ISBN: 978-602-9042-86-3 PROCEEDINGS The 4'h lnternational Seminar of lndonesia Society and IUMS-ISM Outreach Program on Food I]IlllllITSIA]I ilIIGRllBIA1 BTSllUBGES: IIIUTRSITY A]III GlllBAl IilIPAGI Organised by: lndonesian Microbiology society (IMIS) and lnternational Union of [,{icrobiologica] (lUt/S) Supported by : SFqtpi GND @ffi PROCEEDINGS PROCEEDINGS The 4'h International Seminar of Indonesia Society for Microbiology and IUMS-ISM Outreach Program on Food Safety ..INDONESIAN MICROBIAL RESOURCES DIVERSITY AND GLOBAL IMPACT" 22"d-24hJsne 2011 Udayana University Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia ffi t\ffiy/ w UDAYANA T'NIVERSITY PRE S S 2012 : PROCEEDINGS The 4s International Seminai oflndonesia Society for Microbiology and IUMS-ISM Oufreach Program on Food Safety "INDONESIAN MICROBIAL RESOURCES DIVERSITY AI.ID GLOBAL IMPACT" 22d -246 J urc 201 l, Udayana Uniyersity Denpasar-Bali, Indonesia Editors: Dr. Yan Ramona Dr. Yenni Ciawi Dr. dr. Dewa Made Sukrama, Sp.MK. Dr. I Nengah SujaYa Dr. I Nengah Kencana Putra, MS. Prof. Ir I Nyoman SemadiAntara, MP., Ph.D. Prof. Ir Nuki B Nugroho, MSi. I Wayan Redi Aryant4 M.AppSc., Ph.D. Prof. Dr. dr. I Ketut Sukardik4 Sp.MK. Dr. I Putu Suparthana, SP, M.Agr. ir Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam, ' : MP., Ph.D. Dr. Ir. Koesnandar , MEng. Diana Nurani, MSi. Prof. Dr. Endang S Rahayu Published by: Udayana University Press Kampus Universitas Udayana Denpasar 2012,xxiii + 319 pages,2l x29,7 cm ISBN: 978-602-9042-86-3 fhe 4h Interhational Seminor ollndokesia SocieyJor Microbiolog'and IIJMSJSM Outreach progran on Fod Salety ''lndonesian Microbial Resourc?s: Dtversity and Abbal Inwct lfu W PREFACE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE ORGANIZING COMMITTEE On behalfofthe organizing committee, I would like to extend my warmest greeting to all ofyou. I would also like extend my appreciation to all ofyou, especially to those who have traveled far away to Bali from their origin to attend this conference. This conference has been designed to gather scientists, engineers, practitioners, and industries in microbiological related disciplines, so that they can discuss and share their expertise in the fields oftricrobiology related issues. Fronr this intense discussion, it is expected that some brilliant ideas to be used to improve the quality of hurr.ran life can be formulated, so that it is in line with theaheme ofthe corrference: "lndonesian Microbial Resources: Diversity and Gobal Impacf', h this oppotlunity I u'ould like to report briefly about this conference to President ofthe Indonesian Society for Microbiology. The conlerence will consist of 12 plenary presentations delivered by Intemational invited speakers from Italy, Netherlands, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia, covering general aspects of Microbiology. Besides this plenary session, we will also have three satellite symposia, covering areas of Health and Pharmacy, food and agriculture, and Industry and enyironment. Totally, 175 contribution papers (oral and poster presentation) will be presented in this conference and they are distributed according to the areas previously mentioned. The effor1s of the presenters to prepare their contribution papers for this conference are highly appreciated. This Conference is financially supponed by PT Mcrck Indonesia, Olympus, Biorneureux, pT Dipa Puspa Lab Sain, PT Yakult Indonesia, PT New Moduls Intemational, pT Agar.indo Biological Co, and parlicipants. Therefore, in this occasion, on behalfofthe committee, I would like to acknowledge their financial supports. My thanks should also go to all people who have been involved in the committee ofthe conference. Without their hard working and effofts, I am afraid rve will not be able to make this event to happen. Last but not least, I hope you all can enjoy your time in Bali, not only at the venue ofthe conference, but also enjoy the beauty of Bali and the friendliness of the people, so that you all bring home some unforgettable memories about the island ofBali. Thank youl Chairman of the Organizing Committee Dr. dr. Dewa Made Sukrama, M.Si., Sp.MK. Bali - lndonesial22'd - 24'h Jtne 20111v The 4th lnternalional Sehinar of lndonesia Society Jot Mictobiotop and IUMS-ISM Outreach Progan on Food Salea ''lndonesiah Micrcbial Resources: Diversity and Gtobat 5g lnpaa W WELCOMING SPEECH BY RECTOR OF UDAYANA UNIVERSITY Dear Distinguished guests, Invited speakers, and all other participants. The main aim of this 4th International Seminar of Indonesian Society for Microbiology and IUMSJSM outreach Program in Food Safety is to gather scientists from all over the world in a venue to share their expertise in microbiologyreJated discipline and build scientific network, so that they can develop microbiological-based ntethods for improving thc quality ofhuman Iife in the future. In this opportunity, on behalf of the University, I welcome you a! to Bali. Bali is well known as a favorite tourist destination in the world. Recently, it is also a favorite site for holding International events, such as International Conference. When people hear Bali as a site of an International conference, a lot olthem will be interested to attend the event. By attending such an event in Bali, they can do two things at once. Tlley can present scientific papers and share their expedise with other scientists known to have International reputation, and at the same time they can also enjoy the beauty ofthe Bali Island and the culture ofBali which is considered to be unique by foreign tourists. Here, I would also like to acknowledge the National and Intemational invited speakers lor their willingness to come miles away to Bali and present their high standard papers. I understand that you all spend much time for this conference, and therefore I must giYe high appreciation on all of those effort and dedication. I hope this International Conlerence becoines an ideal forura for communication and sharing ideas as well as experience in microbiologicalrelated disciplines in the future. I also hope that this forum can serve as a forum for prolnoting advanced microbiology with regard to economic growth and social welfare. Finally, I wish you most successful conference and hope that it may provide new ideas arrd strategics for the application ofmicrobiology in the industries. Rector ofthe Udayana University, Prof. Dr. dr I Made Bakta, Sp.PD (KHOM). Bali - Indonesiq | 22' - 21"' Jurc )01 I I vii rhe4bthternationatseninaroJtndonesiasociet!*,y;;:i::!X;;!,i{,f;fT?!:*;,!,::;",tr;i"[:fi:;f,? @ OPENING REMARK OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE INDONESIAN SOCIETY FOR MICROBIOLOGY The Indonesian Society for Microbiology isproud to presentthe4'hlntemational Seminaroflndonesian Society for Microbiology, in June 22-23, 201I with the theme "lndonesian Microbial Resources: Diversity and Glqbal Inrpact". I am also very proud to inforrr you that the Intemalional Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS) in collaboration with the lndonesian Society of Microbiology(lSM), the International Commission on Food Mycology (tCFM) and the International Committee on Food Microbiology and H1'giene (ICFHM) is also organizing an IUMS-Outreach Plogram in Food Safety on 22-24 June 20ll.l have the great pleasure in welcoming all ofyou to these events. Over the past decades, there has been impressive progress in the area ofmicrobiology. Microbiology and biotechnology have been playing important roles in the area ofmedical and veterinary, food and industry, agriculture and environrrent. This seminar will be an excelient event for exchange and sharing information, progress and experiences artong the pafiicipants and more irnportanlly to encourage collaboration and business interaction anong parlicipants. The workshop on food safety is also very impoftant especially for countries like Asia because transfer ofknowledge I believe will be very useful The Indonesian Society for Microbiology, a member of the Intemational Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS), is a scientific organization in rnicrobiology, with 1067 members spreads out in 20 regions in Indonesia. ISM has also published an English peer-reviewed journal namely Microbiologt Indonesia, t|at has been given the accreditation at level "A" by Department ofNational Education, since 2001. The journal was published in Bahasq Indonesia from 1999-2006 but later on become English journal. I do expect that the journal rvill become a real international journal. In this regards, I would like to invite all of you to subrnit your manuscript and give contribution as editor or reviewet of the Microbiolog) Indonesia stating from 2012. Tlre society also conducts Annual Meeting rvhich comprises ofscientific meeting both national alld international, and take place in the society b|anch all over Indonesia. Papers presented in the annual meeting are usually selected and published in rhe journal Microbiology Indonesia. In this regards, the society would like to thank the Department ofHigher Education for granting a financial support in collecting appropriate and acceptable papers to be publish in the journal. still have to intensifo and extend on the netwolking with international communities. lndonesia a large dive$ity in microbes, we therefore invite our colleague from abroad to explore ofthe Indonesian nriclobes based on benefit sha ng. We being privilege with On behalfofthe Indonesian Society for Microbiology,I would liketo express oursincere appreciation and gratitude to the International Union of Microbiological Societies (IUMS), the International Commission on Food Mycology (ICFM) and the International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene 0CFMH). We would also like to extend our appreciation to Udayana Universiry research institution, private sector and all supporting parties for the success ofthe seminar and workshop on food safety. Bali - Indonesia | 22'd - 24'h June 2011 lix kfmlPnq!S?linar ollndonesia Tef "Indorresian Microbial Resoxrces: Societylor Mictobiolog and IUMS_ISM Outeach progam DiversiO2 ahd Global lnqdcl" on Food SajeE I would like to extend our appreciation to invited speaker and guest from foreign country. I believed your great contribution will be very fruitfur and provide significant iole in deveroping its application in these region. special thanks are addressed to the organizing committee chaired excellent effort to conduct this successful seminar. 'ricriiorogy and by prof Dewa Sukrama his I do hope that this international seminar and workshop will strengthen our collaboration in exploring the role and application ofmicrobiology. With warm regards, Dr. Koesnandar, M.Eng President ofthe Indonesian Society for Microbiology x I Bali - Indonesia | 22d - 24th June 20 t I me4ktnternationatsemihatottndonesidsocietyf",y;r;::::,:,y#:lyt;:#::,,";",1::;",tr;i"[:ff#:r @ OPENING REMARK OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE IUMS The INTERNATIONAL UNION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL SOCIETIES (IUMS) is one of the 26 Scientific Unions ofthe International Council ofScience (ICSU). It was founded in 1927 as the Intemational Society of Microbiology, and became the Intemational Association of Microbiological Societies affiliated to the International Union ofBiological Sciences (IUBS) as a Division in 1967. It acquired independence in 1980 a"nd became a Union Member of ICSU in 1982. IUMS has 109 member societies and 16 associate members, altogether witi more than 60.000 microbiologists. The Divisions are responsible for the organization of their International Congresses (lntematicnal Congress ofBacteriology andApplied Microbiology,International Congress ofMycology, and International Congress ofVirology) and the comrnittees, courmissions and federations organize their own meetings. The next IUMS congresses will be in Sapporo Japan frorn 6 to 16 September 2011 (http:/ yww.congre.cojp/ iums20l I sapporo/index.html ) . The scientific activities of tlre Union are conducted by the three Divisions natnely Bacteriology & Applied Microbiology (BAM), Mycology and Virclogy, by six specialist intemational comrnittees, eight international commissions and two international federations (COMCOFs). Their major activities include the classification ard notrenclature ol bacteria, fungi and viruses, food microbiology, rnedical nticrobiology and diagnostics, culture collections, education, and biological standardization. In support of its mission to enhanse the scieniific background and professional elfectiveness of basic and applied microbiologists, the IUMS is embarkirg on a progmm of educational outreach to developing counries and their microbiologists. The Union envisions an IUMS selies of courses that will be offered to groups of microbiologists that may include graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and practicing professionals from developing countries within a given geographic region. These will be offered periodically in various regions and on diflerent topics ofinterest and importance. The first IUMS Regional Course was offered in Singapore during June l5- 17, 2010 on Antimicrobial Resistance in Bacteria, Fungi and Mruses and was great success. The IUMS is very happy that the second IUMS outreach programme could be organized together with the Indonesian Society of Microbiology on the topic of Food safety. The International Commission on Food Mycology (Mycology Division) and International Committee on Food Microbiology and Hygiene (Bacterioiogy and Applied Microbiology Division) kindly sponsored the workshop by providing the experts on food miuobiology. On behalfofthe IUMS Executive Board I like to thank the ISM and the local organizers to make this meeting possible and wish you all a very successlul and productive workshop. Robert A Samson - IUMS Secretary General. Bali - Indonesia | 22d - 24'h June 20ll I xi The 4b lklernational Outeach Progrom on Food salely seflinat ol lndonesia societyfor ' " Mitobiolog and IIJMLISM "lndonesii Microbial P'esources: DitYrsity ond Global Inpact" TABLE OF CONTENT Preface ftom the chairman ofthe organizing committee Welcoming speech by Rector ofUdayana University Opening remark ofthe President ofthe Indonesian Society for Microbiology vii ix xi Opening remark ofthe Secretary General ofthe IUMS Table olContent... xiii PLENARY SYMPOSIU]U ES) I. 2. RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN THE TAXONOMY OF IMPO:RTANT FUNGI IN APPLIED MYCOLOGY R.obert A Samson . PGPR: NEW POTENTIAL IN HELPING PLANTS IN STRESS CONDITIONS Panlada Tittabutr, Nantakorn Boonkerd and Neung Teaumroong 3. 4. 5. """"""'""" - " BOTULISM; MECHANISM, DIAGNOSIS, AND TREATMENT Keiii Oguma, Yurniko Yamamoto, Tornonori Suzuki, Shaobo M4 Kai Zhang' Ni Nengah Dwi Fatrnawati, Toshihiro Watanabe, and Tohru Ohyama "" ""' TECHNOLOCY ]NNOVATION FOR MICROBIAL BASED INDUSTRY Bustanul Arifin..... NONCULIURABLE MICROBES: PRESENT STATUS, TECHNIQUE AND POSSIBLE INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS Fusao Tomita, Ph.D 6. DIET AND INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA PROFILE Yuan--Kun LEE and Yong Loo Lin 7. 8, THELINUSUALENTEROAGGREGATIVEVEROCYTOTOXIN-PRODUCING ESCHENCHIA COI1O104:H4 AND THE 2011 OUTBREAK IN GERMANY Kalliopi Rantsiou and Luca Cocolin... ETHANOL PRODUCTION FROM CELLULOSIC BIOMASS 9. . .. . . . Minoru Genta....... ' ' OF INDUSTRIAL ENZYMES IN INDONESIA APPLICAIION RESEARCH AND . . . . . i : . . . . . . . . l0 . l1 Witono Basuki ..... 10. RAPID MICROBIOLOGICAL METHODS FOCUSING IN ENUMERATION (QUANTITATIVE) TESTS Hui Chng Khoo.... t2 SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE (SFA) I. ENHANCING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHATE FIXATION BY USING POTENTIAL MICROBES TO WORK FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMER IN INDONESIA. 2. Harmastini Sukiman, Sylvia Lekatompessy, Rumella Simarmata, Tiwit Widorvati' Liseu Nurjanah and Nuriyanah '......... AGRICUIURAL ECOSYSTEM MANIPULAIION TO BELOW GROUND l5 MlCROBIAL DIVERSITY 16 Irfan D. Prijambada .."..........'.. ......... BqIi - Intlonesia | 22'd - 24'h June 2011 lxiii me 4h Inlemational sehiur of Indondia societyJot Mi*obiolog and TIJMS-IsM ouueach progran on Food safeE Microbial Resources: Dhersity and Globat Inpacl " " Indanesian 3. BIOINDUCTIONTECHNOLOCYINCREASEDGAHARU.FORMING II] AZUIL,INA AND GTRINOPS BY FUSANUM SPP. 4. Maman Turjaman, Erdy Santoso, Ragil SB lrianto, Irnayuli R. Sitepu................................. 17 POTENTIAL OFRESOURCE OF STARCH AND LOCAL ISOLATES MICROORGANISMS FOR PRODUCING DRUCS-EXCIPIENT TO 5. STRENGTHEN OF INDONESIAN PHARMACEUTICAL INDUSTRY Mulyono, Hade Sastra Wiyana, and Dian Herasari . UTILIZATION OF CENOMIC INFORMATION ERAAND INDONESIA MICROBIAL DIVERSITY TO IMPROVE THE LOCAL INDUSTRIAL .. l8 BACTERIAL STRAIN Is 6. He1ianti............. lg BIOCONTROL POTENTIAL OF MICROBIAL ANTAGONISTS AGAINST PLANT FUNGAL PATHOCENS Dewa Ngurah Suprapta...................... SYMPOSIUM PRESENTATION: HEALTH AND PHARMAcY (SHP) 1. RABIES IN BALI : CLINICALASPECT AND LABORATORY Sudewi AAR, Susilawathi NM, Darwiaata AE, Dwija P, Budayanti NS, Mahardika GNK 2. CURRENT PROCRESS IN T}IE LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS OF JEMBRANA DISEASE IN BALI CATTLE 20 23 Nyoman Mantik Astawa PATHOGENESIS OF DIARRHEA CAUSE BY ROTAVIRIJS INFECTION 3. A.T.Aman.-----. SYI}IPOSIUM PRESENTATION: ENVIRONMENTAND INDUSTRY (SEI) 1. THE ROLE OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA IN TEMP OYAK FERMENTATION, AN INDONESIAN INDIGENOUS FERMENTED FOOD Rindit Pambayun 2. THE ROLE OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA ON FERMENTATION OF URU?7N, BALINESE FERMENTED SAUSAGE 3. 4. 29 Nvoman Semadi Antara 30 PRODUCTIONANDCHARACTERIZATIONOFNANO.SIZEI) EXOPOLYSACCHARIDE OF HUMAN FECAL LACTOBACIZ'US SP. FUOsI I Acturad Dinoto and Sugiyono Saputra BIOPRESERVATIVES OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIAL ORICIN : UNCOVERING GASSERICIN A OPERON, BACTERIOCIN GENES FROM 3l LAC TO BACILLUS GASS ERI L A39. 5. xw l Joni Kusnadi 32 DEVELOPMENT OF MICROBIAL RESOURCE CENTER IN INDONESIA Puspita Lisdiyanti, Atit Kanti, I Made Sudiana, Hiroko Kawasaki, Achmad Dinoto, Shigeto Otsuka, Moriya Ohkuma, Ken-ichiro Suzuki, and Heddy Julistiono 33 Bali - Indonesia | 22'd - 24,h June 20ll me 4k htematiohatseminar ollhdonesiasocietyr, y;{;i::::.i;;::lYt;:X?l:;:l::;-,:;l;"[:tr#l:7 @ ORAL PRESENTATION: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE (OFA) 1. DETECTION OF SAL]UIONELLA TYPHIMURIUM IN PASTEURIZED MILK AND FRIED RICE USING REAL TIME POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION SuciYuliangsih,KhusnulKhotimah,NoviPusparini,RiolinaldaLamtiurPanggabean and Winiaii Pudji Rahayu.................... 2. ANTIMICROBIALACTIVITY FROM MELNJO SEEDAND PEEL EXTRACT (GNETUM GNEMON L.) AGAINST PATHOGENIC BACTERIA 3. 37 44 Adolf JN. ParhusiP MOLECULARANALYSIS OF SUCCESSION OF BACTERIALAND T4' BACTERIOPHAGE COMMUNITIES DURINC THE COMPOSTN'IG OF RICE STRAW - Vita Ratri 4. 5. 6. 7. Cahyani 54 PRESERVATION OF RIBBON FISH (TNCHIURUS LEPTURUS) USING LACTIC ACID BACTERIA CULIURED ISOLATED FROM WILD HORSE MILK I Made Sugitha, Deprilia Eka Dewat4 Ni Nyornan Puspawati." """" """ DEVELOPMENT OF IN PLANTA TRANSFORMATION OF RICE 6l Suparthana I Putu, Masahiro Nogawa and Mineo 62 """ Kojirna INDUCED APOPTOSIS IN T47D CELL LINE BYPUREACTIVE COMPOUND FR]M EMENCELLA N(DULANS MARINE FUNCUS Muhammad Nursid, Ekowati Chasanah, Murwantoko, and Subagus Wahyuono "" " ISOLATION AND SELECTION OF AUXIN-PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM RHIZOSPHERE OF SELECTED PLANTS 8. Bambang Sukmadi, Yenni Bakhtiaq Farida P.osana Mira and Bedah Rupaedah "" SCREENING OF INDIGENOUS BACTERIAAS THE SUPPRESSING ACENT 9. OF RICE FUNGAL PATHOGEN NHIZOCTONIA SOLANI " """ Yacli Suryadi, Kartika Eka Putri, Nisa Rachmania Mubarik POPULATION TO STIMULATE COMPOSTS EFFECTIVITY OF VARIOUS 10. 11. I3. 63 """ " " 64 "" """"" 65 OF NITROGEN- FIXING BACTERIA, PHOSPHATE-SOLUB]LIZING BACTERIAAND INDOL ACETIC ACID PRODUCTION Yulia Nuraini, Abdul LatiefAbadi, Soemarno and Tri Ardyati """"" """"' ASSESSMENT OF ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE FROM LACTIC ACID BACTERIA IN INDONESIAN FERMENTED FOODS FOR SELECTABLE MARKER TO DEVELOP FOOD-GRADE VECTOR A. Zaenal Mustopa, Urnemi, Mariclha Nomawati and Ikrimah Muzdalifah """""""" EFFECT OF FERMENTATION OF PALM KERNEL CAKE MIXTURE - RICE BRAN WITH TNCHODERMA VINDE ON SUBSTANCES FOOD INGREDIENTS Sukaryana Y., U. Atmomarsono, V.D. yunianto, E. 12. ' "" Supdyatna""""" 66 " ' "' 67 ' 68 USAGE OF CARAGENAN ('UCflE UMA SPINOSUM AS LACTOBACILLUS AC IDOP HILUS ENCAPSULATED MATERIAL TO!!/ARD VIABILITYAND MICROCAPSULES STRUCTURE TINDER IN VITRO GI TRACT PH SIMULATION 69 Dwi Setijawati INHIBITION OF METHANOL EXTRACT OF JACKFRUIT TI-R''OCARPUS INTEGM MERR) WOOD ON THE GROWTH OF SPOILAGE MICROBES IN THE PALM SAP DURING STORAGE '70 ........... 14. I Nengah Kencana Pu1ra......... STUDY OF PROBTOTIC PORRIDGE FLOUR FOR EMERGENCY FOOD: TYPES OF FLOUR AND LAB CONCENTRATION "" "" Dian Widya Ningtyas, Simon B Wi janarko. ......... """ """ "" Bali - lndonesia | 22d - 24'h June 201I 7l lxv The 4,r hternational Seltinar ollndonesia SocieirJor "l Micrcbiolog ond IUMSJSM Oureach Progran on Food Safety donesian Microbial Resaurces: Di,elsily and Global lnpact" I5. ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATIOI'I OF PLANTARICIN GENES 16. LACTOBACILLUS P LANTARUII[ FROM INDICENOUS INDONESIAN TRADITIONAL FOOD FOR BIOPRESERVI\TIVES APPLICATION Linda Sukrnarini, A. Zaenal Mustopa, Muhamad Ridwan, and Reni Nurhaeni STABILITY OF I-ACTIC ACID BACTERIA DURING PROCESSINC AND STORACE 17, 18. OI-' 72 GOAI MILK SOFT CHEESE Widya Eka Prayitno, Feri Kusuandar, and Winiati Pudji Rahayu .. .... ENDOPHYTIC FUNCI FROM IG'I IA HAfuUISIANA AND ISOLATION OF BIOACTIVE COMPOLIND Vithria Nida, RizkiAprilianti, Elrade Rofaani and Chaidir.................... PROCESS DEVELOPMENT OF FERMENTED CASSAVA FLOUR: T}IE EFFECT OF STREPTOMYCES CELLULOLYTIC BACTERIA ADDITION Nurwina Eka Putri, Titi Candra Sunarti,lnja " 13 74 Meryandini- 75 ORAL PRESENTATION: FIEALTH AND PHARMACY (OHP) ] . ,I-2. ' I PROBIOTIC ENTEROCCI: CURRENT STATUS Agus Wijaya......... , .; J. cuenacrERIZArIoN oF SAMqNELLA ryPEllsoLATEs PROFILES Amarantini 6. 7. ) :8J i Charis CON1PARISON DETWLEN AC IIVI TY AND MECI-IANISM OF OF ESSENTIAL OIL BETEL LEAF (PIPER BETLE. LINN) WITH EUGENOL AGAINST SOME OF BACTERIAL PATHOGENS Muhammad Yanis Musdja, Amir Syaril, Emie Hernawati Poerrvaningsih II'IHIDITION "'/ Agusta 90 DOES PIPER BEZZE LIN}.I LEAF CAN INHIBIT THE GROWTH OF SALMONELLA T''PI11AND YIBNO CHOLERAE? Oksfriani Jufri 5. BY UsING NUUTNICAL SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THEIR SDS-PAGE PROTEIN and Andria 4. '79 Sumamportw................ 100 BACTERIOLOGYAND IN VITRO ANTIBIOTIC ACTIVITY OF DIABETIC FOOT INFECTIONS IN UL]N GENERAL I{OPITAL BANJARI.4ASIN , BANJARBARU CENERAL HOSPITAL, AND RATU ZALECHA GERAL HOSPITAL MARTAPURA Ra1uriati............... 104 CLONING AND EXPRESSION OF SMALL ACCESSORY T,N 7 GENE OF JEN4BRANA DISEASE VIRUS Endang Tri Margawati, Indriawati and Muhamad Ridwan ................... .. 105 VIABILITYAND PENICILLIN-G REPRODUCIBILITY OF PENICILLIUM CHRYSOGENUM PRESERVED ON VACUUM DRIED-QUARTZ POWDER AFTER A PERIOD OF 16 AND 17 YEARS STORAGE Uli Julia Nasution, Dian Japany Puspitasari, Diana Dewi, Gany Heriyanto, Hardaning Pranamuda, Bambang Marwoto 8. 9. .................... GENOTYPE ANALYSIS OFDENGUE VIRUSES IN JAKARTA T. Mirawati Sudiro, Beti E Dewi, Rony Chandra, Rayhana, L Nainggolan, M Karyanti, Angky Budianty, Dwi Hilda, Dimas Seto, Wellyzar, Mustaqim, Novia, I. Kurane........ PREVALENCE OF HEPATITIS E VIRUS AMONG HUMANS AND PIGS IN BALI Takako Utsumi, Yoshitake Hayashi, Maria Inge Lusida, Mochamad Amin, Soetjipto, Made Agus Hendrayana, Soediningsih, Yoshihiko Yano, Hak Hotta........... . xvi I Bali- lndonesiq 22'd - 24'h June 20ll 106 ' 107 i 08 The 4h lnternational Seminar oJlndonesia Socielyfor Mictobiolog) ald IUMSJSM Outreach Program on Food SaJeE "lndo esian Microbial Resources: Diversily afid Global Inpact" I O. EFFECT OF TEMPERA'TUR VARIAIION AND PH TO THE PROTEASE ACTIVITY OF THERMOPHILIC BACTERIUM SPECIES FROM LEJJA HOT SPRINGS, SOUTH CELEBES MohamadAmin, Hafsah, ard I I. 12. 1 3. I 4. YusufAbdurrajak 109 DETECTION OF ANTIBODIES OF AVIAN INFLUENZA VIRUS TO H5N1 SUBTYPE IN PIGEONS IN BANDAACEH Muhammad Daud Aiyub Kadir, Erin4 and Mahdi Abrar.... MIXED CULTURE OF ENTEROCOCCUS FAECALIS ID6O17 AND C HRYSEOBACTENUM INDOLOGENES ID6O16: DETERMINATION OF BEST DECOLORIZATION OF ORANCE II BY MIXED CULTURE OF C. INDOLOGENES AND E. FAECALIS ON ORANGE II CONTAINING MEDIUM Vincentia lrene Meitiniarti, Kris Herawan Tiraotius, Endang Sutariningsih Soetarto, I METHICILLIN RES I STANT S1U PIfl'Z O C O C C US A U KEII,S(MRSA) IN SANGLAH HOSPITAL: DISTRIBUTION AND ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY Sukrama D.M, Tarini M.A, Darwinata A.E ....................... ANTIBACTERIAL POTENTIAL OF EXTRACELLULAR METABOLITES PRODUCED BY.BI CLLLUS SP. SYMBIONTS OF THE SEA URCHIN ll2 Hidayati...................... I5. 16. 17. I8. 113 Bambang Fajar Suryadi and Ernin MOLECULAR ANALYSIS OF HUMAN METAPNEUMOVIRUS 42, INFLUENZA A VIRUS H3N2 AND INFLUENZA B VIRUS ISOLATED IN SURAKARTA INDONESIA Afioflo Agung Prasetyo, Jinn]y Tanamas, Maftinus Nuhenvan Desyardi, Luqma Prilata, ... Maryani, Suradi, Harsini, Seiji Kageyarna, Hiroki Chikumi................ PRODUCTION OF POLYCLONALANTIBODY FROM THE DENGUE VIRUS TYPE 3 NON.STRUCTURAL I PROTEIN Vanny Narita, Aris Rudiyanto, Asma Ornaq Mira T. Sudiro ..........'........ IDENTIFICATiON OF CTXA GENE BY PCR METHOD FP(OM YIBNO CHOLEM BACTERIA ON ICE FROM FISH TRADERAND FISHERMAN IN SOUTH BADUNC REGENCY AREAS AND DENPASAR CITY Made Agus Hendrayana, Ni Made Adi Tarini, Agus Eka Darwinata...............' PRODUCTION AND SCREENING OF HYBRIDOMA CLONES PRODUCING MONOCLONALANTIBODIES SPECIFIC TO PROTEIN NON.STRUCTURAL 1 (NS1) DENGUE VIRUS SEROTIPE 3 Vanny Narita, Aris Rudiyanto, Mira T Sudiro, Beti Ernawati Dewi, Mustaqim ORAL PRESENTATION: INDUSTRY AND ENVIRONMENT (OIE) DETECTION OF CELLULOLYTIC ACTIVITY AMONG CELLULOLYTIC I. BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM RICE FIELD AND COW DLING Tri Ardyati, Triani Agustin, Eva Rinayanti W. and Suharjono 2. l0 I l5 l16 1l'1 ... ............. 114 l2l STUDYABOUTTHEHEXAVALENTCHROMIUMREDUCTIONCAPABILITY BY RHIZOBACTERIA ISOLATED FROM SOIL CONTAMINATED CHROMIUM M.M.A. Retno Rosariastuti Ali Pramono, Angry Rosa Nusa Putri, Ngadiman and lrfan Dwidya 3. Prijambada.............. 126 IN YITRO ADHESION OF LACTOBACILLUS SPP ON MOUSE ENTEROCYTES I Nengah Sujaya, Yan Ramona, A. Eka Suryadarma, NP Desy Aryantini, K.A. Nocianitri.... 123 Bali - Indonesia | 22'd - 24th June 2011 xvii The 4k Internatiohal Seminar oflhdohesia Socieryfor Micrcbiologand IUMSJSM Outeoch Prugram Inpacl" on Food SaJety "Indohesian Mictobial Resources: Di.Etsity ahd Global 4. IMMOBILIZED SHINGOMONAS SUBARCTICA T7B IN POLYVINYL ALCOHOL AND SODIUM ALGINATE FOR DIBENZOTHIOPHENE BIODESULFURIZAIION 5. 6. Asano............................ Ida Bagus \Yayan Gunam, Teruo Sone & Kozo FERTILIZER DOSE EFFECT ON DENSITYAND POTENTIAL OF MICROALGAE (NAANNOC HLOROP SIS OCUI-ATA) AS BIOFUEL Cenny Putnarubun, Marwa, Wawang Suratno, Poniah EFFECT OF COMPOSTADDITION ON BIOREMEDIATION OF OIL- Adyaningsih............... 137 143 CONTAMINATED SOIL FROM JAMBI BY COMMERCIAL BACTERIA 7. Suhardi..... Rohana Udur Hutabarat, Gladys Setyamukti, Sri Harjati CHLORINE DISINFECTANT ACTIVITIES TO ESCHENCU COU, P S EUD O MONAS AEfi UGINOSI, AND SALMONELLA TYP}/1 ISOLATES FROM MARTAPURA HOSPITAL'S WASTE WATER Lia Yulia Budiarti, 8. 9. I O. Rahrniati............... 152 153 SCREENING AND APPLICATION OF SOIL BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM PEATLAND ON GROWTH OF ACACIA CMSSICARPA Nisa Rachmania Mubarik, Ade Wiratarna, Melisda Manalu, Lailan 154 BIOPROSPEK LOVASTATIN OF ASPERGILLUS SPP FROM UNI\'ERSITY OF INDONESIA CULTURE COLLECTION (UICC) Wibol,o Mangunryadoyo, Yanti Rafliyalti and Dadang Kusmana...................................... 155 POTENTIAL USE OF WOOD FIBER WASTE AND FISH WASTE COMPOST AS SUBSTRATES FOR THE I,OW.COST CULTIVATION OF BIOLOGICAL Syauflna. CONTROL ACENTS Yan Ramona and Martin A. 1 I. 12. I3. 14. METHANE OXIDATION AND AMMONIUM ACCUMULATION ACTIVITY, AND CHARACTERIZATION OF,Ir'lFD AND N1F'I] GENES FROM METHANOTROPHIC BACTERIA Ari Fina Bintarti, Iman Rusmana....... MICROBIAL TECHNIQUE IN REDUCI}.IG CREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS FROM WETLAND SOILS Abdul Hadi, Zuraida Titin Maryana, and Aprianti SCREENING AND GENETIC DIVERSITY OF SPONCES ASSOCIATED BACTERIA PRODUCING WIDE-SPECTRUM ANTIMICROBIAL COMPOUNDS Aris Tri Wahyudi, Rika lndriAstuti, Yonathan Banoet, Sri Budiarti, Pauliasi Tokasaya, Hermawaty Abubakar, Munti Yuhana , Masafurri Yohda. PROPERTIES OF THERMOSTABLE EXTRACELLULAR AMYLOLYTIC ENZYME OF BACILZT,/,S SP SW-2 ISOLATED FROM SERPONC COMPOSTING UNIT, WEST JAVA Budiasih-Wahyuntari, I5. I6. Line......... Trismilah 156 l5'1 158 159 160 PROPERTIES OF EXTRACELLULAR PROTEASE OF BACILLUS MEGATEKIUM DSM 3I9 AS UNHAIRING AID OF HIDES Budiasih Wahyuntari, Hendrawati, Aldi Sadana, Rarah RatihAdjie, M Yamin.................... 161 THE UTILIZAIION OF THE RESPONSE SURFACE METHODOLOGY FOR THE OPTIMIZAIION OF CULTIVAT]ON MEDIUM OF S''REPTOMYCES sPAl I ON CYCLO(TYROSYL-PROLYL) PRODUCTTON Rofiq Sunaryanto, Bambang Marwoto, Tun Teja Irawadi. Zainal Alirn Mas'ud, Liesbetini Hartoto ................. xvni I Bali - Indonesia | 2?'d - 21t1' June 2011 162 me4 17 I - . 8. Internatiorutseminarortntto esiasocietyr,y;";;l,l;7#::f,yt;::y:::,,";:l::;",:;;ii:ii:;{? ROLE OF ENDOPHYTIC ACTINOMYCETES INDOLE ACETIC ACID IN PROMOTING THE GROWTII OF RICE PLANT Yulin Lestari, Tera Tri Yusepi, I{arnim D]VERSITY AND ACTIVITY OF AMMONIA OXIDISERS IN INDONESIAN PINE FOREST SOILS Rully Acli Nugroho and Wilfred F.M' Rdling ....................' POSTER PRESENTATION: FOOD AND AGRICULTURE (PFA) I. ANALYSIS ON THE SPORULATION CAPACITY OF BACILLUS CEREUS STRAINS Zahirotul Hikmah tlassan, Menno Van Der Voort, Tjakko Abee .'.............. ....... 2. THE EFFECT OF LEVAMISOL IN INCREASING INGESTION ACTIVITY OF MACROPHAGE AGAINST,S. ZOO EP ID EMIC US. I Nengah Kerta 8esung...................... 3. MORPHOLOGICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PSEUDOMONAS FL UOR',SCE/r',' P6O Loekas Soesanto, Endang Mugiastuti, and Ruth Feti ISOLATION AND SCREENING OF ENDOPHYTIC MICROBES FROII NEEM AS BIOLOGICAL CONTROL OF PLANT PATHOGENIC FLI'iGAL Rallayuniati........... 4. Sukiman......'......... 5. Rumella Simarmata and Harmastini ANTIFUNCAL POTENTIAL OF LEAF EXTRACT OF TEAK (TECTONA G]L4ND1,S L.F) AC AINST ACREMONIUM BUTYNC Ni Putu Adriani Astiti and Dewa Ngurah SEROPREVALENCE Q FEVER IN BALI CAITLE (BOS SONDAICUS) Suprapta......... 6. @ 163 164 167 1"13 l'16 182 189 AND GOATS AT BALI PROVINCE BY INDIRECT IMMUNOFLOURESCENT ANTIBODY ASSAY METHOD Hapsari Mahatrni and Agus Setiyono ............. 7. 8. .. 195 CASE STUDY: IDENTIFICATION OF SPOILACE MICROORGANISMS ON GEZ1U1( MO D ERN W IL ING, SEMARANG.INDONESIA Lindayani, Hendra Wibowo, Budi Widianarko, Laksmi Hartayanie INDUCTION OF TR]CHOSANTHES CUCUMERINAL.YARANGUINA (L,) HAINES HAIRY ROOTS USING IGROBACTENUM KHIZOGENES FOR PRODUCING OF BIOACTIVE PROTEIN Priyosoeryanto............. 9. Churiyah, CustafAdolf Wattimena, Bambang Pontjo 'INFECTION LEVEL OF PATHOGEN BACTERIA IN PORK MEAT IN TRADITIONAL MARKET OF DENPASAR" Ni Nyoman Puspawati, Komang Ayu Nocianitri, Nyoman Semadi MICROBIAL FLORA IN THE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT OF LONG.TAILED Antara........ IO. MACAQUES (MACACA 1 . I. 12. 201 206 207 FASC IC ULA PJS) Aida LT Rompis, I Gede Soma......... 208 COMMUNITIES VARIATION OF PHOSPHATE SOLUBILIZING BACTERIA IN PLANT RHIZOSPHERE CROWING ON ACID SOILS Agustian, C. Plassard, D. Maryanti and L. Maira................ 209 COMPARISON OF MICROMONOSPORA SPECIES FROM SOILAND MARINE SOURCES Yudhie Istianto, Siti Handasah, Fuji Nurul Anami, Satoshi Sugimoto, Yoshio Watanabe, Hardaning Pranamuda, Bambang Marwoto ..................... Bali - Indonesial22 - 24't'June 2011 210 lxix The 4th Interhatiorul seminar ollndonesid socieyJor Miclobiotog)and |\MS-ISM ot)treach pngram on Food safety "lndo esia Miuobial 13. 14, I5. I6. 17. I8. 19, 20. 21. P,esoutces: Diwrsity and Global Impact" DETECTION OF PORK IN BEEF CORNED FOR HALAI, VERIFICAIION VIA POLYMERASE CHAIN REACTION (PCR) TECHNIQUES Zilhadia, Wahyu Purbowasito, Yophi Mulyan4 Hamid Nasuhil,Nurrreilis, Ayu Hapsari ... Zll ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF Ir'.HEXANE EXTRACT OF AVOCADO SEEDS (PERSEA AMENCAIr'I MILL) AGAINST FOOD PATHOGENIC AND SPOILAGE BACTERIA Eka Putri .............. THE ABLTNDANCE OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN RHIZOSPHERES OF CASHEW PLANTS 2l? Meitini W Zl3 Proborini............................- SELECTION OF BACTERIAL CONSORTIA TO CONTROL BLAST DISEASEIN RICE PLANTS Eko Riana, Yadi Suryadi, Nisa Rachmania Mubarik..... EVALUATION OF FOOD SAFETY PRACTICES OF STREET VENDED CHICKEN PORRTDGEAT SIMPANG LIMA SEMARANG Inneke Hantoro, Ita Sulistyawati, Melissa Hapsari and Nikita F1ourencia.......................... ANTI FUSANUM O.XYSPORUM ACTIVITY OF SECONDARY METABOLITE FROM MARINE FUNGI (PR 28.I) Susi Kusumaningrum, Elrade Rofaani,Agus Supriyono. INFECTION LEVEL OF PATHOGEN BACTERIA IN PORK MEAT IN TRADITIONAL MARKET OF DENPASAR Ni Nyoman Puspawati, Komang A1,u Nocianitri, Nyoman Semadi Antara. ........ PSEUDOMONAS FLUORE.'C'NS AND PSEUDOMONAS PUTIDA FOR PROMOTING GROWTH OF JATROPHA CUXCI.T SEEDLING ROOT Sri Sumarsih and Darban Haryrnto.... E}.IHANCING NITROGEN AND PHOSPHATE FIXATION BY USINC POTENTIAL MICROBES TO WORK FOR SMALLHOLDER FARMER 214 .. ?15 216 Zl7 2lg IN INDONESIA Harmastini Sukiman, Sylvia I-ekatompessy Tiwit Widowati, Liseu Nurjanah and 22. 23. 24. 25. Nuriyanah...... Zlg ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF BACTERIOPHAGE INFECTING PATHOGENIC BACTERIA: A STRATEGY FOR IMPROVING FOOD SAFETY Agustin Krisna Wardani, Aji Sutrisno And Zein Nurizkiawan .......... COW MILK PROTE]NS AS INDONESIAN HERBAL FOOD SYSTEM Muhamad Sahlan and Tony Supardi... THE INFLUENCE OF YAKULT CONCENTRAIION AS STARTER ON PROFILE YOGHURT OF SKIM MILK POWDER Wisaniyasa, Ni Wayan and Suantari, Ni Luh Wayan......... OVER-FERMENTED TEMPE (TEMPE BOSOTQ: ITS SENSORYAND CHEMISTRY PROPERTIES AS FOOD SEASONING Martina Andriani, Kawiji, Edhi Nurharradi......................... 26. ANTIFLTNGALACTIV]TY OF GARLIC AGAINST BREAD MOLDS 27. Jaruwan Yousuk, Tanthip Saetiw,Chonlada Naweewong and paramee Noonirn INHIBITION OF EXOPROTEASE PRODUCTION IN AEROMONAS .................. 220 Z2l Z2Z 223 224 HYDROPHIL4'S QUORUM SENSING SYSTEM BY METHANOL EXTRACTS OF FRESH AND DRIED RHIZOME OF GALANGAL (,4 LPINIA GALANGAL.) Artini Pangastuti, Rita Rakhmawati, Yashinta Novitasari.... xx I Bali - Indonesia | 22d - 24th June 2011 225 The 28. 29. 30. 3 !. 32, 33. 34. 35. 4! lnternational Setninar oJ Indonesia Societylor Mi.robiolog) ahd IUMSJSM Ouneach Progran on Food Salety -lndonesian Microbial Resources: Diwrsih)dnd Global Impact' CONCENTRATED JACK FRUIT (IRTOCARPUS INTEGRI, MERR) JUICE AS FLAVOR COMPONENT IN COCONUT MILK YOGHURT Maya M Ludong, M F Sumual, G S Suhartati Djarkasi, and Lana E LaIujan....................... 226 INCREASED PRODUCTION OF POLYPHENOL OXIDASE BY TNCHOTHECIUM.9P, ENDOPHYTIC FUNGUS FROM COCOA PODHUSK, IN SUBMERGED LIQUID CULTURE ............................... 227 Sarlini, Abd. Rauf Patong,ljodi Harlim, Pirman..... EFFECTIVENESS BACTERIAL CONSORIIA FOR CONTROLLING LEAF BLIGHT DISEASE IN RICE PLANTS Mubarik..... 228 Fadhila Achmad Syachroni, Yadi Suryadi, Nisa Rachmania LACTOBACILLUS ISOLATION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF SPP. FOR DEVELOPMENT OF SOY MILK BASED PROBIOTIC K. A. Nocianitri, IDG. Mayun Permana, I N. .........-.............. 229 ANTI}'UNGAL ACTIVITIES OF STREPTOMYCES SP AGAINST NUM SP. THE CAUSE OF LEAF ROT DISEASE ON ALOE BARBADENSIS '{/SI MILLER 230 Retno Kawuri and Dewa Ngurah Suprapta QUALITY CHARACTERISTICS C}IANGES OF KUNYITASAM (CUP.CUM4 Sujaya.... .......................... DOMESTICAYAL_ TAAL4NNDUS INDICI L ) DURINC STORACE ... 231 Sri Mulyani, I GA Lani Triani and Bagus Putra Santosa ..................... ASPERGILLUS DIVERSITY IN COFFEE POWDER FROM TRADITIONAL MARKET IN SEMARANG Wiwik Andriani, Isrvoro Rukrni & Susiana Purwantisari ....................... ............................... 232 PRODUCTION OF AMYLOGLUCOSIDASE FROM "ONGGOK" BY ASPERGILLUS NIGER I WayanArnata, Dwi Setyaningsih, Nur Richana.......... POSTER PRESENTATION: HEALTH AND PHARMACY (PHP) I. ADHERENCE AND PHAGOCYTOSIS CAPACITY OF STREPTOCOCCUS ISOLATED FROM SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS OF DAIRY COW MILK Agnesia Endang Tri Hastuti ?33 SP. Wahyuni. 237 2. POTENCY TEST O}. ANTI-IDIOTIPIC ANTIBODYAS A SAFE RABIES VACCINE 3. IDENTIFICAIION OF ANTIBACTERIAL COMPOUND OF ZIIr'GIB ER GMMINEUI|,T BLUME, A BALINESE MEDICINAL HERBS Sayu Putu Yuni Paryati 4. 5. 6. lF,\ W9 ........................ 244 Martiningsih, N.W., Swantara, M.D., Ciawi, Y................. CONCENTRATION OF 20 % IN THE EXTRACT OF ARECA CATECHUL. MAY REDUCE THE NUMBER OF COLONIES OF CANDIDA I'BICIN.' ON THE HEAT CURED ACRYLIC RESIN 249 Ni Kadek Sugianitri........................... THE BACTERIAL PATTERN IN URINARY TRACT 1NFECTION AT THE KIDNEY STONE PATIENTS IN DT. SARDJITO HOSPITAL 755 Eka Yudha Rahman, Aries Alpendri, R HR Danarto CROSS PATHOLOGICAL OBSERVATION OF ACUTE NEWCASTLE DISEASE 260 .......... IN DOMESTIC CHICKEN GA Yuniati Kencan4 I Made Kardena 261 Bali - Indonesia | 22d - 24th June 2011 | xxi The 4!^ Iktematiohal Semikat oJlhdonesia Societyfor Mictobiologr' and IUMSISMO treach Progrdm on Food Salety Microbial Resources: Dirersity and G lobal lnpact" " Indohesian 7. DETECTION OF SHIGA-LIKE TOXIN II [SUI-II] OR VEROTOXIN 2 [VT2] GENE FROM BACTEzuA ESCHERICHIA COLI SEROTYPE OI57 ON PORK IN DENPASAR CITY 8. 9. Amy Yelly Kusmawati, Made Agus Hendrayana, Komarg Januartha Putra Pinatih ......... EXOPOLYSACCHARIDE-PRODUCINCBACTERIAISOLATEDFROMFECES OF HUMAN CONSUMING A LARGE AMOUNT OF SAGO STARCH IN DIET Sugiyono Saputra, Rita Dwi Rahayu, And Achmad Dinoto................ BLACKBERRY PLANT EXTRACT DECREASES NECROTIC AND APOPTOTIC CELLS AGAINST OXIDATIVE STRESS Badrut IO. I1. 12. 13. ... 262 263 Tamam...... 264 MICROBIAL FLORA IN THE REPRODUCTIVE TRACT OF LONG.TAILED MACAQUES (MACAC A FA S C TC U LA N S) Rompis All, I Gede Soma ......... METHICILLIN RESISTANT S77PI1TZ OCOCCUS AUREUS(MRSA) IN SANGLAH HOSPITAL: DISTRIBUTION AND ANTIMICROBIAL SUSCEPTIBILITY Sukama D"M, Tarini M.A, Darwinata A.E..................... SENSITIVITY AND SPESIVISITY PILI ANTIGEN PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA FOR DIAGNOSIS OF PNEUMONIA BY USING DOTBIOT METHOD Febri Kurniawati , Maryani, Yusup Subagio Sutanto dan Priyarnbodo....... EVALUATION OF PARTICLE SIZE AND ZETA POTENTIAL OF DNA CONDENSATION WITH LIPOPEPTIDE - BASED TRANSFECTION REAGENTS FOR EFFICIENT CENE DELIVERY Tarwadi, Jalal A. Jazayeri, Richard J. Prankerd, and Colin W. Pouton... .. 265 266 267 268 POSTER PRESENTATION: INDUSTRY AND ENVIRENMENT (PIE) I. PRODUCTION OF NATURAL COLORINGS FROM MONASCUS PURPUREUS AND P ENICILLIUM PURP UROGENUM: DETERMINATION OF CONDITIONS FOR OPTIMUM YIELD AND STABILITY OF THE COLORINGS Anastasia Prirna Kristijarti, Ariestya Arlene, Astri Puspaningrurn Nugroho, Cathelya 2. Kahar 3. 4. Anglelyn Muzakhar.. Dannayasa................ 283 288 OP'I]MIZATION OF PH, TEMPERATURE AND AGIT,{TION RATE OF BIODEGRADATION OF LIPIDS AND DETERGENTS IN LIQUID FOOD WASTE BY BACILLUS CEREUS N.09. Nur Hidayat, Sri Kumalaningsih, Noorhamdani and Susinggih 6. 277 BIODIVERSITY OF ENDOMYCORRHIZAE FROM HATTA GRAND PARK AND ANAI VALLEY ARBORETUM GARDEN PADANG, WEST SUMAIERA INDONESIA Sylvia Lekatompessy, Harmastini Sukiman and Kartini K-ramadibrata .... ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF SOLUBLE PHOSPHATE BACTERIA IN SEDIMENT OF' TUKAD BADUNC ESTUARY DAM AND BTDC NUSA DUA BALI V/ASTE PROCESSING LAGOON Ida Bagus Gede 5. 271 VINASSE BASED MEDIUM FOR EXOXYLANASE PRODUCTION Wijana.. PURIFICATIONANDBIOLOGICALACTIVTTIESOFANTIBACTERIAL ANTIBIOTIC PRODUCED BY STREPTOMYCES SP BIOMCC AE-OO1I5 Sasmito Wulyoadi, Wahono Sumaryono and Wahyudi P Suwarso................. xxii ) Bali - htdonesiq | 22"d - 24th June 201l 291 296 The 7. 41h lnternalional Seminor oflndonesia SocietyJor Microbiolog) and IUMSJSM Outreach Progran on Food SqIery "Indonesian Microbial Resoutces: DiversiD and GtobalInpaa ' lF.} W SYNTHETIC DYE DECOLORIZATION USING IMMOBILIZED WHITE-ROT FLINGI TR4,UET',S I/ERSICOLOR TN CORN COB AND SUCARCANE BAGASSE AS SUBSTRATE 8. 9. - 10. 1I. Suhardi................. Suci Ramdania, Cella Rahrna Cariss4 Sri Harjati EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON FUNGI ISOLATION Kristiningrum, Mia Rusmiyati, Denih, Yoshio Watanabe, Hardaning Pranamuda, Bambang I3. 301 Marwoto 302 MOLECULAR AND BIOCHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF AN ALKALIPHILC BACTERIA ISOLAIED FROM LOCAI, HOT SPRING CIMANGGU, WEST JAVA Maria Ulfah, Is Helianti, Niknik Nurhayati...................... COMPARISON OF EXPRESSION OF CELLULASE CENE FROM BICIZIUS LICHENTFO\?]UI]S FII CLONED IN ESCHENCHU COUIAND BACILLUS MEGATENUM Is Helianti, Lina Mulyawati, Maria Ulfah, Niknik Nurhayati .......................... POTENCY OF THE BACTERIAL CONSORTIA FORMULAAS STARTER FOR THE TREATMENT SYSTEM OF RIVER THAT CONTAMINATED LAPINDO MUDFLOW TO SUPPORT POND WATER IN SIDOARJO Endang 12. ... 303 304 Suarsini.... 305 DETERGENT DEGRADER BACTERIA IMI\4OBILIZATION IN TRICKLE BED REAKTOR EMPLOYED FOR LINEAR ALKYLBENZENE SULFONATE REMOVAL Ayu Mutiara Hapsari, Sri Harjati Suhardi.................. AMPLIFICATION,CHARACTERIZATION,AND 306 STRUCTUREPREDICTION OF PCPEY.IlP GENE OF PENICIZ LIUM CHRYSOGENUM FROM BIOTECH CENTER BPPT COLLECTION 14. I5. Dudi Hardianto, Anna Salhrrida, Hardaning Pranamuda, Bambang Marwoto, and Sasmito Wulyoadi .............. PRODUCTION OF BIOETHANOL FROM OLD TRUNK OF PALM OIL USING HOT COMPRESSED WATER 17 . 18, 307 Suyantc, Kotetsu Matsunaga, Hiroyuki Inoue, Kinya Sakanishi...................... IDENTIFICATION AND ISOLATION MICROALGAE FROM MALANG, EAST JAVA, AS EARLY STEP TO SEARCH THE RENEWABLE B]OLOGICAL RESOURCES Prabaningtyas, 16. ... 308 Sitolesrni 309 ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF INULINASE PRODUCING BACTERIA FROM HOT SPRINCS IN SOLOK WEST SUMATRA MindaAzhar, Sumaryati Syukur, Dessy Natalia, Jamsari, Vovien........................................ 310 ISOLATION OF RARE ACTINOMYCETES WITH HIGH TEMPERATURE DRY HEATING METHOD FROM INDONESIAN SOIL Fuji NurulAnami, Yudhie Istianto, Siti Handasah, Yoshio Watanabe, Hardaning Pranamuda and Bambang Marwo1o...................... 3l I SCREENING OF CELULOLYTIC MICROBE FROM INDONESIA'S MARINE ENVIRONMENT - 19. Ifah Munifah, Yusro Nuri Fawzya and Ekowati Chasanah CITOTOXICITY ASSAY OF ENDOPHYTIC FUNGI ISOLAIED FROM MEDICINAL PLANT IN EAST LOMBOK BY BRINE SHRIMP LETHALITY TEST Erwahyuni Endang Prabandari, Tun Tedja Irawadil, Wahono Sumaryono, Khaswar 312 Syamsu 313 Bali - Indonesia | 22'd - 24'h June 2011 | xxiii The 44 lnternotional " lhdofiesian 20. seninar oJ Indonesia socieryfor Miyobiotogt and IIJMSJSM outreach progran on Food saJery Microbial Resow,ces: Diversity and Glolal lnpact,' ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICAIION OF LACTIC ACID BACTERIA ISOLATED FROM BALI CATTI,E Ni Putu Desy Aryantini, Ni Wayan Nursini, Komang Ayu Nocianitri,yan Ramona, 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. Yuji Oda, Tadasu Urashima, Redi Aryanta, I Nengah Sujaya EFFECT OF AERATION TO THE GROWTH OF DEFINED FUNGI.CONSORTIA AT LOW PH 314 Farah, Jamhuri, Ahrnad Fauzi, Diana l.{urani and Koesnandar 315 ISOLATION AND IDENTIFICATION OF CHITINOLYTIC BACTERIA FROM SEA WATER IN WEST SUMATERAFOR FEED PROCESSING Maria E. Mahata, tresnawati Purwadaria. and Marlina IMMOBILIZED LACTOBACILLUS ACIDOPHILUS FNCCII' AND BACILLUS LICHENIFOLUTS FI I.4 FOR DEMINERALIZATION AND DEPROTEINATION OF CHITIN FROM SHRIMP WASTE Ofa Suzanti Betha, Siswa Setyahadi, Herman Suyadi RESPONSE OF OIL PALM (ELAEIS GUIINENSIS JACQ) SEEDLINGS INOCULATED WITH ARBUSCULAR MYCORRFIIZAL FLINGI AND MYCORRHIZAL ENDOSYMBIOTIC BACTERIA BICIZ LUS SUBTILIS 2T06 TOWARDS BIOTIC STRESS OF FUNGAL PATHO3EN GANODERT1A BOI,trINENSE PAT Yenni Bakhtiar, Sudirman Yahya, Wahono Sumaryono, Meity Suradji Sinaga 3t7 and Sri Wilarso Budi 318 ESTIMATION OF EXPIRY DATE OF BIOPESTICIDE WITH ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK MODELING Diana Dewi, Erwahyuni E. Prabandari, Suyanto, dan Dyah Noor Hidayati xxl l 316 Bali - Indonesiq | 22d - 24th June 20ll 319 The 4h International Se,ninar oflndohesia Society on Food Saiety ''lndonesian Microb@t Resources: Diverety and Globallthpact" lor Mictobiolog ond IUMSJSM Outrcach Progran 6Fa r€:g CHARACTERIZATION OF SAMONELLA TYPHI ISOLAIE,S BY USING NUMERICAL SYSTEMATIC ANALYSIS OF THEIR SDS.PAGE PROTEIN PROFILES Charis Amarrntini Biologl Depa nent, Dlia Wacana Chrislian Uniretsiy Jalan dr llahidin Sudirohusodo 5-19. yog)oka d.55224.lndonesia. Phone: +62-274-563929, Fax: + 62-274-5 I 3235, Enail: [email protected] ABSTRACT A total of six isolates of Salmonella typhi ficnl the l)pho;d fever patient were characterized by *hole-cell protein profiles using sodiurl dodecyl sulf'ate-pol1,i,crylamide gel eleclrophoresis (SDS-PAGE). The proliles ofthe protein fingerprintiDg based on the visualization ofprotein prolile using SDS-P,A.GE wer! convcrted into a binary data thatproduced a phenetic coffelation dendogram. The binary data were prepared in Progmmmer's File Editor (PFE) software and the data were analyzed using the MVSP PlusVersion 2.0 using the Ss- co€lllcicnt. Clusteriig \!as achicved using the UPGMA algoridrm- A nurnerical classification offie protcin profilcs showed i\io distinct clusters at 89.7% sinrilarit) level. The firrt cluster comprised iour strairs lvit'h thc similarity level of96.67,. $ hile the second cluster consisted of t\\,o strains with the similarity value of94.97. As the results of the phcnetic numericai analysis, delrdogranr has a discrinrinative resolution until strain level and can be used to classify.l 4Pri strains. All o[the isolatcs formed apparent center ofdiversity rvith the reference strain S. tp], NCTC 786. This finding proved that the six isolates belonged to rhe species ofS.O,p/ri suBgesting by their relatedness with the refererce strain ofS. o,p,ii NCTC 786 Keyvords: S.;rroliel/a ipri, numerical systematic, SDS-PAGE. INTRODUCTION Clraractcrization plays an impoftant role as a part olthe miclobial classification. In aitempt to obtain the knowledge in terms of taxorromic relationship, it is necessary to use a numerical systematic analysis in the process ol'classifi cation. A nurnber ofciifferent methods have been used for typing microbial. According to Priest and Austin ( I 993), the component ofchrornosomal DNA, ribosomal RNA, proteins, cell wal1, membrane and Inetabolite products of the cell can be used for identification and characterization of nricrobial. The protein profile obtained after electrophoresis has allowed in the identification, classification, and also reclassification of numerous strains, species and genera ofbacteria (H'fling et al. 1999). The numerical taxonomic method gave an equal value to every character, thus the closeness oftwo organisms (called Operational Ta.xonomical Units: OTUs) indicated a resemblance proportion function of the strains, which were phenetic and not phylogenetic (Logan 1994). The main principle ofthis numerical taxonomy rvas the use ofa large number ofbiological characten ofan organism (OTU). This large quantity helped produce a lot of infoimation of the tested OTU in order to get reproducible and full infonnation classifications (Vatdarnme et al. 1996). This numerical systematic apploach was expectedly able to ilcrease the ciassification systern significantly and be more effective than what conventional-traditional classification system could do that treated each stmin unequally or which subjectively chooses a single character (Logan 1994; Sembiring 2004). Sqhnonello enterica subsp. enterico serotype Typhi (.!a/zonella enterica serovat Typh|, Salnlonella typhi) is the agent ofthis typhoid fever. This fever is pathogenic only to human beings and it lemains the biggest epidenriologic problern in tropical areas, including Indonesia (Parry et a|.2002; Moehario 2009). Its clinical symptorns are extremely diverse. This condition makes it difncult to estimate the incidence rale of this fever. There are estiinated l7 to 22 million cases oftyphoid fever worldwide per year and it causes 216,000 to 600,000 deaths annually (Crump e/ a/. 2003; Olsen 2004; Steele 2008). Sohnonella typhi is belong to Enterobacteriqceae farnily (Holt et al. 1994). As a member of the family of Enterobacteriaceae, it is important to use the usefulness ofthe technique for screening S. ryP&i that can differetiated this bacteria from the other member of Enterobacleriaceae fan;Lily (Amaruntini et al. 2009a). Previous lesearch showedthat characterization the S. 4,pri isolates derived fromtheblood culture of typhoid patients in Southwest Sumba District EastNusa Tenggara based on phenotypic characteristic using API 20E and API50CHE diagnostics were extremely diverse (Amarantini e/ a/. 2009b). In microbiological analysis associated with the epidemiological outbreaks, it is crucial to have amore delailed characterization Bali - Indonesia | 22d - 24'h June 2011 183 4h lntetualiohal Seninat of Indonesia Societylor Microbiolog/ ahd |UMSJSM Outreach Progran on Food SaJely "lndonesian Micrcbial Resources: DiversiO, ahd Clobal pacl" me I and an accurate identification (Aqik e, a/. 2005). Msualization ofprotein bands on SDS-PAGE can be used tbr building a data bank for identification (Logan 1994). Diversity and the amount ofprotein produced in sorne bacteria are estlrrrated to reach 2000 and it u,as believed to provide sufficient data for developing identification and typing based on comparative analysis of protein and polypeptide profiles (Towner and Cockayne 1995). Based on the given rationale ofthe available literature, it was indispensable to have accurate data and a strong discriminative ability to diflerentiate the strains ofthe pathogenic bacteria in epidemiological study. Therelore this study was done in order to characterize the isolates belonging to the,S.,7pri species derived from the blood culture oftyphoid patients in Souihwest Sumba District East Nusa Tenggara using combination of SDS-PAGE ofwhole-cell protein with nuinerical systematic analysis. MATERIALS AND METTIOD Bacterial strains and grorvth conditions Six isolates of.9, ryp,lrj used in this research isolated from the blood culture ofthe typhoid patients from the Karitas Hospital, a private clinic Elopada in East Wewewa Subdistrict in Southwest Sumba District, and LenCe Moripa Flospital in Waikabubak, West Surnba District. Specimen collections and microbiological identification metlrods u ele described in thejournal article published previously (Amaraltiri et al.20094 2009b). AII cultures rvere grown at 30"C for 2.1 h on Brain Heart Infusion (BHI) agar before used. Preparation of soluble rvhole-cell proteins For each culture, a loopful of ovemiglrt groun on BHI agar was cultivated 100 ml BHI broth and incubated on a shaking incubator (150 rpm) for l8 h. Cells rvere harvested by centrifugation (3000 g/20 rnin) and washed thtee tirnes with 0.1 M cold Phosphate Buffer Saline (PBS) solution pH 7,4. The pellets were dissolved in 1.5 rnl PBS and then it was disrupted with sonicator for 30 seconds,6 cycles, and keeping the amplitude on 0,7. These preparation were transferred to microfuge tubes and centrifuged at 13.000 rpm, 20 rnin at 4 'C. The supernatants rvere collected and incutrated at -20'C befote used. SDS-PAGE Profile of soluble whole-cell protein was visualized by using SDS-PAGE (Bollag.and Edelstein l99l ). The SDS-PAGE was canied out using l0% (w/v) linear slab gelf,Acry-brsacry (30:0,8) 3,333 ml; Tris HCI lM (pH 8,8) 3,75 mi; 1096 SDS 100 pl; TEMED 10 Al; d(H2O) steril2,707 ml) and 5olo stacking gel lAcry-bisacty (30:0,8) 0,83i ml; Tris I{Cl I N't (pH 6,6) 0,625 ml; l0% SDS 5 pl; d(H2O) steril 3,437 mll. The protein concentmtion was determined by Bradford's methods and adjusted to 30 gg/ml. Equal vclume ofsupematant and loading buffer (5 mM Tris, 2.5olo 2-mercaptoethanol, 1.5% SDS,0.025% bromophenol blue) were combined and heated in a boiling water bath lor 2 minutes. Subsequently, the samples were electrophoresed for 3 h at 80 mV using small electrophoresis chaurber (Bio-Rad, USA). In each run a wide range molecular weight marker (Fermentas SM066l) and the reference strain.S. 4pii NCTC 786 were included. The gels rvere stained in 0.1% Coomassie Brilliant Blue R250 (Sigma) in methanol:acetic acid: distilled water (6:2:12) lor overnight with gentle shaking. After that, the gels were destained in methanol: acetic acid:distilled water (5: t :4) with gentle shaking until the bands became visible. Numerical systematic analysis ofthe protein profiles Each protein band visualized on the gel were was analyzed quantitatively by using clustering method. The matches and mismatches among the bands originated from presence and absence of such bands were converted into a negative or positive value and it was presented in form of an n x t. The binary data were prepared in Programmer's File Editor (PFE) software. The data were analyzed using the Multi-Variate Statistical Package (MVSP) Plus-Version 2.0 (Kovach 1990) using the Sr" (Srz?le Matching Coeficient) coefficient. Clustering rvas achieved using the UPGMA algorithm (Sneath and Sokal 1973) and tlle result was presented as dendogram (Sembiring2002). 84 | Bali - Indonesia | 22"d - 24'h June 2011 The 4!h International Seminar oflndonesia SocietyJot Microbiolog) and IUMSJSM Outeach Progran on Food SaJety "Indonesian Mictobial Resources: Diversitv ahd Gtobat l.poa' @ Vl RESULTS Figure I sholved the soluble whole-cell protein profiles of ,S. 6/p,lri isolates obtained by SDS-PACE. These isolates were RSK 5.I-MC, RSK 32.1-CCA, RSL 2.1-CCA, BPE 88.1-CCA, BPE 120.1-MC, RSL 3.1-SSA. To facilitate quantiflcatior of visualization of whole-cell protein bands on SDS-PAGE, representative diagram illustrating the pattem ofsoluble whole-cell protein bands was made (Fig. 2). Result ofgrouping rvhole-cell protein profiles was analyzed using S* coefficieut and the UPGMA algorithm. It was presented in dendogram at Figure 3. Figure l. Visualization ofwhole-cell protein bands on SDS-PAGE. (A). RSK 5.1-MC, (B). RSK 32.1-CCA, (C). RSL 2.1-CCA, (J). BPE 120.1-MC, (G). BPE 88.1-CCA, (Q). RSL 3.1-SSA and (R). Reference strain: J. iyphiNCTC 786. kD, 20ll 70 kD. 6{ koa 50l(oa r 120 IOO 85 kDa koa koa 30 kl,a 25 koa 20 - k|r - l:- ::- ::- = ====== - = = ABC R Figure 2. The representative diagram illustrating the pattem ofwhole-cell protein bands (A). RSK 5.1MC, (B). RSK 32.1-CCA, (C). RSL 2.1-CCA, (J). BPE 120.1-MC, (C). BPE 88.1-CCA, (Q). RSL 3.1SSA and (R). Reference strain: S. typhiNCTC786. Bqli - Indonesia | 22'd - 24'h June 2011 | 85 The 4' lnternaticnal Seminar oflhdohesia SocielyJd Mictobiolog) and IUMS-ISM Outreach Prcgram ofi Food Safety " lhdonesian Microbial Resources: Di',Yrsily and Globol lnPacl" Similarity (%) Figure 3. Dendogram ofthe six isolates ofS. rypli from Southwest Sumba District, East Nusa Tenggara and the reference strain (,S. fpfii NCTC 786) based on the analysis cf protein fingerprints using Sr" coefficient and UPGMA algoritlm. RSK 5,: SSA RSK 32.1 CCA RSL 2,1 CCA BPE 1t0.1 r"tc BPEEg.I CCA RSL 3.1 $SA S. tjrriI{CTC 780 Similarity (%) Figure 4. The dendogram that indicated phenetic relationships among ofthe six isolates of S. typhi from Southwest Sumba District, East Nusa Tenggara and the reference strain (S. Drpii NCTC 786) based on phenotypic characterization using API 20E and API 50CHE diagnostics (Arnarantini 2010). The electrophoretic whole-cell protein pattern of S. typhi isolates (Fig. 1) were quite sirnilar with some variability, particularly within a range molecular weight between 50,000Da and 120,000Da (Fig. 2). Two isolates (BPE 88.1 CCA and RSL 3.1 SSA) showed a different pattern with four other isolates (RSK 5.1-MC; RSK 32.|-CCA; RSL 2.1-CCA; BPE 120.1-MC). However, the reference strain (S.4?ri NCTC 786) appeared to have the most distinct protein prcfiles compared with the six isolates tested. The application of UPGMA ctustering method showed two distinct clusters with 0.82t'% 5 S.", 5 I .0roo%. The first cluster divided into two subclustet s. It contained tbur isolates (RSK 5.1-MC; RSK 32.1 ' CCA; RSL 2.1-CCA; BPE 120.1-MC) in the first subcluster and two isolates (BPE 88.1 CCA and RSL 3.1 SSA) in the second subcluster. The reference strain (S typhi NCTC 86 I Bali - Indonesia | 22d - 24'h June 20ll 7 86) alone fonned the second cluster. Ptogam The 4k tnternarional Seminar of Indonesia societr lor Microbiotog) dhd I(IMSJSM outreach :: i:i!:9, s) tmPact @ 'lndonesian llrcrobial Dircrsib) and trlobat and the referel"::11n The first cluster were well separated from the second cluster. The S.4,Pri isolates group with S typhi NCTO formed a clearly distinct group in S. ryrr,hl strains. They were merged into one 786 on the similarity value of 82. t% (Fig. 3). DISCUSSION systematic In the present study six isolates S. typhi werc analyzed using SDS-PAGE and numedcal isolates-of'S' the six that (Fig' 3) showed analysis. The dendogram based on protein ingerprinting analysis l!.'oo*' typii belonged to the group of S. 4,p&, NCTCIS6 in their similatity index value of 0.8232% 5 S* S These of 82.1olo. value i-h"r" isoluies merged into on" g-rp with S flpfti NCTC ?86 on the si,rilarity Johnson and Sreath (0 8) ploposed by values rvere in agrei,rent t ith the r',ini,r,,r, vaiue ofclassiftcation that classify these isolates ilrto the 'l research previous with in line was this study of (1972). The resu-lt s1'stems (Amarantini et al' 2009a' 2009b; Amarantini 4,7rh species based on API 20E and API 50CFIE phylogenetic analysis that proved these isolates fionithe obtained 2010). The similar fi'ding was also with the type strain S D'P'i ATCC 19430r their relatedness by belong to the species ofs. ,)pri suggesting u'ere identified as a ntember of S. tvphi the isolates all of (a.oiuntini ei al. 20,,1). ftiut, it lioveO 1tlat species. previous researches sho\ved that SDS-PACE combined with a systematic numerical analysis was comparative analysis of able to provide sufficieut data to develop a typing and identificatior based on al' 2005; Aksakal2010)' protein profiles (Hd fling et al.l999; Berber2004; Rodrigues et a'l 2004: Agik et i[ electrophoresis can These results shou,ed that taxononic resolution obtained using protein fingerprinting ploved that plotein ptofile be used for subtl..pir,g u,ithin a single species ofbacteria. Sone resear-cher also of Proteus using SDS-pACi nethod can alio used to diflerentiate strains of.Bacil/as species, strains 1987)' Yousten and Cokrnus 1993; e/ 41. costas (Berber 2004; sp haericus ,pe"i-"r, and strains of.Drrciltas a discrimination resolulion Tlre given fact showed that protein proflles obtained fi-om SDS-PAGE provide strains' typhi the untillhe strain level and therefore can be used lor classifying 'S (Fig' 3l The dendogram rvhich ate constructed based on protein fingerprinting analysis Bd' using API 20E and characterization typological resemilrnce with the dendogram derived from phenotypic ei,f sfoHg diagnostics, even though th-ere were differences in the value of similarity (Amarantini 2010)' two clusten'-The As it can be observed in Figure 4, t-he phenetic nurnerical analysis clearly also showed 120'l MC)which first cluster consisted ofsix isolates (RSf S.t SSa; nSf:2.1 CCA; RSL 2.1 CCA; BPE protein fingerprinting anall'sis. The was also a member ofthe first cluster in the dendogmm obtained from All of the isolates form a new second cluster consisted of only s o,pri NCTC 786 as a referencc strain. and it had a similar typology center ofdiversity within the S. 47:iispecies on the similarity value of94.5% cluster composition based fiISt to the With regard p.ofile. rvitl.r dendogram which is formJ using protein "fi,gerprinti,g RSL 2.1 CCA) had the CCA a.d (RSK 32-l which analysis, twi lsolates of o,., legion that was frort same the f;om sarne similarity value that was egual to 100%. Both isolates were thal the analysis indicated data Kodi Sub-distiict in Southwest Sumba District East Nusa Tenggara. This an effective provide analysis of electrophoretic profiles of protein associated with numeiical systetnatic approach to investigate oftaxonomic relatinships within S typhi strains' for the studies This researclihas produced scientific i^foitnation which enriches the basic knowledge numerical systematic biosystematics of s. typhi. with the finding oftltis lesearch, it u,as coucluded that ,rpri strains. This ofS. assesment for taxonomic analysis of SDS-pACi ofwhole cell proteins is useful the strains. It also distinguish to ability methods produced an accurate data and a strong discriminative study. in epidemiological needed could improve a lot of inforrration about the taxonomic lelationship ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to thank my supervisors Prof. Widya Asmara, Ph D', dr' Haripumomo Kuhadiwijaya' MPH.,Dr.PH,andDrs.LangkahSembiring,MSc.,Ph.D.atGajahMadaUnivelsityJogiakarta.Aspecial Moripa Hospital gratitude goes to Karitas Ho;pital in weetJula in Southwest sumba Regency and Lende the samples' in waikabubak in west sumba Regency East Nusa Tenggara for their assistance in collecting Bali - Indonesia | 22N - 24'h June 20ll 181 Senirur of |hdonesia SocietyJot Mictobiolog) and |UMSISM Oulrcach Progran on Food SaJely "Indonesian Microbial Resources: Diwrsity and Global lnpdct" The 46 lntematiohal I should also thank Rev. Sr. Sili BoukaADM-the Director of Kadtas Hospital, dr. 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