Sunday, May 31, 2015 - Cathedral of the Annunciation
Sunday, May 31, 2015 - Cathedral of the Annunciation
CATHEDRAL OF THE ANNUNCIATION 400 West Rose Street, Stockton, California Pentecost Sunday / Domingo de Pentecostés Monday, May 25, 2015: MEMORIAL DAY—OFFICE CLOSED 7:00pm: Grupo de Oración: Salon del Coro Thursday, May 28, 2015: 7:00pm: Estudio Biblico: Casa Parroquial Tuesday, May 26, 2015: 6:00pm: Legion de Maria: Escuela 6:00pm: Youth Legion de Maria: Escuela Friday, May 29, 2015: 7:00pm: Practica del Coro: Salon del Coro 7:00pm: Bilingual Youth Group: School Wednesday, May 27, 2015: 3:00-5:30pm: Preschool Drive-Thru Dinner: Choir Room 5:30pm: Virgen Peregrina: Church 6:30pm: Adult Choir Rehearsal: Choir Room 6:45pm: Jr. High Youth Group: Gymnasium 7:00pm: Baptismal Class: School Saturday, May 30, 2015: 7:00pm: High School Youth Group: Parish House STEPHEN E. BLAIRE, D.D. Bishop of Stockton / Obispo de Stockton Rev. John M. Armistead, Pastor Parish Ministry Team / Equipo Ministerial Sunday, May 31, 2015: Rev. Bill Kraft, Parochial Vicar Rev. Mr. Mike Wofford, Deacon Rev. Mr. Matthew Joseph, Deacon Parish House / Casa Parroquial Danielle Silva School Principal / Directora de la Escuela 425 West Magnolia Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Office: (209) 463-1305 Fax: (209) 463-0807 Parish Email: [email protected] Shannon Rodriguez Early Childhood Ministries / Directora Preescolar Office Hours / Horas de Oficina Yvonne Harrold Director of Religious Education / Directora de Educación Religiosa Parish School/ Escuela Parroquial Grace Ayala Director of Religious Education, Spanish / Directora de Educación Religiosa, Español Monday-Friday / Lunes-Viernes: 8:30am-5:00pm 1110 North Lincoln Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 209-444-4000 Parish Preschool / Preescolar Laura Chance Director, Youth and Young Adult Ministry / Directora del Ministerio para Jóvenes y Jóvenes Adultos 440 West Rose Street, Stockton, 95203-2412 Kathy Freitas Business Manager / Administradora Saturdays / Sábados: 5:30pm Sundays / Domingos: 7:00am, 9:00am, 11:00am, 1:00pm Español Weekdays / Entre Semana: 6:30am Al Smith Plant Manager / Director de Mantenimiento Alma Suerdieck Parish Secretary / Secretaria Parroquial Genieva Zollinger Sacristan / Sacristán Schedule of Masses / Horario de Misas SACRAMENTS / SACRAMENTOS Reconciliation / Reconciliación Wednesdays / Miércoles: 7:00pm - 7:30pm Saturdays / Sábados: 8:30am - 9:30am Baptism / Bautismo Patti Stone Administrative Assistant / Asistente Administrativo Parish Nurses / Enfermeras de la Parroquia Norah Lamond, R.N. Ginny Wallace, R.N. 209-465-2961 Nola Moccafiche, R.N. 209-463-1305 English: 1st and 3rd Sundays, 2:30pm, Español: 2o y 4o Domingo, 2:30pm Marriage / Matrimonio Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance of wedding date. /Arreglos para una boda deben de ser hechos con seis meses de anticipo. You are invited... Estás invitado ... To celebrate the ordination of Para celebrar la ordenación de César Ulises Martínez Soto César Ulises Martínez Soto Saturday, June 6th, 2015 At 10:00 in the morning Sábado, 06 de junio 2015 A las 10:00 de la mañana at en Cathedral of the Annunciation All are warmly welcomed to join with the entire community as our Bishop lays hands on César, ordaining him to the priesthood of Jesus Christ for service here in the Diocese of Stockton. Memorial Day is May 25th The Parish Office will be closed Monday, May 25th in observance of Memorial Day. The office will reopen Tuesday, May 26th at 8:30am. Please join Reverend Monsignor Richard Ryan at the San Joaquin Catholic Cemetery Mausoleum at 9:00am for a Memorial Day Mass. 25 de Mayo es Memorial Day La oficina Parroquial estará cerrada el Lunes 25 de Mayo en conmemoración de Memorial Day. La oficina reanudara sus labores el Martes, 26 de Mayo a las 8:30 am. Por favor, acompañe al Reverendo Monseñor Richard Ryan en el Masuleo del Cementerio Católico de San Joaquin para una Misa de Memorial Day. Catedral de la Anunciación Toda la comunidad esta cordialmente invitada a acompañarnos mientras nuestro Obispo impone las manos sobre Cesár, ordenandolo al sacerdocio de Jesucristo para el servicio de aqui en la Diócesis de Stockton. CELEBRATING 25 YEARS! Please join us at the 9am Mass Sunday, May 31st, as we celebrate with Bishop Stephen Blaire the 25th Anniversary of his ordination as Bishop. Por favor acompáñenos el 31 de Mayo en la Misa de 9:00 de la mañana, para celebrar con el Obispo Stephen Blaire el veinticinco Aniversario de su ordenación como Obispo. Parish News Update from Father John Reflecting on my responsibilities in the Diocese and our parish, I have reached a decision to restructure the organization of the parish. The first step in this reorganization is to eliminate the position of Parish Administrator. I wish to personally thank Lucy Hamer for her years of dedication and faithfulness to the Cathedral. We pray for her as her position of Administrator finished on May 20th. May the Lord continue to lead and guide her. Noticias actuales de la Parroquia/ Padre John Reflexionando en mis responsabilidades en la Diócesis y en nuestra parroquia, he llegado a la decisión de reestructurar la organización de la parroquia. El primer paso en esta reorganización es eliminar la posición de Administrador Parroquial. Quiero personalmente darle las gracias a Lucy Hamer por sus años de dedicación y lealtad a la Catedral. Oremos por ella ya que su posición de Administradora ha sido terminada el 20 de Mayo. Que el Señor siga guiándola y dirigiéndola. WE WANT TO RECOGNIZE YOUR SPECIAL GRADUATE! There is an important flyer insert in the bulletin this weekend. It is an invitation for you to tell us the name of your special 2015 graduate for recognition in the June 7th bulletin. Please turn in names to the Parish Office by Monday, June 1st, or place in the basket at the front of the church entrance. We will have a reception following the 11am Mass Sunday, June 7th. All are invited to celebrate our graduates! QUEREMOS DARLE UN RECONOCIMIENTO A SU GRADUADO! Este fin de semana hay un importante volante en el boletín. Es una invitación para usted para que nos diga el nombre de su graduado especial del 2015 para darles un reconocimiento en el boletín del 7 de Junio. Por favor entregue los nombres a la Oficina Parroquial el Lunes, 1 de Junio, o deposítelo en la canasta a la entrada de la Iglesia. Tendremos una recepción despúes de la Misa de 11:00 am el Domingo 7 de Junio. Todos estan invitados a celebrar con nuestros graduados! Join us for a Prayer Walk Monday, May 25th 11:30 am – 1:00 pm Four churches, the Cathedral of the Annunciation, Open Door House of Prayer, Alpha-Omega and First Presbyterian, will conduct a Prayer Walk to pray for an end to the violence in our community and to bring healing to a wounded city. The walk will begin at the Cathedral and end at the First Presbyterian Church. Join with us, and Bishop Stephen E. Blaire, as we walk to bear witness to our Catholic faith. Acompañenos a una Caminata de Oración, Lunes 25 de Mayo de 11:30 am a 1:00 pm Cuatro Iglesias, la Catedral de la Anunciación, Open Door House of Prayer, Alpha-Omega y First Presbyterian, dirigiran la oración. Caminaremos en oración para terminar con la violencia en nuestra comunidad y para sanar a esta ciudad que ha sido herida. La caminata comenzara en la Catedral y terminara en la Iglesia First Presbyterian. Acompañe al Obispo Stephen E. Blaire mientras caminamos para dar testimonio de nuestra fe Católica. COME ONE, COME ALL! “PARISH NIGHT AT THE PORTS” Mark your calendars for the 2nd Annual “Parish Night at the Ports” game Friday, June 19th! This is an event for the whole family and a great way to meet other parishioners. Last year we had 120 parishioners attend. Let’s shoot for 250 this year! Tickets are $10 and will be available for purchase after all Masses the first weekend in June. For more information, call Laura at 463-1305. Our Family JR. HIGH YOUTH GROUP: Our end-of-the-year youth group party is this Wednesday, May 27th, from 6:45-8:30! Come for games, food, fun, and door prizes!!!! The theme is a Luau Party, so please dress Hawaiian! It is a potluck, so please bring a side dish!!!! If you have any questions, call Laura at the Parish House. _________________________________________________________________________________________ HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH GROUP: We are holding an end-of-the-year BBQ Saturday, May 30th from 7-9pm!! Come say good-bye to the seniors and enjoy some great food and company!!! For more information, call Laura at the Parish House . Congratulations and blessings to the families of Kara Bella Cardona, Emerson Keane Stevens, Mar Cat, Adrian Zepede Rodriguez, Reyes Perez IV, Maximilian Torres, and Joshua Jayden Hammonds, who were baptized last week. Please pray for those of our community who are ill, especially Miguel Angel, Julio Barrios, Teresa Bonilla, Ken and Maria Gates, Art Hoggard, the Jimenez family, Bob Harrold, Maria del Refugio, Rudy Partida, Joey Provencio, Liz Perez, Tony Rios, Shirley Torlai, Salvador Vargas, and Roy Vasquez, Jr. Mass Intentions for This Week: 5/25/15 6:30am: Kian Hancock (Special Intention) 5/26/15 6:30am: Concepcion Duran 5/27/15 6:30am: Mike Henandez LOS DISCIPULOS DE JESUS 5/28/15 6:30am: Jacob Hernandez (Special Intention) Hola jóvenes adolescentes! El grupo bilingue: Los Discípulos de Jesus te invitan a participar con otros jóvenes como tu, a nuestros juegos, platicas, y convivencias!! Todos los Viernes en el auditorio de la escuela a las 7pm. Ven, invita un amigo/a! Te esperamos!! 5/29/15 6:30am: Cora de Anda 5/30/15 5:30pm: Father Randy Rainwater Hello teens!! The bilingual youth group "Los Discípulos de Jesus" would like to invite you to participate with other teens just like you, to our games, talks, and potlucks!! We hang out every Friday in the school auditorium at 7pm. Come and invite a friend! Hope to see you there! Words to live by… Choose Life "The truth is the truth if nobody believes it, and error is error if everyone believes it." ~ Bishop Fulton J. Sheen Sharing Our Gifts Current Week Year to Date Offertory Collection for May 17, 2015 $12,482 $666,849 This Year’s Budget Goal $13,000 $662,482 ($518) $4,367 Variance from Budget Flowers donated by the Lombardi Family in honor of Annunciation School Graduates Class of 2015 DIOCESE AND COMMUNITY Save the Date! An Evening with Catholic Charities ~ Wine and Food Event Saturday, June 20th, from 6:00-8:00pm Delicato Family Vineyards 12001 S. Highway 99 Manteca, CA 95336 Tickets: $35.00 Contact: 209-444-5928 Mike Martini 4032 N. El Dorado St. Stockton, CA 95204 For FREE LASIK Consultation call 866-325-2233 OUR CATHOLIC CEMETERIES 4600 N. Pershing Avenue, Suite D Stockton, CA 95207 OFFICE: (209) 478-5900 CELL: (209) 986-5900 [email protected] San Joaquin Catholic 719 Harding Way Stockton, CA 95201 209-466-6202 St. John’s Catholic 17871 S. Carrolton Rd Escalon, CA 95320 209-838-7134 The Only Consecrated Catholic Cemeteries in San Joaquin County. Mass is offered at the cemeteries for those entrusted to our care. Piano lessons for all ages Retirement Living at its Best! Over ten years teaching experience Private and group classes available B.M. Piano performance, UOP Ashton Roelle ¨C (408) 565-5461 [email protected] Rio Las Palmas 877 E. March Lane Stockton 209-957-4711 CALL TODAY TO SCHEDULE A COMPLIMENTARY TOUR AND LUNCH ARTURO VERA PHOTOGRAPHY & VIDEO Specializing in Weddings Arturo Vera, Parishioner (209) 460 - 0780 Gymnastics & Cheer Tumbling instruction for all ages! FREE TRIAL CLASS! (209) 477-8978 7404 Murray Drive, Stockton IACOPI, LENZ & COMPANY Accountancy Corporation James J. Acosta, C.P.A. Michael Butler, C.P.A. "Parishioners" 3031 W. March Lane, Ste 300-E Stockton, CA 95219 (209)957-3691 MATTHEW W. SMITH Parishioner Commercial Industrial Residential Since 1972 SMITH HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING, INC. Commercial Kitchens · Custom Stainless Steel H.V. A/C · Ref. · Sheet Metal P.O. Box 8306 Contractors Lic. #303146 1150 N. Filbert St. PHONE 209/466-1434 Stockton, CA 95208 FAX 209/466/0452 Antonio S. Ceballos /// Fabian Ceballos /// OWNERS 2615 N. West Lane, Stockton, Ca 95205 t 209.474.9465 · f 209.478.0704 Mention this AD and Fabian’s Collision Center, Inc. Will donate $50-$100 to the Cathedral of the Annunciation D AVID M. S ILVA C E RTI FI E D PUBL I C A CC OUNTA NT (Donation amount based on total invoice) 3620 W. Hammer Lane, Suite D, Stockton, CA 95219 We work with all insurance companies. (209) 932-8740 ▪ fax (209) 932-8746 email:[email protected] Stanislaus Food Products 1202 "D" Street, Modesto 209-522-7201 Items Available At: Louie’s Frutta Market Rinaldi’s Market Podesto’s Gary S. Giovanetti Financial Services & Employee Benefits Established 1992 209-603-5460 [email protected] CHAPEL OF THE PALMS Serving Catholic Families Funeral Director M. Jim Soares 303 S. California Street 209-465-0265 Retirement Planning Medicare Covered California Health Ins. Long Term Care Eucharistic Minister Cathedral of the Annunciation MICHAEL'S PIZZA We deliver! Breakfast served every day, so swing by after Mass! 2300 W. Alpine 462-6668 Jeff Bolognini CAVAGNARO'S Shoe Repair Quality Shoe Repairing Since 1935 411 Lincoln Center 477-1578 Parishioner The Wigfall Family thanks you for your interest in “GEORGE THE PAINTER” IMPORTED CHEESE • SALAMI HOME MADE RAVIOLI FRESH SAUSAGES CUSTOM SANDWICHES 2112 Pacific Avenue Stockton, CA 95204 209-469-0108 DeYOUNG'S Memorial Chapel FD 208 601 N. California 466-8075 Shoreline Chapel FD 1479 7676 Shoreline 472-0335 HAND, MD Ophthalmology 474-2121 FINANCIAL CENTER CREDIT UNION Serving the Catholics of Stockton Diocese 18 S. Center Street 948-6024 Pentecost Sunday A Life-Giving Love Lord God, you have breathed life into creation, blessing all of the earth with the fire of your love. Be with us today as we rejoice that through your Word and through the Spirit, the Church was brought to life so that the world would hear the Good News of your saving love. Keep us true to you that we might bear the fruits of the Spirit, carrying out our work with patience, gentleness, and joy. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen. Sunday, May 24, 2015 Unity through the Spirit Today’s Readings: Acts 2:1–11; Psalm 104:1, 24, 29–30, 31, 34 (30); 1 Corinthians 12:3b–7, 12 –13 or Galatians 5:16–25; John 20:19–23 or John 15:26–27; 16:12–15. The readings for our Pentecost celebration might well leave us with a sense of awe. We hear of people filled with the Holy Spirit, of tongues of fire, of the Spirit guiding us to the truth, of Christ offering peace, and of the fruits of the Holy Spirit. There is much to absorb on this last day of the Easter season. Each of today’s readings tells of the unity that is part of life in the Spirit. In the reading from the Acts of the Apostles, the people are gathered in Jerusalem from many nations but still they hear one message. Both options for the Second Reading provide insight into the petition in the Eucharistic Prayer that we become “one body, one spirit in Christ.” From 1 Corinthians, we hear that our Baptism brings us into one body, the Body of Christ. The letter from Galatians is clear that those who live in the Kingdom of God bear the fruits of the spirit — love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. So, too, is there a sense of unity when Christ wishes the disciples peace in the account from John 20. Notice that Christ does not wish individual Apostles peace but the whole group. He breathes on all of the Apostles. He is sending them on the one mission to bring the Good News to the world. The Church is one just as the Father, Son, and Spirit are one. In the option for the Gospel from John 15, we hear of the unified work of the Trinity. Jesus tells the Apostles that he will send the Spirit from the Father. The Spirit will glorify Christ, just as we are to glorify Christ as we spread the Good News. This Week and Beyond Now that the Easter season has ended, here are some memorials, feasts, and solemnities to look forward to during Ordinary Time. “that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith.” God, who is beyond all understanding, truly loves us, and in the heart of Jesus this love has become binding for all ages. The Sacred Heart represents the faithful love God has for us, even though we have often strayed. Sunday, May 31, 2015 The Most Holy Trinity, Solemnity Wednesday, June 24, 2015 The Nativity of St. John the Baptist Today’s Readings: Deuteronomy 4:32 – 34, 39 – 40; Psalm 33: 4 – 5, 6, 9, 18 –19, 20, 22 (12b); Romans 8:14 –17; Matthew 28:16 – 20. The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity flows naturally from Pentecost. The Father having sent the Son, and the Father and the Son having sent the Holy Spirit, the three are now celebrated as a unity, as one God. In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus tells the Apostles to baptize in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. It is significant that we begin our lives as Christians invoking the Trinity. We must remember that we live in the communion of love that is the Trinity. Sunday, June 7, 2015 The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi) Today’s Readings: Exodus 24:3 – 8; Psalm 116:12 –13, 15 –16, 17–18 (13); Hebrews 9:11–15; Mark 14:12 –16, 22 – 26. The origins of this solemnity are rooted in the Eucharistic devotion of Juliana de Cornillon, between 1191 and 1192 in Liège, Belgium, where groups of women were dedicated to Eucharistic worship. In the year 1264, Pope Urban IV instituted this solemnity for the universal Church. Many parishes have a Eucharistic procession to observe Corpus Christi. If your parish does not have a procession, perhaps you could participate in a neighboring parish’s procession. Friday, June 12, 2015 The Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Today’s Readings: Hosea 11:1, 3 – 4, 8c – 9; Isaiah 12:2 – 3, 4, 5 – 6 (3); Ephesians 3:8 –12, 14 –19; John 19:31– 37. The Sacred Heart of Jesus, aflame with an unquenchable fire, stands as a powerful symbol of Christ’s unquenchable love for humanity. The prayer of St. Paul from today’s Second Reading prays Today’s Readings: Isaiah 49:1– 6; Psalm 139:1– 3, 13 –14ab, 14c –15 (14a); Acts 13:22 – 26; Luke 1:57– 6 6, 80. When Zechariah announced that his son would be named John, all were amazed. As is stated in today’s Gospel, it was apparent that the hand of the Lord was upon this baby. John would prepare the way of the Lord, pointing people to Christ. By the way we live, we should be showing people the way to Christ. How do your actions connect people to God? Monday, June 29, 2015 Sts. Peter and Paul Apostles, Solemnity Today’s Readings: Acts 12:1–11; Psalm 34: 2 – 3, 4 – 5, 6 –7, 8 – 9 (5b); 2 Timothy 4:6 – 8, 17–18; Matthew 16:13 –19. Peter, the first of the Apostles, suffered from human weakness, even in the presence of Jesus. Paul persecuted Christians until his life was changed when he encountered Jesus. Considering both of these men, we should never let our frailties keep us from working toward the kingdom. Today’s readings speak of Paul being “poured out like a libation” and Peter as the rock of the Church. In what ways are you a rock for others? Tuesday, July 14, 2015 St. Kateri Tekakwitha, Virgin Today’s Readings: Exodus 2:1–15a; Psalm 69:3, 14, 30 – 31, 33 – 34 (33); Matthew 11:20 – 24. Kateri was the first indigenous woman from North America to be canonized. Steadfast in her faith, she sought private instruction in Catholicism. Once baptized, she was persecuted. Still, she was devoted to the Eucharist and known for her life of prayer. © Liturgy Training Publications. 1-800-933-1800. Written by Michael R. Prendergast. Illustrated by Cody F. Miller. Scripture quotations are from The New Revised Standard Version Bible: Catholic Edition, copyright © 1993 and 1989 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Permission to publish granted by the Archdiocese of Chicago, on September 16, 2014. Reproducibles for Lent-Triduum-Easter 2015