January 31, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
January 31, 2016 - St. Joseph Catholic Church
Church of Saint Joseph Garden City, New York - Diocese of Rockville Centre 130 Fifth Street Garden City, NY 11530 (516) 747-3535 Fax: (516) 746-0719 Parish website www.stjosephchurchgc.org Reverend Msgr. James P. Swiader Pastor Reverend Gregory F. Breen Associate Pastor Reverend Joseph C. Scolaro MASS SCHEDULE SATURDAY 8:30 am Vigil Mass 5:00pm SUNDAY Church Associate Pastor 7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am, 11:45am, 1:00pm, 5:30pm Reverend John Kettelberger, CM Auditorium John J. McKenna Deacon Andrew Ciccaroni Deacon January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time 10:00am Family Mass MONDAY-FRIDAY Church 8:00am, 9:00am Novena Mass -Convent Chapel Monday 8:00 pm Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016 PARISH MEMBERSHIP SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE We welcome those who are new to our parish and ask them to call the Rectory for registration information. If you are moving, please notify the Rectory. Marriages should be arranged at least six months in advance. Weddings may be celebrated Fridays: 5:00 PM, Saturdays: 11:00 AM, & 3:00 PM, Sundays: 3:45 PM SACRAMENT OF THE EUCHARIST Saturday Evenings: In Church at 5:00 PM Sundays: In Church at 7:30, 9:00, 10:30, 11:45 AM, 1:00 and 5:30 PM; in Auditorium at 10:00 AM except July & August Weekdays: 8:00, 9:00 AM Monday through Friday with 12:10 PM on First Fridays. Saturdays: 8:30 AM Holy Days: See printed announcements prior to the Holy Day for the Mass Schedule. Monday evenings: 8:00 PM with Miraculous Medal Novena in Convent Chapel, except legal holidays. SACRAMENT OF ANOINTING THE SICK The Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick takes place on the first Saturday of the month immediately following the 8:30 morning Mass. You may also call the Rectory to arrange for anointing and Holy Communion for the homebound. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturdays: 1:00 to 2:00 and 6:00 to 6:30 PM Also, 2nd, 3rd & 4th Saturdays of the month 9:00 to 9:30 AM. Eves of Holy Days and First Fridays: 4:00 to 5:00 PM. SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM Baptism is celebrated on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, & 4th Sunday of the month at 2:30 PM. Please note: there are no baptisms on the fifth Sunday of the month. Registration is necessary prior to the date of Baptism. Instruction is required for parents of first children. READINGS FOR THE WEEK Sunday: J er 1:4-5, 17-19/Ps 71:1-6, 15-17/1 Cor 12:31--13:13 or 13:4-13/Lk 4:21-30 Monday: 2 Sm 15:13-14, 30; 16:5-13/Ps 3:2-7/Mk 5:1-20 Tuesday: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7-10/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22 -32 Wednesday: 2 Sm 24:2, 9-17/Ps 32:1-2, 5-7/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: 1 Kgs 2:1-4, 10-12/1 Chr 29:10-12/Mk 6:7-13 Friday: Sir 47:2-11/Ps 18:31, 47, 50-51/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: 1 Kgs 3:4-13/Ps 119:9-14/Mk 6:30-34 Next Sunday: Is 6:1-2a, 3-8/Ps 138:1-5, 7-8/1 Cor 15:1-11 or 15:3-8, 11/Lk 5:1-11 THE RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION RCIA is a process welcoming new members into the Roman Catholic Church. Any adult who is not baptized or is baptized in another Christian Church and wishes to become a Catholic, or is baptized in the Roman Catholic Church but seeks the Sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation, should call the Rectory at 747-3535. ADULT FAITH FORMATION Sister Kathleen Corr, O.P., Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 MUSIC AND LITURGY Mr. Joseph Cangialosi, Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 PARISH SOCIAL MINISTRY Anna Maria Sirianni, LMSW, Director 747-7120 120 Fifth Street RELIGIOUS EDUCATION/CCD Mrs. Susan Mirabella, Director 121 Fourth Street 741-7787 SCHOOL Mrs. Christina Teisch, Principal 747-2730 Mrs. Regina Cioffi, Assistant Principal 450 Franklin Avenue STEWARDSHIP Sister Louise Cullen, RSM, Director 121 Fourth Street 741-5632 YOUTH MINISTRY Mr. Philip Malloy, Director 130 Fifth Street 747-3535 DECEASED Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord… John M. McQueeny Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY MASS INTENTIONS FOR THE WEEK Sunday, January 31 - 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Aud. 10:30 AM 11:45 AM 1:00 PM Carol Rudy Ann Fagan & Harrington Family Mary Ann Bouchard Parishioners of St. Joseph Joseph Boyle Margaret Casolaro, Daniel Paulo, Barbara Scudder, Overbeck Family 5:30 PM Lou & Lee Plaut Monday, February 1 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:00 PM James Carter Loretta Stasgins Novena Mass Tuesday, February 2 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Brian Gray Mary Horgan Wednesday, February 3 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Richard Link Geri Selvaggio Thursday, February 4 8:00 AM 9:00 AM Robert Lehnert Fannie Straka January 31, 2016 PRAYERS FOR THE SICK “If anyone is sick among you, ask the community to pray” Please pray for: Ann Altman, Ana M. Alvarez, Vladimir Alvarez, Felicitia Alvarez, James J. Ashe, Deborah Auricchio, Joanne Auricchio, Robert Auricchio, Teagan Baralo, Adelina Bera, Lauren Dittrich Bilyeu, Jennifer Blake, Marilyn Bloch, Anthony Boccia, Baby Alexa Boylan, David Cahill, Victoria Bunone, Kathy Burns, Lorraine Cagliostro, Theresa Camoia, Rose Cangialosi, Patrick Cancroft, Joan Cashman, Maria Cerrone, Frank Cirona, Joseph Clements, Roberta Coleman, Patrick Concannon, Carol Countryman, Sheila Dollard, Rosemary Fitzpatrick, Jack Gearns, Pat Garbato, Wanda Gecewicz, Michele George, Joseph Gottlieb, Jane Heinssen, Ron Hildreth, Florence Cadigan Hutchinson, Edward Johnson, Josephine Juliano, Thomas Kehoe, Carlin Kenny, Chris Lamendola, Olivia Macchio, Theresa Maguire, Joseph Martens, John Joseph McCarthy, Marie Martin, Jayne McGratty, Anne McGowan, Regina McGowan, Bob McGuire, Vinko Mender, Mary Messmer, Rudy Montego, Kathleen Morris, Bethsy Morrissey, James Mulhearn, Pat O’Carroll, Joe Oliva, Rose Occhini, Thomas O’Donnell, Cecelia Ortiz, John Ormond, Barney Rinaldi, Brian Rey, Elodia Rich, Hope Riccobono, Jo Ann Russo, Maria Pashayan, Ann Senchyshyn, Thomas Shea, Fran Skinner, Rita Scaglione, A.J. Scalice, Eugene Shannon, Kathleen Smith, Frances Klein Sneath, Alan Sorrentino, Emma Tynan Quinn, Stephanie Ryan, Liz Sarno, Julia Schwartz, Carol Schwinn, Filomena Stubel, Mildred Tyszka, Catherine Vogt Friday, February 5 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 12:10 PM Radames F. Hernandez Ed Carney & M. Doris Martin Koslow WE WELCOME THE NEWLY BAPTIZED Saturday, February 6 8:30 AM 5:00 PM Theresa & Joseph Collins, Patricia Cincotta, Sally Quartarro Sunday, February 7 - 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM Aud. 10:30 AM 11:45 AM 1:00 PM Miller, Robert Gorman Fred C. Brudie Marion Brzozowski Ida Luisi Mary Miranda Parishioners of St. Joseph, Matthew Mary Jeanne Miller, Joseph Guella, Livio Noscenzia 5:30 PM Jeanne & Joseph Onorato WEEKEND MASS CELEBRANTS Saturday, February 6, 2016 5:00 PM Father Gregory Breen Sunday, February 7, 2016 7:30 AM Father John Kettelberger 9:00 AM Father Joseph Scolaro 10:00AM Aud. Father John Kettelberger 10:30 AM Msgr. James Swiader 11:45 AM Msgr. James Swiader 1:00 PM Father Joseph Scolaro 5:30 PM Father Gregory Breen This schedule is subject to change to meet the needs of the parish. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016 St. Joseph Parish Directory Rectory Office………………………………………………………………………………516-747-3535 Receptionist ......................................................................................................................... Ext. 10 Pastor: Reverend Msgr. James P. Swiader .......................................................................... Ext. 13 Associate Pastor: Reverend Gregory F. Breen .................................................................... Ext. 11 Associate Pastor: Reverend Joseph C. Scolaro .................................................................... Ext. 20 Deacon Jack McKenna. ......................................................................................................... 516-747-3535 Deacon Andy Ciccaroni ........................................................................................................ 516-747-3535 Adult Faith Formation: Sr. Kathleen Corr, OP, Director .................................................... Ext. 12 Music and Liturgy: Mr. Joseph Cangialosi, Director .......................................................... Ext. 29 Youth Ministry: Mr. Philip Malloy, Director ...................................................................... Ext. 30 Bulletin / Parish Registration: Mrs. Adrienne Kuczwaj ...................................................... Ext. 27 Executive Secretary: Mrs. Barbara Stay …………………………………………………...Ext.16 Facilities’ Manager: Mr. Frank Mondo ............................................................................... Ext.18 St. Joseph School: Mrs. Christina Teisch, Principal .......................................................... 516-747-2730 Mrs. Regina Cioffi, Assistant Principal Religious Education: Mrs. Susan Mirabella, Director ........................................................ 516-741-7787 Parish Social Ministry: Anna Maria Sirianni, LMSW, Director .......................................... 516-747-7120 Stewardship: Sr. Louise Cullen, RSM, Director ................................................................. 516-741-5632 Parish Trustees: Mr . Michael White • Mr . Thomas O’Br ien Pastoral Council: Mr . Chr istopher Adams • Mr s. Mar ia Fr anco• Mr . Gr egor y Hester ber g • Mr. Joseph McCarthy • Mr. Richard Russell • Mr. Thomas Scaturro • Mrs. Dorry Tompsett • Mrs. Maureen Wallace Emergency Anointing number (when Rectory Office is closed): 516-434-1516 PARISH MISSION STATEMENT The Parish of St. Joseph celebrates the good news of Jesus Christ by giving witness to His real presence in our midst; We express our faith through prayer, especially in the celebration of the Eucharist and Sacraments. We continually form and strengthen our faith by embracing and teaching the word of God and trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit. We comfort and give hope to the sick and the grieving and reach out to those in spiritual or material need with compassion and love. We offer hospitality and warmly welcome all people to share the joy and peace of Jesus. Founded on Faith Growing in Hope Serving in Love Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016 31 January 2016 Dear Parishioners, As Catholics we are people who express and nourish our faith, our experience of God’s presence in our lives, not only through the celebration of the sacraments – Eucharist, Baptism, Reconciliation, are the ones that come first to mind – but also through the use signs and symbols and traditions – through SACRAMENTALS: objects or actions that inspire and encourage us to grow in faith and deepen our awareness of God's nearness in our everyday lives. Sacramentals do not confer grace in the same way that sacraments do; rather, in a somewhat more oblique manner, they dispose us to receive God’s grace with open hearts. Like our devotion to the saints, sacramentals are among the most “Catholic” of our traditions and devotions. We are familiar with sacramentals that are particular objects: holy water, crucifixes, images of saints, blessed ashes (Ash Wednesday: February 10), blessed palms, rosaries, etc. But there are also those sacramentals that are practices, such as the Sign of the Cross, Lenten fasting, a genuflection or bow to the tabernacle. They are part of the “culture” of our Catholic faith, visible and tangible in our lives and in our homes. I think of sacramentals because this week we have two particular feasts when our use of sacramentals is particularly evident of our Catholic spirituality. Tuesday, February 2, is the Feast of the Presentation. This ancient commemoration dates from the 4th century. (I wrote in more detail a year ago.) The Church celebrates the presentation of Christ in the Temple. The feast, which began in the East under the title of the Occursus Domini, or the “Meeting of Jesus with Simeon,” was celebrated with the blessing of candles and a public procession, and eventually acquired the name Candlemas. Over time the feast acquired a Marian character, in reference to the ritual purification of Mary according to the Mosaic prescriptions, forty days after the birth of her Child. However, the feast is primarily about Christ, in Simeon’s words, a “Light of revelation to the nations.” Candles are a familiar sacramental in our Catholic identity. I recall growing up with blessed candles in our home. As the lights might flicker as a thunder storm rolled through on a summer evening or a blizzard raged on a winter night, my mother would instruct us to get out the blessed candles, which she would light in the living room and around which we would offer a short prayer as a family. Those candles reminded us that a loving God watched over us and our home. (Blessed candles are available for purchase by parishioners in the sacristy.) Immediately following the Feast of the Presentation, we celebrate the memorial of St. Blaise on February 3, with another sacramental, this time a practice: the blessing of throats. While he was one of the most popular saints in the Middle Ages (the wide distribution of relics attributed to Blaise attests to the extent of this devotion in the 11th and 12th centuries,) accurate biographical information about Blaise, Bishop of Sebaste, Armenia, martyr of the 4th century, is not abundant, nor undisputed. As a consequence, over the centuries legend has filled in many of the gaps. Accounts of his life tell us that he was imprisoned during the persecutions in Cappadocia in the 4th century and eventually beheaded in 316. It was said that during his imprisonment in a cave outside Sebaste even the wild beasts came to seek his blessing; and of course the story of the mother who brought her son who was choking on a fish bone to Blaise, who cured the lad with a blessing and the Sign of the Cross, has ever associated the saint with protection against diseases of the throat. For centuries Catholics have made it an unfailing tradition to have their throats blessed on the feast of St. Blaise: “Through the intercession of St. Blaise, Bishop and Martyr, may God deliver you from illness of the throat and from every other evil, in the name of the Father and of the Son + and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.” The candles used in the ceremony were blessed on the preceding day, Candlemas. Throats will be blessed this Wednesday, the feast of St. Blaise, after each of the morning Masses. I encourage our parishioners to avail themselves of the benefit of sacramentals, especially in our homes, especially with our children. We should maintain the practice of keeping holy water in our homes, as well as blessed candles. We should use them in prayer. A crucifix, a picture of the Sacred Heart or of Mary can be evidence of a Catholic home, as is the practice of charity, forgiveness, and respect. A cross or a saint’s medal worn around the neck hopefully is a sign of a Christian individual, again, as is the practice of the virtues of kindness, generosity, and compassion. I hope the tradition of sacramentals will continue to enrich our faith, giving outward sign of inward grace. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL January 31, 2016 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Catholic Schools Week, a nationwide celebration of Catholic Schools in America, begins today, Sunday, January, 31. The school community will celebrate at the 9:00 Liturgy, which will be followed by refreshments in the Gym and an Open House until 12:30pm. Please see our flyer for more activities scheduled for the whole week. Feel free to stop by to see the wonderful things that are happening here at St. Joseph School! All classes will meet this week as scheduled. Our 6th, 7th, and 8th graders spent another afternoon at the Cradle of Aviation for their Pathways class. See the exciting things they are working on in the areas of Aeronautics, Astronomy and Rocketry!! First Grade Child and Parent Church Tours - Children and Parent(s) report directly to Church at 3:45pm as follows: First Eucharist Enrollment Mass The Second Graders are being enrolled as candidates for First Eucharist at the 1 PM Mass next weekend. A reception will follow in the gym. Tuesday, Feb. 3rd for classes 1-3, and 1-4 Wednesday, Feb. 4th for classes 1-7 and 1-8 There will be an 11:00 dismissal on Friday, February 5 for grades K to 8 and 11:15 dismissal for Nursery and PreK. Run for Catholic Education! Please join us on March 19th at 9 AM for the St. Joseph School Run For Tomorrow's Hope 5K and Fun Run Flat, fast, traffic-free course, professionally timed and USATF certified Age category awards Post-race festival Fun for seasoned runners and first timers Walkers and strollers welcome For info or to register go to: www.sjspta.com/ run.html The mission of Tomorrow’s Hope Foundation is to ensure the excellence as well as the continuance of Catholic Schools on Long Island by increasing awareness and by providing scholarship and program funding for the needs of students and schools. Catholic Schools Week 2016 January 31– February 5th Schedule of Events Sunday, January 31 9:00 AM Liturgy 10:00AM-12:30 PM Curriculum Sunday Monday, February 1 8:30 AM Opening Prayer Service Tuesday, February 2 8:30 AM Spelling Bee Grades 3, 4, 5 Buddy –Up Day 7:30 PM Parent Information Night Wednesday, February 3 8:30 AM Math Bee Grade 6, 7, 8, 12:45 PM Pre-K “Special Person Day” Thursday, February 4 Spirit Day/Dress Down Day PTA Game Show 7:00 PM Sports Night Grades 7,8 Friday, February 5 9:00 AM Liturgy Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY CAPITAL CAMPAIGN January 31, 2016 STEWARDSHIP ~ A Way of Life Founded upon Faith, Entrusted with a Mission, Building for Our Future The brochures outlining St. Joseph Parish Capital Campaign were mailed to all registered parishioners. The work of repair and renovation is well under way. We are happy to say that the replacement of the air conditioning system and the refinishing of the pews in the church is actually a bit ahead of schedule. We earnestly encourage all parishioners to give your prayerful attention to the Campaign brochure and prayerfully consider making a three-year sacrificial pledge to support this project – much-needed work for present needs in the church and for future needs around the parish facilities. This work is clearly laid out in the brochure, along with a guide for making a pledge that can be fulfilled over the course of three years. We are building for the future of St. Joseph Parish, so that we can continue to fulfill our mission for the generations yet ahead of us. Please consider your own participation in the Campaign through whatever pledge you are able to make. Every parishioner and family is vital to the success of this project In the words of St. Paul to the Ephesians: “You are fellow citizens with the saints and holy ones, And members of the household of God, Built upon the foundation of the Apostles and prophets, With Christ Jesus himself as the capstone.” SACRIFICAL GIVING January 24, 2016 Blizzard of 2016 ~ hit St. Joseph Parish! $7,592.00 Stewardship Reflection We can substitute in the reading today “mercy” is patient, kind, bears all things and forgives all things and ask ourselves what virtue we need in this Year of Mercy. God who is all merciful is waiting to give us what we need when we ask. In the Gospel, Jesus is rejected because he claimed to be the Son of God (last week’s reading). The people of Nazareth vacillated from being gracious and listening to his words to being angry because they saw him only as the Son of Joseph. This week, let us try to use St. Paul’s letter to measure our mercy and to see where we need help. Let us also take the time to recognize the goodness in each other. Sr. Louise Cullen RSM- Stewardship Coordinator Lectors, Extraordinary Ministers, and Altar Servers. The schedule for February 13th – March 20th will be run this week. Please fill in your away dates or times when you are not available by February 2nd. Moms’ Faith and Life Sharing -Morning Group: Meets on February 4th and February 25th at 9:30 in the St. Agnes Room. New members are always welcome. Give yourself the chance to meet other mothers and make new friends. No need for a babysitter, children are welcome to play or stay with you. Evening Group meets February 25th in the Convent Center. All are welcome. Training for New Lectors, Ushers or Extraordinary Ministers is coming up in Mar ch or Apr il. Please call Sr. Louise 741-5632 or e-mail her at [email protected]. Tuesday, February 2nd is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas Day) candles are available in the sacristy today after the Masses. Wednesday, February 3rd is the Feast of St. Blaise according to tradition the intercession of St. Blaise is invoked against illnesses of the throat. Blessing of throats will take place after the morning Masses. Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY ADULT FAITH FORMATION Presents Killing Jesus This film (originally a made-for-TV movie shown on the National Geographic channel) is based on the book with the same title authored by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard. It retells the story of Jesus’ life and death through the prism of the political, social and historical conflicts of His time. While the Gospels are the principal source of the content of the film, substantial literary license has been taken by the authors/filmmakers in the interpretation and embellishment of the scriptural texts, which should provide the basis for some fruitful discussion. The cast includes Haaz Sleiman as Jesus, Kelsey Grammer as Herod the Great, Stephen Moyer as Pontius Pilate, John RhysDavies as Annas, and Emmanuelle Chriqui as Herodias. Sunday, February 14, 2016 2:00 p.m. in the St. Agnes Room January 31, 2016 ST. JOSEPH SCHOOL PTA Queen of Hearts Luncheon - last call to RSVP! Please join us for this long, loved tradition on Tuesday, February 9th at the Westbury Manor, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm! Luncheon tickets $65 per person. Sweepstake ticket (s) $15 each or 5 for $60. Raffle baskets, calendar raffle, limited & grand raffles are part of the day, including a delicious, sit-down lunch! If you would like to attend or would like to purchase raffle tickets (you don't have to be present to win), please contact Kim Pawlowski at 917-501-9974 or by email at [email protected] All proceeds benefit St. Joseph School! ROSARY ALTAR SOCIETY This is the third of our 2015-2016 series Movies for a Sunday Afternoon Our next meeting of the Rosary Altar Society will be on Friday, February 5th at 10:00 AM in the St. Agnes Room. Our guest speaker will be Peggy Clores, Topic "Triumph in Times of Crisis & Suffering" . Admission is FREE; All are Welcome. A Discussion will Follow the Showing and Light Refreshments will be Served. All women of the parish are welcome to attend. KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Defensive Driving Class Saturday: February 6th St. Agnes Room 9 AM ~3:30 PM $45.00 per person Please make check out to: Knights of Columbus Council 15809 Send all requests to the Rectory: 130 Fifth Street, Garden City, New York 11530. For more information please call: Michael Falco 516-574-9529 or Joseph Rosato 516-650-1903 The Stephen K. Tompsett Memorial Fund for Technology in Education Encourages all high school seniors who are residents of Garden City to apply for the 2016 Award for Excellence in Math, Science or Technology. Instructions and forms under “Awards and Grants” on www.stevetompsettmemorialfund.org; The Trustees grant at least one award to a GCHS senior and at least one award to a senior attending any private school. In 2015, the Trustees granted awards to six students. Email applications to [email protected] Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY NOCTURNAL ADORATION Friday, February 5, 2016 January 31, 2016 PARISH MISSION MARK YOUR CALENDARS! March 14-15-16 Father Paul Fagan CP “Walking by Faith in the Year of Mercy” Friday, February 5th the First Friday of February, is a day of prayer for peace and for the people of our parish. Masses for First Friday are at 8:00 & 9:00 AM & 12:10 PM. Confessions will be heard on Thursday, February 4th from 4 to 5 PM. Our Nocturnal Adoration Society invites all parishioners to visit the church anytime between the hours of 9:00 PM on Friday and 8:00 AM on Saturday. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed for adoration throughout the night, and Benediction will take place just before the 8:30 AM Mass on Satur day. For more information contact either: Terry Tener at 747-5713 Jack McGowan at 741-8420 Could You Not Watch One Hour With Me? (Mt 26:40) EUCHARISTIC ADORATION We also want to give parishioners the opportunity to pray before our Eucharistic Lord during the day. The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed in the “logietta” (crying room) till 12:00 noon. Note: If there is a funeral, the Blessed Sacrament will not be exposed in the morning. MORNING RETREAT FOR MOTHERS Given by Father Joseph Scolaro Friday, February 5th - following Holy Mass, come join other mothers for a morning of prayer and spiritual growth. Schedule: 9:00 am Holy Mass in the Church. Convent Chapel the following: 9:35 am to 10:00 am Meditation led by Father Joseph Scolaro on "All Love Bears Fruit" 10:00 am to 10:10 am Examination of Conscience 10:10 am to 10:30 am Talk 10:00 am to 11:00 am Confession available. Please feel free to invite all your friends! You are welcome to bring your baby or toddler and walk in at any point of the recollection (recommended to arrive by 10:00 am). 2015-2016 Calendar March 4th ~ Light in a Dark World April 8th ~ A Home for the Wounded Heart May 13th ~ Mother, Teacher, Family - the Nature and Role of the Church Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016 Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time Church of St. Joseph, Garden City NY January 31, 2016