l - Esic.nic.in
l - Esic.nic.in
EMPLOYEES STATE INSURANCE CORPORATION PANCHDEEP BHAWAN: eIG MARG, NEW DELHI NO.Q-11/24/Audit/2006/RRC. Dated: 27/5/20'\ 'j To All Regional Director/Jt. Director(l/c)/Director(l/c), E.S.I. Corporation, Regional Office/Sub-Regional Office, Sub: Fixation of Annual Recovery target for the year 2011-12 reg. Sir, I am directed to refer the discussion of last RDs/Director(l/c)/JD(I/G~i) meeting held at Indore on & 21 st April 2011 wherein it was decided that ROs/SRCs who have achieved their recovery target for 2010-11, their target will be fixed by 100/0 more than the last year target and ROs/SRCs who have not achieved their last year target, the target for 2011-12 will be same as fixed for last year. Accordingly target for the year 2011-12 has been fixed for recovery of Rs. 136.00 Crores. The Region/Sub-Region-wise details are enclosed in Annexure-A'. zo" RDs./Director(l/c)/Jt. Director(l/c) are advised to take all necessary steps to achieve the revenue recovery target and send monthly progress report of recovery to Hqrs. by 10th of the each month. This issues with the approval of Insurance Commissioner. Yours faithfully, ~~') Jt. Director(R) Sheetl ANNUAL REVENUE RECOVERY THE YEAR 2011-12 ----~~--~---.---- -- TARGET OF RO's/SRO's FOR ( Rs. In Crores) 1JA_n.9hra Praj~sh __2 __~v]aya.~~d_a__ 3 iAssam --~ Target fixed for 2011-121 (incl. Visakhapatanam) I ~__ !~~:~~hand---~- - =-~~_ ·__;_$;;eda~_~~--===~·~.-l~~___ IBaroda ---9-----rc:-:-:10 [Surat -- -------.--r---- . ---------- ----- 11 Haryana 12 IGurgaon - - ----. I --.-.- :M.P. -- --.- -. - -.- - -- I ._.-------.J 1.56 - - ----~---I__- __~_____ I I 0.34 8.12 - I -------.-----1 3.74 - ---- 24 Thane _~S.Nagpu;.------- 1 ------1 J 2.91 2.86 1iAurangabad --------- i 1.05 ..-- u_______ ~~~~i~~a ~~ I ;8 23-- T;Marol ..-.--.---. --- _____26 1.55* -------, 1 .99 -, I I ~:~~ 1~ _....!.IS.~!9.rn_ JC.h.h.a~tisgarh.__ Mumbai I .-----------l _-.- -- 20- __~ ----~~~-------I - --- 21 22 ----l 1.56* '.~~J~~:iaLJ~m-~-~~-I =l ----.---- ..------------~--- ~-*-l~~~pa?andra I 1.80 .---~-----------j 0.46 ·--~!--i~t~~;~~~=------==~----"--------- : 1.23 1.19 5.21 --------- -----~- ,----·--f·--------- 4.01 ~:~~ '-6_=Jt>~IhT~-~_~= I -~ --- _SI.N~Jc;)n~____________ -------1--- II ~:~~---~ ~::~-----=1 ~~~a~T:n~ncILJ~l~gIa'an(fhar) 31--~H~P.------~- 0.42~--1 1 ----1- 32 ---~------ U &. K, 0.59 --~- --.-------. __~3__ LR.91Clsth_a~ 3. 65 . 34_~jc:1ipur _ __ 35 Chennai __ . 37 _ Pcndic~~rl)'_ ~ ! --- 1 1.11__ =:] 0.49 ~~~~~~~~~~~-----------~.----40 Tirur-elveli --- ----- - - ---.-------- 41 42 _._.- ._--------- va.anasi 43UEranchal --1-- --- - ----.----- j:~~ 1 3.23 ----- ----------- 0.83 -----~ ----- -. --_ ..- _45_."Nest Be..ng.-C3. -. -- 46 _~a~rackpor~ 47 Rohini _____ . . J. _ _ _ ~ _ __ 2.31 1.19 _... • _ _ __ ____ 1.37 ------------11 1...54:._ ' ---r-------.J.o~-r.~r~--d.-.~ __ _~~_j2kh!a ; ·--------~-iO-8---1 ----~--- . _ 44_JNOIDA- ITOT A~ --- ------------- I I _ -------- U.P. (incl. Lucknow) ~ -------~ 1.03 13.66 --- }6_Salem i --_._-_._---1 _ _ _ L---..-. " _ J l·6} 136.00 ..... I ~ *Provisioilctl target due to difference in recoverable amount intimated by R.O. & SRO. n_._ .....1