annual report - Edmonton Arts Council


annual report - Edmonton Arts Council
annual report
Still from Infinitude by Scott Portingale, photo supplied
Alberta Cantonese Opera Festival presents
War Drum in Golden Mountain, photo supplied
“CONFUSEMENT” by Nina Haggerty artist Scott Berry,
photo by Jenna Turner
Michalene Giesbrecht, Sandra Olarte, and Stephanie Gruson in
Firefly Theatre & Circus’ “The Playground”, photo by Studio E Photography
annual report
The Edmonton Arts Council
The Edmonton Arts Council is a not-for-profit society and charitable organization
that supports and promotes the arts community in Edmonton. The EAC works
to increase the profile and involvement of arts and culture in all aspects of our
community life through activities that:
in Edmonton
festivals, arts
and individual
artists through
corporate, and
private funding.
Edmonton’s arts
community to
government and
other agencies
and provide
expert advice on
issues that affect
the arts.
partnerships and
initiate projects
that strengthen
our community.
awareness of
the quality,
variety, and
value of artistic
work produced
in Edmonton.
"Navigating Boundaries” by Kelsey Stephenson and Jes McCoy
at Harcourt House, photo by Kelsey Stephenson
Reconciliation in Solidarity Edmonton (RISE) Community Heart Garden
installed at City Hall, photo by Gibby Davis
Angela Gladue, Lana Whiskeyjack and Logan Alexis
Drummers at Channeling Connections, photo by Brad Crowfoot
Katherine Kerr and Edmonton Community Foundation’s Alex Draper,
photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
Annette Aslund and Jenna Turner, photo by Brad Crowfoot
Board of Directors
Edmonton Arts Council staff
Executive Committee
Executive Director
Public Art
TIX on the Square
Anne Ferguson Switzer, Chair
Jeff Haslam, Vice Chair
Mary Phillips-Rickey, Secretary-Treasurer
Brian Webb, Past Chair
Paul Moulton
Andrea Bowes
Robert Harpin
Katherine Kerr
Jenika Sobolewska
David Turnbull
Kaitlyn Grant
Stephanie Hample
Lisa McNicol
Kaelyn Saunders
Amanda Skopik
Judy Stelck
Betty Thomson
Churchill Square Annette Aslund
Eva Marie Clarke
Jenna Turner
Bob Rasko
as of June 2015
Lyall Brenneis
– City of Edmonton representative
Lisa Baroldi / JoAnn Kirkland
– Edmonton Economic Development
Corporation (EEDC) Representative
Ahmed Ali
Glen Erickson
Mike Ford
Heather Inglis
Scott Portingale
Kent Sutherland
Theresa Reichert
Will Truchon
Murray Utas
Christopher White
Noel Xavier
as of December 31, 2015
Shirley Combden
Kristina de Guzman
Sally Kim
Shrina Patel
Grants, Awards
& Support Programs Mary Jane Kreisel
Justina Watt
Stephen Williams
Public Art Conservation
In recognition
The Edmonton Arts Council would like to thank Paul Moulton, Dennie Hamaluik,
Dawn Saunders-Dahl and Martin Wasserfall for their contribution to Edmonton
Arts Council operations in 2015.
Message from the Chair
What do the arts contribute to the
City of Edmonton?
Imagination; creativity;
inspiration; and, yes, money.
What does the Edmonton Arts Council
contribute to the arts in Edmonton?
Enthusiasm; experience; focus;
and, yes, money.
Councillor Scott McKeen, Paul Moulton, Anne Ferguson Switzer, and
Councillor Ben Henderson, photo by Girl Named Shirl Photography
As the granting arm for the City of Edmonton, the
Edmonton Arts Council sets, screens and distributes funds
to artists and organizations. But it is so much more. It is an
organization that tries to look forward, not backward; that
looks at present challenges and opportunities for the arts
community; and that leads as well as follows.
The past year for the Edmonton Arts Council has been a
mixture of challenges and excitement. Despite difficult
economic times, City Council, our members, and the
wider Edmonton community have been tremendously
supportive of our arts scene, and justifiably proud of all our
artists’ accomplishments.
We can all be so proud of the diverse and active arts scene
in Edmonton. Theatre, music, film, visual arts, dance, and
public art all thrive here both in professional and amateur
organizations. Who hasn’t been touched by the poetry of
our poet laureate Pierrette Requier, or read a book by one
of our local authors, or seen a play at the Varscona theatre,
attended an amateur choir event, or attended Symphony
Under the Sky? Our artists fan out across the globe,
sharing their skills and talents, and advancing Edmonton’s
reputation as a hotbed of creativity.
Each year the Edmonton Arts Council Board takes a fresh
look at its priorities and what the focus should be for the
ongoing year. In 2015 we continued the previous focus
on cultural diversity and work to implement the Audit of
the Edmonton Arts Council’s current practices and offerings
in relation to the Aboriginal arts community. Both these
items are on our daily focus list to ensure that not only
are the policies helpful, but the implementation is always
at the forefront.
Anne Ferguson Switzer
Karimah at Edmonton Arts Council’s 20th anniversary summer party,
photo by Jenna Turner
Some of the more exciting events over the past year
included the May Channeling Connections Symposium,
which brought together Indigenous artists, arts
administrators, and funders from the prairie provinces
and Northwest Territories. We hope the symposium
opened dialogue that will continue. The unveiling of
the Alex Janvier mosaic, to be installed at Rogers Place,
is but one example of major arts installations that the city
will enjoy with pride. The Indigenous Art Park progress
continues and will eventually provide an outdoor exhibit
space for some extraordinary pieces of art.
In addition, in 2015 the Arts Council added an ambitious
focus on reviewing and re-examining our granting
structures. We need to continue to ensure that the grants
structure as it now stands works for our artists and their
organizations, and does not raise any unnecessary barriers
to access.
Channeling Connections workshop, photo by Brad Crowfoot
The work of the Edmonton Arts Council would not be
possible without the dedication of the staff, most of
whom have other connections to the arts community,
and whose enthusiasm takes them out amongst the
greater arts community as well. In addition, we have
tremendous dedication amongst the board members
who put in many hours ensuring things go as well as
possible for our arts community. Finally, it is important
to thank all of the jury and selection committee members
who also put in amazing amounts of time and work
giving serious review and consideration to our various
grants applications and public art projects.
This year we are sad to say goodbye to Paul Moulton, who
is retiring from the EAC. When Paul stepped up to the plate
as our Executive Director he brought a fresh outlook to the
organization, and true insight and dedication to our goals.
Paul’s fresh thinking and championing of our projects have
been invaluable. We look forward to working with our next
executive director in 2016, and for years to come.
Message from the Executive Director
Research tells us that 75% of the general
population say the arts are important
to them and play a regular part in their
daily lives; while only 34% say they
have any contact with a professional
arts organization, and only 8% say that
they engage their interest through a
professionally managed arts organization.
Paul Moulton, photo by Brad Crowfoot
Although some might see the enormous gap between
the first and last group as a problem, I am convinced
that, in fact, it provides great opportunity. It is the effort
to bridge this gap that has caused many arts funders
and arts organizations across North America to look at
new and adaptive solutions that provide greater ways
to engage the community.
In 2014 the Edmonton Arts Council began to address
the issue of community engagement by implementing
the New Pathways Program of Adaptive Change to
organizations in Edmonton. With additional support from
the Alberta Foundation for the Arts and the Edmonton
Community Foundation we contracted the services of
EmcArts to deliver a series of workshops for 21 Edmonton
area arts organizations. The work engages artistic
leaders, administrators and board leadership, assisting
organizations to structure for resilience and introduce
complex adaptive systems. Rather than being only
providers of cultural activities, the organizations move
to also become enablers of creative expression.
This work continued in 2015 with intense onsite coaching
sessions for 11 organizations from the original cohort.
The final stages will conclude in the summer of 2016
with three organizations going through what EmcArts
terms a ‘deep dive’ analysis to find and test innovative and
adaptive solutions.
2015 marked the end of my tenure as Executive Director at
the EAC, and although I had only served for 1,000 days in
this role, I am convinced that the New Pathways Program
has set a positive new course for the arts in Edmonton. I
am extremely proud that we were able to begin this work
and am most grateful to the Board and Staff at the EAC for
their willingness to embrace this change. I also appreciate
Paul Moulton
the support of the aforementioned funding partners. I
reserve my greatest thanks for the arts organizations who
took a ‘leap of faith’ in joining the first cohort. I know that
they have experienced significant growth and change
through their learning, and their focus on community
engagement continues to become ever stronger.
My time at the EAC has been extremely rewarding and
has truly been a pinnacle position to end my career. I owe
a great deal to my predecessors in the position and wish
to thank our partners at the City of Edmonton (both
administration and Council) for their ongoing faith in
our work.
The Edmonton Arts Council has also been hard at work in
ensuring that it engages more broadly with community.
In addition to the New Pathways Program the EAC has
also focused on relationship-building and outreach, public
input opportunities around public art, and supporting
new events and initiatives, such as the Public Art in
Conversation series, public art and grant workshops, and
networking nights for artists.
I would also like to again thank the Board and Staff at the
EAC for their support of my efforts and their belief in the
strategies I proposed.
In 2015, the EAC hosted, planned and promoted 30 events
- including workshops, #YEGarts mixers, artist talks, the
Winter Social, the 20th anniversary summer party, a public
art bus tour, public art announcements, and more. This
was in addition to the daily event programming that occurs
throughout the summer in Churchill Square and our ongoing commitment to the operation of Tix on the Square.
Finally, I thank all of the members of the EAC for your
tireless work in the field. 2015 has proven once again
that Edmonton is home to an extraordinarily prolific arts
scene. From mainstream arts organizations and festivals
to new and emerging artists and organizations, our city
is enriched by your work in so many ways. I wish you
continued success in 2016 and beyond.
Paul Moulton
The EAC carried on the significant work of managing
grant programs but also continued to focus on engaging
with artists from diverse backgrounds. Most importantly,
following the ‘year of reconciliation’ the EAC continues
to work to ensure greater opportunities for Indigenous
Feature Article
No Masterpiece:
What is a masterpiece of
Community Art?
How do you know when you’ve
made one?
Anna Marie Sewell at Reconciling Edmonton, photo by Gibby Davis
Community art can seem most identifiable
by the 'simplistic' quality of the produced
work, which seems to sit opposite to the
exquisite refinement, the perfection implied
by 'masterpiece'.
There’s no place for perfectionism in it. By its very nature,
community art practice reveals that, at any given time,
any organic group of people is going to be a mixed bag
of talents, skills, levels of experience, also of willingness,
courage, discipline, and character.
Character matters in community arts. One can be a
screaming diva in an art form where individual excellence
of product excuses a violent process. In community arts,
by contrast, the process is the thing, and if it’s a violent
process, the community will not submit to it.
There’s no place for superstars, either. You have to let that
go. Not in the sense of coming down to anyone’s level, but
in a sense of really knowing what is the basic, and being
able to convey it.
I’m reminded of the great David Thiaw, a Senegalese
drum master whose workshop I once attended. In the
90s, djembes rumbled everywhere and everyone was in
a drum circle. Mr. Thiaw was much in demand, and his
workshop had filled Riverdale Hall. He stepped up in front
of the assembled throng, who quieted and locked eyes on
his towering presence, his bald head crowned with dim
fluorescent light.
Play for me, said Thiaw, to begin.
And the rock star boys and power grrls in the crowd
attacked, each louder, faster, fancier than the next. Then
Thiaw raised his mighty hands and roared, Stop! Stop,
he repeated in a pained whisper, shaking his head.
Anna Marie Sewell
Thoughts on Community Art
Now wait a minute. Follow me, he said. And he laid down
the simplest 1,2,3,4, straight 1/4 note beat until we all fell
in. All the rock stars were side-eying, and you could feel
the bulge of them wanting to solo, but Thiaw would not
let us loose. His mighty hand hammered the 1 beat, and
we all entrained.
All the fancy handwork in the world means nothing in
an ensemble, unless and until you can hear everyone,
and make space for everyone, and everyone can always
feel, trust, depend upon your mutual anchoring to 1, the
foundational pulse.
He forced the rock stars to give up their show-off riffs,
assigned us each one note in sequence, and made
us each play our small, single beat until it all flowed
together. Until that one moment when suddenly, the
rock stars exhaled and gave up. Thiaw laid down the 1,
and we followed, listening to each other. And slowly,
we heard our multiplicity become one, become that
thing that makes any orchestra, any group, so much
more than the sum of its parts. Each plays our own part,
simply, fully, with surrender, listening and leaving space
for others, and suddenly, there is a song. Suddenly, there
is space for the unspoken agreement, for solos to burst
into flight, rising from within the larger song.
Why that moment? Because it validated my deepest
instincts and my oldest teachings. We live on shared
impulse, because we are all issued, at our instant of
arrival, with one drum, which never ceases while we
live, but which can become unheard, unfelt, so taken for
granted we forget we are all drummers.
I did not volunteer to play for Thiaw, because women like
me aren’t drum circle stars. I drum because I love it, but it
allows me no illusions of rhythmic grandeur. Lacking skill,
I rely on simplicity, cling to the 1.
That’s what community art comes down to, in my view;
practice rides on the heartbeat.
When practitioners anchor work to that basic rhythm,
everyone participating can and will entrain. Entrained,
we naturally loosen up and make space for each other,
we’ll each be the keeper of the heartbeat for each other,
and we’ll each have our moment to shine.
Finding our heartbeat and room for it in the song, that is
the masterpiece of no masterpiece. I’ve been blessed by
it for decades now, and it has never let me down.
Anna Marie Sewell's community arts practice includes:
Reconciling Edmonton, with RISEdmonton (2015-16);
The Poem Catcher and A Poetry Map of Canada, as Poet
Laureate (2011-13); Roots Jam w/Joy Harjo at Edmonton
Poetry Festival (2014); Family Jam for U of A Alumni
(2015); Creative Connections multidisciplinary intergenerational, inter-agency exchange (2011-12); Honour
Songs, celebrating Indigenous Women (2007); and over
twenty years of facilitation work for groups including
Youthwrite, En'owkin Centre, and most recently, Rising
Sun Theatre.
public art
“Kennedale Eco Creatures” by Brandon Blommaert, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
"The Musicians" by Bella Totino-Busby & Verne Busby, photo by Ryan Parker/PK Photography
“Vaulted Willow” by Marc Fornes & THEVERYMANY at the public art bus tour, photo by Eva Marie Clarke
“Impose” by the Threshold Collective, photo by Aspen Zettel Photography
“I Can See My Dreams” by Maria Pace-Wynters
#YEGCanvas Billboard, photo by Eva Marie Clarke
Percent for Art Program
2015 was a busy year of installations, project management,
community outreach, and engagement. Public Art oversaw
the installation of 10 new artworks and continued work on
more than 20 ongoing projects.
The installation of photographic mosaics by Edmonton
photographer Eugene Uhuad was a highlight, celebrating
community engagement. Following two years of documenting
events at the Clareview Multicultural Centre, Eugene collaged
thousands of images into beautiful and personal portraits.
“Untitled” by Jordi Bonet, Mill Woods Public Library, photo by Ryan Parker/PK Photography
Public art bus tour, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
For the new LRT stations at NAIT and MacEwan University,
students were invited to submit their designs for functional,
artistic bike racks to enliven the commute. Five designs
from six students (Chunyu Qi, Morgan Wellborn, Alina Cross,
Chelsea Allan, Mark Winget, Chris Rodrigues) were chosen
and installed in 2015.
2015 marked an exciting milestone for Edmonton's
Indigenous Art Park, which will be located within Queen
Elizabeth Park. Sixteen shortlisted artists gathered in
Edmonton to participate in a weekend workshop that
presented stories, reflections, poetry, and history from
Indigenous artists and community members as well as
Elders and knowledge holders from the Confederacy of
Treaty Six First Nations, and Métis Nation of Alberta. The
workshop goal of providing a rich context from which to
understand “this place”, its people and stories, was more
than met as all participants left inspired by the deep
sharing and learning offered throughout the weekend.
Noted Canadian Indigenous artist and scholar Candice
Hopkins (Chief Curator, IAIA Museum of Contemporary
Native Arts) facilitated the workshop and will curate the
Indigenous Art Park.
“Phàntasien” by realities:united, Mill Woods Public Library,
photo by Doyle C. Marko Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
“Beaver” by Chunyu Qi & Morgan Wellborn, MacEwan LRT Bike Racks,
MacEwan LRT Station, photo by Aspen Zettel Photography
“Exotic Species” by Marc Siegner, Victoria Park Pavilion, photo by Doyle C. Marko
"Untitled" by Eugene Uhuad, photo by Eugene Uhuad
Transitory Public Art
“Artists Light the Bridge” by Scott Peters & Jason Kodie, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
The Transitory Public Art program provides highly visible and dynamic venues to artists emerging within their
genres and public art practice. These short-term public art installations transform cityscapes; inviting citizens
and visitors to view their environment with new eyes.
The Edmonton Arts Council’s 2015 transitory initiatives focused on high impact public art interventions in
public areas, mentorship and training resources for Edmonton-based artists, and projects that encompassed
customary or contemporary techniques, composition, and cultural interventions.
Artists Light the Bridge, Edmonton artists Scott Peters and Jason Kodie flooded the High Level Bridge with
colour in 2015. Their work enriches the High Level Bridge lights with nine themed programs. The project
launched on Canada Day with Edmontunes; a musical mosaic - lights dancing to a soundscape of Edmonton
music from the past six decades.
The Borden Park Sculpture Loan Program, showcasing 10 works by eminent Edmonton sculptors, was so
popular that it will be extended by a year, while it continues to attract visitors, as well as myriad bus, bike, and
walking tours.
#YEGCanvas a partnership with Pattison Outdoor Advertising that launched in December 2015, transformed
Edmonton into an urban gallery celebrating the art of 32 Edmonton artists. For six months, this initiative exhibited
45 artworks by Indigenous, culturally diverse, and emerging artists on billboards and LRT Posters. An interactive,
mobile friendly map guided fans to locations scattered throughout the city and along the Capital Line.
“The Game” by Jennie Vegt, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
"Penguinpuppy" by Yvette Prefontaine, photo by Jenna Turner
“Epilog” Kapil Vachhar, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
#YEGCanvas artists Keith-yin Sun & Judi Chan, photo by Jenna Turner
“Neda” by Zohreh Valiary Eskandary, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
Lana Whiskeyjack with #YEGCanvas Billboard “Apītaw Piciwās” photo supplied
Community Outreach
Public art bus tour, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
Chakanaka Zinyemba at public art bus tour, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
We took it on the road! Public Art workshops and education initiatives invited diverse communities into the
public art process with information about artist calls and submissions.
Artist talks focused on projects within communities: Métis artist Destiny Swiderski animated Milled Wood in
the Mill Woods Seniors and Multicultural Centre just after she completed her installation. Brandon Vickerd
spoke about Wild Life in the Boyle Street Community Centre after his artwork was installed in the Quarters.
Streetscapes and Parkscapes Public Art Bus Tour
Two busloads of captivated sightseers toured public art projects throughout downtown and north Edmonton.
Beginning with Keith Walker’s glass streetlamp finials (Transitions) that punctuate 108 Street, the three-hour tour
included the MacEwan LRT station, Borden Park, Commonwealth Community Recreation Centre, interspersed
with live performances by Youth Poet Laureate Charlotte Cranston and musician Chakanaka Zinyemba. The
day culminated in a tour of Keith Walker’s glass blowing studio.
Artist Rendering of ARC Mural for the Abbottsfield Recreation Centre by Scott Sueme
Edmonton Urban
Design Awards
Public Art in Edmonton was honoured at
the 2015 Edmonton Urban Design Awards.
Scott Sueme’s community-based ARC Mural
at Abbottsfield Recreation Centre received
a Community-Based Projects Award of
Excellence, while the Grandin Murals by Aaron
Paquette & Sylvie Nadeau were recognized
with an Award of Merit. Vaulted Willow by Marc
Fornes & THEVERYMANY picked up an Award
of Excellence for Urban Fragments and the
Threshold Collective picked up an Award of
Excellence in the Student category for Impose.
“Impose” by the Threshold Collective, photo by Aspen Zettel Photography
“Wild Life” by Brandon Vickerd, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
Public Art Project List 2015
MacEwan and NAIT Bike racks
MacEwan University and NAIT Students:
Chunyu Qi, Morgan Wellborn, Alina Cross,
Chelsea Allan, Mark Winget, Chris Rodrigues
Mill Woods Library
Quarters Armature #2
Brandon Vickerd
Wild Life
Victoria Park Pavilion
Marc Siegner
Exotic Species
Mill Woods Multicultural Facility &
Seniors Centre
Destiny Swiderski
Milled Wood
Heritage Valley Fire Station
Mark Clintberg & Jeff Kulak
Water Vessels
Stony Plain Road Streetscape
Verne Busby & Bella Totino-Busby
The Musicians
Kennedale Ecostation
Brandon Blommaert
Kennedale Eco Creatures
Clareview Multicultural Centre
Eugene Uhuad
Capital Boulevard
Keith Walker
City Hall & Winspear Centre
for Music
Threshold Collective
Artists Light the Bridge
Scott Peters and Jason Kodie
10 compositions
Borden Park Sculpture Exhibition (ongoing)
Multiple artists
10 sculptures
#YEGCanvas (ongoing)
Multiple artists
45 artworks
Open Source Street Art Pilot (ongoing)
AJA Louden (launch) and multiple artists
“Water Vessels” by Mark Clintberg & Jeff Kulak, photo by Ryan Parker/PK Photography
Quarters Crossings
Derek Besant
Quarters Armature #1
Rebecca Belmore
and Osvaldo Yero
Lewis Estates Fire Station
Vikki Wiercinski
Walterdale Bridge
Ken Lum
Borden Park Natural
Swim Experience
William Frymire
Terwillegar Foot Bridge
Royden Mills
102 Avenue Bridge
Faye Heavyshield
Rogers Place North West Plaza
Rogers Place Community Rink
corridor entry
Al Henderson
Rogers Place North East Plaza
Doug Bentham
Rogers Place Winter Garden
Alex Janvier
Whitemud Equestrian Centre
Black Artifex Inc.
Pilot Sound Fire Station
Paul Slipper and
Mary Ann Liu
North East Transit Garage
Queen Elizabeth Indigenous
Art Park
TBD (six projects)
Calder Library
Rebecca Bayer
Paul Kane Park
Beaver Hills House Park Entry
Destiny Swiderski
River Valley Mechanized Access
Jill Anholt
“Milled Wood” by Destiny Swiderski, photo by Aspen Zettel Photography
“Transitions” by Keith Walker, photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
"Untitled" by Eugene Uhuad, photo by Eugene Uhuad
Talus Dome conservation, photo by David Turnbull
Talus Dome conservation, photo by David Turnbull
The Edmonton Arts Council’s Conservation Department is involved in every facet of public art in Edmonton.
Protecting and stewarding the City of Edmonton Public Art Collection demands continual skill-building as
well as day to day work that encompasses emergency response and repairs, warranty work, and preventive
conservation. Conservation is conducted in the lab as well as onsite.
The most high profile treatment of 2015 was the replacement of 20 dented spheres from Talus Dome, and
landscaping in approximately 30 tons of dirt to prevent soil erosion in and around the artwork.
In addition to coordinating, overseeing, and executing nearly 70 conservation projects, the conservation team
makes its expertise available to individuals and organizations. City personnel approached the team regarding
a 1994 buffalo sculpture by Lloyd Pinay. Sited in Dr. Anne Anderson Park, it was in rough shape, due to years
of graffiti vandalism, inexpert cleaning, and repeated painting with black and silver paint. The Conservation
Department spent approximately 100 hours painstakingly removing the layers of paint in order to assess the
condition of the bronze, before it can be restored to the original condition.
The EAC Conservator co-chaired the 2015 Canadian Association for Conservation conference with the Provincial
Archives of Alberta. This event presented an opportunity to showcase the work of the EAC Conservation
Department and key artworks in the public art collection.
Public Art Committee
The Public Art Committee (PAC) serves as an advisory body
to the City of Edmonton. The Committee is comprised of
community members who include, but are not limited to,
art, architecture and design professionals, City personnel,
and businesses representatives.
PAC Membership January-December 2015
Will Truchon – Chair
Will Bauer
Ken Cantor
Chet Domanski
Carmen Douville
Cynthia Dovell
Kira Hunt
Joshua Kupsch
Agnieszka Matejko
Janice Mills
Royden Mills
Jesse Thomas
Evgeny Voutchkov
Linda Wedman
Vikki Wiercinski
#YEGcanvas artists in Churchill Square, photo by Jenna Turner
2015 Public Art Selection Committee Representatives
City of Edmonton Project and Client Representatives*
Artist and Community Representatives
Jack Ashton
Carol Belanger
Terry Bohaichuk
Gary Chung
Matt Everett
Darren Giacobbo
Dhafir Hammed
Nicole Howard
Catherine Burgess
Devon Beggs
Nora Begoray
Isla Burns
Ericka Chemko
Deanna Fuhlendorf
Shafraaz Kaba
Juan Lopezdabdoub
Christie Lutsiak
Ester Malzahn
Dawn Marie Marchand
Don Moar
Robb Heit
George Kuhse
Sandra Opdenkamp
Skye Perry
Devin Richards
Terry Rawe
Charlene Roche
Aileen Simcic
Consultant and Stakeholder Representatives*
Bob Black
Brian Bengert
Frederick Brisson
Barry Fraser
Ryan Gedney
Pat Hanson
Samantha Hammer
Pilar Martinez
Nastarn Moradinejad
Christie Olson
Julie Woods
Scott Ralston
Kristin St. Arnault
Lyndal Osborne
Susan Pointe
Aiden Rowe
Leslie Sharpe
Jesse Sherburne
Jim Taylor
Craig Traynor
Toscha Turner
Margaret Witschl
Kendall Vreeling
Kevin Zak
*1/2 vote each in general
Located on the southwest corner of Churchill Square, TIX on the Square
is a not-for-profit box office and artist and artisan boutique owned and
operated by the Edmonton Arts Council.
TIX once again had a banner year in sales of both tickets and merchandise
in 2015. This is good news for all TIX artists – visual and performance.
In November, TIX moved their ticketing system over to Tessitura to enable them to offer better
reporting to client organizations. In 2015, TIX worked with over 200 organizations, managed tickets
sales and/or promotion of more than 1200 events, sold 58,000 tickets and grossed over $2.3 million.
TIX is a destination for locals, tourists and travellers looking for original gift ideas. Retail sales of more
than 200 local artists’ handcraft and merchandise (such as jewelry, pottery, photography, clothing,
books, music and more) increased by 28%.
The renovation moving TIX to a centre “pod” in the store was completed in February 2015 and plans
were set up for part two of the renovation – two offices for General Manager and the Assistant
Manager, respectively, and a kitchen/lunchroom for staff, to be completed in the early part of 2016.
Smithstine Copper Jewelry, photo supplied
TIX artists CMB Printworks, Crystal Driedger, Axis Mundi Artistry
and Edmonton Potters Guild, photo by TIX on the Square
TIX artists Tweelings, Polar Light Arts Studio, and Dancing Rainbows,
photo by TIX on the Square
Keith Walker of Blow in the Dark glass studio,
photo by Andrea Clark
Bro Brick soaps, photo supplied
Erik Lee, Plains Cree Silversmith, photo by Eva Marie Clarke
TIX artists Silk Concepts, Mother Earth Essentials, War Horse Studios, KRH Woodturning
and Meghan Wagg Designs, photo by TIX on the Square
The Edmonton Arts Council, in partnership with the City of
Edmonton, programs activity and event Happenings on Sir
Winston Churchill Square for casual and day-to-day public
use between major festivals and civic events.
Since August 2011, EAC Churchill Square Happenings programmer Bob Rasko has produced a
diverse schedule of offerings open to the public including: Sunday Swing 'n' Skate, lightsaber
training, CypherWild, and Zumba on the Square.
Our 2015 programming was bookended by two new successful events. Spring on The Square, a
week of free activities for families celebrating spring break in the city, and Scare On the Square, our
Halloween programming, including a maze, Ron Pearson's "Headless Horror," and “Bands as Bands”
featuring local musicians as Elvis, Amy Winehouse, and Wings. Some highlights sandwiched between
those events were Ederlezi, a Turkish inspired spring festival featuring Cam Neufeld's Gadjo collective,
PALO! a Latin band from Miami, and Grammy nominated Salsa Mayor directly from Cuba.
Over 100 performances graced the Square in 2015, including Crosswalk Theatre, The Great Balonzo,
Darrin Hagen, and Rooster Davis. It is estimated over 22,000 participants took in Happenings on
Sir Winston Churchill Square in 2015. Attendance increases every year and growth is expected to
continue through 2016.
Swing 'n' Skate, photo by Annette Aslund
Scare on the Square, photo by Jenna Turner
Scare on the Square, photo by Annette Aslund
CypherWild, photo by Daena Crosby
Swing 'n' Skate, photo by Annette Aslund
Swing 'n' Skate, photo by Annette Aslund
grant programs
The Edmonton Arts Council invests in Edmonton’s artists and arts
community through our many grant programs. Every year, these
grants help countless Edmontonians attend performances, explore
exhibits, expand their creative skillsets, share their artistic creations,
celebrate their communities, and much, much more. In total, the
EAC managed more than $9,000,000 in grant funds in 2015.
“Waiting Room” by Alysha Creighton at Bleeding Heart Art Space, photo by Ben Lemphers
Paint-o-Rama at Riverbend Community League’s Art in Our Park, photo by Bob Bowhay
Zoe Glassman in “For When She Wakes” at the SkirtsAFire Festival,
photo by Brittany Paige and Brianne Jang
Investment Program
Except as specifically noted, the grants
listed are funded by the City of Edmonton’s
Community Investment Program (CIP), which
supports artists, arts and festival organizations,
and non-profit organizations in Edmonton from
the municipal tax base. For these programs,
the EAC is guided by the City of Edmonton
Bylaw 14157 and Policy C211 on community
investment grants.
“Charlie” by Nina Haggerty artist Leona Clawson, photo by Paul Freeman
Festival Operating
Edmonton is home to a widely diverse
festival community. Festival Operating
grants help create a stable funding base,
and enhance the ability of organizations to
produce and present festival celebrations
with a theme of interest and appeal to the
general public.
The Edmonton Arts Council assessed 40
eligible applications for Festival Operating
grants, all of which were supported.
Funds previously committed through this
program to Fringe Theatre Adventures
were transferred to the Cornerstone Arts
Operating process in 2015.
Creative Age Festival workshop led by Amber Borotsik and Shula Strassfeld, photo by Angela Ostafichuk
Terry Josey – Chair
Angela Bennett
Donna Coombs-Montrose
Mary-Ellen Perley
Patty Tao
Ritchie Velthuis
Ron Walker
Jill Wright
Lyra Brown at Nextfest, photo by Indy Randhawa
Silver Skate Festival, photo by Marc J. Chalifoux
Deep Freeze Festival, photo by Epic Photography
Accordion Extravaganza
The Found Festival
ArbreDeVie Youth CreatiVibes
Freewill Shakespeare Festival
ArtSpirit Festival
Global Visions Film Festival
Cariwest - Caribbean Arts Festival
Heart of the City
Creative Age Festival
Ice on Whyte
Kaleido Family Arts Festival
Deep Freeze: A Byzantine Winter Festival
Litfest: Edmonton's Nonfiction Festival
Dreamspeakers International Aboriginal
Film Festival
Lunar New Year Festival
ECMS Summer Solstice Festival
Edmonton Chante
Now Hear This - Festival of New Music
in Edmonton
Edmonton Comedy Festival
Pure Speculation Festival
Edmonton Dragon Boat Festival
Serca Festival of Irish Theatre
Edmonton Folk Music Festival
Edmonton International Film Festival
Edmonton International Jazz Festival
Edmonton International Street
Performers Festival
Servus Heritage Festival
Silver Skate Festival
TALES Storytelling Festival
Taste of Edmonton
The Works Art and Design Festival
Edmonton Poetry Festival
Thousand Faces Festival
Edmonton Pride Festival
Up + Downtown Music Festival
Edmonton Rock Music Festival
Vocal Arts Festival
Feats Festival of Dance
Arts Building Operating
Facilities are important hubs in our city’s arts community,
providing space for film screenings, dance performances,
plays, concerts, exhibits, lectures, major events and more. The
Arts Building Operating grant invests in a portion of the costs
associated with maintaining clean, well lit, heated and secure
facilities. These facilities are regularly accessible by the public,
and their use is of interest to the public and community groups.
The Edmonton Arts Council received 18 eligible applications
for Arts Building Operating funding in 2015, all of which were
This grant is based on a formula calculation and is not assessed
by a jury.
Funds previously committed through this program to Fringe
Theatre Adventures were transferred to the Cornerstone Arts
Operating process in 2015.
In 2015, $42,200 in museum-specific building grants were
transferred to the Edmonton Heritage Council, and are no
longer managed by the EAC.
Catalyst Theatre’s “Vigilante” by Jonathan Christenson, photo by David Cooper
Alberta Craft Council
Arts on the Avenue Society
Catalyst Theatre
CKUA Radio Network
Creative Practices Institute
Edmonton Jazz Society
Film and Video Arts Society Alberta
La Cité francophone
Latitude 53 Society of Artists
Metro Cinema Society
Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts
Old Strathcona Performing Arts Centre
Société francophone des arts visuels
de l’Alberta
Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists
Theatre Network
Varscona Theatre
Walterdale Theatre Associates
Where Edmonton Community Artists
Network (W.E.C.A.N.) Society
FAVA and Silver Spur Drive-In movie night, photo by Heather Noel
Masks from the ceramics studio at the Nina Haggerty Centre, photo by Paul Freeman
The Cornerstone Arts Operating process directs
support for our city’s large arts organizations that own
and operate major cultural facilities. Representatives
from these organizations meet with board members
and staff of the Edmonton Arts Council, representatives
of the City of Edmonton, and occasionally outside
assessors, to discuss the complex issues that they face.
Edmonton Symphony Orchestra's "Symphony in the City," photo supplied
The outcome is a funding agreement between the
EAC and the organization. Funds support operating
costs for the facility, and production and presentation
activities of the organization. Prior to 2013, these funds
were directed via other Operating programs managed
by the EAC.
Fringe Theatre Adventures was assessed through the
Cornerstone Arts Operating process for the first time in
2015. Funding previously allocated to Fringe Theatre
Adventures through other programs was transferred
to the amalgamated Cornerstone grant, at equal levels
to 2014.
The Art Gallery of Alberta’s 2015 support represents
$1,125,000 in base annual funding, plus $300,000 in
supplemental support from the EAC that is declining
on an annual basis, due to expire in 2017.
The Art Gallery of Alberta
The Citadel Theatre
The Edmonton Symphony Orchestra/
Francis Winspear Centre for Music
Fringe Theatre Adventures
“Composting” by Jude Griebel, Art Gallery of Alberta Biennial,
photo by Jenna Turner
Festival Seed
Festivals bring together diverse cultural and community
groups, and allow arts and cultural communities to share
their passions with new audiences. Edmonton’s residents
and visitors celebrate at festivals year-round, and new
festival events are welcomed in our community. The
Festival Seed grant supports new or emerging festival
celebrations. Applicants may be considered for a Festival
Seed grant for up to two consecutive years.
The Edmonton Arts Council received nine eligible Festival
Seed applications in 2015, all of which were supported.
Megan Dart at SkirtsAfire, HerArts Festival, photo by Madison Kerr
Kent Sutherland – Chair
Ron Harrison
Svetlana Sapelnikova
Matthew Wood
Kerrie Long
Giuseppe Albi
Edmonton Latin Festival
Relish Film Festival
Sand on Whyte
C'Mon Festival
Early Music Festival
Flying canöe volant
The Gotta Minute Film Festival
SkirtsAfire, HerArts Festival
Whyte Avenue Art Walk Festival
Sand sculptures at the Sand on Whyte Festival, photo supplied
Arts Operating
Edmonton’s arts organizations range from the smallest
community groups to the largest professional flagships.
Together they form a creative, supportive framework
for the local arts community. The Arts Operating grant
program provides operational support to organizations
to enhance their ability to produce, exhibit and perform
artistic works for the benefit of all Edmontonians.
The Edmonton Arts Council received 112 applications
for Arts Operating funding in 2015, all of which were
Murray Utas – Chair
(Professional Stream)
John Wiebe – Chair
(Community Stream)
Susanna Biro
Sable Chan
Amy DeFelice
Sally Hunt
Todd Janes
Sharmila Mathur
Lindsay McIntyre
Tololwa Mollel
Mary Pinkoski
Linda Rubin
Marc Siegner
Jordan Van Biert
Noel Xavier
Funds previously committed through this program
to Fringe Theatre Adventures were transferred to the
Cornerstone Arts Operating process in 2015.
Troy O'Donnell, Jenny McKillop, Mark Sinongco, and Patricia Cerra in Concrete
Theatre’s “The Early Bloomer” by Jana O’Connor, photo by Kim Clegg
Kokopelli Youth Choir and director, Scott Leithead, photo supplied
A Joyful Noise Choir Association
of Edmonton
Alberta Ballet
Alberta Baroque Music Society
Alberta Choral Federation
Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts
Alberta Craft Council
Alberta Dance Alliance
Alberta Media Arts Alliance Society
Alberta Media Production Industries
Alberta Music Industry Association
Alberta Opera Touring Association
Alberta Playwrights' Network Society
Alberta Society of Artists
Alberta Ukrainian Dance Association
Ante Meridiem Choral Association
Ariose Women's Choir
Arts on the Avenue Edmonton Society
Association franco-albertaine de
L'Uni Théâtre
Azimuth Theatre Association
Book Publishers Association of Alberta
Brail Tone Music Society of Canada
Brian Webb Dance Company
Canadian Authors Association
Alberta Branch
Cantilon Choral Society
Catalyst Theatre Society of Alberta
Chronos Music Society of Alberta
Citie Ballet Society
Concordia Community Band
Vinok Worldance, "Christmas Around the World," photo by Doyle C. Marko/DCM Photography
Neil Kuefler and Gianna Vacirca in Punctuate! Theatre’s production “The Suburban
Motel Series” by George F. Walker, photo by Mat Simpson
Viter Ukrainian Dancers and Folk Choir's 20th Anniversary Concert, photo by Nina Karpoff
Arts Operating continued
Concrete Theatre Society
Ground Zero Productions
Cosmopolitan Music Society
Where Edmonton Community Artists
Network (W.E.C.A.N) Society
Da Camera Singers
i Coristi Chamber Choir Society
Edmonton Calligraphic Society
Joy Spring Jazz Association
Kita no Taiko
Edmonton Chamber Music Society
Edmonton Classical Guitar Society
Kiwanis Singers Association of Edmonton
Edmonton Columbian Choirs
Kokopelli Choir Association
Edmonton Jazz Society
Kompany Theatre Artists Society
Edmonton Kiwanis Music Festival
KYKLOS - Hellenic Performing and Literary
Arts Group Society
Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus Society
Latitude 53 Contemporary Visual Culture
Edmonton Movie Club
McDougall Concert Association
Edmonton Musical Theatre
Media Architecture Design Edmonton
Edmonton New Shadow Theatre
Edmonton Opera Association
Metro Cinema Society
Mile Zero Dance Society
Edmonton Philharmonic Society
Mill Creek Colliery Band Society
Edmonton Potters' Guild
New Edmonton Wind Sinfonia
NeWest Publishers Ltd.
Nina Haggerty Centre for the Arts
Northern Light Theatre
Edmonton Schoolboys' Band Alumni
Edmonton Story Slam Society
Edmonton Vocal Alchemy Society
Nova Musica Society
Edmonton Vocal Minority Music Society
Edmonton Weavers' Guild
Polonez Polish Folk Arts Ensemble
Edmonton Young Voices
Pro Coro Society - Edmonton
Edmonton Youth Choir Association
Punctuate! Theatre Society
Rapid Fire Theatre Society
Edmonton Youth Orchestra Association
Festival City Winds Music Society
Film and Video Arts Society - Alberta
Regroupement artistique francophone
de l'Alberta
Firefly Theatre and Circus Society
Richard Eaton Singers
Good Women Dance Society
Ritchie Trombone Choir Association
Greenwood Chamber Singers Society
Sadhana Music and Dance Society
Sculptors' Association of Alberta
Sing For Life Society of Edmonton
Society for New Music in Edmonton
Society of Northern Alberta Print-Artists
St. David's Welsh Male Voice Choir
Stroll of Poets Society
Today's Innovative Music Edmonton
(T.I.M.E.) Association
TALES Edmonton Chapter
Teatro la Quindicina
The Copper Pig Writers' Society
Edmonton Metropolitan Chorus “Wizardry of Worthington” concert,
Conductor David Garber, photo by Hal Thiessen
Theatre Alberta Society
Theatre Network Society
Theatre Prospero
Two One Way Tickets to Broadway
Productions Society
TYS Theatre Yes Society
Ukrainian Cheremosh Society
Ukrainian Shumka Dancers
Vinok Folkdance Society
Visual Arts Alberta Association
Viter Ukrainian Dancers and Folk Choir
Volya Ukrainian Dance Ensemble
Walterdale Theatre Associates
Workshop West Playwrights' Theatre
Writers' Guild of Alberta
Young Alberta Book Society
Edmonton Philharmonic Orchestra Christmas concert, Conductor Murray Vaasjo, photo by Jim Triscott
Katrina Beatty, Andrew Scholotiuk, Matt Vest, Christina Ienna
at the FAVA Fest Gala, photo by Fish Griwkowsky
Community Arts
Community art is valued for its ability to bring people together in
shared, collaborative, creative experiences to express the things
that have meaning to us. The program invests in projects that are
described as collaborations between professional artists and a distinct
community. Applicants can be individuals, organizations or groups
that define themselves by geography, tradition, culture or spirit.
The Edmonton Arts Council received a total of 26 Community Arts
applications in 2015, 11 of which were supported.
These grants were funded in part by the City of Edmonton
Community Investment Program and in part by The Lee Fund for
the Arts endowment held by the Edmonton Community Foundation.
FAVA Future Visions youth project, photo supplied
Scott Portingale – Chair
Stephanie Gregorowitch
Ainsley Hilliard
Trina Moyles
DJ Padaman
Boyle Street Community Services
Youth multimedia lab film project
Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church
A community mural project
The Film and Video Arts Society of Alberta
Three week video intensive for youth
Boyle Street Education Centre
Poetry/photography project in the community
Workshop West Playwrights' Theatre
This is YEG: new plays for a changing city
Quarters Arts Society
Inner City Lights: a collaborative art making project
Rising Sun Theatre Society
Theatre creation: Around the world with Rising Sun
The Bent Arrow Traditional
Healing Society
Becoming Edmonton: a cinema/digital oral history project
La Cité francophone
The research and re-creation of the first meetings between
Alberta's First Nations people and the French voyageurs
Theatre Yes Society
Theatre creation: Edmonton based oil workers
Alberta Aboriginal Performing
Arts Association
Professional Indigenous artists and youth: SOAR 2015
SOAR, photo by Jade Ehlers
Individual Artists
Individual artists and their work are
the foundation of our arts community.
Their projects are the research and
development activity of the creative
sector, feeding the greater arts
ecosystem locally and for export.
Investments made through the
Project Grant for Individual Artists
help recipients move ahead with their
creative projects in order to develop
their practice.
The Edmonton Arts Council received
196 eligible applications to this program
in 2015, requesting nearly $3 million.
Forty-six projects were supported.
“War Memories Concert,” Vaughan String Quartet Canadian Journey Series, photo by David Pipke
"The Secret Life of Pianos" documentary film directed by Marie-France Guerrette,
produced by Steve Jodoin, photo by Steve Jodoin
Jeff Haslam – Chair
Angie Abdou Duke Pier
Pat Darbasie
Bert Richards
Laura Krewski Teace Snyder
Juan Lopezdabdoub
Jill Stanton
Naomi McIllraith Niobe Thompson
Nancy Yuen
Heather Shillinglaw “Indian Summer, Nehiyaw Nipin” from Dreaming with my
‘Great Mother’ ‘Dirine ne’ ‘Nikawinaw Askiy,’ photo by Shane Golby
Trevor Anderson
Caley Suliak, Gianna Vacirca, Monica Maddaford, Althea Cunningham, Julien Arnold, Mat Busby,
and Byron Martin in Trunk Theatre’s “In The Next Room, or the vibrator play,” photo by Mat Busby.
Allan Nimmo Gilliland
Tololwa Mollel
Marie-France Guerrette
aAron munson
Chenoa Anderson
Wayne Arthurson
Usha Gupta
Hilary Mussell
Jalal Barzanji
Kristi Hansen
Devon Beggs
Paul Bernhardt
Matt Nickel
Justine Hartlieb-Power
Charles Pilon
Matthew Howatt
Scott Portingale
Amber Jane Borotsik
Dara Humniski
Kathryn Ryan
Timothy Jon Bowling
Christina Ienna
Travis Sargent
Jocelyn Brown
Bridget Jessome
Nicole Schafenacker
Silvia Buttiglione
Kristen Keegan
Leslie Sharpe
Nathan Cuckow
Sima Khorrami
Heather Shillinglaw
Kat Danser
Frederick Kroetsch
Whitney Leigh Sloan
Amy DeFelice
Margaret Macpherson
Lisa Turner
Rosvita Dransfeld
Candace Makowichuk
Cat Walsh
Jerrold Dubyk
Maria Dunn
Lisa Martin
Jennifer Mesch
Travel Grants
Travel Grants assist with the travel costs of Edmonton
residents active in the arts and festival communities.
Travelling to perform, conduct research, attend
conferences, or exhibit work offers professional
and creative opportunities that may not exist
locally. These outside opportunities are vital to the
continued advancement and growth of Edmonton’s
arts community.
"Lily" by Brady Simpson, photo supplied
Travel grants are available to a maximum of $750 per
individual applicant. The Edmonton Arts Council
received nearly 200 travel grant applications in 2015,
of which more than 125 were supported.
One not-for-profit arts organization, Grindstone
Theatre Society, received a travel grant of $1,250
to support six Edmonton artists’ participation at
the Regina and Winnipeg Fringe Festivals.
JURORS that assessed travel grants over the course
of three deadlines in 2015 include:
Ahmed Ali – Chair
Wayne Arthurson
Connor Buchanan
Jeff Collins
Brenda Draney
Works from Sandra Bromley’s residency in Jingdezhen, China, photo supplied
Benjamin Freeland
Kathy MacIntosh
Adam Pappas
Niobe Thompson
“Culture de résistance,” Montreal, by Mary Joyce, photo by S. Heaton
aAron munson
Allison Balcetis
Amber Borotsik
Amelia Shultz-McPherson
Amy Loewan
Ariane Lemire
Ashanti Karimah Marshall
Blake McWilliam
Bradley Tebble
Christopher Quesnel
Danielle Soneff
Dara Armsden
Darian Stahl
Dwayne Martineau
Eric Doucet
Fish Griwkowsky
Gavin Dunn
Jacques Arsenault
Jeff Stuart
Jessica Marsh
Johnny Blerot
Kathleen Danser
Kathleen Jessup
Kathy Fisher
Kristen Keegan
Lauren Gillis
Leslie Holmes
Lindsey McNeill
Maigan van der Giessen
Mary Joyce
Mary Norton
Michelle Sabourin
Morgan Wedderspoon
Murray Wood
Peter Wunstorf
Rebecca Warren
Rene Englot
Ritchie Velthuis
Robert Walsh
Shea Connor
Stuart Ballah
Trevor Anderson
Trevor Mann
Patrick Arès-Pilon
Nicolas Arnaez
Paul Arnusch
Maggie Baird
Narisa Bandali
Fabiola Belarmino de Farias Amorim
Lyle Bell
Thomas Bennett
Mattia Berrini
Silvia Buttiglione
Beau Coleman
Demmi Connolly
Dan Davis
Jerrold Dubyk
Emma Frazier
Marina Fridman
Raimundo Gonzalez
Benjamin Gorodetsky
Khushboo Goyal
Usha Gupta
Christine Hanson
Shumaila Hemani
Todd Houseman
Matthew Howatt
Christine Lesiak
Beth Levia
Vladimir Machado Rufino
Christan Maslyk
Josh McHan
Jennifer Mesch
Riya Mittal
Gerry Morita
Spencer Murray
Michael Noga
Jennifer O'Donnell
Marla Palakkamanil
Adam Pappas
Kimberly Rackel
Clyde Rigsby
Liam Salmon
Nicole Schafenacker
Giorgia Severini
Brady Simpson
Emilie St-Hilaire
Matthew Stepanic
Jordan Van Biert
Kami Van Halst
Tom Van Seters
Keith Walker
David Wolkowski
Miranda Allen
Joyce Boyer
Sandra Bromley
Kasie Campbell
Dario Charles
Keith Colli
Mark Davis
Stefan Duret
Jay Gilday
Scott Greene
Darrin Hagen
Elizabeth Hobbs
Tasreen Hudson
Alison Hughes
Bridget Jessome
Jonathan Kawchuk
Lee Klippenstein
Heather Leier
Mathew Letersky
Patrick Lundeen
Denise Mackay
Matthew MacKenzie
Lianna Makuch
Joses Martin
Tammy-Jo Mortensen
Ali Nickerson
Darcia Parada
Sean Picard
Brett Seaton
James Stewart
Peter Stone
Ben Sures
Klyment Tan
Dallas Thompson
Matthew Wilkinson
Jenny Willson-McGrath
Beth Wishart-MacKenzie
Jeremy Witten
Mary Wood
Rachel Woznow
Cultural Diversity in the Arts
Todd Houseman and Ben Gorodetsky of Folk Lordz visit the Snowking Arts and
Music Festival, Yellowknife, North West Territories, photo by Ben Gorodetsky
Yong Fei Guan with her “Little Monkey in a Tree” series at Paintspot, photo by Annette Aslund
The City of Edmonton, through the Edmonton Arts
Council, established the Cultural Diversity in the Arts
Program to recognize that artists from all parts of the
world enrich Edmonton’s cultural scene.
This is the second round of project grants from this
program. Following significant review and consultation,
the EAC revised the delivery of this program in 2014,
to become a project grant that now parallels other
programs for individual artists.
Cultural Diversity in the Arts project grants may be
awarded to a normal maximum of $15,000. In 2015
the EAC received 24 eligible applications, of which
10 were supported.
Ben Gorodetsky
Ahmed Ali – Chair
Jaime Calayo Marina Mair-Sanchez
Kat Danser Lindsay McIntyre
Alexis Keinlen
Malcolm Azania (aka Minister Faust)
Shreela Chakrabartty
Ruben Contreras
Yong Fei Guan
Shumaila Hemani
Juan Lopezdabdoub
Emmanuel Osahor
Elsa Robinson
Amena Shehab
Celebrations bring together members of our
communities to recognize cultural traditions or
create new ones. Celebrations grants assist with the
production of one-day celebratory events and/or
major parades within the City of Edmonton.
The Edmonton Arts Council received five eligible
applications for Celebrations funding in 2015, all
of which were supported.
Christine Frederick - Chair
Beth Wishart MacKenzie
Marissa Loewen
Habib Fatmi
Prayer and wish flags at Riverbend Community League’s Art in Our Park, photo by Bob Bowhay
Sourdough Raft Race Association
Riverbend Community League
Edmonton Blues Hall of Fame
Mill Woods Presidents' Council
Canadian Hungarian Cultural Society
of Edmonton
Csardas Hungarian Folkdance Ensemble at the Canadian Hungarian Cultural Society’s
40th Anniversary celebration, photo by Gábor Takáts
John Mahon Arts
Administrators’ Sabbatical Fund
Administrators form an integral part of the arts infrastructure
of Edmonton. The work behind the scenes, and the expertise
required for all aspects of arts management, is often underrecognized. The individuals who specialize in this field are a
critical piece of a sustainable arts ecosystem.
John Mahon was the Executive Director of the Edmonton
Arts Council for 15 years until his retirement in 2013. This fund
and program recognizes his contributions to the Edmonton
arts community by providing short-term support to local
arts organizations to allow their senior administrators to
undertake sabbatical leave projects.
Brian Webb – Chair
Carol Holmes
Fawnda Mithrush
Raj Nigam
The Edmonton International Film Festival
in support of Executive Director Kerrie Long
The 2015 Award is funded in part by donations from
the community, and in part by a special grant from the
Edmonton Community Foundation.
Edmonton International Film Festival, photo by Cassian Soltykevych.
Kerrie Long, Edmonton International Film Festival, photo by Cassian Soltykevych
Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund
Matthew Wood at Cypherwild, photo by Daena Crosby.
Thom Bennett, photo supplied
The Edmonton Artists’ Trust Fund (EATF) is a joint project of the Edmonton
Arts Council and the Edmonton Community Foundation. The EATF is
designed to invest in Edmonton’s creative community and encourage
artists to stay in our community. The funds are intended to offset living and
working expenses, allowing the artist to devote a concentrated period of
time to his/her artistic activities, career enhancement and/or development.
The EAC received 59 nominations for this award in 2015. Eight artists were
selected. Awards were fixed at $7,500 each.
Gerry Morita
Malcolm Azania (aka Minister Faust)
Richard Thomas Bennett
Raylene Campbell
Curtis Gillespie
Ainsley Hillyard
Jana O’Connor
Matthew Wood (aka CREEAZN)
These awards are provided through an endowment held by the Edmonton
Community Foundation.
Mary Phillips-Rickey – Chair
Trevor Anderson
Usha Gupta
Andriey Talpash
With no set deadlines for applications and amounts
up to $1,000 available per recipient, the Microgrant
program supports the hard costs associated with
timely, short-term projects that might otherwise
falter for want of a small investment.
“Pehonan: As Remembered by Dwayne Donald” by Conor McNally, photo provided
For much of 2015, the Microgrant program was
suspended and under review. Applications were
opened beginning in September, and the EAC
reviewed approximately 25 submissions before
the end of the year.
Applications to this program were reviewed by an
EAC staff panel.
Alysha Creighton
Lauren Dary
Teresa Dzavik
Jeffrey Klassen
Jason Kuchar
Electric Audrey II, photo by Jessi Toms
Nicolas Laroche-Humby
Conor McNally
Emilio de Mercato
Nathaniel Sutton
Matthew Struth
Mikolaj Warszynski
“Stunning” from the in my skin exhibit, photo by Lauren Dary
Partner Awards
The Eldon and Anne Foote Visual Arts Prize in
partnership with the Edmonton Community
Foundation and the Visual Arts Alberta Association
Julian Forrest was nominated by Strathcona County Art
Gallery @501, and won the prize for his work Perceptual
Disorders (after Keret). Two short listed artists, Blair Brennan
and Jill Stanton were also recognized.
2.57k by Eva Colmers, photo supplied
The Edmonton Film Prize in partnership with the
Alberta Media Production Industries Association
The 2015 Edmonton Film Prize was awarded to Niobe
Thompson for his documentary The Great Human
Odyssey. Two shortlisted filmmakers, Trevor Anderson
and Eva Colmers were also recognized.
The Edmonton Music Prize in partnership with the
Alberta Music Industry Association
Heavy metal band Striker was awarded the Edmonton
Music Prize for their album, City of Gold. Two short listed
recordings were also recognized – Lucette’s Black is the
Color and Faith Healer’s Cosmic Troubles.
Striker, photo by Dana Zuk Photography
The Robert Kroetsch City of Edmonton Book Prize
in partnership with the Writers' Guild of Alberta
and Audreys Books
Rudy Wiebe received the 2015 Robert Kroetsch City
of Edmonton Book Prize for Come Back.
The Little Deputy, 2015, short film by Trevor Anderson, photo by Dirt City Films
financial statements
for the year ended December 31, 2015
Sharmila Mathur of the Indian Music Academy at the Edmonton Arts Council AGM, photo by Shrina Patel
Ikenna Onyegbula at Edmonton Poetry Festival, photo by Randall Edwards
Major Matt Mason Collective in “Air” at Found Festival, photo by Nico Humby
Jordan Van Biert and Chronos Vocal Ensemble at Trinity Lutheran Church, photo by Erik Visser
To the Members of: The Edmonton Arts Council Society
Report on the Financial Statements
We have audited the accompanying financial statements
of The Edmonton Arts Council Society, which comprise the
statement of financial position at December 31, 2015, and
the statements of operations and changes in fund balance,
and cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary
of significant accounting policies and other explanatory
Management's Responsibility for the
Financial Statements
Management is responsible for the preparation and
fair presentation of these financial statements in
accordance with Canadian accounting standards for
not-for-profit organizations, and for such internal control
as management determines is necessary to enable the
preparation of financial statements that are free from
material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error.
Auditor's Responsibility
Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these
financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our
audit in accordance with Canadian generally accepted
auditing standards. Those standards require that we comply
with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit
to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial
statements are free from material misstatement.
risks of material misstatement of the financial statements,
whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk
assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant
to the entity's preparation and fair presentation of the
financial statements in order to design audit procedures
that are appropriate in the circumstances, but not for the
purpose of expressing an opinion on the effectiveness
of the entity's internal control. An audit also includes
evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies
used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates
made by management, as well as evaluating the overall
presentation of the financial statements.
We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is
sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit
In our opinion, these financial statements present fairly, in
all material respects, the financial position of the Edmonton
Arts Council Society as at December 31, 2015, and the
results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then
ended in accordance with Canadian accounting standards
for not-for-profit organizations.
Edmonton, Alberta
April 8, 2016 Chartered Accountants
An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit
evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the
financial statements. The procedures selected depend on
the auditor's judgment, including the assessment of the
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2015
$ 392,098
$ 437,048
General Fund
Accounts receivable (Note 3)
TIX on the Square Fund
Due from General Fund (Note 12)
Casino Fund
Program Fund
Accounts receivable
Community Investment Grants Fund
Accounts receivable
Public Art Fund
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and deposits
Property and Equipment Fund
Property and equipment (Note 2)
$ 8,981,138
$ 7,184,458
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2015
Accounts payable
$ 10,953
$ 88,299
Due to TIX Fund (Note 12)
General Fund
TIX on the Square Fund
Accounts payable
Unearned revenue (Note 6)
General Fund
TIX on the Square Fund
Casino Fund
Program Fund
Community Investment Grants Fund
Program Fund
Accounts payable
Community Investment Grants Fund
Accounts payable
Public Art Fund
Accounts payable
Fund Balances
Public Art Fund
Property and Equipment Fund
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended December 31, 2015
General Fund
$ 1,417,396
$ 1,491,063
Investment income
City of Edmonton service contract (Note 8)
Other income
Grant - administration
Staffing costs and benefits
Office costs
Telephone, internet and website
Jury and honorariums
Board of Directors costs and Annual General Meeting
Conferences and travel
Equipment lease
Marketing and promotion
Consulting fees
Professional fees
Bank charges and interest
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Transfer to Property and Equipment Fund
Transfer from (to) Public Art Fund
Transfer to TIX on the Square Fund
Transfer from Casino Fund
Net increase in Fund balance
Fund balance, beginning of year
Fund balance, end of year
$ 351,538
$ 270,671
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended December 31, 2015
TIX on the Square Fund
$ 2,168,964
$ 1,589,266
Sales for distribution
City of Edmonton - Operating income
Credit card charges recovered
Credit card charges
Advertising and promotion
Bank charges and interest
Gift certificates
Sales reimbursement
Staffing costs and benefits
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures
Transfer from General Fund
Fund balance, beginning of year
$ 141,256
$ 101,384
Fund balance, end of year
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Casino Fund
$ 79,978
$ 2,350
Casino expenses
Interest and bank charges
Casino revenue
Investment income
Transfers to General Fund
Transfer to Program Fund
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Net increase in Fund balance
Fund balance, beginning of year
Fund balance, end of year
$ 56,024
$ 9,711
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Program Fund
$ 1,622,666
$ 1,621,281
Edmonton Artists Trust Fund (Note 4)
Alberta Foundation for the Arts
Lee Fund Grant
Arts Administrator Sabbatical Fund (Note 4)
Arts Habitat
Cornerstone Grants
City of Edmonton - Programs
City of Edmonton - Sir Winston Churchill Square
New Pathways
Special Programs
Sir Winston Churchill Square
Aboriginal Initiatives
Living Local
Lee Fund Grant
Edmonton Artists Trust Fund
Arts on the Avenue
Arts Administrator Sabbatical Fund
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures
Transfer from Casino Fund
Fund balance, beginning of year
Fund balance, end of year
$ 96,519
$ 149,995
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Property and Equipment Fund
$ 35,647
$ 34,851
Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures
Transfer from General Fund
$ 101,732
$ 118,142
$ 3,393,200
$ 4,965,700
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Transfer from (to) General Fund
$ 1,711,775
$ 1,244,422
Fund balance, beginning of year
Fund balance, end of year
Public Art Fund
City of Edmonton - Public Art Funds revenue
Public Art Projects expenditures (Notes 10 and 11)
Fund balance, beginning of year
Fund balance, end of year (Note 10)
Statement of Operations and Changes in Fund Balance
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Community Investment Grants Fund
$ 8,980,000
$ 8,843,111
Arts Operating Grants
Festival Operating Grants
Edmonton Artists Individual Grants
Arts and Museum Building Operating Grants
Festival Seed Grants
Cultural Diversity Awards
City of Edmonton Community Investment Grants
Investment income
Travel Grants
Community Arts Grants
Major Parade and Celebration Grants
Emergency Grants
Organizational Support Grants
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Fund balance, beginning of year
$ 80,500
$ 50,500
Fund balance, end of year
Statement of Cash Flows
For the year ended December 31, 2015
General Fund
$ 157,977
$ 313,317
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable
Net inflow (outflow) of cash related to the
following activities:
Operating activities
Excess of revenue over expenditures
Change in non-cash balances relating to operations
Financing activities
Loan payable from (to) TIX Fund
Transfer to Property and Equipment Fund
Transfer to TIX on the Square Fund
Transfer from (to) Public Art Fund
Transfer from Casino Fund
Increase (decrease) in cash
Cash, beginning of year
$ 392,098
$ 437,048
Cash, end of year
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Nature of Operations
Casino Fund
The Edmonton Arts Council Society (EAC) exists to support
and promote the arts community in Edmonton. The EAC
meets the needs of its members and the arts community
as a whole though activities that:
- help provide financial support to festivals, arts organizations and individual artists;
-educate those who play a role in the success of the arts
community about the quality of artistic work produced
here, its importance to the city, and its needs;
- advise decision makers on specific issues that affect
the arts; and
- nurture the quality of artistic work produced here.
The Casino Fund was set up in response to the Alberta
Gaming and Liquor Commission’s requirement to have
a separate account to receive proceeds from casinos
managed by the Society. Funds from this account
can only be spent in areas designated in each casino
application. Proceeds are used mainly for community
programs as well as EAC and TIX on the Square website
development and updates. The Society currently holds a
fundraising casino every two years.
The EAC was incorporated on April 19, 1995 under
the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta and was
registered as a charity effective August 1, 1997 under
the Income Tax Act of Canada. Work carried on by the
EAC is dependent upon the current Service Agreement
funded by the City of Edmonton.
The Society follows the restricted fund method of
accounting and the operations of the Society are
organized into project funds. A summary of each of
the funds is as follows:
General Fund
Donations which have not been designated by the
donor for one of the other funds are placed in the
General Fund. The costs of administering the Society
and the costs of improving or expanding the Society
are recorded in this fund.
TIX on the Square Fund
TIX on the Square is a community box office, Ticketmaster
outlet, retail store, and information booth. It is owned
and operated by The Edmonton Arts Council Society
and serves the entire arts and cultural community in
the greater Edmonton region.
Program Fund
When requested by the City of Edmonton, the EAC
produces special projects. These projects have included
Churchill Square Programming, revitalization projects on
Alberta Avenue and others. In addition, the EAC develops
grant programs with the Edmonton Community
Foundation and corporate partners.
Public Art Fund
The Service Agreement between the City of Edmonton
and the EAC identifies support for the City's public art
program as a core duty of the EAC. This involves creation
of master plans for public art, policy development, and
production of specific public art projects generated by
the Percent for Art program or from other sources. The
public arts projects are multi-year projects that range
from three to seven years.
Community Investment Grants (CIG) Fund
Service Agreement between the City of Edmonton and
the EAC identifies responsibility for the City's Community
Investment Grants program in the arts and festivals as
a core duty of the EAC. This involves administration
of all relevant existing CIG grant programs as well as
development of new CIG grant programs in the arts
and festivals.
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Property and Equipment Fund
The Property and Equipment Fund was established
to collect and disburse funds on capital projects
undertaken by the EAC and to maintain the assets,
liabilities, revenues and expenses related to the
Society's property and equipment.
Note 1: Significant Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation
These financial statements have been prepared in
accordance with Canadian accounting standards for
not-for-profit organizations.
Revenue Recognition
Restricted contributions are recognized as revenue of the
appropriate fund in the year in which the events giving
rise to the contribution have occurred. If a separate fund
does not exist, the restricted contribution will be recorded
as part of the General Fund and will be deferred and
recognized as revenue when the related expenses are
incurred. Unrestricted contributions are recognized as
revenue of the General Fund in the year received.
Cash includes cash on hand, bank deposits and term
investments with maturities less than one year.
Property and Equipment
Property and Equipment are recorded at cost. Amortization
is calculated on the declining balance basis over the assets
estimated useful life at the following annual rates:
Computer equipment and website 30%
TIX renovations 30%
Office equipment 20%
Vehicle 30%
Contributed Services
Contributed services of volunteers are not recognized as
revenue in these financial statements because their fair
value cannot be reasonably determined.
Contributed Goods
The Society only records non-cash donations when a
charitable receipt is issued. These donations are recorded
at the fair value of the items received.
With the establishment of the Edmonton Artists Trust
Fund (Note 4) and John Mahon Arts Administrator
Sabbatical Fund, donations that are not restricted are
forwarded directly to either Fund held by the Edmonton
Community Foundation at the discretion of the Society.
Income Taxes
The Society is a not-for-profit organization incorporated
under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta and, as
such, is exempt from income taxes under Section 149(1)
of the Income Tax Act of Canada.
Use of Estimates
The preparation of financial statements in accordance
with Canadian accounting standards for not-for- profit
organizations requires management to make estimates
and assumptions that affect the reported amount of
assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements
and the reported amount of receipts and disbursements
during the reporting period. Actual results could differ
from those estimates.
Items subject to significant management estimates
include valuation of accounts receivables, accounts
payable and accrued liabilities, and amortization.
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Financial Instruments
Financial instruments are recorded at fair value when
acquired or issued. In subsequent periods, financial
instruments with actively traded markets are reported at
fair value, with unrealized gains and losses reported in the
statement of income. All other financial instruments are
reported at amortized cost and tested for impairment at
each reporting date. Transaction costs on the acquisition,
sale or issuance of financial instruments are expensed
when incurred. Conversely, transaction costs are added
to the carrying amount for those financial instruments
subsequently measured at amortized cost.
Long-lived Assets
Long-lived assets consist of property and equipment. Longlived assets held for use are measured and amortized as
described in the applicable accounting policies.
The Society performs impairment testing on long-lived
assets held for use whenever events or changes in
circumstances indicate that the carrying value of an asset,
or group of assets, may not be recoverable. Impairment
losses are recognized when undiscounted future cash
flows from its use and disposal are less than the asset's
carrying amount. Impairment is measured as the amount
by which the asset's carrying value exceeds its fair value.
Any impairment is included in earnings for the year.
Note 3: Government Remittances
As of December 31, 2015, accounts receivable includes
$59,379 (2014 - $41,329) of Goods and Services Tax
receivable from the federal government.
Note 4: Trust Funds Held by the Edmonton
Community Foundation
The Edmonton Artists Trust Fund (EATF) and John Mahon
Arts Administrator Sabbatical Fund (JMAASF) are joint
projects of the EAC and the Edmonton Community
Foundation (ECF). The purpose of the EATF fund is to
invest in Edmonton's creative community by providing
grants to individual artists who are living and working
in Edmonton. The purpose of the JMAASF fund is to
enhance the quality of life for those living in the greater
Edmonton area by supporting qualified donees that
support and promote the arts in Edmonton. Open-ended
endowment funds have been established with ECF to
which anyone can make tax deductible donations.
Note 5: Commitments
The EAC has committed to minimum monthly lease
payments of $1,653 per month for premises they
occupy until March 2017.
Note 2: Property and Equipment
Computer equipment and website
221,166 $
2015 Net
Book Value
2014 Net
Book Value
39,946 $
TIX renovations
Office equipment
388,195 286,463 $101,732 $118,142
Notes to Financial Statements
For the year ended December 31, 2015
Note 6: Unearned Revenue
Note 8: Economic Dependence
Unearned revenue of the TIX on the Square Fund is
comprised of gift certificates sold that have not been
Ongoing operations of the EAC are dependent
upon receiving continuing funding from the City of
Edmonton. The current service agreement is in effect
until December 31, 2016.
Note 7: Financial Instruments
Credit Risk
Credit risk arises from the potential that a counter party
will fail to perform its obligations. The Society is exposed
to credit risk in respect to its accounts receivable balances
and cash balances. Cash is held at major financial
institutions minimizing any potential exposure to credit
risk. It is management's opinion that the risk related to
accounts receivable is minimal since the Society only
deals with what management believes to be financially
sound counterparts and, accordingly does not anticipate
significant loss for non- performance. As at December 31,
2015, accounts receivable consists of 95% (2014 - 97%)
due from the City of Edmonton thereby increasing the
concentration of credit risk.
Liquidity Risk
Liquidity risk is the risk that an entity will encounter
difficulty in meeting obligations associated with
financial liabilities. The Society is exposed to this risk
mainly in respect of its receipts from its funders and
accounts payable.
Note 9: Comparative Figures
Certain comparative figures have been reclassified to
conform with the current year's presentation.
Note 10: Public Art Fund
Public art disbursements include artist fees, conservation
work, and administration. The fund balance at the end of
the year includes reserves for future conservation work.
Note 11: Allocated Expenses
Certain costs are recorded in the General Fund and
then allocated to other funds. The allocations are based
on staff time used by each fund. Included in Public Art
expenditures in the Public Art Fund is $172,068 (2014 $235,479) in staffing costs and benefits allocated from the
General Fund.
Note 12: Due from (to) TIX
The balance due from (to) TIX is unsecured and noninterest bearing. The balance outstanding is expected to
be settled within the next fiscal year.
Shumka’s KOBZAR…a work in progress; to premiere in April of 2016, photo provided
Juan Lopezdabdoub exhibit at Nina Haggerty for The Works Art and Design Festival, photo by Annette Aslund
“Impose” by the Threshold Collective, photo by Aspen Zettel Photography
Faiith at Up+Downtown Music and Arts Festival, photo by Eric Kozakiewicz
edmonton arts council
Prince of Wales Armouries, 2nd Floor,
10440 - 108 Avenue, Edmonton, AB T5H 3Z9
p. 780.424.2787 | f. 780.425.7620
[email protected]
Cover image: “Ouroboros” by Gary James Joynes
at Nuit Blanche Edmonton, photo by Fish Grikowsky
Back cover image: Kaliedo Family Arts Festival,
photo by Epic Photography