May 15, 2011 - St. Agnes Parish
May 15, 2011 - St. Agnes Parish
Welcome to 1 4 8 4 N INTH S TREET · G REEN B AY, W I 5 4 3 0 4 - 3 0 9 8 PARISH INFORMATION Phone (920) 494-2534 Fax (920) 617-3118 Email [email protected] Website Parish Office Hours Mon. - Fri. 8:00am -12:00pm 12:30pm-4:30pm Pastor Father Dane Radecki, O. Praem. SACRAMENTAL SCHEDULE Saturday 3:30pm Reconciliation 4:15pm Mass Sunday 8am, 9:30am, 11:00am Masses Monday 6:45am Mass Tuesday 8:45am Mass Wednesday 6:45am Mass Thursday 8:45am Mass Friday 6:45am Mass TO OUR VISITORS We welcome all new parishioners to our parish family here at Saint Agnes. We invite you to join us by contacting the Parish Office to find out more about our parish and to register! BULLETIN DEADLINE Monday Noon May 15, 2011· Fourth Sunday of Easter Parish News and Events SAINT AGNES Saint Agnes was born in 291 into a Roman family of nobility and raised in a Christian family. She suffered martyrdom for her faith and commitment to her virginity as a young teen on January 21, 304. In art she is often portrayed holding a lamb, a symbol of innocence. Saint Agnes is the patron saint of young girls. Sacrament of Reconciliation Saturday 3:30 - 4:00pm or by appointment. Sacrament of Baptism Baptism is celebrated during the 11:00am Sunday Mass on the third Sunday each month. Contact the Parish Office two months before the anticipated date of baptism. Sacrament of Marriage Arrangements are to be made with the Pastor or Deacon at least six months in advance of the wedding. To Those Hospitalized, Homebound or in Nursing Homes The Pastoral Staff and parish volunteers will visit you at your request or through the request of family and friends. We can also arrange to have the Eucharist and the Sacrament of the Sick for you by contacting the Parish Office. Parish Outreach If you seek assistance with rent, groceries, utilities, emergency shelter, etc., please contact the Parish Office for referral and/ or direct assistance. After hours, please call The Crisis Center at (920) 436-8888. 2 FROM THE DESK OF FR. DANE... + Now that we have temporarily moved into the school for Masses, we need to be conscious of the fact that some of our members need to park close to the school for ease of walking. As a caring, welcoming community, those of us able to walk without difficulty are asked to park further from the school building so that those with walkers, canes or crutches might be able to park closer to the school. + The west side Catholic parishes have a practice of forwarding collection envelopes from visitors back to their home parish. If you place your St. Agnes envelope at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John the Baptist (Howard), Nativity, St. Joseph (Green Bay), St. Jude, Annunciation or St. Patrick, it will be sent back to St. Agnes. + On Mother’s Day, Masses were made all the more special by the presence of our parish choirs. I want to thank all of our choir members, including our Resurrection Choir, Adult Choir, Youth Choir and Children’s Choir for their dedication to our worship. My hope is that each choir will grow as an expression of our love for God. Thank you to our choir directors, musicians and cantors as well. St. Augustine says, “When you sing, you pray twice.” Thank you to all for enhancing our worship experience. + Our next great parish-wide celebration will be our ST. AGNES PARISH FESTIVAL. Please pick up your raffle tickets as well as sign up to help in one of our booths, etc. Take the weekend off of cooking and join us for dinner on Saturday after the 4:15 p.m. Mass…then return on Sunday to taste some of our international foods. Three different styles of music will keep our parish grounds alive & the dance floor will be rocking on Saturday evening with 80s & 90s music, followed by Mariachi music and a Polka band on Sunday afternoon. Mark your calendars for JUNE 11 & 12, 2011. + If you would like to volunteer to serve our parish in any way, please contact the Parish Office (494-2534) and indicate how you would like to share your talents. Next weekend’s Masses are in the Parish Social Hall in the school. Saturday, May 21 - Confessions 3:30-4:00 & Mass at 4:15 p.m. Sunday, May 22 - 8:00, 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Fr. Dane needs a crew of volunteers to help move the remaining items from the church before the renovation begins. The items to be moved include the church hymnals from the pews, altar linens, vestments and other items that are not too heavy. If you are willing to help on MONDAY, MAY 16, 2011 (beginning at 8:00 a.m.) please call the Parish Office or just show up! St. Agnes Parish Welcomes these Young Children Through the Living Waters of Baptism Abigall Charlene Belongia Daughter of David Belongia & Traci Otradovec Ronald Lee Ferron Son of Ronald & Holly (De Villers) Ferron Evelyn Jane Gretzinger Daughter of Joshua & Polly (Nowak) Gretzinger HELP A ST. AGNES FAMILY IN NEED The home of one of our St. Agnes families burned down recently. St. Agnes Parish is gathering items to assist the family. The parents are looking for clothes for their 4 children: girl-size 14, girl-size 10 & twin boys-size 8. Gift cards, household items and monetary gifts are being coordinated by Carrie Aimers, Religious Education Director, at 494-6450. Please be generous with your help. Welcome to St. Agnes Catholic Church · Green Bay, WI Contributions received the week of May 2nd - May 8th: Sacrificial Giving ...........$ 12,939.95 Restricted Gifts................. $ 5,770.48 Total ................................$ 18,710.43 Special Collection Totals Contributions to The World’s Poor which were taken last month totaled $ 5,590.55. Last week’s second collection for Repairs & Replacements / ASPIRE was $ 4,395.45. Thank you for your generosity! Goal: $ 75,917 Bishop’s Appeal A.S.P.I.R.E. NEWS Donations received through May 1st: Cash & Pledges received for A.S.P.I.R.E. 1 $ 67,527 89% $ 1,414,197 Yet to Be Raised: $ 444,833 Faith Formation Registration 2011-2012 Registration is underway for the 2011-2012 school year. Even if your child has been part of the Religious Education Program in past years you must fill out another registration form. The Religious Education Program begins as early as preKindergarten and runs through Confirmation. Confirmation takes place for those in their Junior or Senior year of high school. Vacation Bible School Join us on a wild adventure where we will learn how God is wild for us! “Pandamania” will be taking over the Quad-Parish Faith Formation Center (St. Joseph site) July 25th – 29th from 9:00AM-12:00PM. Anyone entering Kindergarten to those finishing 5th grade are invited to join us for a week of fun-filled faith. It is only $15 for the week and includes a T-shirt and CD. Contact Carrie Aimers at 494-6450 with any questions. “A St. Agnes Parish Investment & Renovation Effort” FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP MONTHLY PARISH FINANCE REPORT To keep you informed on the Parish’s financial status, we will provide the following brief summary for St. Agnes each month after the financial statements have been completed and reviewed. The following numbers are through April 30, 2011. Budgeted Revenue to date: $ 715,638 Actual Revenue to date: $ 614,632 Budgeted Expenses to date: $ 715,638 Actual Expenses to date: $ 699,547 Overall shortfall to date: $ 84,915 Youth Ministry Youth Led Masses A big thank to all the youth who participated in the Youth Led Masses this year! You did a wonderful job in your roles as Lector, Commentator, Ushers and Choir (including our singers as well as musicians). Bravo for a job well done. National Catholic Youth Conference Nov. 17-19, 2011 - Indianapolis, IN NCYC is an amazing gathering of over 20,000 Catholic young people currently in grades 8-11. The trip will cost $400 per attendee and includes all transportation, conference admission fees, diocesan t-shirt and giveaway, a shared dinner in Indianapolis, a renewed connection to the larger Catholic Church, a deepened faith and the opportunity to meet new friends. A registration meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 25 at 6:00pm in the Youth Room. For more information contact Peter Leitermann @ 494-6450 or [email protected]. 2011 Parish Festival This Week’s Festival Highlight: The St. Agnes Summer Festival will be loaded with food choices guaranteed to satisfy every appetite. Starting on Saturday, 6/11 from 5p-7p a Roast Pork Dinner will be available in the Parish Social Hall (presale tickets now available). Not up for a big dinner? Then head over to the Food Tent for a hamburger, hot dog, brat or chicken sandwich. The Food Tent will be open both Saturday from 5-10:00p and Sunday 11a-6:00p. On Sunday from 11a-5p visit the International Café' located in the Parish Social Hall alongside the Craft & Vendor Market. Here enjoy some International Favorites in a café type atmosphere. Lastly, make a stop at the Snack Shack to tie you over between meals or something to nibble on while enjoying one of the bands. Choose from popcorn, nachos, ice cream novelties, or candy. The Snack Shack will be open during the Food Tent hours. Looking for Generators to use at the Festival: We are in need of a 7500 or (1) 5000 & (1) 3500 to use for our Children’s Area. If we can borrow this it will save us from having to pay a rental fee. Call the Parish Office at 4942534 if you are able to help out. White Elephant Sale: Just a reminder to keep saving those household treasures you are no longer in need of (no clothing please) for the Summer wrap-up White Elephant and Booyah sale the weekend of Aug. 5th, 6th and 7th. Details and drop off times will follow. The Knights of Columbus Green Bay Council #617 recently welcomed St. Agnes parishioners into the Council. The new Knights are Jerry Butler, Jeff Janssen and Gene Kobriger. Please remember in prayer the men and women who serve in the Armed Forces. May 15, 2011· Fourth Sunday of Easter 3 C a tholic S chools HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL Spring Band Concert & Art Show Join us Wednesday, May 18 for our Annual Art Show and Spring Band Concert. The art show is in the school cafeteria from 6:00-8:00pm. The band concert will take place in the gym at 7:00pm. All are welcome. Blessings We are truly blessed with the many talents of Barb Johnson who has served Holy Family School for 31 years as an administrative assistant and kitchen staff member. Mrs. Johnson will be reducing her hours of service in late June from full time to 40%-50%. We will be in the process of searching for a special person to fill the administrative assistant position. We are very grateful for Mrs. Johnson and her dedication to HFS! School Liturgies Beginning May 17 the school liturgies will take place in the HFS gym due to the remodeling of St. Agnes Parish. Please enter through the gym doors for Mass. 2011-2012 Site Advisory Council The HFS Consolidated School Board will be renamed the HFS Site Advisory Council beginning July1, 2011. The council will follow the Holy Family Catholic School Site Advisory Council Bylaws. We will have three openings for council representation. If you are interested in serving on the council please call or email Mrs. Otto. Recess Rocks! Please help make the playground complete by donating to the project. All donations toward the playground and bricks are tax deductible! Purchase an engraved brick for $125, $200, or $500. The bricks can be engraved with your family name or business logo. Please call the school office for a form or more information at 494-1931. Upcoming Events May 20 – HFS night at the Timber Rattlers May 22 – Mother/Son Bowling NOTRE DAME ACADEMY Congratulations to the Kohl’s Foundation Award Recipients. Student Excellence Award: Senior Tatum Snyder and Student Initiative Award: Senior Erika Morales. The NDA 2011 Baccalaureate Mass & Commencement will be held on Saturday, May 21 at the NDA Schneider Triton Center at 9:30 a.m. Congratulations to the NDA Class of 2011. Local Events YOUNG WOMEN’S RETREAT Are you between the ages of 18 and 30 and feel you need some time away for prayer, companionship and fun activities? There is an opportunity for you to spend the weekend of May 20-22 with the Sisters and other young women at Holy Family Convent in Manitowoc. If you are interested please register online at or call Sister Mary Ann Spanjers at 920682-7728. OUR LADY OF LOURDES CHURCH PICNIC Sunday, May 22, 2011 Parish Grounds-Corner of Lourdes Ave. & Suburban Dr. Outdoor Mass - 10:15AM Picnic - 11:15AM - 5:00PM Nativity of Our Lord Parish Women’s Guild HUGE RUMMAGE SALE - Free Admission Friday, May 27, 8:30 - 4:00 Saturday, May 28, 8:30 - Noon 2011 HOLY NAME RETREAT HOUSE SCHEDULE Date Audience Director June 3-5 Mixed Fr. Jim Massart June 10-12 Mixed-Charismatic Fr. Joe Lubrano June 17-19 Mixed Fr. James Kubicki June 28-29 Mixed Bishop Robert Morneau July 6-7 Mixed Adult Fr. Al McBride, O. Praem. July 8-10 Married Couples Fr. John Kleinschmidt July 13-14 Mixed Fr. John Doerfler July 19-21 Mixed Fr. Tim Shillcox, O. Praem. July 22-24 Mothers & Daughters Tina & Samantha Pallini & Peggy Dueming July 26-28 Mixed Fr. Dave Plier August 1-7 Mixed Individual Retreats (Fr. Jim Feely) August 12-14 Mixed Bishop David Ricken August 16-18 Women Fr. Jim Lucas & Joan Bartman August 19-21 Mixed Sean Herriott & Fr. Albert Hasse August 23-24 Mixed Fr. Jim Massart August 30-31 Mixed Fr. John Girotti Information available by calling the Retreat House - 920-272-8327. ————————————————————————————————————————————–———— A Thank You Received… Thank you to the members of St. Agnes Parish who particiDear Deacon Jim and the members of St. Agnespated in the 40 Days for Life. By your presence and Thank you so much for your generosity during our Help prayer, you were a witness to the value of every human for the Homeless Hygiene Drive. With the support of life, no matter how small. In 2010, more than 307 cities, in community partners like you, we will be able to help indiall 50 states, participated in 40 Days for Life vigils of viduals and families throughout this coming year. prayer and fasting. Sincerely, Nan Pahl 4 Welcome to St. Agnes Catholic Church · Green Bay, WI Mass Intentions LITURGICAL ROLES FOR NEXT WEEK Monday, May 16 6:45am † Warren Todd and Jessica Chaudoir Tuesday, May 17 8:45am † Elmer Martin School Mass (Grades 1 - 5) Wednesday, May 18 (St. John I) 6:45am † Donald Davis Thursday, May 19 8:45am † Bernard Duquette School Mass (Grades 6 - 8) Friday, May 20 (St. Bernardine of Siena) 6:45am † For the People of St. Agnes Saturday, May 21(St. Christopher Magallanes and Companions) 4:15pm † Mary Sue Massey Sunday, May 22 Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:00am † Laure Hermsen 9:30am † Francis & Doris Vanderheyden 11:00am † Henry & Mae Albers and Bob Bisceglia Saturday, May 21 , 4:15pm Mass Eucharistic Ministers Val Enders, Terry La Pacz, Robert Kries, Jane Polasek, Jeffrey Lelinski, Norman Polasek, Dick Falk, Ron Blohowiak, Kay Blohowiak, Tim Plude Lector/Commentator Clayton Maloney and Dee Geurts-Bengston Cantors/Musicians Kadija and Kelly Stewart Altar Servers Cameron/Quinn/ Tatum Snyder Greeters Pat Lohrey and Lil Kozlowski Ushers Jack Hodek, Larry Burklund, Al Wilinski, Tom Worachek, Kathy Worachek Fr. Dane Radecki, O. Praem. - 4:15 & 11:00 Masses Fr. Mark Falcone, O. Praem. - 8:00 & 9:30 Masses Deacon Jim Gauthier will preach at all Masses. The rosary is prayed every Monday, Wednesday & Friday following the 6:45am Mass. Please come and join us! Calendar - Parish Meetings Tuesday, May 17 6:00pm - Holy Family School Board at St. Agnes 6:30-8:00pm - Eucharistic Minister Meeting EUCHARISTIC MINISTER MEETING Tuesday, May 17 - 6:30pm-8:00pm This meeting is a training session for the summer procedures. All Eucharistic Ministers who are scheduled during the summer and did not attend last week’s meeting are encouraged to attend. The meeting will be held in the Parish Social Hall. CCW SPRING BAKE SALE - MAY 21 & 22 Plan to get out your favorite recipes and bake up a storm! We are known to have great bakers. Donations can be dropped off at the Parish Social Hall (our temporary church) after 3:15pm on Saturday, May 21 or after 7:30 am on Sunday, May 22. Thank you for your help, so that we may help others in need! Reporting Sexual Abuse If you know of an incident of sexual abuse of a minor by a priest, deacon, employee or volunteer, please report it to Ms. Ann Fox, Diocesan Assistance Coordinator of the Diocese of Green Bay, at 1-877-270-8174 or 920-272-8174. If you prefer to report an incident to someone not employed by the Diocese, please call Mr. Bob Johnson, executive director of American Foundation of Counseling Services in Green Bay and a facilitator who can assist you in filing a report. Phone 920-437-8256. We also encourage you to report the incident to local civil authorities. 5A Welcome to St. Agnes Catholic Church Sunday, May 22, 8:00am Mass Eucharistic Ministers Marty Williams, Missy Czyz, Mary Buchholz, Rod Buchholz, Mary Jane Bublitz, Ray Dufano, Diane Janssen, Sandra Klimek, Ken Molzahn Lector/Commentator Dave Daniels and Lola Daniels Cantors/Musicians Kathy Janus & Marlene Falk and Joyce Long Altar Servers Jacob Re and Tyler Aerts Greeters Dale Lewis and Kathy Lewis Ushers Gerald Rottier, Terry Eckers, Bill Buttke, Brian Berling Sunday, May 22, 9:30am Mass Eucharistic Ministers Leanne Welker, Linda Wery, Barb Gauthier, Joan Arves, Yvonne Strauss, Dave Norton, Phyllis John, Bruce Mommaerts, Keith Falish, Lora Falish Lector/Commentator Judi Mommaerts and Gary Glinski Cantors/Musicians Molly Wenholz and Joyce Long Altar Servers Kyle Blindauer and Nathan Vanden Heuvel Greeters Corinne Hall and Larry Francois Ushers Dave Norton, Russ Jacobs, Gerald De Beck, Gary Jordan, Dennis Vincent, Helen Dombeck Sunday, May 22, 11:00am Mass Eucharistic Ministers Mina Teske, John Teske, Sue Seif, Karen Webb, Barb De Villers, Patty Sherman, Tom De Villers, Barb Falish, Joyce Frisque, Marilyn Moore Lector/Commentator Frank Millhiser and Mary Sullivan Cantors/Musicians Dana Loch and Joyce Long Altar Servers Savanna Frisque and Sierra Frisque Greeters Hedy Vogel and Jodi Wilson Ushers Robert LuMaye, Richard Vogel, John VanStechelman, Ken Hornick, Karl Schroeder May 15, 2011· Fourth Sunday of Easter 5B C onta ct Infor ma tion PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Fr. Dane Radecki, O. Praem. .....(920) 494-2534 [email protected] Pastoral Associate Deacon Jim Gauthier.........(920) 494-2534 [email protected] Coordinator of Youth Ministry Peter Leitermann ................(920) 494-6450 [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Education Carrie Aimers......................(920) 494-6450 [email protected] Sacramental Assistance Fr. Mark Falcone, O. Praem. Fr. Xavier Colavechio, O. Praem. PARISH STAFF Receptionist/Secretary Parish Secretary .................(920) 494-2534 [email protected] Accountant Marci Lelinski.......................(920) 494-2534 [email protected] Religious Education Secretary Sue Seif ...............................(920) 494-6450 [email protected] Maintenance Coordinator Kevin Bouche .......................(920) 371-1293 Printer Kris Reimer................(920) 494-1931 x203 HOLY FAMILY SCHOOL ......(920) 494-1931 Principal Pamela [email protected] Secretary Barbara Johnson [email protected] ST. AGNES CONVENT ........ (920) 494-3176 Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity MINISTRIES For more information on any of the following ministries, please contact the Parish Office at (920) 494-2534 or visit Altar Servers Adult Choir ASPIRE Program Bereavement Ministry Cantors/Musicians Children’s Choir Children’s Church Church Cleaning Group Church Art & Environment Community of Christian Women Eucharistic Ministers Eucharistic Ministers to the Homebound Greeters Knights of Columbus #617 Lectors & Commentators Liturgy Preparation Committee Men’s Club Parish Festival Parish Worship & Spiritual Life Committee Religious Education Program Respect Life Committee Rosary Leaders Rosary at Grancare Rosary at ManorCare Resurrection Choir Sacristan Ministry Serra Club St. Vincent de Paul Society Ushers Welcome Committee Youth Choir Youth Ministry Program