH! There is no time commitment connected to your membership, you are I can get a family membership. MYTH! PTA memberships are sold on an individual basis. I don't need a PTA card to vote in an election. MYTH! You have to have been a PTA member for 30 days before you can vote on budgets or elections. Your membership is your VOICE! Only moms and teachers join the PTA. MYTH! ANYONE can join the PTA. Not just parents, but grandparents, aunts, uncles and businesses can all have a voice by becoming a PTA member. Vo l u n t e e r o f t h e M o n t h Meet Janice Cox, our volunteer of the month for August. Mrs. Cox coordinated the Teacher breakfast and luncheon for your wonderful FHC staff at the beginning of the year. The PTA is so proud of you! My name is Janice Cox and I'm married to Chris Cox. Together we have two children-- Haylee, who is in 8th grade at Randall and Ian, who is in 5th grade in Mrs. Sampson's class, as well as our 1 year-old yellow lab, Sadie. In my free time, I enjoy baking, cooking, reading and working out. We are originally from North Dakota, but have called Florida home for the last 12 years. O u t a n d A b o u t - P TA S p o n s o re d E v e n t s Health and Bike Safety Fair Teacher Breakfast and Luncheon FishHawk Creek Elementary | 16815 Dorman Road | Lithia, FL 33547 | or our parent group on Facebook 3 NEWS FROM THE NEST H E A LT H a n d B I K E S A F E T Y FA I R NE W S T U D E N T S P O N S O R P R O G R A M By Colleen Horan-Green, Health & Safety Fair Committee Chairperson [email protected] / 516.695.3647 by Christie Dyer, Welcome Committee Chairperson [email protected] The FishHawk Creek Elementary PTA Executive Committee would like to thank all of the parents and students who came out to our Health and Bike Safety Fair. We are grateful to have been able to bring together members of our community to help educate the students and parents about various aspects of health, bike safety and community awareness. A very special thanks to all the generous sponsors who helped to make the event a success: Art Monkey, TNT Smoothies, Snap Fitness, Hess Orthodontics, Just Ride Bicycles, Abdoney Orthodontics, N Zone Sports, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Hillsborough Fire Rescue, Cardel Homes, STRONGLIFE Chiropractic, Florida Masonic Child Identification Program, Carr Pediatric Dentistry, Miss Tampa Bay Softball, FishHawk Creek Lacrosse Club, YMCA, Ace Hardware, 3FF Custom Embroidery and performances by Brandon All Stars and music courtesy of Pure Power Productions. We are also very indebted to our volunteers with a special mention to the Newsome High School Hockey team. We are very fortunate to have such a supportive community and appreciate not only all the support, but for being advocates for such a great cause. Thank you to everyone who has taken part in our New Student Sponsor Program. This year, when a student enters the 1st through 5th grades, they have the opportunity to be paired with a sponsor student in their same grade. It is our hope that this new program will provide a valuable resource to help new students and their families answer questions, get familiar with the neighborhood, and make their first few days at FishHawk Creek less intimidating and more enjoyable. The PTA Welcome Committee has paired over 30 students (and counting) with sponsors. New students are continually arriving at Fishhawk Creek throughout the school year. We will continue to pair new students, who sign up for the program, throughout the year as they arrive. We are thankful to all the students and families who have signed up as sponsors but we still need more sponsors to ensure that we can continue to fill requests throughout the year. Please consider signing up to have your child sponsor a new student. The obligation?... You will be contacted if we have a student of the same grade and gender as your child. All we ask is that you contact the new family and try to arrange at least one gettogether. Once you meet, simply share what you know about FHC and the FishHawk area. That's it! This small commitment on your part can make a huge difference to a student and their family who are new to the area or just the school. If you are interested in participating in this program, please pick up a flyer in the main office or email your information to Christie Dyer at [email protected]. You will be contacted upon pairing. Thank you in advance for considering this simple but important program. S P I R I T N I G H T S AT F H C THANKS to all the families who supported our 1st Spirit Night at Cherry’s in FishHawk! Falcon Families are the BEST! The PTA appreciates your support! We look forward to another year of spirit nights in the coming school year! Any questions or business suggestions, please email Patty Fry at [email protected] FishHawk Creek Elementary | 16815 Dorman Road | Lithia, FL 33547 | or our parent group on Facebook 4 NEWS FROM THE NEST AT T E N T I O N 5 T H G R A D E PA R E N T S LUNCH BUNCH HELPERS NEEDED By Melissa Haddad, 5th Grade Committee Chairperson [email protected] / 813-957-3736 By Courtney Parker, Lunch Bunch Committee Chairperson [email protected] There will be a 5th Grade Open House on Thursday, September 18th, from 5:30 – 6:00 p.m. (This is just prior to the scheduled classroom open houses.) Plan on meeting in the Multipurpose Room to learn more about this year’s events and fundraising opportunities for our fabulous 5th graders! Welcome Back Parents! I hope you wonderful and relaxing summer with your family. Now that school is back in session, our kids are enjoying lunch with their friends in the cafeteria. They will enjoy their lunch even more when they get to see your smiling faces helping out with our Lunch Bunch! Please consider serving on the 5th Grade Committee. Together, let’s make this the MOST memorable year for our 5th graders!! For information and to sign up, please contact Melissa Haddad at [email protected] or 813-957-3736. Thank you! We are looking for volunteers to assist the children, and help ensure that lunch time runs smoothly for everyone. This volunteer opportunity doesn’t require a lot of your time, but it is a fun, rewarding and easy way to give back. SAVE THE DATE! If you are interested in volunteering for Lunch Bunch, please email [email protected], and give the times and days of the week you are available. Thank you. There will be a Skate Night for FishHawk Creek Elementary on Tuesday, October 14th from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Plan on joining all your FishHawk Creek friends at Skateland of Brandon for an evening of skating and fun!! C O P Y R O O M / M E D I A C E N T E R VO L U N T E E R S By Mandy Zimmerman, Copy Room/Media Center Coordinator [email protected] Calling All Businesses! Please consider becoming an FHC Business Partner. Details can be found at our website - Business Sponsor Information Have a question? Contact the wonderful Emily Carson and she will help you! Are you looking for a fun way to get involved in your child's school? Consider joining the Copy Room/Media Center team! It is a great way to get involved, meet new people, and interact with the kids. We need volunteers to help the kids find great new books to read, assist our amazing Media Center staff, and help the teachers with copying materials to teach their students new and interesting things. The Perks: PTA Business Sponsor Bronze: $150 – Includes Business Name listed as a Bronze Sponsor on both PTA Website and Newsletter Silver: $200 – Includes PTA Business Membership ($25 value), Business name listed as Silver Sponsor and PTA Business Member on both Website and Newsletter Gold: $300 – Includes PTA Business Membership ($25 value), Business name listed as Gold Sponsor, and PTA Business Member on Both Website and Newsletter and a Business Card size Ad on Website for 1 year, along with a link to your business website from PTA website Platinum: $500 - Includes PTA Business Membership ($25 value), Business name on the new electronic marquee, Business name listed as Platinum Sponsor, and PTA Business Member on Both Website and Newsletter and a Business Card size Ad on every page of Website, along with a link to your business website from PTA website. If this sounds like something you would like to do you can simply stop by the Media Center or contact me at [email protected]. Shifts typically run from 8-10, 10-12 and 12-2, however, anytime you would like to give us would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! Calling All FHC Dads! All Pro Dad's Day is a simple idea with a profound impact that can really strengthen a dad’s relationship with his children. Please join us for tthe All Pro Dad's Breakfast on Friday, September 19th at 7:30 a.m. in the Cafeteria. Our FHC local chapter can be found at http:// FishHawk Creek Elementary | 16815 Dorman Road | Lithia, FL 33547 | or our parent group on Facebook 5 Principal’s Corner Dear Falcon Families, Welcome back to the 2014 - 2015 school year! Our official Open House will be held on two different nights so parents with both Primary and Intermediate students will have the opportunity to hear both presentations. Open House for Primary students in Kindergarten - Gr. 2 will be held on Monday Sept. 8th from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. Open House for students in Grades 3 - 5 will be held on Thursday Sept. 18th from 6:00 - 7:00. Our Grade 5 parents will meet at 5:30 in the multipurpose room for a special overviewe of the Grade 5 activities then move to their child's homeroom at 6:00 p.m. Your child's AGP teacher and/or ESE teacher will send home a notification concerning the exact time and location where they will meet with parents. On both nights teachers will give parents an overview of their curriculum, share the expectations in various content areas, review homework procedures and much more. The Media Center will be open on both evenings. We hope that you will be able to join us for this important night. Our Volunteer Orientation - will be held on Friday Sept. 5th at 8:15 in the multipurpose room. We welcome our FishHawk moms, dads and grandparents to join us to hear about volunteer opportunities with our school. Extra, extra read all about it. Are you aware of all the benefits of mySPOT (Student and Parent Online Toolkit) which serves as a centralized "hub" of information that provides parents quick and easy access to key district resources and links from any web-enabled device? the mySPOT hub offers parents numerous benefits. Parents can: 1) view important district news and announcements, 2) view a customized version of their child's Student Resources page tailored to the grade level of their child and 3) connect to district resources using built-in visual bookmark links such as District calendars, Edsby, MyPayment Plus and more. Please note, parents must first register for a mySPOT account in order to gain access to Edsby. Once you are registered, please check often. We are pleased to announce that Officer Delgado will be serving as our Community Resource Officer for the 2014 - 2015 school year. He is shared with five area schools including: Bevis, Boyette Springs, Stowers, Pinecrest and FishHawk Creek. Officer Delgado will be here one day per week. When he is here, you may find him at various locations around the school including the cafeteria connecting with our students, parents and staff to ensure that we are safe. Celebrating Grandparents' Day with Breakfast - We are delighted to share that we are inviting all grandparents to breakfast on Monday Sept. 8th if your grandchild is in kindergarten - Grade 2. Then on Tuesday Sept. 9th, we invite all grandparents to breakfast if your grandchild is in Grades 3 - 5. We will begin serving breakfast as early as 7:00 a.m. on both Sept. 8th and Sept. 9th so that we can accommodate all who are able to attend. A flyer will be sent for grandparents to rsvp, but you do not prepay. Cost of $3 per grandparent will be paid on the date of the breakfast. All students eat free breakfast as always. :-) Thanking you in advance for your support and involvement in your child's education! Educationally yours, Pam Bush S P E C I A L T H A N K S TO A L L O U R B U S I N E S S S P O N S O R S A N D PA RT N E R S Platinum Silver myvet@ala) P TA B u s i n e s s M e m b e r s We Care Pediatrics 813-236-9310 The Waiting Game 813-600-3712 [email protected] Abdoney Pediatric Dentistry 813-651-0400 Fishhawk Laundry and Cleaners 813-200-4320 [email protected] GC Dental Arts 813-672-4900 Law Office of Leighton J Hyde 813-870-9555 [email protected] Hillsborough County PTA / PTSA Board President: Bridgitte Kramer VP Organization: Tina Young VP Leadership: MJ Kramer Treasurer: Jenevieve Gillen VP Areas: Shannon Gutierrez Secretary: Gary Randolph VP Advocacy: Jennifer Wiezorek FishHawk Creek Elementary | 16815 Dorman Road | Lithia, FL 33547 | or our parent group on Facebook 6