2014 - Friends of Casco Bay


2014 - Friends of Casco Bay
Despite the challenges, we need to pause and celebrate what sustains our organization: the people, public policies,
personal responsibility, and most importantly, this place—our Casco Bay. Like long-married couples renewing their
vows, we want to use the occasion of our 25th anniversary to renew our commitment to the mission on which we
were founded: improving and protecting the environmental health of Casco Bay.
Our groundbreaking clam flat studies show that several clam flats in
Casco Bay have pH levels low enough to harm baby clams – since 2011
Casco Bay
While our focus remains Casco Bay, we recognize that global climate change threatens every water body, and
indeed, every individual on the planet. The impact of rising seas, warming water, and acidifying oceans is truly a
game changer, creating environmental and social challenges faster than anyone anticipated.
We are again warning that Portland Harbor needs to be better prepared for an oil spill, including spills of heavy
crude oils, which may sink to the bottom of the Bay, making our current cleanup tools ineffective.
Today, Casco Bay faces new challenges. Our research shows that the mud of some clam flats is acidic enough to
dissolve juvenile clams. The cause? Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and nitrogen pollution from sewage
discharges, fertilizers, stormwater runoff, and emissions from tailpipes and smokestacks. Excess nitrogen triggers
algae blooms that result in more carbon dioxide and less oxygen in seawater.
Friends of Casco Bay sounds the alarm that nitrogen pollution is
harming Casco Bay – since 2003
Cruise ships may no longer dump their wastewater in Casco Bay,
thanks to a federal No Discharge Area designation and a state law,
both championed by Friends of Casco Bay – since 2002
Our advocacy helped to close a pulp mill that was killing the
Presumpscot River and was once the biggest source of pollution in
Casco Bay – 1999
NOW—Nitrogen pollution, ocean acidification, and sinking
oil—threats we didn’t even know about 25 years ago
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne helped protect our lobster fishery by
catalyzing the rescue of 35,000 lobsters from Portland Harbor’s
shipping channel during dredging – 1998 & 2013
As one of the busiest oil delivery ports on the East Coast, Portland needed to prepare for the very real possibility of an
oil spill. Friends of Casco Bay lobbied for more training and cleanup equipment. This preparation enabled responders
to recover 78% of the 180,000 gallons of oil spilled when the Julie N tanker hit the Casco Bay Bridge in 1996.
BayScaping teaches homeowners how to have a lush lawn without
toxic pesticides and fertilizers that pollute the Bay – since 1998
Our data has been used to upgrade state classifications for parts
of Portland Harbor and The Basin in Harpswell, providing more
protection from pollution – since 1998
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne, hired soon after the organization was established, battled pollution on many fronts, all
while building an organization based on scientific credibility and a “work with” approach. By pushing to enforce
existing environmental regulations, he helped to eliminate the biggest source of pollution to Casco Bay—pulp
wastes from the Westbrook paper mill. This wastewater sucked oxygen out of the Presumpscot River and delivered
toxic water to Casco Bay.
Friends helped with the recovery of 78% of the oil spilled from the
Julie N tanker after it hit the Casco Bay Bridge – 1996
Early on in our 25-year history, we confronted the fact that millions of gallons of raw sewage emptied into Casco
Bay each year from overflowing sewer pipes. Sewage from boats was also a concern, leading us to establish a
marine toilet pumpout service for recreational boats. Our advocacy for regulations to prevent cruise ships from
discharging polluted water right at the dock helped make Casco Bay one of the most protected bays in the nation
from vessel sewage and other wastewater.
Our mobile pumpout service has removed 130,500 gallons of raw
sewage from recreational boats – since 1995
More than 650 volunteer citizen scientists have been trained by
Friends of Casco Bay to monitor the health of Maine’s coastal waters –
since 1992
THEN—Sewage, Sappi and oil spills
In 1989, Friends of Casco Bay was founded as a grassroots, environmental organization “to improve and protect the
environmental health of Casco Bay” and “to identify and solve problems, to work with instead of against.” In our
25th year, we extend our deep appreciation to the visionaries who co-founded Friends of Casco Bay: Don Perkins,
David Perkins, Nini McNanamy, Terry Crawford, and Jeff Clements.
Baykeeper vessels are used to investigate pollution, collect data, and
assess threats to the Bay. Research Vessel Joseph E. Payne is the latest
Baykeeper boat to patrol the Bay – since 1992
Our Founding Philosophy
Pressure from Friends of Casco Bay has made stemming the flow of
raw sewage into the Bay a priority for the City of Portland – since 1991
For 25 years, Friends of Casco Bay has
defended the health of Casco Bay using
advocacy, research, outreach, collaborative
partnerships, and practical solutions.
What you made possible this year
These are just some of the highlights of FY14 (April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014).
Portland, ME
Permit No. 510
We expanded our research, outreach, and
advocacy on Coastal Acidification.
We continued to explore and explain the double threat
of acidification of Casco Bay from carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere and nitrogen runoff from land. Coastal
acidification was a theme we expounded on at 20
community events, where we reached more than 2,500
community members face-to-face. Our new outreach
tools, Bay Papers, help us succinctly explain this and
other issues of importance.
We rallied our neighbors to ensure that the State
legislature passed a bill [LD 1602] to establish a
commission to assess what is known—and not
known—about ocean acidification in Maine waters. The
measure, the first of its kind on the East Coast, passed
by an overwhelming majority. Casco Baykeeper Joe
Payne was named to the sixteen-member commission
by the Commissioner of Marine Resources.
Are declines in clam populations linked to
Our initial surveys of clam flats, in 2011 and 2012,
suggest that flats where the mud had a low pH
(more acidic) do not sustain harvestable populations
of clams as those with higher pH (less acidic) do. In
2013, we concentrated our sampling on a single clam
flat in Freeport to gain insight into why that might be.
We measured pH and calcium carbonate saturation
state of the mud. Calcium carbonate is the material
that clams use to build their shells. As the saturation
state decreases, it becomes harder for clams and other
mollusks to build their shells. At low enough levels,
clam shells may start to dissolve.
Between June and October, we extracted 800
pH samples and compared them to 240 calcium
carbonate saturation samples. We demonstrated that
measuring sediment pH can serve as a shorthand way
to assess calcium carbonate saturation state, a much
more expensive and time-consuming process. This is
an important discovery that will affect our work—and,
we hope, the efforts of clammers and citizen scientists
up and down the coast—in the years ahead.
The christening of our new Baykeeper boat, R/V
Joseph E. Payne, attracted 250 people (despite a
thunderstorm) and widespread media attention.
Our September 12 event became national news
after an AP story about the Baykeeper boat and the
Waterkeeper movement was picked up by newspapers
and online outlets as far away as San Francisco and
Miami. Overall in 2013, we were cited in at least
68 news stories, many of which featured our new
Baykeeper vessel.
An update on the work of Friends of Casco Bay/Casco BAYKEEPER®
43 Slocum Drive
South Portland, Maine 04106
Our research was conducted by shoreside
stewards and sea-going staff.
Our award-winning Water Quality Monitoring
Program trained 79 Citizen Steward volunteers—
including 22 new monitors—to monitor 35 stations.
We collected important data from all around the Bay,
adding to our 23 years of invaluable insights into the
health of our waters. Their efforts complemented
sampling by our staff at 10 offshore locations, once
a month, using our new research boat. Our staff
also collected crucial nitrogen data at 8 nearshore
locations around the Bay.
The BayScaping message was condensed into
two professionally-designed Fact Sheets.
One easy-to-follow guide offers seasonal ecological
lawn care suggestions for the home gardener. The other
provides questions to ask lawn care providers about
their ecological practices—before signing that lawn care
contract. Joe Payne was interviewed about BayScaping
for Baymen, a film on how to protect clamming in
Freeport, commissioned by the Freeport Shellfish
Committee. It aired on local TV and was featured at
our 6th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival (which once
again sold out).
We pushed harder to ensure that Portland
Harbor prepares for potential spills.
In addition to meeting with the Coast Guard,
regulators, and the oil industry about the pressing
need to upgrade oil spill training and equipment,
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne emceed a day-long
seminar for oil spill responders on the unique
challenges of cleaning up sinking oil, including the
controversial tar sands oil.
Storm drain stenciling volunteers included
bankers, engineers, and office workers, as well
as students and scouts.
Volunteers participating in community service projects
borrowed our stenciling kits to spray paint the
message Do Not Dump/Drains to Casco Bay. From
May through October 2013, 113 volunteers stenciled
463 storm drains all around Greater Portland.
Twenty-five years is a significant milestone for any organization.
A quarter of a century. Sounds like a long time. And yet, time
seems to be accelerating as the years go by.
We have accomplished much to improve and protect the health of
the Bay, despite the shifts in direction from whence threats emerge
– from the point-source pipes and stacks to the nonpoint sources of
runoff, air deposition, and overall effects of climate change.
While many of the people with whom we work have come,
made their mark with us, and gone, it is also quite remarkable
the longevity of a number of folks who were around at or near
the beginning of the organization and who are still involved, one
way or another. For all of their participation, however brief or
lasting, we are grateful. Working with our community of volunteers, citizens, scientists,
supporters, and decision makers is how we take care of this Bay. As we are fond of saying,
“It takes a community to take care of the Bay” and “If it’s good for Casco Bay, it’s good.”
Cathy L. Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA
Executive Director
Friends of Casco Bay/Casco BAYKEEPER
Report to the Community
Despite the challenges, we need to pause and celebrate what sustains our organization: the people, public policies,
personal responsibility, and most importantly, this place—our Casco Bay. Like long-married couples renewing their
vows, we want to use the occasion of our 25th anniversary to renew our commitment to the mission on which we
were founded: improving and protecting the environmental health of Casco Bay.
While our focus remains Casco Bay, we recognize that global climate change threatens every water body, and
indeed, every individual on the planet. The impact of rising seas, warming water, and acidifying oceans is truly a
game changer, creating environmental and social challenges faster than anyone anticipated.
Casco Bay
Our groundbreaking clam flat studies show that several clam flats in
Casco Bay have pH levels low enough to harm baby clams – since 2011
Friends of Casco Bay sounds the alarm that nitrogen pollution is
harming Casco Bay – since 2003
As one of the busiest oil delivery ports on the East Coast, Portland needed to prepare for the very real possibility of an
oil spill. Friends of Casco Bay lobbied for more training and cleanup equipment. This preparation enabled responders
to recover 78% of the 180,000 gallons of oil spilled when the Julie N tanker hit the Casco Bay Bridge in 1996.
BayScaping teaches homeowners how to have a lush lawn without
toxic pesticides and fertilizers that pollute the Bay – since 1998
NOW—Nitrogen pollution, ocean acidification, and sinking
oil—threats we didn’t even know about 25 years ago
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne helped protect our lobster fishery by
catalyzing the rescue of 35,000 lobsters from Portland Harbor’s
shipping channel during dredging – 1998 & 2013
Today, Casco Bay faces new challenges. Our research shows that the mud of some clam flats is acidic enough to
dissolve juvenile clams. The cause? Carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels and nitrogen pollution from sewage
discharges, fertilizers, stormwater runoff, and emissions from tailpipes and smokestacks. Excess nitrogen triggers
algae blooms that result in more carbon dioxide and less oxygen in seawater.
Our advocacy helped to close a pulp mill that was killing the
Presumpscot River and was once the biggest source of pollution in
Casco Bay – 1999
We are again warning that Portland Harbor needs to be better prepared for an oil spill, including spills of heavy
crude oils, which may sink to the bottom of the Bay, making our current cleanup tools ineffective.
Cruise ships may no longer dump their wastewater in Casco Bay,
thanks to a federal No Discharge Area designation and a state law,
both championed by Friends of Casco Bay – since 2002
Our data has been used to upgrade state classifications for parts
of Portland Harbor and The Basin in Harpswell, providing more
protection from pollution – since 1998
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne, hired soon after the organization was established, battled pollution on many fronts, all
while building an organization based on scientific credibility and a “work with” approach. By pushing to enforce
existing environmental regulations, he helped to eliminate the biggest source of pollution to Casco Bay—pulp
wastes from the Westbrook paper mill. This wastewater sucked oxygen out of the Presumpscot River and delivered
toxic water to Casco Bay.
Friends helped with the recovery of 78% of the oil spilled from the
Julie N tanker after it hit the Casco Bay Bridge – 1996
Early on in our 25-year history, we confronted the fact that millions of gallons of raw sewage emptied into Casco
Bay each year from overflowing sewer pipes. Sewage from boats was also a concern, leading us to establish a
marine toilet pumpout service for recreational boats. Our advocacy for regulations to prevent cruise ships from
discharging polluted water right at the dock helped make Casco Bay one of the most protected bays in the nation
from vessel sewage and other wastewater.
Our mobile pumpout service has removed 130,500 gallons of raw
sewage from recreational boats – since 1995
In 1989, Friends of Casco Bay was founded as a grassroots, environmental organization “to improve and protect the
environmental health of Casco Bay” and “to identify and solve problems, to work with instead of against.” In our
25th year, we extend our deep appreciation to the visionaries who co-founded Friends of Casco Bay: Don Perkins,
David Perkins, Nini McNanamy, Terry Crawford, and Jeff Clements.
Baykeeper vessels are used to investigate pollution, collect data, and
assess threats to the Bay. Research Vessel Joseph E. Payne is the latest
Baykeeper boat to patrol the Bay – since 1992
THEN—Sewage, Sappi and oil spills
More than 650 volunteer citizen scientists have been trained by
Friends of Casco Bay to monitor the health of Maine’s coastal waters –
since 1992
Our Founding Philosophy
Pressure from Friends of Casco Bay has made stemming the flow of
raw sewage into the Bay a priority for the City of Portland – since 1991
For 25 years, Friends of Casco Bay has
defended the health of Casco Bay using
advocacy, research, outreach, collaborative
partnerships, and practical solutions.
What you made possible this year
Portland, ME
Permit No. 510
These are just some of the highlights of FY14 (April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014).
Waterkeeper movement was picked up by newspapers
and online outlets as far away as San Francisco and
Miami. Overall in 2013, we were cited in at least
68 news stories, many of which featured our new
Baykeeper vessel.
An update on the work of Friends of Casco Bay/Casco BAYKEEPER®
We expanded our research, outreach, and
advocacy on Coastal Acidification.
We continued to explore and explain the double threat
of acidification of Casco Bay from carbon dioxide from
the atmosphere and nitrogen runoff from land. Coastal
acidification was a theme we expounded on at 20
community events, where we reached more than 2,500
community members face-to-face. Our new outreach
tools, Bay Papers, help us succinctly explain this and
other issues of importance.
We rallied our neighbors to ensure that the State
legislature passed a bill [LD 1602] to establish a
commission to assess what is known—and not
known—about ocean acidification in Maine waters. The
measure, the first of its kind on the East Coast, passed
by an overwhelming majority. Casco Baykeeper Joe
Payne was named to the sixteen-member commission
by the Commissioner of Marine Resources.
Are declines in clam populations linked to
Our initial surveys of clam flats, in 2011 and 2012,
suggest that flats where the mud had a low pH
(more acidic) do not sustain harvestable populations
of clams as those with higher pH (less acidic) do. In
2013, we concentrated our sampling on a single clam
flat in Freeport to gain insight into why that might be.
We measured pH and calcium carbonate saturation
state of the mud. Calcium carbonate is the material
that clams use to build their shells. As the saturation
state decreases, it becomes harder for clams and other
mollusks to build their shells. At low enough levels,
clam shells may start to dissolve.
Between June and October, we extracted 800
pH samples and compared them to 240 calcium
carbonate saturation samples. We demonstrated that
measuring sediment pH can serve as a shorthand way
to assess calcium carbonate saturation state, a much
more expensive and time-consuming process. This is
an important discovery that will affect our work—and,
we hope, the efforts of clammers and citizen scientists
up and down the coast—in the years ahead.
The christening of our new Baykeeper boat, R/V
Joseph E. Payne, attracted 250 people (despite a
thunderstorm) and widespread media attention.
Our September 12 event became national news
after an AP story about the Baykeeper boat and the
43 Slocum Drive
South Portland, Maine 04106
Our research was conducted by shoreside
stewards and sea-going staff.
Our award-winning Water Quality Monitoring
Program trained 79 Citizen Steward volunteers—
including 22 new monitors—to monitor 35 stations.
We collected important data from all around the Bay,
adding to our 23 years of invaluable insights into the
health of our waters. Their efforts complemented
sampling by our staff at 10 offshore locations, once
a month, using our new research boat. Our staff
also collected crucial nitrogen data at 8 nearshore
locations around the Bay.
The BayScaping message was condensed into
two professionally-designed Fact Sheets.
One easy-to-follow guide offers seasonal ecological
lawn care suggestions for the home gardener. The other
provides questions to ask lawn care providers about
their ecological practices—before signing that lawn care
contract. Joe Payne was interviewed about BayScaping
for Baymen, a film on how to protect clamming in
Freeport, commissioned by the Freeport Shellfish
Committee. It aired on local TV and was featured at
our 6th Annual Wild & Scenic Film Festival (which once
again sold out).
We pushed harder to ensure that Portland
Harbor prepares for potential spills.
In addition to meeting with the Coast Guard,
regulators, and the oil industry about the pressing
need to upgrade oil spill training and equipment,
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne emceed a day-long
seminar for oil spill responders on the unique
challenges of cleaning up sinking oil, including the
controversial tar sands oil.
Storm drain stenciling volunteers included
bankers, engineers, and office workers, as well
as students and scouts.
Volunteers participating in community service projects
borrowed our stenciling kits to spray paint the
message Do Not Dump/Drains to Casco Bay. From
May through October 2013, 113 volunteers stenciled
463 storm drains all around Greater Portland.
Twenty-five years is a significant milestone for any organization.
A quarter of a century. Sounds like a long time. And yet, time
seems to be accelerating as the years go by.
We have accomplished much to improve and protect the health of
the Bay, despite the shifts in direction from whence threats emerge
– from the point-source pipes and stacks to the nonpoint sources of
runoff, air deposition, and overall effects of climate change.
While many of the people with whom we work have come,
made their mark with us, and gone, it is also quite remarkable
the longevity of a number of folks who were around at or near
the beginning of the organization and who are still involved, one
way or another. For all of their participation, however brief or
lasting, we are grateful. Working with our community of volunteers, citizens, scientists,
supporters, and decision makers is how we take care of this Bay. As we are fond of saying,
“It takes a community to take care of the Bay” and “If it’s good for Casco Bay, it’s good.”
Cathy L. Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA
Executive Director
Friends of Casco Bay/Casco BAYKEEPER
Report to the Community
The following list
includes those who
made gifts to Friends
of Casco Bay between
April 1, 2013 and
March 31, 2014. If
you donated after this
date, your name will
appear in next year’s
Annual Report to the
If we have missed
your name, please
accept our apologies
and contact us at
(207) 799-8574.
Robert & Marge Healing
Cheryl A. &
George L. Higgins III
Dr. Christopher M. &
Betsy Hunt
$2,000 & up
Roger & Paula Allen
Kim Anania
Steve & Paula Birmingham
John & Pam Fridlington
Leon A. & Lisa M. Gorman
Nate Huber
J. M. Huber Corporation
Brigitte & Harold Kingsbury
KMA Consulting, LLC
Althea & Bob McGirr
Charles G. Moore III
Walter & Helen Norton
Patagonia Outlet
Michael Perry & Chris Wolfe
Elizabeth Porteous
Henry & Jan Rines
Richard Rockefeller MD
Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Charles & Nan Stockman
Sarah Tracy
UBS Employee Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon &
Roberta Weil
Bill & Patty Zimmerman
$1,000 & up
Alere Scarborough, Inc.
Daniel & Joan Amory
Public Sector Support
Louis J. Appell, III
Bowdoin College
Ellie Asherman
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership John & Susan Beaman
Coastal Studies for Girls
Mr. Roger K. Berle
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay
Molly & Jeff Bolster
Friends School of Portland
Erno R. & Victoria B.
Town of Harpswell
Harpswell Garden Club
Marcia Bowen &
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
David Steckler
Daniel & Gayle Brazeau
Long Island Civic Association
Barbara Chilmonczyk, MD &
Maine Academy of
Richard M. Engel, MD
Modern Music
Judith M. & Andrew Coburn
Maine Audubon
Aileen B. Crawford
Maine Department of
Joan L. Dayton
Environmental Protection
Henry L. & Lucy Davis
Maine Historical Society
Great Pacific Iron Works
Maritime Funding Association H M Payson & Co
of Maine
John & Betsy Kelly
Modern Woodmen Fraternal
Suzanne & Neil McGinn
Richard Mellon
Network for Good
Jeanne M. Meserve &
Portland Water District
Jeffrey E. Blount
Rippleffect, Inc.
David & Brenda Miley
Water Resource Protection,
Mr. P. Andrews Nixon
City of South Portland
Joe & Kim Payne
United Way of Greater
Malcolm F. Poole
Portland Pipe Line Corporation
USM Enactus
Proprietors of Union Wharf
The Wells National Estuarine
RBC Wealth Management
Research Reserve
Kathryn Reid & Hugh Tozer
Connie Robinson
Corporate Founder
Joan & Scott Samuelson
Barry Sheff &
Stephanie Macdonald
$10,000 & up
Meredith S. S. Smith
Richard & Kathleen Stevens
Nancy Heselton &
Bill & Bonnie Stoloski
Jeffrey Clements
Jonathan & Susan Thomas
Diversified Communications
Poland Spring/
Drs. Carol Ward &
Nestle Waters N.A.
Charles de Sieyes
Tear of the Clouds, LLC
WEX Inc.
Judith F. & Douglas E.
$5,000 & up
Carol DeTine & Roger F.
Allagash Brewing Company
Woodman Jr
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc
Anthony Fratianne
& up
Mr. Thomas Haas
Cyrus & Patricia Hagge
Advance Pierre Foods, Inc.
The Aldermere Foundation
Alexander Family Fund
Amica Companies Foundation
Anonymous at TD Wealth
Apple Lane Foundation
Katharine J. Baker
Charitable Lead Unitrust
Bardel Family Fund of the
New York Community Trust
Sarah Beard & Family Fund
James G. & Carolyn
Birmingham Foundation
Bradley Family Foundation
FBO C.E. Bredenberg
Inheritance Trust
Cadot Family Fund
Charles Schwab Foundation
Clark Charitable Trust
Sam L. Cohen Foundation
Davis Conservation
Deering Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
The Peter & Maria Dubois
Foundation, Inc.
Robert & Nancy Earnest
Giving Fund
Fiddler Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Helen Dickey & David G. Fitz
Charitable Fund
Fox Family Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Eugen Friedlaender
Foundation, Inc.
Gateway Foundation Fund
GE Foundation
Albert B. Glickman
Family Foundation
The Robert & Dorothy
Goldberg Charitable
John T. Gorman Foundation
Horizon Foundation, Inc.
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
William S. Jelin Foundation
Laurel & Richard LaBauve
Donor Advised Fund
at Fidelity
Steven Leuthold Family
Maine Community Foundation
Maritime Funding Association
of Maine
Robert W. & Gladys S.
Meserve Charitable Trust
The Miley Foundation
More Family Giving Account at
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The Overlook Fund of the
Maine Community Foundation
Parkhill Family Fund
The William Penn Foundation
Perry/Wood Family Trust
Quimby Family Foundation
RBC Foundation - USA
The Redmond Family
John M. Robinson Fund of the
Maine Community Foundation
John Sage Foundation
Schwab Chartiable Fund
Schwartz Family Fund of the
New Hampshire Charitable
Maxine R. Sclar Gift Fund
Elmina B Sewall Foundation
Jim & Lynn Shaffer Fund
Harold W. & Mary Louise
Shaw Foundation
The Seth Sprague Educational
& Charitable Foundation
Dick & Penny Stevens Fund
Stockman Family Fund
John K. & Elizabeth Sullivan
Giving Account at Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
The Elinor Daniels Washburn
Charitable Gift Fund
Suzanne M. Bakewell
Ms. Sarah H. Beard
Michael & Nancy Beebe
Stephanie Boggs MD &
Stephen Mette MD
Carl E. & Patricia Bredenberg
Susan E. & Jeremiah S. Burns
Sarah Coburn &
Brendan O’Neil
Madeleine G. Corson
AJ Curran
Jesse Deupree
DiMillo’s On the Water
Martin Donovan
Pricilla & Dale Doucette
Tom & Margaret Downing
Philip G. Drew
East Coast Yacht Sales
Gregory G. & Judith Fergin
David G. Fitz &
Helen Dickey Fitz
Susan & Clifford Gilpin
Stephanie & Roger Greenwood
Paul Gregory
Lee & Lulu Grodzins
Meredith & Myron Hamer
Turner & Margie Hansel
Ms. Sally Heald
Bill & Lynn Heinz
Mr. Daniel W. Hildreth
Al & Dawn Hoffman
Sherry F. Huber
Kaplan University
Jonathan & Cindy Knowles
Capt. Harry W. Konkel
Laurel & Richard LaBauve
Kathleen & Peter M. Leslie
Alan McIlhenny Jr. &
Elizabeth Ackerson
Eileen Monahan &
Penny Pollard
James F. & Amy Nolan Osborn
Walter & Joan Phillips
Mrs. Victoria Poole
Alison & Todd Prawer
Cathy L. Ramsdell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Redmond
Charlotte & Glenn Rosenthal
Lucy & Richard Sallick
Theodore J. Samuel
Elena Schmidt
Maxine R. Sclar
J. Scott & Janice M. Searway
Ms. M. M. Smith
Ann Thayer
Thomas A. Toye III
Cindy & Joe Walden
Belinda Waterhouse
David Whiston
Jeremy R. Wintersteen
Larry Wold
Amy H. Woodhouse &
Tobey Scott
Edward M. Woodin
$250 & up
William G. &
Penelope K. Bardel
Charles & Ida Barr
John & Holly Benoit
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Bradley
Frank & Ruth Butler
Linda Cabot
John Carroll & Susan Merrow
Marie Harris Clarke
Peter Conforti
Peter W. Culley
Eliot R. & Melanie
Stewart Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dodge
Kelly & Peter Dufour
East Brown Cow
Management, Inc.
Betsy & Richard Eiseman
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis N. &
Eleanor Estabrooks
Will Everitt
Christina & John Ferland
$100 & up
Dan Abbott & Monica Wood
Susan Abt
John & Judy Adelman
Nancy Agan
Frank & Katherine Alexander
Apostolos &
Mary Janet Aliapoulios
Diana B. & Thomas H. Allen
Gordon & Mary Allen
Heidi Almy & Scott Schnapp
Sally Amory
Arcangelo V. &
Kathleen H. Arecchi
C.D. & Betts Armstrong
Rachel & Tom Armstrong, Sr.
Alison Beebe Arshad
Atlantic Sportswear, Inc.
Robert & Linda Ayotte
Maryann Bailey
Ted & Terry Bailey
Joyce T. & Walton A. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert BaRoss
Elizabeth H. & Robert K. Barton
Ellen & Steve Barton
Anne Beaney
Belkin Environmental
John Bennett & Abigail Snyder
Nancy & Arnold Bennett
Donna & Donald Bialek
Connie & Peter Bingham
Steve & Robin Bishop
Harlan & Penelope Blanchard
Michael J. &
Lorraine A. Bobinsky
Donald M. & Tracy V. Booth
Ethan & Lauri Boxer-Macomber
James & Donna Boyles
Dwight A. & Claire Brackett
David & Pam Brennan
Brennan Environmental, Inc.
John D. & Marilyn G. Burwell
Kelly & Michael Busby
Cyndy Bush
Mr. Keith Butterfield
David & Barbara Caldwell
Mr. Wallace Camp
Dr. Ron Cantor &
Alexandra Bennett
John P. & Barbara Capasso
Timothy Carberry
Douglas & Linda A. Cardente
Everett B. &
Dana Porter Carson
Julie R. & Robert D. Carter
Gregg & Emily Carville
Jen & Bruce Cassidy
Chad Little Outdoor
Power Equipment
Tom Chadbourne
Phoebe S. &
Richard C. Chandler
Elizabeth Chapman &
Carter Manny
Peter & Crissy Cherry
Edwin Chester &
Barbara Vestal
Joel Clement
Katherine & Paul Cloutier
Mary Kay Berry &
Dave Cluchey
Bruce & Phyllis Coggeshall
Jane & Douglas Collins
Kimm Collins & Jen Hillstrom
Patrick & Donna Collins
Bill & Martha Cooper
Patrick & Joyce Coughlan
James Crofts
Ronald & Karen Cronin
Albert & Carol Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. &
Margaret Cary Curran
Enid Dana
Justice Howard H. Dana Jr. &
Ms. Susan Dana
Charlene D’Avanzo
Mrs. Deborah Dawson-Bond &
Christopher Bond
Carol Dean
Dickonson R. &
Katrina Debevoise
Lynda DeHaan
David Deinzer
George & Joyce Denney
Beth L. DeTine
Bernard M. & John D. Devine
Robert J. & Jane E. Doan
William Dow
Dow Capital Management
David H. & Kathy Drake
Dr. John Driscoll &
Jean Bennett Driscoll
Robert & Nancy Earnest
Stephen Edmondson &
Kiki Randall
Donald & Sally Edwards
Harold & Susan Edwards
Elizabeth Ehrenfeld
Scott Gray Elliot
Dan & Sue Evans
Heather Evans
Alex & Shirley Everitt
Carol & Mark Eyerman
Matthew Faulkner &
Alice Grant
Susan Feiner & Bruce Roberts
Peter J. & Patricia A. Fetterer
Max Fletcher & Lynnie Bruce
Benson & Patricia Ford
Ray & Alice Forgit
Tom Franklin
Richard Frantz & Jennifer Fox
A. Myrick Freeman III &
Claire Darrow
Julie & Daniel Freund
Ed Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred &
Phyllis R. Fuchs
Eugene Gaddis &
Alison Lane-Reticker
Rebecca & Patrick Gallery
Edward & Pam Galvin
Dr. Jason & Andrea Garlock
Madeleine S. &
Terrence D. Garmey
F. Gregory & Cynthia L. Gause
Ed & Joyce Gervais
Nicholas M. Gess
David & Deidre Gifford
Karlee S. & Robert H. Gifford
George & Martha Gilmore
Marcia & Walter Goldfarb
Jim & Beth Goodrich
Sandi Goolden
Don & Lucy Gower
Linda P. & Schuyler V. Grant
Joan & Walter Greene
Richard Greene
Susie & Theodore Gribbell
Captain Bill Gribbin &
Lisa Wilson
Martin & Nancy Grimnes
Susan & Lawrence Guertin
John W. & Jean K. Gulliver
William & Ann Hall
Dagmar S. &
Robert W. Hamilton
Montagu & Marcia G. Hankin
Ms. Heidi N. Hansen
Ruth Hartman &
Jonathan Fernans
David & Karen Haskell
Mary Louise Haskell
Dennis Hattie
John R. Henson
Rodger & Jillian Herrigel
Michael Herz & Kate Josephs
Cynthia M. & Robert G. Hibbert
Alan J. Hickey & Maggie Salter
Walter Higgins
Ted & Betsy Hillman
Hope Hilton & Terry Flanagan
Elizabeth & Jeff Holmstrom
Debra & Tim Honey
Peter J. & Holly Horne
Clark & Maryjane Hotaling
Scott & Valerie Howard
Ann & David Howe
Elizabeth A. Howe &
Leonard M. Passano
Marcia Howell
William H. & Julie L. Howison
Al & Lois Howlett
Richard & Jennifer Hubbell
John & Maria Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hunter
Robert M. & Joan D. Hunziker
Nathaniel Hyde
Sue Inches & Bob Sessums
Lewis & Elizabeth Incze
Caroline Irwin
Dr. & Mrs. David Iszard
Kathleen & Herbert Janick
Charlie &
Jean Appleby Johnson
Glenn P. Johnson
Anne & Jeffrey K. Jordan
Stephen Kazilionis
J. Ryan Kelley
Cole & Margie Kelly
Helen W. Kenefick
Brenda & Jim Kern
James & Beth Kilbreth
Judy & Walter Kimball
Bob & Nan Knecht
Robert G. & Caroline C. Knott
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Knowles
Dr. & Ms. Michael &
Elizabeth Kramer
Robert Kramer
Ron Kreisman &
Roberta de Araujo
Janet Lane & David Armstrong
Lena & Claes E. Larsson
Robert & Elizabeth Le Mieux
Tom & Cathy Leach
Mrs. Ann &
Dr. Peter LeBourdais
Meg & Mike LePage
Peter C. Lincoln
Peter Lindsay &
Mary-Kate Murphy
Rob Lindsay
Jeffrey Longcope
Cynthia L. Lord
Meri & Lee Lowry
Nathan Lundblad
Stuart & Carol MacDonald
Sally & Jeff Madore
Robert & Cynthia Mahoney
Maine Parts & Machine, Inc
Chris Mann
David & Diane Marshall
Carrie & Scott Martin
Wiggy Martin
Elsa Martz
Audrey Mason
Francis & Susan McGinty
Heather McLennan &
Steve Bronish
James & Deborah Meagher
Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Alice Mellin
David & Selena Mercer
Barbara & Richard Merrill
Richard Mersereau &
Bette Spettel
Lauren A. Meserve
Martha & Thomas Meyers
Charles & Judy Micoleau
Seb & Peggy Milardo
Bob & Chris Millar
Millennium Communications
Group, Inc.
Judy Miskell
Mike & Sherry Missig
Mary Anne Mitchell
Peter & Matilda Mitsakos
William & Jane Morrell
Cindy & Cuyler Morris
David & Kathleen Moulton
Diana Moxhay
Mr. & Mrs. Fish, Inc
Marylee & Steve Mullen
Dan & Ellen Murphy
Kenneth Murphy
Helen Muther & Paul Woods Jr.
Mary Lavendier Myers
Richard & Ann Dins Nemrow
Erika & Christopher Neumann
Donald & Marguerite Newberg
Chris Nichols & Kim Gilpatrick
Henry & Polly Nichols
Bob & Susan Nielsen
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. &
Eugenia L. O’Brien
Martha B. & David O’Brien
Thomas O’Connor &
Deborah Weldon
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oldfield
Clifton C. & Susan W. Olds
Tollef & Lynda Olson
Charles & Gerry Orem
John C. Orestis
James C. Otis
Beth & Tony Owens
Alfred L Padula Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Van C. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parkhill
Dianne M. Paton
Linden Thigpen Pavloff
David & Kee Payne
Derek & Maryann Pelletier
Don & Nancy Perkins
Perkins Olson PA
Joyce & Kent Peterson
Hugh & Norma Phelps
Fran & George Philip
Timothy Pinette & Trissa Otto
Pamela P. & Peter Plumb
Denley Poor-Reynolds &
Matt Reynolds
Paul H. Potter MD
David & Lise Pratt
George Purgavie
Roger A. Putnam
Gigi & Tom Quinby
Gregg Raymond &
Jamien Jacobs
Jessie Reighley
Patricia B. Rice
Curtis Rindlaub
Jennifer Robbins & Rick Gause
Hugh P. Robinson
Bonny Rodden
Anne M. Royer
Rufus Deering Lumber
Lou Russo & Cynthia Russo
Liz Ryan
Mary Ann Sanford
Paul Sarli & Laurie Perzley
Kristine W. Saunders
Cornelia & Curtis Scribner
Seafax, Inc.
Cheryl & Tim Seavey
Judy & Ken Segal
Elizabeth & John Serrage
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Jim & Lynn Shaffer
Jane Shattuck
Alan & Ellen Shaver
Lynne Shulman
Mr. Robert E. Siegel
Jim Skinner & Kat Riseman
Samuel H. & Kathy Smith
Anne & Tom Snyder
Jan & Steve Specker
Carol M. & James Springer
Christopher & Eunice St. John
Jim & Tish Staley
Anne Stanley
Bill Stauffer
Anita Stewart & Ron Botting
Barnard Stoecklein
Jean & Rowland Stratton
Dr. & Mrs. John Kelly Sullivan
Kevin & Susan Sullivan
Richard & Louise Sullivan
Dr. Philip E. & Margaret Sumner
William B. Sutton
Kristin G. Sweeney
Nancy Taber
Joan & Roland Tancrede
John Thatcher
Henry C. & Ingrid Thomas
Ms. Sara L. Thompson
Marylyn A. Tomajan
Mike & Laurie Totta
Mariana & Benjamin Tupper
Jason Tuttle
Lloyd M. Van Lunen &
Margaret A. Wilson
Dr. Bruce A. Verrill
David Vickers
Carlyle B. & Patricia Z. Voss
Robin & Larry Walden
Elise & Neil W. Wallace
Mary Wallace
Nicholas & Ellen Walsh
Mary Lou & Burrage Warner
Patricia & James Wasserman
Bob & Diane Weggel
David Ruff & Jane Wellehan
Jay & Lisa Wentzell
Charles & Susan White
Mrs. Jean D. Whiting
Jamie Whittemore & Kate Beck
Brad & Ann Willauer
Catherine Steele &
James A. Willey
John Pierce Wise Sr., Ph.D.
Charles R. &
Merrill C. Woodworth
Arthur Yarranton
Grants and
Net Increase
in Baykeeper
Fund $25,200
Decrease in Loan
Payable $1,048
Fiscal Year
2014 Expenditures
Office and
Miscellaneous Income
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
Vessel Pumpout
Program $33,121
Water Quality
Monitoring Program
$ 512,154
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/14
Balance at Beginning of Year
Interest and Dividends
Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Transfer to Operations
Transfer for Baykeeping Legal Issues
Administrative Fees
Balance at End of Year
Other Income: April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Released for Operations
Decrease in Loan Payable
Baykeeper Boats Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Net Increase in Baykeeper
Endowment and Boats Funds
Net Other Income
Net Increase in Net Assets
for Year Ended March 31, 2014
$ 21,492
Shannon Hulst
Brad & Amanda Hunter
Robert B. & Mary C. Hurley
Wei Po Hvans
Karla Hyde
J.L. Coombs
Rodney & Emily Jacobs
Stephen Jenks
John Jennings
Kris & Sue Jennings
Anthony R. & Hilary Jessen
Richard J. Jewell
Judy Johanson
Elaine Johnson
Jerry & Kit Johnston
Kurt Johnston
Steve Jones
Cheryl Joseph
Einar A. Juhlin MD
Bonnie B. Kam
Richard Kania
Stephen Karpiak
David Kaufholz
J.B. Kavaliauskas
Elizabeth Kean
Matthew & Lucia Kearns
David J. L. &
Rebecca S. L. Keefe
Jack & Annabelle Kellogg
Christopher A. Kendall
Gerald P. & Mary M. Kennedy
James & Mary Emily Kerney
William Clark Ketcham
Jonathan Kilbourn
Nancy & George Kinser
Rita Kissen & Norm Rasulis
Mark & Susan Klopp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Kurtz
Eric & Mary &
Angelique Labelle
David A LaBranche
Mark & Wendy Labrecque
Lucy & Bill LaCasse
Rev. Robert Lane &
Rev. Fidelia Lane
Susan Wortman & Bill Lane
Polly & Steve Larned
Ginger Lawson & Larry Ely
Frank Leavitt
Joyce Leslie & John Kiely
C. Michael Lewis
Dale M. & Richard B. Lewis
Richard & Audrey Lewis
Alan D. Lishness &
Deborah R. Peck
Marco J & Jean M L’Italien
Warren Litchfield
Nicholas D. &
Kathleen R. Livesay
Sue & Steve Loebs
Theodore W. Logan
Brian Lombard
Keri D. Lord
Najeeb S. & Barbara J. Lotfey
David O. Lovejoy
Howard & Kathy Lowell
Cindy Luce
Henry & Carol Lukas
Barbara A. Luke &
Robert Luke, III
Sarah L. Lyman
Nancy & Jerry Lynn
Ann Machado
John MacLeod
Kathy A. MacLeod
Ann M Macro
Nancy P. Mahoney
Maine Island Kayak
Nancy & George Marcus
David Marsden
H. James Marshall Jr
Timothy Maxwell
Eldon C. & Betts S. Mayer
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Joanne & Ed McCartan
Kathleen McCarthy
Deborah McCoy
William A. &
Roberta W. McCuskey
Mark & Megan McDonough
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/13
Boats Fund Activity
Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Transfer to Operations
Transfer for Baykeeping Legal Issues
Administrative Fees
Balance at End of Year
Endowment Activity Since the Inception
of the Baykeeper Fund, 2001-March 31, 2014
Total Contributions Received to Date
$ 752,268
Earnings - Interest and Dividends
Net Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Less: Administrative Fees
Transfers to Support the Baykeeper Program, 2004-2014 (493,420)
Balance as of March 31, 2014
$ 995,024
Sydney McDowell &
Ward Archer
McElman, Inc.
Malcolm &
Marjorie H. McFarland
Robert McGuire
Charlie & Sue McIlvaine
Vincent L. & Nancy McKusick
Jean McManamy
Martha & William Meacham
Sarah S. Meacham
Julia D. & Matthew C. Mecray
Ruth I. Mette
Florence Roome Meyer
Frank & Nancy Miles
Susan C. & William K. Millar
Alan & Susan Miller
Mrs. Margery W. Miller
Ms. Nina Miller
Nancy & Kenneth Miller
Vivi & David Miller
Frances C. &
Edward J. Minden
Kate Mockus
Anne M. & John Moffitt
John & Mary Moore
Livy H. & John H. More
James & Kathleen Moreau
Morningflight Charters
Nancy & Robert Morrell
Michael Morrison &
Judith Steadman
Catherine M. Morrow
Eleanor Morse
David Morton &
Dianne M. Chilmonczyk
Douglas & Deborah Morton
Eric & Kevin Moynihan
Anne Murphy &
Kenneth O’Brien
Carolyn Murray
William M. Murray Jr
Mary Ann Nahf
Carol Nale & Jim Shafer
William Needelman &
Laura Graves
Diana & Jason Nelson
Rita & Robert Nelson
Jake & Kathy Nicholson
Julie A. Nisbet
Ralph H.B. &
Catherine A. Nodine
C.V. & Betsy Noyes
Eleanor G. &
Daniel J. O’Connell
Lizbeth S. O’Donnell
John Oliver
Robert Olney &
Catherine Richards
Sara & David Orbeton
Peggy L. & Harold Osher
Jon S. & Marjorie B. Oxman
Thomas Paquette
Joyce Parent
Pamela D. Parker
C. Ingrid Parkin &
Judine V. French
Amory & Miriam Patten
Elizabeth Patten &
Michael Boucher
George C. &
Eleanor S. Patterson
Robert Howes Pawle
Anne Payne
Fred & Gloria Peikin
Deborah K. Perkins
John & Linda Perkins
Lawrence A. Perkins
Anne & John Perry
David L. Perry
Rachel Perry
Milton C. &
Susan F. Pettapiece
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Phinney
Silvia & Ted Pitas
Maurice Poliquin
Alison Pols
William W. Poole
Jennifer Heselton &
Chris J Pope
Carrie Porcelli
Michael & Barbara Porter
Peter & Susan Poulin
Barbara F. & Edward T. Preneta
Sandra & Chuck Radis
George W. Rapp Jr.
Mogens & Donna Ravn
Pamela & David Rawson
William & Sharon Reagan
Lois Reckitt & Lyn Garter
Mrs. P. Loring Reed
Anne M. Reiman
Rebecca Reinhart &
Will Plumley
Sharon & John Rent
Henry W. &
Charley Ann Rhoads
George &
Constance Richardson
Joan B. Robinson
Robinson & Son, LLC
Steve Robnett
Dick & Patti Roderick
Thomas W. Roeber
Brad & Jill Roland
Steve Romanoff &
Anne Jepson
Harvey R. &
Michele Range Rosenfeld
Jeannie & Steve Ross
Kelsy Ross
Jenny Rottmann
Jeanie K. Rubio
Susan & Frank Ruch
Judy Rutter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Ryan
Helga & Stephen Ryder
Saco & Biddeford Savings Inst.
Jeff & Susie Saffer
Sue Sage
Sam & Linda Saltonstall
C. Michael Sandberg
Raymond & Joan Santora
Mr. L. Manlius Sargent Jr.
Katharine Sawdon &
Jerrold Lavigne Sr.
Charlie Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Alden H. Sawyer Jr
Nancy & Bill Sawyer
Joan B Saxe
Mathew Scease &
Maureen Drouin
Molly P. Scheu
David P. Scoblionko MD
Hillary C. Scott
Jean Semonite
Susie & John Sevee
Laura Sewall
Barry & Peggy Shanler
Catherine & Ronald Shaw
Joan Sheedy
Kristel & Tom Sheesley
Sandra Sherry
Carolyn & Dick Shohet
Jim & Susan Sidel
Ed & Priscilla Simmons
Suzanne Simon
William Sipperly
Thomas & J. Kristine Slater
Jim & Ruth Smith
John Otey Smith
Joseph Smith
Russell L. Smith
Sarah Smith
Missy & Chris Smithwick
Daniel B. Sobel & Kira Wigoda
Benjamin A. Soule &
Betsy McElvein Soule
John & Sylvia Sowles
Frank W. Sparks III
Nathan A. Spooner
Peggy Fallon-St. Thomas &
Bruce St. Thomas
Mark W. & Lisa D. Steege
Jim & Valerie Stefanski
Carol Steingart
David Stenstrom
Judi Stevens
Nelson D. & Cheryl R. Stevens
Andy & Ann Stickney
Karen Stockmann &
Tom Graham
Peter W. Stoops &
Kate Wilkinson
And thanks to our
valuable volunteers…
As of
$ 326,086
Net Assets
Unrestricted - Undesignated
Unrestricted - Designated
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Friends of Casco Bay’s year ended March 31, 2014, with an operating surplus of $6,096 before
depreciation totaling $23,363, a noncash expense. Overall, Net Assets increased by $21,492.
Expenditures: April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014
Baykeeper Program
Casco Bay Monitoring Program
Vessel Pumpout Program
Office and Administration
Total Expenditures
Net Operating Surplus
Accounts Payable
Deferred Revenue
Vehicle Loan Payable
Accrued Vacation Liability
Total Liabilities
As of
Baykeeper Endowment Fund and Boats Fund
The Baykeeper Endowment and Boats Funds are managed by Maine
Community Foundation.
April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 Operating Revenue and Expenditures
Revenue: April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014
Individual Contributions
Corporate Donations
Foundation Grants
Government Grants and Contracts
Nonprofit Revenue
Release of Temp Restricted Grants
for Use This Year
Fundraising Events
Miscellaneous Income
Gifts In-Kind
Total Revenue and Other Support
Anonymous (4)
Bruce Abramson &
Stephanie Anderson
Ann Adams & Dan Boutin
David & Pam Adams
Linda & Bob Adams
Sue & John Aden
Aetna U.S. Healthcare
Al & Mary Ahlers
Janis Albright
Shirley B. Alling
Mrs. Betsy B. Allyn
Pam & John Ames
Helen Anderson
John Andrews
John B. & Sharon B. Andrews
Peter Angis
Richard & Diane Armstrong
Frederick R. &
Jennifer G.Aronson
Ash Cove Pottery
William M. & Doris Auger
Jo Anne & Ross Babcock
Corrine & Walt Bailey
David Baiss
Barney & Caroline Baker
Suzanne T. Baker
Jeff & Peg Balano
Sally & Samuel Ballard
Mark Balles MD
Edward P. Barker Jr.
David W. & Cynthia Barnard
Liese Barnes
Denny M. &
Camilla J. Barrantes
Betsy & Dan Barrett
Weesie Barton
Bath Savings Institution
Amanda Beal & Shawn Saindon
Chuck Beals
Roger & Jane Beaulieu
Frederick & Linda Beck
Brian Beckman
Arthur Bell &
Robin Lin Hodgskin
Michael Bell &
Patricia Harrington
Ed & Ruth Benedikt
Nicholas T. Bennett
Marta & Robert Bent
Daniel J. & Ellen M. Benthal
Emil H. & Nancy M. Berges
Hildegarde B. Bird
Stephen Booth
Richard Bowen
Roger Bowker
Nathan A. Brackett
Thomas C. Bradley
Nan, Dale, & Julie Bragg
Ed Brainard & Florence Lusk
Alison Bramhall
Susan & Charles Breen
Rudolph R. & Rita Breton
Gayle Briggs & Joe Sukaskas
Muriel Britton
Charlotte Brown
Michelle Brown
Rommy Brown & Steve Morrow
Brown Goldsmiths
Ruth R. Budd & John Ehrenfeld
Buell Heminway Architects
Meredith Strang Burgess
Susan & Ernest Burgess
Lisa Burke
Theresa Burke
Carrine Burns & Pete Bouman
Wendy & Bill Burns
Cash and Equivalents
Endowment & Boats
Funds at Market Value
Fixed Assets at Book Value
Introductory to $99
Dorothy & Philip Dyer
Thomas K. &
Christine C. Edwards
Cynthia L. Ellis
Henry & Jamie Ellis
James G. Ellis
Gunnar & Ingrid Elofson
Michael Estes
Athena J. Everitt
Suzanne B. Ewing
John & Marilyn Faison
Susan Farady
Dale & Cynthia Farris
Paul & June Farrow
Warren & Cindy Burroughs
Mitchell Feeney &
Miss Barbara A. Busby
Alyssa Bishop
Steve Butterfield
Glen M. & Mary Feigenbaum
Bob & Sue Buxbaum
Irving & Donna Felker
Andrew A. & Lindsey F. Cadot
G. David Fenderson
Joe & Diana Calby
Megan Fenderson
Judy & Joe Calise
Peter A. Ferguson
Ms. Mary G. Callanan
Jeff Fetterer & Sarah Standiford
Patricia A. Carignan
Kimberly Flood
Iver R. Carlsen
David A. Francis
Chris & Karen Carney
Franklin W. & Carolyn A. Carney John R. Freeman
Jane Frizzell
Ed & Joan Carrier
Frank & Eileen Frye
Mary Anne & Chris Cary
Patricia Galbreath
Mr. & Mrs. Paul &
Maura Gallagher
Stephanie Castle
Beth Gallie & Scott Benson
Gina & Paul Castronovo
Gerald Garman
Marsene Caswell
Richie & Susan Garrett
Corvis Catsouphes &
W. Stephen & Susan E. Gefvert
Marcie Pitt
Pam & Ray Gerbi
Paul Cereste
Peter & Diane Gifford
Mary & Arthur Cerullo
Ed & Kathie Gilfillan
John & Barbara M. Chandler
Stuart & Carol Gillespie
Bradford & Dorothy Chapman
Roger & Betty Gilmore
Daniel & Patricia Chase
John D. Gleason &
Jeanette & Ricardo Chavira
Katrina Van Dusen
Phyllis Chinlund
Laraine L. Glidden & Merrill Hall
Walter Chop
Goode &
John Christie &
Susan B. Jones
Megan McConagha
& Robert Levey
James Chute
Libby & Peter Gordon
Harriet Clark
Brian & Virginia Gourlie
Robert & Donna Clark
Ellen Grant & Kevin Carley
Sarah Clark
Gerry & Gretchen Greenberg
Susan Clark
Phyllis & Samuel Greene
A. Gordon Clarke Jr.
Charles & Roxann Gregory
Bruce Clary & Sarah Vreeland
William & Nancy Gregory
Linda Clement
John N. Grillo
Andre & Lydia Cocquyt
Philip H. & Bette Grondin
Daniel T. Colli
Sheila M. &
David Collings
Wesley C. Gustafson
Kathi & Peter Conley
Susan Hadlock
Rachel Conly
G. & Mary C. Haeger
Diane & Bob Cormier
Charles & Mary Ann Hales
Dr. John A. Corson
D. & Andrea Hall
Douglas & Leslie Couper
Harbor Fish Market, Inc.
Paul & Melissa Cousins
Philip M. Harmon
Jean & Edgar Craig
Karen Harrell
Matt Craig
Mr. Mortier D. Harris
Nancy B. & Robert S. Craig
Johannah M. Hart
Anne & Jim Cram
Robert & Beth Hassett
Dr. Larry Crane
Ann Havener &
Bruce G & Laura M Crawford
Richard Estabrook
Barry Crommett
Robert Hawkins &
Steve & Holly Culver
Vivian Horoshak
Cushings Island Conservation
Laura L. Henderson &
William H. Rudy
Frederica M. Cushman
Ann Marie & Steven Hess
Jane G. Cutter
D. & Charlotte Hewson
William P. Daisley
Jeanne Hey & Thomas Klak
Joan & Bob Daly
& Debra Hides
Richard P. Dana
Judy Higbea
Dick & Brenda Darcey
Richard N. & Anne-Marie Davee
Uta Hillery
Mary Davis & Stuart Tisdale
David & Elizabeth Hinchman
Betsey Day & Jim Buss
Barbara Hnatko
Kate Debevoise
Phillip H. Hoff
Lois Dennett
Gordon & Kathy Holmes
Ms. Nicole d’Entremont
Chris J. & Barbara A. Hoppin
Deborah & R. Forrest Dillon
Joan T. Horton
Capt. John T. Dinan, Jr.
David & Rebecca Hotelling
Peggy & John T. Dinan
Richard A. Housley Jr.
Roger & Gloria Dinsmore
Susan G. Howe
Daniel & Joyce Doane
John W. Hoy & Mary M. Sauer
Eva Marie Douglas
Scott Dugas & Laura Wilkinson Dale & Carol Hudson
Elinor Hudson
Stephen J. Duguay &
Ann & Peter Hulst
Kathleen Riley
Comparative Balance Sheets
Fiscal Year
2014 Revenue
Baykeeper Boats
Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Kristin Fletcher & Craig Sipe
Roger L. & Joanne Fortin
Frank & Joanna Fowler
The Gilmartins
Frank Goodwin
Grandy Oats
Chris Green
Fred & Mary Eileen Haley
Lin Peyton & Morris Hancock
Charles P. Harriman
Seth S. Holbrook
Albert H. & Marcia W. Hunker
Patricia Ianni &
Mark Sundermann
Alice Wheatland Ingraham
Anne & Dick Jackson
Anne P. & Michael Jones
David Kane
Ken & Martha Keller
Bud & Wendy Kellett
Judith A. Lambert
Wayland Linscott
Harold A. McInnes
Steve Milliken
Daniel Morgenstern &
Moriah Moser
Mary & Randall R. Mraz
Leonard & Merle Nelson
Representative Mary P. &
Kenneth M. Nelson
Anne & Ben Niles
Stephanie Paine & John Pier
Winslow Pillsbury
Kirk & Nancy Pond
Portland Pilots, Inc
Ethel T. Price
Judith & Edward Reidman
Kenneth D. &
Caroline D. Roberts
Royal River Boat Repair, Inc.
Dorothy S. Ryan
Sabre Corporation
Ernie & Carol Sarason
Jenny Scheu & John W Ryan
Donald & Hope Seeley
Smith Boatyard
Janet M. Sortor
Kristen & Matthew Stetson
Joanne P. & Robert B. Stewart
A. Holmes & Didi Stockly
Valerie & David Stone
Deirdre Strachan & Jose Mas
Frances M. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Nat Thompson
Elisabeth & David Treadwell
Peter & Christine Van Alstine
Paula Volent
Mr. & Mrs. Monte J. Wallace
Eric & Tracy Weinrich
Natalie West & Robert Sellin
Jeanie Wester & Michael Mora
Charles D. & Lee Whittier
Andrew Willner &
Jo-Ellen Trilling
Fiona & Frank Wilson
John Wilson &
Susan Hudson-Wilson
Meg & Tom Wolff
Anne R. & Robert E. Wood
Connor Albers
Joe Apicella
Abby Austin
Julie Bachelder
Andrew Bertocci
Erno Bonebakker
Justine Boss
Nan Bragg
Alison Bramhall
Dan Brazeau
Gayle Brazeau
David Brenneman
Roberta Brezinski
Stephen Brezinski
Michelle Brown
Mary Brown
Lauren Brown
Tom Brudzinski
Jan Brudzinski
Craig Burnell
Justin Campbell
Art Cerullo
Ruth Charron
Katie Cleary
Sarah Coburn
Lauren Cochenow
Emilie Cram
Ansel Critchfield
Jeff Clements
AJ Curran
Enid Dana
Charlene D’Avanzo
Deb Dawson
Debbie Debiegun
Karen DeNitto
Jay Desmond
Josh Doan
Bob Doan
Henry Donovan
Peter Dufour
John Eder
Will Everitt
Zac Fait
Jan Flinterman
Andrea Fogg
Aaron Fox
Bruce Garrow
Pam Gerbi
Ray Gerbi
Susan Gilpin
Gary Glick
Kathy Glick
Devi Glick
Hillary Glick
Deb Gorman
Don Gower
Lucy Gower
Joan Greene
Paul Gregory
Kalley Hansel
Sonita Hav
Austin Heinrich
David Hennessey
Jim Hennessey
Miranda Henning
Bruce Henning
Kate Herrold
Michael Heskanen
Al Hickey
Marc Hills
John Hinckley
Mary Holman
Aaron Holmberg
Elizabeth Howe
Bob Huber
Carol Huleatt
Hugh Huleatt
Carla Hyde
Pat Ianni
JB Kavaliauskas
Joe Keierleber
Ana Lasagna
Morgan Lawless
Peter LeBourdais
Lauren Leclerc
Shawn Leger
Julieta Martino
Stacey Mathieu
Annual Report Production
Mary Cerullo
Printing Franklin Printing
Ashleigh Maxwell
Sonny McAlpin
Scott McAuliffe
Jo McCartan
Deborah McCoy
Megan McCuller
Sheila McDonald
Althea Bennett
Darren McLellan
Roberta McManus
Rick Meisenbach
Peter Merrill
Carol Nale
Anh Tho Nguyen
Erica Noe
Jim Norris
Nicole Nutter
Mark O’Brien
John Oliver
Tollef Olson
Scott Overbey
Devin Page
Leonard Passano
George Patterson
Courtney Payne
Kim Payne
Derek Pelletier
Maryann Pelletier
Levi Pelletier
Walter Phillips
Emma Pontius
Malcolm Poole
Debora Price
Gigi Quimby
Tom Quimby
Sean Raph
Kathryn A. Reid
Curtis Rindlaub
Steve Rominoff
Kristen Roos
Charlotte Rosenthal
Tracy Ross
Caroline Ross
Maggie Salter
Patricia A. & Donn R. Storey
Susan Stranahan
Dana & JoAn Street
Ann Strout
Frank & Nancy Strout
Sue E. Stull
Thomas Sturtevant
Edward & Beth Sugarman
Steven Sullivan
Perry Sutherland
Kim Cripps & Steev Sutton
Sally Sutton &
Charles Haeuser
William Bradshaw Swanson
Barbara Swartzlander
David & Anne Taft
Kathy Tarpo
Bill Taylor
Burton & Carol Taylor
Gene & Kay Taylor
J. Michael & Wendy Taylor
James & Elizabeth Taylor
John & Marilyn Taylor
Mary Margaret Taylor CPA
Patty Temple & John Ingham
Philip Schuyler &
Cynthia A. Thaxter
Hall Thompson
Troy J. Thompson
Dr. Bill Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. Harleigh
V. S. Tingley
Dan W. &
Meredith Lentz Tipton
Jennifer Tipton
John & Cathie Todd
Paul & Linda Towne
Marilyn K. & Martin Traiser
Susan E. & Woody Trask
Dick & Pat Traynor
Edith Tucker
David & Liz Turesky
Arthur M. Turner
Jacquelyn Turner
Roger & Kathleen Tuveson
Timothy Tyler
Timothy Vail &
Joanne Urquhart
Michael &
Catherine Vaillancourt
Ellen & Jeff Van Fleet
Richard Veit III
Peter Ventre
Dr. Philip J. &
Claudette C. Villandry
Gary & Gretchen Vogel
Audrey Wade
Pam Waite
Cynthia Walker
Karen Wallingford
Ronald W. & Judith A. Walters
Stephen J. & Elizabeth J. Wark
Mike & Rachel Warren
Seth H. Washburn
Andrew Watson
Elizabeth Watson
Edna & Robert Watts
The Weaver Household
Deena Weinstein
Carolyn Welch
Doug Welch
Brad M. & Tara A. Weller
Nils H. Wessell
Donald C. Wheeler
Harvey Wheeler
Mrs. Judith A. White
John S. & Anne Whitman
Blake Wilkes
Mary & Wesley Willink
Alice T. & Charles F. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Wilson
Diane Winchell
Rev. Katharine Winthrop
Theodore & Cathy Ann Wirth
Ellen R. Wolf
Loren Wolsh
Rosanne & Mark Woodbury
Greggus & Jennifer Yahr
Barbara A. Young & Jim Fast
Jane Davidian Yurko &
Jerry Yurko
John & Libby Zerner
Roger & Lynne Zimmerman
2013 Wild & Scenic
Film Festival Sponsors
Boat Donation
98.9 WCLZ
Ocean navigator
Oakhurst Dairy
TD Bank
Key Bank
Woodard & Curran
Bath Savings Institution
Brunswick Dental Health
P & W Real Estate
ReVision Energy
19 Oaks
Bayview Rigging & Sails, Inc.
Casella Organics
Casco Bay Estuary
Crockett Furniture
Jensen Baird Gardner & Henry
Macpage, LLC
Pierce Atwood, LLP
Plimsoll Mark Capital
Scott Simons Architects, LLC
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Water Resource Protection,
City of South Portland
The Whole Dog Market
Wil Boisvert & Amy Wyatt:
“Wisper,” C&C 34
Anthony Fratianne:
Pearson 31
Carolyn & Dick Shohet:
WaterTender 9.4
Memorial Gifts
In memory of
Stanley T. Bennett II
Harvey & Kathleen Silverman
In memory of James Blair
Ms. Carolyn Allen
Laura & Bruce Allen
Avena & Kepple, LLC
Betsy & Roger Dill
Ms. Mary Dougherty
Mary & James Dowdell
Karlee S. & Robert H. Gifford
Mrs. Rhonda Pagnucco
Putnam Bank
Mrs. Patricia Rogerson
Russ, LLC
Space Electronics, LLC
In memory of Eric Butler
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Uncle Andy &
Aunt Jeanie
Jeanette & Ricardo Chavira
In honor of Darragh Ferranti
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of
William Georgitis
Alan J. Hickey & Maggie Salter
In memory of Mira Gess
Nicholas M. Gess
In honor of Arthur Hackett
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of Paul Hureau
Paul’s Marina
In memory of John Kenefick
Liz Ryan
In Kind Support
98.9 WCLZ
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc
Liz Bradford
Alison Bramhall
Casella Organics
Coastal Studies for Girls
DiMillo’s On the Water
Garbage To Garden
Grapheteria Custom Framing
Hannaford Food & Drug
Hansel’s Orchard
Harmonic Energy
Ann & David Howe
Anthony R. & Hilary Jessen
Chris Korzen & Bethany Field
LT’s Inc
Maine Academy of
Modern Music
In memory of Charlotte Maurer Maine Audubon
Charlo Maurer
Maine Flag Company
In honor of our Sea Teacher,
Maine Historical Society
Peter Milholland
Maine Yacht Center
Clark & Maryjane Hotaling
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Peter Milholland &
In honor of John Moynihan
Carey Hotaling
Ocean Navigator
Kevin Moynihan
Pan Fried Steel
Patagonia Outlet
In honor of
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne Pepperclub
Pierce Atwood, LLP
Walter & Joan Phillips
Silvia & Ted Pitas
In honor of Walter Philips
Malcolm F. Poole
Cynthia & Mamdouh Riad
Port Harbor Marine
Portland Water District
In honor of Timothy Pinette
Charlotte & Anthony Rerrick
ReVision Energy
In honor of
The Sherwin-Williams
Hollie Rademacher
Tom Blake
Shipyard Brewing Company
Southern Maine
In memory of
Community College
Norman Seagrave
Marshall Spear
Anne & Reese Fullerton
Kristen Stetson
In honor of
Sweetser’s Apple Barrel
Nate Sammis Smith
& Orchards
Mr. Christian Berle
TD Bank, Community
In honor of Capt. Harold R.
Tilley, Royal Canadian Navy, Lori Thayer
Jonathan & Susan Thomas
Dennis Welsh
Joyce T. & Walton A. Baker
Judith F. &
In memory of Charles Tuttle
Douglas E. Woodbury
Paul’s Marina
Yankee Marina & Boatyard
In memory of Jim Welsh
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Ed Williams
John & Marilyn Faison
Board of Directors
In the 2013 sampling season, 79 Citizen
Stewards conducted water quality monitoring
at 35 stations around Casco Bay. Many more
volunteers helped with beach cleanups, storm
drain stenciling, special events, and fundraising.
photo: Dennis Welsh
We are
Casco Bay
thanks to
Joan Benoit
Robert Sellin
Barry Sheff
Jim Sidel
Oliver Silverson
Bree Simmons
Maggie Small
Russell L. Smith
Mark Snowden
Don Song
Lauren Sproul
Zach Stephens
Kristen Stetson
Richard Stevens
Shap Sweeney
John Taxter
Carol Taylor
Ann Thayer
Lori Thayer
Jack Thomas
Kelsey Thompson
John Todd
Sally Tubbesing
Jessie Turner
Peter Van Alstine
Frederick A. Veitch
Nate Wallen
Kerry Webber
Dennis Welsh
Natalie West
Charity West
Jeanie Wester
Steve Westra
Curtis White
Lisa Willey
Lisa Wilson
Catherine Wise
John Wise
Sandra Wise
Judy Woodbury
Mark Worthing
Rita Worthing
Malcolm F. Poole ………………………………………… President
Judith Fletcher Woodbury ………………………… Vice President
Sarah B. Coburn ……………………………………………… Clerk
Barry S. Sheff ……………………………………………… Treasurer
Kim Anania
Daniel A. Brazeau
Jeffrey Clements
AJ Curran
Peter Dufour
Paul Gregory
Patricia Ianni
Peter C. LeBourdais
Althea Bennett McGirr
Tollef Olson
Derek Pelletier
Kathryn Reid
Joan Benoit Samuelson
Ann W. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Jonathan B. Thomas
Peter Van Alstine
Frederick A. Veitch
John Wise
Honorary Directors
Kenneth M. Curtis
Kevin P. Gildart
Sherry F. Huber
Anthony R. Jessen
P. Andrews Nixon
Donald W. Perkins,
Founding President
Cathy L. Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA ………………… Executive Director
Joseph E. Payne …………………………………Casco BAYKEEPER®
Mary M. Cerullo ………………………………… Associate Director
Will Everitt …………………………………… Development Director
Peter Milholland …………………… Citizen Stewards Coordinator
R. Michael Doan ……………………………… Research Associate
Jeff Fetterer……………………………………………Office Manager
Sarah Lyman ………… Development & Communications Assistant
Jim Splude ………………………………………… Pumpout Coordinator
Kristen Stetson
Cover Photo Will Everitt
This Annual Report is printed on paper made from
100% post consumer recycled paper.
FSC logo
Friends of Casco Bay
is a founding member
ALLIANCE , a coalition
of pollution fighters who
patrol water bodies and protect their communities’
rights to clean water. Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne,
the seventh Waterkeeper in the world, now has
220 colleagues on six continents.
43 Slocum Drive, South Portland, ME 04106
www.cascobay.org • (207) 799-8574
email: [email protected]
BAYKEEPER® is a registered trademark and service mark of BAYKEEPER®
and is licensed for use herein.
Find us on Facebook.
The following list
includes those who
made gifts to Friends
of Casco Bay between
April 1, 2013 and
March 31, 2014. If
you donated after this
date, your name will
appear in next year’s
Annual Report to the
If we have missed
your name, please
accept our apologies
and contact us at
(207) 799-8574.
Robert & Marge Healing
Cheryl A. &
George L. Higgins III
Dr. Christopher M. &
Betsy Hunt
$2,000 & up
Roger & Paula Allen
Kim Anania
Steve & Paula Birmingham
John & Pam Fridlington
Leon A. & Lisa M. Gorman
Nate Huber
J. M. Huber Corporation
Brigitte & Harold Kingsbury
KMA Consulting, LLC
Althea & Bob McGirr
Charles G. Moore III
Walter & Helen Norton
Patagonia Outlet
Michael Perry & Chris Wolfe
Elizabeth Porteous
Henry & Jan Rines
Richard Rockefeller MD
Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Charles & Nan Stockman
Sarah Tracy
UBS Employee Giving
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon &
Roberta Weil
Bill & Patty Zimmerman
$1,000 & up
Alere Scarborough, Inc.
Daniel & Joan Amory
Public Sector Support
Louis J. Appell, III
Bowdoin College
Ellie Asherman
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership John & Susan Beaman
Coastal Studies for Girls
Mr. Roger K. Berle
Friends of Merrymeeting Bay
Molly & Jeff Bolster
Friends School of Portland
Erno R. & Victoria B.
Town of Harpswell
Harpswell Garden Club
Marcia Bowen &
Harpswell Heritage Land Trust
David Steckler
Daniel & Gayle Brazeau
Long Island Civic Association
Barbara Chilmonczyk, MD &
Maine Academy of
Richard M. Engel, MD
Modern Music
Judith M. & Andrew Coburn
Maine Audubon
Aileen B. Crawford
Maine Department of
Joan L. Dayton
Environmental Protection
Henry L. & Lucy Davis
Maine Historical Society
Great Pacific Iron Works
Maritime Funding Association H M Payson & Co
of Maine
John & Betsy Kelly
Modern Woodmen Fraternal
Suzanne & Neil McGinn
Richard Mellon
Network for Good
Jeanne M. Meserve &
Portland Water District
Jeffrey E. Blount
Rippleffect, Inc.
David & Brenda Miley
Water Resource Protection,
Mr. P. Andrews Nixon
City of South Portland
Joe & Kim Payne
United Way of Greater
Malcolm F. Poole
Portland Pipe Line Corporation
USM Enactus
Proprietors of Union Wharf
The Wells National Estuarine
RBC Wealth Management
Research Reserve
Kathryn Reid & Hugh Tozer
Connie Robinson
Corporate Founder
Joan & Scott Samuelson
Barry Sheff &
Stephanie Macdonald
$10,000 & up
Meredith S. S. Smith
Richard & Kathleen Stevens
Nancy Heselton &
Bill & Bonnie Stoloski
Jeffrey Clements
Jonathan & Susan Thomas
Diversified Communications
Poland Spring/
Drs. Carol Ward &
Nestle Waters N.A.
Charles de Sieyes
Tear of the Clouds, LLC
WEX Inc.
Judith F. & Douglas E.
$5,000 & up
Carol DeTine & Roger F.
Allagash Brewing Company
Woodman Jr
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc
Anthony Fratianne
& up
Mr. Thomas Haas
Cyrus & Patricia Hagge
Advance Pierre Foods, Inc.
The Aldermere Foundation
Alexander Family Fund
Amica Companies Foundation
Anonymous at TD Wealth
Apple Lane Foundation
Katharine J. Baker
Charitable Lead Unitrust
Bardel Family Fund of the
New York Community Trust
Sarah Beard & Family Fund
James G. & Carolyn
Birmingham Foundation
Bradley Family Foundation
FBO C.E. Bredenberg
Inheritance Trust
Cadot Family Fund
Charles Schwab Foundation
Clark Charitable Trust
Sam L. Cohen Foundation
Davis Conservation
Deering Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
The Peter & Maria Dubois
Foundation, Inc.
Robert & Nancy Earnest
Giving Fund
Fiddler Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Helen Dickey & David G. Fitz
Charitable Fund
Fox Family Charitable
Foundation, Inc.
Eugen Friedlaender
Foundation, Inc.
Gateway Foundation Fund
GE Foundation
Albert B. Glickman
Family Foundation
The Robert & Dorothy
Goldberg Charitable
John T. Gorman Foundation
Horizon Foundation, Inc.
Roy A. Hunt Foundation
William S. Jelin Foundation
Laurel & Richard LaBauve
Donor Advised Fund
at Fidelity
Steven Leuthold Family
Maine Community Foundation
Maritime Funding Association
of Maine
Robert W. & Gladys S.
Meserve Charitable Trust
The Miley Foundation
More Family Giving Account at
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
The Overlook Fund of the
Maine Community Foundation
Parkhill Family Fund
The William Penn Foundation
Perry/Wood Family Trust
Quimby Family Foundation
RBC Foundation - USA
The Redmond Family
John M. Robinson Fund of the
Maine Community Foundation
John Sage Foundation
Schwab Chartiable Fund
Schwartz Family Fund of the
New Hampshire Charitable
Maxine R. Sclar Gift Fund
Elmina B Sewall Foundation
Jim & Lynn Shaffer Fund
Harold W. & Mary Louise
Shaw Foundation
The Seth Sprague Educational
& Charitable Foundation
Dick & Penny Stevens Fund
Stockman Family Fund
John K. & Elizabeth Sullivan
Giving Account at Fidelity
Charitable Gift Fund
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Fund of the Maine
Community Foundation
The Elinor Daniels Washburn
Charitable Gift Fund
Suzanne M. Bakewell
Ms. Sarah H. Beard
Michael & Nancy Beebe
Stephanie Boggs MD &
Stephen Mette MD
Carl E. & Patricia Bredenberg
Susan E. & Jeremiah S. Burns
Sarah Coburn &
Brendan O’Neil
Madeleine G. Corson
AJ Curran
Jesse Deupree
DiMillo’s On the Water
Martin Donovan
Pricilla & Dale Doucette
Tom & Margaret Downing
Philip G. Drew
East Coast Yacht Sales
Gregory G. & Judith Fergin
David G. Fitz &
Helen Dickey Fitz
Susan & Clifford Gilpin
Stephanie & Roger Greenwood
Paul Gregory
Lee & Lulu Grodzins
Meredith & Myron Hamer
Turner & Margie Hansel
Ms. Sally Heald
Bill & Lynn Heinz
Mr. Daniel W. Hildreth
Al & Dawn Hoffman
Sherry F. Huber
Kaplan University
Jonathan & Cindy Knowles
Capt. Harry W. Konkel
Laurel & Richard LaBauve
Kathleen & Peter M. Leslie
Alan McIlhenny Jr. &
Elizabeth Ackerson
Eileen Monahan &
Penny Pollard
James F. & Amy Nolan Osborn
Walter & Joan Phillips
Mrs. Victoria Poole
Alison & Todd Prawer
Cathy L. Ramsdell
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Redmond
Charlotte & Glenn Rosenthal
Lucy & Richard Sallick
Theodore J. Samuel
Elena Schmidt
Maxine R. Sclar
J. Scott & Janice M. Searway
Ms. M. M. Smith
Ann Thayer
Thomas A. Toye III
Cindy & Joe Walden
Belinda Waterhouse
David Whiston
Jeremy R. Wintersteen
Larry Wold
Amy H. Woodhouse &
Tobey Scott
Edward M. Woodin
$250 & up
William G. &
Penelope K. Bardel
Charles & Ida Barr
John & Holly Benoit
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Bradley
Frank & Ruth Butler
Linda Cabot
John Carroll & Susan Merrow
Marie Harris Clarke
Peter Conforti
Peter W. Culley
Eliot R. & Melanie
Stewart Cutler
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dodge
Kelly & Peter Dufour
East Brown Cow
Management, Inc.
Betsy & Richard Eiseman
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis N. &
Eleanor Estabrooks
Will Everitt
Christina & John Ferland
$100 & up
Dan Abbott & Monica Wood
Susan Abt
John & Judy Adelman
Nancy Agan
Frank & Katherine Alexander
Apostolos &
Mary Janet Aliapoulios
Diana B. & Thomas H. Allen
Gordon & Mary Allen
Heidi Almy & Scott Schnapp
Sally Amory
Arcangelo V. &
Kathleen H. Arecchi
C.D. & Betts Armstrong
Rachel & Tom Armstrong, Sr.
Alison Beebe Arshad
Atlantic Sportswear, Inc.
Robert & Linda Ayotte
Maryann Bailey
Ted & Terry Bailey
Joyce T. & Walton A. Baker
Mr. & Mrs. Robert BaRoss
Elizabeth H. & Robert K. Barton
Ellen & Steve Barton
Anne Beaney
Belkin Environmental
John Bennett & Abigail Snyder
Nancy & Arnold Bennett
Donna & Donald Bialek
Connie & Peter Bingham
Steve & Robin Bishop
Harlan & Penelope Blanchard
Michael J. &
Lorraine A. Bobinsky
Donald M. & Tracy V. Booth
Ethan & Lauri Boxer-Macomber
James & Donna Boyles
Dwight A. & Claire Brackett
David & Pam Brennan
Brennan Environmental, Inc.
John D. & Marilyn G. Burwell
Kelly & Michael Busby
Cyndy Bush
Mr. Keith Butterfield
David & Barbara Caldwell
Mr. Wallace Camp
Dr. Ron Cantor &
Alexandra Bennett
John P. & Barbara Capasso
Timothy Carberry
Douglas & Linda A. Cardente
Everett B. &
Dana Porter Carson
Julie R. & Robert D. Carter
Gregg & Emily Carville
Jen & Bruce Cassidy
Chad Little Outdoor
Power Equipment
Tom Chadbourne
Phoebe S. &
Richard C. Chandler
Elizabeth Chapman &
Carter Manny
Peter & Crissy Cherry
Edwin Chester &
Barbara Vestal
Joel Clement
Katherine & Paul Cloutier
Mary Kay Berry &
Dave Cluchey
Bruce & Phyllis Coggeshall
Jane & Douglas Collins
Kimm Collins & Jen Hillstrom
Patrick & Donna Collins
Bill & Martha Cooper
Patrick & Joyce Coughlan
James Crofts
Ronald & Karen Cronin
Albert & Carol Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. &
Margaret Cary Curran
Enid Dana
Justice Howard H. Dana Jr. &
Ms. Susan Dana
Charlene D’Avanzo
Mrs. Deborah Dawson-Bond &
Christopher Bond
Carol Dean
Dickonson R. &
Katrina Debevoise
Lynda DeHaan
David Deinzer
George & Joyce Denney
Beth L. DeTine
Bernard M. & John D. Devine
Robert J. & Jane E. Doan
William Dow
Dow Capital Management
David H. & Kathy Drake
Dr. John Driscoll &
Jean Bennett Driscoll
Robert & Nancy Earnest
Stephen Edmondson &
Kiki Randall
Donald & Sally Edwards
Harold & Susan Edwards
Elizabeth Ehrenfeld
Scott Gray Elliot
Dan & Sue Evans
Heather Evans
Alex & Shirley Everitt
Carol & Mark Eyerman
Matthew Faulkner &
Alice Grant
Susan Feiner & Bruce Roberts
Peter J. & Patricia A. Fetterer
Max Fletcher & Lynnie Bruce
Benson & Patricia Ford
Ray & Alice Forgit
Tom Franklin
Richard Frantz & Jennifer Fox
A. Myrick Freeman III &
Claire Darrow
Julie & Daniel Freund
Ed Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred &
Phyllis R. Fuchs
Eugene Gaddis &
Alison Lane-Reticker
Rebecca & Patrick Gallery
Edward & Pam Galvin
Dr. Jason & Andrea Garlock
Madeleine S. &
Terrence D. Garmey
F. Gregory & Cynthia L. Gause
Ed & Joyce Gervais
Nicholas M. Gess
David & Deidre Gifford
Karlee S. & Robert H. Gifford
George & Martha Gilmore
Marcia & Walter Goldfarb
Jim & Beth Goodrich
Sandi Goolden
Don & Lucy Gower
Linda P. & Schuyler V. Grant
Joan & Walter Greene
Richard Greene
Susie & Theodore Gribbell
Captain Bill Gribbin &
Lisa Wilson
Martin & Nancy Grimnes
Susan & Lawrence Guertin
John W. & Jean K. Gulliver
William & Ann Hall
Dagmar S. &
Robert W. Hamilton
Montagu & Marcia G. Hankin
Ms. Heidi N. Hansen
Ruth Hartman &
Jonathan Fernans
David & Karen Haskell
Mary Louise Haskell
Dennis Hattie
John R. Henson
Rodger & Jillian Herrigel
Michael Herz & Kate Josephs
Cynthia M. & Robert G. Hibbert
Alan J. Hickey & Maggie Salter
Walter Higgins
Ted & Betsy Hillman
Hope Hilton & Terry Flanagan
Elizabeth & Jeff Holmstrom
Debra & Tim Honey
Peter J. & Holly Horne
Clark & Maryjane Hotaling
Scott & Valerie Howard
Ann & David Howe
Elizabeth A. Howe &
Leonard M. Passano
Marcia Howell
William H. & Julie L. Howison
Al & Lois Howlett
Richard & Jennifer Hubbell
John & Maria Hughes
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hunter
Robert M. & Joan D. Hunziker
Nathaniel Hyde
Sue Inches & Bob Sessums
Lewis & Elizabeth Incze
Caroline Irwin
Dr. & Mrs. David Iszard
Kathleen & Herbert Janick
Charlie &
Jean Appleby Johnson
Glenn P. Johnson
Anne & Jeffrey K. Jordan
Stephen Kazilionis
J. Ryan Kelley
Cole & Margie Kelly
Helen W. Kenefick
Brenda & Jim Kern
James & Beth Kilbreth
Judy & Walter Kimball
Bob & Nan Knecht
Robert G. & Caroline C. Knott
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Knowles
Dr. & Ms. Michael &
Elizabeth Kramer
Robert Kramer
Ron Kreisman &
Roberta de Araujo
Janet Lane & David Armstrong
Lena & Claes E. Larsson
Robert & Elizabeth Le Mieux
Tom & Cathy Leach
Mrs. Ann &
Dr. Peter LeBourdais
Meg & Mike LePage
Peter C. Lincoln
Peter Lindsay &
Mary-Kate Murphy
Rob Lindsay
Jeffrey Longcope
Cynthia L. Lord
Meri & Lee Lowry
Nathan Lundblad
Stuart & Carol MacDonald
Sally & Jeff Madore
Robert & Cynthia Mahoney
Maine Parts & Machine, Inc
Chris Mann
David & Diane Marshall
Carrie & Scott Martin
Wiggy Martin
Elsa Martz
Audrey Mason
Francis & Susan McGinty
Heather McLennan &
Steve Bronish
James & Deborah Meagher
Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Alice Mellin
David & Selena Mercer
Barbara & Richard Merrill
Richard Mersereau &
Bette Spettel
Lauren A. Meserve
Martha & Thomas Meyers
Charles & Judy Micoleau
Seb & Peggy Milardo
Bob & Chris Millar
Millennium Communications
Group, Inc.
Judy Miskell
Mike & Sherry Missig
Mary Anne Mitchell
Peter & Matilda Mitsakos
William & Jane Morrell
Cindy & Cuyler Morris
David & Kathleen Moulton
Diana Moxhay
Mr. & Mrs. Fish, Inc
Marylee & Steve Mullen
Dan & Ellen Murphy
Kenneth Murphy
Helen Muther & Paul Woods Jr.
Mary Lavendier Myers
Richard & Ann Dins Nemrow
Erika & Christopher Neumann
Donald & Marguerite Newberg
Chris Nichols & Kim Gilpatrick
Henry & Polly Nichols
Bob & Susan Nielsen
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. &
Eugenia L. O’Brien
Martha B. & David O’Brien
Thomas O’Connor &
Deborah Weldon
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oldfield
Clifton C. & Susan W. Olds
Tollef & Lynda Olson
Charles & Gerry Orem
John C. Orestis
James C. Otis
Beth & Tony Owens
Alfred L Padula Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Van C. Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parkhill
Dianne M. Paton
Linden Thigpen Pavloff
David & Kee Payne
Derek & Maryann Pelletier
Don & Nancy Perkins
Perkins Olson PA
Joyce & Kent Peterson
Hugh & Norma Phelps
Fran & George Philip
Timothy Pinette & Trissa Otto
Pamela P. & Peter Plumb
Denley Poor-Reynolds &
Matt Reynolds
Paul H. Potter MD
David & Lise Pratt
George Purgavie
Roger A. Putnam
Gigi & Tom Quinby
Gregg Raymond &
Jamien Jacobs
Jessie Reighley
Patricia B. Rice
Curtis Rindlaub
Jennifer Robbins & Rick Gause
Hugh P. Robinson
Bonny Rodden
Anne M. Royer
Rufus Deering Lumber
Lou Russo & Cynthia Russo
Liz Ryan
Mary Ann Sanford
Paul Sarli & Laurie Perzley
Kristine W. Saunders
Cornelia & Curtis Scribner
Seafax, Inc.
Cheryl & Tim Seavey
Judy & Ken Segal
Elizabeth & John Serrage
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Jim & Lynn Shaffer
Jane Shattuck
Alan & Ellen Shaver
Lynne Shulman
Mr. Robert E. Siegel
Jim Skinner & Kat Riseman
Samuel H. & Kathy Smith
Anne & Tom Snyder
Jan & Steve Specker
Carol M. & James Springer
Christopher & Eunice St. John
Jim & Tish Staley
Anne Stanley
Bill Stauffer
Anita Stewart & Ron Botting
Barnard Stoecklein
Jean & Rowland Stratton
Dr. & Mrs. John Kelly Sullivan
Kevin & Susan Sullivan
Richard & Louise Sullivan
Dr. Philip E. & Margaret Sumner
William B. Sutton
Kristin G. Sweeney
Nancy Taber
Joan & Roland Tancrede
John Thatcher
Henry C. & Ingrid Thomas
Ms. Sara L. Thompson
Marylyn A. Tomajan
Mike & Laurie Totta
Mariana & Benjamin Tupper
Jason Tuttle
Lloyd M. Van Lunen &
Margaret A. Wilson
Dr. Bruce A. Verrill
David Vickers
Carlyle B. & Patricia Z. Voss
Robin & Larry Walden
Elise & Neil W. Wallace
Mary Wallace
Nicholas & Ellen Walsh
Mary Lou & Burrage Warner
Patricia & James Wasserman
Bob & Diane Weggel
David Ruff & Jane Wellehan
Jay & Lisa Wentzell
Charles & Susan White
Mrs. Jean D. Whiting
Jamie Whittemore & Kate Beck
Brad & Ann Willauer
Catherine Steele &
James A. Willey
John Pierce Wise Sr., Ph.D.
Charles R. &
Merrill C. Woodworth
Arthur Yarranton
Grants and
Net Increase
in Baykeeper
Fund $25,200
Decrease in Loan
Payable $1,048
Fiscal Year
2014 Expenditures
Office and
Miscellaneous Income
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
Vessel Pumpout
Program $33,121
Water Quality
Monitoring Program
$ 512,154
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/14
Balance at Beginning of Year
Interest and Dividends
Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Transfer to Operations
Transfer for Baykeeping Legal Issues
Administrative Fees
Balance at End of Year
Other Income: April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Released for Operations
Decrease in Loan Payable
Baykeeper Boats Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Net Increase in Baykeeper
Endowment and Boats Funds
Net Other Income
Net Increase in Net Assets
for Year Ended March 31, 2014
$ 21,492
Shannon Hulst
Brad & Amanda Hunter
Robert B. & Mary C. Hurley
Wei Po Hvans
Karla Hyde
J.L. Coombs
Rodney & Emily Jacobs
Stephen Jenks
John Jennings
Kris & Sue Jennings
Anthony R. & Hilary Jessen
Richard J. Jewell
Judy Johanson
Elaine Johnson
Jerry & Kit Johnston
Kurt Johnston
Steve Jones
Cheryl Joseph
Einar A. Juhlin MD
Bonnie B. Kam
Richard Kania
Stephen Karpiak
David Kaufholz
J.B. Kavaliauskas
Elizabeth Kean
Matthew & Lucia Kearns
David J. L. &
Rebecca S. L. Keefe
Jack & Annabelle Kellogg
Christopher A. Kendall
Gerald P. & Mary M. Kennedy
James & Mary Emily Kerney
William Clark Ketcham
Jonathan Kilbourn
Nancy & George Kinser
Rita Kissen & Norm Rasulis
Mark & Susan Klopp
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Kurtz
Eric & Mary &
Angelique Labelle
David A LaBranche
Mark & Wendy Labrecque
Lucy & Bill LaCasse
Rev. Robert Lane &
Rev. Fidelia Lane
Susan Wortman & Bill Lane
Polly & Steve Larned
Ginger Lawson & Larry Ely
Frank Leavitt
Joyce Leslie & John Kiely
C. Michael Lewis
Dale M. & Richard B. Lewis
Richard & Audrey Lewis
Alan D. Lishness &
Deborah R. Peck
Marco J & Jean M L’Italien
Warren Litchfield
Nicholas D. &
Kathleen R. Livesay
Sue & Steve Loebs
Theodore W. Logan
Brian Lombard
Keri D. Lord
Najeeb S. & Barbara J. Lotfey
David O. Lovejoy
Howard & Kathy Lowell
Cindy Luce
Henry & Carol Lukas
Barbara A. Luke &
Robert Luke, III
Sarah L. Lyman
Nancy & Jerry Lynn
Ann Machado
John MacLeod
Kathy A. MacLeod
Ann M Macro
Nancy P. Mahoney
Maine Island Kayak
Nancy & George Marcus
David Marsden
H. James Marshall Jr
Timothy Maxwell
Eldon C. & Betts S. Mayer
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Joanne & Ed McCartan
Kathleen McCarthy
Deborah McCoy
William A. &
Roberta W. McCuskey
Mark & Megan McDonough
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/13
Boats Fund Activity
Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Transfer to Operations
Transfer for Baykeeping Legal Issues
Administrative Fees
Balance at End of Year
Endowment Activity Since the Inception
of the Baykeeper Fund, 2001-March 31, 2014
Total Contributions Received to Date
$ 752,268
Earnings - Interest and Dividends
Net Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Less: Administrative Fees
Transfers to Support the Baykeeper Program, 2004-2014 (493,420)
Balance as of March 31, 2014
$ 995,024
Sydney McDowell &
Ward Archer
McElman, Inc.
Malcolm &
Marjorie H. McFarland
Robert McGuire
Charlie & Sue McIlvaine
Vincent L. & Nancy McKusick
Jean McManamy
Martha & William Meacham
Sarah S. Meacham
Julia D. & Matthew C. Mecray
Ruth I. Mette
Florence Roome Meyer
Frank & Nancy Miles
Susan C. & William K. Millar
Alan & Susan Miller
Mrs. Margery W. Miller
Ms. Nina Miller
Nancy & Kenneth Miller
Vivi & David Miller
Frances C. &
Edward J. Minden
Kate Mockus
Anne M. & John Moffitt
John & Mary Moore
Livy H. & John H. More
James & Kathleen Moreau
Morningflight Charters
Nancy & Robert Morrell
Michael Morrison &
Judith Steadman
Catherine M. Morrow
Eleanor Morse
David Morton &
Dianne M. Chilmonczyk
Douglas & Deborah Morton
Eric & Kevin Moynihan
Anne Murphy &
Kenneth O’Brien
Carolyn Murray
William M. Murray Jr
Mary Ann Nahf
Carol Nale & Jim Shafer
William Needelman &
Laura Graves
Diana & Jason Nelson
Rita & Robert Nelson
Jake & Kathy Nicholson
Julie A. Nisbet
Ralph H.B. &
Catherine A. Nodine
C.V. & Betsy Noyes
Eleanor G. &
Daniel J. O’Connell
Lizbeth S. O’Donnell
John Oliver
Robert Olney &
Catherine Richards
Sara & David Orbeton
Peggy L. & Harold Osher
Jon S. & Marjorie B. Oxman
Thomas Paquette
Joyce Parent
Pamela D. Parker
C. Ingrid Parkin &
Judine V. French
Amory & Miriam Patten
Elizabeth Patten &
Michael Boucher
George C. &
Eleanor S. Patterson
Robert Howes Pawle
Anne Payne
Fred & Gloria Peikin
Deborah K. Perkins
John & Linda Perkins
Lawrence A. Perkins
Anne & John Perry
David L. Perry
Rachel Perry
Milton C. &
Susan F. Pettapiece
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Phinney
Silvia & Ted Pitas
Maurice Poliquin
Alison Pols
William W. Poole
Jennifer Heselton &
Chris J Pope
Carrie Porcelli
Michael & Barbara Porter
Peter & Susan Poulin
Barbara F. & Edward T. Preneta
Sandra & Chuck Radis
George W. Rapp Jr.
Mogens & Donna Ravn
Pamela & David Rawson
William & Sharon Reagan
Lois Reckitt & Lyn Garter
Mrs. P. Loring Reed
Anne M. Reiman
Rebecca Reinhart &
Will Plumley
Sharon & John Rent
Henry W. &
Charley Ann Rhoads
George &
Constance Richardson
Joan B. Robinson
Robinson & Son, LLC
Steve Robnett
Dick & Patti Roderick
Thomas W. Roeber
Brad & Jill Roland
Steve Romanoff &
Anne Jepson
Harvey R. &
Michele Range Rosenfeld
Jeannie & Steve Ross
Kelsy Ross
Jenny Rottmann
Jeanie K. Rubio
Susan & Frank Ruch
Judy Rutter
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Ryan
Helga & Stephen Ryder
Saco & Biddeford Savings Inst.
Jeff & Susie Saffer
Sue Sage
Sam & Linda Saltonstall
C. Michael Sandberg
Raymond & Joan Santora
Mr. L. Manlius Sargent Jr.
Katharine Sawdon &
Jerrold Lavigne Sr.
Charlie Sawyer
Mr. & Mrs. Alden H. Sawyer Jr
Nancy & Bill Sawyer
Joan B Saxe
Mathew Scease &
Maureen Drouin
Molly P. Scheu
David P. Scoblionko MD
Hillary C. Scott
Jean Semonite
Susie & John Sevee
Laura Sewall
Barry & Peggy Shanler
Catherine & Ronald Shaw
Joan Sheedy
Kristel & Tom Sheesley
Sandra Sherry
Carolyn & Dick Shohet
Jim & Susan Sidel
Ed & Priscilla Simmons
Suzanne Simon
William Sipperly
Thomas & J. Kristine Slater
Jim & Ruth Smith
John Otey Smith
Joseph Smith
Russell L. Smith
Sarah Smith
Missy & Chris Smithwick
Daniel B. Sobel & Kira Wigoda
Benjamin A. Soule &
Betsy McElvein Soule
John & Sylvia Sowles
Frank W. Sparks III
Nathan A. Spooner
Peggy Fallon-St. Thomas &
Bruce St. Thomas
Mark W. & Lisa D. Steege
Jim & Valerie Stefanski
Carol Steingart
David Stenstrom
Judi Stevens
Nelson D. & Cheryl R. Stevens
Andy & Ann Stickney
Karen Stockmann &
Tom Graham
Peter W. Stoops &
Kate Wilkinson
And thanks to our
valuable volunteers…
As of
$ 326,086
Net Assets
Unrestricted - Undesignated
Unrestricted - Designated
Temporarily Restricted
Total Net Assets
Friends of Casco Bay’s year ended March 31, 2014, with an operating surplus of $6,096 before
depreciation totaling $23,363, a noncash expense. Overall, Net Assets increased by $21,492.
Expenditures: April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014
Baykeeper Program
Casco Bay Monitoring Program
Vessel Pumpout Program
Office and Administration
Total Expenditures
Net Operating Surplus
Accounts Payable
Deferred Revenue
Vehicle Loan Payable
Accrued Vacation Liability
Total Liabilities
As of
Baykeeper Endowment Fund and Boats Fund
The Baykeeper Endowment and Boats Funds are managed by Maine
Community Foundation.
April 1, 2013 – March 31, 2014 Operating Revenue and Expenditures
Revenue: April 1, 2013-March 31, 2014
Individual Contributions
Corporate Donations
Foundation Grants
Government Grants and Contracts
Nonprofit Revenue
Release of Temp Restricted Grants
for Use This Year
Fundraising Events
Miscellaneous Income
Gifts In-Kind
Total Revenue and Other Support
Anonymous (4)
Bruce Abramson &
Stephanie Anderson
Ann Adams & Dan Boutin
David & Pam Adams
Linda & Bob Adams
Sue & John Aden
Aetna U.S. Healthcare
Al & Mary Ahlers
Janis Albright
Shirley B. Alling
Mrs. Betsy B. Allyn
Pam & John Ames
Helen Anderson
John Andrews
John B. & Sharon B. Andrews
Peter Angis
Richard & Diane Armstrong
Frederick R. &
Jennifer G.Aronson
Ash Cove Pottery
William M. & Doris Auger
Jo Anne & Ross Babcock
Corrine & Walt Bailey
David Baiss
Barney & Caroline Baker
Suzanne T. Baker
Jeff & Peg Balano
Sally & Samuel Ballard
Mark Balles MD
Edward P. Barker Jr.
David W. & Cynthia Barnard
Liese Barnes
Denny M. &
Camilla J. Barrantes
Betsy & Dan Barrett
Weesie Barton
Bath Savings Institution
Amanda Beal & Shawn Saindon
Chuck Beals
Roger & Jane Beaulieu
Frederick & Linda Beck
Brian Beckman
Arthur Bell &
Robin Lin Hodgskin
Michael Bell &
Patricia Harrington
Ed & Ruth Benedikt
Nicholas T. Bennett
Marta & Robert Bent
Daniel J. & Ellen M. Benthal
Emil H. & Nancy M. Berges
Hildegarde B. Bird
Stephen Booth
Richard Bowen
Roger Bowker
Nathan A. Brackett
Thomas C. Bradley
Nan, Dale, & Julie Bragg
Ed Brainard & Florence Lusk
Alison Bramhall
Susan & Charles Breen
Rudolph R. & Rita Breton
Gayle Briggs & Joe Sukaskas
Muriel Britton
Charlotte Brown
Michelle Brown
Rommy Brown & Steve Morrow
Brown Goldsmiths
Ruth R. Budd & John Ehrenfeld
Buell Heminway Architects
Meredith Strang Burgess
Susan & Ernest Burgess
Lisa Burke
Theresa Burke
Carrine Burns & Pete Bouman
Wendy & Bill Burns
Cash and Equivalents
Endowment & Boats
Funds at Market Value
Fixed Assets at Book Value
Introductory to $99
Dorothy & Philip Dyer
Thomas K. &
Christine C. Edwards
Cynthia L. Ellis
Henry & Jamie Ellis
James G. Ellis
Gunnar & Ingrid Elofson
Michael Estes
Athena J. Everitt
Suzanne B. Ewing
John & Marilyn Faison
Susan Farady
Dale & Cynthia Farris
Paul & June Farrow
Warren & Cindy Burroughs
Mitchell Feeney &
Miss Barbara A. Busby
Alyssa Bishop
Steve Butterfield
Glen M. & Mary Feigenbaum
Bob & Sue Buxbaum
Irving & Donna Felker
Andrew A. & Lindsey F. Cadot
G. David Fenderson
Joe & Diana Calby
Megan Fenderson
Judy & Joe Calise
Peter A. Ferguson
Ms. Mary G. Callanan
Jeff Fetterer & Sarah Standiford
Patricia A. Carignan
Kimberly Flood
Iver R. Carlsen
David A. Francis
Chris & Karen Carney
Franklin W. & Carolyn A. Carney John R. Freeman
Jane Frizzell
Ed & Joan Carrier
Frank & Eileen Frye
Mary Anne & Chris Cary
Patricia Galbreath
Mr. & Mrs. Paul &
Maura Gallagher
Stephanie Castle
Beth Gallie & Scott Benson
Gina & Paul Castronovo
Gerald Garman
Marsene Caswell
Richie & Susan Garrett
Corvis Catsouphes &
W. Stephen & Susan E. Gefvert
Marcie Pitt
Pam & Ray Gerbi
Paul Cereste
Peter & Diane Gifford
Mary & Arthur Cerullo
Ed & Kathie Gilfillan
John & Barbara M. Chandler
Stuart & Carol Gillespie
Bradford & Dorothy Chapman
Roger & Betty Gilmore
Daniel & Patricia Chase
John D. Gleason &
Jeanette & Ricardo Chavira
Katrina Van Dusen
Phyllis Chinlund
Laraine L. Glidden & Merrill Hall
Walter Chop
Goode &
John Christie &
Susan B. Jones
Megan McConagha
& Robert Levey
James Chute
Libby & Peter Gordon
Harriet Clark
Brian & Virginia Gourlie
Robert & Donna Clark
Ellen Grant & Kevin Carley
Sarah Clark
Gerry & Gretchen Greenberg
Susan Clark
Phyllis & Samuel Greene
A. Gordon Clarke Jr.
Charles & Roxann Gregory
Bruce Clary & Sarah Vreeland
William & Nancy Gregory
Linda Clement
John N. Grillo
Andre & Lydia Cocquyt
Philip H. & Bette Grondin
Daniel T. Colli
Sheila M. &
David Collings
Wesley C. Gustafson
Kathi & Peter Conley
Susan Hadlock
Rachel Conly
G. & Mary C. Haeger
Diane & Bob Cormier
Charles & Mary Ann Hales
Dr. John A. Corson
D. & Andrea Hall
Douglas & Leslie Couper
Harbor Fish Market, Inc.
Paul & Melissa Cousins
Philip M. Harmon
Jean & Edgar Craig
Karen Harrell
Matt Craig
Mr. Mortier D. Harris
Nancy B. & Robert S. Craig
Johannah M. Hart
Anne & Jim Cram
Robert & Beth Hassett
Dr. Larry Crane
Ann Havener &
Bruce G & Laura M Crawford
Richard Estabrook
Barry Crommett
Robert Hawkins &
Steve & Holly Culver
Vivian Horoshak
Cushings Island Conservation
Laura L. Henderson &
William H. Rudy
Frederica M. Cushman
Ann Marie & Steven Hess
Jane G. Cutter
D. & Charlotte Hewson
William P. Daisley
Jeanne Hey & Thomas Klak
Joan & Bob Daly
& Debra Hides
Richard P. Dana
Judy Higbea
Dick & Brenda Darcey
Richard N. & Anne-Marie Davee
Uta Hillery
Mary Davis & Stuart Tisdale
David & Elizabeth Hinchman
Betsey Day & Jim Buss
Barbara Hnatko
Kate Debevoise
Phillip H. Hoff
Lois Dennett
Gordon & Kathy Holmes
Ms. Nicole d’Entremont
Chris J. & Barbara A. Hoppin
Deborah & R. Forrest Dillon
Joan T. Horton
Capt. John T. Dinan, Jr.
David & Rebecca Hotelling
Peggy & John T. Dinan
Richard A. Housley Jr.
Roger & Gloria Dinsmore
Susan G. Howe
Daniel & Joyce Doane
John W. Hoy & Mary M. Sauer
Eva Marie Douglas
Scott Dugas & Laura Wilkinson Dale & Carol Hudson
Elinor Hudson
Stephen J. Duguay &
Ann & Peter Hulst
Kathleen Riley
Comparative Balance Sheets
Fiscal Year
2014 Revenue
Baykeeper Boats
Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Kristin Fletcher & Craig Sipe
Roger L. & Joanne Fortin
Frank & Joanna Fowler
The Gilmartins
Frank Goodwin
Grandy Oats
Chris Green
Fred & Mary Eileen Haley
Lin Peyton & Morris Hancock
Charles P. Harriman
Seth S. Holbrook
Albert H. & Marcia W. Hunker
Patricia Ianni &
Mark Sundermann
Alice Wheatland Ingraham
Anne & Dick Jackson
Anne P. & Michael Jones
David Kane
Ken & Martha Keller
Bud & Wendy Kellett
Judith A. Lambert
Wayland Linscott
Harold A. McInnes
Steve Milliken
Daniel Morgenstern &
Moriah Moser
Mary & Randall R. Mraz
Leonard & Merle Nelson
Representative Mary P. &
Kenneth M. Nelson
Anne & Ben Niles
Stephanie Paine & John Pier
Winslow Pillsbury
Kirk & Nancy Pond
Portland Pilots, Inc
Ethel T. Price
Judith & Edward Reidman
Kenneth D. &
Caroline D. Roberts
Royal River Boat Repair, Inc.
Dorothy S. Ryan
Sabre Corporation
Ernie & Carol Sarason
Jenny Scheu & John W Ryan
Donald & Hope Seeley
Smith Boatyard
Janet M. Sortor
Kristen & Matthew Stetson
Joanne P. & Robert B. Stewart
A. Holmes & Didi Stockly
Valerie & David Stone
Deirdre Strachan & Jose Mas
Frances M. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Nat Thompson
Elisabeth & David Treadwell
Peter & Christine Van Alstine
Paula Volent
Mr. & Mrs. Monte J. Wallace
Eric & Tracy Weinrich
Natalie West & Robert Sellin
Jeanie Wester & Michael Mora
Charles D. & Lee Whittier
Andrew Willner &
Jo-Ellen Trilling
Fiona & Frank Wilson
John Wilson &
Susan Hudson-Wilson
Meg & Tom Wolff
Anne R. & Robert E. Wood
Connor Albers
Joe Apicella
Abby Austin
Julie Bachelder
Andrew Bertocci
Erno Bonebakker
Justine Boss
Nan Bragg
Alison Bramhall
Dan Brazeau
Gayle Brazeau
David Brenneman
Roberta Brezinski
Stephen Brezinski
Michelle Brown
Mary Brown
Lauren Brown
Tom Brudzinski
Jan Brudzinski
Craig Burnell
Justin Campbell
Art Cerullo
Ruth Charron
Katie Cleary
Sarah Coburn
Lauren Cochenow
Emilie Cram
Ansel Critchfield
Jeff Clements
AJ Curran
Enid Dana
Charlene D’Avanzo
Deb Dawson
Debbie Debiegun
Karen DeNitto
Jay Desmond
Josh Doan
Bob Doan
Henry Donovan
Peter Dufour
John Eder
Will Everitt
Zac Fait
Jan Flinterman
Andrea Fogg
Aaron Fox
Bruce Garrow
Pam Gerbi
Ray Gerbi
Susan Gilpin
Gary Glick
Kathy Glick
Devi Glick
Hillary Glick
Deb Gorman
Don Gower
Lucy Gower
Joan Greene
Paul Gregory
Kalley Hansel
Sonita Hav
Austin Heinrich
David Hennessey
Jim Hennessey
Miranda Henning
Bruce Henning
Kate Herrold
Michael Heskanen
Al Hickey
Marc Hills
John Hinckley
Mary Holman
Aaron Holmberg
Elizabeth Howe
Bob Huber
Carol Huleatt
Hugh Huleatt
Carla Hyde
Pat Ianni
JB Kavaliauskas
Joe Keierleber
Ana Lasagna
Morgan Lawless
Peter LeBourdais
Lauren Leclerc
Shawn Leger
Julieta Martino
Stacey Mathieu
Annual Report Production
Mary Cerullo
Printing Franklin Printing
Ashleigh Maxwell
Sonny McAlpin
Scott McAuliffe
Jo McCartan
Deborah McCoy
Megan McCuller
Sheila McDonald
Althea Bennett
Darren McLellan
Roberta McManus
Rick Meisenbach
Peter Merrill
Carol Nale
Anh Tho Nguyen
Erica Noe
Jim Norris
Nicole Nutter
Mark O’Brien
John Oliver
Tollef Olson
Scott Overbey
Devin Page
Leonard Passano
George Patterson
Courtney Payne
Kim Payne
Derek Pelletier
Maryann Pelletier
Levi Pelletier
Walter Phillips
Emma Pontius
Malcolm Poole
Debora Price
Gigi Quimby
Tom Quimby
Sean Raph
Kathryn A. Reid
Curtis Rindlaub
Steve Rominoff
Kristen Roos
Charlotte Rosenthal
Tracy Ross
Caroline Ross
Maggie Salter
Patricia A. & Donn R. Storey
Susan Stranahan
Dana & JoAn Street
Ann Strout
Frank & Nancy Strout
Sue E. Stull
Thomas Sturtevant
Edward & Beth Sugarman
Steven Sullivan
Perry Sutherland
Kim Cripps & Steev Sutton
Sally Sutton &
Charles Haeuser
William Bradshaw Swanson
Barbara Swartzlander
David & Anne Taft
Kathy Tarpo
Bill Taylor
Burton & Carol Taylor
Gene & Kay Taylor
J. Michael & Wendy Taylor
James & Elizabeth Taylor
John & Marilyn Taylor
Mary Margaret Taylor CPA
Patty Temple & John Ingham
Philip Schuyler &
Cynthia A. Thaxter
Hall Thompson
Troy J. Thompson
Dr. Bill Thornton
Mr. & Mrs. Harleigh
V. S. Tingley
Dan W. &
Meredith Lentz Tipton
Jennifer Tipton
John & Cathie Todd
Paul & Linda Towne
Marilyn K. & Martin Traiser
Susan E. & Woody Trask
Dick & Pat Traynor
Edith Tucker
David & Liz Turesky
Arthur M. Turner
Jacquelyn Turner
Roger & Kathleen Tuveson
Timothy Tyler
Timothy Vail &
Joanne Urquhart
Michael &
Catherine Vaillancourt
Ellen & Jeff Van Fleet
Richard Veit III
Peter Ventre
Dr. Philip J. &
Claudette C. Villandry
Gary & Gretchen Vogel
Audrey Wade
Pam Waite
Cynthia Walker
Karen Wallingford
Ronald W. & Judith A. Walters
Stephen J. & Elizabeth J. Wark
Mike & Rachel Warren
Seth H. Washburn
Andrew Watson
Elizabeth Watson
Edna & Robert Watts
The Weaver Household
Deena Weinstein
Carolyn Welch
Doug Welch
Brad M. & Tara A. Weller
Nils H. Wessell
Donald C. Wheeler
Harvey Wheeler
Mrs. Judith A. White
John S. & Anne Whitman
Blake Wilkes
Mary & Wesley Willink
Alice T. & Charles F. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Wilson
Diane Winchell
Rev. Katharine Winthrop
Theodore & Cathy Ann Wirth
Ellen R. Wolf
Loren Wolsh
Rosanne & Mark Woodbury
Greggus & Jennifer Yahr
Barbara A. Young & Jim Fast
Jane Davidian Yurko &
Jerry Yurko
John & Libby Zerner
Roger & Lynne Zimmerman
2013 Wild & Scenic
Film Festival Sponsors
Boat Donation
98.9 WCLZ
Ocean navigator
Oakhurst Dairy
TD Bank
Key Bank
Woodard & Curran
Bath Savings Institution
Brunswick Dental Health
P & W Real Estate
ReVision Energy
19 Oaks
Bayview Rigging & Sails, Inc.
Casella Organics
Casco Bay Estuary
Crockett Furniture
Jensen Baird Gardner & Henry
Macpage, LLC
Pierce Atwood, LLP
Plimsoll Mark Capital
Scott Simons Architects, LLC
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
Water Resource Protection,
City of South Portland
The Whole Dog Market
Wil Boisvert & Amy Wyatt:
“Wisper,” C&C 34
Anthony Fratianne:
Pearson 31
Carolyn & Dick Shohet:
WaterTender 9.4
Memorial Gifts
In memory of
Stanley T. Bennett II
Harvey & Kathleen Silverman
In memory of James Blair
Ms. Carolyn Allen
Laura & Bruce Allen
Avena & Kepple, LLC
Betsy & Roger Dill
Ms. Mary Dougherty
Mary & James Dowdell
Karlee S. & Robert H. Gifford
Mrs. Rhonda Pagnucco
Putnam Bank
Mrs. Patricia Rogerson
Russ, LLC
Space Electronics, LLC
In memory of Eric Butler
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Uncle Andy &
Aunt Jeanie
Jeanette & Ricardo Chavira
In honor of Darragh Ferranti
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of
William Georgitis
Alan J. Hickey & Maggie Salter
In memory of Mira Gess
Nicholas M. Gess
In honor of Arthur Hackett
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of Paul Hureau
Paul’s Marina
In memory of John Kenefick
Liz Ryan
In Kind Support
98.9 WCLZ
The Bon-Ton Stores, Inc
Liz Bradford
Alison Bramhall
Casella Organics
Coastal Studies for Girls
DiMillo’s On the Water
Garbage To Garden
Grapheteria Custom Framing
Hannaford Food & Drug
Hansel’s Orchard
Harmonic Energy
Ann & David Howe
Anthony R. & Hilary Jessen
Chris Korzen & Bethany Field
LT’s Inc
Maine Academy of
Modern Music
In memory of Charlotte Maurer Maine Audubon
Charlo Maurer
Maine Flag Company
In honor of our Sea Teacher,
Maine Historical Society
Peter Milholland
Maine Yacht Center
Clark & Maryjane Hotaling
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Peter Milholland &
In honor of John Moynihan
Carey Hotaling
Ocean Navigator
Kevin Moynihan
Pan Fried Steel
Patagonia Outlet
In honor of
Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne Pepperclub
Pierce Atwood, LLP
Walter & Joan Phillips
Silvia & Ted Pitas
In honor of Walter Philips
Malcolm F. Poole
Cynthia & Mamdouh Riad
Port Harbor Marine
Portland Water District
In honor of Timothy Pinette
Charlotte & Anthony Rerrick
ReVision Energy
In honor of
The Sherwin-Williams
Hollie Rademacher
Tom Blake
Shipyard Brewing Company
Southern Maine
In memory of
Community College
Norman Seagrave
Marshall Spear
Anne & Reese Fullerton
Kristen Stetson
In honor of
Sweetser’s Apple Barrel
Nate Sammis Smith
& Orchards
Mr. Christian Berle
TD Bank, Community
In honor of Capt. Harold R.
Tilley, Royal Canadian Navy, Lori Thayer
Jonathan & Susan Thomas
Dennis Welsh
Joyce T. & Walton A. Baker
Judith F. &
In memory of Charles Tuttle
Douglas E. Woodbury
Paul’s Marina
Yankee Marina & Boatyard
In memory of Jim Welsh
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Ed Williams
John & Marilyn Faison
Board of Directors
In the 2013 sampling season, 79 Citizen
Stewards conducted water quality monitoring
at 35 stations around Casco Bay. Many more
volunteers helped with beach cleanups, storm
drain stenciling, special events, and fundraising.
photo: Dennis Welsh
We are
Casco Bay
thanks to
Joan Benoit
Robert Sellin
Barry Sheff
Jim Sidel
Oliver Silverson
Bree Simmons
Maggie Small
Russell L. Smith
Mark Snowden
Don Song
Lauren Sproul
Zach Stephens
Kristen Stetson
Richard Stevens
Shap Sweeney
John Taxter
Carol Taylor
Ann Thayer
Lori Thayer
Jack Thomas
Kelsey Thompson
John Todd
Sally Tubbesing
Jessie Turner
Peter Van Alstine
Frederick A. Veitch
Nate Wallen
Kerry Webber
Dennis Welsh
Natalie West
Charity West
Jeanie Wester
Steve Westra
Curtis White
Lisa Willey
Lisa Wilson
Catherine Wise
John Wise
Sandra Wise
Judy Woodbury
Mark Worthing
Rita Worthing
Malcolm F. Poole ………………………………………… President
Judith Fletcher Woodbury ………………………… Vice President
Sarah B. Coburn ……………………………………………… Clerk
Barry S. Sheff ……………………………………………… Treasurer
Kim Anania
Daniel A. Brazeau
Jeffrey Clements
AJ Curran
Peter Dufour
Paul Gregory
Patricia Ianni
Peter C. LeBourdais
Althea Bennett McGirr
Tollef Olson
Derek Pelletier
Kathryn Reid
Joan Benoit Samuelson
Ann W. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Jonathan B. Thomas
Peter Van Alstine
Frederick A. Veitch
John Wise
Honorary Directors
Kenneth M. Curtis
Kevin P. Gildart
Sherry F. Huber
Anthony R. Jessen
P. Andrews Nixon
Donald W. Perkins,
Founding President
Cathy L. Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA ………………… Executive Director
Joseph E. Payne …………………………………Casco BAYKEEPER®
Mary M. Cerullo ………………………………… Associate Director
Will Everitt …………………………………… Development Director
Peter Milholland …………………… Citizen Stewards Coordinator
R. Michael Doan ……………………………… Research Associate
Jeff Fetterer……………………………………………Office Manager
Sarah Lyman ………… Development & Communications Assistant
Jim Splude ………………………………………… Pumpout Coordinator
Kristen Stetson
Cover Photo Will Everitt
This Annual Report is printed on paper made from
100% post consumer recycled paper.
FSC logo
Friends of Casco Bay
is a founding member
ALLIANCE , a coalition
of pollution fighters who
patrol water bodies and protect their communities’
rights to clean water. Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne,
the seventh Waterkeeper in the world, now has
220 colleagues on six continents.
43 Slocum Drive, South Portland, ME 04106
www.cascobay.org • (207) 799-8574
email: [email protected]
BAYKEEPER® is a registered trademark and service mark of BAYKEEPER®
and is licensed for use herein.
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