Dola Koruna ve Milli Parklar Genel Miidirlfitii
Dola Koruna ve Milli Parklar Genel Miidirlfitii
T.C. CEVRE vE ORMAN BAKANLICT Dola Koruna ve Milli Parklar Genel Miidirlfitii SAYI KONU : B.18.0.DMP . : Kazdag Milli Parkr - !t\ \ '' r r',' \'7..r.Knoot Sn: Noyan dZKAN 1378 Sokak 4/1 No: 107 Alsancak IZMIR ilgi: Bila tarihli ditekge. ilgi'de kayrth dilekgeniz ile; Kazdafir Milli Parkr srmrlan igerisinde yer aldr[r belirtilen alanda Koza Altrn ve Clobal adh firmamn madencilik (alt4 kurgun) sondaj gah$malanna ba$la&gr belirtilmit olup sliz konusu gahqmalarla ilgili olarak inceleme ve ara5trma ba5latlmasr talep edilrnektedi Mahallinde yaprlan incelemeler neticesinde; Genel Miidiidiigtmiiz faaliyet alanlanndaa olan KazdaElan Milli Parkr s1nlilan igerisinde herhangi bir madencilik gahqmasr yaprJnadrlr anlaSrlmrqtr. Bilgilerinizi rica ederim. a. Qewe ve Orman Bakanh$ Dofa Koruma ve Milli Parklar Genel Ar i\,TDi Miidiirliiiii aara sdzLE$MB iHr-Ar,i Faks;31s 2o7 59 81 e-posta; :}e5.€- {:ei reiJ|iii:ilr, Sn. Prof.Dr. Kemal Genel ga} ! . !r' Yalmk ra Miidiir Biyoloiik Cqsitlilik Siizlesmcsi Odak Noktasr madencilif,i ararna ve i$letme faaliyetlerinin 91"t- {.- geglqlda.altrn BIYOLOJIK qE$ITLILIK SOZLESMESI uyannca iinlenmcsi h.k. Bugiin Curnhuriyet Gazetesinin Ege Ekinde yaJntrlanan KAZIN KAFASI KOPARILIYOR manqetiyle 5ralnnlanan bir habere giire; Koza Altrn ve Global adh firmanm Ka1 ilallannda madencilik (altn, kurqun) ) sondaj qahqrnalama bagJadr$r v,e bu- nedenle yiirenin eqsiz doia ka5mat<Ianmn risite girdiff hususu belirtilmeLtedir. Biyolojik Qeqitlilik Siizleqmesi 5 flaziran 1992 tarihinde irnzaya ag nuq, diinyada z9 Aralk 199s tarihinde yiiriirliife girmiqtir.trlke-td. -Stirl"srrr. 29.08.1996 tar.ih ve 4177 saph Kamrn ile onaylanmrg ve 27.r2.t996 tarih ve 22860 sa!'rh RG yalar anarak, r4 Malrs t997 tarihhde yiiriirliile girniatir. arnaqlan gunlardrr: . Biyolojik qe€itliliffn kortrunasr . - - Siizleqrne'nin Biyolojik kaynaklarrn siirdiiriilebilir kullanrmr . cenetik ka-vnaklardan elde edilen faydalann egit ve adil paylaErm :f (s) alLrSturln:X:aflrr i,i;ilc*:Eiai:a btrsi.!'.rri,' g0{i = !!ki!.::i:.ia i.}fea:::-ti:.r a.i1? sa.i.: f::i:Qa'x i:::a liai:sii ii,ir(i:1v: 'J.ik;tn',,'; !:re5'n;r::;iji. rr.r.. .:!.!.irr:iii. .e:1q.,i. !E tilai:rrik :::,ieti ci i;:j-=3,,.3' rii:!: .,- r-* !. - -r, _, i;:--, ir!r::!:il:i.lrJ 5,i.1.:::it:irnli: ir! iii.,.oiiji! !!!.1,'ii!!i;.jir3ca.:..r. y!i).i.:i i.soi:.i, i-n,,_::. c:i:rj. r.j,(::,.:J<r,,.:.!1:::: !!;i" i,1:r, !;s!E:: td'l--::ijj.:;!;rr.i:r, !'rr!;i t,!j',:,: ai^r:'lrs:;e!jr nr:i,':i ve ii::ii a*'",,:e::yi jv:u.:r!::air!,:i,:t::i.i r}J; v;i*::i,ds,:,j:,i::':!rr'!; Yukanda sunulan olay ve nedenlerle yERI(rp.EMiziN KORUNMASI BA$TA GELEN AU,NI.ARINDAN BiRiSi OIAN iDA ( KAZDAGIARI) DA, FEVKAIADE ONEMLi BiYOLOJiK ZENGiNLTIA-ER DiI(KATE ALINMAK SURETi\-I,E, "MONTR.EAL ULUSL{R ARASI SEKRETERYA'' iLE isBiRLiGi KURTJI-ARAIG ODAI. NOKTASI SIFAITYI-A" BiYOLOJiK cESi'TLiLiK sdzr.Es.MEsi rryARrNcA GER.Erq,i ciRisiM vE TEsplTr.ERiN yApIItrvrAsmII !'E HER Ti'RLil MADENCILiK FAAIiYETINiN h,TDiLiIc,E DITRDURULMASINI, dilekseme yasal siiiesi lqG-iG- cevifl rerilmesini. doga k-diiiiiin-cibii-tiiftia$ srfatryla arz ve talep ederim. Sayg anmla, Novan 6zkan 1378 Sokak, 4/1, No; ro7*Alsancak, izmir, TC no; 22o94193ooo T.L J :i/0i/:000 r r^r ^r/^r \ EVr(E l'A$.Ar\Ll(rl Ankara Qz[ Karade|riz {evIe KatliamrDrn Duldurulmasr istemidir. TnrkLyehin gelmi9 geqrniq en buyiik katliamr Karadeniz ile tneydana gelmektedrr. salilyoiu genigletme Qal{malan Sinop-Sarp kryrsrrd4 kumullar, kumsallar vc dogal pcyza1 mahvedilmektedir. Onbrnlerce ytlda oluqan dolal kryr 6eridi, Karayollar Genel Miidr.lrhlgil'nun,devl€t brittesinden sagladrgr olanaklarla beton bir sedde ddmiftii(ilmektedir DoEa korumacr bir yurttaq s,falryla sayn n'nkamrnza ba$vunnayr uygun buldum Saym yetkililenn, yeniden bir delerlendirme yapmasmr ve devletin yurttailardan topladlgl biitQe imkanlannrn &iylesine korkung ve girkin bir gevre katliamnda kullatulmastrnn, dnlenmesml Ntlyorudr Karadeniz sahilYolu geni'letme qahimalarl qevre Kanunu ve Klyl Kanunu ile uluslararast Cevre koruma sdzlefmelcrine de aykrndrr- (evre Etki DeEed€ndirmesi yap mamritrr. Kryr alanr saptanmarrugtrr. Gderek korkunq boyutlara ulalan bu Eevre katliamrndan bagta Qevre Bakanl{r olmak rizere. Bayndrlk Bakanlg ve DPT sorumludur. Karademz'in Qevre Kirlililine Kar$r Korunmasr Sdzleqmesi ve ekiprotokoller, Rio-Gindem 2l Sdzlcimesi, Bern Sdzleimesi, fuo-Biyolojik Qe$itlilik SdzleSmesi, Avrupa Birlili QED Direktifi aqrkga ihlal edilmekedir Kamu yiineticilerinin ve onla.a ayak uydulanlann maalesefgiizii karar.mrghr. KAradeniz'e tarihinin en biiyiik kiiaiiliiEii yaprlmaktadrr. Do!a, kendisine yaprlan kdtiiliikleri affeamez ve intikanDnr ahr. Yukarrda arz olunan gevre katliamna ivedilikle el konulmasun, kryr alamndaki ingar faaliyetlein durdurulmaslru, Cewesel Elki Degerlendirmesi yap masrnr, gerekirse prolemn revize edilmesini, katliarrun durdurulmasrrrr, dilekceme cevao verilmesini, l0?l no lu yasamn 3 ve 7, 2872 no lu yasamn 3 ve 30, Anayasann 56 maddesi uyannca arz ve talep ederim. Avukai,l378 Sok.,4/1, No: I 0T,Alsancak,iznlr. Novn 6zkar ,4 I =_4b"r_-.---.-_ 1.. i, TO WHOM IT NNAY CONCERN; THE HARMFUL IMPACT OF MtNtNG LAW NO; AND BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY OF TURKEY S t77 ON THE ENVTRONMENT Av.Noyan Ozkan, 20.09,2007 ,izmir, Turkey. Despite the opposilion led by environmental NGO's and greens, the Turktsh Parliament has enacted a law no:5172- An Act Amending Mining Law and Several Other Laws on the 26th of May 2004. (tssued in the Officiat cazette on the 51h ot June. 2oo4_ no;25483 ) The national and multinational mining and chemistry lobby has been very successful to convince the AKP Government which has a neo-liberal economic policy programme and objectives. The AKP Government has refused to listen and oav ' attention to the petitions and pressures foMarded by environmenial NGO,s and concerned citizens. It is obvious that amending the old Mining Law no:3213 has been organjzed and lobbied by national and multinational mining companies for many years. The mining and chemistry lobby has close and warm connections with ambassadors and IVIP's in Ankara. "At a time when many jurisdictians are increasing the tax burden for gold mining companies, we are extremely appreciative of the continued enlightened attitude of the Tu*ish Government The elimination of VAT and the significant amendments to the Mining Law exemplify the continued active suppott of the Governme ln promoting a "'positive environmeit" enablitlg the [ndustry to flourish in Turkey." commented Paul Wright, President and CEO.ot Etdorado Gotd Corporation. ( , 15.O7.2OO4, Vancouver ) According to the AKP Government and the business circles, the Amended l\ilining Law aims at attracting more private and particularly foreign investments in mining exploration and operation activities. The Mining Law now consolidates the activity of all sectors of the industry including, hard rock, soft rock and industrial minerals mining as well as quarrying and ovgr egore I rvuru rY>. According to Eldorado Gold Corporation, some significant changes affecting the activities of the Company in Turkey can be summarized as follows. . . Access to lands previously restricted from mining activities will now be possible through a general regulation of the Council of Ministers, Fund Fees of 5% on capital installations on Forest Lease Lands required in the old legislation no longer apply; . The Expropriation Law No 2942 which governs procedure to acquire land critical to fulfillment oi investment now applies to mining activities; A Royalty on ore processed off site will be paid to the State for mining activities amounting to 2% of the sales value of the ore mined. Ore processed on site at the operatcrs' plant is reduced to 1%. This compares with previous royalties of 3% cf vPsr our 19 udrr | lur(o The Turkish VAT Law is also amended to exempt the gold mining industry (producers of gold and silver in Turkey) ftom paying VAT on their activities including exploration, construction, purchase of equipment, mine operation, smelting and refining. 5177 consists of 34 articles and I provisional articles. Article 3 amendino Article 7 of Minino Law (3213) reoardino the "permissions in the minino activities" is as follows: All the environmental impact assesments and public health conditions related to mining activities in the areas of forests (.), special protection areas, national parks, natural parks, agricultural areas, water reserves, louristic sites, will be subject to a regulation to be issued by Council of Ministers. Before this amendment Article 7 was as follows; Mining activities in torests, plantation areas, military zones, touristic areas and national parks are subject to the permission according to the relevant laws. Thus, with this amendment, special protected areas, natural parks, agricultural fields, sites (natural/historical/archological), coastal areas, waler reserves are opened to the mining activities. In addition to this enhancement of the minjng activities, the administrational power and supervision is taken from the relevant ministries ( Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Culture and Tourism) and given to the Council of Ministers. Turkey has signed and ratified, UN-Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage (Parisi 1972) and CE-Convention on the Conservation of European Wildlife and Natural Habitats (Bern/1979) , UN-Convention on Biological Diversjty (Rio/1992) and CE - European Landscape Convention (Floransa/2000). According to Article 90 of Turkish Constitution, International agreements duly put into effect cany the force of law. No appeal to the Constitutional Court can b€ made with regard to these agreements, on the ground that they are unconstitutionat. lnternational conventions related to basic civil rights are superior to the domestic laws in case of conilict. Law (5177) Art. 3 violates the above mentioned Paris, Bern ,Rio and Floransa Conventions and Turkish Constitution (90,45,63,56) by giving access to the mining activities in the natural. archeological and cultural sites, agricultural lands, natural parks, water reserves under protection. According to the relevant articles of Turkish Constitution; ARTICLE 45, The state iacilitates farmers and livestock breeders in acquiflng machinery, equipment and other inputs in order to prevent improper use and destruction of agricultural land, meadows and pastures and to increase crop and livestock production jn accordance with the princjples of agricultural planning ARTICLE 63, The state shall ensure the conservaiion of the historical, cultural and natural assets and wealth, and shall take supportive and promotjve measures towards that end. ARTICLE 56. Everyone has the right to live in a healthy, balanced environment. lt is the duty of the staie and citizens to improve the natural environment, and to prevent environmental pollution. (Law 5177) Article 28 amendino Arlicle 10 of Environmental Law (2872) added a new article to the Environmental Law. Article 10 which is as follows: Petroleum, geothermal sources and mining exploration activities are not subject to Environmental lmpact Assesment. Another problem is that, according to Article 17 and 21 of Turkish lvliining Law; a company may start extracting and trading the [eserves at the mining site only 15 days after receving the "exploration licence" which is valid for 30 months. The mining company can extract and sell 10 % of the total reserve in the site durjng the exploration licence period before having an operation licence. In other words, a mining company may easily commence the operation and selling of millions of tonnes of the ore without an Environmenial lmpact Assesment Licence for 30 months. Nowadays the most typical and harmful implementation of the said law is going on in Kaz Dadr (Mount lda) and Havran, the famous natural . historical , cultural and agricultural sites. The multinational gold mining and chemisty companies such as Eldorado and Newmont and their Turkish partners Koza A.$, and TUprag A.9 are destroying the nature and the biological diversity of the site, by using their legal rights granted by Law no. 5177. The ''positive environment" granted to the mining and chemistry industry by AKP Government by means of Law. no.5177 has become the enemy of nature and biological diversity in Turkey. also violates Articles 90. and 56 ofthe Turkish Constitution and general principles of EIA arranged by Turkish Environmental Law Art.10 in addition to UNEP UNESCO, CE and EU conventions and acquis. Regards, Noyan Ozkan Avukat, 20.09.2007, izmir, Turkey.