02/10/1906 - Atlantic County Library System
02/10/1906 - Atlantic County Library System
. COUNTY+ N. J.. MAY’S LANDING. . Primarily the treat reason for edumtiqg_’the young is that they may be ~aade good dtigen& : The public school ~ystems of the country are not found~d-with a view to training the boy In mr!y Ilfe’ln-a manner to make him n "good bustne~ man" when he grows to maturitY, They are founded and main. ¯ . 7 lained-because %he country has need:of |ood ettizetm---~ In whom pahas been the cause of many Irtotlam and honesty shall not be enMrely Subordinated - to the love of ~oney making. Therefore lt’l.9 .dlsap. $.~tnting to he~" a l,,~,der In the worY ef child education IflV~ tongue to sen~meats ¯lmllar to those expressed by the president of. the Illinois State Teachers’: Assodation¯t Springfield .when he sa{d: "It /~ better to develop.clear heads and ¯tiff backbones than warm hearts." There’is nothing the matter with.the backbone and no lack of clear" --4 q ness in the head of the average American. The fierce competitive llfe ha.q -eared for the development of these paxt& It’htm made the Amerlean~the 4 Writefor ¯informationof Policies leader in the ~material things of the world. ~He ¯ees more clearly the "road to. money and travel¯ the road more directly and with a stiffer backbone than the men of any Other race. Asa type he is the. mo¯t e~cient money, making machine in existence. This acquired ability:in money making, however,, has. lnoo~emt.das g Oteek Cemptpyby. tJ~._ 8~te e~ NawJ.~.~ brought with it many of the evils that JOHN . F. DRYDEN. PRESIDENT. are. being thrtmbed~- out in courts .atl ~.~RREST L~ D.’ WARD, VICE F. DRYDIi~N, 2nd. PRESIDENT, vICE PRESIDENT, newspapers all over’the country. -For ~".kCOB ET~’ARD, 3rd¯ 3,’]CE PRESIDE~N’T, with this ckmr minded, stiff backboned :_ WILBUR S. JOHNSON, 4th"V. P¯ & COM~PROLLER, " RICHARD" V. LL~DAB’URY. GENL COUNSEL, , ability has come a dulled conscience , -. EDWARD..GRAY, KECRETARY. knd an atrophy of the flner.setmibiliflea, John D, Rockefeller in adrfslng "¯’Jk. "l~[¯-HIg"b~’~ 2Assistant SupeHntendent. Room~, Burkl~avd Bulldin~, ¯ Bhore Road arid Washington Av@nue. Pleamantville.-~. J. " . : the young, man who wishes to ¯ucceed Theodore W. Schlm0L District Manager--Ordinary Department, ~I Law Buflding, Atlantic. N. J¯to deny himself all happy intercourse . _ . "~"0’) " o~ with .his fellow-men effectively lllu.s.trated this development of character-_ . the character that has the clear mind and the stiff backbone, but no warm -UNTFtAMMt~I.~D ~Y FA6HION~ heart. A clear mind and a stiff backbone[ -The. countryIs full of .them. ~’~mom Who ]~omMht EmomMhClotho~ They are to be found wherever wealth When Ellaab@th Patterson Bonaparte and power have thek" abode. They of Baltlmor~ wife of NapoIeon’s brothmake successful men, but it is .being the ww-" er and ~ndmother of oar present proved dall~ that they do not necesMaced on.any mariner’s ~cretary of the Nary, tet~ed to her sarily, make good-cltizens~ It Is th¯ t~e Arizona desert, and narlve country to mKk9 it her home, warm.heart th~tt weneed more in our wherea well: supplies .~he alffnalised by one chara~terlsflc-act nation’a] life- Sympathy, humaultariant9 travelers. her farewell to the elegance and taste Ism, patriotis-m~ honesty. These are the of a herd of the smallest I of the gay European cai~.ltais~n~whlch, attrtbut ,ester the warm heart.. To sugthe ~¯v.rld--tbey~re only l If never recognized as -a "royalprincess. gest that the school children of the . Inches high at th’e’ wlt.ers--- i she had always, wlthher flashing wit counkry be taught to regard them as w to be seen at the Natural ,His-I- and extraordinary beauty, reigned as things that. should be shunned is a ~eri_tory Museum at Soulh. Kensington, i ~ social quean. England. ’ Khe bought In Paris quantities o~ An.oddadvertisement appearsiu a I Hch cIothlngof all klnd~ and especial-. German newspaper,ii~=whicha tempt-.Ily tw~ve Incomp¯rablel~gnnets,whlcl lag .offer Is ma__de in these w~rds: i she declared were to last her. for not do sq life- Theydid "¯¯Anybody who ta pioc"a is DFFE£TiV[ FORESIGHT persons neglectilig LifeInset, ance.-Ge/your: foresight in theright’focuslwhilethere maybe time, andattk your signature to an,application at. ’ once. The Prudential ". SATURDxY.: FEBRTTARY . TKE OLD H0~ L An oldlar .A In ¯_ Down Thrdugh "Mid be~ I hear il~ To air old-gate¯ al} uhl +hot,.se bya tree. a wild brook--th,:y will not let me he~ I knew them nnd still they.call to me. - . .. lli’my heari:s cure 1-near ~em, and my. eyes ’ mists behold these, beneath the old time¯ sldes, a~i~l rose 1,1osSo~m a~d orchard lands, aris~ and hcartsJ,:k wJth.:longtngh~ my ~so~ .... to dream there, l~neath’7~he sky’s blue II~|.:.: within me. the weary world made ¯whole. -- lth the wild brook of all-the long ago; To talk - ~=: To whlsp " the :wood willd of things we used. to knqw when we were .old companions, b~fore my heart knew woe. To wa~ To To lie wit the morning and watch It~.~,o~ unfold: with the noontide lulled on its heart of g01d| the nl~hlti.me and. dream the dresma of old. : T~0tell the old+trees, and. to+ each l]sten~ff leaf, ¯ The longi!ng,the year~Ing,aa In my boyhood.brlef,. : The old h the old love, would _ea¯~my+ll~ of,gritL ;" -~- ........ The old It no, the old_gate, the old house by-the tri~, Phe wild In --Criterion. .=; ._.; : *= ~:*" " INSURANCE CO.OFAMERICA. Home Office,Newark, N. J. Ili SACRIfICE:OF A ter. 8he "But we must ter Hllda Imlm folly not to~ Carslake has particularly ask~ millionaire, t- I oDce with wonderful work and gold end aged lful. - ,ff unusual beauty, ~ffglish barriste÷i arguing before the poke brir~ :and curling court, says Answers. re¯ ozne one of the famous doUn..benwith mut’h solemnity to the nets. JustiCes: t’~31.y is#d, there Is Women of less note-,tl~ Mad-ame among Lhje~;es¯" Thq : justice " Bdhaparte have ¯ometlmes,ILkb her,. " at- him se~"erel).’v-- "’There is ~everedsuddenlythe bonds:hifashion. -In sea water," he replied. "but New Englandfamily0’f flve-~Isters cannot ’be extracted in profitable 0nc~. did so¯. l~letir~g: flq~"clty hte ta t, t~e Seclu¯ion of a country home- lands as iuexhaustll~le. It is begin~KII~A w :l~inese do not take to horse a: stead, they, too,’purchase~l ~ before mov- sing to appear that the end Iswithin /.l~ut .’they.:tmve "~-ildly exciting Ing clothes.e~,ough to Ig, tt a lifetime. ¯ lght. The congestion of population in .their ~n on.~hic.h mwager- Thelrs,moreover,whlc-h’:were bought cities Is one of the noteworthy phe- Iresses cripple th The+ two ~)~e t~h~L~x:~a:hsh’¯-7There ar~ the ,luring the moat extravagant period of nomen~ of the .past thirty or_more Lived In s tiny -,.rlnollne, really did ldst,: years. -Naturally, we would expect tt ~gh_~at. ~on~~ong. tor In~ma ll~Hllage - .Mffn_fn~v~_~U.~s of people Long after the hideous hdrrors of to be-~accompauled by a diminished ~0m-CantCv~ to,Hung Kong Lh, t tlme had abatedth¢y were never flow tbward- private ownership " of together with an them In ! port¯ cket =hem- ~,~-i~wlthskirtsundlst~ndedby enor- lands~ and for Some years in the-lat~ nursed looked afte~ are ~’alued b~" 4heir.owners at mous hoops. Even when-the others ter part. of the ¯last century this was lands+ were tO pri- Amy wa¯ were In the garden weedink and dig- acres - l~’ices,, a:vletortous insect true. o~i!~Ublic -In 1898 "only aboutsold 8,500,000 the constant ~imetiu/es -hundreds of dolglng in the necessaryfreedomof loose ends meet. vate pt/i, ehasere. But by 1901 the ~gownand Jacket,one sister,carefully ]~oOped, sa~[ert at. the window, ready number"of aeres sold had doubled and ...It-.~ calculated that h~ .Londonto warn them to fly shouM a passer-by 19o3It ro.e to near~v 23,OOO,0OO about tour thousand persons acres. " The reports of ¯albs for last ;~me down the road. make a ]~l.ving by-begging; ;ear and the current year are not at The last survivor of Ithe five was the av6rage income for each hand, but from a great varietyof :sag aillng-befor~¯hbr dea~a~ but nefth$7.50 m w_e~.k, or together nurse-would she private sourcea, withln this yea-r cape- rgw social year;. Last-- year ;er for doctor ’tier now, .at modify he~ costume. eially( there have come accounts of a b~t about two thousand persons were at~ flg-~i~g for ¯ ’When I take tbmy..chamber, l’}l rush of land seekers and buyers ~u one for begging In the: streets oftton ifi Perc ;nke. to a bedgown,:: abe told them, way or6nother all over the we~er~ ~ondon and many of them were p0sMr. Richard "and when I take to my coffin, portion’ of our eountrywhere :e~-llt." ~f considerable sums of .money tartly, ¯ --= -.’.m3Tnv~aire, had 1"11 taketo a shroud; but aa long as I public lands are for sale. Bo ~r "~ ~’~’~ ~ri~h of hank book¯ showlr/g bandlhe~e land-seekers look m.good,f~ith ;tW9 girls, ~’ ~m~t ~lt against pillows! In, my parlor )me deposits. ones under-the ~ to "making heroes and putting the !~Y.-Sin~then~ and receive my vl¯lto~ I .wtll dress A---l~eneh lawyer whose sport Is lands-to individual us~ In p~ou ..... a~ a lady should di"e~l. 0fl~rs’ma)’ tlooning~ thinks it a- mild. snf~ and "do as they_.pleas~; t~;’my’, e~ a wont-:this is akhopefu) and helpful ptoee~ IdOn~ to?al!, in ex21~enslvedl v~’.,¢lon. for the ~ole peo~)le, hut it is believed, ~.~uaa s an without her hoop-skfl’t looks unditv ~L~L~ hsc~nts without sifted, if not improper.. L.do not, ap- that a ~ry large part of the Inq~Rry way o~. himself¯ A well-m~tde halhard-to have to give It =ddo ofprojected-fsliC’aye, prove of gowns~Ll~tt bang loose like an is In~:he,~terest will ,l~t=~en )-~a}s;tonger th~fi~ i~aH+ for the sake of a i~- " o~, among the regiens, know~fl as arid np ~ Y ohl ’coat-on a scarecrow, eighing, "but itomobfle--and will ~¯,)st ,relY of atpeo~t, few polma~" sa She was not the only "lnstgnce of an or aemlarid, in the intereet makes all that four hundred to Slit/- tii,):l-’~;tJ~d lating e~mpanies looking-to the realldo.yb~ think rs. Its upkeep ls c6nflncd t,, ihe old,fa¯hloned lady s~ocke<! ~t a des, ror not? I mean as ration ~ ~at profits throu~ th¯ difference able InnovatiOn in a tyle~-.When the of+ the gas and the retuc.l~ j,,ui’Is concerned; be-. of vast’lrrigati0n plaJ~’ tar as.Mr: fashio~ of dra~’lhg the~ hjah’+ .low’ over earryi~ut love-WithYg~= by train after . (rp¯ "’l~:i;t’vl’/ .CaffSe If ~e Is on whlciJ the government ha¯ etttered a|k yon:" he can amount-of~ea~nret,~ I~ lhe ears wa~ fll~f wanlngianBwomen begantobrdahIt back"m6re’(.i’eely and or will enter or that these and a~ther "Hllda tossed head [ " nnturally, Ml~s Hazeltlne,the oQce companies-aa/ undertake. The na~on’t " "Oh< Amy, aeronnut, "’1 know of it,} :famous prlncipaiof Bradford [~rad- tlnn hand, eft now less than 536,000,000 anythlfig about Nowadays they may be t’u.’/mpare, l wHhit emy.-~-arned hei" :glrFs that none of acres, n~ ¯~nan pal’t of which is mounto fall like a ripe wan_~ ever~l tain and¯ desert and swamp. Twentythem would be allowed ¯ t to take part And I don’t ¯ five mlll~n aeres of yearly sales will plum Into theirtion of the diplg- 4n the graduation exercises who ¯hould "feel at all sure about Mr. 0arslaka, and.veni-ore to ¯ son ma~e ¯way with all of this. I¯ pope plus. VII. has ;adopt the.new style, but If I we’re at timhall; looking lovethe a#chi#es of the "t., modestly exDose her @arL" it not quite t/me for the United State¯ I think he. mlght to withdi~aw what ie le~t of the publio ly In ~ny. new ask me. pre~s would take a- I are at this ~ o She :Distinguishing Feature:o fthc. :+of +&f :+ ~L~ehln~’ AI It ¯ ¯ .. .-+ . . --.. , . . .; .-. ¯ - . .. -+. . ¯ o -. . . ¯ . . .+ . . " ...... +- . . . .: . ¯ - .;...~..’," : .... r -" e41 " "--"-- + . ~ .- olUl ll~.---u.-- " ~" . H.m-, , Old+[ I! T ESTCUT :; Tho qi ~.., ~.~I doa4,, LI~ I " " ~ "] :~ 1 - ,~t+t.,to+’~.-er’i-~"m~ .._. L-- + .--- ,..-.,,.-,, that cognu7 m :+ ....... n__ I~I~IIH + ~ u+o~.v-a ¯ u~ ,ndHd~lltlWlY ----.. In~~ .;l..t. "~"" m|M I v.+ ,,,..., ¯m-, ..... ,n~,~b~-+ma+ m o~,~ ~~__, , i ’ ~ " ~ ~ l~klll+ __ ~ ¯ " it*of a "*"- __ -an u.~ A~ : + * ~ -m +v ~ +t ;U ~mll ....... ..... ..t.,~om’O~mm~. ’" ~ ..... . + m - m ~ OK mr~m~,.-- ’ ~ ..~.--,,~m~ m ---. .--a--.. l~l~m ..... O~I O~ m +-- ..’--L--c-"~ +.L..~,, .^..~_.4~4mt feet. ~I I~ ¯m __ .,~,. ----- *+ -,w~, w,., .... .+---- ....... IIITI~, -....~ m --.’+ ot ,.~ ~ -..- it. "-- °" ..... ¯i~’~lOJ’ ~’~’~" "+w~o~dl "++ , . P"+ ~¯.+.n~.wm~ . Io1. 111@~_ or . or pr i ~ pI¯I1]]T~o.&y, ¯ U II ~j~y.1 ~m ~ . o 1 ~ ~_ _ . +ii ,, ~to~m¯estatoo+med .~m~¢t~ ~tlll~l) -- --~,--,,,.....-..,,~...---dl~ ~m ~u~ rim. " ": .,,.~." ",,kas,~t k. -.-.s,.,,..,, bran vmumL. ~.m ~p + mlku -~ i + " +. +: ¯ .-~": +. . : "-:::--:f ;+p +:: +!$000:SuitS" and. 0v.ero0ats, :-and400*-+". M~.~¯S._’~i~+.lS+’48+~Ca~sirn.efs; weth $7+.50.+ 4+"" ’1+ " " +"~ "" ’: 1:+ "+ " ~’~’ P"l .... +_"":;:_"":".+;-. +~’:" MemtsSug~+7.48...Worst+ed,-wort+’~~to.0o. i-~~7+[ + :- ’-++’+" =’?":] .... _ " ;’.+? " ,...~.m.~-:. =,.-+++ ++.-~. ;.. . +.-" ~ "+" +s ~ +! +~" -~ ,, +~,,,,, . ..,-m ..-.I’% +r_-¯~a..’~,°~S~.~ggA+¯ Pd.~~-~ ~~ i ,_+~¯, recta, . - . ~ub0tamo~ or ¯ fid~ on mmmb~ oe ~ ---,ke It. ’--++t ,,,, .,-.,., ......++_-t¯ +_.. +.-. \-~. F~r.,++ ~w.mmr’:+l,aasmvrs, ..a~’,"..." ~ " - -- - .~..,m+,~,m,,eo--,,,+~ " ~k¯mr.oE~m~___’,_,’2~’~., ~. -...... ._.,. ~."-’~.. .. ~ill~Inmam," +II~* J~’" i Yow~sh " ! Clerk.p .... ~m~ mma or~= p. . +.ore ." - rri Imw~. +p’-~. " "~--"~--%. mldlU |I - D~ L " mE,m. ,,, "~. ..... . .... 5 ._~vm=~.. ++ ~_m~o.,~~ ~k _~ ot,,,., + " ’ "’*~--’-+~+m ~ ~ + + 11 ’ . + ’ +" ia~*lo ’ I " + ..0~’t~btm’m .... " : : . "-- ; mTHIRD nAY OPFBURU¯ -- ......................... . . . ~.~i+i. I ....... " + D -- mm’~. + . " "+ " l~.nm~. ~l|m , I ’ + m " ¯. m ~ m I rlnl Or r~[~.¢ll m¯ °+ narn¯~?w.., tk~ho+or bou!s .,eta.of ...mm.ngarfaff .... , .... 7 I~I~OIIDI ~tVIUiU~l~.U~. ,- . .f_’._ ¯ --ter ~ -., _--~+.---rr ....... tw Of AIUI~L,I IMI3o o~1~ .................. , ~.. ml~lhll~ I~ l &truant" ~.-;. ..... -- m .._...-.. ~.A ¯ +.=n+.. I lbo ~O1. Of HallE.non4 _I. ,be 1 a a l e hV . dI a14 t~Ig g*l -Ue I 2:.~.l’llhlln F.l* . -0 ,,o,--...... ,,,,~o, +, o, ,.,0 ...., .... lea _or., ~..rlo+ ’ "+ °’..’~;’%+...+-.a,~m’" .~ ""g;";¢X,,-ma0. a,.-or ..,, J..mr , ,II + ~;-_-......,=~,-+o.,....,-.:.-._-=_~.,...~..,,.¯,,,,..,,¯o....+., limousine .vm.~,-, ---s n~ i ~ ,,no m~-+.~. ...... nd &l~dOullurll- . " . . " :. " .- -"" ’.- Men’s. Su.i~$3#gS,-wo~h $6.0o. +,. :-- " ~mm,.,m, ,+~:o.o,o. ,,,,,,0, ,,,o+,-,~1,+,.oo+~.,,:~_+,m_**._,_,__-,$,~,.%~ _.~,.,m._.~.._,+_.~_~_,9.. om,+v+r~m,.;+, n.u.e~-L~.~,..,,,T.,. ’ . " ,; ..... ¯ .... ,,,, +m:l r, .h~lltl~l~OllUtlonutmJ+~’." +- ’ ;~’li+,d~tle __ ...... " "+---: +~ +Pairs 0l~ Fine: and: ~0+~T ~ ": +....-~-~ " OuP+:’ ; -" -~ -,Sh0++’ .... ,+ ¯ ....... : +.- 01-/ - ....... ’- ’m+n,s-s.im:+99me -.Ih,mt, " - ’ Black- " ani i -~ -- ~ +m~ck "-;- ..... -- ’ +. ," :-:- -’-. " : ..... .1+ l + * : "++," ¯ .... .+- p:d Worsteds,’othd?s askst3.5 0 .... ¯ 1+ - 1- +?CI Gents Furn,+hingGoods Breaks aU Reco ~" ’ " " . " . ." , met +I~ , " ~:".:]++:." I’ ’ :; ~: ~ ~ " +1 1 ’: +~ " " " " , ’ +" ^:;.. + ] " " " " " " " +:+ l-In ~is City. ¯ 7:. .. ". ---. ----. -. Water I+ .....-- ........¯ + .... " - ’ ::: " " " " """ 1 ": 1 + - .... . . :L . .. ; " " .... " 1"+’--1 1" " " ..... ’ ’ ’ " ,t:.Men’s:Overcoats,: ,,. .., Prices bower man any utnermercnan[l 1 - ;at [ + "+’1+1 " - - , Metfs~ : . £.. +.+ .. __. :. J: + and u.x~ord, t>iacx wit~ B~L $5.++. T.i~ m.ck m+,_.+y,¯+.e]y O: +~+d }. ’ + 1" " " i" BLack and Blue )~~ Melton aria l .I. : " " ’ " " " " ’ I " Extra. Vine ....... .m~__ +__...~....,. ..~.,.-m_,++o,.....~Ig..,; ’-m-o+ +-,"+~.,,o,+ - ....... +-,-+, ¯ : MEN’S SUITS ANI)t OVERCOATS. I’- e, $+,+.oo.: :. i , ,to,~o,.+.,arorw.t~.,or~ ..~ a,.1~m, nnlnlmt¯~olnlwk~.~tke~rrte’o, ~,r,. ...... , _._j "I~ box~ ot ~ mal~m ~ ~ uoeud~n~r1~epurll/or~_~_ f m-,~ -* - - -.. .... . . ...... ’ . .- ’ ~ . P.l ....... ,m Rain Coa~ at $8 o% worth ~+oo--. ~mm ~r~+ m" ..-- ij~Olll~J~l l~nllm~mbv- ." -- DI&l ilA.- IIlO~OqlIi~’ItL q,.*m---’¥ W ’~ ~ -s--- -- , " ll,mll ~ JL+mS ,~.,,+.~,H lh~ Id~ ;~ ~’. "~. ""*’ O" l++J~ =~+ :e: =. ] ’D~’’O* O’i " "~’’ ~’ ~ ~+" U p+: i ; "~ + p ’ "i"~ ,nu r ..~.,.- -----o.-. .... .. . °,*~?Z+,, ,~ ~, ,,,,e,,,,n .,on ;,¯., ae,~mm to ~¯ ..... . ,+ +or~,or ~ ~. 1 ,+mtorntr* rQ,e~,)1 . ~m,oo,,,+,~l -tlr D01301~~0.1 . . ’ +I ng nula~s~e, ~ud~Int~n, gnY per~n I (I lu [;h’o"+ otber .nd o@ooed fOP publloIk¯ ul~mm Bloom Beauttlul a~cOrdl~l tO 131 In. . ,~.,,..,.. or wbo.l~ ...,,~ ,I’+’~t o, .... o~ ,+,~mul,m . . _ ,+o .*~_m ,,,,’,, +~.~, .,...,~ ~ a +..,,,o.,+ m+..o~:,ma~,+ "o~...,,-,,. ,or,_. ,o~+__~~’.;_,o_ I~....... ;~,*~°I ~,s,,+ +~’--’-r,u,,, ~’-" +,,o., +:’~" m,m--,o,*. ,’+ ’ ...m,,r,-~.,.-.-.,.,.---._ - . -- ...... ,+at,~ I ~ "" ,.,._ + .....~ UW~ + +4-?5. : " " " " ..... " +" .... -+ . ..... :" /’: ’+- $Io.oo Stats or Ov.er¢oats, cut to $6.48.. ’ ’ U ’ ’I[ " .St,.on Su,ts +r OverCoat~,-ctto $8.43..+-" p;5.ooSuits0r Overcoats, cut t0$9.98. "t ] ’ " ’ +7+’50 Sults ~ . +.+,,-.-,~’~.~.~72_" ,.. ,,.o,oo..+,’,.+_,,-_’*-.’-".:.-".’~,.,’m~,.,~,. ~,.-o,a,+..~.~:~,:,~++-.~*~.~ .... o,ner.re~..pt.a~+o L- -.~,Z,.~..~.;.iv,,.~ot~ mmroad noum ror~-,_,,-,-~.+,~-+ +.m"._, " ~OrlCeI~I orlll~ o~ m~ mm.,,~. -"+ ~l~"-nLtnl’ -°°ntmn" + ’-~tb t"ore+mmr,_,’ff~’~+"J~-...--...,.ib --r~wm;’ ~"-~-~.ro+ ot ~mt~mr~n-.’~oP~°e°f. ---~-~, ,~-,,,~ wire ornament* v,,~,. ..... om.,o,tmlr ,,;,beRml rim,. "’’° . ...... , I.S,W,.’,,..~d~ ~m~.~r,_,-..~,lse rrieze+~ and Bla~s mFancies ¯ Or Overcoatq, ctlt ¯ to -¯: " . \ ¯ " : " .~ , [ " " ~oyS’ Suim from $1.5o up.- .] +" [ " -- . " I " - " "~.~=~o ~i~,,~i~,~=i~ ] -- " , ..l:;oys -- ii ...... " " [ -- . "-~ " ~I~IIIII+~4L I I l~orduroy Yants;35c.. " 1 ~ + ~i "~~~ + ..... I . .. [I" :~ :._+" . i ’ " " - .i:::ij :> . -... MEN’S ’SUITS and OVERCOATS. ’I- .- ’’- -. ’ i~ " . :: ; 5 :. + Men~s~derwe~,-Fleeced, at 35d. " ¯ . a I ~..~2&’.: " 2~_ ]+[ ,+W~ ~I + ~,;.+*~P.;....~... We ~ea+ -+~+1~ + W^rl u . ~ f~om8+c. ~ ¯ V :u". [ . I I" I r " r " ", i: a+. _,_ -PL=~X_.,+__a,.... ~.:_r_ .~-i’:al --a~ab+ S~ : :+-- ... " ..+ , " ¯- " - . :-+ " ~ uvei’coats, cut to t;+75. > ~ IIII t141111~’~t IOOII OZ " + " I I U ~ I U ~ * ~ O r ~ r " " + + "" I " -’ I " ¯ ’" of [ndla eommon~ ury ........uu+ ~p,~* ’aodau-+" +-m~o. or~mo.o,m~..om .+. .. ., +, . n.. ,~m.AnAh Hx .......... ,~..,, .k,, m,m,b a.~ or :+ ~+++(~).,+ lira ¯ nu--m--+--..... ~’ " t---.--," ’ $+rj.e~’-SUltSOrOvercoatsf cutto-~.+&-+-+". : " |;’ OIP II|dJDI ~ . th~ an ~ nuilms.noe, - ....... a talnl In ehe,. I~k s ~*’~’~’v’~’ + ~r~u¯~t~,.,t~m~,y2_~_.~..~ to~.tn~,~m,.,,,~.u-.. ,~ ~+~,/L__.,_ ~ . . . :-~ -~ ~-7,.=..;~,.~,~m,,,,laeel~-~o"$ ,~}".:’9~ "7" m~- .... ~ ,~,~--~... ~o.~,.,~a ~o.m...o..~,,-, ...... .$1~oo~u]tsandLhercoats,¢utto$8~5 "~" i Suspe.~ders, "Umbrdlas, Dress :G~o~-% ~/~ Hose. t.ff ~;~,d I ,~..m mt,,~ ,..-_*;-__,.-.~.-g;~-.~.~a;-a,t;+,,. ,m.+ ~ p---~.-- --~IOI~u .=;:__.-o_ +~. _,,.~r ,~. ,~,q~-o~o,a~,.,~mmo, ’:: " " - ’ .... ". .... e ¯ --G ~pecta~ lot o~ xou. -- ~. T- -- ,~I.~’ ft B6sbm Sh~rf+ Ur~’uw,~.,’+ / .i Im m -" mm ii m-----" .. Io** .,+ l.Bdl W|IbOU| ~ OO111~ J ++.41 .. ’--’-¢.m~ III ’": ..... " " " ’ |l)y~~ UlarSto.ookmd; CUtto $3.75.... :¯ ¯ ~ [.-" ,t~,,,+-, ,+~_..+.. ,: ¯ ,- , ~,. ¯ ,--~,,-, , - , ~-J d~oom ~~.~-’~--~--~ + m ,.+ m’*"~+ -,llvmr ----+ mtoIl~ ~ ~ I~. ,nomm~; " " 1"1:,,,.~,...,~ + r , " ...... .... g ~ " " ’ Phnn, " ~ " " : " 1" ~" ’ " + " O .... i . ’$8.OO Sutts¯or _;..._++;+ ....... ....... r ’ bere~3t OeoloreOto oe ¯ mu?~m .uw.+.~+-:..-__..,~.~. el 1101111IDO .llOlm. ~mmmv¶ m.y.,r" tmn anysueb..nu.IMnc~or__whO__l~_~i,~,t.u_ . . . 1 fro m Ind¯¢ the dMIib of bll~lolnert toe rome . " ........ - 8elda, dutlm0propertyof Anole.K, Oreeg." n,..a.,=.IibsalidWkeelwld¯ktlg +,.,..,..._,,oo.,,-.--.+ .---- ...... .... ........ ..--...+,.... o,.,o,.o.,,,o,,-o+...++:, , ;.,To,., ...r,. ......... ,. -,, o----- " :." +4.+Su~’:.o+"~ "+’"" ¯ ~o-,o,. ¢0~ 01~ W’orklnl[mou"l~l~rn and Boildlnlr &llo~iit~ . ~+,~+.~,~~ ~ +, ~ ...,, ,o,, o, o,,-,o,- o, .++,0,~.~ ., ,~.,,.,,.,..,,.,.o, .**,-* " IIIIIJL ~ lmsl)~ O~ ~ ~ !11oI108 ~--TISlI~ the keeping o[ ¯ny teoe- +mT.L " ,k..r, o,,¯.+.......,o, ~,.o-. ~, ...,,o..m-. mt,~ m+,,~,,,~,,~, et IPRillCll&llI~li+ilDIhkll~eor~. llm~m~, e~ dmlnl-wmen op~emo~_ * -Part oroOiorlioul~or0ulldlllll]nlOmmllom~’~m II~’Vlol4m~ "were l’lt¯. 1~0 fe¯ll~g plOIII~W, +" wmrm~.,.,~,u-,~, ~ o.,.,,,,,-,~+... "" Philaddphia Ave. .. _ +’+ .~6.OOSuits or. Overcoats, e_ut+to $3;95 1~ :I " .... ’ -98+., " in:Pants, - ¢ ~1.5o, " G-eatValue "$i ?98,-.$+.o~ ~.oo, . a 0SEPK " .... " THE...._ KIN6 .... OF ~KI+ - :! ’ LOW:PRIOE~ :.:+ ,1625AtlarticAm,,Ati~tjC City, N, A ~t it wnnld pay dividend¯.- Stains .. ~I~ State Cuurt of Pardou~ .kM ¯ revision of it~ methods of pro under which public notice of ell the at oreMldI!ue . thr~ueh town W~l¯eed~r.ai] pensons havtOK "lroowIed~. W. Me, lure, C. ~. Remmeyand R. e: 8honer, ~ to?p.ublls~’ ¯ with Sent[tot Lee appeared berore Goverool’ i: Mrs, William A." ~rt~t: and son Byettou - lbq . ~ It is¯ ’r.~ . - .eee~.~ .. . i¯ the ease to be revlewed 8tokes at Trento~ Tuesday and entered a are vliItl¯s rell~tlvM st Medfot’d. N.J. )lfcatlon for pardo¯ ¯r parolq St full Interaction regarding the strong protest against theptoJeot, " . former DepUty Sheriff L. ]t. Alhlet, of as ¯ visitor Atlantic City, W Thursday. " . ¯ . which, ought to be It wu shown by .mep that the traotof 2S,0~0 >.lraney&yond~leprintbnttet.~l~o. perl~lU¯ dtttsapfinciple C."~ " _carried ou#in~’every 8iate whether the the serneovcrs¯earlytwo-thlrd~¯f the areaor St Dem~bs--A~.. :" Township and almost completely sur. i All the departments of the public sohoels oning power’is Tested in s 0curt or rounds May’s Landinlr, tbervby pk~e~rentlng areerowde~ to their usmest.elpscttv, " -" d or is the prerog ,tlve of the (}over. mproyeme¯t ard o~pXe¯loo for "all time i; Mr. P. (desert hi maltinjr anted improve~ments to him Pennlmrtot> Point property.; alone. That instance¯ arise not le to some If purobased b3, the 8tat& Tl~esolf made man preves the ~t~uthof :the through the disooveryof new The los of tax reyenne’ w-- another iaylngthat "Clothee do not maka ths man ,, , r , ¯ or of previously unknown ex- matter of lerlous Import to be se¯sMered. In ,:~ Fannycrea q tore, two osnI for 15o. f6r. tothat ’he receipts of the TOWllsh!p.t y 8tess ling circumstances, which justify day Only, at Beaoh’L--Adv.: of pri.-oners oonvlcted of lo~s (.ffenees,’fs beyond dispute, Oee~ though rarely, it is found that % man h~s been condemned. In ~u~e¯ there i¯, of eOur~, but one be done. as ¯peedily aa pOs~hle, ties of the Post trees could be sseur~l In e/ther ¯ toad the M. E. Church I¯ a ho4ynext Men..Trenton, and. by,pesta,qr for ~ :1 o.pen.the. ,,pris°n doors. But Muillea, Weymouth or Buena Vista Town- day.eve¯lnl. : ,¯ two weeks qt the court hence i¯ "the sou of applications-for th~ shlpslf theState desired I¯time toextend , Miss. Dorothy,V~ml, Who Idastudeftt atiht which eonviet~lou-wu hM;"~: "~’+~ " ’ ’"’~’’ ’" 8teal Normal School, 1¯ the guest of M~ Its rmervstlon. riots are based on the thmry ¯ . (b) By ~rviee by malk on~w~ek.l~t Bertha F. Cramer, ~ Oov.Stokee wail lmDre~ed with" the guilt_ has been proved; ’.. C¯ffee cakes, singes and- oyster term, upOntheJudlreOf tbe absent they have eireSdy kur- meat¯of the delet, ition and ~ to 8lye the protest ~reful een¯idera;lo¯. ~Adv. .. "tot ¯f Pleu In ;be same_ COunty, d sufficient .vindication of the ion ~Mr. John P. C~utmt¯ a¯d wife a¯d It)¯ ~ (e) If tbe ~me.wbe.m~f~J~U t~t humane conslderatI~n¯ require Lincoln Birthday L~lebration and #rmoott, of Ocean City. were the IU$i "of plying was on¯vires " Mra A~ M. Barrett Mond~,~ MIeicale. " the " .town, ~’or ~. o~itrue, But ~emesare i’ The bill repeall¯f the set allow[at pay- " dl’2 II~i urtt~tbrwerk~ou~to ~re Patriotic exercises in .celebration of Lln- meat of ~W~u¯ty for e~~ fox killed In serflO0 ’ 1 m Of ildllrid~ Vile]Ill, co coin’s blrtbda7 will be held-I¯ the M. It_ launJ~l~i~y.,,, prmcribed ~: :$ ,. I Church Monday ntsht. Rev. Georle’W. Rid;thei State.hli,..]~i~d.theSootte Aesemhlyma¯ Glblm’ bill extending, the ~nKof,laeb The notteebereJntufqre itle to such "clemency;. lad iwMema,out, Pastor of the Chureh,-wlll nrsalde lad an closed mamafor deer for three °addlUo¯al ¯lven~ u s ms/tea" of’osurm’lDy~ rile" Ire-pulling, ia far from unknown orlranist,°r°heetrx Mime°mprlldnjrDora Hellas,Mrs" pilmlat,RtrHm¯Mr.WJlsoP’W.N’. ! years’has ~the Ho¯seof_..&membly, elerko ~~ h it ts usualty o~rH,~d on beneath Norerole, cornetl¯t, Mira -~dwloe-’Ool¯mtn [~ Mr. M. C. Jmdyn who him been con0¯ed’to ..... rfa00. Enforced publicity would and Prof, lj. Nankteel, vloll¯teta’wUJ fu-rnist lih/s homethe paat.’week ¯uterine" frbm a- " ~verT~ottosstbaB’.br~y lde¯tlry tl ¯ ¯ ylet makJng t.beippl/extJo¯, set sev~creattllekof lumbalrsiseo¯vsleaee¯t. music. The following pr~sTam remedy this. Homicides, em the arran~hdfortbecoml/on: - .... hu bee¯ . A mesa.complete mock of h~l~lwat;e and crime whereof’the se~"" and grave offenders 6f all gyps,. at Pratt’s, May’s Imndi¯15 make known theterm of Chores ¯ " By Cho/r tmJlder’ssunplJes crlmee not o,,]y agalnst thn per Prayer Rev. W, 8. 8chenek N. J .--~.dv... "’:" ’ the applleat/on for tke ezerelso of. NattonalOde ByO. U.:A.M,, i Mr. George.~AluSmler bu purchased tbS Willis made..~xnotlos y wronged, bnt stab,at : 8olo ¯ Mtm Blenebe’F~.t ootreSe sd~ol¯lng J!mse :Hoever o¯ Maple as a ~ho]e Applications for i ......PFom"tl~l~ -hlHes >"~’"Of’, the, rit " e Willies breostbeos4esor, seyeral. L, neoin’a Autoblolraphy Mr.Ulark Barrett &re,me and the remora on -whloh they M*le Quartette Rev, G. W. Etdom; Messrs. 8.: Ramoey, .cony/nasal i¯ the asme.eo~nty a¯d who ’ ~,C. 8harp, W.N. Norm,o~" J. Nllnk]yo! to appl.y. It~ tlm-term ot this sours Tot ought everywher e to be u pu Mr. W/leer &bb0! t, who is ¯ l~uden! tn tl~ Lineolnlaua by members 0f Lyceum, dmd~dolmrtlaeat of tbeUnlv~:!~ty~of Penn- eretse Of oinked. ’ ’ : themselves. .A.C. Abbott, ~.~. Jobuson, U, ~ ¯ aytvanla, Ii reeovcrtmr from;the effeetl of ¯ Dueproof of the glvJn¯ of’ Im~lgeJ ~j Chorals : tl~ pubiie|ty:~le been in fore,. ’: " ¯ . ¯ . Lincoln’¯ favorite poemrecited by ~r. !rvt¯~r l~veroilInell . asJd must a/so be made lo each esxe 3onthS back, perhal~ JoHI~ R~C~ :. Narregansett Tribe ~ )01. Improved Urd0r . , Fitch . ~~ -~:" oonsideratl0u of the p~titthn. "’" murdered his wire, B~s instrumental Duet M’ise RerthaCrxmer, MIss Or Red Men. Wall itlve ¯ in;and esn~.q’t and. Provision l¯ma~e for revoking. . bail I. Yeal’e Opera. House next 8sturoay Darn HolIIs their home at ~Es levllle, a te~ Addrem"’&breham Lincoln ,~ J, B P. &bbotl :event¯Jr 1~th inst. . " orparole.of Imrmu who may ,at here, several years ago, woo}’,’. In the State Prison at Treotot, jttSt sentence. u&~e altdHon,.e Bills Ini rod need, tnitrumeatal Duett Pfa¯o lid ViOlin Mrs. hills were lotrodoced dnHrqr Harrison Wilson, M|MBdwfDaCOl~lu, dt.v~’ session of that body Monray Chorus . " By CboJr Silver Collsction. : Cort~sh, req uirlmr that paekase~ Of eZL~otloI those compounded on The Wa:er Power Sto e--’ihe Only .St0re. ,t|Orl, shall have printed, thereon id! redleoto. P.~rlnnlng next MoudKy, u~benmn mah- ~pOctu~ltF to .lighten t be !~ Onei tt herbs. ’ :¯ Candidates fe~’ sneb put;Icons extmpt "l’t-l, tlmdl/ts~ themanlmement to effej It political Commlttee~and r~qut~ i mauyprofltable Indueemeut¯ to.the patrons eommlttes to fl|e reP0rteo! their of ,h~ Water Power Store. In ,tbe sos¯tams ltures, a general ~olleetl~n or remnants w!llbe aide Wakelee, 01vln~ ¯ cltJe~ power to an. offered ;o eat|~fy every compeer. to trolley tines to oar~y Beginning ~next .Friday eveutnx, February l~tb. uur usual seml-montbly aIl~ of odd Iot~ introduced In the Hot.qle a ball l:) dry~ooda wllljrive barjralml tothe Queen’s thsr /n,rOd,)eed In the 8enateby taete~ MOat ever31hlng In cur ¯mrs wJ|l tturn, re]all~.e to campaignoor~tribuo ~nffer abe customary blow or redticed prlce~ lu our grocery and meat department--well Introduced s joint r~31utl on they will speak,for tbemselves. Just pity ns I -or .a commissionto In- visit and htmr them grOan under that power- indI . ... " -" .W.lttZtV .. ~ ......... .... I ............... -- .., . . .... .- .: .... =_ . -; -._.. ~" ~.~ 1niCest lnRt ezadle slept, ~-And in its sleep it smiled And one by One three women knelt . ~ro kiss the-fair-haired ehlld;AKd each thought of the days to-be And b~e’a’tb~d d prayer half silently. . ! i _ room ¯ few minutes a~O?- WU It some one who was dea(~ and had the dar-~l~a Leslie, for what :rou did for iced drinkS.inaNe York in 1895 sen, . , ~lv~0 ~men ~ ~n A l]heeurag~_ attack of kidme that nl~t " Dismlm~ tn dl~raee me home With a .t - . _. "7. angels buried him? Thls-man with ~ ]~e’nm0~L Y0Uowed./4 Grippe-.-:" l’h congestion, by your f~er for something I had nay trouble, ~ One poured her love on many lives, the ring upon his flnge[ was a new One o~ .the most not~, smee~s/~l and pain in- the Pe-ru-aa the Remedy That never d~e,’I ¢~me up on your porch rleh~st man o~ this e¯n~jG in ¯ resent e~turk He lifted hts,~nd and felt But knew love’s toil and Care; back, neada che’~. with & reproachful note to p~ on your t" "Brought Relie£ m-tlole, h~ said, "Whatever I am s~d I burdens.oft had been-’t~h~ of the rlng to be .sure .it was the~’e,tnd ajtacks of digzN whatever success I have ¯t~Ined door, then~ mmmt to nit down. there in " " " " " ]dr. T. Barnecott. Went ¯Aylmer,oats¯ A heavy weight to ben-r¯ 7" then kissing it reverently, he el/mbed How to Make s Base,urn Eu~’Jne~ ass.. My~eyee gave this world ¯ owe all to my wife. From rio, Can., Writes: , -- 1 ," and blow~’ brains ouL Don’t ~ud~ She stooped and murmured lovingly: d~wn into the darkness. An easily c~nsiructed steam engine ,~’I.~fl "w}nter I .was ~1 with pneumonia .:-" out, ’and -with the the d~y I flrbt knew her she he, beau "Not hardened hands, dear child, for der ,,co, de~; I have ¯ few left yet," The next morning l~llth Leslie came may be .made ~y any boy with .very ’ a~er nawng m grippe.I took Petuniafor ian h~plrsUga, ~d-the g~at~ help-. /anguo r and ideepthee." - ’ he added, f~_ng to ~pe~k In ¯ light~ whefi any I ]~me-quite down to h~r breakfast full of tile new m¯t~.of my life." simple materla/s. An ,old baking-pow-., and"two .t months, can say that one can. be we]], cured-~i leesness of tl~e distone., "You. may wonder, wl~ I was tmcle. ~he f¯mlly were ~t mtl~ der box ~will do for the boiler. Fasteh by it-in a reasonable timeand at. l~tt]e e~upon me 1 One had not known the burdene¢! hands, so d~perata., t had sunk ever7thing themselves at the table when -he its lid to it. with shellac varnish, and But knew t]~e e~apty heart: ’" from 194 to I had in an *invenUon. Your father, came In, A young man of medium punch-two hole~ in the aide of the box, Ai life’s rich banquet she had mat, 122 pounds. At the beUevlng m~,guilty ot ~et~ distainheight stood near l~er mother. He An .uafed~ guest, apart. time I started usl,g one zbout the size. of a pin hole, the ed me and at~the same time held back Doan’a Kidney ’~)h, .not;" she whispered, tenderly, was like the photo. Sl~e other as large as a. slate pencil The lls an abscess was ~. I ~u reduced to "An emPtY heart, dear child, for that at a giant’s---but What of th~ ¯ month’s forming on my rig kidney. The trou larger hole must be fitted with a woodr thee.begl~. I would not beg nor borrow, other? -;, hie was qu|ekly ecked, however, .rod. en plugor. a cork." ¯ e, so that I hnv_e "This is our little girl, E[m’E/. How and as the world seemed to have- no Your boiler Is now~ complete, .but it "2k.nd one wu ol~l; ,d~e had known ears, further use for me, I concluded been well since a~ld weigh i88 must be fastened at its two ends beI~he had .known loneliness; leave It in the. maturer I have stat~L poundL" tween two upright posts that. are atKhe knew God leads us by no path While mt~tatin~, on m~. ~dt, ¯ car: Sold by all-deal 50 cents a box. tached jto a baseboai’d, so tlmtthe two His presence cannot bless. flags came down the strut Not wishBuffalo, N. Y. Fo~ter-MUbu!n She smiled and murmured, trus.~holes will be a the top. of ~ boiler. ins to ’~ taken up as ¯ tramp, I slipThe side posts should rise at least¯ t’wo fury: ped lnto the darkne~j of ¯ aide street "Gods !will,- God’s will, dear" child, men in the United"Fae total number Inches higher th~ :the top of the boilservice is11,126/ for thee¯" While there I maw a window open on States liabletomill er, and ahould be’connected at the top --British Weekly. 750. the ueo nd-stoi’y, and ¯ diabolical by a piece of stout wiLt e, which will temptation same to me. .In that house 0 r n erYouqvermane~tl . _ . serve as an axletoa ~ wheel, like : ." : : ;_ DI’¯ Kline’s Great ne~ after To be mob ,t ~ Wlt~ to ~. was a month’s salary of its equlvalehL ¯ a- water-wheel, or" the paddle of a Nerve E’--e-mYomz rain the low~ knd sdmtrstion of her It belonged tO me. I-l~ersuaded my- Dr. IL H; KL~s Arch St., Phlla,, Pa;I hu~bLnd, to ~ ~tm to le "~_~ eteamboaL self I had ¯ rlght to it I Imew it was °1 most of himself, T ’e h l h madeby The tall of the eomet is e~tl ~ed~tbe ¯ w¢~sna a l, s .a desperate venture, but If caught I miles long. . ~ sons¯sat stud~ mated .% be PHI box,_making slits in its sides, and could put an end to myself as easlI -H ~ woman ~ tl~t her ener~l~ slipping in pieces, o.f stiff cardboard; ~n-4d~ as out and the note on me ¯ " Guar~nte~ ,~ ,¥or met. "~ ~ flN~dnff,that she gets easily tired; Which proJ.ect at least half an Inch ytehl~ ~, Blind, n~. Protrudln~ Pn~. dark shadows sp]pea~:tmd~ her eyes, would erplain. I Stuenbled into the IFTH .AVENUE was deserted, or on each side of the bo~- When refund mo~VI" ! she hsa b~kache, headaeh~ beart~room and--you lm0w the rest I me~ mentfails to 6tolidsys.50e. down pgina, nervousness, irre~larities nearly so. Now.and then a caran angel ’aDd. t]~ proud, resentful deor the blues, abe shohld ats~ tt once rlage droveui~ to some stately mon .was gone forever, I went out of in the United to build up her system by ¯ tonic with There are 8,840,789 mansl~n~ returnlng~lats revelersfrom that room a changed ma~ I humbled’ Htate~. t speeiflo_powen; such mt Lydia ~. PinkHE WAS LLK~ THE PHOTO. opera or reception:Only one pedesR obbt~! Churel,,. myself, went to a friend and borrowed ham’s Vegetable Compound.. trla~ was ~.lslble. -He was w~alking outrage ,t ie to be Following we ~m~lish by ~lmmt ¯ a’few dollars to k~p the wolf from J~t thine w~at much. she has talked~‘about you. 0om-e with the slow, uncertain gait of one .f all the eats of the ~vie~ letyer from ayoung wt~ : the door. In less than thr~ weeks the fobbed ~ : by continuou# hoot- the Il~r MmPInkham: wbo~e mind was not wholly made up here, Edlth." wheel of fortmm turned. My patent reption, wt "0 mamma"---~h~ .4began, then its to future action. Now and thnn was sold for ten thousand dollars. It fmwd~is I hOl~ few womenev~ have, with in. between the lights he halted, and with stopped confuse~r-Her Uttfle brain gave me a chance to ’get out "others. ¯ P~ W.’ Di,mer. maaulaetur~J ~n; fl $~’h~[~rw~ ¯ was in a whirl. Who, then, was the sprifl~field. M0. 1 1mira4 tmekae~ and wrsteb~ ~ It his hands in his pockets studied the other? To-day | am s .rich man. I owe it all my ~mmaeh m l ~1 ~ e~Joymy wavering shadows upon the pavement The largest safe in the world will hold afl~vtsd to you." "~.’t be b~htaLdeffir:" m~ muih~,~y tim, w~ ~t t~ bed. $!0,000,000 inuncut He traced one Idly with" his toe,, th~n At her mothePe half-reproving "But why~why did you never"~m~m~am a wen wem~m,m~ I feel m grsmrm Inovedon againInto the light..As be One Day ~ords F~llth came forward and exshe began shyly. that I m glad to writs ~md tell you elf my ¢~.me,traderthe arc the current,that tended her hand. Some way she could Take ~.~utativo ~o Cuinln~ T&blets,.marv~kTm~ recovery. It brought me imelth, "Why did i never, dkrling~for yo’u OUt Its white radian.ce, showing a tall, refund men, iflt Jails to cream.E- m~. life ~ vit~lfl~."--Mrs,. had been dlm and uncertaln,.flashed not give him the welcome she had Bernie ~, have always been ~at to me--well, I Drugx/~s W. Grove’Sslgnature 6118o~th !0th 8trmit, T~am~Wsah. did. I never lost ~ght of you. I have ~lven tl~ other. Mlght~aot thla one Wh~t Lydia E. Pinkham’a Ve~table too~l~hly-s~otroa ot shabbily-clad figure,crownedby a face be an-lmposter? PISo’| 8he had read somewatched you many times unseen, and Gompom~ddid-’to~Mrs. Ainsle~ it will. ;a cough ours.--4 O’,mxrs, I~ Thtr3 that but for its thin,cadaverous look ~hlnglike it In her story books, the tender, reverential love that ~[iuo,, J m.~, tJ3~ do for every sick and ailingworn. an. Av~ue, N., might have been handsom~ There If yon-have symptoms you don’t ~n¯ HarryLeslie,smilingat her. evident sprang up In my. heart that nlght, ha~ price of pure milk dersta~d " In Paris the - Write "to Mrs. Pinkham, was a look- upon the face. ~oo, that grown from a tiny rill to an ocean embarrasemenL caught he~ In is 38.8 cents a daughter-in-law of Lydia E Pinkham, augured Ill for somebody or somearms and kissedher soundl’y, torrent. I did not steal that night, dar-" . st Lynn, Man; Her advt~ k tree ~ud thing--a fierce, savage expression that ling, buttnow--" am~ he looked down ~OX 0V WA~E~ ’~o. think, m7 deft, that 1 have URUG5 ~lwaya helpfuL ~tt lily upon its thinness. at the dainty, uplltted faee---"l am never seen my brother’s child." .~ ;O.~I~TION. --CURES A carriage drew up to a tall corner strongly, tempted to break the eighth Mentally she compared him with mansion and a .young man alighted L~i~o ~|ehln~ of fls t.-Htl B,t~th had that other. How-rude. he-was and no~ commandment." Henry hact been so-continuously and ]Sad Stomach-~rt8renU~ and went lightly up the brown stone Edith" laughed softly. nearly so handsome. Should. ~he , ~loatln X--Sieur ~tlons,,, peral~t.ently naughty that,, says the steps. A flood of .red light swept outspe~k o’ut? Wou~ they laugh-at her "Then you are a burglar, a~er. alL" eari~ I~tC. New York World, h~ aunt, who had ward through the open door: the young If she told the~ !about last night? --Waverley MagaMne. Take t Muti’a ~ aleJ any time of the day ch~rge of him In his mother’s absence, man disappeared within IL and the car’or night, and note Ih~ immediate g0odefSurely It could- not have. been all a rings drove away In the darkness. fect on your stomach. - It a!~r~ the ga& did not know: what todo with him. In dream. She felt. of her finger. No, despair she ~tld, weakly :~ disinfeete the stoma, ~. ki/~-41~ l.-~tsoa The tall watcl~er leaning against (he X No@England hostess qutts recentthe ring was gone] germs_ and cures the iL-ease. Catarrh of -. "If you ,_@ill -not behave, I s~]l Put-" Iron railing shook hl_s gaunt fist at the ly ente rtain’ed the wife. of a Japanese While Mr. Leslie was gla~ to see the head and throat unwholesome toed you In one of grundpapa’s’hen-c~’ pa." hotme and at the retreating carriage. statesman who had been spending stew and overeating real bad stomachs. ~Is brother, he, too, was somewhat "Well," said Henry, sturdily, "before Scarcely any stomach entirely ~ree from days on the _Atlantic coast. He stood there for son]e minutes, then preoccupied. Mrs¯ Leslie rallied, him taint of some kSnd. MeWsAati-Belca you put me In. I want to tell you that I ~a~me forward slowly and sat down She gave,.out of consideratlon for the Wafers Will make stomach hea:thy npofi brtn~ng his busine~ to break-, upon the steps¯ lie put his hand In guest of honor, "a Japanese tea"~a absorbin Which arise from will not lay any eggs." . fast. re-on feral his pocket and drew out a revolver: case of "carryingcoals to Newcastle" o[ the ~tot -"I might aa well tell you," helald It was a l~and~omely m6unted affair, which Included its own fitting reward. mix the i, with the C0n*--tn I~mmr~r, at, length, "or you will think I am and might have been a relic of betWhen it came time to say au revolt. his cures st pro: umer~xry will surely de~roythe ~ass ot In financial difficulties.’ About two geation, sweet, ns the b.reath, stop~ tar day~, or one purloined for the octhe littlelad~ of the FloweryKingdom smell ~nd completely derange the Wholeayeweeks ago I dismissed one of ! my head and ferment~ lion. Heart action casion. He looked down at It with tan when onterin; It thro~k the mu~ was very poltte---~nd ~lulte unconstrong.and u]ar through thi~ evidence so surtsc~,tlu~h~rtislessno~Id neve~bemmd ¯ arrange fascination. In the dim Ill, b1 clerks on circumstantial sciously crushln~. process. 4rzeapt ca pre~oziptio~s from reputable phys~rong I had not a doubt of his dis~)i~card drugs, as know from expcrithe fierceness died out of his face, ."I¯ am delighted," she declared, "at ¯ ~tois~, as the damagethey will ~lo l~ ten fold stomach tronble. honesty. I dlsmlssed .him wlthout .-the ~tm~larl~ of Japanese and Ameri. enL’e, they do not" leaving s whl~e, stony calm. Try a ¯common-sense method to the good yoa ~ poshly derive --People’sHome :Iou~aL ToH~U’a Catarrh Ours, m~m~d Up the avenue came the rol] of an,. -character. or recommendat~o~ )thiug, healing sou- Umm. san w~aYs of entertatMng." that do~scure¯-A by ~’. & Toledo, day the real culprit is brought to Ught series result,~ instant ~e ~oo-’= ~v,~. other late carriage. H’e got up quicki~ takes t~rlffhtDO"Worts. We know M,,Jl’,A~ Wsfers wilt I In ~Bulawayo,. South Africa, the ly and s]]’pped around the side of the and I am grieved beyond telling. m to know if. ~’hi~ "A man should not do his work as If do this, and we want o~tnes had_ always, trusted Lawrence ¢~ioum beLief concerning hour, taking refu4r~ again In" the shadoffei" maynot tin, ’- be sure he were a mere machine,"Knowlee as I would my.own brother, chH.dren of nature @wsby the Iron rifling. ~’hile waltt~,~mlly, "But It would be a great Imp.l~b~e J, Gl~eney~ 0e~ ¯ the.moon ham two for It to pass he looked up and and I thlnk I felt as badly about it 25c, 1~ GOOD F( men~ If some of them wou]d."--Pu~ as he did. I-shall never forget the ~a~ treats.him saw a window olsen on the second ate- . ~ :l~i~:,~,~m...m~mt=mL look upon--his face as he left my ofSend this sou 17. A siren¯ growth of h-y led up to and addreM and i~ce.ThereWas deaperaUo’~ d_eath_ in it The lights were out om this side In the familiar stories of the unarmThere ..~ often :a superior ~lr aleut" and 10c. in stamps of the ¯house¯ There was but a ,m~..: qt. I would gf~-e1~alf my-f0rtune~i-f ~i]l ~dd ~ and the lion, it Is not the forcould find hlm and make It right ment:s hesitation.-then like an.. agile mer who trifles with will She-fee~ him ~o well that-~!~ wlth hlm, If-Itis not to~ ]ate~" Iglulrrdl he leaped upon the ~qnes~and There lea so~t of poetic Justice, good foF 2~c. towkrd the.put,fat and full and rom~ Just then one of the servants came of more Beleh You will clambered ulJward. He sat upon ~he fore, lu the following incident way back he s .tays at the ~ find them stom~h trouwindow sill for a few minutes. -to g~t Into the room wlth. an ~xelted story ;by the New York Press. A group ble; cures by m..Address Fml~er and .Five Children Suffered" ]r~t.: secon~l w~e~--~hut t-s . his breath. then fOUnd himself in a of burglary, open window, and torn ~oungera were discussing the recent Mu~.~’s ?o., 328 3¢I T~wo Year~ With TerrlbIe ~who starv6s and dimly lighted hallway¯ .Ave., ROckJs 111. Wonderful Cure by. C~it~ax~ Ivy, and all euddenlyadJourn.edfor a cape of’a lion at one of the eumm a very thin Just In front of him a door was tour of In~’estlgal~Ion. " ~he window p/~rks Just outside of Newark, and "My htmbsndand five children were-all Write .Plainly. 0 iw Full Addres~ finally returna -to start-. . . --. opened a lit-tie way, as "though the ~c- andlvy were found as descrlbed,but exprei~sed his belief, that It must . ,. afliicted with eczema.-.They had it two afresh 1 ...-: .r 1:: ~_ yem. We used all the home remedies cupant of the room had carele~s].y a thorough search revealed the "fact been something of a scare. "~ c ¯ box, or by real All drug, s¯s. 5~c. - ¯~w ]e[~ ~~----: pushed It to without st,N,-;’L~g tO fasten I"’Scare:" we could hear of, without any relief, and that nothing had been taken: echoed ¯ man connectd .:a ,,,~ accepted~ =pen x~.e~pt ,f. then went toa physician-and get medicine .- Tm--:.Yes, ~ se.~r-~i-at m, It He listened re,, a moment. A]] with the park. "I should say it wa~ "A vgry ~orttmate escape," they all -~ two different times, and it got worse. It r~ception]ast nlgl~ "~ ’ was quiet Sisals. He fancied he heard e scar~ The people made ~h a din concurred as they returned to finish a affected us all over excep(he~d and hands. ’~ODERN WORKER OF MIRACLES. k,ma one ,breathing or murmdrlng reg2es~--Why~:that’| ~! .She t0!d We saw Cuticura Remedies ad~,ertisedand cold breakfast. In the excitement no 1 was afraid the poor old fellow would me to-day that she di4[n’t m yo~ ularly, as though!.n sle.ep.A br!ght con"C’luded to try them. "SoI seat for $1.00 rib: of frightbefore we could get him" ~oticed Edlth’s flushed face.bent over ~o Cure ~x AI~ I~ ~.s Che ~rother ti~ere, although she was looking for lightwas burn!ngwlthln,Its sla~tlng Worth, consisting o~ one cake of Cuticura . back to his cage. " pa~eutly. Hopeh T]hluj-a.. shaft plerclngthe gloomof the hall- her plate. you. ~ap, one box of 0intmq~t and. one vial el "He w~n~t a burglar~ He waza;t "We found him hiding behind ¯ -,~dy mother- cnn a fix- things. q . , way. He pushedopen the door s}~wly, Pills,and w~ commencedto use them..I Tes~-~ course, ~upidIDidn’t I .tree, and it was. ten minutes before s a regular magician," said a boy do not know how to ~xpre}mmy joy in a burglar," ths repeated to her¯oiL She cautiously,and looked In.. A yvung Just tell you l-new her?.---Phtlad~Iphla ~gce could Induce him to faee that yellperplexed by one of finding a cure,-for .two of my ehildren. I’ll never kept t.~l her now,word, never." dif~lrl of about ten or twelvewas knee]- "sad Edith Leslie and the Press. life. ~Ihe were so bad that they have the brown = In¯ by tbe bedslde. :Some dalnty’creasecret, grew up with her. But she h~g mob and get baek to where he J flc~Uee of a school scars on their bodie~ where they were knew he was safe. -He Is the gentlest | me;her could hardly h,,-~. ~o, lion ’of ribbon -nvd valenciennes lace, I never forgot the thin, handsome, half~’~’~.~.. .old fellow in the world, ,and never ~c~aa~ to admlratl0n t!~n"~"s° ."" ~’"" fail about her like a cloud. Her long’ I ~ungry face and its sudden llinminasore.~0~ Co..Mra’w, Maggieva., June’"Hill,12,1905:’Stevens’ MaH~u~. What makes you look .-so m~ Would have wandered out had he not |de~l, half a womar~’s ousmess.]s "nx" , -" " .. Fellow halt, unbound, nea~=ly swept the ] tton as It Was rut-ned toward her.Uner~ble? been frightened by the man-wh0 fell |,a~ things" whieh first at sight . ....seem- ELECTRIC PLANT FOR PEAT. : Her--Why, do I look-l~d~bla?~a~n~r-2~e ~clOheS~r. the door softly and [ conscloualyit grew to be her Ideal and Into the cage from the c~cle whirl’[beyond repair or cent ~r~Lnce. I --.. -. ~r ,Hhn--Yes; you look u.ff your "worst mothers In setting thinga-l-Prodwe~ o~ no~ Dlztlmte~-~.~t~l~ brat - [ she meu~d~ed every oth~flt~e.by iL ¯ bore. Of coupe that upset Mm,. and t-. The skill.of and no ha ." enemy had Just b~n happily mar--" not y.~ h. r~u s,w *~" is a combination of Ingenuity,. or- Re~ai--H~dm~ l~w~.. ouL 4.~,- ~= .~,. nat. rightlginalit~, ried. ....... , courage, ~, and~fa:~ r,~ all uphis at | [~.~ex forgo~e’~In th~gr~w de~and that ~-e~ him. :1,. life he ~ecognl~lthe. kulghtly An el~=’tric process for the treatm4mt ~. _ "Then the peep]e.made such a no~se wisdom born of love. Her--Oh, ? It’s ~ever so mush worse nao never seen a f~.~ .~ ot .~’~ ....... "Never call s of p~.nt has lately been adopted in.~g" ’" than that. 8he ~ ~ ~ lia’ppily that" his one idea was to flee. ~be thing Impossible you have trie~ beautiful, A glad,~orprtsecl light was ~nce that had only planted a light land at the Johnston & Philllpa.Work~. more he ran the. more they yelled, ¯nd .it yourself," is the divorced. - ...... k.~ upon her hair when ~-he had ~ - . . upon It as with both arma outstretched mother’s mot- The peat Is transformed Into s hard When we did get: him back it yJ~ thrown her arm~ about ~ neck. How she came toward hlm. - . to. .... comtm~ttble, wMehIS well adapted for hours tmfore he stopped trembling~-." "¯Oh, Uncle Harry, I am so glad! I or why he had ever come into her. "Tom. will have to college," ~aid use under boilers. The operation’ is" "It was ¯ sl~tme tO scare the d~. room wu a myetery she l~tght never lint up so long w.alt!ngfor you. ’] Tom’s father to Tom’ -mother In .-the said to lasttwo and ~ half hou~ and old thoughtl,shouldn’tsee you fill me fathom,-but ’h~ d~eanor thin might" L" fellow Uke the "He’¯ the material costs legs than ordinal. I " mlddle 0fTom’s hav~ b~en that ’of a knlght of Ing. Oh, how tall you are.’ Reach can’t seem to keep the IW with Ms class, ~eoaL. The combuzttble "Whi~ Ill .th~ down~ won’t you, please?" Holy Grail " .. -and though he makes new resoluflom, produced ..h~,, a high calorific valse and Gre~ ehryslulU).emums-were .~xhb- to brace up every Obeyingan Impulsi~for whlch "~h’e ¯ "Semper’ they all come gives scarcely any, smoke~ fldelis/* "somewhere~ couldneveraccount, be benth__IA_~efi~wortd _be _~ra,wearer=-:t ~~ led_at¯ fl,wtr show;In ]~aexl. ]~¯ to naught" , - A .plant on a large scale Is to be Inand let the so~ *~om leave college? Our Tom give for on the night.~d~~ stalledin Ii~eland and lfsucee~L~l-!t hle knew It, up hlJ" first battle? she had received ~.~~ I don’t thinly will be’anImportant move in the dlrec-that saved" uatton, that will happen,’" his mother. 8o lion of titiltzing him for time anO eternity. It w_as the bouquet of W~ilte roses, arid"hesS peat aa_fdel ,~der Dlffere~e~ cm ~ 4Hd~t t~t W/attar, t, and when the - best co~dition~ In the~ pre~ent prof flr~ loving V, ucb since his mother bad, In their fragrance, was a card.bearing .he tbgught and him In the darkness to battle wl~h the Latin motto. up early, and .. cess the peat as it comes from. the bogs next week came she morul’ng was Is placed In .c~L~lers, wMChrevolve . the world. tie pr~ a kl~ upon the H was the nlght of her coming ouL of ca~eino In coffee cannot b~t ~lt before 8 o’clock eTown of gold resting upo~ his breast.’ Leslle,.manslon was ablaze wi~ light in the gravest condIUonz, in tim~ sitting, in her son’s at college., at a high speed, while a set of air fans and color: Among. the many Eue~s, [ ~ach attackeup efof the drug w~kensthe 0rod "hat and, llftlng his face upward, made ~/. dtstlng~shed ’Tm going to ~ts used to drive 6ff th~ Water, which and otherwise;, was aJ m~ each coffee) "Now, Tom," she Vow that transfigured It Rld of rts. I 8hall :’.’forms about 80 per" c~u’t ~of the total. see if we can’~ famous scientificwriter and" ln~entor, orgez~ ¯ little I~0r~ "and. the on( Is ¯ scowling savagery, it was a face" of sImply in the A set o.f .ele~tr0d.e~ In .~placed~ 1 ~ almost ¯ matter of mathematical am; the afterwonderfulreflnemen~and Jnst now lJi Edith had often heard him discussed cylli~ders .. and. " co~ with a np by a high-born resolve It_ wa~ alby the-girls as the haudsome~t man .onst~’~UOn. ~ lady writes! frou a many dynamo.. The clteu/t Is completed :- " In. ~e.clty and the most Invulnerable, [ Western State:-.. most Godlike. /" tlling~ w~ But through "the mass-Ottim peat between laugh. easier to study the-el~e~, A handsome bachelor of t~-o~e ~1 . "I am of German des confa~/~as I think you :will / The girl gave a happy little The restutance~-whleh "How handsome you are. Uncle IIa~:you cei’taln]y a fasefnating myatery to a young girl natural that, I .hould lear~ ~Wery because I am here, tl~ pest offers.to-the current ca/mt~a early age tO ~keoffee., U~; f/WiS of elghtt~en, but even this could hard-’ will not. fall to-get up seasonto re- co~sider~bie ~ and~ the latterbreal~ ry! Why, yn~’re not a bit like your heat twenty-three years old I dl’~.m£r~ely ~ pl~tflre.i believe you have sent some ly account for. the strange expectaney ceive the mother’s sail up the peat-andpulvgrlz~ It, but withanyth~ff eIH at my meallJ ".~ -- | 1 ~ ’ one else’s Just for a Joke. ¯ How fun. Tom looked a Httle a a-littleout causingit to lose an~ of~l~prop’’ A’feW y~l a$o I began+; be!at. man.W~thwhich.Edith watchedfor ny:" dazed and a little but in two erase. ~ -- . fected by.agt~d~I/l~easin.~_ rv~US. The phenomenon ¯ came np" at lasL He moV~ slowly toward t.be door, months the talk about leaving "col" ~In Order to Increase the-conduct/.vlty ,. ne~, ~.~. uV~.~- do~i’o~eeur-~pto past" and his .o~ mine klnd~ Of peat they add t~t~. c-m~ ba~k again. He was a very tall m~n "with dark a distreeaing h~tt ti~..~..e’that m~tde le~ was a matter of "I mtmt go now, dear. tel" It is lat~, degree was secure. 8o had ~ chemical produetL After: tMshalr an~ mustache and eyes that flash-, me-very weak ~d m~gbl~ Tl~en, but before I ~o,. I want same : lltt~." Justified herself aea ot mlr~- process the peat .Is. treated .by a seVof ed and glowed ae though trelghted ~so. me three years ago, ~u -added token to remember this nlgh’t by--a lit; cle~Youth’e Which giv~ ¯ plat~,lc. kheadiug rollers; j with tender memories. ’As :in ¯ dream asthma in its worst form.. MY nnerUe ribbon, or---or ;~nythlng.’" ~onSIstency so as to’e~abb it to take inge D~om:these t~uga ~u~ be better ¯ [Edith .heard the words of Introduc_ : .i. ¯_ . ~$he flashe~ Another bright smile up- /tlon. She. felt the color leaving her /magi~ .than detl~qbed. sn him. to an automatic press WMehforms It "During all this time my husband !face, and etek~Ued herself :by resting ¯ "Of course you shaB have It and "her hand.heaNilyupon the back of a realimed more f~ly than I did that . ~ into brtquett~ It is then ready for" |t~ won’t be a rlbbon, either. How -chalr."Sh~ heard a:volee that’wss a~ ,~ u~e and-is taken to the storeroom. coffee was Injurious to me, and made who have the care of chl]dr~en, drain upon t It Is to be remarke~l that although household duties, find many, many, pretty .t~lngs I]nve you not s new voice saying: every, effort to makemestep. th.ey very thetr.:vitality so. g-re.at Bent me from California. ~’ome here, "Fin£11y it was declded a few months often¯ become nervous This tlie passage of the curr~lit through the "May I take her out into the coot, Uncle Harry. and let me pu~ this upon - servatory for a few- minutes? It la ago, to ~alt the Use of Coffee absoluteloss of vitality eadse..~ ba peat gives rlse’to a heating .effectthe ~ ache, sleeplessness, ly, and to adopt Postum Food Coffee as rout little nnger. I guess It’ll fit thatreIRIlts.obtained"in this way-¯reql~Its clo~e In here." etc., and frequently res fits in vartoun Bee_=,, and ahesllpped a ring from our hot table drink. I had but little Then abe felt herself drifting forms of female ; ~ifferent- from those which another ~ethbd of heating would pl~ue~_ By her fihger and held it up to the IIgtiL When you reel tired worn out, through pulsing waves of ll@ht end i~ t~t ~t .y[ould help me, but-conmoated t6 try i t to please my hu~ban& take "It’s a re.el b.~)ndshlp ring and has perfume, conscious , ,~.re heat. the particles of the peat lose only that by her -.~ _ I prepared It very carefully, exactly ac- ~ tome La tin " ¯ w,>rds upon I~. ’semper ~ [their . different : comstit~uent mat~r~ side was "the knight of. her Dr. ~’ll~h cording to dlreettons , andiwas delight-[ .".. ¯. , -, -.. !:;:-,’~,.-..~.~-. ._ , -=" . . ~.,=< - .. fidellL’ That means always faithful.", " J whlle theelectrlc heating causes t t~l~ dreamsl She had race¯hind him Ined with its delicious flare, and refreshRest0ratlve disinte~te, th~Lg"fr~lng, theh~lHe held out h~ hnnd i:/ sllenee; stantly, even before she had seen the ing qualities. ¯ [ which acts directly upon the ner~es~ re- ~ lular material. ~md distributing" it q>eech was ~gyond him. A tremor ring upon ~.ts.. finger. He lied her to "Just so soon as the poison from the f~:eshing anQ strengtheni Ihem. It is , ..... shook him from h~d -to foot: it was .~rearn~ry~.re~..? seat pa~DaJly concealed aria " .sa~. talL-11 ~..~lde coffeel~ad-Um thefiuh’lttve e toprop~’Ues get out~fSf my thesystem’a Postum nerves, nerve fo~d and-brlnss and" tonic, , l~ch’ s,~thes i ~hr°ugh°ut the entire !~. .of: the .P~t¯ U vy.oown a vision-of the gulf ln~whl,:b he had and. relieves the ,, r I( ~l "the .~J~-d l.Thnn all .t~e particles be~me sdap’ed. " " "" t 4" ~rs~imns ttor.¢ombustlon. " . " -~_ ..~ ". ¯ ~o,,nearty fallen. 1 " ~ay~ng ~ eamty ~vory ran rrom began to build me up, a’~nd I" am now sleep. ~: O~ "l ~ ~m~J . _~ .. t~ d~ P o#.r uncle, ’~tow fired you are, how aer. -- ,,~ " __~ . ’ " l~e~-’tt, embIln 8 fingers, he fanned her .folly recovered from slY/ mfnervous. . . . _ ¯ "Your remedies s~v~ v ~v. --w=~ .. ulb~.~mmd ;_ a¯ Inns, Four hand tremble~.. There, it is -On a few ~dindtes in silence. ,: be. I_am.’ ..peat "I-.-glven . . Almost she nose, heart t~euble and a~thma I glad are all you~elaim them nowyears In- very good to’ a, woman tr~Un~t, with the curtal The ~Ir’l~ : .~; .... ~.~-~:~ ..~- : now, land how -nicely It fits.This Is :. could bear tl~e heart-beat of the terns. ly aeknowl~lge that now, for the first ?~ old, thank~ ¯ -.-_, f; ._.-; ,. r~medie~. ~ out b~ a tight coy.or, ~the’ma~ tim way. we girl~ put" oh .-.f.riendshlpThen he’: l)e~t down, the intensity of time In year~ I eaJ~ perfect health,.When I feel r~rvoU~ o~. " hi then treated wtth.an~adil~!ve~solu, rings." and. stooptng down. she presseff ~ bie-gazt~compe!llng herto look up. and that I owe it all to P0~tum.,- I take.-aj’few dos&l a kls&.U.Ron It. :".N*o~; you ~lluetne~ee, "Have you no other welcome for Name¯ givm by ’Posture Co, Battle Nerv~M, and it metCATHA.RINE m~er,take It off." Uncle Ha.l~y?" Crick, Mleh. "No..d~ar,’j" he replied, Sole.mffly, :’I. ¯. -t. an~ at a lffmt Remembering her formt~ greeting, i Thm’s ¯ ream-- Rind" the / to-have l~m. will never take It 0fl~ And now, g~d -. .the ’ flush came to her c~eel~, sendln~ book."~h, Roe4 nlgbt and"--=u~ler h~ brt, atb~"goo~-. detached ~ans of color like; an- ~ ’ no PosSum. ~ Ooff~ ~ ~ I ¯ he --~ " th. h,¯.; w O ¯ a,wa : . . ¢ ¯ ~ ,~. ~u~.~ # - ¯ : :- :’7 -.’~ ./ 2 =’(~. =¯ :_ ..., -= .- ~ ¯- Fr.." ;-. - ?.- . .-. one.. r/ tto ~ .~ ... ¯ :." ... . : -- ~:- -.~.-~- ......... . - ;,. ==,~:~:~ ’:~.~.- ~.~.~:=~..:>;... . . - . ,.... .~:.-’:"_’ 3 -: - .;. = - :