2013 - Friends of Casco Bay


2013 - Friends of Casco Bay
Portland, ME
Permit No. 510
Looking Back
Our Research, Advocacy, and Community
Engagement depend on having a boat that can
investigate pollution, conduct scientific studies, and
demonstrate the best and worst of Casco Bay to
researchers, regulators, reporters, and residents.
43 Slocum Drive
South Portland, Maine
A boat is as essential to the work of the Casco
BAYKEEPER® as a horse was to a sheriff in the
Old West. No wonder that Joe Payne refers to his
aging vessel, Donovan’s Delight, as a workhorse
that has served him well for 20 years. In recent
years, downtime and maintenance costs have been
increasing, and the boat was sometimes not available
when we needed it most. We knew it was time to put
this workhorse out to pasture and find a new partner
in protecting the Bay.
It Takes a Community!
Report to the Community
Friends of Casco Bay/Casco BAYKEEPER
the Bay!
Friends of Casco Bay and
Casco BAYKEEPER work to
Advocate to protect the Bay from nitrogen pollution, ocean
Monitor the health of Casco Bay
acidification, oil spills, dredge spoils & sewage-laden rainwater runoff
• Inspire residents and businesses to help protect Casco Bay
Highlights of Fiscal Year 2013 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)
• We trained and deployed 72 Citizen Scientist volunteers to help us collect
water quality data at 35 sites around the Bay. We had 59 returning volunteers
and 13 new water quality volunteers. For the first time in our 21-year
monitoring history, two
of our volunteers, Erno
Bonebakker and Walter
Philips, celebrated 20 years
of service to our monitoring
• Our professional staff
collected monthly water
quality data at 10 offshore
locations aboard our
Baykeeper boat, as well as
sampling 15 shoreside sites
throughout the year.
• To investigate the “Mystery
of the Disappearing Clams,”
we measured the pH of sediments on 30 clam flats around Casco Bay. Our
data shows that clam flats that are no longer productive for clamming have
dramatically lower pH than those still being harvested. At lower pH (more
acidic), we found that the percent of nitrogen in the sediment is higher,
suggesting that nitrogen pollution from fertilizers, stormwater runoff, and
sewage treatment plants makes coastal acidification worse.
Since we publicly announced the Baykeeper
Boats Fund in June 2012, more than 600
supporters have made a donation to the
campaign, many making gifts above and
beyond their annual membership support.
Cathy combines non-profit
professionalism, environmental
passion, and a sense of what
makes an organization run well
to her leadership of Friends of
Casco Bay.
Malcolm Poole, Board President,
2008 - Present
With her passion for the
environment, knowledge of
environmental issues, and business
skill, Cathy has successfully led
Friends of Casco Bay’s dedicated
and long-standing staff, worked
with its board of directors, and
inspired its many supporters.
Congratulations and thank you,
Cathy, for ten great years!
Anna Marie Thron,
Board President, 2005-2007
I was privileged to be president
of Friends when good fortune
brought Cathy to this incredible
organization. Amazingly, her
smile, optimism, competence,
and unconditional love for Casco
Bay, which were so evident then,
have only deepened over this past
decade. Here’s hoping for 10 more.
Dr. George L. Higgins III (Bud),
Board President, 2002-2005
Congratulations to
Cathy Ramsdell on
ten years of service
to Casco Bay!
Thanks to their generosity, we were able to
purchase an AJ28, a Maine-made, lobster-style
boat built by Alan Johnson in Winter Harbor.
The process of retrofitting the boat into a
research vessel is being done by boat yards in
Casco Bay.
Cathy L Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA
Executive Director
Thank you for working with us.
There are so many ways you help us help the Bay. What I enjoy
reflecting on most is all the ways the Bay makes a difference in my
life. Perhaps you will reflect on this, as well. Let us know – we love
hearing from you.
All this while continuing to monitor water quality, investigate the
alarming decline in pH on clam flats, respond to Baykeeping issues
that “come in over the transom,” pressure the port to maintain oil
spill preparedness, consider consequences of various options for the
disposal of dredge spoils, educate neighborhoods about the perils of
pesticides and fertilizers while making the link between nitrogen and
increasing acidity levels in coastal waters, not to mention the delight
we take in entertaining and informing guests at Baykeeper Speaker
events and BayScaping socials, house parties, and our film festival.
This year, we made significant organizational investments to improve
our ability to work on the health of the Bay. These investments ranged
from the development of a new five-year strategic plan, to instituting
a new, state of the art membership and volunteer management system
housed in the cloud. We launched the public phase of the Baykeeper
Boats Fund campaign, identified and purchased the replacement
Baykeeper vessel – a fine Maine-built boat, contracted with Maine
yards to get her retrofitted to meet our needs, to launch her in Fall
2013. We also installed a new network server, upgraded
our accounting software, and redesigned the website.
We don’t do this alone, and our working relationships with all of
you are essential. The generous time spent with us by our board and
volunteers, the financial resources bestowed on us by donors and
members, and the thoughtful engagement with our working partners
around the Bay – all synergize to assist and inform the staff here.
And the Bay is so much better for it.
As I reflect on my decade of service to Friends of Casco Bay, I am
struck by how deeply our partners – an incredible variety of people
around the Bay and across the northeast region – care about the
health of our coastal waters. I am also extremely proud of the
members of our dedicated staff here, who, each and all, are
intensively engaged in this work.
It Takes a Community…
• The City of Portland is making progress in curtailing overflows of sewage,
stormwater, and industrial wastes into Casco Bay. And it’s thanking Friends of
Casco Bay for pushing – and supporting – its efforts to move forward.
• Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne was invited to speak at a press conference at
the construction site for a giant underground holding tank that will store
stormwater runoff until it can be pumped to a treatment facility. As he
overlooked a blocked-off Baxter Boulevard, Joe pointed out that short-term
inconveniences such as detours and dug-up roadways will lead to a cleaner
Casco Bay.
• Stormwater utility fee meetings were held to come up with a way to pay for
the costly improvements to Portland’s rain water disposal system. Executive
Director Cathy Ramsdell and Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne participated in many
meetings to help craft a recommendation to the City Council for a fee system
that would be equitable to residents and businesses alike.
• Friends of Casco Bay is sounding the alarm about an emerging threat to Casco
Bay: coastal acidification. Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne and Research Associate
Mike Doan have spoken with harvesters, scientists, and coastal residents
at Fishermen’s Forum and many other venues. We coined the term coastal
acidification to describe the double threat to our bays from atmospheric CO2
and from nitrogen runoff that triggers algae blooms that produce excess CO2
when they decay.
• The Casco Baykeeper was awarded not one, but two lifetime achievement
awards. In the spring of 2012, both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and Bates College recognized Joe Payne for over two decades of dedication to
ensuring the environmental health of Casco Bay.
Community Engagement
We participated in 23
outreach and education
events with more
than 2000 community
members through:
• We are working to ensure that the upcoming dredging of Portland Harbor
protects lobsters that live in the path of the dredge, and we are proposing
alternative solutions to a new disposal dredge site proposed for Casco Bay.
• Baykeeper Speakers
Bureau, a service that
enabled our staff to
present at Fishermen’s
Forum, Island Institute
Fishermen’s Climate
Roundtable, Harpswell
Land Trust, Phippsburg
Land Trust, Trefethen
Evergreen Improvement
Association, and more
• As the debate over transporting tar sands oil rages, Casco Baykeeper Joe
Payne is voicing serious concerns about the readiness of Portland Harbor to
deal with an oil spill. He points to the lack of resources, equipment, and local
expertise to clean up any oil spill, and specifically a spill of a heavy oil such as
tar sands oil, which may sink. In addition, should the pipeline to Montreal be
reversed, tankers will take on oil instead of offloading it here. Emptying ballast
water tanks to fill the hold with oil could release invasive species into the Bay.
• We continue to push for a statewide limit on discharging nitrogen pollution
into our coastal waters. Despite extensive prodding since 2007, we do not
expect that the Department of Environmental Protection will set statewide
nitrogen standards any time soon, and there doesn’t seem to be any legal
recourse to force the issue. In the meantime, we are working with local
communities to help them understand and address nitrogen pollution.
• Community service projects such as beach cleanups and storm drain
stencilling events
• Exhibits at community events, such as WillardFest, Fishermen’s Forum, Island
Institute’s Climate Change Roundtable, our Wild & Scenic Film Festival, and
Friends of Casco Bay’s Volunteer Appreciation Event & 2012 Annual
Members Meeting
• Bay Papers explaining our positions on a variety of issues that we are
working on: cascobay.org/bay-papers
• Exploring the Ocean Through Science and
Children’s Literature, a course for educators
highlighting our Casco Bay Curriculum
• A “Mud Summit” was convened in January 2013 by Casco Bay Estuary
Partnership, in part to provide input on Friends of Casco Bay’s work
monitoring clam flats. Interest in clam flat acidification studies drew 30
scientists to a day-long discussion focusing on the sampling methods we
designed, our results to date, and new directions for future clam flat studies.
• Workshops for educators and librarians
• Training Master Gardeners to become Master
YardScapers in collaboration with Maine Board
of Pesticides Control and York and Cumberland
County Cooperative Extensions
We look forward to introducing you to our
new research vessel as it patrols Casco Bay.
• We trained and deployed 72 Citizen Scientist volunteers to help us collect
water quality data at 35 sites around the Bay. We had 59 returning volunteers
and 13 new water quality volunteers. For the first time in our 21-year
monitoring history, two
of our volunteers, Erno
Bonebakker and Walter
Philips, celebrated 20 years
of service to our monitoring
• Our professional staff
collected monthly water
quality data at 10 offshore
locations aboard our
Baykeeper boat, as well as
sampling 15 shoreside sites
throughout the year.
• To investigate the “Mystery
of the Disappearing Clams,”
we measured the pH of sediments on 30 clam flats around Casco Bay. Our
data shows that clam flats that are no longer productive for clamming have
dramatically lower pH than those still being harvested. At lower pH (more
acidic), we found that the percent of nitrogen in the sediment is higher,
suggesting that nitrogen pollution from fertilizers, stormwater runoff, and
sewage treatment plants makes coastal acidification worse.
• A “Mud Summit” was convened in January 2013 by Casco Bay Estuary
Partnership, in part to provide input on Friends of Casco Bay’s work
monitoring clam flats. Interest in clam flat acidification studies drew 30
scientists to a day-long discussion focusing on the sampling methods we
designed, our results to date, and new directions for future clam flat studies.
It Takes a Community…
Highlights of Fiscal Year 2013 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)
As I reflect on my decade of service to Friends of Casco Bay, I am
struck by how deeply our partners – an incredible variety of people
around the Bay and across the northeast region – care about the
health of our coastal waters. I am also extremely proud of the
members of our dedicated staff here, who, each and all, are
intensively engaged in this work.
Congratulations to
Cathy Ramsdell on
ten years of service
to Casco Bay!
• Inspire residents and businesses to help protect Casco Bay
We don’t do this alone, and our working relationships with all of
you are essential. The generous time spent with us by our board and
volunteers, the financial resources bestowed on us by donors and
members, and the thoughtful engagement with our working partners
around the Bay – all synergize to assist and inform the staff here.
And the Bay is so much better for it.
acidification, oil spills, dredge spoils & sewage-laden rainwater runoff
I was privileged to be president
of Friends when good fortune
brought Cathy to this incredible
organization. Amazingly, her
smile, optimism, competence,
and unconditional love for Casco
Bay, which were so evident then,
have only deepened over this past
decade. Here’s hoping for 10 more.
Dr. George L. Higgins III (Bud),
Board President, 2002-2005
Advocate to protect the Bay from nitrogen pollution, ocean
This year, we made significant organizational investments to improve
our ability to work on the health of the Bay. These investments ranged
from the development of a new five-year strategic plan, to instituting
a new, state of the art membership and volunteer management system
housed in the cloud. We launched the public phase of the Baykeeper
Boats Fund campaign, identified and purchased the replacement
Baykeeper vessel – a fine Maine-built boat, contracted with Maine
yards to get her retrofitted to meet our needs, to launch her in Fall
2013. We also installed a new network server, upgraded
our accounting software, and redesigned the website.
With her passion for the
environment, knowledge of
environmental issues, and business
skill, Cathy has successfully led
Friends of Casco Bay’s dedicated
and long-standing staff, worked
with its board of directors, and
inspired its many supporters.
Congratulations and thank you,
Cathy, for ten great years!
Anna Marie Thron,
Board President, 2005-2007
Monitor the health of Casco Bay
All this while continuing to monitor water quality, investigate the
alarming decline in pH on clam flats, respond to Baykeeping issues
that “come in over the transom,” pressure the port to maintain oil
spill preparedness, consider consequences of various options for the
disposal of dredge spoils, educate neighborhoods about the perils of
pesticides and fertilizers while making the link between nitrogen and
increasing acidity levels in coastal waters, not to mention the delight
we take in entertaining and informing guests at Baykeeper Speaker
events and BayScaping socials, house parties, and our film festival.
There are so many ways you help us help the Bay. What I enjoy
reflecting on most is all the ways the Bay makes a difference in my
life. Perhaps you will reflect on this, as well. Let us know – we love
hearing from you.
Thank you for working with us.
Report to the Community
Friends of Casco Bay/Casco BAYKEEPER
the Bay!
We look forward to introducing you to our
new research vessel as it patrols Casco Bay.
It Takes a Community!
Thanks to their generosity, we were able to
purchase an AJ28, a Maine-made, lobster-style
boat built by Alan Johnson in Winter Harbor.
The process of retrofitting the boat into a
research vessel is being done by boat yards in
Casco Bay.
Since we publicly announced the Baykeeper
Boats Fund in June 2012, more than 600
supporters have made a donation to the
campaign, many making gifts above and
beyond their annual membership support.
Portland, ME
Permit No. 510
A boat is as essential to the work of the Casco
BAYKEEPER® as a horse was to a sheriff in the
Old West. No wonder that Joe Payne refers to his
aging vessel, Donovan’s Delight, as a workhorse
that has served him well for 20 years. In recent
years, downtime and maintenance costs have been
increasing, and the boat was sometimes not available
when we needed it most. We knew it was time to put
this workhorse out to pasture and find a new partner
in protecting the Bay.
Friends of Casco Bay and
Casco BAYKEEPER work to
Cathy L Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA
Executive Director
Cathy combines non-profit
professionalism, environmental
passion, and a sense of what
makes an organization run well
to her leadership of Friends of
Casco Bay.
Malcolm Poole, Board President,
2008 - Present
43 Slocum Drive
South Portland, Maine
Our Research, Advocacy, and Community
Engagement depend on having a boat that can
investigate pollution, conduct scientific studies, and
demonstrate the best and worst of Casco Bay to
researchers, regulators, reporters, and residents.
Looking Back
• The City of Portland is making progress in curtailing overflows of sewage,
stormwater, and industrial wastes into Casco Bay. And it’s thanking Friends of
Casco Bay for pushing – and supporting – its efforts to move forward.
• Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne was invited to speak at a press conference at
the construction site for a giant underground holding tank that will store
stormwater runoff until it can be pumped to a treatment facility. As he
overlooked a blocked-off Baxter Boulevard, Joe pointed out that short-term
inconveniences such as detours and dug-up roadways will lead to a cleaner
Casco Bay.
• Stormwater utility fee meetings were held to come up with a way to pay for
the costly improvements to Portland’s rain water disposal system. Executive
Director Cathy Ramsdell and Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne participated in many
meetings to help craft a recommendation to the City Council for a fee system
that would be equitable to residents and businesses alike.
• Friends of Casco Bay is sounding the alarm about an emerging threat to Casco
Bay: coastal acidification. Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne and Research Associate
Mike Doan have spoken with harvesters, scientists, and coastal residents
at Fishermen’s Forum and many other venues. We coined the term coastal
acidification to describe the double threat to our bays from atmospheric CO2
and from nitrogen runoff that triggers algae blooms that produce excess CO2
when they decay.
• The Casco Baykeeper was awarded not one, but two lifetime achievement
awards. In the spring of 2012, both the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and Bates College recognized Joe Payne for over two decades of dedication to
ensuring the environmental health of Casco Bay.
Community Engagement
We participated in 23
outreach and education
events with more
than 2000 community
members through:
• We are working to ensure that the upcoming dredging of Portland Harbor
protects lobsters that live in the path of the dredge, and we are proposing
alternative solutions to a new disposal dredge site proposed for Casco Bay.
• Baykeeper Speakers
Bureau, a service that
enabled our staff to
present at Fishermen’s
Forum, Island Institute
Fishermen’s Climate
Roundtable, Harpswell
Land Trust, Phippsburg
Land Trust, Trefethen
Evergreen Improvement
Association, and more
• As the debate over transporting tar sands oil rages, Casco Baykeeper Joe
Payne is voicing serious concerns about the readiness of Portland Harbor to
deal with an oil spill. He points to the lack of resources, equipment, and local
expertise to clean up any oil spill, and specifically a spill of a heavy oil such as
tar sands oil, which may sink. In addition, should the pipeline to Montreal be
reversed, tankers will take on oil instead of offloading it here. Emptying ballast
water tanks to fill the hold with oil could release invasive species into the Bay.
• We continue to push for a statewide limit on discharging nitrogen pollution
into our coastal waters. Despite extensive prodding since 2007, we do not
expect that the Department of Environmental Protection will set statewide
nitrogen standards any time soon, and there doesn’t seem to be any legal
recourse to force the issue. In the meantime, we are working with local
communities to help them understand and address nitrogen pollution.
• Community service projects such as beach cleanups and storm drain
stencilling events
• Exhibits at community events, such as WillardFest, Fishermen’s Forum, Island
Institute’s Climate Change Roundtable, our Wild & Scenic Film Festival, and
Friends of Casco Bay’s Volunteer Appreciation Event & 2012 Annual
Members Meeting
• Bay Papers explaining our positions on a variety of issues that we are
working on: cascobay.org/bay-papers
• Exploring the Ocean Through Science and
Children’s Literature, a course for educators
highlighting our Casco Bay Curriculum
• Workshops for educators and librarians
• Training Master Gardeners to become Master
YardScapers in collaboration with Maine Board
of Pesticides Control and York and Cumberland
County Cooperative Extensions
Steve & Paula Birmingham
Stephanie Boggs MD &
Stephen Mette MD
Brown &
John Connolly
The Aldermere Foundation
William & Patricia D. Curran
Apple Lane Foundation
Joan L. Dayton
Katharine J. Baker Charitable
Jean & Jesse Deupree
Lead Unitrust
DiMillo’s On the Water
The Bank of America
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dodge
Pricilla & Dale Doucette
Bardel Family Fund of the
Tom & Margaret Downing
New York Community Trust
$5,000 & up
Francis Leo Doyle III
Beim Foundation
Gregory G. & Judith Fergin
James G. & Carolyn
Mr. Thomas Haas
Roger L. & Joanne Fortin
Birmingham Foundation
Cyrus & Patricia Hagge
Steve & Debbie Fuller
Bradley Family Foundation
Robert & Marge Healing
Susan & Clifford Gilpin
Charles Schwab Foundation
Cheryl A. &
Stephanie & Roger Greenwood
Clark Charitable Trust
George L. Higgins III
Paul Gregory
Helen Dickey & David G. Fitz
Bill & Patty Zimmerman
Susie & Theodore Gribbell
Charitable Fund
Lee & Lulu Grodzins
Elmina B Sewall Foundation
$2,000 & up
Meredith & Myron Hamer
Eugen Friedlaender
Anonymous (2)
Richard T. Harris
Foundation Inc
Hillary & Thomas M. Egan
Bill & Lynn Heinz
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Albert B. &
Mr. Daniel W. Hildreth
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Judith Ellis Glickman
Al & Dawn Hoffman
Fox Family Charitable
Leon A. & Lisa M. Gorman
Sherry F. Huber
Foundation, Inc
Brigitte & Harold Kingsbury
Kaplan University
GE Foundation
Mrs. Ann &
Capt. Harry W. Konkel
The Robert & Dorothy Goldberg
Dr. Peter LeBourdais
Kathleen & Peter M. Leslie
Charitable Foundation
Althea & Bob McGirr
Merck Partnership for Giving
Anna Emery Hanson
Peter Milliken & Linzee Weld
Chris Nichols & Kim Gilpatrick
Testamentary Charitable
Walter & Helen Norton
James F. & Amy Nolan Osborn
Michael Perry & Chris Wolfe
Mrs. Victoria Poole
The Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Patti B. & Malcolm F. Poole
Alison & Todd Prawer
The Iberdrola USA
Elizabeth Porteous
Foundation, Inc
Portland Pipe Line Corporation Cathy L. Ramsdell
Ready Seafood
Jebediah Foundation
Proprietors of Union Wharf
Kathryn Reid & Hugh Tozer
William S. Jelin Foundation
Henry & Jan Rines
Kenneth D. &
Kean Foundation Inc
Richard Rockefeller MD
Caroline D. Roberts
Steven Leuthold Family
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Royal River Boat Repair, Inc.
Charles & Nan Stockman
Lucy & Richard Sallick
Maine Community Foundation UBS Employee Giving
Theodore J. Samuel
Maritime Funding Association
Mary Ann Sanford
of Maine
Judith F. &
Jenny Scheu & John W Ryan
Robert W. & Gladys S.
Douglas E. Woodbury
Elena Schmidt
Meserve Charitable Trust
Maxine R. Sclar
The Miley Foundation
Barry Sheff &
Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust $1,000 & up
Stephanie Macdonald
The Nine Wicket Foundation
Daniel & Joan Amory
Ms. M. M. Smith
Oak Foundation
Joanne P. & Robert B. Stewart
The William Penn Foundation
John & Susan Beaman
A. Holmes & Didi Stockly
Perry/Wood Family Trust
Ann Thayer
The Redmond Family Foundation Mr. Roger K. Berle
Drs. Elizabeth H. &
John M. Robinson Fund of the
Lee L. Thibodeau
Maine Community Foundation Marcia Bowen &
Thomas A. Toye III
Harold W. & Mary Louise
Daniel & Gayle Brazeau
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon &
Shaw Foundation
Roberta Weil
The Seth Sprague Educational Central Maine Power
Barbara Chilmonczyk, MD &
John Pierce Wise Sr., Ph.D.
& Charitable Foundation
Richard M. Engel, MD
Larry Wold
Theodores Family Foundation
Judith M. & Andrew Coburn
Amy H. Woodhouse &
Anna Marie & John Thron
Tobey Scott
Fund of the Maine Community Aileen B. Crawford
Henry L. &
Edward M. Woodin
DeTine &
Bill & Patty Zimmerman Fund
East Coast Yacht Sales
Roger F. Woodman Jr
of the Maine Community
Wright Express Corporation
John & Betsy Kelly
Suzanne & Neil McGinn
Public Sector Support
$250 & up
Richard Mellon
Bowdoin College
Anonymous (2)
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership David & Brenda Miley
Gordon & Mary Allen
City of South Portland, South Mr. P. Andrews Nixon
Suzanne M. Bakewell
Portland School Department P & W Real Estate Corp
John Bennett & Abigail Snyder
Joe & Kim Payne
Town of Freeport
John & Holly Benoit
Connie Robinson
Gorham Garden Club
Carole Brush & Richard Muir
Long Island Civic Association
Steven H. & Barbara Burns
Longfellow Elementary School Joan & Scott Samuelson
Miss Barbara A. Busby
Meredith S. S. Smith
Maine Audubon
Frank & Ruth Butler
Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Richard & Kathleen Stevens
Linda Cabot
Bill & Bonnie Stoloski
Maine TREE Foundation
Mr. Wallace Camp
Marie Harris Clarke
Maritime Funding Association Unum
Madeleine G. Corson
of Maine
Leonard & Anne Cotton
$500 & up
Network for Good
Crockett Furniture
Portland Water District
AJ Curran
Alere Scarborough, Inc.
Rippleffect, Inc.
Eliot R. &
Roger B. Allen
Wells-Ogunquit Community
Melanie Stewart Cutler
John A. & Sally Amory
School District
Douglas Davis
Ellie Asherman
York County Beekeepers
Kelly & Peter Dufour
Sarah H. Beard
East Brown Cow
Michael & Nancy Beebe
Management, Inc.
Bill & Susan Bennett
Betsy & Richard Eiseman
Corporate Founder
$10,000 & up
The Estate of
Stanley T. Bennett
Jeffrey Clements &
Nancy Heselton
Diversified Communications
L.L.Bean, Inc.
Tear of the Clouds, LLC
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Gunnar & Ingrid Elofson
Christina & John Ferland
Frank & Joanna Fowler
Ed & Kathie Gilfillan
The Gilmartins
Sandi Goolden
Don & Lucy Gower
Lin Peyton & Morris Hancock
Handy Boat Serivce, Inc.
Montagu & Marcia G. Hankin
Ms. Heidi N. Hansen
Michelle Hanson
Ms. Sally Heald
Michael Herz & Kate Josephs
Peter J. & Holly Horne
Albert H. & Marcia W. Hunker
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hunter
Patricia Ianni &
Mark Sundermann
Lewis & Elizabeth Incze
Wm. David &
Janis Graham Jack
Matt Jacobson
Darlene & Mark Jarrell
Anthony R. & Hilary Jessen
Anne P. & Michael Jones
Ken & Martha Keller
Bud & Wendy Kellett
Dot Kelly
Cole & Margie Kelly
Julie Kilmartin &
Gerald Teplitzky
Chris Korzen
Judith A. Lambert
Meg & Mike LePage
Chad Little Outdoor
Power Equipment
Wiggy Martin
Richard & Pamela Mayo
Alan McIlhenny Jr. &
Elizabeth Ackerson
Harold A. McInnes
Jeanne M. Meserve &
Jeffrey E. Blount
Ruth I. Mette
Steve Milliken
Daniel Morgenstern &
Moriah Moser
Morong Falmouth
Mary & Randall R. Mraz
Representative Mary P. &
Kenneth M. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parkhill
Peoples United Bank
Perkins Olson PA
Patricia B. Rice
Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Seafax, Inc.
J. Scott & Janice M. Searway
Matthew Siegel
Mr. Robert E. Siegel
Janet M. Sortor
Jan & Steve Specker
Frances M. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Henry C. & Ingrid Thomas
Elisabeth & David Treadwell
Peter & Christine Van Alstine
Lloyd M. Van Lunen &
Margaret A. Wilson
Paula Volent
Elise & Neil W. Wallace
Willard C. & Daphne G. Warren
John Wilson &
Susan Hudson-Wilson
Fiona & Frank Wilson
Jeremy R. Wintersteen
Meg & Tom Wolff
Anne R. & Robert E. Wood
$100 & up
David W. Abel & Amy Abel
Eben & Susan Adams
John & Judy Adelman
Frank & Katherine Alexander
Apostolos &
Mary Janet Aliapoulios
Diana B. & Thomas H. Allen
Heidi Almy & Scott Schnapp
Debra Andrews
C.D. & Betts Armstrong
Rachel & Tom Armstrong, Sr.
Shergul & Alison Arshad
Atlantic Sportswear, Inc.
Robert & Linda Ayotte
Ted & Terry Bailey
Sally & Samuel Ballard
Robert BaRoss
Mark Battista &
Jennifer J. Andrews
David & Dede Bennell
Nancy & Arnold Bennett
Emil H. & Nancy M. Berges
Brian & Patti Bicknell
Connie & Peter Bingham
Henry L. & Hildegarde B. Bird
Steve & Robin Bishop
Michael J. &
Lorraine A. Bobinsky
Erno R. &
Victoria B. Bonebakker
Donald M. & Tracy V. Booth
Arthur J. & Kate Borduas
James & Donna Boyles
Brennan Environmental, Inc.
Wendy & Bill Burns
Kelly & Michael Busby
Catherine Callahan &
Bret LeBleu
John P. & Barbara Capasso
Douglas & Linda A. Cardente
Franklin W. &
Carolyn A. Carney
Everett B. &
Dana Porter Carson
Casco Bay Veterinary Hospital
Gina & Paul Castronovo
Corvis Catsouphes &
Marcie Pitt
Paul Cereste
Tom Chadbourne
Daniel & Patricia Chase
Jeanette Chavira
Joel Clement
Paul Cloutier
Sarah Coburn &
Brendan O’Neil
Coffee By Design, Inc.
Bruce & Phyllis Coggeshall
Jane & Douglas Collins
Kathi & Peter Conley
Mike & Rachel Cooney
Daniel Cooper
Bill & Martha Cooper
Patrick & Joyce Coughlan
Douglas & Leslie Couper
Paul & Melissa Cousins
Peter W. Culley
Albert & Carol Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. &
Margaret Cary Curran
Curtis Yacht Brokerage, LLC
Justice Howard H. Dana Jr.
& Ms. Susan Dana
Richard P. Dana
Richard N. &
Anne-Marie Davee
Carol Dean
Dickonson R. &
Katrina Debevoise
David Deinzer
George & Joyce Denney
Beth L. DeTine
Bernard M. & John D. Devine
Capt. John T. Dinan, Jr.
Robert J. & Jane E. Doan
Cally Dow
William Dow
David H. & Kathy Drake
Philip G. Drew
Thomas Dykes &
Cynthia Rasmussen-Dykes
Robert & Nancy Earnest
David N. & Jennifer Lord Eaton
Stephen Edmondson &
Kiki Randall
Donald & Sally Edwards
Harold & Susan Edwards
Elizabeth Ehrenfeld
Cynthia L. Ellis
Frederick C. Emery Jr.
Amos Eno
Johan Erikson
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis N. &
Eleanor Estabrooks
Alex & Shirley Everitt
Will Everitt
Carol & Mark Eyerman
Matthew Faulkner &
Alice Grant
Susan Feiner & Bruce Roberts
Peter J. & Patricia A. Fetterer
Jennifer Fife
Max Fletcher & Lynnie Bruce
John & Lorna Flynn
Patricia & Donald Foote
Richard Frantz & Jennifer Fox
A. Myrick Freeman III &
Claire Darrow
Julie & Daniel Freund
Ed Friedman
Mark Fruehauf
Bill & Susan Full
Patricia Galbreath
Beth Gallie & Scott Benson
Edward & Pam Galvin
Madeleine S. &
Terrence D. Garmey
F. Gregory & Cynthia L. Gause
Peter & Mabel Gerquest
Ed & Joyce Gervais
Nicholas M. Gess
George & Martha Gilmore
Roger & Betty Gilmore
John D. Gleason &
Katrina Van Dusen
David & Valle Gooch
Ellen Goodman & Robert Levey
James Goodrich
Frank Goodwin
Libby & Peter Gordon
Linda P. & Schuyler V. Grant
Nancy Gray
Richard Greene
Martin & Nancy Grimnes
Philip H. & Bette Grondin
John W. & Jean K. Gulliver
Fred & Mary Eileen Haley
Haley’s Tire & Service
Gardiner A. Hall
William & Ann Hall
Leslie C. Hallock & Joe Hahn
Dagmar S. &
Robert W. Hamilton
Harbor Fish Market, Inc.
Ruth Hartman &
Jonathan Fernans
David & Karen Haskell
John R. Henson
Rodger & Jillian Herrigel
Christian A. Herter
Cynthia M. &
Robert G. Hibbert
Stephen & Debra Hides
Walter Higgins
Ted & Betsy Hillman
Rob Hillman & Rebecca Esty
Hope Hilton & Terry Flanagan
Karlee & Robert Gifford
Seth S. Holbrook
Elizabeth & Jeff Holmstrom
Phillip Hoose &
Sandi Ste. George
Joan T. Horton
Elizabeth A. Howe &
Leonard M. Passano
William H. & Julie L. Howison
Al & Lois Howlett
Richard & Jennifer Hubbell
John & Maria Hughes
Hugh & Carol Huleatt
Nathaniel Hyde
Sue Inches & Bob Sessums
Dr. & Mrs. David Iszard
Charlie &
Jean Appleby Johnson
Avery Yale Kamila & Adam Hill
Stephen Kazilionis
Matthew & Lucia Kearns
Bruce & Cynthia Keller
Christopher A. Kendall
Helen W. Kenefick
Brenda & Jim Kern
James & Beth Kilbreth
Judy & Walter Kimball
Rita Kissen & Norm Rasulis
Robert G. & Caroline C. Knott
Dr. & Ms. Michael &
Elizabeth Kramer
Ron Kreisman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Kurtz
Sam & Nancy Ladd
Claes E. Larsson
Tom & Cathy Leach
Frank Leavitt
Eileen Leighton
Robert & Elizabeth LeMieux
Peter C. Lincoln
Peter Lindsay &
Mary-Kate Murphy
Rob Lindsay
Gregg Lipton
Jeffrey Longcope
Keri D. Lord
Cynthia L. Lord
Najeeb S. & Barbara J. Lotfey
Howard & Kathy Lowell
Meri & Lee Lowry
Barbara A. Luke &
Robert Luke, III
Christopher & Laura Lynch
Sally & Jeff Madore
Maine Parts & Machine, Inc
Chris Mann
David & Diane Marshall
Al Martin
Deborah McCoy
Francis & Susan McGinty
Heather McLennan
Jean McManamy
James & Deborah Meagher
Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Alice Mellin
David & Selena Mercer
Barbara & Richard Merrill
Richard Mersereau &
Bette Spettel
Lauren A. Meserve
Martha & Thomas Meyers
Charles & Judy Micoleau
Seb & Peggy Milardo
Bob & Chris Millar
Millennium Communications
Group, Inc.
Allan Miller
Stephanie Miskell &
Mark Lickus
Judy Miskell
Peter & Matilda Mitsakos
John & Mary Moore
Peter C. Moore
Morgan Stanley
William & Jane Morrell
Cindy & Cuyler Morris
Diana Moxhay
Mr. & Mrs. Fish, Inc
Craig Mudge
Mary Lavendier Myers
John V. & Kim A. Najarian
Leonard & Merle Nelson
Richard & Ann Dins Nemrow
Erika & Christopher Neumann
Henry & Polly Nichols
Bob & Susan Nielsen
Anne & Ben Niles
Ellen & Sean Norton
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. &
Eugenia L. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oldfield
Clifton C. & Susan W. Olds
Eric J. Oranksy
Charles & Gerry Orem
John C. Orestis
Perry & Peter Ormiston
James C. Otis
Alfred L Padula Jr.
Stephanie Paine & John Pier
Mr. & Mrs. John Van C. Parker
Elizabeth S. Parks
Paul’s Marina
Linden Thigpen Pavloff
David & Kee Payne
John & Linda Perkins
David L. Perry
Fran & George Philip
Walter & Joan Phillips
Lynn & MacGregor Pierce
Silvia & Ted Pitas
Pamela P. & Peter Plumb
Pond Cove IGA
Paul H. Potter MD
David & Lise Pratt
Ethel T. Price
Gigi & Tom Quinby
Quirk Chevrolet of Portland
Pamela & David Rawson
Gregg Raymond &
Jamien Jacobs
Judith & Edward Reidman
Henry W. &
Charley Ann Rhoads
George &
Constance Richardson
Curtis Rindlaub
Jennifer Robbins & Rick Gause
Brian & Cathy Roberts
David & Gail Robinson
Hugh P. Robinson
Bonny Rodden
Dick & Patti Roderick
Ralph W. Rogers
Charlotte & Glenn Rosenthal
Anne M. Royer
Rufus Deering Lumber
Boyce & Nannette Sanborn
Ernie & Carol Sarason
Kristine W. Saunders
Katharine Sawdon &
Jerrold Lavigne Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alden H. Sawyer Jr
Mathew Scease &
Maureen Drouin
Molly P. Scheu
Emilie Schmidt
Cornelia & Curtis Scribner
Norman & Mary Seagrave
William Seale
Cheryl & Tim Seavey
John E. Sedgewick &
Deborah A. Keefe
Donald & Hope Seeley
Judy & Ken Segal
Louisa Severance
Jim & Lynn Shaffer
Jane Shattuck
Alan & Ellen Shaver
David & Kelly Smith
Hugh Smith
Samuel H. & Kathy Smith
Sarah Smith &
James Nelson Kise
Alison Smith
Smith Boatyard
Anne & Tom Snyder
Frank W. Sparks III
Carol M. & James Springer
Christopher & Eunice St. John
Jay Stackhouse
Mark S. Stafiej
Anne Stanley
Bill Stauffer
Anita Stewart & Ron Botting
Valerie & David Stone
Deirdre Strachan & Jose Mas
Jean & Rowland Stratton
Edward & Beth Sugarman
Dr. & Mrs. John Kelly Sullivan
Richard & Louise Sullivan
Dr. Philip E. & Margaret Sumner
Kristin G. Sweeney
J. Michael & Wendy Taylor
Patty Temple & John Ingham
George & Nancy Thompson
Ms. Sara L. Thompson
Hall Thompson
Mr. & Mrs.
Harleigh V. S. Tingley
Mike & Laurie Totta
Mariana & Benjamin Tupper
Jason Tuttle
Frederick W. Urtz
Timothy Vail & Joanne Urquhart
David Vickers
Carlyle B. & Patricia Z. Voss
Robin & Larry Walden
Mary Wallace
Karen Wallingford
Nicholas & Ellen Walsh
Mary Lou & Burrage Warner
Bob & Diane Weggel
Eric & Tracy Weinrich
Mr. Daniel Wellehan &
Ms. Lise Johnson
David Ruff & Jane Wellehan
Brad M. & Tara A. Weller
Natalie West & Robert Sellin
Jeanie Wester & Michael Mora
David Whiston
John & Carolyn Whitaker
Charles & Susan White
Mrs. Judith A. White
Charles D. & Lee Whittier
Nancy & Michael Wing
Introductory to $99
Anonymous (3)
Alexander Abbott &
Jennifer Melville
Dan Abbott & Monica Wood
Dean S. Abramson &
Marilyn A. Gikey
Ann Adams & Dan Boutin
Charles & Marjorie Adams
Sue & John Aden
Nancy Agan
Al & Mary Ahlers
Janis Albright
Willa M. Alexander
Senator Justin Alfond
Shirley B. Alling
Mrs. Betsy B. Allyn
American Carpentry Service
Pam & John Ames
Helen Anderson
John Andrews
John B. & Sharon B. Andrews
Peter Angis
Arcangelo V. &
Kathleen H. Arecchi
Virginia H. Armstrong
Richard & Diane Armstrong
Susan Rhodes &
Rick Armstrong
Frederick R. &
Jennifer G. Aronson
Matthew Arrants & Stacy Smith
Ash Cove Pottery
Ashmore Realty
Wendy Atwood
William M. & Doris Auger
Susan Auglis
Jo Anne & Ross Babcock
Dr. Stephen & Brenda Babirak
Kendra Bailey
Jesse Baines
David Baiss
Sue & Stan Baker
Barney & Caroline Baker
Jeff & Peg Balano
Mark Balles MD
David W. & Cynthia Barnard
F. Herbert & Liese Barnes
Denny & Camilla Barrantes
Betsy & Dan Barrett
David Bartholomew
Elizabeth H. & Robert K. Barton
Bath Savings Institution
Chuck Beals
Roger & Jane Beaulieu
Brian Beckman
Belkin Environmental
Arthur Bell &
Robin Lin Hodgskin
Michael Bell &
Patricia Harrington
Christy H. & William S. Belvin
Ed & Ruth Benedikt
Nicholas T. Bennett
Marta & Robert Bent
Daniel J. & Ellen M. Benthal
Sean & Meg Bergen
Patricia & Richard Bernard
Andrew Bertocci &
Jeanie Barnard
Elizabeth Beveridge
David & Debra Bilodeau
Nelson P. Blackburn
Pam Blake & Dan Jellis
Sheila & Jan Bohlin
Stephen Booth
George Bouchard
Nancy Boulanger
Jeanine Bourke & Marcia Grant
Richard Bowen
Dwight A. Brackett &
Claire Brackett
Nathan A. Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Bradley
Nan, Dale, & Julie Bragg
Alison Bramhall
Susan & Charles Breen
David & Pam Brennan
Rudolph & Rita Breton
Gayle Briggs & Joe Sukaskas
Wyman & Laura Briggs
Jody Brinser
Stephen & Julie Brown
Oliver S. & Eleanor A. Brown
Rommy Brown & Steve Morrow
Brown Goldsmiths
Ruth R. Budd & John Ehrenfeld
Barbara Bull
Meredith Strang Burgess
Susan & Ernest Burgess
Lisa Burke
Theresa Burke
Carrine Burns & Pete Bouman
Warren & Cindy Burroughs
Anne D. & Stephen Burt
John D. & Marilyn G. Burwell
Cyndy Bush
Jen & Jeff Bush
Steve Butterfield
Bob & Sue Buxbaum
Andrew A. & Lindsey F. Cadot
Joe & Diana Calby
David & Barbara Caldwell
Judy & Joe Calise
Lynn Callahan
Ms. Mary G. Callanan
Ann & Peter Cannon
Timothy Carberry
Patricia A. Carignan
Iver R. Carlsen
Benjamin Carmichael
Chris & Karen Carney
Ed & Joan Carrier
Julie R. & Robert D. Carter
Mary Anne & Chris Cary
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Paul &
Stephanie Castle
Mary & Arthur Cerullo
Andrea Cesario
John & Barbara M. Chandler
Bradford & Dorothy Chapman
Elizabeth Chapman &
Carter Manny
Peter & Crissy Cherry
Edwin Chester & Barbara Vestal
Phyllis Chinlund
Kevin Chisolm
John Christie &
Megan McConagha
James Chute
Robert Clark
Harriet Clark
A. Gordon Clarke Jr.
Margaret B. Clement
Linda Clement
Andre & Lydia Cocquyt
Jane & Lincoln Colby
Sam Colella
Daniel T. Colli
David Collings
Kimm Collins & Jen Hillstrom
Bert H. & Mary F. Cook
Diane & Bob Cormier
Dr. John A. Corson
Jean & Edgar Craig
Anne & Jim Cram
Robert Crane
Dr. Larry Crane
Bruce G & Laura M Crawford
Barry Crommett
Ronald & Karen Cronin
Stephen & Holly Culver
Rachelle Curran & Colin Apse
Benjamin H. &
Virginia R. Cushing
Cushings Island Conservation
Frederica M. Cushman
Jane G. Cutter
William P. Daisley
Joan & Bob Daly
Enid Dana
Dick & Brenda Darcey
Jane Davidian Yurko &
Jerry Yurko
Mary Davis & Stuart Tisdale
Deb Dawson &
Christopher Bond
Betsey Day & Jim Buss
Kate Debevoise
Joe Delano
Karen De Nitto
Lois Dennett
Ms. Nicole d’Entremont
Fred & Bonnie Dickey
Deborah & R. Forrest Dillon
Roger & Gloria Dinsmore
Daniel & Joyce Doane
Paul Dostie & Jill Victor
Eva Marie Douglas
Hannah N. Dring
Dr. & Mrs. John & Jean Driscoll
Scott Dugas & Laura Wilkinson
Stephen J. Duguay &
Kathleen Riley
Atwood & Marilyn Dunham
Dorothy & Philip Dyer
Dave Edwards
Thomas K. &
Christine C. Edwards
Henry & Jamie Ellis
James G. Ellis
Carol E. & William Emerson
Jeryl L. & John E. Erickson
Dan & Sue Evans
Athena Everitt
Suzanne B. Ewing
John & Marilyn Faison
Anne Falk
Susan Farady
Dale & Cynthia Farris
Paul & June Farrow
Mary Lou Fathke
Mitchell Feeney &
Alyssa Bishop
Glen M. & Mary Feigenbaum
Irving & Donna Felker
G. David Fenderson
Megan Fenderson
William V. &
Catherine Ward Ferdinand
Peter Flaherty
Benson & Patricia Ford
Ray & Alice Forgit
David A. Francis
John R. Freeman
William & Sally Friedlander
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred &
Phyllis R. Fuchs
Eugene Gaddis &
Alison Lane-Reticker
Maura Gallagher
Adam Gardner &
Lauren Sullivan
Gerald Garman
Richie & Susan Garrett
Chip Gavin
Mary & Marty Gavin
Michael & Lynne Gawtry
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Q. Gay
W. Stephen & Susan E. Gefvert
Pam & Ray Gerbi
David & Deidre Gifford
Peter & Diane Gifford
Stuart & Carol Gillespie
Laraine L. Glidden & Merrill Hall
William Goddard
Andrew Goode &
Susan B. Jones
Brian & Virginia Gourlie
Government Strategies
Tom Graham
Ellen Grant & Kevin Carley
Gerry & Gretchen Greenberg
Maureen & Chad Greene
Joan & Walter Greene
Phyllis & Samuel Greene
Marji Greenhut
James Greenwell
Jennifer A. Gregg
Charles & Roxann Gregory
Jonathan Greven
Captain Bill Gribbin &
Lisa Wilson
John N. Grillo
Sheila M. &
Wesley C. Gustafson
Jennie Gwilym
Hans Hackett & Amy Witt
David G. & Mary C. Haeger
Charles & Mary Ann Hales
Richard D. & Andrea Hall
Merle & Barbara Hallett
Leon & Jennifer Hamilton
Karen Harrell
Mr. Mortier D. Harris
Trudy Harris
Johannah M. Hart
Tom & Norma Hartnett
Mary Louise Haskell
Robert & Beth Hassett
Ann Havener &
Richard Estabrook
Robert Hawkins &
Vivian Horoshak
Michael & Bridgette Healy
Buell Heminway
Muriel Hendrix
Ann Marie & Steven Hess
Kathy Hewins
Roger D. & Charlotte Hewson
Judy Higbea
Charles Higgins
Uta Hillery
David & Elizabeth Hinchman
Barbara Hnatko
Phillip H. Hoff
William Hollenbach
Nancy H. & Fred C. Holler
Bert & Alice Hootsmans
Alix W. Hopkins
Chris J. & Barbara A. Hoppin
David & Rebecca Hotelling
Nancy & Gabriel House
Richard A. Housley Jr.
John & Lynn Howard
Ann & David Howe
Matthew A. Howe
Susan G. Howe
Marcia Howell
John W. Hoy & Mary M. Sauer
Elinor Hudson
Dale & Carol Hudson
David Hulbert
Shannon Hulst
Brad & Amanda Hunter
Robert B. & Mary C. Hurley
Edith D. Hustvedt
Karla Hyde
Caroline Irwin
Stephen Jenks
Kris & Sue Jennings
Richard J. Jewell
Judy Johanson
Glenn P. Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Jerry & Kit Johnston
Elanie Jones
Steve Jones
Cheryl Joseph
Dr. Einar A. Juhlin MD
Don Kale
Bonnie B. Kam
Gretchen Kamilewicz
Richard Kania
Stephen Karpiak
David Kaufholz
Polly W. Kaufman
Elizabeth Kean
David J. L. &
Rebecca S. L. Keefe
J. Ryan Kelley
Jack & Annabelle Kellogg
Kemp Goldberg Partners
Gerald P. & Mary M. Kennedy
Donald Kennel
James Kerney &
Mary Emily Kearney
Carol F. Kessler PhD
William Clark Ketcham
Bob & Nan Knecht
Seth Koenig
Carol Kontos
Sophie Kourakos
Carolyn & Hans Krahn
Richard & Joanne Kronauere
Megan & Clayton Kyle
Scott Labombard &
Kathleen Phillips
David A LaBranche
Mark & Wendy Labrecque
Lucy & Bill LaCasse
Lorraine Lamont
Susan Wortman & Bill Lane
Janet Lane & David Armstrong
Rev. Robert Lane &
Rev. Fidelia Lane
Meagan L. Lauer
Ginger Lawson & Larry Ely
Joan Sarles Lee
David E. Leeman
Mary Lello
Joyce Leslie & John Kiely
Joan Lester
Dale M. & Richard B. Lewis
Richard & Audrey Lewis
Alan D. Lishness &
Deborah R. Peck
Nicholas D. &
Kathleen R. Livesay
Stephen F. Loebs
Theodore W. Logan
Brian Lombard
David O. Lovejoy
Cindy Luce
Henry & Carol Lukas
Jacqueline O. Lunt
Charles Lyman
Sarah L. Lyman
Nancy & Jerry Lynn
Shirley L. Mac Gregor
Stuart & Carol MacDonald
Ann Machado
John MacLeod
Kathy A. MacLeod
Frederick Madeira
Trish & Fred Madeira
Nancy P. Mahoney
Robert & Cynthia Mahoney
Maine Island Kayak
Maine Video Systems
Evanthia Malliris & John Beaty
Eileen Manglass
Nancy Savage &
George Marcus
H. James Marshall Jr
Elsa Martz
Charlotte Maurer
Eldon C. & Betts S. Mayer
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Kathleen McCarthy
William A. &
Roberta W. McCuskey
Sarah A. McDaniel
McElman, Inc.
Malcolm &
Marjorie H. McFarland
Robert McGuire
Peter M. McHugh
Charlie & Sue McIlvaine
Vincent L. & Nancy McKusick
Sarah S. Meacham
Martha & William Meacham
Julia D. & Matthew C. Mecray
Rick & Jane Meisenbach
Walter D. Meuse
Florence Roome Meyer
Mr. Michael J. Michaeles
Frank & Nancy Miles
Pamela Milholland
Susan C. & William K. Millar
David Millard
Nina Miller
The above list includes those who made gifts to Friends of Casco Bay between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. If you donated after this date, your name
will appear in next year’s Annual Report to the Community. If we have missed your name, please accept our apologies and contact us at (207) 799-8574.
Fiscal Year
2013 Revenue
Net Increase
in Baykeeper
Temporarily Restricted
Funds Raised for
Development System
Baykeeper Boats
Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Grants and
Fiscal Year
2013 Expenditures
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013 Operating Revenue and Expenditures
Office and
Vessel Pumpout
Program $26,839
Casco Bay
Monitoring Program
Revenue: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013
Individual Contributions
Corporate Donations
Foundation Grants
Government Grants and Contracts
Nonprofit Revenue
Release of Temp Restricted Grants
for Use This Year
Fundraising Events
Miscellaneous Income
Gifts In-Kind
Total Revenue and Other Support
Expenditures: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013
Baykeeper Program
Casco Bay Monitoring Program
Vessel Pumpout Program
BayScaping and Stormwater
Sampling Program
Office and Administration
Total Expenditures
Net Operating Surplus 1,288
Comparative Balance Sheet
As of
As of
Janis Albright
Colby Allred
Cash and Equivalents
$ 512,154 $ 635,848
Jeremy Anderson
Dan Azzolini
Endowment at Market Value
990,351 946,720
Kristin Barr
Fixed Assets at Book Value
131,762 18,032
Eunice Bartlett
Edmund Benedikt
1,634,267 $1,600,600 Andrew Bertocci
Erno Bonebakker
Nan Bragg
Matt Braun
Accounts Payable
1,816 $
Dan Brazeau
Deferred Revenue
David Brenneman
Roberta Brezinski
Vehicle Loan Payable
Stephen Brezinski
Accrued Vacation Liability
29,316 Annie Britton
Total Liabilities
49,924 Lauren Brown
Michelle Brown
Jan Brudzinski
Net Assets
Tom Brudzinski
Cory Bryant
Unrestricted - Undesignated
242,250 129,843 Justin Campbell
Unrestricted - Designated
1,081,917 1,038,286
Mary Cerullo
Temporarily Restricted
277,356 382,547 Caitlin Cervello
Katie Cleary
Total Net Assets
1,601,523 1,550,676 Sarah Coburn
Doug Collins
Kayla Cotsis
Ansel Critchfield
$1,634,267 $1,600,600 Baykeeper Endowment Fund
The Baykeeper Endowment is managed by Maine Community Foundation.
Once a year, funds are transferred from accumulated earnings on the
Endowment over to Friends of Casco Bay to support the Baykeeper Program.
Endowment Fund Activity
Friends of Casco Bay’s year ended March 31, 2013, with an operating surplus of $1,288.
Other Income: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Released for Operations
Baykeeper Boats Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Released for Development System
Net Increase in Baykeeper
Endowment Fund
Net Other Income
Net Increase in Net Assets
for Year Ended March 31, 2013 $ 50,847
Balance at Beginning of Year
Interest and Dividends
Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Transfer to Operations
Administrative Fees
Balance at End of Year
Charlie & Liz Poole
Jennifer Heselton &
Chris J Pope
Carrie Porcelli
Michael & Barbara Porter
Portland Pilots, Inc
Kathleen Potrepka
Peter & Susan Poulin
Victoria Powers &
Garrett Tilton
Barbara F. & Edward T. Preneta
Susan & Gordon Price
Deanna Prince
Rex T. Purinton
Roger A. Putnam
Becky Quinlan &
Marvin Druker
Josie Quintrell
Sandra & Chuck Radis
George W. Rapp Jr.
Mogens & Donna Ravn
Mrs. P. Loring Reed
Jessie Reighley
Jay & Doug Reighley
Anne M. Reiman
Rebecca Reinhart &
Will Plumley
Sharon & John Rent
Harry Richardson
John & Jean Riordan
Bobbi & Don Robertson
Gordon & Lee Ann Robinson
Joan B. Robinson
Robinson & Son, LLC
Thomas Roeber
Brad & Jill Roland
Steve Romanoff & Ann Jepson
Harvey R. &
Michele Range Rosenfeld
Jeannie & Steve Ross
Jenny Rottmann
Ted & Eileen Rowland
Jeanie K. Rubio
Ben Russell
Aura Russell-Bedder &
Peter Rohde
Lou Russo & Cynthia Russo
Judy Rutter
Allen Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Ryan
Liz Ryan
Helga & Stephen Ryder
Jeff & Susie Saffer
Sue Sage
Sam & Linda Saltonstall
C. Michael Sandberg
Raymond & Joan Santora
Mr. L. Manlius Sargent Jr.
Dr. Len Saulter
Saulter Chiropractic Center
Charlie Sawyer
Stuart & Lynne Hodgkin Sayre
Henry Schwartz
Hillary C. Scott
Cynthia & Maurice Selinger
Jean Semonite
Laura Sewall
Jim A. Shafer
Barry & Peggy Shanler
Catherine & Ronald Shaw
Joan Sheedy
Kristel & Tom Sheesley
Sandra Sherry
Carolyn & Dick Shohet
Eileen T. Showalter
Jim & Susan Sidel
Ed & Priscilla Simmons
Suzanne Simon
Jonathan & Laura Taylor Singer
William Sipperly
Jim Skinner & Kat Riseman
Thomas & J. Kristine Slater
Karen Smallman
Joseph Smith
Russell L. Smith
Jim & Ruth Smith
John Otey Smith
Terry Smith
Missy & Chris Smithwick
Daniel B. Sobel & Kira Wigoda
Harold & Selena Soederberg
And thanks to our
valuable volunteers…
We are protecting Casco Bay thanks to you…
Marc Miller
Mrs. Margery W. Miller
Maureen Miller
Susan & Dusty Miller
Vivi & David Miller
Frances C. &
Edward J. Minden
Mike & Sherry Missig
Anne M. & John Moffitt
Cynthia Mollus & Rig Trimbey
Nicholas Moraros
Livy H. & John H. More
James & Kathleen Moreau
Morningflight Charters
Megan Morouse
Nancy & Robert Morrell
Michael Morrison &
Judith Steadman
Catherine M. Morrow
Douglas & Deborah Morton
David & Kathleen Moulton
Anne Murphy &
Kenneth O’Brien
Dan & Ellen Murphy
Carolyn Murray
William M. Murray Jr
Helen Muther &
Paul Woods Jr.
Mary Ann Nahf
Carol Nale
Scott & Nancy Nash
William Needelman &
Laura Graves
Norman Nelson & Sally Nelson
Rita & Robert Nelson
Beth & Steven Newcombe
Newfield Exploration Company
Martha W. Nichols &
James S. Burns
Mary & Randy Nichols
Jake & Kathy Nicholson
Julie A. Nisbet
Betsy Niven
Gary Noble & Vianka Vives
Ralph H.B. &
Catherine A. Nodine
C.V. & Betsy Noyes
Cheryl Oakes
Deirdre O’Brien
Eleanor G. &
Daniel J. O’Connell
Thomas O’Connor &
Deborah Weldon
Robert Olney &
Catherine Richards
Sara & David Orbeton
Dan Osgood
Peggy L. & Harold Osher
Beth & Tony Owens
Jon S. & Marjorie B. Oxman
Govind & Sharade Pailoor
Joe & Audrey Palma
Thomas Paquette
Joyce Parent
Linda Parise
Jane & Stephen Parker
C. Ingrid Parkin &
Judine V. French
Dianne M. Paton
Amory & Miriam Patten
Elizabeth Patten &
Michael Boucher
George C. &
Eleanor S. Patterson
Robert Howes Pawle
Anne Payne
Thomas L. Pearson
Annalee T. Pease
Fred & Gloria Peikin
Derek Pelletier
Brenda Peluso & Family
Deborah K. Perkins
Lawrence A. Perkins
Rachel Perry
John & Sandy Peters
Milton C. &
Susan F. Pettapiece
Hugh & Norma Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Phinney
Liz & Jeff Pierce
Russ Pinizzotto
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/13
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/12
82,098 (36,760)
Activity Since the Inception of the Endowment Fund, 2001-March 31, 2013
Total Contributions Received to Date
$ 752,268
Earnings - Interest and Dividends
Net Increase in Market Value
Less: Administrative Fees
Transfers to Operations to Support the
Baykeeper Program 2004-2013
Balance as of March 31, 2012
$ 990,351
AJ Curran
Raef Curran
Cathy Cyr
Marc Cyr
Debbie Debiegun
Chiara Degenhardt
Jay Desmond
Taylor Dillon
Henry Donovan
Ryan Duffy
Peter Dufour
Chas Dunn
Sean Enking
Will Everitt
Carolyne Falank
Scott Faurnier
Andrea Fogg
Cameron Foley
Sarah Geores
Pam Gerbi
Ray Gerbi
Susan Gilpin
Devi Glick
Gary Glick
Our Citizen Stewards Program started out in
1992 with 15 volunteers. This year, 72 Citizen
Stewards conducted water quality monitoring
at 35 stations around the Bay. Dozens more
volunteers helped with beach cleanups, storm
drain stenciling, special events, and fundraising.
Hillary Glick
Kathy Glick
Don Gower
Joan Greene
Paul Gregory
Nicole Handlen
Nate Hansen
Brian Harris
Elise Hart
Sonita Hav
Kristine Hayes
Maureen Henderson
David Hennessey
Jim Hennessey
Miranda Henning
Michael Heskanen
Nathan Hines
Mary Holman
Amie Holmes
Debora Houdek
Elizabeth Howe
Hugh Huleatt
Pat Ianni
JB Kavaliauskas
Joe Keierleber
Carolyne LaCene
Moira Lachance
Dave LaFortune
Carol Lavertu
Lauren Leclerc
Sarah Lindeman
Louisa Mahoney
Stephanie Marten
Julieta Martino
Helen McAlpin
Sonny McAlpin
Scott McAuliffe
Jo McCartan
Deborah McCoy
Ailsa McCulloch
Sheila McDonald
Althea Mcger
Patrick McInnis
Darren McLellan
Rick Meisenbach
Peter Merrill
Christo Milholland
Carol Nale
Olivia Nofzinger
Rachel Osborn
Brittany Pace
Miranda Page
Leonard Passano
George Patterson
Kim Payne
Miranda Pearce
Derek Pelletier
Walter Phillips
Russ Pinizzotto
Malcolm Poole
Nick Ports
Heidi Powell
Debora Price
Gigi Quinby
Tom Quinby
Bob Rio
Nora Rosen
Charlotte Rosenthal
Amanda Ross
Emily Ross
Tracy Ross
Caroline Ross
Jana Sacco
Sue Sage
Paola Salas
Joanie Samuelson
Sue Schaller
Ann Semonite
Katie Shapiro
Barry Sheff
Jim Sidel
Russell L. Smith
Mark Snowden
Zach Stephens
Richard Stevens
John Taxter
Carol Taylor
Ann Thayer
Liz Thompson
Gina Toman
Jessie Turner
Sue Vachon
Peter VanAlstine
Tay Veitch
Virginia Wadleigh
Amanda Warren
Meg Warren
Izzi Weimholt
Jeanie Wester
Lisa Willey
James Wise
Judy Woodbury
Mark Worthing
Rita Worthing
Hung Xie
Ethan Yusim
Benjamin A. &
Betsy McElvein Soule
John & Sylvia Sowles
Nathan A. Spooner
James & Tish Staley
The Standard Employee Giving
Jim & Valerie Stefanski
Carol Steingart
Rebecca Johanna Stephans
Kristen & Matthew Stetson
James D. &
Christine W. Stevens
Nelson D. & Cheryl R. Stevens
Ayres & CC Stockly
Karen Stockmann
Paul H. Stone Jr.
Peter W. Stoops &
Kate Wilkinson
Patricia A. & Donn R. Storey
Susan Stranahan
Dana & JoAn Street
Ann Strout
Frank S. Strout
Sue E. Stull
Dr. & Mrs. Bob & Anne Sturges
Sean Sullivan
Steven Sullivan
Kevin & Susan Sullivan
Perry Sutherland
Sally Sutton &
Charles Haeuser
William B. Sutton
Charles Swanson
Todd Swinton & Erin Larson
Nancy Taber
David & Anne Taft
Adam Tambone
Kathy Tarpo
Burton & Carol Taylor
Gene & Kay Taylor
James & Elizabeth Taylor
John W. & Marilyn Taylor
Mary Margaret Taylor CPA
Philip Schuyler &
Cynthia A. Thaxter
Troy Thompson
Dr. Bill Thornton
Evelyn H. & David B. Thurston
Tracy Tingley
Dan W. &
Meredith Lentz Tipton
Jennifer Tipton
Peter Todd
Marylyn A. Tomajan
Ellen F. Toomey
Maryse S. &
Charles T. Toomey
Paul & Linda Towne
Marilyn K. & Martin Traiser
Susan E. & Woody Trask
Sarah & Carl Tubbesing
Edith Tucker
Arthur M. Turner
Jacquelyn Turner
Roger & Kathleen Tuveson
Timothy Tyler
Sue Vachon & Bob Rio
Michael F. Vaillancourt
Ellen & Jeff Van Fleet
Richard Veit III
Jason Vena & Nita Patel
Peter Ventre
Dr. Philip J. &
Claudette C. Villandry
Emily & Thomas Vitale
Gary & Gretchen Vogel
Andrew & Kathleen Wallace
Ronald W. & Judith A. Walters
Stephen J. & Elizabeth J. Wark
Mike & Rachel Warren
WAS Consulting, Inc
Seth H. Washburn
James Wasserman
Andrew Watson
Elizabeth Watson
Robert F. Watts Jr.
The Weaver Household
Helen Webber
William Weber
David T. Webster
Carolyn Welch
Doug Welch
Nils H. Wessell
Mr. James Whalen
Donald C. Wheeler
Harvey Wheeler
Mrs. Jean D. Whiting
Blake Wilkes
Mary & Wesley Willink
Dr. & Mrs. Robert O. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Wilson
Alice T. & Charles F. Wilson
Diane Winchell
Curtis L. &
Bonnie N. Winchenbach
Rev. Katharine Winthrop
Theodore & Cathy Ann Wirth
Cathy Wolinsky
Rosanne & Mark Woodbury
Ken Woods
Charles R. &
Merrill C. Woodworth
Timothy P. Woolworth
Loren Wolsh
Sherod Anne Yancey
Barbara T. York
David Zamarripa
John & Libby Zerner
Roger & Lynne Zimmerman
Boat Donation
Grady White, donated by
William H. Floyd III
Memorial Gifts
In honor of all living things
James Chute
In honor of Andy Bertocci
& Jeanie Barnard
Jeanette Chavira
In honor of David
& Cynthia Barnard
Jeanette Chavira
In memory of Mary Butler
Paul’s Marina
In honor of John Dodge
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of Louise Dumais
Paul’s Marina
Dedication to Sally Edwards
Dave Edwards
In honor of Darragh Ferranti
Cheryl Greaney
In honor of Wendy Kellett, for
all the good the Friends do
Bud Kellett
In honor of Joe Gagne’s
Holly & Sam Eddy
In honor of Arthur Hackett
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of Dick Leighton
Stephanie & Roger Greenwood
Wm. David & Janis Graham Jack
In honor of Mary McMullin’s
In memory of Jerry Palazzo
Susan & Clifford Gilpin
In memory of my Best Friend,
Scott Quirion
Jim Stefanski
In memory of Melba Quinn
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Rodney Quinn
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Robert H. Saunders
Joan & Roland Tancrede
In honor of Judy Woodbury’s
Ann Adams
Barbara Wyman
Paul’s Marina
FSC logo
2012 Wild & Scenic
Film Festival Sponsors
98.9 WCLZ
Pro Search, Inc.
Oakhurst Dairy
TD Bank
Portland Press Herald/Maine
Sunday Telegram
Ocean Navigator
The Portland Daily Sun
Macdonald Page & Co., LLC
The Portland Regency
Hotel & Spa
Woodard & Curren
Baker Newman Noyes
Brunswick Dental Health
P & W Real Estate
Bayview Rigging & Sales
Crockett Furniture
Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
Key Bank
Pierce Atwood
Plimsoll Mark Capital
RBC Wealth Management
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
SGC Engineering, LLC
Casco Bay Estuary
Penobscot River Restoration
In Kind Support
98.9 WCLZ
Belted Cow
Alison Bramhall
Daniel & Gayle Brazeau
Casco Bay Lines
Casella Organics
Mary & Arthur Cerullo
Doc’s Cafe & Marketplace
LT’s Inc
Maine Audubon
Maine Boats, Homes &
Harbors Magazine
Maine Historical Society
Maine Roasters Coffee
Maine Yacht Center
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Navigator Publishing Corp.
Ocean Approved
Osprey Packs
Pepperclub & The Good Egg
Pierce Atwood, LLP
Points East
Port Harbor Marine
Portland Daily Sun
Portland Museum of Art
Portland Press Herald
Portland Water District
Cathy L. Ramsdell
ReVision Energy
Shipyard Brewing Company
Southern Maine
Community College
Kristen Stetson
Sweetser’s Apple Barrel
& Orchards
TD Bank
Jonathan Thomas
Yankee Marina & Boatyard
Board of Directors
Malcolm F. Poole ……………………………………………President
Judith Fletcher Woodbury …………………………… Vice President
Sarah B. Coburn……………………………………………… Clerk
Barry S. Sheff…………………………………………………Treasurer
Sean Bergen
Daniel A. Brazeau
Jeffrey Clements
AJ Curran
Peter Dufour
Paul Gregory
Martin S. Grimnes
Patricia Ianni
Peter C. LeBourdais
Althea Bennett McGirr
Tollef Olson
Derek Pelletier
Kathryn Reid
Joan Benoit Samuelson
Janet M. Sortor
Ann W. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Jonathan B. Thomas
Peter Van Alstine
Frederick A. Veitch
John Wise
Honorary Directors
Kenneth M. Curtis
Kevin P. Gildart
Sherry F. Huber
Anthony R. Jessen
P. Andrews Nixon
Donald W. Perkins,
Founding President
Cathy L. Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA……………………Executive Director
Joseph E. Payne………………………………… Casco BAYKEEPER®
Mary M. Cerullo……………………………………Associate Director
Will Everitt……………………………………… Development Director
Peter Milholland……………………… Citizen Stewards Coordinator
R. Michael Doan………………………………… Research Associate
Jeff Fetterer………………………………………… Office Manager
Sarah Lyman…………… Development & Communications Assistant
Jim Splude…………………………………………… Pumpout Coordinator
Annual Report Production
Mary Cerullo
Printing Franklin Printing This Annual Report is printed on paper made from
100% post consumer recycled paper.
Friends of Casco Bay
is a founding member
Alliance , a coalition
of pollution fighters who
patrol water bodies and protect their communities’
rights to clean water. Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne,
the seventh Waterkeeper in the world, now has nearly
200 colleagues on six continents.
In honor of Philip & Margaret
Sumner for their lifelong love
of Casco Bay
Jeffrey Sumner
Design Kristen Stetson
Cover Photo George Friou
Friends of Casco Bay
43 Slocum Drive
South Portland, ME 04106
tel (207) 799-8574
[email protected]
BAYKEEPER® is a registered trademark and service mark of BAYKEEPER®
and is licensed for use herein.
Find us on Facebook.
Steve & Paula Birmingham
Stephanie Boggs MD &
Stephen Mette MD
Brown &
John Connolly
The Aldermere Foundation
William & Patricia D. Curran
Apple Lane Foundation
Joan L. Dayton
Katharine J. Baker Charitable
Jean & Jesse Deupree
Lead Unitrust
DiMillo’s On the Water
The Bank of America
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Dodge
Pricilla & Dale Doucette
Bardel Family Fund of the
Tom & Margaret Downing
New York Community Trust
$5,000 & up
Francis Leo Doyle III
Beim Foundation
Gregory G. & Judith Fergin
James G. & Carolyn
Mr. Thomas Haas
Roger L. & Joanne Fortin
Birmingham Foundation
Cyrus & Patricia Hagge
Steve & Debbie Fuller
Bradley Family Foundation
Robert & Marge Healing
Susan & Clifford Gilpin
Charles Schwab Foundation
Cheryl A. &
Stephanie & Roger Greenwood
Clark Charitable Trust
George L. Higgins III
Paul Gregory
Helen Dickey & David G. Fitz
Bill & Patty Zimmerman
Susie & Theodore Gribbell
Charitable Fund
Lee & Lulu Grodzins
Elmina B Sewall Foundation
$2,000 & up
Meredith & Myron Hamer
Eugen Friedlaender
Anonymous (2)
Richard T. Harris
Foundation Inc
Hillary & Thomas M. Egan
Bill & Lynn Heinz
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Albert B. &
Mr. Daniel W. Hildreth
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Judith Ellis Glickman
Al & Dawn Hoffman
Fox Family Charitable
Leon A. & Lisa M. Gorman
Sherry F. Huber
Foundation, Inc
Brigitte & Harold Kingsbury
Kaplan University
GE Foundation
Mrs. Ann &
Capt. Harry W. Konkel
The Robert & Dorothy Goldberg
Dr. Peter LeBourdais
Kathleen & Peter M. Leslie
Charitable Foundation
Althea & Bob McGirr
Merck Partnership for Giving
Anna Emery Hanson
Peter Milliken & Linzee Weld
Chris Nichols & Kim Gilpatrick
Testamentary Charitable
Walter & Helen Norton
James F. & Amy Nolan Osborn
Michael Perry & Chris Wolfe
Mrs. Victoria Poole
The Roy A. Hunt Foundation
Patti B. & Malcolm F. Poole
Alison & Todd Prawer
The Iberdrola USA
Elizabeth Porteous
Foundation, Inc
Portland Pipe Line Corporation Cathy L. Ramsdell
Ready Seafood
Jebediah Foundation
Proprietors of Union Wharf
Kathryn Reid & Hugh Tozer
William S. Jelin Foundation
Henry & Jan Rines
Kenneth D. &
Kean Foundation Inc
Richard Rockefeller MD
Caroline D. Roberts
Steven Leuthold Family
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Sheldon
Royal River Boat Repair, Inc.
Charles & Nan Stockman
Lucy & Richard Sallick
Maine Community Foundation UBS Employee Giving
Theodore J. Samuel
Maritime Funding Association
Mary Ann Sanford
of Maine
Judith F. &
Jenny Scheu & John W Ryan
Robert W. & Gladys S.
Douglas E. Woodbury
Elena Schmidt
Meserve Charitable Trust
Maxine R. Sclar
The Miley Foundation
Barry Sheff &
Morton-Kelly Charitable Trust $1,000 & up
Stephanie Macdonald
The Nine Wicket Foundation
Daniel & Joan Amory
Ms. M. M. Smith
Oak Foundation
Joanne P. & Robert B. Stewart
The William Penn Foundation
John & Susan Beaman
A. Holmes & Didi Stockly
Perry/Wood Family Trust
Ann Thayer
The Redmond Family Foundation Mr. Roger K. Berle
Drs. Elizabeth H. &
John M. Robinson Fund of the
Lee L. Thibodeau
Maine Community Foundation Marcia Bowen &
Thomas A. Toye III
Harold W. & Mary Louise
Daniel & Gayle Brazeau
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon &
Shaw Foundation
Roberta Weil
The Seth Sprague Educational Central Maine Power
Barbara Chilmonczyk, MD &
John Pierce Wise Sr., Ph.D.
& Charitable Foundation
Richard M. Engel, MD
Larry Wold
Theodores Family Foundation
Judith M. & Andrew Coburn
Amy H. Woodhouse &
Anna Marie & John Thron
Tobey Scott
Fund of the Maine Community Aileen B. Crawford
Henry L. &
Edward M. Woodin
DeTine &
Bill & Patty Zimmerman Fund
East Coast Yacht Sales
Roger F. Woodman Jr
of the Maine Community
Wright Express Corporation
John & Betsy Kelly
Suzanne & Neil McGinn
Public Sector Support
$250 & up
Richard Mellon
Bowdoin College
Anonymous (2)
Casco Bay Estuary Partnership David & Brenda Miley
Gordon & Mary Allen
City of South Portland, South Mr. P. Andrews Nixon
Suzanne M. Bakewell
Portland School Department P & W Real Estate Corp
John Bennett & Abigail Snyder
Joe & Kim Payne
Town of Freeport
John & Holly Benoit
Connie Robinson
Gorham Garden Club
Carole Brush & Richard Muir
Long Island Civic Association
Steven H. & Barbara Burns
Longfellow Elementary School Joan & Scott Samuelson
Miss Barbara A. Busby
Meredith S. S. Smith
Maine Audubon
Frank & Ruth Butler
Maine Outdoor Heritage Fund Richard & Kathleen Stevens
Linda Cabot
Bill & Bonnie Stoloski
Maine TREE Foundation
Mr. Wallace Camp
Marie Harris Clarke
Maritime Funding Association Unum
Madeleine G. Corson
of Maine
Leonard & Anne Cotton
$500 & up
Network for Good
Crockett Furniture
Portland Water District
AJ Curran
Alere Scarborough, Inc.
Rippleffect, Inc.
Eliot R. &
Roger B. Allen
Wells-Ogunquit Community
Melanie Stewart Cutler
John A. & Sally Amory
School District
Douglas Davis
Ellie Asherman
York County Beekeepers
Kelly & Peter Dufour
Sarah H. Beard
East Brown Cow
Michael & Nancy Beebe
Management, Inc.
Bill & Susan Bennett
Betsy & Richard Eiseman
Corporate Founder
$10,000 & up
The Estate of
Stanley T. Bennett
Jeffrey Clements &
Nancy Heselton
Diversified Communications
L.L.Bean, Inc.
Tear of the Clouds, LLC
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Gunnar & Ingrid Elofson
Christina & John Ferland
Frank & Joanna Fowler
Ed & Kathie Gilfillan
The Gilmartins
Sandi Goolden
Don & Lucy Gower
Lin Peyton & Morris Hancock
Handy Boat Serivce, Inc.
Montagu & Marcia G. Hankin
Ms. Heidi N. Hansen
Michelle Hanson
Ms. Sally Heald
Michael Herz & Kate Josephs
Peter J. & Holly Horne
Albert H. & Marcia W. Hunker
Mr. & Mrs. Russell Hunter
Patricia Ianni &
Mark Sundermann
Lewis & Elizabeth Incze
Wm. David &
Janis Graham Jack
Matt Jacobson
Darlene & Mark Jarrell
Anthony R. & Hilary Jessen
Anne P. & Michael Jones
Ken & Martha Keller
Bud & Wendy Kellett
Dot Kelly
Cole & Margie Kelly
Julie Kilmartin &
Gerald Teplitzky
Chris Korzen
Judith A. Lambert
Meg & Mike LePage
Chad Little Outdoor
Power Equipment
Wiggy Martin
Richard & Pamela Mayo
Alan McIlhenny Jr. &
Elizabeth Ackerson
Harold A. McInnes
Jeanne M. Meserve &
Jeffrey E. Blount
Ruth I. Mette
Steve Milliken
Daniel Morgenstern &
Moriah Moser
Morong Falmouth
Mary & Randall R. Mraz
Representative Mary P. &
Kenneth M. Nelson
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Parkhill
Peoples United Bank
Perkins Olson PA
Patricia B. Rice
Jeffrey M. Schwartz
Seafax, Inc.
J. Scott & Janice M. Searway
Matthew Siegel
Mr. Robert E. Siegel
Janet M. Sortor
Jan & Steve Specker
Frances M. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Henry C. & Ingrid Thomas
Elisabeth & David Treadwell
Peter & Christine Van Alstine
Lloyd M. Van Lunen &
Margaret A. Wilson
Paula Volent
Elise & Neil W. Wallace
Willard C. & Daphne G. Warren
John Wilson &
Susan Hudson-Wilson
Fiona & Frank Wilson
Jeremy R. Wintersteen
Meg & Tom Wolff
Anne R. & Robert E. Wood
$100 & up
David W. Abel & Amy Abel
Eben & Susan Adams
John & Judy Adelman
Frank & Katherine Alexander
Apostolos &
Mary Janet Aliapoulios
Diana B. & Thomas H. Allen
Heidi Almy & Scott Schnapp
Debra Andrews
C.D. & Betts Armstrong
Rachel & Tom Armstrong, Sr.
Shergul & Alison Arshad
Atlantic Sportswear, Inc.
Robert & Linda Ayotte
Ted & Terry Bailey
Sally & Samuel Ballard
Robert BaRoss
Mark Battista &
Jennifer J. Andrews
David & Dede Bennell
Nancy & Arnold Bennett
Emil H. & Nancy M. Berges
Brian & Patti Bicknell
Connie & Peter Bingham
Henry L. & Hildegarde B. Bird
Steve & Robin Bishop
Michael J. &
Lorraine A. Bobinsky
Erno R. &
Victoria B. Bonebakker
Donald M. & Tracy V. Booth
Arthur J. & Kate Borduas
James & Donna Boyles
Brennan Environmental, Inc.
Wendy & Bill Burns
Kelly & Michael Busby
Catherine Callahan &
Bret LeBleu
John P. & Barbara Capasso
Douglas & Linda A. Cardente
Franklin W. &
Carolyn A. Carney
Everett B. &
Dana Porter Carson
Casco Bay Veterinary Hospital
Gina & Paul Castronovo
Corvis Catsouphes &
Marcie Pitt
Paul Cereste
Tom Chadbourne
Daniel & Patricia Chase
Jeanette Chavira
Joel Clement
Paul Cloutier
Sarah Coburn &
Brendan O’Neil
Coffee By Design, Inc.
Bruce & Phyllis Coggeshall
Jane & Douglas Collins
Kathi & Peter Conley
Mike & Rachel Cooney
Daniel Cooper
Bill & Martha Cooper
Patrick & Joyce Coughlan
Douglas & Leslie Couper
Paul & Melissa Cousins
Peter W. Culley
Albert & Carol Curran
Mr. & Mrs. Richard E. &
Margaret Cary Curran
Curtis Yacht Brokerage, LLC
Justice Howard H. Dana Jr.
& Ms. Susan Dana
Richard P. Dana
Richard N. &
Anne-Marie Davee
Carol Dean
Dickonson R. &
Katrina Debevoise
David Deinzer
George & Joyce Denney
Beth L. DeTine
Bernard M. & John D. Devine
Capt. John T. Dinan, Jr.
Robert J. & Jane E. Doan
Cally Dow
William Dow
David H. & Kathy Drake
Philip G. Drew
Thomas Dykes &
Cynthia Rasmussen-Dykes
Robert & Nancy Earnest
David N. & Jennifer Lord Eaton
Stephen Edmondson &
Kiki Randall
Donald & Sally Edwards
Harold & Susan Edwards
Elizabeth Ehrenfeld
Cynthia L. Ellis
Frederick C. Emery Jr.
Amos Eno
Johan Erikson
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis N. &
Eleanor Estabrooks
Alex & Shirley Everitt
Will Everitt
Carol & Mark Eyerman
Matthew Faulkner &
Alice Grant
Susan Feiner & Bruce Roberts
Peter J. & Patricia A. Fetterer
Jennifer Fife
Max Fletcher & Lynnie Bruce
John & Lorna Flynn
Patricia & Donald Foote
Richard Frantz & Jennifer Fox
A. Myrick Freeman III &
Claire Darrow
Julie & Daniel Freund
Ed Friedman
Mark Fruehauf
Bill & Susan Full
Patricia Galbreath
Beth Gallie & Scott Benson
Edward & Pam Galvin
Madeleine S. &
Terrence D. Garmey
F. Gregory & Cynthia L. Gause
Peter & Mabel Gerquest
Ed & Joyce Gervais
Nicholas M. Gess
George & Martha Gilmore
Roger & Betty Gilmore
John D. Gleason &
Katrina Van Dusen
David & Valle Gooch
Ellen Goodman & Robert Levey
James Goodrich
Frank Goodwin
Libby & Peter Gordon
Linda P. & Schuyler V. Grant
Nancy Gray
Richard Greene
Martin & Nancy Grimnes
Philip H. & Bette Grondin
John W. & Jean K. Gulliver
Fred & Mary Eileen Haley
Haley’s Tire & Service
Gardiner A. Hall
William & Ann Hall
Leslie C. Hallock & Joe Hahn
Dagmar S. &
Robert W. Hamilton
Harbor Fish Market, Inc.
Ruth Hartman &
Jonathan Fernans
David & Karen Haskell
John R. Henson
Rodger & Jillian Herrigel
Christian A. Herter
Cynthia M. &
Robert G. Hibbert
Stephen & Debra Hides
Walter Higgins
Ted & Betsy Hillman
Rob Hillman & Rebecca Esty
Hope Hilton & Terry Flanagan
Karlee & Robert Gifford
Seth S. Holbrook
Elizabeth & Jeff Holmstrom
Phillip Hoose &
Sandi Ste. George
Joan T. Horton
Elizabeth A. Howe &
Leonard M. Passano
William H. & Julie L. Howison
Al & Lois Howlett
Richard & Jennifer Hubbell
John & Maria Hughes
Hugh & Carol Huleatt
Nathaniel Hyde
Sue Inches & Bob Sessums
Dr. & Mrs. David Iszard
Charlie &
Jean Appleby Johnson
Avery Yale Kamila & Adam Hill
Stephen Kazilionis
Matthew & Lucia Kearns
Bruce & Cynthia Keller
Christopher A. Kendall
Helen W. Kenefick
Brenda & Jim Kern
James & Beth Kilbreth
Judy & Walter Kimball
Rita Kissen & Norm Rasulis
Robert G. & Caroline C. Knott
Dr. & Ms. Michael &
Elizabeth Kramer
Ron Kreisman
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Kurtz
Sam & Nancy Ladd
Claes E. Larsson
Tom & Cathy Leach
Frank Leavitt
Eileen Leighton
Robert & Elizabeth LeMieux
Peter C. Lincoln
Peter Lindsay &
Mary-Kate Murphy
Rob Lindsay
Gregg Lipton
Jeffrey Longcope
Keri D. Lord
Cynthia L. Lord
Najeeb S. & Barbara J. Lotfey
Howard & Kathy Lowell
Meri & Lee Lowry
Barbara A. Luke &
Robert Luke, III
Christopher & Laura Lynch
Sally & Jeff Madore
Maine Parts & Machine, Inc
Chris Mann
David & Diane Marshall
Al Martin
Deborah McCoy
Francis & Susan McGinty
Heather McLennan
Jean McManamy
James & Deborah Meagher
Dr. & Mrs. Peter & Alice Mellin
David & Selena Mercer
Barbara & Richard Merrill
Richard Mersereau &
Bette Spettel
Lauren A. Meserve
Martha & Thomas Meyers
Charles & Judy Micoleau
Seb & Peggy Milardo
Bob & Chris Millar
Millennium Communications
Group, Inc.
Allan Miller
Stephanie Miskell &
Mark Lickus
Judy Miskell
Peter & Matilda Mitsakos
John & Mary Moore
Peter C. Moore
Morgan Stanley
William & Jane Morrell
Cindy & Cuyler Morris
Diana Moxhay
Mr. & Mrs. Fish, Inc
Craig Mudge
Mary Lavendier Myers
John V. & Kim A. Najarian
Leonard & Merle Nelson
Richard & Ann Dins Nemrow
Erika & Christopher Neumann
Henry & Polly Nichols
Bob & Susan Nielsen
Anne & Ben Niles
Ellen & Sean Norton
Dr. & Mrs. Charles E. &
Eugenia L. O’Brien
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Oldfield
Clifton C. & Susan W. Olds
Eric J. Oranksy
Charles & Gerry Orem
John C. Orestis
Perry & Peter Ormiston
James C. Otis
Alfred L Padula Jr.
Stephanie Paine & John Pier
Mr. & Mrs. John Van C. Parker
Elizabeth S. Parks
Paul’s Marina
Linden Thigpen Pavloff
David & Kee Payne
John & Linda Perkins
David L. Perry
Fran & George Philip
Walter & Joan Phillips
Lynn & MacGregor Pierce
Silvia & Ted Pitas
Pamela P. & Peter Plumb
Pond Cove IGA
Paul H. Potter MD
David & Lise Pratt
Ethel T. Price
Gigi & Tom Quinby
Quirk Chevrolet of Portland
Pamela & David Rawson
Gregg Raymond &
Jamien Jacobs
Judith & Edward Reidman
Henry W. &
Charley Ann Rhoads
George &
Constance Richardson
Curtis Rindlaub
Jennifer Robbins & Rick Gause
Brian & Cathy Roberts
David & Gail Robinson
Hugh P. Robinson
Bonny Rodden
Dick & Patti Roderick
Ralph W. Rogers
Charlotte & Glenn Rosenthal
Anne M. Royer
Rufus Deering Lumber
Boyce & Nannette Sanborn
Ernie & Carol Sarason
Kristine W. Saunders
Katharine Sawdon &
Jerrold Lavigne Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Alden H. Sawyer Jr
Mathew Scease &
Maureen Drouin
Molly P. Scheu
Emilie Schmidt
Cornelia & Curtis Scribner
Norman & Mary Seagrave
William Seale
Cheryl & Tim Seavey
John E. Sedgewick &
Deborah A. Keefe
Donald & Hope Seeley
Judy & Ken Segal
Louisa Severance
Jim & Lynn Shaffer
Jane Shattuck
Alan & Ellen Shaver
David & Kelly Smith
Hugh Smith
Samuel H. & Kathy Smith
Sarah Smith &
James Nelson Kise
Alison Smith
Smith Boatyard
Anne & Tom Snyder
Frank W. Sparks III
Carol M. & James Springer
Christopher & Eunice St. John
Jay Stackhouse
Mark S. Stafiej
Anne Stanley
Bill Stauffer
Anita Stewart & Ron Botting
Valerie & David Stone
Deirdre Strachan & Jose Mas
Jean & Rowland Stratton
Edward & Beth Sugarman
Dr. & Mrs. John Kelly Sullivan
Richard & Louise Sullivan
Dr. Philip E. & Margaret Sumner
Kristin G. Sweeney
J. Michael & Wendy Taylor
Patty Temple & John Ingham
George & Nancy Thompson
Ms. Sara L. Thompson
Hall Thompson
Mr. & Mrs.
Harleigh V. S. Tingley
Mike & Laurie Totta
Mariana & Benjamin Tupper
Jason Tuttle
Frederick W. Urtz
Timothy Vail & Joanne Urquhart
David Vickers
Carlyle B. & Patricia Z. Voss
Robin & Larry Walden
Mary Wallace
Karen Wallingford
Nicholas & Ellen Walsh
Mary Lou & Burrage Warner
Bob & Diane Weggel
Eric & Tracy Weinrich
Mr. Daniel Wellehan &
Ms. Lise Johnson
David Ruff & Jane Wellehan
Brad M. & Tara A. Weller
Natalie West & Robert Sellin
Jeanie Wester & Michael Mora
David Whiston
John & Carolyn Whitaker
Charles & Susan White
Mrs. Judith A. White
Charles D. & Lee Whittier
Nancy & Michael Wing
Introductory to $99
Anonymous (3)
Alexander Abbott &
Jennifer Melville
Dan Abbott & Monica Wood
Dean S. Abramson &
Marilyn A. Gikey
Ann Adams & Dan Boutin
Charles & Marjorie Adams
Sue & John Aden
Nancy Agan
Al & Mary Ahlers
Janis Albright
Willa M. Alexander
Senator Justin Alfond
Shirley B. Alling
Mrs. Betsy B. Allyn
American Carpentry Service
Pam & John Ames
Helen Anderson
John Andrews
John B. & Sharon B. Andrews
Peter Angis
Arcangelo V. &
Kathleen H. Arecchi
Virginia H. Armstrong
Richard & Diane Armstrong
Susan Rhodes &
Rick Armstrong
Frederick R. &
Jennifer G. Aronson
Matthew Arrants & Stacy Smith
Ash Cove Pottery
Ashmore Realty
Wendy Atwood
William M. & Doris Auger
Susan Auglis
Jo Anne & Ross Babcock
Dr. Stephen & Brenda Babirak
Kendra Bailey
Jesse Baines
David Baiss
Sue & Stan Baker
Barney & Caroline Baker
Jeff & Peg Balano
Mark Balles MD
David W. & Cynthia Barnard
F. Herbert & Liese Barnes
Denny & Camilla Barrantes
Betsy & Dan Barrett
David Bartholomew
Elizabeth H. & Robert K. Barton
Bath Savings Institution
Chuck Beals
Roger & Jane Beaulieu
Brian Beckman
Belkin Environmental
Arthur Bell &
Robin Lin Hodgskin
Michael Bell &
Patricia Harrington
Christy H. & William S. Belvin
Ed & Ruth Benedikt
Nicholas T. Bennett
Marta & Robert Bent
Daniel J. & Ellen M. Benthal
Sean & Meg Bergen
Patricia & Richard Bernard
Andrew Bertocci &
Jeanie Barnard
Elizabeth Beveridge
David & Debra Bilodeau
Nelson P. Blackburn
Pam Blake & Dan Jellis
Sheila & Jan Bohlin
Stephen Booth
George Bouchard
Nancy Boulanger
Jeanine Bourke & Marcia Grant
Richard Bowen
Dwight A. Brackett &
Claire Brackett
Nathan A. Brackett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas W. Bradley
Nan, Dale, & Julie Bragg
Alison Bramhall
Susan & Charles Breen
David & Pam Brennan
Rudolph & Rita Breton
Gayle Briggs & Joe Sukaskas
Wyman & Laura Briggs
Jody Brinser
Stephen & Julie Brown
Oliver S. & Eleanor A. Brown
Rommy Brown & Steve Morrow
Brown Goldsmiths
Ruth R. Budd & John Ehrenfeld
Barbara Bull
Meredith Strang Burgess
Susan & Ernest Burgess
Lisa Burke
Theresa Burke
Carrine Burns & Pete Bouman
Warren & Cindy Burroughs
Anne D. & Stephen Burt
John D. & Marilyn G. Burwell
Cyndy Bush
Jen & Jeff Bush
Steve Butterfield
Bob & Sue Buxbaum
Andrew A. & Lindsey F. Cadot
Joe & Diana Calby
David & Barbara Caldwell
Judy & Joe Calise
Lynn Callahan
Ms. Mary G. Callanan
Ann & Peter Cannon
Timothy Carberry
Patricia A. Carignan
Iver R. Carlsen
Benjamin Carmichael
Chris & Karen Carney
Ed & Joan Carrier
Julie R. & Robert D. Carter
Mary Anne & Chris Cary
Dr. & Mrs. Bruce Cassidy
Mr. & Mrs. Paul &
Stephanie Castle
Mary & Arthur Cerullo
Andrea Cesario
John & Barbara M. Chandler
Bradford & Dorothy Chapman
Elizabeth Chapman &
Carter Manny
Peter & Crissy Cherry
Edwin Chester & Barbara Vestal
Phyllis Chinlund
Kevin Chisolm
John Christie &
Megan McConagha
James Chute
Robert Clark
Harriet Clark
A. Gordon Clarke Jr.
Margaret B. Clement
Linda Clement
Andre & Lydia Cocquyt
Jane & Lincoln Colby
Sam Colella
Daniel T. Colli
David Collings
Kimm Collins & Jen Hillstrom
Bert H. & Mary F. Cook
Diane & Bob Cormier
Dr. John A. Corson
Jean & Edgar Craig
Anne & Jim Cram
Robert Crane
Dr. Larry Crane
Bruce G & Laura M Crawford
Barry Crommett
Ronald & Karen Cronin
Stephen & Holly Culver
Rachelle Curran & Colin Apse
Benjamin H. &
Virginia R. Cushing
Cushings Island Conservation
Frederica M. Cushman
Jane G. Cutter
William P. Daisley
Joan & Bob Daly
Enid Dana
Dick & Brenda Darcey
Jane Davidian Yurko &
Jerry Yurko
Mary Davis & Stuart Tisdale
Deb Dawson &
Christopher Bond
Betsey Day & Jim Buss
Kate Debevoise
Joe Delano
Karen De Nitto
Lois Dennett
Ms. Nicole d’Entremont
Fred & Bonnie Dickey
Deborah & R. Forrest Dillon
Roger & Gloria Dinsmore
Daniel & Joyce Doane
Paul Dostie & Jill Victor
Eva Marie Douglas
Hannah N. Dring
Dr. & Mrs. John & Jean Driscoll
Scott Dugas & Laura Wilkinson
Stephen J. Duguay &
Kathleen Riley
Atwood & Marilyn Dunham
Dorothy & Philip Dyer
Dave Edwards
Thomas K. &
Christine C. Edwards
Henry & Jamie Ellis
James G. Ellis
Carol E. & William Emerson
Jeryl L. & John E. Erickson
Dan & Sue Evans
Athena Everitt
Suzanne B. Ewing
John & Marilyn Faison
Anne Falk
Susan Farady
Dale & Cynthia Farris
Paul & June Farrow
Mary Lou Fathke
Mitchell Feeney &
Alyssa Bishop
Glen M. & Mary Feigenbaum
Irving & Donna Felker
G. David Fenderson
Megan Fenderson
William V. &
Catherine Ward Ferdinand
Peter Flaherty
Benson & Patricia Ford
Ray & Alice Forgit
David A. Francis
John R. Freeman
William & Sally Friedlander
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred &
Phyllis R. Fuchs
Eugene Gaddis &
Alison Lane-Reticker
Maura Gallagher
Adam Gardner &
Lauren Sullivan
Gerald Garman
Richie & Susan Garrett
Chip Gavin
Mary & Marty Gavin
Michael & Lynne Gawtry
Mr. & Mrs. Francis Q. Gay
W. Stephen & Susan E. Gefvert
Pam & Ray Gerbi
David & Deidre Gifford
Peter & Diane Gifford
Stuart & Carol Gillespie
Laraine L. Glidden & Merrill Hall
William Goddard
Andrew Goode &
Susan B. Jones
Brian & Virginia Gourlie
Government Strategies
Tom Graham
Ellen Grant & Kevin Carley
Gerry & Gretchen Greenberg
Maureen & Chad Greene
Joan & Walter Greene
Phyllis & Samuel Greene
Marji Greenhut
James Greenwell
Jennifer A. Gregg
Charles & Roxann Gregory
Jonathan Greven
Captain Bill Gribbin &
Lisa Wilson
John N. Grillo
Sheila M. &
Wesley C. Gustafson
Jennie Gwilym
Hans Hackett & Amy Witt
David G. & Mary C. Haeger
Charles & Mary Ann Hales
Richard D. & Andrea Hall
Merle & Barbara Hallett
Leon & Jennifer Hamilton
Karen Harrell
Mr. Mortier D. Harris
Trudy Harris
Johannah M. Hart
Tom & Norma Hartnett
Mary Louise Haskell
Robert & Beth Hassett
Ann Havener &
Richard Estabrook
Robert Hawkins &
Vivian Horoshak
Michael & Bridgette Healy
Buell Heminway
Muriel Hendrix
Ann Marie & Steven Hess
Kathy Hewins
Roger D. & Charlotte Hewson
Judy Higbea
Charles Higgins
Uta Hillery
David & Elizabeth Hinchman
Barbara Hnatko
Phillip H. Hoff
William Hollenbach
Nancy H. & Fred C. Holler
Bert & Alice Hootsmans
Alix W. Hopkins
Chris J. & Barbara A. Hoppin
David & Rebecca Hotelling
Nancy & Gabriel House
Richard A. Housley Jr.
John & Lynn Howard
Ann & David Howe
Matthew A. Howe
Susan G. Howe
Marcia Howell
John W. Hoy & Mary M. Sauer
Elinor Hudson
Dale & Carol Hudson
David Hulbert
Shannon Hulst
Brad & Amanda Hunter
Robert B. & Mary C. Hurley
Edith D. Hustvedt
Karla Hyde
Caroline Irwin
Stephen Jenks
Kris & Sue Jennings
Richard J. Jewell
Judy Johanson
Glenn P. Johnson
Kevin Johnson
Jerry & Kit Johnston
Elanie Jones
Steve Jones
Cheryl Joseph
Dr. Einar A. Juhlin MD
Don Kale
Bonnie B. Kam
Gretchen Kamilewicz
Richard Kania
Stephen Karpiak
David Kaufholz
Polly W. Kaufman
Elizabeth Kean
David J. L. &
Rebecca S. L. Keefe
J. Ryan Kelley
Jack & Annabelle Kellogg
Kemp Goldberg Partners
Gerald P. & Mary M. Kennedy
Donald Kennel
James Kerney &
Mary Emily Kearney
Carol F. Kessler PhD
William Clark Ketcham
Bob & Nan Knecht
Seth Koenig
Carol Kontos
Sophie Kourakos
Carolyn & Hans Krahn
Richard & Joanne Kronauere
Megan & Clayton Kyle
Scott Labombard &
Kathleen Phillips
David A LaBranche
Mark & Wendy Labrecque
Lucy & Bill LaCasse
Lorraine Lamont
Susan Wortman & Bill Lane
Janet Lane & David Armstrong
Rev. Robert Lane &
Rev. Fidelia Lane
Meagan L. Lauer
Ginger Lawson & Larry Ely
Joan Sarles Lee
David E. Leeman
Mary Lello
Joyce Leslie & John Kiely
Joan Lester
Dale M. & Richard B. Lewis
Richard & Audrey Lewis
Alan D. Lishness &
Deborah R. Peck
Nicholas D. &
Kathleen R. Livesay
Stephen F. Loebs
Theodore W. Logan
Brian Lombard
David O. Lovejoy
Cindy Luce
Henry & Carol Lukas
Jacqueline O. Lunt
Charles Lyman
Sarah L. Lyman
Nancy & Jerry Lynn
Shirley L. Mac Gregor
Stuart & Carol MacDonald
Ann Machado
John MacLeod
Kathy A. MacLeod
Frederick Madeira
Trish & Fred Madeira
Nancy P. Mahoney
Robert & Cynthia Mahoney
Maine Island Kayak
Maine Video Systems
Evanthia Malliris & John Beaty
Eileen Manglass
Nancy Savage &
George Marcus
H. James Marshall Jr
Elsa Martz
Charlotte Maurer
Eldon C. & Betts S. Mayer
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Kathleen McCarthy
William A. &
Roberta W. McCuskey
Sarah A. McDaniel
McElman, Inc.
Malcolm &
Marjorie H. McFarland
Robert McGuire
Peter M. McHugh
Charlie & Sue McIlvaine
Vincent L. & Nancy McKusick
Sarah S. Meacham
Martha & William Meacham
Julia D. & Matthew C. Mecray
Rick & Jane Meisenbach
Walter D. Meuse
Florence Roome Meyer
Mr. Michael J. Michaeles
Frank & Nancy Miles
Pamela Milholland
Susan C. & William K. Millar
David Millard
Nina Miller
The above list includes those who made gifts to Friends of Casco Bay between April 1, 2012 and March 31, 2013. If you donated after this date, your name
will appear in next year’s Annual Report to the Community. If we have missed your name, please accept our apologies and contact us at (207) 799-8574.
Fiscal Year
2013 Revenue
Net Increase
in Baykeeper
Temporarily Restricted
Funds Raised for
Development System
Baykeeper Boats
Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Grants and
Fiscal Year
2013 Expenditures
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013 Operating Revenue and Expenditures
Office and
Vessel Pumpout
Program $26,839
Casco Bay
Monitoring Program
Revenue: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013
Individual Contributions
Corporate Donations
Foundation Grants
Government Grants and Contracts
Nonprofit Revenue
Release of Temp Restricted Grants
for Use This Year
Fundraising Events
Miscellaneous Income
Gifts In-Kind
Total Revenue and Other Support
Expenditures: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013
Baykeeper Program
Casco Bay Monitoring Program
Vessel Pumpout Program
BayScaping and Stormwater
Sampling Program
Office and Administration
Total Expenditures
Net Operating Surplus 1,288
Comparative Balance Sheet
As of
As of
Janis Albright
Colby Allred
Cash and Equivalents
$ 512,154 $ 635,848
Jeremy Anderson
Dan Azzolini
Endowment at Market Value
990,351 946,720
Kristin Barr
Fixed Assets at Book Value
131,762 18,032
Eunice Bartlett
Edmund Benedikt
1,634,267 $1,600,600 Andrew Bertocci
Erno Bonebakker
Nan Bragg
Matt Braun
Accounts Payable
1,816 $
Dan Brazeau
Deferred Revenue
David Brenneman
Roberta Brezinski
Vehicle Loan Payable
Stephen Brezinski
Accrued Vacation Liability
29,316 Annie Britton
Total Liabilities
49,924 Lauren Brown
Michelle Brown
Jan Brudzinski
Net Assets
Tom Brudzinski
Cory Bryant
Unrestricted - Undesignated
242,250 129,843 Justin Campbell
Unrestricted - Designated
1,081,917 1,038,286
Mary Cerullo
Temporarily Restricted
277,356 382,547 Caitlin Cervello
Katie Cleary
Total Net Assets
1,601,523 1,550,676 Sarah Coburn
Doug Collins
Kayla Cotsis
Ansel Critchfield
$1,634,267 $1,600,600 Baykeeper Endowment Fund
The Baykeeper Endowment is managed by Maine Community Foundation.
Once a year, funds are transferred from accumulated earnings on the
Endowment over to Friends of Casco Bay to support the Baykeeper Program.
Endowment Fund Activity
Friends of Casco Bay’s year ended March 31, 2013, with an operating surplus of $1,288.
Other Income: April 1, 2012-March 31, 2013
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Raised for Future Operations
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Released for Operations
Baykeeper Boats Fund Campaign
Cash and Pledges
Temporarily Restricted Funds
Released for Development System
Net Increase in Baykeeper
Endowment Fund
Net Other Income
Net Increase in Net Assets
for Year Ended March 31, 2013 $ 50,847
Balance at Beginning of Year
Interest and Dividends
Gains (Losses) in Market Value
Transfer to Operations
Administrative Fees
Balance at End of Year
Charlie & Liz Poole
Jennifer Heselton &
Chris J Pope
Carrie Porcelli
Michael & Barbara Porter
Portland Pilots, Inc
Kathleen Potrepka
Peter & Susan Poulin
Victoria Powers &
Garrett Tilton
Barbara F. & Edward T. Preneta
Susan & Gordon Price
Deanna Prince
Rex T. Purinton
Roger A. Putnam
Becky Quinlan &
Marvin Druker
Josie Quintrell
Sandra & Chuck Radis
George W. Rapp Jr.
Mogens & Donna Ravn
Mrs. P. Loring Reed
Jessie Reighley
Jay & Doug Reighley
Anne M. Reiman
Rebecca Reinhart &
Will Plumley
Sharon & John Rent
Harry Richardson
John & Jean Riordan
Bobbi & Don Robertson
Gordon & Lee Ann Robinson
Joan B. Robinson
Robinson & Son, LLC
Thomas Roeber
Brad & Jill Roland
Steve Romanoff & Ann Jepson
Harvey R. &
Michele Range Rosenfeld
Jeannie & Steve Ross
Jenny Rottmann
Ted & Eileen Rowland
Jeanie K. Rubio
Ben Russell
Aura Russell-Bedder &
Peter Rohde
Lou Russo & Cynthia Russo
Judy Rutter
Allen Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Donald J. Ryan
Liz Ryan
Helga & Stephen Ryder
Jeff & Susie Saffer
Sue Sage
Sam & Linda Saltonstall
C. Michael Sandberg
Raymond & Joan Santora
Mr. L. Manlius Sargent Jr.
Dr. Len Saulter
Saulter Chiropractic Center
Charlie Sawyer
Stuart & Lynne Hodgkin Sayre
Henry Schwartz
Hillary C. Scott
Cynthia & Maurice Selinger
Jean Semonite
Laura Sewall
Jim A. Shafer
Barry & Peggy Shanler
Catherine & Ronald Shaw
Joan Sheedy
Kristel & Tom Sheesley
Sandra Sherry
Carolyn & Dick Shohet
Eileen T. Showalter
Jim & Susan Sidel
Ed & Priscilla Simmons
Suzanne Simon
Jonathan & Laura Taylor Singer
William Sipperly
Jim Skinner & Kat Riseman
Thomas & J. Kristine Slater
Karen Smallman
Joseph Smith
Russell L. Smith
Jim & Ruth Smith
John Otey Smith
Terry Smith
Missy & Chris Smithwick
Daniel B. Sobel & Kira Wigoda
Harold & Selena Soederberg
And thanks to our
valuable volunteers…
We are protecting Casco Bay thanks to you…
Marc Miller
Mrs. Margery W. Miller
Maureen Miller
Susan & Dusty Miller
Vivi & David Miller
Frances C. &
Edward J. Minden
Mike & Sherry Missig
Anne M. & John Moffitt
Cynthia Mollus & Rig Trimbey
Nicholas Moraros
Livy H. & John H. More
James & Kathleen Moreau
Morningflight Charters
Megan Morouse
Nancy & Robert Morrell
Michael Morrison &
Judith Steadman
Catherine M. Morrow
Douglas & Deborah Morton
David & Kathleen Moulton
Anne Murphy &
Kenneth O’Brien
Dan & Ellen Murphy
Carolyn Murray
William M. Murray Jr
Helen Muther &
Paul Woods Jr.
Mary Ann Nahf
Carol Nale
Scott & Nancy Nash
William Needelman &
Laura Graves
Norman Nelson & Sally Nelson
Rita & Robert Nelson
Beth & Steven Newcombe
Newfield Exploration Company
Martha W. Nichols &
James S. Burns
Mary & Randy Nichols
Jake & Kathy Nicholson
Julie A. Nisbet
Betsy Niven
Gary Noble & Vianka Vives
Ralph H.B. &
Catherine A. Nodine
C.V. & Betsy Noyes
Cheryl Oakes
Deirdre O’Brien
Eleanor G. &
Daniel J. O’Connell
Thomas O’Connor &
Deborah Weldon
Robert Olney &
Catherine Richards
Sara & David Orbeton
Dan Osgood
Peggy L. & Harold Osher
Beth & Tony Owens
Jon S. & Marjorie B. Oxman
Govind & Sharade Pailoor
Joe & Audrey Palma
Thomas Paquette
Joyce Parent
Linda Parise
Jane & Stephen Parker
C. Ingrid Parkin &
Judine V. French
Dianne M. Paton
Amory & Miriam Patten
Elizabeth Patten &
Michael Boucher
George C. &
Eleanor S. Patterson
Robert Howes Pawle
Anne Payne
Thomas L. Pearson
Annalee T. Pease
Fred & Gloria Peikin
Derek Pelletier
Brenda Peluso & Family
Deborah K. Perkins
Lawrence A. Perkins
Rachel Perry
John & Sandy Peters
Milton C. &
Susan F. Pettapiece
Hugh & Norma Phelps
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Phinney
Liz & Jeff Pierce
Russ Pinizzotto
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/13
For the
Fiscal Year
Ended 3/31/12
82,098 (36,760)
Activity Since the Inception of the Endowment Fund, 2001-March 31, 2013
Total Contributions Received to Date
$ 752,268
Earnings - Interest and Dividends
Net Increase in Market Value
Less: Administrative Fees
Transfers to Operations to Support the
Baykeeper Program 2004-2013
Balance as of March 31, 2012
$ 990,351
AJ Curran
Raef Curran
Cathy Cyr
Marc Cyr
Debbie Debiegun
Chiara Degenhardt
Jay Desmond
Taylor Dillon
Henry Donovan
Ryan Duffy
Peter Dufour
Chas Dunn
Sean Enking
Will Everitt
Carolyne Falank
Scott Faurnier
Andrea Fogg
Cameron Foley
Sarah Geores
Pam Gerbi
Ray Gerbi
Susan Gilpin
Devi Glick
Gary Glick
Our Citizen Stewards Program started out in
1992 with 15 volunteers. This year, 72 Citizen
Stewards conducted water quality monitoring
at 35 stations around the Bay. Dozens more
volunteers helped with beach cleanups, storm
drain stenciling, special events, and fundraising.
Hillary Glick
Kathy Glick
Don Gower
Joan Greene
Paul Gregory
Nicole Handlen
Nate Hansen
Brian Harris
Elise Hart
Sonita Hav
Kristine Hayes
Maureen Henderson
David Hennessey
Jim Hennessey
Miranda Henning
Michael Heskanen
Nathan Hines
Mary Holman
Amie Holmes
Debora Houdek
Elizabeth Howe
Hugh Huleatt
Pat Ianni
JB Kavaliauskas
Joe Keierleber
Carolyne LaCene
Moira Lachance
Dave LaFortune
Carol Lavertu
Lauren Leclerc
Sarah Lindeman
Louisa Mahoney
Stephanie Marten
Julieta Martino
Helen McAlpin
Sonny McAlpin
Scott McAuliffe
Jo McCartan
Deborah McCoy
Ailsa McCulloch
Sheila McDonald
Althea Mcger
Patrick McInnis
Darren McLellan
Rick Meisenbach
Peter Merrill
Christo Milholland
Carol Nale
Olivia Nofzinger
Rachel Osborn
Brittany Pace
Miranda Page
Leonard Passano
George Patterson
Kim Payne
Miranda Pearce
Derek Pelletier
Walter Phillips
Russ Pinizzotto
Malcolm Poole
Nick Ports
Heidi Powell
Debora Price
Gigi Quinby
Tom Quinby
Bob Rio
Nora Rosen
Charlotte Rosenthal
Amanda Ross
Emily Ross
Tracy Ross
Caroline Ross
Jana Sacco
Sue Sage
Paola Salas
Joanie Samuelson
Sue Schaller
Ann Semonite
Katie Shapiro
Barry Sheff
Jim Sidel
Russell L. Smith
Mark Snowden
Zach Stephens
Richard Stevens
John Taxter
Carol Taylor
Ann Thayer
Liz Thompson
Gina Toman
Jessie Turner
Sue Vachon
Peter VanAlstine
Tay Veitch
Virginia Wadleigh
Amanda Warren
Meg Warren
Izzi Weimholt
Jeanie Wester
Lisa Willey
James Wise
Judy Woodbury
Mark Worthing
Rita Worthing
Hung Xie
Ethan Yusim
Benjamin A. &
Betsy McElvein Soule
John & Sylvia Sowles
Nathan A. Spooner
James & Tish Staley
The Standard Employee Giving
Jim & Valerie Stefanski
Carol Steingart
Rebecca Johanna Stephans
Kristen & Matthew Stetson
James D. &
Christine W. Stevens
Nelson D. & Cheryl R. Stevens
Ayres & CC Stockly
Karen Stockmann
Paul H. Stone Jr.
Peter W. Stoops &
Kate Wilkinson
Patricia A. & Donn R. Storey
Susan Stranahan
Dana & JoAn Street
Ann Strout
Frank S. Strout
Sue E. Stull
Dr. & Mrs. Bob & Anne Sturges
Sean Sullivan
Steven Sullivan
Kevin & Susan Sullivan
Perry Sutherland
Sally Sutton &
Charles Haeuser
William B. Sutton
Charles Swanson
Todd Swinton & Erin Larson
Nancy Taber
David & Anne Taft
Adam Tambone
Kathy Tarpo
Burton & Carol Taylor
Gene & Kay Taylor
James & Elizabeth Taylor
John W. & Marilyn Taylor
Mary Margaret Taylor CPA
Philip Schuyler &
Cynthia A. Thaxter
Troy Thompson
Dr. Bill Thornton
Evelyn H. & David B. Thurston
Tracy Tingley
Dan W. &
Meredith Lentz Tipton
Jennifer Tipton
Peter Todd
Marylyn A. Tomajan
Ellen F. Toomey
Maryse S. &
Charles T. Toomey
Paul & Linda Towne
Marilyn K. & Martin Traiser
Susan E. & Woody Trask
Sarah & Carl Tubbesing
Edith Tucker
Arthur M. Turner
Jacquelyn Turner
Roger & Kathleen Tuveson
Timothy Tyler
Sue Vachon & Bob Rio
Michael F. Vaillancourt
Ellen & Jeff Van Fleet
Richard Veit III
Jason Vena & Nita Patel
Peter Ventre
Dr. Philip J. &
Claudette C. Villandry
Emily & Thomas Vitale
Gary & Gretchen Vogel
Andrew & Kathleen Wallace
Ronald W. & Judith A. Walters
Stephen J. & Elizabeth J. Wark
Mike & Rachel Warren
WAS Consulting, Inc
Seth H. Washburn
James Wasserman
Andrew Watson
Elizabeth Watson
Robert F. Watts Jr.
The Weaver Household
Helen Webber
William Weber
David T. Webster
Carolyn Welch
Doug Welch
Nils H. Wessell
Mr. James Whalen
Donald C. Wheeler
Harvey Wheeler
Mrs. Jean D. Whiting
Blake Wilkes
Mary & Wesley Willink
Dr. & Mrs. Robert O. Wilson
Mr. & Mrs. Gilbert L. Wilson
Alice T. & Charles F. Wilson
Diane Winchell
Curtis L. &
Bonnie N. Winchenbach
Rev. Katharine Winthrop
Theodore & Cathy Ann Wirth
Cathy Wolinsky
Rosanne & Mark Woodbury
Ken Woods
Charles R. &
Merrill C. Woodworth
Timothy P. Woolworth
Loren Wolsh
Sherod Anne Yancey
Barbara T. York
David Zamarripa
John & Libby Zerner
Roger & Lynne Zimmerman
Boat Donation
Grady White, donated by
William H. Floyd III
Memorial Gifts
In honor of all living things
James Chute
In honor of Andy Bertocci
& Jeanie Barnard
Jeanette Chavira
In honor of David
& Cynthia Barnard
Jeanette Chavira
In memory of Mary Butler
Paul’s Marina
In honor of John Dodge
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of Louise Dumais
Paul’s Marina
Dedication to Sally Edwards
Dave Edwards
In honor of Darragh Ferranti
Cheryl Greaney
In honor of Wendy Kellett, for
all the good the Friends do
Bud Kellett
In honor of Joe Gagne’s
Holly & Sam Eddy
In honor of Arthur Hackett
Cheryl Greaney
In memory of Dick Leighton
Stephanie & Roger Greenwood
Wm. David & Janis Graham Jack
In honor of Mary McMullin’s
In memory of Jerry Palazzo
Susan & Clifford Gilpin
In memory of my Best Friend,
Scott Quirion
Jim Stefanski
In memory of Melba Quinn
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Rodney Quinn
Paul’s Marina
In memory of Robert H. Saunders
Joan & Roland Tancrede
In honor of Judy Woodbury’s
Ann Adams
Barbara Wyman
Paul’s Marina
FSC logo
2012 Wild & Scenic
Film Festival Sponsors
98.9 WCLZ
Pro Search, Inc.
Oakhurst Dairy
TD Bank
Portland Press Herald/Maine
Sunday Telegram
Ocean Navigator
The Portland Daily Sun
Macdonald Page & Co., LLC
The Portland Regency
Hotel & Spa
Woodard & Curren
Baker Newman Noyes
Brunswick Dental Health
P & W Real Estate
Bayview Rigging & Sales
Crockett Furniture
Haley & Aldrich, Inc.
Key Bank
Pierce Atwood
Plimsoll Mark Capital
RBC Wealth Management
Sevee & Maher Engineers, Inc.
SGC Engineering, LLC
Casco Bay Estuary
Penobscot River Restoration
In Kind Support
98.9 WCLZ
Belted Cow
Alison Bramhall
Daniel & Gayle Brazeau
Casco Bay Lines
Casella Organics
Mary & Arthur Cerullo
Doc’s Cafe & Marketplace
LT’s Inc
Maine Audubon
Maine Boats, Homes &
Harbors Magazine
Maine Historical Society
Maine Roasters Coffee
Maine Yacht Center
Sonny & Helen McAlpin
Navigator Publishing Corp.
Ocean Approved
Osprey Packs
Pepperclub & The Good Egg
Pierce Atwood, LLP
Points East
Port Harbor Marine
Portland Daily Sun
Portland Museum of Art
Portland Press Herald
Portland Water District
Cathy L. Ramsdell
ReVision Energy
Shipyard Brewing Company
Southern Maine
Community College
Kristen Stetson
Sweetser’s Apple Barrel
& Orchards
TD Bank
Jonathan Thomas
Yankee Marina & Boatyard
Board of Directors
Malcolm F. Poole ……………………………………………President
Judith Fletcher Woodbury …………………………… Vice President
Sarah B. Coburn……………………………………………… Clerk
Barry S. Sheff…………………………………………………Treasurer
Sean Bergen
Daniel A. Brazeau
Jeffrey Clements
AJ Curran
Peter Dufour
Paul Gregory
Martin S. Grimnes
Patricia Ianni
Peter C. LeBourdais
Althea Bennett McGirr
Tollef Olson
Derek Pelletier
Kathryn Reid
Joan Benoit Samuelson
Janet M. Sortor
Ann W. Thayer
Lori Thayer
Jonathan B. Thomas
Peter Van Alstine
Frederick A. Veitch
John Wise
Honorary Directors
Kenneth M. Curtis
Kevin P. Gildart
Sherry F. Huber
Anthony R. Jessen
P. Andrews Nixon
Donald W. Perkins,
Founding President
Cathy L. Ramsdell, CPA, CGMA……………………Executive Director
Joseph E. Payne………………………………… Casco BAYKEEPER®
Mary M. Cerullo……………………………………Associate Director
Will Everitt……………………………………… Development Director
Peter Milholland……………………… Citizen Stewards Coordinator
R. Michael Doan………………………………… Research Associate
Jeff Fetterer………………………………………… Office Manager
Sarah Lyman…………… Development & Communications Assistant
Jim Splude…………………………………………… Pumpout Coordinator
Annual Report Production
Mary Cerullo
Printing Franklin Printing This Annual Report is printed on paper made from
100% post consumer recycled paper.
Friends of Casco Bay
is a founding member
Alliance , a coalition
of pollution fighters who
patrol water bodies and protect their communities’
rights to clean water. Casco Baykeeper Joe Payne,
the seventh Waterkeeper in the world, now has nearly
200 colleagues on six continents.
In honor of Philip & Margaret
Sumner for their lifelong love
of Casco Bay
Jeffrey Sumner
Design Kristen Stetson
Cover Photo George Friou
Friends of Casco Bay
43 Slocum Drive
South Portland, ME 04106
tel (207) 799-8574
[email protected]
BAYKEEPER® is a registered trademark and service mark of BAYKEEPER®
and is licensed for use herein.
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