RESPECT BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 1 l FRIENDSHIP l EXCELLENCE 01/10/2015 09:06 Welcome to BCA Our aim Please browse our website in order to learn more about the diverse experiences enjoyed by students each week (fixtures, Community Day, reward tokens, homework, extended learning, Project Phoenix, etc) and feel free to request further information about any aspect. I hope to meet you one day and to join with you in achieving our aim for all students. Quality of Teaching, Learning and Assessment AIM: All young people will experience consistently excellent learning experiences through high standards of preparation, incisive feedback and positive relationships. Staff will reflect on and debate the way they teach. Personal Development, Behaviour and Safety AIM: All young people will feel safe and supported through an ethos of Respect, Friendship and Excellence and through effective systems of intervention and prevention. Students will act to keep themselves safe in all contexts. Our aim is for all students to realise, pursue and achieve their full potential, enabling them to thrive as adults. EX CELLENCE With these Community names (Respect, Friendship and Excellence) our values are intrinsically linked to our structures and to everything we do. Students of all abilities are successful at BCA as we take pride in ensuring students are educated in a safe environment with no limits placed upon their experience and outcomes. 98% of parents who send their child to BCA would recommend the academy to another parent. This statistic testifies of the commitment and dedication to the needs of each individual child and we invite you to come and look around the academy at any time to discover more about this for yourself. Outcomes for Pupils AIM: All young people will realise, pursue and achieve their potential, making at least expected progress,where there is equity of opportunity for students no matter what their background or family circumstance. l Our aim is for all students to realise, pursue and achieve their full potential, enabling them to thrive as adults. Our ethos is based around our community structure where each child is supported by a team of dedicated and experienced staff. Overall Effectiveness AIM: All young people will enjoy a stimulating and meaningful learning experience in an environment which has purpose and investment; inspiring commetment and belonging. Students will value their education. FRIENDSHIP It is my pleasure and honour to introduce you to this vibrant academy where students from all backgrounds and starting points enjoy learning in an environment of growth and belief. In order to ensure that students benefit from the education provided by the academy we have a number of key aims: l WWW.BATHCOMMUNITYACADEMY.ORG Hello. Welcome to Bath Community Academy. RE SPE C T 2 Effectiveness of Leadership and Management AIM: All young people will enjoy interaction with adults within a culture that enables students and staff to excel. Staff will model a growth mind-set, equal opportunity and diversity exceptionally well. Regards, Adam Williams Principal Bath Community Academy RESPECT BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 2-3 l FRIENDSHIP l EXCELLENCE 3 01/10/2015 09:06 4 Creating time for students to be with older and younger students each day helps to develop each of the qualities and characteristics shown below as they practice empathy, consideration and aspiration. After an initial period of Year 7 being taught together, they begin to mix with years 8 & 9 as best suits their pace and level of challenge, abilities, skills and interests. This structure is having a clear impact upon the quality of the lessons that staff are able to plan as well as the learning experience and progress of the students. The new pastoral system, with mixed age tutor groups and communities based on the themes of respect, friendship and excellence, and a regular focus in assemblies on celebrating success and valuing effort are both helping to raise self-esteem. OFSTED ce ien You anding rst hy Unde at ironmen nv t Friendship pire As Excellence Effort E Respect st Ho Tru sty Emp ne Ot rs he elf rs Res il WWW.BATHCOMMUNITYACADEMY.ORG A vertical community Rewards By praising effort, all children have the chance to succeed in the classroom. This leads to all students realising, pursuing and achieving their full potential. Students are awarded with a red token when they are seen displaying a community based virtue and these are posted into their community box in a race to be the first community to fill it. BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 4-5 01/10/2015 09:07 Learning l In the best lessons expectations are high and the teacher uses information from assessment to provide different work for students of different abilities. FRIENDSHIP OFSTED Staff provide written feedback to students, who are expected to in turn respond to the advice and comments the teacher makes. Students say that this dialogue is helping them to know how to improve. Res ce ndship rie Excellen Res ce F An outstanding experience for every student EX CELLENCE ct e p l Students who have special educational needs are afforded an outstanding provision located in dedicated spaces allowing students to learn in environments that are more appropriate to their learning style as well as to provide a quiet and calm by showing a strong interest in your own learning place during busy periods of by making significant progress the day. This provision is led by behaving in a way that promotes effective learning by a SENCO who, along with by positively influencing other students a dedicated team of Learning Support Assistants, work by showing interest in learning for most of the lesson closely alongside parents by making clear progress to ensure that the specific ct F by behaving positively for most of pe needs of the children are met the lesson by not negatively influencing the and are understood by the learning of others teachers they work with. ndship rie WWW.BATHCOMMUNITYACADEMY.ORG RE SPE C T 6 Aspirations are rising and there is a tangible sense of optimism and purpose. OFSTED Students are given the opportunity to remain within the academy beyond the school day in order to spend further time developing their understanding within any of the subject areas. This extended learning provision is a feature of the academy which we prioritise highly as for some students this can be when some of their best progress is made. Excellen Friday afternoons are organised differently: Project Phoenix is an enrichment programme for all students to opt into their chosen activity. The range of options, led by both staff and other adults who work in partnership with us, ensures that all students can find something to suit their preferences. The Project Phoenix options can be seen on the academy website. Extended Learning 7 BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 6-7 01/10/2015 09:07 – Maths Tuesday – English Wednesday –a rotation of homework from Creative Design, Performance, World Affairs and Sciences. FRIENDSHIP Monday l Homework is used to compliment the learning in the classroom such that students can retain more of what they learn as well as support them in deepening their understanding. Students are issued with homework as follows: RE SPE C T Homework l Keeping up to date with progress Parents are able to keep up to date on a daily basis with the effort their child has been making across all of their lessons by using the ‘Your Child’s Progress’ button on the academy website. This provides parents with access to software which provides a summary of the lesson scores from that day as well as a series of other useful pieces of data about progress and effort over a period of time. EX CELLENCE Homework is also a great opportunity to foster independent study. To this end, the Academy has purchased a subscription to the I Am Learning website. Here, students can log on and learn new topics by accessing the vast repository of interactive revision content. 9 BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 8-9 01/10/2015 09:07 Sport We are proud that every CLF academy has shown marked improvement since opening, or joining the CLF, as identified by Ofsted. Our work is changing the educational landscape across the region; in the Federation we believe that students come first and that every child can find a route to happiness, prosperity and success. EX CELLENCE Through Core PE lessons and Project Phoenix sessions students are trained and prepared for fixtures against local schools within Bath and Bristol, these fixtures range from Rugby and Netball to Trampolining and Wheel Chair Rugby. l Welcome to the Cabot Learning Federation (CLF). Our partnership is sponsored by Rolls-Royce PLC and the University of the West of England (UWE). Our Federation consists of 13 academies in Bristol, Bath and Weston-super-Mare: six secondary and five primary academies, one all-through academy and a Studio School. We also have an overarching CLF Post 16 and specialist inclusion centres. Together we educate 7000 children between the ages of 1 and 19 and the Federation enjoys steady growth. FRIENDSHIP Message from the Chief Executive l WWW.BATHCOMMUNITYACADEMY.ORG Physical Education lessons at BCA provides students with the opportunities to be creative, compete, develop social skills and challenge themselves in a range of practical lessons. We pride ourselves on offering a broad curriculum that caters for every child. Among the local community we are well known for our performances in Parkour and Cheer Leading: these activities break the barriers between students of all ages and enhance our ethos of Respect, Friendship and Excellence. The Cabot Learning Federation Family of Schools RE SPE C T 10 The Federation was created to enable staff to work more closely together to deliver the best education possible for the students who attend our academies. We are proud of the improvements we have seen in test and exam results and more of our students than ever before have qualifications that compare favourably with other young people in the city and across the South West. This has enabled us to develop a Federation Sixth form with over 700 students staying in full time education after their GCSE courses have finished. As a teaching School and a National Maths Hub, we have developed a network of over 600 schools. Our vision is simple: we believe that by working together rather than in isolation we can be an Educator of Choice for pupils and their families. Our commitment to high expectations and standards, a high contemporary curriculum and excellent teaching means that we can create more opportunities for the lifelong success for our students as they become young adults. Steve Taylor Chief Executive Cabot Learning Federation 11 BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 10-11 01/10/2015 09:07 RESPECT l FRIENDSHIP l EXCELLENCE Bath Community Academy y Rush Hill, Bath, BA2 2QL y Tel: 01225 426268 BCA Prospectus 12pp A5 2015.indd 12 01/10/2015 09:07
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