DA-135 - Wachters


DA-135 - Wachters
Your Sea-Energy Combinations
Wachters’ has developed a number of very simple programs’ so that you can obtain the maximum nutritional benefits
in balance for your age, activity, and sex. We should suggest that these basic combination package programs be used as
a simple convenient way to undertake a complete supplemental program. They are:
A. Basic-4 30 Day Combo
Wachters’ Basic-4 convenience pack;
30 packets (240 tablets): 1 packet of 8 tablets used daily:
• Tableted Sea Klenz: 2 tablets/packet
• Golden 100: 2 tablets/packet
• Alfalfa: 2 tablets/packet
• Aqua-Terra: 2 tablets/packet
Some find that the addition of liquid chlorophyll enhances
the utilization, absorption and transportation of nutritional
materials in this complete Basic-4 program.
B. Futura 200 30-Day Combo
Many that begin using the Futura 200 find that the addition
of Sea Klenz with Phytoenzymes and liquid chlorophyll (or
#19) enhance the utilization, transportation and absorption
of the nutritional qualities of this program.
C. Lady Nouvelle 30 Day Combo
This combination of nutritional supplements was designed
specifically for women entering the middle years of life with
their attended body changes. Because of the danger of the
condition of Osteoporosis it is suggested that #64 Select Cal
be added to the Lady Nouvelle program.
D. Vita-Man 30 Day Combo
This product was specifically designed for men entering
their middle years. It combines those nutritional factors
most necessary to support the man in his mature years.
E. Energy Products
Wachters’ has developed our revolutionary #35 Xxtra Boost
Juice, which is a combination of 17 herbal extracts in a
delicious berry flavor for a great pick-me-up for those on the go.
The above suggested package combinations are a must for anyone
beginning Wachters’ supplemental programs. A selection of one
of these programs will get you off to the right start.
A Family and a Dream
After you have begun to use one of Wachters’ basic programs, you may ask your Wachters’ Distributor about the
number of other products that Wachters’ has available. Your Distributor will be most happy to supply you with our
catalog listing descriptions of these products. Wachters’ produces a number of products in the following categories:
Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin C, Spirulina, Chlorella, Super Enzymes, Athletic Formulations, Calcium Supplements,
Vitamin E Formulations and others. Or visit our website at www.wachters.com.
In 1932, a visionary scientist,
Dr. Joseph Wachter, founded
Organic Sea Products Corporation,
a family owned concern
dedicated to bringing the
Freshness Ensured
Your Distributor
bounteous nutrition of sea
Most companies hire a manufacturer to mix the ingredients of
their supplements into a wet “slurry”, including oily glycerin
binders, which is then dried at high heat, ground up and pressed
into tablets— a process which destroys nutritional potency.
Wachters’ uses “cold compression” in their own carefully supervised
plant, without adding heat or moisture. Wachters’ then applies
their transparent ORGANOLOC COATING (extract of Sea
Blend, chlorophyll, corn protein) to ensure freshness.
Wachters’ is both a family owned and managed corporation with a
network of thousands of independent Distributors world wide. Ask
your Wachters’ Distributor about Wachters’ Business Opportunities
—and how you can share Sea-Energy Programs with others!
plants to humankind.
Your Wachters’ Distributor:
His unique, extensively
researched “Blend of Sea
Plants” attained great
reputation, spreading by
Your Money-Back Guarantee
word-of-mouth among people
You may return, for any reason, the unused portion of your products
within 30 days of receipt and your Distributor will refund your
purchase price in full or exchange it for another product.
in many countries making
Sea Vegetation Nature’s Original
Wachters’ O.S.P. the largest
concern of its kind in the world.
How Wachters’ is Different
In a field where everyone claims to have the
best products, Wachters’ really is different:
◆ First, Wachters’ MAKES IT’S OWN PRODUCTS. Today,
most supplement companies hire automated fabricators to make
supplements in a factory they may never see, and may resell
these fabrications under different labels to other companies.
◆ Wachters’ manufactures every one of their nutritional supplements
in-house under strict quality controls: hand-gathering, sun drying,
blending, tableting, bottling, labeling, then marketing only
through independent Wachters’ distributors.
◆ A limited number of other companies can join Wachters’ in saying
“No preservatives, colorings, artificial flavors, sugar, starch, or
animal products are used in preparation.” Only Wachters’ can
add, “No heat or moisture used in preparation.”
◆ Each supplement is in a base of the Wachters’ Sea Vegetation
Blend, therefore every bit of every tablet is good, mineral rich
nutrition with all hypoallergenic properties.
◆ To our knowledge, Wachters’ Sea Blend is the ONLY COMPLETE
SOURCE OF TRACE MINERALS on the market today.
◆ The naturally chelated vitamins, minerals, trace minerals,
enzymes, amino acids and micronutrients in the Sea Blend
base work with the supplement’s main ingredients for
complete assimilation.
◆ The blend contains the
characteristics of some species
of sea vegetation that have
antibiotic and antibacterial
properties. It also has the ability
to chelate with and remove
strontium 90 from the body. It
is believed that the families of
the species used in this blend of
sea plants help also to chelate
with heavy metals such as lead
and mercury to remove them
from the body.
The Wachters’ Sea Plant Blend
You benefit from over 70 years of Wachters’ intense
research and field testing of their Sea Blend-which consists
of the entire color spectrum of ocean plants. The Blend
combines many varieties of ocean plants harvested at
peak maturity, assuring you complete, well-balanced
nutrition from the sea. It is nutrition simply not
Why Sea Vegetation is for you...
◆ The Blend contains sodium alginate which removes radioactive
strontium 90 from the body.
The following are facts about the Wachters’ “Blend”
available in our genetically modified land food plants
nor in any single species of sea plants:
The BLEND combines different varieties of ocean
plants containing 61 or more minerals and trace minerals
or elements including all minerals and trace elements
that the body requires.
◆ These minerals are naturally chelated by Nature’s laboratory.
◆ The Wachters’ Blend is not kelp, but a wonderful blend of sea
vegetables from the Laminaria and other sea plant families.
◆ Contains 25 vitamins including good amounts of Folic Acid
and Vitamin B12 often lacking in vegetarian diets.
◆ Some studies show that sea vegetables grow at the powerful rate
of 2 feet or more per day.
◆ Contains the only natural vegetable source of Vitamin D in
large amounts.
◆ Laboratory studies prove that sea vegetables do not absorb the
pollutants of the ocean. They are truly natural and uncontaminated.
◆ Contains a good amount of chlorophyll.
◆ The plants are harvested at peak ripeness and maturity. This is
critical to the nutritional content.
◆ Contains natural enzymes, cell growth regulators, plant hormones
and cell stimulant factors which give energy to human cells.
◆ Sea vegetation is raw food.
◆ They are harvested by hand and sun dried or dried naturally
under low heat to preserve the natural enzymes and the life
essence contained within the plant cells.
Your Sea Energy Programs
You can have a complete Sea-Energy nutritional program, one which 1) CLEANSES your gastro-intestinal
tract so you stop polluting yourself internally and can better absorb nutrients; 2) BUILDS and strengthens
your blood-the medium which carries nutrients to and wastes away from the cells; 3) richly NUTRIFIES; and
4) ENERGIZES your cells, by using basic Sea-Energy Combinations. Your programs consist of these products:
Cleanse the colon
• Sea-Klenz powder
• Tableted Sea Klenz
• Sea Klenz with Phytoenzymes
• Professional Formula C (1000 mg. chlorophyll)
• Ner G (250 mg. chlorophyll)
• Liquid Chlorophyll (70 mg. chlorophyll)
Non-habit forming, vegetable, eliminates toxins,
provides bulk factors, will not overstimulate like a
purgative oral laxative but gently sweeps and conditions
your digestive tract; encapsulates and removes
mucoid wastes. #11 is Sea-Klenz with phytoenzmes.
Nutrify the blood
• The Golden 100 Cell Food Supplement
• Futura 200 Cell Function Supplement
Golden 100 and Futura 200 supply essential materials
for cell reproduction-health-nutrition (RNA, DNA,
Chlorophyll, trace minerals/vitamin complexes:
A, B, C, D, E) and ‘carriers’ to transport anti-oxidants,
enzymes, micro-macro food factors to enhance vital
cell functions. Wachters’ most advanced multi-mineral
multi-vitamin concepts.
Build the blood
The green pigment “blood” of plants and the ultimate
blood builder, blood strengthener, Chlorophyll
transforms the sun’s light energy into energy your
body’s cells can use, vitalizing all organs of your
body. Wachters’ most popular product, highly
concentrated, easy to assimilate.
Energize the blood
• #2 Aqua-Terra Tablets
• #6 Alfalfa: Sea Vegetation Tablets
• #18 Chlorela: Sea Vegetation Tablets
Blends the reds, oranges, yellows, greens, blues of sea
and land plants into a unique, highly absorbable
color energizing spectrum; includes Aloe Vera,
Chlorella-micro algae, Carotene, RNA, DNA, Yucca,
Alfalfa; activates the Mitochondria-energy producing
centers-of your cells.
◆ Light Energy Conversion: Sea plants gather light energy from
the sun’s rays, convert it into electrical energy and store it as
chemical energy for use of mankind.
◆ The Wachters’ Blend is a result of over 70 years of research.
Wachters’ Corporation is in constant exploration to find new
species of sea plants and to improve it’s “Blend”.
◆ The Wachters’”Blend” can be stored for many many years without
losing it’s potency, since no oxidation occurs when the plants
are dried naturally.
◆ The Wachters’ Blend acts as a natural “binder” in the products.
◆ More than 70% of the oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere comes
from sea vegetation.
◆ Man’s blood is ideally adapted to sea vegetation. Seaweed
compounds mixed in a liquid medium have been used in
some blood transfusions. Two Japanese surgeons have used this
successfully in over 100 operations.
So... Give your body
a Wachters’ banquet