Cathedral of the Annunciation
Cathedral of the Annunciation
CATHEDRAL OF THE ANNUNCIATION 400 West Rose Street, Stockton, California Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome / Homenaje de la Basilica Letran de Roma Monday, November 10, 2014: 6:30pm: RCIA for Children: School 7:00pm: Grupo de Oración: Cuarto del Coro Tuesday, November 11, 2014: VETERAN’S DAY OFFICE CLOSED 6:00pm: Legion de Maria: Escuela 6:00pm: Youth Legion de Maria: Escuela 7:00pm: RCIA for Adults: Parish House 7:00pm: Consejo Hispano: Parish House Wednesday, November 12, 2014: 8:30am: School Mass: Church 4:00pm: High School Homeless Ministry: Choir Room 5:30pm: Virgen Peregrina: Iglesia 6:30pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room 7:00pm: Clase Bautismal: Escuela STEPHEN E. BLAIRE, D.D. Bishop of Stockton / Obispo de Stockton Rev. John M. Armistead, Pastor Parish Ministry Team / Equipo Ministerial Lucy Hamer Parish Administrator / Administradora de la Parroquia Danielle Silva School Principal / Directora de la Escuela Thursday, November 13, 2014: 7:00pm: Estudio Biblico: Cuarto del Coro Friday, November 14, 2014: 12:15pm: Prayer Group : Church 3:00pm: Rosary Club: Church 7:00pm: Practica del Coro: Iglesia 7:00pm: Bilingual Youth Group: School Saturday, November 15, 2014: Sunday, November 16, 2014: 9:15am: Religious Education: School 11:15am: Educación Religiosa: Escuela 11:30am: Catecismo para Adultos: Gimnasio 2:30pm: Baptisms: Church Rev. Bill Kraft, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mike Wofford, Deacon Rev. Mr. Matthew Joseph, Deacon Parish House / Casa Parroquial 425 West Magnolia Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Office: (209) 463-1305 Fax: (209) 463-0807 Parish Email: [email protected] Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Shannon Rodriguez Early Childhood Ministries / Directora Preescolar Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm Yvonne Harrold Director of Religious Education / Directora de Educación Religiosa 1110 North Lincoln Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Grace Ayala Director of Religious Education, Spanish / Directora de Educación Religiosa, Español Parish Preschool / Preescolar Laura Chance Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry / Directora del Ministerio para Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos Schedule of Masses / Horario de Misas Kathy Freitas Business Manager / Administradora Al Smith Plant Manager / Director de Mantenimiento Alma Suerdieck Parish Secretary / Secretaria Parroquial Parish School/ Escuela Parroquial 209-444-4000 440 West Rose Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 209-465-2961 Saturdays / Sábados: 5:30pm Sundays / Domingos: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm Español Weekdays / Entre Semana: 6:30am SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesdays / Miércoles: 7:00pm - 7:30pm Saturdays / Sábados: 8:30am - 9:30am Baptism / Bautismo Genieva Zollinger Sacristan / Sacristán English: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 2:30pm, Español: 2o y 4o Domingo, 2:30pm Patti Stone Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativo Marriage / Matrimonio Parish Nurses / Enfermeras de la Parroquia Norah Lamond, R.N. Ginny Wallace, R.N. Nola Moccafiche, R.N. 209-463-1305 Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance of wedding date. /Arreglos para una boda deben de ser hechos con seis meses de anticipo. WANTED: YOUR WISDOM SE BUSCA: SU SABIDURIA To date, we have over 550 responses to our Parish Survey...but we need many, many more! Please share your wisdom! Every member of the community, ages Jr. High (6th-8th grade) and up, is invited to participate. Hasta la fecha, contamos con más de 550 respuestas de nuestra Encuesta Parroquial...pero necesitamos muchos, muchos mas! Por favor comparta su sabiduría! Cada miembro de la comunidad, de edades desde secundaria (6o y 8o grado) hacia arriba, están invitados a participar. This survey is designed to help us learn where we are, as a community, in our discipleship journey and will help us form, and re -form, our ministry in the future. Everyone’s participation is CRITICAL...and appreciated. If you have a computer, an iPhone or an iPad, visit our new parish website at, and click on the button marked “Survey”. All responses are anonymous. If you don’t have a computer, iPhone or iPad, hard copies of the survey may be picked up from the front pews of the church, or at the Parish House. Thank you! Esta encuesta esta diseñada para ayudarnos a aprender en donde estamos, como comunidad, en nuestro camino al discipulado y para ayudarnos a formar y reformar, nuestro ministerio en el futuro. La participación de todos es CRITICA y apreciada. Tiene usted una computadora, un iPhone o una iPad? Si es así, visite nuestro sitio web al, y oprima en el botón marcado “Encuesta”. Esta encuesta es anónima. Si usted no usa una computadora, un iPhone, o una iPad, copias de papel de la encuesta pueden recogerse a las puertas de la Iglesia o en la Casa Parroquial. Gracias! ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ What Does It Really Mean to “Love My Neighbor”? Most of us have heard many times the Scripture in which Christ commands us to “love thy neighbor as thyself”. (Mark 12:31) What does this mean to us as individuals, and more importantly, as Church? Visit Annunciation’s new website at From the Home page, click on “Parish News”, then on the “10-26-2014 Transcript” under the heading “Homilies”, and read the excellent homily given by Deacon Mike Wofford on what it means to us, as Church, to truly love our neighbor. NOVEMBER A Month of Remembrance NOVIEMBRE Un Mes para Recordar Every year in November we remember in a special way all those who have gone before us in faith. Throughout the month of November, we will have a shrine in the cathedral decorated with pictures of our loved ones, as well as a Remembrance Book to enter names of deceased friends and relatives for whom you wish the parish to pray. If you have any pictures you wish to include, please bring them to the Parish House. Color or black and white copies work best, as we will put adhesive on the back and original photos could get damaged. If you have any questions, call Lucy Hamer at 463-1305. Cada año en Noviembre recordamos de una manera especial a todos aquellos que han partido antes que nosotros. A lo largo del mes de Noviembre, tendremos un santuario en la Catedral decorado con fotografias de nuestros seres queridos, asi como un libro del recuerdo para escribir los nombres de los amigos y parientes fallecidos por los cuales usted desea que la parroquia ore. Si usted tiene alguna fotografia que desee incluir, por favor tráigala a la Casa Parroquial. GOT CANDY? Do you have an abundance of Halloween candy and don’t know what to do with it? Here is a suggestion: Donate it to the Simbang Gabi/Posadas Multicultural Advent celebration held in December. You may drop the candy off at the Parish House. Thank you! TIENE DULCES? Usted tiene dulces de Halloween en abundancia y no sabe que hacer con ellos? Tengo una sugerencia: Donelos a la celabración Multicultural de Adviento (Simban Gabi/Posadas) que se celebrara en DicieMbre. Usted Puede dejar los dulces en la Casa Parroguial. Gracias! RCIA Rite of Welcome Please join us in recognizing the following RCIA initiates who were welcomed to the community at the Rite of Welcome in October. Catechumen: Angelica Smith Candidates: Reuben Smith Erin Rishwain Breanna Murdock Please keep them in your prayers as they continue on their journey toward Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Eucharist. Do You Know Someone? Do you have a friend or family member who is searching for their faith? Perhaps someone close to you has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic? Don’t miss the opportunity to invite them in! Our Parish RCIA ministry is a process specifically designed for adults who are considering becoming Catholic. This process runs year round and is open to everyone. Those who would like to start, or even just have questions, may call Lucy Hamer at 209-463-1305. Make an invitation! Our Family Are you a parent who has a child who is lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender? Are you feeling angry, frightened, confused? You are not alone! Congratulations and blessings to the families of Mateo Sebastian McCurry, Julia Hope Perez, and Sofia Irene Perez, who were baptized last week. Please pray for those of our community who are ill, especially Alicia Arqueta, Sal A. Castellon, Molly Bustos, Maryellen Chavez, Katie Contreras, Jane DeGroot, Linda Ego, Jerry Eques, Maria Espuelita, Connie Estante, John Flores, Jeanne Gaea, Ken and Maria Gates, Vickie Gamino, Holly Gensen, Maria Gonzalez, Joan Gordea, Frank Griffen, Jr., Bob Harrold, Roberto Islas, Patsy Jones, Michelle Joseph, Estelle Krenecki, Rachel Mendoza, Julia Miranda, Mitch Mitchell, Mary Monk, Emily Monk, Michael Lee Monzini, Sergio Pulido, Monique Ramirez, Roman Salazar, Maria Sandoval, Alexee Santiago, James Smith, Pilar Trujano, and Joel Zuniga. Please pray for those who have passed through death into a new life with Christ, especially Lim Sison. From “ALWAYS OUR CHILDREN”, United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, 1997: Seek help for yourself, perhaps in the form of counseling or spiritual direction, as you strive for understanding, acceptance, and inner peace. Also, consider joining a parents' support group or participating in a retreat designed for Catholic parents of homosexual children. Other people have traveled the same road as you but may have journeyed even further. They can share effective ways of handling delicate family situations such as how to tell family members and friends about your child, how to explain homosexuality to younger children, and how to relate to your son or daughter's friends in a Christian way. All Are Welcome is a new ministry at Cathedral of the Annunciation for parents and family members of LGBT persons who wish to share their experiences, concerns and questions in a confidential and caring environment. Our ministry team is made up of parents and family members of LGBT persons, as well as clergy. We meet on the third Wednesday of each month, and ALL ARE WELCOME! If you would like to attend one of our meetings, or just learn more about our ministry, send an email to [email protected], or call (209) 4037813. Mass Intentions for This Week: 11/10/14 6:30am: Robert Harrold, Jr. (Special Intention) 11/11/14 6:30am: Lydia Ratay 11/12/14 6:30am: 8:30am: Steve Wallace, Bernice Wallace Norman Wainwright 11/13/14 6:30am: YOUTH MINISTRY HIGH SCHOOL TEENS: The Homeless Outreach Ministry is Wednesday, November 12th, from 4:00-6:00pm. We will meet in the Choir Room. Come join us! 11/14/14 6:30am: 11/15/14 5:30pm: Mario Asborno Words to live by… Choose Life "The care of human life and happiness, and not their destruction, is the first and only object of good government." ~ Thomas Jefferson ~ DIOCESE AND COMMUNITY “THURSDAY NIGHT MONTHLY FAMILY DINNER” November 20, 2014 Social begins at 6:00 PM Dinner served from 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM To Go Dinners Available $18 - ADULTS $12 - UNDER 10 POLENTA, CHICKEN AND SAUSAGE CACCIATORE, SPINACH SALAD, BREAD & DESSERT Contact Paula Biscaia 209-957-3340 ext. 246 [email protected] PREPARED BY JASON KIMBALL ‘93 BENEFITS FINANCIAL AID NEXT DINNER – THURSDAY, JANUARY 15TH JOB OPPORTUNITIES Coordinator of Youth Ministries Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Patterson is accepting applications for a part-time Coordinator of Youth Ministries (24 hours per week). The Coordinator of Youth Ministries will be responsible for evangelizing teens in the doctrine, goals and mission of the Church and possess the experience, knowledge and skills to provide ministries that provide formal catechesis and promote the sacramental lives of participants by encouraging youth in the practice of their faith and involvement in parish ministries. The application and complete job description are available on line at Submit application and resume to Sacred Heart Catholic Church, 529 I Street, Patterson, CA 95363 or email to: [email protected]. On-site Preschool Director/Teacher Church of the Presentation/Full-time exempt 11 month position. Responsibility: Development and implementation of a new preschool program in collaboration with the Director of Early Childhood Ministries. On-site management and teaching responsibilities. Application: The application and the complete Job Description are available on line at Please submit application, cover letter and resume to Marijayne Patterson at [email protected] or 6715 Leesburg Place, Stockton, CA 95207. Deadline: Until Filled. Part-Time School Librarian PRESENTATION CHURCH DEPRESSION SUPPORT GROUP Do you suffer from anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, etc.? Are you looking to share your experiences with others? Presentation Parish currently has a support group for people to gather, share and discuss issues and experiences, but you do not have to belong to Presentation to attend. All are welcome! If you are interested, please contact Kathleen Smith at 209-470-4169. St. George School is looking for a part-time volunteer Librarian to work in our school library. If you are a retired Librarian or School Teacher with spare time and are interested in working with children in a Catholic school library, please either come in to the School office at 144 W. 5th Street, Stockton, or call us at 463-1540. La escuela de San Jorge está buscando un bibliotecario voluntario de medio tiempo para trabajar en la biblioteca de la escuela. Si usted es un bibliotecario jubilado o un Maestro, o tiene un poco de tiempo libre y le gusta trabajar con niños en una escuela Católica en la biblioteca, por favor venga a la oficina de la escuela localizada en el 144 W. 5th Street, Stockton, o comuníquese al 463-1540. Mike Martini 4032 N. El Dorado St. Stockton, CA 95204 For FREE LASIK Consultation call 866-325-2233 OUR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 4600 N. Pershing Avenue, Suite D Stockton, CA 95207 OFFICE: (209) 478-5900 CELL: (209) 986-5900 [email protected] San Joaquin Catholic 719 Harding Way Stockton, CA 95201 209-466-6202 St. John’s Catholic 17871 S. Carrolton Rd Escalon, CA 95320 209-838-7134 The Only Consecrated Catholic Cemeteries in San Joaquin County. Mass is offered at the cemeteries for those entrusted to our care. Piano lessons for all ages Retirement Living at its Best! Over ten years teaching experience Private and group classes available B.M. Piano performance, UOP Ashton Roelle ¨C (408) 565-5461 [email protected] Rio Las Palmas 877 E. March Lane Stockton 209-957-4711 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY TOUR AND LUNCH 3134 Pacific Ave. Stockton, CA 95204 Roberto A. Aguilar Realtor® Hablo Español ARTURO VERA PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Specializing in Weddings Arturo Vera, Parishioner (209) 460 - 0780 Gymnastics & Cheer Tumbling instruction for all ages! FREE TRIAL CLASS! (209) 477-8978 7404 Murray Drive, Stockton Parishioner CalBRE#01707444 Office: (209) 955-7907 Cell: (209) 323-9130 Efax: (209) 623-4187 E-mail: [email protected] IACOPI, LENZ & COMPANY Accountancy Corporation James J. Acosta, C.P.A. Michael Butler, C.P.A. "Parishioners" 3031 W. March Lane, Ste 300-E Stockton, CA 95219 (209)957-3691 MATTHEW W. SMITH Parishioner Commercial Industrial Residential Since 1972 SMITH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Commercial Kitchens · Custom Stainless Steel H.V. A/C · Ref. · Sheet Metal P.O. Box 8306 Contractors Lic. #303146 1150 N. Filbert St. PHONE 209/466-1434 Stockton, CA 95208 FAX 209/466/0452 Antonio S. Ceballos /// Fabian Ceballos /// OWNERS 2615 N. West Lane, Stockton, Ca 95205 t 209.474.9465 · f 209.478.0704 Mention this AD and Fabian’s Collision Center, Inc. Will donate $50-$100 to the Cathedral of the Annunciation D AVID M. S ILVA C E RTI FI E D PUBL I C A CC OUNTA NT (Donation amount based on total invoice) 3620 W. Hammer Lane, Suite D, Stockton, CA 95219 We work with all insurance companies. (209) 932-8740 ▪ fax (209) 932-8746 email:[email protected] Stanislaus Food Products 1202 "D" Street, Modesto 209-522-7201 Items Available At: Louie’s Frutta Market Rinaldi’s Market Podesto’s Gary S. Giovanetti Financial Services & Employee Benefits Established 1992 209-603-5460 [email protected] CHAPEL OF THE PALMS Serving Catholic Families Funeral Director M. Jim Soares 303 S. California Street 209-465-0265 Retirement Planning Medicare Covered California Health Ins. Long Term Care Eucaristic Minister Cathedral of the Annunciation MICHAEL'S PIZZA We deliver! Breakfast served every day, so swing by after Mass! 2300 W. Alpine 462-6668 Jeff Bolognini CAVAGNARO'S Shoe Repair Quality Shoe Repairing Since 1935 411 Lincoln Center 477-1578 Parishioner The Wigfall Family thanks you for your interest in “GEORGE THE PAINTER” IMPORTED CHEESE • SALAMI HOME MADE RAVIOLI FRESH SAUSAGES CUSTOM SANDWICHES 2112 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95204 209-469-0108 DeYOUNG'S Memorial Chapel FD 208 601 N. California 466-8075 Shoreline Chapel FD 1479 7676 Shoreline 472-0335 HAND, MD Ophthalmology 474-2121 FINANCIAL CENTER CREDIT UNION Serving the Catholics of Stockton Diocese 18 S. Center Street 948-6024
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