Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, 2016


Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, 2016
Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, 2016
Science meets Practice
The “Etna International Training School of Geochemistry 2016. Science meets Practice” is hosted in Mt. Etna (Italy) at the Osservatorio
Vulcanologico Pizzi Deneri, from 1 to 6 August 2016. It is addressed to Senior Graduate and PhD students and Postdoctoral
researchers. Aim of the training school is to bring together the next generation of researchers active in studies concerning
geochemistry and to introduce them with innovating direct sampling and remote sensing techniques.
The “Osservatorio Vulcanologico Pizzi Deneri” was built
on the rim of the Ellittico caldera, in the base of the NorthEast crater at an altitude of 2,850 m a.s.l., near the Valle
del Leone. It lies in a strategic location making it one of the
most important sites of the INGV - Osservatorio Etneo for
monitoring, geophysical and volcanological research. In
other words, the Pizzi Deneri observatory is a unique place
close to the top of the most active volcano of Europe.
Etna, a volcano in an identity crisis?
Boris Behncke (INGV of Catania, Osservatorio Etneo, Italy)
Different ways for the direct sampling approach
Franco Tassi (University of Florence, Italy)
Multi-GAS observations of volcanic gas composition: a review
Alessandro Aiuppa (University of Palermo, Italy)
Remote Sensing of Volcanic Gases
Nicole Bobrowski (Universität Mainz, Germany)
Magmatic-Hydrothermal interaction
Bruce Christenson (GNS Science, LOWER HUTT, New Zealand)
Ground based sensing of volcanic gas
Giuseppe Salerno (INGV of Catania, Osservatorio Etneo, Italy)
Real-time measurements of volcanic gas composition and flux
Giancarlo Tamburello (University of Palermo, Italy)
Environmental influences on soil diffuse degassing processes
Fatima Viveiros (University of the Azores, Portugal)
Degassing from acidic water bodies
Dmitri Rouwet (INGV of Bologna, Italy)
Radon in soil gas: methods of sampling and its use in Volcanology
Salvatore Giammanco (INGV of Catania, Osservatorio Etneo, Italy)
* Excursion to the active craters of Mt. Etna. Sampling of
plume and fumaroles by direct sampling methods and
remote sensing techniques.
Giovanni Giuffrida, Sergio Calabrese, Franco Tassi, Nicole
Bobrowski, Giancarlo Tamburello, Marcello Bitetto,
Giuseppe Salermo, Alessandro Aiuppa.
* Field measurements of soil diffuse degassing (CO2 and
Rn) in the summit and distal anomalous areas.
Fatima Viveiros, Salvatore Giammanco, Giovannella
* Visit of mud volcanoes (Salinelle di Paternò) and springs
fed by the volcanic aquifer of Etna (Acqua Grassa and
Fondachello). Sampling of bubbling gases and
Walter D’Alessandro, Sergio Calabrese, Franco Tassi,
Kyriaki Daskalopoulou, Giovannella Pecoraino, Dmitri
Photos by S. Calabrese
The International Training School of Geochemistry, following a low-cost philosophy, aims to provide the students a unique field
experience supported by a group of expert teachers in a spectacular volcanic scenery. Furthermore, it gives young scientists an
opportunity to experiment and evaluate new techniques to be used on volcanic fluid emissions covering a broad variety of methods.
The Training School will be funded by the INGVs of Catania and Palermo, the Universities of Palermo and Florence, the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, the AIV.
Etna International Training School of Geochemistry, 2016
Science meets Practice
Application Information
Participation fee
The cost of the workshop is 150 €, which includes fees, accommodation (5 nights), meals and transportations (Catania observatory and back; field activities). The participation fee does not cover travel expenses to Catania (Italy).
Note: Two grants will be allocated to two students admitted to the “Etna International School of Geochemistry, 2016”. The
grants will be given by the AIV (Associazione Italiana di Vulcanologia) and only will cover the participation fee.
Selection criteria
The available positions are 20 and are going to be dispensed to applicants of all levels requested above. Major selection factors
will include: i) relevance with the geochemistry of fluids and volcanic systems
ii) curriculum vitae
iii) country of provenance
iv) candidate's interest to employ specific instruments or sampling equipments during the field-trips.
To apply, candidates have to fill the pre-inscription form:
and provide: i) a two-page curriculum vitae; ii) a list of publications; iii) a motivation letter; iv) two recommendation letters
Application deadline: 20 April 2016 at 12:00am CET
Final decisions will be announced by mid-May 2016. All participants will be personally informed by e-mail.
Scientific Committee
• Sergio Calabrese, Università di Palermo (Italy)
• Franco Tassi, Università di Firenze (Italy)
• Nicole Bobrowski, Universität Mainz, (Germany)
• Giovanella Pecoraino, INGV of Palermo (Italy)
• Giovanni Giuffrida, INGV of Palermo (Italy)
• Giuseppe Salerno, INGV of Catania (Italy)
Organizing Committee
Photos by S. Calabrese
• Sergio Calabrese, Università di Palermo (Italy)
• Kyriaki Daskalopoulou, Università di Palermo (Italy)
• Giovanni Giuffrida, INGV of Palermo (Italy)
• Giuseppe Salerno, INGV of Catania (Italy)
• Marcello Bitetto, Università di Palermo (Italy)
• Giancarlo Tamburello, Università di Palermo (Italy)
• Stefania Venturi, Università di Firenze (Italy)
• Chiara Caponi, Università di Firenze (Italy)
• Anna Solvejg Dinger, University of Heidelberg (Germany)
The Training School will be funded by the INGVs of Catania and Palermo, the Universities of Palermo and Florence, the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, the AIV.