Gleanings - Grace Lutheran Church


Gleanings - Grace Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran Newsletter, October 2016 Edition
Phone (605) 886-5737
Office Hours 8:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday
202 2nd St. SE, Watertown, SD 57201
e-mail [email protected]
Web site:
The Grace Lutheran Dorcas Quilters have been working hard on the Lutheran World Relief projects.
The group meets every Monday at 1:00 p.m. in the basement of the church. They will be loading
their quilts and kits on a truck on Monday, October 10th. The group has put together over 260 quilts
that will be sent to Lutheran World Relief and several hundred kits. Thank you for all of your
donations and help with this very special LWR Ministry. Thank you to the confirmation class for
packing the kits.
On Sunday, October 2nd the quilts, kits and prayer shawls will be blessed at both services. A big thank you
to all of the volunteers for the continuous and faithful work they do.
Any men available to help load the quilts and kits on Monday, October 10th would be greatly appreciated. The truck will be at Grace Lutheran Church at 10:00 a.m. Please arrive
around then.
Nordefest Plus Festival
Saturday, October 29th,
9:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
Fellowship Hall
Here are ways to get involved:
1. Contribute items for the bakery booth:
breads, jellies, bars, cakes, cookies
2. Contribute to the Ethnic Delicacies booth: Scandinavian foods (such as Krumkake, Fattigmand), German
foods, Asian foods, or any other nationality food.
3. Contribute to Grandma’s Attic: once-loved, gently-used items others can enjoy. Please, no clothing. You
may drop off items any time.
4. Contribute to the Craft booth: Moderately priced and useful items, embroidered or hanging dishtowels;
crocheted dishcloths and nylon scrubbers, Hardanger items, assembled gift baskets, etc.
5. Pies for the lunch counter will be needed. Pies will be needed for dessert. Leave them in the conference
room on October 28, between 8:00 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. or on the 29th before 8:30 a.m.
6. Contribute cash: Place your contribution in an envelope visibly marked Nordefest Plus and drop off at the
church office. Please put your name on the envelope.
Everyone is welcome to help in any way they can.
Dear Brothers and Sister in Christ,
“Come join the journey of Jesus today. Come walk
with the God who brings fire and passion and newness
of life and brings it to you. Walk with the God who
sees all you do as an opportunity for love and
Last week I reached my second anniversary of the day I joined Grace Lutheran’s journey as your
pastor. Part of me wonders how it could possibly be that long. It seems we have just gotten a good
footing on our work together. Two years have brought a lot of changes for both the congregation and
for me. I have found joy in working with the congregation as you have entered into a new way of
thinking and doing life as a church. It has been wonderful to learn Grace’s strong history and watch
as you grow into a strengthened community of faith. Of course, no growth comes without some
growing pains, but the journey to a healthy church is worth the bumps and bruises we sometimes get
along the way. Three months after I arrived, the pipes sprung major leaks which led to the total
replacement of our boiler and pipes. My initial panic over the price of this project has turned into
awe as the congregation worked so hard to raise and donate the money for a new heating system. The
boiler is paid for and we are well on our way to paying for the pipes. It’s coming and we can do it
As a result of our journey together, we now have many small group activities for fellowship and
mission. Our craft and fellowship group has been a great success. Our crocheting and knitting group
is picking out new projects to work together and welcomes anyone who wants to learn how. Our
book club has shared a wide variety of books and discussions. We have several Bible studies going
at various times of the day and evening. We had several family events like our “Old Fashioned
Grace Lutheran Christmas at the Ranch.” Our youth have been given opportunities for fun and
fellowship with campfire nights, lock ins and concerts. The church is a bustling place most days and
We are working on updating the technology in our worship space this fall. The new screens have
been hung and we had our first worship with the projectors just last week.
On a personal side, working hard to be healthy both spiritually and physically has led me to lose 75
pounds. (Thanks to all of you who let me say, “no thanks” to the cookie and treats.)
The work isn’t done here at Grace but we have a good start. We have plans for a youth Sunday this
year and are looking for more group
activities to help spread our faith outside our doors. God
has a plan and a path for our congregation to take. We need each of you to help us get it all done.
“Come join the journey of Jesus today… we come, walking in our own
styles and in our own ways, but we come to join the journey of Jesus today!”
God bless your journeys and come join the fun!,
Pastor Janet Miller
Saturday, October 29th
5:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m.
for 7th thru high school youth
Meet at the church for supper. We will be going to the “10th Avenue North” Concert at the Event Center,
then returning to the church. Parents, please pick your kids up at midnight.
Jerod Jordan 605-237-9565 or [email protected]
or Pastor Janet Miller 605-237-8005
$5,000 Vacation Travel Voucher Raffle
to the destination of your choice through Nicole Rislov at True Travel Unlimited.
$20 per ticket
Can be purchased in the narthex following worship, in the church office or from members of the congregation.
All proceeds go to the boiler/pipe fund.
(If you would be willing to help sell these raffle tickets, please stop by the church office to pick them up.)
Drawing will be held November 12th, 2016 at the Fall Vendor Fair.
Vacation must be booked by November 12th, 2017; however, can be used into the 2018 year.
No refunds for any amount that is not used. Need not be present to win.
Our group will meet on Tuesday, October 4th at 6:00 p.m. If
you are interested in learning to crochet or knit and/or read
patterns to make projects, this would be a good time to
come. Those of us who know how will teach those who want
to know how. We will do several projects like making baby
blankets for the newly baptized, making prayer shawls and
making mats for the homeless from plastic shopping bags. If
you have any crochet or knitting materials you would like to donate, please bring them
to the office for our group.
Grace Lutheran has a craft group that
meets once a month!
Our next craft class will be on Tuesday,
October 11th at 6:00 p.m.. The project will
be a two sided wooden board with your
choice of scarecrow, pilgrim and/or
snowman, or designs of your own choosing. The is cost is $10. Anyone interested may sign up in the narthex following worship, or by
calling the church office at 886-5737.
The Grace Lutheran Church Council met on Thursday, September 8, 2016, at 6 p.m. with 12 present.
Financial Report: Cindy Vander Leest reported the monthly income to the general fund for was $21,639 the
weekly average giving was $5,010 and the weekly worship attendance was 138. Cindy Vander Leest let
the council know the GLC general balance includes funds being collected to pay for the Trip Voucher Fundraiser until it gets to the $5,000 goal, which has a balance of $4,780 at the present time. It also includes the continuing
gifts to the red hymnals that has a balance of $3,274. Cindy Vander Leest also stated the kitchen updates have been
completed and reminded everyone the funds came from the Sue Bohn memorial, GLC Foundation, Watertown Community Foundation and GLCW. The Elizabeth Hawkinson Estate funded the hallway ceiling and lighting update along with
the sanctuary PowerPoint updates. We also completed another insurance inspection request by having the kitchen exhaust fans professionally cleaned.
Pastor Janet Miller’s Report: Pastor Janet Miller reported she has had 8 baptisms with 4 more in October, 6 funerals
and 3 weddings with 2 more scheduled in September. She will be helping with the opening gathering at Wednesday
school and will hold Confirmation classes from 6:30 to 8:00. Confirmation orientation classes were held last night and
there should be 23 students attending this year. She reminded everyone that the Confirmation class and Youth students
would be serving the Watertown Banquet meal the Monday before Thanksgiving. She hopes to start a “Youth Sunday”
this year, where on different Sundays the 5th and 6th graders and confirmation students will help her with the service. On
October 29th they are offering to take 7th thru 12th graders to a Christian concert followed by a lock-in until 12:00 at the
church. She was so excited to report the PowerPoint screens are in place and the system should be up and running by
next Sunday. She was also excited to report the GLC Foundation would like us to look into having a professional quote
on a new sound system for the sanctuary. Pastor Janet Miller also with great excitement stated Art and Marcia Jelsma
have purchased a TV for the Narthex to display memorial gifts given to the church and someday be able to broadcast the
worship service. Unfortunately, with excitement in an old building come scary and unpredictable things like a pipe leak in
the boiler room on Tuesday night. At the end of September she will be attending Fall Theological and in October she will
be attending continuing education classes at Luther in St Paul.
Pipe replacement, front sign, kitchen, hallway, and boiler update: Darcy Raethz stated James Goble wanted to
make sure we thank LeRoy Bullis for the awesome cement replacement around the outside GLC marquee. LeRoy Bullis
reported that he had help with the project and the GLC Foundation paid for the cement. The council still appreciated and
thanked LeRoy for initiating and completing a much-needed improvement. LeRoy Bullis stated the property committee
would need to meet with Andor again because they had Redlingers quote more pipe replacement areas. Darlene
Bresson asked the time line of the pipe replacement. LeRoy Bullis responded that it would need to be as soon as
possible. He reported Redlingers will be putting a concrete base and will have the boilers installed by September 27 th.
He reported the kitchen update and hallway ceiling have been completed but one of the lights in the hallway is not
working and they will be back to replace it.
Nominating Committee: Darcy Raethz reported the six people agreeing to be on the nominating committee for year
ending 2016 are: Roberta Cossette, Sharon Johnson, LaVerne McPeek, Harley Petersen, Bob Wagner and Tonia
Weber. A motion to elect these 6 people to the 2016 Nominating Committee and then to have the GLC members vote
for the next Nominating Committee at the 2017 Annual meeting was made by Darlene Bresson and second by Gretchen
Brandenburger. Motion carried. Darcy Raethz stated Julie Stock and she would be meeting with the members to review
their rolls and give them the names that have volunteered to run for the 2017 council.
Raffle ticket sales: Darcy Raethz reported the fundraiser has raised $4,780 to date. The goal is to sell 1,000 tickets at
$20.00 each by the Fall Vendor Fair on November 12 th. All members are encouraged to sell and/or purchase tickets to
help make this fundraiser a success. You may stop by the church office to help sell or purchase the tickets.
Committee Reports:
Education, Youth & Family: Darcy Raethz reported they met and the theme will be F.R.O.G. (Fully Rely on God) for
the Sunday school rally day on Sunday, September 11th and Wednesday school’s rally evening on Wednesday
September 14th. The Christmas program will be at 2:00 on Dec 11th. She stated they are also planning on holding
another Old Fashion Christmas at Joy Ranch this year.
Foundation: Lynn Johnson stated the Foundation would like to know the estimate/quote on the pipe replacement to
discuss a vote on giving funds to help with the expenses.
Finances and Stewardship: are setting up a time to meet
Memorial: are meeting Sept 12th at 4:30
Mission: in the process of setting up a meeting
Preschool: Jennifer Henrichs reported they met late August and the first day of Preschool was Tuesday. There are 13
students and they are meeting 3 days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
Propery: LeRoy Bullis reported Will and Pat Morlock have offered to replace shrubs around the front wooden doors if
the evergreens could be removed. The Property Committee would look into the removal of the evergreens. He also
reported Aspen Tree Service had quoted $1,000 to remove the dead tree in the south parking lot.
Respectfully submitted,
Cindy Vander Leest
In memory of LaVern Bloom, Lew Raderschadt,
Lexie Stormo & Lyonne Hanson
from Fran Schaefer
In memory of Lloyd DeWitt
from Kris DeWitt
In memory of Lila Jorgenson
from Art & Marcia Jelsma and Hene Stave
In memory of Betty Rasmussen
from Bounce & Geri Mohror
In loving memory of Matthew Kuttner
from Fred & Gwen Peshman
In loving memory of
Kenneth & Laura Vogt
from Steven Vogt
In memory of Clayton Carlson
from Richard & JoAnn DeBerg
A total of $68 in Thrivent Choice
Dollars was received for September
designated for the Grace Lutheran
General Fund. Thank you to the following people who directed their Thrivent Choice Dollars: Judy Everson, and Art
In memory of LaVern Bloom
from Duane & Ruth Lowery
In memory of Nancy Webster
from Jim & Francene Spies
Thank you to the wonderful volunteers that helped with a
painting project through “God’s Work Our Hands.”
We are so appreciative of your support. You made Elaine
the homeowner a happy woman!!
Thank you for choosing to make a difference!
Theresa Scheke
Habitat for Humanity
To the staff & congregation,
We would like to thank all of you for all
your prayers after our car accident on
June 3rd. The prayer shawls are lovely
and warm and very comforting. The cards
& flowers were much appreciated also!
We were especially grateful for all the time Pastor Janet
was able to spend with us! Caring for us and making
several trips to doctor appointments. We are still mending,
but have come a long ways on our road to recovery!
Thanks again!
Gary & Caroll Miller
Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
Greetings from Mobile, Alabama! I hope this
finds every single one of you doing well. I
would have loved to say these words to you
in person, but God’s plans are always a
surprise to me. I would have never guessed
that I would end up in Alabama! However, I
know that this is exactly where God wants
me (for now at least). The University of South
Alabama Medical Center, where I am
currently being trained to become a general
surgeon, is a place full of Godly people.
Everyone has been very welcoming and I
feel at home (except for the strange southern
accent). The weather is hot and humid. I am
learning so much, and I know that you all
keep me in prayer because things happen in
my life daily—and I am reminded that God
watches over me and protects me.
Thank you for your continual support. May
the Lord bless you richly and continue to
keep you in his Grace.
Tuesday, October 18th
5:30 p.m. in the church library
If you are interested in joining us the
book we are discussing is
“The Screwtape Letters”
by C.S .Lewis.
Nordefest Plus Leadership
JoAnn DeBerg
Dee Haugan
Lefse Workshops:
JoAnn DeBerg
Dee Haugan
Lefse Sales
Sherry Starr
Lefse on Site
Dee Haugan
Donut Workshops
Ethnic Delicacies
Melody Kerkvliet
JoAnn DeBerg
Fruit Soup & Rice Pudding Tanner Starr
Sherry Starr
Gift Shop
Darlene Bresson
Jewelry Anew
Carol Wagner
Grandma’s Attic
Julie Roe
Kris DeWitt & ?
Dining Room
Sherry Jongeling
Coffee Bar
Judy Everson
Dee Haugan
Joyce Ruesink
Areas with dashes are not yet filled. Anyone interested in
helping would be greatly appreciated. Please call Dee or JoAnn.
Booth Set up
October 28th from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Jewelry donations are needed for the booth
at Nordefest Plus. This includes watches,
necklaces, bracelets, rings, broaches,
earrings, etc. — old, new, and in-between!
Thank you for your help!
As you are cleaning
out your closets
and attics this fall,
donating gentlyGRANDMA’S ATTIC used, but still
useful, items to the
Nordefest Plus for Grandma’s Attic. No
clothes, please. Call the church office and we
will be happy to pick up any items you have,
or you may drop them off at the church.
October Nordefest Plus
Lefse October 3rd & 4th @
8:00 a.m.
October 10th & 11th @ 8:00 a.m.
Flatbröd October 17th @ 8:00 a.m.
Donuts October 18th & 25th @ 6:00
Rosettes October 25th @ 8:00 a.m.
Sunday, October 2nd
9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Freewill Donation
You won’t leave hungry
Boy Scout popcorn will be available
to purchase.
There will also be a bake sale!
Sponsored by Troop 8, please help support them.
Every Sunday
at 9:45 a.m.
In the Conference
Come anytime!
Pick up your coffee and treat
and come join us!
Designated Gifts
$ 186,869.72
$ 1,676.00
Foundation Grants
Sold the GLC Van
Hawkinson Est Sanc Computer
$ 2,000.00
$ 30,215.94
Lutheran Outdoors
Red Hymnal donations
Scrip Proceeds
GLCW Donation for Sanc P Pt
GLCW Donation for General
Thrivent Choice $$
Boiler Fundraiser activity
Barnyard/Listen Missions 700.00
Loan Advance (LOC 5395904)
Total Income for General Fund
$ 6,500.00
$ 250,810.34
ELCA & SD Synod Projects
Senior Pastor - Salary & Benefits
Mileage Reimbursement
Youth & Family Director
Business Adm Salary & benefits
Parish Education Associate
Office Asst & Custodians
Payroll taxes
Pastoral Materials
Total Staff
$ 95,012.66
$ 4,000.00
$ 17,510.00
$ 42,300.00
$ 2,472.00
$ 50,557.55
$ 9,760.28
$ 221,762.49
Program Expenses
Office Expenses
Worship & Music
Altar Guild
$ 13,800.00
$ 16,850.00
Term Debt
Line of Credit
Original amt
$ 50,000
Other Outlays
Designated Gifts
SD Synod Venture
Payback Line Cr (LOC)
Boiler/Pipe Fundraisers
Foundation Grant exp
Outreach & Care Ministry
Stewardship- Mission
Stewardship Ministry
Debt Service
$ 12,000.00
$ 14,457.00
Sanc Power Pt computer
Total Other Outlays
Total Expenses & Outlays
$ 30,215.94
Synod Assembly
PC Conference Dues
Property Ministry
Program Expenses
Total Expenses
$ 33,000.00
$ 21,351.73
$ 4,251.12
$ 52,787.04
$ 203,231.15
General Fund - 1/1/2016
Plus Income
Less Expenses & Outlays
Loan Advances
General Fund - 8/31/16
$ 250,810.34
$ 248,471.37
$ 2,955.31
$ 1,000.00
$ 9,800.00
$ 106,307.00
$ 330,379.49
Balance Forward
Pledge & Memorials
GLC Foundation
Lenten Supper
Moved to Edward Jones CD
ENDING BALANCE as of 8/16/16
Opened Account 11/12/14
$ 45,240.22
$ 248,471.37
Grace Lutheran Preschool
It’s hard to believe that we are already well into the school year! The preschoolers are adjusting well to
structure, manners, and sharing. We’ve started working on our alphabet and are currently in the middle of
our “Fall Apple Orchard” theme! Up next” “Camping” theme!
Some of our favorite classroom activities include learning sign language, practicing yoga, and “Zee
Time” (which is a stuffed alien-who teaches us how to build friendships and get along).
I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me with open arms! I wake up everyday so excited to teach
the children and help them learn to grow in faith and life.
Kalli Green
Classroom Wishlist
In memory of Matthew Kuttner
from Andrew & Jonathon Kuttner
Kleenex tissues
Disinfectant wipes
Nonperishable snacks
Grace Lutheran Church Foundation
Board Meeting, Tuesday, September 6, 2016
Present: Darlene Bresson, Bonnie Oletzke, Will Morlock, Larry Picht, Joann DeBerg, Rich Dunn, Joy Nelson
and Lynn Johnson. Also present was Pastor Janet Miller, Cindy VanderLeest, and Peggy Hulscher.
Scott Olson with Great Western Bank made a presentation on investments.
There will be a correction concerning the ELCA Fund Interest earned. A motion to approve the Treasurers
report, as amended, for month ending July 31, 2016, by Rich Dunn seconded by Darlene Bresson, motion
Rental Property Report
The sidewalk is repaired at the five-plex. LeRoy Bullis replaced the concrete with the sign in front of the church
and assisted repairing the concrete at the five-plex. Larry made a motion to cover the cost of concrete to
include the sign and sidewalk, Rich Dunn seconded, motion passed. Total cost is $310.18 which can be
expensed with rental expenses.
Larry is happy with Joe as the property manager. We have a couple of vacancies. Joe asked Larry to see what
our feeling was allowing pets in some apartments. Larry is going to talk with Joe about pets and report back to
us. Larry and Will talked about if we have more property than what we want and to look to see if we want to
sell a duplex.
The kitchen counter project is done which includes new lights, faucets and sinks.
Update on boiler/pipe project: The boiler is almost done. We do not have a hard estimate on the pipe costs.
The church had funds for the boiler.
Foundation Sunday will be November 13, 2016.
Other issues: We talked about the sound system in the church.
Our next meeting will be October 3, 2016 at 5:30 at the church.
Grace Lutheran Church
202 2nd St. SE
Watertown, SD 57201-4308
8:30 a.m.—Worship
9:45 a.m.—Sunday School
9:45 a.m.—Coffee & Fellowship
9:45 a.m.— Adult Bible Study
11:00 a.m.—Worship
6:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Wednesday School
6:30 p.m.—8:00 p.m. Confirmation
8:15 p.m.—9:30 p.m. Youth Group
Holy Communion on the 1st and 3rd
weekends at all services
Grace Lutheran Church: God’s Grace Experienced Daily